Resolution 1994-579 . t. AUCUST 9, 1994 ~ESOLUTION HO. 94-579 'A RESOLtrrION APPOINTING .1AMES D. ALLEN, JR. TO THE BUILDING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS WHEREAS, ordinance No. 91-102, The Land Development Code, as ...nded, provide. that the Buildinq Board ot Adjustlllents and I Appeal. shall be coapo.ed of five (5) lIIembers and is established . . tor the purpo.e of providinq a deci.ion-making body through which an owner ot a buildinq or structure may appeal the rejections or retu.al ot the Bulldinq .Otticial to approve the 1I0de or manner ot con.truction propo.ed to be tolleved or materials to be used in the erection or alteration ot that building or structure; and WH~.,. ttte tel"Jl of one ot the ...bers expired on August 9, 1994 crutinq an openinq in the categon of . cl4i.. -A- general contractor; and WHEREAS, the Board ot County Commi.sioners previoUSly provided public notice soliciting application. from interested partie. . NOW, THERE70RE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COl1NTY cotOaSSIOKERS OF. COLLIER COOJfTY, FLORIDA, that James D. Allen, Jr., who ..et. the prerequi.ite. for appointment under the category ot Cla.. -A- general contractor, is hereby appointed to the Buildinq Board ot Adju.t.ent. and Appeals tor a tour year term, .aid term expiring on August 9, 1998. This Resolution adoptedatter .otion, s.cone! and lIIajority vote. DATED:, August 9, 1994 . - , . #' .. : l. . . ~ , :.'ATrZST.:: f..:. . .' oWICHT'~:.I.BRpcK, CLERK :./~: ~I~'~:;'...;< ~ " : .~. ".. .::,. ~~"c' ~.. .. . .,.l~~ .~. 4'!'.;fi;~~~~t7, -'. 1.....;1 " , . , ApprO(,JG' a. to fora and leqal .ufficiency: ~if. J:A~/_ xenne it B. Cuy County Attorn Q~5/' I ~...1W601'