Resolution 1994-516 'i 1'i"'1 RESQ~UTION NO. 94 - 516 RESOLUTION APPOINTING MIL) AU'l'HOIUZltIC MICHM:L A. McflEES, ACTING ADMINISTRATOR OF' 'I'IIP. UTILITIE~j DIVISIOfl, TO EXP.CUTE PERMITS, GRANT I\PPLICA'l'IONS AND O'I'IIEH MISCELLMIEOUS DOCUMENTS FOR TilE COLLI ER COUNTY \,A'1'ER-SEWEH OJ ~jTRICT, MARCO HATER AND SEHER LJISTRICT MIL) GOODLAtW WATER IHSTRICT AS "OWI~ER"; REPEALING AND SUPERSEDING HESOLUT lOtI tlO. 90-22 WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, as "owner" of various water and se'der utility systems, hilS a need for the Utilities Division to conduct ilctivities vlhich require permitting by local, state and federal agencies; and WHEREAS, it is the intention of said Board to make applications and submit documents to local, state and federal agencies; and WHEREAS, in orde r to exped i te process i ng, it is necessa ry to officially appoint and have of record a County official authorized to execute permits, grant applications and other miscellaneous documents previously approved by Board of County Commission action, to various agencies including the following: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Florida Department of Environmental Protection South Florida Water Management District Florida Department of Natural Resources Other regulatory agencies having jurisdiction over the water and sewer systems of Collier County. WHEREAS, In order to expedite processing, it is necessary to officially appoint of record a County official to execute documents wherein the Board has previously approved such documents. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIEI< COUIlTY, fLORIDA, thilt: 1) The Actinq Utilities Administr,ltor, MichilCI A. t1cNees, is hE!reby appointed and authorized to execute the documents ilforesilid for and on behalf of the Qoard of County Commissioners of Collier aDDK 000 W,[ 192 I fj ,....(:. County, Florida, as the Governing Board of the Collier County Water-Sewer District, the Marco I-iater and Sewer District i1nd the Goodland Water District. 2) Said officer shall execute the documents in sUbstantially the following manner: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: Michael A. McNees Acting Utilities Administrator . Per Resolution No. 94 - J) This Resolution supersedes and repeals Resolution No. 90-V. This resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote. . _ . :\ J I. DATED: ~i)jL,., ATTEST: ",. QWIGHT E. BROCK,~CLERK ~~Qt. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EX-OFFICIO THE GOVERNING BOARD OF THE COLLIER COUNTY WATER~ SEWER DISTRICT, MARCO.W~TER AND SEWER DISTRICT AND GOOOtAND WATER DIST '1', COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: Approved as to form and iegal sufficiency: -fLL<-o- t D. -~ ~ Assistant County Attorney &OllK oeo N~~ 193 July 19, 1994 Collier County Government Utilities Division 2800 North Horseshoe Drive Naples, FL 33942 ATTN: Ms. Cindy Long RE: Continuation of Financing the Sewer System Impact Fee Installment Payment Agreement for Bayshore Club Apartments Pursuant to June 9, 1992, Agreement by and between Collier Water~Sewer District and Naples Canta Mar, Ltd. Dear Ms. Long: Resurgence Properties Inc., ("RPI") is the successor-in-title to the property previously owned by Naples Canta Mar, Ltd. ("NCM, Ltd.") As succeSSOr to the title previously held by NCM, Ltd., RPI hereby agrees to . aSosume and does hereby assume the June 9, 1992 Agreement (the "Agreement") by and between' the Collier County Water-Sewer District and NCM, Ltd. It is understood that the District consents to the assignment of the Agreement from NCM, Ltd. to RPIand thereby waives the Agreement's "due on sale" clause and any other provisions of the agreement that may have been violated by NCM, Ltd. It is understood and agreed that the Agreement is in effect between the District and RPI and that the District will not attempt to void the agreement based on any prior acts or failures by NCM, Ltd. RPI acknowledges that the statutory and contractual obligations to the District have not been affected by the bankruptcy case of Liberte' Investors. AGREED: ATTEST:. " ~. c. Eo' .RO~ . ~/J'("~ . ?-- ,0 ~ " , '-- , App ved as to form .& lege wfficlency ~~~Cn:Y^i~ - Tkpmas C. Palmer Assistant County Attorney BOARD OF COUNTY COMHlSSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA AS TI1V..' GOVERNING BODY OF COLLIE R ~OU . AND AS EX-OFFICIO THE)GOV.J!'R N,. BOARD 0 THE COLLIER:1' Cc3 ~;ry WATER-S WE/~TRIr/ / /. /. .. I . . I ,By/_ . '-L-'I;lnmny J. Con t . Z9' airnun 000 PASt~4 (//71!//,V aDOK v' .-- ----- 01845001 ~DLLIER COUNTY 94JUL2S PH 2: 16 00\970 001276 PAGE . Ol~ NOTlC~~~Q~QlmO PAY ANI) A(Q~:~PNr TO EXTENIl PAYMENT OF WATER AND/OR SEW~:R SYSTEM IMPACT n:t:s ;~~~, ~,.~pp.' l;U' .;/l;J JUL 1 9 8* ;; roo' ..... Thi. ~~cmcnl made .nd, cnlued into 'hi, /'J n . . . day nf 't~d--.---. I'I/~":.. "y Gilbe!:t A. Mendes and 7f C/ -Ma!:tha L. Mendes, husband and wife (benin.ner .Owner.) Ind lhe 8oardorCounty Cnmmi!li~ionerl of Colli~r COllnly. Florid., :1cling :." Ih-c (;o....('rn;n~ Hpliy nf ('lIl111" ('Olll1ly alltlll\(" E.J.-Omcio the Go'tcrninl Board ~r the Collier County Waler-Sewer f)i~lrict (hcrcin:.fICf ~Counly"). RF:CITAI.S: OWNERS MAILING ADDRESS 2260 Tamiami T!:ail East Naples, fL 33962 A. The parties 10 It,i. Aarccmcnl adopl and incorporate inlo fhi, AJ:rccmcnl hy reference the CnlJicr Counly Rc~iCln.,1 W:tler "nd/llt St'\o\ol'f Sy\lrl1l Impact Fcc Ordlnaftcu in Ihere entirety. umc'bcin~ more rurticularly de\criht'd:u Collier Counly Ordinllnce No. 'Jfl.)((' O'In,1 No. 90-)(1, InCludlllJ: ;1I1)' amc:ndm<Dtl therelo, .nd/or ill su(ceuor in funclion. 8, Owner reprnenlllnd warnnlllo lhe County 1hal he i\ Ihe record fee lille owner or certain land.. .;ilu3led wilhin the Collier Coullly W:lIr'r'~ewt."r Dblrict (hereinlfter .Property.), which hive thereon uisling Buildings, struClures and/or olher improvemenu, "'lid Property more Pilrlil'Ul:lrly dcsedbed in Exhibil . A. attached herelo and incorporated htrcin hy reference. C, Owncr reprcser'lh and w.,ranll to Ihe'County Ih:111he party or partiu idenlified herein u Owner con\lilule all rerllionlli or enlilil'~ "'hn ,1rt Illl' record ownen of the Property. D. Owner acknowled&cs and a!,rcCl Ihu his Property j, Water and/or Sewer Syslem Impact Development which h:H nol heretofore pilill apr1iral1lt" Imp.ct feCI to lhe County, and as ideh, is \ubjectlo the imposition or Warcr and/or Sewer Sy'Uem Impact Fee\ (hereinart~r -lmpacl Fee..-) h)' Ih(' ("(111111)' fl. R, cntcrinl intn thil a~recme'nt, O.';'Iet repre\c=nt\ 3nd Counly acknowledge:\ thai the Owner has a rinanei:.1 ill;lhilily In p:.ly ur will e\pl'ril'Ill"l' · financial hardship which would arise fforn p'a,ing the C=,ntirc Impact Fccs at the: time or c.onneclion, WITNESSETH: NOW THEREfORE in couideralion or Ihe lIIhove Recital\, the Covenanls elchan~ed herein. lhe County's provi..ion or certain rc:~innal Illili!ie~ lervice to Ihe Property. IhcCovllty's (onlcnllo ,allow Ihe cxtended paymenl or the Impact Fees in inslallmenu over lime, Ihe Owner'~ p'11mi,c: III PilY the Imrlel Fees and all costs luocialed therewith and olhc:r ~ood Ind v31uahle con\ideralion clchanged amon~11 the partie1, Ihe pMlit"IIi il~rt'e :lnLl connanl with cach other II !ollows: I, The abovc Recitlls ar~ lrucllld correct and are incorporated herein. 2, Owner will PlY the subject Impact Feu 10 the County, IOlcther with any title veriricllion elpenses, recording feel. and any Icason;,hk r~!i111atilln J.:' t ,oCjbc c~ and expense luociatc~ witb providit:l,ln elle:ndc~ payment allernative itemized II rollows: ._ ... 1_"_ . -. *,: c."!. '.. -. WI~er ,Impact Fcc .... '- :~ - .~ .$ N/A Sewer Impact Fee ......__.... ................. s 8, l60. 00 . s _-.!iL~_____ s 50.00 Accrued Jnterell on Licn TilJc Verification E.lpensu. Tnruactiortal Fees" (rccordin~ ren. docum(ntary stamps. ctc.) .... S 59.20 '..&i.....fdj"..~ Adnri"ill;.ti.. Elpense auoeiated with providint: ellended ~.~y~.~nt .11.cr~~.~_iv_~,.: . .,_. _.. .'..____0 ... S 100.00 TOTAL DOLLAR AMOUNT F'INANCY.O_.___. S 8,160.00 "TO RF. rAID AT TIM.: OF' F:XF:CUTlON RY OWNF:R 3. In relurn for Ihe CI.tcndell payment alfernalive Ihll Owncr hu received. Owner prorni~u In pay In Ih(' nrlkr of Ihe Cuunty Ihe I'tlllnp:d lum rcno:clcd in ParJcraph 2 above as the TOTAL DOLLAR AMOUNT fiNANCED wilh intere..t on the unpaid princip.:'ll t'lnl;,nce rrllm Ihl." I1q:in, nine of lhe second full month followinllhe dafe or Ihi!\ A~rermenl until paid at Ihe rale or C'ighl percenl (~',lo) pl"r o1nnum. 4. Owner coyenanu 10 mike par menU al Iny audress or localinn dc..ignalcll hy Ihe County hq:innin~ .. ilh Ihl." 'C.'l'lII111 filII IIlnnlh fl'"'lwi"J! Ihl." date or this A~rcemcnt in the amount of S 127.18 and a like amounl payahlc cach and every monlh I hC'rt."aft l"r IIVl"r., ~CVCIl (7.1 Yt"ar I'l'ril'll. the end of which shill be: Ihe maturity date.-- ~. On Ihe maturity dlle, A flNA L. IIAI..I....OON PA YM ENT consistin~ or ;lny rem3inin~ rrincip:ll hal;ann:, :10'111l'" illlt"rl,..1 ;lIHI ofhl"t d,:lrp'.. ,h;,II I>e due and payable. 6. If the County. in it.!! lole tJiscrelinn, determine\ th,,1 Ihe monthly in..131Irnent.. nn Ihe C:"lendcd Imp;Il'1 h'\', ..h"HIII "pp,',1l 1111 Ih(" I h, lll"t'" ",lln andlur 5CWer hill. Owner will make full and limely p:JYJ1lrnl or the entire ulililie'i hill indudin~ :1ny ~xlentted 111I1":1\."1 F(,l""" in..t;lIl111l'nt... (lwllt'r \'ll\.\'ll;lnl, nnl 10 allcmpl to parlilion the hill or pa, either Ihe ulililit\' portion wirhouI payinJ! the Irllp:Jct fec! nptinn nr vin""l'f:'loOl. 7. All payment undcr lhis ^~reemenl ..hall he arplicLl (I r:lli I 10 inlcre..r. thc:n In O1ny other unp~iLl d1;H~l".. 111;lt may hl' 11llp"..t'J hy 1'1 ,lflpt";H 1111 11ll" ()_ner', ulilily hill. then 10 any olhcr char~e\ that may he irnpoHd unller this AJtrct'm~lIt, with Ihe: r('IIH,i,uln ,lflplinl a.. a rt'lhll'rinn IIr 1111:' fl'lll;lllltllJ,: principal balance under this A,:,reement. Owner molY pay Ihe entire unpaid princip:\J halance: al any lilfll" wllhout rcn:1lly. H Own.:r mal.t"trri a pa'":11 payment of principal, there will he no delay in Ihe due L1ate or Iny sutHequent paYlllent due from ()wnn. x. Owner eovrnanh th.1 Owner i~ 'Awfully ..ei,ed of the Properly ""cl hil\ Ih(' f,~hlln lIIfHl~OI):r'. J~r:lIll :111" '."II"t'" IllI" I'rl1p"lIy ill1\III1:11 rhe 1'1....l.lIy .. un~ncu,"hcr~d, eacer' ror rncumhranCt::s. ur frl;lUd. Own('r ~.rr,nl' alld "'fl;kfcond J:l"lInally rhl" IlIk ..flh,' 1'1111'\'1\)- ;t~alll'l :111 dallll\ 01,"1 IIl'lllallll, luhjecl In ."y encumhrancu or record, &OOK uC(J rA:,: 95 Y. O_ner covenanls 10 promplly pay when due Ihe rrincipal of Ihe inlere..1 nn the debt evidC'nt'ed by the Apel"lI1enl and will alotlllllllC:.. keep iu waler and/or lewer. and ir applicable. irril:alion utilities bil1 currrnL 001970 001277 10. C)_ncr CO'W'tn_nltlu p..y.lI fUel. u1cUmenl,G, charln.;lnRno "'''''II I flnl 'lln!luUhlc In the I'rnpcrRA.GETUY In Any ~"Y allAln rflon1y o'nr the County's hC'n ana1n,. the PlO~t1y rC'lull1na from pMfhUhi'tn o~pOflunllY for Ultndcd r"yrT1cnt or 'he ,uhJnt ImplU h'C',. O.....ncr Ihall promptly diJcha,&c .ny 11(=." which h.a, ,Pflonty OVtf Ihe lien c.,.idcnced and contemplated by lhll ^J:.rccmcnt unlcn ()\4ncr; (a) .crees In wriainR lo,the payment of the oblil,uion secured by the hen in a m.annc;r ..cc.;cpl~blc 10 Counly; JUl 1 9 ~ (b) concests In &00<1 11ith Ihe lien hy, or ddcnse .cainu enforcement or the lien In, le~aJ procCCdln~\ ....hH.;h In the County Attorney's opinion opcnltl to prevent enforcement or Ihe Iitn or forfeiture or any put of the Properly; or (c) securel from I~ bolder. or the lien an .cre.emcnL ~hractory to County subordinating the lien to the interest or the County in obtaininl C1II1 P'Ylllall DC the .subj"llmpact Feu. Ir C~my determines thllt.-ny pan of the Properiy is ,subject to. lien wmch may alu.in priority over the Coumy's righll to Cull payment ot the Impact Fecs. CO'lnt)' may &ive Owner a notice idenlifyinC the lien and Owner shaJl satidy the lien or tak.e one or more of the actions Jet lonh above with In ten (10) day' or the eivine.oC nOli~, II. U lbe edJlinl 8\.lildin&s. structures and applicabl~ impro'tements on lhe subject propeny con list or a mobile home park or rental houlina. Owner ~antJ and aercca,loT lhe bend;f of all affected occupants, to pan throORh and on the same terms all the bendits or Iny extended payment or these Impact Feu 10 the .Hecled occupanls. 12, Owner ",ill be ill deC~1l under lith Alreemenl if Owner Call. to make any p.ymenl exactly on lime,;r Owner Cil.. . pelition or .ny kind in 8anmptcy Coun. or if Own.r should be in deraultunder any or Ihe .Ireements,term. or covenant in Ihi. Alreement. Ir Owner i. in der.ull. the County ..., declare the cntire .npa.id ba.lance under this ^creement and accrued interest thereon to be due i mmcdialcly withoulltly advance notice. The County IIaaII noI ",ain iu riChll" ~Ierale the pay....nllr It Calla to exerel.. ill ri&hl ror any put dcCaulll. IC lhe County requires Owner 10 p.y the principal "-lance _the &eer1Ied inle....1t lmllledlately. in Cun u ducribed Ilxrte, the County ..III h..ethe rilhllo be pald b.ck ror all or lIS COil. and expen.e. 1st entorclnlthi. Acreementlo the .extenl permitted by appll..ble I.... Those expen.es include, ror example, reason.ble .tlomey'. reel .nd co.t.. lncladinl any atlomey'. rees or coil. awarded by lhe Appella.e Court. 13. Owner acknowledl" and .ereesthal.the TOTAL DOLLAR AMOUNT OF IMPACT FEES reClecled in P.ragraph 2 i. a ree, rale or charge ror ~ Jef'Yic.eJ and lac;ilitiuol Collier County's rccionaJ ulililysystcm. Funher, Owner COVenanll and .1Igfl~el that if Uly extended plyment inuallmenl ,haJJ not be paid when and as due, the unpaid balance thereof and.lI interest accruinc thereon shall be an automatic fixed lien on the Property pursuant 10 Chapter ID, Florida Slatu'", and Chapler U.H9, I...w. or Florida. Such lien .halJ be .uperior and paramount to Ihe inlerell in the Property or any OWM:r,luJ.ee. lenanl. mQr1e&ace. or .0tMr person rxupt the lien o( county taxcs Illd shall be on parity with the lien ot a..ny such County tUCI. Further. Owner covenants and a&reu that ~ the eventlhat any such e:trended Impact Fees instAllment, or the balance of the Impact Fees upon acceleration, IhaH not be pa.id as and when due and/or shall be in default ror thiny (0) daYI or more, the unpaid balance or Ihe Impact Feel and all interelt accrued thereon, IOlethu with tHomey', fces and COIlS., may. be recovered by the County in I civil aClion. and any such lien and accrued inlerest may be foreclosed or othc:rwis.e enlor~cd by the County by aGtion or Iuil in equity as for the foreclosure of a monllle on real property. 14. Owner tully understands_and .,rees l1lal failure topay any monthly innaJlmenll in a timely manner will result in the water and/or sewer lervice lotbe referenced Pr~ny,beinllhul off withoutlDnhernotice and that the water and/or J,Cwer .cnicc,wHl nOI-be rutored unlil all ouutandinl balance. are p.id in full. includin. but not limited to oul~t.andin& utility charles. turn on charlel and reinJtatcrnenl or the e~tended Impact Feu inllallmenl to anfent. I S, The extension of lime lor payment or modification of amortiution of Ihe sumssccured by this,^lreemenf ,rUlted by the County to lilY succellor in inferesl of the Owner Ihall not operate to reJeue the Hd)iIity of the oria1n&1 Owner or Owncr'llucceuon in interest, Counly shall nol be required to commence proceed inc. acainSl. any successor in interest or rdase to eXlend time for payment or othe........;se modify amortiu1ion or the suml secured by thi. Alreement by rea. on or any demand made by Ihe orilinal Owner or Owner'. ,ucce"or in inlere.1. Any rorebearance by County in exercislnl any ri,ht or remedy shall not be a waiver of orprec,hzde Ule,e.:urchc of any right or remedy, The CQven&nlS'lI1d alreemenu of this AareerncntshaJI bind and benefit .ucu."",. and ulicnsollhe County and the Owner. Owners' covcnants and a&Teemenusha.IJ,bc joint and scveraJ. If more than one person .iens tm. Alreement u Owner, uch penon or entily i. rully and penonally oblilated 10 keep all the promi... made in thi. Alreemenl. includinl the promise to pay the full lmount owtd., Any penon o~ e.ntily who u.ku over the obligalion under this Agreement is also oblilaled to ke~p all of the promisu made herein. The,Co'unty, may enlorce ill rilhll under this ^lreemenllgainst each peuon or entity individually or Ilainu aU of them together. This me-ans that any onc person or entity ligninc &I Owncr ~r anyone person succeedinl to the_Owncr's interest may be required to pay aU or the amoun1 owed under lhis ^creemenL 16. Owner or any other penon or entit7 who h&l an obU&&tion undcr thi, ^Ireemenl, waivu the right or presentment and notice of dilhonor. Presentmenl mean. the "Iht to require the County to demand p.yment or .mounts due. NOlice or dlahooor mean'lhe rilhllO require the Counly 10 give noIlce if any amovnll due han not been paid. 11. If enactment or expiration or applicable law., or an adjudication by a court or competenl Juri.diction. h.. the errect or renderinl any or Ihe provision. of Ihi. Alreement or the County'. .Iatutory lien ri&hllunenrorceable or alIen Ihe priorily or Ihe County', lien II contempl.led and rererenced In Par.luph 13. the County, al it 101e option. m.y require immediare p.ymenl in rull or all.um..ecured by Ihh Alreemenl and may invoke any remedi.. pt:rmincd hereunder or Ivailable by law. It County exerchu Ihis opl,ion. I~e C~unlY Ih~J_&i,v,e Owner nOlice orl.ccelerllion. TI1~, ~ot.ic~ ~ha.JI'p'r9vjsf,e ..a.pe.ri04--ot ntH"HH-'halt-lttifty (l&t-d-ays(TOm thedateOf.'rnnlt'~"iS ~clr'tHea or mailed witnin whictl.'th"e'.Ownci miy'pay-aif .urn. -;ec~.~-e-d by thi.~-.-- ^creemenl. U Owner (&..its 10 Pl;Y these .ums prior 10 the cxpiration or rhi. period, the County may invoke J.ny remedieJ permitted by thil Agreement or otherwise a'tailable I" it by law ~ilhout (unher notice Of demand on Ihe Owner. II, This ^creemer.tlhall be lovemed by the Laws or the Slau or Florida.. In the e'tent that any provision or clause or this Agreement conflicts with applicable law. luch cont1icu sha.1I nor .flect othcr provisions of this Agreement which can be liven effect without the conOicting provision. To this end. Ihe provision. or this ^creemenl are declared to be severable. 19. Upon p.yment or all.um. lecured by Ihi. Aveemenr, the Counly .h.1I rile. notice indic.tinerull p.ymenl in Ihe appropriate Public Record. without charlc to Ownu. Owncr sha.H p.y any recordalion cos\. 20. II Owner meets certain conditions. Owner shan have the "ChI 10 hive enforcement of this Agreement discontinued al any lime prior to the earlier: (I) five dlY' (or luch other period IS applicable I.... may .peciCy (or rein.tatemcnt) berore ulr of the Properly pUrluant to any power of Jlle concalned in Ihh ^.rumenl; or (b) enuy or a judcmenl enrorctnllhh ^,retmenl. The condillonl are lhatlhe Owner: (I) pays Ihe County all lums WhIch then .ould be due under the ^Ireement had no &.Ceeleralion occurred; (b) curu any deraulll of any olher Co'tenanl. under thi. ^Ireement; (c) paYI all expenses incuned in enlorcin& Ihis ^creerncnt. includine:. but nO( limited la, reasonable aHorney's lees: and (d) take such action II the County may reasonably require to allure that the lien or the lien nchu or the County in the Property and the Owner'. oblica1ion to pay sums secured by thi. Agreement .hall conlinue unchanced. Upon reinstatement by O.....ner. this ^greemenl and the obligation secured hereby shl.lI remain rully effective as if no acceleralion had occurred. Howe'ter. this righlto reinJlate shall no1 apply in thc case of acceleration under P3.ucraphs 17 or 21. 21. Any notice to Owner provided ror in this ^areementshall be civen by deliverine il or by mailing it by fiut-class mail unless applicable law rcquiruthc: ule or anofher method. The Notice shall be directed 10 the Property address on Ihe utility b111typically delivered by the County to Ihe Owner. The Notice to the County shall be liven by first clus m.a.ilto the County's address on Ihe utility bill. 10 the allc:nfion o( the Collier Counly Utilities Division Administrator. or any other address the County detienalcs by notice to Owncr. Any nOlice provided (or in chis ^gre~m~nt shall be dcrmed fo ha'te be:-n liven to Owncr or lhe Counly when aiyen as provided in this Paralraph. If all or any part o( the Propcny ur .ny interest in il i. sold or tranderred 10 other Ihan a person relaled to Ihe Owner by blood or marriage (or it a beneficial intercst in the: Owncr is luld or trans(e"ed and Owner is not a n.lural Penon) immedi....e payment in full of all lums secured by fhis Agreement shall be due and paYlble. Jr these sums are not paid in full upon such .ale or trander. lhc County m.y inyoke any rem.edie. permiued by Ihis ^&r~or appli~w, including bul nOllimited to the rdunl to opcn I new uUlhtea accounl and/or provide or turn on the water scrvice. !OOK UU PAr:~ i(1{) 22. This ^&reement shall be Lindinl upon lhe Owner. the Owner's successors and assign. and shall run with the Propcny. 001970 OR BOOK 001278 PAGE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement oS of the date and year first above written. WITNESSES TO A~L SIGNATURES: PRO?RTY?~(S):. ?c: JUl19 ~ _ .?1-c~,.~~_-u- ~ Gilbe~t/A. M~nde8 ~~/'ur.c/,;t., ,;C:. ~-?-i"')~7,1 ~/. C. <'_~ Ma~tha L. Mende~. ,,<< J tn" r,- M '>{~. ~~~.7').'~" \ \) BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA AS THE GOVERNING B OF COLLIER COUNTY AND AS EX FFICIO THE GOVERNING BOARD 0 THE COLLIER UNTY WATER- SEWER ISTRICT, ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk ~t;::~e. Chairman The foregoing Payme,.pt of Water a.n~/or this~~ay of .n1 . 1 . '.. . rJ- WI fe- tlrhv i~ l-'eri03.vholl.r ~IIVWJJ to me. as identification. Li (' e r1J-e. WITNESS my hand and official seal this , 19J.:j, (affix STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF COLLIER I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an officer duly authorized in the State and County aforesaid to take acknowledgments, personally appeared TIMOTHY J. CONSTANTINE well known to me to be the CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, Collier County, Florida, as the Governing Body of Collier County and as Ex-Officio the Governing Board of the Collier County Water-Sewer District, being authorized so to .,..do, . executeq , ~~;"f,Qt;$!1p'~g,)t9.~~.~e .of Promise to PayaIld Agreement to Extend Payment dt~ater and/or Sewer System Impact Fees for the purposes therein contained under authority duly investedby the Board of.. County H. . ~ommis!tioners'; and thae the se.ar- affixed t:her.et'oTs 'the true 'seal. of . .. said Board. WITNESS my band and aforesaid this -t9Pb day official seal in the cou~~ and State last Ot -:::rvr- ' 19q=;a__ 0 0<; .' ~~ _ ,I'.. -/ . ~ .__.J '.,. _ , .: ~t'ir:~"'piAJli:~-~j-'''''- ~~~- commission Numuer: Approved as to form and egal sufficiency: ~OOK oeo Pl',[ 197 CAJlOL YN SUE FlL50N NCl'AIrY PUBUC STAni OF FlOIUO COMMISSION NO. CC22lI244 MY OOMMlSS10N EXP. AUG. 6 \996 001970 OR BOOK 001279 PAGE JUl 1 9 ~ EXHIBIT "An Lot 3, Block A, and the East 40 feet of Lot 4, Block A, Inomah subdivision, Plat Book 2, Page 82, Public Records of Collier County, Florida. FOLIO NUMBER Sl690080007 aOOK DUO I'A~[ 198 . ..1: :.:~' ,:~;::; :<i\o~ . "Il.. ~~~ ':'}\.\:l~"(,' ....:\.l'.,j:. 'r;'~'l(,Hl (. S"I)I.. 'I