Ordinance 87-053ORDINANCE 87- 53 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 85-21, WHICH ESTABLISHED THE LELY BAREFOOT BEACH PLANNED ~ UNIT DEVELOPMENT, AS PREVIOUSLY AMENDED BY ~'- ' ORDINANCE 85-83; AMENDING INDEX; AMENDING SECTION ;' 2.4, MAXIMUM PROJECT DENSITY, TO INCREASE %'HE TOTAL ~ NU~ER OF RESIDENTIAL UNITS PER}IITTED IN THE PROJECT ~ AND TO INCREASE THE GROSS PROJECT DENSITY; AMENDING i~ SECTION 4.2.A., PRINCIPAL USES, TO INCREASE THE TOTAL ~ ::~, NUMBER OF RESIDENTIAL UNITS PERMITTED IN THE ~.. :~ PROJECT; AMENDING SECTION 10.4. ~h~XIMIJM PERMITTED .- .. :~_~ DWELLING UNITS, TO INCREASE THE TOTAL NUMBER OF 5" -~ RESIDENTIAL UNITS PERMITTED IN THE PROJECT; AMENDING ~ SECTION 18, UTILITIES CONDITIONS, SUBSECTION 18.1, PURPOSE, TO REQUIRE CERTIFICATION OF ADEQUATE FIRE FLOWS WITHIN THE PROJECT; AMENDING SECTION 19, PROJECT IMPROVEMENT, SUBSECTION 19.2 IMPROVEMENTS, BY ADDING PARAGRAPH I., ANGUILLA LANE ACCESS L~IITATION, TO RESTRICT ACCESS FROM ANGUILLA LANE; AMENDING SECTION 21.2, STIPULATIONS, TO ADD ADDITIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL STIPULATIONS; A~ PROVIDING' ~N EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Lely Development Corporation, petitioned the Board of County Co-~,issioners of Collier County, Florida, to amend the Lely Barefoot Beach Planned Unit Development Ordina~ce, Collier County Ordinance 85-83; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida: SECTION ONE: Ordinance 85-21, Barefoot Beach Planned Unit Development (PUD) Document, Index, shall be amended to read as follows: INDEX SECTION I PROPERTY OWNERSHIP & DESCRIPTION SECTION II PROJECT DEVELOPMENT SECTION III PLATTED LELY BAREFOOT BEACH UNIT ~1 BLOCKS A THROUGH K LOW DENSITY SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL SECTION IV LELY BAREFOOT BEACH UNIT ~1 TRACT A GATE HOUSE COMPLEX SITE SECTION V PLATTED LELY BAREFOOT BEACH UNIT ~1 TRACT B 1 thru 2 3 thru 10 11 thru 14 15 thru 16 17 thru 19 COMMUNITY RECREATION CENTER ~1 SITE SECTION VI 20 SECTION VII SECTION VIII SECTION IX SECTION X SECTION XI SECTION XII SECTION XIII SECTION XIV SECTION XV SECTION XVI SECTION XVII SECTION XVIII SECTION XIX SECTION YOC SECTION XXI SECTION XXII PLATTED LELY BAREFOOT BEACH UNIT ~1 TRACT C LANDSCAPED ENTRANCE DRIVE STRIP PLATTED LELY BAREFOOT BEACH UNIT ~1 BEACH GARDENS A through K PLATTED LELY BA~LEFOOT BEACH TRACT BF BEACHFRONT COMMON OPEN SPACE TRACT D, LOW DENSITY SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT TRACTS H AND I SINGLE OR M'dLTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT TRACT LELY BEACH NORTH: SINGLE OR MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT TRACT: ACTIVE COMMqJNITY RECREATION AREA TRACT: LELY BEACH SOUTH PASSIVE COMMUNITY RECREATION AILEA TRACT J: UTILITY SITE TRACTS M, N & O: MANGROVE PRESERVES EXCEPTIONS TO COUNTY SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS UTILITIES CONDITIONS PROJECT IMI~ROVEMENTS SPECIAL ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION REGULATIONS ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COUNCIL STIPULATION PROTECTIVE COVENANTS 21 thru 22 23 24 thru ~7 26 ~8 thru ~4 27 31 ~ thru ~8 32 36 thru 4~ 37 39 44 thru 40 44 49 thru 45 46 ~½ 47 ~ 48 thru ~4 ~9 50 thru 51 57 thru 67 58 63 68 thru 64 70 74 thru 71 73 76 74 SECTION T~O~. Ordinance 85-21, Barefoot Beach PUD DocuMent, Section 2.4, Maximum Project Density, s¥,'.'~l! be amended to read as follows: 2.4 MAXIMUM PROJ iCT DENSITY No more tha~ a maximum of 699 750 residential dwelling uni s, single and multi-family, shall be construct,-d in the total project area. The gross proJec,, area is 461.65 acres, of which 128.11 acres is open water and 333.54 acres is upland and m. ngrove vegetated wetland. 690 750 units divide, by 333.54 acres results in a gross project dens.ty of ~TO~ 2.25 dwelling units per acre. SECTION T~AEE: Ordinance 85-21, PUD D,-cument, Section 4.2, Uses Permitted, Subsection A., Principal Usts, shall be amended to read as follows: A. PRJ'~CIPAL USES: A~ entry gate fac lity wherein security against road entry by ur~suthorized pers,,ns or vehicles will be provided. Public ac:ess through or around the entry gate, along the principal access road, and I'o publicly owned and operated facilities sl,all be permitte,, as directed by the public agencies which operate the publi~ facilities. The gatehouse facility may contain dwelling t~its for resident employees of the project, which employee dw(lling units shall be included in the maximum 6:;0 750 dwelling t nit permitted within the total project. Additionally, the gatehouse complex may incorporate administrative, mzintenance, and utilitarian activities and storage facilitiet for the Barefoot Beach project as a whole. During the period wl~en the project is being marketed, development admin~stration and sales offices may be located iu the gatehouse comilex. Prior to construction of the gatehouse complex or subseq, ~nt modificiations thereto, final plans shall be approved by the Community Development Administrator. WORDS UNDERLINED ARE ADDITI¢:NS; WORDS 6~RgGK-~RSg6~-ARE DELETIONS. 3 SECTION FOUR: Ordinance 85-21, Barefoot Beach PUD Document, Section 10.4 shall be amended to read aa follows: 10.4 MAXIMUM PERMITTED DWELLING UNITS Tract H: 77-.~37 units Tract I: 30 units The maximum number of dwelling units permitted on individual Tracts H and I may be increased, provided that the gross project dwelling unit maximum of" 699 750 units is not exceeded. SECTION FIVE: Ordinance 85-21, Barefoot Beach PUD Document, Section 18, Utilities Conditions, Subsection 18.1, Purpose, shall be amended to read as follows: 18.1 PURPOSE The purpose of this Section is to set forth utilities conditions established by the Collier County Utilities Division. Prior to approval of construction documents for the tracts within the project, it must be determined through flow testin~ that adequate fire flows are available to provide fire protection within the project. A letter ~ertifying that adequate fire flows are available, must be provided by the appropriate local Fire Control District. If adequate flows are not available, the developer will b~ required to comply with the provision of the current apnroved PUD document re~ardin~ construction and operation of an on/site water storase and pumping station. WORDS UNDERLINED ;d~E ADDITIONS; WORDS 6,:I:Rg~;K-$I.IROI/~;N-ARE DELETIONS. SECTION SIX: Ordinance 85-21, Barefoot Beach PUD Document, Section 19, Project Improvements, Subsection 19.2, Improvements, add paragraph Anguilla Lane Access Limitation, to read as follows: I. ANGUILLA LANE ACCESS LIMITATION: There shall be no access from An~uilla Lane into the Condo site. SECTION SEVEN: Ordinance 85-21, Barefoot Beach PUD Document, Section 21.2, Stipulations, shall be amended to read as follows: 21.2 STIPULATIONS A. Lely Development Corporation shall be subject to Ordinance 75-21 (or the tree/vegetation removal : ordinance in existence at the time of permitting), requiring the acquisition of a tree-removal permit prior to any land clearin~. A site clearing plan shall be submitted to the Natural Resources Management Department for their review and approval prior to any substantial work on the site. This plan may be submitted in phases to coincide with the development's schedule. The site clearing plan shall clearly depict how the final site layout incorporates retained native vegetation to the maximum extend possible and how roads, buildings, lakes, parking lots, and other facilities have been oriented to accommodate this goal. B. Native species shall be utilized, where available,to the maximum extent possible in the site landscaping design. A landscaping plan will be submitted to the Natural Resources Manangement Department and the Building Department for their review and approval. This plan will depict the incorporation of native species and their mix with other species, if any. The goal of site landscaping shall be the re-creation of native vegetation and habitat characteristics lost on the site during construction or due to past activities. ,,)~, ~27r,~241 WORDS UNDERLINED ARE ADDITIONS; WORDS G~Rg6K-%"~Rgg6~-ARE DELETIONS. C. All exotic plants, as defined in the County Code, shall be removed during each phase of construction from development areas, open space areas, and preserve areas. Following site development a maintenance program shall be implemented to prevent reinvasion of the site by such exotic species. This plan, which will cescribe control techniques and inspection intervals, shall be filled with and approved by the Natural Resources Management Department and the Building Department. D. If, during the course of site clearing, excavation, or other constructional activities, an archaeological or historical site, artifact, or other indicator is discovered, 'all development at that location shall be' immediately stopped and the Natural Resources Management Department notified. Development will be suspended /or a sufficient length of time to enable the Natural Resources Management Department or a designe=ated consultant to assess the find and determine the proper course of action in regard to its salvageability. The Natural Resources Management Department shall respond to any such notification in e timely and efficient m~nner so as to provide only a minimal interruption to any constructional activities. E. The mature, pristine man~rove forests of the north/northwestern reaches of Tract H shall be preservedl ./. prior to any construction the wetland shall be flat~ed by the petitioner, the boundaries to...be checked and subject to the approval of Natural Resources Management Department. At the time of permitting, Lely D~yelopment Corporation shall satisfy all county, state, and/or federal stipulations concerning protected species that may be found on site (i.e., gopher turtles (~opherus polyphemus), osprey (Pandtoq haliaetus). WORDS UNDERLINED AR~ ADDITIONS; WORDS 8~Rg6K-%~,{RSg6N-AP.E DELETIONS. Lely Development Corporation shall investigate transplanting various native plant elements for use as landscaping (i.e., sabal palms, strangler riss, etc.)... SECTION EIGHT: This Ordinance shall become effective upon notice that it has been received by the Office of the Secretary of State. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA ,~'--".'JAMES'_ _ _C'¢~ILES' CLERK MA~ 'A.~'~E, JR., C~I~ fz, "-,~PROVE~-~M TO FO~ ~ LEG~ SUFFICIENt: ~ ~' ~ mis ordlnonce filed w,~ ~e ~ of ~.'~ - ' and ockno~edgem~nt of.~at fili~ received t~ day '/ PDA-86-17C ' Ordinance 8~ WORDS UNDERLINED ARE ADDITIONS; WORDS 6~RggK-~I:HRgWGH-ARE DELETIONS. 027 243 AGREEMENT I, George Vega, as owner or authorized agent for Petitions · PDA-86-17C and PDA-86-18C~ agree ;.~ the following stipulations requested' by the Collier County Planning Cc~mission in their public hearing on May 7, 1987. OF SEAL MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: Amendment of the the PUD documents incorporating the ./. o recommer~ed stipulations per staff report dated M.~y 1, '~ SWO~ TO ~ND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME THIS . -1~ DAY ~ , 1987. NOT~Y PDA-86-17C/PDA-86-18C Agreemnt STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF COLLIER ) I, JAMES C. GILES, Clerk of Courts in and for the Twentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of: ORDINANCE 87-53 which was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on the 21st day of July, 1987 during Regular Session. WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this 27th day of ../'July, 1987, Clerk of Courts ,~t~..Cler. k Ex-officio to Count~ CommissiOners ~ Deput~ Cler~¥..~ ' ~ ,.",.~;~ '