CE-Intersection Safety Orders 07/21/2010 Ci) Collier County Intersection Safety Program Processing Center PO Box 22091 Tempe, AZ 85285-2091 COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE TIMOTHY E MOFFITT 1353 PELICAN AVE NAPLES, FL 34102-3478 DETERMINATION: NO VIOLATION NOTICE #: 1361000113949 PIN #: 3521 !~.!~~~ h _ _~~.""".<<"".~. ::~~~~;:~.~~ ..-vvt"J: tilIf '.....1f~ ~ , ,( ..'" '. ,.., . ),),' 1 Hl::tlf:I3Y CEHTIFY 'f1.W\Ttllfj I...... iOUe.;t CODY 'jf" -',',>1. n:,t"\:I1,\ffle.I.f: . .~ g'};lrd Min'JI.<l'; .:..jslIt;CoIU., 011" ~Wj~~n;f~:~~rpl thli: . ~~ Eo BftOtl(, \:;~:?:K Qf Q,QU1nI '-' ,,",-,' ~ :,. ',,, ... ORDER OF THE SPECIAL MAGISTRA ~..~ THIS CAUSE came on for public hearing before the Special Magistrate on 07/21/2010, and t e Sp Istrate, having heard argument respective to all appropriate matters, hereupon issues its Findings of Fact and Order of the Special Magistrate, as follows: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, Petitioner, vs. TIMOTHY E MOFFITT Respondent. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The citation was issued by the Collier County Sherriff's Office and is being contested by the Respondent, TiMOTHY E MOFFITT, 2. Respondent is charged with violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 which prohibits Red Light Infractions (Failure to Stop at a Red Light) 3. Respondent did not violate the ordinance and did not proceed into the intersection when the traffic control signal for that vehicle's direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. QRW Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, and pursuant to the authority granted in Collier County Ordinance 08-22, it is hereby ORDERED: A. Respondent is not guilty of violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22. DONE AND ORDERED 07/21/2010 at Collier County, Florida. COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE J~ t.dj~ BRENDA C. GARRETSON cc, Respondent- TIMOTHY E MOFFITT Collier Co. Code Enforcement Dept. . Collier County Intersection Safety Program Processing Center _, PO Box 22091 Tempe, AZ 85285.2091 COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE DETERMINATION: REASON: AMOUNT DUE: VIOLATION FOUND GENERAL DENIAL $112.50 MICHAEL KOCHIS 110 TAHITI CR NAPLES, FL 34113 NOTICE #: 1361000074034 PIN #: 7245 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, PetitIoner, v.. MICHAEL KOCHIS Respondent. ORDER OF THE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE THIS CAUSE came on for public hearing before the Special Magistrate on 07/21/2010, and the Special Magistrate, having heard argument respective to all appropriate matters, hereupon issues its Findings of Fact and Order of the Special Magistrate, as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The citation was issued by the Collier County Sherriff's Office and is being contested by the Respondent, MICHAEL KOCHIS, 2. Respondent is charged with violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 which prohibits Red Light Infractions (Failure to Stop at a Red Light). 3. Respondent violated the ordinance by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for that vehicle's direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal ORDER Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, and pursuant to the authority granted in Collier County Ordinance 08-22, it is hereby ORDERED: A. Respondent is guilty of violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for the direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. B. Respondent shall pay a fine of $125.00 on or before 08/11/2010. C. Respondent shall pay the operational costs incurred in the amount of $50.00 on or before 08/11f201 0 DONE AND ORDERED 07121/2010 at Collier County, Florida. COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE J~ t.d)~ BRENDA C. GARRETSON LIEN RIGHTS: This order may be recorded in the Public Records of Collier County. After three (3) months from the filing of any such lien or civil claim which remains unpaid, the Special Magistrate may authorize the County Attorney to forecl~se on the lien or pursue collection on unpaid claims. In the event that outstanding fines are forwarded to a collections agency, tr~Viol,tor will be responsible ki~ those costs Incurred by Collier County APPEAL RIGHTS: Any aggrieved party may appeal a final order o( tile' Special Magistrate to the Circuit Court within thirty (30) days of the execution of the Order appealed. An appeal shall not be a hearing de novo, but shall be limited to appellate review of the record created within the original hearing. It is the responsibility of the appealing party to obtain a transcribed record of the hearing from the Clerk of Courts. Filing an Appeal will not automatically stay the execution of the Order. . , cc. Respondent- MICHAEL KOCHIS Collier Co. Code Enforcement Dept Ci) Collier County Intersection Safety Program .~ Processing Center ~:" PO Box 22091 Tempe, AZ 85285-2091 COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE DETERMINATION: REASON: AMOUNT DUE: VIOLATION FOUND GENERAL DENIAL $112.50 JOEDY RAY ROGNRUD 818 DANDELION CT MARCO ISLAND, FL 34145-3431 NOTICE #: 1361000120860 PIN #: 3330 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, Petitioner, VO, JOEDY RAY ROGNRUD Respondent ORDER OF THE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE THIS CAUSE came on for public hearing before the Special Magistrate on 07/21/2010, and the Special Magistrate, having heard argument respective to all appropriate matters, hereupon issues its Findings of Fact and Order of the Special Magistrate. as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The citation was issued by the Collier County Sherriff's Office and is being contested by the Respondent, JOEDY RAY ROGNRUD, 2. Respondent is charged with violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 which prohibits Red Light Infractions (Failure to Stop at a Red light) 3. Respondent violated the ordinance by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for that vehicle's direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. ORDER Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, and pursuant to the authority granted in Collier County Ordinance 08-22, it is hereby ORDERED: A. Respondent is guilty of violating the Collier County Ordinance 08~22 by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for the direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. B. Respondent shall pay a fine of $125.00 on or before 08/11/2010 C. Respondent shall pay the operational costs incurred in the amount of $50.00 on or before 08/11/2010 DONE AND ORDERED 071211201D at Collier County, Florida. COLLIER COUNTY CODe ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE ~e.~~ BRENDA C. GARRETSON LIEN RIGHTS: This order may be recorded in the Public Records of Collier County. After three (3) months from the filing of any such lien or civil claim which remains unpaid, the SpeCial Magistrate may authorize the County Attorney to foreclose on the lien or pursue collection on unpaid claims, In the event that outstanding fines are forirvarded to a collections agency, the Violator will be ~esponsible for those costs incurred by Collier County. APPEAL RIGHTS: Any aggrieved part}J may apPfilal a final order dt thfl Special Magistrate to the Circuit Court within thirty (30) days of the execution of the Order appealed. An appeal shall !'lot be a hearing de novo, but shall be limited to appellate review of the record created within the original hearing. It is the responsibility of the appe'1ling party to obtain a transcribed record of the hearing from the Clerk of Courts. Filing an Appeal will not automatically stay the execution of the Order. ce. Respondent- JOEDY"RAY ROGNRUD Collier Co. Code Enforcement Dept. . ~ I, . Collier County Intersection Safety Program .~ Processing Center %, PO Box 22091 Tempe, AZ 85285-2091 COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE DETERMINATION: REASON: AMOUNT DUE: VIOLATION FOUND GENERAL DENIAL $112.50 ALLEN ROBERTS JOSLIN 1240 SHADY REST LN APT 101 NAPLES, FL 34103-3375 NOTICE #: 1360900140283 PIN #: 1630 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, Petitioner, v.. ALLEN ROBERTS JOSLIN Respondent ORDER OF THE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE THIS CAUSE came on for public hearing before the Special Magistrate on Q7/21/2010, and the Special Magistrate, having heard argument respective to all appropriate matters, hereupon issues its Findings of Fact and Order of the Special Magistrate, as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1 The citation was issued by the Collier County Sherriff's Office and is being contested by the Respondent, ALLEN ROBERTS JOSLIN, 2. Respondent is charged with violating the Collier County Ordinance 08~22 which prohibits Red Light Infractions (Failure to Stop at a Red light). 3. Respondent violated the ordinance by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for that vehicle's direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. ORDER Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, and pursuant to the authority granted in Collier County Ordinance 08-22, it is hereby ORDERED' A Respondent is guilty of violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for the direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. B Respondent shall pay a fine of $125.00 on or before 08/11/2010. C. Respondent shaH pay the operational costs incurred in the amount of $50.00 on or before 08/11/2010 DONE AND ORDERED 07121/2010 at Collier County, Florida. COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE ~~.~~ BRENDA C. GARRETSON LIEN RIGHTS: This order may be recorded "in the Public' Records of Collier County. After three (3) months from the filing of any such lien or civil claim which remains unpaid, the Special Magistrate m",)' authorize Ihe County Attorney 10 foreclose on the lien or pursue collection on unpaid claims. In the event that outstanding fines are forwarded 10 a collect:ons agency, the Violator will be responsible for those costs incurred by Collier County APPEAL RIGHTS: Any aggrieved party may flppeal' a final order of the Specicd Magistrate to the Circuit Court within thirty (30) days of the execution of the Order appeale9. An appeal shall not be a heari~g de novo, but' shall be limited to appellate review of the record created within the original hearing. It is the responsibility of .he i::lppealing party to obtain a transcribed record of the hearing from the Clerk of Courts. Filing an Appeal will not automatically stay the execution of the Order cc. Respondent- ALLEN ROBERTS JOSLIN Collier Co. Code Enforcement Dept Ci) Collier County Intersection Safety Program Processing Center PO Box 22091 Tempe, AZ 85285.2091 COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE SANDIE ANN HOWE OR ELLIOT JOZEF KNEBA 793 97TH AVE N NAPLES, FL 34108-2282 DETERMINATION: NO VIOLATION NOTICE #: 1361000154166 PIN #: 7799 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, Petitioner. v.. SANDIE ANN HOWE OR ELLIOT JOZEF KNEBA Respondent. ORDER OF THE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE THIS CAUSE came on for public hearing before the Special Magistrate on 07/21/2010, and the Special Magistrate, having heard argument respective to all appropriate matters, hereupon issues its Findings of Fact and Order of the Special Magistrate, as follows FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The citation was issued by the Collier County Sherriff's Office and is being contested by the Respondent, SANDIE ANN HOWE OR ELLIOT JOZEF KNEBA, 2. Respondent is charged with violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 which prohibits Red light Infractions (Failure to Stop at a Red light) 3. Respondent did not violate the ordinance and did not proceed into the intersection when the traffic control signal for that vehicle's direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal ORDER Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, and pursuant to the authority granted in Collier County Ordinance 08-22, it is hereby ORDERED: A Respondent is not gul~ty of violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22. COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE J~ t.<:lj~ BRENDA C. GARRETSON '.~ ce. Respondent- SANDIE ANN HOWE OR ELLIOT JOZEF KNEBA Collier Co. Code Enforcement Dept .\1 , ' Ci) Collier County Intersection Safety Program .~ Processing Center ~~ PO Box 22091 Tempe, AZ 85285-2091 COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE DETERMINATION: REASON: AMOUNT DUE: VIOLATION FOUND GENERAL DENIAL $112,50 BO GO RAN E ANDERSSON 1549 SANDPIPER ST APT 48 NAPLES, FL 34102-1582 NOTICE #: 1361000131370 PIN #: 4702 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, Petitioner, vs, BO GO RAN E ANDERSSON Respondent ORDER OF THE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE THIS CAUSE came on for public hearing before the Special Magistrate on 07f21/2010, and the Special Magistrate. having heard argument respective to all appropriate matters, hereupon issues its Findings of Fact and Order of the Special Magistrate, as follows FINDINGS OF FACT 1 The citation was issued by the Collier County Sherriff's Office and is being contested by the Respondent, BO GORAN E ANDERSSON. 2. Respondent is charged with violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 which prohibits Red Light Infractions (Failure to Stop al a Red Light). 3. Respondent violated the ordinance by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for that vehicle's direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal ORDER Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of law, and pursuant to the authority granted in CoWer County Ordinance 08-22, it is hereby ORDERED: A. Respondent is guilty of violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for the direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. B. Respondent shall pay a fine of $125,00 on or before 08/11/2010. C_ Respondent shalt pay the operational costs incurred in the amount of $50,00 on or before 08/11/2010 DONE AND ORDERED 07/2112010 at Collier County, Florida. COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE J~ t,<:b>~ BRENDA C. GARRETSON ." .. > LIEN RIGHTS: This order may be recorded in the Public Records of Collier County. After three (3) months from the filing of any such lien or civil claim which remains unpaid, the Special Magistrate may authorize the County Attorney to foreclose on the lien or pursue collection on unpaid claims. In the event that outstanding fines are fotwarded to a ccUectioj\8 agency, the Violator will be responsible for those costs incurred by Collier County. APPEAL RIGHTS: Any aggrieved party may appeal a final order of t~e SpeCial Magistrate to the Circuit Court within thirty (30) days of the execution of the Order appealed. An appeal shall not be a hearing de novo; but' shall be limiteGl tq, '~pp~lI~te review of the record created within the original hearing. It is the responsibiEty of the appealing party I; obtain a transcribed record of the hearing-from the Clerk of Courts, Filing an Appeal will not automatically stay the execution of the ardor. cc. Respondent- BO GORAN E ANDERSSON Collier Co, Code Enforcement Dept. . . , Ci) Collier County Intersection Safety Program .~ Processing Center ~ PO Box 22091 Tempe, AZ 85285.2091 COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE DETERMINATION: REASON: AMOUNT DUE: VIOLATION FOUND GENERAL DENIAL $112,50 ERIC J ALEXANDER 654 SQUIRE CIR APT 201 NAPLES, FL 34104-6573 NOTICE #: 1361000122684 PIN #: 5712 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, Petitioner, vs. ERIC J ALEXANDER Respondent. ORDER OF THE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE THIS CAUSE came on for public hearing before the Special Magistrate on 07/21/2010, and the Special Magistrate, having heard argument respective to all appropriate matters, hereupon issues jts Findings of Fact and Order of the Special Magistrate, as follows FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The citation was issued by the Collier County Sherriff's Office and is being contested by the Respondent, ERIC J ALEXANDER, 2. Respondent is charged with violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 which prOhibits Red Light Infractions (Failure to Slop at a Red light) 3 Respondent violated the ordinance by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for that vehicle'5 direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal ORDER Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, and pursuant to the authority granted in Collier County Ordinance 08.22, it is hereby ORDERED: A. Respondent is guilty of violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for the direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. 8. Respondent shall pay a fine of$12500 on or before 08/11/2010. C. Respondent shall pay the operational costs incurred in the amount of $50.00 on or before 08/11/2010. DONE AND ORDERED 07/21/2010 at Collier County, Florida. COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE ,~~ tJ:)~ BRENDA C. GARRETSON LIEN RIGHTS: This order may be recorded in h1e ~ubhc Re,~rds of Collier County. After three (3) months from the filing of any such lien or civil claim which remains unpaid, the Special Magislrat~ may authorize the County Attorney to foreclose on the lien or pursue collection on unpaid cfaims. In the event that outstanding fines are forwarded to a collabtioms agency, the Violator will be responsible for those c9sts in(lUrred by Collier County. APPEAL RIGHTS: Any aggrieved party rr,;::y appetJl a final order ,of, the. Special Magistrate to the Circuit Court within thirty (30) days of the execution of the Order appealed. An appeal shall not be e hearing de novo, but .s~all be limited to appellate review of the record created within the original hearing. It is the responsibility of the appestiug party to obtain a transcribed record of the hearing frorn Ihe Clerk of Courts. Filing an Appeal wiif not automatically slay Ihe execution of tha Order. ee. Respondent- ERIC J ALEXANDER Collier Co. Code Enforcement Dept. . , ,. ! (i) Collier County Intersection Safety Program Processing Center _ PO Box 22091 Tempe, AZ 85285.2091 COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE DETERMINATION: REASON: AMOUNT DUE: VIOLATION FOUND GENERAL DENIAL $112.50 JAMES DONALD AND CHRISTINE HASTINGS BROWN 2380 55TH TER SW APT A NAPLES, FL 34116-5698 NOTICE #: 1361000148945 PIN #: 4177 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, Petitioner, YS, JAMES DONALD AND CHRISTINE HASTINGS BROWN Respondent. ORDER OF THE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE THIS CAUSE came on for public hearing before the Special Magistrate on 07/21/2010, and the Special Magistrate, having heard argument respective to all appropriate matters, hereupon issues its Findings of Fact and Order of the Special Magistrate, as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The citation was issued by the Collier County Sherriff's Office and is being contested by the Respondent, JAMES DONALD AND CHRISTINE HASTINGS BROWN, 2. Respondent is charged with violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 which prohibits Red Light Infractions (Failure to Stop at a Red Light) 3. Respondent violated the ordinance by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for that vehicle's direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. ORDER Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, and pursuant to the authority granted in Collier County Ordinance 08-22, it is hereby ORDERED: A. Respondent is guilty of violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for the direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. B. Respondent shall pay a fine 01$125.00 on or before 08/11/2010 C. Respondent shall pay the operational costs incurred in the amount 01 $50.00 on or before 08/11/2010 DONE AND ORDERED 07121/2010 at Collier County, Florida. COLLIER COUNTY CODe ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE Ji1>4- t. d)~ BRENDA C. GARRETSON LIEN RIGHTS: This order may be reCQrrJed in the Public Records of Collier County. After t,hree (3) months from the filing of any such lien or civil claim which remains unpaid, the Special Magistrate rr!a~~ authori};e:.' 1h. C?unty Attorney 1:1' .fqricltJe on the lien or pursue. collection on unpaid claims. In the event that outstanding fines are forwarded to a collections agency, the Violator will be responsible for"05e costs incurred by Collier County. APPEAL RIGHTS: Any aggrieved p~rty mal' app:lal a final order of the Special Magistrate to the Circuit Court within thirty (30) days of the execution of the Order appealed. An appeal shall not be a hearing de novo, but shall be limited to appellate review of the record created within the original hearing, It is the responSibility of the appealin~ party. to obtain a 'transcrib~9 recprd of the hearing from the Clerk of Courts, Filing an Appeal will not automatically stay the eX6Gl1tion 01 the Order. . cc, Respondent- JAMES DONALD AND CHRISTINE HASTINGS BROWN Collier Co. Code Enforcement Dept. Ci) Collier County Intersection Safety Program Processing Center PO Box 22091 Tempe, AZ 85285.2091 COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE LORRAINE ANNE BARKER OR STEVEN L THOMPSON PO BOX 219 FORT MYERS, FL 33902-0219 DETERMINATION: NO VIOLATION NOTICE #: 1361000099080 PIN #: 2612 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, Petitioner, VS, LORRAINE ANNE BARKER OR STEVEN L THOMPSON Respondent. ORDER OF THE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE THIS CAUSE came on fOf public hearing before the Special Magistrate on 07f21f2010, and the Special Magistrate, having heard argument respective to all appropriate matters, hereupon issues its Findings of Fact and Order of the Special Magistrate, as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The citation was issued by the Collier County Sherriff's Office and is being contested by the Respondent, LORRAINE ANNE BARKER OR STEVEN l THOMPSON, 2. Respondent is charged with violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 which prohibits Red light Infractions (Failure to Stop at a Red Light). 3. Respondent did not violate the ordinance and did not proceed into the intersection when the traffic control signal for that vehicle's direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal Q!!W Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, and pursuant to the authority granted in Collier County Ordinance 08-22, it is hereby ORDERED: A Respondent is not guilty of violating the Collier County Ordinance 08~22 COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE J~ t.&>~ BRENDA C. GARRETSON '* .. -, cc. Respondent- LORRAINE ANNE BARKER OR STEVEN L THOMPSON Collier Co. Code Enforcement Dept. " .... ,-. . \ " Ci) Collier County Intersection Safety Program Processing Center _. PO Box 22091 Tempe, AZ 85285.2091 COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE DETERMINATION: REASON: AMOUNT DUE: VIOLATION FOUND GENERAL DENIAL $112.50 STACIE YOUNG POTANOVIC 14042 IMAGE LAKE CT FORT MYERS, FL 33907 1823 NOTICE #: 1361000122106 PIN #: 4633 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, Petitioner, v.. STACIE YOUNG POTANOVIC Respondent ORDER OF THE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE THIS CAUSE came on for public hearing before the Special Magistrate on 07/21/2010, and the Special Magistrate, having heard argument respective to all appropriate matters, hereupon issues ils Findings of Fact and Order of the Special Magistrate, as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The citation was issued by the CoWer County Sherriff's Office and is being contested by the Respondent, STACIE YOUNG POTANOVIC, 2. Respondent is charged with violating the Collier County Ordinance 08.22 which prohibits Red Light Infractions (Failure 10 Stop at a Red Light). 3. Respondent violated the ordinance by proceeding into an intersection when the traffiC control signal for that vehicle's direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal ORDER Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of law, and pursuant to the authority granted in Collier County Ordinance 08-22, it is hereby ORDERED: A. Respondent is guilty of violating the Collier County Ordinance 08.22 by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for the direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. B. Respondent shall pay a fine of$125,00 on or before 08/11/2010. C. Respondent shall pay the operational costs incurred in the amount of $50.00 on or before 08/11/2010. DONE AND ORDERED 07/2112010 at Collier County, Florida. COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE J~ ~.Jj~ BRENDA C. GARRETSON LIEN RIGHTS: This order} may be recorded in the Public Records of Collier County. After three (3) months from the filing of any such lien or civil claim which remains unpaid, the Special Magistrate may authorize the County Attorney to foreclose on the lien or pursue collection on unpaid claims. In the event that outstanding fines are forwarded to a collections agency, the Violator will be responsible for those costs incurred by Collier County APPEAL RIGHTS: Any aggrleved party may appeal a final order of the Special Magistrate to the Circuit Court within thirty (30) days of the execution of the Order appealed. An appeal shaH not, be a,hearing de novo, but '~h.U'be limited to appellate review of the record created within the original hearing. It is the responsibility of the appsaling pprty to 'Obtain a transcribed record of the hearing from the Clerk of Courts. Filing an Appeal will not automatically stay the execution of the Order. ce, Respondent. STACIE YOUNG POTANOVIC Collier Co. Code Enforcement Dept. , ' Ci) Collier County Intersection Safety Program Processing Center _ PO Box 22091 Tempe, AZ 85285.2091 COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE DETERMINATION: REASON: AMOUNT DUE: VIOLATION FOUND GENERAL DENIAL $112.50 JOAN S OWENS 2205 BELLEAIR RD APT A11 CLEARWATER, FL 33764-2717 NOTICE #: 1361000121017 PIN #: 3305 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, Petitioner, v.. JOAN S OWENS Respondent. ORDER OF THE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE THIS CAUSE came on for public hearing before the Special Magistrate on 07/21/2010, and the Special Magistrate. having heard argument respective to all appropriate matters, hereupon issues its Findings of Fact and Order of the Special Magistrate, as follows FINDINGS OF FACT 1 The citation was issued by the Collier County Sherriffs Office and is being Cl?ntested by the Respondent, JOAN S OWENS, 2. Respondent is charged with violating the Collier County Ordinance 08~22 which prohibits Red light Infractions (Failure to Stop at a Red light). 3. Respondent violated the ordinance by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for that vehicle's direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. ORDER Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, and pursuant to the authority granted in Collier County Ordinance 08-22, it is hereby ORDERED: A. Respondant is guilty of violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for the direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. B. Respondent shall pay a fine of $125.00 on or before 08/11/2010 C. Respondent shall pay the operational costs incurred in the amount of $50,00 on or before 08/11f2010. DONE AND ORDERED 07/2112010 at Collier County, Florida. COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE J~ ~.dj~ 1 '. , BRENDA C. GARRETSON LIEN RIGHTS: This order may be recorded in the Public Records of Collier County. After three (3) months from the filing of any such lien or civil claim which remains unpaid, the Special Magistra!b- may authotize ~h' CountY Attorney to foreclose on the lien or pursue collection on unpaid claims. In the event that outstanding 'fines are forwarded to a cbllectlons agency, the Violator will be responsible for those costs incurred by Collier County APPEAL RIGHTS: Any aggrieved party ma}' appeal ~ final order of the Special Magistrate to the Circuit Court within thirty (30) days of the execution of the Order appealed. An appeal shall not be a hearing de novo, but shall be limited to appellate review of the record created within the original hearing. Jt is the responsibility of the appealing party to obtain a transcribed record of the hearing from the Clerk of Courts. Filing an Appeal will not automatically stay the execution of the Order. cc. Respondent- JOAN S OWENS Collier Co. Code Enforcement Dept. (i) Collier County Intersection Safety Program Processing Center _, PO Box 22091 Tempo, AZ 85285-2091 COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE DETERMINATION: REASON: AMOUNT DUE: VIOLATION FOUND GENERAL DENIAL $112.50 KAREN ANN LUSSIER 6103 MANCHESTER PL NAPLES, FL 34110-2411 NOTICE #: 1361000123989 PIN #: 6406 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, Petitioner, YS, KAREN ANN LUSSIER Respondent ORDER OF THE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE THIS CAUSE came on for public hearing before the Special Magistrate on 07121/2010, and the Special Magistrate, having heard argument respective to all appropriate matters, hereupon issues its Findings of Fact and Order of the Special Magistrate, as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1, The citation was issued by the Collier County Sherriffs Office and is being contested by the Respondent, KAREN ANN LUSSIER, 2. Respondent is charged with violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 which prohibits Red Light Infractions (Failure to Stop at a Red Light) 3. Respondent violated the ordinance by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for that vehicle's direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. ORDER Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Condusions of Law, and pursuant to the authority granted in Collier County Ordinance 08+22, it is hereby ORDERED: A. Respondent is guilty of violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 by proceeding into an intersection whan the traffic control signal for the direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. S. Respondent shall pay a fine of $125.00 on or before 08f11/2010 C. Respondent shall pay the operational costs incurred in the amount of $50.00 on or before 08/11/2010 DONE AND ORDERED 07/21/2010 at Collier County, Florida. COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE ~ ~.dj~ BRENDA C. GARRETSON LIEN RIGHTS: This order may be recorded in the Public Records of Collier County, After three (3) months from the filing of any such lien or civil claim which remains unpaid, the Special Magistrate may authorize the County Attorney to foredose on the lien or pursue collection on unpaid claims. In the event that outstanding fines are forwarded to a collections agency, the Violator will be responsible for those costs incurred by Collier County. APPEAL RIGHTS: Any aggrieved party may appeal a final order of the Special Magistrate to the Circuit Court within thirty (30) days of the execution of the Order appealed. An appeal shall not be a heariag . dB novo, but shall be limited to a,pp~llate review of the record created within the original hearing. It is the responsibility of the appealing p':1rty to obtain <'t transcribed record o( the hea'ring from Ihe Clerk of Courts_ Filing an Appeal will not automatically stay Ihe execution of the Order cc. Respondent- KAREN ANN LUSSIER Collier Co. Code Enforcement Oept Ci) Collier County Intersection Safety Program Processing Center PO Box 22091 Tempe, AZ 85285.2091 COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE GINA CARLA LADOSINSKY 5271 TREETOPS DR NAPLES, FL 34113-8512 DETERMINATION: NO VIOLATION NOTICE #: 1361000150842 PIN #: 4710 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIOA, Petitioner, v.. GINA CARLA LADOSINSKY Respondent. ORDER OF THE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE THIS CAUSE came on fOf public hearing before the Special Magistrate on 07/21/2010, and the Special Magistrate, having heard argument respective to all appropriate matters, hereupon issues jts Findings of Fact and Order of the Special Magistrate, as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The citation was issued by the Collier County Sherriff's Office and is being contested by the Respondent, GINA CARLA LADOS1NSKY, 2. Respondent is charged with violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 which prohibits Red Ughllnfractions (Failure to Stop at a Red Light). 3. Respondent did not violate the ordinance and did not proceed into the intersection when the traffic control signal for that vehicle's direction of travel was emitting a steady red signat, ORDER Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, and pursuant to the authority granted in Collier County Ordinance 08-22, it is hereby ORDERED: A Respondent is not guilty of violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22. DONE AND ORDERED 0712112010 at Collier County, Florida. COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE ~ ~.dj~ BRENDA C. GARRETSON , t, .. ce. Respondent- GINA CARLA LADOS1NSKY Collier Co. Code Enforcement Dept ./ '. , , . Ci) Collier County Intersection Safety Program Processing Center PO Box 22091 Tempe, AZ 85285.2091 COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE DETERMINATION: REASON: AMOUNT DUE: VIOLATION FOUND GENERAL DENIAL $112,50 ALLEN ROBERTS JOSLIN 1240 SHADY REST LN APT 101 NAPLES, FL 34103-3376 NOTICE #: 1360900180248 PIN #: 7782 BOARO OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY. FLORlOA, Petitioner, v.. ALLEN ROBERTS JOSLIN Respondent. ORDER OF THE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE THIS CAUSE came on for public hearing before the Special Magistrate on 07/21/2010, and the Special Magistrate, having heard argument respective to all appropriate matters, hereupon issues jts Findings of Fact and Order of the Special Magistrate, as follows FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The citation was issued by the Collier County Sherriff's Office and is being contested by the Respondent, ALLEN ROBERTS JOSLIN, 2. Respondent is charged with violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 which prohibits Red Light Infractions (Failure to Stop at a Red light). 3. Respondent violated the ordinance by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for that vehicle's direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal ORDER Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, and pursuant to the authority granted in Collier County Ordinance 08-22, it is hereby ORDERED: A. Respondent is guilty of violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for the direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. S. Respondent shall pay a fine of $125.00 on or before 08/11/2010. C. Respondent shall pay the operational costs incurred in the amount of $50.00 on or before 08/11/2010. DONE AND ORDERED 07/21/2010 at Collier County, Florida. COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE J~ ~.~~ BRENDA C. GARRETSON LIEN RIGHTS: This order may be recorded in the Public Records of Collier County. After three (3) months from the filing of any such lien or civil claim which remains unpaid, the Special Magistrate may authorize the County Attorney to foreclose on the fien or pursue collection on unpaid claims. In the event that outstanding fines are forwarded to a collections agency, the Violator will be responsible for those costs incurred by Collier County. APPEAL RIGHTS: Any aggrieved p<\rty, m~y appeal a final order of the Special Magistrate to the Circuit Court within thirty (30) days of the execution of the Order appealed. An appeal shan not be a hearing de novo, but shall be limited to appellate review of the record created within the original hearing. It is the responsibility of the apnealing party to obtain a transcribed record of the hearing from the Clerk of Courts. Filing an Appeal will not automatically stay the execution of the Order .. ce. Respondent- ALLEN ROBERTS JOSLIN Collier Co. Code Enforcement Dept. " (i) Collier County Intersection Safety Program Processing Center . PO Box 22091 Tempe, AZ 85285.2091 COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE DETERMINATION: REASON: AMOUNT DUE: VIOLATION FOUND GENERAL DENIAL $112.50 KARYN M ZARLENGA 6140 ELMARGE DR INDEPENDENCE,OH 44131-4912 NOTICE #: 1361000094263 PIN #: 3651 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, Petitioner, v.. KARYN M ZARLENGA Respondent. ORDER OF THE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE THIS CAUSE came on for public hearing before the Special Magistrate on 07/21/2010, and the Special Magistrate, having heard argument respective 10 aU appropriate matters, hereupon issues its Findings of Fact and Order of the Special Magistrate, as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The citation was issued by the Collier County Sherriff's Office and is being contested by the Respondent, KARYN M ZARLENGA, 2. Respondent is charged with violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 which prohibits Red Ught Infractions (Failure 10 Stop at a Red Light), 3. Respondent violated the ordinance by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for that vehicle's direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. ORDER Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, and pursuant to the authority granted in Collier County Ordinance 08-22, it ;s hereby ORDERED: A Respondent is guilty of violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for the direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. B. Respondent shall pay a fine of$125.00 on or before 08/11/2010. C. Respondent shall pay the operational costs incurred in the amount of $50.00 on or before 08/11/2010 DONE AND ORDERED 07/2112010 at Collier County, Florida. COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE ~ t.dj~ BRENDA C. GARRETSON LIEN RIGHTS: This order may be recorded in the Public Records of Collier County. After three (3) months from the filing of any such lien or civil claim which remains unpai1"the Special Magistrate may authorize the County Attorney to foreclose on the lien or pursue, collection on unpaid claims. In the event that outstanding fines are forwarded to a collections agency, the Violator will be responsible for those costs incurred by CollIer County. APPEAL RIGHTS: Any aggrieved party may appeil~ ~ Jin~l Ord;r ,air the Special Magist~ate to the Circuit Court within thirty (30) days of the execution of the Order appealed. An appeal shall not be 8' hea~ng de novo, but shall be urrlted to appellate review of the record created within the original hearing. It is the responsibility of the appealing party to obtain a transcribed record of the hearing from the Clerk of Courts. Filing an Appeal will not automatically stay the execution of the Order. CC. Respondent- KARYN M ZARLENGA Collier Co. Code Enforcement Dept. .' l (i) Collier County Intersection Safety Program Processing Center PO Box 22091 Tempe, AZ 85285-2091 COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE DETERMINATION: REASON: AMOUNT DUE: VIOLATION FOUND GENERAL DENIAL $112.50 LEON F AND FRANCES GREENBERG SACHS 1000 LOWRY ST APT PHC DELRAY BEACH, FL 33483-7039 NOTICE #: 1361000122783 PIN #: 5703 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, Petitioner, v.. LEON F AND FRANCES GREENBERG SACHS Respondent ORDER OF THE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE THIS CAUSE came on for public hearing before the Special Magistrate on 07/21/2010, and the Special Magistrate, having heard argument respective to all appropriate matters, hereupon issues its Findings of Fact and Order of the SpeCial Magistrate, as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The citation was issued by the Collier County Sherriff's Office and is being contested by the Respondent, LEON F AND FRANCES GREENBERG SACHS, 2. Respondent is charged with violating the Collier County Ordinance 08~22 which prohibits Red Light Infractions (Failure to Stop at a Red Light). 3. Respondent violated the ordinance by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signat for that vehicle's direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. Q!!QSl! Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, and pursuant to the authority granted in Collier County Ordinance 08-22. it is hereby ORDERED: A. Respondent is guilty of violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for the direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. B. Respondent shall pay a fine of$125.00 on or before 08f11/2010. C. Respondent shall pay the operational costs incurred in the amount of $50,00 on or before 08/1112010 DONE AND ORDERED 07/21/2010 at Collier County, Florida. COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE J~ t.~~ BRENDA C. GARRETSON LIEN RIGHTS' This orddr may be recorded- in the Public Records of CoUier County. After three (3) months from the tiling of any such lien or civil ctaim which remains unpaid, the Special Magistrate may authorize the County Attorney 10 foreclose on the lien or pursue collection on unpaid claims. In the event that outstanding fines are forwarded to a collections agency, the Violator will be responsible for those costs incurred by Collier County. APPEAL RIGHTS: Any aggrieved party. may appeal a final order of the Special Magistrate to the Circuit Court within thirty (30) days of the execution of the Order appeated_ An a"p"9af shall not be a hearing de novo, but shall be limited to appellate review of the record created within the original hearing. tt is the responsibility of the appealing jJarty to obtain a transcribed record of the hearing from the Cterk of Courts. Filing an Appeal will not automatically stay the exect.;tion of the Order. ce. Respondent- LEON F AND FRANCES GREENBERG SACHS Collier Co. Code EnforCEJmentrOt$t. (i) Collier County Intersection Safety Program Processing Center . PO Box 22091 Tempe, AZ 85285.2091 COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE DETERMINATION: REASON: AMOUNT DUE: VIOLATION FOUND GENERAL DENIAL $112.50 ALLEN ROBERTS JOSLIN 1335 MARIPOSA CIR APT 203 NAPLES, FL 34105-7243 NOTICE #: 1361000060876 PIN #: 9872 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, Petitioner, vs. ALLEN ROBERTS JOSLIN Respondent ORDER OF THE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE THIS CAUSE came on for public hearing before the Special Magistrate on 07/21/2010, and the Special Magistrate, having heard argument respective 10 alt appropriate matters, hereupon issues its Findings of Fact and Order of the Special Magistrate, as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The citation was issued by the Collier County Sherriffs Office and is being contested by the Respondent, ALLEN ROBERTS JOSLIN, 2. Respondent is charged with violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 which prohibits Red Light Infractions (Failure 10 Stop at a Red light) 3. Respondent violated the ordinance by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for that vehicle's direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. ORDER Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and .Conclusions of Law, and pursuant to the authority granted in Collier County Ordinance 08~22, it is hereby ORDERED: A. Respondent is guilty of violating the Collier County Ordinance 08.22 by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for the direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. B. Respondent shall pay a fine of$125.00 on or before 08f11/2010. C. Respondent shall pay the operational costs incurred in the amount of $50.00 on or before 08/11/201 0 DONE AND ORDERED 07/2112010 at Collier County, Florida. COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE J~ ~.dj~ BRENDA C. GARRETSON LIEN RIGHTS: This order may be recorded in the Public Records of Collier County. After three (3) months from the filing of any such lien or civil claim which remains unpaid, the Special Magistrat~ may auth~rize, the County Atlor~ey to...for~close on the lien or pursue collection on unpaid claims. In the event that outstanding fines are fOlwarded to a collections .agency, thE! Violator wilt be resp~9ible for those costs incurred by Collier County APPEAL RIGHTS: Any aggrieved party mat appeal a final order of the Special Magistrate to the Circuit Court within thirty (30) days of the execution of the Order appealed. An appeal shl:iU not be a hearing de novo, but shall be limited to appellate review of the record created within the original hearing. It is the responsibility _ Of the a~pealing. ~arty to obtain a transcribed record of the hearing from the Clerk of Courts. Filing an Appeal will not automatically stay the execution of the Order. ,: . I ce. Respondent~ ALLEN ROBERTS JOSUf\1 Collier Co. Code Enforcement Depl. f) Collier County Intersection Safety Program Processing Center ~ PO Box 22091 Tempe, AZ 85285-2091 COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE DETERMINATION: REASON: AMOUNT DUE: VIOLATION FOUND GENERAL DENIAL $112.50 LUPE RAMOS 1130 CENTRAL DR NAPLES, FL 34104-4006 NOTICE #: 1361000151931 PIN #: 6007 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, Petitioner, VS. LUPE RAMOS Respondent ORDER OF THE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE THIS CAUSE came on for public hearing before the Special Magistrate on 07/21/2010, and the Special Magistrate, having heard argument respective to all appropriate matters, hereupon issues jts Findings of Fact and Order of the Special Magistrate, as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The citation was issued by the Collier County Sherriff's Office and is being contested by the Respondent, lUPE RAMOS, 2. Respondent is charged with violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 which prohibits Red Lighllnfractions (Failure 10 Stop at a Red Ught). 3. Respondent violated the ordinance by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for that vehicle's direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. ORDER Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of law, and pursuant to the authority granted in Collier County Ordinance 08~22, it is hereby ORDERED: A. Respondent is guilty of violating the Collier County Ordinance Oa~22 by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for the direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. B. Respondent shall pay a fine of $125.00 on or before 08/11/2010 C. Respondent shall pay the operational costs incurred in the amount of $50.00 on or before Oa/11/2010. DONE AND ORDERED 07/21/2010 at Collier County, Florida. COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE "~ ~.&:>~ BRENDA C. GARRETSON LIEN RIGHTS: This order may be recorded in the Public Records of Collier County. After three (3) months from the filing of any such lien or civil claim which remains unpaid, the Special Magistrate may authorize the County Attorney to foreclose on the lien or pursue collection on unpaid claims. In the event that outstanding fines are forwarded to a collections agency, the Violator willl}e rE!sPiPnsible for those costs_ incurred by Collier County. APPEAL RIGHTS: Any aggrieved party'; may. apPeal": i:1; ~nAI order of the Specia~'- Magistrate to the CirCUit Court withm thirty (30) days of the execution of the Order appealed. An appeal shall not be A :hearing de novo, but shall be limited to appellate review of the record created within the original hearing. It is the responsibility of the appealing party to obtain a transcribed record of the hearing from the Clerk of Courts. Filing an Appeal will not automatically stay the execution of the Orela.'. cc. Respondent- lUPE RA~OS Collier Co. Code Enforcement Dept . . , " ,. Ci) Collier County Intersection Safety Program .~ Processing Center %. PO Box 22091 Tempe. AZ 85285-2091 , COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE DETERMINATION: REASON: AMOUNT DUE: VIOLATION FOUND GENERAL DENIAL $125.00 ALLEN ROBERTS JOSLIN 1335 MARIPOSA CIR APT 203 NAPLES, FL 34105-7243 NOTICE #: 1361000114798 PIN #: 9872 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, Petitioner, VS. ALLEN ROBERTS JOSLIN Respondent ORDER OF THE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE THIS CAUSE came on for publiC hearing before the Special Magistrate on 07/21/2010, and the Special Magistrate, having heard argument respective to all appropriate matters, hereupon issues its Findings of Fact and Order of the Special Magistrate, as follows. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The citation was issued by the Collier County Sherriff's Office and is being contested by the Respondent, ALLEN ROBERTS JOSLlN. 2. Respondent is charged with violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 which prohibits Red Light Infractions (Failure to Slop at a Red Light) 3 Respondent violated the ordinance by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for that vehicle's direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. ORDER Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of law, and pursuant to the authority granted in Collier County Ordinance 08-22, it is hereby ORDERED: A. Respondent is guilty of violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for the direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. B. Respondent shall pay a fine of$125.00 on or before 08/11/2010. C, Respondent shall pay the operational costs incurred in the amount of $50.00 on or before 08/11/2010 DONE AND ORDERED 07121/2010 at Collier County, Florida. COLLIER COUNTY CODe ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE J~ ~.&>~ , BRENDA C. GARRETSON LIEN RIGHTS: This order may be recorded in the Public Records of Collier County. After three (3) months from the filing of any such lien or civil claim which remains unpaid, the Special Magistrate may ;:l,uthorize the County Attome~ ~o fo~eclose on the lien or pursue collection on unpaid claims. In the event that outstanding fines are forwarded to a co!lections agEtncy, the ~iolator will be responsibl~ for those costs incurred by Collier County APPEAL RIGHTS: Any aggrieved party may !lp~eal 'a final.order of the Special Magistrate to the Circuit Court within thirty (30) days of the execution of the Order appealed, An appeal shall not be (:I hearing de novo, but shall be limited to appellate review of the record created within the original hearing. It is the responsibility of the appealing rC$rty to obtain a transcribed record of the hearing from the Clerk of Courts. Filing an Appeal will not automatically stay the execution of the Order ce. Respondent-ALLEN ROBERTS JOSLIN Collier Co. Code Enforcement Depl. Ci) Collier County Intersection Safety Program "JA: Processing Center ~~ PO Box 22091 Tempe, AZ 85285-2091 COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE DETERMINATION: REASON: AMOUNT DUE: VIOLATION FOUND GENERAL DENIAL $125.00 LILLIAN CAMPUZANO PAPPACENA 2449 POINCIANA CT WESTON, FL 33327-1418 NOTICE #: 1361000141569 PIN #: 6491 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, Petitioner, v.. LILLIAN CAMPUZANO PAPPACENA Respondent. ORDER OF THE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE THIS CAUSE came on for public hearing before the Special Magistrate on 07/21/2010. and the Special Magistrate, having heard argument respective to all appropriate matters, hereupon issues its Findings of Fact and Order of the Special Magistrate, as follows FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The citation was issued by the Collier County Sherriff's Office and is being contested by the Respondent, LILLIAN CAMPUZANO PAPPACENA, 2. Respondent is charged with violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 which prohibits Red Light Infractions (Failure to Stop at a Red light) 3. Respondent violated the ordinance by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for that vehicle's direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. QB.QSB. Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, and pursuant to the authority granted in Collier County Ordinance 08.22, it is hereby ORDERED: A. Respondent is guilty of violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for the direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. B. Respondent shall pay a fine of$125.00 on or before 08/11/2010. C. Respondent shall pay the operational costs incurred in the amount of $50.00 on or before 08/11/2010 DONE AND ORDERED 07/21/2010 at Collier County, Florida. COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE J~ ~.dj~ BRENDA C. GARRETSON LIEN RIGHTS: Thil orde( may be recorded in the Public Records of Collier County, After three (3) months from the filing of any such lien or civil claim which remains unpaid, the Special Magistrate may authorize the County Attorney to foreclose on the lien or pursue collection on unpaid claims. In the event that outstanding fines are forwarded to a colleci!ons agency. the Violator will be responsible for those costs incurred by Collier County. APPEAL RIGHTS: Any <:1ggrieved party may appeal a fin,al order ,of "the, sr'iial Magistrate to the Circuit Court within thirty (30) days of the execution of the Order appealed. An appeal -shaJl nO! be '8 h~arlng de nQVO, b~t.shaU be limited to appellate review of the record created within the origmal hearing. It is the responsibility of the appefliing l!IartY to obtain a transcribed record of the hearing from the Clerk of Courts. Filing an Appeal will not automatically stay the execution of the Order cc. Respondent- LILLIAN CAMPUZANO PAPPACErJA Collier Co. Code Enforcement Dept. . ~ . . l ,