TDC Minutes 07/26/2010 R
July 26, 2010
Naples, Florida, July 26, 2010
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Collier County Tourist Development
Council in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business herein,
met on this date at 9:00 AM in a REGULAR SESSION in Building "F" of
the Government Complex, Naples, Florida with the Following members
Chairman: Commissioner Fred Coyle
Vice Chairman: Murray H. Hendel
Susan Becker
Jerry Gibson
Clark Hill
Rick Medwedeff
Robert Miller
Ed (Ski) Olesky
John Sorey III
ALSO PRESENT: Jack Wert, Tourism Director
Gary McAlpin, Coastal Zone Management Director
Heidi Ashton-Cicko, Assistant County Attorney
Kelly Green, Tourist Tax Coordinator
Collier County July 26, 2010
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July 26, 2010
Collier County Government Center, Administration Bldg. F, 3rd Floor, 3301 East Tamiami Trail,
Naples, Florida 34112
JULY 26, 2010 9:00 a.m.
Collier County Commission Chambers
* Requires TDC Action
I. Call to Order - Chairman Coyle
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Roll Call
IV. Changes and Approval of Agenda
V. Approval of TDC Minutes *
1. * Reaular Meetina June 28. 2010
VI. New Business
1. * TDC Ordinance Review
2. * BP Emeraencv Oil SDiII Fundina Reauest
3. * Clam Pass/Clam Bav Svstem Modelina Proaram
VII. Old Business
VIII. Staff Report Presentations
1. Section I - Marketina Partners
a. Tax Collections - Jack Wert
b. Paradise Advertising
c. Klages Research Report
d. Website Activity - Jack Wert
e. Search Engine Optimization - Jack Wert
f. Fulfillment 8< Inquiry Summary - Jack Wert
2. Section II - Staff Department ReDorts (Jack Wert)
a. Director's Report
b. Sales Manager Report
c. P.R. Manager Report
d. Film Coordinator Report
e. Sports Marketing Report
f. International Representatives
IX. Detailed Staff ReDorts
X. Announcements
XI. Audience Input 8< Discussion
XII. Council Discussion
XIII. Next Scheduled Meeting Date/Location - August 23, 2010 - 9:00 a.m.
Collier County Government Center, Administration Bldg. F, 3rd Floor,
3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, Florida 34112
XIV. Adjournment aspx?page=3 066
July 26, 2010
I. Call to Order - Chairman Coyle
Chairman Coyle called the meeting to order at 9:00 AM
II. Pledge of Allegiance
Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
III. Roll Call
A quorum was established.
IV. Changes and Approval of Agenda
Mr. Olesky moved to add the following item to the Agenda:
Item VII. 1 - Discussion of August Regularly Scheduled TDC meeting.
Second by Ms. Becker. Carried unanimously 9-0.
Mr. Hill moved to approve the Agenda subject to the above change. Second by Mr.
Sorey. Carried unanimously 9-0.
V. Approval of TDC Minutes
1. Regular Meeting June 28, 2010
Ms. Becker moved to approve the minutes of the June 28,2010 meeting.
Second by Mr. Olesky. Carried unanimously 9-0.
VI. New Business
1. TDC Ordinance Review
Jack Wert submitted the Executive Summary "Review Tourist Development Tax
Ordinance 92-60 as amended and County Beach and Beach Park Facilities
Policy (I 0/25/2005) for possible changes to allocations in Category A and
Category C to support a year-round marketing effort" dated July 26, 2010.
Also provided for informational purposes was Fla. Stat. 125.0104 (2009)
(regulating the Tourist Develorment Tax); Collier County Ordinance 2005-43
(establishing the levy of the 4t cent of Tourist Tax); Collier County Ordinance
2009-58 (amending the Ordinance to re-allocate Emergency Beach Funds to
Marketing for 1 year) and the Collier County Tourist Development Category "A"
Funding Policy.
He noted the funds redirected from Emergency Beach reserves in the amount $1 M
were invested in advertising beginning in January of2010 and has provided an
overall rate of return of $17.64 for every dollar invested. In addition, there has
been an increase of approximately $Y2M of Tourist Tax Revenue over the past
He presented a Slideshow noting without adequate dedicated funding sources for
year around tourism marketing, the TDC must constantly request emergency
marketing funds from the BCC. In order to initiate a year around marketing
campaign for the region, the following may want to be considered:
1. Allocate a portion of the funds set aside for Beach Park Facilities (Fund
July 26, 2010
183) currently set at an average of$2 million per year.
2. Allocate a portion of the Beach and Inlet Management funds (Fund 195)
for marketing purposes. If pending FEMA reimbursements are received, the
reserve funds should be sufficient to handle future re-nourishment projects.
3. Reduce or eliminate the amount in Category C-2 for non-county owned or
operated Museum grants.
4. Reduce the amount allocated to County Museum Operations in Category C-1
and stipulate that an increased amount of the remaining funds be allocated to
marketing of the Museums.
5. Recommend an increase in the Tourist Development tax to 5% and
dedicate the entire amount to destination marketing.
Commissioner Coyle noted the Board of County Commissioners would want to
ensure any decisions to alter the funding policies are vetted by all necessary
Mr. Hendel noted he was Chairman of the TDC Subcommittee which previously
recommended $1 M dollars of funds be re-directed from the Emergency Beach
Reserves to advertising for FYI0 and FYll ($2M total.) The Board of County
Commissioners did approve the redirection of funds for FYI0. Ifthe
Subcommittee had been aware funds were available from Fund 183, their
recommendation would have differed. He recommended $lM from Fund 183 be
redirected to advertising (for a 1 year period.)
Mr. Sorey opposes redirecting funds from Beach re-nourishment. The County
does not have the necessary funds to complete Beach re-nourishment projects
without additional FEMA funds. He is in favor of a year-round marketing and to
effectively fund it; consideration should be given to adding an additional cent to
the Tourist Tax rate.
Mr. Medwedeff noted the discussion is for the re-direction of Beach Park
Facilities funds, not Beach re-nourishment funds. He opposes the concept of
adding an additional cent to the Tourist Tax as it would negatively affect the hotel
industry, especially in the area of group sales. Year-round marketing is necessary
to help support the 30,000 tourist related jobs in the region. He requested
clarification on when a decision for additional funding for advertising would need
to be made by the BCC for the campaign to effectively be implemented and the
amount of funds required.
Jack Wert stated November, at the latest, would be when a decision should be
made to increase marketing for FYll. At this point, $2M is budgeted for FY 11
advertising. To conduct a proper year-round campaign, approximately $4M
would be required. On a related note, 25 percent of funds re-directed from
Emergency Beach funds have been returned to its account due to Tourist Tax
July 26, 2010
Mr. Miller noted there has been a large increase in tourist activity in the
Everglades. Ceasing the year-round advertising would lead to a halt in the
momentum being gained from the implementation of the campaign.
Mr. Hill noted the TDC Subcommittee was informed that the funds in Fund 183
were not available for re-direction. He recommended the Committee consider re-
adjusting the funding allocations of the Tourist Tax to provide a long term
solution in implementing a year-round advertising campaign.
Ms. Becker noted the C-2 category has created a positive return in Tourist Tax
revenues and the funding should remain or be increased.
Bruce Gear noted tourism is a substantial revenue driver for the region and
additional tourists lead to additional revenue. He is in favor of re-directing funds
from Fund 183 to advertising and marketing and recommended the Committee
review the funding requirements in general to provide additional funds for
Hunter Hansen, Naples Grande Beach Resort stated a Committee member vote
for an additional cent to be added to the Tourist Tax, or a vote to not increase
funding year-round advertising is a "vote against tourism."
Ed Staros, Ritz-Carlton noted the company employed 1,500 persons 2 years
ago, with only 1,200 persons employed currently. He recommended the
Committee review the funding allocation policy for the Tourist Tax. He opposes
an increase of 1 percent to the Tourist Tax as it has a major negative effect on
group sales as these planners do factor in the Tourist Tax rates when determining
the location to hold events.
Michelle Klinowski, Greater Naples Chamber of Commerce noted tourism is a
significant percentage of area business which indirectly supports many other
industries (construction, real estate, restaurants, retail, etc.) She is in favor of re-
evaluating the current funding policy.
Joyce McFarland, Marco Island Chamber of Commerce supports year-round
marketing as the previous campaign was highly successful with a $17.64 return
on investment for every dollar spent.
Jill Barry, Naples Botanical Garden noted C-2 funding is utilized for out-of-
area marketing in a different format than that of the CVB advertising campaign.
She recommended continuing the funding source.
Kathy Curatolo, CBIA supports the concept of year-round marketing for tourism
as it stimulates more year-round tourist visits and assists in promoting business
relocations to the area.
July 26,2010
Steve McIntire, Collier County Hotel and Lodging Assoc. is not in favor of
raising the Tourist Tax rate. The Association is in favor of maintaining the
beaches, but expressed concern on the utilization of funds for capital expenditures
for beach facilities such as the proposed improvements at Vanderbilt Beach. C-2
funding does provide a re-imbursement of revenues and is in favor of maintaining
the funding.
David Galloway recommended increased advertising not only in the US, but in
international markets as well. The area needs a consistent marketing campaign.
As an example, he noted Coca Cola is the most recognized product in the world,
but still spends approximately $1 B per year on advertising. He recommended
additional funds be expended to promote year-round advertising.
Robin Demattia, Friends of Rookery Bay and Naples Art Assoc. noted the C-2
funding category is only 2 percent of the budget, but does provide a good rate of
return on investment to the County. The advertising conducted by the
organizations utilizing the funds is a different format than that of the CVB and
assists in providing diversity in promotions for the region. She recommends the
funding continue.
Mr. Sorey requested clarification from Mr. Wert ifre-directing $lM to
advertising, (increasing the FYll budget to $3M total) would be adequate to
conduct an effective year-round campaign this fiscal year?
Mr. Wert noted the $3M would allow an adequate campaign, without developing
any new markets. $4M would be more advantageous and would allow for
additional marketing, increased web site production, additional market research
and public relation campaigns. Eventually, an annual expenditure of $5M would
be optimal.
Mr. Hendel recommended an update be provided at each TDC meeting on the
status of the FEMA funds being sought by the County for beach repairs due to
storm events.
Mr. Hendel moved to recommend to the Board of County Commissioners that
$1 M of Reserve funds in Fund 183 be redirected to advertising for a period of
one year only (the second year of the funding as previously recommended by
the TDC Subcommittee). Second by Mr. Hill.
Gary McAlpin, Director, Coastal Zone Management recommended postponing
a vote on the motion until the concept is analyzed by Staff and vetted by the Parks
and Recreation Advisory Board and/or any other affected stakeholders.
The Committee requested an update on the application for FEMA funds filed by
the County to be potentially expended in the area of beach re-nourishment.
July 26, 2010
Gary McAlpin noted the funds are sought due to beach damage caused by
various storm events. There are 3 funding applications in process:
. Hurricanes Katrina and Wilma - The requests have been approved in the
amount of$IM. No funding is available as of yet, and the County is "in
the queue" for the awarding of the funds.
. Tropical Storm Gabrielle - Staff is addressing questions posed by the
various Agencies. The request is still being reviewed by FEMA Regional
Office in Atlanta.
. Tropical Storm Fay - The fund request is awaiting approval by the State
of Florida.
Motion carried 8 'yes" -1 "no." Mr. Olesky voted "no."
Commissioner Coyle stated at the Tuesday July 27, 2010 BCC meeting, he will
advise the BCC of the TDC recommendation approved above. He intends to
introduce a motion to direct the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board to review
the recommendation and provide input to the BCC for their second meeting in
September. The proposed re-direction of funds would be envisioned as an
accelerated "short term solution" for funding advertising for FYll.
In conjunction with the TDC's recommendation, he will recommend the BCC
conduct a comprehensive review of the entire allocation requirements for the
Tourist Development Tax. It shall be vetted by all stakeholders (Parks and
Recreation Advisory Board, Coastal Advisory Committee, Convention and
Visitors Bureau, County Museum Staff, etc.). This would be envisioned as a
"long term solution" to promote year around marketing campaigns.
Discussion occurred on the ramifications of adding 1 percent to the Tourist
Development Tax, with Commissioner Coyle noting it is not under consideration
at this time.
2. BP Emergency Oil Spill Funding Request
Jack Wert presented the Executive Summary "Update ofTDC recommendation
for an emergency funding request to Governor Crist and BP" dated July 26, 2010.
He noted:
. The $25M awarded to the State of Florida from BP for advertising has
been expended with no direct funds made available to Collier County.
. Collier County was able to "piggy back" advertising with Visit Florida
with a direct value to the County of$lM.
. Miami-Dade, the Panhandle Counties and Lee County did receive direct
funds as they applied approximately 10 days before Collier County.
. It is difficult for Collier County to document revenue losses as the losses
were not in the area of cancellations, rather, no tourists making
reservations to visit the area.
July 26, 2010
. Staff has re-filed a request for advertising funds directly to BP and is
awaiting a decision.
Mr. Hill recommended Staff develop a program to address emergencies ofthis
nature should they occur in the future.
3. Clam Pass/Clam Bay System Modeling Program
Gary McAlpin provided the Executive Summary "Recommendation for approval
by the TDC for the Clam PasslClam Bay system modeling program to P BS&J on
a time and material, not to exceed basis of$132,517" dated July 26,2010.
He noted the request for the modeling was previously approved by the Coastal
Advisory Committee and the Board of County Commissioners. Staff is now
moving forward with the contract for services and requesting TDC approval to
expend the funds. Any funds not expended for the contract will be returned to
unallocated TDC fund accounts.
Mr. Sorey moved to recommend that the Board of County Commissioners
approve expenditure of funds as outlined in the Executive Summary. Second by
Mr. Hendel. Motion carried unanimously 9-0.
VII. Old Business
1. Discussion of Regularly Scheduled August Meeting.
Mr. Hendel moved to not hold the regularly scheduled August TDC meeting
unless business warrants a meeting. Second by Ms. Becker. Carried
unanimously 9-0.
Break - 10: 34am
Reconvened - 10: 40am
VIII. Staff Report Presentations
1. Section I - Marketing Partners
a. Tax Collections - Jack Wert
b. Paradise Advertising
Fran Vaccaro presented an update on marketing efforts directly related to the
Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico including web site, television and the Visit
Florida Advertising Campaigns.
c. Klages Research Report - Jack Wert
d. Website Activity - Jack Wert
e. Search Engine Optimization - Jack Wert
f. Fulfillment & Inquiry Summary - Jack Wert
2. Section II - Staff Department Reports
Jack Wert provided the following reports:
a. Director Report
July 26,2010
b. Sales Manager Report
c. P.R. Manager Report
c. Film Coordinator Report
d. Sports Marketing Report
e. International Representatives
IX. Detailed Staff Reports
See attached reports submitted by Staff.
X. Announcements
Jack Wert noted the meeting scheduled for August 23rd will not be held unless
business warrants it. The next scheduled meeting is September 27,2010.
XI. Audience Input & Discussion
XII. Council Discussion
Mr. Sorey reported the emergency beach re-nourishment in the area of Doctors Pass
was completed with the placement of 2800 c.y. of sand obtained locally.
Re-nourishment that occurred in the Seagate area was a result of "mother nature."
Ms. Becker noted there are two new publications available at the Visitors Centers
produced at the direction of Nancy Kearns.
XIII. Next Scheduled Meeting Date/Location - August 23, 2010 - 9:00 a.m. Collier
County Government Center, Administration BLDG. F, 3rd Floor, 3301 East
Tamiami Trail, Naples, Florida 34112 (if necessary)
There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was
adjourned by order of the chair at 11:23 A.M.
Commissioner Fred Coyle, Chairman
These minutes approved by the Board/Committee on
as presented or as amended