Ordinance 86-26ORDINANCE 86- 26 AN ORDINANCE A~ING ORDINANCE NUMBER 81-65, 14ltlCH ESTABLISHED T~E CKESCENT LAKE ESTATES PLANNED UNIT DEYELOPMENT, BY AMENDING THE INDEX, SECTION IV; BY DELETING SECTION 3.10, SPECIAL BUFFERING AND SCREENING REQUIREM~WT FOR AREAS AD3AC~'NT TO BLOCK "D"; AMENDING SECTION IV, TITLE, BY CEANGING BLOCK "D" FROM A PROFESSIONAL AREA TO A RESIDENTIAL ~3.EA; AMENDING SECTION &.2. PERMITTED USES AND STRUCTURES; ADDING SECTION &. 3, MAXIMUM DENSITY; AMENDING SECTION &.4, MINIMUM YARD REQUIPd~tENT; AME~q)ING SECTION 4.5, MINIMUM FLOOR AREA OF PRINCIPAL STRUCTUreS; RENIIMBERING REMAINING SECTIONS; AMENDING SECTION 5. l, PUD MASTER PLAN; AMENDING SECTION 5.2, TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENTS; AMZND ING SECTION 5.5, UTILITIES; AMENDING TME PUD MASTER PLAN; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. on November 3, 1981, the Board of County Coum~il,sioners ,, - approved Ordinance Number 81-65, which established the Crescent Lake ~states Planned Unit Development; and WHEREAS, Wilson, Miller, Barton, Soil and Peek petitioned t~e ~oard ~.;%l'.~,of County Commimeloners to amend. Ordinance Number 81-65; NOW, THEREFORZ, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLI~ COUNIT, FLORIDA: ST~-rION ONE: ' Ordinance Number 81-65, PUD Document, Index, Section IV, s'lall be '}'amended as follows: SECTION IV: DEVELOFliENT REGULATIONS FOR ~FT~fI ON TWO: ~/. Ordinance ~mb e r 81-6~, PUD .Document, Section 3.10, Special :i'~":'.f..;l~'.'Buffartn~ and Screenins Requirement for Areas Adjacent to Block "D", shall be deleted as follows: , Words underlined are added; words eet-t~ek-eh~eagh are deleted. SF, CTIO~ Set,fen [?, Development Re~ula=Lons for Block "D", shall be amended as follo~e: follc~s: SECTION IV DEVELOi:~ENT R£GULATIONS FOR BLOCK "D" RESID~NTIAL AREA Permitted Uses an4 Structures shall be am.~nded aa PEKMITTED USES AND STRUCTURES: No building or structure, or part thereof lhall be erected, altered or used, or land or water used, in %~ole or in part, for other than the followinE: A. Permitted Pr~ncipal Uses and Structures. (1)~ue~neee-an~-'~re6ees.1.-ene~-o~6~eee. Multi-family dwellings. ~abe~a~e~eS~r-p~e¥~ed-eha~+ Bo ~a}--NeLe~er~-me~seT-eee?~-deeeeea%~e-e,~eeemm½ seeses-6~em-e~6-ehe-~rem~see-ere ~emeraeed? {e~-Ne~edue~-~s~m~6eee~ed-e~-ee~e~ee~e ~ne~d~ea~-ee~eve~epmene-eee~v~e~,~e. ~2~ Water ~na~emenC facilities. ~B~--Waeer-~megeaene-~ee~e~ee-em~-~e~e{s~. ~-e~ee-eevage-eeeaememe-eed-d~epege~ ~e-eem~e~e~e-~m-eae.ee-w~ek-~ke-~ee~e~m~ees em~k~e~eke-B~eeee~deee~mee-ee-be Pe~itte~ Accesso~ Uses and S~ctures: (~) Aeeeeeeey~see-ee~e~ee.~ee-e.ee~ aeeee~eee~eh-.eee-~e~eeed--~m-e~e Cus~oma~ accessory uses and st~c~ures. (2) Si~ns, ~s pe~itte4 effect at the time of Buildin~ pe~i~ applica~ion. (3) 'Recreational Verde underlined are added; words eee~eh-eheee~h ara deleted. S£CTION FIVE: follows: 4.~3 MY~IMUM DENSITY: A maximum of 36 ~ulti-famil~ units. SECTION SIX: Section 4..3., follows: 4.3. Minimum Yard Requirement, shall be renumbered as Bo MINIMUM YARD RE~UIKE~22cr: From Block "D" boundary lines: Thirty (30) feet or a distance equal to one-half (1/2) of the bull, ling height, whichever ie greater. Betveen any two principal structures: Fifteen (15) feet or a distance equal to one-half the sum of th.ir combined heights, vhichever ia greater. Accessory structures setbacks: as required b:, the Zoning Ordinance in effect at ti=e of application Eot building permit. SECTION $~EN: Section 4.4., Minimum Floor Area of Principal Structures, shall be renu~bered, and amended aa follows: 4.5. 750 square feet per dwellin~ unit. Sections ~.5., ~.6,, ~.7., and 4.8. shall be ren~bered as roll.s: ~ree (3) stories able the fAniahed grade wit~ the option of having one floor of parking beneath the allowable three (3) stories. In order to co~ly w~h the ~n~um floo<r elava~ion requirements, the ~um height of a at~ctu:re shall be measured fr~ the mim~ base flood elevation required by ~he Flood Elevation Ordi~nce. 4vSv 4.7 MIN~ OFF S~ P~ING: As required by the zoning ordinance in effect at time of application for building pe~t. 4vgv 4.8 MIN~ ~S~ING As required by the zoning ordinance in effect at time of application for building pa~it. ~PA~ ~.8. 4.9 L~iTATIONS ON SI~S As pe~itted by the zoning ordinance Jn effec~ at the ~ime of application for building Words underlined are added; words aee~e~-eheemg~ are deleted. SECTION NINE: Section 5.1 of the PUD document, The PUD Master Plan, .Jhall be amended to add item "G" and this Ite~ shall read as follows: 5.1 ~he PUD Master Plan: A. Th.e PUD Master Plan (~ilson, Miller, Barton, Soil and Peek, Inc., Drawing Number ~Z-44, Sb,et Number 1 of 2) is only an iljustrative pr~:limtnary development plan. B. The design criteria and layout iljustrated on the Master Plan shall be understood as flexible so that, the final design may best .stilly the project and comply with all applicable requirements. C. All necessary easement~, dedications, er other Instruments shall be granted to insure the continued operation and maintenance of all sezvice utilities. D. Minor design changes shall be perni:tsd st.b]ect to the staff approval. E. Prior to the tssuancs of building perm/ts ,~n Blocks "C" or "D", a final site plan shall be subnitted to the Zoning Department for their review and tpproval. Y. The final site plan shall be dra~m at an appropriste scale and shall show the proposed placement of structures on the property; provisions fm' ingress and eSress 'parking areas; and required }ards and other open spaces. Polling places shall be provided as d~termined to be necessar~ by the Board of Count~ Co:mlssioners. SECTION TEN: Section 5.2 of the PUD document shall be amended as follows: 5.2. TRAFFIC I!~PROVEME~$: A. A two (2) lane divided boulevard entrance to the development with lanJscaped ieland(~) ~hall be provided, and shall be in alignment with Bottingham Drive. B. Sidewalks shall be located along one [1) s~de of the entrance boulevard and the loop road. C. Access to e~e-~e~aealema$-a~ea Block "D" shall be via the main entrance boulevard and the loop road. D. Left and right turn storage lanes shall be provided on Airport Road by the developer prio! to the issuance of any Certificate of Occupancy. E. The developer ~hall pay hie fair ehar~ of the capital cost of a traffic signal when deemed warranted by the County Engineer. The signal shall be cn. med, operated and maintained ky Collier County. SECTION ELEVEN: Section 5.5 of the PUD docu=ent shall be azended to read al follows: 5.5 UTILITIES: A. A central water supply system shall be made available to all areas of th,l project by means of extending the U~,q~l' existing system located on Airport Eo,d. Words underlined are additional words eet. aek-eh~ea~h are del~t~.d. An on-sits sewage treatment and disposal facilities shall bs provided until such time as an area wide system is made available. Connection to the Count7 system shall be made when such a system is made available by the County, C. All systems shall be coordinated and appro'zed by the utilities division prior to their installation. All applicable County ordinances relative to the dedication, lease hack of the utility facilities shall be complied with. E. All applicable County ordinances relative to water and sewer system developmen~ charges shall be complied with. F. All utilities shall be provided to comply with all applicable regulations. Construction plans and specifications shall b-~ submitted to the County Utility office prior to the start of any utility construction. H. Any establishment requiring a CCPHU permit must submit plans for.rgview and approval. I. The stipulations contained in the memorandum from the UtilitF Division dated February 13, 1986, attached hereto and made a part herein. SECTION TWELVE: The PUD Master Plan shall b~ amended as shown by Exhibit "A." SECTION THIRTEEn: This Ordinance shall become effective upon receipt of notice that has been filed with the Office of the Secretary of State. BOARD OF COUNTY COMHISSIONEIIS This ordtnor~e fl~ed w~th the' ~cr~to~ o~tate s Off;ceth~ filU oc~wledgemen~ that "~ r~eiv~ ~i~ day PDA863C Ordinance Words underlined are added; words aet~seh-ehee~h are deleted., IM A~REE~ENT I, Alan ~eynolds, as owner or authorized agent for fetitio:t PDA-86-3C, agree to the following stipulations requested by the Collier County Planning Commission in their public hearing on ~isy 1, 19.36. A. Amendment of the PUD document per staff report dated April 24, 1986. OF SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFDRE ~ THIS /~J~--~-~ __DAY NOTAN, Y ~ · ~ ~ ' " ~,J ~(~OMM]SSION EXPIRES: '"?? 1~.~6-~¢ Agree,~ent Sheet CRESCENT LAKE ESTATES A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT BY CAMPBELL ENTERPRISES DOCUMENT PREPARED BY: WILSON, MILLER, BARTON, SOLL & PEEK, INC. DATE ISSUED: October 15~. 1981 DATE APPROVED BY CAPC:October 1, 1981 DATE APPROVED BY BCC: Novenber 3, ~98~ DATE A.~'ENDED: May, 1986 SECTION I SECTION II SECTION III SECTION IV SECTION V I}IDEX STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE, PROPERTY OWN~RSHIP AND LEGAL DESCRiz-£ION DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS FOR BLOCKS "A" & "B" RESIDENTIAL AREA DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS FOR BLOCK "C" RESIDENTIAL AREA DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS FOR BLOCK "D" .... AREA RESIDENTIAL AREA GENERAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITMENTS PAG~ 1-1 2-1 3-1 4-1 5-1 SECTION I STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE~ PROPERTY O~E~.SHIP AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION 1.1. STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE: The development of +38 acres of propert~ in Secticn 25, Township 48 South, ~ange 25 East, Collier Ccunty, Florida, as a Planned Unit Development is in compliance with the planning and development goals and objectives of (ollier County as set forth in the Comprehensive Plan, thE. official land use guide and other applicable documents. PROPERTY OWNERSHIP: The subject property is currently under the owner~hip of Campbell Enterprises (Mrs. M.J. Zuidema, Manager, 308 Turtle Hatch Road, Naples, Florida 33940). 1.3. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The Southwest 1/4 of th~ Southwest 1/4 of Section 25, Township 48 South, Range 25 East, less the West 1(O' for Right-of-Way, Collier County, Florida. 1-1 SECTION II DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS FOR BLOCKS "A" & "B" RESIDENTIAL AREA 2.2° 2°3° PURPOSE: The purpose of this section is to set forth the r~gulations for the development of Blocks "Aw and "B" as identified on the Master Plan (Wilson, Miller, Barton, Soll& Peek, Inc. Drawing File Number RZ-44, Sheet Number 1 of 2). PERMITTED USES AND STRUCTURES: No building or structure, cr part thereof,' shall be erected, altered, or used, or land or water used, in whole or in part, for other than the following: A. Permitted Principal Uses and Structures: (J) Single Family dwellings (2) Water Management facilities and lakes. (3) Recreational facilities (only on Outlot "A"). B. Permitted Accessory Uses and Structures: (1) Customary accessory uses and structures, including private garages. (2) Boat docks and facilities in accordance with the applicable regula:ions. (3) Recreational uses and facilities. (4) Signs ~XIMUM DENSITY: A maximum of 61 single family lots. 2-1 . 2.4. 2.5. 2.6. 2.7. 2.8. MINIMUM LOT AREA: 10,000 Square Feet. MINIMUM LOT WIDTH: (a) Corner Lots - Ninety-five (95) feet as measured at the front yard setback line. (b) Interior Lots - Eighty (80) feet as measured at the front yard setback line. MINIMUM YARD REQUIREMENTS: (a) Depth of front yard - Thirty (30) feet. {b) Depth of side yard - 7 1/2 feet. (c) Depth of rear yard - twenty-five (25) feet. (d) (e) Corner lots - on lots which abut on more than one street the front yard shall be considered to be those yards which abut oh the streets and the remaining yards shall be considered to be side yards. Accessory structure setbacks - as required by the zoning ordinance in effect at time of application for building permit. MINIMUM FLOOR AREA OF PRINCIPAL STRUCTURES: (a) One story - 1,200 sguare feet. (b) Two story - 1,400 square feet. MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF STRUCTURES: Thirty (30) feet above the finished grade of the /cit. Accessory buildings limited to twenty (20) feet a~,ve the finished grade of the lot. In order to comply with the minimum flood elevation requirements, the maximum height of a structure sh~ll be measured from the minimum base flood elevation reqlired by the Flood Elevation Ordinance. . 2-2 2.9. MINIMUM OFF STREET PARKING: AS required by the zoning ordinance in effect at t~me of application for building permit. 2.~0. LIMITATION ON SIGNS: As permitted by the zoning ordinance in effect at time of application for building permit. 2-3 S~CTION III DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS FOR BLOCK "C" RESIDENTIAL AREA 3.1. PURPOSE: The purpose of this section is to set forth the regulations for the development of Block "C" as i'dentified on the Master Plan (Wilson, Miller, Barton, Soll& Peek, Inc., Drawing Number RZ-44, Sheet Number 1 of 2). 3.2. PERMITTED USES & STRUCTURES: No building or structure, or part thereof~ shall be erected, altered, or used, or land or water used, in whole or in part, for other than the following: A. Permitted Principal Uses and Structures (1) Mutli-family dwellings (2) Water Management Facilities and Lake(s). (3) On-site Sewage Treatment & Disposal Facilities. B. Permitted Accessory Uses and Structures (1) Customary accessory uses and structures (2) Signs (3) Recreational Facilities 3.3. MAXIMUM DENSITY: A maximum of 64 units. 3.4. MINIMUM YARD REQUIREMENT FOR ALL STRUCTURES: ao From Block "C" boundary lines: Thirty (30) feet or a distance equal to one-half (1/2) of the ouild[ng height, whichever is greater. Between any two principal structures: Fifteen (15) feet or a distance equal to one-half (~/2) the sum of their combined heights, whichever is greater. Co Accessory structures setbacks - as required b'~, the zoninq ordinance in effect at time of applicat:.on for building permit. - 3.5. MYNIMUM FLOOR AREA OF PRINCIPAL STRUCTURES: 750 Square Feet per Dwelling Unit 3.6. MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF STRUCTURES: Three(3) stories above the finished grade with the option of having one floor of parking beneath the allowable three (3) stories. In order to comply with the minimum flood elevation requirements, the maximum height of a structure nhall be measured from the minimum base flood elevation r(~guired by the Flood Elevation Ordinance. 3.7. MINIMUM OFF STREET PARKING: As required by the zoning ordinance in effect at time of application for building permit. 3.8. MINIMUM LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS: As required by the zoning ordinance in effect at time of application for building permit. 3.9. LIMITATION ON SIGNS: As permitted by the zoning ordinance in effect at time of application for building permit. SECTION IV 4.1 PUP~OSE DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS FOR BLOCK PROFESSIONAL AREA RESIDENTIAL AREA The~purpose of this Section is to set forth th,~ regulations for the development of Block "D" as identified cn the Master Plan (Wilson, Miller, Barton, Soll & Peek, Inc., Drawing File Number RZ-44, Sheet number 1 of 2} . 4.2. PERMITTED USES AND STRUCTURES No buildin? or structure, or part thereof, shal' be erected, altered, or used, or land or water used, in whole or in part, for other than the following: A). Permitted Principal Uses and Structures: 1) ~uslncs~ a~.~ r .... {~{~ic .... -~--- Multi-fanily dwel 1 ings. ~ncid~ntal to development acti';itic:~,- water management facilities. Any p~rabl: ~ .... : .... g~i whlc~ ~ctc B. Permitted Accessory Uses and Structures: · ~ith uocs permitted in this district. Customary accessory uses and structures. 2) C=~--=%a,,:ru ' .... ............ ~ .... Signs, as permitted by the Zoning Ordinance in effect at the time of 66il'd'in9 p~.rmit a_~lication. 3) Recreational facilities. 4.3 MAXIMUM DENSITY: A maximum of 36 multi-family units. ..~- MINIMUM YARD REQUIREMENTS: 4.4, A. From Block "D" boundary lines: Thirty (30) feet or a distance equal to one-half (1/2) of the building height, whichever is greater. B. Between any two principal structures: Fifteen (15) feet or a distance equal .to one-half the sum of the:.r combined h~ights, whichever is greater. C. Accessory structures setbacks: As reguired by the zoning ordinance in effect at time of application for building permit. 4.4. MINIMUM FLOOR AREA OF PRINCIPAL STRUCTURES: 4.5. On.: ~"~h..ou:and (!,000) cquarc fcct p.cr buildln~. 750 square feet per dwellin9. MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF STRUCTURES: 4,6. Three (3) stories above the finished grade with the option of having one floor of parking beneath the allowable t~ree (3) stories. In order to comply with the minimum flood elevation requirements, the maximum height of a structure shall be measured from the minimum base flood elevation required by the Flood Elevation Ordinance. MINIMUM OFF STREET PARKING: 4.7. As required by the zoning ordinance in effect at ti~e of application for building permit. 4.7~ MINIMUM LANDSCAPING REQUIREEMNTS: As required by the zoning ordinance in effect at tine of application for building permit. LIMITATIONS ON SIGNS: 4.9. As permitted by the zoning ordinance in effect at time of application for building permit. 4-2 303' SECTION V GLI;ERAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITMENTS 5.1. THE PUD MASTER PL~dg a. The PUD Master Plan (Wilson, Miller, Barton, Sol[. & Peek, Inc., Drawing Number RZ-44, Sheet Number 1 of 2) is only an iljustrative preliminary development plan. b. The design criteria and layout iljustrated on the Master Plan shall be understocd as flexible so that, the final design may satisfy the project and comply with all ap- plicable requirements. c. All necessary easements, dedications, or other instru- ments shall be granted to insure the continu-9 operation and maintenance of all service utilities. d. Minor design changes shall be permitted subject to County staff approval. e. Prior to the issuance of building permits on Blocks "C" or 'D", a final site plan shall be submitted to the Zoning Department and Engineering Department for their review and approval. f. The final site plan shall be drawn at an appropriate scale and shall show the proposed placement of structures on the property; provisions for ingress and egress ~,arki~g areas; and required yards and other open spaces. ~ Polling places shall be provided as deemed necessary. 5.2. TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENTS a. A two (2) lane divided boulevard entrance to the develop- ment with landscaped island(s) shall be provided, and shall be in alignment with Nottingham Drive. b. Sidewalks shall be located along one {1) side of the entrance boulevard and the loop road. c. Access to thc pr$fcs~icnal a~e~a- Block "D" st, all be via the main entrance boulevard and the loop road. 5.3. 5,4. 5.5. d. Left and right turn storage lanes shall be prc.vided on Airport Road by the developer prior to the issuance of any Certificate of Occupancy. e. The developer shall pay his fair share of the capital cost of a traffic signal when deemed warranted by the County Engineer. The signal shall be owned, operated and maintained by Collier County. FIRE PREVENTION/PROTECTION The Crescent Lake Estates development shall comply with all applicable fire codes and regulations. WATER MANAGEMENT The Water Management System shall comply %,ith the requirements of the South Florida Water Management District and Collier County, The final water managemer, t system design shall be reviewed and approved by the County Engineer prior to commencement of development. The design of multiufamil~, areas cqmply ~ith the water manasem~nt plans a~roved by the Water M~nagement Advisory Board oi~ July 8, 1981.' ' UTILITIES a. A central water supply system shall be made available to all areas of the project by means of extending the existing system located on Airport Road. b. An on-site sewage treatment and disposal facilities shall be provided until such time as an area wide system is made available. Connection to the County system shall be made when such a system is made available to the County. c. All systems shall be coordinated and approved by the utilities division prior to their installation. d. Ail applicable County ordinances relative to the dedications, lease back to the utility facilities shall be complied with. e. Ail applicable County ordinances relative to ~,~ter and sewer system development charges shall be complied with. f. All utilities shall be provided to comply with all applicable regulations. 5-2 Construction plans and specifications shall be ~:ubmitted to the County Utility office prior to the start of any utility construction. h_~. Any establishment reguiring_.a CCPHU permit must submit plans for review and approval. i. The stipulations contained in the Memorandum from the Utility Division dated February 1"3, '1986, attached' beret6 ~nd 'made a part herein. 5-3 STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF COLLIER ) I, JAMES C. GILES, Clerk of Courts im and for tke Twentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true original of: ORDINANCE 86-26 which was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on the 17th day of June 1986'. WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, thi.= 18th day of June, 1986. JAMES C. GILES Clerk o, Courts Coun ty~o~ i S'S~E~ -.~..,-.. ;,~ '-. ~".