Resolution 1994-586 AUCUST 9, 1994 ~ESQLUTI0N NO. 94-58~ A RESOLUTION nxI,}(~ THE. DAn:, TIMElJfIt r~CE rOR THE PUBLrC HEARING FO~ APPROVING THE SPECIAL ASSESSMEl(T . (llO)f-^O "A,LORP1ASSESSH~). TO~F;,LpI.ED AGAINST THE PROPERTIES WITHIN PELICAN BAY KUNtC1PAL TAXING .\H.D DEMEI'IT, J.T,NIT ,FORMAlJiTE}4ANCE. PI'. T1iE WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM, BEAUTIFICATION or RECREATIONA,J.FA,C.IW-TIES HEDIAN AREAS" 1-HD, . " , MAIJITEN).}rCE OF CONsERvATION AND PRESERVE AREAS .aJrb THE SP~IAL ASS,ESS1'UJIT(NON-AD VALOREM, AS.SESSXl:N.T.} TO BE LEVIED AGAINST THE PROPERTIES WITHIN PELICAN BAY KVN.ICI.PAL S,ERV,ICE ,TAXING AND BENEFIT .UNU l'PA DEBT SERVICE FOR THE OUTSTANDING BONOS. ' . ,. WHEREAS, the Pelican Bay I.provement Di.trict completed con.truction or i.prov..ent. in accordance with the Plan ot . , l ",' ,,', ',. , ReclaJaation ot the Pel'ican Bay I.prove..nt Di.trict and .uch bprovements 'are ~rr.ri'tly in operation; and WHEREAS, during the op.ration ot the improve.ents, operation, i' repair and .aintenance 'co.t. will be incurred; and WHEREAS',' the Boa~d of County C01llJlli..ion.'~. '~Id~'pt'~~d Ordinance No. 90-111 ~eating th~ Pelican Bay Munldipal service'Ta~lng ., '''' ,.".\ i '" Benetit Unit tor the purpo.e ot providing water ..nagellant, ., and i. :', i n : ~ beautitication ot recreational tacilitie. and .edian areas, and aaintenance ot con.ervation and pre.erv. ar.a.; and WHEREAS, Section 197.3632, Florida Statut.., require. that a public hearing be held to adopt a non-ad valorem a......ent roll tor purpo... ot utilizing the unitorll m.thod ot coll.ction. Ncnf, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COKKISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: SECTION ONE. Thi. R..olution i. adopted pur.uant to the provi.ion. ot Ordinance 90-111 and other applicable provisions ot law. SECTION TWO. It i. h.r.by tound and det.rmined that a special a......ent tor debt ..rvice on the water .anagoment sy.te. and a .pecial a.......nt tor .aint.nance ot the water management .y.te., beautitication ot r.creational taciliti.. and median ar.a., and aaintenance ot con.ervation and pre.erve area. within the Pelican Bay Municipal Service Taxin9 and benetit Unit is neces.ary tor tundin9 the required payaent. tor the operation, repair and &00< 000 rl'of 322 AUc;:.UST 9, t994 maintenance of the water manaqement sy.tem, beautitication of recreational facilities and median areas, and maintenance of' , ^ conservation and preserve areas during Fiscal Year 1994-l995. . . . . : . SECTION THREE. A public hearing before the Board of County Comd..ionerson the preliminary a..e..ment roll (non-ad valorem -\ as.es..ant roll) of the e.timated co.t. to fund the deht service and maintenance of the water manaq..ent .y.te., beautification of recreation tacilitie. and median areas, and maintenance ot conservation and pre.e~.' area. durinq Fiscal Year 19'9'4-1995 ,. , between the County and each prop.rty ovrierot land within the Pelican Bay Municipal ,- . , , .- 'stirtice Taxing and ~.neilt 'Unit ",'1n: be held , . . . ."", ," .' I .' 5:05 P.M. at The Club at Pelican Bay, 707 on Auqu.t 15, 1994 at , \ L" Gulf Park Driv., Naple., Florida, at which tiJiae the Board of " , ! i _ ..,.: _"~,I I": . County coaai..ion.r. will hear objection. of the owners of the properties within the Pelican Bay Municipal service Taxing and Benetit Unit or other per.on. intere.ted therein, to the adoption of the preliminary a......ent roll (non-ad valor.. asses.lIent roll). Th. Cl.rk shall keep a record in which .hall be inscribed, at the requ..t ot any per.on, tirm or corporation having or claiminq to have any int.r..t in any lot or parc.l of land with the Di.trict, the na.e and po.t office addre.. of .uch person, tira or corporation, tog.ther with the briof description or desiqnation ot such lot or parc.l. The Cl.rk .hall cause the notice ot such public hearing to be published one time in the Naple. Daily New., a newspaper publi.hed in Collier County and circulatinq in the Di.trict, not l.s. than twenty (20) day. prior to .aid date of the hearinq. Notice of .uch public hearinq to con.ider the adoption of the preli.inary a.......nt roll (non-ad valorem a..e....nt roll) .hall al.o be mailed fir.t cla.. .ail to all the property owner. on the pr.li.inary a......ent roll (non-ad valor.. as.e...ent roll) at the addre.. provid.d for on said roll. SECrl;O~ FO\JR. Notice ot .uch hea~~c shall be in .ubstantially the followinq fora: aoo( 000 J&',~ 323 2 " ""' i' A,oeVIT 9.' 1994 KO'l':I.CE , " . Notice is hereby given that the Board ot County Commissioners I " .- ot Collier CQ\Jn~y, Tlo~~!1,a, wiu ..et onA1Jqu.t 1.5.1 ,1,994 at 5: 05 \ ' ,'. , " - . P.M., The Clu.b~t.Pel,rc;a" .~a'y, 7,,07.. Cult parkD:r:'~ve:" ,Naples, ,'. ," .. .. ..': .. 'I . . Florida, tor ,tll'epurpq.. Qr .ne~ringobj.cti.on.,. it ,~ny,o! all , "', ^' ! f .,.'; ,,' ,..' intere.ted })er.ol1.to,th~ ,ad~tipn ot tl1~. ~f~~i~n. "ass~"lI.nt roll (non-ad valor.em ,a......1I!ent ,roll) allocatinc{~~ ,aSsessable costa tor debtservic.-,an,d ,.a!.ntenance or~he w.~,er .JIlan.afle.ent sy.t.., beaut~.t~catfon ,bt. UCt:~atlon~l tac;il'ities '4hd median areas, and 1I,,~nt.n.anCtl pt conserv.ation or ;pre"~8areas within the Pelican ,Bay Ml.tnici.p~l Sery:ice Taxing .n4'Bene.!it Unit, which , " '-, ': ' ,,', " " ".' " " ' COllpris.. andihclUdes ,tho.. "lands desc'ri~d..s;.iPl~PvS: ; " '.' " A tract of land ~1ng in portions of.Sectipns 32 and 33, T~ip 48$Outh, Range 25 East;,tQg;et,her:,.,ith portionaot Sections 4, 5, 8 and 9, 1'ovnship49..South, Range 25, East, Collier County, Florida,~cj. .000 and, the salle ,as the landa encompas.ed by the, Pelican ,Bay Iaprovement Diatrict,the parillletor boundary ot, same .ore particularly des.cribed aa !ollovs: COIIlIenciOg ,at the ,sOuth-.st corner or.a1;d, Section, ;J;l; thence SQuth89" d"8qr"s ,59 min.utes 50 .~onds, West along ,the -60uth'.1ine of Section' 33 a~1S,i;.tanceot." 150.02 teet to a pointontheWe.t ri'9ht~dt"""ay line ot U.S. 41 (State Road 45), .aid pointalsdbeing ,'the Point ot Beginning; thence ~outherly along the West right-ot-way lino or said U. S. 4l (State Road 45) the tollowing cour.es: South 00 degrees 58 .inutes 36 .econds East a distance ot 2.49 teet; thence South 00 degrees 55 minutes 41 seconds East a distance ot 3218.29 teet; thence South 01 degrees 00 minutes 29 seconds East a distance ot 32l8.56 teet; thence South 00 degrees 59 a1nutes 03 seconds Ea.t a diatance ot '2626.21 teet; thence South 01 degrees 00 minutes 18 seconds East a distance ot 2555.75 feet to a point on the North right-of-way line of pine Road as recorded in D.B. 50, Page 490, among the Public Records of said Collier County; thence departing ..id U.S. 41 (State Road 45) South 19 degree. 09 minute. 45 second. West along said North right-ot-vay line a di.tance of 2662.61 teet; thence South 00 degrees 51 .inute. 44 seconds East a distance ot 70.00 feet to a point on the North line of Se.gate Unit 1 as recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 85 a.ong .aid Public Records; thence South 89 degrees 09 minutes 45 seconds West along said North line ot Seagate Unit 1 and the South line of said Section 9 a distance ot 2496.67 teet to the Southwest corner of .aid Section 9; thence continue South 89 degrees 09 .inutes 45 seconds West a distance ot 225 feet more or les. to a point on the mean high water line e.tablished Hay 15, 1968; thence a Northwe.terly direction along said mean high water line a distance 15716 feet more or less; thence departing said mean hign water line South 80 degrees .... OOU "~i!324 AUCUST 9, 1994 ) j' 29 minu~e.. 3,0 "~eC;Ql)4. t4.t ,and along, th.~ So~;th$r~'y line of Vanderbilt Beach Road (Stat. Road 861) a. ~:~~~~:~ a~dl~t:~c,;5 ~l;'~:51~;e~JIl~~~:~;4'i~~~~~ '11' point Qn u14 Wut ,rig,bt-o,(-vay line ,o!,.u .,5",.41 , (Stat.'Road 45); thence Sduth 00 degree. 58 minutes 36 .econd.. .~.t along. _dd ,West right-o!'7vay Hne a, di.tance ot 2574.36 te.t to the Point of Beginning. A copy ot the prel1ainary a..e.sment roll (non-ad valorem a.......nt) 'ior .ach lot or parcel of land to be ~s.~~~ed is on fil. at the Cl.rk to the Board'. Office, ROO1I'5l3,cotinty: Courthou.e, Building .F., 3301 Ea.tTamia.1Tr~fl; N8'ple., Florida and in the orrico. ot the Pelican Bay service. riivi..tori,SOl Laurel Oalc Driv., Suite 510, Maple., FlorIda I and 'i. open to the inspection otthe public. All attected prop.rty oWn.r. ha~e a rlqhi' to'appea~ and be h.ard at thepubl1c liearing'and to tile vritte"'objec:tlons 'to the adOption of ~ r..olution ~pProvin9 the p~.li~in~~'a..';s.JIlent roll (non-ad valore.u.~....'rit \r~il>" with the -Bo~~d-":ith'i~ 20 days of , this notic. ba.ed uPon the 'ground. that 'it contain. 'ite1l8 which .~, J I . t r r can not be properly a..e...d again.t property, that the coaputationof the .~cial a..e...ent i. incorr.ct, or there i. a detault or detect in the pa..ag. or character of the resolution, r or the preliminary a..e....nt (non-ad valorem a.....ment) i. void or voidable in whole or part, or that it exce.d. the power ot the Board. At the coapletion of the h.aring, the Board .hall either annul or su.tain or aodify in whole or in part the preli.inary a.....ment (non-ad valor.. a.....m.nt) a. indicated on .uch roll, either by confirming the preliminary a.......nt (non-ad valorem a..e.s.ent) again.t any or all lot. or parcels de.cribed therein or by c~nc.ling, increa.ing, or r.ducing the .a.e, according to the .pecial benefit. which the Board decido. .ach .uch lot or parcel has r.ceived or will recoive on account of .uch inprov.ment.. Th. a.......nt .0 ..de shall be final and conclusive as to .ach lot or parc.l a..e...d unl... proper .t.ps are taken within twenty (20) day. with . court ot coapetent jurisdiction to .ecur. relief. ItO( 000 U'.~ 325 ,'!"':I"~"': l'o'~l'tPP'?~'.i ,'- AU'C:1fST 9. I 994 d ~. 'I . The Board will levy a .pecial a.......nt for Debt Service on . " (., the prior P.lican Bay Improvement Di.trictBond., (non~ad valorem , , a.......nt) again.t tho.. benefited properti.. utilizing an acr.ag. ..thodology. , ,", ...-, Th. total a.......nt tor debt.ervice i. $723,300 whi~h .quat.. :t~ $514.02 per a..e..able acre based on I \ . '-1' ., 1,407.1499 a.....abl. acre.. The Board will levy a .pec~al I .', '. a.......nt (non-ad valore. a.......nt) for operations and' maint.nanc. of the water manag.ment .y.t.m and the beautification I .,: ' ',.'; ( of the recreational ar... and median area., and maintenance of . ' - . ...,' con.ervation and pr..erve ar.a. utilizing an Equivalent p...idential Unit' ba.ed .ethodology. . ' ,', .... . Th. total a..e..ment. for maintenance ot the water aanag..ent .y.t..,' beautiLlcatiJn of recreational facilitie., and ..dian area., and aaintenance of . - . ., " .. ,', cOJUlervation or pre..rve ar.a. i.$1,203,.cO~whiqb,eqU.at.. to $156.3308 per Equival.nt Re.identi.lUnlt ba..d on,7~97 ....78. a..e..able units. The .pecial a..e....nt (non-adval.orem a........nt) will be collect.d by 'the Collier county Tax Collector on the owner'. ad valor.. tax bill pur.uant to Section 197.3632, Florida statute.. Failure to pay the .p.cial a.......nt (non-ad valor.. a..o....nt) and your property taxes will cau.e a tax certiticat. to be .old again.t the property which .ay re.ult in a loss of title to the property. Any per.on who d.cid.. to appeal a deci.ion of the Board will need a record of the proce.ding. pertain~ng thereto and therefore aay ne.d to .n.ure that a verbati. record of the proeeeding. i. made, which record include. the te.timony and .vid.nce upon which the appeal i. to be ba.ed. BOARD OF COUNTY COMIfiS8IONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA TIMOTHY J. CONSTANTINE, CHAIRMAN DWIGHT E. BReCX, CLERK By: /./ Loui.e Che.onia Deputy Clerk (SEAL) 80ill( 000 r'5: 326 }- '1~ ' ~"<O"^ AUCUST 9, 1994 J SECTIOK FIVE., The Clark i. hereby ordered and directed to .pread this Re.olutipn,in.!~~l ..~ng the &inute. of this meeting for peraanent record in hi. office. SECTION SIX. This Re.olution shall become effective immediately upon its passage. This Resolution adopted atter .otion, second and majority vote. DATED: t})j/ \ "/, . AtrEsT:" ',' ..' . OWl GHT E. sttOCJl: , CLERJC \4-~,~+~0(,. " Approved' .~. to fOrll and legal sufficiency:. r' 4LL~~. ~ Richard D. Yova ov c As.i.tant county Attorney aooe 000,1-,.327 6