Agenda 05/17/2010 WIGGIN'S PASS SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA MAY 17,2010 MEETING AGENDA WIGGINS PASS SUBCOMMITTEE MONDAY, MAY 17,2010 - 9:00 A.M. TILL 12:00 P.M. HUMAN RESOURCE TRAINING ROOM, 3301 TAMIMI TRAIL E., BUILDING B, NAPLES I. Call to Order II. Pledge of Allegiance III. Roll Call IV. Changes and Approval of Agenda V. Public Comments VI. Approval of Minutes 1. April 19, 2010 Minutes VII. Staff Reports VIII. New Business 1. Review/Discussion of May 4,2010 FDEP/FPS Meeting in Tallahassee 2. Physical, Biological, Contingency, Construction and Inlet Management Plans and Key Points. 3. Discussion/Identification of Major Issues 4. Responsibilities for Resolution of Major Issues and Who Reviews 5. Timing ofRAI Response IX. Old Business 1. Discussion of Nearshore Placement of Sand for Maintenance Dredging During Sea Turtle Season X. Announcements XI. Committee Member Discussion XII. Next Meeting Date/Location June 21, 2010 Human Resources Training Room, Building B; 9:00am till 12:00pm XIII. Adjournment * Public speakers are requested to do the following for any items presented to the Board: Each document should display the presenter's name and title of document. Provide a total of 7 copies of each handout, to be distributed as follows: 3 Board Members; 1 Minute Taker,' 1 County Attorney; 2 CZM Staff members. * The following websites will provide information, agendas and dates for this subcommittee: htto:l/www.co/lieTf!Ov.netl]ndex.({sox?oaI!e=18 htto:l/www.co/lierflov.nell]ndex.tl.'iJI)x?oafle=2390 All interested partied are invited to attend, and to register to speak and to submit their objections, if any, in writing, to the board prior to the meeting ifapplicable. For more information, please contact Gail D. Hambright at (239) 252-2966. W If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the Collier County Facilities Management Department located at 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, FL 34112, (239) 252-8380. Public comments will be limited to 3 minutes unless the Chairman grants permission for additional time. Collier County Ordinance No. 99-22 requires that all lobbyists shall, before engaging in any lobbying activities (including, but not limited to, addressing the Board of County Commissioners) before the Board of County Commissioners and its advisory boards, register with the Clerk to the Board at the Board Minutes and Records Department. May 17, 2010 Wiggins Pass Subcommittee VI-1 Approval of Minutes 1 of 5 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE COLLIER COUNTY COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE'S WIGGINS PASS SUBCOMMITTEE Naples, Florida, April 19, 2010 LET IT BE REMEMBERED that the Coastal Advisory Committee _ Wiggins Pass Subcommittee in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. at the Risk Management Training Room located at 3301 Tamiami Trail E, Building D, Naples, Florida, with the following members present: Chairman: Joseph A. Moreland Robert Raymond Victor Rios (Excused) Inlet Management Work Team: Jack Kindsvater Dick Lydon Nicole Ryan ALSO PRESENT: Gary McAlpin, Coastal Zone Management Director Gail Hambright, Accountant May 17, 2010 Wiggins Pass Subcommittee VI-1 Approval of Minutes 2 of 5 I. Call to Order Chairman Moreland called the meeting to order at 9:07 AM. II. Pledge of Allegiance The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. III. Roll Call - A quorum was established. Also in attendance were members of the Work Team appointed by the Bee. Jack Kindsvater - Representative of the ECA Dick Lydon - Representative of Vanderbilt Beach Residents Association Nicole Ryan - Representative of the Conservancy ofSW Plorida The following three members were appointed but absent: Tom Crowe - Representative of the Friends of Barefoot Beach Jim Fox - Representative of the Boating Community Jeff Raley the Representative of the Florida Park Service (Mark Nicoletti took notes for Jeff Raley) IV. Changes and Approval of Agenda Dick Lydon moved to approve the Agenda as submitted. Second by Robert Raymond. Motion carried unanimously 2-0. Work Team 3-0. V. Public Comments - None. VI. Approval of Minutes - March 8, 2010 Robert Raymond moved to approve the March 8, 2010 minutes as submitted. Second by Jack Kindsvater. Motion carried unanimously 2-0. Work Team 3-0. VII. Staff Reports Gary McAlpin reported receipt of an e-mail stating Jim Pox resigned from his position on the Work Team and asked for other recommendations from the Committee. Chairman Joseph Moreland reported Tom Crowe submitted his resignation for personal reasons and recommended Margaret Winn who would be willing to serve on the Work Team. Gary McAlpin volunteered to contact Frank Donohue on a recommendation for a representative from the boating community. It was noted the two vacancies on the Work Team would be filled by end of the week. Recommendations to fill the vacancies on the Work Team will be submitted to the BCC for approval. The appointee's first meeting will be on May 17. May 17, 2010 Wiggins Pass Subcommittee VI-1 Approval of Minutes 3 of 5 VIII. New Business 1. Wiggins Pass Inlet Management Plan Discussion Gary McAlpin distributed a "Summary of 2000 Inlet Management Plan Requirements" created by Walton County for Norriego Point as a sample, not yet been approved. (See attached) ~ Subcommittee will make their recommendation for a Local Inlet Management Plan and submit to State. ~ State will review and make revisions. ~ The Subcommittee will reconcile the State and Local Plans to ensure the Local Plan is not in conflict with the State Plan. ~ Subcommittee will submit revised plan to BCC for authorization. The strategy was noted as follows - Place beach quality maintenance dredged material on adjacent beaches north and south of Wiggins Pass within areas of greatest need, monitoring and analysis of inlet effects. Discussion was made on Local and State Inlet Management Plans and if the plan would be site specific or generic. As part of the REI Process, local management plan will keep the State informed. Guidelines have not been developed and it was suggested the plan be inclusive and address major issues on managing the inlet. Gary McAlpin distributed and reviewed Discussion Points for the Wiggins Pass Policy and Planning Guidelines. (See attached) Initial Inlet Manaeement Plan Recommendations - 1. Straight alignment through the flood and the ebb tide shoals. 2. Minor cuts to subsurface rock ledge any notching will have no impact on the positional stability 3. Maintain navigation for 3-foot draft vessels and extend dredging interval using no structures. 4. Mitigatefor inlet impacts by bypassing 2.65 times to North. 5. Establish monitoring program and adjust disposal practices in #4 above accordingly. 6. Repair beach scarps to the north and south point of Barefoot Beach Park. 7. Use sand dredged from the flood shoal to create new flood shoal flats. 8. Allow moderate design channel migration minus 50' to the north and minus 50' to the south to reduce dredging. 9. Use intermediate dredging to reestablish navigation thru the bar. 10. Summer maintenance dredging to reduce cost and complexity, with offshore placement. John Moreland is concerned, from a legal point of view, on the position concerning the State Park. The County has a lease for Barefoot Park from the State and asked what responsibilities the State has on the erosion problem. May 17, 2010 Wiggins Pass Subcommittee VI-1 Approval of Minutes 40f5 Staff responded the leaseholder has a responsibility to maintain it. The State Park has the first right of refusal on the sand and the DEP has the responsibility to bring all parties together in agreement. Nicole Ryan suggested adding a bullet on Item #3 to Identify Environmental Benefits. Gary McAlpin asked Nicole Ryan to brainstorm the environmental benefits consistent with the Codes and Ordinances. He recommended Item #1 also include "any additional work must be hydraulically balanced" and Item #2 include "no work would be done that would hurt the environment." Dick Lydon suggested the Plan insure positional stability of the rock ledge and state any additional work would not adversely effect the environment. Gary McAlpin asked Nicole Ryan to compose her verbiage recommendations on Item #2 for the Subcommittee's review. He stated Item #4 contained technical data and he recommended retaining the verbiage. It was suggested to combine Items #4 and #5. It was noted the study on the impacts on bypassing figure of 2.65 was made as a part of the permit application process. Gary McAlpin opened discussion on Item # I 0; stating maintenance dredging done during the summer would reduce costs, which could create a disturbance to the habitant. All permits say no dredging during turtle-nesting season. Dredging off- season is cost beneficial at the price of disturbance. In the past, CAC has tried to avoid re-nourishing the beaches during that time. Nicole Ryan expressed concern the idea would be considered. The County should plan to do maintenance during the appropriate season knowing maintaining the pass is expensive. She indicated work should not be done during the turtle-nesting season. Gary McAlpin noted the permit included a technique called "near-shore discharge" without any equipment on the beach. Nicole Ryan stated she would research the "near-shore discharge" technique with turtle experts and she recommended inviting David Addison, a turtle expert to the next meeting. Dick Lydon suggested the Plan establish boat navigability of interior channels and responsibility of the intersections. Discussion was made on utilizing a backhoe to cut out hot spots and whether there would be a cost benefit. Staff indicated this was included in the permit application. Staff stated a Boater of Characterization has been completed for the County. Gary McAlpin stated he would incorporate revisions made on the Inlet Management Plan for the next meeting. May 17, 2010 Wiggins Pass Subcommittee VI-1 Approval of Minutes 5 of 5 IX. Old Business - None. X. Announcements - None. XI. Committee Member Discussion Dick Lydon recommended the seating arrangement for future Subcommittee meetings be set up in a hollow square. Gary McAlpin recommended the Subcommittee brainstorm a strategy to communicate with key people and key stakeholders to understand the Inlet Management Plan and gain public support. Will be discussed at a future meeting. XII. Next Meeting Date The next meeting of the Wiggins Pass Subcommittee will be held on Monday, May 17 at 9:00 AM. ***** There being no further business for the good ofthe County, the meeting was adjourned by order of the Chair at 10:45 a.m. Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee - Wiggins Pass Subcommittee Joseph A. Moreland, Chairman These Minutes were approved by the Board/Committee on as presented , or as amended May 17, 2010 Wiggins Pass Subcommittee VIII-1 New Business 1 of 27 MEETING SUMMARY Date and Time: Location: Subject: May 4, 2010 11:30am Florida Bureau of Natural & Cultural Resources, Tallahassee, Florida Florida Park Service Letter dated March 24, 2010 on the Wiggins Pass JCP Permit No. 012538 Jeff Raley, FPS and Steve Keehn, CPE Participants: The meeting lasted about 50 minutes in Jeff Raley's office. The meeting was started by Steve Keehn explaining Collier County's concerns with the Florida Park Service (FSP) letter in conjunction with BBCS RAI # 1 letter. The implications of both letters could be very expensive for the County to implement, and it appeared to strongly imply beach restorations of Delnor Wiggins Park based on hot spots caused by the navigation project. A single purpose mobilization to dredge and fill for a hot spot could cost $500,000 - $3,000,000. The larger cost is to mobilize for placement of sand using borrow area T1 33 miles away. This is a based the chance that the FPS may reject sand dredged from the ebb shoal based on past experience. Comments in the FPS and BBCS letter implied that Delnor Wiggins Park was being impacted by the existing inlet dredging. After a short discussion, Jeff stated that the Park beaches were performing well (later confirmed by Robert Brantley in the BBCS meeting). The FPS wants to avoid a case like Stump Pass, where inlet impacts could not be addressed in a timely manner. A new BO was required for a modification to the Stump Pass permits. The BO is taking months to process. In addition, Jeff was interested in a program where hot spots can be investigated in a timely fashion, without waiting for the next periodic survey. Jeff favors determining the placement of dredged sand by greatest need, which might not be the same as greatest net erosion. Hot spots can occur in an otherwise stable shoreline area and Jeff is concerned about cases where the shoreline was eroded, in spite of a conservation of sand in the hot spot region. The ability of the County or FPS to respond quickly to inlet impacts can be addressed in a number of documents that are part of the permit process. This includes a detailed project description which becomes the basis of the permit and biological opinions; and a contingency plan, which is prepared separately but referenced in the final permit. In addition, the plans can distinguish between normal shoreline variability and storm induced erosion versus actual inlet impacts. The NW shoreline of Delnor Wiggins Park is thin today, but it is probably caused by the passage of the trough in the existing sand wave discussed in the County permit document. The issue with the biological opinion and ability to respond quickly can be addressed in a detailed project description and contingency plan. During the upcoming IMP meetings, we can attempt to address these concerns in more detail. May 17, 2010 Wiggins Pass Subcommittee VIII-1 New Business 2 of 27 MEETING SUMMARY Date and Time: Location: Subject: May 4,2010 2:30 +m Florida Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems, Tallahassee Florida FDEP BBCS RAI #1 dated March 24, 2010 on the Wiggins Pass JCP Permit No. 012538 Merrie Beth Neely, Robert Brantley, Jennifer Koch, Subarma Malakar, BBCS; Jeff Raley, FPS; Robbin Trindell, FWC and Steve Keehn, CPE and Gary McAlpin by Phone Participants: The meeting followed the attached outline. It was modified by Robert Brantley in an E-mail dated April 28, 2010 (attached), which was not made available until the start of the meeting. Mr. Brantley wanted to skip the background summary (Items 1-4) and narrowly focus the meeting to RAI comments and not other Bureau topics such as the Inlet management Plan (IMP). This scope was attempted on the fly by Steve Keehn, but with enough background for other participants not as familiar with the details. The FDEP and FWC staffs were stressed from dealing with the oil spill problem and two members at the meeting were late substitutes filling in for staffer who could not make the meeting. Before the start of the meeting Vladimir Kosmynin, the BBCS hardbottom expert stopped by and said he could not make the meeting. While he was there, I proposed a method to handle the hardbottom offshore of Delnor- Wiggins Park, which he agreed to. The Delnor Wiggins Park hardbottom has been monitored 5 times since 2003. I proposed that the next monitoring take place before the first use of the spoil area at Delnor Wiggins State Park as a pre-construction survey, and he agreed. The details for monitoring this area will be described in a biological monitoring plan. Major topics discussed and pertinent comments follow: Steve Keehn summarized the objectives and coastal processes for the other FDEP members. Robert Brantley agreed that Delnor Wiggins Park was not a significant problem. Steve Keehn stated that he had a conversation with FPS that morning and that hot spot issues would be addressed in the project description or contingency plan. We clarified the type of sand (ebb shoal sand), and the method of determining the direction of bypassing for the Park. Bypassing would be determined by equalizing the erosion on either side of the inlet, and we would look into Jeffs alternative means of placing sand where the greatest need was regardless of volumetric measurements. The location of the rock substrate, clay and organic layers were identified based on previous geotechnical studies (pages 8-10 on the attached Power Point Presentation). The previous investigations proved that what was believed to be peat was actually organic clay or clay layers. The clay layers are on both sides of the natural channel. The rock substrate may be a controlling geology, but it is seaward of the big curves in the channel, even though is has high points on either side of the channel (see geology pages 8-10 in May 4 PowerPoint presentation). The FDEP May 17, 2010 Wiggins Pass Subcommittee VIII-1 New Business 3 of 27 agreed that the submitted geotechnical investigation was standard for a navigation project, but felt further investigation was needed to determine the controlling geology holding the inlet entrance stable at the shoreline. I commented that it might be the controlling hydraulics or a combination of both. FDEP wants more vibracores to define the controlling geology and the incompatible material. Steve Keehn briefed an outline of a construction and maintenance plan for the project (pages 15- 16 on the attached PowerPoint presentation). The project is broken into 3 phases: Initial construction, Full maintenance dredging, and Intermediate (small) dredging. The County concurs with disposal of all the clay and organic layers upland similar to Blind Pass project. FDEP stated that at least a two foot buffer of sand over the clay and organics layers would be needed for dredging other than for contained upland disposal. The remaining flood shoal material and the silt (>20%) part of the ebb shoal is proposed for disposals in the meander, while all beach compatible sand from the ebb shoal will go on or near the adjacent beaches. The FDEP objected to the disposal plan for the sand with 5%-20% silt underwater within the inlet. Another disposal option may need to be investigated, such as the nearshore on the Gulf shoreline. FDEP has no specific guidance, since they were focused on the clay and organics previously. General, navigation projects can place sand with up to 20% silt in the nearshore zone. FDEP also requested the volume of the meander channel. Steve Keehn addressed environmental questions in the RAI about seagrass, snook, mangroves, and hardbottom, and illustrated how we are avoiding direct impact to these resources. The proposed plan would protect the existing mangroves against future erosion, and there was no seagrass in the new channel template. Any concerns would be addressed in a contingency plan, where mitigation would be proposed to address direct impact caused by the project to these resources which are not anticipated. No adverse comments were made about these issues. FWC asked that construction avoid snook spawning season (approximately March-June) and objected to summer nearshore disposal from ebb shoal maintenance dredging. This is allowed for Doctors Pass. FDEP said Barefoot Beach is in the process for critical erosion designation, which is still working its way through the State approval process. This means that Barefoot Beach can be nourished and qualify for State cost sharing. This will be a significant assistance in meeting the States current interpretation for inlet management, rebuilding the ebb shoal and mitigating for all the impacts of inlet maintenance. Gary McAlpin agreed to nourish Barefoot Beach as part of the inlet plan based on this statement. Merrie stated that proof showing that no hard bottom exists offshore of Barefoot Beach is needed. (proof is contained in the 1995 Inlet Management Plan) and that the side cast disposal area boundaries need to be on the plans. Bob Brantley discussed the relationship between the State and County in regards to an Inlet Management Plan. He assigned Subarma Malakar to attend future IMP meetings in Collier County. May 17, 2010 Wiggins Pass Subcommittee VIII-1 New Business 4 of 27 Based on FDEP's comment, we may want to split future submittals into three groups m consultation with FDEP: 1. Responses to permit related RAI comments. 2. Physical, biological, contingency and construction plans and related measurements-last submittal. 3. Combined Inlet Management Plans and Modeling Report. The meeting was conducted during a hectic time for FDEP (oil spill), with members leaving early and stepping out for phone calls. Two participants at the meeting were last minute replacements. Although many issues were resolved, a follow-up meeting before the first response to this RAI is recommended, to clarify many of the issues raised above. The meeting went a long way in achieving its educational goal. Attachments: May 4 2010 Power Point Presentation Robert Brantley's April 28 2010 E-Mail May 17, 2010 Wiggins Pass Subcommittee VIII-1 New Business 5 of 27 Wiggins Pass Inlet Improvement Meeting 2 pm May 4, 2009 @ FDEP Suggested Agenda Purpose: Educate FDEP on project parameters and solicit FDEP guidance and advice. 1. Description of Problem 2. County Objectives and multi-party process 3. Convention Wisdom vs. New Findings a. Wrong for Two Decades 4. Coastal Process Description a. No Significant Impact to Delnor Wiggins Park b. Natural and Man Caused Impacts to Barefoot Beach c. Rebalance Bypassing 5. Pertinent Geology a. Organic Clay, Hard Substrate, no peat b. Organic Clay handling 6. Pertinent Environmental a. Seagrass, mangrove, snook, hard bottom b. Avoidance factored in - Further Guidance 7. Alternatives and Desired Plan a. Physical and Practices b. Construction c. New Alternatives 8. Modeling Results 9. Applicable Inlet Management Rules 10. Inlet Management Plan- State vs. Local 11. Critical Erosion Area Designation 12. Funding for IMP and beach nourishment on adjacent beaches p:coIlier/8500.63/rai phase/rai #1 meeting summary May 17, 2010 Wiggins Pass Subcommittee VIII-1 New Business 60f27 5/7/2010 1 May 17, 2010 Wiggins Pass Subcommittee VIII-1 New Business 70f27 5/7/2010 2 May 17, 2010 Wiggins Pass Subcommittee VIII-1 New Business 80f27 5/7/2010 3 May 17, 2010 Wiggins Pass Subcommittee VIII-1 New Business 90f27 5/7/2010 4 May 17, 2010 Wiggins Pass Subcommittee VIII-1 New Business 100f27 5/7/2010 .a.M_"'-......"""'~."'".__......;o:q...""_Ml<...~""'t>. .lIII_____.......fI..'_.......'l"."'..._.~....u_ ..._........wo:IlllQJ..._~ti/,_,...!'IIO~ .~,..~:f~="~;or:ttc~~=';:;:\~ WIGGINS MS$ (::} ~IAi+d ". \'r,.'1Ci!i\'(!k;peo f.e'" \.:j SMr$li1I.' \J('~~Oited t,ot.jj;.)j C)SlJ~ ~11ot;ilWrO;jo'JH M$l ()St4~9lRf ~I-a..",ro~ el1trJSi06 0"'~c:rOl'tI(}"; 5 May 17, 2010 Wiggins Pass Subcommittee VIII-1 New Business 110f27 5/7/2010 6 May 17, 2010 Wiggins Pass Subcommittee VIII-1 New Business 12 of 27 5/7/2010 7 May 17, 2010 Wiggins Pass Subcommittee VIII-1 New Business 130f27 5/7/2010 100 ft north flood channel migration Loss of Barefoot Beach shoreline o _ .. ~.. 8 May 17, 2010 Wiggins Pass Subcommittee VIII-1 New Business 140f27 5/7/2010 ......__.'I<",.__""..,.._.._""_.,.,..,"'i;~...i' .~....,~~......_,.""....."<.- '"-........._.._........,......._"~........_""._~.",, ,..._..,""'__.~_<lI._..,""'__ .._____'l1oO__,-..,'!':fO\"""'" "","'__.. ..u.N:OIo_....IllU". ..._-......_::..'!lPfIl._ *_~l<<o...".._Wl/I...___OIj~~ .. . o ~~..fl'f.d..w.o.t; ..~~ "W<f<<,,~$O.MhTIVl'L ~.tlt""~iOO:;~ (:'Pfl!("1'f:IM'U11 CPE 9 May 17, 2010 Wiggins Pass Subcommittee ~~I~;~7ew Business 5/7/2010 WP\!C.(5.08 _ft, ",~ w...,..,..)OOf \'0'__ Cldt.Clllny.n ~ ................. ~ I.. ......._"' - .. ..........u... .......tOIlf ... m==..... ::&::1" - .^ .........,... 10irl. 1.. ......tift~ '......... ~....~iMI 'JrolAO'lIIlIJ 1~""IlIf~""""""",,1ilIIIU. -- -- .- ; .....100. ....- c--- : .......... 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Initial construction outside sea turtle season: 1 Dredge compatible sand from Ebb Channel - 45 kcy 2. Dredge Flood Channel and Nav. Compatible Sand -30 kcy 3 Dredge Incompatible sand and disposal of upland 5 kcy 4. BUild Beach and Scour repair with compatible sand 5 Fill Meander with Flood and navigation Compatible sand 2. Major Maintenance Dredge - 45-50 kcy each 4 yr 1 Place beach compatible sand In near shore disposal areas 2. DUring Sea Turtle Season 3. Intermediate Ebb Channel Dredging - - Side cast about 6 key to north as needed 4. Create contingency & monitoring plan - No direct mitigation expected CPE 16 May 17, 2010 Wiggins Pass Subcommittee VIII-1 New Business 22 of 27 5/7/2010 17 May 17, 2010 Wiggins Pass Subcommittee VIII-1 New Business 23 of 27 5/7/2010 Modeling · Wave refraction & sheltering from Sanibel · Calibrated tides, waves and sediment transport into inlet for specific time period · 2 grain sizes used in Model · Used model to compare relative effectiveness of alternatives · Used Specific wave climate for calibration and a schematized wave climate for final CPE alternate. 18 May 17, 2010 Wiggins Pass Subcommittee VIII-1 New Business 24 of 27 5/7/2010 19 May 17, 2010 Wiggins Pass Subcommittee VIII-1 New Business 25 of 27 5/7/2010 , ~ " -. J .' " ;/", ,~ it= . ',~, ,,~, 1;' YIV,,<t, lilt -" ~~H,f . K s, :;Ofllil)O lUfti...... ~.. 1;,1 " , =, 1.70 2007 pre , ., . ~. ., ." . ., ..1' ., .,. ~ ~. 20 May 17, 2010 Wiggins Pass Subcommittee VIII-1 New Business 26 of 27 5/7/2010 21 May 17, 2010 Wiggins Pass Subcommittee VIII-1 New Business 27 of 27 Neely, Merrie From: Sent: To: Subject: Edwards, Lainie Tuesday, May 04, 2010 10:10 AM Neely, Merrie FW: Wiggins Pass Issues from RAI1 Importance: High Was agenda ever revised? Lainie Edwards, Ph.D. Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems Florida Department of Environmental Protection 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, M.S. 300 Tallahassee, Florida 32399 850-414-7796 (phone) /850-414-7725 (fax) From: Brantly, Robert Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2010 11:10 AM To: Neely, Merrie; Koch, Jennifer L.; Malakar, Subarna; Edwards, Lainie; Kosmynin, Vladimir; Raley, Jeff (C) Cc: Seeling, Martin; Small, Parks; 'Seckinger, Eric' Subject: RE: Wiggins Pass Issues from RAIl Importance: High Merrie Beth, Please advise Mr. McAlpine to revise the agenda. We do not need the background related issues covered in 1 throygh 4 should be deleted. Items #11 and #12 are not related to the regulatory process and should be deleted andrescheduled with appropriate staff. 'Items 5 through410 s~ould be revised to specifically address the issues included in RAI#l and pared down to only cover tne most important items; for example a discussion of the modeling results is not conducive to this meeting and could be handled at a later date using Web~EX and just the engineering staff. We cannot agree to this agenda, because it is not feasible to complete all these items in the allotted time, and our time is valuable and limited by the extensive number of other projects each of us is responsible for. Bob From: Neely, Merrie Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2010 10:56 AM To: Koch, Jennifer L.; Malakar, Subarna; Brantly, Robert; Edwards, Lainie; Kosmynin, Vladimir; Raley, Jeff (C) Cc: Seeling, Martin; Small, Parks; 'Seckinger, Eric' Subject: Wiggins Pass Issues from RAIl See attached agenda - not really what I was hoping for though. He knows he has 1 hour with 11 extra for Q&A. Merrie Beth Neely, Ph.D. Florida Department of Environmental Protection Water Resources Management Joint Coastal Permitting 3900 Commonwealth Blvd. M,.<:J 300 Tallahassee. FL 32399-3000 Phone 850 413-7785 Fax 850 414-7725 1