CAC Minutes 06/10/2010 R June 10,2010 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE COLLIER COUNTY COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Naples, Florida, June 10,2010 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee, in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business Herein, met on this date at 1:00 P,M. in REGULAR SESSION at Administrative Building "F", 3rd Floor, Collier County Government Complex Naples, Florida with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: John Sorey, III VICE CHAIRMAN: Anthony Pires Murray Hendel (Excused) Jim Burke Victor Rios Robert Raymond Joseph A. Moreland John Arceri Wayne Waldack (Excused) ALSO PRESENT: Gary McAlpin, Director, Coastal Zone Management Colleen Greene, Assistant County Attorney Gail Hambright, Accountant Dr. Michael Bauer, City of Naples Collier County : June 10, 2010 Page 1 of2 June 10, 2010 MEETING AGENDA & NOTICE MEETING AGENDA &. NOTICE COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE (CAC) THURSDAY, JUNE 10, 2010 - 1:00 P.M. TURNER BUILDING (Administrative Building F, 3rd Floor Collier County Government Center, 3301 E. Tamiami Trail, Naples) Sunshine Law on Agenda Questions PU~UC NOTICE I. Call to Order II. Pledge of Allegiance III. Roll Call IV. Changes and Approval of Agenda V. Public Comments VI. Approval of CAe Minutes 1. AprilS, 20:10 VII. Staff Reports 1. Ex.p_anded ReJfenlLeRep.QIt - GiI_ry M.cA1pin 2. Proiect C_Q~_t Rep_Qrt :-J:;ary MCAlp.in 3. I;merg!!ncV~each_B.enQJ,lrishmentA_pproach 4. OiLSpiU :: Upd_~te 5. Outfiilll Pip~s - Update VIII. New Business 1. Election of Chair and Vice Chair 2. Summer Sch~dul.e 3. Marco South Renourishm~nt Plan 4. Yearly Physical Beach MQ.ni.torin.g Contract 5. Wiggin~ Pa$$_fY llDred.ging_~r1gin~ering 6. Change Qrcl.erNp. 3 PJ$_SBtJ_fo:r Cli!ll11 p~_$.s/Bi!I_Y 7. Change Ord~r_No.:l.~P8t~to W'i.ggi.O_$ Pa$$.Engineering IX. Old Business 1. FinalVersi.on Proposa-' to PDSD Peer Review 2. Clam Bay Informational Marker Permit X. Announcements XI. Committee Member Discussion XII. Next Meeting Date/Location TBD _ Government Center, Administration Bldg. F, 3rd Floor XIII. Adjournment http://www.colliergov.net/index.aspx.)page~295 3 6/24/2010 June 10,2010 I. Call to Order Chairman Sorey called the meeting to order at 1 :00 P.M. II. Pledge of Allegiance The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. III. Roll Call Roll call was taken and a quorum was established. IV. Changes and Approval of Agenda Mr. Rios moved to approve the Agenda subject to the following addition: Item VII.6 - Update on redirection of Beach Reserve Funds to Advertising Second by Mr. Raymond. Carried unanimously 7-0. V. Public Comments None VI. Approval of CAC Minutes I. April S, 2010 Mr. Burke moved to approve the minutes of the April 8, 2010 meeting subject to the following additions: Page 4 - Paragraph 8 - Under Mr. Pires comments "Mr. Pires expressed concern on expending public funds on any private property landward of the erosion control line without puhlic access to those portions of the beach. " Second by Mr. Rios. Carried unanimously 7-0. VII. Staff Reports I. Expanded Revenue Report - Gary McAlpin The Committee reviewed the "Tourist Tax Revenue Report - FY 2009 - 2010" updated through May 2010. He noted revenue collections are below projections for the Fiscal Year. Chairman Sorey requested Staff provide an analysis at the next meeting on the impact of the Department's expenditures based on the revenue shortfall projections. 2. Project Cost Report - Gary McAlpin The Committee reviewed the "FY 2009/2010 TDC Category "A: Beach Maintenance Projects" updated through June 2,2010. 3. Emergency Beach Renourishment Approach Gary McAlpin presented the document "Emergency Renourishment Approach/Discussion" dated 6/1 0/201 0 for review. He noted: . It is not anticipated the new FDEP permit for the Emergency Re- nourishment will be issued prior to the onset of "Hurricane Season." 2 June 10,2010 . Based on this, the BCC directed Staff to conduct a "two pronged" approach for renourishing the area south of Doctors Pass. . The approach includes "Phase I" - placing 2 - 3K CY of sand on the existing vegetated areas (not in the vicinity of Sea Turtles nesting) adjacent to Indies West. . "Phase II" -- placement of the remaining 37K - 40 CY of sand after the necessary permit is received from the FDEP. . The new FDEP permit requires a revised Biological Opinion from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, which is currently under review. . If the FDEP permit is obtained before "Phase I" is initiated, Staff will undertake the original proposal of completing a major re-nourishment in the area. . There will be a site visit on Friday, June 1 I, with Staff, the public, affected property owners, engineer of record, etc. to be in attendance. Chairman Sorey noted ifmore than one CAC member is present at the site visit, no communications will be permitted. Mr. Pires questioned the status of obtaining public use easements from any property owners where the sand will be placed on private property. Gary McAlpin noted Staff has not had a chance to address the issue; however it will during the next major (Countywide) beach re-nourishment cycle. Speaker Margaret Grant, Indies West provided recent photographs of the area and requested clarification on the areas the sand would be placed and if any vegetation will be covered with the sand. Gary McAlpin noted the purpose of the site visit was to visually show individuals where the sand will be placed. Not all of the vegetation will be covered, only that necessary to stabilize the area. 4. Oil Spill - Update Gary McAlpin presented a letter from Dan Summers, Director of the Collier County Bureau of Emergency Services to Nancy Richy, City of Marco Island- "Re: Deepwater Horizon Response - Council Update" dated June 7, 2010 and a letter to Kevin Rambosk, Collier County Sherriff from Dan Summers. An update on the oil spill was provided noting: . The County has not been physically affected by the Oil Spill at this point. . The County is expecting the negative effects of the Oil Spill to be in the form of tar balls or a very light sheen as opposed to floating oil slicks. . The loop current moves to the west of the Collier County beaches which will assist in minimizing possible impacts to the area. . The Unified Command (UC) is in control of operations in the region and is located in St. Petersburg. The County is in contact daily. 3 June 10,2010 . For expenditures related to the spill, the County must follow the proper chains of command through the UC to ensure reimbursement of any work completed. . The County is in a "wait and see" mode on the spill and will react immediately when necessary. Under Committee discussion, the following was noted: . The contingency Plan for protecting the inlets and estuaries for the state of Florida will be uploaded to the Coastal Advisory Committee and Bureau of Emergency Services for public view. . Staff will email members the information on the two advertising grants awarded (due to the Oil Spill) to Visit Florida who is advertising for tourism at the statewide level. Mr. Rios expressed concern and lack of confidence in the UC. It is his observation that the various agencies are hesitant to take initiatives to correct emergency situations as funds expended will not be reimbursed from BP without advance authorization. This is hindering immediate responses to crisis situations. Gary McAlpin noted the UC has been responsive to the County. The UC is the required party for the County to process any proposed expenditures to ensure reimbursement of funds. In addition the following was noted: . Any volunteering should be conducted through various organizations as opposed to individual efforts. . The County should consider having consultants on "stand-by" should emergency pemlits be required to address any environmental issues. Sueaker Linda Roth noted the FDEP and the City of Naples have completed advance water quality testing to establish baseline water quality data before any effects from the oil spill are seen in the City. She asked if the FDEP and the County are collecting similar data. 5. Outfall Pipes - Update Gary McAlpin provided a letter from A. William Moss, Naples City Manager to Mr. John Iglehart, Director, FDEP, South District Office, Subject: "Permit File No. 0222355-001-JC, City of Naples Beach Stormwater Outfalls" dated June 6, 2010. He noted the following: . A FDEP permit condition for the last major beach re-nourishment permit required the City of Naples develop a plan to address the City's stormwater outfall pipes. . The plan was to be in place before issuance of the next major beach re- nourishment project (slated for 2012/13). . At this point, the City has determined the outfalls have not had a negative impact on water quality. 4 June 10,2010 . The City continues to address the issue and is requesting the FDEP remove the permit condition from the existing permit. 6. Update on redirection of Beach Reserve Funds to Advertising Gary McAlpin noted at a recent BCC meeting, a decision on the proposal by the Tourist Development Council for re-directing the "2nd million" from the Emergency Beach Reserves to a Marketing and Advertising Program has been postponed until the fall of 20 10. VIII. New Business 1. Election of Chair and Vice Chair Gary McAlpin presented the Executive Summary "Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman" dated June 10,2010. Mr. Burke moved to nominate John Sorey, III as Chairman of the Coastal Advisory Committee. Second by Mr. Moreland. Carried unanimously 7-0. Mr. Burke moved to nominate Anthony Pires as Vice Chairman of the Coastal Advisory Committee. Second by Mr. Arceri. Carried unanimously 7-0. 2. Summer Schedule Gary McAlpin presented the Executive Summary "Determine summer schedule for CAC meetings" dated June 10,2010. The Committee determined to continue to hold monthly meetings. If the Chairman determines it is not necessary to hold the regularly scheduled meeting, it will be cancelled. 3. Marco South Renourishment Plan Gary McAlpin presented the Executive Summary "Recommendation to approve the attached engineering proposal dated 6/7/2010 from Coastal Engineering Consultants to renourish the Marco South Beaches and investigate if additional or modified erosion control structures would lengthen the renourishment cycle for this beach" dated June 10,2010 for consideration. Under Committee discussion the following was noted: . Staff is attempting to develop a long-term solution to the "beach hot spot" and lengthen the renourishment cycle. . Any proposed modifications to erosion control structures should take into account the impacts on navigation. . The engineering study should take approximately 6 months to complete and will be subject to Peer Review. . Staff will continue to monitor the beaches and ifrenourishment is required before 2013, it may be completed as necessary. . There are six tasks proposed in the Contract however there is an option to complete the Contract in Phases. . Phase 1, (Task I, II and 1lI) through the preliminary design phase could be completed at an expense of $200,000, with the remaining tasks (IV, V 5 June 10, 2010 and VI) returned to the Coastal Advisory Committee for the authorization after completion of Phase 1. Mr. Pires questioned if the County utilized the 4 step process required in the Competitive Consultants Negations Act (CCNA) for proposing the contract? Colleen Greene noted the contract has been prepared in accordance with the CCNA process. Mr. Arceri moved to recommend approval of Tasks I, II and III at a cost of $200,000 with the understanding the Study will include an evaluation for the impacts on navigation. Second by Mr. Rios. Mr. Pires noted an Attorney General's Opinion issued June 7, 2010 (2010-20) indicated this particular Contract proposal was not completed in accordance with the CCNA. He recommended the County re-evaluate the Contract and return it through the CCNA process. Colleen Greene re-iterated it is the County's opinion the proposed Contract is in compliance with the CCNA process for a "fixed term contract." Motion carried 6 'yes" - I "no." Mr. Pires voted "no." Mr. Pires voted "no" because, in his opinion, the proposed Contract has not been completed in conformance with the requirements of the CCNA. 4. Yearly Physical Beach Monitoring Contract Gary McAlpin presented the Executive Summary "Recommendation to approve Yearly Physical Beach and Inlet Monitoring Contract as proposed by PBS&J dated June 10,2010 for review. Mr. Rios moved to recommend approval of the Contract. Second by Mr. Moreland. Motion carried 6 'yes" - I "no." Mr. Pires voted "no." Mr. Pires voted "no" because, in his opinion, the proposed contract has not been completed in conformance with the requirements of the CCNA. 5. Wiggins Pass FY 11 Dredging Engineering Gary McAlpin presented the Executive Summary "Recommendation to approve Wiggins Pass FY II Dredging Engineering as proposed by CP&E" dated June 10,2010 for review. Mr. Rios moved to recommend approval of the Contract. Second by Mr. Arceri. Motion carried 6 'yes" - I "no." Mr. Pires voted "no." Mr. Pires voted "no" because, in his opinion, the proposed contract has not been completed in conformance with the requirements of the CCNA. 6 June 10,2010 6. Change Order No.3 PBS&J for Clam Pass/Bay Gary McAlpin presented the Executive Summary "Recommendation to approve the attached Change Order to PBS&J's contractfor Clam Pass/Bay required to address additional information requested by FDEP and the USACEfor the Clam Pass maintenance dredging permit" dated June 1 0,2010 for review. Mr. Arceri noted the purpose of the dredging is to ensure the Clam Bay Estuary System (CBES) is allowed to properly flush itself. He requested Staff provide the following information should legal action ensue preventing issuance of the dredging permit: . At what point in time does the lack of dredging impair the systems ability to flush itself causing damage to the CBES? . How does the pending litigation affect the County's ability to obtain emergency permission to open the Pass should it become impaired due to a Storm Event? Gary McAlpin noted Staff would provide the information to the Committee. Mr. Arceri moved to recommend approval o/the Contract. Second by Mr. Burke. Motion carried 6 'yes" - I "no." Mr. Pires voted "no." Mr. Pires voted "no" because, in his opinion, the proposed contract has not been completed in conformance with the requirements of the CCNA. 7. Change Order No.1 CP&E to Wiggins Pass Engineering Gary McAlpin presented the Executive Summary "Recommendation to approval the attached Change Order to Coastal Planning and Engineering's scope of work for additional Wiggins Pass permit engineering required to obtain a new permit for Navigational Improvementsfor Wiggins Pass" dated June 10,2010 for revIew. Mr. Moreland moved to recommend approval o/the Contract (at a cost 0/ $49,671). Second by Mr. Raymond. Motion carried 6 'yes" -1 "no." Mr. Pires voted "no. " Mr. Pires voted "no" because, in his opinion, the proposed contract has not been completed in conformance with the requirements of the CCNA. IX. Old Business 1. Final Version Proposal to PBSD Peer Review Gary McAlpin presented the Executive Summary "Peer Review direction as approved by the Clam Bay Subcommittee o/the Coastal Advisory Committee at the May 20,20/0 meeting-June /, 2010" dated June 10,2010. 7 .. ._.",-,--.,.."...,~...,,"-~,~._,,~---,"",." "...,."..,.."---~.".~. ,.. June 10,2010 A letter was provided for review from Keith Dallas, Chairman ofthe PBSD to Gary McAlpin - Re: "Clam Bay Estuary Peer Review Scope of Work" dated June 8, 2010 outlining the Division's position on the Peer Review. The item was submitted to the Committee for informational purposes and will be reviewed by the Clam Bay Subcommittee at their next meeting. 2. Clam Bay Informational Marker Permit Gary McAlpin provided a letter from Ryan Moreau, Planner, Boater and Waterway Section of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission to Pamela Keys, Environmental Specialist, Collier County, "Re: Information Markers Clam Pass/Bay Permit 09-021 - Collier County" dated May 21, 2010. The FFWCC has approved the informational markers proposed for Clam Bay which will allow Staff to respond to the request for additional information issued by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection for the Letter of Consent request for Navigational Markers proposed in the CBES. Speaker Keith Dallas, Chairman, Pelican Bay Services Division noted the original permit required "Canoe Markers" which should be maintained and/or replaced as necessary. Recently the Division ordered new markers and the County had previously requested they not be installed. He requested clarification if they should now be installed. Gary McAlpin noted it is Staffs position, until closure is reached on the Navigational Markers, the "Canoe Markers" should not be installed. X. Announcements None Xl. Committee Member Discussion Mr. Pires recommended, as indicated by Linda Roth, Staff engage in baseline water quality testing to assist in determining possible negative impacts on County beaches and inlets from the oil spill in the Gu1fofMexico. Gary McAlpin noted the County is undertaking testing of this nature. Chairman Sorey noted the Board of County Commissioners directed the Committee to move forward with a "Public Easement Form." The purpose would be to ensure public access on private lands where funds are being utilized landward of the erosion control line for beach re-nourishment. XII. Next Meeting Date/Location July 8, 2010 - Government Center, Administration Bldg. F, 3rd Floor There being no further business for the good ofthe County, the meeting was adjourned by order of the chair at 3:11 P.M. 8 __~__._ ..._..__._.~_~""'"'"...".,,'_,_'""_~,.~~,~_..~~_.__;,~___......~,,___~,_~'_.,,",~4M'_"'" June 10,2010 Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee John Sorey, III, Chairman These minutes approved by the Board/Committee on as presented or as amended 9 -_.~-,--_._-_..__....~._.. --"._.."."'....",_._,.,._-~,.__. -*._- '"""""""'''--~~~-''''''''''''''''"'~-=~--- ._,"..",~.,,".._~;". ..'-