Ordinance 86-27 ORDIHANCE 86- 27 AN OKDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 82-97 WMIC~ ESTABLISHED THE RETKEAT AT NAPLES P~ED ~IT D~~T, BY ~DING PROVIDE ~R ~E ~NG OF SECTIO~;S [' S~S~TIONS; ~DING SECTION 1.I, PU~OSE; AODING SECTION 1.2, LEG~ DESCRIPTION; · . ~DING SE~ION 1.3, GEN~ DESCRIPTION; ~ING SE~ION 1. ~, ~ PROJECT : D~SI~; ~DING SZ~ION 1.5, PROJE~ P~ A~ ~ USg ~S; ~ING TI~E OF : SE~ION 2.1, PE~I~ USES FOR ~S A, B · A~ C; ~DING SE~ION 3, ~ USE REG~- TIONS FOR ~CT D; ~ING SECTION 4.2, ~IN~CE; ~ING SECTION 4.4, ~CEP- TIONS TO ~E CO~ SUBDIVISION REG~- TIONS; ~ P~VIDING ~ EF~IVE DATE. ~gh~, on October 26, 1982, the Board of ~unty ~pproved Ordinance N~ber 82-97, ~ich established the ~treat a: Naples P~ed Unit Develo~ent; and ~, Hole, ~en, and ~sociaten. Properties, pe~i~i~ed tha ~ard of ~un~y C~ssioners ~m ~end ~di~nce N~ber 82-97; S~ION ONE: ~di~nce Nu~er 82-97, ~ ~n~, shall be ~ended Co add the Index, as follovs: SECTION 1 SECTION 2 SECTION 3 SECTION 4 EXHIBIT "A" INDEX PROPERTY DESCRIPTION PROJECT DEVELOPMENT LAND USE PECULATIONS SECTION TWO: Ordinance Number 82-97, Plann;~' Unic Development Document for the Retreat at Naples. shall be amended to consecutively renumber sll sec- tiona and subsections after incorporating those amendments set forth in this amending ordinance. The final document incorporating ail such a~ndments is sst forth as Exhibit "A". SECTIO~ THREE: Ordinance Number 82-97, shall be amended to add Section 1.1, Purpose, aa f~llowa: 1.1 PURPOSE The purpose of this Section ia to set forth the location of the propert7, and to desDribe the existing conditions of the propert~ proposed to be developed. SECTICN FOUR: Ordinance Number 82-97, shall be mnendsd to add Section 1.2, Legal Description, as follows: 1.2 LEGAL DESCRIPTION See Attached. Ordinance Number 82-97, shall be amended to add Sec~:ion 1.3, C. ensral Description, as follows: 1,3 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The project site contains approximately 208.51 acres and ia located in Section 9r Township &8 Sout.h.r }an~e 25 East~ which is ap~roximately 3/4 of one il) m~le north of Wi$[ins Pass Road and runs from U.S. 41, west to County Road 901 {Yanderbilt Drive). The current zoning classification of the subject property is PUD (Planned Unit Development) District. The property is within the Collier Count7 Water-Sewer District. The water management plan has been approved and permitted b~ the South Florida Water Management District through the use of on-site lake retention and weir discharge structures. SECTION SIX: Ordinance 82-97, Section '~iaximum Project Psnaity," shall be numbered aa Section 1.& and shall bs amended as follows: 1.4 PROJECT DENS IT~f TRACT A 186 Units 3.17 Units Per Acrs (llnlt O~e) ,,., TRACT B ~0 182 Units ~ 2.64 Units Per Acre '~ TRACT C 234 Units 5.85 Units Per Acre TRACT D 138 Units 2.99 Units Per Acre ' TOTAL 740 Units 3.55 Units Per Acre Total dwelling count Tract A, .B, C and D not t3 exceed 7~0 Units. SECTION SEVEN: Ordinance 82-97 shall be amended to add Section 1.5, Project Plan and Land Use Tracts, and this seettou shall read as followl~: 1.5 3'09 PROJECT PLAN ~ LAND USE TRACTS Th.___,.._p_roJect plot plan, includini la~out of streets of the variD!~$ tracts, ia iljust.rated graphically by Exhibit "A"r amend.~d master plan. There shall he four {4) land use ~r~.ctal plus necessar7 street rlghcs-of-va~, the general confi~uration of wtlch is also iljustrated b7 Exhibit "A". Words underlined are added; words se~.'~ek-eheeu~h are deleted. 1. Tract A: Tract B: 3. Tract C: 4. Tract D: 53.55 acres 68.87 acres 39.99 acres Total {~208.51 acres Ordinance 82-97, the Title of Section "Permit=ed Uses," sMll be numbered Section 2.1 and shall be amended to read as follows: 2.1 PEI~XTTED USES FOR TRA, CfS A~ Bt AND C SECTION NINE: Ordinance 82-97, shall be amended to add Section 3, and this Section shall read as follows: SECTION 3 L.a~'D USE RE~3LATIONS FOR TP~CT D 3.1 PURPOSE Tbs purpose of this Section is to indicate the develo~en'r plan and regulations for Tract D. 3.2 PERMITTED USES FOR TRACT D: M,Jlti-faaily dwellingst recreation facilities and auxilia:.Q~ uses lncludin~ a private non-commercial (non-profit) health care faci]it~ for me~b~rs/reaidents only ,a ~rivate club and restaurant for members/ residents end their ~ueats only, as well as the provision on site on a ~n-profi~ basis of medical and ~eneral services for me[~bers and residents. 3.3 PERMI/-fED ACCESSORY USES A~ STRUCTURES FOR TRACT D: Accessory uses and structures cust~mar], in Planned Unit D(velopment residential nei~hborhoods; recreation fflciliries which ar~ accessory to individual buildin~ sites, groups of buildin~ aires or residences, or The Retreat project as a whole; signals as permitted b) the Collier County Zoning Regulations in Planned Unit Development residential districti trounds and equipment maintenance f~cilf,les on maintenance sites} golf course and associated pro-shoP and ~olf course amenities and other accessory uses of ~olf courses. 3.4 DEVELOP~N~ STANDARDS YOR TRACT D: A. Minimum Lakefront Setback: 40 feet from ~a~e boundary as shove on plat or site plan regardless of presence of bikeways or walkvays. B__i, Minimum Co-~onsfront Setback: 25 feet from Coa~nons boundar]~ lines as indicated on plat. Words underlined are added; words set. eh-ekes.ah are deleted. 3.6 C. MinLwmm setback from Retreat Drive: 25 feet. D_~. Minimum setback from cul-de-sac and loop access drives: Principal buildings - 25 feet; parking structures - none (covered smd uncovered parking may. b..e integral with access drives). Minimum buildin~ separation: One-half the sum of ,the heights of adjoining buildings. ¥._~, Minimum dwellin~, unit floor areas: 750 square feet. Minimum Offatreet Parking: Two (2) spaces per dwelling unit. PUD MASTER PLAN A. Exhibit "A", Amended Master Plant iljustrates the proposed development. ?he approved Master Plan shall also constitute the approved Subdivision Master Plan. The design criteria and system design iljustrated on E, hibit "A" and stated herein shall be understood as flexible ~o that the final design may best satisfy thq project, the nei[hborhood and the general local environment. Minor site alterations nay be permitted sublett to planning staff and administrative approvsl. Ail ~ecessary easements/ dedications, or other instrum~:nta shall be granted to insure the continued operation and maintenance of all service utilities and all areas in the project. To protect the integrity of the multi-family residential neig.hborhood, access roads to multi-family devKlopment tracts are intended tO be private roads while all other roads may be public roads. E. A Site Development Plan of Tract D shall be submitted ~:o the County Department of Communit~ Development for approval prior to initiation of conatn~ction. RECREATIONAL AREAS FOR TEAC~ D: Recreational co.aorta and nine (9) hole golf course to serve 138 dwellin~ unite. 3.7 EHVIRONHEN'rAI, CONSIDERATIONS: A site clearing plan shall be submitted to :he Natural Resources Management Department and the Community Dewelopment Division for their ' re"jew and approval prior to any ~u'b~tantial work 0~' the site. This plan may' be subnftted in phases to coincide with the development schedule. Th~ sit~ clearing plan shall clearly depict how the'final site' layout incorporates retained native vegetation to the maximum extent possible and how roads, buildln~a, lakes, parking lots, and other facilit'~ea have been oriented to accommodate this goal. Native species shall be utilized, where available, to the maximum extent possible in the site landscapin~ de,inn. A landscaping plan will be submitted to the Natural le,ources Management Department and the Co~uni~y Dev'elopme~t ~o~ -their review a~d approval. This plan will depict the incorporation of native species and their mix wi~h'* othe~ species, i~ any. The goal of site landscapin~ shall he the re-creation of native vel~etatton and habitat charac:eriatics lost on the site during construction or due to pas~ activi- ties. Words underlined are added; wo~da ee~eh-eh~e~h are deleted. All exotic plants, a, defined in the County Code, ah&ll be removed durin~ cacti' pfiase of construciion from' de~'lopment areas, open apace eraser.and preserve areas. Foll~'in~ ai~e develo~ent a ~intenance proEram shall be implemented to ~revent reinvasfon of' the site b~ such ex~ecies' ~is~ plan, which will describe control techniques ar.d inspection tnte~als, shall be" filed with and approved by~e Natural Resources ~ement Department and' the Co.unit7 Development Division. If durin~ the course of site clearing, excavation, or other couatrue'tional activities, an archaeol°~icai' o~ h~'~ori--~ site, artifact, or other indicator is discovered, all development at that location shall be t~ediatel7 stopped and t'~e "Natural R'esources Management D~'partment notified. ~evelopment will be ,s~spended for a sufficient length Of ~ime to enable the Natural Resources Menagement Department or a designated consultant to assess tke find and determine the proper course of action in regard to it,?,,~alva~e~bilit~. The Natural Resources MAnagement Department will respond to an~ such notification in a timel~ and efficient manner so as to p~ovide onl~ a minimal interruption to ap~ constructional ~ctivftiea. E. ~e slough area is to be strictly protected and fla~ged prior to the commencement ot'an~ wor~. F. The boundary of the slou~h area, as well as th.~ corridor of ~he boardwalk, shall be field inspected and approved b), the NRKD. Structures~ roads~ and buildin& shall be oriented to effec~ m4. ximum protection of native scrub and sand '~ine habitat. H. 40I of protected trees destined to be remo~'ed shall be replanted on property. 3.8 UTILITY DIVISION CONSIDERATIONS: The Utilities Division reviewed this Petition and has t:o objection to its approval subject to the stipulations per their t,emo dated February 25, 1986, attached hereto and made a part hero,in. 3.9 EKV I ROKMENTAL REALTH: A_c Ant establishment re~t,irin~ a CCPHU permit must suL~it plans for review and approval. 3.10 FIRE COh'fROL DISTRICT: Fire ~ain and fire hydrants will meet the Forth Naples Fire Control and Rescue District specifications and th,~ Collier County specifications. 3.11 POLLING PLACES: A pollin~ place within the co~munity facility will be provided accordin~ to Section ~.11 of the ionini Ordinance. SECTION TEN: Ordinance 82-97, Section "Maintenance," shall be numbered Section 4.2 and shall be amended as follows: MAII~TENA~CE: water management facilities, and roads have been set forth in Words underlined are added; words a~t~sek-eheo~Sh are deleted. County enforceable documents and avproved by the County Engineer, COH}~NS AREA: TRACT A: Arrangements for continuing ~aintenanee of the eo=mon areas have been set forth in County enforce- able documents. TRACT B, C, AND D: Arrangements for continuing matntenane~ of the common aress shall be set forth in County enforceable documents and approved by the County Engineer, as required. SECTION ELEVEN: Ordinance 82-97, Section "Exceptions to the C~unty ~ubdivision Regulations, shall be numbered as Section 4.4 and shall be amended as follows: 4.4 EXCEPTIONS TO TR~ COUN%~ SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS: Article X, Section 16: The requirements for sidewalks and bicycle path shall be waived, and sidewalk/bicycle paths shall be installed as indicated on the approved Master Plan. Article X, Section 19: Street name signs shall be approved by the County Engineer, but need not meet tbs 0.S.D.O.T.F.H.W.A. Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. Street pavements painting, striping, and reflective edging :'equirements shall be waived. Article XI, Section 1: The requirement that local street connections to collector streets shall be s minimum of 660 feet apert shall be waived. Article XI, Section 17F: Right of way width for the private local drives may be 50 feet rather than 60 feet. Article XI, Section 17H for Tract D only: Ti,- requirement that cul-de-sac streets shall not exceed one thousand (1,000) feet in length shall be ~aived. Article XI, Section 17J: The requirements that curbed streets hav( a minimum tangent of 100 feet at intersection shall be waived. Article XI, Section 17K: The requirements of 100 feet mini~mm len;;th tangents between curbs on all streets shall be waived. Article XI, Section 21: The requirements fo~' sp~re utility casin:;s shall be waived, with the exception of utility casizgs under the project principal access road at its intersection with U.S. 41 and C-901. Words underlined are added; words seeuek-ehee~h are deletei. ,°°, SECTION T~VE: This Ordinance shall be become effective upon receipt of notice that it has been filed with the Secretary of State. DAi~,:'~,~\il~l ~I7.: 1986 BO.~',D OF COUNTY C[~MIS$IONERS FDA864C O~DINANCE Words underlined are added; words e~t, aek---~ht~vgh are deleted. /STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF COLLIER ) I, JAMES C. GILES, Clerk of Courts in and for the Twentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florid.i, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true origin.~l of: ORDINANCE NO. '86-27 which was adopted by the Board of County Commissioaers on the 17th day of June, 1986. WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this 18th day of June, 1986. This ordlnonce filed with the dO~ of~tote's Officl~ _thtt JAMES C. GILES Clerk of Courts Ex-Officio to ~puty Clerk THE RETREAT AT NAPLES A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FEBRUARY 1986 PREPARED BY: HOLE, MONTES AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 715 TENTH STREET SOUTH NAPLES, FLORIDA 33940 SECTION SECTION SECTION SECTION EXHIBIT EXHIBIT ! NDEX PROPERTY DESCRIPTION PROJECT DEVELOPMENT LAND USE REGULATIONS CENERAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AA4ENDED MA~STER PLAN 316 SECTION PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 1.1 PURPOSE The purpose of this Section is to set forth the location of the property, and to describe the existing conditions of 2he property proposed to be developed. 1 . 2 LEGAL DESCRIPTION See Attached 1.3 ~AL DESCRIPTION A. The pro~ect site contains approximately 208.51 .{cres and is located in Section 9, Township 48 South, Range 25 East, which is approximately 3/4 of one (1) mile North of Wiggins Pass Road and runs from U.S. 41, west to County Road 901 (Vanderbilt Drive). The current zoning classification of the subject property is PUD (Planned Unit Development) District. Th,~ property is within the Collier County Water-Sewer District. The water management plan has been approved and permitted by the South Florida water Management District through the us,~ of on-site lake retention and weir discharge structures. 1.4 MAXIMUM PROJECT DENSI?Y: T~CT A ~86 UNITS 3.47 UNITS PER ACRE (UNliT ONE) TRACT B 182 UNITS 2.64 UNITS PER ACRE TRACT C 234 UNITS 5.85 UNITS PER ACRE TRACT D 138 UNITS 2.99 UNITS PER ACRE TOTAL 749 UNITS 3.55 UNITS PER ACRE Total dwellirlg count Tracts A, B, C and D not to exeed 740 Units. 1.5 PROJECT PLAN AND LAND USE TRACTS The project plot plan, including layout of streets of the various tracts, is iljustrated graphically by Exhibit "A", Amended Master Plan. There shall be Four (4) land. use tracts, plus necessary street rights-of-way, the general configuration of which is also iljustrated by Exhibit "A". 1. Tract A: (~) 53.55 Acres 2. Tract B: (~) 68.87 Acres 3. Tract C: (~) 39.99 Acres 4. Tract D: (~) 46.10 Acres Total (~)208.5~ Acres SECTION 2 LAND USE REGULATIONS FOR TRACTS A, Bf & C. 2.1 PERMITTED USES FOR TRACTS Af Bt & C TRACT A: Multi-family dwellings, facilities. recreaticn areas and .--.TRACT B: Multi-family dwellings, attached and detached patio-homes/villas, and detached single family homes, recreation areas and facilities, and private recreation clubs. TRACT C: Mult~-family dwellings, recreation fmcilities and auxilliary uses including a private non-commercial (non-profit} health care facility for members/ residents only and a private club and restaurant for residents and their guests only, as well as the provision on site on a non-profit basis of medi- cal and general services for members and residents. 2.2 PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES AND STRUCTURES: TRACT A, B, AND C: Accessory uses and structure,s customary in Planned Unit Development residential neighborhoods; recreation facilities which are accessory to individual building sites, groups of building sites or residences, or the The Retreat project as a whole; signage as permitted by the Collier County Zoning Regulations in Planned Unit Development residential districts; grounds and equipment maintenance facilities on maintenance sites as indicated on the Master Plan. 2.3 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: Minimum Lakefront Setback: Tracts A, B, and C): Lake Boundary as shown on Plat presence of bikeways or walkways. 40 feet from regardless of Minimum Commonsfront Setback: 25 feet from Commons boundary lines as indicated on plat. Minim,~ setback from Retreat Drive: 25 feet. Mlnimt~ setback from cul-de-sac and loop access drives:~ Principal buildings - 25 feet; parking structures - none (covered and. uncovered parking ~y be integral with access drive~). Hinimum building separation: One-half the sum of th~ ~eights of adjoining buildings. Minimum dwelling unit floor areas: TRACT A & B - 1200 sq. ft. TRACT C - 750 sq. ft. Maximum height of principal structures: 3 living stories (ground floor parking may occur under the first living story). Minimum offstreet parking: 2 spaces per dwelling unit. 2.4 RECREATIONAL AREAS: TRACTS A & B: Seven recreation commons and a 6+ acre neigh- borhood park shall be established as indicated on the Master Plan. TRACT C: One recreation area to serve 234 dwelling units as indicated on the Master Plan. MASTER PLAN: The approved Retreat at shall also constitute Master Plan. Naples PUD Master Plan the approved Subdivision 2-2 SECTION 3 LAND USE REGULATIONS FOR TRACT D PURPOSE The purpose of thf. s Section is to indicate the development plan and regulations for Tract D. 3.2 PERMITTED USES FOR TRACT D: Multi-family dwellings, recreation facilities and auxllliary uses including a private non-commercial (non-profit) health care facility for members/residents only and a private club and restaurant for members/ residents and their guests o~ly, as well as the provision on site on a non-profit basis of medical and general services for members and residents. 3.3 PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES AND STRUCTURES FOR TRACT D: TRACT D: Accessory uses and structures customary in Planned Unit Development residential neighborhoods; recreation facilities which are accessory to individual building sites, groups of building sites or residences, or The Retreat project as a whole; signage as p,~rmitted by the Collier County Zoning Regulations in )~lanned Unit Development residential districts; grounds aud equipment maintenance facilities on maintenance sites; golf course and associated pro-shop and golf course am~nities and other customary accessory uses of golf courses. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: A. Minimum Lakefront Setback: (Tract D): 40 feet from Lake Bound- ary as shown on Plat or Site Plan regardless of ~resenc~ of bikeways or walkways. B. Minimum Commonsfront Setback: 25 feet from Commons boundary lines as indicated on plat. C. Minimum setback from Retreat Drice: 25 feet. D. Minimum setback from cul-de-sac and loop access drives: Principal buildings - 25 feet; parking structures -- none (covered and uncovered parking may be integral with access drives). E. Minimum building separation:"One-half the sum of the heights of adjoining buildings. F. Minir=um dwelling unit floor areas: TRACT D - 750 Sq. Ft. 3-1 G. Minimum Offstreet parking: 3.5 PUD MASTER PLAN spaces per dwelling unit. ae Exhibit "A", Amended Master Plan, iljustrates th~ proposed development. The approved Master P!an shall also constitute the approved Subdivision Master Plan. The design criteria and system design iljustrated ,Dh Exhibit "A" and stated herein shall be understood as flexible so that the final design may best satisfy the project, the neighborhood and the general local environment. Minor site alterations may be permitted subject to plannin.7 staff and administrative approval. C. All neqessarY easements, dedications, or other instruments shall be granted to insure the continued ope~ation and mainte~ance of all service utilities and all ar.~as in the project. De To protect the integrity of the multi-family residential neighborhood, access roads to multi-family develop,ent tracts are intended to be private roads while all other r~ads may be public roads. A Site Development Plan ~f Tract D shall be submitted to the Co~unity Development Division for approval prior to issuance of building permits for Tract D." 3.6 RECREATIONAL AREAS: TRACT D: Recreational commons and nine (9) hole golf course to serve 138 dwelling, units. 3.7 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS: A site clearing plan shall be submitted to the Natural Resources Management Department and the Community Oevelopment Division for their review and approval prior to any substantial work on the site. This plan may be submitted in phases to coincide with the development schedule. The site clearing plan shall clearly depict how the final site layout incorporates retained native vegetation to the maximum extent possible and how roads, buildings, lakes, parking lots, and other facilities have been oriented to accommodate this goal. Native species shall be utilized, where available, to the maximum extent possible in the site landscaping design'. A landscaping plan will b submitted to the Natural Resources Management Department and the Community Development Division for their review and approval. This plan will depict the incorporation of native species and their mix with other species, if any. The goal of site landscaping shall be the re-creation of native vegetation and habitat characteristics lost on the site during construction or due to past activities. 3-2 All exotic plants, as defined in the County Code, shall be removed during each phase of construction :~rom development areas, open space areas, and preserve areas. Following site development a maintenance program shall be implemented to prevent reinvasion of the site by such exotic species. This plan, which will describe control technique~ and inspection intervals, shall be filed with and approved by the Natural Resources Management Department and the Commu;]ity Development Division. If during the' course of site clearing, excavation, or other constructional activities, an archaeologica[L or historical site, artifact, or other indicator is d:Lscovered, all development at that location shall be l~aediately stopped and the Natural Resources Management Depart~ent notified. Development will be suspended for a sufficient length of time to enable the Natural Resources Management Department or a designated consultant to assess the find and determine the proper course of action in regard to its salvageability. The Natural Resources Management Department will. respond to any such notification in a timely and efficient ~nner so as to provide only a minimal interrup~ion to any constructiopnal activities. The slough area is to be strictly protected and flagged prior to the commencement of any work. The boundary of the slough area, as well as the corridor of the boardwalk, shall be field inspected and approved by the NRMD. Structures, roads, and building shall be ori~,nted to affect maximum protection of native scrub and sar.d p~ne habitat. 40% of protected trees destined to be re.oved shall be replanted on property. 3.8 UTILITY DIVISION CONSIDERATIONS The Utility Division reviewed this Petition and had no objection to its approval subject to the stipulations per this memo dated 2/25/86 attached hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated herein. 3.9 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH: Any establishment requiring a CCPHU permit must submit plans for review and approval. 3.~0 FIRE CONTROL: Fire main and fire hydrants will meet the North Naples Fire Control and Rescue District specifications and the Collier County specifications. 3.11 POLLING PLACES: A polling place within the community facility will be provided according to Section 9.11 of the Zoning Ordinance. 3-3 Section 4 GENERAL DEV~PMEI~T STANDARD£ 4.1 DWELLING UNIT DIS~IBUTION: Dwelling unit distribution throughout The Retreat project shall occur as indicated on the Master Plan. Upon site [lan approval by the Director of the Department of C~)mmunity Development, changes in the number of dwelling units permitted on individual building sites and/or in individual building site lx~undaries shall be permitted, so long as the total project dwelling unit count does not exceed 740. 4.2 MAINT~ARCE: Arrangements for continuing maintenance of the project lakes, water management facilities, and roads have been set forth in County enforceable documents and approvea by the County Engineer. TRACT A: Arrangements for continuing maintenance of the common areas have been set forth in Coun';y enforceable documents. ~ACTS B, C, and D: Arrangements for c~ntinuing maintenance of the common areas shall be set forth in C~9unty enforce.able documents and approved by the County Engineer, as required. 4.3 ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS: ~fhere the principal project collector street intersects with U.S. 41 and with C-901, developer installed project improvements including left-turn storage lanes for north~bound U.S. 41 traffic, and for south-bound C-901 traffic; and right-turn deceleration lanes for south-bound U.S. 41 traffic and north-bound C-901 traffic. If a future determination is ~u~de by the County Engineer and DOT that a traffic signal is warranted at the intersection of the project's principal access road and U.S. 41, the Retreat project's property owners shall pay for or contribute to the capital costs of said traffic signal in accord with the County cost sharing policy then in force. After inst~llation, the signal will be owned, operated and ~intained by the County. 4.4 EXCEPTIONS TO THE COUNtrY SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS: Article X, Section 16: The requirements for sidewalks and bicycle path shall be waived, and sidewalk/bicycle paths shall be installed as indicated on the approved Master Plan. 4-1 323 Article X, Section 19: Street name signs abel3 be approved by the County Engineer, but need not meet the U.S.D.O.T.F.H.W.A. Manu~l on Uniform Traffic Control D~vices. Street pavemexlt painting, striping, and reflective edging requirements shall be waived. Article XI, Section 1: · The requirement that local street connections to collector streets shall be a minimum of 660 ft. apart shall be waived. Article XI, Section 17F: Right of way width for the private local drives ~ay be 50 ft. rather than 60 ft. Article XI, Section 17H for Tract D only: The requirement that cul-de-sac streets shall not exceed thc~sand (1,000) feet in length shall be waived. o[% e Article XI, Section 17J: The requirements that curbed streets have a minimum tangent of 100 ft. at intersection shall be waived. Article XI, Section 17K: The requirements of 100 ft. minimum length tangents between curbs on all streets shall be waived. Article XI, Section 21: The requirements for spare utility casings shall be waived, with the exception of utility casings under the project principal access road at its intersection with U.S. 41 and C-901. 4-2 ~,00~( O~P "' ''' L 3'~'' AG~U~EM~NT I, Scott Glaubitz, as owner or authorized agent for Petition PDA-86-4C, agree to the following stipulations requested by the Collier County Planning C~isslon in their public hearing on May 1, 1986. A. Amendment of the PUD document per staff report dated April 24, 1986. R~PRESENTATIVE FOR CCPC OF DAY ?DA-86-~C Agreement Sheet -o,