Resolution 1994-557 ReSOLUTION NO. 94- 557 AU~UST 2. 1994 A RESOUTrION OF,THE BOARD Of COUNTY COMMISSIonERS PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN, fOR THE COST OF THE ABATEMENT OF PUBLIC NUISM1CE, IN ACCORDAHCE : WITH O~D~HANCE 91-47. . WHEREAS, as provided in. Ordinance 91-0, the direct costs of abat...nt of certain nuisances, including prescribed administrative co.t incurred by the County, shall be assessed against such property; and WHEREAS, the co.t thereof to the County as to each parcel shall be calculated'and reported to the Board of County Commissioners, together vith a de.crlptionot .aid ~arcel; and . WHEREAS" .uch a..,.nent .hall be a legal, valid and binding ebl1qation upon'the, ~r.Operty against which made until paid; and WHEREAS', the a.....ment shall become due and payable thirty (30) day. after the, uiling of Plotice of Assessment after which interest .hall aecru. ,;e1i a rate of twelve percent (12.0') per annum on any unpaid portion thoreof. "OW, THEREFORE, ,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD or COUNTY CtJKKISSIONERS Of'COLLIER COUPITY, FLORIDA, that the property described a. follov., anCShaving "'en abated of a public nuisance after due and proper notice thereof to the ovner of said property, is hereby assessed the folloving co.t. at such abatement, to wit: DAL; LEGAL DESCRL~~ ~ stephen R Miller , xargaerit. .i~l.r LOT 14, BLOCK Z, PINE RIDGE $279.00 EXTENT I OK, SUBJECT TO THE PLAT RECORDED IK PLAT BOOK 3, PAGE 51, or THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COt11fTY, FLORIDA. RZ7DDCJl f 4022'-020 '672'2040002 Th. Clerk of the Board .hall mail a notice of assessment of lien to the ovnar or ovner. at the above descrihed property, and if such ovner fail. to pay .uch assessment within thirty (30) days hereof, a certified copy of this Re.olution shall be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Court., in and for Collier County, Florida, to constitute a lien aqainst such property according to law, unless such direction is stayed by this BOard upon appeal ot the assessment ot the owner. DATED~t;~tion adopted att-er motion, second andlllajorityvote. .' A'M'ES'l' : , DWIGHT E. BROCX,<CLERK 7~4/NL-~~ APPRovEo AS TO. FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: ~J0cL ;) A~ lv1-- (~ZHNETH B. CUYLER COUNTY ATTOIUfEY CSce 11 - 1/94 lOOK Den H',: 133 LIEN lrUMB~: and shall BOARD or COUNTY COKHISSIONER8 COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA LEGAL KOTICE OF ASSESSMENT OF LIEN .tepb.na Mill.r , xarqaerit. Miller U 1Iakoaia Pat;b Lincoln Park, 1rJ 05035 aunDcz 40221-020 167292040002 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: D~TEI" AU602!M LOT 14, BLOCXiJ, PIn R'IOOE ~x1"t1f'l"I01i, S'OB'JEC'l" TO THE PLA'l" RECORDED I. PLA'l" BOOJt 3, PAGE 51, OF THE PUBLIC RZCORD8 or COLLIn COO1ftY, I'1.ORIDA. You, a. the owner of theptoperty above descri~d, as recorded in the records maintained by the ot'fice of the Property Appraiser ,are hereby advised that the Compliance Service. Manager, did'on2/28/94, order the abatement of a c.rtain nui.ance existing on the above property prohibited by Ordinanc. 91-47, .erving notice thereof upon you, such nui.anc.'being: Probtbite4 accu.ulatioft ot non-prot.ct.d aovabl. v'CJ.tation in .xc.s. of lS" in b.iqbt in a subdivision other t;han Gold.n Gat. Estate.. Prohibited du.ping, accuaulation, storaq. or burial of litt.r, va.t. or abandon.d prop.rty. You failed to abate such nuisance; whereupon, it was abated by the .xpenditure at public funds at a d~rect cost of $7'.00 and adainistrative cost of $200.00 for a total of $279. 00. ..A~~",..~~~lution" o,t,,~,~<\,t(ffl,':;~\1~~~':7'F-'7,,;'~>~:r--:-~'~' u ,CQ.!!I!Ilhsi,.cme;rs Qf col) ier County"flor ida" haye ,be,en ass,essed aqainst the above property on AU6 0 2 199' becoae a lien on the property thirty (30) days after such a.......nt. You uy requ.st a h.aring beforo tho Board of County c~i..ion.rs to .how cause, if any, why the expenses and charq.. incurred by the County under this Ordinance are unwarranted or excessive or why such expenses should not constitut. a lien against the property. Such request tor hearinq .ost be made to the Clerk of the Board of County Coa.ission.rs, Govern.ant Center, Naples, Florida 33962 in writinq within thirty (30) days from the date of this a.sessment to be valid. ,oot( 000 P&'.~ 134 CLP.RJ<, ROMH) or COlJwry