09/09/2010 Backup B~P eM q [<1 (cE) COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT Pelican Bay Services Division ROl Laurel Oak Drive. Suite 605. Naples.florida -,410R. (2.19) 597-1749. Fax (2.19) 597-4502 September 9,2010 Mr. Leo Ochs, County Manager Office ofthe County Manager Collier County Government Center 3301 S. Tamiami Trail Naples, Florida 34104 RE: Peer Review of Clam Bay System Data Collection Analysis Report by PBS&J Dear Mr. Ochs, Last December the Pelican Bay Services Division voiced our concern that the above referenced Clam Bay water quality analysis may have inaccurate conclusions that would cast the system or historical data in a negative manner and therefore could form an unsuitable basis for future work on this critical environmental resource. At that time we proposed and the County agreed to cosponsor a peer review of the report, using a jointly selected independent recognized expert in the field. Since that time we have attempted to work with Coastal Zone Management, the Coastal Advisory Committee and it's Clam Bay Subcommittee to develop a Scope of Work document defining the Peer Review process. During the last 6 months the Services Division has met monthly to try to develop language that reflects the intent of our initial discussions. To date we have worked enumerable hours through nine revisions of the language with CZM, but seem to be no nearer acceptable language than we were several versions ago. CZM started by substantially expanding the scope of work to be reviewed, then revised the "independent recognized expert" criteria thus materially changing the focus of the peer review, and has continually reinserted language we preferred removed. At this point in time, we have reluctantly concluded we are at an impasse, and cannot realistically go forward to jointly develop a timely peer review of the 2009 PBS&J Report To go forward would only continue everyone's frustrations and does not seem to be leading to a process that would reflect our initial intent The Service Division does support the peer reviews of the PBS&J Report that have been prepared to date, especially those of Kathy B. Worley, Environmental Science Co-Director of the Conservancy of South West Florida, and Dr Harold R Wanless, Professor and Chair, Department of Geological Sciences University of Miami. c " I~; .- C OHut.V ---.-.-,.----- Page 2 We would like to thank you for your leadership in bringing this issue to the BCC's attention last winter and regret that it could not be completed on a timely basis. S~ . J)~ KeIth J. Dallas,~airman Pelican Bay Services Division Cc: Pelican Bay Services Division Board Ms. Marla Ramsey Mr. Neil Dorrill C\I QveV) ~ cd "I 7,-,10 0:)<::. {hec'+-I~S From: och.s_l Senl: Tuesday. January 08, 200M I :26 PM To: P_~:.H\.i "(_\Lt2!..!.u,:.LllJLI<;~:~",.".1111 Cc: ramsey_m; McAlpinGary Subject: FW: Clam Bay Permit Follow-up Good Afternoon John, I wanted to close the loop with you relative to our recent meeting on Outer Clam Bay and the Clam Pass permit Jim Mudd and I have discussed this and would like to take the following approach: All permits and permit applications will be m Collier County's name. This is county policy and we need to follow the county policy. Please start work on extending the existing permit for a period of one year as soon as possible. I understand that it should be fairly easy to obtain and will only require a written request from us. I would ask that you prepare a draft letter from the County Manager to the appropriate permitting authority to secure this extension. Additionally, I understand from Gary McAlpin that new permit requests for the estuary mamtenance and management will be issued from Ft Myers and that pass and beach work will be issued out of Tallahassee. . . We will also set up a work group to address the ~ms presented in the Tomasko report I am instructing Gary McAlpin to work with you and other stakeholders to make this happen. The purpose of this work group will be to develop a "go forward" plan to insure that the Clam Bay ecosystem be maintained or perhaps even further enhanced in the years ahead. My mtention would be for this group to provide information and suggestions to elected and appointed officials that will guide their decisions regarding potential governance, funding, resource allocations and other policy considerations. In this regard, I have considered your recommendation to address these issues under the auspices of a newly created water authority, a quasi-governmental taxmg authority established in Florida statutes. In my assessment, this approach may be premature and I would respectfully suggest that this decision would be considered along with others by the policy makers after reviewing the information and recommendations offered by the work group. My time frame is to resolve this over the next year Therefore, I have instructed Gary to proceed in earnest to move thiS effort forward. Please give me your thoughts on thiS approach at your earliest convenience. John, I want to again commend you and the entire PBSD for the outstanding stewardship and advocacy provided on behalf of the Pelican Bay community. I look forward to a continued productive and collaborative partnership to our mutual benefit Regards, Leo (v. C\ V{\;]) Ci(q(7G'IO ('iA C- Yh ec+illJ.) Department of Environmental Protection Lawton Chiles Governor Marjory Stoneman Douglas Building 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Tallahassee, FlorIda 31399~3000 Virginia B, Wetherell Secretary CERTIFIED - RETURN RECEIPT REOUESTED December 15. 1998 Collier County - Pelican Bay Services Division c/o BreIt Moore, P.E. Humiston and Moore Engineers 10661 Airport Road N., Suite 14 Naples. Florida 34109 Notice of Permit Modification Permil No. 0128463-001-JC, Collier County Clam Bav Restoralion and LonQ- Term Management Proiecl Dear Mr. Moore: Your request to modify this permit has been received and reviewed by Department staff. The proposed pennil modification is to authorize: (I) an alternalive upland spoil disposal area for Cut # I; (2) an increase the width of channel Cut #4 through Clam Pass; and (3) allemative pipeline corridors between the dredge culs and the disposal areas. The proposed alternative disposal area lor CUI #1 is an upland undeveloped building site, to the east of Clam Bay. The dredged material consists of a high percenlage of fine malerial and organic matter and, because the material does not have any economic value, pursuant to Rulc 18- 2LOII(3Xc)2, F.A.C. no severance fees arc required. This disposal site was chosen to aVOId use of the proposed spoil disposal area on the lanuward side of the beach dune. Department staff considers the proposed new disposal area for CUI # 1 a preferred alternative 10 the previously authorized disposal area for CuI #1. /' ..9!..annel Cut #4 throug!> CI~ will_be_widene~,:, in)prove directional tidal,Jlow .Q.e.[Ween _Clam Bay and t!t!tQulflli~..xico,I)epanment staff have reviewed the proposed charmel widening and delermined that the change to the channel dimensions is not expected to have an adverse effect on inlet processes and will improve tidal exchangc. The proposed dredge cuts tor Cut #4 will not exceed the previously aUlhon.~ed dS:lhs of -4 ft. NOVD, ... :- . --~..c.,. ".~::.:..., .._ ,__". '_,"",,,j~,~~' ...~-. .A,m_-- _ _.. ~~~---'"'" The proposed pipeline corridors are located between each channel cuI and their associated disposal areas and include pipeline placemenl through mangrove, open waler and weIland habitat 111e pipeline required for lhe channel dredging will be relalively small, lighlweighl and made of a flexible malerial which will enable manual placemenL Minimal mangrove trimming "PrOfeCt, Comerve and MOllage HOI'dos En"Honm~m and U:JUnoi F\t'~()ilrCe~ f>"'iI~""" '~n(ll"d p,JUC' --~-_._-~---_.__...- Notice of Permit Modification Collier COUDty - Pelican Bay Services Division Permit No, OI28463-001-JC Page 2 will be conducted pursuanllo the permit Specific CondIlion No. 7 to enable the conrraclor to manually place the pipeline. The pipeline corridor and any associaled trinuning will be designated by the approved wetland scientist and verified by Department staff. The attached drawings reflect the above modificalion and shall supercede the associated permit drawings (sheets 23, 24, 25, and 28). After thorough review the staff has determined that the proposed alleration does not increase the potential for adverse impact on the coastal system, public beach access seaward of the mean. high water or nesting sea turtles and hatchlings and their habitat, and thaI the proposed alteration does not reduce the design adequacy of the projeet. Since the proposed modification is not expected to resull in any adverse environmental impacl or water quality degradation and is expected to be of environmental benetit, the permit is hereby modified as requested. By copy of this letter and the attached drawings, we are nOlifying all necessary parties of thc modIfication(s). 'Ibis letter of approval does nOl alter the July 6, 2008 expiration date, olher Specific or General Conditions, or monitoring requirements of the permit. TIus letter and accompanying drawings must be attached to the original permit. 'Ibis permit is hereby moditied unless a sufficient petition for an administrative hearing is timely filed under seelions 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes, as provided below. The procedures for petitioning for a hearing are sel fonh below. Mediation undcr Section 120.573, F.S., is not available for this proceeding. A person whose substantial interests are affected by the Department's action may petilion for an administrative proceeding (hearing) under sections 120569 and 120.57, F.S. The petition musl contain the information set fonh below and musl be filed (received by the clerk) in the Office of General Counsel of the Departmenl at 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Mail Stalion 35, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000. / - Because the administrative hearing process is designed to redetermine final agency action on the appliealion, the filing of a petition for an administrative hearing may result in further modification of the pennit or even a denial of the appliealion. If a sullicient petition for an administralive hearing or request for an exlension of lime to file a pelilion is limely filed, thIS permit modIfication aUlomatically becomes only proposed agency aClion on the application subject to the resull of the adminislralive review process. Accordingly, the applicanl is advised nollO eonunence construclion or other activities under this pennil modification unlil the deadlines noted below for filing a petilion for an administralive hearing ur requesl for an extension of time has expired. ...- I I Notice of Permit Modification Collier County - Pelicao Bay Services Division Permit No. 0128463-001-JC Page 3 Under rule 62-110.1 06(4), Florida Administralive Code, a person whose substantial intercsls are affected by the Department's action may also request an extension of time 10 file a petition for an administrative hearing. The Departmenl may, for good cause shown, grant the request for an extension of time. Requests for extension of time musl be filed with the Office of General Counsel of the Department at 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Mail Stalion 35, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000, before the applicable deadline. A limely requesl for exlension of time shall toll the nmning of the time period for filing a petition until the request is acted upon. rfa requesl is filed lale, the Department may still granl it upon a motion by the requesting party showing thaI the failure to file a request for an extension of time before the deadline was the resoll of excusable neglect. In the event that a timely and sufficient petition for an administrative hearing is filed, olher persons whose substantial interests will be affecled by the oulcome of the administrative process have the right to petition to inlervene in the proceeding. Any inlervention will be only al the discretion of the presiding officer upon the filing of a motion ill compliance with rule 28- 106.205, FAC. In accordance with rules 28-106.111(2) and 62-110.106(3)(a)(4), F.A.C., petilians for an administrative hearing by the applicant must be filed within 21 days of receipl of this written notice. Petitions filed by any persons other than the applicant, and other than those cntillcd to written nolice under section 120.60(3), F.S., must be filed within 21 days of publication of the notice or within 21 days of receipl of the written notice, whichever occurs first. Under section 120.60(3), F-S., however, any person who has asked the Department for nolice of agency action may file a petition within 21 days of receipt of such notice, regardless of the dale of publicalion. The pelitioner shall mail a copy of the petition to the applicanl al the address indicated above at the lime of filing. The failure of any person to file a pctilion for an administralive hearing within the appropriate time period s.hall conslitute a waiver of that person's righllO request an administrative determinalion (hearing) under sections 120.569 and 120.57, F.S. A pelition that dispules the material facta on which the Department's aCllon IS based must contain the following informalion: (a) The name and address of each agency affected and each agency's file or idenlificalion number, if known; The name, address, and telephone number of the petitioner; the name, address, and lelephone number of the petilioner's representative. if any, which shall be the ..f- I I (b) Notice of Permit Modificatioo Collier Coooty - Pellcao Bay Services DiviJlioll Permit No. 012846J..()Ol..JC Page 4 address for service purposes during the course of the proceeding; and an explanation of how the petitioner's substantial interests are or will be alTecled by the agency detenoinalion; (c) A stalement of when and how the pelitioner received nolicc of the agency decision; (d) A statement of all dispuled issues of male rial fact. [flhcre are none, the petilion must so indicate; (e) A concise statemenl of the u1timale facts alleged, including the specific facts that the petitioner contends wamml reversal or modification of the agency's proposed action; (I) A statement of the specific rules or staMes that the pellllOner contends require reversal or modification of the agency's proposed action; and (g) A statement of the relief sought by the petitioner, stating precisely the action that the petitioner wishes the agency to take with respect 10 the agency's proposed action. A petition that does nol dispule the malerial facts on which the Depanmenl's aClion is based shall state that no such facts are in dispute and otherwise shall contain the same information as set forth above, as required by rule 28-106.301. F.A.C. Under seclions 120.569(2)(c) and (d), F .S., a petition for administrative hearing must be dismissed by the agency if the pelition does nol substantially comply with the above requirements or is untimely filed. TIlls aClion is fmal and effective on the date filed with the Clerk of the Department wliess a petilion is filed in accordance with the above. Upon the limely filing of a pelition this order will nOl be effeclive unlil further order of the Department. This permit modificalion constitutes an order of the Department. The applicant has the right to seek judicial review of the order under section 120.68, F .S., by the filing of a notice of appeal under rule 9.110 of the Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure with the Clerk of the Department in the Office of General CoWlsel, 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Mail Station 35, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000; and by filing a copy of the notice of appeal accompanied by the applicable filing fees with the appropriate district coun of appeaL The nOlice of appeal must be filed within 30 days from the date when the fmal order is filed with the Clerk of the Department. The applicant, or any party within the meaning of section 373.l14( 1 )(a~, F.S., may alsu seek appellate review of this order before the Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission under section 373.114(1), F.S. Requests for review before the Land and Waler AdjudicaLOry Commission musl be filed with the Secretary of the Commission and served on the Department within 20 days from the date when the [mal order is filed with the Clerk of the DepaItmcnt. .' Notice of Permit Modificatioo Collier County - Pelican Bay Services Division Permit No, 0128463-001-JC Page S _~~ th~_~!!J!QJl.!!blic~~ti!l.ll of nOlje~.9( ~~ellCY llCli9.n Qf notice of proposed agency aelion asJl!~eribed in rule 62,103.150, F.A.C., a person who has actual knowledge of the agency aClion or has knowledge which would lead a reasonable person 10 conclude that the Departmenl has taken final agency action, has a duty to make further inquiry within 21 days of obtaining such knowledge by contacting the Department to ascertain whether action has occurred. The Department shall upon receipl of such an inquiry, if agency aClion has occurred, promptly provide the person with notice as prescribed by rule 62-103.150, FAC The Departmenl does not require notice of this agency aelion to be published. However, the applicant may elect to publish notice as prescribed in rule 62-103.150, F .A.C.. which constitules nolice to the public and establishes a time period for submittal of any petition. If you have any questions regarding this maner, please eontacl me at the lenerhead address or by lelephone at (850) 487-4471, ext. 123. Sincerely, ~~~~g Robert M. B~~ P.E. Professional Engineering Administrator Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Syslcms RMBlkjm ec: Todd Tunell, TWlell and Associates Harry Huber, Collier County Ted Brown, Akerman, Senterl1l1. & Edison, P A. Michael Poff, Coastal Engineering Consultants JOD Iglehart, DEP. South Disuict Office- FL Myers DEP, Office ofGenetlll Counsel Chip Clouah. U.S. Army COll>' of Engin""" Mac Hatcher, Collier County Department of Natunll Resa"",.. Kyle Lucasz, Collier County- Pelican Bay Services Division David Guggenheim, The Conservancy of SW Florida Dan Spina. Save the Bays. Association Kay Potter. Mangrove Action Group. inc. DEP~ Bureau of Protected Species Management File FILING AND ACKNOWLEDGMENT FILED, on this date, purSuanllO Seclion 120.52, Florida Statutes, with the designated Dcpartmenl Clerk, receipt of which is hereby aclmowledged. ~^ j'J-/sq'( Deputy Clerk Dale