#09-5185 (First Title Amend #1) Patricia L. Morgan From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: DeLeon Diana [DlanaDeLeon@colliergov.net] Friday, July 23,201010:24 AM Patricia L. Morgan CummingsRhonda; hendricksJ Amend #1 to Contract 09-5185 Title Commitments & Real Estate Closing 09-5185 Amend #1 (SFT&T).pdf; 09-5185 Amend #1 (American Gov).pdf; 09-5185 Amend #1 (Bond Schoeneck).pdf; 09-5185 Amend #1 (Conroy).pdf; 09-5185 Amend #1 (First Boston).pdf; 09-5185 Amend #1 (First Title).pdf; 09-5185 Amend #1 (Pro Title).pdf Pat, Attached is amendment #1 to the referenced contract. Only one (1) firm is missing the amendment--Stewart Title. They returned it to us, but CAO is holding it until they either provide signature authority or have it re-signed by the correct person. The documents have all been mailed to the respective firms and have been attached to the contracts in SAP. I will e-mail you the last one as soon as I receive it. Also, the amendment will be reported on the BCC Administrative Report once we have all of them. Thanks, Diana De Leon Collier County Board of County Commissioners Purchasing Dept., Bldg. G (239)252-8375; Fax (239)252-6597 dianadeleon@Jcolliergov.net Ida i ,i\'J "':.1:1 "(1'.1,..,,<,(,,, ,hi ;1(" ',"F') i. j; j 1 (~. s 'i'II!:";."" 'I,':'" '-;i;l "j i'dJ.'LJd en;'!; i tL,' ,"Iii I"" .,,., "Til'w, 'C. I). ,', Vi1i(!nq EXHIBIT A-I Contract Amendment # 09-5185 "Preparation & Delivery of Title Commitments and Real Estate Closing Services" This amendment, dated_--'.U. ,~ ,lOIU tu the referenced agrcement shall be by and between the parties to the original i\greement. First Tille & Ahstract, Inc" to be referred to as "Contractor" and Cullier County, Flurida, (to be referred to as "Cuunty"). Statement of {lnderstanding RE: Cuntract #09-5185 "Preparation & Delivery of Title Commitments and Real Estate Closing Services" The following change to the ahove referenced Agreement has been mutually agreed to hy the Contractor and the County. I'Ile additions to the l'xisting language in the Agreement un: ShO\\ll herein by Ul14~Jinin~:.deletions lrom the i\gr~emcnt ,ire ShU\\Tl by s.t-ri-K-elhrnutJ:..> Rl'place original contract Scction 1 "Commencement" paragraph 1, with the following rcvised lan~uagc: 1. <::.9MMENCEMENT The Agreement shall commence upon the date the Agreement is approved bv the Board of County <:.;ommissioners. The Companv sh~)ll not begin work on any assignment unless a written order for that particular assignment and a purchase order have been issued by the County. Facsimile and email transmissions shall be deemed to fulfill the writing requirement. Request~ for updates and endorsements mal' bem.c1de verballv. Change original contract Section I "COInm('ncemcnfl paragraph 2. as follows: In accordance with Bid 09-5185 "Preparation and Delivery of Title Commitments and Real Estatc' Closing Services", Contractor shall provide a written fee proposal to the County for each service, in accordancc' with the bid submitted, herein referenced as Exhibit B and hereinafter "Work", to be performed under thi'- Agreement: Upon approval bv the Contract Manager, a Purchase Order atTEl a~-oti(c to pfc)cccd-shall be issued fur the si.'fvin:o as SF)t~cified in thl' pn.)posa1. lhe Contractor shall then provide the specified service to the County. The Agreement shall bl' tor d OJ'" (I) vear perield, ctfective on the date the Agfl'ement is .:lppro\'ed b~/ tht' Buard {Olt C\HHlty C()nHnissionl.'r~. Add the following Section 31: 31. SUSPENSION OR TERMINATION OF ORDERS, At the sole discretion of the County, the C-"l1PlY. reserves the right to suspend or terminate any orders on a parcel bv parcel basis. In this event, th.<,~_<:.'ountv will ,make partial pavment when the Company has j,erforme.<,] IN()I:K,pursuant to the order. The amount of the l'.cl!:.tial p~}Xl11ent will be mutually negotiated as a reds'mdble fee based upon th~ amount of work performed bv the COlltractorjD,,(:~ecution of the order. In the event that the CuuI~L'rn!"illat~:'s _Qf_5yspends an elIde!', the Contractorfs recoverv ,lgainsl J1J'C_G()~',-ball beJirnitE'cLJ:QJhatJ'ortioJ.1 of the ord,'r amount t'anwd through the dateQLteLmination, Tb(~,.<c"'ntractor5hall.l.\c)t. be (~ntitlc:d t(~otlll'r ur further recuverv against the County, including, but not limited to, any dal1}ages ~'imticipated profit on portions of the services nut performed. The Contractor agrees that this amends the original Agreement. All other terms and conditions of the Ag.rcement shall rcnwin in ttHce. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Contractor and the County have each, respectively, by an authorized pcrson or agent, hereunder set their hands and seals on the date! s) indieated below. CONtRACTOR ~_._-------.._....- ..-,~.~-- .. First Title & Abstract, rne, By: Title: Dated: C' " ',,~ "/' ~, OWNER: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMlSS10J\I'RS COLLiER cot iN ty. 11 ORIDA By: " '~/ . , i' jLI.") , J '-" '._ R. / ' ,~. / . .....__.._~ '. --"-'-_....J..-:.;.."'_............ S tcphen Y. carnell / Director of Purchasing and General Services Approved as to form and Legal s}!f1icic~~'y: ~ \ 1 -~N/ .ll(-i--,==:..~~__ Scott R. Teach Deputy County Attorney