Resolution 1985-162 - - 1-85-162 July 30, 1985 A R!SOL17TIOlf or THE BOAllD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PROVIDING POt ASSESSMENT or LIEN, FOil THE COST or TIll ABATIMENT or Pt7ILIC NUISANCE, IN ACCORDANCI WITH OIDIJANCI 85-33. ,..,.. ~:;". a;;.,. tt~\:'~ ,~,: ~~\:;" :t.' .;1' 11II WHI1lEAS. .. prodded in OdiDance 85-33. the co.t of ebatCMnt certain nuiunu.. iDe1udiftl ada1nlltrativ. co.ta.. actually :lncurrecl th. County, .h.ll b. .......d al.iD.t .uch prop.rty;and . ~ . 'I, WHIIEAS, th. co.t th.r.of to the County.. to each parc.l c.lculated Dd r.ported to the Bo.rd of County COIIIIlIdon.r.. with . d..cription of .aid p.rc.l; and WHEREAS, .uch .....am.nt .hall b. 1.1.1. valid .nd bindiDa oblilation. upon the prop.rty alain.t which ..d. until paid; .nd WHEREAS, the ...e....nt .h.ll b.com. due .nd p.y.bl. thirty (30) day. after the ..ilinl of legal notic. of .....am.nt .ft.r Which inter..t .hall .ccru. .t . r.t. of tw.lv. p.rc.nt (12%) p.r .nnum on any unp.id portion ther.of. NOW, THEREFOR!, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the property de.cribed .. follow., and h.ving been .b.ted of . public nub.nee .fter due .nd prop.r no tic. thereof to the owner of .aid property, i. her.by .......d the follovinl COlt. of lueh .b.tement, to vit: ~: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Cl.rene. Surrell Be.l1e M. Hov.y Marco Be.eh Unit 10, Block 348, Lot 18 fQ!!!. 125.00 The Clerk of the Board .h.ll mail a notice of the .....am.nt of li.n to the owner or owner. of the .bov. de.cribed property, and if such owner fall. to p.y .uch .....am.nt within thirty (30) d.y. h.reof, a eertifi.d copy of thll ae.olution .h.ll b. filed in the Office of the Clerk of Court., in .nd for Collier County, Florid., to con.titut. . lien .gain.t .ueh property .ccording to law, unl... .uch dir.ction 1e .t.yed by thil Bo.rd upon .pp..l of the .....am.nt by the own.r. .eeond and roll call-vote .. follow.: DONE, ORDERED AND ADOPTED thi. 30th day of July, 1985 .ft.r ~tion, Commi..ioner Pistol' Motioned .nd .Y. Commi..ioner Goodnight Hasse Aye Seconded and .y. C01IIII1adon.r "~.~.~~ ~...~.~ner ~ ..' ~"'" t'.. " ,'; .. ,'_. loner <Of' :' oJ'.' '. ), I ....:.:. 'J;: i AT'rEs'l';:- :: ~ .", WIt' '1. .:.... 4i~". .' -,'5 ..~ . 4~ '0. .,.:..) . I.,.. "" ;/ . .....' 'f 1'1 Holland Aye Voss Aye .:.. ,,:.._.~;.~~~~t.f;,t BOARD OF COUNTY COHKISSIONDS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: (!JtJUI FlED J. VOSS, CHAllHAM ~:z, L!CAL SUFFICIENCY, lEll COUNTY ATTORNEY 8'-21 VI1D IlISOLUTlClK IN 08BPAGt19C '. ;~'. .. '. \;\",;},:.<":"'-'.'" .