Ordinance 86-16ORDINANCE 86- 16 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING OP. DINANCE 82-2 , THE C(3~ ?P. EHEN$ IV~ ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY, BY ADDING SECTION 9.12, TO PROVIDE T~L~T ANY ENTITY WHICH WISHES TO DONATE PROPERTY TO THE COUNTY FOR PUBLIC USE MAY PLACE DONATING SAID PROPERTY ON THE DONATED PROPERTY, UPON REVIEW BY THE PLANNING AND ZCNING DIRECTOR AND APPROVAL BY TH~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS; AHD BY PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE WHERF_~, it has come to the attention of County Staff that certain entities are willing to donate property for use by the public, such as trash cans, recreation equipment, benches, etc.; and I~P.~, these items would be in the best in.rest of the public welfare; and WMEILEAS, an entity that do~mtea such items, on occasion, desires to have their name printed on ~aid items to identify the donor; and WHEREAS, Section 8.31 of Ordinance Number 82-2, the Cor~preheneive Zoning Regulations for the Unincorporated Area of Collier County, considers such idenification ae a sign and regulates the size amd placement of said sign; and WHEREAS, in particular circ~u~atances, such idenificatio~ would be prohibited by Section 8.31; and WHEREAS, the Coonty Staff recognizes the propriety of ~uch idemtification when dome in a ~anner consistent with those requirements set forth below; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINID BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COI~ISSIONEILS OF COLLIEI1COL~-TY, FLORIDA: SECTION ONE: Collier County Ordinance No. 82-2, Section 9 Special Regulation shall be amended to add Subsection 9.12, w~ich shall re~d as follows: 9.12 Special Regulations for Property Donsted for Public Use. Any entit~ ma~ request to donate profert~ to Collier Co,,pt_~. in accordance with those provisions set forth below. Ihe acceptance of such propert~ shall be at the sole dis,:re~:lor of the Board of County Commiasione:s. The Board of Commissioners, in its review for acceptance of agch property, shall consider the t~pe of propert~ includin~ its Words e~t-aek-~hr~gh are deleted; Words underlined are added. ----- 'sm I ~o!or smd size~ the placement of said property and other pertinent characteristics of the property. Upon acceptance of the property b~ the Board of County Commissioners, the entity shall be permitted to place its name on the donated property in the followin$ form: "Donated by (name of donor)". The design? size and placement of the donor name on the do- nated item shall be reviewed by the Board of Count~ sioners to assure compliance with the following criteria: (a) Tbs lettering shall be no larger than two (2} inches and shall contain no information other than that set forth abovei and · (b) The htterin~ .shall be white~ hi.ack or ..other unobtrusive colors appropriate to the color of the dot. ted item: and (c) The design and placement of the letterin~ shall be appropriate to provide identification of the donor, if such identification is requested. The Board of County Commissioners shall thereafter approve, ~pprove with changes or deny the desis~ The n~me of the donor on donated property f~r public use, in accordance with the criteria set forth ab6ve, shall not be considered SECTION IWO: This Ordinance shall be co~e effective upon receipt of notice that it has been filed with the Secretary of State. DATE: /g~ril 22. 1986 LEI~ETH B. CIIYLER / A~SISTANT COUlfTY A~fORXEY BOARD OF COUNTY CO~qlSSIONER~ COLLIEI COuFr~ , FLORIDA 3o~ A. ~'ZSTOa, CaAi~ ~orde e~ek-eb~eagh are deleted; ~orda underlined are added. STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF COLLIER ) I, WILLIAM J. REAGAN, Clerk of Courts ~n and for the Twentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true original of: ORDINANCE NO. 86-16 which was adopted by the Board of Ccunty Commtsslcners during Regular Session on April 22, 1986. WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier Cour. t¥, Florida, thie 24t!1 day of April, 1986. WILLIAM J. Clerk of County Deputy ¢lerk 157