Resolution 1994-578 ?F.)I):_t~II):; ::1), ')1._ 578 AUG 0 9 ~ A nSOL:::rr;;:; ?i''jH:aIT:~G THE CPEi'AT:O~ OF TRt:CJ(S A.'m ~ER COOXERCIAL ':~r.rCLE5 P~~!;.C A P.ATE~ LOAO-CAP~YrNG CAPACrr{ In EXcess OF ~E (1) Ton FROM 7E?7:GH l":'7:f~'1r::;-;S 0:; T?.AIL DRIVE (ALSO r.~;"'.1f AS TRAIL,TERiACE DRIVE) AS ?E':S?:l<:D .:I~:: ?I.A7 OF nAIL TEPJI.ACE (P.a, 2, Pc. 94), CYJ'R,~S~lOODS DRJVE AS ?ECS?,;)?::J I~ C'il'?ES5 ....0005 ESTAT:.$ PLAT -2 (P .8, I., PC",)0) . X!CHIGNl :?,r':r: AS ilECO?:no 0:1 MD AXE SL'ilO,TVISION PLAT (P.B.4, PG.JO), A.'10 14TH SI7.Er:7 ~i'J?TH ~EI.'F.f.f~1 SOLA."A ROAD ....:iD CYPRESS \lOOOS DRIVE. '.'HuF.AS, Q.1?~H 311), Florida S~.atuu. pe.I1lli~s, the Baudo! Coun,ty r.=r.'l~H~ar.,"-n to prohibit or r<etul.H.. IIny clllu or kind of traff1c found to b.. in<:o::r;,nibl.. '''itn the norl:lal .lnt! sa!" movement of traffic on roads and str"ets und..r it~ Jurisdiction; and '''r.EREAS, IIn ..n!:in....r1ng study by th" Collier County Transportation Oe;;artr...nt hn. lndiCllt"d that n:ce.. through trUCK" tr.CfJ.(:, is npt (:olllpatible v1th the existing ro..d comditionll ..nd road '.Is.gedon,:Trdl' Ddve (also k~~ .. Tr..11 Terrllce Drive) a. recorded on the Plat of Trail TerrAce (P.S. 2, ?C. 11.), Cnr".. \loads Dr. .. ncorded on Cnrus \loods estatuPlat -2 (P.~. I., PC. 30), Michi,an Dr. as recorded in Ilad Axe Subdivision Plat (P,~.4, PC. 10), an~ 14TH Strut North betv...nSolail& Road.l'lcl:'Cy-preu '..o"d~ Ori"e .1n<:.. th" stuet is vithin A fully dc:V,alopad re.idential area and both th~ pa'lem-.nt vidth and the ri&ht-of-vay width ara not conducive to truck ~ra(fic; accordin&ly the Collier County Transportation Department r~c~~nd., tha~ such through truck trRffic be prohibited. ~c.., THEREFORE, !t IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF c.cU.ID Cot1tTY;'ncaIDA. that tha Boud of County COllll1uionars does hereby prohibit the oparation of trucks and other cosurcia1 vahicles having . ra~ed load-carryin, capacity in ~cess of one (1) ton trom throu&h m~'ement. or. Trail Orb'. (also ltnovn as Tran Terrace OTi-,e) as recorded in the Plat of Tra11 T~rr..c-. (P.~. 2. PC. 94), Cypre.. \loads Or. a. recorded on Cypress ~oo~s E.tate. Plat -2 (P.B. I., PC. 30), Michigan Or, as recorded in Ead Ax. Subdlvislon PIRt (P.!,I., PC. 10), and 14TH Str.at North betwee.n Solana Road and Cyprus \loo~s Ori"e ar-od does h"ratrl direct the County Transportation C<<;;art=<ent to aract s~tn. ,i'lin, notice thereof, BE IT ft~THER RESOLVED that a corl of this Re.olution be forwarded to :~a Collier County Sheriff for prop~r enforcemant of this prohibition under Cola~r Ccr.1nty Ordinance, No. 83-35. Thi. Resolution OATtD:~~ ,U7EST: . :1.'1GK'r E. !ROCX, Adopted after ~tion, second and ..joritr vote. Clerk BOARD OF coum COKKISSIONERS COLLI~CotlfiTy, FLORIDA ..~ t/'_/'~4'$ ,/ 9J( Approved'.. to fora and legal .ufficiency: Ii.. ~ ~ if! ~ ,Df5~ B. ,~ ~t Collier County Attorney 6C1i1t DO{)rt.,f 345