Resolution 1994-570 AUGUST 2. 1994 RESOLUTION NO. 94-570 A RESOurrtO'if APPOIJIT1NG GEORGEX. RASLtY, JR. TO THE COLLIER COUNTY PRIVATIZATION PLUS TASK FORCE WHEREAS, the Board of county co..lssloners, on March 8, 1994, adopted Resolution Ito. 94-151 vhlch created the' Collier County Privatization Plus: Task roree as an ad hoc co.aitte.' for a period not to exceed one year vith a one year extension; and WHEREAS, Reaolutio~ No. 94-151 provides that the Collier County Privatization Plus Task Force shall consiat of tvelve (12) JI81Ibers to ~, appointed by Resolution of the Board of County eoaaisslonersj and WHEREAS, there is currently a need to fill a vacant position on this Board for the reaaininq tera ,expiring on April 19, 1996j and WHEREAS, the Board of county c~issioners previously provided public notice soliciting applications from interested parties. ".__.... _c 'f .~' 'F ',' THEREf'ORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY NOW, COKMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUlM'Y, FLORIDA, that George K. Rasley, Jr., ia hereby appointed to the Collier county Privatization Plus Task Force, said tera to expire on April 19, 1996. This Resolution adopte~ after JIOtion, second and JUljority vote. DATED: August 2, 1994 , . A'I"rES't I : f .... DIf1GHT E. BRoc1c, CLDX BOAJtO or COUJITY COIOII88IOWZRS COLLIEJt,.cot1MTY, FLORIDA // I / .. _.:f"~J~~fJ)~ :' . 'Approved~" to fora and 1-9.'1 sufficiency: CHAIRMAN ~t!#/, county Attorn .. lJOO"''; OJ """''','"i.t~a-.' ';:.,iIi,~,. ',' ,:,~-;;",,~,;,,_----, " ,""",,,.:t!::\ "'''.IW~