Subcommittee Minutes 06/11/2010 June 11, 2010 MINUTES OF THE COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT PRODUCTIVITY FINANCE SUB-COMMITTEE Naples, Florida, June I], 20 I 0 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Collier County Productivity Finance Sub-Committee in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on this date at ] 0:00 AM in REGULAR SESSION in Building "F" of the Government Complex, in the County Manager's Conference room, Naples, Florida with the following members present: Chairman: Steve Harrison Janet Vasey James Gibson ALSO PRESENT: Mike Sheffield, Assistant to the County Manager Crystal Kinzel, Clerk's Finance Department Productivity Committee's Subcommittee to Analyze Financing in regard to the Jackson Labs Project County Manager's Conference Room June 11, 2010 10:00am 1. Call to Order 2. Assessment/Analysis of Possible Financing Options 3. Public Comment 4. Adjourn June 11,2010 1. Call to Order Chairman Harrison called the meeting to order at 10:00 AM. 2. Assessments/Analysis of Possible Financing Options The purpose of the meeting was for the Subcommittee to develop funding options for the Counties funding requirement of $130M over 30 years for construction of Jackson Labs in Collier County. The concept is for the building to bc constructed in 2011 and occupied in 2012. The funding is required to match the $130M appropriated by the State of Florida through a program to attract businesses to Florida. It would need to be determined if the $25M land donation offered by Barron Collier Investments would be considered part of the $130M required for County Funding. At this point. the Subcommittec determined to base the discussions on funding $130 without consideration of land cost donation. The funding option would need to be met in following calendar year (CY) increments: CY 10/1 1 ~ $28M CY 12 ~ $36M CY 13 - $17M CY 14~$12M CY 15 - $13M CY 16~$14M CY 17~$10M The document "Jackson Laboratories Economic Feasibility Review ~ Revenue Options" was circulated for review. The document provided the following 6 fund raising options for consideration: Option I - 10 percent Property Tax Surcharge. Option 2 ~ Electric Franchise Tax Option 3 - Sales and Gas Tax Option 4 - Property Tax on Construction Option 5 ~ Rental Income on Jackson Labs Facilities Option 6 ~ Royalty on Jackson Labs Commercial Revenue The Subcommittee identified a further option: Option 7 ~ Y, percent sales tax increase It was noted that a sales tax assessment may only be implemented on the first of the year and requires voter approval. A question was asked if it was approved in November, would there be ample time to implement thc increase by January 1, 2011? Staffwould review past increases and determine the amount of time to implement a tax increase. 2 Junc11,2010 The Subcommittee reviewed the ramifications of the various options and evaluated difTerent scenarios revising the variables affecting the overall financing outcomes. Following the analysis, the following 4 Options were determined to be the most feasible: (in no particular order of preference) Option 2 ~ Electric Franchise Tax The Option would require a 2.5% increase in electric bills to customers. It would generate approximately $9.5M annually and meet the funding requirement in 25 years. Bonding would be required at an estimated 4.5% interest rate. It would not inelude rate payers in the City of Naples or the City of Marco Island. This would have an impact of approximately six dollars on an electric bill of $200. Option 7 ~ Sales Tax Increase The Option would require a y,% sales tax increase and generate approximately $22.3M annually. It would sunset in 6 years and not require bonding. To meet the annual requirement, it would be necessary to utilize a combination of property tax revenue in the first two years of the term. Approximately.1 millage increase in the first year, and .2 millage increase for the second year. Option 2 ~ Property Tax Increase This Option would require a .15 millage increase for a term of 30 years. This would require bonding and have an impact of approximately $20 annually on a property valued at $200,000. The Subcommittee formulated Option "2a", property tax increase, but "pay as you go," requiring no bonding. Option 2a - Propertv Tax Increase - Pay as yOU go The following millage rate increase schedule was outlined to meet the annual req uirements: Year 1 - .45 Ycar 2 -,6 Year3-.3 Year 4 thru 30 -.2 Options 2, 2a and 7 would require voter approval. It was noted the analysis is based on a "worst case scenario" and does not incorporate secondary benefits of construction employment and related spending, possible increases in property taxes due to an intlux of employees, spin ofT businesses that may locate to the area, etc. This benefit would require a separate analysis. The Subcommittee determined: Ms. Vasey would develop a matrix for use by the Committee outlining the requirements and ramifications of each Option. 3 June 11,2010 Mr. Hoppenstadt is being charged with revicwing thc "Burnam Agreement." Another individual (Joe) to be charged with rcviewing the OTTED Report and Jackson Labs Agreement. Staff to email all Productivity Committee members a copy of the Report/Agreement. 3. Public Comment Speakers Mary AIcoff, expressed concern that the Subcommittee is viewing/favoring options that do not require public approval. The Suhcommillee noted they were charged with developing recommendations for the funding options. Some of the Options do require public approval. The recommendations will be scnt forward to the Productivity Committee and ultimately the Board of County Commissioncrs will make the final decisions. Dr. Jack Conroy, former President Chamber of Commerce exprcssed concern that the number of employees generated, thc number of spinoff businesses, the amount of secondary spending, etc., may be grossly overestimated. In addition, asked if there is an avcnue for the County to capture revenue based on thc "intellectual property" created and sold by Jackson Labs. The Subcommittee noted they have not received the business pIan from Jackson Labs and the analysis is in its preliminary stages with many numbers estimatcd. The analysis does contain a category on "Royal tics" which envisioned the intellectual property scenario. Duane Billington thanked the Subcommittec for their work and noted the analysis should includc the "exemption of impact fees" James Athenus requcsted elarification if the County has investigated the viability of Jackson Labs. He did some research on the company and had trouble acquiring any information. Hc questioned Jackson Labs track record, financial status and how the $130M funding figure was dcrived. The Subcommillee noted thc State of Florida has initiatcd a program to attract thesc typcs of businesses. There are modcls for this type of venture with facilities in Miami, Orlando, Palm Beach, St. Lucie, etc. The contributions for thc total projcct are: State ofFlorida $130M, Collier County $130M, Philanthropic $120M and Jackson Labs of$500 - $700M. Larry Basik expressed concern on the concept ofraising the sales tax and questioned if the County has reviewed Jackson Labs financial statements. The Subcommillee noted The County is in possession of the 2009-auditcd financial statement of Jackson Labs. 4 June 11,2010 Judy Hill questioned if Options 2, 2a and 7 will require any fees for collection. The Subcommillee noted this would need to be investigated. There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by order of the chair at 11 :55 A.M. COLLIER COUNTY PRODUCTIVITY COMMITTEE SUBCOMMITTEE Steve Harrison, Chairman These minutes approved by thc Board/Committee on as presented or as amended ___ 5