Ordinance 90-041 ORDINANCE 90- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 82-2, THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE iNCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY BY [ENDING SECTION 8, SUPPLEMENTARY DISTRICT - ~., ;GULATIONS, SUBSECTION 8.23, OFF-STREET PARKIN~ ~UIR£D AMOUNTS, IN ORDER TO REDUCE THE REQUIRErs, ~BER OF PARKING SPACES FOR HOUSES OF WORSHIP; tOVIDING FOR CONFLICT AND SEVERADILITY; AND BY zING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. approved Ordinance Number 82-2, which established Section ~' Supplementary District Regulations, Subsection 8.23, Off-Street Parking: Required Amounts, of the Collier County Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the Community Development Division hereby, petitions the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, to amend Ordinance Number 82-2, the Collier County Zoning Ordinance al ~e~ forth below~ NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida= ~ Amendments to Section 8, of Ordinance No. 82-2, the Collier County Zoning Ordinanc~. Section 8, Supplementary District Regulations, Subsection 8.23, Off-Street Parking: Required Amounts, of Ordinance 82-2, the Zoning Ordinance of Collier County, Florida is hereby amended to read as follows~ 8.23 Off-Street Parking: Required Amounts. Off-street parking requirements are as follows: Agricultural Uses As for specific uses. Art Gallery or Museum One space for each 250 square feet of floor area open to the public. Bank or Financial As for professional or business office Institution provided any bank or financial institution providing drive-in facilities must have approval of a Development Plan under Section 10.5 Barbershops & Beauty Three (3) spaces per chair. Parlors. Bowling Alley Five (5) spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area. Words-struek-threuqh are deleted; words ~nderlined are added. -1- 469 ,' Hu:sey, Kindergarten plus adequate provision for loading and unloading children off the street during peak hours. Coin-ap (Laundry, self- One space for each two (2) washing service) machines. Commercial or Member- Three (3) per court plus additional ship Racquet Clubs spaces as required for other uses. Dance, Art, Music One (1) space for each 300 square Studio feet of gross floor area. Dry Boat Storage One (1) space for each eight (8) dry slips or any part thereof. In no case, shall there be less than three (3) spaces for each dry slip storage structure. Elementary or Middle Two (2) spaces for each classroom or School office room, plus one space for each 150 square feet of seating area (including aisles) in any auditorium, gymnasium, or cafeteria intended to be used as a place of assembly, but where seating is not permanently fixed. Permanently fixed seating shall be as for stadium, etc. below. Funeral Home One (1) space for each two (2) seats in rooms for services or chapel. Furniture or Carpet One (1) space for each 500 square Stores' feet of gross floor area. Golf Courses Four (4) parking spaces for each golf hole. Where restaurants, bars, cocktail lour~es and transient accom- modations are made an integral part of a golf course enterprise, then 50% of the spaces required for the golf course shall be credited to the parking requirements of such supple- mental facilities. Hospitals Two (2) spaces per patient bed. House of Worship ene-~ Three (31 space& for each ~ seven ¢7) seats in ~hapel or eud~e~m assembly area. Industrial Activity One (1) parking space for each 1,000 square feet of the gross floor area in the building up to 10,000 square feet and then one (1) parking space for each 2,000 square feet of gross floor area thereafter, or one (1) parking space for each two (2) anti- cipated employees, whichever requires the greater number of parking spaces. If retail sales are conducted in connection with such industrial use, additional off-street parking shall be provided as required by the provisions hereof relating to such retail uses. the portion of the structure allocated Words-s~ruek-~hreugh are deleted; words underlined are added. i(, , -2- for retail sales shall be used as a basis for determining additional off-street parking to be provided. In no event shall there be fever than five (§) parking spaces provided per building. Library, Community One (1) space for each 200 square feet Center, or Recreation of gross floor area, or one (1) space Facility (not other- for each three (3) seats, whichever is wise listed) greater. Marina %%40 (2) spaces for each three (3) boat slips or moorings. Medical, Dental Office One (1) space for each doctor, nurse, or employee, plus (2) spaces for each consultation, practice and/or examining room. Mobile Home Residences Two (2) spaces per dwelling unit. Model Homes As determined by the Zoning Director. Motel, Hotel One and one half (1 1/2) spaces per unit for the first one hundred (100) units plus one (1) space for each additional unit thereafter. New and Used Car Sales Ten (10) parring spaces, plus one (1) space for each 200 square feet of office and principal showroom space, plus one (1) space for each additional 1,000 square feet of repair and , maintenance space, none of which may be used for merchandise inventory parking. In no event shall there be less than one (1) space for each 10,000 square feet of gross land area. Nursing Home, Home for One space per two (2) beds. the Aged, Convalescent Homes. Professional or One (1) space per 250 square feet of Business Office gross floor area on the first floor level and one (1) space per 300 square feet of gross floor area for each additional floor level. Private Clubs, or One (1) space per 100 square feet of Lodges gross floor area. Publio Buildings (not As determined by the Director. otherwise listed) Public Tennis, Three (3) spaces per court. Racquetball, or Handball Courts Restaurants (Drive-In), One (1) space per thirty (30) Square Fast Food Service feet of gross floor area. Restaurants with drive-thru facilities - subject to Section 10.5) Restaurants (other One (1) space for each two (2) seats than drive-in), Bar, in public rooms, whether seating is Night Club fixed or movable or one (1) space per Words-s~ru=k-through are deleted; words underlined are added. I seventy (70} square feet of the gross floor area, whichever is greater. Retail Shops, Stores, One (1) space per 250 square feet of Department Stores, and gross floor area. other unlisted Commer- ~.~ cia1 Uses, but not t..' including Supermarkets ii~.': or Shopping Centers. i~... Senior High School As for elementary and middle schools except seven (?) spaces for each ~. classroom or office room. Shopping Centers One (1) space per 175 square feet or any part thereof of the gross floor area. Single Family Dwellings Two (2) spaces per dwelling unit. ~;~ Stadium, Sports One (1) space for each (3) seats, or Arena, Theatre, or one (1) space per forty (40) square other place of public feet of tho gross floor area, which- ~'; assembly other than ever is greater. ~: those listed elsewhere. Supermarket One (1) space per 125 square feet or any part thereof of the gross floor i~ area. Temporary Parking for In the case of a church, com~munity, or }. Sports Events, Re- other sporting event which operates ~' ligious Events, or on an intermittent or seasonal basis, :'~ Community Events the required off-street parking may be ~ provided on a temporary basis and need ': not be permanently designated, paved, drained, or landscaped provided use has been approved and issued by the Director. ~.~ Town or Row House Two (2) spaces for each dwelling unit. ~:: TWo Family and Multi- Efficiency and one (1) bedroom dwell- ~ family Dwellings ing units: Two (2) off-street parking ;,,,. spaces per unit for the first fifty ~.: (50) dwelling units and I 1/2 off-street parking spaces for each additional dwelling unit thereafter. TWo (2) or more bedroom dwelling units: Two (2) off-street parking ~! spaces per dwelling unit. .,.~ Travel Trailer - One (1) space per lot or campsite. " Campsite. Wholesale, Warehouse There shall be provided three (3) or Storage Establish- parking spaces for the first 2,500 ment square feet of floor area, and one (1) parking space for ~ach additional 1,000 square feet or any part thereof of floor area. In no event shall there be fewer than three (3) spaces provided per use. Words-struek-~hrough are deleted; wo~'ds underlined are added. SECTION TWO: Conflict and Severability In the event this Ordinance conflicts with any other Ordinance of Collier County and other applicable law, the more restrictive shall apply. If any phrase or portion of the Ordinance is held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent Jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion. SECTION THREE: Effective Date This Ordinance shall become effective upon receipt of notice from the Secretary of State that this Ordinance has been filed with the Secretary of State. X . DATE: May. 22, 1990 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA JAMES C. GILES, CLERK }4~X--A.~ ~ASSE~, ~R., CHAIRMAH . ~UFFICI ENCY: ZO-90-9 ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS ~~ Words-struck-through are deleted; words underlined are added. STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF COLlieR ) I, JAMES C. GILES, Clerk of Courts in and for the "i. Twentieth Judtctal Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do ' :hereBy certify that the foregoing is a true copy of: ; Ordinance No. 90-41 ." which was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on the 22nd day of May, 1990, during Regular Session. WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the goa=d of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this 24th · day of May, 1990 " JAMES C. GILES .~%~ ~;. Bi:" Clerk of Courts and Cle~k~' . ..... .. Ex-officio to Board of ". .'..%'~ County Commissioners] ' ~:;' : ~ Deputy Clerk .' . ',.~