Resolution 1992-202
RESOLl11'ION 92- 202
IWlCIl 31, 1992
.""""CDS, th. citizen'. Sit. Selection co.aitt.. recoaended
tbe ..lect1on of the Alico .ite for Florida'. t.nth univer.ity after
. aanr blOlln.trecs. of boan of revi_ and public hearings, and
....utEAS, the Board of lteeJenta for the State of Florida
..lected the Alioo site for Florida's tenth university after careful
/, revi_ and analysis of all sit.. ~ 'ndad by the Citizen'S Site
Selection C.:. ittee and after a lenqthy public haaring; and
....~, it is ....nti.l that .11 level. of governaent,
inclUding Lee COUnty, the City of cape cor.l, the City of Ft. Myers,
and other .m...0un4ing local governaeftta, now join together to uke
Florlc1a'. tenth univer.ity . re.lity.
<X>>uu.SSIOIrERS OF COLLIER COUII1'r, FLORIDA hereby resolve. that:
1. All local govu-...nte within SOUthwe.t Florida .hould
tate all steps nac.saary and .ppropri.te to ensur. the .ucces.ful
4...10s. Int of Florida'. tenth univer.ity at the site ..lected by
the Florlc1a Board of lteqenta, the Alico site.
2. It i. urged that eac:b local governaent in SOUthwe.t
Florida pas. a resolution urging the State Leqi.lature to prOVide
8Ufficient funding to ensure the c1evelop.ent In a tiJlaly f..hion of
Florida'. tenth univer.ity .t the Alico .ite.
3. '1'bougb aany l.nd UN iaue. w.t be ac1c1re..ed in the
-In; IIOIltba a. the university .ite pl.n i. developed, it i. urged
that Lee County begin the proca. of "'ndin; ita ~uben.iv. plan
to allow the develOplNnt of Florida'. tenth univer.ity .t the Alico
4. It i. urged that the City Council for the City of Ft.
' Myers work with Lea County and "he State of Florida in the
,,:: devalopLlnt of thi. very iJIportant f.cility. Th. requ..t for .n
," ....Snl.tntlv. bearing to contest th. ..lection pr~ss of the Board
, '. of lle9enta should be withdrawn by the City of Ft. Myers, and no
.,"; f1n1:ber action should be pur8Ued that WOUld delay the University.
tI~ Resolution adopted .fter lIOtion, second and unanimous
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" Ab-Mft,'-::... "(~~ BOARD OF COOII'h COJDaSSIONERS
'f ",', , J~ C. ',GI ,...Clerk COLLIER IJ' FLORIDA
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,I ~ ..1;. '-~~' .;.., !- ' r '1 'V ....e.
'. .c, BY: 'J..l .J h/J~.L
MARCH 31, 1992
.t~. RISOLUTION ADOrTAU after .otion, .econd and aaJority vote.
"~~3 .7/. "
.""AHa C. OIL".
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. OO(),IG[ 43