Resolution 1992-195 RZSOLUTIOlI 92- 195 A RZSOLUTIOlI CJtAII'1'IJfO TIm APPEAL OF TIm GJ<",nn PLAJIJrIJIO DIRZC'1'OR'S u"~&NU_TIOII 011 THE COMPATIBILITY ZX",..rdOll APPLICATIOJII JIIuMaER CEX-012-g ro1l PROJ>D~ I LOCATED 011 THE WEST SIDE OF OLD O.S. 41 AJrD :!: 1/4 MILE JIIORTH OF TIm APEX OF OLD O.S. 41 AJrD O.S. 41 IJII SECTIOII 10, 'l'OlfIfSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAB'l', COLLIER ..........n, PLORIDA. ."~.IAS, Article VIII, section 1 ef) of the constitution of nor14a confers on c:ow.Ue. Jnoe4 ordlnance-.altinq power when not inc:oDlI~ with 9enersl or ~ial lawl and .."".ru, Cbapter 125.01, Florida Statut.., confers on all ~U.. in Florida q~l powers of qov.rrment, inclu4inq the ~ power and the power to plan and requlate the u.. of land and vaterl and """.tAS, Cbapter 1'3, Part II fiorida Statut.., requires local 9OY........,te to adopt a .,.()...rllhensiv. plan and Cbapt.r 9J-5, fiorida .....tni.tratlv. """., e.t:a!)li.bes the criteria for adoptinq . cc:.prshensive plan, and w""o<EAS, on January 10, 1989, COllier County adopte4 the COllier County Growth Manaq.....t Plan a. its COIIpreheneiv. Plan par.uant to the requir.-nts Cbapter U3, Part II Florida Statutes, also known a. the Local OOV.rrment COIIprllheneiv. Planninq and Land oev.lo....nt Requlation Act of 1985 and Chapter tJ-5, Florida .....lnlstrativ. """., alao known a. the Miniaua criteria for Revi_ of Local OOVerrment COIIpr.b.neive Plan. and Det:endnation of COIIpliance, and """.EAS, Policy 3.1.X of the Futurs Land 0.. El.....t of the Growth Manaq.....t Plan provides for a Zoninq Reevaluation Proqram incladinq provi.ions for Ex-.ptions, COIIpatibility Exceptions and VestscS Riqbts Detersinations, and ..~, the County a4opt:ec1 the Zoninq Reevaluation Ordinance Ihmber 90-23 on March 21, 1990 to bpl...nt Policy 3.1.1t of the Future Land 0.. El...nt of the Growth Kanaq...nt Plan, and IIHEREAB, the Zoninq hevaluation Ordinance provides tor applications to preserve the existinq inconsistent zoninq in certain situations pursuant to Section 2.4 (EX8lIIptions), Section 10 eCollpatibility Exception), and Section 11 (DeteI'lllination ot Vested Rigbts), and NM"~, the owner of the bersin described real property, Francia D. HWI"y, Jr., bas subaitte4 an application tor co.patibility Exception eCEX-012-JIIJII) pursuant to Section lOot the zoninq hevaluation ordinance, and ,,~, based upon the criteria tor qrantinq COIIpatibility Exceptions contained in Section 10.6.1 of the Zoninq hevaluation Ordinance, the Growth Planninq Director's deteI'lllination vas to deny that application, and ..~, the owners of the herein described real property filed an appeal of the Director's detenaination to the Board ot Couuty co..issionera, as provided for in Section 10.5 of the . zoninq Reevaluation Ordinance, and ,,~, on March 30, 1992 the Board of County Commissioners considered the application for Appeal ot the Growth Planninq Director's deterslnation on the CoIIpatibility Exception application, the Growth Planninq Director's reCOlllll8ndation, and the record ..de before the Board ot County Commissioners at said bearinq . .OW, 'l'HEREFORE, the Board ot County Comaissioners ot Collier County, Florida bereby llakes the follovinq Findinqs ot Fact and COnclusions of Lavs Pindlna. of PBct:. 1. The uniJlproved real property which is the subject ot this appeal i. owned by Francis D. Hussey, Jr. 2. The subject property is legally described as set torth in Exhibit RAR, Leqal Description, attached hereto and by reterence ..de a part hereOf. The property contains approximately 4.86 acres. -?- MARCH 30,1992 3. The subject property is located on the vest side of Old O.S. 41 and :!: 1/4 .ile north of the apex ot U.s. 41 and Old U.s. 41. It i. de.iqnated Urban Residential on the Future Land Use Map. The uxu.u. density penaitted on the subject property by the Density Ratinq Syst_ contained in the Future Land Use El...nt is 16 units per acre. The site is vithln the Tratfic Conqe.tion Area ruultinq in the subtraction ot 1 unit per acre yieldinq a consistent eba.e) density of 3 units per acre. 4. The existinq zoninq ot the subject property is C-4, General eo..ercial, which penits a variety of commercial uses vithin structures at a _xillUll heiqht ot 100 teet and vith setbacks ot 25 teet plWl one toot tor each toot over 50 teet in belqbt for tront yard, 15 feet side yard, zero teet or 5 teet rear yard. 5. The C-4 zoninq district on the subj ect property is inconsistent vith the Growth Kanaq...nt Plan because it does not COIIply with the locational criteria contained in the Future Land 0.. El~t. 6. The applicant lIUbIIitted to the County on Kov8llber 19, 1990 an application for CoIIpatibility Exception (CEX-012-JIIJII) as provided for in Section 10, COIIpatibility Exceptiona, ot the Zoninq J<eevaluation Ordinance. 7. The Growth Planninq Director'. detenination tor said application, issued on Dec8llber 4, 1991 and ettective on Dec~r 17, 1991, vas tor denial based upon the criteria established in Section 10.6.1 ot the Zoninq hevaluation Ordinance. 8. The applicant tiled vith the County on January 15, 1992 an Appeal ot the Growth Planninq Director's detenaination ot deni~l tor the Caapatibility Exception application as provided tor in Section 10.5 ot the Zoninq Reevaluation Ordinance. 9. An Exeaption application as provided tor in Section 2.4.5 ot the Zoninq Reevaluation Ordinance vas not submitted and such application vould not have been eliqible tor approval as the MARCH 30, 1992 subject property does not .eet the criteria contained in SUbsections or ot the Zonin9 Reevaluation Ordinance . 10. Within 300 feet to the north of the subject property is undeveloped land zoned Pl1D, Planned Unit Developll.nt eMeacSow Brook Estates) which penits cSevelOpllent at 9 units per acre. This density vas achieved througb a rezone in 1991 utilizinq the COnv.rsion ot eo-rcial provi.ion in the Futur. Land Use El.ment, thersfor. beinq consistent vith the Future Land U.e El...nt. 11. Within 300 teet to the east of the Subject property is a 150 foot right-ot-way, C.R. 45 eOld U.S. 41). Within 300 teet ot the subject property, acro.. the street, i. uniJlproved industrial zoninq. '1'0 the north of the afor...ntioned indu.trial property is bproved indu.trially zoned land. Both adjacent parcels are desiqnate4 indWltrlal on the Future Land U.. Map which peI'lllits indWItrial develClpll8nt and ....ntial services consistent vith the Land Dev.lOpllent Cod.. 12. Within 300 fe.t to the south ot the subj.ct property is a part of the Meadow Brook Estates Pl1D that bas been re.erved as part of th. future C.R. 860 right-Of-way eaPProxiaately 150 feet). Within 300 feet ot the subject property, across the riqbt-of-vay, is a C-4 tract ot land that baa be.n qranted a COIIpatibility Exception, via appeal to the Board of County Comai..ioners, to ..intain ita .xistinq zoninq di.trict. 13. Within 300 teet to the v..t ot the subj.ct prop.rty is the Meadow Brook E.tates Pl1D. 14. Th. subject property ia .ore or less rectanqular in shape and contains 4.86 acr... The parcel vidth is :t 400 feet efrontaq.) and the d.pth is 530 teet. 15. Th. property has no unusual topoqraphic teatur.s. 16. Ther. are no identitied ar.as ot environmental ..nsitivity on site. 17. Th. exiatinq zoninq district boundary is loqically drawn in relation to exi.tinq conditions on the subject property. 18. nevelop.ant peraittec1 under a consistent zoninq district eRKP-6) would not qenerate excessive noise, qlare, odor or trattic bpacts upon the nearby aurrouncSinq area. 19. oevelop.ant in the nearby SUrroundinq area viII qenerate excessive noise, qlare, odor or tratfic impacts upon the develope...lt peraitte4 on the subject property under a consistent zoninq district eRMF-6). 20. oevelop.ant peraitted under the existinq zoninq district eC-4) would not qenerate excessive noise, qlare, odor or trattic iJlpacts upon the nearby surrouncSinq area. 21. nevelop.ant in the nearby aurrouncSinq area vill not q_rate excessive noi.., glare, odor or trattic ilIIpacts upon develop.ant peraitted on the subject property under the existinq zoninq district eC-4). 22. oevelop.ant peraitte4 under the C-3 zoninq district would not generate excessive noise, glare, odor or traftic ilIIpacts upon the nearby aurrouncSinq ana. 23. nevalop.ant in the nearby surroundinq area vUl not qenerate excessive noise, qlare, odor or tratfic impact. upon the develop.ant peraitte4 on the subject property under the C-3 zoninq diatrict. 24. oevelop.ant ot the subject site at a consistent density of 3 units per acre would yield a total of 30 dvellinq unit.. Utilizinq the In TriD Generation M.!lnual tiqure of approximately 6 trips per day per IlUlti-f..ily unit, a 30 unit IIUlti-tamily project vould qenerate 180 trips per day. 25. Utilizinq an acceptable standard ot 10,000 square teet of co.aercial developaent (tloor area) per acre, the subject site could be developed under the existinq eC-4) zoninq district or UDder the C-3 zoninq district with a 50,000 square feet structure. Otilizinq the In TriD Generation Manual tiqure of approximately 168 trips per day per 1,000 .quare feet of tloor area, a 50,000 square teet shoppinq center could qenerate 8400 trips per day. A shoppinq center i. a repre.entative use ot the C-4 and C-3 MARCH 30, 1992 districte. Scme penitted u..s have a lover, and sOlIe hiqher, trip qeneration rate than a sboppinq center. 26. The subject property tronts Old U.S. 41 Which is a tvo lane undivided roadway that is operatinq at its adopted LOS "0". The tuture C.R. 860 is planned to be located alonq the southern boundary of the subject property. C.R. 860 vill initially be a two (2) lane facility vith the potential for expansion to a tour (4) lane facility SOll8 ti.. in the tuture. CUrrently the seqment of C.R. 860 f~ Old U.8. 41 to U.S. 41 is not included in the County'. 5 Year Capital IlIprov...nt Plan eCIP). The C.R. 860 extanaion f~ Old U.S. 41 to U.S. 41 is planned tor sOll8tille c1urinq 1996 and the year 2000. 27. The scale and character ot developll8nt peraitte4 under a consistent zoninq district eRMF-6) is a .ulti-tamily project with structures at a uxJ.Jnm beight ot three habitable storles. 28. The scale and character of developll8nt existinq and peraitte4 vithin the nearby aurroundinq area includes a preserve area, a aulti-faaily project vithin low-rise structures, 1ndua1:rial developMnt vithin Structures at a uxilnm heiqht ot 50 feet, and comaeroial developMnt vithin structures at a uxilllUJl beigbt of 40 feet. 29. The scale and character of development peraitted under the existinq zoninq district (C-4) is an ottice, retail and institutional project vith structures at a aaxiaua heiqht of 100 feet. 30. The scale and character of developlllent peI'lllitted under the C-3 zoninq district is an oftice, retail and institutional 4evelopaent vith structures at a uxiaua height ot 50 feet. 31. There is no partiCUlar need identitied tor additional comaercial develop.-nt in the surrounding neiqhborhooc1. 32. The averaqe ot the intensity or density ot those uses in the nearby surroundinq area of the Subject property is the intensity ot development penitted in the C-3 zoninq district. MARCH 30. 1992 Conelu.f..on. ot LAw Based upon the above Findinqs of Fact, the Board ot County co..issionera aakes the tollowinq COnclusions ot Law: The Growth Planninq Director's deterainatlon of denial for the CoIIpatibility Exception application muaber CEX-012-HJf is not .t...l"'1.tAc1 by substantial co.petent evidence in that: The appellant ba. d-.onstrate4 by substantial cOllp8tent evi4enca that the aulti-taaily residential land use ot 3 dvellinq units/acre vould be inco.patible vith the land uses and potential land uses identified in Findinqs of Fact '10-13 set forth above taJdnq into account the tollowinq: 1. The aubject property is not eliqible tor a Coapatibility Deteraination ExeIIption pursuant to Section 2.4 of the Zoninq Reevaluation Ordinance as the property does not .eet the criteria contained in Subsections and of the Zonlnq Jleeva1uation ordinance. 2. The land use patterns, densitie. and intensities allowed under zoninq districte consistent vith the Growth Manaq8llent Plan eRKF-6) on the subject property are not COIIpatible vith those exiatinq on property vithin the nearby surrounc:Unq area ot the aubj ect property. 3. The land W1e patterns, densities and intensities allowed under the existinq zoninq district eC-4) on the subject property are not COIIpatible vith those existinq on property vithin the nearby surroundinq area ot the subject property. 4. The land W1e patterns, densities and intensities allowed under the C-3 zoninq district on the Subject property are co.patible with those existinq on property within the nearby aurrouncUnq area of the subject property. 5. The existinq zoninq district boundaries are loqically drawn in relation to existinq conditions on the subject property. 6. A consistent zoninq district (RMF-6) on the subject property viII not adversely iapact the nearby surroundinq area. 7. A consistent zoninq district (RMF-6) on the subject Plop.rty will be advers.ly iapacted by the nearby .urroundinq ana. 8. The exi.tinq zoninq di.trict (C-4) on the subject P10v-rty viII adversely i~ct the nearby surrOUnding area. 9. The exi.tinq zoninq di.trict (C-4) on the subject P1OS-rty vUl not be adversely iapacte4 by the nearby surrounding ana. 10. Th. C-3 zonlnq district on the subject property vill not adveruly i~ct the nearby .urroundinq area. 11. The C-3 zoninq district on the subject property vill not be adversely iapactec1 by the nearby aurroundinq area. 12. A consi.tent zoninq district (RMF-6) vUl not create or exce..ively incr.... traffic conqe.tion or otherwise affect public safety. 13. The exi.tinq loninq di.trict (C-4) viII not create or .xoe..ively increa.. traffic conqe.tion or otherwi.e affect public safety. 14. The C-3 zoninq di.trict vill not create or exce..ively increa.e traffic conqe.tion or otherwise affect public safety. 15. The level of exi.tinq traffic vould bave an adverse iapact on a consistent zoninq district (RMF-6). 16. The level of exi.tinq trsffic vould not have an adverse iapact on the exi.tinq zoninq district (C-4). 17. The level of exi.tinq traffic vould not have an adverse iapact on the C-3 zoninq di.trict. 18. A consi.tent zoninq di.trict eRMF-6) viII be out of scale or out of cbaracter vith the existing land uses and needs of the nearby surroundinq neighborhood. 19. The existinq zoninq district (C-4) will be out of scale or out of character vith the existinq land uses and needs of the nearby &Urroundinq neighborhood. 20. The C-3 zoninq di.trict vill not be out of scale or out of character vith the exiatinq land uses and needs of the nearby aurroundinq neiqhborhood. -11_ MARCH 30, 1992 21. The C-3 zoninq district does not exceed the averaqe of the intensity or density of those uses in the nearby surroundinq area of the subject property as identified in Findinq '32. Cra~ af COBDa~iblli~v EYe.otten Anneal JIIOW, TRBREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County co.ais.ioners of Collier COunty, Florida, in public hearlnq, duly constituted and asllellbled on thi., the 30th day of March, 1992, thats The Appeal of the Growth Planninq Director'. deteraination of denial for the CoIIpatibllity Exception application nUllber CEX-012-n for the herein described real property, aubaitted by Robert L. Duane of Hole, Montes and Associates, Inc., aqent for Franci. D. HWlsey, Jr., is qranted subject to the followinq liaitations and conditionss 1. The subject property sball be rezoned to the C-3 zoninq district. 2. The followinq W18. are probibiteds Gasoline Service Station I Drive-In J<eataurant, and Fast Food hstaurant. 3. The property shall be developed as a Unified Plan of o.velopaant. This Plan shall be subject to review and approval by the Board of County eo..issioners. For purposes of this condition, a Unitied Plan of nevelopaant .eans a Preliminary SUbdivision Plat (PSP) or, if the property is not subdivided, a Preliainary Site o.velopaant Plan ePSDP). The Unitied Plan of oevelopaant sball be consistent with the provisions of the Land nevelopll8nt Code and, whether a PSP per Division 3.2 or a PSDP per D~vision 3.3, shall include I the location of all proposed access points and road riqhts-of-vay, the proposed COIIIIIOn architectural t-b-- and controls, and the proposed landscape th8llle. 4. All buildinqs are limited to a maximum heiqht of 35 feet. HARCH 30, 1992 5. A landscape butter shall be provided alonq the frontaqe of Airport-Pullinq Road in accordance vith Section 2.4.7 ot the Land Develop.ent Code, Alternative D, except that the vidth shall be tnrlt.y (20) teet. 6. This hsolution, whicb conatitutes an approval ot the co.patibility Exception application mDlber CEX-020-Elf, Subject to the liaitationa and conditions contained herein, shall apply to the land and is there tore transterable troa owner to owner ot the land subject to this Appeal. 7. Anythinq in the Zoninq hevaluation Ordinance to the contrary notvithatandinq, the approval ot this Appeal ..y be revoked upon a showinq by the County of peril to the public bealth, safety or qeneral vel tare of the re.idents ot Collier County unknown at the ti_ ot approval. Tbi. J<esolution ac1optec1 atter action, second and ..jority vote favorinq ..... : .~.; . ana ;, .~......,__A I :!'. .... .). .... ~ '~"':./t' '-;.' ;' ~ :i'" .""...~ -' . ,.,. ~:.-..:,: ,. :'" :qly'i .,. ..,. ,. ":, . '-.'" .., : '.. +'" "'.... .....:'- ,.';~ .....to ~.If " .. :I .f,. f ....... ~\' .. .. '1~1 ~,-) ~. AP-rJQ,lY AS TO FORM AJIID LECAL 6u1'nCIElfCYs 1. .~ ...:1ii .;~~\~ )ni1!,Hhp~ ; ~cii'i.H. student ;'Aalstant: County Attorney ~"l~"i; "US/CBX-020-EIf/A :;,)"rt ,.~.. ,......, t1_ - ~ 9~R.,.K EXHIBIT -A-, LEGAL DESCRIPTION ,~- , . :A PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED IN SOUTHWEsT 1/4 OF SEcnON 10, TOWNSHIP 48 - SOUTH. RANGE 25 EAST, COWER COUNTY, FLORIDA, BEING MORE PARTlCULARL Y " DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: ,~ . '.', COMMENCE AT THE SOUTHwEsT CORNER OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, ,. RANGE 25 EAST, COWER COUNTY, FLORIDA; THENCE RUN S. 89052'47" E. ALONG. . THE SOUTH UNE OF THE SOUTHwEST 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 10 FOR A DISTANCE OF 552.04 FEET TO THE POINT OF PEGINNlNG OF THE PARCEL OF LAND. HEREIN DESCRIBED; THENCE CONTiNuE S. 89052'4'" E. ALONG THE SOUTH UNE OF THE SOUTHWEsT 1/4 OF SAID SEcnON 10. FOR A DISTANCE OF 326.21 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY UNE OF STATE ROAD NO. 'oS ec.R. 887, FORMERLY U.s.41, TAMIAMITRAlL.A 150.00 FOOT RIGHT-OF-WAY); THENCE RUN N. 31022'30" E.ALONG SAID WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY UNE FORA DISTANCE OF 626.97 FEET; THENCE RUN S. 900ooroo- W. FOR A DISTANCE OF 620.39 FEET; THENCE' RUN S. 11018'37" E. FOR A DISTANCE OF STTJJ2 FEET; THENCE RUN S. 02023'48" E. FOR A DISTANCE OF 134.53 FEET; THENCE RUNS.2O"01'14-W.FOR A DISTANCE OF 138.74 FEET; THENCE RUN S.03008'37'' W. FOR A DISTANCE OF 174.18 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING LESS THE SOUTHERLY .130 FEET FOR ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY , . >