Ordinance 90-015 .. DIStrICTS ID~:{rIFIED AS Bf~k~[IBE IAKES Units 1 & 2," ~, ~, ~ ~ O~ ~ ~ ~ OF ~ ~I~ OF M1 of ~r~hi~ Lakes Unit 2 as ~ ~ Plat ~k 15. OJF~ORATE SQUARE ~lI~r LIG{FING MUNICIPAL S~ T~ is ~ ~i~larlv d~r~ as folly: ~1 of ~te ~s ~ ~ Plat ~k 14. ~q~ 27-28. ~l~ive. of ~e ~lic ~ of ~llfer ~. Florida: all ~ a ~ of S~ion 36. ~iP 49 ~, ~llier ~, Florida. ~n~in~ 37.92 a~ ~ or les~ OT~,q~YSIDE 1, ~ ~ 3 $TREET LIGHTING ~{O~ICIPAL SERVICE 3AXlT~ ~i~ is m~ ~a~i~larlv d~ as follow: ~1 of ~s~de 1. 2 & ~ as ~ ~ Plat ~k 14. ~0-52. 55-56. a~ 78-80, ~l~ive. of ~e ~lic ~ of ~llier ~. Florida: ~1 ~i~ a ~ of ~ion 5, ~in 50 ~. ~e 26 ~st. ~llier ~y, Florida. ~n~in~ 175.39 a~ or l~s, o ,. GOODIAND STREET LIGHTING MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING UNIT which is particularly d~-ribed as folly; ~_~1 of land in Sections 18 and 19. Towr~hiD 52 South. Rar~ 27 East, Collier Oountv. Florida. and'lvin~ south and ~-t of the Marc~ ~[Yer and lying north of Blue Hill Creek. 1 Words stz~a:k-thr~h are deleted; woz~s underlined are added. H3IRFIEID SUBDMSlON ST~ LI(2~I]~G P[~rICIPAL Sq~VICE TAX/A~; UNIT which is mor~ Particularly described as follow~; All of M~irfield Su~ivision as r~cor~ed in Plat Book 1~., Paqe 75. of the Public R~cords of Collier County. Florida: all bein~ a part of Sections 20 & 21. TOWED 50 ~o~th, RaD~e 26 East. Collier County, Florida, qx~ntainin~ 19.686 acres more Qr le~, ~nqNG.~3NICIPAL S~TCE TAXING morro particularly described as follows; Ail of River Reach Subdivision as r~corded in Plat ~cok 14. P~es 23-25. inclus[y_~(~ public r~c~rds of Collior _~ Florida; all bein~ a part of Section 35. Township 49 So~, Rathe 25 East, C~llier County, Florida. containir~ 112,12 acres mor9 or less, SE}AlICE TAXIING DISTRI~ which is more particularly described follcws: A portion of Tracts A and G. Riviera Colony Golf Estates. Tract MaD, as recorded in Plat Book 10. Pa~es 104 thr~ 08, Public B~c~r~is of C~llier County. Florida, described as Frc~ t3:e POINT OF BEGINNING at the most northerly corner Of LOt 136. Riviel-a Colony Golf Estates Unit One. as r~cor~ed in Plat Book 10. Pa~es 109 thrpu~h 113. said Public Records. z~n the follow~ courses alon~ the boundary line of Tract G. Riviera Colony_ Golf Estates-Tract M~3D: 30.00 feet alon~ the ~rc of a curve, concave to ~lg~k'~ast~_]klYll]n a r~14~ of 440.00 fe~.t and subtended ~7~ chord having a length of 29.99 ~eet and bearirm N 46'~8'~4" W; $ 44'58'38" W. for_9_0.00 feet; thence t~ Tract A, Mid ~j~qn~ Golf Lnt~tes Tract ~%D; continuing $ 44'58'~$" W. for 10.00 feet: ~De p~%r~.j3_el w~th ar~ 10.00 feet frc~ the boundarv lin~ ~-~¢J~s ~ add G: ~3~.70 feet a%ong the arc of a curve, concave to the Dortheast. havir~ a radius of 540,00 feet ar..~ subtended by a ~lYJ~[~ of 512,24 feet and bearing N 16'42'32,5" W to a ~int Q~ tar~er~; N 11'36'17" E. for 262.42 feet to a .hoist of cAkrvature: 843.40 feet a~onq the arc o~ a c~e, conC~v~ ~0 the havir~ a radius of 710.00 feet a~d subt~¢~ bva c~ord hav~Dq length of 7~,~ feet and bearir~ N 22'25'~" W to a point of tan~encv; N 56'27'23" W, for 139.96 feet; N 26'04'51" E. for 10,08 feet to a ~oi[l%__Dll_~_~ of Tract G; th~nc~ .C~lQ[!q_thg_~klrY lin~ of Tx-act G: continuing N 26'04'51" ~eet; N 56'27'23" W for 40.00 feet; $ 3~'3~'37" W. for 25.00 feet to a point of cu_rv~tur~: 37,~4 feet alor~ the arG of a Curve, CoDcaTe to the southeast, havir~ a 1-adius of 137.85 feet s-ubte~d~d bY ~ chord havir~ a ]er~ of 37.02 feet ar~ bearir~ $ 25'49'33" w to the portheasterlv ~or~ of ~,ot 75. said Riviel-a Colony Golf Estates - Unit One; thence N 71'53'31" W, alor~g the north lJ~~~%_7~,_foL~nQ~QQ_/9~l~d__~h~lC~ N 53'38'57" W for 6~.48 feet to the noriheast corner of Lot 56. ~id ~vlera Colony Golf ~J~tes - Unit One.; thence N 67'59'46" W. alon~ the DO~J~h line of f~;r~2~5_f%~%_~_Q_~_IxTjnt on t~M~__l~l~y of Txnct G; t]~ence alo~q ~id bo~uxt~rv; ?~2.05 feet aloDg the ar~ of a curve, concave to the Dortheast. havin~ a radius o~ 110.00 feet a~d .%~Abte[]~ ]~y a chor~ h~fi~[~I~h__of 22~Q1 fce, d%_~u]d bearir~ S 50'42'49" E to a point of t,%rN~M~C~; $ 56'27'23" E for 151.95 feet; S 27'12'12" W. for 100.62 feet; $ 56'27'23" E, for 20.00 feet; N $)'$~',~7" E. for 75,00 feet: thence thr~ Tract G: S 56'27'23" E for 160.00 feet; S 33'32'37', ~, for 10.00 foot: S 56'27'23" E. for 101.18 fv~: N 38'06'16" E. .for 31.97 feet to a point o~ the boun~y o~ Tvact Q; therxDe along .s~id boundary: 5~4.76 feet a~oDg the arc of a curve,_~r~ve to the southwest, havir~ a r~dius of 990.0Q feet and sub~ended bva cho~ h~L~_~L~L~.[l~.~]_i99~Xl_~ing S 35'50'32" F~L/43_7~ E, for 11,57 feet; S 12'14'36" E. for 100.00 feet; N 77'45'~4" E. for 20.00 feet: N 12'14'36" w. for 182.13 feet; N ~Z'45'24" E. for 124.26 _feet: N 77'45'24" E, for 124.26 fe~t: S 57'14'36" E, for 124.26 feet: ~ 12'14'36" E. for 82.13 feet: N 77'45'24" E. for 96.76 feet to a roint of curvature; 2.~ feet alor~ the ~ of a ~e. ~v~ ~ ~[]~ N 74'24'20" E; ~ S 17'56'43" E. for 160.00 f~t ~ 12'14'36" E. for 335.20 f~t to a ~int of ~~; 145.47 f~t ~ ~ S 36'45'25" E to a ~t of ~; S 61'16'14" E, for 91.06 f~t; N 73'4)'46" $, for~8.28 f~t; S 61'16'14" E. for 1~.~6 f~t: S 16'16'14" E. for 124.26 f~t; S 28'43'46" W. for 124.26 f~t; S 73'43'46" W. for 124.26 f~t: N 61'16'14, W, for 124.26 f~t; N 16'16'14" w, for 28.28 f~t: N 61'16'14" W, for 91.06 f~t to a ~t of ~~; 367.95 f~t alo~ ~e a~ of a ~%ve %Q ~ ~east. ~%vi~ a ~di~ of 430.00 f~t ~6'45'25" w to a ~t of ~; ~l ~'~4'3~" W, for 33).~0 ~t; S 77'~5'24" w, for 164.38 f~t; N 12'14'36" W. for 100.00 f~t; s 77'45'24" w. for 30.00 f~t: S 12'14'36" E. for 100.00 f~t; 77'45'24" w, for 14.~0 f~t to a ~t on ~e; ~81.69 ~t 990.00 f~ ~ ~t~ ~ a ~o~ hav~ a 1~ of 280.74 ~ ~ S 03'27'12" W to a ~t of ~; S 11'36'17" W, for ~62.42 f~t to a ~t of ~; 251,39 f~t alo~ ~e ~ O~ ~e, ~%ve to ~e ~~. ~v~ a ~di~ 9f 260.00 f~t 16'05'39" ~, s 46'1~'25" w, for 100.00 ~t to a ~t on ~e; 40.00 f~t alo~ ~e a~ of a ~e, ~ve to ~e ~~, ~v~ a ~dl~ of 360.00 f~t a~ ~t~ by a ~o~ ~v~ a 1~ of 39,98 f~t ~~_$ 46'58'34" EI S 46'34'53" W, for 80.45 A portion of Tract G, Riviera Colony Golf Es~[es-- T~ac: Map. as recorded in Plat Book 10. pa~es 104 through 108 inclusiv,. Public Records of Collier Count, Florida, ~e~6fibed ns follows: lle~innin~ at th, northeasterly corner of the right-of-way of Mar~eiHo Drivo South, a~ sho~m on the plat of Riviera Colon~ Golf Estates ~, ~ recorded in Plat Book 10. pa~es 109~113 inclusive, said Public Records, bein~ a point common to ~rnc~ C, P~nd-~G, said plat of Riviera Colony Golf Estates--Tract ~lap; run the fo]lowing courses: North 16000'00. East, for fl54.~5 feet to a point of curvature; thence 171.76 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the yest. having a radius of 470.00 feet and subtended by ~ chord havin~ a ]en~h of 170.80 feet ~nd bearing North 05°31'51. East; thence North 85°03'42' E~t, for 100.00 feet to a point on curve~ B5.63 feet ~ong the ~c of a curve, concave to the southwest, havln~ a radiu~ of 570.00 feet and subtended b~ a chord having a length of feet nnd bearinfi North 06°4~',14' %Vest~ thence South 88~fiI'2~' l':n~t, for 60.78 feet, to a point on curve~ 29~ feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the southwest, havin~ a radius of 630.00 feet and subtended b~ a chord ~: a length of 29.17 fuel and bearin~ South 06°1fi'53' ~ast; thence North 85°0~'47 East. for 100.00 feet to a .point on curve, 15~.~5 feet along th~ arc. of a curve. concave to the west. having a radius of 7~0.00 fee~ subtended by a chord hav~ng a len~h of 15~.05 feet and be~ing South 0t~tt'50.5' West; thence South 74000'00, 3 Words s~r~]~-%hrcugh ara deleted: ~rds !~ are added. East, for 46.21 feet; thence l~orth 61'00'00' East, for 28.25 fe~t: thence South 74'00'00' ~aat. for 124.26 feet: thence South 29'00'00' East, for 124.26 feet; thence South 16°00'00° West, for 124.26 feet; thence South 61'00'00' West, for 124.26 feet; thence North 74°00'00' West, for 182.13 feet; thence South 16°00'00- West, for 81.99 feet; thence South 64°36'47. East, for 201.31A £eet; thence South 25°23'13, West, for 100.00 feet, to a point on the south boundary qf Tract G; thence along said south boundary South 64°36'47' East~ for 40.00 feet; thence South 25~23'13' West, __far 60.00 feet to a. point on the souther! riKht-of-way of Marsei[le Drive South extended; thence North 64°36'47' West along said right-of-way' for 257.43 feet, to a point of curvature, 206.41 feet alon~ the a~c of a curve, concave to the South, having a radius of 540.00 feet and subtended by a ~hord having a length of 205.15 feet ~ be~rin~ North 75o33'47.5. West; thence North 03°29'12' East, for 60.00 feet to the point of beginning. Said Innds situate, lying and being in Collier County, Florida, containin~ 6.18 acres, more or less; and A t)ortion of Tract G, Riviera Colony Golf Estates-- Tract Map, as recorded in Plat Book 10, pages 104 through 108 inclusive, Public t~.ecords et L;oilier Uount¥, FlOrida; ~t~}l:ribed as follows: Beginnin~ at the West (~uarter Corner of Section 17t Township 50 South, Ranlie 26 ~ust, as shown on the Plat of Riviera Colony Golf tares--Unit One as recorded in Plat Book 10, pages 109 through 113 inclusive, of the Public Records, Collier County, Florida, thence run the foliowin~ courses and distances: South 00°55'20' East, 19.78 feet to the point of beginning; thence South 70%0'00' West, for 49.85 feet; thence North 88°51'22' West, for 60.78 feet; thence South 81~28'50° West for 100.00 feet to a point of c,-,rvature; thence 308.41 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to t-]~ southwest, havinl{ a ra~iius of 470.00 feet and su-'~-~ by a chord having e length of 1102.91 feet North 27°19'05' West, to a po;at of reverse, curvature; thence 832.67 feet nlon~ the arc of n curve, concave to _east? havinf: a radius of 530,00 feet and subtended by. a chord havintl a length of 749.64 feet and bearing North. 01°06'32. West; thence South 46°06'04. East, for 10~Y0 feet; thence South 63~07'50' East, for 94.13 feet; thence North 43°53'56. East, for 180.01 feet; thence South 46°(6'04' East, for 60.00 feet; thence South -~'~e~t, for 167.57 feet; thence South 46°06'04' East, for 100.00 feet; thence South 43%3'56' West for-~[0.00 feet to a .}?.olnt of curvature; thence 398.39 feet along the arc o~ curve, concave to the east, having a radius of 270.00 feet -~T'~s,,ht,,.de,{ by a ch.rd ]mvlng a length of and L~earm{~ Sou-~--~l ~l q-~.o~--'~Vest; thence 52°06'00' East, for 167.83 feet; thence North 07°06'00' E___n.s~u f_cr 28.28 feet; thence North 52°06'00' East, for t'~enc~uth 37%4'00' East, for 124.26 feet; thence South 09°44'25. West, for 150.47 feet; thence South 64°30'00' East. for 143.04 feet; thence South 19°30'0"~r -i ~.i~i] thence Sout~. 7-0-~ 30'00' 'vVest, for 124.26 feet; thence North 64°30'00' West, for 28.28 feet; thence South 70°30'00' "~V'est, for 211.58 feet to the point of beginning. S~i~'l~----ds ~it, uate. lying and bqin~ i~ CO1)i~r County, Florida. _C._o_I!tai___njn_g 11.22 acres, mor~ Vt'less: and /x !,~rti,m ,~f 'l'ra,;t G. Riviera Colony Gulf Tract Map, as recorded in Plat Book 10. sages 104 through 108 inclusive, Public Records of Collier County, Florida, described as follows: Be. ginning pt~ ~h~ southwest corner of 4 the n0rthw~L~ quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 17, Township ,50. South, 1Rang~ 26 East, as shown on the Plat of Riviera Colony Golf Estates Tract Map as recorded in Plat Book 10, pages 104 through 108 inclusive, of the Public Records of Collier Countyt thence run the followinz course: South 89°08'18. East~ alon~ the northeast bound- ar}, of Tract G, for 12'/9.38 feet~ thence South 00'29'5?' East, continuin~ nlon~ said boundary for' 651,50 feet; thence through Tract G, South 89°30'03. ~Vest~ for ll0.00 f~'St; thenc~ SoUth 71'03'57' West, for 63.24 feet; thence ~uth 89'30'03' West, for 82.50 ' feet; thence South ?;'58'17' We~t, f,r 18.60 feet to a point on the boundary of Tract G} thence along sam bou.pdary South 89'30'03' West, for 156.82 feet to a point of c~vature; thence 418.34 feet along the nrc of a curve, concave to the northeast~ having n radius of 9-10.00 feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 414.89 fee'i ~d bearin~ North ~'4.i'58.5; We'st, to.a point, of tlngency; thence North 65'00'00' West, for 467.51 feet to a point of cu~ature; thence 148.10 feet Mong the arc of a curve, concave to the northeast, havin~ a radius of 540.00 feet and subtended by n chord having a length o~ 14g.64 feet nad bearing North 5~'08'35' West; thence North 43~53'56' E~t, for 10.02 feet: thence North 46'06'04' West, for 60.00 feet; thence ~outh 43'fi3'56' ~Vest, for 10.02 feet to a point of curvature; tli~nc~ 98.51 feet alon~ tho arc of a curv~ concave to the northeast havln~ a radius of 540.1~ feet find subtended by a chord ~avin~ a len~h of 98.37 feet anff benrin~ North 3~41'24.5' West: thence, throu[h Tract G North 59'32'10' East, for 110.00 feet; thence North 43'19'37' East, .for 83.14 feet; thence North ~5'00'00' East. for 110'.05 feet to th~point, of beginning. 'Said lanes situate, 1~ and geint in eollkr County, Fl=rids. Containing 18.85 acres, more or less. iOrd. No. 804~6, f=, 12.a0-80) ~Y~ ~O ~ i ~y ~ ~ 1 i 2 ~ ~ S~ T~ ~ ~i~ is m~ ~i~arlv d~ ~ foll~l ~k 15. ~ 16-18. ~l~ive. of ~e ~lic ~ of ~lli~ ~. Florida; all ~ a ~ of S~ion 17. ~iD 50 ~e 26 ~, ~lli~ ~. Flori~. ~n~ 96.57 a~ or l~s: ~ ~k 15. ~ 19-20. ~l~ive. of the ~lic ~;<'~.of ~lli~ ~. Flo;L~: all ~i~ ~ ~X of Salon 17. ~/iD 50 ~ 26 ~. Collier ~. Flori~, ~a~ 70.58 a~ TAIL PINES SUBDMSION STRE~r IXQfl~NG MUNICIPAL $~ ~ ~ ~i~s rare ~i~lv d~ as foll~l ~ 71. ~lusive. of ~e ~lic ~]s og ~1!t~ ~, Flori~ ~ ~qDI~IA PARK I STREET LIGHTING MUNICIPAL S~3ArICE TAXING UNIT which All o[ victoria Park I as recorded iD ~)at ~)o_k 11. Pages 7-~x i~.. of the Public Records of Collier County. Florida: ali ~$cc_~%lQn 2~. Tc,,Tahto 48 South. Rarno 25 East. Collle_~ Oountv. Florida. - 5 are delet~ed~ ~a:)tx:Ls Lugct~'l~ ~ added. In the event this Ordinance oonfli~ with any other o~ of Oollier Oounty or other al~licable law, the ~re restrictive r4~all a[~ly. If any l~hrasa or portic~ of the Ozdinanc~ is held invnlid or unconstitutic~al by any court of ccr~etent Jurisdiction, sud~ portic~ shall be deemed a sepaz-ate, distinct and ind~ent provision and b'uch holding shall not affect the ~his ordinance shall take effect u~on receipt of not~oe frcm the Secretary of State that this Ordinance h~s been filed with the Secretary of State. PASSED ~ND UJL¥ ADOF~D by the ~ of Comty Om~issi0rezl of Collier County, Florida, this 13th. day of February , 1990. ' .~.~ /.%. '..'. This ordlnanc, fll~cl with the ~.~t C~xmty Attorn~ Secre~ry of,,~c~e's and ocknow~edgement ~f that Words sg_r~_k~ are deleted; w~rds ~xlerlined ars added. 51 STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF COLLIER ) X, JAMES C. GILES, Clerk of Courts In and for the · Twentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do t! hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of: ~.~ %'. Ordinance No. 90-15 which was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on ~he 13th day of February, 1990, during Regular Session. WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the Board of Ccunty Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this 20th day of February, 1990. JAMES C. GILES -' Clerk of Courts and Clerk,.'u\~ ...... '~... Ex-officio to Board of ' County Commissioners ..' ".. '.~'. (By: /s/Maureen 'Kenyon.,.