Backup Documents 05/17/2010 R WIGGIN'S PASS SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING BACKUP DOCUMENTS MAY 17, 2010 OS/29/2010 18:18 18774686770 PROCESSOR PAGE 01 McAlpin Gary From: Sent: To: Subject: KeyesPamela Monday, May 17, 2010 8:37 AM McAlpinGary Fw: Wiggins Pass Fyi below... ...............--.....-.___.__.__._,....,..._........,.......__',,-.._...H',.,.....,...~,._..-._ ._...'........1........--...-,......'--'..........--.----. From: David Bruening - 1861 <David.Bruening@colliersheriff.org> To: KeyesPamela Sent: Mon May 17 08:05:18 2010 SUbject: FW: Wiggins Pass FYI Sgt [j)aq.e f&uening #1861 ~~Sfwd/f~ 19tfia .MmiIre !JJWU!aU 239~530~9850 239~253-3768 158~98~847 "~__""""""'_'''''''''''''''''''''''''''-__,,~'''''''''''''''''''._'''"'_'''''',. ....._...._____._...._"."'.........,... .-.,......M _.....__._......,..,_.._ _._...__..._.....",......._..-.........~................-........__-_____._,_......_--...._,...,..-.............--.--....----.. From: James Byms - 1312 Sent: Sunday, May 16, 20104:19 PM To: Marine Status Subject: Wiggins Pass FyI.... Wiggins Pass is basically closed at dead low tide. Friday, I was able to get through on full plane trimmed all the way. and still hit. Saturday I was at idle checking on a couple who was already stuck and of course got stuck myself (along with 6 other boats). Just be careful in the area at low tide.... Love, Cpl. Todd Byrns #1312 Marine Bureau 253-3799 -- *860 -_.~--.__......"_.....-,--~._--_........_.,...~...-....._-_............,,......................__....--.......-.-...,.----.........----------,...---...-.--...--.-.--- Ul1der Florid~ Lew, (\.I1111illlddr~ses are public;: records, If you (10 not ;va"t your Ill-mell address rt;lleaseci in respOn.~fl to 6 publiC recot~ls reqIJ~$t, dO not sel1(1 electronic I'll ail to 111ia entity. Instelld, contac1 this office by l~lepnoM or in wrltlng. OS/29/2010 18:18 18774686770 PROCESSOR PAGE 02 May 17, 2010 Wiggins Pass Subcommittee VIII-1 New Suslness 2 of 27 MEETING SUMl\1ARY Participants: May 4,20102:30 +m. Florida Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems, Tallahassee Florida FDEP BBCS RAT # 1 dated March 24, 2010 on the Wiggins Pass JCP Permit No. 012538 Merrie Beth Neely, Robert Brantley, Jennifer Koch, Subarma MaJakar, BBCS; Jeff Raley, FPS; Robbin Trindell, FWC and Steve Keehn, CPE and Gary McAlpin by Phone Date and Time: Location: Subject: The meeting followed the attached outline. It was modified by Robert Brantley in an E-mail dated April 28, 2010 (attached), which was not made available until the start of the meeting. Mr. Brantley wanted to skip the background summary (Items 1-4) and narrowly focus the meeting to RAI comments and not other Bureau topics such as the Inlet management Plan (IMP). This scope was attempted on the fly by Steve Keehn, but with enough background for other participants not as familiar with the details. The FDEP and FWC staffs were stressed from dealing with the oil spill problem and two members at the meeting were late substitutes filling in for staffer who could not make the meeting. Before the start of the meeting Vladimir Kosmynin, the sacs hardbottom expert stopped by and said he could not make the meeting. While he was there, I proposed a method to handle the hardbottom offshore of Delnor-Wiggins Park, which he agreed to. The Delnor Wiggins Park hardbottom has been monitored 5 times since 2003. I proposed that the next monitoring take place before the first use of the spoil area at Delnor Wiggins State Park as a pre-construction survey, and he agreed. The details for monitoring this area will be described in a biological monitoring plan. Major topics discussed and pertinent comments follow: Steve Keehn summarized the objectives and coastal processes for the other FDEP members. Robert Brantley agreed that Delnor Wiggins Park was not a significant problem. Steve Keehn stated that he had a conversation with FPS that morning and that hot spot issues would be addressed in the project description or contingency plan. We clarified the type of sand (ebb shoal sand), and the method of determining the direction of bypasSing for the Park. Bypassing would be determined by equalizing the erosion on either side of the inlet, and we would look into Jeft's alternative means of placing sand where the greatest need was regardless of volumetric measurements. The location of the rock substrate, clay and organic layers were identified based on previous geotechnical studies (pages 8-10 on the attached Power Point Presentation). The previous investigations proved that what was believed to be peat was actually organic clay or clay layers. The clay layers are on both sides of the natural channel. The rock substrate may be a controlling geology, but it is seaward of the big curves in the channel, even though is has high points on either side of the channel (see geology pages 8-10 in May 4 PowerPoint presentation). The FDEP OS/29/2010 18:18 18774686770 PROCESSOR PAGE 03 May 17, 2010 IfIIIgglns Pass Subcommltte8 VlII.1 New Busines$ 4 of 27 Based on FDEP's comment, we may want to split future submittals into three groups in consultation with FDEP: 1. Responses to permit related RAI comments. 2. Physical, biological, contingency and construction plans and related measurements-last submittal. 3. Combined Inlet Management Plans and Modeling Report. The meeting was conducted during a hectic time for FDEP (oil spill), with members leaving early and stepping out for phone calls. Two participants at the meeting were last minute replacements. Although many issues were resolved, a follow-up meeting before the first response to this RAI is recommended, to clarify many of the issues raised above. The meeting went a long way in achieving its educational goal. Attachments: May 4 2010 Power Point Presentation Robert Brantley's April 28 2010 B-Mail OS/29/2010 18:18 PROCESSOR 18774686770 Sieniflcant items reauirine: discussion/resolution - Wie21ns Pass Channel Proiect ~sleal Plan Detailed Scope Modlfcation Geologic Vs Hydraulic control ofthe Inlet Geologic formations at thl;! mouth of the Pass aalaclng Renourlshment Ebb tide Shoal development How much renourlshment on Barefoot Can thl;! "5-20% Fines" sand be used to build thl;! Inter dikes, ie fill the meander Extra Sand Supply. where and when Bialo.leal Plan Sea grass monitoring - What is the trIgger point for mitigation? National Marine Fisheries - Visit and Discussion USACE Visit Biological Opinion Continllenev Plan Detailed scope Modifc:atlon Balancing the System - Greatest need Vs erosion rates Delnor-Wiggins State ParI< What triggers an action (renourishment sea grass, other, size or casue of erosion) for DWSP Balancing the needs of DWSP Vs Barefoot aeach Outstanding Florida Waters - Involvement/turbidity/review Parks Permission for their land Use (Fill or Cut) ConstruaiQn Plan Where to put the marginal Silt (5%-20%%) and HoW much is there? Where is the Clay and significance If any? Small Dredge Scope Sand Strategy - System not balanced (2S0K cy's sand needed for Ebb Shoal/dikes/Barefoot Beach) Inaemental Sand Plan - Shortages over time? Modl;!l the ebb tide shoal Dredge season Inlet Manal[ement Plan Comprehensive Document that addresses RAIl. comments 33, 37 and 38 as identified in RAil Page 16/23. Letter of Con5istencv As defined In CDES Memo PAGE 04 OS/29/2010 18:18 18774686770 PROCESSOR PAGE 05 , - ,,,. \. CAe March 11, 2010 VIl.5-a New Buslru~SS 22 or 35 McAlpinGary From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: mason 6 Thursday, February 04, 2010 10:11 AM McAlpinGary; hambrlghu . lorenz. W; MoscaMichele; GlbsonLilura; Sawyer Michael Wiggins pass permitting meeting summary Hello all, Here is a summary of what was dIscussed at the Friday Jan 22 meetIng and what approvals are requIred by the Land Development Code for the proposed dredging project. At the meeting, Gary McAlpin and the consultant briefly outlined the scope of work for the dredge project and the location of the work. The dredging will be to maintain the 3' draft restriction, no sea grass or hard bottom will be i1ffected and no shofl;dine hardening in proposed. CDES stclff outllned the following County requirements based on overlays and generalLDC requirements. A link to the LDC and relevant section numbers are included; LDC _ b!1J;!:l/library.m ynicode.comliD-d ex.as px7c1ientld,,13992&.$tateld"'9&stateNa me",Flo rida . ".. Special Treatment Permit including an Environmental Impact Statement (EI5) and approval - (ST LOC 4.01.14 & EIS LDC 10.02.02 Al &hC )- Coastal Construt::tion Setback permit for dune restoration ~ (we 10.02..06 H) . )0 Vehicle on the Beach permit - (LDC ).0.02.061) Regarding the EIS, In the Growth Management Plan (GMP) consistency section, please pay special attention to ConservatIon & Coastal Management Element (CCME) Goal 10 especially the Objectives and policies in 10.3 and 10.5 In addition to the other relevant areas of the CeME. httl?:[/www.collfergol{.n~t/lndex.aspx7page=257 Additionally there are 2 other permits that may be required. )- Vegetation Removal permit if any native vegetation will be removed or If any exotic:: vegetation will be removed using machInery rather than hand held equipment. (LDe 3.05.05 and 10.02.06 l) }> Temporary Use permit from the Zoning section if you are creating temporary staging areas above the mean high water line. (LDC G) Here is a link to the environmental permIts: http://www.colllergov.net/index.asPx?Da2e:z327 Here is a link to the zoning permIt If needed: http://www.colliergov.net/lnde)(.aspx~~e;819. At the meetIng, Mr. McAlpin mentioned a GMP consistency determination will be required for the DEP permit. When you need to obtain a determination, please contact Michele M csca at (239) 252-2466 for instruction beyond that given in the handout she provided at the meeting. I have copIed other staff that attended that meeting or offered information. Please clarify or add ilnyth;ng necessary. Thank you for your patience since it was longer than expected for me to send this out. Please call or emaH jf you have any questions. SuSan Mason. principal Environm~"tol Spe:.ciolist Collier County Community De.ve.lopme.nt & (nvirot\m~ntal Services Division 1 OS/29/2010 18:21 18774686770 , PROCESSOR PAGE 01 '~'l<..r;.orii!ON_'" . --".. ' - ~ ~~~' .' ' '. , 4~ ,,'" " ,'..... ~ './"7 ' , ~. '~:, iI ~..\, if .' ~..,\' ~ FLOR A. .. " j , ~-= ~o-?=~~~~ Department of, Environmental Protection jeb Bush Governor Milrjory Stoneman Douglil$ Building 3900 Commonwealth Boulevarq Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 D~vid B. Struhs SeC~tary CONSOLIDA TED JOINT COASTAL PERMIT AND INTENT TO GRANT SOVEREIGN SUBMERGED LANDS AUTHORIZA nON PERMITTEE/AUTHORIZED ENTITY: Collier County Board of County Commissioners c/o Harry E. Huber, Project Manager, OCPM 3301 Tamiamj Trail, East Naples, Florida 34112 Permit/Authorization No.: 0142538~OOl-JC Date of Issue: January 12,2000 Expiration Date: January 12,2010 County: Collier County Project: Wiggins Pass Maintenance Dredging This pennit is issued under the authority of Chapter 161 and Part IV of Chapter 373, Florida Statutes (F.S.), and Title 62 and 40, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.). Pursuant to Operating Agreements executed between the Department and the \",ater management districts, as referenced in Chapter 62-113, F .A.c., the Department is responsible for reviewing and taking final agency action on this activity. ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION: The project is to widen and deepen Wiggins Pass with subsequent maintenance dredging every t\;vo years. The authori~ed channel width is 250 ft. and the channel depth is -7.5 ML W (plus 1 ft. allowable overdredge depth) between Stations 0+00 through 1 +00, and a depth of -12 ft. ML W (Plus I ft. allowable overdredge depth) between Stations 2+00 through 15+00. The channel \.\liB be hydraulically dredged every two years with dredged material placed on the beaches of Barefoot Beach State Preserve (between approximately R-IIA and R-] 4.2) and Delnor- Wiggins State Recreation Area (between approximately R-18 and R-20.5). The initial dredge event includes excavation of a total of approximately 95,000 cubic yards of dredged material: 42,000 cy will be disposed of offshore~ 32,100 cy will be disposed of below ML W On Barefoot beach; and 20,900 wilt be disposed of on the beach at Oelnor- Wiggins SRA. Subsequent hydraulic maintenance dredging is anticipated to involve excavation of approximately 43,200 cy every two years. ACTIVITY LOCATION: Located at Wiggins Pass, Delnor- Wiggins Pass State Recreation Area, and Collier County Barefoot Beach Park, Comer County, Sections 17 and 20, TOWnship 48 South, Range 25 East, Class III Waters, in and adjacent to Del nor- Wiggins Pass State Recreation Area Outstanding Florida Waters. This permit constitutes a finding of consistency with Florida's Coastal Zone Mana.gement Program, as required by Section 307 of the Coastal Zone Management Act. This permit also constitutes "PrOIect. Conserve end Manage Florida's EnvirOl'lmerlt end Nr;;tu(ol Res~ilrces" Printed "" '"<y<;I.d pD~r. CD OS/29/2010 18:21 18774686770 PROCESSOR PAGE 02 ) Permit No.: 0142538-00J-JC Permittee: Collier County Page 2 of 16 certification of compliance with state water quality standards pursuant to Section 401 of the Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. 1341. This activity also requires a proprietary authorization, as the activity is located on sovereign submerged lands owned by the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund, pursuant to Article X, Section II of the Florida Constitution, and Sections 253.002 and 253.77, F.S. The activity is not exempt from the need to obtain a proprietary authorization. The Department has the responsibility to review and take final action on this request for proprietary authoti2a.tion in accordance with Section 18-21.0051, F.A.C.. and the Operating Agreements executed between the Department and the water management districts, as referenced in Chapter 62-113, F.A.C. In addition to the above, this proprietary authorization has been reviewed in accordance with Chapter 253 and Chapter 258, F.S., Chapter 18-21, Section 62-312.065, F.A.C., and the policies of the Board of Trustees. As staff to the Board of Trustees, the Department has reyjewed the activity described below, and has determined that the beach placement activity qualifies for a consent to use sovereign, submerged lands, as long as the work performed is located within the boundaries as described herein and is consistent with the terms and conditions herein. Therefore, consent is hereby granted, pursuant to Chapter 253.77, F.S., to perfonn the activity on the specified sovereign submerged lands. As staff to the Board of Trustees, the Department has reviewed the activity described below, and has determined that the navigation channel requires a public easement for the use of those lands, pursuant to Chapter 253.77, F.S. The Department intends to issue the Public Easement (InsO'Urnent No. 30353, BOT File No. 11-0220735), subject to the recommended fees and conditions in the previously issued Consolidated Intent to Issue. The final documents required to execute the Public Easement (InstrUment No. 30353, BOT File No. 11-0220735) have been sent to the Division of State Lands. The DepartItlent intends to issue the Public Easement, upon satisfactory ex.ecution of those documents. A copy of this authorization has been sent to the U. S. Anny Corps of Engineers (USACOE) for review_ The USACOE may require a separate permit. Failure to obtain this authorization prior to construction could subject you to enforcement action by that agency. You are hereby advised that authorizations also may be required by other federal; state, and local entities. This authorization does not relieve you from the requirements to obtain all other required penn its and authorizations. The above named permittee is hereby authori:lCd to construct the work shown on the application and approved drawings, plans, and other documents attached hereto or on file with the Department and made a part hereof. This penn it and authorization to use sovereign submerged lands is subjec:t to the Umits, conditions. and locations of.work shown In the attaebed drawings, aDd is also subject to the GeDeral ConditioDs and Specific: Conditions. which are a binding part of this permit and Iluthorbatlon. You are advised to read and understand these drawings and conditions prior to ~ OS/29/2010 18:21 18774686770 PROCESSOR PAGE 03 Permit No.: 0142538-001-JC Permittee: Collier County Page 3 of J6 commencin~ .the authorized.activities, and to ensure the work is conducted in conformance with all the terms, COndltlOns, and.draWUlgs. If you are utilizing a contractor, the Contractor also should read and understand these draWlngs and conditions prior to commencing the authorized activities. GENERAL CONDITIONS: 1. . A~J activities authorized by this peI1llit shall be implemented as set forth in the plans and specl~cat1Ons appr~ved as a part of this penn it, and all conditions and requirements of this pennit. The ~ennlttee sh~I1 notIfy the Department in writing of any anticipated deviation from the permit prior to Implementat10n so that the Department can determine wh~ther a modification of the pennit is required. I 2. If, for any reason, the pennittee does not comply with any condition Or limitation specified in this penn it, the permittee shall inunediately provjde the Office of Beaches and Coastal Systems (Office) and the appropriate District office of the Department with a \vritten repon containing the following infonnatjon: a description of and cause of noncompliance; and the period of noncompliance, including dates and times; or, if not corrected, the anticipated time the noncompliance is expected to continue, and steps being taken to reduce, eliminate, and prevent recurrence of the noncompliance. 3. This permit does not eliminate the necessity to obtain any other applicable licenses or penn its which may be required by federal, state, local or special district laws and regulations. This pennit is not a waiver or approval of any other Department permit or authorization that may be required for other aspects of the total project which are not addressed in this pennit. 4. This pennit conveys no title to land or water, does not constitute State recognition or acknowledgment of title, and does not constitute authority for the USe of sovereignty land of Florida seaward of the mean high.water line, or, if established, the erosion control line, unless herein provided and the necessary title, lease, easement, or other fonn of consent authori:zing the proposed use has been obtained from the State. The permittee is responsible for obtaining any necessary authorizations from the Board of Tmstees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund prior to commencing activity on sovereign lands or other state-owned lands. 5. Any delineation of the extent of a wetland Or other surface water submitted as part of the pennit application, including plans or other supporting documentation, shall not be considered specifically approved unless a specific condition ofthis permit or a formal determinaHon under section 373.421(2), F.S., provides otherwise. 6. This pennit does not convey to the pennittee or create in the pennittee any propeny right, or any interest in real property, nor does it authorize any entrance upon or activities on property which is not owned or controlled by the pennittee. The issuance of this permit does not convey any vested rights or any exclusive privileges. (3) OS/29/2010 18:21 18774686770 PROCESSOR PAGE 04 ) Permit No.: 0142S38-OO1-JC Permittee: Collier County Page 4 of 16 7. This permit or a copy thereof, complete with all conditions, attachments, plans and specifications, modifications, and time extensions shall be kept at the worle site of the permitted activity. The permittee shall require the contractor to review the complete permit prior to commencement of the activity authorized by this penn it. 8. The permittee, by accepting this petmit, specifically agrees to allow authorized Department personnel with proper identification and at reasonable times, access to the premises where the pennitted activity is located Or conducted for the purpose of ascertaining compliance with the terms of the permit and with the rules of the Department and to have access to and copy any records that must be kept under conditions of the permit; to inspect the facility, equipment, practices, or operations regulated or required under this pennit; and to sample or monitor any substances or parameters at any location reasonably necessary to assure compliance with this permit or Department rules. Reasonable time may depend on the nature of the concern being investigated. 9. At least forty-eight (48) hoW"S prior to commencement of activity authorized by this permit, the permittee shall submit to the Office and the appropriate District office of the Department a written notice of commencement of construction indicating the actual start date and the expected completion date. . 10. If historical or archaeological artifacts are discovered at any time on the project site) the pennittee shall immediately notify the State Historic Preservation Officer and the. Office. I 1. Within 30 days after completion of construction or completion of a subsequent maintenance event authorized by this permit, the pennittee shall submit to the Office of Beaches and Coastal Systems and the appropriate District office of the Department a written statement of completion and certification by a licensed professional engineer registered in the state of Florida. This certification shall state that: all locations and elevations specified by the penn it have been verified; the activities authorized by the pennit have been perfonned in compliance with the plans and specifications approved as a part of the permit, and all conditions of the penn it; or shall describe any deviations from the plans and specifications, and all conditions of the pennit. When the completed activity differs substantially from the permitted plans, any substantial deviations shall be noted and explained on two copies of as-built drawings submitted to the Department. SPECIFIC CONDITIONS: I. The terms, conditions, and provisions ofthe required Public Easement (Instrument No. 30353, BOT File No. 11-0220735) for the navigation channel shall be met. A temporary Consent of Use is provided for initial constru.ction within the Wiggins Pass navigation Channel located on sovereign submerged lands, title to which is held by the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust @ OS/29/2010 18:21 18774686770 PROCESSOR PAGE 05 Permit No.: 0141538-001-JC Permittee: COUier COllntv Page5of16 w Fund. Within 90 days after issuance of the notice to proceed all Public Easement documents shall be executed to the satisfaction of the Department. 2. No work shall be conducted under this permit for the initial dredging or subsequent maintenance dredging events until the permittee has received a written notice to proceed for the Department. Prior to the issuance of the notice to proceed, the pennittee shall submit the following: a. Two copies of detailed final construction plans and specifications for all authorized activities. These documents shall be signed and sealed by the design engineer, who must be registered in the State of Florida, and shall bear the certifications specified in Rule 62B- 41.007(4), F.A.C. The plans and specifications shall include a description of the beach construction methods to be utilized and drawings and surveys which show all work spaces (e.g. anchoring area, pipeline corridors, staging areas, boat access corridors, etc.) to be used for this project. The final plan and cross section drawings for the initial event shall depict the dredging of beach compatible material with differentiation between placement to the north and placement to the south as described in Specific Condition 4 (below). The Department may request additional infonnation as necessary in order to review each subsequent maintenan~e dredging event. Department approval for subsequent events may be contingent upon the permittee's acceptance of additional conditions which may be determined to be appropriate based upon data submined to the Department in support of your request or upon the results of previous monitoring data. b. Construction at the project site shaH be monitored closely to assure that turbidity levels do not exceed the compliance. standards established in this pennit. Accordingly, an individual familiar with beach construction techniques and t\..U'bidity monitoring shall be present at all times when fill material is discharged on the beach. This individual shall serve as site supervisor and shall have authority to alter construction techniques or shut down the dredging or beach construction operations if turbidity levels exceed the compliance standards established in this permit. The nameS and qualifications of those individuals perfonning these functions along with 24-hour contact information shall be submitted for approval to the Office of Beaches and Coastal Systems in Tallahassee, 'Nith a copy to the South Florida District Office (Ft. Myers). Any individual who perfonns this function shall be approved by tbe Department before beginning to serve in this capacity. c. A hydrographic plan to monitor the performance of the channel realignment, to identify potential erosion and accretion patterns along the adjacent shoreline, to verify the analysis that were conducted in the development of the deslgJl of the project, and to identify any adverse impacts, which would be attributable TO the project authorized by this permit. The monitoring plan shall contain an executive summary, a table of contents, and a list of tables and figures_ The plan shall also contain a table and plan view map showing the location, length, and all control infonnation (i.e., state plane coordinates, azimuths, etc.) for all beach @ OS/29/2010 18:21 18774686770 Permit No.: OI42S3s..001-JC Permittee: Collie.. COUDty Page 6 of 16 PROCESSOR PAGE 06 profiles to be monitored. The proposed plan shall demonstrate what specific data is to be coJlected, the time period for data collection, the proposed analyses to be conducted and the fonnat in which the results are to be presented. The monitoring plan is subject to modification at the direction of the department should shoreline conditions change. 3. At least 14 days prior to the commencement date, the permittee shall conduct a pre-construction conference to review the specific conditions and monitoring requirements of this pennit with the penninee's contractors, and Department staff representatives. The pennittee shall provide a minimum 7 days advance written notification to the fOllowing offices advising of the date, time, and location of the pre-construction conference. DEP, Office of Beaches and Coastal Systems Mail Slation 300 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399.3000 phone: (850) 487-4471 fax: (850) 488-5257 DEP, Dell'lor-Wiggins Pass State Recreation Area II J 00 Gulf Shore Drive North Naples, Florida 34108 phone: (941) S97~6196 fax: (941) 597-8223 FWCC, Bureau of Protected Species Management 620 South Meridian Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399- I 600 phone: (850) 922-4330 fax: (850) 921-4369 Submerged Lands and EDviroomental Resources Program DEP/South Florida Districl Post Office Box 2549 Fon Myers, Florida 33902-2549 phone: (941) 332-6975 fax: (94l) 332-6969 Collier County. Natural Resources Department County Government Center 3301 E. Tamiami Trail. Building "W Naples, Florida 34112 phone: (941) 732-2505 fax: (941) 774-9222 Collier County, Planning Services Department 2800 North Horseshoe Drive Naples, Florida 34 J 04 phone: (941) 403-2400 fax; (941) 643-6968 4. Excavation of the dredge site shall proceed in a continuous and Wliform manner. For the initial dredge event the contractor shall dredge the channel in two cuts; Beach Fill and Offshore Disposal. The Beach PiIJ cut shall be cut further in two sections. The first section shall be the southern half of the channel between ranges ..110 and 0+00 and shall be placed in the South Beach Disposal Site. The second section shall be the northern half of the channel between ranges 0+00 and + 140 and shall be placed in the North Disposal Site. 5. During all dredging operations the permittee shall require the dredging contractor to have electronic positioning equipment which continuously measures the vertical and horizontal location of the cutterhea~ dragarms, dustpan or clamshell at all times during operations. The horizontal positioning equipment shall be installed on the dredge so as to monitor the actual location of the dredge equipment and be interfaced with the depth monitoring device. @ OS/29/2010 18:21 18774686770 PROCESSOR PAGE 07 Permit No.: OI42538-001-JC Permittee: ColUer County Page 7 or 16 This equipment shall provide a pennanent record of the equipment's position referenced to State Plane Coordinates and NGVD. As a part of the final report the permittee shall provide a daily record of the position of the dredge equipment which includes the dredge area limits with actual and maximum authorized dredge depth referenced to state plane coordinates and NGVD. Vertical and horizontal accuracy of the positioning equipment shall also be reponed. 6. The existing solid rock layer \\'ithin the inlet throat, located berween approximately Station 0+00 to 1+.50 sbaU Dot be removed. This information shall be cle31ly depkted and labeled on the construction drawings. 7. The perimeter of the offshore disposal area shall be marked 'with buoys (lighted buoys if construction will OCCur at night) placed no more than 1,000 feet apart to clearly identify the limits of the disposal area. The penninee shall ensure that these buoys are maintained continuously for as long as disposal occurs at the offshore disposal area: A pre-construction and post-construction bathymetric survey of the disposal area and the immediate surrounding area shall be conducted pursuant to the permit monitoring conditions to verify that placement of the dredged material is confined to within the designatod disposal limits. 8, During all offshore disposal operations the pennittC!:e shall require the dredging contractor to have electronic positioning equipment which continuously measures the location of the disposal vessel at all times during disposal operations. This equipment shall provide a permanent record of the equipment's position referenced to State Plane Coordlnates. As a part of the final report the penninee shall provide a daily record of the position of the dredge equipment which includes the disposal area limits. 9. Best management practices shall be used at all times during construction to minimize turbidity at both the dredge and disposal sites. W!1en hydraulic pumping of fill sand onto the beach, these practices shall include constructing dikes parallel to the shore and landward of mean high water and discharging sand pumped from the borrow area along the landward side of the dikes. The opening of the discharge pipe on the beach shall be behind the dike at all times and shall be at least 50 feet from the end of the dike where sand flo\\'S out onto the beach. 'When placing material in the offshore disposal area, best management practices shall include maintaining the offloading vessel stationary at one location. 10. If monitoring indicates mrbidity exceeding the turbidity levels specified in the monitoring requirements of the permit, all dredging, and disposal operations shall be immediately discontinued until further directed by the Department's South District Branch Office (Ft. Myers) or the Office of Beaches and Coastal Systems in Tallahassee. The Department shall be notified immediately of the time of violation of thill criterion and of steps taken to correct the situation. Q) OS/29/2010 18:21 187746~~!I~..., . PROCESSOR PAGE 08 Permit No.: OI42538.001-JC Permittee: Collier County Page 8 of 16 11. In order to ensure that marine turtles are not adversely affected by the construction activities authorized by this permit, the permittee shall adhere to the following conditions; a. No construction, operation. transportation or stDr"llge of equipment or materials are authorized for beach or nearshore placement of material during the marine turtle nesting season (] April through 31 October). b. All fill material placed on the beach shan be sand that is similat' to that already ex.isting at the beach site in both coloration and grain size distribution. All such fill material shall be free of construction debris. rocks, or other foreign matter and shall not contain, On average; greater than 10 percent fines (i.e., silt and clay) (passing the #200 sieve) and shall be free of coarse gravel or cobbles. c. Immediately after completion of beach placement of material and prior to March 15 for 3 subsequent years. sand compaction shall be monitored in the area of beach placement in accordance with a protocol agreed to by the Department, the U.S. Fish &. Wildlife Service, and the applicant. At a minimum, the protocol provided under a and b below shall be followed. If required, the area shall be tilled to a depth of 36 inches. All tilling activity must be completed prior to April 15. A repon on the results of compaction monitoring shall be submitted to the Department prior to any tilling actions being taken. An annual swnmary of compaction surveys and the actions taken shall be submitted to the Department. This condition' shall be evaluated annually and may be modified if necessary to address sand compaction problems identified during the previous year. i. Compaction sampling stations shall be located at 500.foot intervals along the project area. One station shall be at the seaward edge of the dunelbulkhead line (when materia.l is placed in this area); one station shall be midway between the dune line and the high water line (normal wrack line); and one station shall be located just landward of the high water line. ii. At each station. the cone penetrometer shall be pushed to a depth of6; 12, and 18 inches three times (three replicates). Material may be removed from the hole if necessary to ensure accurate readings of successive levels of sediment. The penetrometer may need to be reset between pushes; especially if sediment layering exists. Layers of highly compact material may layover less compact layers. RepUcates shall be located as close to each other as possible, without interacting with the previous hole and/or disturbed sedirnents. The three replicate compaction values for each depth shall be averaged to produce final values for each depth at each station. Reports shall include all 27 values for each transect linel and the final 9 averaged compaction valUes. (i) OS/29/2010 18:21 18774686770 PROCESSOR PAGE 09 Permit No.: 0142538-00t~JC Permittee: Collier COUDty Page 9 of 16 iii. If the average value fOT any depth exceeds 500 psi for any two or more adjacent stations, then that area shall be tilled prior to April 15. If values exceeding 500 psi are distributed throughout the project area but in no case do those values exist at two adjacent stations at the same depth, then consultation with the Department shall be required to determine if tilling is required. If a few values exceeding 500 psi are present randomly within the project area, tilling shall not be required. d. Visual surveys for escarpments along the beach placement area shall be made immediately after completion of the beach placement and prior to March 15. Results of the surveys shall be submitted to the Department prior to any action being taken. Escarpments that interfere with sea tunle nesting or that exceed 18 inches in height for a distance of ]00 feet shall be leveled to the natural beach contour by April]. The Department shall be, contacted immediately if subsequent reformation of escarpments that interfere with sea turtle nesting or that exceed 18 inches in height for a distance of 100 feet occurs during the nesting and hatching season to detennine the appropriate action to be taken. If it is determined that escarpment leveling is required during the nesting or hatching season, the Department will provide a brief written authorization that describes methods to be used to reduce the likelihood of impacting existing nests. An annual summary of escarpment surveys and actions taken shall be submitted to the Department. e. All material placed in the nearshore disposal area shall be placed below ML W. The nearshore benn shall be inspected prior to March IS, and shall be no higher than-3 NGVD. If any portion of the benn is shallower than ~3 NGVD and is determined by BPSM to create a barrier to nesting turt]es~ it shall be deepened to w 3 NGVD prior to April 1. f. The applicant shall arrange a meeting between representatives of the contractor) the Department, and the permitted person responsible for egg relocation prior to March P'. At least 10 days advance notice shall be provided prior to conducting this meeting. This will provide an opportunity for explanation and/or clarification of the sea turtle protection measures. g. In the event that offshore placement of material occurs during marine turtles nesting season, (April 1 through October 31), lighting on offshore equipment shall be minimized through reduction, shielding lowering, and appropriate placement of lights to avoid excessive i1h.l.mination of the water, while meeting all U.S. Coast Guard and OSHA requirements. Shielded low pressure sodium vapor lights are highly recommended for lights on offshore equipment that cannot be eliminated.. (3) OS/29/2010 18:21 18774686770 PROCESSOR PAGE 10 'j Permit No.: OI42S38-001-JC Permittee: Collier CObOty Page 10 of 16 h. Reports on all nesting activity and marine turtle protection measures taken during construction shall be provided for three nesting seaSOns in the areas of beach placement and the beach landward ofnearshorc placment. Monitoring of nesting activity shall inclUde daily swveys and any additional measures authorized by the Department. Reports submitted shall include daily report sheets noting allllctiviry, nesting success rates, hatching success of all nests. dates of construction and names of an persotu1el involved in nest surveys and relocation activities. All nesting SW'Veys, nest relocations screening Or caging activities etc. shall be conducted only by persons with prior experience and training in these activities and is duly authorized to conduct such activities through a valid permit issued by the Department, Division of Marine Resources, pursuant to Florida Administrative Code 62R-l. i. Upon locating a dead, injured, or sick endangered or threatened sea turtle specimen, initial notification must be msde to the Department at 1-800-DIAL FMP. Care should be taken in handling sick or injured specimens to ensure effective treatment and ClU"e and in handling dead specimens to preserve biological materials in the best possible state for later analysis of cause of death. In conjwtction with the care of sick or injured endangered or threatened species or preservation of biolOgical materials from a dead animal, the finder has the responsibility to ensure that evidence intrinsic to the specimen is not unnecessarily disturbed. 12. In order to ensure that manatees are not adversely affected by the construction activities authorized by this permit, the pennittee shall adhere to the follOwing conditions: a. The contractor instructs all personnel associated with the project of the potential presence of manatees and the need to avoid collisions with manatees. All construction personnel are responsible for observing water-related activities for the presence of manatee( s), and shall implement appropriate precautions to enSUl"e protection of the manatee(s). b. All construction personnel are advised that there are civil and criminal penalties for hanning. harassing. or kilJing manatees which are protected under the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972, the Endangered Species Act of 1973, and the Florida Manatee Sanctuary Act. The permittee and/or contractor may be held responsible for any manatee hanned, harassed, Or killed as a result of construction activities. c. Prior to commencement of construction, the prime contractor involved in the constnIction activities shall construct and display at least two temporary signs (placards) concerning manatees. For all vessels, a temporary sign (at least 8.S" X 1111) reading "Manatee Habitat/Idle Speed In Construction Area" will be placed in a prominent location visible to employees operating the vessels. In the absence of a vessel, a temporary sign (at least 2' X 2') reading "Warning: Manatee Habitat" will be posted in a location prominently visible to land based, water~re)ated construction crews. @ OS/29/2010 18:21 18774686770 PROCESSOR PAGE 11 Permit No.: 0142S38-001-JC Permittee: Colller County Page 11 of 16 A second temporary sign (at least 8.5" X II") reading "Warning, Manatee Habitat: Operation of aoy equipment closer than SO feet to a manatee shall necessitate immediate sbutdown of that equipment. Any coJUsion with aDd/or injury to a manatee shall be reported immediately to the Florida Marine Patrol at 1-800-DIAL-FMP" will be located prominently adjacent to the displayed issued construction pennit. Temporary notices are to be removed by the permittee upon completion of construction. d. Siltation barriers shall be properl)' secured so that manatees cannot become entangled, and are monitored at least daily to avoid manatee entrapment. Barriers must not block manatee entry to Or exit from essential habitat. e. All vessels associated with the project operate at "idle speed/no wake" at all rimes while in the construction area and while in water where the draft of the vessel provides less than a four foot clearance from the bottom. All vessels will follow routes of deep water whenever possible. f, If manatees are seen "1thin J 00 yards of the active daily consnuction/dredging operation all appropriate precautions shall be implemented to ensure protection of the manatee. These precautions shaH include the operation of all moving equipment no closer than 50 feet of a manatee. Operation of any equipment closer than 50 feet to a manatee shall necessitate immediate shutdown ofthat equipment. g. Any collision with and/or injury to a manatee shall be reported inunediately to the Florida Marine Patrol (1-800-DIAL~FMP) and to the DEP Bureau of Protected Species Management (850) 922~4330_ h. The pennittee shall ensure that the contractor maintains a log detailing sightings, collisions, or injuries to manatees should they occur during the contract period. A report summarizing incidents and sighrings shall be submitted to the DEF Bureau of Protected Species Management, 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Mail Station 245, Tallahassee, Florida 32399. 3000 and to the \1. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 6620 Southpoint Drive South, Suite 310, Jacksonville, Florida 32216-0912. This report must be submitted within 90 days of completion of the actiyjties conducted in accordance with the permit. i. At least one person shall be designated as a manatee observer when in-water work is beini performed. That person shall have experience in manatee observation, and shall be equipped with polarUed sunglasses to aid in observation. The manatee observer must be on site during all in-water construction activities and will advise personnel to cease operation upon siting a manatee within 50 feet of any in-water construction activity. @ OS/29/2010 18:21 18774686770 PROCESSOR PAGE 12 Permit No.: 0142538-001-JC Pennittee: Collier County Page 12 of 16 MONITORING REQUIRED: 1. Water Quality (Turbid'ty) Parameter: Turbidity is to be measured in Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTUs) to be analyzed on-site as soon as possible after collection. Turbidity of more than 29 NWs above background at the edge of the mixing zone, defined below, at the edge of the dredge site, at the north beach fill site, at the south beach fill site, and at the offshore disposal area is a violation of State Water Quality Standards. Turbidity of more than 0 NTU's above background at Hardbottom Sites 1 and 2 is a violation of State Water Quality Standards. DREDGE SITE, BEACH FILL SITE, AND HARDBOTTOM SITES Frequencv: The background and monitoring stations shall be samples at the dredge site, beach fill site(s), and hardbonom sites (during construction of the south beach fill) twice daily at least four hours apart. At least One set of samples shall be taken on an incoming tide each day. Sample locations: Samples shall be taken at mid.depth and at one foot above the bottom at each location described as follows. . DredQe Sile - BackgrQund: Samples shall be collected at least 500 meters (1,640 feet) from the cutterhead in the opposite direction of the prevailing current flow, clearly outside the influence of any turbidity plume. Dredee Site. Comoliance: Samples shall be collected 150 meters (492 feet) dOWlicurrent from the cutterhead and within the deepest portion of any visible plume. North Beach Fill Site - BackW"ound: Samples shall be collected at a point 50 meters (164 feet) offshore and 1,000 meters (3,280 feet) upcurrent from the point where discharge is reentering waters of the State (discharge point), clearly outside of the influence of any turbidity plume. North Beach Fill Site - Comoliance: Samples shall be cOllected 150 meters (492 feet) downcuttent from the point where discharge is reentering waters of the State (discharge point), within the densest portion of any turbidity plume. South Beach Fill Site - BackRl'Ound: Samples shaH be collected at a point 50 meters (164 feet) offshore and 1,000 meters (3.280 feet) upcW"tent from the point where discharge is reentering waters of the State (discharge point), clearly outside of the influence of any turbidity plume. ~ OS/29/2010 18:21 1877 4686 770 PROCESSOR Permit No.: 0142538-001..JC Permittee: Collier Cou.otv Page 13 of 16 . South Beach Fill Site - Compliance; Samples shall be collected ISO meters (492 feet) dOMlcurrent from the point where discharge is reentering waters of the State (discharge point) and at any distance offshore within the visible turbid plume if present (if no plume is visible, then samples shall be taken 50 meters (164 feet) offshore). H~dbQttom Sites. BacklZround: Samples shall be taken at the Hardbottom.Background Site location shown On the attached permit drawing (Sheet 5), clearly outside of the influence of any turtbidity plume. Harbottom Sites. Compliance: Samples shall be taken at the two Hardbottom Shes 1 and 2 shown on the attached permit drawing (Sheet 5). DISPOSAL AT THE OFFSHORE DISPOSAL SITE "BORROW AREA 6" FreQuencv: Approximately every 4 hours between J 5 and 30 minutes after disposal of a barge load of material. Backl!Tound: 500 meters from the disposal barge in the opposite direction of the prevailing CWTent flow, clearly outside the influence of any turbid plume. Samples shall be coJtected from the surface, mid-depth, and I meter above the bottom. Compliance: No more than 150 meters dOY.'J1current from the disposal barge, in the densest portion of any visible turbidity plume. Samples shall be collected from the surface, mid-depth and I meter above the bottom. Weekly summaries of all monitOring data shall be submitted to the Office of Beaches and Coastal Systems and to the fDEP South District Office (Fort Myers) within one week of analysis with documents containing the following infonnation: (I) permit number; (2) dates and times of sampling and analysis; (3) a statement describing the methods used in collection, handling, storage and analysis of the samples; (4) a map indicating the sampling locations; and (5) a statement by the individual responsible for implementation ofthe sampling program concerning the authenticity, precision, limits of detection and accuracy of the data. Monitoring reports shall also include the following information for each sample that is taken: a) time of day samples taken; b)depth of water body; c) depth of sample; d) antecedent weather conditions; e) tidal stage and direction of flow; and f) wind direction and velocity. The compliance locations given above shall be considered the limits of the temporary mixing zone for turbidity allowed during construction. If monitoring reveals turbidity levels greater PAGE 13 Q5) OS/29/2010 18:21 18774686770 PROCESSOR PAGE 14 Permit No.: 0142S38..o01-JC Permittee: Collier County Page 14 of 16 than 0 Nl1Js above background levels at the hardbottom monitoring sites, or greater than 29 NTUs above the associated backgroWld levels at the dredge site or offshore disposal site, construction activities shall cea$e immediate),}' and not resume until corrective measures have been taken and turbidity has returned to acceptable levels. Monitoring reports shall be submitted to the Office of Beaches and Coastal Systems in Tallahassee. Failure to submit reports in a timely manner constitutes grounds for revocation of the pennit. When submitting this infonnation to the DEP, please clearly include, at the top of each page or as a cover page to the submittal: "This information being provided in partial fulfillment of tbe monitoring requlremellts In Perlllit No. OI42S38-001-JC." 2. Navigation study A boating navigation study documenting the number and siz.e of boats using Wiggins Pass and a survey of the number of wet and dry commercial and private slips shall be conducted every five years during the life of the permit. The first survey shall be conducted during January through March, 2004. The data should be collected and reponed similar to that conducted during 1999 and, at a minimum, this shall include: I) boat type (sailboat, powerboat. personal watercraft, motorsailer); 2) boat length; 3) boat draft; 4) time of survey; 5) survey duration; 6) location of survey; 6) weather conditions. The results of each navigation study shall be submined to the Office of Beaches and Coastal Systems Bud the Bureau of Protected Species Management within 90 days of completion of the navigation survey. Each repon shall include an overall analysis and discussion of the boating trends at Wiggins Pass with a comparison to previous boating studies (c. g., 1993, 1999, etc.). When submitting this information to the DEP. please clearly include, at the top of each page or as a cover page to the submittal: "This informatioQ being provided in partial fulfLIlment of the monitoring requirements in Permit No. Ot42S38-001-Jc.u 2. Hydrographic Monitoring A monitoring program shall be conducted in accordance with the monitoring plan approved as part of Special Pennit Condition 2 (above). The monitoring plan shall be conducted for a minimum of three (3) years following completion of construction. The permittee may incorporate the requirements of this monitoring plan into existing monitoring programs being conducted by the pennittee. The hydrographic monitoring program shall include the following: a. Beach and offshore profile surveys shall be conducted immediately prior to sand placement. immediately fotlowing completion of the project, and annually thereafter. Profiles shall be surveyed at DEP reference monuments R-t 0 through R-22. The profile alignments will be identical to the azimuths previously established for each monument. @j OS/29/2010 18:21 18774686770 PROCESSOR PAGE 15 Permit No.: 0142538-001-JC Permittee: Collier County Page 15 of 16 All beach profiles shall extend from the monument at least 3000 feet seaward and out to the depth of closure if greater. Additional surveys may be required following a major stonn as determined by the Department. b. Bathymetric surveys of the Wiggins Pass navigation channel and adjacent area shall be conducted immediately following project completion and annually thereafter. Soundings shall be taken in accordance with the minimum specifications identified in the approved monitoring plan. c. The perminee shall submit an engineering report summarizing the monitoring data and project performance to the Office of Beaches and Cosstal Systems in accordance with the approved monitoring plan within 90 days of completion of each survey. The survey data shall be submitted on 3.5-inch double.sided high density floppy disk in an ASCII format. The data shall be arranged according to the DEP specifications and shall include all of the information required by the DEP specifications. \4onitoring reports shall be submitted to the Office of Beaches and Coastal Systems in Tallahassee. Failure to submit reports in a timely manner constitutes grounds for revocation of the permit. When submitting this information to the DE?, please clearly include, at the top of each page or as a cover page to the submittal: "Tbis iDform.atiOD being provided io partial fulfillment of the monitoring requirements in Permit No. 0142538-00J-Jc. n Executed in Tallahassee, Florida. STATE Of FLORlDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ~ ~ J--"E.. Kirby B. Teen, III, Deputy Secretary FILING AND ACKNOWLEDGMENT FILED, On this date, pursuant to Section 120.52, Florida Statutes, with the designated Department Clerk, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. 4~) ^- . '...'~ -Lf.. c I, k/.a I( '" / Deputy Clerk .~/Iz/~I(! Date @ OS/29/2010 18:21 18774686770 PROCESSOR PAGE 16 Pennh No.: OI42538-001-JC Permittee: Collier County Page 16 of 16 copies (with attachments) furnished to: Michael Poff, Coastal Engineering Consultants, Inc. Michael Nowicki, U. S. Anny Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville (USACOE file No. 198701080 (lP-MN)) Kim Dryden, USFWS, Naples Glenn Heath. Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council, Ft. Myers Brett Moore, Humiston and Moore, Inc. Barbara Burgeson, Collier County, Planning Services Department, 2800 North Horseshoe Drive, Naples, Florida 34 I 04 Collier County, Natural Resources Department, 3301 E. Tamiami Trail, Building IOH, Naples, Florida 34112 Lucy Blair, DEP, South District, Ft. Myers Jennie COWart, DEP, South District, Ft. Myers Mark Latch, DEP, Division of Recreation and Parks, MS 530 Robert Steiger, DEP, Delnor- Wiggins SRA Sally Braem DEP-DRP, District 4 Office, Oscar Scherer State Park David Arnold, FWCC, BPSM DEP, Office of General Counsel Lethie Lanham, OBCS OBCS Permit lnfonnation Center OBCS File @ OS/29/2010 18:21 18774686770 PROCESSOR PAGE 17 Department of Environmental Protection Jeb BU$h Gcvetnor Marjot}' Stoneman Dou:las Building 3900 COmmonwealth Boulevard TallahM$ee, Rorid;a 32399.3000 ColI~n M. Castille Secrel2ry CERTIFIED - RETURN RECEIPT REOUESTEll Marcb I 7, 2005 Collier County c/o Kenneth Humiston, P.E. Humiston and Moore Engineers 5679 Strand Court Naples; Florida 34] 10 Permit Modification No. OI42538-004-EM Pennit No. 0142538-001-JC; Collier County Wiggins Pass Maintenance Dredging Dear Mr. Humislon: Your request to modify Permit No. 0142538-00 I.JC has been received (March in, and revised request received on March loth) and reviewed by Department staff. The proposed permit modification is to allow construction activities to continue until May 31,2005, which extends 61 days into marine turtle nesting season. Due to delays experienced by the dredging contractor, it is likely that construction activities will not be completed by the April 1st completion date specified in specific condition no. 11 (a) ofthe permit. The applicant consulted with the National Marine Fisheries Service regarding their 2003 Regional Biological Opinion and were advised that for maintenance dredging on the Gulf Coast with nearshore disposal, not occurring in Gulf sturgeon critical habitat, dredging with a hydraulic pipeline dredge in turtle nesting season would be allowed. The Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC), Bureau of Protected Species Management, reviewed this modification request and determined that the extension would be acceptable, providing that the dredge disposal occurs nearshore, away from the turtle nesting beach habitat; and the lighting on the dredge and equipment comply with the standard conditions for protection of marine turtles, as outlined in specific condition 11 (g) of the permit. The applicant has demonstrated that delaying the project would place an unreasonable burden on the applicant and the state. Since the FWC has determined that allowing construction activities Primed on ~ed "~"'r. Q] "More ?rotprtion. Les~ PrOCfSS" OS/29/2010 18:21 18774686770 PROCESSOR PAGE 18 Notice of Permit Modlficadon Wiggins Pass Malutenance Dredging Modification No. 0142538-004-EM Page :z of 6 to continue 61 days into the 2005 marine turtle nesting season will not adversely impact nesting sea turtles, their hatchlings, or their habitat, the Department has detennined that the proposed modification would not be contrary to the public interest. This edension of the cODsuuction window applies only to this year (2005). The specific conditions shall be revised as follows (underlines are additions, atrikethrSllghs are deletions): Speelftc Condition No. I I (a) 11. In order to ensure that marine turtles are not adversely affected by the co11ltnlction activities authorized by this permit, the pennittce shall adhere to the following conditions: a. No construction, operation, transportation or storage of equipment or materials are authorized for beach or nearshon:: placement ofmateriaJ during the marine turtle nesting leason (1 April through 31 October), exCE:f)t iq the vear 200Sn when the above metltioned activities shall be allowed for nearsho;;J~ent of materials between 1 April and Mav 31. After thorough review the staff has determined that the proposed alteration does not increase the potential for adverse impact on the coastal system~ public beach access seaward of the mean high water line Or nesting sea turtles and hatchlings and their habitat, and that the proposed alteration does not reduce the design adequacy of the project Since the proposed modification is not expected to result in any adverse environmental impact or water quality degradation, the permit is hereby modified as :requested. By copy of this letter, we are notifying all necessary parties of the modification_ This letter of approval does not alter the Janoary 11, 2010, expiration date, other Specific or General Conditions (other than specific condition no. 11 (a)), or monitoring requirements of the permit. This letter must be attached to the original penuit. This pennit is hereby modified unless a sufficient petition for an administrative hearing is timely filed under Sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes, as provided below. The procedures for petitioning for a hearing are set forth below. Mediation under Section 120.573) F.S.) is not available for this proceeding. A person whose substential interests are affected by the Department's action may petition for an administrative proceeding (hearing) under Sections 120.569 and 120.57, F.S. The petition must contain the information set forth below and must be filed (received by the clerk) in the Office of @ OS/29/2010 18:21 18774686770 PROCESSOR PAGE 19 Notice of Permit ModUlt!ation Wiggios Pass Maintenanc:e Dredging Modification No. 0142538-004-EM Page 3 of (j General Counsel of the Department at 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Mail Station 35, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000. Because the administrative hearing process is designed to redetennine final agency action on the application, the filing of a petition for an administrative hearing may result in further modification of the pennit or even a denial of the application. If a sufficient petition for an administrative hearing OJ: request for an extension of time to file a petition is timely filed, this pennit modification automatically becomes only proposed agency action on the application subject to the result of the administrative review process. Accordingly, the applicant is advised not to commence construction or other activities under this pennit modification untit the deadlines notod below for filing a petition for an administrative hearing Or request for an extension of time has expired- Under Rule 62~ 110.1 06(4); Florida Administrative Code, a person whose substantial interests are affected by the Department's action may also request an extension oftime to file a petition for an administrative hearing. The Department may, for good cause shownl grant the request for an extension of time:. Requests for extension of time must be filed with the Office of General Counsel ofthe Department at 3900 Conunonwealth Boulevard, Mail Station 35, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000, before the applicable deadline. A timely request for extension of time shall toll the running of the time period for filing a petition until the request is acted upon. If a request is filed late, the Department may still grant it upon 8 motion by the requesting party showing that the failure to file a request for an extension of time before the deadline was the result of excusable neglect. In the event that a timely and sufficient petition for an administrative hearing is filed, other persons whose substantial interests will be affected by the outcome of the administrative process have the right to petition to intervene in the proceeding. Any intervention will be only at the discretion of the presiding judge upon the filing of B motion in compliance with Rule 28- 106.20~, F.A.C. In accordance with Rule 62-110.106(3), F.A.C., petitions for an administrative hearing by the applicant must be filed within 14 days of receipt of this written notice. Petitions filed by any persons other than the applicant, and other than those entitled to written notice under Section 120.60(3), F.S., must be filed within 14 days of publication of the notice or within 14 days of receipt of the written notice, whichever occurs first. Under Section 120.60(3), F.S., however, any person who has asked the Department for notice of agency action may file a petition within 14 days of receipt of such notice, regardless of the date of publication. @ OS/29/2010 18:21 18774686770 PROCESSOR PAGE 20 Notice or Permit Modification Wiggms Pu. Malntenallce DredglDi Modification No. 014153S.oo4-EM Page 4 of 6 The petitioner shall mail a copy of the petition to the applit:ant at the address indicated above at the time of filing. The failure of my person to file a petition for an adminislOltive hearing within the appropriate time period shall constitute a waiver of that person's righllO request an administrative determination (bearing) under Sections 120.569 and 120.57, F.S. In accordance with Rule 28-106.201, F.A:C., a petition that disputes the material facts on which the Department's action is based must contain the following infonnation: (a) The name and address of each agency affected and each agency's file or identification number, ifknoWll; (b) The name, address, and telephone number of the petitioner; the name, address, and telephone number of the petitioner's representative, ifany, which shall be the address for service pwposes during the COurse of the proceeding; and an explanation of bow the petitioner's substantial interests are or will be affected by the agency detennination; (e) A statement of when and how the petitioner received notice of the agency decision; (d) A statement ohll disputed issues ofmaterial fact. Jfthere are none, the petition must So indicate; (e) A concise statement of the ultimate facts alleged, including the specific facts that the petitioner contends warrant reversal or modification ofthe agency's proposed action; (1) A statement of the specific rules or statutes that the petitioner contends require reversal or modification of the agency's proposed action, including an explanation of how the alleged faets relate to the specific rules or statutes; and (g) A statement of the relief sought by the petitioner, stating precisely the action that the petitioner wishes the agency to take with respect to the agency's proposed action. A petition that does not dispute the material facts On which the Department's action is based shall state that no such facts are in dispute and otherwise shall contain the same infonnation as set forth above, as required by Rule 28~ 106.301, F.A.C. Under Sections 120..569(2)(0) and (d), F.S., a petition for administrative hearing must be dismissed by the agency iftbe petition does not substantially comply with the above requirements or is untimely filed. This action is final and effecti ve on the date filed with the CIeri< of the Department unless a petition is filed in accordance with the above. Upon the timely filing of a petition tbis order will not be effective until further order of the Department. @ OS/29/2010 18:21 18774686770 PROCESSOR PAGE 21 Notice of Permit Modification Wiggjns Pas$ Maintenance Dredging Modlncation No. Ot42538-004-EM Page S of 6 This pennit modification constitutes an order of the Department. The applicant has the right to seek judicial review of the order under Section 120.68, F.S., by the filing ofa notice of appeal under Rule 9.110 of the Florida Rules of Appellate Procedu{e with {he Clerk of the Department in the Office of General Counsel, 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Mail Station 35, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000; and by filing a copy of the notice of appeal accompanied by the applicable filing fees with the appropriate district court of appeal. The notice of appeal must be filed within 30 days from the date when the final order is filed with the Clerk of the Department. When there has been no publication of notice of agency action or notice of proposed agency action as prescribed in Rule 62-110.106, F.A.C., a person may request a copy of the agency action. The Department shall upon receipt of such a request, if agency action has occurred, promptly provide the person with notice. The Department does not require notice of this agency action to be published. However, the applicant may elect to publish notice as prescribed in Rule 62-110.106, F .A.C., which constitutes notice to the public and establishes a time period for submittal of any petition. If you have any questions regarding this maner, please contact Lainie Edwards at the letterhead address Or by telephone at (850) 487-4471, exU42. Sincerely, ,,'.' " r'/f/'{" ./ . . .~. ..........- ~/.~ ,//'1 ~ .'I' ,.1, .~ .. '- ,." .'~ "'-~. ~"-;?. ('.......... r'> .,-. L '-, ~.'~ / '1C;~c ,r ~ " .." //) Martin K. Seeling l,.... Environmental Administrator Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems cc: Michael Nov.ricki, U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville, (USACOE File No. 198701080 (lP-MN)) Robbin Trindell, FWC; Imperiled Species Management Division FWC - Division of Law Enforcement David Burr, Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council Lucy Blair, DEP, South District Maura Kraus, Collier County, Natural Resources Department Eric Hawk, NMFS Gary McAlpin, Collier County Tourism Development Barbara Burgeson, Collier County, Planning Services Department Mark Latch, DEP, Division ofRec:reation and Parks @ OS/29/2010 18:21 18774686770 PROCESSOR PAGE 22 Notice of Permit Modification Wiggins P.ss M~dntt".Dc:e Dredging Modification No.0142538.004-EM Page 6 0'6 Robert Steiger, DEP, Delnor-Wiggins SRA OEP-DRP, District 4 Office, Oscar Scherer State Park Jennie Cowart, (Field Eng.). DEP, BBCS Marla Ramsey, Collier County Public Services Division BBCS Pennit Infonnation Center FILING AND ACKNOWLEDGMENT FILED, on this date, pursuant to Section 120.52, Florida Statutes, with the designated Department Clefk, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. ,(:1J!.& Id~1A!A/ Deputy Clerk ~~~k- Date @ OS/29/2010 18:21 ... 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PAGE 24 ~ ,.. .-. o c co K", '-'l N ~ <"""1 d z l- I- ~ c:: I.IJ c- OS/29/2010 18:21 18774686770 PROCESSOR PAGE 25 Wiggins Pass Sub April 19, 2010 VIII.1 New Business 3015 Wiggin5 Pass Policy and Planning Guidelines Discussion Points Current FDEP State Strategic Management Plan for Winins Pass Strategy: Place beach quality maintenance dredged material on adjacent be;aches north and south of Wiggins Pass within areas of greatest need; monitoring and analysis of inlet effects. One of the Pertinent State Rules: Pursuant to 62B-41.005(15), F,A,C., the plan shall provide for continued bypassing of the sand in sufficient quantity to insure that net long term erosion or accretion rates on both sides of the inlet remain equal except in cases where unequal erosion and accretion rates excess of an be shown to be a result of natural processes and not caused by human activities. In all cases, mitigation shaH be provided for any erosion effects to the adjacent coastal system attributable to alteration of the inlet. The mitigation shall include the placement of supplemental beach compatible material as needed (FDEP RAI #1 March 24, 2010). The actual full enforcement this rule is scarce or not well documented, but could be expensive to implement. New 2010 Start Point for Discussion on new plan New General Policy 1. Bypass sand sO that the average annual volumetric erosion rate of the sand is equal north and south of the inlet since a base year of 2001. 2, Implement any mitigation or contingency during major dredging events, Major Findings 1. Flood channel migration eroding Barefoot Beach 2. Sand bypassing to the north was insufficient 3. Alongshore Transport is northward 4. Inlet is filling significantly from the south in addition north 5. Rock substrate on both side of channel 6. Impact to Delnor Wiggins Park has been general positive since dredging began Initiollnler Management Plan recommendation -Feb 2010 1. Straight alignment through the flood and ebb shoals. 2. Minor cuts to subsurface rock ledge - no impact on positional stability 3. Maintain navigation for 3 foot draft vessel & extend dredging interval (no structures) @ OS/29/2010 18:21 18774686770 PROCESSOR PAGE 26 Wiggin!; Pass Sub April 19, 2010 VIll.1 New Buslne$9 4 of 5 4. Mitigate for inlet impacts by bypassing 2.65 times to North 5. Establish monitoring program and adjust disposal practices in 4 above accordingly 6. Repair beach scarps and the south pOint of Barefoot Beach Park. 7. Use sand dredged from the flood shoal to create new flood shoal flats 8. Allow moderate design channel migration (ebb channel ..&- SO" and flood SO feet to north) to reduce dredging. 9. USe intermediate (small) dredging to reestablish navigation thru the bar 10. Summer maintenance dredging to reduce cost and complexity, with off$hore placement. 1995 Inlet Management Plan Recommendation The plan presented in this section is the best combination of alternatives able to achieve a cost effective inlet management plan. The recommended plan mitigates for the impact of Wiggins Pass on adjacent shorelines and improves the navigability ofthe inlet. The major components of the plan include: 1. Widen and deepen the existing navigation channel to a dredged depth and width of 250 feet and -12 feet MLW, respectively. Straighten and shift the channel's boundaries. The existing subsurface rock ledge, if encountered, shall be left in place. 2. MaIntain a minimum operating depth in the channel of -8 feet MLW (-9 feet NGVD) with a maintenance dredging program scheduled at two-year intervals. 3. Establish beach disposal sites Outside the 20ne of inlet influence. Mitigate for inlet impacts by bypassing to the south a minimum of 6,500 c.y.lyr. 4. Establish navigable depths for three-foot draft boats in the interior channels of Wiggins Pass. Implement improvements as needed. 5. Establish a program of beach, inlet shoal, interior channel and environmental monitoring. 6. Adopt a three-foot draft boat as the planning and design standard for the Wiggins Pass basin, @ OS/29/2010 18:21 18774686770 PROCESSOR PAGE 27 Attachment No.5 Project Description o OS/29/2010 18:21 18774686770 PROCESSOR PAGE 28 Attachment No.5 Project Description The project goal is to renew the State and Federal maintenance dredging permits for another 10 years, improve inlet navigation conditions, and reduce erosion on adjacent beaches at Wiggins Pass, Collier County) FL (Figure A). This will be accomplished by straightening the inlet channel layout as shown in Figure A and infilling and blocking the northern flood meanders. The east, north, and south channel entrances will be improved as needed. The designated dredge disposal locations and quantities will be modified and relocated to increase management flexibility, reduce sediment loss to the system and impacts to Barefoot Beach shoreline. A dynamic design will be incorporated into the maintenance plan for the inlet so that long-term dredging can be reduced. Impacts to natural resources will be avoided or minimized. Insufficient sand bypassing to the north and the natural migration of the flood channel to the north are the two primary practice problems. The solution addresses the importance of both of these natural and man made forces underappreciated in previous studies. , , . ' , -....._. c;~;""i:" ,'.' . ""~'. ~~~,~ . .;. ~ . ~~....~~~..~ ~";;'~~--":""'.4~;; Figure A. Components of the proposed plan overlaying on aerial photograph of Wiggins Pass. The channel alignment in Figure A shows the location of a straight channel in relation to local features, The previous modeling studies indicate that improved navigation conditions and mitigation of erosion on adjacent beaches can be achieved by redesigning the navigation channel and modifying the placement location and quantity of the dredged material. A straight navigation channel with smaller dimensions than the current dredge template that extends directly across the flood shoal is the optimal unstnJctu:r:ed channel configuration @ OS/29/2010 18:21 18774686770 PROCESSOR PAGE 29 (Figure A). It also relieves the erosional stresses caused by the northward migration of the flood channel. This new channel location will be trained by temporary sand dikes blocking the existing channel meander and swash (marginal) channels that wrap around the end of Barefoot Beach. The eastern sand dikes will be leveled at the end of construction and the western sand dike will be incorporated into the Barefoot Beach south point restoration. This configuration will improve channel hydraulics by directing the flows to a single channel entrance and reducing sand lost from Barefoot Beach to the swash (marginal) channel. Also, placement of a portion of fill closer to the tip of Barefoot Beach, between R"14 and R.15.5, is proposed as a means of immediate mitigating erosion problems at this location. Previous disposal practices balanced disposal north and south of the inlet. The results of mOdeling and long tenn monitoring shows that approximately 2.6 times as much sand should be disposed north of the pass. Past disposal practices placed dredged material where it creates a sediment deficit within a 'l'. mile north of the inlefs vicinity. The straightening of the channel will be accompanied by intill of the old channel meander with the dredged sand. This will lead to a location swap between the flood shoal and channel for no net change in morphology. The inlet has been migrating north since the ] 97015, with the flood chaIUlel meander moving about 100 feet. The channel has eroded the shoreline along Barefoot Beach, creating a steep slope under the vegetation and mangroves. The mangroves have receded 50 feet since the ] 970's. The back filling of the channel will create a milder slope adjacent to the mangroves, tnore suitable for snook habitat. It will stop further loss to the mangroves. This northward movement has been caused by growth of the flood shoal from sand pushed north and then east along Delnor Wiggins Park shoreline. There is evidence of increased vegetation coverage along the Delnor Wiggins Park inlet shoreline. This sand wave not only increases the flood shoal size, but fills in the entrance of the tributary channels, which will need periodic dredging. It is expected that the northward channel trend will not cease OnCe the chaIUlel is moved. A slow northward migration is manageable and desirable for avoiding impacts to the shoreline along DeIno! Wiggins State Park. The total initial cut volume estimate is 80,000 cy (61,300 eM) and it will provide a prolonged maintenance intenral. The channel dimensions are shown in Table 1. There is a need to increase the new flood channel dimensions from that needed for navigation alone to a larger cross-section needed for a stable cross-section. The interior dimensions should be at least 1350 SF to the NA VD datum, which is the minimum existing natural cross-section. The depths and widths in Table I are based on navigation, modeling and equilibrium goals. A stable cross-section should avoid south bank migration towards the State Park, but without increasing access by larger vessels. Larger vessels will be restricted by depth in the inlet shoal, which are based on 3 foot vessel navigation requirements. @ OS/29/2010 18:21 18774686770 PROCESSOR PAGE 30 The updated channel design consists of a channel width of 240 feet at Sta. 12+00 to 10+00 in the ebb shoal. From Sta. ]0+00 the channel reduces to 160 feet wide at Sta. C6. The chaIUlel continues to narrow from Sta. C6 to 120 feet wide at CIO. The 120 foot width is maintained from ClO to CIS. From C15, the channel tapers to 100 feet in both the east, north, and south channels at C26, C35, and C33 respectively. Station Location Bottom Depth (ft) Overdredge Width (ft) NAVD NGVD Depth (ft) 12+00 Ebb Shoal 240 -]2.0 -10.7 1.0 0+00 Ebb Shoal 160 -12,0 -10.7 1.0 C6 Throat 160 -7,7 -6.4 1.0 CtO Flood Shoal 120 -7.7 -6.4 1.0 CIS Flood Shoal 120 -7.7 -6.4 1.0 C26 East Channel 100 -7.0 -5.7 1.0 C33 South Channel 100 -7.0 -5.7 1.0 Table 1 Wiggins Pass Channel Dimensions The fill placed On or adjacent to Barefoot Beach and Delnor Wiggins will come from the ebb shoal chaIUlel, while the interior dredge material will be used to infill the north flood cha1Ulel and build dikes. The dikes will be built using the coarse sand from tbe top layer ofthe flood shoal to the extent practical. The dikes will be built in the shallowest portion of the flood shoal channel. Any unsuitable material will be disposed of in the bottom of the channel meander. Both nearshore and beach disposal are proposed as part of the plan for Barefoot Beach, but only nearshore disposal is proposed adjacent to Delnor Wiggins State Park based on previous State Park preferences, which are under review at this time. Beach disposal will incOJporate a turtle friendly benn, sloping from +4.7 to 3.7 ft NA VD. Based on modeling, beach placement closer to the inlet will have the greatest impact toward restoring Barefoot Beach, while nearshore disposal has a more defuse and long term benefit. Nearshore disposal will be placed below Mean Low Water. The Barefoot Beach disposal area runs from R 11.2 to R 15 .5, over 4,000 ft. This provides room to move the center of the 3,000 ft disposal area to where it will do the most good, based on continued monitoring. The south tip of Barefoot Beach will be partially restored using sand from botb shoals directly placed on the beach and incorporated from the western temporary dike. The level of restoration will be determined during final design and be based on the availability of sand dredged from this project, but as a minimum will be sufficiently robust to block the marginal flood channel. Scarp repair will be a priority. The south tip will also benefit from sand placed in the new Barefoot Beach disposal areas. Sand dredged for maintenance dredging (initial and future) wj]] be considered for continuing the Barefoot Beach restoration subject to restrictions from the growth management and land development codes. Future dredge disposal will be favored towards Barefoot Beach instead of south until it can make up some of the past deficit in bypassing, The exact means of determining a disposal ratio north and south of the inlet will be addressed in the @ OS/29/2010 18:21 18774686770 PROCESSOR PAGE 31 collaborative process to update the inlet management plan taking place simultaneously with this permit application. This restoration will provide sand that tidal current will distribute north along Barefoot Beach, mitigating the historic erosion problem in this area. To decrease long term dredging and accommodate moderate natural channel fluctuations, dynamic channel limits are proposed. North and south channel migration limits are established so that the dredge template can accommodate natural and moderate channel trends. These limits will be up to +50 feet in the ebb shoal, 50 feet north in the flood shoal, and no change at tributary channels. This will promote minimization of dredging where sufficient cross-sectional area already existing at an acceptable channel reorientation. It wHl incorporate the inlets natural tendencies where practical. This plan will achieve improved navigation conditions and beach perfonnance at the south, end of Barefoot Beach, and avoid significant impacts to the shoreline of Delnor Wiggins State Park, except for the recent sand wave propagating along the park into the flood shoal. It will also reduce long term impacts based on average annual dredge quantities and avoid direct impact to known mangroves Or seagrasses. Periodic dredging will occur under two conditions, (full and intermediate), one based on the existing criteria. The second will address situations when the bypass bar is hindering navigation, and a quick fix is needed. The quick fix will be to open a channel through the bar suitable for a 3 foot boat under fair Gulf conditions. This would be a minimum of a ] 00 ft x 10ft (NA VD) deep channel and require the movement of up to 6,000 cy by mechanical or hydraulic meanS. This type of operation can forstall large maintenance dredging while re-establishing safer navigation through the bar which is often the controlling navigation depth. In keeping with a small project, the material can be disposed by sidecasting to the area 1,000 feet north of the inlet. There is no hardbottom north of the inlet and the nearest hardbottom is approximately 1,200 feet south of the inlet. Since this is a short term solution to lengthen navigation, sand returning quickly to the channel is not the major concern. An alternate disposal site would be the nearshore area of the Barefoot Beach disposal area. This will be called intermediate maintenance dredging. The channel will be fully dredged once every 4 years or when storms infill the channel sufficient to impede navigation. Full maintenance dredging will be approximately 55,000 cy (42,000 eM). Maintenance dredging will be decreased by allowing moderate migration of the design channel as described above and the use of intermediate maintenance dredging. Initial constructioo will be implemented outside sea. turtle nesting season. Full periodic and itl.tennediate maintenance dredging will be target for th~ low wave season during the late spring to early summer (during sea, turtle n,esting season), but with no on beach disposal or construction activity. Construction requiring beach placement of sand will take place outside sea turtle nesting season. The cost and difficulty of winter dredging @ OS/29/2010 18:21 18774686770 PROCESSOR PAGE 32 with equipment sized to the pass necessitates dredging in the best weather conditions allowable. There is a history of winter dredging problems in southwest Florida. @) OS/29/2010 18:21 18774686770 PROCESSOR PAGE 33 Attachment No. 23c Construction Description @ OS/29/2010 18:21 1877 4686 770 PROCESSOR PAGE 34 Attachment No. 23c Construction Description The initial construction will be a sequenced in three (3) phases to achieve a shift in alignment while filling in the old channel. This will be achieved by dredging a pilot channel through the flood shoal and depositing the material in a temporary stock pile, most likely on the flood shoal between the new and old flood channel locations but require use of a barge or sheet piles, which will be determined by the contractor. The initial dredging will be from the coarsest layer in the flood shoal. Once a significant pilot channel is completed, the stockpiled sand will be moved into the existing flood channel fonning a dike. A dike will be constructed at two locations in the shallowest crossings in the old flood channel. The dike will be built higher than the high water level initially, to prevent overtopping and the early degradation of the dikes, Once the dike is fonned, the remaining interior channel will be dredged, the material used to fill up the old channel betweeo the dikes, Some subaqueous grading will be required at the end of dredging to level the dikes and rough grade the new flood shoal. The new flood shoal elevation will be -2 feet NA VD, to mimic the existing shoal. It is expected that the dredged sand will occupy a larger volume when placed in the flood shoal channel, but is expected to settle with time, which can be addressed with future dredge material. If initial dredging provides insufficient material to fill the new flood shoal, then emphasis will be given to filling to the north and at the dike location. The ebb shoal dredge and fill operations will be similar to current practices. Some rubble or rocks may be dredged from the ebb shoal, but from between the two shallower rock or rubble layers. The rock and rubble substrate that exists on either side of the proposed channel will remain untouched. This will increase the channel stability by fixing the channel between the rock substrates, which occurs to some extent now. Turbidity will be addressed similar to existing requirements. Any unsuitable material will be disposed in the old flood meander, before being capped by sand. This may include rock, rubble and organic soil. Only beach compatible sand will be placed for beach disposal) and sand meeting navigation project criteria will be disposed of nearshore as described in a QA/QC plan. Intenned.iate (supplemental) dredging is proposed for those times when the bypassing bar needs to be dredged for navigation, but full dredging in not warranted. This will be done using a small hydraulic dredge or mechanical dredge such as a backhoe or clam shell barge mounted dredge. Dredged material will be side cast within 1,000 feet north of the channel or 500 feet south of the channel in areas without nearshore rock. This will lengthen the major dredging interval, without large dredge volumes. @ OS/29/2010 18:21 18774686770 PROCESSOR PAGE 35 Equipment A backhoe dredge, clam shell dredge, or a cutterhead dredge greater than 14" will be used for major dredging of tbe pass_ A booster pump and a spill barge will be utilized to manage dredged material until disposal or placement. A flexible PCP pipeline will be used within the work area designated on the pennit sketches and all will remain seaward of the MHW, except during beach disposal. Construction Schedule Dredging of Wiggins Pass waS scheduled and bid with Doctors Pass in 2009. It would be advantageous to dredge the two passes simultaneously. The schedule for Wiggins Pass for initial construction will be: October 1~30, 2010 Mobilization November l-15, 2010 Dredge pilot channel and stockpile sand on flood shoal. November 16-30,2010 Build temporary dikes, complete dredging flood channel and inlet throat and back fill old channel. December 1-20,2010 Dredge ebb channel and disposed sand on beach or nearshore of Barefoot Beach. Restore south point of Barefoot Beach. December 20, 20] 0 Demobilization @ OS/29/2010 18:21 1877 4686 770 PROCESSOR Turtle Season AwRte...tI MASOMted Oft.dMtffCIM 1JtWOOSc 15 117 12 9 I Source for below tables: COLLIER COUNTY SEA TURTLE PROTECTION PLAN ANNUAL REPORT - 2005 Table Emergences. 2005, Barefoot Oeluor Vanderbilt Pm: Naples Marco T olal Wiggins Shore Total Nests 72 15 61 40 31 39 259 Total False Crawls 67 46 91 58 55 75 392 Total Emergences 139 61 152 98 86 114 650 Nest I Emergence :'17.1 24.5 40.1 40.8 36 34,2 39.7 (%) Beach Length (mi.) 3.1 1.2 3.5 3.2 5.6 7.1 23,7 Emergellces / m..i. 44.8 50.8 43.4 30.6 15.2 15.9 27.4 Nests Illli. 23.2 12.5 17.4 12.5 5.5 5.5 10.9 False: Crawls I TIli. 21.6 38,3 26 18.1 9.8 10.6 16,5 PAGE 36 @ OS/29/2010 18:21 1877 4686 770 PROCESSOR PAGE 37 Table 6.1. SunmulIY of All Monitored Beacbes, 2005. Delnor Pad<: Marco Barefoot Wiggins Vanderbill Shore Naples Island Total Pass :Boeach Length 3.1 1.2 3.5 3.2 5,6 7.1 23.7 (miles) Nests 72 15 61 40 31 39 258 Nests / Mile 23 12 17 12 5 .5 12 False Crawh 67 46 91 58 55 75 392 False Crawls' Mile 21 38 26 18 9 10 20 Mean Clutch Depth 20 20 19 19 19 18 19 (in) Nests Depredated 4 0 1 1 0 2 8 Nests InundAted 30 3 44 20 1.5 17 129 Nest Washed Out .5 1 5 10 3 1 25 Mean Incubation 55 59 60 63 61 59 59 (da"s) Disoriented Nests 0 0 0 1 1 3 5 Mean Hetching 62 76 63 60 69 66 64 Suce~ss Mean Emerge-nee 59 64 60 ~9 67 62 60 Success Eggs Deposited 7,100 868 .5,228 3,183 2,978 3,970 23,372 Hatchlu18s 4,200 ;56 3,Il6 1,865 1,982 2,247 14,191 Emenred table 2.~,2.1, Histo)i~~l Trends of Sea Tur1Je Nests .no 1'.15<: Crawl!. (FCa). 1990-200~, Bet1cb Unit ]\l9O 199] 199: I 1993 1994 J99~ 1996 1997 1998 )999 2000 2001 .2002 2003 2004 2(l(\~ Ba;"et'oot 'Nesls " 62 71 164 102 10~ J06 117 108 104 96 104 62 88 84 72 B're{l)(l! Fes . 62 129 i 75 98 141$ i4 93 90 89 8~ 84 28 66 7:\ 61 DelPor NeSI~ . . " i . . . 29 22 29 3' 17 23 l~ 21 \] IS Deloor fel . . . I . . I" 37 22 24 33 32 25 22 49 38 46 i 6JJ OS/29/2010 18:21 18774686770 PROCESSOR PAGE 38 3.04.02. Specll!& Spl!clfic Rl!qulrl!ml!nlB B. Sea Turtle Protection. 1. The purpose of this section is to protect the threatened and endangered sea turtles that nest along the beach.. of the County. by safeguarding sea turtle hatchlings from sources of artificial light, and adult and hatchling sea turtles from injury or harassment. The County shall adhere to state and federal guidelines for the protection of sea turtles, 2. The requirements of this section 'apply when development or lighting associated with development is located within three hundred (300) feet of mean high water; when parking lots, dune walkovers, or other outdoor lighting is proposed; and when reflective surfaces that will be illuminated by outdoor lighting will be visible from the beach. a. Outdoor lighting shall be held to the minimum necessary for security and safety. Floodlights and landscape or acc.nt lighting shall be prohibited. b. All lighting, including wall-mounted fixtures, pole lighting, lights on balconies. and any other type of lighting not specifically referenced by this section, shall be of low intensity, and shall be fitted with hoods or positioned so that the light sources. or any reflective surfaces illuminated by such sources, shall not be visible from the beach. c, Low profile luminaries shall be used in parking lots, and such lighting shall be fitted with hoods or positioned so that the light sources, or any reflective surfaces illuminated by such sources, shall not be visible from the beach. d, Dune crosswalks shall utilize low profile shielded luminaries directed and positioned so that light sources, or any reflective surfaces illuminated by such sources shall not be visible from the bellch. dune crossover lighting shall be limited to the area landward of the primary dune. e. If high intensity lighting is necessary, low pressure sodium vapor luminaries shall be used and fitted with a hood or positioned 90 that the light sources, or any reflective surfaces illuminated by such sources, shall not be visible from the beach. 1. Plates of tinted glass are required for windows that are visible from the beach. The tinted glass shall be any window or gla~ing that has an industry-approved light transmittance value of forty-five (45) percent or less. Such transmittance shall be limited to the visible spectrum (400 to 700 nanometers), and shall be measured as the percentage of light that is transmitted through the glass, inside to outside. g. Temporary security lights at construction sites shall not be mounted mOre than fjfteen (15) feet above the ground. Light sources, or any reflective surfaces illuminated by such sources, shall not be visible from the beach, 3. For existing development, existing structures with any light sources, or refleclive surfaces illuminated by such sources, that are visible from the beach, shall be in c:cmpliance with the following; w OS/29/2010 18:21 18774686770 PROCESSOR PAGE 39 a. All lights shall be turned off after 9:00 p.m. between May 1 and October 31 of each year, or fitted with a hood or positioned $0 that the light sources, or any reflective surfaces illuminated by such sources, shall not be visible from the beach. b. Lights illuminating dune crosswalks shall be turned off after 9:00 p.m. between May 1 and October 31 of each year, and must be modified to conform to the requirements for new development in accordance with section 3.04.03(8) of this section. c, Security and emergency exit lighting shall follow the same requirements stated in section 3.04.03(C}(1) of this section. If high intensity lighting is necessary, low pressure sodium vapor luminaries shall be used and fitted with a hood, or positioned so that the light sources, or any reflective surfaces Illuminated by such sources, shall not be visible from the beach. d. At least one (1) of the following measures shall be taken, where applicable, to reduce or eliminate the negative effects of interior light emanating from doors or Windows within the line of sight of the beach, where lights currently illuminate the beach: ;, In windows facing the Gulf of Mexico, and all inlet shorelines of these beaches, tinted window treatments are required for windows that are visible from the beach so that indoor lights do not illuminate the beach, The tinted glass shall be any window or glazing that has an industry- approved light transmittance value of forty-five (45) percent or less. Such transmittance stlall be limited to the visible spectrum (400 to 700 nanometers), and shall be measured as the percentage of light that is transmitted through the glass. inside 10 outside. Ii. R.earrange lamps and other movable fixtures away from windows. iii. Use window treatments, including, but not limited to, blinds and curtains, to stlield interior lights from the beach, iv. Turn off unnecessary lights. 4. All pUblicly owned lighting with light Sources that are visible from the beach, or that illuminate reflective surfaces that are visible from the beach, shall be turned off after 9:00 p.m. between May 1 and October 31 of each year, or shall be fitted with a hood. or positioned so that the light sources, or any reflective surfaces illuminated by such sources, are not visible from the beach. B. It shall be unlawful, during the nesting season, to construct any structure, add any fill, mechanically clean any beach, or grade any dirt within 100 feet of the nesting Zone of a beach where sea turtles nest Or may nest, without obtaining a construction in sea turtle nesting area permit from the County Manager or designee. a. If sea turtle nesting occurs within 100 yards of the construction, measured parallel to the shoreline during permitted construction activities, the nest area shall be flagged by the permittee and the County Manager or designee informed prior to 9:00 a,m. of that morning. @) OS/29/2010 18:21 18774686770 PROCESSOR PAGE 40 b, Depending on nest location, in relation to intensive construction activities, the County Manager or designee may require that the nest(s) be relocated by the applieanl c. Construction activities shall not interfere with sea turtle neatlng, shall preserve or replace any native vegetation on the sIte, must maintain the natural existing beach profile. and minimize interference with the nstural belch dynamics and function. d. Construction or repair of any structure, including, but not limited to, dune wlillkovers, seawalls, or oth$r revetments, sandbags, groins, or jetties, shall not be pennitted during sea turtle nesting Season on any County beaches, except if pennitted structures are damaged by a named stann or other dEl(:larecl natural disaster and the following conditions are met: 1. Minor repair work (boards need to be nailed back to the existing intact structure, or a few boards need to be replaced) that can be performed completely from atop the structure Is authorized after obtaining the necessary approval of the FOE? and notifying Collier County Environmental Services of that work. 2. Prior to any major repair work (greater than that described in 1 above) or reconstruction of any part of the structure. the following information shall be provided to so that staff can determine If the major repair or reconstruction can occur prior to the end of sea turtle nesting season: a. The appropriate permit from FDEP. b. The location of all known sea turtle nests. Community Development and Environmental Sel'llices (CDES) staff will prOVide assistance in locating nests, Construction activities shall not occur within 10 feet of these boundaries for viable nests. c. A survey by a qualified consultant locating any gopher tortoise burrows on site within 50 feet of the structure. Relocation of gopher tortoises will be required when the burrows are in harms way of the construction activity. d. Photographs of the site as It existed after the storm to document the conditions of the property. e. An aerial of the property Showing the CCSL line. 1. A copy of a CCSL variance or CCSL permit if required and building permit approving the original construction of the structure. 3. Sea tur1le nest locations will be reestablished using their previously recorded GPS locations and accuracy data to identify a 95% confidence boundary. Construction activities Shall not occur within 10 feet of these boundaries for viable nests. Nests will be considered viable for 80 days from the time the nest was recorded unless it can be proven that a ..rt~"~, nos< 0.. been damo,ed 0, '0. _m and thO... ~ no cha= of@ OS/29/2010 18:21 18774686770 PROCESSOR PAGE 41 any hatchlings, 4. Minor structures, as defined by Florida Statutes Sub$ection 161,055, of the Coastal Zone Protection Act of 1985, shall be approved provided that they also comply with: a. Federsl requirements for elevations above the 100-year flood level, b. Collier County Building Code requirements for flood proofing, c. Current building and life safety codes, d. Collier County and State of Florida Department of Environmental Protection CCSUCCCL regulations, e. Applicable disability access regulations of the American Disability Act (ADA), and f. Any required Collier County zoning and other development regulations with the exception of existing density or intensity requirements established, unless compliance with such zoning Or other development regulations would preclude reconstruction otherwise intBnded by the Build back Policy as determined by the Emergency Review Board established herein. 6, The following shall be obligations for all property owners who have had sand washed ashore (as a result of a storm) and deposited on the dune and seaward of the CC$L, As supported by (;iMP Conservation and Coastal Management Element Objective 10.4 and Policy 10.4.8, construction seaward of the CCSL shall not interfere with sea turtle nesting, will minimi~e interference with natural beach dynamics, and where appropriate will restore the historical dunes and will vegetate with native vegetation and help in the restoration of natural functions of coastal barriers and beaches and dunes. The property owner may be prohibited from removing the deposited sand wtlen it is determined that the wash Over was a part of the natural rebuilding of the beach and dune system. Only native salt tolerant beach or dune vegetafion may be planted on the deposited sand, after obtaining ill Collier County CCSl permit. This shall not apply to sand washed over onto yards that have received the appropriate Collier County approvals for landscaping seaward of the CCSL (such as single family homes along Vanderbilt Beach). 7. It shall be unlawful for any person to kill, molest, or cause direct or indirect injury to any species of sea turtle in Collier County or within its jurisdictional waters. It shall be unlawful to collect or possess any part of a sea turtle. w · EcoAcoustics PROCESSOR PAGE 42 OS/29/2010 18:21 ~ ~ HEGGIES Over the past several decades, Heggies has developed particular expertise in the assessment of the effects of vibration and noise from blasting. transportation and machinery - including regenerated noise aCid vibration from trains in tunnels. We have delleloped an enviable reputation as the consultant of choice in these areas. In recent yea~, increased focus of the impact of large infrastructure projects on the natural environment has led to the need for the assessment of the effects noise and vibration on mammals and other fauna. Heggies has been engaged in relation to several sigl1ature projects where the protection of bats, birds, whales, salmon, sea turtles and other sea life has been a high priority. Investigations of acoustic and lIibration effects have been also been carried out in regard to dairy cattle, thoroughbred racehor'Ses, laying chickens, aquarium fiSh and domestic pets. . Bats Echo-locating bats are auditory specialists: their hearing range spans several octaves, In the ultrasonic range, bat audiograms typically show highest sensitivity in the spectral region of their species-specific echolocation calls. Sats also show well developed hearing in the human-audible range. This has been attributed to the need to detect sounds produced by prey. By understanding these physical characteristics. Heggies is able to evaluate and assess noise effects that may disturb bats in their natural environment A monitoring program can be developed to control noise and vibration emissions below lellels of adverse affectation. Heggies has carried out viblOltion and regenerated noise measurements inside bat calles during nearby blasting programmes at hard rock quarries. These measurements were used to assess the effects of the vibratior, on the structural integrity of historical cave formatiOns as well as to quantify the effects of the blast emissions on bat colonies resident in the cave systems, . Marine Life The effects of mdf1-rnade noise on marine animals can cause short-term behavioural reactions, temporary local displacements of certain marine types or even long term df1d fatal response. These are mainly due to reactions to shipS, a;~craft. dredging ar,d construction, off-shore drilling, seismic sensil"1g, sonar and blasting. A scale of effects from undervvater noise on marine life ;s presented below. The following three effect groups are of major significance: Lethal effects: life threatening physical injuries, including death and severe physical injury. Such extreme effects are usually only associated underwater blasting or explosive detonation. Sub-lethal effects: nor,-life threatening physical injuries. and in particular auditory damage, which are related to the peak pressures of the blast event. Behavioural effects; include perceptual, stress and indirect effects of which the most common is avoidance of al1 area @ . Sea Turtles Several studies have identified ability of sea turtles to perceive low-fl"equency sounds, Turtl~s' hedring range coincides with the predominant freql,lencies of anthropogenic noise, increasing the likelihood that sea turtles might experience negative effects from man,made noise emissiOns, At present, little is known about the extent of noise exposure from anthropogenic SOl,lrces in their natur-al habitats, Or the potential impdcts of increased anthropogenic noise exposure on sea turtle biology. Nevertheless, seveta.! studies have shown that sea turtles in experimental tanks respond to signals at pressures well below I IOd8 and that some of the responses indicate at least short.term disturbance. PAGE 43 4 ~.-- .~ HEGGIES Whales Several studies have documented the effects of under water noise produced by dredging operations on cetaceans. For example. grey whales avoided the laguna Guetn;l Neggro, Bdja, California, for several yedrs after dredging operations started in the area (Bryant et al 1984). Recent international research work includes work published by the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society (example Oceans of Noise, woes, 2003). Australian reSearch includes work done by the Humpback Whale Acoustic R.esearch Collaboration (HARC) which has been studying the effects of noise on humpback whales migrating along the Queensland coast, At the very least, underwater noise /TiLlst be accounted for when deviSing appropriate management strategies for the protection of marine life, At best, IUtl,lre marine conservation plans should include careful acoustic monitoring to minimise risk of harm or disturbance to marine ecology. If About Heggies Heggies is a progressive firm of environmental engineers and scientists providing innovative solutions fOr improving and sustaining our envimnment, We manage risk and assist clients to realise opportunity. The company has been operating since 1978. Wrth over 140 staff: Heggies is One of Australia's lar~st specialist consu~ancies working in all states of Australia. New Zealand, Papua New Guinea. South East Asia and the Middle East. Field staff are professionally qualified and the company is NATA-Accredited to 150 17025, air volume measurement, asbestos ~bre counting and asbestos identification, AcoustiC$. Noise & Vib",tio!1 Air Quality - Ambient & IndOOr Water Quality - Surface & Ground Water land Quality - Contamination and E~o'ogy Hazardous Materials. Asbestos, PC8s. lead. Chemicals & Exp10sivity . Occupatiorlal Health & Safety (OH5) Finite Element Al1alysi$ & Solid Modelling Mechanical and Structural Dynamic Analysis CFD - Computational Fluid Dyl1amics Wind Engineering & Fire Propagation Solar. light. Retll!:ctivity and Overshadowing ESD Sustainability & Enerw Efficiency Mec;hanical Design Advanced Systems Engineering RealTime Web Based Air& Noise Monitoring Blm Design & Emi55ions Impa(1: Assessments SUM!ys - Noise & Vibration. EMR, Air & Water Quality Dilapidation Surveys, Reporting & Web-based Management HAZMAT CRMS - Critical Re$ponse Management Service GroUrld ContamiMtion &. Site Remediation Services Heoltl1 Risk & Toxicology Management OHS & Occupational Hygiene Assessments Environmental Man~gement Plans & Sub Plan$ ISO 1400 I Environmental Management Systems Statements of Environmental E~cts Ecological Studies & Bush Fire Imp~ct Assessments E:>\pert Wrtness Evidence & Reports Corpome Social Respon$ibilityTechnical Services Green Star, BASIX. ABGR, BCA Section J & Ene~ Al,Idits Web & Video Media Servjces 'Mnd Tunnel T e$"ling NATA LlIbor'atory The company operates 24 hour$/day. 7 d~s/week www.heggies.com 1300 HAZMAT 1300 HEGGIE Heggie, f'ty ltd ABN :2~ 00 I 584 612 SYDNEY :2 Li,,<ot'l StI"'ll!:It: I,.~e Co~ ,",SW2<l.. . (02) "7.~ R 1(10 r (02) ,.2. 8200 WOUONGON() I 60 P~~r P.Q,l,., T Ow..d;i I'oI$W2SI' f' [Ol) .201 J9)) , (O:!) 4".' ,.OS NEWCAme L.a\olll ,... W..tt $tree; New<utfo NSw 2100 p (02) ~\lOll ~.I00 ~ (02) ~9CI '$0 I BRISBANE ~ot Po... c;n::II,rlljJ:1oor :ZollO Wne\owOl1d Raeej ^",8'- QLO '060 p (07) me~aoo · (t>>) l8SS 'SOI TOWNSVII.U tAo~ .. ~e6 F\os, FlMt,. Flo_ -... OI.P '81~ p (07) -n2 BOOC ~ (O?) 'nlllOO' HE.ao"'NE $vo't 6 III B\A1:CI"'l Road "~N_ VIC 3101 P (Ol) '11' ';00 , (03) '2'1'19'99 SIN....POl\E@.''2 " Pe~ Ao~ P.rl<MIII .08-1-4 . .IlN<,;.4,PON; n!15 . P +&$ '135 7lJn ~ · as 6337 -5.8 Pel\'tH I ;'::5 Edv."Irc1 $11ft\ Penh WA 6000 · (08) 9)'" MOO '(OB)')70 010' (;ANBE...... s.;.., e"-_ 18.20~S1~'1 WK.IQI"I Ae'I' 1611 P (02) '281 011OO F (02) 6:217 0801 OS/29/2010 18:21 18774686770 PROCESSOR PAGE 44 Page 1 of 1 ,.. '" nicole ryan From: Laura Combs Paura_combs@beIJsouth.netJ Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2010 4:08 PM To: 'Seckinger, Eric' Cc: nicole ryan Subject: RE: Wiggins Pass info Thank you! Have you submitted comments yet? Thanks. -..-.----~._.._-,._--_.'-.-..,-~--.,' --.-.. '----..---,.. '~...._, '.. ,-. ..- -.~. --'--m_ __. __.._____, __, _'''-_'.'_,_ .._. ~___ _ ". .._, From: Seckinger, Eric [mailto:Eric,Seckinger@MYFWC.com] Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 20103:55 PM TO: Laura Combs SUbject: RE: Wiggins Pass Info This project is currently under review with DEP. You can find the link here http:/ tbcs.deQ.state.fl. us/env~pnnt/colIi er/pending/O 14253 8 Wiggins _ Pas~ We always recommend that the work be done outside sea turtle nesting season, but it's not always done. If you have comments or questions regarding this project, please let me know. Thanks. Eric ...._...~...,_.._......._.._- ,n .--..-..-..-.-...... --.-....----.~-.--.."............ ...-.- ".,........___ __.....,..." .... _...__ .__ _._.~.~.... _.. . -.....'__.M...__._..._._ _ ".OM' ... ..._ ......_._...,_ ,. ...... ......_ '.. From: Laura Combs [mailto;Jaur~_combs@bellsouth.netJ Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2010 2;31 PM To: Seckinger, Eric SUbject: FIN; Wiggins Pass info Check the reference on the last page. Are there concerns about summer dredging in the pass? Thanks! 5/11/2010