Productivity Backup 07/12/2010Productivity
July 12, 2010
August _ooh
A Resource Guide for Technology -based
Economic Development
Positioning Universities as Drivers
Fostering Entrepreneurship
Increasing Access to Capital
Prepared for the
.� ..WE"
The statements, findings, conclusions, and recommendations '
.,� are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the
views of the Economic Development Administration or the
Department of Commerce
page 3
1.11,1c „1 contcnt.
Developing a Practical Resource Guide
Other Resources and Only a Beginning
Universities as Drivers
Strategies to Position Universities to Drive Knowledge based Economic Growth
1 3
University- Industry Research Centers
Key features
1 5
Key success factors
Resources required and sources of funds
1 7
Considerations in choosing this approach
1 g
Example: New York Centers for Advanced Technology
Eminent Scholars Program
Key success factors
Example: Georgia Research Alliance
Example: Kentucky's Research Challenge Trust Fund
Resources required
. ",
Considerations in choosing this approach
Industry - University Matching Grants
Example: Maryland Industrial Partnerships
Example: WTC's Research and Technology Development Grant Program
Resources required and sources of funds
Considerations in choosing this approach
University Technology Commercialization Programs
Key success factors
Example: MIT's Deshpande Center for Technological Innovation
Resources required and sources of funds
Considerations in choosing this approach
Facilitating Entrepreneurship. Overview
Critical resources
Service delivery
Example: Team Rochester
Facilitating Entrepreneurship: Initiatives
Selecting target markets for assistance
Assist start -ups
Delivery mechanisms
Example: John Pappajohn Entrepreneurial Centers
Entrepreneurial training
Example: FastTrac
Directory of entrepreneurship services
Mentoring and coaching
Example: BETE Transformation Services Network
Providing access to funding
Preparing entrepreneurs to present to investors
Networking events
Example. Utah
Table of Contents
Exarnple University of Central Florida Technology Incubator
Example Advanced Technology Development Center
Increase deal flow
Screening and brokering
Recruiting management talent
Growing entrepreneurial talent business plan competitions
Example Great Lakes Entrepreneur Quest
Example. Donald W. Reynolds Governor's Cup Competition
Pulling technologies out of corporations
Example. NISTAC
Pulling technologies out of universities
Example Utah's Centers of Excellence
Entrepreneurial programs within universities
Example: Dingman Center for Entrepreneurship
Example: Hinman CEO Program
Promoting a culture of entrepreneurship
Does Government Have a Role?
Facilitating Capital Access: Overview
Service delivery
Encourage Private Investment
Entrepreneurship education
Certification /validation /due diligence / "brokerage" services
Example: i2E
Angel education- creating smart money
Angel organization development
Example: WTC Angel Network
Investor forums and conferences
Tax credits to encourage investments and pools of funds
Tax credits to angel investors
Example: Ohio Technology Investment Tax Credit
Example: Indiana Venture Capital Investment Tax Credit
Fund to funds programs
SBIR /STTR outreach and assistance
Example: Wyoming SBIR /STTR Initiative
Provide Direct Funding to Firms
Grants or loans for applied R &D
Example. KTEC Applied Research Matching Fund
Example: Maine Technology Institute SBIR /STTR
Funding without taking equity stake
Example: BFTP Northeast
Example. Maryland Challenge Investment Program
Direct equity investment in firms by public sector
Example. Massachusetts Technology Development Corp.
Example Connecticut Innovations
Pension or public funds invested in venture capital
Tax credits direct to firms
Example: New Jersey's Technology Business Tax Certificate Transfer
Debt financing for later life
Appendix A Commercialization Activities Roadmap
"/ Appendix B Definition of terms
"`__•__" _
Appendix C List of practitioners interviewed
Resources Guide: Introduction
page 7
During the last several years, the U.S. economy has been undergoing a dramatic
transformation as the nation moves to an economy driven by technology -- through
the creation of new industries and the application of technology in traditional
industries. Competing in a global economy, regions must have an economic base
composed of firms that constantly innovate and maximize the use of technology in
the workplace. Technology -based economic development is the approach used to
help create a climate where that new economic base can thrive.
Based on the experience of tech -based economies like Silicon Valley, Research
Triangle, and Route 128, it is generally acknowledged now that the following
elements are required for a tech -based economy:
-An intellectual infrastructure, i.e. universities and public or private research
laboratories that generate new knowledge and discoveries
-Mechanisms for transferring knowledge from one individual to another or from
one company to another
-Physical infrastructure that includes high quality telecommunications systems
and affordable high speed Internet connections
-Highly skilled technical workforce
-Sources of risk capital
-Quality of life, and
-Entrepreneurial culture
This resource guide focuses on three of the elements - intellectual infrastructure,
capital, and entrepreneurial culture - and is intended to assist economic
development practitioners in their efforts to accelerate transition to technology -
based economies. The decision to address these three elements within one
document was deliberate because, though apparently distinct, the elements are in
practice inter - related. Therefore, while readers may focus on whichever section they
see as central to their own interests, they may also find benefit in reviewing the
other two sections, since comments and observations found in one section often
pertain as well to issues in the other sections.
Practitioners can use the guide to implement and update programs addressing these
three critical elements required for a tech -based economy. The guide also begins to
resolve one of the most challenging issues for the tech -based economic development
community: the paucity of written information that captures the insights, wisdom
and practical knowledge of people who have decades of experience in the field.
Although state efforts reach back to the I950s, the technology based economic
development field still relies heavily on oral tradition to convey what has been
learned, and as one former official put it, 1 am not aware of any formal
training /academic programs for the directors and associates _. except for on the job
'.: learning." This resource guide serves as a starting point in transferring the collective
_,/knowledge of the field to a written form that will be useful not only to those new to
the field, but also to those with more experience.
Resources Guide: Introduction
Developing a Practical Resource Guide
Over the years, many academic researchers, associations and private consulting
firms have prepared reports papers and studies attempting to identify best
practices among a wide range of programs, policies or practices to encourage
technology based economic development. The utility of most studies of best
practices however, is limited by several factors. Nearly all are developed either by
those with little or no actual experience In the field as practitioners or by
organizations with an interest in the success of a particular approach. For the forrner
group, the results may lead to conclusions or recommendations that have limited
applicability to practical implementation for many state and local governments. The
latter group risks explicit or subconscious and real or perceived biases that Influence
which programs or approaches are designated best practices.
Best practice publications also can be limited by the depth and breadth of the
author's knowledge of the universe of programs in the particular field. For example,
the case studies for many best practices are taken from members of the association
preparing the report. by scanning newspaper headlines and conference brochures, or
asking a few close colleagues m the field. The best known programs are not
necessarily the most effective (unless, of course, one is exploring best practices in
marketing and outreach).
With limited resources available for this project, the focus could not be on
determining and evaluating with academic rigor which are the "best" practices - -a
report that is certainly needed, but that is more complex and expensive to produce
than the available funding allowed. Rather, this document is intended to serve as a
practical resource guide for several audiences:
Practitioners new to the field —the information contained in this guide serves as
a starting point in explaining various approaches that can be employed to help
build a tech -based economy
Experienced practitioners —even for those familiar with the programs and
policies highlighted in this guide, there is much to be learned from the candid
advice provided by the practitioners who were interviewed
Policymakers- -the guide, we believe, helps provide a framework for
considering what a state or region should do in addressing three of the most
critical elements of a tech -based economy
Elected officials and the media —the guide helps explain the strategies currently
being employed, along with their relative advantages and disadvantages
In designing this guide, SSTI used a variety of resources — academic research, other
guides and reports on tech based economic development, personal experiences of
SSTI staff, input from the TEED community at large- -but the heart of the approach
was to tap the experiences of practitioners who have designed and managed
successful programs. SSTI conducted extensive personal interviews with 58 TBED
practitioners (see Appendix C for a list of those interviewed) from across the
country —many with 25 years or more of experience in the field - -to draw on their
combined wisdom in designing, implementing and running programs focused on
intellectual infrastructure, entrepreneurship, and capital.
The interviews were free -form in nature and the barest of interview guides was used in
order to capture as much of the individuals' experience as possible. As a result, it is
important to point out broad themes and specific lessons learned were captured in the
interviews. However, because of the free form interviews, the practitioners were not
asked as a group to settle differences of opinion that exist in the TBED field. The guide
should not be viewed as a unanimous endorsement from the practitioners for the
opinions expressed herein; rather, SSTI has attempted to report consensus opinions
where consensus exists, and sometimes countering viewpoints where it does not
When the interviews were concluded, SSTI presented its preliminary findings at three
r sessions of SSTI's Eighth Annual Conference to a broader cross - section of practitioners
and asked the participants a series of questions that had arisen from the interviews.
The input received at those sessions helped SSTI further refine this guide.
To illustrate the types of programs that are being employed, the reader will find
throughout this guide a series of examples. The information contained in the
examples was drawn largely from materials provided by the programs, but any errors
that may be contained therein are solely SSTI 's.
Other Resources and Only a Beginning
Our hope is that this resource guide will serve as a starting point for many as they
consider how to build their tech based economy. Readers of this guide may find the
following organizations and publications as useful as we do, and we encourage you
to draw upon their resources and findings.
-Angel Capital Association
-Association of University Research Parks
• National Association of Seed and Venture Funds
-National Business Incubation Association
Angel Investment Groups, Networks, and Funds: A Guidebook to Developing the
Right Angel Organization for Your Community by Susan L. Preston (Ewing
Marion Kauffman Foundation: August 2004 edition).
Public Involvement in Venture Capital Funds: Lessons from Three Program
Alternatives by David L. Barkley, Deborah M. Markley, and Julia Sass Rubin (Rural
Policy Research Institute, RUPRI Rural Equity Capital Panel, November, 1999,
Updated February 2000)
Venture Capital Cycle: Second Edition by Paul Gompers and Josh Lerner (MIT
Press: 2004)
Readers may also find the SSTI Weekly Digest a useful resource for keeping track of
what is occurring in the TBED community and SSTI's for
locating other reports on issues affecting the TEED community.
JJust as this guide can be a starting point in learning more about how to build a tech -
based economy, it is important to know that SSTI views it as a starting point for much
work that remains to be done. Because the TEED field is evolving and the experience
of practitioners is increasing, there are more interviews to be done, more lessons
learned to be shared, more topics to be covered, and perhaps, most importantly,
more discussion to be held on the lessons contained in this resource guide.
SSTI appreciates the support of the Economic Development Administration in
preparing this guide. Our particular thanks go to John McNamee and Sunni Massey
for their encouragement throughout the process.
SSTI is greatly indebted to the 58 practitioners who agreed to be interviewed for this
guide. Not only were they generous with their time, but also with their willingness to
share what they have learned, their candor in discussing what has worked and what
has not, and their insights and advice. The field is better because of their
participation in it, and we are gratified to have the trust they placed in us.
Any project produced by SSTI is truly the work of the whole team, and this guide is no
different. From SSTI, Dan Berglund, Mark Skinner and Sheri Stickley, and from
Battelle's Technology Partnership Practice, Marianne Clarke conducted interviews and
prepared the text. Phillip Battle and Rhiannon Mehring provided critical research
assistance and writing, particularly in the examples used throughout. Mark Kish did
his typical masterful job in designing the report. Heidi Findley offered editing support
that helped bring the document together as a cohesive whole. Noelle Sheets provided
encouragement and moral support throughout the project, and Sue Bell, Robin
Brunotts, Ruth Carr, and Bela Gergely provided administrative and research support
throughout that made the project manageable.
Resource Guide: Universities as Drivers
page 11
In trodurt ion
One of the most critical elements in a technology based economy is the strength of
its research and development institutions. Research and development drives
technological progress and, therefore, economic growth. Capital invested in basic
and applied research has led to important breakthroughs in electronics, computer
science, IT, and the biosciences.
Numerous studies have shown that anchors of fast - growing, technology oriented
economies are major research universities interacting with a robust technology -
oriented private sector. For example, a study prepared for the U.S. Small Business
Administration (SBA) found, "Research universities and investment in R &D at these
universities are major factors contributing to economic growth in the labor market
areas in which the universities are situated. "' Studies by the U.S. Department of
Commerce's Office of Technology Policy and others have found that all areas of
technology -based economic development in the U.S. have strong concentrations of
both university and private research.'A Milken Institute study found that research
enters and institutes are "undisputedly the most important factor in incubating
high-tech industries. "3
Experience in communities throughout the U.S. bears out these research findings. In
a study of growing companies in Seattle, for example, fully 70 percent of the
companies had a "direct, active role in the operation of the University of
Washington. " ^A study conducted for BankBostons assessing the impact of MIT on the
economy of Massachusetts and the nation found:
If the companies founded by MIT graduates formed an independent nation, the
revenues produced by the companies would make that nation the 24th largest
economy in the world. The 4,000 MIT - related companies employ 1 l million
people and have annual world sales of $232 billion.
The 1,065 MIT related firms headquartered in Massachusetts employ 353,000
people worldwide and 125,000 people in the state. They generate worldwide
sales of $53 billion. These companies represent five percent of total state
employment and 10 percent of the state's economic base. MIT- related firms
account for about 25 percent of sales of all manufacturing firms in the state
and 33 percent of all software sales.
It is, therefore, not surprising that states and regions have historically looked to their
higher education institutions to be key drivers of economic growth.
Forty years ago, the University of California at San Diego (UCSD) did not
exist as an operating institution. Now it is on a par with UCLA and UC-
Berkeley within the University of California system — arguably the most
distinguished public university organization in the world —in the size of its
research programs. With major centers of excellence in the biological,
engineering, and physical sciences, UCSD's research expenditures in FY
2003 totaled $646.5 million, placing it seventh among all U.S. universities.
boasts five Nobel prizewinning faculty members, 60 members of the
National Academy of Science, and over 80 endowed professorial chairs.
Resource Guide: Universities as Drivers
"1ost impollantly flom an economic de\'elopmenr pE'fspective is the onCJoing
and Il1lpOnant relationship berl,veen UCSD nlld grt'Clter San Diego WOI~in9
through dn orgdnizatlonal irltr,lstrllcture and mission that 02mphasizE's the
univerSity lole in the regional economy, UCSD reports that Illore than
-1-0,000 Jobholders In the San Diego .:'conomy dr-e now held by its graduates,
many of them In the burgeoning number of high tech companies that
characterize the cO'llrl1unity
Founded by UCSD, the nationally-known CONNECT program plays a major
role in fostering the local entrepreneurial economy, involved in more th<ln
100 events a year, Not surprisingly, the university technology transfer
function places a heavy emphasis on commercializing faculty inventions
through locally-based start-up companies. UCSD reported in 2004 that
during the last decade, mor-e than 70 start-ups were created using UCSD
technology as the foundation and about 220 companies had been spun off
from UCSO. including firms created by alumni, faculty and staff6
There are a number of reasons why the presence of research universities with
recognized areas of research excellence is critical for regions and states seeking to
grow technology-based knowledge economies. First, the research conducted at the
university generates new knowledge and technOlogy that form the basis for creating
new firms and introducing new p,'oducts in the marketplace. Second, the universities
both attract and produce highly trained personnel who provide the technically
educated workforce needed by technologically advanced companies. The presence of
such a workforce, in turn, attracts technology companies to locate in proximity to
university centers. Third, universities generate intellectual property that can lead to
new products and processes and the creation of new companies.
The universities that have been most effective in launching and supporting
knowledge economies appear to display the following characteristics:
. They are performing world-class research in areas that correspond to the
science and teChnology drivers of the national and regional knowledge
sectors_ Universities that are responsive to the knowledge economy often have
developed centers of excellence focused on key technOlogy areas of importance
to regional industry clusters. In addition to conducting research of value to the
industry, these centers enable the university to turn out significant numbers of
undergraduates and graduates that provide the workforce needed by the industry
. They have a cadre of nationally prominent faculty. A new paradigm has
emerged that recognizes that a key to attracting research dollars and building
an institution's capabilities and reputation is to attract world-class researchers.
Universities that are effective generators of technOlogy-based growth are able to
recruit and retain their star researchers_ In many cases, this prestige faculty
holds appointments that are oriented toward both fundamental science and real
world (e.g., industrial, social, cultural) applications and implications
. They have leadership who views the university as a key partner with
industry and government in creating and growing a knowledge economy.
The university's leadership must be committed to pursuing concurrent goals of
academic excellence and regional economic development and the university
must have in place an organizational infrastructure and culture that enables the
university and faculty to partner both internally across schools and disciplines
and externally with industry and other research institutions
. They have the physical infrastructure needed to support research and
technology development. This includes laboratories equipped with state-of-the-
art instrumentation, attractive classrooms and learning centers encompassing
the best instructional technologies, university-affiliated research parks to foster
partnering and interaction with industry, and conference facilities that will
provide a range of venues for schOlarly and business-oriented interaction
. They have mechanisms in place, inclUding financing programs, to facilitate
the translation of research findings into commercial products and
processes. More and more leading universities are improving technology
page 1 3
transfer programs and establishing commercialization d5sistance pr'ograrns to
help faculty and entrepreneurs move technology from the lab to the market
There are a variety of approaches that can be used to Invest in higher education to
enable the institutions to become key drivers of a tech-based economy We foclIs on
four approaches in this guide.
1. Building Research Excellence in Key Strategic Areas
One way in which states and regions seek to bolster the impdn of universities
on the local technology economy is to invest R&D funds targeted to strategic
priority areas that the university can use to leverage other sources of funding
The investments are strategy-driven, and key areas are identified based on an
analysis of the core competencies of both the local economy and locally-based
2. Attracting and retaining a World Class Faculty
The core of academic excellence is found, over and over again, in the talents
and ambitions of a relatively small number of highly productive faculty
members. In effect, more than 90 percent of the most significant R&D is
performed by less than 10 percent of the faculty members. This has been true
since the early history of the modern university, the relationship is stable, and it
was formulated as a mathematical "law" over eighty years ago.7The hard part of
course is to identify, nurture, and keep that small cadre of highly talented
researchers. There are two bask strategies, which are not mutually exclusive. One
is to pick highly talented junior faculty, and try to hold on to those who mature
into world-class scientists. An alternative approach is to identify senior individuals,
with established reputations and research programs, and recruit them.
3. Linking Academic Researchers and Industry
Innovation, in and of itself, will not necessarily translate into economic activity.
Rather, it is the application of that technology and its introduction into the
marketplace that results in economic growth. Having a strong R&D base is
necessary but not sufficient to grow a technology-based economy. An effective
means of moving technology into the commercial marketplace is to encourage
relationships between the researchers who are making the discoveries and the
entrepreneurs and companies that have the ability to commercialize them.
4. Capturing IP to Create New Companies, Products, and Processes
Universities and other research institutions find that potential market
applications for research findings often go unnoticed unless funding is available
to further develop an idea or approach, to conduct further applied research,
undertake due diligence, or expose the research to other people with differing
perspectives. Prototype development and proof-of-concept funds are used to
address this need. Some universities have established independent entities to
commercialize the institution's research findings and to provide assistance,
including in some cases, financial assistance, to faculty and staff who create new
companies around university developed technologies. Other universities have
used their endowments to capitalize local or regional seed and venture funds
The idea of leveraging a state or region's intellectual assets to grow a technology.
based economy is not new. In fact, the early state technology-based development
(TBED) programs were designed to do just that. For more than twenty years, states
and regions have undertaken initiatives designed to make universities key drivers of
regional economic development. Drawing on the collective experience of TBED
practitioners, this section of the guide discusses the mechanisms and tools that can
be used to implement the strategies outlined above suggesting which mechanisms
are most effective in which cases.
:tOther approaches to leveraging a region's infrastructure include investing in physical
.>"'infrastructure and the development of research parks and mixed campuses. Despite
the huge growth in federal support of university research during the post World War
II era, federal support for infrastructure is proportionately less plentiful than project
support (which is heavily weighted toward research personnel costs). There are some
Resource Guide: Universities as Drivers
equipment grants available, but the competition IS quite fierce The upshot is that a
combination of state and local gavel nment slIpport, philanthropy, dnd corporate
donations must fill the gap to build a physicallflfrastructure required for quality
research programs
Research parks are leal estate developments in which land and buildings are lIsed to
house public and private research and development facilities, fligh technology and
science-based companies, and support services. By providing a location in which
researchers and companies operate in close proximity, research parks crate an
environment that fosters collaboration and innovation and promotes the
development, transfer and commercialization of technology
Due to space and resource limitations, the rest of this section explores only the four
most common approaches and some of the lessons learned from practitioners who
have worked on these programs for a number of years
Uni,-'er-sity-InJustry Rcsc.-In:h CcntE-TS
Many states made significant investments to create university-industry research
centers focused on topics relating to the state's key industry sectors in the early
days of technology-based economic development (TBED), Such centers, often called
"Centers of Excellence" or advanced technology centers, were the key centerpiece of
early TBED programs in Kansas, New Jersey, New York, and Ohio, Many, if not most,
of the centers created under these programs still operate today, some with
continuing state support and some with alternative sources of funding but these
programs have evolved significantly. Interest in university-industry research centers
waned somewhat in the 1990s due in part to concerns that the centers were too
dominated by academic interests and as a result were not having the economic
development impact that was desired.
Today, with the growing recognition of the need to promote multi-institutional,
multi-disciplinary research, interest in centers programs is again high. New York has
created a new Centers of Excellence program to complement its existing Advanced
Technology Centers (ATCs) and Strategically Targeted Academic Research (STAR)
Centers and California created three new California Institutes of Science and
Innovation in 2001. South Dakota funded three Centers of Excellence in 2004 and
the North Dakota legislature committed $SO million to create Centers of Excellence
at the state's universities and colleges in 200S Ohio, which created its Edison
Centers more than 20 years ago, has now created Wright Centers that support
collaborations among higher education, nonprofit research organizations and
companies designed to lead to commercialization.
AI! of these efforts are aimed at achieving technology-based economic development
by leveraging a state or region's university research strengths, The design of a
university-industry research center, however, can vary significantly depending on the
specific objective that a state or region is trying to achieve.
Traditionally, university research was conducted by individual investigators housed in
discipline-focused departments, Within the past twenty years, however, an increasing
share of the growth in university research is channeled through research centers or
institutes. A research center generally includes a number of affiliated faculty
members, a center director and management, graduate students, dedicated
laboratory facilities, allied educational programs and in the case of university-
industry centers, industrial partners. More and more, such centers also include
commercialization activities.
Industry-university research centers can be organized in several ways. They can be
part of the university; they can be independent but closely affiliated with a university;
or, they (an operate as a completely independent nonprofit organization. There are
advantages and disadvantages to each approach, Centers that are part of the
university have to make sure that they understand and are responsive to industry
needs. Likewise independent non profits must understand and appreciate the
academic climate in which university researchers must operate, A successful center is
one in which the Center is able to bridge the gap between two very different
cultures, academia and business,
page 1 5
University-industry research centers can be used to
. Build a state or region"s research enterprise
. Encourage dcademic researchers to undertake research \,vlth potential economic
. ASSIst local companies by tapping university resources
. Encourage the commercialization of unlver"sity-developed discoveries
In a state or region that is seeking to grow its research base, creating a center of
excellence can help to attract faculty and increased federal and private R&D funding,
but it should be recognized that growing the research enterprise will not necessarily,
in and of itself, lead to economic benefit. Capitalizing on the research base requires
that attention be paid to commercializing research findings as well
One state's centers, for example, were designed to both build capacity of the state's
research institutions by attracting world-class researchers while at the same time
developing collaborative industrial academic partnerships. But in the opinion of
practitioners from that state who were interviewed for this guide the state's
experience was that they were more successful at achieving the former rather than
the lauer. Similarly, practitioners in another state whose center program was
specifically designed to build linkages between the state's research universities, which
already had significant capacity, and local industry reported that leveraging university
strengths into new technologies and companies proved to be quite a challenge,
Industry-university research centers share some common characteristics although
there are alternative models that reflect local conditions and objectives. Key features
of university-industry centers include:
1. Industry Participation
The level of industry involvement in university industry research centers can vary
from industry providing financial support and serving on industrial advisory
boards (industrial affiliate model) to industry holding the majority of seats on a
Board of Directors and driving the direction of the center. Industries participate
in centers to gain access to cutting-edge researchers and equipment and to find
talented graduate students.
2. Requirements for Matching Support
Practitioners advised that a true test of whether a center has the support of
industry is the level of match that the Center is able to raise. The early centers
usually required a 1:1 match of private to public money. Today, centers are
often required to raise three to four dollars for every dollar of public money
invested, and while this might be the minimum requirement, successful centers
are often able to achieve much higher leverage ratios, particularly if federal
funds are also taken into account.
Requiring cash match is an essential component of successful centers. Early
centers that allowed companies to provide in-kind match often found that the
centers were then underfunded, some practitioners reported. However, there is a
balancing act in requiring cash match and assisting smaller companies. Smaller
companies have more difficulty in providing cash match, so unless provisions
are made to encourage the center to work with small companies, centers may
opt to focus only on large companies that can provide the cash match, A
few practitioners suggested that other means of encouraging university-industry
collaboration, such as matching grant programs rather than centers, may be
more appropriate for working with small and medium-size enterprises, although
policymakers should seriously consider the economic and political implications
of focusing on multi-million-dollar investments that work with a limited number
of large companies.
-~i" 3. Focus on Specific areas of Technology
-jY One of the primary reasons that states and regions provide support for research
centers is that they focus on specific areas of technology that offer potential for
economic development either because they address areas of importance to the
state or region's existing industry base or because they are emerging areas that
Resource Guide: Universities as Drivers
offer the opportunity to develop new companies and industries
State and regions have taken two approaches to identifYing strategic technology
areas in ~..'hlch to create university-industry research centers The first appr-oach
is to identify the research strengths or core competenCies of the state or
legion's Ie-search institutions and to analyze its economic base to identify those
niches that will offer the greatest opportunities for development in the state or
region The second approach is to issue a competitive RFP and let the
universities and industry come together to propose areas of focus
Some practitioners advised that the RFP process can be very LJseful if the goal is
to support existing industry It is market-driven and forces the partnership to
be tangible with money on the table before the public dollars are added
However, if the goal is to pick an emerging industry and nurture it, then you
have to identify strategic focus areas because there may be no existing industry
base. Some practitioners cautioned that if picking an emerging industry, then
care should be given as to the plan for how to support the growth of that
industry beyond funding research that supports it
4. Multi-diSciplinary in Nature
Another reason for creating centers and the reason why so much of the growth
in university research is being channeled through centers is that centers
facilitate multi-disciplinary research, which is increasingly gaining importance in
driving new study areas, technology and commercializable innovations and
discoveries. Many argue it is in the convergence of previously distinct fields that
the greatest advances are being made. Advanced information technology, for
example, have given biologists the ability to manipulate very large-scale data
sets Nanotechnology is being used to design and fabricate extremely small
information processing and mechanical devices. Harnessing such new
technologies and finding applications for them in new markets offers great
potential for spinning off new companies and products.
s. Focus on Commercialization
One of the lessons learned from early univerSity-industry centers is that building
the research base, while a prerequisite, does not automatically result in
commercialization. More and more centers include staff who can provide
commercialization assistance, in terms of both financing and business support
to researchers.
Individuals with experience in designing, managing and operating university.industry
research center programs were interviewed to get their input on the factors that they
feel are key to developing centers that will result in significant economic
development and to ask what advice they would give to someone creating or
operating a centers program today The following are the key factors that were
1. Peer Review of Proposals
Program managers emphasized the importance of awarding centers on a
competitive basis by using peer reviewers. This ensures that first and foremost
the public sector is supporting good science and insulates the selection process
from politics to the extent that it can be. Some states make it a point to use out-
of-state reviewers, others use a mix of in-state and out. of-state reviewers. Review
teams should include individuals with both academic and industrial experience.
2. The Director and Quality of the Faculty
A characteristic shared by successful centers is that they were started by or
recruited high quality researchers who were able to attract R&D funding from
multiple sources. Not only were they good researchers. however, they were also
people willing to interact with the industrial community. Faculty in successful
centers are committed to both economic relevance and academic excellence.
Program managers also indicated that it takes a unique individual to run a
center. The most effective Center Directors are those who are 1) entrepreneurial,
2) credible and recognized among the faculty and thereby able to attract faculty
page 1 7
to participate in the center, 3) recognized by the administration, and 4) able to
inspire the confidence of industry Of these attributes, being entrepreneurial is
probably most Important in terms of having a center that leads to economic
development. One practitioner put It this way, "The key factor to a center's
success is the technical management of the center. That is the center's director
who. in fact, has experience, maturity, and the respect of people in his or her
field. and the vision of where the technology or the science and skill needs to go
Into the future, dnd how it relates to industry'
3. Commitment and Involvement of Senior Industry Leaders
Successful centers are driven by industry needs rather than the desire of
scientists to explore basic research. This is what differentiates a university-
industry center from a basic academic research center. Industry needs to playa
leadership role if the center is going to succeed in commercialiZing new
innovations and realizing the economic development impacts that are desired
Practitioners cautioned it is important that centers enlist the participation of very
senior people from its corporate partners who are committed to participation
and are prepared to drive it. One former program director indicated that the
industry people who served on their advisory committees tended to be people
with technical expertise. As a result, the centers became too focused on the
research side rather than the business side. The involvement of more senior
corporate officers would help maintain a focus on the potentia! for economic
development. A center director indicated that the biggest mistake to make is to
become too preoccupied with the research and technology and not sufficiently
focused on what industry trends are and what the technology needs are within
an industry.
4. Periodic review of centers
Some program managers interviewed suggested that programs to support
university-industry research centers should define funding for a specified period
of time, at which point a decision could be made as to whether to renew funding
for the center or not. Some of the early programs did not begin with an
expectation that centers would graduate or over time reduce their need for state
support, making it more difficult to end public support for the centers. It should
be noted that establishing advanced research centers or centers of excellence
requires a long-term commitment, and that providing funding for an extended
period of time should be expected. Funding has to be available to get the center
up and operating and staffed with researchers who are then able to bring in
funding from other sources. Such funding should not, however, be conSidered
an entitlement. The expectation that a center will continue to receive annual
support can make it difficult to discontinue funding for nan"performing centers
and also limits a state's ability to use program funds to create new centers.
Centers should be periodically reviewed so that funding can be cut if the results
are not good, if the results are not relevant anymore or, in some cases, even if
the results are very good but state support is no longer needed. The downside
of completely phasing out all state support is that the center then may not have
as much of an incentive to work with in-state companies or to commercialize
research findings within the state.
5. Accountability Requirements
Centers must be held accountable, but at the same time they must be given
flexibility as they are getting started. A common approach is to ask each center
director and center team to develop a model for how they are going to be
successful, and to identify the steps or milestones that would have to be
achieved to succeed in accomplishing their vision for the center. The program
administrators then measured each center's progress against the agreed upon
milestones. One program administrator saId, "Regular evaluations are important
and we found that site visits were abSOlutely essential." Many programs bring in
" external review panels that often include out-of.state reviewers
The budgets of center initiatives can vary greatly. Those that provide support for
buildings and equipment often require millions of dollars, ones that provide
operating support may be considerably smaller. The State of Ohio, for example,
Resource Guide: Universities as Drivers
recently competitively awarded funds to create ~Vlight Centels of Innovation, "vtlich
represent partnerships of Ohio research Institutions dnd Industry Each Center
received bell,\een S 1 0 million and 520 million, I,\hich (an be used to support the
conqruction and refurbishing of research and commercialization facilities as 1...,0211 0.5
for operating support. While center 5 are often staned With stare funding and private
sector funding, successful centers compete effectively for federal aWdrds
Creating a center of excellencE.' is an expensive proposition that requires a significant
cash investment For states or regions with limited resources, it may make morE.'
sense to use scarce resources to provide matching grants for university. industry
projects or to leverage federal dollars. At the same time, creating centers of
excellence can play an important role in developing strong R&D capabilities and
partnerships in areas of significance to the state or region's economic future or
developing new industries based on emerging technologies Other alternatives to
funding centers are to attract world-class researchers with the ability to grow centers
of excellence or supporting junior faculty as they build their research programs. The
next section discusses Eminent Scholars programs that focus on attracting research
. ~'\
New York's Centers for Advanced Technology (CATs) support
commercialization partnerships between universities and private firms by
providing university space for basic and applied research, and for planning
the transfer of new technologies into high-tech markets. Since 1983 the
state has designated CATs in targeted technology areas, including
integrated electronics, optics, biotechnology, telecommunications, robotics
and automation, imaging, and nanotechnology.8
Centers may apply for the designation once they have demonstrated a
capacity for successful collaboration with industry partners, a willingness to
cooperate with other state institutions of higher education and economic
development agencies, and the ability to secure outside funding that can
match or exceed the state's contribution. CATs receive up to $1 million in
their first year of funding, and may retain the designation for up to ten
years with increasing requirements for outside funds, and a maximum of
$500,000 from the state in its tenth year.9ln 1999, the state legislature
established the Enhanced Centers of Advances Technology (E-CATl program,
which makes additional funds available if a center demonstrates that
funding is needed to secure outside investment or when the research being
done at a center has unusual potential for economic development.lO
As of 2006, 15 designated CATs are in operation at 13 New York universities.
NYSTAR's annual report for FY 2004.2005 reports that almost $24 million in
matching funds were leveraged in that year by the state's $12.5 million
investment in the program. The program office also reports that the centers
were responsible for 383 new jobs created at client companies,11
Eminf'nt Seho/LH",'; PYogrmr!s
It is becoming increasingly common for states to try to build their research base by
providing their universities with the means to attract world-class faculty, often
referred to as Eminent Scholars. During the eady-1 980s, the University of Texas was
able to fill 32 endowed positions in engineering and the natural sciences, with an
emphasis on areas such as microelectronics, material sciences, physics. and
computer sciences. Many have argued that this was a major contributor to attracting
the Microelectronic and Computer Technology Corporation (MCCJ and Sematech to
Austin, Texas and to the rapid subsequent growth of its high technology regional
economy. More recently, Georgia and Kentucky have achieved success in building
their R&D bases through Eminent Scholars programs
Eminent Scholars programs provide funding for endowed chairs, ie. a position is
endowed via a significant up-front investment and the income from the endowing
investment is used to pay the salary of the Eminent Scholar, as well as other
associated expenses. The current cost to endow a position ranges between 53
page 19
'.. ,-:.....
million and 56 million. This will cover all or most of the incumbent's salary. some
'start-up" costs to outfit a laboratory, and possibly some research assistant
positions It should be realized that this is typically a one-time investment {with
subsequent upgradesl. that can return anywhere betvveen SS million and 520 million
in research funding over a ten year period. This is truly the investment that "keeps
on giving." Moreover, a. cluster of such appointments can provide an important
stimulus to building a regional knowledge economy
An Eminent Scholars program is designed to increase the R&D dollars that are
flowing into a state by recruiting faculty that have an excellent track record of
sllccessfully competing for R&D awards. This mechanism, therefore, is most
appropriate for states or regions that have a less developed R&D base. An Eminent
Scholars program will not, in and of itself, necessarily lead to economic benefit,
although the work of some Eminent Scholars may lead to spin-off companies.
Eminent Scholar programs are usually undertaken as part of a larger, more
comprehensive effort to leverage universities as an asset for economic development.
As noted previously, there are two basic strategies, which are not mutually exclusive,
in approaching eminent scholars programs. One is to pick highly talented junior
faculty, and try to hold on to those who mature into world-class scientists, An
alternative approach is to identify senior individuals, with established reputations and
research programs, and recruit them. From the perspective of a state or region trying
to help kick-start academic centers of excellence in their universities, the former
approach has problems. It will typically take years before junior faculty-despite the
excellence of their credentials-can playa visible, leadership role in major R&D
centers. Creating other difficulties in selling the approach is that often the
development period extends beyond a state political administration's time in office.
The advantages of going for established name scientists are several, from the
perspectives of both the institution and the public sector. For one, the established
researcher can hit the ground running, and unless operating in pre-retirement mode,
he/she can be expected to bring in millions of research dollars over the course of a
~areer. If the recruitment of an established academic star can be steered toward
research areas that reflect the priorities of a state or region's plan or vision, with
selection criteria favoring industrial experience, all the more attractive for the state.
The recruitment of one researcher in North Carolina demonstrates the potential
impact of this approach. Wake Forest University recruited a researcher and his 20
person research team from Harvard to build both human organs and related
companies in Winston-Salem. During his first year at Wake Forest, he tripled the size
of his research team, attracted t-/.-to companies from the Northeast to Winston-Salem,
and filed 1 5 patent applications.
Practitioners interviewed on eminent scholars programs suggest that there are two
keys to success. The first is to recruit the right type of person. If the ultimate goal of
an Eminent Scholars program is technology-based economic development, then in
addition to being a world-class researcher considered to be in the top of his or her
field, the eminent scholars must have a desire to see their discoveries
commercialized, either by them or by someone else. The Georgia Research Alliance's
(GRA) Eminent Scholars program has been in place since 1992 and is considered a
model program that has achieved considerable success Over the years, CRA has
developed the follOWing criteria for selecting Eminent Scholars:
. Eligible at the rank of professor
.Grant productivity - faculty recruited as eminent scholars should be expected
to generate $1 million or more in R&D awards over a couple of years or be able
to bring in a major grant for a center or other major effort
. Well respected in their field and broadly cited in the literature over a sustained
. Working in a field in which there is general consensus that the field will be
strong for the next several years
. Demonstrate potential for developing a large-scale, comprehensive, well-funded
interdisciplinary center
. Have a track record of building teams and mentoring others rather than acting
Resource Guide: Universities as Drivers
primarily in the capacity of an individual investigator
. E\hibit characteristics that suggest they can interact at d high level with !lot
only academics but \.vith industry and government as ,veil
. Have an interest in entrepreneurship, v.hich can mean being entrepreneurial In
terms of creating his or 11er own company or \\illing to work \vith entrepreneurs
or companies interested in commercializing a new technology or discovery
T"he second key is to be able to pr-ovide funding for the infrastructure - the labs and
equipment - that will be needed to Support the Eminent Scholar's research team
One of the most important pieces of a recruitment package is the commitment to
construct a laboratory or secure a new sophisticated piece of equipment for the
researcher being recruited The ability to provide such infrastructure must go hand.
in-hand along with the endowed chair in order to attract an eminent scholar In
Kentucky, the first $20 million appropriation to the state's Research Challenge Trust
Fund, also known as Bucks for Brains, was used to purchase research equipment. It
was only after this investment that a second appropriation of $11 0 million was used
to recruit faculty
Another factor that is important in realizing economic development outcomes from
an eminent scholars program is that it should target specific areas of depth and try
to build on previous investments. Recruiting a number of key research faculty in a
particular area will help to build critical mass and is much more likely to result in the
growth and attraction of new companies.
The Georgia Research Alliance is a private, non-profit corporation,
governed by a Board of Trustees comprised of university presidents and
representatives from businesses throughout Georgia. In 1990, the Board
was formed with twelve industry representatives and six university
presidents; currently, the twenty-five member Board includes the six
university Presidents and nineteen business representatives. The six Georgia
research universities involved in the GRA are Clark Atlanta University, Emory
University, the Georgia Institute of Technology, Georgia State University, the
Medical College of Georgia, and the University of Georgia.
GRA fosters technology-based economic development in Georgia by
recruiting enterprising scientists, sparking initiatives that have strong
economic potential, and brokering partnerships between u'niversities and
with companies.
The centerpiece of GRA is its Eminent Scholar Endowment Program, which
seeks to recruit prominent scholars to Georgia from around the world. Since
the program was initiated, GRA has created more than SO Eminent Scholar
positions. Universities and the state of Georgia share the cost of funding
Eminent Scholar positions. A permanent endowment of $1 5 million,
$750,000 provided by the state and $750,000 provided by the university, IS
created for each position_ The Eminent Scholar can use the income
generated by the Endowment as he or she wishes. The University is
responsible for creating and funding a salaried position for the scholar, and
adding additional support positions, e.g" assistant professors, post-doctoral
and graduate positions, to support the scholar. In addition to providing the
permanent endowment, GRA provides significant other support to attract
the Eminent Scholar. This might include start-up money or a commitment to
build and equip a state-of-the art laboratory_ GRA staff report that the ability
to provide new research facilities and specialized equipment has been key
to attracting world.class scholars to Georgia. Areas of research focus of
eRA's Eminent Scholars are primarily in advanced communications and
computing and the biosciences and range from optical systems to vaccine
Two other programs central to the GRA model are its investments in Centers
of Research Excellence and in commercialization programs To date, GRA
has been instrumental in creating some 15 such centers, primarily by
providing matching funds to attract the federal grants that are the
foundation for the center-s' research programs_ Many of the centers are led
page 21
by eRA Eminent Scholars. GRA commercialization programs cover the full
continuum of the commercialization process from identifying university
technologies with commercial potential to slIpporting universitY/Industry
collaborations to cievelop and deploy the technologies
These investments have attracted $2 billion in new federal and private
funding to the state In addition, more than 125 companies have been
created based on univerSity-developed technologies
Kentucky's Research Challenge Trust Fund
In 1997. the Kentucky legislature passed the Kentucky Postsecondary
Education Improvement Act, which created the Research Challenge Trust
Fund. The program, administered by the Council on Post"secondary
Education, provides funds for Kentucky's universities for efforts to attract
and retain renowned faculty and researchers. The legislature has
appropriated $350 million over six years to the fund. These dollars must be
matched on a 1: 1 basis with private contributions.
The short-term goals of the program are to grow the universities'
endowments and increase the number of endowed chairs and
professorships, and generate increases in externally sponsored research
Longer-term goals are to stimulate business and job creation and to
stimulate the transition to a knowledge.based economy. The program
requires that 70 percent of all funds be targeted to the following five areas:
.::,~, '
.Human health and development
. Biosciences
.Materials science and advanced manufacturing
.Information technology and communications
-Environmental and energy technologies.
5ince inception, 111 endowed chairs and 176 endowed professorships have
been created and the market value of the universities' research endowment
has increased by 94 percent growing from $453.5 million to $877.9 million.
Extramural R&D has increased by 76 percent from $105.2 to $185 million.)]
Building the university R&D base takes a significant level of investment. GRA has
invested $400 million in people, labs and equipment since 1992 using a mix of
sources including the state lottery, the state's tobacco settlement fund, university
funds, and private sources. The Kentucky legislature appropriated $350 million over
several years in the Research Challenge Trust Fund.
An investment in a well-funded, world-class researcher can be an effective way in
which to quickly build a university's R&D portfolio and if the scholars are chosen, in
part, because they are entrepreneurial and are working in areas targeted for
development within a region or state, they will be more likely to make discoveries
and spin off technologies that can be commercialized locally and thereby contribute
to economic development. An alternative point of view, however, would be that more
would be gained from investing much smaller amounts of money to support a large
number of junior faculty who may become tomorrow's superstars. Also of concern is
the possibility that another university wifJ offer an Eminent Scholar an even more
attractive package to move. The recruitment of research and entrepreneurial talent
could also make recruitment packages more and more costly.
Industry~Univasity 1\1atching Grants
The prior approaches of university-industry research centers and Eminent Scholars
--::.,programs are designed to build a state or region's R&D base, but building the base
;;~iis only the first step. For long.term economic development to result, mechanisms
Y have to be put in place that encourage and support commercialization. One way to
grow a technoJogy"based economy is to build sustained relationships between a state
or region's technology companies and its research institutions. Finding ways to link
needs of firms. expertise of research faculty, and undertaking collaborative research,
Resource Guide: Universities as Drivers
translational resear-ch and a.ppllcations can benefit fMulry interested in seeing their
Ideas developed and firms needing ne\\' ideas and concepts to build their cOl11p<<.nies
For the state and Its citizens, this represents a way for Its higher education
investment to be acceSSible and beneficial to its industry
A means of fostering greater university and industry Interaction 1$ to provide matching
grants for research partnerships Such programs help build relationships between
academic researchers and companies and provide support for activities that help to
move technology to the point at which private investment capital can be obtained
Most matching grant programs soliCit applications on a competitive basis and make
awards to projects that are both technically sound and likely to have a positive
economic development impact. The programs require that the company share the
cost of the research project, which is typically conducted by faculty and students on
behalf of the company. The level of cost share can vary; some programs vary the
matching requirement based on the size of the company. TBED organizations often
play an important match making role, helping companies identify faculty with both
the expertise that is needed to address the research problem and a willingness to
partner with businesses
Matching grant programs are designed to facilitate interactions between university
researchers and the product development staff in technology-based companies.
Collaborative university. industry research projects are designed to
. Enable companies to leverage their R&D funding and gain access to faculty
expertise and specialized equipment
.Allow faculty and students to engage in commercially relevant research and
provide real world experience for students
. Permit companies to engage with student researchers who provide a source of
future talent
SSTt interviewed individuals with experience in designing, managing and operating
industry-university matching grant programs to get their input on the factors that
they feel are key to success and to ask what advice they would give to someone
creating or operating a program today. The practitioners identified two factors, in
One key to a successful program is being able to match companies with the right
faculty member. Companies may know what research problem they need addressed
but they often do not know how to find a university researcher with the appropriate
capabilities. Serving in this match making capacity is an important role for the staff
administering the grant program. It should also be recognized that not every faculty
member is interested in conducting applied research projects for industry clients. It
is critical to find those that are interested in collaborating with companies and in
providing real world experiences for students
Another factor of success is that funding needs to be sufficient to attract the
attention of faculty members. Faculty will not be interested in writing proposals for
very small projects, particularly if they can get larger amounts of funding from other
sources. One program director indicated that he felt that grants must be a minimum
of $40,000 to $50,000, with the expectation of additional funding of up to $2S0,000
to get the attention of faculty
Maryland Industrial Partnerships Program provides matching funds for
universit'y'-based research projects that help companies develop new
products MIPS funds projects initiated by companies to meet their own
needs. The projects are conducted by researchers at of one of 13 University
of Maryland System institutions. The program is managed by the Maryland
Technology Enterprise Institute, a unit of the University of Maryland-College
Park's School of Engineering. This unit manages the university's programs
to encourage entrepreneurship, commercialization and new firm creation.
MIPS staff help companies find appropriate faculty with whom to partner.
MIPS funds are awarded on a competitive basis with two funding cycles
page 23
annually. Applications are initially screened by MIPS staff members, then
they are rated on their technical merits by a group of people with expertise
in the particular subject area of the proposal. Next, a small group of
business experts evaluates the business, cost and likely economic
development impact of the project. Using these reviews, an evaluation board
recommends projects for funding The most important criteria in selecting
projects are technical feasibility and economic development impact
Large and small companies can receive a maximum annllal award of
S 1 00,000 Start"up companies can receive up to S70,000. A start-up
company is defined as a new company in product development mode that
has been in business less than four years, has had no public offering,
annual sales of less than $1 million and at least one but no more than 12
full-time employees. The level of match required depends on the size of the
company. Large companies (more than 1,000 employees) must provide 75
percent of the cost of the project, medium-sized companies (100 - 1,000)
must provide 50 percent, small companies (up to 100) 35 percent and start-
ups (up to 10) must provide 10 percent of total project costs. Start"ups can
make an equity contribution in lieu of cash.
MIPS estimates that every MIPS dollar invested has leveraged another $5 14
The Washington Technology Center (WTC) is a statewide economic
development agency focused on technology and innovation. INTC manages
the Research and Technology Development Grant Program that awards
funds for university"industry applied research projects. The company, which
must cover a percentage of the cost of the project, identifies a research
challenge and WTC helps to identify a researcher at one of the state's
universities or non-profit research institutions that have the capability to
conduct the research.
The grants are awarded on a competitive basis. The company submits a
$250 application fee along with some general information, and WTC staff
works with the project researcher to gather data to validate the market. The
application must include a business and commercialization plan describing
the company, the market and the anticipated economic impact of the
project, a project description, a milestone chart and a budget. The
application receives a business and technical review from one of three WTC
standing committees. A subcommittee of the WTC Board works with WTC
staff to determine which proposals will be funded and a subcommittee of
the WTe Board authorizes the funding.
The criteria used to evaluate projects measures economic impact,
commercial merit and technical merit. Projects most likely to receive funding
are those that present a strong business case, show a high level of industry"
university interaction and are likely to result in positive economic benefits
for the state of Washington.
Projects are funded in increments of $100,000 and can be up to a total of
$300,000. Companies are required to provide 20 percent of the WTC
investment in Phase L In Phase II and III the amount of match is scaled to
the size of the company, with companies having more than 250 employees
required to provide 100 percent match while companies with 1-10
employees only need to provide 20 percent cash match. Mid-size companies
provide either 35 percent (11-100 employees) or 50 percent (l01-250
employees) cash match.
WTe has tracked the dollars leveraged as a resuit of the program and
~'~ reports that since 1995, the program has leveraged $11 for every $1 of
~J state money invested for a total of more than $320 million.'s
Most university-industry matching grant programs are funded by state
appropriations, although such programs could also be funded by local governments,
Resource Guide: Universities as Drivers
foundations clnd univero;,ltles 1\'05t annual budgets for lIJ1I\ersity-indllstrv rn"tll1ing
gr'an!s ale in the 51 million to 51 5 mill [on range. although the program managers
Intervie"'\.'ed Indicated that a budget In the range of $5 million to S 10 million annually
,,\-Quld be preferable. Many of these programs have been in place for a long-time and
the program budgets have not been increased to keep lip \.vith the cost of doing
The key objective of industry-university matching grant programs is to build
relationships between industry and university researchers. Such programs are
effective only if they are able to provide companies with an entree to the university
and help them find the faculty with the expertise and facilities that they require. It
rnU5t be recognized, however, that this is a long-term process and it may be many
years before outcomes translate into significant economic activity. It can also be
difficult to measure outcomes in terms of economic benefit, although testimonials
and success stories can be very effective in building support for a program. Lastly,
as with any incentive program, care must be taken to ensure that publiC dollars are
not being spent to subsidize research that would have occurred anyway without the
matching funds
UIlivcrsity Tcchn%g}' Commercidlizdtilln Pn1grmns
As discussed earlier, universities and other research institutions that are generatmg
new knowledge and discoveries can be extremely important contributors in developing
a region's technology-based economy. But, while a necessary ingredient, it is not
sufficient. For a state or region to capitalize on the presence of such "technology
generators," there must be mechanisms that move innovation into the marketplace.
This is not something that happens naturally or easily for a number of reasons.
First, university-developed technologies often require that additional work be
conducted to determine whether the technology has commercial potential, but there
is little funding available for such proof-of-concept activities. In most regions of the
country, it is difficult to find funding to advance the commercialization of technology
owned by universities. To commercialize institutionally owned-IP at the highest
value-~ and sometimes to license it at all-it is commonly necessary to perform
additional studies, sometimes involving animal trials or, in the case of engineering
discoveries, a working prototype. Often, it is also necessary to surround the original
discovery with additional patents and protections. This kind of work is usually
conducted by faculty members (although sometimes by outside consultants) but at
the direction of the professional staff in the university licensing office. It is almost
never fundable through conventional, peer-reviewed federal programs and, if it is to
take place at all, it must be separately funded under a different set of criteria
focused mainly on economic development.
Second, even if commercial potential can be demonstrated, investors and customers
are often unwilling to assume the risk that is associated with new technology and
small businesses, which are often the most innovative, generally lack the financial
resources necessary to identify and promote new technologies
Third, academic researchers often do not understand the marketplace and therefore
do not know what commercial potential exists for their discoveries
Ever since the passage of the Bayh.Oole Act of 1980 that allowed universities to own
patents arising from federally-supported R&D, universities have struggled with how
be5t to transfer university-generated technology to busine5se5 that (an
commercialize it. Traditionally, universities have u5ed licensing to accomplish this
Today, more and more universities are becoming more directly involved in
commercialization taking an active role in seeking out entrepreneurs and companies
as partners and, !n some cases, spinning off new companies University
commercialization offices and free-standing commercialization centers have been
created to assist in this process.
Technology commercialization programs help researchers and entrepreneurs to
transform ideas or innovations into products ready for manufacture, marketing and
distribution. Such programs assist inventors and entrepreneurs with patent
page 25
applications, engineering dnd testing and development of business dnd marketing
plans They link entrepreneurs \....ith sources of business and management expertise
and help them access capital by linking firms with sources of risk capital. including
both angel investors and venture capital funds, or by providing capita! directly
Programs focused on entrepreneurs and start-ups are described In more detail in the
entrepreneurship section of this report.
Commercialjzation programs vdry In how they are structured, the service they offer,
the technologies they target. and how they are funded. Such programs may operate
as a unit of a university but increasingly universities are creating free.standing
commercialization center that seek to create start-up companies around university-
developed technologies. The University of Illinois, for example, created a wholly.
owned commercialization company, Illinois Ventures lLC, to work with campus
technology transfer offices, faculty and outside entrepreneurs to create start-up
companies to which the university can license intellectual property
It has become increasingly common for technology commercialization programs to
operate funds that provide small amounts of very early-stage proof-of-concept
activities. Such commercialization funds make awards ranging from $50,000 to
$2 sO,OOO.These funds are used to undertake due diligence to determine whether
there is any commercial value. In some cases, the researcher may be provided small
additional funds to further refine the "proof of concept" of the resE'arch. If value is
discovered, then university IP procedures will come into play. The intent of this type
of fund is to discover additional commercial opportunities unforeseen by the
researcher who is untrained in examining market opportunities. The end result of a
technology commercialization award will be a prototype, further research that helps
determine market value, or other deliverables. Some commercialization programs
also provide pre-seed or seed funding to start-up companies.
The objective of university commercialization programs is to identify university-
developed technologies with commercial potential and develop that technology to
the point at which a commercial partner can be found or a company created to
market it. The goal is to advance ideas beyond proof'of-concept thus reducing risk
for investors and customers. These programs often include commercialization funds
that seek to address the capital gap between basic science, which is most often
funded by the federal government, and the development of technology with
commercial potential.
Managers of commercialization programs say that having sources of flexible funding
is a key factor in being able to move technology into the market place. As discussed
above, there are few, if any, sources of very early. stage funding to assess the
commercial potential of a new discovery. A small amount of funding, that does not
require a repayment, is needed to conduct testing, to validate the technology and to
determine whether it meets a market need at a competitive price.
A second critical factor in the success of commercialization programs is their ability
to connect university inventors with investors and commercial partners Managers of
commercialization programs report that their primary role, and the factor that will
determine how successful they will be, is their ability to make connections: connecting
researchers with promising technology with the entrepreneurs who have the ability
to commercialize it; then connecting those entrepreneurs with sources of capital.
A final factor that centers like the Deshpande Center at MIT have identified as critical
to successful commercialization is the ability to tie research to market needs.
Encouraging interactions between university researchers and indu'itry can help to
ensure that researchers are aware of both developments in the marketplace and the
technological challenges facing specific industries If this knowledge drives their
research, it is much more likely to lead to discoveries with commercial potential
MIl's Oeshpande Center for Technological Innovation was created to bridge
the gap between ideas and implementation. The center, founded with a 520
million gift from an alumnus, focuses on getting established industry
engaged with researchers so that research is conducted that addresses
Resource Guide: Universities as Drivers
market needs. provides funding and support to e).,plore Jlt'w ideas and
develop them into new technologies, and links llniver-sity researchers With
investors and commerCial partner 5
The center provides a variety of types of funding Ignition grants of up to
S50,000 are Llsed to fund projects focused on novel, enabling, potentially
useful ideas in dny technology area: Innovation Crants of up to S250,000
fund projects that have already established prcof.ot-concept, Identified an
R&D path and have developed an IP strategy The funds are used to put
together a package tflat can be taken to a venture capitalist or company to
convince them to invest in the technology. The center's I.Teams program, a
collaboration of the center, the MIT Enrrepr-eneurship Center, and MIT
Venture Capital and Private Equity Club, matches graduate students with
grant recipients and business mentors. The students assist the grant
recipients in assessing commercial prospects of a technology and
identifying product markets
The center uses a variety of mechanisms to encourage interaction between
companies and university researchers including workshops and forums.
Ignition Forums, for example, bring in industry to discuss market
opportunities and challenges in particular technology areas. These are used
to inform faculty and researchers of what is of interest to the industrial
community and to identify potential research needs.
The center's Catalyst Program makes use of a group of individuals with
experience relevant to innovation, technology, commercialization and
entrepreneurship. These experienced business people participate in
networking events, provide coaching for faculty entrepreneurs and serve as
advisors to the center. They also participate on grant review teams.
The center also seeks to educate faculty on commercialization and
entrepreneurship by holding workshops on topics such as managing faculty
member's roles in start-ups, when to seek angel investors and how to split
University commercialization programs can be funded by a variety of sources,
including internal university resources, university foundations, state appropriations
and philanthropic contributions, Budgets for commercialization programs vary
greatly depending, in part, on whether the program makes direct investments in
start-up companies_ Definitive information on the budgets of these programs is not
currently available, however, two points of reference may be useful: the Deshpande
Center was created with a $20 million gift, while in Michigan, the state legislature
awarded the Western Michigan University $10 million to operate a Bioscience
Commercialization Center.
Technology commercialization programs operate at the high-risk end of the
spectrum. They seek to identify technology with commercial potential and to
facilitate its transition into the marketplace. They work with researchers and
entrepreneurs prior to company formation. As such, they will usually require a
periodic infusion of funding. The majority of technology commercialization awards
are grants that do not require any type of payback although some of the funds do
require a repayment if a project is successful, usually in the form of a royalty. As a
result, such funds often require annual appropriations.
It is also important to ensure that funds are used for commercialization activities not
Just to continue ongoing research projects
Universities are important contributors to technology.based economies. They not
only generate new discoveries but they provide the talent needed to drive a
technology-based economy. But it must be recognized that promoting economic
development is not the primary role of universities. Their primary roles are to
page 27
educate students and produce new kno\r\ledge. Efforts to leverage universities to
build technology-based economies must recognize and respect this
At the same time, getting universities Involved in technology.based economic
development can help ensure that discoveries afe llsed to make people's lives better
It can also provide real-world e\periences for faculty and students alike Much has
been learned over the last two decades about how to make university.industry
partnerships work. Practitioners who have worked hard to make tllese partnerships
v\lork provide these words of advice
. Build on your strengths. It is important that each state or region examine its
university and industry strengths and build on them. Not all areas are alike in
TBED and it is the differences that can be most important. Identifying strategic
areas in which a state or region can be "excellent" can be a key to success.
. Find champions. Support from university administrators at the highest levels is
critical, but it is also important to develop support from within the faculty. It is
equally important to enlist the participation of senior mangers from the private
sector. Bring together the top people in industry, academe and S&T fields to
provide a legitimate basis for planning for the future.
. Focus on market opportunities. It is much easier to pull technology out of
universities because it meets a market need than to try to push technology out
of the lab Becoming too preoccupied with research and teChnology and losing
sight of industry needs can result in interesting research, but no economic
. Make funding decisions based on excellence, not politics. To have an
economic impact, these programs must be based on the reality of the
institution's research strengths and the economic profile of the region. Selecting
funding recipients to focus on particular technology areas, industries, research
institutions, or geographic areas because of political pressures, rather than on
excellence, is likely to result in failure.
. Communicate and publicize your success. Programs that seek to capitalize
on university research findings are a long-term undertaking. It is important to
work with elected officials so that they understand that this is a long-term
process that will require sustained support. Publicizing successes helps to not
only build support among key constituents, but also attracts both faculty and
industry to participate in partnership activities.
. Recognize that there will be failure. Commercializing innovative technologies
is a risky business. As difficult as it may be, stakeholders must understand that
technologies may not pan out and start-up companies may fail. Educate elected
officials to understand that these are long-term investments and their impact
should be measured in return on investment, not jobs created.
1 B)K Associates. The Influence of R&O Expendirures on New Firm Formation and Economic Growth
(Maplewood, NJ_ BJK Associates, 2002), p 1
2 See, for example, the US Department of Commerce, Office of Technology PoliCy's The Dynamics of
Technology-based Economic Development. State Science and Technology Indicators reports
3Ross de Vol and Perry Wong, America's High Tech Economy Growth Development and Risks for
Metro Areas (Santa Monica, CA Milken Institute, \ 999), P 13
40avid Birch Anne Haggerty, and William Parsons, Entrepreneurial Hot Spots The Best Places!.'l
America to Start and Crow a Company (Cambridge Cognetics, Inc , 1998)
')BankBoston, MIT The Impact of Innovation (Boston, MA- BankBoston, 1997)
6'A Decade Of Research SPins Off 220 Companies From UCSD, San Diego Metropolitan, December
2004, available at htlp //www sandiegomerro com/2004/dec/sdscene2 php, accessed on 30 August
7 A J Lotka, 'The frequency distribution of scientific productivity' Journal of the Washington
Academy. vol 16,no, 12(1927):317.323
Resource Guide: Universities as Drivers
:I\JysrAR Ct'n~t"<; ':11 ';;1\(\' ,~d it'll'" ",11, ~l~TAR I"t:, ','.',\\\ :'y'~.ll ,~,\:e !', c,<; c.~" ill,'ll
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11 N\'ir<\R (-t'!I~Cn (,~r AJ\CJI1c<!J :cdJl~c/;'9, r'I:J~Jr..H>J, .:~\)-1()5 "'II1LI:,1 P"porf. d'hlilable <II
I~l~p '.\\\\~ 11I,)[ar ',~ate Ily '.1<; ,\",.,<; .'l1fs c,H,J.hl'i pdf, pp I 3 ,lCC2<;q~d A.uguq )l) ',,"06
I ~
. VVFU re<;f'drdlE'r qUI("ly be
4, ?rJ05,dvclllatJleathttp
~O August ,'006
ornes 'big fish' In 'IV 5 BlI.'>/f'cSS }clJll7al of the Cle<1ter Triad Area. April
triad hizJournal~ (Omilrlad/stoflesi2005/04'04/story3 html_ d(cessed
13 Sandra Woodley, Leveraging Re~earch Dollars' Allgust is, :'003 presentation at the State Higher
fducatlon E\erutive I.]ff'c"r~' 2003 ProfeSSional Development Mef'ting, aVdllabie at
hnp liwwwsheeoor9/abolit/pd_prE's_03/woodley_pd_03 ppt, accessed 30 August 2006
14 Maryland ~ndustrJal Partner"hlps ',/..111'5), aVdllablE' at http';"www mlps lImd edu/, accessed 30 August
15wash:ngton Technology Center available at
http//www watechcenter org/lnde~' php?p=RTO..CrdnttProgram&s=66, accessed 30 August 2006
16 Des hpande eerter fOI' Technological Innovation, avarlable at
http//web mit edu/deshpandecenter/about html, accessed 30 August 2006
Resource Guide: Entrepreneurship
. ".'.''iJ.,
page 31
A recent study commissioned by the u.s. Small Business Administration contends
innovation without entrepreneurship generally yields minimal local economic impact.
On the other hand, "entrepreneurship enhances the regional economic impact of
investments in innovation.,,1 The relation of innovation and entrepreneurship and the
importance of entrepreneurship to the local economy is borne out by the report's
findings that"
The most entrepreneurial regions had better local economies from 1990 to 2001
compared to the least entrepreneurial. They had 125 percent higher employment
growth, 58 percent higher wage growth and 109 percent higher productivity.
This general finding held individually for large, medium and small-sized regions
but was most pronounced for large regions.2
.- ~~:'i
The most entrepreneurial regions were associated with higher levels of
technology. They expended nearly 54 percent more of R&D, recorded 67 percent
more patents per labor force participant, had a 63 percent higher percentage of
hi"tech establishments and had a 42 percent higher portion of college educated
population than the least entrepreneurial regions.
To tap the benefits of entrepreneurship, states and regions have begun to examine
their local entrepreneurial environments to identify the gaps in information, services
and resources that hinder vigorous entrepreneurial activity.
"Innovations are highly portable, whereas entrepreneurship is place-based. Whether
they are building new firms or reinventing existing ones, entrepreneurs, through the
application of new ideas to products and services, capture locally the economic
benefits of innovation. Developing strategies, policies and programs for leveraging
the nexus between innovation and entrepreneurship, therefore, appears to be of vital
importance to the competitiveness and vitality of regions."}
The purpose of this section of the guide is to share best practices and lessons
learned by technology-based economic development practitioners who have
implemented strategies, policies and programs for leveraging that nexus in order to
create a culture of self-sustaining entrepreneurship in their regions
Fdcilitlltillg Elltreprencurship: O,--'cn.Jicw
Facilitating entrepreneurship focuses primarily on educating, and stimulating
economically productive activity by the private sector (entrepreneurs and investors)
If successful, the intended results are a self-sustaining entrepreneurial economy and
a diminished need for government intervention over time.
In the near rerm, however, most of these initiatives are very labor-intensive because
'> of the diversity of the constituents served and the barriers to engaging those
;it,constituents (e,g., identifying porential entrepreneurs and latent angel investors,
.; geographic distance of venture capital firms, identifying and recruiting experienced
entrepreneurial managers, etc.), as well as the amount of education and technical
assistance needed by clients.
Resource Guide: Entrepreneurship
The initii1til,>2S may dl50 cost morE' up.front than some traditional public seclor
economic development plograms. in part because of '.\11at practitioners cite as the
necessity of employing specialized. experienced staff - often through contracts \\'llh
private sector organlziHlons - and pdying them competitivE'. pi ivate sector-
comparable I,'\ic,ges
However, practitioners compare these up-front costs against the economic impacts
the initiatives stimulate over time If the programs are successful, this leverage ratio
should be sufficiently positive that practitioners can use it to justify continuation of
the efforts untlllhe goal of a self-sustaining entrepreneurial cultlJre has been achieved
The objective of facilitating entrepreneurship is increasing the level of
entrepreneurship and improving entrepreneurs' chances of establishing successful
technology enterprises by honing their skills and providing access to necessary tools,
technical and financial resources, and by working proactively to enhance the local
entrepreneurial environment.
In order to cultivate entrepreneurship, tech-based economic development organizations
offer an array of services, programs, and delivery mechanisms. The strategies for
encouraging entrepreneurship, however, are relatively consistent. They are:
Facilitate access to critical resources, inCluding:
. Technology
. Know-how
. Social networks
. Facilities
Create and implement a comprehensive set of initiatives, a continuum of
support services to entrepreneurs, that:
.Assist start-ups
. Drive deal flow
. Promote capital formation
Promote a culture of entrepreneurship in the region.
Based on interviews conducted for this guide, five resources were consistently
identified as being required to support entrepreneurship for a tech-based economy
They are:
1. Technology
The presence of, and access to, technology generators is important to sustaining
and growing an innovation economy. Universities, non-profit research
institutions, and large corporations are recognized sources of new technologies.
However. many commercialization center officials interviewed for this report
indicate that a majority of the technologies they have helped commercialize were
not generated by universities, but by private. start-up companies.
No matter the source, the necessity for access to commercializable technology
by entrepreneurs is apparent. In order to drive deal flow (defined as the rate at
which investment offers are presented to funding institutions), public sector
entities have attempted to facilitate access to university or orphan corporate~
developed technologies by entrepreneurs and investors. TBED practitioners said
they have found it important to establish positive working relationships with
research institutions' technology transfer offices, educate research faculty about
commercialization. and showcase faculty research to the entrepreneurial and
investment communities in order to facilitate access to, and thereby accelerate
commercialization of, locally-generated research
The most critical need cited by most officials interviewed for this report was
experienced management talent. Given the availability of technology and capital,
page 33
management talent is seen by many of the practitioners as the most important
single, determining factor to successful commercialization and enterprise creation
Qualified, experienced entrepreneurs \\'ho carry a few "battle scars" and have
I,\eathered some failures on the road to success are coveted by investors dnd by
TBED officials trying to accelerate technology commercialization. Such serial
entrepreneurs can be good judges of quality deals and are often on the lookout
for new opportunities.
The individuals most sought after to lead start-up companies are a unique
breed: simply having general business management experience is not enough
"The successful operation of early-stage companies can demand very different
management skills. Because much of the skills needed for managing startup
companies comes through experience, the existence of managers who do not
have this baCkground can significantly undermine a company's ability to succeed."-\
The availability of experienced entrepreneurial management for a start.up
company may, in turn, mean the difference in whether the company receives the
investment capital it needs to move forward. While the technology is important
to investors, "Venture capitalists are well aware that many promising technologies
do not ultimately fill market needs. As a result, most place the greatest
emphasis on the experience and flexibility of the management team and the size
of the potential market. Even if the market does not evolve as predicted, with a
sophisticated team the firm may be able to find an attractive opportunity." <;
Experienced serial entrepreneurs can have an impact beyond the management of
a specific company. In many cases, after achieVing their own success, these
individuals are willing to share the benefit of their experience by advising new
entrepreneurs in a mentorship relationship.
Practitioners from states and communities with fewer resources or younger, less
vibrant entrepreneurial cultures report that they aggressively pursue serial
entrepreneurs. They have devised programs to identify successful entrepreneurs
who have left the area and lure them back home. They also report working hard
to "grow their own" crop of entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurial training opportunities
are proliferating in communities across the country, from one-day seminars to
university courses for college credit. Their purposes are to expose students,
faculty, and individuals in the community to entrepreneurship as a potential
career path, help aspiring entrepreneurs hone their skills and increase their
chances of success, and grow a cadre of entrepreneurs who will flourish within a
particular region and form the basis of a self-sustaining entrepreneurial culture.
3. Capital
In order for a new venture to take root and grow locally, sufficient funding at
each stage of development must be accessible. Practitioners from many regions
report that a shortage of local capital - particularly angel and seed funding _ is a
significant inhibitor of entrepreneurial growth. The importance of capital and the
approaches being used to address the need are covered in detail in the next
section of this report
4. Social Networks
Entrepreneurs seem most open to learning from others who have encountered,
or are encountering, similar obstacles. For this reason, practitioners say the
importance of networking cannot be overstressed. Networking may lead
entrepreneurs to technical and financial resources they did not know were
available. Networking can also offer entrepreneurs encouragement to continue
their work, encouragement that may be especially important in a culture that
does not value entrepreneurial activity.6
Networking opportunities take a variety of forms, from breakfasts or luncheons
where entrepreneurs make formal presentations to investors, to recognition
events, to the daily casual interactions of entrepreneurs clustered together in an
incubator or research park. Networking events may appear to be deceptively
unstructured activities. Yet unstructured events that allow entrepreneurs to
focus on mingling and exchanging information with each other and with
Resource Guide: Entrepreneurship
members of tlleir support COnlllllllllty IlaVE' been reported to 'yield ~igrllfica.rlt
5. Facilities
With limited r-eSOUlces, another challenge for start-up companies can be
identifying and securing appropriate and affordable physical space from which
to operate This poses a greater challenge for some companies - biosCiencE's
companies often need specialized wet lab space - than others
The availability of appropriate and affordable physical space for starHlp
companies varies from region to region. Where such facilities are otherwise
scarce, some states, regions and universities have established incubators _
specialized, multi-tenant facilities featuring specific tenant qualifications for
entry, nnd a contractual agreement that the company will "graduate" and leave
the incubator after a specified period of time. Appropriate. affordable space is
not the only benefit provided by incubators, however. Practitioners who oversee
incubator facilities report that entrepreneurs benefit from being in proximity to
each other, which facilitates networking and information exchange. Furthermore,
the majority of practitioners interviewed believe strongly that the most
successful incubators are those that also provide, or provide access to, many of
the technical assistance services desnibed in this guide, and proactively foster
productive networking among their tenants
Practitioners from other regions report that they have determined it is a better
use of their resources to invest in services and funding programs than in
provision of physical space. In these regions, the practitioners say, since
availability of appropriate space is less of an issue, they are reluctant to devote
scarce resources to real estate management functions
Practitioners interviewed for this guide described a wide variety of service delivery
approaches. Examples include:
.A comprehensive portfolio of services may be offered by one umbrella
organization, or these services may be divided among a number of
. Some organizations' scope is statewide, while others' is regional or local.
.In some cases, one organization will serve the entire state from a central office.
Other models feature a central office that establishes and coordinates multiple
regional offices which, in turn, provide the services locally.
. Yet another model features a state agency providing funding for activities, In
the form of grants or contracts, to multiple, external service provider
organizations, both public and private, situated in different parts of the state.
.When services are offered by several entities, one organization may act as a
facilitator and coordinator for the rest so that entrepreneurs may more easily
and productively access the separate services, and not "fal! through the cracks"
when being handed off from one service provider to another.
. Services for entrepreneurs may be provided through, or in direct collaboration
with, an incubator facility; or, more often, they may be offered by an entity
without direct ties to an incubator
.A service or combination of services may be offered by private, not-for'profit
entities, such as commercialization centers, by an incubator, by a university or
community college, or by a public sector agency charged with tech.based
economic development
-Among [hose interviewed, most often services are provided on behalf of the
government by a private entity, funded by a combination of public funds, fees,
and, in some cases, return on investments
page 35
One exa.mple of facilitating services offered by a variety of service providers
is Team Rochester. In an environment of many diverse, unconnected
organizations that served or impacted entrepreneurs, the Greater Rochester
Enterprise organization (eRE) saw the need to provide more consistent,
coordinated. effective and accessible assistance to entrepreneurs in its area.
GRE established Team Rochester as an umbrella group Incorporating all the
key players in the region. Team Rochester includes angels and venture
capital groups involved in seed funding; the universities: city, county and
state government; the community college and local training organization;
the regional planning group; and others GRE plays the role of "facilitating
the connectedness" necessary to help an entrepreneur negotiate the array of
service providers, and insure that the service providers focus on the
entrepreneur's particular type of company.
GRE works with the organizations to help them develop a plan and an
effective approach. It occasionally provides some matching funds to catalyze
the launch of new efforts.
The decision on whether to adopt a centralized or a regionalized approach appears
to be influenced by poputation, population distribution, regional homogeneity or lack
thereof, availability of financial resources, and/or the established competencies or
political power of existing organizations. In states where d regional approach is
taken, effective regional offices are designed to deal with the different needs of
different areas; however, in a less favorable environment, practitioners report that
regional offices can become fiefdoms competing with each other. No single approach
is superior to others; rather, practitioners said, delivery mechanisms should be
tailored to the unique needs and features of the area served.
Facilitating Enl'repn;neurship: lnitil-ltives
Typically, private investors are interested in seeing deals with high-growth potential
that will result in a good return in investment and provide an exit strategy for the
investor either through a merger or acquisition. While angel investors' and venture
capitalists' prime motivation may be the highest rate-of-return on their investment,
for economic development organizations, the prime motivation may be creation of
high-quality jobs regardless of the rate of growth of the company.
Some practitioners pointed out that it may be a smart economic development
strategy to focus on those companies whose sales and employment potential are not
high enough to attract private investors but could still have a significant impact on
the community. This can be a particularly effective strategy in rural areas that may
not have the resources in the form of financing, technically specialized workforce
and experienced management to support a rapidly growing technology company, but
can support a company whose employment is more likely to max out around 20-50
employees. While the growth trajectory of those companies may not be as dramatic,
they can offer solid, quality jobs and contribute to a stable local economy.
Policymakers and practitioners would be wise to consider what their target market
for assistance is, as the kinds of assistance and who provides that assistance will
vary depending on what kind of companies are being targeted, For example, if a
region has enough activity to support a focus on high-growth companies, more
emphasis may be placed on developing relationships with private investors and
preparing entrepreneurs for making investment pitches. If, however, that base does
not exist, then more emphasis may need to be placed on helpIng entrepreneurs
develop the plans for their business and providing support services to the
companies. Similarly, when considering financing programs, it may be more
appropriate to develop debt financing rather than equity programs.
TBEO organizations sponsor a variety of services and activities to assist fledgling
Resource Guide: Entrepreneurship
entrepreneurs Common ilppronches InclLlde
. tlltrepr eneul ii1ltrairllng
. Entrepreneurial directories
. i\iE'lltoring and coaching entrepreneurs
. Pr'Dviding access to funding
. Preparing entrepreneurs to present to Illvestors
. Networking events
Though some reported activities are small in and of themselves, together they
function as spokes of a whee! supporting the entrepreneurial infrastructure, Each
activity is discussed in more detail below. Because entrepreneurs need support at
each stage of their efforts to establish and grow and become a thriving enterprise.
practitioners recommended providing a comprehensive continuum of entrepreneurship
assistance programs either through services provided directly or by others.
Initiatives can be technology.driven (the organization identifies technology to be
commercialized and finds an entrepreneur to commercialize it) or entrepreneur-
driven (entrepreneur seeks assistance to commercialize his/her technology)
Commercialization organizations often provide a combination of technical and
financial assistance. In the case of incubators, space is provided appropriate to the
types of tenants, along with varying levels of technical assistance
Delivery mechanisms
A comprehensive portfolio of services may be offered by one umbrella organization,
or be divided among a number of organizations.
A service or combination of services may be offered by an entity specifically
chartered to work with start-up firms to commercialize technologies, and that is not
directly attached to an incubator. These organizations go by various titles, such as
commercialization centers, commercialization corporations, enterprise centers,
technology development offices, and so forth, but are similar in function and in the
types of services offered
The commercialization programs are distinct from the more-familiar SBA-sponsored
Small Business Development Centers (SBD(s), both in the clients they serve and the
services they offer They tend to serve innovation-oriented start-ups, whereas most
SBOCs serve more traditional, small retail and service companies, The nature of the
clients drives the type of services they offer, including assistance with transferring,
protecting and commercializing intellectual property-which could be generated at a
university, a federal or private lab, or the company itself-a focus on obtaining high-
risk pre. seed, seed and early.stage financjng, and business planning built around
these issues. Some programs are closely affiliated with universities, with a primary
mission of commercializing university-developed technologies. Others deal primarily
',\lith private-sector entrepreneurs seeking to commercialize their own technologies.
Most deal with a combination of the two
Program staff may provide services directly, may coordinate the services of volunteer
or paid mentors, may refer clients to third party service providers, or some
combination of all three. According to practitioners interviewed, the amount and
complexity of service provided directly by staff often hinges on the level of resources
available to pay the staff. Larger staffs often include individuals who, among them,
may have venture capital experience, financial expertise, familiarity with intellectual
property issues, engineering or scientific backgrounds, and direct experience with
entrepreneurship. The skill sets are important, practitioners emphasize, both for
successful engagement with entr'epreneurs and for establishing credibility within the
business and investment community
John Pappajohn Entrepreneurial Centers
Founded by University of Iowa alumnus John PappaJohn. the John Pappajohn
EntrE'preneur'ial Centers assist in the creation of sustainable Iowa companies
through their work with entrepreneurs across the state. The five Centers are
located at the University of Iowa, Iowa State University, University of
page 37
Northern Iowa, North Iowa Area Community College Drake University. and
10""'21. Small Business Development Centers These centers report they have
collecti\n:ly helped creiHe and launch more than 1,000 companies
Iowa entrepreneurs are provided hands-on and easily accessible services
each year Examples of the technical services and guidance provided
.Business start-up and expansion services including one-an-one business
counseling, educational programs, linkages to market research, and
incubators and business accelerators:
-Technical assistance such as access to Iowa univerSities' technology
development resources, tech transfer from university research, intellectual
property assessment and advice, and research and development funding
sources; and
-Access to capital through seed and venture funds, guidance to commercial
lending and small business lending programs, annual venture capita! and
entrepreneur conference, and an extensive resource base of experienced
business and investment expertise.
The Centers also foster entrepreneurial communities and regions through
entrepreneurial development training and participation on local. regional
and statewide boards to promote entrepreneurship in Iowa. Universities and
colleges that house the Centers offer majors and minors in entrepreneurship,
student business incubators and business plan competitions, speaker and
lecture series, and student field study projects solving real business
problems for Iowa companies. 7
Entrepreneurial training
Basic entrepreneurship training workshops (in contrast to in-depth courses offered at
universities for college credit) typically provide a broad overview of the tasks and
challenges facing the would-be entrepreneur, and layout a general roadmap by
'Nhich he or she may proceed. These training courses also provide a venue to make
entrepreneurs aware of locally available services, as well as to promote the region's
support network for entrepreneurs.
Entrepreneurship training venues are beginning to proliferate through universities,
community colleges, vocational-technical schools, leadership and community
organizations, as well as commercialization centers. Some practitioners report that
having more sources for basic entrepreneurship training reduces pressure on their
organizations to devote significant resources to this basic-level activity.
Practitioners hope that the increasing popularity of entrepreneurship training
programs is an indicator of a growing population of potential entrepreneurs willing
to pursue the risks and rewards of entrepreneurship. Demographic trends appear to
support this hope, as Generation X and the "Millennial" generation are becoming the
most entrepreneurial generations in history.8
A host of organizations nationwide offer the FastTracTIlI program sponsored
by the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation.
FastTracl'l is a comprehensive entrepreneurship.educational program that
provides entrepreneurs with business insights, leadership skills and
professional networking connections so they are prepared to create a new
business or expand an existing enterprise. The FastTracTOi program includes
practical, hands-on business development programs and workshops for
existing entrepreneurs, aspiring entrepreneurs, as well as entrepreneurship
curriculum for college students
FastTracT/ol programs were first launched through the University of Southern
California's Entrepreneurship Program in Los Angeles in 1986. In an effort to
launch the FastTracl'l program nationally and continue accelerating
entrepreneurship in America, the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation
became the major funder and supporter of FastTracT" in 1993
Resource Guide: Entrepreneurship
FastTracT'l programs Me currently being provided by 270 partner
organizations in 49 5tates. Australia and Russia More than 95,000
panlcipants have completed FastTracH' classes in the United States since
) 993 q
Directory of entrepreneurship services
One of the simplest means of ensuring that entrepreneurs receive assistance that
they need is to ensure that they know what resources are available to them. A few
regions are experimenting with offering either print or web directories of services
that are being offered by all organizations in a region. These directories effectively
serve as a one-stop shop for entrepreneurs to identify who might be able to assist
Some of the practitioners report that the directories have the added benefits of
inventorying what services are available in a region and bringing the service
providers together. The exerCise of preparing the inventory, therefore, can help
identify what gaps may exist in a region and help shape new program delivery. By
bringing the service providers together to report on the services they are offering,
some practitioners have found that it has helped break down barriers between
organizations that may have previously fought over turf, and to encourage new
collaborations among groups when they see that another group is providing a
service that their clients can use
One practitioner observed that the larger the population area and the more
fragmented the services, the more challenging it can be to offer a physical "one-stop-
shop" where entrepreneurs can go and be directed to all the services they need. A
directory of services can be a logical response to this situation
Mentoring and coaching
Technology start-ups face an array of challenges that are different and more complex
than those faced by traditional small businesses. Helping entrepreneurs negotiate
the obstacles is the core service entrepreneurial support programs can provide_ All of
the practitioners interviewed on entrepreneurship said their programs included some
sort of mentoring!coaching/technical assistance component, whether provided by an
incubator or commercialization center staff, entrepreneurs in residence, or volunteer
teams of experienced entrepreneurs, angel investors and business executives. This
assistance was described as extremely important for new start-ups to help them
succeed in securing private investment and avoid fatal pitfalls.
Just what are the challenges faced by entrepreneurs, and how do commercialization
centers help entrepreneurs understand and tackle these challenges? All of the
practitioners interviewed emphasized the importance of both structure and flexibility
in assisting entrepreneurs. A number reported that they utilize specific tools that
help ensure entrepreneurs cover all the necessary bases. One example is The
Commercialization Activities Roadmap developed and used by i2E, Inc. for the
Oklahoma Technology Commercialization Center; the copyrighted tool is reprinted
with permission and can be found in Appendix A
One common approach reported by practitioners is to assemble teams of mentors _
composed of seasoned, serial entrepreneurs and other members of the business and
investment community - to advise fledgling companies in specific settings at specific
times. For some TBED organizations, these mentor teams also act as standing
advisory committees. These same advisers also provide feedback on the viability and
progress of the TBED organization's client companies
t::J t::J I I
--- .!)
While some programs rely heavily on their mentor teams to assist and groom
companies, others assemble mentoring teams for evaluation workshops that occur at
specific intervals and invest more heaVily in their own full.time staff of paid experts
In this model, the staff fills much of the mentoring role, grooming the client
company until it can be paired productively with a long-term, private sector mentor
to help move it to the next stage.
Some practitioners report that a concern voiced by potential mentors is that their
liability needs to be limited. In the absence of insurance or other arrangements, to
address this concern they may be advised not to sign documents, not to participate
page 39
formally on boards, and be clear that they function in an advisory capacity only
One approach to mentoring is that of The Ben Franklin Technology
Partners of Central and Northern Pennsylvania's Transformation
Business Services Network. The Network provides operatIOnal assistance to
past, current and potential future portfolio companies. rhe support is
focused in functional areas to augment the capability of the companies'
management teams. The Network staff is co.located with Ben Franklin in its
three offices in Erie. Harrisburg and State College. The service is provided
through a contract with a not-for-profit organization that fields the staff of
This Network consists of nine individuals with a reported 234 years of
combined industrial experience in marketing, strategic planning, general
management, finance, human resource planning and accounting. If
appropriate, the Network is able to prOVIde other specialized support
through outside (e.g., legal) consultants
The Network also conducts four business plan contests for the Center and
takes responsibility for Entrepreneur Day events in State College and Erie
These events include lectures on topics such as intellectual property
protection, company investment presentations and finance. According to the
Ben Franklin Technology Partners of Central and Northern Pennsylvania
website, in 2004 the Network supported 180 companies with over 10,400
person-hours of direct effort.lO
When it comes to finding experienced entrepreneur mentors for companies, states
with a shorter history of entrepreneurship and fewer serial entrepreneurs face a
"chicken and egg" problem: it takes good deals to attract the interest of mentors, yet
mentors are needed to help generate good deals. And good mentors - in the form of
'~xperienced serial entrepreneurs - it turns out are often hard to find, an issue
discussed further in this section, Recruiting management talent.
Providing access to funding
One of the ways to encourage entrepreneurship is to ensure there is a ready supply
of capital for start-up and growing companies. Different approaches for addressing
access to capital are described in much more detail in the Capital section of this
report; however, organizations working with entrepreneurs identified some critical
points that should not be overlooked when creating a new initiative or planning new
activities for an existing one. Practitioners described two general approaches:
providing direct funding to companies or assisting companies in accessing the
investment community.
a. Direct funding. While most of the practitioners interviewed on this topic
indicated that they provide assistance to gain access to publiC or private funding
offered through other entities. a number of practitioners also reported haVing a
fund of some type under their own control to assist clients. Practitioners who
have direct control of a fund observed the organization has added flexibility in
working with start-up companies and in helping generate deal flow by attracting
b. Relationship to investment community. Practitioners agreed that it is
essential for them to develop and maintain a close working relationship with the
investment community in their region. Commercialization centers and incubators
are more likely to be perceived by the investment community as valuable
partners if they promote deal flow, conduct thorough, credible and consistent
due diligence, and always present investors with well-scrubbed, quality deals. A
well.established relationship of trust and credibility on the part of the program
serves the interests of its client entrepreneurs in that it increases their ability to
make successful connections with funding sources
Preparing entrepreneurs to present to investors
Entrepreneurs' chances of gaining private financing at critical junctures are
significantly enhanced if they go into a presentation to investors well prepared.
Resource Guide: Entrepreneurship
Practitioners pOinted out {hat this IS especially true \vhere early-stage capital is
scarce and there 15 little serial entrepreneurship 01 seriallllvestment dctivity, bec,111st'
<in entrepreneur In these regiOns ma~' only get one shot at getting the financing he
or she requires
Most practitioners jtltelvie'.\ed flave a process for helping entrepreneurs prepare
their presentations for investors This process is not a standalone activity, however
Preparation actually begins much earlier, as the practitioner works with the
entrepreneur to ensure that they have a viable business model, an appropriate
valuation, and ail the other background Information that \.vil! provide the foundation
for a credible presentation, Only then can they begin work on the presentation itself
Entrepreneurs often develop Power POint presentations for their pitch to investors.
Because of a tendency to erroneously think more is better, they often need help
simplifying their presentations One practitioner recommends the approach of
entrepreneur and author Cuy Kawasaki, whose "The Arc of the Starr" advises
entrepreneurs to adopt his "10/20/30 rule" ten slides, given in 20 minutes, using a
minimum of a 30-point font
Again, practitioners stressed, the relationship those assisting the entrepreneurs have
built with the potential investors to whom the entrepreneur will present is a factor. If
the organization has a good reputation for bringing forward quality deals, the
investors are more likely to be predisposed to hearing the next client entrepreneur's
Networking events
One practitioner observed that networking events provide an opportunity for
entrepreneurs to get together and "enjoy one another's company and one another's
misery and one another's experiences of all kinds," Entrepreneurs gain know-how
through their ability to access and utilize networks and networking opportunities.
"Research on the sociology of entrepreneurship has shown that entrepreneurs learn
from social relationships that expand access to information, resources and social
support. Thus entrepreneurship is embedded in networks of continuing social
relations. The more extensive, complex and diverse the web of relationships in a
community, the more the entrepreneur is likely to have access to opportunities, the
greater the chance of solving problems expeditiously, and ultimately the greater the
chance of success for the venture. Networking thus provides access to professional
expertise, like accountants, lawyers and experienced managers, who can
troubleshoot for entrepreneurs" 11
Networking is considered so critical to the success of entrepreneurs and the growth
of an entrepreneurial climate that the practitioners interviewed see providing
networking opportunities as a distinct and essential service. Breakfasts or luncheons
where entrepreneurs make formal presentations to potential investors have long
been popular, but networking opportunities take a variety of forms from recognition
events to the daily casual interactions of entrepreneurs clustered together in an
incubator or research park, A number of practitioners stressed that networking
events don't have to be complicated to be successful. Some even said simpler ones
are better in that there is no agenda other than mingling and making connections
One practitioner pointed out that events where entrepreneurs make presentations to
investors can be effective, but only for the one or two entrepreneurs presenting,
while more casual gatherings open the possibility of multiple contacts.
Some practitioners commented that networking events are much more effective than
static efforts-such as websites-as means to make entrepreneurs aware of available
technologies and services Because technology commercialization is a "contact
sport," practitioners emphasize. success sometimes boils down to putting the right
people in the room together
Based on the notion that state government may not be the best entity to
organize this type of networking activity, Utah leverages Its resources by
providing financial and staff support to the state's many private sector
industry associations, angel groups and other entities. Utah provides
pag e 4 1
financial support to about a dozen groups through contracts, generally in
the 55.000 to S 1 O,QOO range. and also co-sponsors these organizations'
conferences and provides volunteer staff support
Different environments call for different types of networking events A Utah
bl-monthly breakfast program, where entrepreneurs would make
presentations to investors, that started in 1992, was subsequently
discontinued when organizers concluded the local venture capital
community had become sophisticated and active enough that it had
outgrown the need for the event
However, networking is as critical in Utah as ever. A number of
organizations and associations, such as the Utah Information Technologies
Association and the Wayne Brown Institute, hold regular breakfast, lunch or
dinner meetings, sponsor the Utah 100 event showcasing the fastest
growing companies in the state, induct technology leaders into a hall of
fame, and host a variety of other events. The net effect is that there are
several entrepreneurial events going on every month, and each is designed
as a networking opportunity to bring the business and entrepreneurial
community together with the academic and government communities. The
result is that deals get done, new ideas get introduced, and people begin to
make connections.
Ask most economic development professionals for a definition of a business
incubator, and most likely they will describe incubators as proViding low"cost office
space and support services that are designed to increase the survival chances of
start-up companies. While that may be the easiest definition, it provides just a partial
view of incubators. According to the National Business Incubation Association (NBIA),
"Business incubation. accelerates the successful development of start-up and
fledgling companies by providing entrepreneurs with an array of targeted resources
",nd services. These services are usually developed or orchestrated by incubator
rnanagement and offered both in the business incubator and through its network of
contacts. A business incubator's main goal is to produce successful Firms that will
leave the program financially viable and freestanding." 12
More than just cheap office space, NBJA considers integral to the very definition of
an incubator "the provision of management guidance, technical assistance and
consulting tailored to young growing companies." Only with this point clarified does
NBIA go on to say that "Incubators usually also provide clients access to appropriate
rental space and flexible leases, shared basic business services and equipment,
technology support services and assistance in obtaining the financing necessary for
company growth." 13
The consensus among those interviewed was that an incubator should be created
only if a clear need, a sufficient market, and adequate resources to support the
incubator have fjrst been identified. Some argued that technology incubators in
densely populated regions were more likely to be successful because there would be
a higher flow of applicants and more resources available to assist clients.
a. Types of Incubators. In discussing incubators as a strategy to facilitating
entrepreneurship, the practitioners interviewed for this guide were quick to
make the distinction between incubators whose primary focus was "cheap office
space" and those providing "guidance, technical assistance and consulting
tailored to young growing companies." Incubators, they said, could be divided
into two categories: "real estate" (Le" those whose main focus was on providing
cheap office space) or "value.add" (I.e., those that provided active assistance to
clients). The good incubators are the "value-add" ones. Incubators whose goal is
the successful graduation of tenants, practitioners said, will provide access to
value.added resources and services, and will work actively to promote a robust
.~ social network within the incubator to support and encourage fledgling
_"J entrepreneurs. More than one person pointed out that after the recession of the
early years of this decade, finding cheap office space in most areas was not
particularly difficult.
Resource Guide: Entrepreneurship
Practitioners stressed the ImportancE' of objectively dssessing the resources
available and the environment when deter milling the client mix and services of
cHl incubator They said nldt care should be taken to aVOid selecting the I,,;rong
mar~et or putting in the I,.....rong reSQurces for the mArket an IncLlbator Intends to
b. Targeting by industry sector. In the effort to build a technology clllster in a
particular industry, some incubators focus on specific industry sectors. Some of
the practitioners interviewed argued that incubators that offer resoulces
attractive to a particular industry segment (eg" product development centers for
manufacturing, wet lab space for life sciences) can differentiate themselves
from other incubators and increase their chances of attracting quality companies
from the targeted sector. While targeting has some advantages, practitioners
advised that incubator planners would be wise to first carefully assess their
markets and their resources. If they determine that they want to serve a narrow
market, or if the incubator has specialized expertise or specialized resources to
offer, targeting or clustering makes sense
In some cases, practitioners cautioned, targeting can add to the expense of the
incubator. If the targeted clients need access to clean-room faCilities, for
example, the incubator planners must determine if they can provide those
resources, if they need to (ocate a partner organization that can provide the
resource, or, if neither of those options appear viable, then perhaps the planners
should reassess whether the targeted sector is appropriate for them.
c. Services offered. As mentioned previously. incubators may provide technical
assistance services directly, or link tenants with external service providers. One
advantage of the latter approach, practitioners said, is that it allows the
incubator manager to serve as an "honest broker" on behalf of tenants, enabling
them to judge the quality of services more objectively, perhaps, than if the
incubator were offering the services directly.
Incubator services range from minimal - essentially, real estate only - to
comprehensive, with all the elements needed to support an entrepreneur
through the start-up process. Among the services incubator managers listed as
being offered, alone or in combination, were:
. Specialized resources (from clean rooms to wet lab space to product
development centers)
. Coaching and mentoring
. Networking
. Preparation for meetings with angels
. Access to angel investors
d. Attributes of a successful incubator manager. Practitioners interviewed
believe that incubator managers need to be flexible and responsive rather than
predictive. That is, that they should let the demonstrated needs of their clients
drive the programs and services they offer more than trying to be predictive
about determining clients' needs, and thereby the services that will be offered
e:::i I!)
One practitioner thinks that attributes of a successful manager include, "not
presuming to know more than the guy running the company." Another said that
"management by walking around" is often an effective approach for incubator
managers because they can use what they hear from tenants to continuously
shape and improve the incubator's services. Practitioners interviewed agreed
that incubator managers must constantly "pay attention and listen" to their
clients, not only to determine their needs, but also to assess how successfully
the services offered (whether internally or by external service providers) actually
meet those needs It's one thing to offer services, they said; it's another for
those services to be utilized. and utilized to good effect.
A practitioner with experience in both environments observed that running a
successful incubator is very analogous to managing a college dormitory, because
much of incubator management involves managing relationships between
tenants. promoting a positive environment, and being responsive to tenants'
page 43
needs Another said that a good Incubator manager can be compared to a party
host \\ho knows how to bring the right people together for the right purpose
and generate productive interactions among them In this regord, the ability to
generate and sustain a positive social net\\lork within the incubator is a valuable
Incubator managers must often be skilled diplomats. Intervlewees reported that
some managers find themselves acting as "buffers" between their tenants and
their boards when board members advocate overly-rigid adherence to screening,
management and graduation rules, or when individual members come to the
incubator board with outside agendas related to other institutions
e. Guidelines for screening and graduating tenants. Most practitioners
interviewed agreed that while structure and rules are essential, maintaining a
degree of flexibility is strongly advised. One manager said that there are "some
pretty good rules of thumb, but very few absolutes," One reason for maintaining
flexibility in dealing with tenants, said a practitioner, is that, "You don't want
your short-run expectations to run afoul of your long-term mission,'" Another, he
said, is to avoid precluding opportunities one would later wish had not been
Based on the nature of the incubator - type of facilities, rental rates, tenants
already in the incubator, services offered - managers said that companies will
often "self-select" as to whether they would be appropriate tenants for that
particular incubator.
One incubator manager described his incubator's screening process for
admitting companies as "highly personalized," Incubator staff meet with the
potential tenant and "go through a learning process together." Basic information
is gathered: What is the technology? What is its status? Who are the competitors?
What is the market potential? What is the status of the business plan? What is
the status of the funding? This incubator manager said, "We want to avoid a
checklist but at least it keeps us working hard until we basically cover all the
areas and just try to make sure that there aren't any real surprises that are
going to be the cause of the death of the company in the first six months," It
should be noted as well that whether companies are able to answer this basic
information is an important indicator as to how skilled and serious the
entrepreneur is.
Those interviewed stressed that, in addition to the gUidance provided by
standard policies, incubator managers should have the freedom to use their
instincts and good judgment about current and potential clients in order to
increase the chance of the clients' ultimate success. This, they said, pertains to
determining which companies may become and remain tenants, and when to
graduate tenants. A good incubator manager, they believe, must be perceptive
and insightful about the "realness" of prospective tenants when screening
companies for location in the incubator.
While flexibility and the instincts of an experienced manager are important,
equally important, said practitioners, is an established graduation policy, with
the clear understanding on the part of the tenant that "you don't get to stay here
forever," Milestones or checkpoints should be built into the lease agreement.
While a policy of graduation after three to five years was cited as generally
reasonable, even here practitioners returned to the importance of flexibility,
saying that retaining flexibility by industry (e.g., biotech companies usually take
longer than IT companies to graduate) and for specific cases increases chances
of success. Along with the flexibility, one practitioner advised "always keeping
the pressure on so that the companies move ahead and meet their milestones,
and move towards creating something much bigger." With a combination of
.;~ agreed-upon milestones and flexibility, the incubator manager has the tools to
~7 move non-performing companies out of the incubator, while offering the
companies with greatest potential the latitude to succeed
When it comes to graduating companies, one practitioner even cited the quality
Resource Guide: Entrepreneurship
of the physical setting as a factor He felt like on incubator setting shouldn't be
too nice, so that tenants will wallt to move out ...hen it is time Comparing
incubator tenants to college dormitory I esidents, another manager only half-
Jokingly said, 'If you find somebody "I..ho doesn't want to move out. you don't
want them therel"
f. Value of the social network within the incubator environment. Creating,
establishing and maintaining an environment that says to tenants "We are here
for your success" is one of the most important things an incubator can do, from
the perspective of practitioners interviewed.
The existence and quality of the social network that results from clients'
interaction with each other in the shared space of the incubator may not be the
first thing that comes to mind when listing essential attributes of successful
incubators. It is not a "program" that can be designed nor easily quantified and
measured. However, practitioners believe that it is one of the most valuable,
productive "services" that a good incubator provides.
The socia! network allows tenants to learn from each other in an informal
setting. The ability to access the knowledge of others is key. Entrepreneurs often
judge value by what their peers see value in, so it is useful to create an
environment where entrepreneurs have access to their peers. A factor in
encouraging entrepreneurship is social networking, and because in some regions
this networking may not occur within the larger community, the incubator can
provide an ideal setting for it to occur.
The internal networking activity also helps the incubator manager. As one
manager put it, "It is easier for me to encounter someone in the hallway, and to
get incredibly insightful information out of our two-second conversation than it
is for me to think about a format for meeting with me once a month."
g. Building design. To the extent possible, one practitioner advised, the
building design should facilitate social interaction, with glass, open doors,
shared hallways, and so forth. More than anything, the practitioners interviewed
on this topic emphasized that the ideal is to have space that provides fleXibility
to change configuration as tenants' needs change. While old buildings have been
successfully retrofitted as incubators, new buildings offer the ability to tailor the
space as a multi-tenant technology incubator. Incubator managers interviewed
said that it is important for the architects designing the space to have had
experience in this area and understand the unique space requirements both of
successful incubators and of the specific types of companies (e.g., bioscience,
IT, manufacturing, etc.) expected to occupy the space
h. Performance expectations. In keeping with the time it takes for the first
tenants to "incubate," experienced practitioners said that incubators themselves
should be given at least five years to grow and experiment to determine what
works best before their success can begin to be judged. A degree of flexibility in
allocation of the budge[ during this start-up period is also advantageous, they said,
States and communities can tend toward rigid control of incubators because of
legitimate concerns about accountability to funders, However, inflexible
expectations regarding performance can also be counterproductive. A
determination of what makes sense and what does not, both in terms of
structure and expectations, will develop over time, practitioners said, so funders
should be open to making changes and refining these as needed,
i. Value to the community. Practitioners commented that incubators require a
real commitment from the community in order to be successful. From their
perspective, that means enough money to build the facility followed by
operating commitments. In turn, they say, a successful incubator acts as a focal
point to attract resources and people and community attention to innovative
start-up companies
j, The self-sufficiency question. When policymakers contemplate committing
public funds to establish an incubator, the question often arises whether the
page 45
f, .:.
incubator should be expected to become self-sufficient after a period of time
Self-sufficiency (i.e., no longer requiring public funds) \\ould presumably be
based on fees for rent and services that the Incubator receives The majority of
practitioners interviewed on this tOpiC asserted that incubators should not be
expected to be moneymaking operations. In their view. incubators are part of
the business infrastructure in the same sense that good schools and good
transportation are
Most of those interviewed on this topic believed that. in general, incubators
should not be expected to be self-sufficient because to do 50 would undermine
the very purpose of incubators. Self.sufficiency implies charging market-rate
rental and service fees, precisely what fledgling technology companies are not
yet able to afford Furthermore, the interviewees pOinted out, not being
dependent on the real estate rental fees for survival allows incubator managers
to maintain a rigorous selection and graduation process.
While some incubators can and will become self-sufficient, a requirement for
them to do so within an arbitrary time frame may actually undercut achievement
of their mission, practitioners said. A common practice to achieve self-
sufficiency is for incubators to take equity in their tenant companies. One
incubator manager questioned whether or not this, then, tends to bias the
decisions of the incubator manager regarding present and potential tenants
In part because they are not usually a money-making proposition, several
practitioners observed that incubators would benefit from having a sponsor
whose long-term strategic goals are advanced by the presence of an incubator.
This. they said, is why a number of incubators are affiliated with universities; an
incubator is helpful to a university because it is a place where faculty can build
companies, where graduate students can getjohs, where the long-term value of
the university can be increased, it can help meet the university's mission to
serve the community, and because it can serve as the beginning step of a
research park.
Successful incubators, one practitioner summarized, need a partner with funding
and a vested interest (e.g., a university, an economic development organization),
a source of money (often primarily or exclusively from the partner), a technology
generator (which mayor may not be the partner), mentors, and good
University of Central Florida Technology Incubator (UCFTI)
With three locations throughout Central Florida totaling over 70,000 square
feet, UCFTI provides early-stage technology companies with enabling tools,
training and infrastructure to create financially stable high growth
enterprises. The goal is to facilitate smarter, faster startup and growth of
emerging technology companies so those companies will become financially
successful, high-growth companies in the community. Clients are offered an
array of services such as:
. Mentoring and advising in all aspects of business development and growth
including business and strategic planning, legal counsel, accounting,
human resources, government contracting, strategic partnerships,
marketing and PR, financing, grant preparation, insurance, and risk
. Access to experienced entrepreneurs through the Entrepreneur-in-
Residence Program;
- Networking opportunities with peer groups, area professionals, university
faculty, and support organizations;
-Adaptable space and flexible leases in several locations In the Orlando
.Access to UCF faculty and labs, library and support organizations;
. Shared reception, office equipment, conference rooms, and other support
Eligible participants must be a technology"oriented company with
Resource Guide: Entrepreneurship
plOplletdlY technology "no plans for product dE'\'elopll1E'nt: demonstrate
'>Ilong l1lar~t't for products or services: offer potential for significant Job
creation in the Central Florida area: dnd remain headquartered in Centra!
Flollda, Companies must first submit nil application and complete the
hcellence in Entrepreneurship Certificate CoursE' to be considered
A compa.ny grClduates I,vhen it has achieved a level of financial and corporate
grolAth that enables it to leave the incubator and enter the second stage of
corporate growth Since 1999. UCFTI has grown from 12 to over 30
emerging technology companies, which have generated more than 400 new
jobs and more than $100 million in revenues from sales and research and
development grants :.1
Advanced Technology Development Center (ATDC)
A nationally recognized science and technology incubator, ATDC helps
Georgia entrepreneurs launch and build successful companies. As part of
Georgia Tech's Office of Economic Development and Technology Ventures,
ATOC was formed in 1980 to stimulate growth in Georgia's technology
business base. ATDC offers turnkey services and flexible lease terms in its
facilities. Member companies operate in many areas of technology including
biomedical technology, computers and electronics, engineering and technology
services, environmental technoiogy, Internet applications, manufacturing, new
media, optical technology, software, and telecommunications,
ATDCs core offerings include Consulting, Connections, Community, and
Centre. Examples of member benefits include'
. Consulting - member companies receive practical business assistance from
full-time business advisors who have significant start-up experience.
. Connections - companies gain access to world-class researchers and
resources at the Georgia Institute of Technology in addition to connections
to potential investors, customers, and business partners.
. Community - weekly Brown Bag Lunches, the CEO Roundtable, socials and
other informal interactions allow company leaders to share their success,
collaborate on business opportunities and solve common problems.
. Centre - facilities located in Atlanta, Savannah, Columbus, and Warner
Robins offer a dynamic environment for entrepreneurship designed
specifically for start-ups.
According to an economic impact analysis, ATDC companies have created
nearly 42,000 man.years of employment and have generated over $9,3 billion
in revenue since 1987. Based on these figures, ATOC has delivered a 6.8
times return on the funding it has received from the state of Georgia.IS
To accelerate investment activity and the growth of a self.sustaining entrepreneurial
culture, TBED practitioners interviewed said that it is not enough to simply play
matchmaker, linking qualified entrepreneurs with interested investors. Rather, part of
the strategy must be to work proactively to increase quality deal flow in the region,
which will make the area more attractive to both investors and entrepreneurs.
Approaches to increase quality deal flow that interviewees mentioned include
screening deals, mentoring promising entrepreneurs, locating and recruiting
experienced entrepreneurial management talent. and encouraging the development of
new entrepreneurs through activities such as business plan competitions.
Screening and brokering
Investors conduct due diligence on potential investment opportunities in order to
verify - through interviews, document review, and on-site inspections when necessary
- that the businesses in question are more or less what they appear to be and that the
investments are consistent with the investors' criteria. However, investors' capacity to
scout out, screen and consider deals is limited by factors of time and distance
. Venture capitalists typically average 50 due diligence telephone calls per deal, many
of which are reference checks "If,
page 47
Ttlese limitations mean that the TBED ofganization seeking to link its clients \\.ith
e<.terna.l sources of funding is in a position to provide a valuable service to both
Investors and entrepreneurs by acting as a funnel, a filter, and a broker of deals for
investors to consider. The TBED organization (an promote and facilitate deal flow by
seeking out and filtering potential deals. validating markets and technologies.
conducting a thorough due diligence process, scrubbing the most promising deals.
and actively presenting and promoting those opportunities to the investment
Practitioners advised that the TBED organization will be successful in this role only to
the extent that It firmly establishes its credibility with investors. "Venture capitalists
overwhelmingly tend to favor deals referred to them by trusted sources . The
reason that venture capitalists take this approach is that they usually know much
more about the quality of the source by which a deal was referred than about the
quality of the referred deal itself It makes sense, then, for them to use the quality of
the source of the deal, which is well known, as a rough proxy for the quality of the
deal, which is not." 17
To establish its credibility with investors, practitioners said the TBED organization
. Maintain a competent, experienced staff with good credentials
. Employ a thorough, credible, consistent due diligence process comparable to
that of a private investment group
. Take great care in selecting deals for presentation to private investors
. Actively promote itself, its services and its clients to the local, regional, and
national investment community.
In order for the client-investor matching process to be successful, the TBED
organization staff must also establish a high degree of credibility and trust with the
entrepreneur. The process of readying promising entrepreneurs for presentation to
outside investors is an intensive, hands-on, personal experience. One practitioner
credits the success of his organization in these efforts to the approach the staff
takes. "I mean, we rolt our sleeves up," he says. "We're not always right, but we dig
in there and take the philosophy that we're going to be part of your team for a little
while and help you move this thing forward."
Recruiting management talent
For investors, the definition of "a good deal" always includes good management. In
many cases, however, the developer of the technology does not have the
entrepreneurial management skills necessary to start up and successfully sustain a
new business.
However, most practitioners interviewed on entrepreneurship indicated that the
biggest problem their region has in encouraging the growth of technology
companies is a serious shortage of serial entrepreneurs to provide reliable
management for start.up companies. They recognize that the value in locating and
securing this talent goes beyond the entrepreneurs themselves; serial entrepreneurs
often bring with them the access to good potential board members, networks,
potential customers, capital, and other types of resources that might not be
presently available in a particular area.
Recruiting this talent, while challenging, is possible, practitioners said, but there
must be enough active deal flow to indicate to potential managers that they have
more than one option in front of them. Therefore, the practitioner must first locate
experienced entrepreneurs who might have an interest in looking at deals in their
state or community, and then demonstrate that the deal flow is active and of
sufficiently high quality to merit the entrepreneurs' interest
Virtually all of the practitioners interviewed said they are pursuing various methods
to locate and attract experienced entrepreneurial management. This is done on a
"retail" and a "wholesale" basis, That is, practitioners may have a specific opportunity
for which they are searching for experienced management in order to make the deal
attractive to investors. Or, they may seek to identify and create a stable of
experienced entrepreneurs to look at potential deals as they arise. One approach
Resource Guide: Entrepreneurship
being attempted is to pacl'dge se\'eral technologies flam \\hich E"perienced
entrepreneurs could select. Some organizations plovide a technology ShO\\CdSe of
the most promising technologies 01ey're y\OJking \vith. where the entrepreneurs (an
nttend. hear multiple pitches see '\\lhich onE' they connect with best. and see If there
Me nCltufnl matches
Practitioners have employed a number of methods to identify experienced
entrepreneurial management First, they stay connected with their successful "!lome
qrown" entrepreneurs, remaining on the lookout for new opportunities for those
I-ndivlduals to become serial entrepreneurs by taking on management of new
enterprises. Second, they constantly utilize their networks to identify potential
mentors and managers. Networking events and awards banquets can attract the
interest of these individuals, or of people who know qualified individuals and can
connect practitioners to them
Practitioners related many anecdotes of successful entrepreneurs who had relocated
to their community because of some affinity for that community_ Often the affinity
lies in family ties. Either the entrepreneur or their spouse grew up in the area and is
looking for an opportunity that would allow them to return. Sometimes family
circumstances ." aging parents, for example - cause the entrepreneur to return to the
home community, and once there, look for new ventures where they can put their
talents and money to work Some entrE'preneurs have a strong (onnection to the
university from which they graduated, and might be interested in taking a university-
developed technology and turning it into a new business.
As a result, a number of practitioners see affinity groups as good places to search
for experienced entrepreneurs. In particular, several TBED organizations have begun
working with university alumni associations in their states to identify and contact
high potential individuals who might return home (or at least invest there) if
presented with attractive opportunities
Growing entrepreneurial talent: business plan competitions
One method to increase deal flow is to increase the number of potential
entrepreneurs and deals. A popular approach is to sponsor a business plan
competition, and based on research, there is good reason for that. A study
sponsored by the Kauffman Foundation's Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership and
conducted byAlberta Charney and Gary Liebcap from the University of Arizona,
found that college students who had graduated from business school with a degree
focused on entrepreneurship education that culminated in a business plan
.Were three times more likely to be involved in the creation of a new business
venture than were their non.entrepreneurship graduates;
.Were 1 J96 more likely than were non-entrepreneurship students to own their
own businesses after graduation;
.On average, earned an annual income 27% higher than non-entrepreneurship
.Accumulated 62% more in personal assets after graduation than non-
entrepreneurship counterparts,
- Were 9% more likely to be associated with developing new technological
.Had a 13% greater chance of being involved with a firm. IS
Business plan competitions are being employed as vehicles to attract and train
potential entrepreneurs and ferret out latent ideas for new enterprises. However,
some of those interviewed pointed to other side benefits in conducting business plan
competitions, including.
- The competitions can serve as a source of leads for TBED organizations that
provide services to entrepreneurs, and then provides an opportunity for the
TBED organizations to connect the competitors with resources that may be able
to help the potential entrepreneur. For this approach to be successful, though,
there must be an active, hands-on approach to working with the competitors,
50 the competitors see the value in working with the TBED organization.
-If the business plan competition receives public attention, it can help change
page 49
the region's perception of entr-epreneurship encouraging those who normally
....ould not have e'\plored entrepreneurship as a career path to consider d
different direction
Business plan competitions may focus on eXisting t'ntrepreneurs and start-up
businesses, or they may be aimed at college students
Great Lakes Entrepreneurs Quest. The Quest is a volunteer-driven
organization involving members of entrepreneurial communities from across
the state of Michigan. Its organizers represent the diverse elements of
Michigan's entrepreneurial community: academics, angel investors, lawyers,
CPAs, publiC servants, Yes, corporate execs, universities, economic
development experts, foundations and other entrepreneurs. They serve on
the board of directors, raise funds, design training, prepare coaches,
publicize and promote the competition, recruit sponsors, develop the
criteria for evaluation and judge the business plans_ Quest participants are
eligible to compete in one of two business plan competitions: New Business
Ideas or Emerging Companies. Competitors have the chance to win seed
capital and valuable services (e.g., legal, accounting, consulting) and other
opportunities that can help entrepreneurs launch or grow a business
With an annual budget of approximately a half-million dollars, the
competition has seen approximately 500 teams, or prospective companies,
compete so far. One of the things practitioners judged most valuable about
the program is the menta ring and coaching that occurs. Each qualifying
team gets a coach and mentor at no cost. 19
Oklahoma's Donald W. ReynOlds Governor's Cup Competition. Fifty"two
teams of graduate and undergraduate students from fifteen different
campuses entered Oklahoma's 2005 Donald W. Reynolds Governor's Cup
Business Plan Competition.
The competition was modeled after the Governor's Award for Entrepreneurial
Development program in Arkansas, managed by the nonprofit Capital
Resource Corporation. Twenty-seven student teams and their faculty
advisors have been awarded $374,000 in cash prizes since the Arkansas
competition began in 2001. With a grant from the Las Vegas, Nevada-based
Donald W. Reynolds Foundation, annual competitions are held in Arkansas,
Oklahoma and Nevada. Within several years, an annual tri-state
championship competition is planned. Students involved in the competition
gain access to networks of successful entrepreneurs, lenders and investors,
teambuilding opportunities, business planning skills, and media exposure,
Organized and managed in Oklahoma by i2E, Inc., the annual competition is
open to all faculty-sponsored, full"time and part-time undergraduate and
graduate students enrolled at any of Oklahoma's universities or colleges.
The business plan must be for a seed, start-up or early-stage venture and
must address the entire business concept (including implementation). At
least one team member must have a key role in the company's management
The organizers' purpose for the competition was to encourage students to
act upon their ideas and to promote the development and commercialization
of technologies being discovered in Oklahoma universities
Venture capitalists, business leaders, and entrepreneurs acting as judges
rate each business plan and select six graduate finalists and 12
undergraduate teams to advance to the round. The semj.finalists
present their business ideas to another panel of judges who select the
finalists The finalists then compete in an oral presentation to determine the
first, second and third place winners, who are announced at a gala Awards
Resource Guide: Entrepreneurship
Undergraduate and Graduate teams comp>:,!e sepdldtely for S 1 O~OOO in
cash a,,"'drds First place of each division receive 520.000, with 510,000
gOing to tile second place winning teams, dnd 55.000 to the third Faculty
advisors of the semi-finalist and finalists dre a\.varded 5500. an additional
S 1000 If their team placed second or tt]ird and S 1500 for first place 'il
Pulling technologies out of corporations
Some organizations particularly those in larger states With access to the corporate
headquarters of large, R&D intensive companies - seek ro increase deal flow through
activities designed to pull technologies out of private companies, particularly
dormant technologies that have some commercial value but may not fit with the
current business model for the company
Practitioners reported that downsizing at a large corporation often generates
opportunities to spin out new businesses. Individuals who left the company may
have worked on certain technologies and had in-depth knowledge of their potential.
With the application of angel money for these spin-outs, dormant technologies that
might have died within the companies but for these individuals may instead form the
basis of viable new companies
; ,,:::'';
One practitioner described his approach for mining large companies for
technologies. He said that he establishes relationships and meets regularly with large
companies to assess not only how they are doing presently, but whether they have
opportunities for sponsored research within universities or licensing of technologies
from universities, and/or orphan technologies sitting on the shelf with potential to
be funded. He does the necessary research ahead of time to determine likely targets
and opportunities for discussion. Through this proactive approach, he reported that
opportunities for technology transfer may be identified that otherwise would never
have happened
Another practitioner saw a strong role for incubators in this process. His
recommendation was to get the technologies out of the companies and into
sponsored incubators with management talent willing to make the commitment and
investment to commercialize those technologies.
National Institute for Strategic Technology Acquisition and
Commercialization (NISTAC) Technology AcquiSition Development and
Commercialization (TADAC) Program
Founded in 1994, the National Institute for Strategic Technology Acquisition
and Commercialization (NISTAC) is a not-for-profit, 501 (c)3 corporation,
organized under the auspices of Kansas State University (K-State) and the
State of Kansas via the Kansas Technology Enterprise Corporation (KTEC) K-
State is the state's land Grant Research University located in Manhattan, a
city of 50,000 people in a regional community, which includes approximately
100,000 people in a 35-mile radius. KTEC is a statutory, economic
development corporation reporting to the Governor. Originally named the
Mid-America Commercialization Corporation (MACC), NISTAC also is co-
sponsored by the City of Manhattan, Kansas, and the Manhattan Area
Chamber of Commerce
The TADAC Program transfers technologies from large corporate urban
environments into rural and other regions for economic gain. Co.sponsored
by Kansas TechnOlogy Enterprise Corporation and K.State, TADAC was
established in 1998 as a pilot program with the goal of unleashing the
national security and regional economic benefits to be found in the unused
portions of the patent portfolios of large corporations.
Under the TAOAC Program, NISTAC has acquired a substantial portfolio of
nearly 1,000 donated patents and patent applications from more than 50
received donations Donations were primarily acquired through unsolicited
In mid.2004, the Mid America Commercialization Corporation's (MACes)
name was changed to NISTAC as a signal that the reach of MACes programs
page 51
was being broadened beyond Kansas to Include regions throughout the
nation. This expansion pr'irnarily is being done through the creation of a
national network of cooperating not-for-profit entities with complementary
missions. Such entities include universities, research institutions and
regional economic development organizations
Pulling technologies out of universities
Many commercialization centers and incubators were initiated ~'v'ith the primary
mission of commercializing technologies generated by associated or nearby
universities Practitioners from many of these organizations who were interviewed for
this guide report that. over time, in order to increase deal flow, they broadened their
clientele to include entrepreneurs and companies not affiliated with the university
Nonetheless, universities are still recognized as important technology generators,
and there is much more on this topic on the preceding section of this guide, In order
to forge a good working relationship with universities, practitioners interviewed
emphasized that commercialization centers need to recognize the universities' needs
and help address those needs. Often times, they observed, if the commercialization
initiative has money to invest, this makes partnering more attractive to the
Most universities recognize that while they may be very proficient in research and in
technology transfer, they generally do not have a depth of experience in
commercializing technology. When commercialization programs demonstrate to the
universities that they can add value and make the universities more successful at
commercializing university-developed technology, universities will be more willing to
engage with them, More details on these programs can be found in the preceding
section of this guide.
Several years after its initiation, Utah's Centers of Excellence Program
added a consulting program to the centers program, in which each time a
center was selected for funding, a professional independent business
consultant was assigned to that center. The business consultant's
responsibility is to work with the principal investigator to develop
commercialization strategies and look at productization, target companies
for licensing, and perform competitive analysis. According to program
officials, the program has increased the number of center technologies that
have been commercialized.
The consultants are paid out of the state dollars appropriated for the
Centers program. The program currently budgets $8,000 per center for the
commercialization program. The funding for the consultant (s awarded to
the center, and the actual contract is between the consultants and the
university tech transfer office. There is a strong emphasis on doing the deal
in Utah if it makes sense to do so,
Entrepreneurial programs within universities
Entrepreneurship education programs are proliferating in higher education
institutions nationwide. "Whereas 15 years ago only a handful of schools offered
courses in entrepreneurship, today more than 1,500 colleges and universities offer
some form of entrepreneurship training. There are currently more than 100 active
university-based entrepreneurship centers in the U.S. and more than 270 endowed
positions in entrepreneurship, an increase of 120 percent in just the last five years."n
Entrepreneur Magazine publishes an annual listing of its 'Top 100 Entrepreneurial
Colleges." It organizes its listings into three categories of programs: Comprehensive
(offering the widest variety of resources), Entrepreneurship Emphasis (a smaller
number of entrepreneurship faculty, courses and initiatives), or Limited Curriculum
"" (only a few faculty teaching a limited number of courses,).!3
_~) The magazine points out that entrepreneurship education is distinct from a general
management program because entrepreneurs need skills that most general
management students do not, Among those skills are.
Resource Guide: Entrepreneurship
. Risk fllanagement
. How to raise capital
.Opportunity recognition (it>arnI119 to ')ee"- profit Idttler than protect resources)
. The ability to handle failure ilnd persist ',\
University,entrepreneurslllp programs may even offer students access to capital,
bringing in private equity investors to talk to students, [hose conversations
sometimes result in funding. Most programs dlso stress e:>.:perientiallearning, where
students take internships in operating companies .'\
Dingman Center for Entrepreneurship
Located at the University of Maryland Robert H Smith School of Business,
the Dingman Center for Entrepreneurship helps students and regional
entrepreneurs develop and grow their businesses through a variety of
services and programs. The Dingman Center uses its strategic position
within the Smith School to leverage resources from the entire university to
assist enterprises.
Two full-time professional staff, ten Dingman scholars, three entrepreneurs-
in-residence, and two senior fellows manage the Dingman Center. A Board
of Advisors, comprised of area business leaders, meet several times a year
to guide the Dingman Center in its strategic planning.
Programs for student entrepreneurs include The Dingman Process, Pitch
Dingman, Entrepreneurs-in-Residence, Academic Programs, and Volunteer
Activities. The Dingman Process helps students and regional entrepreneurs
systematically analyze and develop businesses. Through Pitch Dingman,
students are invited to pitch their business ideas to the Dingman Center in
order to gain feedback from experienced entrepreneurs and potentially
receive support and resources_ The Entrepreneurs-in-Residence are
successful entrepreneurs who volunteer their time through networking
events, panelists, and one-an-one student advising, Dingman Center's
Academic Program supports educational programs in entrepreneurship at
the graduate and undergraduate levels.?6
Hinman Campus Entrepreneurship Opportunities (CEO) Program
Founded by the University of Maryland A. James Clark School of Engineering
and Robert H. Smith School of Business, the Hinman CEO Program is offered
to undergraduate students interested in entrepreneurial ventures. Hinman
CEOs experience a living-learning culture through designated residence halls
designed to encourage exchange of ideas. Students are required to live in
the specially designed residence halls that feature an incubator environment
with state-of-the-art technology, meeting rooms and computer labs.
Additionally, students have access to outside business contacts and mentors
Students participate in a host of education activities during their tenure in
the program. The A. James Clark School of Engineering offers a unique
entrepreneurship course, which focuses on technology entrepreneurship and
covers topics such as idea generation, feasibility, protection of intellectual
property, marketing, forming teams, and organizations forms, Students
form teams, write business plans, and present them to the class. The
Hinman CEOs Program also manages the annual University of Maryland
Business Plan Competition that allows students and recent alumni to
compete for prize money that will enable them to start businesses Hinman
CEOs are encouraged to compete in the competition.
The Hinman CEO Program seeks active, high-achieving students. A semester
review of academic performance as well as the progress toward program
goals can be conducted at the discretion of the program. Students are
encouraged to develop a business idea and write a pian while in the
program. To provide mentoring on business planning, marketing strategies
and financing, coaching is available for Hinman CEO teams. The Office of
Technology Commercialization and Office of Information Technology
page 53
provide advice on intellectua.l property, v,'hile other Internal and external
partners provide rnentoring on legal Issues ,;
The environment for entrepreneurship varies widely among communities across the
country \.Vhy exactly that occurs is not clear, but a region's demogr-aphic makeup,
history, corporate composition, employment history, and the priorities of its political
leadership all may play roles in shaping how accepting a region is of entrepreneurship
and whether an entrepreneurial culture (ie, a culture that embraces and encourages
risk taking) develops. Statistics on business churning, a measure of new firm births
dnd existing firm deaths as a share of total firms. serves as an indicator of a region
entrepreneurial culture: a higher churn rate indicates a stronger entrepreneurial
culture. Among those interviewed were several who came from areas with very low
churn rates. and they tended to cite a combination of history and corporate
composition of traditional manufacturing with a risk-averse culture where there is a
very low tolerance for the inevitable failures associated with entrepreneurship as the
causes for a lack of entrepreneurial culture
For these reasons, practitioners interviewed advised that those seeking to support
the growth of entrepreneurship must take deliberate steps to encourage
development of an entrepreneurial culture by driving quality deal flow, encouraging
angel investors to invest locally, educating the media and community leaders, and
recruiting high profile entrepreneurs to act as role models, champions and
Interviewees cited several factors that, in their experience, contribute to a vibrant
entrepreneurial culture. They include:
I. A spirit of risk-taking
In some communities, practitioners said, "failure is a punishable crime." In other
places, they said, "venture funds look upon failure as the best predictor of
success. Someone who has failed knows what not to do in the future."
A spirit of risk taking recognizes that failures are to be expected on the road to
success. While risk-taking carries with it the real possibility of failure, there is
widespread acceptance that failures are learning opportunities, and that it often
takes big risks to generate big rewards. The more pervasive and endemic this
attitude is, the more hospitable the environment for entrepreneurship. In
contrast, a region where risk-taking is instinctively frowned upon and failure is
considered shameful presents very rocky soil for starting and growing innovative
new companies.
2, Angel investment activity
"What people mean when they say that there is a good entrepreneurial culture in
a community or region is that there are mechanisms in place through which
people can find quality investment opportunities and those investment
opportunities can find people." That is how one practitioner summarized the
importance of investment activity to a positive entrepreneurial culture.
A region can have active networking organizations and technology councils, but
still be missing a critical element: the region may be lacking a cadre of angel
investor entrepreneurs - serial entrepreneurs who have money and experience,
and who can act as the effective connectors between researchers and venture
The scarcity of seasoned serial entrepreneurs available to act as angel investors
and/or professional managers was cited by practitioners interviewed for this
guide more often than any other issue as a serious challenge to building their
entrepreneurial cultures.
Further, one sign of the health of an entrepreneurial culture is the extent to
which local investors who are active invest their money locally versus investing it
3. Entrepreneurial faculty
Resource Guide: Entrepreneurship
Strong entrepreneurial communities often have academic Il1stitutions vVllh top-
notch researchers \\ho are also E'ntrE'prerH'Llllally-minded file degree to \\hiCh
faculty <HE' encouraged by their institutions to\\ard. Tdtller than away from,
commercialization is lJslIally a strong contnbutlflg factor to the liegree of faculty
en!r epr eneursh ip
4. Strong support infrastructure
Strong entrepreneurial communities have a depth of skill sets resident In the
community to support entrepreneurs These skill sets may consist of everything
from professional services such as legal and accounting, to manufacturing
5. Entrepreneurial corporate culture
Large, technically-oriented corporations may generate populations of
intellectually aggressive and aware kinds of people within a community,
contributing to a positive local environment for entrepreneurship.
The degree to which a corporation, or federal or non-profit laboratory, spins-off
new companies depends in part on whether the entity promotes an internal
culture of risk-taking When the corporation is the dominant employer in a
community, the internal culture of risk-taking or aversion to risk can seep out
into the broader community and significantly affect the pubiic's attitude toward
entrepreneurial enterprises
Conversely, while communities with large corporate headquarters often benefit
from the depth of private sector financial and management resources they bring,
a prevalence of well-established, large corporations can also foster a very
conservative business culture. The assumption that private resources are
available for start-up companies may also result in a scarcity of public funds
available for this purpose. One Midwestern state was described by an
interviewee as having one of the lowest percentages of start-ups in the country,
but one of the highest numbers of companies that succeed once they start up,
The practitioner commented,"Nobody starts anything here on the fly,"
The entrepreneurial environment may vary with business and economic cycles.
Some events that at the time seem negative can ultimately generate positive
outcomes. For example, practitioners from one state discussed how a number of
the large computer and software firms that originated in that state ended up
moving out of state because of the critical mass of similar types of companies
that existed elsewhere and the lack of capital within the state at the time to
keep them in the state However, one interviewee said, "The good news about
that is that when the big trees fall in the forest the saplings start to grow and I
don't think there has been anything that's happened in [the state} that has
encouraged entrepreneurship more than the demise of some of these
companies," New companies grew up around individuals who had formerly been
with larger companies that did not want to leave the state. In some cases, as in
this state, when large companies downsize or lay people off, a base is created
for heightened entrepreneurial activity.
6. Community support
The role of strong, individual leaders can be critical to keep the community
energized. When one individual is perceived as providing the leadership that is
stimulating entrepreneurial development activity, the loss of that individual can
have a profound effect on continued progress. Many practitioners cited the
names of specific governors or corporate leaders they associated with being the
catalyst for the development of a robust entrepreneurial culture in their area
"There needs to be some political will or driving force for these things," one
practitioner observed Consequently, some practitioners strongly recommended
recruiting ~upport from high-profile community leaders and keeping community
leaders involved to help drive progress in the region.
~:::::i I 9
A number of practitioners commented that while a state can fund programs to
support entrepreneurship that local buy-in and support of those initiatives was
critical to their success. This local support is not only important from a
monetary viewpOint, but also as a means of integrating the program into the
page 55
fabric of the community. \'...hich ultimately will lead to grea.ter SUCCE'SS for the
t'lltreprenellrs being served
Helping private sector business leaders grasp the vision of why they should
invest in efforts to grow the local innovation economy can be challenging,
however. One practitioner observed, 'Technology-based companies are saying, if
you have somebody in the incubator who is going to produce a technology that
we might potentially license and develop, then we are Interested in making a
contribution or investment to you. Otherwise, we're not And the non-tech
companies are saying, What's in it for me]"
The key, according to several practitioners, is to educate key players in the
community, and develop a consensus for, the need to support entrepreneurship.
Those that had been successful said that the entrepreneurial climate was
strengthened when business leaders, chambers of commerce, universities, the
investment community, elected officials and government agencies - are all
"singing off the same page" in recognizing and encouraging support for
innovation entrepreneurs.
As with most important quests, interviewees said that a successful effort hinges
on the right people and sufficient resources. One practitioner with multi-state
experience advised the following:
"First, start identifying who the entrepreneurial leaders are who can influence a
paradigm shift or culture change within a region. They need to be added to
boards of economic development organizations, angel groups, commercialization
corporations, and so forth so the word can be spread..
"Identify leaders who will be involved at the state level because education within
the state legislature, with a governor, and with governors' administrations is
extremely important. It'S not that the efforts need to be government led, but the
government can act as catalyst and can be a major funding source..
"When it comes to changing the entrepreneurial culture, it can be influenced, but
no one can dictate that it happens - much of the strategy is simply leading by
example. For thiS reason, it is important to find a champion, a stakeholder
within the region that people can get behind. Evaluate the needs, find the right
people to address them, and if the right people are not there, import them into
the region."
7. Communications and branding
Communities can help build a robust entrepreneurship environment through
strategic communications efforts. Creating and communicating an effective
branding message about the community's entrepreneurial climate and its core
competencies can not only contribute to attracting more entrepreneurs from
outside the area, but also (and, perhaps, more importantly) help change the
mindset of the community. In crafting its message, practitioners advised that a
community might benefit most from focusing on a core set of competencies
rather than trying to be, or sell itself as, "the entrepreneurial place for
everything." As with all successful marketing campaigns, the message must be
credible; trying to brand a community as the technology entrepreneurship
hotspot when there are few tech entrepreneurs in residence will result in failure.
8. Informed media coverage
Another factor that several practitioners pointed to is the tone of the local media
when covering business start-ups, failures, and the overall state of the local
The media can contribute significantly to a positive or negative entrepreneurial
culture. Practitioners report that in some communities the media tends to focus
on bad news and overlook the good news. In these instances, the media focus
on what has been done that has not worked, versus on what might be done to
improve things. They focus on businesses that fail rather than start-ups that
succeed. This approach to reporting, in turn, shapes and reinforces the
community's image of itself, and the image it projects to others
Resource Guide: Entrepreneurship
In the prrtctitioners e\perienct', I,\hen It comes to entrepreneurship, the media
does not alv..ays distinguish bet\\een tJ(\ditional small businesses and
:echnologybased busines5t's They ~la\e found it necessdry to educate reporters
to the unique needs and challenges faced by technology entrepreneurs. They say
the media need help to understand the difference between \walth creating" and
'wealth circulating"" businesses
Fostering good relations I,\'ith key media outlets, educating them about
entr-epreneurship, and actively identifying for them entrepreneurial success
stories to publish lA'ere reponed by practitioners interviewed to be as essential
to helping improve media (overage. Practitioners advised cultivating good
relationships With the press at all levels in order to get their attention when
needed, being proactive with positive press releases, and helping to make the
press feel like they are part of the process
Entref3reneurs by definition are aggressive, innovative, energetic risk-takers. By
contrast, conventional wisdom says that government is slow, methodical and risk-
averse, Yet government policy makers at all levels are coming to recognize
entrepreneurs as a vital force in our nation's economy, key to our ability to remain
globally competitive. Further, they appreciate entrepreneurs' critical role in creating
and sustaining thriving local economies, "Innovators break the rules," observes
former NSF Deputy Director Joseph Bordogna "It may be a leap of faith to trust
them," he advises his colleagues in government, "but trust them we must, or we
suffer the quagmire of the status quo,"28
\. ~
For this reason, state and local officials have begun "placing their bets" on
entrepreneurs, investing public dollars in assistance programs to help innovative new
companies start up and prosper. In order to assist entrepreneurs, government
agencies themselves have had to learn to act entrepreneurially, looking for creative
ways to meet market demand and innovative programs that consistently deliver the
most impact for the taxpayer's dollar. In order to work effectively with both
entrepreneurs and private investors, they have had to find ways to meet the private
sector on its own terms, with flexibility and with savvy, well-paid staff.
Practitioners interviewed for this guide offered a variety of suggestions and advice.
The advice, generally, fell into one of three areas: philosophy and approach in
implementing programs, the organizational structure of programs, and operational
details of running these kinds of programs. As with all of the observations and
advice offered by those interviewed, these are the authors' summation of what
appeared to be a consensus among those interviewed: they should not be viewed as
being unanimously endorsed by all interviewed.
In the philosophy and approach in implementing programs, adVice that was given
- When getting started in creating programs, examine the entrepreneurial
climate, the infrastructure in place to support entrepreneurs, and then devise
ways to fill the gaps. To ensure the greatest chance for success, entrepreneurs
must have access to a comprehensive continuum of programs as they progress
through the stages necessary to establish a thriving enterprise
-Don't look for a cookie cutter approach - there isn't one Methods and service
delivery mechanisms that work well in one location may not work well in
another due to differences in local politics, infrastructure, resources and
entrepreneurial culture
-Entrepreneurship assistance initiatives should be integrated into the overall
state or regional economic development infrastructure, While a variety of
private entities may have resources designed to help start.up companies, one
observer notes, "When it's not embedded in the economic development
infrastructure it's difficult to understand it, to manage it, [and] to allow it to be
leveraged with other resources that economic development has control of,"
page 57
.Community slIpport for entrepreneurship initiatives is important The state (an
provide some funding, but local buy-in is critical because ultimately the
bUSinesses that are being created and grov..-ing must be sustained from local
conditions. The entrepreneurial climate will be strengthened when the h;ey
players in the community - business leaders. chambers of commerce,
universities, the investment community, elected officials and government
agencies - all recognize and encourage support for innovation entrepreneurs.
,Policymakers should be prepared to wait for results from entrepreneurship
programs. Communities seeking to grow their own base of entrepreneurs
should expect to wait 10 to 30 years to see real impact from this strategy. One
practitioner put it this way, "It is important to have a well.funded initiative,
because change doesn't occur overnight It might take 5-10 years to see even
subtle changes that occur within cultures and regions"
.00 not expect programs to be self-sufficient. With only a few exceptions, most
programs do not achieve self-suffiCiency (i.e., they can pay for their operations
without any public funds) and still meet their economic development mission.
A few practitioners noted there is a significant difference between sustainability
(I.e., an organization is able to develop a variety of funding sources to achieve
long-term stability) and self"sufficiency. Government-initiated economic
development programs should focus on sustainabiHty rather than self-suffciency.
. To be effective, organizations must have a high level of credibility with both
entrepreneurs and investors. This credibility will permit the organization to
build the network of resources that entrepreneurs need to succeed and to
effectively promote a culture of entrepreneurship.
In considering the organizational structure, practitioners advised
. Try to form partnerships with local respected organizations. Not only will this
leverage limited funding, but also provide a more seamless system for
entrepreneurs and provide a broader reach for all organizations.
. Expect that the larger the population area, the more difficult it will be to create
a "one-stop shop." Additionally, larger states - particularly those with several
large MSAs - generally take a more regional approach to service provision to
accommodate different industry sectors, needs, and entrepreneurial cultures,
and ensure that service providers and entrepreneurs are within easy commuting
distance of one another.
.Place heavy emphasis on getting the right board members because engaged
community leaders drive progress. Organizations that have established a
positive reputation in the community and have influential board members or
supporters can use their influence to help change the entrepreneurial culture in
their area.
.Unlike most other tech-based economic development organizations, for those
working in the area of entrepreneurship volunteers are critical. They can serve
as mentors, trainers, and advisors to those needing assistance. Additionally,
they can provide a network to other resources that will be helpful to the
Interviewees cited specific points to consider when running programs focused on
entrepreneu rsh ip:
.Quality leadership is the most critical factor in the success of a TBED
entrepreneurship support program. These leaders must understand the "real
world" for entrepreneurs and their start-up companies. They rnust be
committed and willing to devote the necessary time to nurture the new
enterprises. They must have the savvy to assess both the needs and the
potential of the companies. and to know when to stand firm versus when to be
flexible in working with them as circumstances change. Managers must have
the ability to
Resource Guide: Entrepreneurship
. Build partnerships
. Dc\"elop nel\....'ork of resources
. Relrlte to entrepreneurs and jnl/estors
-In orrier to get quality leadership. rBED organizations must find a \A,ly to pay
t!lesE' individuals competitive ,....ages. This is another reason that public sector
TBED organizations often contract with private entities to provide these services
. Programs that have control of money to invest may have a better chance of
dccelerating commercialization in their region.
.A.ttracting experienced entrepreneurs and professional managers to their
region is the single biggest challenge cited by most interviewed. Serial
entrepreneurs are essential to manage start-up companies and establish cadres
of angel investor entrepreneurs and mentors for new companies Evidence of
active deal flow is critical to attracting this management talent
. Communities can help build a robust entrepreneurship environment through
effective communications. Creating and communicating an effective branding
message about the community's entrepreneurial climate and its core competencies
can be key to drawing in more entrepreneurs from outside the area.
. States and communities must educate the media and recruit leading
entrepreneurs to act as champions and spokespersons as means to encourage
development of an entrepreneurial culture.
.A directory of programs not only facilitates access to services by entrepreneurs,
but also can bring service providers together and demonstrate to the rest of the
world the breadth of resources available in a region.
1 Advanced Research Technologies, LlC. The Innovation.Entrepreneurship NEXUS A National
Assessmenr of Enrrepreneurship and Regional Economic Crowth and Development (Advanced
Research Technologies, LlC Powell OH, April to05). p 5
2 Advanced Research Technologies. p
3ibid, p 5
<1 Josh lerner. "When Bureaucrats Meet Enrrepreneurs The Design of Effective 'Public Venture Capital
Programmes." The Economic Journal, 112 (February). pF82
5 Lerner, pF!6
6 Nikki Foster. "Entrepreneurship in Rural Communities An Emerging Strategy Presents Opportunities
and Challenges," in Community Dividend (Federai Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Minneapolis, MN),
available at http://mlnneapolisfed org/pubs/cd/Ol 2/entrepreneurcfm, accessed 30 August 2006
7 North Iowa Area Community College. available at
http//www n!ilCC edu/pappaJohn/Dappaiohncente-rs h:mi, accessed 30 August 2006
8 MarVin J. Cetron and Owen DaVies, 53 Trends Now Shaping the Future, (World Future Society
Bethesda, MO, 2005). p 9
9 FastTrac, avadable at http//wwwfasttrac org/pages,'facrsheetcfm, accessed 30 August 2006
10 Ben Frankim Technology Partners of [etHral ilnd Northern Pennsylvania, available at
http//www crp benfrar;kiln org/transforrnations htm, accessed 30 August 2006
11 RClymond W Srmlor E"trl"preneurshlp An~j Community De'.'eloprnerrt Presented to a rnnference on
Entrepreneursh,'p As A Communi tv Oevelopment Strategy Opportunities For Community
Foundations, !Kauffman Center for Entrt"preneurlal Leader<;hip Kanqs City, 1 g971, P 7
12 ~Jationcl.1 BUSiness Incubation Assonation avaliable at
hnp /iwww nbld f)fg/r,"soufceJenter/'Nhat IS/index php accessed 30 August 2006
13 'bid
14 Unrversl~y of Central "iarlda Technology Incubator, avaliabl," at
http/i'.\lWW Incubator Ijd edu/abolltus/lndex html. ilccessed 30 August 2006
I') Advanced Technoiogy Development Center, available at httpl/www c1tdc or';J/o'Jervl';'w asp. accessed
30 Auqust 2006
page 59
16 !lJS:'fl I l',~I'"'C '..'el'tellt: ,-'1I'i1.11 :='"e C'.: jiITt'" ,\ ~;.. jc ," \1;;'~''':~l'';'''',Jr: .'''',e.,t'1''':II[ ,-j,~,<t'\ ,;11.1
"c' ,'.15'I!~1 Y,'li' F\'I tf,"'~l .,\",,11 "s ','SLley :'(1(1,' \ ll,' S
l',WlP P <;
1 8 A,~t'na ('"'iH ~'t'y dnd Cary l.ebldp, ,'nIO,Jet ,-' tnt! cpre':'-:l,nillp EdllC,J,Wf1 A/1 f\ ~IILI,HIc'll ,'f :!-2
S"'.Jer Elltrq"<!l1etlrshp P~~':Jr.lm ,It r!le ~il1!\t'r5It. L'f A!'zC'ila, 1'}85 :990, J~cll'.'\ble M
htlp ebr ",ller arizona t'du'reSPiHch 'enueprenE'urshlp p[if#5eMll1~'\,.:':lln;.Jil.d'\'l('ot'\,::'O
Ent'eprenl"urshlp'\20Educatlon'\'::'2 accessed 30 A.Ugllst ?(!l'6 pp 5-7
19 Great lakes Entrepren;>ur's Quest, aVdllable at
http W"AW gleq org/abcueventtlre_queSI/Orgarll2:erS asp. dc(Pssed 30 August .:'006
20 Donald W Reynolds Covernor's Cup, available at
http /,'wwwokgovernorscup org/DesktopDefault dsp:>;TrO...44S2&TM= 14, accessed 30 August .:'006
2 \ National Institute for Strategic Technology AcqUisition and Commercialization, available at
http'llwww k, Iransfer/NISTAC/NISTAC%20TADAC%20Program htm, accessed 30
August 2006
22 Eller College of Management. The University of Arizona, available at
httpl/entrepreneurship, accessed 30 August 2006
23 Entrepreneur com, "Top 100 Entrepreneurial Colleges," available at
http.!/www entrepreneur com/topcolleges/O,6441 ,,00 html, accessed 30 August 2006
24 Entrepreneur com, "Key Entrepreneurial Skills," available at
httr//www entrepreneur.comjMdgazines/Copy of_MA_SegArticle/0,445 3,320379- ..3',00 html,
accessed 30 August 2006
26 Dingman Center for Entrepreneurship, Robert H, Smith School of Business, University of Maryland,
available at http/lwwwrhsmith.umdedu/dingmanjabout.html, accessed 30 August 2006
2/ MTECH Ventures, University of Maryland, available at http'//wwwhinmanceosumdeduj, accessed 30
August 2006
~8 Joseph Bardogna, "Importance of Entrepreneurs to the Us. Economy," in Teaching Entrepreneursh.'p
to Engineering Students by Eieanor Baum and Carl McHargue Eds, ECI Symposium Series, Volume P2
(2003), available at hnp//servicesbepresscom/eci/teaching/3, accessed 30 August 2006, P 1
Resource Guide: Capital
page 61
I tJl nJdllction
Access to capital is a critical component to building strong local and regional
innovation economies. In order for new technology enterprises to take root and grow
locally, sufficient funding at every level, from angel investment to institutional
venture capital, must be available and accessible. Among practitioners interviewed,
there was nearly universal agreement that gaining access to capital for fledgling
technology companies in their regions often presents significant challenges. These
challenges stem from a variety of circumstances, including: geographic concentration
of venture capital; venture capitalists' fixation on a few key industries; lack of
experienced local investors: and increase in the size of the average investment deal
and declining interest in pre-seed and seed stage investments. Definitions for
investment terms can be found in Appendix B.
Venture capital tends to be more concentrated in speCific geographic areas, leaving
other areas of the country lacking in the amount of venture capital. According to the
Pr(cewaterholJseCoopers MoneyTree ReportTO' on venture capital activity, nearly half of
all capital invested in 2005 went to firms in Silicon Valley and New England. Silicon
Valley alone received 35 percent of national venture funding, and the prominence of
Silicon Valley in venture capital investment has increased steadily in the past ten
years, throughout the high-tech boom and bust period of the late 90s and early OOs.
The remaining investment is concentrated in only a handful of cities, such as Boston,
New York, Washington DC, and Seattle. The top ten metropolitan areas for venture
funding accounted for 78 percent of all investment in the second quarter of 2006.1
"Furthermore, private venture funds have concentrated on a few industries: .... Thus,
many promising firms in other industries are not attracting venture capitalists'
notice, perhaps reflecting 'herding' by venture capitalists into particular areas ,,2
Perhaps the most notable example of the "herding" instinct was the amount of
money venture capitalists invested in e-commerce companies during the
boom. Data from the PricewaterhouseCoopers MoneyTree Report for 2005 indicates
that biotechnology and software received 38 percent of venture capitdl invested in
the year, which may indicate an over-emphasis on those two technology areas.
Potential local individual investors may be inexperienced at angel investing, or
inexperienced investing in specific industry sectors. These "latent angels" thus
represent a potential, but untapped, resource.
While the number of individuals that are members of organized angel groups are
increaSing, there is a larger percentage of latent angels (individuals who have
the necessary net worth, but have not made an investment). In Ql-2 2005, 66%
of the membership in angel groups were latent angels (as compared to 56% in
2004 and 48% latent investors in 2003). This increase in latent investors over
time indicates that while many high net worth individuals may be attracted to
the early stage equity market, they have not converted this interest into direct
participation l
..> Shifts in investment patterns may create gaps in funding at specific stages - the seed
stage. for example. The Kauffman Foundation notes that while, historically, a funding
gap occurs between investments made by friends and family and the point where
venture capitalists will invest, a second gap has more recently emerged as venture
capitalists wait till later in a company's development to invest, and prefer larger deals.4
Resource Guide: Capital
A.dded to this problem of \entlllE' capitalists preferllng lalger cleals is the
definitive drop In venture capitalists funding seed or start-up stage companies
The follovving table and graphs demonstrate tllis trend in the last fevv years of
<,ignificant decrease in venture capital funds both of numbers of Investments
and of total dollars invested. The relatively new funding gaps of 5500.000 to
S2.000,000 and most recently also '52.000,000 to S5,000,000, combined with
the fairly I ecent preCipitous drop in over all venture funding. has created a
domino effect of problems for early-stage companies, particularly for companies
in late "startup" or 'first stage financing" phases of critical growth dnd momentum'
T ~ L l ( 1
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Graph I Source: National Venture Capital Association
In many cases, angel investors are looked to to fill this gap. However, according to the
Center for Venture Research at the University of New Hampshire, angel investors are
moving farther downstream with their investments as well.
While angels are not abandoning seed and start-up investing, it appears that
market conditions, and the preferences of large formal groups of angels, are
resulting in angels engaging in more later stage and follow-on funding for their
investments, New, first sequence, investments represent 69% of Ql-2, 2005
angel activity. This shift in investment strategies toward post seed investments
reduces the proportional amount of seed and start-up capital. This restructuring
of the angel market has in turn resulted in fewer dollars available for seed
investments, thus exacerbating the capital gap for seed and start-up capital in
the US.5
Because of one or more of these factors, representatives of all but a few regions
interviewed for this section of the guide perceive and report a shortage of locally-
available capita! for start-up companies These same practitioners report that local
investors, in turn, often perceive a lack of quality deals, citing that as the primary
reason for low investment activity in a region These investors tend to believe, 'if the
deals are good, the money will find them" Definition of "a good dea)" always includes
good management. However, most practitioners interviewed confirmed that they face a
serious shortage of experienced, serial entrepreneurs to provide reliable management
for start-up companies. The number of companies that get funded is further
constrained by investors' capacity to screen deals and conduct proper due diligence.
page 63
The question of whether it is appropriate for government to assume a role in
providing, or providing access to. capital for start-ups is ongGing. Some see it as
unnecessary intervention in the marketplace arguing that if the deals 3fe good, the
money will find them, and that government is simply unsuited to the requirements of
business investing. lacking the skills, speed, and political will to make correct
investment choices.
However. the fact that there are problems in the supply of capital indicates that the
market alone is operating inefficiently and as a result may need government action
either by providing incentives to encourage market action or by stepping into the
market and offering capital to companies
Additionally, government may have a role in identifying companies with high
economic development potential that have been neglected by the investment
community. In some cases it is reasonable to assume that government would be
more likely to act than private financiers.
Traditionally, the public sector has employed incentives or disincentives to influence
private sector behavior. Practitioners report that state governments have been
successful in encouraging and accelerating private investment through use of
investment tax credits and by helping to mobilize. educate and organize latent angel
Government can supplement the information and resources of the financial
community by pre-screening deals, helping identify qualified management, and
providing funds to help companies get to the point that they are attractive to private
investors, thereby accelerating and increasing the number of deals that can be done.
Practitioners caution, however, that these functions are best performed for
government by private intermediary organizations for reasons that will be discussed
later in this section.
In summary, the underlying premise upon which technology-based economic
developers conduct their work is that, to correct geographically-localized
inefficiencies in the market, it is sometimes necessary for government to catalyze
action and address market gaps.
As a result, "To serve local entrepreneurs-and in this way create new wealth and
quality jobs for their citizens-most states have adopted programs to deliver,
encourage, or facilitate the formation of local seed and venture capital resources."?
This section will analyze the most prevalent programs and the lessons learned by
practitioners through experience in the field.
Facilitating C~lpit({l Access: Oller-view
Programs involving capital generally have two objectives' economic development and
return on investment (ROI).
Virtually all publicly-funded programs seek economic development as an ultimate
result. But the degree to which economic development versus ROI is the primary
objective greatly influences the funding terms, the types of clients, and the
performance metrics of these programs
Is one approach superior to the other? Among practitioners, opinions vary on
whether it is preferable to put a stronger emphasis on economic development or
ROI. The majority of programs seek a balance of the two that is appropriate to the
capital and entrepreneurial environment in which they operate.
Whether a program's primary objective is economic development or ROI determines
appropriate performance metrics. A ROI-driven program focuses on the absolute
financial returns to the state or region and to the private investors within the state or
region. The wealth that is generated through the return on investments is assumed
to positively impact economic development.
Resource Guide: Capital
A program tilted mOle tOI,\,lld economic development includes direct ROI in its
metrics. but also looks (it numbers of n€'v,' companies formed \\tithin the state, the
quality of Jobs being created, the number and activity of experienced. serial
entrepr-eneurs being developed in the state. the Ilumber and Illvestment (\ctivity of
angel investors, and the oVNa11 amount of equity investment being attracted by
client firms
Civen that the number of Jobs created has long been a metric in traditional economiC
development. many practitioners have difficulty educating public officials about
metrics appropriate to technology-based economic development. One practitioner
said, "When a politician would come to LIS asking How many jobs have you created?'
I would usually say, 'With illl due respect, you're asking the wrong question, We
don't create jobs at all, Companies create jobs so our focus is on creating high
performance companies '" This same practitioner provided the following economic
development formula: A high performance company will create the high
performance jobs thac lead to a high performance commumty
While reporting job numbers will likely remain necessary in most state-funded
programs, practitioners in at least one state found that they could re-focus the
interest of legislators on the qualitv of the jobs the companies were creating (i,e.,
the average salaries as compared to the state's average per capita wages) rather than
the quantity
The approaches that are employed to improve access to capital for qualified
entrepreneurs can be divided into two approaches: encouraging private investment
or providing direct funding to firms
1. Encouraging Private Investment
Because entrepreneurial cultures require the participation of active, robust, self-
sustaining private investment communities, states and regions are taking steps
to facilitate growth of local investment communities, and encourage increased
private and federal investment in local companies, by prOViding information,
education, networking opportunities and financial incentives.
In any given geographical area, one or more ingredients necessary to generate
and sustain a vibrant investment environment may be missing or under-
developed. If the public sector can help address some of the inadequacies (e.g.,
lack of federal R&D funding for start-up technology companies; entrepreneurs
who tack understanding of investors' expectations: high net-worth individuals
who have the potential to invest in local deals, but are not yet dOing so: lack of
capacity by local investors to conduct the amount of due diligence necessary to
do an increased volume of deals; lack of information on the part of local,
regional and national venture investors about local investment opportunities;
and lack of incentive to invest locally) by catalyzing action on the part of
entrepreneurs and potential investors, the hoped-for result is a stronger local
investment infrastructure, able to sustain and grow the local entrepreneurial
Encouraging private investment focuses on educating, and stimulating
economically productive activity by the private sector (investors and
entrepreneurs), If successful, it will result in a self-sustaining entrepreneurial
economy, thereby diminishing the need for government intervention over time
In the near term, however, most initiatives under this approach are very labor-
intensive because of the diversity of the constituents served and the barriers to
engaging those constituents (e.g, identifying potential entrepreneurs and latent
angel investors. geographic distance of venture capital firms, identifying and
recruiting experienced entrepreneurial managers, etc.), as well as the amount of
education and technical assistance needed. The initiatives may also cost more
up front. in part because of the necessity of employing experienced staff - often
through contracts with private sector organizations - and paying them
competitive, private sector.comparable wages However, these up-front costs to
the taxpayer must be compared against the economic impacts the initiatives
generate. If the programs are successful, this leverage ratio will be suffiCiently
page 65
positive to justify continuation of the efforts ulltil the goal of a self-sustaining
entrepreneurial culture has been achieved.
Initiatives that practitioners described to encourage private investment include
. Entrepreneurship education
. Ce rti fication/val idati on/du e d iI i gence/ ,. br oke rage" 5 ervices
.Angel education - creating smart money
. Angel organization development
-Investor forums and conferences
. Tax credits to encourage investments and pools of funds
.SBIR/STTR outreach and assistance
2. Providing Direct Funding to Firms
To address a perceived gap in funding availability, the public sector may take
direct steps to partially fill the gap through direct provision of funds and programs
to encourage the private sector to match funding prOVided by the government.
Whereas the previous approach is primarily one of government facilitating and
enabling the desired private sector behavior, direct investing by government
itself is more controversial Under what circumstances should the public sector
become a primary source of risk capital to encourage technology entrepreneurship?
ConSiderations include: historically, only one percent of venture capital prospects
are funded, and many good deals with economic development potential go
unfunded. Additionally, there is spatial concentration of venture capital. There are
geographic areas with limited venture capital (sometimes referred to pejoratively as
"flyover states"). Many of these areas work aggressively through public sector
initiatives to combat their present geographic disadvantage and level the playing
field. For example, the staff of public funds can facilitate deal flow for potential
investors by doing the due diligence - pre-screening candidates and identifying the
most viable deals - thereby increasing chances for the start-ups' longevity and
success. Or regions may incorporate clauses into publicly-funded deals for
economic development purposes that enforce geographic restrictions. A final
consideration is that public sector programs may invest in industry sectors of
regional importance that are overlooked or out of favor by the private equity
market, thereby countering the herd mentality in venture capital.
A note about geographic restrictions
As mentioned above, some publicly-funded programs feature geographic
constraints as part of the funding contract. Stipulations range from requiring the
recipient to agree not to move the company; to agree to remain in the specified
geographic area for a specified number of years; or to pay back funds (often
with a penalty) if it does move. Because of the need for fleXibility to meet the
requirements of later-stage, venture capital investors, otherwise qualified applicants
may decline to enter into contracts which are too geographically restrictive.
The scenario in which the state invests a significant amount of money to help
get a new enterprise on its feet, only to have the company pick up its jobs and
potential economic impact and move out of state, presents one of the most
difficult political challenges to publicly-sponsored funding programs, This is yet
another facet of the TBED practitioner's ongoing obligation to educate elected
officials and poJicymakers, and to focus them on appropriate program
performance metrics. While jobs are important, other factors are wealth creation,
the development of serial entrepreneurs, and the growth of a substantial, active
local investment community
One practitioner cites three examples to illustrate this point. In the first, a
company into which his organization had invested a great deal of time,
assistance resources, and funding grew to the point where it needed significant
venture capital. With the TBED organization's help, the company was successful
in raising that capital from tier-one venture firms from outside the state. The
investors determined that the company needed a CEO: they hired a CEO out of
Florida, and the company promptly picked up stakes and moved there. But, the
practitioner points out, "Our mission is creating wealth for the citizens" of the
state. "We received a payback on the funds that we invested in that company, so
Resource Guide: Capital
that money has gonE' into other cornpallit's ':"'l1d, the a.ngels ,md private
Imestols here dre lik.ely 10 rnah.e allt on that investment.
in rhe second t'\J.lllple a !ocal company \\odS acquired OllHlght by a lar-ge, out-of.
state pharmaceutical firm. but created and retained a largE' laboratorv with high
paying Jobs that stayed in the state
In the third example, an early-stage 5oftv..'are company ,vas developing a
technology for the Internet search engine market The company was purchased
by a publicly-traded search engine company: the entrepreneur made good
money and used it to start another company within the state
When educating policymakers about how to measure success of an entrepreneur
funding progra-m, practitioners interviewed said that the TBED practitioner would
be well-advised to corne armed with an arsenal of illustrative anecdotes in
addition to statistical data on the amount of private investment attracted, the
quality and numbers of jobs produced and companies created
Positives and negatives to direct funding of companies to consider
One advantage to providing funding directly to companies is that it can get
resources into the hands of entrepreneurs more quickly than the indirect
process of encouraging growth of a self-sustaining investment ecosystem.
Additionally, government funds may be the only funds available to fill financing
gaps and enable companies to survive until they are attractive to later-stage
investors. Government funds also can be used to reduce perceived risk and
thereby attract additional investment by the private sector, and the provision of
government guarantees and tax credits may attract in-state activity by out-of"
state venture firms
On the negative side, unless government agencies have employed the services of
qualified private sector intermediary organizations, the agencies are unlikely to
have staff with the credibility or experience to work effectively with both
investors and entrepreneurs and to effectively screen and select promising deals
(although there are notable exceptions to this around the country). Government
provision of funds invites the possibility of political manipulation. Additionally,
policymakers must understand the risk involved, and be prepared for failures.
Finally, companies funded by government in the early stages may be moved out
of the area by later-stage venture capital investors, meaning that the area will
not reap all the economic impact from a successful, growing company.
By using credible, experienced staff, adhering to sound due-diligence and
investment criteria, setting rational performance metrics (e.g., wealth creation
and the development of a self.sustaining entrepreneurial culture rather than
numbers of jobs or companies), and educating policymakers and gaining their
support for these measures, the approach of providing direct funding to firms
can be successful.
lnitiatives that practitioners described to address local capital gaps through the
direct provision of funding include:
. Grants or loans for applied R&D
. Funding without taking an equity stake
. Direct equity investment In firms by public sector
. Pension or public funds invested in venture capital funds
. Tax credits direct to firms
. Debt financing for later life
~ i'"
As with the programs discussed in the entrepreneurship section of this guide,
service delivery mechanisms vary. The preponderance of programs, however, are
now being delivered either by private sector for-profit funds or not-far-profit
organizations, on behalf of a public entity, and/or utilizing public funds. While a few
programs are still run directly by public employees, most of the practitioners
interviewed for this guide found that utilizing a private sector organization provided
page 67
distinct performance advantages in addition to those described above. Advantages
they cited include
.It alloVvs for compensation rates competitive with similar positions in business,
not government. and therefore sufficient to attract the quality of personnel
necessary to do the job ~....'ejl. It also allows employees to be hired on a year-to-
year performance basis, and to be offered incentive-based bonuses. In some
cases, the organizations themselves take equity in the companies they fund,
and employees share in the profit. (Others have made the case for not taking
equity, believing that to do so would constitute a conflict. or, at the least,
would influence them too much toward ROI rather than economic development-
based decisions on selecting and allocating time to clients.)
.It insulates the program from political pressures. Staff can make judgments
based purely on the quality of investment opportunities, not on political
.It allows for more flexibility in dealing with clients in developing term sheets
and other negotiating points.
. A private entity is often perceived more positively by both investors and
entrepreneurs than is a government agency.
Again, it should be noted, however, that there are some government programs in
state economic development organizations where state employees make investment
decisions that have overcome these barriers and have proven to be successful.
One outcome of the interviews with the practitioners was a list of approaches that
were being used to improve access to capital and a way of thinking how to approach
the issue: either by encouraging private investment or providing direct funding to
finns. Another way to consider the issue is to keep in mind that TBED practitioners
must constantly work on both the supply and the demand sides of the capital
equation. They must work to increase the supply of available money, in part by
increasing the supply of investors, and to stimulate demand in the form of increased
quality deal flow. The following section describes those approaches and, where
appropriate, offers lessons learned that might be useful to those considering
implementing similar initiatives.
1. Entrepreneurship Education
One of the most important ways of encouraging outside investment is to
promote Quality deal flow. The first step in generating sustained, quality deal
flow is to cultIvate a growing cadre of entrepreneurs who understand the
expectations of investors. Specific ideas on how to do that are outlined in the
entrepreneurship section of this guide; however, one of the keys is
entrepreneurship education. This education can take a variety of forms,
including demonstrating entrepreneurship as a career path, training people to
be entrepreneurs, or providing one-an-one mentoring of entrepreneurs.
2. Certification/Validation/Due Diligence/Gate Keeping/ "Brokerage"
Investors conduct due diligence on potential investment opportunities in order
to verify - through interviews, document review, and on-site inspections when
necessary - that the businesses in question are more or less what they appear to
be and that the investments are consistent with the investors' criteria. However,
investors' capacity to scout out, screen and consider deals is limited by factors
of time and distance. A recent survey of 121 angel investors and 1,038
individual investments they undertook found that "51 hours were spent in due
diligence per investment, on average",g
These limitations mean that the TBEO organization seeking to link its clients
with external sources of funding is in a position to provide a valuable service to
Resource Guide: Capital
!]oth Investors dnd entrepreneurs by acting as d fllnnel. a filter. and a broker of
deals for investors to consider The TBED organization can promote and
faCilitate deal flow by seeking out dnd filtering potential deals, \.'alidating
rndrkets and technologies, conducting a thorough due diligence process,
scrubbing" the most promising rleals. and nctively pt-esenting and promoting
those opportunities to the Investment comnlUnity
Practitioners advised that the TBED organization will be slIccessful in this role
on/v to the extent that it firmly establishes its credibility with investors "Venture
capitalists overwhelmingly tend to favor deals referred to them by trusted
sources The reason that venture capitalists take this approach is that they
usually know much more about the quality of the source by which a deal was
referred than about the quality of the referred deal Itself. It makes sense, then,
for them to use the quality of the source of the deal, which is well known, as a
rough proxy for the quality of the deal, which is not."')
To establish its credibility with investors, practitioners said the TBED
organization must:
. maintain a competent, experienced staff with good credentials
. employ a thorough, credible, consistene due diligence process comparable
to that of a private investment group
. take great care in selecting deals for presentation to private investors
. actively promote itself, itS services and its clients to the local, regional, and
national investment community
In order for the client. investor matching process to be successful, the TBED
organization staff must also establish a high degree of credibility and trust with
the entrepreneur. The process of readying promising entrepreneurs for
presentation to outside investors is an intensive, hands-on, personal experience.
One practitioner credits the success of his organization in these efforts to the
approach the staff takes. "I mean, we roll our sleeves up," he says. "We're not
always right, but we dig in there and take the philosophy that we're going to be
part of your team for a little while and help you move this thing forward."
i2E, the company that operates the Oklahoma TechnOlogy
Commercialization Center, employs several methods to screen and
evaluate potential entrepreneurial opportunities. First, i2E uses a client
questionnaire that is keyed to its copyrighted Commercialization Model
shown in Appendix A. The questionnaire asks a series of detailed questions
in each of three key activity areas. technical activities,
activities, and business-related activities. For example, question number
three on the business activities portion of the questionnaire is:
3 Have you developed a strategic business plan?
3 1 Have you finalized the intellectual property requirements]
3.2 Have you finalized the business organizational structure?
3 3 Have you selected a board of directors (or advisory team)?
3.4 Have you finalized agreements on any concurrent break-through?
3_5 Have you developed a formal financial plan that includes the
strategy and timing of present and future funding rounds?
3_6 Have you developed a detailed business plan for product development
including objectives, schedules, milestones and allocations of the
required financial and human resources?
3 7 Can you ensure that management has critical experience and expertise
in technology/product/market and business development?
3.8 Have you formed a cohesive commercialization team (design,
manufacturing, marketing, management)?
e:::i I!)
According to i2E, most client interactions require a critical review of the
business model. The staff uses a standardized, quantitative evaluation tool
to assess the business plan_ The business mode! review provides the client
with recommendations and guidance in preparing the written business plan
In some cases a brief market research review is required to obtain a
page 69
preliminary assessment of the technology and the businf'ss opportunity i:?E
contracts with olltslde resource providers with e'pertise in information
retrieval and analysis to perform the market research. The resulting report
provides a brief analysis of the technology, the market, barriers to market
entry, and recommendations for further areas of research dnd investigation
3. Angel Education - Creating Smart Money
Where there afe shortages of seed capital for entrepreneurial ventures. this
approach seeks to increase the amount of private investment in play by
converting potential or "latent" angel investors into active angel investors
through information and education
Angel investors are wealthy individuals who provide capital for business start-
ups, usually in exchange for an equity stake. The availability of angel capital is
critical, because it usually constitutes the source of funding after the "three F'
("friends, family and fools") and before venture capital. In 2005, US angel
investors invested $23.1 billion, according to the University of New Hampshire;s
Center for Venture Research, more than the $22.6 billion all venture capital
funds reported in the PricewaterhouseCoopers MonevTree Report.
Angels are often interested in investing for reasons beyond financial return.
Often successful entrepreneurs themselves, angels seek to mentor new
entrepreneurs and stay current on industry trends. In addition to funding, angels
may offer valuable management advice and key contacts.
Because they are such a critical resource, identifying active local angels and
getting deals in front of them is an important strategy. Yet most of the
practitioners interviewed report that the number of potential angel investors far
exceeds the number of active angels with whom they are engaged. According to
the University of New Hampshire's Center for Venture Research
If the angel market is to achieve sustainable growth there needs to be a
reasonable augmentation in active investors, and thus, level of participation
is an important consideration. While the number of individuals that are
members of organized angel groups is increasing, there is a larger
percentage of latent angels (individuals who have the necessary net worth,
but have not made an investment). In Ql-2 2005, 66% of the membership in
angel groups were latent angels (as compared to 56% in 2004 and 48%
latent investors in 2003). This increase in latent investors over time
indicates that while many high net worth individuals may be attracted to the
early stage equity market, they have not converted this interest into direct
participation. This lack of active involvement may be the result of the
current trend to rush to form angel groups, rather than meeting the more
basic systemic need for educational programs and research to move the
latent angel to the active investor.lO
In many cases, the reason potential angels are not investing is that they are
unfamiliar with the ins and outs of investing in technology deals. As an example,
a practitioner explained, "It's not that the people are risk averse, but the
heritage of investment in the state has always been oil wells. If you think about
It, an oil well investment is an interesting one, because you pay your money, you
drill a hole, and you get an answer: yes, we got oil, I made money: or, no, we
didn't. If the answer is yes, then you start getting paid right away. Contrast that
with a venture investment where you put the money in, it's a long time before
you know whether you've won or not, and you don't get paid for a long time. So
the profile is very different and it took a long time to get people accustomed to
the notion that you could do this and make money at it."
Most practitioners expressed the belief that an ongoing effort to educate "Iatent
angels" is an essential part of generating outside investment for entrepreneurs.
The approach to angel education varies, it can be informal, or very structured.
For example, one practitioner holds quarterly meetings where he brings in an
analyst that will look at a specific sector unique to his city to give investors
insight into trends in that area. He also has quarterly meetings on investor
Resource Guide: Capital
topics I elated to methodologies for valuation, ter-m sheet del,eloprnent
investor topics tlld! stimulatE' discussion dmong investors
Capital conferences, investor forums, and customized meetings offer further
opportunities to educate both investors and latent investors on the types of
neals available in their areas
It should be noted that potential angels are sometimes difficult to LIncover, Even
iiI/hen identified. angels tend to be independent and private Individuals who may
not be willing to participate in group education efforts. And providing potential
angels with education does not guarantee they will invest locally, or in the
organjzation's client entrepreneurs
Given this, then, practitioners cautioned that it is important to conduct
continuous, aggressive outreach and communications efforts to identify and
mobilize investors.
4. Angel Organization Development
Once angels and latent angels have been identified, it is in both the angels' and
the state's or region's interests to leverage their investment capacity as much as
possible in order to generate the most return on investment and the most
economic impact for the area. As the Kauffman Foundation points out in its
publication, Angel Investment Croups, Networks, and Funds A Guidebook to
Developing the Right Angel Organization for Your Community, ';Few individual
angels can accommodate the increased dollar needs of growing entrepreneurial
companies, particularly in the $2,000,000 to $5,000,000 range, before venture
capitalists are considering investments, and at a time of critical growth for a
young company. But, by combining resources of individual investors, angel
groups can be the proverbial white knights."ll
While angel groups have increasingly been forming on their own across the
country, TBED practitioners across the country have sought to accelerate the
trend by assisting angels in their areas to form groups and networks. Their
purpose is to catalyze new resources to address the funding gap. "These groups
also have the combined manpower for analysis of multiple or complex
investment opportunities, further aiding in making these investments possible."12
Angel groups are generally local organizations made up of 10 to 1 SO accredited
investors interested in early-stage investing. In 1996 there were about 10 angel
groups in the U.S.; now there are more than 200.13 In January 2004 the Angel
Capital Association was formed under the auspices of the Ewing Marion
Kauffman Foundation, bringing together more than 100 of the most active angel
groups in the United States
To facilitate the formation and activity of angel groups, TBED organizations may
hold events in various communities in their region designed to identify and
educate potential angels about how angel groups work and their benefits
Identifying angels and potential angels around the region can be a slow and
laborious process of networking and referrals, as angels have a tendency to
guard their privacy. Some practitioners recommended using affinity groups, such
as alumni records, and gatherings including awards banquets and networking
events to help identify angels
Once potential angels and angel groups have been identified, the TBED
organization may take either an informal or a formal approach to dealing with
them. That is, their involvement may range from an agreement to present their
group with potential investment opportunities as those opportunities arise, to
acting as manager for the organization
Angel groups can be managed by the members or by a professional manager
Member-managed organizations usually hire administrative support for
communications and coordination purposes.
e::i I !)
In contrast, a manager-managed (or manager-led) organization employs the
services of an individual(s) with experience and background in the
page 71
investment process and/or in the industry in which the angel organization
intends to focus its invesrrllents Typically. a manager does Il1l1ch of tIle tlp-
f! ont work of vetting pOSSible deals. conducting initial interviews with
companies, coaching entrepreneurs for presentation to the angel group.
flandling member communications and relationships, dnd even at times
making recommendations on investments and negotiating investments on
behalf of the organization
This manager is not the same as a general manager of a venture capital
fund, which has the authority and control over all investment decisions
Instead, an angel group manager manages the group's processes so that the
members can focus on making investment decisions,l~
It is rare for a publicly-funded TBED organization to act as manager for a Single
angel group, TBED organizations have, however, provided various levels of
facilitation for angel group formation, and administrative support. TBED
organizations may seek to leverage their administrative or managerial efforts by
encouraging the formation of angel networks, wherein local angel groups within a
region interact and cooperate with each other, Because working with angel groups
is labor and time-intensive, practitioners interviewed for this guide recommended
that the TBED organization charge appropriate fees for their services.
( "::/;'
Washington Technology Center (WTC) Angel Network provides
entrepreneurs with access to a statewide network of angel groups, as well
as immediate interaction, support, coaching, and resources within their
community. The WTC Angel Network was formed as a result of a focus
group in six regions that evaluated investment opportunities for start-up
companies ana indicated a need for a statewide seed capital network.
Entrepreneurs can gain valuable insight through support in coaching and
business plan review, They also are provided feedback and support through
coordinated statewide efforts with programs such as Eye of the Investor and
access to a larger network of angel groups and venture firms statewide,
Assistance through the WTC Angel Network includes:
.Advice on navigating investor group formation issues
. Training from experts on due diligence, deal terms and portfolio
.Support for ongoing management of an angel group
.Help screening potential investment opportunities
-Connections to other angel groups
Angel investors also benefit by belonging to the network For example,
angel investors receive a structure for pre-screening deals; exposure to
more deals while maintaining individual privacy: expert insight on potential
investments; shared time and expense for due diligence; deal syndication to
leverage personal investments; and camaraderie with other business leaders.
Angel groups benefit by increasing pre-qualified deal flow referred by
similar investment groups, reduced expenses for investment-related
professional development, and increased reach for promoting local groups'
activities and expanded contact base.
Angel organizations must meet certain requirements to become a member
of the WTC Angel Network. Organizations must sign a membership
agreement and pay annual membership dues, in addition to meeting certain
criteria, which includes a focus on Washington investment opportunities; an
established company screening process; an established investor and member
screening process, participation in structured ongoing educational programs
for investors: and education program attendance for staff or key volunteers,ls
5. Investor Forums and Conferences
When first popularized, investor forums and conferences were intended to
showcase promising ventures to an audience of private investors, with the
expectation that deals would result. Regional conferences were designed to draw
Resource Guide: Capital
venture capitalists flom olltslde the Jrnllledidte died and spur thellll1terE'st in
Ifl\esting locally
Practitioners report thiH these forums dnd confer E't1CE'S continuE' to be \/iable
Illarketing tools to shO\\case the h-ind of quality deals being generated In a
region In some parts of the country, investor forums continue to result in deals
as do more illformalnetworhlng events designed to bring together Investors and
entrepreneurs However, as the number of capital conferences being conducted
around the country ilas increased. practitioners report a fall-off in attendance by
venture capitalists, The general sentiment is that, while the conferences remain
viable as marketing tools the conferences only occasionally re5ult in actual
deals being done
6. Tax Credits to Encourage Investments and Pools of Funds
States have employed creative use of tax credits to build their local investment
communities by both encouraging angel investment and attracting outside
investment firms
One practitioner compared states' investments in technical assistance versus tax
credits. She pointed out that promoting deal flow through technical assistance is
a much larger investment in terms of time and resources, and it does not offer
immediate results. Regarding the expectations of policymakers, she observed,
'.At least with a tax credit you can say, 'Oh, we did it. We can see in a year what
happened.' Building that ecosystem of entrepreneurial support is a long.term
effort and that's not something policymakers necessarily have on their
radar screen."
However, other practitioners noted that simply having a credit does not
guarantee success. Awareness and usage of tax credits and, therefore, their
effectiveness varies widely. It appears that those states where the credits are
used most frequently are those where either the state economic development
department or local tech-based economic development organizations are actively
promoting the credit and providing assistance in applying for the credit. In some
states, the amount of credits is nowhere close to the cap set by the legislature.
In these states, it appears that the credits are administered primarily by the
taxation department and no one is promoting the credit to those who could
benefit from them or the process of receiving the credit is so burdensome it
serves as a deterrent in applying for the credit.
Tax credits to angel investors
Because many states feel the need to stimulate a greater volume of private
investment - especially angel investment - in local start-up enterprises, they
offer tax credits to angel investors to increase the attractiveness of investment
by reducing risk. Typically, the incentives offer a credit on the investor's state
income taxes (although other tax liabilities may also be reduced) for a
percentage of the amount invested in the company. The mechanics of the
programs vary from state to state with differences in what kind of companies are
eiigible, the amount of investment required, the time period required for the
investment, and the amount of credits available. Practitioners report that angel-
related tax incentives can work in states with income taxes to increase capital
availability and help develop a community of angel investors
Established in 1996, Ohio's Technology Investment Tax Credit (TITC)
Program provides a tax credit of 25 percent (or 30 percent in limited cases)
of the amount invested for Ohio taxpayers who invest in small, Ohio.based
technology companies. The credit may be claimed against personal income
tax, corporate franchise tax. public-utility excise tax or the dealers-in"
intangibles tax
Qualified businesses must be involved primarily in r-esearch and
development {R&Dl, technology transfer, biotechnoiogy, information
technology, the application of new technology developed through R&D or
acquired through technology transfer. Companies must meet the pr-ogram
requirements and be approved by the TITC Committee, which is formed by
page 73
three members of the Industrial Technology and Enterprise Advisory Council
\vhose members are oppointed by the Governor ond Generol Assembly
In order to qualify for the program, the entity must be a corporation. limited
liability company or unincorporated business organization be located within
the state of Ohio and have at least SO percent of its gross assets located
within the state, and SO percent of Its employees located within the state:
and have a valid business license in Ohio or be organized In the state
Once the entity has submitted an application to a TITe Edison Center, then
the committee conducts a review. New applicants are encouraged to attend
a TITe meeting and present a short presentation detailing how their
company meets the TITC requirements. Once approved, the maximum tax
credit issued is $62,500 for anyone investor in anyone company. The
investment must take the form of the purchase of newly Issued or preferred
stock, a membership interest, partnership interest or any other ownership
interest. The equity position must be directly purchased from the entity
Investors may receive a tax credit of 30 percent if they are investing in an
Encouraging Diversity Growth and Equity (EDGE) qualified entity or an entity
in a distressed county. The maximum single investment in one company is
$300,000 jf the company is an EDGE or Distressed County enterprise, and
the maximum tax credit issued is $90,000. The criteria and qualifications to
become an EDGE-certified company include location in a qualified census
track or demonstration of a socially and economically disadvantaged
business status.
Ohio law currently authorizes the issuance of $20 million in aggregate
credits. Since January 2005, $14 million in tax credits have been approved
for investments in TITC approved entities.)6
Indiana Venture Capital Investment Tax Credit program was established
to improve access to capital to fast growing Indiana companies by providing
individual and corporate investors an additional incentive to invest in early-
stage firms. Investors who provide qualified debt or equity capital to Indiana
companies receive a credit against their Indiana tax liability. The credit is
open to any taxpayer who is an individual or entity, including a pass-
through entity that has any state tax liability. The maximum amount of tax
credits available for the qualified investment capital to a particular qualified
Indiana business equals the lesser of: the total amount of qualified
investment capital prOVided to the qualified Indiana business in the calendar
year, multiplied by twenty percent (20%); or five hundred thousand dollars
($500,000). If the amount of credit exceeds the taxpayer's state tax liability
for that taxable year, the taxpayer may carry the excess over to the
taxpayer's following taxable years.)!
Fund-to1unds Programs
Based on a model pioneered in Oklahoma, states have also used tax credits as
guarantees to generate a "" for investments in private venture
capital funds in order to encourage those funds to create a local presence and
invest in local deals.
The State of Oklahoma created the Oklahoma Capital Investment Board (OCIB) in
1993 to mobilize equity and near.equity capital for investment in companies
with significant potential to create jobs and enhance the economy of Oklahoma
OClB is an institutional investor, operating as a fund of funds. It contributes to
the building of the venture capital industry in Oklahoma by supporting
investments in professionally managed seed and venture capital partnerships.
The State of Oklahoma is beneficiary of any basis returned or gains created by
these investments. Any cash surplus generated adds to the on-going, revolving
resource for development finance activities.
OCIB is a trust authority with the State of Oklahoma as its beneficiary. The Board
does not invest directly, but instead supports investments by a private entity,
Resource Guide: Capital
the Oklahoma Capital Formation Corpoldtion luCFCl. OCFC bono,....s from
il1stitutionallenders ,....ith the assignment of the Board's guarantee, and then
invests this capital in partnerships with the a.pproval of the Board The guarantee
of the Board is backed by S 100 million of Oklahoma income tax and premium
tax credits In the event Oel8 must act on a guarantee commitment. the Board is
authorized to raise the necessary cash by selling Oel8 tax credits. The sale of
the credits will only be as needed, and only in an amount sufficient to meet the
guarantee commitment. To date, no tax credits have been sold
The Board's allocation targets are deSigned to provide a portfoliO of venture
funds that in the aggregate provide seed and early stage capital, traditional
venture capital, and expansion capital. in approximately the percentages of 23%
32% and 40%, respectively
oelB pursues a market rate of return as the best discipline for using limited
resources to generate the greatest economic impact in the state. In the
aggregate, the Board's portfolio has attracted private equity investments in
Oklahoma firms in the ratio of $3 to every $1 contributed by the Board. As of
March 2005 the OClB had contributed $27.4 million to funds, which have
attracted investment of over $100 million to Oklahoma firms.18
Since the creation of OelB, several other states including Arkansas, Iowa,
Michigan, Montana, Ohio, South Carolina, and Utah have initiated their own
programs modeled after the Oklahoma example, according to OCIB officials
" "'
Another tax credit approach is one used for certified capital companies, or
CAPCOs. The concept originated in Louisiana. In this model, insurance
companies receive premium tax credits equal to 100 percent to 120 percent of
the amount they loan to or invest in a CAPCO, According to the National
Governors Association, while several states are using CAPCOs, "these tax credits
are a controversial mechanism for raising capital due to their cost. Opponents
argue that safeguards are needed to ensure that most of the investment capital
freed up by the tax credit is invested within the state. They also assert that
many of the investments are not true venture investments, but are relatively risk-
free investments that should not be supported by tax dollars."19
7. SBIR/STfR Outreach and Assistance
The federal Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business
Technology Transfer (STTR) programs are the source each year of more than $2
billion in proof.of-concept and very early-stage funding for fledgling technology
enterprises. Eleven federal agencies are required to provide the funds by setting
aside 2.5 percent of their annual extramural R&D budgets for use exclusively by
U.S. small businesses for new product R&D. The program consists of three
phases and requires no repayment, no equity sacrifice, and the small business
retains most intellectual property rights.
Funding for R&D at the proof-of-concept stage is difficult if not impossible to get
from investors However, companies who compete successfully for SB1RISTTR
awards not only receive dollars to conduct their R&D, but also lower their perceived
risk for follow-on funding from potential private investors by having their
technology proven and their commercialization strategy affirmed. Additionally,
several practitioners noted the "halo effect" of having been selected for an award
apparently benefits SBIRISTTR companies; investors view their selection as part of
the due diligence process being completed for them with the federal technical
review giving a stamp of approval to both the quality and potential feasibility of
the research. For these reasons, TBED practitioners often incorporate SBIRISTTR as
a specific part of a funding strategy for client entrepreneurs
et:i I .9
Beyond start-up companies, manufacturers and other existing companies have
found they can use SBIR to fund the R&D required to diversify their product
lines Many states also encourage companies to use federal SBIR dollars as
match for state R&D funding awards
page 75
In order for client companies to benefit from SB1R'STTR, practitioners advise that
the TBED organization must conduct aggressive outreach and awareness
initiatives to make entrepreneurs a..vare of this option, must educate
entrepreneurs on grantsmanship and techniques to compete successfully for
federal funding. and provide matchrnaking assistance to generate strategic
alliances and follow'on funding. Some practitioners also cautioned that emphasis
should be placed on companies that have a history of commercializing their
SBIR/STTR-funded research rather than on "SBIR mills," \vhose primary business
model appears to be securing SBIR funding with never any intention of
commercializing the research
To further encourage participation in SBIR/STTR, states may provide financial
incentives, which are discussed later in this section of the guide
The Wyoming SBIR/STTR Initiative (WSSIl is a statewide outreach program
designed to encourage participation of Wyoming individuals and small
businesses in the SBIR and STTR programs. The Wyoming Business Council
(WBC) offers a significant advantage to WSSI participants by making available
funds through its Phase 0 Program. Under this program, wac provides up to
24 awards annually of $5,000 each to assist small businesses in the
preparation of competitive Phase I SBIR/STTR proposals. Any Wyoming small
business or individual planning to submit a Phase I proposal is eligible to
apply for this funding.
Initially funded by the National Science Foundation EPSCoR Program, the
WSSI serves as a model for other states to emulate, particularly low
population states. The program was launched in 1996 by the University of
Wyoming Research Office and was an immediate success Wyoming
businesses received more SBIR awards in 1996-1997 than in the previous
tl"1irteen years combined. A.s a result, the legislature authorized the wac to
continue funding for the program in 1998. The WSSI and its partners
provide outreach through conferences, workshops and one-an-one
Where there is a perceived gap in funding availability, the public sectOr may take
steps to partially fiJl the gap, and to catalyze the private sector to match funding
provided by the government. Publicly-supported funding may be available across the
spectrum from grants for applied R&D projects and proof.of-concept funding that
help foster later-stage investing by proving the technology and thereby reducing
perceived risk to seed and venture stage funding. Funding may be offered in the
form of grants - which generally require a match ~ to contingent liability loans, to
convertible debentures, to straight-equity funding.
1. Grants or Loans for Applied R&D
Within TBED organizations there is a long history of providing funding for
applied R&D projects. Early on, these programs tended to focus primarily on
university, or collaborative university-industry R&D projects, in order to
strengthen the R&D infrastructure within a state or region and encourage greater
cooperation between companies and universities. Over time, more resources
were devoted to funding private-sector applied R&D with awards determined not
only on the basis of scientific merit, but also on the strength of the proposed
commercialization plan.
Practitioners and investors recognize that it is necessary to keep fiiling the
investment pipeline by developing new technologies with commercial potential
that can form the bases of new enterprises Applied R&D funding programs seek
to do just that. TBED practitioners point out that as a group whose technologies
and commercialization strategies have passed a rigorous review, these award-
winning researchers and companies form a community of interest to potential
investors as a source of deal flow. The programs promote the development of
new technologies, which may accrue benefits to the state, over the long term, In
the form of new enterprises and jobs within the state and licensing fees and
royalty revenues to the university and inventors
Resource Guide: Capital
Hone'.'er, this approach (an have d much longer tellll ray-off. dlld becduse it is
funding research, it is by Its nature s01l1e\\har risky since the research Illay flot
be successful As a result, it is mOle difficult to predict ~\hether the state will see
d positive return on any particular project or company beyond the immediate
rnatching dollars attracted ul1der the terms of Illost programs
One type of grant program for applied R&D is financial assistance for SBIR/STTR
applicants and award recipients As noted previously, the federal SBIR and STTR
programs are the source of more than 52 billion in proof-oF-concept and very
early-stage funding for fledgling technology enterprises In addition to
accelerated outreach initiatives, states may help companies utilize this leSOllrce
effectively by offering financial incentives in the form of "Phase 0" awards to
defray proposal preparation costs, and "bridge funding" to address the funding
gap that often occurs between Phase I and Phase II of the federal programs.
Phase 0 awards were developed In states that historically had not received many
SBIR awards. One obvious step in receiving SBIR awards is to apply for them, and
the Phase 0 awards are designed to encourage companies to prepare and submit
applications. The awards typically take two forms: either they provide direct
funding to a company to help defray the personnel costs involved in preparing
the application or provide funding to a consultant who provides assistance to
companies applying. There are good arguments for either approach. In funding
the company directly, the Phase 0 awards are developing capacity in the company
to compete for SBIR funding that will last after the Phase 0 funding has been
used, On the other hand, funding to defray the cost of a consultant may permit a
higher likelihood of a successful application, assuming that the consultant has a
strong understanding of the ins and outs of the SB!R proposal process
Bridge funding is used in some states to help keep companies and their research
teams afloat during a gap between the conclusion of Phase I funding and the
start of Phase II funding. For some companies this gap can be a difficult and
potentially disastrous time with the company not having enough cash to keep
the research team together or, in some cases, for the company to stay in
business. The bridge funding may take the form of a grant, a loan, or a grant
with payback provisions in the form of royalty payments tied to the successful
commercialization of the product. The funding can also serve as an incentive for
companies to pursue Phase II awards,
Kansas Technology Enterprise Corporation's (KTEC) Applied Research
Matching Fund makes royalty, equity, or convertible debenture investments
in innovative technology companies. The maximum total investment is
$125,000 and matching funds of' 50 percent are required by the business
Financial returns are then reinvested in other projects.
The program is designed to invest in early-stage Kansas companies that
have innovative technologies, potential to create high-paying jobs, and
opportunity to create wealth within the company and an ROI for Kansas. The
fund emphasizes technology innovation that is beyond early research and
the innovation must lead to marketable products or processes
KTEC. a quasHtate agency funded by the Economic Development Initiative
Fund, assesses potential companies based on the following criteria:
. Potentially unique or disruptive innovative growth technologies
. Vision to build a company around the technology and develop prospects
for full-scale commercialization
. Desire to pursue and attract follow-on venture or angel funding
.An entrepreneurial spirit with the vision to utilize business and technical
assistance when needed
The company also must demonstrate that a considerable market exists and
that the project has potential to produce substantial results for the Kansas
economy Funding may be provided to companies working alone or in
collaboration with universities, business incubators, or other companies.21
page 77
Maine Technology Institute's SBIR'STTR Phase 0 grants are av\'arded on a
rolling basis, for up to 55.000 per proposaL Each grant requires all match
consisting of actual cash, salaries, staff time, or e'\.penses directly
attributable to the proposed project Funds can be used for direct costs
such as' proposal preparation and review, consultant services for
preparation of the Phase I or Phase II proposal. costs to gather information
(literature search, market research, ete), in-state travel to develop
partnerships for the proposaL printing costs and supplies d')sociated I,vith
the submission of the proposal. proposals are evaluated based on project
description, significance of the proposed innovation: technical merit
commercialization potential: personnel qualifications; and detailed Phase 0
plan & outline of Phase I or Phase II plan.u
2. Funding Without Taking an Equity Stake
While the previous programs have centered on providing funding to firms by
helping fund research they are conducting, there are a suite of programs that
TBED practitioners offer that provide funding to companies for whatever their
needs may be, The programs may offer loans, awards with a royalty payback
provision, or an investment in return for an equity pOSItion. The form of
financing tends to follow the stage of the company or product: grants are more
likely to be available for less-established companies still working on research,
while operating and seed capital is more likely to go to firms that have a product
but are not yet large enough to be of interest to venture capitalists.
By offering various pre-commercialization grants, awards or forgivable loans for
working or seed capital, areas seek to improve the quality of deal flow, reduce
perceived investment risk in start-up firms in order to make them more
attractive to later-stage investors, and help fledgling entrepreneurs survive until
they secure those later.stage investments,
, ,;.."
When successful, this approach results in companies that are prepared to receive
later-stage private investment. In addition, some form of payback either in the
form of royalties or selling an equity position create the ability for the state to
recoup at least some of its investment and have funds to put back into the
program to help sustain it over the long term.
Commensurate with high risk of investing at this very early stage, however, there
is a high potential for failure. Furthermore, without the availability of follow-on
seed capital (the lack of which most practitioners interviewed indicated was a
serious problem in their states), the state may find it has invested in getting
companies "all dressed up with no place to go." Thus, otherwise promising pre-
seed investments can result in enterprises that are effectively stillborn.
Ben Franklin Technology Partners of Northeastern Pennsylvania
(BFTP/NEP) invests in early-stage companies without assuming an equity
position. Instead, the program provides financial support in the form of
subordinated debt to qualified client start-ups. These investments must be
paid back, though the form of repayment differs between individual cases.
The returns from successful investments are reinvested in other
Northeastern Pennsylvania companies.
Typical awards range between $50,000 and $150,000 over the course of
three years, and are targeted toward small, unproven firms that are unable
to raise seed funds through conventional means. Repayment occurs during a
term of eight years, with interest accruing after the end of the funded
activities. After eight years, the principal and any non. paid interest are due
in the form of a balloon payment. The loan also includes a detachable
warrant feature, based on a pre-determined valuation of $1 million, $2
million, or $3 million. The warrant can be exercised in the case of a major
liquidity event.
BFTP/NEP helped 16 early-stage companies in 2005. Investment decisions
are made by the BFTP/NEP Board of Directors, based on recommendations
Resource Guide: Capital
by the BF-TP portfolio tedlll ilnd on input from outside E''\perts. EliCJlble
(Ompanies mllst be early-stage technology fir inS or established manufacturillg
firms located in Northeast Pennsylvania. Additional funding is often J\iil.ilable
through Ole Northeastern Pennsylvania Angel Network. an associated
membership organization composed of more than 2000 private Investors 'j
Maryland Challenge Investment Program is an investment vehicle of the
Maryland Venlur-e Fund, targeting smaller, early-stage companies in need of
seed capital. Unlike the Venture Fund's other program. the Enterprise
Investment Fund. the Challenge Investment does not seek an equity stake In
its client companies. Instead, state investments are repaid through contingent
royalty agreements, which can extend over a ten-year maximum term
Applicant businesses must be commercializing a new technology through a
Maryland-based company with fewer than 25 employees and less than $1
million in revenue. Applicants must also have all co-investor match for all
state funds, and be positioned to receive additional outside venture capital.
Awards are made based on the project's potential return on investment,
market potential, experience and credibility of the management team,
viability of the technology, and the potential impact on the state economy.
Initial investments cannot exceed $50,000, however, incremental increases
in increments of $50,000 are possible, based on the successful completion
of mutually-accepted milestones. Companies can receive a maximum of
$150,000 through the program. Repayment is collected through royalties of
2% on revenues over $500,000, or royalties of 1% on equity raised of
$500,000. These payment are capped at three times the investment made
by the Venture Fund,
Since converting from a grant program to a seed fund in 1994, the
Challenge Program has invested more than $10.8 million in technology
businesses. Fifty percent of those companies are still in business or have
had a successful exit from the program. More rigorous investment criteria
were placed on Challenge recipients in 2001 Challenge Investment
recipients must now have the potential to become attractive investments for
the Enterprise Investment Fund. Since that time, 26 percent of firms have
gone on to receive state equity investments.24
3. Direct Equity Investment in Firms by Public Sector
States have been experimenting with direct investment strategies since at !east
the 1 980s, generating both successes and notable failures. This approach seeks
to address a perceived insufficiency of local investment capital at one or more
stages of investment, and/or for speCifically targeted industries. It endeavors to
achieve a balance between prudent fund management in terms of achieving
acceptable return on investment, and economic development goals in the form
of successful new companies offering quality jobs.
One of the key advantages of direct-equity investment programs is the ability to
target local industry sectors that have high economic development potential but
that have been overlooked by venture capitalists. One of the practitioners
interviewed pOinted out that some companies may prove to be solid performers
from an economic development perspective (i.e., creating high.quality jobs in an
area or industry that needs the jobs), but could be below the financial returns that
private sector venture capitalists expect. With direct-equity investment in firms,
areas can provide the financing these companies need and reap the economic
development benefit Plus, a successful track record can also demonstrate to
private investors that the region has deals that are worth considering
In addition to these advantages. programs that involve private investors, (e.g..
through requirements for private sector match on investments), offer the
potential to increase locally-available capital, resident fund mangers, and more
private sector investment
However. because public money is involved, equity investments by the public
page 79
sector have a high profile ~.,..ith more attention from elected offl(Ii\15 and the
media. Just by the nature of investing in start-up. technology companies. these
kinds of programs have the risk of failure associated with them- there are no
guarantees that the company is going to be successful, and program managers
and their elected offjcials should be prepared to accept the risk when pursuing
thiS kind of program A number of practitioners that I;vere interviewed also
indicated that it can be extremely difficult to attract and then retain qualified
employees to manage the funds with some saying that government salaries can
be a significant barrier. Additionally, private sector investors may recruit
government staff who have proven themselves to be adept investors
Finally, strong protections need to be put in place to ensure that polities does
not enter into the investment process, which obViously may violate ethics laws,
but will also have the potential of affecting the fund's performance and
undermining its credibility.
, "'J1l.
Massachusetts Technology Development Corporation (MTDC) is one of
the longest-running state-initiated capital programs in the country. Other
than an additional infusion of $5 million in state funds in 2003, the
program has been self-sufficient since its inception in 1978. MTDC President
Robert Crowley attributes the program's success to a number of factors,
espeCially the environment in which MTDC operates. That environment
includes four significant characteristics. First, the Boston area is home to a
robust entrepreneurial culture. In fact, from Crowley's perspective,
"Entrepreneurship is simply a fancy word for Yankee ingenuity." Second,
Boston has always been a money center. Third, it features a significant
technology generator in the form of the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology (MIT). And fourth, related to the other three, there is a very well-
trained technology workforce in the greater Boston area.
MTOC is set up as a quasi-public corporation. Its board consists of eight
private sector individuals appointed by the Governor, and three ex-officio
members from the public sector. The staff reviews deals and makes funding
recommendations to the board. The board approves deals for funding.
From an initial capitalization of $8.2 million - $3 million in federal funds,
and $5.2 million in state funds - MTDC has invested $62 million in 114
In spite of the rich environment of the greater Boston area, in 1978, the
Commonwealth enacted a law creating MTDC in order to address the capital
gap for start-up and expansion of early-stage technology companies.
Though focused on generating positive ROI, MTDC also has an economic
development role. Through each phase of its existence, MTDC has pursued
the following four basic objectives:
. To help create primary employment in Massachusetts
. To attract and leverage private investment in Massachusetts
. To foster the application of technological innovations where
Massachusetts companies are, or can be, market leaders
. To nurture entrepreneurship among Massachusetts citizens, planting
the seeds for long-term economic development in the Commonwealth
The size of MTDCs initial funding to an applicant is determined by the
capital needs of the firm and the investment of the co-investors. Though
initial investments can range up to a maximum of $500,000, most are
typically in the $250,000 to 5500,000 range.75
Connecticut Innovations (CI) was created by the Connecticut Legislature in
1989, which charged it with growing Connecticut's entrepreneurial,
technology economy by making venture and other investments. Among
Resource Guide: Capital
other ,1ctlvities, Connecticut Innovdtions f11akes equity 111\iE'strnents in
emerging Connecticut rectlnology compil.nies According to (I's websile,
since 1995. (I has become the state's leading investor in high technology,
Investing more than 5133 million in Connecticut companies Connecticut
Innovdtions' initial funding carne from state bonds But, since 1995. (I has
financed its equity investments solely through its own investment returns
Ilot ra\payer dollars
The Eli Whitney Fund is (1'5 primary investment fund. aimed at strengthening
the state's high-technology environment by providing entrepreneurs with the
capital and strategic guidance they need to start and build successful
Connecticut businesses It focuses primarily on technology sectors that
present the greatest potential for economic growth - information technology,
bioscience, photonics (applied optics), and energy and environmental
systems. Investments, which typically range from $500,000 to $2 million on
the initial round, are made in early-stage Connecticut companies that meet
established criteriall1
4. Pension or Public Funds Invested in Venture Capital Funds
Another approach that is commonly discussed in increasing the amount of
capital in a region is for the public sector to allocate funds to invest in a
privately. managed venture capital fund. !n this approach, typically, a public
entity (frequently the public pension system) will invest several million dollars in
a fund as a limited partner where the managing partner has extensive venture
capital experience and is able to leverage additional investments to create the
fund. However, it should not be thought that allocation of public funds to a
venture capital fund will, in and of itself, solve a region's capital needs; in most
cases, only a portion of the public entity's funds will be invested in the
geographic region---the amount or percentage is a point of negotiation between
the limited and managing partner
Additionally, pension managers' primary responsibility is a fiduciary duty to
pensioners, so securing their participation in this approach can be difficult;
however, some pension systems have pursued this strategy because it diversifies
the fund's portfolio and provides the opportunity to reap the higher rewards that
come from earlier-stage investments.
From an economic development perspective, making a portion of pension funds
available for venture capital investing has the potential not only to contribute to
the availability of private equity capital in areas that lag the nation, but also can
serve as a means to identify private equity investors, who otherwise would not
be active in the area, to partner with the funds and become permanent sources
of investment capital in the region. The pension fund's investment can provide
the resources necessary for private-fund managers to start operations within a
state, increasing the overall number of resident-fund managers who are
knowledgeable about trends and needs in every part of the region,
Since fund managers are usually required to find additional investors, in addition
to investing themselves, pension or public funds can playa catalytic role in
creating a network of funds, leveraging an overall increase in the amount of
funds available for investment in businesses within the region
As with any approach, there are also potentia! liabilities. Private equity is at the
upper end of the spectrum in investment risk, so while the asset class is capable
of providing superior returns it does so with greater volatility. Thus, policymaker
and pension fund beneficiaries must recognize both that there will be
investment failures and that successes will be longer in coming.
There are other cautions that apply not only to pension fund investment, but to
any investment of public funds through private fund managers
Although private management has proven to be the better route for most
states, not all private managers are good investors. Choosing a good
investment team takes extensive research and careful judgment
A program may have strong managers but be burdened with restrictions
page 81
ttldt maJe quality investing impossible. For example, severe geographical
constraints, though politically popular. usually prove counterproductive
Demanding toO much from even tIle best professionals can stretch them
beyond their skills
Failure of another kind - malfeasance - can occur when there is no oversight
of fund managers, limited accountability, and nonexistent guidelines. ./
In a review of such programs, the Rural Policy Research Institute offered a
number of observations for those contemplating using public resources to
leverage private equity capital investment A summary of the report's lessons
learned includes
. Minimize the role of the state in order to avoid even the appearance of
political influence with private funds. Having the state as a limited partner
can affect a private fund in at least two ways. First, political influence over
investment decisions may occur .. Second, private investors may be
reluctant to invest in a fund when the state is a limited partner. particularly
when there are geographiC restrictions on investments as well.
. Define an explicit role for the state in monitoring the performance of
private funds.
. Insure that private funds have professional venture capital managers and
that the incentive structure encourages sound investments..
.Insure that fund size is consistent with fund goals and potential market
.Allocate resources for deal flow and entrepreneurial development. The
more geographically restricted a fund, the more resources must be
devoted to developing and identifying deals..
. Expect an evolution in the state's role over time. With fund success may
come an opportunity to reduce the state's role in a private venture fund. 1'.8
s. Tax Credits Direct to Firms
Some states use tax credits as a way of helping encourage research activity and
address capital problems. The credits typically take one of two forms: a credit
for R&D that companies perform or transferable tax certificates that can be sold.
In the first type of credit, companies' tax liability is reduced, and states hope
that this will encourage companies to perform more R&D; it has an indirect
impact on companies' capital needs by reducing the amount of cash needed to
perform certain tasks. Most state credits are based on the definitions used in the
federal R&D tax credit and provide a credit only for a portion of the increase in
R&D spending from a base year, States with R&D tax credits should ensure that
the type and number of companies using the credit and effect on the budget is
tracked, A 1997 study by SSTI found that few states were able to answer those
fundamental questions, which are a starting point in determining whether the
credit is having the intended impact.
The second type of credit, created by New Jersey, helps address a problem with
traditional R&D tax credits. Traditional R&D tax credits offer little benefit for the
start-up technology companies that most areas are trying to encourage because
these companies frequently will not make money in their initial years and,
consequently, will not have a tax liability for the credit to reduce. New Jersey
developed a program that permits companies to sell the credits they are unable
to take advantage of to other companies that can use the credits to reduce their
own tax bill. The result is that the company selling the credit secures needed
capital to help fund their operations without having to give up any ownership.
One disadvantage to this approach is that it can be fairly costly; additionally,
speCific guidelines may need to be established as to how frequently a company
can use the program.
New Jersey's Technology Business Tax Certificate Transfer Program
enables eligible businesses to sell tax losses or research and development
credits to raise funds to finance their growth and operations. Since 1999,
new or expanding companies have been able to sell their unused net
Resource Guide: Capital
operating loss carryovers and R&D ta' credits to corporate ta'payers 1,\lthill
the state for at least 7S percent of the benefits rhes€ sales dllow
unprofitable technology dnd biotech businesses to !Ufn their losses and
(redits into cash to buy equipment facilities. or other allowable
expenditures The New Jersey Economic Development Authority \NJrOAl
oversees all exchanges,'q
Participating businesses surrender their tax benefits to the state in
exchange for a certificate, which verifies their value. The proceeds from
certificate sales must be used to pay for the costs of starting or expanding a
technology business. including construction, salaries, R&D e;.;penditures.
and any other expenses approved by the NJEDA. Any company that 11as a
portion of its operations in the state can purchase certificates.
Participating companies apply to the NJEDA to determine eligibility To
qualify, businesses must have fewer than 225 employees, of which 75
percent must be based in New Jersey, and have a negative net income
during the past two years. Companies must also demonstrate that their
activities provide the state with a competitive advantage by introducing
viable new technologies to the market. The NJEDA relies on the New Jersey
Commission on Science and Technology to conduct an evaluation of all
applicant technologies; and the Division of Taxation to determine the
monetary value of tax benefitsW
The program makes $60 million available each year for certificate transfers.
Of that amount, $10 million is specifically allotted for companies within the
state's three Innovation Zones, which were established in 2004 around New
Jersey's research universities. In 2005, a record 270 technology firms
participated in the program.11
6. Debt Financing for Later Ufe
While most of the previous programs have focused on securing capital for
younger companies, consideration must also be given as to whether there is a
capital gap for more mature companies. Some areas have found that for a
variety of reasons, there is a market failure in providing financing to companies
to modernize their production line or product development. As a result, they
have experimented in providing low.interest loans to more established
technology companies
Practitioners interviewed for this guide offered a variety of suggestions and advice.
The advice, generally, fell into one of four areas: philosophy and approach in
implementing programs, the organizational structure of programs, operational
details of running these kinds of programs. and programmatic specifics. As with all
of the observations and advice offered by those interviewed, these are the authors'
summation of what appeared to be a consensus among those interviewed; they
should not he viewed as being unanimously endorsed by all interviewed
In the philosophy and approach in implementing programs, advice that was given
. Programs don't create Jobs companies do, Help create strong companies by
offering holistic and individualized strategies, Create the most comprehensive,
flexible portfolio of finanCial and technical assistance tools pOSSible with the
resources available, and do not let the mechanisms available to you drive the
financing of the firm. For example, do not load up a firm with debt if that is all
that can be done
. These initiatives are much more about wealth creation than job creation,
educate public officials 50 they will understand and accept this important
. Focus on deal quality and deal flow
. Listen to and learn from the angels and equity partners
. Build and sustain positive relationships, based on integrity and trust, with
service providers and related economic development organizations, especially
in small states where one can work with the same people frequently. Programs
page 83
<lIen"! everything - good v\orklng relationships bet\Hen the people Involved
can make the difference between success and failure
. Where pl-acticaJ, find a strong r ole for the traditional lending community as a
. Never stop educating legislators With the advent of term limits in more and
more states, turnover in state legislatures mandates a continuous education
effort as to the need for publiCly-supported investment programs and Incentives.
In considering the organizational structure:
-If at all possible. prOVide entrepreneurship/capital programs through private,
non-profit corporations. They possess the flexibility and credibility with the
private sector necessary for success that government agencies generally do not
. Be clear up front about the primary purpose of the funding mechanism'
economic development or return on investment? This decision will dictate
appropriate program performance metrjcs
.Avoid having a political board or letting politics into the process of client/deal
SpecifiC points to consider when running these kinds of programs:
.Seek sustainable funding. The availability of private funding for
entrepreneurship or capital programs from local foundations and large
corporations varies widely across the country. Whether a program has access to
such private funding, or instead is largely dependent on state funds (which may
not be dependable from year to year) can significantly impact the scope, primary
purpose, and long term impact of the program.
. Hire quality staff with the right skill sets, experience, and attitude; expect to
compensate them at rates competitive in the private sector marketplace; and,
anticipate turnover.
. Be prepared to protect the organization from political fallout, which may be
generated by entrepreneurs that are not funded
Finally, some points on individual program types:
. Limiting required match to investor private equity improves the chances that
funded companies will perform well.
. Create smart money - identify an..d educate angels and prospective angels
. Use affinities - such as alumni records, award and networking events -. to
identify angels.
. Angel-related tax incentives work (in states with income taxes) to increase
capital availability and help develop a community of angel investors.
. Competitive grant programs help to create community and ultimately foster
higher quality business deals.
.Select fund managers with local or regional ties and understanding.
.Conduct continuous, aggressive outreach and communications efforts to
identify and mobilize both entrepreneurs and investors. While both approaches
are necessary, the message is more effectively conveyed on a retail rather than
wholesale basis. Entrepreneurs in particular will only pay attention to the
message at the point that they need the services provided.
1 Prlcewaterhou:leCoopers/National Venture Capital Association MoneyTreer.. Report; available from
http//www pwcmoneytree,corn/displays/notice-Bhtml. accessed 30 August 2006
2 Josh Lerner, "When Bureaucrats Meet Entrepreneurs The DeSign of Effenive Public Venture Capital'
Programmes. The Economic journal. 1 \ 2 (February), pF78
3 Center for Venture Research, QrQ2 2005 Angel Market Analysis Report [an-ilne], dvailabie from
hnp //,.vsbe unh edu/CenterLCVR/Ql Q2200Sanalyslsreponcfm, accessed 30 August 2006
4 Susan L Preston, AngellnveHmenr Croups. Networks, and Funds A GUidebook ro Developing the
Right Angel OrganIZation for Your Communiry, (EWing Marion Kauffman Foundation August 2004
edltloni, p 3
5 Preston, p 3.4
6 Center for Verlture Research
Resource Guide: Capital
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''',-,,',I>UL} ,','1" ;\ ut.]...", .i\t'tlirl'S Writ',!, .~lll1.:'1 p
I 'Jet'll!t'! !or '-'''I'lure Rt'~~,l'ch
, f'r2Qor p
; :'Prt;'S!on p
, J !)'f'ston p
I ..\preston p , :
1'1 Washington Technology Center
hltp //wwwwatec!1center orq/il1dex php'p=About+thet-WTC.Angel+NE'twork&s=78, accessed 30
August 2006
; 6 OhiO Department of Development Mltp.//www odod.state.oh us/tech/tlte/: accessed 30 August 2006
i l indiana tconomlc Oeveiopmeflt CUf~orati0n: http//www in gov/~edc/;ncentives/venturp html
acce~sed 30 August 2006
18 Oklahoma Capital Investment Board:
httpJ/6S 198 188B/Files/oklahoma capital_investment_boar htm: accessed 30 August 2006
19Thum Rubel and Scott Paladino Nurturing Entrepreneurial Growth in Stare Economies (National
Governors Association 20001, available from http//previewngaorg/Files/pdf/ENTREPRENEURPDF
p 11 accessed 30 August 2006
20 University of Wyoming, http//wwwuwyo edu/sblr/abouthtml: accessed 30 August 2006
21 Kansas Technology Enterprise Corporation, http-//wwwkteccom/sec_investment/section/armfhtm,
accessed 30 August 2006
22 Maine Technology Institute; http//wwwmainetechnologycom,!7caUd=306; accessed 30 August 2006
23 Ben Franklin Technology Partners of Northeastern Pennsylvania:
httpl/www, nep. ~Early~Stage_CompaniesPid=2&id2 =41 ,
accessed 30 August 2006
24 Maryland Department of BUSiness and Economic Development:
h ttp I/www c h 005 e maryland 0 rg/bus ines s services/m aryl andventu ref und/i nves tme ntprogram s. html:
accessE'd 30 August 2006
:: S Massachusetts Technology Development Corp: httPI/www mtdccom/rolehtml#top. accessed 30
August 2006
26 Connecticut Innovations, http //wwwctlnnovations com/site/initiatives/eli~whltney~fund asp: accessed
10 August 2006
27Heard and S;bert, p 14
280avid L Barkley, Oeborah M Markley, and Julia Sass Rubln_ Julia Sass, Public Involvement In Venture
lc.plfaf Funds. Lessons (rom Three Program Alternatives (Rural Policy Research Institute, RUPRI Rural
29EqUlty Capital Panel November 1999, Updated February 2000), p99-9
re::hnology Centre of New Jersey Technology Busine~s Tax Certificate Transfer Program;"
h,tp // accessed 30 August 2006
30 New jersey Economic Development Authority, New jersey Economic Oeveiopm",nt Authority
Tecllnology Business Tax Certificate Triln,fer Program March 2006,"
http;'iwww njedil com/applications asp#taxcprlificate, accessed 30 August 2006
31 -~!E'W Jersey Ecoromie Development Authority Bolsterlllg ~JeVv jersey's Technology-Drrvpn Economy
an EDA Prlorlly Au"hoflly CEO Tells NJTC Confererce Attendees,'
ilttp,'/www'pr J)I 2706 i!\p. accessed 30 August 2006
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Appendix B
Definition of Terms
In order to pro\'ide a grassloots perspective of publicly funded cdpital programs, this
report draINS heavily on interViews \Iolth e'perienced pr-<l.ctitioners from around the
country The <l.dVdntage of this approach is ttldt it prOVides a First-hand perspective
of '.,\hat is being done. '.drat works and I,\hat doE'S not. The disadvantage is thelt
practitioners sometimes USE' the samE' terminology to mean different thinCJs The
following are offered as genelnl 'rule-of thumb" definitions for some of the terms
Llsed in thiS report
Angel group A group of angel investors investing through a member-directed
Investment process One of the primary criteria for membership is net worth or
accredited investor statu5 of the group member5 Another COn5tant and part of
the definition that 5eparate5 angel group5 from other inve5tment vehicle5 i5 the
active participation of angel group members in the investment of their own
capital, In contrast, venture capital funds, broker dealers and investment
bankers typically operate on a passive investor model the individual is not
actively involved in the investment decision-making process. (A Guidebook. to
Developing the Right Angel Organization for Your Community, August, 2004
Edition, Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation)
Angel investor An individual who provides capital to one or more startup
companies. The individual is usually affluent or has a personal stake in the
success of the venture. Such investments are characterized by high levels of risk
and a potentially large return on investment, According to the SEe "Regulation
D," an accredited Angel Investor is a person with a net worth of $1,000,000, or
an annual net income of S200,000 for the past three years. (investorwords,com)
Contingent liability A potential obligation that may be incurred dependent upon
the occurrence of a future event (allbusiness,com/gJossarv)
Convertible debenture Debenture that can be converted into stock at the option
of the holder and/or the issuer at a specified date in the future. Because the
buyer has the ability to convert the debenture into stock under certain
circumstances, the seller is able to borrow at a lower cost than if the
convertibility feature was not present, Deal flow The rate at which investment
offers are presented to funding institutions. (investorwords,com)
Due diligence The process of investigation, performed by investors, into the
details of a potential investment, such as an examination of operations and
management and the verification of material facts. (
Early- or first-stage financing is provided to companies that have expended
their initial capital (often in developing and market testing a prototype) and
require funds to initiate full-scale manufacturing and sales. (Pratt's)
Equity Ownership interest in a corporation in the form of common stock or
preferred stock. It also refers to total assets minus total liabilities, in which case
it is also referred to as shareholder's equity or net worth or book value
(investorwords, com)
Expansion financing is second and subsequent investment rounds typically
financing company product and/or market expansion, or keeping the company
financially healthy shortly before a liquidity event such as an initial public
offering (IPOl or acquisition (Prate's)
Fund-of-funds or Fund-to-funds Some states use tax credits as guarantees to
generate a "fund-to-funds" for investments in private venture capital funds in
order to incentivize those funds to create a local presence and invest in local
deals. Investments are made in 5everal private partnerships, along with other
investors, The strategy is to 5elect partnerships that are expected to produce
excellent market returns while contributing to the growth of a healthy, local
venture capital industry, (Heard and Sibert)
Proof-of-concept EVidence that demonstrates that a busines5 model or idea is
feasible (
page 89
Seed financing is a It:'latively small amount of capital provided to an inventor or
entrepreneur to prove a concept and to qualify for start,up capital. This may
involve product development and market research. as welt as building a
management team and developing a business plan, if the initial steps are
sLlccessful (By this definition, pre-seed finanCing would denote financing to help
articulate the concept) (Pratt's Cuidebook to Vetlture Capita/Sources; 200J
Seed funds Seed funds are profeSSionally managed investment partnerships, or
limited liability companies (LLCs), that invest in very young, seed-stage
companies. Seed capital has always been considered a part of venture capital,
speCifically directed to early-stage ventures, (Heard and Sibert)
Start-up financing is provided to companies completing product development
and initial marketing. Companies may be in the process of organizing, or they
may already be in business for one year or less, but have not sold their product
commercially. Usually such firms will have made market studies, assembled the
key management, developed a business plan and are ready to do business.
Venture capita/long-term equity capital invested in rapidly expanding
enterprises with an expectation of significant capital gains, often for product
roll-out. Typical investee companies have demonstrated sales but are not yet
profitable. (Heard & Sibert)
Venture capital firm An investment company that invests its shareholders'
money in startups and other risky but potentially very profitable ventures.
Appendix C
Practitioners Interviewed
.\Imost 60 tech-ba.sed economic rlevelopment practitioners \\ere illterviev>,ed for this
guide They were selected based on their e'per1el1ce dnd knowledge, 55T1 15 rleeply
qr(\teful fOf their palticlpatlon :n the project Each of the p!dctitioners was generOllS
\\ith their time 3nd their vvillingness to SUPPOlt the rBED community as a whole by
palticipating The list below provides t~le title dnd olgarli.:ation for the participants
at the time they ,'1ere intervievled
David N. Allen
Assistant Vice President, Technology
University of Colorado/Boulder
Richard Bendis
President & CEO
Innovation Philadelphia
Russell W. Bessette
Executive Director
Jay Brandinger
Executive Director (retired)
New Jersey Commission on Science and
Bill Brundage
Office of the New Economy
Chris Busch
Michael Cassidy
Georgia Research Alliance
Norman Chagnon
Staff Director
Third Frontier Commission
Ohio Department of Development
Lee Cheatham
Executive Director
Washington Technology Center
Lori Clark
Senior Policy Advisor
Illinois Department of Commerce &
Economic Opportunity
Claire Collins
Lovett Collins Associates, LLC
Robert W. Coy, Jr.
Senior VP, Economic Development
St Louis Regional Chamber of
Robert Crowley
Massachusetts Technology Development
Jim Currie
Program Director
Ohio State University ~ ATECH
Brian Darmody
Assistant Vice President for Research and
Economic Development
University of Mar'yland College Park
David L. Day
Director of Research Programs
University of Florida
Dave Oesch
Executive Director
Montana Board of Research and
Commercialization Technology
David Driver
Managing Director Regional
Northeast Utilities System
David Eater
Assistant Director (former)
New Jersey Commission on Science and
Joseph Fink
Vice President, Research and Economic
University of Kentucky
Michael Finney
President & CEO
Greater Rochester Enterprise
Ted Ford
President & CEO
Stephen J. Gage
CAMP, lnc.
Bruce Gjovig
Director, Center for Innovation
University of North Dakota
Randy Goldsmith
Assistant VP of Technology fransfer and
Economic Development
University of Texas at San Antonio
Norma E. Grace
Vice Chancellor
University of New Orleans
Robert G. Heard
Edge Development Capital
Philip Helgerson
Director (former)
Applied Technology Development Center
Dennis Herringshaw
Director, Office of Technology Transfer
University of New Orleans
Wayne Hodges
Vice Provost for Economic Development
and Tech Ventures
Georgia Institute of Technology
H. Graham Jones
As sociate
Hudson Group
\ .'
Jacques Koppel
Koppel Group
Leslie Lane
Vice President
Arkansas Science and Technology
Stan Li berty
Bradley University
Rod Linton
Director, Office of Technology and
Utah Department of Community and
Economic Development
Greg Main
President & CEO
Marcia Mellitz
Center for Emerging Technologies
Cliff Numark
Timothy J. O'Brien
Director, Biomedical Biotechnology
University of Arkansas Medical Services
page 91
Tom Rogers
President & CEO
Technology 2020
RoseAnn Rosenthal
President & CEO
Ben Franklin Technology Partners of
Southeastern PA
Carl E. Russell
Vice President
Board Director and Project Coordinator
v. F. Russo
President & CEO
Ben Franklin Technology Partners of
Centra! & Northern PA
Ron Sam pson
National Institute for Strategic
Technology Acquisition and
Commercialization (N1STAC)
Rohil Shukla
John Sibert
Managing Director
Global Financial Group
Phillip Singerman
Venture Partner
Toucan Capital Corp
Donald F. Smith
Vice President for Economic
MPC Corporation
Carnegie Mellon University
Patricia Snider
President & CEO
Philip Z. Sobocinski
Assistant Director
University of Wisconsin,Madison
Janice St. Onge
Director of Business Education
University of Vermont
Thomas Thornton
Illinois Technology Development Alliance
Theresa Walker
Technology Transfer Officer
SUNY Albany
Appendix C
" .J],
Tom Walker
hecutive Vice President ,I?, COO
Jake Ward
Executive Director
Office of Research and Economic
Development, University of Maine i1t
Tab Wilkins
Director, Regional & Technical Services
Washington Technology Center
Mike Wojcicki
Director of Investor and Partner Relations
Wisconsin Manufacturing Extension
Janet Yancey-Wrona
Director, Office of Innovation
Maine Department of Economic and
Community Development
~::. I !)