Ordinance 86-17~2 Ord. 86-17 ORDINANCE - 17 AN ORDINANCE AML~DZNG ORDINANCE 76-6 THE SUBDIVISION Rf~ULATIONS FOR THE COASTAL AREA PLA~/ING DISTRICT, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA; AM~RDING ARTICLE V, DEFINITIONS, TO REDEFINE TEE DIILECTOR; AHI~IDING ARTICLE V, DEFINITIONS,~ TO DESIGNATE ~ PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DEFINITION OF SPECIAL YARD; AMENDING ARTICLE ! r VIII, SECTION 1, TO DESIGNATE TME PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATION AND ENFORCEMENT OF THE SUBDIVISION REGUlaTIONS; ARTICLE VIII, SECTION 2, TO REDEFINE THE MEMBERS OF THE SUBDIVISION COMMITTEE; AMENDI~.~ ARTICLE IX, SECTION 3.B.(6) TO ADJUST THE FE~' .~ FOR SUBDIVISION MASTER PLAN REVIEW; AND TO PROVIDE AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Board of County Co~missiomers adopted Ordinance 76-6 the Subdivision Regulations for tbs Coastal Area Planning District, Collier County, Florida, o~ February 17, 1976; and WHEREAS, in an effort to streamline the Subdivision process, the Director of the County Division responsible for administrating the Subdivision Regulations, should bsths Public Works Administrator/County Engineer instead of Co~mnity Development A~nistrator; and WHEREAS, to i~pl~ent this change of the County Division rssponsible for administering the Subdivision Regulations requires clarification of the definition of the person rssponsible for ~aking "special yards" determinations and ohrification of the m~mbers on tbs Subdivisiou Co=mit tee; and I,I~REAS, the fee for the r~vi~w of Subdivision Y~tster Flf~s has-~l~t been adjusted for increase in cost of that review since 1976., ' NOW THEP. EFORg BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COlOnial COMMISSIOlfl~ OF COLLIER COUld, FLORIDA, thac Ordinance follows: , The Subdivision R~gulations, Ordinance 76-6, Article of Director shall be ame~sd as DIRECTOR - The "director" is the ~ity-~e~e~e Public Works Administrstor/Count~ En;inesr. underlined are added; words eetmek-eh~h ars deleted; SECTION TWO: T~e Subdivision Regulations, Ordinance 76-6 Article ¥, Definition of Yard, Special, shall be amended as follows: YARD, SPECIAL - In case of irregularly shaped lots or unusual circumstances where minor variations Ln yards appear necessary, the 9~eee~e~ Comnmnity Development. Admnistrator may allow smaller yards than are otherwise required in the district providing that: 1. . Tbs 9~ee~e~ Community Developme~tt Administrator allows only yards that are similar to yards required elsewhere in the same district, and in no event alloys yards over twenty f~,~e percent smaller than are required elsewhere in the same district. 2. The ~ee~ C~m~umlt~ Development Adm~nie~rator allows only yards that achieve the sam~ purpose as required yards elsewhere ~n the district. 3. The £rregular shape is due to conditions over which the property owner has no control. 4. There is no reasonable remedy through acquisition of adjacent land. SECTION THREE: The Subdivision Regulations, Ordinance 76-6, Article VIII, Section 1 and Section 2 shall be a~ended a~ follows: Section ! - Responsibility for Coordination and Enforces;est of Provis~onm. For the purpose of coordinatimg, enforcing and admin~trating thi~ Ordinan~e, the ~ee~t,-~n~ey--~eye~ene P~bl~c Works Administrator/County Engineer shall be deemed the ad~itistrative officer of this Ordinance. Section 2 - Subdivi~ion C¢ ~ittee. There is hereby established a Subdivi~ion Committee consisting of the following members, or their duly nuthori~ed represemtatives: the ~eee~-~-~ey-~e~eme P~bLic Works Admin~s~tor/County En~neer, who shall be Chairman; the Director of Natural Resource Management; the Director of Planning and Words underlined are added; words aet~seb-eh~mssk are deleted; Zoning; the ~e~y-&~siaee~ Comnit} Dlvelopm~nt Admin:.sc:ator; the Director of the Collier County Health Department; the Director of Utilitiesl the Director of Water ManaEement; and the Directors of any other departments or aEenciea who the Board of County Co-~isstoners may, by resolution, from time to time appoint. SECTION FOUR: The Subdivision Re~ulations, Ordinance 76-6, Article IX, Section 3.B.(6) shall be .amended as follows: (6) Upon ftlin8 the ~ster plan wich the Director the developer shall pay a fee of ~eT &e&&e~s &~,99 two hundred fifc~ dollars ($250.00). ~e fee is not reimbursable but is to help defray the cost of administerin8 and processin8 the master plan. If more than one re-submit:al of the corrected or revised ~ster plan is required an additional fifty dollars ($50.00) fee shall be charsed for each re-submittal. SECTION FI~: ~is Ordinance shall become effective upon notice thaC it has been filed with the Office of the Secreca~ of State. DATE: Al~ril 22, 1986 K'~INE TH B. C OUIN"~f ATTORNEY Tht~ o~dJnoncs filed with retary of ~ete's Office o~ ~k~le~e~t of ~ Words underlined are added; words oet. aeb-eheee~h are deleted; STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF COLLIER ) I, WILLIAM J. RF. ACAN, Clerk of Courts in and for the Twentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier Coun~, Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true original of: ORDINANCE NO. 86-~°z which was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners during Regular Session on April 22, 1986. WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this 24th day of April, 1986. WILL AM J. Clerk of County V'r