Resolution 1994-608 , Resolution No. 94-~ AUG 1 6 ~ A RESOLUTION Of THE BOARD or COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AtrrHORIZIN,q THE ComiTY aQARO CHAI~N ..TO EXECUTE AGREDtENTSAND SECURITY INSTRUMENTS WITH PRO<:RAM PARTICIPANTS on BEHALf' OF THE QqA,RD Of' ,COUJIT'( COMMISSIONERS: AUTHq~IZItlG THE COUnTY BOARD CHAIRMAn TO EXECUTE ' CONTRACTS BETWEE~1 COLLI ER COUnTY MID COtfTRAC1:QRS FOR, RtliA,BI J"ITATIOtlREI,ATtO SERVIces Ott BEHALF of THE BOARD Of' COUtlTY COMMIS'SION'F:RS:, AtlD A PP'ROVItIGAN RFF!'CT1VE DAT~. WHEREAS; 'th4ll Norida S'tateLegislatutle t!'.nacted the William E. SadovsJ(i 'Attordable Housi',nqAeton JUly 1; ~1~92. (the "Act"), Seetion 4,20.9'07, '.t '.elq';, ,florlda Statutes, 'Chapter 91-37, Florida Adllinistrative ',Code, as aCOlltpr.henstve 1'unding package 1'or state and lOCal housinq proqr411S tobettet' enable local qoverrtlllenta to aeet their respenslbilitiestor,attordable housing in accordance with their c01llprehensive'pla.ns: and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Act, the State has allocated a portion 01' new and existing dOCUMenting stamp taxes on deeds (the .SHIp. tunds) to lOcal government. tor development and aaintenaneec1' attordable housing; and WHEREAS, Collier County has adopted Resolution No. 93-159 providing tor a Local Housing Assistance Plan, and which provides a aaxillull award schedule, a cost per unit, and a maximum cost per unit tor eligible housing benefiting trom awards made pursuant to the SHIP funds; and WHEREAS, Collier County adopted Ordinance tlo. 94-_, the Collier County Residential Rehabilitation Program on August 16, 1994, which will be 1'unded 1'rom available 1'unding sources, but not li.ited to, the State Housing Initiatives Partnership Program (SHIP); Florida Small Cities Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG); PloridaPix Program(s): and Community Block D4!velopment Grant Entitlement Program(s): and WHEREAS, the Collier County Residenti~l Rehabilitation Program will lend 1'unds to quali1'ied Low-income and Very Low- income homeovners (as de1'ined in the Residential Rehabilitation Program Guidelines) tor the rehabilitation 01' owner-occupied houses; and WHEREAS, the loan a.ount will be 0\ deterred payment loan to . the homeowner where the payment 01' the principal amount 01' the loan will be due and payable when and it the title to the rehabilitated property is transterred to a party other than the homeovner, mortgagee; and .. fXJJ,y~ 88 -1- AU8 1 6 ~ WHEREAS, ,rehabi litetion loan 8mQuntll are: established for SHIP 1'unds by Collier Cou,"ty Ordin.!lnce No. 9)-19c, as amended, and by li.its imposed by other funding sources. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board 01' County COll1llissione,rsot Collier County ,Florida, that: 1. The H'O\llling and Urban Improvement O4lpartment shall approve homeowners 1'or participation in the Residential Rehabil i tation,/Progrn based on income eliqibil ity guidelines and de1'initions utilized by the County. 2. The ChaiI"llan 01' the Board at County C'Olll1ll!is.ioners is authorized to e'xecut. Aqreements sUb.tanti:~liy ~ih' the tonn annexed hereto '~"2"hibits "A" and "B" OI\"1JebA~i()~ftt:\e County : ' . \ with participating Very lov-income and/or ~-inco~e homeowner(s) who have been tound eliqible tor participation in the Residential Rehabilitation' prograa ). The Cllaint.an ot the Board ot County COlIl1Illsdoners is authorized: to ,execute contracts SUbstantially in the tonn annexed hereto as Exhibit .C. on behalf of the County between Collier County and qualitied contractors who will participate in the Progra. and provide rehabilitation services to homeovners. 4. This Resolution shall take .t1'ect immediately upon its adoption. This Resolution adopted a1'ter motion, second and majority vote tavorinq same. DATED:' ~~~ ATTEST: ._ Dwiqht E. Broc~, Clerk ~.2//w ,_ ~ ~.YJI'. (.- Approved as to tont and leqal sutficiency: J:tyJ')r.J L~~!'- ""sist.!lnt County Attorney eeoc 000 ",.{ 89 -2- O'lIlIlT ... TO IUOlllT 101 COl'TUCT c. 3 ; , . RZ8IQEWTIAL RZHAB;LITATIOM PROGRAM ' PZlt70RJO.XCz AORE2HEWT ; AUG f 6 ~ THIS PERFORMANce ACRtEKENT, m~de and entered into this ____ day ot , 19~, by and between <owner>(Owner), its SUCcessors arid as.1qns, (the OWner), andCol1ierCounty, a political subdivision 01' the State of Floridit, (the County), RZCITAL8 WHEREAS, 'bvn.r'ha. applied 1'or a Residential Rehabilitation Loan throuqh 'the RO\1Ii1'I1<1' and Urban Impro'vement. Department (HUI); and , ,', : ~: ~ WHER.EAS, 'the pi-oceedsot said loan shall be applied tOW'ard the rehabiiitatlon oreertain' bprovedpropex'ty located in Collier cou'n'ty, f'lorida, morep~rticular;lYdescdbed herein: and , '. ',- '-:' .-"'. )'," , > i. i' WHEREAS, Owner has read and understands the' conditions and , ~ ," ,f, ,_ ' restrictions 01' sdd loan including the requiremen't that the - I . _ . property shall be occupied by Owner atter the rehabilitation: and WHEREAS, Owner will siaultaneously execut~ and record a PrOllissory Note and Mortgage. NOW, THEREFORE, based upon the mutual covenants and premises contained herein, the parties agree as tollovs: l. That by signing this Performance Agreement, OWner acknovledges that Owner tully understands the conditions ot said loan, including the quidel ines (entitled ColI ier County Residential Rehabilitation Program) and the rules and re.trictions .et forth herein. 2. That by s.igning this Performance Agreement, OWner acknovledqes that Owner is legally bound by the conditions, rules" and regulations of the residential rehabilitation loan and that the benetits conterred hereunder are not transterable. 3. That buildinq8 to b. rehabilitated shall be ovnor occupied residential units and that 'Jnder no circumstances shall funds trorthe Collier County Residential Rehabilitation Program .. f){)g 'V.E 00 [DIIIT -A- TO .nOlUTIOI CXlrTUCT C' 3 AU6 16 199\ be used oriexperided to repair aresidentiall1ni't ;tHat is not owner-occupied be1'ore: and a1'ter the rehabilitation. 4. That the County will utilize available federal, state and local Dloneta'ry resources t'o'tund this rehabilitation program. The various 'fu'hdinqsouirces may 'have ditt'erent requirements as to inc01lle, location, and 'use '01" 1'unds. All res'ide'nnal units to be rehabilitated ahallbe lOCated within the territorial limits 01' Collier County,hOvever certain 1'unding sources may restrict the location 01' residential units to be rehabilitated 'under this program to particularqeographical areas otColl ter County. 5. Atter rehatHlitatiori has been completed, all buildings tor which astHstance has been received tr01ll the Collier County Residential Rehabilitation Prograll must be in compliance with the Collier County Standard Housing Code Ordinance No. 89-06, as a.ended; the 'City 01' Naples Comprehensive Development Code Ordinance No. 92-6621, as amended: and any other applicable codes or regulations. 6. Under the Residential Rehabilitation Program, no Owner, or any i..edlate rel~tive 01' the Owner, shall serve as a contractor or sub-contractor tor the rehabilitation ot the subject property, neither shall Owner, nor any immediate relative 01' the OWner, receive any compensation tor their own labor with program 1'unds tor the rehabilitation ot Owner's property or the property 01' Owner's immediate relative. A relative 01' a homeowner shall be de1'ined as an immediate family member to include .other, tather, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, and cousin or a ta.ily member by .arriage to include mother-in-law, tather- in-law, brother-in-law, and sister-in-law. 7. Tho Owner shall enter into a contract with a County- approved contractor. The contract shall clearly state the work and the amount 01' compensation to be paid to the contractor. All contracts shall be reviewed and approved by the Housing and Urban Improvement Department (hereina1'ter reterred to as "HUI"). .. flX) 'VA 91 2 EXIIIIT ... TO., 'f~U1IOlf COfTUCl C-3 AUG , 6 ~ 8. All work shall be performed in accordance with the Inspection Rep~rt pro~id~d by the Collier County Code Enforcement , Department, or the City of ll.:.lples Inspection Report, as applicable, and the Work Write-up and bid submitted by said contractor and reviewed by HUI. No changes to the work as . , detailed in the Work Write-up shall be lIade without the express, written approval 01' HUI. 9. The Owner shall pr0vide access to the property to County, City, or other inspection personnel, which may include personnel trom a participating local tlnancial in'~titution, to inspect work in progress and to per1'orm an interim inspection or a final inspection atter completion 01' work. 10. The Cou'nty and O,.mer' acknowledge that 'contractor shall be responsible 'for obtaining necessary permit:s and approvals and \ I'.',,'. proving existence 01' these perllits to inspectors. 11. Prior to receipt 01' any rehabilitation loan tunds, the Owner shall execute a Promissory Note and Mortgage in tavor 01' Collier County. The Mortgage shall be recorded by the Owner at the OWner's expense within thirty (30) days a1'ter the agreement has been signed and a certified copy of the recorded document provided to Collier County HUI within three days atter recordation. ~'o payment or advance 01' loan 1'unds will be made to the OWner or to the Contractor until the Promissory Note and Mortgage have been executed and recorded and a certified copy received by HUI. 12. In the event that work is pertormed by a contractor prior to receipt by HUI of ~ certified copy 01' the recorded Promissory Note and Mortgage, liability 1'or payment due 1'or any wor~ performed by contrActor shall be the sole responsibility 01' OWner until such time as the Promissory Note and Mortgage are executed and recorded. 13. Liability 1'or payment for any work per1'ormed by the contractor which does not conform to the Work Write-Up where eoo< 0fXl w,~ 92 3 (DIIIT "J," TO t(~UTIQI CDllUCT C" AUG 1 6 !99+ expre.. written apprOval has not been given by Ce:,llier County . .,.. t, Housing and Urban t.provem~nt Department and the Owner shall be the sole responsibility ot Contractor. 14. Funds 1'or rehabilitation will be loaned to the OWner at zero (ot) percent interest '1nd the payment 01' principal will be de1'erred until such time th~t ~itle to the prbperty is transterred 'to- anentr't.y other than OWner. The outstanding a1lOUnt of the note shall be <fue 'and payable 'a{, or prior to, closing on the sal~ ~(the property be'ihg r~h~blntated, or at the time 01' ani othe~~ransferenc~ 01' the propert~ to an entity other than ~er. 15. OWner shall occupy the rehabilitated residential unit as OWner'spriuryresidencf.! atter rehabilitation' is completed until a SatIstaction of Kortqaqe is recorded in the Public Records of Collier County. It OWner ceases to occupy the rehabilitated building as OWner's pri~ary residence, OWner shall be in detault 01' the mortq~1e held by Collier County. 16. The maxi.ua amount 01' the loan shall be the actual 1 aDOunt paid to the contractor, or seven thousand 1'ive hundred dollars ($7,500.00), whichever is less. It the source 01' funding perllits, the aaxiaua amount 01' the loan may be extended to ten thousand dollars ($10,000) i1' needed to correct Housing Code violations 01' the Collier County Standard Housing Code, Ordinance No. 89-06, as amended: or the City 01' tlaples Housing Code Ordinance, Ordinance No. 92-6621, as it may be amended 1'rom time to time. 17. It the building or the site has historical signiticance, the iaprovem~nts .ost be consistent with those authorized by the Florida Department 01' State in accordance with the most current revision ot .Secretary ot the Interior's Standards tor Rehabilitation and Cuidelines tor Rehabilitation ot Historic Buildings" and be in compliance with the Collier County HistoriC/Archaeological Prcse~ation Ordinance No. 91-70, as amended. 000 ~&~ 93 4 tOOl( mlln .t. c:aTUCl C.J TO rUOlUT 101 18. Aut".. Provisions of this ?erformance Agreement shall be enforceable by the County by injunctive relie1' or other legal reJledy available at law or p.qIJity. 19. The property which is the subject of this Agreement is addressed as and is more particularly describe~ as 1'011ov.: 20. This Aqr....nt sh~11 t.~inat. upon recordation o! a satistaction o! the aortqag~ dated between OWner and Collier CJlJnty. by and 21. (a) Notices required or pe~itted to be given hereunder shall be, in writinry, lIIay be delivered personally or by aail, telex, cable or courier service and shall be deemed given when received by. thee, addressee. Notices shall be addressed as !o11ov.: I l' to cotm;rY:. ColJ,hr County Housing and Urban Improvement Departmp.nt 2800 N, Horseshoe Drive Naples, FL 33942 Tel: (BIJ)64J-SJJO Fax: (B1J)643-S3Jl or to such other address as either party may direct by notice given to the other a. hereinabove provided. (b) Notwithstanding the toregoing, any notice sent to the last d.siqnated address o! the party to who. a notice lIay be or is required to be delivered hereunder shall not be deelled inettective it actual delivery cannot be lDade due to a change o! address 01' the party to whom the notice is directed or the failure or retusal 01' such p~rty to accept delivery o! the notice. 22. This Aqre...nt shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws ot the State o! Florida. 23. Respecting the subject matter hereot, this Agreement contains tw. entire agree.ent ot the parties and their MOl fXJO Pl/j{ 94 5 !/ (DIIIT "A" TO ~UOll1TIOII CXlIrTIJoCT C. ] representatives and aqents, and incorporates all ~~Jr6 ~ understandings, whether or~l or written. No change, modification or allendllerit,nor any repre!Jentation, promise or condition, nor any waiver, to this Agreem~nt shall be binding unless in writing and signed by a duly authorized o1'ficer 01' the party to be charqed. In WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this agreement on the date and year tirst ~ritten above. DATED: ATTEST : DWIGHT C. BR~, CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: TIMOTHY J. CONSTANTINE, Chdnllln ' Approved.. to fro. and l~gal .ufticiency: Heidi Ashton Assistant County Attorney Witness Witness <ovner> STATE OF COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument wa. acknowledged before me this _____(date) by (name 01' person acknovledging), who is personally knOVM to me or who has produced, (type 01' identification) aa identification and who did (did not) take an oath. ,\1_10.... e4 ,...SOtl hltl", Ac"-t~() ,"- of Ac.....I.o,.r Typed. ,rlnc... or StMpedl '''tie or ..., "...lel .......... If."." (NOTARY'S SEAL) .. fXX),,...~ m 6 2 . COlf'rV,c;-r 8 UJS : assistance. provided the Contractor ,for law1'ul 1I0ney'01' the 1'ollovs:' ' , 'the Property avnet shall pay, through by the ?esld,ential RehabilItation Program, tht! :ta i thtulperfonnanceo!this Contract, ~ni~ed States of Americ~, total sum as to in 01111 IT .... TO 'HOlUT 101 CXlrTUCT C' 2 Aue 1 6 ~ C01n'RA~FOR REHABILI.T~nO" OF OnER-OCCtJPIED DWELLING UNIT This Agreelllent, made and entered in,to this <DATE>, in the year <>, by a,nd bet....een <OWHER>, the Property OVner, Party of the First Part, and <cOtrrRACTOP~, the Contractor,' Party 01' the Second Part.' " WITJlESSETH: That th~ parties hereto" for the considerat'iort '}i.rei,," ~ettorthlNtuallyagree as 1'ollows: i. SCOPEOF.OR~: TheCdno:r:actorshall furnish all labor, aaterials" ll,nd e~fp.eht 'andpertonn all the: 'necessary work in the IlAnner arid 'toI"ll'proVlded by\, 'the Contract' Oocuments as hereinafter detlried"for the RehabIlitation Construction 01': property located at :<Addre!:~>, which by inference are made a part 01' this contract. , ;, ~\ ; - r Based on the Contract price shown in the Work Write-up hereto1'ore su~itted to the Property OVner, a copy of WorK Write-Up~inq II part of the Contract Ooquments the sum of: Base Bid: TOTAL <;otrt'AAct ~ICE: S(<AMOUNT>} , , , Payaentshall ,b,elQ~'de upon submission 01' proper documentation as provided in Sectia~ 'tII.B. of the Collier Co~nty ,Residential Rehabi1itat~on PrP<;Jrallt a,s !let. forth in County Ordinance tlo. 94- J. COKHZWCZHEXT OF WOR~/~OTI~ TO P~EZD: WorK will not c01Ulence until loan approva 1, loan settlement, obtaining the proper permits, and issuance ot a Notice to Proceed by the Property OO.mer approved by the Housing and Urban Improvement Department (the "prograll Administrator", evidenced by a signed contract. Work must commence within Ten (lO) calendar days a1'ter issuance 01' the Notice to Proceed. 4. TIKB AND LIOOIDATED D~: The Contractor must satisfactorily complete th~ work within f'orty-1'ive (45) calendar days a1'ter issuance of a Notice to Proceed. There will be liquidated damages 01' $25.00 a day tor every calendar day over the coapletion date. Any funds 1'or Liquidated Damages will result in a reduction in funds payable to the Contractor as stated in the Contract For Rehabilitation of OVner-Occupied Dwelling Unit and will also result in a reduction 01' the loan aaount received by the Property OWner. 5. DELAYS AKD !XT!XSIOWS OF TIME: It the Contractor is delayed at any time in the progress 01' the worK by any cause beyond the Contractor's control or any cause which the Housing and Urban Improvement Department deter.ines may justity the delay, the contract time may be extended by change order. Delays which result from labor shortage not caused by labor disputes. troll tailure ot the Contractors subcontractors or suppliers to perforll on time, trom the necessity to correct detective work or replace detective lIaterials are not considered excusable and .hall not be grounds tor an extension 01' time. !OQ( OOOPVI 00 1 "j' (JlIIIIT ... TQ: 1(~VTIc-, , COITIACT C' 1 AUG , 6 ~ 6. COl:{1:R/oX'l' poCW}fTS: The do.cuments hereinafter listed shall form th~ Contract 'a'hd 'they are as fully part .of the Contract as if attached 'hereto:'" : '. . ' . a. Contract (or Reha hi litatlon of O\.Iner-Occupied Dwell ing Unit b. Work Write-Up c. Any' mod'i ({cations Issued by, Change! 'Order herea fter 7. CO~U)fTIJ~' DI~fOTE,I1: 1. General. The Property OWner is responsible for res.ol~ing any construction and post-construction complain~s with the Contractor. 2. Infonnal Mediation. When the Property O\.Iner and Contractor have m,)de good 1'aith efforts to resolve thdr d,i(Je~I:enCe5 without success" the, Housing and UrbanIJIp'J:'ov''-lIlent Department maYbe, called upon to mediate informally. In such cases, the Program Ad.ini.~r~tor will review all of the facts of each case c~ret~lly. j .' 8. C01fTRA~R'S I.8~C1:: The Contractor shall 1'urnish certiticates of Insurance to the Property O\.Iner and the Housing and Urban IJllprq,!,ell\~nt ,~partlllent prior tocoJllmencement o1'work. The insuranc~ ~rectui.r~d,;Shall ,be,w'z;itten 1'or not, less than any lillits 01',) iaqi 1 i~)'j t;ecju.lr~d by law and shall. include contractual liability ,insl\I"l"ry~e a.s appl icabJe to .theContractor's obligations as set 1'orth ,and ,attAched to the respom~ibl.e bidder's questionnaire. " , 9. OWNER'S IMSVRANCE~ The Property OWner shall be responsible 1'or maintaining, !,i,r,e ,.insurance, including extended coverage and other hazard ~nsurA,..c". J.n an a~unt equal to the value 01' the property. " , . In ad~i.ticm,.theProperty ~er .shallbe required to purchase such insurance as is necessary to,'insure the Rehabilitation Construction project described in this contract until the project's completion. If the property is located within a flood Hazard Area, the Property OWner shall maintain Flood Insurance until the Prollissory Note is satis1'ied. lO. EQUAL QPPORTOKltys The Contractor will abide by all provisions set torth in the Anti-Discrimination Statement. A list of all pertinent provisions are attached as an addendum to this Agreement. The Contr~ctor agrees to hold harmless, detend, and indemnify the Property-OWner and the County and its agents for any losses incurred as a result 01' its failure to abide by the applicable Anti-Discri~ination laws. 11. psr; OF r;USTIN<J UTILI:rn:S BY CONTRACTORS AND/OR PROVISION OF TEMPORARV SERVICES OF SITE: The OWner shall permit the Contractor to use, at no cost, existing utilities such as light, heat, power, and water necessary to carry out the completion ot the Contract. It utilities are not currently in use, the Contractor's bid shall include an allowance tor provision 01' temporary services. 12. CONTRACTOR SUPERVISION OF EMPLOYEES: The Contractor will assure that all employees are neatly attired and conduct themselves in a courteous and orderly manner. No alcoholic beverages are to be allowed on the work site, nor are employees permitted to carry out the work while under the influence of any alcoholic beverages or other controlled substance. ;.. .011 000 nr.( f11 2 (D II IT ... TO tfto.utlQl Cl:JITUCl C.2 Aue 1 6 ~ 13. KAiN'1IJf~q; Qf P~MIS~~: The Contractor shall keep the preahes cle,an a~ orderly during the co,urse of the work and rellove all debris a,tttle co~pletic;>n of the work. Materials and equipment that have, been removed and replaced as, part of the work shall belonq to the Contractor unless oth~n/Jsespeci1'ied. The Contractor .h~U always le,ne the prelllises at the end of the work day in a stale ,th~twJll provide protection of the premises, i.e., roo! cove.r~ng, .etc. 14. OCCOPANc1 9' 11'z PRZMt~.u: (Check One,) The premises will be occup,ied, ,or _unoccupied, during the, course 01' the construction. XC ~ccupied, tt\e. Property """ner sha 11 cooperate with the Contractor to facilitate the' performance of the work, includingt.,h~,rell\Ov,lll, pnd r~placement of rugs, coverings, and 1'urni ture',aa' ,nece:ss~r'y. Once, the,workcomme'nces, the Contractor shall have 1'.r,ee, acces,s to " 11 parts 01' the premises requiring work. Should. .t~isi :access h~ limited in any 'way. by the Property OVner or t'he ,tenant." the C')ntr,a.ctor wi 11 t>~ ,not i f ied in advance and adjustJl!ll,nt. In the, Con",rllct ,will be made at that time. The Contractor shaUp<ennit, ob~~~/ation 01' the, ,work by the Property OVner and hisllgents at aI, till\es. " 15. 11f8ns=TtQJf OF :WOR1i : personnel frqJll ,the Coll ier County Housing and ,Ux:.ba'l IlIprovem4:lnt Oepartment , the, Collier County Code COIlplia,nc:;e .Qep~r:t..~mt" ,the City of Naples Building Division, any approprhte ~per..onn.el (rom a participating local 1'inancial institution, ~nd the Pr:op4}r"ty OWner will be ,authorized to inspect all work .done a~ ~t.ria 1 furnhhedat reaSonable times. 16. CHANGE ORQERa' AKR MODX'ICATIOH~: Changes originating from any source, ,mus,t be, cspproved in writing by t,he Program Adainhtrator and ,by the ~roperty OWner prior to the performance of the work requested in the change order. I1' any changes should be required and adequllte. funds are available, the contract sum shall be adjuatedaccordin'1ly. Chillls by the Contractor 1'or extra work lIlust bp.llade in writing to the Housing and Urban IlIproveDle.nt, Pep4r,tlPe-nt befQre. executing the work involved. Except as otherv.i.. he.rein provided, no charges for any extra work or material will be allowed unless the same has been ordered in writing by the parties to the Contract and approved by the Program Adllinistrator or hls/her designee. 17. GO~RANTZE OF WORK: The Contractor shall guarantee the work per1'or.ed for a period ot one year trom the date 01' 1'inal acceptance of all work required by th9 Contract and 1'urthermore, furnish the Property O\orner, in care of the Housing and Urban Improvement Departllent with all ~anutacturer's and supplier'S written guarantees and warranties covering materials and equipment 1'urnished under the Contract. The Contractor shall also correct any work that tails to conform to the requirements 01' the Contract which app~~rs during the progress 01' the work. The Contractor shall relledy any defects due to 1'aulty materials or workllanship whi~h appear within a period of one yeAr trom the date 01' cOllpletion 01' the Contract. Where the Contract specities a warranty ~riod for the particular item of more than one year, the general and/or subcontractor must warrant the it.1I tor the period specitied, regardl~~s 01' whether the work was performed by the general contr"ctor or by "lIubcontrnctor. The general and/or 8ubcontractor _uet take rc~pon.ibility for ensuring that the warranty is honored. All requests 1'or warranty repairs should be lIade in writing by the Property Owner to the Contractor. 18. LEAD BASED PAINT CZRTIFICATIOK: The Contractor and his subcontractors shall abate Lead-Based paint pursuant to HUD Lead- Based Paint Regulations, 24 CFR Part 35 and subsequent amendments and the Lead-Based Paint Poisoning Prevention Act (42 U.S.C. 4821-4826), as required in the 8chedule of work. MOl( f)fJO,srl. 98 mlln ... 1,0, IfSOlllllCl!' COIIT UCT C. ~ AUG f 6 19~ 19. COK7LICT 01INTERE~: The Contractor hereby certifies when sig~inq~~h's Cory tract th~t.he has no interest in this property oris not involv~rj with the Prope~ty ,Ovner in any way. Hi. onlyiri~eres~ shall b@ in th. tee to ~e paid to him upon proper completion ot the c"ritract. ',. : f'," ." 20. COJ(PLrABCE 'wr,TH LOYAl, COt)E8AJifD O~DtKA.NCZ:S:, The Contractor shall p~rtonn all work n confonnance with applicable codes, ordinances,' 'ru~eil; ..i-eguht ions; and orders ,!Qtany Public Authority l?ur1nt 9n ~tle p@(!oniance ,ot th'i!~C;!I::k. It the Contractor' observes tt'!at " ny 01' the Contract'D<;lcuments are at variance in thiS'rospect, he shall promptly I:lbti1'y the Housing and Urban tmprovelllentO~p"rtment and any necessary changes shall be adjusted by appropriat@ modi1'ication. It the Contractor per1'orms ~ny' wo~kknQWinq it to be contrary to such laws, ordinance., etc;, without notice to the Housing and Urban IDprovellent Dop~rt.ent, h@ shall assume 1'ullresponsibility and bear all cost. attributabl@ thereto. In addition, all work shall be done in cOmpliance with the Ceneral Specifications 1'or Home Repairs at~A~h~~ h~r..to as Exhibit "B". 21. A88I~ AWD TRA~STXB: The Contractor shall not assign or transter ariyotita rights; benetits or obligations herein, except 1'or transte~* that result (rom transfer or consolidation with a third party, without the prior written approval 01' the Property OWner and the H01Jsinq and Urban Improvement Department. The Contractor shall have the right to employ other persons and/or Cinis to 'serve as !IubeOntfactors in connection with the requirellent~ o(Jhe C:;o'1tract. ~ .' , ,.' \ I . '. . h , 22. TEJUfIJf~TJO!f:' tr,thr~~g~any cause, ~he,Contractor shall fail to,1'ultill ~ntb.ly an~ proper Ill.;lnner.his obligations under this contract, or i1' the Contractor shall violate any 01' the covenants, agreements, or stipulations o( this contract, the Property ,OVJ?er, "st;u~,Uth.rp.upon" have .the ri~ht ,to terminate this contract by 9ivlnq,~r.itten,notice to the Contractor at least ten (10) calen~ar day~.prior to the e!1'ectiv~ date~1' such tenaination. The ,ContrActor shall beent1tled to receive just and equitable c~pensAtion tor any work satistactorily completed under the Contract. The Contractor shall complete such work as aay be directed by the Property Owner prior to the e1'tective date o! the termination. 23. SEVERABILITY: The provisions and scope 01' work included in this contract are severable. The excuse 01' or nonpertonnance ot a portion ot this contrAct shall not excuse the Contractor from turther pertormance or completions 01' the Contract. 24. COWFLICTIWO PROVISION: Should any provision 01' this contract contlict with any other specifications or provisions included or incorporated by reterence, the provision ot the Contract shall control. 25. WAIVER: Any waiver by the Property Owner or the breach 01' any provision ot this contract shall not be construed or deemed to be a moditication 01' the teras ot this contract. 26. KODIPICATIO., Modification to covenants, terms and provisions 01' the Contract shall only be valid when issued in writing as a chanqe order aqreed to by both parties and authorized by tho Collier County Housing And Urban Improvement Department. 27. ILLZGAL OR UNCOK8~IT~TIO.AL PROVI8IOK8: Should a Court at Law deter.ine any provision 01' this contract to be contrary to the law, ~uch a ruling shall not relieve the Contractor from tultilling other responsibilities under the Contract. a.. I)(l) ,v,{ 99 ., ,. i : "t \. filiI. IT "I-TO IUOI.UTIOI COITUCl C-2 AUG f 6 ~ 28. BOLO RARXLESS AND INDf;mun:, The Conttactor agrees through the signing of this document by an authorized party or agent that he shall hold harmless and de1'end the Property OWner and their agent including the Housin~ and Urban IlIprovement Department from all suits and actions, including attorney's fees and all costs of litigation and judgellents of every name and description arising out of or incidsntal to th~ pertOrJl4nc;e 01' th~scontract or work pertormed thereunder, whether or ,not due to ,.q,r caused by neqligence 01' the Property owner and their agent excluding only the sole negliqence of the Property OWner. This provision shall also pertain to any claims brought against the Property owner by any employee of the named contractor, any subcontractor, or anyone directly or indirectly -.played by any of thell. The Contractor'. obI i1ation under thilS provision shall not be limited in any way to the agreed upon contract price as shown in this contract or the Contractor'. limit or lack of suf1'icient insurance protection. ,. , '" , IX WITWZ88 ~p th~ said party of the first part and the said party ot the ..cond part hereby agree to abide by all the teras and conditions at THIS CO~ EXECUTED THE DAY AND YEAR FIRST 1rJlIT'RJI ABOVE. <OWlrER>, PROPERTY OWNER PARTY OF THE FIRST PART WITNESS WITNESS <CONTRACTOR>, CONTRACTOR PARTY OF THE SECOND PART WITNESS WITNESS APPROVED: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS By: TIMOTHY J. CONSTANTINE, CHAIRMAN ;"1""" tOO( em ,v,{ 100 ;.. 5 AU6 1 6 ~ " . EXHIBIT "A" TO CQXTRACT C-2 ADpEN~UM TO, CONTRAC BETWEEN PROpiRT~OWtlER AND CmlTRACTOR AHTI-0IICaIHIWATIOW ITA~~~ SPECIAL EOlJAL OPPORiV~ln PPO'/;"~ Activitie. ,~ Contract. Q2~ .ub1~t ~ Executive ~ ~ .. ~ended , : IAPPli~able ~o 'edeul1y usi,steet cons,~r"ctj,oJ1' cOl\tracts and related ."tx:pntr.ct. ,UO,OOO and 'Jr,'Jer..) Ourinq the perfo~nce ot ~hi. contract, the Contractor agr.e. a. tollow.: (1) Th. Contra~tor .hall not di.cri.itat. aqiA"in.t, any employee or applicant (or employ~-nt becau.. ot race, color, religion, .ex, or nat.,lonal origin. Th" Con-t.r'actor .hall t'a'ke .,f'firlllative action to en.ur. that appllCants for e.plor-nt ar.. employed, and that employee. are treated durlng e~r:o~nt, without reqard'to their race, color, religLon. .ex. or nat,~nal origin. Sueh~ct10n.hall include, but not be 1Ul1ted to. the tr,.lowinql _ploy_nt, upqrading. demotion, or tran.ter; reeruit~nt or recruit..nt adverti.ing; layott or t..r.lnat LOn; ra'te. at ~y O'r oth.i""for.... 'of compen.at ion; and .elect. Lon tor tralnLr,'I., l.nohidinq 'awrent lee.hlp. (1) The ContrActor .han ."'.t in con.Picuou.p'iac... available to ....ploy....nd Applic4nt..' tor ....ployliWtnt. 'no'ti'ce'. to be provlded by ContrAcUr,'7 ottLc... ~"'_t.il'lq forth the proYl..lon. ot this non<h.cri/l'LnAt.Lon c14".., Th. Contract.or .hAll .tat.. t.hAt all qualLtLed Applicant.JLll r.c.i',e con.iderAtlon for employment without regArd t.o race. color, religion, .... or nAtlonAl origin. (3) Cont.ract.or. .hAll Lnr',rporAte toregoing r.quirem.nt.. in all .ub<:ontract... :,~i!' ~~i ~ - .': ~7'" "-" Y'"'-''''''I"i,;,.~~;;~'!~~i-;: "';~"?:;j"-"-""'-";--;~~~i;';,-.t.,ESi~'jr,'~,~.:' i~~;1J'~,_1,OJ.!i.",.....i~if~' , ~~1;~ l~:"i',!;!,};.j'" Under Ti Ie vr of th4t Ci.nl RiOht. Act of 1964, no per.on .hall, on the ground. of race. color, 411". national origln or mental or phy.ical handicap, be ..cluded frO<'" participat.ion Ln, be deni.d the ben.tit.. ot, or be .ubject..d t.o d~.cri.Lnat'On under any proqram or activity receivinq r.d.ral flnanclal A..i.t.a~ce. Se~tion 122 Q( Vlt I12Y..ti.O'J .,n1 Cl}IIlllIUnitv lZ.!.nl.2~ ~ 21 l22.f .... Nt) I*r.t)n In t h. Un I' ...l St.at.. .hall on the qround ot race. color. nalLon.1 rJl"pn. ',r '..'. t.. excluded fr()lfl pArt.ic:~pAtion in. b. d.nled lh., ,....,.." 1'_& "t, t~,. I..' .'Jh'.C'~.d to dl..CC1",1.n.ation under any program or .,(, L.'~ty t...",led ~, Jr>ole or in ~rt. wit.h tund. _de available under thL. t.lt.l.. . parking lot.. drinkLnq tount.a,n.. recreat.ion or ent.rt.ainment. Ar.... tOOC OOOw,(Wl Tnl. VIr ,:.It the Civil IH'1ht. "t 191>08 (42 V.S.C. 3601, !S. ,~). a. d~~nd.d. r.qulr.. t.hAt t.h. ProgrAm Affirmatively further facc ~.ing, and prohibit. di.criminat.ion aqainst I~r.on. on ~,.. b~.t. of r.c., color, rvllgion, ..X, or n"t,onAI ul1tJ1n. /' AU6 1 6 m\ -sectlon ~ Comgllanc'.1D ~ p'~oYi.lon 2t ~ ,Emflovment ~ lu.ine":OVOOr~un1~1.' a. The t'Ork ~o' be ~rtor",..<1 under thi. cOntrac~ i.on a pr01ect a..i.ted,under a proqram prOYldlft9 dlrect 'ederal tlnancial a..l.tance froa t~ o.p4rtment ot Hou.lft9 and Urban Developmen~ and 1. .ub1ec~ to the rqquirement. of Sectlon J of ~h. Hou.inq and Urb..n O,,"e10pmotnt ~,rt ot 1968, a. amonded, 12 u.s.e. 1701u. S"ction J require. th..., ~O, the qr"ate.t e"tent" tea.ible oppor~un 1t i..., {or t ra i n 1 nq and employment be. 91 v~n 1 "",er Income e~.id..nt. ot the pe01pc' ..rea and c~ntract. t~e woek 1n connectiOn wi~hthe pr0:..ct,be, award.d to ~u.ln.,. concern. which ..re l.;>cate<l ~n., 9r own.J ~n sub.tantia1 part by, per.on. re.idlnq int~. acea of ,the pro:"-:L b. Th., p.sC't.ie.;to thi. cont.ract wUl coaply with previ.ion. of .aid S.ct ion ) ..nd the req'J 14t ~on. i..u.d pur.uant thereto by Soteretary of tfou.1nq a,,-1 Urban o.velopaent .et forth ln 24 erR 1)4, and all al>P1lcab1., rule. and ord.r..o', the' Department l.aued thereunder pr'~or to th.. e.ecutlon ot thla contraCt. The p..rt~e. to thl. contract certlll and a9re. that th.y .re under no contractu..1 or other dl_..b~11ty whlch ~uld pr.vent them trom c~plYlnq WLth th... r..,~lr~nt.. c. Th.,contraetor will ...,,-1 to .ach labor or9anlziiltlon or r.pre..ntatlv. ot work..,. wlth whlch h. h..., a colt.ctlv. barqalnLnq .qr..-.nt vr 0ther contractor und.r.tandlnq, lt any, a notlce advl.lnq .aid labor orqanizatlonor worker.' r.~e...ntatlv. of hl. c0mmlt..nt. under thl. notlc. ln con.picuou. plac.. aV..Ilable to .-ployee. and appllcant. tor employm.nt or tralninq. d. Th. Contr..ctor wlll ln~lude thia Sectlon J clau.. in .v.ry ., .ub<ontract tor woek L.~ ?on!'-c:H~n wlth~~'T~,.,f~(t,l"'-tV"., a,~;~"""...,.~"....._",..,~".. "i:I'lIi,":;'~fi;;ciii1'.wI~'.'fcW"'~'"'i','" ',. '. , "'d' "t!~~t.ti~~,~ii'$<')~i.4:\!fi!'i%""i:",,, ';(':' (~nancL41 a..lstance, ~.~. approprlate actlon pur.uant to the subcontr4ct up<ln a (~r,~,n'l that ,the .ubcontractor 1. ln vlolatlon o~ the r.'1u la~ Lon. L..".,-1 by the Sltcr.tary ot Housln'1 and Urban D"ve1o~nt, 24 crp P..r' l)~. Th. contractor wLII not .ubcont.r.act wlt.h any a,,Jf,I':'OntC.ct.or wheee it h.. notLce or knowl.dg. th4t the lat~~r ha. be.n found ln vlo1..tlon of r.qu1atlan. under 24 CfP P4rt IJS and will no~ l.t any .ubcontr.<."'. un1... the ...,t,contrac:tor h... tlret prov1d.,., it Wllh a pr.ll.lnacy .tat_nt ',' abl11ty to comply w1th the r.qu1r.....nt. ot th... r.qul..tion.. e. Compli..nc. wl.th ~h. pro'''.lon. of S.ction J, the r.qulation. .et torth Ln 24 crA P..rt : )~. and all appllcabl. eul.. and ord.rs of the O.part",.nt Is.ued ',.,reund.r prior to the .xecutlon of the conteact, .h411 be 1n ~~ndltion ot the red.ral tlnancial a..lttanc. provid.d to ;he proj.ct. and bindlnq upon the applicant or r.clpl..nt I~r .uch a..i.tanc., It. .UCC...ora and a..1gn.. "allur. to 1,,;1111 the.e requlr.....nt. .h.ll .ubject the .pplicant, or reclpl.n~. 1ta contractor. or .ubcontractor., it. .uec...oc. IIn<1 ....l<)n. '0 tho.. ..nctlon. .peclf led by the grant oe loan agr._nt or c.,r,teact throuqh whl.ch t.d.eal a..i.tanc. i. prov l"etd, and tn .uc-h . ,.nc-t lone aa are apec it led by 24 CrA Part 1 )'L MOll 000 'VA 102 AUG 1 6 ~ ;"OOEIIDL"M TO COrrTPA':'~ BET'....F.Ell PPOPF:PT'{ OWUEP MID COlITRACTOR ~H71-01SC.IHIHATtON STATEMENT 5 P t.; I ^ 1. t'ZlliLQi'l':2fl.~,: TY P pI)' / ; ll2.t!5 Activitiu JIM !:9D.~U,~_U "91 l.1'.t-.llil t2 U~ QLP:J: .l.l.l.1h III A/TIended (~pplLcabl. to 'e~.rally .....t." con.tructlon contract. and r.lat.d .ubcontract. SIO.aOO an" "nd'H.) Ourin~ the p-r(?rmAnc. or this contract, the Cont.ractor a~r... a. tollow., (1) rhe Contrac~0r aha., not d..criminat. a~ain.t any .mployee or Applic..n~ tor ...l""lpl.........r..-..nt. t~~'='..u.. ct r4C"'. color, r.ll~lon, .ft., Or national origin. :~q Contractor ahall tak. affirmative action to .n.ur. that appliCant. tor p.mployment are .mploy.d. and that .mployee. ar. tr..at.~ "..rin~ .,..,plo.'.....nt. wltht:>ut r"'lard to theLr rac.. color, r.liqion, .... or natIonal oriqin. SuCh action .hall include. but not be li"'it." to, th.. l')llow.nq: employment. uMradLn~. d4HllOtion, or tran.(.r; r.cruitm.,c,', or recruit_nt adv.rtLaln~; layott or terlllination; rate. '.r payor other torma ot cOftlpotn.atLon; and a.l.ctlt:>n (or trainl~q. Including apprentice.hip. (21 Th. Contractor ahal. .~.t In conapicuou. plac.., available to ....f.loy..... .n~ .ppl..,.nt. (or .mploy.....nt. notIce. to be provided hy ContraCting O(fic..r ,qttinq torth the provl.iona ot thi. nt:>n"i.crimlnation <::: .'..... Th.. Contractor .hall atat. that all 'lual it i.d appllcan', .n II r"cel',. conai"..rat ion (or employm.nt without ceqAcd to r..ee, CO~'~(. rltllqLon, ..x, or n.tlon..l oriqin. (3) Contrac~ora .hall HJ:'Jrpor"'te (or.')oln9 r."Uir.menta In all .ubcontract. . ~ lil!lllU fLU 21 lll1 Under Titl. 'II ot the CI'/LI Aiqht. Act ot 1')64, no peraon ahall, on the grounda ot rac.. color. ~,;.., national or1'1ln or ....ntal or physical handIcap, b<o ."clu"erj (r'.'" partlcipation in, b. deni.d the benetit. ot. or be aub)ected to di.crlm.'.tion undor any program or aCtivity recei.vinq r.d_ral tLnancial ...l.~~:,ce. hct ion W 2.' 'L!1.'! !!2'J.!j' j ~,n1 ~"'!'!!lJ.L1lU.Y Q!t:!.ltl2~ ~ 2.t J.2.l.1 a, "0 person in the .Jr...."J Stat.. .hall on the qroun<:t ot raco, color. natH)nal or"pn. or .... t,. ."cluded trr"", participation In. be d.nied th.. t,.,ne(it"l or. 0< "., so,hlected to dl.cri"'inatlon under any program or activlty tunded L~ whole or in part with funds ",ade available under thi. title. :i~:,,)!,r~.tkinq lots, drinklnq (o"r",~Lns. r.creation or .nt.rtai".".nt area.. eooc net),:,.1 1fl3 L\~~.o...2'l: '2.L~'L':I"ll fll'l~~ (42 U.S.C. 3601. et ~l, ae 'Jrr.enrJ.,d. require. that the Program attirmatively further t~lr hous,ng. and prohibIt. dlscri.mination againAt pec.")na r....n t.h... t......Sl. ot race, color, cttligLon, .ex, or n.t.1.on.al "-",rll'jln. ..,." ;', "~ ...:t AUe f 6 8M -Section 1: C~Dlianc. in ~ Pro'li.ion 2t Trainina. Emolovment ~ 8u.i~.. OODor~uni~i.. .. The wOrk ~o be perfor-.d under thi. contract i. on a project a..i.ted under a proqraM providinq direct Federal financial ...i.t.nce fr~ the Dep.rtment of Hoo.ing and Urban Development .nd i. .ubject to the requireMent. of Section ) of the Hou.lng and Urban O..,.loP'M"nt Act ,.,f 1968, a. a....nd.d. 12 U.S.C. 1701u. 'ection ) requir.. that to the qre.te.t e.tent fea.ible opportunitie. for traininq and emplov-ent be given lower income re.ldent. of the pr01ect are. and contract. for work in connection with the pr01.ct be awarded to bu.ine.. concern. which are loclted in, or own.d ln .ub.tantlal p.rt by per.on. residing in the area of the pr01ect, b. The partie. to thi. contr.ct will c~ply with provi.ion. of .ald Section) and the regulation. i..ued pur.u.nt thereto by Secret.ry of Hou.inq .nd Urb.n Oevelop.ent .et fOrth in 24 CrR 134, .nd all .pplic.ble rule. and order. of the DepartMent i..ued therlYnder prlor to the execution of thi. contract. The partie. to thi. contract certify and aqr.. that they are under no contractual or other di.ability which would prevent them trom complyinq with the.. requir...nt.. c. The contractor will .end to ..ch l.bor organlzation or repre.en~ative of worker. with which he h.. a collective b.rgaininq .qr....nt or other contract or under.t.ndlng, if any, . notice advl.inq ..id labor organiz.tion or worker.' repre.entativ. ot hi. C~it..nt. under thi. notice in con.picuoo. pl.ce. .v.ilable to ..ployee. and appllcant. for eeploy.ent or tr.ininq. d. The Contr.ctor will include thi. Sec~ion ) clau.e in every .ubcontract for work in connection with the pro,ect .nd will, at the directlon of the .pplic.nt for or recipient of reder.l financill I..i.tance, take appropri.te action pur.u.nt to the .ubContract upon a finding that the .ubcontractor i. In violation of the regulation. i..ued by the Secretary of Hou.lng and Urban OeveloP-lnt, 24 CrP Part 11S. The contractor will not .ubcontract with any .ubcontractor where lt ha. notice or knowledge that the latter ha. been found in violation ot regulatlon. under 24 CrR Part IJS .nd will not let any .ubcontract un I... the .ubcontr.ctor ha. fir.t provided it with a preliMlnary .tateMent 01 abllity to comply wlth the requirement. of the.e requlatlon.. e. co.plianc. with the provi.lon. of Section ), the requl.tion. .et forth in 24 erR 'art 13S, .nd .11 .pplic.ble rule. and order. of the Dep.rt....nt i..ued herlYnder prior to the e.ecution of the contract, .hall be in condltion of the reder.l tlnancial a..i.tance provided to the pr01ect, and binding upon the .pplic.nt or recipient for .uch ...i.t.nce, It. .ucce.sor. .nd ...i9n.. r.l1ure to fulfill the.e requir...nts .h.ll .ub'ect the .pplicant, or recipient, it. contr.ctor. or .ubcontr.ctor., it. .ucce..or. and a.sign. to tho.. ..nction. .pecified by the grant or lo.n .gr....nt or contr.ct throo~h which federal ...i.t.nce i. provided, and to .uch ..nctinn. a. are specified by 24 erR 'art 1JS. - fD),...,( lO4 ,-' AUG 1 6 1991t (1I11lT ... TO COlI'"'' C .2 COLLIER COUNTY RESIDENTI~L REH~BILIT~TION LO~N PROGRAM General Specifications for R~habilitation an~ Hom~ Repairs I. MATERI~L8 AND .OR~NSHIP - GENERAL 1. All materials and ~orkmanship shall conform to the requirements of the Standard Building Code, 1991 edition, as amended (hereinafter cited as "S.B.C."). Additions and structural changes must also conform to the Collier County Housing Ordinance, Ordinance No. 89-0~, as amended, and the City of Naples Hinimu~ Housin~ Code, Ordinance 92-~122, as amended. All required permits and appr0'/~d plans :"'lust he :"'lade a'/ailable for the appropriat~ inspecting authorities at all times during the construction process and copies must be provided to collier County Housing and Urban Improvement Department prior to the commencement of construction. 2. Pepairs shall be made to all surfaces damaged by the Contractor resulting from his work at no additional cost to the O'.iner. Where "R~p-'lir" is callt>rJ for hy the Work OrrJ~r, the feature (floor, wall, ceiling, door, winrjo~ or trim, etc,) excluding ornamentation shall be placed In "Equal to Ne~ Condition", taking into account the fact that old buildings cannot be made "As New" and that some lines and surfaces may remain irregular, slightly out of level or plumb, either by patching or replacement; all damaged or loosed, or rotted parts of wood, metal or plaster shall be removed and replaced and the finished work shall match adjacent work in design and dimension. Such patching and replacement shall be made to blend ~ith existing work, at the minimum including painting and/or staining to blend, so that the patch or replacement ~ill be inconspicuous. II. INTERPRET~TION 1. The term "or equal" ~hall be interpreted to mean equal in quality, design and integral properties. 110 substitutions shall be made without the prior written approval of Collier County Housing and Urban Improvement Department. Proposed substitutions must be clearly designated on the Contractor's Bid Propos a 1. .. O{l)wl105 ;,. .,fde2b.wp 1 7/14/94 AUG , 6 t9SJ, I / --- (U.ll T "t. TO CCII'UC' (,1 III. OlNl:IUL CONDITlotl8 1. !.9,I:~Jn--2-lj;:,~\oIp!~Le~r_\l~!-l.lr~'J ;h'~ Contractor shall be responsible for th~ ~tor~1~ ~nd ~~!~ty of his o~n ~aterial. The 0'Jner I'lssu:'\e!> no 11al:.l11~'1 'Jha",(!'/er f")r .~n'/ :'\atl'lrial damaged or stolen on the prpr' 1 ::;P!': 'Jh~ rt! ~1Jf::h h.)~ not t'.t!~n brolJ')ht. into the building. Any daMl'lgc to, or lo!':~ by ~heft or ~andallsm of any material, appur':"n.)n,:" or 'lpplianc~, "f~r>r :;lJCh has been brought into the b'Jildln'j: ~r,p:lrd, C0nner;",erj or ln~tall"rJ shall be the sole r~f)p')n~ibilit'l of -:'h~ -":')ntr,)f"~t:0r 'Jn~_il ~~;'!irJ it~i.l hf15 been inspect~rj ~nrj appro'/Nj r,'/ ~h~ r)'Jnl'lr ",,'J '::,,11 i"r C()'ln~'/ Housing and ~rb~n Ir'pro~"~~nt Depart-en-. In the e.'t?n~ th~t thi".! 0''''n~r ~:t:r:~~ t') l~:;~ ,)n'/ r:Ji.lpl~t~d or partially cO:'!lpl~t~rj portion '"if th~ b1JilrHn'). then th-:- Contractor is released !ro~ ~bo~e liahiliti-:-s of all the naterials ~ithin the occupied portion of th" blJlldin'), IV. 8PlCI'IC~TIONS <~> ALUMIKlJ)( ~.HING8 A1ID CANOPY 1. Al~Il~nu!ll_Door_canopy: flJrn:<;h .)~,rj in<;t.,:l ba).o:cd enamel aluMinu~ ~00r c~nopy 0~~r pxtr>r10r 100r~, rn~lsate1 in the Work Ord~r or kind ~nd con5tr~c~Ion ~rpr0~n~ hy C0l1 I~r County Housing and Urban I~pro~er'pnt Dpp~rtMnnt and of c010r ~elected by the o....ner ....ith "Drop," "ProJectIon," .,noJ "''/l'l',h'' .l"': lndlc.)ted in Work Order. Pro~ide for ~de1u~te door "':~:n1 ~:p~r~nr;e, ~nd includ~ hurricane tle dQ~n !~~ten"r~, 2. Al..Y.!!i.rnL~n.1nglU. Supply ~nrj in!':tall baked enamel aluminum awnings or typ~ indicatl'ld in the Work Order and of color selected by the 0'Jn~r. All flttinr}s ~i1.)11 be pro'/ided, including hurricane tie do....ns. 1\'JnI n')'; man'lfactlJre.j b'/ f{urrlC.lne ','Jning, or equal. <8> ~PPLIANCfS - ELECTRIC ^ND G^9 ~ All units nU!lt be rep,"1rer.l or ln~t,.,l :ed nC'J to comply with the model (!n~r1Y efficl~,nr:y ':0r.1e,; f0r r'jilrllnrJ construction as per the State of florld". Contractors nhall supply the Home O~n~r wlth original warranties and/or guarantees, Owner shall hd~l'l selection of available colors. A shut-ott satety valve must be installerj in the connecting gas pipe to any gas appliance. 3. glassllned, J:.l.~,t:rJ.~_~I.t:~r_Hetl~.Li. pro'/irle "nr.1 inst.]ll a quicy. r<:,crru'ry, r-lectric w,lter hr>.lter, He.ltf'r ~;ho1ll " 14/94 aoac nco ~&r,1 106 ..'''-lb...., AUG 1 6 1994 (1111 IT ... 10 C1)ITI&(T ~.1 be equippe<:l ...ith 'J hi1t', li~it ';,1[,,>.,/ CIJ>.-0ff M','J.1 pressure reliet valve pip<:!1 to th<:! ')u~,'ii'~", H""lt"r ,;h;lll r,<, 22') '/olt. double element, 4':.00 ''''''Itt'l '",ith :'1lnl:""J~ ii'l<' ,/,,'1r 'jlHrantr~e, Heater shall b@ ~lni~u~ 10 1"11, r;'Jp~r;i',/, I!2II..l },.ll h<:!'lter'l ln~t"lll<:!'~ 0'J>,",I'!" :"'u~~. hr, pl'1c".j on a leveled concret~ or bloc~ surt'lc<:! "Ind 'l1<:!1ll'ltel,/ protected from the elem~nt!l. 4. 1L..~ateL"ea~ef: for')'/I'l" .u:'J inst.1l1 .1 '11-155 1 ined, quick reCO'lp.r/1'l'; ''''''Iter h".lter, H<;,l':er ..h.)ll be '''juipped '.lith a high limit lS'lt"t'! cut 0tt -1nd pre....'He relief '1.1l'/e pipe to the outside. Heater shall h-1'I<> .1 mlnl::lIJ~ [1'/" '/eiH' guarantee, and be =inilllUlTl )0 '1-'.11. (:.Ilp.Ilcit'/. H,..at"r io; t') he '/"n':'?'J ()IJtsid'?, ~l..l },.11 h"at"r:l in'lt.llll,,'j r;'J>~,I'l<> ~'J'~>, he "1,,,-:"'1 on .) 1<"'/eled concret.'! or bl()r:~ "I1Jrt'lc" .1n'l ,,'I<"lOJ'~el'l fl1"0 >J":>,r:.J ~rr)r"\ the elements. 5. R.di.n~ell.ter,;, Furni,;h .lnd in,;tall ,;ur[.)c" nounted radiant heater. He'lter sh-111 he In th" 100') ~a':t ran1e, have n circulation tan, 'Jnd ther;ll.11 ')'/er10-1'j ,;"t"t'l c'mtr0l, Heater shall be a Dlinil!lur.l ot 11,000 RTlJ, 22(j 'l')lt.. lncl'l'l<> connections to elect.ric 5er'llce. 6. tlt.~,W~Jan'1': ?"pl'lC" 01.j r.1n'J'" 'Ji':h ne'J rdectric range. tie... r<'ln,!" :lh"lll h,.. 10" ir"', .;t,.'~l'lin1, '.lith clock, 1 hour timer, applian(;c I')'J':l'~t, ~n'! '/1<;.) f~.l"<' '!'Jor, In':l']'!es pi'] tilil installed, and r'Jn'1e to r,,, :"'.1'\r. 0r',r.,ti'I(,. r;".1rs ',2<;41/F,26)1, or equa 1 . 7. Q.1,_Jl_pqe.l. P"'pl.~c', ')1.J r'ln'Jp. '.tith np.'", q'lS ran<}e. tlew range shall b~ )()" !rP.e-<;t'lwjlnrj, ....ith c;'')ck. 1 hour timer. and Visa Bake do"r. InclwJp c0nnfOctiow; >.0 "l....ctric 5<:>r'/ice and provision tor qa5 hook-up. S . Z:.le<< lj, r ll;J 4t t r i '1 era tor:. P " P 11': " ') l.j r" [ 1" i 'J <:> r .) tor wit h a new minimum 1".0 cubic rf)rjt. irr,s> fref' IJnit '.tith t'JO doors with separate fr..,...z"r C0"'r-1rt.~en>.. -;..,-1r'; ~~')'j....l (d'),)l. or equal. 9. Rlnq'-llQQ~.t Tn'';t.-11! np'J .jlJ'::t.I<.<;<; tjpO:> range hood. Include connections to el..,ct.1"I~ <;erv[c.." 10. R.J..nq'-lB?,o~l. Inst"lll n"'J ran']" ho'yj '/<:>nted outside. Includes elect.ric serVice 'ln1 duct. ~orJo:. T0 deliver 1<;0 C.r.M., minimum. 11- conditioner size ot th~ or equal. tiJ'~Qn(H~i(;m~J:".I Install re'/ersc e'lel.... air wit.h BTU capacity to conf0rm to 1"cquir<:>~<:>nts for the 'Iolume of tt'.e ;,r".) to hI' cool....J/t'<'at,..'j, Sears model &~( oon .".1 107 ..,ldoZll."" ) 71141'14 AUG , 5 t99l\ rfJ "" ... TO Cr;. f1 Af. T ~'l 12. A1L..c9rHUUQI'l'H_"'Hh_H~~LQ!;.rip; I n"t;l11 air conditioner with BTU c~p~clty to c0nf0rm to requirements for the aize of the volu,.,.. of th" 'lre~ to hI' c001erJ, He'lt strip as required to B~J c~p~cit, to CGnt0r~ ':0 require~ent" for the size of the voluml! of t.he ~r,,"', S"..,r-. :-'")'J" 1 Gr e'1'J.11. 13. yaILL\\rn!l~"';, Pr0'Ii'Ji' .1n,j in,,',>) 1 1 ne'.1 g.lS furnace, complete with vl!nt ~t~ck plperj to exterior of house, fUrnace 9h~11 be I!~ulpped ~:':h a ther~0-.':..,t. hloHer. and CTU capacity a!J requir..,J. ,dl '.Iirir,! ",0 hi' enr~10"e,j in '.lire Mold, and heater to b.. conn..ct..rj b, 'luthorizerj gas "ervice personnel, appr~~ed by City. 14. qa...J!l.lL.rurna~e;. PrQ'Ji'le ar.1 in"tall ne'.1 g.15 '.Iall furnace completell' rearj', !()r 'J-..., 'lirec', 'lent. BTlJ re'"-luired. wall mounted, ....ith circul.1tln1 f"n dWJ "x',,,r1or ,mit contr()1. Electric s<:!r/ic.. re'.Juirer.l t0r (.1r.. T0 br. in-.pr,ctMj .1n'j C0nnected by authorized 1'1" -...rvlc,. pt>r-.0nrt>!, 15. D~,~J'-rQ.2ll!J)Ch!l\lH_t'.an,!. f.1n to b.. 5".lr<; Ventilator Fan Model '42A98~1) or equl\l. 'I"nt"rj to th" outsirj.., <C> BLACP:TOP 16. IUa~~~9P_Dr.ive; rr"ltall hl.1C)o:t0P rJri'le 'IS provided in Work Order. All b~5e :"ilt..ri'll ':0 be c0mracted to nbtain ainimuII thickne~5. Prl!p~r.. '111 grildinq to carry ~ater a~ay from building. Blacr.top sh...ll not he ll"s-. thiln 1 1/2" ":.hid: ilfter cOlllpaction. <0> C1.BIKETB NOTE I The contr.v:tor Sh,lll r"p.dr. p;llnt. or ::latch any area affected by rl!~ov...l or r,..pl~ce~t>nt of c~binet3 or counter tops. All IS['C"S (floor3, '....,11.;. 0r ceil in'}";) ~ft"cte'J b,/ cabinet removal, MUST b.. tilled 1n to 1<~'1r:l of "xi';',lnrJ ';lJrfa';e~, usinr] comparable "'llteri...l~, <!In.j ;,,~lin'l '"Jff ;,r<,.,,; ':0 h" r0-'lch i'lnd rodent prOOf, prior to in3t.llin7 cabinot'l, 17. JU..~m!1lJ~!!Il!~~P1ne';',- B;~3" c,1binr,,: shall he Formica, clad 1/)2- minimum thickn~o;g. ~ith ilppropriat" doors and drawers. Counter top of cabinet 9h~11 he "pproxi~i'lt,..ll 2~" ~irJc with a full backl!lplash, Fon"lc"l ',0 ~," 1/1'," r-:in1:-,'JM thicknc,";, or equ,1l, Base cabinets to h"lvC 1/2- thlc)o: 5h"lve~;. :nclude all drawer hardware, catches, and p'lllo; ot .'?pr0'Jed dr:~;l'Jn ilnr] rJood quality per manufacturer's specs, rntr:rior to be '11n,/1 clad. 18. ".11 C.~nt!t.!!IJ. yitcht>n 'oI.dl cc>hinr:ts Sh.1ll be clad with FOrBIiCa 1/)2" minll!\UM thickness, All .joor and shelf edges shall be trimmed with Formica. Cabin"t len'J':h, nu~bcr of .,ldo2b,,",, !oc( nou PF,[ 108 7/14J?4 AUG I 6 199-\ (n lilT .." TO C!".II'He' C'l shelves, doors, and h.lrrJ'''ar~ '13 ~p<:>'~i!i<dJ i~ pr0pssal i~cluding at least two shel'les ':It. 1/2" t:>',ir:kn~~5. ;:ncl'J'j<:> all r1'~cessary door pulls and c"ltchll!l ':If :"!.lnuf.)c':llrllr'<; '}ooj grade an'J quality, Interior to b~ vinyl clad, 19. Kt~j,_~ln,.s'.l?lnH;_ Salgar llooel fA101 or o:!'IU'll, ~~hin~~ ~0 h~ ~~t~l ~on5truction, 20. (This item intentionally left blank.) <E> FENCING (Thi~ ~ection left intenticnally blank) 21. [This item left intentionally b:ank] <F> CONCRETE WORY- 22. !!4.l~S.._Dl"Jves.._an1, Patio~: r:')r,'~r<:t<:> 'J<;<!'j shall not be less than 2,5';1) p.s.r, -;tr"r,'j':h :1" 2~ 'j,)'!:., 51')0 ':.0 b<:> 4" thick reinforced ~ith ~.. by ~.. n0. 10/10 ~<:':d<:,1 ~ir<:,. Steel tro....el, wooo flo'l': 0r ,'rrro"".j fini';h shilll hll \1SIl'L 'r/alks, drives, patlan and ril~rS shilll hil~n n/p'ln:.lon j0In':.:. in them to divide thel!l into hlocr.~ ,In'! ~:~I'll: ,1;':0 r,', M~'F"J, All dri"'!s, walks, patios and r"::-V3 sh'lll ~'" 'jr:!,jn'] ':.0 <;10p', ,"""'y from house. f'inish grade of '''ork c;h'lll he hill'] ':l')'lll to '}r0'Jrvj 1r,)<J<: 50 cars may have easy access to rJri~<:,<;; ~'l!~:. 'lnrJ rJrl~es ~hall not have dangerous step-ofts, 'rlhen f')c,'l '1:"" rn:"o'/,.rJ, '1:.'! n<,ce3soJry fill. Grading and s0~din1 ~h~l! tn donn ~~ ~'l':.~~ nXI~':.in1, (Scored contraction joint5 ~t ~'0 c~n~~r ~~rj ~zr)~~~i~n j0i~t~ at 20' center). "Fill" 5hall r)(! !;,)n'l, ",:1<'c':<:1 n'1r~h, ~h'll,:, or gravel tree 1'onn all extranO:O'lS 5'1l',S'.ln':",;. 2 3 . l22J'.-1n'H_an~/Qr_rOun1!l t iQn_\o( a 1.1,5_' _T i ~--.!3~~l!l.J!.;" Sha 11 be constructed accl)rrJln'] t'J ~,h'? '11Z<:S, '1h~p"'1 ",nd oth~r details on the approved drawin']. W~ere no such dr~~in1s exist, they shall be made in dCcord~nce ~l'::h ~ppIIC'lhle County and/or City codes and/or ordin,lnc"s,a~ .1:"<':I'jn'], ;In'! ,1:' 'lppliC'lhl(!. 24. YapQJ"_paJ;"r.ter: S~,)!] r,n r)c,l'!-IJrntrl"n<'/rl'lstic sheeting or asphalt impre'1n~t"d rl'lt, In thlC~n,.ss or layer specified in any area to be used as 11~ln1 ar"a. 25. ~2DJtl:l!1.._por9h; P"pl.v:': ,:xi,;'::lr,r} porch '"ith new concrete porch with 10" X l~" con'::lnlJ(J'Js cone;r,.t,. footinq with 2 - tlo. 5 reinforcing r0ds. foun,j'lt ion '''0111 s sh" 11 be a" x 16" concrete block. Porch floor shall bl' 4" thicr., 2,500 P.S.I, concrete reinforced ....ith I)" x I)" lio, 10/10 ....elded ,,,ire. Concrete porch to b~ separated tro~ main body of hOlJsI' by 1/2" asphalt impre'1nated exp'Insion ~a.eria,. .., 'dolt> , .... 1/l'/?' ~OO( {}On H',l 1 e9 AUG I 6 199it (J. II II ... fO 1':01 Tile f (,1 2'. Coner.t~'PJ~ P0ur~~ concrete steps shall be properly tonned and pour~rj ....ith 2.'S!)1) P.S.I. concrete o'/er finn, undisturbed ftoil. BriCK, ~tone, 0r broken concrete m~y be used as 1'ill materi~l. The tre~rjs r,h~11 h~~e ~ non-~kid finish. 27. c.srnkI:t.ttJ1.U:LQn_.J'Ql~t_e(Lro'Hlng:u.. piers are to be not l~~~ th~n II)" rjeep. ~nd 21)" piers no 1~55 th~n ~" ~Idp by :~" lon1 Ino~in~] with tennite !'lhi~lr!s ....h"r" ,'ppll':"h!... F'ootinfJ for x 20" 51uare and size~). provided 28. K...1.9T1fLWaU_Repair.i. All ~ort.H joints shall be cleaned or looSI:! ~t')rta r I'In.J sh.) 11 be tuck po i nted .... i th ne.... mortar in an approved Manner. ^ny chipped blocks ~hall be patched ....ith mortar and any structurally daMaged block shall be removed and replaced with a n,,~, properly set in a ne~ bed of mortar. <0> DOORS "NO lfUfDOWg NOTE I When replacing rjoor j~mbs or frilmes. i'lll necessary trim is to be included in th" bid price. Windows are to be cllulYl!rJ. All ....indo,...,; .lnd doors arc to be installed to l!'Ieet energy 51l'/in1 Critpriil. Contr.v:tor shall repair, paint or ~atch any int..rior or I!xt..rior areas iltfected by the removal or installlltion of ~ind0~5, doors, etc. Exterior doors are to be p~inted ~ith t....o coats of 0il hasl! p~int or varnish, top, bottoo, and I'd1"'1. Bid price Sh.l11 include repairing and/or replacing all trim. 29. Inl..t.lll_jll_~xistlnq_.,r_amb; ~oor~ shall b~~ I 3/8" interior type. Install door plumh ....j~h l/~" clearance at head and jamb and 1/8" clco'Irance .)t floor threshold or rug, ....hatcver the case may be. ~ortis~ ne.... ~0or to recci'/e an appropriate privacy/passage lock. Adjust all hard~are so door ....orks properly and leave rJoor cle.1n. ';~0oth .]wl [inisheri ~s specified. Include applicable type ot door stop~. 30. ~~Q~_Pr.~hunq_Unlt; core door, jamb, trim ...n.J h.lr,l'....lr'l finish as Bpeclri~d. rnstall t~ ~onsist of hollo.... in.~J"'lin.l 1,,,~Jo:'l(!t,. Pltint or 31. I2l.1~Q9_(L,t;9.re_I2?Qr! Install pL1in. undecorated 1 3/4" thick solid wood core door unit complete ~ith door, jamb, trill, threshold, hin'1cs. lo~..., awj ....e;ltherstrip, Install door plumb with 1/8" CIl!!o'Irlln~~ 'It he",j ja~h "nrJ 1/8" clearance at floor threshold or ruq, ~hate~er tne case ~o'IY he. Mortise ne.... door to receive appropriate locy (Schla1e ~iddle qri'lde or equal). To include Sin'1le Cylin,jer O"<I.J Flolt L,)ck, Adjust all hard....are 80 door works properly. Si'lnd smooth and in~tall safety chain, or "'''''2b.~ ~OGI OCO ~n 110 1114194 F, \ \. " AUG 1 6 1994 !ll'wr.n ... 10 COIIItACI C, 2 stop as applicable. When door is more than 5' from window, security "peep" shall be installed. 32. Door Framei Replace deteriorated door frame or jamb with new solid Wood frame or jamb, and all necessary trim as needed. 33. New Exterior Door: Doors shall be 1-3/4" thick solid wood. Door shall be sized to fit existing opening, include keyed entry lock and weatherstrip, door stop or safety chain as applicable, 1-1/"2 pair hinges, and Single Cylinder Dead Bolt, threshold, and security "peep". 34. Hialli Sli<1~J.Ype Door: Install ne.... 1-3/4" ....ood exterior door incorporating a double or single hung ....indo.... section. Window unit to have metal type of muntins and mullions. InclUde a security type 9 gauge steel di~mond mesh grill mounted either inside or outside of door using tdmper proof fasteners. Door to have 1-1/2" pair hinges, illl hard....are, '...eatherstripping, door stop or safety chain, door lock set and aluminum screen in window unit. Include Single Cylinder Dead Bolt. 35. 1" square closer. screen. Hew Screen Do~~ Screen door shall be a minimum of all aluminum, pre-hung, ....ith metal jamb, lock and "f'eatherlite," "Look," or equal quality '...ith aluminum Bottom screen panel shall be reinfor~ed. 36. Screen Doors: Rescreen indicated - using 18 x 14 mesh aluminum/nylon screen ....ire. When existing screen mold is split or damaged, replace. Reinforce bottom panel. 37. ~xterior ~luminum Threshold Plate of ~pproved Grade: Insta'l either straddle or interior mounted as applicable. fasten securely using necessary fastening devices (....ood or concrete), as per manufacturer's recommendations. 38. !!.Ir..gL,t)ClQJ;:: In~;t.111 flush, ~;e,~tioni11 steel door, "Cordes" or equal, as per manufacturer's recommendations, inclUding all necessary framing and brackets, stops, hard....are, and trim. 39. Rescreen In<1icate~ndow Screens: Use 18 x 14 mesh aluminum/nylon screen ....ire. Replace damaged screen mold and damaged or missing hOOKS and hangers. 40. Aluminum Frames: Replace indicated windo.... screen frames with new aluminum frames, minimum of 3/8" by 1", .032 thick complete with aluminum screen, fitted to existing opening. eOOl f)CO ~J~! 111 gulde2b. lip 7114/?4 7 AUG 1 6 t9~ (nlllT .,. 10 COli lAC I ~ -1 41. !2~n~Qv__BJshL size, glazed and tinish~d. P~pl~c~ ~i~h n~~ ,,~sh of proper 42. "00<2 !~2J!J. O'/~rh~ul ~'1 op~r.)t~ fr~~ly. Replace broken or cr~cY-ed gl~55. In,,~~ll '1r r~pl~c~ broken or missing window locy.s, bar lifts, a~d/or ~~i1h~s as ne~ded. All windows lIust have a device so they will r~~~in in fix~d position when opened. Old putty to b~ r~:"\O'/,!'j an'J :'"r>pl,v::I!'j '...ith no..... 43. A1,Yl!\in~I!IJ1ndov;u 0'/~rh,)'Jl ~rJ op~r.)to properly. Replace broy-en or r.lissin'1 tor'11J~-b~r opr>r.)tors. All broken glass shall be replaced with nr>~ gl~"s_ P~pl~cl! ~ll d~maged or missing aluainum glAzing h~~ds. 44. Alu.1D~~Tl1n1_type1. furnish ~nd ins~.ll1 ....indows as indicated. tie.... ..dndo....s !lhall hI' .1S m~nlJf.)(:t'Jr~d by "(,lie Ogron or equal, and sh-'1ll ho'l'/I! thl! !0Ilo....1n'j f,,~tu:-~s: '/inyI weather-stripping. nyl0n hushlnl~, ~r>lf-lackin1 op~rat0r with torque-bar, remO'labll'! scr""n .lnd ~l\J:"\imJ:"\ glazin') head. 45. ~in\JJlL.el..l'!qle_Hung_w..indo..,s_: "'lndo....s :iha 11 be aanufactured by Yalo O'1ron, or "qual, and ~o include removable screen. <8> ELECTRICAL IIOTE: Ttle Contractor sha 11 '/(~r i fy adequ.lcy of existing electrical service tor Adding ~l~ctric.ll devices and bid price shall reflect installAtion to ~e~t oxi~ting el~ctric~l codes. All exposed wire to be encas~d in ~ir~ mold, All non-conforming wires shall be rel!lovl'd. All ~l<,ctrlC 'J0rk m'Jst be completed in accordance with the lIation~l F.lectric Co'jfl ,lnd the s.n.c. 46. ~..t.!drL.E!'Itire_f{ou~e,_a~ ,Pollo....3: P<.>m0'/e flxi"ting service complete to ....c~thr'rhr',)'l .H,d all flxpo"ed ....lrinrJ throughout the house. (Existing electrical @quipm@nt ~hrou1hout the building whi~h heCOMes superfluou~. ant11u~t~d, 0r obsolete shall be disconnected and rC!1'Ioved, f.)(15~inq m;)terlal found to be in good condition and in ccmpllance '...iUI the rr~tiono)l Electric Code NY be left in service.) P"t':h.) 11 ....ark sca rred hy such removal to aatch existing surrcundinq surf~c,,~. In"tall a 150 amp service. Install a ne~ r.irc'~it tJrflalr"r p.lnel of sufflcient size to carry the nUl'lher ot circult,-; r<"i'Jlr,.rj to service the house. Use Gf'CI breakers ....here rfl'i'Jlr@,j, !~r,lnch circuits shall be of sutticient number ~nd size tor anticipat@rj loads, and in no case shall any living unit ho'lVC less than t~o (2) li1htin1 circuits of 15 amps each and one (1) appllance circuit of 20 amps. Separate circuit tor water hflater, re!riqerator, and proper grounds. All ne.... ....iring shall he copper, double insulated wire ",I ddb. "" eoo< OlXJ p&,.l112 7/14/~ AU6 , 6 ~ , ("lilT "I. 10 COII..(' C.2 or num wire enclo~('1 in M..t~l condcJit, 5iz.. ~ccordin1 to the demand 01' particuldr circuit. An a.Jditi0n.]1 (our (4) circuits must be provided an1 to be left bldnk. 47. &.rvic.-.ln~Jr.a)t.LPan.l._:_ I n'ltd II ne.... 150 amp 120/240v single phdse @lectrical ger~ic" entr~nc". Service shall include weather proof cabinet, main di5connect, necessary circuit breakers, and proper ground. All ne~ ~iring 5hall be copper double insulated vireo Patch ant damaged surfaces to match ex 1st ing. 41. Sorvlc.!I-!'J UL.'t'Pll,r;:~t.e-.X1l1rL.Pj..!lConJle_ct: Insta 11 a new l20/240v minimum ISO amp ser~ice complete ~ith separate main disconnect switch and proper ground. Include adequate mast and weatherhead. Main di~connect to be placed outside when existing aain disconnect or panel is ~ore than ~' from exterior door or windov. Patch any ddmaqe.j surfa!::,,!; to M.]tch t'xisting. 49. l~O AHL):{lnll1!\I/lLPllntll Pemo'''~ old p,lnel and replace with new 150 amp Circuit breaker panel. Panel to ha~e tour (4) spare two pole circuit5, and/or amp. main breaker. 50 . ~.J!S;1~.tA'aUi. and Cover plates, flush, rn5tall duplex electrical receptacles 1<0-20 '!:"IpS, 51. ~..!JI.!=l,e_u. and cover plates, flush, Pepl'!ce duplex electrical receptacles 1~-21J a:"ps. 52. Qporatinq 8vitc~t Install new single pole toggle switch and cover plate, tl'J"ih, 15A-125V. 53. Qp.rat1n~~~j~~At switch and Cover plate. Peplace with new single pole toggle 54. I.hn.-"a~llm~llU, In~ti!ll )-....ay operating switch as indicated on Work Write-up. 55. hil-9_LJ::eUJ.n1.....Ll..gh~, r n5ta 11 f i xtur~ to repl ace deteriorated fixture. ^110~an~~ for re~~pt~cl~ ~peci(ied in Work Write-Up. Fixturn will inclu~e 11a~5 gl0be and s~itch. 56. Coilinq Llg~ Install new fixture. 57. Apgllanc. Reeeptael~~ Install appliance receptacle(s) on back spla5h of base c~binet. 58. ~.2\1nc2 Fa,ult C1.r~I,IJ...LIJl~l!!.I'.I'1JP_~e~t In5tall a G.F.C.I receptacle 1n bathrOOM appliance outl~t, ~onnect~d to a separate circuit. !')ll( 000 t :'.: '1 tJ ..,1.11>."" 7/14/9<. ') AUG f 6 1990\ (nlllT ... TO COII..(I C ,I 59. ~m,..rg'n~';L~xiLLight'; Sh-ll: h~ installed in hallways. EMer7~n~y li9ht~ ~h-lll t~ AC op~rilt~d, biltt~ry back- up, and connected ~o hou9~ Met~r. co. 1tP.I....2Jtt.JlJl.~,,~..t..9..rt 5hilll he AC operilted '.d th battery bac~-up units in~tillled in hilll~ay(s), to be ~onnected to house meter without int~rruption of electrical ~upply. Detectors inside of dwellin1s shall be Installed ilho~e door leading to ~droollls. Electrical !l'.Jprly Shilll he connected to refrigerator circuit. <I> FLOOR ~m> COVERUIGB ~M NOTE: ",II sheet .tinyl ilrld floor tile to he covered by shoe ~old at walls and cahinets. All underlayment must be securely fastened, all nail hol~9 and cracks MU9t be filled and s.ooth to prcs~nt a uniform 9urface for the installation of the floor tile or ~inyl coverin?, Care Must be taken in applying floor mastic to a~oid "bleedin?" bet~een tile, as this condition is not acceptable to the County or the City. 61. ~2Llr!l..~lll~H Pemo'll;' deteriorated !Ioor joists and replace with ne'" Joist.. of I/o. 2 Southern 'fellow Pine or other approved ~aterials ~Ith same dimen~ions as old joists. Replaced floor joists shall be Supported at their extreme ends by either a 2" x 2" ledger or metal joi:;t hanger. Toe nailing only will not be accepted. All floor:; shall be properly reinforced. 62. ~Q.Q<Lr_1Qo I:'-Ynder laY1llen t_and .Yrepa ra ti9_nj, A 11 broken or damaged floor Material to be repla~ed and level before applying minimum 1/4" A.C. Interior ply~ood. Underlayrnent to be secured by 3D rin~ sh~nk nails (or e~u~l), all n~il heads to be counter sunk, and n~il h~ads and cr~cy.s to be filled in with approved Wood tiller. Floors to b~ (ini~h~d smooth and level, and thoroughly cledned befor~ -'lppl:;intJ floor co'..,~r. ~!f All replacement at 3illr" pl-'lte~ and (loor joists to be pressure treated M-'lterlal, 63. Con~r.t. rloor Un1GrlQyment_an1 rroParatl0Qi All floors to be clt'.,n,~,j of t)ll:; 'lIJ~)';t'HlCf!:J, 110lr!~ i,nd cracks filled with grout, and tloors sanded or finished smooth and level, before applying floor COver. All cr~cY.s and voids to be filled with a manu1'acturer's approved type filler, and all surfaces to be level, smooth, clean and dry, prior to installing floor cover. 64. Floor Tile; Appl:; 1/16" Vinyl-aSbestos floor tile (Armstrong'Excelon 1/16" or equal) using adhesives as recommended by manUfacturer. Care must be exercised by installer to avoid ..1~2b."" 7"4/9<. aocc 000 .p,! 114 AU6 1 6 ~ (n lilT ... '0 eao,..c, e'l -bleeding" o( adh~51~~ b"tw""n tll". acceptable. Thi~ condition is not U. CJUA1.~Jl2.QL1jllH tho. U. S. St"nr:lard qu,) 1 i ty as U.S. Ro.any Til~ or ~qu~l. All sur(ac"s nU3t be cl~an and level before applying ,="rar'lic 1:11..., All tll" ntJ~t he placed to attain unifor1ll spacin"}, ",nd 1....II}I ''''lth 0thnr tile, u'1ing approved style latex-portlilnd '=1!:"1...nt or '''I'Jill. All flG0rinrJ to be stable and non-flexing, before in~tilllin"} cerilnlc tile, All joints to be full grouted to full dl}pth~ of unit~, All '1urfaces must be cleaned and polir.hed i'l~ completion of work. Tile to be sloped 1/8- per (oat minil"l'j1!l to.....,rd.. (100r dr.,ins, il~ applicable. II. Q.ht.t.L1ln:tJl f'r('p.lr... and in5,:,,11 .090" minimum thickness x 12' ~h...et vinyl floor cover o~er unr:lerlayment. Quality criteria Antico fl00ring Di'li5!or., Congoleum Industries, Inc., or equal. 67. R.!~~'~j)j\II~g.d_nCl9rJrtg_i n _Rooll\s_: lie'" floor ing shall match exist!n"} in 51Z", 'luo'\lity, ':010r, ilnd finish, a~ closely as possibl... usin"} ~tilndilrd o'\'1o'\ililble products. 68 . R.!.2lJ~LQ,_t_u.1o I'a. ~'~-Qo.(L1"J 09 rillg1 Ma tch ex i s t i ng aaterials as closp.ly as possible, (ill in holes, sand and Unish with 2 coats ureth",n... type finish. " . aatching areaa to 1'loors. fi.r.r"IJ9J~_9_2..["_t Cl".ln, fill !n holes '",ith grout, existin"} finish 1'15 closely 1'15 possible. Grind repaired blend. 5"'1'11 and apply an" C0ilt of wax ilnd polish 70. Clrp.t: Prepare and install carpet of good grade or Co..erci&l gr~d~ carpet as per work Work ~rite-Up. Provide metal strips, tackless strips, adhe51'l~s. tdpes and all other necessary accessories. Install ~4 oz, mini~um c~rp~t cushion, waffle type. Quality of carpet to me"t f.H.A, 'It.lnrJards. Acceptable aanutacturers inclll'j., Arl'lr,tr0n'1 Crmr''lny, P')Ybury C'lrpet Company, Celotex Corp., ~e"'r~, an~ M0nt~oM~ry W'lr~, All cdrpeting to be properly titted, ....ith no fill"r'l l<'~;'l UI,ln 12" '''i'Jc or 36" long. <J> GUTTeRS AHD DOWNSPOUTS: 71. Q.lv.n1~~~~~r~~ Shdll be no less than 26 gauge and 5- outside diam~ter half round ~'lI'laniZcd metal securely fastened with strap hanqers. Down~pouts shall be na less than 26 gauge and J" round galvanized met'll fastened w!th strap hangers at each joining. Splash blocks shall he installp.d at all downspout terminals. . tOOl OCo <:',r 115 ..ldo1b.... 7/'4/~ 1 1 AU6 ! 6 19~ 'nlll , ... '0 COIfI.(. ('1 72. AlY.lnY~~t'rl_.n~-DO~SQ9Yt~1 Shall be )2 gauge .~. style with b~kp.1 on p.n~mel fini3h to include all accessories, (hangers, joints, ~nd c~p~, i"lnqleo:: an'j !lpla~h blocks). Use only alullinulI nails if feral is to be utilized in installation. Nails to be installp.d ~t least p.very l~". <X> IN80LJ.TIOK 73. l.n.I.Y.l._.tJont "'~teri,ll shilll be a!'J manufactured by Owens Corning f'iberglass, U.S. G:lPStl:n., JOhns-Mansville, Certainteed Products Corporation, lI'ltil"lnal Cp.llulose Corp., Hono-Ten or U.S. f'ltH!r' Corp. or e'.{\J'll. ^ll materials shall bear labels indicating th~t the material i~ certified by UnderJriter Laboratories, Inc., ~"l n0n-comh'Jstible and by factory Mutual System as Appro'/e,j C:la"l!l 1. fdl lnsulation 3hall be installed in accordance with the pro'dsil"lns of thl:' Under'Jriter Laboratories fire Code. 74. MJn,r.ll L-:flbe~_Jl1an~\'l:_,rn~ullltj,on.L r nst,-, 11 spun non- co~bU&tible miner'll fiber blanket ~lth a non-flammable vapor barrier on inside (rOOM-Side) f'lee. Pro'dde anchoring flanges for open or exp~5e1 installations. Conform to federal Specification HH-I-,)21E Type II. 75. ~l oll -' _f.J J?er_! B l.o",n_l n __a n <,L,i'91..!J;',-4H1'l ~~.l.tl1.2Iu Install loose cellulo"!e fiber~ treate~ to be non- combustible, fire resistant, rot resi~tant, 'ln~ dimen::;ionally !'Jtable (non-settling or shriny.ing). fire h~z"'rd classifications: Flame spread 20, fuel contrib'Jte'j 10, ~moio:e developed 25. <L> LANDFILL 76. LAn4I11l~ Provide and in~tall clean sand or fill as approved by Owner in all lo~ areas. ~rdd~ (ill to slope away from house to provide adequate drainage. <H> P~INTING NOTE I The use or le~d-ha~ed p~ints is prohibited on any surface (Ret. ~ad-fi~sed Paint Poisoning Prevention Act, 84 Stat. 2080: 42 CFR Paint 30.) 77. f.r-'PJU~J_9n_~tl9I'. .P41J1~jJ1g._~Tl(L,.f~J.nUn.gJ_ Contractor shall repair, p~int or ~atch ~ny interior or exterior areas affected by removal or ins~~llation of materials. All paint and other finished m~terial5 sh~ll be at good quality such aa Pittsburgh, Sher~in WilliaMS, Benjamin Moore, Tower or approved equal. 110 paint shall be appl i~d until all nail holes have been puttied and all detects in wood work have been "" do2b. '4> tOOc' 1'lfJO PAr,! 116 7114/94 AUG I 6 f99It [n 1111 ... 10 cOoluel (,1 eliminated. All surfaces to r~c~ive coats o( paint. Special applications arc indicat@d on Work Write-Up. All surfaces, including (loors, ~aI15, ceilings, tri~, doors, and windows shall be cleaned and ~y~~~~ paint r~~0v~1 !r~~ ~a~c upon completion of painting. P~as0nablc care shall b~ ~y~rci5~d in movlng ladders and scaffolding ,1!:.0'Jt d'..ell inrJ to a'lOld o:j,)mMJe to shrubbery and pre=ises. All such damage shall b~ repaired to match original. All exterior dear!! ~hall be pr~m~d and paint~d or varnished both sides and all e"1~s (~ 5idc~), Oil h"~ed ~namel, or paint to be used on all exteri0r ~oo.j surr.)cl'!~, including but not limited to windows, shutter!!, triM, soffits, fascias, jambs, and casings. Urethane or marinl'! type I'!xterior varni~h is to be applied on exterior Gurfaccn requiring a varnish type finish. All exterior doors and windows shall be cleaned and excess paint removed from same upon compl~tion of painting. 7.. ~1L'__ij9Y~.~ All deteriorated material must be replaced prior to painting. Includ~ caulking of scams and cracks; joints and holcs to be filled in level: all windows to be glazed (whcre applicable) and caulking by gun method all around all windows, frames, doors, and other applicable areas. All loose paint must bo rl'!~0vl'!d, and rou1h arl'!an are to be sanded smooth or sanded to "fcather" edges at low Sp0ts to blend as close as possible. All n~w or unpaint~d arl'!as arl'! to be painted with pri~er paint before th~ !inal coat~ arl'! dpplied. Where applicable (as ~alls, posts, pi~rn, I'!tc.) , all ~urfdces must be painted to be at, or below the ground ll'!~el. All exposed areas Nust be painted, even though not visibll'! from the ground level. All surfaces to rl'!ceive at l~dst 2 c~at~ of paint, plus primer. 79. ~.9_al'l_d_S2_n~r.~!_Bt_["uct;,\Jre~_;. All holes, cracks or brOken concrete areas must be p0lntod up, or repaired prior to being painted. All loJindo... arr:,)S !'l'J~t be -:aulked, glazed as necessary, or repaired. Doors, Joints, cracks, holes, or trim areas to be treated dS ab0ve, (sne Frd~o Housl'!s) as they relate to frame ~embers, All walls to be cledned by either water pressure cleanin~, or sdnd bla~tin1 ~I'!thod to remove loose paint. All concrete structure areas are to receive one coat of concrete sealer, prior to the final tloJO (2) coats of paint. 80. Int.rlQr~~~~ Spackle and patch wall and ceilings unless otherwise prescribed. Apply one (1) coat of scaler and two (2) coats or finish paint. Thl'! finish coat in kitchens and baths shall provide a durable and washable surface. Paint with two (2) coats of enamel. Remaining rooms shall have a semi-gloss finish on all wood work. 81. "etal p~~~ All surfacl'!S to be thoroughly cleaned and all old loo~c paint and ru~t removed. Areas of removed paint 7114/?4 e. 000 .1',1 117 "'l""lb..... / AUG 1 6 199't rn .. " ... '0 C/lII'UU r. .1 to be sanded to "fe~ther" rough edges. rust inhibitive type Met~l P~int. ^pply t~o (2) coats of 82. tlQ.2L'.~,ll11.J-'....LJn.-LD~li Surfaces are to be cleaned, all hole5 and cracks c~ul~ed (or pointed up if masonry). All surfaces to r~ceive t~o (2) co~ts non-sy.id porch and deck enamel, or either Masonry, or wood dec~ paint, as applicable. <K> PORCHES AXD WOOD 83. ~.r~1L.W02..(L'lQ..2rlu. Wooo rIoor 3ha11 be 1" x 4" Tongue and Groove flooring. All ne~ly inst~lled material shall receive one (1) coat pri~er and two (2) coats of exterior oil base se.I-gloss paint, or t~o (2) co~ts ureth~ne type finish. 84. i2..r~e.sr."1\illg; Remo'/e all deteriorated framing and replace with pressure treated .ood or alu~inum. Rescreen using 18 x 14 mesh aluminUM/nylon screen wire. 8S. ~{)22..LL.~Ym.nli and/or quality or orn~mental Replace with material of like kind iron or aluminum. 86. ~.JP:ti. Replace existing wood steps ,.,Ith 2" x 12" construction 'lrad., tir hor5c'l, 1" " 8" risers, ~nd 2" x 9" treads. "11 ne'''l, installed material shall reco!d'/c one (1) coat pricer and t~o (2) coats of exterior oil base semi-gloss paint, or two (2) coats urethane t,pe flnish. 87. Wl.lnqu. Railing to be installed when four (4) or more risers exist. "11 Material to he like kind and quality wood, ornamental iron or alUMinum. Wood and iron surfaces to receive recommended finishes, as in Specification '10) and '107, herein. Railings to be installed. <0> PL{])(BIJfO >>OTZ: "II 1'aucets and fittings to be o~ American Standard GOOD GRADE, or equal. "11 ne~ or replacement fixtures to be connected to Hot and Cold ~ater lines and to proper drains. Owner shall have selection of available fixture color. Unless otheniise stated, existing t ly.t'Jres are to be removed and replaced wh~re applicable. (The co~t ot removal is to be included In the "J~ Propooal.) All surtaces damaged by removal shall be patched to match ey.lstin? ~ur!aces. h~ere water and/or sewer lines are installed, they shall not be Covered until inspected by the County or City,as applicable. The Contractor shall be responsible to check for proper ....'''-lb. "P 800. f)qrl'~'" 118 7/14/'14 AU6 1 6 ~ n-IIIT ... TO (.(.IIT'A(1' C'1 location of se~er ~nd/or ~ater lines to neet existing or proposed laterals. The Contractor's bid price shall reflect all plu~bing in~talldtion to meet applicable co~e5. Abandoned septic tany. ghall be completely pumped out and holes ~nocy.ed in the botton. The tany. shdll be filled ~ith sand or other approved ~a~erialg. All defecti~e lead swiped fitting~ and pipes dre to be replaced, whenever necessary, with dpproved, standdrd type fittings of non-!~di 5~iped type. All excavated drea!! are to be filled in and conpacted level, and the surfaces to ~e blended to match the landscape of areas directly adjacent ~o eXca~ated areas (as sand, sod or other). 88. Va,~Tl,lb: Install ')' enameled ~teel recessed bath with slip resistant surface - American Standard, Salem .0135.131/01)7.1)) (or equal). Tub shall be equipped with A=erican Standard Cadet Bath and Shower Set .18000.0]6/1800.045 (or equal). Include toe drain stopper and all necessary fittings, supply lines, and drains. AluminUM sho~er curtain rod to be included in proposal price. 89. ~9Ver 8~.l1i Replace or install sho~er stall ~ith fiberglass stall - /Iational fiberglass Corporation Model 'J6-JW (or equal). Incl'Jde all !1ttings, 'Ialves, nixer Chambers, sho~er head, curtain rod, drains, pipes, and traps as necessary to conform to applicable codes. 90. kAYatQJ"Y_D.UlL.rQL!'~l1tty_:rYPILQa~il1~~t To be enameled steel self rimmin1 American Standard vanity ']00].~05/J004.207 (or equal). Includl'!s all flttinT'i supply and drains. Includes A~erican Standard Cadet t2]50.049/2)50.057 fauc~ts with pop-up stopper (or equal). Include all n~c~ss~ry fittings, plumbing, supply lines and shut oft ~alv~s. 91. ~'llJung_Lav.tory: Ins'>"!! 'litrr>nu,,; chin., ^m"rici'ln St",ndard - COlllr<ld,. IIJl21.1J1'I I,t'nt~..,ry IOf' "'I!Jall, in':IUdc5 Allcrican ~tandard C.ld,!t '2J':..Il.(J'I'J/2)':,O.O':..7 faucets and pop-up stopper (or equal). Includes all n~cessary plumbing, fittings, supply lines, and shut off val~es. 92. Vanity Tvp~vatoJ:Y1. Install vanity cabinet to be 1/J2" minimum mica on sides, doors, and top. It shall be of adequate width to !it required located, be approximately 22" deep x JO"'high, with a 2" high back splash. lUldolb."Il lOG. OOfif~' 119 7114t?4 AUG 1 6 ~ fU1I11 ... yo c..c."'f.' C'l '3. ,ater Cl_QJ~ Inst~ll A~~rican Standard Plebe '2131.175/21)8.012 toilet (01:" equal). Include toilet seat, supply, wax ring, and shut off valv~s. 94. n_..J.nl_.U_"~"L.P9Jlbl.t_Co",par_t!l!.n~_81n}u Install Sears '65Y.8~O)1I or equal minimum ~" deep self-rimmed double c01!lpartr.sent !Iin)c Include ba!\k.ct strainer, all drains, fittings, and plu=bing. Include American Standard Aquarlan '4200.010 (or equal) ledge mount~d 5~in1 spout faucet. Include supply lines, fittings and shut off valves. 95 . (.!~-'11 n 1 e!lll _p t_~ ~Ll;!j nqJ...tSQml',H.tJII_e ~in)u r n s tall Sears ,65Y8801L or equal minimum 6" deep self-rimmed gingle cO:lpartment sink. Include bask.et strainer, drains, fittings, and plu:lbing. Incl\J'1~5 .A.:nerican Standard Aqu"rian '4200.010 (or equal) faucet, surply lines, fittings and shut off valves. '6. Q~~r~ Trench and lay 4" PVC schedule 40 sewer pipe. Sever line to be cnnnected from existing waste line to sewer lateral at property line. Cast iron to be used when installed under sidewalk. or 1rlve~ay. 97. !ll.'-L-t.1nu..l Trench to one (1) foot deep and lay )/4" copper or ~/C vat~r line and connect t~ ~xisting supply. Connect to house line. 98. !.lI_~l11.n'J_~a~_n'_.Q,rdnu. Trench out and ln5ta 11 washing machine drain line to hOOK up to existing waste line. Include stacK, and all fittin1!\ and plumbing per local codes. <P> ROOFING SPECIAL !COTE: Th'2 GEIIERAL COI/TRACTOR and the ROOF'IIIG SUB-COt/TRACTOR shall be required to furnish the O'oIner a written guarantee on all roofs replaced under their respective contracts, as follows: Co~po51tlon ~hinqle-type poor - 7 yr. warranty Slate or Roll-typp. Root - ~ yr. warranty Built-up Root with tar an~ gravel - ~ yr. warranty Built-up Root with Reflectorized paint - 5 yr. warranty Parapet type Root - 5 yr. warranty Tile type Root - 15 yr. warranty GE~RAL KOTE: All roots shall meet the Southern Standard Building Code. All v~lleys, tlashings and eave drips shall be replaced with standard galvanized metal, a minimUM of 20 gauge. Eave drips 7,H,?, tOOl noo '1'1 120 ..,1 doll>. "P AUG ! 6 1990\ U!l1I1I "t. 10 cooru(I C'l shall be scparat~d a Minimum of 1/2" fro~ rafter ends of fascia surface. Joints to he hcdd~d in asph~lt, ~nd ov~rlapp~d a .inimum of ~ inch~s. All vent pip~~ ~h~ll b~ properly Cla5hed ~ith approved lead sleeve typ~ flashings or pitch pans. Any repair ~ork on roof coverinq shall match existing as closely as p058ibl~. 99. C3h.iMllt-IYPtJ9.9_Cing. R~mO'H! ex ist i nq roof cover, replace da~aged sheathing. Reinforce, or replace damaged rafters with pressure treated vood. ^pply 43t felt, ad~quately tacked, color and type a~ ~pecified. ^pply 12" x 36" three tab square butt 6hinql~s vith ~aximum 5" ~xposed tab. Include drip edge, and all fini5hin,?!:, Drip edqe to a minim']:!! of 1/2" clearance fro~ fascia and raft~r ends. Shingle5 to be self sealing type. 100. IlJll~._LSmo'?JtLTYP._~oll~_tL.PQ.9'.1n~H Remo'/e existing roof cov~rlng and replace damaged sheathing and rafters. Apply one 43t lay~r of felt tin tacked and then apply one layer 90t slate roofing ~opped on. 101. Ill-.rJ_Qfll'lt..l....InJLRQ.9-'-t P~move cxistinq roof covering and replace damag~d sheathing, reinforce or repl~ce d~maged rafters, using pressure treated ~ood. ^pply one layer of 43' felt tin t~cked, -'lnd then apply t....o (2) l~ys of l">t Celt (glass fiber mat and asphalt) mopped on with hot asph~lt. Install 3" x )" galvanized gravel stop around eves. flood co~t and apply gravel or coat with fibered roof coating, 102. IJ~YP'!l_P9_QL;, Pl!mo'/~ exi":tin'1 roof covering and replace dam~'1ed r,h~~~hing ~n~ r~ft~r":. Apply 0n~ layer of 43t felt tin tacked thpn apply on~ lay~r of ~04 ~lat~ hot mopped on. Install til~, color and types ~p~clfi~d in proposal. Roof tile shall not be applied to the surface of roofs having an incline of less than two and one half In 12 inches. Tile 5hall be stacked on root for a period of seven days before laying in setting bed. Til~ to b~ wet ~o~n h~for~ applied. 103. ~n.~_Gr.~~LnQ'L.RQ.Q.L~il1LFAr~p~\:.l. Remove existing roof covering. Peplace all deteriorated sheathinq, reinforce or replace damaged rafters, using pressure treated ~ood. Repair parapet walls. If p,lr-'lpet ....all is rebuilt, prime concrete blocks. Broon clean all dec~s. All drains and/or scuppers to be repaired or replaced as determined at ti~e of old roof removal. Replace 3" x J" cant strips. ^pply felt and 90 lb. mineral or combination flashings (^R 20 or equal) and membrane strip (cap strip). S~al ....ith afiphalt roof cement and coat ....ith fibered roof coating. Main Roof: Apply 41t felt turned up at lc~st 4", ",.,.lb. "" 1{!4/?4 &00'l OOtl~&(,1 121 AUG , 6 1990\ 1..,111 , .... TO ':t::lIf.AC' ~.l mopped at parapet ~all and tin tacked. Mop on t~o (2) layers 15. 1'elt. f'lood coat entire roof using hot asphalt or coal tar pitch. Apply qra~@l or coat ~Ith flb@re~ roof coating. <Q> SOFFIT ~NO l~VES .OTE: All n@~l/ In~talle~ coat primer and t~o (2) coat5 Nails used shall b@ galvanlz@d be filled vith putty. ~ooden soffit shall receive one (1) of exterior, oil base 5emi-gloss. type, and countersunk and holes to 104. Qv~~lLan~_an~_~~~'1L Enclose all eaves indicated on Work Write-Up by applyinq )/8" exterior ply~ood to underside of rafters. Enclosinq of eaves ~hall inclu~e installation of fascia board. Soffit s~all he solid, continuous vent or spot vented to assure all areas r;f rr'Jof ade'lIJate '/entililtion, anr:l as indicated on Wory. Write-Up p'Jrs'Plnt tr'J Contractor inspection of premises. Screen vire used for ~entilatlon shall be 18 x 14 mesh. 105. UQf!j~~ Ruil~ soffit under roof overhang by installing )/8" exterior ply~ood frOM end of rafter to wall of structure utilizin'1 rafter returns. Soffit shall be constructed at 90 degree5 to ~~ll, parallel to groun~, and shall not be attached to hotto~ of rafters. ~aximuM 5pacing for soffit supporting menber5 shall be 24" center to center, Soffit shall be caulked at vall, and at end of rafter along fascia board. Soffit shall be solid, continuous vent, or spot vented as indicated on Contra~tor Bid Proposal. S~reen wire used shall be alu~inum 18 x 14 ~esh. 106. fl1Y~~2....J1()fCt~...2r!u. Install a 1/8" gal'lanized metal rib lath - lapped a ~inimum of 1" and secure~ ~ith 1/8" dia. nails, or staples. Apply stucco base ~nd finish co~ts and include appropriate moisture barrier. 107. ~~i~'L~()~i Pep~ir and replac~ all deteriorated fascias and soffit around h0\J~e. Ho 5plicin'j shall b@ less than 5 PEEl' in length. W00d to m..,t~h ex 1st i Wj '"nod. <R> STUCCO WORK 108. stucco Rep.ir , InatallatiQn: Stucco shall be a mix or cement, lime, sand and potable ~ater or premixed and applied either with standard equipmen~ or by han~. finished stucco shall be a minimum of 1" th ickness. Wire sha 11 be 16 gauge. Do....e1s shall be metal. When applied to masonry, shall consist of at least two (2) coats. Cement shall comply with ASTM C150, Type I or II having less than 15\ water soluble alkali by veight in the cOllbination of lime and cement. Lime to comply with ASTM C207 ...1 dolt>. '4> ~oa. 000 PI'.! 122 11 14/?4. AUG 1 6 ~ (ntlll C -1 "," TO C/:JITUCT ~e., hydr3ted li~~ (or ma80nry. Sand (Mortar Aggregate) to co~ply ~ith ASTM C144. Water t~ b~ clean and free from i~puritie. and alr.alls. Where pigments are required in order to lIatch existing, U5e ~nly chemically pure mineral oxides that are alkali proof and !lun-fast. Where the Contractor deems special additives are nece~sar'l in order to match ex~sting, the Contractor sh311 receive the approval of th~ Housing and Urban I~provement Depart~ent for such additives. Finished surface shall be uniforM, tree from excessive build-up, runs, sags or defective materials. Contractor shall taKe care to aaintain continued align~ent of ~ll surfaces and profiles. The Contractor shall re~ove all spilled, splashed or splattered stucco (ro~ all surfaces. 109. l!-11t~~,n_G911~..r.tlli Applied surface to be clean, free fro~ efflorescence, da~p and sufficiently rough, or coated with approved bonding agent. Apply tVQ (2) Goats of at least 1/2" th id:nesB. 110. ~~~~9n~02~i Wo~d to be protected by 15' roofing 1'elt, or other approved material. Stucco to be placed over expanded galvanized velded, or voven vire fabric minimum weight 1.8 lbs. per square yard. f'asten vith approved fasteners. Stucco to be three ()) coats work o( total thicr.nes5 of not less than 1/2" each coat. <8> Termi te!l: 111. OL~~-1~rm.~ Treat house by tent method, using Vykane gas. ~.ner to be notified of measures to be taken while treatment is ongoing, including precautionary measures. 112. ~Y~t~AIan~~n-I~~~~ Treat house by Soil Poisoning lIethod, include all soil beneath structure to a 5'0" periphery to atructure. ~Jner to b~ notitied ot measures to be taken while treatment i6 ongoing, including precaution~ry measures. <T> TREE REKOV~L 113. ~~~~all Tr~e removal requires a special permit. The contractor shall be held re~ponsihle for ~ny ~nd all damage to all ~re~!> in d,..l i'/crinrj m"t,..rl;jl~ or 'Oer'lice... t~ 000 Plr,! 123 ..,ldt2b, "" 19 7114/94 AUG , 6 ~ 0111111 ... TO COlT"CT C' 2 <U> UTILITY BUILDING 114. ~llty aYl~1ngJ~ f'urnish and install ne~ metal utility building of type and constructi0n approv~d by the County or City, as applic~ble. Utility Buildings shall have two (2) sliding or hinged doors. Building shall be constructed 01' .032' interloc~ing panels and shall be securely ~nchored to a concrete slab. _OTE: Utility B'Jllding5 are not an eligihle expenditure for rehabilitation services performed with funding from Hurricane Assistance or State Housing Initiative Program (SHIP) funds. This section has been included for those in~tance5 ~here COBG funds are used to fund r~habilitation services. <v> VENTS "tlO CRJ."L SP"CE "CCESS 115. ~n~G~a.~~s~a.~e-^~~~~~ All cra~l space entries and vents shall b~ replaced or repaired ~ith 19 X 24 aluminum screen or aluMinuM vent cover appropriately framed. 116. Q~enlng5_Q'nL~.tJl..JB~'yse; Prot~r:t all openings beneath the house, including basement or cellar ~indQ~s and crawl space with an approved type of screening or lattice ~ork to keep out large animals. <W> EXTERIOR "ND INTERIOR WALL "NO CEILING FINISHES 117. MQ.!.llcti.!!!gi,....11 'JaIls to h~ finished '.lith appropriate cove moulding, shoe moulding or has~hoard. 118. l!~,-v~!.UiJl'1_~UhQu,Ln1u:.i n'LstripsLi I nsta 11 new ceiling in rooms indicated on the Work Write-Up. Ceiling shall be 1/2" sheetrock, taped, hedded, and sanded, (Atex paint shall be added to texture coat and ceilinr~ painted. /10 paint to be applied before bedding is adequately dried. 119. N." C.ilin~ Install new ceiling in rooms indicated in Wor~ Write-Up. Ceiling shall be 1/2" sheetrock, taped, bedded, and sanded. Latex paint shall he added to texture coat and ceiling painted. I/(~'J ceiling sh,Jll be installed over furring strips, nailed to ceiling joi~ts and spaced l~" on center. Reinforce existing ceiling joists ~here possible to prevent sagging. Install 1 1/2" cove moulding around ceiling. Furring strips to be shi~~ed to level, as neces~ary, p.QO( 000 "1(,( 124 20 ..Idolb.~ 7"4/94 AUG , 6 199'\ (10"11 "11" 10 C/)III..O (,2 120. ~JL'-1l..tMll~e,UJ.1lgl. Instl!ll 24" X 48" x 5/8" acoustical tile ~ith straight edges on ~~tal grid typ~ suspended ceiling. Maintain ceiling height per code. U~e ~et felted process cellulose ti14 CLASS "C" !l~me sprel!d classification, Celotex or _qua 1. 121. tJlJ ,p'rBa~_c.dlJ. ng_{[., 19b tt.,!~J_t I r. <; ta 11 24" X 48" meta 1 grid type suspended ceilin1 clear prisMl!tic design ceiling lighting pl!ncls ^5TM CLASS 10 tire resistance, as Scars Polystyrene Plastic Light Panels, or equal. 122. ~,U1ng_IUe.l Install 12" )( 12" x 3/4" bevel edge for adhesive application, or tongue and groove cd1c for staple application. Clas5 "~" flame spread cla'isification. Celotex Corp., Johns-Ml!nsvill~ Corp., or equal. 12 J. PI a~U_r_C." i Ij.rlg_lln4JllliLOn_M~t.lll_o~JT,,-1t.a th: Appl y three (3) CO,)t!l of pl"l!lter to attain" Mlnir'PJM thiCKness of 5/8". f'inish to match existlng or as !lpeci!i~d on Work Write-Up. 124. i1~l'-t.r_C.iHn(L!lnL~a.l..l!Lllnd_OYP~u!llj,at;l1j, Apply t....o (2) coats of pla5tcr to attain a minimum thickness of 1/2". Finish to match existing or as specified in WorK Write-Up. 125. !Jll..lJJnilltu Pl!tch cracks in ....alls and/or ceilings of rooms indicated in Work Write-Up. RaKe cracKs clean, remove all loose plaster I!nd till 'oIith plaster. !Ie'", plastl!r shall be struck level with 5urroundinq surface and finished to match existing plaster, as closely as possible. All lath or plaster board that i. loose, must be replaced or fl!stencd, as applicable. 126. !jl...l..lJJ.n,l~h.l In!ltall 1/2" sheetrOCK on 'oIa115 indicated on Work Wrlte-Up. Sheetr0cK Rh~ll be taped, bedded, and sanded edqes of bedded are~s ~nd ~~~MS. 127. !.22~_~ne1.Jn.9.l. Instilll ....00d p~nelinq of grade and style to match existinq, secured by bonding adhesive and/or panel nails ot blending color. Inr;llJ'.le .111 ner;es~ary mold ~nd trim. Do not bond with adhesi'/cs directly to the interior or exterior concrete walls. 1 2 8. !.A t ~ L...B ~ 1!lH.J..!tLI,J 11 ~ ,tJ..1:Q ~~.l resistant sheetrock. Install 1/2" water 129. WallJn.~~.r.Yl~Jll~f.!.ll Use U.S. Standard Quality, U.S. Romany tile. or equal. All sur(~ces t.o receive ceramic tile first hI:! m.-,de e'/en "lnd straight i\nrJ suhstrata cleaned of dirt, (j'J!1t, .,nd 'Jre.,!:c, All tile to be installed true and straight, and ucinq applicahle coving, trim and radius tile on 'oIalls and corners. An approved type adhesive such as 'oIater ...1~2b. -c> ~OOI 000.: ,I 125 7/1 L 1';4. AUG 1 6 ~ . ! In Ill! C'l .... TO cr.-T'ACT resistant organic adh-sive ~s required as a sett~ng. All joints to be grouted to full depth or un~ts, and ceram~c wall fixtures are to be arch~tecturally located to be ~n line with the respective f~xture'l that they serve (as laviltories, bath tubs, etc.) . Fixtures to be inclu~-.d as standard are a~ follows: One To....e I Aa r Combinat~on Soap D~5h , Grab flar ~n Tub Area Tooth Brush Holder Soap Dish Toilette T~5sue Holder 130. ~1LLt.rnL~tt4lng-2JL.ll:tm..L.H~,.e-1.. Replace deteriorated voOO fral!le, sheetin'}, b'Jilrjing paper, an'J exterior sid~ng with nev to match remillnln1 existing (clapboard, exterior plywood, ..tal, asbestos, a~phalt, or fiberglass shingles, stucco and/or bric~ \'eneer) . 131. Qe!!!.QllU,ont Any dem"lition ....ork undertaken shall include the haulin1 away of debr~s, including footings, slabs, block, etc. All excavated areas are to be filled and compacted level to conform with and match the lilndscape of areas directly adjacent to the excavated areas (as sand, sod, or other). <I> SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEM 132. ~~P~~7Y Byat..: Install solar heater system. Include storage tank, collector, valve~, vents, shut of1's, safety valves and all necessary plumbing to c0nform to local Codes. All Pend ts and Plans to be prov ided by the Contractor. All ....ork to have final approval of the City. Size capabilities of units as recommended bl planq architect and/or manufacturer and as approved the County and/or City, as applicable. .. nC1J~&"r 126 tu\de2b."" 22 7/14/94 v AUG 1 6 199't [Dill I "(w TO '(VllUlIOl COflU(T C' , AO.RU"~HI THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this _____ day of 1994, by and betveen , hereina1'ter called the "Contractor" and Collier County, a political subdivision of the State of f'lorida, Collier County, Naples, hereinafter called the .County": l!lI.lf~JHIJ:.IHl 1. QQKM~~~~"1. T~~ Contractor 5hall commence vork within days after receivinq a Notice to Proceed from the County and shall h~v~ finally completed the Work on or before the expiration ot 4~ days trom the date ct the Notice to Proceed. The County Kana1er ~ay, at his discretion, extend the Agreement tor up to >(~0-180) days. The Contract Manager shall give the Contractor ~ritten notice of the County's intention to extend the Aqreement term not less than> days prior to th~ end ot the Agreement term then in effect. f'or purposes ot this Aqreement, the Contract Manager is 2. 1IA~~~~. The Contractor 5hall > in accordance with the terms and conditions of the specifications of Bid .~4-___ and the contractor's proposal hereto attached ~nd made an integral part of thin agreement. In addition, all work shall be pertormed in accordance with the General Specifications attached to this Agreement as Exhibit "A". 3. THE CONTRACT 80M. The County shall pay the Contractor for the performance of this A1reement an estimated maximum amount of > ($>), >based on the unit p~ices set forth in the contractor's proposal, subject to Chanqe Orders as approved in advance by the County. 4. ~Q~C~p. All notices from the ~ounty to the Contractor shall he deemed duly served it ~ailed by registered or certified mail to the Contractor at the tollowing Address: > All notices from the Contractor to the County shall be deemed duly served it mailed by registered or certified mail to the County to: Collier County Government Canter Purch;ulln'l Of>partment - Caner..}l Servlca~l BuIldIng ) )01 Tilm lam 1 Tra iI, East !laples, florid,l ))962 &001 OQO W,I 127 AUG 1 6 ~ ; /' (PIIIT "(- TO 'UGUITIOI CQalUCl C' , The Contractor address at any notitic-1tion. be in 'old t i nq . and the County ~ay change the above mailing time upon 'living the other party written ~ll notices un~p.r this SerJice Agreement must 5. JlfO PARTNEMlIil. trothinq herein contained sh-111 create or be construed as r.re-1tinq a partner~hip bet~een the County and the Contractor or to con5titute the Contractor -1S -1n agent of the County. 6. ~&HIT8; ~~~~~~~. In COMpliance with Section 218.80, r.s., all pe~its necessary for the prosecution of the WorK shall be obtained by the Contractor. Payment for all such permits issued by the :ounty shall be processed internally by the County. All non-County permits necessary for the prosecution of the WorK sh311 be procured and paid for by the Contractor. The Contractor shall also be solely responsible for paYMent of any and all taxes levied on the Contractor. In addition, the C~ntractor shall comply with all the rules, regulations and la~s or Collier County, the State of f'lorida, or the U.S. G0vernment no~ in force or hereafter adopted. The Contrac~or 3qrees to comply with all la~s governing the re5pon5ibili~y of an employer with respect to person~ employed by ~he Contractor. 7. E~~~. The Contractor shall employ people to work at County facilities who are neat, clean, well-groomed and courteous. t. ~O IHP~OPER OSE. The Contractor ..,ill not use, nor suffer or permit any person to use in iln,/ lTPlnner ....hi'\tsoever, County property or property to be rehabilitated for any improper, immoral or offensive purpose, or for any purpose in violation of fedE.ral, state, county or municipal ordinance, rule, order or requlation, or of any governmental rule or regulation now in effect or hen,after enacted or adopted. In the event of such violation by the Contractor or if the County or its author i 7,,,rI r"pr"~"nt.,,t i '/" ,-;h" II de(!m "ny ~onduct on th" part o( th" C0ntr~ctor to h" ob1(!ctionable or Improper, the County shall have the rl~ht to suspend the r:ontract of the Contractor. Sh(.ul'j the Contractor tail to correct any such violation, concuct, or practice to the satisfaction of the County ~ithin t~enty-four (24) hours after receiving notice of such violation, conduct, or practice, such suspension to co~tinue until the violation is cured. The Contractor further a~rees not to commence operation during the susPQnsion period until the violation has been corrected to the satisfaction of the County. el)O( ooq P4',f j 28 AUG I 6 ~ (DIIIT OOC. TO .(~UT 11:01 CDI1U(l C. , t. TERKI~hI~O~. Should th~ Contractor be found to have failed to perforn hi~ ser/ices in a manner satisfactory to the County as p~r the specifications and requirem~ntg of this Agree~ent, the County ~ay terminate said agreement immediately ror cause: further the County may terminate this Agreellcnt for convenience with a thirty (JO) day written notice. The County shall be th~ sole judge of non- per1'ormance. 10. ~ DIS~~~T19~. The Contractor agrees that there shall be no discrimination as to race, sex, color, creed or national origin. 11. I"SURA~~. The Contractor s~all ~rovide insurance as follows: A. ~.,u1.!l.l_o!.n'r.!lUi.bi1i,.Y1. Coverage shall have minimum limits or $1,000,000 Per Occurrence, Combined Single Limit for Bodily Injury Liability and Property DaMage Liability. This sh"l1 include: er...ned Vehicles, Hired and !lon-O'.med '/ehicles and Employee tlon- er,me rsh i p. B. >>.Ydn.t~!.!J9_ll~tlJJ.llY.l Co'/erage shall have minimum limits or $300,000 Per Occ'Jrrence, Combined Single Limit for Booily Injury Li.,bil1ty and Property Damage Liability. Coverage for B'Jsiness Auto Liability shall include o-...ned Vehicles, Hired and tlon-O....ned Vehicles and Employee tlon-O....nership, C. !9.Llter,' Comp~..Dll.11.2nl. I n~u rance coved ng all employees meeting Statutory Limits in compliance with the appl icable state and f"dera 1 la....s. The coverage must include Employer's Linbility with any minimum limits established by statute. S~~1~1 ?e~~~~t~: Collier County shall be listed aa the Certificate Holder and Included as an Additional Insured on both the Comprehensive General Liability and Business Auto Liability Policies. Current, valid insurance policies meeting the requirement herein identif"ed shall be maintained by Contractor during the duration of this Agreement. RenQwl.I1 ~er~lricate~ ~h~ll h~ ~cnt to the County )0 clays prior to any el(pir~tion rj'lte. There shall be a JO day notification to the County in the event of cancellat ion or mod i f icat iCJn of any st ipulated i~surance coverage. &OC( 000 PI',: 12D J / AUG 1 6 1990\ (DIIIT "C. TO '(~\IT '/)II corTUCl C" Contractor shall inqure that all subcontractors comply with the ga~e insurance requirements that he is required to ~eet. The sa~e Contractor shall provide County with certificat~B ?f insurance meeting the required insurance provisions. 12. ~ll_1.~,^I19P!'. Thl! Contrl!::tor/Vendor, in consideration of Ten Dollar~ ($10.00), the receipt and sufficiency of which is accepted through the 3iqning of this document, shall hold ha~l~ss and defend Collier County and its agents and employees trom all suits a~d actions, including attorney's fee~ and all costs ot litigation and judgements of any name and description arising Gut of or incidental to the per1'ormance of this contra~t or work performed thereunder. This provision sh.1l1 I!lso pertain to any claims brought aqain~t thn County hy ~ny nmployee ot the named Contractor/'/nndor, any ~uhcont~actor, or anyone directly or indirectly e~ployed by any ot ~hem. The Contractor/Vendor's obliqation under this provifion shall not be limited in any way by the agreed upon contrac~ price as shown in this Contract or the Contractor/Vendor's limit of, or lack of, sufficient insurance protection. The first Ten Dollars ($10.00) of ~oney received on the contract price is considerpd as payment ot this obligation by the County. This section does not pertain to any incident arising from the sole negligence of Collier County. 13. THIS AGREEMENT shall be ad~ini!;tered on behalf of the County by the > Departm~nt. 14. COMPONENT PARTS OF THIS CONTRACT. This Contract consists of the attdched component parts, nll of which are as fully a part of the contract as if hnrein ~et out verbatim: Contractor's Proposal, Insurance Certificate, Bid '94->> Specifications, Exhibit "^", Gencr~l Spcci!ications, and >^ddendum/^dd~nd^. alClC Oflh.,,1:lJ 4 AUG 1 6 ~ (n1l1T "\:- 10 tf IOlIIT 10It C/JI1 tACT C, I 15. IT 18 FURTHER UNDERSTOOD ~ND ~aREED, by and bet~een the parties herein that this aqree~ent is subject to appropriation by the Board of :ounty Commissioners. IX WITWE88 WHEREOF, the Contractor ~nd the County. have each, respectively, by an authorized pers~n or agent, hereunder set their hands and sealB on the date a~d year first above written. ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLF.PY BOAPD Of' COUNTY COKMISSIOtlERS COLLIF.R COUNTY, f'LORIDA By: Dated: By: Timothy J. Constantine, Cha i rman ( S EA L) Contractor By: signature First Witness Type/print witness name Second Witness Typed signature and title Type/print witness n~me CORPORATE SEAL (Corporations only) Approved as to form and legal su1'1'iciency: Heidi Y. Ashton Assistant County Attorney aGOc noo W.! 131 5 I AU6 I 6 199\ (PIli' 0'0 '0 (1)1 IU(I c- , COLLIER CO']1'ITY RE8IDENTI~L REH~BILIT~TION PROGRAM aeneral Specifications for Rehabilitation and Home Repairs I. KAnRI~LB AJfD WORJOO.X8RIP - OEKEIUL 1. All materials and workmanship shall conform to the requirellents of th~ Standard Buildinl Code, 1991 edition, ag aaended (hereinaft~r cited an "S.B.C."). Additions and structural changes ~ust also conform to the Collier County Housinq Ordinance, Ordinance /lOr 89-)6, as amended, and the City 01' Naples Hinimu" Housing Code, Ordi,ance 92-6122, as amended. All required pcr~its an~ approved pl~ns must be made available for the appropriate in5pccting autho~itics at all ti~es during the construction proce~s and copies Must be provided to Collier County Housing and Urban Improvement Department prior to the co..encement of construction. 2. Repairs shall be made to all surfaces damaged by the Contractor resulting from his work at no additional cost to the Owner. Where "Repair" is called for by the Work Order, the 1'eature (floor, wall, ceiling, door, window or trim, etc.) excluding ornamentation shall be placed in "Equal to /lew Condition", taking into account the fact that old buildings cannot be made "As New" and that 5om~ lines and surfaces may rea.in irregular, slightly out of level or plumb, either by patching or replac~ment: all daMage~ or loosed, or rotted parts of wood, ~etal or plaster shall be r<moved and replaced and the 1'inished work shall match adjacent wcrk in design and dimension. Such patching and replacement shall te made to blend with existing work, at the minimum including pair.ting and/or staining to blend, so that the patch or replacement vill be inconspicuous. II. IKTERPRET~TIO" 1. The term "or equal" shall be interpreted to mean equal in quality, design and integral properties. /10 substitutions shall be made without the prior written approval of Collier County Housing and Urban Improvement Department. Proposed substitutions must be clearly designated on the Contractor's Bid Proposal. '0011 non "',I 132 ...1 do2 . 0Cl 7/14/94 1 AUG 1 6 199't (nil If .,. TO COI II ACt C. , III. OEWERAL CONDITIOMS 1. wort in O~Di.d Bt~ct~ The Contractor shall be responsible ror the storage and narety or his o~n material. The Owner assumes no liability whatnver for any material damaged or stolen on the premi~es where such has not been brought into the building. Any da~aqe to, or 10n9 by theft or vandalism of any Baterial, appurtenance or appli~nce, arter such has been brought into the building: applied, connected or installed shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor until said item has been inspected and approved by the a.ncr and Collier County Housing and Urban Improvement Department. In the event that the owner elects to use any completed or partially completed portion or the building, then the Contractor 1s released rrom above liabilities of all the materials within the occupied portion or the building. IV. SPECIFICATIONS <A> ALUMINUM AWNINGS AND CANOPY 1. ~~~~~n9PY: furnish and install baked ena~el aluminum door canopy over exterior doors. Indicated in the Work Order or kind and construction approved by Collier County Housing and Urban IMprovement Department and of color selected by the owner with "Drop," "Projection," and "Width" as indicated in Work Order. Provide tor adequate door swing clearance, and include hurricane tie down fasteners. 2. AlYm1~ ^vning~ Supply and install baked enamel alullinum awnings of type indicated in the Work Order and or color selected by the Owner. All fittings shall be provided, including hurricane tie down~. Awnings manufactured by Hurricane Awning, or equal. <8> APPLIANCES - ELECTRIC AND GAB ~ All units must be repaired or installed new to comply with the .odel energy efriciency codes ror building construction as per the State of florida. Contractors shall supply the Home Owner with original warranties and/or guarantees. Owner shall have selection or available colors. A shut-off safety valve must be installed in the connecting gas pipe to any gas appliance. 3. ~r~ter ft..ter: Provide and install a qlassllned, quick recovery, electric water hc~ter. Heater shall ...ldo2.'4I lOGe nOl P&:,: 133 7/14/94 lJlIlll1 ... TO CDlTUCl C-I AUG 1 6 ~ be equipped with a high limit safet, cut-off and a pressure relier valve piped to the outside. Heater shall be 220 volt, double element, 4500 watts with minimum five year guarantee. Heater shall be minimum 30 q~l. cap~city. ~ All heaters installed out~ide must be placed on a leveled concrete or bloc~ surface and adequately protected 1'rom the elements. 4. 0.. ..t~ Provide and install a glass lined, quick recovery gas water heater. Hp.ater shall be equipped with a hiqh li.it safety cut off and pressure relief valve pipe to the outside. Heater shall have a minimum five year guarantee, and be ainiau. 30 gal. capacity. Heater i~ to be vented outside. ~ All heater~ installed outside must he placed on a leveled concrete or bloc~ surface and adequ~tely protected from the ele.ents. 5. RaOlant Re.t~ Purnif.h and install surface mounted radiant heater. Heater shall be in the 4000 watt range, have a circulation fan, and the~al overload safety control. Heater shall be a .inimuM of 13,000 BTU. 220 volt. Include connections to electric service. 6. ~lectrlc ~.nqe: Replace old range with new electric range. Hew range shall be )0" free standing, with clock, 1 hour tiaer, appliance outlet, and Visa Bake door. Includes pig tail installed, and ran~e to be made operative. Sears 62641/62631, or equa I . 7. ~-BIn9~ Peplace old range with new gas range. Hew range shall be )0" free-standing, with ClOCK, 1 hour timer, and Visa Ba~e door. Include connections to el~ctric service and provision for gas hook-Up. .. Electr1c R.friQ~AtQLi Peplace old refrigerator with a new minimum 16.0 cubic toot, frost tree unit ~ith two doors w1th separate freezer compartment. Sears Model 63601, or equal. 9. Range Ro~ Install new ductless type range hood. Include connections to electric service. 10. RanQ. Ro041 Install new range hood vented outside. Includes electric service and duct work. To deliver 160 C.F.M., alnillu.. 11. ~.Dm Install reverse cycle air conditioner with ATIJ c^p^city to conform to rp.quirp.mp.nt~ for the aize or th~.volu~p. of the nren to bp. coolcdjhe^ted. Scars model or equal. .,1*2.14l 1/14"" !OOC O~ ,a -;.134 \ ~, AU6 1 6 ~ 01111 n -a- TO CDlTlACT (,1 12. ~2n~ition.r__vl~h-HtJ~~iP~ Install air conditioner with BTU c~pacity to conform to requirements for the size of the volume of the area to be cooled. Heat strip as required to BTU cap~city to conform to requirements for the size 01' the volume o( the area. Sears m?del or equal. 11. ~c~ Provi1e and install new gas furnace, complete with vent stacY. piped to exterior of house. Furnace shall be equipp~d with a th~rmostat, blower, and BTU capacity as required. All wiring t~ be enclosed in wire mold, and heater to be connected by authorized gas service personnel, approved by City. 14. o.--'.~ Provide and install new gas wall furnace cOllpletely ready (or use. Direct vent, BTU required, wall DOunted, with circulating fan and ext~rior unit control. Electric service required (or (an. To be inspected and connected by authorized gas serlice personnel. 15. Bathrooa E~A&Y.t F~ Fan to be Sears Ventilator f'an Hodel '42A9856 or equal, vented to the outside. <C> BLACJtTOP 16. Blacktoo Drive; Install blacktop drive as provided in Work Order. All base material to be compacted to obtain .inillum thickness. Prepare all grading to carry water away from building. Blacktop shall not be le~s than 1 1/2" thick a1'ter co.paction. <0> CAB I H!:TS .0TZz The contractor shall repair, paint, or match any area a1'fected by removal 0r replacement of cabinets or counter tops. All areas (floors, walls, or ceilings) affected by cabinet removal, MUST be tilled in to level at existing surtaces, using comparable lIaterials, and sealing off areas to be roach and roden~ proof, prior to installing cabinets. 17. ~ltchen B~~ C.bin~ ~ase cabinet shall be f'ormica, clad 1/32" lIiniaum thickness, with appropriate doors and drawers. Counter top of cabinet shall be approximately 25" wide with a full backsplash, Formica to be 1/16" minimum thickness, or equal. Ba.e cabinet. to have 1/2" thick .helve.. Include all drawer hard"'are, catches, 1In<1 pulls or 1Ippro'larj design and good quality per manufacturer's specs. Interior to be vinyl clad. 18. ..11 Cabi~~~ Kitchen wall cabinets shall be clad with f'orlli~ 1/32" minimum thickness. All door and shelf edges shall be trimmed with formica. Cabinet length, number of ~ nOO PAr,' 135 .".-2."" 7/14/94 AUG , 6 ~ (D lilt .,. TO CI:JITUCl c. , shelves, doors, and hardware as .p~ciCied in proposal including at leaat two shelves oC 1/2" thick~ess. Include all necessary door pulls and catches oC manuCact~rer's good grade and quality. Interior to be vinyl clad. 1t. Me41clne cabinet: Cabiret to be metal construction, salqar .odel 'AIOl or equal. 20. (This it.. intentionally leCt blank.) oCl:> FZ.CIIIO {This .ection leCt intentionally blank] 21. [This it.. leCt intentionally blank] oCT> CONCRETE WORK 22. Walk.. Driv... '~~l Concrete used shall not be less than 2,500 P.S.I. strength in 28 days. Slab to be 4" thick reintorced with ~" by 6" no. 10/10 welded wire. Steel trowel, wood float or approved fini~h nh~ll b~ used. Walks, drives, patios and ramps shall have expansion joints in them to divide them into blocks and shall also b~ edged. All drives, walka, patios and ramps shall be qr~ded to slope away from house. FiniSh grade ot work shall be held ~lose to ground grade so cars .ay have easy access to drives: wal~s and drive~ shall not have dangerous step-oCCs. When forms ar~ removed, use necessary Cill. Grading and sodding shall be done to match existing. (Scored contraction joints at 5'0 center an~ expansion joints at 20' center). "Fill" shall be sand, sel~ct~d ~arth, shale, or gravel tree torm all extraneous substances. 23. rooti ncn.J!l(u..Q..L.1...2Y.!l~a t i o~llJ.J.Jj_~ Bell!ft..ll Sha 11 be constructed according to the sizns, shapes and other details on the approved drawing. Where no ~uch drawings exist, they ahall be lIade in accordance with applicabl~ County and/or city codes and/or ordinances,as a~ended, and a~ applicable. 24. YApor Barrier; Shall be poly-urethane/plastic sheeting or asphalt il!lpregnated felt, in thickness or layer speci1'ied in any area to be used as living area. 25. concrete Porch: R~place existing porch with new concrete porch with 10" X 16" continuous concrete footing with 2 - No.5 reinforcing rods. foundation walls shall be 8" x 16" concrete block. Porch floor shall be 4" thick, 2,500 P.S.I. concrete reinforced with 6" x 6" No. 10/10 welded wire. Concrete porch to be'separated trom main body ot house by 1/2" asphalt i.pregnated expansion material. "".2.lolp aooc !}(l) PI':; 136 7/14/94 AUG 1 6 ~ lJ1Ill" -,- TO CCIl'UCl c. , 26. Concrete st.~ Poured concrete steps shall be properly formed and poured with 2,~OO P.S.l. concrete over firm, undisturbed soil. Brick, stone, or broken concrete may be used aa till .aterial. The treads shall have a non-skid finish. f'ooting 1'or x 20" square and sizes), provided 27. Concrete Pie~~ Foot~ piers are to be not less than 10" deep, and 20" piers no less than 8" wide by 16" long (nominal with teraite shields ~here applicatle. 28. ~.,onry W.11-E'~~ ^ll mortar joints shall be cleaned of loose Mortar and shall be tuck pointed with new mortar in an approved aanner. Any chipped blocks shall be patched with aortar and any structurally damaged block shall be removed and replaced with a ne~, properly set in a ne~ bed ot mortar. <0> DOORS AND WIKDOW8 ~!t When replacing d~or jam~s or frames, all necessary tria i. to be included in the bid price. Windows are to be caulked. ^ll windo~s and doors are to be installed to meet energy saving cri~eria. Contractor shall repair, paint or match any interior or exterior areas affected by the relloval or installation of windQws, doors, etc. Exterior door. are to be painted with two coats of oil base paint or varnish, top, bottom, and edges. Bid price shall include repairing and/or replacing all trim, 29. ~a1l i~~mb; Doors shall be 1 J/8" interior type. Install door plu~b with 1/8" clearance at head and jamb and 1/8" clearance at floor threshold or rug, ~hatever the case may be. Hortise new door to receive an appropriate privacy/passage lock. ^djust all hard~are so door works properly and leave door clean, s~ooth and finished as specified. Include applicable type of door stops. 30. Int.rior Pr.-hung UnIt: Install to consist of hollow core door, jamb, trim and hardware including lockset. Paint or finish as specified. 31. 80114 wo04 Cor. Ooor; Install plain, undecorated 1 3/4. thick solid wood core door unit complete with door, jamb, trill, threshold, hinges, lock and weatherstrip. Install door plumb with 1/8" clearance at head jamb and l/B" clearance at floor threshold or rug, whatever the case may be. Mortise new door to receive appropriate lock (Schlage middle grade or equal). To include Single Cylinder Dead Bolt Lock. Adjust all hardware so door works p-operly. Sand smooth and install safety chain, or ...ldo2..... aoc. ~ f'&',' 137 7/T'I?<. ,,- AU6 1 6 ~ fD lilt ... 10 c.OIU&Cl C.I stop as applicable. When door is m~re than S' from window, security "peep" shall be installed. 32. Door rr...t Replace deteriorated door frame or jamb with new solid wood frame or jamb, and all necessary trim as needed . 33. Wey Ext.A~~~ Doors shall be 1-3/4" thiCK solid wood. Door shall be sized to fit existing opening, include Keyed entry lock and weatherstrip, door s~op or safety chain as applicable, 1-1/"2 pair hinges, and Single Cylinder Dead Bolt, threshold, and security "peep". 34. MiAmi S114. TYD. Doorl Install new 1-3/4" wood exterior door incorporating a double or single hung window section. Window unit to have metal type of muntins and mullions. Include a security type 9 gauge steel diamond mesh grill mounted either inside or outside of door using tamper proof fasteners. Door to have 1-1/2" pair hinges, all hardware, weatherstripping, door stop or safety chain, door loc~ set and aluminum screen in windov unit. Include Single Cylinder Dead Bolt. 35 . 1" square closer. screen. "ew Scre.n Doorl Screen door shall be a minimum of all aluminum, pre-hung, with metal jamb, lock and "f'eatherlite," "Look," or equal quality with aluminum Bottom screen panel shall te reinforced. 3'. Scre.n Door.: Rescreen indicated - using 18 x 14 mesh alullinum/nylon screen wire. When existing screen mold is split or dallaged, replace. Reinforce bottom panel. 37. Exterior ~1~m1nY~~~~'-bpprov.4 Gra4e: Install either straddle or interior mounted as applicable. Fasten securely using necessary fastening devices (wood or concrete), as per lIanu1'acturer's recommendations. 3.. OlU:1Ige_POor; In5t,,\\ !\u!lh, !'lcctlonal steel door, "Cordes" or equal, as per manutacturer's recommendations, including all necessary framing and brac~ets, stops, hardware, and trim. 39. ~cr..n In4icate4 Wln40w Screens: Use 18 x 14 mesh alullinum/nylon screen wire. Replace damaged screen mold and daaaged or missing hoo~s and hangers. 40. AlumlnulI Fra.~ Replace indicated window screen fraaes with new aluminum frames, minimum of 3/8" by 1", .032 thick comp~ete with aluminum screen, fitted to existing opening. .....2.... !OO( Cfl} 'l'.r 138 7/14/94 AUG 1 6 ~ (nt.IT -.- TO (011 taCT c. , 41. Wo04 Wln40v 8~ size, qlazed and finished. Repla~~ with new sash of proper 42. Wo04 Win4~ Overhaul to operate freely. P.eplace bro~en or cracked glass. Install o~ replace broKen or missing vindov locks, bar lifts, and/or wei~hts as needed. All windows aust have a device so they will remnin in fixed position when opened. Old putty to be removed and replaced ....i th ne..... 43. Alu.in~~~~ OVerhaul to operate properly. Replace broken or ~issing torque-bar operators. All brOKen glass shall be replaced with new glass. Replace all damaged or missing aluainulI qlazinq b~ads. 44. Alu.inu~ rurni5h and install windows as indicated. Uew windovs shall be as manufactured by 'lale Ogron or equal, and shall have the following features: Vinyl weather-stripping, nylon bushinqs, ~elf-locKing operator with torque-bar, removable screen and al~minum qlazing bead. 45. Alu=inua 8in~~nq .ln4o~ Windows shall be aanu1'actured by Yale Ogron, or equal, and to include removable screen. <B> ELECTRICAL >>OTZ: The Contractor shall verify adequacy of existing electrical service for adding electrical devices and bid price shall reflect installation to meet existing electrical codes. All exposed wire to be encased in wire mold. All non-con1'orming wires shall be removed. All electric worK must be completed in accordance with the tlational Electric: Code and the S.B.C. 46. R!."ire r:ntirJJ9~~.:LL2l.l.Q~,lU Remo'/e existing service complete to weatherhead and 111 exponcd wiring throughout the house. (Existing electrical equipment throughout the building which becomes !Superfluous, "lntiquated, or obsolete shall be disconnected and removed. Existi'g material found to be in good condition ano:i in compliance with the ~Iational Electric Code aay be left in serv ice. ) Patch all ',/orK scarred by such removal to aatch existing surrounding surfaces. Install a 150 amp service. Install a new circuit brca/.er panel of sufficient size to carry the number of circuits required to service the house. Us. eyeI breakers where required. n~anch circuits shall be of suf1'icient number and size for anticipated loads, and in no case shall any living unit have less than two (2) lighting circuits 01' 15 amps each and one (1) appliance circuit of 20 amps. Separate ci~cuit for water heater, refrigerator, and proper qrounds. All new wiring shall be copper, double insulated wire "'.Z.",, lOa. nrJ{f'l,,1 139 7,,~,94 AU6 1 6 19~ InlllT "." TO COIl"'C' c., or TKHN wire enclosed In metal condult, slze according to the de.and 01' particular clrcult. ~n addltlonal four (4) circuits .oat be provided and to be left blank. 47. 'J.rvIc. .~~~.r PantJJ, Install new 150 amp l20/24OV single phase electrical service entrance. Service shall include weather proof cabinet, main disconnect, necessary circuit breakers, and proper ground. ~ll new wlring shall be copper double insulated wire. Patch any d~maged surfaces to match exhtIng. 41. urrt~.L!' 1th.J'P_.r.__t.'.J1!llrLQil.~2.Mt..~ I nsta 11 a new 120/240v Minlmum 150 amp 5~rvlce co~plete wlth separate main disconnect switCh and proper ground. Include adequate mast and weatherhead. Main dlsconnect to be placed outside when existing nain disconnect or panel ls more th~n 5' from exterior door or window. Patch any damaged surfaces to match existing. 49. ~~nt~ Femove old panel and replace with new 150 amp circuit breay.er parel. Panel to have four (4) spare two pole circuits, and/or amp. maln breaker. 50. Rt_k,!Ultt .~1U.l I nsta 11 dur;lex electrical receptacles and cover plates, fluf:h, 15-20 amps. 51- BH,U.~~.J..i Peplace du~lex I'!lectdcal receptacles and cover plates, flush, 15-20 amps. 52. oper.t1n~~~ Install new sinqle pole toggle switch and cover plate, flush, 15A-125V. 53. OperatInQ 8vitch~ switch and cover plate. Replace ~ith new single pole toggle 54. Three-Way 8~ltches; Install )-way operating switch as indicated on Work Write-Up. !U. bl.L2.L~.1.11ng.J.igM_t Install fixture to replace deteriorated fixture. Allowance for receptacle specified in Work Write-Up. f'ixture will include glass globe and switch. 56. ~111ng-Lish1i Install new fixture. 57. APPu...n.k.L.Rt~PJ~s:.1.lI!~,t Instilll'lppliance receptacle(s) on back splash 0f base cahinet. 58. Ground Fault Circuit In~ru~ Install a G.f'.C.I receptacle in bathroom appliance outlet, connected to a separate circuit. ..,hlltl. "" ,aoo' noqplf,I140 7/14/94 AUG 1 6 199\ [DII" OtO TO Cl)ITtt(T c' , 59. bax.genCy ~xit L1qMli 5hlill be installed in hallvaya. Emergency lights shall b~ ~C operated, battery back- up, and connected to house ~4ter. '0. 1I\2A1-Pt.t.'~~,2li Shlill be }..C operated ....ith battery bac~-up units installed in hall....ay(!), to be connected to house lIeter without interruption of electrical supply. Detectors inside of d....ellings r.hall be installed above door leading to bedrooms. Electrical supply shall te connected to refrigerator c i rcu it. ~I> FLOOR AKO COVERINOS SPECIAL JfOT.I.1 }..ll sheet vinyl and floor tile to be covered by shoe .old at ....alls and cabinets. All underlayment must be securely fastened, all na1l holes lind cracks ~ust be filled and snooth to present a uniform surface for the instlillation of the floor tile or vinyl covering. Care must be taken in applying floor lIastic to avoid "bleeding" between tile, as this condition is not acceptable to the County or the City. 61. Floor Fr..inql Remove deteriorated floor joists and replace with ne.... joists of No.2 Southern Yellow Pine or other approved materials with same dimensions as old joists. ~eplaced floor joists shall be supported at their extreme ends by either a 2" x 2" ledger or metal joist hanger. Toe nailing only ....ill not be accepted. }..ll floors shall be properly reinforced. 62. !f...2.Q~.l9or_~n4..r.l.YJI'l.nt_.nd_U'p.I''' U OIli. A 11 broken or damaged floor M~terial to be replaced and level before applying minimum 1/4" }...C. interior ply....ood. Underlayment to be secured by 3D ring shank nails (or equal), all nail heads to be counter 5~nk, and nail heads and cracks to be (illed in with approved wood filler. Floors to be finished smooth and level, and thoroughly cleaned before applying floor cover. >>OTEI All replacement of sills, platP~ ~nd (loor joists to be pressure treated ~~ter1al. 63. ~n.kll~t.J'loor fJ~u.l.AYm~p.ration: All floors to be cleaned of oily substances, holes and cracks filled with grout, and floors sanded or finished smooth and level, before applying floor cover. }"ll Cr~Cy.5 and voids to be filled with a manufacturer's approved type tiller, and all surfaces to be level, smooth, clean an~ dry, pri0r to ingtalling floor cover. 64. Floor Ti~~ Apply 1/16" vinyl-asbestos floor tile (Al"lIstrong Excelon 1/16" or equal) using adhesives as recommended by manufacturer. Care must be exercised by installer to avoid ...Idol.... ~OCIC n(jf,&~~ 141 7/14/94 - I AUG 1 6 m\ 011" IT -," fO toIIfU(f c' , "bleeding- of adhesive between tile. This condition is not acceptable. IS. c.raalc Floor Tile: Use U.S. Standard quality as u.s. ROWIany Tile or equal. All surfaces must be clean and level before applying ceramic tile. All tile must be placed to attain unito~ spacing, and level with other tile, using approved style latex-portland cement or equal. All flooring to be stable and non-1'lexing, before installin~ ceramic tile. All joints to be 1'ull qrouted to full depths o( units. All surfaces must be cleaned and polish~d as completion of work. Tile to be sloped l/S" per foot minimu~ towards floor drains, as applicable. II. Sheet VinYl: Prepare anc install .090" minimum thic~ness x 12' sheet vinyl (loor CGver over underlayment. Quality criteria Amtico Flooring Division, Congoleum Industries, Inc., or equal. 67. Repl.c:.4 l2..l!I~lQ.9_~.inJ.OOllJ.l. tlew flooring shall match existing in size, quality, color, and finish, as closely as possible using standard available products. II . B..tR..l.J.~'-l_uJ..2_rll-'_~Q2.~ rJ.9.9,d..n<;u.. Ma tch ex is t i ng materials as closely as possible, (ill in holes, sand and finish with 2 coats urethane type finish. " . aatching areas to floors. ~.zzo FlQor.: Clean, (ill in holes with grout, existing finish as closely as possible. Grind repaired blend. Seal and apply one coat of wax and polish 70. Carpet: Prepare and install carpet of good grade or co~e:cial grade carpet as per work ~ork Write-up. Provide metal strips, tackless strips, adhesives, tapes and all other necessary accessories. Install 64 oz. minimu~ carpet cushion, waf1'le type. Quality of carpet to meet f'.H.A. standards. Acceptable aanufacturers include Armstrong Complny, Ro~bury Carpet Company, Celotex Corp., Sears, and Montgomery Ward. All carpeting to be properly fitted, with no tiller!> le!;'1 than 12" wide or 36" long. <J> GOTTERS AND DOWNSPOUTS: 71. O.lvanize4 Gutt,-~ Shall he no less than 26 gauge and 5- outside diameter halt round galvanized metal securely fastened with strap hangers. Downspouts shall be no less than 26 gauge and 3" round galvanized metal fastened with strap hangers at each joining. Splash blocks shall be in5~alled at all downspout terminals. . ..,.do2.... UOl 0fN PA',r 142 7/14/94 v AUG 1 6 199ft (JW lilt "A" TO COIlT"CT c- , 72. ~luminum Gutters and Dovn~pouts; Shall be 32 gauge "K" style with baked on enamel fininh to include all accessories, (hangers, joints, and caps, angles and splash blocks). Use only alullinum nails if feral is to be utilized in installation. Nails to be installed at least every 16". <b INSUL1.TION 73. Insulat12nL Material shall be as manufactured by OWens Corning f'iberglass, U.s. Gypsum., JOhns-Mansville, certainteed Products corporation, National Cellulose Corp., Mono-Term or U.S. fiber Corp. or eq~al. All materials shall bear labels indicating that the material is certified by Underwriter Laboratories, Inc., as non-combustitle and by f'actory Mutual Systell as Approved Class I. All insulation shall be installed in accordance with the provisions of the Undervriter Laboratories f'ire Code. 74. Hineral-Fiber Blanket Intylation: Install spun non- combustible mineral fiber blanket with a non-flammable vapor barrier on inside (room-side) face. Provide anchoring flanges for open or exposed installations. Conform to f'ederal Specification HH-I-521E Type II. 75. Cellulose Fiber (Blovn in ~~~dlln.ulation: Install loose cellulose fibers treat~d to be non- combustible, fire resistant, rot resistant, and dimensionally stable (non-settling or shrin~ing). f'ire hazard classifications: Flame spread 20, fuel contributed 10. smoke developed 25. <L> LANDFILL 76. Landrill: Provide and install clean sand or 1'il1 as approved by OWner in all lo~ areas. Grade fill to slope away from house to provide adequate drainage. <K> PAINTING NOTE: The use of lead-based paints is prohibited on any sur1'ace (Re1'. Lead-Based Paint Poisor,ing Prevention Act, 84 Stat. 2080: 42 CFR Paint )0.) 77. Preparation Before painlin9. and paintinq: Contractor shall repair, paint or match any interior or exterior areas affected by removal or installation of materials. All paint and other finished materials shall be of good quality such as Pittsburgh, Sherwin Williams, Benjamin Moore, Tower or approved eqtJal. tlo paint shall be applied until all nail holes have been puttied and all defects in wood worK have been llUl~2.wp &QO( flOO p ,r,~ 143 7/14/94 AU6 1 6 1990\ 0-.1" -.- fO a::.T'A(l c. , eliainated. All surfaces to receive coats of paint. Special applications are indicated on Work Write-Up. All surfaces, including floors, walls, ceilings, trim, doors, and windows shall be cleaned and excess paint r~moved from sam~ upon completion of painting. Reasonable care shall be ~x~rcised in moving ladders and scaffolding about dwelling to av~id damage to shrubbery and preaises. All such damage shall be repaired to match original. All exterior doors shall be primed a~d painted or varnished both sides and all edgeR (~ sides). Oil based enamel, or paint to be used on all exterior wooo surfaces, including but not limited to windovs, shutters, triM, soffits, fa3cias, jambs, and casings. Urethane or marine type exterior var~ish is to be applied on exterior surfaces requiring a varnish type finish. All exterior doors and windows shall be cleaned a~d excess paint removed from saDe upon completion of painting. 71. lLA~2~~JU_ All deterio~ated material must be replaced prior to painting. Include caulking of seams and cracks: joints and holes to be filled in level: all windows to be qlazed (where applicable) and caulking by gun method all around all windows, frames, doors, and othe~ applicable areas. All loose paint .uat be re~oved, and rough areas ar~ to be sanded smooth or sanded to "feather" edges at low spots to blend as close as possible. All new or unpainted arean are to be painted with pri.er paint befor~ the final coats are applied. Where applicable (as walls, posts, piers, etc.), all surfaces must be painted to be at, or below the ground level. All exposed areas aust be painted, even though not vis:ble from the ground level. All surfaces to receive at least 2 coats of paint, plus primer. 79. stucco an~oncr.t. stru~~~~ All holes, cracks or broken concrete areas must be pointed up, or repaired prior to being painted. All window areas must be caulked, glazed as necessary, or repaired. Doors, joints, cracks, holes, or trim areas to be treated as above, (see f'rame Houses) as they relate to tra.e members. All walls to be cleaned by either water pressure cleaninq, or nan~ bla5tinq wethod to remove loose paint. All concrete structure area5 are to receive one coat of concrete sealer, prior to the final two (2) ccats of paint. 10. Interior P~intinql Spackle and patch wall and ceilings unless otherwise prescribed. Apply cne (1) coat of sealer and two (2) coats 01' finish paint. The finish coat in kitchens and baths shall provide a durable and washable surface. Paint with two (2) coats of enamel. Remaining rcams shall have a semi-gloss finish on all wood work. 81. "_tal P.~ All surfaces to be thoroughly cleaned and all old loose paint and ru~t remcved. Areas of removed paint .,1.2.., 1) ~OOC 000 "'l144 7/14194 .I .-/ AU6 1 6 m\ (JalIlT .,. TO (!)IllaCT C.\ to be sanded to "feather" rough edges. Apply two (2) coats 01' rust inhibitive type Metal Paint. '2. ll22r', Por~b... and D.ck~ Surfaces are to be cleaned, all holes and cracks caulked (or pointed up if masonry). All sur1'aces to receive two (2) coats non-skid porch and deck enaael, or either masonry, or wood deck paint, as applicable. <11> PORCHES AND WOOD .3. ~.22~J.l..2.2n..l Wood !Ioor shall be 1" x 4" Tongue and Groove tlooring. All newly installed material shall receive one (1) coat primer and two (2) coats ot exterior oil base se.i-gloss paint, or two (2) coats ~rethane type finish. '4. Porch R.'~{Jtn1n~ Remov~ all deteriorated framing and replace with pressure treated wood or aluminum. Rescreen using 18 x 14 mesh aluainum/nylon screen wire. 15. SUDDort Colu.n.: Replace with material of like kind and/or quality or ornamental iron or aluminum. '6. WOQd 8~p.~ Replace ex.sting wood steps with 2" x 12" construction grade fir horses, :" x a" risers, and 2" x 9" treads. All newly installed material shall receive one (1) coat primer and two (2) coats of exterior oil base semi-gloss paint, or two (2) coats urethane type tini&h. '7. Railin~ Railing to be installed when four (4) or more risers exist. All material to be like kind and quality wood, ornamental iron or aluminum. Wood and iron surfaces to receive recoallended finishes, as in Specification '10) and '107, herein. Railings to be installed. <0> PLUMBING >>OTEI All faucets and fittings to be of American Standard GOOD GRADE, or equal. All new or replacement fixtures to be connected to Hot and Cold water lines and to proper drains. Owner shall have selection of available fixture color. Unless otherwise stated, existing fixtures are to be removed and replaced where applicable. (The cost of removal is to be included in the Bid Proposal.) All surfaces damaged by removal shall be patched to match existing surfaces. Where water and/or sewer lines 3re installed, they shall not be covered until inspected by the County or City,as applicable. The Contractor shall be responsible to check tor proper ..,..2.04' 1001 flOO ,.-,1 145 7/14/'14. AU6 1 6 ~ I'IJI II IT c' , ... TO COIIT"CT location or sever and/or vater lines to meet existing or proposed laterals. The Contractor's bid price shall retlect all pluabinq installation to ~e.t applicable codes. Abandoned septic tank shall be completely pumped out and holes knocked in the bottOM. The t~nk shall be tilled with sand or other approved materials. All de1'ective lead swiped tittings and pipes are to be replaced, whenever necessary, with ~pproved, standard type fittinqs ot non-lead sviped type. All excavated areas are to be filled in and compacted level, and the surfaces to be blended to match the landscape of areas directly adjacent to excavated area5 (as ~~nd, sod or other). II. lAt~~~ Install 5' enameled steel recessed bath with Slip resistant surface - American Standard, Salem '0135.1)7/01)7.1)) (or ~qual). Tub shall be equipped vith Aaerican Standard Cadet Bath and Sh~ver Set '18000.036/1800.045 (or equal). Include toe drain stop~er and all necessary fittings, supply lines, and drains. Aluminum shover curtain rod to be included in proposal price. 19. ~~~1Alli Replace or install shover stall vith f ibergIass sta 11 - Plat iona 1 f'iberqlass Corporat ion Model . )6-)W (or equal). Include all fittinqs, valves, mixer chambers, shower head, curtain rod, drains, pipez, and traps as necessary to con1'orm to applicable codes. 90. L.v.to~~ tor V.ni1Y-IYp~bin.t: To be enameled steel se1t rimming American Standard vanity ')00).~05/)004.207 (or equal). Includes all fittings supply and drains. Includes Allerican Standard Cadet '2350.049/2350.057 faucets vith pop-up stopper (or equal). Include all nec~ssary fittings, plumbing, supply lines and shut off valves. 91. Wall Hunq Lav~ Install vitreous china American Standard - Comrade '0123.014 lavator, (or equal), includes Aaerican Standard Cadet '2350.049/23~O.057 (3ucets and pop-up stopper (or equal). Includes all ne':essary plumbing, fittings, supply lines, and shut off valves. 92. Vanity Type Lavatorv: Install vanity cabinet to be 1/32" .inimuII mica on sides, doors, and top. It shall be of adequate width to fit required locat(,d, be approximately 22" deep x 30" nigh, vith a 2" high back splash. ...Idol.... ,eoo( OOQ'I',f 146 7114194 AU6 1 6 ~ Inlln -.- TO too T UCT (. , '3. Water Clo.etl Install Am~rican Standard Plebe '2131.175/2138.012 toilet (or equal). Include toilet seat, supply, wax rinq, and shut off valves. t4. il.ilinlll!'-U.t~..2Yl2.h Co:utl..tl.m.'ltnt Sin)t; Install Sears ,65K890Jt! or equal minimum 6" deep self-rimmed double coapartllent sin~. Include bas~et strainer, all drains, 1'ittings, and plullbing. Include American Sta~dard Aquarian '4200.010 (or equal) ledge lllount~d swing upout fa'Jcet. Include supply lines, fittings and shut off valves. '5. ~lnl... 8tt11 8inQl, Co~partment 81n~; Install Sears ,65K8801L or equal minimum 6" deep self-rimmed single coepartment sin~. Include bas~et strainer, drains, fittings, and plu.bing. Includes American Standard Aquarian '4200.010 (or equal) 1'aucet, supply lines, fittinqs and shut off valves. 'I. 8.~.r; Trench and lay 4" PVC schedule 40 sewer pipe. Sewer line to be connected from exintinq waste line to sewer lateral at property line. Cast iron to be used when installed under sidewalk or driveway. '7. Water Line'l Trench to one (1) 1'oot deep and lay 3/4" copper or PVC water line and connect to existing supply. Connect to house line. '8. Wa.hlnQ K~JL~ Trench out and install washing .achine drain line to hook ~p to existinq waste line. Include stack, and all fittinqs and plumbinq per local codes. <P> ROOFING SPJ:CIAL NOTEI The GEtlERAL COtrTRACTOR and the ROOf'ItIG SUB-COt/TRACTOR shall be required to furnish the O<.Iner a written guarantee on all roofs replaced under their respective contracts, as follows: Composition Shingle-type Roof - 7 yr. warranty Slate or P0ll-type P00! - ~ yr. warranty Built-up poor with tar and qravel - ~ yr. warranty Built-up P00! wlth Petlectorized paint - 5 yr. warranty Parapet type Roof - 5 yr. warranty Tile type Roof - 15 yr. warranty OEXERAL NOTE: All roofs shall meet the Southern Standard Building Code. All va1leys, flashinqs and eave drips shall be replaced with standard galvanized ~etal, a minimum of 20 gauge. Eave drips ...,...Z. ... 000 "'.\ 147 7/14/94 aooc AU6 1 6 m\ (nil IT ... 10 t.OIlUCT C', shall be separat~d a minimum of 1/2" from rafter ends of 1'ascia surtace. Joints to b~ bedded in asphalt, and overlapped a .ini.u. of 6 inches. All vent pipes shall be properly flash~d ~ith approved lead sleeve type flashings or pitch pans. Any repair work on roof covering shall match existing as closely as possible. tt. 1h1nq1~~~ ~emove existing roo1' cover, replace dallaged 8h~athing. Peinfor~e, or replace damaged rafters with pressure treated ....000. Apply 43' felt, adequately tacked, color and type as specified. Apply 12" x )6" three tab square butt shingles with maximum 5" exposr.d tab. Include drip edge, and all tinishinqs. Drip edge to a minimum of 1/2" clearance 1'rOll tascia and rafter ends. Shing:es to be self sealing type. 100. llJte , S_Qoth Type Rolle~ Roof1nQ: Remove existing roo1' covering and replace damaged sheathing and rafters. Apply one 43' layer of felt tin tac~ed and then apply one layer 90' slate roo1'ing mopped on. 101. Tar 'Or.YJ.~ Femove existing roo1' covering and replace damaged sheathing, reinforce or replace damaged rafters, using pre~sure treated wood. Apply one layer 01' 43' 1'elt tin tacked, and then apply t....o (2) lays ot 15. felt (glass fiber mat and asphalt) mopped on with hot asphalt. Install J" x 3. galvanized gravel stop around eves. f'lood coat and apply qravel or coat vith fibered roof coating. 102. Tile Type Roo1': Remove existing roof covering and replace damaged sheathing and rafters. Apply one layer of 4)' telt tin tacked then apply one layer of 90' slate hot mopped on. Install tile, color and types specified in proposal. Roof tile ahall not be applied to the surface ~f roofa having an incline of less than tvo and one halt in 12 inches. Tile shall be stacked on roof for a period ot seve~ daIS before laying in setting bed. Tile to be wet do~n betore applied. 103. Tar an4 Gravel Type Roof v~arapet: Remove existing roof covering. Replace all deterior~ted sheathing, rein1'orce or replace damaged rafters, using pressure treated wood. Repair parapet walls. It parapet wall is rr?bullt, prime concrete blocks. Broom clean all decks. All draln~ and/or scuppers to be repaired or replaced as determin~d a~ time ot old roof removal. Replace 3" x JM cant strips. Apply ~elt and 90 lb. mineral or coabination flashings (AB 20 or equa:) and membrane strip (cap strip). S~l with asphalt roof cement and coat with fibered roof coating. Main Roof: Apply 43. felt Curned up at least 4", .."do2. '4> 'R' nOOPA',! 148 1n 4 19<- AU6 1 6 199't mil" .,. '0 COIl"'" C' , aopped at parapet w~ll and tin tacK~d. MOp on two (2) layers 15' felt. f'lood coat entire roof using hot asphalt or coal tar pitch. ~pply gravel or coat with fibered roof coating. <Q> SOFFIT ~ EAVES ~I ~ll newly in.t~lled coat pri=er and two (2) coats "ails used shall be galvanized be filled ....ith putty. wooden soffit shall receive one (1) of exterior, oil base semi-gloss. type, and countersunk and holes to 104. ~~~~~i Enclose all eaves indicated on Work Write-Up by applying 3/8" exterior plT_ood to underside of rafters. Enclosing of eaves shall include installation of fascia board. Sofrit ~hall be nolld, contlnuou5 vent or spot vented to assure all areas of root adequate ventilation, and as indicated on Work Write-Up pur5u~nt to Contractor in5pection or premises. Screen wire used tor ventilation shall be 18 x 14 mesh. 105. Soffit: Build softit under roof overhang by installing 3/8" exterior plywood tram end of rafter to wall of structure utilizing rafter returns. Soffit shall be constructed at 90 degrees to wall, parallel to ground, and shall not be attached to bottom of rafters. Maximum spacing for soffit supporting members shall be 24" center to center. Soffit shall be c~ulked at wall, and at end of rafter along fascia board. Soffit shall be solid, continuous vent, or spot vented as indicated on Contractor Bid Proposal. Screen wire used shall be aluminum 18 x 14 mesh. 106. stucco SOfrit .or~; Install a 3/8" galvanized metal rib lath - lapped a minimum of 1" and secur~d with J/8" dia. nails, or staples. ~pply stucco base and finish coats and include appropriate moisture barrier. 107. r..l~J..J1'.L'9(CJtlU. Pep..d r and replace a 11 deteriorated fascias and soffit around house. No splicing shall be less than 5 fEET in length. Wood to match existing wood. <R> STUCCO WORK 108. ~~p~r , I~.ll.ti2ni Stucco shall be a mix of cellent, lime, sand and potable water or premixed and applied either with standard equipment or by hand. f'inlshcd stucco shall be a minimum of 1" thickness. Wire ~hall he If, gauge. Dowels shall be metal. When applied to mas~nry, shall consist of at least two (2) coats. Cement shall comply ....ith A5TM elS0, Type I or II having less than l~\ water solJble alkali by weight In the combination of liMe ~nr:l cement. Lim"! to comply with A5TM C207 .,1 dol . op 'Gel' 000'111149 7/14/94 AUG 1 6 ~ / (DUIT "." 10 (OIIIACl c-' Types, hydrated lime for masonry. Sand (Mortar Aggregate> to cOllply with ASTM C144. Water to be clean and free from iapurlties and alKalis. Where piqm~nts are required in order to aatch existing, use only chemically pure mineral oxides that are alkali proof and sun-fast. Where the Contractor deems special additives are necessary in order to match exi~ting, the Contractor shall rec~ive the approv~l of the Housing and Urban I.provement DepartMent for ~uch additives. Finished surface shall be uniform, !ree from excessive build-up, runs, sags or de1'ective materials. Contractor shall taKe care to aalntain continued aliqnllent of all surfaces and profiles. The Contractor shall re~ove all spilled, splashed or splattered stucco 1'rom all surfaces. 109. 8tueeo 2n Conerete: Applied surface to be clean, free trOll .tflorescence, damp and sufficiently rough, or coated with approved bonding a~ent. Apply two (2) coats of at least 1/2" thickness. 110. 8tuceo on Woo4: Wood to be protected by 15' roofing felt, or other approved material. Stucco to be placed over expanded galvanized welded, or woven wire fabric minimum weight 1.8 lbs. per square yard. f'asten with approved fasteners. Stucco to be three (J) coats work of total thiCKness of not less than 1/2" .ach coat. -<8> Teraite.: 111. Drvvoo4 Te~~ Treat house by tent method, using Vykane gaD. Owner to be notified of measures to be taken while treatllent is ongoing, including precautionary measures. 112. ~~'-~I'-l'.!.nll~-,- Treat hO'Jse by Soi 1 Poisoning aethod, include all soil beneath structure to a 5'0" periphery to structure. Owner to be notified of measures to be taken while treatment is ongoing, including precautionary measures. -<T> TREE REMOVAL 113. Tree R..oval: Tree removal requires a special permit. The contractor shall be held responsible for any and all damage to all area. in delivering materials or services. ~ 000 p.r,~ 1.50 ..1411.... 19 1/14J<14 AUG 1 6 ~ 0111111 -a- TO COlT tAC T c.\ <U> U!ILITY BUILDING 114. 2!illtv D~~1n9~ f'urnish and install new metal utility building of typ~ and construction approved by the County or City, as applicable. Utility Buildings shall have two (2) sliding or hinged doors. Building shall be constructed 01' .032' interlocking panels and shall b~ securely anchored to a concrete slab. ~Zt Utility Buildings are not ~n eligible expenditure for rehabilitation services performed with funding from Hurricane Assistance or State Housing Initiative Pr~ram (SHIP)1'unds. This section has been included for those instances where CDBG 1'unds are used to fund reh~bilitation services. <v> VEKTS Afro CRAWL SP~CE ~CCE8S 115. vent. cr.~~~.ce ~cc...; All crawl space entries and vents shall be replaced or repai~ed with 18 X 24 aluminum screen or aluminum vent cover appropriately framed. 116. Q~~~th Hou~ Protect all openings beneath the house, including base~ent or cellar windows and crawl space with an approved type of screening or lattice work to keep out large animals. <w> EXTERIOR ~ND INTERIOR .~LL ~ND CEILING FINISHES 117. ~~qL All walls to be finished with appropriate cove 1I0ulding, shoe ~oulding or basetloard. 118. "ow cel1i~g_~~t F~rrinQ 8tri~ Install new ceiling in rOO~5 indicated on the Wor~ Write-Up. Ceiling shall be 1/2" sheetrock, tap~d, bedded, and sanded. Latex paint shall t.e added to texture coat and ceiling painted. tlo paint to be applied before bedding is adequately dried. 119. New CeUlln3~ Install n~w ceiling in rooms indicated in Work Write-Up. Ceiling shall be 1/2" sheetrock, taped, bedded, and sanded. lAtex paint shall be added to texture coat and ceiling painted. New ceiling shall be installed over furring strips, nailed to ceiling joists and spaced 16" on center. Rein1'orce existing ceiling joists where possible to prevent sagging. Install 1 1/2" cov~ moulding around ceiling. f'urring strips to be shimmed to level, as necessary. aooc OOO",,{ 151 20 ..,'.,.2.... 7/14/'9<. '/ " AUG , 6 ~ (D" If ... TO COITUCT C. , 120. SUaDenOeO CeilinQI Install 24" x 48" x 5/8" acoustical tile vith straight edges on metal grid type suspended ceiling. Maintain ceiling height per code. Use wet 1'elted process cellulose tile CLASS "C" flame spr~~d classification, Celotex or .qua 1 . 121. ~4-~~ll1nq ILighl~~ Install 24" x 48" metal qrid type suspended ceiling clear p~ismatic design ceiling lighting panels ASTM CLASS 10 fire resistance, as Sears Polystyrene Plastic Light Panels, or equal. 122. ~il1nq Til.ll Install 12" x 12" x )/4" bevel edge for adhesive application, or tongue and groove edge for staple application. Class "C" 1'lame spread classification. Celotex Corp., Johns-Hansville Corp., or equal. 123. nnter ~~1nq an~Jlh on ",hl or Wire Lath: Apply three (3) coats of plaster to attain a minimum thickness 01' 5/8". FiniSh to match existing or as speci1'ied on Work Write-Up. 124. Plaster ce11i~~~m Lath: Apply two (2) coats of plaster to attain a mirimum thickness of 1/2". FiniSh to match existing or as specified in Work Write-Up. 125. Wall FiniLhl Patch cracks in walls and/or ceilings 01' rooas indicated in Work Write-Up. Pake cracks clean, remove all loose plaster and fill with plaster. Plew plaster shall be struck level with surrounding surface and finished to match existing plaster, as closely as possible. All lath or plaster board that is loose, Must be replaced or fastened, as applicable. 126. Wall FiniSh: Install 1/2" sheetrock on walls indicated on Work Write-Up. Sheetrock shall be taped, bedded, and sanded edges of bedded areas and seams. 127. Wo04 PanoliDgi Install voo1 paneling of ~rade and style to .atch existing. secured by bondin1 adhesive and/or panel nails of blending color. Include all nece5sary mold and trim. 00 not bond with adhesives directly to the interior or exterior concrete walls. 128. Water RO!.itl'n.LJlh-.t.ll.r~ItJ. resistant sheetroc~. Install 1/2" water 129. .all ."4 Cerallie Fixtures: Use U.S. Standard Quality, U.s. Romany tile, or equal. All surfaces to receive cera.ic tile first be made even and 3traight and substrata cleaned of dirt, dust, and grease. All tile to be installed true and straight, and using applicable r.oving, trim and radius tile on valls and corners. An approved type adhesive such as vater ..,Idol."" &00tl r,C3k~ 152 7114~ AUG 1 6 1990\ mutT "." TO COITUCT C' , resistant organic adhe9ive is required as a setting. All joints to be grouted to 1'ull depth ot units, and ceramic wall tixtures are to be architecturally located to be in line with the respective 1'ixtures that they serve (as lavatories, bath t~bs, etc.) . Fixtures to be included as standard arQ as tollo~s: One TO'Jel Bar Combination Soap Dish , Grab Bar in Tub Area Tooth Brush Holder Soap Dish Toilette Tissue Holder 130. Exterior si4ina on Fr.~. H~~ Replace deteriorated wood 1'rame, sheeting, building paper, and ~xterior siding with new to Datch remaining existing (clapboard, exterior plywood, lIetal, asbestos, asphalt, or tiberglass shingles, stucco and/or brick veneer) . 131. D..olition: Any demolition worr. undertaken shall include the hauling away ot debris, incl~ding tootings, slabs, block, etc. All excavated areas are to be tilled and compacted level to contorm with and match the landscape ot areas directly adjacent to the excavated areas (as sand, sod, or other). <x> SOLAR ENEROY SYSTEM 132. Solar Eneray 'y.teal I,stall solar heater system. Include storage tank, collector, val~es, vents, shut ot1's, sa1'ety valves and all necessary plumbing to contorm to local Codes. All Peraits and Plans to be provided by ~he Contractor. All work to have 1'inal approval ot the City. Size capabilities ot units as reCOMllended by plans architect and/o~ manufacturer and as approved the County and/or City, as appllca~le. aooc 000""t153 ..,tde2 ."11 22 7/U/940