Resolution 1994-577 AUG 0 9 ~ RESOLL7IO~ NO. 94.~ A P.ESOU;TIO~ PROflIBIT1::C r~E OPERATION OF TRTJC1<S . A.>;D OTHER ~EilCIAL "/ERICLES RAVU!C A TOTAL 'IF.HI CTJl.AP.. \:EICHT InCU;DInCTHE LOAD tN EXCESS OF O::E (l) TO:'f lROX THROUGH XO"/E.'IDn's O~. ROAO''/A YS '.T;"HIN THE PINE RIDeE SUapIVISIOn Knalm .AS . EAST. AVE.. CAR!!BEAl'; CT., RIceE DR.. CENTER ST.. CAJEPt,n OR., KYRTU; RD. .'aA....fAR RD.. SAliD PUn: DR., HIC1<01{Y RD.. A."ro CARICA RD. iolIEP..EAS. Chapter 316. C02mi..ion_r. to prohibit or incOll'patible vith the no....l under it. Jurisdlction; And Florida Statute.. permit. the Board of County reSUlate any c.la.. 9r..lcindof .t,ra,f(le .found to be and uCe IIIcr,elllC!nt of tuCHeon, ro..'d. a,nd .treets '."Ht:P.EA5. an en,.ineuint; Hudy by the Coll1.rc~nt7 Transportation Departsent hAS in~ic4ted that .xc.~~lve thr~Jgh traffic i. not compatible with the nlsein,. ro..<1 condltion. And rOAd\J.'''l\e don. roact.,aya:,.,1th-in the Pine Ud&_ Subdbi.ion lcn'J'VTl as Eut A-"..Caribbun.Ct,. JU~..Dr.. Center St.. CaJ eput Dr.. Myrt 1. lid.. Banyan Rd., Sand Pine Dr.. Hickory Rd.. and Carica Rd.. .ince the .tre_t. are vithin a fully developed, re.identi.,l area and both th. pa-'..ent vidth and the ri&ht-of -vay width are not conducive to through truc:1c traffic; Ac~ordin&l, the Collier County Transportation Department recOtll::!4!nd. that .uch thr?uth truc:k traffic b. ptoM~lted;.nd _ iolIEREAS, it i. appropriate that the Soard of County COIlIDis.ioner. adopt a r~v re.olution which .'JP.r.ede. Re.olution No 93-42 reducin& the veitht lilllit. r.O'J, THEREFORE, 8E IT RESOLVED 8Y !liE BOAJU) OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COUIOl COt,;nrl.FLORIDA. th..t the 8o..rd of County COlIIIlli..ionera do.. hereby prohibit the ppet.ticin of truclca ..nd other coaterc1.tl vehicl.. h..vint a total veh!C'.Jl.tr veitht inC:ludin& the load in exce.. of one (1) ton frora through """.aentl on rl)"~""1. within the Pine itidte Subdivi.ion knovn ... E...t Ave.. Caribbean Cto, IUd,.. Dr., Center St.. Cajeput Dr., Myrtle Rd.. B.tnyan Rd.. San Pine Dr.. Hiclcory Rd.. an1 C..rica Rd.. and doe. hereby direct the County .ransportation Depart..nt to erect .i,na tivint notice thereof. 8E IT FL'RTHER RtsOLVED th..t this Resolution supenede. Resolution No 93-42. BE IT FL'RTHOl RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution be forwarded to the Collier County Sheriff Cor proper enCorcement of this prohibition under Collier County. Ordinance '0. 83-35. This Rl!solution adopted ..fter llIot ion , second, and -Jority vot".. DATtO:.tff# ATTEST: ',' DllICHT E. BROCX. CLERX SY~d,~<"4//? :/2/. ~.;. ( BOAJU) OF eotnrTY COMHISSIOIfEllS COLLIn COUNn', FLORIDA /- BY: ApproVl!d 4. to Cor. and 1e&41 .u(ficiency: d~(tlt . t:,. ll5XETH II. GUY a. y ~I ~llier County Attorne, aoo. OOO~J'.1 344