Ordinance 90-052 ORDINANCE gO-
WHEREAS, on January 5, 1~82, the Board of County
?'.~COlmlBalonare approved Ordinance Number 82-2, which established
:) Geotion 8, Supplementary District 'Regulations, Subsection 8.23,
i Off-Street Parking= Required Amounts, of the Collier County Zoning
Ordinance; and '
: WHEREAS, Robert h. Duane of Hole, Montes and Associates,
?I~O.~ representing Cynwyd Investment Management, petitioned the
.'. Board of County Commiss~oners of Collier County, Florida, to amend
Ord$~ance Number 82-2, the Collier County Zoning Ordinance as set
,,;: forth b~lov; "
..:'~ . NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by tbs Board of County
,' Commissioners of Collier County, Florida: -:
'!i 8BCTZOH ONE= ,]Vaandmants to Section 8, 02 Ordinance No. 82-2~ the
Collier County Zoning Ordinance.
Section 8, Supplementary District Regulations, Subsection
:~' 1.23,. Of£-S~reat Parking= Required Amounts, of Ordinance 82-2, the
ZOning Ordinance of Collier County, Florida is hereby amended to
read as follows:
8.23Off-Street Parking: Required Amounts. Off-street parking
requirements are as follows:
... , Agricultural Uses As fm' specific uses.
Art Gallery or Museum One space for each 250 square feet of
::. floor area open to the publio.
~:r' Bank or Financial As for professional or business office
,::. Institution provided any bank or financial
institution providing drive-in
facilities must have approval of a
Development Plan under Section 10.5
Barbershops & Beauty Three (3) spaces per chair.
. Bowling Alley Five (5) spaces per 1,000 square feet
of gross floor area.
, Words-st~ek-~h=eu~h are deleted; words ~ are added.
" 3'9 227
Child Cars Center, Day Tvs (2) spaces for oach employes ",
Nursey, Kindergarten plus adequate provision for loading
and unloading chlldron o£g the street
[ "
during peak hours. /"
COln-Op (Laundry, self- One space for oach two (2) washing
service) machines.
Commercial or Hember- Three (3) per court plus additional
ship Racquet Clubs spaces as required for other uses.
Dance, Art, Husic One (1) space for each 300 square
Studio feet of gross floor area.
Dry Boat Storage One (1) apace for each eight (8) dry
slips or any part thereof. In no
case, shall there ba less than three
(3) spaces for each dry slip storage
Elementary or Hlddle Two (2) spaces for each classroom or
School office room, plus one space for each
150 square feet of seating area
(including aisles) in any auditorium,
gymnasium, or cafeteria intended to be
used as a place of assembly, but where
seating is not permanently fixed.
Permanently fixed seating shall be as
for stadium, etc. below.
Funeral Home One (1) space for each two (2) seats
in rooms for services or chaps1.
Furniture or Carpet One (1) space for each 500 square
Stores;' feet of gross floor area.
Golf Courses Four (4) parking spaces for each golf
hole. Where restaurants, bars,
cocktail lounges and transient accom-
modations are made an integral part of
a golf course enterprise, then 50% of
the spaces required for the golf
course shall be credited to the
parking requirements of such supple-
mental facilities.
Hospitals Two (2) spaces per patient bed.
House of Worship Three (3) spaces for each seven (7)
seats in chapel or assembly area.
Industrial Activity One (1) parking space for each 1,000
square feet of the gross floor area in
the building up to 10,000 square feet
and then one (1) parking space for
each 2,000 square feet of gross floor
area thereafter, or one (1) parking
space for each two (2) anti-
cipated employees, whichever requires
the greater number of parking spaces.
If retail sales are conducted in
connection with such industrial use,
additional off-street parking shall be
provided as required by the provisions
hereof relating to such retail uses. ~
the portion of the structure allocated
for retail sales shall be used as a
basis for determining additional
Words-st~aek-th~eaqh are deleted; words ~ are added.
off-street parkinq to bo provided, In
no event shall there be fewer than
five (5) parking spaces provided p~r
Library, Community One (1) space for each 200 square est
Center, or Recreation of gross floor area, or one (1) space
Facility (not other- for each three (3) seats, whichever is
wise listed) greater.
Marina Two (2) spaces for each three (3) boat
slips or moorings.
~... Medical, Dental Office One (1) space for each doctor, nurse,
~:.. or employee, plus (2) spaces for each
~,. consultation, practice and/or
~;.: examining room.
Mobile Home Residences Two (2) spaces per dwelling unit.
Model Homes As determined by the Zoning Director.
~' Motel, Hotel One and one half (1 1/2) spaces per
<: unit for the first one hundred (100)
units plus one (1) space for each
additional unit thereafter.
New and Used Car Sales Ten (10) parking spaces, plus one (1)
space for each 200 square feet of
office and principal show~oom space,
plus one (1) space for each additional
1,000 square feet of repair and
maintenance space, none of which may
be used for merchandise inventory
parking. In no event shall there be
less than one (1) space for each
10,000 square feet of gross land area.
Nursing Nome, Home for One space per two (2) beds.
the Aged, Convalescent
~. Professional or One (1) space per 250 square feet of
'..' Business Office gross floor area on the first floor
level and one (l) space per 300 equate
feet of gross floor area for each
additional floor level.
Private Clubs, or One (1) space per 100 square feet of
: Lodges gross floor area.
Public Buildings (not As determined by the Director.
otherwise listed)
Public Tennis, Three (3) spaces per court.
Racquetball, or
;[:~ Handball Courts
;: .. Restaurants (Drive-In), One (1) space per thirty (30) square ..
~ Fast Food Service feet of gross floor area. Restaurants
!%:' with drive-thru facilities - subject
to Section 10.5)
Restaurants (other One (1) space for each two (2) seats
than drive-in), Bar, in public rooms, whether seating is
Night Club fixed or movable or one (1) space per
seventy (70) square feet of the gross
floor area, whichever is greater.
Words-st~mek-~h=eH~h are deleted; words~are added.
Retail Shops, Stores, One (1) space per 250 square feet of
Department Btorss, and gross floor area.
other unlisted Commer-
cial Usesr bu~-no~
e~-Shepp~ng-een~eFs. '"
Senior H~qh School As for elementary and ~ddle schools
except seven (7) spaces for each
classroom or office room.
Shoppinq Centers 9~e-~-spaee-pe~-~5-sq~a~e-feet-e~
Shopping Centers One ~ space ~er 21S sauare feet for
centers with eaross floor area less
than 400.000 sauare feet and without
~£gnifican~ cinemas/theaters rhone or
those with a total cinema/theater
, seatina capacity of less than 5 seats
DOt 1.000 square feet of the shoDDies
~nter's gro~s floor area).
One {1~ space Der 175 s~uare feet for
all other centers.
An area that ~s at least seven Percent
.(7%~ in size of the Perkins and
~gcessways areas, shall be developed
as areen space within the fron~
vardCs) or cg~F~vards, where the
courtyards are not located ~n rear or
side Yards. The seven percent
: ~ree~ space area shall be in addition
~9 other landscaDina reauirements o~
~e Zoni~a Ordinance. are not in
A~dition to the eden sDac9
re~uirements ¢Ord~nance Number 89-42)
and shall be labeled "Green Space" on
all site plans. Green space shall be
ggnsidered areas desisted
environmental, scenic o=
non-commercial recreation purposes and
shall be pedestrian-friendly and
aesthetically aDpealina. Green space
may only include the following: lawns.
mulch, d~corative Dlantinas.
non-e×ot~c trees, walkwavs within the
tn~er~o~' of the green space area not
used for sheDDing, fountai~, water
courses but not water retention areas.
wooded areas. Dark benches.
aDoroDriate liuhti~q, sculptures.
aazebos, and any other items that the
chief zonina official deem~
appropriate. Gree~ space shal~
include: walkwa~s within the interior
of the areen space area not used for
ShODDieS. a m~imum of i foot of Dar~
be~ch Der 1.000 sauare feet_of
buildi~a area with a m~n~mum lenath of
4 feet Der bench, and a minimum of 1
tree for each 200 sauare feet of areen
space area. Trees shall be a minimum
of 7 feet in height and 1.25 ~ches ~n
diameter at the time of Dlant~na. ~ :
least 50% of these trees shall be
Words-st~uek-threugh are deleted~ words ~ are added.
shade trees that will have a minimum
heiaht of 20 feet and a minimum spread
of 15 feet at maturitY. Existina.
healthY, non-exotic trees that are a
minimum of six inches ¢6"~ in diameter
at breast heiaht that are retained in
the areen space area shall be credited
at 1.5 times the amount for new trees.
Existina trees that are retained and
later die shall be r~placed by new
trees as described above at the same
rate at which they W~re credited. The
~reen area shall use existin~ trees
where Possible while ensurin~ that at
least one-fourth ¢1/4] of th~ green
area and all of the Dark beng~es are
located in areas that are in close
proximity to the retail shODDieS area.
No more than 10% of a shopping
center's total perkins reauirement may
be Placed in the rear of the shoDDina
center unless the ceDter h~s
convenient and well-liuhted front and
rear accesses for patrons ~nd
employees and where the rear buildings
are architecturally finished ad~acent
to the rear ~ccesses.
Single Family Dwellings Two (2) spaces per dwelling unit.
Stadium, Sports One (1) space for each (3) seats, or
Arena, Theatre, or one (1) space per forty (40) square
other place of public feet of the gross floor area, which-
assembly other than ever is greater.
thole listed elsewhere.
Supermarket One (1) space per ~ 200 square feet
or any part thereof of the gross floor
area for those not within a shoPDfn~
center. For those within a shoDoin~
center the parkin~ ratio shall b~
computed the same as for that shopDin~
center. Shall also meet the 7% ~reen
space area and 10% maximum rear
Darkin~ re~uirements as shown undee
ehoDDin~ centers within this section.
Temporary Parking for In the ~ase of a church, community, or
Sports Events, Re- other sporting event which operates
lig~ous Events, or on an intermittent or seasonal basis,
Community Events the required off-street parking may be
provided on a temporary basis and need
not be permanently designated, paved,
drained, or landscaped provided uss
has been approved and issued by the
Town or Row Mouse Two (2) spaces for each dwelling unit.
Two Family and Multi- Efficiency and one (1) bedroom dwell-
~amily Dwellings lng units: Two (2) off-street parking
spaces per unit for the first fifty
(50) dwelling units and I 1/2
off-street parking spaces for each
additional dwelling unit thereafter.
Two (2) or more bedroom dwelling
Words-st~mek-th=e~qh are deleted; words ~ are added.
units: Two (2) off-street parking
spaces per dwelling unit.
Travel Trailer - One (1) space per lot or campsite.
,: Campsite.
i!:' ' ~holeeale, Warehouse There shall be provided three (3)
or Storage Establish- parking spaces for the first 2,500
>':' meat square feet of floor area, and one (1)
~' parking space for each additional
ii 1,000 square feet or any part thereof
of floor area. In no event shall
there be fewer than three (3) spaces
provided per use.
SECTION TWO= Conflict and Sevsrability
In the event this Ordinance conflicts with any other
Ordinance of Collier County and other applicable law, the
lore reltrLctlve shall apply. If any phrase or portion of
the Ordinance is held invalid or unconstitutional by any
court of competent Jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed
a separate, distinct and independent provision and such
holding shell not affect the validity of the remaining
SECTION ~REE: Effective Date
This Ordinance shall become effective upon receipt of
~oticl from the Secretary of State that this Ordinance has
been filed with the Secretary of State.
.,. ' .:.~. .
.~.. '.:. .~,: .....
~.. A~T~ST: ..' .:'..
:) ,,,~,. =AMES. C.
· ' . c,:'
· ?f'.. /: .
~. , AP~..O~.. AS T~FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY. '1'~i. ordlnonc4, f~'-cl with the
! -.. :,~ ' . ..... :..',~, ·
Words-str~ek-threu~h are deleted; words ~tD&~ are added.
3'9,a: 232
f".i , I, JAMES C, flILES, Clerk of Courts In and for the
.-'l~antteth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do
~':': hereby certify that the foregoing ts a true copy of:
Ordinance No. 90-52
whLch waa adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on
the 12th day of June, 1990, during Regular Session.
WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the Board of
· .~, , County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this 20th
day of June, 1990. "
J BS c.
~;ij.~: Clerk of Courts and Cler~".'" ,j . ..'~
~x-offtclo to Board of ~' ; .~
~;. · ,. . ..~
Deputy Clerk