Ordinance 89-018 -, ORDINANCE 89- ] R ,.;~,.~%N ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 82-2, THE :~'COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE .... ,~UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY BY ,'..AMENDING SUBSECTION 10.5, DEVELOPHENT PLAN :,~-APPROVAL, BY CHANGING THE TITLE AND BY ADDING ~ z.. :.. , 'PARAGRAPHS OF INTENT, APPLICABILITY, DEFINITIONS~3~'-o ~ [iPROCEDURES STANDARDS, AMENDMENTS, AND VIOLATION~,~.: o, BY REPEALING PREVIOUS SUBSECTION 10.5, DEVELOPMENT. PLAN APPROVAL; BY PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT AND ~.~., SEVERABILITY; AND BY PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE.-, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida: Section 10, Subsection 10.5, Development Plan Approval, of Ordinance No. 82-2, the Zoning Ordinance of Collier County, Florida is hereby amended to read as follows: ~0TS-~eve~e~men~-P~en-Ae~eve~? e= P~eeedu~e~--Whe~eby-~he-~e~'ms-e~-~h~s-~en~n~ erd~n~nee~-epp~ove~-e~-e-Beve~epmene-P~en-~s requ~ed-o~-whe~eby-approve~-~s-reques~ed-b~-~he deve~oper-p~er-~e-ehe-~sseenee-ef-e-b~d~.~ Beve~opmen~-P~n-for-eommen~-end-er~e~zm-~e-~n~ eoun~y-eff~e~m~y-depa~men~y-er-adv~sery-boerd wh~eh-may-have-e-~espons~b~y-~e~-seme-espeee-e~ ~he-BeYe~epme~-P~an? eomeen~se--~he-Beve~epmeR~-P~eR-~eerd~ed-~e-be subm~9~ed-~nde~-See~em-~O~S~e~-e~eve-emd-by-~he ~equ~emen~s-e~-%h~s-~em~mq-O~d~neRee-sha~-~me~ude ~he-~e~ew~ng-e~emenesr-um~ess-ehe-Som~ng-B~ee~e~ de~e~nes-~he~-o~e-er-mere-e~-~e~d-e~emen%s-dees mo~-app~y-~o-~he-par~eu~a~-deve~epmen~? S~e~emenes-e~-ewne~sh~p-emd-eeR~re~-e~-~he p~epesed-deve~epmeR~ ~ S~aeemen~-deser~b~R~T-~R-de~e~T-~he-ehe~ae~e~ ~Rd-~m~eRded-use-e~-%he-deve½epmem~v 6eme~a~-~eea~m-mapT-shew~m~-~e~e~em-e~-~he s~e-~o~-wh~eh-Beve~epme~-P~an-eppreYa~-&s ~~esT-shopp~n~-ereesT-~mpo~an~-phys~ee~ ~keT A-Beve~epmene-P~en-eeR%e~n~n~-~he-~%~e-e~-~he p~egeee-end--the-nemes-e~-~he-p~egee~-p~enne~ end-deve~epe~T-aa~eT-ena-ne~h-e~ewr-enar besea-en-e,-exee~-su~-vey-e~-~he-p~epe~y-d~ewn ~e-a-see~e-e~-su~e~ene-s~ze-~e-shew bounde~&es-o~-~he-p~egee~-eny-ex~s~~ Words-s%~uek-~h~eu§h are deleted; words ~L~L~L~re.added. s~ree~sT-bui~di~qs-and-s~rue~rese-aeeess-a~d ~epara2ed-~rem-pedes~r~an-and-e~her-~Pe~-e~ ee~ee~en-a~east-amd-aeeess-~e-~~es-and pe~n~s-e~-~~es-~eek~ps~ p~e~ec~-emd-~e-per~em~a~es-~eree~-prepesed ~e-~e-deYe~ed-~e-~e-var~e~s-perm~ed-~sest ~ ~-eemmem-~ae~es-~s~e~-as-~eerea~em-a~eas er-s~e~esT-p~Ya~e-s~ee~s~-eemmem-epem space~-e~e~-a~e-~e-~e-p~ev~ded-~er-~e deYe~epmem~T-s~a~emen~s-as-~e-~ew-s~e~-eemmem e~-p~epesed-deed-res~r~e~ens~-deeds-e~-~r~s~ ~emeewners-mssee~a~ens~-s~re~-ar~en~emen~s~ er-e~er-~e~a~-~ms~men~s-prev~d~n~-adeq~a~e ~ac~es-w~-ne~-~eeeme-a-~re-~a~½~ $~e~m-d~a~ma~e-amd-sam~ar~-sewa~e-p~ams? ~eea~ems-e~-Ye~e~m~en-amd-deeera~Ye s~ee-e~-c~-e~s~m~-~rees-p~e~ee~ed-~-~e~n~ s~a~emem~s-es-ma~-~e-~eq~ed-~e~-~e ~ems-~-4~-e~-amd-9~-e~eve-s~a~-~e prepa~ed-~-a-~e~s~e~ed-s~ve~e~?-en~mee~? ~e-apprcp~a~e-~e-~e-pa~e~er-~em~ Sen~n~-~ee~er-Ae~emt--~m-reae~n~-e-dee~s~em-as Words-st~dek-thrett~h are deleted; words ~U~[~=~U~j~re .adde.~,_ ~o-whe~he~-~he-BeYe~opmen~-p~an?-as-~ubm~ed~ sha~-be-app~oved-or-app~oved-w~h-e~e~-~r-~ reaeh~ng-~-dee~s~on-n~-~o-app~ve-~e-p~n~-~he ~en~nq-B~ee~e~-s~a~-6e~ew-~he-p~eee~u~e-seE-e~E Su~e&eney-ef-S~e~emen~s-en-ewners~&p-en~ een~&~cns-ef-ewme=s~p-e=-een~re}y-use-en~ permenen~-me&n~enenee-ef-ecmmen-epen-speee? ecmmen-fae~es~-e~-eemmcm-~en~s-~e-~ns~re Bens½~y-an~er-Purpese-ef-ehe-prepese8 deve~epmen~-w~h-pare~eu~a~-a~en~en-~e-~s ~e~a~ensh~p-~e-a~aeen~-aa~-nea~-preper~es an~-~he-effeee-~he~een-am~-~e~ae~ensh~-ee-~½e ee~ney~s-eemp~ehens~ve-P~an~ ~nqress-en~-R~ress-~e-~he-~eve~epmen~-en~-~he prepesed-s~ue~res-~he~een~-w~h-par~c~er reference-~e-eu~eme~ve-en~-pe~es~r~en-sefe~y~ se~e~e~en-ef-a~eme~ve-e~e~e-en~ een~r~y-prev~s~en-ef-serv~ces-en~-serv~e~n~ ef-~e~es-end-~ef~se-ee~ee~en~-mn~-eeeess ~n-eese-ef-f~e~-ee~ms~ep~e-er-emer~eney? ~eeae~en-an~-Re~ae~emsh~p-e~-eff-Seree~ ~ere~e~es-emd-~n~erna~-~ra~e-pa~ee~s w~n-~e-prepesed-deve~epmeme?-w~e~ pare~eu~ar-refe~enee-ee-a~eme~ve-and pe~ese~am-safe~-~aff~e-f~ew-and-een~e~ aeees~-~e-ease-ef-f{re-e~-eaeas~rephe?-am~ sereen~n~-an~-~andscap~m~ S~ff~e~eney-of-Proposed-Sereens-mnd-B~ffe~s-~e prese~ve-~neernm~-en~-exeerne~-he~meny-en~ p~epese~-~eve~epmen~v ~anner-ef-Bra~ma~e-en-~he-prepe~yT-w~h pe~e~er-~eferenee-~e-~he-ef~ee~-ef prev~s~ens-~e~-~a~a~e-on~ad~eeen~-en~-neerby prepere~es-en~-e~e-eenseeleenees-e~-s~e~ ~a~ne~e-em-eve~a~-eeume~-eapae~es? p~e~ee~ed Ree~ea~en-Fee&~es-en~-e~n-Speeesy-w~h ~eYe~epmene-ef-e~e-erees-es-~e-e~equee~ preper~es-en~-~ses-w~m-~e-prepese~ ~eYe~epmen~-en~-~e~e~ensh~p-~e-eemmun~y w~de-epem-speees-em&-~eeree~em-fee~e~es~ 6enere~-Beve~opmen~-A~engemeneT-Amen~e~es-em& eonven~enee?-w~eh-pe~eu~e~-~eferenee-~o Words-s~ruek-~h~euSh are deleted; words undex~]~-~t-are, added-L ,OO~ 035~,~.: 1119 ~sur~n~-~ha~-appearanee-and-~enera~-~e~eu~-o~ ~:e.)- ae~v~y-~nve~ved~ g~ee~-e~-geve~epmen~-P~a~-App~eve~t--~pen-app~eva~ ee~&~ea~e-e~-eeeepene~-she~-~e-~ss~ed-exeep~-&n s~e~-een~e~m~y-w~th-ehe-app~eved-Beve~cpmen~ P~an~--V~e~a~en-ef-~he-te~ms-ef-~he-eppreved 9eve~epmen~-P~an-~s-e-v~e~e~en-e~-~h~s-Oen~n~ 9rd~nanee~ ehanges-and-Amendmen~st--An~-ehen~e-~n-an-epp~eved Beve~cpmen~-P~an-~eq~es-a-~ev~ew-es-~e~-a-new 10.5 Site Development Plan Review and Approval: Intent: The intent of this section is to ensure compliance with the appropriate zonino reoulations prior to the issuance of a buildina permit. This section is further intended to ensure that the prop0se~ proiect complies with fundamental Dlannina and design principles such as: consistency with the County's GrOWth Management P~an; the layout and arrangement 0~ buildings and open spaces; the configuration o~ the circulation system, includino drivew~vs, parkino areas and emeroencv access; the ayah%abilitY add capacity of drainaoe and utility facilities: and. overall compatibility with adJaceD~ development within Jurisdiction of Collier ~ountv, ~pplicabilitv: All development with the exception Qf a sinole lot or parcel proposina a sinole family detaGhed unSt or a duplex unit. shall be subject to Preii~inarv and Final Site DeveloPment Plan (here in after referred tO as SDP) review and approval. A Preliminary SDP shall be reviewed and approved prior tO ~he submittal of Fina~ .~D~. ', Definitions: 1) ~evelopment - for the PurPose of this Sectio~ ~10,5% shall be defined as and include Multi- ~ami%v Residential. Commercial. Institutiona~ and Industrial projects. Projects which do not affect existing circulation, parkino buildino arrangements, drain~oe, landscapina. ~uffering and other SDP consid~rations, or. may be subject to Subdivision Regu~ations. shall be exempt from this section, Final Site Development Plan - A set of detai~ed, enoineered mlans, together with specific ~arrative information that iljustrates a~d descri~e~ bow the proposed project will be implemented. Words-st~ek-thre~§'h are deleted; words unde~_ed-__-re.added~ Preliminary Site Development Plan - A set of Plans. toaether with narrative information and data that iljustrates and describes how the proposed Drojec~ addresses zonina. Dl&nning and site design considerations, Site Development p~n - A ~raphic representation, to~ether with supportive inform~tiOD apd data that clearly depicts the proposed project on a particular ~ot or parcel of land, A Site Developme~% Plan is further defined for the purpose of this section as including the Preliminary and Final SDP. Procedures: The SDP review procedure consists of two phases. The first is the Preliminary Site Development Plan review followed by Final Site Development Plan review. Preliminary SDP Applications: A pre-application meeting shall be conducted by the County ManaGer, or his designee, to determine all applicable submittal recn~irements which may include the following: A Project Narrative shall be provided ~ba~ describes the character and intended use of the proposed project. It shall a~gO describe the various plannin~ and design concepts used in developing the project, the provision of on-site amenities, such as, recreational facilities, open space or special landscape treatments. A copy of the deed. contract for sale or agreement for sale clearly demonstratina ownership and control of the subject lot or parcel of land. A site plan prepared on a maximum size sheet ~easurinG 24" x 36" drawn to scale and setting forth the followin~ The Project title and the name. address and phone number of the fi:-~ or agent preparing the plans and the name. address and telephone number of the property owner. Beference to the appropriate zoning district or PUD, as well as, a~y previous SDP(s% relating tO the subject lot or Parcel. Reference to the z6nin~ and existin~ land use of all properties adjacent ~0 the project. ~4) ~orth arrow, scale and date. Vicinity map clearly identifvin~ the location of the project and its relationship to the surroundin~ community. Words-st~uek-threuqh are deleted; words ~L~L~re.added~- A narrative statement identifying Provisions of ownership and mainteg~Dce of all common areas, open space. Private streets and easements. A site summary in chart form which shall include the followinG: Total site acreage, {III Total square footage of ~u~ldinG footprint and its percentage Qf the total site area. .(III~Total suuare footaae of impervious area ¢includin~ all parkin~ areas, driveways, loading areas, drive-aisles, and internal streets) and its percentage of the total site area. {IV) Total square footage of landscape area/open space and its percentage of the total site area. A project summary in chart form which shall include: For residential projects - ~tal number of units, units per acre, and a unit breakdown kY sqg~re footaae and number of bedrooms, For noB-residential projects - total buildinc souare footaue, and a s~uare footage breakdowR by use {i.e. office, retail, ~torage, etc.~ and its percentage of the total building. ¢9~ A parking summary in matrix for~ which shall include: .. {I~ Type of use. ¢II% Total s=uare footage Per use. {III)Re_~uired parkinu ratio. (IV) Number of sp~6es required use~ {V) Number of spaces provided Der use. /_~ Total number of required add provided spaces including regular, handicapped and reserved spaces~ Words-s%~uek-%hreuqh are deleted; words kt~l~~re-added~- -'- ,oo, 035 , 112 (10) Iljustrative information consisting Qf the following shall be drawn to scale and accurately depicted on the site plan: fi) A boundarv surwev, prepared bv a Licensed Land SurveYor or ~Daineer in %be State of Florida, showina the location add dimensions of all DroDertv ~lnes. existin~ streets or roads, easements, riGhts-of- way, and areas dedicated to the public. ¢II~ Name. ali~nment and existing/proposed riqh~-of-wav of all streets which border the p~ogect ¢includinq raised islands, striDin~, riGht/left turn lanes, median cuts and nearby intersections), and th~ location of all existing driveways or access Doints on the ODDosite side of all streets which border the progect. ¢IIIILocation and configuration of all Drogect ingress and egress points. fIV} Location and arrangement of all proposed buildin~s ¢including existiDq buildinas that are to remain). {V) Locatio~ and confiauration of all Darkin~ and loading areas add their relationship to the DroD0sed buildin~ arrangement. (vi) Name, ali~nment and existing/ProPosed right-of-way of all internal streets and/or alleys within the Dro4ect and their relationship to the DroDose~ b~ildin~ and parking area arrangement. ~VII) Directional movement of internal vehicular traffic and its separation from pedestrian traffic, fVIII~ Location and ~onfiauration of recreational facilities ¢includina related buildings, ~olf course areas, tennis courts, DOOlS. etc.) and their relationship tO the DroDosed buildin~ and parkin~ area arrangement. ~IX) LocatioB and qeneral Words-s~z~ek-th=o~gh are deleted; words -7- ,oo lY3'5 , .[113' configuration of all water and/or drainage retention/detention areas, as wgl! as. all existing and proposed easeme~ts, water and ~ewer lines intended to serve the project. LoG~tiop and General configuration of such natural feaSures as preservation/ conservation areas, significant vegetation, water bodies,and wetlands. LocatioD of emergency acces~ lanes within the project which includes the location of fire hydrants and fire lanes and their relationship to the proposed building arrangement, CXII) Location of all handicapped parking spaces in relationship to the proposed building and parking area arrangement. Location of trash enclosures and their relationship to the prgposed building arrangement as well as accessibility for collection vehicles. CXIV) Location of all proposed Ground pr monument signs. CXV) Location and heights of all proposed walls or fences. CXVI) Accurate dimensions which include the followinG: All building setbacks. (d) (ii) Distance between buildings add a=cessorv structures. (iii) Width of all internal ~treets. .. (iv) Ali parking areas and drive aisles. {v) Ground or monument sign setback. (vi) LandscaP~ areas adjacent to all vehicular drives. interior property lines and all parking areas. {)(VII) AnY additional informational as may be required by the County ~anaGer. or his designee. Landscape calculations in chart form Words-s~uek-%h=eu§h are deleted; words ~1~9~~re -adde~%- -'-035 ,',:lli which shall include the following: Landscape Requirements adjacent to vehicular rights-of-ways pursuant to Section 8.30. Subsection e.1). Landscape Reauirements adjacent to interior property lines pursuant to Section ~,30. Subsection e.2]. (3). ~aDdscap~ Requirements for the project interior pursuant to Section 8.30. Subsection <4) Native species requirem~Dt pursuant to $~ct~on 8.30. Subsection a, re) ~ t~ee suwey shall be provide~ ideptif¥ipg th~ locatio~ add type of all Dxistin~ trees on the project site. Cf~ Duildin~ Elevations The followinc shall be clearly delineated on the buildinc elevations: ¢I) Buildinc heicht dimensions. {II) Elevation and dimensions of all proposed cround or monument sicns. (III) AnY additional information as may be rec[uired by the County ~anager or his desicnee. (g) A re~e~t aerial photo shall be provided ~hat clearly depicts the project limits. ~onus Survey ~j~ the event a residential or commercial konus is reuuested, as provided for in ~]~ growth Management Plan. an engineered survey that clearly iljustrates the location and r_e~at~o~shiP of the project to the appropriate activity cepter and the N_e~ated activity band shall.be required~ Final SDP Applications: The project ~ljustrated on the Final SDP shall be in substantial compliance with the approved preliminary SDP. The followin~ information shall be reauired for all Final SDP ~pplications as may be applicable: (a), A detailed site-plan prepared on a D~ximum size sheet measuring 24" x 36". ~]~swn to scale and settin~ forth all reggired on-site and off-site ~provements and provisions to include ]~]~ following: (1~ Complete legal descriptio~ includin~ Boundary Survey, Words-s%~ek-~h=~H§h are deleted; words ~~]~R~re -adde~%- Lot dimensions, acreage, ¢31 All building and structures. location, size, height and propose_~ g~e, Yard setbacks and distances between structures, ¢5~ Walls and fences including location and heights. ¢6) Off street ParkinG: location. parking layout dimensions, on site traffic circulation, add landscapinG. (7) Access for pedestrian, vehicular and service, Points of ingress and egress, (8) The proposed location, size and height of all siqDs, f91 LoadinG: location, dimensions and number of loading spaces. LiGhtinG: location, heights add desian of all street and/or parking lot liaht fixtures, (11~ Street dedication and improvements. Drainaae and ~radin~ plan for the site which shows the proposed finished floor elevations,., drainage flow and any r~.quire~ wate~ management features, ¢13) Solid waste disposal facilities, Existing and Dropos~ easementg includinG, but not limited t~ inGress/e~ress, Water Manaqemep~ ~Dd Public/County Utilit~egn Buffer areas. Environmentally sensiti~e preserv- areas. (171 The location and configuration of septic systems, with rec~ired opeB area, or interim wastewater treatment facility, if re~uire~, f181 The location of potable water wells, if existing or proposed, ¢19~ Water and sewer system connection points and confiaurations on-site, A landscape Dian which shall contain th- Words-st~ek-threuejh ere deleted; words ~L~Lg.~re-adde~- Landscape summary in matrix form ~hich shall include: Graphic s_vmbol to indicate each ~yDe of Plant material. Botanical. Dame, ¢2) J~JI] Common Dame, Total numbev of each tvpe of plant material. (V) HeiGht add spread of each tYPe of Plant material. (VII Spacing Of e~Ch type of plant material. Iljustrative information consistiBg of the following shall be accurately depicted on the landscape plan~ The location, configuration and arrangement of all ProPosed buildings, inter~al street~ and Davkinq areas as reflected OD the site plan, (II! Location of all proposed plant material with appr0pria~e Graphic svmbol, {III) Location of all native vegetation to be preserved. (IV) Dimensions of all proposed planting areas, (v) Location and configuration of all special or textured paving areas. (VI) Provisions for site irrigation and maintenance, ~VII! The size and location of existing ~rees. a~d the location of all areas tO b- landscaped. (VIII) Any additional information may be required bv the County Manager. or his designee, Architectural plans showing building footprint, confi~uration and building heights. Detailed on-site and off-site infrastructure impF~vement constructiog documents prepared iD conformance with current County ordinances, regulations. policies and procedures which consists Words-s~ek-~hr~ugh are deleted; words ~re-added~ 035 , ,7117 of. but are not limited to. the following items: A cover sheet setting forth the project name. applicant name and name of eDg~peerinG firm and vicinity map, r2) Improvements for water and sewer service as needed and/or specified during the Preliminary SDP process prepay-ed in conformance with Collier COUptV Ordinapce No. 88-76. as amepded, Improvements for roadway, traffic circulation, inqr~S$ add eGrees. Parking and other transportatio~ needs required and/or specified during the Preliminary SDP process prepared in conformance with Collier County Ord~Dance No. 76-06, as amended, ¢4) ImProvements for water management as needed and/or specified during the Preliminary SDP process pursuant to South Florida Water Man~qeDeDt District Rules. Chapter 40E-4. 40E-40 and 40E-41. Florida ~dm~str~t~ve Code, (5) All necessary standard and special details associated with ¢c) (21 thru (4~ above. Written te~hnical specifications ~or all iDfrastructure improvement~ to be Performed. EnGineerin~ design computations and reports for water, sewer, roads and water Nanaoement facilities, as required by County. State and Federal Laws and Regulations. TopoGraphical map of site which shall include the followinG? ri) Existing features~'such as, water courses, drainag9 ditches, lakes, marsheS, Existing Ground elevations at spot locations and minimum of 50 feet beyond property line. CQDtours at ~t~rvals of one foot unless a toPoGraPhic grid is Provided, (/JJ, k A description of veqgt~tive cover. fIV) Benchmark locations and elevatioB CNGVD}, Words-st~ek-~hre~qh are deleted; words underT~re.added~- -12- 118 /3_k Recent aerial photo, at same scale as olan. if available, with delineated project boundaries. flO) ~ite clearinq plan~ Ail necessary permit aDDlicationsL permit approvals and other aDDertinate items includinq but not limited to: Department of Environmental Requlat~on Water and Sewer Facilities Construction Permit, EXcavation Permit. Department of TransDortat~o~ Utilities Construction in State Riqhtsrof-Wav permit. Collier County Rights-of-Way ~ermit. ¢5) Blastin~ Permit. (~) Tree Removal Permit. {7) ~outh Florida Water Management District permit, if re_~uired, or. Co%lief couDt¥ qeneral permit for Water Manaqement. Interim wastewater and/or water treatment Plant construction or interim septic system and/or private well permit$~ ~nv additiona~ State and Federa~ permits which may be re~ired. AnY specific a~reements specified b~%ween the Petitioner and the County durin~ the Preliminary SDP process. Ail other pertinent data. computations, plans, reports, etc.. ~ecessar¥ for the proper desiqn and constructioR, of the project submitted ~or consideration. (12) Ail necessary securities required by.Collier County ordinances in ef~ec~ at the time of construction. NOTE: The Petitioner shall submit evidence that all nec~essary land development related permits bare been issued prior to commencement of construction, Standards: The County Manager, or his designee, ~hall review and consider all Preliminary ~nd Final SDP's. In reachin~ a decision to approve, approve with conditions, or to disaDDr0ve, the County Manager or his designee, shall evaluate the Words-stz~ek-threuqh are deleted; words -- ' - e .added.- Preliminary and Final SDP's by the following standards: Statements r~gardipg ownership and control of the project as well as sufficiency of conditions regarding ownership and control. use and permanent maintenance o~ common open space, common facilities, or common lands tO ensure preservation of SUCh ~ands and facilities wil% not become a future liabilitv of the COunty. Project compliance with all appropriate zonina reaulations. The inaress and earess to th~ proposed pro9ect and its p~oposed iDprove~epts, vehicular and pedestrian safety, separatiog of vehicular traffic fro~ pedestrian and other traffic, traffic f~ow and control, provision of services and servicing of utilities and re~use co~ection, and access in case of fire. catastrophe or other emergency. The location and relationship of parking add loadina facilities to thoroughfares and internal traffic patterns within the proposed project, considering ve%~cu~ar and pedestr~ap safer'{, traffic flow and control, access in case of fire or catastrophe, and screening and landscaping. ~dequacv of recreation facilities and open spaGes considerina the size. location, and development of these areas with regard to adequacy, effect on the privacy of adjacent and nearby properties as well as uses within the proposed pro~ect, add the relationship to ~ommuDity-w~de open spaces add recreatiog facilities. 6~ec[u~G¥ of the proposed landscape screens and buffers considerina preservation of project's internal as well as compatibilitv with ~djacept ~apd uses, Draipage.~aster Plan on the property, cons~derSnq ~ts e~ect on adjacent and nearby properties and the consequences of such drainage MasteT ?lap on overa%~ county capacities. Ade~u$cy of utility service, Co~siderina hook-in location and availability and capacity ~or the uses projected, Such other standards as may be imposed by this Zoning Ordinance. the Growth Map~gement Plan or other applicable ordinances for the particular use or activity proposed, ~mendments: AnY proposed change oF a~epdme~t tq e~ther a Preliminary or Final SDP shall b~ SUbgect to ~eview and approval bv the County ~anager. or his desi~nee~ Words-s~r~ek-%h=o~§h are deleted; words~~-are.added- -14- ~00~ U~~'' ~ Upon submittal of a plan clearly iljustratina the proposed chanae, toaether with a written narrative describin~ and tustifvina the chan~e, the County MaD~ger, ~F his designee, shall determine whether or not it constitutes a substantial change. In the event a substantial chan~e is identified, both the Preliminary and Final SDP shall be amended to re~lect the chan~e and shal~ fo~ow the same review procedure as set forth for a new SDP applicatioD {refer to paraqraphs 10.5 d and 10.5 e above). A substaDtia~ cbaDqe shall be defined as'. change in the Droiect boundaries; or An increase in the total number of resideDtial units or densities with the project; or An increase SD S~, or square footage of Don-res~deDtial uses. (excluding open space,. conservation or preservation areas) or a relocation of non-residential uses; or A ~ecrease in preservation, conservation. opeD sp~ce oF recyeat~oDal facilities within th~ project: or Any other chan~e the County Manager. or his designee, ~ay dete~ine as si~nificantlv ~lterina the aeneral layout, configuration and arrangement o~ the project. ID ~he event the County Manager. or his designee. determines the chan~e to be less than substantial. both the Preliminarv and Final SDP shall be amended to reflect the chan~e, but shall not be require~ to ~ol~ow the review procedure as set forth for a new SDP. Violations;. No buildin~ Dermit or Certificate of QccuDa~¢¥ shall be issued e×ceDt in compliance w~th the approved Final SDP. Violation of the terms identified in the approved Final SDP shall constitute a v~olat~on o~ tb~s Zoning Ordinance. ~CTION TWO: Section 10, Subsection 10.5, Development Plan Approval, of Ordinance No. 82-2, the Zoning Ordinance of Collier County, Florida is hereby repealed in its entirety. ~ECTION THREE: In the event this Ordinance conflicts with any other ~rdinance of Collier County or other applicable law, the more restrictive shall apply. If any phrase or portion of Words-str~ek-thremqh are deleted; words ~l~l~Li~%re. add~. -:15- ,OOK 0~5 PXq this Ordinance is held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent Jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, district and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion. SECTION FOUE; This Ordinance shall become effective upon receipt of notice from the Secretary of State that this Ordinance has been filed with the Secretary of State. PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED by the Board of county Commissioners of Collier County, Florida this 28th day of March ,1989. if. DATE: March 20. 1989 ATTEST: ~ JAMES C. GILES, 'CLERK MARJO.R~' M. STUDENT ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA 'B~RT L. SAUNDERS, CHAIRMAN APPROV,~D AS..~O FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN ZONING ORDINANCE Words-struek-th=euqh are deleted; words H~-re.add_ed_=. 122 STATE OF FLORIDA COUP"fY OF COLLIER I, JAMES C. GILES, Clerk of Courts in and for the Twentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, ~lorlda, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of: Ordinance No. 89-:8 which was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on the 28th day of March, I989, during Regular Session. WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the Board of County Commissioners of Coll'.er County, Florida, this 3rd day of April, 1989. Clerk of Courts and Clem~ '-' '1;-: ": T- County Commissioners ~ , · .' , By: /s/Mauree-.. :,enyon " Depu~:y Clerk