Resolution 1992-186 ",.0;- RESOLUTIOK RO. 92- ~ RZLATDfC TO P&'l'.L',UOK PDPO-92-1 FOR A VARnXCB FROIl THE MlIUJWH BABE FLOOD ELEVATIOR REQUIRED BY THE FLOOD DAMAGE PREVENTIOll ORDIlfAllCB (ORD. 110. 87-80) AS IlfCORPORATEO BY REFEREJ(CB INTO THE COLLIER COUNTY LAHD DEVELOPMENT CODE (ORD. 110. 91-102). ~EAS, the petitioner Wayne W. Fairbairn, Jr., desires an atter-the-fact variance for a bath, .toraqe rooms and an office located at 103 paqo paqo Drive aore particularly . descru-t a. Lot 220, I.le. of capri Unit #2, Plat Book 1615, Page 1498, accordinq to Plat thereof, recorded in the Public Ilac:ords of COllier COUnty, Florida at an elevation of 7.8 feet (JrGVD) and has reque.ted a variance frena the Hinilllulll 8aJIe Plood Elevation required by ordinance lIUl11ber 87-80; and WHEREAS, the Board of Zoninq Appeal. has held a public bearinq as required by law; has reviewed Petition FDPO-92-1 in accordance with SUbsections 18(5), (6) and (7), ordinance ....~ 87-80 a. incorporated by reference into the Collier county Land DeVelop.-nt COde (ordinance 110. 91-102) and has aa4e a findinq that the qrantinq of this petition cOlllplies with the intent and purpose of ordinance Number 87-80 as tollovsl (1) The 2.2 foot reduction :xa the Flood Insurance Rate Hap (FIRM) 10 feet National Geodetic Vertical Datwa (NGVD) requirement tA 7.8 lIational Geodetic Vertical Datwa (NGVD) is the minilllulll variance nece..ary, considering the flood hazard, to afford relief. In pa..inq upon this variance, the Board of zoninq . Appeal. has considered all technical evaluations (2) provided to it, all relevant factors, the standards specified in ordinance No. 87-80, especially those contained in Subsections 18 (7) (a-n). &maq... TIle qrantinq of this variance .hall not creata liability on the part of COllier COUnty or by any officer or -.ployee thereof for any flood c1aIIaqe. that result from reliance on this variance or any a4IIinistrative decision lawfully aa4e thereunder. 5. In acceptinq this variance, the petitioner asSUlll8s all responsibility for any property damaqe resulting frena ita application. S. TIle portion of the house currently located below the ainbwa flood elevation shall not be utilized for livinq space . The qr'antinq of this variance has been predicated principallY on the enqineerinq data and information provided by the Petitioner and a review of .... with respect to the COD8ic1erations required by ordinance No. 87-80. BB IT RESOLVED that this Resolution relatinq to Petition Jraaber FDPO-92-1 be recorded in the minute. of this Board. _ "n" WaR 2 4 1992 e 4..ioner Hasse offered the foreqoinq ~ :,~"'..~ ...o11lUon an4 JIOVec1 for it:. adoption, .econcled by ~lInll~n an4 upon roll call the vote (" eo.lssloner Hasse. Coanlssloner Shanahan, CoaIlIissloner Volpe, eo.lssloner Saunders and CoIIlssloner Goodnight day of MlIl"th , 1992. 4A- BOARD OP ZORDrG APPEALS COLLIER ~' I'L01UDA By'~ J.~CHAUXAO ;j 'y" t i ~};~; ':-,< " ,.'~ ~':~ ., ':~; _ flfYl... 0..,