Resolution 1985-003 (DO - Lely Resort)
May 21, 1985
22, 27, 28, 33 AND 34, TOWNSHIP 50 SOUTH ,
WHEREAS, the Applicant, Wilson, Miller, Barton, 5011 and Peek, Inc.
(WMBS & P) Agent. for Lely Estates, Inc.. filed on May 24, 1984 with the
County of Collier an Application for Development Approval (ADA) of a
Development of Regional Impact (DRI) known as Lely, A Resort Community.
Planned Unit Development in accordance with Section 380.06(6). Florida
Statutes; and
WHEREAS, WMBS r P has obtained all necessary approvals and condi-
tional approvals from the various Collier County agencies. departments,
and boards required as a condition to Planned Unit Development (POO)
zoning and DRI approval; and
WHEREAS. the Board of County Commissioners as the governing body of
the unincorporated ares of Collier County having jurisdiction pursuant to
Chapter 380.06 is authorized and empowered to consider Applications for
Development Approval for Developments of Regional Impact. and
WHEREAS. the public notice requirements of Chapter 380 and the
Collier County Zoning Ordinance have been satisfied; and
WHEREAS. the Coastal Area Planning Commission has reviewed and
considered the report and recommendation of the Southwest Florida
Regional Planning Council (SWFRPC) and held a public hearing on the ADA
on January 19, 1984; and
WHEREAS. the Board of County COlIIDissioners has passed Ordinance
85-17 which rezoned the subject property to POO; and
WHEREAS. the Le1y. A Resort Community application for development
approval is also part of an overall rezoning application by the devel-
oper; and the issuance of a development order pursuant to Chapter 380.06,
.Florida Statutes. does not conatitute a waiver of any power. or righta
regarding the issuance of other development permits by the County or
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...' 087 nr,t238 WHEREAS, on May 21, 1985. the Board of County C01IDissioneu. at an
open public hearing in accordance with Section 380.06. Florida Statutes.
considered the report' and recommendations' of the SWFRPC, the certified
record of the documentary and ornl evidence presented to the Coastal Area
Planning Commission, the report and recommendations of the Coastal Area
Planning Commission, the application for Development of Regional Impact
submitted by WMBS & P, Agent. and the comments upon the record made to
this Board of County COlIIDissiqners at said meeting.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT the Board of County Commissioners,
Collier County. Florida. in a meeting assembled this 21st day of May,
1985; and after full consideration of the reports. recOlllDendations and
testimony, the Board of County Commissioners hereby finds and determines:
Section 1.
That this Resolution shall constitute the Development
Order for Collier County issued in response to the ADA filed by WMBS & P
for a development of as described in the POO document and supporting
documents which. by ref~rence. are made a port hereof as composite
Exhibit A. as well as a Development of Regional Impact. The scope of
development to be permitted pursuant to this Order also includes opera-
tions described in the ADA and the supporting documents which by refer-
ence are made a part hereof as composite Exhibit B.
Section 2. That Board of County COlIIDissioners. having received the
above-referenced documents, and having received all related comments,
testimony and evidence submitted by each party and members of the general
public, finds there is substantial competent evidence to support the
following findings of fact:
A. That the real property which is the subject of the ADA is
legally described as set forth in Exhibit A. attached hereto and
by reference made a part thereof.
B. The application is in accordance with Section 380.06(b) Florida
C. The applicant submitted to the County an ADA and sufficiency
responses known as composite Exhibit B, and by reference made a
part hereof. to the extent that they are not inconsistent with
the terma and conditions of this O~der.
D.- The applicant proposes the development of Lely. A Resort Commu-
nity, Planned Unit Development. for 2,892 acres, 10,150 re.iden-
tial dwelling units, a 50-acre ruort center, three (3) ~olf
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courses, 820,000 square feet of retail/office spac. on 84
a 50-acr. cultural center sit., snd s 22-acre school
E. The Development. is consistent with the report and recommenda-
tions of the SWFRPC.
F. The development will not unreasonably interfere with the
achievement of the objectives of the adopted Sta~e Land Develop-
ment Plan applicabl~ to the area.
- I
G. A comprehensive r~~iew of the impact generated by the develop-
ment has been c~nducted by the County 's departments and the
II. The development is not in an area designated an area of critical
concern pursuant to the provisions of Section 380.06, Florida
Statutes, as amended.
1. The development is consistent with the land development regu-
lations of Collier County.
Section 3. That the Board of County COllllll1ssioners having made the
above findings of fact. reaches the following conclusions of law:
A. That these proceedings have been duly conducted pursuant to
applicable law and regulations, and based upon the record in
this proceeding. the Developer and the various departments of
the County are authorized- to conduct development as described
herein, subject to the conditions, restrictions and limitations
set forth herein.
B. That the review by the County, the SWFRPC and other partici-
pating agencies and interested citizens reveals that impacts are
adequately addressed pursuant to the requirements of Chapter
380, within the terms and conditions of this Order and the ADA.
Section 4. This Board of County Commission finds that the applicant
has adequately addressed, satisfied, and agreed to those conditions s.t
forth by the SWFRPC in said Board "conditional approval" of the ADA. or
agreed to the modifications approved by the Board and to any additional
conditions, restrictions and limitations set forth by the Commiss10n sa
A. Substantial Deviations: Retriggerins of Development of Relional
Impact Process. Further review pursuant to Chapt.r 380.06, may__
b. required if a substantial deviation. as defined in Chapter
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380.06, occur.. The applicant shall be given due ,notice of. and
an opportunity to be heard at any hearing to determine whether
or not a proposed chanse to the' development is a substantial
deviation. Sub.tantial deviation may occur by failure to comply
with the conditions herein, failure to follow the plans and
specifications submitted in the ADA and supplementary informa-
tion, or by activities which are not cOlllDenced u~til after the
expiration of the p,eriod of the effectiveness of the Order.
B. The Applicant shalV submit an annual report in accordance with
Section 380.06(16)~ on the Development of Regional Impact to the'
County, the SWFRPC, the State Land Planning Agency, and other
agencies as may be appropriate, by December 31 each year until
and including such time as all terms and conditions of this
Order are satisfied.
Such report shall be submitted to the
Collier County Communitx Development Administrator who shall,
after appropriate review, submit it for review by the Board of
County CODmlissioners. The Board of County COlIIDissioners shall
review the report for compliance with the terms and conditions
of this Order and may issue further orders and conditions to
insure compliance with the terms and conditions of this Order.
The applicant shall be notified of any Board of County Commis-
sioner hearing wherein such report is to be reviewed, provided
however, that receipt and review by the Board of County Commis-
sioners shall not be considered a substitute or a waiver of any
terms or conditions of this Order.
The annual report shall
1. The SWFRPC's monitoring forms as may be required;
2. A description of all develo~ent activity conducted pursuant
to this Order during the year iDmlediately preceding the
submission of the annual report;
3. A description of all development activities proposed to be
conducted under the terms of this Order for the year immedi-
ately subsequent to the submission of the annual reports;
4. A statement listing anticipated applications for development
permits, required pursuant to applicable regulation. which
the applicant proposes to submit during the year immediately
following lubmittal of the annual rep~rt~
May 21, 1985
5. A statement setting forth the name(s) and address(ea) of any
heir, asaignee or successor in i~terest to the ~pplicant in
its capacity as developer o'f Lily, A Resort Community,
Planned Unit Development.
6. A statement that all persona have received copies of the
annual report, as required under Chapter 380.06(17).
It is the intent herein, that the foregoing requirements for
submittal of the annual report shall be in addition to and not
in lieu of any submittal requirements for an annual report aa
promulgated by the State Land Planning Agency or the Southwest
Florida Regional Planning Council.
C. Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council's Recommendation
that the proposed project be approved subject to the following
1. Drainage/Water Quality
A conceptual Surface Water Management Plan has been proposed
that indicates that storMWater runoff from the project will
be managed by a typical lake/swale detention system which
incorporates a series of water quality "best management
practices." Although the concepts proposed are sound, the
long-term implementation of the concepts was not demon-.
strated through the information provided.
Therefore, more
detailed information will need to be provided through the
development review process to assure that the concepts
are adhered to and that additional adverse regional impact
will not occur. Further information is necessary in order
to provide a full analysis of impacts.
a. The drainage system for the Lely, A Resort COlIIDunity
project shall implement the design standards and water
quality "best management practices" outlined in the
Application for Development Approval, response to
Question 22, Drainage.
b. An on-going maintenance and monitoring program that
regularly inspects, maintains and lamples the Itorm-
vater drainage system shall be implemented by the
applicant, or his successor., through project lifett.l.
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c. Prior to project conatruction. the Developer will
provide the information required by the South Florida
Water Management District during the conceptual and
conatruction permitting procesa, and report same to the
SFWMD, SWFRPC, and Collier County for revieW; and that
a Conceptual Surface Water Management Permit shall be'
obtained from the SFWMD.
2. Hurricane Evacuation
The Lely, A Re,6rt Community project is located in an area
vulnerable to: storm surge flooding during a Category '3 '
hurricane. '
As a result, bottom floor residents with
building elevations less than 12 feet NGVD will require
on-site shelter space.
a. The applicant's commitments to provide shelter space at
pace with its development build~ut, consistent with the
standards contained (as minimums) on page 8 of the ADA,
First Sufficiency Response.
b. As further provisions, shelters shall have water and
sanitation. an emergency power supply, and protection of
interior shelter areas from exposed glass or other
c. The applicant shall ensure that any community associa-
tion have the responsibility to keep residents informed
of the County's natural disaster plan, the role of the
Lely, A Resort Community, and the feasibility of res i-
dents remaining at home for certain storm conditions.
3. Transportation /
Traffic generated by the..' Lely Resort DRl, when combined
with other growth in the area, will necessitate subatantial
roadway improvements, if level of service "C" conditions
are to be maintained. Due to conflicts between ADA and the
HPO's forecasts, the project's transp'ortation study requires
periodic re-examination, with the first re-examination being
a condition prior to the initiation of Phase III.
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a. The applicant shall be required to pay for any 1nter-
section improvementa deemed necessary by the Collier
County Engineer for the project's access points onto
U.S. 41 and C.R. 951.
b. At the time that any portion of the following roadway.
is found to exceed 1eve1-of-service "c" '(,by the Collier.
County Engineering Department or other appropriate
county de~hment ,or FDOT) , the applicant shall become
. ,
: I
obligated: :' to pay a proportionate share of the cost of'
constructing two additional lanes (but not right-of-way)
for the segment exceeding capacity:
1. US 41 from Henderson Creek to CR 951
2. US 41 from CR 951 to Lely N/S Arterial
3. US 41 from Lely N/S Arterial to CR 864
4. US 41 from 864 to CR 31
5. CR 951 from US 41 to Lely E/W Arterial
6. CR 951 from Lely E/W Arterial to CR 864
7. CR 951 from CR 864 to SR 84
This share shall be determined by the percentage of the
level of service "c" capacity of the improved road
segment contributed by the project, based on actual
traffic counts at the time level of service "c" is
exceeded, and shall not include impact generated by the
Edison College, Cultural Center, or Elementary School
facilities, which will be obligated to fund their
proportionate share.
The cost shall be determined, at the time of commence-
ment of construction, by the agency making the improve-
ment, and shall be based on that agency's average cOsts
for the same type improvements, or by actual construc-
tion costs, if available.
Payment of the applicant's proportionate share shall be
due upon commencement of construction of the roadway
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At the
ti~e, the applic~nt become.
obligated to a proportional share payment, Collier
County or FOOT sholl commit to adding two lanes to the
road segment exceedins capacity.'
Should DIOre than two additional lanes be 'required to
maintain LOS "c" on a road segment during project
buildout, the applicant shall partici~ate .in their
funding in the manner outlined above, but shall receive
credit for jany previous contributions towards widening
the road .egment.
c. At the time that the intersection of US 41 and CR/SR 951
is found to exceed LOS "c" (by the Collier County
Engineering Department or other appropriate county
department or FOOT), the applicant shall become obli-
gated to pay a proportionate share of the cost of
signalization, turn lanes, and other improvements deemed
necessary by Collier County or FOOT.
This share shall be determined as outlined above.
Should additional improvements be required to maintain
LOS "C", the applicant shall participate in their
funding in the manner outlined above, but shall receive
credit for any previous improvements to the intersec-
d. Commitment to construct the proportional share improve-
ments outlined in recommendations band c above shall be
made at the time that a road segment/intersection is
found to exceed LOS "C." Service level determination
shall be made by either the Collier County Engineering
Department or FDOT. To this end, the applicant shall
submit an annual monitoring report to the Collier County
Engineering Department, the Collier County/Naples MPO,
FOOT, and the Southwest Florida Regional Planning
Council for review. The first monitoring report. shall
be submitted at the time of the issuance of the first
May 21, 1985
certificate of occupancy for Lily.
This report shall'
contain traffic counts taken at the access points to the
site and all general analyses of the projeet's origins
and destinations for that given year including turning
movements to the intersection of US 41 and" CRISR 951. .
e. Before the initiation. of Phase III, the applicant shall
submit a report to the Collier County A~ea MPO, FOOT,
and Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council, addres-
sing either the ,next phase or the entire project,
documenting commitment in approved planning programs to
fund required future roadway improvements. The report
shall also update the applicant's success in diverting
arterial traffic from other roadways outside Lely to
the roadways within the DRI (thus lessening the need
for improvements on non-DRI roadways.
Approval, or
approval with conditions if needed, of the next phase
of Lely will be dependent upon results of this survey
and the review and recommendations provided by the
above-referenced agencies.
a. Impact Fees/Assessments/and Credits
If Collier County -or any other appropriate agency or
government adopts an impact fee, assessment, or imposes
other taxes or funding mechanisms which include the
transportation capital improvements outlined above as a
recipient of the revenues, this fee or assessment shall
be substituted.
Payments already made by the applicant for these
improvements shall be credited toward the overall fee.
imposed on the project.
Proportional credit for the construction of the _jor
internal roadways within the project ahall also be
given towards the applicant's proportional. share
funding outlined above based on the percentage of
non-DRI traffic utilizing such road. a. determined by
required traffic monitoring .tudies.
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b. Other Alternatives
It is underatood that the s,pecific condi~ions lisud
above require commitments 'for payment from the developer
and implicit c01ll1llitments for construction from local and
state agencies. In some c.sea, the improvements may not
result even with applicant c01lllllitmenta because of lack
of commitment by state agencies.
Therefore, Collier
. '
County is allowed to provide alternatives to the above
-- i
conditions jwhen ~he alternativea mitigate regional
roadway impacts. Should this alternative be pursueCl,
Colliet County is requested to solicit Council review of
the alternatives prior to the Development Order being
4. Vegetation and Wildlife
Several rare, endangered, threatened and special concern
wildlife species occur or potentially occur on site. A
clan of Red-Cocksded Woodpeckers have utilized the site for
breeding and nesting purposes recently in the past and
could still exist at the site.
The applicant shall implement detailed site inspection for'
rare, endangered, threatened and special concern wildlife
species with special attention to the Red Cockaded Wood-
peeker for each phas" proposed for final plat approval.
Should the presence of these species be found, the applicant
shall notify the appropriate agencies and shall undertake
appropriate protection measures.
These measures shall be
approved by the appropriat,' agnecy(ies) prior to final plat
approval. !
5. Wetlands
The applicant has proposed a conceptual series of environ-
mental guidelines to limit impacts to on-site wetlands.
Detailed information on specific alterations have not bun
provided and could not be fully assessed.
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Conditions I
a. Prior to the implementation of,any phase of ~he develop-
ment, more detailed infomation shall be submitted to
the Florida Department of Environmental Regulations,
SFWKD, SWFRPC, and Collier County for review according
to the jurisdiction exercised by that agency. which
provides the following information:
1. Ecological health, condition and function of each
wetland to be impacted.
2. A more precise identification of which seasonal
transitional areas will be destroyed, based on the
above survey and the application of the proposed
wetland resource management guidelines.
3. Historic water levels to be maintained within
wetland preserves to serve as a design and review
4. More detailed information on how the water manage-
ment system will maintain historic water levels
within each wetland preserve.
(Placement and
design of the adjustable structures, equalizer
swales and culverts.)
b. Collier County's review shall be conducted according to
the provisions of Chapter 380.06(17), Florida Statutes.
6. Other Considerations
The Lely site plan includes a provision for a 50-acre
COIIIDunity College site to be donated to Edison Community
The ADA indicates that the College will serve
approximately 2500 students. Chapter 27F-2, ~, Devel-'
opments Presumed to be of Regional Impact specifies that any
post-secondary educational campus which provides for a
design population of 3000 full-time students or any expan-
don of more than 20% of design population to an existing
campus is presumed to be a Development of Regional Impact.
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The COllllUnity College lite shall be .onitored by Collier
If the final design population for this callpuI
exceeds 3000 full-t~e students, the State Land Agency shall
be notified by the County and a Binding Letter of Interpre-
tation of Development of Regional I.pact Statu. ahall be
obtained by the appropriate applicant for. the _ COIIIIDUnity
College, prior to final site plan approval.
7. General Conaiddations'
In the ADA fbr, the "Lely" DRI, numerous cOlllDitments were
made by the applicant to mitigate project impacts. Many
but not all of these commitments are listed in the Develop-
ment Order.
a. All commitments and impact-mitigating actions provided
by the applicant within the Application for Development
Approval (and supplementary documents) that are not in
conflict with specific conditions for project approval
outlined above are officially adopted as conditions for
b. The developer shall submit an annual report on the
Development of Regional Impact to Collier County, the
Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council and all
affected permit agencies as required in Chapter
380.06(16), Florida Statutes.
D. Commitments specified in the PUD Ordinance 88 set forth in
Exhibit A attached hereto and by reference made a part thereof
fo~'1ow and
as described below:
those that
the transportation
to local road
Development Commitments
1. Energy
a. Construction shall comply with applicable local and
state energy codes.
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May 21, 1985
b. Reasonable "good faith" efforu to utilize staU-of-
the-art energy conservation ,techniquu sh~ll be ucle
where practically and econOlllically fuaible. 'Such
techniques may include, but shall not be limited to the
1. Provision of bicycle racks and/or storage facili-
ties in office and commercial areas and in mult1-
family residential areas.
2. Cooperation in the locating of bus stops, shelters
and other passenger and system accommodations when
a transit system is developed to serve,the project
3. Use of energy-efficient features in window design
(e.g., shading and tinting).
4. Use of operable windows and ceiling fans.
5. Installation of energy-efficient appliances and
6. Reduced coverage by asphalt, concrete, rock and
similar substances in streets, parking lots and
other areas to reduce local air temperatures and
reflected light and heat.
7. Installation of energy-efficient lighting for
streets, parking areas, recreation areas and other
interior and exterior public areas.
8. Selection of native plants, trees and other vltge-
tat ion and landscape design features that reduce
requirements for water, fertilizer, maintenance and
other needs.
9. Planting or retention of native shade trees to
provide reasonable shade for all recreation arcas,
streets and parking areas.
10. Placement of trees to provide needed shade in the
warmer months while not overly reducing the bene-
fits of sunlight in the cooler months.
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11. Plantina or retClntioD of native .hade trlu for
each residential unit.
12. Orientation of struc:"tures, .. po.dble, to raduce
solar hut gain by vaUa and to utilize natural
cooling effects of the wind.
13. Provision for structural .hading (e.g., tnUh....
awnings and roof overhangs) wherever practical
when natural
Inclus}'on of, porch/patio
units:'. .,
shading cannot be used effectively.
c. Deed restrictions and other mechanisms shall not prohi-
bit or prevent the use of alternative energy devices
such as solar collectors (except when necessary to
protect the public health, safety and welfare).
2. Air Quality
a. The developer shall comply with applicable codes and
apply for required permits relative to air quality,
where such permits are required.
3. Transportation
a. The developer- has committed to his fair share; as
outlined in Section 4.C.3.b., of improvements of the
following roadways~
C.R. 864
Rattlesnake Hammock Road, from the
northernmost development entrance, west to U.S. 41.
C.R. 864
Rattlesnake Hammock Road, from the
C.R. 951.
County Barn Road,;' from C.R. 864 to S.R. 84 (Davis
4. Santa Barbara Boulevard extension, from Davis
Boulevard to C.R. 864.
b. Lely, a Resort Community, ahall commit to contributing
its pro-rata or fair share contribution to the CQsts of
improving local transportation facilities, when such
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improv...nts are d....d to b. n.c...ary, ba.~d on
Re.ort Com.unity'. proportion~t. impact on,!uch facili-
ties, as part of an area "wide funding program, includ-
ing, but not limited to, impact fe.., sp.cial taxing
districts, etc.
Provision of a bicycle/pedestrian syst.. connecting all
land uses, to be placed along all major and minor
collectors within the project. This system is to b.
consistent ,tth Collier County requir.ments.
Unless fo\.!'r laning has been completed or is about to
begin. ,the developer shall provide separate left and
right turn lanes at all accesses along Rattlesnake
Hammock Road and Isles of Capri Road.
e. Th:! developer shall provide a fair share contribution
toward the capital cost of traffic signals at accesses
to Rattlesnake HalllDock Road. Isles of Capri Road and
Tamiami Trail when deemed warranted by the County
The signals shall be owned. operated and
maintained by Collier County.
f. The developer shall bear the full cost of all traffic
signals which may become needed at the intersections'
within the project.-
g. The developer shall provide or reimburse the County for
sidewalk/bikepaths along all perimeter roads to be
phased to correspond with the development phases and
future road widening plans, unless such improvements
are incorporated into design plans and/or alternative
funding methods are available, such as road impact fees.
h. The developer shall provide arterial level street
lighting at all accesses. The operating and maintenance
costs of these units will be assum.d by the County at
such time as street lighting systems are established
along the roads involv.d.
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The developer .hall dedicate 17.5 feet of additional
right-of-way along the .outh side of Rattlesnake Hammock
Road and 25 feet of additional right-of-way along the
west side of Isles of Capri Road for future ~oadway
widening. This shall be done at the convenience of the
developer or when requested by the County, whichever'
occurs first.
j. The County Transportation Department and the developer
shall resc~J agreement regarding alignments and inter-
section configurations at the time of re-examination.
Improvements shall be consistent with good design
practices and transportation planning principles and the
long-range planning needs of the County.
4. Water Manage~~
a. Detailed water management construction plans shall be
submitted for approval to the County Engineering Depart-
ment prior to commencement of construction.
b. Surface Water Management Permits shall be obtained from
the South Florida Water Management District prior to
the commencement of development.
c. The water management for the Lely Resort Community
shall implement water quality "best management prac-
tices" to the extent possible.
d. The following types of development will provide on-site
water management systems to retain the volume produced
by either the first inch of runoff or the 3-year, I-hour
storm event, whichever is greater:
residential uses
except types 1, 2, and 3 (See Table IVA), C-l, C-2. and
C-3 development parcels, EC, CC, RC, and PS development
e. Water Management Advisory Board stipulations:
1. Detailed site drainage plans shall be submitted to
the Water Management Advisory Board for review on
a phase basis as outlined in the DRI. No construc-
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May 21, 1985
tion permits shall be i.sued unless and until
approval of the proposed ~onstruct1on in accordance
with the submitted plans is gunted by the WMAB.
An, Excavation Permit will be required for the
proposed lakes in accordance with Collier County
Ordinance No. 80-26, as amended by Ordinance No.
83-3, and a. may be amended in the future.
3. Developer shall cooperate with County Water Hanage-
!Dent Department in completion of proposed District
No. 6 "C-4" Canal (from U.S. 41, across Price
Street to the north line of Eagle Creek project) by
being responsible for the following:
a. Performing necessary field surveys and prepar-
ation of detailed location maps of proposed
b. Providing County staff with necessary legal
descriptions, or other documenta, required by
the County in its efforts to secure the
necessary properties and/or easements that
will be obtained at the County's expense by
either negotiations or by means of eminent'
c. Submittal of necessary permits to appropriate
agencies for the proposed improvements.
d. Preparation of detailed construction plans
and specifications for use by County in the
contracting phase of the proposed improvements
e. Preparation of an Agreement between the
developer and County to obligate the developer
for 100% of the total construction cost of the
proposed improvements.
f. Performing necessary field layout surveys
during the construction phase of the proposed
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improve..nts projects and other assistance to
County Staff as required by the County in it.
administration and inspection of the contract.
for the proposed improvement..
Contingent upon acquiring appropriate permlt.~
developer shall be responsible for the following
along its entire U.S. 41 front_ae:
a. Construct necessary improvements to the borrow
1nal along the northerly aide of U.S. 41.
During Phase I, developer shall be responsible for'
the following along Rattlesnake B8lllDock Road:
a. Clean-out of the two crossings under the road
near the N~ post of Section 21, Township 50
South, Range 26 East.
b. Improvements to the Swale along the south
side of the road along the entire development
frontage to serve as a spreader facility in
the adjoining low lying wetlands.
6. The "B-3 & 4" Canal (from northwest corner of
Naples Manor across U.S. 41 to sufficient outlet
in wetlands in Section 3, Township 50 South, Range
26 East) shall be subject to developer/County
negotiations at the time of involvement with that
5. Utilities
a. A central water supply system shall be made available
to all areas of the proj ec t. The water supply source
for the project shall be the Collier County system.
b. All areas of the project shall be served by a central
wastewater collection system and by a wastewater treat-
ment plant. The plant shall be expanded as required to
meet the project demands.
c. The development shall be in substantial compliance with
applicable County laws ana ordinances governing utility
provisions and facilities.
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May 21, 1985
d. Te1epho~e, power and T.V. cable service. shall be
available to the site.
e. Water and sewer
1. Central water dhtribution and sewage collection
and transmiuion system will be 'constructed'
throughout the project development by the developer'
pursuant to all current requiremenu of Collier
County .and the State of Florida. The proposed
water land sewer facilities will be constructed
withtn easements to be dedicated to the County for
utility purposes or within platted rights-of-way.
Upon completion of construction of the water and
sewer facilities within the project, the facilities
will be tested to insure they meet Collier County's
minimum requirements at which time, they will be
dedicated to the County pursuant to appropria::e
County Ordinances and Regulations in effect at the
time dedication is requested, prior to being placed
into service.
2. All construction plans and technical specifications
and proposed plats, if applicable, for the proposed
water distribution and sewage collection and
transmission facilities must be reviewed and
approved by the Utilities Division prior to com-
mencement of construction.
3. All customers connecting to the water distribution
and sewage collection facilities will be customers
of the County and will be billed by the County in
accordance with a rate structure and service
agreement approved by the County.
Review of the
proposed rates and subaequent approval by the
Board of County COlIIDissioners must be completed
prior to activation of the water and sewer facill-
ties servicing the project. Rater reviews must be
in full compliance with County Ordinances No. 76-71
and 83-1S a. amended, revised or super..ded.
lOOK 087ra~255
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It is anticipated that the County ,Utilitie.
Divil10n vill ultimately supply potable vater to
meet the consumptive "demand and/or receive and
treat the sevage generated by this proj.ct. Should
the county system not be in a position to supply
potable water to the project and/or receive the
project's wastewater at the time development
COIIIDences, the Developer, at his expense, will
install and operate interim water aupply and
on-site treatment facilities and/or interim on-site
sewage treatment and disposal facilities adequate
to meet all requirements of the appropriate
regulatory agencies.
5. An Agreement shall be entered into between the
County and the Owner, legally acceptable to the
County, stating that:
1. The proposed water supply and on-site treat-
ment facilities and/or on-site wastewater
treatment and disposal facilities, if re-
quired, are to be constructed as part of
the proposed project and must be regarded as'
interim; they shall be constructed to State
and Federal standards and are to be owned,
operated and maintained by the Owner, hia
assigns or successors until such time as the
County's Central Water Facilities and/or
Central Sewer, Facilities are available to
service the .A>roj ect.
Prior to placing the
water treatment, supply and distribution
and/or sewage collection, transmission and
treatment facilities into aervice the Devel-
oper shall submit, to the County (Utility Rate
Regulating Board)
for their review and
approval, a schedule of the rates to be
charged for providing proc..s.d water and/or
sewage treatment"to the project area.
May 21, 1985'
11., Tha proposed u.. by tha Leiy Resort Develop-
ment of the ex1stin~ and potent1~~ly axpal1d-
ERtatas Wastewatar Traatmant
, "',{",'
Facility shall be rcaardad ae an
method of prov1d~n8 e.vase traatment
disposal services to tha project. When
County Water-Sewer District's ,Central Saver
facilities are extended to and available to
piovida 'service to this project, all waata-
, /
water generated from the project shall be
permanently diverted into the County's Central
Sewer Facilities.
iii. Upon connection to the County's Central Water
Facilities, And/or Central Sewer Facilities,
the Owner, his assigns or successors shall
abandon, dismantle and remove from the site
the interim water and/or sewage treatment
facility and discontinue use of the water
supply source, if applicable, in a manner
consistent with State of Florida standards.
All work related with this activity shall be'
performed-at no cost to the County.
iv. Connection to the County's Central Water
and/or Sewage Facilities will be made by the
owners, their assigns or successors at no
cost to the County within 90 days after such
facilities become available.
v. All construction plans and technical speci-
fications related to connections to the
County's Central Water and/or Sewer Facilities
will be submitted to the Utilities Division
for reviev and approval prior to commancemant
of construction.
vi. The owners, their assiane or succeseor. ahall
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agree to pay all applicabla syste. daVe1~p1IeD~:
charge. at tha time that Buildinl Parmi~., ~r~~
required.. pursuant to appropriate
ia 087~257
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Ordinanc.. and Regulations in effect at the
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time of Permit. re~ue.t.
Thi. requirement
shall be made ~own to all' prospective buyer.
of properties for which building permit. will
be required prior to the start of bu:1ldina
vii. The County at its option may lease for opera-
tion and maintenance the water distribution
and/or sewer collection and transmi..ion
system to the project owner or his assign. for
the sum of $10.00 per year.
Terms of the
lease shall be determined upon completion of
the proposed utility construction and prior to
activation of the water supply, treatment and
distribution facilities and/or sewage col-
lection, transmission and treatment facili-
6. Data required under County Ordinance No. 80-112
showing the availability of sewage service, must
be submitted and approved by the Utilities Division
prior to approval of the construction documents for'
the proj ect.
Submit a copy of the approved DER
permits for the sewage collection And transmission
systems and the wastewater treatment facility to be
utilized, upon receipt thereof.
7. Question 21B shall be modified to reflect only the
interim use of ,the Lely Estates Sewage Treatment
Facility as
a ~urce of sewage treatment
the proj ect 's wastewater flowa.
disposal for
ultimate use o'f a County owned and maintained
treatment and disposal facility shall be clearly
8. Any items within the ADA document which conflict
with the above stipulAtions shall be cona:1dered
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May 21, 1985
6. Environmental Advisory Council Stipulations:
A site clearing plan shall b~ submitted to the Natural
Resources Management Dipartment and the Community
Development Department for their review and approval
prior to any substantial work on the lit..' Thil plan
may be submitted in phases to coincide with the dev.lop-
ment schedule.
The site clearing plan. shall clearly
depict how the final site layout incorporates retained
native vegeJation to the maximum extent possible and how
roads, buildings, lakes parking lots, and other facili-
ties have been oriented to accommodate this goal.
b. Native species shall be utilized, where available, to
the maximum extent possible in the site landscaping
design. A landscaping plan will be submitted to the
Natural Resources Management Department and the Com-
munity Development Department for their review and
This plan will depict the incorporation of
native species and their mix wit other species, if
any. The goal of site landscaping shall be the recrea-
tion of native vegetation and habitat characteristics
lost on the site during construction or due to past
c. All exotic plants, as defined in the County Code, shall
be removed during each phase of construction from
development areas, open space areas, and preserve areas.
Following site development a maintenance program shall
be implemented to prevent reinvasion of the site by such
exotic species. This plan, which will describe control
techniques and inspection intervals, shall be filed vith
and approved by the Natural Resourc.s Management Depart-
ment and the Community Development Department.
d. If, during the course of aite clearing, excavation, or
other constructional activities, an archaeological or
hiltorfcal alte, artifact, or other indictor 18 dil-
covered, all development at that location shall b.
immediately stopped and the Natural aesources Manag..ent
Department notified. Development vill b. suspended for
;m 081~,'~ 259
May 21, 198.5.,."
. lufficient length of ti.e to .nable the Natural
;; 087 ,:.~,t260
Rllourcel Hanaltement Depart.ent or a d..lgnaud con-
sultant to asseas the find and determine the propeX'
cour.. of action in the find and detet'1lline the proper
course of action in regard to its lalvageability. The
Natural Resources Management Department will respond to
any such notification in a timely and efficient manner
so as to provide only a minimal interruption to any
constructional activities.
e. Hammock areas, 88 identified on Exhibit F, will be
given special consideration in the review of the site
clearing plans per stipulation 1.) with clearing per-
mitted only in those areas specifically required to
facilitate the residential clusters and limited as
much as possible.
f. Existing topographical control elevation in sub-basins
C-1 and A-5 shall be maintained.
g. Re-enchancement of the existing low and high level
control on Basin B-2 to the historic levels which will
be marked by Dr. Durbin Tabb and verified by the Natural
Resource Management Department.
Section 5. If any significant historical or archaeological sites or
artifacts are discovered during site preparation and construction, the
Bureau of Historical Sites and Properties, Florida Department of State
and the County Natural Resource Management Department shall be notified
to determine the importance of such discoveries, and to determine appro-
priate measures to be undertaken to insure their preservation.
Section 6. That the definitions contained in Chapter 380.06 shall
control the interpretation and construction of any terms of this Develop-
ment Order.
Section 7. That this Order shall remain in effect for a period of
forty (40) years from the effective date of this Development Order.
Any development activity wherein plans have been submitted to the County
for its review and approval prior to the expiration date of this Order,
may be completed, if, approved. This Order may be extended by the Board
of County Commissioners on the finding of excusable delay in any proposed
development activity.
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May 21, 1985
Section 8.
That ~hia Order Ihall be binding upon the,. Developer,
a.signees or .ucce..orl in intereat.
Section 9.
It is understood that any reference herein to any
governmental agency .hall be construed to mean any future instrumentality
which may be created or designated or succeslor in interest to, or which-
otherwise pOllelllS any of the powers and duties of any referenced
governmental agency in existence on the effective dati I;lf this Order.
Section 10. In the event that any portion or section of this Order
is determined to be invali~ illegal, or unconstitutional by a court or
agency of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall in no manner effect
the remaining portions of this Order which shall remain in full force and
Section 11. This resolution shall become effective as provided by
sioners that WMBS & P being the authorized agent for the owner or
developer of the project known as Lely, A Resort COIIIDunity, Planned Unit
Development as legally described in Exhibit A, attached hereto, is hereby
granted local Development Order ~ and is subject to all the re-
quirements and conditions represented in the PUD Document as found in
Composite Exhibit A, and as also reflected in this Development Order as
well as the ADA and supporting documents as found in composite Exhibit B.
This DRI Development Order shall be deemed rendered as of the
transmittal date for the purposes of computing the forty-five (45) day
appeal period provided under Section 380.07(2), Florida Statutes.
Certified copies of this order are to be sent illlDediately to the
Department of Community Affairs, Southwest Florida Regional Planning
this futday of Mav
BY, FRED1:!/. t!. ttf/.s. CHAlllllAN
21. 1985
Lely Development Order
eoo<< 087,...,! 261
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