CBSC Agenda 06/17/2010 R CLAM BAY SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA JUNE 17,2010 MEETING AGENDA CLAM BAY SUBCOMMITTEE THURSDAY. JUNE 17.2010 - I :00 P.M. TILL 5:00 P.M. 2800 NORTH HORSESHOE DRIVE, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE ROOM 609 & 610, NAPLES I. Call to Order II. Pledge of Allegiance III. Roll Call IV. Changes and Approval of Agenda V. Public Comments VI. Approval of Minutes 1. May 20, 2010 Minutes VII. StatfReports I. Boardwalk Cleanup Status 2. Oil Spill - Update VIII. New Business I. Peer Review Discussion - Update 2. Biological Assessment Scope of Work 3. Modeling Program Discussion/Approval 4. Permit - Update a. Permit History Summary . 4A 1 - Original Permit . 4A2 - Modified Permit . 4A3 - Permit Modification Drawings for 1998 Permit Modification . 4A4 - Permit Modification Construction Drawings . 4A5 - 2007 Dredging . 4A6 -- Dredge Summary . 4A 7 - Current Application vs Past Dredging Summary . 4A8 -- Clam Pass timeline . 4A9 - Clam Pass Dredge Permitting History b. RAl Scope Maintenance Dredging Permit (FDEP & USACE) c. Navigational Markers Letter of Consent for Clam Pass IX. Old Business X. Announcements XI. Committee Member Discussion XII. Next Meeting Date/Location July 15,20 I 0; 2800 N. Horseshoe Drive. Community Development, Conference Room 609 & 610, Naples XIll. Adjournment * Public speakers must do the fol/owing for any items presented to the Board: Each document must display the presenter's name and title of document. We request you provide a total of 7 copies of each handout, to be distributed as fol/ows: 3 Board Members; I Minute Taker; I County Attorney; 2 CZM Staff members, * The fol/owing websites will provide information, agendas and dates for this subcommittee: httv://www.collier!!ov.neVIndex.asvx?vo!!e=I8 httv://www.col/ier!!ov.nevIndex,a"vx?va!!e=2.19(J ^Ilmkreslt:d partied are invited to attend, and to register to speak and to submit their objectIOns, if any, in writing, 10 the bmmJ prior 10 the meetmg ifapplil.:<lble For more information, please l:ontact Gail [) Hambright at (239) 252-2966 If you are i:l person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate In this proceeding, you are entitled, al no cost to you, to the provision of certain Olssistam:c. Please contact the Collier County Facilltil:s Management Department located at 330j East Tamiarni Trail, Naples, Fl.. 34112, (239) 252-8380 Public comments will be limited to 3 minutes unless tht Chairman grants pcnnission for additional timt Collier Count", Ordinance No 99-22 requirts th<11 <111 lobbyists shall, bdi.Jfe engagmg m any lobbying activities (including, but not IlTni\<:d to, <1ddressmg the Board of County Commissioners) bdi.>n; the Board of County Commissluners <lnd its advisory boards, reglskr \\'Ilh the Clerk to the Board at the Board Minutes and Records Department Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 Vl-1 approval of Minutes 1 of 8 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE COLLIER COUNTY COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE - CLAM BAY SUBCOMMITTEE Naples, Florida, May 20, 2010 LET IT BE REMEMBERED that the Coastal Advisory Committee - Clam Bay Subcommittee in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on this date at 1 :00 P.M. at Conference Room 609/610 of the Community Development and Environmental Services Building, 2800 North Horseshoe Drive, Naples, Florida with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: Anthony Pires Jim Burke John Arceri ALSO PRESENT: Gary McAlpin, Director, Coastal Zone Management Gail Hambright, Accountant Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 Vl~ 1 approval of Minutes 2 of B I. Call to Order Chairman Pires called the meeting to order at I :00 pm. II, Pledge of Allegiance The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. III. Roll Call Roll call was taken and a quorum was established, IV. Changes and Approval of Agenda Gary McAlpin, Director, Coastal Zone Management noted the following updatcs to the Agenda: Item VI.I - Correction request of March 18,20 I 0 minutes, Linda Roth Item VllI.3 - Discussion of RAI comments Item VllIA - Discussion of Attached proposals Item VII 1.6 - Biological Study Update Item IX. 1 - Wanless Report Mr. Burke moved to approve the Agenda. Second by Mr. Arceri. Carried unanimously 3-1J. V. Public Comments ,John Domenie, Pelican Bay Resident addressed the Subcommittee noting the area in the vicinity of the boardwalk for Clam Pass Park contains a large amount of refuse. He provided a detailed inventory in writing (entitled "There may be some debris along the boardwalk leading to Clam Pass Park') of the items observed during a site visit. He recommended the proposed improvements to Clam Pass Park be delayed one year until such a time the County can show they ean keep the Mangrovcs clcan and healthy. Chairman Pires requested clarification on where the rcsponsibility lies to maintain the area. Parks and Recreation or the Naples Grande Resort Hotel via their lease agreement with the County. Gary McAlpin noted the responsibility lies with both and has discussed the issue with the Parks and Recreation Department. who is addressing the issue. He will provide an update at the next meeting. VI. Approval of Minutes I. March 18,2010 Minutes Mr, Burke moved to approve the minutes subject to the following change: Page 3. Paragraph 4, lines 1-3 - from "She requested the meeting be postponed as the Agenda and related materials were not posted at least 48 hours in advance. She noted..... to "She requested that staff post the meeting agenda and support materials at least 2 day." in advance of the meeting, The reason is that this is the Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VI-1 approval of Minutes 3 of 8 only opportunity for the public to review the materiab' so they can make educated comments and contribute positively to discussions at the meeting. She noted..." Second by Mr. Arceri, Carried unanimously 3-0, Chairman Pires requested Staff identify the minutes as "Draft" when posted on the website prior to official approval by the Subcommittee. VII, Staff Reports None VIII. New Business 1. Peer Review Response from PBSD Gary McAlpin presented the Executive Summary "Peer Review Responsesji-om P BSD" dated May 20. 20 I 0 for review. He noted: . The original Peer Review proposal approved by the BCC envisioned a review of the Water Quality Study prepared by PBS&J in conjunction with the Cireulation Modeling Study. . The Pelican Bay Services Division (PBSD) provided a document "Clam Bay Estuarv Peer Review Scope olWork Etplanation o(Chan?,esji-om J119/IIJ Drat! Proposed hy PJJSD 5/5//0" which recommended the Peer review, at this point. be limited to the PBS&J Water Quality Study. . As outlined in recommendation #3 bclow. Staff accepts thc recommendation. . If the pecr review follows this avenue, it may bc separated into "pieces" completed by different individuals with expertise in the related areas under consideration. Discussion occurred if PBSD intends to participate in funding all series of the Peer Review. or only the Water Quality Study review. Gary McAlpin noted Keith Dallas would speak on the issue. Gary McAlpin reviewed the following Stalf recommendations contained in the Executivc Summary: I. They accept PBSD list of consultants and add to them staffs list (previously identified and others) and Illrward them to purchasing for proposal solicitation. 2. Keith Dallas and Gary McAlpin to work together to develop the request for proposal document with purchasing. Once the consultant list is prepared it will be the only individuals that can submit proposals. 3. Accept PBSD modified scope of work as identilied in the "Explanation of Chan?,esfi'Ofn the 3/ I 9/1 IJ Draft" document but add back that water quality expertise will be the primary qualifieation in selccting a peer review professional for that portion of work. Peer review for other portions of work will be evaluated and selected separately. 4. Approaeh FDEP with a request to evaluate PBS&J report. Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VI~1 approval of Minutes 4 of 8 5. Keith Dallas and Gary McAlpin will collaborate on a proposal evaluation document that can be brought back and reviewed by our respective boards by next meeting. 6. Target the activity complete and a proposal on the street by June 15th Discussion occurred on recommendation #4 and whether FDEP should become involved at that point of the process; or after the Peer Review is completed and recommendations have been set forth regarding management of the Clam Bay Estuary System (CBES.) Gary McAlpin noted if the Subcommittee is concerned over the potential ramifications with involving FDEP, the recommendation could be eliminated. Speaker Kathy Worley, Conservancy of Southwest Florida expressed concern on focusing primarily on a peer review for water quality. The process is moving forward including Biological Studies, Hydrology Studies and Circulation Modeling. The peer review should encompass the data currently being collected for Biology, Hydrology and the circulation modeling. Gary McAlpin noted the peer reviewer will be provided all current data collected to assist in the review process. Keith Dallas, Chairman, Pelican Bay Services Division Board noted the PBSD views the process as two separate pieces, Water Quality and Circulation Modeling. They understand the importance of Circulation Modeling and will be collaborating with the County in funding peer reviews in the area. The PBSD felt the issues should be separated due to thcir complexity. Mr. Arceri moved to accept recommendations from Staff J, 2, 3 and 6, Recommendation #5 be accepted with the agreement of Pelican Bay's involvement in the final Phau (){the process (peer review procescl). Keith Dallas noted the recommendations in the motion are acceptable. Motion carried unanimously 3-/J. 2. Status Letter of Consent - Navigational Markers in Clam Bay Gary McAlpin presented the Executive Summary "Status o/Letter a/Consent Navigational Markers in Clam Bay" dated May 20, 20 I 0 for review. He noted: . Staff has been in contact with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission who is required to approve the informational markers. Approval is cxpeeted soon. . Oncc the FFWCC permit is reeeived, the RAI comments from F[)EP will be addresscd. . Once thc RAI cycle is completed, the applieation should be deemed complete by FDEP and a decision rendered. . The Lettcr of Consent item was remanded to FDEP by the Governor's Office/Cabinet. Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VI~1 approval of Minutes 5 of 8 . IfFOEP denies the "Letter of Consent." the County will have the option to appeal. but most likely will consider all avenues for placing the navigational/informational markers "exhausted." Speaker Marcia Cravens, Mangrove Action Group noted the request for informational markers are "Seagrass" type signage. An internal email of FOEP employees indicates lateral aids to navigations arc not required. She questioned the motives for the proposed informational markers as they are being combined with the lateral aids to navigation. Informational signs addressing environmental concerns already exist in the CBES. 3, RAI Comments . FDEP Submittal . USACE . Additional Support Required Gary McAlpin presented the Executive Summary "RAI Commen/s" dated May 20,20]0 for review. He also provided the document "Agendu, Clum Pass JCP Meeting, May 4,2010" which outlined a history of the dredge permits issued for Clam Pass. History indicates the original dredge template approved in April 1999 was a permitted width of 80 feet and a dredge depth at the mouth of the Pass 01'- 5.5' NGVD. There were two subsequent modifications in January 2002 and April 2007with the same dredge parameters. The current application is in compliance with previously approved "dredge template." Chairman Pires requested Staff post the original permits and subsequent modifications on the County website for public view. Discussion occurred on the ramifications of non-tidal flushing ofthe Estuary due to legal challenges which may be undertaken by various parties. In addition, what measures may need to be taken for an "emergency situation dredging" if the Pass becomes "closed" and the County does not have the necessary permits to dredge the Pass. Speaker Marcia Cravens, Mangrove Action Group stated the application for (dredge permit) modification is not the same as the modification granted (in 1999). It allowed a greater width, but not a greater depth. The 1995 Clam Pass Management Plan recommended a long term permit to allow the Pass to be reopened in the event it closes. On April 29, 20 I O. the Mangrove Action Group held a public forum on the Estuary where representatives from the US Army Corp of Engineers indieated the USACE has the authority to allow the Pass to be re- opened in an emergency situation should it close. It does not take an emergency declaration by the Governor. Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17. 2010 VI-1 approval of Minutes 6 of 8 Chairman Pires requested Staffto: . Retrieve all permit modifications from the original dredging permit (issued July 1998) and provide them to members of the Subcommittee along with posting them online for public viewing. . Verification ifthe USACE can declare an emergency declaration to open the Pass. and/or if there is a separate declaration required by the State of Florida. Mr. Arceri noted, if litigation initiates on the issues involving drcdging thc Pass, he will make a request that the County provide a technical evaluation on when the CBES may be negatively affected by non-dredging and the requirements for opening the Pass in an emergency. 4. Modeling Proposal Gary McAlpin provided the documcnt "Clam Bay Estuary Modeling Study- Phase I - Numerical Modeling on Hydrodynamics, sediment tramport and Flushing Analysis Using Delfi 3D, Collier Counzv Florida" and Clam Bay Estuary Modeling Sfudv Phase 2 - Numerical Modeling Wafer Quality Using Delfi 3D- WAQ, Collier County Florida dated May 18,2010. He noted: . The Phase I proposal outlines the scope originally approved by the BCC and previous Clam Bay Subcommittee at a cost of $124,511. . The proposal has been resubmitted for approval due to the issues raised by the County Clerk regarding the Best Value Offer (BVO) program prcviously being utilized by the County. . The Phase 11 proposal is an enhanced proposal. which may be considered by the County at a cost of $68,048. . Staflintends to move forward with the scope of work outlined in Phase I as it has been previously approved the Board of County Commissioners. . The proposals have not been reviewed by the County Clerk's Finance Department to determine if it is consistent with the requirements of the State Statutes for County solicitation of contracts. . The scope of the work was prepared at the direction of the Purchasing Department and solicited under the Purchasing Policy previously utilized before the development of the BVO process. . The item was intended as an informational item; the Chairman received the documcntation today and has not had time to review the item. Chairman Pires noted the County Clerk has requested a formal Attorney General Opinion on the Best Value OtTer process. The County was requested to join in the request for opinion. but declined. Speakers Marcia Cravens, Mangrove Action Group expressed concern that the contract is ditTerent than approved by the CBAC and CAC. as it now incorporates a scope of work including Moorings Bay. How this change of scope occurred has not Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 Vl-1 approval of Minutes 7 of 8 been addressed by Staff. She expressed concern that the scope of work proposed was brought forth by the original Clam Bay Estuary Improvement Discussion Group which was created in the "dark" and an employee of PBS&J was a member. The need for a Circulation Modeling Study is not supported by previous reports which indicate there is no water quality problem in Clam Bay. Kathy Worley, Conservancy of Southwest Florida requested clarification on the status of"Task 4A" that was in the original scope of work. Gary McAlpin noted Task "4A and 4B" have been combined. Mr, Arcer; moved to continue the item to the next meeting. Second by Mr. Burke. Carried unanimously 3-0, 5. BVO/PBS&J Payment Status Previously discussed under item VIllA 6, Biological Study Update Gary McAlpin noted the document is still under modification. Speakers Kathy Worley, Conservancy of Southwest Florida provided an update on the scope of work proposed by the Conservancy in the CBES which will begin in June. IX, Old Business 1. Wanless Report Chairman Pires noted the Report has been reviewed by members ofthe Subcommittce and Dr. Wanless listed as a potential Peer Revicwer. Speakers Marcia Cravens, Mangrove Action Group expressed concern the Wanless Report was continually postponed for discussion at various Coastal Advisory Committee meetings who referred it to the Clam Bay Subcommittee. The Subcommittee never heard testimony on the report. The Report indicates thc water quality conditions in the Estuary are "normal" for a Mangrove environment. Kathy Worley, Conservancy of Southwest Florida provided a summary of Dr. Wanless's credentials noting he is highly respected by peers in his ticld of study. X, Announcements None XI. Committee Member Discussion Federal Funding Requests Stafr has applied for WRDA (Water Resources Development Act) funding for studies in the CBES Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17. 2010 VI-1 approval of Minutes 8 of 8 Oil Spill- Gulf of Mexico Gary McAlpin provided an update on the oil spill. XII, Next Meeting Date/Location (* Per Agenda Index) June 15,2010; 2800 N, Horseshoe Drive, Community Development, Conference Room 609 & 610, Naples There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by order of the chair at 3:22 P.M. Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee- Clam Bay Subcommittce Tony Pires, Chairman These minutes approved by the Board/Committee on as presented or as amended Patricia L. Morgan ::mt From: Sent: Subject: Attachments: hambright_g [GaiIHambright@colliergov.net] Wednesday, June 16, 2010 10:45 AM new item VII-2 Oil Spill VII-2 Oil Spill Memo 2010 City Council Unified Command.pdf r - Under Flond" Law ermill iHidlesses are public records. If you do not want YOUI erna!! addmss released In response to a public records request. do not send marl to this entity instead. contacl this office by telephone or in writing Clam Bay Subcommittee june 17, 2010 VII-2 Staff Reports 10f3 City of Marco Island Memo Date: Re: City Council James C. Riviere, PhD Interim City Manager June11,2010 Summary of Meeting with USCG Peninsula Unified Command To: From: On June 10, 2010 City Manager Dr Jim Riviere, City Councilman Larry Magel and Deputy Chief Chris Byrne traveled to Miami for a meeting with the United States Coast Guard (USCG) Peninsula Unified Command. Upon our arrival we were met by the Deputy Incident Commander who began an incident briefing with the City representatives The briefing included members of his Command Staff specializing in Prevention, Information Science, Environmental and Wildlife Biology. The Superintendant of Everglades National Park also participated as a member of the Command Staff. The briefing began with an overview of the current forecast map and a detailed explanation of the spill location, loop current, and eddy currents. Unified Command has determined a trigger point located 94 miles off our Coast which is monitored by research vessels and daily over flights If oil is identified in the area of the 94 mile mark it would trigger response actions for pre-positioning of mitigation equipment. The loop current travels at 3 - 4 knots but currents near Marco Island travel much slower, one-half knot, which is to our advantage for response planning. Current forecast models showed that if oil entered the loop current it could travel in two distinct directions, one being south through the Keys and along the East Coast up to the Ft. Pierce area, and secondly an eddy current traveling clockwise back to the original location They rate Marco Island as a low threat for near and future oil impact. City representatives provided the Unified Command with detailed maps of Marco Island, maps of the Area Contingency Plan for our area, along with requested additions to the Plan The Unified Command expressed their appreciation for our actions. Clam Bay Subcommittee june 17, 2010 V!l~2 Staff Reports 2 of 3 Unified Command discussed protective actions for our beachfront. Due to the consistency of the oil being very weathered by the time it would reach Marco Island, boom would not be effective. The use of hay bales and scattered hay was discussed and the Unified Command strongly discouraged its use explaining that tar balls would not attach to it and that the hay itself can present an environmental hazard. Unified Command explained that Marco Island is an environmentally sensitive area of importance with many triple diamond designations. Our beach, which is rated as double diamond, exceeds the rating of most Florida beaches; most do not have any diamond rating. The environmentally sensitive area rating is to our favor if and when response is needed. Unified Command and the City representatives discussed the following protective actions: . Continue twice a day beach patrols . Initiate waterway patrols utilizing groups such as USGC Auxiliary and Power Squadron to identify litter gathering areas and examine trash eddies. . Research training opportunities and organize volunteers if and when needed . Mark boom location to assist contractors . Prepare claims against BP and assist local businesses in filing such claims. Additional discussion involved resource availability and allocation. Regarding boom, this event has depleted the supply. The government has purchased all boom capacity, and production of 250,000 ft. per week is being accomplished. Overall 4 million feet of boom is deployed or staged for this event. Analysis of tar balls found outside of the spill area, such as those found in Key West and the Dry Tortugas, have indicated that they are not from the Deepwater Horizon, but are considered "spills of opportunity" from ships cleaning out their bilges. In addition, the oil from the well is of a lower viscosity than the heavy Exxon Valdez spill and is more easily dispersed. The USCG Peninsula Unified Command has four branches operating and reporting to them, St. Petersburg, Key West, Miami and Jacksonville. The Unified Command reports to Area Command in Mobile Alabama and the National Incident Command Center in New Orleans. The USCG Peninsula Unified Command has offered to send a representative to participate in a special called Council Meeting to discuss the operations with our citizens Scheduling is being discussed at this time with an anticipated meeting next week Clam Bay Subcommittee june 17, 2010 VlI-2 Staff Reports 3 of 3 The Unified Command and City Representatives met for two hours In summary, the protective actions described above are the appropriate actions at this time, and until such time that oil is discovered at the 94 mile trigger zone. Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VItI-1 New Business 1 of 6 6/1/2010 Peer Review direction as approved by the Clam Bay Subcommittee of the Coastal Advisory Committee at the May 20, 2010 meeting, The Coastal Advisory Committee is committed to find a workable solution with PBSD on Peer review for the Clam Bay Estuary. Listed below are key discussion points from this meeting. 1. PBSD refocused the scope of the effort to address only the PBS&J report dealing primarily with data review, water quality program recommendations an d dat a collection issues. This is acceptable to the Clam Bay Subcommittee but should not be the primary focus of the peer review effort. The circulation modeling and development of a master management plan for Clam Bay are the critical activities that should be addressed. The Coastal Advisory Committee invites PBSD and the entire community to become involved i n this more critical ac tivity when i t begins. 2. Since the scope of this peer review is focused now on Water quality and related issues, the key criteria in selecting a review resource should be someone with intimate knowledge 0 f state water quality standards, t he I mpaired Water Rule, Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL's) and the impacts/standards for Dissolved Oxygen and Chlorophyll. This i s t he bas is f or al I t he conclusions and recommendations associated with Water Quality and the Water Sampling program. This criterion was omitted from the PBSD selection criteria and should be used as the primary qualifications in selecting a reviewer. 3. FDEP is the ag ency that is tasked with t he Water quality management 0 f the estuaries within the state. F DEP could evaluate this report and determine if the conclusions are valid and if the report was prepared in a pr ofessional manner. The Clam Bay Subcommittee of the CAC was not supportive of this option at this time. 4. Resources that the CAC believe are qualified to perform the Peer Review were left 0 ff 0 f t he list pr oposed by P BSD. I n speaking with Keith Dallas, PBSD Chairman, i twas n ot their intention t 0 sensor or el iminate any C AC recommendations at this time. The key focus 0 four peer review should be t he circulation modeling, an alysis an d recommendations moving forward. C are should be taken that the peer review of the water quality study performed by P BS&J does no t sap the strength ou t 0 f th is future effort. With that in mind, The Clam Bay subcommittee of the CAC approved: 1. The list of consultants proposed by PBS&J. ClM staff will add to them our list (previously identified and ot hers) and forward them to pur chasing for pr oposal solicitation. 2. The modified P BSD scope of work as identified in the" Explanation of Changes from the 3/19/10 D raft" doc ument. A dded back i n w ill be t he stipulation that water quality expertise will be the primary qualification in selecting a peer review professional for this portion of work. Peer review for other portions of work will be evaluated and selected separately. Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIH~ 1 New Business 2 of 6 3. Keith D alias and G ary McAlpin tow ork together t 0 develop t he request for proposal document with purchasing. 0 nce the consultant list is prepared it will be the only individuals that can submit proposals. 4. Keith D alias and Gary McAlpin collaborate on a pr oposal evaluation doc ument that c an be br ought bac k and reviewed by our respective boar ds by nex t meeting. 5. Agree to target to have this activity complete and a proposal on the street by 6/15. Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 V11l-1 New Business 30f6 Clam Bay Estuary Peer Review Scope of Work March 15, 2010 March 19, 2010- Rev. 1 Background During their regular December 15,2009 meeting, the Board of County Commissioners approved an independent peer review of the work required to complete the development of a comprehensive management plan for the Clam Bay Estuary. Specifically, that an independent peer review, of the Clam Bay Water Circulation/Flushing Modeling Program and the Clam Bay System Data Collection Analysis Report recently completed by PBS&J be performed by a recognized expert. This expert, jointly selected by Pelican Bay Services Division and Coastal Zone Management, will be from an academic/university background and not directly involved with any consulting firm. The review of the Clam Bay Data Collection and Analysis Report is proposed to be conducted early in the development of the flushing/circulation model. It is also recommended that the cost of this effort and any future phased peer review be split between the Pelican Bay Services Division and Coastal Zone Management. Consideration Development of a management plan for Clam Bay will involve a number of critical sciences not usually resident in one individual expert. Among others, these disciplines would involve water quality, coastal engineering, marine biology, modeling, geology and coastal management to name just a few. In addition, they must be knowledgeable with state rules and regulations to be successful. This must include involvement in issues related to FDEP's existing state water quality standards, the use of the Impaired Waters Rule (IWR), and experience with the Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL) program. These three issues - state water quality standards, the IWR, and the TMDL program - are absolutely critical. Familiarity with all three and the implications of such are the most important issue here. If they don't know about those three programs - then they're probably not right for the peer review process. Also critical to the success of this review would be a track record in managing estuaries of a similar nature in Southwest Florida and no prior history of involvement with our community. Consultants have been ruled out due to the competitive nature of the consulting business. Stand alone academics although initially recommended, lack the array of technical expertise required along with the practical track record of managing estuaries in SW Florida. For these reasons, we have reconsidered this requirement. Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 Vtll-1 New Business 4016 There are three national estuary programs in SW Florida that have the technical and practical expertise to evaluate our program, guide us and make recommendations. These programs are: . Charlotte Harbor National Estuary Program run by Judy Ott . Sarasota Bay National Estuary Program run by Dr. Jay Leverone . Tampa Bay Estuary Program Run by Ed Sherwood Each of these programs is separate and distinct from each other. They are EPA sponsored and have developed the science necessary to develop their estuary programs. They are not associated with Collier County and are usually funded by a combination of USEPA, FDEP, local Government and the WMD. Each of these programs has also developed biological, water and overall estuary health diagnostic studies in the management of their estuary. The added benefit of working with one of these programs is that only expenses, no fees or certainly reduced fees might be possible. In researching this topic two other individuals were highly recommended. They are: . Dr. Ernie Estevez a Estuarine Ecologists with Mott Marine and . Dr. Loren Coen, the Executive Director of Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation Both this individuals do not run estuaries but have extensive experience in conservation issues within the SW Florida environment. Unfortunately, Dr. Estevez has elected not to participate with us because of the political dynamics involved. Considerable concern was expressed at the last Clam Bay subcommittee meeting held on 3/17/2010 by the Pelican Bay community if these programs and individuals have had an acquaintance and working relationship with Dr. Dave Tomasko and/or PBS&J. The Pelican Bay community is concerned that as a result of any relationship, objectively would be compromised. I can only indicate that since these are all nationally recognized programs and Dr. Tomasko is a nationally recognized expert, both are known to each other. Since we want the highest degree of expertise available, I can assure you that this will probably be the case with any experts that are selected. Since the PBSD will jointly select the peer review resources, I would expect that this would be discussed and resolved during the interview process. Activities to be performed durina the Peer Review Process Two items were specifically identified to be performed during peer review. They are: 1. Review, analysis and critique of the Data Collection and Analysis report dated October 2009 performed by PBS&J. 2. Review, analysis and critique of the water circulation/flushing modeling program to be performed by PBS&J. Additionally, the selected is peer review individual/firm may be used to review and critique the development of the management plan f jointly agreed to by all parties concerned. Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VlII-1 New Business 5 af6 Recommendation Staff and the Clam Bay subcommittee of the CAC are recommending that these individual along with those presented by the Pelican Bay Services Division be given the opportunity to submit credentials in response to a solicitation by the Collier County purchasing department. Only pre-identified candidates will be allowed to submit proposals for evaluation. Proposals will be jointly evaluated and must be acceptable to Collier County Coastal Zone Management /CAC and the Pelican Bay Services Division. Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-1 New Business 6016 t.. COU~IER COUNTY GOVERNMENT P('lit'an H,,~ St,..,i('('s nh lsion XI). I ;:(11\,1 ()_io. !};. L' .. '),,;lll' i)l ':' . \,ji~ic' ! il ,]\1.1 ;-: I ',. ':q, ';1j" ! ~-+q. 1;1', I :,1) I .';;'r:'-l-"iI2 lun,' 8. 2010 Gary McAlpin, llirector Collier County Coastal Zone Management Department 3301 Tamiam; Trail East Naples, Fl. 34112 RE: Clam Ray Estuary Peer ReView Scope of Work Ilear Me McP.lpll1 This letter is in response to YOLlr ermul regarding the Clam !3ay Estuary Peer Review Scope of Work, dated lunt' 2, 2010. The Pelican Bay Service Division appreciates the work the Coastal Advisory Committee has done to date .:md is also committed to find a workable solution with CAe on the Pet' I' Review of the Clam Bay System Data Collection and Analysis Flflal Report completed Octoher 2009 by PBS&J and its associated hIstOrical data, This respons/.: IS formatted to respond [0 the t1ve spec-Uk items delineated in your IUlle 2 reslJDllse: 1. We agree that PBSD and eZM will each individually recommend lists of potential consultants to be forwarded to Purchasing for proposal solicitation, It is agreed that only mdlvlduals on such consultant list produced by Purchasing can submit proposals. 2. The PBSD suggests that to properly review the fll1al PRS&I ""pori and assoClared hlstoncal data In its entirety; the reviewer must have hroClder knowkdge than ,it;st wi;lter quality expertise. Therefore, we recommend our earlier language of "water quality, marine hiology. modeling/hydrology, geology, and natural estuary/ecosystems" remain in the Scope of Work. 3 In an effort to maximize the coordination be-tween the PBSD JIlLl CAe and to move this project along as quickly as is feasible, we propose that a joint committet' of the chairmen of the PBSD and Clam Bay Subcommittee of the CAC along With our respective admimstrators (Messrs Pires, McAlpin, Dallas and Dorrill) work together with Purchasing to develop the ft'quest for proposal document. 4. We. also recommend that tht. 4 individllais above collaburate on a proposal evaluation methou that can be brought back and reviewed hy our respective boards Jt the earliest possihle date. S Unfortunately because the response from CZM was only received the day [wfore our last PBSD rneetlllg (and due to County email problems, first seen by some Board members at the actual mE'etn1g), ttu> June 15th deadline is 110t feasible. However, WE' do WIsh to Sl:'e this prnn'ss wrapped up as qujckly as is practical. I Wish to thank CAe and you for YOllr effurts. We louk forward to successfully completing thIS project and discussing future projects. ',: {'1'I'I\ ;'d'Jt", i U;;lLI'l, i l1airm,'Jli PelIGu\ BdY St'rvicp~ 1)1VlSlOll Hoard <-- " ---~---^._.__.._-'----..~. I~: <..: Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17. 2010 Vltl-2 New Business 1 of 5 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Review and approve the attached Biological Assessment Scope of work for Clam Bay. OBJECTIVE: Review and appr ove t he attached Biological Assessment S cope of work for Clam Bay. CONSIDERATIONS: The purpose 0 f this study i s to as sess the status an d make recommendations on future management monitoring efforts of the natural resources in Clam Bay. The following scope of work will be included in this assessment: Task 1.0 - Review of Existing Biological Data Task 2.0 - mangrove Health Assessment Task 3.0 - Wading Bird Survey Task 4.0 - Fish Survey Task 5.0 - Benthic Collection and Analysis Task 6.0 - Submerged Resource Survey Task 7.0 - Biological Assessment Report and Public Presentation This scope 0 f work i s bas ed on a n estimated twelve ( 12) month schedule of participation ADVISORY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS: forward with this program as outlined. Staff i s recommending moving FISCAL IMPACT: The Source 0 f funds for t his work will be from Fund 111 General Revenue. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no impact to the Growth Management Plan related to this action. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item h as been reviewed and appr oved by the County Attorney's Office and is legally sufficient for Board action. - CMG RECOMMENDATION: Staff is recommending approval of this program as outlined. PREPARED BY: Gary McAlpin, CZM Director Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-2 New Business 2 of 5 January 19, 2010 June 11, 2010 update Upper, Inner and Lower Clam Bay Biological Study A biological survey to identify the biological communities within Upper, Inner and Lower Clam Bay is required to develop a master plan for the management of the Clam Bay estuary. The purpose of this study was to an assess the status and trends (if any) in natural resources in Clam Bay and make recommendations on future management and monitoring efforts in this area. SCOPE OF WORK Task 1.0 Review of Existing Biological Data A number of different public and private organizations have conducted biological surveys within Clam Bay. A complete data search will be conducted to gather the existing information and used when possible to further evaluate the data collected in Tasks 2.0 through 6.0. Data Sources include but are not limited to: . The Conservancy of SW Florida . The South Florida Water Management District . The Audubon Society . The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission . The US Fish and Wildlife Agency . The City of Naples . Collier County . The Department of Environmental Protection . Turrell, Hall & Associates GIS databases as well as report style information will be complied and presented in a brief summary in the Biological Assessment report (Task 7.0). This task will be performed by our general consultant, PBS&J. Task 2.0 Mangrove Health Assessment Previous studies conducted by the Conservancy of Southwest Florida and Turrell, Hall & Associates, Inc. and Robin Lewis will be used to assess the health of the mangrove forest in the Clam Bay estuary. This study effort is independent of the previous work but will utilize the monitoring data that Turrell-Hall and the Conservancy have been collecting over the past 10 years. Locations chosen will be from existing plots and representative of the entire estuary. If additional locations are necessary to assure complete coverage of the entire estuary, they will be proposed as a result of this study. This activity will analyze data that is already available. Within existing data sets, the total number of dead and alive mangroves will be counted and species identified. Where possible, if the data exists, a diameter at breast height (DBH) will be recorded for live Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII.2 New Business 3 of 5 trees over 2.5 cm. The total number of seedlings will be counted and species identified, when possible. Total percent coverage will be utilized in areas where the number of seedlings is too great to distinguish and count individual shoots. A location GPS point will be taken at the center of each quadrant. A photo will also be taken at each location. This scope is for one complete mangrove survey to including the work above. A total of 16 quadrants that are representative of the entire estuary is recommended for evaluation. Both Turrell-Hall and the Conservancy of SW Florida will be approached to provide a proposal for this activity. Task 3,0 Wading Bird Survey In accordance with FWC requirements the wading bird surveys will be conducted by a surveyor that is able to properly identify and distinguish bird species, has a working knowledge of breeding plumage and juvenile plumage variation, range of habitat usage including usage of nonnative habitat, has recently observed the species to be surveyed in variable habitat conditions, and has knowledge in the ecology specific to Florida. All accessible suitable habitats should be surveyed three times between April and June, with a minimum of 2 to 3 weeks in between surveys, when possible. Surveys should occur during crepuscular times and will occur within 1-3 hours after sunrise and 1-3 hours before sunset. The total number of birds (including but not limited to colonial, wading birds, passerine/songbirds and shorebirds) species will be recorded during the survey. Any nesting sites will be located with a GPS and the approximate number and species will be recorded. The method of survey, timing and duration of this study will be identified and agreed to prior to beginning work. The Audubon Society will be approached to conduct this work. Task 4.0 Fish Survey Everyone agrees that repetitive monitoring over time is the preferred way to analyze a system however, in order to begin to characterize the fish community in Clam Bay, progress needs to begin somewhere. The study will begin to identify the composition and relative abundances of fish species by with two discrete sampling events (three days each). Fish sampling and identification will be subcontracted out to the Fisheries Independent Monitoring Group of the Florida and Wildlife Research Institute (FWRI) located in St. Petersburg. These organizations are part of FWC and will be approached to conduct this study. They will design the sampling program and timing so that comparison with similar estuaries can occur. Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII.2 New Business 4 of 5 It is anticipated that collection of samples will occur during early summer (May/June) and again during early fall (September/October) and is planned to coincide with annual peaks in the species richness and abundance of fish. During each event, a total of 30 random seine samples will be collected; 10 within the upper bay, 10 within the lower bay and 10 within the tidal creek adjoining the embayments. Samples will be stratified evenly within each bay, between shoreline and open water areas and within the creek and pass, between vegetated and un-vegetated shorelines (e.g., sand bars), to maximize the number of fish species collected and to ensure a representative characterization of the fish community. All fish will be counted and identified to the lowest possible taxonomic unit. Data on species richness, species composition, frequency of occurrence, and relative abundance will be used to characterize the fish community. Coordination with FWRI, data analysis and summation will be conducted by PBS&J. Task 5,0 Benthic Collection and Analysis The Conversancy of SW Florida is undertaking a benthic survey in Clam Bay for the Pelican Bay foundation and the Mangrove Action Committee. It is the desire of the CAC to have the Conservancy's study used as the basis of it's benthic analysis not having to undertake two similar studies. This study might be suitable to meet the CAC study needs if the CAC is allowed to participate in the design of the study and share/review for consensus the scope of work, methodology and preliminary conclusion with the Clam Bay Subcommittee of the CAC. Staff will work with the Conservancy to see if this is possible of if the timing of the Conservancy study meets our timeframes. Task 6,0 Submerged Resource Survey PBS&J Data along with monitoring reports from Turrell-Hall and historical information from the County and the Conservancy are available in sufficient detail and quantity to analyze the submerged resources within Clam Bay. Part of this analysis will be the recommendation moving forward on what additional monitoring or data should be collected on a yearly basis moving forward. Data analysis and summation will be conducted by PBS&J in conjunction with Turrell- Hall. Task 7.0 Biological Assessment Report and Public Presentation PBS&J will pull together develop the biological assessment report, data analysis and public presentation. A level of coordination and cooperation is required and I'd like you to indicate how many hours and the cost that would be required to accomplish this. Clam Bay Subcommitlee June 17, 2010 VIII.2 New Business 5 of 5 SCHEDULE The above scope is based on an estimated twelve (12) month schedule of participation. BUDGET To Follow Patricia L. Morgan l> From: Sent: Subject: hambrighCg [GaiIHambright@colliergov.net] Wednesday, June 16, 2010 10:37 AM FW: Clam Bay Biological Survey Scope of Work 6-8-10 This e-mail will be placed at the end of New Business #2 Thanks, Gail From: McAlpinGary Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2010 10:33 AM To: hambrighCg Subject: FW: Clam Bay Biological Survey Scope of Work 6-8-10 Please add this to the end of New Business item 2 at the end. From: kathy worley [mailto:kathyw@conservancy.org] Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2010 10:43 AM To: McAlpinGary Cc: 'arcmi@comcast.net'i Anthony Pires Subject: RE: Clam Bay Biological Survey Scope of Work 6-8-10 Hi Gary, I have been out in the field 24-7 as the benthic study got off the ground so as yet I have only done a preliminary scan of the document you sent me regarding the biological study but here are a few thoughts. I will try to make the next subcommittee to give more clearer suggestions, Also I couldn't cc Jim Burke as I can't seem to find his email address! Task 1: along with the compilation of GIS databases you might consider having a cd made or links where people can access the original reports that will be summarized by the consultant. Task 2: Question: I assume you are talking annual surveys? What time frame is involved in this task? "Previous studies conducted by the Conservancy of Southwest Florida and Turrell, Hall & Associates, Inc. and Robin Lewis will be used to assess the health of the mangrove forest in the Clam Bay estuary. This study effort is independent of the previous work but will utilize the monitoring data that Turrell-Hall and the Conservancy have been collecting over the past 10 years. Locations chosen will be from existing plots and representative of the entire estuary. If additional locations are necessary to assure complete coverage of the entire estuary, they will be proposed as a result of this study." Note: If additional sites are chosen that were not previously set up this will cause the cost to rise as the initial set up is time consuming. "This activity will analyze data that is already available. Within existing data sets, the total number of dead and alive mangroves will be counted and species identified. Where possible, if the data exists, a diameter at breast height (DBH) will be recorded for live trees over 2.5 cm. The total number of seedlings will be counted and species identified, when possible. (Suggest delete the following sentence - you can distinguish between individual seedlings and count them: Total percent coverage will be utilized in areas where the number of seedlings is too great to distinguish and count individual shoots.) Note: canopy cover is a much better tool for evaluation of the plot (Le. if you have 100% canopy cover then you would expect to have a lot less seeding recruitment and vice-versa... I could go on with why canopy cover is more important but I'll spare you!) A location GPS point will be taken at the center of each Plot. A photo will also be taken at each location. This scope is for one complete mangrove survey to including the work above. A total of 16 Plots that are representative of the entire estuary is recommended for evaluation. /I The word quadrant : an instrument for measuring altitudes consisting commonly of a graduated arc of 90 degrees with an index or vernier and usually having a plumb line or spirit level for fixing the vertical or horizontal direction b : a device or mechanical part shaped like or suggestive of the quadrant of a circleZ a : an arc of 90 degrees that is one quarter of a circle b : the area bounded by a quadrant and two radii Therefore plots is a better terminlogy :circular plots are used in the Conservancy's plots which are modeled after USGS methodology. "Both Turrell-Hall and the Conservancy of SW Florida will be approached to provide a proposal for this activity. " Itwould in all likelihood be beneficial for both the Conservancy and Turrell continue to monitor their own plots as this would provide ample coverage of the entire area and save costs involved in the initial plot set up as the plots are already set up, Even though different plot sizes are being employed - comparisons can be made since the acreage coverage is known so that will not be an obstacle. Task 4: Question: Why is Inner Clam Bay excluded from the sampling: "During each event, a total of 30 random seine samples will be collected; 10 within the upper bay, 10 within the lower bay and 10 within the tidal creek adjoining the embayments". Task 5: We have already begun as stated in previous meetings we would begin in June and have started already so I don't know how that effects the CAC. Also just to be correct the Pelican Bay Homeowners association is also contracting us along with the other groups stated in your document. In general it is common practice in the scientific community for those people who set up the project and supervise the fieldwork do the analysis and report as they know the most about what happened in the field and are usually an expert in that field of research so I would strongly suggest that whoever you have do these tasks also analyze the results in a scientific format, Then the consultant could summarize the reports that are generated by the different groups. I know this email was somewhat disjointed - please let me know if you have any questions Kathy From: McAlpinGary [mailto:GaryMcAlpin@colliergov.net] Sent: Wednesday, June 09, 2010 10:54 AM To: arcmi@comcast.neti therightperson71@comcast.neti Anthony Piresi kathy worley Subject: Clam Bay Biological Survey Scope of Work 6-8-10 Please review and forward me your comments to me. Linder Florida tJ_1W. ern;)H adejresses arE-) public records- If you do not want to contact this office by telephone or in ernail address released in response to a publrc records request. do not send Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 Vltl-3 New Business 1 of 13 Contract 117-4153 May IX, 211111 SCOPE-Of-WORK CLAM BAY ESTUARY MODELING STUDY - PHASE I: NUMERICAL MODELING OF HYDRODYNAMICS, SEDIMENT TRANSPORT AND FLUSHING ANALYSIS USING DELFT3D COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA INTRODUCTION The work described herein will be performed by PBS&J with modeling support provided by Coastal Planning & Engineering to conduct a numerical modeling study of circulation, residence time (flushing), sediment transport and morphology of the Clam Bay Estuarine System. The numerical modeling study will utilize a process based numerical model, Delft3D, a cutting- edge numerical modeling system developed by Deltares (Delft, Netherlands). The team of numerical modelers is highly skilled and experienced with the Delft3D numerical modeling system, having conducted dozens of studies with this numerical system since the year of 2004. This scope represents Phase 1 of the overall study to evaluate the physical processes of the existing Clam Bay Estuary complex and conceptual modifications to the system. The following tasks are included in Phase I: I. Analysis of Existing Datasets and Monitoring Programs 2. Development and Calibration of a Circulation Model 3. Alternatives Development 4. Modeling of Residence Time (Flushing) 5. Modeling of Transport and Settling of Fine Sediments within Clam Bay Estuary 6. Sediment Transport and Morphology Modeling 7. Analysis of Results and Final Report of Activities PBS&J is the lead consultant on this project and will be responsible for project management with the County. The project team will attend meetings (2 committee and I CAC meeting) that require discussions and will report as nceded for project status and progress updates. TASK DESCRIPTION 1. Analysis of existing datasets and monitoring programs This task consists in the review of existing datasets including: bathymetric and topographic data, current and tide measurements, water quality measurements etc. The data collected with the PBS&J October 2009 report will be the primary source. The data will be reviewed for input into the model as boundary conditions, initial conditions, and grid generation. PBS&J Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII~3 New Business 2 of 13 Contract 07-4153 May IX, 2010 SCOPE-OF- WORK 2, Development and Calibration of a Circulation Model This task includes the development of model computation grid, bathymetric grids, and hydrodynamic model calibration. The numerical model grids will cover the entire Clam Bay estuary (outer Clam Bay, Upper Clam Bay, Inner Clam Bay), Clam Pass, Venetian Bay, Moorings Bay, Doctors Pass, adjacent shorelines and other significant water bodies directed connected to the Clam Bay Estuary system. The numerical model will be calibrated and validated to locally measured water levels, currents and distribution of water quality parameters (if applicable). During the calibration phase, a sensitivity analysis will be conducted to demonstrate variability of the input parameters used for the modeling effort. Hydrodynamic model simulations will be simulated for the different project alternatives to evaluate the changes in inlet and estuarine circulation. This scope of work covers the simulation and evaluation of up to six (6) projeet alternatives. An example of a Delft3D computational grid is provided in Figure I. Figure I. Example of a Delft3D Grid for Tampa Bay and adjacent shorelines. PBS&J 2 Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-3 New Business 3 of 13 Contract 07-4t53 May 18,2010 SCOPE-Of-WORK 3. Alternatives Development Up to six (6) conceptual modifications to the existing system will be developed and evaluated as part of an alternatives analysis to improving Ilushing in the Clam Bay Estuary system. The alternatives proposed for analysis will be based on the following concepts: (i) modify dimensions of Clam Pass, (ii) modify the Seagatc eulvert system. and (iii) a combination of modifications to Clam Pass and Seagate eulvert. These concepts may be modified based on the resulis of the preeeding tasks if neeessary. Each alternative will be run through the hydrodynamic model as described below for comparison purposes and identification of a preferred alternative for morphologieal modeling. 4, Modeling of Residence Time (flushing) Analysis The calibrated hydrodynamic model will be utilized to evaluate changes in Ilushing and residence time inside the Clam Bay Estuary associated with the different project alternatives. To simulate residence time, a conservative substance with a concentration of 'I' will be implemented in the Clam Bay Estuary as initial model conditions. The hydrodynamic model will be run until the concentration of the conservative substance decreases to '0'. Changes in the decay rates of the substances inside the Clam Bay Estuary due to the engineering interventions will be evaluated to quantify the impact of the project alternatives on water residence time and therefore bay tlushing. Figures 2 to 4 show examples of a residence time simulation for an estuarine bay system in south Brazil comparing two aliernatives. Concentra~io do tra~ador conservatlvo (mgll) dla: 0 ,10 ,10 696; I' 0,9 .., :: 06 10' "":: 6 96~' ;06 oW5; 0.5 696f 73 I 6.955: i 74 745 75 755 " 735 " xlO / 6,1)55' 7,35 APA Carta N6utica ' - Reservil de Cllrij~ OY>. _.1' r~5 75 7 55 ,10 figure 2. Initial conditions with the concentration of the conservative substance equal to I. PBS&J 3 Contract 07-4153 May 18,2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIIl-3 New Business 4 of 13 SCOPE-OF- WORK ,10 Concentra~llo do tra~ador conservativo (mg/l) dla: 1 6.97 6965" i i I 696'1 fj.\)tl5 / 73 7.35 7.45 75 755 >10 74 Figure 3. Concentration of the conservative substance after day 1. >10 "il~: 6.965;: I i06 696 ! ~Q.5 I i . ~OA I:: APA Cartil Niluticc -Re<;,ervedeCsnjO'.l' ~ 1. . 745 ].5 ].55 '10 Q.B5t / 73 735 74 ,10 Concentra~llo do tra~ador conservatlvo (mgll) dia: 3 6.96 "'~:: I 6965' i -06 I I 1_ 6955 73 735 74 APA Cllrta NauticlI - Reserva de Canj65 . 'lli::'C>. ' , , 745 ].5 755 <10 6.97 6 I~: , jO.6 6961 I , , 69551 I / APA Carla Nau!lcD - ReseM de CanjOS '~""""'l i'.4 745 75 1,55 >10 73 735 Figure 4. Concentration of the conservative substance after day 3, most of the bay water was renewed at day 3, as indicated by concentrations equal or close to O. PBS&J 4 Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIU-3 New Business 5 of 13 Contract 07-4153 May 18.2010 SCOPE-Of-WORK 5, Modeling of Transport and Settling of Fine Sediments within Clam Bay Estuary The calibrated hydrodynamic model will be utilized to evaluatc patterns of transport and settling of fine sediments (very fine sand, silt and clay) within the Clam Bay estuarine system for the different alternatives being evaluated as described above. 6. Sediment Transport and Morphology Modeling The sediment transport and morphology module of Delft3D will be utilized to calculate annual alongshore sediment transport on the open beaches adjacent to Clam Pass to evaluate the impacts of the proposed modifications on sediment transport along the coast, inlet channel stability, and outer channel annual sedimentation rates. The sedimcnt transport formulation developed by van Rijn (1993) will be utilized for this purpose. To calibrate thc morphological model, the annual alongshore sediment transport componcnt of the model will bc compared to alongshore sediment transport estimates along the shorelines adjacent to Clam Bay in terms of order of magnitudes and directions. Channel morphology change patterns will be compared to measured channel behavior. The calibrated morphology model will be used to evaluate the preferred alternative identified in the flushing analysis for refinement to minimize potential impacts on adjacent beaches and overall coastal system. An example of a sediment transport simulation conducted for Wiggins Pass is shown in Figure 5. Figure 5, Patterns and magnitude of net annual sediment transport potential PBS&J 5 Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17. 2010 VIII-3 New Business 6 of 13 Contract 07 -415 3 May1H,2010 SCOPE-Of-WORK 7. Coastal Process Analysis Surveys have been collected along the Gulf coast and within Clam Pass since the 1990's. This database will be analyzed, and volumetric change information will be developed for the inlet entrance and the Gulf shoreline. This information will be used to develop a short term (few years) and longer term (about 10 years) sediment budget. The sediment budget will provide volumetric changes and sediment transport rates along the Gulf shoreline. A second set of volumetric change calculations will be attempted, by comparing hi storie bathymetric data in the Clam Bay system to the current survey data (PBS&J 2009). The quality of this comparison is uncertain, but it may provide insight into the change in bottom elevations at some sites in the bay. The results will be used in calibration. 8, Analysis of Results and Final Report of Activities The results from the study will he summarized in a numerical modeling report. Recommendations for direct simulations of water quality phenomena such as salinity, temperature, nutrients dispersion (nitrogen series, phosphorus), and dissolved oxygen will be provided for Phase 2 of the study. A draft report will be submitted to County and FDEP review and comments. After comments on the final report are received. PBS&J will update/modify the report and five copies of the final report will be prepared for the County and FDEP. Report appendices will be delivered in the form of a CD containing all the electronic data and the report in electronic format. REFERENCES Balsillie, J .H., and Clark, R.R., 200 I. Marine Subaqueous Sand Resources of Florida's Gulf of Mexico. Speeial Publication No 48, Florida Geological Survey. Tallahassee. Benedet, L., Stive, M.J.F., Hartog, W.M., Walstra, D.J.R., van Koningsveld. M., 2006. Relative Effects of Waves, Wind and Nearshore Bathymetry on Beach Nourishment Performance in SE Florida: A Numerical Modeling Study. 19th Annual Conference on Beach Preservation Technology, Sarasota, Florida. Davis, R.A., 1997. Geology of the Florida eoast. In: Randazzo, A.F. and Jones, D.S., (eds.), The Geology of Florida. Gainesville: University of Florida Press, pp. 155-168. Lesser. G.R., Roelvink, lA., van Kester, J. and Stelling, G.S., 2004 Development and validation of a three dimensional model. Coastal Engineering 51, pp. 883-915. PBS&J, Clam Bay System Data Collection & Analysis, Prepared for Collier County Coastal Zone Management Department, October 2009. PBS&J 6 Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-3 New Business 7 of 13 Contract 07-4153 May 18.2010 SCOPE-Of-WORK WLDH (Waterloopkundig Labaratorium I Delft Hydraulics), 2003. Delft3D-FLOW, Simulation of multi-dimensional hydrodynamic flows and transport phenomena, including sediments, User manual. WL I Delft Hydraulics. Delft. SCHEDULE The above scope is based on an estimated twelve (12) month schedule of participation. The work assignment may be amended if the schedule is extended beyond the twelve months. PBS&J will complete weekly updates to County staff on the schedule, task and present budget of the project. In addition, quarterly progress reports will be prepared that outline project expenses to date and review the budget and schedule. BUDGET In accordance with Collier County Contract Number 07-4153 "Professional Engineering Services for Coastal Zone Management Projects" compensation for the above scope of work will be based as noted below not to exceed the amount listed below without authorization from the County. Task 1 - Circulation and Sediment Modeling $124,570,00 (Lump Sum) Total $124,570,00 jf; 1 ,...___ 'I" ..-- ',/, /--,.---... 'if:' ..//..------- -. / _,._--;f--,,.:' <~:~~~~ I 'I Jeff~M~. Tabar Project' Director PBS&J May 18, 2010 Date PBS&J 7 Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII~3 New Business 8 of 13 Contract 07 -4153 May 18,2010 SCOPE-Or-WORK PBSJ ATTA CHMENT B-Statement of Work iBudl!et Estimate) Client: Collier County ProJeet: Clam Bay Circulation Study - Phase 1 Project No: TBD Prepared By: JRT Labor rates will be billed at or below rates established per the agreement number contract # 07-4153 Note: time may vary depending upon the task assignment and labor rate assigned Labor Costs 1'1'""11"1 Cin:ulation Sediment Total Labor I ' ; It' ~ I Personnel Classification Hr. Rate Model Model Hours Cost Sr. Project Manager (JT) $170.00 .'-l Ib 4U $6,800 Principle Ecologist (DT) $IOO,(K) J,l x 32 $5.120 Engineer 1II (BF) ,~115.lJO ~) ,~() 52 $6.012 Coastal Modeler (ID) $IIO.UO ::<'1 III 95 $10,501 Ecologi"il (AW) $10000 u \I 0 $0 Field Ecologist (EK) $95.IXI II II 0 $0 Junior Hydrogeologist (MS) $90.IXI 0 () \I $0 Senior Technieian (NW) $RS.lXI -II) 0 40 $3,4(10 Total Hours 175 84 Labor Cost $21.101 $1IJ.732 Reimbursable Reimbursable Costs Task No. 4a Task No. 4b Costs Sub-Contractors $64.916 $27.H2 1 $92,737 Total Reimbursables $64.916 $27.R21 $92.737 Total Project Budget $86,017 $38,553 $124,570 PBS&J 8 Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII~3 New Business 9 of 13 Contract 07-4153 May 18,2010 SCOPE-Of-WORK CLAM BAY ESTUARY MODELING STUDY - PHASE 2: NUMERICAL MODELING WATER QUALITY USING DELFT3D-WAQ COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA INTRODUCTION This proposal was developed as a value added element to the Phase I numerical modeling work. The work described herein will be performed by PBS&J with modeling support provided by Coastal Planning & Engineering and includes a numerical modeling study of simulations of water quality phenomena such as temperature, salinity, nutrients and dissolved oxygen. The numerical modeling study will utilize a process based numerical model, Delft3D- W AQ, a cutting-edge numerical modeling system developed by Deltares (Delft, Netherlands). This scope represents Phase 2 of the overall study to evaluate Ihe environmental processes of the Clam Bay Estuary complex and proposed modifications to the system. The following tasks are included in Phase 2: I. Analysis of existing data sets and monitoring programs 2. Delft3D-W AQ Modeling of Temperature, Salinity, Nutrients and Dissolved Oxygen. 3. Analysis of Results and Final Report of Activities PBS&J is the lead consultant on this project and will be responsible for project management with the County. The project team will attend meetings (2 committee and I CAC meeting) that require discussions and will report as needed for project status and progress updates. TASK DESCRIPTION I. Analysis of existing datasets and monitoring programs This task consists in the review of existing datasets including: bathymetric and topographic data, current and tide measurements, water quality measurements etc. The data will be reviewed for primarily for water quality purposes for input into the model as boundary conditions, initial conditions, and grid generation. Data collection by PBS&J and the results of the Phase I study on physical processes will be incorporated. 2, Delft3D-WAQ Modeling of Temperature, Salinity, Nutrients and Dissolved Oxygen The water quality module of Delft3D has an extensive library of substances and processes that can be utilized to simulate water quality phenomena (Figure I). As value-added services element to the scope of work proposed, the projecI team will conduct direct simulations of water quality phenomena such as salinity, temperature, nutrients dispersion (nitrogen series, phosphorus), and dissolved oxygen. It is anticipated that these environmental constituents will be adapted based on the results of the Phase I study. These simulations would enable a direct evaluation of the effeet of the proposed system modification alternatives in the salinity levels. dissolved oxygen, and nutrient concentrations inside the clam bay estuarine system. PBS&J Contract 07-4153 s."""y (.,,:",-.,~ 8~,~1 bi~.d 1<' ,,,,,~ or (I, r~", ~~,\ May 18,2010 Ee ~:' " ~ r'. .' " ~ ; "'\ Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VlII-3 New Business 10 of 13 SCOPE-OF-WORK A t,'l'ospi-!erB V I~JF~~~.'''e"' :,,;':;~rl ~ E ~. [I .-(I( ~''r'<1t&' biIfuj ~ ~ c:rr:LJ ..'~0i('~e ';'1 Figure 1. Range of processes and substances included in Dclft3D W AQ. ~ lrf 'T e'\9!\~ I ! tlt{;,'~ ! , 1ro:+ , ""'1 " Ii , /}'~'::~'> ,',t *-. ,,,'1 ,~ " ! ",i t ef€~ * , , ~,S6S , 'j " -~-;) f s. ;Jn~tfd&n'l~tNI<.l'HqWf'lflJ '7 ...:...-100~ \O~OO 00 I ~ ' " , .., . -i '~::< /;'j {, ,', ,~ .Jl,: ,. 'r .....'co. ... I \." ,." ':''..,p'-';/':> ]i~ ,c.' '~\ '0,. . . . . ,",' '.' ; \ ......... .' r ( " '" ~! , , 52 "c;., :,,~7:'o.., , ~ '/ ". +. /'. .' '- :<'<, l' -, d (i .,,., . '-. "'-4 "- 'j ...' LW"":' \ ~-.J frY' /lJ''tl , d;", Q ~t <~ ". r ;..~~ 'l .___----L...__L-.....-,~.,....,.L......,._ 5' !;1l Sj; '.J . ,,,I<l,diftiIlll' ..~ dil' Figurt..' 2. Delft3D simulation of concentration of Ammonia (NH4) in a large estuarine bay system in South America. PBS&J 2 Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17. 2010 VIII.3 New Business 11 of 13 Contract 07-4] 53 May 18,2010 SCOPE-Of-WORK 3, Analysis of Results and Final Report of Activities The results from the study will be summarized in a numerical modeling report. A draft report will be submitted for County and FDEP review and comments. After comments on the final report are received, the report will update/modify and five copies of the final report will be prepared for submittal to the County and FDEP. Report appendices will be delivered in the form of a CD containing all the electronic data and the rcport in electronic format. REFERENCES Balsillie, J.H., and Clark, R.R., 2001. Marine Subaqueous Sand Resources of Florida's Gulf of Mexico. Special Publication No 48, Florida Geological Survey. Tallahassee. Benedet, L., Stive, MJ.F., Hartog, W.M., Walstra, DJ.R., van Koningsveld, M., 2006. Relative Effects of Waves, Wind and Nearshore Bathymetry on Beaeh Nourishment Performance in SE Florida: A Numerical Modeling Study. 19th Annual Conference on Beach Preservation Technology, Sarasota, Florida. Davis, R.A., 1997. Geology of the Florida eoast. In: Randazzo, A.F. and Jones, D.S., (eds.), The Geology of Florida. Gainesville: University of Florida Press, pp. 155-168 Lesser, G.R., Roelvink, J.A., van Kester, J. and Stelling, G.S., 2004 Development and validation of a three dimensional model. Coastal Engineering 51, pp. 883-915. PBS&J, Clam Bay System Data Collection & Analysis, Prepared for Collier County Coastal Zone Management Department. October 2009. WLDH (Waterloopkundig Labaratorium I Delft Hydraulics), 2003. Delft3D-FLOW, Simulation of multi-dimensional hydrodynamic nows and transport phenomena, including sediments, User manual. WL I Delft Hydraulics, Delft. SCHEDULE The above scope is based on an estimated twelve (12) month schedule of participation. The work assignment may be amended if the schedule is extended beyond the twelve months. PBS&J will complete weekly updates to County staff on the schedule, task and present budget of the project. In addition, quarterly progress reports will be prepared that outline projeet expenses to date and review the budget and schedule. PBS&J 3 Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-3 New Business 12 of 13 Contract 07-4153 May I K. 2010 SCOPE-Of-WORK BUDGET In accordance with Collier County Contract Number 07-4153 "Professional Engineering Services for Coastal Zone Management Projects" compensation for the above scope of work will be based as noted below not to exceed the amount listed below without authorization from the County. Task 2 - WQ Modeling Analysis $68,046,00 (Lump Sum) Total $68,046.00 II Ii ;J- '/ /~/V~/" ,--' v .~ i.~m~_mm '~_.:-:::-~""- .-.-/., / " ~ May 18,2010 Jeff~~ 1l, Tabar Project' Director PBS&J Date PBS&J 4 Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-3 New Business 13 of 13 Contract 07-4153 May 18,2010 SCOPE-OF-WORK PBSJ ATTACHMENT B-StatementofWork (Budl!et Estimate) Client: Collier County Project: Clam Bay Circulation Study - Phase 2 Project No: TBD Prepared By: JRT Labor rates will be billed at or below rates established per the agreement number contract # 07 -4153 Note: titre may vary depending upon the task assignment and labor rate assigned wQ Total Labor Personnel Classification Hr. Rate Mudel Hours Cost Sr. Project Manager (JT) $170.(Xl 24 24 $4,080 Principle Ecologist (Dn $160rXI so 80 $t2.800 Engineer III (BF) $115.IXl ]6 t6 $1,840 Coastal Modeler ('I'D) $11O.IXl 40 4() $4,4lXl Ecologist (A W) $](Xl.m ,Ill 40 $4,IXXl Field Ecologist (EK) $~5.IXI (I 0 $() Junior Hydrogeologist (MS) $'l0.m 0 (I $0 Senior Technician (NW) $H5.1XI 411 40 $3,4lXI Total Hours 240 Labor Cost $30,520 $37,526 $37,526 Reimbursable Costs Reimbursable Costs TaskNo.4a Sub-Contractors Total Reimbursables $37,526 $37,526 Total Project Budget $68,046 _ $68,046 PBS&J 5 ;. ..:r Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17 2010 4A 1 Document #1 il~~;1NeWBUSiness . Original Permit CLAM BAY RESTORATION AND ANAGEMENTPLAN I ! I I I I Presented to COLLIER COUNTY; PELICAN BAY SERVICES DIVISION and WCI COMMUNITIES, L.P. July 8, 1998 Contents: USAC E SECTION 404 PERMIT NO. 199602789(IP-CC) FDEP CON OLIDATED JOINT COASTAL PERMIT, SOVERlGN SUBMERG D LANDS AUTHORIZATION AND VARIANCE NO. 0128463-001-JC (previously 113049919) p~ 7/~llq1g 0R091017;1 I I I I I I I . I I I I I I I I I I I . . , ~ Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 2 of 371 In order to inc ase the tidal prism and stability of Clam Pass, excavation of a more efficient flow ch nnel is proposed between the inlet and Outer Clam Bay. This channel. which is refere ced as Cut 4, consists of four segments which are shown on Sheet 2 in Figure 4.5.2( ) and (I). The proposed depth for these segments is -4 ft. NGVD. The widths vary. or Segment 4A, which is to terminate in Outer Clam Ba , a maximum bottom width 0 30 feet is ro osed. For the short segment 4B, which will carry flow from the entran e channel to the northerntldal creeks, a maximum bottom width of 20 feet is propose . For Segment 4C, which will carry the entire tidal prism of the system, a maximum bo om width of 40 feet is proposed. Segment 40 has been included as a contingency, t be utilized only in the event that access from the Gulf of Mexico is required for dr ge mobilization. If such access is not required then Section 4D will not be excavated. Cuts 48, 4C, a d 40 conform to the existing channels and these cuts will not result in any encroach ,ent on existing mangroves or seagrasses. The existing channel in the 1 vicinity of Cut 4' is not well defined and the proposed aiignment has been selected to minimize encro chment on the existing seagrasses. This has resulted in a somewhat meandering cannel but the changes in the alignment will not create any significant increase in th hydraulic resistance of the channel. It is estimated that Cut 4A will impact approxi ately 1/3 acre of seagrasses. This level of encroachment is necessary to achieve the bjectives of the project. Spoil from exc vation of Segments 4A 48, 4C and 40 consists of varying mixtures of sand and orga ic fines. In Cuts 4C and 4D, most of the material is relatively cleen sand. In Cut 48, the aterial is primarily sand but enough fines are present to give it a light grayappearante. In Cut 4A, the material varies from a relatively clean sand at the north end to dark or anic fines at the south end. To accommodate this variation in spoil quality and re ain consistent with direction received from the FDEP, the orgllmic fines excavated fro the south end of Cut 4A will be discharged. to a spoil disposal site located behind the dune line adjacent to the entrance to Clam Bay. See Figure 4.5.2(0) OR042680;1/FPl 62 0 u x w ~ 0 Lc. U 0 x w ~ Lc. -' ::::l Lc. SOUTH . 0 0 __ BOARDWAlK Lc. -' ::::l 0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . . . NoY 24, HUiI1 - 10:13:27 O:\OWt'\OI 3\PR07RS7'.dwq SHEET Approltrmote EI"I(hr\lil Poi"t Approxirnot. ee9innin~ Point I Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII.4-a New Business 3 of 371 HEET 2 CLAM PASS CUT '48 20ft O<ANHll 100 ft LEHCTl1 . . ~ XCAVATION PLAN FOR CUTS 3 & 4A THROUGH 4D PROJECT: CLAM BA Y APPLICANT PELICAN 8 Y SERVICES DIVISION WILSON . MILLER TAC NEY AND ASSOC., INC. C ASTAL ENGINEERING FOR PERwmlNC puRPOSES ONly Figure 4.5.2.(1) """",, ""iPR., '997 .. " 7 PU1-79 .... 24 01 JIJ D. T. lACKN(Y f\A. REG. 2OB53 COWCR ". '..95 NO'02~080-001-CRPAP L.IJ.B. 9'11 . ,. ....... 06. ,It' - 15:22:.23 D:\DwC\O OJ\PR07IS25.dwg Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 4of371 I I I I I I SEE NOTE-' '" ~~ -k ~ O' NCW / r~T2 7 -- '-alT J -,3 rt 0' NGVO 20 It J.- 5 It CU CUT 2 & :3 ...... 'Q 0' NG\'ll 40 It CUT 4A .~~~f j s201t ~ CUT 48 'Q O' NOVO - J S.lOIt ~ CUT 4C '~ NOTES: . 1. EXISTINC SECTIONS ~ J VI<Rr. !O' ~ SCALE i 2. SIDE SLOPES 0 ANGLE or REPOSE (ASSUUEO 30' 0246el~ _AI. , YPICAL CUT SECTIONS PROJECT: CLAM BA Y APPLICANT: PELICAN BA Y SERVICES DIVISION WILSON MItER """'" ""iPR. , 99 7 TACK EY AND ASSOC., INC. CO STAL ENGINEERING Figure 4.5.2.(i) D. T. TACKNEY F\A. MG. 2Oe3 ";;':';':',',~" ,......'"'' '".. . ,'\~ \ \; FLoR~~ \ ~=~~-:-__~;:::7=~'1 - -- - . ... --~ A2 - Document # odified Permit Department of nvironmental Protection Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIIl-4-a New Business j 5 of 371 I l:lwtOll (hil{,~; Go~el'nUI M:LfICt'y SlOnellr:111 DO~lgj;JS BUlldl!Jg 3900 COnllllonwc;\\th BOulf.::V:lld Ta'il;lIIHsec. Flond;) 32399-3000 .".,gll~a e \,\'(.rh ,",',j ~t'(,""::l"r~ I CERTlFIEO - R TURN RECEIPT REOUESTEH December 15, Il)l)~ Collier County - elican Bay Services Division do Brett Moore, . E. Humiston and M( re Engineers 10661 Airport Ro d N., Suite 14 Naples. Florida 3 109 J,. N( tlce of Permit Moditication Pe it No. 0128463-001-JC, Collier County CI n Ba . Restoration and Lonl!- Term Manal!ement Proiect Dear Mr. I Your request to I odify Ul;S permit has been rCC,eived and reviewed by Department stafrThe proposed permit ~lOditicat;on is to authorize: (1) an alternative upland spoil dIsposal ar ' for Cut # I; (2) an intrcase the width (If channel Cut #4 through Clam Pass; and (3) altemat ve pipeline corrid(lr~ between the dredge euts and the dispoSll1 'lfeas. i The proposed alt 'rnative disposal area for Cut # I is an upland lmdeveloped building sitb, to the east of Clam Ila The dredged Illaterial consists of a lugh percentage of fine material and orgamc matter a d. because the material does not have any deonomic value, purs"'lI1ttCl Rule 18- 21.011(3)\c)2, r A.c:. no sev~rance fees arc required. This ~isposal site was ehos~n to~' void lIse of the propos~d poil disposal area on the landward side of the beach dune Departm~n stan' considers the pr posed new disposal area for Cut # I a prctcrred alternative to the previ usly authori,,,d disp sal area for Cul # I. Channel Cut #4 through Clam Pass will be widened to improve directional tidal now b!:tw~'en Clam Bay and t e Gulf of Mexieo Department staff have rl,yiewed the proposed ChaI~e1 widening and d termined that the change to the ~hannel dinlensions is not expected to ave an adverse effect 0 1 inkt processes and will improve tidal exehange. The proposed dred e cuts for Cut #4 willnol ~xceed the previously authorized depths of .4 II. NtiVD. ! , I The proposed p pehne corridors are located between each channel eut and their assoe~'ted disposal areas, ld include pipeline placement through manllrove, open water and wet I nd habitat The p' e1me required liJr the channel dredging wil~ be relatively small, light eight and. made of a Ilexi le material which will t;:nablc IlKIIHlal plal,;elm~nt, Minimal mangrove; imming !"",iNt','."....''':i; !-'d'" Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17. 2010 VIIl-4~a New Business 6 of 371 Notice of permiJ Modification Collier County :I Pelican Bay Services Division Permit No. 0128r63-00I-JC Page 2 will be conducted pursuant to the permit Specific Condition No.7 to enable the contractor to manually place t* pipeline. The pipeline corridor and any associated trimming will be designated by thelapproved wetland scientist and veri lied by Department stan: The anached <!ratings reflect the above modification and shall supercede the associated ,penn it drawings (sheets l3, 24, 25. and 28). A fter thorough reyiew the staff has determined that the proposed alteration does not increase the potential for advetse impact on the coastal system, public beach access seaward of the mean- high water or nes~ng sea turtles and hatchlings and their habitat. and that the proposed alteration does not reduce tlje design adequaey of the project. Since the proposed modification is not expeeted to result In any adverse environmental impact or water quality degradation and is expected to be of ~nvlronment:'1 benetlt, the pernlit is hcreby modified as requested. By copy of this letter and the ~naehed drawings, we are notifying all necessary parties of the I modification(s). i I This letter of apprpval does not alter the July 6, 2008 expiration date, other Speeific or OFneral Conditions, or mo\1itoring requirements of the permit. This Idtter and accompanying drar' ings must be attached tr the original permit. I I This pennit is herj',bY modified unless a sufficient petition for a, n administrative, hearing ii' timely filed under sectio s 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes, as provided below. The proce ures for petitioning for a hearing are set furth beluw. Mediation lUjder Section 120.573, F.S., 's not available for this 9roceeding. , , A person whose s~bst:lIltial interests are affeeted by the Department's action may petiti01for an administrative profceding (hcaring) under scetion, 120.56'1 and 120.57. F.S. Thc petitiO must contain the inform~.. tion set forth beluw and mu.t be tiled (recllived by the clerk) In thc 0 fice of General Counsel <fthe Department at 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Mail Statiun 35, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000. Because the adm!~istrative hearing process j. designed to rcdctennine final agency actio~ on the application, the tilIng of a pel1tlOn lor an administrative hearing may result In further ' modificatiun ofth4.permit or evcn. a denial of the apphcation._ If a sutncielll petition for fn . administrative heatll1g or request lor an extension of tIme to hie a petitIon IS timely tiled,.,thls permit modificatio/1 automatically becomes only proposed agency action on theapPlicati~n subject to the resul, of the administrative review process_ Accordingly, the applicant is a vised not to eommence donstruction or other activities undcr this permit modification until the , , deadlines nuted below for filing a petition for an administrative hearing or request f'l[ an I extensIOn of I1me ~as expIred. . Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 7 of 371 Notice of permit~Odilication Collier County - Pelican Bay Services Division Permit No, 0128 3-001~'C Page 3 . Under rule 62-llq.l06(4), Florida Administrative Code, a person whose substahtial interests are affected by the Dtjpartment's action may also request an extensIOn of time to lIle a petition for an adnllmstratlve ~eanng. Thc Department may, for good cause shown, grant the request for an extension oftime.i Requests lor extension of time must be flied with the Offiee of General Counsel of the Department at 3900 Commonwealth BuuJevard, Mail Station 35, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3()(JO, before the applicable deadline. A timely request for cxten~ion of time shall toll the rulming of, the time period for filing!l petition until the request is acted upon. If a request is filed lat~, the Department may still grant it upon a motion by the req~esting pa~y showing that the fi ilure to file a request for an extension of time before the deallline was 'the result of excusabl neglect. ' In the event that a \imely and suffieient petition for an administrative hearing is filed. other persons whose substantial il1lerests will be affected by the outcome of the administrative process have the right to petition to intervene in the proceeding. Any intervention will be only at the discretion of the presiding officer upon the filing of a motion in compliance with nile 28. 106.205, F.A.C. I In accordance witlj mles 28-106.111 (2) and 62-110.1 06(3)(a)(4), F.A.C'., petitions for an administrative he~ng by the applicant must be filed within 21 days of reeeipt of this written notice. Petitions ~Ied by any person~ other than the applicant, and other than those entitled to written notice under section 120.60(3), F.S., must be filed within 21 days of publication of the notice or within 21 days of receipt of the written notic:e, whic:hever ocellrs first. Under se<;tion 120j60(3), F.S.. however, any person who has asked the Departm~nt for ndtice of agency action maYI file a petition within 21 days of rec:eipt of such notIce. regardless ofth!l date of publication. . , The petitioner shall mail a copy of the petition to the applicant at the address indicated ab(Jve at the lime of filing. ifhe failure of any person to tile a petition for an administrati~e hearin. within the approp ate time period shall constitute a waiver of that person's right to reque't an administrative det rmination (he.~ring) under sections 120.569 "nd 120.57, F.S. ' i A petition that dis utes the material facts on which the Department's action is based mustl contain the followi, g information: ' I (a) The name and "ddre" of each agency allccted and each ageney's file or idcntification number. if known; The name, address. and telephone number of the petitioner; the n~me, address, and ite1ephone number of the petitioner's representative, if any, ~hich shal1 be the , I : , , , (b) Clam Bay Subcommittee ~une 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New Business ' 8 of 371 Notke of Perm t Modification ColUer County. Pelican Ray Services Division Permit No, 012' 463-0{JJ~JC "age 4 I : a dress for service purposes during the course of the proceeding; tlI1d an : e~planation of how the petitioner's substantial interests are or *'ill be atl!:cted by lh~ agenc)' detennination; , (c) A!statement of when and how the petitioner received notice orlhe agene~ d~eision; (d) A:statement of all disputed issues of material fact. If there llre none, theretition mp5t so indicate; t' (e) Afconc.ise statement of the ultimate facts alleged, including the specific cts that th petitioner conten(l~ warrant reversal or modification of the agency's oP<Jsed ac,ioo; , I: (I) A Istatement of the specific rules or statutes that thc petitioner contends r~quire reyersal or modification of the agency's proposed action; and (g) A ,statement of the relief sought by the petitioner, stating precisely the action that the petitioner wishes the agency 10 lake with respect to the agency's pro~psed action, ! A petition that d+S not .dispute the ~laterial facts on which the Department's ~tion is bL shall state that nOI such tacts are m dIspute and otherwIse shall contum the same infonna~on as set forth above, a~ required by rule 28-106.301, F.A.C. Under seetions 120.569(2)(c) a d (d), F.S.. a petition fer' administrative hearing must be dismissed by the ageney ifth e petitiO.. does not substantially omply with the above requirements or is untimely filed. , This action is fill' I and eff~'Ctive on the date filed with the Clerk of the Deparnhent unle . . a petition is filed i~ accordanee with the above, Upon the timcly filing of a petitlon this 0 er will not be elfective "htil fllrther order of the Department. This pemlit modifieation eonstitutes an order of the Department. The applieant has theight to seek judicial review of the order under section 120.68, F.S., by the filing of a notice of' under rule 9.11 0 ~f the Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure with the Ck'l'k oCthe Dep in the Ollice of oFnel'al Counsel, 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Mail StatiOll 35, Tal Florida 32399-3000: and by tiling a eopy ofthe notiee of appeal aceompanied by the ap filing fees with th~ appropriate district court of appeal. The notice of appealmlust be fil within 30 days from the date when the linal order is filed with the Clerk of the Deparuntnl. The applicant, or any party within the meaning of section 373.114< I )(al. F.S., may also seek' appellate review ~f this order before the Land and Watcr Adjudicatory Commission und r section 373.114( I , F.S, Requests f{>r review he fore the Land and Water Adjudicatory , Commission must he tiled with the Secretary of the Commission and served on the DePfment within 20 days fr m the date when the tlnal order is tiled with the Clcrk of the Departm t. ! ,I .. " . Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIll-4-a New Business 901371 Notice of I'ermit f' odilication Collier County - elican Bay Services ()ivlsion Permit No, 01284 )..{l01-.IC Page S ! , i When there has b~n no publication ofnoticc of ageney action or nollce of proposed agetf,' y action as prescrib in rule 62-103.150. F.A.C., a person who has actual knowledge oftht agency action or h s knowledge which would lead a reasonable person to conclude that ~e Department has taj<en final ageney action, has a duty to make further inquiry within 21 d~ys of obtaining such kntWledge by contacting the Department to ascertain whe.ther action has occurred. The De artment shall upon receipt of such an inquiry. if agency action has ocCUrred, promptly provide hc person with notice as prescribed by rule 62-103.150, f.Ar. The Department does 110t require notice of this agency action to be published. However, the I, applieant may ele<jt to publish notice as prescribed in rule 62-103.150, F.A.C., which eOll~titutes notice to the publif and establishes a time period for submittal of any petition., , If you hllve any questions regarding this maller, please contact me at the letterhead addreSs or by telephone at (850),487-4471, ext. 123. I Sincerely, ~A.-/~ Robert M. Bran:?f~, P.E. Professional Engineering Administrator Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems RMBlkjm cc: Todd Turrell. TUITcll and ^SS4.lciat~~ Harry (-hlber.. Collier Count~ Ted nrown'fkcrman, SCnlcrtiu, & bdison.l',A, Michael Po : Coastal Engineering Consultant.. Jon Iglehart DEP. St)uth District Otllcc- Ft. Myers OEP. Ollice'ol"General Counsel Chip CIOUg~" U.S. Army Cmp' of Engin..rs Ma< Hatd,. ,Collier CO\lllty Department of Natur.1 Resources Kyle Lucas' , Collier Counl)'- PelIcan Hay Services Division David Guggenheim. Thf..: Conservancy of SW Fl(\ridu Dan Spma. Suve 1he Bays. AS50l.:i~ltion Kay Poller. Mangmvl: AClion Group. Inc IJFP- Burea~1 or Protected Species Management :!i FIle I I i FILING AND ACKNOWLEDGMENT I: FILED, on thiS date, pursuant to Section 120.52. Florida Statutes, with the design4ed Department Clerk, receipt of whi~h IS hereby aekllowledged. '.~.~1'.(.' "t,.~'.) ~1,-il'-"". ,: "(,\.,1. ,~,1", \- J. 'l Deputy Clerk 7 \ -i Date o o N " ID C o ~ ID ID '" ~ E ~ E .!: S ~ ~Cll rJ5 ~ i ~z ~ Cll~R E!o G>~ ~ ... \)" ... ~ , ~ ()., ... "I'" "" ~ @> i ~~ ~~ g~ ~@5 c ~~ w _,~~ -"'V> :> ~:;;t; _ Il-_J UJ r:-O:~ Cj ~ ~~ u.J 0 gg cc: ". Vl Z o ;:: u '" Vl I ; I - Ii z :S "- I ...J <( Vl :rZZZZ VlOOOO Cii=i=i=i= uuuu :cUJWLaJ u Vl vnn jJ,' J, is m O:g~ ~ a::: a:: 0: a:: ..;( UUUU ;Z; ~~~~ ~VlVJ Z~~~~~~ 0 Q>QQ -QQQQQ~~~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~~~~W~~W ~ ~UZUU ~VlUUUUUU_--- W 1.aJ~~W ~wE~~~~~~>>>> S , 5= I It>> I I I I I I zz:.zz > I VlI~~ZZ~~~~~~~:S:S:S:S ~ o OO<<<OOOOOO"-"-"-"-Vl.... a::"'O::O:::...J....JWo::a:::o::r::t:a:a:: ...J CLUl!tkUUQ..a..lDUUUUOU I I I I <lid I I Jd I I I I I f I I I I 1 -NIt').........t:iN .... 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I I I I I 1 ~ ~ , , , I I I 1JIMoC'IlIIl--- T 0.-:.0_-" 'i c...o'~-- , l! I I I I' I! 1 I , " I I I i ~ ~ , , , ! ! ! I --- c...c',gw--. ~.IDO....n> 'I' -.- o ;; N ,..: w c o ~ w w = ~ - ~ E w E .!: 8 ~ ,,'" o . <f) w ~z .-- "'"" ,M E"~ ro == 0 u5~ '" '" ~'" "", "'0 "'" '" "'... ~'" !~i n I ~5i51 d "", z" i 2~ i 1 !<'" ~.Id I _ i ~ HI EI~ I.il :elf i ; . . H 'I I . I I I! I i i i i I I I I -I 1 -, -, ! I I I -I I ~ , ~ ~ 1 1 I .. III ~'mI_ i .....dlI~ ..........-" L I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . Clam Bay Subcommittee Ju.ne.17, 201-0-- VIlI-4-a New Business 24 of 371 4A5 - Document #5 2007 Dredging 2007 CLAM PASS MAINTENANCE DREDGING POST CONSTRUCTION SUMMARY DEP FILE: 0128463-001-.JC COE FILE: 199602789 (IP-CC) Prepa~ for: COLLIER COUNTY Prepared by: HUMISTON & MOORE ENGINEERS PROJECT 11-049 MAY 2007 5679 STRAND COURT NAPLES, FL 34110 HUMISTON & MOORE ENGINEERS COASTAL ENGINEERING DESIGN AND PERMITTING FAX,239-594-J025 PHONE: 239-594-21021 ......... ..... . .. ~' ~..~. I I 8 6 I ~ 4 ~ 2 WNW ,.,...., Ii w.wr...ll..I"\ I 1f_2 z 2-4 =< I ~-6 w -8 -1 I NORTH -12 -400 -350 I I Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 25 of 371 sr... 0+00 0QlGIIl CVl (-0.0' MCWO r-'-'- - ,'-'-' --~-f---------~ t J t I _ ...J 60.0' SOUTH - 00 -250 -200 -150 -100 - 0 DISTANCE FRO" SA-SEUNE (fEET) STA 0+25 r-'-"","- -','- -. I ~-~--~~----r-~-----:~ J I J I NORTH SOUTH -12 -""0 -50 -300 -2~O -200 -150 -100 DISTANCE FROW BASEUNE (FEET) - 0 6 S1A 0+50 Q' 4 > ~ 2 ~ Ii 0 w ~-2 z ~-4 .. ~-. w DOlIN CUT (-J.lI' HCMI) 60,0' -8 -1 NORTH SOUTH -12 -""0 -50 -300 -250 -200 -150 -fOO DISTANCE FROW BASELINE (FEET) -50 ,.... C-> ~ -..:nD....-...u, _. -. Ie. _ __ 110 1IIln. - c.-r) awm' C8IllU:la ., ~ .... . ...... IIllL OM ..... _. -,~..'- ~1UIIIIY~"IlIM_"''''mnlMOlIllPU1Q. - ~IUlMTCllIGlCftIl ".............." l"iM HUMISTON & MOORE ENGINEER ALE: FIGURE: C 1 5679 STRAND COURT, UNIT 110 NAPLES. Fl 341 10 FAX: 941 594 2025 N PHONE: 941 594 2021 (O.O,Sl.I.. H,'-",.UMIN(.I)Bl;N A/~C POl\llll'foICo I I I I I I I I - Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIlI-4-a New Business 26 of 371 8 ~ '" z ~ STA O+7~ _h.,Y"l ...~,t~t~ \-.. I I . . --=--::-f ,=--~__~:c -1-:::: =-: I I r , t;; ~-2 z ~-.. '" ~-8 -8 DOllIN CUT (-uI' MiW) -, NORTH SOUTH -'2 -400 00 -250 -200 -'SO -'00 DISTANCE FROM BASELINE (rEET) - 0 STA 1 +00 0" > ! 2 t;; 0 ... "- -2 z g-4 '" ~- ... .....'.'..1 ....(.........."'1 , " I , I , I I . =-='j----'=-=j. ..-----.-- I I I I I I CIDIClNCUT(-5.5'NOW)_ I y '" 80.0' - 60.0' -, NORTH SOUTH -'2 -<00 -3S0 -300 -250 -200 -150 -100 DISTANCE fRON BASEUNE (fEET) -50 o . ~4 ~ 2 t;; ~-2 z 2-4 ~ > ~-8 ... -8 -, STA t +2S , I I I I . -,o'~---r'''''''':_::--::-=1- I I I ....'.IU.' ...t.o-ll..&I"I ,t' 60.0' DE.'SICIrl CVT (-u' NOYO) NORTH SOUTH -'2 -400 -SO -300 -250 -200 -150 -100 DISTANCE fRON BAS(LINE (FEET) - 0 (I'll) ...,. __.., ....... -.ul .II ..... ... CIIl' ...., 1a. ....,. - (PWI)IUIWIYCGJlI:UC1IO"~.............llllL ClN-......,. --.-- l'-8) -..rJ -.m:u WI' _ ,.. . WIG ..,.,... lXM'lDa - ~ IIlI'llT GlIDll:D IT MMf 011 ..,. Do 1lllI'P. I~M HUMISTON & MOORE ENGINEER CLAM BAY CROSS SECTION CUT 4 FOR: C WER 0 NTY DA TE:Oll : WORK F JOBFILE:l' -048 DATUM: NGVD FIGURE: C2 5679 STRAND COURT, UNIT 110 NAPLES. F'L 34110 FAX: 941 594 2025 N PHONE: 941 59. 2021 {OAsr.., U;GINl:lRl~GDt-\r,1i "'''ll Pl~'-Illl''''G I I I I I I - Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 27 of 371 6 STA '+:10 C 4 ! T 2 WloIWl.I..H'\ " I ~ ~-- 8 0 Yl.(...~I"I ~-~-r- -:;;-:. ...,. , "-2 z 9_<4- ~ ~-6 ... -6 -, NORTH SOUTH -12 -400 -3:10 - 00 -2~0 .,.200 -1:10 -'00 - 0 0 DISTANCE FROW aASEUNE (FEET) STA 1+75 C 4 > '" 2 ~ / / -,.,.', lAW (oWl"'I" I:i 0 ... "-2 z Q-4 !< ~- ... DQIlIIlCU1'(-U'IG'ftl) .t' 60.0' -, NORTH SOUTH -12 -400 - 0 -250 -200 -150 -'00 DISTANCE FROW BASEUNE (FEET) 6 ST... 2+00 C 4 > li! 2 ~ MHWr.f.IU') wa.w {+Ill.oil"! I:i 0 ... .. -2 z Q-4 !< ~-6 ... -8 -1 DDlllMCU1'(-a..5'IIIlM))_ NORTH SOUTH -12 -400 - ~O -300 -250 -200 -1~ -100 DISTANCE FROW BASEUNE (FEET) -50 (NIJ 1I.WfIT~'" ~ __........ lit. llIl -..n 11, 1007. - ~-..mo_"'''''''''''.'''''''''lIC..'''''''IOO7. ---"-- ~ aMIY' -..na .... ~ IIIe .. .... mTlOlil -.tD. - ..-w) IIII'P -.:fU., HIlIIl .. _11. _. 'I~M CLAM BAY CROSS SECTION CUT 4 ER COUNTY 5679 STRAND COURT. UNIT 110 NAPLES, fL 34110 FAX: 9.' 594 2025 PHONE; 941 594 2021 CALE: SHOWN FIGURE: C3 co..sroll( lNGINU~INC;OUG'" AIlOPU"'1I1I;G Clam Bay Subcommittee ~une 17, 2010 VIlI-4-a New Business 28 of 371 I I 8 6 I ~ . e 2 ~(...tH'\ t5 liIL. (...lLIt"} I '" .. -, z g-2 ~ I ~-3 '" -. I NORTH -6 -.00 -350 I 6 ~ . I '" 2 3 IllNw (...tM" I:i ..../...a..t"l I 1:'-2 z 8-4 .. ~-6 '" -10 NORTH -12 -400 8 ~ . c > '" 2 e STA 2+37.5 Ill'IIlItl CUT (-1.1' MO'IO) SOUTH -300 -2~0 -200 -150 -, 00 _ 0 OISTANCE FRO'" BASELINE (FEET) STA 3+00 -'- -'-'- - , - 't, 55.3' -P- 60.0' ~ CUT (-5.11' NtW) SOUTH -250 -200 -150 -100 - 0 OISTANCE FRO", BASELINE (fEET) STA 5+64.5 l:lE!Ic* CUT' (-5.5' NCYO) 30.0' --i - - - -.- -.- -'- - NORTH 600' /- SOUTH -1 - 50 FRO'" BASELINE (FEET) (M) ~ Cl:lIlIJUlm;lll'l'IIIMIU,...... &-... mllNINIIIIf 11o.-a7. - (JOOI1'l1UlWlT~"""'_&"""IllC.OII""""_, --..- (NOIIaI) JUMIQ oaaurna I'l' .. .... D, 'MIDI If A"" 00lIIJUn:D. - ~ISlIVI'ICGaII:IU.,.....CINIWIlII..._. -12 -200 -'50 -100 2 0 I~M HUMISTON & MOOH.E ENGINEER SCALE: SHOWN FIGURE: C4 5679 STRANO COURT, UNIT "0 NAPLES, fL 34110 FAX: 941 594 2025 PHONE; 941 594 2021 COAS'AL tt'C."'UR'NGU[~c;N ANO ~~a'-lm'NG I I i I 0' · ~ 2 ~ I I I ~ . 32 I;i 0 ~-2 z 8-04- ~- -8 - Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17,2010 VIII-4-a New Business 29 of 371 B B ST,;. 4+10 I;i w "'-2 z Q-4 ~ ij-6 w -8 -, WNW r., 2A"l ..... (...cl..&l"'l "-'~--"'''' --'~:+-~f~;~- ,yj NORTH SOUTH -'2 -200 -,'" -100 - 0 .50 DISTANCE FRO~ BASELINE (FEET) 'DO o 200 8 6 S1.4 4+60 _r.,u"l YLW t.IL.''''I -10 " ,,, , DtSlllIl CUT (_U' MCM) "'~-"" _ _...:~ ,tv '" +-f .;, ~ SOUTH NORTH -12 -200 2 0 -,so -100 - 0 SO OISTAllCE FRO~ BASELINE (FEET) 8 6 STA 5+10 I: I;i w ... -2 i!j ,,-. <C ij-6 w WNW (., :ra"l .... (+4.&1"1 OISlGNCUT(-4.l'MlMl)_L_ "'4 2 0 -8 -, SOUTH NORTH -12 -200 -"0 -100 -0 '" DISTANCE FRO~ BASELINE (FEET) ~ 1W'IlT ~ " ..... .... ill -... IIIC. ......, 110 D1, - (JIWT}......COIllIUCftDIW~_........................,.. ---- ~.-rr~ftllMl"IIl._"mcIIIl:IlIWUIDo - ~1UMf~"NIM.IIMCl4D.IIllIF. ~. . HUMISTON i .' & MOORE .... . . ' ENGINEEK . ". .' (04S14l ..~iMi'"'",,"'''~''' "'NO ~EUJI1T'tI(. CUT 4 5679 STRAND COURT, UNIT 110 NAPLES. FL 304110 FAX; 941 594 2025 PHONE: 941 594 2021 . . . I I I I I I I I I '"'- 8 6 ~ . ! 2 -1 -12 -200 -150 8 6 '[ . ~ 2 tf '" "--2 z S-4 < ~-6 '" -8 -1 NORTH -12 -200 Q' 6 > ! . t;i 2 WNW 1...,.."1 ~ YIWr+ft.ol1"1 z ~-2 < ~-. '" -6 NORTH -1 -200 ST4 ~+60 ... I.' ,.., ""'W 1+0.41"1 NORTH -100 - 0 !lO OISTANCE FROW BASEUNE (FEET) Sf A 6+10 _r...'m"l Yl.W 1__&1"1 Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 Vllt-4-a New Business 30 of 371 -.- -.- -.- _. SOUTH 2 0 ,i -'-'-'-'- -'- -, 1 0BlDM an (-4.1" NaW)_ L_ 319.--J - 4.1' -'50 -100 - 0 50 DISTANCE FROW BASELINE (FEET) sr... 15+60 SOUTH '-'-'-'- -'-'- - -1~O -100 -50 0 50 DISTANCE FROW BASEUNE (FEET) (N)....,.~ "'''''''''''.--'1IIl. 0Il_1a.~. - (Ml]aIM'Y'_..MIIllU,...........-.IM:.IIlI",......,. ~ HUMIST()N & MOORE ENGINEER (O.STAl EtoGlrlElIllNGO(S(.N ANDPEU"'lIlll~ SOUTH 2 0 CUT 4 5679 STRAND COURT. UMIT 110 NAPLES, fL 34110 FAX: 941 59.4 2025 PHONE: 9-4' 594 2021 I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I - 'Q 6 1'; . ~ t;i ~ MHw r.,7." w WlAtt.D..AI"l .. 0 z Q-2 ~ ~-. w -6 NORTH -1 -200 -150 8 ~ " 1'; ~ t:i .....(.1.., ~ .....t..lU.l... z 8-2 '" ~-. w -6 -8 WEST -1 -200 ~ " 1'; z ~ STA 7+10 Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIIl-4~a New Business 31 of 371 .-,-.-"- -'-'-'- -100 -50 :w OISTANCE FRaN BASEUNE (FEET) 5TA 7+50 NO OREOGING T -150 ti - '.ta" L...l Wi. (",o.~l"l .. 0 z 8-2 '" ~-. w -8 WEST -1 -200 -150 -'00 SO OISTANCE FRaN BASEUNE (FEET) STA 8+00 -100 -50 50 1 0 OISTANCE FRON BASEUNE (FEET) ()M)...,.~... MIIIIU, ___a -... _ __''-~. - (PWT)a.ft'tQlllDUC1U"........... --,lC. .__n.ID07. ~-!M HUMISTON & MOOnE ENGINEER (OA,IAL l"G",ttRltlCDl\GN AllllItJl.llll:tK. CLAllI BAY CROSS SECTION CUT 4 fOR: COWER COUNTY T:527fl" f JOB fILE:B-042 DATUM: NGVD SCALE: SHOWN fiGURE: C7 SOUTH o 200 EAST 2 0 EAST 150 200 5679 STRANO COURT NAPLES, FL 34109 FAX: 941 594 2025 PHONE: 941 594 2021 I I I I I I I I I - B ST A 8+50 C' 6 i; 3 · _1.1211"1 IIllWr~.I"l WEST -I -200 -150 -100 - 0 50 DISTANCE fROW BASELINE (fEET) B 51A 9+00 C' :> li1 ~ ti WNw {.I.28'"I ~ w.. (..a.1'1 z g-2 '" ~-. ~ -6 WEST -I -200 -150 -100 -50 0 SO DISTANCE fROW BASEUNE (fEET) B ~ 6 '" z . ~ g 2 WiN 1+1..21"1 ....r<t4.41.\ STI! 9+50 WEST 60.8' -. I , I I J'" -I -200 -150 -100 50 DISTANCE FllOW BASELINE (fEET) (N13tu1M'l'CIIlHUCMl...~.... .1IIUIlllMC,.11IC.0ll JI/I/1NIIIf '''' '11I1II1. - (..-)UM:T-.amrr...-u._.........IlC...............". I~' ';), . I .. ,I ." HUMISTON &' M(X)RIl ENGINEER, CLAM BAY CROSS SECTION CUT 4 FOR: COWER COUNTY TE'05 0 7 FI' K F JOB FILE:8-042 DATUM: NGVD COH:.l LNC,I"LtIlIIiGPLSGIi AlIOPll~"l'NG SCALE: HO FIGURE: C8 Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17.2010 VIII-4-a New Business 32 of 371 !fa.S- EAST 2 0 EAST 2 0 EAST 2 0 5679 STRANO COURT NAPLES. fL 3<4109 FAX: 9<41 594 2025 PHONE: 941 594 2021 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l: ~ , i - ., ~ z ~ WIll ,..,.., WLllfI+ilL.a.,'\ WEST _'.In"'! lilt. {+ilL.,", NORTH _'..tu", ....t.cLlll"l NOllTH ..~.- Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17. 2010 VIIl-4-a New Business 33 of 371 51... 10+00 +-r- I I ! I DaQI CUT (-4.0" 1IlWD) L___ _ "- .I _J ~y I I ... I" 43.0' --r------r--1;3,;:O. '-4 ! I /<'- -1'0 g z 2_2 !:;; ~-4 ~ -8 -t -200 ., 4 > ~ 2 ~ ~ ~-2 z g-4 .. ~-8 ... -1 -200 8 ~ 4 32 ~ ~ .. -2 z ~-4 .. ~-8 ~ -8 -1 -200 -100 '0 DISTANCE FRO~ BASEUNE (FEET) 51" 10+19 '-(1- il /. ;' ~150 -100 50 OlSTANCE r.o~ BASELINE (rEET) sr... 10+50 -1~O -100 ~O 100 DISTANCE fRO" BASEUNE (FEET) {..;l aIM'I' _ ... -... _ . ....... .. .. .IIINlIMJ IL ~. - (l'QIr) MIlT taII.ICnD Ir -... __. -._ 01..,........ ~ nrr ~.I HUMISTON iii M(X)RE ENGINEER CO.l.Sl.l Et.(jlNURINl;iOUGN AItOnu.,uWNG EAST 2 0 1'1). , SOUTH 2 0 SOUTH 20 5679 STRAND COURT NAPLES, fL 34109 FAX: 941 594 2025 PHONE: 941 594 2021 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 34 of 371 8 STA 11+00 S 4 > li1 2 ~ _t...,D"'I "'.'_.,"1 I:i ~-2 z 2-4 ~ 'j-6 ... NORTH SOUTH -1 -200 -150 -100 50 OISTANCE rROIl BASELINE (rEET) 20 8 STA 11+50 6 S 4 ~ 2 ~ lIHWt...lit'-' lIL. (...o...t,'\ ti t: -2 z g-4 .. ~-6 ... -8 IlEI*rl cur (~<t.O' MlMl) 49.6' i \?\' NORTH SOUTH -, -200 -l~O -100 50 rROIl BASELINE (rEET) o 2 0 8 STA 12+00 ~ c > '" 3 WHIr '+1 JI" WUlIr...o.,'l 2 0 -'1-' I I I \~~~ NORTH SOUTH -1 -200 -'50 -100 50 rHOIl BASELINE (rEET) o (P'II)Il.IlWI"GlIIIIUC1ID.,MNlIU,...... ~1IlC.0II JAlIIIM'l' 11,"', - (Nr)"'" ~ " AlIILI. u..- II ...... lie. OM AMI. ... .-" IHM CO.~lAl Ei'j("Nl-lIllNG Il~S GH ,t.NDPUIoI"UN(; 5679 STRAND COURT NAPLES, fl 34109 FAX: 941 594 2025 PHONE: 941 594 2021 HUMIS'f()N & MOORE ENGINElm, CALE: SHOWN FIGURE: C 1 0 I I J I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - 8 STA 12+50 ~ 4 <:> 2 3. _'+1.D"l ....1_"." ti ... ~-2 z g-4 -< ~- ... -8 ,_._._"_.- . ( /. I , 0DlGN eUT (-4.0' HG'I'O)_~____ 55.4' ~ . 'I~ : ~ 51.4' NORTH -1 -200 -150 -100 ~ DISTANCE FROW BASEUNE (FEET) 8 8 Sf A 13+00 0' > <:> 2 3. _'+ID"'I .... t..a"l'l NO DREDGING ti ... ~-2 z Q-... !;( ~- ... T I I NORTH -1 -200 -'50 -'00 - 0 50 DISTANCE FROW BASELINE (FEET) 8 STA 13+50 0' 4 ~ 3. 2 ..: ... ... ~-2 z ~-4 -< ~- ... WNW '+1.211"1 ~.(~I"l NO DREDGING T I I NORTH -, -200 -150 -100 - 0 50 DISTANCE FROW BASEUNE (FEET) (PIK) :awm' ClIIIDIIC1ID no ~ __ . ....... IIIC. OM _ 11. ~. - (1'Ofl')..... -.am II' ........ ..... --. II:, ClIl ... 21. Dl7. I~fl HUMISTON & MOORE ENGINEER CLAM SAY CROSS SECTION CUT 4 fOR: CO ER COUNTY OAT '0 0 0 I: JOB fILE:S-D42 DATUM: (0...S1.... It<C,lrJlIM,Nc. r;>l~ <if! Mto nU..IIl'.NC, CALE: SHOWN fiGURE: C 11 Clam Bay Subcommittee lme 17, VIII~4-a New Business I 35 of 371 , SOUTH 2 0 SOUTH 2 0 SOUTH 2 0 5679 STRAND COURT NAPLES, fL 34109 fAX: 941 594 2025 PHONE: 9<41 594 2021 2010 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - (NI)""""'ClIIIIDUlmD..AIIIOlIr,.,....--...../MIIAI'I"..IIO'l'. - (PtWl)...,~IYMlllILI._.-...CIt.........IOOJ'. I IJiM J 0' > " 3 ....'...IU"l wur (+041'" c "' ~-2 z g-4 '" ~-6 "' -8 NORTH -1 -200 -150 0' 4 > ! 2 lllNf/.12I"1 Ill. (-..1'\ c "' ~-2 z ~-4 '" ~-6 "' -8 NORTH -, -200 -'50 8 6 0' 4 > ~ 2 ~ 111M t+I..d'l YIJ (.......'.1 C ~-2 z g-4 '" ~- "' -8 EAST -, -200 -1S0 S1A 14+00 NO DREDGING r- I I -100 - 0 50 DISTANCE rROW SASEUNE (rEEf) ST.6. 14+19 NO DREDGING r I I -100 0 ~o DISTANCE rROW SASEUNE (rEET) Sf A 15+00 NO OREDGING r I I -100 Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VItI-4-a New Business 36 of 371 SOUTH 11U~IISTON 1:1 MOORE ENGINEER CO,lSTJlL ~M;'NHHINGPE5liN .NO'UMn"".G 50 rROW SASEUNE (rEEf) SOUTH 150 2 0 WESl 2 0 5679 STRAND COURT NAPLES, FL 34109 FAX: 941 594 2025 PHONE: 941 594 2021; I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - (PW:)""'~ II' -... __. -. IE. 0It JMMIIIr 11."'. - (PGa1"""" lXIMIIUllID If MIaI, ... a IUIIDML lIIC. .. ...... .. a7. 0' · > !;1 2 ~ 0' · > ! 2 t;; ~-2 z Q-4 ~ ;-6 w -6 10 e 6 0' · > ! 2 Ii w ~-2 z g-4 .. ;-6 w AilNIl' '.'21"1 WL.-(.a..,'"l ST" 1~+50 IXSlllN CVT (-"0' NCMl) 15.5' -~ I 181.3' ,. -6 EAST -100 - 0 0 50 1 0 DISTANCE FRQIj BASEUNE (FEET) STA 16+00 ~..:,.""~ I -, -200 -'50 6 6 t2 z g-4 .. ;-6 w -6 _(.,11I"'1 IIILwt..ILU'l _________J IIV 179'6'~'" -150 EAST -10 -200 e 6 ....,.,." .... (.11.41'1 EAST -, -200 -150 -'DO 50 DISTANCE FRON 6ASEUNE (FEET) srA 16+50 _.,.~_.-.-= I -- --- - Jt, 1606' --f DDIGII CUT (-"-0' lrllM) 30.8' --I -'00 50 FRQIj BASEUNE (FEET) I I.\i'.i:-'M.'.... ,: . r., . . I c O~~ IA\ lhG,'lUKINGOHGN ArICP[i'-lIl]IN::' CUT 4 SCALE: SHOWN FIGURE: C13 Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 Vtll-4-a New Business 37 of 371 -------, ________J ~v I'" . I ~" ' ~ WEST '50 20 I~t WEST 2 0 WEST 200 5679 STRANO COURT NAPLES, FL 34109 fAX: 941 594 2025 PHONE: 941 594 2021 Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17. 2010 VIII.4-a New Business 38 of 371 I I 51A 11+00 8 6 I 0' 4 i; ~ 2 ti ... "'-2 % 2-4 !:< ~- ... -6 _,.,u"\ ..... '+ILlI"\ I ,'- -.'.....,.". \ \ I EAST WEST I -1 -200 -150 -100 so fROW BASELINE (fEET) 2 0 I STA 17+50 6 6 I ~ 4 12 ti ... ... -2 % Q-4 !:< ~-6 -' ... -6 .....r...'I." ..... (.llAI'\ ;/ --=(~..~:;-J 429' -1---t+ 35.5' I lct-:-t I EAST WEST I -1 -200 -150 -100 - 0 ~o OISTANCE fROW BASELINE (fEET) 1 0 150 2 0 I STA 18+00 6 6 I 0'4 ~ 2 ~ _r.,Ia') YLW (.D..&I"I ti ... ... -2 % g-4 ~ ~-6 ... -6 I I EAST WEST -1 -200 I I -ISO -100 - 0 SO 0151 ANeE FROW BASELINE (FEET) 2 0 - (l'M)1UIWa~lfilllllOU. _. ...........__ IL 1107. - O'OIIJIIlM'YCDleJllnIlIf.............~NC..~...IlII7. HUMISTON & MOORE ENGINEER, CLAM BAY CROSS SECTION CUT 4 FOR, COWER COUNTY : 5 02 07 FI : W RK FllX SCALE: SHOWN JOB F1L.E:8-042 DATUM: NOVO FIGURE, Cl4 IHM 5679 STRANO COURT NAPLES, FL 34109 fAX: 941 594 2025 PHONE: 941. 594 2021 I k, (OASJA,l u.1;".UKII<GOLSGll AIIOI'UMIlT:folG D D N ;:: . C o ~ . . " . - . E . E .5;; 8 ~ .orn o . <n. ~z ~ ~'?~ E..- , 0 ~=Ol '-'>'" CD *~ ~CG Q) E E E ::s ::s gcn CQ) It>> CD"C <C~ ~C u "7 ~~ 25 25 ~ u ~Mg~cri .~ ~ .( ..;~ ~ o o a:J o >0 00 Z o. - ~ .oN "i U N -, 0' O~ .N~ g_ , 0... U_O-e; ... ell ~ a:J en "1:lil ... "... o ffi,~ U; J!'I""" ._ 10 :I: ~ u \ ~ffi ~l ~ i ~I 0 ~ Q) O. _ 06 () CD 0 C~ '\O('?CI) g Zo <'{<i' ~ E ~11.cU'lcn-(I)-r.n"C co,! CU...~....OI/l'OCll t>> ~ C'l:l .c "0 ::J C.c: C'Gl.c: ro ...., 0 E1s: (,) '" _0..\_ 0.. 'tl ::l ;> 'tll !i; g g e 1='g~Ia\~ ~ 0, .- ;l 'tl <I'J - - "'I E'-~"CCQ ca 'E ii>Eo~5 :5 It Q..G.l .g"C 0. > Q.. .- G,l u 23: c :c O'tl 'tl ::l 14> G> U ... 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[[IJJ l; c ~ 0 ~ J r~ r~ j <~ ~ - ~ , i , < h . , . ~ i l 0 ; j , ! 8 ~ ~ . ~ a - Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17.2010 VIII-4-a New Business 51of371 Clam Pass Dredge Permitting History Compiled from documents provided by FDEP, Collier County and Humiston & Moore Engineers Compiled by PBS&J June 16, 2010 DRAFT Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17,2010 VIJI-4-a New Business 52 of 371 Table of Contents 1.0 PREFACE......................... .....................3 2.0 PERMIT DOCUMENTS 2.01 FDEP Permit 0128463-001-Jc... ... ...... ... ... ... ... ...... ... ............ ......... ..................... ....... ... .........4 2.02 Original permit application drawings............. ... ............ ... ...... ... ... ... ...... ..........................26 2.03 USACE Permit 199602 789 {lP-CC)..................................................................................... 71 2.04 FDEP Permit Madification #1 - disposal site, channel width and pipeline route....210 2.05 Constructian Plans 1999 Dredge Event........................................................................224 2.06 FDEP Permit Modification #2 - mangrove trimming..................................................243 2.07 USACE Permit Modification #1 - disposal site, channel width and pipeline raute..251 2.08 Construction Plans 1" maintenance dredge (2002) ....................................................273 2.09 FDEP Notice ta Proceed for 1" maintenance dredge (2002) ....................................286 2.10 Constructian Plans 2,d maintenance dredge (2007) ..................................................288 2.11 FDEP Notice to Proceed for 2,d maintenance dredge (2007) ...................................306 2.12 FDEP memo altering entrance channel width............................................................310 2.13 FDEP Notice to Proceed for 2"" maintenance dredge with changes (2007).............312 2.14 FDEP Modification #3 - Permit time extension...........................................................316 DRAFT Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VlIl-4-a New Business 53 of 371 1.0 PREFACE This document is a compilation of the permitting documents submitted to DEP and USACE for Clam Pass under FDEP Permit number 0128463-001-J( and USACE Permit number 199602789-IP-CC. The attached plan sets, notices to proceed and modifications are reproductions or scans of the original documents and are the best available at this time. This is a working document and should be used with the knowledge that other documents and information may exist that should be included in the permitting history but are not currently available. As the current permit process continues this document may be amended to include more information. Please make sure the document is the latest revision available. FDEP Permit 0128463-001-JC Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 54 of 371 ,\~:!CE+\'" '. ~~ I ,., ~ I =~~ CIIm Bey SubcommIIIIe Junl17. 2010 VII....... New BuIIneu 55 of 371 Department of Environmental Protection Uwton Chiles Governor Twin Towers Office Buildi", 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee. Aorida 32399-2400 v'rplQ B Wetherell Secret.ary CONSOLlDA TED JOI~T COASTAL PER.\flT AND SOVEREIGN SUBMERGED LANDS ArTHORIz.-\ TION PER.\IITTEFlAUTHORIZED ENTITY: Collier COUllly- Pelican Bay Scrykes Div. 1.:/0 Ted Bnm n. Esquire Akerman. S~nlerfill. & Edison. P.A. 255 Sputh (ktng~ :\v~nul' Orbndp. Fkmla _~2S() I Pennitl Authorilulion Su.: 0 I 28"6J-OO I.JC (Previously 1130..9919) Date of Issue: July 06. 1998 Expimlion Date: July Ofl. 20()8 County: C(lllkr Prllll'l:t Clam Bay R.:~torati\ln ;ll1d L(lIlg. Term ~1anagement This perm it is issued und~r the authority of Chapter 10 J and Pan IV of Chapter .n~. F. S. allll Titk tl2. Florida Administrative Code (F.A-c.). The activity is not exempt from the requirement to ()tltain a Joint Coastal Permit. Pursuant to Operating Agreements cxecut.:d "~'twccn tht.' Departmenl and the watcr managemenl dislncls. a.'\ referenced in Chapler 62-11.~. FA.C.. the Deparlment is rcsponsiole for reviewing and laking linal ageOl.:Y actiun on lhis al.:ti\"ity. Thi... pamit a1s11 (\lnstitUle.. a finding of ~(lnsistcncy with Florida' s Coastal Zlln~ \lan:!~':I1I""11l Pnlgram. <1.\ rc~uir~d hy Sel,;tion .~(17 of the Coastal Manag~menl Act: and. ~....rtifKatitln I,;(lmplianc.: with waler quality sl~~ards under Sel.:lit1n -U14 of the Clean Watcr AI:t. 3.~ rSc. 13~~. This activity also requires a proprietary authoril.ation. as lhe activtty is hlCatcd on so\'creign submerged lands owned by the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvcment Trust Fund. pUrSUanllll Article X. Section 11 of the Florida Constitution, and Sections 253.(J(J2 and 253.77. F.S. The activity is not exempt from the need to ontain a propri~lary authOnlalion. Thc [)epanm~'nl has the rc'ponsihlJity II) rcview and take final action l)n this request for proprietary ituthon/illJoll III accordancc with SCl.'tion 18.11.1NI51. and the Operating A~rcCmCnl\ executed Il\.'l\\cen the D\.'partmcnt and the water managL'mcnl districts. <1.\ rcferenced in Chapter (,2-11.'. FA.C. In addition to the apm'c. thIS pmpnctary authori/alion has been rcviewed in accordam;e with Chi1pler 153 and Chaph.'r 25lt F.S.. Chap~r IS-2e), Chapler 18-21. and Seclion ('2-343.U75. F.A.C., i1nd the policics of the Board of Trustees. A~ .,taff to th~ Board of Trustees. the Departmcnl has reviewed the activity descri~d ~III\V. and has dClcmlincd that the activity requires a Con~nt of Use for the u~ \If th(l~ lands. ".o..-:.~~..:~ C:J..i-;'.- . ~ ....~JqCI:7~ F'~' :.:-: Erl{,'':)f;nl: :td ".':"~...'..I ,.....~ ":1'1 Pnt1C~ 1ft ,tcyeled pafHIt. Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17. 2010 Vlll-4-a New Business 56 of 371 FDEP Permit No.: 0128463-001-JC (Previously 113049919) Page 2 of 21 pursuanl t\l Chapter 253.77. Florida Statules. The Deparlmenl hereby granLIl its Conscnl to the permittee to use the sovereign submerged lands for lhe activities authorized in lhis pcrmil, provided all gencral and spccific cendirions. and monitoring rcquiremenL'\ slipulated in the permit arc met by the pem1ittee. The ahove named permittee is hereby authorized to conslrucllhe work shown on the applicalil.\n and approved drawings, plans. and other documents attached hereto or on file with thc Depanment and made a parl hereof. This permit is subject to the limits. conditions, and locations of work shown in the attached dra\\o1ngs. and is also subject to the attached General Conditions, Specific Conditions. and Monitoring requirements which are a binding part of this permit. You are advised to read and undcrstand lhese drawings and conditions pn\lr to commcncing the authorized activities. and lo ensure the work is conductcd in confomlancc with all the terms, conditions, and drawings. [f you arc utilizing a contral:tor, the contracto:- also should rcad and understand these drawings and conditions prior to commencing the authorized activities. Failure to comply with all drawings and condilions shall constitute grounds for revocation of the pennit and appropriate enforcement action. The applicant has requested a variance (VE-II-726) f:-om Rule 62-4.244(5), Florida Administ:-ative Code (F.A.C.), which requires that a dredge and till mixing zone be no morc than J 50 meters in radius from lhe pOlnl of discharge or source of pollution. The applicant has requested a mixing zone of up to I.non meters for the nearshore disposal of the beach quality matcrial. The Depanment intends to grant this variance request per Chaptcrs -t03.20 J and -t03.93R. Florida Statutes, and, Ch. 62- 103. 100. F.A.C. The requirements and conditions of Variance No. VE-11-726 are binding with this permit and shall become requirement'i and conditions of the permit. Activities authorized by this permit shall not commence until the Final Order granting Variance No. VE-ll;7!6 has been issued by the Department PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The projL'Ct IS to conduct activities to improve the hydrodynamics of. and thus restore and manage. the Clam Bay ecosystcm by conducting thc aClivilics in association with and specified by the Clam Bay Restoration and Management Plan (CBR~1P), which is allached to and made parl of this permit as Attachmcnt "A". The Permittee is authorized to implement the CBRMP as sel fonh lhercin. Spccifically, bul not by way of limilation, the Pcrmittec is authorized to: dredge approximately 22,000 cubic yards of material from Clam Pass and restricted channels \vithin the system; conduct periodic dredging of Clam Pass and the inlerior channcls to maintain the design depths; conduct minor. small charge blasting of the restricted interior channels; replace three 24 inch diameter culvens along Seagatc Drive with similar sized one-way flow to the north culverts: deposit the beach quality material on the beaches adjacent to Clam Pass and dispose of the fines on the uplands; kill and remove the nuisance exotic vegetation within the systcm: Ctlnduct studies to determine the sourccs for excess walCr discharge inlo the syslcm from thc dc"eloped uplands; formulaIC an Upland Water Discharge Reduction Plan with Clam Bay Subcommmee June 17. 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 57 of 371 FDEP Permit No.: 0t28463-fHH-JC (Pre\'iously 11304(919) Page 1 of 21 recommendations based on the results of the studks; and, implement lhe upland Water Discharge Reduction Plan in accordance wilh its terms. PROJECT LOCA TION: The project is located in the Clam Bay Natural Resource Protection Arca and surrounding developments in Collier County. Sections 4, 5. ~, 9, 32, & 33 of Township 49 South, Range 25 East. Cla:.;s 11 walers. not approwd for shellfish harwsting GE~ER-\L CO~DITIONS: I. All al.:tivitics authorizcd by this permit shall be implemented as set forth in the plans, spccillca:ions, and auached drawings approved as a part of this permit, and all conditions and reqUlrcm:nLS of this permit. The permittec shall notify the Department in writing of any anticipated deviation from the penuit prior to implementation su that the Department can determine whether a modificatiun of the permit is required. ., If, fur any reasun, the permittee does nOlLOmply with any condition or limitation specitied in this permit, lhe permittee shall immediately provide the Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems (Bureau) and the appropriate District offi~:e of the Department with a written report (.:ontaining the following infdrnIalion: a dcsl:ription of and cause of noncompliance: and the period of noncompliance, including dates and times: or, if nol corrected, the anticipated time the nonwmplianl'e is expected 10 continue. and stcps heing laken to redu(.:c. eliminate, and prc,'cnl r~l.:urrcncc of the noncompliance. ~ This permit docs not eliminate the necessity to obtain any other applicable licenses or permits which may he required hy federal. Slate. local or spedal distrkt Jaws and rcguJal1ons. This permit is nol a waiver or approval of any other Dcpaflmenl permit or authorilation that may he required for olhcr aspects of lhe IOtal projecl which arc not addressed in thls permit. 4. This pcl111il conveys no lillc 10 land or water, docs not constilute State recognition or adnowledgment of title, and does not constitute authority for the use of sovereignty land of Florida s~award of the mean high-water line, or. if establishcd, the erosion control line. unless herein provided and the necessary title. lease, easemcnl, Of other form of consent authorizing the proposed use has heen obtained from the Stale. The pcrmittee is responsible for obtaining any necessary authorizations from the Board of Trustees of lhe Internallmprovcmcnt Trust Fund prior to commcncing activity on sovereign lands or othcr state-owned lands. 5. Any delineation of the extcnt of a wetland Of other surfacc walcr submitted as part of the permit applicathlll. including plans or other supporting documentation. shall nOl be considcrcd spel"iril:ally approvcd unless a specific condition of this pennit or a fornlaJ determination under section 373.421 (2). F.S., provides otherwisc. Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17. 2010 Vlll....-a New Business 58 of 371 FDEP Permit No.: 0128463-nOl-JC (Previously 113(49919) Page 4 of 21 6. This permit docs not convey to the permittee or create in the permittee any property right, or any interest in real property. nor does it authorize any cntram:c upon or activities on property which is not owned or controlled by the permittee. The issuance of this permit docs not convey any vested rights or any exclusive privileges. 7. This permit (lr a copy thereof. complete with all cond~tions. attachments, plans dnd spccifications. modifications. and time extensions shall be kept at the work site of the permitted activity. The permittee shall require the contractor to review the complete permit prior 10 commenccment of the activily authorized by lhis permit. 8. The permittee. by accepting this permit, specifically agrees to allow authorized Department personnel with proper Identification and at reasonablc timcs. access to the premises where the permitted activity is located or conducted for the p'Jrpose of ascertaining compliance with the terms of the permit and with the rules of the Department and to have access to and copy any records that must he kept under conditions of the permit; to inspect the facility. equipmenl. practkes. or \)pcrations regulated or required under this pemlit; and to sample or monitor any suhstances or parameters at any location reasonably necessary to assurc compliance wl1h this p~rmll or Department rules. Reasonable time may depend on the nature of the wncem being invcstigall'd. LJ. Alleast forty-eight (48) hours prior 10 commencement of aClivity authOrIzed hy this permit. the permittee shall suhmit to the Bureau and the appropriate Dislrict oflice of the Department a written notice of commencement of constructi(.n indicating the actual start date and the expected l:omp1clion date. 10. If historical or archaeological artifacL~ arc discovered at any timc on the project site. the permittee shall immedialely notify lhe State Hisloric Preservatiun Of11cer and lhe Bureau. 11. Wilhin 30 days after completion of construction or completion of a subsequent maintenance event aUlhorized by this permit. the pcmlittee shall submit to the Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems and the appropriate District office of the Department a written Slalement of c(lmpk~tion and cenification by a licensed professional cngineer registered in the state of Florida. This cenification shall Slate that: all locations and elevations specificd by the permil have been verified: :.he activities authonzed by the permit have been performed in compliance wilh the plans and specificalions approved as a part of the permit. and all conditions of the permit; ur shall describe any deviations from the plans and specifications. and all condillOns of the permit. When the completed activity differs substantially from the permitted plans, any substantial deviations shall be noted and explained on two copies of as-built dmwings submitted to the Department. Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 59 of 371 FDEP Permit ~o.: Ol2S463-001-JC (Pre\'iously 1130.J9919) Page 5 of 21 SPECIFIC CO~DITIONS: I. Prior to commencement of lhe aClivities authorized by lhis permil, lhe pcnnittce shall ensure lhe following aClivilies are cunducted and information provided: a) Alleasl 30 days prior to each construction event. the pemlittee shall identify a qualified biologistl wetland scientisl(s) familiar with ecosystems of Florida and submit their qualifications to the Dcpanment for approval. This individual will serve as the supervising scicntist that oversees the biological components of this rcsloration project and will halt ,'onstruction if he! she suspects thaI violations of the permit havc occurred. 11) Alleast 30 days prior 10 commencement of construction. the "Proposed Scope of Work" described in the Biological Monitoring section of this pcnnit shall be submitted 10 lhe Department for approval. c) Prior to commencement of construction, lhe construction plans and bid documents showing the work area contemplated to be cOIlstrucwd shall be submitted to the Department to be vcrificdl approved by Departmenl slaff. Excavation work authorized by this pemlil shall be administered in accordance with Specific Condition I .(g) below. To the fullest ~xt~nt possible, the smallest, lightcsl mcchanizl'd .:quipmcnt and smallest work ar\?llS adc4uatc 10 conduct the activities authorized by this p~trmit shall be used to minimizl.? advcrse impacts 10 natural resources and the subslral~ where mangwvc rcgcnerati(m is encouraged. d) Prior to commcnccmcnl of each dredging event authorized by this permit. a pre- ccnstruction conference shall be hcld among the contractor, the owncr or authorized agent, the wetland scienlist(s), the marin~ turtle permit holder, the USFWS. and a staff rcprcs~ntative of the Department to establish an understanding among the parties as to the items specified in lhc General and Specific coudillons of the permit and lhe Monitoring requirements. At least 10 days advance notice shall be provided prior to conducting this meeting. c) The Permittee shall submit the project specifications as required under Specific Condition 1.( g) below to BPSM for review and approval relative to the projecl specificalions' probahle impacts on marine tunIcs. If the type of dredge proposed has the potcnliallo advcrsely impact marine tunIcs a.l; dctermined by BPSM staff, additional conditions to prOlecl marinc tunIcs may be required by thc Department as part of this pennit. f) If blasting is proposed, a blasting plan shall be submitted to thc Bureau of Beaches and Cluslal Systems and the Bureau of ProteCted Species Management in Tallahassee for approval allcast 30 days before the proposed blasting event. Additional conditions relating to Ihe proposed blasting activities may be needed and added to this pennit by the Departmenl. Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-8 New Business 60 of 371 FDEP Permit No.: 0l28463-001-JC (Pre\iously 113049919) Page 6 of 21 g) At least forty-five (45) days prior to the initial dredging event and any subsequent maintenance dredging evenl authorized by this permit, the perminee shall submit to the Department's Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems in Tallahassee detailed project specifications. including but nOllimited to plan view and cross section drawings, which detail the dredge and filllimilc; al the dredging and disposal siles. lhe method of l.'l'nstruclion and construction schedule. and a processmg fee as specificd by Rule 62B-.+9. F.A.c. Additionally. the work area of the authorized excavation shall he clearly marked in the field by lhe wetland scientist(s) to allow the Departmcnt staff to verify and approve the location of the excavalion. The Departmcnt may request additional informalion as necessary in order to review each proposed dredging event. Written approval from the Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems in Tallahassee shall be obtained before proceeding wilh each dredging event. Department approval for individual dredging events may be comingenl upon the permittee's acceptance of additional conditions, such as lurbidity andl or water quality monitoring, which may be determined to be appropriate hasl.?d 1m data suhmittcd to the Depanmcnl in support of a dredging request or upon the results \11 prcvious dredging. ., The !nllowing ~llnditions are required to minimize impa~ts to marinc turtles: a) :\~) constructiun, operation. transponation or storagc of equipment or matcrials arc authorized seaward of the dune crest during the marinc turtle nesting season (May I,t through October 31 ~). This includes dredging of the main pa'is and disposal of dredged material seaward of the dune crest, including the intertidal lone. The othcr activitics landward of the dune crest may be conducted during the marine turtle nestmg !\eason provided the necessary measures are takCTllO protect marine tunIcs. b I F:llmaterial pla~ed on the bca~h shaH he sand thaI is similar to that already existing at the bl.?H.:h site in both coloration and grain size. l\ll such till malerial shall he free of c()nstIu~tion debris. rocks. other forcign matter and shall not cuntain. on average. greatcr than 10 per~ent fines (i.e. silt and clay) passing a No. 200 sicve and shall nol ~:()ntain coarse gravd or cobblcs (exclusive of shell material) rctained by a NO.4 sieve. c) Ell material shall nut exceed a 10: I horizontal to venical slope and shall be placed below MHW. If till disposal resullS in a barrier or depression in the beach profile that interferes wilh marine tunIc nesting. lhe permittee shall be required to remove that fealure upun [l'quest by thc Department. dJ Reports on all ncsting activity is currently provided to the Dcpartment by Collier County Departml.?nt of Natural Res(\urcc Prolcdion. The Permittce shall cnsure that the reports p:-cpared by the Collier County Department of Natural Resource Prolcction shall include the collection of data ~peciti<: \tl the plOject area for the initial nesting season following the Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 Vlll....-a New Business 61 of 371 FDEP Permit No.: 0128463-001-JC (Pre,'iously 113(49919) Page 7 of 21 complction of construction. and for a minimum of two additional nesting seasons. unless waived as herein provided. Monitoring during the additional seasons may he waived if the permiltee can demonstratc that the fill material is no longcr prescnl in the projccl arca, or that turtle nesting the first season post-consuuction was not adversely affected compared 10 an appropriate control area. Monitoring shall include daily surveys and any additional measures for tunle prolection authorized by the Department. Reports shall be submitted to the Department in accordance with current protocols with the Collier County Department of ~alural Resource Protection. but a<; soon as practicable after the completion of all monitoring aClivitics. and shall include daily report sheets noting all activity. nesting success rates, hatching success of all relocated and in SitU nests, and names of all personnel involved in nest surveys and relocation al'livitics. All nesting surveys and nest relocations shall Oe conducted only by persons with prior experience and training in these activitics and duly authorized to conducl such activities through a valid permit issued by the Department. Division of Marine Resources. pursuant to Florida Administrative Code Rule li2R.l. e) [1' heavy equipment is required to transport equipment or materials on the dry neach (anove MHW), the path of the equipment will he tilled to ~6" to avoid compaction impacts prior to the followir.g nesting sca.'ion. n Visual surveys for escarpments or baniers along the project area shall he made immediately after completion of the project and prior to May 1 in any year thaI disposal of ncach quality matcrial is placed on the beaches adjacent to Clam Pass unlcss inspection of the disposal area indkates that the dredged material has been removed by natural processes. in whIch case this permit condition shall not apply. R~sults of the surveys shall be faxed to the Bureau of Protccted Specics Management, (S50) 921-4369, prior 10 any action being taken. Escarpments that interfere with sea tL;nle nesting or that exceed 18 inches in height for a dislance nf 100 feet shall be Icvdcd to the natural beach conlour by May 1<1. Thc Depanment shall be contacted immediately if subscquent rcformalion of escarpmenL~ thaI can interfere with sea tunle nesting or that exceed 18 inches in height for a distanl.:c of 100 fed occurs during the nesting and hatching scason to dctcrmine the appropriate action to be taken. [n each year wherc the escarpment survey is conduclcd. a summary of the survey and aClions taken shall be submitted 10 the Department. g) During the marine turtle nesting and hatching season, aU lighting associaledwith p:ojccl activities landward of the dune crest and visible from the beach shall be limited to the immediate area of active construction only. Such lighting shall be shielded low pressure sodium vapor lighls to minimize illumination of the nesting \'leach and nearshore walers. h) In the event an unmarked marine lunle nest or a dead. injured, or sick marine lurtle is discovered during consuuction activities. the marine lutle pemlil holder and the Bureau of Protected Species Management shall be notified immediately such that appmpriatc Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17. 2010 VIII-4-a New Buslneaa 82 of 371 FDEP Permit ~o.: 0128463-001-JC (Pre\'iously 113049919) Page 8 of 21 conservation measures can be taken, 3. The following conditions are required to minimize impacts to manatees: a) The permittee shall instruct all personnel associated wilh the project of the pOlential presence of manatees and lhe need to avoid collisions with manatees. All construction personnel are responsible for obscrving water-related activities for the presence of manatecls). b) The permittee shall advise aJi construction personnel that there arc civil and criminal penalties for harming, harassing. or killing manatees which are protected under the Marine ~lammal Protection Act of 1972. The Endangered Species Act of 1973. and the Ellrida \tanatce Sanctuary Act. c) S:]t<tlinn narricrs, if used. shall oe made of material in which manalccs cannot become entangled. are properly secured. and are regularly monitored to avoid manatee entrapment. Barricrs must not block manatee entry tc or exit from essential habitat. d) AJ) vessels associated with the construction project shall operate at "no wake/idle" speeds at all times while in the construction area and while in water where lhe draft of the vessel provides less than a four-foot clearance from lhe bottom. All vessels wi)) follow routes of deep water whenever possible. 0) If manatee(s) are seen within 100 yards of the active daily construction/dredging operation or vessel movement, all appropriale precautions shall be implemented to ensure protection of the manalee. These precailliuns shall include the operation of all moving equipment no doser than 50 fect of a manatee. Opcralion of any equipment closer than 50 !celto a manatee shall necessilale immediate shutdown of thaI equipment. Activities will not rcsume until the manatee(s) has depaned the project area of its own volition. n Any col1isi~m with and/or i:1jury to a manatee sh,,1l he rcported immediately to the Flonda ~tarine PalmI at I-SOO-DIAL FMP (1-8(X)-3.J2-5367). Collision and/or injury should also be reponed to the U.S. Fish and Wildlit'e Service in Jacksonville (1-904-232- 2580) for north Florida or Vcro Beach (1-407-562-3909) in south Florida. g) Temporary signs concerning manatees shall be posted prior 10 and during all construction/dredging activities. All signs are to be removed by the pennittee upon completion of the project. A sign measuring at least 3 ft. by -4 ft. which reads Cawion: Manatee Arell will he posted in a location prominently visiblc 10 water relalcd construction crews. A second sign should be posted if vessels are associated with the construction. and should be placed visible to the vessel operator. The second Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17. 2010 VIII""-a New BUliness 63 of 371 FDEP Permit No.: Ot28463-001-JC (Previously 113049919) Page 9 of 21 sign should he at least I< 1/2" by II" which reads Caution: Manatee Habitat. Idle .\pet'd i.\' rt'quired if operating a vessd in the construction area. .411 equipment mUJt be shll1down i.f a manatee comes Idthin 50 feet of operation. Any ((Il1i.\'ion >>ith and/or injury to a manafee .\'hall be reported immediately to ll1i' Florida .'vfarine Patrol at I-ROO-DIAL F.41P (J -ROO-342-53{)7). The U.S. FiJh and Wildlife Service should also be contacted in Jachon\'ille ( J -<j04- 232-2580) for 1I0rth Florida or in Vero Beach (/-407-562-3'JO'J)forsouth Florida. h) Pemlanenl manalee informational signs. such as those shown in the enclosed example shect~, shall be installed and maintained at the canoe boat ranlp at the southern end of Outer Clam Bay following completion of the initial dredging event. 4. Pursuant to the Florida Depanment of State, Division of Historical Resources (DOS-DHR) regulations, no heavy cquipmcnl, land clearing, or ground disturbing activities shall oe allowed at sites RCR476. SCR547. and 8CR576, unlcss subjccWd to prior tcsting by a qualit1cd archaeologist and approved hy the DOS-DHR. See the attached permit drawings for the locuti,ms (,I' these historically significant arcas to he avoided. 5. The Clam Bay et:osystem I.:ontains waterways that are difficult to navigate due to shallow water depths and mcandering channels Iincd with protruding mangrove branches and roots. To protecl the signilkant natural rcsources and water 4uality of the Clam Bay ecosystem, and to provide prolcction to the public safety (boaters utilizing these waters). there shall bc an idle speed! no wake restriction on motorized vessels used in the system (as stipulated in Co..mty Ordinam:e 1'0. l)()-16). The existing rcstrictions placed upnn ooating activilies within the Clam Bay system by County Ordinance No. 96-16 shall rcmain active and enforceable for the life of this pcmlil. AddilJOnally, lWD Florida Marine Patrol approved signs lhat state, "Idle Speed- No Wakc" ar.d "Caution- Shallow Waler and Natural Resources Prescnt- Tilt Motor Up To Prevent Prop Dredge- Damage to Natural Resources Subject to Fines, Pursuant 10 Ch. 370, F.S." shall hc placed at the following locations following completion of the initial dredging cvent: I) One within the entrance of Clam Pass facing boaters entering the bays: 2) One at lhe entrance to Outer Clam Bay facing north and easily legible 10 boaters enlering Outer Clam Bay; 3) One at thc cnlrance to InnerClanl Bay facing south and easily legible to boaters entering Inner Clam Bay; 4) One at the entrance to Vppcr Clam Bay facing south and easily legible to b()aters entering Upper Clam Bay; and, 5) One within the uppcr reaches or Outer Clam Bay facing soulheast and easily lcgihlc to boulcrs leaving Seagate. 6. To protcCl the submcrgcd natural resources (scagra~ses and o)'slcr heds) adjacent to the channels to be dredged, weighted turbidllY screens thaI extend to the bottom uf lhe watcrbody Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-+-a New Business &4 of 371 FDEP Permit No.: 0128463-00t-JC (Pre\'iously 113(49919) Page 10 of 21 shall be installed netween the natural resource and the dredge 10 effectively isolate the natural res()urce frum the active drcdge and prcvent adverse impacts to lhe natural resource via suspended particle settlement. The lurbidity screens will only need 10 be placed on the down current side between the natural resource and the dredge to allsist the contractor in idenlifying the significant natural resource areas and to protect the natural resources from the dredge and temporarily elevated turbidity leve:s. 7. A minimal amount of trimming and removal of mangroves will be needed lO conduct the authorized activities in the smaller inlcrior channels. These activities are to be supervised hy the Department approved wetlands scientist described in Specific Condition I above. To ensure that the biological health and prodm:tivity of the mangroves are nut adversely impacted to a significant extent. lhe follO\-ving mangrove trimming procedures must be followed. pursuant to Sections 403.9321-403.9333, Florida Statutes. Only once-per-year trimming of the mangroves necded to conduct the activities authorized by this permit, and to maintain the canoe trails is allowcd: no trimming of mangroves to creale t)f enhance views within this ecosystem is allowed. Prior to trimming or removing any mangroves. the species of the trees must be identified and tagged by a l)ualified oiologisL wetland sclcmisl(s), or bOlan!SI and verified hy staff from the Department's South Districl Office in Ft. Myers. ur the Bureau of Beal:hcs and Coastal Systems in TalbhassL'c. All trimmed mangrove part;; grcalcr lhan one inch in diameter shall be removed and I:ompnstcd on the uplands to prevent further restriction c.t tidalllow within the Interior channels: Live Manl!ro\'e Trimminl! Procedures a. Maximum Diameter- No white mangrove tree with a single trunk diameter greater lhan twelve inches dbh (diameter 'at 'breasl height: lhe diameter of the tree at 4.5 feet abuve the substrate) may be top lrimmed. No black mangrove tree with a single trunk diameter greater than eight inches dbh may be LOp trimmed. No red mangrove lrce with a single trunk diameter greater lhan one inch may be top trimmed. h. Top Trimming- While and "lack mangrove trees. within the specified trunk diameters may be lrimmed to a height of four feet above substrate. The limit of top trimming for red mangroves within lhe specified trunk diameters is 6 linear fcct ahovc the substrate. Top lrimming shall not occur from May I lhrough Septemhcr 30. No morc than half of the canopy of the trec shall be trimmed. No white and black mangrove trees less lhan 4 linear. feel in height shall be trimmed. No red mangroves 1::55 than 6 linear feel in height shall be trimmed. c. Removal of Lateral Branches- For white and black mangrove trees. lateral branchcs originating hetween four and fifteen fcet above the substrate may be removed from a trunk of any dbh. For red mangroves. up to fifty percent of the lateral branches originaung nctwcen six and fifteen feet abov~ the substrate may oe removed. In multiple trunk trees. the trunk having the greatest doh is designaled as the primary trunk; olhers are designated as lateral branches. Clam Bay SUbcommittee June 17. 2010 Vlll......a New Business 65 of 371 FDEP Permit No.: 0128463-001-JC (Pre\'iously 113(49919) Page 11 or 21 d. General Prohibitions- I) No herbiddcs or chemicals may be used to alter mangroves. 2) No burning may he used to alter mangroves. 31 No deliberate damage 10 prop roots. pneumatophores, and regular moL". -l-l No cUlling of any mangrove thaI serves as breeding, nesting. or roosting area for colonial water birds: or is used by endangered species. threatened species. and species of special concern fur breeding. or which is routinely used, by endangcrcd species. threatened species, or species of special L'oncern, as listed in Rule 19-27. F.A.c., and 50 CFR 17. I \.12: or contains a nest or nests of proh.'ctcd solitary ncsting hirds as defined in Rule 39- I 2.002 or J9-27.002. F.A.C., except when: a pem1it has becn issued by the Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission, or, where appropriate. the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. to remove the ncst or nests. Dead !\Ianero'.e Trimmine or Remo\'aI Procedures a. Due to the large numbers of dead mangroves within certain areas of this ecosystem. up to 50% of the dead trees may be rcmoved within thc areas of massive die-offs to facilitate recolunization by mangroves. h. For public safety, all dead mangroves within 20 feet of the existing paved roads may he removed. ,-', Prior to removing any dead mangroves, the tIees shall he inspected and tagged for rem(l\al oy the approvcd weIland scientist(s). Prior to their removal, these lagged trees shal J oe approved for removal hy stall from the Department' s South District Olll.:e in Ft. Myers, or from the Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems in Tallahassee. The larger, slurdier dca<l trees suitable for roosting and nesting shall remain. d. Dead mangroves approved for removal shall be removed at the substrate level with care not to damage or dislurb surrounding. living vcgctation. c. The r~'moved dead trees shall be composted or disposed on the uplands to prevent funher restril.:tions of tidal Ilow within the inlcrior channels. S. As part of the restoralion and long-term management of thLIi ecosystem. aclivities shall be conducted to remove lhe nuisance exotic vegetation (including Auslrdlian pine and Brazilian pepper) within the Clam Bay Natural Resource Protection Area. These aclivil1es shall be (,'()J1ductcd with the goal in mind to remove all nuisance exotic vegetation from the area with the actual percl-'nlagc of nuisance exutic vegctalion nol exceeding l'k of the total vegetated area. When rcmoving the nuisance exotic vegetation, care shajJ he taken to not hann the surrounding native vegetation. Mechanical rcmoval should remove as much of the roots of the exotic as possible followed by hand removal. or chemicaltIeatment of any suckers. If (,'hemical treatmcnt is used. only environmentally safe chemicals, such as garlon and roundup, shall be used with special care taken to not spilllspray any in or on the water or native vegetation. Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17. 2010 VlIl-4-a New Business 66 of 371 FDEP Permit :\0.: 0I2H463-fHH-JC I Prc\iouslv 1130"9919) Page 12 of 21 9. Within scven days of completion of the authorized activities (including lhe mangrove alterations. interlor channel excavalions. and removal of nuisance cJtotic vcgetalion) throughout the Clam Bay ecosystem, lhe contractcd crews shall return to each work arca and remove the trimmed pran\.'h~s and tre.:s (dead trecs approved for remo\'al) greater than I inch in diameter to appropriale upland hK:ations. The crews shall also regrad~ any spoil pile or herm that may hah~ PC'l'n 'T,~atl~d as part of the eXl:avation work, SlIl.:h that thcre is no impediment to shect !low and no crl'ated uplands as a result of the pro.icl.:t. I n, Small charge explosives may be used to restore tidal now in the interior I.:hanncls wherc the lIse III m~dlanilcd and hand-held equipment is not feasiblc. The arcas designated fur the use 01 e,\phlsi"I.'s shall [1e marked "y the wetland sdcntisHs) and these marked area.. shall be approwd by Department staff prior to the use of the explosives. The explosivcs shall be carefully placed and (ktonatl'd only in areas where their usc will havc minimal advcrse impacts to signifil"ant natural resources. A Florida licensed explosives expert shall inslall and detonate all explosives J.,s()ciat~d with the pro.iect. 1 I, To d-:vclup a data set LO understand the impacl of freshwater disl:hargc into the Clam Bay ,'C\lSYStCI1l r"mOl the developed uplands. the permittee shall submil detailed plans for the I plh l\ving primary studIes within 120 days fllllowing permit issuance In the Depannwnt fur Jrpmval. These studies are designed to identity exisling watcr sourccs and waler needs. and pr(1pose r"easipk mcthods to meet these water needs while conl.:urrently reducing water dlsl:harges into the Clam Bay ecosyslcm (see the Chlm Bay Restoration and Management Plan lor Ihl' detJl1s and spcl:ifil:s of cach study): Study 1- VClZclation Analvsisl1rrigathm-Rel,Juirements; StudV' 2- Rctardinc Uoland Water Flows into Clam Bay; StudV' 3- Reducing Row from Penmeler Bcrm Area to Clam Bay; Studv 4- Groundwater Flows; Study 5- Utilization of Stormwater Management Lakes a'i Source for Irri~ation; and, any additional sludies that may be needed to generate the information requircd to fully understand the impact of freshwater discharge into the Clam Bay ecosystem from the developed uplands, The study plans shall include detailed dcscriptions and maps, activities to he I.:ondm:tcd, methods, and qualified personnel involvcd for each study. The permittee shall hegin implementation of the Department approved studies within 180 days following pcrmit issuance. 12. The pernlittee shall (.:onduct the studies required ny Spel:ific Condition No. II for up to three years following permit issuance. However, if the data gcncrdtcd from the sludies suggest Ihal additional data gathering will not materially aid the permittee and lhe Department in undL'fstand1l1g the impact (If freshwater discharge into the Clam Bay ecosystem. the permittee m.IY request Ih~ Deparunent for authorization to tcrminate one or more of the sludics and proceed 10 the analysis <lnd recommendation phase as dcs(.:rihcd in the CBRMP and this wndition. Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17. 2010 VlII-4-8 New Business 67 of 371 FDEP Permit No.: 01284cl3-00t-JC (Previously 113049919) Page 13 of 21 Following this study period, the permittee shall analyze lhe data gathered, formulate recommendations based on the dala, and to the extent suggcstcd by the data~ design a plan to reduce water discharges into the Clam Bay ecosystem from the developed uplands ("Upland Water Dis\:harge Redu\:tion Plan" or UWDRP). [I' a VWDRP is required as a result of an analysis of the data by the permittee and the Deparunent, then the pcrmiuee will submit to the Department's Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems in Tallahassee and the Department's South District Office in Ft. Myers the UWDRP for approval. Once the UWDRP is approved by the Department, the pennittee shall implement the UWDRP as provided for therein, but in no event later than five years foJlowing permit issuance unless a modification or waiver of that time frame is agreed to by the permittee and the Department. The implemented activities to reduce upland discharge of water shall oe monitored in accordance with the terms of the UWDRP following completion of their implementation. It is anticipated that all activities described here and in Section .t5.4 of the CBRtvtP will be completed within the len (10) year permit term, but nothing will predude the Department with the consenl of the permittee, from extending the time for implementation of any portion of the UWDRP if the interest of the ccology of the system would b~ improved oy doing so, The p~mlltte~ will, as suggcst~d in the CBRMP. impkmclll in conn..'l.:tilln with this pcmlit a program of community involn~ment to help ensure the maximum anwunt or community participation possible should the studies described in th~ CBR\IP. and required here. suggcst the nced for one or mor~ VWDRPs. In this context, the Department recognizes that the decision to require one or more UWDRPs will be dependent on the outl.:ome of the sludies described in the CBRMP and required here. The following time-table summarizes the anticipaICd schedule [or the aClivilies assodated with the studies required above: I. Submit dctailcd plans of each primary Within 120 days from permit issuam:e ,'iudy to the Department for approval. (anticipated to he Octoher 22, 1991\ l. .., Begin implementation of the approved Within 180 days from pcmlit issuanl.:c primary studies. (anticipaled to be Dcccmher 22, 1998). 3. Conduct the primary studies and gather For up to 3 years following permIt issuance data. (anticipated to Oe July 22, 20(1). -to Develop as required by the data one or UWDRPs shall he submitted by April 22, more "Upland Water Disl"harge 20m. to th~ FDEP and will he implemented Reduction Plan" !'lased lIpllO results! in a(,:~:()rdanl"e with thcir terms. r~~:omm~ndati(lns of primary studies and suhmit to Department for approval. ACTIVITY SCHEDULE CIIm s.y SubcommIttee June 17, 2010 VI'....... New BuIIneu e8 of 371 FDEP Permit No.: OI2846J..OOt-JC (Previously 113(49919) Page 14 of 21 5. Implementation and moniloring of the To be completed within the permil term. "Upland Water Discharge Reduction Plan", . 6. Submission of monitoring report for the To be submitted in accordance with the term "Upland Water Discharge Reduction of the UWDRPs. Plan" that includes any noted modifications or corrective actions necded. I J. The permittee shall conduct the studies. gather the information. and submit the repons stipulated in the "Monitoring Required" section of this permit. If the monitoring reveals adverse impacts have occurred as a result of conducting the authorized activities. the permittee shall cooperate with the Department to develop and implement such rcmediallcontigency plans as may be desirable to effectuate the purposes of this permit. The Permittee shan not be liable for damages or costs rcsulting from adverse impacts to the ecosystem unless those adverse impacts are a direct and proximate result of the intentional or negligent act(s) of the Permittee in the implementation of the activities authoril.ed by the permit. MONITORING REQUIRED: I. Water Quality Monitoring . .. Turbidity monitoring during dredging and discharge. and as necessary prior to the removal of turbidity control devices. A. Dredge Site Frcquency: Twice daily. at least four hours apart. beginning alleast two hours after dredging Ilegins and continuing during the dredging acti\ities. Location: Background: At least 200 meters upstream of the projecl site ouL..ide of any visible turbidity plume. at mid-depth. Complian.ce: Downstream of the turbidity cumins which separate the dredge from the natural rcsoun:es on the resource side of the curtains. When lhe natural resources arc more than 150 meters downcurrent of the dredge. the compliance wne shall OC no morc than 150 meters downcurrent of the dredge within the densest portion of any visible tumidity plume. at mid-depth. Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17. 2010 VlII"'-a New Business 69 of 371 FDEP Permit No.: 0128463-00t-JC (Pre\'iously 113049919) Page 15 of 21 B. Disposal Siles Frequency: Twice daily, at least four hours apart, beginning at least two hours after dredging begins and continuing during lhe dredging aClivities. Location: Back!!round: At least 200 meters upstream of the project site (in the near.'ihore zone of the Gulf of Mexico) outside of any visible turbidity plume, at mid-depth. Compliance: At no more than I ,(XX) meters downs Ire am of the discharge point in the interlidal zone (between the mcan high and mean low water lines) and 6 I meters (200 feet) offshore (from the mean low walcr line), within the densest portion of any visible turbidity plume, al mid-depth. All monitoring data shaH be submitted within one week of analysis with documcnt"! containing the following information: (I) permit number; (2) dates of sampling and analysis; (3) a statcment describing the methods used in collection. handling. storage and analysis of the samples: (4) a map indicating the sampling locations; and (5) a statement by the individual responsible for impkmemalion of the sampling program concerning the authenticity, precision. limit"! cf d.:tect!on and ac(.:uracy of thc data. \Ioniwring report, shall also include !.he following infDrmaticn for each sample thaI is taken: (a) lime of day samples taken: (0) tidal stage and direction of 1low (c) depth of water body; '.. (d) depth of sample; and (e) antecedent weather conditions. Thc compliance locations given above shall be considered the limits of the temporary mixing wne for turhidity allowed during construction. If monitoring reveals turbidity levels at the compliance sites greater than 29 NTUs above background turbidity levels at the corresponding background sites, construction activities shall cease immediately and not resume until corrective measures have been taken and turbidity has returned to acceptable Ic\'els. Any such occurrence shall alsu be immediately reponed to the Depanmcnt's oUke in Fl. \IYGrs. Monitoring reports shall be suomitl~d to the Depanmcnt's oftice in Tallahassee and to the South Districl Oftice in Fl. Myers. Failure to submit reports in a timely manner constitutes grounds for revocation of lhe permit. When suhmitting this information to the Department. please clearly include, at the top of each page or as a COWf page to the suomittal: "This information being Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 70 of 371 FDEP Permit No.: 012846.3-001-JC (Pre,'iously 113(49919) Page 16 of 21 prO\'ided in partial fulfillment of the monitoring requirements in Permit No. 0128463-001- JC (Pre\'iously 113(49919)." 2. Hydrographic Monitoring To generate the data needed lo ade4uatcly assess the potenlial impacts of opening up the rcstril:ted channels of the interconnected waterways as authorized by this permit. thc hydrographic monitoring program shall indude the following; u. Topographic surveys of Clam Pass and surrounding 500 ICet I.one. The surveys shall he cnnducted immediately prior to and following completion of the authl1ril.ed c\ca\'ation. .\dllitional surveys of Clam Pass shall he required itS often as the pl~rmillee seeks to l'ondul.:t maintenance excavation within Clam Pass or the main channel excavi.lled pursuant to this pcmlit and identified in the CBRMP as Cuts 4.'\. 4B. 4C, and 4D. In such CIrcumstances. the survey prodw,:cd shall meet the standards set forth in paragraph "B" n,'!pw. n. Within seven (7) days of complctjllll uf the authorized cxcavation of the interiur chann.:ls. <lnd thL'reaftcr as frequently as rilaY he rL'l)uiwd for the duratIon (If the permit. the enhanced intl'rior channels shall "e surveyed at a minimum of \()O feet cross-sections to ensurc that the desired elevations have been attained. It is anticipatcd that these surveys will he initiated as and when it appears to the Permittee and its wetland scientisHs) that maintenance excavation of these channels may be rcquired to maintain the integrity of thc system. A copy of the survey. certified by a rcgistered land surveyor, shall be submitted to the Depanment as a pan of a request for authority to conduct maintenance excavation pursuant to Spedfic Condition I.(g) ahove, or if the survey reveals no present need for additional cxcavation, it will nonetheless he suhmitted to the Departmcnt as additional data within thirty (30) days of wmpktlOn of the cxcavation. Any survey submitted pursuant to this se\.'tinn shall contain a note. based upon the surveyor's examination of the excavated area whi\.'h indicates whethcr the surveyed cross-sections reasonahly rellect the site \.'onditions for the entire arca excavated. c. The permittee shall submit an engineering rcport and survey maps sllmmariling the moniwring data and project perfomlancc to the Bureau within 90 days of completion of each survey. The rcport shall include an analysis of the sedimcnt characteristics of Clam Pass and any I.:hanges observed in the pass. idcntify crosion and accretion pauems along the pass and adjacent heaches. and identify any adverse impacts whkh would be attnnutahJc to the activities authorized by this permit. If survey dal.a of the pa.\s is suhmined it should he submitted on3.5-inl'h high density t10ppy disk in an ASCII format and the data shall he arranged according to the FDEP/DBS specit1cations so as to include all of th~~ infomlation required by the FDEP/DBS specifications. Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17. 2010 VII''''-a New Business 71 of 371 FDEP Permit No.: 0128463-001-JC (Previously 113049919) Page 17 of 21 d. Monitoring stations shall be established at representative sites (as shown on the permil drawings as reflected in lhe CBRMP) throughout Upper. Inner, and O!Jter Clam Bay to record the following hydrological paramelers: I) time of day sanlplcs taken; 2) water tcmperature (OC and oF); 3) depth of water body; 4) depth of samplc; 5) antecedent weather conditions; 6) water quality, including salinity, silicates, nitrites, total organic cartlon, chlorophyll, phaeophytin. pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, lOtal phosphorus, nitrate. nilratc ammonia, total kjeldahl nitrogen. and lotal dissolved solids; 7) sedimcntation levels: 8) rainfall: Yl tidal stagc and direction of now: 10) other innlll~ntial t1ows, such as groundwaler <lnd srormwaler Ilows; II) wind direction and velocity: and. 12) identification of the sample location which corresponds to the number shown on sampling location maps. These analyses shall be madc immediately prior to and folJowing construction. and monthly thereafter, with the exception of the waler quality analysis (number 6 above), which may be conducted on a quancrly basis. Staff gages shall be installed althesc stations in ordcr to measure the relative Ii de range at each station. In order to measure the effect of !he dreUging on the tidalrangc. one station should be located adjaCCnllo or within the degraded mangrove area. Thisstalion shuuld be equipped with a tide gage capable of continuous readings of tide stage. The mOnItoring required by this scction (c.) will provide valuable data concerning the effecl~ the resLOralion project is expected to have on the hydrology of the Clam Bay ecosyslem. This infJrnlation is cruciaJ for future management decisions for this important natural resource, thereforc. this moniloring shall wnlinue for the life of the permit. The data colleclcd from lhis monitoring shall be listed. analyzed, and submittcd to the Department in annuaJ Hydrographic Monitoring Repons. 3. Biologicall\lonitoring As n:quir~d in Specific Condition I.b), at kasl 30 days prior to commencemcnt of construction, thl' penniul'e shall provide a "Proposed Scope of Work (PSOW)" from the Dcpanment approved weIland scicnlist(s), or from another qualified environmental organization with experience conducting research on Florida's ecosystems. The PSOW will include a list of scientifically accepled mClhods that will be conducted, and when. and by whom, 10 adequately assess the Clam Bay ecosystem (with a primary focus on the mangrove and seagra.'>S communities) before and after the al.:tivilies authorized by this permit are conducted. The PSOW shall include the Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-<4-a New BuaineSl 72 of 371 FDEP Permit No.: 0128463-001-JC (Pre,'iously 113(49919) Page 18 of 21 following infornlation plus any additional informalion or scientitic melhods deemcd appropriate by the l,;ontracted scicnlisls: a. F1:ght-dated aerial photography of lhe Clam Bay ecosyslem before and after lhc aClivities authorized by this pennil are conducted. The aerials shall be taken during July of each year and submitted 10 the Depanmcnt annually for the duration of the permit. The aerials must he color, vcnical aerial photographs. cOI1lIollcd and rccuficd at a scale appropriate lor post-production digitilization and a scale sufficient to delineate differing habitat /.Ones and dominant spcdcs within each zone. The flight line shall include all of the Clam Bay ~atural Resource Protel.:tion Area and the nearshore zonc to al least 400 feet offshore (from the mcan high waler line). h. As concurrently as possible wilh taking the aerial photographs. ground-truthing activities shall be conducted in arcas of special conccrn within the Clam Bay ecosystem, induding arcas of widesprcad dead and dying mangroves, Inner, Upper. and Outer Clam Bays, thc areas rec\?iving water discharges from the uplands. and areas contiguous with the main pass. The ground-truthing activilies shall include lhc use of the latest acceptcd scicntific methods to survcy the types of habitals of concern within the Clam Bay ecosystem, induding mangrove and scagrass dominated habitat,. These surveys shall include a li~ting of species present, percent covcragcs by specics, size ranges and averages, and owrall health! hiological trends for each fixed quadra:, transect. or plot studied.. These survcys and any associated drawings! mapping shall be conducted prior to conducting the dredging activities and once each ycar (in July) thereafter for the life of the permit. c. A:mual biological monitoring reports (BMRs) shall be submitted hcginning one year following permit issuancc. The first annual BMR shall contain the time-zero conditions 111' rhe Clam Bay ecosystem existing prior to commcncemcnt of the permittcd activitics ard a progress report of the activitics conductcd since permit issuance. Thercaftcr, each B\lR shall contain a pwgrcss report of the activities completed since thc prcvious BMR and all the data collc\."tcd pursuant to a. and b. above. Eal.'h BMR shall includc graphIcal represcntation and overlays of the collected data on i.:ompulcr generated drawings of the aerials, and ground-level cui or panoramic phOlOS of each study arca alllxcd stations. The annual BMRs shall also contain an analysis of the collected data and makc conclusions and recommendations concerning lhe impacts the permitted activities have had on the Clam Bay ecosystem based on the analysis of the data collected, including the biological monitoring data, the hydrographic monitoring data, and the water quality monitoring data. \10i\ITORIi\G Sl'MMARY: Turhidity monitoring during construction: hydrographic! walcr quality monitoring of Clam Pass. the interinr wutcrbodies, lhe adjacent beaches. and the Seagate culvcrts; hiological monitoring associated with marine turtle and manatee protection; and, lung-term biological monitoring of the Clam Bay ccosystcm via fixed vegetative and benthic surveys. Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 73 of 371 FDEP Permit No,; 0128463-001-JC (Pre\'iously 113049919) Page 19 of 21 COl\IPLlANCE TR..\CKING SUl\IMARY: _ - Commencement of Activity Notice- Due at leasl 48 hours prior to commcm;ement of aClivity, per General Condition 9. _- Project Completion and Certification - Due within 30 days following subsequent dredging events from a Florida registered engineer, per General Condition 11. _ - Preconstruction Conference- At least 1 () days prior to commcncement of activity. per Specific Condition I.d). _ - "arine Turtle Monitoring Reports- Repons due annually that include compaction measurcments, cscarpmcnt survey results. and daily survey result... per Specific Condition ") __ - Written Dredging Requests- At least -l5 days prior to cach cvent per Spccific Condition \.g ), _- :\Iangro\'e Tagging Verification by Department Staff- Must be done prior to trimming ,1r r_'moving any mangroves. per Specific Condition 7. _- Study Plans- Due within 120 days following permit issuance, pcr Spe\:ifk Condition 11. _- l"pland Water Discharge Reduction Plan- Due within 3 years following permit is.';uance, per Specific Condition 12. _- Turbidity Monitoring Reports- To he conducted twice daily during constructlOn and submitted weekly, per Monitoring Required section. _ - Water Quality Monitoring Reports- Due annually, per Moniwring RC<.juired section. _- Hydrographic Monitoring Reports- Due annually. per Monitoring Required section. _- Biological Monitoring Reports- Due annually. per Monitoring Requircd section. .-\GE~CY CO:\I;\IE~TS: FJonda Dcpanmenl of Community Affairs- May 23, 19lJ7- No objel'tions. Florida Department of State- Division of Historical Resources- June 23, 1997- Provided specific conditions to protect potentially historic sites 8CR476, 8CR547, and 8CR576. City of ~aples- July 8. 1997- Suppons the project. I):\RTIES REQCESTING NOTICE: \1an~nH'(' Action Group, Inc. Save the Ba\'s Association. Inc. The Conservancy of Southwest Florida Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-<4-a New Business 7401371 FDEP Permit No.: Ol28463.0H1-JC (Previously 113(49919) Page 20 of 21 EXCCUled in Tallahassee. florida. STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ~&.G~~ Kirby B. C\{cen Deputy Secretary Copies furnished to: Bob Brantly. Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems Jon Iglehart. DEP- South District Office- Ft. Myers Kalani Cairns. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service George Percy, Fl. Dcpt. of Slate Keri Akers, R. Dcpt. of Community Affairs Andreas Mager. U.S. Dept. of Commerce Susan Gray. SFWMD Stacey Cowley. DEP. Office of General Counsel E~tus Whitfield, Governor's Office of Environmental Allairs Chip Clough. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Mac Hat\:her. Collier County Guvernment Collier County- Pelican Bay Services Division David Guggenheim. The Conservancy of SW Florida Dan Spina. Save the Bays. Association Kay Potter. !\1angrove Action Group. Inc. Hilburn Hillestad, Environmental Consultanl- An'ida Dorothea Zysko. Wilson. Miller. Barton & Peek. Inc. Karen ~1o()dy. DEP- Bureau of Protcl'tcd Species Managcmcnl John Iliff. National Marine Fisheries Service Eric Staats, Naples Daily News John Mac'kic. Becker & Puliakuff. P.A. Permil Information Center Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 V111-4-a New Busineu 75 of 371 FDEP Permit No.: 0128463-001-JC (Pre\'iouslv 113(49919) Page 21 of it FILING AND ACKNOWLEDGl\IENT FILED, on this date. pursuant to Section 120.52, Florida StalUlCS, with the d~signa d Department Clerk. re.ccipl of whil:h is herchy acknowledged. ~ Clerk Dale Recommended and writ"'n ny: '7'~ ~ pages allached. Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17,2010 VIII-4-a New Business 76 of 371 Original Permit Application Drawings ~ .. - ~ \'~\L, ....,..~..!:ICjh~i 1 1 ~~-,."'''-'~ ~ ft~ '1i~ \ ________'. ...~., <:"."....f\,! I !( ...i\---.::.\,....j;;\~2C "~.. '--'::',~ 'EI/",,-\".k~ \-.-: - -," .L,'=~:", J~2~~;{'~~~, . ---'--.'----,..-1-';:- - ~I +" r 11/ ': = I~ -;" ---i."",( ....Il?? '0: ., \ .. \ '. )'c::'I' , \6~'S~,,~)\ .. \ \ \ '. \ ' ... !~_ r;(~ ~ ~..,-) ///"" ,,1 \\\\\ \\..,\~-:L ~~J,:~~fC~!"'b ~- \\' ~fl~f~~' 2---J ~ 11~C~:.U . I: ! \0 '\:' 1., ~-_!__I....",-;"-::'.~.. ,,. ;:~\'!~~~\.\ ,~' I \ \ I \' \-~U:dt"Tbilt .. . !< -- ~:" :,7 4 C!(!!1l {lux:!, 1_- d-(,' iZ S f(, t',t' , "- ~ I '...:\. . ..If> . ,: . i~,~~f1j ,L.'llninllil. ;\,' ;' ~,. . . I \' :,:_: .:: ' '''.I l., ..- . 7. 201~ ) I ..' ,',:.. ~ ((ISI1. ., . +' , . . . , . , .' .' (\(.<;1' o ,:. '\ " , b (-?-I)n; .....~/..:.: , \onh "" ::- " -<,'; . ,~~ ~ ja . " -, . . .-'~~ Historical Sites to A mid During Construction Clam Bay Restoration Project FDEP File No.: 0128463 ',1- . ,"c_..; .,.,1' .i , /: ,~.:;:?)<::; '1:; . ..), .....'.,j:"",' r" , 1!lt >- , - ~ " ! j , I I ~ I : : .. : - : : 'J', "." ;;o~~;:;?:;"':Ut: p."r: Mimi .:-"~:c:::F5!~ct: t~",:L-\>i ,.il.,. ,~ : .~ "~"~~ ~ JUCB - 1997 :.. , I-"'~ ~.~';~. ~"~~=~":;;,EAUO r ~EifJ!!;;r_;~ i>'~- "-~&-CO!lSTAt SYSTE~!::': _:~~_':cf~=; ~- "~, .. 'cR lll1 . Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 Vlll-4-a New Business 7801371 SLER 0818 PERMANENT MANATEE SIGNS INSTALLATION PROCEDURES -".-- _.......--,..-.~.~'"'>;O~ -;.~'~.'-=- _'~' ~., .- :.~r,~~ / ~ _ . ___ J ~ ~_. _- /j.-:_ "...--. . - ~4 :' .~..;x:-- - ~,~_ J" ',-" . - :.- .'& II _ r - t. ~,.......... .."',r \ ~ _' -. I'''; \"., {..~ ,'~-- ,~,~ ?....r'I'"n-...,.'---! ". .. ,.t......;: .... "" '.J' .~. r-Il-_ ~......""- -,v\'., ..,,~. ~I '_ ~..' II, ~r_~l '/' " .,\1"" ..:/. .~. ,I':'" ~~ ;..<';'~," ~~v~/;. ~ "'l\~" ,,-,~ ,.-: ~ - .. .~, ,,:;r~ ,,-....... '~-"(____'~~__:-~'.1 ~".:"'~"(l,:-~.' ."~\ 1 ':'\ - ~ I ---r ~ y, ,,~ <--~4 ~ . '\, ". .', _.... "__:-~ \ ~"':"""'o'\'''';l'' "', '_..... . l"'~ ,,\",. _ 4'" fl;:'~-' "'-_'" t 7.-.'::: -:-1l~ ,.(',..... ' <", -~.;ro::.", .~' ~\\-," .. ~ .~_( ,,'.t; ) "",,",'C-,~~~,~, . "~ - ."" ',yo- ,~, <'~, ~~"'~....~' '-"'a .- ,w _.", "'" .. ~__~' ~~ ,r' :p ,,=;:;", 'oj' " - .-- ;......,. 1.... ... -'~;",'""'--....':.\.<,41 ~"" ).. \.,. gJ '(.~I ~..::.--:---;-..-:'.,;;,.. \ ,,,,,,~~~"e.. . ..~c....-..,' ~"- ~...,~.' ) - ._,....~ r~~.-.. ....:..-""":,,'/ '", C~::.=~""~.. ,-'; '. ~.. k~;f:~:r) ~%~'~:}~~~::> ".'...~~..., - Tn2::E S::; t'.\'O tj:::;es cf ni2na~2e ~:,:;;:-,s t~:::~ r:-:ay be r~qut:ed. 1) "Caution ~"c.nat-=e Ares ,~:';::::' 2) "i\12nate-:: lnfcrmatjon31 Displays" (see 2.tt3':r.ed eX3i:-,Fies), The ti~i:::2; r'.1~~3:e:; !~f;:r;-;-:c.::cn21 0:5:::3)'5 induce r.','o s:,~r,s: a "il.la:-:atee Fact S;;ee:" 2!"'.C "E2Sics f:::~ 222:e;3". i~,e:;= 5:g:-'5 2re int~~ided t:J ii-::;--'::Z::s t:-:& S'.'i3ie::ess cr b:::::te:s cf the pre::e"l:e CT i"",a:j2:e2S in t:~2 are3 ~rd cr t:---,e ~:::;:-i::2] ::-:r2~t t:C2':S ;:::::2 ::J t~e 3'1irr~2:S ',.i...:;:,,,,, ;:.re c:[:~'...3b:e if t:~,e ::::::~': ::,:e='~;C3:-:r,3 2nd . . . '--'.-'~~~-".-~ - - -...~--~-.--- L .;::;..''-'' c: -:;;:: ~_~, :". ,,:::,,..^:;,, - ~~'~;: rT"':~: C.,:; 2;:,s~'::'j%,d Cj t'~,2 C-e,~~~,'7'::;::f'.t. Th":.:':'? s c c r,cr-r2~:...;!2::T/ T. r;~:~F:;. Froce'2ure fer ,::',cor:Jv31: ----.---- -~..,..._-_.,~ ii',:;: :::;:.:;:;[ic3[',: s,~,::::,u:d fcr:.Z:if': ;: .=i:~e':~ s;:e pi~~n. ','.:,1 :ne ]::::C2.::::::;-S L:r L: ::-,,~ E~;r2:~u of Pro::;ct'2d Ljsii2';;em-=~,t, De,s2t:mS:it cf cnvircnrr,er;:21 ;::r::~:;:i:r, 2:::-::' C:~:-ncr,I:,22i:h 6oLlev2::, r;;2i1 5:2:;,:n 2~5, T2Iiar:assee, Fior:c3 :::::~~. I ~2 Gppjic2n~ shou!d also Include a C:--,2r\. jnd:cating the laca::cn cf the facility i,i re!3ti:n t: v;::i:er,v2Ys and cCL!nty location, and F--Ie Pe:rn;t 8i:c/or Le2se number 2sscC:2te: 'l.'ith ire 2. Tne 6ureau of Protected Spec::es ~.,j.;n3;e:T:ent will r2\i:e"',' tr,e pi:pcsed 5::e ;:i;:n pi3.::, Tr,e 2p,:Jlicant vIii! be notified within 30 days IT the signs and locations proposed by the c.;Jpi:cant aie un5c:er:;taole. Corres,:,encen:e \'hl be sent to cffsr Sl!ggsstior:s C:i t~ie ty;::e. r.U:Tir:>:=f 2nd loc2tions cays, t~e prcpc::eci s or s;gn(s,1. If ti'",e a~pijcsnt has net re':e!\/ed a resf:or,s-2 \,',Iithin :"-' s and their !cc3::cr.s .should be ccr.s;de:-ed a,s-prGved 3 if d__!ring 3 site visit, apprcved s;1ns 2'....id their loc8tions are"found not b be in 2::C-"'C2:lCe v.rim the ins:ructior.s ;:-.15::; in th:sdoc:Jr:lent, failure to follow thes~ c:rec:icr,$ may require relocation or <3cditic1 of s:gc~ , .' RECEIVED FEill; r:g3 ATTACHMENT - Mad1 15, .. .^''''- J-''''') S'JS l~~;QS & :"'J. HE:) A:~2=~~e~~ ~. ~3g2 ' Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VII14.. New B~it'm\ 0818 790f371 PERMANENT MANATEE SIGNS INSTALLATION PROCEDURES (continued) IQ;;!1:yctions fQcJQ~ation and tyoes: FACILITY TYPE/SIZE SIGN REQUIREMENT Private, Commercia!, or Public faciiity <1 J \\'et or cry slips, for Dermanent rilocring No Signs ReqCJired Pr:V2te, Ccmme:c:al, or Public Facility v,:it;--, 5 or mere ~iips for t~mJ;LQLqry r:1:::rir.g (in ass::Jc:aticn \vith upland _ rest2'Jr::nts, charters, EtC.) Mar:atee lr;~cr:T;3tjcr.=i Dispi2Ys Pr1V2:e, C8r;-;,~~e;::21, or Pubilc fs::ii:y \'.r::;1 lC-I~ \'.S:, cr/, t:;::,;:::r2rl ,;:r Cau:::n ry:2;~;c:e~ ;',;"::3 S ,2 :.:::::: r,27: ;:"':',-2:"2 cr F:..::; - r.,,12'"'IS::::S !-::r-~2t;:~.::: ~e;;Tal,e;l: s::cz , .- ~> .'; , n.. ... ~_' cr C21.1:;:::rl r':;2..~,a:ee r\~e3 Sigris ,3~ci ~.~2r.2:~e hfcr:T:i;:j8~S! 0 isys cr P:..J::,iic f3Cil:~/ ,... ::..r--c.:-;:: ~ - -,,~ f-.:s:-,::::ee lr,~::~~::;:::T,2i O:s;: i'7'iL:S: C'= I:::=te': :.1 2 ~~:-:- .";'2,-,: :::=::::~, S:":,::l 2:3 rs::" \'.-'2ik':."ays, C::::k:i;3s:er re5:~:on~s cr feet tr~fTic .:::::::::5 r:><~ t: ;:~e~s,:dcck: f:r m2x~m~m v:s C2ution Ma:"'la:ei2 Signs fer cocking facilities should be pieced en land, vV8ikways cr cecks, Th~~e signs should be oriented so that the beaters L;srng th:s faciiity \viil ce r5Tiinded to '.v;t:h fC'f manatees vihi1e b02:i:-:g. These s:;ns ere net required to i:e ~:3:;;d in vie's fer tri2 genera! boat:ng pubiic. If a fee;!it'! rl2S s2,sarate cocks vvith S~~er2t2 ac:ess walkways, a Caution Ma;;s:ee Sign s;-,c'...::d be ins:aiied near each v.'ail\'/..'ay or co::k, Permanent manatee shouid nJt C2 ins:3iiE<J en pilings in v.'a:e;, cr C'= 2::ac~;e:: to r:avigatlonai marke~s, or in Zlny 'Aay navi;~aticn. RECEIVED FEB 15 1996 SUSL~"JCSSE"l'JRES ATTACHrv1ENT ~ r~';arci',15 1995 A-:3Chms~~ D, ~3ge , Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New Business BO'!\il:ll 0813 INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS for Permanent Manatee Signs (conti,", 'e'~\ ..".... ....; Approved Sian Suppliers: Both types of signs are available through the companies listed below and may also be available from other local supoliers throughout the state. PermitJlease hclder~, marinas, and beat docking/launching facilities should contact sign companies directly to arrcilge for shipping and billing. ' Caution and Informational Siens: Cape Coral Signs & Designs Inc. 1311 Del Prado Boulevard Caoe Cera I, Florida 33990 JADCO Signing Inc. 708 COr71merce Way Pest Office Box 911 1-,SCC-:,13-SS~2 ,Jupiter, F:c~ida 3345-5 1-500-432-34C:4 813-772-:.~S2 F,A",\ ::' 2_772-S0~2 4C7-7.!7~-':C-:5 F":.l, ~c:-;-~- ..!..:.~=SE5 i:,u::i:'::Fj~li Su?;:::,iy 2nd Sign CGm~'2:lJ' ,:::::2: C~:':= :: :,\ i i ri'2','j Ciry ~;g~1 Campeny 22~: Ce~lt~~i AV:;~lLe 0;2,:,'25, r:C;~C3 3,;Si'.;9-17S5 ~ ~:='C-:::;:-::~E St. Pe~e~3t;J~;', FL 3:-5;'13 ~ 13-2'22-":'23:= -.'" ",..,-, 01-:-:"::,'>::: / F,':_X 5 I :-:2~2--~,::~S F,;,~)< 512-32;-1: :i RECErvED F F R 1 :; 19S6 " sua U\CS & UN. RES. A TT ACHMENT .. /V!2r;::,1 15, 1995 A:::.ac:"',.ment D, f:5;2 3 WEST INDIAN MANATEE FACT SHEET Clam Bay ~~C9'jlmi~ee~4!'e 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New 8'usines~ j ..... ',) 81 OT jfl M."u'\:\TEE BASICS FOR BOA TfRS ;: ','r!)l!'"~~ , ~:c,',::~1~~N~wu,}l...uo~~ ---- ........_-.;. -- - ,...,-.....L,.;.""_'- '--~-'""'-'''' ~:.;."<;.;;.>..c::,,.l'<' ~::~:::~: .,~~::"'::;:-:~~.;:~~' :::~. S"'Ii~ ".11" .. _"_~'n ..:~':~',';;::.:',:- ,.,:;:;::':;;.;:::............. r. r:\f.:'e;.~"~ ~,;:..:."~-- ~ ""::::-:::::"-::" ---"_""'\,"I-..~....~--,- - ::::::.'......... -- ,-, _ -... ,,- -,~ r'-"'--""".--."""""'- ,......A.~-:;:.;:.;::; ---.--.- --.-..,- -....-,--- -~._--- - --~,..--- 1""1..'1 ,',;:':~-.1" ~~ ::;;:_'7:~l";;: ;::;::.-.: .::-...~...:: ...-....... '.-._- ....' .:" a.:;.4~~~~ .,~~,~..:'~:~'.~_... -'0. ._.~,~ \>=~~~t::-:.::;.::=~;;=~ ~ ,-:;...._..:.~. " 'v'.. ". \..:- I"_''''''"~; ;::; ~.;7:.:,:.-:..":.~;::~;;;::..::'==---;:,. . ,.......~ ~ ."-"'..oo:-r<;.....,."""" :==-J~~~7.~~;;~ := ~......:__. ,..'tn"',........~-:..',.;;.;.;...-"".~_,.,"'"--._ -.-......_~....,.,."".,.f""____r..~'_'....__.., ~'~j':.:-n~';:~;........_..._, _"'"~_ ._,_.._...'-'''''....,.'..'n.......'..~ -''',:-'. ~_~I- '<,,, ,~. ...._-,.,.,_..,... ~~,:1' . +', ._~--_. ~---- -.-.--. :::':-:-.:, ':..'::~~:,:,:::-::-:.~' ~.~-"';"...... ..., ~ ".,.,,\ ~ ,-, ---.---- :..:: :-. :::-.-::~:~ ------- l ;;, 1'--- .:;:=~:~ ~ c. -' '""--- - ~ ._-..... "'- - -".-- ~, ~" ,.~,~ . .' ...._ 1.;- ;;;- - - -- ~_.:;-. --= ~ _:::::,::-;:-,?"::::::-.3.l c- ;;;' ------, :; - ~... ., - :c - , .- -. ----~..~..:... --.--,.-'----'-'.- -~._._---' "'- " :! RE:CE:fVED ;:,e'O . L '-' 1 - 10 -) _96 SUt; LJ..NCS ~ f,t"J ~ _;1>' ,;;;r5 Ca~=ic~ ~:~~5:e2 A=e~ ATTACHMENT ;"~1=rch ,- ... ~'"' - , ;;;:;.J ~..~,.., ~ - , '. . :.:-j-2 No... 06, 1997 - 1l5~:OJ O\DWG\OlDJ\PROT -'1.d..~ Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17,2010 VIlI-4~a New Business 82 cL1I1..- \ L)/,ENSACO A PANAMA FJ,~OJECTj I LOC^-T!Q.~ ) /L~ \ o '~EE , _~1 'T mm \' ,7/ L--0J // KEY w t:'~..... A-~ , ,-,_I ~ c3' / / / / / I I / / ---,.:........-----/" LOCATION MAP I PR~~ECT: i APPLICANT, I W I Lp~9"'"tLt.J~:tLb..~ E R SURVtYOBS, WO$CAP& ARc8lT!CTS .t: CaIUl1lUCT!OO MANAGERS YQ.SON, VIUl1. lU.ItTO<< a: Pt:D. ace.. !~ll." u'n_, Il:<U~JIl."In.. nonu :Kl06-al\01 P'ho.... lOot'l MI....~O ".. (Hl) ~-C1'l'UI CLAM SA Y PEL/CAN SA Y SERVICES DIVISION OA.TlPR., 1957 R[VI4CI: 1197 FU'-IO:------- PER-79 SHE(11<<;): r Of" J8 ""'"" COLlIER $[(:<4,9 ~ ftC(; 495 25E t1'Mt:-. N0102-0BO-OO'-ERPAP ORWM [fr wP NO. L.M.8./9'B ~ . c ~ !IIIIl I MIAM! Figure 1.1 (0) STEPHEN 1oI[.1o.N5 flA" REG. ;5664'" Nov 06, '997 - 11:53:049 O;\DWG\0103\PR07?,dw9 Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17,2010 Vlll--4-a New Business _ 83 ?: I'l >< - o o \ ' \\r-- \ \ ~\ \ VAND[RBIL T B[Ae H ,90AD ~ . GJ C \ "Tl 11III I o "Tl -1 <( 0:::: 1- I<? <( 1:2 <( 1-- ,--- <::J- ~~ 1992 DIE-OFF AREA = (7.4 oc.) LOCATION OF 1992 MANGROVE DIE OFF AREAS , - I I 1 PROJECT' CLAM BAY Figure ,--_."._- I APPLICANT: PfCLlCAN BAY SERVICES DIVISION 1.1 (b) I WILSON COVO/TY" I"'N> COLLIER R.. 1951 LEWIS ENVIRONMENTAL SEe; "9 ,,,,,,- w;:[;. Il:(V/~'~--~- . ~~ 495 25[ l' 97 SERVICES, INC. PROJ(NQ. ~""" NO 102-0BO-OO 1-' ERPAP PER-79 MILLER PItWl'I l'lY/t;,il> NO, SHU:1NO: STEPHEN ~(}..NS L"8/918 2 '" J8 flA. RE.G. ~6&"",, Nov 05, 199] - 1~:55:.\8 D\OWC\0103\PRO ),dwq Clam Bay Subcomminee June 17, 2010 VIlI-4-a New Business 84 of 371 VANOE:RBfL T BEACH ROAD ~ ~0- G) C \ ...., I....J Ig , 1- o ...., ~ I'l >< - () o ~~ 1995 DIE-OFF AREA = (29.6 Oc.) LOCATION OF 1995 MANGROVE DIE-OFF AREAS CLAM BAY APPLICANT PE.L/CAN BA Y SERVICES DIVISION i WILSON , . I MILLER L- e~ COLUER OA):PR" !991 s.tC: 49 --fiiii\ 1fG[; """ , 49$ 25E 11 97 CTIKI,- - I.lNO: NO T02-0BO-OOl-ERPAP PfR-79 c-.. 1fT/~WP "';:' 5H(['1 NO; Uoi.B./918 J Of J8 LEWIS ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. ~ . - I , I ~ , rlgure 11 (e) STEPHEN "'EmS FLA REG, 36644 i , Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17,2010 VIII-4-a New Business 85 NO'o' 05. \99/ - 11;~6:Jj t):\DWG\O\(L~\PROr i 0"'9 s: f1l >< - () o VANDERBIL T ~ . !IIIIi I GJ C \ ""Tl --.J o ""Tl I 1 , I I I PROJECT: CLAM BA Y APPLICANT: PEL/CAN BA Y SERVICES DIVISION 1m FEB., 1996 DIE-OFf AREA = (8.9 oc.) TOTAL DIE-OFF = 45.9 ac. LOCATION OF 1996 MANGROVE DIE-OFF AREAS r:-igure 1.1 (d) WILSON . . I MILLER ~--_.._- COlf(TY; COLLI[R 04~PR_, rs;91 LEWIS ENVIRONMENTAL "C.~.~. "'" 495 ..., 25E ':'i'/~ SERVICES, INC. ~fO;:080-001-ERPAP .ll "tER-79 ~ fIf{DIP 11IO. Sl;(ET NO, STEPHE~ ~(ANS LM.B./978 4 Of J8 f1.A. ReG. .36644 r' ---:..;.r 1- Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIll.4~a New Business 86 of 371 (,\ ,I ',l~;:: J-.'X\iC;,j c ", "','~ (j.\i ;:';'.":..V r,.,',,"', ~ J -; ~, ~,~.., ^. "''-0..;' ~:..U' Il."/~',~, H" C('Vo"c.,..... Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 87 of 371 ~'l~. - 0.,,1;:;;...; -."'.-'" ,',,,,,,,,,'.,,,-, "".._~.- """'-'<Mn..~ l ] "L';"" f.,.'/:_"" Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17. 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 88 of 371 , ".. I - z- ~ ;; ( -.'.'-.C.'.'i" ~'''c'''',,<<nr,'''' ,'""".,,,, ",-~,'.A'< ;;"/:.,'''' >j.>. ~I i I I I I I I I ! Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIlI-4-a New Business 89 Nov 06, 1991 - 12;04:04 D:\DWG\Dl0J\PR07 '9,dwg ow"--__ \ U~o WIGGINS I PASS . --- ( iNNeR ClAM BAY r!J ~ . TIDE GAUGE o TiDE STAFF GAUGE . SA!.INiTY o CUR'i[,NT SALINITY AND TIDE GAUGE FIELD STATIONS PROJECT: CL".M SA Y -,-.-.--- APPLICANT: PELiCAN BA Y SERVICES DIVISION Figure .3.2,.3,1(0) WILSON . MILLER TACKNEY AND ASSOC., INC. COASTAL ENGINEERING COIJf<1"r, COLLIER 0A.1APR., 1997 stC:".9 ri9: lICE: ~~ n 495 25E 11 97 NO ro2=-080-00 1-ERPAP PfR-79 ~8'I'/f.MPNO. S>lEETHO: L.M_B./918 B (Y 38 D. T. TACKNET" FLA REG, 20538 O'"C \0, Ig"17 1 '~~;01 l.I\DWG\0103\P(W;, ,.19d.~ Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VlIl-4-a New Business 90 of 371 _._----"'-,..,...~._-~.,._--".._-,--- ~-- -- 8 5 \\ ~~~ '\ c5!Y)) ( (\~ c-'" I!~I~~) 1\1 V ,\ II OUTER ~' , CLAM ~ 9 I B/,y lie I~-- 1 r dJ_ \" / -"\ \~- i C_~" , \ I II? I~~ "r)'-- J_ L 2 ',', EXISTING AND PROPOSED WATER QUALITY MONITORING STATIONS PROJECT CLAM riA '( APPLICANT: PELICAN BA '( WILSON . MILLER SERVICES DIVISION Figure 32,'13.(0) TACKNEY AND ASSOC., INC. COASTAL ENGINEERING ctlO.I'iW, COLLIER SEC: .,9 ""'" 495 ..,. NO 1 02~. OflQ,,:f!.9J:;..FJ!PAP ~fJTi[oi"N'.l "'');PR.. '997 RC(: 1I(V1iQ: 25E 11 97 ru::Nl'J: PEt? 79 StKO NO 9 Of.38 0_ I, IA.CK"llY rLA REG. 2058:1 o ;0 N "' . C o , . . " ~ E . E ,~ 8 ~ DCO o . '" . ~z ..- CO.~ ,M ~~'O (350; ~ <<: ..J a.. h <: LIJ :,; LIJ (.:J <l: ~ ~ " <l: '- ... :,; ... ~ LIJ 0 0: h ::, <<: ~ 0: "- 0 h 0') LIJ Ct; >- '" CO :;; <<: ..J 0 '" M '0 Q 1"'1."'.01 l .,...J1, '''.. ~:;'(L). 'cn;:'~' I""m' " ,,,,,,:,:^,,,C:: ' . ':'" .;Fro' , L .,1.\.., I ! ' II II t, . . z Ul w 'c C( UJ Q. 0 QJ '1 , ('J g rn '" '!! en U5 :;:, ::; u 1:: '" C en ~ -or Q. cD [is '<D l= '" '" n Cl 12: f- w D) > c 0 ijj f!' '" '" 0 m c' '" :J .9 :J > oul Q) c U ill 'c5 '0 (jj a ~-I if' , OIl > '!! .Q I", U ill > 0: C, <D C C5 1 0 c 0' ou ;;~ c 0 '" 'm ;;; c is. 0 ii c c :2' ';'~ E 01 en ~ 'E m LL -= ' D) ou E '" ~ , :J U ,m 0' a '" D.. " ou c . ~ a <D <J) E .c n: u ~ 0 0 0. en rn Vi m i!! (11 -~ '" 0 , u 0 D.. U. 0. !~ Ci ~ 5 6. o 0; N ,,' ~ C o , ~ ~ <Il E 113 E .~ 8 0 .0", ~ ~ ~z ~ ~'?~ E:1 '0 G5~ I- ~ UJ ::e UJ " " ~ '" ::e ~ct l::! '> .; ~ LU :::.. C( :I; ::> V) D UJ u: C( ~ l::! ~ :;; n: o l- V) ~ I ro c, '0 :",' \,m' " o ~ I/) .L,~IJ-~. ,. i I i ! i I -c~~~~1 i I... '01 ..11 .-' 'r'll . i" i -r- -----:----;--~-~! Ii ,i: I ' ! : I ! i . i-ITI~- I . 1 "i -II 1 "It. 1 g: '" W Q. -- T- i/" ,_ I ': ' ...,....... .....-.......- ~' ~.I - cl. I c '2 gl Ie -g,'- Ie ,2i , lei 2, c is o m 0 (\j, .9! ~ i ! ',9 , ~ 1 ,Q::..~ .~-~, '~, ~--"-E~I J~ ~~,~:-- -l~l~~'Tf-- E~Li---I'--~i~i-:E~ . .1.... C -Ie 2."-' I"CI--- __~_-r-~m~~ _~ ro €,~I _ ro -S-~--- .i rn....~'...!l'.. m:.._. fO!€I.!!' I P'l ~ I 0.,' p1 =1 9- : en =' 0.., 0), :::'I : 0..1 , DI:::'I Q - - E - -' I '- - ~ I '- '...... i E: ", '-..... E 'OV)'_I o !(j) '.:= 0 (j) =.' 0,(1),.=..., 0,. U), c-. I '__'_' _._ ___.' ,-..-._ -."- - - - - . .....c-..,...~.... -r-r ...c... ..~..-.- '0 ' -- -~ CJ .-- C)" Q..: 8i I::T I'i !~ 'a3 Qi Q ~ ~ "i5 ~ o z _S >.0) '0 ::> :Yi Qi 0> " " (Q ~ " ; !U $ '0:2 '~.)ii <is,E !t:\ll j<:{ '5 ! c:: ,0- ',0,(1) ~iQ: N ......!c::. ci g,U2 z ~i~ >, ":;:: '0 '" '::> ~ Ul '" ~ mi 0: <<:, , i i " g "5 ::--" , - ~ ..8 Q OJ - ~!m r.:!E?' 1::" -S:,\.... U)' a 0'/"- s.2 l.D t>.li.::c o iSI3 ,z ::>, !>, '0 ::> 1i5 I' '" ~i~ 1 OJ ,(Q :!I," V).,Sl '~:o :w.....o I i~s !~i~ ~ :oim 6 'z:Q3 G:: >.0:: '0 I~I OJ <3 Q) .t:~ ;::: ii3 (Q G') .... S Q) l.) _.- o:;t:::.;;:2 ol~I'~ I Z :Q~ I il) I >>: Q '0 ,::> ,~ Ul , 2 OJ $ 1'2 \,()I::J I ' 0 ~\.9 >. '0 ::> 1i5 0, ~ . :3 ~ , s u < ;:;- " Nov 06, 1997 - 12:07;5J D:\DWG\010J\P: 12.dw~ Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17. 2010 VIlI-4-a New Business 93 of 371 () .'" i !llIlI I o o ~ -- ,. .." PROJECT LOCATION 7' .~ rl ?::: ~ , S II j iJ 1;\ \ n --..:.::::_""-----_.......----~".. ,i i i '--Il: i I ~ il~. :i I i- Ci o C',-Aj,( SAy n :::JI I T 1-'1 I ;i I ir-o < " L.; '~ r LOCATION MAP PROJECT; PEiicA,~--BAy7CLAM E,-Ay-~SEAGA TE CUL VtRTS IMPROVEMENTS I Fiaure APPLICANT: PELICAN BAY SERVICES DIVISION i 4.5:1.(0) WI~~~~~~.~~l;k~~ E R ~, COLLIER ."" 01/97 ". "" "'" ~/~ 15 495 25E .-....;,;, HQ 010J81 ru: 1olO: PE:R-79 ! ORW!<J:I'l"!rwPl<<J. """"'" STEPHEN A MEANS fll..lI01t. 1dLl..P,. JAJn'OfIlII"", IMC. J.C.R/JI9 12 '" J8 FtA.. REG. , J6844 , :ROO 8&11.,. ~".. lul'" roo, Ii.pl_ ,."....liII MI06-16C'r P't1.... IlNl) &I11-ofO.<<I ,..(lHl)"')-&711 Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17,2010 VIII-4-a New Business of 371 No... 06, 1997 - 12;OiU8 O:\DWG\OlO3\PFl07f :h'g SOrI.L,".I'.2O'1 - 1- ,$.CAnCR<.:D $.i.NtlC(loo:EI>Il~-S EX'STIN:; TRIPLE: ,1' ,,' ROUND REINFORCED ~ ~ CONCRffi PIPE: ~ ~ (TYPICA!.) " " ~ ,,~' ,'" " ~. .,,,,,,,,. ~ " " +;' .....' ..!f?..... PLAf\j VIEW / ,,'51"G GRADE~ _ _ _ ~ .I ~~~------ -- ___j_~______ I ~ SEAGNE aRM /,-eXISTINC H(A!)WALL (TJPiCAl) - -'--------.---...,.. " " : ~ SECTION EXISTING CONDITIONS PROJeCT: PEL/CAN BAY/CLAM BAY-SEAGA.7E CULVERTS IMPROVEMENTS APi'UCANT: PEL/CAN SA Y SERVICES DIVISION Figure 4.5.1.(b) ! W I ~~~Sl~~~~~l;~~~ E R ~" L Y1l,.tOII.tffLLEft,&\JlTOMltP'Dll.U'lC- SI'OO ..II_}' t....... .,,1... toe, lhpin. norl<i. S410t0-1IOO1' Phoa. (1Nt) I4li-<<HO '..(841) 14S-/I71/l """", O"'l~; __2!LJ.7 Rt\IIIIO: 11 97 "''''' PER-19 6l-I((lN(,}: 1J rx J8 STEPHEN A.. I.1EANS FlA REG. , 368.U COLLIER lWf': RC(; 15 495 2.5E: "PftOJECltCI. 0103 081--0Q5 DRWN t1'r/t1olf' PG ..~JJ21/JI9 Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 95 of 371 !iCIU! \" . 1'_ ZO' J - 1- TuRB'O'''' 3ARR"R~y // [XISTlNG -RIPL[ 24' ROUNO REiNrORCEO CONCRE1E PIPE (m>,0Al.) _..!rC'A-:7tf(tO /SAA:;Cf..t~a.>.::;s ." w C> :; i1 '" ~ " '" ~ " ~ / .,' TURSlJrTY BARRIER " PLAN_VIEW '"-=20' I ItVS7/,LL CONCRETE !-IEADWALL, \- 3 - TlDEFLEX C!-IECK VAL VES \ AND RIP-RAP SEDIMENT BASIN \ MATCH (X!STtNG BOnO'-l ELEVATION\, ~ TY--------= = :r-- ~EX'STING GP.AJE SEAGATE DRrv:: /EX:ISTING HEADW~ (m>ICAL) = =--------------..,. " -g-"-'l"-.-~- MSL , , --- : TOP OF Rt::>-RAP :C,,[VAl:ON .. (-).30 SECTION I" .. 20' HORiZON'LA!. N,T,S. VEfntCAL PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT: PELICAN BA Y /CLAM BA Y - SEAGA TE CUL VERTS IMPROVEMEN7S APPLICANT: PELICAN BA Y SERVICES DIVISION Figure , - 1 ( ) '-T.J. .\c W I ~~g~~A~~l~b!:: E R ~o N T.5. 1"lLlIIlf4i'lmU;R. ~ . "ED:.. Ul'c. ~_"Il.., 1.&"... ....u... ioo, Ilat"_ n<m4. Hll>>-NO'l' n-.. (HI) 14.~ r... {04L)"'~ 11111 covmv, COLUER 1'W1"': RCE.: 16 495 25E: ~...""J. 010J-Q8T-005 ~av/tlolP~. J.CR/JI9 OAll' or 91 RlY NO; 11 97 PE:R-79 SHW .., 14 rs 38 SiEPH[N A.. !.lEANS f1A REG. , 36644 .,_.. "" ,........ ...".",",,"'" .......'''''''Mt>,,,...'''C>rl"t,,''"...._ N"", or" 1997 - 12:IO~OJ D:\DWG\Oi03\PRO' ';.dwg PROJECT: I APPLICANT: ix v!~ ~!.- 4''>1 >1 I -12-- I VARIES 'I :1 , 'I , ,I , ,I , 'I , :1 'I , 'I , ,I Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 960f371 Y WATER lEVEL -1 -----------..... , , , , , , , , , ,\ " , , , , , . , , ' , , , ' " In\~-,~,:,'"' ,,_ eo" o o I " . o n RED BALL -IPJ,IJEX (TF-2i CHECK VALVE N.T.5. CHECK VALVE DETAIL PELICAN BAY!C~M BAY-SEAGATE CULVU?TS IMPROVEMENTS PELICAN BAY SERVICES DIVISION A COLLI[R II' W I Lp~.g~...,~"sM, LkRS~ E R :"~:iOJ-O;'~o: 25E SURVE'YORS. .L.VIOSCAJ>E ARCHm:crs I: Co~$TROCTJON MANACERS 0l'fWlj S\'" lIP "10 WUJOllI, WU..lnt IAJI'TON .. I't%L ~c. 9 ~ WI.., La... 1\11\.10 flXl 11(,,1_ norl4a :MIQO-Ib01 !'boDe 1-.1\ "'-4040 ,.. (HI) 104'...!7~~__ _ _-!.!:..:...'? 31 t::\Al(; OJ 97 ""'''''' 11 97 """" PER-Tl ~,.o;-- 15 01' 38 "'('l cr, ., 1 I 1 1 .-J_, METAL 8~NDING 316 STAINLESS 43" _._'------~----' I ~~ //-1 ~,,~ / I " \ : 1\) I I I \ I! / \ I . : / '- '.... ~ I; /' / '- ! /' ~r Figure 4.5.1.(d) STEPHEN A. M(,4.NS f'LA. REC, I J6844 NaY 06, 1997 _. 12:10;33 D:\OWG\O'OS\PROi "dwq Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 970f371 POS~~ 6' MAX. I I n ~ FILTER FABRIC (N ~--~ST -- -it=-~ CONFORMANCE WITH w ;'ro "" II · ,.. ~~ SEC. 985 FOOT SPF_C) '" "'.'li II ~ o .- I · :i I 'I ~ . ----H----- :s 4'::'.' ~H----------H--- ~ '~l~ I J ~ OPTIONAL POST POSITION ~ ..J, PRINCIPLE "OST ;) 20 i POSiTION (CANTED >=, 21J TOWARD FL OW) "'~ ' 'il > 1 I I FIL-ER FABRIC SILT FLOW ~ BURIED DEPTH ELEVATION TYPICAL SILT q-NCF ! I ~ ,",,_ -----_.~- SECTION N.T.S. ANCHOR BALi~S WITH 2 - 2" x 2" x 4 ' STAKES PE'R g,\LE ;:'LOW BALES TO dUll l~ f~LAN .. LOose sr'IL "l.AceD BY SHOVEL 2" x. 2"" I & L1G-riTL'::- ::;8:"!,ACTED ALONG STAKE: " UPSTRcAW CDllc OF BALES 'i ./ Z ~ /'\ "l ';(S~~~~~~<:~~?(/" \.. FilL SLOf'E ~~ /, />-:v'>,v.\.'\Y:-.:y\. ",\,V}.:V-"; '\: .. Si=-CTICN TYPICf:i,L BAL[ SILT BARRI[R .._...___.""",._"".",,,_.,,," "..._,_,_,,,,,.,,,,,,_m N.T.s. EROSION/TU RBID ITY CONTROL PLAN PROJECT: PELiCAN BAY/CLAM BAY-SEAGATE CULVtRTS IMf!.RQ\iEMENI!?_ APPliCANT: PELiCAN BA Y SERVICES DIVISION A COV!iTY ~OI..Lf[R~: (1.1,1[; 03/97 W I Lp~,g",,~'HT~HSM tkRSL E R:,b~"toJ-O;,S_005 25< ~~tR-79 SURVEYORS. lJJ'fDKAPE ARcHI1U"fI . Col'fS'TRUCTlONNJ.Hi.CERS CJiR'Iffl /[wr> HO- SH([l ~ 5TU'H:N A. ~(ANS :li:tOO e.u~ La...._ "'11..- ~. I(.P~:t:,':'W:-lI~:~ "',.t~ (~7) U.!-4Q.(O Pu IN!} ':'3-5711 I lfY J._C.R:L~.,__ _l~_~,_~~~c. '664~~ Figure 4.5.1.(el ) Mf Clam Bay Subcommil1ee June 17, 2010 PLAN VIEW OF CONSTR'lt.rr(')M'3 IN PRIMARY CREEKS, CHANNELS & BAYS Cf_AM BAY PELICAN BAY WILSON . MILLER seRVICES DIVIS/ON f'igure 4.5.2.(0) COUi'ffi', COWU? Sl:-'~.g """ ~ ~_ 495 25f NOlO; 080-001 fRPAP 1iiWI. lJI',fw. NO- LM.el~'!.......- (>Io.k>R., 1997 Rtv--;;O:--""'.-' 1197, TACKNEY AND ASSOC., INC. COASTAL ENGINEERING -"'--""1 PfR-79 I _,~ '-'-1 _!:'1,,,,~~ (j,f,TAi;KNE'( I ~'~.-~~~..:~ No" 05. '997 l;C,i!:OS O\OWC\010J\PRO; d"'9 -l C.LCSt.:D CE.L.L SO', if)'\ f)CST (OPT!ONS: ,'LASTC rOAM. T x 4" OR 2 1/:" FLOATATION (6"' DA "Q'\')I 1"" L::l~ n,"':' \ M:\J VIA WOOD; S~FU I I ~ , , ,'" ~..,' -" 1 .D LS5/F1 M N) ,__ 6' MAX, .-j Q T['ST) W TH lACING STRENGTH) 6 ,~ I 11 / , GROM"~.~bpr~ L~-=1l '/4. ,,~ -'~ -- - ~~r- --- 0 GALVANIZED '- 18 oz, FLOATING 1 URBIDITY '. _,.~L_CHAlN STAKED TURBIDITY BARRIER ~~~SF~RCED -------I. '----.. ___ pve F A8RIC (.100 PSI rEST) ><QToU \ rt,"~ __""'___ 'yt" \ \.----....... . (' ~ /"- \ '\. <." ,< " \ .f) () \ - ,.-- >T.~' \ \ ,.... '" ." kfiJ" ,0 v" . 'R' '-":) ,. ;;' -,' ,-./ ;/- L\;.o;r ~\~~ ;, ,,;;^'- ~R~:T_ IN\/0 f~ /A ~-7" \ , \ ~" :" ~ ~' ~m. (,.~:;:,[ ......n fOR ;.~;rr.. ~' OR L~$!) :7 . ~. ~ (.o.:or'10"-'l p.u;Ol. fOR OO'rnS >~'l. (;cJ1lT.... 10 R'f.AO< !lOTI"" 1J~ 10 Do'r!<:l 00' 10 "'}':' r.o (Z) "niLe:; 'el BE US!:D fOfl OiJ'l'lS ~RU.n.~ '''-''I '10 fl:.' U~:.L1;5 ,pt~ O~"l'< (~fll"""" VlOH;:"',c~ ~A.I.(O rOR ,~ '''[ "JJ<S 00 AS DctRu,><;:O flY ;~( [HaNriN - liMITS OF CONSTR:jCTla~ ....--- ScmKE~INE TieR,,,,,,,, EW!R',cRSroq ,UNI"NG ~:ll".AIIS .....0 11","- 'Rl~.s IliIr Bl En~(R '1.OAnNC, Oft "'-M~O 'Y?'.'~ OR ANt CO"""....":J'l or ''l'\>(Sl....11'l'l'..J.,wrrl>lt CO/tOCIlOIiS/-IlQI'nTCROSIOI< CONlROl N(Q ....u:R 0<.i/0Uh' ~rQVH.titl:1>'l'S. tW:_CR TYI'{(S)WlUOC..1Trw; COffi~OPTlO<<U~\LSS tHH~Ji(5PtC1'J(l)lNlrltF'1.N<5, MOWfVU ""'f\It>ll ""t.l. Br U"<OCII ~\,~"Tj>,~(S)ooFn~~ ~=~ =: ~ r.;MfO SlM(D~(J1"(8IAA1[~TOll.( ~'1AU.W'H""'1nl~"OSmc<< U~tLSS on-IC:_.!rI: o""ccn:o er ,..< i.liQNtcil. ,.D\If'l)O;'(Ii"'S .... :"."'\:,....tlll: M,"','-"!Gil <Dt'lrc.....'o AAOf'W(TM'< ~:>IC><$.. 'H' ,"flfH"-'E"t'" 00. Hit "'l'.)t'R'U^"" >I';;;H''ji r:F 'I<i DCSlCHfR """'L OC ',-<<!>OLE R:(;<;,P(;IN'....'.J':YOf '4 U'i[R, SlJRS'nr_H.:w'; r,lil 1Y,>( , ~"""'.l at ..5 _~T>l",."r["(;I,f(!l' . 'TJi,SIO:TyJ BARRiERS ......... =~CY lW<","i\S >.'I( HI 'J, c.";E:) " ,"-, r.lR.w>,N! I~,J,cE3_i[)J.L:~(. B!-\~lllt=B_AF~~::J._,Cf\TIO~~S ao:;.o".li " "'~-l~ R[",,""~l[5. '" ....rtR (lO"~ ~lI"JI.'1't -'1<0 ;;.'..:;J>,K; (Ji '-"O-oJRS OC?t~)lS' ()Pj ,,~ U~ "noonr_s ) "'''';;Yli'kl r:>;' fIM<l'~,~ ,.,;<<)l;M "':", j()(:;'"\""~ >MY v;.JN '0 "':;.;:0<.110',").1.\1: CONSfIlI.i<"l\lt< J~[AA"()N'.> """"lC.Ono>!..n l>!0i.,11!t s:;c..r""N~ 1l...mMR W/l1hC ~:;o.YR'-"'QM ()f>(AAh~'S TURBIDITY lJ/\F\I\IU'{'i - --~-~---~- N.T,S EROSION/TURBIDITY CONTROL PLAN iiROJFCT eELlL'AN BA TE CUi. vEf?rS IMPROVEMENTS ligure 'P C T PEL/CAN BA Y SON/CES D'VI~ION 4' 1 (e2) ~~'LSON A M I {~ER f:~w:"';~~~.-l5[ ~J97 .0.. J' Pl..I.lOltRSj E_NVlIlOHlUI/T~NllUlT41o'TS. E/'IG1NtEle5. OlOJ-.081-005 P[R-79 I SI;Il'/tYOR!!.LA/lDSClJ'J:ARCIiITECTS t;CUNSnUiC'T1GNft!ANA;;I\KS ~~_~__.'~'m~ \.HfV-~j ST[f'H(N A.. MEANS "__~ I.oll*, _i:"~,_'"j'" tlXI, ~.,~~~J.u..:-I~ .el~~'L~!:.~"~_ ,.. (1U'1 ":>-"7!~,____~:!"l!L~____~ 11 ()' .2.8_L~E~ "5644 Nov 06, 1997 - ,2:~j:Jg D\DWC\0103\PRC 9.dwq Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17. 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 99 of 371 +25: +20 I I Ij I ! I + 15 .--- +10 1-.., ....... L... . " l-L l..J ....."'. r +C'.:.' " . ... ---,--'- I', GUl.F LOW I 1 I O-"v.; ~oo I>CO lLOO -O,~ \ BAY LOW I I I fIGULFLJ,'GH .........rt..-..." I' ... ...... --- j.......1 I .~ Pf-l)SE LAG '.! BAY HiCH 'I I >. /' ....-...r.....--...:..... ....... .......- . . ....... .t---"'I ,i '. . ..- -........ j I ~li A..y 801 L~veI I 1 "'I i 1.. A", 0,/1 L.", I I 1 ~;'. "."~,- . .' .-' .- . 1~:OO 1100 H_OO 15_00 16)J 17:;)3 IB.OO 1'1:06-. 2Ct:OO 2~:OO -1.0 I I I I I 1 I j ',...Ij- I I T--r--j------ , " I ' . I I " , . I , I 1 T I I 1 I ".1 i :, , ! 1 _.,4..'- I I I 1 I I I I I I -L5 APPROXIMATE MEAN TIDAL CYCLE FOR G U L FAN DIN N E R C LA M B.A Y - J U N E GULF 6, 1996 iOG% ! 0f /0 GUcF 01 J MEXiCO ~ ./-U;~:'CLAM BAY-' \' ,I \\ 50% "'>:K o ',\ '\ \.\', \\ "- INNe" CLAM SA Y ----\~,"-~ ..~~L ---- to 2,0 30 -to WATER SURFACE CUMULATIVE FREQUENCIES PROJECT: CLAM BA Y F'gure APPLlCANI ,~tUCAN BAY SERVICES DIVISION " , , 45 2.(b) I I WILSON I I""'~ COWER !""};PR, 1997 452 (e) I 'TACKNEY AND ASSOC., INC. ~ ~ 495 ""25E ,;,;,';",--"-! I IL MI.,LL ERJ COASTAL ENGINEERING 11~'~t~,o;"O-OO1ERP;;; '''iii'ifi,~ o. T. ''-CKN[Y ... ..J __..,....______, .. L.MB./918"_ 1~__~__~~_~,~EC. 2058-: Dee 10, '997 ~2':J~'040 D\OWC\0103\PR019S:?O,dIO'Q -..-..., \ ~ -Ul Lie -j~ o x ~ ~ /1 \~ I I I /Z II l 1 I , ~ \ \.-J " ' / }J:;'11 II (~,,21 ;/-:'9(_ I. I (i "'10'\" ..... III / r?" , ) ,.t/ i I;, /.) r.j~ -u.:/ '\ N(.'.qTH I~) ;~(f~ I /f)!~~iI~ \ ) )<:::,"e,,,,,,,,::') .16 A Y \ \ / ~15 .1 / MAKH LINE ::.::: () .J ) u ELEVATIONS ARE RcFEKENCED TO 1929 NGVD Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 100of371 MA TCH LINE "/ " tj:": -10 _\_~ : '"18 r'" \ -15 ~'}\.. \. -". ~~:~, Noom -y..,\,~ \~" ,i() -2.5 "\..lctJ CLAM ",~ ~'i: P.~S,.S;,~ 1'7'> ij1S ., I C~ /-iJ I o I~L u I I 9\ '\." . -- I I".) i ::. I ~1 ~2/\ 1'6 \ L, I (c\.-. IJ I '., ) eLi" ~ci(. I \.:.I ~~- G ) /-1\'" .1.9 I ~. 1 . o~:? '{ ill ,'0 J \L'Jfl c ~_ J I lV-~\ " REPRESENTATIVE WATER DEPTHS :)iWJr:CT: (';LA^'! BA Y --._- !,PPLiCANT PFUC.'AN [JA Y SERVICES DIVISION I WI.ON MILLER TACKNEY AND ASSOC., INC. COASTAL ENGINEERING COl..Jl'(fY. COLLIER o.o.l~R.. i997 $fc;4grw:: RC( "'}',, 495 25E; ~lv/,;; PftOJEC1~ ,ftil<n .j;f}J..2J_:080-00I-ERPAP~,.,.FER-.zL o. ~ ()!l'JrN 8'>'/(.... 1oIU. ,\><lEl HO, _i.:!-!_JL~~!!!-._"____L.__ 20 ()l' ~~__,_~~.. . , -- I _..~_._-~ t- Iqure 45~2(d) , i 1 I '''';Y.N[Y I R[G. 20:>eJ , Nay 06. 1997 - 12:15:1. O:\OWG\OI03\PROi I I a u x w :2 L- a :=J U dw. \ I J 8;03111 15% Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17.2010 VIlt-4-a New Business 101 of 371 BAY \ ~\'R,O.)III ( 15% I) , NORiH i BO'WWAlJ( " l. f"~~' I 7.. K INN,R \ I( CI.AM \ 11 RAY) ) !' m'1 'fl ..1.1.\ R-~.J"r I'i \ 197. I ..\ ..... II \ 1,/"'/ ~6'~d.\\ I / , > i ,,. !~ 17 rl I~ L- a L- -...J .::> LJ UP:\ STORAGE I AREA a u x w 1 / / ~ . ~ I 2 \ LOWER STO~AG[ AREA "'" '------~ P"'1.t;SI[ ),I.IOJ:..E r710/ ~'~~~" CLAM () PASS ~ R;2.0111 ~( IDCX ("1.//1 MODEL-1 MODEL-2 (UPPER CREE,'<S & BAYS) (S I OF~AGE AREAS) I PROJECT: CLAM BAY Figure ,-,-_.- APPLICANT: PELICAN BAY SERVICES DIVISION 4.5.2.(e) WILSON ClXJtIlY; COWER "''.l.PR.. 1997 4.5.2.(1) TACKNEY AND ASSOC., INC. I S[\,~.~, n. 495 OCE, ~~/~ . 25f COASTAL ENGINEERING N0102080-001-FRPAP nu: Her. PER 79 MILLER DR'll"NB1'/t""'''IO. 5l-I(E1"~ O. T, T!\CKN(Y L.M.8'/918 21 OF J3 FLA RLG, 20853 "-,-- ~ SHEET 2 ) 1# r' ~ ~SHEET I II i \; il /j ~ '-~;::: '_J ~~~J ~~ OUTER CLAM BAY Nov 06, 1S~i - 15:19:11 D:\OWG\0103\PR07' j""g CLAM PASS ~ o u X L:,J 2 -'- " '-J I' ;"\ l....J Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIIl-4-a New Business 102 of 371 . ;; o ~"-SHFC'T 4 ) '", I, I ~ SHEET :5 ,/ I L ['(EfTR TO FIGURES 4.5.2(9)(2) r,NJ 4.5.2(9)(3) FOR BREAKOUT SHEETS ALIGNMENT OF 4A-4D CHANNEL PROJECT: CLAM 8A Y APPLICANT: PELICAN 8A Y SERVICES DIVISION WILSON . MILLER TACKNEY AND ASSOC., INC. COASTAL ENGINEERING tOR pi::RMlmNG PUi<:,-'()SES ONLY Ficure 45/(9)(1) "'"'''' Oi<lAPR" 1997 - RiYNO, 25E 11 97 <.E~ PER- 79 !.tt((11olO: 220 Of J8 O. T. TN;KNE;'( FLA REG. 20853 COLLIER Stt.:4,9 Tll1'; fl'C(, 495 cO' "" NO t02-0aD"'OOr -ERPAP 1)RW'IIl:ff/(1If'1<KI.. L.M.R/918 Dee 10, 1997 - 12:32:51 D\DWG\OlO3\PR079L"B,d_'Q SHE ET1 -l---- \ . 20- 30~ \ ''''oOul. \ \~ ) \ D~-7n?1 -~ hoiodvle ! I I \ ----J 30-l.07- } ~'~I~;~'/ 3~;;~~:'< -~-zJ,:' lsc?/I~_::; " ../j"! / r ~' l~ ''';7'/ /" \' C~,-JJ~ / ~ , / !1810UJle// / / \ ! /(~ / / \ L ( Mangrove ~ Mon':Jro~e Tho105s,0 CLAM BA Y ,\PPLlCANT leAN 8A Y SERVICL S DIVISION WILSON . MILLER TACKNEY AND ASSOC,. INC. COASTAL ENGINEERING Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VHI-4-a New Business 1030f371 2 70-80% Algoe Covered \ ) / I -----./ 38? It" Reslqcled to West S,de f I I , , lvIangrOve --I I 1_) \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \'/\ <: 187- Restricted to \ We'" Side \ '''" \ \ Mangrove Q.l.T;\'rR., 1997 Rt\l'''lOc-~----- 495 25C 11 91 _.----j """" . "" I N0102-080m001 _JZ~!!...AP _. , EfR2!L__~ __ In'/{wP 1<1. '!:.><OT..o, I __ L.M.B./9..!.~_,_"l2?!!--'!. 38 I wv..l"r' ~- 40-S0~ Short Gress AJgae Covered ! ~ < 207. Po\chy D. T. TI\CKN[Y f'LA REG. :?08SJ ! "_",,w_.j Dee 10. 1991 - 12:34:21 D\DWG\0103\PR07',,,:2C,d_q SHEET 4 //-' O. ( \ 10.'t Snort-Algae \.or" Covered \ r I \/ \ 5HC% \ \ I Sh'o~~l;,;oc\ Hec~';i~' \ I I /,..._________. CovereC \ \ Soou1d \, -lll' \ ~. "\1\/ \---\ Mongrove \ /1 s~1o~l-~~~oe \ "'" , I \ ,.,"" \A \ 5 - 10? \ \ \ '-- I!\ \ I i \\ '~;;;7. \\\ 50- 7C?1 I /, " Soo,,,d \ \ s7::;~o I ' ~\ /-1 I ~~ \ \< S% , ""~ ' '-J::OL;red I j ! I I Mongrove LO::-- \ I 1~2~ It \\ -/\ __ I ---- ." /, M""g;oyC L____\ "- ~,---,~-.--J \ ~__\~l~~_- \ ~:::i;"~ ::o\;\~~" ~-----'l- S-I'~ E' F~I- 7)1 I '-~J / - // ~ongrove 10-207- Hewvily S~8',jred Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 1040f371 \ o-,? \ , \ / -! \ <:30% Heovily 5coure.j Mon9fove 12'::t Mangrove ! i ,J F'IO,)[e1 CI AM 8A Y ---~_.,,-_.__.- ._-~~~'- -.,."...-..-..........-.-.-.-...- _._.._~~- ._" API',ICANI PE.LlCAN BA Y SU?VICES DIVISION WILSON . MILLER ~'t" o.o.1Fw., 1997 1'1('1 NQ, ~ 11 97 lX NO: PER- 79 !>H[n NO 22c Of JB -_.".'"~-'".._...._~.- Figure 452.(g)(3) I I I 0, T. TACKN[Y j _.~LA ~f:~,.._~~:~:,_ TACKNEY AND ASSOC,. INC. COASTAL ENGINEERING COLLIER s<:C?"49 rwv, JtC(, ~ . 495 25E: I>RoJCt:T>l(l_ N0102.-080-001-[RPAP I)</W1'I ii7rwP NO __,~_M.B.(?J~__ r-- I I I \ \ \ ~ II I \ (\~j I I . I I \ / 8 \ x \ w :2 ,) ) I " o '"- -' ::J C) .j :R;r~ \~" 36 ! ~~ ~/ , V/ I \::0j ~~0 \J ) ./ ~ I r :\ ApprOXimate --- Ending POint CUT #1 _________ '01\ CHANNEL 7JC 1\ lINGTH Approximate Beginning Poinl Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17. 2010 \ ~ ::~~"1'~; \ ! :i/ _> ) \ ,m ~, vl . iSit \. ( / \' /->';,L~ ~ ~ N ~--:J \ ~~~'~ ) R-37) J INNER \, ~:~ ) ~ ("" r/ '1 I)! li.~ (f\)\ ( , ' If? ',--~----=J ~ r'f1prOXIr:lote I . I ~) \ E "d;ng ~o;nt ;":-jg~IT'/ // "~_m::"""_____ CUT # 2 ~I~ ' ,I} ~'.~\ ;;~ ~Ht;~[!H . . ti ApprOx;,'TlOte r ! (-\-"~ Beginning '! (1 ~) Po'nl i i 'l /1 o u X w L u. o ~ ., ~:> , h I , I / .J V "-0-'" Ij i"fLK;.; /r BOARDWAJ( '.\:.~~ I --;\ ) ;>lA "\ ;;() I ! / I \ , \ \ \ ~ c; A:J;:>R::;:Xlf.1......Ti:: LO:ATION OF sr~JIL CiSPOSAL ^;:;'E:/,S FC>~ CuTS l, ? (i. .3 ,\t,J j\??R8XIMA'E l.OCATiON OF J'\R M()NljME:r."'-; I I ( ) CuU:' ~ ---- SILT FENCE/. ~-IL TER F ABRle DUNE B~ACH r~-~~--- I-~ TYPICAL SECTION FOR SPOil. DISf'OSAL EXCAVATION/SPOIL CUTS 1 & I '" ANCHOR HA'" 3ALES DISPOSAL 2 & 3 PLAN --~-"~ I I I I . ; ,... I fDh' P::RMiTTiNG PU?POSE.:.:; ONLY I I I , PROJECI. CLAIA BAY AP?liCAN, PEUCAN BAY SERVICES DIVIS/ON WILSON I """" COWER i"^'lpR_ '9H .. TACKNEY AND ASSOC., INC. "~~_QL:_?':;[;~/;; __ . _ _ I COASTAL ENGINEERING ")'Jo'fO;-080.-00'-E~.PAP. '"-" '1'>ER1? ._ MIL_~ __J"""'''I'';':8/91~__J:'2J''JB Figure ',.5.2.(h) 4.5.2(k) 1 I I o. T. TACKN[Y , FLA REC. :(0653 I No\' C6, 1997 - 1.5:~):29 D:\DWG\010J\PROn J_Q &~ .-_ Appeo,'m", .-- Ending PO:r"It ___- CUT #3 ~ 10fl CHAN. "iEl . 630 It LENCTH ,....~ . Approx;mc:e )(~ 8e~i"1r\I!"'; ~ Po,nt \ \ ~\ () ~~ (I Al!\ ~);b ,,', -~, 'i:~ Q ''?i)!)!://) \ I~ SC\ i (i \~~ (\'\)' I, \ I '\ r-- f'\ i I I 17 \ I i /,~~; ! i I r/ \---;\ \ ) MIDDLE / 8,JARDWAlK L ~ APPROX1M4.TE SPOIL D!SPOSAL LOCATlO~ FOR CLAM PASS (Si::E SHE::T 28 DF 38 - FIGURE 4.5.2(0) FOR D::TAJ'~) EXCAVATION/SPOIL CUTS 3 PROJECT: CLAM SA Y APPLICANT: PELICAN 8A Y SERVICES DIVISION o () X I..~.J 1,,- o L .__J :) (.') Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIlI-4~a New Business 10601371 . . o ~ CLAM PASS ./"' CUT # 4A 30ft CHANNEL 2330 It LENGn1 L ~ 'I \\, J \ J~ /C~L_-_/ t'~' __M~( \ i\ \ f, SC'J-;-H (~ !\oo,""" ','I ~;\~__~_J _ . au TER CL,~M 8M DISPOSAL & 4 PLAN FOR PERMITIING pU:~?OSES ONLY WILSON . MILLER [c.ou..rr: _... COLLIER TACKNEY AND ASSOC., .INC. :'~;f;- """ 495 _:j5E COASTAL ENGINEERING '7f'o'f'c2:-oeo-OO'-ERPAP ~I1"/El&P..o. [.1,1.8/9'8 tl4lJipR., 1997 RfV'<<): 11 97 fll..EHO: PER- 79 Si1(ETI<tO: 24 OF J~ . -'igure U2.(i) 4.5.2.(1) D_ T. TACKN['T' FlA. REG. 20B5) Nov 06, 1997 - 15:22;2J D;\DWG\OlO3\PR07 .dwg Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 1070f371 \:[-1,\ \1 0' NGVO / " ~----/ ~ _.___---L.:~ -3 ft J,. '5 It J CUT 1 -* ~I\ CU T 2 & 3 l o " '~-~- \ I .j \7 0' NG\ID -'<' 7 +- ~. _~~Q..J.L CUT 4A " \1 0' NGVO / ~ ~ / ~ ----~ft I ~20fl J " . ~ I CUT 48 --~..- ~ - ~ -- ----- \', '~ I -,f. ~~ :~J --;j --'~-76- 5EE NOlc-2 ____w -4!t [. o 5.)SUl.~__ NOlES: " EX!S11NG SECTI:::NS VARY 2. SIDE SLOP,S 0 ANGle OF RoPGSE (ASSUMeD J()') CU T 4C ;l: , 5 } ~: SCALE , -r-r-l o 2 ~ 6 8 10 HJRIZONT,l,l TYPICAL CUT SECTIONS PROJECT: CLA:vt BA Y APPLICANT: PEUCAN BAY SERVICES DIVISION I WII~ON TACKNEY AND ASSOC., INC. I y COASTAL ENGINEERING _MILLER ____ c.0lft(1Y: "J.pR.. 199 J H'(v 1oiO: \1 97 rl.t~ P[R- 79 I5.HED Ie 25 \Y.!B COLLI[R s<:c: .,9 J'IrP, 495 1lGE; 25[ I~To.?:080-001-ERPAP lli.rwN H'l'11.W.~ PfJ, - ._L.M.8/918 Figure 45.2(i) 0, 1, TACI<.NEi' FLA REG. 20853 Noy 05, 1997 - 15~59:52 D:\DwG\OlOJ\PR07 .d'''l Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIH-4-a New Business 1080f371 INVERTEBRATES OBSERVED OFFSHORE ALGAE OBSERVED OFFSHORE Porifera Aplysina fistu1CII'~S ClwndrilLJ n""ula Cinachyr'ella. alLoda.da Cinnchyrdla k':.u:kenthal Cliona drl1tr'/'t" Cliona cclato. Ircin1'Q. spp. NiphlLtes ('recta HalidoTLa spp. Cnidor;o (cora is) Cladocora ar&u.sct.:..'a Diplyrin spp Muricen spp, Furozaanth.us oo.resiticus :;,'idera.strea. radians Solena.strcn hyad.es uptogorgia h.ebcs Leptogorgia viTgtdata. Po:ychoetes Aricidea. phubirn:.e Capitella. 'capitc.ta. Fabricia tril.:;bata Pricncspia heterobrnnchia T unicotes Didemnum spp. Styela spp A'g.::e .::;reen alGae (Divislon ~!J..!.Q.r.QQ.~) Acetabularia spp, Camerpa serttdarioides Caulcrpa 7n.eXtCana cauJ.crpa JXfTOlifera J..1eniciLLus capitat'US Ulva.. Laduca Ul1JQ. fascia-ta Cdotea. spp. Codiuw..s spp. '3;ii,,9-s:.>:'C'p (Division ~hodoohvjrJ Cru.cila ria tikuah ine ilypnea 51'1'. ..8i.QwrLQlaoe (Division DhaeoDhv.iQ) Sa.rgassum fUipendu1a Dictyota divaricata.' .S;Jecies believed to be correct. Moilt.:sks righting cewer-~; Pen s~el!$ Strobus aiat'US Atrina rigida :::c:r<na,:1,?r:T'5 De-ceed sea s:::" L;)ng--sp;ncd t:::::.:';.; U":::,"Ln I\:ettcd sea stcr Nine--ormed sea st:;( tive-holed >\ey'c e '..:':"~;:l Astro]'X'ctcn spp_ Diadema antillarum Luidia clathrata luidia scnegalensis Lytechinv.s variegatu.s Meliita quinquiesperfor-.Lta Vc,icbie wren:,'"' Ant'LrOOOC5 'Stone crab Horseshoe C':J:) Sp:d~r crC:J Mcnippe mercenaria Limu.1t.LS polypfusm'U.S Libin~a emerginata VERTE3,C;;.;FS C ERVED OFFSHORE Fish Leather jccke;s Se:J rot:;;n Send perc'"l Tooofish Tiger gO!by Sheepsnecd Oliguplites suurus Prionotus SCritu1.1.tS DiplectnJ,m bivittatum O'Psanus beta Gobiosorna. macrodon Archosargus probatocephalus iNFORMATION P.ROVIOi;:D a~ TURRELL & "SSOCIAES, ',"C Pinf;sh Lagodon rhombeides Nurse sherk Gi71.gl'!fTTW....toma cirrnt't/.m DOCUMENTED ORGANISMS IDENTIFIED OFFSHORE FROM CLAM PASS FOR PERMiTTING PURPOSES ONLY PROJECT: CU.M BAY Figure APPliCANT: PELICAN BAY SERVICES DIVISION 45,2,(m) ""'" "1" 1997 WILSON COLLiER PR., TACKNEY AND ASSOC., INC. u:c.: ,~';, ,... "", ~/;; . 495 25E COASTAL ENGINEERING N0102:080~OO1-~RPAP ! flU: ~ER-79 MILLER 11)/f\flOf/f'/l~1\Q. SHEEl ~ 0, 1. TACKNC'f i 26 Cf' 38 F'LA. REG. zoee.J -. "-,.--- - UIB/9!8 __.-...CJanLBav-S' Ihrnmmittl'>l'> Jllnl'> 17 VIII-4-a New Business 109 of 371 ., - ,~._." , - i~=:!I~~~~~r~~~~~ ~~~~g~~~~~'~~~~f~'1;:~~f~~f~1~_~]:U; HARD 'lOTTOM TPt~N.sE( T LOCA TIONS IV ! f~ ~ o I :'~ , ~oo , ~,.cAl.[ 1- -."'OO'-(! ~ f~ ,~ -_/ ~........ -......-- \ iC~~ ~. ~~: .., _."~M_ L ___' ;,~~/"'~~-' ',"(::: ~~7J- -,,'=;~ ~ \' ~ ~~:~~~/:~~./ ~~~ \~._.~ ,- ...0" '7.--~ l_:' :=:: '-?'/ - .'~') 1\ '\fJ\, .~." ""~.. /J :'~~;;;: // ~~/ c~~-r- , " '---, ",' "-~_._-,/ :>01L- 1000 ; P1'Ll(Jl." HAl ;;-- BOA-KOWAL" \ / ~ 1.U.N'~fI[)'. .2 '~QLL[R (0"I,T)' bj~~~""Al ~' ::!!t ! ~ ",!~,,:,;, I I I \~ I J /~,,,,,.tc \_-.- ~ ..... TlJrrell !.( AS30Cl1-\t<:S Inc ~-~,_ _,~~ loLannt' &: E:n~lronmo:'lltal CO('tY\l!tJlii 3~ f;lI;<::han,,, ""., Suite B. "'..pl.... Fl Yjij~;, CLAM PA,SS HARD BOTTOM TRANSECT LOCA TlONS Figure 4,S,2,(n) S~DT1,l. Jo_ ."e. Al( I~I~ .100 ~ <}HO,~ lco-.,l };c,j \1', Jon 07, 1996 - U:17:52 D:\DWG\010J\PR07~.J.le.d.;;J CLAM PASS S:lC1L D1SPCSAl AREA FOR f\P?,~OXiMAEL Y 60:> TO 8GO c'Tr OF eel .'^ I \ II MIXING ZONE AND -'-'--'1\\\ DISPOSAL AREA fOR CUTS 4A (NORTH OF \ 600 TO 800 FEET), 4B. 4C AND 4D \. DISPOSAL TO BE BETWEEN MEAN _ HIGH AND LOW TIDE ~ ~ ()o o i ( \ I OUTER CLAM BAY Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17,2010 VIIl-4-a New Business 110 of 371 SPOIL DISPOSAL LOCATION PROJECT: CLAM SA Y APPLICANT PELICAN 8A Y SERVICES DIVISION l WI.ON MILLER -'-- ,- ""-""". TACKNEY AND ASSOC., INC. COASTAL ENGINEERING COLLIER stc: .,9 TWP: RCt:: 495 25f "... NO 102-0BO-OOT-ERPAP i:ioiiWit-"'jE"'--;;jO--- L_UB_/9/8~__ ....rr: APR.. 1997 lit\' >ffr 1/99 11 97 , "" PER-79 """"" 28 CI' 39 ~ , I !IIIi I rOR PERMITIING ?URPOSES ONl.Y Figure I 452(0) I Pa.J'4 I /11/1< J o -~T ACKI'o'EY FlA R!'C 2085J ---- Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 111 of 371 B ,)':1'"107, 1993 - 131703 D\OWG\OJOJ\PR079iS.".owg ;6 )45 : ~;' "i,id U 7.9;; 4 JC A,., 50~ , 1 7.C2 ?i7 1-97 0.. -, J' '.\ , 11" ,'. " :'-:; .',(.2 194 120 .~ 4 ;, )5 SPOIL DISPOSAL AREA .~ :,6 0~ 6 5 ,It;,' 2 .9~ 265 4 De- A 2 .~.. 3 2 "' '<\,,\ SECTION A-A SCALE. , ~ '''''' 40' o -1 B PLAN VIEW s . 3 2 o -1 NOTE: EXCAVATED BEACH QUALITY SAND WILL 8E RELOCATED TO GULFSIDE FOR BEACH RENOURISHMENT AND/OR PLACEMENT OVER SOIL DISPOSAL AREA SPOIL DrS,;)OS!,L AREll, 5 PROPOS EO SPOIL (APROXIMATEL Y 1700 2500 CY) APPROXIMATELY 2 FT. CAP OF CLEAN SAND PROPOSED EXCAVATION (SEE NOTE) TEMPORARY RETAINltJG BERM EXISTING ELEVATION PROPOSED ELEVATION .. SECTION B-B SCALE: 1" = 40' EJ ~ ~ SPOIL DISPOSAL fOR PERMIDING PURPOSES ONLY CLAM BAY .APPlICANT PeLICAN BA Y SeRVICeS OMS/ON WILSON . MILLER PROJECT: F;gure 452(0) 1"<-v'4 //;~/l y '~ C()O.J>{'"'r Oo'-!APR, 1997 RcY ItO 1}98 11 97 nl( "0 P[R-79 Sn[[Tt/(r 280 Of J8 D. T. TJ>.CKN(Y FLA REG. 20e~' TACKNEY AND ASSOC.. INC. COASTAL ENGINEERING COLLIER ') c.: 49 T.", Ilc;( " 495 25[ PIlo.i-C."" NO 102-080-00 1-ERPAP ORWIl lr--/t..~ toO LM.8./918 Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 112of371 Photo 1. The west side of Upper Clam Bay looking 5,iUth from the top elf the ConH_~s:;a, Novt'mb::r 15, 1995. iPhU(Q hy Roy R. "Robin" Lewis 1/1. Lewis r.,'/lvlro'lmenraf S-?r~lces Inc, !':Jmpu, Florida} f<lUW 2. rht: w\.:st side of Upper Clam Bay louking sou:h from the lOp of the Contessa, December 1"') I Q,'l6. ir){O hI' No)! g "Robln" Lell'iJ 11/. I-t'w/J' En\lrunmenrol S':"-V:~'t"i. fllc-. rampa. Flonda! FIGURE 45.3l<l) S},,,d 2'1 of 1() .IU - Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17 2010 VIlI-4-a New Business ' 113of371 PHASE ONE BOUNDARIES OF MANGROVE MANAGEMENT UNITS PROPOS;:O lAlt.RAL CHANNEl RESTORATION CXlSTING RESTORED CHANNELS PROPOSED St>IALE RESTORATIQN PROPOSED MAIN CHANNEL RESTORATION PROPOSED SlDE CHANNEL R::;srORATION PROPOSED MAIN'ENANCE OF EXISTING CHANNElS III PROPOSED MANAGEMENT AREAS WILSON , w.' , MILLER PER-Y9 Sheet 30 of 38 Figure 4,5.3.(b) -~-",-~"",,,:- a.:YJNOAR,;:S OF MANGR2>VE MANAGEMENT UNiTS EXJS!lr-J(; i<:t,S~ORFD CHA.NNELS ;:>R:);>QS,,0 MAIN CH"NN<:L RSSi(}RA":'ION PR(.;~.]S:::D SiO" CfIANN[l R".S1:JRATION Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIIl-4-a New Business 1140J3Z.1 PHASE TWO CONTINGENCY PLAN PROPClSED LATERAL CHANNEL RESTORATION PROPOSED SWAl E R;::STORAT::>N PROPOSED MAINTENANGE Or EXISTING CHANNelS III PROPOSED MANAGEMENT ARE.A3 WILWJN , ..' , MILLER PER-79 Sheet 31 of 38 Figure 4.5,3,(c) Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 15 of 371 PHASE THREE (a) CONTINGENCY PLAN a0'JNOARiES OF MANGROVE:-: MlI,l'i^G;:;M~NT UNITS EJQSTING RESTORED CHA,NNELS PROPOS2D LAT5:RAL CHANNEL RESTOR~T;ON PROPC$'::D s.NAl€ RESTORATI:JN PROPOSED MAIN Cf1MINEL Ri::'STOR^TlON p~::;PCS=:) SlOE CHM..NCL RESTORATION PROPCSCD M,,-INTEN.4NCE OF EXISTING CHANNElS III PROPOSE'D MANAGEMENT AREAS WILSON , w.' , MILLER PER-79 Sheet 32 of 38 Figure 4,5.3,(d1) B:,u~iD^RIES OF Mo\,NGRC\'E ~.V'_'i.;::::;EM;::NT ;..I1,iT5 ~,S--;INC RS5rC'R~D C;"Ahlj:::~S >R~li'~.)S,,~; MAIN ChA'm(:'i K:::SI'.')i-<~,I-Ulj ;oR,');>QSb:J :;IOE C',iAt.j...."'L R;:S-r(lRA TlON Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17,2010 VIII-4-a New Business 11.0..of171 PHASE THREE (b) CONTINGENCY PLAN PROP()$E;J LATERAL ::H....NNi;:L RFSTORATION PHO,~~SED SWALE R["TURA1 <iN PROPOSS~) MAINl ENANcr Cii E,XISTI".'IG CHAN/,1fLS III PROPOSED MANAG;:MENT AR;:;AS WILSON '.' Jl1LLER PER-79 Sheet 33 of 38 Figure 4,5,3.(d2) Nov 06, 1997 - 12.25:13 O;\DWG\OlCJ\PR079S34,d"q \ I o :; N " ~ c o ~ ~ ~ ~ ID E .5 8 ~ .0'" o . VJ.~ ~zl~ ~",t'? E..fo l'\l =1'- I iJS;;: i Id CL >- f- f- Z w :> ZW W> :20 Wee >CL 0:2 ''Y_ CL -1 :2W Z Y:Z uJ <J: wI ~U U ~>- __J CD LLJ Z l..:.J Z (j) <r <~ I =:r:::: () n IL_ >- () CD I I.WL IL ::) ~~ L5w Z:2 w -10 <J: Z <J: '"5 >- m I.~ROJECT: APPLICANT: W .J '" 3: V1 w w Q:: -;:- w e, "- '" LJ <( (Jl l.i..! < ~-::- I l~ .J ;:; w ~ "'i w o Vi I ~ I : ! i ill ~ " '0 ro '0 N :3;1 cD , N , I N ro :::> '" " o CO '0 ...... ...... ...... ~ ro N c- '" " N en N '0 ro " -, -'-1 I co I ; ~ I 1 : --'TifT I ,I I r-' ffi N ,., " . ~ en ro , -- ...... ...... ...... I I 111--- , , ] ~I "I I I I -I I I I LM-. >- ...... ...... >- ;; I ...... ...... ...... >- ~ ;:; w :.5 bi ~ .- 3 ~) , 91 ~ _-c~ i Gl: o ~ G ~ w "- I ] < ,L " W ,G "" " IJ1 u '_~ ~~ ,'- "I'" z ,~N C....J '.i..! .....; ~ I ~L "'" i w ,.. ~ ~ ,~I ~ .- 2. Vi CL z <( " = f- 0- 22 ::J , ---r I ] ro r, .. '0 >- ...... CLAM BA Y PEL/CAN 8A Y SERVICES DIVISION N en <D CX) CX) 0J o CX) UJ 0J CX) r-- n I I , i I ! ill II CX) I;:' Ii ~ II' II ~ i'l ~ ::? \! ~ '!i~l:::' I I - I- I , II 1 lL-J !I ~ I, l.n ,I I I CX) I i ::; i I 'uD , t1 ...... ...... x , '-1 <J: f- o r-I I I :1 x ...... IX i. ...... X Figure 453.(e) "'""'" __ COLLIER I "''!iPR. 1997 I c; 4- 9 rwP: Ref.: R[V NO: ~l 495 25E 1\ 97 .;0 fQt-':'OBO-OO 1-CRPAP 'I i<.E ;;tR-79 SliPH'N "EANS I [)!lW?<!rf![Wl'i'IO. ,?\E.t1ItO". - - _.!:!:YJ,/9 ~"._"__.J_,_~~__~~"~_l,____::~__~~~ 36544 W I Lp~.9J:~INT*"sM.tk..L E R StJRvnoRS, LAMDSCAPI ARf,;tu'f'lC'n " CONSTRUC1'10N MANACERS ~_~~~,~~!,"~~ ".P~~~~J~I~ "~~ (~7l ..0-41)(0 r.. (Hl) ~:H.TI' Dee 12, \997 - 12:3~:.B D\DwC\0103\PRO./ ,S.dw(} Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17.2010 VlJl-4.a New Business 118 of 371 INTERNAL MAIN CHANNEL RESTORATION ~ 7A ~/' ,/.;'/ ,;,,! ", I ,---- I' '" ". , /".1 '-/~i I 9ft I! EXISTING PROPOSED SECTION X-X iNTERNAL SIDE CHANNEL RESTORATION ~ C c;-; (BLAck. .'.0 v" \ ".. . ( i \ '" ", ) ) Vi V "i' 'II :::; ,<::;. !I : It II"''' II 1.1 I . I ," ," " i ,.1,",- . .. '''. I", ____~~ / ';J\\~'--Lt~ MHW - 1.50 n. NGVD. t-.HW - (- )0.51 FT. Ni";Vl) -~ EXISTING PROPOSED (GULF TIDE ELEVATIONS PER DT TACK1\EY, c:l.E,) SECTION Y Y SE-Q!ON Z - Z TYPICAL EXISTING AND PROPOSED CROSS- SECTIONS, HISTORICAL MAIN DRAINAGE CHANNELS AND SIDE DRAINAGE CHANNELS. N.T,S SA Y SERVICES DIVISION Figure 4.5,3.(1) PRCj[C~ A~PL:CA~~-:- P;C:L WILSON . MILLER LEWIS ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. IUolTE COLU[R I APR., 1997 sr.., 4, fIII'Pc ItQ: I REV NO . 49'5 25E ! 11 97 Pl'/OJ[:;1f'1:J, -nlL!f'IO. NCI02-080~oor-ERPAP I PER-79 ~ lIY/EloIP NO. 5ot1[[T ~ L-MB./!J18 35 ('If 38 I I STEPHE" "WiS I FlA- R€G, J6644 ::V.h;":Y Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 119 of 371 ~;; 12. 1997 - 12,J~5~ O\DWC\OIO.J\PROI"-JJ,",,,,'9 I- I I l~OTE' /,~,L SPOil DiSPCSAL AS THiN lAvER C.; 3;CDEGRADA3LE C:-,CAN.<: MUCK, :::lE/\T,'l,ND PLAr~T ::E3cR:S KESUL TiN::; ;~;:;:::M i-:X?,-CS:m-.;3 ,,:) S=>JI_ :::>1L::S, ~CRVS CF u~~N2S ~o BE C~t.AEJ :'::>~AL DEB~!S A5 S;>Ji:Wkl ".'CT execc;) xxx c:...; v:____ INTERNAL MAIN CHANNEL RESTORA TION (CHANNEL "An ONLY) r ~ MANUAL AND EXPLOSIVE CLEARING 225 CU. YDS OF 80TH MANUAL AND EXPLOSION DISTRIBUTED DEBRiS PROPOSED SECTION x-x INTERNAL SIDE CHANNEL RESTORA TION (CHANNELS B,C,D,lA-6A & 1C) ! r"\ /_'~i I( ) ',; ',I : \ ) "\~) I MANUAL AND I V ~. EXPLOSiVE .~ I I CLE.ARNG ~ ~/ c=- r IJ:st~dJ-:: -- ~ ---I''':S:--'I""t:<:lt71c1 MAXiMUM 1,386 C. u. YDS. I I OF ROTH "'ANUAL ANJ _>.>-1. ....1 EXPLOSiON DiSTR'3UTcD i DEBRiS L____, PROPOSED I~----~ i/ ~ '" ~ :l aLAe, UAZ:;RCYE i I I;~ <~tl Mi \\ ~~j\I\~_~+,-.: '.' ':,~~<~4 EXISTING S:::CTION y-y MHW - 1.50 n. NGVD MLW ' (-)0.51 n. NGVO S:::CT!CN Z-Z (GULF TlGE ELEVATIONS PER DT. TACKNEY, P E.) METHODS OF SOIL DISPOSAL *(1) N 'TS :";"Cy::c' CLt,I,1 SA Y , -rl\f,.' L'L,,-d-/ SA Y SERVICES DiVISION Figure <153.(h) f.?:::<iC4~ : WILSON . MILLER LEWIS ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC, COLLIER '[;I.1PR., 1997 5(C'..9 'II'Pc 1fC!: lI:[Vt;O, 495 25f 11 97 ~c ,"0 F NO, N0102.-080--001~rRPAP P[R-79 ,____:::_:~7;B /9 i 8 _,____,~J ~U~~ Ot 58 STEPHEN MEANS f"LA REG. 36644 __~. .._.,.........__._.........1 "",n INTERNAL LATERAL CHANNELS Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIlI-4~a New Business 120 of 371 '.'/' >- ;:XISTING -;:":--r---.j '" ~ f::i.-A:P;; ..u,NciWvt (I "1 ...~ /,". - /," : I 4-0 " :/ '''I " ,J ::XISTING /- SECTiON xx-xx INTERNAL SWALES _.~ ~~ I'"~ MAXIMUM 441 CU. YDS. OF MANUAL:.. Y OI$TRI8Ul ED DE8RIS PROPOSED j--" ,r---"'\ I \ \, /'. I ,\ \ il .\. /) JM:J'i MANUAL I '\...' CLEARtr.G /~~~;2, ONLY /' r;1 )q~ ~~ """"- ~_d6". ~ ~ ._~ I ," ~~" I MAXIMUM 229 , I I cu YOS. OF ~ MANUAl.l Y 01STR;BL.:TE) 0f:F3R'S ;"-;J;::'_IC.tl.NT C~LL /.1 3A Y 3A Y SERVICES DiVISION SECTION Y'f- YY PROPOSED M'-'W - 1.50 FT, NCVD. MLW - (-)0.51 FT. NGVD (CULF ;'CE ELEVATIONS PER DT TACKNEY, P E) METHODS OF SOIL DISPOSAL *(2) LEWIS ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC, N'"S Figure 4,53 Cl COV..r,. .. ' 10,..\( CO!...i.iiR __ )\PR., 1997 5.(:::4,9 llo'f-. Ita.' ll'tVOOO- 495 25[ 11 97 Pfl'O"f.::1NO- If N(} NOTC2-0BO-001-ERPAP P[R-79 rc-.. ..../h.I>~--._--,.- l>HEfl "". I M..9/978 38 Of JB STEPHEN IoIlANS rLA.. REC, 36644 P~OJ::Ci WILSON . MILLER Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 121 of 371 USACE Permit 199602789 (IP-CC) Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17.2010 Vlll-4-a New Business 12201371 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PERMIT Permittee: Collier County, Pelican Bay Services Division 601 Laurel Oak Drive, Suite 605 Naples, FL 34108 Permit No. 199602789 (IP-CC) Issuing Office: D.S, Army Enl!ineer District. Jacksonville NOTE: The term "you" and its derivatives, as used in this permit, means the Permittee or any future transferee. The term "this office" refers to the appropriate district or division office of the Corps of Engineers having jurisdiction over the permitted activity of the appropriate official of that office acting under the authority of the commanding officer. You are authorized to perform work in accordance with the terms and conditions specified below. Project Description: To activities in association with and specified by The Clam Bay Restoration and Management Plan (CBRMP), which is attached to, and made a part of, this permit as Attachment "A", Specifically, and not by way of limitation, the Permittee is authorized to proceed with the following works: (I) Replacement of Seagate Drive Culverts (pages 44 through 49 of the CBRMP), (2) Clam Pass main charmel dredging for Cuts I, 2, 3, and 4 (pages 49 through 65 of the CBRMP). This permit authorizes the impacts to 0031 acre of seagrass habitat proposed by Cut 4, (3) Excavation and maintenance ofInterior Tidal Creeks (pages 65 through 71 of the CBRMP) , The above referenced works are to be completed as specified within the CBRMP and as shown and described on attached plans nwnbered 1996027879 (IP-CC) in 38 sheets, dated April I, 1998, which are attached to, and made a part of, this permit as Attachment "B", Project Location: In Clam Bay and the Gulf of Mexico, Sections 4, 5, 8, 9, 32, 33, Township 49 South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida, ORO&56O];1 Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIlI-4~a New Business 1230f371 PERMIT NUMBER: 199602789 (IP-CC) PERMITTEE: Collier County, Pelican Bay Services Division PAGE 2 Permit Conditions: General Conditions: I, The time limit for completing the work authorized ends on , If you find that you need more time to complete the authorized activity, submit your request for a time extension to this office for consideration at least one month before the above date is reached. 2, You must maintain the activity authorized by this permit in good condition and in conformance with the terms and conditions of this permit. You are not relieved of this requirement if you abandon the permitted activity, although you may make a good faith transfer to a third party in compliance with General Condition 4 below. Should you wish to cease to maintain the authorized activity or should you desire to abandon it without a good faith transfer, you must obtain a modification of this permit from this office, which may require restoration of the area. 3, If you discover any previously unknown historic or archeological remains while accomplishing the activity authorized by this permit, you must immediately notify this office of what you have found, We will initiate the Federal and state coordination required to determine if .the remains warrant a recovery effort or if the site is eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places, 4, If you sell the property associated with this permit, you must obtain the signature and mailing address of the new owner in the space provided and forward a copy of the permit to this office to validate the transfer of this authorization. 5. If a conditioned water quality certification has been issued for your project, you must comply with the conditions specified in the certification as special conditions to this permit. For your convenience, a copy of the certification is attached to, and made a party of, this permit as Attachment "C". 6. You must allow representatives from this office to inspect the authorized activity at any time deemed necessary to ensure that it is being or has been accomplished in accordance with the terms and conditions of your permit. OR08560 I; I Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 V!lI-4-a New Business 124of371 PERMIT NUMBER: 199602789 (IP-CC) PERMITTEE: Collier County, Pelican Bay Services Division PAGE 3 Special Conditions: I, The permittee agrees to submit semi-annual reports (these and all other reports shall be submitted to V,S, Anny Corps of Engineers, Regulatory Division, Enforcement Branch, P,O, Box 4970 Jacksonville, Florida 32232-0019 and shall reference the permit application number) commencing six months after permit issuance indicating the status of the project and shall include the following information: a, indicate. Date permitted activity was begun; if work has not begun on-site, please so b, Brief description and extent of work (site preparation, monitoring, created wetlands) completed .since the previous report or since permit was issued. Indicate on copies of the permit drawings those areas where work has been completed. c, Brief description and extent of work anticipated in the next six months. Indicate on copies of the permit drawings those areas where it is anticipated that work shall be done, (2) The Permittee agrees to comply with the components and time frames as specified within the Clam Bay Restoration Management Plan (CBRMP), which is attached to this permit as ,o,.ttachment "A", (3) The Permittee agrees that all studies and reports conducted as a part of the StormwaterlFreshwater Management component of the CBRMP will be coordinated with and approved by the Corps. Following this study period, the Permittee shall analyze the data gathered, formulate recommendations based upon the data, and to the extent suggested by the data, design a plan or plans to reduce fresh water discharges into the Clam Bay ecosystem from the developed uplands. Furthermore, approval by the Corps. Of the study plans, final reports, and implementation is a requirement ofthis permit. Information contained in the study plans should include studies goals and objectives by which to achieve those goals, The Permittee agrees that if Corps determines that augmentation of the studies objectives are necessary to obtain the study's goals then appropriate changes will be made to the details of the studies, (4) The Permittee agrees to submit to the Corps detailed drafts of the study plans indicated on sheet II of 35 of the CBRMP for review on or before 120 days from the date of this permit. The Permittee agrees that further augmentation of Study No, I (Stormwater Detention Volume & Water Budget Analysis) may be necessary pending review by the Corps, OR085601;1 Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17.2010 VIII-4-a New Business 125 of 371 PERMIT NUMBER: 199602789 (IP-CC) PERMITTEE: Collier County, Pelican Bay Services Division PAGE 4 (5) The Permittee agrees to begin implementation of the studies will commence on or before 180 days from the date ofthis permit, and preliminary data compiled on or before three (3) years from the date of this permit The Permittee will provide draft report of the studies to the Corps for review and approval within 30 days of the completion of the studies, (6) To the extent suggested by the data the Permittee agrees to develop a plan to reduce upland water discharges into the system. This plan or plans are referred to as "Upland Water Discharge Reduction Plans" (UWDRP) and must be submitted for approval by the DEP and the Corps within 120 days following completion of the studies. (7) Once the UWDRP is approved by the DEP and the Corps, the Permittee shall implement the UWDRPin accordance with its terms, but in no event later than five (5) years following permit issuance unless a modification to that time frame is agreed to by the Permittee, the DEP and the Corps. (8) The Permittee agrees to submit the monitoring report for the UWDRP and any noted modifications or corrective actions needed as required by the UWDRP. It is anticipated that all activities described here and in Section 4,5.4 of the CBRMP will be completed within the ten (10) year permit term, (9) The Permittee agrees to provide compensatory mitigation for the 0.31 acre of proposed seagrass impact if reestablishment of those seagrasses lost as a result of the CBRMP implementation has not occurred in five years from the date of the permit This mitigation will be accessed and in accordance with the Habitat Equivalency Analysis as proposed by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Damage Assessment and Restoration Program (HEAdoc Nov,95), (10) The Permittee agrees that for any works associated to renourishment of the beach area the following conditions will be followed: OROS5601;1 Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 126of371 PERMIT NUMBER:. 199602789 (IP-CC) PERMITTEE: Collier County, Pelican Bay Services Division PAGE 5 a, All works will occur outside of the sea turtle nesting season. b. The standard manatee construction conditions shall be included in any contract issued for the work These conditions are attached to, and made a part of, this permit as Attachment "D". c. All beach impact areas will be tilled to a depth of 36 inches after the placement of spoil material. d, Native vegetation will not be disturbed by the placement offill, Further Information: I, Congressional Authorities: You have been authorized to under the activity described above pursuant to: ( ) Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 (33 U,S,C. 403), () Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S,c, 1344). ( ) Section 103 of the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act of 1972 (33 U.S,c, 1413), 2, Limits of this authorization. a, This permit does not obviate the need to obtain other Federal, state, or local authorization required by law, b. This permit does not grant any property rights or exclusive privileges, c, This permit does not authorize any injury to the property or rights of others, d, projects, This permit does not authorize interference with any existing or proposed Federal 3, Limits of Federal Liability. In issuing this Permit, the Federal Government does not assume any liability for the following: OROB5601;1 Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 Vlll-4-a New Business 127of371 PERMIT NUMBER: 199602789 (IP-CC) PERMITTEE: Collier County, Pelican Bay Services Division PAGE 6 a, Damages to the permitted project or uses thereof as a result of other permitted or unpermitted activities or from natural causes, b, Damages to the permitted project or uses thereof as a result of current or future activities undertaken by or on behalf of the United States in the public interest. c. Damages to persons, property, or to other permitted or unpermitted activities or structures caused by the activity authorized by this permit. d. Design or construction deficiencies associated with the permitted work. e, Damage claims associated with any future modification, suspension, or revocation ofthis permit. 4, Reliance on Applicant's Data: The determination of this office that issuance of this permit is not contrary to the public interest was made in reliance on the information you provided, 5. Reevaluation of Permit Decision. This office may reevaluate its decision on this permit at any time the circumstances warrant. Circumstances that could require a reevaluation include, but are not limited to, the following: a, You fail to comply with the terms and conditions of this permit. b, The information provided by you in support of your permit application proves to have been false, incomplete, or inaccurate (see 4 above), c, Significant new information surfaces which this office did not consider in reaching the original public interest decision, Such a reevaluation may result in a determination that it is appropriate to use the suspension, modification, and revocation procedures contained in 33 CFR 325,7 or enforcement procedures such as those contained in 33 CFR 326.4 and 326.5. The referenced enforcement procedures provide for the issuance of an administrative order requiring you comply with the terms and conditions of your permit and for the initiation of legal actions where appropriate, You will be required to'pay for any corrective measures ordered by this office, and if you fail to comply with such directive, this office may in certain situations (such as those specified in 33 CFR 209.170) accomplish the corrective measures by contract or otherwise and bill you for the cost. OR08S601;1 Clam !=lay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIlI-4-a New Business 128 of 371 PERMIT NUMBER: 199602789 (lP-CC) PERMITTEE: Collier County, Pelican Bay Services Division PAGE 7 6, Extensions. General condition I establishes a time limit for the completion of the activity authorized by this permit. Unless there are circmnstances requiring either a prompt completion of the authorized activity or a reevaluation of the public interest decision, the Corps will normally give favorable consideration to a request for an extension of this time limit. Your signature below, as permittee, indicates that you accept and agree to comply with the terms and conditions of this permit. (Permittee) (Date) (Please type or print name and title) This permit becomes effective when the Federal official, designed to act for the Secretary "fthe Army, hassigned below. (District Engineer) JOE R. MILLER Colonel, U,S, Army (Date) THIS PERMIT CONTAINS _ ATTACHMENTS, TOTALING _ PAGES OR085601;1 Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VlIl-4-a New Business 129of371 Attachments to Department of the Army Permit Number 199602789 (lP-CC) A PERMIT DRAWINGS: 35 pages, dated April 6, 1998 B, CLAM BAY RESTORATION MANAGEMENT PLAN (CBRMP): The CBRMP consists of 95 pages C, WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION: Florida Department of Envirorunental Protection Specific Conditions (DEP) in accordance with General Conditions number 5 on page 3 of this DA permit. The DEP specific conditions consist of _ pages. D, MANATEE CONDITIONS: 2 pages, OR085601;1 Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17.2010 VIlI-4-a New Business 1300f371 Habitat Equivalency Analysis: How Much Restoration Is Enough? Natural resouroes are olten Injured when 011 or hazardous materials enter the marine environment, possIbly reducing the quality or quantity of servioes normally provided by I . these resources. For example, after a wetland Is oiled, It may no longer provide Suitable habitat for birds or suppqn the organisms on whloh birds feed. If the weiland vegetation sustains long-term Injury, other funotions of the system, suoh as sediment stabilization and flood oontrol,' may also be impaired. Natural resource trustees responsible for restoring these injured resouroes have two objectives: 1) Restore the resource to baseline condition (the condItion of the resource in the absenCE! of the release); and 2) Compensate for th~ Int'lrim loss of the resource pending r~storation to baseline. If recovery of ,the resource cannot be aooelerated, more compensation for the In(erim loss may be needed. Habitat Equivalency Analysis (HEiA)l provides an analytical framework for estimating how much restoration is needed t.o oompensate for the Interim loss. HEA directly addresses the type and scale of tre restoration, without directly valuing the Interim loss in economic terms. However, the objective of oompensatory restoration is to deliver a fair level of compensation for the Interim loss of the resource, meaning the value of the Increase In servioes from the repl~cement projeots must be equivalent to the value of . services lost dUB to the injury. Thus, using HEA, trustees select replacement projects that will generate services of comparable type and quality to those of the Injured resource. To perform HEA calculations, trustees must determine how long the Injury will persist, the relative service level of th~ Injured and replacement resources, and the lifetime of the replacement project. With thi$ information, the trustees can calculate the amount of the restoration needed by estp.bli~hlng an equivalency between the quantity of lost services and the quantity of s~rvl~es generated through the compensatory restoration prOject Over time2 " . An example of an HEA applic,alio~ is provided on the back of this page to illustrate these concepts. . I \ Although the 1.rm Habitat Eiqulval,moy AnalySis Is us~, the sam.. concept may be applied to IIny lo&s that Can be representer;! by reso~ro;:i.basGd measures over time suoh as nurmers of filh.yesrs or beaoh- days. I 2 In HEA, computations of resource .servlfe. a'e time-adjusled to present value using dlocounllng, Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17,2010 VI11-4-a New Business 131 of 371 An Example: Compensatory Seagr... Replacement Project , Five acres 01 seagrass Wilre destroyo~ following- an oil spill. The oil heavily coaled tl1e seagrass blades and pormeated tl1e se,cllments. The purpose of HEA is to determine how much compensatory restoration wprk is needed to fully compensate lor the 5 acres of Injured seagrass. Tl1e Trustees COn$ulted with seagrass experts to establish the basic parameters of the HEA, Including:3 · 100% of the services provided by tho 5 acres of seagrass beds were Immediately lost at the time of th,e spill. o 15 years would be required for tlie s!lagrass beds to recover to baseline after site Cleanup and planting. 'J'{ithoptJntervention, recovery 01 the Injured area would take considerably longer C!lluslng the total loss to the public as well as the cost to lhe Responsible Party to Increase. , . I o Nearby sites exist for creation ot;sultable offsite replacement sea9rass beds, . New seagrass beds will require 1:5 years to reach maturity. o All recovery trajectories are linGs:r. Rt.lorab'on ar II'iJured ,110 .1a1U \ 5 ! Onsile LO~ (Tot.' a~t'"V.ars at ".9'"" '.lVlco la.. ver po~ad 01 inJu1)') : ! Offal'e Gain rrOlaI aaro,ve.rs af ".gr." urvlo. provldod ovar IWellm, of eompan"l;a pral.ei) At;res 0' Seagrass OIlSpl" oc:eur. 1 I InP,srecl Ar_ ~_rs 1 Time o Off,itt Rntor4lUon S"'" Offen. ....toralan Ad!kIvel Filii FunOflon I, The figure below reprElsents the loss In servloes e~used by the s'lllll and the replaoement of those services through ctnstruction of new seagrass beds. 'By equating the totelloss (in seagraos a~re.year5) to the ga'ln generated by the new seagrass beds, one may calculate the area of the compensatory restoration project that Is necessary to replace the loss', In thisl example, 2.2 aeres of new seagrass beds would be needed in addition to restoring the destroyed 5 acres 10 compensate for the injured nalural resource. I 'This ex.mple Is mAlnllo lIIuslrafe Ihe basic 001' Capls blhlnd HEA. mor. Informal Ion Is n.eded 10 conduct an actua' analysla. . · Actu.1 computallo~s IIr.based on .O.....Y..'" dlrUnled tc the pres.nt (nct displayed In diagram). NOAA/Damage ^"sessnjcnt and Reston.tJOrl Progmrn .~ 1305 East-West H '. SSMC-4, Rm. 10218, SIlver rtn. MD20910 301-713-3038 ,,192 ~ ,~; HEA.ItOQ ~G'(i1S Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17,2010 VIII-4-a New 132 of 371 FORM ,: 1i2-JAJ.aOCl(1j FORM TlTLE: JOINT ENVIRONMENTAL. RESOURCE PERMIT APPLICATION EFFECTIVE DATE: Of/f6--f;.J~ JOINT APPLICATION FOR RECEIVED APR 21 1997 BUREAU OF BEi,CflES & COASTAL SYSTEMS ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE PERMIT! AUTHORIZATION TO USE STATE OWNED SUBMERGED LANDS! FEDERAL DREDGE AND FILL PERMIT FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIONI WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICTSI U,S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 1330f371 SECTION A Are any of the activities described in this application pro'posed to occur in, on, or over wetlands or other surface waters? tgI yes 0 no Is this application being filed by or on behalf of a government entity or drainage district? tgI yes 0 no A. Type of Environmental Resource Permit Requested (check at least one) o Noticed General - include information requested in Section B. o Standard General (Single Family Dwelling)-include information requested in Sections C and D. o Standard General (all other projects) - include information requested in Sections C and E, o Individual (Single Family Dwelling) - include information requested in Sections C and D. 181 Individual lall other projects) - include information requested in Sections C and E. o Conceptual - include information requested in Sections C and E. o Mitigation Bank Permit (construction) - include information requested in Section C and F. ( If the proposed mitigation bank involves the construction of a surface water management system requiring another permit defined above, check the appropriate box and submit the information requested by the applicable section. ) , o Mitigation Bank (conceptual) - include information requested in Section C and F. B. Type of activity for which you are applying (check at least one) 181 Construction or operation of a new system including dredging or filling in, on or over wetlands and other surface waters. o Alteration or operation of an existing system which was not previously permitted by a WMD or DEP, o Modification of a system previously permitted by a WMD or DEP. Provide previous permit numbers, o Alteration of a system 0 Extension of permit duration 0 Abandonment of a system o Construction of additional phases of a system 0 Removal of a system C. Are you requesting authorization to use State Owned lands. tgI yes 0 no (If yes include the information requested in Section G,) D, For activities in, on or over wetlands or other surface waters, check type of federal dredge and fill permit requested: 181 Individual 0 Programmatic General o General 0 Nationwide 0 Not Applicable E. Are you claiming to qualify for an exemption? Dyes 181 no If yes provide rule number if known. Page 1 of 4 RECEIVED APR 21 1997 BUREAU OF BEACHES & COASTAL SYSTEMS OUlMl1.W-sECTlON.A Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIIl-4~a New Business 134of371 OWNER IS) OF LANO ENTITY TO RECEIVE PERMIT IIF OTHER THAN OWNER) NAME NAME COLLIER COUNTY COLLIER COUNTY PELICAN BAY SERVICES DIVISION ADDRESS ADDRESS 3301 TAMIAMI TRAIL E.' GOVERNMENT COMPLEX 801 LAUREL OAK DRIVE. SUITE 80S CITY. STATE. ZIP CITY, STATE, ZIP NAPLES. FL 34112 NAPLES, Fl 34108 COMPANY AND TITLE COMPANY AND TITLE TELEPHONE 1 ) TELEPHONE 1941) 597'8081 FAX I ) FAX 1941) 597,4502 AGENT AUTHORIZED TO SECURE PERMIT IIF AN AGENT CONSULTANT {IF DIFFERENT FROM AGENT! IS USEDI NAME NAME TED R, BROWN COMPANY AND TITLE COMPANY AND TITLE AKERMAN SENTERFITT. PA ADDRESS ADDRESS 255 SOUTH ORANGE AVE. CITY. STATE. ZIP CITY, STATE. ZIP ORLANDO. FL 32801 TELEPHONE 14071 843,7860 TELEPHONE ( I FAX 1407) 843-8610 FAX ( ) Name of project. including phase if applicable Clam Bav Restoration and Manaoement Plan Is this application for part of a multi-phase project? 00 yes 0 no Total applicant-owned area contiguous to the project ---L- ac Total project area for which a permit is sought TBD ac Impervious area for which a permit is sought ~ac What is the total area (metric equivalent for federally funded projects) of work in. on, or over wetlands or other surface waters? 11.36 acres 494.842 square feet _hectares square meters Number of new boat slips proposed, N/A Project location (use additional sheets, if needed) County(ies) Collier Sec1ion(s) 4,5. 8. 9. 32. 33 Township 49S Range 25E Section(s) Township Range Land Grant name, if applicable Tax Parcel Identification Number , Street address, road, or other location City, Zip Code if applicabl8 Page 2 of '4 RECEIVED APR 21 1997 BUREAU OF BEACHES & COASTAL SYSTEMS 04I18/1i11.W<<ClKlHA Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 1350f371 Describe in general terms the proposed project, system, or activity. SEE ATTACHMENT A. If there have been any pre-application meetings, including at the project site, with regulatory staff, please list the date(s), location(s), and names of key staff and project representatives, Several meetinos have been held on and off-site with Ilene Barnett. Rich Brav (oEP) and ChiD Clouoh (Corosl Please identify by number any MSSW/Wetland resource/ERP/ACOE Permits pending, issued or denied for projects at the location, and any related enforcement actions. Agency Date No,IType of Application Action Taken SEE ATTACHMENT B, Note:The followina infonnation is reauired onlv for croiects orocosed to occur in,on or over wetlands that need a federal dredoe and fill permit and/or authorization to use state owned submeroed lands and is not necessary when 8oo1vina solelv for an Environmental Resource Permit, Please provide the names, addresses and zip codes of property owners whose property directly adjoins the project (excluding applicant). Please attach a plan view showing the owner's names and adjoining property lines, Attach additional sheets if necessary. 1, 2, TO BE PROVIDED 3. 4, I RECEIVED APR 21 1997 BUREAU OF BEACHES & COASTAL SYSTEMS Page 3 of 4 ~8It7.WoSEC11ON.A Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17 2010 VIII-4-a New usiness 136 of 371 FORM 1/: 62..J.4J.900 {11 FORM TITLE;; JOINT ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURce PERMIT APPLICATION DATE; Dctobllr J,1995 PART B: A. By Signing this application form, I am applying, or I am applying on behalf of the applicant, for the permit and any proprietary authorizations identified above, according to the supporting data and other incidental information filed with this application. I am familiar with the information contained in this application and represent that such information is true, complete and accurate. I understand this is an application and not a permit, and that work prior to approval is a violation, I understand that this application and any permit issued or proprietary authorization issued pursuant thereto, does not relieve. me of any obligation for obtaining any other required federal, state, water management district or local permit prior to commencement of construction. I agree, or I agree on behalf of the applicant, to operate and maintain the permitted system unless the permitting agency authorizes transfer of the permit to a responsible operation entity. I understand that knowingly making any false statement or representation in this application is a violation of Section 373.430, F,S. and 1 B U,S.C. Section 1001, Ted Brown, Esq. Typed/Printed Name of Ap Iicant (If no Agent is used) or Agent (If one is so authorized below I 4 t~ 'f7 Date Akerman, Senterfitt & Edison, P.A. (Corporate Title if applicable) AN AGENT MAY SIGN ABOVE ONLY IF THE APPLICANT COMPLETES THE FOLLOWING: B. I hereby designate and authorize the agent listed above to act on my behalf , or on behalf of my corporation, as the agent in the processing of this application for the permit and/or proprietary authorization indicated above; and to furnish, on request, supplemental information in support of the application, In addition, I authorize the above, listed agent to bind me, or my corporation, to perform any requirement which may be necessary to procure the permit or authorization indicated above. I understand that knowingly making any false statement or representation in this application is a violation of Section 373.430, .F.S. and 18 U.S.C. Section 1001. James P. Ward TypedlPrinted Name of Appiicant x /C///r hI./ V //;J,'.c;/ ~ Signature of Applicant 4/1-57'17 Date Pelican Bay Services Division, Division Administrator (Corporate Title if applicable) Plel!!se note: The 8colicant's orioinal sionl!ture fnot a CODvl is reouired above. PERSON AUTHORIZING ACCESS TO THE PROPERTY MUST COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING: C, I either own the property described in this application or I have legal authority to allow access to the property, and I consent, after receiving prior notification, to any site visit on the property by agents or personnel from the Department of Environmental Protection, the Water Management District and the U,S. Army Corps of Engineers necessary for the review and inspection of the proposed project specified in this application. I authorize these agents or personnel to enter the property as many times as may be necessary to make such review and inspection. Further, I agree to provide entry to the project site for such agents or personnel to monita permitted WQ k if a rmit is granted. James P. Ward 0J t::? Typed/Printed Name S gnature Date Pelican Bay Services (Corporate Title if applicabie) Division, Division Administrator Page 4 of 4 RECEIVED APR 21 1997 BUREAU OF BEACHES & COASTAL SYSTEMS Attachment A Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17. 2010 Vlll-4-a New Business 1370f371 The principal elements and benefits of the. Clam Bay Restoration and Management Plan include: . Installing a tidal flap gate system linking Venetian Bay with Outer Clam Bay, thereby increasing the turnover of water in Outer Clam Bay. This wili improve water quality for the benefit of the extensive seagrass habitat and its associated marine life, as well as provide enhanced scouring of Clam Pass as the surcharge of water that formerly oscillated between Venetian Bay and Outer Clam Bay I forced to exit on the ebb tide through Clam Pass. · Deepening and widening Clam Pass will provide for a significantly enhanced tidal exchange for the Clam Bay system, as well as provide high quality sand for beach renourishment and111e 'creatIOn oFupiaiid islands of native tree flora, which will contribute to the ecological diversity of the Clam Bay system. · Opening of the deteriorating network of interior tidal creeks and channels will both improve the tidal exchange capacity of the Clam Bay system, and contribute to enhanced water quality within the system. The restoration of the tidal exchange dynamics will permit the ingress and egress of marine life utilizing the mangrove embayments, will accelerate the recovery of the mangrove. habitat and will restore the desirable estuarine quality of the Clam Bay system. · The selective removal of the dead mangrove trees will not only improve the aesthetic quality of the Clam Bay System, but will permit the establishment of mangrove starter islands to help stimulate the recovery of the mangrove habitat. · The development and implementation of a revised freshwaterlstormwater management system for the developed uplands lying east of Clam Bay will facilitate a reexamination of the role of fresh water In the Clam Bay system, with an anticipated result being a significantly reduced level of fresh water Irrigation for Pelican Bay and a modified landscape palette to be introduced over time. . Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17.2010 VltI-4-a New Business 1380f371 Attachment B List of Wetland Resource/ERP/ACOE Permits: Agency Date No.trype of Application Action Taken 1. ACOE 4/3/96 19950 I 027 (L?-CC) Excavate 9,200 cubic yards of shoaled sand 2. FDE? 4110/96 ] 1-2859039, Collier County Emergency Maintenance Dredging of Flushing Outlet 3, FOE? 511/96 112870025 Wetland Enhancement 4, ACOE 6/26/96 199601979 (L?-CC) Manual excavation for the re- opening of 1312 linear feet of main tidal channels 5. ACOE ]/28/97 199602789 (L?-CC) Hydraulic power unit (durable pump) 6. FDE? 1/2/97 CO-578 2 portable hydraulic dewatering pumps J";';'!;~~~~ ,.of'... ~\' ,. '60..... . ~'~ ,":' Ie ;.t\.-'~ ~, FlOflIt)" I .. .~ Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 1390f371 SECTION C Environmental Resource Permit Notice of Receipt of Application This information is required in addition to that required in other sections of the application, Please submit five copies of this notice of receipt of application and all attachments with the other required information. PLEASE SUBMIT ALL INFORMATION ON PAPER NO LARGER THAN 2' x 3'. Project Name: Clam Bav Restoration and Management Plan County: Collier Countv Owner: Collier Countv Applicant: Collier County Pelican Bay Services Division Applicant's Address: 801 Laurel Oak Drive, Suite #605 Naples. FL 34108 1, Indicate the project boundaries on a USGS quadrangle map. Attach a location map showing the boundary of the proposed activity, The map should also contain a north arrow and a graphic scale; show Section(s), Township(s), and Range(s); and must be of sufficient detail to allow a person unfamiliar with the site to find it. Copies attached. 2, Provide the names of all wetlands, or other surface waters that would be dredged, filled, impounded, diverted, drained, or would receive discharge (either directly or indirectly), or would otherwise be impacted by the proposed activity, and specify if they are in an Outstanding Florida Water or Aquatic Preserve: Clam Bay - which is not an Outstanding Florida Water or Aquatic Preserve. 3. Attach a depiction (plan and section views), which clearly shows the works or other facilities proposed to be constructed, Use multiple sheets, if necessary, Use a scale sufficient to show the location and type of works. Copies attached. 4, Briefly describe the proposed project (such as "construct a deck with boat sheller", "replace two existing culverts", "construct surface water management system to serve 150 acre residential development"): Mangrove estuary restoration through implementation of several management activities. 5. Specify the acreage of wetlands or other surface waters, if any, that are proposed to be disturbed, filled, excavated, or otherwise impacted by the proposed activity: wt Approximately 4.26 acres of excavation and 7.1 acres of spoil disposal. ~ ;2:1,= (~. f' 6, Provide a brief statement describing any proposed mitigation for impacts to wetlands and other surface waters (attach additional sheets if necessary): Not applicable. 04I1&i87-W-SECTlON.C Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 140 of 371 SECTION E INFORMATION FOR STANDARD GENERAL, INDIVIDUAL AND CONCEPTUAL ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE PERMITS FOR PROJECTS NOT RELATED TO A SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING UNIT Please provide the information requested below if the proposed project requires either a standard general, individual, or conceptual approval environmental resource permit and is not related to an individual, single family dwelling unit, duplex or quadraplex. The information listed below represents the level of information that is usually required to evaluate an application. The level of information required for a specific project will vary depending on the nature and location of the site and the activity proposed. Conceptual approvals generally do not require the same level of detail as a construction permit. However, providing a greater level of detail will reduce the need to submit additional information at a later date. If an item does not apply to your project, proceed to the next item. PLEASE SUBMIT ALL INFORMATION ON PAPER NO LARGER THAN 24" X 36". I. Site Information A. Provide a map(sl of the project area and vicinity delineating USDA/SCS soil types. See attached soil map. B. Provide recent aerials, legible for photointerpretation with a scaie of 1" = 400 ft, or more detailed, with project boundaries delineated on the aerial. To be provided. See F.igures 4.5.3 (bHd2) for larger scale aerials C. Identify the seasonal high water or mean high tide elevation and normal pool or mean low tide elevation for each on site wetland or surface water, including receiving waters into which runoff will be discharged. Include dates, datum, and methods used to determine these elevations. See Restoration and anagement Plan. D. Identify the wet season high water tables at the locations representative of the entire project site. Include dates, datum, and methods used to determine these elevations. Not applicable. II. Environmental Considerations A. Provide results of any wildlife surveys that have been conducted on the site, and provide any comments pertaining to- the project from the Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. To be provided. 0.4/18/87 .w. SECTION.E Page 1 of 9 Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 1410f371 B. Provide a description of how water quantity, quality, hydroperiod, and habitat will be maintained in on-site wetlands and other surface waters that will be preserved or will remain undisturbed. See Restoration and Management Plan. C. Provide a narrative description of any proposed mitigation plans, including purpose, maintenance, monitoring, and construction sequence and techniques, and estimated costs. Not applicable. D. Describe how boundaries of wetlands or other surface waters were determined. If there has ever been a jurisdictional declaratory statement, a formal wetland determination, a formal determination, a validated informal determination, or a revalidated jurisdictional determination, provide the identifying number. Waiver requested. E. Impact Summary Tables: 1. For all projects, complete Table 1, 2 and 3 as applicable. See Restoration and Management Pian. 2. For docking facilities or other structures constructed over wetlands or other surface waters, provide the information requested in Table 4. Not applicable. For shoreline stabilization projects, provide the information requested in Table 5. Not applicable. III. Plans Provide clear, detailed plans for the system including specifications, plan (overhead) views, cross sections (with the locations of the cross sections shown on the corresponding plan view), and prOfile (longitudinal) views of the proposed project. The plans must be signed and sealed by a an appropriate registered professional as required by law. Plans must include a scale and a north arrow. These plans should show the following: A. Project area boundary and total land area, including distances and orientation from roads or other land marks; See Restoration and Management Plan. Existing land use and land cover (acreage and percentages), and on- site natural communities, including wetlands and other surface waters, aquatic communities, and uplands. Use the Florida Land Use Cover & Classification System (FLUCCS)(Level 3) for projects proposed in the South Florida Water Management District, the St. Johns River Water Management District, and the Suwannee River 04116/91. W. SECTION.E Page 2 of 9 Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17,2010 VIII-4-a New Business 142 of 371 Water Management District and use the National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) for projects proposed in the Southwest Florida Water Management District. Aiso identify each community with a unique identification number which must be consistent in all exhibits, To be provided. B. The existing topography extending at least 100 feet off the project area, and including adjacent wetlands and other surface waters, All topography shall include the location and a description of known benchmarks, referenced to NGVD. For systems waterward of the mean high water (MHW) or seasonal high water lines, show water depths, referenced to mean low water (MLW) in tidal areas or seasonal low water in non-tidal areas, and list the range between MHW and MLW. For docking facilities, indicate the distance to, location of, and depths of the nearest navigational channel and access routes to the channel. See Restoration and Management Plan. C. If the project is in the known flood piain of a stream or other water course, identify the flood plain boundary and approximate flooding elevations; Identify the 100-year flood elevation and floodplain boundary of any lake, stream or other watercourse located on or adjacent to the site; Not Applicable. D. The boundaries of wetlands and other surface waters within the project area. Distinguish those wetlands and other surface waters that have been delineated by any binding jurisdictional determination; No jurisdictional determinations have been performed. A waiver is requested. E. Proposed land use, land cover and natural communities lacreage and percentages), including wetlands and other surface waters, undisturbed uplands, aquatic communities, impervious surfaces, and water management areas. Use the same classification system and community identification number used in III (6) above. Not applicable. F. Proposed impacts to wetlands and other surface waters, and any proposed connections/outfalls to other surface waters or wetlands; See Restoration and Management Plan. G. Proposed buffer zones; Not applicable. H. Pre and post-development drainage patterns and basin boundaries showing the direction of flows, including any off-site runoff being routed through or around the system; and connections between wetlands and other surface waters; Not applicable. 04{18/97 . W. SECT10N.E Page 3 of 9 Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 Vlll.4~a New Business 1430f371 I. Location of all water management areas with details of size, side slopes, and designed water depths; Not applicable. J. Location and details of all water control structures, control elevations, any seasonal water level regulation schedules; and the location and description of benchmarks (minimum of one benchmark per structure); See Restoration and Management Plan. K. Location, dimensions and elevations of all proposed structures, including docks, seawalls, utility lines, roads, and buildings; Not applicable. L. Location, size, and design capacity of the internal water management facilities; Not applicable. M. Rights-of-way and easements for the system, including all on-site and off-site areas to be reserved for water management purposes, and rights-of-way and easements for the existing drainage system, if any; Not applicable. N, Receiving waters or surface water management systems into which runoff from the developed site will be discharged; Not applicable. O. Location and details of the erosion, sediment and turbidity control measures to be implemented during each phase of construction and all permanent control measures to be implemented in post-development conditions; See Restoration and Management Plan. P. Location, grading, design water levels, and planting details of all mitigation areas; Not applicable. Q. Site grading details, including perimeter site grading; Not applicable. R. Disposal site for any excavated material, including temporary and permanent disposal sites; See Restoration and Management Plan. S. Dewatering plan details; Not applicable. T. For marina facilities, locations of fueling facilities, boat repair and cleaning stations; Not applicable. any sewage pumpout facilities, maintenance facilities, and fish U. Location and description of any nearby existing offsite features which might be affected by the proposed construction or development such O4J18197 . W. SECTION.E Page 4 of 9 Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIIl-4-a New Business 144of371 as stormwater management ponds, buildings or other structures, wetlands or other surface waters. Not applicable. V. For phased projects, provide a master development plan. See Restoration and Management Plan for the phasing of restoration activities. IV. Construction Schedule and Techniques Provide a construction schedule, and a description of construction techniques, sequencing and equipment. This information should specifically include the following: A. Method for installing any pilings or seawall slabs; N/A B. Schedule of implementation of a temporary or permanent erosion and turbidity control measures; See the Restoration and Management Plan. C. For projects that involve dredging or excavation in wetlands or other surface waters, describe the method of excavation, and the type of material to be excavated; See the Restoration and Management Plan. D. For projects that involve fill in wetlands or other surface waters, describe the source and type of fill material to be used. For shoreline stabilization projects that involve the installation of riprap, state how these materials are to be placed, (i.e., individually or with heavy equipment) and whether the rocks will be underlain with filter cloth; See the Restoration and Management Plan. E. If dewatering is required, detail the dewatering proposal inCluding the methods that are proposed to contain the discharge, methods of isolating dewatering areas, and indicate the period dewatering structures will be in place (Note a consumptive use or water use permit may by required); N/A F. Methods for transporting equipment and materials to and from the work site. If barges are required for access, provide the low water depths and draft of the fully loaded barge; See the Restoration and Management Plan. G. Demolition plan for any existing structures to be removed; N/A 04/18f97.W-SECTION.E Page 5 of 9 Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4.a New Business 145 of 371 H. Identify the schedule and party responsible for completing monitoring, record drawings, and as-built certifications for the project when completed. Not applicable. V. Drainage Information A. Provide pre-development and post-development drainage calculations, signed and sealed by an appropriate registered professional, as follows: Not applicable. 1. Runoff characteristics, including area, runoff curve number or runoff coefficient, and time of concentration for each drainage basin; 2. Water table elevations (normal and seasonal high) including aerial extent and magnitude of any proposed water table drawdown; 3. Receiving water elevations (normal, wet season, design storm); 4. Design storms used including rainfall depth, duration, frequency, and distribution; 5. Runoff hydrograph(s) for each drainage basin, for all required design storm event(s); 6. Stage-storage computations for any area such as a reservoir, close basin, detention area, or channel, used in storage routing; 7. Stage-discharge computations for any storage areas at a selected control point, such as control structure or natural restriction; 8. Flood routings through on-site conveyance and storage areas; 9. Water surface profiles in the primary drainage system for each required design storm event(s); 10. Runoff peak rates and volumes discharged from the system for each required design storm event(s); and 11. Tail water history and justification (time and elevation); 12. Pump specifications and operating curves for range of possible operating conditions (if used in system). 04nafQ7.W-SECTlON.E Page 6 of 9 Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17. 2010 VIlI-4-a New Business 146 of 371 B. Provide the results of any percolation tests, where appropriate, and soil borings that are representative of the actual site conditions; C. Provide the acreage, and percentages of the total project, of the following: Not applicable. 1. impervious surfaces, excluding wetlands, 2. pervious surfaces (green areas, not including wetlands), 3. lakes, canals, retention areas, other open water areas, 4. wetlands; D. Provide an engineering analysis of floodplain storage and conveyance (if applicable). including: Not applicable. 1. Hydraulic calculations for all proposed traversing works; 2. Backwater water surface profiles showing upstream impact of traversing works; 3. Location and volume of encroachment within regulated floodplain(s); and 4. Plan for compensating floodplain storage, if necessary, and calculations required for determining minimum building and road flood elevations. E. Provide an analysis of the water Quality treatment system including: Not applicable. 1. A description of the proposed stormwater treatment methodology that addresses the type of treatment, pollution abatement volumes, and recovery analysis; and 2. Construction plans and calculations that address stage-storage and design elevations, which demonstrate compliance with the appropriate water quality treatment criteria. F. Provide a description of the engineering methodology, assumptions and references for the parameters listed above, and a copy of all such computations, engineering plans, and specifications used to analyze the system. If a computer program is used for the analysis, provide 04"8/97 - w. SECTION.E Page 7 of 9 Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII~4.a New Business 147 of 371 the name of the program, a description of the program, input and output data, two diskette copies, if avaiiable. and justification for model selection. VI. Operation and Maintenance and Legal Documentation A. Describe the overall maintenance and operation schedule for the proposed system. See the Restoration and Management Plan. B. Identify the entity that will be responsible for operating and maintaining the system in perpetuity if different than the permittee, a draft document enumerating the enforceabie affirmative obligations on the entity to properly operate and maintain the system for its expected life, and documentation of the entity's financial responsibility for long term maintenance, If the proposed operation and maintenance entity is not a property owner's association, provide proof of the existence of an entity, or the future acceptance of the system by an entity which will operate and maintain the system. If a property owner's association is the proposed operation and maintenance entity, provide copies of the articles of incorporation for the association and copies of the declaration, restrictive covenants, deed restrictions, or other operational documents that assign responsibility for the operation and maintenance of the system. Provide information ensuring the continued adequate access to the system for maintenance purposes. Before transfer of the system to the operating entity will be approved, the permittee must document that the transferee will be bound by all terms and conditions of the permit. The applicant. Pelican Bay Services Division will be the responsible operation and maintenance entity. C. Provide copies of all proposed conservation easements,. storm water management system easements, property owner's association documents, and plats for the property containing the proposed system. To be provided if determined to be necessary. D. Provide indication of how water and waste water service will be supplied. Letters of commitment from off-site suppliers must be included, Not applicable. E. Provide a copy of the boundary survey and/or legal description and acreage of the total land area of contiguous property owned/controlled the applicant. To be provided if determined to be necessary. 04/18/97 . W. SECTION,E Page B of 9 Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17. 2010 VIlI-4-a New Business 148 of 371 . VII. Water Use Not applicable. A. Will the surface water system be used for water supply, including landscape irrigation,or recreation. B. If a Consumptive Use or Water Use permit has been issued for the project, state the permit number. C. If no Consumptive Use or Water Use permit has been issued for the project, indicate if such a permit will be required and when the application for a permit will be submitted. D. Indicate how any existing wells located within the project site will be utilized or abandoned. 04118/97' W' SECTtON.E Page 9 of 9 Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIIl-4-a New 149 of 371 FORMM: G<I~,'OO(11 FORM TlTl.E: JOINT ENVIRONMENTAL. RESOURCE PERMIT APPLICATION DATE: Octob.r3, 1995 SECTION G Application for Authorization to use Sovereign Submerged lands Part I: Sovereign Submerged lands title information (see Attachment 5 for an explanation). Please read and answer the applicable questions listed below: A. I have a sovereign submerged lands title determination from the Division of State lands which indicates that the proposed project is NOT ON sovereign submerged lands (Please attach a copy of the title determination to the application), Yes 0 No ~ · If you answered Yes to Question A and you have attached a copy of the Division of State Lands Title Determination to this application, you do not have to answer any other questions under Part I or II of Section G, B, I have a sovereign submerged lands title determination from the Division of State Lands which indicates that the proposed project is ON sovereign submerged lands (Please attach a copy of the title determination to the application). Yes 0 No if · If you answered yes to question B please provide the information requested in Part II. Your application will be deemed incomplete until the requested information is submitted, . (;'. I am not sure if the proposed project is on sovereign submerged lands (please check here). 0 · If you have checked this box department staff will request that the Division of State Lands conduct a title determination. If the title determination indicates that the proposed project or portions of the project are located on sovereign submerged lands you will be required to submit the information requested in Part II of this application. The application will be deemed incomplete until the requested information is submitted. D, I am not EUre if the proposed project is on sovereign submerged lands and I DO NOT WISH to contest the Department's findings (please check here). 0 · If you have checked this box refer to Part II of this appHcation and provide the requested information, The application will be deemed incomplete until the requested information is submitted, Page 1 of 5 RECEIVED APR 21 1997 t;UiiEAli OF BEACHES & COASTAL SYSTEMS Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 y~~-~~a3~~w BUj:~~~~.G~:E,~.'~(lJ.,\:" ;:""::'-v." ::,:;,,/fORM TJTL.E:::'JOt'f[ eNVIRONMENTAl \#::;:";. RESOURCE PERMfrAPPUCATlON" ::?:;;~~.e:,gf0~7:;}~:~'~;:?~\0~:':{ ;:,;~:;:<;' /:',' For multi-family residential developments, such as condominiums, town homes, or subdivisions, provide the number of living units/lots and indicate whether or not the common property (including the riparian upland propertyl is or will be under the control of a homeowners association, For projects sponsored by a local government, indicate whether or not the facilities will be open to the general public. Provide a breakdown of any fees that will be assessed, and indicate whether or not such fees will generate revenue or will simply cover costs associated with maintaining the facilities. C. Provide a detailed statement describing the existing and proposed activities located on or over the sovereign submerged lands at the project site. This statement must include a description of docks and piers, types of vessels (e.g., commercial fishing, IIveaboards, cruise ships, tour boats), length and draft of vessels, seyvage pumpout facilities, fueling facilities, boat hoists, boat ramps, travel lifts, railways, and any other structures or activities existing or proposed to be located waterward of the mean/ordinary high water line. If slips are existing and/or proposed, please indicate the number of powerboat slips and sailboat slips and the percentage of those slips available to the general public.on a "first come, first served" basis. This statement must include a description of channels, borrow sites, bridges, groins, jetties, pipelines or other utility crossings, and any other structures or activities existing or proposed to be located waterward of the mean/ordinary high water line. For shoreline stabilization activities, this statement must include a description of seawalls, bulkheads, riprap, filling activities, and any other structures or activities existing or proposed to be located along the shoreline. D. Provide the linear footage of shoreline at the mean/ordinary high water line owned by the applicant which borders sovereign submerged lands. E. Provide a recent aerial photo of the area. A scale of 1" = 200' is preferred. Photos are generally available at minimal cost from your local government property appraiser's office or form district Department of Transportation offices. Indicate on the photo the specific location of your property/ project site. Page 3 of 5 Consents of Use Aerial Utility Crossing wIno support structures on sovereign submerged lands Private Dock . Public Dock Multi-family Dock Fishing Pier (Private or Multi-family) Private 80at Ramp Sea Wall Dredge Maintenance Dredge Navigation Aids/Markers Artificial Reef Riprap Public Boat Ramp Public Fishing Pier Repair/Replace Existing Public Fishing Pier RepairlReplace Existing Private Dock Repair/Replace Existing Public Dock Repair/Replace Existing Multi-family dock Repair/Replace Existing Fishing Pier (Private or Multi-family) Repair/Replace Existing Private 80at Ramp Repair/Replace Existing Sea Wall, Revetments or Bulkheads Repair/Replace/Modify structureslactivities within an existing lease, easement, management agreement or use agreement area or repair/replace existing grandfathered structures Repair/Replace Existing Public Boat Ramp " Miscellaneous /' V Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 ~;:;;'.;C" _~ 8iscayne Bay Letters of Consistencyllnconsistency w/25B.397, F.S. Management Agreements - Submerged Lands Reclamation Purchase of Filled, Formerly Submerged Lands Purchase of Reclaimed Lake Bottoms Treasure Salvage Insect Control Structures/Swales Miscellaneous projects which do not fall within the activity codes listed above PageS of5 Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 152of371 AtJr 02, 1997 - 12:01:39 D:\0YiC\0102\PR079S01.dwq liARl ANNA ~ . ~ ,... I PROJECT LOCATION iiI AliI KEY "EST LOCATION MAP PROJECT: CLAM BA Y .. APPLICANT: PELICAN BAY SERVICES DIVISION WI~~~~~~.~~J;b!: ER :1200 ..u.,. L.a.., hI" t'OO, M..~~:"~I=~ ....t=-(~cr, ~~ h. (k11 -..'-6"1. """"" Figure , 1.1 (0) COWER 49S 25E """ HO, N0102-0BO-001-ERPAP 0IlWN In' [Wp 1010. L,/./,8. 918 "TO APR" 1997 IlEVIlO: stc: 4,9 """" PER-79 StiEt'l1<<): 1 OlJS STEPHEN MEANS Fl.A REO'. 356.'" Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIH-4-a New Business 153 of 371 Apr 02. 1997 - 12:(K:16 O:\OWG\0102\PR079S02.dW9 C) c r "Il o "Il s: I'l >< - o o VAND[RBIL T . ' 992 DIE-OFF AREA = (7.4 ce.) ~ . ~ I --l <( er:: I- :2 <( :2 ~ ,-. '<;j- (J) ::J LOCATION OF 1992 MANGROVE DIE-OFF AREAS PROJECT: CLAM BA Y APPLICANT: PELICAN BA Y SERVICES DIVISION WILSON . MILLER LEWIS ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. """"" COLLIER 4.9 aGe 495 25E ~ECTHo. N0102-080-001-ERPAP DItWN [""lill. L././,8, 918 ru: "'" PE:R-79 '""".... 2 I'Jf'J5 ,". APR.. 1997 Rtvlla, Figure , 1.1(b) STEPHEN !oCEANS FtA. REG. J664~ Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17. 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 1540f371 \pr 02. 1997 - 12:004-:56 D:\OWC\01C2\f:JRD79S0.idwg . 1995 DIE-OFF AREA = (29.6 OC,) LOCATION OF PROJECT: CLAM BA Y APPLICANT: PELICAN BA Y SERVICES DIVISION C) C r ." o ." ...~ r'"l >< - o o WILSON . MILLER VANDERBIL T BEACH ROAD s -. I 0;- '=t (fJ =:J 1995 MANGROVE DIE-OFF AREAS LEWIS ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. ~ COLLIER 495 25E PROJECT NO. N0102-080-007-ERPAP 0ftWI0j 11'I' twP NO. L.U.8, 918 Figure 1.1 (c) SEe: 4,9 "''JiPR.. 1997 """" "'... PE:R-79 ~[JNlh J 01'$5 STEPHEN I.l.EANS F'IA REC. 35844 Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 1550f371 r 09, 1997 - 08:26:40 O:\DWG\Ol 02\PR079S04,d~ C) c r ...,., o ...,., s:: [Tl >< - o o VANDER81L T . FEB., 1996 DIE-OFF AREA = (8.9 ce.) TOTAL DIE-OFF = 45.9 ce. LOCATION OF 1996 MANGROVE DIE-OFF AREAS PROJECT: CLAM BA Y APPLICANT, PELICAN BA Y SERVICES DIVISION WILSON . MILLER ~ ~ I -1 <( a::: I-- :2 <( :2 ~ or- ..q- if) => Figure 1.1 (d) LEWIS ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. COVlm": COLLIER OA~PR" 1997 c: 4,9 lll'P: flE'Y NO: 495 2SE ~OJtcTHo.. I'll); NOI02-080-001-ERPAP PCR-79 0ftWN If'l'/[UII loCO. 51 NO: STEPHEN folEANS L.M.B. 918 <4 Of 35 FlA. REC. 36644 Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIH-4-a New Business 156 of 371 '~f"'_ ('~~\ , , , ' \ \ \ \ / " " I " , ,...-------------------------------' L___~_____________. oJ ! r---------- / i / , , I , ~ ~ ~ ~ , 0' ,I 0' ~, xl '" i;jl "'I ~I ~II !fil' 0' ~! 1/ /' .rJ , OF MEXICO GULf LJCLAMELA."l'MANCIroVES ~CLAAlSAYW"'TER MAP OF CLAM BAY FIGURE 1I1t.sON,.!!~..!...~.!-m:. INt:. 'PtLlClll~"l' StfMC[~ DM$ION ~~::?::;:..;;:~==" ....... 1.0C,o,IIQN 1,W> P[UCANR.\Y/Cl.>>IllII"!' co...., .., ;"_1' ~:~~ Bay Subco~mittee June 17, -a New BUSiness 157of371 2010 " ':.' I _..___~,.-.I.i PElICAN BAY ST MANAGE:MENT SYST ORMWATER EM (NORTH HAU') GUlf OF I.l[XICO lCCC_O ....ll~COIfflI~:1I.~ts f\.O"OIIItX11O><1 IZ'Xlli'I """""""~..- ~OI1'_SlTttllNTnl"""""=,,"CA~ 0'" ~ &f=---"""!;D ~- .llSQII, wru.tR DART ~ i.~ --'~W.10l'" _.-...:._ONIlP[U.ltlC..... ~~..z:.:-'~-- ...!-,.. Ptu~ SA.'r SEfMCES OM ~,., ~_,~,.;.;.~"',.~,.,". ,~.r - P~lIC1.1< 6O.Y SOUTH SlON W,I,IAc;tl.lCHT S'rSn... d"~~:e FIGURE l'EUCAIlIlAY!CI"AUaAY ("'~ ., Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 158of371 1 1 ~ l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ,I 1 ~'1 I - z- -..-::-.-' cuLf or \.lEXICO PElICAN BAY STORMWATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (SOUTH HALf") I I ~ECOlO WA,," """"""'S'.-..e!V_(S """'l!\II(eI'l_ _"""tMl'!wm..oo:>Ul'r 11II Ofr-JIlt tDOn<atlJro.:...to, ~ &r=' PO><g ~l\O.lto D"........ 1iiIiiI~~""[A-tolrl' FIGURE Yl(.$OIl, IUWR.JMlTOIf IcPXEX,mc. 'PEUCAtl BA,Y$ERVlCtSOlVlSIOIl -=-...:...-:-..:.=:..- ~....., LJCAH 8/.Y HIl~Tli Wl.TE i!!.-':::?t.:':"i:.":':'..~~"i'_"..,~,~" '\.'?~ l,j.o.lMCEM(NT snm.. EXl!TIItC FE~iCNl 8/.Y/CLAll BAY ro.... , Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17,2010 VIII-4-a New Business 1590f371 ""r 02. 1997 - 12:05:09 D:\DwG\0102\PR079SC8,d",q [ - . TIDE GAUGE o TIDE STAFF GAUGE . SALINITY o CURRENT SALINITY AND TIDE GAUGE FIELD STATIONS PROJECT: CLAM 8A Y APPLICANT: PELICAN 8A Y SERVICES DIVISION WILSON MItER """'m Figure , TACKNEY AND ASSOC., INC. COASTAL ENGINEERING COLLIER HC: 4,9 l'lilPl RGE: 495 25E PROJECT NO. N0102-OBO-001-ERPAP 0IIWt0l I'I"/uP NO. L/,I,8, 918 ""'APR" 1997 ",v..., "'" P~R- 79 ""'" .. 8 OF.J5 O. T, TACKNEY FLA REC. 2053B Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIfI-4-a New Business 160 of 371 Apr 02, 1997 - 12:07:'3 O:\0WC\0102\PR079S09.dwg - [ 8 ClAM PASS 7 EXISTING AND PROPOSED WATER QUALITY MONITORING STATIONS PROJECT: CLAM 8A Y APPLICANT: PELICAN 8A Y SERVICES DIVISION WILSON M;tER """"" ",,,,,- APR.. 1997 'tv"'" COLLIeR SEC: 4,9 lWP; RCE:: 495 25< ,or NO. N0102-OBO-OO1-ERPAP DRw9jfl(/(III'Hl). L.M.,8, 918 TACKNEY AND ASSOC., INC. COASTAL ENGINEERING ... "" PER-79 """ .. 9 Qjl'J5 5 4 3 2 1 Figure , 3,2.3.3.(0) O. T. TACKNEY FlA. REC. 20$83 o ;; N <- . C o , . . 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'0 Q.. 0 0 (J)_ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - - w I a; <i :>i E I ",. 0 () I 'r-- li- J .!!l 61 .!2 ... ~ 10 '" i1 '- .~ I .9 & " .~ ai .l'l ,g ~ .l'l -.", "" ~ co 0 ~ 1E <:: ;:, <1J <;; 1: 1: u: .l'lco -<:: 5: E E f I <:: <:: @ " .!!! &: ... <1l '- <C .EJ . Cl <1l <C S ,t II <1l .8 co ~ '- ... ~ .~ t>- .8 '" V) 0!2 .l'l ~ '" c: '- .", :zg ." .l'l '" " ~ ," 'i3 c: ." ~ "" N g M 'E i1 .... ~ <1l '" ;:, CD ~ <1l ,~ .(::! 0 E <1l 0 ~ 0 .l!l 0 0 e 0 5 <1J 10 .Q <!l -J Z .8 z co Z <1l u.: Z ll: &: z z , ><CI) " '" >< ll: >< g >< E >< >< '0 " r" " " 'tl 'tl " :l .a :l :l :l - - - - - rn cn cn rn en rn . c o , . ~ . E ;fl E .S: o . u 0 ~Cl j5~.- >z ~ ~(Q(") Efo ~-N o5~ on " '0 ;; . ~ " '" "- 0: UJ <L . ~ I ,; ~ " ~ . . . o ~ . = , . u " .~ o ;: Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 1630f371 Apr 02. 1997 - 12:09:01 D:\OWG'\0102\~079S12.dw; \ ~'rn ~ . !~ LEE COUNTY \ , COLUE C~ "'" ~ ,.rr' rJ t) l"ilt=:= ~l IV ~ ~AH I '::l-". . - ~J h J \~ 0 , l '1 " I ill n \~ . PROJECT L ,,.l111L 'L L LOCATION 11 -L 0 \.S F I 11 n ~ ~ r af '--> 0 -; J c- O /':1 c=< ~ ~/ c ~ 1 ClAM BAY--- _.lnJ.o 1::-1 PI~ ..., n ( Et', \" I ! W W'-- r-' I\s,:: ....tEI " ~ 0 VE:;' t <4 L i)l 2 J ? ~ - = '? ~ u / i' ~ ~- ...c ~ ,v' ~ ' -1 r-- , 1 , , ........./ /"- ~Cl ;: 1 I .1 lJ r Cl C I LOCATION MAP PROJECT: PELICAN BAY/CLAM BAY-SEAGATE CULVERTS IMPROVEMENTS . APPLICANT: PELICAN BA Y SERVICES DIVISION Figure , 4.5.1.(0) WI~&~~~~~~~J;b~E R atOO a.Uq L.a., ....Ila no. 1I'.~~u.:-.~ ""t=- (:'7) t4~ ru (Io4J) "':I-G?1t """"" Q Ll4Ttl 01 97 """'" 76 I"fIO,jEcr HQ" 495 0lOJ87 ~IT/D/J'NO, J.C,R JI9 STEPHEN A. MEANS FLA REC. , J6B4~ "'" P.R- 79 SHEa MOl '2 or"S Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17. 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 164 of 371 Apr 02, 1997 - 12:09:50 O:\DWC\0102\PR079S'J.dwc; 1aU;1".. 1"'20'1 - "1.- ~. ." ~. .' EXISTING TRIPLE 24- ROUND REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE (l'tPlCAl) ~ ~ <:> ." .' /.,.... ." .' ." .' PLAN VIEW /XISTING GRADE'\.. t SEAGATE ORNE I /,XISTlNC HEADWAll. ---1- (l'IPICAl) -----------.::;: = - = =---------- ,......- - ---"T II 11 II It -M-----__ --- -----___..c: ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~~ I ___ SECTION EXISTING CONDITIONS PROJECT: PELICAN BAY/CLAM BAY-SEAGATE CULVERTS IMPROVEMENTS . APPLICANT: PELICAN BA Y SERVICES DIVISION WI~~~~~~~~k:!:'ER ~o .00 kU., w.., ~1\8 toG, "'~~~l~ -=(tch t4~ .... (.41) 14S-0711 """'" Figure , 4.5,1.(b) COLLIeR -. 16 495 25( or N~ 0IOJ-08/-005 OftwIolrnftlll'MO. J,C,R JI9 ..,. 0/ 97 ""'''''' "'" f'CR-79 SH<"" 7.) OtJS SlEfltiEN A. t.afANS FlA. REC. , 35&W Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17.2010 VIII-4-a New Business 165 of 371 ~1".1"'2O'J - ...- EXISTING TRIPlE 24" ROUND REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE (lYPICAL) '" " J '" ~ u '" ~ TUR6lDITY BARRIER '1 ~ .. , EDGE or WATER PLAN VIEW '''-20' INSTALL CONCRETE HEADWALL, 3 - TlDEFLEX CHECK VAL VES AND RIP-RAP SEDIMENT BASIN t. SEAGATE DRIVE p(ISTING HEADWALl -1 ' /(TYP1CAll "'\--------= = - = =------------'1 I = == == = == == ~; I~MSL ...... ....... EXISTING GRADE: MATCH EXIS11NG BOTTOM ELEVATION TOP OF RIP-RAP ELEVAnON " (-po SECTION ,. . 20' HORIZONTAl N.T.S. VERTICAL PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT: PELICAN BAY/CUlM 8AY-SEAGATE CULVERTS IMPROVEMENTS APPLICANT: PELICAN BAY SERVICES DIVISION WI~~&~ANS~J;~!: E R I2ClO a.u.,. Lu.a. hl...NiL~.,..::" ~..tl~."::-I~lha4--..04c ha (Ml) a4:s-6?It """"'" Figure, 4.S.1.(c) COLLIeR ,..,., 16 495 25e I"ROJE NO. 0103-081-005 OItwNlI'r/f;...NQ, J.C.R :J19 ClA1E: 01 97 ""'" PER-79 ,"... "" 14 Of"JS STEPHEN A.. t.C~s fLA. REG. '36844 Iopr 02, '997 - 12:11:29 O:\OWC\0102\PR079S15.dwg ~~ ~<n >1 b In Ol ... METAL BENDING 316 STAINLESS 43" VARIES 'I II , " II I, :1 :1 :1 I, , 'i ,- / / r I I \ \ \ , .... -.. " " \ \ \ I I I / / / -- Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17. 2010 VIlI-4-a New Business 1660f371 WATER LEVEL -------~---..,. , J 1 , , , , I I i- ,I , I , , I' , , I' I J I' __\mmc} \ EXISTING o ci I " b n 24" RCP RED BALL TIDEFLEX (TF-2) CHECK VALVE N,T,S, CHECK VALVE DETAIL PROJECT: PELICAN BAY/CLAM BAY-SEAGATE CULVERTS IMPROVEMENTS APPLICANT: PELICAN BA Y SERVICES DIVISION WI~k~~~~~~J;~!: E R ~Q wu.otI, MnUa. BARTOK 6: na. Dee. :1:100 ..0.,. Lu.a, kl.... lOa, .....ptl... Plutlk S4lom.~1I6D"I' """-. (8041) 1oi1--40fG h.. ("'1) W3-0,," "'""'" Dt.le OJ 97 ""'... COWER ,.,., 76 495 25E f"RQ.IECTHo. 010J-081-005 0ft'WH 8'1' [W fIIO. J.C.R. '.)19 "" PF:R-79 '"'" "'" 15 OIfJ5 Figure , 4.5.1,(d) STEPHEN It- MEANS FLA REG. , 3615<< Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 16701371 /t.{K 02. 1997 - 12:12:03 0;\OWC\0102\PR079S16.dwg POST 0 w :-'aJ '" "'~ 0 ~ ~ '" lo 0 Co~ '" -~ OPTIONAl POST ~ POSITION -' PRINCIPLE POST C'3 20':t: POSITION (CANTED ;:::, 20' TOWARD FLOW) ~~ ' I I FILTER FABRIC (IN CONFORMANCE WITH SEC. 9B5 FOOT SPEC,) FILTER FABRIC SILT FLOW -.rv->.o BURIED DEPTH ELEVATION SECTION TYPICAL SILT FENCE N,T.S. ANCHOR BALES WITH 2 - 2" x 2" x 4'.,STAKES PER BALE FLOW BALES TO BUTT ~ PLAN LOOSE SOIL PLACED BY SHOVEL & LIGHTLY COMPACTED ALONG UPSTREAM EDGE OF BALES tJ FILL SLOPE SECTION TYPICAL BALE SILT BARRIER N,T$, EROSION/TU RBI DITY CONTROL PLAN PROJECT: PELICAN BAY/CLAM 8AY-SEAGATE CULVERTS IMPROVEMENTS APPLICANT: PELICAN BA Y SERVICES DIVISION Figure , 4.5.1.(e1 ) """'" DA.ltl OJ 97 ""'"" COLLIER """ 16 ~9S 25< _ClNO. 010:J-081-005 DftM 8Y'/twP , J,C-R, :J19 "" P<R-79 SHE(tNQ; '6 fYJ5 STEPHEN A. MEANS FLA. REG. '664. Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17.2010 VIII-4-a New Business 1680f371 Iopr 02, 1997 - 12:12:40 O:\OWG\0102\PR079S17.dw9 CLOSED CELL SOUD PLASTIC FOAM FLOATATION W DIA. EQW.)(12 LBS. PER FT. BUOYANCY) POST ~OPTIONS: 2" x 4 OR 2 1/7: MIN, DIA, WOOD: STEEL 1.33 LBS/FT. MIN,) 6' MAX. r5 '-18 OZ, NYlON REINFORCED PVC FABRIC (300 PSI TEST) WITH LACING GROMMETS ___ / POLYPRO ROPE (600 La. BREAKING STRENGTH) .., II II II II TYPE I FLOATING TURBIDITYCl BARRIER 1/4" CALVANIZED CHAIN w "" o '" "" o ;n '" -1.1-------1+ u u 1B OZ, STAKED TURBIDITY BARRIER ~~F~RCED PVC FABRIC (300 PSI TEST) 0, .. ~' sm, (SINGLE: PAHEl feR ot:PTH ~. OR lESS). 0:1 .. ~' STD. (AOOIT1ONAl PMlO- rtlR O(frTHS >5'). O)R'TAlN TO REACH aorTe... UP TO OEPlKS Of 10 rEEl. TWO (.2) PAM;LS TO or USto FT.lR DEPTHS CIttATER nWI ]\0 FEtf UNl..ESS SPEON. OEPTH CURTAINS SPCC'lfIC.loLLY t.l,uro FOR (101 THE: I'I.NtS OR IQ OE;T'ERw.t(EO BY THE DiClHWt. LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION SHORE LINE HOlt: 1\JRIlOOY B.WIJERS FeR FLO'MNC m~ NIO TIO.lL CRt(XS W,T 8E EmlO! f\.OATlNIO. OR SlNCtO T"r'PE5 OJ! N('( c:owel~TIOf<l Of TTPES TWJ 'Mll SlJn SITE COiOTIOWS INJ wm E~H COtfTROL MC WATER 0U4UTY AE~orEHIS. THEllAAfllEA TTPE(S) wu. BE AT THE COHTRN;roRs OPnOH UM..E'SS OTHEltMS( SPECifIED., THE PlN(S. HCl'WMR PA'I'loI!:HT 'WIU BE UNDER TH( PA"f ITtu{S) ts'IAflUSHEO lit M; fI'lJHS fOR F\(V.TlHI; TUll.lI01TY BNtRIER. AAO/Oft STAKED TlJll,l.OOY BARRltR. P'OST'$ IN 51'AKCOTUR8IOO'YlW\RltItSTOB( [~AlU:O lit 'ot:tmCAl" POSITION ~lJTI€IfW\SEOIltEcrtOBT THEEHGWEER. ~ COWPONOITS Of TYPE I ..."y ee: SIIoIlI.Nl: OR IOOmCAL TO F'FtOPRl['\'NrY OCilClh'$. Nf"f M"RlNc:e;woa ON THE: PROPIUtTAR"( Rons Of THE OE:SIGtolER SHAlL S( THe SOlt RtsPONSlllllJ1Y or THE: USER.. SUllSHTUTIOHS roR T'tP( I SIWl BE AS N"f'ROVEO f1"f THt EH~ER. TURBIDllY BARRIERS - NOTES:--- 1. TVRI!1l0ClY ~RS ME TO BE use:o IN ALL PERI.Wl:E:HT 9OO1ES or WArER RfGloAOl.~ Of" WATER OEPTH. 2. HlJWSER NolO V,lQH~ 0; NlOfORS OEPENDf;J(I ~ WATEJt vtux:mes. J. OEI'l.O'1\,If.:HT OF ~R MOUHD PILE LOCAT1OH:S "",y WR1 TO ACCOl.lWO~TE COHSlYtUCTlON OPERATlOHS. 4. NAVlCA.l\Oti "',. REOVIRE SE~ &MillER OURINC COfiSlRucnOlol OPl:AATlONS. TURBIDITY BARRIER APPLICATIONS TURBIDITY BARRIERS N.T.S, EROSION/TURBIDITY CONTROL PLAN PROJECT: PEL/CAN BAY/CLAM 8AY-SEAGATE CULVERTS IMPROVEMENTS APPLICANT: PELICAN BA Y SERVICES DIVISION WI~~.2~~~~j;~!: E R UOCI ..u., t.u.. S\ll" roo, M.~~l~ .~1~7) MHlMO ,.. IMI) """'"111 """"" Figure . 4,5.1. (eZ) ~ DATE: OJ. 97 """" COWER ,.." "'" 16 495 25E !'flO.lt NO. 010J-08'-OOS ~flflDl1'HO. J,C.R, J19 PER-79 $HEEJ IlO: 17 orJS STEPHEN A.. MEANS F'lA. REG. 116844 Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIiI-4-a New Business 169of371 ^9r 02, ,997 - 12:13;45 O:\OWG\0102\PR079S18.dwq if'" NOIlllf "-IlCWlllW 6 ClAll PASS 0 u X w " 0 u ~ 5 ~ ~ ~ "- " 0 " "- ~ G TC-,3 I, OUTER CLAM BAY TG - TIDE GATE T5 - TIDE 5T AFF PLAN VIEW OF CONSTRICTIONS IN PRIMARY CREEKS, CHANNELS & BAYS PROJECT: CLAM 8A Y . APPLICANT: PEL/CAN 8A Y SERVICES DIVISION WILSON . MILLER "'""'" COLLIER SEe::: 4,9 l'JI'I": 495 25E ""'" "" N0702-080-00J-ERPAP ~lr\"/tlIl"HO. LM,B, 9/8 ""'J{PR" 1997 "'''''' TACKNEY AND ASSOC., INC. COASTAL ENGINEERING "" PER-79 ......"" 78 Of J5 ~ " ~ I Figure 4.5.2.(0) O. T. TACKNEY FlA REC. 205e3 Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIH-4-a New Business 170 of 371 Apr 02. 1997 - 12:14:53 O:\OWG\D102\PR079S19.d.~ t2.5 I' GULF HIGH . ........ -....... .'"'\..... . , , , ~'. .' , ...1' , ,- IWSE lAG ~ . 7 SAy HIGH .' :..::-.... ." --, ..-... ....-. ..........-..- ....- ...... ....... ....... '. r-....... ...- "'''9- Bay Lel"tl . ~ " .,.. .... .., 04"9- Culf lercl .~ SAy LOW . ~. . . '. " GULF LOW . . ID I I , 9:00 llHO 11:00 1~00 f3;OO 14:00 15:00 16:00 1):00 18:00 li:Ol)o. 2~00 2f:00 '.. "\ , . -.... " .....: t2.0 t1.5 +1.0 to.5 (}-Ne -0,5 -1,0 -1.5 APPROXIMATE GULF AND INNER MEAN TIDAL CYCLE FOR CLAM BAY JUNE GULF 6, 1996 100:>: UPPER CLAM SAY % HIGHER 50:>: 10? o INNER CLAM BAY -1.0 o 1.0 2.0 3.0 WATER SURFACE CUMULATIVE FREQUENCIES PROJECT: CLAM BA Y APPLICANT: PELICAN BA Y SERVICES DIVISION WILSON MItER """'" "". APR., 1997 .tv... Figure , 4.S.2.(b) 4,S.2,(c) TACKNEY AND ASSOC., INC. COASTAL ENGINEERING COLLIER SEC:~.9 ~ IlGt.: <95 25< f'1tOJ CT NO. N0102-080-001-eRPAP ~""/twPHO. L.M.B. 918 "" Pf:1/-79 '""""'" 19 DFJ5 O. T. TACKNEY FlA. REC. 20563 ~r 02. 1997 - 12:H5:~7 O:\OWtt\01D2\PRD79S20.dwg o u X w :::;: 6 L>- a L>- -' :::> Cl -1-5 MATCH LINE MATCH UN Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 171 of 371 CLAM PASS a u X w :::;: u.. o u.. -' :::> Cl OUTER ClAM BAY -,' -20 REPRESENTATIVE WATER DEPTHS PROJECT: CLAM BA Y . APPLICANT: PELICAN BAY SERVICES DIVISION WILSON MItER TACKNEY AND ASSOC., INC. COASTAL ENGINEERING """"" "'TO APR.. 1997 RLV "0: COLlIER C: ~.9 TWP: IICt: 495 25E PRO.lE toto. N0102-0BO-001-ERPAP DIt'WH ~/(JMI HO. L.M.e. 918 "';0"" PER- 79 S!iE:['f1CO: 20 or.JS ~ . ~ I Figure , 4.5,2.(d) O. T. TACKNEY f1.A. REC. 205aJ ~r 02, 1997 - 12;17:52 O;\DwG\0102\PR079S21.dwq Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 172 of371 UPPER STORAGE ~ AREA ~ I a u x w 2 LL a a u x LL W -l 2 ::J Cl LL a LL -l ::J Cl LOWER STORAGE AREA MODEL-1 (UPPER CREEKS & BAYS) PROJECT: CLAM 8A Y APPLICANT: PELICAN BA Y SERVICES DIVISION WILSON . MILLER TACKNEY AND ASSOC., INC. COASTAL ENGINEERING MODEL-2 (STORAGE AREAS) """"" .,,~ APR" 1997 1l(V"", COLLlE:R ..., ~9S 25E: ""... NOI02-080-001-eRPAP' 0Imf l!n' EWI> NO. L.1d.B. 91B S[C: 4,9 "'" PER-79 """ "'" 21 or J5 Figure , 4,5.2.(e) 4.5,2,(1) O. T. TACKNEY FlA REC. 20853 /\pI' 02. 1997 - 12:19:50 O:\0WG\0102\PR079S22.dwg 6 5l EXCAVATION PLAN PROJECT: CLAM BA Y APPLICANT: PELICAN BA Y SERVICES DIVISION WILSON MItER TACKNEY AND ASSOC., INC. COASTAL ENGINEERING Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VI1l-4-a New Business 173 of 371 L\ CUTS 1 & 2 """"" .... APR. 7997 ""... 0 0 U u INNER X X w w CLAM :;; :::E BAY "- "- 0 0 "- "- --' --' :J :J C) C) COWER Sl:C: ".9 'I'Wf': AGE: <95 2SE: ,~ N0702-080-007-ERPAP ~lI'(GIPNO, U.t.8,978 "" Pffi-79 SHE.CTMO: 2201J5 ~ - I Figure ' 4.5.2,(g) D. T. TACKNEY FI.A REC. 20653 Apr 10, 1997 - 11:13:06 D:\OWc\'0102\PR079S2J.dwg o () X w :2 LL o LL -! ::J C') EXCAVATION AND Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VlIl-4-a New Business 1740f371 ~ - I 5{,,,,JD I-'r 7/,,: ,,' I ~~ l~"'~ ,\,~ (~) IVl!A JY o () X w :2 \Pal !l<1l'<) NO n lL o SOUTH ---- BOARDWALK LL -1 :::J C') OUTER CLAM SAY PLAN CUTS SPOIL AREAS PROJECT: CLAM BA Y APPLICANT: PELICAN BA Y SERVICES DIVIS/ON WILSON . MILLER TACKNEY AND ASSOC., INC. COASTAL ENGINEERING 3 & 4 """'" Figure . 4.5.2.(h) "'~PR.. 1997 ""'" COWER SEe: 4,9 TIll'": 495 25E I"ltWtCT "'0. N0102-0BO-OOI_ERPAP ~tI'(/[IIlIND. UI.8.9/8 """" PER-79 5HttT NO: 2,3 Of J~ 0, T. TIOOIEY FLA. REG. 20eJ Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VI1I-4-a New Business 175 of 371 ~r 02, 1997 - 12:.'34:49 0:\OWG\O'02\PR079S204.dwg ~~ NOTES: 1. EXISTING SECTIONS V/>J/:f, 2, SIDE SLOPES 0 ANGLE OF REPOSE (ASSUMED 3rr) PROJECT: CLAM 8A Y APPLICANT: PELICAN BAY SERVICES DIVISION WILSON . MILLER '" \/ o' NOVO / ~-- ~~~~ft -f \/ O' NOVO / ~ -Zt 15 ft .1-- CUT 1 20 It CUT 2 & 3 t- -f " "V 0' NGVO -f 40 ft CUT 4A ~- ~ %"~/ J ,;20ft k- CUT 48 ~- %'~.---7 . 4~1- SEE NDTE-2 J- j ,; 3D It CUT 4C 5 4 i5 J ; 2 1 SCALE o 2.c. 6 8 10 HORlZONT.-J.. TYPICAL CUT SECTIONS """'" ..,. APR.. 1997 IltvNQ: TACKNEY AND ASSOC., INC. COASTAL ENGINEERING COLUE:R SEC:: 4,9 TW:: IlGt: 495 2St: PROJeCT He. N0102-080-001-ERPAP 0ffWM II'I'/E"'" HO- L.M..8, 918 ru: ... PE:R-79 SHWtlO: 24 Of"J5 Figure , 4.5.2.(i) . D. T. TACKNEY FLA REG, 20653 Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 1760f371 Photo I. The west side of Upper Clam Bay looking south from the top of the Contessa, November 15, 1995. (Photo by Roy R. "Robin" Lewis UI. Lewis Environmental Services, Inc., Tampa, Florida.) Photo 2. The west side of Upper Clam Bay looking south from the top of the Contessa, December 12, 1996. (Photo by Roy g "Robin" Lewis 11/, Lewis Environmental Services, Inc.. Tampa. Florida.) FIGURE 4,5,3(a) SHEET 25 OF 3S Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17,2010 VIII.4-a New Business 'IIt."",,"~""""" WILSON PHASE ONE N w.' , MILLER BOUNDARiES OF MANGROVE MANAGEMENT UNITS EXISTING RESTORED CHANNELS PROPOSED LATERAL CHANNEL RESTORATION PROPOSED SWALE RESTORATiON PER-79 Sheet 26 of 35 PROPOSED MAIN CHANNEL RESTORATION PROPOSED SIDE CHANNEL RESTORATION PROPOSED MAINTENANCE OF EXISTING CHANNELS Figure 4.5,3,(b) jJj PROPOSED MANAGEMENT AREAS Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 1780f371 WILSON PHASE TWO CONTINGENCY PLAN N w.' , MILLER BOUNDARIES OF MANGROve MANAGEMENT UNITS EXISTING RESTORED CH.6.NNELS PROPOSED LATERAL CHANNEL RESTORATION --- III PROPOSED MANAGEMENT AREAS PER-79 Sheet 27 of 35 Fig ure 4,5,3,(c) ------1 PROPOSED SWALE RESTORAnON '~''''''''k',''''''_",,,_,,,,,, PROPOSED MAIN CHANNEL RESTORATION PROPOSED SIDE CH"NNEL RESTORATION PROPOSED MAINTENANCE OF EXISTING CHANNELS I 1IIiIDl':H.IIl ~""""""--""""'-'"""'" Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 17Qnf~71 PHASE THREE (a) CONTINGENCY PLAN - BOUNDARies OF MANGROVE MANAGEMENT UNITS EXISTING RESTORED CHANNELS WILSON w.' , MILLER PER-79 Sheet 28 of 35 Figure 4,5,3.(d1 ) PRoposeD L^TERAL CHANNEL RESTORATION PROPOSED SWAlE RESTORATION PROPOSED MAIN CHANNEL RESTORATION PROPOSED SIDE CHANNEL RESTORATION PROPOseo MAINTENANce OF EXISTING CHANNeLS III PROPOSED MANAGEM!:NT AREAS Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VlIl-4-a New Business PHASE THREE (b) CONTINGENCY PLAN WILSON .*, , III PROPOSED MANAGEMENT AREAS MILLER PER-79 Sheet 29 of 35 Figure 4.5,3,(d2) -- BOUNDARIES OF MANGROVE MANAGEMENT UNITS EXISTING RESTORED CHANNELS PROPOSED LATERAL CHANNEL RESTORATION PROPOSEOSWALE RESTORATION PROPOSED MAIN CHANNEL ReSTORATION PROPOSED SIDE CHANNEL RESTORATION PROPOSED MAINTENANCE OF EXISTING CHANNELS Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIIl-4-a New Business 1810f371 Apr 02, 1997 - 12:2J:O~ D:\OWG\Q102\PR079S30.dwg w ... N <D -' " ... '" a) ;Ii to '" N N CO W Vl - - '" 0... w ~ w -' 0:: P a? to ... '" 0 f- '" N CO W W '" to m I w 5 N " ... - <D - f- I- "- '" Z w or ~ ~ w Ul w en N 0 a) z 0 '" '" m f-L <l: :i iii '" " to r-.. Zw I ~ N r<) W> 0.. LO z Wo::: ;;' >0... ::> OL 0:::- w en a) o...-l -' en !Xl 01 ;Ii 0 to U') en 2W Vl - - r<) Z 0 -' Y:Z ~ << '" 0 :;?: t- or '" '" W<( w w en N I- w 5 ... to <D WI "- - N o:::u W or U Ul <5 '--..~ <l: z W <0 a) I 2- 0 ~ - -lm iii - ~ W 0.. Zw Ztn z <(<( ;;' ::> II Uo... w r<) -' N - <D ;Ii !Xl <0 LL~ 0 ... a) om Vl '" U') w -' a) f-f- ~ << - ... Z t- or N en - w- 0 w w ... <0 <D wZ >.oJ 5 "- ..,. ~ <D LL:=J w '" o:::f- Ul is w '" 01 <l: z 0 0 " - <(Z I ::; - "<t iii '" WW 0.. ~ ..,. "<t Z2 -W z 0 -lo 0 ;;' !Xl CO <( ::> '" "l Z <( L "It: -l .....: ..... ..... ..... ~ ~ ..... >- ..... ..... >< ..... G t: ..... ..... ..... >- >- ..... ..... >< >< ..... m ..... ..... ..... >- >- ..... >< 0 ::;;: Z ::l f- PROJECT: CLAM BA Y . APPLICANT: PELICAN SA Y SERVICES DIVISION WI ~~~~~~~-!;~~;b~ E R =00 a..u.,. w.., at.olt.. tOO, H.p~~~l~ .p~ (':.7.1 &"'--4040 Fn ("I) &45-6'1' """"" Figure , 4.5.3.(e) <,9 .",'- APR.. 1997 Rt'Y 11I0: COWCR , 'AGE: 495 25(: I'ftOJEcr ND. NO l02-080-001-ERPAP Dll'WH .,./EIIP NO. L,j,f,e, 918 ",co,,> PER- 79 SI1ECfHO; JO or.J5 STEPHEN MEANS F1A. REG. 36544 Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIIl-4-a New Business 182of371 ~r 02. '997 - 12:2,):56 D:\DWG\0102\PR079SJl.dwg INTERNAL MAIN CHANNEL RESTORATION EXISTING PROPOSED SECTION x-x INTERNAL SIDE CHANNEL RESTORA TION EXISTING PROPOSED SECTION y-y SECTION Z-Z TYPICAL EXISTING AND PROPOSED CROSS- SECTIONS, HISTORICAL MAIN DRAINAGE CHANNELS AND SIDE DRAINAGE CHANNELS. N,LS. PROJECT: CLAM 8A Y APPLICANT: PELICAN BA Y SERVICES DIVISION WILSON MItER LEWIS ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. """"" COWER SEe:..... TM': ~ 495 2SE PftOJtCTNO. N0102-080-001-ERPAP MInI II'l'/EIolP NO. L.M.B. 918 Figure . 4.5.3.(1) '''E' APR" 1997 REY/rrIO: ""'.... PER-79 SHCtT NO: 31 or.J5 STEPHEN MEANS FlA. REG. 3664... Apr 02, 151517 - 12:24:55 O:\OWC\0102\PRD79SJ2,drej INTERNAL LATERAL CHANNEL RESTORATION '2" EXISTING PROPOSED Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIlI-4-a New Business 18301371 SMALL LATERAL CHANNEL AND SWALES N,T.S. SECTION XX-XX INTERNAL SWALE RESTORATION PROJECT: CLAM 8A Y . APPLICANT: PELICAN 8A Y SERVICES DIVISION WILSON MItER ""'"" LEWIS ENVIRO.NMENTAL SERVICES, INC. COLLIER SEe: 4,9 1'lIII": RG[: 495 25E flROJECTNO, N0102-OBO-001-FRPAP ~ BY/tt.1P Me, L.M.,8, 918 "'.l'PR., 1997 ." .. '" .. PER-79 ~[fMO: 32 or.J5 Figure , 4,5.3,(g) STEPHEN "'tANs f'LA. REC. J664<C Apr 02. 1997 - 12:J2:19 O:\OWC\0102'\PR079S3J,dwljI .!iQIE; ALL SPOIL DISPOSAL AS THIN LAYER OF BIDDEGRADABLE ORGANIC MUCK, PEAT AND PLANT DE8RIS RESULTING FROM EXPLOSIDNS, NO SPOIL PILES, BERMS OF UPLANDS TO BE CREATED, TOTAL DEBRIS AS SPOIL WILL NOT EXCEED XXX CU, YDS, Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17.2010 VIII-4-a New Business 184 of 371 INTERNAL MAIN CHANNEL RESTORA TlON (CHANNEL" AU ONLY). EXISTING ... PROPOSED SECTION X-X INTERNAL SIDE CHANNEL RESTORATION (CHANNELS B,C,D,1A-6A & 1C) PROPOSED SECTION SECTION y-y Z-Z EXISTING MANUAL AND EXPLOSIVE CLEARING MAXIMUM 225 CU, YDS, OF BOTH MANUAL AND EXPLOSION DISTRIBUTED DEBRIS MANUAL AND EXPLOSIVE CLEARING MAXIMUM 1,386 CU. YDS, OF 8DTH MANUAL AND EXPLOSION DISTRIBUTED DE8RIS METHODS OF SOIL DISPOSAL *( 1) N,T.S, PROJECT: CLAM BA Y . APPLICANT: PEL/CAN. BA Y SERVICES DIVISION WILSON . MILLER "'""'" LEWIS ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. COWeR SEC: 4.9 T\IfI": 495 25e I"ttO.lta NQ. N0102-080-001-E"RPAP ORWN rff/06' NO. L.M,S. 918 Figure , 4,5,3,(h) ",,,. APR.. 1997 Ill:VNQ; nu: "" PER-79 "" "" J.J Of.JS STEPHEN MEANS FlA REG, .35544 Apr 02, 1997 - 12::51:-49 O:\OWG\0102\PR079SJ40.d""g Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 185of371 INTERNAL LATERAL CHANNELS EXISTING EXISTING SECTION XX-XX INTERNAL SWALES SECTION yy-yy PROPOSED MANUAL CLEARING ONLY MAXIMUM 441 CU. YDS, OF MANUALLY DISTRIBUTED DEBRIS MANUAL CLEARING ONLY MAXIMUM 229 CU. YDS. OF '--,2" MANUALLY DISTRIBUTED DEBRIS PROPOSEO METHODS OF SOIL DISPOSAL *(2) N.T$, PROJECT: CLAM BA Y APPliCANT: PELICAN BA Y SERVICES DIVISION WILSON MItER LEWIS ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. "'""" COWER SEC: 4,9 TIl'Pt Me;;(: 49S 25< tCTNo, NOI02-080-001-ERPAP 0IlwN rrrjtWP HO. L.M.B. 918 ."" APR" 1997 ~EV NO; nu;... PER- 79 $H(CTNDI .14 I;lf.JS Figure . 4.5.3.(i) STEPHEN MEANS F"LA REC. 36644 Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 Vtll-4-a New Business 1860f371 NJr 03, 1997 - 10;35:18 O:\OWG\0102\PR079SJ5.d..g INTERTIDAL ZONE (0,5 - .3.0 FT, NGVO) RED MANGROVES BLACK MANGROVES SEASHORE OROPSEEO SMOOTH CORD GRASS SAlTMARSH COROGRASS SEASHORE PASPAlUM SAlT GRASS UPLAND ZONE GUMBO LIMBO REOTIP COCOPlUM SEASHORE PASPAlUM PLAN INTERTIOAl UPLAND INTERTIOAl OOUBl SilT MEAN FENCE HIGH WATER RIP-RAP (TO BE REMOVED AFTER STABILIZATION) - ---- -T- EXCAVATEO CHANNEL PROFILE TYPICAL SPOIL ISLAND N,T,S. PROJECT: CLAM 8A Y APPLICANT: PELICAN BAY SERVICES DIVISION WI ~~~~~~~~"f~j;b~ E R 'I'U..IC<<. MJUJa, lWtToI'I k ras. DIe. =00 ...u.,. u.a.., "'1,", zoo, ".pl-. nonoLo ~100-1IOO'r noOIlO (MIl!H~ ru (!HI) 143-6'711 """'" Figure 4,5.5,(0) sc:c: 4,9 2SE '''~PR" 7997 "(\INQl COWER 495 I"ROJE HQ. N0102-0BO-OD7-ERPAP 0IfWt( 8Y/EWP HC. L.M.,8, 918 fU: "" PER-79 SHE(TI(Q: 35 OI'J5 STEPHEN MEANS rlA. REC. 3664( Clam'Bay Subcommittee June 17,2010 VIlI-4-a New Business Hi7 of 371 Department of Environmental Protection Lawton Chiles Governor Twin Towers Office Building 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee. Florida 32399-2400 Virginia B. Wetherell Sel:retary October 29, 1997 Collier CO\Ulty- Pelican Bay Services Division Ted R, Brown, Esquire Akerman, Senterfitt, & Edison, P,A, 255 South Orange Avenue Orland2' Florida 32801 NOTiCE OF INCOMPLETENESS 1N0I-3) File Nos. 113049919 and 0128463-001-JC, Collier County Clam Bay Restoration . Dear Mr, Brown: Thank you for your response to our Notice of Incompleteness-2 dated September 17,1997, The Department received your response on October 15, 1997, as part of the application for a Joint Coastal Permit, pursuant to Chapter 16 I and Part IV of Chapter 373, Florida Statutes, and an authorization to use state-owned submerged lands, pursuant to Chapters 253 and 258, Florida Statutes, to conduct activities to restore the Clam Bay system, Your response did complete some of the items in the NOl and the Department acknowledges that the remaining requested information is still in the process of being gathered, as mentioned in your response, In order to deem your application complete, we need the items listed below in this Nor by December 29,1997, Ifnecessary, you may request an extension up to 90 additional days, If neither the information nor a request for an extension is re.ceived by December 29, 1997, your application may be denied without prejudice. lfyou revise your project after submitting the initial joint application, please cO!ltact us as soon as possible, The information requested below is numbered to correspond with the application and previous correspondence: /.;':'7 -'______ 24c, & 25. The Department has received correspondence from Collier County Government ,~ confirming deficiencies in the stormwater treatment system (STS) along '!The . .'. ":-"'f'.,;;,...f' Strand". These deficiencies may be contributing to the mangrove die-offs as stated .' ',",I".l~"~" C.,... by Collier County staff (see attached letter fr~m Stan Chrzanowski, Senio~ Engineer, :. ;~;Ji', '"i}-'~i dated August 6,1997), and as previously adVIsed by Department staffbas~d on field ,- ',f. ~,"l\-'" ,,"".to.' ~ observations, ~"'~:-/r~1.'\'''''\' -<'.H ) \ 11 ,\',..)t.. I J-. d I 1_ 'j "J. "" i. .t"::1 ,. . j, ,,If /""""""'" """'V' 'Jf""'5"i" ,.lA("1~ .h ,J /c,;)f~;)if) - Jll lI""~j -fr ,/jI{/l'I ~~ ec.,,~~ )1' '" "Protect, Conserve and MCinage Flofldo's EnVironment and Natural Resou/ces" Ptinted on recycled paper. Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIiI-4-a New Business 188 of 371 NOI-3 File Nos. 113049919 & 0128463-001-JC Page 2 Please provide a list of strategies that will address the potential contributing problem of the deficient STS along "The Strand", These strategies should include an agreement to conduct specific activities that will correct the problems associated with the STS to bring the system up to acceptable ,design operation, Additional modifications or replacement of the STS may be n.~eded to ensure that no direct stormwater runoff is being discharged from the construction sites and developed uplands into the conservation area, These strategies and agreed activities should be incorporated into this restoration project and long-te~ inanagement plan for the betterment of the Clam Bay ecosystem. ...----,,. 30. St~ffwith the Bureau of Protected Species Management are awaiting field verification of the latest proposed dredging cuts and minimization of adverse impacts (Ilene Barnett with the Department's South District Office has volunteered to conduct these activities) to finalize and submit their latest comments. As project manager, I will do my best to expedite these activities, 33a, As discussed in our meeting on October 22, 1997, the following hydrographic information is needed for Department engineers to effectively evaluate the proposed activities, The final recommendation of the staff regarding these engineering issues depends on being able to verify your calculations that show benefits to the system with minimal or no adverse impacts to existing natural resources and Dr:s Pass: . I. ;\'~'\J<\ ' ......: . ~- I) Thank you for providing the relative technical reports, However, in order to effectively evaluate the project's overall hydrographic and hydraulic conditions, please send us the complete (not sections) of the reports: "Clam Pass Inlet Management Plan" and "Doctors Pass Comprehensive Inlet Management Plan." ------- 2) Mr. Tackney's letter, dated September 22,1997, mentions that the models RMA2 and SMS, were used for this project. However, the Department has no knowledge as to which model was used, and with what data, and how conclusioJ,1S are supported. We respectfully request that the applicant please provide a narrative description of the overall methodology used in formulating any conclusions that will be used for evaluating this project. Please include the model(s) used, all assumptions, summaries of input data, and summaries of model results, The Department !s,not opposed to improving the hydraulic efficiency of the inlet within certain limits, Our original suggestion was for a potential widening of the area, particularly the ar'~a above mean low water. Any plan for widening or deepening the inlet must be supported by engineering calculations which demonstrate positive environmental benefits of such work. Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17,2010 VIII-4-a New Business' j 18901371 NOI-3 File Nos. 113049919 & 0128463-001-JC Page 3 f"Jl. 3) The burden of proof remains for the applicant to provide reasonable engineering assurance that the proposed work will not result in violations of water quality standards, or in harmful erosion or shoaling. 4) Once the engineering information is submitted, plea~~ be advised that the Department shall have 30 days to review the information and may request additional information to resolve any remaining data omissions and address new questions raised by the submittal. " --,- 33b, Department staff recognizes the potential for significant environmental benefit associated~~"" i'J L, .., AJ',i,~With this p~oposed restoration project, h~wever, there ,is ,a minimal amount of data that we p,:; I ~' < i -",,,,I <-:" , must have m order to show that adverse unpacts to eXlstmg natural resources have been 4J",'Ir ~ ,';;,. ~;' \ rninir;Wzed and proceed :vith a reco~endation for isruan~e. The information ,needed I ~N<.Lr~ ~ ..' ,'" , remams the same regarding the vanous methods of spOIl disposal for the matenal ~ ft'''''',. ;,' r '.' .,iF' +.(.i' unsuitable f~r beac~l nOurishme,nt. Upon the final.selection of the spoil disp~sal method, J:<:'-,";/..J'....1 i! . n', . \ . >- nlease ~bIIllt ~wmgf (nlan view JUld cross-secuonals) that show the locatIOns and '$* ~.jk,1 5<,-< \ ),1 ~ ,tll4l..<J.Vi\ t'f\- tii~, -\--i": c.o~\'R."",~.......\l/~ r ~ ~51 " ~, ":,-,~ ~,;;,''^''''''dime~s n,s of e spoi, dI~posal areas with t?e number ?f cubic ~~ds of materi~1 to be. (A,.{ d-J",,"i...! '.. , ,) deposIted m each area mdIcated, Also, proVIde a narratIve descnbmg the dredgmg and ~'<l.t ;"f"..}J "\1 II, disposal techniquesl equipment, vessel drafts, and corridors to be used during the process, I jl.^.f:r~J /r~'.;:>>'\\. ",;;l;::<..;.\ l>..\1o~~ -\0 s:jJ....~ c;:J:s \'?'N-:S" :;;".-J tU''''''' (10 33d, Potential adverse impacts to the existing natural resources, such as mangroves and "i-".:k. ! seagrasses, must be minimized. Please provide the plan view and cross-sectional drawings ;);,I"\..-f.',) IV that reference depths and widths in NGVD of the channel relocated to avoid adverse ",.,.~"JI"'t'tJ "_ ___ impacts to seagrasses, as soon as they become available, On the plan view drawings, M t-1''''.ej ~ -,I indicate the natural resources (seagrasses, oyster beds, mangroves, etc,.,) with square . ~III- S '\ ,". 0, r~ ~~ footagel acreages of impacts shown in relation to the proposed channels to be dredged. d;:1'~ '['I F. ... ,\ rl f:r. I....: ~~Jv. PYwIf i,1A l '", { \, (tr, yiv In our meeting of ~ctober 22, 1997, we d!~cussed various spoil disposal methods !or the 'fOf' t{. "5~{r:J . . ,L<,\ ~' " J"lwJfine matenal not SUItable for beach deposItIOn, The preferred method of dIsposal IS to ,',...(j" )" ~,w I , ',;;, )}."",~",1" deposit the fines into an approved, ~elf-contain~d, and stabl~ ar~a o!l the,uplands landward f.A.(. )'<' . ''''~,1'' of the coastal construclLon controllme. To faclhtate the ulLhzatlOn of this method, .,: 1,/ I "...,(",,,;1:: Department staff have recommended that the fines be deposited in nearby upland areas ',.. " ",' (,;,,,,-, vegetated by nuisance exotics, This method of disposal was agreed upon by yourself, . ,"I""J however, it was indicated that this method would not be feasible for all of the fines and that , ",~,,' "o~f discharge of the remaining material into the Gulf would be needed. Department staff ,informed that this method of disposal may be a feasible alternative if the material is not deposited in such a manner to adversely impact the scattered areas of significant natural resources known to be in the area including, hardbottom colonized with gorgonians, . ,'. ~,^,~\vl sponges, etc"" seagrasses, marine macroalgaes, etc". Please locate an area that is devoid '.' :'~fftr b~i-1\, ftjIese significant na~al resources, preferably a barren, sandy bottom, to di~charge the . i',' !.- . .~<.., .J;.cr."4=~S)'" vi ...d:t .....~." f ~. bt"-,,, ~--I--f~-tb HI';' ~ l.,lUh~ J/""-.'7.;o6~j""""~""" , :.'-:>~1' '( '\ ..;;:~~ - ".~. , ~I . i".:::.~j;;-,~i!:-""';. tPs ." ~ 1. _",' ~ t..hf,) "..f d.o,,,"Y l""f -f,-r .-{c",q' ,,,~ ~../, I '1'",-.f ~,.,.l~ . P r., 'e po;S r""'" U ",A;~""'" ~..'I "'\'';'1 \ f'JI.- Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIIl-4-a New Business 1900f371 NOI-3 File Nos. 113049919 & 0128463-001-JC Page 4 fines in the Gulf. The settling time of the particles and the current velocities in the area (mixing zone needed) must be considered, Once a suitable area is found, please provide 8 y, x 11 inch plan view drawings drawn to scale of the area showing the proposed discharge point, the proposed mixing/ settling zone, and all signifiqmt natural resources in the immediate and contiguous areas, A site assessment repo~. conducted by a qualified, degreed biologist, or environmental scientist, describing the area, species present, percent coverages, and methods used to evaluate the site should accompany the drawings. , Additionally, Department staff advised that a variance from Ch, 62-4.244(5), Florida Administrative Code (the 150 meter mixing zone requirement), would need to be applied for and obtained in order to discharge the fines into the Gulf. This can be done via letter format with an attached payment of $500 made payable to the Department of Environmental Protection- Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems, Please reference the project file numbers on the payment. Prior to applying for this variance, calculations must be conducted to determine the exact mixing zone needed for this project. This can be accomplished by calculating the settling time and distance for the particle sizes to be discharged as affected by the average current velocities in the area for the specific time of year the discharge is expected to occur. Department staff would like to thank you and Mr, Tackney for coming to Tallahassee and meeting with us on October 22, 1997, to discuss the remaining issues with this project and contemplate the various methods for conducting the proposed activities. Also, thank you for working with us to constantly improve the drafted plan with the goal of ultimately producing a restoration and management plan that will provide the best activities (based on current technologies and available resources) for rejuvenating and maintaining the priceless natural treasure known as the Clam Bay ecosystem, If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at (850) 921-5214, Sincerely, ~,~M,P.H. Environmental Specialist Attachment (1)- Copy ofletter from Collier County Gbvernment .; Clam Bay Subcpmmittee JURe,17, 2010. VIII-4-a New Business 191 of 371 NOI-3 File Nos. 113049919 & 0128463-001-JC PageS cc: Bob Brantly, Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems Ilene Barnett, DEP- South District Office- Ft. Myers Engineering staff- DEP- Division of Water Facilities Chip Clough, U.S, Army Corps of Engineers Mac Hatcher, Collier County Government Collier County- Pelican Bay Services Division Ann Lazaar, DEP- South Florida Project Manager Kalani Cairns, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service David Guggenheim, The Conservancy of SW Florida Dan Spina, Save the Bays, Association Clair Desilver, Mangrove Action Society Hilburn Hillestad, Environmental Consultant- Arvida Dorothea Zysko, Wilson, Miller, Barton & Peek, Inc, Karen Moody, DEP- Bureau of Protected Species Management Mary Duncan, DEP- Bureau of Protected Species Management John Iliff, National Marine Fisheries Service Permit Information Center , Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIlI-4-a New Business 192of371 ~ AKER.MAN. SENTER.FITT S EIDSON, P A. ATTORNEYS AT LAW I ') J J ~ 1 '1 ? 7 CITRUS CENTER 2'!:)5 SOUTH OR....NGE ....VENUE. POST OPF'lCE BOX ~.:;J I ORL....NDO. FLORIDA 32802'0231 (40?) e4:;).7BGO TELECOF"Y ("'07) 84:).e;c;,o SERVING THE CI,rJ:NT AND THE COMMUNITY November 4, 1997 Rich Bray Environmental Specialist III Florida Department of Environmental Protection 2600 Blair Stone Road, MS 3560 Tallahassee, FL 32339-2400 RE: Clam Bay Restoration and Management Plan, Response to NOI-3; File Nos, 113049919 and 0128463-001-JC, Collier County Dear Rich: The purpose of this letter is to respond to your NOI-3 dated October 29, 1997, As before, we will follow the numbering system adopted in your letter to facilitate your review, 24c. & 25, The system for stormwater detention and retention employed at the Strand has, as previously noted, been designed and permitted using "best management practices" and no portion of the Plan contemplates any remedial activity in this area, The only deficiencies noted in the referenced correspondence dealt with some temporal shortcomings in the ongoing maintenance of the system, all of which have been remedied, We are obtaining a letter from Collier County confirming the same and will submit it under separate cover. Going forward, the system will be more effectively policed as is required under existing permits for development of the same to insure that it is not clogged or its operational characteristics impaired, 30, We await your further review of the proposed main channel. No further comments are made here. 33a. The engineering calculations of David Tackney will be supplied under separate cover. We are attempting to get this done as quickly as possible, but it is not something that is routine, Nonetheless, we would hope to have it delivered to you within the next 10 days. I note your technical right to have a 30 day review period and your reservation of your right OROJ2396;! ORLANDO FORT LAUDERDALE MIAMI TALL....H.....ssee: TAMP..... WEST P.....LM BEACH Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 1930f371 Rich Bray Page 2 November 4,1997 to ask for additional input While we will continue to the best of our ability to respond to all your questions, I must caution, that if these additional matters of inquiry delay the issuance of a Permit so as to compromise our ability to timely implement the same, then we run the risk of jeopardizing the project as a whole, 33b, As discussed in our recent meeting in your offices, we have revised the Plan to provide that spoil from the main channel will first be pumped through a cyclone separator to separate the fines from beach quality sand. As this is done, the beach quality sand (approximately 16000 to 19000 cubic yards) will be deposited on the beach and/or pushed into the Gulf as a part of a beach renourishment effort. The slurry water, which will contain the fines from the separation process, will be pumped offshore for disposal. In this regard, we will be aided and guided by the report contained in the Clam Pass Inlet Management Plan, Interim Report No, 1 prepared by Turrell & Associates, Ine under date of July, 1995. That report suggest the presence of "hardbottom" areas in close proximity to the Pass and to avoid these communities the proposed discharge has been extended between 1500 and 3000 feet offshore, The mixing zone will be of sufficient size to accommodate the approximately 6000 to 9000 cubic yards of fines to be disposed of. A variance from the requirements of Ch. 62-4.244(5) Fla, Adm, Code will be required and is being applied for under separate letter to accommodate the need for disposition in the Gulf and relief from the turbidity requirements within the mixing zone. It is anticipated that the dredging technique to be employed will be a suction dredge. However, we will want the flexibility to consider other alternatives to be suggested by other ,contractors if those alternatives would prove more cost effective, time sensitive and still achieve the objective consistent with ecological sensitivity, Revised plan view drawings are included in the final revisions to the Plan, 33d. The drawings reflecting the location and density of seagrasses within the proposed main channel were provided to your office in our response of September 29, 1997, These drawings are being refined for inclusion in the Plan, but will not provide any different data than was previously delivered. Additionally, you will find in the final Plan revised drawings showing the location for the disposition of spoil from Cuts 1, 2, ands 3 along the interior of the dune line as previously discussed, A site assessment report by a qualified environmental scientist describing the area of proposed slurry water discharge in the Gulf was prepared in July 1995 by Turrell & Associates, fne We propose to rely on that report for the purpose of satisfying your inquiry regarding the characteristics and location of the mixing/settling zone to be used, The relevant portion of the Turrell report is attached hereto as Exhibit "A". OR032396;1 Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17.2010 Vlll-4-a New Business 194 of 371 Rich Bray Page 3 November 4, 1997 We will file an application for a variance from Ch, 62-4.244(5) Fla, Adm. Code which will include the calculations necessary to determine the exact mixing zone needed for this project. The adjustments in the Plan resulting from these Plan modifications have added to the data required for final Plan approval. We would hope and expect that the FDEP would approve the Plan as submitted subject to final closure on these last matters so that we can be assured that all other issues have been resolved for permit issuance, This will enable the applicant to continue planning for implementation as we are confident that we can satisfactorily resolve the remaining issues with your agency once these additional applications and data are generated, We would ask your immediate confirmation of this understanding, Thank you for your continued assistance in processing this application and we look forward to bringing the matter to a successful conclusion. Very truly yours, cc: Bob Brantley, FDEP Ilene Barnett, FDEP Engineering Staff, FDEP Chip Clough, USACOE Mac Hatcher, Collier County Ann Lazaar, FDEP Kalan; Cairns, USFWS John Iliff, NMFS Karen Moody, FDEP Mary Duncan, FDEP AI Varley Jim Ward Susan Watts Hilburn Hillestad David Tackney Sam Snedaker Dorothea Zysko Robin Lewis Steve Means OR032396; I Clam Bay SubCommittee June 17, 2010 VIl1-4-a New Business 195of371 Department of Environmental Protection Lawton Chiles Governor'<" Twin Towers Office Building 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee. Florida 32399-2400 Virginia B. Wetherell Secretary September 17, 1997 Collier County- Pelican Bay Services Division Ted R. Brown, Esquire Akerman, Senterfitt, & Edison, P,A. 255 South Orange Avenue Orlando, Florida 32801 NOTICE OF INCOMPLETENESS INOI-2) File Nos. 113049919 and 0128463-001-JC, Collier County Clam Bay Restoration Dear Mr, Brown: Thank you for your response to our Notice of Incompleteness-l dated August 7, 1997, The Department received your response on September II, 1997, as part of the application for a Joint Coastal Permit, pursuant to Chapter 161 and Part IV of Chapter 373, Florida Statutes, and an authorization to use state-owned submerged lands, pursuant to Chapters 253 and 258, Florida Statutes, to conduct activities to restore the Clam Bay system. The Department is in the process of converting to a new computerized tracking system and your project has a new file number associated with it (0128463-001-JC); please make a note of it. Reference will be made to the new number and the old file number to prevent any confusion that may arise from this technological conversion, Your response did complete some of the items in the NOI and the Department acknowledges that the remaining requested information is still in the process of being gathered, as mentioned in your response, In order to deem your application complete, we need the items listed below in this NOI by November 17, 1997. If necessary, you may request an extension up to 90 additional days, If neither the information nor a request for an extension is received by November 17, 1997, your application may be denied without prejudice. If you revise your project after submitting the initial joint application, please contact us as soon as possible, The information requested below is numbered to correspond with the application and previous correspondence: .,." f-'/"\, 14. Thank you for the copies of the letters you sent to obtain the necessary authorization to proceed with the proposed activities involving the Seagate culverts, Please keep the ----.--- "Protect, Conserve and Manage Florida's Environment and Natural Resources" Prin~~ on recycled paper. Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VlIl-4-a New Business 196of371 NOI-2 File Nos. 113049919 & 0128463-001-JC Page 2 Department informed of the status of obtaining the needed authoriZations from the City of Naples and the Naples Cay Master Association, " , , '", ',' 'cI\ --.2J~ 17, We acknowledge that this information will be provided at a future date. 24c, & 25 . Your response to the issue of the stormwater treatment system along "The Strand" .:.>."'\, ''^'' '? makes sense. Hopefully, this issue will be resolved by the separate letter to Collier ,', "".J oJ'''' (l"'''';\- <:o...J*""'f.County government that has been sent (copy attached), ~ 30, Your response to questions from the Bureau of Protected Species Management has been forwarded to Ms. Mary Duncan of that bureau. Hopefully, your response will adequately answer her questions regarding potential impacts of this project on protected species and their habitats, __ 3 la, Department engineers are continuing to work with your engineers to verify the calculated ;"0;';';' (;"4,'). / ,benefits of proceeding with the project (per the latest correspondence sent to you, dated > 'F'" ,a:;,r<1",,..kJ.\September 3,1997), The final recommendation of the staffregarding these engineering '. ~~ , '\~c.k vJv.. issues depends on being able to verify your calculations that show benefits to the system ,j", " with minimal or no adverse impacts to existing natural resources and Dr.'s Pass, 33b. Department staff recognizes the potential for significant environmental benefit associated with this proposed restoration project, however, there is a minimal amount of data that we must have in order to show that adverse impacts to existing natural resources have been minimized and proceed with a recommendation for issuance, The information needed remains the same regarding the various methods of spoil disposal for the material unsuitable for beach nourishment. Upon the final selection of the spoil disposal method, please submit drawings (plan view and cross-sectionals) that show the locations and dimensions of the spoil disposal areas with the number of cubic yards of material to be deposited in each area indicated. Also, provide a narrative describing the dredging and disposal techniquesl equipment, vessel drafts, and corridors to be used during the process, Potential adverse impacts to the existing natural resources, such as the mangroves and seagrasses, must be minimized, Please provide the plan view and cross-sectional drawings that reference depths and widths in NGVD of the channel relocated to avoid adverse impacts to seagrasses, as soon as they become available, On the plan view drawings, indicate the natural resources (seagrasses, oyster beds, mangroves, etc.,.) with square footagel acreages of impacts shown in relation to the proposed channels to be dredged. 33d, We acknowledge that this information is still being gathered and will be provided at a future date. Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIiI-4-a New Business 191 of 371 NOI-2 File Nos. 113049919 & 0128463-001-JC Page 3 Department staff agrees with your proposal to incorporate by reference County Ordinance No. 96-16 which allows motorized craft throughout Clam Bay so long as they operate at idle speed and with no wake. Members from the public and local residents have made it abundantly clear that they are concerned that some of their boating rights would be taken away by implementing this project. The Department has tried to calm their fears by listening to their concerns and agreeing to not require any more restrictive conditions on boating than what is currently required by the county. This is consistent with Chapter 373.414, Florida Statutes, which requires the Department to consider recreational values and navigability of wetlands associated with proposed activities, However, the Department must also consider the potential impacts of recreation and navigation on the natural resources in the area, By opening up restricted channels that act to prevent the use of motorized craft now throughout parts of the Clam Bay system, the proposed project has the potential to enhance navigability and increase boating in this system, Therefore, Department staff recommends that the existing boating restrictions in effect now by the county be continued as a specific condition of the permit (if issued) with an addendum to this condition that states, "If significant adverse impacts to the natural resources and water quality of the Clam Bay system are confirmed by Collier County and Department environmental staff, and attributable to the use of motorized vessels within the system, additional restrictions on the use of motorized vessels shall be enforced to provide protection to the natural resources and water quality of the Clam Bay System, These additional restrictions shall include, but not be limited to, the prohibition of the uSe of motorized vessels in the areas of concern for a length oftime necessary to ensure that damaged natural resources have recovered and/or water quality has returned to and will continue to meet state water quality standards for those parameters associated with boating and motorized vessel usage including, copper, cadmium, zinc, hydrocarbons (P AHs), oils and greases, dissolved oxygen, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, and total and fecal coliform bacteria," Thank you for your proposal to map the natural resources (seagrasses, oyster beds, mangroves, etc,. ,) within the project activity areas and relocate the channels to be dredged to minimize impacts to the existing natural resources. Ilene Barnett, with the Department's South District Office in Ft. Myers, has volunteered to field verify these activities. Please coordinate with her so these activities can be completed, She may be reached via phone at (941)-332-6975, , , Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17.2010 VIII~4~a New Business 198of371 NOI-2 File Nos. 113049919 & 0128463-001-JC Page 4 We appreciate your cooperation. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at (850) 921- 5214, Sincerely, Z:~~M,P,H. . Environmental Specialist Attachment (1)- Copy of letter to Collier County Government cc: Bob Brantly, Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems Ilene Barnett, DEP- South District Office- Ft. Myers Chip Clough, V,S, Army Corps of Engineers Mac Hatcher, Collier County Government Collier County- Pelican Bay Services Division Ann Lazaar, DEP- South Florida Project Manager Kalani Cairns, U.S, Fish and Wildlife Service David Guggenheim, The Conservancy of SW Florida Dan Spina, Save the Bays, Association Hilburn Hillestad, Environmental Consultant- Arvida Dorothea Zysko, Wilson, Miller, Barton & Peek, Inc. Karen Moody, DEP- Bureau of Protected Species Management Mary Duncan, DEP- Bureau of Protected Species Management John Iliff, National Marine Fisheries Service Permit Information Center Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 Vlll-4-a New Business 1990f371 ~ AKER.MAN. SENTER.FITT & EIDSON, P. A. ATTORNEYS AT LAW CITRUS CENTI!:R ZS6 SOUTH OR....NGE AVENUE 1 ~ 2 ~ - 1 ') 9 7 POST OFFICE SOX .231 ORLANDO. FLORIOA ,:).0:60.2-0231 SERVINC THE CUENT ^ND THE COMMUNITY (407) 8....3-70GO TE~ECOPY (.ol07) 94:'1-6610 October 14,1997 Rich Bray Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems Florida Department of Environmental Protection 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Mail Station 310 Tallahassee, FL 32339-3000 RECEIVED OCT 1 5 1997 tl"ilEAU OF BEACHES " !;OASrAl SYSTEMS RE: Clam Bay Restoration and Management Plan; File Numbers 113049919 and Cl128463-001-jC Dear Rich: The purpose of this letter is to respond to your letter of September 17, 1997 addressed to the undersigned, As with prior response letters, I will follow the numbering system used in your correspondence, 14. Enclosed please find a letter dated October 3, 1997 from the City of Naples agreeing to permit the installation of the Seagate Culverts subject to the specified conditions, As these conditions are consistent with our prior commitments to the FDEP and the Revised draft of the Plan, we are comfortable that closure has been reached with the City on this point. We have previously communicated to you regarding the acceptance of the Plan by the fee owner of the culverts, The Naples Cay Master Association, 17. Enclosed please find a letter dated October 1, 1997 addressed to Mac Hatcher of the Collier County Natural Resources Department confirming consistency with the Collier County Growth Management Plan, 24c.& 25, We have provided under separate cover further responses to your inquiry regarding the portion of the development called "The Strand". Absent further inquiry from you, no further observations are made here, 30, We have, as you note in your letter, made a separate response to the issues raised in the Memorandum from the Bureau of Protected Species Management. That response was dated September 29, 1997. OFH.ANDO FORT LAUDERDALE MIAMI TALLAHASSEE TAMPA WEST P....!...M BEACH Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VI!I-4-a New Business 200 of 371 Rich Bray Page 2 October 14, 1997 33a, We have through the office of David Tackney and this office responded to the inquiries of the Department's engineers, No further response will be provided here except to note that in the continuing review of this matter with the consultant team, the observations of Dr, Snedaker are worth repeating, He points out in a personal communication to me that "the single most critical factor inducing the upper Clam Bay mangrove die off and restricting natural regeneration of mangroves is the relative absence of adequate tidal flushing, or tidal pumping, typically measured in terms of tidal amplitude and its frequency of occurrence," Continuing he notes that "tidal pumping refers to the hydraulic change in water pressure in a mangrove sediment that is controlled largely by tidal activity, When rising tides force a rise in the water table in the sediment beneath the mangroves, gases (e.g., carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, methane, ammonia) and various fluid wastes (including refactory and labile dissolved organic matter) are expelled from the sediment Since some of these compounds are toxic, particularly hydrogen sulfide, their frequent (daiiy to twice daily) removal is critical to the health of the mangroves." "Conversely, on falling tides and a drop in the sediment water table, gases (e,g. oxygen) and nutrients present in the over-lying water are drawn into the sediment The frequent removal of sediment oxygen is particularly important because it is required in normal root respiration which if stopped, causes mortality, Thus the absence of tidal pumping, metabolic wastes accumulate in the sediment and it eventually turns toxic and anoxic, meaning no oxygen, It is important to note that this critical process has nothing to do with the salinity, or absence thereof, or the surface and subsurface water," Correcting the "tidal amplitude as planned" will necessarily increase the health of the mangroves within Clam Bay and "create conditions that foster mangrove growth in addition to improving and maintaining water qual ity," Finally, it is also worth noting on the question of potential impacts to Doctors Pass that that Bob Crawford, P,E, has opined to the Save the Bays Organization and to the City of Naples that the installation of the Seagate Culverts as proposed in the Plan will not adversely impact the stability of the Doctors Pass, It was this independent verification of David Tackney's earlier advice that in no small measure contributed to the willingness of the City to allow the project to go forward as noted above, 33b, We will transmit under separate cover a Redlined version of the Plan showing the incorporation of adjustments incorporated into the same as a result of public and regulatory comment. Included in that will be revised and new permit drawings showing the location of the main excavation channel identified in the Plan as Cuts 4A, 46, 4C and 4D. We have previously transmitted under our letter of September 29, 1997 an analysis of the efforts undertaken to minimize impacts to seagrasses, reporting there that less than 12% of the total Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 201 of 371 Rich Bray Page 3 October 14, 1997 excavation will impact seagrasses and that such excavation equates to approximately .31 acres of seagrass loss. 33d. See response at 33b above and letter dated September 29, 1997. With respect to the request for an "addendum" to the County Ordinance 96-16 to provide for a further review of boating within the estuary should there appear to be a casual connection between boating and adverse impacts to the resources within Clam Bay, be advised that for Constitutional reasons dealing with due process and notice, public readings and the like, the County cannot in advance agree to an Ordinance modification, but I can report that they will not reject a Permit attached to a Plan that includes such qualifications. Accordingly, the Redlined Plan referred to above and to be transmitted under separate cover will include substantially all of your suggested language. I trust this is responsive to your inquiry. I will be calling you this week to schedule a meeting with you to discuss all final issues to bring closure to this process. I believe we are ready for that type of review and our submission of the Redlined Plan will facilitate that process. Thank you again for your interest and help. Very truly yours, cc: Hilburn Hillestad Jim Ward Susan Watts AI Varley Chip Clough, USACOE Ilene Barnett, FDEP Bob Brantley, FDEP, Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems Mac Hatcher, Collier County Ann Lazaar, FDEP Kalani Cairns, USFWS John Iliff, NMFS Karen Moody, FDEP, Bureau of Protected Species Management Mary Duncan, FDEP, Bureau of Protected Species Management Department of Environmental Protection Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIl!-4-a New Business 202 of 371 Lawton Chiles Governor ! Twin Towers Office Building 2600 Blair Stone Road. Tallahassee, Florid.a 32399-2400 Virginia B. Wetherell Secretary August 7,1997 Collier County- Pelican Bay Services Division Ted R. Brown, Esquire Akerman, Senterfitt, & Edison, P.A. 255 South Orange Avenue Orlando, Florida 32801 NOTICE OF INCOMPLETENESS (NOn FileNo. 113049919, Collier County OI?-~~~3- c:ol-:::r( Clam Bay Restoration ' Dear Mr. Brown: Thank you for your response to our Request for Additional Information (RAI) dated May 16, 1997. The Department received your response on July 15, 1997, as part of the application for a Joint Coastal Permit, pursuant to Chapter 161 and Pmt IV of Chapter 373, Florida Statutes, and an authorization to use state-owned submerged lands, pursuant to Chapters 253 and 258, Florida Statutes, to conduct activities to restore the Cl= Bay system. Your response did complete some of the items in the RAI and the Department acknowledges that the remaining requested information is still in the process of being gathered, as mentioned in your response dated July 14, 1997. In order to deem your application complete, we need the items listed below in this NOI by October 7,1997. Ifnecessary, you may request an extension up to 90 additional days. If neither the information nor a request for an extension is received by October 7,1997, your application may be denied without prejudice. If you revise your project after submitting the initial joint application, please contact us as soon as possible. Your project will also require authorization to use sovereign submerged lands, pursuant to Chapter 253.77, Florida Statutes. The Department's Title and Land Records Section is reviewing your application to determine the appropriate type of authorization needed and proprietary procedures to follow. The information requested below is numbered to correspond with the application: .~ 14. ? J~fD'r#(\' Please provide a letter from the legal owner of the property at the seagate culverts which stipulates the owners position regarding the proposed project, and authorization for the applicant to proceed, if the owner is in favor of the proposal. "Protect, Conserve and Manage Florida's Environment and Natural Resources" Primed 0/1 recyd/!d peper. Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VlIl-4-a New Business 20301371 NO! File No. 113049919 Page 2 '11 " 15. Department staff understands and agrees with your response to this request. From a .' regulatory agency perspective, it would be preferable to have a set, targeted goal of redu,ing stormwater inputs by a certain percentage, and establishing a dollar amount for the '" implementation of recommended alternatives in the permit; however, it is recognized that these figures are not available yet. It is anticipated that the studies established in the proposal will provide the reliable, scientifically generated figures and recommendations regarding areas for improvement in the reduction of stormwater inputs into the Clam Bay system. The use of the proposed studies to derive the much needed scientific data and recommendations can be accomplished via specific conditions of the [mal permit (if issued). It is recommended that the studies proposed be completed no later than 3 years following permit issuance to allow adequate time for implementation and monitoring of the recommended initiatives generated by the studies. This recorninendation appears consistent with the timeframes identified in the proposal. Also, specific conditions of the permit can be added to ensure implementation of the recommended initiatives of the studies, as indicated in Section (page 77) of the proposal, to achieve the needed reduction in stormwater inputs into the Clam Bay system, conduct the associated monitoring, and provide any corrective actions (if needed) prior to the expiration date of the permit. .;, ,.-."p. ~1"!..\~ ~",\:^,i\18. ~...(,..~k We acknowledge that this information will be provided at a future date. We received your partial application fee payment of $6,700. The correct fee for this application is $10,200. Please submit the remaining $3,500 in the form of a certified check or money order made payable to the Department of Environmental Protection- Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems. Please reference "Fee for JCP application no. 113049919" on the check. ,,_~_~ 24c. & 25. \~') i' - .....,,1 1~ ~ "'1ov "">~..,.",,~,*,,J:-~ . I r ;;.-1 v'.~:.~/<( (p-, ()....~;,~"J, T"~ "''-:', '). .~. 'StJ!.-:........+4 . ~. . ( r ~ ';"'''''.- )-~1-ll" )lc~ . j,'" I . ~-J :,':'. .-li"",i'~ v'.,..- ':. _~ ".~ !..I)J,-,.;4+-'" 0ol/iV-1 . .' I " "'\,1...... '0<,0-+-. ';.D- 1''''1'' - 0 \ Department engineers are verifying your calculations using Manning's equation and other valid engineering methods to assess the anticipated project effects upon the tidal prism and hydrological characteristics of the Clam Bay system. Thank you for submitting your engineering data and calculations on computer disk format. Direct stormwater discharge from developed areas, such as residential homes, parking lots, and construction areas are known to contribute to water quality problems via direct contamination by pollutants including fertilizers, pesticides, oils, greases, fuels, solvents, construction dusts, debris, etc.... The stormwater treatment system along the "Strand" where construction is presently occurring appears to be either absent or inadequate, as noted during field observations, and as noted in your RAI response dated July 14, 1997 (pages 6 and 7). Please submit supporting documentation and drawings that explain how trench systems (the systems indicated to be in place along the "Strand") adequately remove the above Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17.2010 YIlI-4~a New Business 204' of 371 NOI File No. 113049919 Page 3 '. listed pollutants. Please identifY and propose activities that the potential permittee and Collier County can implement as part of this project to eliminate direct discharge from existing and future construction sites, residential, and other developed areas into the ClaJU Bay system. Revisions in the minimum standards of the local building codes may be needed. . 30. We acknowledge that this information will be provided at a future date. Please be advised t,.-",x, that the Bureau of Protected Species Management is reviewing your proposal and that \0(">> questions from this bureau regarding potential impacts to threatened and endangered species Xc Q,rt>'" may be forthcoming. _ 33a. Thank you for submitting the requested information. Department engineers are verifYing the submitted data and calculations, including those using the Darcy- Weisbauch formula to ascertain potential projeCt impacts upon the hydrodynamics of Outer Clam Bay! Clam Pass and V enetian Bay! Doctor's Pass. .- I' \~.,/-'-l"O . _ ___---~ 33b. ~. 1\, \-,,\-1" ~A' [ It is acknowledged that the various methods of spoil disposal for the material unsuitable for beach nourishment are still being assessed. Upon the final selection of the spoil disposal method, please submit drawings (plan view and cross-sectionals) that show the locations and dimensions of the spoil disposal areas with the number of cubic yards of material to be deposited in each area indicated. Also, provide a narrative describing the dredging and disposal techniques! equipment, vessel drafts, and corridors to be used during the process. Potential adverse impacts to the existing natural resources, such as the mangroves and seagrasses, must be minimized. . ___._ 33d. ,-{, [-1,-/-:.1<'( We acknowledge the new proposal to place the spoil from Cuts I, 2, and 3 in upland areas on the eastern side of the dune line and that the precise location for these areas have not been identified. It is recommended that you select degraded areas, such as locations that have been invaded by nuisance exotic vegetative species, to minimize adverse impacts to native species and existing natural resources. When these disposal areas have been fmalized, please submit field photos and plan and cross-sectional drawings of the sites that show the locations and dimensions of the disposal areas with cubic yards of material to be disposed indicated. Regarding the issue of creating small upland areas from the material not suitable for beach disposal; there is some validity and truth to your response. As previously stated, the Department's recommendation is to remove this material off-site, ifno suitable on-site disposal method is feasible. Once again, the loss of wetlands by conversion to uplmlds via spoil disposal is an activity that the Department does not normally promote or authorize; however, the Department must consider the overall impacts of the proposed project to the envirorunent on a case-by-case basis. In the case of the current project, it is proposed to Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 205 of 371 NO! File No. 113049919 Page 4 convert approximately 7 acres of wetlands to uplands via spoil disposal. There are approximately 568 acres of wetlands in the Clam Bay system, so this means a loss of approximately 1.2% of the wetlands. This is a very small figure conipared to the approximate 443 acres of mangroves and -7 acres of seagrasses that would benefit from the proposed activities, including improved tidal flow and a reduction in storm water input. Due to the nature of the project and the potential benefits of the proposed activities, this aspect of the project is still being considered by Department staff. It is preferable to have a consensus aJUongst all the permitting entities involved regarding this issue, including staff with our district office in Ft. Myers, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and others. It is imperative that you the applicant demonstrate that no other alternative is possible or financially feasible than the proposed creation of the small upland spoil disposal islands. We appreciate your cooperation. If you have any questions, please contact me at (850) 921- 5214. Sincerely, Z;~M.P.H. Environmental Specialist Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems cc: Bob Brantly, Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems Ilene Barnett, DEP- South District Office- Ft. Myers Chip Clough, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Mac Hatcher, Collier County Government Collier County- Pelican Bay Services Division Ann Lazaar, DEP- South Florida Project Manager Kalani Cairns, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service David Guggenheim, The Conservancy ofSW Florida Dan Spina, Save the Bays, Association Hilburn Hillestad, Environmental Consultant- Arvida Dorothea Zysko, Wilson, Miller, Barton & Peek, Inc. Karen Moody, DEP- Bureau of Protected Species Management Permit Information Center Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17.2010 VIII-4-a New Business 206 of 371 ~ AKER.MAN, SENTER.FIIT S EIDSON, P. A. ATTOR.NEYS AT LAW CITRUS CENTER i!~~ SOUTH ORANGE: AVENUE POST OFFICI: POX 231 ORL.ANDO, FLORIDA 3i!80e.0<:3' {"'07> 843.7860 TELECOpy (407) 643.6610 1 '! 2 2 - I '} ') 7 ~;..F.V1N(; THf Cl.ll::l'r A!,n Tilt COAt......U;\o;1 n September 9, 1997 Rich Bray Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems Florida Department of Environmental Protection 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Mail Station 310 Tallahassee, FL 32339-3000 RECEiVED SEP 11 1997 uU!1ElW OF BEACHES ,:51 GOASTAl SYSTEMS RE: Reply to Notice of Incompleteness (NOI); File No. 113049919, Clam Bay Restoration and Management Plan ,J- OI~"If{,'3 - 001 - ~C'... Dear Rich: This letter is intended as a response to your letter of August 7, 1997 advising of the need for additional information in connection with the referenced project. It additionally responds to your internal memorandum dated August 22, 1997 from Mary Duncan, Environmental Specialist; Protected Species Management. This response will follow your format and is numbered to correspond with your letter. Your letter makes note of the need to obtain authorization from the Department's Title and Land Records Section in order to use sovereign submerged lands. We assume that the totality of the application as submitted provides the required information for review by that Section. Please advise promptly if additional information is required. __ 14. We have submitted a proposal to Naples Cay Master Association, the owner of fee title 1'<"l~"d at the Seagate Culverts, requesting their concurrence in the installation and maintenance of the culverts as contemplated in the Plan. I have met with Stephen Pistner, the President of the Naples Cay Master Association and can represent that they will support the undertaking as proposed. Additionally, I have conferred with and submitted an application to the City of Naples seeking a permit from them to implement the Plan at the Seagate Culverts subject, of course, to successfully obtaining the required permits from the state and Federal agencies for Plan implementation. Copies of my confirmation letter to Stephen Pistner and my application OR006136;1 ORLANDO FORT L.AUDEROALE MIAMI TALLAH....SSEE TAMP.... WEST PALM BEACH Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17. 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 207 of 371 Rich Bray Page 2 September 9, 1997 letter to the City of Naples are attached. We believe that we will be successful in concluding these arrangements. g/!!1r1- 15. We concur in your approach and await your draft of Permit Conditions to implement ---- I this portion of the Plan. 1;';.,r#{~J 17. Attached find a letter from Collier County Planning Department advising that at this time they are unclear as to whether or not we are in compliance with Objective 6.6 of the Coli ier County Growth Management Plan. Given the nature of the inquiry as evidenced in the attached letter, I do not anticipate any difficulty in satisfying this criteria, but recognize that as of this response, the matter remains open. ,...........h___.._..- . ~!::j rI _ ~- 18. The additional fee for processing has been previously transmitted to you agency pursuant to your earlier advice in Request for Additional Information dated May 16, 1997. If upon your further review, you find that it has not arrived, please advise and we will respond. 24c, & 25. The area known as the "Strand" and its designed water retention and detention ~~"lL1 protocols have been previously reviewed and approved for development and implementation '. ,;.r < in accordance with established regulatory requirements. We do not concur in your view that )(f" . the "stormwater treatment system along the "Strand" ....appears to be either absent or tJ:--~ 1-" inadequate" and certainly our response as set forth in our letter dated July 14, 1997 did not . Gol't-<!.( c.., make such a claim. The plans incorporate Best Management Practices for the tasks assigned and all construction undertaken to date has been in conformity with the same. The applicant does not have a plan, nor does it contemplate any proposed activities to modify this area of the development, as the current design has been permitted and is adequate for the intended purpose. To the extent that the Agency believes that "[R]evisions in the minimum standards of the local building codes may be needed" such an initiative is beyond the scope of this applicant's proposal and we would not intend to be involved in the same. "".1':\ 9,1,-#.t..u 3D, We acknowledge receipt of the comments and observations of Mary Duncan, Environmental Specialist with Protected Species Management addressed to Rich Bray under date of August 22, 1997 (Duncan Memo) and respond to the same here. Pursuant to discussions held during a site visit on August 26, 1997, we are not, absent further advice from your office, required to address any other matters under this paragraph 30. f"'-.....b<~ Turning to the matters raised in the Duncan Memo we report the following: 1. Some seagrasses will be impacted as a result of the dredging activity required for improved tidal exchange within the estuary. As noted in paragraphs 33b and 33d below, a strategy has been devised to minimize those losses and it is anticipated that the improved OR0061J6;1 Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17,2010 VIII-4-a New Business 208 of 371 Rich Bray Page 3 September 9, 1997 water conditions within the estuary, post implementation, will give rise to enhanced opportunities for seagrass expansion. Until the channel is marked in the field as described below, we are not able to quantify the extent of short term loss, but it is expected to be significantly less than the areas of excavation. Neither the Plan as submitted nor the Plan as it might be modified will result in the destruction of any existing native, submerged aquatic vegetation as a result of spoil disposition. 2. The nature of the "flap gate" design contemplated for this system will preclude the addition of a grate on the culvert. The flap gate is designed to operate passively based on the flood and ebb cycle of the tide. We can report that the culverts have been in place in that size since the 1970's and have not been a problem with Manatee's and none is expected now. Manatee's have not been observed in either Clam Bay or Venetian Bay for longer than anyone can remember and their ability to access the Clam Bay area presently is seriously constrained by the constrictive riature of Clam Pass. There are stormwater outfalls emptying into Clam Bay through pipes under the berm located at the eastern edge of the estuary, but water that flows through these flows from the east to the west, emptying into the mangroves at depths mesured in inches. Accordingly, we see no benefit to grates on these outfall structures. 3. Blasting was used in the August and November interior tidal creek excavation I do not have the precise dates of the blasting activity, but it was undertaken with attention to the permit protocols and no objections or post blasting problems have been noted. The only endangered species identified as problematic during permit review involved the nesting of the sea turtle and all blasting and excavation activities were undertaken outside turtle nesting season to accommodate those concerns. Blasting is to be considered as one of the options for excavation of the Interior Tidal Creeks under the Plan, but will only be used where necessary. Since the Plan contemplates an iterative approach to Interior Tidal Creek excavation and field location of the areas to which excavation is to be undertaken, it is not possible to determine at the present how often blasting might be the preferred method of proceeding. 4. With respect to interior navigation, be advised that the Plan is to be amended to reflect that the County's current Ordinance 96-16 is to be controlling. It will allow motorized boat traffic at idle speed and with no wake. The County has the burden of enforcement. We do not bel ieve that it is reasonable to assume that propeller dredging of seagrasses will increase as a result of Plan implementation. A further review of the constraints of Clam Pass, even after Plan implementation, suggests rather clearly that boat traffic will not be increased and that it is still significantly constrained by the very shallow and confining conditions throughout the estuary. We do anticipate enhanced channel marking, enforcement of the idle speed zones and clearly marking areas where seagrasses exist so as to warn boaters of their presence and the necessity for avoiding them. OROO6!J6;! Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 20901371 Rich Bray Page 4 September 9, 1997 ______. 33a. We have received a series of questions from your engineering office relative to the project under letter dated September 3, 1997. We will respond to those matters under ?-"NJ.~Oseparate cover. 33b. We have continued to review various spoil disposal techniques including not only the ..-- original proposal for creation of spoil islands, but have additionally reviewed Jetspray f~.d~~'6 technology, discharge into the Gulf and creation of littoral shelves to be populated by mangroves within Outer Clam Bay. Additionally, we identified during our recent site visit of August 26-27, 1997 an alternative location for disposal of spoil from Cut 4. (See revised Figure 4.5.2(h) attached) Subject to clarifying its capacity to absorb the required spoil (approximately 22000 cubic yards), this location is, by consensus, the preferred disposition site. Assuming our continued investigation confirms this location to be of adequate size to accommodate the anticipated demand, we would intend to amend our application to identify this location as the spoil disposal site for the identified Cut. Of necessity, this would require that we develop revised plan and profile drawings showing how that area would be developed and we are amenable to doing so. As discussed, this area would be filled such that it would reproduce as a mangrove habitat and that remains the goal. Being cautious, I must advise that if we cannot accommodate all of the Cut 4 spoil in the new location, one or more of the other spoil sites will have to be considered as a supplementary disposal site using the protocols described previously in the Plan, In this regard, we take encouragement from your recognition that even using all of the previously identified spoil sites _ _ _ for disposition, they cumulatively only amount to a 1.2% wetland loss within the system and that such a loss, while regrettable, will nonetheless result in a "benefit" to the overall system. This revised Plan will further reduce that percentage, even in a worst case scenario and so we would anticipate your support of the same. . We can report that there is no alternative that we have been able to identify that will allow us to remove the spoil from the site that can be accomplished within the available funds. Each of the other methods referenced above are anywhere from 35% to 50% more expensive than what is proposed here and to that extent exceed available revenues. As we reported, Jetspray technology has the potential for realizing a costs savings, but the consensus we have heard is that application of the technology in this mangrove system is too speculative to absorb the risk. We concur in that conclusion and are therefore constrained to look to more traditional methods of disposal. We believe the record reflects a conscientious effort on the part of the applicant and the agencies to explore a variety of alternatives and that the Plan currently under review has the best prospect for success taking into account costs, logistics and existing technology. OR006136;1 Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIlI-4-a New Business 210 of 371 Rich Bray Page 5 September 9,1997 With respect to Cuts 1, 2, and 3, we have determined to abandon the concept of Jetspray for spoil disposal in these locations. As such, we have identified the eastern interior of the dune line to the west as a place suitable. for spoil disposal and will adhere to your suggestion that we select areas that have been invaded by nuisance exotic vegetation ete. as the preferred disposal sites. As of this writing we have not identified the precise locations such that they can be independently investigated. We intend to accomplish that within the next couple of weeks and will advise you of the same immediately upon completion. We understand and agree that every effort must be made to minimize impacts on mangroves and seagrasses in the implementation of the Plan. Our sense is that the Plan, as drafted, makes that clear as an operational protocol. Augmenting that, it was determined during the recently completed site visit that we would, in cooperation with your Ilene Barnett and the Federal agencies, walk the proposed main channel excavation route so that we can stake and record, via GPS technology, the precise location of the channel cut. The agreed purpose of this exercise is to not only precisely locate the channel, but to also route it so as to minimize adverse impacts on the existing seagrasses. You understand and agree as it has been expressed that this exercise will not compromise the fundamental integrity of the hydrology of the channel as contemplated under the Plan. The goal is, to the fullest extent possible, to reconcile both agendas and we believe that is achievable. j'SV' ~.. ~ Your requirement for more detailed engineering drawings showing specific locations and jwJ) amounts of spoil disposal and technique descriptions ete. is agreed to and we would ~ ). ,(n contemplate that those protocols would be incorporated as Permit conditions to be complied \,.< +"" with in advance of implementation. D'-\"D~ ~ 'ru~,l-' i;S~d. See response to 33b. -r-"...J~-:. We have agreed that the Plan will be amended to delete the proposed protocol that suggested () that "[NJo motorized craft should be allowed north of the south boardwalk....". In its place will be a protocol that incorporates by reference County Ordinance No. 96-16 which allows ~ motorized craft throughout Clam Bay so long as they operate at idle speed and with no wake. COf"P' /f The practical effect of this adjustment is to preserve the status quo with respect to the navigational element of the Plan. ':'l> We have agreed as previously noted that we will in an effort to minimize impacts to seagrasses waik the proposed main channel cut, marking the same and recording those marks with GPS technology so that the channel can be both field located and depicted with accuracy on a set of plans. Personnel from your office will assist in this task. The goal is to not only minimize adverse impacts to seagrasses, but to do so in a way, which will not compromise the proposed hydrology of the Restoration Plan. OR006136;! Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 211of371 Rich Bray Page 6 September 9,1997 We trust this is responsive to your inquiry. We recognize that there are some additional matters to be responded as identified in this letter, but would urge that we begin the process of sorting through the specifics of the Permit conditions to insure that implementation of the Permit can proceed smoothly once the Permit is issued and that we can complete the main portions of the Plan before turtle season in 1998. I will telephone your office in the next several days to review this prospect with you. Thank you again for your interest and time. cc: Bob Brantly, Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems Ilene Barnett, FDEP-South District Office-Ft. Myers Chip Clough, USACOE Mac Hatcher, Collier County Government Collier County Pelican Bay Services Division Ann Lazaar, FDEP-South Florida Project Manager Kalani Cairns, USFWS David Guggenheim, The Conservancy of SW Florida Dan Spina, Save the Bays Karen Moody, FDEP-Bureau of Protected Species John Iliff, NMFS Mary Duncan, FDEP, Protected Species Management OR006136;! - Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 Department of ~~I~-~t3~~w Business Environmental Protection Lawton Chiles Governor Marjory Stoneman Douglas Building 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 Virginia B. Wetherell Secretary May 16, 1997 Collier County- Pelican Bay Services Division Ted R. Brown, Esquire Akerman, Senterfitt, & Edison, P.A. 255 South Orange Avenue Orlando, Florida 32801 Request For Additional Information IRAJ) File No. 113049919, Collier County ClaJU Bay Restoration Dear Mr. Brown: This is to acknowledge receipt of your application on April 21, 1997 for a Joint Coastal Permit, pursuant to Chapter 161 and Part IV of Chapter 373, Florida Statutes, and an authorization to use state-owned submerged lands, pursuant to Chapters 253 and 258, Florida Statutes, to conduct activities to restore the Clam Bay system. In order to review your application, we need the items listed below in this RAI by July 16, 1997. If necessary, you may request an extension up to 90 additional days. If neither the information nor a request for an extension is received by July 16, 1997, your application may be denied without prejudice. If you revise your project after submitting the initial joint application, please contact us as soon as possible. Your project will also require authorization to use sovereign submerged lands, pursuant to Chapter 253.77, Florida Statutes. The Department's Title and Land Records Section is reviewing your application to determine the appropriate type of authorization needed and proprietary procedures to follow. The information requested below is numbered to correspond with the application: ~ 14. We acknowledge that this information will be/provided at a future date. we. P<-"~'" kJ<.J'~ 4v "',,'-V "r J.,(,. ""'r (",-c,..l.r]" ~.. '_ 15. The report indicates that in addition to the average 53" of freshwater per year into the ice system via rainfall, approximately 26" - 28" of rainfall equivalent is released into the system i from irrigation practices. Furthermore, this water is nutrient rich re-use water, and causing ! continued stress to the system. Pre-development conditions were such that less than 10" of ~ the 53" average rainfall ;,ere lost from the uplands v~~ surfacr runoff. Due to .fil:ering by .? f:.,o.",reJ-o... p.2. - ,",,0,-0 .~,.l c,o., l't5'}) "t"i--..,. sI,,"'1 Nt.O""..,u.JJ..;.,SI"1t"..;JJ-""", , "~rotect, Conserve and Manage Florida's Environment and Natural Resources" Printed on recycled poper. Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17,2010 VIII-4-a New Business 21301371 RAI File No. 113049919 Page 2 native vegetation, this water was likely to be very low in nutrient concentrations. The top priority for restoring the health of the estuary should therefore be to minimize stormwater inputs into the system. As noted; the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), IF AS, and the Collier Co. Extension Service can assist in the development of a revised landscape management plan to reduce freshwater runoff laden with nutrients and pesticides. Much improvement can be done in this area, as it was noted during some field observations of the area that the sprinklers where watering the golf courses and landscaped plants while it was pouring down rain! The applicant should work with the stated entities and with the other landscape managers within Pelican Bay to create a phased plan to minimize use of irrigation waters and chemicals, and maximize the use of native xeriscape species. Manual overides of any timer systems must be installed to allow the system to be shut off during rain storms or when the soil is sufficiently moist enough to sustain vegetative health. This plan should become a part of the permit. An example of a similar development where this has been accomplished is "Colliers Reserve". It is an upscale golf course PUD in the vicinity which utilizes xeriscape practices to a large extent. It is recommended that the applicant, the Department, NRCS, IF AS, and the Extension Service work in conjunction to come up with such a plan, using Colliers Reserve as an example of what can be accomplished. One stumbling block to this approach is the idea that the County must get rid of its excess treated waste water at Pelican Bay. However, there are opportunities for the County to reroute the water to more appropriate sites where it will not daJUage estuarine resources. The Department and the applicant should work with the County to come up with some of these alternatives, if this proves to be problematic. Another issue raised by the applicant is the lack of control over landscape practices on the entire upland parcel included in Pelican Bay. However, it is in the best interest of all Pelican Bay entities to revise their irrigation and landscaping practices to ensure the sustainable health of the Clam Bay estuary. The proposed project should be revised to include a commitment to implement a P.U.D.-wide revision oflandscaping practices. Simple methods to alleviate runoff can be put into effect within a few months if the community is willing to commit to a program such as the University of Florida's Florida Yards & Neighborhoods program and a regimented lawn watering prograJU. ,. , .., .J, "t(<;:. I 6 . . --. . . I .-<.--- . We acknowledge that this information will be provided at a future date. . .. "_ 17. We acknowledge that this information will be provided at a future date. 18. We received your partial application fee payment of$6,700. The correct fee for this .'c. application is $10,200. Please submit the remaining $3,500 in the form of a certified check or money order made payable to the Department of Environmental Protection- Bureau of Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 214 of 371 RAI File No. 113049919 Page 3 Beaches and Coastal Systems. Please reference "Fee for JCP application no. 113049919" on the check. , .:::'~~~\ . _.' '.-~ 21. We acknowledge that this information will be provided at a future date. 24c. & 25. The "berms" (lA' - 1.8', NGVD) that are discussed in the application are build-ups . , of peat and sediments. The upper reaches of the system continue to be impounded ,'-, 'J" Q,,~,~,< from rainfall, excess stormwater, and storms. The system needs to be drained ; "'\'1"'" t.\.d. enough for the water levels to get below the elevations of the berms. The berms ~ ' .~~, along the bays should be breached in several locations to allow drainage of v,o"1 ''';'. impounded waters and improve sheet flow, Locations of proposed breaches should (,,'c-h' \_\..#'A \, be included in the application, ,) ;)j.. .-,. ,:-,). There are constrictions in the smaller tributaries north of the North Boardwalk, ",~c_..,,,,t-.r ( however, there are no cuts proposed for this area; please explain why there are no '" I \ ~." activities proposed to open these constrictions. \) (1.f r,J11I-, 'r~l~ '.'.r . . .. ..: )" >."J /:",,().;h,J"' Cuts #1, #2, and #3 are proposed.to be -3', N.GVD. Cut #1 is located between .' " \o\? J . Upper and Inner Clam Bays. TypIcal depths m Upper Clam ~a?, and Inner. Clam .,.ct; .\)"'0 0-<" Bay are -2' to -2.6', NGVD and -1.1' to -1.9', NGVD. The eXlstmg connectmg '..,.," ""."f;~~ ~ t ~~ tributary proposed to be dredged for Cut.#I, ranges in depth from -lA' to -2.0', .' :-v c",,).,-l,;N (. I.- NGVD. The depth of Cut #1 should be hmlted to no deeper than -2', NGVD. Cut , "l,rtV #2 is located south ofInner ClaJU Bay. Typical depths of the tributary connecting . .' 'i",do,! Ii'''' lJ-~ Inner Clam Bay to the pass range from -IS to -3.5', NGVD. The existing section .' . c' .' :.'.~.;,. 1,1 ~" .j)/f". of tributary proposed to be dredged for Cut. #2 ranges in depths from -1.0' to -1.8', '. ,. J.!;c'-; \ \ NGVD. The depth of Cut #2 should be InDIted to no deeper than -2', NGVD. Cut , ." ~ ~~~s j#3 is located within the tributary approximately halfway between Clam Pass and " ') '. -..,..0-';'" Inner Clam Bay. Typical depths range from -1.8' to -3.5', NGVD in the tributary ',..;-\ ,t.v'.-("", south ~f Inner ClaJU Bay, with the area within Cut #3 representing a smal~ h~gh ., . '.. ) \--t...' spot Wlth depths of -1.5' to -1.6', NGVD. The depth of Cut #3 should be hmlted to ,/ ..'.:",,' J.!- }'.J" no deeper than -2.5', NGVD. Cut #4A is proposed to be -3', NGVD with a bottom . .:..}....,J 5'1 ^ \vs'- width of 40' and a top width of approximately 30' to 50'. Cut #4A is a north-south . ',' , < '. . J \J , ... aligned cut through the existing tributary from the north end of the inlet bay south "" /r>)} o"~"'" tlto the north end of Outer ClaJU Bay. Typical depths in this vicinity range from -0.3' "", :-';c'-:":'~ ~,J>.!O -1.6'. Outer ClaJU Bay has depths ranging from -IS to -2.1', NGVD. The depth :.., bt ~ ~t~UN., '~ of Cut #4A should be limited to no deeper than -2.0', NGVD. Cuts #4B and #4C . :c,(. ~ (<c>. \lead from ClaJU Pass to the north end of Cut #4A. Depths range from -1.2' to -2S, .C' ......_; . O\S5'0 NGVD. The depth of Cllts #4B and C should be limited to. no deeper than -2.0', . .F""'", ' I NGVD. . . J> \.,Jv.\.j J.,..,'- ,_ ',. t, . <-", '~'(../~-l--~ ~ t.) I"\'~! ~ r.~,5" 0.< '.' I J..o" + ~ut-.':"'i'i.S ,,.,... ~/'brU i.t.... t..~ . L..~~,~..,.....I.~..toe' . <',.. '11...1 ~ '''''I'~'';'V'' \' ....w, - ,f.. "~'..L,.... fr:"~.!r'" i ! ,- t t ' --- ,-. . . .... "",':;0 ,...1 ~'t-?f l' VV'l t ..,,,. . ~ . \, ...1-" 'V~, "Xi' ' , .'" ...~.~...., J _ ''<N''''v':; '0 . .'< .' )." ,,'n~. ^ ,L~,rc:~.^l 1J.?>,/..-'" ....~ J ,\..{;\P 1..., i J \>it'O -. ~p~ :::;:.1'1 l'* i \"f.1f " Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 Vllt-4-a New Business 21501371 RAI File No. 113049919 Page 4 '71 Please describe and indicate where the stormwater containment! treatment areas are for the new condos being constructed on the western perimeter of Upper Clam Bay as shown on Sheet 25 of35 of the drawings. Field observations in this area indicate direct runoff from the construction sites into the areas of dead mangroves across the street. The sections shown on Sheets 31-34 of the drawings do not appear to correspond to any oqhe other drawings (for example, Section Z-Z could not be found on the other drawings). Please delete the reference of these sections, if they are irrelevant, or explain which plan-view drawing they reference. , "-1 ~,; ~/l1 ,. '" ,.;"- 26. We acknowledge that this information will be provided at a future date. '.::S_~~_ 28a. We acknowledge that this information will be provided at a future date. ..~ i "~,"<l 28b. We acknowledge that this information will be provided at a future date. ," f. ~~ _745./JL 31. I . f~ , :", 0".' Q'C" ,.,..... - c ..,(.~ ~ ,: .l -~ J. 30. We acknowledge that this information will be provided at a future date. Please be advised that the Bureau of Protected Species Management is reviewing your proposal and that questions from this bureau regarding potential impacts to threatened and endangered species may be forthcoming. We acknowledge that this information will be provided at a future date. 33a. Has the effect of the proposed improved culverts under Seagate been factored into the hydrodynamics of the system? The effect of the improved culverts may allow for minimization of some of the proposed extent of dredging. What specific data and methodology does the proposal base its conclusions? Please provide copies ofthe studies and reports referenced on pages 21, 22, 28, and 49 of your proposal binder. Specifically needed are copies of the hydrographic assessment of the Clam Bay system (Tackney & Associates, Inc. 1996, Lewis 1996, and Collier County Report 1996). Include the other referenced studies by Turrell 1995, Snedaker 1996, Johnson 1996, McKee 1996, and Wilson, Miller et. al. 1996. Any other pertinent studies by Collier County should be included as well. Also, provide a copy of the study that demonstrated the observed tidal flows (20-25%) supplied by the seagate culverts in Outer Clam Bay, and the study that confirms the conclusion on page 41 of the proposal that "...the culverts contribution to flushing exchange for either Clam Bay or Venetian Bay is negligible. This result occurs because the flood volume is generally equal to the ebb volume and flow through the culverts simply oscillates back and forth between the two Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 216of371 RAI File No. 113049919 Page 5 bays." Will the current tidal flow of 20-25% supplied by the culverts increase by installing the one-way flow culverts? If so, what is the estimated increase in this percentage? Provide a copy of the tide recordings mentioned on page 48 and 49 of the proposal binder. Please provide details of the hydrographic computation for showing the Clam Bay system hydraulic characters, such as discharge, flow velocity, and flushing ability. 7'--~"-- ~3b. This information cannot be waived and will be needed. Please be advised that the dredged '-".-" "":,~,,,\ ~"'/ beach-quality material, or an equivalent volume of beach-quality material, must be placed .' ,""k\. on the adjacent downdrift beaches, pursuant to Ch. 161.142(1), Florida Statutes. The , " "';-' "~: \ proposal on page 85 of the binder to place this material j~. oal ,1 contradij~ the statutv;,; M ~. '0." ..~,J req~' ement and shpuld be ro ed.Ii!"'r~6~ 1~r~ I' ,/-Sf':,1 -'t.'::'itr c",.../. "f .1/."" 17 ~ s1, ., ~,. _ sl.> G Jj. vi"" I .'t.! f i..,.,. . "Us '~..,' 1"'L 1,']"'. ~' ""'POl ",,,u'r.:'\- "L , : '. _.~t , ,.a. q ",,\ J~' f..__<.W""T"'?ll" d~" lJ>,.J~f (0'''- V,"f<;t-' <-;;''''1~) ,', :, -, 3":rd. It is preferable that oil from Cuts 1,2 and :l"Ge hattJe to. a suitable upland dispesal site, . " rather than sprayed over adjacent wetlands. However, it is recognized that impacts will be ,,_,_,_, minimized by using a small system such as a mud cat, or a diver operated system. Ifin situ i. .. ":<~f'''';+tfJ. spoiling is necessary, depths of deposition should be further minimized. A depth of , .'. '. _"'.)''>~L deposition of 4" in the mangrove system is expected to cause adverse impacts to the \' ;,,, ': ,,:. ,;,.'...\ wetlands. Please provide copies efthe studies and scientific reports used to support the . ..~;.,.~ proposal for spraying the excavated sediments into the adjacent mangroves. These studies '., ... .. '. ,~~,,-.: . should consider sediment characteristics, such as grain-size, and adequately prove that spraying of sediments over adjacent vegetated wetlands have no adverse affects on the , wetlands. J" J \ ' ~ b ",,^L ,Uu. .'," .~~.",;,"'1 -iLl Gt~~"so-1. IS' s-;o,vf ;?~"'(l rW'-'" '\~' ""'ill , "-;;. IJ-water spoiling and the creation of upland islands frem Cut 4 in an estuary are not activities which the Department generally authorizes. The shallow tidal flats are an integral part of the system providing foraging habitat for wading birds and other species. The proposed spoil islands are not congruous with the ClaJU Bay estuary system and the conversion of wetlands to upland spoil islands is not consistent with the intents ef Florida law to. protect wetlands and manage activities so there will be no net less of wetlands. It is recommended that the spoil material be remeved to'suitable off-site locations. '.:,"('..r'\ The volume of water flowing into Outer ClaJU Bay from Venetian Bay via the seagate culverts is expected to substantially increase with the installation of the preposed one-way culverts. Provide water quality data for the water within Venetian Bay and assess how the expected increase in velume flow of this water will affect the seagrasses within Outer Clam Bay. .: j~~' 'uo__'-':'- What percentage of the tallest dead trees will be left standing to serve as perchesl nesting sites for birds as indicated on page 87 of the proposal binder, and what scientific evidence is this optimal percentage based on? Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII~4-a New Business 217of371 ~-- ~d AKERMAN, SENTERFITT 11 EIDSON, PA. ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1'12 J - 1? 0' cn'RUS Ce:NTER a5~ SOUTH OFlA.NGe: AVENUe: POST OFTICE ao)< 231 OI'lLANOO. cLORIDA. 32ts02.0231 ~(nV1NC TI-IIl'!.I',:r (-407) B43.7eeo ,\ND TII l COM..~.;.-;. " TE::LECOPY (407) _3.15(!;10 July 14,1997 Rich Bray Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems Florida Department of Environmental Protection 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Tallahassee, FL 32339-3000 RECEIVED JUL 1 5 1997 BlItlEAU OF BEACHES & COASTAL SYSTEMS / RE: Request for Additional Information (RAI) Response; File No. 11304919, Clam Bay Restoration and Management Plan Dear Rich, This will acknowledge receipt of your letter of May 16, 1997 and shall constitute a response , tQJhe same. Our response will follow your format and is numbered to correspond with the application and your letter. 14. Attached as Exhibit "A" to this letter is a list of all adjacent property owners for the referenced project. The applicants only connection with the adjoining upland property is by reason of its status as a dependent special district known as the Pelican Bay Municipal Services Taxing and Benefit Unit (PBSD). The PBSD was formed pursuant to Chapter 125, Florida Statutes and was activated under enabling legislation passed by the Collier County Commission in Ordinance No. 90-111 and 91-22. As such the PBSD is empowered to provide among other things for the "maintenance of conservation or preserve areas" within Pelican Bay. In accordance with such authority, both the PBSD and the Collier County Commission did, at a regularly scheduled meeting, authorize this undertaking. 15. We do not disagree that a "top priority for restoring the health of the estuary should be to minimize stormwater inputs into the system." The Plan as presented addresses this issue in detail in Section 4.5.4. A series of stlldies are described that are designed to determine the best methods to be employed to accomplish the agreed upon objective. In this context, it is important to recognize that the system in place presently does not allow any more surface water runoff to reach the estuary than existed before the development took place. Stated ORLANOO FORT LAUOERDALE MIA.MI TALLAHASSEE TAMPA WEST PALM BEACH Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIIl-4-a New Business 218of371 Rich Bray Page 2 July 14, 1997 differently, peak post-development runoff rates do not exceed peak pre-development run-off rates. We believe that the present conditions of land development have modified the watershed's natural hydrologic response to rainfall and that to some extent (presently not quantifiable), the importation of additional water for irrigation purposes has contributed to the problem. Daily irrigation water enhances the saturation of the developed portion of the Pelican Bay uplands which in turn, reduces their ability to accommodate rainfall volume. This, we believe, contributes to increases in both surface water and ground water discharge. To what extent we do not know. The studies described in the Plan are designed to obtain this data so that an appropriate response can be designed. Mention is made in your letter of the services provided by the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), the IFAS and Collier County Extension Service. We are familiar with these programs and have a proposal from the NRCS to assist the applicant in an analysis of how best to refine the present freshwater irrigation system. Study Number 2 under the Plan [See Section] is intended to ascertain the same data that the NRCS would develop and importantly, both would take about one year to implement and complete before actual implementation in the field. Note additionally, that our proposed Study Number 2 makes reference to the NRCS as a resource to be consulted and we are prepared to commit to such consultation. The additionalstudies-proposed under the Plan add materially to the data set and require that a defined set of implementation protocols be developed to accomplish the objective. The studies themselves represent an investment of approximately $250000 and as such are a significant component of the overall Plan. What the Plan does not do and in our view cannot do, is prejudge what the program of remediation should be. We recognize the desire for certainty here, but would ask that you revisit that idea. It is not possible to commit to a reduction of some percentage of imported water without knowing what you can do without while you begin an orderly transformation of the planting palette and irrigation scheme. In like manner, it is inappropriate to commit to expend some predetermined amount of money on an implementation plan for this phase without knowing what it is you are going to do and why. Under either circumstance you are likely to make a mistake. We are familiar with the work that has been done at Collier Reserve, but must caution that it is unrealistic to envision that this community is going to reinvent itself in that mold. Much can be done to develop a series of protocols to be implemented over time that will materially change the face of Pelican Bay through voluntary initiatives of a resident base committed to doing so, but there Is no legal mechanism by which the applicant can coerce or compel such a result. That is why this section of the Plan is phased. Unless the community can see real progress in a number of fronts for the money they have already committed to this enterprise and be a part of the process of rethinking how and under what circumstances and to what Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 2190f371 Rich Bray Page 3 July 14, 1997 extent they are willing to modify their consumption patterns of fresh water, our chances for success are compromised. In this context, it is important to remember that this applicant as a representative of a group of residents has volunteered to commit, along with WCI Communities, 2.5 million dollars to restore a dying mangrove system and they do so with nothing to gain but a hoped for revival of the ecology of Clam Bay. This Plan comes to you therefore, in a quite different format than a typical developer sponsored application and I would urge you to continue to keep that in mind as you evaluate this and the various other options. Finally, reference is made to the desirability of committing to a community wide revision of landscape practices such as those proposed by the University of Florida's "Florida Yards & Neighborhoods Program" and a regimented lawn watering program. In its broadest sense, we anticipate that to be one of the outcomes of the Studies proposed, but for the reasons articulated above, now is not the appropriate time. Our own review of the Florida Yard's & Neighborhoods Program suggest that there is much to be applauded, but some areas may require further analysis and adaptation to the conditions of Pelican Bay. In no small measure, our Plan for putting the Right Amount of water in the Right Place at the Right Time is the Pelican Bay equivalent. It simply needs the study time to allow the community to adopt on its own, what works for them. I believe they will, if given the opportunity. Our intention has been and is to address this issue up-front and aggressively within the context of reasonable scientific certainty. We believe that our Plan does that and would ask you to review it again in light of this response. 16. See list attached as Exhibit "A".[Riparian land owners] 17. The required letter from the Collier County Planning Department certifying that the proposed activity contemplated by the Plan is consistent with the Collier County Comprehensive land Use Plan has been requested and will be transmitted under separate cover. 18. Additional Application Fees will be submitted under separate cover. 21. A legal description of Clam Bay is attached as Exhibit "B", 24c. & 25. The "berms" (1.4' -1.8', NGVD) are dealt with in the application in Section 4.5.3 and in Sheets 26 through 34. The Plan does contemplate the breaching of the berms in specific locations shown on Sheets 26 through 29 for the express purpose of allowing drainage of impounded water. The precise locations cannot be shown on the scale of the Permit Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 Vll1-4-a New Business 220 of 371 (>" v Rich Bray Page 4 July 14, 1997 Drawings referenced above and, as the Plan notes, the locations are to be field located with input from the FDEP and Corps of Engineers. Modifications to Interior Tidal Creeks have been proposed in all areas where they are deemed necessary presently and where subsequent circumstances might suggest a need for further work post implementation of other Plan COmponents. Our effort, consistent with the advice we received in our various preapplication meetings, was to do as little as possible to alter the system consistent with achieving improved tidal flushing within it. Working within that framework, we proposed a phased effort in this part of the Plan. H involved the establishment of priority sites in need of immediate attention and then a series of follow up modifications to other sites on an as needed basis. As noted in Section of the Plan, it is anticipated that the cuts identified for Phase Two and Phase Three of the Plan will be required, but only minimally, if the totality of the Plan can be implemented as proposed. The effort, therefore, is designed to be as environmentally friendly as possible at the front of the process, measure results as we go, and adjust based upon those results. Our belief is that tidal flow will be enhanced and in some parts of the system, it will be enhanced without the further necessity of intrusive excavation. Understand in this regard that these tributaries carry a very minor fraction of the tidal exchange, are generally inaccessible and would require extensive excavation to enlarge them to the extent that they would Significantly improve gross tidal exchange. Turning to your comments regarding Cuts 1, 2, and 3, you have suggested limitations on the size of the proposed excavation activity in these locations, At present, the upper bays have a tendency to remain flooded for prolonged periods of time even after modest rainfall. An appreciation of the extent of constriction can be obtained by noting that, although the Gulf tidal range is slightly greater than two feet, the tidal range in the upper bays is only a few inches. The only practicai way of improving the drainage rate for the upper bays is to reduce the resistance in the primary tidal creeks. Theoretically, this could be best accomplished by straightening, widening and deepening the creeks, but such an approach is contrary to our attempt at sound ecological planning. However, improving the drainage for the upper bays is still a requirement for improved tidal exchange and deepening the existing creeks in selected locations is the only viable option to accomplishing the objective. In selecting areas for excavation, priority was given to those areas where the least dredging would produce the greatest increase In tidal flow between Clam Pass and the upper bays. As a result, small, unaccessible creeks that would not significantly increase north-south exchange, Clam Bay Subcommit1ee June 17,2010 VIlI-4-a New Business 221 of 371 (N;",. of Rich Bray Page 5 July 14, 1997 were not recommended for excavation. Further, where creeks branched around islands, excavation was recommended only for the larger branches where the least dredging would be required to improve tidal flow rates. Three areas of severe constriction were identified and the Plan calls for excavating these areas accordingly, Limiting the excavations to the depths referenced in your letter would obviate most of the benefits from excavation. An appreciation of the sensitivity of depths on flow rates is better understood using'Manning's Equation. Applying the equation, it can be seen that the flow rate is proportional to the cross sectional area multiplied by the hydraulic radius to the 2/3 power. Accordingly, the effects of reducing the depths of Cut 1 from three feet to two feet can best be illustrated by considering the flow in a 15ft. wide, rectangular channel, with a given energy slope at various depths. From the table below, it can be seen that for a one foot reduction in depth, as the water level drops from .5 ft. NGVD to -.5 ft. NGVD, the flow rates are reduced by 39% to 54%. Water Surface Reduction in Reduction in Reduction in (Ft. NGVD) CIS Area Hyd Radius Flow Rate +0,5 29% 21% 39% 0 33% 26% 46% -0.5 40% 33% 54% Even in areas where the existing channel width is greater than 15 feet, the reductions are not quite as great, but they are still severe, Moreover, the reduction in flow due to a shallower cut cannot be compensated for by enlarging the width of the channel without removing mangroves; a result we have avoided in this Plan and consider to be contrary to our fundamental purpose. The results for Cuts 2 and 3 would be similar; that is reducing the depth as suggested will materially restrict the projected flow into the upper reaches of Clam Bay and as such compromise the fundamental integrity of the Plan. Recent efforts to reopen Clam Pass have enjoyed only temporary success and the frequency of pass closure appears to be increasing. The reason for this limited success is revealed in the bathymetry between the inlet and the interior bays. Between Clam Pass and the point of separation of flow to the North and the South, the channel is restricted by a large shoal. South of the separation point, the channel is relatively wide but the depths are extremely shallow. As a result, the tidal range in Outer Clam Bay, which is less than 2500 feet from the inlet, is one haif or less than that of the Gulf tide. Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17,2010 VIII-4-a New Business 222 of 371 Ef'~l ,r .I Rich Bray Page 6 July 14, 1997 Efforts to reopen Clam Pass have been restricted to an area within 600 feet of the inlet and have, as a result, only addressed a portion of the problem. Until the volume flow rate through the pass is significantly increased, continued frequent closures should be expected. Although Cuts 1, 2 and 3 will increase the flow (tidal prism) through Clam Pass, the increase will only be in the order of 26% for the entire Clam Bay system. The reason for this limited effect is that the flow north from the Pass accounts for only one third of the tidal prism whereas Outer Clam Bay and the surrounding mangroves contribute the remaining two thirds. As a result, the most effective way of realizing a meaningful increase in the tidal prism of the pass is to establish an efficient flow channel between Clam Pass and Outer Clam Bay. The effect of doing so when coupled with implementation of the whole Plan as proposed is to improve the tidal prism in an amount in excess of 80%. Restricting Cut 4A to -2ft. NGVD will not accomplish the objective of enhanced tidal exchange with significantly reduced post development maintenance. For the Clam Bay system in general, the interior waterways are grossly inefficient and this condition results in poor drainage of the upper bays, reduced flows and suppressed tidal ranges. In this case the only practical means of improving this condition is by improving the efficiency of the existing creeks and channels. Depth is the key ro increased efficiency, particularly where, as here, there are real and valid ecological constraints on the remedial options, Moreover, excavation of the interior tidal creeks and the breaching of the interior berms will be of little sustained value if the inlet remains in its presently unstable condition. The Plan that is presented has been analyzed so as to have the least amount of impact on the Clam Bay ecosystem consistent with achieving the goal of significantly improved tidal exchange and enhanced Pass stability. Anything less will materially compromise those objectives and so, we would urge you to reconsider and approve the proposed Plan excavation protocols. Additional comments in this section of your letter ask that we address where stormwater along the Strand is disposed of. The drainage system in this area is divided into two sections. One is characterized by high rise condominium development and the other is developed as single family housing, the latter being along the "Strand." In the area where the condominiums are built, the stormwater is detained in a series of swales lying to the west of the units, between the units and the dune line on the beach. Water enters the swales and is pushed north to a point of intersection with the flow way that moves around the western side of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel and then ultimately into the Clam Bay system through a weir structure. In the area where the single family homes are constructed, (the Strand) the water drains from the west to the east on the roadway and enters a trench drain system which is a best management practices water quality device designed to hold the water and allow it to percolate slowly into Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 223 of 371 Rich Bray , Page 7 July 14, 1997 the estuary. Some portion of the street flow does exit the area directly into the estuary in small outlets or weep holes located randomly along the eastern edge of the right-of-way, allowing the estuary to become the first tier treatment repository for that quantity of water, but importantly, this only occurs on occasion of extraordinary high quantities of rainfall and when the trench drain system is at capacity. Finally, Sheets 31-34 of the permit drawings do correspond to drawings contained on Sheets 29 -30 that precede them. Those Sheets locate the proposed Interior Tidal Creek excavation and the following Sheets 31-34 provide the relevant cross-sections for the same. 26. An aerial map in scale 1" - 200' is transmitted under separate cover. 28a Attached to this submittal as Exhibit "c" are the core boring logs for the areas to be excavated and particle size analysis. 28b. See answer to number 28a. above. 30. The Sea Turtle is the only species presently known to be potentially impacted by this undertaking is the Sea Turtle, however, the implementation protocols contained in the Plan are designed to avoid any conflicts with the same. No work will be undertaken in any section of the estuary at a time where a conflict could occur. We further understand that this Plan is subject to further comment by the Bureau of Protected Species Management and that their comments have not yet been developed. We would urge that their comments be made available at the earliest possible time. 31. A variety of wildlife surveys have been undertaken over portions of the Clam Bay estuary over a protracted period of time. We have reviewed and relied on a number of reports reports undertaken by others in developing this Plan together with the field observations by members of the consultant team and members of the Collier County DNRP staff. Foremost among the reports was the study by Turrell & Associates, Inc. Entitled Clam Pass Inlet Management Plan, Interim Report No.1, dated July '1995. While that report was focused on the area immediately around Clam Pass, field observations confirm its general applicability to the estuary as a whole. We recognize that the Plan will have to be commented upon by both the Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission and the u.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. As with the Bureau of Protected Species referenced above, we would urge that their comments be undertaken and made available at the earliest possible time. 33a. The effect of the proposed culvert modification on the hydrodynamic analysis of the system has been considered in the recommended Plan. Before discussing the proposed Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII~4-a New Business 224 of 371 [~~y Rich Bray Page 8 July 14, 1997 modification, a review of existing conditions which give rise to the recommendation would seem helpful. Analysis of culvert flow was based on field measurements taken on June 3 and 7, 1996. Water level measurements were made on both sides of the culverts using extremely precise point gages. Currents near the centers of the culverts were also measured using a portable current meter. Because the physical characteristics of the culverts are known (three 24 inch diameter concrete culverts 70 feet in length), the resistance of the culverts can, by utilizing the Darcy- Weisbauch formula, be determined. Applying the same, the friction factor is 0.035. The current readings showed that the slack water (no current) at the culverts occurred approximately 60 minutes (65 minutes high and 55 minutes low) after slack water in the gulf of Mexico. These readings indicate that the duration of ebb flow (southern) in the culverts is slightly longer than the flood duration. This finding is consistent with a setup (0.1 ft.) In Outer Clam Bay. The difference in durations however is quite small. The maximum recorded currents were approximately five feet per second and the peak flood currents, adjusted for head differences, were approximately equivalent to the peak ebb currents. Because the flow in the culverts is approximately sinusoidal, these two sets of readings indicate that the volume of flood flow is approximately equal to the volume of ebb flow. This is significant because it indicates that essentially the same volume of water is -passed back and forth between Venetian Bay and Outer Clam Bay and that at present, the culverts do not contribute to any significant additional exchange between the water in the bays and the Gulf of Mexico. By integrating the culvert flows over half a tidal cycle, it was determined that during an average tide, the tidal discharge was approximately 16.1 acre feet in June of 1996. Note however, that these June measurements were taken approximately two months after Clam Pass was reopened; a time when the tidal range in Outer Clam Bay was approximately 50% of the c:;ulf tide range. By February 1997, the pass had constricted to the extent that the Outer Clam 'Bay tide was reduced to approximately 35% of the Gulf range. This reduction in range, however, produces an increase in the volume flow rate through the culverts because the head differences (difference in water levels across the culverts) were increased. Based on analysis of the culvert characteristics, the mean February 1997 tidal discharge volume for the culverts was calculated to be approximately 19.3 acre feet. During the same period, the mean tidal prism for Outer Clam Bay was reduced from approximately 70 acre feet to approximately 44 acre feet. As a result, between June 1996 and February 1997, the culvert flow contributed between 23% and 43% of the tidal exchange volume for Outer Clam Bay, These percentages are dependent on the conditions of Clam Pass, but are surprisingly large when it is realized that the total cross sectional area of the culverts is less than 10 square feet. Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 225 of 371 &'1' Rich Bray Page 9 July 14, 1997 To understand how the flow in the culverts will be affected by the proposed Plan, it should be noted that the present flow magnitude in the culverts is governed by the difference in water surface elevations between Venetian Bay and Clam Bay. In Venetian Bay, the tidal amplitude is within a few percent (Doctor's Pass Inlet Management Plan) of the Gulf range and flow through Doctor's Pass dominates all other sources of inflow. In Outer Clam Bay however, the tide responds both to inflow from Clam Pass and the culverts. Of these two sources, Clam Pass is the more dominant but the effects of culvert flow are not insignificant. Clearly, improving the flow channel between Clam Pass and Outer Clam Bay will increase the tidal range in Outer Clam Bay and in doing so reduce the flow in the culverts. The culvert flow rate is proportional to the square root of the head difference and our present calculations suggest that the resulting reduction in flow will be in the order of 40% to 50%. Installation of flow control valves on the culverts will prevent flow in one direction and impose the least resistance to flow in the opposite direction. Pinch type flow control valves were selected because they afford the lowest resistance to flow in the preferred direction, allow the least flow back, have the lowest tendency to clog and require minimal maintenance. The valves, however, are not resistance free. While friction losses due to the pinch valves occur, they are not significant. More important is the result obtained by restricting flow to only one direction as is contemplated by the Plan. The flow control valves are designed to accomplish two objectives. First, during the ebb tide, "the valves will prevent back flow from Outer Clam Bay to Venetian Bay, thereby increasing the discharge through Clam Pass and by doing so contributing to pass maintenance and pass stability. Second, by allowing flow in only one direction, a convection circulation cell will be created in the bays between Doctors Pass and Clam Pass. At present, since the culvert flow is oscillatory, the net transport, when averaged over a full tidal cycle, is extremely small. With the flow control valves, however, each tide will pump a given volume of water from Venetian Bay to Outer Clam Bay. The result of this transfer is cumulative and the effect will be to displace, on an approximately monthly basis, a volume of water that is equivalent to the storage volume of Outer Clam Bay. Importantly, the culverts and the operational protocols provided for the same in the Plan are part of an integrated effort to restore tidal exchange to the Clam Bay system. It is the integration of the various initiatives that will produce the desired result and we would urge the agencies to review the Plan in that context. Per your direction the tide recordings are enclosed on the attached computer disc and the accompanying letter of David Tackney marked Exhibit "D". Additionally and per your request Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 Vllt-4-a New Business 226 of 371 Rich Bray Page 10 July 14, 1997 the Gee & Jenson Report is attached as Exhibit "E ". Both documents are referred to on pages 48 and 49 of the Plan. 33b. Soil boring data is attached as Exhibit "C". Please note that it was not our intent to dispose of beach quality spoil in any other location than on the beach as required by the referenced citations in your letter. To the extent that the Plan is unclear about that, we did not intend that result. We will comply. Spoil Area IV is the targeted beach disposal site for material that meets the regulatory test for beach disposal with all other material being disposed of at the other identified locations. At your direction, we are investigating the feasibility of pumping non beach quality spoil into the Gulf and comment on our preliminary findings below. Additionally, we are investigating the feasibility of creating littoral shelves with excavated spoil as another alternative method of disposition. 33d. The spoil from Cuts 1,2, and 3 cannot be hauled to an offsite upland disposal site. The quantity of spoil is relatively small and the logistical difficulties in removal and hauling would be more disruptive to the ecosystem. However, your suggestion that we investigate alternatives to on-site spraying of spoil here has led us to conclude, after continued investigation, that spoil from these three locations should be disposed of in upland areas on the eastern side of the dune line. As of this writing, precise locations have not been identified as the investigation is ongoing. --The spoil sites selected to take the Cut 4 spoil are in order of priority first to the beach to the extent permitted (Shoal IV) and then to the Shoals I, II and III in that order. Given what we presently believe the characteristics of the spoil to be, it is anticipated that an increased amount of the available spoil will qualify for beach disposition. However, that will not be sufficient to take all that is required in order to achieve the level of excavation required to maximize the potential for improved tidal exchange and inlet stability. Several thousands of yards of non-beach quality spoil must be dealt with in the Plan. As noted under 33b above, we are investigating other alternatives as suggested in our meeting, but notwithstanding such review, want to urge your continued,consideration of the spoil islands as described in the Plan. We acknowledge the validity of your statement that the creation of uplands islands within wetlands is not what the "Department generally authorizes", but trust that the constraint can be examined in context of the real options that are available and the real opportunities for ecological enhancement through the creation of uplands areas within the system. We do not believe it is correct to state that the proposed uplands islands are "not congruous" with the Clam Bay estuary system. Uplands exist presently along the dune line of the system, supporting a type of dune vegetation typical along the SW Florida coast. It is however, Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 227 of 371 Rich Bray Page 11 July 14, 1997 relatively homogeneous in species composition and does not support or include many of the vascular plant species associated with uplands within mangrove-dominated areas. The plant biodiversity is thus restricted to xerophytic dune plants (i,e, plants that tolerate dry, elevated, and well drained sand. Importantly, plant biodiversity is much improved when the only other significant upland, identified as Shoal I, is included in the assessment. This particular area was selected because as an upland it is significantly degraded resulting from visitor foot traffic and the presence of exotic trees (Austral ian Pine). The area identified as Shoal II, a closely contiguous abandoned tide channel was also selected as a spoil disposal site. Both areas provide unique opportunities to contribute to not only the biodivirsity of the Clam Bay ecosystem, but to also allow the economic feasibiiity of the project to be preserved. Within SW Florida, there are numerous exampies of uplands within wetlands and within mangrove dominated estuarine areas. These include shell middens (e.g. around Pumpkin Bay in the 10000 Islands) and sediments blown inland and consolidated during severe storm events. In a geomorphic sense, such upland patches are a natural part of the environment of the mangroves of SW Florida. From a biodiversity perspective they support a relatively large variety of native tree species, including palms, hardwoods, the common seagrape and an assortment of vines and grasses, The most notable aspect of these upland islands is that they support fauna not present in mangrove wetlands, incl uding a variety of snakes, lizards, 'amphibians, small song birds and a relatively unique assortment of insects which serve as prey items for the larger animals (Snedaker pers. com. 1997). The existing uplands systems within Clam Bay are not as productive as they might otherwise be in providing the habitat diversification desired, but importantly, the location of the proposed upland islands insures the degree of isolation necessary to allow for enhanced ecological productivity, including bird utilization by providing additional foraging and nesting opportunities. The agencies have, particularly where upland buffers are involved, even appl ied comparable mitigation ratios for loss of uplands in selected circumstances; an acknowledgment that they have an important and complimentary role to play in the ecology of wetlands. It is a paradigm in ecology that ecosystem richness and stability is associated with a high diversity of flora and fauna, and that this is frequently expressed as a diversity, or interdependent mosaic of habitats (e.g. mangroves, tidal flats, estuarine gradients, mesophytic uplands, xeraphytic dunes, etc.) To conclude that such additional diversification to the Clam Bay ecosystem is counter productive to the overall integrity of the same is' flawed and fails to properly consider that the dynamic nature of the Florida coastline which is always changing, assuming new and different land form configurations and associated vegetation. What the Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 2280f371 f"",\_ ,0 Rich Bray Page 12 July 14, 1997 coastline is not, is static. What the Plan does is try to address two compatible and yet conflicting dynamics. In the effort to develop a restoration plan that will facilitate the redeployment of mangroves and the stabilization of that regime, it is necessary to improve the tidal exchange dynamics of the estuary. To accomplish that objective it is necessary to excavate a measure of spoil and to discharge it somewhere. The alternatives to onsite disposal are nonexistent except as noted earlier, and so the Plan recognizes the need for disposition not as a burden, but as an opportunity; an opportunity to capture some of the dynamic diversity that has characterized and shaped the SW Florida coastline. Further, it is important to consider the magnitude of the uplands as a percentage of the whole. If all of the spoil sites were used to the fullest extent contemplated under the Plan, it would represent only .009% of the total land mass of the estuary; a de minimis impact at best. While we continue to explore the two options described earlier, neither is emerging as distinctly preferable either from an ecological perspective or from an economic perspective. The pumping alternative will cost in the range of 35% to 50% more to implement and gives rise to additional issues involving off shore dumping. The creation of littoral shelves in Outer Clam Bay is also more costly and potentially more damaging to the adjacent ecology because of the problems associated with turbidity control during construction, a planting requirement that will compel long-term maintenance and oversight, and the engineering complexity of stabilizing the shelf platform underwater in an enhanced tidal regime. We are continuing to Hexplore these ideas, but as noted above, want you to continue the evaluation of the Plan as proposed. Water quality data has been taken for a number of years within Clam Bay by the PBSD, Collier County and other organizations such as Save the Bays. Attached as Exhibit "F " is the most recent report of Collier County analyzing the same. Wilson, Miller has been retained to provide an additional report as well and as soon as it has been completed, it will be provided. In this context it is important to note two matters. First, a review of the discussion under 33a above highlights what must be seen as significant opportunity for water quality improvement at the ends of what are presently two discreet, but interrelated systems. By eliminating the oscillating water characteristics of the system, you provide for Gulf waters to be constantly flushed through not only Venetian Bay, but also Clam Bay. This, we conclude, is an improvement, but even if it were later found to be problematical, the Plan contemplates a return to a pre-control valve operational protocol if required. Second, the volume of water flowing through the Seagate culverts will not increase. No change is being made in the culvert size and as such no increase in volume can be accomplished. [See discussion under 33a above]. An ancillary inquiry is whether the improved tidal flushing which will result in higher high tides and lower low tides might have Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 Vlll-4-a New Business 229 of 371 {""" J Rich Bray Page 13 July 14, 1997 an adverse effect on seagrasses. The answer is no. The magnitude of the tidal range difference is not so large that it will provide significantly deeper water at high tide and the low tide amplitude will not result in enhanced exposure of the seagrasses to the sun. The enhanced flushing is expected to improve the water clarity resulting in additional seagrass colonization in the deeper water. The removal of dead trees is not based on any optimal percentage, but upon the cumulative experience of Drs. Hillestad and Snedaker. It is anticipated that trees to remain standing would be selected based on condition, size and location; the effort being to identify and preserve those that are strongest and likely to remain for some period into the future, are of varying sizes in order to diversify the available perches within the system and to make sure they are located through out the system. In this context, it is appropriate to consider this undertaking as a part of the whole and as an isolated exercise. Standing alone, its impact is more aesthetic than substantive, but when considered as an integral part of an overall Plan, as here, the impact is biologically positive and will accelerate the repopulation of mangroves into the distressed areas. We trust this is responsive to your inquiry and look forward to continuing a dialogue to move this matter forward. In doing so, I want to reemphasize the uniqueness of this undertaking; highlight once more the nature of the effort here and particularly the source of the revenue. Our collective ability to succeed will in no small measure be directly attributable to our ability 'to maintain the enthusiasm of the Pelican Bay residents for this outcome. Patience is hard to manage when you are not used to the process and when your only reward is doing the right thing. For the present, enthusiasm persists, but it is not inexhaustible and so we look forward to moving this matter forward In the next weeks ahead. Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIlI-4-a New Business 230 of 371 Rich Bray Page 13 July 14, 1997 an adverse effect on seagrasses. The answer is no. The magnitude of the tidal range difference is not so large that it will provide significantly deeper water at high tide and the low tide amplitude will not result in enhanced exposure of the seagrasses to the sun. The enhanced flushing, is expected to improve the water clarity resulting in additional seagrass colonization in the deeper water. The removal of dead trees is not based on any optimal percentage, but upon the cumulative experience of Drs. Hillestad and Snedaker. It is anticipated that trees to remain standing would be selected based on condition, size and location; the effort being to identify and preserve those that are strongest and likely to remain for some period into the future, are of varying sizes in order to diversify the available perches within the system and to make sure they are located through out the system. In this context, it is appropriate to consider this undertaking as a part of the whole and as an isolated exercise. Standing alone, its impact is more aesthetic than substantive, but when considered as an integral part of an overail Plan, as here, the impact is biologically positive and will accelerate the repopulation of mangroves into the distressed areas. We trust this is responsive to your inquiry and look forward to continuing a dialogue to move this matter forward. In doing so, I want to reemphasize the uniqueness of this undertaking; highlight once more the nature of the effort here and particularly the source of the revenue. Our collective ability to succeed will in no small measure be directly attributable to our ability to maintain the enthusiasm of the Pelican Bay residenis for this outcome. Patience is hard to manage when you are not used to the process and when your only reward is doing the right thing. For the present, enthusiasm persists, but it is not inexhaustible and so we look forward to moving this matter forward in the next weeks ahead. Rich Bray Page 14 July 14, 1997 cc: Pelican Bay Services Division Board jimWard Susan Watts Ilene Barnett, FDEP-South Florida Office John Ingiehart, FDEP-South Florida Office Ann Lazaar, FDEP-South Florida Office Project Manager Mac Hatcher, Collier County DNRP Bill Lorenze, Collier County DNRP Chip Clough, USACOE Jon Staiger, City of Naples Natural Resources Manager Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIlI-4-a New Business 231of371 RECEIVED JUL15 1997 "AU OF BEACHES '" CUJlSTAL SYSTEMS Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 Vllj~4-a New Business 232 of 371 EXHIBITS TO RAI LETTER DATED MAY 16, 1997 A. LIST OF ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS B. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF CLAM BAY C. CORE BORING LOGS FOR SOIL ANALYSIS D. TIDE RECORDINGS COMPUTER DISC E. HYDROGRAPHIC STUDY CLAM BAY SYSTEM COLLIER COUNT, FLORIDA; FEBRUARY 1978, PREPARED BY GEE & JENSON ENGINEERS F. WATER QUALITY SECTION OF COLLIER COUNTY NRPA REPORT AUGUST 1997 MATTERS TO BE DELIVERED UNDER SEPARATE COVER AR.E AS FOLLOWS: n 1. AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH; SCALE 1 H _ 200' 2. LETTER FROM COLLIER COUNTY RE: MANAGEMENT PLAN IS CONSISTENT WITH COLLIER COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE LAND PLAN RECEIVED, JUL 15 1997 ' BUREAU OF BEACHES & COASTAL SYSTEMS '. RECEIVED JUL 15 1997 BUREAU OF BEACHES & COASTAL SYSTEMS lCGAl Of5' Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, VIlI-4-a New BUSiness 233 ~ 371 2010 PAlIcn 1 .'1 All ''''', p.rt 01 hc'lon. · , ,. TO~n.hlp II Sooth. ~.'nc. IS E"". Colli" C""1. 'lorld.. I"n. So.,,, 0' CI,. P'''_ W"It 0' 0.,,, Ch. "1 'nd t.I" " 'h. ColC 0' k,exlco; Mu" IU,h. \luer Elnlel",,, 1.1 (Ott. A tuct 0' hnd loCi'" 10 So.tlon. 3Z 'nd l', TO......hlp 41 'ooth, llanl' IS too,. 'nd In ,..tlca. " 5. · .04 " TO......hlp ., S..th. llan.. I' tUt, Colll.. Co..." rlorld., · portion 0' ..I. tr.c, Mlnl in P're 01 P....1o "D" .n, oJ" ., PELICAlI IoIY UlIIT OIIE. 0<coI4In. to ,"" pl., 'bar.." r...r... 10 Pia, look 1%, P'I" " 'hro.,k '%, 0' 'bo P.bll. "cord. 01 '01' Colll.r CooO'" ..14 'r... bolnl d"crlb.. .. 1.1,..., Co..encI .ac the South.',t COrDer of tbe Southw..t ~.,u.rt.r (SV lcl .t ..14 S'ctloo t, To....bi#..' ...,~, ...... U Iu.: .heac. Jov.b "'30"'" Yo.. "oAf .ho ...,~ I1n. ot "14 S..'100 , lor 1.76,30 to., .. .ho PotA, of "'lMtA, .t 'bo bord. '..crlbed ..... of ""1 Said land .1t~.c.. 1,1n; 'nd btinl In Colll.r Co~ntll Tlorld.. PAICEL U tbeDe' JIonb 00'2"01" VUt. · llLaC.Gc, of 50.00 teee; thenee Iorth "')0'$," tan, a dbc.acI 01 101,61 t..c; thene. Mortb 06..2'4'" E.., for 37," f.tt: th.nc. JIoZ'tb ~.3I131. I... tor 13.~, t.eej theDe. JIortb ~'11'31" vue: tor 71.31 ten: tbuu Sou~b 7l'U'Zl" "'.. tor 11.14 htc; .. thlACI Iortb '0.3" ),,, Eo.. tor 31.11 '''e: tblne. JIorcb 51.'5'41" I!u, for 2J.~ to", thence ~rch 13-36'51" Eo.. for II." too.: thene. lartb .2-05'40" laiC lor 16.65 f.lt; 'Ilene. IIorrb 20'19'47" E.., tor 54.'1 to.. '0 'bo V....rI7 1J.. ot "14 P...., "11"; 'bone. c..tlou. Ilortb 10'U'U" Eo.. ror 11.61 to.. '0 "Id V"'orJ, ItA. of P"<o1 "11"; theace CODtlaul Iorth 20.2"47. talC tor 3.01 I"CI 'h.... Sootb 6I'~' %4" Eo.. 10. 1.72 r... '0 ..14 V....rI1 110. or 'areal "D"; tbeaet cOQttnut Soutb 6"~124. lI.e tor 1'.15 te.t; 'h.... Ilortb 'O'U'U" "'.. ror 72." to.. to 'h. W....r1, 21... Dr tbe PeUc.. "7 raprov...nt D1.tr:lct lera l.tCJIt ot Ii,,; ,b.... llorrb IS'O",," "''', .Ion, ..14 Ii,b, ot V"lio., for n.16 tue to add V.lter1, 11at ot Parcel 'to.., thenee CODtlnue HorCh 1$'09'1'- Z.ae tor ".1' tOlt to the point ot Cyrv.ture of · etreuhr curve conc.v. to tbe Wue: hav1na I t-.l1u. of 26.00 rue:; tbenco HonhiU.ttrl, .1on~ the Ire 01 ..tel e",f"VO throu:h I contral an:1e of 20'.0'10" Cor '.31 (ete to n14 1I0tterly Unt oC 'ucd "D"' 101 U EXHIBIT 'A' o ::c CD o o ;:0: ~( c>, /Ti < I ,~!, ~ " ~i' Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 .... v .., oJ ~1-4-a New Business V U I 0 ;) J OR OW" ~f 371 PAGE thenco cont1nUl! Honherly .nd Horth~". ~.r11 .]on* the .r, ot "1~ curve tl1fo.."h a CtIlnLnl ~n;1e or 10.00'30" Cor '.S4 (o..! to t1M: polnt o( tiln,enC)'j 'hene. Non" 1$')1'21" W." Cor 26S.11 r.., '0 'h. poln, or ""."U of a e1rcul.r curv. conc~v. to tho S~~th~'ti thone. N'orthvcuerly .lonl the ne of .aid C...rvc h.lv1nl !or h. .loatnt. · radtu. ot 26.00 C..t 'nd . Ctntr.l .nll. of 2J'SO'S3" lor 10.12 toot to the polnt of t.nc.ne,; '''.nct North )t'2I'!;" W.., r.r )62.46 to.. '0 'h. 1ntor".tlo. v1.~ ..14 WUttr17 lin. ot Pucel "DOl, thence continue North )"22114~ ~..t for 14." t.et to tha potat ot curvat~r' or · circular c~rv. conetve t. the North..'CI .he... IIonhv".orf7 '1\4 lID..hor17 01... 'ho oro of uU .nv. hov1o, f.r 1,. .1....,. · r.d1.. of ~.OO foo. lAd . ....r.1 '.&1. of 40''''12" for ".53 f... co 'h. POIa. ot '''''_'1 thnca ilardi 01-14101- Cue to~ 104.2' tHt to "14 Weeter17 1iDe ., Por.o1 "11"1 thenc. COftttnu. Wortb Ol-14'0I~ taee for .91.41 to.t to the POlDt of curvature ot I clrcular curv. cOGcav. to the Soutb...r haY1QI . r.41uI of '4.00 to..; , .1>0... IIonh''',.rly .10., 'ho Irc of "14 c.",. 'hro.'h . ..n.n1 "&1. of 20'30'U" for 30,06 t... to ..U 1I"'.r17 11:0. of r...d "I)'; tl>o... '..'10... IIor.hc....r17 '1011, tI>o arc of hId .u"'. .1Ir..p . eeatr.l anll. 0' 01'."36M lor 11.43 teet to --14 Weat.rl, 110, of l.lre.l "D". th.... ....100. NoT.h.....r17 .100' ,be .r. of "1d tv"'. .brOV'h . ".;ro1 ..,10 of 10'16' 35" for U,06 foot '0 'ho POIa. of ........71 tI>ood. IIor.h 3"4I'Jt" to.. for 132.6' t... '0 'ho potnt .f curY..... of I dreubr curv. concave to U. .l"'t.hvNt; theoc:. IIoftho..tor17 olo", tho or. ot hid ...... hovla,-to. I.. .1-.u · rl41u. ot 2'.00 leet ID4 . CODtra1 tD&la ot 15-06'2'. for 11.3' tate to tbe P'OiAt 0' t.D,eQClI \ theDe. ~rth 14'42112~ laac tor 175." t.lt to '114 We.tarly liD. of 'ued MD.; theae. conr1aue North 1.-42112- lilt tor ".31 t..tl .b.... IIor.b 01'4"4'" II... for 55,12 f.., '0 ..14 1I.".r17 1100 of 'nUl ~~; than.. ....Ic... IIor'b 01'41'4'" II... for 243.14 to.t to the POIa, of curvature of · ehcultr CU"" coa.cn. te tIM: Sout_IlI tb.... lID..ho.11 '... lIor.hv.ltar17 01.., 'ho arc of ..14 "'rY. ,horta, tor I.. .1...... · r.dluo of 2'.00 foe. .nd . ..n'ra1 "&1' of 24 3' U" for 11.1' Ce., to the potQc of taDltaCfl ....... IIor.. 16'21'12" 1100' for 161.51 to.. .0 'ho POla. of CU"'It... of.1 circular curve conCI'Yo to the ."ha.c; .bono. IIor.hv....rly ..4 Northor17 .100,.ho .r. of ..I' .urr. hlv1.a tor it. .1...ac. I r.dlul of 84.00 t..t and . Central ancl. at 25'S7'36- tor 31.06 t.tC to tht PG!Dc .f t'Qlenc~; theac. lion. OO'lO' 36" Iloac t04 417.3$ r..t; thence North 0..3"17M Welt lot "1.%0 fete. thonce Horth 17'07 '04" Wcat tot' 3S0.61 teet to the point or curvature ot a c1rcuhr eul"YO COnc.v. to tb. tile. 2 of 14 EXliJ81T 'A' ~ Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17. 2010 U U U ~ ~1P..a New Business 0 0 I 0 5 Z ORB0235~f371 PAGE thence Honh'loll:ltcrly, Ho.nhcrly ~I'ld NorthCUltrly .lon; the UC o( ..ld cunoc: h.1vlnQ (or h. ul.:.~nt. . tadl..., o( a:4.00 r('~t '/'Id . ccntnl an&l. or 36.2~120" Cor 53.37 rl:~c ~o the foint of t~"CI:11C'; thvnc. North U.l"lG" Ent Cor 477.'. (,et to u1d West.rly Unt of '.rctl lfgll. th.n~. contlnu. N9rth 19-17'1'" LI.t Cor 31.07 r.et to '.Jd VI.torly Un. of '-rcd "D"j th.nce conth",. North 19.17'16" EIi.e lor 3.$1. f..t to che Point of Cy~.tut. of . circular c~rv. cone.v, to the No rt hw~.. t i thene. Morehtl.t.tly 'nd Horch.rly .100' the .tc of '.1d curv. b.v1nl tor iu .h..UL. . ndha. oC 26.00 tue and . c.ncnl ..nal. of 23-.3.4'" tor 10.1' c.tt to the P01ac of t.a,.ne,. theoc. Marth 04.26' 30'" Wuc tor 60.37 tHt to &aU V,nuI,. 11M of '.rctll "D"'. tbt.oc. ocoac1nue Wortb 04.26')0" v..c tor 172.'2 t..c, tbeDC. Rortb 89-00'QO" lI.t r~r '.42 taac to the W..terl, ltD. of ..14 'a reel "J"J t~nc. CQQtinu. North '9.00'00~ tilt for :0.42 '.et; thence Horf~ 1'.12134" !aat d.p<<rt1Qa froe ..1d W..terl) ~Ibt of. V., 11D. of '.l~~.Q "7 Iaprov.-.ct Dt.tt1cc "ra, tor 66.11 f.et; thene. Horth 06-21'14" ".t for 52.20 feet; tbeQcI ~rtb 24.03'11" We.t tOt 42.20 f..c, tMM. North 22.5",),,, VUt for 'so.22 'MC: C~. JOrtb 2'.~'14" V..t for 17.12 f.lt; thence Mortb 3~.2'tLl" W.lt for SO." f..t: theatl Horth 01.26'04w talt for 20.12 t..t; th4n~. ~rth 17.32'15" V..t for 36.01 t.lt; tbeacI ROrtb 00.18'41" !alt tor 11.03 flit: th.ac. Nortb LJ.l"l'~ v..t for ~.27 fele Co, potDt oa thl Mortb 1i1l. of ..U "'<10. , .nd tho $outb l11la .f .dd Sact10. ., ..1d poillt ho1ll& s."tb ""Z7'sa" II... . d1...... of. 1211.74 to.. fr... tho Hon.....ac COrDII' of the IIortbv..t O11'-qu.efter (HW ~ of ...teI SecUoo 'i ebeaee COot1oue Meetb 13.1"1'- v,.t for '.03 f..c; tbeace ~rtb 11.06'21" Ve.t lor ".OS t.ac, theac. JIort!li 11.02'$)" Van ro, )3.01 teet; th.nee Mbrth 64.07'4$~ Wt.c lor 22..3 feet; thenee RorCb ".22'44" Weat tor 23.71 f..e; theoe. IOrtb 3,.~r2a~ Weat for 41.21 '.et to. p01ftt OD the North lin. of ..14 'Ireal "J., thence NOrth Ol.OO'OO~ W.at for 22.00 f.et; thence ~rtb 6&.26IJ9~ !.I.t tor '1.16 leet; thene. )torCh ".0"10" E4.t lor 30.00 ten; 3 of 14 EXlflDlT "A' Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 o G 0 9 6 &/1I1-4,a New Business 0 0 I a 5 3 236 of 371 OR BOOK ' PAGE thencO' North U.U'U" W~"t rfH ".34 (f:l,lC to che U(.'lterly ~11ht of w., Unl: of chi 'f!l1C~ll JL:ly l_,II'Uv,-,.,nt tlhtricc DrHMlt ~'~~nt .and Welterly I.r. aJCht o( W.Y llno; thence Murth 66.)0'00" 'oint .lone uid We-Itor1, Riehl 01 ..,."" ltn. {gC U}.OO evetl thene!: Noeth 21.5)'01" Weu. (or SU.U teet to. POint of curntlJU of I c1re...hr C\lrvt COnc.ve to the Harthe..t:; t~nc:. Hortb.....ttulJ' alOftl eM Ire or .del curve h.av1nl tor 1U elA4lnu · udh. of '..00 het an4 .. clntral anile ot U.J41'21" tor 24.)0 f.., to a po1Dt of tlnj1ncy; tbeftCI Horth 0'.1"40" W.,t for 142.0) f.lt to. P01Dt of Cyrvlturl of . ctrcul.t.r curve CO~.v. co ebe Southuec; '. tkDce Kortb\,..ter1,. Mott'bcrlJ ID4 Jlbnb"'Clr17 .10DI eM nc of ...14 eune bav1aa tor lea .l-..au I r"'1u.a 01 ....00 r.,e aM I e.atral -aJ- .ot 51.2)'4). tor 75.>> tMe t. . "bc .f taD'IaCT; .tb~. JIIorcb ...05'0)" tlte for )1).16 hat to A POUt .t "nAture of A circular curv, COGc.Iv-e to th4 Iort.1tve.acl tbeAca Marthe..terl, 11001 lb. Arc of ..1. c~rv. baYle, tor le. el~e. I r.41Y. .f 26.00 lite ADd. c..tr.l IDal. of 3'.OS'13- for 16.38 t..e to . ,.1At of t.na~J; thuce Io"b 09-5"40-' !.alt. tor 276.13 tHe t. A potat .f cunlCuu of A circular CUl"fa ueclve co the Vue; Quca JIOrth'.nnlr, Mrilrtherl)' and ~rt.bve.tu17 dOGI the Uc of ..I. curva havtDl tor 1t. al~t. I rad1ua of Z6.00 fl.c ~ . CIDtr&! aacla 01 4'.14'~'- lor 11." t..t to . pot.e .f taoltAC7i tbcoc. Ioreb )1-14"'" V.,t for 236.10 flat to . P01Dt of CUrylCur, 01 . circular CUrti COQCIVI to the .rth,.an; t!lt:QC:I JIorthw..tld)' Iloal ...14 C'Un, b.vt.q for 1u d.....lIi . ,.41.. ot 14.00 tHe aIM I CIDtr'al aa&1. .1 10.JZ'U- tor U.4' talC to . polDt ot tIDI__7I . thhc' Wonh 27.42'"". Vue for 3tO.38 tMe tOl.. pobt of CUrYaevn 01 . elrcular c~. COQcava to tke ID~.C; theDe' JrlQnh....uur17 .1OQI the IrC' of '114 cun, heVia, lor Ie. 11e.eat. A rld1U1 of '4.00 teee .Dd I c..rral 10.1. of 11."'31- tor 21.36 h.c CO . ,.bt of tane_Deli tbcDc. Wort~ 09-02'%1- ve.r for 1'2.37 te.t to a poine ot CUr.Acur. of . elrcu.lar curve cooc..... to the Soutbwut, tlMM, IIortM.tad}' 11001 eba .rc of ..U curv. h.avu. tor Ita a1.....U a uctlu. of 26.00 f..t ADd . cutnl &D.l. of 2"-06',,- tor 10." f..t CO 0 ",at of cO"loaql thence Mor~_ )l.~'~" Wa.t tor 182.37 f.lt to . polat of eurwatvra ot a elrcv]ar curva CODe... i. th4 Iort~.t; tbUc. Wortbw-e1ter17 a10al tM arC ., NU cun. hayb:C fot h. .t....Ge. I rl.1~ 01 '''.00 ,..t aad . clntral ...1. of 1,'3"31. fOf 27.l6 feee to .1 poiDt of Uaa1QC1: cheac'. North 1".2"27- VI.t lor 612.'2 'lee to a point of CUrY.turl of · circular curv, COn,cAV. to eN Ellt: thenet JIonhw'uurlJ'. Wonher17 ... JIonbC.uterh .lon, tM are of ...14 CUrvl !a.v1al tor it. Ilc-'ftt. A f..1D. .f '4.00 te.t aDd . c..tral IDCl. of 32.30'40. tor 47.66 1.lt to 1 101At .t tanccnc1; 4 of U EXHIBIT """ ehence Norch U'Ol'U" E4fL rQr .70.11 hu to . poine oC ClolfVOCl,tra 01 a c1rcul.r ('t,jrve c:on,,~v. to, tile Nonhlolc.C, Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 U U (l;OI.ij,iNew Business 0 0 I 85 II ,37 Qf 371 OR, }I~ PAGE chene. Horthc~.t.rll .1onG the .rc Qf c.1d Curve h~vinc tor It. .h~M" rldhu Qt 2t..oo fl:tt ..nd a C..RH.l .nCle ot U'H'lO" tor 1.22 C.et to . point of t~n,.nc7, thence lion" 02'06'031' tilt tor 316.95 feu to . poh:: of curvatur, o( . circul.r curv. Conc.v, to the SOuthwe.t; thenel Northlrly .nd Nortbwe.tlrly alan, the arc ot ,.id Ct,irVe h.vin. tor It. .1e.,nc. . ,.diu. of 26.00 r.at .nd . central an,l, ot 11'.2'11" for '.03 r.,t to I po1nt ot t.nllnc,. tbenec -.onh 15'36'14" 'JUt for 1'1.14 t..t to . poine. or Curv'hu 0' · c1rcul.r C~tv. conelVa to t~ Ea.t; t~. Horthwe.tltly. Mortbtr17 and IOrth..aterl, .1OftI the arc of -.14 cwrv, ~Y1n1 for it. t1--.ot. . rl4tue of '..00 f.,t ao4 . Chtrll l.D.l. of .5,'42'4&- for .,.,... f..~ to . po1Ae 01 c.....DC1J tbeDC. ~rtb ~4-06'''- !&at for .570.22 f.,t; t~ne. Jereb 3.-31'''" ti.t for 201.3S f..c~ thence Soutb 's'-OI '36" VUt cltp.t.rUn. froa ..1. Wucerl1 Upt of 11., ltn. of "'11"0 "'7 hprove"'llt D1Itr1cc Dra1a..,. C.....at.ud Wener1, "t1I.l.1.bt of II., liD. tor 60.31 tete; thuee )Iortb. 74-U'3'" Wue for 78." taec; . , theac . Sovtb "-20'37" Wut: tor '.43 feu~ .thenc. So~tb 60.'~'45" Vut tor 16.12 to.'l \ tMac. South 12-30'16" w..t for 121.63 t..t; theca Nortb )a'",S," W..t for 155.01 Ieee; thCllc, Worth 30'."4Qh V..e tor 201.10 f..t to . po1ae oa the JIortla lb, of ..tel Seet1o. . hill the Soutb 110. of laid Seeti"D 3'. ..1. potat b,ln. Moreb "'31'5'- Va.t. . dlatancl of 2oo1.S6 f..t trOll tbe JIortbuJt coraer 01 tbe: Wonbvut e>o.-q....rtn (NW Is) of ..atd Seedoa. '; t~, coatlaua Worth 30'.6'40- We't for 11.41 f..t; theoc. MDrtb 44'~O'OO. V..t for 308.54 f..ti theDe' Hortb 30'5"06" V.,t for 13.41 f..t~ tbuc. Rortb 13'1. 133-. Elat for 76." hit; .-. Nortb 11"0'20- W..t tor ".n t..t; cheAt. JIorth 07'OS'30- Vue tor '".Ct feet; tbeQ<.JDrtb 30'00'16" Wtlt tor 115.4$ hn; thue. Jtortb 14'42'l,S- Wen tor 149," r..tJ tbaDe. 1'orth 02'U'4,S- Eo.. tor 295'. )1 CaUl theo.c:. Worth 31'10'34- Eoot tor 92.12 h.t; tbuc. lIorc.b 31'35'43" \Jut tor 73.96 latt; ChcACe North 31-30'23" IlUt tor 10..51 leu; thencl Horcb .7'57'00" Won tor U2.11 f..tl thc!nu Horth '17'00'17" wu.t ror 13.56 'teCi ~ .f 14 UlIl8lT 'A' Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 "'Viil-4-a New Business .. .. . . .. OR ilB!l'tl<'of 371 PAGE thence Nonh "'''0' 18" "'_u for 11.18 teet to . poine On the WUt I1n~ of ~.id Section 33 ~nd the t..t line or '~ld Section 32, '.14 polnl hi", North 00')8')0" Vl,:u. . .J1U'lnu of 146!i.Ol leu tro. the SOuth......e corner ot '~ld Section 3); thcau cont1nue Honh "'40' 11" \lue tor 109.00 lelt; thenet North U''''''Hl' \JUt for 19.0' tue; theme. Mortb n'Z4'H" \JUt for 203.70 leu i thence Korth 06'13'11" \lUt tor 61.01 feu~ thene. ltortb 16'27' 12" Wut tor 42.13 hu: th4oc. Mortb 04'44'%7" ta.. Co, 146.13 hn; thane. Iortb '3-'212'. V.ae tor 306 .13 tUt; .theoce JIIortb 0).1.5'1'. tan fo, m.,) taet; theoc. JIortb '2-1"45" VNe for 16&." fMC, tbence Soutb ".'6'46" V.at for t3. S4 tHe; th.nce South "'11 .29" V"t Co, U'.33 te.t; th.nce Soutb 62'1"33" V.lt tor 46.14 t..t; tMftoI $outh 4.'03',," W.,t fo. 0),1) hee; thene. South "'5"13" V..t for 40,46 t..t; , tbeoc. SOUtb n'47'S4:" Witt fn )7,16 f.u; tbaoc. Nortb "'43'03" Wuc fo, 49.04 r..t; tll!~. "nil 3".5%'12" w.1t (or 25.00 IMCI tbe.oc. JIorc1a 32'21'1'- talC tor ~J.15 ten: theQ(" ~rth 40'21 'St" talC Co, 5J.50 teae; thence Morth 17.41'3.5" !.Iu for J),7S fllCI tb4nce .$outh 'l'37'lS" Welt Co, 13'.5' C"C; theac. Iorch 86'1"29" "'tat to. 1%4.10 fHC; theQC. Soutb 15.S0'S6" W..t Co. 60.52 ft.,; cheDcl $ouc b 2'-31' U. ta., Co, 2U;.0 fllc; thnc. Soutb 60.17')1'" loo. fo, 56,14 r..t; -tbea.c. JIonb "'."'43" !an Co. 55.70 t.et: tbtac. $ou'b 7"3) '''.- ta.. Cor )5.51 ftlcl tbalel IIortb 63'46"1" !oil Co. ".11 teet; thene. Swell "'41' 31" !oIC C., 55.60 hll' theM. Soutb 03'27'.57" ta.. for UI.24 tete; tbeccl ~th 2"52'01" L1.. 10. 311,63 hec: thene. s"vth 42.36'006" E.., Cor 1%7.14 t..t; 6"'14 EXHIBIT .~. Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 "Vnl~-" jlde'd.o Business V V I v"" p~~~ PAGE thence $ol,lth 411))'1.9" Eo" Cor 214,1~ rUtj thence South %2119"6" Eo" Cor 11).10 rut; thence South 0).0(.'14" to" Cor )~O, II fut;. thene , South 0)1)2 , ,S/t" to" lor Ill. 12 tuq thence South 44'-20' .30" Weft lor 234.63 het; tbence Sol.ltb U120' 07" Welt for 192,~ tUt; thene. South 0"'-$3'01" WUt for t~,u rnt: theae. Sout~ lOI}l'Ol" lI.c lor 16.)1 taec; Chtnce South 01'42'43" v..t tor 0.2' f..t to. POint OQ thl Joutb l1n. 01 "14 S.ction )2 an' th. Iortb l1Da of "14 JecttOQ ,. NU )O11l11: betA, ~rtb "')&',U" Wilt, I .beIQC. of "'_u Ie fr. tM koutbNIt con.r of ..lei Sect1oe. 32. tbcAc. eontLnoe Soutb 01'42'43" V.le for 4'.'7 telt; tIMnc. Soveb 00'41 'oe" VUt lor 132.37 l..., thloe. Soueb U.S4'46" ta.. tor 185.06 ~..t: tbct\.CI South 4"35'44" ta.. tor 11),16 teu, tbenc. South U'.u' 2.8" V.1t tor 161.45 le't; theDC' Soutb 26'01 ,.~.s" Vut for 101,48 te..; , .tM~e Soutb 01'05 '1'" Vut for 161.'7 feet; tMOCI South 18'0614.5" Eu. tor 116.12 tnt; ~. Sov.b 20'41 '41" ru. for H6.)5 fM.1 the.... South U-~Zt02" tact for 202.00 hac; chenee SOUtD 3'.3S'31" W..t for 101.39 tMt; tbe~1 $couCb 04-.'1.57" !.I.. for 180.37 teee: .bene. Soucb 29.13 '3~" !.I.. for 126.40 fan; thelle. So..b 16'U'39" !.I.. ,for h.e; .be.... SOO.b .53'0.5'.5S. Vett for 37.11 teee. the.nc. Soutb 34.12'410" lie.&: for 43.18 f"t;, tJacDeI Sout" 06'05'03" VUt for 31.85 fll.; thcQC. Mo~c" 90.00'00" Ve.t lor .pprox1aately 440 t..t to t~ HeAD ~ah \liter Lbe of the Cult ot XeucoJ tbt:ne. proceed SOutherl, tor apPTQx1..etl, ..s~) r..t dona adel Yater Lln. to tb. South 1in. of .ai4 S.ccloo S and the Mortb lin. of Ni' Sectioa Ii thenee eOQClnue .10na lai. Vat.r LID' (or .ppr~.1..t.17 52.2 f..t to the Soutb 11ne of s.14 Sect loa a; thence Horth ".'O'S'- !lIt alofta lai, South 11DI ot S.~t1oQ . for .,produCt1, 187 feee co th. Sowthouc corner of ..ld Stct10a . end th4 Southwest corner or -.ld SeetSon t, 7.t14 EXHIBIT 'A' 1 ~ <' , . ,'~j I-'.'~;:'H,: 'bL, ; ,. n.... , ~ ..lr:~ ~. t.::m..:. . .f"; ~ ;l ~ " : ~ :{. f -, '..' ~ It.t#J:'r - u:~r :" '..;.:... ..t , . . 11:. , ~~:t:.-::.. ~~j~:..~..~. ~..: ~ ...}\.... f.t.. ....~; r; .......oJ,.: ~~"s.:<.:' -1-I'.~""""t:~"~. ~ if: h: .~ - Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 \I .., IJ ..JVfII~_a New Business U U I () J J OR O(i!"l{of371 PAGE tlu:nce Hvtth 19-jO'~9" t.J1l .lIon, tll. SO\ltlr line of U16 hc:t1on t (c,r 1178.41 rl:~C 1.0 the rohc of DCl:lnnlD&. l.ESS .nd o.:aClolpe thuefro. a p.Jitecl or 1.:.n4 lQCoIced In '~l" $ect1Qn ". TO"",,lIliip '9 Soveh, )(."nuCt H [,)at, dt:~~rlt..lI'd II f()llo.....: COIUl<:nc1nC U the Nonh<,:Ut coenet' of the HorthlJ..lt on.- qUITt.r (h'W IU of -.aid S.ctlon 4, TO",",h1p .9 South, ~GC. H r....tj thtnc. Harth "-)'15'" W..t. .lOhe the North line ot .aid StctlOD ~ · dhunc. of 26/.2.02 1.lt to tbl Norchwllt corner at "14 S~cCloa ~ .nd thl Horthe"c CoeGer ot -.14 S.ecto. s; th.ftC. eOQtlnYI Mo~tb 1'.3.'S'" W.at, .lonl the Mortb 114, .f "1' $tccto. 5, e diltaoca of 12.3.41 feet Co the 1nt.r.ICtl~ v1t~ the Floride o.part-.nc ot Mlt~r.l "..wee.. Coalcat Coalrr"'crion CoGtnl L1..M. .. reeord" 1a co.\STAt, SIT 1ACl1OOs: 1, I'.a" l)-a~i ~. Southarly .lona ..14 Co..tal CoaltruetloD Coat~ol L1Ae the tOUov1na CO\It..., SoYtb 11-23"'.J" Ea.t .. 'iltenc. of 142.1$ t..t to e POInt .. the eo..tel eonltructl0Q Conerol LID4. -.1' P01At b41ftl Soutb )1.""2..). Eut. e dhuncl 0' 322.1.5 hu troe P...M. ''''''71-'''''07. theGCI Soutb 10-3ttl~.O. El.t, I dl.tancl ot 1027.12 t..c; t~. Soutb 01-23'14.," ItIC. I '1.Claee of 1001.7. taet co . poht, ..1d po1Dt 1>>alD& $outb 1'-.s.4I'J)" I.Ut, I CUICIDC...' 68.13 f..c (roa Per..ntgl: leteranc. ~nu"Qt l-J~; thence SoYr~ 01.09'45" ta.t . d11teael 01 419.48 r.tt to Cbe PoLac 01 J.e&1Mina ot the ,arcel .ucrfHd h'l'IUl thene. conr1au. Soutb 01.0,'45" Eut aloD, h1d Colltrol L1Ae lor 561.00 tHt; ththC' l&av1al I.ld Coa.cll eoaltruetloa Coacrol Lta., prOCl14 due We.t lor .pproz1aauly 22. hat to the KNit H1.b Weter 'U.n'- 01 1'be . Cull ot Kulco; . thene. proc." North.rl7 aloQl "14 HeaD Itah Vet.r L1Ae for .ppro~1..c.17 S62 t..t; tMtael proc.." dut z...t for e,prOX!utur 22S ttec to tbe Pobc of J.cioa!al 00 lAid Co..tll Coa'cruct1oa Coetrol L1aa. WO Liss · Itrlp .t hod loe"'td t.a IIld S.e'l.... 4 Itld '. 'l'<Muo\1p .9 Soutb. ~Ol' 25 talt, Colller COuat1, Florida, d-.crJ~ .. follows I eo..eQeua at the JIIortlMalt toraer ot the JiIortbw:ac oa.e- ....rur (III Ie) ot IOU SocUoa 4. r.....blp 4' Soutll.. ....,. 15 IlIe: thenc. Murtb "-38'S'" W..c, a1001 t~ NoTt~ l1a. or ..t. lacttoD 4, · dtltaaca of 2~2.0Z t.et to tbe Jorth~.t corner of ".4 St-eUotl 4 ucI eM MorUWtllc corAlr at ..U SecUoa. S; th4ftU CODCLk,. Murch 89.3&'5'. "'..c, aloDI the North !tal of a... S.ceta. SI . d..tlnca of 12'3.41 t.te eo the lnt.r~t1o. Vitia tbt nor14. D..tP.rtItCAt of ICIturd "SOurc.. ecutll Con'Cfuctlon Cocurol LID', .. r&cor4e4 18 CCA$TAL SET lACK IOOC I, ",U 1)-" I thence Southerly .10nl said eoe.tel eon.tryctlon Control tia. tho hllo\i1n& eoue"" 10114 EXliIOIT .A. ~ -. ... -- - Clam Bay Subcommittee Jun~ 17, ,20.1~ .... OR B~~~;"3~~W Business PACE SoIJtli IP2J'H.)" ~.t . diu.nee of 1.1) feet to a P91nt on the CO~'c.l Con.trw~tJIJn Conlrol Line. '.1d point ~elnc SOwth ,).1'''''24.3'' ~.t, I din,)nc!!.( nz.l.S tUt trot! P.Jt.H. 64..78..",..01; thence Sowth 10')9'14.0" &lit. . ..l,t.nee'oC 1021.72 het; thenee Sout" 01'23'14.6" tnt, I efht&nel of 1001.1' het to. point, ..i4 poine hinC South ""4'27" Eut, I dllt,lAce .01 61.1) l.et fro. 'lr.4nont let.renc. MoftuaeDt l.3Sj thene. South oa'0"4)l' E..lu a .btance of 649.85 rUt to the Poi~t of ..,tAfttnl of .aid "~J,. ..ld 'ttip bcl~& 20 t,., vide, t~ Hortb bOundaty btinl 15 teet North DC end par'llel with the lollo,",!n, ducrlbed Unt ..nd tIM South bO\lnduy btin, S het Soutb of ..nd ~r.lle1 ",Itb the .... d'l<rlhftd I1n.. theoc. North 61-52'56" ta.t a 'Llr.ac, of 9.61 r..t; thenc. Jort_ 57-Z,13'" EA.t . .1ItaacI of 1$.30 t,.t; tbe:ac, lion" ,$4-46'OS" loUt. 'uta.a.e. ot 1.13 t..t. t~e North S9-1"05" lilt a .1tt&Dce of '.10 tt.t~ theDe. Nortla "-'1'15" talt . ~1tt.ac. of 24.00 t"e~ tht~. NGrtb 7'.22120" tall' a dLlcLae. ot 34.'7 t..c; th&Dce So~t~ 71')8107" !aat a .1Ic&De. of 52.64 fe.e; thane. So\,1f:l1ll'U'SS" tilt. l1n&t)C.c of 40.00 te.t; t~eac. Soutb 13'11'31" laiC a 411taQel of 30.02 t'tt; tbeDe' Scuttll 76 'oa' 47" taft . d1uuce of 12.04 hte; t.he:u<e Sout~ 1PU'SI" !l.n . d1.n.aACI ot 13.00 telt; tbeac. Soutb 63115'10" ~t . d1lt4Dc. or 14.14 flIt; tbf:!:l,(:l Soutla 75'20'24" lut . dUf~. of U." f.lt: theDc. SOUtb "'36'21" talt a dllt&Dct of 32.89 t.ac; \ theDe' South 70-27'32" Ene. dutazace of 11.03.feu; tbuu $o\ltb 70-J6's,a" l.Iat . dUtADC:, of 11..6 rue; t..bac. Soutla 77-2,105" bee . dltt&Dca of 33.83 I..c: thooc. Sov'b 7'-.1'05" Eo., . 41o,&Qoo .f 55.01 t"tl tbeac. Rortb .3-31'J1. !I.c . 41a~. of ~..67 f.et; theac. MOrtla ""I'OZ" t&at . 411t&ace or 21.00 ttte: tbooe. SOUtb '7'1.1'41" tUt .410...... .t H.OI toot; thcac. Soutb "'JO'S1" lA.t a 4JataDC. of 11.80 t..t; theDe' Mortb 71'53'3'" tile. 41atauct of 11.00 t'tt; theDe. Korth 14-1"04" talC a 41'taacl of 16.03 lelt; theKt Hort" 11'11'04" tUt . 41tt.nee 0117.12 hell thenee North 10-22'03" t..IC.' dlaLlnc. of 11.59 t.ee; thebe. South U.SO'4," Eut . dhtloce of 10.5' !tet; , DC H EXHIBIT 'A' - ': , " . '"~ . . t: ; ,(' '':'; .:. '_ ,'m.______!' "" .., .. ,--. ::. ~ 'J. ..~~., ~. _ ". ~ti-;. ;. ~ t. -,~ Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 ... .... "'Vfll~-a New Business U U I V J ~ OR 8iY"l!',Of371 PAGE " l' thence Sowth 6)'ll'O," "'It . dhttnc. o( 17.12 hit: tNncc So,",th 61"l)'H" to It . d tIC",net of'IO. ,0 (ue; thence $o\,lth '6'~"51" ta" . dht.ne. of 11,46 fut I tbence South 62'a'~9" ta" " dht",,,... of 12,0) feu; tbeae, South 411'30'17" Eo It . dllt.ne. of a,l) rUti then.ca Soutb 62"00'2)" to" . dht.nee of '.21 !.u: theDe' Soue h 3)')7.)6" Eo., . tllle.ac. of 1I,sa 't.c; tbuc.. Soutb "-"'09" II.., . .tltlaCl of 23.00 I..t; tb.oc. Sou;h 51'1$1)4" ru. . 'htaac. of 13.,. r.." thee. South )1"1"15" But . lthUDce .f 22.70 r..., CMDe' Soutb sa'12I,,- ~.t a .1..tAC. of '3.00 r"'1 thlDe' Souch 60"00'0)" tilt . .1,t.DCt of 16.01 t..ti thou Soutb a'11'4," ru. · .t,taac. ot....3 t"l! tb&oc. Soutb 19'141)1" ru. . dhtlAC. 01 6.:0 feet; thuu :larcb '''42'52" tan . dhtne. of 66,00 tlte; thene. Wortb "-1212$" 1:... . dh.t&DU of 19,01 ttlU theRU JIol'tb ".)7'2S" ru, . dhteea 01 13.01 hit; tb&ac. Rorth 'P'51'42" Eo.. . dbt'DeI of 13.lS I..e; .-. JIor,b 1P2.1'4I" Ian I .beute of 16,14 h"l tbt.tICl Wortb 7"27'30" Eo.. . .1...... or 2',00 r..., th_1 Ronb ao-.",}, U'" Eo.. · dl.taoe. of 12.",t..t; tbe~ Worth "'02'41" !.an & .1...... of 13.04'r..., .-. JIon:b 81'))'1\' Eo.. · d1ataocl of 13',12 f.at; tbeaca JIortb 'O'2JI~'" !a.. . dtatlDC' 01 63.77 to.., tbe:ncl Sovtb 79'11121- Eo.. . d1'UDU of 51.., to.., tIo.... So..b 6"'21 JP'" Zaer . .hta-c:* 01 )S, '0 toac, U-. So..b )4'11'46" !a.. I d1..cQC. of 33.36 toacl chaoc. ....~b "'27'U" !&a. . '1.,~. of 12.81 te.e: tMJM:I SowUa ).5'2"41" !&a. · 'l.~&DCI 01 25.0) hlCI theaee Soutb )7'S"4S" !.an . elhtaOCI of 23.00 to.., thtne. Soutb )6'J712()" !a.. . dhr.aDCt of 23.01 I..c; tMnCI South 4"'2'31" !a.. . .ht.~. of 23,11 tuq CMMI JIonh .'-04'%1" r.., · .htloDe. 01 U. '0 toot I thenc. JIIorth 156'20'16" ru. . dhtanee of 23.02 h"l 10 or U EXHIBIT 'A' - - - -- '. -. .. -. _. . ----. - - . . ~ Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17,2010 OR GOOI{4,a New Business PAGE 243 of 371 tllenu Horth 7P16I,S," E.1.t . 4ht.lncI of '13.:"1 fut; thtQ(1 Mor'h 1)'"'2''' tUt . dhe.neCl or 37.00 rn,; thence North "'15'11" tau . clht.ne. 01 .0.10 CUt; thene. Horth 37"6133" tau I 41tt.l'\C" at 56.fJ ftet to the lelfeln I.y I.Prove.en, Di.trice Drltn',. tI....nt Lln. II ncord.d 1n OUlchl heord. J.ook 7'0. l.et U1H ot the Publ1c ~ecord. ot u1d Collier Co\"'t7. Th. d"cr1\.d .trIp 1. bo~nd.. OQ the u..t b1 the Co..tll Con'tructlon Control Ll"~ -nd ~ the ta.t ., the '.11elo 111 %aproyeaonr Pf.trIce Drltnlce ~'~t Ltae ~Ylft' . belrlnc ot Nortb 14'2'127" WI.e. ~ ALSo LZSS · p.rc.1 of land 1. p.rt 01 Slctl.. '. Townlhlp ., Soo.~, ..... 2~ i.... ,Colliu Coune'" 'lorU. 4..cr1bed II I.Uow: Co-.nclo. 11: the lion_at con.el' ot ""cel "1>". PIUCAa .lAY hIt OWl le;corcUa. to eke P1.at tbertol ... ricoI'd" 1. Plet look 12, 'ICU 47 tbrovlb .U. CoUiN' Couat7 lubl1c lrtcor.., to1 U.n Couoty, 1l0rU.: tbMct Swtb 01."100" !a.lt .1oa. tbe "..t"1'1bl at "'14 Parcel "J)",. . dutl.llCl of 167..00 t..U . tbtAC. Soutb 71.4$'$9- V"C 1'''.$2 fl.c to a poinc OD tbe nort41. DePUt..at of Mlltural luourCNI eo-..t.l Conltruct1oa CoQuoJ L1Q4 Alld tb. POUt 01 1q1mLJ~ of tb. pared herda dU~r1Md; tbeac. 'lPnC 'aid Control ltD. Soutb ~.1i'l$.7" talt 611.31 httl theac. continuI .10D, &aId Coatrol ~ ~th 05-52"'.'_ Ent U.s tHt .on or 1... to tJr.e H&q Dip WaUl' Liu ot Clq P'''I . , thtoee JIortlNuted, 110ft& tM !leaD a!lb Vater Un. of ...icl Che PI" &Ad Rorthwuterl1 aloAl the tc... lilh lIuet' Lbe of tM Q.alt of Hu1co, l~O, telt _1'1 or ~l... to . POhc vft1eb U.. oa . It.a_ tbolt bun Sou.th "-26'00- VUt fro. the lobe of "'l.aa1q; theac. Rortb "-26'00. ta.t .1oe& ..14 11Ae . di.tlnc. of III fau 11I)1', or h.. to tbe 'oue 01 "'~bJ. AUo USS · ftr1p of 1004 1A port of SOCtl.... . .04 Sect loa '. Towa.hlp H Soot., It&nll 23 b.., Colllu tau.", Florld. .04 1A J'll" of Parcel '0" of PELlCAllIAJ UlIIT ONE accordlol" tho pl.. thlr..f.o r"ordod'~ II.. look 12, 1....., thrOulh 52, Co1111r ea.ot, ".11c lacord., Co111or Couo.,. Florl41, d"cr1bod .. f.11..., c:.o-nc1nc It the Morthve.ac COt"DCt of NU Parcel "J>>-. nLlCAll Io\f VOlT OM.; . t!aene. alonl tbt WuterI, Ih. ot N1d ~lrul "D", South 01.3"00. loot U7.00 foft; thenu cOQtlnve .1001 utd Vutlrl)' 114. $oycb 31-56'00" Ven 3OS.oo tHtl thenel cont1nllt don, laid "'''Cnl)' 1.f.a,. Souch Q4,.22'oo. Witt ~.oo hit; t1le..e. COQUnue _Ion. N14 W1ue"17 11... SOUth 16-.2'35- tuc 14.17 r..t to the Point of ";1nnl_C ot the .trr, of land bereia deae r 1k-d i 11 o( U EXHIBIT 'A' p Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 U 0 0 8 ~It,a New Business 0 0 I 0 6 I OR BC2440f371 PAGE t1,t'pce North 76'OGo'J6" t.lu 36.49 !CClt to the ,,"Uterl,. I1ne 0' ,.11~.n .~y t.provc-.nc D1~trlct Dcntvntlon ^rc. [It Drltn~I' tU<<:-.anc .:and the IIcr-a W<:It~r17 Xl.he ot W"y I1n.: thlnee Southwesterly 16.7' fect .10n& '~14 we.clrl, I1nl and Ilonl the arc aC . GOn.tan..nc1.1 circular twrVt concavl to the ta.t~ h.1vtnl " udl"" of '",OO hIt and Ivbctnded .)' . c;hoord WhIch bur. South 03*10'00" !JUt 16.74 htti thlDe. South 76'06')6" Vue 91. 06 (ue th.nc:. Soucb 7)'07'17" \leu lot.'6 teetl thenee SO\Ith ~5'0I'O~. Vut )1.U taet; tbtacl Soutb "'30'S6" V..e 17.40 teet; th.De. Soutb 16'4"Ztft W..t n.n het, thuca Soutb ".5J. I Of'" VIII: 22.37 t..t to I POUl' OQ . c"nt; theQC. V..tarly .1.53 t..t aloa, the arc ot . non-tlna.net.1 clreul.r cwrvt coneav, to the Soutb ~v1n. , r.di~. ot ".00 t.tt anJ tvhttndtd \)' · ehor. vbJch b..r. Soutb 17'1I'~3" We.t 41.1' f..t to. poiot ot ~1tl&.IlC)'; .. tMGe. SOYtb 7~'U'31" W..t 4'.64 feu; tb4ac. $outb 6"28'4'" Ve.t 26.70 (.et; th.AC . So..,'tb 20'31'13" lu.t .5.00 C.et; thCDe. SOUtb "'11'41" W.n $).20 rut; th&nc. Monk 20')l'U. Velt $,00, to.,; 'bone. So.,~ "'21'47" VUt U.~ r..q thea.e. $OQtb 1.5'06'25" Wilt 16.49 heej tbaDe' Soutb aO'''''~l'' VUt 17.27 t.et to . polDt 00 . curv.; th.ne. W..t.rl)' 161.55 Ce.t .loa. t~ arc ot . DOD-t.nlent1al e1rcul.r curv, COnety. to th. ~tb beYin, I tld!u. 01 109.01 tHt aDd ~bttnd" ~)' a chord vb1cb ""n Ronb "'51'1,. VUt ~".l.S t..t to I ,olDt of t&GlhC)': thenee South a6'ZO'~" V..t 32.~1 f..t; thtacl South 0)""5'. Elat 5.00 r.~t~ theDe. Soutb '6'20'04" V..t 53.00 t..t, thenc. IOrtb 0)"")6- V"t S.OO f..t; theDe' South '6'20'04" W.lt 12.23 f..t; thtnc. Rortb .,'3.'44" We.t 111.'7 r,.t to I point of curvature; thene. Sout~.tfrl)' ~'.2' f.,t .10DI the 're of . c1reul~r curve COnc,~. co th. SOUl~.t, bavtDJ << r.dlYI of 31,10 feee Ind lubtend~ .,. I chord 'W'hlch bur. $ouc.b S4.z.s'.0" WUt 44.24 ratt to. poine. of c.an&e.nc,.: ChlDCt ~th 11-30'03- W.at 1~.1' C'tt to . POint of cvrvltur.; thanee South\loacerly 17.),5 teet .1onJ eho arc of . circular curve . conCAve to tho NorthvCl'It:, Mvth. a fodtulIl of 68.00 felt and .ubunded '1 · chord vhSeh be~r. South ~1.10'14" W~Mt 7'.~1 Poee to a point 01 Un&cIliC1; U.f 14 UlIlon "A" Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 o 0 0 9~~;a3~~w Business 0 0 I B G 2 OR O~~I\' PAGE thence South '3' }O' 2S" w.at 18,22 tUt; j thence SOuth 06'0' I J~" &a" S.OO fou; thenc. SOuth aJ'~O'25" Weu )J.OO leoc; thenc:. Nortn 06'09' H" w..c ~.OO ruti thence $ouch '3'~O'2S" v,n Z7.3P r..t~ tbence North '7'12'S3" VUt U,14 teet r l:.hence South '5'20'36" We.t 13.21 te.t~ . thine. ~tb "')0'.9" V..t )2,21 rUt to · POint 01 curvature, thene. \luterl,. U.SI telt alool cbe arc ot . chc\.lh~ tvn. CODC&Va to tb. Mortb. biv!a. a rldtua 0' .0.23 t..e &n4 tubt.nded ~7 I chord vtlhll Hatl Sootll I.-O)'CU" Wilt U.QI re.e to I poiat: of UnllDe,., thanel lartb 'O..41~4" Vele 13.00 tttt to I point 01 t\.lrvatvrt; thence $Outbv.,elr1y '1.12 teet Ilona tbe Ire ot . circular curvl CODeIVt to thl SOUtb hav1nl I redlYI ot 60.12 I.ac and .ubtend.d by a chord vh1eb b.ar. ~tb 1S-0I'16" W.lt 4'.62 f.tt to , point of UD,toey; thanee SOUtbJl.OlI16" W.lt 15.'5 f..t to. potDt ot eurvltur.~ thene. Wa.tlr1y 140.23 tetc aloal thl Ire ot I eircultr curve eonC4Vt co th'~reb haviDl . r.d1~'of 138.92 teet aad .ube.nded by I cho~d vhtcb belr. Soutb "-'6'21- Walt 134,'5 teee to . P01AC OQ uU CUE'VI; . Chloe. Soutb 32.11'44" We.t '.05 t..c; theact JIorela 57-"2'16" VUt 2'.15 t.tt co the nortda DePlrtauc ot ~tura1 le,ourcI. co.,tal CoD,t;ruecJoe COntrol L1oe~ thencI'.loD. 1,1d 1101 Rort~ ~.1l'15.7. Walt 32.34 t.ICj theael Sout;b S1.'2116" la.t 46.01 t..t; tb~. Soutb 3,'11144" Walt 3.44 t.aC to . potDt Oa I eUrY~j theoc. laltarl, 120.24 ta.t lion, the .re of I Don~t~.tatlal drcular curvl coou..,. to tbe Ionb, h.vtnl I ndiu. of 122.92 t.ac &A4 I'\Ibtanodad b" . cborll which Ha.rI Nort"b ,9-03141" !ale 115.51 t..t Co I poiAt 01 t'A"QC7~ tbenc. Jort~ '1.01'16" !a.~ IS." t.ac to I potAl of cUrVatur.; thene. ~rthcl.etrl" 64.5' t..t .10A, the Ire of . circular Curve CODC.VI CO the South, havtal a rad1ua ot 16.12 f..t .a4 ~bt'Q.ed ., I ehord ~1eh \elr. Rortb 75-01'1'" EaIC 62.10 f..t to . point of tanlIACY; . thenel South '0-'4'4"" !lIt 23.00 taac to. pobe ot cvrvatur.; thene. EUterly 34 .09 hilt dOGI tM arc ot . circulir C\llYt COftcave to the NorCh, b.vlQI . ~.dtu. of 64.t3 fflt Ind 'ubtandtd ~1 · chord vhitb b..r. Mortb ".03'03" ta.t 33.6' r..e to . POint of c.D"ftC1J thence ~rtb ".50'4'- ta.t 34.'6 f.lc; thene. Horth .5.20'36" E..t 16.'7 t..t, 1) .t 14 EXlil8lT 'A' ; '. ' ; .: .., .... --!",:,,~. ...." .'.. ."'.1- '.. , ;.. .l:' ',; :;:. <: , . ~ . , . '.', . " . :!. .'L... I I , t , ... t ~Ifl.m Bay Subcommittee June 17, 201~ V V V VI~,'!!a New Business 0 0 I ~ Ii 3 OR B24fj~f 371 PACE ClICfte. South 17'12'05'" t.ut 29.:zJ hnj tli.new Horth '3'50'25" E.Ju '7.35 rUt to. pclnt oC C:\Jrvil~ure; thcl'K:~ North~,)Jterl1 59.JO fClet iJlon; the iJfC of 41 che:ulu CI.I(VC conClve tQ the H(.Irthweu, h."l1'1C . ud1". of 52.00 rUt .nd lubtended ~1' choret vhleh buu North .H'10'1411 r..u 56.14 tUt to. pelM of ("nllnen thence North 11-30'0)'1 &lit !.S.U fut to . point Qt CUnlUl.tU; theM' Northuuulr 61.3" lIet alonl:. the arc of . circuhr curv, conc.ve to the Sout~'t, hlv1n, a tad1uI of )),10 t.tt .Dd .ubtendld by · chord which ~'r. Horth $4'25'40" tilt 63.02 t.~t to , total of ulla<<neT. theac. SOUtb "'31'.." lA.t 211.41 f..c; thene. JIonh 1"20'04" !alt 11.67 tHe; tbtACt Morch 03""56" Yelt .5.00 t..c; theac. Nortb "'20'04" talC )3.00 f..t; Chene. South 03'3"S6" !a.e 5.00 t..t; tbence No~tb '6'201~" ta.c 32.61 teet to . pOlat of ~urvatur.. thence luterl)' 169.64 feet a10al tb, Ire ot & c1rculi:r CVYt Cone'VI to tb. Souch, bav10a . r.dlu. of 125.01 f.tt .n4 ~bt.nded b, a chord vb1ch be.r. Soutb '.'S7"'- talr: 169.25 f..t Co . po1Qt '"' NU curvt; tb~e. Mo~tb ~O'46.41" !att 13.79 t..e: cbioc. Rortb 1,'06'2)" talC 14.fl t.et; tbGc. JIorth U'2.8'47- !Au '1." t..c;: thcacl Worth 73'47131" !aIC 50.24 f..t to . P010t of turv.tur.; tbeDU E.uttrly -46.60 h.t aloal the arc of . circular curv. COae,vI Co the South ~ViDI . radlu. of 104.00 r.te and lV~teDd.d b7 · chord 'Whicb bun Mortb .6'37'4'" ~.t 46.22 rut to I pot.u oa N14 euTY.; . . thue. NonJ, "',Sit'09" ta.. 1'.0'9 feu:; Uel!lltt )Ionlt 7"4S 129" ta.. 56.68 teet; tb..e. WOrth 6"30.S6" Eo.. 14.37 t.et.. Umca JIorth 55'OS' 05" Eo.. 32.U hec; theac. Iortb 73'07'17" Ea.. l1a.Sl t"'1 thenee Nortb 7"06')610 !.In ".90 felt to th. pout of M,1A.o:laa 01 tbe .trip of land b.rlia d~.er~~. ALsO LESS aU that part of Sect10M . , I, TOVn.hlp 49 $outle, b.aae 25 rUt, Co11Ser Cot.lftt7, norldl. l)l1na Soutb of eh. P.II, Vue of Outer ehe 1.17 and !Ut of tbo Cull 01 Medea; "kiD H1Cb Vatar EhvuloQ 1.1 fau: ...rloS' .- bortto 'rt W'.d ... .b. $TAn Pl.\lft COORl)IIIATl:S ....~lhb.d ~7 ''''' W.G.S. tor FLOAlllA-WT ZOH!. Sa14 land .jtu.t., l)'lna and boln. 1a COllier Couat7, 'lort... .A#~ .,,/"/'L 14 .t 14 [XIIIDIT 'A' ~:-.~'I ~..IIl"."'lt.:J:';''''' t:,~~~~ ~'.. ~-_._------, ,. I ..' ~ (" , . Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17. 201~ ~ w w ~ . v V I V I J VIII-4-a New Business log.l ~~rro~~371 PAGE A p.r~el or l~nd In Section 32. TO~.hlp 4, South, ~nc. 25 L'.t. Colli,r County, 1lorlda. descrlbod .. (ollQw.: CO~llcln~ At the IntcrUctlon of the E.1.t 11ne 01 ..ld S.ctlon 32 With the Sowth ~1~ht or WlY lin, 01 Vlnderbllt lelch ~o.d (S.l. No. S-'62)i . tbtnce South 00.)1' 50" t.ut ']on, the z"tt Une ot ..ld $~tloQ 32, . di.t.cce of 931.t. '..e, thenc, Soutb .9'21'10" W"t, . d1.t.nc,.ol 777.52 feet to . bend 1Q tbe Northerl, ~nd.r1 lice ot Che "lie.. 1.17 Con..rv.t1OQ Ar... theDe. .10C1 NU Konher11 kouad'f7 .lbe the foUovl.a. f~y. CS) cour...: Sout~ "-3".,. V..c, & 'lat'oc. of '3." teecI Iout~ ""U'U. Vue, . 4~..... of 2".3) '..el Souell 'Z.1"33. Ve.t_ a .lttaacl 01 ".14 I..tl ~tb 44-03'39- V..c_ . .Lat.ac. of 43.13 reec; ~tb 3'."'13- u..c, . 41at&Ac, of 40.46 teee to tb. 'oiDt 01 lel1DALa& .f ..14 p.tell; thene. 'outb 25-11'12- We.t depart1a1 froa 'aid IOrther11 bo~ry 11D'. a d1.atuc. of 166.30 -rut to . 1010t oa tbe Wut.r1y ~af7 11M ot ..1d 't11eaa ..:: Coaaenat1011i AzUl thuc. JIon:b. 4$."1 '37- W..t a.1oq: ..11 VUhr17 hou.odary liD., I cluune. of 5S.60 te.t. thac. Sou ell 63-'6'51- Vqt, doal h14 WUt"l7 'boundory l1oe. & .1'~1 of '7.17 teet; thuee IIort" 13-23')01' Ia.c ,.,.rc1a1 tr~ hid "--tu17 boo""""" 11..., . 4h...... 0' a'.16 '<<t to . PO~t .. ..14 .....buI7 1>ouo4a"" U"I tll'..1 &1.., ..1d .......rI7 bouood."" 11.1l. tho tonov1.1l. thro. (3) cour..., Soutb "-'2'12. a.tt, I 41st.nCI of 25.00 t..e: Sout.b 6'-4)!03- ta't, I cllIt.ae. 01 4',0. tMea Wort.:b. 77-47'la- ta.t, . 411taac. of 31.56 t..t to tho 701.oat ot a.,ialUA,. Sa14 "l.oel dtlUU, l)'1n. e.od bcUI fa Coll1,er Couocy, norU.. ...u,t' J/p/,.... , 0111 BIT '8' 'lot 1 . ~ .. ."~ .: ~ .- ~ ~~ '~ ~ J~~ 1 . Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 I~i m-: ',G :'!1 :t 3~ V~I.4'~ t:lew BusinA\l"rd"""r L U I 0 1, ~ 3 Z \ ;}l~8 6r3~1" G ~ I 3 ~ I COLL'EP )iHr nEc,nr.o ',' " ~, ~_ ' . U QUIT-CLAI~ ~t.... . .\ ,.. ~; 6 '.'1 Thl$ Q<Jlt-Chl. D..~. "t<:ut.~ thl'2!1.~ ~.1 of OCkDl!<.. . 1..., 01 WESTIWGHOUSE CQMHuwITIES OF WAPLES, lNC" . FloriO. Corpor.t1on he...lno/t.r I"tf.rreo to IS GIWHOR. tu COlLIER COUWTY, . politIc.! .ubdlvl.lon of the St.t. of Florid., who.. "".t offlc. .dd..... I. Collie, County ""v.r,...nt CQeplu, ..pi.., Flori d.. JJM2 h.r.ln.ft" I"tftrl'td.' to IS GAAllTEE: Nlh....v., used h....ln u.. to..... 'GAAllTOR' .nd 'GAAllTtE' sh.ll InclUde slnrular .nd plural, heirs, legel ...p.....ntatlvu. and aulgns of the IndhldUals, .nd u.. JUeeauo" .nd assigns of corporatton., wII....." tilt context So .dratts 0' I'tqUIl"ts.1 W I r . E SSE r N: Th&t GIWITOIl. II a 11ft .nd I. fulflll...t of Its obllgltlons undt, Sections 2.03(bl all<l 13.S!cl 0' u.. P.lfc.n k1 P~ O'dlnan.,. (Colli" County Ol'dln.nc. 110. 77-18, u _n~dl, .nd tllIt Ctl'tlln Stach ilc(... F.cllltles Ag"'_nt doted tilt 15th da1 of /IOv.... UIJ. IS ...nded. and In consfde'lllon 0' Granle. tlklng tilt p...pert,y subject to tilt OECUAATlOIl ~ RESTRICTIONS NIIJ PROTtCTlVE COVEIWlTS IS st.ste4 b.low dotS hel'tbl -1st. I'th..t .nd qult-chl. unto GAAlITEE .11 tilt rlfllt, tttft, Interest, chi. 'nd dHand wIIlch GAAHTOIt IIos In. IOd tu tilt fOllOWfIlf descrfbed lot, pit<:. or P.....l 0' land. situate. 1111lf and ~11lf In tilt County 0' Collf... St.ste 0' F1 orl ill, to...1 tl A pa,t 0' Pa...al '0' of P.llcu 8Ir Unit On., Plat IIcot 12. pa,.. 47 tIll'Qllgh 52, Incluslv., PUblfc ReoOl'ds of Colli" County. .11<I Part of tilt Soutllwtst ""l"tt' 0' of Section t. r_Shlp 4' SoutIl. Ron,t 25 Eut. Collf.r Counlir. IS 00"" pal'tlcul.." dtsc'lbe4 on E<hfblt 'A to tilt atwclltd Sclltdula 'A'. SIIbJt<:t to tilt follOWing: I, rUtS ond ISs"_nts for 1 ~ IJId subsequtnt lH", 2. That Clrt.sln DECUAATlON ~ RESTRICTIONS AND PROTECTlVE COVEIWlTS I'RESTRICTlONS')attlchtd herttu .nd ..d. I pal't her.o' .s' Schedult 'A'. 3. M Eu_nt reSlr"te4 tll GAAlITOR and tilt PELIt.\M SAV IHPROVDlENT DISTRICT (P.8.I.O.I. Its suec.ssors lIId uSlgns, tu conltnKt. Cl><rlte, ..Int.s,", rep. I'. replac. or rebuild drafnagt stl'llCturu IOd ..ter IJId s_r utllftfts In. o..r. on .nd Ibovt the PI'Cf>tI'b. wftJI tllt rffllt or Ingress lIId I1l'tss. GoWlTOl or "'.1.0. sllol1 repaIr lIld/or rephca .11l' ...... which It "11 dfstul1l, ~g. or cltstrcr In tilt COnstl'llCtlon, operltlo. or ..Inlenanct of SIf4 dr.lnago structures .nd ..ter and _r _tll Itlll. , 4. Covtnants, Hs_nts, lfalwUons .nd restrfcUons 0' record .ffectillf tilt Prllp.rt,y otiltr tIl&n tilt ()(CUAATlOol ~ iEWERAL AICl PROTtCTlVE COVENANTS r"nd It O"lcl&l Reool'ds lock 825. pages 17~S tJlrIlugh 17,.. Incluslv., I'1lblfc Reconls 0' ColH,. County, norfclt. IF AT AKr T11€ THE PARCEL DESCRIBED OIl EXliJIIT 'A' IS USED FOR USES OTHER TKAJ/ THOSE ALLOWED UNDEA THE RfSTRICTlONS. THE PARClL SlW.L RfVEAT TO GRMTOIt. TO KAVE AHlI TO IIJLD THE SAllE ~.tlltr wftll all and slng_hr tilt .ppurtln&""os tlltreuntu b,'ongfng or tn a/11Wfst ,pp.rwi"'Ilf, IOd .11 tnt IIUte. rfght. tltl., Interest, Hen, tqulty .nd chi. "".t_ver 0' GJWITOR. .Itlltr In law or equity. to tilt on11 pl'Cf>tr .SO, ben.flt 'nd btllcct of <lAAHT.. fore..r. D\l65c ., n,.,...um,nt,ty Slim:> Toll ellin -C- l"t".,.t:;~.~ trSo,)t\JI Pro&:..:., 1..'. . D.C. Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VlIl-4-a New Business I) I) 1 ? 3249 of 371 0 I) I 3 7 2 I.." j:'-C: IH clTHESS \/HEREOF, WEIT1,;GHOUS( C~HiTlES cOl"'porltfon. hU Ifgned ind SUltd t.hese present.s 1It.-' t.ttn. Si~n.d, ""led Ind deHvtr.d 1n tile pres.nce 0': ,f::~ / STArt or FLOItIDA COlJIITY or CllllIEl Uf NAPLtS, lM;., I Flo'fdo t.he 0.1 .nd yur fl"H ,li(>o" . 0" ......:..... W(STlHGl10USE COI'HUHlTIES OF IO\Pl(~, lllC. ,: \"> ,..,.::.., v:/ '; ...,,:, f~.... n: I HEREBT CERTIFY tIllt on tllh diy, ""ore It, an o't!t" dull I.t/lorhtd In the Stfle l'o....Slfd IIId II tile Count,y ,'oreUld to tfh ICtnOwhdi_nu, PfrSOllllly Ippurtd anew R, KOSTt, PUsIDQT Ucl lOUIS H, HO(QSrto, AS.lISTANT Sl:CRLTAAT 0' West1oghou.e C__IUts 0' Itpl,., Inc:. , to It k_, to ". tile ".r.onl do.trlbld In Ind >IIlo "_led tilt '0....90109 Inn"-nt Ind they ItkllO\lltdg.d be'o/'l .. tllot tIlq Uetuttd tile 1_ on belloH 0' tile cOrporation. WITlIESS . h.nd IJId o"ltlll thll;:1.7}j.dly of (JC-q~ This dOC:_nt P"'PfI"fd '1: Antho'1Y'. '1..... Jr., E.q. SOl LI....I au Orfv.. Sultf 500 lI.tplel, F'lOr1de. 33m 0965< IUI In tilt Count,y .1Id Stfte lilt .fo"'SlI~,,, . ~);';:::(~, c .~.'.\: "(',..... :..~. .."",,~ir!\D! 111 C_lIllon Expl....: or .........110, i!'~"~' -..KJW,I...-.. Thlt -_nt "'~Ptod oy tile tot,." of Count,y eo..".loners H , I,". n: ~t2~~ " Plge 2 Of Z Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4~a New Business 250 of 371 O,)I~ 00137/. I. '. ",. I ~ ;;;,G.; DECLARATION Of RE\fRICTIONS AlW PROTECTIVE CoVENANTS FOR A P~T OF P~CEL "0" Of PELlCAH lAY UNIT ONE, PlAT 800K 12, ,'g" .1 through 52, loclush., Public Records 0' Coli t.. County .nd P~T OF THE SOUTHWEST WAlIT.. Of SECTION 9, TOWNSHIP '9 SOUTN, IWlGE 25 EAST, CClLIU COUNTY This cloy 0' Flo.fd. COrpO'1 On. hrltfon of Restrlctfons Ind Prou<tfv. Coy.n.nts ..d. this ~ , 198/i, b, wESTINGHOUSE CCffiUNITIES OF IWt.ES, INC, , . NIT N E SSE T H I/HEREAS IlESTlHGHOUSE COIMJIIITIES OF 1Wt.E$. INC., I Florfdl Corporltlon, p....I.ntl, IItYI", Its P.lnclPll pllCl 0' ~sln..s In CollllP Co4lnty. FlOrldl. illt "",ol'd own.r 0' tilt PVllIC KACll ACCESS SITI: u dltcrl~4 I. Artlcl. I ., \Ills Dtchrttlon, dlslru to C...lte . QUllIl;y dtYflO\*nt wl\ll ...ltrlctfons, COYflllllts, Jtnlbldu, llIpOlftlons, .u_nts, clltrgf$ IJld 1I.ns II hopttnlfter set. '01'Ul '0. tllt p.....rntfon 0' tilt propt~ Yl1uII 0' tilt OlINERS th....1 n. I<<l\/, TlIEREFOIlE. WESTlNGIlOUSE COff4UNITIES OF IWt.ES, INC., dtch.... tlltt PU8L1C BEACH AtCESS SITE o. Iny portfon tIlt....f II dtKrlbe4 fn ARTlCl.E I .f lilts OECUAATlON shill ~ h.l d. trlllsf"...d, $Old. conV'l.d .114 occupl.d subJoct to tilt ...strlcttons. Coy_ntt, urvftlldls, tapolftlons, "s_nts, Ch.rgos IIId llens ht....l..ftfr SIt 'or\ll. Thl ",.1 prope~ subJect to this D€CLAAATlON OF RESTRICTIONS AlII 1'R0TECTlYE COVENANTS II tlltt ....1 ,rope", dtKrlbtd on uhlbtt "A", .tttclltd ht...t<> Illd ",d. I Plrt her..f. ~TlClE I Ov INIllDHS .Tho 'ollowln~ I/Ol'ds whon uSld In \Ills Oteliratfori shill lIty. tilt followf., ".nfn,s: I. .PU8LlC BEACH ACCE$S SITE" sh.l1 .un IJld ...far t<> I plrt of .PI1'\:.1 '0" 0' p.lIcan B., Unit Ont, Pllt 800& 12, peg.. 47 thl'Ollgft 52, Inclush., Public Rtcords of Co 11l1P CoIInty. IJld ,.rt 0' tilt Soutlhes t qull'ttr of Sf( t Ion t, Townshfp " Soutn" Rlnllf U Eut, CollllP CoIInty, IS ..... plttl,,!..I, descrlbe4 on ExhIbit A., Itttclltd Iltptt<> Ind ..dt . p.rt lit_f. 2. .OECLARAHT" shill _n .1Id ""ar to IItSTlNGliOUSI: COMJN/TJ(S OF NAPLES. INC. I Florldl COrportUOIl pI'tSMU, IItYI", Its prfncfPlI pIece 0' buslnus fn follltr Counl;y, Florfdl. Its IUC.t~IOPS or usl~n. 0' .ny o. III of Its rl~ht. uncle. thls DtcllrotlOll. 3. .MER. sh.ll ..n IJld Nf.. t<> .n, plpson or personl, ..tfl;y o. tntltl... "ho .... tile ""'ol'd .....r 0' I ," I.to....lt In PIlBLIC BEACJt ACCESS SITE, tiltl. o.lrs. IUCc..sor., 119tl ""Ns.ntotfv.s or .ssl~ns. AlITlCl.EIl Rl.SIRl~IlDHS 1. USE RESTRICTIONS I) PU811C lEACH ACCESS SI TE "1 onl1 ~ used f.. tilt Optrltlon 0' I pUblic belCh ICC.II sfte. P\lblfc plrtln~ lot tnd IUendln\ flCl1it111, lnc'udfn~ but not l1a!ttd to such '1C111tlll .. belCh ICCtll st",cbll'ts, securll;y!t<>ll booth(s), ob'trvHlon ,'''". sun Ihtlto... ...st......s. .nd belCh equlpaltnt sto"llf, 966< Plse 1 0' 7 b) No bUlldtn91 Hrvctllr'l', hCilfty or other 1.provroent $1'1.11 De pl4lCtd tn P"LIC BEACH ACCESS SITE .nl... .nd ontll DEClAA),HT h.. I".td Its prior written tpprov,l. No foOd 0" drfnt concenfon tFl41J tlf pe,..IUed w1tnout DECLAAAHT'S prtor writttn 'PProvII. c) E,'tpt IS otn.rwl" provl"'d lIt~fn, th. prlnclp.1 v.hl'ohr <CCOlS tl) th. PUBLIC 8EACH ACCESS SITE SII<Ill not .'cHd I sIoV1. entrlllC. Ind ult f,..., .n Ie,... ...tloent off of SUtH. Drtn witl1o\lt O(CLAAAHT'S prtor wrttton .pprov.1 of. phn subatttod by OWIIEA 'or Addttlon.! AC<tIS. d) Dl/HER. sh.ll Provlcle .cces. thr...Vh tilt PutLIC 8EACH ACCESS SITE for P,B,I.D, for 'CC.1S for P.8,1.0, to P,B.1.0.'s ..tor ..n......nt Iltrw, .) MER. with tilt wrltton II>ProYll Of Ot:ClAAANT, "y Provl'" Ie.... to .04 fral tilt PUBlIC BEACH ACCUS $lit to tilt prop.rty own.r of t.ht P'1'I:11 of hnd .dj.,..t to .nd locl~ It tilt nol"t.h.,.. POrtIon of t.ht PUILIC ~EACH ACCESS Silt. i. JIIILOINi SU8ACl LINES. Sill OF JIIIlOINi. SIlt RfSTlJCTlOHS AIll IUILOtlo!; !!.!.!!!. Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17.2010 Y"I-4-a New Business o a I ? 3 :151 of 371 0 Q , ~ 7 ~ I':C.: , I) TIlt .lnl_ IIu..Ct of ~fldlnv', .tructu.... or plrtlnv ....IS .hlll lit flYI ($) f..t f.... tilt proPlr1:Y 11"01 Of tilt PUlLIC lEACH ACCEss Silt, b) The olnl_ dfsunca be~n II\)' two ./lHucht<l .trvctu/'t. 'Mll be on.-half (112) tilt ... of thofr hel"'u ..t not la.. then tw.nty (ZOI f..t. c) No ..lIdlnv or stnICtu... of II\)' tlnd 'Mll tsc..d twonty (ZOI f..t I" h.flht Ibo.. fl"I'hed vr.de. 3. LAHDSC>> 1116 al All ...nonoble .fforts sh.ll be uk." to ",uln the notlYa VOStutf.. 1" ./'t1S s.rro."d1"v III .tI'IIctures. wtl t"-1' , f.clHUn or P'Vt<! ....IS phcad I. PUlLIC BEACH ACCOS SITE. HoWlver, 11 tho.a ....n, Ot.htr th.. Plvtd .relS, wh.... n.tlYa v.V.utf.. Is .-.oVid, 0lIIWt slloll ...phct .nd Nlnuln SUCh I...n IS ltndsc.ptd I"'''. All ho4SCljllnv .hall, 01 clollll n po..lble! .pproxl..u tilt ..the WltgtUtlOll I. tilt S~rl'OClndlnv I..... All 1II1dK'P1/lf shell be lec....llshtd f. lecordlnca wfth I pI.. 'pprovtd by ~~. ' . bl 'PMor to Nktng 1ll;1 cliinge. nrhtlon or devjltlo. f... t.ht Ipprovtd "sur lIndsc.PI pI I". OWNER .hall flrlt <>bUI" Il(C!.AAAHT'S wr1tten Ipprov.l of the chlnga, v.rl.tlon or devl.tl... el MEA .h.ll ..I"ufn III hnd.etpl", '0 u to tHp It I" I ...t, 11v1ns Ind .ttrlctfv. condltton. 4. PAAX I 1lQ. OWNER shell "'valop tilt M,/or POrtIo. of PUBlIC lEACH ACCEss SIlt to provide putl". spica.. WIthout tile prfor ,,"tun 'Pprov.1 of the Il(ClNWIT, tho PUBlIC lEACH ACCUS SITE shell conufn no ocre tllon ... hIIndrtd .04 at,hty-fha liaS) partlnv spactS. OWlIER shell lit ...sponst.la for tM Operltlo. IIId ..fnunoncl of Sltd JIIrtfnv 'PlCtS. The... .hall bI 1\0 ova..I'" p.rtlnv p....ftUd In PU8~IC 8tACIf ACtUS SIlt. !/66c P.vc Z of 1 Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New Business :) .~ ! ? ~52 of 371 0 Q I 3 i J S, PlAHS. SPECJ'ICATlO~S AHO LOCATIC.S OF STRVnV~ES. ... r- (: .....: ... .1 No st'Uct.ro or ,.C1l1ty sh.1I bt C"_ncod, orOCtod, t.prOVfd or .ltorOd, nor Sh.11 .ny 9rldln9. "CHltlon. 'rtO ......,,,1 or c""90 of Uttrlor color or otller ..rt ""Icn fn .ny wl1 11'0" tno ..,ortor 'PPtI".co 0' '"y .t"'ct.1't or "OITlty bo undort..on wltho.t tho prior wrltt., .ppro.., of OCCl.IAAHT. i i i b) OI/NER sh.lI, prior tQ tilt c......nc....nt of .ny const"'ctto", In PUBLIC BEACH ACCESS SITE, s.bolt In sOQ'.ne. to OECLARAHT tho 'ollowln9 lltort'ls: (1) I 'PI'tTl.lnlry cone.pt' plln wIllcll sh.11 fncl.d. sc.....tto ,Ito phns, floor phns .nd tJ:terfor .hntfo"s; .. (1f) '"'fgn P"'pollls' wtlfoh .11111 fnc:hd. ..... "ltllt<l OU1161n9 Ind .fl4 dosf9n doc_.ts svfffcftnt .nd deflnfth. In doltl1 so t"'t tht,.. Un be cSte.,,,.fntd ~ chUicter, U~rfo,. tpptlr.nc., tJ:terfor ..torhls Ind colors. .nd tile qVITlty .nd kind of 0I/1Idln9 '"d IIndsc2" ..torllls Propos.d; Ind (1ft) constl'llCtfon. ph.s ."d speelflcltlon' wIltcll .11011 H I t1'll' .xtenslOll of tilt pl'tlfatnu,. conc.pt phns Ind desl,. ,ro,o..ls. OfCUAAHT Sill 11 , la wrltl." after .....I't of Hell I'tqUfl'fd SUbeftttl, 'ppro.., IPP..... subject tQ reqvlru cllo'v.s, or rtJoct suen pTln., Propouls ud sP<<lflcttlons IS Ire subaftted to It IS I'tqulrt<J lbo... F.l1u!'l to obltl. ....Itten Ippro'I' of Dt:CUR.iJlT of III .ucll PTlns, PropoSlh .nd 'P<<lflCltlon. pri.r to tilt COClllOIIC....t of '/11 constl'llCtfo. slllll be d....d I ..teri., brtlch lI'l'tOf ..d OECl.J.WIT ...11 tIltn 110.. tilt rl,lIt, In Iddltfon to '/11 othor rl,lIt ,....fttod by IIw or t. oqulty, to orocttd In tilt c.urts to obttfn · IInd.tOI')' fnJunctlon !'IQ.frln, '/11 const....tf.n d... wltllovt Slfd writ... .pp....ll to H tQnt d..... or .......d forthwltll .. OIIHEA's ..p..... cl lb. .pproVl', ....Jectlon .r withholdln, of '/11 'PPro..1 by OfCl.J.WIT of tho pI.... Propoll1s ..d SptclffClUons ..d tile locAtI.n ., .11 .t"'ctuI'tS, Ind "01')' 11terotfon .f ll\Y structvl't sllol1 not be co.stl'll.d or t.torpreted IS a 1'fj>!'IIf.totfon .r dtt....I..Uon bl DECUAAHT tlIit '/11 bUl1dl.,. pI_in,. .ItctrfcII COda or othor Ij>pl1Clbl. ~YI"...,tol "",uhUon. or ""'f....nts hi.. or hi.. not bet. properll ..t bJ' tilt DwlIER, DlINER sllol1 be I'tsponslbl. for oOt4fnln, III ntctsllry toc/ln fCl I dU~ Ind to ..to Ippllcatfon t4 Ind obt41n tilt 'PPro..I of Collf.r County. P.l1c.. Il41 lllpro'.nt District. Ind '11)' otlltr .pproprill4 fOv.""'nttl 19tilCfu PMor to c_ne_nt 0' '/11 ..111 or constrvcU.... , " , d) OEClAAAHT sllt11 110.. no dvtl. "spOnslbf1f~ nor Ihbf11ty to 1/11 OIINEA or to IIIf Otlltr PO".. """,,soe..r In !'I'jltCt to tilt U'I"Cfs. ,of fts ri,hts or tilt flf1..... tQ "'l1;hl Its Mgllts hereund.r. OfCl.AAANT Illy I'tJOCt phns, propouts .nd sPoctflutfon. ,. fts dlsc....tlo.. DECUAAllT's dtchfon tQ IPPro... ....Joct or wi tIIllold Its 'Ppro'll of S~II wort will, It I af .,_, be be.od upon: (f) tile Iltnoo/l1 of fts htorfor desf,n. color end locatIon fn "htfon to, and Its .f'tct upon sur.....ndl"9 stl'\l(tures, VII.. Proplrtfu, .og.totfo., topofrlPh1, Ind tile 0'""'11 desf,n .f tlIi PELICAN "'Y c_/nlty. (If) tIl. c"'"etor of tilt ..torfor ..terf.Is, (Iff) the ph.nod qull1tj> of tilt ul4rior wort..n'lIlp. . 5. EXTERIOR COLORS AHD IlATWAl,S 110 uterior colors or ..torhls Oft .nl structure .r flcflft1 slltll bl po...ftltd tlIit. fn tII. sol. J.dglOtnt .f OECLMANY. would b. fn,......nt... .r dfscord.nt or lncon,",ous with tilt Pllfcln III c'-IOfty or tho PUellC ilEACll ACCESS SITE. M1 ,.tu... oxtorior color or ..torhl cllon,ts desfred .1 INHER ..st b. first 'PPro'od by OECUAAKr In wrltt.,. 7. PETS - HO cats. dog. or other d_stfClttd .nfDlh .1lt1l bo ,....fltod wlthfn tIlo PUBLIC BEACll ACCESS SITE, 966< P'90 J of 7 . Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17,2010 ~ n I 7 0 \(111-4-8 New Business 0 ~ I ' i 7 ~" . J 153 of 371 'J ...' 8. ,ACTORT HUILT STRUCTU_,S I,..... _ No str"uctu/"'t 0" f.cl1ftt of ."1 (11Id of whH 1s coanonly tnOllfn '$ .'.c:tor, built.. -modul.,.-. or .8Obfl. hOCle- type constr\lctfon $/'1.11 01 ,rf<t'4 in PUBLIC BEA,H ACCESS SITE lf1thout tile prior wrlUen pe"'1"lo, of OECLARANT. g. UNDER~ROUND UTILITY LINES All ,lKtr1e. tlltphont. ;U Ind other utility lines 8IIH be InsUlltd und.rground, unhu ProMbltfd by hw. 10. AHTEWNAS .IHO FLAGPOlES \,1." . ."...Z;~ ~ ' f-.i: . . ,.\ l~ J-~ , i Uo outside IntennlS. .nunn. polts, tntenn. ..sts, .ltctronfc devftt.. Int.n... toweN, eltlun bend ('II or &utfur (11M) .nt.n..... .r Sltlllltl rectptor d1shtl or dnfctl or &ny ou..r ~pt of tlKtronle dnlct now fn ox1stonet or u..t IllY IItr..ftlr e_ Into tx1ltllll;o. t/tit 11 utilized or delIV"'" to be ~tf1lztd for u.. transalulon or rectptfon of t1tetronle or o~...':r. of IIVn.1 ./ti11 be .110w4 wfthout u.. frlor ~rlttl. IPProy.l of DE . A fhVpoh(l) for d1lpll1 of the n'V(1 of u.. United Statll of ....rle... StItI of norl41 or Co11ltr CoIInt)', nOMde. and lueb ou..r nIV(I) IS Ire flnt approve4 fn wrftfng bfll(Cl..AANfr ./ti11 be pt..lttl4. An approvt4 n l;polo ./till not be u$04 IS In IntiMa. . 11. TElf>DWY AHD .lCCESSDRY STRUCTURES No tenu. trlfltn. e.1IIPfrs. rec"'ltfonal v.hlelt. (RY'I) or teaporary stNetllrel shill be ptl1lltted to be ustd. ptrttd, set-up or ....In .ytrnlvnt unltU u..lr slzt, Ippotrllll;t IlId _.rary locltloft In tIIo PUBLIC lEACH ACCESS SITE hlyo flrst beu IPProv.d bl DEClJJWjT In writlnv. 12. 00Tll00R EQUI Pl€HT All ~r1>IVO 104 truh eonulntrs 1M rectptleles, 1M ItoraVt contllntn .r rec.puelts. In PUlLlC lEACH .lCCESS SITE shill De $Crtoned so thlt thIJ' shill not be ..14111 Ylslblt. 13. AIR CONDITIONERS All Ifr eOMltlonlng unlU s/till ~ shlelde4 1M hlddoft so tIIot thIJ' Ihl11 not ~ ...14111 ylslblt. 11I11 Ilr e0ll41tlonlng uftlU IllY be ponolttld onll upon tht pr1.r wrltlon Ippro..l of DE~. WIndow Ilr e.ndltlonfllf unltJ Ihlll not be po..ltlo4. 14. SDlM CllLLECTORS Sohr c.I!teton .hlll only be po..ftt14 at locatIon. Ind on st""'tlI..s IS lro flnt IpproYtd 1ft ~Mtfng bl DEClAllAllT. 15.~ No sllJllS, frouun41ng or othtrw1so instilled s"..l1 be trected or 411pll104 II or on.1J\)I 11M or ItNCtu.... unltss tho phe...nt. e/tiroctor, f.... sl:t, lIvhtlnv ..d tIlt of phe_nt of IlI(b sfvn be flNt IPIlroYed In wrltfll9 bl ll(Cl.AAAHT. All SllftS ..It tlso eont... wftn VOyt....ntll eOdeI llId I'!9UhtlonJ 104 wfth tny Nstlr dellFl phnl for slVns tltlbllsllt4 bl DEClNWfT . U. I/Al.LS ANll FENCES. PAYING 00 DTlIER STIl1JCTIJRES No walls, ftneu. Ihutlors, wltl, boardwllts. doel:l. plv....nt or slalhr stNetll...s shill ~ e.n.t""'lod In I'IIBlIC lEACH ACCESS SITE until Its htli/ht. Itll9t11. t;ypt, dtsl~n. eOllposltfon. Ntlrllh 1M locatfons s/till hlv, flnt beon Ipproyod In ~rltfnV by ll(ClAAAIIT. ~6c 'ISt I of 7 'i l t > ,. I ,.t t.,. . f ~~ ' ....,.. I ;:l"}.,,: ':;:.~. ". :l" -1 +.i. tt,.} ;'.~. ~ t.... -, l r ... :. "'t4'.. . :l_~ :.1;, ~ . f H!~<.' ~. *'- .', . . .. ~;.- ", . . ,~_.. ,. ~ ;nt,. fff'~ ~ . fi'~': : ~f. .' tX:. :~ ~!'., : ~;::' 'j.. - 00123' Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VI!I-4-a New Business 25401371 0 Q I 3 7 n j'/..f;:;: ~; \ 17. UG"TlNG E,terl.r lighting of tn. PUBLIC HtACH ACCESS SITE .htll be pe",ltttd onl, upon DECI.AR.IHT'S prior wrltte. .pprov.1 of . lIgntlnv pl.n 'uiMIftted by OWIIER. MY Hgntlng "st... PropoSld 'htll u.t fhtures. lIVnt 'Ouru. Inst.llatlon .na control techniques to conuln I1g.t .Itot. the ~UHU~ B,A<;H ACCESS SITE .nd .hi.ln .r elt.lnne li9nt spflloge Int. Or o,to tclJ.cent propertltl. lB. HAIWTEWAHCE Of PREHISES No refult or unsightly objects .h.lI be .1Iowed to bt plletd or '~"ertd to relllln In PUILIC lEACH ACCESS SITE. All .tructu.... .nd flcllltfts In PUBLIC BEACH ACCESS SITE Sh.11 be kept In to04. ..fe. elt.n, nt.t .nd attractlvt eOnditlo., tnd .11 .truc:tur.. tnd ftelJitlu ...11 be ..1ntlln.d In . flnflhod .nd .ttr.etIYt condItIon. .. U. WATER IWlAGDEIIT AREAS .) 110 structure 0' II\l' kfnd sMll be eonstructld or 'rectl4. nor shill MER In &Ill' llt1 ehlll9O, tlt1r, 1"1'0., revls. or ou..rwfs. Intlrlt... with tilt flow tII4 tho yol_ 0' "'tlr, In 11\1 portIon 0' &Ill' lfo1t1r ".~.t ..... resarv" for, or Intln.lo4 b DE:Cl.AJWfT Ind Ptlle.n 101 IlIproy..e Dlstnet (P.I.I.D.) to be reserved tor draln.gt llt1S, 11uletwl1s 0/' for u.. .ce_htlon of runoff wltlrs, .. ...nKt14 to Illy pht or I.st.--nt of record. without tilt Spt(ffle written ptl1lhllo. of ll(ClARAHT II1d P,'.I.D. b) MER Ihlll In no WIJ' deny or prevent I.vre.. 'M tVre.. to lueh ~tlr ..n'VOMnt ....s for "fntenenct or hMSClpt purposes Dy..PECI.JJWIT. '.1.1.0.. 'tHe.. ley of IIIplos Foundatlo., lne.. or al\l' .pproprlltt gove__ntll tgtl\()' ~t -y ...IOftlbl, ...qul... '~h rlVht Of Ins..... ..,d tg...... tnd tU_.ts u..ref.... .... Ilerebl Sptc:lrleally .....rvtd 'M cre.tId. el MLlC ltACK ACCESS SITE Ihlll not bt I""...sad In .Iu, (1'01I wfthln or outsIde of 'UBLIC lEACH .lCCESS SITE, without tho prIor wrfttln co...nt of DEClAIlAIIT I/l4l '.1.1,0.. by .rtfffeftl,y ff11fnv Illy wlter or ...tI.tlon Ind drafnoge .relS on whleh It .buU. DllNER .hl11 not fIll. dlkt, Mp-rap, block, dlvtrt or eMngt tho tst.bllshH ~otlr or retlntlon ..,d draInage ....s thot ..... bet. or IllY be e....tld b1 U_nt. d) T1It ~tlr ..n'Vtlltnt progr.. tor tho MLIC BtACK ACCESS SITE shall be In teeordanet ~lth ~J!!qul,!'tMnu 0' ,u.. ,'tlleo. ley IlIpro'.nl Dlstrfet (P.I;I.D;); 'S..-rliet wlter dralNVt .nd ....,...nt, lri<:ludlnv but not 11.ft14 to sto.. Wltlr storar e'plel~, shill eonfo.. to tilt o.trall lfo1t1r ..n'V_nt ...QIlI....nts of ',I. .0. .nd _t wfth tile lppro~tl of DECUJWIT. . ARTIQ.E 111 GVlfRAI. PROYIS1011S 1. RESERYED RIGHT; a) ll(CLARAlIT re.trve. 1/1 'Eu_nt for Itself .nd for Pellc.. 1" IlIproy_nt DIstr1et (P.I.I.D.l, lu s~etlson .1Id USI!l'lI, to eonltruct. optrotl. .lntlln, repllr. replKt or rtbulld drsln'Vt structures ond lMtlr 'M .....r utllltfes In" o.tr. on ..,4 al>ovt u.. proptrty. wftJI u.. n!lllt 0' Invress tII4 tg....s. proYfdH thlt those nVhU of '.'.1.0. 1M ll(CLARAlIT wfll not u.reuolllbly I.tlrlo... with DllNU'S UIO of tho PUBUC lEAClt ACCESS SITE. DEClARAHT or '.'.1.0. sh.lI reptlr end/or ...pllet .ny ..... whleh It IllY dfsturO, dlatgt or de.troy In tho eon.tructlon, operotfon or ..lnto.I""t of SlId dr.I..go ItrucW"'S .nd Wltlr .nd S_r utIli tits. bl DECUlWn'. tor itulf, Its '~eeSlon. ulfVns, V...tttl, lIet....s .nd I.Yltlel, Ilertby rtSfrves .n unobnruct14 Ea_.t. et no cost or uponse to DECI.A.WlT. for Ingre.. .nd 'v"''' through, over '04 on SlId PUBLIC ItACH ACCESS SITE for purpo.es of tr...I1fng to 'nd f.... thlt ....1 property own04 by ~6c '0;0 5 of 7 ---.- ""1 ~ I, Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 'J a I ~ 3' 255 of 371 0 0 I 3 7 '1 .11 i ....,;; OECLARANT loclted to the west .f tile PU~L1C BEACW AC",SS SITE" .ell " tr.nfl11ng to tnd rrOlll Outt.. eh. 8.1, prQ"idfd t,..t tnts r1int 0' t.!L:CLAAAHT .111 not 'nr...O.,bly Inttr"ro wltn CloINER'S uSt of the PU~LIC BEACH ACCESS SITE. Z. N4ENCliENT The DECLAAAHT "y. tn ft. ..le dfscrett.n. IIOd tfy , '''''4. '1'" or 'd<l to this OECI.AAATtDN .r Iny port thlroof. Tht power of ...ndlle't. """...r. ./ti11 bI If.ltfd 14 eod1flenlon or tnl"v_nt .f txIsU.V e.yen..ts .nleh ./ti1/ not sub.tlntillly i.Pllr thO ventral Ind .nlfo... plln of lleytlOl1Qt,t .rf~l..lly set f.rtft /ler.tn, nor 'ubS\lntlllly Incru.t tile flnancl.l .blt~nfons of OWNER btyo.d thOt ou..rwlst ...qulrod Iltroln. 3.~ Any waIYtr bl DECLAAAIIT of 1111 proyhl.n of tills DECUAATlOII or broleh Iltreof ..n be In ~tlnv IIId shill not .porotl or be e.n.tMltd IS I ..IYtr of ~/If otller provhlon or IUOlOqUOllt b...eft. 4. DEClAAATlDN RUNS WITH TlIl LNID Tht eoytnonts, c.ndtUons. restrictions 104 otlltr Provhl.ns IlIlder tills DECl.AAAT/DW shill l"UJ\ wltll u.. h.d ..d bInd the propo~ wlt1lln Pll8LIC IE.lCH .lCCESS Silt. It ls OCCl.AIWlT'S Intent. bl tills Declaration, to con..... .nd protect the PUBLIC lEACH ACCESS SITE for too btnofft 0' the p...Stnt In4 futuro """trs 0' u.. rell proport;y eneUllbtred /ti...ln. The PU"... of tills Deelaratl.n ..ndatts, tnd It ls ll(Ct.A.Wfy's Inte.t In furtlltnl\Ct of thh purpose, u..t tills Dechratlon be perpotUll. S. L.E6ISlATlON OlcllER shill not 'Ppll for dredgt and fill penafU I. PutLIC lEACH .lCCESS SITE f". &ny VOyt......t., bo41t1. rtglr41o.. .f 1111 future -...nu to tilt Stltutls or revuhUons 0' tilt Unlto<l Stltls or u.. StItI of Flori. or IS I ...sult of decisIons of tilt COUrts of tilt Unltld StlttS or tilt Stltl 0' f1orlda, wfthout tIIO prlor wrftttft eonst.t of ll(ClAMHT, wtIleh eo...nt .,..11 not bo unrel..nabl, wftllhol-. Ii. ElIFDilCDOT.IHD ASSIGJfllJlT .1 TlltOEcuAAxT-~s'rVtS unto Itself the rlvht.lnd tilt power to enf.rce u.. eoye...u. eoo4ltlons" reltrfctlOftS ..d ou..r proYlslons of tIlh ll(Cl.AAAT/ON by 1111 procHdlnV In hw or tqulQ' Ind to <ltle~ltt or "'Ir.' tltlltr txclullYtll or nontxclushtl" Iny .r III 0' fU rlfts. powers. dut t. or prlvfltVts hereundtr to Clo/NEI, '...1.0.. Ptlle.. &ly 0 IIIplt1 Foondatl.... Inc.. or to Ill)' ou..r pel'SOll or tftUQ' to ~".. Il(CUAAIIT his ...fined lU rlVhU, .-.tf.. .nd powers to ..f.ret u.. YlrlCHlI dud reltrletfons Ift4 ....strletlYt covenants In PEl.ICAlIIAY. b) DEClARAHT Wll hlvo tilt rlght Ind tilt _r to ..toret till eoyenants. eon4ltlOftl, re.trletlons tnd otller provlsl.ns I~OSed Dr tilts ll(CUAATlON b)' l/If proctt<llnv It law or In equft)' 'Vllnst Ill)' pers._ Ylohtfng or Ittaaptfng to n.htt lI\1 .uc:h Proylslons, to restrlln &ny vl.htf.. or attMptld Y101ltfon Of sueh proYlslons, to ...qulre IpO(lffc ptr1011ll1lCt 0' I~h proylslonl, to recover d&ugu 'or yl.htfofts 0' .ueh proylsl.... F.flure bl o(CURAKr or 1111 Of sueft proY1shns Ihl11 In no tnnt bo iIe_d . wlhtr of u..lr rl;nt to dO so th,reaftlr. 7. OECl.AA.\NT'$ Ani,OY1J. OCCI..I.MIIT ..y vrlnt, withhold or 40nl IU pe...lss10n or Ipprovll In Ift1 1.ltllll;t wlltre Its pt..lnfon or Ippron! Is pel1ltttld .r requl....d without I~ lflbfl ft)' of l/If nature or kind to u.. twER or Iny othor ptr.... except .. 11I1 Othtrlf1lt be proylded herel., Ind Ill)' pt...1Islo. or Ipprovll ~r..ttd .hlll be bl.ding upon III ptnons. 'rovl4od howevtr t/tit DEClMAIiT .ftl11, not .n........bly ll1t1lhold ftl eonse.t .r .ppronl WIltre any eon sent .r IpproYll 11 ....qulrt4 ~ndtr tills DEClAAATlDN nor .hlll OECLAAAHT ".relso HI dlscretton fa .n arbftrary or clprfc:fous ..nntr. ~66c PaVt Ii .f 7 Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 256 of 371 o ? , - ' OOI3~O 0~1 8. SEVERABILITY . ,'.1\ ......:0 I'; ,':'_ If Iny sectton, Substct1on. sentener, C:hUH, pl'Irut or portIon of tr,f, OECLAAATJON h. for Iny rtlson, held fn.,l fd ~, unconstltutlon.J by '"1 eOtJrt of Ctrillpttent Jwr1sdfet10n. Suel'! portfon Shtll be dtelltd . sePIrIU, l.lfHfnct an4 Indeptndt't Provl.ion .nd '.111 not .ffe<:t tht VII fdfty of tne r.....I"ln~ portion thtreof. IN WITNESS I/liEREDF, WESTINGHOUSE C0tt4UNlTlES Of lWtES, INt., I Florldl COl'pQrltlo., does IIe..Oy tXKutl thl. DtCLAAATlON OF RESlRJCTlONS Ai<IJ PROTECTIVE COYEIWlTS FOR A PART Of PARCEL "0" Of PE~IC.IH ~AY UNIT ONE. PLAr 1lO0I( 12, plges 41 throuvh 52, lnelu.1Yt, Publle Reeordl of Collltr County Ind PART Of "!liE SOUTh'o/EST QUARTER Of SECTlOlf " TDttNSHI' 49 SOU"!li, R.IHGf: 2S EAST, COl~IER COUNT\' In Its ..... by Its un4trsfvned, 'uthorlztd offletrs Ind l"hlS Its eOl'l'Oratt "II thortto, u.. de.Y and y..r first lbov. wrfttl.. ~ . ~A flAd I~IYL~ / ITIES Of NAPlES, 11;(. :.........:.: . (<":;~'?:~:: ::~-; :.. ".1, : 1i::Y IT: STATE Of F~DRIDA COUI/TY Of, COI.~ I D T1l (01:'901"V Inst........t wu .cknowledg.4 befo.. .. this ~ 411 of < WI . 1;&4, bf .yron R. Ko.tI .1Id Louis H. ~d, P..s tn I. S S I. Stc...tory ruptethtly, of WESTlNGl<<)USE C!M4UNITlES Of NAPLES, IlIC., I nor1dl eorporatlon, o. bth~'l' of tIlttlo.. ......<.~..:.'.:1~:: . ",..' 0 ,. Iloury c ...,:"'.".1) ". ;' -..;:,.. ~', ~ : .,.IIt ~tc.I1I1t:', n.fIC') .. Il.l-" C_lssfon Expl...: -IT _..""". .....''''''" : \ "'I...,~~..ttQ,~....,.. . ..... .~.~ .::: :: .:.:', ~ ~.:'.~". '66<: PIVt 1 of 1 -,- . 't' .;I'~ ".- .J'" , . ".i i . .iif:t.< .." , ...j, <. : .~ '. - '. r 'oj'f.,:'. : 'f h'ij', ',T,.J,I"" tll~.Jf f, J.!.! ~~, . !, ~ . ~. ,. ~. ' !!... .:.:. . -... , '- ~ . ... - ~ . ., ..... . ~~ .t~'.~ ~ r J.. f. ~: ) ;.f ~ ~'f- . n.r,. t off:-. . f':"-f;- L Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17.2010 VlIl-4-a New ,6usiness 257 of 371 ""'\ WILSON. MILLER. BARTON. SVLL & PeeK. INC. PROF,SSIONAl ENGINEERS, Pl.ANNEtS ANO LANO SURVEYORS t>oserlptlon ot port of Pareol '0' of Plllean SlY Unit Ont, Plat Sook 12, paQ" 47 throuQh 52. Ind plrt of Stctlon 9, TOwn.hlp 49 South. ..n90 25 ta.t, Colllor County. rlorldl. Proposod PlrklnQ Plreol (rovl..4) (not ourv,yodl <=> "" <=> .~ ,'"' S? "" ~ ... All tllat pan: ot PIrc.l 'D"~ ot p.llcln S.y Unlt On. aecordlnQ to t~ plat tller.of .. r,corded 1ft Pllt Book 12, paQ" 47 tllrouQII 52. Colltor County Public aocordl, Col110r County. 'lorlda and all that part of Section ,. Tovnllllp 4' Soutll, aanQO 2S Eo.t. Oolll.r County, rlorlda, belng .ore partlcularly d'.erlbo~ a. fOllow.. OomRenclnQ at tllo .outllw..t cornor of tllo oouthoaot 1/4 of .Ild Soetlon " thone. alonQ tllo .outb 1Ino of uld Soetlon " SOuth "'-30'-5" we.t 646.25 foot to tho POINT or BtGINNING of tho parco 1 h'raln de,erlbod, . thonco contlnuo along tht ooutll llno ot .ald Soetlon '. - SOutll 8"-30'-5" w.,t 621.(( foot. thonee North 0'-2"-01' WI.t 50.00 tOlt, tlloneo Kortll "-12'-(8' EI.t 37.5' fo.t, thonco Nortll 5('-3"-37' Ea.t 23.2' fo.t, tlleneo North 4'-11'-)7' Weot 78.34 f..t, thtnco SOuth '72'-21'-27' !ut 17." hot, thoneo Nortb 70'-3"-36' !a.t 3..17 foot, th.neo North 57'-55'-41' Eaot 25.04 foot, tllonco North 13'-3"-51' !a.t 2'.') foet, thone. Nortb '2'-05'-(0' Ea.t 16.55 t..t, thonce North 20'-2"-(7' Io.t 7',00 toot, thoneo SOutll "'-58'_24' Eaot 21.57 ttot, th.ne. North 50'-2"-J,' Eoo.t, 72.J' hot, th011"..- soutn 15'~O;'--U' WI.t 171.32 foot, ' thonc. South 74'-50'-(1' Ea.t 151.04 foot, thoneo Nortll "'.,O'-S" Eaot 212.00 flOt, thonco Soutll (6'-47'-34' EI.t 123.05 t.ot, thonco SOuth 0'-2"-01' Ea.t 50.00 to.t to to the Polnt ot aaglnnlng ot the parcol horoln d.acrlbod, oontalnlng 2.2' acr.. of land .or. Or 10'", ,ubj.ct to o.....nt. and r..trlctlon. of roco:d, <=> :;;<=> C">w moo , . HILSON, KILLER, BARTON, SOLL , PtE~. INC.' bg, !nglno.ra and Land Survoyora lit DATE (.9.f(' , f Not tile Profosalon.l'. .oal. w.o. Ilotl Datil 20'73 4C-270 (LS.kd r.y/S-') 12-'-'2 -- Ro.lsld Juno " 1"5 I ~~..;...~ .....!-~~""'" ...ow ............. EXH [D 1 T . A. .............. ......... . -........ .......... . .......... ......0 ... . """'e.. ..............,._. . ..... - ------ --...--,. --.--- ..----- ----. ..- ~ --. .. Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17.2010 VIII-4-a New Business 258 of 371 ~ AKER.MAN, SENTEIUITT B EIDSON. P. A. ., ATTORNEYS AT LAW. . . ........E1'JEO ",,'l ~v 0 I!IMRONIA~~rM. lRo,l;CllOl'1 C1TRUS CENTER 2$$ SOUTH ORANGE AVENue POST OFPle!': sox 231 ORLANDO. FLORIDA 32:602-02:31 (<4071843-7860 TELE:COPY (40711!!143'6610 AUG 26 1997 J <J ~ 2 - 1 9 <) 1 SERVING THE CUENT AND THE COMMUNITY eveRGLADes TECHliICM. SUPPORT i; . , August 15, 1997 , Rich Bray Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems Florida Department of Environmental Protection 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Mail Station 310 Tallahassee, FL 32339-3000 RE: Clam Bay Restoration and Management Plan RECEIVED AUG 18 1997 BUREAU OF flEI\CHES 8< COASTAL SYSTEMS Dear Rich: This letter is intended as a supplement to our first response to your first Request for Additional Information dated July 15, 1997. You will recall your request that we investigate alternative disposal methods in connection with the contemplated dredging under the Plan. We have done so. Our goal has always been to accomplish the required spoil disposal in as environmentally responsible way as possible; recognizing the constraints of the site and our financial resources. As we have continued to research a variety of alternatives we have, in the last few days, gained additional insight into the potential of Jetspray disposal and the technology involved in it. To assist you and your team in understanding the this technology, I enclose with this letter a series of articles describing the attributes of this system of spoil disposal and a video showing its actual operation. I caution that the size of the dredge being used in the video is larger than would be employed in Clam Bay, but the technology is the same. Note in the second segment of the video that the ditches and canal have a very strong resemblance to Clam Bay even though they persist in a bottomland hardwood system. Additionally, I can report that there are substantial costs savings that can be achieved if this technology can be permitted and, not insignificantly, we can, by incorporating this disposal method into the Plan, eliminate the need for the spoil islands. We want to encourage you to look at this technology as we believe it not only has significant potential for costs savings, but more important, it affirmatively appears that it is the least harmful to the overall ecology of Clam Bay, both during and post implementation. Finally, it also has the advantage of being able to be implemented in the field more quickly thereby reducing the time reqUired for ORI...ANDO F'ORT l."UOe:ROAl.~ MIAMI TAl.L.AHASSEE TAMPA WEST PALM BEACH Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 259 of 371 Rich Bray Page 2 August 15, 1997 implementation. There are issues which we are continuing to research, but we wiil want to discuss this with you in detail at our meeting on the 26th. Thanks for taking the time to review this and we look forward to seeing you and the rest of the FDEP team. cc: Chip Clough Hilburn Hillestad Jim Ward Susan Watts AI Varley Ilene Barnett, FDEP John Inglehart, FDEP Karen Moody, FDEP FDEP Permit Modification #1 Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIlI-4-a New Business 260 of 371 ,\\-\.~~cn.':~iO!l . . ,;t:."i.. .~.)" ~ . I HOR - A ,<7" ~ ,'~ '~l . Department of Environmental Protection Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 261 of 371 /", , ;" ..,.1 /i U / Lawton Chiles Governor Marjory Stoneman Douglas Building 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 Vwgir\lJ B. Wetherell $('cretar'y CERTIFIED - RETURN RECEIPT REOUESTED December 15, 1998 Collier County - Pelican Bay Services Division c/o Brett Moore, P.E. Humiston and Moore Engineers 10661 Airport Road N., Suite 14 Naples, Florida 34109 Notice of Permit Modification Permit No. 0128463-001-JC, Collier County Clam Bay Restoration and Long-Term Management Proiect Dear Mr. Moore: Your request to modify this permit has been received and reviewed by Department staff. The proposed permit modifieation is to authorize: (I) an alternative upland spoil disposal area fOT Cut # I; (2) an increase the width of channel Cut #4 through Clam Pass; and (3) alternative pipeline corridors between the dredge cuts and the disposal areas. The proposed alternative disposal area for Cut #1 is an upland Wldeveloped building site, to the east of Clam Bay. The dredged material consists of a high percentage of fine material and organic matter and, because the material does not have any economic value, pursuant to Rule 18- 21.01 I (3)(c)2, F.A.C. no severance fees are required. This disposal site was chosen to avoid use of the proposed spoil disposal area on the landward side of the beach dune. Department staff considers the proposed new disposal area for Cut # I a preferred alternative to the previously authorized disposal area for Cut # 1. Channel Cut #4 through Clam Pass will be widened to improve directional tidal flow between Clam Bay and the Gulf of Mexico. Department staff have reviewed the proposed channel widening and determined that the change to the channel dimensions is not expected to have an adverse effect on inlet processes and will improve tidal exchange. The proposed dredge cuts for Cut #4 will not exceed the previously authorized depths of -4 ft. NGVD. The proposed pipeline corridors are located between each channel cut and their associated disposal areas and include pipeline placement through mangrove, open water and wetland habitat. The pipeline required for the channel dredging will be relatively small, lightweight and made of a flexible material which will enable manual placement. Minimal mangrove trimming "Protect, Constrict' Grid t.1(]!logt' Ffu(!do's tnvirOillllf:'nt anI..; i-Jo/:Jf;;/ Kr-j'J)!i!((',' Pril1{ed on recycled paper Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17,2010 VIII-4-a New Business 262 of 371 Notice of Permit Modification Collier County - Pelican Bay Services Division Permit No. OI28463-001-JC Page 2 will be conducted pursuant to the permit Specific Condition No.7 to enable the contractor to manually place the pipeline. The pipeline corridor and any associated trimming will be designated by the approved wetland scientist and verified by Department staff. The attached drawings reflect the above modification and shall supercede the associated permit drawings (sheets 23, 24, 25, and 28). After thorough review the staff has determined that the proposed alteration does not increase the potential for adverse impact on the coastal system, public beach access seaward of the mean- high water or nesting sea turtles and hatchlings and their habitat, and that the proposed alteration does not reduce the design adequacy of the project. Since the proposed modification is not expected to result in any adverse environmental impact or water quality degradation and is expected to be of environmental benefit, the permit is hereby modified as requested. By copy of this letter and the attached drawings, we are notitying all necessary parties of the modification(s). This letter of approval does not alter the July 6, 2008 expiration date. other Specific or General Conditions, or monitoring requirements of the permit. This letter and accompanying drawings must be attached to the original permit. This permit is hereby modified W11ess a sufficient petition for an administrative hearing is timely filed W1der sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes, as provided below. The procedures for petitioning for a hearing are set forth below. Mediation W1der Section 120.573, F.S., is not available for this proceeding. A person whose substantial interests are affected by the Department's action may petition for an administrative proceeding (hearing) under sections 120.569 and 120.57, F.S. The petition must contain the information set forth below and must be filed (received by the clerk) in the Office of General COlUlSeI of the Department at 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Mail Station 35, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000. Because the administrative hearing process is designed to redetermine final agency action on the application, the filing of a petition for an administrative hearing may result in further modification of the permit or even a denial of the application. If a sufficient petition for an administrative hearing or request for an extension of time to file a petition is timely filed, this permit modification automatically becomes only proposed agency action on the application subject to the result of the administrative review process. Accordingly, the applicant is advised not to commence construction or other activities under this permit modification until the deadlines noted below for filing a petition for an administrative hearing or request for an extension of time has expired. Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIlI-4-a New Business 263 of 371 Notice of Permit Modification Collier County - Pelican Bay Services Division Permit No. OI28463-001-JC Page 3 Under rule 62-110.1 06( 4), Florida Administrative Code, a person whose substantial interests are affected by the Department's action may also request an extension of time to file a petition for an administrative hearing. The Department may, for good cause shown. grant the request for an extension of time. Requests for extension of time must be filed with the Office of General Counsel of the Department at 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Mail Station 35, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000, before the applicable deadline. A timely request for extension of time shall toll the running of the time period for filing a petition until the request is acted upon. If a request is filed late, the Department may still grant it upon a motion by the requesting party showing that the failure to file a request for an extension of time before the deadline was the result of excusable neglect. In the event that a timely and sufficient petition for an administrative hearing is filed. other persons whose substantial interests will be affected by the outcome of the administrative process have the right to petition to intervene in the proceeding. Any intervention will be only at the discretion of the presiding officer upon the filing of a motion in compliance with rule 28- 106.205. F.A.C. In accordance with rules 28-106.111(2) and 62-11 0.106(3)(a)( 4), F.A.C., petitions for an administrative hearing by the applicant must be filed within 21 days of receipt of this written notice. Petitions filed by any persons other than the applicant, and other than those entitled to written notice under section 120.60(3), F.S., must be filed within 21 days of publication of the notice or Within 21 days of receipt of the written notice, whichever occurs first. Under section 120.60(3), F.S., however, any person who has asked the Department for notice of agency action may file a petition within 21 days of receipt of such notice. regardless of the date of publication. The petitioner shall mail a copy of the petition to the applicant at the address indicated above at the time of filing. The failure of any person to file a petition for an administrative hearing within the appropriate time period shall constitute a waiver of that person's right to request an administrative determination (hearing) under sections 120.569 and 120.57, F.S. A petition that disputes the material facts on which the Department's action is based must contain the following information: (a) The name and address of each agency affected and each agency's file or identification number, if known; (b) The name, address, and telephone number of the petitioner; the name, address, and telephone number of the petitioner's representative, if any. which shall be the Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIlI-4~a New Business 264 of 371 Notice of Permit Modification Collier County - Pelican Bay Services Division Permit No. 0128463-001-JC Page 4 address for service purposes during the course of the proceeding; and an explanation of how the petitioner's substantial interests are or will be affected by the agency determination; (c) A statement of when and how the petitioner received notice of the agency decision; (d) A statement of all disputed issues of material fact. If there are none, the petition must so indicate; (e) A concise statement of the ultimate facts alleged, including the specific facts that the petitioner contends warrant reversal or modification of the agency's proposed action; (f) A statement of the specific rules or statutes that the petitioner contends require reversal or modification of the agency's proposed action; and (g) A statement of the relief sought by the petitioner, stating precisely the action that the petitioner wishes the agency to take with respect to the agency's proposed action. A petition that does not dispute the material facts on which the Department's action is based shall state that no such facts are in dispute and otherwise shall contain the same information as set forth above, as required by rule 28-106.301, F.A.C. Under sections 120.569(2)(c) and (d), F .S., a petition for administrative hearing must be dismissed by the agency if the petition does not substantially comply with the above requirements or is untimely filed. This action is final and effective on the date filed with the Clerk of the Department unless a petition is filed in accordance with the above. Upon the timely filing of a petition this order will not be effective until further order of the Department. This permit modification constitutes an order of the Department. The applicant has the right to seek judicial review of the order under section 120.68, F.S., by the filing of a notice of appeal under rule 9.110 of the Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure with the Clerk of the Department in the Office of General Counsel, 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard., Mail Station 35, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000; and by filing a copy of the noticc of appeal accompanied by the applicable filing fees with the appropriate district coUrt of appeal. The notice of appeal must be filed within 30 days from the date when the final order is tiled with the Clerk of the Department. The applicant, or any party within the meaning of section 373.1 14(l)(a), F.S., may also seek appellate review of this order before the Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission under section 373. 114(1), F.S. Requests for review before the Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission must be filed with the Secretary of the Commission and served on the Department within 20 days from the date when the final order is filed with the Clerk of the Department. Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 265 of 371 Notice of Permit Modification Collier County - Pelican Bay Services Division Permit No. OI28463-001-JC Page 5 When there has been no publication of notice of agency action or notice of proposed agency action as prescribed in rule 62-103.150, F.A.C., a person who has actual knowledge of the agency action or has knowledge which would lead a reasonable person to conclude that the Department has taken final agency action, has a duty to make further inquiry within 21 days of obtaining such knowledge by contacting the Department to ascertain whether action has occurred. The Department shall upon receipt of such an inquiry, if agency action has occurred, promptly provide the person with notice as prescribed by rule 62-103.150, F.A.C. The Department does not require notice of this agency action to be published. However, the applicant may elect to publish notice as prescribed in rule 62-103.150, F.A.C., which constitutes notice to the public and establishes a time period for submittal of any petition. I f you have any questions regarding this matter. please contact me at the letterhead address or by telephone at (850) 487-4471, ex!. 123. Sincerely, ~i:~'PE Professional Engineering Administrator Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems RMBlkjm cc: Todd Turrell. Turrell and Associates Harry Huber. Collier County Ted Brown, Akerman, Senterfitt. & Edison, P.A. Michael Potf. Coastal Engineering Consultants Jon Iglehart. DEP- South District Office- FI. Myers DE?, Office of General Counsel Chip Clough, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Mac Hatcher, Collier County Departmenl of Natural Resources Kyle Lucasz, Collier County- Pelican Bay Services Division David Guggenheim, The Conservancy of SW Florida Dan Spma, Save the Bays, Association Kay Potter, Mangrove Action Group, Inc. DEP- Bureau of Protected Species Management File FlUNG AND ACKNOWLEDGMENT FILED, on this date, pursuant to Section 120.52, Florida Statutes, with the designated Department Clerk, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. ;&.{~i?Q-u ) jJ -! S - 9 f Deputy Clerk Date 22 @l i B~ ~g ~~ g~ ~g ~ES psj ~ ~ g ~n <I" ~.. ,:ow ~'_~t:; ~ :lit; ~-' 0"" '"" ,,~ <<< wo "'0 ~<cJ V) Z o ;:: U ILl V) ~ ~ z.... )002~ ~ ~i~ ~~ 20)< ,~ :jl-Lo.l '~l,,;U~~ . cg.... g:;- .""- dlJ~ . Co! " ... I ; . - n Q w :> - w", U::.J w'" a:: z ... ..J 0.. ..J ... 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I" ~~ -~F t ~\j,':i- \ E' FLOR~- 1 - - - - Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 294 of 371 , / Department of Environmental Protection Marjcry Stoneman Douglas Building 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Talbhassee. FlOrIda 32399-3000 David B. Struhs. Secretary Jeb Bush Governor CERTIFIED - RETURN RECEIPT REOUESTED February 16, 1999 Collier County - Pelican Bay Services Division cio Ms. CJoe Essex Turrell & Associates. Inc. 3584 Exchange A venue. Suite B Naples. Florida 34104 '-'mice of Pennit Modification Pemllt :'\0. (J 128463-00 l-lC, Collier County Project: Clam Bay RestoratIon and Lon!!~ T enn Management Project Re: Mangrove Trimming Dear Ms. Es"ex: Your February 4. 1999 request to modify this penn It has been receIved and revie\\ed b, Department >tafT. The proposed pennit modificauon is to authorize minor rc\is10ns to the mangrove trimming procedures pursuant to site \ erification by staff from the Department's South DIStrict Office, The February 4. 1999 field site visit revealed that lateTal branches, trunks, and some roots located at the waters edge will need to be trimmed do\\n to the wateT surface at selected locations in order to provide access for the contractors equipmeClt mto the interior reaches of the Clam Bay system. The minimum width required fur construction access will be identified by the approved wetland blOlogist and all branches and trunks proposed for trimming will be flagged for field approval by stafT from the Department's South District Office. Since only the minimum required width will be approved by the Department in the field, there may be selected situations once the contractor progresses through the channel wheTe additional trimming may be required that was not previously field approved by Department staff. In these selected cases, the pennit condctions have been revised to allow authorization by telephone approval from Department ,taff. Best management practices pursuant to the trimming procedures in Specific Condition 7 will be utilized at all times and superv ised by the approved wetland biologist to ensure that only the mimmal amount of trimming and removal Dfmangroves is conducted. All trimmed mangrove parts greater than one inch shan be removed from the site for disposal in an upland area to prevent restriction of tidal flow within the interior channels and mangroves. 'Prater..."!, Conserve and Manage Flonda's EnVironment and Notural Resources" Pl1nted on r~crc.'t:d paper. Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 295 of 371 Notice of Permit Modification Collier County - Pelican Bay Services Division Permit No. 0128463.o01-JC Page 2 Specific Condition 7 shall be revised as follows: (5tFiI(.thFe~gh5 aFe deletions. underlines aFe additions) 7. A minimal amount of trimming and removal of mangroves will be needed to conduct the authorized activities in the smaller interior channels, These activities are to be supervised by the Department approved wetlands scientist described in Specific Condition I above. To ensure that the biological health and productivity of the mangroves are not adversely impacted to a significant extent, the following mangrove trimming procedures must be followed, pursuant to Sections 4039321-403.9333, Florida Statutes. Only once-per-year trimming of the mangroves needed to conduct the activities authorized by this pennit. and to maintain the canoe trails is allowed; no trimming of mangroves to create or enhance views within this ecosystem is allowed. Prior to trimming or removing any mangroves, the species of the trees must be identified and tagged by a qualified biologist, wetland scientist(s), or botanist and verified by staff from the Department's South District Office in Ft. Myers, or the Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems in Tallahasse<:. If additional trimming of trees which have not been previouslv field verified bv Department staff is necessarv to allow construction access to the work locations bv dredge equipment and machinerv, it mav be negotiated bv telephone bv the approved wetland scientist and staff at the Department's South District Office. This work will be supervised bv the wetland scientist and a recordilog compiled on each occasion and submitted by fax within 24 hrs. to both the Department's South District Office (fax 941/332-6969) and the Department's Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems (fax 850/488-5257). All trimmed mangrove parts greater than one inch in diameter shall be removed and composted on the uplands to prevent further restriction of tidal flow within the interior channels: Live Ma"\!rove Trimmi"\! Procedures a. Maximum Diameter- No white mangrove tree with a single trunk diameter greater than twelve inches dbh (diameter at breast height= the diameter of the tree at 4.5 feet above the substrate) may be top trimmed. No black mangrove tree with a single trunk diameter greater than eight inches dbh may be top trimmed. No red mangrove tree with a single trunk diameter greater than one inch may be top trimmed. Where the location of an individual tree/trees prevents completion of the activities authorized by this pennit by way of blocking access to work locations bv equipment and machinery, these guidelines may be waived with prior yerification by Department staff (on-site or negotiated by telephone bv the supervisory wetland biologist). A log must be compiled of any trimming not previously field verified bv Department staff and submitted by fax within 24 hrs. to both the Department's South District Office (fax 94l1332-6969) and the Department's Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems (fax 850/488-5257). b. Top Trimming- White and black mangrove trees within the specified trunk diameters may be trimmed to a height of four feet above substrate. The limit of tap Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 296 of 371 Notice of Permit Modification Collier County - Pelican Bay Services Division Permit No. 0128463-001-JC Page 3 trimming for red mangroves within the specified trunk diameters is 6 linear feet above the substrate. Top trimming shall not occur from May I through September 30. No more than half of the canopy of the tree shall be trimmed. No white and black mangrove trees less than 4 linear feet in height shall be trimmed. No red mangroves less than 6 linear feet in height shall be trimmed. Where the location of an individual tree/trees prevents completion of the activities authorized bv this permit bv way of blocking access to work locations bv equipment and machinery. these guidelines may be waived with prior verification bv Department staff (on-site or ne~otiated bv telephone bv the supervisorv wetland biologist). A log must be compiled of any trimming not previously field verified bv Department staff and submitted bv fax within 24 hrs. to both the Department's South District Ot1ice (fax 941/332-6969) and the Department's Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems (fax 850/488-5257). c. Removal of Lateral Branches- For white and black mangrove trees, lateral branches originating between four and fifteen feet above the substrate may be removed from a trunk of any dbh. For red mangroves. up to fifty percent of the lateral branches originating between six and fifteen feet above the substrate may be removed. In multiple trunk trees, the trunk having the greatest dbh is designated as the primary trunk; others are designated as lateral branches. Where the location of an mdividual tree/trees prevents completion of the activities authorized bv this permit bv way of blocking access to work locations bv equipment and machinery. these guidelines may be waived with prior verification bv Department staff (on-site or ne~otiated bv telephone bv the supervisorv wetland biologist). A log must be compiled of any trimming not previously field verified bv Department staff and submitted bv fax within 24 hrs. to both the Department's South District Office (fax 9411332-6969) and the Department's Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems (fax 850/488-5257). d. General Prohibitions- I) No herbicides or chemicals may be used to alter mangroves. 2) No burning may be used to alter mangroves. 3) No deliberate damage to prop roots, pneumatophores, and regular roots. 4) No cutting of any mangrove that serves as breeding, nesting, or roosting area for colonial water birds; or is used by endangered species, threatened species. and species of special concern for breeding, or which is routinely used.. by endangered species, threatened species, or species of special concern, as listed in Rule 19-27, F.A.C., and 50 CFR 17.11-12; or contains a nest or nests of protected solitary nesting birds as defined in Rule 39-12.002 or 39-27.002, F .A.C.. except where a permit has been issued by the Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission, or, where appropriate, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, to remove the nest or nests. Clam Bay SubcommIttee June 17, 2010 V1H-4-a New Business 297 of 371 Notice of Permit Modification Collier County - Pelican Bay Services Division Permit No. 01 28463-001-JC Page 4 After thorough review the staff has determined that the proposed alteration does not increase the potential for adverse impact on the coastal system, public beach access seaward of the mean- high water or nesting sea turtles and hatchlings and their habitat. and that the proposed alteration does not reduce the design adequacy of the project. Since the proposed modification is not expected to result in any adverse environmental impact or water quality degradation and is expected to be of environmental benefit, the permit is hereby modified as requested. By copy of this letter and the attached drawings, we are notifying all necessary parties of the modification(s). This letter of approval does not alter the July 6, 2008 expiration date, other Specific or General Conditions, or monitoring requirements of the permit. This letter and accompanying drawings must be attached to the original permit This permit is hereby modified unless a sufficient petition for an administrative hearing is timely tiled under sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes, as provided below. The procedures for petitioning for a hearing are set forth below. Mediation under Section 120.573, F.S., is not available for this proceeding. A person whose substantial interests are affected by the Department's action may petition for an administrative proceeding (hearing) under sections 120.569 and 120.57, F.S. The petition must contain the information set forth below and must be filed (received by the clerk) in the Office of General Counsel of the Department at 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard. Mail Station 35, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000. Because the administrative hearing process is designed to redetermine final agency action on the application, the tiling of a petition for an administrative hearing may result in further modification of the permit or even a denial of the application. If a sufficient petition for an administrative hearing or request for an extension of time to file a petition is timely tiled, this permit modification automatically becomes only proposed agency action on the application subject to the result of the administrative review process, Accordingly, the applicant is advised not to commence construction or other activities under this permit modification until the deadlines noted below for filing a petition for an administrative hearing or request for an extension of time has expired. Under rule 62-110.106(4), Florida Administrative Code, a person whose substantial interests are affected by the Department's action may also request an extension of time to file a petition for an administrative hearing. The Department may, for good cause shown, grant the request for an extension of time. Requests for extension of time must be filed with the Office of General Counsel of the Department at 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard. Mail Station 35, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000, before the applicable deadline. A timely request for extension of time shall Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 298 of 371 Notice of Permit Modification Collier County - Pelican Bay Services Division Permit No. 0I28463-001-JC Page 5 toll the running of the time period for filing a petition until the request is acted upon. If a request is filed late, the Department may still grant it upon a motion by the requesting party showing that the failure to file a request for an extension of time before the deadline was the result of excusable neglect. In the event that a timely and sufficient petition for an administrative hearing is filed, other persons whose substantial interests will be affected by the outcome of the administrative process have the right to petition to intervene in the proceeding. Any intervention will be only at the discretion of the presiding officer upon the filing of a motion in compliance with rule 28- 106.205, F.A.C. In accordance with rules 28- I 06.111(2) and 62-110.106(3 )(a)( 4), F.A.C.. petItlons for an administrative hearing by the applicant must be filed within 21 days of receipt of this wTinen notice. Petitions filed by any persons other than the applicant, and other than those entitled to wrinen notice under section 120.60(3), F.S., must be filed within 21 days of publication of the notice or within 21 days of receipt of the wrinen notice, whichever occurs tirst, Undcr section 120.60(3), F.S., however, any person who has asked the Department for notice of agency action may file a petition withm 21 days of Teceipt of such notice, regardless of the date of publication. The petitioner shall mail a copy of the petition to the applicant at the address indicated above at the time of tiling. The failure of any person to file a petition for an administrative hearing within the appropriate time period shaH constitute a waiver of that person's right to request an administrative detennination (hearing) under sections 120.569 and 120.57, F.S. A petition that disputes the material facts on which the Department's action is based must contain the following infonnation: (a) The name and address of each agency affected and each agency's tile or identification number, if known; (b) The name, address, and telephone number of the petitioner; the name, address, and telephone number of the petitioner's representative, if any, which shall be the address for service purposes during the course of the proceeding; and an explanation of how the petitioner's substantial interests are or will be affected by the agency detennination; (c) A statement of when and how the petitioner received notice of the agency decision; (d) A statement of all disputed issues of material fact. Iflhere are none. the petition must so indicate; Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 V1l14~a New Business 299 of 371 Notice of Permit Modification Collier County - Pelican Bay Services Division Permit No. 0128463-001-JC Page 6 (e) A concise statement of the ultimate facts alleged, including the specific facts that the petitioner contends warrant reversal or modification of the agency's proposed action; (I) A statement of the specific rules or statutes that the petitioner contends require reversal or modification of the agency's proposed action; and (g) A statement ofthe relief sought by the petitioner, stating precisely the action that the petitioner wishes the agency to take with respect to the agency's proposed action. A petition that does not dispute the material facts on which the Department's action is based shall state that no such facts are in dispute and otherwise shall contain the same information as set forth above, as required by rule 28-106.301, F.A.C. Under sections 120.569(2)(c) and (d), F.S., a petition for administrative hearing must be dismissed by the agency if the petition does not substantially comply with the above requirements or is untimely filed. This action is final and effectIve on the date filed with the Clerk of the Department unless a petition is fikd in accordance with the above. Upon the timely filing ofa petition this order will not be effective until further order of the Department. This permit modification constitutes an order of the Department. The applicant has the right to seek judicial review of the order undeT section 120.68, F.S., by the tiling of a notice of appeal under rule 9.110 of the Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure with the Clerk of the Department in the Office of General Counsel, 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Mail Station 35, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000; and by filing a copy of the notice of appeal accompanied by the applicable filing fees with the appropriate district court of appeal. The notice of appeal must be tiled within 30 days from the date when the final order is filed with the Clerk of the Department. The applicant, or any party within the meaning of section 373.114( I )(a). F.S., may also seek appellate review of this order before the Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission undeT section 373.114(1), F.S. Requests for review before the Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission must be tiled with the Secretary of the Commission and served on the Department within 20 days from the date when the final order is filed with the Clerk of the Department. When there has been no publication of notice of ageney action or notice of proposed agency action as prescribed in rule 62-103.150, F.A.C., a person who has actual knowledge of the agency action or has knowledge which would lead a reasonable person to conclude that the Department has taken final agency action, has a duty to make furtheT inquiry within 21 days of obtaining such knowledge by contacting the Department to ascertain whether action has occurred. The Department shall upon receipt of such an inquiry. if agency action has occurred, promptly provide the person with notice as prescribed by rule 62-103.150, F.A.C. The Department does not require notice of this agency action to be published. However. the Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 300 of 371 Notice of Permit Modification Collier County - Pelican Bay Services l}ivision Permit No. 0128463-00 I-JC Page 7 applicant may elect to publish notice as prescribed in rule 62-103.150. F.A.C., which constitutes notice to the public and establishes a time period for submittal of any petition. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at the letterhead address or by telephone at (850) 487-4471, ex!. 123. Sincerely, Robert M. Brantly, Jr.. P.E. Professional Engineering AdministratoT Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Syslems RMBikjm cc: Todd Turrell, Turrell and Associates Harry Huber. Collier County Ted Brown, Akennan, Sentertitt, & Edison, P.A. Michael Pofr. Coastal Engineering Consultants Jon Iglehart, DEP- South Dlstrtct Office- rl. M, ers DEP, Office of General Counsel Chip Clough, C ,S. Anny Corps of' EnglOeers Mac Hatcher. Collier County Department of Natural R~sources Kyle Lucasz, Collier County- Pelican Bay SCf\lCCS DIVisll1n Davld Guggenheim, TIle Conservam:y of S\V Florida Dan Spina, Save the Bays, AssociatlOn Kay Potter. Mangrove Action tIfOup. Inc, DEP- Bureau of Protected Species Management File FILING AND ACKNOWLEDGMENT FILED, on this date, pursuant to Section J 20.52, Florida Statutes, with the designated Department Clerk, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. Deputy Clerk Date USACE Permit Modification #1 Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIIl-4-a New Business 301 of 371 ~ = a~ ~~ ~~ =a =f == ~ ---' ,-~ III Z o .... u w III z S 0.. ..J < III ~zzzz 1Il2222 01-1-1-1- uuuu xwwUJw UV'lVlI/lVl < I I I I -A' WV1VlVlVl -. (DVlVltnVl ~ 0000 < a?J5555 z V'I~V'lVl ~VlVlVlVlVlVl~~~~ 0 ZWZZ <ZZZZZZ ~ 2>22 ~222222:;::;::;::;: < ~ 1-1- ~I-I-I-I-I-I-wwww I- ~UZUU~>IIlUUUUUU---- W ~w<ww>>_wwwwww>>>> ~ WV'l~V'lVlWWQVlVlVlV'lVlVl w 5 10..1 155 I I I I I I ZZZZ > III IIlIll ~1Il1ll1ll1ll1ll1ll<<<< z(f}I(f}VlZZUVlVlVlVlVlV1~~~~ ~ <0 oo<<<ooooOOo..o..o..o..lIl~ ~~~~~~~w~~~~~~ ~ a... U ~u U a... a. 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W "'0 CO W "'."wI ~~LLu) Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIIIA-a New Business 323 of 371 Construction Plans 1st Maintenance Dredge (2002) & , .. 1 ; : =~ B ~~t ~.,.z .,. .. ; === ~=[;il ~ =- ~ == ~ o <; '"' " ~ c o , ~ ~ '" w - w E ~ E .!; 8 ~ .0 CD J5~r- ~z ~ ct:roC"J E'fo ~=~ U>M ~ ;;. - \17" T Vl Z o ;::: u w Vl -' <( Vl o "- Vl o :I: U <( w CD I . . - H "<S z~ 0'" >- - '" . ...c:~:I: 'i ;l!i~ ~ I i ..c: 1-..... i :II .J V1 0 B OJ ~ o~~ I f l!I . -I ; !, ~ t i dl ~I' " - !II ,.' lif VlVll/lVl zzzz 0000 ~i=i=i= ~~~~~ w V1 Vl Vlt/) :> I I I I VlV')VlVl Z V1 Vl VHf) <(0000 -la::o:::a::o::: a..uuuu I I I I I "'It..;t"<o:t'l:t"lt """""""""" 1-1--1-......... ::>::>::>::>::> uuuuu WWWWL.&J CJ~CJt::lt::l 00000 WL..JI.&JWLaJ a:::occra::o:: t;:j 00000 w ~ N~~uic.ci ;.i fIJ ,. . .. I I ~ ~ O:>IX3" JO .nno ~ . 3 ~ ~ i a. " z~ " ~ N >:Q~ " ::l~l i i $ I c ~t-5 , ! 0 I , (J)U i $ Uw,-, $ O:z i , " w - w ~ E $ E .!: 8 ~ w ~ ! 0: .eel 0 ! j o . 2 (J)$~ , ~ ~ ~z "" ct:roM ~ . 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I I I I- , ' Ii ~ z o ~ zU > Ql;i I ~~~ a ; I ~~~ i l " u~~ I ~ ~ 51 -j u ! $., i S-i Iii ~~ i '. I( II ,I ! [ , ___l , , i , ~ i I : i 11i--- ! ,.: I I: I . i i i i , -.......... -..... i i , , ~ : I: II i---H I.i I: , i i , , i --- .. I . i I ! ; oi~" ~I ~I i l I I i , i i i l I ; I I ; ! >, I i I I T I I i I I , l il :~ :~ i' , , , , , , -.....-- -'.............. --- , -.""'-.... ~ ~ " u ~ ~ I- , ! Ii z~ )-oV) e ~~~ ! ! t ~~w !- u ~ If I ~ ~ LI Q:: l-. ~ ~ ~ i ~ f i I :1: D .~ liP Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 336 of 371 FDEP Notice to Proceed for 1st Maintenance Dredge (2002) Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4.a New Business ,,.,.,""""',,, 337 of 371 E<~\"E""lV" ~.' .",-J Florida Department of ~.~: ." ' " . \;<~'!~~~1;e.:/ Environmental Protection l_N9_TI!;~ TO-PROCEED I Pcrmittc{': Mr Kyle Lukas! Colber County, Pelican Bay Senlees Division XO I Laurel Oak Driw. Sulle 60" Naples. FL 3410X I'umit Numbcr: I'cnnit E\pircs: o 12X463-00 I-JC .Iuly 6. 200X You arc h~n:by granted tinal authorization to pnJcl'l'd with the activities authorized by the permit l1umher referenced above. Spl'l.:ifically. you arc aulllOri/.cd to maintenance dredge approximately X,722 cubic yards ofrnaterial tl-om Clam Pass and restrictcd channels within thc systcm in order to maintain thc dcsign depths, Dredged material will be placed on Ihe beach to the south of clam pass. Authori/cd work must confonll with the detailed projt:L't deSlTiptioll, approved plans dated Octobcr 1<),2001. and all conditions mc:luded mtlle final order, Projcl'l Loc:lliol1: The pro.lcct is located ill the Clam Hav "'atund Resourcc ProteclIOI1 '\rca :md surrollnding dC\t'lnpmcnt:-; in CollIer ('OLtl1ty. SI'(:{ll)JlS 4. ). 1-:. 9. .~2. &. 33 ufTo\VIlSll1p 4t) South, Range 25 Last, Class II \\al~IS. not appw\ed for shellfish harvcsting. Questions n~'gardil1g the permit or this notice should he dircc{(~d to the llndnsigned at: t2jO'ijOj Date of Notice Iill ' 1 .' Ilu~i~,,:! [, M idlHeI C. Corrigan Lnviwllmcntal SpeCialist III ()ffice of Beaches and Coasl,ll Systems "\90() Commollwealth BlVd.. M,S, 300 ralfahassce. Florida 32399-3()()() Telephone (X50) 4X7-4471. exL 122 cc: Mike Marshall. I.l'WI~ InvlJ'(l1lllH.'ntul Senl(t's. 11IC rodd Turrcll, Turrell and A"suClal..:,. Ken Humiston. flulllis[n!l :lIld MlH)Il' Ln~llll'l'l''' 1{(ln tl0Vt'l1. ('plllel CUlllll.v IrK)' Blan, Ui':!'- South Disln.....t Uffi(l' - I't. Myer.. Jennie ('ov..:1I"1.1)(.'I'- S\IlJth 1)1',1f1('1 (HTlcl.' t'1. \1y..:r,;; ('hip CI\lugll, U,S. Army (\H-pS uf !'!IgiJ1\'l'lS n iSr\('F I\:rnll\ '\n. 19960.!nlJ(lp-CCl) M:ll' ILlIdl\.'r, C\Jlbel ('null!)' Dl'pdrtlll.....nt of N:llUI":d Rl'SOlJl\'I.'S IlavlJ (juggl'nhcilll. TIll' ('llIl"Cr\;lI1l'Y or S W l'lurilia Dan Spma. Save thl,' l~;ry". A'i:';()L~latIlHl Kay Pnttcr, ~/l:11l~',1I)\'1.' A-:ti\Hl Group, Inc. ()~l\ Id ;\llluIJ, I-"\V'('( '. Hun::llI (JI- Plotn.\cd Spl.:l.-'I...." Mao<l!!cnwll! hk nYl<f",'" !',Iflll_re. '1:','>\,' Post Conspicuously on the Site Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII~4-a New Business 338 of 371 Construction Plans 2nd Maintenance Dredge (2007) Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIlI-4-a New Business 339 of 371 HlJMISTON & MOORE ENGI1\"EERS ':8:_5 'A, U,(';'~J(LRl!'F:' [:~s ;jN MW ~LRr-.-1:1 :lr'IG ~ .,j' :-;'~ ...'( m594202~ April 14, 2006 Sent Via FedEx Martin Seeling DEF Bureau o( Beaches and Coastal Systems 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Tallahassee, Flonda 32399-3000 Re: Request (or NTP Clam Pass Maintenance Dredging. JCP File No. 0128463-001-JC HM File No, 11-049, Clam Pass Dear Mr, SeeHng, Atta,:hed is 21 set of signed and sealed plans for the referenced request for a 1\otlce To Proceed submitted March 31. 2006, Please call Me or Joe Foster a: 239~594-2021 if you have any questions or concerns, Since~ely yours HUMISTON & MOORE ENGINEERS j.?.-. 4""7< ~ ;4..... Konneth K Humiston, P E Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIIl-4~a New Business 340 of 371 1 t o lOG .00 ...[!] J?DGE C J: SCALe 1" .00' )4T( or f'tt<lIOCRA:''i; .M~U~' ,OOJ ?ii01'OGr.rA.PI'o ~ROPEUY Of COlliER COUNTY "p~"'IS!TS orne!. [!:HleF f'Dl< IL_.;stRA"Nr f'JIlPOSC5 Ol-<L!. ,.."-..,,, "42 G R42 ~ \80 :JAC'< 0; JUNl' :"M"ttO)'\l"T~) DREDGE: AR'A PROPOSED FLL ARE^ TOE OF S...C""E i4l't'il'JXlW,,:f) l!il..'<lO O. "U iAM.l't{}JI.....rrj G R-45 -..... R44 (SCV'tt,'l,i,,:cr n:J. }.1'f"'N.(.utE; G R-44 ~ JI.-,; 'it 'E-ftc, 'i;".""'" CLA..... F'a.SS 010:'l05[D er.:ACH nL. :'OR:CO_~IE~ cO;J'trv )AT~, C3 '29/C6 ,_"PRO riLL SOAL~,' "-4CO' ...:08 11 :)49 JAT .~'YI ~ADH.5 90 FIG:...;R:-. A ')"79 STRA"iQ COURT N\P,-LS, f,- 341 'C' fAX: (.?>S9; ")94,-70/7> I='-iCN:' ''''/;0, 5<'fJ. '0" '""",, h~T""lsIClnc,,(jr',,(')'R~om J m"\H<;;TO!'\ &\f(" IRE E",CI",EER. """"'" J "1 0.1 ; '1 t: '1 ;i 1i o " 00( oi i:. d'l' R-42 .,' ...,~o __ , '" r5'..aVQ ryPIC.l ~~orIL[ (, '/(5) ';~ ,/ " " aEAei1 nlL e r.yjH Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIlI-4-a New Business 3410f371 I w>rw (+1 so~, N:;~I -,+_.~----.,--..-..-- -100 -~o o DISTANCE "'-j ,_ "_~ _, _ _------~---_.,::.:-'____l 50 100 1$0 200 2~ JOO SE....WARD or DHR "'ONt)W(NT. FEET '0 o . > u . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 2 ~ co. ~-21 ~4 ; 0" > ~ z ft.{ "" 4' g 2j g oj ",,-2j 0, 51 >> Q ~ /H ::. ~ z g . , > ~-, R-42+28J ~$' "G"~ .-.lI 1_10' ---:'~-:'''''>'''' ./ //'>,-\ //>- .~ / '~ "'- ~" SEACh f:LL e 71 ~.>/" P~Ch.r ."" (+1.50' t;{;'I'O) ""-,-"~~ """-_."-'0""'-' _IQO -so - o""-----F'--- -"100" OISu'NC( S(J.W.UlO OF' ONR , '--'~-"'-iOO-- M'_-m--m l,fONUlIIEHT. FEO 10.,...-----. : . R-43 _=-~;IO /.~. ui' / / / /'; ~~- "~~ -' <'>-- p~U,\.! ;1'/)1) "'':!.. .~. ~;;v,; , ,,:;, REACH nl; / '10 cy/i' -.j -. -'00 -~o 0 ~ lGO ISO 200 OISTAHCE S(AWARD or DNA' 1ol0NUW[HT, rtn " R-44 .~. ~V~ , , .~1'_10' , 7">.:" ( /)~..,i--".' " 'q . " 1 ~= '~ d' ..cv<~ S~:';;'I; T , -.~_._-- -,,, "Rcr'Ll ----------.-----~-~ o .so 100 15D 200 2M! 300 DISTANCE SE.AWARO Of Q/llR 1oI0NVW[tH. rEET ~,,"1 -../" ->0 lit :\tlST(}." CLA.M BAY SOuTH 8EACH P'?OfiLES &:\1()( IHE PR P A"'H r,' F~(;I.'EEIL' FOR: COLliER COUNTY DATE:D3/29 06 filE: RMONS JOB FILE: 11 049 DA TUM:NGVD SCALE: 1 FIGURE: w~ (+1.;0' "C;\'D11 O' Navel ,>0 "" _ltt!!,!.~'50' Neve); o' ~cvo ~ J/H...: 'f/I'f(Ob =100 8 5679 S:RAND COlJR' NAPLES. r,_ .341 0 fAX; 2.39 594 2025 ?HCNE~ 239 594 202 ~ I ~ :1 ~ :-l-- :: ~2.j z , g-4-4 . , > ; ':1-61 w -8~ ~ ~ LL~.l7.' C1'/fT -10""; STA 0+00 Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 342 of 371 k//i , /I ',/ / ; ji ,L' SOuTH "Oin.. -1:-.:OO-......._~~;-~5~--.,.,~_?OO -\'50 --1'00 OjSl.~CE: l-ROlol 9A.SL.lNE. (fEET) 8 6'-< i 0' ',",1 i 2~""""'" :: ot- \.:. ~ ; .... -l~, z , g-4-1 ~-6~ -e""; 7J cr/n -10-' NORTH -12-'---- -400 -350 6-< Q 4~ > ~ 2-< , ....: 0-+ ~ -2-' z , g-4-; . > ~-6---< -a-< 5TA 0+-25 ---- " ..-' ,~ -300 I I -200 -150 FRO'" BASEUtoOr: (f'EET) -250 OJSHNC( ST,\, o+~o ,~ ~ ~..." '2 CYjn -10~ NORTH -12---;'---'- I -400 -350 Hl~I1ST( l.'\ &.\((){ll{E E'\( ;J ,'\!T 1<: , -300 -2S0-'-'-~ -1'50 OiST.~C( f'ROW BASEUNE (HET) CLAM BAY CROSS SECTION CUT 4 FOR; DATE; J08, COLliER COUNn' 03 '29 06 mL ~SECCU. 4 11048 DATUM: NGvD -50 0 , \ / / I / / /j / " i /"/; ( /,"1 ~... SO\.f,H -100 -50 ,/ /' . ~ /,/ (/) '( /! ~~c..-I SOUlH -l'CO -50 0 SCAlL \" 1 ';0' FIGURE: C -i , o ~ J.J-.,~ o/tv/ a 10/96 ./S9 POST-OREOCE 09/05 5679 STRAND COU~T NAPLES, rL 34110 ,1\)'; (239, 594-202.'5 PHCNr: 12'39) 594-202' ",WW. h<..lmi<;tonOflomoore,com I, 8-r- i ~] ~ I 5 o~ ~ -2 . g-.-j . 1 ~-6-J ~ J -8-4 --r: j :....L-.Jl.! Cy/n -", , NORTi-< -"I -400 51 ~ "1 ! 2~ ~ 0-+ ::'-2--< . ' g-4-.-; . ~ -8~ -IJ-- -'2 -400 ~ :1 ~ i c 0 1 w ; .... -2-; . . 2_04"'; .. .: ~ -Ii.... - , -10-- Sf A 0.75 ~ ~ , -350 8 -,300 , -250 DISTANCe , , -200 -\50 .ROW e"'S[lJN( (FEET) ST,l 1..00 ~~ ---.......-...' ~. '-- -- " ,- . ~..,-..,.. [2]11.5 cy/n '10RTH -J5() 8 , 6-i -300 ~~ , -250 -200 -150 DISTANCE PtOW BAS(UN( (FEET) sa 1+25 ~ ~ ~",,' -8-' [ZJll,.l cv/n f-lORTH -12--+- -400 -J50 III '\IIST' 1:\ &\-It)(lHE E:\<;{:\EEIL -'00 _2iS() -200 -ISO DISTANCE fROIol SJ,S(uN( urn) CLAM BAY CROSS SECTION CUT 4 FOR: COLLIER COUNT'( DATE, O~ 29 06 II E, XSECCUT4 JOB, 11 Q.a DA TUM, NOVD Clam Bay Subcommitlee June 17, 2010 VIlI-4-a New Business 343 of 371 \~'. a SOUTH -1'00 -50 I C~1-.i "- ; / I . !/~ v / ! tLJ' sour,. -100 -50 '~a :/;%1 v~ \.~--, o o i 'I , , -100 SOUTH -50 0 YjIW ~~ ~.4-~ SCALE, ,"=100' FIGURE: C2 10/95 ./99 ?OST-O~{OC( 0'105 5679 STRAND COURT NAPLES, n .34110 .AX; (239) 594-2025 Pt-lONf: (23~) 594-2021 ..ww. hu mislc.no nd moore. com Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17. 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 344 of 371 :1 STA 1...~ ,~ 0+ l:: -4,,1 % i Q -,.j , , ~-6" ~" ~""""'" C./....../..././... .'. /" V ., " t//)(~,' 7'~' " / ! ,/, . , '-'---' a .--i > I ~ 2-j -8- 14.. Ctjrr "<O!Hr- 50UTH - I 2,,"r--.-""T""-.-----,-.~--.---......-.-T""..--._,__ .....,"".'.-....,...'..'-,---,-'-..--.,...-....- -400 -.3<50 -JOO -250 -200 -150 -laC OISU,NCE FRO~ BASrUN[ (F(:[T) -50 o 8, , SUO 1 +1~ c > ! .: 0 tJ i '- -2~ % , ~ -4-1 < , @-6-1 -6-: \d3 'cA I ~.. C'f/FT -10-1 -12 I -400 ~~ -250 OISTMtC[ SOUTH ""-"--'"T-'-r-'--r--~--""'~""----; -200 -150 -100 -50 0 fROw BASELINE (fEET) ,,<01.,;..; -~50 -,300 8 1 '1 , C .~ > ~ H ~ STA 2+00 , . I I I ~ , ,.: 0"';"-- ~ _1,J % . g -...: < > - ~ -Q-' ~'" r!(;~ V (//1 , ' '/ / ) \/.>~' ...L_.~ -6'" CZJ 1J,' C'f/FT -10-1 sown; 1 r.OIHH -11"'~ -400 -,350 I .,.--,.-------.-----,--- "1'-----",-----~~.-~.-_.-,...---- -,30:; -250 -200 -150 -100 -50 0 DISTANCE n~ow 8ASELlNE (FEET) Y/f'r/P(. /4 ~t- 10/S8 <ol/ila ~r -DREDGE i 09/~~ III 'IIST< '" &\-H~lHE E,"';J"U-:I{.' CLAM BAY CROSS SECTION CuT 4 ~6!9 STRANJ CCUR" 341 '0 59,~ - 2025 !-"OR: DATt:; JOB, COLL:ER COUNTY 03 29 06 t"ilE: XSECCLH4 11048 DATUM: NGVD SCALE 1.1 1 DC' FIGURE: C3 (23"') 5942021 .. WW, !;1.HT1 'SI0'10 no "floore .(;')0, ~ " ,~ I g 21 ~ 1-; Sf'" 2+31.5 Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIIl-4-a New Business 345 of 371 " 0 tj i I,o,._H ~-2~ ~ ~:j rT1 1 LL-Jll.6 CY/fT +1 NORT" -,~ -400 , "0 DISTANCE ,..--------r-- I .-200 -ISO ~ROw g"SEl.JN[ (frET) -J50 , '00 ll-.---.----- , ,~ .~ su. .hOD " ~ 2 l ~ 1 c o~ ~ , .... .2...., 2 , g -4~ . ~ ~ -8"" ""ZJ ,,_L ;,9 -101 _12+_~_OIHH j -400 -350 cr/fT -JOO , -250 DISTANCE: I I -zoo -l50 fROW e"SEUN( (rEET) :~ " > ~ 21 o ~ ' .... .2"; 2 , g_4-j ~ : j-ei: -8- STA .5+64.5 CZJu cy/rr -10---; NORTH -12 -200 -150 -1'00 -50 DISTANCE .., o '0 fll:QW a.stuN[ (fUr) '1 CL.AM BAY CROSS SECTION CUT 4 HI \IlSTO, &\I(~ llU': E:,\!;[:\EE!(S 'OR' C~'LER COUNTY DATE: 0.3 29 06 FILE: XSECCU14 JOB, 11048 DATUM, NGVO , -100 , -'0 SOUTH I o -1'00 SOUTH ! -50 0 ~ >00 SOUTH 150 200 SCALE: FIGURE, 1";;;.. 0-' '0 C4 o//<f-/"~ /L~ 10j9S 4/99 POST-OREDGE 09/0~ 5679 STRAND CCU~T i\:AP,-l5. 'L 54110 fAX; (ZJ9) 594 2C2J PHDNE: (239) 594.2021 www.humislen8ndmoore.com 8j 64 4 g 4-1 :!.'t = 0 ;:-2 z o , ~ -'l ~-6-i '~ 1 -6'1 fZJ 17,6 C'l'jn -10i 1 NORTf-l -12 I -'00 -1'~O :~ * :1' ~ o ; ~:i ~_ ~:1 LZJ '0' i "ORT" -12 I I -zoo -150 CYjF1 . 1 64 STA hl0 ~ ~ \;~ , -100 I I o '0 fROW BASElINE (fEET) , -50 DISTANCE SUO 4..60 '~~= , -100 -~o OISTANCE I ~---"--"-T'---'-'" o 50 100 fROIol BA.SElINE (fEET) sr_ 5.,.10 1 ,," ~ > ' 6 J-J ~_:t~------~t-r- I '-':- /' 'Z .f .,' g -4~ ',. 'j ~ _6J ~ ' w ; -8"'; , [ZJj,U CY!FT -10"'; ~ NORTH -12 -ioo -1'50 I I I I -100 -50 0 50 DISTANCE fRO" BASElINE (fEET) CLA~ BAY CROSS SECTION CUT 4 Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 Vtll-4-a New Business 346 of 371 1 100 $OUHt I , 150 :ZOO SOUTH --1-.-.----; 150 200 -'---'--~--j 160 SOUTH I , 150 200 'tfN-/~':; . IL-. ~~ , 10/98 i 4/99 POST-DREDCE i _09/05 l 1\ \ \ll ";TO'\ &\J()(iHE I';:-;<;I.'\EEH"; FOR, COLLER COUNTY DATL 03/29 /06 FILE, XSECCUT4 ISCAL', JOB, 11048 IDATUM, NGVO IFlGURE: C5 ,.~ I 1 It:::;: 1 00' 5679 STRANG COURT NAPLES, ;l j41 10 fAX: (239) ::94-2025 PHONE: (239) 594-2021 WIN w. hum: s to "'lQnd moore, com 8T--~-~ 1 !l ... -2-4 z l Q -4-1 ~ ~ ::i -6"' u -81 [ZJ 7.6 CY/FT -10-\ NOR~H -121 -200 -!SO '1"--- 'I r.J 4~ is ;1J ~ O+~---- u ; ... -24 z < g _4~ . " ~ -6~ C 1 -81 [Z]2.1 cr/FT -10-< NORTH -12 -200 -1'5() '0 j '-j ;;-6-1 > j ~ 41 ::; ~l := o-+---"'~ z < Q -2.....l ';( ~ ~ -4~ d " -6-1 1 -6-1 STA 5+60 .... '~ Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17.2010 VIII-4-a New Business 347 of 371 , I i I -I i SOUl I' '50 200 I I I ",. -100 -50 0 50 \'3C JISTAN'C( fROM BASELINE (fEET) SH 6+10 ,~"..,"'..'-' . . , , -100 -50 0 50 160 OISTAltCE fROM BASELINE (FEET) sourf-< do ---~._..._._"--_._" ----.-j [2]0 NOR-H -10 ' -200 -\'50 11l\IIST"'-' & .\IOOH.h F'-'( ;J'-'FEH. cr/n STA 6+60 , -100 , , o " ntOlll BASElINE: (rEE:T) -50 'J,srANCE CLAM BAY CROSS SECTION CUT 4 FOR, COLLIER COUNTY DATE: 03 29 06 rilE: XSECCUI4 JOB, 11043 OATUM, NGVa SCALE, I" = 100' FIGURE; C6 SOUlf.< . ~C"--r- 100 150 I I 200 i I , I 200 ~~1< ",/p(;. 5619 STRAND caUR: NAPLES, fL:Hll 0 f'AX: (2,~9) 594-2025 P~ONt (B~) 594 2021 www.hLJm.slc.nondrroore.com '0 j m 7+10 '-j 0- S, > , 0 .-i !'. :1--{ ~ , 0 z . g -Zi ~ 1 ~ -.l -6'l r / Jo CYjFT -.~ NORTH -10 -'00 -,150 ':1 -- 6~f g -! ~ .-j g :1------- ~ -2~ " , > , OJ -4-t ~ ~ , -100 I I -~o 0 50 D1ST,I,NCt rROIll BASELINE (fErT) tOO 5T". 1+50 \.,' -6""'; CZJo cr/FT -81 >'fEST -1 O-+--"'"'----r.-..,.....----r--,-...--'--,---.....--"'^~-~ I -ioo -150 -100 -50 (; 50 100 DISTANCE ,ROW 8A$EUNE (Fte;T) 104 84 I Q 6" > t 4~ ~ ,] 6 01 ~~] ;;: -s~j 0" -. .....EST -1~200 -1~50 I H 'MISTO.'\ &\t(~)HF E.'\, ;l.'\EI-.I,S FOR, DATE: JOB, STA !hOD " f'>...",...,' , ~.~ cy/n , -1'00 1 I C 50 FROM BASEWtE (FEET) -~o OISTl\NCE CLAM BAY CROSS SECTION cur ~ COLLIER COUNTY 03 J2~ 06 ILE, XSECCuT 4 11048 A'rUM; NGVD Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 348 of 371 SOUTH , 150 , I ZOO EAST: , -j 150 200 tOO 150 EAST I , zoo A Ii-. : ~/I~/P6" 10/93 4/99 POST-DREDGE O~/05 SCAl~: ,11 100\ FIGURE: C7 5&79 STRANG COURT NA,'d:S. f~ _~4110 FAX: (239) 594-2025 PHONE: (n9) 594 - 2021 ...... w. ~l \J fT',;;;' ona nd IT' 00"0il .co rn ~ '0 j 6-{ j ;; oi i 41 g l-j o z j Q-z-i ~ I > , ~ -.~ -6-~ =zJu; CY/n -8-.1 1 WEST -10-1 -200 -150 -1'00 10 ,~ C 6-, > 0 .~ !. l-i ~ ~ 0 < - Q -2-' ~ > ~-.-< -6..., -a"~ [L.a CY!FT ;/fEST -lO~ I -200 -150 c > o !. " w !:' z 0, o ';:-2-' ~ j .:: -.'4 -!H a (yln -8-1 ,wES' -10-t---- -200 , -ISO Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 349 of 371 sa. 8+50 I I -50 0 50 DISTANCE n~olol BASELiN( (FEET) [AST I I 200 10e , 150 SU, 9..00 .. ,~ f::a<J -- '.. -'.,,' -1'00 -50 DISTANCE I EA$T I -'-c'---r---o-~-..--._-j 6 ~ 100 ,~ 2~ FRO'" BASELINE (FUr) sa 9...50 vtcAx EAST -1'00 .------r-.~...........,---'...,~--.."--.-.,.__ -so 0 50 100 150 200 OISUNCE FROIol BASELiNE (HEr) CLAM BAY CROSS SECTION CUT .4 1I1'~nST()" &' \Ii )( )}tE E"GI;'\iEEl<.' FOR, COLLIER COUNTY DATE, D3 29 D6 rilE, ~SECCUT4 JOB: 11048 DATUM: NGVO SCALt:: 1"-100' fiGURE, C8 ~ ffi-:~ i<"/<r/6>6 11'/9! 4;99 POST-DREDGE 09(05 5679 STRAND COURT NAPLES. Fl 34110 FAX~ (239) 5;4-2025 PHON" (2H) 594-202' www.h\Jm.$lonondmoore.com r '0 , 8l a 64 > ! 4-1 , ,~ ~ , "" 01 g -2~ ~ -'] -6.j [ZJe..2 CY/Fl -Si W[S{ -10 ; -200 -1'SO \0 I .~ j '" ~ :~" .~ , t: C t: -lJ ~ i ,.--<l-l :;: ~ ~~:l. [Zj",.O NOFlTk -'0 -200 -1'SO cr/FT '0 6.J 6-' 0' 4'~ > ! 2"'; , .... 0 I o ~ t:; _2J z I ~ ~:~ [Zj .., +1 1, NORTH -1~200 _1'50 cYjn ST" 10+00 /- ~.,~ , '00 I ~._,..._-.,.... I 1 -50 0 50 100 OISTANCE rAO,,", BAS(UN( (F((T) STA 10+19 Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIIl-4-a New Business 3500f371 ----~ , ---! ISO fAST I 200 ~;LL,,~~ ~~ , -'00 I I 1 I -50 0 50 lOa (,}ISTANC( nmw BA$ELlt.I( (re:ET) sa 10...$0 \_~/~~ v , -100 -so 6 50 \00 DISTANCE f"ROw BASWN[ (FECT) CLAM BAY CROSS SECTION CUT 4 lit ~IlST()-" &\l<)()HE E.'\'CI:'\hERS FOR: COlUER COUNTY DATE: 03 29 06 filE: XSECCUT4 JOB, 11048 DAIUM, NGVD SCALE; ," m 1 00' FIGURE, C9 SOU1H , 150 SOUTH 150 200 200 A....../hn ' V-jlo/t>6 IOj')!! 4/99 POST-DREDGE 09/05 5679 STRAND COuRT NAF:;.tS. it 34110 FAX; (239) 594-2025 PriONE: (239) 594 202' if W w.h u m i s tono ndm oore.com l:~ ,~ , " ,~ > 0 '4 ~ ~ 0 ~ -Z'~ < ~ g -4-~ . , > 'j -6--1 [z] 3.5 ... -aj NORTH -" -2.00 -1'50 10 i '1 1 6j 0' 4j > 1 ~ :i"" c _, g -4. . , ~~:1 CZJ,' '1 NORTH -10 I I -200 -150 1:~ ,~ 0' 4-1 > , '-' 2-1 ~ ~ 0' t;! ....-2-i < , g-4-\ 0( ~ > ~ -6--',_ rT' ;:: L..L..J 12..8 -8-1 1 NORTH: -10............----,.-------,---- -200 -<50 STA 11+-00 CY/rT ,.---.--~...--.,-'-~.---T---r----T-.--r -\00 -50 0 SO 1M OISfANCE: fROw SASElINE (fEEf) Su. II...SO \~/! Cl'jn , -100 , 100 -50 DISTANCE , , o SO FROW BASELINE (fEET) 5TA 12+-00 cZZZ2.'7/ "'. " ,// ,,' " ~.:,/~.(.,. cYjn ~'~S~--"r-=1;-"--'I--r- SlO DISTANCE fROW BAS(LINE (ff(T) "0 CLAM BAY CROSS SECTION CUT 4 III MlSTl1'\ &\.HHIH.E E'\( ;("iElmS FOR, COLLIER COUNTY DATE,03 29 06 rilE, XSECCUT4 JOS, 11048 OA-UM, NGVQ SCALE; l"~IOOI FIGURE, C 10 Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 351 of 371 SOUTH --'T 150 2.00 do SOUTH i I 200 SOUTH , "0 ~ J.ft-, ~ 'f'/lo/"'6 '00 1 Jj!f6 4/99 POST-~RtOGE 09/05 5679 STRANO COWiE NAPLES, ;"l 34111) FAX; (239) .534-2Q2~ PHONE: (239) 594-2021 www.hurr.iswnandrnoorl:l.com 10 i .1 j 5-; a 4-< ~ ~ 2-1 ~ 01 ....-2--1 ~ 1 .= -4-1 . < > , :r5~ [2]0 CY/fT -8'4 ..ORTH -10+ -ioo ,- -...r......._-~_._~- -150 -100 Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17. 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 352 of 371 STA lh~O ----------~---l I I \ ~ -50 DISTANCE I I o 50 fROW BASEUNE (FEET) 10J 8"1 j ~ :~ ! '1 i~:J ~ 1 ~-61 [2]0 C'f/FT -8.., . "ORik - I 0 ~'--r--'----'--"---"-- -100 150 1'00 -50 0 50 OtST4NC[ fRON 8ASEUNf (.EfT) su,o n+oo \ \ V v -::/ 10-,---.----~-~.-.---.--~---.-- STA lh50 8___ 1 6"1 0' 4~ > 3. 2- :::: 0 ~-2 z g -4 . ~-6 CZJ o CY!FT ..., -8-1 ~ NORTH -10 . -ioo I -150 1 1l1\IlST( ), &:\H)(H{F 1.:.'<;1., !'I'.IZ.' FOR, DATE, JOB: ~ I -100 , .so OIS'!' .NeE I I o 50 ,ROW 8A,SElINE (FEET) CLAM BAY CROSS SECTION cur ..4 COL.lIER COUNTY 0.3 29/06 riLE: XS[CCUT 4 1 1048 DA 'UM: NCVa 5CA...L FIGURL SOUTH 100 150 200 ~ .00 i I SOUTH i I i 150 200 SOUTH ~ ht-r . viI rr-jD' , 100 I '50 100 10/g8 4/99 POST-DREDGf 09/05 1 h 1001 C11 5679 STRAND CCURT "iAPLES, ~ L 5411 () FAX: (239) 594-2C25 PHONE: (2.39) ':194 202.1 www.humisloncndmoore.com 1 O-:---^~-~" 8-1 1 6"; i Q 4-i > 1 ~ z-1 t:1 ~ -51 [2]0 c't!fT -B-i , NORrH -10+---.,..- 1 I -^2'OO -150 -100 'o~ 8-' 6-1 ~ '1 ~ 2"1 ci 0 I t: -zJ ~ i .=-4-4 . , ~ -5~ CZJo C'fjn -B-t ,*ORTH .'0 -200 I -150 '~- ~ =- <oJ 0 j ~ '--2--1 ~i - _4-< '< ~ ~-6'" ;:;j 'L~11-5 -6-' 1 EAST -10 ; -ZOO Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIIl-4-a New Business 353 of 371 sr. 14+00 ~., I I I -~o 0 50 DISTANCE nml.l aA$[UH[ (ffET) I 100 150 SOUTH '00 SOUTH i - -.....-........1 200 AJ7/;/~ C'f/n -,150 1I1\IIST", &\I()(lI{E l'::\(;I.'\Elm: Sh '4+50 --~.--r==. .. ~_,~--r- -v' I -100 I ....,...'~~~----'-~-T- o 50 00 1S0 FRO... 8ASt:LINE (fEEt) ->0 DISTANCE STIt, 15+00 I -100 I 1 , -50 0 50 DISTANCf rROIol BASfLlN[ (n:.n) 100 CLAM BAY CROSS SECT10N CUT 4 fOR: COLLIER COUNTY DArE: 03 29 06 FilE: XSECCUT4 JOB: 11048 DATUM: NGVC SCALE: I" 10Q' FIGURE: C 1 2 wrSti /-4.. fI- ~ 'f/Ur-/~6 1~0 200 10/98 4/99 ~OST-DREOG[ 09/05 5679 STRAND COU~T NAPLES. ~L 34110 FAX; (139) ,94-1010 PHONE: (239) 594-202 www,h0mislonondmOOf&.ccm "1' ,~ I 6~ .-. 4-< '" ' ~ 2~ - ; ..: 0: ::; ; " "-1 Z I g-4-; . " ~ -6"'; ~ 'CZJ 16..5 c'fln " -,~ 1 (AST -\0 ' ~zoo _1150 10T ,~ ; 61 ; a .-1 > ~ 21 :.o+--- w j ....-2-+ Z i g-4-\ . 5-6~ r~7J,:U Sl'/FT -8"1 , EAST -'Q'.~'--"'" '--..,...------.----,~'. -200 -ISO -100 10 8--' 6-< , 0' 4-i > I o '__j "'- 01 " w . .....-2-j a 1 ~ -41 .....-6--1 ~ j i LL-J H.9 C'f/f"T -8-; 1 (AST -10 I -200 -ISO Ill\lIST( ), &.\H){)\(.E EI"';!.,I:EI(S FOR, DATf: JOB, Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 354of371 SfA 15..50 ~ ."..... -- -- - . . .. WEST -,'oo~ I .0 (FECT} 150 o '00 OIS! ..NCf 'ROW 8ASH.lN( ST~ 16+00 rV//7/2\ QISTANCE ,ROW aA.SEliNE (F(E:r) sa 16+50 ~dg i" -------J 1 "00 I I -50 0 50 DISTANCE FRQW a,t,SELlNf (FEfT) -, '00 W(ST; i 150 200 ,2LAM 8A Y CROSS SE:TION CUT 4 COLlilR COUf\;TY 03 29 06 FilE: XSE.CCUT 4 11048 DATUM: NGVe SCALE ,"-loa' fiGURE C 13 200 JL.--~ ~ 'f-/''r'/t>6 iO/96 1 0&/99 :>OST - ORfDCE ! I 0'/0' L 5619 Sf RANG COuRT NAPU:S, ;L .Hl10 FAX; (235) 5S4-2::';2~ ::>H,]N[; (239) 594-2021 ....ww.hurr;sIQ"!:Jfldmoore.com l ? ':j ~ '1 ~ 21 ~ , ..: 0 i ~ ~ .... -2--i ~ ' ;:: -4-... . > j L/,..jl<1.0 C'f/FT -1.1-1 EAS" .'O~"- --T^ -2'00 . 1 ~O 101 8 , " ' > ~ 2 ~ 0 w ....M2-1 5 i ;:.-4-1 . , ; -6~ CZJ 11.7 ~ , .~ j E"ST -10-+-," -200 -150 '0 8-j " :~ ~ 2~ ~- j Or ~ i "'-2.--j z I ~-4~ . , > ~-6-; -a~ [AST -10 i I -200 -1 ~O 1Il'\IlST()'\ &\It)(H{E Ii", ;1 , liEl(" FOR, DATE: JOB, sa lhOO .~ . . - ..--,' Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 355 of 371 I I 100 -~ 0 ~ DISTANC( f'ftCW &ASruNE (fEET) WfST; -r----,--~-"-"-' 100 150 200 STA 11+50 cr/n ,-_......, ".....-r"'---~'._-I..._- -100 -50 0 $0 100 DISTANCE fROt.1 BASfLlNE (fECT) ::iTA 15+00 '~ .\~ . ..' / 5.:} c'f/n _1l00 -,----r , -50 0 50 0ISTAi'lCf n~olol BA$fLlNE (,ffT) CLAM BAY CROSS SECTION CUT 4 COLLi::R COUNTY 03 29 06 FILE, XSECCUl4 11048 AlUM' NGVD SCALE. fiGURE, \00 ,.. "100' C14 wEST i 150 100 WEST ~r/-., < cr/Is-;JD' 150 200 10/98 4/99 ;;>(1ST -01<<0<;( 09/05 5679 STRAN[' COURr NAPLES, Fl 54110 FAX: (239) ~94-2025 PHONE: (239) 59.1-2021 www.humistO..Jondmoore.com Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4~a New Business 356 of 371 FDEP Notice to Proceed 2nd Maintenance Dredge (2007) "^"--..~. ,;~ ",".!to . ,,', ,'< '- .."...p.: J\ . ,. FLORm1":- Department of Environmental Protection Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 357 of 371 eo BJ~j' ~'1a",O"i StQr;C'!1J" CL,ic\":g 39DC C(~;'nr:;O'lw\;'llid^; Bouicv]r:! T ,i!;d",:;~'i:.:2 ;:::0:';;);, 32399-3000 ~lk;r:,', Ivi CJS JI'{ ;.,;, \'\:.r';FH )';-(:('\:i' CERTIFllW - RETURN RECEIPT RI~OUESTED June 2'), 20iJ(, <\,111\..'1' ('llllllty. Pel1C<Ul Bay ~i...T\ 1'2('::) DivlS\OI1 (.' 0 I(('n llllnllSt\lll. lluflllShl!1 ;\lld \loorl' Frl~UIlC'cr" ~()'"'() Strand Court, ll1ll Il() \iapks, IT 341111 :"OTlO: TO PROCEED Permit "0, OI28cl63.001.JC PL~rmittcc: Collier Cnunty. PelicaJl Bay Services Divislpn ProJect: Clam l3a: Rcstnr,atinn and I,(mg-'Tenn Managclnl'nt Dcar:vIr. 111II11islOn, I hl' pcrnlltlCe has complied \\ Ilh the pcrnnt conditions rcquir\;,.'LI to Issue lht.' enclosed ,'mice to Procc..:d ,)ftht: abo\ (; r('kn:nccd pnlJL'Cl. ,\11 construction or other aC\lvitll's arc strictly limited to lliuse ,kscnbcd in the: final order and approved plans, Please rcad tlie pennit and pe,nnil (,ol1dnions (lo~cly hcl()!"c ~tartil1g con<.;lrtll'tion ~()tc that Specific Condition 1 requires:1 prcconstructioll rnccung prior 10 construction, Cicllcral C.onditions \) and I! and Spl'clllC Condition 13 pertain to \\Tittc!1 reports wl11(:11 I1llls1 hI..: slIomiUed to the rkpartlllcnt or Envirolllllcnlal Protection. Your assistance in ensuring cOlllp~iance \\lth all conditions lJ1coq)oratcd into the permit is appreciated. r r r may hl' or any ClIr1her assislance. rlcasc contact me at the letterhead address (add \Iml Stalion ,1001 or bv kkphone at (S5i1)clI4.77%. SlllCCll'ty, Lattlic I:dwards, Ph.D. [[mronmenlal Spceiahsllll Burcau of Beaches and Coaslal Systems cc: Kyle Lukasl. Pcli<.:an Bay Scr\'iccs Di\ision ,loe Foster. ] Il1l11istoo <Inti \tloon: Englllcers ( ':If' \1c.\lpin. Colllcr Count\ Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17. 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 358 of 371 "OTlCE TO PROCEED Pelican Bay Services Division Permit "n. 0I28463-001-JC I'age 2 Lucy Bhllf, DEl'. South District Office. FI. vlyers jennIe Cowart. DEl'. South District Office. 1'1, Myers Robbin Trindel!. FWCC. Bureau of Protected Species Management 11arry Bergmann. U.S, Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Myers Tim lIall. Turrell and .\ssoeiates "ieole Ryan. rhe Conservancy ofSW Florida Rebecca Roland. DEI' BBCS Raben Brantly, DEf' BBCS ban Hunter, 1l1'f' BBCS Compliance Officer BBCS Irk Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIl1-4~a New Business 359 of 371 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AL PROTECTION NOTICE TO PROCEED PERMITTEE: Collier County, Pelican Bay Services Division 5679 Slrand Court, Unit 110 Naples, FL 34110 PROJECT: Clam Bay Restoration and Long-Term Management PERMIT NUMBER: 0128463-001-JC PERMIT EXPIRES: July 6, 2008 You are hereby granted final authorization to proceed with the construction or activities authorized by the permit number referenced above. Authorizcd work must conform with the detailed project description, approvcd plans, and all conditions including preconstruclion reqUIrements included in Ihe final order. A bricfdcscription olthe authorized work follows, PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Authorization is granted to maintenance dredge approximatcly 14,700 cubic yards of material from Clam Pass and restricted channels within the system in order to maintain the design depths, Beach compatible dredged material will be placed on the beach to the south of Clam Pass, along a 1,900 foot long stretch ofheach. Authorized work must confoml , , with the detailed project description, approved plans, and all conditions included in the tlnal order. PROJECT LOCATION: The project is located in the Clam Bay Natural Resource Protection Arca and surrounding developments in Collier County, Sections 4, 5, 8, 9, 32, & 33 of Township 49 South, Range 25 East, ('lass II waters, not approved for shellfish harvesting, Questions regarding the permit or this notice should be directed to the undersigned at: 06i29i7006 / . ,.1'"--'( C~(, ':~L __~ /~,{-I'-. I ainie Edwards, Ph.D, Bureau of Bcaches and Coastal Systcms ,900 Commonwealth Blvd" M,S, 300 Tallahassec, Florida 32399-3000 Telephone (850) 414-7796 Post Conspicuously on the Site Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 Vlll-4-a New Business 3600f371 DEP Memo Altering Entrance Channel Width Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4.a New Business 361 of 371 Florida Department of Environmental Protection Memorandum DA TE: October 24,2006 TO: DEP Staff (listed below) FROM: Lainie Edwards Bureau of Beaches & Coastal Systems SUBJECT: Transmittal of Modified NTP request File No, 0128463-001-Jc' Collier County Applicant: Collier County Project: Clam Pass Park Restoration Project We have received a modified request for a NTP for maintenance dredging at Clam Pass, Essentially - rather than dredging a 30 foot entrance channel, the entrance channel will be 80 feet, as originally permitted in 1998, PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The proposed project consists of dredging the Calm Pass channel and placement of beach compatible sand along the Collier County Clam Pass Park beaches south of Clam Pass (from approximately 200 feet south of R-42 to R-44). If you have any comments or questions, please contact me at my email address Lainie,edwards@dep,state,llus, or in writing at the DEP Office of Beaches and Coastal Systems, 3900 Commonwealth Blvd., Mail Station 300, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000, or by telephone at (850) 414.7796, Your comments are requested by November 9, 2006, (if possible) and will be used in our evaluation of the proposed activity, Thank you, Robert Brantly. ABCS Ralph Clark. SHeS kn Koch. HHeS Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17. 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 362 of 371 FDEP Notice to Proceed 2nd Maintenance Dredge with changes (2007) Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 363 of 371 Florida Department of Environmental Protection ("11;1111(' t"ri,..t ( ;0\('11101 \larjtHy Sllll\l.'lll;lll I )ull~bs Bllddlt\l~ woo <. 'UllllllOI1\\\:alth BOllt'\':lrd 1 allahas:it'l'. FI\ltldJ _;~.~')()- ;000 .fl'ffK\lllblllp 1.1. <';O\'l'fHOr \11,:1);1('1 W Silk ",';'1"('1;\1\ CERTIFIED - RETURN I~ECEII)T REQl'ESTED January 1'1,211117 Collier County, Pelican Bay Serviccs Division ...:0 [(ell IlulllistOll, Humiston and \loon: LnginGcrs :'()'7q Strand ("H1rt. t 1111 110 ',,''i,Ie-,.11 .141111 ,"OTlCE TO PROCEED PLTl1lil "",'.1I12S4t>.1.IIIII.JC Pcrtllittl,c: Collier COUtH)'. Pelican Hay Ser\';l:es f)ivl~io!l Projcct: Clam 13ay Restoration and I ,(lng" l'enl1 :\1anagl'llh.:nt Dear \11'. Ilumiston, The pennittec has compiled with th~ permit cOllditlon~l required to Issue the enclosed l\otice to Proceed of the above rckn:nced project. :'\11 construction or other activities are strictly limilL.'d to tl1usc descrihed in thc linal ordcr and appro\lxi plUllS. PIcas!.: rcad the permit and permit COIHiita)rh closely hcl~)rl' stMling -,:ollstrucllUll, Notc that Spl'cIlk Cnndition 1 requires a pl"t,'L'0l1sInIClinll111L'L'1111f:,~ pnor tn constructlulL (il'IH.:ral ('unditHJ!lS \) alld 11 .lIld Spcl'ilil.: ('{mditintl 1 ~ pcrt:lillltl written repons which Illllst he suhnlltled to tilt' I k'partlllCt1t or f"ll\lrOl1\1'.,-'lltnl PnHl'Cll\)ll Ynur assistance in ensuring compliance \\ith all conditions il1curporakd into the permi1. is appreciated. If Illlay he nl';,lIlY i'urtllcl assistance, pka:ic contacllrlc at tilt,: ktterlll'ad address I add \laJi Stall()n\OiI) or bv 1"lcpl1"",, al (K)II) 414- 7796. Slllc"r"I), Lamic l.dward" Ph.ll. I'rl\ir\lnrn"ntat Speclalrsll!1 Bureau of Beaches and (nastal SystL'ms ce: Gdry McAlpin, ('oilier COllnly Kyle I.ukas/, Pelican Bay Services Division Joe hlstr.:J'. Illlllliston and Moore Fnginccrs ..\1,1/"1' flrllll'III!IIJ, !.,'II IJ/"(hf'\\ \j'\! "I.dl'!J,lur,'ll.w Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 36401371 1\0TlCE TO PROCEED l'cHcan Bay Services Division Pcrmill\n.0128463-001-,IC Page 2 I.ucy Blair, DEI'- South District (mice ,knnie Cowan, DEI' BriCS Robbin I'rindell, I'W( '('. Ilurellu or I'mteete" Species Management Rebecca Roland, [)l'1' IlBCS Robert Brantly, DEI' IlBCS Ralph Clark, DEI' BBCS Jenn Koch, DEI' I'lBCS Hohhy Ilalberl, DEI' BBCS Compliance Ofllccr I1HCS File \forc l'rofcl"fIrJlI, L'ss {lro{'("ss ' II \\'I\,dCf1.\'II/(t'.fl.IIS Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 365 of 371 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AL PROTECTION ~--'"-~~, ~;~(::::'l"';;:',l'~~~~' NOTICE TO PROCEED pI<:RMITTn:: Collier County, Pelican Bay Services Division 5679 Strand Court, Unit 110 Naples, FL 3411 0 I>ROJECT: Clam Bay Rcstoration and Long-Term Managemcnt PERMIT NUMBER: 0128463-001-JC PERMIT EXPIR~:S: .luly6, 2008 You arc hercby grantcd linal authorization to proceed with the construction or activitics authoriz\-'<.i by the permit number referenced above, Authorized work must eonfonn with the detailed project description, approved plans, and all conditions including preconstruction requirements included in the tinal order. A brief description of the authorized work follows, PRo,n:C[ Dl,SCRIPTION: Authorization is granted to maintenance dredge approximately 18,200 cubic yards of material from Clam Pass and rcstricted channels within the system in order to maintain the design depths, An entrancc dredgc cut of 80 feet is authorized and beaeh compatible dredged mateIial wi II be placed on lhe beach to the south of Clam Pass, from approximately 180 tcet south of R-42 to R-44, Authorized work must conform to the delailed project descIiption, approved plans, and all conditIOns included in the final order. PROJECT LOCATION: The project is located in the Clam Bay Natural Resource Protection Area and surrounding developments in Collier County, Sections 4, 5, 8, 9, 32, & 33 of Township 49 South, Range 25 East, Class II waters, not approved for shellfish harvesting. Questions regarding the permit or this notice should be directed to the undersigned at: Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems 3900 Commonwealth Blvd" M,S, 300 Tallahassee, FloIida 32399-3000 Telephonc (850) 414-7796 01/19/2007 L,ainic Edwards, Ph,D, Post Conspicuously on the Site FDEP Modification #3 Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 Vtll-4-a New Business 366 of 371 Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 367 of 371 ~'lt01EC1ION ~ I . j HOR ::~: :it! .s. I, E: ~ ~~; i!'__~ < Florida Department of Environmental Protection Charlil..' Crist (iovernor JelT Kottkarnp Lt. GOV\:;'f!1or Marjory Stoneman Douglas Building 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 Michael \\', Sole Secretary CERTIFIED MAIL - RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED June 5, 2008 Collier County c/o James Mudd 330 I East Tamiami Trial Naples, FL 34112 and Pelican Bay Services Division c/o Colemann Connell 7024 Pelican Bay Blvd. Naples, FL 34108 Permit Modification No, 0128463-003-JN Permit No, 0128463-001-JC, Collier County Clam Bay Restoration and Long-Term Management Permit Dear Me Mudd and Me Connell: Your request to modify this permit has been received and reviewed by Department staff. The proposed modification is to extend the original permit expiration date one year, from July 6, 2008 to July 6, 2009, No additional modifications to the currently authorized project are proposed, You have indicated lhat you intend to apply for a new permit to continue this project. When doing so, the activilies within the interior of Clam Bay would be regulaled under the Environmental Resource Permit program through the Department's South District Of1ice, Dredging beach-qualily sand from the inlet in order to maintain flushing in the Bay, and placement of the sand on the beach, would require a Joint Coastal Permit from the Bureau of Beaches & Coastal Systems, Extending the expiration date of the original permit by one year will allow the mangrove restoration activities to continue while the applications for new authorizations are being processed, ;. '\ !o/'e FrOli!cliOI7, !~es.'" Frocess' ll'll'll".depslllle(1, liS Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17,2010 VIII-4-a New Business 368 of 371 Notice of Permit Modification Permit Modification No, 0128463-003-JN Clam Bay Restoration and Long-Term Management Permit Page 2 of5 Staff has determined that the previously authorized activity is consistent with the statutes and rules that are currently in effecl and no significant change in shoreline conditions has occurred since the original permit was issued, The applicant has demonstrated thaI the activity can be completed within lhc time extension requested based on a schedule for completion included with the request. Furthermore, the proposed time extension is not expected to increase the potential for adverse impact on the coastal system, public beach access seaward of the mean high water line or nesting sea turtles and hatchlings and their habitat. Staff finds that the proposed modification is not expected to adversely affect water quality or be contrary to the public interest. Since the proposed modification is not expected to result in any adverse environmental impact or water quality degradation, the permit is hereby modified as requested, By copy of this letter, we are notifying all necessary parties ofthe modificalion, This letter of approval extends the expiration date 10 July 6, 2009, The modification does not alter the Specific Conditions, General Conditions, or monitoring requirements of the permit. This letter must be attached to the original permit. This permit is hereby extended unless a sufficient petition for an administrative hearing is timely tiled under Sections 120,569 and 120,57, Florida Statutes, as provided below, The procedures for petitioning for a hearing are set fc)rth below, Mediation under Section 120,573, F,S" is not available for this proceeding, A person whose substantial interests are affected by the Department's action may petition for an administrative proceeding (hearing) under Seclions 120,569 and 120.57, F,S. The petition must contain the information set forth below and must bc filed (received by the clerk) in the Office of General Counsel of the Department at 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Mail Station 35, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000, Because the administrative hearing process is designed to redetermine final agency action on the application, the filing of a petition for an administrative hearing may result in further modification ofthe permit or even a denial of the application, If a sufficient petition for an administrative hearing or request for an extension of time to file a petition is timely tiled, this permit modification automatically becomes only proposed agency aclion on the application subject to lhe result of the administrative review process, Accordingly, the applicant is advised not to commence construction or other activities under this permit modification until the deadlines noted below for fIling a petition for an administrative hearing or request for an extension of time has expired, Under Rule 62-110,1 06(4), Florida Administrative Code, a person whose substantial interests are affected by the Department's action may also request an extension oftime to file a petition for an administrative hearing, The Department may, for good cause shown, grant the request for an extension of time, Requests for extension of time must be filed with the Office of General '"I/orc I'nJ!t:diol1. /'es.\ J!nh'l'S,\' \111'wilc{' s/~IIe!l1/l Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-a New Business 3690f371 Notice of Permit Moditication Permil Modification No, 0128463-003-JN Clam Bay Restoration and Long-Term Management Permit Page 3 of 5 Counsel of the Department at 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Mail Station 35, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000, before the applicable deadline, A timely request for extension of time shall toll the running of the time period for tiling a petition until the request is acted upon, If a request is tiled late, the Department may still grant it upon a motion by the requesting party showing that the failure to tile a request for an extension of time bcfore the deadline was the result of excusable neglect. In the event that a timely and sufficient petition for an administrative hearing is tiled, other persons whose substantial interests will be affected by the outcome ofthe administrative process have the right to petition to intervene in the proceeding, Any intervention will be only al the discretion of the presiding judge upon the tiling ofa motion in compliance with Rule 28- 106,205, FAC. In accordance with Rule 62-110,106(3), F.A.C., petitions for an administrative hearing by the applicant must be filed within 14 days of receipt of this written notice, Petitions filed by any persons other than the applicant, and other than those entitled to written nolice under Section 120,60(3), F,S.. must be tiled within 14 days of publication of the notice or within 14 days of receipt of the written notice, whichever occurs tirst. Under Section 120.60(3), F,S.. however, any person who has asked the Department for notice of agency action may tile a petition within 14 days of receipt of such notice, regardless of the date of publication, The petitioner shall mail a copy of the petition to the applicant at the address indicated above at the time of tiling, The failure of any person to file a petition for an administrative hearing within the appropriate lime period shall constitute a waiver of that person's right to request an administrative determination (hearing) under Sections 120,569 and 120,57, F,S, In accordance with Rule 28-106,20 I, F,A,C., a petition that disputes the material facts on which the Department's action is based must contain lhe following information: (a) The name and address of each agency affected and each agency's tile or identification number, ifknown; (b) The name, address, and telephone number of the petitioner; the name, address, and telephone number of the petitioner's representative, ifany, which shall be the address for service purposes during the course of the proceeding; and an explanation of how the petitioner's substantial interests are or will be affected by the agency determination; (c) A statement of when and how the petitioner received notice of the agency decision; (d) A statement of all disputed issues of material fact. If there are none, the petition must so indicate; .. I/o!"e J'l'oft'Clioll. r('.IS J'nh'{'.\'.~' II 11'\1 dCfl s((/[cjl 1/1 Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17,2010 VIlI-4-a New Business 370 of 371 Notice of Permit Modification Permit Modification No, 0128463-003-JN Clam Bay Restoration and Long-Term Management Permit Page 4 of 5 (e) A concise statement of the ultimate facts alleged, including the specific facts that the petitioner contends warrant reversal or modification of the agency's proposed action; (I) A statement of the specific rules or statutes that the petitioner contends require reversal or modification of the agency's proposed action, including an explanation of how the alleged facts relate to the specific rules or statutes; and (g) A slatement of the relief sought by the petitioner, stating precisely the action that the petitioner wishes the agency to take with respect to the agency's proposed action. A petition that does not dispute the material facts on which the Department's action is based shall state that no such facts are in dispute and otherwise shall contain the same information as set forth above, as required by Rule 28-106,301, F,A,C, Under Sections 120,569(2)(c) and (d), F,S" a petition for administrative hearing must be dismissed by the agency if the petition does not substantially comply with the above requirements or is untimely filed, This action is final and effective on the date filed with the Clerk of the Department unless a petition is filed in accordance with the above, Upon the timely filing of a petition this order will not be effective until further order of the Department. This permit modification constitutes an order of the Department. The applicant has the right to seek judicial review ofthe order under Section 120,68, F,S" by the filing of a notice of appeal under Rule 9,110 of the Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure with the Clerk of the Department in the Office of General Counsel, 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Mail Station 35, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000; and by filing a copy of the notice of appeal accompanied by the applicable filing fees with the appropriate district court of appeal. The notice of appeal must be filed within 30 days from the date when the final order is filed with the Clerk of the Department. The applicant, or any party within the meaning of Section 373,114(1)(a), F,S" may also seek appellate review ofthis order beforc the Land and Water AdjudicalOry Commission under Section 373,114( I), F,S, Requesls for review before the Land and Water Adjudicalory Commission must be filed with the Secretary of the Commission and served on the Department within 20 days from the date when the final order is filed with the Clerk of the Department. The Department does not require notice of this agency action to be published, However, the applicant may elect to publish notice as prescribed in Rule 62-110,106, F,A,C" which constitutes notice to the public and establishes a time period for submittal of any petition, When there has been no publication of notice of agency action or notice of proposed agency action as prescribed in Rule 62-110,106, F,A,C" a person may request a copy ofthe agency action, The Department shall upon receipt of such a request, if agency action has occurred, promptly provide the person with notice, "\/o/"e !'{"oled;O!/. ((',IS !'rOl'es.\ 1I'lfl1'dc{Jsfufc'lll/\' Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIlI-4-a New Business 371 of 371 i\olicL' or PL'J'mit \lodilicatioll I'crmit i\1odilicalion '<0.11118463-003-.1'< Clam Bay Rl'storation und Long-Term \1anagcmcnt Permit Pagl..~ 5 of ~ If you ha\~: any questions n:garding Ihis matter. please cnlllact I.ainil' Ldwards at the letterhead address or by telephone at (850) 414,7796, Sinc..:rely . :1/;", / / ,. ~ (/~::: ';;v<.- ,/,,(.. u: v \lartin K, Seelin~ I 'nvironm('ntal Administrator l{url'<lI1 oj' Ih.'<lchL's & (\):\slal S;,'SlCIl1S \IKSk cc Em" Blair. III I', South Ilistrict (iar) l"ki\lpin. Cdllit.'r t 'nunt) Pamela Keyes, Collier C'ollmy Jim Burke. Pelican Bay Service Division I'lill llall. l'urn:1I and ,'\ssociatl's I)a\'id J~tlscr. SI..'agak' PropL'rt) Ch\ m:rs Association "like Ilaller. eily of Naplcs .Iennie ('owelr!. DEI'. BileS Ik Robbin Trindcll. 1'\\'('. Irnperikd Species Management Section lun):.;; i'vk+I\\aiIL t.. S. Ann) ('orp" of Fnginccrs "likl' Ilanll't!. DI-.I', IllleS Rohcrl IIrantl\, DIP IlIlC'S Subelrna Malak"r, 1 11 P. BIl('S l\.larcia Cravens. Pelican ILl\ Servicc Divisiun J{'p ('ornpl1allee ()nlecr HileS Pennit IIIe FILING ANI) ACKNOWI.IW<;:VIENT 1-11,1 D. on !hi~ date. PUfSllallt 10 Sl;;'clion 1~~O,)2.1"lorida Statutes. \vith the tksignatt:d J kl),lrlll1l'IH ('krk. 1\.'l'L'lpl ur \\hicl1 is Ih:Tl'h! ;ICKIlU\\lnlged. ) I rc<i>!,t:;1'4I I kpLlt\ ( lerk /' 6-5-;00[' 1).11,' \frJI',' j',iJ/t'((JUn 1,,\\ !'/'ri(t",\ '\\''1d''/r\UIC!/ .:I., Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-b New Business 1 of 5 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to approve the attached Change Order No. 3 to PBS&J's contract for Clam Pass/Bay required to address additional information requested by FDEP and the USACE for the Clam Pass maintenance dredging permit for time and material not to exceed $69,050. OBJECTIVE: Approve the attached Change Order NO.1 to PBS&J's contract for Clam Pass/Bay required toad dress additional information requested by F DEP a nd the USACE for the Clam Pass maintenance dredging permit. CONSIDERATIONS: The USACE and FDEP are requesting additional information not in included PBS&J's current scope of work. This is required to secure the Maintenance dredging permit for Clam Bay and expected to cost $69,050, Contract will be on a T&M not to exceed basis, ADVISORY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS: At the June 10 , 2 010 C AC meeting this item w as recommended for approval 6 t 0 1, Staff i s recommending approval of this item, FISCAL IMPACT: The Source of funds is from Category "A" Tourist Development Tax fund 195, GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no impact to the Growth Management Plan related to this action, LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item h as been reviewed and appr oved by the County Attorney's Office and is legally sufficient for Board action. - CMG RECOMMENDATION: To approve Change 0 rder N o. 1 with PBS&J for Clam Pass/Bay for time and material not to exceed $69,050, PREPARED BY: Gary McAlpin, CZM Director Contract 07-4153 June 4,2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-b New Business 2 of 5 SCOPE-Of-WORK Additional Work Request Change Order #3 WO#45-100227 Contract # 07-4153 May 18,2010 CLAM PASSIBA Y ESTUARY PBS&J is pleased to provide a scope of work for Clam PasslBay Estuary. The intention of this Work Assignment is to provide professional guidance, preparation of project documentation, respond to peer review comments and expert review of project information for Clam Pass and Bay Estuary. In accordance with CoJlier County Contract Number 07-4153 "Professional Engineering Services for Coastal Zone Management Projects" the following scope of work is presented herein, Current Understanding - On March 24, 2010, PBS&J received comments (request for additional information (RAI)) back from FDEP concerning the Clam Pass JCP plans and design, After thorough analysis of the request for information, meetings were held on May 4 and 7, 2010 with Merrie Beth Neely, Jennifer Koch and other staff members at the Department to discuss clarification and potential relief on specific questions and additional requirements listed in the letter. Specifically questions 23, 25, 27, 31, 33 and 39 were discussed to clarify the level of analysis and information required to respond. Results of the meeting indicate the need to complete further analyses in order to respond to the RAt Based on the outcome of the FDEP meetings the following scope of services is liSied below. In addition, the USACE provided a package to PBS&J on June 2, 2010 that included approximately 100 public comments/questions regarding the permit application. As part of the permit process these questions will have to be addressed, SCOPE OF WORK Task 3 - Clam Pass Applieation for Joint Coastal Permit .1Cf{Hisiti0I1 or Project P(,J'mit-", Material and documentation required for to respond to the RAI will be prepared and submitted to the regulatory agency; Florida Department of Environmental Protection. A total of four (4) meetings will be held with the regulatory agencies to review the RAls, public comments, and prepare necessary response(s), etc, Appropriate changes to the design documents will be made following review and approval by County staff. This scope of services does not include for any type of detailed environmental documentation such as a mitigation plan, Environmental Assessment (EA) or Environmental Impact Statement PBS&J Contract 07-4153 June 4, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIIl-4-b New Business 3 of 5 SCOPE.OF-WORK (EIS), Any items out-of-scope will be discussed with the County and a scope of services will be provided, FDEP Response: Based on the comments received from FDEP (dated March 24, 2010) the following areas will be addressed: o Revised drawings and plan sets to include items requested in RAI comment No, 23, o Address comments with regards to the proposed mixing zone limits, edge of nearshore edge of hardbottom, minimize any impacts to natural resources, etc., RAI comments No. 25 and 33, o Respond to comments regarding the geotechnical data, hammer cores, sediment sampling and beach compatibility analysis, RAI comment No, 27. o Provide clarification of proposed impacts to natural resources (seagrass, Thalassia testudirnun), RAI comment No. 33, o Analysis the cross-section area of the proposed dredge template, within the proposed impacted area, to determine if minimum flow requirements can be maintained, RAI comment 33, o Calculate the required application fee based on the above application revisions, RAI comment No, 39. All application fees will be paid by the County USACE Response: Based on the comments received from US ACE (dated June I, 2010) the following areas will be addressed (respond to item No,3): o Provide description of the criteria and/or thresholds that will be used to detennine the need for periodic dredging activities in the proposed work area; please identify the responsible party associated with such detennination(s); o Provide description of the water quality parameters that are anticipated to improve as a result of the proposed work - include data that describe past/current "impaired" conditions and describe the 'illticipated quantitative improvements to water quality; o Provide confinnation that the proposed work area is consistent with the previous dredge template/footprint; please provide a mapping/ground-truth reference for any such statement (e.g" use of coordinate datalGPS, etc,) that supports adherence to the historical footprint during project activities; o Provide a narrative that addresses public interest review factors; the narrative should demonstrate that the project is clearly in the public interest (typical public interest review factors include: conservation, economics, aesthetics, general environmental concerns, wetlands, historic properties, fish and wildlife values, land use, navigation, shore erosion and accretion, recreation, water quality, safety, and consideration of property ownership), o Perform a site visit with National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) of the project site to review resources within the area to be dredged, Due to the magnitude of comments/questions received (100 plus), the substantive issues raised in the comment letters will be addressed; and responses will be grouped by topic, The comments are generally much the same, such that there is no need to respond to each individual comment leller, but PBS&J will capture the essence of the concerns in the responses and will look at the individual comments in order to prepare an adequate response. Also, please note that the responses will be prepared to and for the US ACE, and are not to the commenting parties; ~S~ 2 Contract 07-4153 June 4, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII~4-b New Business 4 of 5 SCOPE-OF- WORK however, a future request could prompt release of the documents subject to coordination with the USACE Office of CounseL Note: this task does not include services for responding to legal objections, preparing for expert testimony or preparing for litigation to the project. These services will be provided under separate scope and fee to the County. In addition, it is anticipated that additional comments will be received from National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) and United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) regarding the preparation of the federal biological opinion (BO), This scope/fee does not include responding to, meeting with or addressing comments received from NMFS and USFWS other than those described above, SCHEDULE The above scope is based on an estimated twelve (12) month schedule of participation, The work assignment may be amended if the schedule is extended beyond the eighteen months, PBS&J will complete weekly updates to County staff on the schedule, task and present budget of the project. In addition, quarterly progress reports will be prepared that outline project expenses to date and review the budget and schedule. BUDGET In accordance with Collier County Contract Number 07-4153 "Professional Engineering Services for Coastal Zone Management Projects" compensation for the above scope of work will be based on a Time & Materials charge not to exceed the amount listed below without authorization from the County, Task 3 - Respond to FDEP & USACE RAIs $69,050,00 (Time&MateriaIs) Total $69,050,00 , / / /i// If) -, ",,,,./:;-":''''->,/ ,:--:<~-':,.,-----) /. 4/ /} - /~;::"",,,./," <::_-".--~.~f--",":"'-' --"~~~-"~~ Jeffr'~y,i Tabar Pr6ject Director PBS&J June 4, 2010 Date PBS&J 3 Contract 07-4153 PBSJ June 4, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee June 17, 2010 VIII-4-b New Business 5 of 5 SCOPE-OF- WORK ATTACHMENT B-StatementofWork (Budl!etEstimate) Client: Collier County Project: Clam Pass JCP Project No: THO Prepared By: JRT Laborrates will be billed at or below rates established per the agreerrent nwnber contract # 07-4153 Note: time may vary depending upon the task assignrrent and labor rate assigned a r osts Sf. Project Manager (JT) Principle Ecologist (OT) Engineer III (BF) Coastal Modeler (ill) Junior Hydrogeologist (MS) Senior Technician (NW) 5170.lXl $160.tX) $115.00 $IIO.IXI $IIXHXJ $95.IK) Total Hours Labor Cost Reimbursable Costs Sub-Contractors Total Reimbursables Total Project Budget Task 3 JCP Total Labor Pn:para1ion Hours Cost ,"i0 50 58,5IX) :'iO 50 $8,000 1m 130 $14,950 120 120 $13.2lXl 1.1() 130 $13,()()() J2() 120 $11,400 600 6IX) $69,050 Task No.3 $0 $0 Reimbursable Costs 50 $69,050 $69,050 4 Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Commissioners Rodney Barreto Chair Miami Richard A. Corbett Vice Chair Tampa Kathy Barco Jacksonville Ronald M. Bergeron Fort Lauderdale Dwight Stephenson De/ray Beach Kenneth W. Wright Winter Pari< Brian S. YablonskI Tallahassee Executive Staff Nick Wiley Executive Director Greg Holder Assistant Executive Director Karan Ventimiglia Deputy Chief of Staff Division of Law Enforcement Colonel Jim Brown Diractor (850) 488.6251 (850) 921.6453 FAX Managing fish and wildlife resources for their long-term well-being and rhe benefit of people. 620 South Meridian Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399.1600 Voice: (850) 488-4676 Hearing/speech impaired: (8001 955.8771 ITI (8001955,8770 (V) MyFWC_com Clam Bay Subc ommittee June 17,2010 Vlll~4.c New Business 10130 May 21, 2010 Pamela Keyes, Environmental Specialist Collier County 3301 East Tamiami Trail Naples, Florida 34113 RE: Information Markers Clam PasslBay - Permit 09-021 - CoOler County Dear Ms, Keyes: We are in receipt of your Florida Uniform Waterway Application requesting permission to install nine (9) information markers within Clam Pass, Your application was received by the Boating and Waterway Management Section on April 26, 2010, Based upon the information provided, your request for nine (9) information markers to be posted in Clam Pass is approved and subject to the following conditions: I, Permit number 09-021 is contingent upon the consent of, and if necessary, the issuance of appropriate permits from the United States Coast Guard (USCG) and the Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) authorizing the placement of structures for support of the uniform waterway markers, 2, This permit requires Collier County to place nine (9) Uniform Waterway markers exactly as indicated on the attached marker list. Each marker(s) shall be consistent with the Florida Uniform Waterway Marking System format. Permit number 09-021 must be displayed on the marker in black block characters measuring at least one (I") inch in height. (Graphic Included) 3, Placement of markers associated with permit number 09-021 must be as requested in the application submitted to our office by Collier County. Any deviation in the placement of markers will require Collier County to apply to have the permit amended to reflect any change in the placement of markers, Collier County must adhere to all of the conditions specified in rule 68D-23 ' I 06, Florida Adminislrative Code, a copy of which is enclosed with this permit letter. 4. All uniform waterway markers authorized under this permit must be maintained in proper condition at all times, Collier County must immediately report and correct any discrepancies of any marker to this office by calling (850) 488-5600 or by facsimile at (850) 488-9284, 5, Permit number 09-021 does not aulhorize the invasion of private rights, nor grant any exclusive privileges, nor does il obviate the necessity of complying with any other state, federal, or local laws and regulations 6, By accepting permit number 09-021 and placement of the uniform waterway markers, Collier County does hereby, to the extent authorized by law, agree and promise to hold harmless the State of Florida, its employees, agents or successors, from fault with respect to any claim or claims arising from alleged negligence in the placement, maintenance, operation, and removal of any and all markers placed by Collier County pursuant to this permit. Collier County agrees to indemnify the State of Florida for all legal fees and costs incurred in defense of any suit brought again5t the State because of alleged Ms. Keyes Page 2 May 21, 2010 Clam Bay Subc ommittee June 17,2010 VIII-4-c New Business 2 of 30 negligence by Collier County in the placement, maintenance, operation, or removal of the uniform waterway markers, (nongovernmental applicants only) 7, Violation of any provision of this permit shall result in the revocation of the authorization to place uniform waterway markers in, on, or above waters of this state, 8. Pursuant to Section 68D-23.11O, Florida Administrative Code, (Inspections and Certifications); Collier County is required to inspect all markers triennially and maintain inspection documentation, Failure to inspect and maintain documentation of the results of a marker inspection is grounds for rescinding this permit. FWC may request a coPY of the insoection documentation in Mav 2013, If you have any questions, please call at 850-410-0656, extension 17376 or rvan.more.au@r1J..yLwc.com., Sincerely, ~~ Mr. Ryan Moreau, Planner Boating and Waterways Section Division of Law Enforcement Irm Enclosures: cc: 68D-23.IIO, FAC 68D-23 ' 106, FAC Graphic Marker List Robert Diffenderfer. P,A, Lucy Blair, DEP Tim Rach, DEP Joe Embres, USCG R Y AN20 I OICQLLIER/CLAMP ASS2.OQC Clam Bay Subc ommittee June 17,2010 VIII-4-c New Business 3 of 30 Clam Bay Subc ommittee June 17 .201 0 VIII-4-c New Business 4 of 30 RULE NO: RULE TITLE 68D~2.1.1 06: Permit Conditions (I) All markers must comply with the following requirements and all permits issued pursuant to this chapter are subject to the following conditions: (a) Placement of these markers must be as requested in the application. Any deviation will require that the applicant apply to have the permit amended. (b) The applicant must display the permit number (except as provided below) on each marker and the ordinance number, code section number, statute nwnber, regulation or rule number (etc.) on each regulatory marker. These numbers must be displayed in black, block characters approximately one inch in height. I. On all regulatory markers, the permit number must be displayed in the lower left comer on the face of each reguJator)'~marker. The ordinance nwnber, code section number, statute number, regulation or rule number (etc.) must be displayed in the lower right comer on the face of each regulatory marker. 2. On all markers other than regulatory markers, the permit number must be displayed on the marker at any location on the marker where it can easily be read, including the reverse side of a sign, provided that it does not interfere with the message of the marker. 3. Informational markers placed by counties, municipalities, or other governmental entities on inland lakes and their associated canals are exempt from permitting under this rule. Such markers. ifnot permitted, must display in lieu ofa permit number, the name of the county, municipality, or other governmental entity that placed the marker. (c) Upon completion of the installation of markers, the applicant must notify the Boating and Waterways Section in writing within 30 days. If the latitude and longitude of each marker, as installed, is different from that listed in the application, this notification must include the correct latitude and longitude in degrees and decimal minutes as installed and the datum in which the coordinates are expressed, (d) All markers must be maintained in proper condition at all times. A discrepancy exists whenever a marker is not exactly as described in the approved application or is destroyed, damaged, moved, or is otherwise unserviceable or not watching properly. The applicant must immediately report any discrepancy in the marker to the Boating and Waterways Section by telephone, telefacsimile or other similarly rapid means of communication. Unless the applicant's permit expressly provides for a longer period, the applicant must correct any discrepancy within not more than 30 days and must notifY the Boating and Waterways Section when the correction is accomplished. (e) Authorization by the division for the placement of a marker does not authorize any invasion of private rights, nor grant any exclusive privileges, nor does it obviate the necessity of complying with any other federal, state or local laws or regulations. (f) All permits issued pursuant to this chapter are contingent upon the consent of and, if necessary, the issuance of appropriate permits by the United States Army Corps of Engineers authorizing the placement of structures for the support of the proposed markers. Consent may be by nationwide pennit, regional permit, letter permit, authorization letter, statement of no objection, or other similar means. (g) All permits issued pursuant to this chapter are contingent upon the consent of and, ifnecessary, the issuance of appropriate permits by the United States Coast Guard authorizing the establishment of private aids to navigation pursuant to Part 66 of Title 33 of the Code of Federal Regulations. (h) It is unlawful to place markers, buoys, or signs on submerged lands, or other property or structure not Clam Bay Subc ommiltee June 17,2010 VII1-4-c New Business 50f30 owned by the person or governmental entity placing them without first receiving the written consent of the owner of the submerged lands, other property, or structure to the placement of said markers, buoys, or signs. For markers, buoys, or signs placed pursuant to a permit issued under this rule, the permit is contingent upon the applicant providing a copy of such consent to the Boating and Waterways Section. (i) By accepting any permit and placing the markers authorized therein, the applicant other than a governmental entity, to the extent authorized by law, agrees and promises to hold harmless the State of Florida and its agencies, employees, agents, or successors from fauh with respect to any claim or claims arising from alleged negligence in the placement, maintenance, operation and removal of any and all markers placed by applicants pursuant to such pennits. The applicant other than a governmental entity further agrees to indemnify the State of Florida for any and all legal fees and costs incurred in defense of any suit brought against the State as a result of alleged negligence by applicant in the placement, maintenance, operation or removal of the markers. G) Applicants for permits to place regulatory markers or the governmental entities establishing the rules, ordinances, or other actions imposing the regulations must provide for the enforcement of operating restrictions noticed by said markers. (2) Additional conditions for regulatory markers. (a) All regulatory markers must be supported by a statute, special act, rule, reguJation, ordinance, order, or other similar regulatory instrument which imposes the restriction displayed on the marker. (b) If the regulatory instrument supporting a regulatory marker is amended or ifit is repealed, rescinded, revoked, or otherwise becomes a nullity, the pennit holder must within 30 days notify the Boating and Waterways Section of the change and must also: t. In the case of an amendment to the regulatory instrument, the file and amended permit application showing the markers that will be removed, replaced, modified, or added in order to implement the amendment to the regulatory instrument. 2. In the case of the repeal, rescission, revocation, or other nullification ofthe regulatory instrument, remove from the waters of this state and the shores thereof all regulatory markers implementing that regulatory instrument. (3) The division and its officers and aU other law enforcement officers charged with the enforcement of Chapter 327, F.S., have the authority to remove or cause the removal of any marker found in violation of the conditions imposed under this section or otherwise imposed in the permit authorizing the placement of the marker if the violation is not corrected within 30 days following notification of the permittee of the violation, History Notes: Specific Authority 327,04, 327.40, 327.41 FS, Law Implemented 327.40, 327.41 FS. History-New 12-23-01, Amended 10-5-06, Clam Bay Subc ommittee June 17,2010 VIlI-4Mc New Business 60130 68D-23.110 Inspections and Certification. (1) Each person holding a permit to place and maintain one or more markers must inspect all markers for which the permit was issued triennially. (2) The required inspection must be documented in writing and must include the following: (a) The name of the permit holder and penDit number of the markers being inspected; (b) The name of the person or persons currently responsible for the placement and maintenance of the markers; and (c) A photograph oreach marker taken in close enough proximity to legibly show all symbols, borders, and letters and numbers, including the text of any message, the permit number, and the ordinance number, code section number, statute number, regulation or rule number, (etc.). For marker installations with two or more signs, a sufficient number of photographs must be taken to legibly show the information on each sign. Digital photography is acceptable for this purpose. Photographs must be labeled with the location of the marker depicted and the date the photograph was taken. (d) A statement certifying that the markers placed pursuant to the pennit have been inspected during the ninety days preceding the statement and that: 1. The markers are properly maintained and in serviceable condition; 2. The markers cdnform to the requirements of this chapter; 3. The markers are still properly on station; and 4. The date or dates on which the markers were inspected. (3) The permit holder must maintain the inspection documentation until it is replaced by a subsequent inspection and documentation. Failure to inspect a marker and to maintain documentation of the results of the inspection during the specified time period is grounds for rescinding the permit authorizing placement of the marker and for removing or ordering the removal of the marker. (4) Dayboard and buoy surfaces and dayboard backing materials will deterionue because of the effects of weathering. Wind, rain, freezing temperatures, and sunlight cause delamination (separation), cracking, peeling, and fading. Attention must be given to these conditions during inspections. (a) Markers will be considered discrepant under the following guidelines: 1. Backing materials. Delamination of the plies on a plywood dayboard backing must not effect more than 25 percent of the surface area, Any warpage must not visibly detract from the signal or message presented to the mariner. The backing must not be softened or otherwise deteriorated around the mounting points to a degree that the board could come loose in a storm typical for the area in which the marker is placed. 2. Elastomeric films, numerals, letters, symbols, and borders. Delamination of films and retroreflective markings on dayboards and buoys must not affect more than 10 percent of the surface of the material. Films and retroreflective markings must not be cracked, checked, weathered, or abraded so as to have a dull or roughened surface. Peeling of the film or markings from the dayboard or buoy must not affect more than 10 percent of the surface area. Letters, numerals, symbols, and borders must not be faded or weathered so as to visibly detract from the signal or message presented to the mariner. (b) A dayboard or buoy must be replaced if any of the deteriorations noted above is observed or, if for any reason, it cannot function as intended (including significant fading or other discoloration) until the next regularly scheduled inspection. Onsite repairs are permitted if they do not interfere with or detract from the intended signal function of the marker. (5) All discrepancies documented during an inspection must be reported to the Boating and Waterways Section and corrected within 30 days, as provided in paragraph 680-23.106(1 )(d), F,A,C, Specific Authority 327.04,327.40,327.41 FS. Law Implemented 327.40, 327.4i. 370.12 FS. ilistory-New 12.23-01, Amended 10-5-06. N .... o 0- ~" 0"" OJ,,, ~~ . C o , . . E (f) E ~ E ~ o '(ij u 0 .co> o . <fJ . i;'z en Yo E"f2 l':l = 0 05r-- '" "E ~ ~ t " '~ ~ ... ~ ~ >> '" ~ '" ~ c o 'ijj .! c o E5 Eu:: 0'1:1;: .."'" .... > 1: C ..", ...'" 0" '" ._ a c: ...~~ Ill.. :> .... " i. 0 '" Qj"~ CI)~! C .::!1: o :Vol: U:Ec Qj "'.2! ... .. ,," ._ it V) - I: '" :2! ." __ 1Q<i..i ~ J~ .... E "- IlU .e ~ .c ';: iE U1::lo .- .. 11."0 III .~ "ii: .- i. o u:: o ~ o N -- ~ N ifl o Z i:i w w ::l '" Z '" W ~N > ,OM < ..,..1'-0 W o!:2\D ~, , ~~ ~~M >-<: M~~ WI ...JV_ ::':::u u...~...-l.. SXlDvi..;j;E w~~~~:-:S ~Q)_Q.,O)(C: ~~ffi~f~a o w > 2 "- "- <: o Ui ~ S 2 a ~ "0 .. u:: '1: .. > ~ .: .. .. :E "0 .. t: 'E ... ::I III ! .. Q Vl Vl ~ ~ '" :!: S u Gi E .. z ~8 ..- ....x >- Ow f- t~ z z u... >. ::l -.-40 IQ~O 3u.. !zU o,~ !Qffi 0.... fa 1-...... .. Vl:><:-I ... '"':!:- O';'~_ct:O Z_a..IVOU lU :>::- tillL ~ ::: __ c:( IV Z C .. 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"'>.- ~ "'>.- ~ "'>.- ~ '" > .-~ ~>;: ;t>:;:; ~>:;:; ;!>; ~ .... .. r--- .. r--- .. r--- .. cr. 0\ c'- O'! c'- O"! c'- 0\ C'- 0"0 c'- m c'- m c .- O'! C'- _ cn'1:J LLJ .-l 01"0 W .-l at'1:J LU .....-I ga'1:J w .. ClI"" .. ","" .. ClI"" .. !!'"" U " _._1:lI> ........_ 'a > __"a> i/)iii:i~ ........_"a ;::-iii~ ......_~ -. "" .t ::€ NcnoC< r"'l\ftC< ..."'c<( ",,,,C 001/1 c>>I/IC 1U' ~ ~ ~ ~ ::::: ii ~ ~ ~ .c Ann P. Jennejohn '/III--&f-G, From: Sent: Subject: Attachments: hambright_g [GaiIHambright@colliergov.net] _Wednesda6, Ju~e 16, 2010 10:09 AM Update to I em -c DEP _RALPacket_6151 O.Finalpdf.pdf Additional document added to above referenced item. http://www.colliergov.net/I ndex.aspx?page=2893 Thanks, Gail D. Hambright, Accountant Coastal Zone Management W. Harmon Turner Bldg., Suite 103 3301 East Tamiami Trail Naples, Florida 34112 Phone: (239) 252-2966 Fax: (239) 252-2950 ~ Under Fhxida Law, e-maii addresses are public records, If you do not want electronic mail to this entity, Instead, contact this office telephone or In e-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send 1 Clam Bay Subc ommittee June 17,2010 VIII-4-c New Business 9of30 COLLIER COUNTY COLLIER COUNTY DIVISION OF PUBLIC SERVICES COAST AL ZONE MANAGEMENT JJO I Last lamiami Trail. Nark:,- 1"1 34112 \V.llal"l1lonl Urrll'1" 1~ldg. Suitt' 103 (239)-213-2966 + F:\ X C2."W) JS:1-4061 * htlP'/i\\\\ \\ .l'(lllil'rg.ov.lH:l June 15,2010 FLDEP 2295 Victoria Ave, Suite 364W Ft. Myers, FL 3390 I RE: RAI for the Letter of Consent - File No, 11-0295193-002-EE08 Dear Mr. Ryan Snyder: As previously discussed, please find enclosed Collier County's response to the Request for Additional Information for the Letter of Consent. This is for the Clam Bay waterways channel consisting of red and green buoys, dayboard markers, informational signs from the Gulf, through Clam Pass into Clam Bay, If you have any questions or need additional information regarding this application, please contact me at 239-252-2980 or Pamelakeves(wcolliergov.net. Thank you for your assistance wilh this request. Sincerely, Pamela Keyes Environmental Specialist, Coastal Zone Management Clam Bay Subc ommittee June 17,2010 VIII-4-c New Business 10 of 30 Request for Additional Information for the Letter of Consent File No. I I -0295193-002-EE08 Part I Navigational Aids Please see attachment I for Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission's approval for the informational markers within Clam Bay. Part II Letter of Consent I, Please provide specifications and dimensions for the proposed buoys (i.e. length, width, height, weight, draft, etc,..) a, The red and green buoys that will be deployed will be: I. Length- 60 inches ii. Diameter - 9 inches iii. Height - 60 inches iv, Weight - 49 pounds v. Draft - 24 inches Each buoy will have a 3-inch rellective band in the corresponding color, be self-righting with tackle, and have a recessed cap that allows the buoy to stand upright. Please see attachment 2 for the buoy description using Model B 1147R as a buoy example. 2, Please stake and label the location of the proposed day markers, buoys, and informational signs, a, On June 8, 2010 an onsite visit occurred with Ryan Snyder, Environmental Specialist with DEP, to show the location of the proposed day markers, buoys and informational signs, After a full site inspection, it was discussed to move red buoy marker #4 to the north edge of the small mangrove island. This change has been represented on all maps, 3. Please provide a detailed plan view map showing the location of sea grasses within or adjacent to the proposed navigable route, a, Please see attachment 3 for seagrass survey results from 2009 conducted by Turrell, Hall & Associates, Inc and a CD of the seagrass shape files. Also, please see attachment 4 for a map of the seagrass and the proposed channel. 4, Please provide a detailed map showing the location of any navigational obstructions (e,g., islands, sandbars, or shoals) within or adjacent to the proposed navigable route. a, Please see attachment 5, using the 2009 Property Appraisers Imagery, Clam Bay Subc ommittee June 17,2010 VlIl-4-c New Business 11 of 30 5, The Department has noted that the Morgan and Eklund, Inc, Bathymetric Survey dated J 0/6/2009 is referencing all depths to NA YD 88, Please provide a revised Balhymetric Survey referencing all depths to Mean Low Water, a. Please see attachment 6, for lhe Morgan and Eklund, Inc Bathymetric Survey referencing all depths to Mean Low Water. 6. Please provide information on what types of vessels are projected to use the proposed marked navigable route (Le, size and draft), a, Only shallow draft vessels are projected to use the proposed navigable route. On June 7, 2010, Coastal Zone Management Statl'conducted a survey of the vessels within the Seagate canal system, Within the fOllr canals there were a total of eight boats with motors. The largest boat was approximately 22' long. Most of the boats observed were small skiffs or ftats boats less than sixteen feet. These vessels are designed to have a shallow dratl. No large vessels are projected to lIse this navigable rollte, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Commissioners Rodney Barreto Chair Miami Richard A. Corbett Vice Chair Tampa Kathy BarCo Jacksonvllle Ronald M. Bergeron Fort Lauderdale Dwight Stephenson De/ray Beacn Kenneth W. Wright Winter Park Brian S, Yablonski Tallahassee Executive Staff Nick Wiley Executive Director Greg Holder Assistant Executive Director Karen Ventimiglia Deputy Chief of Staff Division of Law Enforcement Colonel Jim Brown Director (850) 488.6251 (850)921.6453 FAX Managing fish and wfldllfe resources for their lon~te'm well-being and the benefic of people. 620 South Meridian Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1600 Voice: (SSO) 488-4676 Hearing/speech impaired: (800) 955.87711T1 (800) 955.8770 IV) MyFWC.com Clam Bay Subc ommittee June 17,2010 VlII-4-c New Business 12 of 30 May 21, 2010 Pamela Keyes, Environmental Specialist Collier County 3301 East Tamiami Trail Naples, Florida 34113 RE: Information Markers Clam passlBay - Permit 09-021 - Collier County Dear Ms. Keyes: We are in receipt of your Florida Uniform Waterway Application requesting permission to install nine (9) information markers within Clam Pass. Your application was received by the Boating and Waterway Management Section on April 26, 2010, Based upon the information provided, your request for nine (9) information markers to be posted in Clam Pass is approved and subject to the following conditions: 1. Permit number 09-021 is contingent upon the consent of. and if necessary, the issuance of appropriate permits from the United States Coast Guard (USCG) and the Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) authorizing the placement of structures for support of the uniform waterway markers, 2, This permit requires Collier County to place nine (9) Uniform Waterway markers exactly as indicated on the attached marker list. Each marker(s) shall be consistent with the Florida Uniform Waterway Marking System format. Permit number 09-021 must be displayed on the marker in black block characters measuring at least one (]") inch in height. (Graphic Included) 3, Placement of markers associated with permit number 09-021 must be as requested in the application submitted to our office by Collier County. Any deviation in the placement of markers will require Collier County to apply to have the permit amended to reflect any change in the placement of markers. Collier County musl adhere to all of the conditions specified in rule 68D-23 ' 106, Florida Administrative Code, a copy of which is enclosed with this permit letter. 4, All uniform waterway markers authorized under this permit must be maintained in proper condition at all times, Collier County must immediately repott and correct any discrepancies of any marker to this office by calling (850) 488-5600 or by facsimile at (850) 488-9284, 5, Permit number 09-021 does not authorize the invasion of private rights, nor grant any exclusive privileges, nor does it obviate the necessity of complying with any other state, federal, or local laws and regulations 6, By accepting permit number 09-021 and placement of the uniform waterway markers, Collier County does hereby, to the extent authorized by law, agree and promise to hold harmless the State of Florida, its employees. agents or successors, from fault with respect to any claim or claims arising from alleged negligence in the placemenl, maintenance, operation, and removal of any and all markers placed by Collier County pursuant to this permit. Collier County agrees to indemnify the State of Florida for all legal fees and costs incurred in defense of any suit brought against the State because of alleged Ms, Keyes Page 2 May 21, 2010 Clam Bay SubGommlttee June 17,2010 VIII-4-c New Business 130130 negligence by Collier County in the placement, maintenance, operation, or removal of the uniform waterway markers, (nongovernmental applicants only) 7, Violation of any provision of this permit shall result in the revocation of the authorization to place uniform waterway markers in, on, or above waters of this state, 8, Pursuant to Section 68D-23.11 0, Florida Administrative Code, (Inspections and Certifications); Collier County is required to inspect all markers triennially and maintain inspection documentation. Failure to inspect and maintain documentation of the results of a marker inspection is grounds for rescinding this permit. FWC mav request a copy of the inspection documentation in May 2013. If you have any questions, please call al 850-410-0656, extension 17376 or r\t all. morei!.JJ~@myrwc-,-corn. Sincerely. ~~ Mr. Ryan Moreau, Planner Boating and Waterways Section Division of Law Enforcement Irm Enclosures: cc: 68D-23.11O, FAC 68D-23 ' 106, FAC Graphic Marker List Robert Diffenderfer, P,A, Lucy Blair, DEP Tim Rach, DEP Joe Embres, USCG RY AN20 I O/COLLIERJCLAMP ASS2.DOC Clam Bay Subc ommittee June 17,2010 VIII-4-c New Business 14 of 30 Clam Bay Subc ommittee June 17,2010 VI1l~4-c New Business 15 of 30 RULE NO: RULE TITLE 68D-l.l.106; Permit Conditions (I) All markers must comply with the following requirements and all permits issued pursuant to this chapter are subject to the following conditions: (a) Placement of these markers must be as requested in the application. Any deviation will require that the applicant apply to have the permit amended. (b) The applicant must display the permit number (except as provided below) on each marker and the ordinance number, code section number, statute number, regulation or rule number (etc.) on each regulatory marker. These numbers must be displayed in black, block characters approximately one inch in height. I. On all regulatory markers, the permit number must be displayed in the lower left comer on the face of eacb regulatoJ)' .marker. The ordinance number, code section number, statute number, regulation or rule number (etc.) must be displayed in the lower right comer on the face of each regulatory marker. 2. On all markers other than regulatory markers, the pennit number must be displayed on the marker at any location on the marker where it can easily be read, including the reverse side of a sign, provided that it does not interfere with the message of the marker. 3. Informational markers placed by counties, municipalities, or other governmental entities on inland lakes and their associated canals are ex.empt from permitting under this rule. Such markers. ifnot permitted. must display in lieu of a permit number, the name of the county, municipality, or other governmental entity that placed the marker. (c) Upon completion of the installation of markers, the applicant must notify the Boating and Waterways Section in writing within 30 days. If the latitude and longitude of each marker, as installed, is different from that listed in the application, this notification must include the correct latitude and longitude in degrees and decimal minutes as installed and the datum in which the coordinates are expressed. (d) All markers must be maintained in proper condition at all times. A discrepancy exists whenever a marker is not exactly as described in the approved application or is destroyed, damaged, moved, or is otherwise unserviceable or not watching properly, The applicant must inunediately report any discrepancy in the marker to the Boating and Waterways Section by telephone, telefacsimile or other similarly rapid means of communication. Unless the applicant's permit expressly provides for a longer period, the applicant must correct any discrepancy within not more than 30 days and must notify the Boating and Waterways Section when the correction is accomplished, (e) Authorization by the division for the placement of a marker does not authorize any invasion of private rights, nor grant any exclusive privileges, nor does it obviate the necessity of complying with any other federal, state or local laws or regulations. (0 All permits issued pursuant to this chapter are contingent upon the consent of and, if necessary, the issuance of appropriate permits by the United States Army Corps of Engineers authorizing the placement of structures for the support of the proposed markers. Consent may be by nationwide permit, regional pennit, letter permit, authorization letter, statement of no objection, or other similar means. (g) All permits issued pursuant to this chapter are contingent upon the consent of and, if necessary, the issuance of appropriate permits by the United States Coast Guard authorizing the establishment of private aids to navigation pursuant to Part 66 of Title 33 of the Code of Federal Regulations. (h) It is unlawful to place markers, buoys, or signs on submerged lands, or other property or structure not Clam Bay Subc ommittee June 17,2010 VIII~4~c New Business 160130 owned by the person or governmental entity placing them without first receiving the written consent of the owner of the submerged lands, other property, or structure to the placement of said markers, buoys, or signs. For markers, buoys, or signs placed pursuant to a permit issued under this rule, the permit is contingent upon the applicant providing a copy of such consent to the Boating and Waterways Section. (i) By accepting any permit and pladng the markers authorized therein, the applicant other than a governmenlal entity, to the extent authorized by law, agrees and promises to hold harmless the State of Florida and its agencies. employees, agents, or successors from fault with respect to any claim or claims arising from alleged negligence in the placement, maintenance, operation and removal of any and all markers placed by applicants pursuant to such pennits. The applicant other than a governmental entity further agrees to indemnify the State of Florida for any and all legal fees and costs incurred in defense of any suit brought against the State as a result of alleged negligence by applicant in the placement, maintenance, operation or removal of the markers. CD Applicants for permits to place regulatory markers or the governmental entities establishing the rules, ordinances, or other actions imposing the regulations must provide for the enforcement of operating restrictions noticed by said markers. (2) Additional conditions for regulatory markers. (a) All regulatory markers must be supported by a statute, special act, rule, regulation, ordinance, order, or other similar regulatory instrument which imposes the restriction displayed on the marker. (b) If the regulatory instrument supporting a regulatory marker is amended or ifit is repealed, rescinded, revoked, or otherwise becomes a nullity, the permit holder must within 30 days notify the Boating and Waterways Section of the change and musl also: 1. In the case of an amendment to the regulatory instrument, the file and amended permit application showing the markers that will be removed, replaced, modified, or added in order to implement the amendment to the regulatory instrument. 2. In the case of the repeal, rescission, revocation, or other nullification of the regulatory instrument, remove from the waters of this state and the shores thereof all regulatory markers implementing that regulatory instrument. (3) The division and its officers and all other law enforcement officers charged with the enforcement of Chapter 327, F.S" have the authority to remove or cause the removal of any marker found in violation of the conditions imposed under this section or otherwise imposed in the permit authorizing the placement of the marker if the violation is not corrected within 30 days following notification of the permittee of the violation, History Notes: Specific Authority 327,04, 327.40, 327.41 FS, Law Implemented 327.40, 327.41 FS. Hi5tory-New 12-23-01, Amended 10-5-06, Clam Bay Subc ommittee June 17,2010 VIll-4-c New Business 17of30 68D-23.110 Inspections and Certification. (1) Each person holding a permit to place and maintain one or more markers must inspect all markers for which the permit was issued triennially. (2) The required inspection must be documented in writing and must include the following: (a) The name of the permit holder and permit number of the markers being inspected; (b) The name of the person or persons currently responsible for the placement and maintenance of the markers; and (c) A photograph of each marker taken in close enough proximity to legibly show all symbols, borders, and letters and numbers, including the text of any message, the permit number. and the ordinance number, code section number, statute number, regulation or rule number, (etc,). For marker installations with two or more signs, a sulicient number of photographs must be taken to legibly show the information on each sign, Digital photography is acceptable for this purpose. Photographs must be labeled with the location of the marker depicted and the date the photograph was taken. (d) A statement certifying that the markers placed pursuant to the pennit have been inspected during the ninety days preceding the statement and that: 1. The markers are properly maintained and in serviceable condition; 2. The markers coofonn to the requirements of this chapter; 3. The markers are still properly on station; and 4. The date or dates on which the markers were inspected. (3) The permit holder must maintain the inspection documentation until it is replaced by a subsequent inspection and documentation. Failure to inspect a marker and to maintain documentation of the results of the inspection during the specified time period is grounds for rescinding the pennit authorizing placement of the marker and for removing or ordering the removal of the marker. (4) Dayboard and buoy surfaces and dayboard backing materials will deteriorate because of the effects of weathering. Wind, rain, freezing temperatures, and sunlight cause delamination (separation), cracking, peeling, and fading. Attention must be given to these conditions during inspections. (a) Markers will be considered discrepant under the following guidelines: 1. Backing materials. Delamination of the plies on a plywood dayboard backing must not effect more than 25 percent of the surface area, Any warpage must not visibly detract from the signal or message presented to the mariner. The backing must not be softened or otherwise deteriorated around the mounting points to a degree that the board could come loose in a stonn typical for the area in which the marker is placed. 2. Elastomeric films, numerals, letters, symbols, and borders. Delamination of films and retroreflective markings on dayboards and buoys must not affect more than 10 percent of the surface of the material. Films and retroretlective markings must not be cracked, checked, weathered, or abraded so as to have a dull or roughened surface. Pet:ling of the film or markings from the dayboard or buoy must not affect more than 10 percent of the surface area. Letters, numerals, symbols, and borders must not be faded or weathered so as to visibly detract from the signal or message presented to the mariner. (b) A dayboard or buoy must be replaced if any of the deteriorations noted above is observed or, if for any reason, it cannot function as intended (including significant fading or other discoloration) until the next regularly scheduled inspection. Onsite repairs are permitted if they do not interfere with or detract from the intended signal function of the marker. (5) All discrepancies documented during an inspection must be reported to the Boating and Waterways Section and corrected within 30 days, as provided in paragraph 68D-23,l06(l)(d), FAC. Specific Authority 327.04,327.40.327.41 FS. Law Implemented 327.40,327.41, 370.12 FS Jfistory-New 12-23-01. Amended 10-5-06. '" .... o 0- ~" ~-~ ::~ , . , c o ~ . . .E Vl E W E ~ o 'iij u 0 ""' o ~ "' . 1;'Zo "'y", E"tCi ~=co '-'>~ '" "E o a:l ~ B '~ ~ ... ~ ~ ~ ~ B '" ~ c o 'iji VI c .- 0 E:Q E~ 0'1: 1: UII'" >1': c~1!, 0"'" ._ Q c: "'t~ RIll'" > ... '" i" f ~ Q/A.", VI...... c.=~ o :;;~ U:Eb Q/ >~ .... ..", = E V} '1:1 !l ,g> - nI,c .- ~ ~ ~ ~~ ors .e ~ .c 'cl! VI::l~ .- .. 11." RI '~ '1:IU: .- i" o ii: o ... o N - ~ N i:i1 o Z ~ LU LU ::> '" Z '" LU ~N > ,OC'f1 <( V'1.O ill o!:21"Q ~ ~ , IJ)~ V~..r., ~~ M~~ ~O lte;:;-.. ""xtllu,-..CJ,E .JLULU~II~O LU"'I- CO..UC ~OO-Q. )C c(U1;:)cs:;.cll::S Q.rrHJ)ZA.U.tI) o LU > ~ "- "- <( o i.ti g s 2 a ~ " II 0;: 'iI > ~ ! .. :E " ! 'E ... ::I III !l .. o Ul Ul <( "- ~ <( tll ~ :5 u ij E .. z t8 11- ... x >- Ow Z ~ .t:::E z u. >. ::::> .-10 IV:;iO ~u.. E ZU ~~ !9:D 0....... IV I- I-< .. 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CO'- CO'- CO'- .. III UJ ..IIlUJ ..IIlUJ ..IIlUJ I ..Ill ..Ill ..Ill ..Ill '< '''-' :EiiO :SiiO '--0 :EiiO :Sii :en; :Sii :Eii ~ -f"UJ C "CUJ "CUJ "CUJ O~5 Nig Mig " \DUal!) I' II 0 l!) OOGl~c;I O\ClOt.:J ...... II ~ 1ij ... '" >'-;2 '" >'-;2 '" >'-;2 '" >'-;2 ft>;; 'I;f >._ ...>.- ~>;i ll) '" .... '" ... '" .... &';C:t: ~C:t::: ~C:t: ~ ~ en C'- m C .- C"\ C'- IJl C'- C1'\ C .- '" ..... c:n"l:lw ......cn'aw ..... cn'1:ll w ......gt'aw ~ co", ~ co", ~ co", ~ co", U -.-"1:1> .......-"1:1> --,,> Ulcn:i~ ......._"0 _._~ oo-u;~ ......._"1:1 ~ ::iZ NIIlC< r")(I) C <: "'IIlC<( "'IIlC ",Ill "'IIlC -' >> ll) " S ~ ll) ::::: ~ i:i. ~ ~ ~ Apr,15,1C10 1:51PM ROLYAN AN ABILITYONE CO ClamBaYSubclf6","1i9~'l(June~72~'O Regulatory Buoys. ABS type~~~-~9~,BUDi~. a Approved and universally used by local, state and federal agencies to ensure water safety. Ideal for private applications. ." ~deJ-B1147B) Features . Easy reconditioning of weather-worn buoys with excellent adhesion of restoration materials, See page 18, . 9" diameter, white, ASS plastic exterior, Will not rust, chip or peel. Ultraviolet inhibited, Orange symbol (2 sides) . Completely urethane foam filied. Virtually unsinkabie. . 3"-wide reflective band at top provides excellent nighttime visibility, , Self'righting without tackle. . Recessed cap allows buoy to stand upright. . Heavy steel galvanized anchoring eye cast in an internal concrete ballast. . Includes choice of standard symbols and messages, UNSINKABLE - filled with urethane foam 36- exposure with 5105. anchor tackle SWIM . 60" AREA 3" stiver reflective band 2M orange band 3" black let1ers (2 sides) 2" orange band Urethane foa.m Concrete ballasl W dia. galvanized rod 1" I. O. steel mooring eye Specify desired symbols and messages when ordering, Submerged buoyancy 84 Ibs, Net weight 49 Ibs, Shipping weighl 56 Ibs, Refer to installation suggestions on page 21, See warranty information on back cover, STANDARD INLAND WATERWAY SYMBOLS AND MESSAGES Special messages are available, Request a quotation. CONTROLLEO AREA SYMBOL 10 2" band width STAND"AD MESSAGES SLOVoISMPH SLOW NO WAKE SKI AREA NO SKI SLOW 10 MPH SPEED ZONE NO WAKE IDLE SPEED Available Options . Pickup eye built into top, . Stainless steel anchoring aye for salt waler applications. . Agency or name identification, . Cone cap top. . Special non-standard messages, . Solar lights (see page 11). . Available in yellow, . Side mooring eyes for s.wim areas, float lines. HAZARO WARNING SYMBOL STANDARD MESSAGES ROCK DANGER RAPIDS SHOAL STUMP SHALLOW AREA HAZARD AREA DANGER DAM RESTRICTEO AREA ~~_ SYMBOL 1~ 2" band width STANOARO MESSAGES SWIM AREA KEEP OUT NO 80ATS BOATS KEEP OUT CLOSED AReA NO BOATING DANGER DAM INFORMATION SYMBOL 1[] ~11"-J 2" band width STANDARD MESSAGES REST ROOM 1 MILE S1ATE PARK AHEAD I.IARJNA ENTRANCE FISH AITRACTOR Rolyan" Buoys, To Order-Call toll-free in the U.S,: 888-269-2869 . 262-387-8779 . Fax: 866-790-3298 www.RolyanBuoys.com 11,.15.2010 1:51PM ROLYAN AN ABILITYONE CO ClamBaySubcRB'!"!tS'T~unep~,2~10 cnannel lVIarkerS~II~~~oNew BUSiness · For marking borders and centerlines of channels. 5~ 5/~ .:::\...-5" ;6/Jcr71L 6c..r6~ g" DIAMETER ABS TYPE Features . Easy reconditioning of weather- NUN AND CAN TYPES worn buoys, with excellent adhesion of restoration materials. . ABS plastic exterior. . Ultraviolet inhibited, will not rust, chip or peel. . Completely urethane foam filled. Jffl: Model B1148R Red with 3" red reflective band 'f- Model 61148G Green with 311 green reflective band Model-61149R Red & White Stripe Model-B1149B Black & White Stripe Submerged buoyancy Net weight Shipping weight 841bs. 491bs, 561bs. POLYETHYLENE SUPER.TOUGH CHANNEL MARKERS Designed for problem areas where buoys are subject 10 abuse and vandalism, Available Options . Stainless steel mooring eyes. 'Agency or name idenlification, . While numerical markings. . Solar lights (see page 11), Model 6961 RC Red Nun Model B961GC Green Can Model B961C8 Centerline Black Model 8961 CR Centerline Red Submerged buoyancy 84 Ibs. Net weight 49 Ibs, Shipping weight 56 Ibs. Features - see page 2 it "W Available Options . Stainless steel mooring eyes. . Agency or name identification. . White numencal markings. . Solar lights (see page II). 5" DIA. CHANNEL MARKERS 8576SR RED 8576SG GREEN Model B576SR Red Model 65768G Green Model 8576SC Centerline (Red and White) Model 65768CB Centerline (Black and White) Submerged buoyancy 30 ibs. Net weight 24 Ibs. Shipping weight 28 Ibs. Same ABS construction and features as 5" Spar Buoys (see page 3). 76" high with 3" reflective band at top. Rolyan' Buoys, To Order-Call toll.free in the U,S.: 888-269-2869 . 262.387-8728 . Fax: 866.790.3298 www.RolyanBuoys.com Rolyan Buoys - Regulatory and Spar Buoys Clam Bay Subc ommittee JUmp17g20'i f 3 VIiI-4-c New Business a e 0 22 of 30 SLOW e WAKE Model B961R (9" diameter x 61" height) Includes choice of standard symbols and messages Features . . 9" dia, white super tough HOPE shell. Ultraviolet inhibited . Shatter-proof - will not crack, chip, peel or rust . Completely urethane foam filled, Virtually unsinkable . 3" wide orange reflective band at top provides excellent night visibility . Self-righting without tackle . Recessed cap allows buoy to stand upright . Heavy steel galvanized anchoring eye cast in an internal concrete balast. Available Options . Internal radar reflectors . Pickup eye built in top . Stainless steel anchoring eye for salt water applications . Agency name or identification . Special non-standard messages Spar Buoys Lightweight, easy to handle - Minimum anchor weight allows easy removal http://www.rolyanbuoys.comlPages/regspr.htm 4/15/2 ~ '~i , B- " ~ " ~ ,~ ~ --3 g~ ~~ 3~ 3'~ !'-';J;> <1;,. 5'~::C ~ ~ ~:::- s ~ s,Ro ~ 0:: g 0- Z ~ ~ ..,--E.. g ~ ? ,r;; E'" g -,"""" -_. !->r n~ $ 'j;. 9 nr 1:;.:::; :;:,5"" ~t~S" :2 ~-:! (J:g 0' (J) m )> Gl ~ )> (J) (J) (J) C ~ < m -< ~ m (J) C r -i (J) N o o <D ~ g ~ ~ o f ': g ~ o o ., o ~ z W I ~ ~ . o " " , . " > C ~ Z c Q , ~ ) " , . n 1 ) 8 r o C -l m IJ () r ) ~ OJ ) -< .~ "'" ,.c:',.,..',..............'..'........., ILeg~ o Seagrasslocations CLAM PASS MARKERS Latitude Lon itude Marker ID 26.2205 81.8182 1 26.2205 81.8164 2 26.2209 81.8155 4 26.2200 81.8151 6 26.2181 81.8144 7 26.2170 81.8138 8 26.2165 81.8140 9 26.2154 81.8145 10 26.2151 81.8138 12 26.2132 81.8131 13 26.2110 81.8128 14 INFORMATIONAL SIGNS 26.2202 81.8175 ms 26.2195 81.8176 mS(S) 26.2166 81.8139 ISNW 26.2165 81.8141 IS NW(B) 26.2110 81.8121 LAND *(IBS)Informational Beach Sign *(ISNW)Idle Speed No Wake *(N)North, (S)South, (B)Bridge ."" ", , >~r~;\\ .~-.."""" " l . ," < ~ " lll..-, ~."'" >>.:.:. ,." . . ,;' . '9' f.lo'.. J '\~:J(.' 'r.. ,':..;",,' '\.~..~ , ].~..t.. r,'o". '~..::,';> CLAM PASS -- MARKER LOCATIONS 480 960 :~,'::~-,- ~""'." ".'.W "'~"," COLLIER COUNTY, FL ' ~ '...) , ...... 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