Resolution 1994-604 RESOLUTION NO. 94-604 AUCUST 16. 1994 A RESOLtrTION REAPPOINTING S. BUDDY HARRIS AND FRANK BLANCHARD AND APPOINTING JOSEPij ,CHRISTY "'NO JOHNoOUGHERTY TO THE MARCO ISJ...A}IO BEACH RENOURISHMOIT "'DVISORY COMMITTEE. WHEREAS, COlli~r co~ntyordlnance No. 86-91 created the Marco Island Beach Renourish..nt~vlsory Committee and provides that the Committee' .hall 'be ceaposed ot nine (9) members with representation on the'committe. to be approximately one-halt trom co-ops or co~d6mii,ium associ~at{ons and approximately one-halt from single-ramily residential areas of the Marco Island Beach Renourishment and Publ{~ Acce.. Municipal Service Taxing Unit; and . . WHEREAS, the te~s of three at the me.bers expire on August 26, 1994'; and WHEREAS, one ....ber has resigned trom the 'Committee creating a vacancy on this Com.ittee; and WHEREAS', the Board at County co_issioners previously provided public notice soliciting applications frea interested parties. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUMTY, FLORIDA, that the tollowing aembers meet the prerequisites tor appointment and are hereby appointed or reappointed, as applicable, to the Marco Island Beach Renourishlllent Advisory COIIlJIittee, said terms to expire as provided herein: A. S. Buddy Harris, representing single-tamily ownership category, is hereby reappointed tor a tour year term, said term expiring August 26, 1998. B. Frank Blanchard, representing condominium ownership category, is hereby reappointed tor a tour year term, said term expiring August 26, 1998. Joseph Christy, representing condominium ownership C. category, is hereby appointed tor a one year term, said term expiring August 26, 1995. D. John Dougherty, representing condominium ownership category, i. hereby appoint"d tor a tour year term, sa id term expiring August 26, 1998. J5?a.-r-~ f. , AOCOST 16, 1994 This Resolution adopted atter motion, second and majority vote. DAT~i~u^~guat 16, 1994 ." . '__ 1;1 ATTEs-I:"::..... c DWIGHTE.~BAOcx, Clerk . , ~"".'" ... .. ..- :/~.~.' i . : .,).. :: # ~ . 1.'" . ; ~ . ':"I'~~' . I ){/ . I ' .........l j., " ;'/'J . "7~~~t>~:~ IV, e ~ . .,.".' ., ,1,,1'.. ~..'" Approved a. to torm and legal sutticiency: .", .11I. /Ul/6Gll y~6i. :L - :z -