Resolution 1992-192 RESOW'l'IOlf 92-192 A RESOW'l'IOIf GRAJr1'IlfC THE APPEAL OP THE GROWl'H PL\JfJIIIfG DIRECTOR'S lIc..lZolUU.NATIOlf ON THE COKPATIBILIT'f ZXI,;t;rnOlf APPLICATION NUMBER CEX-010-1QC POR PROf'Dn LOCATED AT THE APEX OP U.S. 41 AND OLD U.S. 41 IN SECTIONS 15 AND 16, TOIIJfSBIP 41 SOUTH, JWfGB 25 EAST, COLLIER (.':()(Jnl: K, PLORIDA. ."~~ZA8, Article VIII, section 1 (f) of the Con.titution of norida confera on counti.. broa4 ordinanc....Unq power wh.n not inconsi.tent with q.neral or lIp8Cial law, and ."~~, Chapter 125.01, Florida St:at:ut:.., conf.ra on all ~1t1.. in norida qeneral powera of qov.rnJI8nt, inclucUnq the ~ power and the power to plan and requlate the us. of land and vater, and ."~owJl.AB, Chapter 163, Part II Florida St:at:ut:.., requir.. local qoverrmente to adopt a CO~~eh.nsive plan and Chapt.r 9J-5, Florida .....tniat:rat:iv. 1"""., utabli.h.. the criteria for adoptinq a cc.prebensive plam and .""''''IU, on January 10, 1989, Colli.r County adopted the Colli.r County Growth Manaq_nt Plan a. it. CoIIpreh.nsive Plan parauant to the requir~ts Chapter 163, Part II Plorida sta~ta., also known as the Local COVerrment CoIIprehensive Planninq and Land Dev.lopa-nt Regulation Act of 1985 and Chapt.r 907-5, Florida .....ini.t:rat:iv. Cod., also known a. the lIinillua criteria for Review of Local Gov.rnJI8nt COmpreh.n.iv. Plan. and Detaraination of CoIIpliance, and WHEREAS, Policy 3.1.1t of the Futur. Land U.e El_nt of the Growth Manaq~ Plan provid.. for a Zoninq Reevaluation Proqram lnclucUnq provisions for Exnptions, COIIpatibllity Exc.ptions and V..teeS Riqhts Deteninations, and 1rRRREAS, the COUnty adopted the Zoninq Reevaluation Ordinanc. IftDIber 90-23 on March 21, 1990 to illpl...nt Policy 3.1.K of the hture Land U.e El...nt of the Growth Manaq...nt Plan, and WHEREAS, the Zoninq Reevaluation Ordinanc. provides for applications to pr.serve the exi.tinq incon.istent zoninq in certain .ituations pursuant to Section 2.4 (Exemptions), ------- HARCH 30, .l.~~l s.ct1on 10 (CoIIpat1bility Exception), and Section 11 (Detandnation of V..teeS Riqhts), and wn-EAS, the ovn&ra of the herein described real property, Ayera Partnerahip, have subIIitted an application for CoIIpatibility ~pt1on (CU-OI0-1QC) purauant to Section 10 of the Zoninq Ru~.tuation Ordinance, and wKulU, based upon the criteria for qrantinq CoIIpatibility ~pt1ons contained in Section 10.6.1 of the Zoninq Reevaluation ordiDance, the Growth Planninq Director'. detanination wa. to deny thet application, and wn-d.S, the ovn&ra of the herein described real property filed an appeal of the Director'. detaraination to the Board of c:oa..t)' ~ t..ionera,.. providecS for in Section 10.5 of the Ion1nq Reevaluation Ordinance, and 'K~KIA8, on March 30, 1992 the Board of County Coals.ioner. considered the application for Appeal of the Growth Planninq Director'. detanination on the CoIIpat1bllity Exception application, the Growth Planning Director'. ~ndation, and the I'eCOz4 _de before the Board of County Coai..ionere at .aid bearing . 1fOIf, ..L...........OU, the Board of County Coai..ionera of Collier Couutj', Florida hereby ..u. the follovinq Findinqs of Fact and Conclusions Of Law, "indlna. a~ "a~ 1. 'l'be unillproved real property which i. the subject of this appeal i. OWned by Ayere Partnerahip. 2. 'l'be subject property i. leqally de.cribed a. STRAP . 482515-002.000 further described a. lyinq in Section 15, Township 48 South, Ranqe 25 Ea.t, Collier County, Plorida, that portion of the Northwe.t 1/4 of the Northwe.t 1/4, lyinq We.t: of U.S. 41, 1... and except that cert:ain property described in Official Record KAK~h .lU, J.~'1" Boot 1093, Paqe 2018, a. recorded in Official Record Book 1086, hqe 1821. AJfD STRAP . 482515-010.001 tartber dascr1be4 as lyinq in Section 16, 'lovnahip 48 South, Ranqe 25 Ea.t, Collier County, Plorida, the 80rth 1/2 of the Northea.t 1/4 I... the North 268.54 faet, less the portion west of U.S. 41, and le.. the U.S. 41 riqht-of-vay, as ~14e4 in Official Record Boot 1086, Paqe 1821. The two parcels together contain appxoxbately 21 acres. 3. The subject pro~rty is located at the a~x of U.S. 41 and Old U.S. 41. It i. desiqnated Urban Residential on the Future I.aDlS U.. Map. The _xI.m density ~nitted on the subject pr~LJ' by the Density Ratinq Bystea contained in the Future Land U.. E1~ i. 16 units ~r acre. 'l'be site is within the Traffic Conqestion Area resulting in the subtraction of 1 unit ~r acre r1e1ding a consistent (base) density of 3 units ~r acre. 4. The existing aoning of the subject property is C-4, General Coaercial, which ~nita a variety of c~rcial use. within .tructures at a ~t.ua beight of 100 feet and with front Htbact.s of 25 feet plus one foot for each foot over 50 feet in height, .ide setbacks of 15 feet and rear setbacks of 0 feet or 5 feet. 5. 'l'be C-4 aoning district is inconsistent with the Growth lIaDaq~t Plan because it does not coaply with the locational criteria in the Future Land Use El...nt. 6. 'l'be applicant subllitted to the County on October 26, 1990 an application for coapatibility Exception (CZX-OI0-NN) as provide4 for in Section 10, CoIIpatibility Exceptions, of the Zoninq Reevaluation Ordinance. 7. The Growth Planninq Director's deteraination for said application, issued on De--aber 4, 1991 and effective on ~r 17, 1991, va. for denial based upon the criteria ..tablished in Section 10.6.1 of the Zoninq Reevaluation Ordinance. D/? - ., /P _ (1 8. The applicant: filed with the County on January 14, 1992 an Appeal of the Crowth Planninq Director's det:ermination of denial for the c~tibility Exception application as provided for in Section 10.5 of the Zoninq Reevaluation Ordinance. 9. An Exaapt:ion application as provided for in section 2.4.5 of the Zoninq Reevaluation Ordinance was not submitted and such application would not have been eliqible for approval as t:he subject property exceeds the size l1ait:aUon of Section 2.4.5 of the Zoninq Reevaluat:ion Ordinance and the property does not meet: the criteria cont:ained in Subsections or of the Zoning Reevaluation Ordinanca. 10. Within 300 feet to the north of the subject property is undeveloped land zoned POD, Planned Unit Development: (Meadow Brook Est:ateS), penit:Unq developaent: at: 9 units per acre. This denaity was achieved throuqh a rezone in 1991 ut:ilizinq the eonveraion of Coaercial provision in the Future Land Use Element, therefore beinq consistent with the Put:ure Land Use Element. Also to the north within 300 feet i. undeveloped land zoned C-4, General CoIaHrcial, subject to the Zoninq Reeva1uat:ion Proqram. A CoIIpatibility Exception application has been approved, via an appeal to the Board of county eo..issioners, and the property will be rezoned to the C-3 zoninq district. 11. Within 300 feet to the east: of the subject property and across Old U.S. 41 i. a developed aobile home park zoned MH, Mobile Home, land zoned C-5, Heavy COIIIIDercia1, which is developed as part of the adjacent aobile hoae park. The property owner is in the process of rezoninq the C-5 property to MH, Mobile Home, via corrective ordinance. 12. Within 300 feet to the sout:h of the subject property is a part of the 150 foot riqht-of-vay for C.R. 45. Within 300 feet of the .ubject property, across C.R. 45, i. a C-4 t:ract of land with a retail plaza. 13. Within 300 feet to the west: of the subject property and directly adjacent to the subject property is a small undeveloped C-4 zoned parcel that is subject to the ZRO proqram. A ~ -4- .,..., . " MARCH 30, 1992 CoIIpatibilit:y Exception application has been denied with a reco.aencSed rezone ~o RKF-6. Further to t:he west ot the subject property is a 200 foot road right-of-way tor u.s. 41. Within 300 teet of the subject property, across U.S. 41, is unilllproved RHP-6 zoned land which is subject to the ZRO proqram. A COIIIpatibility Exception application was denied and the property is recOllllllended for a zoninq chanqe to the RSP-4 district. 14. The subject property is trianqular in shape and contains :t 21 acres. The parcel width averages 730 teet and the depth everaq.. 1,330 feet. 15. The PIO...rty has no unusual t:opoqraphic teat:ures. 16. Approxiaately 5.1 acres of the sit:e is identified as an area of environaent:al senaitivity. 17. 'l'be existinq zoninq district boundary is loqically drawn in relation to exist:inq conditions on t:he subject property. 18. Developaent perait:ted under a consistent: zoninq district (RKF-6) would not generate excessive noise, glare, odor or trattic iapacts upon the nearby aurrouncSinq area. 19. Developaent in the nearby surroundinq area will qenerate excessive noise, glare, odor or traffic impacts upon the developaent peraitted on the subject property under a consistent zoninq district (RKF-6). 20. Development peraitted under the exist:inq zoninq district (C-4) would not generate excessive noise, glare, odor or tratfic iapacts upon the nearby aurroundinq area. 21. Development: in the nearby surrounding area will not: qenerate excessive noise, glare, odor or t:rattic impacts upon development peraitted on the subject property under the existing zoninq district (C-4). 22. Development ot the Subject site at: a consistent density of 6 uni~. per acre would yield a ~otal ot 126 dwelling unit:s. Utilizinq the ITE TriD Generation Manual tiqure ot approximately 6 trips par day per multi-faaily unit, a 126 unit: multi-family project would qenerat:e 756 t:rips per day. ---.. -- MARCH 30, 1992 23. Utilizing an acceptable st:andard of 10,000 square feet: of ~_rcial developaent (floor area) per acre, t:he subject site could be developed under the existinq (C-4) zoninq district with a :t 210,000 square feet st:ructure. utilizinq t:he ITE 1X.1R c.merat:ion Manual figure of approxiaat:ely 168 t:rips per day per 1,000 square feet: of floor area, a 210,000 square feet shoppinq center could qenerate 35,280 tripe per day. A shoppinq center is a repr...nt:ative use of the C-4 dist:rict. SOllIe penaitt:ed uses have a lower, and soae hiqher, t:rip qenerat:ion rate t:han a shoppinq center. 24. The subject property is currently bounded to the west by U.S. 41, and to the south and east by Old u.s.n. The seqlllent of U.S. 41 froa the Lee County line to Wiqqins Pass Road is a four (4) laned divided roadway with an adopt:ed Level of Service (LOS) .C" and is currently operatinq at LOS .A". U.S. 41 froa County Road 887 to Iaaokalee Road is an identified project on the State's Hiqhvay Work Proqraa. Funds have been allot:ted for preliminary desiqn for the six laninq of this 1.8 .ile seqment:. The construction phase of the project has not: yet: been funded or scheduled. Old U.S. 41 is a two (2) laned undivided roadway t:hat bas an adopted LOS "D. and is operaUnq at it's adopted LOS "D". 25. The scale and character of development: penaitted under a consistent zoninq dist:rict (RKF-6) is a mult:i-family project: with st:ructures at: a aaxiaua heiqht: of three habitable stories. 26. The scale and character of development existinq and peraitted within the nearby surrouncSinq area includes multi-family projects in low-rise structures, commercial uses within structures at a aaximua heiqht of 35 feet, a one-story ret:ail plaza, a mobile boas park, and indust:rial development within structures at a aaxiaua heiqht: of 50 feet:. 27. The scale and character of development: penaitted under the existinq zoninq district (C-4) is an office, retail and institutional project with structures at a maximUII heiqht of 100 feet:. O~/cf-r MARCH 30, 1992 28. There is no particular need ident:itied for addit:ional c u:clal developaent in the su.rrounl1inq neiqhborhood. 29. The averaqe of the intensity or density of those uses in the nearby surroundinq area of the subject property is the intensity of developaent paraitted in the C-4 zoninq dist:rict. Conclu.ion. o~ Law Based upon the above Pindinqs of Pact, the Board of Count:y eo.aissioners aakes the follovinq Conclusions of Law: The Growth Planninq Director's deterainat:ion of denial tor the eo.pat:ibilit:y Exception applicat:ion nuaber CEX-010-NH is not: .~~rted by aubat:antial coapet:ent: evidence in that:: The appellant bas dllllOnatrated by subst:antial ccnapetent evidence that the aulti-faaily residential land use of 3 dwellinq unita/acre would be incOIIpatible with the land uses and potential land uses identified in Findinqs of Pact 110-13 set: forth above t:aJdnq int:o account: t:he tollovinq: 1. The subject property is not eliqible tor a eompat:ibility Dateraination Exeaption pursuant to Section 2.4 ot the Zoninq Reevaluation Ordinance as the property exceeds the size liaitation ot Section 2.4.5 of the Zoninq Reevaluation Ordinance and the property does not ..et the crit:eria contained in SUbsections and of the Zoninq Reevaluat:ion Ordinance. 2. The land use patt:erns, densit:ies and intensit:ie. allowed under zoninq dist:ricts consistent with t:he Growth Kanaqement Plan (RMF-6) on the subject property are not compatible with those existinq on property within the nearby surroundinq area ot the subject property. 3. The land use pat:t:erns, densit:ies and int:ensit:ies allowed under the exist:inq zoninq dist:rict (C-4) on the subject: property are compatible with those exist:inq on property within t:he nearby surroundinq area of the subject property. g~/f'-..,g MARCH 30, 1992 4. The exist:inq zoninq dist:rict boundaries are loqical1y drevn in relation t:o existinq condit:ions on t:he subject property. 5. A consistent zoninq district (RMP-6) on the subject property will not adversely iapact the nearby surroundinq area. 6. A consistent zoninq district (RMP-6) on the subject property will be adversely iapacted by the nearby surrouncSinq area. 7. 'l'be existinq zoninq district (C-4) on the subj ect Ploperty will not adversely iapact the nearby surroundinq area. 8. The exist:inq zoninq dist:rict (C-4) on the subject Pl:~rty will not: be adversely iapacted by t:he nearby surrounding area. 9. A consistent zoninq district (RMP-6) will not create or excessively increase traffic conqestion or otherwise affect public safety . 10. The existinq zoninq district (C-4) will not create or ~...ively incrsase trsffic conqestion or otherwise affect public safety. 11. The level of existinq traffic would have an adverse iapact on a conaistent zoninq district (RMP-6). 12. The level of existinq traffic would not: have an adverse iapact on the exist:inq zoninq dist:rict (C-4). 13. A consistent: zoninq district (RMP-6) will be out of scale or out of character with the existinq land uses and needs of the nearby surrounding neiqhborhood. 14. The exi.tinq zoninq district (C-4) will not be out of scale or out of character with the existing land use. and needs of the naarby surrouncSinq neiqhborhood. 15. The C-4 zoninq district does not: exceed the average of the int:ensity or densit:y of those uses in the nearby surrounding area of the subject property as ident:ified in Findinq . 29. 0" _, IP'- /I Gran~ of eo.na~ibilitv Excention Anneal .OW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County eo..issioners of Collier County, Florida, in public hearing, duly constituted and ass81lbled on this, the 30th day of March, 1992, .tbat, '1'be Appeal of the Growth Planninq Director's deteraination of denial for the Coapatibility Exception application number CEX-OI0-NM for the herein described real property, submitted by Georqe L. Varnadoe of Younq, van Assenderp, Varnadoe and Benton, P.A., aqent tor Aysrs Partnership, is qrant:ad subject t:o the fOl1ovinq liaitations and conditions: 1. The zoninq of the subject property shall remain C-4. 2. The follovinq uses are prohibited: Gasoline Service station, Drive-In Rest:aurant, and Past Pood Rest:aurant. 3. The property shall be developed as a Unified Plan of Development. This Plan shall be subject t:o review and approval by the Board of County CoIaaissioners. For purposes of this condition, a Unified Plan of Development: .eans a Preliainary SUbdivision Plat (PSP) or, if the property is not subc1ivided, a Preliainary Site Development Plan (PSDP). The Unified Plan of DevelClpllent shall be consistent with the provisions of the Land Development Code and, whether a PSP per Division 3.2 or a PSDP per Division 3.3, shall include: the location of all proposed access points and road riqhts-of-vaYI the proposed common architectural th_ and controls, and the proposed landscape th8lle. 4. The subject property shall not: be subdivided to create .ore t:han two out:parcels. 5. All buildinqs are liait:ed t:o a Illaxbl\UIl height: of 40 feet. 6. Buildinq setbacks from adjacent road riqhts-of-way shall be 75 feet for the southern 300 teet: ot the site. 7. Buildinq setbacks troa adjacent: road riqhts-ot-vay shall be 100 feet tor the remainder ot t:he site. ~ -9- ,(7 n MARCH 30, 1992 8. A landscape buffer shall be provided adjacent to all road riqbt:s-of-vay as required by Section, Alt:ernat:ive 0, of the Land Develop.ent: Code, except that t:he buffer area shall be 30 feet: wide. 9. The subject property shall be liaited in developlllent to a ..yi..~ of 150,000 square feet of qross leasable area. 10. This ReSOlution, which constit:ut:es an approval of the CoIIpat1bilit:y Exception application number CEX-010-NH, subject to the liait:ations and conditions cont:ained herein, shall apply t:o the land and is therefore transferable fro. owner to owner of the land subject to this Appeal. 11. Anything in the Zoning Reevaluat:ion Ordinance to t:he cont:rary notvithat:andinq, the approval of this Appeal may be revoked upon a shovinq by the County of peril to the public health, safet:y or qeneral welfare of the residents of Collier County unknown at the t1ae of approval. 'l'bis Resolution adopted after aotion, second and majority .vote favorinq ..... ., ;. . A~P.:J ;j; . ....., ,. ..0. , .... r I ';~ ..(f..' .. .(~ :- ."'": ...,..' .;"...,. (~ i1"'~'r:,',.,, t' -:s ~, OJ:.. ' . ,... n. . ."., .. .; :: ;,"By.'. . ~ ..:.....01 s c.; E'il .". .' ....~ .. .... '\i..~ .... "i. ....<-....'1> it'..'~1 .......:.:. ~..-' :''''D~~.D'\~.:'l'O PORM AHD ,r'IZCUrSl.JuICIEKCY, ... " ",' ". .... (I .' ~.:~ BOARD OP cotJllTlC COMMISSIONERS 1\:0.. COUNn, FLORIDA ..J.:t~~ Cba"-n ~~~Z- ]&. j!A";.)'JJ ~ Mar1Jrie M. Student ~~tant County Attorney RES/CEX-OI0-NN/A ,. ./1 d7 n.