CBSC Agenda 05/20/2010 R
MAY 20,2010
THURSDA Y, MAY 20, 2010 - I :00 P.M. TILL 5:00 P.M.
I. Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Roll Call
IV. Changes and Approval of Agenda
V. Public Comments
VI. Approval of Minutes
I. March 18, 20 I 0 Minutes
VII. Staff Reports
VIII. New Business
1. Peer Review Response from PBSD
2. Status Letter of Consent - Navigation Markers Clam Bay
3. RAI Comments
. FDEP Submittal
. Additional Support Required
4. Modeling Proposal
5. BVO/PBS&J Payment Status
IX. Old Business
I. Wanless Report
X. Announcements
XI. Committee Member Discussion
XII. Next Meeting Date/Location
June 15,2010; 2800 N. Horseshoe Drive, Community Development, Conference
Room 609 & 6 I 0, Naples
XIII. Adjournment
* Public .peakers must do the following for any items presented to the Board: Each
document must display the presenter's name and title of document. We request you provide
a total of 7 copies of each handout, to be distributed as fol/ows: 3 Board Members; I
Minute Taker; 1 County Attorney; 2 CZM Staff members.
* The following websites will provide information, agendas and datesfor this subcommittee:
htto://www. ('ollierflov. net/Index. aspx ?otlf!e= J 8
I1ufJ://lVww. collierl!o>'. net/Index. aSfJX ?fJal!e= 2390
All interested partied arc invited to attend, and to n:gister to speak and to submit their objections, if any, in v,'fiting, to the board prior
to the meeting if applicable
For more informatIOn, please contact Gail D Hambright at (239) 252-2966
If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you arc entitled, at no
cost to you, 10 the provision of certain assistance, Please contact the Collier County Facilities Management Department located at
3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, FL 34112, (239) 252-8380
Public comments will be limited to 3 minutes unless the Chairman grants permission for additional time
Collier County Ordinance No_ 99-22 requires that all lobbYists shall, before engaging in any lobbying activities (including, but not
limited to, addressing the Board of County Commissioners) before the Board of County Commissioners and its advisory boards,
register with the Clerk to the Board at the Board Minutes and Records Department
May 20, 2010 - Clam Bay Subcommittee
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Naples, Florida, March 18,2010
LET IT BE REMEMBERED that the Collier County Coastal Advisory
Committee - Clam Bay Subcommittee in and for the County of Collier,
having conducted business herein, met on this date at 1 :00 P.M, at the North
Collier Regional Park Administration Building, 15000 Livingston Road,
Naples, Florida, with the following members present:
CHAIRMAN: Anthony Pires
Jim Burke
John Arceri
ALSO PRESENT: Gary McAlpin, Director, Coastal Zone Management
Gail Hambright, Accountant
Colleen Greene, Assistant County Attorney
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I. Call to Order
Chairman Pires ealled the meeting to order at I :02 p.m.
II. Pledge of Allegiance
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
III. Roll Call
Roll call was taken and a quorum was established.
IV. Changes and Approval of Agenda
Chairman Pires requested the following changes to the Agenda:
. Addition of Item IV ,a - Sunshine Law Requirements
. Item VIII.5 to become Item VIII. I - Remaining items to be renumbered
Mr. Arceri recommended:
. Addition of item VIII.9 - Pelican Bay/CAC Workshop Update
. Deletion of Item VillA - Wanless Report - Reason: The previous Clam Bay
Advisory Group, the Coastal Advisory Committee and Board of County
Commissioners have acted on the recommendations provided in the PBS&J
Water Quality Study for Clam Bay. Mr. Burke agreed.
Chairman Pires objected and stated, at the Chairman's prerogative, an item may be
added or deleted to an agenda without full consent of the Committee.
Mr. Arceri disagreed and stated agenda approvals require consent of a Committee.
Colleen Greene, Assistant County Attorney noted she would have to research the
issue and provide an opinion if the Chairman or the full Committee is empowered to
make changes to an agenda.
Mr. Arceri moved to table the item VIllA - Wanless Report until the next meeting
pending a decision on procedure. Second by Mr. Burke. Motion carried 2 yes-1
no. Chairman Pires voted "no."
Mr. Arceri moved to approve the Agenda subject to the items recommended being
added above. Second by Mr. Burke. Carried unanimously 3-0.
a. Sunshine Law Requirements - Colleen Greene
Chairman Pires stated members of the public have asserted today's meeting is a
violation of the Sunshine Law, and should not be held. The assertions are based
on the premise the complete agenda and related backup materials for the meeting
were not available to the public 48 hours in advance. He noted the Public Notice
for the meeting was issued on February I, 20] O.
Colleen Greene, Assistant County Attorney presented a memo to Chairman
Pires dated March 18,2010, "Re: Sunshine Law and Agenda questions" which
confirmed the Sunshine Law does not require the agenda to be made available to
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the public 48 hours in advance. She noted the Sunshine Law does require a
Notice of Public Hearing 48 hours in advance of a meeting, the meeting be open
to the public and minutes be recorded. Proceeding with the meeting does not
constitute a violation ofthe Sunshine Law
Chairman Pires noted a Committee cannot mandate materials submitted by the
public be provided 48 hours in advance of a meeting, or the number of eopies
For more efficient meeting discussion, he requested the individuals strive to meet
his previous request for ample copies being provided to subcommittee members,
staff and the recorder. The County is attempting to provide meeting materials 48
hours in advance, ifpossible.
V. Public Comments
David Roellig, requested clarification if County representatives have traveled to
Washington to seek FEMA funding for the Clam Bay Water Quality Studies.
Chairman Pires requested it be addressed under Staff Reports.
Linda Roth, noted the Wanless Report was never discussed by any Committees, She
requested the meeting be postponed as the Agenda and related materials were not
posted at least 48 hours in advanee. She noted only 3 copies of information should be
required for submittal by the public; 1 copy for staff, the recorder and subcommittee.
Chairman Pires noted it is advantageous for each subcommittee member, staff
liaison and County Attorney be provided a copy of any information submitted and
requested the public to attempt to meet the request.
VI. Approval of Minutes
1. February 1,2010 meeting
Mr. Burke moved to approve the minutes of the February I, 2010 meeting.
Second by Mr. Arceri. Carried unanimously 3-/J.
VII. Staff Reports
Gary McAlpin, Director of Coastal Zone Management reported:
. The County is seeking Federal funding in the amount of $250,000 to
assist in Engineering/Water Quality Studies in the Clam Bay Estuary
System (CBES). The requests are being directed through the areas
Legislative Delegation. Pelican Bay Foundation has requested some
wording changes as presented in the written request. He will forward the
BCC minutes to the Subcommittee regarding the issue.
. The "Letter of Consent" application for the proposed Aids to Navigation
in Clam Bay has been submitted to the Florida Department of
Environmental Protection (FDEP).
VIII. New Business
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1. BVO Process - Update
Gary McAlpin reported the County Clerk is investigating whether the BVO (Best
Value Offer) program is a legal process. He has ceased payments on contracts
involved in the BVO process. Any consultants affected have been issued a 'Stop
Work Order." The "Stop Order" directly affects the work being conducted on the
Clam Bay Management Plan and County's physical monitoring of beaches. He
provided a copy ofa memo to Dwight Brock, Clerk of Courts from JeffKlatzkow,
County Attorney dated March 10, 20 I 0, "Re: Competitive Consultants
Negotiations Act" outlining the Counties position why the BVO process is lawful.
The issue may be resolved via an Attorney General's Opinion, legal action or
The County will continue to conduct the business as required by attempting to re-
align any related contracts, etc.
Marcia Cravens, Mangrove Action Gronp supports Mr. Brock's decision as he
is responsible to ensure contraets are conducted in a legal manner. In the past, the
County award contracts to firms on a rotating basis, She sought a public request
for the awarding of the PBS&J contract for the work in Clam Pass, but was told
no public records exist.
2. Clam Bay Biological Study - Discussion
Gary McAlpin presented the document "Upper, Inner and Lower Clam Bay
Biological Study" dated January 19,2010 prepared by PBS&J for review.
Marcia Cravens, Mangrove Action Group supports the Biological Study and
the Mangrove Action Group and Pelican Bay Foundation contraeted the
Conservancy of Southwest Florida for a comprehensive study on the state ofthe
benthic community in the CBES.
Kathy Worley, Conservancy of Southwest Florida noted she sent an email with
eomments on the proposed Clam Bay Biological Study (March 16, 20103:21 PM
to Gary McAlpin, Subject: Thur CAC CB Subcommittee Meeting Subject:
Biological Monitoring). She can provide the methodology to be utilized for the
study being conducted by the Conservancy of Southwest Florida.
Mr. Arceri recommended the questions posed in her email be answered.
Chairman Pires reeommended representatives from PBS&J present at the next
meeting to answer any questions.
Mr. Arceri recommended the Subcommittee review the above document today
and provide input for the final document.
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Gary McAlpin noted the document outlines how the study should be completed,
with PBS&J preparing the report by outsourcing components and having them
submitted back for final review.
The Subcommittee reviewed the document and provided preliminary comments
Jor consideration
Task 1.0 Review of Existinl!: Biolol!:ical Data
Clarify the various Agencies identified in the list (i.e. change "The Nature
Conservancy" to the "Conservancy of Southwest Florida," which Chapter of the
Audubon Society will be utilized, etc.)
Task 2.0 Manl!:rove Health Assessment
Clarify how the Scope of Work will be completed with PBS&J reviewing all the
existing doeumentation and supplementing it with additional studies as necessary.
Task 3.0 Wadinl!: Bird Survey
No comments
Task 4.0 Fish Snrvev
To be conducted by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Service, standard methodology.
Baekground information to be provided to Kathy Worley
Task 5.0 Benthic Collection and Analvsis
It was noted the Conservancy of Southwest Florida is completing a
comprehensive study. Staff to receive the "scope of the study" and if consistent
with the purpose of the overall study, the work will not be duplicated.
Task 6.0 Snbmerl!:ed Resource Snrvev
No comments
Task 7.0 Biolol!:ical Assessment Report and Pnblic Presentation
No comments
Sarah Wu, Seagate Resident agreed the work being completed by the
Conservancy of Southwest Florida for Task 5.0 should not be duplieated if
Gary McAlpin noted he met with Andrew McElwaine, Executive Director of the
Conservancy of Southwest Florida on performing the study; however he indicated
he did not have the Staff Resources to complete the task,
It was noted the study will be a baseline measure of the biological state of the
CBES and used for formulating recommendations in a Final Management Plan.
Staffwill submit a revised document for review at the next meeting.
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3. Peer Review Scope of Work
Gary McAlpin presented the document "Peer Review Scope of Work " dated
March 15,2010 for review, The Peer Review will be for the scope of work
completed by PBS&J including the Modeling Study. He recommends the
following organizations/persons be considered for conducting the Peer Review:
Sarasota Bay National Estuary Program run by Dr. Jay Leverone; Tampa Bay
Estuary Program Run by Ed Sherwood and Dr. Loren Coen, the Executive
Director ofSanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation.
Charlotte Harbor National Estuary Program run by Judy Ott was identified as a
possible candidate, but he has concerns due to their historic relationship with
Conservancy of Southwest Florida, and the Conservancy will be conducting work
in the CBES.
Marcia Cravens, Mangrove Action Group noted she was at the PBSD meeting
when the request was announced by Neil Dorrill for PBSD to participate in
funding the Peer Review. She expressed concern staff is proposing pre-selected
eandidates without input from the Division. She requested clarification if any of
the organizations/individuals have a relationship with, or were recommended by
The Subcommittee reviewed the document recommending the following changes:
. Clarify the language the recommendation of the Subcommittee to utilize a
stand alone person/organization of academia (as opposed to consultants).
. Provide clarification if the Peer Reviewer has relationships with any of
the Consultants/Organizations who have conducted work within the
Gary McAlpin noted the document is in preliminary stages, provided for
informational purposes and will be modified.
Jerry Moffat, Pelican Bay Services Division noted the item has not been
addressed by the Division. They were told the normal Request for Proposal will
be utilized in selecting the reviewer. The document is a good baseline for the
PBSD (and Staff) to formulate an avenue for the review.
Kathy Worley, Conservancy of Southwest Florida noted the Conservancy
completes objective environmental studies without bias and has relationships with
all persons/organizations identified as candidates for the Peer Review.
Chairman Pires agreed and recommended Charlotte Harbor National Estuary
Program be included in the list of acceptable eandidates.
4. Modeling Program Scope of Work
Gary McAlpin presented the document "Clam Bay Estuary Modeling Study-
Phase 1: - Numerical Modeling of Hydrodynamics, Sediment Transport and
Flushing Analysis Using Delft3d Collier County, Florida" prepared by PBS&J for
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review. He noted the item is for informational purposes and requested written
comments be submitted to Staff by any interested parties. The item will be
addressed at next month's meeting.
Rick Dykman, Seagate Homeowners Assoc. noted the Association is interested
in the overall health of the CBES as historically the water quality has deteriorated,
They support the studies proposed by Staff. He requested claritication on who
speaks for the Pelican Bay Foundation as their input is critical.
Chairman Pires noted the PBF is actively involved as he has received numerous
communications from Steve Feldhaus, Agent for the Foundation.
Marcia Cravens, Mangrove Action Group requested clarifieation on the
County requirement of utilizing the DELFT3D software for the modeling,
Gary McAlpin noted the County requires the software as it was utilized in the
Wiggins Pass Study and the County is familiar with the system. The County may
need to integrate individual modeling studies in the future and it is the premier
modeling software available.
The subcommittee recommended the following preliminary changes to the
. Page 2 - Ensuring the definition of the Clam Bay Estuary System (CBES)
is consistent throughout the document (and other documents)
. Page 2, #3, paragraph to ~ from "Up to 6 eonceptual modifieations..." to
not speeifying a finite number.
. Page 3, # 7 ~ reference the Peer Review to be conducted.
5. Wanless Report - Discussion
Postponed until next meeting.
6. RAI Comments Clam Pass Permit Application - Discussion
Gary McAlpin noted the PBS&J response to the FDEP Request for Additional
Information for the Joint Coastal Permit application has been posted online. He
provided a copy ofa letter from Robert Diffenderfer of Longman and Walker, PA
to Lanie Edwards of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection "Re:
DEP File no. 0296087-001-JC-Collier County Clam Pass Maintenance
Dredging" dated March 11,20 I 0 for review,
Chairman Pires noted he requested the item be placed on the agenda for
informational purposes as he had received the eopy of the communication from
Steve Feldhaus, Agent for the PBF.
Marcia Cravens, Mangrove Action Group noted the JCP is the same
application as the 2006 permit application. The intent ofthe application is not as
represented which cites the "dredge template" as being the same as the previous
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permit issued to the County. PBS&J never answered the FDEP question, "is the
ebb shoal intended to be dredged."
Chairman Pires noted a PBS&J cover letter submitted with the response to the
RAI states "the appiication is notjor dredging different than the past."
Discussion occurred on the new PBF position of opposing any dredging within
the CBES, and the potential negative impacts on the overall health ofthe CBES
by lack of dredging for flushing purposes.
7. J.G. McAlpin March 10,2008 Memo to Colleen Green
Gary McAlpin provided an email from himselfto Colleen Green, Collier County
Assistant County Attorney dated March 10,2008, Re: "Request for Legal
Opinion - Dredging ofelam Bay for Navigation" for review.
He noted the email was a request for clarifications on the status of the restrictive
covenants on the property deeded to the County.
8. Clam Pass Park Conceptual Plan
Gary McAlpin noted Chairman Pires requested a presentation, for informational
purposes, on the proposed improvements at Clam Pass Park as the Mission
Statement incorporates issues within the whole Clam Bay Estuary System. The
proposed improvements include boardwalk, shade facilities, restrooms, etc, The
project requires approval of the Pelican Bay Foundation. The item is under the
purview of the Parks and Recreation Department (and the BCC.)
Annice Gregerson had several detailed questions on the design of the project and
related uses, noting the plan as presented is difficult to view.
Chairman Pires requested staff provide a clear drawing "on line" for publie
viewing and any persons with specific questions on the project submit them in
writing to Staff.
Linda Roth noted the document was only available yesterday, and was not posted
on the website.
Chairman Pires re-iterated the item was added to the agenda this week for
informational purposes to inform the Subcommittee and any other individuals on
a proposed project in Clam Bay, It is available in the meeting package posted on
Marcia Cravens expressed concern all the County projects within the CBES are
being completed piecemeal (Clam Pass Park, Clam Pass Navigation, Clam Pass
Modeling, etc.) which does not take account the overall environmental impacts to
the Natural Resource Protection Area, The area is an Undeveloped Coastal
Barrier Resource System. The project is not consistent with the Growth
Management Plan or Land Development Code. The density required is 1 unit per
5 acres in the area and impacts are to be concentrated in previously disturbed area,
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Sarah Wu requested clarification if the goal is to expand the amount of users or
disperse the existing amount of users within the park.
Gary McAlpin stated the purpose is to meet both goals.
Chairman Pires noted:
. The development permits for different projects are at the jurisdiction of
the individual agencies involved, not a Master Permit.
. Comprehensive Planning Department Staff is responsible for
determinations on a projeet's consistency with the Growth Management
. Allowed uses would be in accordanee with the PUD of Pelican Bay.
. Density requirements in the area refer to residential development.
9. CAC Pelican Bay Workshop Update
Gary McAlpin noted he sent a letter to each the PBF and PBSD informing them
the Coastal Advisory Committee recommends a public workshop be held on the
CBES issues. The Pelican Bay Foundation verbally (MarchI5, 2010) indicated
they were not interested in a workshop as proposed,
Chairman Pires noted he received an email from Steve Feldhaus on March 16,
20 I 0 "Re: CAC Clam Bay Subcommittee" requesting the Foundation be
consulted on any activities occurring in Clam Bay and are prepared to work with
the County on the issues, They appreciate the offer for a workshop and would
like to find a way to work together.
The email did not "decline" the opportunity to participate in a "Public Workshop
and Gary McAlpin stated he understood they were interested in a "Private
Chairman Pires noted he will provide another written invitation to Mr. Feldhaus
for a Workshop.
IX. Old Business
X. Announcements
XI. Committee Member Discussion
Cbairman Pires stated he would be utilizing some of the information contained in
the Wanless Report for his comments to be submitted to Staff on the PBS&J Water
Quality Study conducted for Clam Bay.
XII. Next Meeting Date/Location
April 15, 2010; 2800 N. Horseshoe Drive, Community Development, Conference
Room 609 & 610, Naples
There being no furtber business for the good of the Couuty, tbe meeting was
adjourned by order of the chair at 3:57 P.M.
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Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee-
Clam Bay Subcommittee
Tony Pires, Chairman
These minutes approved by the Board/Committee on _
as presented or as amended
May 20, 2010 w CAC Clam Bay bcommittee
V11I-1 New Business
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Peer Review Response from PBSD
OBJECTIVE: Discussion, direction and guidance on peer review response from
PBSD. Agreement on a plan moving forward
CONSIDERATIONS: Copy of the draft peer review proposal from the CAC is attached.
Also attached is the peer review response from the PBSD. Staff comments are as
1. Staff is committed to find a workable solution with PBSD on this Peer review.
2. PBSD refocused the scope of the effort to address only the PBS&J report dealing
primarily with data review, water quality program recommendations and data
collection issues.
3. Since the scope of this peer review is focused now on Water quality and related
issues, the key criteria in selecting a review resource should be someone with
intimate knowledge of state water quality standards, the Impaired Water Rule,
Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL's) and the impacts/standards for Dissolved
Oxygen and Chlorophyll. This is the basis for all the conclusions and
recommendations associated with Water Quality and the Water Sampling
program This criterion was omitted from the PBSD selection criteria.
4. FDEP is the agency that is tasked with the Water quality management of the
estuaries within the state FDEP could evaluate this report and determine if the
conclusions are valid and if the report was prepared in a professional manner.
This would certainly be more appropriate if the primary focus of this activity is to
vindicate PBSD of any perceived criticism of their role as stewards of this
5. Resources that the CAC believe are qualified to perform the Peer Review were
left off of the list proposed by PBSD In speaking with Keith Dallas, PBSD
Chairman, it was not their intention to sensor or eliminate any CAC
recommendations at this time.
The key focus of our peer review should be the circulation modeling, analysis and
recommendations moving forward. Care should be taken that this exercise does not
sap the strength out of this future effort. With that in mind, staff is recommending that:
1. We accept PBSD list of consultants and add to them our list (previously identified
and others) and forward them to purchasing for proposal solicitation
2. Keith Dallas and Gary McAlpin to work together to develop the request for
proposal document with purchasing. Once the consultant list is prepared it will
be the only individuals that can submit proposals.
3. Accept PBSD modified scope of work as identified in the "Explanation of
Changes from the 3/19/10 Draft" document but add back in that water quality
expertise will be the primary qualification in selecting a peer review professional
for this portion of work. Peer review for other portions of work will be evaluated
and selected separately
4 Approach FDEP with a request to evaluate PBS&J's report.
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5. Keith Dallas and Gary McAlpin collaborate on a proposal evaluation document
that can be brought back and reviewed by our respective boards by next
6. Agree to target to have this activity complete and a proposal on the street by
PREPARED BY: Gary McAlpin, eZM Director
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Clam Bay Estuary
Peer Review Scope of Work
March 15, 2010
March 19, 2010- Rev. 1
During their regular December 15, 2009 meeting, the Board of County Commissioners
approved an independent peer review of the work required to complete the
development of a comprehensive management plan for the Clam Bay Estuary.
Specifically, that an independent peer review, of the Clam Bay Water
Circulation/Flushing Modeling Program and the Clam Bay System Data Collection
Analysis Report recently completed by PBS&J be performed by a recognized expert.
This expert, jointly selected by Pelican Bay Services Division and Coastal Zone
Management, will be from an academic/university background and not directly involved
with any consulting firm. The review of the Clam Bay Data Collection and Analysis
Report is proposed to be conducted early in the development of the flushing/circulation
model. It is also recommended that the cost of this effort and any future phased peer
review be split between the Pelican Bay Services Division and Coastal Zone
Development of a management plan for Clam Bay will involve a number of critical
sciences not usually resident in one individual expert. Among others, these disciplines
would involve water quality, coastal engineering, marine biology, modeling, geology and
coastal management to name just a few. In addition, they must be knowledgeable with
state rules and regulations to be successful. This must include involvement in issues
related to FDEP's existing state water quality standards, the use of the Impaired Waters
Rule (IWR), and experience with the Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL) program.
These three issues - state water quality standards, the IWR, and the TMDL program -
are absolutely critical. Familiarity with all three and the implications of such are the
most important issue here. If they don't know about those three programs - then
they're probably not right for the peer review process. Also critical to the success of this
review would be a track record in managing estuaries of a similar nature in Southwest
Florida and no prior history of involvement with our community.
Consultants have been ruled out due to the competitive nature of the consulting
Stand alone academics although initially recommended, lack the array of technical
expertise required along with the practical track record of managing estuaries in SW
Florida. For these reasons, we have reconsidered this requirement.
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There are three national estuary programs in SW Florida that have the technical and
practical expertise to evaluate our program, guide us and make recommendations.
These programs are:
. Charlotte Harbor National Estuary Program run by Judy Ott
. Sarasota Bay National Estuary Program run by Dr. Jay Leverone
. Tampa Bay Estuary Program Run by Ed Sherwood
Each of these programs is separate and distinct from each other. They are EPA
sponsored and have developed the science necessary to develop their estuary
programs. They are not associated with Collier County and are usually funded by a
combination of USEPA, FDEP, local Government and the WMD. Each of these
programs has also developed biological, water and overall estuary health diagnostic
studies in the management of their estuary.
The added benefit of working with one of these programs is that only expenses, no fees
or certainly reduced fees might be possible.
In researching this topic two other individuals were highly recommended. They are:
. Dr. Ernie Estevez a Estuarine Ecologists with Mott Marine and
. Dr. Loren Coen, the Executive Director of Sanibel-Captiva Conservation
Both this individuals do not run estuaries but have extensive experience in conservation
issues within the SW Florida environment. Unfortunately, Dr. Estevez has elected not to
participate with us because of the political dynamics involved.
Considerable concern was expressed at the last Clam Bay subcommittee meeting held
on 3/17/2010 by the Pelican Bay community if these programs and individuals have had
an acquaintance and working relationship with Dr. Dave Tomasko and/or PBS&J. The
Pelican Bay community is concerned that as a result of any relationship, objectively
would be compromised. I can only indicate that since these are all nationally
recognized programs and Dr. Tomasko is a nationally recognized expert, both are
known to each other. Since we want the highest degree of expertise available, I can
assure you that this will probably be the case with any experts that are selected. Since
the PBSD will jointly select the peer review resources, I would expect that this would be
discussed and resolved during the interview process.
Activities to be performed durina the Peer Review Process
Two items were specifically identified to be performed during peer review. They are:
1. Review, analysis and critique of the Data Collection and Analysis report dated
October 2009 performed by PBS&J.
2. Review, analysis and critique of the water circulation/flushing modeling program
to be performed by PBS&J.
Additionally, the selected is peer review individual/firm may be used to review and
critique the development of the management plan f jointly agreed to by all parties
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Staff and the Clam Bay subcommittee of the CAC are recommending that these
individual along with those presented by the Pelican Bay Services Division be given the
opportunity to submit credentials in response to a solicitation by the Collier County
purchasing department. Only pre-identified candidates will be allowed to submit
proposals for evaluation. Proposals will be jointly evaluated and must be acceptable to
Collier County Coastal Zone Management ICAC and the Pelican Bay Services Division.
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Pelican Bay Services Division
XOl Laun:l O;.tK DI1\;c. SUite (lU.';; .. Naplc:. rlonJ;lLj. ttlx.. (=.~9) 597 t 7..t9" Fax C2Jl)) ~97..t502
May 6, 2010
Gary McAlpin, Director
Collier County Coastal Zone Management Department
3301 Tamiami Trail East
Naples, FL 34112
RE: Clam Bay Estuary Peer Review Scope of Work
Dear Mr. McAlpin:
This letter is in response to your proposal of the Clam Bay Estuary Peer Review Seope of Work
dated March 19, 2010 and provides alternative language for the scope of the review and
additional professionals to contact to submit credentials to include on the list of candidates under
eonsideration. Specifically included:
. Revised proposal of the Clam Bay Estuary Peer Review Seope of Work
. Explanation of Changes made to 3/19/10 Draft of Clam Bay Estuary Peer Review Seope of
. List of professionals to invite to submit credentials for inclusion on list of peer review
proposal s
. Appendix A. Appendix of Service Division Historical Data
We were pleased to hear of your recent meeting with individuals from the Pelican Bay Ad Hoc
Committee on Clam Bay and discussion of possibly enhancing the peer review process to ensure
that decisions made with respect to the Clam Bay Estuary are impartial and based on
scientifically sound data and analysis. Following upon these sentiments, we are now proposing
that the Coastal Zone Management department and Pelican Bay Services Division jointly select
three (3) experts to perform the peer review of the historical data and PBS&J Final report. By
performing three such peer reviews, we would inerea~e the public's perception of the credibility
of the conelusions and decrease the chances that one reviewer's views might be seen as biased.
Recognizing the originaJ number of peer reviews was reduced because of limited funding
sourees, the PBSD is willing to discuss how we can help to fund the expanded number of peer
I want to thank you for your desire to move these efforts forward and we are looking forward to
further discussion to resolve any differences in perspective that may exist,
Keith Dallas, Chairman
Pelican Bay Services Division Board
l~; ,-. C
May 20, 2010 - CAC Clam Bay bcommittee
VIII-1 New Business
7 of 13
Clam Bay Estuary
Peer Review Scope of Work
Proposed by PBSD 5/5/10
During their regular December 15. 2009 meeting, the Board of County Commissioners
approved an independent peer review.
Specifically, that an independent peer review of both Services Division historical data (see
Appendix AJ and the Clam Bay System Data CollectIOn and Analysis Final Report completed
October 2009 by PBS & J be performed by a recognized expert. This expert, jointly selected by
Pelican Bay Services Division and Coastal Zone Management, will be from an independent
academic/university/research institute background with recognized credentials without a
consultant relationship with Collier County. The review of the historical data and the Clam Bay
Data Collection and Analysis Report is to be conducted prior to development of any new
flushing/circulation model. It Is recommended that the cost of this peer review be split
between the Pelican Bay Services Division and Coastal Zone Management.
A thorough peer review will involve a number of critical sciences. Among others, these
disciplines would involve water quality, marine biology, modeling/hydrology, geology, and
natural estuary/ecosystems.
The Clam Bay Estuary (Upper. Inner and Outer Clam Bay) is a designated NRPA with a direct
connection to the Gulf of Mexico through Clam Pass. It Is bordered on the north by Vanderbilt
Beach Road and on the south by the City of Naples and Collier County line. It is marginally
connected to the bays to the south (Moorings & Venetian Bay) through three culverts at
Seagate Drive.
Activities to be nerfonned durin~ the Peer Review Process
Three activities should be performed during peer review. They are review, analyze. and
critique of:
1. Services Division historical data (See Appendix A]
2. Sufficiency of the data collection used In developing the Clam Bay System Data
Collection and Analysis Report performed by PBS&J
3. Methodologies used in the Clam Bay System Data Collection and Analysis Report
performed by PBS&J
4. Findings in the Clam Bay System Data Collection and Analysis Report performed by
5/012010 :n,~n ~M
Staff and Clam Bay subcommittee of the CAC will be recommending that individuals along with
those presented by the PBSD be given the opportunity to submit credentials, consistent with
County purchasing policy. Only pre-identified candidates will be allowed to submit proposals
for evaluation. Proposals based on the mutually agreed scope of work wilJ be jointly evaluated
and must be acceptable to Collier County Coastal Zone Management/CAC and the Pelican Bay
Services Division.
Pelican Bay Services Division Board Proposal for Peer Review of PBS & J October, 2009 Clam HilY Systelll Data Collection & Analy~i~ Report
May 20, 2010 - CAC Clam Bay bcommittee
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Clam Bay Estuary
Peer Review Scope of Work
Explanation of Changes from 3/19/10 Draft
Proposed by PBSD 5/5/10
. PBSO has not approved the peer review for the Clam Bay Water
Circulation/Flushing Modeling Program, and so eliminated those references from
the Scope of Work. We are agreeable at an appropriate time to discuss further
extending the peer review concept to later phases.
. Added back language as stated in PBSO Board vote and letter to the County Manager
regarding reviewing PBSO historical data.
. Expanded reference of "academic/university" background to include "research
institute," and qualified "not directly involved with a consulting firm" to allow
professionals who do not have a working relationship with Collier County. This
should allow a broader group of qualified professionals for consideration, but still
avoid real or perceived conflicts of interest,
. We have redefined disciplines needed to focus on those associated with the data and
PBS&I report. We recognize that later phases, if agreed upon, would probably
involve different required reviewer skills.
. Made it clear what we are referring to as Clam Bay Estuary,
. Removed suggested list ofpotentiaJ professional candidates to a separate appendix,
. Revised activities to be perftlflned with above changes for consistency.
. Revised language of the bidding process, to make clear it is consistent with County
purchasing policy (we want to review the actual procedures with Purchasing to
make sure it is consistent with our understanding.)
The PBSO desires that this revised Scope of Services will better define any differences of
perspective and help to bring all interested parties to a mutually agreeable approach on a
timely basis,
Pelican Bay Service5 Division Board Propo5al for Peer Review of PBS & J October, 2009 ClClm Bay System Data Coliection & Analysis Report
May 20, 2010 - CAe Clam Bay bcommittee
VIII-1 New Business
9 of 13
List of Professionals to Invite to Submit Credentials for inclusion on List for Peer Review Proposals
Clam Bay Estuary
Peer Review Scope of Work
Proposed by PBSD 5/5/10
Loren D. Coen
y..rww c;ccLllft}!hles!col1tent/docs
LC.LL.lli,:iWn. 'ldf
r Richard A. Davis
Ernie Estevez
/view, php')uid :::ern it:
James A. Gore
Randall Hughes
hm)~~\\>>.:>Y:"milrinc1ah, f~ll.l'(JU' beull
Elizabeth A. lrlandi
!lLlPS::;S~_L[~jITS. ti \ . ed lIiDT9t}!,~>:' n ro fi 1
Mark Luther
t)'! m;lrk-Jut!I~.r.sht.nJl
Director, Marine Laboratory
SanibeJ-Captiva Conservation
Emeritus Distinguished
Research Professor of Coastal
Geology and Sedimentology,
University of South Florida,
Geology Department; Coastal
Research Laborator
Sr. Scientist and Director,
Center for Coastal Ecology.
Mote MJnne Laboratory
Dean, College of Natural and
Health Sciences and Professor
of Biology, University of
Assistant Scholar Scientist,
Coastal and Marine
Laboratory, Florida State
Associate Professor of
Oceanography Department of
Marine and Environmental
Sy.stems, Florida Institute of
Associate Professor. Physical
Oceanography and Director,
Ocean Monitoring and
Prediction Lab, College of
Marine Science, University of
South Florida
Ph.D., Ecology, University of Maryland,
College Park; Recent studies funded by Lee
County Tourist Development Council: study
to identify potential sources of impaired
waters and associated habitat status in
nearby waters surrounding Captiva Island
$114,925; SanJbel Captiva Conservation
Foundation water quality observing system,
$70,~)OO;' (( SC '0
Ph.D., University of Illinois; coastal geology,
sedimentology; rdavjs(ii)cils llsfedu
Ph.D., Marine Ecology, University of South
Florida; marine and estuarine ecology;
freshwater inflows; coastal resource
management; ecology; population blology;
ecolo ical indicators; 's
Ph.D., Zoology, University of Montana;
resl~arch interests: ecology of rivers and
streams, conservation of water resources;
especially the influence of channel hydraulics
on the distribution of riverine blOta,
establishing t'onservation flows for river
ecosystems. and the potential impacts of
climate <:hangc on the success of invasive
s )t;; 'OfCtti: llLedu
Ph D., Lniversity of California, Davis;
rJllJ.gj~_i::lLbJ.!l.:.E'll.-,~du; marine et'ology and
estuann~ systems
Ph.D., University of North Carolina, Chapel
Hill; marine benthic ecologist; ecology of
sea grasses and other benthic macrophytes,
application of the concepts of landscape
ecology to aquatic ecosystems, linkages
between terrestrial and aquatic
enVironments, and the impacts of
anthropogenic stresses on the ecological
functioning of coastal zone habitats;
u:1ul.d.i.@.llh,e 1
i Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel
Hill; research involves combination of real-
time ocean observations with numerical
models of ocean currents and processes and
applicatlOn to various problems ranging
from water quality In estuaries to variability
in large..scale ocean circulation and relation
to climate chan e; i111Ih'" w arin
Pelican Bay Services Division Board Proposal for Peer Review of pes & J October, 2009 Clam Bay System DCltil Collection & Analysis Report
May 20, 2010 - CAC Clam Bay bcommittee
VIII~1 New Business
10 of 13
List of Professionals to Invite to Submit Credentials for inclusion on List for Peer Review Proposals
Clam Bay Estuary
Peer Review Scope of Work
Proposed by PBSD 5/5/10
;uke Professor -_..~~~~~:~~gy, FI:"da ~tate univerSity;-
Of. Geology, Earth & Expertise: shorel.ines and coastal geology
ences Professor ojlllkey'(u)dlllw t'<!.u
of Earth Sciences,
del' and Directnr
Program for the
eveloped Shorelines,
ent, Duke Universit
gical Survey Ph.D., Environmental Sciences (Ecology and
Climatology), University ofVJrginia;
Expertise: ecology; environmental Science;
ecological indicators; restoration;
geographic information Science; modeling;
Professor,,,,, I ~~l.D., Marine Biology, Scripps Inst.itution of !
Department of Biology, i Oceanography, University of California, San
University of Miami Diego; Ksea]ev(ibbio mi<lmi (.dll
Name Affiliatio
Orrin Pilkey James B.
brut/ /t'ds dukl',I,'du Idb/NiclJ.!l1l:i Emeritus
i.Lo<;/Lj~l)J1!.!m Ocean Sci
1ll.\iLWlID.~.f.dllb!bLllidJ.cia:, and Faun
Ir:os /tacuirv li)pilh'y Ifiles ICVJ)df Emeritus,
Study of D
Thomas I, Smith, III U.S, Geolo
hrt!):\,1s,~ov Ipeopli"Jsmit
http://www,~"~~rg.lUITii.Qn I
Iv i e\:y. ph p?u itl "'tsm ith i i i -I
Kathleen Sullivan Sealey Associate
http'//\ ecl,jffdr/S
!trIp: i/jl('f)~H.Q.Jlli~.lmi edu/cO;E;r
lohn D, Wang
hnp:! IWW\'!:'JSlllas.l11[arm e{l.uL.ill
ys !;,lll');Pf!..wk1tacultyIWal1f!!
Ping Wang
hup: I hrlusf f'du/people.htm
Ill!tn.,1L.u:1,1J,'il~;JW~Y~lXU!Vi ta-LllLm
Harold R. Wanless
11llli0J~. '. . 'j1~"midln,I.~~dliJ~.!.!.l!.u;
; Robert H. Weisberg
i D.!..ll2.JLyyww.m.:lri~~uJJ:ii.:J.U
i ry ;rQbt.r:.L~~b~'IJ~lilllln1
hrtp' / /()q}
e i she ri' Si te I fn'lJJldex.hunl
Professor, RosenstieJ School of
Marine & Atmospheric SCIence,
Division of Applied Marine
Physics, University of Miami
Ph.D.. Civil Engineering, specialty in coastal
hydrodynamics, Massachusetts Institute of
I Technology; coastal hydrodynamics and
mass transport. wind, tide and density
driven flows in estuaries, bays, and shelves;
storm surges; runoff effects on salinity;
microbial transport & fate at beaches,
Coupled surface and groundwater flows. in
and under the Everglades; Coastal wetlands
hydrological restorat.ion;
. V' }J O. . l' 1.
Ph.D., Geology, University of South Florida;
coastal geology and sedimentary processes;
coastal engineering and management:
WJn.r w.' .1 .du
Ph.D" Johns Hopkms University;
sedimentology, coastal and environmental
geology: h \'!;.iH:;kiS.@m.i.arnLc.du
Associate Professor,
Department of Geology,
University of South Florida
Professor and Chair,
Department of Geological
SCiences, UnIversity of Miami
Distinguished University
Professor, Physical
Oceanography, College of
Marine Science;
Director, Ocean Circulation
Group; Co-director, Coastal
Ocean Modeling and
Prediction System,
UniversitL.QL~~It:h Florida
Ph.D., University of Rhode Island; research
emphasizes in~situ measurement.s, analyses,
and models of West Florida Shelf circulation
and the interactiuns between the shelf and
the estuaries; weisheql([Dm;]rinE:.,,~
Pelican Bay Services Division Board Proposal for Peer Review of PBS & J October, 2009 Clam Bay System Data Collection & AnalysIs Report
May 20, 201 0 ~ CAC Clam Bay bcommittee
VIII-1 New Business
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Appendix A
Appendix of Service Division Historical Data
Clam Bay Estuary
Peer Review Scope of Work
Proposed by PBSD 5/5/10
Pelican Bay Services Division Clam Bay water quality data exists as far back as
the early 1980's and includes ambiguities with qualifiers, From 1998 until
2010, the sampling and monitoring protocol was consistent with the 1998
Army Corp. of Engineers and Florida Department of Environmental Protection
Clam Bay Restoration and Management Plan consolidated coastal permit
requirements, The State enacted the Impaired Waters Rule in 2002, Florida
Administrative Code, Chapter 62-160 standardized minimum field and
laboratory quality assurance, methodological, and State reporting
requirements to ensure that chemical, physical, biological, microbiological and
toxicological data used by the Florida Department of Environmental
Protection is appropriate, reliable, collected, and analyzed by scientifically
sound procedures, Turrell, Hall & Associates developed a Surface Water
Sampling and Monitoring Protocol consistent with Florida Administrative
Code, Chapter 62-160. Beginning in 2010, the Pelican Bay Services Division
has implemented this protocol on a monthly basis and the data is eligible for
entry into the State's storage and retrieval database or STORET for
consideration by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection in
future decision-making.
Enclosed: Disc a/Historical Clam Bay water quality raw data
Bibliography and Disc a/recommended background material
Pelican Bay Services DiVision Board Proposal for Peer Review of PBS & J October, 2009 Clam Bay System Data Collection & Analysis Report
May 20, 2010. CAC Clam Bay bcommittee
Vlll-1 New Business
12 of 13
Appendix A. Appendix ofSen:ice Oi\'ision Uistoricall)ata continued... Page 20f3
Pelican Ray Services Ilivision Recommt'ndations for Background 1\1aterial to PrO\'ide to Peer Reviewers of
"Post, Ruckle~, Schuh, & .Jernigan (PBS&J) October 2009
Clam Ray System Oata Coiled ion & Analysis Final Report"
BrO\~m, T.R and 11.0, Hillestad. Project Managers, 199k. Clam Bay Restoration and Management Plan.
Presented to Col~ier County Pelican Bay Services Division and Wel Communities LP. 98 pp plus pem1its
and appendices. '
Collier County Grov.1h Management Plan, Collier County Future Land Use Map, 2006 -2016, December
2007. File FLUE-2007-3. DWG, Delineates Clam Bay 1\RPA conservation area boundaries. See also, Future
Land Use Element -ConservatIOn for goals hy designated land uses and purposes and ftmction of Natural
Resource Protection Areas.
Collier COllnty Natural Resources Department Coastal lone Management Plan -1991. See especially Clam
Pass, Section II. Part 7,6. pp 279 -2Q6 and Dodor's Pass. Section It Part 7.7, pp 297-308.
Crawtord, Robert. J 997. Assessment of the Impact of the Proposed Flm'.' Control Valves oflhe Seagatl'
Dnve Culverts
Devlin, D.1.. et a!. 19S7. Natural Resources of Collier County, Florida. Part 1. Preliminary analyses of
seagrass and benthic intauna in Johnson and Clam Bays. Collier County. Florida. Technical Report No. 87-2.
Collier County Natural Resources Managcment Departmcm. Collier County Government Naples, FL 32 pp.
6 Gee and Jensen, Engmeers.Architects-Planners, Inc. February, 1978 llydrographic study: Clam Bay System.
Collier County, Florida. Prepared for Coral Ridge-Collier Properties. Inc. 32 pr,
7 Gore, H..H., C.E. Protlitt, and M.E. Curran. 1985. ~atural Resources ofColtier County, Florida. Part l.
Recommendations and a program for ft~source management and protect](lIl for the undcvdoped lands of
Collier County's coastal zone. Technical Repon No. 85-1. Collier County Natural Resources Management
Depanment. Collier County Govemment. Naples. FL. 119 pp.
8 Gore. R. 1 I. 19K8. !\aturdl Resources or Collier County, florida. Part 1. Natural resources management in the
coastal. Ulland. and upland zones of Collier COWlty: summar)' of data analyses and program
recommendations. Technical Report No. 88-1. Collier County Natural Resources Management Department.
Collier County CJovemment. Naples. FL. In pp.
9 Florida Department of Environmental Regulation. Water Resources Restoration and Preservation Section,
19X 1 Diagnostic/Feasibility Study tor Moorings Bay, Collier County. Florida, AppendiX 7, 12 pr.
10 Hatcher. James. 1994, 1996. and 1997. Collier County Emironmental Services Division PublicatIon Number
] I Harwell. R.V'/. and 1 Hatcher, Principallnvcsttgawrs. 1994. Clam Bay Natural Resources Protection Area
(NRPA). Draft Report. Collier County Environmental Services Division, Natural Resources Department. 93
pp plus appendices.
12 Humiston, K,K., Humiston and Moore Engineers, October 27,2009, Letter to McAlpin. J.G., Comments on
the Ml)deling Section of Post, Buckley, Schuh. and Jernigan (PRS&J) Octoher 2009 Clam Bay System Data
Collectlon llnd Analysis Final Repan
13 Humiston and Moore Engineers, November 2008 Clam Pass Restoration and Management Plan-
Bathymetric Monitoring Rt:purt No.9, Final Report_ Submiued to Florida Department of Environmental
Protection by Pelican Bay StTVKes Division, Coll!er County. 2S pp plus appendices. See also rt~ports I
through K. 2000 -2007.
14 Lugo. A.E. 1976. Role and f>roductivity of Black Mangroves. SouthwesL Florida Regional Planning Council
Reron. pp 74-103, (Available as pdf: General 20080826083 149,pdt)
Pelican Bay Services Di...isiofl Board Proposal for Peer Review of PBS & J October, 2009 Clam Bay System Data Collection & Analysis Report
~/bI201OLJ3:46 PM
May 20. 2010 - CAC Clam Bay bcommittee
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Appendix A. Appendix of Service Division Historical Data continued... Page 3 of3
Pelican Bay Services Division Recommendations for Background Material to Provide to Peer Reviewers of
"Post, Buckley. Schuh. & Jernigan (PBS&J) Oetober 2009
Clam Bay System Data Collection & Analysis Final Report"
15 Post Buckley Schuh Jernigan PBS&J. 2007 (Draft Fina}), 2008 (Final). Clam Bay Seagrass Assessment.
Prepared for Collier (\lUnty Coastal Zone Management Department. 40 pp, I
] 6 Post Buckky Schuh .kmigan PBS&J. November 17,2009. Response to Criticisms ofPosr. Buckley, Schuh,
Jernigan October 2009 Clam Ba~y System Data Collection and Analysis Final Report.
17 Roell1g, IJ" November 2009, COlllments on Post. Buckky, Schuh. and Jernigan (PBS&J) Octoher :!()09 Clam
Bay System Data Collection and AnalYSIS Final Report.
1 R Tackncy &Associales, lnc 1996. Pre1nninary Hydrograplm; Assessment *Clam Bay Systems. I
19 Turrell, Hall, &Associates, Inc., Lewis Environmental Servil.:es. lnc,. Clam Bay Restoration and
Management -Biological Monitoring Report Annual Reports I through 9, 2000 -2008. Prepared for Pelican
Bay Services Division
20 fUTrell, Hall, & Associates, Inr. November 2005 Water Quality Sampling Update Report No.6 for Pelican
Ray and Clam Bay. Prepared for Pelkan Bay Services DiVision.
21 Turrell, Hall & Associates, Inc. 1995. Clam Pass Inlet Management Plan Interim Report No. 1.
22 L.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1975. Field Studies, Parkshore and Clam Bay Systems, Naples FL
Region IV, US EPA Surveillance and Analysis Division, Athens, GA. I
23 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1977, Field Studies, Parkshore and Clam Ray Systems, Naples FL
Region IV, US ErA Surveillance and Analysis Drvision, Athens, (1A.1
24 Wanless, f1.R., January 20 I 0, Peer Review of Post Buckky, Schuh, and Jernigan (PBS&J) October 2009
Clam Bay System Data Col1ection and Analysis Final Rl?pn11_ Prepared for Mangrove Action Group.
25 Wilson Miller Barton &P\:ck.lnc. April 1996. Pdican Bay Investigation. Pelican Bay Water Management
System Stormwater Detention Volum<: and \Vater Budget Analysis
26 Worley. K., November 2009. Comments on Post. Buckley, Schuh, and Jernigan (PBS&J) October 2009 Clam
Bay System Data Collection and Analysis Final Report
I Also lllcluded in references to Post, Buckley, Schuh, and Jernigan (PBS&J) October 2009 Clam Bay System Data
Colkction and Analysis Final Report. Prepared for Collier County Coa.~laJ Zone Management Department
Pelic~n Bay Services DiviSion Board Proposal for Pel."f Review of pas & J October. 2009 Clam Bay System Data Collection & Analysis Report
'./6/2010\ B-46 PM
May 20, 2010 - Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII-2 New Business
Status of Letter of Consent - Navigational Markers in Clam Bay
OBJECTIVE: Update Clam Bay Subcommittee on status
CONSIDERATIONS: Status as follows:
1. Staff is waiting for FWC to respond on additional information that FWC requested
and received on the proposed Informational markers for Clam Bay.
2. Once this item is resolved then FWC will issue a permit on for the Informational
3. Once the informational marker permit from FWC is received then the RAI
response can be submitted to FDEP This response should happen by the end
of this month.
4. FDEP can request additional Information if the information that we submitted is
not clear or they want additional information. This can be the case but based on
previous meetings it should not be necessary. For planning purposes, an
additional RAI cycle might be necessary.
5. After the application is deemed complete, FDEP will issue an intent to issue a
permit or reject our application.
6. If the application is rejected, the County will not move forward with this item.
7. If the application is grant and a permit issued, then we can expect a challenge
ultimately leading to an administrative hearing.
8. To date the Count has expended approximately $1,000 of staff time on this issue.
PREPARED BY: Gary McAlpin, CZM Director
May 20, 2010 - Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII-2 New Business
Florida Department of
Environmental Protection
Ch,Hlii' ('rist
South District Office
P.O. Box 2549
Fort Myers, FL 33902-2549
idf Kottkamp
J.t. C;o\'Crl\or
Midlacl \V. ~oh;
April 8, 2010
Collier County
Attn: Coastal Zone Management Department
3300 Santa Barbara Blvd.
Naples, FL34106
Re: Collier County - ERP
File No. 1l-0295193-002-EE08
Dear Sir or Madam:
This is to acknowledge receipt of your application on March 10, 2010 for an
Environmental Resource Permit, pursuant to Part IV, Chapter 373, Florida Statutes
(F.5.), and an authorization to use state-owned submerged lands, pursuant to Chapters
253, F.5., to install one (1) navigational pole marker / informational message: (Idle speed
no wake all of Clam Bay, local knowledge required, keep lookout for boaters and
swimmers, resume normal safe operation), eight (8) navigation buoys, two (2) idle
speed no wake sign attached to an existing bridge, three (3) informational pole markers:
Caution, keep lookout for boaters and swimmers, and two (2) navigational pole
markers/ informational message: (Idle speed no wake all of Clam Bay and local
knowledge required, keep lookout for boaters and swimmers), in Clam Pass, Class II
Waters, Section 8, 9, Township 49 South, Range 25 East, Collier County..
In order to review your application, we need the items listed in the enclosed Request
For Additional Information (RAI) by July 7, 2010. If necessary, you may request an
extension up to ninety (90) additional days. If neither the information nor a request for
an extension is received by July 7, 2010, your application may be denied without
prejudice. If you revise your project after submitting the initial joint application, please
contact us as soon as possible.
May 20, 201 0 ~ Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII-2 New Business
We appreciate your cooperation, If you have any questions, please contact Ryan Snyder
by telephone at (239) 332-6975, ext, 140, or bye-mail at RyanSnyder@dep,,
When referring to this project, please reference the file number listed above.
Environmental Specialist
Submerged Lands and Environmental Resources Program
RS/ "
Request for Additionallnfurmation Part r
Request for Additional Information Part II
For Your Information
Date: April 8, 2010
Applicant: Collier County
File No, 11-0295193-002-EE08
Page 3 of 6
May 20, 2010 - Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIIl-2 New Business
Navigational Aids
Part I
(Chapter 62-343, Florida Administrative Code)
1. The letter attached within the March 10, 2010 application has a letter from the
Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission (FWC), dated October 5, 2009 giving
temporary authorization for the placement of information \ regulatory markers
on green 1 and red 14, as well as the Clam Bay Bridge. On October 27, 2009, The
Department received a letter from the FWC, Boating and Waterways Section;
stating that FWC is rescinding the temporary authorization for placement of
markers within Clam Bay and Pass, As a result, the proposed activity is not being
marked in pursuant to Section 327.40 FS., and is inconsistent with Section
403,813(1)(k), F.5.
In accordance with 40E-4,051(7) Florida Administrative Code (F,A,C.) it states
"the installation of aids to navigation, including bridge fender piles, "no wake"
and similar regulatory signs, and buoys associated with such aids, provided that
the devices are marked in accordance with Section 327.40 Florida Statute (F.5.),
Please provide a valid Florida Fish and Wildlife authorization, showing that the
proposed navigation markers are marked in accordance with Section 327.40 F.5.
Date: April 8,2010
Applicant: Collier County
File No. 11-0295193-002-EE08
Page 4 of 6
May 20, 2010 - Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII-2 New Business
Part II
Letter of Consent
(Chapter 18-21, Florida Administrative Code)
1. Please provide specifications and dimensions for the proposed buoys (Le,
Length, width, height, weight, draft, etc....)
2. Please stake and label the location of the proposed day markers, buoys, and
informational signs, Once this has been completed, please contact the
Department at 239-332-6975, ext 140. Please note, once the inspection of the
staked area has been completed, additional questions may be forth coming,
3. Please provide a detailed plan view map showing the locations of sea grasses
within or adjacent to the proposed navigable route.
4. Please provide a detailed map showing the location of any navigational
obstructions (e,g., islands, sandbars, or shoals) within or adjacent to the proposed
navigable rollte,
5. The Department has noted that the Morgan and Eklund, Inc. Bathymetric Survey
dated 10/06/2009 is all referenced to NA VD 88. Please provide a revised
Bathymetric Survey referencing all depths to Mean Low Water.
6. Please provide information on what type of vessels are projected to use the
proposed marked navigable route (Le. size and draft),
Date: April 8, 2010
Applicant: Collier County
File No, 11-0295193-002-EE08
Page 5 of 6
May 20, 2010- Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII-2 New Business
Your proposal may require a coastal construction permit from the Department's Bureau
of Beaches and Coastal Systems. Please contact them at 3900 Commonwealth
Boulevard, Mail Station 310, Tallahassee, Florida 32399, phone 904-488-3181 or 487-4475,
to obtain a determination, If a permit is required, submittal of a complete copy of the
permit will be needed to complete this application,
An inspection of the project site may be conducted to determine and evaluate the
resources expected to be impacted. Project modifications may be required following the
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIIJ-3 New Business
1 of 183
RAI Comments
OBJECTIVE: Update Glam Bay Subcommittee on Progress.
CONSIDERATIONS: See attached Documents:
2. PB Foundation Response to FDEP and USAGE
3. John Domenie response to the USAGE
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII-3 New Business
2 of 183
~. :~.'~'::'::
". 1'1~
Helping Shape Florida'.\' Futtlre'
Repiy To: West Pabn Beach
May 14,2010
District Engineer, Department of the Army
Attn: Linda Elligott
Jacksonville District Army Corps of Engineers
1520 Royal Palm Square Boulevard
Suite 310
Fort Myers, FL 33919
Re: Public Notice - Permit Application No. SAJ-1996-02789 (IT-LAE)
Dear Ms. Elligott:
Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the referenced Public Notice, This letter
provides our initial comments on the Public Notice; we anticipate providing additional eomments
as the Federal agencies' review of this project proceeds. This firm represents Pelican Bay
Foundation, Ine, ("Foundation"). The Foundation is a Florida not-for-profit corporation that acts
as a homeowners' association representing the interests of over 60 individual residential
condominium and homeowners assoeiations, comprising more than 6,500 households and
numerous businesses within the Peliean Bay community. The Foundation and its members own
substantial amounts of valuable real property that abut, adjoin and surround Clam Pass and Clam
Bay. The Foundation is also a riparian owner ofland abutting Clam Pass.
The Foundation holds a real property interest in the form of restrictive covenants of
record (the "Covenants") which expressly restrict the activities of the applicant, Collier County,
with respect to Clam Bay, Clam Pass and the surrounding area. The Covenants expressly proteet
the environmental quality and integrity of the Clam Bay system, and conserve the area as a
valuable amenity for the use and enjoyment of a substantial number of the Foundation's
members. The Covenants prohibit the applicant, Collier County, from conducting any dredging
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without the Foundation's express, prior written approval. The Foundation has a legal obligation
to its members to enforce the Covenants and to preserve and protect Clam Bay and Clam Pass
area for the benefit of its members.
The Foundation's governing documents provide that its general nature, purpose, and
objects include enhancing the civic, social and recreational interests of its members and
otherwise promoting the health, safety and general welfare of its members and their property, As
such, the action being requested of the Corps to permit dredging within Clam Pass and Clam Bay
is within the Foundation's general scope of interest and activity,
I have enclosed for your reference a copy of a letter dated March I I, 20 I 0 we provided to
the State of Florida, Department of Environmental Proteetion ("DEP") in aid of their review of
the dredging application, Without going through it in detail here, there are three points that we
made in our letter to DEP that we would like to emphasize.
First, for the reasons set forth in the attached letter, by virtue of both the Covenants and
its ownership of land abutting Clam Pass, the Foundation is a necessary party in any permitting
process for dredging activities at Clam Pass, Please be advised that the Foundation has not
approved the dredging activities in the Clam Pass dredging application submitted to the Corps by
Collier County,
Second, as a riparian owner of land on the beach abutting Clam Pass, the Foundation has
serious and legitimate concerns about the integrity of the inlet and the erosional effects which
will occur from the proposed project. Over-excavation of the pass, without any demonstrated
need, will lead to greater erosional effects on both sides and not provide a significant flushing
benefit. The DEP has recognized that the pass has performed its flushing function better and
longer when dredged to a smaller cross section, Past efforts to renourish the beach from pass
dredging have proven largely unsueeessful due to aceelerated erosion.
Third, we continue to have coneern over the lack of a demonstrated need for this project.
When the project was first conceived and the application put together by the County, the stated
purpose of the project was to provide beach compatible material for beach renournislunent, as
opposed to a demonstrated need to maintain flushing in the system for the benefit of the Clam
Bay resources, Attached as Exhibit 7 to our March I I letter to the DEP is a copy of Question 33
on the DEP Application and Collier County's Answer, from a signed but unsubmitted permit
application, which clearly states that "The project is designed to nourish the beach of an eroded
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shoreline.. ...In addition to the borrow being a good source, the excavation of the old interior
channel will improve the flushing within the Clam Pass ecosystem."
In response to eriticisms about the intended purpose of the dredging, Collier County
revised the application to reflect a putative need for increased flushing for Clam Bay resources. I
do not believe that case has been made by the applicant. The monitoring reports prepared over
time by Humiston & Moore do not suggest a need for dredging, especially to the depth and width
proposed by the County, except in those rare cases when Clam Pass closes. Excavation of Clam
Pass without any demonstrated need, and in particular over-excavation, will simply lead to
greater erosional effects on both sides and not provide any significant benefit for flushing.
In addition to the matters set forth in our letter to DEP, the Foundation has serious
eoneems with the completeness and accuracy of the information submitted by the County in
support of its application, eompliance of the project with the Corps' Clean Water Act and NEP A
regulations and with the scope of the described activities as it relates to the project within the
Corps' review, These will be addressed further below.
At the outset the Public Notice recites that it is being issued "based on information
furnished by the applicant. This information has not been verified or evaluated to ensure
compliance with laws and regulation governing the regulatory program." We believe the
information submitted, and reflected in the Public Notice, is in part both inaccurate and
incomplete, The County has chosen to piecemeal their efforts in the Clam Pass/Clam Bay
System and therefore the County's application, which contains simply a description of a
"maintenance dredge," is incomplete and does not present the full picture of the County's
activities in the Clam Pass/Clam Bay system which are subject to Corps jurisdiction and which
should be analyzed together. The County has also applied to emplace navigational markers in
Clam Pass and through Clam Bay. Those two projects are in reality one project and therefore the
Project purpose and scope as articulated by the applicant and reflected in the Public Notice are
inaccurate. The application for navigational markers makes no sense absent the dredging project
(inasmueh as they appear to mark the proposed dredged ehannel in the outer reaches) and
therefore rather than two separate projects, they are one interdependent project.
In its description of the proposed work, the County describes the project as one to
conduct "maintenance dredging" to an historic target depth of -3.6 to 5.1 Mean Low Water. The
existing and prior DEP and Corps permits for dredging in this area contained a limitation of
dredging to -4' Mean Low Water. Unless the applicant has information which has not been
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provided and of which we are not aware, there is no historical precedent to dredge greater than -
4'. This application thus does not qualify as an application for "maintenance dredging."
In its discussion of avoidance and minimization information, the Public Notice recites
that the applicant only proposed the "minimwn amount" of dredging/fill that would make the
project feasible. While the applicant may have made that statement, it proceeds from a false
premise. The applicant has deseribed the existing conditions of the Clam Pass/Clam Bay inlet as
one in which shoaling in Clam Pass and within Clam Bay is constraining tidal flushing such that
water quality is adversely affected and, that beach erosion at Clam Pass Park was evident as are
eoneurrent aspects of shoreline retreat. We do not believe that the County's description of the
existing eonditions is accurate and therefore that the stated justification for the project
(ecological improvement) can support a need for the project. The County has not docwnented an
adverse water quality problem in Clam Bay or a causal relationship between shoaling in Clam
Pass and water quality in Clam Bay. In its request for additional information ("RAI") to Collier
County in conneetion with the County's application for pass dredging, the DEP observed
generally that the monitoring reports submitted docwnent that the Clam Bay system is
functioning well ecologically and that the dredging in the past has reduced seagrass extent and
productivity. In short, DEP is questioning the necessity for an extensive dredging project. The
applicant has not submitted evidence that demonstrates a need for the project as proposed. In
fact, the available evidence, the monitoring reports for Clam Bay, suggests that the inlet is
functioning well from a tidal exchange point of view and thus does not support the need for
dredging at this time, These materials support that the applicant has failed to demonstrate need
for the project and has neither avoided nor minimized to the extent required by the Corps'
regulations, 40 C.F.R. ~ 230.10
The applicant has also indicated that eompensatory mitigation should not be required
because there are no proposed impacts to wetlands or mangroves, This is clearly not accurate
based upon review of just the dredging project (as the DEP has observed), but is even more
suspeet when the navigational markers are eonsidered. The effects of the project need to be
considered in total. The County has artificially segmented the project in an attempt to avoid a
full consideration of its activities in Clam Pass/Clam Bay by the Corps, The Corps' Clean Water
Aet and NEPA regulations prevent that. According to 33 C.F,R. ~ 325,I(d)(2) "All activities
which the applicant plans to undertake which are reasonably related to the same project and for
which a DA permit would be required should be included in the same permit application.
District engineers should reject, as incomplete, any permit application which fails to eomply with
this requirement." Moreover, the Corps' NEPA regulations provide that where activity requiring
a permit is "merely one component of a larger project" the seope of the environmental review
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should "address the impacts of the specific activity requiring the permit and those portions of the
entire project over which the district engineer has sufficient control and responsibility." 33
C.F,R. Part 325, Appx. B, ~ 7(b). The project consists of dredging and the emplacement of
navigational markers (none of which currently exist in the system) to faeilitate boat passage
through the Pass and through Outer Clam Bay. The effects of the project would necessarily have
to consider the effects of increased boat usage, particularly where there is currently no actual
channel and no defined navigational channel across a very shallow Clam Bay. The system in its
current state is not capable of usage except by the shallowest of shallow draft vessels. I have
attached a series of photographs documenting the eondition of the Pass.
It is incomprehensible that the applicant has stated "the project would not result in
increased watercraft usage"," inasmuch as it is opening a direct, marked, deep draft access to
Clam Bay from the Gulf where none currently exists. Moreover, the applicant is proposing to
invite greater boat usage by emplacing a series of navigational markers not just within the Pass
but across Clam Bay, Clearly the applicant contemplates increased water craft usage; that's the
entire point of marking the system for navigation. The Corps is not limited in its scope of
analysis to the applicant's statement of the project. The attempt at segmentation in this case is
similar to the segmentation attempt which was at issue in Florida Wildlife Federation v. Corps, a
case arising in the South Atlantic Division, Jacksonville District involving the permitting of the
Seripps biotechnology faeility at Mecca Farms in Palm Beach County in 2004. The Court
rejected the applicant's segmentation attempt and the claims of independent utility in that case
and stated the Corps' responsibility as follows:
Representations by the applicant alone, who clearly has an interest in obtaining
the permit and whose theory of "independent utility" on a record such as this, can
only be considered a post-hoc rationalization to secure a permit as rapidly as
possible, cannot be sufficient to establish a project's independent utility, without
independent evaluation by the agency based on record evidence, Without sueh a
basis, the Court is unable to adequately review the ageney's determination, nor
can the public have confidence in the agency's determination.
Not unlike the impropriety of segmentation to avoid significance, manipulation of
a project design to conform to a concept of independent utility, particularly with
the intention that a permit be expedited, undermines the underlying purposes of
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The Section 404 Guidelines under the Clean Water Act require the Corps to consider both
individual and cumulative impacts of the proposed project. 40 C.F,R. ~ 230,6 and .IO(a).
Cumulative impact is defined as "the impact on the environment which results from the
incremental impact of the action when added to other past, present, and reasonably foreseeable
future actions regardless of what agency (Federal or non-Federal) or person undertakes such
other actions, cumulative impacts can result from individually minor but collectively significant
aetions taking place over a period of time." 40 C,F,R, ~ 1508. The actual impaets of boat usage
of a marked navigational way across a shallow bay with no discernable channel are clearly
"reasonably foreseeable" future actions in this case. As such those impacts must be considered.
The applicant has entirely failed to address those impacts and the Corps' review cannot be
complete without such analysis.
The Corps reviews permit applications seeking to dredge and fill in waters of the United
States pursuant to Section 404(b)(1) of the Clean Water Act. The proposed activity for which a
permit is sought must comply with EPA's 404(b)(I) guidelines, 40 C.F.R. ~ 230. Further, the
Corps may deny a permit where it finds the proposed activity to be contrary to the publie interest.
33 C.F.R. ~ 320.4. The Corps conducts the public interest analysis pursuant to regulations found
at 33 C.F.R. ~ 320.4. These regulations provide that "[t]he decision whether to issue a permit
will be based on an evaluation of the probable impacts, including cumulative impacts, of the
proposed activity and its intended use on the publie interest." 33 C.F.R, ~ 320.4(a)(I). To this
end, the Corps is directed to engage in a case-by-case balancing of the "benefits which
reasonably may be expected to accrue from the proposal" against the "reasonable foreseeable
detriments." The outcome of the balancing process "should reflect the national concern for both
protection and utilization of important resources," Among those factors to be considered are
"conservation, economics, aesthetics, general environmental concerns, wetlands, historic
properties, fish and wildlife values, flood hazards, floodplain values, land use, navigation, shore
erosion and accretion, recreation, water supply and conservation, water quality, energy needs,
safety, food and fiber produetion, mineral needs, considerations of property ownership and, in
general, the needs and welfare of the people." 33C.F.R. ~ 320.4(a)(2) goes on to provide general
criteria to be considered in reviewing permit applications. "[F]ull consideration and appropriate
weight will be given to all comments, including those of federal, state, and local agencies and
other experts on matters within their expertise," 33 C.F.R, ~ 320.4(a)(3). A permit that complies
with the 404(b)(1) Guidelines will be granted "unless the distriet engineer determines that it
would be contrary to the public interest." 33 C.F,R. ~ 320.4(a)(I).
Consideration of the Corps' public interest review pursuant to 33 C.F,R. ~ 320.4 compels
either rejection of the application or denial of the permit. The Corps is required to base this
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decision on an evaluation of all of the probable impacts, including eumulative impacts of the
proposed activity. As diseussed, the Corps is not limited to the applicant's description of the
proposed activity and where the applicant has attempted to improperly segment its activities in
order to avoid Corps' review, the Corps may eonsider all of the proposed aetivities together. In
this case that would include the dredging and marking of the channel notwithstanding that the
County has attempted to secure those through two separate authorizations. The extent of the
public or private need for the proposed work must be considered in every application. 33 C,F.R.
S 320.4(a)(2). As discussed above, the applicant's stated justification is factually suspect and not
supported by the monitoring reports for the Clam Bay system. Analysis of the public interest
factors compel denial of the County's proposed work.
The first factor articulated in the public interest review is conservation. An
understanding of the historical context is important to consideration of this factor. The Clam
Pass/Clam Bay system is one of the last remnants of the shallow water mangrove system which
historically existed along almost all of Collier County's coastline, The effects of the destruetion
of the system can be seen in Vanderbilt Beach, Naples Park, Seagate, Venetian Bay, Moorings
Bay and Doctors Bay as well as at the south end of Naples in Aqualane Shores and Port Royal.
When the Pelican Bay project was proposed in the late 1970's, one of the principal
considerations in the approval was the preservation and eonservation of the Clam Pass/Clam Bay
system, The state and federal environmental permits as well as the loeal government land use
approvals all required that the estuarine system be protected and eon served. The 198 I Corps
permit is explieit on this subject. To that end, the owner conveyed the Clam Pass/Clam Bay
system to Collier County for conservation after imposing a series of significant conservation
restrictions on the area, The purpose of this exercise was to preserve the ecological integrity of
the system and to preserve the system in its essentially natural state, A copy of the 198 I Corps
permit, the conveyance to the County and the eonservation restrictions (Exhibits 2-4 to the
3/11/2010 letter to DEP) are enclosed.
This eonservation objective has largely been observed. A kayak and canoe launch
facility has been located on Outer Clam Bay, A series of canoe trail markers have been placed in
the system. No alterations of the system have been made except as neeessary to address
environmental eoncerns, In its comprehensive future land use plan the County has identified the
Clam Bay area as a Natural Resource Protection Area ("NRPA"). In the 1990's, a series of
flushing channels were constructed to address mangrove die off and to allow tidal exchange to
keep the pass open. The Foundation supported those actions. Other than that, however, there
have been no actions intended to change the eharacter of the system. The County's current
proposal to facilitate and introduee more and larger boat traffic through this system would
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fundamentally change the character of the system to its detriment. The attached photographs and
the bathymetry provided as part of the application reveal a very shallow system not capable of
accommodating larger vessels.
Again, we appreciate the opportunity to comment. We will be providing additional input
on your public interest review and on compliance with other specific provisions of your
regulatory program. If you have any questions or if 1 may be of any additional assistance, please
don't hesitate to contact me.
;;:iI' '0 '".
cc: Steve Feldhaus, Secretary, Pelican Bay Foundation
Rich Y ovanovich, Esquire
Andrew Baumann, Esquire
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.. "'......
~::.'S:.~~ LEWIS
'~,,~} LONGMAN &
Helping Shape FloridQ's Flltur~'"
Reply To: West Palm Beach
March 11,2010
Ms, Lainie Edwards
Florida Department of Environmental Protection
5005 West Tennessee Street
Building B
Tallahassee, FL 32304
Re: DEP File No. 0296087-001-JC, Collier COIlllty
Clam Pass Maintenance Dredging
Dear Ms. Edwards:
This finn represents Pelican Bay Foundation, Inc ("Foundation"), The Foundation is a
Florida not-for-profit corporation that acts as a homeowners' association representing the interests
of over 60 individual residential condominium and homeowners associations, comprising more than
6,500 households and numerous businesses within the Pelican Bay community. The Foundation
and its members own substantial amounts of valuable real property that abut, adjoin and surround
Clam Pass and Clam Bay. The Foundation is also a riparian owner of land on both sides of Clam
The Foundation holds a real property interest in the fonn of restrictive covenants of record
(the "Covenants") which expressly restrict the activities of the applicant, Collier County, with
respeet to Clam Bay, Clam Pass and the surrounding area. The Covenants expressly protect the
environmental quality and integrity of the Clam Bay system, and eonserve the area as a valuable
amenity for the use and enjoyment of a substantial number of the Foundation's members, As
indicated below, the Covenants prohibit the applicant, Collier County, from conducting any
dredging without the Foundation's express, prior written approval. The Foundation has a legal
obligation to its members to enforce the Covenants and to preserve and protect Clam Bay and Clam
Pass area for the benefit of its members,
Helping Shape Florida's Future.
1001 Third Avenue West
Suite 670
Bradenton. Florida 34205
245 Riverside Avenue
Suite 150
JacksOJ"lville. Florida 32202
p! 904.353.6410 .. f 1904-353-7619
2600 Centennial Place
Suite 100
Tallahassee, Florida 32308
p 850-222-5702 . f 1 850.224.9242
515 North Flagler Drive
SUite 1500
West Palm Beach, Florida 33401
P: 561-640-0820 . f 1$61.640-8202
Pi941708-404Q. fI941-708.4024
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Ms. Lainie Edwards
March 11,2010
Page 2
The Foundation's governing documents provide that its general nature, purpose, and objects
include enhancing the civic, social and recreational interests of its members and otherwise
promoting the health, safety and general welfare of its members and their property. As such, the
action being requested of DEP to permit dredging within Clam Pass and Clam Bay is within the
Foundation's general scope of interest and aetivity.
Attached as Exhibit I is a recorded copy of Disclaimer No. 22150 issued by the Trustees of
the Internal Improvement Trust Fund in 1959 to Collier County's predecessor in title, disclaiming
any state interest in potential sovereignty lands within the Clam Bay system. Accordingly, as of
1959 title to the Clam Bay system was vested in the then uplands owner.
This area was ultimately conveyed to Coral Ridge - Collier Properties, Inc., the original
developer of Pelican Bay and the Foundation's predecessor in title. Significant portions of the
Clam Bay system were conveyed to Collier County in 1982 in connection with the PUD approval
for Pelican Bay. This conveyance was subject to a number of conditions required by the PUD
ordinance and expressed in the Quit Claim Deed (the "Deed") conveying the property to Collier
County and in the Covenants to which the Quit Claim Deed was expressly made subject. Attached
as Exhibit 2 you will find a copy of the Quit Claim Deed and the Declaration of Protective
Covenants and Restrictions (as amended, the Covenants) encumbering the property. It is clear that
pursuant to that conveyance to Collier County significant conservation restrictions were imposed on
the Clam Bay system. Moreover, the grantor in that conveyance reserved significant oversight and
approval rights to ensure that the conservation restrictions were faithfully observed, The Covenants
have subsequently been amended, Attached as Exhibits 3 and 4, respectively, you will find an
Amendment to Declaration of Protective Covenants and Restrictions (recorded at OR Book 4452,
page 3954, public records of Collier County) (the "First Amendment") and a Second Amendment to
Declaration of Protective Covenants and Restrietions (recorded at OR Book 4468, page 1475,
public records of Collier County) (the Second Amendment").
The Deed established within the Clam Bay system a Conservation Area and a Park Site.
Clam Pass is within the Conservation Area, With respect to the Conservation Area the Deed
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The reserved rights of the grantor under the Deed and the Covenants have been conveyed to the
Foundation by assignment. Accordingly, the Foundation stands in the shoes of the grantor and
exercises those same rights today, Among those reserved rights are the rights to approve
improvements in the conservation area and dredging. As amended, the Declaration of Protective
Covenants and Restrictions (recorded at OR Book 966, page 1843, Public Records of Collier
County) provides:
b.) CONSERVATION AREA may only be used for conservation
purposes, to include but not limited to such purposes as conservation and protection
of the naturaJ resources, wildlife diversity, scenie beauty and aesthetic vaJue of the
c.) No building, structure, facility or other improvement shall be placed
in PARK SITE or CONSERVATION AREA unless it is permitted by the
RESTRICTIONS and until DECLARANT [now the Foundation] has issued is prior,
written approval. DECLARANT may, in its sole and absolute discretion, reject
proposed structures or facilities in PARK SITE or CONSERVATION AREA,
regardless of whether such structure or faeility is a permitted use under the
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The covenants, conditions, restrictions and other provisions under
these COVENANTS shall run with the land and bind the property within PARK
SITE and CONSERVATION AREA. It is DECLARANT'S intent, by these
COVENANTS, to conserve and protect the natural resourees and scenic beauty of
PARK SITE and CONSERVATION AREA for the benefit of the present and future
owners of the real property enewnbered herein. The purpose of these COVENANTS
mandates, and it is DECLARANT'S intent in furtherance of this purpose, that these
COVENANTS be perpetual, In the event that any portion of the PARK SITE or
CONSERVATION AREA is ever determined to be owned by a party other than the
OWNER, the covenants, conditions, restrictions, and other provisions under these
COVENANTS are nonetheless binding and shall continue to be binding as between
DECLARANT and OWNER with respect to all of the PARK SITE and
CONSER V A TION AREA, including any sueh portion that may be determined to be
owned by a party other than the OWNER, in order to ensure that DECLARANT has
the opportunity to prevent, in its sole and absolute discretion, any adverse or harmful
or other consequence objectionable to DECLARANT in its sole discretion with
respect to the PARK SITE and CONSERVATION AREA, including those portions
OWNER shall not apply for dredge or fill permits in PARK SITE or
CONSERVATION AREA from any governmental bodies, regardless of any future
amendments to the statutes or regulations of the United States or the State of Florida
or as a result of decisions of the United States or the State of Florida, nor shall
OWNER cause any dredge or filling activities to be commenced under any such
permit, without the prior written consent of DECLARANT, which consent may be
withheld in the sole and absolute discretion of DECLARANT.
Accordingly, the Foundation is a neeessary party in any permitting process for activities
within the Clam Bay system, the PARK SITE or the CONSERVATION AREA, including
specifically dredging aetivities. Please be advised that the Foundation has not approved the
dredging activities in the Clam Pass dredging application submitted to DEP by Collier County.
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As part of the 1982 conveyances which established the Clam Bay conservation area, the then
Grantor reserved two parcels of land within Clam Bay for beach club facilities. Those parcels are
owned today by the Foundation. One of those parcels is adjacent and riparian to Clam Pass, on both
sides of Clam Pass, and thus to the Clam Pass dredging project. Accordingly, on this basis as well
the FOW1dation is an affected party with respect to any ofthese proposed activities.
The riparian ownership question is critical to this proposed projeet. In its application, in
response to question 14, Collier County simply indicated "not applicable" in response to the
requirement that it demonstrate satisfactory evidence of sufficient control and interest in tbe riparian
upland property. As described above, tbe entirety oftbe Clam Bay/Clam Pass system, botb upland
and submerged lands, was conveyed to tbe County by the FOW1dation's predecessor in title, The
Foundation reserved this parcel along Clam Pass and reserved rights to approve all development
and dredging activities, including tbe act of applying for dredging permits. Collier COW1ty does not
contest that the Covenants apply to tbe uplands, it simply suggests tbat the Covenants do not apply
to activities in submerged lands, presumably on the basis tbat Collier COW1ty believes that such
submerged lands are sovereign submerged lands. Attached as Exhibit 5 is a printout from the
Collier COW1ty Property Appraiser's records depicting tbe FOW1dation's property at Clam Pass. As
you ean see, tbe parcel is bisected by the pass itself, indicating that the Foundation owns tbe riparian
upland property on botb sides of Clam Pass. Also enclosed as Exhibit 6 is anotber printout from the
Collier COW1ty Property Appraiser's records showing parcels owned by the COW1ty which surround
the FOW1dation's pareel. It is elear from the application tbat elements of the COW1ty'S project,
whether the active dredging itself, staging, dredge piping or disposaJ area are occurring on the
upland property owned by the FOW1dation or by Collier County. As tbe covenants make clear
(irrespective of your position on ownership of the submerged lands), the FOW1dation's approvaJ is
necessary to even prosecute tbe application witb tbe Department. It is abW1dantIy clear, therefore,
tbat Collier COW1ty does not have sufficient control and interest in tbe riparian upland property to
prosecute tbe current application.
We continue to have concern over the lack of a demonstrated need for this project. When
the project was first conceived and the application put together by tbe COW1ty, tbe stated purpose of
the project was to provide beach compatible material for beach renoumislunent, as opposed to a
demonstrated need to maintain flushing in tbe system for the benefit of tbe Clam Bay resources,
Attaehed as Exhibit 7 is a copy of Question 33 and Collier COW1ty'S Answer, from a signed but
W1submitted permit application, which clearly states that "The project is designed to nourish the
beach of an eroded shoreline. ,., ,In addition to tbe borrow being a good source, the excavation of the
old interior channel will improve the flushing within the Clam Pass ecosystem." In response to
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Ms. Lainie Edwards
March 11,2010
Page 6
criticisms about the intended purpose of the dredging, Collier County revised the application to
reflect a putative need for increased flushing for Clam Bay resources. I do not believe that case has
been made by the applicant. The monitoring reports prepared over time by Humiston & Moore do
not suggest a need for dredging, especially to the depth and width proposed by the County, except
in those rare cases when Clam Pass closes. Excavation of Clam Pass without any demonstrated
need, and in particular over-excavation, will simply lead to greater erosional effects on both sides
and not provide any significant benefit for flushing, DEP staff has also recognized that the pass has
performed its flushing function better and longer when dredged to a smaller cross-section. Past
efforts to dredge the pass wider and renourish the beach have proven unsuccessful due to
accelerated erosion.
We are also concerned that Collier County has plans for navigational dredging with the
Clam Bay system, and that dredging of Clam Pass is part of that overall design. The DEP has
previously denied a request for exemption from Collier County for the installation of red and green
lateral navigational markers in Clam Bay, markers which the Foundation believes are intended as a
precursor of navigational dredging in Clam Bay. Attached as Exhibit 8 is a copy of an email dated
March 10, 2008, from J. Gary McAlpin, the Director of Coastal Zone Management of Collier
County (and the person who signed this dredging permit application on behalf of Collier County) to
Assistant County Attorney Colleen Greene. In this email.Mr. McAlpin asks Ms. Greene "Under
what conditions, if any, can the county dredge Lower Clam Bay for navigation?" Mr. McAlpin's
desire to see Clam Bay dredged for navigation even goes so far as to lead him to suggest that "could
the City of Naples apply/petition the regulating authorities to dredge the arealehannel for navigation
since it is owned by the state? Would this solve the problem with the deed restrictions and Collier
Given Collier County's original statement that the purpose of the project is to nourish the
beach of an eroded shoreline, rather than for mangrove flushing, and given the clear evidence that
Collier County would like to dredge for navigation in Clam Bay, the Foundation does not believe
that any dredging permit should entrust Collier County with the determination of whether or not
dredging is required for the health of the mangroves in Clam Bay, The Foundation believes that the
Foundation, as the riparian owner of land on both sides of Clam Pass, and as the party entrusted
with the obligation to enforce the Covenants, should be the party to make the determination as to
whether future dredging is required for the health of Clam Bay's mangroves,
Given the Foundation's legitimate coneerns about over-dredging and the recognized
erosional effeets, the applicant should be required to develop a detailed Mitigation Plan. based upon
reasonably expected or predicted geo-morphological changes in shoals. shorelines and other
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Ms, Lainie Edwards
March 11,2010
Page 7
features. The Foundation is likely to experience significant adverse effects on both sides of Clam
Pass as a result of the projeet as proposed, A permit specific Mitigation Plan would address
remediation necessary to address project related impacts to Foundation properties and infrastructure
abutting the proposed aetivity, A finaneial guarantee should be required to ensure Plan
implementation by the applicant.
We also analyzed the details for the prosecution of the work involved in this project. Both
the Department and the applicant have recognized that there is a considerable quantity of unsuitable
non-beach compatible material to be dredged, Collier County has said, simplistically, that if high
silt content material is found "the eontractor will remove and truck unacceptable material to the
landfill." As you can see from the photographs and from the plans submitted, there is IittJe suitable
space to stage and prosecute that work as the beaeh is both relatively narrow and far removed from
any suitable upland site for building a basin for and dewatering high silt content material. Access to
the beach site is provided by a long boardwalk. This is not realistic. As a practical matter, by the
time unsuitable material is identified during the dredging process, it will have already been
dispersed on the beach. This is not acceptable.
The Foundation wishes to be placed on the Department's notice list for this application and
to be apprised of activity involving the applicant. That notice can be provided to the undersigned.
In the meantime, if you have any questions or if I may be of any assistance, please do not hesitate to
call me,
~very truly your;"
~ .
/ obert P ~bl
cc: Steve Feldhaus, Esquire (w/enclosures)
Rich Y ovanovich, Esquire (w/enclosures)
Mr. Erik Olsen (w/enelosures)
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VlIl-3 New Business
27 of 183
45... 20
OF ,"Ill: 8'l'A'l'~ QF ILOItIllI\
NO. 22150
KNOW AI,!. HEN BY THlSK 'RBSIm'S, thlLt tho SQ,t. ot
I'10r1da tlU'ot.lSh t.hlJ 'I'r\IDtc.. ot tho tnt.rnal ltoprovef*lnt Pund
or thO State o.f P1o~lda, don hel"'lbY givo uot1ce that 1 t dla-
aatma aU r1aht, tHolo and IntCl'l't'ot or, 1n Ot" to tho rollowlng
de.oribed landa.
Ooy.mqn~ Lot 1 .nlit t.he Ki Qt NW} ot.
SecltlOh 21. 1'OVlllblp 1.19 SOUth, Rans'
25 lIa.t;
Oov.J'I'IIIIont. Lotio 2, 3 and 11 <d 8Qcl<lQA lG,
'I'<*I'Ilh1p 119 South. l\anp: 25 Sut}
All J'raotl/Jnal or lkNemaent. Lot 1 ot
!frjlTtOf'n~C;9'M1Y(Vf'lOU.. Seotion 8# T.Ow'nlnlp 119 ~th, RM~
.nlQll.......yOf If.) lCa.tJ
. .;..(15.. Tho wi and NWt ot 8Wt. BI or lllIh and
" (Jovel'nlll.ent. tot 1 or Seetion 9. Tovnohlp
1I9 South, ftaJ'\68 25 "atJ
OOVomlnOnt J.atID 1 and e or section ~,
'l'O'Ifnsblp 49 South, 2~ lIlefll
Ooyel'r1/ll.ut LOt II, l;ho sf ot HWj.J and
awl ot 8fGtlon I" TOIttlablp 119 BOUl<h,
RlanSO 25 Baetl
!tab portion or Oovernnent Lot J 111ng south
gt Bb&tCl ROAd No. 862J aU or aovel"J1ll'\tnt
J..Qt 2. ot 8eot,lon 32:, 'town.h1p TiS South,
/llmso 25 Baall
'tbe sw. of Uotlon 33, 'I'own~tp 1'18 8outb.
R&ns,t 25
All 111nl and IUt1nlin ColHer CountY, Plol"1da.
IN ~DlOH'( wKIRI€W the 'I'.n.te.. of' the Intema1 1
JJlprova..nt IUnl1 ot the State or ,Plor1c1a
have bereunto a.dJ~ribecl their 1lUIo.. and
att1u4 th_1r .cal and hl,ve caut,d th_
..&1: or .,HI 1JIi'A1nJIIR'r OP AORXOVIIl'URI 01
"fIB BfA'1'1 0.- J'LMXDA ~ be MN'lDtO .ttixed
at tha CapUol, 111 thlt 01$1' of '1'al1a~I".,
on tb1. th_ 1511b daJ' or J\Ifte, A. D. 1959.
~.r ~tlo'
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
Vlllw3 New Business
28 of 183
11111I13 III ~ In
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QlUT-4ADI .at
TM. Qut"'Cl.. lIMIt ClI&:"-' UI. 13\. '''' 11'I "'r11, '.. bJ
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~4tfOltu:r,tce ....... h Collier CNIIt1 lIovt.--n !:DIIlu. ......
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May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII~3 New Business
.111:1 I' AT IllY TJIII nc IUPKII TII AS "11: snr II usn "
,. MY liUIIOIl OtIIa 1'11II" ...11; IUCN eMl1M UlATlD UIlEATI_
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May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIlI-3 New Business
30 of 183
"'1_ Of $lQlgq :rz.. :rl..._lOlIISMl' 41 $OUfII.
IAIIInlAST.......TIOIS..x.;u0l$4 III ....,
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eo....wt. .... "stt1~tIH' fo," .."t... fit Sldt.., U' .. ". T....tlt' u
~ .,,.. rI Eat .... Portion of $tc:ttOl'\'S 4. 5, . IIIll 9, r..t"', .,
SOtn...... tltlll, Colll...CO'fttI. nond,
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII~3 New Business
31 of 183
1. USE It:S'l'Iu:rms.
.,) ,Ml sm ..., . II'" f.... aM. ...,.tt.. ., . ptlbltc "ac~ lilt'"
...1alli ....". ,,"''''0.' Idhit.ttl 1M for fttt1fU.. vtUI" NIl S1Tf,
,.,.tthll ., IDTIJCTIOII, t. acclll'lllllC. vtU tMM caYEMlTS.
It,,) IIIKDATu. MfA tv 0111, .. "" f.r _..ruUn PII!'tOIf, to
tl'l:h. .. .. n,lled to HCh Jia".... .1 eorrten.tton .... ,rotacUOII '3 U.
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UlI .Mn DEa.MMT tI.. It..... Its prt... 'III1th. ."",..,. Dm.MMT1.., I,
tt. ..1. 1M ....,.. ftteNtI". ~ .....tfI ItrctuNS or flCn u.. I"
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.... wtlteh ,. IIl1 wit .ft.... tflt .d,rlor ...."""" of IJl1 .tPllC1II.. lit
....".... .tt....... ,. ,..Ior writtt. .,pro,.l .r DECLMUT.
..) _1:1 ..11, prior ta thl ~~'" Of' "'" COftltrvcttOIl tn 'M.
Sill .11I fDI$OYAnOl MfA, 10_11 II ...... to KCLMAIT ,.. 'o11owt..
_awt"11 U), .,,,t_tNrl' CtIfIC"'- ,I'll dte' ,..11 1I..1uR sc...."c
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Nt1... ... 1.11:.. _artab p""""; .11I (ftt) 'cOIII'tnlttto. ',.... IIlll
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..'III .....tNlll I"oU'-l, .,....., _"".. _J.d to .....fred ,hi,.." or
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
Vlll~3 New Business
32 of 183
NJ.t. 'IICII '1.... ,,.,..1. ... ..-Ifleat.f_ ., I'" I_ItIed 1:0 ft u
NCYf"'" ...... 'aUart" .....f. "",u.. _","11 of DUUIAIT ftf ,11 .Id!
,1ut. ..,......,. ... ....fffu"... ,rlor W t.1lI _...... of ...,
.......'f.. s.11 .. ~ a ..",,1 lI,.tel""'" .. KCLMMT .-.11 ,.
I&nI Ut rltf!l. ""'itl. t.. IlI1 oU&r tit'-' ~,tM1 ., 1_ Of' f. "'\1.
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tort.flw1Ul at. OIIlII'S .......
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... ."17 .1t.antf.. ., "" 1\.... 1..11 ... .. ctnlb9lll ... tilt"'...... ..
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'1' cowltruct ,...
'.J DBUIAIT ....1' M_ flit d141. 1'I...llItltU 0" 1IotlltJ '0 IIQ'
... or 1:0 11\1 wi_ ....... .......... III ....t to ... u.n::t. '" "I
rt... or ,.. flnm A IItrel.. IIlClMMt .., NSlICt "...,
'1'flIIOI'" lid IHCtflcttf "'fWI . or ....... *"1OI..r.
hellllll.. ,..,.11' ..UII' ,.,. ....,vt. dlsc"t'..
Ha.IoUIT"1 .f.l. , cf 5lIdl .....
MI. ,. _ so" . (tJ till II.~
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..... "rTOUnd' till 0"...11
~\1...t (fll "f..Ctttltllt
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.,tart" 1M
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IIhe...... fill'
I. rtTS.
All Illctrlc, """""iJ" 1M OW" I/Itll\1I1",. IlUII biI tlllt.lltd
r,::;1.":~b..~w..,P;:=. 111 It....... or "",..'t'''I of thl SUt. f1f
.. .t,'lIe ........... .....~ 1191'1, n\ttIIM, .1ectr..t~ dtY1cn.
...... ...... or cttl.. ..~ leal... .....'" ... Chg) &lItCMIt IMn III
,.,.lnaII ~ II ."... Ilr f.U1.MM1' in wrttl.... ,,'llDD:'.'I.'or
""'" If' till n..e.) ", 'III U11ltH ",h. If ....rice, 'Uti' of ".rid. 0"
~n'.. CtuIeJ. ,...U. ... "lClI IUI" "..(1) at .... rtr.' ...rov.4 ,.
w"'" ., DEtLMMT IlMll . H,.I'm. ........... IloW"", t,. .",11 .1Id
lIatf. '" .... n....'.\.) "It till ffl'lt. ........ 111 wrlU... '" KnMUI'.
An .,ro"d fl..,.,. "'" lOt III I'Md U III ..........
SCIltDUL( "I.-
May 20. 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII~3 New Business
33 of 183
OR 900K
.. fDUOlMt _ JeClSSOI' ~.
.. YR" 'IN'....... ~ .....'..., tlMel.. (IY'.) ... ""'1tnI7
.....bN. ...11 .. ,.,.,,,. ..,.. ".tr .1n. .....,.... .. t.wpo...l'7
=,JI:r ,. NIl SIT1 ... CIlISElun. MEA M" n..., .11 ."""" "
I. .,n.''''
10. ..... QUlMm.
All ......... alii "'.. ..u,.... In ,. sin ... COI5IJYA1U11 MIA .1111
.. ,1'" ... ..lilt.,.. ., lIIIIII 'II tt,NIt,_ .... ~I.n or .-
0UlII' tttNCII... c....... II .......d ... <<*UIUT. For J1I".... or tMI
""-' ....... .11 .... tr weill ..l1ar CHtaI... .lliIn ill .. caul.....
.. .ItncU. _.f..,.. All ,n taM.. ."1. ... taIlb, ..rI...... ....
... ...... .... ........ ......... .." lie II"~ ar ".. III
.,--........ .... It *' _ _11 .... .. l"I..n, "'stltl.. Ir ...._
,......,.. "'11 .. IMUlled ...... ,.. ,~nt,," .... .,tIt.,"" .., MIl.
11. AD c:..mOllU.
14. 1AlLS, ,
It ..11.. ,
It,.,.... ...n
;;~... .~..::;,. ,
,..... -. '"''''
wIloM _-hf. Uiill
. ....rior Hllrtl,. .f ,Ml SIT'[ or C0159YATtal MfA ..11 /lit ,,""ttld
."lIolI'l DEQ.1MlIT'S ,r'a" ""''''" .,...v.' If . UpUIII ,1&11 IYIIIrf'Ud liT
,.. MlIlTllAllCE Of "DlllES.
.. rtfll.. .r IlMfJIlt1J NJe;U ....11 III In... t. .. ,lan' 0,. .tIffllr'M
,. .....'11 fit ". SITI II' CRlDYATllII MP. All """11'" ..,.. nell'''. tll
PMl sm: .M ....,.,. MIA....11 .. _, .. .... .If.. cl..... ." ..
dtnctl,. call1fttt... ... an a,rc.h,.. 'M fKl1ftl... ....n .. ..tllt,l_ I-
I f'nl*l .... ...t"nl.. CGMttlorl~
17. ou:&.MMT'S PCULM1'IOI.
DltI.MMT ..,. 1"'''. .ISNlIld ., ..., tu ,...tlllon Dr .p",tal in Ulr
tll....K.. .... n. ,.......t.. .... ....."1 " ,,"1'''' Dr I"tIIIVh..a wI'hovt .n,r
UaltHf",., IIW "'11I'I or "M1 te CIIIIGt or to IflT ot.,. ,......... rlr .., "....
....,.....r. .. .., ,.,...t.. or .,,....1 IP'"tad ,"11 III bl"""" ..,." .11
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIIl-3 New Business
34 of 183
. (J
If It.... U_OWII ac., "IIL"CIl'"".
1.~, II" or nJlerwt.. I:O'l I ft r t:OIISUVATJutI MU. or
:~t,." ~~. .rt:',lI'l(Nl"" rlftllctlo:. cn:c~'::::l,~lr't..:t~~
rt~ wnlllft .11t.J'1.0) ..,. to IeC"t 'Ill "'.... of 'hi '",,0'''' tr""l1ctton
tn "" ..,. .... for tflI ...... Pll"CN" .rtce ,lid Oft ~III tll'lll ,",lfl.d f.
...14 tl'U.ldt... If DKLMAIT ..11 11I1 III tltct .ttlllft tilt uld ,.'IIMl,
011I0 ..., tMlt _11 .r ca.., Mal SJR 01' t'OISQIYATJOI MEA Ie ..,.r,
,"ytdell ,Ile u1l ,,.....110. It an 'III t_ qIWI ... condilloM 1M for ""
,r1C9 Nt fort" III the ,",lied t'IIl*'tDlt Aftt to UEClA,UlT.
t. 1.fI1SlATlD'.
0IIIIl ...11 _t fII,l, for 11I""1.. or fill , III PMr; SIn: or
C11ISOY.UIQ1 MfA ,.. If\J 1D"~lIt11 Mdtn. rtll,.nn. of IQ' '111""
.......1:1 tel t" ,ntlltl. or Nlvhth'" 0' u.. ""11" $td" or tile St.t. Of
norid, 01' I' . NW1t fit dlChlOM rif tilt COlrt.. of till Un1t8d $..",. ar tile
H.te rtf flort... .Ullalt till prior ""IUlft eonlllll af OECL~ whfcll
1. (1IfOM;IJIE1rf AID ASSl"IT.
..) DfQ.AIIAIn' Nit,.... ,,~o ItMlf till "eM. and UW lI_r. Itl \0
,"'orc. 'M: cateMot., c_IUOIl" NstrtcUDft.. .I'd ,U.r pnt.1IlOll' Of tlllll
I. 11Sl1l'IID Illlf11.
I.) IIlClMUT N'''''' till nfl' .. CIfIII''''. ""'I" ,lid ..Intltn
~.. .fit......'tf't.ln u ,...,t... ., tfle u.s. ...., "'" tIIl..tlltmi
",.11 ..,..... ........ II. IN1J Spiilct,' CeIlInt.. ~J II I"'ICI...... I"
Offlcl.' ........ 10011 ,.. , 'lit lJ2I rJ tlit 'uItlfc IKords ., Clt1U.,. COU...,.
~J DIa.MAII' N.,..,.' III r.__ 10 cOMtruet. ""trlle ",,,.,..
...,.t", ,.110 If" rtWthl . ,rt... 'a.. ..Me'", ,.,."riM' ,;I .UH'f...
u ., lie awtMr1Ml1 b ....M... I~I' ..,.. t,.. "'''' .. Ud 0Ift
CURlaT. MIA. wlb u. "'1M or l/lfI"IIsa .. 01"11. In I 1:."'101 .,
h""_ lL 1'NlItIf, 4t s.u. ..... n r.d. to11t.,. Covtlty. n,rt .. " ...
,.rttnl...l, HKrtIlllll .. blrltMt .... aU,,1IIlf Iltnto ,nd..... .. p.rt ...-f.
'"I.MAII' 11I1. t" U. '01,
ttIIM amurrs If' ..., ,art:
... 1\11"" Ie _Itft"
nat ..mfllf.H, t
orfl"...1111tt. ,ort.
I. W'tU.
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
V1i1-3 New Business
35 of 183
caw...,.s. 1M (H) " "111"'. .. .I.t,", .."." ocll1lln1.J Dr
___1..t,.l,. .., Of' a11 af I" r1fllll, ........ IIn'" or ''''.11.... " .,.,
,....... ... ...". DECUIIM1' I..n " ...." . "HI'UM ,. ""11" Of'
....p ~~ .. U, r'I""', ....n. .11\'" .~ ,rhll"" enta'" '" ,....
caftJIMIS ,. '11' "nI. 'I' nt,,,.
..) DRtMAIT ,11I11 ... UI ..."" .... u. ,.., " "",reo ,..
e.......... c...,''',,,, nlVtcttMl .... t""" ,n'''''''1 ''''_ b" ttftt
c:a.~ ., .., 1II'!M!JII!lI'" It 1. .r '" ..." III'", .... PI"'" ,1,ld'"
... -..'f. II ...tate ... ... ""',t..... " ...."..,. or .,'.llt"1I ,r
a"-\lil ""tat,. ., .... ,"""fen. te ".'" .."le 'Iff...... "
Mell ,.....,_. t:o roc..,. II..... f.r yt.ldt.., It .1Id! ,,."'.,....
'.n.... ., DECIAUIIT .. ut'm:. ..., II Mil .nYlII_ INn 1" .. ,WII' ...
If.-d a WI1'f1r of ,...,. rt,lIl to lie " tlllNafta,..
la SOUMll.m.
If ... ste\1...,.. ....... clal1.. "'..... '" rIf tJIIu
COftIIIIq t.. f... ..., ....... .111 'II'I..Ui .r VllCOlIIIUtaU.." v &Ill CGUrt. "
........ .:Iurll.tct1111. tucll PI"t" ,,-,, '" ~ . ",.ntl. ilI'.U.t IIll!
t.......... pm". aM ...n .t "'tct t.... ,.Bd":, rIf tlot .....tnt..
port1oa ',*,of'.
nan . not
"1 '-'l1f'" Ea,'"u
I. .I......:~....~I"'~. ,....
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII~3 New Business
36 of 183
'-, &AOllll.
A tane1.. 1... .. ...u. n. 'fWIIAlp 41 ....c... ..... 2' 'uc.
c:ow.q. """w.. ........... .. I.U_l
c-.... ae: ,.. lIlur..U.. .t ._ Idc U..
., ..... ...,s.. N ,I.' CM 1ft" 111M .1 V.,. 11M .1
.,.....I'\tl, ...._ ~ c.... .. .-H2)1
o.c. ....cb WSlISO"' "'C, d-. t:M ... U.. d ..u
...,... ". . .11"_ .r "'.M I_I
...... ...cll ".D'L" V,,'. . .Ie~ .t P7P.JZ ,"C
to . .... .. ,.. .1'.....1' ~ 11.. ., c_ Mic..
.., o..ernc.... ....,
a-. ~ ..... ..n.."', ~ 1~ C_ reU.....
lb. (:5) ........
.... ...U.... v..c, . ...,.... ., .:t.M 'ani
....., '1'.2111'- v.,c. a ....u...f H'." f.tlll
....,. A~">>tI "'c, . .te.... al 4'." '"CI
...'" ...lUlsr ....1. . .~. at 4IJ.IJ 'MCI
Ia.Ul "."'l1t1 . 40." '_to u
........ '"
1., L
...... 1
w ,.., ,......, -.ct....., I, ,.,......', ao","~ ..... u r.u. C.1UU c.v.ty,
"oriN, 1,... ...,,, .f a. ...., v.., ., 0.,... ~ ..., ... ..n or llw Ov1f 0'
".&col .... lip"CW a_c.... 1.1 r..c.
..w s-. .n..u, I'S..... ..... 'n 0.1110.. t:evfttJ'. n..,I....
..w:a, n:
.. s...., ., la-' .....,.. .. hnbU )I ... n. .,...... .. ...,.., ..... 1$ "",
... ". ...,s.. ... ,. . ... t. ~.. .. hut" ..... 15 DoC. ~lU... ~Q'. n...Ua.
II ,.n- fIl ..w crO" ...... ill poI"C 01 'o..coh "D"' ... IfJIo of ra.JCAIlIIrM' Wit 1Ill1.
..cortUf &0 tM ,J.n u.r.r. r_...... _ nOI Ir-.k U. .... U d.rltUp 5:2, or IN
PU.U. ........ or .. COJ 11.... ClIu.Icli'. ..w tract "1.. .....,1... I. I.ll....J
e-. .. ct.. Ioonlilllu, e_r ef ,.. IoooIMot _t-ll...rt...
(IV \) 0' NUl '..c!oll I. 'hvIa...., ", ...... U ''''1
doMw:. Iaurll"'"SO'S." ,,-, .to"'1 ,h. .....'" U.. of ..W SKelll1l' ror
"".31 ,.., '0 ,.. ~ .r ..,lMa.. ., ,.. hen'" ',,"1'1"". non
,"-ac. lanlllOO'2"O
Cktlco "' Morl\l :to'tI',," r....' for '.01 (..u
tllt'lIC. Iwtll ,,-11'24" k.c 'or J.n ron ~. UIlI "-'uul, 1I....r
theNI CiHltlsllO s....,. "'SI'l'" ~It '01' II." 'Uti
,blIl1u "Utili to-"'u- ~H r.r n.)' r..~ ~. ~lw lI..nr17 u.. .,
~.. '.Ue_n hJ' r...nY_n~ DJ..U'ht ..~ .upe gf "'71
11'... *uh U"Of"UIt z..c, 11... uti! al.llt Dr WoI,. 11..., ror '2."
I.u t. ..&II ""CClrlJ 11_ .r 'ural "0",
~ Cl"U_"rU U"ot'U" ENe rer n.n r.ClI e. ebe poiM .r
~I:.'" et a dl'llule.. un/a C_rIlI "' t"- V.U ....1.. . ....t.. ..
".01 '.nl
c.... 1IK1:.....'...17 Cll-. c.. en: e' ..:101 ...1"1. chrllUlh . IIU"'CI.
aq10 ., ""0'1" 'or '.JI '"' n .ai4 ..,.d, UN ., r.rCll "P'"
J .f,.
[DillY ..~"
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII-3 New Business
37 of 183
... '"
May 20. 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII-3 New Business
38 of 183
,..... c.,t_ -.c..r1, ... _""'",1"1, aloq d" .n: a' .d'
"'''" c.,.... . u.crel _.h of l"oo'JO" 'or ...54 ,., c. c1ll potac
., r.q_:rl
,..... IItnlil u.u'n....' 'or 265.11 ,.... ~ ,.. ",ill' .f Illln''''1"'
d . ct~r con. c__ co 15'" .........'1
c.... .n....'.dy .1.... e1la .n .r MW "ION. .,s., far In
111__" . .._SIlo of 1'.00 lu, .. . nand .".l. d :r3-SO'~)" for
,..... ..nlil ,,-II'"" II.., ro.. )".4' ,_ ,. eM 1Io1:'''14CI1oo lidllil
taU .,."...1, I'" .r 'unt ",.~
cl\ellc. cncbJoo lI"'c" ".n'"" Va" r.r 14.91 r..c to eto. ,.lac 0'
~I.n 01 . ctftllb.. ell...... ,""-'v. t. ,Ile ...rcbe"'5
ue.e_ __e....ur:r1.1 ... .."....I,. .11ftII ell. .... of ..... ""..". lI.wUIo
,., Uo .1....c. . raa.. .f ....00 fMe ... . <! ...1. ., 6.-"'22"
ta1" ".S) 'M' ,. eM ,.la' fit '.....'1
,... lanll 01'14'01" !a" lor 1.... (on '0 AU Vu'...11 11'" o(
'Oft" ".,..,
In- 'lNtllalM "1'1111 01."'''. w.., for 163.11 lu, '0 'M ,..In, ot
....r..III". .1 . "",1I1.r ell....' CO"O.' '0 ,.. '-'''-II
;:~rI~:.-:i::~:= :":.::~'~,~~ ;~:~..::-..::,,::.~~.;:I;; ;::i;'uH
'or n.lIt...llllho..l.t.r ........'i
I... ..n1ll 2....U.. V.., (or 2.. ..s. "'It 'It 1M l'Gi.e ., '''"It.1
., . ,"'111.' IlIr.. .OQI;..... Co ,.. .rchlll" I
~..... "'nl....u..I1' .... ...rc...11' ..... 'M .n ., uU Cy....o .....1..
I.,. II. -"_.. . ..adlu. ., ".00 10" .... . l!"lnl .It&l. .r
>>..s,'''- (or ]I.ot I... ,. elto "'.1 .f ,.......,.
~. ..n:liI WWU" "'., 'iM 417." '..ti
,..... .rch GJI'.'" U. Vo-" ,or .s1l.:tG r..u
dIoac. "'rc' U-O,'o." V.., t... ).50.11 ,..I 10 Iho ,.1111 of 11..1"1'''''.
.1. drqJ....cla.... c_... " elM III..;
:t., U
UIlI'IT ."..
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIIl-3 New Business
39 of 183
OR &0011
,...... .,n..'....b" _"_'1, ... _nlMuc...l, .lni 'M ...c ..
...... nnoe MV'" len I.u aa...U . n'1II4i at M.OO I.l .... . cacnl
...1. .. ,.-""JO'" .. 5:1.:17 f.., co "" potllt. or c_'-"I
c..... IItn1l1rn'l" Ian I. U1.,. IMt co ..141 lIut.rlJIt.1 or
~ .-&1.... *nlll"U'J'" an fIJII' n.Ol I.., c. ..W ".c.e.I,
I'" 01 hft.a. "II'", c.... ...c&..e 1D"1I U~l'JAo" ...e. .... S.'1
,..c to e.M ,.he. 0' elu".'.... .r . .iI'I.tar ._ c_.... co ,_
c"'.. ... *n"nl, d... clio a.,. of ..U 0.,.... "'h.
r. ic. .._u a ,..1.. .r "'.00 ._, ... a e_naa _.... of
"oU'". '0.. 1101,n r... co elle "he of IOqftCJ'I
cMIIcO "',1I ....,..30" ,,"I 'or 10.:17 ,", 10 ..14 Voa'.rlJ JiM
olktul "D"I
c..... ....,J_ .ucll "'1")0" h.. for In.'1 f'''l
I..... ..c.,.
1"-0 cao.dlluo KoI'clll U'U'l'" Wn. f... $.0) f~'1
,,*,q .nh 17'06'1." w"." r_ ".05
"hone. .nlt U'OJ'U" V..e I... 53.01 '..CI
,"'ac. ..n. ,,'OJ'U" Vue. fill' 22.11 ,..u
~. ..uta "'U...,. Van fO'l' 1).71 I.ocr
,.... .'cll H'!M"U. II..c f... 'l.n ,.,.c co . 1'...., .. tlHl ..rtta
l1Ao .t ..101 Plrca. .. J"l
,..... ..n. Gl'OD'IICl"'" 1M.' for 21.00 f..c,
c.... ..n" ,,'jl'lt" I.., I... n.u Coati
~. ..nil I7"Of'IO"" ...... 'oe 10.00 ,..c.
DIU'" .A~
.. .
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIlI.3 New Business
40 of 183
OR 80011
~~ .,.. 1:1........ ....~ ror n."" fMe ~. 'M "'.'."1, ......, .t "-'
II.. of ,... feUu. .., 1""",_lIt D'urlcc Zlr.1aaIp ._., .114
ha'.17 .........", of WOJ' Uftel
,lIMe. ..." ..-10'00'" VOn ..... ..... v..,...., IItp, .t "'1 11_ to..
UJ.. ,...,
........nII 21-5:1'01- \Ion fo.. '....11 ,... to., .r c.,.,.,..u
" . c:lrCll1llI' CIl...' DOKn'. .. 'M ..rc.......
,.... ...r'........q d... ,'" orc 01 ..W nn-, -s.a 'or 'to
.J_CO .....llM.r ....00 ,_... , IIntn. oq1e ., u.-)4"." fft'
14.10 I.., to . ..&at .t tapM:rJ
~. IID"" M-W"G" ...., ,... 7".01 'Me to _ .f llu"'t.....
.r,.lnul.U"VI\Ie ca.,..,. t. ClIO """'''1
,..... ....'lMI.'''lJ, """'I'1:r'" ...".....11' _11Mll tho .ft of
M1, .~.... ........ r.r u. '~to . T..t,.. Itf '~.DO fn' aNI . co.n..'l
..,,10 or Sl-U"S" for n.'J '"' ,.. ,.1.~ o. I_lOG"
~-..-. Mortk "-M'm" ....., f.... :M!).n het to _ ,"'" .f eunwCIn'. of
, dI'C1I1ar c...... __ ~. 'M "''''''''''1
IIl..c. IIen""'.urb 01"". 1M ore or la'tl u...... hltwh. for h.
.1_" . I'''~ or , r..~ .... . c..u.. ..,1..' 1~'D6'"'' ror
10." fon '0' ,.:lll' .r ~."".C1J
'M"'" *,rch ]"0"06" W.n '01' 1'2.)1 'IIOt to. pol., 01 C'1I...."un
.r . dR...... CIOn'. r'nn". " ~ho .lIhoooc I
,.... ..rc........r.y .1... 'M .rC' ., ..W C,..... "'''iAI r., 11.1 ........
. ......... of ".DO r_t oM . colun1 .,.1. .1 .f'),"7" ror l1.n f...
~. , ,ota~ .f to.,."",;
,"-'. IIDn. U-It'U.......M r., "'.11 ,... t. . pol.t of !run...... 0'
~~. "reMIt..,J,. .11".1'., ... ....,...uorJ, dclq: ,lite .n. .r .....
.- "'''1~ for h. c1_t. _ ....lIra ", 14.00 'M' ... . e_t,al
..,1. .f )2 )0'.0" "'1' 47." too, 10 . PD'.' of to...-"
. ot ..
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII-3 New Business
41 of 183
tMtIel "".lI.01'U. 1aI" In U,"U I.K eo I pollt " 'lI~ell"
01. cUed.... .....,. ,_, u eM 1IDI'''''''''i
.,..... ,,""'u.r!)" 101... .t. .... .t .11' '11",' ...... f... au
II_M' . "..... III It.GO teel nt . __".1 _&h .1 U. U'lg"
fn 1.11 h.. Ie' ...... .. u.._"
,,",I ..n. orot'OJ" 1M" r... .." r.. .. . ,.SII.. .t "",Illln
.f . dr..... ClUW, _ t' .... ........"
::-::.-==~ :-:.:::;-;:~~ :=-.:.....:.::::a1':r:i t;::;iU"
I... I.GS rift 10 S ,.&M III .......,-,
n..n ....... "."'IS" Ill. f_ .'1..... I.n; " . ,.h. .r .."........Mh .r
. clra1al' ..~ c__. ... .._ -...:;
...... ...."'...eclW'lJ. ...-.:t.rlJ' ... ....."'.....,., ,.., tIN Ire If
taU brI'I 1IW1... ,... te. .1_... ,,"h. 0' ".00 ,.... .... I
~_...l -ak of :tt'4J'"'' ,. I",~ ,.... co. ,.tat III .......,.;
....... ............'4..... ror :nOon r..1U
dwM. .1''''' 4t
IMM. .nll " w... 1.1' ft.'6 fUll
....... "ntl In.05')O" lit.. r... N.ot 'DI"
ttll1M!. ..nil 10.00'1'" Velt t... 11'..' ".q
t'-. Jllfell ".U'1)....... r... 14'." hn;
e..... ..,." ea."..,,, 11'1 f... US." 1_.
,"pu .n" ".'0')4" r.... '0" n.n I....~
t~. .rtk )1""'''. v.1t "1' 13." ,..el
~. ....1. )1.JO'"'' ,.It h.. 104."" r""1
"........""".)1.011' Vetiel.... J".l1 1'''''1
...... .......b '''.OO'U'' Vel.. '0" .,.,. I_"i
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
Vl1l~3 New Business
000 ass
~ IIKUI ''''''p. WI.t r... U.71 r.c to . ,olllt .. C,. "'"
1~ III ..I' ....c.... :u ... c. 1Mt u... .r ,d' Incl" :n, NId
,.laC ..... ....'11 ".'50. _n. I ,"""'0 " l"'.OJ tnc h_
* 1Motl...., ~" .r .." Ind.. .u, .
dlMM ""'"~ ...." ',..0..... 1IMt tOl 1011.00 r"cl
tMuO IIIIIrtIl 11',.'44" w.u rer ".Of
..... """to n''''>>'' VIII r... IDJ.'O ,..Cl
U-C. IID"" ."U'U. """ ,.. ".01 ''''I
ClMIlto .rU ,,-a,'lt" vue f.. u.n 1''''1
daeo Itn~ .....n.. Iaft fN 14t.U 1'....1
'"_. 1IN't1l ",'u'a.. ...., ,... S06.n r"'1
,...... "nil U'1S'I'" UIl' ,... an.'J f'''1
'hAIlCI ......tll Z6')I.'12" r..n for ~U..O ''''1
''''_1 ,"Cll IO'U',." ~" fl.. n... '"Ill
ta-. Jlprc" ""U"U" I.., fIr n.JO r..U
~"-IIC' "ell "'>>'41" ,.... n.u ,.."
'..lllDrc..,'40l')1" r.., 'oC" 67,'1 r.."
t"-III .....'111 U'41'U" !Ut foC" >>.10 f"'1
,.._ ....eIl OJ'J1'JJ" ~at for l".J' ,.."
,..... ...... It"SltM. "s, hI' :tn.iJ ''''1
,____ ...." 42""~" &aM flC' 1.l1." ''"I
May 20. 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
Vlll-3 New Business
43 of 183
,u-aIou.IlIU-,,'l" ..., fa.. 114.'5f"'1
~o ..... 11"1.""''' 1:1I0' I... 111.10 f"~1
~ SlIer" 13..'11..... 10" f_tl
......... cq-U',.".... for ...11 flHU
t'-P ...... ""-I". .,.., f... I:M." r..U
u-.. "-.I" 1&'"10'01'" .,.., fo.. U2.U ron;
........ ...11 05-"'.. ""' fOr ft.14 '1H1I
,.... ..,.p ~SI'Dl. .... ,. n.n r"cI
,,-" ""11 01'"41'''. Won '0.. 0.1' .nc t4I . ,.tot 011 tho
~.. lha III _U ........ 31 ... ,hi ....,-., U.. .1 NU "'u. S,
NW ,.IlK, IItnll ..-,..".. .n, . IU..lIN:O of "'.11 folt
Ir..M ........., ........0..... "U"')21
cr..c. ~..'- ...,,, lIl'U'4 ..
cll*N:. 11IYcll >>'0)')'" 11111 ro.. )J.l1 fll'l
."-ov. ....... ""11'40" 1100' for ".11 h.,~
CHIIt. ,_," .'(15'03" lien 'err 11.15
t.... IIDrIt" to'OO'OO" VIln hI' ......._u1, no ,..t '0 ItH _..
up v..... u.. If c.. GlIal, 01 Itoddl
...... ........ ao.,hld, hr 0",....i..111, 454' I... -a_, AU
YlCU U.. 'I thl ....C.. U.. .f .ai. keU.. 5 ._ thl .nll 11.. or
,.... c_tJ_ oloa& ,d' ....... u... 10'1' .......t._tl1)' .un 'u' co
dlo Iou&1l UM .f..W...."...
cUau "nh "',,'sr ..., .1_. M.' Sou'" U_ III 'aU I.... 101"
_IfMSM.~, 111 "" II 1111 ..ut..... eIIntI.. or III' i41rci.. . .-
1M ...,__t ......... I' uU I.ceillll "
'If it
WI'IT .,,"
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII~3 New Business
44 of 183
..... .r\~ ,,'")0'"" .... ..... ,.. ....lIlw., .U hu:Lla ,
IN 1171.4J l.-t u ,.. hS... ., ..._....
LIII ... Olle." tMnI_ . ,...ul ., .... lIelli" ~ ..ill ~.iM '. row.HS, ~,
...". .... u ..... .......... .. '.Uewl
a-.ncSlil 't ,.. __'MI" ...... .1 UIa 10...-.... ...~
...n... CIII r.o .. .w ...,... 4. 1I:IwI1dI .. ...n. .... IJ
...... _nil .....,... ""'. .~ ,... "nil 11.. ., MI' 'H''-
.. . .u'AIM ., 1"1.01 .... C. 1M ..n..... _..... .. ....
Slcc'" . 1M ,.. IIt"MMC ,....... ., MU hnL.. '.
..... ,..u.. ...UI Iru'u" h.. &1... 'M ..... 11.. ..
MilIlMcS. J. . ".'Ma. 01 111).47 r... "' 'M' 110...._1.....
"itil ,.. n....... ....~. of *'lInl a...n:.. c:."'1
_II".,... _.m u... .. r.....'" S. CDUTM. nr ~ 100I. I,
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May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII~3 New Business
45 of 183
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May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII-3 New Business
46 of 183
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May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII-3 New Business
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May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIlI-3 New Business
48 of 183
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May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII-3 New Business
49 of 183
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May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII-3 New Business
50 of 183
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May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII-3 New Business
51 of 183
htI: 1M: IftIIOmn
1151 "mU II! mil
WUI n 3U11
4295892 OR: 4452 PG: 3954
UCOID.1l lD lb. oRlcm UCOJIlI 01 COLLI" CIlUIT'I. rL
05/15/1011 I! 01:3111 OVlGIT J. IIOCI, CLm
ac HI
("Amendment"") is made this ~day of May, 2009, by Pelican Bay Foundation, Inc.,
a Florida not for profit corporation (hereinafter referred to as the "Declarant"), as
successor to Coral-Ridge propertl . 0 If and its successors, grantees and
assigns. 0( '-' ~.,y
0" 1'J-:.
8<< n 20th Declaration of General
on 2 and 33, Township 38
, T wnship 49 South, Range
. rded in Official Records
County, Florida (the
end, waive, or add to the
, to the modification or
tially impair the general and
WHEREAS, the real property described in Parcell and Parcel II, respectively, on
Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof (referred to in the De<:laration and
herein, respectively, as the "Park Site" and the "Conservation Area"), is cUJTelltly subject
to the Declaration; and
WHEREAS, WCI Communities, Inc., a Delaware corporation, is the successor
by merger of WCI Conununities Limited Partnership, the successor by merger of WCN
Communities, Inc., fonnerly Westinghouse Communities of Naples, Inc., fonnerly Coral
Ridge - Collier Properties, InC,; and
WHEREAS, the Declarant is the successor to WCI, Inc. pursuant to the
Assignment of Rights, Privileges and Obligations (parle Site and Conservation Area)
dated April 21, 2009 and recorded in Official Records Book 4446 at page 11 0 I of the
Public Records of Collier County, Florida, and the Assignment of Certain Rights,
I 3
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIiI-3 New Business
52 of 183
htll: U!Il: 1JlII0IUn
1151 mlCU BAY 1m
IlPUI IL lltOl
4295892 OR: 4452 PG: 3954
ueaulO 1n thl orlIClM ueaul 01 eam.. c:avm, lL
05/15/2001 It OI~JI" mGIT I, llOCI, ellB
("Amendment"") is made this ~day of May, 2009, by Pelican Bay Foundation, Inc.,
a Florida not for profit corporation (hereinafter tefmed to as the "Declarant"), as
successor to Coral-Ridge Properti 0 If and its successors, grantees and
assigns. O,,-y ~<V./'
th DecI8J1ltion of General
on 2 and 33, Township 38
, T wnship 49 South, Range
nled in Official Records
County, Florida (the
end, waive, or add to the
, to the modification or
tially impair the general and
WHEREAS, the real property described in Parcel I and Parcel II, respectively, on
Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof (tefcrred to in the DccJ8J1ltion and
heRin, respl!Ctively. as the "Park Site" and the "Conservation Area"). is cunently subject
to the Declaralion; and
WHEREAS, WCI Communities, Inc~ a Delaware corporation, is the successor
by merger of WCI Communities Umited Partnership, the successor by merger of WCN
Communities, Inc., fonnerly Westinghouse Communities of Naples, Inc., fonnerly Coral
Ridge - Coltier Properties, Inc.; and
WHEREAS, the Declarant is the successor to WCI, Inc. pursuant to the
Assignment of Rights, Privileges and Obligations (Parle Site and Conservation An:a)
dated April 21, 2009 and recorded in Official Records Book 4446 at page 1101 of the
Public Records of Collier County. Florida, and the Assignment of Certain Rights,
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII.3 New Business
53 of 183
OR: 4452 PG: 3955
Privileges and Obligations dated March 7, 2003 and recorded in Official RCC<lrds Book
3257 at page 2056; and
WHEREAS, in an unsubmittcd application for a dredging permit signed by
CoUier County Director of Coastal Zone Management and dated March 13, 2009, CoUier
County indicated that "The project is desilllled to nourish the beach of an eroded
shoreline. . . . the excavation of old interior channel will improve the flushing within the
Clam Pass ecosystem. This increase of flushing will benefit mangroves within bay
system as did implcmcotation of the Clam Bay RestOIlltion and Management 1999,
although it is anticipated that the benctits from the proposed activity will be relatively
minor in comparison to the benefits realized from the 1999 improvements"; and
WHEREAS, in an unsubmitted amendment to the application for a dredging
permit signed by Co\1ier County Director of Coastal Zone Management and dated March
13, 2009, Collier County has deleted any reference to the project being "designed to
nourish the beach of an eroded shoreline" and has also deleted any reference to the fact
that the "increase of flushing will oves within bay system as did
implementation of the Clam ~ anagemcnt 1999, although it is
anticipated that the benctits propo will be relatively minor in
comparison to the benefits from the 1999 1m IS," and instead has stated
that "The excavation of . I im 1'0 the us 'ng within the Clam Bay
ecosystem"; and
indicated in a meeting
navigational dredging co
ay Advisory committee
e the right to have
WHEREAS, the gement staff rccommmdcd
to the Collier County Clam e Collier County Clam Bay
Advisory Committee request ollier County Board of County
Commissioners and the City of N that clearly cxpress no interests or
intention from Collier County or the City of Naples to navigational dredge Clam Pass or
the Clam Bay system, and such recommendation was approved by the Collier County
Clam Bay Advisory Committee by a VOle of 7 to I on April 16, 2009: and
WHEREAS, pllISU8I1t to Article III, section 6 of the Declaration, Collier County
is prohibited from applying for "dredge or fill permits in PARK SITE or
CONSERVATION AREA from any govcmmental bodies, regardless of any Iirturc
amendments to the statutes or regulations of the United States or the State of Florida or as
a result of decisions of the courts of the United States or the State of Florida, without the
prior written consent of DECLARANT, which CODSmt may be withheld at the sole and
absolute discretion of DECLARANT; and
WHEREAS, Collier County has not requested the prior written consent of
Dcclarantto its proposed application for a d~ging pennit, as amended, dated March 13,
2009; and
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
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OR: 4452 PG: 3956
WHEREAS, Declarant is concerned that actions by Collier County as indicated
by the original unsubmitted application for a dredging pennit and Collier County's failure
to request Declarant's approval for its proposed application for a dredging pennit, and
that the action by a member of the Collier County Clam Bay Advisory Committee to
indicate a desire to reserve the right to having navigational dredging conducted in the
Conservation Area, might lead to dredging for reasons or purposes other than the
conservation and preservation of the Park Site and Conservation Area, and wishes to
amaxi and modify the Declaration to ensure that no dredging activity within the
Conservation AJca and the Parle Site as well as no pennit applications for any such
dredging activity sllall be allowed without the prior written consent of the Foundation;
WHEREAS, the Collier County Clam Bay Advisory Committee and the Collier
County Coastal Advisory Committee have recommended that the Collier County Board
of County Commissioners approve the placement of navigational markers in the
Conservation Area without previousl)' . the approval for such action from the
Declarant; and \..~R COUJl;
~ ~V)>
Ion provides in II, section I(c) that "No
vem t shal be laced in PARK SITE or
i by lh R STRlCTlONS and Wltil
NT, may in its sole and
ili es in PARK SITE and
or facility is a pennitted
WHEREAS, the (is tion 13, that "No signs,
freestanding or otherwise i . layed in or on any land or
structure, unless the placement, ling and time of placement of
such sign be tint approved in wri NT. All signs must also conform
with all govermnental codes and regulations and with any master design plans established
by DECLARANT"; and
building, structure, facili
DECLARANT has issu
absolute discretion, rej
use under the RESTRI
WHEREAS, Collier COWlty has not requested the prior written consent of
Declarant to its proposed placement of navigational marlccrs in the Conservation Area;
WHEREAS, the Declarant wishes to clarify the Declaration to provide that the
discretion reserved by the Declarant in the Declaration with respeclto activities in the
Park Site and Conservation Area is broadly construed and that such discretion explicitly
includes the right to approve, in its sole discretion, any navigational or other markers or
signs in the Park Site and the Conservation Area; and
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OR: 4452 PG: 3957
WHEREAS, the proposed amendments and modifications 10 the Declaration are
limited to modifications or enlargements of existing covenants and do not substantially
impair the general and unifonn plan of development set forth in the Declaration; and
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the covenants
contained herein, the Declarant declares that the Properties as described on Exhibit "A" to
this Declaration (which include the Park Site and the Conservation Area) shall be held,
transfcned, sold, conveyed and occupied subject to the Declaration of Restrictions, dated
April 13, 1982, and recorded in Official Records Book 966 at page 1830 of the Public
Records of Collier County, Florida, and to the restrictions, covenants, servitudes,
impositions, easements, charges, liens, and other provisions as set forth in the
Declaration, as amended herein. The covenants, conditions, restrictions and other
provisions contained in this Amendment shall run with the land and be binding upon all
parties having any right, title or interest in or to the property or any part thereof within the
Park Site and the Conscrvarion Area, their hein, succcsson and assigns, and shall inure
to the benefit of all preaent and future owners of the property encumbered by the
Declaration as amended herein.
vemenl, or other
or areas covered
placed in PARK
It is pennitted by
NT may, in its
proposed buildings,
other alterations in the
covered by water in
PARK SITE TION AREA, regardless of
whether such buildings, structures, facilities, improvements,
or other alterations in the natural character of the land or
areas covered by is a permitted use under the
2, Article II, section 3(a) of the Declaration is hereby amended
to read as follows:
"a.) No building, structure, facility, improvement or other
alteration in the naluraI character of the land or areas covered
be allowed to occur or be commenced, erected, improved or
altered, nor shall any grading. excavation, tree removal or
change of exterior color or other work which in any way
alters the e"terior appearance of any building, structure,
facility, improvement, or the natural character of the land or
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII~3 New Business
56 of 183
OR: 4452 PG: 3958
areas covered by water in PARK SITE or CONSERVATION
AREA without the prior written approval of DECLARANT,
which approval may be withheld in the sole and absolute
disaction of DECLARANT."
3. Article II, section 13 of the Declaration is hereby amended to
read as follows: .
"No signs or markers, freestanding or otherwise installed,
shall be erected or displayed in or on the land or areas
covered by water in PARK SITE or CONSERVATION
AREA, unless the placement, character, fOl1ll, size, lighting
and time of placement of such sign or marker be first
approved in writing by DECLARANT, which approval may
be withheld in the sole and absolute disaction of
DECLARANT. All signs and markClll must also confol1ll
with government regulations and with any master
design pI ~'&ii't> markClll established by
OECL />;.:.
o fil pennilS in PARK
any governmental
IS to the statutes or
e of Florida or as a
the State of Florida,
r filling activities to be
without the prior written
consent ofD Ch consent may be withheld in
the sole and absolute discretion of DECLARANf."
hereby amended to
5. If any section. subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion
of any amendment provided herein is, for any reason, held
invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent
jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct,
and independent provision and shall not affect the validity of
the remaining portion thereof, provided, however, that if the
purpose and intent of any amendment is frustrated as a result
of any such holding of invalidity or unconstitutionality, such
amendment shall be treated as if it never occurred, and the
original provision shall remain in full force and effect.
6, Other than as set forth in this Amendment, all of the
restrictions, covenants, servitudes, imp05itio115., easements,
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
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OR: 4452 PG: 3959
charges, liens and other provisions as set forth in the
Da:laration shall remain in full force and effecL
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Pelican Bay Foundation. Inc., a Florida not for profit
corporation, does hereby execute this Amendment in its name by Its undersigned,
authorized officers on the day and year first wrinen above.
A Florida not for profit corporation
cfk oa .~_
Stephen M. Feldhaus, Secretary
The foregoing .
May, 2009, by James H
Florida not for profit co
Bay Foundation, Inc., on
known to me,
m this IS1/.- day of
Foundation, Inc., a
ecretary of Pelican
horn are personally
~.~ ~o.llIMU
._.lIIr -'00'"
~ UPIIEI:".., It 8.1
.... _1110___
Name: rJwttt O. R.Lsi"',J",
(type or print) I
My Commission Expires: z.ft'" ~
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII-3 New Business
58 of 183
OR: ~452 PG: 3960
All ,., pan of ...l.... . , " 'fowp.'" .. So_cll, ...... Z5 laU, CDllter CouatJ,
n.r..... 17Ua..ItIi.r Claa ...., ....r: of Ouur aUt"" aDd Ian of c" Gulf of
"See; ... ISP .t_ a....d.- 1.1 I..t.
S.W 1_ .uu;et., )71.. ead ....18& .. CDlU.J' eo...tJ', norU..
A tACt of 1_ lC1Catelt ia "r:1ou 32 aM U, ~ 41 ScMat1:l, ..... 2) lut,
..... a hcr:s.u 4. 5, . ... I, ......l. it Sout"', .... IS ."'. Collin "'e" rIM.....
. POd:loa of .... tract -ba Sa ....t of 'ueell "1111 ... "JII of 'PILlCAI IQ' .., ...
accortilll to lU ,1at t....._, record" ia nee kol U. ,.... 47 ckoup D. ", t.
M11e -.coni. .f ..:It Collier c:o.c" .ai&I UMt -14 ~.... .. feU.,..,
~. .t the touc,*-c corDa' of t'" 1JiM""Iluuta'
(SV 10 .f _U hcciIM I, !'ovaHJ.. .t hut1:l, .... Z5 ..t;
tbenll:. S.cll "'JO'S" Veat .101la c" lout" 11_ of .aU hetta. I 'OJ'
"Jlw:SO f..t. to c.. ....t of ............ of t_ .....u Il..u:l'" tn.,
of 1_;
th~ne. ~onttftu. North lO.Z9'47" rA_C loJ' 3.08 r..t;
thence South "',iI'2ft" Eut lor 1. 72 rur. UI ad. V~n..r1, Una of
Pare'" "0";
thence contin.e 'DQt1:l 6")I'24~ Else fOT 1'.'5 feet;
t_._ IIonls SO'at'lIlI II.It for 72.Jt fHe to tbe WeSl:t"1'11 ItDa of
C_ 'elin. ..,. I.roy.... Ihtricc )eN as_ of ....,;
chnca ..n' }S'Ot'lt" kat. dona NY '&Jlbt of .,. IbM, for 32.."
f..c to ...". Venul, UM of P&I'ce.1 -U-,
u...c. eMU... "rth U.ot'U" Ea., for n.M reet to tb8 polat of
c.......atur. of . cll'"cl,Il.t.r can. ca,,,:av. to eM lIaR bBlDa . ,,"I.. of
21.011 ,..C.
~"--e IIlwt.....t.r17 .1-. tb ere af add hna thYOUP ,. e...tHi
...... of ZO-.0'10" lor 9.)1 feet ,. V"udJ' Ii... 0' '.rul "If'"
1 of 1.
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII-3 New Business
59 of 183
OR: 4452 PG: 3961
c..... eo.u...... IIMe....1,. .... IIDrt-..atU'b' a1.. elw arc of aU
C\lWW tIIr..p. cutr.l ..11. .f 10.00'30" fOl' ".M f..1 &0 r:lIe ,.IDt
of tapM'a
tluIM. ......a. U-31 '21'" Vee' for '''.11 f.-t to ,ta. pobt of cun.tul'.
.1 . can.1ar cune ~. 10 t.... Sau&Jlwptl
I.... .nlwnwr1,. .J.... tM aft of ....w cvrve haY1e& for 1u . ........ at' 2'.00 'dt .. a c...ln1 UIIla .f t)'~'". ,.
to.U 'Ht: t. dill po_ 0' ~I
tt..c. ..nil ",..'JA" v.8t tot' J61.66 flet to t1M tfttO'l'eeec.u. vlt'
..14 ..,...1, 11_ of hre.l '-1
c..... CODI:Lat. IIrlInb ,,'22'14- Vue for 14.t7 b. to tM ......t 01 .,. cSl'Clllar C~. COlIC... CD C_ .nbuaci
tMGIl. lIonIWUlerl,. ..... ..".......,. aJ.. dII ...c of ..t. cuw. __
foe in .~, . "'S.o .f ....00 'Nt ... . e.ocul uale of 40"U'U-
for H.D fen: U ,be poUlt ., U"ODCJ'I
tbeDco IIDnb 01-14'01- f,ut for 10..2:1 fn' tt Mid vu,.r!, 11.. of
"reel "D"'a
~..t.rlY llae of
of . ci
ehn.c. c:..1... Iordll 011"'41'. (01' Z4).14 f..e to the poine 01
curva,,," Df . cirt..l... curv. CO till Jou'lNut;
clwDca tlDre....1)' and .rc,-,*.url, 01001 cN no of =-LI eul'Yll hftla,
for iu . ...dlul of 26.00 reet a. . central -at- al 24-39 13-
lor J1.11 r..t ~o t~ poinc 0' t.o,cae,.
,MIic. IIDl"lb 26-21'11" Veat fol' 211.)1 feet t8 elM poiDt of cunalun
of . cinuJaT cuI'V. C~ to 1M .rt.....U
I...... IonlNlln.r17 .... *"MI'1, .1011& C.. arc of cun. .........
'n ho .1__1. a ........ of 14.00 feet ... . ene...1 _ale of
21-S)'3'- '01' JI.06 foee co the poSac .f t....-7;
I...... JIn'11t .-.10'36- v._ fM 417.)) ,
~. "'tll 04-,"17" Won fol' S7I.ZO Ieee;
CIIIIDc. Jlortl. 11-07 '04- V.. far )SD. III reet C'II the polat ot curvatun
01 . cireular cu.... cODe"" to t.... EuCi
1 of 14
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII~3 New Business
60 of 183
OR: 4452 PG: 3962
~ atr'."Hl" 1t""'I, ... ..n.....c811 a10q eM an: Df
.... CIIfta ..vtaa fee 1" .1..... . r&diu. of M.OO r"l 1M . CMRl'd
....111 ., ".24'20" 'ft ".17 r...n II" telal ., Ia.....,.
0-_ litre" 19-17'1'. .., ,<< .n.M ,.-e eo ..14. VM:'.rb 11M of
.... coa,bM ...,,11 "-17'1'. "at f.. U.07 feft to aLlYltNa'l,
1'" of ....... -0-'1 c-'-e ..S- "st" 11-17'16. sue rOl' J.51
fee c. cJ.e "UI ., Cllftann at . ci.-edu Cu.l"ft ~... to e..
dMK. 1or1:-...uTI7 ... IIltnN'lJ al... .... aft .f ..U .~ u.&q
'Ir S.U .s.-r.1 . ....s... '" 26.00 fl.. ... . ~en.1 ..... .r
13-"'46- tor 10. n reat CD c. ,..tat af '......SO.
c.... ...,_ u..zt'JO"" "n; ten: to.31 f"l 10 ...... v"cull' Uaa.
of Puee1 -I>>"I
c~. ,..eSaul Ib~tb D4-Z6")~ w..c tor 172.11 r~l
theDc:a ."11 1)-
11M of ..t. $eet!
po"'" "loa ...... .r
Jlgrc...t cora... of t be );0
CMMa CDDttnU. Korth 13-U.18" V..t (0'1' S.01 hac.;
cbeac. "I'cla 11-06'28" w.., COI' '5.0.5 hetf
thalee .l'tll U-OZ.SJ" w..c. Cor ".01 e..ti
d.nee .u1t. "-07'4)'" ....t for 22.6) f..t,
t:~' .!tnlt "'-U'''" lien for n.n het.
c..... lint" ,,-.,.. "".t for 41.21 'Me 'D . po"" OD r.. _nil
11_ Dr .W Pared -.I".
tJII1te.e -..n1l m.-QO'OD" Walt fD"6 12.00 feet;
,-.-. 1In'~" "-Z"H'" ...e fal" '1.2' r._tl
dI... JIonll .'-Of'lO"' .Iaet tOI" :10.10 feu1
.) of 1,.
UtUln -A-
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII-3 New Business
61 of 183
OR: 4452 PG: 3963
C..... ...~ 2:1-11'11" v..c f... ".:14 f.., to eM u.n..l,. Upc .1 w.,
U.. .f ,he 'elk.. ..,. ..,~a' Dtantell: Dl'atoap ra..... ....
....,...1, ..... ......c .f Va, u...
t.... ....tll "-30101" V..e aLnI ..s.I ,,"tad, apt of Va7 11_ for
W.OD r"cl
c~ 11I'1'111 21-'3'01- ".. '0'1' ''''.12 te.c c. . po1llt of C.,..II4'.
of . cbnJar CIlIft cwc.a'N to tbe atrt",Cl
c.... .."....M.d,. aloq ebe arc of nUl eurn ...s.aa for ip
e1_u. rUt. of 14.00 tNI ... . CUII'd aqt_ of 16-)6'n- for
M.30 feee c. . .....t of uaanc,J
t..... ...tll 05-11'40" V..I 10'1' )'42.03 f..t to . ,.tat of cunabIN
of . cb'allal' turYa ene.'" to tM
0-. IIKt......ulr. _",,"1,. ... .n....tul' ..... t" an:: ef
..w cnane MYia& f... tt:e ebMat. . 1'''.. ., 14.00 f_t ... . ...ual.
.... of 51-13'43- f... 15.15 'Mt to. J'Oial ., t~r
m-.:. IIDnh "'''OJ'C))- ant tor .J.J1 tut co a ,obe .f urveCW'R of
. drcular cone c_ca-n. to cite ..u....C i
of CUI'V.C....
cheDc. aloD, the ...c of .~S4 curv. ~ytDI 10'1' 1'1
al....U. ,..... .f 2'.00 f..1. aDd . canl1'al -.1. or 24-06'''" 'or
10." 'M' to a )Dt.t ., U".DS:J;
t.._ ...~t.h ))."tOllIl V..t '.r- 112.]1 f..t to . poiDII: of eunat....
of . circular- CUrt. CDlIUWI ,. eh. au'chel.e;
u.ce,. alOlll t.M are 0' Hid curv. 1IaY~ 'or tn .~.
. 1',,:1... .f 14.00 I..e .... . CU1:nl .uaa1. o' lI-"'J1 'ft' :n.u ,.-
to . ,otat 0' tnane,.
e~ "nll ".2"27- Van for 612.12 '.t to . po1DC of ul'Yatun of
. circular cune eODCa'Y. 'CD eM "'t;
c...... IIDnlNls,ulJ. ..nb.,l,. ... ..n......r:erI7 a1M& t_ .... ..r ..u
e.... ...~ f.t ice .1__t. an.... ef ".00 'Ht .. a cennaJ
uaJ.. of JJ JO'..... let' 47." f~t to. polal: Df I.....y;
4 .f 14
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII-3 New Business
62 of 183
OR: 4452 PG: 3964
t...... "-=1" l'.01'U. ..., for .,0.11 fHe CD , ,.Sac of cunuun
.. , .uaul... ....... ...... CD &:U .I'
~. ..n....c.rb d... ,III a..s of .aU CUZ'V. ba..... for J.u
.1.... . ftiliu. of 16.00 feu .. . ~....1 aqle .r 15-"'10"
,. 7.21 f..c t:D . toJat 01 ~.
,..... Iortll OZ-06'OS. fDr "6.'S h.c. t. . polac of cun'ecu-a
of . cinulal' 1lII~ .-... eo claa ...'.....'i
e:.... 1IInIIaI'1, ... ..".....'HIT aloai t_ arc Df _W cane ~
for tu .1..... . r..t. of :a,.00 feet ... . c:eatnl ........ 01 17-'Z U-
'or 1.03 feac tD . total .f U...-c7;
~~ *I'c" U-"'l". Ve., ,. .61.... 1.1. co . ,.lat of CU1"ftt.1II"D of
. ttralal' e.,.. ewe.... to tblt 1Ut.;
I;~ .n.....I...lJ'. 1IltRM1'l7 ... 1IIn.....,...1J at.. the nc of
MW C.,..,. ~... ,... it. 11..... . rads.u. of ""aG r..c ... a
c..trlll a.a.J. .f "'42''''. lot 17." 'Mt hi a pow of uqeDe11
tbne:. atl'dt 46-eM''''- lut 'for nO.Z2 'ut,
_17 aiJ1d: 01 UaJ' lba of
Vdtd'l, aera.upc
,ballCe Ito>rt" U-lI'])" Ea... far tMt;
tbaDe. I'Dl'tb 11'30'20" WUt for it.66 futl
t.bHc. .I'c1l 07'OS'lO" ....t for N.Ot 'Ht;
thnc:. .rth 30'00'16" Yeat. for 115.45 fcu.
,"-co Jlgl'tb 14'62'15" v..l for 1.n.,:I fu';
thcDca Ib..tll 0:a....4'- r..t far 2.".'1 'at;
tll..n lIaonla n'10'1II" Ian fft '2.71 het;
t:'--- a>rt:lt. U-U-4J" v.. for 73." fait;
~. Ion" 31.30'23- v..\ for 104.57 'a';
It.... "n::b .,.".00" Wen 'or 111.1.1 'Me;
,1IMlC. .n:h 17-00'17- v..c ror 13.56 rnr.I
, .f 14
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII-3 New Business
63 of 183
OR: 4452 PG: 3965
u.ce ...-tIt ".,g'lI" Ueee 'M 11.71 '..t to . poi.' ... . ...e
is. ., .... s.c.i_ U ... ~.... IIR 11.. of ..u 1..~Ua 32, ..U
..., ...... awe" 00..... ..... .4.Latac. .f 1461.01 '''1 ,roe
sa. .........1: co,.. of ..ill s-cs. 131 '
c-... ~CS- Iatft" ,,-"O'lI" wu~ f.f lot.OO 'NCI
u..c....-ell al-"'''.- Val f_ 11.01 r_lI
dlaDea awtIl n''''>>'' MMt lor 101.10 fMel
,-.c. 8Dn1a .'U'U" WOC 10'1' ".01 'NtI
l.... IIInIt. ".27'12" WMe for "a.73 'tell
~ IIUU .....'a,.....t rOft 1"'.15 falCI
&MM* 1In~ .,.32'Z'- Vpt tor ..U feltl
tMeeD ..nlt. 41-U'lr' 'llet 'D'f a17." f"~1
e...nee Soutb U'501~,,, \lne. fo'l' eUI
thence Soutb ZI')1'12" !I.t fo'l' llt.IO fecti
tbltl'lC. Soutb 60.171)1" EaH for 56.... r..t;
clltftC. atrth 64'47"4)" !:an 'or )'.10 reul
thaoc. SoIatb ,,'n '48" BaSt [OC' 3~.Sl fH';
tI.._~. 110m "'46'SI" FAet fal' 67.17 leeel
t'-ace ~b 4S'.1')1. &lee for t,.1O feec;
tlll8l::o ...~ 01'2"57" "..t '8'1' 124.14 fHt;
,..... SIN.., U.S2'Dl" Id, for m.o ,..C;
,... Iou.ta. 4l'J6'~" Dat '01' 127.14 I..;
'of 14
OHlin 'A'
May 20. 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII-3 New Business
64 of 183
OR: 4452 PG: 3966
UMlI IHdl u.n'l'" "Ie '01' 274.15 f"'1
m.ce "'tk U.l""- lalt 1_ 113.70 'nt.
~a bttt OJ-.'"- rut foc " ,..t.
t.._ Saut" G)-D'''. tA.t for '31all 'eet;
C..... Io8cla "'-10'" "t for .".6' f.CI
~_ .um 11-10'07. Van 'or 112.61 f..t;
,.._ "111 OJ-"'.II' ....t for D." fNt;
c... Iovc' u.-51'Ol" r.d lor 76.3' ...c;
c...... loud! 01-42'.,. Ut. for feet to . ,.bt _ thl
1oa1:1t. U... of u:ll. ,_cin Jl ... till .I'~ u.. of aU leet'" 5,
uW JlOlaI: -101 .rt' .,.,.',," ..t, . diHnca DI m,u Int
rraa eM! Ioottaalt COI'MI' ot AU Jau1n 'Z.
tMHe Soulh ,53-D}'S5" V_at for 37.11 f"c..
thMca Sallch "-11140" Vile for 43.11 fHt;
cbac. SoutJI 06-05103. vu, fol' 11.85 'eel.;
P:hnc:. Wl:lrcb to-oo'oo" Vu, for &ppn&s..ta17 44D teet lilt n. 1Iu.
1U.&b VaCIft' LiD' .f c... Cu1f of JlutcoJ
t...... ,roc'" Soat_l, rot' appro1ltMt&1, 4543 tHe alODJ ..U
..,u u... co the ..." U.. of ..14 Sut10ll ) .. tile 11Ift' 118. .,
..Ill laatlea II
,.... c_U.... 8toq .IU UI1:et' u.. 101' .,prnaa"1J S2Q -.., w
tM ...". U...f ..u Sects. ';
t__ "nil "-JO' ,,.. last 11-. Nt. BouCh U.. of Seed.. . for
......_~d7 .7 'let to tile ...&..." cornor .f AU SectlM . ..
rile ...........t COf'U1I' of ..ill SectiOD I;
7 of U
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII-3 New Business
65 of 183
OR: 4452 PG: 3967
me.o _nlt ".)0'''- 1&11 .1... eM ....... Is.. 0' MU "U.. .
'e.. 1"1.47 '''I co e'" hSac. of ...--."
LDI ... acept t..rd... . ..nol or 1aIIlI z.... b .... hcciDD J, rowuw., 4'
'"~, ..... IS SIR, ...'1'.... 00 '.11_1
~.. at d",lIDr~" coner of eM ...tJIw.l.....
....... (III r,) or..u 1."iOII.. -.,. _, ..... U
c~o IoI't" ,,.sa'S'" Vall:. 'lMa till an' U.. of ..~ Sec.tkle
4, . Illatuce of ZMZ.OZ (He h eM 1INt__, eohlll' .. ..y
Sett_ 4 .... U. ..rt....t eone.. of ..U "c.1oa ,.
t~ ~u- *u. .1.31r~,., ....1, al-. tM .rlll U.. of
taU "tlao S. . tuUNe of 1m.47 '.t to tile lacoroectioa
..1l~ 1M norUI DItJ..A r...., .f lal1ll'd 1atocI:.. Cooutol
ec..ttlllCtt_ c.tral u..., .. rKJtr." la 0DIftAJ. SIT IICI. JOaI. 1,
,_ 11-151
~ IMItMd, alo... ..U Coalul CDuenctloa tiM 0-
fo'l '62,
AI,SO \.a. . Inip of J.... lac.nil ta ..U Secdou 4 aU S, 'rcNQlIbip 4t Ioulb. .....
U talt, coUter Couou. nOl'ida, ...crtbMI _ foll0W'l1
c-h& .c. 'M: IIDR.....' CllJ'Nr of 'M *r,"'-e ....-
.."ueo.. (11I1&) .f .... hcelOft 4, Towabip 4t Soud'L. Ju. U
Lbf:_ .nll. .,.>>In- V..e. .1oaa 'M .'rlb U... ef ...W leces.
" . lIIieeueo 01 ZM2,OJ f..t tD ,... I'Dl'tbwalt oonu 01 Aid.
SlcU.. . ... tbe 1IHt...., cor.. of _14 lieU.. "
llldco cOG,..... IOra "-)1-". ...... .1DlII tU IIIH'dI U.. ..
..u la:U.. " . .I.H... of 1213.47 feee &0 tlle be.....ct_
v.l.t~ ,_ Pled.. Depu~ of .two1 auo.n:.. eo..u1
CaatI'llCC'" e-rnl UDI, at ~ ia c:::GUDL SIT JMZ IOC* 1.
...... u.n,
e.._ Sout"r17 .,.... _u eo..ral CMHnccfDQ Coo.tZol L1M
die fou.wtaa e.......1
a Dt 14
El"I'JT "^'
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIIl-3 New Business
66 of 183
.... .
OR: 4452 PG: 3968
So.clI U.ZJ"S.'. I..t . dlauace of 142." feet to I poSaE ..
tile CHl:Ell CoutftlCtSft a.o.trol I.SU, ..U pol..E 'lleiq ""dI
.."'M.'. Ja", I .1aEaMe If 3U.15 'Me fne ,..... .....1...H7'
,..... Ioatlt 10.31'14.0" II.', . dS.tuc...f 1017.12
~. loud. ."'14,.- IIH, & .1erADCll of 10D1.1I fMe &0 .
,.:Iat, aU .._ hSat: .... "-M'17- &lint . du~ vI
11.1) fMt froe "nuIDI Ie'er... ......c I..n.
UHcI IOIIdII .-"'U. lYe .. 'Mtaca of "'.IS I.E U tJ.
"&at ., "''-111 of Hid .nip, ..14 ald, ..s.a 10 feu vUe,
t" IDnb ~.., ":I.aI 15 'Me lIoI'ell. 01 .. pnlll11 vU:a. E_
'011_.. _rt... 1100 ... .... South lIouoNQ ...... J ,...
s..atb of ... ,..U.l fin eM ... "lICrtW u....
u.u .lrA .7-52 I 51. . .1ataDCII of ,. U 1.1.;
tbntc. Iol't. Jt-U'OS. lite . Uauace of '.10 f-.t;
t..... Iouta ,.-46'05M ".'t . ....uu. .f I.IS 'Mt;
t;beal:e artll 571J11]:'- laat I ....u.eII of 15.30 ,..,
theDC:. Soulb; "II'! '05H r.., .
tbeace ~~,b 11131')1" Ia., . dlatenea of ~1..7 f..t.
,bne. JlDnh .71'1'02- Eaat. dbcaace of 21.00 f..,;
tbtac. Soatlt 17.15'U. lII.t a dlataaca of 14.01;
cblace $Out" ".30''''- San a .lltue. .f 11.10 hat;
c-...c. .C'dI 77-5)131" Juc . 4i_c.anca of l1~OO feer;
c...... lID,.." 7".1t1~- lut . diata._ of 16~01 raetl
~ )lanb l1-U'04"....c. duc_..f 17.12 f..c;
ca.-e. ktll .0121'03- aaat a diat.ace .f 1l~.s, feet;
tbeDe. Ioatb 11.50'41- Bait. .1at.acc Dr 10." faat:
t 0,( 14
ElHlln -A'
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
V11I-3 New Business
67 of 183
OR: 4452. PG: 3969
c.... Soul' "-15'01. ... . ,S-UIIOa of J7.U fNt;
c..... ....111; ""-1S"l" 'leC . tltalaDn ."10.10 feet;
n... *-tit '''-''''1" aH . .i--.ea of 22.41 f.e;
t.... So.atll U-ZI'JI. ...C . d,.tuce .f U.OJ heei
"-:. ..... "-)O'U" ... ,. 'lagan of 1.15 feetl
~e ....C, W-001aJ'' Ia. . .S.cun of ',21
~. ....tb U-57'S6. ... 0 .s..taace of 11.51 '''I.
t..a IIoatlll "'41'ot" ... 0 .t.ua_ of ahOO t.u
t.... Soutll 51-ts'54" Jut . dutace of U.M teet;
I.... Soultb .51-1"15" ".It . .bc--=. .f 21.10 t.It,
t.... SOUtb "-12'3'- .. . 'Sitae. of IS.GO '''CI
thane. South "'11'21. !est.
Cl 51.19 het;
theDca South 6'.'2'1'" Eaat . diac.nee .f 31.10
I-..cO loath "'-U'"'' . .s..C&ftU of ".)6 feetl
,..... South .-21'1'" t..t . dbtance of 12.8 rHU
....... SOut. U-U'42" &lIt a 41uIK. .f 25.0] tHcl
e..... SOUIIt ]7-51"41" Iut . .1IItallCe of :IS.GO "eu
l"-c. SavU. "'J7IJO" "'C . 'lec..u .f 25.01 f_Ci
dMac. hath U'42'J1" IUt. . dbt... .f 11.11 heu
c...... "-clt .'-04ln" bat . dt.taIlclI fIlf ".90 'uti
I_C. WDrd, "'ZO'U" ....1 . d.wt-.c. .f u.oz '''Ct
10 .1 16
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIll-3 New Business
OR: 4452PG: 3970
dluc. .rth 11-31' 24" "'c . '11~ Df 31.00 fMe;
thnco *rt" 71.1"U- &la_t _ "era.. .f'U.)4 ,
t... llllUi "-15'11" But . U.t... .f 40.10 '..CI
t.... ....,. )7-41'U" aur. a dua... .f )6.tS f_t &0 11M
Wac. .., t...,.....1L L DUcI'Ut vre1Mp ......c ua ..
If...... Sa O!fSc.1a1 ___ lOOt. 7M. 'ap U14 of die MUc
...... of ..t. mUla ClauDc,..
~ ducn" grip it .......ecI _ t" Veet. bJ dill. Cauca1
.ca.C.rIIC'~ C.trol 1._ ... .. tIN "'t ., the hltcaa Ia7
lIIIcW__t J)1.ulct >>ra:laqe au-I UM blY1II& . ......... .f
.~ "-at'17- ....t..
AI.IO un . ..rcel of 1'" 1a pan of s.oU.. I, 'fouuU, 4. ....'", .... u. ..,.
CoUs.. ~. norUa .._..1MlI .. fol~t
~.... a' * .1:1....., eona' of Penal "I", ra.ICUI
lA' unr ~ uc0r4b11 to t'" ,lit cWnof u reeor." S. Rat
... 12. P.... 41 clrroup hUtc 1ecoIU,
e.J.U... C_tJ. nOt
ALSO LESS . .tr Ip of 11M
c-aetaa .t tlte *I'c,ttvu, con... .f sat. PaTul "D-,
,Mace .1.... 'M We.cad, U.. of ..U '.rc.l "D". louc. Ol-U'OO-
lut 16).1MI f..t:
tMadI cOft.S_. alona NU W..ud,. ItM Ioutb "'.56'00" Vut
c.... c_tlaua alo111 ..,w ....tlll'l' ItDa lout" 1)6-22'00- Vut.
Q6.aa '_I
t~ COIItt_ .1oq .... v.lurlJ 11_ ..tb 1'-42').5- "lot:
".17 f.-I: to 'M Pot. of .11_t.. of 1M .cd, .f 1.,.. .......
"lGl'iMd i
11 of 14
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII-3 New Business
69 of 183
OR: 4452 PG: 3971
It..... IIDnk 7'-06'36" .UC 36." to ChIi ".."ed, 1_ of
"U.. ..y ~'..l I. Dbui.c DeDc.tloa AnI 111 Dr&1_..
11_' ... I." "18 ""111' ""pc a! Va, 11....
~. ..'.......1'17 16.J7 fwe &1.. ..Id _red., 11M ...
~ * .re of & .....t....1a1 d...del' CU.... C..... u d-.
Iut. ..... . r"_ of 14.00 I.t ... " . c.1Io1'4
1IWc1l Mia... ..... OJ-10'00'" ....1. U.7. ,..&,
tMMe Ioudl "-01'''- ,,"I. h.Oi ,..&
~ Ioudl 71-07'17- Vat: lot.N fe.c;
tbaac.. louD. )S-aa'OS- IIMt 3l.3J f_ti
t'-ce: Soutb W3D'''- VUt 17.40 f.l:;
~e Sewtb 1'-."2'- Yaat ".11 f..tJ
t"'e Iwda 13-5"09" vue 22.17 het tv. )IOSat DO . aan.;
t~. we.terlJ 41.SS.f..~
eunre cJlDC.We to t"
." .. ciao.,.. vkIcll
tNnee $wch G)-U'n- East S.DU reet;
lbUM::. South ..-20'04. Veat $3.00 rHt;
,....ce .~u. OJ-Jt'''. Ven ',00 fee"l
tlMDte IclIIa,h ...10'04. Wnt 11.%3 f.e"
,Pac. lIo~c" "-)1'''4'' Vac ZI1..7 f..t c. . pobt. Df CU"atu~e.
t.... Iou~ul, 47.21 t... ..... the an of . dnul,n c...
cnc.aY. lO It'" "t..." ~. ...... 01 37.70 feet ... -..M......
_ . c_n vide' ..... ....1:.. 54 U'''O'' ...., ....24 'Ht t. . .,.-
.. t"~"i
c~ S.dI 1I-1O'M" V..C 15.16 I.t to . po:lnc of
tMDCe .....'.....t.rl' '11..>> ,..e &10.. the .rc .f .. circular curt. .
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII~3 New Business
OR: 4452 PG: 3972
I~. Ioutb ']-'D'Z'~ ~.t 11.21 f"C1
c..... S...~1Il .-01',," ,.,t '.DO I.'l'
,~ taut' "-""15" 1Ia.c n.DO f..C,
dIMe. ,,-da ."'3S" ....t ,.DO INti
c-'-. ta-tb U.)o'U. We. 27.31 l..u
t"-ca ...~ .7-U' 5'. We. n." '1Mt i
tIMcIc. 1aD~~ .,-2a'Jl" w..t: 13.n t..,;
t..... Sou~1t ,,-)0"" ....t lI.24 tcec to . po:lAt D' "1'
~..... Vucal.1 41.. fMt: doq tlla an .f . c:iI'cla1a1' ..cwo
c...... co e" ~'. Mv1at a....'... .f .a.21 '..e ... ..1ft.....
~ . c"''' "ltlcII been Soat" M-o'OJIl VUe 42.01 I..c ~D . pot.,
01 l......' i
theM. ~tb .0.....'.... Uu.t 23.GD fut Co . ,.1Dt of nnatUr'e; illtarl,
chc~.1' ellnw: co
f.., .Dd aubc.nd"
115.n CD . poblt 0
c of a c1l'ulu
7Z 'Ht ... IUbt""
t to a poUt
l~' S~~Il.rlY S1.1
C4R'Yt' ....vo CD the
\J'. c...... vltlc:1l
01. C......"
.f Mtu
tbenca Korth 51.DI116" !A.' 15..5 r.., to a po\nt of ~urv'cul"l
c...c .n.....cul1 "'.S' f.t .1001 tbe are of . clR.k~ c\ln.
eOQCfta to ebe Soutb, "'181 . radi.. 01 76.72 ,.., ...
.,. cbo~1II vtllela 'be.n North 7).01'1'. last 62.70 f..c co a poid.
of tall..,.';
ty.e. 80utb .0...'44" t:a.~ ZJ.DO f..c 1,0 . po1Ar; of curwcun,
u..c. ..terl.y :M.OI ('a' alOtll ebe an of . circul_ c....
nM&'" '0 clIO' an-Clt. ....". a radia of M.13 fpc .... .-c......
Q a c.... wfll.d Mal'l IIOnll "-0)'0). fAn n." I..t to . poUt
., u..-,.
u-ca lDna "-50'"'' 34.'" t..c i
t..... IDnll ".JO')6" lac 1,.S1 fedi
11 .f 141
ElHlln -ft.-
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VlIl-3 New Business
71 of 183
ttt OR: 4452 PG: 3973 ttt
~..... tow" 17-12'53" "'1 %'.23 ,
t'-ce .n' a-5Dt2S" ...c 17.35 f.e: co. , .f umt..e.
~ "nlIMd-e1'17 Jt.SO feet e~ tM nc 01 . clQdu thine
....... te de ..~,......., ...~. ...... of 51.DO ta. ... ...c....
.., . dt6q1 wW.e' ....... .m Sl 10' UI- ..t 51.14 f..t te . ,.1Ii1
c~o ~ lJ-)o'03- ..., 1$.1' feee to . JOIa.t of ~C1InJ
t--=. JlHc:.......l., 67.)4 f.. aloaa c_ Uc of . dnaleT
__ tD ,... .......U1 Uvl~ e ........ D' .n.70 ren ... Iek: ...
., . cllDri IIIIaS4 lieu. -.nit ~ &5-40" lea, U.DZ f.. to . ,.tat
s:1IIIlce 1out:1li "-.'44-" &au 281.41 reel;
dire.. "n.b "-ZO'04" "'1 u....41 ,..C.
........ .nb OJ-)l'"'' Vut '.GO I.f;
thmte IIonb 6'.30')6" fA.t 14.37 f..Ci
t--.. JID~cb )'..'05" ZUt Ja.aJ fen.
fNDc:. IIDnb 1l-07"11" e..! 112.11 h.l;
EMK. 8lrtb n-06'3t" rat n." to tM po1At of ...ualq
Df chi' n~tp of laM herd. ducrU....
ALSO USI .U that pa" of SeetloU . , I, 'RlUaBl, .t IOUn, .... IS Jul,
ColU... o...t7, PlorlU, lJ'''' South of aD 'U', Voc .f OIIc.. C1a .., .... IuC ..
tM 0.1' of Mnico; ... It... Slat... Ilevenon 1.1 f.eta
...dItp ..... berda A"'. ..... _ Cbe IUD PJ.U:I COOUtllA1IS ..cUI..... .,. C..
..C.S. for hlIUDl-lAft ....
"W laDd dlCtyca, 1,:1.. .rIlI MiftI :I._ Coll1n c-aaCJ, n....S,..
14 of 14
DHlln -A-
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII.3 New Business
72 of 183
INSTR 4315221 OR 4468 PG 1475 RECORDED 7/2/2009 4:24 PM PAGES 18
REC $154.50
~"ltIN\fO I .
~hCll1l .I'.fl;j hwdfl~
4251 ",,/",,^I:n~ blud
okfpledt 3'tfair
!'1I-91L.-t..'t.) y;a!oT
COUNTY, FLORIDA ("Second . e tbls a~ of 2009,
by Pelican Bay FoU11dation, orporation (hereinafter refilrred
to as the "Declarant" and. .. -Ridge Properties, Inc., for
itself and ill succeSSOR,
e Declaration of Oenert1l
2 and 33, Towosbip 38
WllllIlp 49 South, Range
rded ill Official RecordJ
Iier County, F!Qrida (the
, amend, waive, ar odd to the
owever, to the modl1latlon ar
enlargement of existing COVl'OIIlls whi oes not substanlially impair !be gencraI and
uniform plan of development set forth in'the Declaration); and
WHEREAS, Declarant amended and modl1led the Declaration pursuaDl to an
Amendment dated May 15, 2009 and recorded in Official Records Book 4452 at pege
3954 (the" Amendment''); and
WBJ:R.EAS, the real property described in Parcell and Pan:el n. respectively, on
Exllibit A attIelled IIemo and msde a part IIttreof (referred to in the Declaration and
lIerein, reapectively, as the "P1lIk Site" and the "Conservation Area"), is CIII1'ently subject
to the Declaration, as amended; and
WHEREAS, wcr Communities, Inc., a Delaware corporation, ia the successor
by merger of WCl Communities Limited Partnership, tho successor by merger of WCN
Communities, Inc., formerly Westinghouse Communiti... of Naples, Inc., fonner1y Coral
Ridge - Comer Properties, Inc.; and
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VlIl-3 New Business
73 of 183
OR 4468 PG 1476
WBJ:REAS, the Declarant. is ~ SUc;lle81Of to WCI, Inc. pursuant to the
Asslgnmel1l of Righta, PrivUeges and Obligations (parle SltAl and Conservation Atea)
dated April 15,2009 IIlld recorded In Oftloial Rceorcb Book 4446 at page 1\01 of~
PubUc Recorcb of Collier County, Florida, and the Assignmelll of Certaln Rights,
Privileges and Obligations dated Marcl1 7, 2003 and recorded in Official Records Book
3257 at page 2056; and
WHEREAS, the Collier County Commission on May 26, 2009 approved a
dredging pennit application for Clam Pass located within the Conservation Atea (the
WHEREAS, the CoDi... County Commission on lune 23, 2009 approved the
installation of navigalional awkm in Clam Bay located within the Conservation Atea
(the "Inltallation ofMarken"'); and
WHEREAS, the Deelar
wriUen approval of the Deel
InslaIlation of Marka-s; and
s that Collier County obtain the
AppUcation and prior to the
Declarant, to submil
Declarant fur its written p
ils failure to submit the A
for ils approva~ documents
the reasons may have to do
Ibe Pork SltAl and Conservation
of Florida (lbe ''Purported Slate of PIOn
requests from the
n of Markers to the
laraul with a reason fur
n of Markers 10 Declarant
~ llier County indicate that
. County sWftbat portions of
olaim of ownership by Ibe State
p CWm"); and
WHEREAS, the Stale of Florida disclaimed any right, title, and interest in and to
the Cooservation Atea and Ibe Parlt Site in a Disclaimer dated lune IS, 1959 and filed in
Offic:lal Records Book 45, Page 20 of the Public Records of Collier County (the
"Disclaimer''); and
WHEREAS, CoDier County accepted the uansfer of title to Ibe Conservation Area
and Pork Site from Coral Ridge - CoDier Properties, Inc., on April!3, 1982, pursuaul to
a Quit Claim Deed of Ibe same date (the Quit CWm Deed), which Quit Claim Deed wu
expressly made subject to Ibe Deelaratioa, which was attached thereto; and
WHEREAS, pursuaul to ~ cantnlctUal relationship between Colller County and
Grantor as evideuced by the Quit Claim Deed and tho DeelaratloD, ColUer County Is
bound by the tenns of ~ Quit Claim Deed and the Declaration with respect to the eotire
Pork Site and CoDlerva1ion Atea notwithstanding any Ptnported Slate of Florida
Ownenhip Claim; and
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII-3 New Business
OR 4468 PG 1477
WHERllAS, actions und~" ,~y.~olljer County in portions of the
COIIllIlIVation Area audlor the Park Site that might be subjuct to any Purported State of
Florida Ownership Claim will affect the conservation and protection of other ponions of
the Conservation Area audlor the Parle Site owned by Collier County; and
WHEREAS, Declarant is concerned that Colller County's failure to request
Declarant'. approval for the Application and the Installation of Markers could lead to
adverse or h8nnfuI or other coosequences objectionable to Declarant with respect to the
collSlllVation and protection of the Park Site and/or Conservation Area, includlng portions
of the Park Site and Conservation Area not subject to any Purported State of Florida
Ownership Claim, and wishes to claritY the Declaration to ensure that the discretion
reserved by the Declarant in the Declaration with respect to activities in the Parle Site and
COnselVation Area be broadly construed and that such dlscretion includes the right of the
Declarant to approve, in its sole diaaetion, any activity of Collier County within all of
the Pork Site and Conservation 'ding any Purported State of Florida
Ownership Claim; andy\CR COUll;
0" ~vl'
ameudment and . on to the Declaration is
nd does not substantially
in Declaration; and
WHEREAS, the p
limited to a modification
impair the genera1 and u
and the covenants
'bed on Exhibit "A' to
. n Area) shall be held,
on of Restrictions, dated
lit page 183U of the Public
S, covenants, servitudes,
impositions, easements, charg ~ ~ rovisions as set forth in the
Declaration, .. amended by the as further amended herein. The
covenants, conditions, restrictions and other provisions contained in this Second
Ameudment shall run with the land and be binding upon all parties having any right, title
or interest in or to the property or any part thereof within the Pork Site and the
Conservation Ares, their heirs, succesaors and ..signa, and shall inure to the benefit of all
present and future owners of the property C1Il:Umbered by tbe Declaration as amended by
the Amendment and .. further amended herein.
1. Article nr. section 4 of the Declaration Is hereby amended by
adding the following sentence at the end thereof.
"In the event that any portion of the PARK SITE or
CONSBRV A TION AREA is ever determined to be owned
, by a party ather than the OWNER, the covenants, conditinns,
restrictions, and other provisions under these COVENANTS
are nonetheless binding and shall continue to be binding as
between DECLARANT and OWNER with respect to all of
any such portion that may be determined to be owned by a
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII.3 New Business
75 of 183
OR 4468 PG 1478
party other ~ the OWNER, in order to ClllS\IRl that
DECLARANT has the opportunity to prevent, in its sole and
absolute discretion, any adverse or harmful or other
C01IJequCDllO objectionable to DECLARANT in its sole
discretion with respect to the PARK SITE and
CONSERVATION AREA, including these POrtiODll of the
2. Other than u set folth In this Second Amendment, all of the
reatrictiOlll, covenanu, servitudes, impositions, et8e"'e<"s,
charge8, liens and other provisions u set forth in the
Declaration, u amended by the Amendment, shall remain in
tWI ftlrce and effect.
corporation, does hereby
authorized officers on the
Inc., a Florida not ftlr profit
m' name by its undersigned,
) ...
The foregoing inslJument was scla10wledged before'me this 2C:1--day of
.J~ 2009, by lame.s Hoppenstelldt, as Pre.sident of Pelican Bay Foundation, Inc.,
a Florida not for profit COIpOration, and by StophcrJ Feldhaus, cro!aJy of
Pelican Bay Foundalion, Inc., on behalf of d . whom 8I'Il
persoIllilly known to me.
Public ~
Nsme~a.. '>1 J:;x:.w-er
(type or print)
My COlDlDi..ion Expire.:
.'~ Usa A. Bauer
4 . ~/EIjlns: AUG. 30,2009
;l7 www.A.\aoNHOTMIIt.
May 20. 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII-3 New Business
76 of 183
OR 4468 PG 1479
. .~.......
,...... t
All CMC ,.", .f ...r.LoN . . '. TowMlalf .. "utlt. ..".. It '''''1 CdU., Colulq-.
'1...U., 1,. hlttll ,f lU.. 't". Utar. ., av,.. a... "1 ... Ian ot tlle Oulf.t
Mut... ... lip Sku.. a..at_ 1.1 ,..t,
.." aM .illNlr.., lJi.. .... )ele. Sn ColU.r Couac" norl...
. U'M' ., 1... 1..'" '- 'eed01l' U ... 3:1, "*'aAs., 41 lout', &lap IS Iue,
... 1e 'eodau 4, ,. . .... t, 'hwMhlp ., Iout:". a.ap IS I..c, CoU"" ClllIalJ, n.d..,
. ponto. .r ..Ill C1'a:' ,,&at ill par' 0' ,.retel. .... .... -r of .CLlN MY UlrI -.
.....<<1.. .. O. .1.. dIl,.', r...,4e4 J.Q ,lac .eook 11, P.... 47 r.1allllUlb 52. ., ,'hi
MU. ".nlo .t Nil: Otllu.., .... enn klltl4.....IW at f.U.",.
0.-.0. II the '''''''"C anMt' If the ...tWon D"~UUt'r
(IV 'd at ..U ."tIn t,' 4. ....tb, ..... U klC,
t"-n.. 1ou,1I
M7t. JD f..1
01 loa',
1M." "r~
thlrnca .:Ofttln\ll Morelli 10'21."," rAllt
t~nu South ".$I'Z,II En' r.r 1." r..t C. .lld tlo.ur1111"a of
,.,.11 "D", COl'lUnll1 'neb "'SlIU" lat' '0'1' 11,0
thau IIOI"h SI:I'II.16- r...t ht 12." f..t to tla. V..t.d. 11:01 of
cu 'aUcu 1tt1.,'OVMIft, Dhultt ..... at,,,, or 1lt.71
c\l.. lion" U'01I'.1.t" r..r.. tlotl& ..S' ISlbt of Vt' UM, for )1.16
I." to ..U v..p.rlJ' ltM .r '~'Ceel "D"I
cline. GoaUnllC IIo'rtlll U'OI'U" Jut for 17.U r..t to the ",SIlI. of
c".,.,&cur. .f . dl'Clilu IlIn. conea.,. b the VII' bn''laa & 'tut". of
2i.GG r..t,
'''Me lortll...,er1, don. eM U. 0' ..t. c_n& th"Ulb . ..."a1
..&1' of 20'.0'1.1:1'" ror ..J' '..t '0 ..U "..tarl.,. 11... of '.-red -D'II
lXlilllT -AI
OR 4488 PG 1480
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII-3 New Business
77 of 183
tt.oo. COfttiftlll a.rcberl, tDd *rt_.url~ ..loAI clae In .f ..14
III"" Ih,...", . tllIHl a,.h If 10'00' JO" ror ""54 leu to ,hi poiat
., k....NfI
*-t IIonla U'U'Il" 1M. f.r "S.u. t.., \II tlla polftt 01 cun.ture
t' . tUc\l1a1' aurYt .....v. to 1M awtktrMlt.
~. "'''IM"...1, ,lItq tbe An ., ..ill "'Nt M'Aq for ltt
U-'U . ..MWI of 11.00 f..c .Rf. ...".1 ...alt It' u'to'n" fer
1,.n ,", Clt IN pow .f uapoc"
tM.:. .nll "-22'14- II." to' 361.46 f.. 1::0 lb. iaUTIIUioa _a
..u. "'.r17 UM ., 'ncill "D-,
euu. cOntilwt .reb )f'UI14" Van f".U.17 Itee co ~ pin .1
.,.,.,.. ., . o~.'nu1u ..".,. __a...o t. c.'be "1'1."'.
,.... IIOnMiun, .. IIrtluld, alo.. eN 11'1 of ad' t.n. ""~
f... III .:I._u . 1'a41u. of ".00 hot ..d . tutnl ...le. If 40'" U.
for 'I.SS r.., ~. tho ,otIC of ca_....,.1
........ IQrt:. 01-14108"
hreel III)",
t .to n:ld "..nrl, UN DI
of. ct..
11M! of
ch.,.u .Dfltlnut IIonb 01'411"," Win (or 2;4J.U '"I:: to tho p'La' .f
ourvatllar.o' .. cf,nullr e...,.. tonClva to the
'C'benu MonhnlY 1M tIonllw...cer1)o .tOR' ahl ate .t ..u CUY' hld9
for h. 411....... . ..141., of 2',00 r..e ... . central h,l. of 14'1t nil
f.t 11.1' c..t ,t the poi., ., tanlentYJ
tMnc. Iorell 10'11'12" Vae 101' 211.51 f... CD ~ba ,olot .t .l&rY......
.f . ......o\l1.r OIIne cone.." 1:0 t~. .rtuuu
tlltn.. IIoRMIt.rl, ,'" IOnM"1.~ 01... tlll IWI of laU euna hlvlD&
fDr h. eJ"'CI .. ,,"w. .f 14.00 f.,. ... . ..u-.1 ..&1. .r
u-nl"" fo. )1.06 f4l" to -eM poiac of .......,.,
cllond lIOn" ot-JO',," V..I; f.- 411.:>>5 hetr
U"C. *""" 04''''11'' "..t fOIf 51'.JO 'UC5
ch.... "'n1l H'07Io.11 VOlt '.1' 350.61 hu 1;. the polnt 0' ."n.t",..o
., . c:ll'odar cI&N. aonoava .. tha luU
a .r 14
OR 4468 PG 1481
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
Vlll~3 New Business
78 of 183
". ~.. w'" ., '.' _ .
till.. .n.....'...II. lintM"l,_ 1D"-".1' HDr\I ell. an III
IIU IOn, "".... ler h. d__a. '''WI ., ....oa 'u, IQIS. tnnal
MIla 01 Jt..'IO. lor ",Sf '''e,'' th. roilS .t 'an....'1
,...... IItllI ,,",'11'16- Jut tor .,,." r..e CD .dA Wlne"17 u... or
Parlel IIJ)1II
clIMoe COI'aw. *"t" 11.1111'- Ian for 11,07 '1ft s.o IOU ""t.,l,
11M 0' 'eral1 -0-. chnce tOlltS_ IDn. 1'''2.''16. I." ,.. J.ll
,.., " ,.. ,.hl..f a,uva,.n Ir . ai1'h1ar 011"' OOM". to c1rlI
eMul ~"Na.t'l'1r ... 1It""r~ I1N1 ebe ,... ., ..... '.1'Ve; uva..
,... "U oleMt.U . ,,"iu or :z6.1D 'M' ... . ..acral -al. .f
U..l'4.- 'or 10." h.c u eM pD:In It' UftIIMII
e.... IOn" ~.1.'301' Vue lor 60.)7 r.., II ..1d we,u'I'17 11M.
or he..l "1)-.
thanu IInlb n-
u... ~t Hid S_tl:
polar: MtDI SOuth II-
IIDrchl..c .comet 01 ,hi III
tlM"u cODtbu' ~rth U.U'U"W-... (Dr J.OJ Cut;
tlleac. ItDnh U.06'2'" Vn' h.. ".os r"'l
,blnc. Itonb I..-oa',," WtlC f.... 13.0.1 c..Ct
"-tact. Itonh U.Q7'U. 11Ift tor 12.1) 'UtI
tMaea IItnb '.'22144" VIII: tor 13.n lUll
c...... Htnb n'04'Q" Valt fot U.21 rut to a 'OlDC .. thl lore'
U.t ., ..14 '.red IIJII,
tb.ftCa lafth Ol'OO'1)QfI V.., hI' n.. '''lI
t&'IlU IIonh "'16' UW ,." hI' 11.2' ,..C.
theact .....'h 17-0,11,C" I.., 1'0, )0.00 I..u
, ol 1"
OR 4468 PG 1482
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII-3 New Business
79 of 183
..', .
dM.... lII't. 1:1'11'11" ...., '.r .,.'4 '..e co 1M "n'''11 lil"l .r Va,
u.. .t ,he "U.I" II, r..'....... DUtrier Drdl'll" "'1Mn1 ...
VtI''''''lJ "h llpr .f v., UM.
thue. Itftll ..'31'00'1 Wilt .1t", Iltd v....rI, lI,ht ot Va, 11... IN
11,1.00 "B,
etl<<lI:' "'I\'D 11'$)'01" Wlft t., l6).ll faR CI . fOht .t lu"nv'"
o! . atu\l1a, '_I'V' COQUvt U chi Jonhluu
,\nee IIon_aclrl1 II... elM .,. of adt evvl .""11 for 1u
tl--.n . ,ut... .f '''.00 I... ... . ...nll ...ct. of U'34'O- tor
I".SO 'eee " . ..lac Df n.....'.
eMM' lIHt" 1),'11'4011 'IIalt tor 7U.03 "at w. "Sac If '''"''lIn
of . aindal curv. CO.IVI tl the
thDu lIort'tM.11171 antherlJ ... ."'I:.....url, aLhI ,lIa an .,
uU curv. hi,... 'or u. .1IM1lcI . 'I'd!.. 01 84.00 'Ht ,rut . CftIcral
..... of "-13'''3- tu lS." t.., ItI . ,.Sat of c......,.
Iheall !Iud. 01'02' 21"
of . aheula, C\lrle COM.V' 'C
thlnCl JIlDr~hvI'l"'J.,. 11Dftl U.. In .t .~u CV"' hay Ins fo'f in
.1..,.".... I rd.:Lua of 26.00 t..t aJld . coratfal ...,1. Df 2"06')1" tor
10.14 feu co . ,.,., of una'letl
..'MAn IIDnb 3)'01' M" Wile tor 112.17 flit to a JOint Dr cutvn-.ra
of . drcul.r ClIrv, cone.v. co tu lIDnheucI
cbenc. .'CC'bMtac.rl, don, I.hIl arc lOt CUrvl "VIA! ru iu .1eMm:.
. .....&u. of ...00 h.1, Ind. ..,.. 01 l",tl31 lor 1'.Si h.c
n . pobt at 1."1...."
,haM. "rd:a l'.UI2)lI toi .-a.5I ".c ~ . 0' curvn\ln .f
. ctftula7 c>>rv. 001II... CI I,M ....1;1
tMDeI. .~lbVt."rJ,:r, ..reMrl, ... ",n"'''CuI, al... * ara of ""
0""" ba'li.. r.1' Ita .1...." , raU.' ae 14.00 felt .D1f . ....tal
..10 of: 31'",,140" fo. "'.61 fHe 10 . poiat .f ,....."
4 0114
OR 4468 PG 1483
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
Vlllw3 New Business
80 of 183
. . ~........."
IbI... JoB' U'Ol'U. ..., Cor 470.11 '"' t. . poi.DC of nnalld'a
or . dnil6l' 1"1'Yt .-nen, M I'" ....dl."'nl
~beoc. MoR'Mall_rl, alql "ht ..., .e .... ....IrY. ....,I.q ~or h.
, ...s... of .1,00 I... Ad . ...ud anlll of 11''''10''
ror ",n ,..1: co . poSaI. 01 ~71
tohl.e Ion.'" 02'0610)- "1\ tor ".." r..t. to . ,III111l of agnaIl'.
.. . .~...l.Y ..~ ......ht1 .. .IM 'OliIchvut I
ItaIM_ JIoR\tl'l1 aU .l't""lr17 ....... CM .re .f ...U lIlIlTVI u.~
'OT it. .1.....'. I ....d1.. .f 21.DO 'Mt ... . Chin! 1"&11 of U'42 1J'1
fill' I.. f.., u a ..s.. If eeJ\taC'l
,...... 1f.relt U',u'14" V.., for 161,'4 f..t to . 0' tv:natQJ'a of
. tlrCll1ar e.rv. coecan to tbt Ian I
chino. IIoR""ltaI1.7, IonwlJ' aM Ionbluurl, 11011 die In or CUf'"R lIIYS.. ,... 118 .~u . n4SuI of 14.00 het ... .
c..cral -.1, of ,..U'.... In 17.'" 'Ut to . ,.tal of. ....MYI
tbena, "nh Ii.
th.n.. lIDn:h 30'51'
IoMnet Nonh U'1I1))" " rot 'uti
Otnot 1I-3Q'20" Vue for ".66 hatl
t1\Uc, Iorcb O"-OSI)I1' "-at fot N,l)t '''1:1
Ihno:l JICInb )0'00' 16" v.n ~Dr 11.5.45 feet.
d1et1C. 1IDrtb 14.U'l)" tor 141.'3 h.t;
tbtlW:'lI Iortll 02.-41'0" Z..t for I".n 'MI.l
,.... lIor;b ".10'3111" a:.n lor ,a.71 'ntl
u..K' 31-35'U" Wen fer 73." f..CI
~,... ItDRlI U-)O'U" ""., fDt llM.S'7 h.,.
UnlI lfo'l1b .7""00.1 v... IlIr J,tZ.ll I....
cbnac. IIOlth '7'00'17" "..e f.J. ".,. f.ul
S oe U
tXHtllT aA-
OR 4468 PG 1484
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII-3 New Business
81 of 183
....... ...nt. "'.o'a. "'It f,r lJ..71 I... '0 . po".' .. chi vu,
U... .f ..111 '.ctioa >> ... ,lie laIC 11.. It NU ..... S2. IIU
..tilt '-Iai ..~,' oo'.)I"QII V'"1 . UIU.. .f "".07 f.., lro.
th ........., """I' ., ..... 'IC'So. n. I
,..... .IU..... Ion. U'40I"I'. .a.. for 1".00 t."1
..... .rtll 11'561,,- VUI 'or ".01 'H'I
tts.oe:. .nll "'U'U- V.., hr 103.70 f"li
,....... Ion" O"U'U. V.n rOt ".01 ,.,.
dIeM, "~I. ,.'U'l:r' Vlte for '2.7J "1"
itMDe. IIOnb. CMI'U',UIl '&lAc ro, 141,U r..ta
thence IIoEdl, u'n'l" V..c tor SOf.13 ,..tI
chi" lout h 7
thonel IDut h I
lh.nee Soutb 15-'0'"'' Wose for
LlIlnCI 50Ulb U'U'U" EIIlt rn 21'.10 ftlcl
thlMI Swc:b lO'U'HII lout: t.r U.I. hili
theM. Nlrtth ""UIU" 'ut h, n.10 '."1
eM'" IMIt' n'>>'.," ,.., t.'t U.U 'U"I
CMlc. "nit ,,'U'SIIl Ztft fllr '7.17 fe.t~ Jo.atlloU'41')7" .._, flC' SS.'O ''''I
thac. Snell 0.1-171$1" lalt fOl' 12'.'" f..U
thue. lout" U'U'07" Iliac It!' 311.63 bu.
tht.u I_tlli 41,,,1001" Satc r.~ 117.14 "ec:,
, Dr 14
OR 4468 PG 1485
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIIl-3 New Business
82 of 183
. ... ~ . , ,~. ......, '. ... ,
s..... ......" U.U'lI" II. lot ".&1
'""'0. b,a. 11'1""- Jur Co, U,.7C1 ".tl
.... lout" 03'ot'~. ....t fow "o.n ".U'
~. .".0)'''1'''' III&: r.r nl.7I '''1:1
....... Iftl" 44'10',0" v..t lor IM.II 'Uti
tHnetl 1011I" U'lD'07" Wut I... In.1I I..u
clteDa. '"'''' 0)''1'01" Vue fOT ".1. '"II
c..... lout" 10-11101- "It 'Of 7'.35 1.'lI
1:"'" locnb,Ol-41'U1 "'., for t.-I: CI. patD.c .. ch.
.....n line of ..s.. hnlo, )l .at tH IIrc1l1UI .f ..U '.doe "
.a:14 roSal lilItq "nil .".'''''' I'lt. . 4bUMt 01 "'.11 flit
Ir_ eM """"... a.m.r of . :11I1
ebeau Sout" 16"1"Jt
tbeac. 't111h U'O'IJS" V." hr 31.11 ftltj .
tblaC' Io\l&h ,.'12'40" Un, for U~l' hUI.
t~au South 06'OJ10'" Vut for n.'" 'IUI
thnt. IIoI'th 10'00'00" V.., far ."rodNuJ., ,",0 r.ot to 'h.......
Up Vat-a' lAg, of ch. GlI1l .f thlli"l
Ulan ,rOl'. IkNtb..dJ' fot .,prnt.aul:r 4S4.1 rUt: 1101' AU
"'n.. CI lb. SoIat" u'u of latd "ct:l.Oll , and cbt J'nda U... at
..U '..eien II
tlMDII ......... .1ofta .." Wlur L.1Il. r.r .,.,.rosSan.lI 5212: ".,t to
&a loUD as. 01 I&U hnloa',
theaca "rth .,"'DISt" lEUe alOft, ..14 ltD. .f ..ctloa' IlK
."..~ul:r .l f..e "' tbe tou")utt c..,.... Dr ..t. Stett. . ....
tb. ..~ COC'D'" d ..Sd ...1:1011 'r
7.i U
UJU.lT -A-
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII-3 New Business
OR 4468 PG 1486
..... Iktrtb "-'0'$1. laic IU" 1M 'DUC\ U... .t Nit ....tUa .
I.r 1111.47 ...t c. CH hw 0' ".-Sal.
LIlt .... chlntc. .. ,......1 .t I.., 100ft" .. ...t hoca.. 5, 'IoVDlhl, ..
IoIlCJ.. ..... U lall, ....'1"' II f,U... ., ,... .."'A..' Una' 01 U.. IndawlC .....
"''',r (. '4 .r IIU ....10. 4, twu..... 4....ur.1l., ..... IS
'M'" "'nll ,,'31'S'" Vue, .1Dq tilt .rcb 1..... .t A'" Stell..
4, . ....t.... .t IMI.OI I..e CO eM IIDn...c ..nol' er ..u
...,s.. 4 .... cite *~"'.t co...... .f taU ".lll. 51
Cta.c. ceaC1a. *nk "')lIS... Vllt, .1... ,lie )Iorll_ u... .e
..U ....s. S, . ....lAIIU of 11.'.47 f.lI: CI tbl "".l'ItcCioa
v1l:' tM Plod.... De,.naau If 11,..&1 JIuo\lrc.. CoaIIaJ.
Ctnlr.U. CoIltrol ~1Mt, .. rIC...',. 1. COAftAL 1ft' IACI. IOOIt 1,
'.... 13"lh
tor "3.
ALSO l.UI .. In'. .f 1'" loclud 1.. ..14 I..c&ol:ll 4 u' S, 'thO.blp U Solllb, -..
25 ta.c, Cbl,Un Co~Ilt)', Ph'S.... .. faUow_ .
eo...lq al: t", Mll'tN.., cOllier of tbl 1IIn"",,, ......
~fI.r (War Ie) ., ..U IMUClII 4. TovuIbl., 4f 1Doch., knp I'
~bHc. IIor~h ..'.31'51" """ 110Al chi "'nh 11M 0' "id aOOdOD
4, . 41.a,... Dt UU.OZ toot tl tile IIot't......" cinar 01 saS'
I.US... .. _ eM lIDn.bun cOnMr of taU ,.,i.. ..
tbollC. conlbuo .ucla ".U.",.. V..e, .1oq ne .rU, 1'&aa of
.... 'u11lQ S, a dS.c..... of 1211.4'1 ,..c 10 tlal InUnKlt..
vltll 'M P1aodda D.,..rt_N ot 111&W11 IeHa~
Cw.cruoc1ea. C.nol UM. .. roc.....' ia COMrAL 1ft' UClC ICICIIl,
II... lJ.111
cia... Ioutbar17 d... Mid Coucal CtNnloMcloo Contnl LiN
die '0J.l.wtr)1 ..'1......1
. 1<<"14
OR 4468 PG 1487
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIiI-3 New Business
84 of 183
1011111 Il'q 'SS.,M ..., . Ute.... .f UI.7' t"e ." . ,.SA, ..
'Iae Clue'l c.aINlthl Onu.s I.&al! "U fOLDt 'MS.D, louo
.'."I".J" S.II, . .UtI... ., ua,u f... fnM '....N, ....f...,....."
,,..... 1nC' 10'31'...0" Iat" a IIbtaat..of 10&7.72, ,....
~. 1M' .'U'14.,. ....1:, . ducana. o! 100'.11 ,.... 'CD'
JlOSat, laU potac 1Hlia1 Iwl' "'14131" lilt, . .utn.. ot
6a.J.J I.~ I.... .......c .."rlM.........c ',,'SI
,..... "It" 01""4'" Jut . ."CUCI .f I4t.U fin co dw
....., ot let1uha 0' ..u .~rt" ..U ''''Ir M.... 10 t.., vU.,
1M 1It1'1. *D4.". "in& 15 Imlh fit .... ,..1111 vUlt '''I
ro11....&.. ....n.'H1lI 1m a. I" hutb boll"'&'J' ":In. , I,.,
IcIutlli of 1M pata11.J. wid! dM ... d.IOIlM4 lI_e
t1laoo. IIII" 67'Sl',,- aan . Unuc_ ., '.61 ,..c;
t"ne. Ion' .st'lt'OS. Ia., . dute.o. 01 '.10 '''U
theDU 10UI" 7t-41 'OS" lul. .
'bun tconh "'.11,,,10 JUt I dutnu .f .2'.61 hUI
Chnol IIonh l7'UI~" Zut . dhlanu of 17.00 f"CI
dll.u .~ l7'U'Uw I..t I dbtAIICI or 14.01 feu:
c.M".. Iou~h "-)0'17. .n I 'f,UAAu of 11.'0 f.ltr
clwlG. JIlw&'h 77'5)'Jt" r.Ut.. dt.t.nta of 11.00 tntl
ebB,. X.rth ""19'04- lut . .Ln.... of 11.02 '''''1
thanCl ..."h 11-11'04. ...c . ' 01 n.lI '_tl
cbuce liar." .0'11'031'1 I..t . Un..... .f 11.5' bite
clleace South .1.,tO'.... Ia.t. 'hUClCI .f lD.Jt rln.1
. 0.( 14
bUIlT II,,'
OR 4468 PG 1488
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII-3 New Business
. .~ ' ..... . ... " ...... .-
,'-AI. INIII O'U'OIII "a, . dUtaftI. .117.12 ,.ftl
IN.. Iol&lll 67'15'$1" ".t . dSaua.. ."lO.aO ...,.
thna. Ioun, "''''Sl" an I "HIMI of 22.'" ''''1
t1anc. ....h 12"tI'II" lalt . dl.nlne. .f 2.1.05 ,....
,bllt. .." 44'10117" lilt. diane. .f '.IS f"'1
th"l lIMIt" II'OO.U" Ian: . ....11:... .f 1.17 'm!
tMotI South >>',,1"'1 ..., . .UII.I 0' 1I.H lMe)
tUDela lout" ,..U'"" "'., . 'lnIau .r Q.OO hUI
tbu. ,"it! J:l'U'54" IAIt . 'lat'lIn of 13.M ,..II
tb... 10..." n"l"U" Ian I ".uact 01 ZI.70 hacl
~n.. .
thauct South U'U'Utl Ian . ,"n,,,,. or t,lt)
thac. 'Ollth. '.'11'.'" ..., . ."'0.' or 11.:)1 r,ul
"Mno. 'cnn" 31'27"11" ..., . dS.IUIIU of' LI." hltl
th.... 'OUth ,u'UIUII a..t . d"auac. .f U.OJ r..u
chloe. Iouab ,,'JI',," !.., . din"f of 15.00 'UII
eMM' ...." '.'n'ao" ".t . jUtMcO of 15.01 ''''I
ehlllC. I..b ,U-41'3I11 ..., . 'Ut... 01 U.11 ,
cb.... Vonh ,"fM;'U" Ian I ....uau If 11.'0 'Uti
chao. Mon" 8"'0'11" laic . ciS.'.... 01 2S.=
SO.' I"
OR 4468 pc; 1489
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII-3 New Business
86 of 183
.- ..-.,.,
t..... IDrt" U'31IJ4" ...c . .,..... If n.oo hfll Nonh 71'1"5). But .. Ult..C11 ot'U.M ,
,..... 80rtll ."15'11" Jut . UllilftCle .r 40.10 hnl
'""It "'1:'''' J7''''U- 1M" A .l.c.... If SI.t) I,u CD tbI:
h1&u8 ~ _twIUI, DI.Il1':U:C !>>nlDap Ia......, U. ..
bOOn" t. Olfiefoal ...ora INk 110, I... 111" .r eM ru.w'1.a
r.cet4a of ..W ColiSaI' OMmtf.
... "uILtH eus., it ....... .. c" Vete b1 e. Co..~l
~'''NCll:lIa Ontl'Ol lobi IA' II ~... laic '" 1M '.lleu 'OJ
"'_M Di.nils kataqt ...-., Lt.. bIYbt . of
.anth U'I,II," hH.
WO tal . "1'_1 or lellll ta ,.1'1 ., '..cttG " lovn.lb1, 4t &OuCh, lIoIap t1 'iN..,
COUtu c:-.a.'1, 'lorll.4ucrlW .. followl 1.1\11 ., m.
MY UIl" 011 ....r.
10011. 12, PII.' U
QlIU... COVllt7. r
lUG WI . .nlp DC land ia ~Tt 1M I.eel.,. '. tow_hip 4' louth,
....... U ."', CoUbr eo""tl. rlor\d..n' h pnt ., Plu.l "D' ot ,a.1CM BA1 UJa1
OMI'1lI ,. Ibl pl~ 'MUo' al 'ucod.d i.. 11.' look 11, ..... U 'hr.. 51,
C.1U_ COl.Iat)l' "-"11.& "eo".. CoUler CoaotJ', nadlla. '"" .. foU.IIS'
CHMta laa Ie elll lCorthw.., COT'Il_" of M:l.4 'I'rut "D",
'1l.1C4llI MY WIT 0H&l
thIMe .1_ ct!. v..tlll'b 1:1..1'11.1 MU Pn..l "D", I~tb 01 'Jf'OO"
lull: 1"." f..t,
thIM:. coo':I... &1..,.. ..U "..t...l, 1~.. SO.ell "-"'00. V..e
~OI. 00 ".t I
cbInM Cllltll11l. alon, ..111 "..teb 1,:1.1I., ,o_c. D'-31'oo" "..c
13'.00 "11'
theMe cOllliau. alDlll ..U U.ltll'17 UIII lou;h 1"41'". Ian
14.t1 ,..C CD tM ..&at .f ...laallla ., the Itrip at 1f,'lI4 M'U1a
u.t 14
UHlln ~A.
OR 4468 PO 1490
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VllI.3 New Business
87 of 183
~~ ....... .' .~. ...... ....... .
lMlcI It.... 7.'06')1" Ian :s..., f.., ,. thl ""Id, U.. .,
hU.. la,"_c Oi."iOl Dlftue,.... At.. III Dr.......
IJ.-' ... die ..... ,..tefli' l!pC 01 W., ,....,
..... ....~lwM'.rlJ n.77 r.., al.. ..14 VII'." )ow ...
QIq eM Ion of . ......taQl..Ua1 dJ'ClI1n cun' CliDCIPO to tho
lall, _ill. ,us. .f '''.00 tea, oM: "''''lnIed ~ . ehed
*"11I Nr. 1ouI'a a.l0'OO" "-,, :&.t.7. '"''
chuM Io~n" 7'-04')1- .,.., .1." I_I
l:bt'Du Ioutb )'J'07' U. 1Iut 101:.1. f"'1 loulh S"OI'O,S. .,.., n.>> I..c,
t...... IINlb ....SO's.. V.IC 17.'0 IMII
thac. 'nr.b u-u'at" Veu n.n f.,tl
tUG,. V..~.rlsr U.U
,""', .OMNI to c
..,.. ."....VUcIl
chou lo.a"h
to " POW Of. a ",,"VI.
~ ..Uftpotial cbwla'
t.n .", ev.\ucd.a4
t '0 . polo!: of
dl,... Vnt
dr"lIlal' ..
t.ot aCMI ..~, ~
161.1.5 ,.., 'I .
cbmu l-.ath ..-to'eM
ChlMI Iwlh "'IO'o,n VUt !.:I.DO Ie.t;
thlDe' JIon" OJ-n'''" V..c '.00 f.., I
eh.. Io""h "'20'04" 51.., n.11 lout
'h... Rorth .,')1,,,,1' Wan Jll.n hac to . polae. of curv&tlln.
tMu' aa.atbwelt.rl, ".all..r. dOIll tb. cc 0' . .s"u~r IU,"
_I'll 'I. 1M .....CMu&. hlwlq . r...... of '7.70 f.1t a' .ullt.....
., . 0*4 wtltcb Man Ioucia "''''-40'' w.., 44.14 r.., to a pow
01 ,.......,.
'''-'I Iot.idt 11-)0'03" W.n u.u I..c co a poln&: of 11I....ICllI'.1
c..... J1.JJ "II IlG.. tla. .re: of . dl'cular tune ,
OOOUYI '0..... IIDIft"-"&:, bn~ I rllSlul of 6I.GO ta.c .. lII)teI4I"
W . ,ho~ wItS,. ....,. I..~ .n. 10'14- V." 73.4:1. r... u . ,Oial 01
12 of 14
fXIII'1T -,,-
OR 4468 PG 1491
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VlIl-3 New Business
88 of 183
.... ~ ...' ...
cblnC* Iou,_ U'50'1I- VlUt 11.11 lM"
dwMe I..,,, "-OIl'''. loin l.oa rU'l
thlMe South .,'50'15. V..e 53.00 '"U
An" .rlh 06'D,'J5. v.., S.OO te.c J
cllnc. Ioacla U'SO'U. ....Il 11.)1 hlu
~ ..nb 17'11'13- v... I..... ten)
c__ 'OInb ,,'IO')S- V.., 1),11 Inel
e.... Iouth "'50'"'' ...t: n.ll, r.., '0 . p.Jac Dt "nltur:1I1
Ikaa. ""'1'17 n.a& f.., 11", cllt "I .r . o....n1N C'I"'R
c..... &0 CM 1Io~"', hlvSAI & I""'" If 10.13 r.., aM ....UD...
'1 . GIIo.. "hletr. 'Mn hut" ".0)'03" ,,,.. n._ r.., u.. po"oe
ot tMPl107I
t".. ,utlrl1
cSrnln Clln. ..
,", uI ""Ind" li
1U.U hIt tD . JOllie.
tMM. bnh SP01'16" ,tan 15,15 relt to I potnt lli' cUn'UuUI
c1Mnc. Jonhe"u1'l1 ".S! f.." dGI\I the .re of a c1rcu1ar I:\lrv.
conet" ,. 1M Stiuch, ....,t"'. ,diu d 16.n ,..t ea' ..\ttn'"
11, . eMr' oAk" ...ta Ron" U'OI'U" lilt 11.70 rUt ,. a point
of ,.......,.
thtoe. Iouth eO'oU'44" &IC 2.1.00 'M' 'I . ,.ta1; 0' ."rvatUl'.'
C\llDCI 1a1lt....lJ' 314.ot r.n at_I 1M .... o. . dnllhr.\RYe
conca"" ,0 tlM lD~t1a. ba"tilil a DI .".n h.' .... .'''\It.....
11, . chor, ""uti 1Iti..,.. IIonb...'OS'03" Ell., 31." ,..~ to. fObt
.1 ca.....,.
tM...e "Tell "'$G''''" &'.1 1II.S6 (..CI
tbhCO torch "-101)6" Ea., 1..57 I..t.
U 01 14
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
Vlllw3 New Business
89 of 183
... OR 4468 PG 1492 ...
... '.' ........ .."., .. ~ . .. ~ . W.' .
~1IItM. ao.&1IU-IZ'13" .... 1',13 r..,.
n.oc. ."11 "-JOII." In. t7..II fMt to . ,,,,., or eunet.rlJ
Uuce "n.utulr I... 110., 'M na 01 a dnl&1ar ..,..,.
~ let t" ....t....., "'.s., I I'IlllLut .1 11.00 f... .... ..,.....
" . .lIe.... ....., ...... .rtt. $1 lO'l." ..., SI.U1 t.., t. . ,.1.n
.r C.....,.I
,... !tofdt 11-'0103" I.., U.lI r... co , "tac or &lll"fIllJI't,
t..... .rt....t...l' If." r.M t.1oq the an of . drnlu ell'"
_'It' to ,,- .....h...t, -viM a r..w. .f 1:1.10 'ed; ... .......
'1. liMn tddch "....s .rtb )4 15'''0- I.., ~.oz tltl t.. lOll'
.. U'IIeII'1
tt.a. 1oIaJ. 1t'.'44!".... tl1.'l ''''1
t....u Wonll. .'-loIM" lall u...,
tbl.<< J0rch "-30')'" E..t 14.)7 r..u
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May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII-3 New Business
92 of 183
JCP Application for Clam P_ MaIotllllUlCe Drodpg Pnded
Post, _yo Sch", " Jemltlan, March ZOOS.
lIem 30. Results of available wlId1lft! mneys lhal have .....0 condacled .n the site, aad auy
commeats perlalniag t. the proposed adMly from lbo florida Fish ud Wlldlifo
C.....rvatioa Commissloa.
See Attachment 29
We are requesting the Florida Department of Environmental Protection to obtain comments from
the PPWCC upon submittal of this application.
110m 31. A carreat BioJoslcal Opialon from tbe U.S. Fish aad Wildlife Servico 0' lbo
Nad.aa1 Marlae FI.beri.. Servl... wbea the Florida WIldlife CODJervadoa ColllDllaion bas
determlaed thai tbe proposed project wW ...a111a a lake of marlae tur1les, which coaJd aut
be aalburlzed aa iaddeDtallake dOlennlnatloa ode. federal Jaw.
See Attachment 29
We are requesting the Florida Department of Environmental Protection to obtain a cwrent
Biological Opinion from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service or the National Marine Fisheries
Service, if the Florida Wildlife Conservation Commission has determined that the proposed
project win result in a take of marine turtles, which could not be author:ized without an incidental
take determination under fedemllaw.
Itom 3Z. A gonoral d..aiptlon .f tbo ...0 aDd bnportaDee of Ibe area inflaolKed by lbe
proposed project far aD re....d.aa1 activities, ladadJng (\lot ..Ilimlled 10) fbbI"Il' dIvIag,
.ar6"ll ud bird walchlag. AI.. Inclado a go.....a1 descripdoa of uy commercial Ilsblag ID
the area.
The projected effects are localized, and no impacts on commercial or recreational lisherie. are
anticipated. Nourishment of Clam Pass Park will provide a wider beach for recreational purposes,
decrease the adverse affects of storms on the beach upland properties and improve sea turtle
habitat. There is an area of natural hardbottom approximately 400 feet offshore from the project
area which is not expected to be affected by the project.
Item 33. Aaalysls of lbo expected effect of the proposed acttrity on lbo coastal system
Iac/aollag bat Dot limited to:
a. Analysis of lb. apeded phy.1caI effect of lbe proposed actMly oa the exlsll"ll
coas1al coadldUDI aad aaturaJ shore aad lalet ,.It m... The anaJysIs sh.uld
""'Iude . lJDaadtatlft d..aipdon of lhe exlsdng coastal systom, tbe performaa..
objectives of Ihe proposed acttrily, the deslll" paramel.... aad assampllons. relevut
colDpatadoos, valldalleD of the ....uI.. and tho data used In the aaaJysIs.
The project is designed to nourish the beach of an eroded shoreline. The proposed borrow area is
located within limits of a portion of an old Clam Pass interior channel, which shoaled in with
littoral drift trapped by the inlet as the inlet mignoted to the north forming a new channel. Placing
this material OD the beach south of the inlet is essentially bypassing material trapped by the inlet
years ago, and it will provide a good sand source of beach compatible material. In addition to the
borrow area being a good source, the excavation of old interior channel will improve the flushing
within the Clam Pass ecosystem. This increase of flushing will benefit mangroves within bsy
system as did implementation of the Clam Bay Restoration and Management 1999, although it is
J 1
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
Vlll~3 New Business
93 of 183
JCP ApplkaOoo for Clam Pasa M.aIalmaaco DndPI Prtdec:t
Past. Bacldey. Schab, " J........... Marcb Z009.
aDticipated that the benefits from the proposed activity will be relatively minor in comparison to
the benefits realized from 1999 improvements. See Attacbment 28.
b. Allalysls of the tompatlbWty Df tbe 611 material with respect tD the oaliv. secIIm.nt
at the sit.. n. aaalyals .baald Iadud. aU re1evaat ......patatl.... the
.verftD ratios. and .nperlmposed graphs of the cumulallv. graID-size dlstrlbatioa
and lb. lRqu.acy dbtrlbutiDn of the ffll mat.rlal over the data for tb. exIstlag or
oallv. .odIm.Dlat lb. placem.nt sit.. Prevld. ......pntall... of borrow area v.lume
and compodt. ffll mat.ria1 eIIarart.mlla (mean grala sIz. and sorting, p.rrent
carbonat. c.lltent) ID an .1.rtroaIr .pread.sbeel.
See Attachment 33.
c. n.m....trotloa of tond.leucy wltb lb. n.partm'Dt'. -'Bic bearb
piau .r an laIet mlUJlllleDl'Dt plan Ia actordan"" with RaIe 828-41.005(15). FAC.
lf tb. pr.posed PnU.d is not inclDded Ia ao Inlel piau the appH....t
wHI provide the information spedlied 10 RuI. 82B-41.008(l)(m), FAC.
A dnIft inlet MaDagement Plan was prepared by Collier County in 1995, however. it was never
adopted by the state. The draft management plan made recommendations for improving the
hydrodynamics of the inlet and bay system to improve inlet stability and reduce the frequency of
maintenance dredging. and to improve flushing of the bay, Those recommendations were
incorporated iD the 1998 Clam Bay Restornuon and Management Plan. which was implemented
in I 999.The proposed activity is consistent with both the 1995 Draft Inlet ManagemeDt Plan aod
the 1998 Restoration and MaDagement Plan.
d. Analysis of bow water quaHty and uatura! tomDlDnlties would be affected by tbe
proposed P"lIed. ProvId. graphic represeutatlDD (depirtloo) Df the area .f dlrKt
and .econdary influence .f lb. preposed activity and delineale lb. nalural
communities w1tbla tbal area. AD nqalnd .urveys shaD be representative of exlslIag at the time of submittal. Surveys of .ab_'lIed aquatic
veg.tation (SA V) sban be tonduded in Ibe rleld during the growing .....n f.. a
givea cDmatic regioa such ibat they raptllre Ibe fall areal .ldeat and bI...... .f lb.
SA V community. Spedes tompodti.n and spatial distribution .baII aIs. be
add....ed by tb. survey. Estimate Ibe a1Jeded acreage of .arb impaded
It is anticipated that there will be seme tempomry localized elevated turbidity levels as expected
with any nonnal nourishment projects. It is not anticipated that turbidity levels will exceed state
water quality standards. Monitoring will be conducted iu accordance with procedures typically
required under special conditions of the DEP pennit. and corrective measures will be taken
should water quality standards be exceeded at any time during construction. No seagrasses were
identified during an August 29, 2008 site visit.
e. .....rances that a regulated activity wID D.t cause anarceptabl.
cumulative impacts pursuant to Rales 40X-4.30Z(1)(b) aad 8ZB-41.002(19}((b),
Action will be taken to reasonably assUDlllce that regulated activity will net cause unacceptable
cumulative impacts pursuant to Rules 40X-4.302(I)(b) and 62B-41.002(19)((b). F.A.C.
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VllI.3 New Business
94 of 183
\."Greenecolleen \
McAlpin Gary
Monday, March 10, 2008 12:50 PM
GreeneColleen; ashton_h
Request for legal opinion - Dredging at Clam Bay for Navigation
Under what conditions If any, can the county dredge~Ower Clam BayJ),r navigation?
. Quick claim deed dated 4/13/1982 and recorded in OR Book 966 page 1841 grants Coilier County nershlp ofl
property subject to restrictions listed in schedule A. Page 5 of schedule A, general provisions. sectio 6 discusses
dredging as follows:
<. owner shall not apply for dredge or fill permits in Park or Conservation areas regardless of tutu, amendments to
the statutes or regulations of the United States or the State 01 Florida without prior written con nt of the
declarent. ----
. USACE permit dated Nov. 18,1981 andrecordedinORB 966 a e18240npag 1826' peclalCondltions
states no dredging allowed except to maintain openings 0 u of Mexico, '
. Clam Pass Management Plan Interim reporl1 dated July 1995 prepared by Terrell for PBSD Indicates in th~t>
Public Interest and Use section that the inlet is presently maintained tor tidal fiushing and not for navigationa.
purposes and that public use of the inlet has been limited for boating and onsid d as being. . n-
navigable, This is In conflict with the permit which Indicates that It Is avlgatlonal waterway.
. Seagate has argued that the water areas of the estuaries are owned by the e restrictive
covenants In the deed cannot stop or limit us from doing something that Is not owned by the rlginal upland proPerty or
controlled by them, In effect, how can the control something fhat is not owned by them? or a they controlling oilir
actions by not having us apply for dredging permits?
. If so, could the City of Naples apply/petition the regulating authorities to dredge the area/chan el tor navigation sihce it
Is owned by the state? Would this solve the problem with the deed restrictions and Collier Co ty?
J. Gary McAlpin, Director
Coastal Zone Management
3300 Santa Barbara Blvd.
Naples, Florida 34116
(239) 530-5342
Fax: (239) 353-4061
67;l1lA - VIe s ,
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May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII.3 New Business
950f183 ~,
11~ Appl,COItio.... No,
N:im, of Appliunt
NOY 1 8 198f
IIliv 18 ,qAf' >
b;pirllion D,ue (Ilol1ppliublf)
De"..."g 10 ..."I1~n ,eq\lHI dU!fd 15 Februarv 1979 10' ipe,m,\ 10
q: l "''''Ol~ W(>,k In Of .tt"t'"1I r'\;Iv'pbl, _I'" 01 Ifl, Un",d Slftu. "PO" \'" ,.""mml:t'd.I,on of 'fll Ch"l of ["!I,n"", ,,'''w.<ot
10 Secl'on 10 or ,he RII....' .nd H.,bof, Ac, 01 M..... 3. 1899 133 V.S,C. 4031
(XI O,SChMlll' dr.dliJtd or I,ll ....,."".1 ,,"O w.l." 01 \h, Unlled Sllll/'lO "po" In, ,nuln". 01 it ~,mil from Ill' s.n:..Il...... at the "'mv
1<""'lllhr~vt> It>e en,,' 01 En9'''nors pII'$Il,nIIO SKI,on 404 o' In, FI'd\>'~' W~I'f "011",,00'\ Conu,,' Acl186 5111.816. P,L, 92-5001;
~ I Tr'''$l)DrI <.W.dged ......'."1110> lh, ,,"'POI' ot c",' ,"'0 ocun "'.'~<I ~PO" '11~ "....n~ 01 .permH from 'hoe $cl;f~1.rv o! the
"""v Kt,ng,hliNgh lhoc: C:h,~1 o! EngonHrti p",rW;mllO SKlton 103 01 Ih.. M.",<e' Pmt"""on, A_...;h...d Act 011872'"0
18fiSUOt.10!i2;P.L92-SJ21: >
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Uf _"',,,~ ""t, h.~" JJr~ tn!' A-~"~J
Itl. n",mP"t III ",Il~ J~r.n:1~ "~,,. ~;~
labeled "Pla ';"';".' l:;-;-revised March 1980 a~one. ae .'zP ~ eale 1" = 100')
entitled "Fi ~~ . N.W. Fill Area Pelican B ~COlli r Co ;'H " revised
3_6_8011. "\). ) ;.......;
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May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VlII-3 New Business
960f183 ,,-
000966 0018Z5
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May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII~3 New Business
9701183 "
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II. %lK~ CoM.'ions' '1ft,.. '''' con""'O'" '01"""9 \1>~C,I,co"~ ,,, ,h. (l,ooo't,i "'UC'V" <>, ,",o,k .u,hO",.." b~ ,n,' p',,,,,, I
a. The 570 acres
and Upper Clam Bays
c. There
and Upper C1
Pass (except
d. There ar
Continued on page 5.
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VllI.3 New Business
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May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII-3 New Business
99 of 183 ,,,-
e.~ The drainage swill proposed between the western boundary of the fill
and Ute beach dune ridge reai" in 1ts natural vegetated condition and
not be clNred of .-getttion and/or filled.
f. No Ylgetati,e clearing of any wetlands is to be allowed without writ-
ten approYll of the appropriate State and Collier County depi.rtllenU respon-
sible for such acth'ft1es.
Th. undorstgned pt...ftt.., oct_ledgeS that he has ",.d the Ibo.. spe<:fal
conditions. that they .:curately reflect the present conditions of his
project. ttt.t ~ is aware of Nch of the aboye spechl conditions, that he
agrees to colllply with each speci" conditfon, and he agrees that if, for any
reason, a1'\Y of these spechl conditions are not as dete...ined by the
District Engineer, this pe~1t autOMatically becones suspended f~1ately.
since any such vfolation of a spech1 condition sh<<ll be deeIM!d not in the
general public interest. A suspension based upon << violation of one of the
special conditions cannot be lifted until the violation has been ~letely
resol ved.
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May 20. 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII-3 New Business
100 of 18'3
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May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII-3 New Business
101 of 183
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He/ping Shape Florida's Future.
Reply To: West Palm Beach
March 11,2010
Ms. Lainie Edwards
Florida Department of Environmental Protection
5005 West Tennessee Street
Building B
Tallahassee, FL 32304
Re: DEP File No. 0296087-001-JC, Collier County
Clam Pass Maintenance Dredging
Dear Ms. Edwards:
This firm represents Pelican Bay Foundation, Inc ("Foundation"). The Foundation is a
Florida not-for-profit corporation that acts as a homeowners' association representing the interests
of over 60 individual residential condominium and homeowners associations, comprising more than
6,500 households and numerous businesses within the Pelican Bay community. The Foundation
and its members own substantial amounts of valuable real property that abut, adjoin and surround
Clam Pass and Clam Bay. The Foundation is also a riparian owner of land on both sides of Clam
The Foundation holds a real property interest in the form of restrictive covenants of record
(the "Covenants") which expressly restrict the activities of the applicant, Collier County, with
respect to Clam Bay, Clam Pass and the surrounding area. The Covenants expressly protect the
environmental quality and integrity of the Clam Bay system, and conserve the area as a valuable
amenity for the use and enjoyment of a substantial number of the Foundation's members. As
indicated below, the Covenants prohibit the applicant, Collier County, from conducting any
dredging without the Foundation's express, prior written approval. The Foundation has a legal
obligation to its members to enforce the Covenants and to preserve and protect Clam Bay and Clam
Pass area for the benefit of its members.
Helping Shape Florida's Future'
1001 Third A...enue West
Su'te 670
Bradenton, f;oridil 34205
245 Ri...erside Avenue
Suite 1$0
Jilckson...ille Flolldil 32202
2600 Centennial Place
Suite 100
Tallahassee, rlorida 32]08
p 850.222-5702 . 11850.224-9242
515 North Flagler Drive
SUIte 1500
West Palm Be<lch, FkHid<l 33401
P 941 108.4040 . f 1941-708,4024
P 904]536410 . f 1904-35]-76'9
p!S61-640-0820. fI561.640-8202
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII.3 New Business
Ms. Lainie Edwards
March II, 2010
Page 2
The Foundation's governing documents provide that its general nature, purpose, and objects
include enhancing the civic, social and recreational interests of its members and otherwise
promoting the health, safety and general welfare of its members and their property. As such, the
action being requested of DEP to permit dredging within Clam Pass and Clam Bay is within the
Foundation's general scope of interest and activity.
Attached as Exhibit I is a recorded copy of Disclaimer No. 22150 issued by the Trustees of
the Internal Improvement Trust Fund in 1959 to Collier County's predecessor in title, disclaiming
any state interest in potential sovereignty lands within the Clam Bay system. Accordingly, as of
1959 title to the Clam Bay system was vested in the then uplands owner.
This area was ultimately conveyed to Coral Ridge - Collier Properties, Inc., the original
developer of Pelican Bay and the Foundation's predecessor in title. Significant portions of the
Clam Bay system were conveyed to Collier County in 1982 in connection with the PUD approval
for Pelican Bay. This conveyance was subject to a number of conditions required by the PUD
ordinance and expressed in the Quit Claim Deed (the "Deed") conveying the property to Collier
County and in the Covenants to which the Quit Claim Deed was expressly made subject. Attached
as Exhibit 2 you will find a copy of the Quit Claim Deed and the Declaration of Protective
Covenants and Restrictions (as amended, the Covenants) encumbering the property. It is clear that
pursuant to that conveyance to Collier County significant conservation restrictions were imposed on
the Clam Bay system. Moreover, the grantor in that conveyance reserved significant oversight and
approval rights to ensure that the conservation restrictions were faithfully observed. The Covenants
have subsequently been amended. Attached as Exhibits 3 and 4, respectively, you will find an
Amendment to Declaration of Protective Covenants and Restrictions (recorded at OR Book 4452,
page 3954, public records of Collier County) (the "First Amendment") and a Second Amendment to
Declaration of Protective Covenants and Restrictions (recorded at OR Book 4468, page 1475,
public records of Collier County) (the Second Amendment").
The Deed established within the Clam Bay system a Conservation Area and a Park Site.
Clam Pass is within the Conservation Area. With respect to the Conservation Area the Deed
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII.3 New Business
Ms. Lainie Edwards
March 11,2010
Page 3
The reserved rights of the grantor under the Deed and the Covenants have been conveyed to the
Foundation by assignment. Accordingly, the Foundation stands in the shoes of the grantor and
exercises those same rights today. Among those reserved rights are the rights to approve
improvements in the conservation area and dredging. As amended, the Declaration of Protective
Covenants and Restrictions (recorded at OR Book 966, page 1843, Public Records of Collier
County) provides:
b.) CONSERVATION AREA may only be used for conservation
purposes, to include but not limited to such purposes as conservation and protection
of the natural resources, wildlife diversity, scenic beauty and aesthetic value of the
c.) No building, structure, facility or other improvement shall be placed
in PARK SITE or CONSERVATION AREA unless it is permitted by the
RESTRICTIONS and until DECLARANT [now the Foundation] has issued is prior,
written approval. DECLARANT may, in its sole and absolute discretion, reject
proposed structures or facilities in PARK SITE or CONSERVATION AREA,
regardless of whether such structure or facility is a permitted use under the
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII.3 New Business
Ms. Lainie Edwards
March 11,2010
Page 4
The covenants, conditions, restrictions and other provisions under
these COVENANTS shall run with the land and bind the property within PARK
SITE and CONSERVATION AREA. It is DECLARANT'S intent, by these
COVENANTS, to conserve and protect the natural resources and scenic beauty of
PARK SITE and CONSERVATION AREA for the benefit of the present and future
owners of the real property encumbered herein. The purpose of these COVENANTS
mandates, and it is DECLARANT'S intent in furtherance of this purpose, that these
COVENANTS be perpetual. In the event that any portion of the PARK SITE or
CONSERVATION AREA is ever determined to be owned by a party other than the
OWNER, the covenants, conditions, restrictions, and other provisions under these
COVENANTS are nonetheless binding and shall continue to be binding as between
DECLARANT and OWNER with respect to all of the PARK SITE and
CONSER V A TION AREA, including any such portion that may be determined to be
owned by a party other than the OWNER, in order to ensure that DECLARANT has
the opportunity to prevent, in its sole and absolute discretion, any adverse or harmful
or other consequence objectionable to DECLARANT in its sole discretion with
respect to the PARK SITE and CONSERVATION AREA, including those portions
OWNER shall not apply for dredge or fill permits in PARK SITE or
CONSER V A TION AREA from any governmental bodies, regardless of any future
amendments to the statutes or regulations of the United States or the State of Florida
or as a result of decisions of the United States or the State of Florida, nor shall
OWNER cause any dredge or filling activities to be commenced under any such
permit, without the prior written consent of DECLARANT, which consent may be
withheld in the sole and absolute discretion of DECLARANT.
Accordingly, the Foundation is a necessary party in any permitting process for activities
within the Clam Bay system, the PARK SITE or the CONSERVATION AREA, including
specifically dredging activities. Please be advised that the Foundation has not approved the
dredging activities in the Clam Pass dredging application submitted to DEP by Collier County.
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Ms. Lainie Edwards
March II, 2010
Page 5
As part of the 1982 conveyances which established the Clam Bay conservation area, the then
Grantor reserved two parcels of land within Clam Bay for beach club facilities. Those parcels are
owned today by the Foundation. One of those parcels is adjacent and riparian to Clam Pass, on both
sides of Clam Pass, and thus to the Clam Pass dredging project. Accordingly, on this basis as well
the Foundation is an affected party with respect to any of these proposed activities.
The riparian ownership question is critical to this proposed project. In its application, in
response to question 14, Collier County simply indicated "not applicable" in response to the
requirement that it demonstrate satisfactory evidence of sufficient control and interest in the riparian
upland property. As described above, the entirety of the Clam Bay/Clam Pass system, both upland
and submerged lands, was conveyed to the County by the Foundation's predecessor in title. The
Foundation reserved this parcel along Clam Pass and reserved rights to approve all development
and dredging activities, including the act of applying for dredging permits. Collier County does not
contest that the Covenants apply to the uplands, it simply suggests that the Covenants do not apply
to activities in submerged lands, presumably on the basis that Collier County believes that such
submerged lands are sovereign submerged lands. Attached as Exhibit 5 is a printout from the
Collier County Property Appraiser's records depicting the Foundation's property at Clam Pass. As
you can see, the parcel is bisected by the pass itself, indicating that the Foundation owns the riparian
upland property on both sides of Clam Pass. Also enclosed as Exhibit 6 is another printout from the
Collier County Property Appraiser's records showing parcels owned by the County which surround
the Foundation's parcel. It is clear from the application that elements of the County's project,
whether the active dredging itself, staging, dredge piping or disposal area are occurring on the
upland property owned by the Foundation or by Collier County. As the covenants make clear
(irrespective of your position on ownership of the submerged lands), the Foundation's approval is
necessary to even prosecute the application with the Department. It is abundantly clear, therefore,
that Collier County does not have sufficient control and interest in the riparian upland property to
prosecute the current application.
We continue to have concern over the lack of a demonstrated need for this project. When
the project was first conceived and the application put together by the County, the stated purpose of
the project was to provide beach compatible material for beach renournishment, as opposed to a
demonstrated need to maintain flushing in the system for the benefit of the Clam Bay resources.
Attached as Exhibit 7 is a copy of Question 33 and Collier County's Answer, from a signed but
unsubmitted permit application, which clearly states that "The project is designed to nourish the
beach of an eroded shoreline.....\n addition to the borrow being a good source, the excavation of the
old interior channel will improve the flushing within the Clam Pass ecosystem." In response to
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIlt-3 New Business
Ms. Lainie Edwards
March 11,2010
Page 6
criticisms about the intended purpose of the dredging, Collier County revised the application to
reflect a putative need for increased flushing for Clam Bay resources. I do not believe that case has
been made by the applicant. The monitoring reports prepared over time by Humiston & Moore do
not suggest a need for dredging, especially to the depth and width proposed by the County, except
in those rare cases when Clam Pass closes. Excavation of Clam Pass without any demonstrated
need, and in particular over-excavation, will simply lead to greater erosional effects on both sides
and not provide any significant benefit for flushing. DEP staff has also recognized that the pass has
performed its flushing function better and longer when dredged to a smaller cross-section. Past
efforts to dredge the pass wider and renourish the beach have proven unsuccessful due to
accelerated erosion.
We are also concerned that Collier County has plans for navigational dredging with the
Clam Bay system, and that dredging of Clam Pass is part of that overall design. The DEP has
previously denied a request for exemption from Collier County for the installation of red and green
lateral navigational markers in Clam Bay, markers which the Foundation believes are intended as a
precursor of navigational dredging in Clam Bay. Attached as Exhibit 8 is a copy of an email dated
March 10, 2008, from J. Gary McAlpin, the Director of Coastal Zone Management of Collier
County (and the person who signed this dredging permit application on behalf of Collier County) to
Assistant County Attorney Colleen Greene. In this email.Mr. McAlpin asks Ms. Greene "Under
what conditions, if any, can the county dredge Lower Clam Bay for navigation?" Mr. McAlpin's
desire to see Clam Bay dredged for navigation even goes so far as to lead him to suggest that "could
the City of Naples apply/petition the regulating authorities to dredge the area/channel for navigation
since it is owned by the state? Would this solve the problem with the deed restrictions and Collier
Given Collier County's original statement that the purpose of the project is to nourish the
beach of an eroded shoreline, rather than for mangrove flushing, and given the clear evidence that
Collier County would like to dredge for navigation in Clam Bay, the Foundation does not believe
that any dredging permit should entrust Collier County with the determination of whether or not
dredging is required for the health of the mangroves in Clam Bay. The Foundation believes that the
Foundation, as the riparian owner of land on both sides of Clam Pass, and as the party entrusted
with the obligation to enforce the Covenants, should be the party to make the determination as to
whether future dredging is required for the health of Clam Bay's mangroves.
Given the Foundation's legitimate concerns about over-dredging and the recognized
erosional effects, the applicant should be required to develop a detailed Mitigation Plan, based upon
reasonably expected or predicted geo-morphological changes in shoals, shorelines and other
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIiI-3 New Business
Ms. Lainie Edwards
March 11,2010
Page 7
features. The Foundation is likely to experience significant adverse effects on both sides of Clam
Pass as a result of the project as proposed. A permit specific Mitigation Plan would address
remediation necessary to address project related impacts to Foundation properties and infrastructure
abutting the proposed activity. A financial guarantee should be required to ensure Plan
implementation by the applicant.
We also analyzed the details for the prosecution of the work involved in this project. Both
the Department and the applicant have recognized that there is a considerable quantity of unsuitable
non-beach compatible material to be dredged. Collier County has said, simplistically, that if high
silt content material is found "the contractor will remove and truck unacceptable material to the
landfill." As you can see from the photographs and from the plans submitted, there is little suitable
space to stage and prosecute that work as the beach is both relatively narrow and far removed from
any suitable upland site for building a basin for and dewatering high silt content material. Access to
the beach site is provided by a long boardwalk. This is not realistic. As a practical matter, by the
time unsuitable material is identified during the dredging process, it will have already been
dispersed on the beach. This is not acceptable.
The Foundation wishes to be placed on the Department's notice list for this application and
to be apprised of activity involving the applicant. That notice can be provided to the undersigned.
In the meantime, if you have any questions or if I may be of any assistance, please do not hesitate to
call me.
cc: Steve Feldhaus, Esquire (w/enclosures)
Rich Y ovanovich, Esquire (w/enclosures)
Mr. Erik Olsen (w/enclosures)
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII-3 New Business
45... 2l)
NO. 22150
KNOW ALL MBH BY TH888 rUBSKNT:S, that tho ltate or
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May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIJl-3 New Business
109 of 183
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May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII-3 New Business
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I NPO' tnT'" 1.11:I1. Olt Ul ,I; f1cer dul, IUtltOl"Hd 'II
t.flt Stall Iflfftl'd .... III till IItd to tab "'1l1O.1......t'.
H"S4M.lI, .....rod lOSS P. OllEY, '""ftM of CortI IU,"-tol1ttr
,,...,ril,,. Ie., to .. knlMl to be tile !)Irion d.,ert... 1ft .nd . .1IC:lltlll
t" '....101. f..t.~llt. 1M Itt tc:t,*,l.,.... btfoJ"W .. t.lI,~ .. ~_ tfW
SlATE (# 'LDI* )
VIllUS ., /II'" .... offfcl,l ...1 ,. VII: Collnt, _ nd. 1151. .f.,....tcl
t/llh Utlt.., of """'1, ,..
liS...../: .,1....1
M1 c-hston taptnl:
".' ,..UCIWiClf_1I1H111
. .~'II1lGol_..tlltH
"" _./ -~~...~ I" ..,.oe,...II:t4i
"'I,'. d... 1:Jf..
.~~ '.
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIJl-3 New Business
IIIII'loa. RCTJCaI Jr _ Jl..._'RIIISJIJ,.. SClUf",
.... n EA5f' .... POITIDIIS IF *,11_ 4 I,...... 1
TMSIII' 41 $11M". IA8 a [AST. ClLLIO l:onrT, FLDRlDA
n.t. 1K1....'1.. of ,......,... en.1IIIIh .... ",'rint.. ... tilts 1>>
II., of .." 1_. Q CIIAL 11_-auID IIlIftITIES, nlC., . nlM1l1.
lIIII[lI, aIIAI. .,..aK.U_ PIIClI'UT,u. IIC., . fllfJ'tll, ~ordt'lI.
~" Nfl,. ." ,Plllef,., ,I. '" ...t.... tit Coll.... COIM1. nort",
... ....,.. ...., ., ,... tilt .... a.KDATJDI MI" II dllCP1llM III MTICU
01 '111. Dlel.m'" .... .... 011 'Ml SIT[ a. PIfSlIQATlDI MfA tM
DECUIATtOI (II IIS'IIICTIOIS RlciI Is Ntll"ll" ta Off'c'a' IKorft lui HI.t
'.' 1nD tbN 1140" tile "."c .... eo.llC1'. 'lor1"1 aid
....US. COlA&. 1.11( &1~61 N'. tllIl t. .,.ar
.. ..... a HII 'All UTE ...
aJllSEl'fATlO1 IIlIuld .. I.....
Oft ,. snl .... propart, ...hlS
101I ""'"
\Ill. Qtcl.rat
t. "OI'Q.MMT- IItIll IftIl a" Nf.,. to COUL lJOIE.lDLLJO PlDPflTla,
lK,. a fI,"'A qF90r.'ln. ,",""tly IIIvt", III pr'nct,., pIKa vf ..t""'
,. COlli. COIlt\1t.. P'lortll., ttl pcallO" or ..,I,nl Of 'II,J' or .11 of Its
I. ...- lull _an.. ",'ar to...". ""'..,. perlllll or ..tltl 'I'
,."In .... ... .. rwc:onl OIllttr " . f.. 1*,,-., ,. ,... Ult ....
CDISD'lATIOII MIA. "-I,. IIOt". .UCftoIIOI'S, 1..., ,.,n.nt.t"'" or .ut"".
f. -.STllcrlOlS- Illal1 .... end ",... to tlat "rt.t" Dtcl.,.I\IOfI 01
IHtrtct.OfII .. ..... t. Off'cl.. lKoNl 10M M6 It'll" 1130 thna 1140
lit \110 "'1I1fc ..ord. or Co111... eo..,.. n,rtd..
I. .covnurs- 111I11 _In Ud I"'tf... to Ul1l Deell,..",. of 'l'O""t",
eo,..",tI .nd "trlc"lIM for I'O"tOlll Of SlctllMl Jl ... 33. T....tltp 41
SoutIl. II.... 1" h.t Illll PorttoM of lec:\tOftl 4, " I IftII I. TCMtlttt, ..
5Mt~ ..... 21 Ult, '-alll.r eo.IC1, nOM"
May 20, 2010 Cram Bay Subcommittee
VJJI.3 New Business
112 of 183
hJ All
h .... au..
,.nuI.. fll
''''II:.flll ....
11'1 U11111M'M11l11
wI"lt a,h. .'f'll
~.) ""lit" \D
dt..... ...rhttOfl 0"."
._) lit .,rvc,.... ftcllt\1 or l'IlI" " tn ,* SIT[ Iftlf
lIIlSalun. MEA .ull lit ~1acI. ...\eIl, ....._ or nor "'II
.... ....'...,at'oa, 'NI ..-n1 ... ''-II f1f _'-rlor ~lor If" .t....
..n wM~.. hI W "' IUItS t.. Illbrt.r ""JU;e of ,~ structu... ..
u..-rt... .".....t till ,rlor wr1ttu .1",,1 of IIKLMAIT.
'0) Ml1 ....n. pr'or" 'M ~M~" InJ' CDft.'rvct1iH1 1,. '.1\;
Jill .., COISOYATIIlI -A. ..IIIU ,. ...."'. " DECl.MAI1' ". ,011owt..
_.-t.lI. CI), ',,..11_,.,.,, cone.,t' pflll d'Ct! ....11 ffllth... .....,'c
.1. ,11M. f'1.... ,1_ 'Ill ."..1.. .I....t'.., (tt) '''.Ip ,"""Ul.' wldclt
...n 1"'1.... .... .t,n.. ....n.... .... lite ...11ft __c. ,"'''cf.", IIllI" 1ft Man so tb't till" co lit ....,.... tilt Cllll'Kbr. .\IIno,.
....NKa, ..1"1,,. llIWrf.l. .. col,". ... lilt ""Itt, .. Und 9f
...n.It. .... 1...... .......1. ,...,....~ .1Id Uti) .c....'tnICtt.. '1.... .....
tpn:lftCdI_' ....eIl iNn IMI . &NI ..hI,,'oll " ,... ,...'h1IIlU7 ~t
,1_ ... NI'''' ,...,...,.. DKUIIQI' ....11. 11'1 wr1tt... after I"IC.I,t I'
..e. .....,NII ....f".l. .,J'Oft. IPPN... .'tct to ...,Im ':"". or
1. usr HSTlJcrlOlS.
I.J 'Ml JJll .., .. III" ,... \lie .......t.. rI , iPtI..ltc "tcll .....
N1." ,..1" 1'M"",...1 ICthttt.. .... ,,,, '1CInu.. Iftillt" ,., SITf
.....lW ., IUlllmo.. ,. eccmIw. wtt" t.... to'IEIIIIfS.
th) COIRIYATa MEA .., .1, .. 111M f... COl'IIt"HU" ,.",M' t.
'tE'" .. .. 111I'" te SlCb ,lItIIO.., II COflIa",tl.. ... ,rot.KlIon Oi .
......"1 ""r'PI. ..Idlt'. ft""1". tentc ...." 1/1' ..stllltlc "1. of
c.) It ..UlIUI. atrwc.... f~1t~ or ""'I' "'~lIt _11 .. '1....
t. ,. 1m: or ClllSEIPI'_ MIA tiT... tt It ,.fllltw .., till JQTlICT"
ad ..1&11 DE:a.MAIfr HI hAtlll it. ,1'1.,. ""&Ie. 11I"..,.1. HaJlAlTl... t"
,'- ..1. .,.. .....hee .ltcNttoll. I't.I<<t. ".,.... Itnctur'ft ... flCn 'tl., 1,.
PM<< sin ., .-ofATIII MIA, .rdln." _till, sue.. drnl... .r
faef1 It I I. . "ratttH ItII a...1' t ...
d.) An '.emU..
:siR ... ClUlSIIWIOIl
.m.. ..""..
M''''''. "'" 1M
.".....1 fit
I. 1Af1n:
SC...~E .".
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII.3 New Business
OR 80011
reS-t I." pi.... ,,,,,..11 ,11II _Iftca""" '1 In 1UM1U" 10 't u
NCIlffNllll..... r.n.... U IIMIf. .11'''' ,,",U of KClJIAI1' ", .11 ItIC"
,1_. ,.,....,. ... .-1fteatt. ,rtor " till __lit Of '"I
_,t"'t~ ..11 lie .... . ....rf.1 ...... ""'"' aM Dra.MMT ,"'11 t..
..... tat "1I!l. t. ...t,t... t. till .u.r rttM NN1tted ., I. or I_ ..u"
to ".. f. .tllt cwna " ..Ill .,., IIlJIlCtfOl ....'1111I M1
c...t.-ctf.. ..wtu.ut .." wrttttft ."."" ,. III Un ... or ,.._
ferttarlP It MII'S .......
c.) n. .......1.. ....s.ntOl or .,....,......, lID' .......1 ., DECUIAIIT
of ... "'" ,"""II ... wed'le..I.n IlIlI UII locatt. ., .11 dretll....
... ''''1'7 11hntl.. of .. Ii..... ...n lOt .. c...bvIlI ot' f.",NtIIlI II
a ........f.. II" ........,. IW IIGJIMT Ullt .... ..nlttlll, "=:I'
.lIctrIct' ndI or 0"", .,1'.1. ....".1Il.1 .....lltfaal or ....,f I
".,. Dr ...,. "" ... ......b' _ '" 11II _. .... ,.n " ....."'11'.
fo.. _.f.,.. .11 IIICHIU'J' bdlItcll dill ... t. .... ""lie"'. to ....
0.... till ........, rtI Ctllflf' ~, "-iteM .., 1IItN_ D',trlct, ...
... ."-t' .,....". 'OWl.......' ....... ,11,.. " ~l'C..n of ..., ....
or QMI.tNCt''''
d.) DICt.MMI' lban hive .. ....... "'...IlIl1ItI 0.. Itlbnltl tD ""
~ Of' tit PI' tIt_ "r'IOII .......... fn l'etl*t to till ...~I. fit ",
rt.... or tile flnUN " ...~I. tm.MAII" .., re~..' ,1_,
p,....,. ... .,.trtcd1 ... s W "'110" _bOI....
hel.IllI ,...1, Intlll, ,[\I ....lut. Ittserd'..
DmMMT'S _"'. ,...1 of suctI wrt:
.... fl UIt ..I, . (t) tilt .I~
at fta ..rlor .. It. "flCt
.... ,lIftOUIIIl thl ...,..n
~",..., (It "". Uft) till
ph-* ..11 .r . ""In aftIII
c:onltnctt... r Iv,,,, ot...
..twi., ...
.. aTWlII
dtlCOnlllll g..
Mil _It ..
.. om.
All dlctrte. tI,........ ,IS .... otlltr
UfIlIal"lt'WM1 .1... ,rollflllt.f Ilr .t.tut..
Flerl.o,. .. UtJ'ted 5t....
10 .t,t.. 1Ic.nn. lilt.... ~,... ....... """ electrolt', ...riu'.
........ '-" or cftl.. IlIIl1 (CI) ... .."'... NnlI (....) lilt..... INll III
,...ttt.d eRtft II .,..0" ... DKUUIT ,. wrttf"l. A f1..,o'.(I) for
.f.1., ", tM "..(1) tilt t. UIlltftl Stili' rt _I'tca. Stitt of "_rltI, 0..
a.m.. """'odLJ.1r''' ..... sue.. .u... "..(1) II .,.. ftnt INrtft4I ,,,
"".'" .. ."'11 II ,..."lId. '"'YI.... IIDwtftr. tile .'111 Ind
1aeattGl 01 t. "...,.\,) .,It III #frst IN,.... tll wrttt.. '" KCUIMT.
An .",..,., ',....1.....1 _ lit .... .. IIn 1"'-1.
lIttltuo lIn.. _.lit'" tnst'Ued
01' rqulllt.", .r t~ Stau ",
,.,.3 of t.
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII-3 New Business
114 of 183
DO leU
It teltll '"11.... ~ '.er..'....1 CI".I .. "'''''7
stl'tl&tllNI Hill .. ..,.t".. ..,.. lMfr 11.1. .,..... ,.. w..m')'
ltatf. 'I Me Sl1I .r CDISIltlTlOl MIA N" fll"'tt _n .,.... l7
10. ouma "'''11'.
An ....... .., 'n... ~.... II ,.. 1111 .... cmoWATUII MIA ,...n
.. "... ... ..11t,f_ .. __ h, IttNrt._ .... ctIIItIIM" ... _
0UlII' lured lYe ctIIet... ,. -r,- .. 1ItLMAIf. ,... PIn?O- ef tide
IICIf... ....... 1ft "- If".. .9II'''r ...fllll"l ...n -' III _.f....
.. IttncU.. ......,.. All on taM.. eottl11f ..:::,;::~ "ria1M' ,...
... ....,. ... ..... ........ .." .. or ".. ..
...-.:...... ...... II *' ....,. ...11 !WI .. ..lIIn, "'II",. w......
'aaillfIc.'. 11II11 lie ...tI..... ....... ,.... rKI1tU.. ... _'''''InIlI ., _.
11. A" ~mOlbS.
All Ilr c"'''''''" WI'h _11 Ilt 11It,1,.. .. Itt-.n Ie IMI -., ....11
nit .. ""fb rilflll.. ..11 .Ir CO'" I..... lIIIttl .., III ,.,.,ttelI .,.1,
..... ,. ,rt.. ""'''''' _,.." . Itr c_It"..".. 1Ilt1t.
...".....--. ~ aU
". ..... C1Lumos. ~'-' ;V,r
11 III r:::" d 'tcH
I,. ., III .
II "tn'.
41.""," 'II
. .
If. tIMLS. ,
.. ..11.. f
It,.t.,.. I..,n
"'tilt. 11..."
'1M .....". .
'...... boo. '''''',
." lIec:lI'o.. ...."
III ..ur'or 1I,IItl/lll ., rMX SlTt 'I' COGD:'(ATIDlI MlA ....11 III ,.,.lttlCl
.UlIllut DKUMlT'S ,rl.r wr1\\I" _,",.1 .t . It, ,1&11 11I..,,11I '.r
'1. MIITEIIMC[ Of 1IIt811SU.
.. ..".. or ...t,lItl1 MJ.." ."'11 .. aU"" to lit ,1KIf 01' ,.rtllNlll
t,o ...1. .11 ,. sne: ... aIIIDVATJCII _A. All IJlructllrl' .. 'eclllt... ,.
". SIT( .... coaIIIU,.. MIA ,"'11 .. tIJt 'ft ...... I"', cl..... .., ...
dtJ"lC\I.. ~"... MIl .n "Nel''''' ..., 'te11'llo ,"11 .. ..111I11'" f.
, "Milliei' .... "tneth. condltt_."$DL1ILMT10I.
Da:UUII' ., ..Nt. wi"""" ." ..., It, ""'111," or .",.,.'1'1' II ..
lllUCI _rt It, .......1.. ... ...-ov.l " "NnW or .-..uI!"Wll w"...t ...,.
I 'Mllt", ., .... NtllI"I ... lit... to MIR or to I~ "lItr ....-r 'IN' IIt1 rI'''''
......r. ,nd Iq ".,,10Il ,r "1'0"" ",,'Md lun " It,.t.. ,,"II .11
SC;lItDUU: 'A"
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIIl~3 New Business
..... florlSIOII5
..) DECUMIT .....,... till rt'" to cellltnct. 0,'''11:, tad ..11It.ln
ctrtIt. .ft.'mr.'hut.. .. .....t.... .. tilt U.S. .,., Co,," fill b.t.,..
",.1& .. C....... II, 1N1) _III CoMI".. .., .. ...,., In
0I'flcll1 ........ .., _ . '1ft lAf ., 'III '-blte IKom ., tollt.. CoullQ.
"1 III:tLAMIT ......... III 1.__ to (o."Net. ..r.... ..lnttll..
,, ,.,. or rtIllIt'kl . .rt... fir ",Mel... ,."t,I.., IN 1l11t\tes.
at ... .. MtIlort... ., "","Rt ..........., ..t.. 1ft, "", .. ... ....
CDISDIurlGl ... wfD till rttM: Of t.... UIlII ..rI... If! I 1Mtf'l10l fI
Sectt. Jr. '....1' 41 s--. ..... n hd:. CoI11", ColI"", Fieri.... .. IIOf'I
pert'ctl..." nlerllall .. EIIdM' "I, IttlC'" lltNto ""... . ,art "'..
I. ._IT.
DtcLMMf ..,. If! U. lOl.
tM.. QJYIMITS II' ..., ,,'"
.. 11.,tld .. IIlllIttt"
... _Itt""..1,r
lH't,IM1I711tt fortll
.... "'m'
...,..". ..,t ..
.",,,,,.., '"
1lIIco.. .....,
COIEIWlTS alii 1
... .......
I. 11.,. or fllST
If It .. tt. .e., ""'1_ .xc.......
"'. ... or othtnrl.. COlI " conuVArtVl' MEA. or
'IQ' ...nlon till"",, '0 . MDt .1M1l flm _1'7
DECUIlMT 1ft wrftt,., ", ''It IInI(IOHII ,..,.,"tl,.. HQ.MMI ,,,,n un tftI
'I~ "IUtht .tllI (.0) ..,. to tccItlt ,. W.... of tII. ,,,,,om t'IIISftUOl'I
1ft Ita own ... for 'hi I...IS IKJrCNH "'ce ,Mf 011 ttll I.",. ,",1ft... ,.
.aleI ".....,... 1r BI.MAIT ..11 l'IOt 10 .1tc' .ltItfJl 'N utd ,.,tM.
MO .., t.... ..n 0' ,..., PAll SITE err CGlSDYATfOl MEA kl Ilv1er.
"..t..... ... s.ld mn..".. ,. Otl \III s. ...., .,.. candHlon, .,.. for tM
,rtw $It "rtll III tile pnrpostd t'III"rttlrll ..nt to DfCLMAIIT,
... ,-.11 _t .,1, fo' dNlf,. IIr fill p...lts III 'MlI; snt: .,
Wan'IATlCII MfA f.... .,., 1O",....fIt., bMtll. l"tt.rII)... of '1lI f'nu"
_......,. to nit ".,.... 0' N,,,"Ihna or "" unltlf Shtn or t'" St.t, fIf
nortd. ... ., . ",..It '" _I.IOM or tt.. "Irt' of' t. Unt led Stlte. or t..
State of Florl~\ lI"." 'Ill ,,,Ill' ."IU.n UftSln' 0' D(CL~ whlell
toftMlIt.Q' III wlu'-ld '" t.. SOl. ,rill ,.oll1U dtscrttlon or Df.CLMNlI,
I.) DlQAIAIT "'Mrw, 1N'It0 t".l' t1. right. 1/1II till ,..,. [0 to
$CMEOlLf .A.
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII-3 New Business
CO'lUUll, .... (ttJ .. .1..... .. .nt,,,, ,u_ ,.lch..I..b gr
..--1..1..1,. .. or .n ,f It, ,.."Ill.. fllllIItf'St 'et'.. .. ,"",".... to tIlJ'
,.,.... ".t\r. Dl&:UUIT ....n " Ill*" .. ..It",.. hi Mil..." Of'
""'" ... If it, rot,IIt., JIIl!IIn. Mtlt .,. ..rl'n.... Qlwt,,_ 'ft t....
CDftIllTS to .... ,.....,. .,. nU\r.
") IIR\MMT ....11 .... till rt.... .... till ....r C. ""'re. t.
c....... c...,t_.. NRrtct'.. _ otlltr' '''''b..... '...... " ttltIe
CD~ .. .... ~t.. ... 1. 11" tR _ft, ...tlllt IIW "...... "Iold'..
... --,r" h yI,',,, .. Mil trowt.,.... t. '''IN'. ..., w'" or'
~ ....Iatt.. ., NCII ""wt...... \0 ...,... .,.etftc ,eTflllWllCI of
lUll ,rNt.t~L_~ ......,. ;..... ,., "01",.. fit .1dI ,...".,....
,.n.. '" DlCUlIMJ to MfIf'Ce '"' fIl llell Jt9wt.,ont .n 'n .. .'NIIl lie
..... . "''fIV of ill." rt,1lit to II. It tlltNane,.
L SlYDMn,m.
If .", _tt-. HflIIIIHo cl..... ........ 0'1' "rllo.. of tIIno
CORUIT1 II. fer..., ,..... _I. 'lIw.U4I ,,. 1lICO""""'1MI1 V "'" court '"
~.... ofurt..telt.... ..II ,.rt,. ,.11 " ....., . ..,....... ,,,t,., ..
'......... '''''''* IIIlI ..,11 .t "ftct till r,lfdlt:, ", tt. .....,"'..
"",. thtrftf.
"1 loI
., _ .....taQ.... .... to (., ~r~~.
.... .; ."..' -
~ttlEDULf ",.,"
'IIt . of I,
May 20, 2010 Clam Say Subcommittee
VIIJ-3 New Business
...., &IIl.AIlII.
0018\ 9
" ....1 .. I'" ... ",c1_ H. ,......1' .. .....h. ...... 2S iaN. ~ u.
c..c,. ............ ......1W .. MI_l
C-... .t 0_ ............... .f CM ..... 11.
., .... "cv. sa _h.. CM ..." Itpc af V.,. ,.... at
..........&1c ....It .... (.... .. 1-"1);
o-a '-tilt or,,',... ...C. al... ... _ac u_ at .,1
"I:_ )t. . "1.___ a' ,.. M heel
CMaca '"'It "-11'11'" "'I'. a "b~ at In.S2 hi.
.. . MatI .. 'M ...._..1' ........., U.. of ... h1k...
.., CMMn'1'_ ........
dMM, oil-. .... ......1, "-"'I'J' 11... ._ ,.u......
IaI,I$' "-H'". VetI" . a.,_.., ".M 'M',
....., 71-U'II. ..... . lIulUQ at u,." '"Cf
"''1' N~";q. ...C. . 4111'... .J ..." ,...,
..." ..-a'H. VMl. . ..u.... .. n.lI ,..,.
..." "-"'13. 40.'" ,..e Ie
tile "1N at
..ill 1..11
UHrin .1-
1.t 1
........ 1
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII.3 New Business
m ~III' pan" ...,.....,. , tt ,..."'. ., leVU.. ..... It r.... c.uw c.uc"
n.rUlo. 1111III ...,11 .f ca- ..... "-u .r .,... cs- .., ... lilt .f tile Cd' ..
....k.1 ....... .,... a.....ioII 1.1 r..c. i :
ldo' 1... '''hoW, I,S.. ... wi.. 'ft CDUt... 0Nftc,. n....... CD CI
'deIL n:
.. "...., ., 1-' ""1" .. hn.... 31 ... n. fwII..p 41 ....c... ..... U IMt,
.... All ...d... 4. t. . ... t. ~, ., ....e.. .... 15 ...t. 0I1U... ~t,.
. """_ ., ..1.4 ....n ...... .. ,..., .r ....,11' "0" ... -J- .f rJUCAIl M' IJIlIT GIrl"
......... u __ ,'lac e.......... ~rHC ". n.. ...... 11, P.... 47 'w_. 52, .t .1Ie
ru.u. ....... .r _f., MU.r CIulIc,. .eU Iract -ilia .......W ..
e-.c. .t ,.. ....cM.n ___.. ... lite .....__., ....~n_
(IV \J .f ..Wi ...,in t, or.wa...:, " b,b. 'Ian.. 1S ...q
,.... Joy." '''H'~'' ,,--, .1.ont ,t. U.. .f _II "lIechla' r...
1471.30 ,... "' tar. ......., .r ...1....... of ,,,- Mr.iI! ~ncr""' Uoel
IhflU (On.I~u. Jtgnb 20'1.'.7" '''Il f., '.01 '''11
CbrAC. hu." ""SI'I'" t... for 1.12 r... ,. ..111 """.url, line .r
.hUe' UftU_ Selltll "'n'I.. r.1t '01" l'.'~ r"CI
C"'.I .rn ~O.".l'. E.N rol' 11." hit co choIlIonnl, U... of
elle 'IUun "1 I.,...._"t IUnrln. ..... Ulht ..r "'71
UIIMO "1'11115-09'11" Dot. aJOIlI .... al,ht.r "-)' u.... r.... JI.M
I_I e. ..W ""101'17 U... .r rued "1"'1
u....u COIIU_ ..rdl U~'I'" ~n tar 17.. r..c to tho patnl .f
_c.... .f . clrcul... coo...... e__ ... t.... .,... ...... . ........ .f
16.00 f"'1
tl\lllllt. -.we....'...J, 'laq eM U~ .t MI.' ........ ehnulb . "ocr.l
...... ., 20.'0'10" f.r .." tHe to ...4 "-.url)' 11... .r "lJ'"
1 .f 14
UHrin .,..
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII-3 New Business
,__. .M't..... _"hl'1, ... .."'....c.rb dlllll ch. _rc: or ..1d
ft..... t.""" , c"U'~ Mfla ,t 10.00' JO" f. ~.s. r.., tI ,1Ia pot.,
.,. 1:aI_:r1
00 I 85 I
PAGE IINtIl U'Jl'Il- IINI f.r 2tJ.11 r.... &0 'M ","'1 .f cu......'ur.
01 . lu.lotr con. ._. 10 . Iwllrlwnll
,.... ....'....ocerb .1.... c'" .... or ..W MIn. hav..... t.r In
al_o,. . r"s... ." 2'.00 rn, ..... . uflCral .nal. vf U.SO.,,- for
10.'2 t... .. ... .._c ., u....,;
c..... lanll ".IJ'U- IINc for )'2." f_ c. c_ "tar_c_ wirll
ea..l4 _.ud, 1'" .f ',nd ..-;
CMllf. c........ ...'1Ii ,,-:rz'L6" ,,"c for U..t1 r... '0 ,.. petn of
~'llIft of . cmul... ......... c.....v. '0 'M .n__c.
I...... .....'.....url1 ... loft"rl1 101... 'M ore of ..LI '0"". .....
r... It. 01....." 14.00 ,..c ..1. cu'rol .._ of to'M'U"
f.r n.n f., u I..... ,.u, or to.....,.
,..... "flit 01'14'011 IOn for 1.... '.a '0 AU lNoUI'l,. UII, of
hnaJ. "0"1
li.. 0'
tMacO c...t,.... IICIrth 01'.""" 11.., Cor 2~',U ra.c 10 IN point of
cur""ur. of . I'hular CIlI,.,. ._,,,. to I" fNChMMl1
;::n~~. -:i:==~: :":.:~~~'~,~~ :~::'.::-. '::"f,.:':,~:I:; ~::~;'n"
Iw 1...1 10 I~ ,.lol of unP_Tt
1___ "r,1t 2"B'U" V'OI rot' 2'1.3' r..t c. cho PO"I of CO""lIC,,"
or . clRuI.r &111'.... __.". Co I" IIortho"CI
l'-c. ..n....c.ra, ... IIon"r1, .1.... c.. .... III ..1011 eun. .......,
ror tt. ol-.c. 0 r"We ., ".00 rut ... 0 ._Inl .aflo or
ou's,',." r... H.. rNt '0 eM pout 01 h......)'1
0--. "nil WWJI" lip, rot 417.1.' r..,.
'M"U ....rtJI ~.Jt'l1" "'., lor ''''.20 r.U
u... lien' 11.01'04" Vaal lor nO.'l r., co Iho ",iac of c"rvOtlln
of . e1r.'.r 01lI'V, ....c... .. ,I.- &'..1
I.' 14
[llKJlIT -A-
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII.3 New Business
... -
c-... ..1'Il....lft&1'. 1Ilt"...17 .. *n.....'...l' alMa ,... .. .f
..... "!'fa....,... fft &u 01_", . ufiua of ".00 t., aM . .....&1
..10 ., "'I&'JO'" Iei' n.n I..t ... 'lw pHfI' .f ca....."
,.........~ U'U'l" ..n r... .".,. r.., ce ..U ....t.l'J.:t U.. 01'
"..c.l "",
0... .-... *"' 1..11'"" .1' rlJJ' 11.07 ,_, W NU "'01:1,
1_ ., ...e1 ..., ,.... ......... IInlil u~7ta' ".t Iff S.U
'_e U tIM ....t ., c.."ot.... .r . dn.tar ClU"N c_... tl ...
dMI.. ...tMelto..l1 ... .........1' .1-. ,1M .re Dr NW Cll~ _....
r. tn d_u . rulu 01 It.OO I.... ... . ...u.,l -11. ""
U.U'.... f... 10.77 '"' n elill ... ., ......-.cT'
t.._ _till 06'at'30" ..... I... 10.)7 '_t ro ..141 Vletul)' It.
01 ha'W '"D'I
thIM. ..t'_ lilt". 0lI'Z6'J(l"' lie... 10" 11:t.12 "ltl
lb. .1
0-.. .._rs-.
'M__ lion," 13'l"I." v..c h., '.0) ''''I
,--. ....,.. 17'Ott':t'" V.n C." .,.OJ ""1 .n" u'cn'n" Vwn Cor 53.0l hltl
......C. ..'014.07..,......... r" 12.63 "'U
u.c:e ..ntl ,..t:l.... Vlllt rw 13.71 t.n;
t..... ..n. )9'.'U" Vlllt I.r iltJ.n rn, to . , eft .... ..n'
U...f _U hrell""".
t.... "nlll 01'00'00" VIII' '.r !:I.GO "It,
UIIM' "<<Ill u'n'". III" '11II' n.n
theM. "nb .,'!)t'lO" "'t tow )0.00 ,,,"
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII.3 New Business
OR 800K
,NIle. ""nit IJ~I'U. ....t ro.. ",H '" to tile V.ot.rl, u", 01 w.,
U.. 0' ,... hI'n. .., hIp,..,....1 l)inrLCI IIr.'.... ,,__ aM
IIMt...., .... aLtltl of "-1 UMI
t.... ...t'" ..-,,'90" \I..t .a.o. ..U ........1' of v., 11_ ror
,...... Ion" .11-5)"010 Vall. lor '15.1:1: I." t. . ,.Sat of ClJIW;tlll'.
" . cLred... n.......... '0 tile
"'IIUI ....t........11 II... t_ ..... of ..... <<on'O -ua 10.. Ito
d~. ......... or ".OD rMt .... AfIIlo or 16-]4'21" r....
M.JO 'M' .. . ..&at of ......."
,......111I1'1.1I N-I.I',,,, ..or ,... 74:1.01 tMt to. ,.L... .f e.....,.tun
ot. .,"~...... COlIC... '0 ClIo "'
'1Iouo .".......1'1'. an.....l'... ."......." .r", tM Oft of
M" ell.... IIhbI f.. Uo .a-to . 'f"S. of ".DO t.... ..... . _1...1
oqltI of U-U'"" t., 15." r..t to. 'lIb,t .f t.....,~
,-- IIGn'" .".'03" coo, lor lIJ." toot ... . ,.bl. .r .....-It..... ot
. dRift... ClIn. .......... t. "M ..n......1
fill. oS
t. . ,.la
"line. ICon.....urh' ollMl' '1M .n: of ."14 ("n~ 1unI1/Il' for In
oJ_u . ..ublo of 16.00 r"l aM . It......t ..,I. i-r :I4'06',U" ror
10." 1'.., ,.. ....... or '0"'''.''''
"R.. "'nh "-Ot'04o" "..... 1.1' tll.n t... '0. pol.1 ot c\tn.lur.
.r . dKwlo.. 11'_ co..". u' CM "'..cIM"CI
....... _CCbwlo.corl, .1.... choe .... ., ..1. C"",. lIo"lIIl I... ho .1....c.
0""'" ., t4.00'Ht ... 0 c.DlI'ol ...t.., 1.-)t'3I1 f.r n.n f.n
10. po:Io,...r "'''0.'1
l-..c. IIDnll """'27" ""1 ro.. UI.12 fo... 10 0 ,.lal of (''''''.1..... of
. c:lraw.. Cllrv. eMCO.,. 10 lho ""I
I...... .1'1....."..1'. .."'......1' ... ."......tarl' ..... tlto .rc ., NW
._ loari:t fo.. 'n ~.... . ........ .f ".00 fMI ... . "...ual
IIlI10 ., :Ja JO.W ro" 67." f..t 10 . pom .f 1.....'1
60' 14
PH":T -,,-
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIiI-3 New Business
tItiHc. ....., lI-.'U" 1M' .... .,o.:LI t.. '" I ,._ ot 1\1"""11'"
.,. cU01l:LU' c... _ c. "M 1IlN'.......t,
..... llru..I.....b &1... .... Ire 01 1.14 ftlr4'1 Md.. tor lu
.S__. I UU"I ~ H.. I., ... . ~..a1 -all of U' U'l."
,... ,. .J, t.... lie I ,.a.t .t tI"_1l
UllMI 10...., n-.'OJ" IN.. "1' ".ft t.1t ,. . ....... .t ""'tun
.. l.a.r.o.1a ...... __ tI 'M ...'......'1
u... ......, ... ...-c........rlr '"'''' "M Ire .f ..u q.... .....~
,... lu ,I_a. ....S.. .. H.OO fI... .... . -.s. II 17-" U"
'or I.OJ fMe _ . ....... If '''''''''
'MKe lIKe" U""'u." for 111.1" feee "0 I ,...., .t ..'U'"'''''' ot
. drc.w ..nil __ U 'Ile Iht;
,..... "r''''IIt.I'11, 1IIft....1' .... ....,...uc.I':L, ...... 'III IfC .,
&aU __ ....t.. ... te. d_'.. ....1\1. ot M.. t..,... I
""11'.1 _ale ., """I'"'' ,.. '7.54 ,.., to . ,.tae at "_IUCJOI
'MMI *'rcll '4'0.'~. ... IN' no.1I 'tit,
e..... ...U M-:I7'"''
d1._...eIlJO"U' I
....... IIolcll 13'11')]" "" for". '"CI
t....n l'le"UI lI'lO'2O" VlIt fo.. ".Il hit f
tMlMI Jneb 07'05'JO" Veil f... H.Of '""
e...... l....'t! )0-00'''''' Vllt 'er 11'..' ","
IIMDc. "re" 14""2'1)" "'., 'II' 14'.'3 fll\;
I.... .rllI 02'46'"'' Eo.. 'or 2ts.n h'II
et.._ IIInit n"10'"," r.., 'a.. ".U f"lI
..__. ID..u )1"U'''''' VIH fo.. n." t_&,
u..-. ....... >>-)(1'1)" rue fo... 1000.n f....,
t....... ......lI 41-""''''' _., tfIT ltJ.U '.CI
,.... IIKclI 17-00'11" VIIt "r '].56 11111
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIiI-3 New Business
OR 800K
ta..c. ....1. ,.....ta. .....t r... U.J'I llat to. pilat .. ell. _at
U... ., ..... ...e_ >> ... ,.. lut .... or ..t. ,"e* 12. ..u
fIlllae ..... "dl ")I'". !III.. . ...1.... '" 14".01 t.., IWft
.. .......e ClHHI' ef ..... '.ulatl >>. .
... "'"- ....e.. ',..0.... ....e r.. 1".00 1-.t:1
1IIae. IIM'CIII H'M........I r... ".Of r"ll
...... 1IM'C1l n'.">>....e r... IOJ.10 '..11
~. ....e' ot'u'u" VMC r., ".01 f..l,
,.... "..e' ,,'I1'U" ..., fol' 41.7:1 ''''I
0.-. INt' "'44',,. JaR r... .U.J.J r....1
~. 1IIn" tJ'JI'It" Vue I... SO',1I r""1
1___ ...nlt. 0:1'15'1'" ... 1.1' In," r"'1
I...... _.... )2'11'4'. ...1 rer 1 ,K rnll
,lIdIco Iou,. U'5O'!'" v..t f.r "'I
,)Mac. Iou.." n')I,'u" Int fel' JU.'O ''''f
'hllle' Iovlll 60'17'"'' C." f... n.... '"'I
,,-.lllItrth ..'U'U" &Ill r.r !,.JO t"'1
,heM. lIlIv'tl 1.'"''','' ,...t flOr .n.51 '_'I
,..... ",t" "'U'U" ....., r.1' 61," ''''I
,.... ....1) U"41',," ....., fM' ",ID ,.." IIN," OJ'Jr'''- too., fM' In.Z' f'"1
IMMI ...... ."SI'O'I" ..... 1<< 3D.1I 'M'I
,.... ...... .a",.,oc." KdI I... U7.14 r.....
,.r ,.
EDlJln 'A"
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII.3 New Business
~. ..... ..-:11'1" ...t. f. 1114.15 f..t.1
.... '"'.. 22'"1"". t..r I... 113.10 rM~f
~ ..... .-"'U. .." f... '50.1' f.C,
p... ...lIII u-sa')4- .., f.r '.,11 INti
,.... ...dl "'-.'JD" ""t I... lIM.l] 'Mtl
...... 1nI.. U-ZO',,- ""' fft lA'." fUl;
eMM. ...11 O-S]'.. ",", f.r ".lA 'Mt,
c...... ..u Wli'Il. I.n ,. .,.." f.t.1
t..... ,"'Ill O1.U''''. ,,"I fiN 0.1t ,... 10 . ....t _ ,,-
IDuJl 11.. ., ..~ ..d.. .u .. t.M ....,.. U.. .. NU hcrt... S.
..u ,.&_ "hi ''''tlll "-.<,,.. "", . ...~. of ",.n ,~
f.... Po ....~t """r of .... Ioc'_ >>1
,.... '"",'ll >>'OS,),. V..n h.. :U.ll fncl
t...... ....till .'U'''D'" WOn (or 6].11 '''Ii
"'M' ....t1lo .'03'03" ""t I.... 11." h,"
c....... *1"111I 10'00'00" VIoor I... ....._iuub .'0 f.ot co tllo "'..
.... ..... 1.1._ .f ,be Gw.1f of "'.w.,
c...... ,...... Io-Ic,,"l, r... ."u.I_C.I, 6)10) ".t .1_. AU
lIIc.r U.. to tho Ioutlll lw. or ..t. Ioc:U. S .... ,... aon' 11.. of
.W he,.... "
tlllo.. ~1_ ...... .... Vat... Lt.... lOT .',....boto1' SUlI '00' to
tM -.u,1II U.. .f .... ..."u., "
t..... aon.ll ..-,..,,- EMt 01., .... _Ih U... 0' '.Ilem . ,...
.......d..to11 U7 roo' t. ,.. ...,...., u__.. of ..u IorU. . ...
,... ...,....t ....... ., ..U I.tts.. II
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII-3 New Business
125 of 183
D D I B 57
n.-. .n" "-)0' JI" I.., d... 'M 1Ht. u.. .r ..14 'oee_ ,
IN' 1171.41 re.c ,. 'bo INM or ...u......
uu ... a."" t.MnI... . ,...e.' .1 ..... ,..~.. Sa MU .onu. J. ~, .,
I.A. ..... U INc. ........ .. hu.w..
c-.&.t 0' ,tie ....,...., ........ 01 'M ....nweH ...-
...nor' (III' "4 .. ..14 "'Me., ~ 4' '"'II, .... U
,...... "n1t "'''',.- ....,. .1lIIIc eM It"b U..., .... heca..
.. . ,".u... ., "'z.a leal ,. eM! 1IRa_.. ....... .. ..w
"t" , .. .t.. ..rt...., c_, ., ..w '..Uo. 5.
0.-. c..,,_ "'0 .ry'u" .... 11... 'M .,. ,'- .,
..W 1M.a.. 5. . .UCII'CI 01 U".'" r... to tbe "'t.,.."""
".,. 'M nlNiA DwpartMlll .r .'.....1 "___I. c."al
OIIiKhlCttaD CoocrIIl LiM. " '....... Sa CIllY'IAJ., m IACI ICDIl.
..... n-15.
tJleMa __,"...1, 01... ..w c..1l1l 0i:ItIlI..'fUC,.... ""'tntl La.. .....
lall....... etMIIr...1
AUO LIlt . ,ui) .r 1_ 1oe..... 1. .d. S.U.... . .... 5. Tevnlt.., ~, low,... .....
UlaN. ColUor Clun". n....... lII..ul..... .1 rllllMoll
C:--Lq . ,.. ..1'1....11 c.rM" .r c.. ..ctIl_c _
....n... (JIll ~ of ..U ...c... '. ~.... "10011I. ..... Q
CMM. ItDrcll '")1''''' ""'. 11... ,.. .nlr. liN ., .... be,'"
'. . ......_.., IMl.oa I., Ie u. lkt..ltJituo., cen...., ....
lie'''' " .... 'M -.n...., ",,,... .f .... '.I.llltl Si
ellll<e eOll's.- 1tn:Jl "'JI''''' v..... ..... eM ....tit. :Lt... II
"" ...,_ 5. 0 ..,.... III UI)." 'n, W dIa ...u.....,....
wicll c.. ......r~.' ., "__I .....n. CNoC&1
e.u'CUE'l-. c..cnl LSM. .. r........ .. CIMI'Dot. Ill' UCI IOllll.
..... 1)-111
c.... ....1:..'17 ..... .... C"ltd OOMChlt'" CIu_l 1.1..
1M rill"".... .........
I.f J,4
DHlln -A'
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII-3 New Business
..... 11'1I'H.5" _ . ...._ ., "1.15 ,"' to.,... ..
u. CMlnl CIU~nltS. QQcfOl 101M, ..U ..&all ...... hu,'
,.'.'9,..S....... 'utuee.r su.u tHe ,.... ..a... '''7~71
c'-c....o 10""'",,0" "'c, . ...c....., 1017.11 ''''1
c.... ....Q .'a'''','. "'c, . .h..... ., lC1OJ.lI f.. l.O a
,.uc, .Y ..&ae ... "'ell "')4'''. r.1IC. . .U~_. of
lI.iS 'Me' ,.... ..___ "''''eNa *-t a-UI
tIIaM. IHdI OI~'U. Jue . 'latuc. ., M,.IS 'HC c. c"-
....., .f .......... at ..... .ul." ..u an., ....... to I_I vW.,
e" ....~. .....". ....... U 'HC "tda ., ... ,..nlle1 viclt, cIN:
r.n..... ....d... 11... ... elle ....,.. "",a.,. "'IN :5 fHl
s.uu. .r a" lIU'a.lul wl.t" eM _ ......1...... 11...
tMMt ID"" ,,""Wo. kae a....,..,.,.., t.61 red,
,.... ..rea. H911'05. Ju, a _LII_.' '.10 r.".
u._. _nil ,.'..'05...... a dlllCaca .r t.U '"cl
CMftca ....d. "'U'U" !:an _
tll",':' Ioan..U'JI'51" ..., a...''''"'''' ., JI..1 f..U
,lwnca lanll .,'U'Ga" r... " 'h'_n~ of 11.00 r...1l
..... ....,.. .,'13'41. b"t a 'he...... .f 1..01 '''C;
'IYM. IoIaCII N'JO' Sr' Ill" a U"UlC" .r 11." r..U
..... lit..... 71'SS'"'' .... "1UIIC..... ., 11,00 r..'l
~ "nb J4'lt'~" IMc _ .hu...' 16.03
l"-a. ..nb n'u'~. IMe "....unc. .117.U l.uJ
e...... ....Ul "'U'OJ. IMt . ".Ia_. .r n." f..t.
.bactc. .....u. 11'50'''' . '.U.Ka at r.-r.1
..f U
nMlln .".
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII~3 New Business
n.n .... t).u'OZ" aut .. d"ceu. at 11.12 1nc.1
t~. ....11 "'-U'Sl" lal' . ..,.,_ at'la.I' r.ICi
..... ...,11 ..., . .lac_ ., n... t.e,
e.... ..... U-Jl'a," .... . ....e..... .t n." r.IK5
,,-"- ao.cll ".)0'17" _ . U..... .1 '.15 I..ta
t...... ...ell >>.".",.. IAK I ,ilcue. .r 11.51 'MI,
,.... ..... ".431.... lut . UHaee .r ZJ.OO r"C5
'1I"1 IcNCII tl'U.!o1I"...,. .1..... Or U.M ron,
e~. ...." U.l"U" lilt . d1le._., 0.10 r"'l
.lwac:. "nlli
.. ..., . '.tac.....,.f
e..... ..nil t1 . '1.'_1 .r
tllieM.....,..O.U. ~,~~
cI..,,., '-'ell 7,'U'21" llee . . 51." f.IU
etleat. ....,.. "'U,.>>,.. bit .""". af ".to
,..... 1ft,. M.11'U" Ifo.c . .he_..f n." '"'5
c...... "IICIrl ".11'11. taM: . .hunu D' 11." h.c,
c"'-"'. ....,,, n'.'u" taM; . .he... af :&S.U f..CI
.1IIac. Iwd. J7"J1'4r IMC . ........ .r ".00 f.-t I
C"-. ~,lIIO '6'J7'aO" a.'1 . 'liK_." n.1I1 ".';
tIIIe.. ....tll 43'41'.. tan . .hl..,. .. U.U 'nu
e"'. IItrell "'IM'I1" laIC . ....e...u .. a,.1O r"'1
e.... Iu,. ".ZO'16" bet. ...c_..f 25.QZ rnc,
10 of 14
tlKlllT """
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII~3 New Business
128 of 183
I..... .Ift' .:s.:s..... "lit. . .11t_.t n.GO tMlI
I.... ..rtlll )ll"."U."_ . .ht_. .t'u.,. flM;
nau IPnll '''15'''- IIUII . ...c..e.t .'.10 t..I,
..'- ..n. U....>>. ....1 . fl.Ia... ., M.n '..t w tbI
hlSu1i I'J _......., DbCl'in ......... 1I....t u.. ..
hMIOI.. ill ofU,'''' ........ ...._ 710. ,... "" .t die ""'-14
...... .t ..U OIUt,t' Ctuqo.
.. ....r..... 'u'" .. ......... .. ...... Vnl " l_ c.a.u1
ClIuCntcs. Dlftlrtl u.. ... .. Ch ..... ., 'M r.1.... J.,.
....... lIS.nk.. Dra....... -..-c Lt.. 111..1... . ..dill .t
........ "-B'P. ....,.
A1IO I.IU . ,.rMl or 11M Sa ...., ot lace_ I. TwNlol, 4f ....llo. ..... 2J INti
c.11b.. CDuu,. '1eI'1.. "'I'IW .. "11owt
ALSO u:u . 111'1, .f 1....
C:-.'" at d.. .."........ ~.rn" ot uU '1......1 "D",
,a.lCAll ..., mil' OQ;
1.....U .1-. 1M ....t.d' Unl .f ..1C r.rc.l "'''. Iwe" OI"Jt.W
INC 167.00 ,""
'''al' c..,,,- ..-. ..W ....'...1' 1... ....e.. ]1""'00" ...t
Jot.DO t..t;
,...... c..tlae lfl..... ..UI "nl.d, Uu "\JIll OIo"2:l"DO" Vnt
....... _l'_ ..... ..W V..n..., 11ft !web U-U"5'" ..t
U,.ll I.c "' ,... hill' '" ~_sa. .t tM .nt, of :La'" berew
ll'f U
tIllll.1 .A-
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIIl-3 New Business
,..... ....m ,,'06'.' r..e M..' 'HI ,. c.. V..t.d, llN et
hltcAa .., ...~ Dbu&.c "'c-cioll ...... 111 Inl...
...... .. .... .... e..t.rt, tiPt ., ., 11M1 ...'C.....c.r1, ".n fMC .t.q..u v..u...., u.. ...
dole die ...., . _"....1b.1 .1..-14.,. "".... 11__ co c_
Juc, _.... . ....1_ ., ....00 t_, ..... a.k...... .., . eMnI
.....~ "'t'1 ....... 03"0'1ICI" ....e 11.14 'MCI
c..... ...,.. 7....36. VI. n.M r.,
'llac. "'cll 71'07' ,7"' v..c lot." '.nl
ca.... Sw'1I "'OI'OS" IIMc n." ,..1.
c"-n "'t' .."SO'''' Vn, U.'1 r'''l
tbalce 'MI" 7"O'U" h.c S'.11 "'"
"-. lh,lI U",II'O'" ..t >>.J)' rn' to. ,.f..c 0IlI. CftII''''1
t...... Wn,...b' tl.SJ r.".
.., . ellon Wblt:b
..... v..c
.tr... ""
'M' aMI .."
161.1) I.., ~.
UIinIc. IavoElI ""20'04" lI.n n.oo r...;
dlIIlc. .,nll OJ''''''''." 5.00 fecll
c..... ,"eb ""30'011" v..e n.n r.."
Ute_. .-r,h .,.,..",. ... 211.'7 f." ,. . ",t.e .r curv.'.",
e..... ...e....cu1' 47.21 rNt a1Nc '1M '1'1 .1 . drcule' ee.....
....... co till Ieu."-.', ...v~. ,,,tII. of ",70 f..t ... MM""'''
., .. c1l8n tlMell ....n ....tll 54 ZS'''O'' 44.2" ,..t co . ,.tat
., td'-71
,...... ....t.. 11"10'0)'" ...t 15.'6 ,.., t. . "~, of __'P'I
t..... ....t....u.." 71.)5 ,.., ..... eN .n 01 . cinder........ ,
CllIIPVI ,. _ ""~" h..d~ . ........ .r 11.00 f..t 1M! "",....,
'" . ,"n """-ell ...... ....a " 10'"" .... '1).'1 'Mt tD . ,obt of
11 o( 14
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VlII-3 New Business
130 of 183
c-... ....cll ".""U... 1'.D r"cl
c__. ""c. .....>>. .... 5.00 ,..c,
t'" Iouclll ,'.50'13. .... n.oo t..c;
p... ..OJ'"'' v.. 5.00 r..,
o.c. Iouc. .,',,'25. ...c n.1I r..n
!MM' ....c..l.12.51.. ..., It." ''''f
~ ....'II.S.IO.)6. v.., U.11 r."
'__I .....10 ".50'.'. ... n.. ,.., UI a ,.h. of h,....'VI;
0.... tlnc.l,y 41." r..c ...... ... .... of . clroum .......
__ te cllit ""', hey'" a 1'..... ... ".JJ 'M' .. ev~,"'''
'" . cMri vUe''''n ,"'. '..0;)'03. Veac "1.01 'M' ... !'Ob'
rtl .....-,.
~I Itn_ .0'....... "... Z3.OD r.., ,. . ,.ht .r eu....h.r.~
.,..ltC. *re" U.Ol'U" b" 15,'J t.., to. poilu of cur....'''rll
,1Iuc. 1Itt'........11 M"t r.....~ 'M arc ot a dn~er n...'
c....... ,. eN ....ta. MYI" . "I"'" ., n.71 'n, ... ..M....
.,. c...... vhiab k're JlDrch 15'01'16" ...., 12.10 tu' e" a pote'
oe '.....)'1
,"-....." 10......... .... n.oo f_, to 0 po~lIl' of UnlCal'l'
c.... ..nil''' :M.ot 'n' ,he, ,.... onr of . cll'clollU' '1'11..,,1
......,. .. clle JIIIn_. _ill, I rIllS'" 0' 14.11 ,..t ... ...."....
"" I ,.1" .,.ld ltun "'n' ,,'03'OJ" e.., "." rn' c. , ,...,
"~_I .."" ,,'SO'." ..., 34." f..U
I,,"" .1'1. 85'JO'"'' Ie.. 16.57 f,ul
UKnlT ....
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII-3 New Business
131 of 183
c.... ....~ 11-12";111 IP, It.ll f''''1
,..... "n_ .,-tofU" ,..t 97.S5 ..., co. ..,., .f n....l..1
d... .n....tft'l1 1..11 tiNt .1... dMI .re of . dn\IJn' evn.
....... te ,. "'''--', ....~ . ,...... ., 9.00 ,.., .. ....woft.
tip II ..... vldcll ...n llanill U 10'.,. Ene ".141 '..l t. . ,.ta,
,..... atna II-JO'a" ..., U.II reM te. ,.., 0' 1I.~t\".1
cIInce 1IcJn"-......lJ 17.J4 fMl ..... l'" aI'C ., . d....1er c....
....... ,. ,.. ....,...."'. ....1~. of >>.70 ,... ... ...e.....
'" . c!.Rl widell ...... .nll J4 .,"0" ".., .,.oa 'iHt l. . ,....1'
" c...-'I
,.... '-ill ......"'. 'UI 111.41 fwel
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~o ..nill 1'-01'''. EIo.l n.'D f..c t. cM "Ul Df _ainn1..
., ,.. .nip of ..... Mrd. 4.Mrl....
ALSO.... .U tlMl ,...t 01 . " t, ~, ., "'dl. ..,... IS a..",
010111... ...-...e" ,....18. 1,iIl& a.tll Df Cl_ ,.... VUt ., o.t" Cia...,. ... lut .f
C'* Gull of "-leD;'" I1ah \laCST lla_ci.. 1.1 flat,
IauUp ..... ....u '1" ill.._ .. IN "Aft I'LAIrI COOIIltMfU ..l-'U..... .,. d"
..C... 1ft IVW"-' UIt _.
k" &Mil OU\loIIe, I,S-IIf,.M Mini "0 CoIU.r COuII.'" n...w..
.(, of .4
"..... .'~
mlcu U1
Ill! "mu III ILtD
WUI n Iml
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII-3 New Business
4295892 OR: 4452 PG: 3954 DC m
UCGIIIID II the omcm UCDIDI of comll camt, IL CDfIJI
15/15/Z0IlIt 01:11" DIIGIT I. IlOCl, CUll UIl:
("Amendment"") is made this ~day of May, 2009, by Pelican Bay Foundation, loe.,
a Florida not for profit corporation (hereinafter referred to as the "Dec1arant"), as
successor to Coral-Ridge Properti 0 If and its successors, grantees and
assigns, '" Y ~<V
0'" 1';;.
th Declaration of General
on 2 and 33, TOWIlIhip 38
, T wnship 49 South, Range
rded in Official ReconIs
County, Florida (the
end, waive, or add to the
, to the modification or
tially impair the general and
WHEREAS, the real property descnbed in Parcell and ParcellJ, respectively, on
Exhibit A attached hereto and made a pert hereof (referred to in the Declaration and
herein, respectively, as the "Park Site" and the "Conservation Area"), is currently subject
to the Declaration; and
WHEREAS, WCI Communities, Inc" a Delaware corporation, is the successor
by merger of WCI Communities Limited Partnership, the successor by merger of WCN
Communities, Inc., fonnerly Westinghouse Communities of Naples, Inc., fonnerly Coral
Ridge - Collier Properties, Inc.; and
WHEREAS, the Declarant is the successor to WCI, Inc, pursuant to the
Assignment of Rights, Privileges and Obligations (park Site and Conservation Area)
dated April 21, 2009 and recorded in Official Records Book 4446 at page 11 0 I of the
Public Records of Collier County, Florida, and the Assignment of Certain Rights,
I 3
htI: lftI: 11ft IOIUU
1151 rmcu III ILtll
WLI. n 14101
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII~3 New Business
4295892 OR: 4452 PG: 3954 DC m
llCOlDlD 10 till oruCIAl lIeDID. of COUIU conn, rL CUl,.
Ol/ll/lDOllt OI:mw DVIGIT I. IlOCl, cr.11I lI.e
(0 Amendment"") is made this ~day of May, 2009, by Pelican Bay Foundation, Inc.,
a Florida not for profit corpol1llion (hereinafter refem:d to as the "Declarant"), as
successor to Coral-Ridge Properti 0 If and its succ:essors, grantees and
assigns, -< y t:J\f
oy )'0;;.
th Declaration of General
on 2 and 33, Township 3g
, T wnship 49 South, Range
rded in Official Records
County, Florida (the
end, waive, or add to the
, to the modification or
tiaIly impair the general and
WHEREAS, the real property described in Parcel I and ParcellI, respectively, on
Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof (referred 10 in the Declaration and
herein, respectively, as the "Park Site" and the "Conservation Area"), is currently subject
to the Declaration; and
WHEREAS, WCI Communities, Inc., a Delaware corporation, is the successor
by merger of WCI Communities Limited Partnership, the successor by merger of WCN
Communities, Inc., fonnerly Westinghouse Communities of Naples, Inc" fonnerly Coral
Ridge - Collier Properties, Inc,; and
WHEREAS, the Declarant is the successor to WCI, Inc, pursuant 10 the
Assignment of Rights, Privileges and Obligations (Parle Site and Conservation Area)
dated April 21, 2009 and recorded in Official Records Book 4446 at page 11 01 of the
Public Records of Collier County, Florida, and the Assignment of Certain Rights,
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIIl-3 New Business
OR: 4452 PG: 3955
Privileges and Obligations dated March 7, 2003 and recorded in Official Records Book
3257 at page 2056; and
WHEREAS, in an IDIsubmitted application for a dredging permit signed by
Collier County Director of Coastal Zone Management and dated Man:h 13, 2009, Collier
County indicated that "The project is designed to nourish the beach of an eroded
shoreline. . . . the excavation of old interior channel will improve the flushing within the
Clam Pass ecosystem, This increase of flushing will benefit mangroves within bay
system as did implementation of the Clam Bay Restoration and Management 1999,
although it is anticipated that the benefits from the proposed activity will be relatively
minor in comparison to the benefits realized from the 1999 improvements"; and
WHEREAS, in an UllSUbmitted amendment to the application for a dredging
permit signed by Collier COlDlty Director of Coastal Zone Management and dated Man:h
13, 2009, ColIier County has deleted any reference to the project being "designed to
nourish the beach of an eroded shoreline" and bas also deleted any reference to the fll:l
that the "increase of flushing will ves within bay system as did
implementation of the Clam B:@ anagement 1999, although it is
anticipated that the benefits propo will be relatively minor in
comparison 10 the benefits from the 1999 im ts," and instead has staled
that "The excavation of . im ro the ' g within the Clam Bay
ecosystem"; and
indicated in a meeting
navigational dredging co
ay Advisory committee
e the right to have
WHEREAS, the Wlent staff recommended
to the Collier County Clam e ColIier County Clam Bay
Advisory Committee request ollier County Board of County
Commissioners and the City of N that clearly express no interests or
intention from Collier CoWlty or the City of Naples to navigational dredge Clam Pass or
the Clam Bay system, and sucI1 recommendation was approved by the Collier County
Clam Bay Advisory Committee by a vole of 7 to I on April 16, 2009; and
WHEREAS, punuantto Article \II, section 6 of the Declaration, Collier County
is prohibited from applying for "dredge or fill permits in PARK SITE or
CONSERVATION AREA from any governmental bodies, regardless of any future
amendments to the statutes or regulations of the United States or the State of Florida or as
a result of decisions of the courts of the United States or the State of Florida, without the
prior written consent of DECLARANT, which consent may be withheld at the sole and
absolute discretion of DECLARANT; and
WHEREAS, Collier COWlty has not requested the prior written consent of
Dcclaranllo its proposed application for a dredging pennit, as amended, dated March 13,
2009; and
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII-3 New Business
OR: 4452 PG: 3956
WHEREAS, Declarant is concerned that actions by Collier County as indicated
by the original unsubmilted application for a dredging permit and Collier COWlty'S failUIe
10 request Declarant's approval for ils proposed application for a dn:dging permit, and
that the action by a member of the Collier County Clam Bay Advisory Conunittee to
indicate a desire to reserve the right to baving navigational dn:dging conducted in the
Conservation Area, mighl lead 10 dn:dging for reasons or purposes other than the
conservation and preservation of the Parle Site and Conservation Area, and wishes to
amend and modify the Declaration 10 ensure thai no dredging activity within the
Conservation Mea and the Park Sile 8S well 8S no permit applications for any such
dn:dging activity shall be allowed without the prior written consent of the FOWldation;
WHEREAS, the Collier County Clam Bay Advisory Committee and the Collier
County Coastal Advisory Comrniltec have recommended thai the Collier County Baud
of COWlty Commissioners approve the placement of navigational markers in the
Conservation Area without previously . the approval for such action from the
Declarant; and \...~R COUll;
~ ~vl'
Ion provides in II, section 1 (c) that '.No
vem shal be laced in PARK SITE or
i by I R STRICTIONS and until
, may in its sole and
i1i es in PARK SITE and
or facility is a permitted
WHEREAS, the ~ tion 13, that ''No signs,
fteeslanding or othClWise ' , layed in or on any land or
SlrUcture, unless the placemenl, ting and time of placement of
such sign be tint approved in wri NT. All signs must also conform
with all governmental codes and regulations and with any mester design plans established
by DECLARANT'; and
building, SlrUctw'e, facili
DECLARANT has issu
absolute discretion, rej
use WIder the RESTRl
WHEREAS, Collier County bas not requested the prior written consenl of
Declarant to its proposed placement of navigational marleers in the Conservation Area;
WHEREAS, the Declarant wishes 10 clarify the Decllll'lllion to provide that the
discretion reserved by Ihe Declarant in the Declaration with respect 10 activities in the
Parle Site and Conservation Mea is broadly construed and that such discretion explicitly
includes the right to approve, in its sole discretion, any navigalional or other markers or
signs in the Park Site and the Conservation Atea; and
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIlI-3 New Business
OR: 4452 PG: 3957
WHEREAS, thc proposed amendments and modifications to thc Declaration ere
limited to modifications or enlargemcnts of existing covcnants and do not substantially
impair the general and uniform plan of development set forth in thc Declaration; and
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the covenants
contained herein, the Declarant declares that the Properties as described on Exhibit "A" to
this Declaration (which includc the Park Site and the Consezvstion Area) shall be held,
tran.sferred, sold, conveyed and occupied subject to the Declaration of Restrictions, dated
April 13, 1982, and recorded in Official Records Book 966 at page 1830 of the Public
Records of Collier County, Florida, and to the restrictions, covenants, servitudes,
impositions, easements, charges, liens, and other provisions as set forth in the
Declaration, as amended herein, The covenants, conditions, restrictions and other
provisions IlOntained in this Amendment sball run with the land and be binding upon all
parties having any right, title or interest in or to the property or any pert thereof within thc
Park Site and thc Conservation Area, their hein, successon and assigns, and shall inure
to the benefit of all present and future owncn of the property encumbered by the
Declaration as amended herein.
rovcment, or other
I or areas covered
r b placed in PARK
It is permitted by
NT may, in its
proposed buildings,
other alterations in the
covered by water in
PARK SITE TION AREA, regardless of
whether such buildings, structures, facilities, improvements,
or other alterations in thc natural character of the land or
areas covered by is a permitted use under the
2. Article II, section 3(a) of the Declaration is hereby amended
to read as follows:
"a,) No building, stnlcture, facility, improvement or other
alteration in the natura1 character of the land or areas covered
by water in PARK SITE or CONSERVATION AREA shall
be allowed to occur or be commenced, erected, improved or
altered, nor .hall any grading, excavation, tree removal or
change of exterior color or other work which in any way
alters the exterior appearance of any building, strUcture,
facility, improvement, or the natural character of the land or
May 20. 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VHlM3 New Business
OR: 4452 PG: 3958
areas covered by water in PARK SITE or CONSERVATION
AREA without the prior written approval of DECLARANT,
which approval may be withheld in the sole and absolute
disaetion of DECLARANT,"
3, Article II, section 13 ofthe Decllll'lltion is hereby amended to
read as follows: .
"No signs or markers, freestanding or otherwise installed,
shall be erected or displayed in or on the land or 8IeaS
covered by waler in PARK SITE or CONSERVATION
AREA, unless the placement, character, fonn, size, lighting
and time of placement of such sign or marker be first
approved in writing by DECLARANT, which approval may
be withheld in the sole and absolute discretion of
DECLARANT, All signs and markers must also conform
with aovermnenl regulations and with any master
design pi BsiiilO markers established by
DEe 1';..:.
4, lara 'on hereby amended to
o fil pennits in PARK
any governmental
Is to the statutes or
e of Florida or as a
the State of Florida,
r filling activities to be
without the prior written
consent of 0 Ch consent may be withheld in
the sole and absolute discretion of DECLARANT,"
S. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion
of any amendment provided herein is, for any reason, held
invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent
jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct,
and independent provision and shall not affect the validity of
the remaining portion thereof, provided, however, that if the
purpose and intent of any amendment is ftustrated as a result
of any such holding of invalidity or IUlconstitutionaJity, such
amendment shall be treated as if it never occurred, and the
original provision shall remain in full force and effect,
6, Other than as set forth in this Amendment, all of the
restrictions, covenants, servitudes, impositions, easements,
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII.3 New Business
1380oi3: 4452 PG: 3959
charges, liens and other provisions as set forth in the
Declaration shall mnain in full force and effect.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Pelican Bay Foundation, Inc., a Florida not for profit
corporation, does hereby execute this Amendment in its name by its undersigned,
authorized officers on the day and year first written above.
A Florida not for profit corporation
gfk OJ ~_
Stephen M. Feldhaus, Seaetary
The foregoing .
May, 2009, by James H
Florida not for profit
Bay Foundation, Ine" on
known to me,
m this 1$ day of
Foundation, Inc., a
eaetary of Pelican
horn an: personally
~~ _o.ll8UU
._' . .11I- l .IID...
"I EII'IlIQ:"-r14,81.
.... ----
No Public
Name: OwtM O. ~i~,j4..
(type or print) f
My Commission Expires: z/ /0(,1'5
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII.3 New Business
139 of 183
OR: 4452 PG: 3960
AU. ,..c put of leel~ . . I, """'aip 49 Iottitlt. ..... U 1111., CaIUel' eo.tJ',
FlocUa, 1'" ..... of c'- hu, v.u of hul' Cl.. ..,. ... Ian of ,... Wf of
Malee; ... .... .,. a...,. 1.1 f..t.
Sa... 1_ eit_te, 171.. .... lJeiq. In ODllfer CINofJ. norU..
'_11. II
.. tnet; of lull loca.." ill Iectiou 32 ... n. ~ 41 Soucla, ...... IJ lue,
...... .ta ..t..... 4, ). . ... I, 'J'Wulli1p 4' Sout', ..... 25 "et, COllin c...tJ, ftedM,
. pGl'1ia. of ..U uact ....UIa ia pul .f 'al'ca1a "It'" ... ".1" of 'PIUCIII MY Dl1 -.
ace.... to eM ,lat C"'_. 1''''''' ia net Ir.ot 12. ..... 47 tkoulll 51, of t"
....lle _. of ..14 Colliei' eo.." ..1AI tne. ...... .-- .. fou..,
(' ~. .t 'M Iou'....n C~ of tbe Ioac.....t .....1IU'Ca
(SII' Ie) of ..U1 SecrJ.oa t, ~, " 'OQt.b. ..... 2S laat;
t__. Joy,. "-)0' Sf" ...., d.... ra. Ioudl U_ of ..u 'ec,t. , '01'
"71.)0 I.t to eM 'obt II'f ...~ of 1_....:Sa ....I'1W u..,
01 1_;
thwnr. ~~tinu. North 20.'9'47" rA.t ror 3.01 r"l;
theae. So..tb "'SI'24" E..t hr 1.12 r"l to ..14 V..tnl, Un. of
"reel -0";
theMe cOl\ttnue Soutb .,'sa'24M Ita_t 'or 19.1$ het,
I_DCe IIonb ,o-Z"16. Ealt '01' 72.Jt ,..t to tbe Vucul, 11De of
ebe Ii.Ue... .., I..ny....c VSatrlct Ie'tll IJPt of W.'i
lMac.. IOn" U'O"U" tUt. dona e.W ISllIt of ...., U_. for JJ.H
r..t to ..U ....tarl' 11.. of 'ued. y,
~. c..u.... JlDrtll U'ot'I1" ~.t for 17.U feet to the potu. of
c.......'ur. .f . cbcular t::_ne coot::.... to I" v..c ta.wtoa . ,,"I.. .f
26.mI 'nt;
It~ WDrt....t.r17 ...... eM .re of ..14 C\I~ throulh _ c_tnl
...... .f 10'''1'10'' for '.31 fnt fD ..1,V..Ufl, u.. 0' ....ru1 ...,.,
1 of 14
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIIl-3 New Business
OR: 4452 PG: 3961
t.... c..u.... IIDl'eMrl, ... 1ID"""".c_b .lOa& eM aJC, of ..U
C\RW th....... . cptr.l ..ale of 10.00.... for 4.54 r.., to e" ..IDt
eI _,.
-.. "rt" U-U'I1- ....t for 21).11 feet w tblt palae of cunatu'.
eI . ,'"-1M euno ....,,0 to elae loIa&lIweel
C...... .n......l' al-. eM 61"1I of ..U curve ....Y1II& for Ita
.a.-aC. 6 ....... of 26.00 ,..e Mal: . ceo.cral aaa1. 0' 23-$0153- 'or
10.12 'Nt to UlI poiDt .f taaPMfi
tMDc. an_ ,,-U'U" Veac for MI." fe. cO CM tahTMCCs.o. wlt\
..u "'ted, 11M af ' -r;
,.... COCttla_ "rcb ,t-21114- Ven fOl' 14.t1 faR ta tbt ..!lit 01.
caI'ftC... at . cuc:u1u cwve CODCa" to U.. .r~e;
tbIel:. JIoI'tInIU;CerlJ ... ..".....L' al_ dII .1'C of NU c... ..,~
f.~ in ~. . ....,.. .1 ....00 h.c ... . CODtI'al ueb .f 40-. U-
fOI' ".53 fee eo tile ,.IaC .f t....."
t..... *n1I 01-14'01" laat tor fete c.o Nt4 VIDtort,. 11... of
"re.l "1"1
of . cl
ehue. coad.. 10",.. 01-41''''" W"l ror J43.14 f..t co the point 0'
Curvat.,.,.a of . circuliI' curve eonc:..... to chi 'vuthvelt;
tMnee IIorehllrl, and lIon.hwutor1J .1001 tN .lrC DC ;Ja14 CUC'WI hnla,
far 1ta &1....,. . ,"luI of 26.00 feet ... a central 1011- of 24-" Jl"
far 11.1' 'o.t to the polac 01 ,.nlene,:
11:"_ MDnb 26-Jl'1I- Ye.t for 261." fnC to tbe polnt of C\I...atul'e
of . cinulaT cuno eOllal'" to the .rt.a.t&
c..... Ion..netl, aDd Jeortborl, .1-. the au of ..l' evl'Ye ....s....
fOl' lu a~'" . r"1ua .f ".00 fea ... a c_nal uP of
21-5'1"- '0&' )1.06 '..e: co ch poial .f t_..-,.
c..... 1IoC1:11 00.)0')'- v._ f04 417.35 teetl
~. IIlWtlt O4-,,'U" We. f... 571.300
tIIieIlleo ...c'b 17-07'IM" Vaac (en' 350.61 feet co the polat o{ cunacur.
01 . cl1'Culal' CU1'YO COIIC.YO: '0 cb. &aU
2 of 14
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII-3 New Business
141 of 183
OR: 4452 PG: 3962
daMce,. ."11I11, aM .n....n...l,. .1oq ck ..a of
..... canl "vial foe St. .1..... . ....1ue .f 14.00 '..e ... . ....1'&1
_to II ,.026'20" r.. n.n r_... .. fNB' .f '''_1
~e ..n.. 1"11'1'- "'1 f. .n.M f..t to ..14 vucel'l7 u...,
~ coac.... ....,Ia U.U,,,. iliac f. Sl.01 f... u ..W Wucer1,
u.. .. hrcel ..... ,.... ...... "nit 11-17'16. Iaft for 3.51
fHC co ,.. ....., ., cuw.wn of . dnolal' C\II'Yti 00.... co tile
ca...c. IDn'UeRol'17 ... -.n...rlJ al... 1._ ore Df ..U _una .......
foe :lc. .~e . ..Mt.a of 26..00 fl. ... . ...tal ___ of
13-U'''. for 10." tH' tD ,_ po.S.aC .t '.....71
,..... 1IWt. o.-,t',O'" 1Iut for 60.31 ,_, co uU VI'CorlJ' u-.
of 'arcel '"D"'I
c~. coa,..... .nll D4-26')0" Wac tOI' 171.'2 fMtl
c... )Iort" "-00' 00" laet
..W Pan:ol w..1",
thoDe. .nll U.
11.- of ..1' Sect!
poiat ...1.. SOl,&tlt. ..-
lIDrtke..1: eorn.r of tbe No
the._ CGotinl,l1 toon" 13-1911811 W..t. for S.O) {en; autll 17-06'21" WIIoe tOI' .S.OJ f..t;
cline. _rtb II-OZ'"'' ...n tor '3.01
c.benco .nb "-07'4S. \lese '01' 22.63 futl.
t__O .nlll ,,~Z'''" VeIl: fol' n.n toot;
,...... lIKe" "-0.'21" .....t fol' 41.21 te.l to 0 pobt .. t.... "nll
u... ot _:I' Pareal -".;
c.... IIKtIll 0.1"00'00" v.n fo&' at.. I..t;
,... IIllInk ,,-U'''' ...c tor 51.2' feo~;
dl.... *rtlll ,,-.'10"' Jut. tor .10.00 'eat;
) of 14
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VUI-3 New Business
OR: 4452 PG: 3963
claeMo .rdl 23-1.'11" ,,-, fo.. .,.)4 f..c c. CM "'".1'17 li.. 01 War
11. of the '.UceD "7 1.,.....-0' DUc..Sc, Drdu.. III..... ...
....n_l' ..... IlIbC .f _ U..,
c..... aDn. ,,-30'00" Wen albl add "'e"17 u..t .f u..,. 11.. IN'
15'.00 f....
Ia-e. ...,. 21-'1'01" ..... tOI' 51$.12 tM' '0 . polK ., C.l'ftlul'.
of . dreu1al' c_rve cOKa'ft '0 eM 1In'eMac I
c:.... .."....."17 al... c.. ."0 of uW """ 1Ilws.a fo.. :lu
..-.t. . n4tua ot a..oo rMe .... . CaDual aacle of 16.)4'n- for
24.30 '..e. c. . ., u.aa-cfJ
t..... "nil OS-11 '40" Vut for 742.03 b" co . ..tat .f cunat....
01 . c1rca1U curv. __awe c. eM ...t....c.
u.-. IIDrtbllMtulJ, .nlliN'l,. ... .n....ted7 olnl C.. are .,
..w c..... MYta& '01' iU ~. a r..i.. 01 14.00 f_c ... . .....I'al
-ala of 51-0'41" f... 15..35 fMt to. poiDt lit t...-c7' IIDn" .'.U'03" ...c 101' 313.36 feet hi a pot.. .f C"....hN of
. dt'CulU' CorN COMa" to t~ ...tJIvIl.Ci
01 . 01
r"1u 0
to . poi
of ell",.t..
chaco tiOn"'veaul'1,. .108' cbe a..c df .:aU (\lrv. MYIo. 10.. Au
.1__'0. ,,"tu ., 1'.00 feo~ aDd . cannel ...,1. of 24-06',." ,....
10.9' reet co a fObt .f uaaeoe1,
tlaoal;. .I'U. 33-0,'eM" V..t tOI' 112..37 hit: ,. . PD11u: of cu.......Cul'.
.f . ctrcular curv. c.-c... co ch. ..r'......c,
t.IIMIc. IIDI'I.bvaseel'11 .1... ,be an: of Hid c:urn ....1D& for ill e~.
. ",:I... of 14.00 'He ... . c..co1 oall O. 1'-"'31- for 21..J' ,..
co . po:la' of I.....,.~
t..... .n" 14-2,127- Vue rol' 612..12 'Ne to . f01AC ., cUlVa,un: of
. drculal" cu."_ COIteO.. co tha sue:
t-.c. 8ltrtJawacerlst, IItn'-r17 ... ..rtMalter11 aJ.oe& tile Me of ..u
CY"" _,,~ 'H ie.. e1_CI . ...diu. ef 14..00 'Ht .. . c.nal
.."to .f J2 30140" 'ft 47.66 f~t CD . poIlU: 0' tuaeM7;
EXIIltlT 'A'
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII-3 New Business
OR: 4452 PG: 3964
c...... "'nit l'.Ol'n- IMc IN 410.11 'Nt co I polaC of cu",.e."
., I dnulal' c""o CGIIC... &:II c.t. ...,....., I
dIeM. .."......1'11' 81... ..... aq of ..U curve ...s..a for n.
.1..... ...t". ., 11.00 ,.., .. . ~'nl ..... ., 15-"'1"
I. f.1I ,.& CO., 01 tapM.,;
t.... "'1'1;.. 02-.'OS. Ian for .'.'J leg to ,. pobt. of cu....tun
of . einuJ..r Ctl1:'IPe ___ eo eM Ioot.....t i
1'..... .....11 MIll ..rt....carl' at... eM He of _W ~ ~
fw tu .1...u . ....1.. of 26.DO fNt ... . cncnl ...... 01 U-U U.
for I.U feet U . fOlat .f 1:.......,;
,.... ..-nil 13-,"1.. Veat ,... "1." ,_, co . ,.IM: of eUI'..aan .f
. .llealal' """ c.c.". co eM .....,
t'Meu .n.....t.r17. JlH't:Mrl, ... -.n....'...17 .1-. c'- an a:f
uU cane ....S.. ,... it. e1_. . 1M_ of 14.00 '..e tall .
c_tral eq1e ., Sf'41'''- foc 87." r.., co I potat of caaeac1;
,..... .rcll ..-.'". laat fer 570.22 ,..I.I
thence JO~th 1"1""" C._r for
tbaDc.. tiortb 1&')0'20" Welt for 99.61 fuU
ChlDC. "~d& 07'OS')O" ....e fol' 91.ot 'eou
,tine. 1II;Inll 30'00'16" Vue 'DC' 115.45 f..t'.
I;.hac. JIonll 14'42'15" Ve.1i. for 141." 'eat;
t.... .nlt Oa-4,'4S. I..t for 1".31 I.e.;
I.... lIDnll 11-10'341'" Ian rOC' '2.7Z ,..,;
~....&II >>->>'43" ..1'. '01' 73.'1 f..,;
1'."-. "nil U-30'U- v..~ rOC' 1M.57 fall
t'-a .RIa ,,-,,'00'" WoR lor 111.11 fNt;
,.... anll ".00"17- v..~ lor .,.)6 I_~i
UHlln -A-
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIiI-3 New Business
144 of 183
OR: 4452 PG: 3965
~ ...u. ".,a'18" ...., 'M U.1I 'Mt to . poue .. tM ...,
U.. of .U leets.. U ... ,... aut U.. .f ..U IMIU. 32. ..:Ill
..SaC: ,..... lI_d, oa..'" Va., . ....tuc. .1 14".07 'MIll'_
lite .......It conlII' .f _ill ....... nl '
c--. __s.- ~ "'-'0'11- "-c f.r lot.OO 'Ntl
c--. 'IIlln" U*,,'''" ....e f. 71.01 feal;
tMoce IIDlrU lJ."'U. v.t '01' _.70 'MCI
&.... amla ..U'11" .... fOl' ".01
~. lIIna 71-Z7'U" ....1 for 42.13 'MU
~ a.naa 0I....2~ ..... r. 166.U hIIll
tMMe ..~ .,-12'2,. ....t ror _,13 feu;
t-....c. IIDI'UI U.UflJ" Rat 'or 217." 'MC;
eMM. .1'1.. 51.19',,- lIMe fol' 261.M f..;
dIeM. Sou.tb .9.,.' "
th.~. SOYtb l~'~O'~'. We.t ror ..t;
Lbcac. Sou~b Z,'31'12" !a.t lor Z19.10 feeti
tbaftc:.a Sout. ".17131" EaR for st... rallt;
,beftt. IIDJ'ch "*'U',)" Eal' fol' )5.70 fHCI
chaKa So.tb 1'.))'''''' Baac [or 35.51 '''1.1
,-..c. IIonlli ".U'51" Eae' f.r 67.17 '''CI
c.... ScMI&b U.U'S7" ..... Cor )5.10 rat;
,.... IcNt:It m*Z1'"'' I..t for 124.24 f..t;
t.... Souell .-'Z'D'" alAt Cor 'ZZ." ".c;
c..... ....e.. 41-"'06" SUe. f.r 121~1' feee;
. of 14
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII-3 New Business
145 of 183
OR: 4452 PG: 3966
a... 1080 'I-UI1'" Ian tot' In.'' ,..t)
u..c. ..... 12.11'... I..e tor 173.7. f_c;
dIIDI. ..... or.I"" I&K fOl' "O~lt feet;
cbne. Soutll O)-sz'Sot- ra.c for '31..12 fMtl
c..... "cia ..-20'30"' ....e for I"~'] f.CI
dMMe "'aQ U-ZO'U" Vat f. 1ft... fH';
c..... "'ell. 0)-"'.- .'C f_ t5.U rMt;
c..... aouc~ ~5I'01- ".c f. 76.n ,..c;
tMDce Ioucll 01"'2'0" v.n for 0.2t f... CO . potIIC _ eM
...... 11M of ..U ..u.. J2 ... tI'IIi Wlrtll U. of AU hecu. s,
..14 polat ..tal; WDn' .t-31'"- ...c, . .t~ of m.ll feet
fr_ eM IOaOUK con8r at ..:14 lecein n,
cta.c. coacl... IooD 01'U', "
ebnee Ioarll U'
theM:. ....
tlhrae. South 53'Di'SS" W.n for 37.11 fNt;
thuce Soutb ]1,'12'40" V..t fo.,. U.lI feet;
C..... South 06'05' OJ- Vaat for n .8S feet;
tbnc. IIortb to'OO'OO"' Vat. for appr_S-u.l,. 440 feet co the .....
IiIb Vatn' Lia. of CM c.u of Hu1co:
t.1M_. puc'" BoucbeTl, fo'f' ..,roxt.-talJ' un tHt a10D1 AU
"t...,. u.. to the leucb 110e of Ni. laces.. , ... eb "n:" 111M ., '"t_ I;
thlDr:e c_c1aae alaq I.W Veeer L1M for ..proau..ttl" 5262 ...c co
eM ...11 U. .f ..w s.cct_ II
t'-ce ..~.. .t')O',,.. IUc .10D1 ....t.. u... of SectiMI . for
......~te1J' 217 feet "' t" "'t"'lt COI"M1' .f ..1.11 SlIce.... . ...
eM ~t C*tM1' 01 .U 'ecctoa 'i
7 of ltt
ElOllllT ",."
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
Vlit-3 New Business
146 of 183
OR: 4452 PG: 3967
~. IRe_ "-)0"" SaM '10" eM ..tit. 11M of AU hee'" ,
fee 1111.47 he. .. .... "be ef ...-....
UII ... ac:..c e.....d.... . ,.reel of ..... lGuCed ... ..W leeeS. S, ~ 4f
"'elt, ..... U 1aR, IIIMtt'sw, .. '.11_1
~_ ac e" .ulloa.e COrMI' of eM IDI't.JlltHc OM-
_ IW 100 ef ..u ....lOII 4. To ",.. _. ..... U
._. Iort_ I". 'S" _., .~ oM Ion_ u.. of 10101 _es..
4" 0 cUaeaaM of !6iZ.OZ rut to ~.. lDR.....t COnei' .t ....
Secdoe 4 ... c.. IIrtn.....c toneI' of ..U ..,too 'i -=-u.... *ull ".)11'''' hat. at.. t" lID..eII U.. of
..u "cUe s, . .....UMe of 1283.47 foot to tM: iaeo..MCUOa
"lt~ c'- norWa Deper'tMGr .f laCUI'a! ~ CAuul
c..cructlca Cootrol Llae, as rear." Sa CDIftAI. lIT UCI. ... 1,
,_ n-u,
ce.-. "tMl1., a1.oaa uU Coaatal Clutnctiola C.cw1 tiM .
10110111.. cour..o.
f.. S'J.
AUO t.a. . en1, .f 1'" located In ..lei 'leu"" 4 .... $. TOVD_lp '" lout.. .....
U EoIec. ColUe.. CowItr. nori... 'alel'i'-, .. fol10111:I
~I.. a' C" Man.....c co.,.... of the IIDI't.....t ...-
....ner (III .., .. .... "cl_ It, TcNublp Itt Soulh, ..... U
t.... .rU. ,,-.'n- ....t, alona cM *nlt. 11... of ..14 SKC'"
It" . ....c... of ZM2.OJ 'He. to ,be IIorchwuc CORer of AU . ... cbe awl....' COI'.... of ..W I_ct.. s;
~ COOts.. Ion" "-31')1" vue, 0100& tile IDl'cIa 11111 Dr
.aU Sectioa S. . lllia.._ of 12'3.4J Ieee &0 tM tDC.....CS.
vitia tlte nwUa DepU'oat .f "Dft'al "eouc:_ CMMal
c-acrucd.. c-no1 UaI. .. roc"" u CGUtAI. lIT ua: .. I,
h_ lJ.oU,
~.... Souc'buly at-. ..U Coa&tal CooHncc1ata Cnuol L1M
die 'oUewlaa GiWZ'...a
. of 14
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII.3 New Business
OR: 4452 PG: 3968
..... U.ZS'U.S. "'t . dl.'.... .f 142.7' fMt eo . polal. OD
~ Coutal CouthctU. o...trol Uae, ..U ..iDC 'M1q: Iou~
.-"'14.). "It, . .u~ vf JD.ts rMe 'roe ...... M-7a.-A-071
tt.e.c....tIt 10.31'14.0" ,,'c, . ducuc...' 1011.72 f"cl
tItIlKo Ioudt. .-U'".'- laM. . duuaa of 1007.11 f.c to a
..... ..... .._ ..saa ...." ".M'2.,. ..u, . diacun 01
11.13 led t... .......c ..far... _t a-"I
u..c. Ioa~ .-01'4'" IMt . diacun of 64'.0 f.e u die
..sar: of ",&Mi.. .1 ..s.! .nQ. .... .t~" 1M1II& ZO feu vUe,
e" IIDnla "'aI" MlQa U f.c IIDrtll of aM .-nil.! wit. ~_
roll-" _rtW 1100 ... tllo _th 1>ouotoQ Ilo.. 5 r_
Seutb of ... .....1111 vida eM ... dMol'OM l1M1
tMooe .m "-S2'''- lut . 'ucaa 01 I.a feetl
chi.. "ft1ll st.l.'OS- "el. . Uauace 01 '.10 ,eee;
t"-eo "Ull .54-46'05. "'t . dUuae.. of 1.25 f..t~
ebene. .rc.'k ".ZI' 3" Euc 0 din
or 15.10 r_,
c.... Soucb "-.1 'O~" E..c .
o S.'.Ol f..c;
cbeDc. ~rcb IJ-ll'57" laec . diat.nea 01 ~8.6' f..t:
,.... lIDr-ch .7-.1'02- EYe 0 dl.caace of 27.00 rHe:
cbnce $oath .7-15'U. tan . db'.".. of 14.01 hae;
cbAce Sou,h ".30'51R lalt 0 diet... of 11.10 I.c;
c..... ..ell 77->>'3f" "'e . ,i.canc_ of 11.00 ,,,;
c..... "n1t 74~"CMR Ian a ,locaaco of 16.03 "at:
~ IDI'''ll1.U'Q4'' "61: . 'iee... 0' 17.12 'Me,
cMDce JIor~ IO.ZZ'O:S- But . d1a...e of 11." '''iI
t:... lout" "'.5O."R I..t . .i.c.lICo of 10." fMC;
wI.n -,..
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VlII-3 New Business
OR: 4452 PG: 3969
t.... IouCIIi ".15'02" .... .. ...u.. of 17.11 INt;
t.... "'11 U.U'$1" ...t .. 4tau.ce ."10.20
,.... ...11 4....'51. aft . .1e~ of '12." feet.;
t.... Iou.tll U..':tt" ...e . 4.el:Ule .f U.OS f.c.;
_. __ "')0'17" _ . .10_ .f '.15 f...,
ta.-_ ....11l U.IO'ZS- IaU . ...tacl .f '.27 ,
dIeM. "tla :U.)7'''. &ut a du'CPn of ,..;
tM-a ....t.. ".4].... .... a....... .r 23.00 '''U
t..... Soutb 'l.U'S4" But: .. ...u.ce of U.M fMe;
t... Sout" )1.1"15. laet . .l.~. or ".70
t.... IIDnll
thenc. "nlli Ii
t"-nca Ioreb 10-13'
thenr. lauth 7'-11'21" !ast .
o 51." feee:
thcDc. South 6'-42"'" Ia_t .. diat_nce of 3'.90 t~.t;
t..... aouth )4.111~6" Dn . ,lda..e of ".)6 rlMCl
r..... Soulb )1-27'11" "at a diet.... 01 12." (Mtl
IMM. Sout. U-DIU" c..t a 'iata._ of 2S.0' '''11
theoc. loUt" S).S.'.... Iaat a dS.~. of 25.00 ,
c..... ".tll U.:I7'21" I..c. . d1aCaaco of 25.01 '..t;
u.c. "'tlli U.42'." lut . .ia,... 01 25.11 '.U
dliMn ....e.. ".M'U" IaDt . U.uaee of 2'.90 '.eu
c_eo ~dl .'-20'110. "'t . d.t.t_u ., 15.02 'Mt'
10 of 14
EXIIlln "A"
.~-_...- -~----,_..- ._----~--~
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII-3 New Business
149010R: 4452PG: 3970
dluee "rtb 13-]1' 14" "c . .tataee of ".00 'Me;
,..... 1Dft, 71-16' U. ..n a 'Ut... at'U." '..e:
t'-* ..rtII ".15'lI" IiI.H . 'uc... .f 40.10 'HCI
~ lIKe" U-4i' U" "'It . 'uu... of H.t) t..e co 1._
h1Jcaa Ia1 L.--- l DUU1ct ~...... _I U. ..
_ III ..Udal _ _ no, r_ 11" .f ... ~
..... of ..t.. Coll1el' c..t1.
,.. duert'" HI'~ t.e ........ _ ,.. "It .., It" c-..l
c..U'Kc.... o.cntl lot. ... _ 1M ..., .. eM rdlcaa ..,
~_. _...loc. 1lI'_ _ Uoo borioa . _... of
.....tIt 16 -21' 17. v.t.
ALIO ~ . parcel of 1_. 1a ,aft .t ..r:s.. a, 'IowD.u. 4' "'ell, .... IS ......
COllier e:-.e,. n.rU. "Nra.f .. '.l~r
c-ac.... at dIle ."....It eona' of "n.e1 ..... JIIL1CAJI
M1 Um- au: acc....tJ&. to c.... ,laC c\enof .1 reeon" Sa fb,
look 12, r.... 47 ,........ , hUic leCCJda,
Colli... couec1. PlOt
ALSO LISI . Ittt, .f land 10 part 0
~1It& at tM IIOn"hvut COl'Pir of Nt. Panal ""I).,
'a.JCAJI "'1' dill' 011&;
e"'e .1.... &1MI Veunl, U... of HU ..reel "I". laudl 01-J.'GO'"
..., 1'7.00 faae;
tMDce coet.l... alo... ..141 VeoU:r11 U.. Ioutla )1''''00'' Vue
JOII.II to..;
tllne. concbn.. .lore ..w "..t_l, U... South D4'U'DCt' treat
04.11 r_1
c..... coott.- at.oaa Mid "eud,. 11M Ioutb 1'-42'"" I..e
111.17 ,..t to CM Poht .f k&iaDl.. of eM ocrlp .f 1." MreUi
11.r 1.
EXHlln -A-
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII.3 New Business
150mt!34452 PG:3971
~ IIDnIi ,.-..',.- laiR ,..., '_t to Cbe Weeterl, 1.... of
Mila M,. -.nw~ DleU'loc ....ueUoa Ana 111 Dr_1M"
_. ... no .... "'_1, alp. .r ., u..;
EMMe lfte1illfllHul, It..11' rwe al-a MW ",t_17 lSa1 ...
~ dle are .r . ..-t.....W c:urtPe COOC.... 'hi CM
1Me, ....u. _ r_w. of IM.OO r.c ... 811M...... ., . c.ho....
....... Men ae.cJI 03-10'00" WeN 11 .14,
"'-- ....&It "-,,',,. Vn& h.1M 1..1:
1:.... louD 13-D7'17- Wed: lot." fe.,;
m-.a louD. ''''''OS. VNt 31.35 '"I.;
~ lout" trJO'H- v.c 11.40 f.l;
tMKe ...,... "-4,'2" Veat 59.11 t..el
tllleate .welt. 13-5""- Wen: 2l.J7 ".1. U. pow OIl . cu.......
of . a _-c;.....t.1a1 c1n:u1al'
.00 fNt ... ..k....
f..t to a ... of
t..a "'tad.)' 41.5" t..,
cum c_c.ava to tbe
." .. c...... vIIlcll
I.Mne. $DUth 0)-"'5'- Jut 5.00 reet;
tMN. South "-20'0.- Ven ~3.00 fHt;
theaca WOrl.ll 0)-"'56- WQ;t. ',DO h.U
t... So~cb "-20104- Vuc 11.1) f..c;
,benea -.,nb "-""4" v..~ ZIl.J1 to. polDt of curvature;
t__. IcNdlwutul, 47.21 t.. alDIII tbe KC of . circw.:r CIIJ'ft
cnc.ava co the ....,..." .....~ . ....tu .f 37. 70 f.~ ... euk.....
'" . c"'d vIr1cll .an ....t:. 54 25140" ..... 440.24 'Mt '0 a JIIIIM
of ...-"
t~ ....da 11-30'03" V..c U.16 '_t co a peint of cUS';
~. ...'.....&:81'1,. 17.." I.t a10aa ,be ft. .f . e11'cular ctll'ft .
c:oauw. CD U. JlDrOIlMel:. beria& . r"i_ of 61.00 tne. ... ..e.....
~ . c...~ ~II \ean loge" 51-10'14" Wen 13.41I.t w . polar: of
u or 14
EXIt. 1fT -A-
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII-3 New Business
1510101: 4452 PG: 3912
,..... Iouth n.SO'2S. \Ill., 11.21;
,.... I..,ta .-011>>" I.., S.OQ ,..,.
,__ 1ouC." "-)l'U" .... U.. f..t,
~. k'b 01.01'"- ....t !I.OO 'eee;
,.... ",cIa 1)-)O'2S- __ 21.31 f..t.;
t'MDt. 1IP'u. 17.U',,- ...., 2t.44 '-c,
tMDd "'tll ".20'''- ...., IJ.21 t..t;
C". "'tb ".)D'U. ..C 32.24 teet co. polal' of ._nat__;
,.... "'~17 U.5I 'Mt al-. tM an of . cir'ell1a;1' CDtwe
e...... CD ~ 1IDrt.. Mvtaa. ....1. of 1..23 'Nt .. .....t....
"' . c.... wWdI '--n Jov.tll "'''81'03'' "*-, 42.01 'H' co. pol-
of '.....,;
thnco Wonb ..U'44- tau.t 23.00 ''''t to. 1'01Dt .f .ul'Wtut'e1
.f at\l
.f . eiRulU'
72 fH' ... _bt.....
to . ,otat
'....8M. Iout...urlr 51.1
CtIIVO ....." .. t'"
." 84:"'nvlllt.e.
of u.....J'I
,..... SeNt"
, lIatar17'cular clIn. C.
f., IDd lIUbt.....
115." ca . potue 0
,'onca KDrc:b 'L-Ol'16- laSt 1S.15 r..t to. palat of evrvaCY"OI
t'MnC& IIOn....'.I'11' 64." f.t doa, ebe are of a drc.lar eup.
eoacava to ebe ....tb, ....t.. . ....1.. 01 76.71 '..t ...
.,. cbar' ""':l.ell Nan JIorth neQl'I'" I..t 62.70 feac !to. potu
.1 cr.....,;
t.ace Bout" .0-"'44M t:aac 23.00 'He CD . pobe ot curvet.lln,
u..c. lanerlJ faa' at.. thl: arc .f . dtell1... cUl'"la
....... eo 1M ":rtll. JaaflaI . 1'''1.. at ".21 rae. ... eubt.....
), . ca.N -"i.t:' Mar. ""Ill "_0)10)- ....~ )J." faet. t:o . ....t
of c.a....,.
t... _nil ..-SO'41- ".C 34." Inci
c..... .rOi .5.,0.... ~t 16.51 hecl
1:I.f 14
EXHIBn -,,-
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII~3 New Business
**1i20R:3 4452 PG: 3973 **t
,..... Sov," '''-111>>'' ..., ZI.U r..u
cMKe .nll a..'u" ...., .7.35 'M' '0 . ,..a, ., _1'\'&'..'
~ ..1'1.........1' st. JO "eel -1011I die U'C of . d-ccdal' IhII"ft
...... ~ t'- ...,.... .....~ . ...... eI 51.GIt ,.. ... -..k....
., . .... wide" "'n linn }I 10'"- "'C 56.14 ,..t c. .
d &:aapKJ'1
,.... ~dI. 1I.SO'03- Iuc lS.16 ,.. tII 0 potu of caw"";
,,-,::_ WH'Mau...l, .7.)4 ,.. .1011& tM M'C of 0 cl1"Cdol' c.....
_.. co ,lie SluCJlNn. ....,1.. . ....... .f '3.70 reee ... .. u" ..
'" . clio'" WSc. lieu. -.nit ""-15'40" ...c U.DI r.c to . .....
c'-- SeNell .,-.'44!" aac 211.41 ,..-:;
dine. aRb '.-J:0'04- ..., 11.-61 f"Ci
dIeaI:. .E"tll 031-)1'56" \lac 5.00 f..t;
'....e. IIDrtb 6"]0')6" "ast 1'.]1 h.t;
'Nac. an'tll "-OIlOS" teat n.n '''Ci
tJaeoeo IIortb 13.07'17" Ea,t 112.11 fe.t;
tJMKo IIDrtb 16-06'36" Eut St.,g feet to elM poUt of kasn_
.f the .crt, .f 1.... h.r.... ..ucrt.....
ALSO LlSI .11 tbat ,..t of SectloU . , It 'l'oYUUp ., loUell, ..... Z' Juc,
01111_ c.u.Cl, n.d.... lrSlw ....t. of a_ ,.... ....e D' 0.,_ a. la, ... IuC eI
eM Wf of ....teo; ... ... v.t_ 11.".,1_ 1.1 ,..I:,
~ .... hero" al'II: ...... ... u. STATI rt.\III co:JIIuaTD ..uU..... ., cite
..C.'. for f1,DUIMr-Uft _.
s.U 1NlI dt\IAce, 17i.. aM Mtna 1. Collter CoIae,. n01'1dII.
14 of 14
EDU.IT filA.
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII.3 New Business
XNSTR 4315221 OR 4468 PG 1475 RECORDED 7/2/2009 4:24 PM PAGES 18
REC $154.50
1'#.,.,11\ P I
~k ,~'hwdf\~
U5~'I<'aIoo en~ /)/lld
Jaj)Ie>.i1, 3'+1 a;r
~~-.9'It..-", 8.) 1'~~7
COUNTY, FLOIUDA ('Second e this H-"IJ1..&y of 2009,
by Pelic:all DIY FOUlIda1ion, IJU: orstion (bereiD8fter referred
to 88 the "Declarant" and. ' -Ridge Properti.... Inc" for
itself snd its successon,
WBEBEA8, e Declaration of 0eneNl
Protective Covenants 2 snd 33, Towosbip 38
South, Rqe 25 East WDSIIip 49 South, Range
25 But, Collier CouIIIy, rded in OfticiBl Records
Book 966 at page 1843 lier County, F\Qrida (the
"Declaration"), Declarant may, , amend, waive, or Bdd to the
covenants included in the OWevel', to the modification or
enlargement of existing ~nants whi oes not substantiBlly impair the genera1 snd
unifonn plsn of dev~opment set fOrth In the Declaration); end
WHEREAS, Declarant amended snd modified the Declustion purIUBlIt to an
Amondment dl!ed May 15, 2009 snd recorded in OfficiBl Records Book 4452 81 plIge
3954 (the" Amcndmeot"); and
WHEB,IAS, the real property desmbed in Parcel I end Parcel II, respectively, on
Exhibit A altJehed hereto SlId lDlIde a part heloeof (referred to in the Declaration and
herein, ~vely, as the "Parl< Site" and the "Conservation Are6'), is currently subject
to the Declaration, 88 amended; snd
WHEREAS, WCT Communities, Tnc., a DeIBWlll'e corporation, is the successor
by merger of WCI Communities Limited Partnenbip, the succeasor by merger of WCN
Communities, Inc., fonnerly Westingbouse Communities of Naples, Inc., fonnll(ly Coral
Ridge - Comer Properties, Inc.; snd
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIIl-3 New Business
OR 4468 PG 1476
WHEREAS, the DecllIIlUII is the suc;ces80r to WCI, IJU:. pursuant to the
As8ignmelll of IlIgbts, Privileges and Obligations (park Site and Conservation Area)
dated April 15, 2009 and recorded in Official Records Book 4446 at page 1101 of the
Public Records of Collier County, Florida, and the Assignment of Certain IlIghts,
Privileges and Obligations dated March 1,2003 and recorded in Official Records Book
3251 at paso 2056; and
WHEREAS, the com... county COllUDission on May 26, 2009 approved a
dredgill8 permit application for Clam Pass located within the Conservation Area (the
WHEREAS, the Collier County Commission on Juno 23, 2009 approved the
installation of navigational uwkm in Clam Bay located within the Conservation Area
(the "Installadon of Markers"); and
WHEREAS, the Dec!
written approval of the Decl
1nBtalIation of Marbrs; and
s that Collier County obtain the
Application and prior to the
Declarant, to submit
Dectarant for its written
its failure to submit the A
for its approva~ documents
the I'CUOII8 may have to do
the Park Site and Conservation
of Florida (the "Pwported State ofFlan
ant with a reason fur
of Markers to Declarant
~ llier County indicate that
. Cowrty staft'that portions of
claim of ownership by the Stale
P Claim"); and
WHEREAS, the State of Florida disclaimed any right, title, and interest in and to
the Conservation Area and the Park Site in a Disclaimer dated June IS. 1959 and filed in
Official Records Book 45, Page 20 of the Public Records of Collier County (the
"Disolaimer"); and
WHEREAS, Collier County lICCepled the transfer of title to the Conservation Area
and Park Site from Coral Ridge - Collier Properties, Inc., on April)3, 1982, pursuant to
a Quit Claim Deed of the same date (the Quit Claim Deed), which Quit Claim Deed was
expxessly made subject to the Declaration, wbich was attached thereto; 8Ild
WHEREAS, pursuant to the conlnlctual ~lationship between CoDier County and
Grantor as evldSDCCd by the Quit Claim Deed and the Declaration, Collier County is
bound by the terms of the Quit Claim Deed and the Declaration with respect to the entire
Park Site and Conservation Area nntwithstanding any Pmported State of Florida
Ownenmp Claim; and
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIlI-3 New Business
OR 4468 PG 1477
WHEREAS, ~ons u~ .~y GOmer County in portions of the
Consorv81ion Area llIIdIor tho Park Site that might be subject to any Purported State of
Florida Ownership Claim will affect the conservation and protection of other portions of
the Conservation Area and/or the Pule: Site owned by ColHer County; and
WHEREAS, Declarant Is concerned that Collier County's failure to request
Dec:Jarant's lIIlProvsl fur the Application and the JDstaIIation of Markers could lead to
adverse or harmfW or other consequences objectionable to Declarant with respect to tho
consetVation and protection of the Park Site and/or Conservation Area, includill8 portions
of the Park Site and Conservation Area IIOt subject to any Putported State of Florida
Ownership Claim, and wishes to c1uifY the Dec1sration to llIIlIUre that the discretion
n:oerved by the Declarant in the Declaration with l'IlIfIect to activities in the Pule: Site and
Conservation Area be broadly construed and that SlIch discretion iDcludes the right of the
Declarant to approve, in its sole discretion, any activity of Collier County within all of
the Pule: Site and Conservation ., g any Purported State of Florida
Ownership Claim; and\,,t."\:,R eO(h;
0" ~v)'o
amendment and I
ent et fb
limited to a modification
impair the genera1 and u
. on to the Declaration is
nd does not substantially
in Declaration; and
NOW, THE and the covenants
contained herein, Deel ibed on' Exhibit "A" to
this Declaration (which i e the Park Site ion Area) s1W.I be beld,
transferred, sold, convey ~ed subject of Restrictions, dated
April 13, 1982, and record fficial Records at page 1830 of the Public
Records of Collier County, and to , covenants, servitudes,
impositions, easements, charg , ~, . sions as set furth in the
Declaration, as amended by the as further amended berein. The
covenants, conditions, restrictions and other provisions contained in this Second
Amendment shall run with the land and be binding upon all parties baving any risht, title
or interest in or to the property or any part thereof within the Pule: Site and the
Conservation Area, their beirs, successon and assigns, and sball inure to the benefit of all
present and future owners of the property eDl:lImbered by tbe Dec:laration as amended by
the Amendment and as further amended bel'm.
1. Article Ill, section 4 of the Dec:laration is hereby amended by
adding the following sentence at the end thereof:
"In the event that any portion of the PARK SITE or
CONSERVATION AREA is ever determined to be owned
, by a party other than the OWNER, the covenants, conditions,
restrictions, and other provisions under these COVENANTS
are nonetheless binding and sball continue to be binding as
between DECLARANT and OWNER with respect to all of
any sucb portion that may be determined to be owned by a
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
V11I-3 New Business
OR 4468 PG 1478
party other th4n the OWNER. in order to eIISUJ1l tbat
DECLARANT his the opportunity to prevent, in its sole and
absolute discretion, any adverse or lw1nfu1 or other
consequeace objectionable to DECLARANT in its sole
discretion with respect 10 the PARK SITE and
CONSERVATION AREA, including those portions of the
2. Other than IS set forth in this Second Amendment, all of the
restrictiOlll, coven&lllS, servitudes, impositions, easements,
cbatBes, liens and other provisions as set forth in the
Declsralion, IS amended by the Amendment, shall remain in
tWl force and effect.
corporation, does hereby
authorized officers on the
Inc., a Florida DOt for profit
name by its undenigned,
) sS.
J The foregoing illSlIUmen1 WIS acknowledged before 'me this :eel-day of
~ 2009, by lamea Hoppensteadt, IS Pro8ident of Pelican Bay Foundation, IDe.,
a Florida not for profit cmporation, and by Stephen Feldhaus, ecretaly of
Pelican Bay Foundation, Jnc,. 011 behalf of d . 0 whom ere
peraoaalIy known to me,
Public ~
Named-Da.. '>4 ~r
(type or print)
My Commission Expires:
."'~ Usa A. Bauer
~ """"';a""'#DIl467253
4 '. IlIpra: AUG. 30, 2009
OR 4468 PG 1479
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII-3 New Business
LllW. DESCRt".llll
'.IllCII. I
W that ,.11 ., '..U,one . . '. TNlah'" ., ItUI'h. ..... IS lut, CD1U.r CouCJ.
'INiCa, I''''' ..... " elM ,.... ...., .. DY,iU' a__ .., ... "'IJC .f till WI.f
"-ko. .. ...... "hI 11....l1oa 1.1 ,..,.
..... I_ Ill"a,., 1Ft... .. Nt", 'n ColU.r Couat7, not'l".
~ cr.., of 1_ LOCI'" .. ",d.., U ... 33, fowa...... 41 lout', Iaap IS iut,
.. ... "oct... 4, S, . ... I, rewuhlp " """'. ..... as Ial', CoUs.e, 0..", n..lA.
. ,0,'11.. .r ..14 cr..' "III ill pvt 0' ..ra4. ..... ... .r ., .IUCAI MY U1111 .....
_ctI'Ct.. .. lb. ,In 1M".', ......... ill Plat ..... 12, ,.... 41 '''roup: 51, ., ,...
"Ue ........ .f ...14 MIs.. c..'1, ...U Inn \Ii..... ....riNd II ',U""I ae 'M hut"'..' "neI' .f lbe '"t...... D......""'.Z'
(IV Is) .f _d. '.niCftl .. fDvuhi, 4' '-''h, ..... U ".'1
,'lMInaa Ioulta 1")0"'" W." .
lU'.3D ,.., co 'M Pot.
01 hM'
CM._ IIru. 00'
t"-ne. I:OnttnYl' North 20'U'U" r.Ut (or '.01 r"'l
IMftU lauth 69'51'24" tut ror 1.7Z ,.., to uld Wonnl, Una at
,.,tal .OM.
theM. conUnul ...tIlI ".,.114" I.., lOT 19.15
tuou Ion" SO'It'1.. .at 'ar 12.3t r..e to ehe Vennl, ltA, of
cM tellcu .., JI,'O'l"'C Dhutu lUll at."e Dr w..71 .,e" U'OI'lf" Ittt. dona HW al.bC ar Va, 11De. tor 32."
r..e c. 1114 11..'''11 11.. of '~tcal Mg-,
eII.nee ...eSnue IIoI'Cb 1$.0"19" ,..e tor n." r..e co eM potD" .f
CVl"'f'alure af I circulI!' cun' COflCI.ave P ebe v.., Miq: . ,"Sv. ot
21.00 f,oll
'''1100 IIorfllu.ur1r .1ocI1 "- uo .f add ._nll thf'Ouab . ..ural
oqt. ., 20...0'10" for t.3' te.t to nt. Vee,ul:r U.. .f "red "Dill
UHrin MA'
OR 4468 PG 1480
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII-3 New Business
t'--o 'O,.ti.".1 Ion_rl, .... "'"hw'I:"'I, &1.aa ," IN of ..14
NWI IhI"_ . ..acHl ...11 ,t 10'00110- I. 4.S4 lau to "he JOt.,
., U,,'N1t
~. Inu. "')1'11" Vue '.r 11$.11. I.., Wi eM poUt .1 cu"',un
II . tSZcu1ar .....,. ...... '0 ,... ...,....,.
UwMI "'tllWnud, .1.... eM on or ..U IN"' ll......... for L\I
~.u . ....SU. 01 H.OCl r.., ... . ...ual .....1. .f U'~'I)" r.r
10.11 ,.., c. cM peut .f U..,.c'1
cbe&to. Itn" ,,-12;'1.. u.. ror Ut.'" het co I"~ laun_dOG _no
..u. "'c.dI U.. .f Parcel "D-.
I...... ,.nlu... .nb ,,-alt14" ...., for"14,,, 'ue '0 dle poiar: of
..,.,.CUI'e .t . olnulu 0"",, ....... t. ,,_ .n\e..,.
,..... IIOnMlCR1, .... "rd~.I1., IIODl eM ate of MSI ....... ....~
tor lu e1_U . 1'1&' of. '..OG I. ... . ,,,c'Cal ...111. of 4rJ6 U.
fo, SI.SS r..1: ce 1M pobt of ca....,.
.... IIQntl 01'1. I 08"
Pwcol 1tJ)'I,
.f. d
t~t. CDnclnu. Morcb O~.4.t4t" U.., Cor 141.14 t..e to ch. poLal of
cvrv.tur. of. clrcullt 0"'''' ,onelve to the '-":Mnr
t1wlu *RlMIrl)' ..... lfotCMlnrb ,1onl I:hI .re 'It odd C1InI M'Vt9
r.r iLa .1....1;. . r.diQI of 26.00 rl.e ... a clntral &0.1. of 2."9 Ir'
t.r 11.1' tea' lO chi poLlI of l.nllft.,J
l....c. Iorch U-II'12" Vae tor 211.51 t.., u ~be .....1 .f ,_""1&1'1
01 8 Ii:raular c\lne cone..... co cba .nch....tI
llIme. JIoRl.....t.r1' .n. Morc~r1, 81otl, 11ae IN of .." cur.. Uvlal
f. tu el-." .. """IiII.f ".00 f..t ...! ",Il. .f
U-J7'J'" Cor )1.06 fMe 1:& 1M po"c .f t..'_11
IUnc. ~e' 00.'0')6" V.., t.4 4.7.)) f..u
I'~. ~Ib 04""11" we.t fo~ "'.20 '..cs
cb_c. IIonb 17.07 '04" V.c hI' 350.11 flu r. ,.. poLnc of cu"nu~.
.f . eil'cdar n"". oOMava co t.hI la_II
:2 .f 14
EXHlln 'AM
OR 4468 PG 1481
., '" ~. . ..
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
V1I1~3 New Business
na... ..ntwt._11, ..n_l'l'..... Ion........l' dona ,.... an oC
aaW eu..". ""'hi f. ice 11__g . '''WI tf M.OO fM' aM I ..anal.
."le 01 ".,,'10. for 53.J7 ,..,.,. tbe ,,111 af 'Ul''''''
c...... "lib U'17'1'. SUe 1M "l.M 'HI c. .aU Wan."17 11... 01:
"'ad "D"t
0... C.DI...... MoTtIl ".U'Utl J:aR '0' Jl.07 ,.., u _it "'''U17
UM of '..all "D"a I.hncI 'OIIlhu1ltn~ i"11'1It1 INI tor '.51
f.., It c" ,.1aC." Ivrnlure If . drhlar IIIW'VI .......,. &0 'M
*rdPteet I
P.... "'''heu''I1'1I ... "'nNrlJ .1... 'M en .r ..U bavu.
In' Iou IlIMUI . n'&_ of U.DO 'Me'" . 'laud _11, of
J:J'4)'4'. tor 10.17 hec '0 ,.... po., " .........,.
1M'" Ion" M'ZI' )0" v.u 'or to.n f.., co Mt.d v.aCll'17 lw.
.r 'In.l -rJ-1
'Mua )IoRIa .roo'
..U P.nel. tll".
\hlaGe 00111
W,e'1111 11M of
IMace IIneb 13
lia. Df ..ld l.c1
poilLt MfDl "wU. ...
.rthlu' ,cornl' 0' Ih. No
CMnea COllct.,. Nonh U.U'18Il1:..c tar J.D) Caer.;
tlMaca ",rlh U'06'II" w.., lor IS.OS 'HSI
~'IIC' Ntnb 1"02"3" Wuc rot' 53.01 hocl
ch..... Hnth U'07'U" WI.t for 21.6'
dti..... Mew"b "'22'44" v..c IDI' u.n r"cl
t..DOa "nla ,,-o.'a" Vnt rot. U.1l f..t to . pola, OR tho JIorcb
11M .f NUl '.real MJ.,
tMftC. 8afth 01'00'00" W.n tor az.OD
tbl._ Korth "'161)1" II" for '.oCI
\hac. l7'ot'IO"' lall: for So.GO 1..'1
) 01 14
OR 4468 PG 1482
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII-3 New Business
160 of 183
.',' .
lMu. IIOrt.h U'lI'U" ...., 'or ".:14 'Me co eM ....'.rl1 al.~' .f v.,
U.. 0' ,... PeU... II, r..'.....c DIn,,,,, Dratnl" ......, ...
V.."...17 "n Up, .1 Ua7 UDD.
INK. "nll "')0'00" ".., dl"l ..tA w.ttlrl, lithe of ...., 11.. ror
US.OO ,...
t~ lit"" U,'S)'Gl. Ve-c tor "'.12 ru, r.e I ,ow .t I""U"",
d . dn14ar c.....,. U 1M 'lDnbNIU
,\lace ..n......rl' at... ,be I" of ..1. ClIn, "'10& tor Sc.
tl__U .. ,ul,. .f '..00 'eft I" , '''0'11 n&1' of ll'34'U" f.
141.30 f.., ,t . pobe .f uapeC71
tMae. lIOn_ 0"11'40" ...... 'OIl '''1.03 'lie It .. pola, .r IlInlCln
.f . drtular cuno IO..IVI t. tbe Iou.tbul'l
ChDee lItttlwel,arl1. JlDftMrlJ .... *ftMuUrl, at... eM an or
uU C~". hwlaa tor it. t~" . 1'dl... of a4.00 ,..t a'ftll . ""cral
..... 01 "'U'U'" for '75.35 ,..I. t. . polat It '......,.
dlIMa Ionlt. "'aJI~" ..
t cln~l.r CU'YI ,~
chho'. Non.I'
tl.....u . rill
'or 16.)1 r."
t~_U ~r~hw.'.t1J a).ona ehe n. 0' .as' e,,", Mvln. In in
.t...ftl. . '''1.. .f 2'.00 f.., -.d . Clnt.,_t of 26'06"'- for
10. f4 t.u. co . potal: 0' tanPM11
tbaAo. IIntb )).0"011" Vllr. 'Ir 112.17 ,..& 1:0' pata.e af .urvlt\ll'1
0' a dUlll., ~n. eonclv. u the }Iotch.aael
tlluc. Iltccblla.t.rl)' ,1on, ~ Irc 01 ..ill IIII'VO lsavu. ror iu .lneaea
. railiuI of I4.DO Ieee and a o_n~ral -DIl- .1 1..'t",- I.r 11.)6 l..t
co . poiAt of can""1I
theMe 8tnb 1..21'1," Vile for 6I2.n fete co I polne ,f curvature of
, otl'Ov1a1' carv_ ...... 1:, lut)
tN'" atnb",.,erl:r, *1'1:.r1)' ... ttonhaalnrl, aiD, eM .r. .r .."
ourv. lIaV!9 for tn e1__c. . ,.4s.._ .t '4.OG h.. ... . ...ual
eqh of 31 ""0" '01' U.66 '..1. co . polat of' u....,.
4 of 14
EXHlan 'A'
OR 4468 PG 1483
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIll-3 New Business
CMM' ...nolil 11'01'13. .... IH .'0.1' 'H' '0 . polK of c"'n.c....
., . dr.d..,. ..,.". IOMIIVI .. .... It,chwnl
c.... IIon.MaIl.rlJ al... .hI "' .e laW IUl'V' .".... for hi
.1_u . rid.... .f 11.00 tl. ... . ....ul anll. of 15'" '10"
t... 7.11 ,... .. . ...... ., ~71
to..... Ion.' 01'06'0). I.." tor HI.') ",I: t.o . POlM .t """.r.
., . drnWl' ..ft. ......... U 1M "'cWut I
,...... Iora""l1 au .rt........r17 t1ott& tN U'C .t ...u iIIIrM ~y~
lor 1... .1....U . ,.di.. .. 11.00 'Nt ... . c..cnl lalla of 1""1 L7"
for a.. f.,. II . ....., ., U.....f.
1--" lore" 1J'~'14" Ue., tot .'I.M t.., to . POlin: of urntwr. .f
. drwl.u CUVI COMa'" co c.. INc.
t... 1Iort._.~rl" ..n.11'" IDRbultHlJ al... eM atc of
,atd ntw ml.. 'ill' ttt el_u . .....,.. of 14.00 'tI, .1. .
c..ud ..,1, e' "'41'''" tor 17.54 'd' M . ,.iDe of ......
..hanc. lIaorrh U'lI',)" ra., lot
IMMI Korth 11"30'20. Wde for '9.66 fenl
"tacl JlDrcb 07'0")0'1 sr..e tor H.Ot hUI
~1M.... aonb 3O'DO'lI" Weat for 115.65 ,.."
thnu lIonb 14'12'1'" V..r: tOl' 14'." ".r:;
~hav:. Iorth 02'''''4,11 lur: tor ItS.)l '''1'
tlleau Ionb 31-'0"'" I..., letr JI.7I heu IIonh ,J1-U'U" W.n for 73.'. f..'1
c...... lIOn:" )1'30'2'" ....r: fgr 10l.J1 h.,.
Une' "Rb ."57100" Welt h, U2.11 '.ec.
eMDCI .IIIa .7'00'17" Ii"', f.r. n.s. hscl
S 0114
UHIIJT alt.-
OR 4468 PG 1484
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII-3 New Business
Ih1Me ..rdt. U"O'U. ...., ,., 11.1' r.., .. . poi.. o. tbe Ve'l
U.. .t ..W I.ut.. J) ... ,t. I." U.. ot Hlf 'IOCt... SI, taU
..tat '-iaa '"~, 00')11 SO. V.." . ti,ttate .f "".07 ..., ,...
.... ........ ..nil' ., ..W tee._ 33, ,
~. ........ IDrelt, 71'.0'1.' v.e for lot.DO ''''I
..... .rcll a.'''''''. Vau 'or 7'.Ot r"'1
tMoce .,uk )'JIU'>>" "... lor 103.70 ''''1
~. 101"" OIIU'U. V." tot 61.01 t"'1
cUMO ":r1" 7.'27'11. W'IC. rOl 42.7J f.u.
IoMooO JDnb. ~'44'U. Ian lor 1".1J '""~
thac_ IIcn:th u'n',.. Vaal In )01.1) rut,
,~... MDrlb 0)'15'1'" lilt tor
t~. aouth .,',
thtn.. toucb U'SO'S6" Won for IICI
Lh.nce IolILb 21'.11'12" Ian tot aU.lo fl.,.
thoc. Sovtll 60'17')1" I.., tOf ".14 hlU
th.... No~th """43" ..., fIr tS.70 f"cl
IMM' IMt'" U'n'''" r.u, tot' n.u hUI
thMMt Ion" 63'61'51" Eaat: tot .,.., '..tJ
thlDee Io4ttll .,'41')7" c..t foT n.lO
t'heDl;t Joucb 03~7'S7" ...t tOI' 114.14 'lOCI
t...... Iou~' U-U107- .... fot' S2I.63 hUI
~~ 'DUtb .'-"'0." late t.~ itJ.14 '
, olU
OR 4468 PG 1485
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII.3 New Business
- -. ' , .~. ."...... ", . '.,"".,.,-
1.--.. ......" U.~J'l'" .... foe .".15
cJaaCl. lout" II.U'W" IuIt tor In.70 ...t,
dMilMI Soutb 03'06'14" ...t I. no.U ,..,.'
~. Ioutla o~'n'J4. lAM: fu nl.u ,
...... ..... ....'0'30" WeM tor Ul.6J heel
dwIc. .,.k U'aO'07" .., I. In.It "'II
thaa. Iouth OS-I1'OI" Vue r... ".14 'H'l
'laeDo. ...."10.,.'01.. lA.t tor 76.35 leu,
'".u. Ioutb01'U.U" Ve., 'Dr a.1t t.e co. IOta&: .. ell,
....n llne 01 ..14 1"lloa )1 ... lM Itrc1l1uI .f .,U "ciao I,
u14 ,ow INial I"'" .,..,,... v..c. I 4L1ta",. of "'.Ufl...
fro. ION ....dIt..t "l'Mr .f JI.
tb"l 'ouch U'O" 1"1t ".., Cor n.11 h.t I '
th..e. South ).'12140" V.., for 43.11 h'CI,
ctutau South 06'O~'D3H VN' 'or 'l.ts '''Cf
CMoo' IIHch "'00'00" ".., to.. .",..l..ulJ ,",0 t.., to rh. Hull
IIlp "Un' LlaI .f tb. Golf ,f ",_f."1
dI.... '1'.'" So.ch41d7 fot .pproxtalc.1J' UO t..e .10... .....
Wahl' u.. 1i0 cb. ....t1l11u of ..14 S..-1oa 5 and eM .I'~ 11... at
..14 ...ciM '1
,.... ...,s.... lloftl Wlter ...111. fOl' ."rod."'.17 52U 'au co
dati IoudlllM 0' 1114 InCl_ .,
eba.c. "'rth .,"'0'"'' .....e alOft' ..U IMth 11.. of "cd. . tow
."r__ulr II' ,..~ Ie e1ae IWIMaIt COheT of .d. tMUR I aod
eM ...&..... .-R.r ., ..Sd "cU... II
7 .r 11
UHrin -A-
OR 4468 PG 1486
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VlII-3 New Business
..... IIltrcb "1'0' tt. Ian al", eM "uc" u... 01 ..s.. hlt;A.oa .
f.r 1111." ,.., u eM! hint of ...._.
LID 1M qctpc ctltntna I ,art.l It 1uI. 100ft" &a ..... ...,.... '. foWMhs., 4.
'''I~. ..... as 11ft, 4uerI.W.. foUowl &, 'M ""lhMI' coner of lb. IDrdave.. ......
4Mftar (. ~ .t ..U "'Ilq 4, ....1l1f 4'10>>'''. .... IS
theMe ."Ia '.':U'S9" ..... eleaa 1M Jon' lilt, ., ..... ItcU..
fo, . ....,.... ., .1l1.0I 1..1 co 1M ....'....e ..ra.r ., NW
,"'1M 4 ea4 e.. .1'0... .0""1' .f ..... In.too 5;
IMM_ nau... MDn~ ..."."... v.I.. AI... ,be Jbrsla U... .t
..U ..,s. .I, . ....uau .f nn.47 tn' '0 ,he lftterIMcSoa
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c.altr..U. COI.trol LSM, al rltor',' s.. ClMftAL In' IAC"lIOOI: 1.
'.... U-25J
for S62.
ALlQ loUS . .crtp of 1... 100.... 1ft ..... "utou 4 u. S, 'I"$by 4' hili". ....
15 lal', C0111I.. c..,. 'lorl'l. Ih.n1lild .. follow' .
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..... lJ..lh
ch.... ....'h.clJ 11.. ..141 eo..tll eousnaoU.oo COat"l u..
tile, coun...
. or 14
OR 4468 PG 1487
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIIl.3 New Business
165 of 183
'.. .,.
Io.t~ U.q '51. S" .... I .11,... .f 141 ," t.., '0 . POSat ..
,_. C...ul c:.altwU.... o.&rit1 LIa.. ..W r....C \e",loucll
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".13 bel ,,.. hnuuc ..'er....III.....I a-1St
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rM ......... Hu..." lId.., 15 ,... lion" of _ penUel vit,," ,...
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leucb of .. ..r&lld "S,UI &be: 11M ..10'..... 11"1
.banet. arc. ".SIIM. Ian I 'Seta.. ., '.61 flld;
t_nu lID"" 51'lt'OS. Bait . ....e:aaoe 0' '.10 tutl
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. 4tn'..1 of
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chllftCt IIonb 7.'lt'04" Ian . 4bc.... of 16.02 'uti
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Ih.... Iortb ID'U'03" ...e . .lec..... of 11.S' f..t,
CHftca "tla 11,,,,,'41" I..t . .tn...ace of 10.'" fftC.I
'0,( 14
bHtln ......
OR 4468 PG 1488
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII.3 New Business
. ~, ....... . .. '. ......
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IMlCt Ioutk U'UISl" 11I1 . 4SHUn ."lO.20 ,....
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IheDa. IIoftb ..-20'16" laac .1118'... of 25.02 feeel
10.' 14
EXHlln -,,-
OR 4468 PG 1489
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII-3 New Business
....,....,. ..
cu-a .rt" 1)':lt'J4" ..., . .UUU. It n.oo ''''I
thelce Mom 71'U'.o" lot. 'IoRnae oI'1J.34 hecl
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11 .r ,.
UHlln 'A'
OR 4468 PG 1490
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII~3 New Business
...............'......, ,...... w....
'Mlcl _"ell "'06'36. .., ".4' f.... .. ehe Veltedr L10I of
hla.o. .., .oy_c Dtnrioc DIn..,.... At.. In DralU..
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11I1, Utili' ,.._ Ir '''.00 teM ... _~."'.. ~ . ChoN
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lI, . &".... vld..,
.h... .
chIOU touch "'20'0,11 VUt 5:1.00 ,
theDe. 1Ic1l:tll OJ'''' 56" hn '.00 h.ll
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....1'1. ,. eM .oueMut. MY_' ....ia. ., :n.7a I.,t aj .\l1Ie.....
., . ohor<< wh1c\ Man laut-' "",'U" We" U.14 f..' to . pobe
of tan,.."
t"-o. ~ 1I.')o'OJ" V." lJ.16 leu 10 .. pollt' Df ..nabU'e.
,blat, .NdI....teTly 17.51 ,.., alo.. ctle are Df .'f t\l"" .
eoecav, to eM JlNtbwut, ""~ ' f..sloa of ".00 f..t .. .lIltt......
" . ,bo~ wid... ....... .o.u '2. lO'U" II.., n.u 'Nt c. . pota, 01
11 oe 14
EXlUln -A'
OR 4468 PG 1491
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIJlw3 New Business
..... ...",.
tbtM. .." U'SOIIS- VU, 1I.t1 h."
~ I..a' ."011". I... S.OO ht'l
,hnot ..." "'SO'U. Vue .n.GO ,..u
Peace .rdl 0I1D1'''- Vet' J.oo It" J
,..... ...eb U.SQ'U. We,. n.n rllU
tl\uct 'If'a. 17'12'13- ...., tt.4. h.U
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tbIM. loom "')0'41. ..., :sJ:.U tte, to a PI" ., lI,nlect'
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eODct... 't 1M sou,". haY till . "41_ 01 76. n hIt .... ..~UM'.
bJ . ehor4 ~k:h ...r. Iorch 7510111'" Ell, 11.70 h.t c. . pobt
.. una..",
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",.. eM. whk.. Ma.,.. lIan......'D3'OJ" z..t. 33." ,..r 10. ,oiar
., "....,.
r..... "ftll "'JO'U" ..., .)~." heel
tbaDe- Iorth 1,'10'3'" &a., 1..S7 ,..ta
lS.r 14
UHrin -A-
... OR 4468 PG 1492 ..*
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII~3 New Business
170 of 183
""" IouUI U'U'IS" Iut zt.ZJ '."1
tIInot .nII ')'JO'U" &Nt ".11 r..~ '0 . p.'a' .r lurwatur.,
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.. . ..r. -'11 Mlr. "rt" >> 10'14. ..., 11.14 h.. " . ,.ta,
.f ,......, I
,..... 10m. J,I')G'03" 1I1l1'.lt rMe " . ..lac .r hnatUlI
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'''tftG'. an.'" ."20104- au, 11"" r..'1
thu. )lOrd! 66'30')6" Eale 14.37 h.'.
thlftu North U'OI'OS" lat 12.2' 'M1:1
eh.oc. ""I" 7)'07'17" Ea.t IU.I1',,"
chIDe. IIolt" 76'06')611 Euc ".'0 te.t CO 'b. point .t h.inalq
.r 'M aUQI .t 1.... he....S. '..crSMi..
ALSO Las .U tbat par' .r I.c''-'' I , I, fouMbip U In". ...... 2S Ian.
COUI., CoIaIIC,. noriM, 1,.&'1 Iou" of Cl.. ..... Veu .f Go,er Claa lay .. "'1 of
'M CUI of "-.:k.; ... Ii" Va'e.. Il.....ton 1.1 "'"
.....iIIp ..... be"u are h'" .. 'b. ITAd PI.VII COOQ111ATII ..t.IIU... bp tM
'.0.1. tDr f"LD111IA-1Atr _.
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N", 0
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-. -
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VlJI-3 New Business
173 of 183
JCP AppUcatl.. for Clam P_ Mabo_ DredgiD& Pnded
Poll, Baddey, Schab, .. J.m....., March Z009,
Item 30. Results of avallabl. wlIdIlfe S1II"feyo that have beeo coodocted 00 the sit., and uy
COlllDlellts portaiolD& to the pmposed activity from lb. FJorida FIIb and WiIdBfe
Coosorvatloo COllllllisslon.
See Attachment 29
We are requesting the Florida Department of Environmental Protection to obtain comments from
the FFWCC upon submittal of this application.
Item 31. A .........ot Biological Opinloo from tbe U.S. Fish and WUdlife Service or the
National Marine Fisheries Serrice, wben the Florida WUdlife Coosenatioo Commission ....
eJetermioed that tbe proposed project will result in a take of marine tartlea, wIIkb could oot
be aolborlzed wllbont an Incldeotal take determination DDder federal Jaw.
See Attachment 29
We are requesting the Florida Department of Environmental Protection to obtain a CWTellt
Biological Opinion from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service or the National Marine Fisheries
Service, if the Florida Wildlife Conservation Commission has determined that the proposed
proj eet will result in a take of marine turtles, which could not be authorized without an incidental
take determination under federal law,
Item 32. A general description of tbe use and ImportaJlce of the area lofIoe...ed by tbe
proposed project fer aD ....reational activltie., iocladloJ (bot oot UmIted to) 1WaIog. diving,
sartlD& and bird watcbiog. AIIo iadade a 11".....81 delCriptioo or OIly COIIlIDen:1aI Dsbiog In
the area.
The projected effects are localized, and no impacts on commercial or recreational Iisheries are
anticipated, Nourishment of Clam Pass Park will provide a wider beach for recreational purposes.
dccreasc thc advcrse affeets of storms on the beach upland properties and improve sea turtle
habitat. There is an area of natural hardboUom approximately 400 feet offshore from the project
area which is not expected to be affected by the project.
Item 33. Ana/yIlI of lbe expected eft"ect of lbe p",posed activity 00 lbe c_aJ IYBtem
Including bat oot Umlted to:
a. AoaIysb of the expec:ted pby.kaJ effect of lbe proposed actIvlty 00 the uIstIng
coastal coodltlODl and oatoraJ ........ and inlet pI ",-uses. TIle aoaJyms shooJd
Iocinde a quantitative descriptioD of tbe exlstiog coastal system, tbe performance
objectives of tbe p",posed activity, the ....Igo parameten and .........ptlo.... relevaot
computatio..., valldatioo of the results and the data used 10 the analysis.
The project is designed to nourish the beach of an eroded shoreline, The proposed borrow area is
located within limits of a portion of an old Clam Pass interior channet, which shoaled in with
littoral drift trapped by the inlet as the inlet migrated to thc north forming a new channel, Placing
this material on the beach south of the inlet is essentially bypassing material trapped by the inlet
years ago, and it will provide a good sand source of beach compatible material. In addition to tbe
borrow area being a good source. the excavation of old interior channel will improve the flushing
within the Clam Pass ecosystem. This increase of flushing will benelit mangroves within bay
system as did implementation of the Clam Bay Restoration and Management 1999, although it is
J 1
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIll-3 New Business
JCP AppUcalloa for C.... P... __.... DredglDc Pr'!Ject
Post, Bacldey. Schab, II< JemlpD, Mareh 2009,
anticipated that the benefits from the proposed activity will be relatively minor in comparison to
the benefits realized from 1999 improvements. See Attachment 28,
b. Analysis of the compatlbWty of tbe fill material with respect to the native sedlmeDt
at the pi_at sit.. The analysis sbould Iudude all r.levut compatatitms, the
ov.rflD ratios, aad superimposed I1"'Pbs of the cumulativ. valu-.Ize d1strlbatin
and the Iftqu.acy distributioa of the WI material over the data for tbe existlug or
nativ. sedlm.Dt at the pla<< sit.. Provide compatatiOllS of borr_ area volume
and composite WI material characteristics (meaa graJa size and sortlag, percent
carbonat. la an e1.ctnmk: sp....dsbeet.
See Attachment 33.
c, D.monstratioa of COasllleDcy wltb the Department'l strategic beacb IIIIIDllll"meal
piau or au Ialet pi.. Iu acamlllJla! with Rale 62B-41.005(15), F.A.C.
If tb. pro......d praject is DOt iacluded In an Inl.tllUUl8ll""'.nt piau the appllcaat
wUI provld. !be IaHrmallon spedlied In RaI. 62B-41.00I(1) (m), F .A.C.
A draft inlet Management Plan was prepared by Collier Comty in 1995, however, it was never
adopted by the state, The draft management plan made recommendations for improving the
hydrodynamics of the inlet and bay system to improve inlet stability and reduce the frequency of
maintenance dredging. and to improve flushing of the bay, Those recommendations were
incorporated in the 1998 Clam Bay Restoration and Management Plan, which was implemented
in 1999.The proposed activity is consistent with both the 1995 Draft Inlet Management Plan and
the 1998 Restoration and Management Plan,
d. Analysis uf b_ wat.r quality and aal1lral communities woald be alfected by tbe
proposed project. Provld. vaPblc repres.ntatioa (depiction) of the area of direct
and secoadary InDuea<< of tb. pro......d activity aud dellneat. the natural
cummualtles w1tbla tbat area. AD required surveys sbaII be ............tativ. of
cuadltio.. exlstlaa at the time of submittal. SlIl"Ytys of subm.rged aqaallc
veg.tation (SA V) Iball be conducted In the field during the growing s.ason for a
giv.n eUmaIlc regln suda o..t they eaptare the foD a...a1 and biomass of the
SA V eommuulty. Spedes eemposltloa aad spatial dlstributlon sball abo be
add.....ed by Ih. survey, EstImat. tb. affect.d acreag. of .aeb Impacted
It is anticipated that there will be some temporary localized elevated turbidity levels as expected
with any normal nourishment projects, It is not anticipated that turbidity levels will exceed state
water quality standards. Monitoring will be conducted in accordance with procedures typically
required under special conditions of the DEP pennit, and corrective measures will be laken
should water quality standanls be exceeded at any time during construction. No seagrasses were
identified during an August 29, 2008 site visil
.. ......raaees o..t a regulated activity will Dot ..... oaaceeptabl.
eamulativ. impactl ponoaat to Rules 40X-UOZ(I)(b) aud 6ZB-41.002(l9)((b),
Action will be taken to reasonably assurance that regulated activity will not cause unacceptable
cumulative impacts pursuant to Rules 40X-4.302(I)(b) and 62B-41.002(19)((b), FAC.
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII-3 New Business
175 of 183
Monday, March 10, 2008 12:50 PM
GreeneColleen; ashton_h
Request for legal opinion - Dredging of Clam Bay for Navigation
Under what conditions if any, can the county dredge~OWer Clam Bay j,r navigation?
. Quick claim deed dated 4/13/1982 and recorded in OR Book 966 page 1841 grants Collier County nershlp 0\
property subject to restrictions listed In schedule A. Page 5 of schedule A, general provisions, seelio 6 discusses
dredging as follows:
<. owner shall not apply for dredge or fill permits in Park or Conservation areas regardless of futur amendments to
the statutes or regulations of the Un~ed States or the State of Florida without prior written con nt of the
deelarent. ,--...
. USACE permit dated Nov, 18,1981 andrecordedinORB 966 a e18240npag 1826' peelalCondltlons
states no dredging allowed except to maintain openings 0 u at Mexico,
. Clam Pass Management Plan interim report 1 dated July 1995 prepared by Terrell for PBSD indicates In th~
Public Interest and Use section that the Inlet Is presently maintained for tidal flushing and not for navigationa
purposes and that public use of the inlet has been limited for boating and onsld d as being n. n-
navigable, This is In conflict with the perm~ which indicates that Ills avlgatlonal w~terwaY:
. Seagate has argued that the water areas of the estuaries are owned by the e restrictive
covenants in the deed cannot stop or IIm~ us from doing something that is not owned by the riginal upland proPfllrty or
controlled by them, In effect, how can the control something that is not owned by them? or a they controlling 6ilir
actions by not having us apply for dredging permits?
. If so, could the City of Naples apply/petition the regulating authorities to dredge the area/chan el for navigation since it
Is owned by the state? Would this solve the problem with the deed restrictions and Collier Co ty?
J. Gary McAlpin, Director
Coastal Zone Management
3300 Santa Barbara Blvd.
Naples, Florida 34116
(239) 530-5342
Fax: (239) 353-4061
/ onRrYYl vwrlM~k.<p 0.('.eLlL11 ,ec-hVYl
::{( ~ \'\,W:i -to I:rL "p lo+kd II bt! C\.. ~U n/~OV
~ha~ itU-<J Io.een ~
_ ~ is clt ~ '7 . ('rDr'vl tb- Ull/t./vcr 7
, All ODlJu.e~t~ryt.(~"/UYl
- D1P- ~ "'I
_ fwpo~e of c;tre~t'''3
--~hD will l1enefi+?
.... . ..y0~>( qroS \)
~~~J~ ~ .
/ '~'O-~ I)..
.M f .
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIll-3 New Business
176 of 183
Regulatory Division
Fort Myers Permits Section
Mr. Jeffrey Tabar, P.E.
5300 W. Cypress Street, Suite 200
Tampa, Florida 33607
Dear Mr. Tabar:
Reference is made to your permit application, submitted on behalf of the Collier
County Division of Coastal Zone Management, requesting authorization from the
Department of the Army (DA) to dredge materials from Clam Pass and renourish Clam Pass
Park Beach between R-42 and R-44. The project is located adjacent to the Gulf of Mexico,
north of Seagate Drive, in Sections 8-9, Township 49 South, Range 25 East, Naples, Collier
County, Florida.
The Corps is also in receipt of your request for a 1-year extension to Corps permit
number 199602789(IP-CC). Please be advised that the Corps has determined not to grant
the requested extension, due to the unresolved compliance issue of the installation of
navigational markers. In addition, the current proposed scope of work appears to have a
different project purpose and may involve additional impacts that were not considered as
part of the Clam Bay Restoration and Management Plan (CBRMP), approved as the scope
of work for permit number 199602789(IP-CC).
Your current application to the Corps of Engineers has been assigned application
number SAJ-1996-02789(IP-LBD) and will be evaluated at the Corps of Engineers Fort
Myers Regulatory Office. Please refer to your application number in all correspondence with
the Corps of Engineers regarding this project. A review of your application has indicated
that it is incomplete. Please provide us with some additional information in order for us to
further evaluate your permit application.
. Please clarify if the proposed sand bypassing is to be a one-time event or if the
applicant is requesting a 1 O-year permit with maintenance events.
Tht, applicant is requesting a IO-year permit with periodic maintenance events,
. Please clarify the purpose of the proposed work (navigation, beach renourishment,
restoration, etc.)
The proposed dredging and maintenance of Clam Pass is a vital part to the overall
management of the estnary and nect"sary to maintain adequate Ilushing for the
health of lht' environmental resources.
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII-3 New Business
Clam Pass Beach
Page 2
. It appears the project involves dredging of Clam Pass to approximately -5.5 feet
NGVD, which is 1.5 feet deeper than the recommended depth of dredging in the
CBRMP. Please provide a statement regarding any proposed avoidance or
minimization of impacts taken during design of the proposed project
The portion of Clam Pass that will he dredged to .5,5 feet NGVD is -'64,51 feet of the
total 1.800 foot length of the pm,il'l't, This portion OITurs at the mouth of the pass
and lies between station 0+00 and -'+64,51, The engilllwr can pmvide assurance that
no impal'ts will occur as a result of dredging this portion of the pass to .5,5 fcet
I'<GVD because noehanges are being made to the dredge template or conliguration
that was previously authorized under IJSACE I 996027S9(U'.CC) and FDEI'
#012846-'-001-./ c.
. Please provide a statement regarding any proposed mitigation or a statement
indicating why mitigation would not be necessary,
No mitigation is proposed for this pro,ied, A 2009 Turrell, Hall, & Assodates
monitoring report indicates that only two points of turtle grass (less than 1%
coverage) wen, found in tlw dredge template that amount to 8 shoots of grass, The
well established sea grass bed is outside tll(' dredge tcmplall' and will be protel'ted by
a turbidity l'urtain during construction. Tlw monitoring report also indicates two
poiuts where southeru hardshell dams were found lIess than IOj, coverage) are
outside the template as well and impal't to thl'se areas is minimal. The sand dollars
found outside the pass are wdl outside the dredge footprint and outside the
p....poSl.d mixing zone,
. Please indicate the total proposed volume of dredged material (in cubic yards),
Th,' total proposed VOhllll" of dredgr matrrial is 22,000 I:uhic yards,
. Please indicate the total volume of proposed beach fill (in cubic yards). If there is an
excess of dredged material, please indicate the method of disposal for that material.
The total volume of pmposed heal'll fill is 22.000 CIIbic yards, Any excess material
or sediment that is not beal'h wlllpatihle will he disposed of in an approved upland
disposal fadlity landward of tll(' CeCL.
. Please provide a construction methodOlogy for the proposed work including type of
dredge to be used, length of anticipated construction, and location of staging of
As with previous dn'dge evt'nts, a combination of nwdulIlical and hydraulic
dredging will he used, Hydraulic dredges must 2'.-" 01' water in order to operate,
Shoaled areas that an' too shalhm for hydraulic dredging will he eXl'avated by
m.,,'banical means, Duriug hydraulic dredging. the discharge pipeline will be
confincd to the arca within the dredge template and the pipdine corridor as shown
on the attadled drawings, Beach compatible dredge material will be pumped
through a pipe and deposited between range monuments U.42 to U-44, as shown on
th.' attached beach f1ll template. Turhidity curtains will he used around the harge
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Clam Pass Beach
Page 3
when working, Silt fene('s will he constructed around the stockpile location and
around the landward portion of the head! fill template, A turbidity curtain will he
nsed in the mixing zone parallel to the beach liII template, The length of
construction is estimated to he approximately three months. Constrnction
equipment will be staged on the bead! near the sto(,kpile lo(,ation and ahove t11('
nlean high water line.
. You have indicated that a site visit was conducted in August 2008 and no
seagrasses are within the dredge footprint However, the Clam Pass Restoration
monitoring reports have shown seagrasses within the dredge vicinity. Please
provide a copy of any in-water benthic/seagrass surveys that have been completed
at the project site in the last 2 years that clearly shows the location of any seagrass
A suhmerged resources snrvey was completed Angust 25, 2009 hy Turrell. Hall and
Associates that map the lo('ation of the marine resources within the vicinity of the
project an,a, The report suhmitted to I'HS&.J hy Turrell. Hall and Associates in
attached. Please see that less than I 'k coverage (S shoots) of turtle grass WllS located
within the dredge footprint. No other resources were located within the dredge
All drawinas should be submitted on 8.5" bv 11" paper. Please do not submit colored
drawinas or hiahliahters.
Please submit the above information to the project manager listed below at the
letterhead address. As your application is considered incomplete, no action will be taken
until all of the above information has been received. We request that you provide this
information within 30 days. If no response is received, we will assume you have no further
interest in obtaining a Department of the Army permit and your application will be
You are cautioned that Dermit 199602789(1P-CCI is not beina extended at this
time and the eXDiration date will remain on 8 Julv 2009, Any work done past the
expiration date of the permit may constitute a violation of Federal laws and subject you to
possible enforcement action. An active permit or exemption from the South Florida Water
Management District, Florida Department of Environmental Protection, and/or Collier
County does not obviate the requirement for obtaining an active Department of the Army
If you have any questions regarding this letter or the Corps of Engineers regulatory
program, please contact Lauren Diaz at the letterhead address, by telephone at 239-334-
1975 extension 31, or by email
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Clam Pass Beach
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Lauren Diaz
Biologist, Fort Myers Regulatory Office
Copy furnished:
Mr, Gary McAlpin, Collier County
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIll-3 New Business
Johan Domenie []
Monday, May 17, 2010 12:18 PM
John Areeri; nthony Pires; jlM Burke
Re: eBe - from John Domenie
Hereunder is my letter to the Corpse regarding dredging Clam Pass.
NAPLES, FL 34108-6762
Saturday, May 08, 2010
Ms Linda A, Elligott
U,S, Army Corps of Engineers
Ft. Myers Regulatory Office
1520 Royal Palm Square Boulevard
Suite 310
Ft. Myers. FL 33919
Dear Ms Elligott:
RE: Permit Application No, SAJ-1996-02789 (IP-LAE)
Applicant: Collier County - Coastal Zone Management
I have had an opportunity of studying the April 23rd, 2010 Public Notice for a Permit Application
submitted by Donald W. Kinard, Chief, Regulatory Division, requesting a 10-year permit for
maintenance dredging of Clam Pass,
As an introduction I have been a year-round resident for 23 years inPelican Bay, a community
which borders Clam Bay to the East. I have attached a map which shows that Clam Bay consists of
three major bays (Upper Clam Bay, Inner Clam Bay and Outer or Lower Clam Bay), a smaller bay
(Pelican Bay), connecting creeks and the actual Clam Pass. I have had the pleasure of canoeing
these bays (except Pelican Bay) many times, enjoying the serenity and beauty of the area as well
as its extensive wild life,
On the enclosed map (the map was mailed to Linda - and is the map og Pelican Bay including Clam
Bays and Clam Pass) the area in green fronting the Gulf of Mexico is the approximately 530 acre
"Pelican Bay Conservation Area" which the County designated as a Natural Resources Protection
Anla (NRPA) on Feb 28th, 1995, The NRPA includes about 90% of Outer Clam Bay, but does not
extend into the city limits of Naples, Within the NRPA there are no concrete docks nor concrete
seawalls: no marinas no fuel docks and no sewage disposal facilities for boaters,
In the far southeast corner of the NRPA there is a sandy launching ramp for canoes and/or kayaks
_ with specific signage which prohibits the launching of motorized vessels (outboards, etc), At the
northeast corner of Inner Clam Bay is a small wooden dock with seven canoes and two kayaks for
the use of local residents,
file:!IIGj!.. .ay%20Sub/5-20~ I O%20Clam%20Bay%20McctinglVIII _3%20backup%202Re%20CBC%20~%20from%20John%20Domenie.hun [5/19/20 I 0 I: 12 :36 PMj
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII~3 New Business
Since the 1990's over $4,000,000 - mostly provided by the resM6'I\W of Pelican Bay - has been
spent to restore and maintain this 530 acre area in its pristine state, providing a protected
environment for wildlife including birds, alligators, fish, turtles, crabs - and an active benthic
community in the roots of the red, black and white mangroves, A previous PBS&J study also
confirmed the presence of sea-grasses in Outer Clam Bay (the other bays were not tested by
I take exception to some of the information contained in the Application under review and urge you
to visit the location for a personal observation. I also note the aerial photographs accompanying
the submission were taken in January 2008 and only depict the southern 1/3 of the Clam Pass
watershed - as they do not include Inner & Upper Clam Bay, Pelican Bay and the connecting
creeks - all drained and flushed through Clam Pass, The enclosed aerials were taken on April 2nd,
2.Q1Q., and are thus more current then those taken 28 months ago. You will readily note that the
beach to the south ofthe pass has grown in length and width, and that the beach to the north ofthe
pass has correspondently eroded. Please also note the extensive sandbar extending
northwesterly, which protects the pass from storms originating from the southwest. This should be
an important consideration in your deliberations,
As indicated I find some ofthe information misleading:
WATERWAY/LOCATION: The aerials provided clearly indicate that Clam Pass is located closer to
the Pelican Bay facilities to the north of the pass (Sandbar facility) than the access through Collier
County Clam Pass Park to the south of the pass, In addition at least three ground based viewing
areas (two from the boardwalk leading to the beach) of the pass and the 1,800 foot proposed
dredging site are visible from the north ofthe pass which can not be seen from Clam Pass Park,
DIRECTIONS TO THE SITE: Yes, indeed, access to Clam Pass can be made via the County Clam
Pass Park, but as I already indicated above using the boardwalk leading to the Sandbar facility will
provide you with two direct views ofthe area to be dredged, Thus my recommendation would be to
take Interstate 1-75 to exit 107, go west on County Road 896/Pine Ridge Road for 3,9 miles to the
intersection with US-41 (Tamiami Trail). Turn north on Tamiami Trail and at the first traffic light
turn left onto Pelican Bay Boulevard, At the second full STOP sign make a U-turn and in 100 yards
enter the parking lot to The Commons on your right, Here you can take a tram which will lead to
the afore-mentioned boardwalk and out to the beach.
PROJECT PURPOSE: In the BASIC description it lists "beach re-nourishment second and
ecological restoration in third place, And on page 4 it refers to "historic dredge depth and" "Clam
Pass is utilized by recreational vessels",
It should be pointed out that in the twenty years prior to the special ten-year Permit approved in
1998, the pass CLOSED (shut down completely - filled with sand) at least FIVE times - so
recreational boaters could not enter the pass, And since the early '90's the actual position of the
pass has moved north about 200 feet - and the old pass - now filled with sand - can still be seen in
the aerials, Further the 1998 Permit was approved strictly for ecological purposes - and not for
beach re-nourishment nor recreational boating, The beach re-nourishment was incidental to the
dredging, and as far as recreational boating is concerned, permit me to quote from an e-mail I
received from Tim Hall, whose family lived in the area known as Seagate at the southern limit of
Outer Clam Bay - just beyond the NRPA, In referring to navigating in Outer Clam Bay and Clam
Pass he stated:
file:l//GI/. ..ay%20Sub/5-20-1 O%20Clam%20Bay%20Mccting/VIII- 30;(,20backup%202Re%20CBC%20~%20from%20John%20Domenie ,htmI5/ 19/20 I 0 1: 12 :36 PM]
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VlII-3 New Business
"The water wasn't any deeper then, than it is now, we had to ma~'5lhle we were not going out or
trying to come back in at low tides, The deeper part of the waterway was always marked with
small PVC poles that my grandfather and a couple of resident occasionally took care of."
This hardly qualifies as "Clam Pass is utilized by recreational vessels" as stated on page 4, In fact
I can assure you that recreational boating (that is motorized - and not canoes & kayaks) is not
encouraged due to the sensitivity of the nature; the extreme shallowness of the bays and creeks;
shifting shoals; and a meandering unmarked entrance (as can be seen from the aerials).
Further the "historic target depth of -3,6 to 5,1 feet Mean Low Water" does not appear in the 1998
approved documentation.
Then let's look at the aerials in your possession (dated January 2008) and compare them again
with the aerials dated April 2nd 2010, The proposal on page two states that initially an 80-foot
wide entrance channel will be mechanically dug to allow for hydraulic dredging inside the pass.
What the proposal does not clarify is how the barge mounted dredge will cross the sandbar so
evident in the recent pictures,
And then - incredibly - the proposal is to make an 80 foot wide and four foot deep channel through
EXISTING beach, which is at least 1 foot high, if not three feet as shown on one of the PBS&J
aerials, There is no apparent scale on these aerials, so it is difficult to judge the length of this
proposed cut, but very conservatively I would judge 75 feet. Thus we come to the incredible
discovery that the proposal calls for the removal of about 4,000 cubic yards of existing beach
merely to access the pass. And in the process leave a small island beach between today's
southern and northern shores of the pass,
The last time 80 feet was dredged (2007) the same east-west channel was dug, yet within a year
nature moved the channel in a northwest direction, as is clearly indicated in the January 2008
aerials, creating the very beach which the present proposal is aimed at destroying, In fact aerials
going back to the 50's all show the pass pointing northwesterly - never east/west.
The picture clearly indicates the erosion to the north shore. Would it then not be prudent to place
any dredged material on the north shore where erosion is occurring rather than the south shore
which has been growing?
It should also be noted that the proposed site of the "Stockpile" is located in the vicinity of the old
pass, and may actually block a small channel (at high tide) which now provides flushing for the
mangroves to the southeast of this location,
On pages 2 and 3 it states: "There are no proposed impacts to mangroves and wetlands", I should
hope that there are no proposed impacts - but there is no mention of potential impacts to this very
precious NRPA. Dredging is being proposed for "ecological restoration", but no data is provided to
substantiate the anticipated "ecological restoration". These are questions which must be
addressed, The 1998 Permit was granted for one reason only - the limited dredging of Clam Pass
for the effective restoration and maintenance of the mangroves and wetlands in the NRPA, NOT for
beach re-nourishment, and NOT for recreational boating.
SUMMARY: The 1998 Permit gave the Pelican Bay Services Division the right to LIMITED
DREDGING when and if it became evident that adequate flushing for the health ofthe mangroves
and adjacent wetlands was imperiled, In 2008 the PBSD began a process to obtain a new 10-year
Permit to continue its effective work, This has been held up by the County, which is now applying
file:l//GI/...ay%20Sub/5~20w I O%20Clam%20Bay%20Meeting/VIII-3%20backup%202Re%20CBC%20-%,20from'Yo20John%20Domenic.htmI5/19/20 1 0 1: 12 :36 PM]
for its own DEEP WATER dredging permit.
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIIl-3 New Business
Please DO NOT approve this Permit Application.
Most Sincerely,
John Domenie
file ://IGI/.. .ay%20Su b/5~20.1 O%20Clam%20Bay%20Meeting/V II 1_3%20backup%202Re%20CBC%20.%20from%20John%20Domcnic.htmr 5/19/2010 I: 12 :36 PM]
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Contract 07-4153
May 18,2010
The work described herein will be performed by PBS&J with modeling support provided by
Coastal Planning & Engineering to conduct a numerical modeling study of circulation, residence
time (flushing), sediment transport and morphology of the Clam Bay Estuarine System,
The numerical modeling study will utilize a process based numerical model, Delft3D, a cutting-
edge numerical modeling system developed by Deltares (Delft, Netherlands). The team of
numerical modelers is highly skilled and experienced with the Delft3D numerical modeling
system, having conducted dozens of studies with this numerical system since the year of 2004.
This scope represents Phase I of the overall study to evaluate the physical processes of the
existing Clam Bay Estuary complex and conceptual modifications to the system. The following
tasks are included in Phase I:
I. Analysis of Existing Datasets and Monitoring Programs
2. Development and Calibration of a Circulation Model
3. Alternatives Development
4. Modeling of Residence Time (Flushing)
5. Modeling of Transport and Settling of Fine Sediments within Clam Bay Estuary
6. Sediment Transport and Morphology Modeling
7. Analysis of Results and Final Report of Activities
PBS&J is the lead consultant on this project and will be responsible for project management with
the County. The project team will attend meetings (2 committee and I CAe meeting) that
require discussions and will report as needed for project status and progress updates.
1. Analysis of existing datasets and monitoring programs
This task consists in the review of existing datasets including: bathymetric and topographic data,
current and tide measurements, water quality measurements etc. The data collected with the
PBS&J October 2009 report will be the primary source. The data will be reviewed for input into
the model as boundary conditions, initial conditions, and grid generation.
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Contract 07-4153
May 18,2010
2. Development and Calibration of a Circulation Model
This task includes the development of model computation grid, bathymetric grids, and
hydrodynamic model calibration. The numerical model grids will cover the entire Clam Bay
estuary (outer Clam Bay, Upper Clam Bay, Inner Clam Bay), Clam Pass, Venetian Bay,
Moorings Bay, Doctors Pass, adjacent shorelines and other significant water bodies directed
connected to the Clam Bay Estuary system. The numerical model will be calibrated and
validated to locally measured water levels, currents and distribution of water quality parameters
(if applicable). During the calibration phase, a sensitivity analysis will be conducted to
demonstrate variability of the input parameters used for the modeling effort.
Hydrodynamic model simulations will be simulated for the different project alternatives to
evaluate the changes in inlet and estuarine circulation. This scope of work covers the simulation
and evaluation of up to six (6) project alternatives. An example of a Delft3D computational grid
is provided in Figure I.
Figure 1. Example of a Delft3D Grid for Tampa Bay and adjacent shorelines.
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Contract 07 -4153
May 18.2010
3. Alternatives Development
Up to six (6) conceptual modifications to the existing system will be developed and evaluated as
part of an alternatives analysis to improving flushing in the Clam Bay Estuary system, The
alternatives proposed for analysis will be based on the following concepts: (i) modify dimensions
of Clam Pass, (ii) modify the Seagate culvert system, and (iii) a combination of modifications to
Clam Pass and Seagate culvert. These concepts may be modified based on the results of the
preceding tasks if necessary. Each alternative will be run through the hydrodynamic model as
described below for comparison purposes and identification of a preferred alternative for
morphological modeling.
4. Modeling of Residence Time (flushing) Analysis
The calibrated hydrodynamic model will be utilized to evaluate changes in flushing and
residence time inside the Clam Bay Estuary associated with the different project alternatives. To
simulate residence time, a conservative substance with a concentration of 'I' will be
implemented in the Clam Bay Estuary as initial model conditions. The hydrodynamic model will
be run until the concentration of the conservative substance decreases to '0'. Changes in the
decay rates of the substances inside the Clam Bay Estuary due to the engineering interventions
will be evaluated to quantify the impact of the project alternatives on water residence time and
therefore bay flushing. Figures 2 to 4 show examples of a residence time simulation for an
estuarine bay system in south Brazil comparing two alternatives. do tra..ador conservativo (mg/I) dia: 0
APAC;rta-N;utica II
--'__Re~:.rva ~~~~~~J
7.45 7.5 755
73 7.35
.-- APA Carta N8.uti~a'. j
- Reserva de Carij6s "
7.45 7,5 7.55
Figure 2. Initial conditions with the concentration of the conservative substance equal to 1.
Contract 07-4153
May 18.2010
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII-4 New Business
4 of 13
Concentralrao do tralrador conservativo (mg/l) dia: 1
7.45 7.5 755
7.35 7.4
735 7.4
Figure 3. Concentration of the conservative substance after day I.
Concentralrao do tralrador conservativo (mg/l) dia: 3
6.965 0.6
6.955 02
7.3 7.35
l :;::- ~::~~:e N~a~~~~ J
74 7.45 7.5 7.55
APA Carta Nautica
~_es~rva de Carij6s
7.5 7.55
Figure 4. Concentration of the conservative substance after day 3, most of the bay water was renewed at day 3, as
indicated by concentrations equal or close to O.
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Contract 07-4153
May 18,2010
5. Modeling of Transport and Settling of Fine Sediments within Clam Bay Estuary
The calibrated hydrodynamic model will be utilized to evaluate patterns of transport and settling
of fine sediments (very fine sand, silt and clay) within thc Clam Bay estuarine system for the
different alternatives being evaluated as described above.
6. Sediment Transport and Morphology Modeling
The sediment transport and morphology module of Delft3D will be utilized to calculate annual
alongshore sediment transport on the open beaches adjacent to Clam Pass to evaluate the impacts
of the proposed modifications on sediment transport along the coast, inlet channel stability, and
outer channel annual sedimentation rates. The sediment transport formulation developed by van
Rijn (1993) will be utilized for this purpose. To calibrate the morphological model, the annual
alongshore sediment transport component of the model will be compared to alongshore sediment
transport estimates along the shorelines adjacent to Clam Bay in terms of order of magnitudes
and directions. Channel morphology change patterns will be compared to measured channel
behavior. The calibrated morphology model will be used to evaluate the preferred alternative
identified in the flushing analysis for refinement to minimize potential impacts on adjacent
beaches and overall coastal system. An example of a sediment transport simulation conducted
for Wiggins Pass is shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5. Patterns and magnitude of net annual sediment transport potential
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
VIII-4 New Business
Contract 07Al53
May 18,2010
7. Coastal Process Analysis
Surveys have been collected along the Gulf coast and within Clam Pass since the 1990's. This
database will be analyzed, and volumetric change information will be developed for the inlet
entrance and the Gulf shoreline. This information will be used to develop a short term (few
years) and longer term (about 10 years) sediment budget. The sediment budget will provide
volumetric changes and sediment transport rates along the Gulf shoreline. A second set of
volumetric change calculations will be attempted. by comparing historic bathymetric data in the
Clam Bay system to the current survey data (PBS&J 2009). The quality of this comparison is
uncertain, but it may provide insight into the change in bottom elevations at some sites in the
bay. The results will be used in calibration.
8. Analysis of Results and Final Report of Activities
The results from the study will be summarized in a numerical modeling report.
Recommendations for direct simulations of water quality phenomena such as salinity.
temperature, nutrients dispersion (nitrogen series, phosphorus), and dissolved oxygen will be
provided for Phase 2 of the study.
A draft report will be submitted to County and FDEP review and comments. After comments on
the final report are received, PBS&J will update/modify the report and five copies of the final
report will be prepared for the County and FDEP. Report appendices will be delivered in the
form of a CD containing all the electronic data and the report in electronic format.
Balsillie, J.H., and Clark, R.R., 2001. Marine Subaqueous Sand Resources of Florida's Gulf of
Mexico. Special Publication No 48, Florida Geological Survey. Tallahassee.
Benedet, L, Stive, MJ.F" Hartog, W.M., Walstra, DJ.R., van Koningsveld, M., 2006. Relative
Effects of Waves, Wind and Nearshore Bathymetry on Beach Nourishment Performance in
SE Florida: A Numerical Modeling Study. 19th Annual Conference on Beach Preservation
Technology. Sarasota, Florida.
Davis, R.A., 1997. Geology of the Florida coast In: Randazzo, A.F. and Jones, D.S., (eds.), The
Geology of Florida. Gainesville: University of Florida Press, pp. 155-168.
Lesser, G.R., Roelvink, J.A., van Kester, J. and Stelling, G.S., 2004 Development and validation
of a three dimensional model. Coastal Engineering 51, pp. 883-915.
PBS&J, Clam Bay System Data Collection & Analysis, Prepared for Collier County Coastal
Zone Management Department, October 2009.
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Contract 07-4153
May 18,2010
WLDH (Waterloopkundig Labaratorium I Delft Hydraulics), 2003. Delft3D-FLOW, Simulation
of multi-dimensional hydrodynamic flows and transport phenomena, including
sediments, User manual. WL I Delft Hydraulics, Delft.
The above scope is based on an estimated twelve (12) month schedule of participation. The work
assignment may be amended if the schedule is extended beyond the twelve months.
PBS&J will complete weekly updates to County staff on the schedule, task and present budget of
the project. In addition, quarterly progress reports will be prepared that outline project expenses
to date and review the budget and schedule.
In accordance with Collier County Contract Number 07-4153 "Professional Engineering
Services for Coastal Zone Management Projects" compensation for the above scope of work will
be based as noted below not to exceed the amount listed below without authorization from the
Task 1 - Circulation and Sediment
(Lump Sum)
Jeff, .'. Tabar
Pro ec Director
May 18, 2010
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
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Contract 07-4153
May 18,2010
ATI.\CII\IE"'iT !\-Stalcl1ll'1l1 ofW!ld, I Bud~d E2tilllate)
Client: Collier County
Project: Clam Bay Circulation Study - Phase 1
Project No: TBO
Prepared By: JRT
Labor rates will be billed at or below rates established per the agreement number contract # 07-4153
Note: time may vary depending upon the task assignment and labor rate assigned
Circul<ltion Sediment Total Labor
PersotUlel Classification Hr. Rate Model Model HOlli'S Cost
Sf. Project Manager (JT) SJ7tl,cO 40 $6,800
Principle Ecologist (OT) .)160JXJ 32 $5.120
Engineer III (BF) 'J;115.()(l 52 $6.012
Coastal Modeler (TO) ~( IO.(XJ ~II 95 $10.501
F..cologisl (AW) 't;lcnoo 0 $0
Field Ecologist (EK) "i95,()O 0 $0
Junior Hydrogeologist (MS) S90J~) 0 $0
Senior Technician (NW) SR'\OO 40 $3.400
Total Hours 175 84
Labor Cost $21,101 $10.732
Total Reimbursables
Reimbursable Costs
Task No. 4a
Task No. 4b
Total Project Budget
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
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Contract 07-4153
May 18,2010
This proposal was developed as a value added element to the Phase I numerical modeling work,
The work described herein will be performed by PBS&J with modeling support provided by
Coastal Planning & Engineering and includes a numerical modeling study of simulations of
water quality phenomena such as temperature, salinity, nutrients and dissolved oxygen. The
numerical modeling study will utilize a process based numerical model, Delft3D- W AQ, a
cutting-edge numerical modeling system developed by Deltares (Delft, Netherlands).
This scope represents Phase 2 of the overall study to evaluate the environmental processes of the
Clam Bay Estuary complex and proposed modifications to the system. The following tasks are
included in Phase 2:
1. Analysis of existing datasets and monitoring programs
2. Delft3D- W AQ Modeling of Temperature, Salinity, Nutrients and Dissolved Oxygen.
3. Analysis of Results and Final Report of Activities
PBS&J is the lead consultant on this project and will be responsible for project management with
the County. The project team will attend meetings (2 committee and I CAC meeting) that
require discussions and will report as needed for project status and progress updates.
I. Analysis of existing datasets and monitoring programs
This task consists in the review of existing datasets including: bathymetric and topographic data,
current and tide measurements, water quality measurements etc. The data will be reviewed for
primarily for water quality purposes for input into the model as boundary conditions, initial
conditions, and grid generation. Data collection by PBS&J and the results of the Phase 1 study
on physical processes will be incorporated.
2, Delft3D-WAQ Modeling of Temperature, Salinity, Nutrients and Dissolved Oxygen
The water quality module of Delft3D has an extensive library of substances and processes that
can be utilized to simulate water quality phenomena (Figure I). As value-added services element
to the scope of work proposed, the project team will conduct direct simulations of water quality
phenomena such as salinity, temperature, nutrients dispersion (nitrogen series, phosphorus), and
dissolved oxygen, It is anticipated that these environmental constituents will be adapted based
on the results of the Phase I study. These simulations would enable a direct evaluation of the
effect of the proposed system modification alternatives in the salinity levels, dissolved oxygen,
and nutrient concentrations inside the clam bay estuarine system.
Contract 07-4153
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May 18,2010
1:. "
May 20, 2010 Clam Say Subcommittee
VIII-4 New Business
' N " > ,..~.' , ,So
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Figure 1. Range of processes and substances included in Delft3D W AQ.
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Figure 2. Delft3D simulation of concentration of Ammonia (NH4) in a large estuarine bay system in South America.
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
Vltl-4 New Business
11 of 13
Contract 07-4153
May 18,2010
3, Analysis of Results and Final Report of Activities
The results from the study will be summarized in a numerical modeling report. A draft report
will be submitted for County and FDEP review and comments. After comments on the final
report are received, the report will update/modify and five copies of the final report will be
prepared for submittal to Ihe County and FDEP. Report appendices will be delivered in the form
of a CD containing all the electronic data and the report in electronic format.
Balsillie, J .H., and Clark, R.R., 200 I. Marine Subaqueous Sand Resources of Florida's Gulf of
Mexico. Special Publication No 48, Florida Geological Survey. Tallahassee.
Benedet, L, Stive, MJ.F, Hartog, W.M., Walstra, DJ.R., van Koningsveld, M., 2006. Relative
Effects of Waves, Wind and Nearshore Bathymetry on Beach Nourishment Performance in
SE Florida: A Numerical Modeling Study. 19th Annual Conference on Beach Preservation
Technology, Sarasota, Florida.
Davis, R.A., 1997. Geology of the Florida coast. In: Randazzo, A.F. and Jones, D.S., (eds,), The
Geology of Florida. Gainesville: University of Florida Press, pp. 155-168.
Lesser, G.R., Roelvink, J.A., van Kester, J. and Stelling, G.S., 2004 Development and validation
of a three dimensional model. Coastal Engineering 51, pp. 883-915.
PBS&J, Clam Bay System Data Collection & Analysis, Prepared for Collier County Coastal
Zone Management Department, October 2009.
WLDH (Waterloopkundig Labaratorium I Delft Hydraulics), 2003. De1ft3D-FLOW, Simulation
of multi-dimensional hydrodynamic flows and transport phenomena, including
sediments, User manual. WL I Delft Hydraulics, Delft.
The above scope is based on an estimated twelve (12) month schedule of participation. The work
assignment may be amended if the schedule is extended beyond the twelve months.
PBS&J will complete weekly updates to County staff on the schedule, task and present budget of
the project. In addition, quarterly progress reports will be prepared that outline project expenses
to date and review the budget and schedule.
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Subcommittee
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Contract 07-4153
May 18,2010
In accordance with Collier County Contract Number 07-4153 "Professional Engineering
Services for Coastal Zone Management Projects" compensation for the above scope of work will
be based as noted below not to exceed the amount listed below without authorization from the
Task 2 - WQ Modeling Analysis
(Lump Sum)
May 18,2010
May 20, 2010 Clam Say Subcommittee
VIII-4 New Business
Contract 07-4153
May 18,2010
ATTACHMENT B-Statt'menl of Work (Bu<l2et Estimate)
Client: Collier County
Project: Clam Bay Circulation Study - Phase 2
Project No: TBD
Prepared By: JRT
Labor rates will be billed al or below rates established per the agreerrent number contract # 07-4153
Note: time may vary depending upon the task assignment and labor rate assigned
wQ Total Labor
Personnel Classification Hr. Rate Model HolD'S Cost
Sf. Project Manager (JT) $1711.111 24 $4.080
Principle Ecologist (DT) $liillXl ~J , 811 $12,800
Engineer III (BF) ,1151l1 16 $1.840
Coastal Modeler (ID) $II(J()() 40 $4,400
Ecologist (A W) 'f;1()().(X) 40 $4.000
Field Ecologist (EK) S9).CO 0 $0
Junior Hydrogeologist (MS) :ij'Il.).()() II $0
Senior Technician (NW) ,KIm 40 $3,4(1)
Total Hours 240
Labor Cost $30.520
Reimbursable Costs
Task No. 4a
Total Reimbursables
Total Project Budget
_ $68,046
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Committee
lX.1 Old Business
Review of Clam Bay System Data Collection and Analysis by PBS&J, October,
2009, and Response to Comments RE: Clam Bay System Data Collection &
Analysis Report (October 2009) by PBS&J on November 17, 2009.
Harold R, Wanless, Ph.D" Registered Florida Professional Geologist #985,
Coral Gables, Florida 33134
Submitted January 4, 2010
Having reviewed the report and response, I find the efforts misleading and
many of the conclusions unwarranted,
Sand versus mud; high versus low oxygen
Although the 'response' says it is not so, the executive summary paints a
picture of Clam Bay being bad and Moorings Bay as being better,
Sand and gravel may have better pore water oxygen levels and have less oxygen
demand on the overlying water, but they provide little to eat for deposit
feeders. Sand and gravel, having much less surface area, will always have less
pollutants, less contaminants, less organic matter, and less food value than
mud, Grainier, cleaner and more oxygenated does not make it better, This was
well established back in the Marco/Rookery Bay years and should be restudied
now, Dr. Bernard Yokel pointed out that the black mangroves were a
fermenting ground for organic decay and high spring and seasonal tides would
reach into the black mangrove forests and release this rich nutrient soup to the
coastal waters, These releases would trigger blooms and a dispersing food
pyramid bonanza that a hierarchy from fish to mammals would time their
reproduction around, What is to us this black, rotting disgusting muck is, to
many other organisms, the essence of life. These benefitting organisms may
not be living right there, but in adjacent waters waiting for the dispersal.
In evaluating the water and bottom nutrients, texture, redox and such, there is
no assessment of the role of nutrient drainage input from the adjacent
developed upland. It is also important to know the amount of historical erosion
(or growth) of mangrove swamps and release (or uptake) of organic detritus and
sediment as the result of the accelerated rise in sea level since 1930 or in
response to recent hurricanes or recent human activity (such as dredging),
The report implies it is bad when muddy sediment has come in to an area that
was artificially dredged to deeper depth, This is a severely poor conclusion,
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Committee
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There is lots of fine grained particulate material in the natural system and it will
fill in any area where there is insufficient energy to move it on, This results in
shallowing and usually an improvement in desirable ecological functionality,
The whole section on redox and anoxia in the sediment seems most
meaningless. The muddy sediment beneath the clear, well-oxygenated waters
of Biscayne Bay and Florida Bay is normally anoxic within a centimeter of the
surface, This will always be the case for muds which contain organic matter
which produce significant oxygen demand,
And most striking are the mud deltas forming in Lake Ingraham, in Cape Sable,
They are building at as much as 15 centimeters a year, contain as much as 35
per cent organic matter, have only a few millimeters of oxidized sediment at
the top - and are intensely burrowed by an abundant benthic community,
covered by a dense algal mat, and used by a great diversity of wading and water
birds for feeding and resting (Wanless and Vlaswinkel, 2005),
Mangroves and Seagrasses
The fundamental value of the Clam Bay systems is the abundant mangrove
wetland community and the seagrass and algal mat estuarine community and
the immense service that these provide to the benthic and bird communities
within the system and in the adjacent nearshore marine.
A pre-development report by Lugo (1976) stressed the need to preserve
majority of Clam Pass system in its natural state, highlighting the mature and
valuable black mangrove basin forest of this system, Even in a setting with
ephemeral connection with the sea through Clam Pass, the mangrove forest had
found a way to thrive using groundwater flow through the barrier island to
maintain flushing and drainage of elevated flood waters. There is no
comparison between a bulkheaded sea wall and a mangrove wetland with
respect to environmental value, yet this report seems to ignore the uselessness
of seawalls, and fails to mention that there have been ongoing attempts to rim
or replace them with rip rap as an improvement.
I should point out that the mangrove systems on the Vanderbilt Bay area was
doing fine until the flow through the sandy island barrier was cut off. The
mangrove die off then produced accelerating decay products that overwhelmed
the system forcing a need for stronger flushing via surface flow.
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Committee
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In my occasional visits to the Clam Bay system, I recall much more sea grass
than described in this report. In fact I there is a 2007 PBSj report of "Clam Bay
Seagrass Assessment" which found 43 per cent occurrence of seagrass in
random sample sites in Outer Clam Bay (probably the same report that is
referenced as PBS&j, 2008, in the 'report', Since that report, there was further
documentation of more species and coverage of seagrass in the Clam Pass
estuarine system along transects done in 2007 for the annual biologic
monitoring done by Turrell, Hall & Assoc. The apparent resurgence of
seagrasses continued to be reported in the 2008 Biologic Monitoring Report of
the Clam Pass System by Turrell, Hall & Assoc. Why are these recent results not
mentioned in this report, and why is the amount of seagrass observed in this
report so diminished? The report notes that the sea grass cover is even
diminished over observations in a '2008' PBS&j report (Is this the same as the
2007 draft report of observations made in 2007?). It is irresponsible science to
ignore important literature results such as these, The current report paints a
very different picture of the Clam Bay system than is documented in previous
reports, That difference is cursorily dismissed as something to do with the
ephemeral nature or reproductive problems of the main species (Halophila),
Other reports document a fairly widespread occurrence of Halidule and a
persistence of Thalassia in some areas. It is wrong to so casually dismiss these
other more rigorous reports,
If these changes are real, then it is critical to assess the timing of loss so as to
determine the causes (I am aware that there have been recent dredging events),
If these changes are not real but the result of too 'general' field observations,
then the quality of this research project should be called into question,
This report presents data on aspects of the environment (the physical and
chemical characteristics of the coastal bay system). It provides no information
of substance on the organisms in these environments and no information of
substance on the ecology (the relation of the organisms to the environment),
Yet the report is constantly evaluating what is good and bad for the organism
communities, All of this undocumented speculation should be deleted. It
would be better to do a responsible literature evaluation of the ecological
relationships that have been established and published from the abundance of
research that has been done over the years in The Rookery Bay - Marco area,
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Committee
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The vibrance of the Clam Bay system is the rich mangrove-seagrass-algal base
which feeds a variety of small organisms which nurture a great abundance and
diversity of juvenile to adult fish, These relations were not recognized or
addressed in this report, The authors of this report have no business making
value comments on the ecology of the system as they have not documented the
biological components or the important relationships,
Circulation and Models
A report in Collier County's files by this author in the early 1990s documents
that the mangrove die off in northern C1amjVanderbilt Bay was caused by the
road into the houses which cutoff an active drainage, flushing, and water
exchange through the pore waters in sand of the narrow beach, This was well
established with monitoring wells in which tidal fluctuation would move
through the island with a time lag but nearly undampened in amplitude (except
where blocked by the road structure which extended down through the sand
and into the underlying less permeable mangrove soil), It is impossible to
recreate a healthy environment when the causes for historical problems are not
properly identified
Additionally, as a major portion of the drainage, flushing, exchange and water
exchange of the coastal bays along this stretch of coast is through the narrow
barrier islands, any present or future modeling will be useless unless this
important component of coastal circulation is accurately empirically
documented so it can be properly incorporated into the models, This concern
also applies to the sandy landward margin to the bays and to the underlying
limestone (where its groundwater interfaces with surface flow of the bays),
Adequate Associated Information of Sampling Period
Only in the 'response' was some information provided as to the nature of the
condition during the 2 day and 8 day sampling period in August, 2009, What
was the weather and hydrographic conditions (rainfall, winds, tides, air and
water temperatures, etc) for the several weeks prior to the sampling as well as
during sampling? This is critical for evaluating water levels, flow, circulation,
nutrient levels, and such, The 'response' that certain things are not important
or were essentially normal is not for those writing the report to decide. Provide
all the information so those using the report can fully evaluate the study,
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Committee
IX-1 Old Business
August can be a time of high temperatures, intense local rainfall, unique winds,
and higher than normal seasonal tides that do not represent conditions at other
times of the year, It is important for the reports sampling to be put in proper
perspective. For example, as mentioned earlier, the higher high tides of the
year reach into the black mangrove wetland soil and withdraw intensely rich
organic suspensions which circulate through the coastal bays and into the
nearshore marine waters, How do the tide elevations and ranges of the
sampling period compare with the rest of the year? A NOAA report documents
exceptional tides along a portion of the Atlantic coast during the summer of
2009 (as much as 60 centimeters above projected levels because of slowing of
Gulf Stream flow) and southeast Florida had tide levels running over 30
centimeters above projected levels into October, Was any of this elevated tide
occurring along the Collier County coast prior to or during the sampling
interval? These kinds of information are critical to put this study's data
collection interval into a meaningful perspective,
Description of Field Observations
The bottom of page 7 of the report says: "At each site, observations were made
of the general biological community structure and health," Exactly what does
this mean? Was some type of quadrants or profile lines used? How extensive
an area was surveyed? How did the methods in this report compare with that in
the reports mentioned in the mangrove and seagrasses section above? How
was 'health' measured? How was 'community structure' measured? My copy of
the report did not have anything but an algae map and sea grass map in terms
of data? Where is the data? I am concerned that there is not much that is real
biological information here, just fancy words,
Water Quality Locations and Implications
The report suggests that Moorings Bay is better than the natural Clam Bay
system (Page V of Executive Summary). The logic of the report is ridiculous,
The writing implies that this problem is because of a variety of things in the
natural system including the decline in tidal amplitude and increased tidal lag
because of 'channel meandering, constrictions and friction losses in the
system.' Ridiculous logic. Then the Executive Summary states that 'Moorings
Bay, although subjected to extensive urban stormwater runoff, appears to have
water ecology conditions better than those found in Clam bay; this is supported
by the results of the Redox layer investigation.' What are those better water
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Committee
IX-1 Old Business
ecologic conditions? Explain how Moorings Bay is better in providing a
functional habitat, environment, and nutrient release of this mangrove fringed
estuary system?
It looks as though the sampling sites in Moorings Bay are primarily channel
sites with strong flow. Why are there no sample sites in the more stagnant
backwater corners of the Moorings Bay maze? What is the water depth of
Moorings Bay?
I find that this report is at best a weak data set that is surrounded by too much
environmental and ecological speculation that is not tied to the pertinent and
thorough literature of southwest Florida estuarine dynamics and, ecology. At
worst, it has the tone that it was written for developers to give the green light
to have more sand and concrete. Since the early 1970s, southwest Florida has
seen too many reports like this that attempt to diminish the value of the natural
environment and put dramatically modified dredge and fill environments on an
equal footing.
Is it possible that this report is trying to set the stage for expanded future
dredging activities to 'improve' the natural areas? It reads that way. I would
recommend that the County take a reverse approach. Moorings Bay is an
artificially deepened system to provide fill for bordering lots. The bottom is
too deep over most of the dredged area for sea grasses to live. The quality of
that Bay could be dramatically improved if those deeper areas not necessary for
navigation were shallowed either with blanket fill or with localized artificial
reefs. Shallowing the bays would provide conditions for increased sea grass
cover (more light to the bottom and higher oxygen levels); the artificial reefs
would provide habitat for oysters, sponges and such which further filter the
water and improve water clarity and light penetration. Complement that with
rip rap in front of seawalls, including some intertidal areas for re-establishment
of mangroves and you will have greatly enhanced the desired ecological
functionality of Moorings Bay. In the early 1980s, I did a study on the causes
for elevated turbidity in northern Biscayne Bay in Miami-Dade County. This bay
had been similarly modified by dredging and bulkheading. The
recommendations were as described above (Wanless et aI., 1984). Since that
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Committee
IX~l Old Business
time the County has been persistently following a program of installing rip rap
and mangrove intertidal areas in front of sea walls and fill shorelines,
shallowing up deep dredge areas so seagrass can recolonize and, installing
numerous artificial reefs from clean construction debris. The Bay has
persistently improved in water clarity and ecological functionality, and the
artificial reefs have proved great fishing sites.
Many of these recommendations were put forth in a 1981 Diagnostic/Feasibility
Study for Moorings Bay which I believe was included as an appendix of the 1991
Coastal Zone Management Plan. Why is this not acknowledged and discussed
In fact, there is a serious disregard for earlier research and recommendations
on this Vanderbilt/Clam Bay/ Moorings Bay system and on similar systems of
southwest Florida. The failure of this report to do a thorough literature review
would save the County from redundant studies or erroneous conclusions due to
missed historic data and missed scientific documentation and evaluation of
ecosystem dynamics. This absence further suggests that this report is not a
scientific report but more of a political-economic positioning paper.
References (not cited in 'Report')
Florida Department of Environmental Regulation, 1981. Diagnostic/feasibility
study for Moorings Bay, Collier County, Florida, 12 p.
Lugo, A.E., 1976. Role and productivity of black mangroves, 31p in Southwest
Regional Planning Council Report: p. 74-103 in provided
'GeneraU0080826083149.pdf' .
Wanless, H.R., Cottrell, D., Parkinson, R., and Burton, E., 1984. Sources and
Circulation of Turbidity, Biscayne Bay, Florida. Final report to Sea Grant and
Dade County, 499 p.
Wanless, H.R., and Vlaswinkel, B.M., 2005. Coastal Landscape and
Channel Evolution Affecting Critical Habitats at Cape Sable, Everglades National
Park, Florida. Final Report of Research Project to Everglades National Park, 197
p. (available online: )
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Committee
IX~ 1 Old Business
IX-1a New Business
89 of 89
Kathy Worley Comments
Comments on PBS&J Report: Clam Bay System Data Collection and Analysis based on a
preliminary review. Note an in depth look at this report is put on hold until answers to the
questions that are raised in this missive arc forthcoming. I apologize for the disjointed
nature of these comments - unfortunately I have been dealing with some health issues for
the past 3 weeks which have limited review of the report.
Note: Statements that are in red italics are directly from PBS&J report
Executive Summary: Page i section: Review Points 1 and 2:
The FDEP mandate to get data into STORET is important for achieving state-wide water
quality goals and initiatives. The County should definitely comply with this mandate, but
this is not the main reason to perform water quality monitoring. Water Quality monitoring
is one of the methods commonly used to tind out what types of pollutants are in the water,
can overtime establish any trends, serve as an early warning system for potential
developing problems, and can give an indication of their possible source. The information
provided by water quality monitoring can help indicate what types of aquatic 110ra and
fauna the estuary could support, given the physical and nutrient water parameter levels
present in the water overtime (Note: water quality is not the only thing that dictates what
species will reside or use a water body). It seems that there are excessive concerns about
getting a negative review by FDEP and triggering an investigation towards a possible
TMDL, and while it is nice to head off perceived problems, the TMDL program is just a
way to get Counties to address any water quality problems, which is a good thing.
Dissolved Oxygen levels are perceived as a problem regarding State standards in Clam
Bay. However in order to trigger a TMDL, dissolved oxygen levels have to be below
Standards in concert with causative pollutants. Biological Oxygen Demand, Total Nitrogen
and Total Phosphorus also have to exceed State standards. Dissolved oxygen levels
recorded in Clam Bay have been below the State standard, typical of a lot of estuarine
waterways in the County including Rookery Bay (usually during the summer). This is not
unusual and as long as the levels are not constantly below the State standard or at anoxic
levels that can precipitate fish kills (given the warm water (d.o and temp have inverse
relationship)), these levels are not surprising and can be defended. Rookery Bay is an
FDEP reference site (Water Body ID :# 3259M). This site does have dissolved oxygen
levels below State standards and Rookery Bay has not triggered a TMDL by FDEP since it
does not have a causative pollutant, nor has the Tamiami Canal system (Water Body Id :
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Committee
IX-1 Old Business
Water Quality monitoring programs are important and should be implemented for Clam
Bay just be sure you know the reason to do so is track water quality trends over time; what
the water quality means to the organisms that live in that water way; and for people who
wish to use that waterway for fishing, swimming or other recreational activities.
PBS&J's Critique of other studies
I do not intend to comment extensively on these sections other than to say that it appears
that the context and purpose for doing past hydrology and water quality studies were not
considered when the review was written. Mr. Humiston's rebuttal to PBS&J's comments
concerning their report are valid. Similarly, the critique of the water quality studies done by
Pelican Bay and the Conservancy were performed for specific reasons. FYI - the physical
parameters collected by the Conservancy do mcet the standards for use by FDEP STORET
guidelines the data has just never been entered on a regular basis. And as far as the nutrient
parameters, it was stated up front by the Conservancy that these data were not performed
by a certified lab, but were performed in accordance with acceptable methods, quality
controlled with period split samples with a certified lab, and that only a few key parameters
were investigated for trends - all of which are standard in most water quality studies. FYI
"The most important nutrients in coastal estuaries are dissolved inorganic nitrogen and
phosphorus compounds" (Holmboe, et. aI., 2001). WHOOPS - Now lam getting defensive
so I'll stop!
Statements from Introduction page 1 paragraphs 1 and 4:
!'unr,L:nl/)!' 1. "('/UOI d!l{/:'Ioori!l~!.\ h\/1 (I!" im/)()!"(iJiI' n:lf/fl"itl/cU!/;T('S III Cu//ieT
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The statement in paragraph I contradicts the statcment in Paragraph 2 as the entire
Moorings Bay today is unnatural. Moorings Bay is not a natural feature. It used to be
natural in the 50s' when the mangrove forest extended from Moorings through Vanderbilt.
Additionally, although Clam Bay is unarguably the most natural system of mangroves
remaining in the urban Naples landscape (discounting Rookery Bay) it is not entirely
natural either given the encroaching development and isolated state today.
Source: USGS 1953. Outer (Lower) Clam Bay and Moorings 1953: Undeveloped Natural
The PBS&J report, intended or not, gives the reader the impression that Moorings Bay is
being compared to Clam Bay and Clam Bay is coming off as being perceived as more
impaired. These2 systems should not be compared for estuarine health as Moorings Bay is
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Committee
IX~l Old Business
no longer an estuary. Dr. Bauer from the City statcd as much at the last meeting. Collier
County Pollution Control, Save the Bays, the Conservancy and the City have for decades
worked to improve the conditions within Moorings Bay given that this is a hardened
structural man-made system. For years all have been pushing for rip-rap when seawalls fail
and need to be replaced, fertilizer ordinances, stormwater control, etc and under Dr. Bauer's
guidance some strides have been made in these areas to help improve the conditions ofthis
man-made canal system. The only connection that
Moorings Bay and Clam Bay have at this point is the culvert.
Question: In the introduction please define what this report considers the boundaries of the
"Clam Bay Watershed" throughout this report to avoid confusion.
Statement from Page 4 last paragraph: "
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While this statement is true it is important to also remember that impoundment of
excessive freshwater from unusually high rainfall amounts in 1992 and 1995 was the straw
that tipped the Outer Clam Bay Moorings Future Seagate Canals scales in the
northwest corner of the Clam Bay mangrove system and that by all indications was stressed
to begin with most likely due to development on the borders of this forest. A lot of
emphasis is being placed on improving flushing within the Clam Bay system as a solution
to problems that have developed within the mangroves in the past. While l1ushing is
essential to mangrove systems and usually occurs naturally, any excessive anthropogenic
freshwater inflows into Clam Bay should be dealt with at the source instead of l1ushing the
excessive freshwater and anthropogenic introduced pollutants to the Gulf. This in itself
should be perceived as a problem as in effect we are just contributing to polluting the Gulf
and although the levels are probably small in comparison to other inputs it is time we start
to address the Gulf instead of treating it like a septic tank throughout the Gulf States.
Additionally, improving the flushing of Clam Bay seems to be perceived as some sort of
cureall, which is not accurate. Too much l1ushing is just as much a problem as too little in
an estuary, as the habitats and species that use these environments are adapted to shallow,
low energy environments. Also, given that estuaries are shallow and the land features
typically are at low elevation, very little rise in water levels is needed to 1100d the
mangroves for tidal l1ushing as long as no impediments that impound the water exist.
Additionally, the usual way to improve flushing is through dredging which can alter the
detritusbased system of a mangrove estuary by stirring up and/or removing sediment and
disrupting the nutrient sources necessary to the organisms that rely on detritus for food and
cover, and can also interfere with the natural decomposition process by bacteria and other
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Committee
IX~1 Old Business
organisms. Therefore, dredging to improve flushing should be tempered and used sparingly
in order to keep the balance of the system in check.
Statementjrom Page 51.2:
"In f\.',\/)()J'j\('!(I {li/j('('/'/i: Fe'/Uru/ (f! /.1,'( ;",d!"\
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While water quality and hydrology are important components without biological studies it
will not be possible to determine the extent and relative health of the natural resources.
, H lief! do JU,\f/i.i'I('dl d{ff{l'!i~:".>"'i il! it /'/I!', (it" Ifus and ir{ifJiJs,
rhi' hcu!!h
:;;i:',ii !
Historical biological data also needs to be addressed prior to hypothesizing about the health
of the system.
\\'off'l' '/1/(";/1',' Iii ( ion: h'Ol' Ifni!'
'\ h'iI\ ,m:! hi/I'
pul/e'l'f!S oj
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!fl!c'f"dCf 10 ;'/'('ole
Some inferences can be made from the water quality concerning what species could
possibly survive in that particular water but it can't tell you population dynamics and
\ {ri!/n('!f
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This will only answer definitively the effect on the hydrology and not the biology.
Question Regarding 2.0 Methods 2.3 page 7
Please specify the number of sediment samples were taken in the system and were any
replicates taken? Additionally what were the weather conditions during the 2 day period of
What method was used to classify the soil conditions based on color? Mullers? Were hue,
value and color intensity evaluated? What were the ranges?
Statementfrom 2.0 Methods 2.4 page 8
Ihi\ /(/\1, (i!l.\/_'!;')
if /:oiJn'iJh'/i'; "!Ii',',,\" OJ ;f j'Ol'ifnii
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Committee
IX~ 1 Old Business
12 of 23
Ihc hoi!lI'fFlefril .\'I!!"\"<\' oj'I!!!' dl'i.'U iftc!/i;/c',i ( 'fuiI! 1>,,\\
(UIII!//' \), l p/wr, JrmCI', uwl (JUki ('lOin jjoj', un:!
rhe (-'lih shoo!
Please provide the bathymetry map
Regarding Statements from 2.0 Methods page 8 Currents/Water Levels: page 8:
{ 1.1//;'/ )';'{i:'(" ,,;f:, ';/ 1)/, i.I, 1'(",', /r::l i! d .ifhi.!'! //;, liFi-,/'.'i,) ,0\'", (11,'('1 d !JCI'fIl'.1
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And Statements from 7.1
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And Statements from Hydrographic Data Analysis 7.3 Current Velocities and Flow Rates
page 62:
"rill' ,,<{IPS in ilw SfiiUh S('d~:dr(' I))" {Iud! !ar/;o!{J' Dr daia I;:et",' due to ods vando/isrn
during ,hti dlpIUl'/1li'ili, j" tln' fiurho!./!' f),.. V"!J~i' \VuS it li'fl/Ol i',} filt f'eadings d!)/!CU"
{II /1(' fi"l'Oil{'OIlS duc If! :hl'il 'tllit/! iiiilgniillfh/, f'li! no ie's {{il! he {in ihi'
" ill" ilo'S/1 !I!lk'!!!
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: ! (If (/ ; 1/ ( ~ i! l ( I II i I I, IJ',' Ii' \ 1/ ; 'j, 'I!
Equipment malfunctions do occur within the field, however not repeating the experiment
given the unexpected data; readings that appear erroneous; and only using data prior to
incidents given that the period of observation is so short does not give confidence in using
these data for model calibration. I have often endured equipment failures that cause the
experiment to bc repeated otherwisc there would have been no confidence in the data. Even
when I did some surface water level studies in the past where a gap in the data was caused
by equipment vandalism I was able to eliminate this data as I had a year worth of levels and
a two week gap was within the realm of acceptable loss. However in this case where the
period was 8 days the loss of half the data at some of the sites is too great a percentage to
discount. I have a great deal of concern and would not be able to trust any modeling done
with the rcadings that were collected over such a short time span; that were fraught with
problems, readings that appeared to be erroneous at Clam Pass (which is one of the focal
points hydrologically) and the time frame of only using a "spring tide" where only the
extremes and not the norms are used.
Most hydrologic data sets today that are used in conjunction with biological components
(which is necessary to develop any sort of management plan that has validity) in estuaries
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Committee
IX.1 Old Business
typically rely on a time series water level and velocity for a month covering neap and spring
tides. For example, Van Santen,, 2007 collected time series water level, velocity and
sediment accumulation for a month covering neap and spring tides in order to ensure that a
complete hydrographic picture could be inferred. Ji, et. aI., 2001 measured data for tidal
calibration that included tidal elevation, salinity, temperature, current velocity at various
locations throughout the estuary for 3 I days in order to ensure accuracy.
Two independent data sets are required for calibration and subsequent validation of a
hydrodynamic model. The observation times should be divided into two separate
components I month for calibration and I month for validation is sufficient and model
sensitivity studies are essential (Huang, 2007). Various year's worth of this kind of data is
available from other sources that could be vetted to complete a better hydrologic picture for
use in modeling this estuary.
Granted that past hydrologic investigations over the years had different goals, their data is
more robust and more suited to model calibration and verification, which at the moment
would make these past modeling efforts more useful than an updated more sophisticated
model whose calibration and validation is suspect.
"IIandling model complexity and reliability is a key area of research today" (Raick, et., aI.,
Currently in marine ecosystem modeling the idea is to include an ecological component in
conjunction with a general circulation model. What ever strategy is undertaken the key is
assessment, as the biology must be linked to the hydrology and physical environment
characteristics (Raick, et., al. 2006).
Regarding Statement from the executive summary:
;'In ,il'dt'r {(J hJ Jill \"\/I'I!! /(1 /m;;,I'ii\(' {'!ulI/uuun {lwl dis\u!t't'd
(), \ i ~~:L'i/
(no) ",'llun ,ili(' ( /om
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'fi (itlil! 8(/', ii
I :l/h/(Juh;HI ('10m (1(1.,',\',
1/-),/, II'," /:,1": /l,'
This statement concludcs that there is a need to improve circulation and dissolved oxygen
within Clam Bay neither or which has been adequately substantiated or established at this
time, particularly in reference to the ecology.
Statementji-om Hydrographic Data Analysis page 61
:\ (/'! if}!!\,fi('Cf.: t
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-\1 ! /1"tll.':' {.' /,'1"'/ It,'; J"i'I/'(
Given the unexpected results alluded to by the author it is prudent to repeat this experiment
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Committee
IX~l Old Business
to confirm whether the results are an anomaly. Additionally, the time lag could and
probably does change during the wet and dry seasons.
Statement from Hydrographic Data Analysis 7.3 Current Velocities and Flow Rates page
ii/f/,'lil rhu//hc/h:/,j,l,d,inio'\('uid' /,,1,
\}'f"ilig 1;,/(\.11 llt'r! ///1, udill
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What were the extent of the rainfall events and when did the events occur in comparison to
when the inl10ws show up?
The choice of using higher and lower than normal tides can skew the data and should cover
an entire spectrum oftides to accurately come up with net values although the time when
the readings occurred does give some insight to extreme conditions as stated in the reports
conclusion (page 74).
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Given the lack of confidence in the data set (data gaps), any results and conclusions about
the hydrology would also be suspect and thus any comments on actual values relating to
tidal cycles and currents reported in this report would be moot.
In regard to the Water Quality Component of the PBS&J report:
This is part of the report is geared at a review of past data and basically reinforced the basic
information that was already apparent such as:
. There were erroneous values in the data set from Collier County.
. The ends ofthe Clam Bay system appeared to have more instances lower dissolved
oxygen levels and/or nutrient levels which is typical of any system that has deadends-
the farther the distance from the pass. . . . . .
I would have liked to see statistics broken out by season as this is an important driver in
water quality and could explain some of the readings that are shown in the graphs. For
example, did the instances of low dissolved oxygen occur primarily during the summer
months and how does the dissolved oxygen correlate to water temperature values1 What
were the depths at the various stations in comparison to levels that were reported - is the
higher nutrient levels and lower dissolved oxygen recorded in concert with very shallow
depths and could sediment resuspension possibly interfered during sampling? Were
nutrients and chlorophyll levels higher during the 2005-2007" If so, resuspension of
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Committee
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15 of 23
nutrients caused by hurricanes could result in algal blooms as seen in southern estuaries in
Florida in 2005. Chlorophyll a levels increased with algal blooms and the majority of
regions that Boyer, et. aI., 2009 assessed in 2006. CHLA was higher than the median at
their sites, but did not appear to indicate negative trends in southern estuaries.
Mangrove interfaces with the Gulf had higher chlorophyll a levels in 2006 than in 2005,
likely the result of the hurricanes that hit south Florida in 2005 and likely does not indicate
long-term trends (Boyer, et. al. 2009)..
Were low dissolved oxygen levels and/or higher nutrient levels persistent over time or just
isolated incidents? Were low dissolved oxygen levels primarily between 3 - 4 mg/l or
lower and if so how long did the condition last? Any relationship to precipitation events?
Were any tables generated that detailed the data and statistics that could clear up some of
these questions')
Discounting obvious outliers - are dissolved oxygen or nutrient values that were lower/
higher than the ambient levels correlated to weather events such as storm events or episodic
algal blooms that appear in the Gulf? (see next paragraphs for the context of this question).
The Gulf coast of Florida receives discharges from a lot of rivers in the northern and central
parts of the west coast. Runofffrom these rivers affects the chemistry and biology of
estuaries with maximum discharges tending to occur in thc spring and fall. The southern
movement of the waters in the Gulfcould affect the southern parts ofSWFL waters. An
episodic event during the spring occurred when elcvated pigment concentrations persisted
of 1-6 weeks extending 250 km along the Florida shelf. Plume formation was associated
with discharge from local rivers in NW Florida; seasonal changes in height between the
shelf and the Gulf of Mexico waters; Loop current circulation and upwellings in the Gulf of
Mexico off De Soto; and discharge from the
Mississippi and Mobile rivers. On the Florida Shelf in the Gulf of Mexico toxic
dinol1agellates have episodic blooms that are suspected of adding to the total nutrient
production. These blooms tend to occur in the summer or fall but can occur at any time, The
semi-regular occurrences of this bloom indicates that energy levels to higher tropic levels
could be seasonal. In May of 1992 a particularly high chlorophyll a bloom occurred
(Gilbes, 1996). Do the high chlorophyll a levels that were found in Clam Bay
correspond to the semi regular events in the Gulf shelf particularly in 1992? The impact that
nutrients from the Gulf on local estuaries is poorly understood but should be considered as
possible explanation of local nutrient and chlorophyll spikes during episodic blooms
(Gilbes, et. al. 1996).
In general, from a cursory inspection of the figures presented in the report it is no surprise
that the upper regions of the Clam Bay system are higher in nutrients given that the system
has been cut off from its natural connections to the north. This is found in both manmade
canal systems including Moorings Bay and natural systems that lack river inl1ows.
Additionally, when analyzing the data efforts should be made to explain possible elevated
levels such as those discussed above if applicable.
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Committee
IX~1 Old Business
Regarding section 3.2 Dissolved Oxygen page 14 in the report:
"IC' rl'( 'ii,'( ; '!(')
Ii! ,"(I/ff',/-','Ij,'/,\ ( lId) \;
.1!1,~'if\! '(III! lint!
~i)f).' f!,': dd/Uiiii;\/ fj !it\'J.1!('fl;J//' I ii, ;u"/,'i"jt, :lfI,!(dIiIiOlht)
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U/JiJ Pi::
It would be more appropriate to omit the erroneous data from the set rather that trying to
visualize it in truncated form. Suggest including a table of the outliers and stating that these
values were not included in analysis of the data set as the values reported were suspect and
to include them when making analysis could skew the data set. It is not clear whether or not
these suspect values that the authors "truncated" to "10 mg/l" were used in any of the
statistics presented in Figure 3.6. If they were they should be removed as given the obvious
erroneous level of those values it is not appropriate to include in the statistics and could lead
to erroneous conclusion given that there is no way to arbitrarily assign a value to these
particular values with any degree of certainty.
Regarding section 3.2 Chlorophyll page 17 in the report:
"I\(J..,',:,',/!/c'\'(lti'if 'I h 1'i"Ii"I'J!,,lhi.!'\('i/(,'{{/,,(,jt' ()"udH I
\,'1(',\ j!()\j'{.'\! r, /.\, (:Ji,l,:'I/!!'u{J(lt] (1/' "11'('.1 /liJ /i)!)f! </f fh(' 1I.6 site (299 ~Jg/L)
uni'ke/}'!n rl:1 ,'!li./Fi:li i;,if,l" dfN! ii/!' (I'L!i If,l','
"iili' :/,' n\
Ii'td (f
Again, as with the dissolved oxygen, it would be more appropriate to omit the erroneous
chlorophyll a data from the set rather that trying to visualize it in truncated form. Suggest
including a table of the outliers and stating that these values were not included in analysis of
the data set as the values reported were suspect and to include them when making analysis
could skew the data set. It is not clear whether or not these suspect values that the authors
"truncated" to 50? mg/l" were used in any of the statistics presented in Figure 3.9. If they
were they should be removed as given the obvious erroneous level of those values it is not
appropriate to include in the statistics and could lead to erroneous conclusion given that
there is no way to arbitrarily assign a value to these particular values.
Regarding on Page 20 on the report:
Whilc certain facts presented in the PBS&J's report regarding TMDL's are correct, the
interpretation of what actually triggers a TMDL does not appear to be in accordance with
FDEP's guidelines.
. ,\;!I if
CC, I~ ',.; ,ii,' i/." ". i,' ,,' \ ~ 'I I;'; I 'i:! ':-:
of 11
eluring bofh
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Committee
'X~1 Old Business
17 of 23
2005 and J{)(j7. /}(/\('d II/lOll ('\i,~/i!l,t~ CI'ih't'io II"UI/I I-/JF/J, ('lam 8d)
dec/ill'c.! \'(T/iil'd Im/hlired du{) fo e!cl'(l!(,d chlm a u)J!ccn!r{/!ion\"
ltAel, he
According to FDEP's current Impaired Waters Rule 10% of the samples have to exceed
annual averages of II ug/I for the Water Body. Given the bar chart values from the Figure
3.9 in the report - it does not appear that 10% of the annual averages for chlorophyll a are
impaired as all of the sites would be looked at together. As on the chart only W -7 has
instances were the annual average is above II ug/l and the rest ofthe stations appear to be
within FDEP's criteria it is unlikely that Clam Bay (WBID) by itself would be classified as
verified impaired. Also there are a minimum number of samples needed to put a water body
on the Verified list (with at least a 90% confidence). Within the data set (discounting any
suspect samples) - How many total samples were there? - And how many were impaired?
Were confidence intervals generated for the data?
Regarding the Nutrient Analysis:
When trying to understand and analyze nutrient cycling dynamics it is important to take into
account that estuarine wetlands act as a filter as they tend to sequester or recycle nutrients. It
is important to remember that mangrove systems are a sink for nutrients and bind large
amounts ofN and P for production. Ignoring the uptake and release of nutrients,
particularly from minerals that occur naturally in mangrove swamps, can cause errors in
determining the nutrient balance necessary to sustain the estuary (Wosten, et. aI., 2003).
Calculations based entirely on hydrology and water quality which vary considerably in time
and space without considering the natural biological and nutrient cycling within the estuary
is questionable. While these elements are important relying on them alone for management
of the estuary could lead to erroneous conclusions about the estuary dynamics (Wosten, et.
aI., 2003). The dynamics of an estuary have to bc taken into account when evaluating an
estuary like Clam Bay vcrsus evaluating a manmade canal system like Moorings. For
example: Shallow water estuaries (like Clam Bay) should accumulate substantial amounts
of organic matter that becomes incorporated into the benthos where it degrades and is
modified by microbes. Microbial communities cmploy complex anaerobic and aerobic
transformations that result in the amount of organic and inorganic nutrients within and
above the sediment. Tide and wind indirectly inl1uence microbial communities and thus
nutrient concentrations within the sediment through resuspension activity that arise from
these forces (Seymour, et. aI., 2007). Naturally nutrients could be higher in Clam Bay due
to natural interactions, whereas in Moorings Bay there is a lack of natural nutrient cycling
due to the lack of detritus buildup which is necessary to an estuary. "Resource management
strategies must take into account system-specific factors" (Tomasko, et. aI., 2005).
Regarding -- Sediment and Biological Health Characteristics
The survey conducted by PBS&J only provides a cursory look at the sediment and any
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Committee
IX~ 1 Old Business
attempt at using this qualitative data to describing redox conditions and benthic
communities is fraught with assumptions that could lead to erroneous conclusions. As the
visibility in Clam Bay is generally low, any characterizations derived from the survey are
anecdotal at best since very little of the surrounding habitats would be visible to the
observer. Biological assessments have to encompass the whole spectrum of the food web
and not just a visual interpretation of a few of the lower level organisms mentioned in this
study, without looking at the community from the top down also. Due to the scope of this
study there was no possibility of characterizing the health of the benthic community with
any degree of certainty with the methods that this survey employed, as typically indices are
used to describe benthic populations.
Regarding Sediments and Redox in Mangrove Estuaries
Mangrove soils have been described as highly anaerobic, sulphidic, reduced inundated
muds, whose physicochemical properties vary with elevation and forest type (Alongi and
Sasekumar, 1992). The most significant effect of inundation is depletion of soil oxygen.
Biological and chemical reactions are largely controlled by oxidation-reduction processes,
which are necessary to cycle nutrients within the air, water, and soil. Transformations of
nitrogen, sulfur, iron, manganese and carbon occur under anaerobic conditions, where
nitrate (N03), manganese oxide (Mn02), iron hydroxides (Fe(OH)2), sulfate (S04 .2), and
carbon dioxide (C02). in this order, act as electron acceptors in the absence of oxygen
(Vespraskas and Faulkner, 2001). Redox potential, expressed and measured as Eh, is a
useful indicator of what types of reduced elements one can expect to find in soil solution It
is an electrical measurement that shows the tendency of a soil solution to transfer electrons
to or from a reference electrode. From this measurement, estimates can be made to as to
whether the soil is aerobic or anaerobic, and whether or not chemical compounds including
iron oxides or nitrate have been chemically reduced or are present in their oxidized forms..
Interactions betwcen soil redox potential and availability of essential nutrients are extremely
complex (Clough, 1992) and are influenccd by a variety of factors including surface water
and groundwater inl1ows, oxygen availability, plankton productivity, pH, and moisture
content (Alongi, et. aI., 1992).
Color is an obvious cue to soil processes as the color of soil is often determined by the
various compounds within it, mineral grains, biological activity, and natural pigments like
iron and other oxides. Seasonal variations in precipitation and evapotranspiration rates lead
to water table l1uctuations causing alternating reduction and oxidation with respect to iron
oxides. Mobilization of ferrous iron during periods of reduction can cause segregation in
soil zones. However sometimes in areas of high water tables these conditions don't develop
leading to anomalous conclusions about color inferences about redox (Rabenhorst and
Parikh, 2000). At best in mangrove estuaries color can give a rough idea of the types of
minerals that could be present in the substrate, but inference to redox potential of these soils
is not recommended. Redox potential should be measured and even then it describes what
oxygen-reduction reactions are likcly to be occurring in the sediment in that localized area
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Committee
IX~l Old Business
as redox potentials tend to l1uctuate. For example, the brown to green color variation in
marine sediments marks the depth where nitrate has been reduced to Fe3t to FE 2+. The
color change can be reversed due to the oxidation properties of iron, The depth to the
brown - green transition provides a rapid way to estimate redox conditions in sediments
however this depth transition cannot be related to productivity (Rabenhorst and Parikh,
Thus the Statement from the executive summary point 6:
/1.\ (/ i\.'_',II/, -\Iii, '''-iii'"_:S ti, '-''"f'} i-' \/, ih-i.' l '! i!i -,fill"l.III';//\'.I'
';'/'('(/\ t(! ih i .i.\
h, II\< I, '/1>, II" Ii.. i"t i: "ill"', . should be suspect. Although
most mangrove sediments are characterized by negative redox potentials and anoxic
conditions that can persist to the surface, some of the surficial sediments near the landward
margins are aerobic in nature, possibly due to burrowing fauna. Mangrove sediments near
the surface often have highly variable redox, which result in various colors in the soil and
rapid changes in redox potential (Eh) over small distances
(Clark, et. aI., 1998).
Regarding Statements made in the executive summary #2 and #3:
'iii/l-;',gro/f/!'dscdinu'l!f 1.1(1.'1' In !liiJ" !U(.'(/!li'!!!'-. 1.11 ch /1'1" fiuli'! This
'>"cdime!!! 1\(!\ d/1f'I'url/!l<f,'(' 1'."l I in file (lj',',) Id/Ir'/',,\l'iI\ .11(1/
Bm /1: (JUL'! fit!;'1 tilld (
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Fine sediments are not uncommon and occur naturally in mangrove estuaries (Alfaro, 2005;
Van Santen, et., aI., 2007; Bala Krishna Prasad and Ramanathan, 2005; Alongi, et. aI.,
2005; Schmid, et., a!., 2006) often in the upper reaches of the estuary (Van Santen et., aI.,
2007). Therefore it is not unusual or even unexpected that the PBS& J found evidences of
these types of sediments within the Clam Bay system as there is often an active capture of
fine cohesive sediments by mangroves (Van Santen, et., aI., 2007). "Mangrove sediment
can provide a sink for trace metals since the mangroves create a baffle that promotes the
accumulation of fine-grained organic matter-rich sediment which is usually sulphidic due to
the presence of sulphate- reducing bacteria in the sediment" (Clark, et. a!., 1998).
Sediment accumulation is commonly a by-product of man-made narrow canal systems like
Seagate and Aqualane Shores. Additionally, previous investigations by Dr. Aswani Volety
(FGCU) that were performed for Save the Bays revealed that in Moorings Bay bottom
conditions in Moorings Bay varied from sandy, rock, shell rubble to muddy hypoxic
sediments. Rock bottoms particularly in those areas that are dredged would limit any
sediment inferences.
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Committee
IX~ 1 Old Business
20 of 23
Regarding Statement from 3.3 Task 3 - Sediment and Biological Health Characterization
General Biological Survey Results page 28
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Benthic Communities
Benthic communities are not composed of just seagrass, and macroalgae that are mentioned
in this report and given the low sample size (albeit cost driven) and the lack of stringent
survey protocols (visual only), and no repetitions overtime, there is no way to quantify the
benthic communities. The macrobenthic community alone covers a diverse spectrum of
species including but not limited to sponges, mollusks, worms, crabs, lobsters, prawns, etc,
(Ellison, 2008) which are not able to be quantified by the cursory inspection performed
during this study.
Thus statements such as those made in the executive summary #6 and 7 reiterated below do
not represent the "benthic communities" nor the inferences or comparisons made between
the "redox layer" and the diversity of these communities (given the methodology used,
limited sampling, and lack ofEh measurements, etc.) in Clam Bay and Moorings Bay
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The relationship between the ecological function and sediment properties in inter-tidal
mangrove forests is poorly understood due to the complex interactions between the abiotic
and biotic elements (Chapman and Tolhurst, 2004). . Soft sediments are complex, having
different physical properties, different degrees of microbes, fauna and trace metals that vary
spatially and temporally (Chapman and Tolhurst, 2007). Studies performed by Chapman
and Tolhurst (2004) revealed that variation in the benthos did not correlate to bio-dependant
properties of the sediment at any scale nor the properties of the sediment relate to any
habitat. Their data indicated that properties of the sediment were not related to the properties
and processes that drive the benthos, since there was a very large variation in benthos
within small sites. Thesc results emphasize the necessity of sampling at a hierarchy of
scales to make any definitive statements concerning the benthos as it relates to sediment
May 20, 2010 Clam Bay Committee
IX~l Old Business
(Chapman and Tolhurst, 2004).
Biogeomical sediment properties can change depending upon the biota directly through
consumption and indirectly by excretion. Benthos can change their local distribution
patterns as they move to find food. There is no neat correlation between grain size,
sediment color and benthic diversity as patchy distributions are common in soft sediments.
Since mangrove forests live in complex environments that have different habitats and
substrates with diverse macrobenthic fauna living on the sediment in different abundances it
is necessary to examine relationships between the sediment and benthic macrofauna at
multiple scales as direct correlations are often inadequate as benthos has differed among the
same habitats in multiple mangrove estuaries and even among replicates within the same
habitat (Chapman and Tolhurst, 2007). Thus while some sediment properties may be
important in determining the structure of macrofauna they are not consistent. Alternatively
some organisms may have similar effects upon sediments in different places while the same
species may affect the sediment differently trom place to place. One problem with many of
the studies that compare sediments and benthos is that there is little replication and the need
to carry out experiments at multiple scales across multiple habitats, without replication there
is a strong possibility that can lead to erroneous conclusions (Chapman and Tolhurst,
2007). The significance of trophic interactions and the mangrove sediments should not be
underestimated or ignored in understanding ecosystem health. The unexpected diversity in
patterns of resource use in mangrove systems (as described by Bouillon, 2008)
emphasizes the complex and highly dynamic environment of these estuaries which
complicates interpretation of trophic interactions necessary to promote faunal health
(Bouillon, et., aI., 2008). Thus the lack of apparent resources in Moorings Bay might not
support a diverse benthic community regardless of the sediment characteristics. Macro and
micro benthic organisms vary in scalcs of em to km and on temporal scales of minutes to
years due to the complex interactions between many biological and physical variables such
as tides, erosion, deposition, shore height, nutrients, grazing, settlement, migration and
episodic events like storms and human impacts. Patterns of variation in benthos and the
relationship to the sediment begs the question of does the sediment dictate the biota or does
the biota dictate the sediment as the biota can alter sediment porosity and grain size, organic
content etc. (Chapman and Tolhurst, 2004).
Small scale variation in spatial patterns is not unusual in intertidal environments. Some
studies show littlc variation in the benthos among different habitat relative to the smaller
scale variation within habitats. Sediments themselves also can strongly exhibit variations in
their properties within sites and within habitats of sites thus compounding the problems of
identifying simple relationships and the ability to make judgments on the types of benthos
associated with a particular sediment type (Chapman and Tolhurst, 2004). Mangrove areas
in particular may differ significantly in their benthic community compositions and
interactions. Seagrass areas tend to have higher numbers than mangroves which tend to
have lower numbers - although some estuaries have a high degree of macro-invertebrate
diversity across habitat. Some estuaries show scasonal variation in faunal assemblages.
Higher diversity of benthic habitats were found in
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Rookery Bay's mangroves than in the adjacent seagrass beds and unvegetated areas,
although other areas in Florida this was reversed (Alfaro,. 2005). This begs the question of
localized site specific differences and the difficulty in making assumptions about the benthic
community based on sediment characteristics and the ephemeral nature of the habitat.
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