Backup 04/12/2010EMS
APRIL 12, 2010
AGENDA Pre - Hospital Care
4 pm April 12, 2010
Naples Chamber of Commerce
Topic Presenter
Introductions of Attendees and Alternates G. Moebius
Ground Rules — To work as a team to improve P. Barton /G. Moebius
Pre - Hospital Care in Collier County
a. Attendance — voting members and alternates
b. Schedule
Where we are and how we got here G. Moebius /E. Morton
a. History
b. Literature search
c. Discussion on BLS and ALS
Data Review and expert opinion J. Bloom /E. Morton /G. Moebius
a. Discussion on expert
b. Existing Data points
i. What makes reasonable sense as a key point
ii. Why such points
iii. When such points and do some data points work in
different areas of Collier County
Sub - Committees
ALS and BLS standards and training — Sub committee E. Morton /J. Gauta MD
What are the standards and training required for different potential providers
Best Practices, clinical versus legal
Identify Attendees - Medical Director, ED Physicians, Hospital, Fire, Sheriff
Equipment and Supplies — Sub committee
What are the standards that should be used for different potential providers
Best Practices, hospital and county
Identify Attendees — Hospitals, EMS, Fire
Communication- Sub committee
What, where and frequency of key issues
Best Practices, hospital and county
Identify Attendees — Sheriff, EMS, Fire, Hospitals, ED physicians
Medical Director (1)
Robert Tober MD
Hospitals (2)
NCH Phil Dutcher COO
PRHS Joe Bernard COO PRHS Collier Blvd
Lee Memorial Andrea Synder
ED Physicians (2)
NCH John Lewis MD
PRHS Todd Carlson MD
EMS (2)
Chief Jeff Page
Second Attendee
Fire (2)
Deputy Chief Chris Byrne Marco Island
FF /Paramedic Eric Watson Big Corkscrew Island
Alternate Chief Jorge Aguilera
Chief Bob Metzger non voting attendee
Sheriff Department (1)
Chief James Bloom
Collier County Manager Liaison
Dan Summers
Original Panel
Edward Morton
Adria Starkey
Pat Barton
Joe Gauta MD
Russell Budd
Geoff Moebius
Pre - Hospital Care
Ground Rules are established to facilitate discussion, with a goal to achieve progress
of the group as a whole.
A. Membership
1. Regular members representing various stakeholders have been determined.
2. The above members may have an alternate (one specific individual) who will
be present and may vote /speak in their absence.
3. Alternates are encouraged to attend meetings, but in that capacity will not have
a voice or vote if the regular member is present.
B. Meetings and Attendance
1. Regular meetings, including committee meetings will be established; dates,
times, and locations to be agreed upon and posted.
2. Any regular member not able to attend will be responsible for notifying his
alternate. If neither is able to be present, there will be no substitute.
3. No other individuals outside of designated members, alternates or specifically
Invited and approved guests may be present at any meetings.
C. Sub - Committees
The Pre - Hospital Care Group will initially have established sub - committees:
a. ALS and BLS Standards and training
b. Equipment and Supplies
c. Communication
2. Additional members may be added to sub - committees as deemed appropriate.
3. Additional committees may be added if deemed appropriate.
4. All members and alternates (see A. above) may attend any sub - committee
D. Decorum and Procedure
1. Respect and civility will prevail. There is a critical need to listen to one
another and to refrain from negative comments and personal affronts.
2. Confidentiality is foremost in this process. Members and alternates must agree
to maintain that trust and also eschew any and all media communications.
3. Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised, will be the parliamentary authority.