Resolution 1994-603 RZ80LUTIOX MO. 94-603 'A RZSOLUT:%OX AUTBORUIJfQ TB~ I88UAMCZ 0' A TEMPORARY OSE PERMIT FOR A MOTOR HOME . IX THE ESTATES DISTRIC"1' " , AUCUST 16. 1994 WlfEREAS, on Auguat 16, 1994, Lynn Nichols petitioned the Board ot County commissioners by way ot a Public Petition to approve the issuanceot a Temporary Use penait tor a motor home on property' hereinatter described in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated by reterence herein; , . WlfEREA'S, Jlotor hOllles are not a per1llitted use in the Estates District; and WlfEREAS, subs~ction 2.6:33.2 ot the Collier County Land Developlllent Code (LOC) P';r1Illt. 'the issuance ot a Temporary Use Penait based upon, but not lillited to, the applicant's description ot the tellporary uae, the intended duration ot the u.., hours ot operation and illpacta upon adjacent properties; and WlfEREAS, the applicant has adequately dellonstrated to the Collier county Board ot County Commis.ioners that the tollowing unique circu.stances exist that justity the issuance ot the teaporary use perllit: that on July 31, 1994, the applicant's home situated in the Estates District was totally destroyed by tire; that the app1icant has a tallily ot seven, including school-age children; that the applicant was under insured and his insurance will not adequately cover the teaporary rental ot a dwelling unit while the hOlle is being rebuilt; that the applicant was unable to secute a rental unit tor his taJlily in the present school dis\trict that would enable his school-age children to rellain in the same school and that it is .ssential that certain ot the children remain in their current school. since they are enrolled in "Special Needs" progralls; that the applicant intends to immediately commence construction ot his repl~cellent hOlle at the salle location; that the applicant still has at the property 9~ /G. I AUCUST 16. 1994 homesite including three vehicles and a storage shed contalnfng 'itemsot personal property: WlfEREAS, 'Subsection 2:6.j3.2 ot the Land Development Code peI"1llit. the inua"cfl of a TempOrary Use Perllit it the tollowing applicable provisions are made: screening, buttering and landscaping: sanitary facilities and lighting: and; WlfEREAS, the applicant has represented to the Board of County COllaissioners that he has made or will lIake adequate provision tor the connectlonot the motof h01lle to' sanitary'sewer, water and electrical tacilities and that the Jlotor home will be situated on the property in such aanner that it will neither be visible from the street nor trOll surroundinq properties: NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board ot County Ccaaissioners or Collier County, Florida that: 1. Due to 'the unique nature o! the applicant's request and the hardship involved, a Temporary Use Permit shall be issued tor the place..nt ot a .otor hOlle on the property described herein tor a period not to exceed 120 days trOJll the date ot issuance or such permit under the toll~~ing conditions: a. . It the applicant is unable to complete the rebUfldinq6! his h01lle within 120 days, he must advise the Board ot County Commissioners of the situation and ask tor an extension of said permit prior to its expiration. b. The applicant must demonstrate his ability to connect the motor home to tho appropriate sanitary sewer, water and electrical tacilities. This Resolution adopted after Jlotion, second and lIajority vote tavoring salle. DAT~: -Y/~/ ATTEST: _ . DWIGHT E. BRotx, Clerk TY COMMISSIONERS OUNTY, f"LORIDA BY~~~ ~ T OTHY CON IHE a i rIla A ptoved'a~ to tor. and legal sutticioncy: ~A-l,)}1 JJtUd/Ad9~/~.~ Mar or M. Studant .. , Assistant County Attorney ~. "'. J A.U~tJST 16. 1994 !DIBI'l' "A" LZOAL DZ8C1lIPTI01I The North 150 teet ot Tract 7, COLDEN CATE ESTATES, UNIT NO. 14, according to the plat thereot recorded in Plat Book 7, Pages 73 and 74, Public Records ot Collier County, Florida. Subject to eas...nts, restrictions and reservations common to the subdivision. Subject to that c.rtain mortgage executed by Ed McCraw in tavor ot Citizens National Bank as recoreded in OR Book 1490, Page 1075, aa thereafter assumed by Crantors in OR Book 1810, Page 528 and re-recorded in OR Book 1889, Page 1717, all ot the Public Recorda of Collier County, Florida, havinq an approximate principal balance ot $40,120.01 which Crantees herein agree to assume and pay. o~ It. 3