TDC Minutes 08/03/2009 Subcommittee
August 3, 2009
Naples, Florida, August 3, 2009
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Collier County Tourist Development
Council Subcommittee, in and for the County of Collier, having conducted
business herein, met on this date at 3:00 PM in a REGULAR MEETING at
the Collier County Community Development Services Building, 2800 N.
Horseshoe Drive, Naples, Florida, with the following members present:
Chairman: Murray H. Hendel
Susan Becker
Clark Hill
Robert Miller
ALSO PRESENT: Jack Wert, Tourism Director
Colleen Greene, Assistant County Attorney
Kelly Green, Tourist Tax Coordinator
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August 3,2009
Chairman Hendel called the meeting to order at 3 :00 p.m,
A quorum was present.
Cedar Hames, Paradise Advertising, Rick Medwedeff, Tourist Development Council
member and Michelle Klinowski, Greater Naples Chamber of Commerce were also
There were no changes to the Agenda.
1. Regular Meeting July 13,2009
Ms. Becker moved to approve the minutes of the July 13,2009 meeting. Second
by Mr. Miller. Carried unanimously 4-0.
2. Regular Meeting July 20, 2009.
Ms. Becker moved to approve the minutes subject to the following correction:
Page 3 - paragraph 2 - bullet points 9 and 10 from verb "would" to verb "could"
in the first lines,
Second by Mr. Miller. Carried unanimously 4-0.
Jack Wert, Tourism Director outlined 3 budget options for FY 2010 as
indicated below,
1. FY 10 Tourism Marketing Plan Options:
Option A: February - April Marketing Campaign; funded from projected
tourist tax revenue oDly.
A marketing budget of $2,1 M, similar to the original marketing budget of FY
2009 with a $300,000 reduction,
Option B: MarketiDg Campaign extended to include summer to early fall:
funded from tourist tax revenues aDd emergeDcy funds
A marketing budget of$3.2M - The original budget of$2,lM plus utilization of
the approximately $1.IM available for use from "emergency marketingfunds,"
This was how the marketing campaign was conducted in FY 2009 (utilization of
the emergency funds).
OptiOD C: Year-round destination promotion; additional funding necessary.
A marketing budget of $5M - The original budget of $2.1 M plus the $1,1 M of
available emergency marketing funds, plus the need for an additional $I,8M from
a funding source to be determined,
Cedar Hames of Paradise Advertising presented a Slideshow "2010 Strategic
Marketing Plan" and provided the Spreadsheets "Naples, Marco Island and the
Everglades 2010 Media Recommendations - 2009 budget $3,2M and 2010 Media
August 3, 2009
Recommendations - Base Budget $2,1 M; and 2010 Media Recommendations -
Optimal Budget $5, OM" all dated July 24,2009 which outlined the proposed
Marketing Campaigns for the 3 options,
In conclusion, he noted with the expenditure of $5M in marketing funds annually,
the County will still be outspent by a 2 - 1 ratio by many of its competitors,
Chairman Hendel re-iterated $1.8M of additional funds will be needed to undertake
the "Optimal Budget" for Marketing in FY 2010. In addition, if expenditures were
increased for Marketing, can it be documented there is a positive return on investment
for expending the funds?
Jack Wert noted statistics indicate for every $1 spent in marketing, there is a $16.40
dollar return in investment.
Recommendations considered
1. The Funding of County Museums Operating Expenses by Tourist Tax Funds
be phased out over a 3-year period beginning in 2011 and ending in 2013,
reducing funding by 1/3 of the original total each year.
It was noted, there should be an explanation provided with the recommendation
outlining the rationale of eliminating the funding (competitors do not fund
museums in this manner, reports indicate museums are not "tourism drivers," etc.)
Consensus reached.
2. The interest earned on Tourist Tax Funds currently being utilized by the
County Clerk for Operating Expenses be re-instated to the Tourist Development
Council Budget.
Discussion occurred on the status oflitigation prohibiting this practice by the
County Clerk, when this practice would cease so the TDC may expect to obtain
the funds and Legislative requirements regarding the issue,
Colleen Greene, Assistant County Attorney and Jack Wert will formulate the
wording for a proposed recommendation.
Consensus Reached
3. Elimination of the Grant Fun ding for Non-County Owned Museums and
utilizing these funds for Marketing.
Discussion occurred on the merits of the recommendation as Non-County
Museums use the funds for marketing the destination outside the area and they
attract visitors from outside Collier County,
August 3,2009
In addition, should the Organizations be awarded an amount of funding, but be
required to submit expenditure requests back to the Tourist Development Council
(TDC) for approval of a specific advertising campaign(s)? This would ensure the
TDC has greater control over the use of the funds,
It was determined to further discuss the recommendation at the next meeting,
4. The $500,000 annually dedicated to Emergency Beach Reserves be redirected to
Marketing for a period of two years.
Jack Wert clarified this will require a Policy Change.
Consensus Reached
5. A full time position in the Tax Department, with the responsibility of the
employee to collect Delinquency Taxes (Tourist Taxes) funded by the TDC.
Discussion occurred on the issue of enforcement and collections from the renting
single-family properties short term,
It was determined to further discuss the recommendation at the next meeting,
6. Supporting the litigation by other Counties to determine the format 3rd party
online Hotel Room booking Agencies collect Tourist Taxes.
Discussion occurred on the merits of the litigation and was noted additional
information is needed for a decision,
It was determined to further discuss the recommendation at the next meeting.
7. The Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB) and the Greater Naples Chamber
of Commerce should combine the Tourist publications "Florida's Last
Paradise" produced by the Naples, Marco Island, Everglades Convention and
Visitors Bureau and "Naples on the Gulf' produced by the Greater Naples
Chamber of Commerce.
Ms. Becker presented a document dated August 3, 2009 - Subject "Florida's
Last Paradise 2009 and Naples on the Gulf 2009" for review.
Consensus Reached
8. The creation of a Staff Position "Information Center Coordinator" or similar
title to be under the direction of the Greater Naples Chamber of Commerce. The
position to be jointly funded at approximately $90,000 by the Convention and
Visitors Bureau and the Greater Naples Chamber of Commerce via a
Private/Public partnership
August 3,2009
Michelle Klinowski, Greater Naples Chamber of Commerce presented a
document for review entitled "TDC Subcommittee - Information Center
Coordination, "
Consensus Reached
Chairman Hendel noted this would require additional funds from the Tourist
Development Council budget above the $l,8M currently being considered,
Discussion occurred on how the Tourist Development Council can reduce Tourist
Tax expenditures on Beach Maintenance? Should County Residents pay an
annual dedicated fee for Beach Maintenance?
9. Redirecting $500,000 of the $2M a year currently allocated to the Beach Re-
nourishment Reserve Fund to Marketing for a period of 2 years.
It was determined to further discuss the recommendation at the next meeting,
Mr. Miller stated he would not be present at the next meeting, but is in favor of
the proposed recommendation for redirecting $500,000 of Beach Re-nourishment
Reserves for a period of 2 years,
Mr. Hill requested documentation, which indicates how the entire 4% of Tourist
Taxes collected is expended (Conventions and Visitors Bureau expenditures,
Coastal Zone Management expenditures, Parks and Recreation expenditures etc,
as applicable).
Chairman Hendel stated a recommendation of whether or not to raise the Tourist
Tax Rate will be addressed at the next meeting.
August 10. 2009 Tourist Office Conference Room
There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was
adjourned by order of the chair at 5:00 P.M.
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August 3, 2009
Murray Hendel, Chairman
These minutes approved by the Board/Committee on
as presented or as amended