TDC Minutes 11/23/2009 R November 23,2009 MINUTES OF THE COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL MEETING Naples, Florida, November 23,2009 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Collier County Tourist Development Council in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 AM in a REGULAR SESSION in Building "F" of the Government Complex, Naples, Florida with the Following members present: Chairman: Vice Chairman: Commissioner Donna Fiala Murray H. Hendel Susan Becker Clark Hill Rick Medwedeff Robert Miller (Excused) Ed (Ski) Olesky John Sorey III Rob Popoff ALSO PRESENT: Jack Wert, Tourism Director Gary McAlpin, Coastal Zone Management Director Heidi Ashton-Cicko, Assistant County Attorney Kelly Green, Tourist Tax Coordinator November 23, 2009 MEETING AGENDA & NOTICE COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL Collier County Government Center, Administration Bldg. F, 3rd Floor, 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, Florida 34112 NOVEMBER 23, 2009 9:00 a.m. Collier County Commission Chambers * Requires TDC Action I. Call to Order - Chairman Fiala II. Pledge of Allegiance III. Roll Call IV. Changes and Approval of Agenda V. Approval of TDC Minutes * 1. * Reaular Meetina October 26. 2009 VI. New Business 1. * Grant Review Workshoo 2. * Interest Allocation of TDC Funds VII. Old Business 1. Chicago Cubs Spring Training Update - Information Only 2. December 28, 2009 TDC Meeting VIII. Staff Report Presentations 1. Section I a. Paradise Advertisina b. Klaaes Research Reoort 2. Section II a. Director's Report b. Sales Manager Report c. P.R. Manager Report d. Film Coordinator Report e. Sports Marketing Report f. Fulfillment & Inquiry Summary-Phase V IX. Detailed Staff Reoorts X. Announcements 1. BCC-TDC Joint Workshop, February 11, 2010 (1:00 pm - 5:00 pm) XI. Audience Input & Discussion XII. Council Discussion XIII. Next Scheduled Meeting Date/Location - December 28, 2009 - 9:00 a.m. Collier County Government Center, Administration Bldg. F, 3rd Floor, 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, Florida 34112 XIV. Adjournment All interested parties are invited to attend, and to register to speak and to submit their objections, if any, in writing, to the board prior to the meeting if applicable. For more information, please contact Jack Wert at (239) 252-2402. If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the Collier County Facilities Management Department located at 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, FL 34112, (239) 252- 8380. Public comments will be limited to 5 minutes unless the Chairman grants permission for additional time. Collier County Ordinance No. 99-22 requires that all lobbyists shall, before engaging in any lobbying activities (including, but not limited to, addressing the Board of County Commissioners) before the Board of County Commissioners and its advisory boards, register with the Clerk to the Board at the Board Minutes and Records Department. November 23, 2009 I. Call to Order - Chairman Fiala Chairman Fiala called the meeting to order at 9:00 A.M. II. Pledge of Allegiance Pledge of Allegiance was recited. III. Roll Call A quorum was established. Mr. Popoff moved to allow Mr. Sorey to participate in the meeting via telephone due to "extraordinary circumstances." Second by Ms. Becker. Carried unanimously 6 - O. IV. Changes and Approval of Agenda Mr. Hendel moved to approve the agenda subject to the following additions. . Item VII - Old Business 3 - Update on TDC recommendations to the BCC on tourist funding. . Jack Wert, Tourism Director noted under item X. Announcements - the date of the TDC/BCC Workshop has been changed to February 10,2010. Second by Mr. Olesky. Carried unanimously 7- O. V. Approval of TDC Minutes 1. Regular Meeting October 26, 2009 Ms. Becker moved to approve the minutes of the October 26,2009 Meeting. Second by Mr. Hendel. Carried unanimous(v 7- O. Mr. Hill arrived at 9:08 a.m. VI. New Business 1. Grant Review Workshop Jack Wert provided the Executive Summary "Review TDC Grant Application Guidelines and Recommend Changes for FY 11 Grant Cycle" dated November 23,2009. He outlined the following grant application changes proposed by staff: Catel!orv"B": Page 6. Proiect Guidelines #5: Delete the paragraph referencing In Kind Matches. This is no longer applicable, as Finance will only reimburse for an actual expense that a check is written for. - The TDC recommended all references in the document to "In Kind Matches" be stricken. Page 7, - Special Note: delete matching funds paragraph per change on page 6. Page 8, - Delete #8 on letter from matching funds contributor per above change. Page 8. - Procedure for draw of funds: add new language "if tourist development tax funds become inadequate to fund all or part of a TDC grant, 2 November 23,2009 the County reserves the right to reduce funding to a grantee accordingly." Page 8, - Procedure for draw of funds: addition to Paragraph #2: "grantees are encouraged to submit requests for reimbursements at least quarterly to avoid year-end deadlines." Page 9, - Funding Category Guidelines: . Item I - Delete S125,000 available. Move the comment to the end of the section. The budgeted total for all Category B grants is $100,000. . First Time Events - Delete $50,000 total for that category. - The TDC noted the intent is to delete the "dollar amount" in the category, not eliminate ','first time events /I . Item III- Marketing Assistance - delete words "multiple location." Page 12. - Review Repeat Funding Guidelines for possible changes. - No changes were recommended hy the TDC. Page l3. - Authorized uses ofTDC funds: change to "out of Collier County media." Page 14, - delete "marketing studies or consultants" from non-allowable uses. Discussion occurred on the ramifications of adding the Marco lsland Museum to the County owned museums inventory and how this would affect TDC funding. The percentage of funds allocated to operations of County Museums would need to be spread over a larger inventory, or may require redirecting TDC funds from other accounts. Chairman Fiala noted she is recommending to the BCC, the County utilize the funds remaining from recent County construction projects (where money was saved due to declining construction costs) to meet any funding obligations for the Marco Island Museum. It was noted an action may be taken on the idea under Item XlI. "council discussion. " Discussion occurred on the ramifications of the wording on the top of page #4. "application and evaluation procedure" where applicants are cautioned not to contact members of the TDC and BCe. Mr. Hendel moved to strike the following language found on the top of page 4, the first paragraph of application and evaluation procedure: "The following procedure will be strictly followed. Applicants are cautioned not to contact any member of the Collier County Board of County Commissioners (BCC) or Tourist Development Council (TDC) regarding their request. All contacts should be channeled through the TDC." Second by Mr. Popoff. Carried unanimously 8-0. Discussion occurred on the requirement for the events being "off season "(May - December 15) and based on the current economy, should that limitation be removed~ 3 November 23, 2009 Mr. Hendel moved to strike any references to "May - December 15 (off season)" in the guidelines. Second by Mr. Sorey. Carried unanimously 8-0. Mr. Olesky moved to approve the recommended changes to the "Category B" Grant Application Guidelines (as proposed by staff and modified by the TDC herein). Second by Mr. Hendel. Carried unanimously 8-0. Catel!orv "C-2" It was noted the Section "Authorization HistOlY" on Page 2 should include a reference to the Tourist Tax increase to 4% in 2005. Page 5. Special Note: delete matching funds paragraph. This is no longer applicable as Finance will only reimburse for an actual expense that a check is written for. Page 5, Status Reports: final report change to "due within 45 days of close of the project." Page 6, Procedure for Draw of Funds: Add new language "if tourist development tax funds become inadequate to fund all or part of a TDC grant, the County reserves the right to reduce funding to a grantee accordingly." Page 6, - Add new Paragraph #2: "grantees are encouraged to submit requests for reimbursements quarterly to avoid year-end deadlines." Page 7 - Review guidelines for repeat funding for possible changes. - The TDC recommended the follOWing changes to the funding Request . Year 2, Up to 80% . Year 3, Up to 60% . Year 4, Up to 40% Page 9, Non-Allowable Uses: Delete # 8 if funding is to be allowed for capital projects. Discussion occurred noting the limitation should be removed from the Section to ensure TDC procedures are in conformance with the Florida State Statute and TDC Ordinance. Mr. Wert noted with the requirement deleted from the section, the requests for funding capital projects may be considered by the council on a case- by-case bas is. Page 9. Item #6: Delete "marketing consulting services" as non-allowable expenses. Page 11, - Change number of copies to be submitted from 20 to 15. Discussion occurred the requirements for the questionnaire outlined on page 5, "Documenting Economic Impact." and whether applicants should not be able to provide questionnaires of "their own design." Having a uniform questionnaire would provide continuity and assist the TDC/staff in analyzing the data. 4 November 23.2009 Speakers Robin Demattio, Freelance Marketing Agent noted she has clients that apply for Grants in "Category "C-2". She expressed concern on prohibiting the grantees from utilizing their own questionnaires. To suit their needs, a grantees questionnaire seeks additional feedback (other than that of the TDC questionnaire) from participants. She recommended the grantees continue to have the flexibility in developing the questionnaire. In addition, requested the council consider revising the deadline for the applications from March 15 to April 1. Joel Kessler, Naples Art Assoc. requested clarification if the references to striking "off season requirements for funding" in Category B will be stricken from other grant categories. Jack Wert noted he will: . Ensure the guidelines eliminate all references to "off season" . Post the applications in December and revise the submittal deadline to a business day in mid April. The council directed Ms. Becker to work with Ms. Demattio and develop a questionnaire that provides flexibility, and meets the objectives of both the grantees and the Tourist Development Council/staff Mr. Popoff moved to approve the recommended changes to the Category C-2 grant guidelines (as proposed by staff and modified by TDC herein)." Second by Ms. Becker. Carried unanimously 8-0. 2. Interest Allocation of TDC Funds Jack Wert provided the Executive Summary "Discussion regarding allocation of TDC Tax Fund Interest Earnings dated November 23, 2009. The interest earned is from a variety of TDC accounts (Fund 183 - Beach Park Facilities, Fund 184, Tourism Promotion and Advertising, Fund 193 Non County Museums, etc.) The BCC has requested a TDC recommendation on how the interest from the different Funds (Fund 183, etc.) be allocated. Mr. Sorey recommended the interest from the various Funds remain within the Funds which generated the interest. Mr. Hendel noted the TDC Subcommittee (which developed their recommendations for the TDC in August) did not know these funds may be available and if they had, it may have affected their recommendations. He recommended the interest generated remain within the Fund (Fund 183, etc.) and the status of the interest be evaluated on an annual basis. Mr. Medwedeff recommended the interest from all Funds be allocated to the Tourism Promotion and Marketing (Fund 184). Mr. Sorey moved that the illterest earned from the Funds (Fund 183, etc.) remain within the fund that gellerated the interest. Second by Mr. Hendel. 5 November 23,2009 Jack Wert noted Fund 184 - Tourism Promotion & Advertising, Fund 193 Non County Owned Museums, and Fund 196 - Emergency Advertising could be redirected to Fund l84, as the funds are associatcd with CVB efforts. Mr. Sorey amended the motion to allow the interest earned from the different Funds (Fund 183, etc.) remain within the funds with the exception of Fund 184, Fund 193 and Fund 196. Second by Mr. Hendel. Motion failed 2 "yes" - 6 "no." Chairman Fiala, Mr. Medwedeff, Mr. Hill, Ms. Becker, Mr. Popoff and Mr. Olesky voted "no. " Ms. Becker moved that the interest earned within allfunds (Fund 183, etc.) be redirected to Fund 184 (Tourism Promotion & Advertising) for a period of 3 years (FY 2010,2011 and 2012). Second by Mr. Hendel. Motion carried 7 "yes" - 1 "no." Mr. Sorey voted "no. " Break - 10:35am Reconvened - 10:45am VII. Old Business 1. Chicago Cubs Spring Training Update - Information Only Mr. Hendel provided an update on the feasibility of the Chicago Cubs re-locating their baseball operations and spring training facilities to Naples: . At the last TDC meeting, by a vote of7-l, it was determined recommendations be brought forth to the TDC regarding the proposal (appointment of a public panel to provide a "sounding board" to the private sector entrepreneurs, etc.) . Subsequent to the action. the County Attorney provided a memo indicating the TDC did not have the authority to recommend such a panel. . It has been deternlined a blue ribbon panel of public individuals will be formed independently with no official relationship with Collier County Government. . The private sector continues to pursue the endeavor and the public panel will act as "boosters" for the private sector effort. 2. December 28, 2009 TDC Meeting Mr. Popoffmoved to cancel the December 28,2009 TDC Meeting. Second by Mr. Medwedeff. Carried unanimously 8-0. Mr. Wert noted there will be a TDC/BCC Workshop on February 10, 2009 and members should providc any items for discussion to staff in advance (ifpossible). 3. Update on TDC recommendations to the BCC on Tourist Funding. Mr. Wert provided an update of the Board of County Commissioners decisions on the recommendations posed by the TDC: 6 November 23,2009 . The BeC approved utilizing $500,000 from the beach re-nourishment and beach emergency fund for a period of 1 year (a total of$l M) for tourist promotion and marketing. . The TDC recommended utilizing the beach funds for a period of2 years; however the BCC recommended a one-year re-direction of funds pending decisions from FEMA for beach maintenance re- imbursements. . The recommendation made today by the TDC (Agenda item VI.2) for the interest revenue on TDC funds win be forwarded to the BCC. . The recommendation to phase out TDC funding for the operations of County Museums was not approved by the BCC. . The Tax Collector has indicated there is no need for an additional staff person to oversee tax collection on the short-term rental of single- family dwellings, however public education efforts continue with success. . The recommendation for a coordinator for the visitor centers was deferred pending the submittal of additional information to the BCC. . The recommendation for combining the visitor guides (Chamber of Commerce and Convention and Visitors Bureau) was deferred pending further analysis on the feasibility of the mergers. . Jeff Klatzkow, Collier County Attorney noted the recommendation for the County to join the class action suit against the various e- commerce businesses engaged in providing hotel reservations to the public (Expedia, Travelocity, etc.) and the means by which they collect tourist taxes is still under review by staff. The council recognized Mr. Hendel and the TDC Subcommittee's effort in assisting to develop the recommendations. VIII. Staff Report Presentations 1. Section I a. Paradise Advertising Fran Vaccaro of Paradise Advertising provided a slide show on the marketing efforts through October for the Convention and Visitor's Bureau (CVB) including TV, online and print advertising, etc. Under council discussion, it was noted: . The concept for marketing Boston is too expensi ve at this point. . Staff determined Ohio does not have the required clusters of potential visitors within concentrated zip code areas for an effective television campaIgn. . Staff has requested hoteliers provide the CYB with "zip code analysis of visitors" to assist in developing future marketing efforts. b. Klages Research Report - Jack Wert Mr. Hendel recommended Dr. Klages provide a "refined" Executive Summary on the highlight and lowlight of the month and any related recommendations. 7 November 23, 2009 Jack Wert noted Dr. Klages performs data collection and analysis and it is not his function to provide recommendations. It is staff's responsibility to provide recommendations as necessary. The council noted it would be beneficial to ensure the questionnaire utilized by Dr. Klages garners detailed data on why the person(s) chose the destination for visitation. Jack Wert noted he would provide a copy of the questionnaire and related information for review by the council at the next meeting. In addition, staff does gamer visitor information through surveys on their website. Jack Wert provided a PowerPoint presentation on the "October 2009 Visitor Profile. " 2. Section II The following PowerPoint Reports were provided by staff: a. Director's Report - Jack Wert b. Sales Manager Report - Jack Wert c. P.R. Manager Report - Jack Wert d. Film Coordinator Report - Maggie McCarty e. Sports Marketing Report - Jack Wert f. Phase V - Fulfillment & Call Summary - Jack Wert IX. Detailed Staff Reports See attached reports submitted by staff. X. Announcements 1. BCC-TDC Joint Workshop, February 10,2010 (1:00 pm - 5:00 pm) XI. Audience Input & Discussion None XII. Council Discussion Mr. Sorey moved to request the Chairman of the TDC direct a letter to the remaining members of the BCC expressing the TDC's support for utilizing the remaining funds available from various projects to adequately fund the displays at the Marco Island Museum. Second by Mr. Hill. Carried unanimously 8-0. It was noted this was Chairman Fiala's last meeting and the TDC recognized her service to the council. XIII. Next Scheduled Meeting Date/Location - December 28, 2009 - 9:00 a.m. Collier County Government Center, Administration Bldg. F, 3rd Floor, 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, Florida 34112 . December 28. 2009 Meeting cancelled. . Next Meeting - regular January meeting 8 November 23, 2009 ***** There being no further business for the good ofthe County, the meeting was adjourned by order of the chair at 12:10 P.M. COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL Commissioner Donna Fiala, Chairman These minutes approved by the Board/Committee on as presented or as amended 9 AGeNDA ITeM Trn.E: j(6J .iu r...~, i' PlACl! C""PLETED FOAII ON THE TABLE LEFT OF THE OIMlN ntE SOARD IlDOU P_ TD THlSlJ8J1CT BEING HEARO. NAMI: ";;;c..L ~J/fr AIlDRaBl' ~M- ~L S T:rr~r /V~. f( 3<(/ov R.....INTING: PETmoNeR' )/a.tkd 4r I./.JO'.I/lII') OTHeR: COLu.R CouNTY ORDINANCE No. 07-24 REO"R.B THAT ALL LllB8YIITI BHALL.1lEFDRE ENDAOING IN ANY LOBIIYING ACTIVmES (INCLUIlING, BUT NOT UIMTED TO. ADORE"'NG THE IloARD OF CouNTY CONr.oIBKlNeRB. REGISTER WITH THE CLEoNTD THE i!oARD AT THE BoARD MtNulEo AND RecoRDS CEPARTMENT, 4~ FlOOR, W. H..MON TURN'R BuILoNQ, 3301 EAIr T_ TRAIL, NAPLEB, Fl. You ARe lamED To TH_ (3) MlNuru FOIl YOUR COlllleNTS AND ARe To AoD.... ONLV THe CH.... PLEAII& PRINT CLEAR". Y AGENDA ITEM NUIlB" : ~ Cl-?- ADENDA ITEIl TrTLI: AGENDA ,",II NUIlBeR : ~ COIlI'UTID FOIlIl ONlItI T...... LEFT "'-_III TIll SO_ ROoM MOIl TO -InJECT IIINQ HIAlla ..., . /) NAIlil ~.li)" ~".,.1'''~ Dl..._PRINT ClI!AJlLY RI'".ltlIllk PI'r1ncMJltAJA~ .. lJ.... A___ 3 '~}J ~UH;''',~ '~ ColuEII CouNTv OROlNANC& No. 07-24 REOlJ'RIS THAT ALL LOIBVlITISHAlL, "FORE ENGAGING IN.... L0B8VlNG ACTIVITIES (INllLUIlINQ, BUT NOT.....TID TO, ACOfl....... THE BoARD OF CouNTY CoI.tIMIBIONERB, REGIITIR WITH THE ClEAA TO THI BoARD AT THE 8oARO MiMJrEa AND FlacoRDlI O....TIIENT. 4~ FlOOR, W. HARMON TURNER BUll.llING, 3301 EAIT T...... TRAIL. NAPLEs, Fl. You ARILJIlIT!D 1'0 TH_ (3) MINUTES FOIl YOUR CoIlIlENTI AND ARe To ADOlI_ ONl. V life CHAIR. 0THIIIf ,.. ,..j~ I I Cl. ]<....1 I}