Resolution 1994-572 AUG 0 9 ~ RESOLUTIon !to. 94 -572 ~ ?ESOU:T!Olt AUTHORIZIUG n:ZAL ACCEPTANCE OF THOSE fI!'');''r;J:';;'''{ , . DP.AI!iAGE, WATER MID Sr-IlER IMPROV~1EnTS IN (iP,;"~I;"D.\ DRr-/E EXTE1ISIOr:, A PORTIO:; OF MARCO BEACH 1;~rI7 fiVE, RELEASE OF THE MAnlTENAntE sEcuinty, Aim j..CCEPTIHy THE MAIltTE1iAlICE. RESPOU.!jIBILITY tOR.,THe ?OAD',-ill.'{, OP.AU/AGE, WATER AnD Sr-IlERIMPROVEMDfTS THAT ARE :IOT REQUIRED TO BE ~.AWTAInED BY THE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATIOH. WHEREAS, the Board ot County Commissioners of.Coiller County, FlorIda, on June 2, 1992, appro',,,d the construction plans and .p@ci!ic~tions for Granada Driv~ Exten~ion, a portion of Marco Beach Cnit rl'l~; and WHEREAS, tho developer has constructed and oaIntained the road~ay, drainage, ~ater and se~er i::lprovements in accordance wIth the appro~ed plans and np~cific<ltion9 and as required by the Land :ev4IopcontC~1e (Colli"r County Ordin~nce fio. 91-102, as amended); ~nd the Ctilio;t<:ls St;sn':lard:: and Procec!ure$ O;:dinanctl(Co.llier -::ounty Or11nance Ho, 88-76, as ,)~endedl, Z1n~' ' ~~EREAS, tho developer has no~ requested final acceptance of ~he road~ay, drainago, ~ater and se~er improvemcn~s and release of his =aintenance security; and miERE,\S, the C~pliance Servicc!: Section 0' Developmcnt SQrvicos Depart~Qnt has innpectcd the roadway, drainage, water and sever i=provcmants and is recocconding acceptance of said facHities. , lOOW, THi;REf,ORE, BE IT RESOL'IED BY THE BOARD OF COmITY COMHISSIOrrEP.~ 'or; COLLIER COmITY, fLORIDA, that final acceptance be qranted for those roadvay, drainage, vater and sewer improvements in Granada Drive Extension, a portion of Marco Beach Unit Five, and authorize the Clerk to r~lease the,maintenance security. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AlID ORDERED that the County accept the future Maintenance and other attendant costs for the roadvay, drainage, water and sever improvecents that are not required to be m31ntained by the homeowners association. -:-his ?cso.lution 4rlopt'11 aft<:!r motion, second and majorIty vote favoring S4l!lC, .' i DATE: <I;1:~y. ATTEST i ~'IGHT E, BROCK, Clerk ~. ~ "",,/.~;., ;;Jf7-~,...:J) ('~ '. ? -. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, fLORIDA / j__ ~1 ".'Iot.,. I -:.,A .j..."... " Approved a~ to (orM and lcq~l sufficioncy: D~i: ~~ Assistant col~r County Attorney ~o~ aDO FA'.! 336