CLB Agenda 03/12/2010 AGENDA COLLIER COUNTY CONTRACTORS' LICENSING BOARD DATE: FRIDAY - MARCH 12,2010 TIME: 9:00 A.M. W. HARMON TURNER BUILDING (ADMINISTRATION BUILDING) COURTHOUSE COMPLEX ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION OF THIS BOARD WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS PERTAINING THERETO, AND THEREFORE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THAT TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. I. ROLL CALL II. ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS: III. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: DATE: FEBRUARY 17, 2010 V. DISCUSSION: (A) End of the Month Report - February 2010 VI. NEW BUSINESS: (A) Rolando Alvarez - Waiver of Examination (B) Gregory Westgate - Qualify 2nd Entity (C) Cory Maile - Review of Construction Experience Affidavits (D) Eric J. Baker - Waiver of Examination (Reinstatement) (E) Leonard Allen - Contesting Citation (F) Robert James Wayne Jr. - Waiver of Examination(s) (Reinstatement) (G) Todd Grup - Review Building Contractor License per Order of the Board (H) Orders of the Board (Signing) VII. OLD BUSINESS: (A) Adam S. Sandifer - Review of Credit Report (Six Month Review) (B) Peter Geresdi - Request for an Extension to Pay Board Fines VIII. PUBLIC HEARINGS: (A) Case #2010-01 (Continuation) Maharay Borrego D/B/A: Mary's Kitchens & Interiors, Inc. IX. REPORTS: X. NEXT MEETING DATE: WEDNESDAY APRIL 21,2010 W. HARMON TURNER BUILDING, 3RD FLOOR (COMMISSIONERS MEETING ROOM) 3301 E. TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FL 34112 (COURTHOUSE COMPLEX) February 17,2010 TRANSCRIPT OF THE MEETING OF THE COLLIER COUNTY CONTRACTORS' LICENSING BOARD Naples, Florida February 17, 2010 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Collier County Contractors' Licensing Board, in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 a.m. in Building "F" of the Government Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following members present: Chairman: Thomas Lykos Terry J erulle Kyle Lantz Richard Joslin Michael Boyd Lee Horn Patrick White ALSO PRESENT: Ian Jackson, Building Review & Permitting Michael Ossorio, Building Review & Permitting Robert Zachary, County Attorney's Office Patrick Neale, CLB Attorney Page 1 February 17,2010 (The proceedings cornrnencedwithout Mr. Boyd and Mr. Horn being present.) CHAIRMANL YKOS: All right. Let's calLthe meeting to order of the Collier Contractor Licensing Board. Today is Wednesday, February 17th, 2010. Before we get started, for the record, any person who decides to appeal a decision of this board will need a record of the proceedings pertaining thereto and, therefore, may need to ensure that verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes that testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. At this time I want to remind everybody to speak slowly and speak one at a time into the microphone because we're being recorded. We'll start with roll call to my right. MR. JERULLE: Terry Jerulle. MR. LANTZ~'Kyle Lantz. MR. JOSLIN: Richard Joslin. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Tom Lykos. MR. WHITE: Patrick White. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: And, thankfully, Patrick got here just-- just in the nick o(tjlpe, and.we do hav~ a qyo~. So we'll have official business today. Thank you. MR. WHITE: On-time delivery. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Any additions or deletions to the agenda? MR. JACKSON: Good morning. Ian Jackson, Contractor Licensing, Collier County. The staff has one addition, a request to authorize the chair to sign orders to paytheciviLpenalties, and that will conclude the additions and deletions. (Mr. Boyd entered the room.) CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Those are additions and deletions. I need a motion to approve. MR. JOSLIN: I'll make a motion that we approve the agenda. MR. LANTZ:-Second,Lantz; Page 2 February 17,2010 .,_....., CHAIRMAN L YKOS: All those in favor? MR. JERRULE: Aye. MR. LANTZ: Aye. MR. JOSLIN: Aye. MR. WHITE: Aye. MR. BOYD:. Aye. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Opposed? (No response.) CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Motion carries. Thank you. MR. OSSORIO: Mr. Chairman, just before we get started, for the record, Mike Ossorio, Collier County Contractor Licensing. Just to let you know, Mr. Jamie French is herein the building. If you want to speak to him, he's -- any questions during the meeting, he'd be willing to help you answer any questions. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. Mr. French, did you want to address the board at any specific time? MR. FRENCH: I'll do it right now. CHAIRMAN LYKOS: That's great. Thankyou. MR. FRENCH: Good morning. For those of you that don't know me, my name's Jamie French. Sorry I'm a little winded. I just ran in from the parking lot. I just wanted to introduce myself to you today and, also, take the opportunity to tha1J.k. you. I know as prQfessiQnal& and as community members this takes a lot of your time, and as -- from staffs point of view, we certainly appreciate the civic pride that you show by being on these boards. I just wanted to talk to you a little bit about some of the reorganization that's going on at CDS and -- just to let you know that Mike's group has been brought in with the operations piece. Excuse me. I'm just trying to get caught up. But at any rate, what -- what's happening is that we're actually looking at some of the efficiencies that we could install, and not just Page 3 .,": ~'.-(. ~. ~: February 17,2010 the services that he provides but, also, some of the other services that we provide in cornrnunity development. And with that what we've done. is thatwe '.:ve , actually brought over some additional staff to help Mike on that front-end line, but in return Mike's going to provide us some oversight on some of the other licensing functions that goes on within our organization. So it really is a cost benefit to not just the community but, also, to Mike's organization because it gives him two additional staff members that he's not currently budgeted for or paying {or on that frontline that'll actually free him up and get him more out in the field. Also, we are working very closely -- part of my organization is that we're an integrated operations support so that we are still working very closely with the building official. The building official does provide some oversight to Mike. He's still involved in the permitting function, and he's going to be very l11uchapart"of Cornrnunity Development from this point forward. So the only thing that we do see in the future is finding out where we can even be more efficient here. So if there's anything that I can answer for you from this point from an operations point of view, I'm certainly happy to. ~_~ that. MR. JOSLIN: What other types of licensing factors are we going to be responsible for hearing cases on? MR. FRENCH: This board will not be responsible for anything -- we -- we don't envision that you'll be responsible for anything more than what we're currently asking you to do, but Mike will be serving as a staff liaison to-the consumer advisory board",which meets about quarterly. At the very most it would meet once a month. And, really, what they do is they provide regulatory oversight over the vehicle for hire -- this -- this -- this -- was formerly known as the Public Vehicle for Hire Board. What happened is that the Board of County Cornrnissioners recognized that there may be some conflict, may be some protectionism'as that..;~ as,that board was currently Page 4 February 17,2010 assembled and was assembled for a number of years. So they -- they -- they -- they told staff to go back -- and at the time I had that group, and they told us to go back and revisit that and come up with our -- our best approach of regulating that business. And for the past year my group has done that. What Mike is really going to be doing is, because of the renewal seasons and how they're opposite of one another from, say, the Professional Contractors' Boards and the Vehicle for Licensing Board -- and that staff is already -- it's only a staff of about 1 1/2 FTEs. What happens is that for an entire month, month and a half, that staff is -- is pretty loaded down with about 1200 drivers and companies that they're renewing. During that time Mike's folks are basically still doing their job. I don't want to say that they're not busy, but it's not during your renewal season. So what we felt like is that if -- it's almost going to a relief pitcher, so to speak, if we talk baseball. In the event that you have someone that's out sick, vacation, whatnot, Mike's already got a staff that's trained in the licensing field very similar to what goes on in the vehicle for hire business, so that he could provide kind of the relief pictures -- pitchers, and in return when -- when the contractors' licensing business is extremely busy, he's got two extra staff members there to fall back on so that if he has someone out sick, if he has someone that -- he just needs a little extra help, that staff will be cross-trained. -~ (Mr. Horn entered the room.) MR. FRENCH: So it's not as though we'll be bringing those-- those -- that business in front of you. We do have a board that has already been established. It is a quasi judicial board. Mike will be providing oversight ,as far as. the staff liaisol1"Q-yt I'm very much involved with that as well as our Operations Manager, a gentleman by the name of Ken Kavanski, who is a direct report to me. Ken's been with me a number of years. , Page 5 February 17, 2010 And -- and I know as -- Mr. White, he knows that we're also involved -- my group was also involved with regulating all of the private utilities in Collier County, so I serve as the Executive Director for the Collier County Water and Wastewater Authority . So I -- I'm very multifaceted. I wear a number of different hats, but all in a regulatory sense. So we felt like it was a great fit. We followed a lot of different models when we looked -- or we looked at a lot of different models; one of which that we really liked and that we really felt like fit our business as far as the licensing side was on the Broward County side. And we're still tweaking that. We're still seeing where we can be more efficient with less burden, of course, on the taxpayers of Collier County because, even though it's a license that pays it, a license is, in turn, some sort of tax. So we want to make sure we're getting the best available product out of the money we have available. So, again, we are going to be working very closely with Mike providing him some -- maybe a little bit more oversight than what they've had in the past. And we're going to be blending some functions as they make sense. Now, if we feel like the level of customer service has dropped, if we feel like there's some -- there's some failure modes based off of the -- that we're going into some failure modes based off some of the detectable that we've -- that we -- that we've installed in the process, we'll pull back, and we'll change those inputs so that it doesn't do anything more than improve the results that you're seeing from his staff and, also, from the licensing folks up front. S' , ., , , ,. o we re -- we re -- agaIn, we re -- we re -- we re -- we re gOIng " :J through some tough times budget wise, and we're going to make the most efficiencies we possibly can, not just out of Mike's group, but as well as the entire Community Development Organization. So we're really excited about it. We -- we hope that you're excited as well. We -- we appreciate -- we -- we do look at you as a Page 6 February 17,2010 partner, someone that kind of keeps us in check, gives us honest feedback, not just as citizens but as professionals. And we need that because it helps us grow. It -- it gives us our areas where we need to improve. So we do really look forward to working with you. I'll leave out some of my business cards for Mike to hand out at the end of the meeting. And if you'd like to meet with me privately, if you'd like to sit down with Mike and I, I am happy to meet with you at any time. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Thank you. I do have a couple of questions. Last year the Licensing Board approved a license fee increase based on a financial analysis done by the Billing Department because the license -- because the licensing was part of the building fund. MR. FRENCH: Yes, sir. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: And now that that -- the licensing has been moved to operations, how is -- how is the Licensing Department being funded? And if that fee increase is still necessary -- and I know that permit fees were also increased partially in support of -- of licensing. And will permit fees be addressed now that licensing's been -- been changed? MR. FRENCH: What -- what we have told the County Manager, and certainly what we've advised the Board of County Commissioners, is that we will do -- is bring in quarterly reports, quarterly business reports to determine what our overhead costs are. And we will break it down as far as what's costing how much and in what department. To answer your question will those fees be revisited, I intend to revisit those fees on a quarterly basis to -- to almost do a self check. That means if we've got to come in annually, if we've got to come in quarterly, we'll do whatever the board advises us to do as far as the Board of County Commissioners. I would tell you that this function is still in a 113 cost center. I'm --~ Page 7 February 17,2010 also going to tell you the vehicle for hire function is 111 general fund. You're not paying for that. That's a -- in other words, there is money -- it's -- that -- that burden for that staff, that's paid for by 111, that's -- that's labor that Mike is getting. In return he's providing some oversight. I would tell you you're on the better on that deal. Just as my oversight -- I am not a burden on 113 whatsoever. I'm -- I'm primarily paid for out of the utility regulatory trust fund with some general fund offsite. So we're looking at everything. Will-- will that result in us coming back and reducing the cost? At this point, sir, I can't tell you. I can tell you that I will look at it. That's a promise I will make, and we'll continue to evaluate that. It may come back, and I may tell you we're still off. We're -- we're losing money. Or I may come back and say we're breaking even or, yes, at this point staff would recommend we reduce fees. But until I really know, it would -- I'd be lying to you. It would be a guess. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. I understand. Last year the chair and the vice chair of the board participated in the DSAC subcommittee that went through the financial analysis, and perhaps once you've completed your first quarter analysis we can do the same thing this year, have the chair and the vice chair sit down with you in a private meeting, maybe with you and Mike, and go through your quarterly report and your quarterly analysis so that we can report to the rest of the board how the -- the funding and the financials of this department has been affected by the change. MR. FRENCH.: And as -- I would tell you, Mr. Lykos, that it-- that has already been expressed to the DSAC that we would be bringing back quarterly reports to let them know where we stand, and rather than telling you what we want, we're just going to tell you what we need. You know, there -- this is what we need to operate our business. Page 8 ~-\y :~. <,0; "C'd. ,-. ~, .". ~----,. February 17,2010 ":ll And if you've got any questions we -- we intend to not just bring forward the numbers but have full transparency that you could look at any department and say, okay, what's -- what's my operating cost to run that type of business, and -- and what's the need, what support do the -- does this provide. And -- and -- and I was with Joe. I -- I served as Joe's Operations Manager, not on the financial side, but for day in and day out operations as well as with -- on the regulatory element for a number of years with Collier County. And one of my other positions -- again, very multifaceted position -- is that I -- I also serve as Nick Casalanguida, our Interim CDS Administrator -- I also serve as his Interim Deputy Administrator. And at this point I am -- I do provide oversight over all the financials for CDS as far as budgetary as well as -- again, we're talking integrated operations support. We not only support this department; we support the Building Department; we support Code Enforcement; we support Planning and Zoning and Engineering and -- and Transportation Planning. There's so -- everyone within the organization at CDS we touch. So we will bring those numbers back to you. I'll be happy to bring those back and report. If -- if you'd like to sit down, and if that's the will of this Board, will of DSAC, this is something that you want to work out as a Board; certainly you're -- you're welcome to attend. At least from staffs perspective, we -- we'd have no issue with that whatsoever. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Great. MR. NEALE: Mr. Lykos, just one point I'd like to make is you may want to consider not two of you meeting -- two members of the board meeting with the administrator in -- in a private meeting because you may be running afoul of the Sunshine Law. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. MR. NEALE: So in a public meeting, like if you're -- if you -:)-~ ~, " ,II? -,.~ -''* ~.lt' "~Il Page 9 .~- <?I February 17, 2010 attend the DSAC meeting together and that's a publicly advertised meeting, I think you're -- you don't have an issue, but the two of you meeting privately, I think that would be an issue, so -- CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Didn't -- didn't we have a special meeting of the board to go over the financials? We do that -- MR. NEALE: Yeah, and you can do that. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Right. MR. NEALE: As long as it's an annou -- an announced public meeting, that's fine, but just the two of you meeting privately with him I think would be an issue. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Well, thank you for being here. MR. NEALE: Sure. MR. FRENCH: And staffs -- CHAIRMAN L YKOS: So maybe that's what we'll do. MR. FRENCH: And staff is cognizant of that as well, and we-- we wouldn't have that meeting. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. MR. FRENCH: Thank you. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. Great. Thank you. Any other questions? MR. JOSLIN: I have -- I have one last question. As of -- the chair last year -- again, Mr. Lykos and I went to the DSAC meetings, and part of this -- the increase of the fees was going to be to be able to add another investigator to Mike's staff. Is this something that's still going to happen now? MR. FRENCH: We're aware of that. As we go back and we look at our current budget guidance from the County Manager's Office and as -- as it's handed down by the Board of County Commissioners, we have that on the to do list, so to speak, based off of what our budget guidance is from the Board of County Commissioners. My -- my strongest recornrnendation to Mike as well as to this board is that we see what that budget guidance in -- is, we go back and --~~ 1".' , -.' .1 ...-<>~ ":'1!1 ;.,~~=- ~\l Page 10 February 17,2010 -- and even though we did increase the fees -- MR. JOSLIN: Uh-huh. MR. FRENCH: And I'm -- I'm aware that there was -- there was caveats, so to speak, tied to that -- well, that you approved the fees in light of hiring another investigator. MR. JOSLIN: Uh huh. MR. FRENCH: We're very well aware of the commitment that was made by the former Administrator as well as by the Building Director. We intend to fulfill those. But I -- I want to be as realistic as I possibly can with you and -- and give you the impact to the organization if I do that. And if -- if the money is there to support it, I'm going to tell you, and if it's not, I'm -- I'm going to lay it out, and I'm going to ask for further direction. MR. JOSLIN: Okay. MR. FRENCH: But it's something that I do intend to take action on. It's just at this point, so long as the board is okay with it, I'd really like to wait to see what the budget direction is that's handed down from the Board of County Commissioners to determine how we go from here. And I recognize that 113 is an enterprise fund. This -- his -- his -- his carrying costs, so to speak, are -- are supposed to be paid for 100 percent by the licensing fees he collects. I just want to be able to get my arms completely around the financials. I've had Mike's group for a little over a month. And we've -- and as we approach the entire division we're -- we're eating this elephant one bite at a time. MR. JOSLIN: Got you. Okay. I understand, and I think that's probably suitable. MR. FRENCH: But at -- but at this point, like I said, immediately -- and what I've done is I've infused some staff that's going to be able to help him on the customer service line and on that front end. And it's not that I'm trying to just put it all into one bucket; it's .0-'" ">: .: Jt ;~'....~~ ,:';t.I ,.':',....~"'" Page 11 February 17, 2010 just simply that these are very, very similar functions, almost identical, just to two separate industries. And I think that, if -- if anything, it's going to improve our customer service on the -- not just in this industry but, also, in the vehicle for hire industry so that we're able to process those applications and really get a better look at these applications so that we could bring you a better product because there may be some things that we're missing. I don't know yet. But as we get our arms around this we're going to -- we're going to make it better, I promIse. MR. JOSLIN: Okay. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. Thank you. Any other questions? MR. JERULLE: When was a vote last year taken to increase the fees? MR. FRENCH: I'm -- I'm sorry. Can you repeat the question? MR. JERULLE: The -- we voted last year to -- to increase the permit fees. When was that? MR. FRENCH: I'm sorry. I couldn't tell you. I -- I would defer to Mr. Ossorio. I was not in the department at that -- at that point. I can get you the answer if Mike doesn't have it. MR. JERULLE: Mike, do you remember? MR. JOSLIN: November or December, I believe he said. MR. OSSORIO: I believe it was November, I think. The last meeting was the -- was the approval in November. MR. JERULLE: November or December, so approximately four months ago and we haven't hired another investigator. And we -- we don't know when we're going to hire another investigator, correct? MR. FRENCH: Well, I wouldn't say I don't know. That budget guidance will be handed down probably within the next month or two, but I would tell you, again, on the -- on the staffing side we had beefed up staff. Maybe it wasn't on the investigator side. But as -- as a manager I can tell you that until I have an ,1~ ..,..--~ .:l1!J '-'.~"'''''' -IffJ Page 12 "~.,."'" February 17, 2010 opportunity to do my own due diligence in Mike's department, I don't know that he is -- if -- ifhe requires more staff on that front-end side -- and putting him in the field might be that investigator we were looking for because Mike does spend an -- a lot of time in the office processing licenses, not just -- running down issues, complaints, those type of things. One of the staff members that he's getting over is one of my form -- one of my senior staff that currently serves as a supervisor, so he's not only picking up a processing clerk, so to speak, that customer service front end person, but he's also picking up a supervisor to supervise those people. And I'm not saying that Mike's going to be that other investigator in the field, but that -- there -- there may be more need to have him and his expertise in the field and have super -- more supervision up front. Again, as I tweak his business model and we look at this, I will come back to you. So at this point -- the staff did transfer over about a month ago to my group, and I make the cornrnitment I will go back, and I -- and will continue to look at whether or not we can -- we can get that person. If that's the will of this board, for us to march forward, certainly the message I'll pass forward up to HR and up to the County Manager's Office to -- to show that this board approved fees contingent upon hiring of another officer -- and if that's what we need to do, certainly that's the -- that's the -- that's where we'll go forward. Again, I'm not opposed to it. It's just I really want to be able to give you guys an honest feedback as far as where this business stands. MR. JOSLIN: What kind of time span are we looking at before we have an answer on this, just in your estimation? MR. FRENCH: Sir, I believe that the -- that the budget guidance is going to come out within the next month or two -- MR. JOSLIN: Okay. MR. FRENCH: -- or less. And so based off of that I should be .. .~ '':~il .c,,,,':lII --~.--,.,..~.'t_....~. 'tg ~,-,.~~ .. ~. Page 13 'IY! February 17,2010 able to probably bring something back. How often do you meet, Mike? Every -- every other -- every month? MR. OSSORIO: We're back every month. MR. FRENCH: Yeah, so I -- I should be able to bring you something back next month. I'll be happy to report it to you. MR. JOSLIN: Okay. MR. WHITE: Just for the record, Mr. Chairman, I looked back through our transcript of the minutes for December 16th. I believe our prior meeting was October 21. The information you were provided at the December meeting was that the fee increase would start January 1 and that within a few months, I believe it was several months, thereafter the new hire would take place. So we're somewhat within the same time frame for that individual to hopefully come on-board, and hopefully the numbers will be there. I'm a little unclear as to whether the quarterly report you're talking about is for the last quarter of 2009, which is the first quarter of the business year for the county -- MR. FRENCH: Right. I understand. MR. WHITE: -- or it's going to be January through March. Or how is that going to work, Jamie? MR. FRENCH: I intend to bring that quarterly report probably the -- the first or second meeting to the board in April sim -- simply because we're -- that's when Mr. Casalanguida and myself stepped into the job was on December -- I'm sorry -- on January 4th. So this was a -- not just an org -- a reorganization of Mike's group or just at the Building Department. This was a complete reorganization of CDS. Unfortunately, 13 associates were let go. All in all, we -- we -- in the transferring out some -- some staff as well, we . went down about 15, 16 positions. So, again, we -- we -- we are looking at the business more from a holistic approach rather than a siloed type approach where you've got -......~".";'~.',.~. ,; ::Ii _.~._- ....:~_.~-' .~--: . Page 14 . -'- ..~... -~ - . ~~.-'-"~":, .~ Wl!I February 17,2010 Building Department, Planning and Zoning, Engineering, Environmental where we're seeing where similarities exist amongst all the departments and to find out we may have some free time in another department, someone that is -- is certainly able to handle some of Mike's responsibilities where we could go ahead and take on an FTE from another department that's a little slow. And that way I don't have to go through the advertising cost, that ';,~.:" way we don't have to go through the interviewing cost. So I -- we really are approaching this from a business wide and what -- what makes sense, a business approach versus an individual department approach or section approach. So I -- I -- I will be able to meet the deadline as far as the quarterly report, and I will report back to you next month where we" ---n'~" envision this to go. Again, we have -- I -- I really have -- have -- there's no indicators telling me that I can't move forward and hire another investigator if, in fact, the business demands it, and that's certainly where we'll go. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: I have -- I just have one more comment before we let you go. Last fall DSAC, the licensing board, and the construction industry was told by CDES -- MR. FRENCH: Uh-huh. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: -- that without the fee increases that they were recommending CDES was going to be shut down, the level of service would -- would be deplorable, that they wouldn't be able to operate at the level of service that we were getting, which, quite frankly, wasn't that great to begin with. So at a time when our industry has been suffering for years we took the bold step and endorsed increases for licensing fees, for permit fees with the understanding that what you're describing that happened, which is a reorganization of -- of the department, wouldn't occur, that those fee increases, permit increasing, licensing increases would keep . I t4 that from happening -- , .. I WI +'---"':'{.~- Page 15 ~ 'r; iliII February 17, 2010 MR. FRENCH: Right. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: -- to not only maintain the level of service we were getting but would improve the level of service we ~r~.-<rC"'" were getting. And then within two months we're told the whole thing's been reorganized, departments have been moved around, and now we don't know if we can afford to give you the service that we promised we were going to give you. So it's a little bit frustrating. I know I was -- I got many phone calls and many comments from members of our industry about what we allowed to happen with the government, and now after sticking our necks out it happens anyways is a little bit frustrating, quite frankly. I understand the -- the -- the financial end of running a business, and I've also learned over the last few years government doesn't operate the way a business operates, which is, again, quite frustrating, but we stuck our necks out and supported the request from the government being told that we would maintain or improve level of service, and now we're being told that that might not be the case. . MR. FRENCH: Well-- and I'm happy to sit down with you individually, Mr. Lykos. That's news to me because all indicators from us, including the CBIA and DSAC, is that the level of service has increased. I don't want to say by tenfold, by twofold, by onefold. But every indicator we've received in the last 30 days from this industry has been phenomenal, and -- and I'll be happy to share with you the letters we've received, the -- the customer cornrnent cards that we've put out in the lobby, and not just -- these aren't just blindly written. We've got people's points of contact. These are -- we -- we've happily published these in the county newsletter. So we're pretty proud of -- of what staff has done. As far as the reorganization and -- and telling you -- and I -- and if I -- if I have given you any indication that we're not going to hire a person, let me correct that. That's not what I'm saying. What I'm' .. "~',:"'" saying is that I don't think it would be prudent of staff, until we have a :~. ... .~ .t. _....,~c"!'_. '.., .. Page 16 ~;,ll ~... __I .. ,",,,, ,., February 17,2010 absolutely good look at the financials and for me to come back to you and say, "Here we are. Here's what I can afford. Here's what I can't afford" -- and you're asking me can we revisit fees. Correct me if I'm ',:C:',; IIii wrong. You're asking me when are we going to hire someone. And then -- and I don't have the record, but apparently the record reflects that we would raise the fees in January, which we did, and we would hire with -- it sounds like about three months afterwards. I'm still within that range, sir. So if that's the range you want me to keep I'll get there, but certainly I -- I don't look at it as though it's a reorganization of Mike's department or of the Building Department. I can tell you that the departments -- or the fund that was primarily affected was on the Planning and Zoning and Engineering side of the house. Mr. Dunn's organization was reorganized based off of the business component and how we thought it would be best effective to -- how we thought we could be most -- most effective to provide a better level of Customer Service at current staffing levels, so, if anything, we tweaked his business. Very few, if any -- and I can't think of any 113 staff other than those that may have retired or just went through the attrition process -- actually went home. This was primarily on the 131 side. So, again, I -- I -- I don't -- I'm -- I'm a little surprised as far as the' '<~~",.. level of service that you're reporting to me, and if you've -- and if you've got those -- those stories, if you can give me instances when the level -- where you could tell me the level of service actually went down as a result of this, please sit with me. Let me know about it. Show me -- show me where, and I'll fix it. But I -- I would tell you from the 113 side of the house, on the building departmel}t side, for lack of a better term" we stayed whole, ':lr.14 and we're -- we're really doing a good job; I've got to believe we are. If you -- you walk in, and there's excitement throughout the building. . ~1_' ....4""t::~'.. :~~" ;... Page 17 :It,;,,.., ,',' ':;'la..li.;_.. _... ~~ February 17, 2010 And we're not just hearing it from the industry; we're hearing it from,.;". .~ other county departments. So, again, if -- if I look a little shocked, it's -- it's simply because this is the first -- you're the first person that's ever told me that, sir. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Well, let me --let me restate my comments because they were probably too general. I -- I agree with you. I've heard from several members of CBIA that they're getting their permits a lot faster and there's a tremendous amount of cooperation from Nick and down through the rest of the staff, so I apologize if I implied -- MR. FRENCH: Sir, no apology necessary. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: -- it applied to -- to the permitting side. MR. FRENCH: Yes, sir. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: One of the other comments that I know I get and I know other members of our -- of our board have gotten -- weT'~~"'_ have licensed contractors that are out there following the rules, doing things the right way, and they're being underbid and they're being -- work is being lost to people that are working outside of the scope of their license or aren't licensed at all, and that is critical to us, not only to protect the community, but, also, to protect the people that do things the right way. And I know that there was a lot of discussion on the members of the board's part about whether or not raising licensing fees was an appropriate thing to do under the current economic conditions, and we were led to believe that by approving those fee increases there would be another investigator and that would help protect the public, and it would help protect the people that are licensed and insured and doing those things. So there was a time, probably summer of last year, when the number of citations was approaching 100 a month, and I was getting comments from people that, "Boy, it seems like you guys are really getting things done, and -- and there's really -- you know, we can tell , ;,~...~ ':~~::.~:..d ~- - - <'. - ..~~~ ''-.-~~...s Page 18 . 'i :J~.. ~ ;,. <:-- .'- ~ 1''; _. .'~ "'~_...,;,. February 17,2010 ".: ti. that there's effort being put forth to stop unlicensed activity." W ell, we're down now into the 60s again, and I don't think that unlicensed activity has gone down that much. I don't think there's a 40-percent drop in unlicensed activity. So our members -- the members of this board approved fee increases based on the department's ability to add more investigators on the street to help go after those people that are doing things illegally. MR. FRENCH: And -- CHAIRMAN L YKOS: And that's what we need to see. MR. FRENCH: Sure. And -- and just to let you know, Mr. Lykos, I have every intent to go back to look at looking -- increasing the number of investigators on the street. And the industry that you're speaking of, the industry that you regulate here, is -- and this almost solidifies my decision -- or our decision that we blended these two functions. What you're telling me -- and I could -- I could pull it on the record -- is exactly what the vehicle for hire industry -- you've got unlicensed contractors that's working against those that pay these -- these -- and their licensing -- and I will tell you as a company you pay several hundred dollars just to register your company and a couple hundred bucks per driver. And there's a criminal background check, . , .'.......':.......... credit check. There's a number of other checks that go on in this, very' similar to what you do in this industry that -- you've got folks out there that are -- that are really trying to make an honest living and follow the rules, and they're being underbid. They're being -- not just underbid by competition but underbid by those people that are coming in from out of county that maybe aren't '.... ...,~ following the rules or aren't -- aren't licensed. So that's why, again, we thought the two functions worked so well together. And, again, we have -- please don't -- please don't think that we haven't increased your staff as far as your regulatory ability from the front end. We've added two staffmembers to this group already, so ~" !'-'~~~'.~~'4' , ., ;::":._.Ilt Page 19 T'. ,.. ......~-O,... ~~....~ - ~....~.- ;;L~:_. _" ;J~~"':" (;'J., ;It;--..,...:. 1(1..1.1... " February 17, 201 Q."",,,..,:'<lk you almost got -- we're going to go back and we're going to look at an investigator. Let's say you get your investigator. But you got two other staff members that this department currently isn't paying for that's helping you out, so we've -- we -- we're on-board with you. We're -- we're of -- we're of like minds as far as from the staff members. From staffs level, we're -- we know exactly what you want from us. We know exactly where the industry -- what the industry expects, and we want to be more of a partner. I mean, granted, we have to regulate, but we certainly want to be a partner to DSAC. We certainly want to be a partner to this board. We want to be a partner to the industry, those that are following rules. And those that aren't, we want to make sure that Mike's got enough people on the street, not just to make sure they follow the rules, but, also, to fulfill ''''''',~~'':'<lk our contract -- our contractual agreements with the municipalities that he works with. So we're on-board. We're going to go -- we're going to -- we're going to follow your direction. And, also, if I -- if I look to increase the number of investigators, what I may bring back to you -- and I -- and I don't know, but just because I don't advertise a position or just because I don't hire someone new into the county doesn't mean I couldn't increase investigators from another department that may be going through some reorganization or someone that, you know, might be part of a -- part of a reduction in force exercise. I -- I don't know. So, really, until the board hands out that budget guidance, I think it would not be prudent of us to move forward to -- to find out exactly' ....",'....:'<lk where my hiring pool is and -- and find out if there's qualified staff that's already on county payroll that we could fit into the position. And whether it be two part time positions that makes up one FTE, you're still -- we're still getting the increased activity as far as oversight on the street. So we're -- we're committed to you, and we're going to make sure it's right. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. Great. Thank you. " ':.;:.:.;ii ~\~l' ':il Page' 20 ':, ,. ~i1 iI!\ .~ic,;;..:_~_ .. ..>; -:-:"-~..:.;. ~ '\I,,j-,.:. .~J"::;' ,,;.:1;, . ~ ~~.~ MR. FRENCH: Okay. I'm happy to answer any other questions that you might have for me. And, again, I'll leave my business cards with Mike. I'll -- I'm going to hang out for a little while here if you don't mind. CHAIRMAN L YKOS : You're welcome. Thank you. MR. FRENCH: And please feel free to call on me. I appreciate the opportunity to speak with you. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: And thank you very much for your time this morning. We appreciate it. MR. FRENCH: And we really look forward to working with you; "'1",:", we really do. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Thank you. MR. FRENCH: Thank you. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: All right. I need an approval of the minutes. MR. JOSLIN: Motion to approve the minutes. MR. LANTZ: Second. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: All those in favor? MR. HORN: Aye. MR. JERRULE: Aye. MR. LANTZ: Aye. MR. JOSLIN: Aye. MR. WHITE: Aye. MR. BOYD: Aye. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Opposed? (No response.) CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Thank you. All right. Discussion, end of the month report. MR. OSSORIO: Mr. Chairman, just a quick note on that end of the month report, which, if you look down on the Contractor Licensing citations and you scroll over to January and you go back down, you'll see -- you'll see a little reduction from fourteen -- we February 17,2010 Page 21 "'''' :.J1lJ . , """,:," ':-.1.1I , -. ~~ .lj-: '.' O:'i;. WJr , ",_. ,;, III , '.'.).'.J~:~"_-:~ dde" , ~ ;,.j-' ..i...L.. . J. ~~...~ lj"l~,,,. ,. February 17,2010 were running fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, fourteen thousand, and then it went down to eleven nine. You'll see that on January, and I think that was due from the two weeks that it was -- it was actually absolutely freezing cold. So I think there was a trend that there was no unlicensed contractors out there, so I think that was the trend. It was pretty cold for that January, that two week period. So, actually, I looked at the citations. We're up this month, so we should see a spike. MR. JOSLIN: They were probably all working inside. MR. OSSORIO: May be. MR. JOSLIN: Yeah. MR. OSSORIO: Which one? My investigators or the contractors? MR. JOSLIN: The contractors. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: The contractors. MR. OSSORIO: Yeah. And just to make sure we -- we're on the same page -- and Jamie has been very supportive with our group, and, ...--:~ we're happy to work for the operations, and we're happy to work for the county, and we'll do what we can to support the City of Naples and Marco Island as a whole. I will tell you when you talk about financing, licensing makes the bulk of their money in renewals. So, yes, January the new effect came . . , . ,.....,,,..~'liiil in, but you really shouldn't see a huge spike or a huge difference or -- .. ,. or revenue coming in 'til-- until September. That's when we are going to be renewing 6,000 state and local con -- 6,000 state contractors this year because it's an even year, and we're going to be renewing the local contractors in September. So this -- you'll see a big spike in September -- or leading up to September. Any questions? MR. LANTZ: I'm just curious. How do the -- these numbers relate to the budget? And is it possible to get it so we can in the future :~L...-..._~"tjQ. get it, you know, where you say January and then show us what you've actually done as opposed to what's been budgeted just so we Page 22 .,.,__.:~llil. ., t"4'''J.~!' ,~'I4i ... ~~...~.. - r",/.,.. , "~h:, ::dL..'..' ,I.~~..... '0' I February 17,2010 know if we're on track or not? MR. OSSORIO: Yeah. I will coor -- I'll coordinate with, you know, Jamie and his group, and we'll come up with something, but I don't know if we had that capability in CE Class to do so, but I know that City View's coming on-board soon, our new software system that's going to give us some more data and feedback. So I'll make sure we put a note, and we'll talk to Jamie's office, and we'll get something to you. MR. LANTZ: But are we close to -- you know, when we did -- . ....,itlll did the budget a few months ago, we got, you know, a breakdown every month. Are we close to what you had budgeted or -- MR. OSSORIO: That I couldn't tell you, but I'll make a promise to you that I will sit down with Jamie's office and -- and Ken, my direct boss, and we'll come up with something. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Do you have an idea when CityView's ""."f~~ coming online? MR. OSSORIO: I'm on the CityGroup task force, and I look forward to seeing CityView within three or more months hopefully-- CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. MR. OSSORIO: -- on Phase 3. MR. FRENCH: Just real quick I wanted to give you some feedback. Again, Jamie French for the record. We're working very closely with CityView right now. As the -- as we've gone through-- and Joe has left the organization as well as Mr. Molly -- what has happened is that we're -- we've sat back down with CityView. We need to make sure that they're understanding what staffs, for lack of a better term, our pain is; in other words, what's holding us up in the system where we have some stability issues and what our real needs are. And one of the things that we did -- Mike's group was not originally involved with the user's group that we created. We put Mike on there because we needed the vendor to understand what ,'.J..,<,:;~"1,ij .,...,;,,.:jj, , .....4__:.:=.. ":''1iJt- Page 23 . ,'~ ..~,j~~.. ~ t~~~':.:- .4}....j. Jl~~...'. :';~.L.:.~, . ~ ~:" ~~. . February 17,2010 contractors' licensing needed as far as -- I mean, they're -- they're a client of the system. So we do expect that they'll be coming back to us shortly . We're working with a gentleman by the name of David Arrowsmith, who was their executive vice president -- or -- or their -- their operations -- vice president of operations out of -- out of Canada, British Columbia, Canada, their home office. We've identified a number of needs. .. "":'':~ One of the other things that we're also doing is we're trying to -- what one of my groups that I have currently under me is the county GIS, or addressing group. We want to bring in a little bit of GIS technology and some mapping into maybe -- not just tracking where Mike's got more activity than not as far as unlicensed contractors but, also, with routing and those type of things. So we -- we want to explore. Again, we want to -- I want to explore every efficiency that's out there. And -- and just to let you know, my -- my background previous to government 6 1/2 years ago was private sector. I've -- I've -- I've got a number of family members that are currently in this industry, and .' . . " ," ~ ..~. ~ "J-'JJI I've got a family member that was a building official, I've got a family . member that is -- that's -- you know, was a home builder, so it -- I grew up -- I can tell you as a kid I toted block, I set trusses, and I poured forms. I -- I -- the calluses are gone, but I promise I don't -- I don't -- I don't forget any of it. So I do know the -- the -- the industry. I'm very familiar with it. I grew up here as a kid myself. But we want to install every technology that's out there, not just out of this system, but I want to look at other systems that we currently support from an enterprise approach for county, and -- and I want him to have all those technologies in the field, not just for him, but for code enforcement, for -- for any officer or for any regulatory agent, so to speak, that needs a tool. Whether it be damage assessment after a hurricane or whether it be daily tools that they need, if we've already got that tool on the shelf f~~iI( '.t'.uA. , ' ~ J.r ",. ..-,J.11. Page 24 ..,,',...__....~~ ... ~""l~" ~:;;JL, '.' ,I. "!:".!,,:',. _ '<\"j" ;! -!....l-<'.. _ ~W",l '.. """.","'~-.iJ.i February 17, 2010 and we can build them an application, let's do it. Let's -- let's --let's challenge ourselves every day. So City View is just one of the tools that Mike will be using. And I'm big on continuous improvement and constant involvement. I -- I can't tweak the results unless I tweak the inputs, so we're going to -- I'm going to constantly be -- be challenging Mike in giving me feedback on CityView; how is it doing; how's the tools we provided you. But -- but, again, to make a long story short here, is -- is simply that we are going to have Mike more involved with CityView so that he can give you feedback on what's going on as far as how they're evolving, if they're going to be able to address their needs because, again, I don't just want transparency in the numbers; I want transparency in the business operation too. And so ifhe's not being properly supported or if -- or if the system is crashing or if the application just is not right, no matter what the tool is, whether it be GIS or CityView, we -- we're going to give you the feedback on that and let you know and let you know what we're doing to correct it. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. Thank you. MR. FRENCH: Thank you again. MR. LANTZ: Thanks. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. Workshop information. MR. OSSORIO: 2006 is when -- the last time we did our workshop for -- for a -- to look at prospectively redoing the contractor licensing ordinance, and this is our first step. I wanted to know -- get some feedback from the board to see if it's possible that we could start doing this workshop. I have some things in mind. I know Jamie has some things in mind for the ordinance. And I just want to know if it's -- if it's okay with you, I want to schedule workshops, advertise it, and maybe have input from -- from CBIA or whatever it is that we did last time in Page 25 __, -' ..."..:.J,ll. .', ,~. ': .:.: ',,1;' '\f,I ,! iAI .""'~:,-::''':'~ , .1>,,< .'tlji ~ ~...~..\. ~ :;l.J~.. __. ~ 'l::a_~~':; ~ :::.dJ.,:, ~ "~i....':~ ~ .,~_. ;: .iUI February 17,2010 2006. MR. JOSLIN: I think probably a workshop to get together to maybe analyze some of the licensing -- licenses that are avail -- that . - "~"i'~,(j are out there now and either uncondense them or condense them to whereas we understand what each one does. There's a lot of overlapping licenses, it seems like, and a lot of things that -- like the tree stump removals and the tree trimming removals, and people that trim trees and just can cut grass -- I mean, some of these can be put together or ganged into one or maybe not -- or understood maybe better. ",,,~,::..l/i MR. OSSORIO: Well, I'm all open to looking at each and every single category. MR. JOSLIN: Right. MR. OSSORIO: But, actually, my thought was -- is that, you know, I would want to get more stringent. The State of Florida has -- has implemented a program, which everyone now knows that if you're. "'~'<i'Ni a state contractor, if you are a convicted felon or -- or -- or have a felony, you must notify the state within so many business days starting October 1 st of last year. So I'm looking at a number of things. The state did make some -- I think Mr. Lykos and I had a conversation before. The state has changed a couple of things in State Statute 49 I want to look at. I want to tweak the individual categories. You know, tree trirnrning -- I don't necessarily -- a big proponent of combining a couple of different things -- MR. JOSLIN: Right. MR. OSSORIO: That's not fair to the person that has a license and pays for a license and -- I want to tweak it, but my direction is -- is enforcement. You know, maybe we can raise the fee for unlicensed activity, if we can, to narrow down the -- a couple of things in the . """.i'~'" ordinance I think need to be changed, the owner builder exemptions and whatnot. ....,:.ulA. Page 26 ...;;~~.,j'_... , )O~~);~'~ ~ 11/.1..-,; ~ HVJ....l ..~ J~.:~; :;. MR. JOSLIN: Okay. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. MR. WHITE: Mr. Chairman. MR. JOSLIN: I'm all in favor of it, sure. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Mr. White. MR. WHITE: Thank you. I just would -- given the idea here of scheduling a workshop -- I know we typically get our packets for the regular meetings about a week or so ahead of time. I expect there's "''''',;''':'ii1 going to be quite a bit more volume of information we're going to be asked to absorb and process and would see if it would be possible to have at least a couple of weeks' lead time in having that information to us; that is, the staff recommendations so that we can read through it and have our questions prepared and be most efficient at the actual workshop meeting. Does that sound like a good idea and doable or -- MR. JOSLIN: I believe in the past, Michael, what we've done is we've given out -- or we've had staff make up copies of the ordinance which was passed out for the meeting so that each individual board member had a copy of that ordinance and could review it on their own or read ahead of the -- and see how it pertains to each license and each category and then go through a discussion process as far as the .' . , ....,'..:::~,"!.o~ individual items or breakdowns of each license or, like you say, other' . things that you want to discuss and add into it. Wasn't that the way it was done before? MR. OSSORIO: Well, typically -- MR. JOSLIN: Rather than bring -- rather than bring it to the board meeting and then try to discuss it here as you hand it to them. MR. OSSORIO: Well-- well, typically, what I -- what I envisioned is that if the board wants to go ahead and look at the -- the workshop and -- and revamping the ordinance -- I think it's time; it's been four years -- is that I will sit down with the County Attorney and Pat Neale. We will go over what the county position is, and then we will February 17,2010 Page 27 .......~~:~JAi. ,! MI .,..\It.f . .";'" -::~ ,x,JJ" "\:i-_:~'; ~ '~J:,J..~.;._ .:. . ~"'!":' t. ! ~I~ ; ,. ; : ~ t!-.. !...' ~ :, IW.') ..! February 17,2010 "'~ work something in there. And then we will schedule the workshop, and you will be -- we would have a public meeting. I'll probably have a table and chair here. You have a copy of the ordinance. It will be publicized. If any -- any CBIA member or -- or anyone in the public want -- wishes to communicate on the -- on the ordinance, they -- they surely can. And then we will go through what the county attorney, myself, and Pat Neale thinks is appropriate to go ahead and revisit the ordinance. That's what I envision. ,....;, ali MR. NEALE: What had also been done in the past is that the -- the board was asked for input on particular areas that the board had noticed over the -- over the term of your service that were thorny issues, things that came up again and again, and bring those up as -- as potential ways of either adopting them as an ordinance amendment or adopting them as a change in procedure for the board. So those are the other things that -- that gives it a good time to do that. And, you know, as -- and as Michael says, it's been -- it's been four years since it's been done in the past, so it's certainly time for the board to -- to look at this. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. MR. OSSORIO: And we've kept over the years -- Ian and myself., ,",u has met privately, and we've made notes, cornrnents about the ordinance that needs to be changed, or we -- so there's a -- we have a folder, a running folder of what we think that needs to be changed, and then it's up to the board and the Board of County Commissioners if -- if they do so. But I think the first step is to get the okay from the board to -- to "",'~~ proceed, and then I will sit down with Robert Zachary and myself and Pat Neale, and we'll go through our -- our to-do list. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Do we need a formal vote on that, or can we just -- MR. OSSORIO: I would if you -- CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. . ,." ," ':;\Ii Page 28 , '" A IlA ~~ii.J_~..+. ..~ ~~.l~'"'' L l ~\, I " f ~- .~!:"I L ,.j~.jJ..~ ..~ . ~:A ~ of'; '.0 February 17,2010 MR. OSSORIO: -- if -- if it's possible. MR. WHITE: Okay. I make a motion to approve the staff request with the stipulation that the board members be provided the staff recommendation proposal two weeks in -- before the scheduled meeting. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: We have a motion. MR. JOSLIN: I'll second the motion too. How about a copy of the ordinance? MR. WHITE: That, I assume, would be included. MR. OSSORIO: Yes. Fifteen cents a page, though. MR. WHITE: Make mine double-sided. MR. JOSLIN: Put that in general fund, would you? MR. OSSORIO: We'll take care of it. I'll make sure that we'll have a -- if it's been approved, then Robert Zachary and myself will sit down and go over it, and then I'll -- what I'll do is I'll get a copy of the ordinance, and we'll highlight a couple of things. We'll make some notes for you so that you have something ahead of time. And then I would appreciate it, Mr. Lykos, if you could tell the CBIA or have -- let them know that we are going to have a workshop upcoming with the licensing board and -- so that we get the word out. I want to make sure we get it right. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. I have a -- I have a motion; I have a second. Any other discussion? All those in favor? MR. HORN: Aye. MR. JERRULE: Aye. MR. LANTZ: Aye. MR. JOSLIN: Aye. MR. WHITE: Aye. MR. BOYD: Aye. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Opposed? (No response.) CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Thank you. Page 29 ...L,.~ iMi ',;,. <: i'" ":' ~\i' , , ..~' \(1\ .._,~..,_,.~.,.t>~: ,'L;~~: .., ;'t i.\li' Ill...!..,j ,j, I'.....J..'.} t, ...i1.L',.......... . ';,' ,~. ~ r , 11 ~ I I February 17,2010 All right. Michael, we talked briefly. How close are we to having a full board? We have two more members to fill the board. Can you give us an update on that? MR. OSSORIO: I just -- I -- we have communicated with the City of Naples, and.they are' in the final process. As a matter of fact, , j,,,,,.,AllAI today, I think, they have a board meeting -- or a city council meeting. They are going to prospectively approve a board member. Once that gets approved, then it gets forwarded to the Board of County Commissioners for a final adoption. So I anticipate having another contractor on the -- a City of Naples contractor on the board within our next meeting. We did advertise for a consumer for the unincorporated Collier County, and that's advertised in -- I think the -- I think the Naples Daily News picked that up. So hopefully we'll get some response. So we're getting there. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. Good. Thank you. MR. WHITE: My understanding, Mr. Chairman, is that Mr. Casalanguida, in fact, is on the agenda before city council today, so hopefully -- CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Great. Good. MR. OSSORIO: Is he? Good. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. The first item I have under new business will be the addition to the agenda to authorize the orders for penalties. Ian, if you wouldn't mind, could you just address the board and '. ':' ': 1fJ' just explain to everybody exactly what this is that you need us to do today? MR. JACKSON: These are civil citations that were issued by investigators that have not been paid. And once the process been -- process has been followed through to this point -- this is the -- the last step in the process in the payment of these citations. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: So you need us to make a Motion to -. :-;,. ;. 'r; I'" ...L..;,'1. " ,I' : : tll Page 30 :t::'l.idJ..:f r; lu.J,;i, ,,~ ~~.::,q ~ 1,~J"',J. .:". "<..;",;-t II' February 17, 2010 authorize me to sign these orders for you, correct? MR. JACKSON: Correct. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. MR. JOSLIN: I will make a motion that the chairman signs the orders to pay the civil penalties for any outstanding issues that are before us or have been before us. MR. JERULLE: Second, Jerulle. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Any discussion? MR. WHITE: Just so I un -- just so I understand the process, what'll happen after these orders are signed? MR. JACKSON: Potential liens placed on property. MR. NEALE: These can be recorded in the -- in the public record, and the county typically does so that if the violator -- if they haven't paid their -- their fine, if they go to sell a piece of real estate or whatever, it will get picked up in a title search, and hopefully the title agent would see fit to collect it at closing and get it paid. MR. WHITE: Okay. So it acts kind of like a claim of lien? MR. NEALE: Yeah. MR. WHITE: Okay. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Any other questions or comments? (N 0 response.) CHAIRMAN L YKOS: All those in favor? MR. HORN: Aye. MR. JERRULE: Aye. MR. LANTZ: Aye. MR. JOSLIN: Aye. MR. WHITE: Aye. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Aye. MR. BOYD: Aye. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Opposed? (No response.) CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Thank you. Page 31 -.'::-;-,,,:~'~':-'-1?..d ~.. ....c.i..c"..UJ ".' , '~""'" ~l..i...:~J.il,j. -.X. ;' till' , ~." ',\"~ ~ . : ~...~ !'; :.,LJ~~~,. __ "t ; .i".~ !' February 17, 2010 And, Ian, I'll sign these after the meeting, okay? MR. JACKSON: Yep. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. Thank you. All right. Under new business, our first order is -- I apologize for mispronouncing this name. Is it Dusan Skoric? MR. SKORIC: Yes. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Would you please come up, sir, and be.., .;'c.; sworn In. (Witnesses sworn.) CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. Mr. Skoric, you're contesting your citation; is that correct? MR. SKORIC: Yes, sir. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Mr. Ganguli. MR. GANGULI: Mr. Lykos, the citation was issued entirely based on the postcard that you have in you evidence packet. It's self explanatory, full service general contracting. If there's anything I can add, it's that, unfortunately, we've seen this before. This company, Idearc, has distributed postcards like this advertising contracting trades that have been brought before this board that you have adjudicated in various ways depending on the circumstance, but the -- the stem of my citation is entirely based on -- --, :',. (0/' on what you see in front of you. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. Thank you. Mr. Skoric? MR. SKORIC: Well, the -- I first want to thank you for giving me a chance to explain my side of the story. I registered my handyman business in Lee County on -- in November of '08, and ever since I registered my business I have two to three calls a day -- a week, actually, offering me all kind of advertisement, and I always denied' ..i_.,ia4. any kind of that. And in this case -- particular case with Idearc Company, you know, they were telling me, like, "We can bring you four to five '. '.' "';l _1; ," It ,~. t4t: Page 32 .w,..w ':'..~i ~~ ~'~ ;> t .. 1,.A.j.u..~. .;_ . :> ;>, "" : _.i .J.......'. .~, 1 " February 17,2010 .";", .J thousand dollars a month businesses." I said, "Whatever you're offer -- offering, you just send me that in written. If I like it, I will sign it." I never signed any contract with them. I never did anything else with them except in -- I don't remember exactly. In April or May when I received first statement that I have to pay something they are doing for me, I called the company, and I told them I never did sign anything. I never agreed of any advertisement with them, and they just .;.-'''':.... continued sending me statements every month 'til October. It accumulated to $700. Then I e-mailed them -- and I have the -- I don't know if you have that. I -- I submitted that to you. Ie-mailed them to stop doing anything for me because they're just causing trouble because on October 8th of last year I had a call that I was, you know, improperly advertising business in Collier County. ., '; ',ii' That was the first time that I realized that they're actually doing something. And since then, you know, that -- I consider that, like, predatory activity of -- of, you know, a desperate company who is trying to -- to extort money from -- from people who are trying to survive, you know. I registered my business in Lee County. I never did any activities, any businesses and -- in Collier County, never ever, and I never "..i... i:Ml received any call from any -- any person in Lee County or anywhere else asking me to do something for -- for them. I do, you know, have several accounts that I do, you know, home watches and, you know, stuff like this that I can do under a handyman business in -- in Lee County. Since October since they received and acknowledged my letter ., '.."....1.' that -- you know, I e-mailed it. I am asking them to stop doing ~ anything. In October it was -- it was $700. Since October I'm still receiving every month statement -- it -- it came up to $4,700 that I owed. I mean, I don't know -- I -- I just have no idea how to get rid of -- Page 33 of -- of them. I don't know if they still continue sending those fliers or whatever they -- they did, but, you know, I just have no idea how to stop doing that. In -- in four months -- in the last four months, from 700 it grew up to -- to $4,700 that they're charging me for something that I never ." . \;J, signed for, never asked for, never did any agreement with them for anything. MR. JOSLIN: Mr. Chairman, I have a question. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Yes, sir. MR. JOSLIN: Mr. Ganguli, how is it that you came up with the postcard or a copy of the postcard in our packet? MR. GANGULI: The source of the postcard, Mr. Joslin, I'm-- I'm -- I can't definitively say, but I'm guessing one of the licensed contractors in Collier County turned it into our office to investigate. MR. JOSLIN: Uh-huh. Okay. MR. OSSORIO: Mr. Chairman, just for -- just for the record, I just want to make sure that -- advertising is a big part of licensing, ". especially if you're a licensed contractor and you see an advertisement' .'. ~" i.t or -- or if you see something in your mail -- we periodically get those. You know, we get those a lot, advertising Yellow Pages, phone books, Naples Daily News, postcards. It's pretty -- unfortunately, this particular gentleman that -- he's corresponded with the company the day before the meeting of the citation with Mr. Ganguli, and Mr. Ganguli's, you know, called him the day before. So it would be nice if I had something showing that he's communicat~Ji}Vith the company wee~S9r,Il19nths before. The citation was issued on the 8th. He's notified the company on the 7th. Rob called him on the 7th or the 6th or whenever Mr. Ganguli did. So, on that premise I decided to let the board decide to hear this case. It's very similar to the last case, and it's -- it's up to the board's pleasure of what they wish to do. ~. .J.......;...... -'., "''';' . ';' t . 1l1<Li.,!"u, .4> 'rll'k,::~:'! f!! February 17, 2010 .. ...,.."..L,~lJC ,.! JI~ "I'~ ,,'~J ,~~ I . " .} f ~', i"* I Page 34 ...:1...-;;"':',. ...l. ~..Ji~...._'.. ....L ~ " -. : . ~~ t~1 February 17, 2010 MR. JERULLE: Excuse me, Mr. Chairman. CHAIRMAN LYKOS: Yes, sir. MR. JERULLE: Michael, I show that -- that Rob called him on-- on the -- on the 9th -- excuse me -- on the 8th, and then -- and then -- then he's called or e-mailed them on the 9th, the day after, not -- not the day before, right? Am I missing something? MR. SKORIC: No, it's on the 7th. I -- I have it. MR. LANTZ: The pages are not in order. MR. JERULLE: No, if you look at the bott -- on the bottom -- all right. I see it now. MR. OSSORIO: If you look at the citation, the citation was issued -- issued October 8th, '09, and if you look at this correspondence, if this e-mail.scorrect.itsaysl0/7/2009.sowe.re looking at the day before. MR. JERULLE: Oh, so they responded to him on the 9th. I see it. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Mr. Ganguli, when was it that you made a phone call to Mr. Skoric regarding this postcard? MR. GANGULI: Mr. Lykos, normally -- I can't answer that definitively, but I would guess either one day or two days prior to the, .....,i...Wl meeting. I can't answer that for you. When I actually contacted him to come in for the meeting for the citation issuance, I wouldn't be able to answer that. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: I -- I think the question that's -- that we're trying to deal with is what was it that prompted Mr. Skoric's communication with this company. Was it your phone call to him that you were in possession of this postcard, or was it that he was fed up with getting invoices and he was disturbed that there was untrue advertising about his company going on in Collier County and Lee County? That's really what the board has to make a decision on. MR. SKORIC: Well, the -- MR. WHITE: Well, the fact, Mr. Chairman-- MR. SKORIC: If I can add one more thing, actually, I didn't .' ,.......'-.., 1.1; "'''' J.i, Page 35 '. I t .;...i,,,,.l ..J.. . I '. " , I February 17,2010 know. When I received that call, it -- it was just something about advertising. I didn't know. But both, you know, I was fed up with -- with them and the call that I received from Collier County for tlf something that I had no idea that's happening. And another thing, when I -- when he showed me that flier that says "general contractor," I never ever introduced myself to anyone as a general contractor, only as a handyman. So both, you know, I was fed up and I received the call that -- something about advertising my -- my business prompted me to finally, you know, have something in written (sic) because I did call them before, a long time, during last "- summer, but, you know, they would always put me on hold for 10,15, 20 minutes, never had a chance to talk to -- to a real person. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: I understand. Mr. White. MR. WHITE: My point was simply that I view the conversation... ~. '::~ with the county as being the first time the respondent was aware of the fact that there was any kind of advertising in Collier County and, additionally, that his -- his e-mail indicates that he had attempted to make prior contact by phone. So I just wanted to make sure that our factual determination isn't limited to the idea of timing alone but, also, the timing of him knowing that, in fact, there was some type of advertising ongoing, so CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Mr. Skoric, did -- I'm sorry. Go ahead. MR. JERULLE: Mr. Skoric, you -- in your e-mail, you say you've received bills since April or May of -- MR. SKORIC: April or May, I'm not quite sure. MR. JERULLE: What happened with those bills? MR. SKORIC: I never paid anything, and they just kept -- MR. JERULLE: So you got a bill, and -- and you didn't pay it and you got another bill? MR. SKORIC: And they just keep piling it up. ,.,..,...--..,,~ " :, ..~ "'~ Page 3 6 "~I' .", '?' . . .' I " ......i_;....:"".!. ~ \ j February 17,2010 MR. JERULLE: And you weren't concerned about what was going to happen with your credit rating or -- or somebody turning that :,.. ~~ over to a collection? MR. SKORIC: Well, I -- I did not, actually. MR. JERULLE: So you just didn't do -- do anything with it-- MR. SKORIC: Well, you know-- MR. JERULLE: -- except try to call? MR. SKORIC: Right. MR. JOSLIN: You're holding something, and I assume that -- is that a copy of one of the bills? MR. SKORIC: Yeah. MR. JOSLIN: Do you have bills that go back to the April time or maybe the Mayor June time when they would have billed you, I 1 apparently? MR. SKORIC: Yeah, I -- I didn't bring those. I can submit those also. I can bring them to you. MR. JOSLIN: That's not going to help me. MR. JERULLE: Yeah. MR. WHITE: Do those reflect billing from the time frame of last year? In other words, do they list, "Y ou owe us for April. You owe us this much for May"? MR. SKORIC: Yes. Yes. MR. WHITE: Is that on those bills? MR. SKORIC: Yes. MR. JOSLIN: Is that something that maybe you'd want to submit as evidence so we can take a look at it just to maybe clarify some of the -- the billing efforts as far as what they billed you for and then your communication with them? You're more than welcome to do that, and I'm sure the board probably would look at it. MR. SKORIC: Do you want me to bring it to -- CHAIRMAN L YKOS: I need a motion to move this into evidence. ~ ..' < i;,~ (' " . ~) ,~ . .",.,,>__,l,~ Page 37 II' .......,.....i-...,J\ .J, ~....;..J~_~" _ ,,~. , 1 ~ ~,e.i~.'-2, .1; I , February 17,2010 ,'.' i MR. LANTZ: So moved, Lantz. MR. JOSLIN: Second, Joslin. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: All those in favor? MR. HORN: Aye. MR. JERRULE: Aye. MR. LANTZ: Aye. MR. JOSLIN: Aye. MR. WHITE: Aye. MR. BOYD: Aye. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Opposed? (No response.) CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Thank you. MR. NEALE: Let the clerk mark it, please. Make it Respondent's . --.,.~~...",...." ~ 1. (Respondent's Exhibit 1 was marked for identification.) CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Thank you. MR. JACKSON: You're welcome. MR. SKORIC: Okay. Here is another one. I have one more just with a list of, I guess, since -- a list since July charges that they submitted. MR. NEALE: I need that one moved in also, Mr. Lykos. He's got another one. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Yeah, we need a motion to have that -- MR. JERULLE: So moved, Jerulle. MR. LANTZ: Second. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Thank you. MR. NEALE: Respondent's 2. (Respondent's Exhibit 2 was marked for identification.) MR. JOSLIN: Mr. Neale, these -- I was looking at the pamphlet. Is this the -- the same company, Idearc, Media -- didn't we have this case before us once before? MR. NEALE: I'm not sure whether it was Idearc. It was a similar . '. L i~+ I, Page 38 ,.--.., .."I" set of facts, though. MR. JOSLIN: Similar. Okay. It sounds familiar; that's why I was wondering. MR. NEALE: Yeah, I -- and I think Mr. Ossorio may -- may' .:;,~.:;i:~ know that better. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Excuse me one second. I failed to get a vote on entering this into evidence. MR. NEALE: Oh, okay. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: So I have -- I have a motion. I have a second. All those in favor. MR. HORN: Aye. MR. JERRULE: Aye. MR. LANTZ: Aye. MR. JOSLIN: Aye. MR. WHITE: Aye. MR. BOYD: Aye. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Opposed? (No response.) CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Thank you. Mr.Ossorio. MR. OSSORIO: I can't tell you to -- I have no idea. It could be the same company; it could not be the same company. MR. GANGULI: Mr. Joslin, it's the same company. MR. JOSLIN: It is. I kind of thought so. The reason why is because it seems like the same scenario happened to the same -- or a -'. different person at one point. I'm not really certain, though, what the: ,. outcome was as far as what we did. MR. OSSORIO: I believe the citation was upheld. MR. JOSLIN: I believe, yeah. MR. GANGULI: Uh-huh. MR. HORN: But you also found that gentleman doing work. MR. GANGULI: Mr. Horn, I believe this occurred twice in front 1', "I.}, :~ ';~.. ,~.~ J, ~.:~~:.~. ....".., " ,I t 1 ..~{ February 17,2010 Page 39 " , , I ~ ,.- ,,0;,: ,",' tl ...,_:,"": ,..t, ~~~.~~~~;. 1; ,I;,. I ;f: _:':"1~... ",L February 17,2010 of this board. The -- the second person was caught on a job site by me and cited, was cited for advertising again, and the same person was arrested during a sting operation that we did later on. I believe the first one may -- may have been dismissed. MR. NEALE: Yeah, I believe so. MR. OSSORIO: It was -- it was -- unfortunately, I don't want to -- it was kind of ironic. The same advertisement that the gentleman was saying that it wasn't his the State of Florida used to -- for a sting operation that he got arrested for. So I have no objections if -- if we want to dismiss this citation, but we will -- we will keep this advertisement on record, though. MR. WHITE: I'd just note for the record, Mr. Chairman, that in the bill that's proceeding to my left the months of the prior billing and dollar amounts are on the back of one of the sheets, Page 2 of 3. MR. JOSLIN: Wow. I don't know what you've gotten yourself into, but that's a lot of dollars. MR. OSSORJO: One ()f th~ tl}jp.gs that tbis g~ntleman should do; is, if he feels like this is a scan -- a scam operation, he needs to do two things: One, sit down and really think about is that this is advertisement that's been going on since October of last year. Has he benefitted from the advertisements? He -- he will only know if he's got calls from doing work outside his handyman license; and, two, he needs to sit down and if he feels like -- if this is a scam operation, surely I will give him the information to call the economic crimes unit so that he can make a complaint on the company itself. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Well, to me there -- there's two issues. One is this advertising went on month after month after month, and you allowed it to go on. You didn't pay for it, but you allowed it to go on, which means you were aware of it, and I think that you have some culpability because you were aware of advertising being done for your company outside of the scope of your license. That's one issue. The second issue is you didn't take any action on this, at least any Page 40 "....".I,-ai " .:,~...:"Hl , I'~ --..-~,...,~ ...l\....i.~~ .J... 1 ~ J :' . f -::;'!,: ',:-,~' :f; ,'['U,I.:'""J' action you can prove to us, until after you were contacted by our local licensing department and then a citation was sent to you. MR. SKORIC: No, I didn't know that I'm going to get any -- sorry -- any -- any citation at the time when -- when I had that call from -- from the Collier County. And, you know, I -- I just didn't respond except on the phone call I -- with the phone calls that I made to that company trying to reach the real person and talk to some -- to somebody. But, as you can see, I have no idea if that -- actually, the first ,,, ,... ....."..14 time when I realized that any kind of advertising is out there was when I saw that flier or whatever, the postcard was -- that was the first time that I realized that there was any -- any kind of advertisement out there. You know, I -- MR. WHITE: And -- MR. SKORIC: I never did any work, and I -- you know, I swore that I -- I will tell the truth, nothing but the truth. I never ever did any work outside of my, you know, description of the stuff -- stuff that I can do as a -- as a handyman, and especially I did not introduce myself as a general contractor to anyone. And I never did any -- any, literally any, business in Collier County, and I never received any single phone call from anyone that supposedly received that postcard advertising my business. MR. WHITE: I appreciate the information, much of which you had stated before, Mr. Skoric, but the -- the question I have is, at any time prior to Collier County contacting you and showing you the card that was being mailed, had you ever seen that card before? MR. SKORIC: No. You know, what I was doing-- MR. WHITE: Were you aware that the card was being mailed and provided to people in Collier County based upon the bills you had already received, these -- these invoices? Were you aware that they were being mailed in Collier County? MR. SKORIC: No, I -- I -- February 17,2010 Page 41 '. !~ " ~ ~ Itl .~,,;~~ { ..\ ,'-~ ';"-;'n\~ .,"-,'-". ..1. ~ ~+,~~. -:;(, ~ :i~.~ <\' J: "I.;.l~. ,,!. February 17,2010 MR. WHITE: Thank you. _.....,.,~ MR. SKORIC: -- did not. You know, I -- I was just throwing that -- everything that was coming except -- you know, I would check -- I don't have all the bills that they have sent me. I was just throwing that to the garbage. I didn't pay attention until, you know, everything came to the point that where -- where, you know, it surprised me that suddenly from October to -- to this time, the end of January, it grew up from -- from $700 to $4,700 that I supposedly owe them. MR. JERULLE: Excuse me. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Go ahead. MR. JERULLE: Mr. Skoric, did you sign up for -- do you recognize this company at all in any other thing that you may have signed up for or done? MR. SKORIC: No, I did not sign any single paper with them. MR. JERULLE: Because -- because the description is different for some of the billing dates. The May billing date description is different than the June billing dates, so it looks like they -- they provided a different service in one month than they did in another month, and then the amounts change from month to month. So did you 3 >.i -- did you -- MR. SKORIC: Well, I didn't pay attention to that at all. MR. JERULLE: Did you apply for the Yellow Pages? MR. SKORIC: No. MR. JERULLE: Because they're -- they're billing you for something other than just the card, it appears, so I'm wondering if -- if this is attached to something else you may have done and you were unaware of. MR. SKORIC: Absolutely not. I never signed anything. I had ....,......;;.iA conversation with a lot of -- a lot of advertising companies, and my response was always the same. I never do especially any -- MR. JERULLE: You don't advertise on the web site? MR. SKORIC: No. < -~. ,~1'.1, );MI Page 42 ~...r.4,':::i:' :(~ ~,:~.J~i!- ./',. ~~....~~ -<', _.L,i~.... +-l'-, '~ ___;,.< ..~1- ~-Jl February 17,2010 MR. JERULLE: Not in the Yellow Pages? MR. SKORIC: Absolutely not. MR. JERULLE: Do you advertise anywhere else? MR. SKORIC: Nowhere. MR. JERULLE: Because the description has changed here, and the amounts have changed. I don't know what that means, but -- MR. JOSLIN: I have -- I have one question of Mr. Ganguli, or -,~.,-.-,",.~ maybe also you, Mr. Skoric. The -- the postcard -- now, if another contractor presented this postcard to you, I would have to assume that the contractor may have lost a job or maybe was being bid against or possibly saw this man working on ajob and knew he wasn't licensed and had a postcard and that's how you ended up with the postcard to go and investigate this. Is that how this came about? MR. NEALE: I -- I'd have trouble following that assumption and fining someone. I think that's -- that's a big stretch because there's nothing in evidence to show that at all. MR. JOSLIN: Well, we have a postcard in front of us, and I'm wondering how Mr. Ganguli got ahold of it, and he said, well, probably because a contractor gave it to him or -- MR. GANGULI: Mr. Joslin, it's commonplace -- licensed -~~ .,._,_.,,,,,.... contractors turn in unlicensed contractors to us all the time to initiate investigations. It's -- it's very common. MR. JOSLIN: Okay. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: A contractor could have got it in the mail at his residence, and that's why he turned it in. MR. JOSLIN: Okay. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: So that's -- MR. GANGULI: And that specific scenario has occurred. MR. JOSLIN: Okay. So it wasn't a case of someone seeing someone on ajob in that case. Okay. Also, I have in front of me a November 4th invoice that shows that you were sent, to Duke's Home Care, a letter showing that you had products that were -- were Page 43 -",till ..li4'..-~.. ~1.i~.. ~b '4 '., , ! I ' ~ :Ii '.c.,' ' ,I February 17,2010 exclusive mailers issued on 5/6th, 5/7th -- I'm sorry -- May, June, July, August, September, Oct -- and Oct -- October 9th for $62 a month. You weren't aware of this? MR. SKORIC: I truly didn't pay any attention to -- to -- to those statements. I was just open -- I would just open it and disregard it. Some of those I would throw to -- to the garbage because I know for sure that I never ever signed or agreed to anything with -- with them. MR. JOSLIN: Okay. MR. HORN: Mr. Chair. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Yes, sir. MR. HORN: Regardless of which way we go on this on the decision, I was hoping maybe we could add a stipulation to whatever'~' that is re -- requiring this gentleman, either personally or through an attorney, to make sure these fliers stop coming to Collier County either way that we go, sir. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Yeah, that's a good request. MR. HORN: Thank you. MR. NEALE: I -- I would suggest to the board just -- it's something I would be willing to work with Michael on -- that we find out a little bit more about Idearc. And I just did a quick piece of research. Idearc has since gone through bankruptcy, and they were now on the -- out in the world as SuperMedia. And they are a former division of Verizon. So I would suggest that the board direct myself and potentially the staff to take a little bit more look because I have a feeling this -- if it's happened three times already -- those are the only ones this board's heard about, and if it's a pattern -- CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Right. MR. NEALE: -- that is, in fact, a scam, I think the board should know about it and potentially staff should know about it so that the cornrnunity can be notified that there is this scam going on, if that -- if it is, in fact, such a case. Page 44 '."'e- ....~..!.,'.,,~jM '"',.,....:~ 'I' , \, i '~'~.l\ ~-;;..i. (1\ 1 . I ,. , -l-o........,.. .... l~,hl~" H ....~.'~:..,ij :.:,i February 17,2010 CHAIRMAN L YKOS: I agree. MR. WHITE: In fact, that is right on the cover page that they're now SuperMedia,"'so good work. . ,..> ''''~'''''' CHAIRMAN L YKOS: So what's the pleasure of the board? MR. JOSLIN: I'll make a motion that we not uphold the Citation No. 5133 to Mr. Dusan Skoric. MR. WHITE: Second. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: I have a motion; I have a second. Any further discussion? MR. JERULLE: Well, if-- MR. HORN: Yeah, if the motioner and the second would agree to it, that we add the stipulation that the plaintiff make sure that this -- these media stop being sent to Collier County, whether personally or through an attorney, so that this doesn't come in front of this board agaIn. MR. WHITE: I -- I'd be willing to consider it if I thought he had any means to actually implement it. I'd -- I'd be concerned about us, if he didn't do it, somehow having to track all of that information and then bring him back because we found out he wasn't able to do it for whatever reason, because they have more lawyers than he does, for example. And -- and I would be okay with a separate motion, similar to what Mr. Neale suggested so that I think we get the same end but without making it his personal responsibility to slay this dragon. MR. JOSLIN: Right. Could -- you could add as an addendum that because of the fact that we're going to deny this citation that we direct Mr. Neale to investigate the Idearc and SuperMedia. MR. WHITE: I'd be comfortable with that as part of the motion. MR. JERULLE: Well -- and just for discussion purposes -- CHAIRMAN LYKOS: Yes. MR. JERULLE: -- could we ask him to provide us with the resolution, whatever the resolution is. Page 45 r:~q~ '--WT. !I ,....,...J,... ~ .h -q,~ '>ry;~, Jil[..lM.~.,l .-t, \ ,-I ~ 'I; 1 "'lI.it T" \. February 17, 2010 MR. WHITE: Oh, you mean between our attorney and staff? MR. JERULLE: No, between Mr. Skoric and -- and -- and the card people, whatever their name is today. MR. WHITE: I would be comfortable with that being within the scope of this or any motion that brought that information back as a specific case of what the general investigation about this company and its practices have been, and not only the resolution of this individual case, but generally speaking how we would be recornrnended to proceed, whether -- whether this board should take some action or not, depending upon whether it's within our jurisdiction. But -- and, again, to impose on a defendant or a respondent a requirement to come back probably could cost him more than the amount on the citation. So what I'm trying to do is to not be as predatory as Idearc and SuperMedia is. MR. JERULLE: I understand. MR. WHITE: I'm just trying to let him walk out of here -- MR. JERULLE: I'm just -- I'm a little -- I just wanted to be curious as to what the -- the resolution is, whether it be a letter or -- I don't even think that he has to reappear at -- at the board meeting, but he could surely send a letter to Mr. Ossorio. MR. JOSLIN: Do we really have the capability, Mr. Neale, to be able to put a stipulation on the citation? Do we either deny it or uphold it, one of the two, first? And then we could go forward. MR. NEALE: Not really. The way -- the way the statute and the ordinance reads is really -- it's -- it's an up-or-down kind of decision. MR. JOSLIN: Right. MR. NEALE: So, I mean, I -- I think Mr. White's suggestion that -- that the -- the denial-- you know, the dismissal of the citation and then a subsequent motion to direct myself and staff or however to investigate this, and, you know, potentially as part of that we can be in contact with the -- with Mr. Skoric with his permission to see what he hears back because supposedly this Idearc has been -- their "Customer Page 46 .,...~~..[..:4 ~~ '. '''v I 't I,,\""~ " - ~ ..-...... ''". ;!" ""j 'j (! , ' ....'..... ''''.''~ .-,j.. ........ 1 . -i ~ ~. I ~~,' '.~ ~:}~ February 17, 2010 . ..~, ,~~ Support Central," which we all have dealt with customer support centrals and know how efficient they are. They've been working on this since October and haven't given him any resolution, so they -- they are probably going to send him what is affectionately called a "bed bug letter" and hope he goes away. MR. JOSLIN: So we should really do this in two motions then, two separate motions? CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Right now we have a motion on the floor and a second to waive the citation, and then we have a pretty convoluted way to try to resolve this. I -- I would make this argument, that to this point Mr. Skoric has been completely unmotivated to resolve this on his own. He's had no -- no motivation whatsoever to resolve this on his own until he got a con -- contact from -- from Collier County. If you uphold the citation, there might be some motivation on his part to get this done. Ifwe keep putting all those things on him, to send us a letter, talk to your attorney -- the man's had no motivation at this point. He's got $4,700 in invoices. I don't want to be tied up in whether or not this gets resolved. I think we need to find some motivation for him to resolve this on his own, and if it doesn't get resolved and he comes back in front of us again because this continues, well, then we can deal with it later, but I don't want to be tied into expecting to get letters and then Michael's got to follow up with somebody, Patrick's got to follow up with somebody. If we decide to authorize Michael or Patrick to look at this Idearc company totally separate from this issue, that's one thing, but I don't want to come back here next month and have Mr. Skoric come here . with letters and proof. Did he do something; did he not do something; did his attorney try hard enough; did the other company respond fast enough, that's not our responsibility. So there's a motion on the floor to waive the citation, a motion ,rltll" ~ ....,,'>I'.I;a.j. .... '-\'" ',0: I I ., \ _ ,,\"J' '~l .",..' -, " ; '',.1 Page 47 ''',1, ... i'i .~:i...':..l...loo ~..... ~'~~.~"~,, ;...~.,t \'." I I' I-j I February 17, 2010 and a second and a discussion, and I think if -- if we want to see something get done, we hold the respondent accountable. MR. WHITE: May I respond, Mr. Chairman? CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Please. We're in discussion mode. MR. WHITE: Thank you. I think the facts on the record are that he was unaware that the advertising was out there until the county put him on notice of it. Up until then it was just, essentially, a contract dispute between him and Idearc as to whether he had any lawful responsibility to pay the bills. He still has that responsibility and will have to deal with it because of the credit rating issues and other concerns. It's now up to $4,700. I think they got his attention. I think this proceeding has gotten his attention, and I'm assuming he's going to resolve it, especially ifhe gives us -- gives Mr. Neale permission to work with him. And I would hope we can deal with that in the next motion. My motion is simply to dismiss it. And more generally we can have the dialogue, I think, in our -- in our next consideration. If we want to do that under new business at the end or if we want to do it immediately after this hearing is of no concern to me, but I'd prefer to stand by the motion, and I'm going to vote in favor of it. MR. JOSLIN: Yes. The motion's on the floor. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Any other discussion? (No response.) CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. I'll call the vote. All those in favor of waiving the citation, say "aye." MR. BOYD: Aye. MR. LANTZ: Aye. MR. JOSLIN: Aye. MR. WHITE: Aye. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Opposed? MR. JERULLE: Aye. MR. HORN: Aye. Page 48 r"r 1 ...r., ...~"~lJ..~ It "I., 'j~ l;l , ;-" '.,1 ~; "".,.'~ 1 Iji1 ~..~.l.. ..~...., ~..j I~~H kill I ~ ' <..tt 'fl'-,f ~,t '1 ", ~ 1 r J .d.:,:~_ .,..;.. ! n ,,,;.;.1 February 17,2010 CHAIRMAN L YKOS: That is 4 to 2. MR. LANTZ: It's either 5 to 2 or -- CHAIRMAN L YKOS: I didn't vote. MR. LANTZ: Oh. MR. JOSLIN: You're abstaining? CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Yes. MR. NEALE: And if you're going to abstain you have to give a reason. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. Then I vote against the motion. MR. WHITE:J.Four to three. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: So it's 4 to 3. MR. WHITE: It still passes. MR. JOSLIN: It still passes. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: So the citation is waived. MR. JERRULE: Yes. MR. SKORIC: Thank you. MR. JOSLIN: Now, Mr. White, if you'd like to make another motion. MR. WHITE: I -- just the board's pleasure, Mr. Chairman, whether we want to handle this additional motion now or sometime later in the agenda. I'm comfortable with dealing with it now. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Let's just do it now. MR. WHITE: Great. I'd make a motion consistent with Mr. Neale's recommendation that he and the staff necessary be authorized to investigate the specifics of not only Mr. Skoric's case but more generally the practices of the company now known as SuperMedia and report back to us on what they find and with any recommendations that they consider to be appropriate. MR. JOSLIN: I'll second the motion. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: I have a motion; I have a second. Discussion? (No response.) ~A~l~lJ~ .., "~l :~~- 'rf"V;rr ... ". ... " ",,,,~;,.i. ~ '.'f ~ Page 49 CHAIRMAN L YKOS: All those in favor? MR. HORN: Aye. MR. JERRULE:Aye. MR. LANTZ: Aye. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Aye. MR. JOSLIN: Aye. MR. WHITE: Aye. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Opposed? MR. BOYD: Aye. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Motion carries 6 to 1. I get caught up in making sure I follow procedure right, and I forget to vote sometimes. Okay. Mr. Skoric, your citation's been waived. Thank you for your time this morning. MR. SKORIC: Thank you very much. Do you expect me anything else -- I didn't understand completely -- to do, or if I resolve ~~~ finally that -- that -- that problem to bring you anything? MR. JOSLIN: Do you need these copies of this -- of your invoices back? I'm sure you do. MR. SKORIC: Yeah. MR. JOSLIN: And then the other thing would -- one thing would be that I think it would be high time that you get on the -- on the -- on (I the boat here and try to get this resolved immediately. MR. SKORIC: Well, I'm -- I'm -- MR. JOSLIN: Any way you can. There's "inquiries" written on there. There's ways to telephone them, letter them. And then work with Mr. Neale, and he'll try to help you if -- possibly and get it resolved before it turns into ten thousands of dollars. MR. SKORIC: Okay. MR. WHITE: Mr. Chairman, just for the record, staff will make ::J.".~". ..... copies and return the originals to Mr. Skoric, so we'll have those items that were submitted into evidence kept as part of the file. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Yes. Thank you. "';L.~." ..... ;', ! ! 1 February 17,2010 Page 50 ..,~., .1.....~,'J;iIj l , ,~,..,'...~ !1'~1l " :.,. ,,~' 'J.~. '~y, l ",.:r ,." \" I .:......." .. ~ ::i ~1~'......":..~ ...:"'j~ '!~~;:,",~ February 17,2010 w: ',.,~'~ ('I MR. SKORIC: Thank you. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. See Mr. Ganguli outside for a cop -- for your originals of those invoices. MR. SKORIC: Thank you very much. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Thank you, sir. Mr. Cochenour, am I pronouncing that correctly? MR. COCHENOUR: Cochenour. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Cochenour. Sorry. You are contesting a citation? MR. COCHENOUR: Yes. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. This is -- COURT REPORTER: I need to swear them. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: I'm sorry. Please swear in -- thank you. (Witnesses duly sworn.) CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. Ian, do you want to start us off? MR. JACKSON: Sure. MR. COCHENOUR: Excuse me. He is in my -- in my affidavit, and does he have to be swore in? MR. JOSLIN: Yes. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Yes, he does. Yeah. Thank you. (Witness duly sworn.) CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Thank you. Okay. Ian. MR. JACKSON: Thank you. For the record, Ian Jackson, license compliance officer. On November 23rd I observed Mr. Cochenour trimming some trees at the noted address of 4242 29th Place Southwest. Mr. Coch -- Cochenour explained to me that he has a -- a tree trimming business in Lee County and also explained that he was doing some work for -- for the homeowner, Mr. Cunningham, I believe, in exchange for some services performed to a motorcycle, I believe. Mr. Cunningham worked on a motorcycle of Mr. Cochenour's, . """h~"'!"" .....A. Il!l,'i i Page 51 I' -.. .....;:"J, ~~'.' ~, '''''.~ ....."'-". .& .'1> ~A,i.+:'trH: ~~.i,~."" 1:+ February 17,2010 :..",i. and in return Mr. Cochenour was -- was trimming the tree for him. Based on the exchange of services, considering that as compensation and requiring a license in Collier County, I issued the citation on site. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. Thank you, Ian. MR. COCHENOUR: Excuse me. That's uncorrect (sic) at all. I've known -- he has a motorcycle shop. I've known him since the early '90s. He's worked on my bikes in the previous. We were not exchanging no bike fees or nothing. He's never had nothing in his shop of mine in -- since the early '90s. I believe I told you that he's a friend of mine and we work on bikes together. We -- but we go racing once a month in Georgia. The tree that I was cutting -- I didn't get paid. I got no -- no money, no check. I did my friend a favor. ..I., ,~~,~ And there was no motorcycle he worked on. What I -- I did tell him that he had worked on my bikes previously, that he's a friend of mine and he owns a motorcycle shop here. I think you misunderstood me. And he can tell you I didn't work on no bike. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. Mr. Cunningham, will you please step forward. MR. CUNNINGHAM: Yes. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Thank you. MR. CUNNINGHAM: Yes, sir. Basically, I mean, we've been friends for probably 18 years. I have not worked on any of his motorcycles. He did it as a favor to me because I was going to do it myself, and he basically stepped up and said he would take care of it so no -- you know, climbing the tree I didn't -- you know, he didn't want to see me get hurt or anything of the sort. ,. A.,.~J\~Ht But the bottom line is I never worked on anything for him and he did it as a favor to me, so, you know, basically, he didn't want to see me get hurt. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: I understand. Thank you. MR. COCHENOUR: And -- and I -- and I do have -- I mean, I 1,<- ' Page 52 "jI..\~,,~~ II:~ ' ,/ 1 f 'I I.it ~~-',rbt February 17, 2010 brought -- I mean, I do got my bank statements for the whole year. I've never done any work here in Collier County. I mean, I don't, you know -- CHAIRMAN L YKOS: I understand. Thank you." MR. JOSLIN: Ian Jackson, is he -- is this gentleman licensed as a"d4j."'<;~I. licensed tree trimmer? MR. JACKSON: In Collier County? MR. JOSLIN: Uh-huh. MR. JACKSON: No, sir. MR. JOSLIN: Not at all. Is he licensed in any county? MR. JACKSON: He -- he has a business based out of Lee County, which I -- I believe does not require a contractor's license for the type of work that Mr. Cochenour does in Lee County; no -- no license requirement for tree trimming in Lee County. MR. OSSORIO: Mr. Chairman, if you look on E8, that is a business tax receipt of Lee County saying that Richard's Tree Service and Stump Grinding -- the description is a tree trimming and! or stump removing. Lee County is -- is a little bit less restrictive than Collier ..~, County. - With the Board of County Commissioners, we do regulate tree service contracting. Most counties are going that way. It requires a business procedure test and a tree exam to be able to conduct business in Collier. MR. WHITE: Just -- CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Questions of the respondent? Mr. White. MR. WHITE: Yes. And of Mr. Cunningham because I think your testimonies conflict with one another. One of you have said that you worked on the respondent's bikes, whether together or not, and, Mr. Cunningham, you said you've never worked on one of his bikes, and so between the -- MR. CUNNINGHAM: Well, not since the '90s. , I.llVl/ I ""...".",41 ~.~l;..-jf:~Pifti ' Page 53 ".!~ (. :~ , i :~ :,Tl ~ .J{JL~I.AAI-~~ ~~ie~,~'~ February 17,2010 MR. COCHENOUR: Yeah, we're talking about 10-- MR. WHITE: Hold on. Gentlemen, gentlemen. One at a time. We're -- we're being transcribed, so we have to talk one at a time. So I don't care who answers first, but help me clear up this confusion, because there seems to be a conflict in your testimony. MR. CUNNINGHAM: Well, I mean, the only time I've ever -- CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Step forward to the microphone, please. MR. CUNNINGHAM: The only time I've ever helped Mr. Cochenour is when we've been at the races, and, I mean, that's as a friendly thing. It's not that I'm doing it as a business at the racetrack or,...\.,.,,':.~41 anything like that. I'm doing it as a friend, and that's us jointly doing it at the races. It's not like he brings these bikes to me at my business here in town to work on his bikes. Basically, he does his own services, does all of his own. I basically -- we work together at the track to help each other -- MR. COCHENOUR: Yeah. MR. CUNNINGHAM: -- at the track, but other than that, I have not done anything to where he's had a bill and vice versa. We've done it to help each other out. MR. JOSLIN: I have one question. Mr. Jackson, one more time, I've got an E6 page, and on it you have the complainant form that's been filled out by yourself where, I assume, that when this citation. .,A;,.~Wr' occurred -- when the violation occurred, you questioned Mr. Coch-- Cochenour. And it states on here that, "On the site observed Mr. Cochenour in lift trimming trees in the front yard." You saw him trimming trees in the front yard. "Cochenour has no Collier license for tree trimming, and when questioned about compensation Cochenour stated homeowner worked on his motorcycle and he was trimming trees in return. " Is this what he verbally told you? ~" r 'I~ I' t Page 54 :<\ ,~1:A'. ~.f,l, .~~,"~;....,4.,l.. ,jj,...i...i."J..~ 'I, t'.'l February 17, 2010 MR. JACKSON: I -- I wouldn't say that was a direct quote, but during the interview in the field that was the -- the general::'.i~ ~ interpretation that I -- that I got was that there was an exchange of servIces. MR. JOSLIN: Okay. MR. JACKSON: And based on that being compensation I issued the citation. MR. JOSLIN: Okay. Ifhe was not working on a motorcycle, in the fact that he was trimming a tree, wouldn't you still have cited him for unlicensed activity? MR. JACKSON: I probably would have -- would have looked into it a little further, talked with the homeowner to ensure that there was no compensation, whether -- whether monetary or -- or exchange of services, possibly an affidavit stating such from the homeowner. MR. CUNNINGHAM: May I say something, please? I did sign an affidavit to that and gave it to the office. ' .. ...-.,,,.J~,4f CHAIRMAN L YKOS: I believe we have that in our packet. MR. JOSLIN: We have that; that's why they're conflicting. MR. WHITE: Well, let me just clarify that it -- it's not an affidavit at Page E -- E3. It's simply a letter. It's not sworn, but-- MR. COCHENOUR: Yeah. MR. WHITE: -- his testimony today is sworn and would be the equivalent of an affidavit. MR. CUNNINGHAM: Right. MR. WHITE: For -- for just, you know, the weight you would give the testimony. MR. NEALE: Yeah. Since it is sworn testimony today, it's -- you know, the affidavit is almost -- I mean, the affidavit -- all he's really doing is reasserting what he had put in his -- his alleged affidavit. . ,..,;,;.,,,;j.;,H' CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. MR. NEALE: And -- and, specifically -- I'll just follow up with Mr. Jackson. To be a contractor, the contract requires compensation Page 55 ,. <~Yf I ,1 !I ij;.J~,~ 1.j..J4..o.J., :ir~ldJ ]If r "', ' ~. ;.. ':,J04 f~ February 17,2010 for the services, so ifhe's doing it for free he's not a contractor. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Thank you. Kyle. MR. LANTZ: For this one, my personal opinion is I think he-- they're probably good friends and they've probably been friends forever, and it's a friend helping a friend out. We seem to see a lot of times where people come in and say, "Oh, I was helping out my .' ",,,~,,;t~.~~ buddy," and their buddy never shows up. Now, here his friend stepped up to the plate, came down, and for -- that leads me to kind of think that he's telling the truth. And you never see the friend or the homeowner stepping up to the plate. To see that makes me think -- you know, leans me a little more to his side of I ',:I!' the story that he's not doing anything wrong. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Any other questions or cornrnents for the respondent? I -- I have a question. When I was going through this, one of the things that came to my mind was it appears, Mr. Cochenour, you had a truck from your business that you had on site to do this work. Is that correct? MR. COCHENOUR: Yeah. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: In a situation like that -- and I don't know',.,....Jl.,ij if Ian can answer or maybe Michael -- what happens if there's an accident and this gentleman's got his commercial vehicle on site, somebody gets hurt, property damage occurs? I understand it's a friend helping a friend, but this is a commercial business with a cornrnercial vehicle. I'm not sure of the equipment that was being used. What happens if a child was around, a child got hurt or a pet or the neighbor's property got damaged? What would happen in a situation like this? MR. JACKSON: I -- I couldn't answer that. MR. NEALE: It really wouldn't -- it's just like if you pulled up on somebody's property and fell out of their tree or-- Page 56 1,l.ml ;ij...lL;......;. }jITI~I!I' j,~; ~~~~"" .":.~, ~, '1-:. ,''''''';- ....,.v j ....~),. ,J" 1 : I .: ! i i February 17, 2010 ".....,....4 MR. CUNNINGHAM: The homeowner's would cover it. MR. NEALE: It's the homeowner's insurance. MR. JOSLIN: Homeowner's insurance. MR. NEALE: It -- the fact that it's a cornrnercial vehicle, all that means, frankly, is that that company would probably be joined in any lawsuit that happened to go forward. It doesn't -- if there's no compensation, it doesn't rise to the level of being a contracting issue and that workers' compensation would come in or anything because there's no -- there's no business being done, there's no work being done. CHAIRMAN LYKOS: I understand. So the fact that there was no compensation exchanged eliminates the -- any liability that goes along with the commercial transaction? MR. NEALE: It becomes premises liability just like if you've got a friend at your house. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. I understand. Okay. MR. NEALE: And, Mr. White, do you agree with that one? MR. WHITE: It sounds consistent with my understanding of the law. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. MR. ZACHARY: Good answer. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Any other questions of the respondent? MR. JERULLE: Yeah. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Terry. MR. JERULLE: How many people were in the -- in the Ii -- was it a lift bucket? - , MR. JACKSON: I -- I believe it was a lift. MR. JERULLE: And -- and how many people? MR. JACKSON: Mr. Cochenour was in the lift. MR. JERULLE: By himself? MR. JACKSON: In the lift by himself. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Any other questions or comments? Page 57 ,I, ,".;~~ ''''I'''~.~ , ., 1. .' q , f ~i,........~ ~~~,k .1.,1 ..,~ ....' ?'\ ~r' ',rJ:; ~''f ...,...-"...u.._.jl.,} February 17,2010 (No response.) CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. I need a motion. MR. JOSLIN: I'm not sure that I entirely believe this, but I'm going to -- motion to waive the citation. MR. JERULLE:' Second, Jerulle. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: I have a motion; I have a second. Any further discussion? (No response.) CHAIRMAN L YKOS: All those in favor? MR. JERRULE: Aye. MR. LANTZ: Aye. MR. JOSLIN: Aye. MR. WHITE: Aye. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Aye. MR. BOYD: Aye. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Opposed? MR. HORN: Aye. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Motion carries 6 to 1. Your citation is waived. MR. CUNNINGHAM: Thank you. MR. COCHENOUR: Thank you. Is that all I need? MR. NEALE: You're done. MR. COCHENOUR: Okay. Thank you. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Next, Gary Elliott contesting a citation. (Witness duly sworn.) MR. ELLIOTT: Good morning. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Good morning, Mr. Elliott. You've been sworn in? MR. ELLIOTT: Yes. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. Thank you. Ian? MR. WHITE: Were -- were you sworn, Mr. Jackson? Page 58 ; i ,. , I I i ; : , i , t , I , I \,.......4\od..'~~ ,.,,,)1) u. l"'r1'll , ."""" '" , ..i. llq~~, ~.J&~~ ,;li!tl~i\I"U '11...1 ',.' ';-ril', February 17, 2010 MR. JACKSON: I was. MR. WHITE: Thank you. MR. JACKSON: On December 3rd of last year, I observed Mr. Elliott pressure cleaning a roof, and on that site I also observed his business vehicle advertising a trade out of the scope of his license; sealing driveways to be specific, which falls under a sealing and striping license. With that I asked Mr. Elliott to come down from the roof, explained the violation, explained the steps that he can take to correct i ' ,......~...'";...""!'# the violation; removing the advertising, either permanently or temporarily, and obtaining the certificate r~quired to advertise in that manner. And at the conclusion of our meeting I issued the noted citation. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. Thank you, Ian. Mr. Elliott. MR. ELLIOTT: That is true. A few days after that I did take steps to fix that situation. I have pictures that I've taken of my truck since where I've covered over anything that would imply that I seal driveways. Can I submit this as evidence? CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Yes, if you would, please. Stop right here, and we'll get it entered as evidence. I need a motion to accept this into evidence. MR. JOSLIN: So moved, Joslin. MR. JERULLE: Second, Jerulle. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: All those in favor? MR. HORN: Aye. MR. JERRULE: Aye. MR. LANTZ: Aye. MR. JOSLIN: Aye. MR. WHITE: Aye. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Aye. MR. BOYD: Aye. Page 59 ",.1.....1111I, 1)"1 Ii." ~II.' I , ~.. .~.,,~.~...;,..~~ J",,~H~I '" .t1 , ._-.~-, ,-~ 'UL.1.';"f; (, >, '. I' . , . r r : r , r: : f . " ..! ~.~'~~~"! February 17,2010 CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Opposed? (No response.) CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Thank you. MR. ELLIOTT: The pictures on the left show the van before I made the correction; the pictures on the right show a magnet that I placed over the wording. (Respondent's Exhibit 1 was marked for identification.) MR. ELLIOTT: It shows the one side and the back door. The -- the other side is the same as what you see there. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Ian, if -- if I understand correctly, the issue is the sealing of driveways. MR. JACKSON : Well, before I commit to that, I want to read the definition. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: You have -- I think you have it in here, don't you? It's in the packet. MR. JACKSON: I do. "Cited -- cited for advertising as sealing and striping." CHAIRMAN L YKOS: And Mr. Elliott's van had a sign that said he did sealing of driveways? MR. JACKSON: Correct. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: So that was what prompted the citation? MR. JACKSON: Correct. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. MR. JACKSON: And if it would please the board, I'll read that definition. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Please do. MR. JACKSON: "Those who are qualified with the experience and skill to seal or stripe driveways, parking lots, sidewalks, and patios. Scope of work shall include asphalt patching incidental to sealing up to 20 square feet per patch in a manner that does not use a mechanical spreader or paver." The -- the issue more specifically in the definition of sealing and , . "..._.~. u...,....J.;., l ~': ~~ I :/'( :>,; ,:_.}.~...,....~J....~ Page 60 'ji t"~ i 'f 'f ~J.JJ..~~~ ~:~~~J,'~'t~,jl "; ~ 1 ~, .. "": .. ....,".........,;." I' "ilf'r(; February 17,2010 " " 1 I " .'1f~ : striping was seal driveways on the -- on the advertisement. MR. OSSORIO: You could look at -- that's at E6 in your packet. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: As the picture makes its way around, what Mr. Elliott did was he got a red magnet and crossed over-- crossed off "seal" on his advertising. MR. JOSLIN: A question. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: See it? MR. JOSLIN: Yeah. I was thinking this thing says the same thing, but "seal" was gone. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: He covered the word "seal" here and there (indicating). MR. JOSLIN: I didn't know you could pressure -- pressure clean upholstery . MR. ELLIOTT: Very low pressure, but with the proper tools. MR. BOYD: Ian, I see these people advertising cleaning your paver driveway and sealing it. Is -- do you need a license for that? MR. JACKSON: To seal it, yes. To pressure clean a driveway, a contractor's license is not required. MR. BOYD: Okay. But I'm not talking about sealing asphalt. I'm I ",.'1"..,.1., ij talking about pavers. ' ' MR. JACKSON: Sealing a brick paver driveway -- MR. BOYD: A brick paver driveway. MR. JACKSON: -- requires a contractor's license. MR. BOYD: Okay. MR. WHITE: Interestingly in this case, although the facts of your W\,',{;i investigation reveal that he was potentially sealing a roof, a roof is not I within the scope of work, so, but for the advertising issue, which is really what the citation's about, you -- you wouldn't have a sealing problem. Bad pun intended. MR. OSSORIO: That is correct. And, Mr. Boyd, you can take a look at -- E5 is this page. This is the Collier County Ordinance, sealing and striping ,.... ";'."'lo.,,:&...~. Page 61 ',;,I,~.lj, ,h,. ., ",;, "~';Y':~-'i'~ .~ .: ' . ~. ....oi&J.. ,j.U JIL.U.u~.,~~!,~ AL iir'lf' ,,,f \ " , February 17,2010 contracting. And that's what license is required to seal driveways and patios. MR. JOSLIN: What about brick pavers? MR. OSSORIO: And -- yes. MR. WHITE: If they're part of a patio or a driveway or a sidewalk, then yes. MR. OSSORIO: That is correct. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: You can clean them. MR. WHITE: Or even a parking lot. MR. OSSORIO: That's correct. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Sometimes what you have to be careful of is -- I think we sometimes make assumptions that what's the big deal about sealing -- sealing a pavered driveway, but that license actually allows you to do large commercial projects. So under a specific proj ect like this it might not seem like a such a big deal to seal somebody's brick - brick paver driveway, but that license allows you to do so much more, which is why there's a restriction on it. MR. WHITE: I -- MR. OSSORIO: Also, Mr. Chairman, when you deal with sealing and striping, the Board of County Commissioners and the licensing board put a restriction of 24 months of experience. They want someone that has the ability to understand how to put the application -- the product on the pavement. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Uh-huh. , MR. OSSORIO: So not only you take the business procedure test ,,,;L...,Llf to make sure you know how to conduct your business, but they want to make sure you have two years of experience in that field. And I'm sure Mr. Elliott is more than welcome to apply for a sealing and striping license since he already took the business procedure test. So now he just has to come down to the county, fill out the application to show that he has 24 months of experience of -- of ',,';,r "'''''.'10'''. I ,I. ,I I I 1..,.....1.. Page 62 1.;",).lI\AlI"'~I~ ',}I.I,~.,l,;': ,'I, ."..J.I.l.*.~ February 17, 2010 sealing and striping, and we will issue him a certificate, if you -- if he wishes to. MR. WHITE: And -- and just for the record, the scope of the "UJ.,.t.jI:I.~~ license -- the only asphalt patching you can do, so folks don't get the wrong idea, including you, is up to 20 square feet. MR. ELLIOTT: I never -- MR. WHITE: And -- MR. ELLIOTT: I never did anything with asphalt. That's not in my realm of ability. MR. WHITE: I understand. And it also indicates that you cannot use a mechanical spreader or a paver to do that patching of 20 square feet so-- , CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Any other questions or cornrnents from the board? MR. NEALE: Just one note to the board -- CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Mr. Neale. MR. NEALE:*~- from a legal 'point ofvieW''-'49.127(4)(d)(3), which is -- this comes under 49.127 -- states that if the person issued the citation or his designated -- his or her designated representative shows that the citation is invalid or that the cit -- violation has been corrected prior to appearing before the enforcement or licensing board, the enforcement or licensing board may dismiss the citation unless the violation is either irreparable or irreversible. So the board does have permission in the case where it's been corrected to -- to find that the -- to dismiss the citation. MR. JOSLIN: Did you say that was a magnetic sign that you covered over it with? MR. ELLIOTT: Yes, sir. MR. JOSLIN : You covered over it with a piece of -- another piece of magnet? MR. ELLIOTT: Yes. I had went to a sign shop and had them make it just for that. .,,,,,,)r,,:'~J~ , . . .. -I.~..,..,(,~~~.,,~ Page 63 ~1()I~!"~I!1, r !"'-'r..../ 'It i . . i' , ," i ! i . " I 'I i. . I' i'......u......., . !' iI.~...~~ifo~ February 17,2010 MR. JOSLIN: So it's a completely new sign, but it has the word "seal" gone; is that what you're saying? MR. ELLIOTT: Correct, yes. MR. JOSLIN: Okay. You didn't just take another piece and just stripe over "seal" and you can pull it off sometime? MR. ELLIOTT: No, I -- that's what it is. I -- MR. JOSLIN: It's a permanent sign. CHAIRMAN'L YKOS: No. No. No, that's exactly what it is. MR. ELLIOTT: It's placed on there. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: It's a piece of magnetic sign over the word "seal." MR. JOSLIN: Right. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: The whole rest of the sign's the same. He can take the magnet off, and it'll say "sealing" underneath it. MR. JOSLIN: Okay. Well, then I don't like that. That's not going to work. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Thank you. MR. ELLIOTT: Can I ask you to look at the photo? MR. JOSLIN: No, I understand that. MR. JERULLE: Maybe you can see it in there. MR. JOSLIN: Oh, I can see it in there now. Okay. So what you did was you took the -- you took the sign that you had on there and took another piece of the red background and just put it over the "seal" portion; is that correct? MR. ELLIOTT: Correct. MR. JOSLIN: Okay. Well, that's not going to get it. Because you could take that back off again, right? MR. ELLIOTT: That could -- that could be possible. MR. JOSLIN: Yeah. MR. ELLIOTT: Since I've put it on their early December, a few days after this, I have not removed it. I have -- I've had it on there ever SInce. :, ~I ~t ,('l:~;!i~~' ~,." I' ,p I, '. ...,>...(J..jIJ!,.<I._.J.iII,r.,_~ ~' I Page 64 "",._..J~)"l.t..,W:a....;t., ~~I~"""'; k" ), /.i,~ '"~ ~''''~, '~"rr'~v~ _,..~,.L.lu..~; February 17,2010, ..,...,.j.J;"I'''''''~~ MR. LANTZ: But you chose to do a magnet instead of vinyl on top? MR. ELLIOTT: Well, I did that because I'm making the preparations to get -- to acquire the license so when I do have that I can take it off without going through the expense of removing the -- the decals and having more lettering put on. MR. LANTZ: So have you done sealing in the past? MR. ELLIOTT: I have, yes. MR. JERULLE: But do you have two years of experience to qualify? MR. ELLIOTT: Yes. MR. JERULLE: You do. MR. WHITE: Where are you in the process, Mr. Elliott? MR. ELLIOTT: Where am I in the process? MR. WHITE: The process of getting that license you talked about. MR. ELLIOTT: I'm thinking of people that I can approach about this that can truthfully justify that I have the experience. MR. WHITE: So you've not -- MR. ELLIOTT: I understand they have to be notarized letters, correct? MR. WHITE: Yes. You've not filed an application at this point? MR. ELLIOTT: Not yet. MR. WHITE: When do you intend to file the application? MR. ELLIOTT: I'm working on that right now. MR. JERULLE: Mr. Elliott, I don't think you finished what-- you're coming before us to contest the citation. Can you explain -- MR. ELLIOTT: I was. MR. JERULLE: -- to us why you think you should not pay after the -- MR. ELLIOTT: Well, I -- I felt at the time that a warning would have been sufficient to take care of in a certain time period -- if Mr. Page 65 , .,. r, ..,'lJ,r&,\~I,t,~., " .,~ 1 t, {' 4"''\1w'.>>..,,,1...~. 1~.w..I4-~.. ,lliIUU.;:I.~ ,!' ,,'Il ,i[ ;I,lJ.Ili,,",d, ,'.!j February 17, 2010 Jackson would have -- would have said that -- you know, I took care of it right away on my own. I felt a warning would have been justified and come back to him and show proof within a time period that he specified. But I took care of it. That -- and since it does state on the backside of the citation that -- which this gentleman stated to you, that...........JA..~ it -- the violation could be -- is repairable, which it was, that you would consider that. MR. JERULLE: Okay. MR. WHITE: May I ask a question, Mr. Chairman -- CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Sure. MR. WHITE: -- of Mr. Neale? Mr. Neale, is it possible under our jurisdiction in disposing of this case to dismiss it with a stipulation that he obtain the required license within a period of time; in other words, it's conditionally dismissed and ifhe -- MR. NEALE: What I -- what I would suggest probably as a better route in this case -- MR. WHITE: Table it? ,. ~, ~, MR. NEALE: -- is that the board continue this matter -- MR. WHITE: Okay. MR. NEALE: -- for a period of time to permit him to obtain licensure, at which time the board could review the case and decide what action to take at that point rather than up or down today. MR. WHITE: I mean, I understand there may be concern about whether under the statute he's, quote, unquote, corrected the advertising issue. I mean, he certainly has made a good-faith effort to do so, and I don't want to split a hair about whether -- it being permanent or, quote, temporary because he could remove the magnet. I'm -- I'm pretty sure based on his testimony if he's said he's left it on their he's going to leave it on their hopefully until he concludes the licensing process. And I'm interested in the other board members' opinion, but it seems from my point of view that we -- we might want:,ljl"'h'.:~ rl:mU ..~ . "~I ~;rJl Page 66 .n.....~Ito~."":"' t'::;jlllUftW(,._ ! "H"';i t, ~~lu..___~ '..........JA..,,,,I..,.....~ February 17, 2010 to continue this for whatever period of time that would seem reasonable for him to go through the licensure process. I'm guessing two months. MR. JOSLIN: No, 30 days. MR. WHITE: Three months? MR. JOSLIN: Thirty days. MR. JERULLE: It's already been two months. MR. WHITE: I -- I just don't know what the time frame is; that's why I was looking to staff for some guidance. MR. JOSLIN:lfhe's qualified to do the"work and he only has to ~J;,~j~ij get the affidavit signed by someone that says he has the experience, . then that should be something that should be very simple to do. You've just got to get it notarized, present the packet to Mr. Ossorio, and then by the time we meet next month he should have it pretty well in line, or at least well on its way that it's either approved or disapproved. MR. JERULLE: And I'm confused as to why he hasn't done that in the last two months. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: All right. Let me make it easier for you guys. Again, why are we having a follow-up with somebody, having them come back here and spend our time on this? The man chose a temporary, least expensive solution to this and now is asking that we waive the citation. If he'd have went and got his signs redone and it was a permanent, . . '.........."'4:.......,.......~ solution, I'd feel a lIttle bit more inclined to waive this thing, but he ' went out and found the absolute simplest, most temporary solution to this and hasn't put the effort into getting the license. So he doesn't want to pay the fine, and he doesn't want to pay the money to get his sign changed. MR. OSSORIO: Mr. Chairman, our issue is is that his testimony directly says that he's done work as a sealing and striping contractor. He's been ben -- he benefitted from his sign; therefore, I would say .Ip l'''f. :i ! Page 67 . ~ . .;.....41,...U.....~. I ','ii,"... I.; ~ :' ~~ J . :: :: ~'.M'~'~~ 'i' '." ':' ~"I llJ l...~u..~~,~. February 17,2010 ' that he's a con -- he acted as a contractor and the citation should be upheld.-.,~k."...';"441 CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Kyle? MR. LANTZ: Well, I just want to make a motion. I move that we uphold the citation. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: I have a motion. I need a second. MR. JERULLE: Second, Jerulle. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Any discussion? MR. WHITE: Yes, Mr. Chairman. There's one citation here, and it's for advertising. It's not for doing any work. And whether his testimony is that he did, he's not being cited for that, so let's -- let's not ':1 mix apples and oranges in how we determine the vote. I'm going to vote against the motion, but only because I believe he did correct the violation for advertising. And he's attempting to do it, and I believe that we want to encourage people to comply. Perhaps..,."~.",:I,.~ he should have been more timely and avoided the circumstance. If he was coming here with us saying, "Yeah, I've got an application. I'm going to be before you next month," the other gentlemen on the board may have seen this differently. But I -- I just don't want to have you cast your vote based on the fact that we're bootstrapping in his own testimony being used against him for a'! t trl violation he's not being cited for; that's all. MR. ELLIOTT: I would be willing to -- if -- if you'd give me 30 days, I can -- that would be enough time for me to get the required affidavits. I believe it's -- what? You need three to show proof of experience or just one? MR. OSSORIO: Two or three would be fine. MR. ELLIOTT: Three? MR. OSSORIO: Three's better than two. ,...~k..~....4i MR. ELLIOTT: Is two acceptable? MR. OSSORIO: Two is fine. MR. ELLIOTT: Okay. Page 68 no"" ~; .1 i . "I . i 1~~J.,k~ 'iiJi'J111, r 1. ~.;......;.. '~\i~~1I1\ l' ....d....".....~, ....... February 17, 2010'1'" 1'\1 MR. OSSORIO: We need 24 months. So we need two. But if you some education or training in the field of seal coating, I can take that as -- as a -- as experience in a percentage. MR. ELLIOTT: All right. I would ask that you would consider that, please. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. MR. JOSLIN: If I'm not mistaken, I think we -- there's a motion on the floor, but we either have to deny the motion or take the motiQn"..".....,.:..i.~ back and continue this, you know, with that assumption or vote on it. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Right. So if -- MR. NEALE: Ri,ght. MR. ELLIOTT: Can I -- CHAIRMAN L YKOS: If the discussion's over, I'll call the vote. MR. ELLIOTT: Could I -- so we don't take up your time on another meeting, would bringing it to the attention of one of the inspectors be sufficient? CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Well, we have a motion on the floor we need to vote on, and then any further discussion after that. 1: ! ! MR. NEALE: Well, you do -- you do have the option of -- if the 'Ii. movant and the seconder both agree to withdraw the motion, you don't have to -- CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. MR. NEALE: -- call a vote on it. MR. LANTZ: I stand by my motion. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Who seconded that? Was that Terry? MR. JERULLE: I did. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. Are you going to maintain your second? MR. JERULLE: Yes. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. Is there any further discussion? Mr. Boyd. MR. BOYD: Does he have any previous citations? I '-I~~"",J....~~~. Page 69 ~~~~\H~' ji I ...~'".~.... l. ,'4l.il>l"'~;~ i!!Jjj lu J;~:'I~' . ~ , t:~;' .. ' r. I' i I .....~..I~L.~H.....~. February 17, 201 Q. "J;,~~~~~ MR. JACKSON: No record of any previous violation. MR. BOYD: And he's been a contractor since 1998, right? He's been here for 12 years. MR. JACKSON: Correct. MR. BOYD: Thank you. MR. JOSLIN: Now, understand one other item, gentlemen. If the motion carries or does not carry, that now there is no fine and there is no way that we -- he can bring anything before us as far as to alleviate the fine; he's off totally. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: If the motion doesn't carry, that's correct. MR. JOSLIN: If the motion does not carry. MR. WHITE: Let -- let me state for the record that, if that were ~.,,;Lt.;k:~ the case, my intention would be to make a motion to or -- or I would ask the motion makers to consider -- well, let me just stop right there. I don't think there's a procedural way -- MR. JOSLIN: No. MR. WHITE: -- to address your concern. MR. NEALE: Well, what-- MR. WHITE: So that's why I'm going to vote against it. MR. NEALE: What can be done is that the -- the -- the contractor licensing supervisor can refer any application that he appears on his face -- appears to him on its face not to be consistent with the ordinance to this board for review. MR. WHITE: But 1-- if the motion is denied, we're -- we're left in what posture? CHAIRMAN L YKOS: The citation needs to be paid. I'm sorry. ''''"'II'I,,''~,M.'1'''I. If the motion -- MR. WHITE: Well-- well, no, we could still make another motion. MR. NEALE: Uh huh, you can still make another motion. MR. WHITE: Okay. Thank you. I wasn't clear on that in my own mind. Thank you. , """t~ ,'il,'" (:1 . I Page 70 , ., . ~ ........i.l............ ii, {~)A,d~li,~ji:;i , , ....w.;u........p February 17,2010 . MR. JERULLE: You know, in these tough economic times, I have sympathy for -- for somebody like Mr. Elliott, but -- but on the same token, you know, he's been doing this and benefiting from this and doesn't have a license. And I know that there's other contractor~ ..~~",...,.J....!l that I'm in direct contact with almost on a daily basis that do abide by the rules and the regulations and the laws that I think we as a board have an obligation to. Those people are following the rules, and -- and then along comes somebody like Mr. Elliott who -- who really doesn't follow the rules and maybe can under -- underbid them as we stated earlier. So not that I want to punish you so much as, you know, it's the -- it's the right thing to do. You advertised something that you were not licensed for. MR. WHITE: Yeah. MR. JERULLE: And -- and you have -- that's a very nice sign, and you've paid money to put that sign on there, and you made a conscious effort to put that sign on your truck, and you benefitted . ;;'~Wlt from it. And it is -- it was wrong, and it's time to pay for that mistake, '+',"i ,..f!J and that -- that's my opinion. MR. WHITE: Well, the statute allows, as Mr. Neale indicated, if he corrects the violation before the hearing, which arguably he's done, that we have it within our power to not penalize him. MR. JERULLE: Yeah. Well, "arguably" is the correct term because putting a temporary magnetic sign over a permanent sign, to me, is not really correcting the problem. And having two months to make an application to -- to do the license and he hasn't done so is not correcting the problem, in -- in my opinion. MR. LANTZ: I think the statute allows it, but it doesn't require us. MR. WHITE: No, you're -- you're absolutely right. MR. JOSLIN: So restate the motion, please, just so I understand... ,~';,."'-il. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: The motion was to uphold the citation. Page 71 Iitijl~~I~~,,:1t r. " ~ :: .1 '. I .' , I 1 , " 'I . i ". .1 ." , i Jl..~ilAl',,,,,,,~ I'"" I:' ...,. February 17, 2010 Okay. Any further discussion? (No response.) CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Then I will call the vote. All those in favor of upholding the citation say "aye." MR. HORN: Aye. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Aye. MR. JERRULE: Aye. MR. LANTZ: Aye. MR. JOSLIN':"1\ye. ~,Jr.~H~1 CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Opposed? MR. WHITE: Aye. MR. BOYD: Aye. COURT REPORTER: Who opposed? Can you raise your hands if you opposed? CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Opposed -- raise your hand if you opposed. So the motion carries 5 to 2. The fine is -- the citation's payable in 10 days, correct? MR. OSSORIO: That is correct. Mr. Chairman, is it -- would it please the court reporter if we took a five-minute break? COURT REPORTER: Yes. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. Then we'll stay adjourned for five ,.J.."JAAli,JI~~ minutes. We'll be back -- how about if we come back at 5 after 11. MR. OSSORIO: That's fine. (Recess held.) CHAIRMAN L YKOS: So I will call the meeting to order. And next on the agenda is Paul Lykins, reinstatement of a county license. Y"'r"'J\!"" (Witness sworn.) MR. LYKINS: Hello. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Good morning, Paul. Michael, do you want to give us a quick background on this? MR. OSSORIO: Just give me a quick second. Page 72 l~Ii'lN 1tll~ I .~....",J..h._ ~U..:l r'fi"~~1 II ill f 'I ......,t..iJ.M~ ~. I~. ':_ , ,.'~.. I 1 . 'i 1'. ' " ,,...;.~"'~ February 17, 2010~'li rl!i'f:11 ,J l. ,i,....;,.....~ MR. JOSLIN: Is he sworn in? MR. NEALE: Yes. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Yes. MR. OSSORIO: Mr. Lykins is a certified specialty contractor, electrical specialty contractor by the State of Florida. He did have a electrical -- not -- an electrical sign contracting license in the county registered with the state. He became state certified, and he let his county license lapse but kept his state registration current, so what Mr. Lykins is wishing to do is to reinstate his county license so he would have a electrical sign contracting local license and a -- and he will keep his state certified specialty electrical license as well. They both can do the same thing, but he wishes to keep his electrical sign contractor active in our database because right now it's showing it's cancelled because he's state certified. I'll give you an example: when you were state registered, you let your registration cancel, but you became state certi -- certified. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Right. MR. OSSORIO: You can have two. You just elected to be a general contractor because it's an overkill. You don't wish to go ahead \ and keep two. Mr. Lykins wishes to go ahead and have two. It's a little bit different because he's a state certified specialty electrical contractor versus he's a county licensed electrical contractor for signs. So it's a little bit different classification. The state does -- encompasses the electricals, but he kept his state electrical license active, so he has two registrations. He has a registered license, and then he has a state certification license with the state. But he didn't renew his -- his county license, so what we need tOi<'I~~I~''''''1fIII do is -- he wishes to waive the exam so that he can reapply and get his certificate back. He -- he is continuing his education. This has been a formality. We've done this five or six times in the past. My recommendation real mi 1 i il'l Iii! .!f! '>~I.",.'"..........~ Page 73 i:r " <~, j't'"v"" t 1: 'j '~ , i (, I LL.;...,... ~ III.Ali~/li1,"1 j ., );'1)1 l~uJ.,~~. lj'l February 17,2010 , quick is to go ahead and waive the -- waive the test. And he can apply for his certificate back as an electrical sign contractor since he's kept his state registration up and current and be done with it. MR. NEALE: Yeah. As Mr. Ossorio says, really the board's action here is to waive the testing requirement for him. That's really all the board is doing. And then he has to go through the regular ., ' application process to get back in. So that's -- that's really all the board.....4......~ is doing is waiving the testing requirement. MR. JERULLE: Mr. Ossorio, did YOU; give a -- what your thoughts were, what your recornrnendation is? MR. OSSORIO: Yeah. My recommendation is he gets his -- if you look on the application, his application -- I don't know what page it's on, but you'll see it's -- it says Lykins, Paul David -- that is him -- Lykins Signtek Development Specialty, and he's a -- you'll see it says registered specialty contractor, and it's actually showing current. And so, therefore, since he kept his registration current and active, we recommend that he get his license back. If you go ahead and turn to the next page, he has an ES license, certified specialty contractor, and that is current, and that is, basically, for signs. ":I;JrHI I' , , So it's an overkill. He's going to have a registered specialty contracting for signs, and he's going to be a certified specialty contractor for signs. And he's doing that for a couple of reasons; one, he -- obviously, he wants to keep his registration current just in case something happened with his state license and, two, that into our database, when -- when a person pulls a category now that says "electrical sign," he'll be in there. Right now if you pull "electrical sign," it's going to -- it's not going to show him in there because he's not an electrical sign contractor. He's a state certified specialty electrical contractor, but it encompasses signs. So he just wants to be more definitive and be in that category and keep his registration current with the state, from Tallahassee, and keep a certified registration with Tallahassee as well, , iVlhl1ih1i 1 ,:._,,:'. I,~~~:, Page 74 ; ,I ,l~~I.:-~!,iItIl ~1I )' I' "V'1 i II I I I I ! I ! I I ,I I II . i j I ,I .L....,IJ..i;..d 'l!l 41 ;1ii.\~'!~'~H !.II~!~jI'i "Ir February 17,2010 so -- MR. JOSLIN: Mr. Chairman, I'm just going to make -- this is the shortest one we've had for a while. I'm going to make a motion that we 1'1 waive Mr. Lykins' testing requirements based on the fact that if you look at his credit ap it's impeccable, and I believe that the man's been I' in business long enough here that it's just a formality, I believe, that was missed. MR. WHITE: Second. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: I have a motion; I have a second. Discussion? MR. JERULLE: I know them, and I use them, so I think I will ,..,...J..,.....I...ai! not vote to make sure that -- I'm trying to be impartial. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: I'm in the same -- I'm in the same boat. I have to abstain because I'm one of their customers as well. MR. BOYD: Well, then I'm a-- MR. JOSLIN: You're not -- actually, I don't think-- MR. BOYD: I'm a competitor. MR. JOSLIN: Mr. Neale, you can -- Mr. Neale can answer the question, but you don't have to abstain because you know them; you just have to make it so the board knows it. MR. NEALE: Yeah, you don't have to abstain as long as it's publicly noticed that -- that you do have a business relationship with them. MR. JERULLE: All right. MR. NEALE':'And -- and make -- make 'sure that you make the ,i ~il~J~':~' statement on the record, if it is, in fact, the truth, that it will not impact the -- your vote or influence your vote in any way. MR. JERULLE: Okay. MR. OSSORIO: Mr. Jerulle, is that the company you complained about last week to me? CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Well, I'm also friends with Steve Stevenson, so I'm going to abstain because I do have a relationship Page 75 "1";1.'(, "I I, ,I, j~:"~II!" ,'.If ilflLI,Jlll.j,.;J.U )i,!il'JL\tl\"'('I~,+r~ February 17, 2010 with Steve as well, so I will abstain. MR. LYKINS: Yeah, that's my partner. MR. JERULLE: No, I -- I use Lykins Sign, and I don't have any ! Jl~:~f!~1!'~ personal relationship, so I -- I will vote. MR. WHITE: And it won't impact -- MR. JERULLE: It will not impact my position. MR. WHITE: Thank you. Thank you. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Mr. Lykins, do you even want us to give you a chance to say a few words, or do you just want to get this done MR. LYKINS: Mike pretty well-- CHAIRMAN L YKOS: -- as quick as possible? MR. LYKINS: Mike pretty well said it. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. MR. LYKINS: I just want to be -- when, you know, the web site's pulled up, you know our name doesn't come up on it, so we look cancelled, like we're' not current, so I just want' f()~reinstate it. : "I.Jl~~~I~ MR. WHITE: As an aside, Mr. Chairman, if I may, is CityView going to be more comprehensive in how it shows contracting statuses at both the state and local level just as a suggestion? MR. OSSORIO: To be honest with you, I'm not sure, but it's one of the things we're looking at to making sure that it's compatible. I'm assuming it's going to be better. I think it will. So with that category -- with that caveat, I think it will be, but to be safe, we need to make sure that he is added as a specialty registered contractor because it is the county web site. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. Any discussion? MR. NEALE: Just one more point, as Mr. Boyd did -- did indicate that he does have a -- he is a competitor, but if -- ifhe would also state for the record if it -- if it is, in fact, the case, that it would not~lI~lkH~lI~ impact his vote. MR. BOYD: It will not impact my vote. Page 76 ; p . ~....iI1Jl;~~J '~. ",' , "'~~l il f- i' '; f, '.1 r I " , , i '. ! ., J:..J.;.~..J,;..j 11 "'~ I ."v~,. :L.....J.L.J...J February 17, 2010 MR. NEALE: Thank you. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Thank you. Any other discussion? (No response.) CHAIRMAN L YKOS: I'll call the vote. All those in favor? MR. HORN: Aye. MR. JERRULE: Aye. MR. LANTZ: Aye. MR. JOSLIN: Aye. MR. WHITE: Aye. MR. BOYD: Aye. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Opposed? (No response.) CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Motion carries 6 to O. Thank you. MR. LYKINS: All right. Thank you. All right. Do I need to do anything? MR. NEALE: Just talk to Mr. -- Mike. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: I think it takes a couple of -- a couple of days. MR. NEALE: It takes a couple of days. MR. LYKINS: Okay. . ,J,...AoL~~ CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Next, Mr. Paul Gaydos, qualified second . entity. Just to be clear, you're not the guy that shot a nine on the -- MR. PAUL GAYDOS: No. It's G-a. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: -- tour today, are you? MR. PAUL GAYDOS: It's close. (Witnesses sworn.) MR. OSSORIO: Mr. Chairman, just a quick overview. He's a state registered electrical contractor. He qualifies Paul J. Gaydos. He wishes to qualify MJG Electrical, Incorporated. And we have his tentative insurance papers and the -- the tentative workers' comp policy for the MJG Electrical, Incorporated, here, it was missing in the ,.,,,l.!lliHlI(~ "11 . i .- ~! 'i Page 77 .J.,,~..I,~..Ii. Ili'u,I >>llhJ/.1!' ,.",,+." r.~ ~"~ ~ '~'):'~ ~ .li..biLL.~.llkJl ~w ~l~ Hl~! ~ , '../ j. '"' February 17, 201~ jiljEd!'~ packet. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. MR. JOSLIN: For the record, I would like to just make it known that I do know both these gentlemen, Mr. Paul Gaydos, personally. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: And will that impact your decision? MR. JOSLIN: It will not impact my decision. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Thank you, sir. MR. JOSLIN: I can make this one quick, too, if you want. MR. OSSORIO: Okay. Mr. Chairman, when you're reviewing that, I -- I reviewed this packet, and I find no fault in it, so my recommendation is to grant his second entity. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: For a point of clarification -- I don't know if this is Mr. Neale or Michael. The letter of intent is to verify that ,.,>lIl<W~~ commercial liability insurance can be made available to MJG Electric. Is the requirement for us that the insurance already has to be in place, or is this -- this enough? MR. NEALE: No, that -- no insurance needs to be in place until the license is granted because -- CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. MR. NEALE: -- you can't operate without the license, so-- CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. MR. OSSORIO: One of the things we actually look for is -- when you fill out the application, that's on the checklist, so we -- the certificate won't be issued to any company without having proper Insurance. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. MR. OSSORIO: But -- MR. WHITE: It's not exactly a binder, but it's close. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Well, usually we see them, and they already have their insurance in place; that's why I asked. MR. JOSLIN: If anyone has any -- no derogatory remarks or discussion, I'm ready to make a motion. ~ \ . I liijli II:WI ! ; rt) r. ,.H'~'li! Page 78 t~~i liYl;,j:j~i. ~I ..~: iIll,;.~.:J.Jiii fll,li WiJi.LII!i February 17,2010 MR. JERULLE: I just -- if I may just briefly. Mr. Paul Gaydos, would you explain what you're doing and why? MR. PAUL GAYDOS: Well, my brother is currently unemployed. His company went under. He was a foreman for 20-some years, a superintendent of many, many jobs. And he's in the process of! ,I~;i~", getting his own license, but until he gets his license I will qualify him until he is certified. MR. JERULLE: Thank you. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Mr. Gaydos -- Mr. Gaydos, if you would do me a favor and just step up real quick to the microphone. MR. PAUL GAYDOS: Yes. Gaydos, not Goydos. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: I'm sorry. See, I have that in my head now. I apologize. MR. PAUL GAYDOS: I get it all the time, and I don't-- CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Does anybody -- MR. PAUL GAYDOS: I don't even play golf. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Does anybody else have any questions of the respondent? MR. OSSORIO: Mr. Chairman, just to make sure -- this is your _~ '1t1j\,'r'!\ijll if you do do this, he's a -- you will be qualifying a second entity for a specialty -- I mean, a registered electrical contractor, and he will have to file with the state, too, as well. So once -- if you do approve it here, he'll come back to the office, get the forms, and fill out the forms for the State of Florida for a registration, so -- MR. PAUL GAYDOS: Yes. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. Any other questions or comments? Mr. Joslin. MR. JOSLIN: I make a motion that we approve Mark Gaydos and Paul Gaydos for qualifying a second entity and that he be, also, required to regist~r with the state. MR. LANTZ':tlSecond, Lantz. .' " ,,,~t~I~R~1 Page 79 :~ ~; .ilJ"IL~(l1 ~\,Lli,jli~~jl February 17,2010 CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Any discussion? (N 0 response.) CHAIRMAN L YKOS: All those in favor? MR. HORN: Aye. MR. JERRULE: Aye. MR. LANTZ: Aye. MR. JOSLIN: Aye. MR. WHITE: Aye. CHAIRMAN ~ YKOS: Aye. MR. BOYD: Aye. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Opposed? (No response.) CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Motion carries 7-0. MR. PAUL GAYDOS: Thank you. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Thank you. Good luck. MR. PAUL GAYDOS: Thank you. MR. MARK GAYDOS: Thank you. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. Onto old business, Marisol Santos, review of credit report, six-month review. MR. OSSORIO: Mr. Chairman, we've -- we've issued her a temporary probation of her license, and you -- and you made it clear to the applicant that she needs to appear back to you with a current credit report. And it looks like she is making some progress on her credit, .~. ,\J~I\llt~ and with that I'll leave it up to you. COURT REPORTER: She needs to be sworn. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: I'm sorry. Please. (Witness duly sworn.) MS. SANTOS: Good morning. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Good morning. How are you? MS. SANTOS: Good. How are you? CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Good. As a refresher, Michael, what was the -- the decision I made, was it one year probation or six months I "5tl~~it:!I~ Page 80 ~,..;!.r... [/: "1..1,.,. ./;/. !I" ",,1'1,'" I 1.- ,_ ; f I ' r" ,..:Ll.i..(.., .f. .il~..Ii.h,~~"1 ~,,~.j,~,ijc' February 17, 2010 ! I probation? MR. OSSORIO: It was six months, and it was -- the board' ' wished to have the applicant back in front of the board with a current -l",-\I4.,,~~ credit report. As you can see in front of you, you have a credit report dated May 8, 2009, and then you'll have -- somewhat in the back of the packet you'll see a new credit reported dated January 25th, 2010. And with that-- CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. Miss Santos, why don't you give us a report on how things are going. MS. SANTOS: Things are going very well. I've also done some continuing education. I'm sure you're aware Florida just passed a law that's going to require us to be certified in fertilization and mulching, and I've already passed that course. I think I got a 100 on the exam, so I'm proud of that. And our customer base is building day -- day by day . We're I getting calls every week, so we are doing well. You know, it's a little .l>P4lllIl~tt~~ slow starting because we have limited equipment, but, you know -- and, also, if I'd like -- if I could, I'd like to comment on the -- what you were speaking about earlier about the unlicensed contractors. It's really hard for us to -- to do anything with our business when we have -- these people that are not licensed, they have no overhead costs, so they're able to underbid us by so much that we have no way of competing. And, you know, I am one of those people that follow the rules and try to educate myself so we can educate our customers. And, you know, we would like to see more enforcement out there. And we are also a company that will -- if we see somebody that doesn't seem like they're a contractor, we will report them because that's our meal ticket that we've worked so hard for, you know, and I don't think it's fair. CHAIRMAN-'LYKOS: Thank you. MR. JOSLIN: As you -- as you probably heard during the meeting, because you've been sitting here a while, that the new '(' ;:ttM'?~~'~1 Page 81 February 17, 2010 manager is -- is going to -- MS. SANTOS: Yeah. MR. JOSLIN: -- make sure that we go forward with, maybe another investigator, to try to take some of these unlicensed people off the street to help your business along. MS. SANTOS: Yes. I was very pleased to hear that. CHAIRMAN :r-- YKOS.: Well, seeing her~ that ~our -- your credit J ll~I~~iil)~ score has gone up, your dehnquent -- number of dehnquent accounts' '., . . as gone down, your past due amounts have gone down -- so it looks to me like you're making good progress. Are there any other cornrnents from the board? MR. JOSLIN: I feel as though we should probably maybe just for the sake of keeping her under our wing for a little longer, maybe put a -- extend the -- the probation for another six months, or -- MR. NEALE: The -- MR. JOSLIN: -- or can this not be done? MR. NEALE: No, the order issued by the board on the 17th of June stated that the credit report will be reviewed at the six month meeting, and the board determines whether the applicant will receive an unrestricted license, be denied further licensure, or have the I., ," probationary period extended, so you did have the three options at that;,~[:iljJ,i;tiHI~1 point. MR. WHITE: Mr. Chairman, I went through this in maybe fly-speck fashion, and a lot of the smaller ones have been addressed. There are some larger ones and -- and a new charge off, but, you know, that's resolved. So I -- I think that maybe another six months makes sense. If the business activity continues to improve and the items that are on there of larger dollar amounts can, not necessarily be paid, but some explanation given as to what the status is going to be in the long term, then at the end of six months, I think we could feel comfortable that, you know, she had moved the ball as far as she could, and get a rhl:"~~1 ~~Irl ~111l,~:fr I ,1jI'"1",W!'ll< , i.1' : il i ~..JI....ijJ, 'Uii Page 82 ,\ [Ii '11 ....J!lt,l.i....ll, ,~ ~11~UM'~#ltl 1~~fi/lU,tl..JJ . , . 't ~~fdllUidr I , February 17, 2010 'i,J~piiM~ report, also, on, hopefully, the continuing improvement of the amount of business so we have somebody that's, you know, a stable, solid economically, a well managed business. That's what we're looking for. I'm sure that's what the applicant's looking for too. So I think six months makes sense. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: So your recommendation is to extend the probation for six more months? MR. WHITE: I -- I'd put it as a second, if that was a motion. MR. JOSLIN: Yes. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: I'm sorry. You're right. I'm sorry. Richard, that was your recommendation? MR. JOSLIN: Yes. , II~. 'II. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: And -- and -- MR. WHITE: I'm agreeing with his recommendation. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: You're agreeing with his recommendation. MR. WHITE: Yes. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Did you make a formal motion? MR. JOSLIN: Not formally, no. CHAIRMAN LYKOS: Okay. MR. JOSLIN: But I can put it into a formal one. MS. SANTOS: May I say something real quick before you do? The reason for the delay in the improvement in my credit is because the company that was working on my credit went out of business. And I included a copy of the returned mail. It's all I really had. And several months ago we were really slow, so that's been the delay in the improvement in my credit. And then that's why you see, like, some improvement, then -- then nothing, so that's why. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. Thank you. Michael, if she's on probation, that does not limit her ability to work at all. MR. OSSORIO: No. 11111 l II' " iill1 ': ,it:tiiqi~!~~ ,,+I~l\ ~fijU~! Page 83 ~:~HW;~IIt~tJ l!rfl!~1~!!U i.:.: I ',II! i .......I-ljJ,,:~....... ~.~li'{; ~ .~.0.~~~:' February 17, 2010 CHAIRMAN L YKOS: It's just that she's obligated to come back to us as long as she's on probation? MR. OSSORIO: That is correct. CHAIRMAN,LYKOS: Okay. :'(j~':~~I~W~ MR. OSSORIO: And the only -- the only difference is is that it's '! II . going to take a little more staff time to, you know, put it into Outlook to make sure that she gets back on the agenda. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. MR. JOSLIN: There's a motion. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Any other -- any other cornrnents or questions? (No response.) CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. Then I need a motion. MR. JOSLIN: A motion to allow Miss Marisol to be on another probationary license for another six months and after six months come back before us one more time. MR. WHITE: Second. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: I have a motion; I have a second. Discussion? (No response.) CHAIRMAN L YKOS: All those in favor? MR. JOSLIN: And the one more time with a new credit report. Sorry . MR. WHITE: Seconder agrees. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. Okay. So why don't we restate the motion so everybody has a clear understanding before we vote. MR. JOSLIN: For the fact that we allow Miss Marisol to have the probationary license, extend her license for another six months on probation, and after six months come back before us with a new credit report. _ MR. WHITE: Agreed. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. All those in favor? t ~.ll.~...",.!~,!., I ~,j..-J6I.lIw.~ . "~:.~,r;~\~J..: .. "ll..,..t,.>I1' Page 84 7~ir~"r\II.'" .......1..... hoW.... ",.........,~ iIIlj,l.llL~ ~fL. February 17, 2010 MR. HORN: Aye. MR. JERRULE: Aye. MR. LANTZ: Aye. MR. JOSLIN: Aye. MR. WHITE: Aye. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Aye. MR. BOYD: Aye. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Opposed? (No response.) .. . "\'~I~li~~ CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. Miss Marisol, thank you for your ..~.,J'W;ll;.n time today. MS. SANTOS: Thank you. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: And -- and we'll see you in six months with a new credit report. MS. SANTOS: Thank you. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. Thank you. MR. JOSLIN: Good luck. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: I'm sorry. You're right. Motion carried 7 to O. Colleen Martinez. MR. OSSORIO: Mr. Chairman, this is Colleen Martinez. The same thing, six months. The credit report is dated April 1 st, 2009, and you have her new credit report dated December 30th, 2009. CHAIRMAN'-L YKOS: Miss Martinez.' , MS. MARTINEZ: Yes. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Why don't you give us a report -- well, I'm sorry . You need to be sworn in first. (Witness duly sworn.) MS. MARTINEZ: My credit actually has gone up since then still. I am working with Lexington Law, and they're working on all three of my credit, not just on the Experian that you guys are looking at, but they're looking at the Equifax, the TransUnion, and -- all three of I" .;: .~/t~~0.b~~1 Page 85 "':llllfll~M, ill I , i --...:......:..;..;...~..; Ir\'fn'" " i-li : fl:l; I .....uw.w.., i!'itl\/ll1!~~~ February 17,2010 "I~I~'1 them .J~! SO it takes a little bit longer just because some of the things have 'J.":1.~! been deleted off one but not yet off the other, but I have been rising and rising every month. Every 30 days they give me a new report, and I have gone up. Actually, TransUnion is at 680 already, so I have gone up quite a bit. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: That's good. Tell us how business is gOIng. MS. MARTINEZ: Business is going good. I am working for a few contractors and, you know, starting out slow, but it's been steady enough to keep us alive. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Good. MS. MARTINEZ: Uh-huh. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Questions or comments from the board? - i T'~"j: MR. NEALE: There's only one minor issue, and I -- I don't think 1 I it's -- but I wanted to bring it to the board's attention -- is that as part of.,...L~~1 the original -- and I'm -- she's probably -- I would suggest that she's probably following with it -- is as part of the order at the last board meeting in June, the applicant was also supposed to supply a copy of her divorce decree indicating the division of debt. MS. MARTINEZ: I totally forgot about that. I apologize. I did not include that. I forgot. I'm sorry. MR. JOSLIN: Do you have it? MS. MARTINEZ: I don't have it. I just brought my credit stuff. MR. JOSLIN: No, I mean, you don't have it physically with you now, but do you have it? MS. MARTINEZ: Oh, I -- yeah, I have it. I just don't have it physically here. MR. WHITE~W e can maybe continue it until next month. MR. NEALE: Either -- either continue it, or the board could direct her that she provide it to the -- to staff. MR. JOSLIN: To staff. ,"","'~P~1'1l.K, ... .......Ji>\..-...,...1i;l Page 86 February 17,2010 ~~llIiN~jl MR. NEALE: Because it doesn't say that the -- it doesn't have to be provided directly to the board. It can be provided to -- MS. MARTINEZ: And I think the ones that were his actually have been pulled off, other than maybe one that is a gas card issue thing that they're still verifying the account, but all the ones that were his, I think, have been pulled off. CHAIRMANL YKOS: Excuse me. 'I MR. JOSLIN: Is that -- that was -- CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Patrick, what was -- what was the exact order of the board six months ago? MR. NEALE: The order of the board was that she was going to come back in six months. The credit report was going to be reviewed, determine whether the -- she would be -- an unrestricted license, further licensure, or probationary period extended, same three options, and then she was going to provide a copy of her divorce decree indicating res -- division of responsibility for the marital and non- marital debt within the -- sometime during the six month period. So it -- it wasn't exactly specific as to when and what the criteria were, just it was -- it was something the board, I think, had interest in to see what -- how that -- how that shake -- shook out. MR. JOSLIN: So just to answer the final question then, you -- you have physically gotten that decree or that paperwork that we asked for from the divorce? MS. MARTINEZ: Yes, I do have that. MR. JOSLIN: You just don't have it with you. MS . MARTINEZ: I just didn't bring it with me because I lost track. MR. JOSLIN: So would it be able -- you be able to present that to staff? MS. MARTINEZ: Yes, I can. MR. JOSLIN: No problem? MS. MARTINEZ: Uh-huh. ,,;JJJ,fll~!1i1 ! , il: I ~.u~~.; ~I"I~'!I r Page 87 ,I, ;..i""~kt4;." q,N!~H~ .~..i'lr.1..I:.~..1 ! '1'1 .. i . , ~i.....JIoi,~' rl~I~li ,.,..Ji ....~.], IllrV\m~l! II !,j . '. ill, i "1.1,1 "F' '.J.,,'l..j~""""'i> I~U,\:1'I : '; "\ ':1: ln~~l~Il<iI...w: . r I ",.:', . .: 'J~'. j'V11111 February 17, 201 Q..' ,.J MR. JOSLIN: Okay. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Do you have a recommendation from staff? MR. OSSORIO: I think we should continue her on probation for six months, and she can stop by my office before Friday with the -- with the appropriate documents would be fine. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: I think I'd like to have that turned in before -- I don't want to wait six more months to get that decree. MR. JOSLIN: No, Friday. MS. MARTINEZ: Friday. 'J"i'~r CHAIRMAN L YKOS: That's what I'm saying. I don't want to .1 I [I wait six months. If she gets it in Friday, that would be -- I think that's .,.11 a good recommendation.".' oWlf.. MR. LANTZ: I move we extend her probationary period for six months, then she'll give us another credit report, and that she bring her divorce decree within five business days. MS. MARTINEZ: Uh-huh. MR. WHITE: Second. MR. JOSLIN: By this Friday? CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Five days. MR. JOSLIN: Five days. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: I have a motion; I have a second. Any further discussion? MR. WHITE: Could I just -- CHAIRMAN L YKOS: All those -- I'm sorry. MR. WHITE':'Just -- just one point to staff. I'd -- I'd caution that,1.".;~..h~~~~1 although we send the letter out about social Security numbers being redacted, I just hope that's sufficient in the case. Thank you. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: All those in favor? MR. HORN: Aye. MR. JERRULE: Aye. MR. LANTZ: Aye. Page 88 I :J. ',. hi r~rl~~~Iili\j .i ~~~II~.ijil ! ~~:\1 ~~'~\~~e,~ February 17,2010 MR. JOSLIN: Aye. MR. WHITE: Aye. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Aye. MR. BOYD: Aye. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Opposed? (No response.) CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. Miss Martinez, you'll have your report into the licensing office. Kyle gave you five days -- MS. MARTINEZ: Five days. Thank you, Kyle. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: -- to get that done. And then we'll see you again in six months with your updated credit report. MS. MARTINEZ: All right. Thank you. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. Thank you. And good luck to you. MS. MARTINEZ: Thank you. MR. NEALE: Yeah, since it appears that the credit reports -- that the Social Security numbers were not completely redacted in here, I'd suggest that everyone hand this one back to staff and let staff shred it. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Yeah. Before we move on to public hearings, there's one other thing -- Michael, I've got this -- MR. NEALE: Yes. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: -- evidence from one of the citations. I want to make sure we get that to the right place. Okay. Our last item of business is a public hearing. Is Miss Borrego here? Miss Borrego. Okay. (Witnesses duly sworn.) CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. You've been sworn in. Okay. This .t,;j~II'4~J~ '111~1~ ..,t, IS -- MR. OSSORIO: Mr. Chairman, I haven't been sworn in. I might want to take some testimony, so can I be sworn in too? MR. NEALE: Excuseme. Just one quick thing before we_do. that., .. Apparently, there's also a number of -- a non-redaction on Miss Santos' matter as well, so those should be returned to staff for . '~,tl;,:tI~"J,' Page 89 ~:t'; ~ ~t1:.~\~~e~ ",,~iY'l,I$ltll r _.l..I..;i..u...,i.4ri.. February 17,2010 shredding. (Witness duly sworn.) CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. Before we get started, I just want to explain the rules of the public hearing, and then we'll be able to move forward. Public hearings are conducted pursuant to the procedures set out in Collier County Ordinance 90-105, as amended, and Florida Statutes Chapter 489. These hearings are quasi judicial in nature. Formal rules of evidence shall not apply, but fundamental fairness and due process shall be observed and shall govern the proceedings. Irrelevant, immaterial, or cumulative evidence shall be excluded, but all other evidence of a type cornrnonly replied upon by reasonably prudent persons in the conduct of their affairs shall be admissible, whether or not such evidence would be admissible in a trial in the courts of the state of Florida. Hearsay evidence may be used for the purpose of supplementing or explaining any -- any evidence but shall not be sufficient by itself to support a finding unless such hearsay would be admissible over objection in civil actions in court. The rules of privilege shall be effected -- effective to the same extent that they are now or hereafter may be recognized in civil actions. Any member of the contractors' licensing board may question any witness before the board. 1m ~iT~~ Each party to the proceedings shall have the right to call andi,....",....~.J examine witnesses, to introduce exhibits, to cross examine witnesses, to impeach any witness, regardless of which party called the witness to testify, and to rebut any evidence presented against the party. The chairperson or, in his absence, the vice chairperson shall have all powers necessary to conduct the proceedings at the hearing in a full, fair, and impartial manner and to preserve order and decorum. The general process of the hearing is for the county to present an opening statement where it sets out the charges and, in general terms, '.~"~l:>>;'~J . ,';,,!".'., ". . ~~r~ I Page 90 ''','\'1''\\!11 _~,,~''''_.~M .: ~:~ U1if'.\;;.t: >~."fi u:r #,' \t~~';' February 17,2010 , I 'II! \~ '01 , ~ . ' ! I ~ ;, J ~-+'''4''''~~ how it intends to prove them. The respondent then makes his or her opening statement setting out, in general terms, the defenses to the charges. The county then presents its case in chief calling witnesses and presenting evidence. The respondent may cross examine these witnesses. Once the county has closed its case in chief, then the respondent puts on her defense. They may call witnesses and do all the things described earlier; that is, call and examine witnesses, to introduce exhibits, to cross examine witnesses, to impeach any witness, regardless of which party called the witness to testify, and to rebut any evidence presented against the party. After the respondent puts on his or her case, the county gets to present a rebuttal to the respondent's presentation. When the rebuttal is concluded, then each party gets to present closing statements with .the county getting a second chance to rebut after the respondent's closing argument. The board then closes the public hearing and begins deliberations. Prior to beginning deliberations, the attorney for the board will give them a charge, much like a charge to a jury, setting out the parameters on which they base their decision. During deliberations the board can ask for additional information and clarification from the parties. The board will then decide two different issues; first, whether the respondent is guilty of the offenses charged in the administrative complaint. A vote will be taken on this matter. If the respondent is found guilty, then the board may decide the sanctions to be imposed. The board attorney at this point will advise the board of the sanctions which may be imposed and the factors to consider. The board will discuss sanctions and take a vote on those. Afterthe two matters are decided, the chair or, in his absence, the.':~l:";\~~' vice chair will read a summary of the order to be issued by the board. '" . '" This summary will set out the basic outline of the order, but will not Page 91 . .:;n~:'~ ~'f;~ ~~".\ tt7 l'~~!;~n' . :i ~....Jl.JJa..l.iU~J fll~\~~~ I' , _.....I.,;6.,U_.a.:. February 17,2010 be exactly the same language as the final order. The final order will include the full details required under state law and procedure. So we are hearing Case No. 2010-1, Board of County Cornrnissioners, Collier County, Florida, Contractors' Licensing Board versus Maharay Borrego -- am I pronouncing that correctly? - MS. BORREGO: Yes. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: -- Maharay Borrego d/bla Mary's Kitchens & Interiors, Incorporated, License No. 32941. The administrative complaint: The Contractors' Licensing Board of Collier County, Florida, files this administrative complaint against Maharay Borrego d/bla Mary's Kitchens & Interiors, hereinafter "the respondent," License No. 32941, and says, Count I, 4.1.8, committing mismanagement or misconduct in the practice of contracting that causes financial harm to a customer. Financial mismanagement or misconduct includes, but is not limited to, any of the following. And we don't have any of the following. MR. JOSLIN: Mr. Chairman, I want to make a motion that we enter this packet into evidence. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: I have a motion. I need a second. MR. LANTZ: Second, Lantz. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: All those in favor? MR. HORN: Aye. MR. JERRULE: Aye. MR. LANTZ: Aye. MR. JOSLIN: Aye. MR. WHITE: Aye. MR. BOYD: Aye. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Opposed? (No response.) CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Thank you. The packet is entered into evidence. And, Ian, would you please start with an opening statement. Page 92 . ,. ",":;~l.:~J;~J . . t!llI!i ~~ :1 , ~ ....#4l.,,~~ ..1~~~ :;',;.,I.~ll~""'~ ',~....\'i ~.\,\~"t~,: . ... ~."'~" 'i\'ill!'~~!:1 ' :.....1..1,~:...A....." 'I !j 1i!1~ ill Ih 'll February 17, 20 1 o,....:.,.~.ij..,~i MR. JACKSON: Thank you. For the record, Ian Jackson, license compliance officer for Collier County. Today the county will show that the contractor, Maharay Borrego, committed mismanagement or misconduct in the practice of contracting that causes financial harm to this customer. We're going it hear that by documented facts and through the testimony of the affected homeowners. This occurred due to the fact that Miss Borrego contracted with an inactive, delinquent license prohibiting the execution of the contract. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. Thank you. Miss Borrego, your opening statement. MS. BORREGO: What can I say? Yeah, I did go into a contract ! . ...< "*l:,!.lN~ after so many things that had happened since August last year, and one::k,";;",tlFl of them is paying rent where I have my showroom over at the Big Cypress Marketplace, having so many overhead, going through a separation, a divorce, three kids, and the whole works. Yep, I went into contract. I needed the money. I don't have the money now, but I do want to do their job, if I'm able to do it, or if they want their money back, I'm going to have to pay little by little. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. Ian, are you ready to present your case? MR. JACKSON: I am. Thank you. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. Please proceed. MR. JACKSO.N: Thank you. I woul,d like to call Mrs. Laczi, the Illjj41~ homeowner, as a WItness for the county, If I could, please. " III CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Mrs. Laczi, will you please come up and .J.....~"~lJl be sworn in? (Witness duly sworn.) MR. NEALE: Let me have her go to the -- CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Would you please come over here by Mr. Jackson. Thank you. MR. JACKSON: I'm going to stand here for a couple of minutes. Page 93 ~}f.:., ~.iff';\~;..~~ ~.,r~'.~~~.:\,~.\e~ ~;~".;.~~ftf'::t~'":' February 17,2010 Pardon me. I'm going to stand here for a couple of minutes while I question her. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. Ms. Borrego, you can just sit right '_'"'. in the front row, that's fine, so you're close by. Thank you. MR. JACKSON: Has Ms. Laczi been sworn in? COURT REPORTER: Yes. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Yes, she has. Thank you. MR. JACKSON: Mrs. Laczi, did you contract with Ms. Borrego for the installation of the countertops and kitchen cabinets? MS. LACZI: Yes. MR. JACKSON: And at wha~ point in time did you contract with Ms. Borrego? MS. LACZI: We signed the contract on November the 3rd. MR. JACKSON: And, Ms. Laczi, in the packet that I gave you, on Exhibit E5 -- MS. LACZI: Yes, sir. MR. JACKSON: -- are these the checks that were paid to Ms. Borrego on 1115 and 11/6 -- MS. LACZI: Yes. MR. JACKSON: -- of2009? MS. LACZI: (Witness nodding head.) MR. JACKSON: And, Ms. Laczi, would you have contracted with Ms. Borrego had you known that the status of the license that would have allowed her to contract was delinquent at that time? MS. LACZI: No way. I asked numerous times, "Do you have a license? Do you have a license." "Yes." Because we -- MR. JACKSON: And I understand that there was some time that had transpired between the signing of the contract and the issuance of the checks. When you arrived at the conclusion that this work was not going'<:;';'fl:~~;n .. ..,.....,_1..-.:(.,'1 to take place, would you explain, in your own words, what happened .. , . '. .~<;.irl}!':~t~ -. -,\(, :~;.~r~~i~~ Page 94 ! 'I 'Ii (l/i',i" I I ' .i....~~..4..ir.I:JI~ 1'1~~~HI ._....j..;uj,_.;.i\.'t.~ 1",!~1 Wf.1w r February 17, 2010 next. MS. LACZI: Well, we agreed that she would start work December the 1 st because she said that she doesn't know how long it will take for the license on Marco Island to be issued. She would have even started before December 1 st, but I said, be -- because we don't know the length and it's Thanksgiving, I said December 1 st will be okay. So I stayed quiet. I didn't contact her. I waited until after . 'I" filfl! December 1st, and she never contacted me to say, "This is what's ,."..~r..~J going on. We're still waiting for the con -- for the permit to be issued," blah -- whatever. So when I saw that time is passing and no word from Mary, I contacted her, and I said, "Mary, what is going on?" "Elena, the cabinets are being ordered." Then I waited and I waited and contacted her. Every time I called her she only had the answering machine on. After so many calls, repeated calls, I said, "Mary, please call me. Mary, please call me. Let me know what's going on," and then she would call me, and then she would say, "Oh, we will-- we will do -- we'll have some -- I have some jobs that we need to finish, and as soon as I'm finished -- we're finished with those -- those jobs, we're going to start your job." , That was before -- just before Christmas. And I told her, "Well, I II!i11fll-ll need to go home for Christmas, so you finish up -- if you're going to i,.."~.~.I.JI finish up -- finish the job before Christmas?" She said, "Yes, it will be finished in five days since the day we start. " So I -- I -- I doubted that something -- I -- I -- I had the feeling that something is wrong, so I went to the licensing department on Marco Island to see if she didn't even get the permit, so at that time I found out that, yes, they applied for the permit and the permit was issued on December the 8th. Be -- after that she showed up at my house when I told her, Page 95 II~' nf!1' ;;1 ',,,,'I~111:!i :: i ~~J1j~;; ;:!\~! ~,~'~X~~. , 'I'~' I" ii'!;, II II ;, ,j ; I ."....w.~, February 17; 2010 '~~P1ili~ "Mary, you have the permit. What -- what -- what is still holding you .,.......] not to do the job?" And she showed up 'at my house with another bill for $240, and she said, "I -- I need you to pay me this because Ariel Gonzales," which is the contractor that she obviously is working on -- with, "paid for the permit. " And I said, "Mary, I'm not going to pay that bill because you -- we agreed that everything it's included in the con -- in the amount that we agreed upon that's on the contract." And so she said, "Okay. Then I'm going to waive that -- that fee." After that I kept calling her and I kept calling her, and then she never answered. And, finally, one time when -- when she answered, she said, "I'll meet with you," and she gave me a place where to meet - and a time. The place was the Waffle House on -- on 951 with 75"';'d.~!;i~~~ somewhere there, and 2 o'clock. So we went there with my husband at 2 o'clock, and she never showed up. I called her, and she said, "Well, I'm being evicted from my house. I'm going through a divorce. I have a lot of problems." And I said, "Well, Mary, I understand that, but I" -- I -- I said, "I don't want a kitchen anymore. I don't want to deal with you anymore. I don't want you to do any work for me anymore. I just want my money back," and I said, "today," and that's -- that's -- that's -- that's the end of it. Then we went to Mr. Jackson, as they told us in -- on Marco Island at the licensing department to go to Collier County, and that's when We went to file the claim because I didn't know what else to do because I -- obviously, I -- I -- I cannot talk to -- to Mary. And I went to her place of business every -- every Saturday or Friday or Sunday, whenever they are there at the Big Cypress Mar -- farmers market where she has her showroom. Since I had the doubts, then I went there all the time at one of these days on the weekends to see if she's there and what's going on, and nobody was at the counter. 1'1 [ili ~~ ,; 'I ,~ I., .11 .~.,...I!ii~JIl, Page 96 1~I~rl~\~[I.'. "._.L.l.,,~:u.;...i:i:, itNII~~~~!11I . ".'I.;I,~J.i..~,_.,:, ';:~:.~ ~~~~'::r~~ February 17, 2010 And I just left my -- my name there two times, I think, and -- "Mary, contact me. Mary, please give me a call." I left the phone number, the address, name. I've never been contacted. And every time I went there there was nobody at the desk at the -- where she has the showroom. And all I want to say is that I want my money back and not in illllll installments, because I give her two checks, $5,750, and I want them ",.,"t:".~i~. I -- I want her to borrow the money from her brother, mother, uncle, which is -- Ariel Gonzales I understood is her uncle. And she -- she -- she assured me when she showed up at my house with Ariel Gonzales that, "By the time we're going to be done with your work, you're going to meet all my" -- or "you're going to know all my family." So I was pleased because I said, "Oh, this is a family owned business, operated and owned, and they're honest. And I -- I can deal with people to people, person to person." And, well, it never worked that way, so I want my money back. MR. JACKSON: Thank you. MS. LACZI: Because if she -- if she will give me $200 today, IlIHWil~ $200 in five months -- in a month I'm going to leave Marco Island, ,le,.".:...~JI and I'm -- I'm going to Romania because I have an 82-year-old mother that is old and sick, and I have t<? take care of her, and I don't have the time and the possibility to wait for her to pay me in installments. So I -- I need assurance that she is going to give me the money all at once and now. MR. JACKSON: Thank you, Ms. Laczi. MR. ZACHARY: Mr. Chairman, I have a couple questions real quick, if I may. CHAIRMAN LYKOS: Yes, sir. MR. ZACHARY: Robert Zachary, assistant county attorney. Mrs. Laczi, have you gotten any kind of money back from the respondent in this case, which is Mrs. -- Ms. Borrego, at this poinf? Page 97 ~',~ ".~t~j~~~~ ".....,.,I;,......~ l.-Il.L 'r\I1~IJI'~Hll ...... ,..'-.:41.. :..~. I~~IM~:~ I i :....,1...11~~ J" ,,/j.'~~~L..J.i~..~ February 17,2010 MS. LACZI: No. MR. ZACHARY: And do you see the person in the courtroom who you contracted with? MS. LACZI: Mary. MR. ZACHARY: Mary. Let the record indicate that she has indicated the -- the respondent in this case. MS. LACZI: And she was with another lady when we signed the contract, Rose -- Rosemary, and when we decided on the -- the color MR. ZACHARY: I don't have any further questions. ;1,tlji~i~W~ CHAI~AN L YKOS: Okay. Thank you, sir, Mr. Zachary. Any ,i..11i other questions from you, Ian? ' "'.,I...,~",~l MR. JACKSON: At this point I have no further questions. I would like to elaborate on the -- on the case, though, so I'll head back over there. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: You can go back to -- over there. Ms. Laczi, if you would please stay. Ms. Borrego, you have the opportunity to cross examine the witness. Do you have any questions for the witness, Ms. Borrego? MS. BORREGO: No, I don't have any questions. I just want-- I'm sorry is all that I can say. MS. LACZI: I trusted you, Mary. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. You'll have -- we'll have -- , MS. BORREGO: I know you trust me. i 11111,I[1~ CHAIRMAN L YKOS : We'll have -- we'll have time for closing.J~,..Mi...L]: statements when we're done with -- with this part of the process. Ian, do you have any other evidence, any other witnesses to call? MR. JACKSON: No further witnesses. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Ian, do you have more information for us? MR. JACKSON: Well, I just wanted to, once again, reiterate the fact that Mrs. Laczi contracted while Ms. Borrego was not currently Page 98 :..,!,.,!~....".~4" . l.~..'. .,.li" , ii' .,: , 1l....u1.\.u,~1 ,"!,:>l1.~11-1'/ February 17, 2010 licensed, and once that comes to the attention of the licensing department, the -- the contract cannot be executed. There's -- there's no way for this contract in the form that it's in right now to be completed. The Laczis are going to have to find a new contractor if they want this kitchen remodeled. Of course, this new contractor is -- is going to have to charge them accordingly, and at this point the Laczis are -- are out $5,750. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Mr. Ossorio. MR. OSSORIO: Thanks, Mr. Chairman. I have a question for Ian Jackson, if I may. Ian, can you turn to Page E3 in your packet. And this is a certificate detail report; am I correct? MR. JACKSON: Yes. MR. OSSORIO: If you'd look on the top left-hand comer, it says, "Expire date." What date is that? MR. JACKSON: September 30th, 2009. MR. OSSORIO: And I submit to the board that every single contractor has to renew his or her certificate by September 30th, 2009. After -- by code, after September -- you go into October, November, or December, and by code it says that you are delinquent. So when the -- Ian, if you could turn to Page E4. And the date of the execution of the contract is what date? MR. JACKSON: It's dated 11/3/2009, November 3rd, 2009. MR. OSSORIO: So it is your opinion that as of that particular date Mary's Kitchens' certificate was in a delinquent stage? MR. JACKSON: That certificate was delinquent on 11/3rd. MR. OSSORIO: If you'd turn to Page E9 -- I'm sorry -- E8 for me. And this is a -- the Collier County Ordinance 2006-46; am I correct? MR. JACKSON: Correct. MR. OSSORIO: Okay. I'm going to have you go down to 1.1. II/~~ ,.,lLi:~~":,i'Jl rml' f " +,~!jOi!;"H.,.iji 'i-l'lil#.tn~r :1 ;', '~. ,'V; Page 99 '1\io/."'~'~.t~ .""'ll4Lt.iU ~\\J~\ ~Hu rJ ~I )-,' \nl't February 17,2010 And, basically, that is -- it says, "Unlawful to contract without a certificate of competency," and then if you'd scroll down to the bottom of the page, it says, "Within the unincorporated area of Collier County and the unincorporated area within the boundaries of the City of Naples or within the City of Marco Island without having first made application for and having been issued a current and valid certificate." Do you agree with me that at that -- that certificate is not valid? MR. JACKSON: At the date of 11/3, that certificate was not valid. MR. OSSORIO: Can you explain to the -- tell the board that -- what's it take to get a current certificate now? MR. JACKSON: To activate this certificate now, the complete application process would have to be followed through excluding testing. MR. OSSORIO: And my question to you, the last question, did you -- did you notify Mary's Kitchens about their -- once you received this complaint, did you notify them how to come into compliance and get an active certificate? MR. JACKSON: I scheduled two meetings with the qualifier, Ms. Borrego, to discuss her business, to discuss her license, and it dus -- discuss what is going to be required to activate this certificate. . ,., ..' ,",~li\.rl~"l Two meetings were not able to take place because Ms. Borrego ,1, .,~: was not able to attend. Ultimately, I -- I was able to contact her where I met with her and ultimately did go over the issue with -- not only this case, but what she needs to do to activate this certificate. MR. OSSORIO: I have no other questions. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. Do you have any more evidence to present, Ian? MR. JACKSON: I have no more evidence. I'll be happy to answer questions, though. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Any questions from the board for -- for Ian? "~ ,,:.~~ ,~~~~ t.' Page 100 !~~ft~~J, j. -JI:'f.-v~,I;/""t!\ February 17, 201O'llP!1~' ".......,....i.,IJ! MR. WHITE: Yes, Mr. Chairman. If -- either Mr. Jackson or Mr. Ossorio, what happens status-wise after delinquent, and when does that occur? MR. JACKSON: Delinquent is a time period from October 1st to December 31 st. January 1 st this certificate went to a status of suspended. Right now the certificate is suspended. It will -- MR. JOSLIN: As of January, you said? MR. JACKSON: As of January. It will remain suspended from January 1 st, 2010, to December 31 st, 2010 . January 1 st, 2011, this certificate will become null and void. MR. JOSLIN: Is it possible that -- that Miss -- oh, shoot. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Borrego. MR. JOSLIN: -- Borrego could re -- reapply or renew her _..1I;ll>~ original certificate? MR. JACKSON: This certificate could be reactivated with a -- with a complete application, including a credit report, experience affidavits, the -- the entire application, excluding testing. There would not be a testing requirement at this point in time. MR. WHITE: As a follow-up question, in the time period from October 1 to December 31st, what activity or actions on the part of the contractor is required to move from delinquent to -- to eliminate delinquency? What do you have to do? MR. OSSORIO: I understand. Let me answer that question. There are two phases, actually. When -- when you move from Septem~er -- the end of September to being delinquent from October, November, or December, the only thing that the contractor, he or she, ~'!~~'~~;J~~ has to do is to pay a penalty fee of $30 a month, whatever the -- the' " .l,!;i?::R admin cost is. So getting your license from being delinquent to active in that time period is very easy. MR. WHITE: Okay. MR. OSSORIO: Once you go into January 1st the following year, it's suspended. You do have to make the full application, but .r;' ~"iI ~ /I 1 ,,_...;j..Jo.u....~..;. . \~,~ F,,"'" i~f-+ " "", 'TI", ., fl T' i .~....,.;.~~~JJ~, Page 101 then you have to show -- you have to bring your business credit and your -- and your full application. So it is -- you're absolutely right, Mr. Chairman. You're much .. easier going once you've been delinquent to get your license back than -., !;~','!~~.'f."'n~ suspended. In other words, it wasn't a big deal, if she did contract in, ~';,~fu;;::~ ..,,~". ,.,',;: November, to come into the office and pay a late fee and get her license back. That was much easier to do now. MR. JOSLIN: That's -- I guess maybe I should ask this question -- or this questioning goes back to Ms. Borrego. Is this something that ,.,.:.:: could be done? MS. BORREGO: To re -- reactivate my license now? MR. JOSLIN: Yes. MS. BORREGO: Now, yes. I couldn't have done it in November or September or December because of all the things that I went through, but today, yeah. I could do it today. But is that -- is that going to help her? Is that going to take her money -- you know, give her the money? MR. JOSLIN: Well-- MS. BORREGO: I hav'e a piece of property that I put up for sale:',~~~'i~~~ MR. JOSLIN: I'm not trying to -- I'm not trying to say it's going to help at the moment. I'm just trying to look for avenues here to make the -- make the -- make this owner whole. MR. JACKSON: Well-- MR. JOSLIN: And just answer the questions is all for the moment, okay? MR. WHITE: Well, I'm a little unclear, and perhaps others can help me with this. But there isn't a count in this complaint that deals with status of the license. There is simply one count, and only the first sentence of that count, that is before us for consideration today; that is the mismanagement or misconduct causing financial harm to a customer. So, although I appreciate the information and clarifications about, :'i,~tr\~'~~,i ~i~i;.:j.'1 r\'iL,\~1iW11 it" "',' ';!A; February 17,2010 Page 102 .....j,..li:i.l.~. W1t'111!lfl'" .....J.Jill..a.b. :Wjl~'I!d'( :, ":'J.Jw.aL~ , ,.......JoL...uo... February 17,2010 licensure status, I'm not sure how it plays in except to the extent it may inform us about how we choose to impose some type of stipulations or penalties because -- am I wrong in coming to the conclusion that the licensure status isn't something that's part of the complaint? MR. NEALE: No, you're -- I would opine that Mr. White is absolutely correct, that the only thing you're considering here is whether through the practice of contracting she caused financial harm to the -- to ~he hom~owner.. " ' 1'1 fj J AnythIng else IS, as Mr. WhIte suggests, InterestIng and may 1),f/ have relevance in terms of determining damages or whatever, but, """,...Ill~' , frankly, the only consider -- the only thing you can consider is did she commit mismanagement or misconduct in the practice of contracting that caused financial harm. I would -- I would suggest that by reference the rest of 4.1.8 is incorporated in this, that this is an excerpt there from, and you can consider all of 4.1.8. But I would certainly suggest that the only thing you can consider in this -- in this -- in this matter is the financial mismanagement. The licensure issue is one that is really not -- not something that is -- is being heard here today. MR. OSSORIO: Mr. Chairman, may I respond to that? CHAIRMAN L YKOS: (Nodding head.) MR. OSSORIO: I believe that if you don't have -- keep your, ,~[,..',I,I,~,.i,il,.!!',,', current license active and current, that goes to your business practice .__1 of mismanaging your business. If you don't keep your license active and current, that goes towards a reflection of your business. So my only thing is committing mismanagement or misconduct in the practice of contracting that causes financial harm to her -- to her customer -- mismanagement in practicing contracting -- if you don't keep your certificate current and active to be able to conduct business, how can you go ahead and take a contract knowing your license has been delinquent? That is mismanagement. Page 103 Now, you can go on in that Section 4.1.8, and you can go on to many different subsections, but it says -- it just says financiall ,J',l.,w..j,~", mismanagement and misconduct is not limited to those items below .~' '~~~;r'~~:\!A MR. WHITE: There are no items below. MR. OSSORIO: We're only dealing with 4.1.8. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: We didn't get the items below. MR. JOSLIN: There's no-- MR. OSSORIO: Yeah, there's no items below because we're not -- we're not -- it's just mismanagement of conduct of the license. I'm taking a specific part of it. It just says it's not limited to the following below. Those are not applicable. What I'm saying to you is, is that committing mismanagement or misconduct in the practice of contracting that causes financial harm to a consumer, by not having her business license, her certificate, which you authorized, current and active, she went out and took a contract knowingly that her lic~nse .and., certificate was in a delinquent stage. Her business was not up and y\.(Iii1",....~~ """.,"~'" running. She took a -- financially harmed a consumer. MR. WHITE: But -- but is it the county's position, Mr. Ossorio, that the status of her license caused the financial harm? It's -- would it be -- MR. OSSORIO: I'm saying to you her status of her license is part of her mismanagement. She mismanagement -- her company, by not having her license active and current, caused her financial -- she couldn't even do the contract. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Let me interrupt. Let me interrupt for a second because I think we're -- we're kind of getting off on a tangent that -- that may not be relevant. It sounds like -- MR. WHITE: Good point. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: -- the argument-- the count is that there - was harm brought to a homeowner. There could have been a second ,1~\ll:)1v;n~ count, from Mr. White's viewpoint as an example, that -- you could, :,;f(~:\~,!; have had a Count II, which is it's unlawful to contract without a "'1", ,,' February 17,2010 . ,)1 ,~ ..; :e ..'~. ::~.1~~\,~f~~ ~J; Page 104 l;illl ~fc1111 r1'1\ M...J....Jw........w.....:.. 1,1\,!,11I\11I111Inl ~....".l.lJ...Io4. ~ ~\': l:~:Y::~.:1~ February 17,2010 certificate of competency because her certificate was delinquent. You could have had a Count II with regard to her license being delinquent. Your argument is that the fact that she allowed her license to be delinquent is part of her mismanagement of her business. MR. OSSORIO: That is correct. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: So if that's what I'm understanding-- does that sound like what -- where you two are both coming from? IJl ~'Il ,,' MR. WHITE: It's most of where I'm coming from. My point is is that the status of her license is not what caused the financial harm; it is......iol.......4 every other aspect of the mismanagement in the practice of contracting that did. MR. JOSLIN: Yes. MR. NEALE: Yeah. I -- and I concur with Mr. White's point is that the -- the fact that the -- the apparent fact that she does not and did not have a license is evi -- may be evidence that she committed mismanagement, but it is not, in fact, a cause of the financial harm to the customer. MR. JERULLE: Well, we don't know that yet. We haven't heard CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Right. We need to have -- Ms. Borrego needs to present her ~as~, and then we can continue to move fo~ard. · rl~~l MR. OSSORIO. I Just wanted to speak to what Mr. Neale s i'''''li<.~.Jl basically said. We've asked Mrs. Borrego to get her license active and current, and she refuses. MS. BORREGO: Excuse me. I don't refuse. Let me just go back, okay, just to -- CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Let's -- MS. BORREGO: Can I? CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Ms. Borrego, let's have -- let's have you present your case, please. MS. BORREGO: Okay. Well, taking it from what he's saying, I have -- he's making it look like I couldn't pay my license so I don't Page 105 ;, :,;J:u~:m know how to manage a business. Fine. Now, you tell me how' does Big'Cypress Marketplace manage a business with 220 vendors paying over a thousand dollars every month go filing bankruptcy a year later, and then we find out right now that they never spent a dollar in advertising, so nobody knows that we are out there. Okay. We don't get customers coming in. Yeah, they came in through them, and I got so many customers, but not enough to keep me going, you know. So in July, August, everything started going down. If you go and visit the marketplace, you'll see from 220 vendors there's probably 50. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Ms. Borrego, I appreciate that the current market conditions have created a hardship for you. MS. BORREGO: Uh-huh, uh-huh. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: We need you to present your case in defense of your actions -- MS. BORREGO: Uh-huh. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: -- with regard to this specific situation. MS. BORREGO: No problem. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. MS. BORREGO: In regards to this situation, because the situation, the economic situation, yes, I did not renew my license. I was in the middle of maybe having to buy food for my kids versus going and paying the $200 for my license. So, yeah, that is apriority, of course. I have three kids. They have to drink milk. You know, they have to eat. What do I do? Go pay the license? You know, I know I'm making a big mistake even more taking . . , her money, but it was never my intention to take this money, run, and !\~,'n~i+y.;/:t~ go out -- where? Where am I going to go with $5,000? You know, I ;';;<:~:'tJ wanted to do her kitchen, but one thing led to another, and I just got caught up in a big mess. And when -- when -- the day that the permit was issued, July -- I mean, December 8th, I have a -- I don't know if I have it, but that same _......Lioi.~~' ).\~ t'~~:'Y~j2';' 'II ')'" '!I'III' 1 i ' ~ i February 17, 2010 )1"1 ..........w.....~.J ;.. ..;, ~.trJ~~~ ~ I Page 106 February 17, 2010 day when I got home I find a little red sticker that I have to leave my house. So, yes, I'm in the middle of all this; that's why I don't answer the phone calls. I want to be -- you know, I want to be dead for -- you know, for ,".---' - God's sake, you know, I don't want to deal with all this. I don't want to ":" ';",~~:~,\t;"1~ hear it. What am I going to say? You know, and that's just one ofthe~\;r::~~~~ problems. N ever my intention -- because if it was my intentions to take the $5,000 and run away, why would I have gone and -- and have a friend, you know, pull the permits, let's do this work? No. You know, I've been here for 5 1/2 years. My kids go to the same school for the 5 1/2 years. I've been trying to work, but every time I'm -- I feel that I'm climbing up, boom, I get hit in my head again. I -- I don't know what else to do. I have a piece of property that I was going to try to explain to you two weeks ago I put it on the MLS. I have my real estate license, too, but I had a friend put it on the MLS. Hopefully we sell it. I have it, like, rock bottom price. You know, they =':-::-:~.~ can lien the property. They can wait 'til I sell it. I don't know what to do. ~~'~ ~* }t-~::?!l~ CHAIRMAN L YKOS: I understand. MS. BORREGO: I am -- I'm being as honest as I can be. I don't know what to do. MR. JOSLIN: Let me just -- well, let's just make a long story short. What you're -- what you're admitting, then, to is the charges that are against you here -- you are agreeing that they are valid, what has happened? MS. BORREGO: Yeah, everything is true. Everything that she said is true. I went to her house, and I -- I did a contract, and I got the money. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Do you have -- do you have any witnesses to call? Do you have any evidence you want to present to the board? ~ :~~;'~.fr~,~~~~' i ~~\~ L~;~}t~}!~~ Page 107 .~ :"~.f':~.l~;~ ~,,~ i ~)\"~ ~~;~ :\~'::?'1~ ~'~'.~ ~* V~}!!~ )\\1 ~ii V~':?!.~ . - -- \-.-# ,-, ;i_~; ;"~.r'~.,~~~ ~:J February 17,2010 MS. BORREGO: No. I don't have nobody here, no. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. Does staff? MR. JOSLIN: I have -- I have a couple -- I have a couple of questions for Mrs. -- MS. LACZI: Laczi. MR. JOSLIN: I've got checks that are signed here. MS. LACZI: Yes. MR. JOSLIN: I've got a contract, first, okay, that you signed -- I think it's E4 -- with Mary's Kitchens.. - ." . MS. LACZI: Yes, sir. MR. JOSLIN: And it's got a total amount of$12,500, I believe.2;r'.~~~~ MS. LACZI: Yes. MR. JOSLIN: Fifty-seven fifty is the deposit. And then the -- at the bottom, the fine lines down near the bottom, it states right there all in black and white that -- it says, "Checks to be made payable to Mary's Kitchens & Interiors, Inc." What was your reasoning for signing -- or issuing checks to a -- just Mary Borrego? Which I have two cancelled checks of yours that totaled $5,700. MS. LACZI: Well, that's what she told me, to make the checks payable to her. MR. JOSLIN: Well, did you not sign the bottom of this contract? MS. LACZI: I did. - MR. JOSLIN: Did you not read it? MS. LACZI: Probably I didn't read that section. MR. JOSLIN: Okay. That's all I have. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. So, Ms. Borrego, you have no evidence to provide; you have no other witnesses to call? MS. BORREGO: No. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Does staffhave any questions of Ms. Borrego? MR. JACKSON: I don't. .' ,,?~,ll'l~} ( :: Page 108 CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. Then we're ready for closing statements. MR. WHITE: I find myself in a difficult spot here. Has -- has ;., ;AC.'~':~~' anyone actually said that the work was not done? MS. LACZI: I did. MR. JOSLIN: I believe Mrs. Laczi said it's not done as of yet. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Mrs. Laczi. MS. BORREGO: It hasn't been done yet. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: At this point she doesn't want it done; she just wants her money back. MR. WHITE: I understand. Okay. Then -- then thank you for correcting my understanding because there seemed to be that key link, at least in my mind, that I was -- just hadn't heard. MR. NEALE: And I believe we did get testimony from the '-.~',~ .,~, homeowner that the work had not been completed, so -- MR. JACKSON: That is correct. MS. BORREGO: Work -- work hasn't been started at all. MR. WHITE: Thank you. That -- that's all I needed. MR. JOSLIN: Is the permit still active? MS. BORREGO: Yes. Yeah, I believe it's for six months, right? MR. JACKSON: The -- the permit is active. MR. JOSLIN: It is active? MR. JACKSON: Yes. MR. JOSLIN: Under Mary's Kitchens? MS. BORREGO: No, it's to Ash Ann Homes, which is a general contractor. It's a friend of mine that goes and does a bunch of work. And when I went back to her asking for the $242, it was for the permit~ for that because he didn't want to put it out of his pocket. He's , 1~;' -, -...., already been putting a lot of effort into this, and he said, "Mary, have' -'~ " her pay for the permit. I'll pick it up. And then we can get started." )I.t,ft~*.\,;~'~~ ' 'She didn't want to do that, so it's more stuff on top of me. Okay. ; ;;<:~'~;J' Now, I've got to -- "Don't worry about it. I'll pay for it." But it's just ~~~:,"'~)ii .\.i,:..?I!~ )~~'\-I ~~* .\i,;:':'i~ February 17,2010 ;',;.f~ff~~ Page 109 ........,.~..V !;.~;.~ft~-.\~~~:~~ ;,~~'\f ~~ii .\':~':~!:~ .Vl~ ~:;ri- \t'I\':''-~ ., February 17,2010 there. He's willing to do it. He's willing to go ahead and do -- get started with the work. I'm trying to see if my cabinet manufacturer will do the cabinets and then give me 30 days. I get paid from her at the end, and I pay them. And just even if I don't make a dime, but at least she gets her work, but she doesn't want to do it. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Mr. Boyd, do you have -- do you have a comment or question? MR. BOYD: Yeah. Does the contractor that pulled the permit-- are they responsible in any way? MR. OSSORIO: Mr. Boyd, I'll go ahead -- MR. BOYD: I mean, I would think, you know, I -- I pull a permit, and I've got to do a notice of commencement and everything else. MR. OSSORIO: Mr. Boyd, you're absolutely right. And -- and I'll explain to you -- there's three jurisdictions here. There's the City of Naples, there's the City of Marco Island, and Collier County. This is a single family home. If you were in Collier County, to take out cabinets, put new cabinets in, no permit is required. This contract' is valid. It doesn't show any electrical or plumbing. This. contract is for cabinet installing; taking cabinets, putting cabinets in "':t':/"~::'~ and out. Unfortunately, the City of Marco Island, the building official, which we have no jurisdiction over, basically says that "I don't care. I want a building permit on -- on that aspect of it." Well, all -- all they're actually doing is taking cabinets and putting cabinets in. The City of Marco Island is basically putting a -- you know, and this is a complaint that's valid throughout cabinet companies all over Marco Island, that they're making cabinet companies go out and get a general contractor to pull a building permit which really doesn't require a lice -- a building permit for the City of Naples or Marco or-- the City of Naples or Collier County, but the City of Marco Island . '."~ ;',~~t.,~~~ ~~! Page 110 ," '~':;up~, . ,,t.; '.,.. ;1~-~ I~' 't' nil ...:.~~~~ ;.~,-~~." ..... ,..,." '", .",~;\ll~it \-~,;. :,~,'0 '.,j,- .-.-......~.. - :\""'y. ..,. ,I iJ~!f Iii J I ~~.jl"'W.,~......l;. llli " February 17, 201 Q..JoL'l.o",'ll.l says, "We want to have a general contractor." So the act of contracting on this -- on the application you -- which you'll see, is just for cabinets. But the City of Marco Island is .;":'." putting more restrictions and said, "We want to see a general contractor pull the building permit. " So that's something we're going to work with Marco Island, but be that as it may, we're not here to talk about the building permit itself. But it is an issue we're working with the City of Marco Island with because, like, if you were a sign company and you want to put a sign up on a -- on a -- on a commercial building and -- and they're saying -- the City of Marco'Island is basically saying, "You know what, Mr. Boyd? Yeah, you're a sign company, but I want to have a building contractor pull the building permit only." That doesn't make -- it's not very fair. And you're only working in the scope of what your certificate calls for. So we're working with the City of Marco Island. MR. JOSLIN: But the question, though, Michael, is that another company that pulled the permit to install these cabinets or do this cabinet work, whatever it was going to be, new or renovation work, then -- but Mary's Kitchens is the one who contracted the work. MR. OSSORIO: Yeah. And -- and I don't want to go ahead and bring any -- we might have a case, but we're not -- MR. JOSLIN: In the con -- in -- in -- in Mary's Kitchens Cabinets' contract, if you read the bottom lines, it clearly says Mary's , is a manufacturer of the cabinets and that they are allowed to hire as a 'Ii h I' crew installers. 1 So who is the installer, and who is the permit puller, and does the~""""" permit puller have no obligation here? MR. OSSORIO: I submit to you that -- that Mary's Kitchen is contracted. She took the contract to do the installing. She might have . '"" the authority to sub out contracting; in other words, if -- if Mary's Kitchens can't do it, she's going to hire another cabinet company. Page 111 'fJl;!J , )" !,,~~ ." ...~,. ,. \. ""'-." CO;'" '_' .._.;,;..0):. . .;!<.! \~ bii ,~,.,..: '~~ ,:.., ". ,',......':, .,....,;..0):. . ~}.~;~ t~:t 'i':;.:'!.~ , -'j ~y' '.. ........;..1>:.- . ,1,:,\.1 ~~;:r ~r;:::1'.:~ February 17, 2010 That's fine. MR. JOSLIN: Okay. MR. OSSORIO: That's above and beyond. I don't want to get into specifics of the building permit. That's not part of the -- and-I ' -, don't want -- because you might hear that case coming up, so I would-" like to go ahead and just, you know, stick to what we're here for today.',,~<.,~";:~ MR. JOSLIN: I understand that part of it, but I'm not totally content that we're -- we're in the same boat as far as who is responsible for what. I'm just a little lost here. I can see the point of Mary's Kitchens and Cabinets being responsible for taking the contract and taking the dollars and cents, but technically, if another contractor now pulled the permit, she could hire them to go in -- because the contract is still a valid contract yet, go in there and tell them, "I'll buy the cabinets. You go put them in," and they have to allow them on the property to put those cabinets in. She can't just say, "I don't want those cabinets anymore." She has to allow them to do the work. Does she or does she not? MR. LANTZ: I believe a contract written by an unlicensed contractor is an unenforceable contract. MR. WHITE: Well, I -- I didn't want to raise the question -- MR. JOSLIN: There's a lot of questions here. MR. WHITE: -- here. MR. OSSORIO: But that's not to -- MR. WHITE: Just let me finish, Mr. Ossorio, because you may want to consider your remarks more carefully. Can you be contracting if you don't have a valid license? MR. JOSLIN: Exactly. MR. WHITE: If -- if -- if the county's position is that it's -- it's the absence of a valid license that's mismanagement, is it contracting that causes financial harm? There may be a crime here. I don't know. But whether we have a licensure issue, to me, is -- is a -- is a hair that:..- if -~- ,- you want to start splitting it, I -- I don't know. I mean, if -- :.""' ~. '!~, :'..'~ ;'"... " : _~ ~ .~. ..,~.t,; ~:! / .-",' ... Page 112 CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Michael, this is directly related to the state law that was passed last fall that you and I discussed at length, remember? This is -- this is an example of what you and I discussed. MR. OSSORIO: Mr. Chairman, would you say on the face ofE4 -- if you want to go ahead and split hairs, look at E4, Mr. White. Would you say this contract is unlicensed? MR. WHITE: I'm not interested in splitting hairs. I have the testimony of the respondent that's an admission to whatever the violation is that the county has put forward. I'm prepared to voteuahd ' find that there is a finding of violation. MR. JERULLE: And maybe I don't understand. Does the count ," ',<~;:,~ not say "misconduct in the practice of contracting"? MR. NEALE: Uh-huh. MR. JERULLE: Does that make a difference? MR. NEALE: Well, in order to practice contracting, it's implied that you have to be a contractor. MR. WHITE: So, to me, if you're delinquent and all you've got to do is pay a fee, you still have a license, and you're still contracting. I understand that the county's position may be different on its face, but I'm going by what the testimony and the facts are that I have before me. And no one's rendered a legal opinion differently, so, in ply, ....:~ mind, there's a violation, and a finding of guilt is appropriate based on )I.y\:;~V~(:''1~ the testimony and the facts. And that's why I said to Michael, "You may want to think about your position a little more critically." It -- it -- it doesn't matter to me what the county's position is, essentially, other than the fact that they have put the correct piece of the code in front of us and we have the facts that apply to that code that tells me there's a violation here. So if it's okay with you other gentlemen, I would make a motion : V',VI ~~i7; 't,:.:0.~ -- \..~ ',.. .~, _~ .,':"c; . ~).~;\:! t,~;t ,,,~.;:?t~ -- .-......). . ", _ ,\~~.~. ,,~l~_ t..~ February 17,2010 ;. ~ ;" : :~.~'(l~\~~..! ; MR. JOSLIN: Not yet. Page 113 - . ...~, ",,' MR. WHITE: -- if -- if we're done here. I mean -- CHAIRMAN L YKOS: We -- we need to finish up with the -- with the procedure -- MR. WHITE: We can talk about the whole aspect-- CHAIRMAN L YKOS: -- of the hearing. MR. WHITE: I understand. We can talk about the whole aspect of imposition of fine as a subsequent aspect, I believe. If not -- CHAIRMAN L YKOS: The discussion of guilt comes after the public hearing. MR. WHITE: Okay. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: And then the discussion of penalties, if any, come after the discussion of guilt. We need to get through the presentation of evidence from both sides. We need to get through .,_,',:H closing arguments so that we can get to the point where we discuss ....:.:.." guilt. If we try to figure out guilt before we get through the evidence y;~\~~'r.::'1~ and the closing statements -- MR. WHITE: I'm not suggesting we do that, Mr. Chairman. I'm just saying that I'm satisfied at this point. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. So where were we? I think the i'~~',"- county was making closing statements; is that correct? MR. OSSORIO: That's correct. MR. WHITE: We were responding to questions, I believe. MR. JOSLIN: That's where we were. MR. JACKSON: If there are more questions to respond to, I'd take my best shot at it before the closing. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Then I would say that -- are there any questions that directly relate to the evidence in the case? (No response.) CHAIRMAN L YKOS: There being none, Ian, would you please Y"Y\;~Y',':1~ continue with your closing statement. MR. JACKSON: Thank you. Ms. Borrego, the qualifier of Mary's Kitchens & Interiors, contracted for the installation of this ~'1<y~ i.~tY~~~~~ '.--- .... ...'"","" February 17,2010 Page 114 , ;'~f:,~~;.,~ . ,~~," ;'d<!~~~~' ~; i. ',''I ; > ;:t"f.~::.~.~ ~:';~ i kitchen, received $5,750 deposit from the homeowners, and is unable to execute the contract, does not have the money to repay the homeowners, and does not have the product to provide the homeowners for their deposit; mismanaging the business, mis -- committing misconduct, and causing financial harm to the -- to the homeowner. And with that I'll -- the county will rest. ._.." ". CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Ms. Borrego, closing statement? .-, MS . BORREGO: How does he know that I don't -- I can't put her;'"f~,~~~ cabinets in? I -- I just asked him in the -- in the break can I continue; give me 30 -- 45 days, and I'll do her kitchen. It's my problem if I go to my manufacturer and say, "Listen, I need you to do my cabinets and give me 30 days to pay for it and do this job." Whether I have the money or not, I'll get the job done. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Ms. Borrego, I need you to make a closing statement, and then the county will be able to rebut your closing statement, but I need you to make a closing statement for us. MS. BORREGO: What do you want me to say on a closing statement? I don't know. That's my-- MR. JOSLIN: Basically, I think she's said the closing statement -.< is that she is ~- _.:,~ MS. BORREGO: I never said I don't want to do her kitchen. I ;y,~~\'i'(~'?!':" never said -- I do. I don't have the money. I never said, "If you'd give ",~~:,Yt~~~, me 30 days, 45 days I could get the job done." That's what I think. That's my-- CHAIRMAN L YKOS: If -- if -- if that's -- MS. BORREGO: -- bottom line. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: -- what your closing statement is -- MS. BORREGO: Okay. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: -- then you need to say that. MS. BORREGO: Okay. So that -- that's what it is. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: So if you would please restate your comments so that the board is clear. February 17, 2010 .' ",:,,~ I~'.r.~ ~~~, V~:,:lJ;~ .~r.;c.;1~;,........t-- - .- ~..~,.... -"...- . _..;';..C<-" Page 115 )'<\f t:;i ,Y',:::,~~ ,~ "", .... . ;-'. ?~ "',. "'. ."~ , '1'~ "'" '. ... ...'!'. ~~)\:~ ~~* \~';:,:i1~ February 17, 2010,. d~:'t\;.~.! MS. BORREGO: Okay. If I'm allowed to go ahead and make my -- renew my license, if that's what you guys want, for me to pay and keep working and give me 30 days or 45 days, I'll get the job done and"""" take advantage of this permit that we have here for her house, which -- we have worked. You know, the -- her house is old enough where nobody has floor plans of this house, and they -- we had to go in there and manually do a floor plan, and that's -- nobody does that for free. So there is work involved in her house. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. Thank you. Rebuttal from the -- from the county? ;~~.'".:;..:7' MR. JACKSON: I have no rebuttal. .,',..:".~, CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. Are there any other questions of ~\\;\I~:~'!-;''''~ the -- of the respondent, staff, or the witnesses? MR. JOSLIN: Just one last comment then. What I'm understanding, if I'm hearing this correctly, is that, as of right now, you are ready and able to go and finish this cabinet installation that ~.""-_._' you contracted for. With or without the money, you could get this job done -- MS. BORREGO: Yeah. Yeah. The word "finish," no. MR. JOSLIN: -- provided -- MS. BORREGO: We want to get started. We never got started. Her kitchen is the way it is. MR. JOSLIN : Well, finish -- MS. BORREGO: It hasn't been -- MR. JOSLIN: -- complete the contract -- MS. BORREGO: Yeah. ;'y.;,~t';;tJ; MR. JOSLIN: -- providing that there is a method to bring your license back to a current status? MS. BORREGO: Uh huh, yes. MR. JOSLIN: Now, this is something that has to be done through ":~"',"':."" staff and through putting something of this nature together because I know that this board has in the past allowed people to reinstate ~., ;';.~..~:~,tf~_ t,~' .b.f.... ,,' ~..'oJ.) .,..:.::...x ~\\~v*.:'t-~t'::~ ~ r .,' V'.- Page 116 licenses that have been suspended or have gone into this same mode, correct? . MR. OSSOlUO: That is correct. There's nothing stopping Mary's '~l,',~\iii'(~";"'!~ Kitchen to come in my office today -- ~"."""-:--' " " ", .; It' ~', ;' t.~..~,~ \~it T:T',:;-"~~ ~'-'"7"':" .. ... ~, ....,.. ~ - ",' ~PJ':,il TI' , li....lJ..~~; ". -~....-...,., - .....".,...... '""""D'n'":"........-;---~ , ',' . February 17,2010 ";-';l" ,,',-j r'; Il.:'~,., ,. ,,,t.1 ~.~ '" _.'!\ilj MR. JOSLIN: Okay. MR. OSSORIO: -- yesterday, the day before-- MR. JOSLIN: Right. MR. OSSORIO: -- a week ago, a month ago, two months ago to get her license active so she can finish her contract. MR. JOSLIN: Okay. That's all I'm asking, and that's all I say. Yes, I guess. MS. LACZI: I would like to say that her -- her not having the contract or her having a delinquent contract did not stop her not to do my job. I don't know what stopped her. November, December, January, February, four months, she -- she wants another month to do my -- to do the job. I would agree with that. Start tomorrow, Mary. Start in a week. Start in -- in -- because I don't have -- as I said, I -- in a month I'm going to go to Romania with my mother that is 82 years old. And if she has problems, I have problems. I don't have any income. I live on my husband's Social Security. I have two children. So I have to eat. I have to pay taxes. I have to pay insurance for the home in Marco Island. So I understand she has problems. I have problems too. But she didn't -- she didn't think twice of taking my money knowingly that she cannot even start the job, not -- not talking finish the job. So now, okay, she doesn't have the money. How is she going to finish my job if she doesn't have the money? I agree. I -- I want her to finish the -- I want the kitchen done. I want it done as we -- we understood each other. And when she came with Ariel, with -- with the -- with the contractor, it was the kitchen, the -- the -- the bar. Ariel was going to remove half of the wall in :--';~.:f"-''''-'-:';.''''"'''' " ", ,'l~ :,1' t. ..,t,'I...."",.:1\;\ " .~~";I""'.""';'~""" r'l /, Ii '1t'.~~.i1Jn~~:4 Page 11 7 :-,.~...,*".". ~':".~ between the bar and the kitchen area, and she said, "Everything is included. Permit, whatever it is. Even if we scratch your wall" -- here she is -- "even if we scratch your wall." MS. BORREGO: No. No MS. LACZI: "We're going to finish everything. We -- we -- we take the cabinets down. We put the cab -- we install the cabinets in the garage, whatever you want." So whatever I wanted, not even -- I didn't know -- I didn't even 'l'I\'1 l",~'" tell her what I want. She came up with the suggestions and her -- her '( T(r~ ...."............ friend, Rosemary. "Oh, this would go better. That would go better. .,"-.~w.~~ That would be nice. That -- we'll do that for you. We'll put this for you, that for you," whatever. So, okay, if she can finish the job, I -- I -- I agree. Finish the job, _"'.""',." but who is going to -- to -- to -- to keep her accountable that she is going to start and finish the job? Because she can start tomorrow, and I will be there a year from now without a kitchen. MS. BORREGO: Never -- that has never happened. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Ms. Laczi. Excuse me. Ms. Laczi, thank you very much for your comments. We appreciate them. If there's no more evidence to be -- to -- presented, I need a motion to close the public hearing. MR. BOYD: So moved. MR. WHITE: Second. MR. JOSLIN: Second. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: All those in Favor? MR. HORN: Aye. MR. JERRULE: Aye. MR. LANTZ: Aye. MR. JOSLIN: Aye. MR. WHITE: Aye. MR. BOYD: Aye. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Opposed? .,. -~~'~-'-' . ..~, "'-'- - .... . ~~;::-:-~ "~.",,,_'-' .-. ....,.......... ~~:,t;) ~::'t, ':"~~~;.~ , . .~i, . ~, ... -, .,\. -.'. :. '...- February 17, 2010,.,,~.,,;<<~;..., ,,~ M Page 118 (No response.) CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Thank you. Mr. Neale -- MR. NEALE: Yes. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: -- please remind us what our job is here this afternoon. MR. WHITE: Before he starts, if I may, Mr. Chairman, quite simply, we've seen some complicated cases in my brief tenure on this board. This case isn't complicated. The resolution of this matter -- CHAIRMAN L YKOS: That's correct. MR. WHITE: -- is complicated. And -- and before we get too far down the tracks, two things have changed since my last set of remarks """"-;_"::,-: about findings of violation; one is the harmed party has indicated that . . '<>"" there's an alternative solution here. If that alternative solution is implemented, it, in fact, could create a circumstance where there is no t~\_t..,~t~:~ ~,\,:i1~ financial harm. If there's no financial harm, then the only mismanagement left was the idea beforehand about mismanagement simply because her , contract -- her license status changed to suspended -- or to delinquent. Excuse me. It is now suspended. MR. NEALE: Well -- MR. WHITE: It seems to me, if the contractor renews her license, gets the cabinets in whatever fashion is appropriate installed, done and over within 30 days, we don't have a case. MR. JOSLIN: There's no need for a case. MR. JERULLE: Well, let me -- MR. WHITE: So my -- my -- my point is how do we assure that . '::.,.,'::- that happens so that if it doesn't these people aren't harmed and the person who's responsible is appropriately on the hook? That's -- that's :,>\'1\'" '.\',,!~ why this case is -- as a matter is complicated in terms of its resolution, not in terms of the findings. And -- and so that's the only reason I wanted to say something as a kind of summary before Mr. Neale i"'111!". ....._ -, .... '~". ~. . ')\."'; '~~;~ ~t~.~?!:~ February 17, 2010 Page 119 ;. ~).~~(.~~~:~ ~J .,~.,~:'. ::~/~:~' ~J ' - ,""';-., . .. ~ ' ! :~::"~ ~,,~ \; ... ... '. '1\. . .. ~ ~"'A~ ~~~ y~\~~ _~.l.':, '-'~ . ..". ."~ ,;~\,~;t:~:\?'1~ -_... . ......~.,..--:.---..~ ~'i\~ \,~1 y~~?!!:~ February 17,2010 started. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. Let me get -- let me get Terry, and then we'll get Lee. MR. HORN: Just an answer to Mr. White. I believe it's in our pew -- purview to continue something for the 30 days, if we so desired. MR. NEALE: Yes, it is. MR. HORN: Okay. Thank you. ;'~i~,:'~~\-~J MR. NEALE: And this matter could be continued by the board, if it -- if it's in its purview. And I just want to follow one thing with Mr. -- just before we get away from Mr. White's comments. It -- the -- the ordinance and the state statute is very specific in that -- and -- and I'm going to put this in order of an informal way, but I think it's -- it may be more effective. A contractor can be a horrible manager and can per -- can perform all kinds of misconduct if they don't cause financial harm because the statute is very -- and the ordinance is very specific. It's ,mismanagement or misconduct that causes financial ha~, and I think that's -- that's the -- you know, there's two pieces to it, so ---.', ',: ' CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. Terry, you had a comment. MR. JERULLE: We're going to have a discussion? CHAIRMAN L YKOS: We -- we need to close the public hearing, and then we'll go into deliberation. MR. JERULLE: I'll wait until the discussion. MR. NEALE: The public hearing's closed. You already voted on that. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: We did close the public -- okay. Good. Okay. So -- so you were going to charge us, and then we can get into our deliberation on guilt, which is what we're supposed to be doing. MR. NEALE: Right. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. MR. NEALE: And we'll go through this at -- everybody he!~, I Page 120 .' ':. '( ;;L ~~:~:.~!~ .::.;~ : :.'''_~'~ .~. ..~:~ ~:.=~ l think, has heard this before, but for the benefit of the -- of the '.. respondent particularly, is that the board shall ascertain in its deliberations that fundamental fairness and due process were afforded to the respondent; however, the formal rules of evidence as set out in Florida Statutes do not apply to these matters. The board shall consider solely evidence presented at this hearing in the consideration of this matter. It shall exclude from its deliberations irrelevant, immaterial, and cumulative testimony. It shall admit and consider all other evidence of the type commonly relied upon by a reasonably prudent pert -- person in the conduct of their a~fairs, it says, whether or not the evidence so admitted would be admissible in a court of law or equity. Hearsay may be used to explain or supplement any other evidence; however, hearsay by itself in this kind of matter is not -.... sufficient support of finding, unless it would be admissible in a civil 0-'. '" . court over objection. The standard of proof in this kind of case where the respondent may lose their privilege to practice the profession is that the evidence pra -- pra -- presented by the complainant, presented by the county, must prove the complainant's case in a clear and convincing manner. This burden of proof on the complainant is a heavier burden than the preponderance of evidence standard set out for civil cases. The standard and evidence are to be weighed solely as to the charges set out in the complaint as Ordinance 90-105, Section 4.1.8 of the Collier County Code of Ordinances, and that is committing mismanagement . ,/,:;'l:<,! or misconduct in the practice of contracting that causes financial harm to a customer. Financial harm -- financial mismanagement or misconduct includes, but is not limited to, any of the following. If the board is interested, I can read what that -- what those considerations are in the ordinance; however, the county has stated on the record that they specifically only want to consider the part in the charges, so I will -- I ~~;A\~ '~,~.t ,tt~.:.:'t~ ~-f40.--';""."'; -- ~. )'\.\) ~,~~ .\'1\~}t~ :-"'~~-r-;:- '~: !J;'\J, '~?;i y';:'?!..~ . 'n. ..__~,.~ :. .'-~" " --..." ~~ ;':: -;- ~.~ February 17,2010 Page 121 v ;;t(~,~~:'.~~~~ .-' -f ~ . " ,~y;~ ,~~~.:( ~~~ ;-" .. ""';'" February 17,2010 will not do that ~t this point._ The standard here is -- specifically is set out in the charge, and in ,W~N""i"'" order to support a finding that the respondent is in violation, it must -- '. (:'i'\q .. ",,"~' ~... the board must find facts that show the violations were committed bY'^"~''''Ola~i the respondent. The facts must also show to a clear and convincing standard the legal conclusion that the respondent was in violation of those -- the relevant section, 4.1.8. These charges -- this charge specifically is the only one that the board may decide upon, as this is the only one to which the respondent had the opportunity to prepare a defense. The damages, if any, must be those directly related to this charge; may not be damages that are caused by other actions of the respondent. The decision made by this board shall be stated orally at this hearing and is effective upon being read. ~..:~:~ r.;' The respondent, if found in violation, has appeal rights to this . , " ... ..j'.....- .-.,~ .' board, the Court, and the state construction industry licensing board as ' .:.'. '~"i'ii ,.:t~ set out in the county ordinance and in the Florida Statutes and Florida ; .},. Administrative Code. If the board is unable to issue a decision immediately following the hearing because of questions of law or other matters of such a nature that a decision may not be made at this hearing, the board may withhold its decision until a subsequent meeting. The board shall vote based upon the evidence presented on all areas and, if it finds the respondent in violation, adopt the administrative complaint. The board shall also make findings of fact and conclusions of law in support of those charges. And the board now can enter into. ~;~~~~'~. .,~~.., deliberation. '-'. ". . \ '. ! . .,.,< CHAIRMAN L YKOS: The first issue -- the first issue we need to ..'; :'f~\.it ',';X,!,~ address is the issue of guilt. .." ":", ~~ Kyle. .---" Page 122 .,....... February 17, 2010 MR. LANTZ: Well, I'm tom on this because, to me, financial mismanagement -- although my gut tells me she took the money for the deposit and spent it on something else and didn't do it, it's only been a couple of months, and there's plenty of construction contracts, especially kitchen remodels, that there is no deadline in the contract, nothing like that. And, although I -- I -- my gut tells me there's financial '__ ~r ~::: ~ ~. ..::';, mismanagement, my personal opinion is I don't think there's enough time to determine financial mismanagement. That's just me. ,'l'.yl,,, 't;,'t~ ' MR. JOSLIN: I have a comment that says I think the board because of -- we've heard testimony from Ms. Borrego, we've heard testimony from the homeowner that each one of them is in -- or, I , guess, ready to make some kind of an adjustment as far as to -- they're willing to accept the cabinets if she can do them. She's willing to do the cabinets if she can get her license back together again. I think at this moment maybe the best interests of both parties, because of the fact that Ms. Borrego has said she can't pay the money back to her now, so it's not going to do us any good to do anything to her license or to her -- so the only recoup to help the -- the owner get their product that they've contracted for would be to allow them to do "I~I:;:,~-,.':, the cabinets in the 30-day period that we've talked about and maybe ....;,. continue the case as far as a penalty or as a guilt finding until this ,~.,\n'''r;:It~ 30-day period happens and see if it does come together and see if the problem then does go away. That's my feeling. MR. WHITE: I have to -- CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Excuse me. Excuse me one second, Pat. Terry . MR. WHITE: I'm sorry. MR. JERULLE: And this is probably a silly question. Is there any way we can reopen the public hearing? MR. LANTZ: Sure. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Yeah, you can make a motion to reopen Page 123 ~:~;-:7-; -~7 '.' ..,....,..,.t. . ~ ~::..f ;; ;';l~!(::o/'i :~~ ;..... .; ;, -,:~y,~}:~.~;! !)\;,\~btY;::'1~ the public heard. , MR. JERULLE: I make a motion to reopen -- MR. LANTZ: Make a motion to reopen. MR. WHITE: Second. MR. JERULLE: On a -- okay. The second question I have is -- CHAIRMAN L YKOS: What was his first question? That was his first question. MR. WHITE: The motion was to reopen it. I seconded his motion. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: No. No, he asked if we could, and then he said -- ~'';:'::~i~l~ MR. WHITE: Oh, I'm sorry. ..:::" . MR. NEALE: He didn't make the motion. He just asked the ;'t,\H'fr"','1~ q~estion if he could.. . . ,t(;,,~ CHAIRMAN L YKOS: RIght. He asked the questIon If we could,' ..',.",~ and then he said the second question -- MR. WHITE: So sorry. MR. JOSLIN: Do you want to open it first or -- MR. JERULLE: No. No, I -- CHAIRMAN L YKOS: He's asking two questions. MR. JACKSON: Okay. MR. JERULLE: Did we ask where the funds went that she took for the deposit? MR. JOSLIN: That's immaterial. MR. JERULLE: I don't recall. I'm asking the board if-- MR. LANTZ: No, I -- MR. JERULLE: -- if anyone -- MR. LANTZ: I don't recall any testimony. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: In Ms. Borrego's testimony -- in Ms. Borrego's testimony, she stated that she used money to feed her children and buy milk and, therefore, she didn't have the money to pay, '", t'"":'-:,;';::": for her license. , ~ :,' ,,1':-"7 ...:.....-...,.. I ~ ~..;- ... ,~"~,,..r. ;- 'W .p......-..'t. ~"I~,~ t,~~ .,tt;:t!~~ February ,17, 2010 Page 124 . ~" ' ;"." ; ;\!:~~~:~~I~'(.'~ ::,~ \ . ' :"._' :i . ~. , .... ; ~-, _;;..d~:;.~~:'.'~;J MR. JERULLE: Okay. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: So you could infer that those funds were used to maintain her household from her comments. MS. BORREGO: And the business too. And the business too. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: And the business too. MS. BORREGO: The showroom and all of that stuff. MR. JERULLE: Okay. And then that answer -- then I don't require to open up -- a motion for -- to open up the public hearing. If d "__'~' we know where the funds went or have an idea where the funds went, o. "" l r,:.:.~' ':_":1:' to me, I -- answers in my mind the mismanagement question. MR. WHITE: From -- from my point of view, there -- there wasn't adequate testimony to draw an inference. The county never told us where they thought it went, and, although she -- she made some statements about what she spent her money on, she never said that the dollars she spent were their dollars that were given to her. So I'm -- I understand that an inference could be drawn. I'm not prepared to draw it at this point, so -- CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Why is that relevant? MR. WHITE: I -- I think it's immaterial, actually, but I just didn't j: ,Yly,'1 .' ,:>;...:.".,,_,"\.t" agree with your assessment of it. ' , . CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Well, she -- she sent a letter to us that says she can't afford to pay the money back and she wanted to make f;.f:;~~f:.. payments. MR. WHITE: That's true, but that's a different issue. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: So why is it relevant where the money might be if she says she can't afford to pay it back -- MR. WHITE: I don't think it is. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: -- and that she can only afford to make small monthly payments? I don't know if she's got the money in a big wad in her pocket or in an offshore account somewhere, if where the money is,'is relevant to determining whether or not she's guilty.. MR. WHITE: Mr. Chairman, my point is that it's not. ~'U(<~ ~,~~ .'t;:.;'jl:: )..,~.~ ~,~i1: -r:;:!~~ ..1/',~ ~:;i Y~" :i!'X~ February 17, 2010 , -,,~, ~- :,;d~,:.,::Y~,~;,,~ -;-.' '. '~'" ; ~. " \ ,J": .!J~:~;~; Page 125 MR. LANTZ: She could have paid the money to the -- she could have paid the money to the cabinet supplier, for all we know. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: She could have done that. MR. JACKSON: Yeah, that was my-- MR. WHITE: And -- and so, looking to get to the gentleman's "Wisdom of Solomon" approach to this, there is no financial mismanagement, per se. That's not the charge. It's mismanagement; contracting that causes financial harm. If the property owner is willing to accept having the cabinets ~~;::;:,:. , brought in, and if the contractor has the right, so long as there are con -- cabinets to put in, to enter upon the property to do so and it's agreed "",\'.".;t-~ that they would allow them to do so, there seems to be a way to resolve this to assure ourselves within 30 days from now or not whether there is financial harm or not. So from my point of view, notwithstanding my earlier comments about how I may have intended to vote, I don't know, based upon what we now have in the record, that there has been financial harm. And I don't accept the proposition on the county's part that simply because your license was in a delinquent status and you executed a contract that you somehow mismanaged in the practice of contracting that caused financial harm. I -- I may get two of the elements there, but I don't get all. Three i'~L:~".~:', .~':: r __ there -- there's no financial harm again. So I'm -- I'm at a place where I'm -- I'm very much interested in the other perspectives that ;1yH\ ";?!~ you gentlemen have in -- in trying to work this case -- MR. JOSLIN: I think-- MR. WHITE: -- what's best for all parties, including us. MR. JOSLIN: I think there's going to be more financial harm involved in this if -- if there's not some kind of a happy -- MR. WHITE: Correct. MR. JOSLIN: -- I'll call it the -- the wisdom or whatever you called it, worked out because of the fact -- this is a win-win situation if ...:.....l.-..__.. ._;.~. . 'I" "~I " February 17,2010 Page 126 H.t......"'.~......dJ' " ' , ,:l': "" .:,~f:~,'~t~ .;J . ........,., I'" ", " . . r..:t.". .\1 ~ ',," February 17,2010 -- if -- if we're in -- involved in trying to do it this way. If we go the ,>','\j\,,;;,,'~,:I,\~ other route and the $5,700 is gone, it's -- it's not going to be replaced. She doesn't have it. The people still don't have their cabinets in, so -- and they have to leave town, so that's not going to happen. So now we're going to r""';. still sit in here with -- is it financial harm? Yes, we could take -- we could do a lot of things at the moment, right, to -- to this license holder, but is it going to be a win situation for -- for the actual customer of Collier County? I don't think it's going to be. MR. WHITE: And -- and the other. MR. JOSLIN: I think the only way is to work it out because they're both willing to. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. Well, let's not lose track of the fact that our first order of business is to determine guilt. You can talk about \.... ;"1::- ... -- I'm not going to sit in a room and negotiate a deal between these , , people. If you want to do that, Richard, that's fine. Patrick, if you want "'Jj-,~~ ~):t ~,~:,,',,-je ., .1 , ',-' to offer up your services to act as a mediator -- ' MR. WHITE: Not a chance. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: -- you can do that. But our order of service is to determine guilt. MR. JOSLIN: We don't-- CHAIRMAN L YKOS: But regardless of what the penalty may be, our job -- MR. JOSLIN: No. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: -- is to determine guilt. MR. JOSLIN: Mr. Lykos, you're incorrect. We do not have to ~;;"'~I~"~ make a determination of that today. This can be continued until 30 days from now and give them a chance to work this out, whether it be )\\j\~';;";:I~ with us as a mediator or whoever they want to get as a mediator. We do not have to act on a guilty or innocent factor right now. MR. NEALE: And the board does have, you know, very clearly the ability to continue the matter. You know, it's specific that, if f;- "'T,j' , Page 127 ,~;', -::;~' ,id:,;"; '.- . .. ..... . ...... _.t.. ~'l,,\j M't;:?,)j~ 1"" .-i :', . " or, J, ' .' , "' . i' ~;'.~ ~~~'1{;:.::~~ I 1 ' ,.'r:'J:,::r::~: '.,~ . .. ,',"" . ~/"~ ~.~~:r';;/:J;~ February 17, 2010 there's a question in law or other matters that allow the board -- that the board doesn't want to make or doesn't feel it should make a decision as -- as of today on guilt, innocence, or whatever, the board can continue this matter to a -- to another day, at which point in time they would feel -- the board would feel that they would have more evidente or evidence that would -- that would be relevant to the matter. MR. WHITE: Can -- can I help maybe some of the board members who may not be sure about the direction we should take here? If -- in the interest of making a request for a continuance, we also ask of board counsel to respond to the question of whether the practice of contracting can take place under a suspended or delinquent license, because to me that's a question, I think, that may be fundamentally a kind of hole in the code. And if we can use this example to fashion some type of an opinion that'll guide us both in this case and -- and down the road and help the county in how it brings its cases forward -- MR. NEALE: If -- if I may cite to 489.128(1), it states, specifically, "As a matter of public policy, contracts entered ipto aft~r -- on or after October 1, 1990, by an unlicensed contractor shall be unenforceable in law or in equity by the unlicensed contractor." MR. WHITE: Correct. But it does not necessarily mean that the .. 'ar '." ~. . ;;'11f;;}~:,~ ;~~ . .,. ~ 'lb "..,. ;. ',:l~~::',~~'~ :,,~" MR. NEALE: It specifically says, if I -- if I may, in Subsection 3 that this -- this section shall not affect the rights of parties other than the unlacense -- licensed contractor to enforce the contract, lien, or bond remedies -- MR. WHITE: So -- MR. NEALE: -- which specifically -- you know, unlike a lot of people -- you think, well, it's an unenforceable contract. No, it's only unenforceable by the contractor. MR. WHITE: Correct. ,~ ,~ Page 128 ,;, " ~ f)' }fl''( -; ~ " -,~ _ J, A;, ..~ ~. ..".~,... .' .. . .... February 17, 20 1 O,..,~~;,fli~! .,',...:','... ... :~1~,.,~~ ~::~ .Y:;<i!1~ MR. NEALE: It's specifically enforceable by the -- by the person who signed the contract. MR. WHITE: Who's in this case potentially the ones that could be harmed. MR. NEALE: Uh-huh. MR. WHITE: And -- and so in --like I -- in addition to the impact on the license of this contractor that we are able to do something about -- and we could impose restitution. It seems counterproductive to do that at this point because I think that that adds to the harm, and if the intent here is to lessen the financial harm anq _........... ,,- improve their position, holding this off for 30 days doesn't weaken the~r position, lessen our jurisdiction, and it gives her a chance to )\;'H,;\',~;}t:" eItHer keep her word or, more damningly, next month make very clear,~<!~;;~J that finding a violation -- finding of guilt under the violation is there because there is financial harm. You -- you've made that commitment. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Kyle. MR. LANTZ: I'm just curious as to what the two parties have to say. I'm all for continuing it. I personally feel it's more of a civil matter that we shouldn't even be looking at to begin with, but that's just my opinion, not the opinion of probably most of the world. But I'm just wondering what the two interested parties have, if we were to continue it. MR. JOSLIN: Let's open the public hearing one more time, and we'll ask them. ~ MR. NEALE: Well, actually, you can -- you don't even have to --" '\"j\';\'~"n,.. fqr this point, you don't have to really open -- reopen the public ,> ". ">,.. hearing. MR. JOSLIN: No? MR. NEALE: Because you're taking testimony that's relevant to your deliberations, so I believe you don't have to reopen the public hearing. You're just taking testimony relevant to the deliberations. MR. JOSLIN: Then I can ask a question to them? fi"-::O-;: It.~._~.ll'< (r~,~-' ,'(,;"j ':~, . "''''.... Page 129 ';.'~'Vl ~)~ y~-:~~ ~~~~:':~~~';.. I,,~~~ ~:~ V:;: 'l'f}~ i~~ t~":":~ :.::, \~'~~ hi 'f~': '~_~ ,~1 February 17,2010 MR. NEALE: Uh-huh. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Ms. Borrego is already at the microphone. MR. JOSLIN: Okay. Ms. Borrego, a question for you straight up, can you ---are you ready, willing, and able to go and put this cabinets.' -- this set of cabinets into this -- Elena Laczi's kitchen? MS. BORREGO: I'm willing to start the process of ordering -- ; ,:!(,~~:t~! ordering the cabinets, which are custom made. They have to be done. Six weeks -- the way that I'm doing the math here, I should be done with everything no later than April 15th. And the -- the permits are good for six months anyways, so I -- MR. JERULLE: So you have not ordered the cabinets yet? MS. BORREGO: No. MR. JERULLE: You took the deposit from them to order the cabinets -- MS. BORREGO: Yes. MR. JERULLE: -- to give to the cabinet company, but did you not give it to the cabinet company? MS. BORREGO: Exactly, no. MR. JERULLE: And so, therefore, the cabinets have not yet bee~:,:!:r,:~~':'J ordered? MS. BORREGO: No. They have the layout; they have the design, but I have not yet put the deposit up. MR. JOSLIN: Okay. Now, just one other question for the members of the board who may know, is this a customary operation when you put in new cabinets that you -- when they're custom, you have to order them, and it takes a period of time for them to come in? MR. LANTZ: It is. MS. BORREGO: Yes. MR. LANTZ: However, my question is -- the original contract was November 3rd, and from -- what I recall hearing was that the job would be completely done by -- December 3rd was the original date, Page 130 7'< I,',' ~"".- , " ,,~ ," .' I .' ,:~~~J: ~~:": ':J" . Aqhi I" ','l~ February 17,2010 (Ti,'" , I "'~h"~' and now we're being told it's six weeks to get the cabinets in when thaf"...........i'; was only -- MS. BORREGO: Well, no, we're going back. MR. LANTZ: -- four weeks. MS. BORREGO: We're going back again to the letter that I wrote to all of you explaining my personal situation. And there's no way that I could do the -- the -- her cabinets, even if I wanted to, even if I paid for it December 1 st, because the City of Marco Island approved it December 8th. So even if I wanted to, even if I ran and paid for it -- MR. LANTZ: I -- I understand that. I'm -- I'm just questioning, if your original intent when you wrote the contract was that you could "':~.-'" ,. order tIie cabinets and get the whole job done in four weeks, whIch -- '-, .-'<'.., . .~ I'm a kitchen guy. Kitchens are my specialty, so I understand it '';'''''~'";:'7.~ usually takes six weeks to get cabinets out. MS. BORREGO: It takes Home Depot and -- and Lowe's three months, so -- MR. LANTZ: I understand. I also know I can get flat pack cabinets in a week if I call, so it depends on the manufacturer. MS. BORREGO: Uh huh. MR. LANTZ: But if it originally could be done -- the whole job done in four weeks, regarding the permit issue that, you know, I don't think you under -- maybe you didn't understand at the time you wrote -- signed the contract; you didn't figure it out 'tillater. MS. BORREGO: Uh huh. MR. LANTZ: I'll give you the benefit of the doubt for that. MS. BORREGO: Uh huh, uh huh. MR. LANTZ: But if the job could be done in four weeks, why now is it going to take six weeks just to get the cabinets in when before you would have had the whole job done in four weeks? MS. BORREGO: Uh huh. Because I -- I -- already explained it, but I could explain it again. After I did the contract with her, I had a "r-' ~ ~. - ;____.f'" . ,j'" " f\ ;.r ,;/ , , '. ~1;~~~~r.~~.:,!:;~ t' ,~" -t.~... Page 131 I' , ,'~ ..;nr, ;J bunch of -- the Marketplace having all kinds of problems, you know, paying their rent, paying my warehouse and office, which I ended up closing by the end of November -- MR. JOSLIN: Okay. This is all-- MS. BORREGO: -- and my house. And it was just so many personal things. I,' ~...,.~i' j_ '1 ", ,(: ,~. MR. JOSLIN: Okay. This is what we've heard. We've heard this ;,,' before. MS. BORREGO: Exactly. But he's asking. He doesn't know. MR. JOSLIN: I think that we're -- that's been answered. MR. JERULLE: Actually, I have one more question. So -- so you .-,' took the deposit and used it for something other than-- MS. BORREGO: For different stuff. It wasn't for me. I didn't go traveling. MR. JERULLE: Do you have a line -- do you have a line of credit for -- with a bank? MS. BORREGO: No. No. MR. JERULLE: So -- so there -- you don't have the money you took for their cabinets to order the cabinets, and you don't have a line - --,. - --....- I,. .~' of credit from a bank to order the cabinets? I MS. BORREGO: No. But I could -- I could -- I'm in the sit -- I'm Ji\j\:~Y;,:~~ in the position right now talking to the manufacturer for them to give ,,~'>~:,~;J' me 30 days from order -- they're going to do the cabinets for me. I'm going to go ahead and install them for them. When they pay me the balance, I'll pay them. {~ :' - .. 7f1'" ~- CHAIRMAN L YKOS: You comment in your letter to us that you bid this job so low that you were only going to make about $500. MS. BORREGO: Yes. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: If you've already spent $5,750 -- MS. BORREGO: Uh-huh. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: -- that gives you $5,750 to buy cabinets and countertops -- ;'\l.~ \>ii;,'~(.:~j,!, _1.:1,: . .. ~. .;' ....,.'.. "- .'". :'}l,t.~ ~~ot y:< ?!;!' February 17, 2010 Page 132 ~J' .li \ .,: V ~ ., ">r"" ""'Ii' .... ;1'. . .... ....~....- ;1-. '1 '.,r): ,U:,: ~:\l; ,1,J February 17, 2010 r ,.4 ,"'-'1'," ..... .... MS. BORREGO: Uh-huh. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: -- and, it looks like, an appliance package. MS. BORREGO: Uh-huh. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Somebody's not getting paid. MS. BORREGO: I'm not going to get paid. I'm going to be -- CHAIRMAN L YKOS: No. No. No. No, you misunderstand me. Somebody else isn't getting paid. Otherwise, you're telling us -- MS. BORREGO: Uh huh. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: -- if you were only going to make $500 to begin with -- MS. BORREGO: Uh huh. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: -- and -- and $5,700 is already gone -- MS. BORREGO: Uh huh. -". ~, CHAIRMAN L YKOS: -- you're going to buy cabinets for $5,700 ."',\H'~ ,~;:"t'7> -- you're going to buy -- I'm ,sorry -- cabinets -- '" MS. BORREGO: ApplIances. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: -- countertops, and appliances for $5,700. MS. BORREGO: No. No, I'm not saying that. There's no way that I could do that, but it -- when I get either money from the income tax or any other money coming in, I'm going to finish her house -- her -- her job. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Thank you. MS. BORREGO: Even though I'm not going to make money at all. I'm going to lose money because whatever I was going to make in her house -- in her kitchen I've already -- I've already, you know, used ~J :,-~ ~,""\" It ' . . Ii ~ . U'1~,.t.~ (~,7 _l:":~: :~~ ,to:'" -;.~ , "',,'f,,;" r;T t" . " , ,~,~)' !,~"'i '~'r~ . ., 'J'. . CHAIRMAN L YKOS: So who -- if you finish her job, who ';\H'~",'~~ won't get paid? The appliance people or the countertop people or the cabinet company? MS. BORREGO: How come they're not getting paid? I'm not going to get paid. It .1-; t-",-i"'""t.. '. .,., '..", I.' \ Page 133 CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Well, where's the money going to come from to finish the job? MS. BORREGO: Well, if I do all this -- if I -- if I get my license and I do other jobs and I'm going to make a thousand here or two thousand here, of course, I can make two, three thousand dollars in a kitchen, not with them because they included appliances, this and that, and now two hundred and forty two dollar to the Marco Island -- ~ because there's other companies saying, "I could do your kitchen for :~~:;~ , $7,000." CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. That's their problem. MS. BORREGO: Well, you know, there -- everybody's out there ;,~i<~ nowadays doing that. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: What -- what -- what the board members r' .,.,-- ' have to understand is that there are members of our board that think 1"\ +., :' , . that you can somehow finish this job and everybody will be left whole, and what they need to understand is, because half of the money is already gone, there -- there's no way for you to make everybody whole in this relationship. Somebody will not get paid. The cabinets won't get paid for, the countertops won't get paid for, or the appliances won't get paid for. MS. BORREGO: Uh huh. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Or you'll start the job -- MS. BORREGO: Uh huh. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: -- and you'll wait to make money somewhere else, and then when you do make money somewhere else, then you'll go back and finish the job. There is -- let me put it this way. Can you start the job and finish it in -- in six weeks? Can you ,"r: ~ ,,";;-:"'"': start it, finish it, and pay for everything in six weeks? Can you make that commitment to us right now? MS. BORREGO: By April -- by April 10th I'll finish the job. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Can you start the job and finish it and pay for everything in six weeks? 'F- i '~.-r ~ ~".;t,1 ~A 't:;. :~~ " l~... .' .;...~ ~. ,~"A t,~ ~~6 .~t:;: .:~~ February 17, 2010 ......, I.' , .,...J,.J.-...... .Jr, .~~ ,;'~/:'-"~:.'~;~ ' Page 134 ,...,- JtIl, " . l ~ MS. BORREGO: Yes. But what do you mean by starting? ",.' Starting is ordering the cabinets. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Starting -- MS. BORREGO: I can't go and demolish her cabinets because ;,l~:'~;"~~ then she's going to be without a kitchen for six weeks. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Then I'll -- I'll -- I'll -- I'll make the -- I'll ri';~r.: make it a list of several smaller questions. Can you start the job in six weeks? MS. BORREGO: Yes. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Can you finish it a week after that? MS. BORREGO: No, because the inspections aren't going to happen. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. How will you pay for the cabinets? MS. BORREGO: I just told you I'm going to pay my cabinet guy 'd. '. -- as soon as she pays me, I'll pay him. I'll put money out of my pocket ~ ''ft'" ~~, '''' from other jobs that I get that I do, hopefully, make some money, ,1,\~~"'(';:l1~ make more money than what I'm making at her house. , .14~,'~ . '. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. What -- what you have to make the .'.,', ';- board understand is that you are going to be relying on future profits from other jobs to pay for this job, correct? MS. BORREGO: That is what I'm relying on. CHAIRMAN LYKOS: Yes or no? MS. BORREGO: Yes. But can I say something? CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Yes. So what happens when the very per -- next person that you go to -- MS. BORREGO: Uh huh. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: -- gives you a deposit and then you use that money to pay for her job? What -- where does that leave the next I' ? '. . c lent. : MS. BORREGO: Okay. I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to ~;~"",'i~~:~~ do that. And I'm relying that -- the Big Cypress Marketplace gave me, ,t;i;,::J; a letter from attorneys and courts and all that here in Collier County February 17,2010 '~)S,,~~ ~.~,-i, \~:,: /J~~ j'l': \ ,; ;-t" Page 135 ~~llY. ~t4 '. ~~-<~. ,'1:,'-:' that they have -- they have $250,000 somewhere. I don't know where.'-- ' And they're going to start advertising the Marketplace so we, the vendors, start getting people in there and we start selling kitchens. You know, I'm relying on that, which is a letter that they just passed in January, about four or five weeks ago. I'm relying on that. Otherwise, I just pack up and leave. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: I understand. Thank you. MR. WHITE: And -- and -- and the point, Mr. Chairman, of ... , someone not being paid -- the only thing that's of concern to this board under the rules we're looking at is whether they are harmed. If -- if she !~~,,"\:ii'(;:,!~ doesn't make any money or some other vendor or contractor doesn't,,~,: ,!J::;~~ get paid, that's immaterial and irrelevant to me. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: It's not immaterial because -- MR. WHITE: To me. ......7'0. I.' CHAIRMAN L YKOS: -- the cabinet -- the countertop company could -- could do a notice to owner and file a lien on their home if they don't get paid. MR. JERULLE: I believe the testimony was she does not have the money today to order the cabinets. MR. WHITE: But she has -- MR. JERULLE: And I think that's relevant. Michael, her -- her license is suspended right now? MR. OSSORIO: That is correct. )\,~H'ii';"';:1~ MR. JERULLE: And to get off of suspension, does she have to . show a credit report? MR. OSSORIO: Credit report, her and her business, full application. MR. JERULLE: And her -- and she's admitted that she's gone '-~, " bankrupt, so she's -- her credit report's not going to look so good. MS. BORREGO: The bankruptcy's one of those bankruptcies where I pay monthly payments, so yes. Chapter 13 or something. MR. NEALE: Chapter 13, can't consider it. ~y",':-:f ~~i'i: or:;: '.:~~ ft';;'i~ ~ lY;'~."~~~; ..\;:',-:1 .: .. fo",,~ February 17,2010 "It",!- -.' .v.';,' ~, "', 'It, Page 136 MR. OSSORIO: Which is fine. I mean, the only thing the county , , ','i' wants Mary's Kitchen to do is to get her license back because -- Mr. (\' ~ ..,I."..'.......' Lantz makes it pretty clear -- I mean, excuse me -- he makes it pretty,__.............s, clear (sic) that -- that -- that he can go ahead and -- the contract, yeah, it's three months overdue. Yeah, they can go out there and do it. He can't. The county's going to issue a stop work order for not having a valid license. We need to get it back as a licensed company so she can manage her company so there's not mismanagement. MR. JOSLIN: Now, hold on a second. MS. BORREGO: So you can -- so you can get paid, so you could collect your fees. MR. JOSLIN: Hold on one minute. MS. BORREGO: Don't tell me I mismanaged my business. You 1!,1. 'J." want to collect your money, period. MR. JOSLIN: Easy, easy, easy, easy. MS. BORREGO: Come on. MR. JOSLIN: Isn't -- isn't there another permit holder that's a ; ..~':,:~L.:J: licensed contractor involved in this also that pulled the permit? MS. LACZI: Yes. Yes. MR. NEALE: The permit was pulled by another licensed contractor. MR. JOSLIN: Can't he -- if she orders the cabinets and pays for them however she wants to, can't that licensed contractor who pulled the permit and is still active and -- can't he go do the job? MR. LANTZ: So that -- MR. JOSLIN: And won't he go do the job? MS. BORREGO: Yes, but they -- they want -- Ian wants me to return the money to her and she does the contract with Ash Ann :. "~ , homes? MS. LACZI: No. MR. JERULLE: The question is, why -- why wasn't that done already? February 17, 2010 - , .y.;"-! ~.A l:.':,:t~.~ ,1", I.' \i' ~"/vl r.~~ .l,~.; :?f~~ Page 137 " , ' , ,it !~: t, ,;:: ~~ 'i"'f<it... February 17, 2010 MR. JOSLIN: Yeah. MR. JERULLE: She could have -- she could have done that already. MR. JOSLIN: Yes. MR. WHITE: But today's the first time anybody -- that the ,'--, " property owners said that they were willing to take the cabinets:' MR. JOSLIN: Right. Up until then, they wanted their money r~~\H',i '~.,:;'" back. MR. WHITE: The circumstances seem to have changed. MR. JERULLE: Let's -- but still the cabinets haven't been '~,' i""- ~ ordered. MR. JOSLIN: Okay. Another question-- MR. JERULLE: Going back to Tom's -- MR. JOSLIN: Hold on. One -- one last question. Are you willing to accept the fact of her coming in to finish your kitchen? I mean, 30 days, obviously, by the -- or six-week order period not going to happen, so the -- April 10th was what you said? MS. BORREGO: Uh huh. , " MR. JOSLIN: Is April 10th -- by April 10th, would that take you ,." " over the edge and make you whole and have a kitchen that's finished )"\H:,,.';:'1':" and done and completed? MS. LACZI: Yes. MR. JOSLIN: It will. MS. LACZI: But if -- if I have -- if I have assurance that she will ....T.Y'... finish the job by that -- April 15th or 10th, whatever she said. She doesn't have to install the -- the cabinets because she cannot. Ariel Gonzales will install, which is the other contractor -- MR. JOSLIN: Correct. MS. LACZI: -- that pulled the permit. MR. JOSLIN: Yes. MS. LACZI: So he will have to install the cabinets. MR. JOSLIN: Correct. . .~,., ~, Page 138 ~.;,~ ~,~t -Y'.~~~~ "II.. 'I., ;!c;;\ '.:'. .;,.. ,~:,::! i-r" ~: .V;;l, ~:'. ..,,~ February 17, 2010 ~.~'~ MS. LACZI: So it's not -- it's not Ariel. It's her, that -- that she ;, :;l";,l:t~~ didn't order the cabinets. MR. JOSLIN: Correct. Okay. So the cabinets get ordered, and Ariel comes and puts them in, and you're content with that? You're -- '.1": i." ~~~ ; you're satisfied with that -- that avenue for the moment? MS. LACZI: If she starts the job and she finishes by April the 10th. MR. JOSLIN: Okay. MR. OSSORIO: Just so -- so you realize, there is no contract-- there's a -- there's an issue here with a building permit. These homeowners have no direct contact with the building permit itself. That's something that we're going to be dealing with. .,. , So the notion is that there's another contractor involved. Yes, ','}i'A\'~ 't::""~ there was a contractor that was in contract with Mary's Kitchen but ;:t<'~:,~:l ,.,. never in contract with these homeowners. But the homeowners are willing to say, okay, if that's the case -- and we've talked about this -- is the homeowners will have this contractor with the building permit ""-:i'~r; put them in. Mary's Kitchen has just to go ahead and get the cabinets -" 7)(S~,.~,~ \,~i1:'t~.: ::':~ -"I ,~~..._~ ~.~~f':; :.~~ CHAIRMAN L YKOS: And -- and the counter tops -- MR. OSSORIO: -- and renew their license. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: -- and the appliances. MS. LACZI: And the counter tops. MS. BORREGO: We have to do everything. Ariel, all -- all that he does is pull the permits and oversees the whole thing, makes sure that everything is -- gets done the right way. Ariel is not an installer; he's a general contractor. MS. LACZI: I -- I don't know who installs the -- it's -- it's up to ; ,/: you. Just -- MS. BORREGO: I have my installer license, and I have licensed installers that we can get the job done. MS. LACZI: Just get the kitchen done. ....... '''-:i'' iF"'; Page 139 '.'~~'i."'!J~~ '-~ February 17, 2010 .;..,.l,.........~.~ MS. BORREGO: But you know Ariel. You and -- Ariel and him (sic) were very close, you know. We never went in there and wanted to take your money and run away. That's not the whole point. MS. LACZI: Four months. Four months. MS. BORREGO: Home Depot and Lowe's can take six months. MS. LACZI:Four months. . MS. BORREGO: And there's the biggest companies out there -- MS. LACZI: You promised me five days, Mary. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. Okay. We're still in deliberation. We still have -- my sense is the board is considering some kind of a 30-day stay in a decision with the hopes that outside of this room there ~TT~' would be some resolution that comes between the parties, or we're going to decide on guilt and then move to a penalty phase of our deliberation. MR. JERULLE: I'm not -- I'm not one of those board members. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: I understand. MR. JERULLE: The cabinets have to be ordered, and the cabinet company needs the money. There is -- nobody's going to order the cabinets, so -- that's my opinion. CIIAIRMAN L YKOS: What I don't want to do is sit here any, ....,.w, longer and -- and discuss all of the different options. And all we -- we have to take some action here. So if the pleasure of the board is to :Y.,'Vi,~ ~,~.'. ,,5t~ " ':. :~:' delay a decision for 30 days and ask the parties to come to some resolution with the support of the staff, then I need a motion, and we can vote on it. If the pleasure of the board is to find guilt and then move forward to a penalty deliberation, then I need a motion with regard to that. But I don't know that we're going to get -- gain any more from discussing the same issues over and over again. Both parties have been willing to answer any questions. If there are no more questions of the two parties here, then we need to take some kind of action one way or other. i" 1!1 'I Pi}P'A!'~ ~".' ".,;r, r ;!, I ...............w.i.~...J4 ~.'.::'., J ;a':,jL,J, "r': ~. ,........ 'I " Page 140 ,~~~~~. .;~~;.;~~ MR. WHITE: Thank -- thank you for helping to draw us to a !"A'H:,;'\,:'t~ close, Mr. Chairman. I think we all appreciate that. And in the same vein, I'm going to make a motion that we continue this case for 30 days and have a report on the status by the staff, and, if appropriate, we would bring this matter back thereafter to make a determination of finding on the charge, the point being that within 30 days we'll know whether those cabinets were ordered and whether there is going to be the possibility of making the April date. If it does not happen, we will be back here in April, and we will wrap this matter up. MR. JOSLIN: I second the motion. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: I have a motion and a second. Any further discussion? (No response.) CHAIRMAN L YKOS: All those in favor? MR. HORN: Aye. MR. LANTZ: Aye. MR. JOSLIN: Aye. MR. WHITE: Aye. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: All those opposed? MR. BOYD: Aye. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Aye. MR. JERULLE: Aye. COURT REPORTER: Who was the other one? CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Aye. MR. BOYD: Aye. MR. JERULLE: Aye. How many oppose? MR. JOSLIN: 4-3? 5-3? 4-3? CHAIRMAN L YKOS: So the motion passes at a vote of 4 to 3. MR. WHITE: Thank you. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: So how do I conclude this, Mr. Neale? This is not -- this isn't in my notes of how to conclude this. MR. NEALE: This -- this one didn't -- didn't make it to the notes. , "t: ..1 ., .ol).. ~'I,'1 I''; "';:'t~ .1'. ':1. iY;_.Y ~~~ :'f':~. ,:~~ .. . --. '1 '~ ' February 17, 2010 ( ,'.'~ ,! t'...'.... ,-f" ;. ;;'~~,I'..~.~:.~:~~' Page 141 "'.;" ..;-:r<l': , February 17, 2010~ CHAIRMAN L YKOS: It didn't, no. MR. NEALE: I've been doing this for 15 years, and I think I've only seen this twice, so -- CHAIRMAN LYKOS: Yeah, I know. MR. NEALE: What happens now is the -- the respondent should be very clear that she has 30 days to comply in such a way that when the board convenes again next month that at least -- at the very_least, from my reading of the board, the cabinets are ordered and that she \1,"\f"'c';:?l~ h~s come up with a way to complete this job and pay -- and in a way '. that is satisfactory to the -- to the homeowner. She has to provide evidence to that matter by next month, and then at that point in time the board will determine what action to take based upon her actions for the next 30 days. I think to some extent the board has left the responsibility on the respondent's shoulders. MR. JOSLIN: And, also, the -- the time span of her actions within the next 30 days are very critical because if you wait until the 30th of next month or the 20 -- or the -- say, the 15th of next month and we convene on the 16th of next month, I don't think this board is going to go along with it because you've waited that long to order the :I " cabinets. It's going to take too long for the completion date. MS. BORREGO: Uh huh. MR. JOSLIN: So the sooner that you order these cabinets is '}'\I\'~"":''l'" ' · ,", "'.'" going to come back before us the next time and say, okay, you've given the effort, and now it's a matter of them being here. All you can do at this moment to prove that this is going to happen you -- I suggest i'i' :c.; you do; otherwise, the next time I can tell you what's going to happen. ' MR. JERULLE: Well-- well-- CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Terry. MR. JERULLE: All they have to do -- all she has to do is order the cabinets? CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Well, what I was going to say was I think we should clarify what our expectations are for next month so we Page 142 lo'oiJ' ,It . ..'jr ,j, <' .'Vb'\ . " "'lt~ I> ~41" .", ,>.1,\J\'ri Y;:i'J:~ '?:';""'7:''-: , ~~~'~H,~~ -r';:/1~ "~-i.'~~; -;1,.,\1 \.~ri- yo;: ?l.'~ ~-;O:'~"'i~; ,T.... ~ February 17, 2010 ,1-,:) don't have a one hour discussion on whether or not her progress is acceptable or not. MR. JOSLIN: True. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: We need to set some standards for what ,. our expectations are for Ms. Borrego for next month. MR. JOSLIN: Although we can't force her to do this. I mean, there's no way our actions could force her. MR. NEALE: I would -- I would -- MR. JOSLIN: But we can make recommendations to her. MR. NEALE: I would suggest that it would be more appropriate, frankly, for the -- for the board to leave the responsibility in the lap of the respondent. MR. WHITE: And as the motion that was approved states -- MR. NEALE: The motion was very clear. MR. WHITE: Yes. -- staff comes back with what the status is in our next meeting. MR. NEALE: And the board then gets to consider it, because I '" think I -- I would suggest to the board that it -- it is -- it is much more appropriate to have the evidence put on at the next hearing as to what has been accomplished for the next -- in the last 30 days than to prejudge a certain outcome that may be determined by factors beyond the respondent's control. So I would suggest that having her come back next month with a report that is vetted by staff and have staff and respondent reports at that time would be a better -- would be a better way of making the decision than to try and layout very specific parameters at this point. MR. JOSLIN: Fine. : :l"~".i~,,~ MR. NEALE: I mean, yes, it's difficult to hit a target when you don't know what the target is, but I think the -- the respondent should have a good sense after the discussion as to what this board is -- what this board is leaning towards. MR. JOSLIN: Right, I would think. ............:Jf ;~ \''''. Page 143 CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Mr. White, do you concur with that? MR. WHITE: I believe that was the sense of the motion that was approved. MR. NEALE: Okay. And since he was the movant, that's why I asked him. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: I understand. MR. JACKSON: Mr. Chairman -- Ian here -- could I have a clear review of the motion that was passed? MR. NEALE: Could you do a read back on the motion? COURT REPORTER: If I can find it. MR. NEALE: If not, I've got some notes on it. What I -- what I got of the motion was that she was -- they were going to continue the matter for 30 days, and then Ms. Borrego would -- would make a report to the staff, and both she and the staff would present that report at the next meeting, and then the board at that point in time would make a determination based upon the reports made by Ms. Borrego "1-. ," ; !~, and the staff, and the staff will then, of course, have the opportunity to -- to -- to vet that report to make sure that the report being made by the )\~jd";?l~ respondent is accurate and correct in all aspects. MR. WHITE: What I envisioned, Mr. Chairman, was -- and Mr. Jackson, was that part of what the report from staffs side would be would be some further recommendation on how to proceed -- MR. JACKSON: Understood. MR. WHITE: -- with the understanding on my part that if things had not progressed as we hope they will and as these folks need it to, that we would have the matter back before us in April, and we would wrap it up. MR. JACKSON: Thank you. CHAIRMAN LYKOS: Yes. MR. JOSLIN: One -- one other final comment, possibly, is that-- is -- wouldn't it -- I think it would be in the -- in the -- in the homeowner's behalf that Mrs. Borrego communicate with her when ~;:\~.\~ t~ri f: \~~!' ,..,.. ......._1'. i ' )~,\f ~~it '!;~';.}f!-:..!' February 17, 2010 Page 144 .. ~::L t '. ~ ~".:,~~"'~ ~! .<" ~~, . O:W'_- ~ ,Ii; , .",' the kitchen cabinets are ordered so that there's transmittance between the two of them so that she's a little more rest assured that, yes, her cabinets have been ordered, they're on the way, or whatever the case may be, so that she can become abreast of what is going on with this contract that's still pending. MR. WHITE: Yeah, that was -- MR. JOSLIN: Is that something that can be done, Ms. Borrego? MS. BORREGO: Yes, I can. MR. JOSLIN: A communication link between the two?' . MS. BORREGO: Yes. Yes. I want to ask her when is -- she ',"l,~'\~Y;:?}:~ mentioned she was going to be traveling. When is she going to be traveling? MS. LACZI: At the end of the next month. MS. BORREGO: The end of March? MS. LACZI: Of -- of -- yes. MR. LANTZ: I just have another question. MS. LACZI: Or if you -- I can postpone it 'til the 15th of April, but by that time I need the kitchen done. MS. BORREGO: Okay. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Let's let staff --let's let staff manage that relationship. MR. JOSLIN: Yeah, you -- you work that out between t~e two. of you. MR. LANTZ: I have a -- MR. JOSLIN: But I want some communication. I want you to get it done. That's -- that's -- we'll back off. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Kyle. MR. LANTZ: I have a couple of questions for Michael, and then I'll address my concern. My first question is, is she required to get her license active to get this job completed? MR. OSSORIO: Yes. MR. LANTZ: Yes. Okay. So then my concern is -- my opinion is ~'~~1t:.~ ~~ti~;\.: :f1~ ( . --' ;;'I~'.~ ~~,t __l:~'~ ?1~ February 17, 2010 ....1..'1 . lW'1' ~~ ,Ii,; ~ ',: ,~~~:.,. Page 145 February 17, 2010 , " 'W") when her license gets active, she needs to do more than just pay the money. I feel she should be put on probation. Will we be addressing "'~i'1\jrY:;:~~ this -- something to that effect when we readdress the case next month ;.,;'!t!~.:>J or months after, or if the job is done, then she disappears from our radar? MR. OSSORIO: Separately, if -- if an application hits my desk and there's some issues with it, I will forward it to you. I don't want to get speculating too far in advance. I'm waiting for her -- her to resubmit, so she can get her license back, so she can legitimately contract her business properly, so she can order the cabinets, so she can get paid by the homeowner for installing the work. As she said, she's an installer. She wants to install these cabinets. We require them to be licensed, so she's got to get her license back. I" ,,11 And we'll talk. MR. JOSLIN: Is there -- that was my next question. Is there any ~,#,'1\:<i:f~:i;1~ unforeseen glitches that we don't know about that's going to stop her,,"::;! . from getting this license back, that will stop her from being able to do . what we've just -- MR. OSSORIO: Mr. Joslin, I know that Ian Jackson's been " communicating with her for -- for several weeks asking her to re -- get the license back. If she had her license yesterday or the day before, we wouldn't hear this case probably. MR. JOSLIN: Okay. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Kyle, do you have some -- another question or another comment? MR. LANTZ: No, my concern was addressed. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. Any other questions or comments j", on this case? ' .' (No response.) CHAIRMAN L YKOS: All right. We'll leave it in your hands. Thank you for your time today. MS. BORREGO: Thank you. '" ~',.Io.j fl,',t(l ~i(, :"t~.~ :~~ ~"rl<:;~~ Page 146 CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Good luck. All right. Any other reports? MR. OSSORIO: No. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: No. MR. OSSORIO: No, sir. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Next meeting -- this says Friday, March 12th; is that correct? MR. OSSORIO: That is correct. MR. JOSLIN: I just have one -- one before we close. MS. LACZI: Thank you. MR. JOSLIN: You're welcome. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: You're welcome. MR. JOSLIN: I just have one last comment on the -- on the statute, okay, as far as what a licensed contractor is responsible to have on their vehicles. Aren't they required to have company names, license numbers, phone numbers, I mean, ways of communication on each and every individual vehicle that they drive, operate, or pull, or trailer? MR. OSSORIO: Under the code, it does say specific that -- it does talk about lettering on vehicles and the numbering. You're absolutely correct. Unless it is a primary vehicle, like, if it's your ,y,~!\:~ '~;:'1~ personal vehicle or -- or you live in a subdivision. But the minute you ; mediate yourself -- if I'm Michael Ossorio's Construction, I need to have a license number on it. MR. JOSLIN: Okay. My question to this is that I am seeing, I don't know, probably at least two or three hundred pool trailers, okay, pulling pool supplies and pulling poles and pulling brushes, and not one name on the truck -- trailer and not one name on the truck. Now, what is -- what is the -- what is the procedure -- what would be the procedure for -- for -- I guess, I don't know, following this individual or stopping this individual or finding out if he is really a licensed company that pulls these trailers around pulling pool }'Yl\-i ~.~,t, 't.:: /l~ ~ . \ J1 .' .. Tt"." ;!I;.\~ ~.~i: ,yr.;:?1~ February 17,2010 .4...1li .... '~"':) ~ r[ I .;\ Page 147 -:} ~~11:\f ~.~t, 't:~ ?l~ ~v~\.! ~:~;i. 't.:::~~ .r .. )\'tA \, ~~_ ~t;: ?l~ February 17, 2010 chemicals? Now, I'm a Ii -- you know, pool contractor. You know, I'm -- I'm on it. Okay. But I'm -- I'm seeing other trailers being pulled also; lawn " ' trailers -- I mean, you name it, it's out there -- that don't have names on them. Are you allowed to stop a trailer or follow a trailer to a -- that's unlicensed or has no name -- nomenclature onto it-- MR. OSSORIO: We can-- MR. JOSLIN: -- and ask them about it? MR. OSSORIO: We can surely follow them and -- and then when they stop -- and we've done that before. MR. JOSLIN: Uh-huh. MR. OSSORIO: You know, if we see an unlicensed contractor, we drive behind them or whatever it is. It does happen. I used to do it when I was out in the field. And then when -- when he or she is doing active contracting, we ask for a license. But surely in no -- no way or shape or form do we pull over a vehicle and say, "Show me your license. " We just don't do that, no. MR. JOSLIN: Don't do that. MR. WHITE: One -- one follow-up question, Mr. Chairman, if I may. CHAIRMAN L YKOS : Yes, sir. MR. WHITE: Going back to one of our earlier cases, if a magnetic sign were adhered to the door of the vehicle, not the trailer -- well, I guess the trailer, too, if that can be done, is that considered to be adeql:late -- MR. NEALE: Sure. MR. WHITE: -- for the purposes of the code? MR. OSSORIO: I would -- I don't have it in front of me, but I believe it just says it just has to be so many inches. MR. NEALE: Yeah. MR. OSSORIO: So -- MR. NEALE: I mean, you can have a magnetic sign. Page 148 .......r~ ;1 -'" .," ,~" "~ ....oIlI_ -:}, February 17, 2010 MR. OSSORIO: I think it's fine. It would be just fine. MR. LANTZ: Is Collier County's code separate? Do they have a different code than the state code? MR. NEALE: No, not that I know of. MR. OSSORIO: I know the state does -- MR. JOSLIN: They want letters and all your license numbers on · it, your -- all -- everything's got to be listed on it. But I just wanted -- I just question this because I'm get -- I got a lot of calls over this past weekend of pool people calling me saying, "Hey, you've got all the unlicensed people that are working out there pulling trailers. And I __ and I just bid on three jobs and lost them all to somebody that don't even have a license on their trailer," so that's why I -- MR. OSSORIO: And I'm not saying this to discourage you, but I probably bet that -- that the trailers you see are licensed companies. MR. NEALE: Uh huh. MR. OSSORIO: You know, you'd be surprised. I'm not saying that because -- we get those calls, and we go out there, and it turns out that, yeah, he's a one man operation. He has a trailer, and it's a junk "f,\1\'~'~,<'t~ trailer, and he's licensed with our office, or he's state certified. So it does happen, and we check those out. We just don't pull them over. MR. JOSLIN: Okay. MR. OSSORIO: I'll give you an example why we don't. I remember years ago there was a -- a gentleman and -- and vehicle for hire, and it requires you to have a license for -- for taxies. Well, on the side of somebody's vehicle, it says "Mom's taxi," and the guy thought it was a taxi and followed this lady all around forever. And it turned out to be a mom, and she's driving her -- her kids around, so she put taxi -- "Mom's taxi." So it is what it is. MR. WHITE: Was that a magnetic sign? MR. OSSORIO: No, it was not. MR. WHITE: No. MR. OSSORIO: And -- and it was not me. ~"I.;\n~;t ,1.~:::~?J~~ ~' .If; , .. .," ';1 " ~ N ,"~,t,.r~~~. .!;~:.. ?l~ ,~ Page 149 .' "'-1 .. 1.... ". ',: ,'~~. (" .' ~y,'j hi '.';<ii"!' ~,\{\'ii:,"';:ii"!' , .1. , . February 17, 2010 CHAIRMAN L YKOS: I need a motion to adjourn, if we're' done. MR. WHITE: Just -- just one point, Mr. Chairman, and I'll draw this -- I know we can -- CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Go ahead, Mr. White. MR. WHITE: You've been very gracious in -- in allowing us to fully deliberate these matters, and I want to thank you and my colleagues for that. The point about the gentleman who covered up the word "seal" using a magnetic sign, if a magnetic sign is adequate to meet the requirements of the code, wouldn't a magnetic sign covering up, in fact, correct the violation? MR. JOSLIN: I don't know about that. MR. WHITE: So I only put it out there for-- MR. NEALE: I think it probably does. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. He was guilty. He was guilty. The sign was wrong. He was guilty. The question is whether or not we would waive the citation. MR. WHITE: I'm just -- CHAIRMAN L YKOS: The question of his guilt wasn't an issue. MR. WHITE: I'm just not going to wake up at 3 in the morning thinking about it, I'll tell you that. MR. LANTZ: It depends on where you are, though. In Cape Coral, a magnetic sign is not acceptable. MR. NEALE: Really? MR. LANTZ: In Cape Coral, no matter what, even if it's your personal vehicle, you have to have letters on your truck; whereas -- MR. WHITE: And we -- MR. LANTZ: -- the state laws, as I was told -- I don't know if this is true. I never read the statute. But they were very clear when I took one of my last continuing ed classes was -- you had to have a company name and a point of contact. MR. WHITE: Right. Page 150 ~'fJ'_:Y :,) ,,,>~,~ oIi., ,IV ..'t-, '~ ,..: v .,. ---.. *'1; ~ ~~Y;,~ ~~:i: ,r",: ?l~ . (".~ ' " d ~~l"l,.j ~~;i. ,.1t;: ?1:.~ 'l","I'" \";:"l~ February 17,2010 MR. LANTZ: And on every plane of view that you had a company name and a point of contact, you had to have a license number. Most people have it on their two front fenders, their license number, but no license number on the rear of their truck, which, according to the state laws, is in violation. But if you don't have point of contact, then you don't need a place -- MR. OSSORIO: That's correct. If you don't mediate yourself, you don't need a license. If you put your name on there, you've got to have your phone number and your -- and your QB license number. MR. WHITE: Very simply, the reason why Cape Coral has that rule is to prevent people from using the magnetic sign and pulling it off, because Cape Coral does have a rule about trucks for commercial purposes -- MR. NEALE: Uh huh, right. MR. WHITE: -- cannot be parked in a residential. MR. NEALE: And that was it because they -- they set that __ they ,!".,l<;;;)! had the law that you can't park a commercial truck in your yard, and what they had was people having commercial trucks who would pull and -- yank the magnetic sign off when they pulled in at night and put it back on when they left in the morning. MR. LANTZ: That was the same law that only applied to homeowners, not renters, or something. MR. NEALE: Yeah, something like that. MR. LANTZ: Yeah. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: Okay. I need a motion to adjourn. MR. WHITE: So moved. MR. BOYD: Second. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: All those in favor? MR. HORN: Aye. MR. JERRULE: Aye. MR. LANTZ: Aye. MR. JOSLIN: Aye. .l,(.~,' \ :,', "" , i ,~': '-; ...., ".... Page 151 , \ February 17, 2010 MR. WHITE: Aye. MR. BOYD: Aye. CHAIRMAN L YKOS: See you next month, gentlemen. Thank you for your time today -- and lady. ***** There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by order of the Chairman at 1: 13 p.m. ,"",' ,~ ~~~',Yl \.~~., ~,~.~. /l~ ,i;' _~ COLLIER COUNTY CONTRACTOR LICENSING BOARD Thomas Lykos, CHAIRMAN These minutes were approved by the board on as presented or as corrected "".. j~~~\.~ \, !~. ~,~:<.~~ :L<,i TRANSCRIPT PREPARED ON BEHALF OF GREGORY COURT REPORTING SERVICE, INC., BY KAREN BLOCKBURGER, RPR, NOTARY PUBLIC Page 152 ,""'4"l!> C) ~ :l /l ." ~ , '-J =l :> :l. ., " ., ) " ~. !::. G) JB4lQ SUO!le:l!lddlf ISBl spJe::l klUBladwo::l ., OJ :J 0 00 0 0 0 0 rJJ 0 0 rJJO 0 0 0 Co -f 0 -0 0 0 0 0 -I 0 0 i!O 0 0 0 2 i!2 2 2 2 2 )> 2 2 2 2 2 S. -I -f2 -f -I-f -f -f -f -f -f -f C-f -f -f -f ~ ?i! 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OJ '" <1> C w f~ :: , ~ (fJ r\) (\) III ~ 0- r\) c ::J 0 0 0- ~ ::s ... :--J VI {JQ ::f 0 s- n <1> ~ - ::!. ..., (j;' ~ "0 ... rt CD I\) .... o' "0 i..) .y :::s 0 00 ;; > ...::.:. en ii: c ;:;0 3 3 CD .... QJ ""0 0 -< 0 Q, 0 "iF -; 0 r-+ 0 -I g OJ =:. () 0 CD ..... (fJ r () 0' (\) 0 ::s ::J '" S' ...... (0 ..., ." Q) " (\) C') :; <I> ...... 0- 0 0 0 ..., '" 0- ~ III w. .'" 0- r OJ (fJ C') In III III 0- CD r0- o >l ::s ::J w ." (/) 0' <I> 3 <I> ::J "U co ~ OJ a: ~ 0 OJ 0 10 ::J ~ ...... 0 ::r c m "0 '< D cr 0 '< ;:;0 ;+ ." (\) CD (\) "'C 0 fi1 0 0 0- ::J. !1l lib. ~ o ? ... ~ ... r\) o o co -l R N r\) 00 r\) o ... o << a "1:J QJ {JQ (1) o ...., Rolando Alvarez 1801 Sunshine Blvd Unit C Naples, FL 34116 To Whom It May Concern : I am writing this letter to explain why it is that I should be allowed to obtain my Florida Painting License, even though I have not been able to successfully pass the licensing exam. The reason why I have found it so difficult to pass the exam is not a lack of knowledge or experience in the Painting field, nor is it that I have not properly studied for the exams. My difficulty with the exams is in the language that is used. I have come to the United States with schooling from another country in a different language and have learned English through my work experience here. I have not attended any schools here that would prepare me for the type of language that is used for these examinations. Therefore I am easily confused with the wording that is used and that combined with the pressure of also keeping to a time limit made it very hard for me to answer correctly. I have made three separate attempts to gain my Painting license. I have even gone so far as to fly down from Georgia in an effort to obtain my license by passing the exams, as required by law, in order to be able to sustain my family in a profession I have been practicing for more than twenty years. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to pass that language barrier and have yet to obtain my license. I plead with you to look at my case as an exception and sympathize with the situation I find myself in. Respectfully, ROlando" Alvarez.. ~'.. ~~~.. -''--.. Co~"Y Cou.nty . .. """'- -- _0.. _ ." -. ~ BUILDING REVIEW AND PERMITTING CONTRACTOR LICENSING SECTION COLLIER COUNTY/CITY OF NAPLES/CITY OF MARCO APPLICATION ., FIRM - PART I Contractors' Licensing Board Community Development & Environmental Services Division 2800 N. Horseshoe Drive Naples, FL 34104 Telephone: (239) 252-2431 Fax: (239) 252-2469 Instructions: This application must e typewritten or legible print application. The fee is NOT refundable after the application has checks should be made payable to the "Board of County Com Collier County Ordinance No. 2006-46, as amended. 1. Name of Firm~. LA. L HAtJDYJ.4AIJ (fL F,'!..n5H CAR.f'2YlTIl'( :TIJC D/B/A (if applicable) 2. J &'0 ( - S UJJStfi,v-t.. F3IIJd C JV4pJ~~ rL 3'-1 , I ~ Business Address (Number & Street) City State Zip Code 3. Business Mailing Address City State Zip Code 5. Fax Number: Mobile Phone Number: J.30 - 5""0) - 4 3b 7 Federal Emp. 10#: .)..702> 0 I J- Sd.- 4. Business Phone Number:,)..~q - I)q 5"-43 b I 6. Legal form of Business: Corporation: K. .. 7. LLC: RO\QVl PO ALuA-iLe"L (License Holder) 8. INDICATE NATURE OF REQUEST - (A) To Qualifv as a: ( ) General $230.00 ( ) Electrician ( ) Building $230.00 ( ) Plumber ( ) Residential $230.00 ( ) Air Conditioning ( ) Mechanical $230.00 () Roofing ( ) Swimming Pool $230.00 ()4- Specialty ~/ Name of the Firm's Qualifying Agent $230.00 $230.00 $230.00 $230.00 $205.00 (B) Chanae of Status: $10.00 ( ) Active License to Dormant ( ) Dormant License to Active ( ) Address Change ( ) Reinstatement (Specialty trade type) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) From Individual t ualifying a Business From Qualifying a Business to Individual To Qualify Additional Entity From One Business to Another Qt '51Q(p f) Page 1 of 5 ,9. The names, titles, home address and phone numbers of all Officers/Managing Members of the Firm. Gerardo Ren%n J ve ! ~r8e-. P/o~s) Sec- &1 anclo A-Ivarm) .f f,J, :() go ~ 7 61 'I 116- OSPIleo/ illlJ,Xk r. ~o7. 1/4plp5 P'- gulP..,: r .. ptl, :),71'1- P't'# 51 W LFHhl4 Acllh 11.. ~3"171 ')2.&1 ~ 13 "I , 10 ( - ~J 4 5M; I/J.( (? ( .) J c Iv' Ct ;:7 /~ '7 I'L ') ~ II A. p,; , ~q S- -4 ?> , 7 10. List all businesses, firms, entities or contracting businesses you have been associated with during the last ten years (ex. Held a license for or been a partner). Attach extra pages if needed. fjJ It , 11. List all debts you or any company(s) associated with you refused to pay and the reasons for the refusal to pay. Attach extra pages if needed. /VO;Je, AFFIDAVIT I, ..RoIavtDo AlJAtLQ'Z the best of my knowledge. STATE OF FLORIDA ,< COUNTY OF eo J:....~I K~ The foregoing instrument as acknowledged before me this By ,kb~ye; 44//fRcE:- (Name of officer, title/agent) AI &~L-f: ~,rLo~;j,~ Corporation, on behalf of the corporation. He/She (State or Place of Corporation) has produced l)t/t.#I7J..!./t -'!f2CJ-17'-2Si=-_o as identification and did not take an oath. NOTARY'S SEAL NOTARY PUEUC-STATE OF FLORIDA lJ.MI. June M. Edwards 'ltl1Con.mussion # DDS 11039 ExpIres: MAR. 14, 2010 Bonded Thru Atlantic Bonding Co., Inc. a~. - SI~NA TURE OF NOTARY ~e Z A'S2~#-e>.s: NOTA PUBlic (PRINT NAME OF NOTARY) Page 2 of 5 APPLICATION COLLIER COUNTY/CITY OF NAPLES/CITY OF MARCO FIRM - PART II (to be com Dieted bv the Qualifvina Aaentl Contractors' Licensing Board Community Development & Environmental Services Division 2800 N. Horseshoe Drive Naples, FL 34104 Telephone: (239) 252-2431 Fax: (239) 252-2569 1. Name of Qualifying Agent AL II A- R. E Z- (Last) - ROLli-NoD (First) (Middle) Date of Birth I -, cg - 7 I S.S. # 000-00- (Last 4 numbers only) Driver's License # A 2. Home Address of the Qualifying Agent J '2 DI - 5v AJ5/-JhvE 13) v..J <"- Nf1-p/e'S> FL 3'f((r, HomePhone# [)-.3q - ?qS--43~7 3. Name of the Firm R.1=.A.L. J-JAtVDYI-1AIU~ RIV~3;-1 C;1/'2pc?n7llr./ $;...'C. , I 4. Type of Certificate of Competency for which application is made. PAr JJ T /IJ L:, 5. The names and telephone numbers of two persons who will know your whereabouts. be12/11200 RISIJIJD}J )-3q - · '_ _ _~. _.' _ d- 8'0- 7 bl Cf l-lecrOt1... oR.TBbOJJ p.-~q - J-5"3 - 4073 6. Have you ever been convicted of a crime related to Contracting? NO (If yes attach extra sheet with explanation) 7. Have you or any firms you have been associated with ever filed bankruptcy? JJ V 8. List all debts you or any company(s) associated with you refused or failed to pay and reasons why. j}/A 9. List your business or work experience during the past ten years. PI;)A/TivJ(~ I AlL- 71f J?ffS AnD 5t4A1 )4J4U/-;;Ul'~ 10. Statement of any formal training you have had in the area for which the application is made. AiD Page 3 of 5 AFFIDA vir The undersigned hereby makes application for Certificate of Competency under the provisions of Collier County Ordinance No. 2006-46, as amended, and vouches for the truth and accuracy of all statements and answers herein contained. The undersigned hereby certifies that he is legally qualified to act on behalf of the business organization sought to be licensed in all matters connected with its contracting business and that he has full authority to supervise construction undertaken by himself or such business or organization and that he will continue during this registration to be able to so bind said business organization. The qualified license holder understands that in all contracting matters, he will be held strictly accountable for any and all activities involving his license. Any willful falsification of any information contained herein is grounds for disqualification. t~{ql\do A-luCtffl7 APPLICANT (PLEASE PRINT) r R,I5./l-L. 1-/4ndym4T1; ~~/'1fr NAME~F co. MPAN. y ~ pe '/ ~~~ SIGNATU E OF APPLICANT STATE OF FLORI!);. II.i COUNTY OF V 0 I e..(' by Ill) land e> A-Iv~ r~ Z- (Name of person acknowledging) who has produced I/~ / ott (Date) PI- DL (Type of identification) The foregoing instrument as acknowledged before me this as identification and did not take an oath. NOTARY'S SEAL .~T~F~~ '-/ule~ CrUL (j>.onL~/e l- 1~/'" I NARY PUBLIC (PRINT NAME OF NOTARY) 1t Notary.PUb. lie State ~f Fiorida · . Yufeydl Cruz Gonzalez \; . I My Commission 00903093 ,.11' EXPires 08128/2013 Page4of5 AFFIDA VIT It is understood and acknowledged by the Collier County Contractors' Licensing Board and myself that if I fail to acquire, or maintain at all times effective Workmen's Compensation Insurance it will result in the possible revocation of my Certificate of Competency. ~~,\ SIGNA T RE OF APPLICANT p. f.A.l. H4VD~MI44J ~ ~;JJ;S# Cl4l!.fPnr-ILY TI-X' . BUSINESS N ME '.I Sloe, dATE BEFORE ME this day personally appeared /('0 /a"J-o 4)v~re"l- who affirms and says that he has less than one employee and does not require Workmen's Compensation and understands that at any time he employs one or more persons he must obtain said Workmen's Compensation Insurance. STATE OF FLOR~ COUNTY OF /I,.er- The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this t/.r/IO , (Date) FL. DL (Type of identification) 1)/ ..J I}lut:f.ye1- by 1\0 "I'\..(;ZO who has produced (name of person acknowledging) as identification and who did not take an oath. NOTARY SEAL w ~ 6nnA. 'kit< GNA TUR OF NARy"':"'(1 ,/ NOTARY PUBLIC ?; Nata", PUI.lIiC St,te of Florida '".. . VuleylJj CrYl Gonzalez ~ ~ i:.-; My CommilliO" OD903093 """Q,,..d"" EXPlre& 08/21120':) JAN/05/2010/TUE 01:05 PM Alpha Accounting FAX No, 877 353 4719 p, 002 Applicant's Name: r:mFi~ATIONOF f2NSTR!@;~II()N ~EmfCE' Collier County Contractor Licensing c/o COIn.nlunity Developm.ent & Environmental Services Division 2800 N. Hor-seshoe Drive Naples, FL 34104 Telephone: (289) 252~2431 or (2S9) 252-2432 or (239) 252.2909 R {) \ ('1111 cl 0 .11 :LJCUz. f L- PAl' 1I!'1- i rl f., Certificate Category Requested: The Applicant is seeking a Colliel' CO'Wlty Certificate of Competency in the trade indicated above. As part of the application for this certificate the Applicant l!J.ust verifY their experience within this trade. You are being requested to provide information that will aid the Applicant in meeting this requirement. You should verify th:ne of active experience in the trade requested. Time in a 8Upemsory or administrative role should also be described, but mayor may not be considered sufficient to demonstrate required trade experience. The person verifying trade experience must provide the following information: Name: crlLlle~ ~rn~-e.'f Titl.: V ~~~ rr'\ ~ n~ Lic.n.. Numb.r (n applicable), Nam. of Buain.o., S ~ ~ VI'\ CA.nc..~f11 e.N. t Business Address:-3-b 5 moJ1lc-r- f "'-c ~ ,-<:;\1\1 k L 0 \ '(.~U )(,ll G..(~ 3 vlf1 5 Business Phone: The Applicant's work experience from ;JDO'J to :2 000{ The applicant's scope of work (specific duties) included: ~ bf\dO ct d Q 10+ cl.f,\ u..>>.\ \ ~\ r (r~i +h:~' ( OJ+- Z't -€lA.t s. Jr) b on bo+h I NlcNOR Uf'td. eik ru()~ of" \~ ~;\. f\.\.h .~~ Clnd c\., cL a. 9J flUA + Additional Comments: Falsifying any inforlIlation provided herein may subjeot your license to revocation. '~ AA =ism~~~\I~KJ ~y State of Florida County of Collier The for go.in. ~instrume:nt was acknowledged before lI!,e on this Kday of ,'l()" ufu k by ~ ~ Ie. 1<(,. "';"'- who ;. per&anally known to Z or prodneed 1)(;1 l~S. as identification and wh did not take an oath. - ~ . r ~ Signature of Notary NOTARY PUBLIC , 2JU..G Ls. TIMOTHY C. RAFFA Notary Public. Georgia Cobb County My Commission Expires MQ 14 2013 VERIFICATION OF CONSTRUCTION EXPERIENCE Collier County Contractor Licensing C/O Community Development & Environmental Services Division 2800 N. Horseshoe Drive Naples, FL 34104 Telephone: (239) 252-2431 or (239) 252-2432 or (239) 252-2909 Applicant's Name: r O(..IC\N (\0 ~ L~ \A,--a..'"L <- Certificate Category Requested: r (.<::\ 'N T \ N ~ The Applicant is seeking a Collier County Certificate of Competency in the trade indicated above. As part of the application for this certificate the Applicant must verify their experience within this trade. You are being requested to provide information that will aid the Applicant in meeting this requirement. You should verify time of active experience in the trade requested. Time in a supervisory or administrative role should also be described, but mayor may not be considered sufficient to demonstrate required trade experience. The person verifying trade experience must provide the following information: Name: ~ E:...-z..~.(t..~ 0 ..;t:iC N ~ ON ( , Title: r V'Z-"'L'S.. \ ~ 'L 1'01"\ License Number (if applicable): 20 b lS Name of Business: vZ '=N ~ C,-...!. ~ ,"",\.W\" \.N b \ ~ c.. Business Address: l \ lo O~ p rz.. L '\ OS L N ~ b ~ Z. o~ ~ -A~ U. So ~ L ~ 4 \ o<i- Business Phone: ( ,3. ~ ') ~s 3 - -"'lS 0 The Applicant's work experience from 2005 to ",-00 "- The applicant's scope of work (specific duties) included: \ N\ 'Lvt.\o...~ ~"U ~l\...~~\.O'it.. P\A'"NT'N~ \~ Sf'o{l.."~ ~ALL..s. LCNC-^--'t....\t ~T""" ''W\'N~ Additional Comments: Falsifying any information provided herein may subject your license to revocation. .C-:- "",--CA-_~ ?-r X~, Signature Printed Name: b2.~(L\:)C) ~CN\:)1:)~ State of Florida County of Collier --M Jt T~foregoing instrumel}t was acknowledged before me on this ~ day of ~ f1. (.,( a r.6 by f.si-erq.,-d,," 12 el1.aon who is personally known to me or produced rL L- as identification and who did not take an oath. 2010 ,- Notary Seal Notary Public St$te of Florida Yuleydi Cruz Gon~at.z My CommiSlion ODII030"3 Expires 06/28/2013 VERIFICATION OF CONSTRUCTION EXPERIENCE Collier County Contractor Licensing C/O Community Development & Environmental Services Division 2800 N. Horseshoe Drive Naples, FL 34104 Telephone: (239) 252-2431 or (239) 252-2432 or (239) 252-2909 Applicant's Name: Ro \o.~ An ~\~a..'(e.:z- Certificate Category Requested: Pa. i N Tf rJ b The Applicant is seeking a Collier County Certificate of Competency in the trade indicated above. As part of the application for this certificate the Applicant must verify their experience within this trade. You are being requested to provide information that will aid the Applicant in meeting this requirement. You should verify time of active experience in the trade requested. Time in a supervisory or administrative role should also be described, but mayor may not be considered sufficient to demonstrate required trade experience. The person verifying trade experience must provide the following information: Name: \4 fC{C<'" P~e.5l d~J\-t rlt: te ~ () ('\ Title: License Number (if applicable): al~30 Name of Business: rCltK Se..o..snn<. ?OJ.'(\~\'<\~ Sf (\jHt <; ~\"A ~o.\"l\<"'~ .~\. 7>4ldO <. ~ () :su\("\~ Business Phone:ji~ C\\ .j. S :) ~ 4 () 13 The Applicant's work experience from \ q q.5 to .J.. 00 0 The applicant's scope of work (specific duties) included: 'E 'L. tL,( to'<" n'(\~ \'1'\ l:e..'(" \0 '\ Business Address: ~o.\~t\~ Additional Comments: Falsifying any information provided herein may subject your Iicen;Q~cation. Signature ..\- Printed Name: \-\.e.c \ (\ '\ State of Florida County of Collier The fore~oing insl5ument was acknowledged before me on this 5-f\ay of ~ n va ru by H.eqor rfe~Oh who is personally known to me or produced as identification and who d not take an oath. a/t~on Notary Seal 20 10 ,- Notary Public State Of Florida Yuteydi Cruz Gonzalez My CommisSion D0903093 Expires 06128/2013 AFFIDAVIT OF INTEGRITY AND GOOD CHARACTER I, \-\e.c:.i 0 '(" o~ -\ e..30 f'\ F ~ c '( \ e\ l'1-- , am a resident of No. 9\ e.<:> c~\ \\.~r County, (State) and have resided here for more than five (5) years. During the last five years I have known Q.c\\{)~Ao ~\\.,(\'Ce. z. (Applicant). I have had the opportunity to observe his or her business and personal dealings and find him or her to be a person of honesty, integrity and good character. (Name) ~ \4t.c.to{' Ott~ to '30 :J\l~3 G\\Jd. \kL \Jo.'Y\e.~ \FI. ~4(:!O t ~ ~q) do. S ~ - 4073 (Signature) (Address) (Telephone) STATE OF FLO~IDA COUNTY OF l:eJlliev Hedor Orfe:J:n who has produced (name of person nowledging) as identification and who did not take an oath. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this / ) ~ /; 0 TC '(Dite) TL-])L (Type of identification) by ~~ rku ~1i" NATUR OF N~Y / YM/edl../ CrU"2-Gonz..cJe'L- (PRINT NM1E OF NOTARY) NOTARY PUBLIC NOTARY'S SEAL i~~Y a\. Notary Public State of Florida . . YU!eydi Cruz Gonzalez \; . Z My Commission 00903093 0,,,.'- ExPires Oll128/2013 AFFIDAVIT OF INTEGRITY AND GOOD CHARACTER I, ~ ('-en ~ De.- \ OYb ,am a resident of CO II t'e r- County, -.El Or- i d (t.. (State) and have resided here for more than five (5) years. During the last five years I have known R ol and Q A \ Vo.ye.L (Applicant). I have had the opportunity to observe his or her business and personal dealings and find him or her to be a person of honesty, integrity and good character. (Signature) ~~~ (Name) AI\a yv€Yl a... [)e. J Qv-o (Address);l.g;}o ~th PrveAfi: lJOvp\.ef) ff 34'(70 (Telephone) ( 'd- 5 q) b q 'J.... 4 'J-;) Lf STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF AIl~ yrll1.~ De( ~ (name of person acknowledging) as identification and who did not take an oath. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this S /1.. cia.. V iJ.f.Jtil1JPOtyO (Date/ ' who has produced FL DL (Type of identification) ~ ~ C~YS/t. NATU OF NARY If I~ Or(.)1... 6;" L<'-lei... ( RINT i\ME OF NOTARY) NOTARY PUBLIC NOTARY'S SEAL 1/) Notary Public State of Florida . . Yuleydi Cruz Gonzalez 'l c ~ My Commission 00903093 "YJI; 01",' Expires 06128/2013 www.sunbiz.org - Department of State Page 1 of2 Home Contact Us E-Flling Services Document Searches Forms Help Previous on List Next on List R~Jurn Toj..ist Events Name History Entity Name Search I Submit I Detail by Entity Name Florida Profit Corporation R.EAL. HANDYMAN & FINISH CARPENTRY INC Filing Information Document Number P09000072256 FEI/EIN Number NONE Date Filed 08/26/2009 State FL Status ACTIVE Effective Date 08/26/2009 Last Event NAME CHANGE AMENDMENT Event Date Filed 09/14/2009 Event Effective Date NONE Principal Address 1801 SUNSHINE BLVD #C NAPLES FL 34116 Mailing Address 1801 SUNSHINE BLVD #C NAPLES FL 34116 Registered Agent Name & Address ALPHA ACCOUNTING & PROFESSIONAL SERVICES I 1852 B 40TH TERR SW NAPLES FL 34116 US Officer/Director Detail Name & Address Title P ALVAREZ, ROLANDO 1801 SUNSHINE BLVD # C NAPLES FL 34116 Title VP RENDON,GERARDO 116 OSPREY LANDING APT 207 NAPLES FL 34104 Title TR FLORES, JOEL http://www.sunbiz.orglscripts/cordet.exe?action=DETFIL&in<Ldoc_number=P090000722...1/26/20 10 www.sunbiz.org - Department of State Page 2 of2 2714 66TH STREET WEST LEHIGH ACRES FL 33971 Annual Reports No Annual Reports Filed Document Images miLl~!20_Q9::.NgJJ1~C!J_g[lJ1~ [ 081?6l20Q9. :-J2Qm~$ti<; profit [ View image in PDF format View image inPDF format ] ] Note: This is not official record. See documents if question or conflict. Pr:~YiQY~.Qn_I,,!~J tiexton.Lis.t Ret!,lLrl.Io Lj~t .r;'{~nt~ h1amlLH istory Entity Name Search [ Submit I I Home I Contact us I Document Searches I E-Filing Services I Forms I Help I Copyright and Privacy Policies Copyright (i;) 2007 State of Florida, Department of State. http://www.sunbiz.org/scripts/cordet.exe?action=DETFIL&in<Ldoc_number=P090000722...1 /26/20 10 ~tl IRS DEPAR'IMENT OF THE TREASURY .~ INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE CINCINNATI OH 45999-0023 Date of this notice: 08-25-2009 Employer Identification Number: 27-0801232 Form: SS-4 Number of this notice: CP 575 A REAL HANDYMAN & CARPENTRY INC 1801 SUNSHINE BLVD SUITE C NAPLES, FL 34116 For assistance you may call us at: 1-800-829-4933 IF YOU WRITE, ATTACH 'mE STUB AT THE END OF 'mIS NOTICE. WE ASSIGNED YOU AN EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER Thank you for applying for an Employer Identification Number (EIN). We assigned you EIN~7-0801232' This EIN will identify you, your business accounts, tax returns, and documents, eveh if you have no employees. Please keep this notice in your permanent records. When filing tax documents, payments, and related correspondence, it is very important that you use your EIN and complete name and address exactly as shown above. Any variation may cause a delay in processing, result in incorrect information in your account, or even cause you to be assigned more than one EIN. If the information is not correct as shown above, please make the correction using the attached tear off stub and return it to us. Based on the information received from you or your representative, you must file the following form(s) by the daters) shown. Form 1120 03/15/2010 If you have questions about the form(s) or the due date (s) shown, you can call us at the phone number or write to us at the address shown at the top of this notice. If you need help in determining your annual accounting period (tax year), see Publication 538, Accounting Periods and Methods. We assigned you a tax classification based on information obtained from you or your representative. It is not a legal determination of your tax classification, and is not binding on the IRS. If you want a legal determination of your tax classification, you may request a private letter ruling from the IRS under the guidelines in Revenue Procedure 2004-1, 2004-1 I.R.B. 1 (or superseding Revenue Procedure for the year at issue). Note: Certain tax classification elections can be requested by filing Form 8832, Entity Classification Election. See Form 8832 and its instructions for additional information. IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR S CORPORATION ELECTION: If you intend to elect to file your return as a small business corporation, an election to file a Form 1120-S must be made within certain timeframes and the corporation must meet certain tests. All of this information is included in the instructions for Form 2553, Election by a Small Business Corporation. (IRS USE ONLY) 575A 08-25-2009 REAL B 9999999999 SS-4 If you are required to deposit for employment taxes (Forms 941, 943, 940, 944, 945, CT-1, or 1042), excise taxes (Form 720), or income taxes (Form 1120), you will receive a Welcome Package shortly, which includes instructions for making your deposits electronically through the Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS). A Personal Identification Number (PIN) for EFTPS will also be sent to you under separate cover. Please activate the PIN once you receive it, even if you have requested the services of a tax professional or representative. For more information about EFTPS, refer to Publication 966, Electronic Choices to Pay All Your Federal Taxes and Publication 4248, EFTPS (Brochure). If you need to make a deposit before you receive your Welcome Package, please visit an IRS taxpayer assistance center to obtain a Federal Tax Deposit Coupon, Form 8109-B. To locate the taxpayer assistance center nearest you, visit the IRS Web site at http://www.irs.gov/localcontacts/index.html. Note: You will not be able to obtain Form 8109-B by calling 1-800-829-TAXFORMS (1-800-829-3676). The IRS is committed to helping all taxpayers comply with their tax filing obligations. If you need help completing your returns or meeting your tax obligations, Authorized e-file Providers, such as Reporting Agents (payroll service providers) are available to assist you. Visit the IRS Web site at www.irs.gov for a list of companies that offer IRS e-file for business products and services. The list provides addresses, telephone numbers, and links to their Web sites. To obtain tax forms and publications, including those referenced in this notice, visit our Web site at www.irs.gov. If you do not have access to the Internet, call 1-800-829-3676 (TTY/TDD 1-800-829-4059) or visit your local IRS office. IMPORTANT REMINDERS: * Keep a copy of this notice in your permanent records. This notice is issued only one time and the IRS will not be able to generate a duplicate copy for you. * Use this EIN and your name exactly as they appear at the top of this notice on all your federal tax forms. * Refer to this EIN on your tax-related correspondence and documents. If you have questions about your EIN, you can call us at the phone number or write to us at the address shown at the top of this notice. If you write, please tear off the stub at the bottom of this notice and send it along with your letter. If you do not need to write us, do not complete and return the stub. Thank you for your cooperation. Keep this part for your records. CP 575 A (Rev. 7-2007) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Return this part with any correspondence so we may identify your account. Please correct any errors in your name or address. CP 575 A 9999999999 Your Telephone Number Best Time to Call ( ) DATE OF THIS NOTICE: 08-25-2009 EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: 27-0801232 FORM: SS-4 NOBOD INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE CINCINNATI OH 45999-0023 1.1..'..1 REAL HANDYMAN & CARPENTRY INC 1801 SUNSHINE BLVD SUITE C NAPLES, FL 34116 1'< I .. .l.'. (IRS USE ONLY) 575A 08-25-2009 REAL B 9999999999 SS-4 If you are required to deposit for employment taxes (Forms 941, 943, 940, 944, 945, CT-1, or 1042), excise taxes (Form 720), or income taxes (Form 1120), you will receive a Welcome Package shortly, which includes instructions for making your deposits electronically through the Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS). A Personal Identification Number (PIN) for EFTPS will also be sent to you under separate cover. please activate the PIN once you receive it, even if you have requested the services of a tax professional or representative. For more information about EFTPS, refer to Publication 966, Electronic Choices to Pay All Your Federal Taxes and publication 4248, EFTPS (Brochure). If you need to make a deposit before you receive your Welcome Package, please visit an IRS taxpayer assistance center to obtain a Federal Tax Deposit Coupon, Form 8109-B. To locate the taxpayer assistance center nearest you, visit the IRS Web site at http://www.irs.gov/localcontacts/index.html. Note: You will not be able to obtain Form 8109-B by calling 1-800-829-TAXFORMS (1-800-829-3676). The IRS is cormnitted to helping all taxpayers comply with their tax filing obligations. If you need help completing your returns or meeting your tax obligations, Authorized e-file Providers, such as Reporting Agents (payroll service providers) are available to assist you. Visit the IRS Web site at www.irs.gov for a list of companies that offer IRS e-file for business products and services. The list provides addresses, telephone numbers, and links to their Web sites. To obtain tax forms and publications, including those referenced in this notice, visit our Web site at www.irs.gov. If you do not have access to the Internet, call 1-800-829-3676 (TTY/TDD 1-800-829-4059) or visit your local IRS office. IMPORTANT REMINDERS: * Keep a copy of this notice in your permanent records. This notice is issued only one time and the IRS will not be able to generate a duplicate copy for you. Use this EIN and your name exactly as they appear at the top of this notice on all your federal tax forms. * * Refer to this EIN on your tax-related correspondence and documents. If you have questions about your EIN, you can call us at the phone number or write to us at the address shown at the top of this notice. If you write, please tear off the stub at the bottom of this notice and send it along with your letter. If you do not need to write us, do not complete and return the stub. Thank you for your cooperation. Keep this part for your records. CP 575 A (Rev. 7-2007) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Return this part with any correspondence so we may identify your account. Please correct any errors in your name or address. CP 575 A 9999999999 ;...;:..r. Your Telephone Number Best Time to Call ( ) DATE OF THIS NOTICE: 08-25-2009 EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: 27-0801232 FORM: SS-4 NOBOD INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE CINCrNNATI OH 45999-0023 1.1111. REAL HANDYMAN & CARPENTRY INC 1801 SUNSHINE BLVD SUITE C NAPLES, FL 34116 / RESOLUTION OF AUTHORIZA TON 1 WHEREAS proposes to engage in contracting as (Name of Business Entity) in (Type oflegal entity: corp., partnership, etc. Collier County, Florida, according to Collier County Ordinance 2006-46, as amended; and WHEREAS proposes to (Name of Business Entity) qualify for a Certificate of Competency with (Name ofIndividuaI) NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT: We the undersigned of (Name of Business Entity) Contractors' Licensing Board that the qualifying agent, (Officers, Owners, Partners) hereby resolve and represent to the Collier County , is active in all matters connected with the contracting business of (Name of Individual) , and We further resolve and represent that (Name of Business Entity) 1S legally empowered to act for (Names of Individual) in all matters connected with its (Name of Business Entity) contracting business, and has the authority to supervise construction undertaken by (Name of Business Entity) DULY PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS day of (Officers, Partners, Owners - with Designation underneath) Witness Witness Witness Corporate Seal (if Applicable) Or Notary Public Certificate Sworn to and subscribed before me this _ day of ,_by Notary Public Signature Notary Public Name Printed Commission Number My Commission expires: f- In Balance f- Building Your Business a Better Bottom Line Recognized Credit Reporting Agency 12268 Tamiami Trail E. Suite 301 . Naples, FL 34113 . 239-774-5100 The information you requested is provided below. The information provided was gathered by third party sources not affiliated with In Balance, Inc. The information provided has not been reviewed/verified by In Balance, Inc., and therefore responsibility for its accuracy, completeness, and the manner in which it was gathered rests ultimately with the third party sources notwithstanding In Balance, Inc.'s exercise of reasonable care in selecting said third party sources. Personal Credit Report Summary All information contained below is accurate and true as of the indicated search date Name of Individual: Rolando Alvarez Social Security Number: "'- Credit Score: 762 Search Date: January 5, 2010 Searches Requested: Liens, Judgments and Bankruptcies A search of local, state, and federal databases on the above individual generated the following results: LOCATION DATE AMOUNT ALL SEARCHES FOR LIENS, JUDGMENTS AND BANKRUPTCIES PROVED NEGATIVE ~ In Balance ~ 12268 Tamiami Trail E . Suite 301 . Naples, FL 34113 . 239-774-5100 PAGE 1 DATE 1-05-2010 TIME 13:12:56 V501 TFLT ROLANDO ALVAREZ 1801 SUNSHINE BLVD NAPLES FL 341165849 RPTD: 12-95 TO 9-09 U 9X LAST SUB: 1355360 SS:_ - DOB: E: SELF-EMPLOYED RPTD: 3-06 I E: REA PAINTING SERVICES RPTD: 6-05 TO 8-05 I *4930 NORTHRIDGE DR CUMMING GA 300401774 RPTD: 3-09 TO 4-09 U 1X *8415 RIVERHILL COMMONS DR BALL GROUND GA 301073552 RPTD: 3-05 TO 5-08 U 4X PUBLIC RECORDS-------O INST/OTH BAL--------$O RESTATE BAL--$115,901 TOT REV BAL----$19,993 PAST DUE AMT--------$O SCH/EST PAY-------$413+ RESTATE PAY----$1,297 TOT REV AVAIL------75% CREDIT REPORT SUMMARY ---------------------------- CNT 01/00/00/00 SATIS ACCTS--27 NOW DEL/DRG---O WAS DEL/DRG---1 OLD TRADE--1-97 INQUIRIES---2 INQS/6 MO---1 TRADELINE--28 PAID ACCT--16 ------------------------------- SCORE SUMMARY -------------------------------- EXP/FAIR ISAAC RISK SCORE 2 762 SCORE FACTORS: 10, 08, 18, 09 SUBSCRIBER OPEN SUB# KOB TYP TRM ECOA BALDATE ACCOUNT # LAST PO ----------------------------------- TRADES ----------------------------------- AMT-TYP1 AMT-TYP2 ACCTCOND PYMT STATUS BALANCE PYMT LEVEL MOS REV PYMT HISTORY MONTH PAY PAST DUE MAXIMUM BY MONTH *GEMB/SAMS CLUB 1-02 $l,500-L $291-H TRANSFER CURR ACCT 3308810 DV CHG REV 1 5-03-05 5-05 (39) BOOOOOOOOOOOO OCCCCCCOCCOO ** ACCOUNT CLOSED DUE TO TRANSFER ** *CHASE/CC 3-00 $l,800-L $222-H TRANSFER CURR ACCT 1310331 BC CRC REV 1 2-28-03 2-03 (36) BOOOOOOOOOOOO 000000000000 ** ACCOUNT CLOSED DUE TO TRANSFER ** *BANK OF AMERICA 6-05 $500-L $237-H CLOSED CURR ACCT 1213727 BC CRC REV 1 7-04-09 $0 7-09 (49) B--CCCCCCC--- 1884 11-08 $1 ------------ ** ACCOUNT CLOSED AT CONSUMER'S REQUEST ** +++++ MORE BCLG DTS 1019899 ALVAREZ, ROLANDO 594275746;CA-1801 SUNSHINE BLVD APT C/ ~ In Balance ~ 12268 Tamiami Trail E. Suite 301 . Naples, FL 34113 .239-774-5100 PAGE 2 DATE 1-05-2010 TIME 13:12:56 V501 TFLT SUBSCRIBER OPEN AMT-TYP1 AMT-TYP2 ACCTCOND PYMT STATUS SUB# KOB TYP TRM ECOA BALDATE BALANCE PYMT LEVEL MOS REV PYMT HISTORY ACCOUNT # LAST PO MONTH PAY PAST DUE MAXIMUM BY MONTH *SEARS/CBSD 12-05 $5,200-L $l,471-H PAID CURR ACCT 1230730 BC CRC REV 1 8-08-09 8-09 (44 ) BOOOOOOOOOOOO 512107967135 2-07 000000000000 ** ACCOUNT CLOSED AT CONSUMER'S REQUEST ** *TARGET NB 1-06 $l,OOO-L $223-H PAID CURR ACCT 2218220 BC CRC REV 1 7-27-09 7-09 (42 ) BOOOOOOOOOOOO 3-06 000000000000 ** ACCOUNT CLOSED AT CREDIT GRANTOR'S REQUEST ** *TNB - TARGET 6-05 $l,OOO-L PAID CURR ACCT 2390511 DV CHG REV 1 7-07-09 7-09 (47) BOOOOOOOOOOOO 33776 000000000000 ** ACCOUNT CLOSED AT CREDIT GRANTOR'S REQUEST ** DISCOVER FIN SVCS LLC 3-06 $3,000-L PAID CURR ACCT 3276502 BC CRC REV 1 5-18-09 5-09 (39) BOOOOOOOOOOOO 601100444700 000000000000 MORTGAGE SERVICE CENTE 2-05 $148,600-0 PAID CURR ACCT 6990477 FM R/C 30Y 1 4-06-09 4-09 (47) BCCCCCCCCCCCC 9540030038251 2-09 CCCCCCCCCCCC CHASE 2-03 $10,OOO-L PAID CURR ACCT 3182310 BC CRC REV 1 10-26-08 10-08 ( 69) BCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCC GEMB/GE MONEY BANK LOW 10-99 $O-L $566-H PAID CURR ACCT 1607340 LZ CHG REV 1 10-08-08 10-08 ( 99) BOOOOOOOOOOOO 798222210077 4-01 000000000000 *SEARS/CBSD 1-97 $550-L $330-H PAID CURR ACCT 1323180 DC CHG REV 1 10-12-07 10-07 (99) BOOOOOOOOOOOO 65205620 1-01 000000000000 ** ACCOUNT CLOSED AT CONSUMER'S REQUEST ** WORLD OMNI 5-02 $23,105-0 PAID CURR ACCT 1670160 FA AUT 60 2 5-31-07 5-07 (61) BCCCCCCCCCCCC 110000000471514 5-07 CCCCCCCCCCCC +++++ MORE BCLG DTS 1019899 ALVAREZ, ROLANDO 594275746iCA-1801 SUNSHINE BLVD APT C/ -8- In Balance -8- 12268 Tamiami Trail E. Suite 301 . Naples, FL 34113 .239-774-5100 PAGE 3 DATE 1-05-2010 TIME 13:12:56 V501 TFLT SUBSCRIBER OPEN SUB# KOB TYP TRM ECOA BALDATE ACCOUNT # LAST PO *DISCOVER FIN SVCS LLC 3276502 BC CRC REV ** ACCOUNT CLOSED AT CHASE 1900809 FM R/C 30Y WORLD OMNI FINANCE 0601420 FA LEA 60 60009210548 5-98 1 10-07-05 AMT-TYP1 BALANCE MONTH PAY $2,000-L CONSUMER'S REQUEST ** 5-98 $152,800-0 2 7-31-03 9-00 2 12-31-02 $35,043-0 *BANK OF AMERICA 5-00 $24,OOO-L 4125250 BB CLS LOC 2 10-31-02 CLOSED AT CONSUMER'S REQUEST ** *BANK OF AMERICA 4125250 BB H/E LOC 12-04 2 12-31-09 12-09 CITIFINANCIAL RETAIL S 4-08 1138180 BB CHG REV 1 12-31-09 603259041404 9-08 THD/CBSD 3178962 BC CHG REV 603532006677 GEMB/BRANDSMART PLTNM 1254240 BC CRC REV 521884010022 SHELL/crTI 1232910 BC CRC REV 18639 +++++ MORE BCLG DTS 1019899 3-99 1 12-29-09 12-09 7-07 1 12-21-09 4-08 11-08 1 12-18-09 3-09 $27,800-L $18,851 $286 $6,500-L $0 UNK $9,900-L $41 $41 $7,000-L $0 $32 $l,OOO-L $0 $10 AMT-TYP2 ACCTCOND PYMT LEVEL MOS REV PAST DUE MAXIMUM 10-05 7-03 12-02 $23,930-H 10-02 $27,283-H 2-07 $600-H 10-09 $2,369-H 12-09 $1,633-H 12-09 $108-H 12-09 PYMT STATUS PYMT HISTORY BY MONTH PAID CURR ACCT (73) BOOOOOOOOOOOO 000000000000 PAID CURR ACCT (39) B---CCCCC-CCC CCCCCCCCCCCC PAID CURR ACCT (27) BCCC-CCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCC PAID CURR ACCT (30) B------CCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCC OPEN CUR WAS 30 (61) CCCCCCCCCCCCC 1-07/1 CCCCCCCCCCCC OPEN CURR ACCT (21) NNOCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCC OPEN CURR ACCT (99) CCCCCCOOCCCCC OOOOOOOCCCCC OPEN CURR ACCT (29) 0000000000000 OOOOOOCCCCCC OPEN CURR ACCT (13) OOOOOOOOOCCCO ALVAREZ, ROLANDO 594275746;CA-1801 SUNSHINE BLVD APT C/ PAGE 4 DATE 1-05-2010 TIME 13:12:56 V501 TFLT ~ In Balance ~ 12268 Tamiami Trail E. Suite 301 . Naples, FL 34113 . 239-774-5100 SUBSCRIBER OPEN SUB# KOB TYP TRM ECOA BALDATE ACCOUNT # LAST PD BANK OF AMERICA 1213727 BC CRC REV 7555 4-98 1 12-16-09 11-05 WFNNB/AMERICAN SIGNATU 8-09 1355360 CZ CHG REV 1 12-10-09 585637781213 12-09 HSBC/BIGLT 2538900 FZ CHG REV CREDIT FIRST N A 2301780 AT CHG REV 66440 BANK OF AMERICA 1880275 BM R/C 30Y WFNNB/GOODYS 2321910 CS CHG REV 331723 HSBC/RS 2156646 BB CHG REV 4-08 1 12-09-09 6-08 2-08 1 12-01-09 10-09 11-01 2 11-05-09 10-09 3-05 1 7-27-06 7-06 8-99 1 1-21-03 6-00 AMT-TYPl BALANCE MONTH PAY $20,000-L $0 $6,000-L $1,101 UNK $304-L $0 $33 $514-H $0 $10 $130,601-0 $115,901 $1,297 $750-L $0 $1,604-L $0 AMT-TYP2 ACCTCOND PYMT LEVEL MOS REV PAST DUE MAXIMUM PYMT STATUS PYMT HISTORY BY MONTH $2,555-H 12-09 OPEN CURR ACCT (96) 0000000000000 000000------ $1,514-H 12-09 OPEN CURR ACCT ( 4) CCCC $446-H 1-09 OPEN CURR ACCT (21) NNNNNNNNNNNOC CCCCCCCC 10-09 OPEN CURR ACCT (22) NOCCNOCCCNNNN NNNNOCCCC 11-09 OPEN CURR ACCT (96) CCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCC $57-H INACTIVE CURR ACCT 7-06 (17) OCOOOOOOOOOOO OOOC $1,604-H INACTIVE CURR ACCT 1-03 (56) OCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCC --------------------------------- INQUIRIES ---------------------------------- WFNNB/AMERICAN SIGNATU 8-28-09 1354590 CS BANK OF AMERICA 4-10-09 1025654 BM CONSUMER ASSISTANCE CONTACT: EXPERIAN 701 EXPERIAN PARKWAY, PO BOX 2002, ALLEN, TX 75013 888.397.3742 10-13-2009 ALEX SINK STATE OF FLORIDA CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER DEPARTMENT OF FINANCIAL SERVICES DIVISION OF WORKERS' COMPENSATION * * CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION TO BE EXEMPT FROM FLORIDA WtJRKERS' COMPENSATION LAW * * CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY EXEMPTION This certifies that the individual listed below has elected to be exempt from Florida Workers' Compensation law. EFFECTIVE DATE: 10/13/2009 EXPIRATION DATE: 10/13/2011 PERSON: ALVAREZ ROLANDO FEIN: 270801232 BUSINESS NAME AND ADDRESS: REA L HANDYMAN & FINISH CARPENTRY INC 1801 SUNSHINE BLVD APT C NAPLES FL 34116 SCOPES OF BUSINESS OR TRADE: 1- FLOOR COVERING 2- CABINET BUILDER/INSTALLER IMPORTANT: Pursuant to Chapter 440 . 05(14), F.S., an oflicer of a corporation who elects exemption from this chapter by filing a certificate of election under this section may not recover benefits or compensation under this chapter. Pursuant to Chapler 440.05(12), F.S., Certificates of election to be exempt... apply only within the scope of the business or trade listed on the nolice of election to be exempt. Pursuant to Chapter 440.05(13), F.S., Notices of election to be exempt and certificales of election to be exempt shall be subject to revocation if, at any lime after the filing of the notice or the issuance of the certificate, the person named on the notice or certificate no longer meets the requirements of this section for issuance of a certificate. The department shall revoke a certificate at any time for failure of Ihe person named on the certificate to meet the requirements 01 this section. QUESTIONS?' (850) 413-1609 DWC- 252 CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION TO BE EXEMPT REVISED 09-06 \ , .' ..----., CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSUAANCE I DATE (MMlDDNY) AE9-RD' 01105110 PRODUC~R All Casualty Insurance of Naples THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE ~ 5425 Golden Gate Pkwy. Suite #6-E HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR Naples, FL 34116 ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. Phone (239)348-7779 Fax (239)348-7713 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE HAlC# INSURER A: SEMINOlE CASUALTY INSURANCE CO INSURED R.EAL HANDYMAN & FINISH CARPENTRY INC. 1801 SUNSHINE BLVD #Ie INSURER B: INSURER C: NAPLES, FL 34116 INSURER D: I INSURER E: COVERAGES THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. N01WITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN. THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR ADD'L TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER ri~~~:''ci~~ ~~rM'i:~~ LIMITS LTR INSRD GENERAL LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE 300,000 ~ COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY SCL-306182 09/0312009 09/0312010 DAMAGE TO RENTED 50,000 PREMISES lEa occurrence) DO CLAIMS MADE ~ OCCUR MED EXP (Anyone person) 5,000 A 0 0 PERSONAL & ADV INJURY 3QOi.09P 0 GENERAL AGGREGATE . GEN'LAGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: PRODUCTS-COM~OPAGG o POLICY 0 PROJECT o LOC AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT 0 ANY AUTO (Ea accident) 0 ALL OWNED AUTOS BODILY INJURY 0 0 SCHEDULED AUTOS (Per person) 0 HIRED AUTOS BODILY INJURY 0 NON OWNED AUTOS (Per accident) 0 PROPERTY DAMAGE 0 (Per accident) GARAGE LIABILITY AUTO ONLY - EA ACCIDENT 0 0 ANY AUTO OTHER THAN EA ACC 0 AUTO ONLY: AGG EXCESS I UMBRELLA LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE 0 OCCUR o CLAIMS MADE AGGREGATE 0 0 DEDUCTIBLE 0 RETENTION $ WORKERS COMPENSATION AND o T~~J8-UrYs o OTH- EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY YI Et!' ANY PROPRIETOR I PARTNER I EXECUTNE N EL. EACH ACCIDENT OFFICER I MEMBER EXCLUDED? (Mandatory In NH) EL. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE If ~es, describe under EL. DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT S ECIAL PROVISIONS below OTHER _0" OPERAnoNS 1 LQCAnONS '-=9 1 EXCLUSO>NS AOreO BY EOOORSEMENr 1 SPECW- PR_ NW0RK AND INTERIOR CARPENTRY . ~RtOR 3 STORIES OR LESS PAl' -INTERIOR CERTIFICATE HOLDER COLLIER C()UNTY CONTRACTORS L.ICENSING 2800 N; HORSESHOE DR NAPLES, FL 34104 CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING INSURER WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL ~ D WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT UT FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF IND UPON THE INSURE . GENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. AU 0 EP NT TI RPORATlON. All rights reserved. go are registered marks of ACORD ACORD 25 (2009/01) QF ... Southern Coast Painting, Inc. 129 4th Street Naples, FL 34113 January 7, 2010 Contractors Licensing Board Collier Development & Environmental Services 2800 North Horseshoe Drive Naples, FL 34104 Re: Gregory Westgate Application Qualifying Additional Business Entity Application To Whom It May Concern: Please find attached the above referenced contractor application to qualify and additional entity. I am submitting the application for the following reasons: c:' 1. My current qualified business, Southern Coast painting, Inc. has specialized in the commercial painting market which has been slow during the past year. However, new business contracts are occurring and I need to maintain that qualified business to capture the business that comes from our customers and referrals. 2. I have been offered an opportunity to participate as an equity owner in another business enterprise which will allow me to obtain jobs in the residential painting market which is currently showing new business promise. My partner has worked in the residential painting market for several years as an employee of a large painting company and he has the necessary capital to finance the start up of the new business entity with me as an experienced and licensed contractor. 3. By attaching my painting license to both companies I expect to experience business success in both the commercial and residential painting markets. Thank you for your consideration of my application. Sincerely, .../'\ .. ~ '<J!. ..-" ,}C W..::> >-./ ." I ( Gregory Westgate BUILDING REVIEW AND PERMITTING C .,TRACTOR,LICENSING SECTION COLLIER COUNTY / CITY OF NAPLES / Contractors Licensing Board Community Development & Environmental Services Division 2800 North Horseshoe Drive Naples, Florida 34104 Telephone: (941) 403-2431 Facsimile: (941) 403-2345 APPLICATION TO QUALIFY SECOND ENTITY THIS FORM MUST BE COMPLETED IF YOU WISH TIO INITIATE OR CHANGE THE STATUS OF AN EXISTING LICENSE. READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS AND MAKE SURE YOU HAVE SIGNED WHERE INDICATED. TYPE OR PRINT IN INK. MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. ALL CHECKS MUST CLEARLY STATE APPLICANT'S NAME A~rDRESS. PLEASE ALLOW 2 - 3 WEEKS FOR PROCESSING. FEE $ J (J j-. (J 0 ..........\>0'-. /" J. J I s-f-q A 1-<. LI~C'rEQ..SNSJE # /....,..., ~ /:. 1. Applicant's Name (Licensee) (:> rfL, d,. 'J IN ~ I ~ ".... <?"- cv P UNDER THE FEDERAL PRIVACY ACT, DISCLOSURE OF SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS IS VOLUNTARY UNLESS SPECIFICALLY REQUIRED BY FEDERAL STATUTE. IN THIS INSTANCE, SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS ARE MANDA TORY PURSUANT TO TITLE 42 UNITED STATES CODE, SECTIONS 653 AND 654; AND SECTIONS 455.203(9), 409.2577, AND 409.2598, FLORlDA STATUTES. SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS ARE USED TO ALLOW EFFICIENT SCREENING OF APPLICANTS AND LICENSEES BY A TITLE IV-D CHILD SUPPORT AGENCY TO ASSURE COMPLIANCE WITH CHILD SUPPORT OBLIGATIONS. SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS MUST ALSO BE RECORDED ON ALL PROFESSIONAL AND OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE APPLICATIONS AND WILL BE USED FOR LICENSE IDENTIFICATION PURSUANT TO THE PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY AND WORK OPPORTUNITY RECONCILIATION ACT OF 1996 (WELFARE REFORM ACT), 104 PURL. 193, SEe. 3 17. Social Security Number I o I of, Jf~?11 " ./ --/--/-- I Place of Birth: (CIty) ~...:t"rt>~ Date of Birth : (State) P1 t4 (Nation) US 14 SEX: ~ Male _ Female RACE: ~([) White _; (2) African-American; _ (3) Hispanic_; (4) Asian _ (5) Indian; (6) Othcr_ Mailing Address: 3~, ;< ;,z )L ri C'/~JJ I ( ~,,,,-li\5' ? ,Vt'fJ/f'f, 5frec-1 /VC, N~fJ I~) I F'L City State ....--, J.~ 2. Name of Business To Be Qualified: ".54/.20 Street or P.O. Box Zip Street Address: BusinessPhoneNumber:~ t../] ~ -61 j-O \ City ./ /,' 'State ZiP. / // ;27-) b/~O 19 .// FederallD N~.m6er: /'/ Street 3. Applicant's (Licensee) Name: APPLICATION TO QUALIFY SECOND ENTITY W~stqa.1(... Last Cre..,ory First Middle Applicant's (Licensee) Official Mailing Address of Record: I).' 1.../ "t'L.. S+r( (.. T tJ ~fl, J. Cd { Ie e.r Street City County FL J '-I , , .3 State Zip Street Address (if Post Office Box is listed above): Street City County State Zip Home Phone ( ;] 3<f) 3' ). j- - 0 LJ '-II Office Phone (;}Jf) ;J ~ J - ;{.2.2 J 4. VERIFICATION OF GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE and WORKERS' COMPENSATION (or exemption from Workers Law) INSURANCE (ATTACH A CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE OR EXEMPTION. '\ I HEREBY AFFIRM THAT I HAVE OBTAINED GENERAL LIABILITY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE INSURANCE IN THE AMOUNTS SET FORTH BELOW and workers' compensation insurance (unless exemption has been filed with and approved by the Bureau of Workers' Compensation compliance), for the safety and welfare of the public. I further affirm that I have met all continuing education requirements. I understand that it is my responsibility to maintain all documentation supporting this affirmation of eligibility. I affirm that these statements are true and correct and I recognize that providing false information may result in a FINE, SUSPENSION or REVOCATION of my contractor's license. CrVJf1ry LJ~rfqcT<.. PRINT OR TYPE NAME 12/17)2()ui DATE , - -,', ,-." <.-',' - -. -- ',,".'. ~. . . ,- . , , ,- ' . , .. -.. .., '.... '.. .'" ... , '. ", ~ .'::-. '.. .-_.,-., --.. '........ .. C;PMBINEDSING:CE TO FILE A NOTICE OF ELECTION TO BE EXEMPT from the provisions of the FLORIDA WORKERS' COMPENSATION LAW, contact your nearest Florida Department of Labor and Employment Security, Bureau of Workers' Compensation Compliance office to obtain form # BCM-250- T. 3 APPLICATION TO QUALIFY SECOND ENTITY 5. QUESTIONNAIRE - QUALIFYING A SECOND ENTITY THIS FORM MUST BE COMPLETED BY THE APPLICANT REQUESTING TO QUALIFY A SECOND ENTITY OR REQUESTING A CHANGE TO AN EXISTING SECOND ENTITY QUALIFICATION. THE APPLICANT AND PRESIDENTS (OR PARTNERS/OWNERS) OF ALL COMPANIES INVOLVED MUST SIGN WHERE INDICATED. PLEASE USE THIS SHEET. ONLY USE ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NECESSARY. A. Explain why you wish to maintain your present licensees) while qualifying this additional business. I. lHy c~'N..'" Cjvl4l..(,tJ b~s'-'lcJ/. SdJik,...... LulT P.....1....f. 'Z,r. ^4J SfOt,...,!.'z '" ~<. ("....""r'.~1 p......"t....., ....e;'k~t /.Jt..',1.. 1..., h<~.. "..,., ,I""" ..' .2C1C1f. HoCoJ'"-A, f.......,..., (.,....r,...1' 4r~ qc.'J/'r..., ..,,~ :J: "(,,,I. w ~..",.1-..... -rt...t" 1".t.{.tll."'I'''c -+" '-P"'~rc. -rl..~ b,;~....,1S -tt....;f c.tJ-~' ~._ ",..", lo...t...1" (vs.,I/i.......,..,....J B. Has the proposed entity been previously qualified? If so, explain why the previous qualifier is bo'" longer willing to continue to qualify this entity, {t/o C. If the proposed entity has been qualified within the last 12 months, list the last three jobs completed by the proposed entity. Include dates of completion, address, description of work, name of previous qualifier and name of owner. No D. List the last three jobs completed by you under your existing license. Include date of completion, address, description of work, name of previous qualifier and name of owner. :i I. V,s't... (2<11~ ..(( - N"'f(o, f:'L. 1'......1., I..."k,,'~r 1.1",.1' .;lll ,,~. ",1'4 4~Vt u^L..- (, r ~ t.J &11 f .:;I... I., c" J~ . 13.. 7 0-< s.,... ~'C..;I....,. I ~ 1t..t.. Ol..J...,c.r. Ie J 1 "" , L}' .L. I J ' tJ"(} rJ .s, -PI, 1. :r-~ (.,,-(-1 II--b..r ~ ,v"1(~1 r', re._of,., t-'f.rc.. iJ". ..., 1I-L.r 6J~ l1t)_,7'f~ /,c<"I-(. q;V(( tJv./J,j ~ Ov~. 12.J .lufI'. (i'^v" E. Do the businesses) you presently qualify and/or wish to qualify have any outstanding liens against them - or against the property of consumers as a result of construction work or a contract they had with your firm? YES_ NO -X- If yes, identify business and provide explanation. F. List principal suppliers for the past six months for the business you ,E!esently qualify. SL.r-<..... L,;,tl.<-J _ t'J"flo FL. ,111..,.,. ..i1(h.P, pL. F(or./c... fJ........T - p.;..,/('J. Fl... / """4./(. I'{6_.J, FL ~- ( /JA-f" t - JI/ -p(.cJ F'- G. List principal suppliers for the past six months for the business you are applying to qualify. rJlII ptettSc:.. +1.Ji"'/'I Pc:.''i<!.. C v<.r 4 fl. r~+(../'r..1 I. 2. I 1,..111 b~t"' ~f-I.v.A...... tlf'I'<J.I"Iv....f..; j.." t...,.{..r.."cA-< ~ c.. e1v.{., ~"'Lr ,,,' ~""(J~ 6~J",.n t..;".ct, 4,{(."\Jr Me -h (Jl.f.....;fI.....,~.....5 J II (. 1 .,.; 1tt r ~ s ..i.t ..;J(. .. I "'" ..,. W. (l-1 i P ...,. -{.....-'T"'" A.. J t.J d , J:" J ,...: 11..t r-. I . k..l.'J lA4.. c..r I:.d ~, J ~.t..r ..I '( -<<..c.r J &.. / ..... f! ""1'/<1., ~ ~ (J -I ~ I&.(') ( f Co .... 'i . -; ( " -y' <.. y. -. .....) "-c. J... cd l.-/ :1....( ..f.o .(; '"' c .. c ~ -tf...< !..J.-,. -I - v,- I) -Jt...c n .c."..J & U I . 'H I J ~ ...>( .. t 7, I,;....,/l.. - r .f I<' ~ .v- f .,., c t' e..-J (.~c~"J( Lv( e.)C~e(.1 Iv ;.....,,:..1(") ~J.ryv;J"'",-{,-; (~ .- i ( ,;. ,.:+ J -fo ~ c.:fL.r. i3 Tf c1 {,c<"'IJ-< ...{-.. L/H.. C-f/~tA...yfl :I ~f'J k S. 1 W'" . -,' ^" i t' I J {....(t "J/ ,..,' 6,'tt. ~ ((J~(,-J kJ ~}(I,,",I("'c.. ~v.JI'1~1 ,. r ~ f . k ".., T . J. p.. . ... { . .... } ~ (~J . fJ . ? . e !. ( (. (. sf r () f1 ". (.P. 'j' . N C( loC I . FL. p....... .tJ , .. +v. 0.,- ... J ..e~i-c-r'.r 1 b~.I""I" flt-(t....,ir..:>,J '1l- (J,.}-V.. 7t.c. ;.;10 Wc..a J.,....... 11-4 6'J l.;..,i,.:J..... l.t~..1-t L'ivc.{.f;"",). 10/0' ..,. APPLICATION TO QUALIFY SECOND ENTITY H. List persons authorized (currently and in the past 6 weeks) to pull permits on your licensees). (VlyStll 0"""(1. Gr~ LJ-JT'1.;f< I. How are you being paid by the businesses) you presently qualify (examples: salary, % of profits, etc.)? S d ..,. 7 ~.....). fro .f. -f..t . 1. How will you be paid by the business you are applying to qualify? f.A(' c., ..;1- - yc 1 I'n {. -+.l . 5 ..A. ...,. '1 ? K. What percentage of ownership do you have in the present businesses) you are qualifying and what percentage of ownership will you have in the business you are attempting to qualify? t. J tI ~ ...:f a lJ .,(. {. ~ J tlv J ." ~ " J ~ I 0 0 )0 tVw /1.U,'" I' I J: 10 ? L. Do you (applicant) have check writing authority for the present and proposed entity? YES X NO If yes, provide a letter from the bank. M. List officers (or partners, owners) of business you are applying to qualify and give title/position held. /,.,). {I, 4-. V. { J 04.., V ~ V ~ C r..., tU? LJ~iT7 ~..f-c. fr<.s . Lc ...A V f N. List officers (or partners, owners) of business you presently qualify and give title/position held. b r~ 0 r 7 WIJJ1~ It t: J . .J..,,,;;(- O. Do the businesses) you presently qualify and wish to qualify have any other licenses presently qualifying those businesses? YES _ NO~. If yes, list licensee's name, license number and address. P. Submit notarized statements signed by an authorized agent of the entity(s) you presently qualify and from an authorized agent of the proposed entity attesting to the fact that each is aware of what entity you presently qualify, and what entity you are requesting to qualify. 5 APPLICATION TO QUALIFY SECOND ENTITY 6. FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY. All applicants/licensees must answer the questions below. If you answer "yes" to any of the questions, a written explanation is required. Additional documentation is also required, as indicated. If you are applying to qualify a corporation. partnership or other legal business entity, ALL OFFICERS OF THAT ENTITY MUST ALSO EXPLAIN IF ANY OF THE BELOW WOULD PERTAIN TO THEM. This would include the president, vice president, secretary, and/or partners or owner of the proprietorship. HA VE YOU, the business organization, or any of the above mentioned individuals in any capacity ever: YES /" G. Filed for or been discharged in bankruptcy within the past five years? If "yes", you must attach a copy of the Discharge Order, Order Confrrming Plan, or if a Corporate Chapter 7 case, a copy of the Notice of Commencement. /' H. Been convicted or found guilty of, or entered a plea of nolo contendere to, regardless of adjudication, a crime in any jurisdiction within the past 10 years? NOTE: IF YOU, THE APPLICANTILICENSEE, HAVE HAD A FELONY CONVICTION, PROOF THAT YOUR CIVIL RIGHTS HAVE BEEN RESTORED WILL HE REQUIRED PRIOR TO LICENSURE. NOTE: The Board requires any applicant/licensee who answers "yes" to any question contained in the Financial Responsibility Section of the Application to supply a complete explanation of the response, and include a statement detailing the steps taken by the licensee to prevent a recurrence of the circumstances leading to the conviction, discipline, judgment, bankmptcy, or other event leading to the response. You must include any proof of payment, satisfaction of liens, judgments and bankruptcy discharge papers in your submittal, if applicable. Applicants may be required to appear before the Application Review Committee to answer questions regarding such responses. 7. CREDIT REPORT (Reports that do not include the following information will not be acceptable) Reports for the present and proposed entities must be submitted (not more than six months old) from a nationally recognized credit- reporting agency and must be submitted before an additional license can be issued. If you are applying to qualitY as an individual, the credit report must be on you. If you are applying to qualify a business organization, the credit report must be on the business organization. If your business is newly established, you will ALSO need to submit credit reports on the following: the newly formed business and the majority owners holding 25% or more interest PLUS letters from three construction related suppliers indicating that an account either exists or has been opened for the entity you are applying to qualify. A credit report is also required for the entity that you are presently qualifying. 6 APPLICATION TO QUALIFY SECOND ENTITY Make sure you give written authorization to the credit agency so they can accurately check your credit references. Federal, State, County (including all counties within the State of Florida) public records pertaining to judgments, bankruptcies, and tax liens must be searched and results noted on the credit report. The credit report must include a public records check of the home counties and all other counties where 25% or more of the contractor's work has been done over the last three years. (If public records retlect unsatisfied obligations, attach written explanation and legal documentation.) The credit report must retlect officers, partners, and proprietors and FEIN and Social Security numbers. Attach a credit report(s) from a nationally recognized credit-reporting agency to this application. If you are unable to receive the credit report. you may have a credit agency send the credit report directly to: Florida Construction Industry Licensing Board, 7960 Arlington Expressway, Suite 300, Jacksonville, Florida 3221 I -7467, and complete thisstatement: __ S..... .1/L..t..r....... (O;!;),. P",., 1. ", , ..L ~-<.... I / I have requested a credit report(s) on Date , :J.. (") .2 Oil 1 (PROPOSED ENTITY AND PRESENT ENTITY) ., I.)€;..('....<f I:.....(. . (NAME OF CREDIT REPORTING AGENCY) to be sent directly from --1-"" 8. CORPORATIONS - ATTACH A COpy of the current Annual Report Form filed with the Florida Secretary of State or, if your corporation is newly established, attach a copy of the Florida Certificate of Incorporation for the proposed and present entities, if applicable. All foreign (out of state) corporations must register with the Florida Secretary of State (850) 488-9000. 9. FICTITIOUS NAME - ATTACH A COPY of the recorded Fictitious Name Registration from the Division of Corporations; also submit a copy of the filed application or newspaper article for the proposed and present entities, if applicable. (This does not apply to corporations using their registered name.) 10. ORGANIZATIONAL RELATIONSIDPS - Do you qualify any business other than the business you are applying to qualify? YES ~/ NO _ (If "yes", what percentage of the business do you own (if any)? (O 0 %). Contact Board office for guidelines to qualify more than one business. Company Name: S~..>~'" La.. J fA.. , -/, '"T t), _T~ Company Address: J:< q Lf f( 5 f r -< (t , , NlyJ ("'J I FL ] '-I ({ ..s Your License Number: 11. PROOF OF CONTINUING EDUCATION IS REQUIRED when reactivating or reinstating a license. When reactivating or reinstating your license, you must attach a copy of your Certificate of Completion from a Board approved sponsor. You must provide proof of your continuing education hours, equal to those required of an active licensee, during the period of time your license was delinquent or inactive (beginning December of 1993). 7 AFFIDA VIT T, G.' r<2-tj 0 '1 [,J (j ti C-/-1 -L certify that the foregoing is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. 1 (/ J-"\ '," .,' /" _)./-"" / A :::rc:~7'. AUTHORrZ~D 01rFrCER FOR THE ~rRM /, V STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this j;^ J 17 J ;) 00 (1 /' I 1 -f ....1 'I 1DATE) o' i I by (;) r <2..'} <.:; ! Y v,n.} '1 .:..-r t of (. .; S S t <.. r &<. ., i, -1 ') l} f\; ,(.IP .0 I I: i-d (NAME OF OFFICER, TITLE/AGENT) (NAME OF CORPORATION) a FL (STATE OR PLACE OF CORPORATION) corporation, on behalf of the corporation. He/She has produced f) l-- (TYPE OF IDENTIFlCA TION) as identification and did not take an oath. /1 I/? l~"-- SIGNATURE OF NOTARY !7~~ . .,:1 L :7:4 J r- (PRINT NAME OF NOTARY) NOTARY PUBLIC ,II ~r", /'t-<J!: ~ OA V'D l TABER. JR. \. : g MY COMMISSION # 00831964 ", '" .,' EXPIRES October 16 2012 (407) 394-0153 Florida .' _ NOlalyServi~.com 8 AFFIDA VIT The undersigned hereby makes application for Certificate of Competency under the provisions of Collier County Ordinance 90-105, as amended, and vouches for the truth and accuracy of all statements and answers herein contained. The undersigned hereby certifies that he/she is legally qualified to act on behalf of the business organization sought to be licensed in all matters connected with its contracting business and that he/she has full authority to supervise construction undertaken by himselflherself or such business or organization and that he/she will continue during tIus registration to be able to so bind said business organization. The qualified license holder understands that in all contracting matters, he will be held strictly accountable for any and all activities involving his license. Any willful falsification of any information contained herein is grounds for disqualification. G 1""'7 0V.~.~~ APPLICANT (PLEAS RINT) C NAME OF COMPANY ~ ~-I- . ~ i~;4 SIGNATIJRE ..f APPL A (j STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this /2.)/7Jl{jof (DATE) who has produced f) L- (TYPE OF IDENTIFICATION) by 6- r ~ c f 7 LJ nf '1 t:- -f c. (NAME OF PERSON ACKNOWLEDGING) as identification and who did not take an oath. :'ijir~'~-:. DAVID L TASER, JR. ~ : ;*! MY COMMISSION # 00831964 ". '" ..' EXPIRES October 16, 2012 (401) *~~~. ._.._~ideNotsrySfJrvice.com ---., -J .~ SIGNALllli!~ N~;A~' {J~ . ~/ J-- .--r-I-v- (PRINT NAME OF NOT AR Y) NOTARY PUBLIC - .Jr' 9 www.sunbiz.org - Department of State Page 1 of Home Contact Us E-Filing Services Document Searches Forms Help PreviQus on. List Next QnList R~tLJrnTQL"i$t Entity Name Search I Submit I No Events No Name History Detail by Entity Name Florida Profit Corporation CLASSIC PAINTING OF NAPLES, INC. Filing Information Document Number P10000001076 FEIIEIN Number NONE Date Filed 01/05/2010 State FL Status ACTIVE Principal Address 361 22ND ST NE NAPLES FL 34120 Mailing Address 361 22ND ST NE NAPLES FL 34120 Registered Agent Name & Address VILLANUEVA, WILLIAM F 361 22ND ST NE NAPLES FL 34120 US Officer/Director Detail Name & Address TitleP VILLANUEVA, WILLIAM F 361 22ND ST. NE NAPLES FL 34120 Title VP WESTGATE,GREGORY 129 4TH ST NAPLES FL 34113 Annual Reports No Annual Reports Filed Document Images http://www.sunbiz.org/scripts/cordet.exe?action=DETFIL&in<Ldoc_number=PlOOOOOOI076&in<Lcame_f...1/20/20 1 www.sunbiz.org - Department of State Page 2 of . 01/05/2010 -- Domestic Profit [ View image in PDF format ] Note: This is not official record. See documents if question or conflict. PIeyio!J$onbi~t Ne)(t_.QILbi~t RetYInTo !..i$t Entity Name Search ! Submit I No Events No Name History Home I Contact us I Document Searches I E.-Filing Services I Forms I Help I Copyright and Privacy Policies Copyright (i;' 2007 State of Florida, Department of State. http://www.sunbiz.org/scripts/cordet.exe?action=DETFIL&inCLdoc_number=P10000001076&inq_camef...1/20/20 1 certificate of Status I certify from the records of this office that CLASSIC PAINTING OF NAPLES, INC. is a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Florida, filed electronically on January 05, 2010. The document number of this corporation is P10000001076. I further certify that said corporation has paid all fees due this office through December 31, 2010, and its status is active. I further certify that said corporation has not filed Articles of Dissolution. I further certify that this is an electronically transmitted certificate authorized by section 15.16, Florida Statutes, and authenticated by the code noted below. Authentication Code: 100107093018-200164484722#1 Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State of Florida at Tallahassee, the Capital, this the Seventh day of January, 2010 l,ur 8. 18rowntng .rrrctin.~ of &tatt RESOLUTION OF AUTHORIZATION WHEREAS, (' I" ss , ( {J", ,- -/''d. ~ N"f/u, (NAME OF BUSINESS E TITY) -- .1"-<.... proposes to engage in contracting as c.. <> ,r r 0 f' (:;I. c - (TYPE OF LEGAL ENTITY: CORP., PARTNERSHIP, ETe.) in Collier County, Florida, according to Collier County Ordinance 99-45; and WHEREAS, C / ~ J j, ( /~ ' "'- -/, - J 'I 11l, I~ j, Ji.v<-.., proposes to qualify for a Certificate (NAME OF BUSINESS ENTITY) of Competency with 6-r("~ () t 7 LJ, J1<'j ~-1-c (NAME OF INDIVIDUAL) NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT: We the undersigned 6~~()f'1 LJaJ-tp<- of (.."/4.11.( /2,~'1.--r /} /JlILI, J~ereby (OFFICERS, OWNERS, PARTNERS) (NAME OF BUSINESS ENTITY) resolve and represent to the Collier County Contractors' Licensing Board that the qualifying agent, 6;,0 r I LJ p ':'1 ,:i::t. , is active in all matters connected with the contracting business of ./ (NAME OF}tJDIVIDUAL) ..' C t: J J I <.: ,-~, .... -r. _} ,") tV ( /" {(" J I J ,-L~ , and (NAME OF BUSINESS ENTITY) 6! I (' 1") LJ ~ J7<; ~:J ~ (NAME OF INDIVIDUAL) to act for C {A. JJ, (, /~. ~ -1,-; <--,) IU~f' It' J I 7"/\ ( 0 in all matters cOlmected with its contracting business, (NAME OF BUSINESS ENTITY) and has the authority to supervise construction undertaken by C /4J J, ( I ~ '.' -I, "'1) ,lU ~f'& /1 J,,-<-,:- (NAME OF BUSINESS ENTrIY) We further resolve and represent that is legally empowered 1ifJ. ,._-/ / /'1 . 0' VjC; :7 ( w.../l~teS~f. !/<r-" (WIT ESS) (Officers, Partners, Owners - with Designation underneath) (WITNESS) e'<,-#a ~~7 /\ ~"'-r.::...,/ /' -J 4 W o~~ /'"--:\-~ , I i i l/ Corporate Seal (if applicable) or Notary Public Certificate Sworn to and subscribed before me this 12 day of ;)~'-~ A L.. . NOTARY PUBLIC NAME PRINTED COMMISSION NUMBER MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: () e ( f J--v- , 2001 by 6.~~ lJ.d'J.::I-e.. /". ..J!!-- NO. Y LlC SIGNATURE :'~'i<i!:"~,;,: DAVID L TABER, JR. ~ . : g MY COMMISSION # 00831964 --', ... ,. EXPIRES October 16, 2012 I (407) 398::215.3 """', _!.'!~I)IS(("ice.GOm I .'.....-...,.'........-....-,...,-.,.,..-.. 10 Classic Painting of Naples, Inc. 361 220d Street NE Naples, FL 34120 January 27, 2010 Contractors Licensing Board Collier Development & Environmental Services 2800 North Horseshoe Drive Naples, FL 34104 Re: Gregory Westgate Application Qualifying Additional Entity Application To Whom It May Concern: This is to attest to the fact that Gregory Westgate's painting contractor license is currently attached to Southern Coast Painting, Inc. which is the primary qualified business for the license. The Additional Entity Application will cause the license to also be attached to Classic Painting of Naples, Inc. which will be a secondary company that the license will be attached to. Sincerely, - .~"-. ~. . ../ . .r%.: -,"~.r"...,p". d!'/ o>;..-/:e~ J~ /?,,~~.-/ I c- /.4 . {..i:/&:""C " /\ ,O~/ __ Before me, 01,." ,j ~. ,,,,e>-<.rjr a Notary PubIk: in and for t.. t: J I , t r County, State of FL. personalty appeared tJ. 1/. t< - V. II ~ 'lv ( V "-, :~nd he being first duly sworn by me upon his oath, says that the facts alleged In the foregoing in~ rumen true. William E. Villanueva President (SEAL) (Signed) ~ QiI!J'~.... DAVID L TABER, JR. : : .,,: MY COMMtSSION # 00831964 , EXPIRES October 16. 2012 I (407) '3Ie.o153 FfondaNo!alY$otvlai.c;om Southern Coast Painting, Inc. 129 4th Street Naples, FL 34113 January 27, 2010 Contractors Licensing Board Collier Development & Environmental Services 2800 North Horseshoe Drive Naples, FL 34104 Re: Gregory Westgate Application Qualifying Additional Entity Application To Whom It May Concern: This is to attest to the fact that Gregory Westgate's painting contractor license is currently attached to Southern Coast Painting, Inc. which is the primary qualified business for the license. The Additional Entity Application will cause the license to also be attached to Classic Painting of Naples, Inc. which will be a secondary company that the license will be attached to. Sincerely, ~~~ Grego'>l W estgat~ President Before me, j) tA-V " ~'-r:: b 'ly Ira Notary Pubfic in and for ( 0 j i c l!r County, State of ~_ personalty appeared {; r e'l () r y \A)v "F7~nd he being first duly sworn by me upon his oath, says that the facts alleged in the foregoing ins rument true. / Ie (SEAL) (Signed) form 2553 Election by a Small Business Corporation (Under section 1362 of the Internal Revenue Code) ~ See Parts II and III on page 3 and the separate instructions. ~ The corporation can fax this form to the IRS (see separate instructions). OMS No. 1545.0146 !Rev. December 2007) Department of the T reaswy tntenmt Revenue Service Note. This election to be an S corporation can be accepted only if all the tests are met under Who May Elect on page 1 of the instructions; all shareholders have signed the consent statement; an officer has signed below; and the exact name and address of the corporation and other required form infomlation are provided. I:mJ Election Information l N~2:'!~";"S:J.~,,+"-t J IJ'i'Io, T"(~~-M~'~;~~".L~ Type Number, s.t.reet. and roorp or sUlje no, (If. 't P.O. box. see;n. structions.) ~B Date incorporated or Print ..31> j ._.2) '" d'. 51/'"( (. 7. rl/ I:.. .... , J s- L~ (,> J ~_. I City or }own, .statE'. and ZIP ..code 7 L I :2 f) I C State of Incorporation .._._L 11J":.:1.?'!f) ( ,.. L ..; I ~ . I F L .______. J:?...Qheck th~ appiicable box(es) if the corporati.?n, after applying for the ~IN shown inA aboveL~!,ange~!s 0 na!:!,e or 0 a.ddress E Election is to be effective for tax year beginning (month, day. year) (see instructions) .... / I _~LdO I ~) Caution. A corporation (entity) making the election for its first tax year in existence will usually enter the beginning date of a ~hort tax year that begins on a date other than January 1. F Selected tax year: (1) ~alendar year (2) 0 Fiscal year ending (month and day) ... (3) 0 52-53-week year ending with reference to the month of December (4) 0 52-53-week year ending with reference to the month of ~ If box (2) or (4) is checked, complete Part II G---ifmore-than 100shareholders are listed for item J (see page 2), check this box if treating-members of a family as one shareholder results in no more than 100 shareholders (see test 2 under Who May Elect in the instructions)'" 0 H Na-;ne and title of officer or legal representative who the IRS may call for more infor~ation 'I' Telephone number of officer l i J / .~ I (II . or lejlal representative -V' It::.. "..... L. ~' ~ V) '..Ac \,/ ,...... I (257) '-I J'ij - L :<.J-(; If this S corporation election is being filed with Form 1120S, I declare that I had reasonable cause for not filing Form 2553 timely, and if this election is made by an entity eligible to elect to be treated as a corporation. I declare that I also had reasonable cause for not filing an entity classification election timely. See below for my explanation of the reasons the election or elections were not made on time (see instructions). ......... ...-.-...---........ ..--..----.-----...--------....---..--................'."---0-__.._-..-.---- ____0____.____... -----.---.----------------------.-.--.--...---------.----.-------.....--..--.--...----..----....... - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . - - - - . - - - - . . - . - . .. - - - - . ~ . - - - . . . - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - . - - ..............-----..--.--.-........-.......-....... .........-....-...--.. . . ~ - ., . . - . . . . - . . . . . . . . - .. ~ .' . - - - - . . . . . . . - - - - - - . . - . - . - . - . . . - . . . - . . - - . - - . . . .. . . - . . . - . . . . . . . -..-----...--.-..--.,.-.-.-.-..--.........-....--....-.. .. _H' ...._.. .___...........___..___._..____..._.._.. ....________....__._.___._....__._.__._____..._...._... - . . . - . . - . - . . - . - - - - - - . .. . - - . - . . . - . - '. . - . . _. . - - . . . . + - - - - - . - - - . . . - . . . - . - . . - . - - . - - - . - . - - - ~ - . . ...---..------..--......--.-. -....-.-...--....- -.--.. -.-.-.....-.--.....---.-. . . '. . ,. _ . _ _ . _ . _ . n .. . _ _ . _ . _ _ _ . . . . . . _ .. _ . . . . . . . . _ . _ _ _ _ . ~ . . . . _ _ . i ~nder penalties of perjury. I declare that I have examined this elect.on, Including accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is Sign ,rue. ~o.9'ect, and complete. Here ~! _Cr:J7~.~7':'- , ,. Sigriature"of officer ./7t!-" ." C;' _/:~i1~ "----'~ fr( J ' 1.<2.~;f- rrtle 111~/Jcl(: Date For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see separate instn..ctions. Cat. No. 18629R Form 2553 IRev.12-2007) Form 2553 (Rev, 12-2007) ~!!.~n Information J Name and address of eacl1 shareholder or former shareholder required to consent to the election. (See the instructions for , column K.) Page 2 con_tinued) 1- IN /1,<-...... t'.I/~...,t!e..t-, ] 6 J ). J. o-,J' 5 -{ il-i r VU"I,{.-J, rL. JLf 6'~e'j"'ry tJn7~;d. j). '1 L-jf1.. 51. ! ~L ..., 'I it.. ""l if'} t :; I -~-- K Shareholders' Consent Statement Under penalties of perjury, we declare that we consent to the election of the above-named corporation to be an S corporalion under section 1362(a) and that we have examined this consent statement, including accompanying schedules and statements. and to the best of our knowledge and belief. it is true. correct, and complete. We understand our consent is binding and may not be Number of withdrawn after the corporation has made a valid election. (Sign shares or Date(s) and date below.) ~ percentage acquired Signature ~ate lof ownership ,,'~ v;,-O:'--r.1" t, zc'/(<~? I I 1 / '-' I II j I 9 0 I J 5} 0 L Stock owned or percentage of ownership (see instructions) M N Social security Shareholder's number or employer tax year ends identification number (month and (see instructions) day) -. ~/ II )CIV 0 I J I I ( 20 i --J ~-/~~-1 (" <~ -~ - i J 5}) () 10' .' , '- .<...)~~ (;1'" -" 1)/(J:;.Ol (J j (j () ..../ V - ./-~. I] j _. I I I t- I I I I -.. -. . ~ tj--ll-OjA.t'f 12)3 I ro:) v' ]'6 J -) 6..') I 1).1]1 ~~l I I ---t I 1-- H--~l- . I I I I I I : I I I -I ! I I I ~ I I _._~- I .- I I j I I I I I I I I I .- j I I I I I Form 2553 (Rev. 12.2007) Form 2553 (Rev. 12-2007) Page 3 ~Selection of Fiscal Tax Year (see instructions) Note. All corporations using this part must complete item 0 and item P, Q, or R. o Check the applicable box to indicate whether the corporation is: 1. 0 A new corporation adopting the tax year entered in item F, Part I. 2. 0 An existing corporation retaining the tax year entered in item F, Part I. 3. 0 An existing corporation changing to the tax year entered in item F, Part I. P Complete item P if the corporation is using the automatic approval provisions of Rev. Proc. 2006-46, 2006-45 I.R.B. 859, to request (1) a natural business year (as defined in section 5.07 of Rev. Proc. 2006-46) or (2) a year that satisfies the ownership tax year test (as defined in section 5.08 of Rev. Proc. 2006-46). Check the applicable box below to indicate the representation statement the corporation is making. 1. Natural Business Year'" 0 I represent that the corporation is adopting. retaining, or changing to a tax year that qualifies as its natural business year (as defined in section 5.07 of Rev. Proc. 2006-46) and has attached a statement showing separately for each month the gross receipts for the most recent 47 months (see instructions). I also represent that the corporation is not precluded by section 4.02 of Rev. Proc. 2006-46 from obtaining automatic approval of such adoption, retention, or change in tax year. 2. Ownership Tax Year'" 0 I represent that shareholders (as described in section 5.08 of Rev. Proc. 2006-46) holding more than half of the shares of the stock (as of the first day of the tax year to which the request relates) of the corporation have the same tax year or are concurrently changing to the tax year that the corporation adopts, retains, or changes to per item F, Part I, and that such tax year satisfies the requirement of section 4.01 (3) of Rev. Proc. 2006-46. I also represent that the corporation is not precluded by section 4.02 of Rev. Proc. 2006-46 from obtaining automatic approval of such adoption. retention, or change in tax year. Note. If you do not use item P and the corporation wants a fiscal tax year, complete either item Q or R below. item Q is used to request a fiscal tax year based on a business purpose and to make a back-up section 444 election. Item R is used to make a regular section 444 election. Q Business Purpose--To request a fiscal tax year based on a business purpose, check box Q1. See instructions for details including payment of a user fee. You may also check box Q2 and/or box Q3. 1. Check here'" 0 if the fiscal year entered in item F, Part I, is requested under the prior approval provisions of Rev. Proc. 2002-39, 2002-22 I.R.B. 1046. Attach to Form 2553 a statement describing the relevant facts and circumstances and, if applicable, the gross receipts from sales and services necessary to establish a business purpose. See the instructions for details regarding the gross receipts from sales and services. If the IRS proposes to disapprove the requested fiscal year, do you want a conference with the IRS National Office? DYes [J No 2. Check here'" 0 to show that the corporation intends to make a back-up section 444 election in the event the corporation's business purpose request is not approved by the IRS. (See instructions for more information.) 3. Check here'" 0 to show that the corporation agrees to adopt or change to a tax year ending December 31 if necessary for the IRS to accept this election for S corporation status in the event (1) the corporation's business purpose request is not approved and the corporation makes a back-up section 444 election, but is ultimately not qualified to make a section 444 election, or (2) the corporation's business purpose request is not approved and the corporation did not make a baCk-Up section 444 election. R Section 444 Election-To make a section 444 election, check box R1. You may also check box R2. 1. Check here'" 0 to show that the corporation will make, if qualified, a section 444 election to have the fiscal tax year shown in item F, Part I. To make the election, you must complete Form 8716, Election To Have a Tax Year Other Than a Required Tax Year, and either attach it to Form 2553 or file it separately. 2. Check here'" 0 to show that the corporation agrees to adopt or change to a tax year ending December 31 if necessary for the IRS to accept this election for S corporation status in the event the corporation is ultimately not qualified to make a section 444 election. ~ualified Subch~ter S Trust Income beneficiary's name and address Election Under Section 1361 d 2 * Social security number Trust's name and address Employer identification number Date on which stock of the corporation was transferred to the trust (month, day, year) .... / / in order for the trust named above to be a QSST and thus a qualifying shareholder of the S corporation for which this Form 2553 is filed I hereby make the election under section 1361(d)(2). Under penalties of perjury, I certify that the trust meets the definitional requirements ~f section 1361(d)(3) and that all other information provided in Part III is true, correct, and complete. Signature of income beneficiary or signature and title of legal representative or other qualified person making the election Date 'Use Part 1/1 to make the QSST election only if stock of the corporation has been transferred to the trust on or before the date on which the corporation makes its election to be an S corporation. The QSST election must be made and filed separately if stock of the corporation is transferred to the trust after the date on which the corporation makes the Selection. ('i) Printed on recycled paper Form 2553 (Rev. 12..2007) II Business Checking WACHOVIA 01 Electronic Delivery :x:tJ 09 - o 33 -- - 1..11..1..1,"11...11..11.1..1.1 SOUTHERN COAST PAINTING 129 4TH STREET NAPLES FL 34113 CB Business Checking [ r SOUTHERN COAST PAINTING 9/01/2009 thru 9/30/2009 Account number: Account owner(s): .~ Account Summary Opening balance 9/01 Deposits and other credits Checks Other withdrawals and service fees Closing balance 9/30 $922.53 8,917.50 + 2,121.86 - 3,259.75 - $4,458.42 Deposits and Other Credits Date 9/15 9/21 Total Amount Description 7,000.00 DEPOSIT 1,917.50 DEPOSIT $8,917.50 Checks 11698 11705* 11706 11707 Date D~te Date Amount posted Number Amount pos ed Number Amount posted 116.50 9/01 11708 121.53 9/25 11712 469.00 9/29 711.00 9/21 11709 170.00 9/29 Total $2,121.86 360.00 9/23 11710 85.00 9/29 65.00 9/24 11711 23.83 9/25 Number * Indicates a break in check number sequence Other Withdrawals and Service Fees Date Amount Description 9/04 \.,40.01 PURCHASE SHELL OIL 57542486 09/02 4828800330413 NAPLES FL 3035V295487 9/08 /3.59 PURCHASE K SQUARE FOOD MA 09/07 NAPLES FL30351151818 9/08 /""' 7.10 PURCHASE 7 -ELEVEN 09/04 NAPLES FL30351134770 9/08 10.37 PURCHASE BURGER KING #5767 09/05 ;~. 4828800330413 NAPLES FL 3035V212069 Other Withdrawals and Service Fees continued on next page. WACHOVIA BANK, N.A., TELEPHONE ACCESS page 1 of 5 II Business Checking ~.~ 02 ...ACHOVIA o 33 -- - Other Withdrawals and Service Fees continued Date 9/08 Amount 15.23 ,/ 9/08 28.49 " _____ 54.61 ,..-72.08 9/08 9/08 9/09 ___ 7.94 "-15.00 ,;26.09 9/10 9/15 9/21 .-24.33 9/21 /",,38.39 57.17 /"" 87.14 9/21 9/21 9/22 ~ 58.85 100.00 9/22 9/22 100.00 9/22 100.00 9/22 137.81 9/22 242.06 9/22 274.17 9/22 1,500.00 9/23 175.54 9/25 ....--10.62 Description PURCHASE ANTONIA'S RESTAURA 09/04 4828800330413 NAPLES FL 3035V209048 PURCHASE MARATHON OIL 10404 09/07 4828800330413 NAPLES FL 3035V259081 PURCHASE E'S COUNRTY STORE 09/03 4828800330413 NAPLES FL 3035V237000 PURCHASE WOOTENS EVERGLADES 09/06 4828800330413 OCHOPEE FL 3035V230104 PURCHASE ADVANCE AUTO PARTS 09/07 4828800330413 NAPLES FL 3035V276660 COMMERCIAL SERVICE CHARGES FOR AUGUST 2009 PURCHASE DI JULIO'S RESTAUR 09/13 4828800330413 NAPLES FL 3035V253301 PURCHASE DS WATERS 09/19 4828800330413 800-4928377 GA 3035V251226 PURCHASE CHILI'S GRI1180001 09/18 4828800330413 NAPLES FL 3035V284265 PURCHASE 7-ELEVEN 09/20 NAPLES FL 30351338722 PURCHASE COLLIER CTY UTL TIE 09/19 4828800330413 NAPLES FL 3035V239238 PURCHASE CHINA BUFFET 09/20 4828800330413 NAPLES FL 3035V260108 AUTOMATED DEBIT LOWES CC LWS EPAY CO. ID. 9069872103090922 WEB MISC 156018670 AUTOMATED DEBIT HOME DEPOT ONLINE PMT CO.ID. CITICTP 090922 WEB MISC 133072084722581 AUTOMATED DEBIT HOME DEPOT ONLINE PMT CO. ID. CITICCSWEB 090922 WEB MISC 563072816200478 AUTOMATED DEBIT COMCAST PAYMENT CO. ID. 0000019204 090922 WEB MISC 19204134345189 AUTOMATED DEBIT FPL DIRECT DEBIT ELEC PYMT CO.ID. 3590247775 090922 WEB MISC 8568175056 WEBI AUTOMATED DEBIT SUNTRUST LN 215 IC PAYMENT CO. ID. 1591590880090922 PPD MISC 00002155660869 AUTOMATED DEBIT LOWES PCARD LWS EPAY CO. ID. 9069872103090922 WEB MISC 156032944 PURCHASE FLORIDA PAINT CENT 09/22 4828800330413 NAPLES FL 3035V212741 PURCHASE PUBLlX 3350 TAMlAMI TRA 09/24 NAPLES FL 30351341991 Other Withdrawals and SeNice Fees continued on next page. page 2 of 5 WACHOVIA BANK, N.A., TELEPHONE ACCESS II Business Checking 03 WACHOVIA o 33 -- - Other Withdrawals and Service Fees continued Date Amount Description 9/28 ,A2.68 PURCHASE SZE CHUAN 09/24 4828800330413 NAPLES FL 3035V252681 9/28 .--29.76 PURCHASE A. L. PETROLEUM IN 5697 09/26 NAPLES FL 3035/199073 9/29 ____ 20.72 PURCHASE PERKINS NO 2382 09/28 4828800330413 NAPLES FL 3035V231527 Total $3,259.75 Service Fees Descripfjon Quantity Total GENERAL SERVICES ACCOUNT MAINTENANCE TOTAL FEE(S) 2 $15.00 $15.00 Average balance Minimum balance $3.661.54 $551.61 Daily Balance Summary Dates Amount 9/01 9/04 9/08 9/09 9/10 806.03 766.02 574.55 566.61 551.61 Dates Amount Dates Amount 9/15 7.525.52 9/25 5,255.58 9/21 8,524.99 9/28 5,203.14 9/22 6,012.10 9/29 4,458.42 9/23 5,476.56 9/24 5,411.56 UPDA TE TO DEBIT CARD AGREEMENT, ACCOUNT NUMBER UPDA TES. IF YOU AUTHORIZE MERCHANTS TO BILL YOUR CARD FOR RECURRING PA YMENTS AND IT CHANGES, YOUR NEW CARD NUMBER MA Y BE SENT TO MERCHANTS, INCLUDING USERS OF VISA ACCOUNT UPDA TER SERVICE, UNLESS THE CARD NUMBER BEING REPLACED HAS FRAUD REPORTED. WACHOVIA BANK, N.A., TELEPHONE ACCESS page 3 of 5 . II ~u:!~ess C~e~ki~ . WACHOVIA _ o 33 -- - Customer Service Information For questions about your statement or billing errors, contact us at: Business Checking, CheckCard & Loan Accounts TDD (For the Hearing Impaired) Commercial Checking & Loan Accounts Phone number Address 800-566-3862 800-388-2234 800-222-3862 WACHOVIA BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION NC8502 POBOX 563966 CHARLOTTE NC 28256-3966 To Balance Your Account 1. Compare your account register to your account statement for List Outstanding Checks and Withdrawals unrecorded transactions (such as ATM, CheckCard, Interest eamed, Ck. No. Amount Ck. No. Amount fees, etc.) Your new account register total should match the adjusted balance in line 6 below. 2. Write in the closing balance shown on the front of account statement. 3. Write in any deposits you have made since the date of this statement. 4. Add together amounts listed above in steps 2 and 3. 5. In the section to the right, list and total all checks and withdrawals that you have made that are not reported on your account statement. Write in the total here. 6. Subtract the amount in line 5 from the amount in line 4. This is your adjusted balance and should match the balance in Step 1 Total In Case of Errors or Questions About Your Electronic Transfers: Telephone us at 800-222-3862 or write to us at WACHOVIA BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, NC8502, POBOX 563966, CHARLOTTE NC 28256-3966, as soon as you can, if you think your statement or receipt is wrong or if you need more information about a transfer on the statement or receipt. We must hear from you no later than 60 days after we sent you the FIRST statement on which the error or problem appeared. 1. Tell us your name and account number (if any). 2. Describe the error or the transfer you are unsure about, and explain as clearly as you can why you believe there is an error or why you need more information. 3. Tell us the dollar amount of the suspected error. We will investigate your complaint and will correct any error promptly. If we take more than 10 business days to do this, we will credit your account for the amount you think is in error. You will have use of the money during the time it takes us to complete our investigation. WACHOVIA BANK, NA IS MEMBER FDIC WACHOVIA BANK, N.A., TELEPHONE ACCESS page 4 of 5 . 'II Business Checking r? ~1 __ .- -.. J JlI WACHOVIA Electronic Delivery Vcf- 0 9 ------- o 33 -- 11111..1..1...11...11..11.1111.1 SOUTHERN COAST PAINTING 129 4TH STREET NAPLES FL 34113 -- - CB Business Checking ... - SOUTHERN COAST PAINTING 10/01/2009 thru 10/30/2009 Account number: Account owner(s): Account Summary Opening balance 10/01 Deposits and other credits Checks Other withdrawals and service fees Closing balance 10/30 $4,458.42 1,290.00 + 1,000.00 - 3,321.54 - $1,426.88 Deposits and Other Credits Date Amount Description 10/20 725.00 COUNTER DEPOSIT 10/28 565.00 COUNTER DEPOSIT Total $1,290.00 Checks Number Amount Date posted Number Amount Date posted Number Amount Date f)Osted 11714 1,000.00 10/06 Total $1,000.00 Other Withdrawals and Service Fees Date Amount Description 10/02 \22.03 PURCHASE FIRST WATCH #88 10/01 NAPLES FL 3035V289382 10/02 r-22.68 PURCHASE CONTRY HOUSE RESTR 09/30 NAPLES FL 3035V292063 10/02 /24.51 PURCHASE Staples, Inc. 10/01 NAPLES FL 30351430264 10/02 /49.70 PURCHASE 7-ELEVEN 10/01 / NAPLES FL 30351315059 10/05 ,.--3.69 PURCHASE PUBLlX 12663 TAMIAMI TR 10/02 / NAPLES FL 30351064580 10/05 5.38 PURCHASE RANDALL CENTER BP 6842 10/04 ~ NAPLES FL 30351171046 10/05 166.51 PURCHASE PUBLlX 12663 TAMIAMI TR 10/02 /I NAPLES Fl 30351446596 Other Withdrawals and Service Fees continued on next page. WACHOVlA BANK, N.A., TELEPHONE ACCESS page 1 of 6 , 'II Business Checking WACHOVIA & o 33 -- - Other Withdrawals and Service Fees continued Date 10/06 Amount 10/13 2.64 Description AUTOMATED DEBIT WAMU BANK MORTG PMT CO. 10. 1943179980091006 TEL MISC 172873468 PURCHASE MCDONALD'S F3625 10/06 NAPLES FL 3035V267200 PURCHASE MCDONALD'S F13139 10/06 NAPLES FL 3035V257200 PURCHASE 7 -ELEVEN 10/06 NAPLES FL 30351157690 PURCHASE LITTLE CAESARS 000 10107 NAPLES FL 3035V279466 PURCHASE LITTLE CAESARS 000 10/07 NAPLES FL 3035V249466 PURCHASE MCDONALD'S F13139 10/08 NAPLES FL 3035V267200 COMMERCIAL SERVICE CHARGES FOR SEPTEMBER 2009 PURCHASE SUMMIT AUTOMOTIVE 10/08 NAPLES FL 3035V249871 PURCHASE MCDONALD'S F13139 10/12 NAPLES FL 3035V267200 PURCHASE MCDONALD'S F13139 10/12 NAPLES FL 3035V237200 PURCHASE CHEVRON/KANGAROO EXPRES 10/09 NAPLES FL 30351580626 PURCHASE PERKINS NO 2382 10/09 NAPLES FL 3035V251628 PURCHASE 7-ELEVEN 10/10 NAPLES FL 30351334287 PURCHASE PUBLlX SUPER MAR 12663 10/12 NAPLES FL 30351729842 PURCHASE PUBLlX SUPER MAR 12663 10/12 NAPLES FL 30351200251 PURCHASE PELICAN BEND 10/11 NAPLES FL 3035V230115 PURCHASE CHICK-FIL-A #01666 10/13 FT. MYERS FL 3035V207100 PURCHASE SUMMIT AUTOMOTIVE 10/14 NAPLES FL 3035V239871 PURCHASE MARATHON OIL 10404 10/14 BONITA SPRIN FL 3035V226428 PURCHASE THE OLIVE GARD0001 10/14 NAPLES FL 3035V201400 PURCHASE BONITA BEACH AMOCO 6845 10/18 BONITA SPRIN FL 30351209406 ..-1,094.44 10/07 /4.32 5.08 / /52.28 2.92 10/07 10/07 10/08 10/08 14.72 10/09 /3.58 10/09 10/09 15.00 /"183.66 10/13 5.08 10/13 7.20 10/13 13.95 10/13 15.19 10/13 63.87 10/13 142.51 10/14 44.97 10/15 7.05 10/15 35.00 10/15 56.96 10/16 25.95 10/16 61.52 10/19 46.35 Other Withdrawals and Service Fees continu e. WACHOVIA BANK, N.A.. TELEPHONE ACCESS page 2 of , ' 'II Business Checking () o WACHOVIA -- - Other Withdrawals and Service Fees continued Date 10/20 10/20 10/20 10/20 10/21 10/21 10/26 10/26 10/27 10/27 10/29 10/29 10/29 10/30 Amount 45.00 274.17 81.30 206.38 24.33 66.41 /~34.39 50.00 59.75 105.00 Total $3,321.54 54.75 Service Fees Description 7.79 Description PURCHASE PANERA BREAD #1233 10/19 FORT MYERS FL 3035V207200 PURCHASE MCDONALD'S F17765 10/18 BONITA SPRIN FL 3035V207100 PURCHASE HESS 09340 10/19 FT. MYERS FL 30351064389 AUTOMATED DEBIT SUNTRUST LN 215 IC PAYMENT CO. 10. 1591590880091020 PPD MISC 00002155660869 PURCHASE COLLIER CTY UTL TIE 10/20 NAPLES FL 3035V279633 AUTOMATED DEBIT FPL DIRECT DEBIT ELEC PYMT CO. 10. 3590247775091021 WEB MISC 8568175056 WEBI PURCHASE OS WATERS 10/25 800-4928377 GA 3035V251229 PURCHASE AMOCO FOOD MART 6843 10/25 NAPLES FL 30351193464 PURCHASE SHERWIN WILLIAMS # 10/26 NAPLES FL 3035V270040 AUTOMATED DEBIT COMCAST PAYMENT CO. 10. 0000019204 091027 WEB MISC 19204134345189 PURCHASE Payment+FeeLowesGE 10/28 800-541-9049 OH 3035V256344 PURCHASE 7-ELEVEN 10/28 NAPLES FL 30351384534 PURCHASE LEE CNTY CD-PW PHO 10/28 239-4798512 FL 3035V231180 PURCHASE L2G*LEE COUNTY TAX 10/29 239-533-6000 FL 3035V200005 8.88 4.65 Quantity Total GENERAL SERVICES ACCOUNT MAINTENANCE TOTAL FEE(S) 2 $15.00 $15.00 Average balance Minimum balance $1,997.41 $1,131.38 WACHOVIA BANK, N.A., TELEPHONE ACCESS page 3 of 6 II (i.. WACHOVIA -- - Daily Balance Summary Dates Amount Dates Amount Dates Amou. 10/02 4,339.50 10/13 1,537.48 10/21 1,361.16 10/05 4,163.92 10/14 1,492.51 10/26 1,270.42 10/06 2,069.48 10/15 1,393.50 10/27 1,131.38 10/07 2,007.80 10/16 1,306.03 10/28 1,696.38 10/08 1,990.16 10/19 1,259.68 10/29 1,481.63 10/09 1,787.92 10/20 1,648.84 10/30 1,426.88 WACHOVIA BANK, N.A., TELEPHONE ACCESS page 4 of 6 "II Business Checkin 05 WACHOVIA o 33 -- - Customer Service Information For questions about your statement or billing errors, contact us at: Business Checking, CheckCard & Loan Accounts TDD (For the Hearing Impaired) Commercial Checking & Loan Accounts Phone number Address WACHOVIA BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION NC8502 POBOX 563966 CHARLOTTE NC 28256-3966 800-566-3862 800-388-2234 800-222-3862 To Balance Your Account 1. Compare your account re~ister to your account statement for List Outstanding Checks and Withdrawals unrecorded transactions such as ATM, CheckCard, Interest eamed, Ck_ No. Amount Ck. No. Amount fees, etc'b Your new account register total should match the adjusted alance in line 6 below. 2, Write in the closing balance shown on the front of account statement. 3. Write in any deposits you have made since the date of this statement. 4. Add together amounts listed above in steps 2 and 3. 5. In the section to the ri~ht, list and total all checks and withdrawals that you ave made that are not reported on your account statement. Write in the total here. 6. Subtract the amount in line 5 from the amount in line 4. This is your ad~usted balance and should match the balance in tep 1 Total In Case of Errors or Questions About Your Electronic Transfers: Telephone us at 800-222-3862 or write to us at WACHOVIA BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, NC8502, POBOX 563966. CHARLOTTE NC 28256-3966, as soon as you can, if you think your statement or receipt is wrong or if you need more information about a transfer on the statement or receipt. We must hear from you no later than 60 days after we sent you the FIRST statement on which the error or problem appeared, 1. Tell us your name and account number (if any). 2. Describe the error or the transfer you are unsure about, and explain as clearly as you can why you believe there is an error or why you need more information. 3. Tell us the dollar amount of the suspected error. We will investigate your complaint and will correct any error promptly. If we take more than 10 business days to do this, we will credit your account for the amount you think is in error. You will have use of the money during the time it takes us to complete our investigation. WACHOVIA BANK, NA IS MEMBER FDIC WACHOVIA BANK, N.A., TELEPHONE ACCESS page 5 of 6 ,,11 Business Checking ~ACHonA01.....' ~ Electronic Delivery o 33 N~ -- 1"11..1"1,"11...11..11.1..1.1 SOUTHERN COAST PAINTING 129 4TH STREET NAPLES FL 34113 -- - CB Business Checking 10/31/2009 thru 11/30/2009 Account number: Account owner(s): SOUTHERN COAST PAINTING Account Summary Opening balance 10/31 Deposits and other credits Checks Other withdrawals and service fees Closing balance 11/30 $1,426.88 9,790.00 + 4,155.73 - 1 ,481.43 - $5,579.72 Deposits and Other Credits Date Amount Description 11/16 9,200.00 COUNTER DEPOSIT 11/23 590.00 DEPOSIT Total $9,790.00 Checks 11715 11716 11717 11718 D~te Date Date Amount DOsed Number Amount DOsted Number Amount posted 1,000.00 11/23 11719 73.94 11/09 11724 790.00 11/25 144.34 11/03 11721* 600.00 11/23 Total $4,155. 73 50.00 11/06 11722 600.00 11/23 22 .45 11/12 11723 875.00 11/27 Number * Indicates a break in check number sequence Other Withdrawals and Service Fees Date 11/02 Amount Description 36.74 PURCHASE BRUNINA'S PIZZA & 10/30 NAPLES FL 3035V292000 65.00 AUTOMATED DEBIT LOWES PCARD LWS EPAY CO.ID. 9069872103 091102 WEB MISC 163102823 48.49 PURCHASE SHERWIN WILLIAMS # 11/02 NAPLES FL 3035V270040 51.48 PURCHASE SUNSHINE ACE HARDWARE / 11/03 NAPLES FL 30351874620 11/02 11/03 11/03 Other Withdrawals and Service Fees continued on next page. WACHOVIA BANK, N.A.. TELEPHONE ACCESS page 1 of 5 , ,III Business Checking 't;.u; 02_ .,rACHOVIA o 33 -- - Other Withdrawals and Service Fees continued Date 11/05 Amount Description 61.77 PURCHASE MARATHON OIL 10404 11/04 NAPLES FL 3035V29oo51 16.64 PURCHASE RACETRAC333 11/08 FT MEYERS FL 30351880108 25.42 PURCHASE CRACKER BARREL # 1 11/06 NAPLES FL 3035V251195 15.00 COMMERCIAL SERVICE CHARGES FOR OCTOBER 2009 136.06 PURCHASE COMCAST OF NAPLES 11/12 800-COMCAST FL 3035V23ooo5 81.30 PURCHASE COLLIER CTY UTLTIE 11/12 NAPLES FL 3035V220158 208.69 AUTOMATED DEBIT FPL DIRECT DEBIT ELEC PYMT CO. ID. 3590247775091113 WEB MISC 8568175056 WEBI 39.64 PURCHASE ANTONIA'S RESTAURA 11/17 NAPLES FL 3035V210224 60.55 PURCHASE HESS 09465 11/17 NAPLES FL30351860591 274.17 AUTOMATED DEBIT SUNTRUST LN 215 IC PAYMENT CO. lD. 1591590880091120 PPD MISC 00002155660869 31.14 PURCHASE CHILI'S GRI1180001 11/21 NAPLES FL 3035V274265 41.30 PURCHASE PET SUPERMARKET #148 11/22 NAPLES FL30351093179 63.53 PURCHASE SHELL OIL 57542487 11/22 NAPLES FL 3035V245486 10.98 PURCHASE PUBLlX SUPER MAR 12663 11/24 NAPLES FL 30351019947 27.37 PURCHASE PUBlIX SUPER MAR 12663 11/25 NAPLES FL 30351926574 15.95 PURCHASE PUBLlX SUPER MAR 12663 11/29 NAPLES FL 30351555254 24.33 PURCHASE DS WATERS 11/29 800-4928377 GA 3035V281233 145.88 PURCHASE WAL-MART#3417 11/29 NAPLES FL 30351792728 11/09 11/09 11/10 11/12 11/13 11/13 11/18 11/18 11/20 11/23 11/23 11/24 11/25 11/27 11/30 11/30 11/30 Total $1,481.43 WACHOVlA BANK, N.A., TELEPHONE ACCESS page 2 of 5 , ,III Business Checking WACHOVIA 03 o 33 -- - Service Fees Description Quantity Total GENERAL SERVICES ACCOUNT MAINTENANCE TOTAL FEE(S) 2 $15.00 $15.00 Average balance Minimum balance $4.247.21 $389.56 Daily Balance Summary Dates Amount 11/02 11/03 11/05 11/06 11/09 11/10 1.325.14 1.080.83 1.019.06 969.06 853.06 838.06 Dates Amount Dates Amount 11/12 679.55 11/24 7,469.23 11/13 389.56 11/25 6,668.25 11/16 9.589.56 11/27 5.765.88 11/18 9,489.37 11/30 5.579.72 11/20 9.215.20 11/23 7,532.76 WACHOVlA BANK, N.A., TELEPHONE ACCESS page 3 of 5 ~ In Balance ~ Building Your Business a Better Bottom Line Recognized Credit Reporting Agency 12268 Tamiami Trail E . Suite 301 . Naples, FL 34113 . 239-774-5100 The information you requested is provided below. The information provided was gathered by third party sources not affiliated with In Balance, Inc. The information provided has not been reviewed/verified by In Balance, Inc., and therefore responsibility for its accuracy, completeness, and the manner in which it was gathered rests ultimately with the third party sources notwithstanding In Balance, Inc.'s exercise of reasonable care in selecting said third party sources. Personal Credit Report Summary All information contained be/aMI is accurate and true as of the indicated search date Name of Individual: Gregory Westgate Social Security Number: _- Credit Score: 513 Search Date: December 17, 2009 Searches Requested: Liens, Judgments and Bankruptcies A search of local, state, and federal databases on the above individual generated the following results: LOCATION DATE AMOUNT ALL SEARCHES FOR LIENS, JUDGMENTS AND BANKRUPTCIES PROVED NEGATIVE , ' -0. In Balance -0. 12268 Tamiami Trail E. Suite 301 . Naples, FL 34113 . 239-774-5100 PAGE 1 DATE 12-17-2009 TIME 10:45:17 V701 TFLT GREGORY WESTGATE 129 4TH ST NAPLES FL 341138552 RPTD: 12-07 TO 10-09 U 6X LAST SUB: 1270246 SS: 003-62-5831 DOB: 01/06/69 E: SOUTHERN COAST PAINTIN RPTD: 12-96 TO 5-07 I E: SPECTRUM RPTD: 12-93 I *1974 45TH TER SW NAPLES FL 341165828 RPTD: 12-96 TO 10-07 U lOX *222 INDUSTRIAL BLVD STE 116 NAPLES FL 341043718 RPTD: 2-01 TO 3-01 U 2X PUBLIC RECORDS-------O INST/OTH BAL----$6,661 RESTATE BAL--$356,396 TOT REV BAL---$143,752 PAST DUE AMT---$22,127 SCH/~ST PAY-----$2,163 R~-ESJ:ATE PAY----$2, 779 TOT REV AVAIL-------3% CREDIT REPORT SUMMARY ---------------------------- CNT 08/06/11/07 SATIS ACCTS--32 NOW DEL/DRG--11 WAS DEL/DRG---O OLD TRADE--9-93 INQUIRIES--15 INQS/6 MO---5 TRADELINE--43 PAID ACCT--27 ------------------------------- SCORE SUMMARY ------------------------------__ EXP/FAIR ISAAC RISK SCORE 2 513 SCORE FACTORS: 38, 10, 13, 20 SUBSCRIBER OPEN SUB# KOB TYP TRM ECOA BALDATE ACCOUNT # LAST PO ----------------------------------- TRADES ---------------------------------__ AMT-TYPl AMT-TYP2 ACCTCOND PYMT STATUS BALANCE PYMT LEVEL MOS REV PYMT HISTORY MONTH PAY PAST DUE MAXIMUM BY MONTH *MINTEX INC 1986885 YC COL 1 14290 ORIGINAL CREDITOR: 9-09 $313-0 1 11-09-09 $313 11-09 COLLIER COUNTY WASTE 9-09 $301-0 1 11-09-09 $301 11-09 COLLIER COUNTY WASTE 9-09 $299-0 1 11-09-09 $299 11-09 COLLIER COUNTY WASTE COLLACCT ( 1) G *MINTEX INC 1986885 YC COL 1 14291 ORIGINAL CREDITOR: COLLACCT ( 1) G *MINTEX INC 1986885 YC COL 1 14292 ORIGINAL CREDITOR: COLLACCT 1) G +++++ MORE BCLG DTS 1019899 WESTGATE, GREGORY 003625831;CA-129 4TH STREET/NAPLES FL " tl In Balance tl 12268 Tamiami Trail E. Suite 301 . Naples, FL 34113 . 239-774-5100 PAGE 2 DATE 12-17-2009 TIME 10:45:17 V701 TFLT SUBSCRIBER OPEN AMT-TYP1 AMT-TYP2 ACCTCOND PYMT STATUS SUB# KOB TYP TRM ECOA BALDATE BALANCE PYMT LEVEL NOS REV PYMT HISTORY ACCOUNT # LAST PD MONTH PAY PAST DUE MAXIMUM BY MONTH *MINTEX INC 9-09 $284-0 COLLACCT 1986885 YC COL 1 1 11-09-09 $284 11-09 ( 1 ) G 14294 ORIGINAL CREDITOR: COLLIER COUNTY vJASTE *MINTEX INC 9-09 $274-0 COLLACCT 1986885 YC COL 1 1 11-09-09 $274 11-09 ( 1 ) G 14295 ORIGINAL CREDITOR: COLLIER COUNTY WASTE *WELLS FARGO HM 1995515 FM R/C 7080159239839 ** FORECLOSURE MORTGAG 6-07 30Y 1 12-01-09 5-09 PROCEEDING STARTED ** $236,800-0 $232,600 $1,700 11-09 $11,898 FOREPROC DELINQ 180 (30) 884321CCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCC *FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF 2194510 BM AUT 60 1 19901401 ** PURCHASED BY ANOTHER 5-00 2-01-05 1-05 LENDER ** $16,056-0 2-05 TRANSFER CURR ACCT (56) BCCCCCCCCCCCC C--CC-CCCCCC *CITI 1240000 BC CRC REV ** ACCOUNT CLOSED ** TRANSFERRED TO 4-01 1 12-07-04 $7,OOO-L 12-04 TRANSFER CURR ACCT (44) BCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCC AT CONSUMER'S REQUEST ** ANOTHER LENDER ** *WACHOVIA MORTGAGE, FSB 11-03 $112,500-0 1992888 FM R/C 25Y 4 2-01-04 5260006950451 MIN: 100013700069504510 ** TRANSFERRED TO ANOTHER LENDER ** 2-04 TRANSFER CURR ACCT ( 3) BCC *GEMB/LOWES PC 1645320 L2 C/C ** CREDIT CARD 3-09 LOC 1 4-14-09 $3,900-L $3,824-H CRCDLOST 4-09 ( 2) BO CURR ACCT LOST OR STOLEN ** +++++ MORE BCLG DTS 1019899 WESTGATE,GREGORY 003625831;CA-129 4TH STREET/NAPLES FL PAGE 3 DATE 12-17-2009 TIME 10:45:17 V701 TFLT SUBSCRIBER OPEN AMT-TYPl AMT-TYP2 ACCTCOND PYMT STATUS " tl In Balance -0-- 12268 Tamiami Trail E. Suite 301 . Naples, FL 34113. 239-774-5100 SUB# KOB TYP TRM ECOA BALDATE ACCOUNT # LAST PD *CHASE 3182310 BC CRC ** ACCOUNT CLOSED *BANK OF AMERICA 1230206 BC CRC REV 4930 ** ACCOUNT CLOSED AT *SUNCOAST SCHOOLS MC/VI 1260202 NU CRC REV 1 ** ACCOUNT CLOSED AT *HSBC BANK 2218290 BC CRC REV ** ACCOUNT CLOSED AT *HSBC/RS ** ACCOUNT CLOSED AT *WFNNB/EXPRESS 1007068 CG CHG REV 35364 ** ACCOUNT CLOSED AT *AMEX 1229200 BC CRC REV ** ACCOUNT CLOSED AT *SEARS/CBSD 1323180 DC CHG REV ** ACCOUNT CLOSED AT +++++ MORE BCLG DTS 1019899 BALANCE MONTH PAY PYMT LEVEL MOS REV PYMT HISTORY PAST DUE MAXIMUM BY MONTH 3-07 $O-L $8,500-H 1 1 12-03-09 $2,380 10-09 7-09 $114 $534 AT CREDIT GRANTOR'S REQUEST ** 12-07 $18,400-L 1 12-02-09 $19,271 6-09 $634 CREDIT GRANTOR'S REQUEST ** $19,350-H 11-09 $2,801 6-05 $30,OOO-L 12-02-09 $30,477 6-09 $611 CREDIT GRANTOR'S REQUEST ** $30,477-H 11-09 $2,374 8-99 1 8-31-03 10-02 CREDIT GRANTOR'S $6,800-L $0 $2,707-H 8-03 CLOSED DELINQ 120 (33) 4321CCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCC1C CLOSED DELINQ 120 (24) 4321CCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCO CLOSED DELINQ 120 (54) 4321CCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCC CLOSED CURR ACCT (47) BOOOOOOOOCCCC OOOCCCCCCCCC CLOSED CURR ACCT (27) BCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCC CLOSED CURR ACCT (24) BOOOOOOOOOOOO 00000000000 PAID ( 1) B CURR ACCT REQUEST ** PAID CURR ACCT (99) BOOOOOOOOOOOO 000000000000 WESTGATE, GREGORY 003625831iCA-129 4TH STREET/NAPLES FL PAGE 4 4-99 1 6-09-01 3-00 CONSUMER'S $1,439-L $0 $1,439-H 6-01 REQUEST ** 9-93 1 5-29-01 1-99 CONSUMER'S $600-L $0 $179-H 5-01 REQUEST ** 3-07 1 7-07-09 $500-L $636-H 7-09 CREDIT GRANTOR'S REQUEST ** 7-00 1 3-14-09 2-02 CONSUMER'S $749-L $748-H 3-09 REQUEST ** SUBSCRIBER DATE 12-17-2009 TIME 10:45:17 V701 TFLT OPEN AMT-TYP1 AMT-TYP2 ACCTCOND PYMT STATUS ~ In Balance ~ 12268 Tamiami Trail E . Suite 301 . Naples, FL 34113 . 239-774-5100 SUB# KOB TYP TRM ECOA BALDATE BALANCE ACCOUNT # LAST PD MONTH PAY *WACHOVIA BANK NA/FTU 1202270 BB HIE LOC ** ACCOUNT CLOSED AT SUNTRUST BK CENTRAL FL 1190427 BB BUS 60 5 21500002154622563 *GEMB/CARE CREDIT 1241730 BC CHG REV ** ACCOUNT CLOSED AT *SEARS/CBSD 1230730 BC CRC REV ** ACCOUNT CLOSED 1-02 1 3-04-09 6-07 CONSUMER'S 8-03 9-14-08 9-08 7-06 2 8-19-08 6-08 CONSUMER'S 10-00 1 10-06-07 PYMT LEVEL MOS REV PYMT HISTORY PAST DUE MAXIMUM BY MONTH $100,OOO-L $97,339-H 3-09 REQUEST ** $21,334-0 9-08 $6,OOO-L $6,099-H 8-08 REQUEST ** $l,OOO-L AT CONSUMER'S REQUEST ** 10-07 GEMB/DILLARDS 1355850 DC CHG REV 604587081241 SUNTRUST BK CENTRAL FL 1190427 BB BUS 60 5 21500002155659200 WELLS FARGO HM MORTGAG 1995515 FM R/C 10Y 1 7080032507097 EVERHOME MORTGAGE CO 1994684 FM R/c 25Y 2 1409000100006 SUNCOAST SCHOOLS FCU 1260203 NU AUT 60 1 42435 +++++ MORE BCLG DTS 1019899 8-95 1 9-26-07 7-06 7-31-07 7-07 7-03 7-01-07 6-07 UNK 9-07 $20,667-0 7-07 $67,205-0 7-07 11-03 $112,500-0 6-04-07 5-07 6-07 7-05 $12,340-0 7-31-06 7-06 7-06 PAID CURR ACCT (86) BOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOCCCCCCC PAID CURR ACCT (60) BCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCC PAID CURR ACCT (26) BOCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCC PAID CURR ACCT (84) BOOOOOOOOOOOO 000000000000 PAID CURR ACCT (52) BOOOOOOOOOOOO 000000000000 PAID CURR ACCT (13) BCCCCCCCCCCCC PAID CURR ACCT (45) BCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCC PAID CURR ACCT (39) BCCCCCCCCCCCC CC---CCCCCCC PAID CURR ACCT (13) BCCCC-CCCCCCC WESTGATE, GREGORY 003625831;CA-129 4TH STREET/NAPLES FL PAGE 5 DATE 12-17-2009 TIME 10:45:17 V701 TFLT SUBSCRIBER OPEN SUB# KOB TYP TRM ECOA BALDATE AMT-TYP1 BALANCE AMT-TYP2 ACCTCOND PYMT STATUS PYMT LEVEL MOS REV PYMT HISTORY ~ In Balance tl 12268 Tamiami Trail E. Suite 301 . Naples, FL 34113 . 239-774-5100 ACCOUNT # LAST PD MONTH PAY $16,056-0 PAST DUE MAXIMUM BY MONTH *FIFTH THIRD BANK 2104936 BB AUT 60 85652 ** ACCOUNT CLOSED AT 5-00 1 6-30-05 6-05 CONSUMER'S SUNTRUST BK CENTRAL FL 1190427 BB BUS 47 5 21500002153833419 3-02 1-31-05 1-05 *WACHOVIA BANK NA/FTU 1202270 BB H/E LOC ** ACCOUNT CLOSED AT 10-01 1 2-26-04 6-05 REQUEST ** $10,228-0 1-05 $10,000-L $9,910-H 2-04 CONSUMER'S REQUEST ** *WACHOVIA BANK NA/FTU 1202270 BB H/E LOC ** ACCOUNT CLOSED AT 5-00 1 10-06-03 $8,000-L $5,918-H 9-03 CONSUMER'S REQUEST ** WELLS FARGO HM MORT GAG 8-01 1995515 FM R/C 15Y 1 8-07-03 SOUTHERN COMMUNITY BAN 6-01 2190180 BM I/L 36 1 10-31-02 25113200010 WELLS FARGO HM MORTGAG 8-98 1995515 FM R/F 30Y 1 9-22-01 4726811704 FORD CRED 1631440 FA AUT 60 TIA431NM55 11-99 1 7-31-01 *CAP ONE 1270246 BC CRC REV ** ACCOUNT CLOSED AT 3-99 1 6-22-01 $74,500-0 8-03 $11,117-0 10-02 $76,278-0 9-01 $26,274-0 7-01 $I,948-H CONSUMER'S REQUEST ** 6-01 +++++ MORE BCLG DTS 1019899 PAID CURR ACCT ( 5) BCCCC PAID CURR ACCT (35) BCCCCCCCCCCCC cccccccccccc PAID CURR ACCT (29) BOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOCC PAID CURR ACCT (41) BBCBCBCB-COOO OOOOOOOOCCCC PAID CURR ACCT (22) BCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCC PAID CURR ACCT (16) BCCCCCCCCCCCC CCC PAID CURR ACCT (36) BCCCC-CCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCC PAID CURR ACCT (20) BCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCC PAID CURR ACCT (28) BCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCC WESTGATE, GREGORY 003625831;CA-129 4TH STREET/NAPLES FL PAGE 6 DATE 12-17-2009 TIME 10:45:17 V701 TFLT SUBSCRIBER OPEN SUB# KOB TYP TRM ECOA BALDATE AMT-TYPl BALANCE AMT-TYP2 ACCTCOND PYMT STATUS PYMT LEVEL MOS REV PYMT HISTORY -0- In Balance tl 12268 Tamiami Trail E. Suite 301 . Naples, FL 34113 . 239-774-5100 ACCOUNT # LAST PD MONTH PAY *WASRINGTON MUTUAL FA 3180830 BB R/C 30Y 8-07 1 11-30-09 11-09 *THD/CBSD 3178962 BC CRG REV 12-01 1 11-26-09 9-09 GEMB/LOWES PC 1645320 LZ C/C LOC 798276510900 3-09 1 12-03-09 10-09 SUNTRUST BK CENTRAL FL 7-06 1190427 BB BUS 60 5 11-30-09 11-09 BANK OF AMERICA 4125250 BB H/E LOC 6821106570 9-07 1 11-30-09 11-09 GEMB/GE MONEY BANK LOW 8-07 1607340 LZ CRG REV 1 11-25-09 10-09 CAP ONE 1270246 BC BCC REV 9-00 1 11-23-09 11-09 --------------------------------- RELS REPORTING CLIENT SERVICES INC RELS REPORTING WACHOVIA SM BUS CAPITA RELS REPORTING THDPG/CBSD FUNDING SUITE EQUIFAX MORTGAGE SERVI CBA FIRST AMER CR SVCS INC CITIMTG/EMS 11-02-09 10-28-09 9-29-09 6-26-09 6-24-09 12-12-08 11-19-08 11-18-08 11-17-08 10-08-08 10-08-08 +++++ MORE BCLG DTS 1019899 $126,000-0 $123,796 $1,079 $11,439-L $11,439 $188 $2,370-L $2,392 $104 $13,979-0 $5,190 $274 PAST DUE MAXIMUM 10-09 $4,317 $13, 777-H 11-09 $203 $3,899-H 12-09 11-09 $68,500-L $74,OOO-H $67,769 11-09 $166 $5,500-L $5,404 $25 $7,000-L $4,620 $47 INQUIRIES 1972921 FR 9981036 YC 1972921 FR 3688820 FF 1972921 FR 3184050 BB 1018484 FR 1976785 FR 6970060 FR 3988260 FR 9990403 FM $5,610-H 11-09 $6,830-H 11-09 BY MONTH OPEN 90 2 TIMES (29) 332211CCCCCCC C-CCccccccce OPEN 30 DAY DEL (76) lCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCC OPEN CURR ACCT ( 9) CCCCCCCCC OPEN CURR ACCT (41) CCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCC OPEN CURR ACCT (27) CCCCCCCCCCCCC CCccccccceec OPEN CURR AceT (28) ceccccccCOOOO ooeccccccCCC OPEN CURR ACCT (26) CCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCC-C ---------------------------------- R/E <$100 R/E UNK R/C UNK R/E R/E UNK R/C R/E R/E WESTGATE, GREGORY 003625831;CA-129 4TH STREET/NAPLES FL PAGE 7 DATE 12-17-2009 TIME 10:45:17 V701 TFL QUICKEN LOANS 10-01-08 1006135 FR UNK R/E " .y. In Balance tl 12268 Tamiami Trail E. Suite 301 . Naples, FL 34113 . 239-774-5100 FIRST AMER CR SVCS INC 4-21-08 3988260 FR R/E BANK OF AMERICA 12-17-07 1217350 BC FIRST AMER CR SVCS INC 12-12-07 3988260 FR R/E CONSUMER ASSISTANCE CONTACT: EXPERIAN 701 EXPERIAN PARKWAY, PO BOX 2002, ALLEN, TX 75013 888.397.3742 FILE# 101050-B 3308 . Release Satisfaction of Judgment 4957 . Motion to Vacate Judgment 8011 . Dismissed (Trial) (Rev. 9/13/95) CCG-8A IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS GEORGE S. MAY INTERNATIONAL COMPANY plaintiff v. SOUTHERN COAST PAINTING, INC. defendant NO. 03Ml-137544 SATISFACTION RELEASE OF JUDGMENT GEORGE S. MAY INTERNATIONAL COMPANY JUDGMENT CREDITOR, XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX having received full , the (strike two) satisfaction and payment, release the Judgment entered against SOUTHERN COAST PAINTING. INC. on NOVEMBER 20. 2003 , for $ 9.239.60 and costs. Dated FEBRUARY 4. 2004 GEORGE S. MAY INTERNATIONAL COMPANY NOTICE If a Memorandum of Judgment has been recorded In this case, B certified copy of this release shall be filed by the person re- ceiving the release in the office of the Recorder of Deeds in which judgment has been recorded. ORDER of Record This matter coming on to be heard on the Court's own motion; the Court having been presented with a signed Release or Satisfaction in full of a jUdgment previously entered by the Court in the above entitled matter; the Court haVing jurisdiction in the above entitled matter: IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that in accordance with 735 ILCS 5/12-183 the judgment hereto~ore entered by the Court in the above entitled matter is hereby vacated and held for naught. Date FEBRUARY 4. 2004 _OP.nJu~e Wi~ DJ Rflintd. MAR ~ 9 ?nn4 IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the above entitled matter be and Name F~INGOLD & LEVY ENTER Attorney No. 31495 A ttorney for PLA I NTl F F . JUDGj: CarCUlt Coun. 540 ( ) NO. City/Zip CHICAGO. ILLINOIS 60603 (312~ 782-9676 For the protection of the owner, this release shall also be filed with the Recorder of Deeds or the Registrar of Titles in whose office the I ien was fHed. Address 10 S. LASALLE ST SUITE 900 Phone DOROTHY BROWN, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY ~ In Balance tl Building Your Business a Better Bottom Line Recognized Credit Reporting Agency 12268 Tamiami Trail E. Suite 301 . Naples, FL 34113 . 239-774-5100 The information you requested is provided below. The information provided was gathered by third party sources not affiliated with In Balance, Inc. The information provided has not been reviewed/verified by In Balance, Inc., and therefore responsibility for its accuracy, completeness, and the manner in which it was gathered rests ultimately with the third party sources notwithstanding In Balance, Inc.'s exercise of reasonable care in selecting said third party sources. Business Credit Report Summary All iriformation contained below is accurate and true as of the indicated search date Name of Company: Southern Coast Painting Inc. FEI Number: 65-0667921 Reference (ifnece~sary): Gregory Westgate Search Date: December 17,2009 Searches Requested: Credit, Liens, Judgments and Bankruptcies A search of local, state, federal, and national databases on the above company generated the following results: LoeA TION Chicago Municipal CO DoC#: 03M10137544 DATE 11/20/2003 Filed AMOUNT $9,239 tl In Balance -0- 12268 Tamiami Trail E . Suite 301 . Naples, FL 34113 . 239-774-5100 Business Credit Report. SOUTHERN COAST PAINTING Subcode: 515210 Ordered: 12/17/200910:51:13 CST it _.. .. .... .., 11 .: :: Expena. n- ..... .. .. . Transaction number: C040899832 Search inquiry: Southern Coast Painting Inc. / 129 4th Street / Naples / FL / 34113/ 650667921 A. ''''olld (of II Isight Company Information r--- -...----.--.-.-..-.-----..----.-___________..__________...___.______......__..__.............____..._._______._] I SOUTHERN COAST PAINTING Business Identification Number: 737671470 I i 4277 EXCHANGE AVE STE 4 Experian File Established: 01/2008 i I NAPLES, FL 34104-7090 ! [' (239) 262-2225 ! -...-.---.--------...........--..------.-..----.-...-...-...-------'---.----------------.------..-----..-.-----...---.----..........-..--.......-.-..---.-...-.-------.-..--.j Matching Name and Address c---.-------.----.--.-.-.-..-----..---.-..-------.....,-.----...--..-..--...-.-.----..---------...--.-.--......-...-...-..-..".......---.-.....1 ! This business is linked to the one displayed above. The report shows the best view of the business. I I SOUTHERN COAST PAINTING INC 1129 4TH ST I NAPLES, FL 34113-8552 i '-----.----~~.,~-_.,---.~---_.~--.,._.---~_.._.."--~.-_.~~.--~-.---._._-_._..""_.~_..-.....~------~--~-,--~--.~"'.,.~.~._"..._..fi..._....._.,"'_..~.__,__..~,..,~___.~____~_..-..,-..~,._~~--_.~"~._._~_.J Executive Summary Current OBT range compared to all industries'" 008T ($700 Balance) 16-50 . BO% 11 % 9% % of US businesses falling within OBT range OBT Norms: All industries: 9 OBT Quarterly OBT trends (previous 5 quarters) 90+ 60 30 o 0 o 3Q08 4Q08 o 1Q09 o 2Q09 o 3Q09 7 month OBT trends Legal Filings and Collections Bankruptcy filings: Tax lien filings: Judgment filings: details (FILED 11/03) T otaf collections: Sum of legal filings: UCC filings: Cautionary UCC filings present? Trade Information Monthly average DBT: Highest DBT previous 6 months: Highest DBT previous 5 quarters: Total continuous trades: Current continuous trade balance: Trade balance of all trades (9): Average balance previous 5 quarters: Highest credit amount extended: details 6 month balance range: Performance Analysis Predicted OBT for 02/10/2010: 1 DBT Payment Trend Indication: Are Stable o o 1 o $9,239 o No o o o 5 $700 $5,500 $220 $1,200 $700. $1,100 ~ ~ In Balance tl 12268 Tamiami Trail E. Suite 301 . Naples, FL 34113 . 239-774-5100 90+ 60 30 o o o o o o o o May09 Jun09 Jul09 Aug09 Sep09 Oct09 Current . Days Beyond Terms (DBT) is a dollar weighted calculation of the average number of days that payment was made beyond the invoice due date based on trades on file that have been updated in the previous 3 months. Legal Filings and Collections TOP 0 Filing I Date Type ~-=~/20~~~udgment Jurisdiction , Filed $9,239 GEO~~~p~~~ INTL 03M10137544 CHICAGO MUNICIPAL col --~_._-----------_._-~----_._----,---~-~~._--,~.~.----,~---_._~.~,_._-----_--! Trade Payment Information i Business Date Last Payment I Category Reported Sale Terms I I BLDG MATRL I I I I I I I RENTALS 11/2009 NET 10 $0 I I--.----,.~.-.-.-----"-,-___o______._______~__.~___._.,__-~--.--_.-------~.--~.-~--"-----~"-~-.,-,-..----_____..J 09/2009 02/2008 Recent High Credit $1,200 Balance Cur 1-30 31-60 61-90 91+ Comments COMPUTERS FINCL SVCS INDUS MACH 10/2009 10/2009 10/2009 10/2009 CREDIT $700 100% CREDIT REVOLVE NET 30 $400 $0 $0 $0 ACCTCLOSED Trade Payment Totals Cur 1-30 31-60 61-90 91+ Comments I Continuously Reported Newly Reported 5 o $700 100% DBT: 0 DBT: Trade Lines Totals 5 $1,600 $700 100% DBT: 0 Additional Payment Experiences I I Business Date Last I Category Reported Sale L!,DVERTISNG 07/2009 Payment Terms Balance Cur 1-30 31-60 61-90 91+ Comments NET 30 $0 .u In Balance .u 12268 Tamiami Trail E. Suite 301 . Naples, FL 34113 . 239-774-5100 TRANS CARD LEASING 07/2008 11/2009 11/2009 0912009 NET 30 REVOLVE CONTRCT $6,800 $600 $0 $4,600 100% $200 CUST 5 YR 100% COLLECTION Monthly Payment Trends . Account Status Payment Trends AnalysIs 0 B d T ays eyon erms Industry Business Cur OBT OBT CURRENT N/A N/A 0 $700 100% OCT09 N/A N/A 0 $700 100% SEP09 N/A N/A 0 $700 100% AUG09 N/A N/A 0 $700 100% JUL09 N/A N/A 0 $1,100 100% JUN09 N/A N/A 0 $1,000 100% ,MAY09 N/A N/A 0 $1,100 100% I L-._______.~.____._..,.__._,.________._,~._~~_~____..___._.__._______'_~___.____~.__^'_~___~__..___.._____.~..~_,_-.--_____...J Oate Reported Balance Cur 1-30 31-60 61-90 91+ Quarterly Payment Trends Payment History - Quarterly Averages Account Status Da s Be ond Terms Quarter Q3 - 09 Q2 - 09 Q1 - 09 Q4-08 Q3 - 08 Months JUL-SEP APR-JUN JAN-MAR OCT -Dee JUL-SEP OBT o o o o o Balance $800 $0 $0 $200 <$100 Cur 100% 1-30 31-60 61.90 91+ 100% 100% inquiries I I i Totals l________...___.__..__.____.. OEC09 NOV09 OCT09 SEP09 AUG09 JUL09 JUN09 MAY09 APR09 I J I [ 1 : -------.-...-.--.....---..--..-.---.---.-....--__..J 1 Company Background Information , Key Personnel l:C,pa'ISl' ~:~~.;~S;~,1i~;.~~;~~I~~~________________ _____---' (5y PRE s s PRO P l~ H!'_Y..-&._C:A SUA LT Y lNSl)RANCE: COM PANv pre_1D iu._Ol_QyotatiQI! Risk Information ...-.-------.-------.. Effective Date; 1/29/2010 Business Name: CLASSIC PAINTING OF NAPLES INC Rut and Last Name; WIll.lAM VIUANUEVA CiillSsiflcattons t,) be covered Code 98305 PAINTING - INTERIOR Description Coverages General Aggregate limb {other than Product5-completed Operations} Products - Completed operatioPs aggregate Umit EIJ<:h Oexurren<:e limit Personal and Advertising Injury Umit Medi<:al expense Limit (any one person) Rre Damage Umit (anyone tire) Optional Coverages Terrorism Coverage Deductible Property Damage (per claim) Premium Adjustments & Other Charges EMPA FHCF Policy Fee Payment Options Monthly Payment Plan Four Payment Plan (Direct BiD) Single Pay at Issuance \ .... ",... Expiration Date: 2i28/20W Quote 10: 43269 Premium Basis! Limit of Liability 33,400 (p) SUb Total: 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 5,000 100,000 Sub Total: SUb Total: 500 Sub T otat: Total Estimated Premium: Down Payment 179.86 298.00 1,079.00 Premium 1,042.00 1,042.00 ; l-tt,,~, :.~!i7'G ~ .' .:'h;~J . .:!,'lj I,' ",:tt::-d :\',d~;d u:h:d Included ",]('(J 0.00 'v:' ~.:j'::.r~ 2.00 10.00 1:;.00 37.00 $1,079.00 Inst19'hnllnt Payments 92.91 266.00 0.00 This estimate I!; based on ll<e~mi1ary InI'ormatlon provloded for the sole purpose of approldmiltlnq rM p<erTllum to be charged fGr_~ presented. Rates !I"" factors ace t.~ed on those in effect 00 the datE~ of thiS q!JOtatiOn and are ~ to chanQe by c~ Property $ Casua1I:y Insuran<::e Company at bme of is.stJance. An ~:nenl; fee 15 ad{l~ t-Q all payrYl ents after the initial dO'A'n payment. NOTICE OF ELECTION TO BE EXEMPT . Please thoroughly read the instructions before completing this application. Print legibly in each data entry field. If this application contains incomplete or inaccurate information or if the handwriting is not legible, it may cause a delay in the issuance ofyonr exemption. SECTION 1: Applicant Name (please print): UJ / (( (e,- ~ Applicant's social security number: 6,' ( ( if). 1 ZO?' (t9 y(jj(](j ) ( 0;1-1 SECTION 2: I am applying for exemption as a (You must check only one box in this section): CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY ($50 FEE REQUIRED) - The Division will accept a money order or a cashier's check made payable to the DFS WC ADMINISTRATION TRUST FUND. fZP Officer of a Corporation (Title): f>7' e...s ; ~ -OR- 0 Member of a Limited Liability Company (LLC~ NON-CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY (NO fEE REQUIRED) o Officer of a Corporation (Title): ) An officer electin an exem tion under Cha ter 440, Florida Statutes is not entitled to benefits under this cha ter. SECTION 3. The corporation of which you are an officer or the limited liability company of which you are a member must be registered and in an active status with the Florida Division of Corporations. Applicants applying as an officer of a corporation must be listed as an officer of the Corporation with the Florida Division of Corporations. List the document number (document number shown on your Annual Re ort) on file with the Florida Division of Corporations. (JOtJ()(/ ~ FEIN: ;;"-I"ltOiC} Business Name: Phone: (lJIf) ~2f'07';/ Applicant's Address of Record: ];;:/ ...L-:?/!!?'f' r-,c_~ INCLUDE APARTMENT OR SUITE NUMBER City: ~~#~r 7' State: ~ Zip: .7Y/...;:?o County: Cc /~,,;,,- Scope of Business or Trade: 1. 2. 3. 4. SECTION 5. List all certified or registered licenses issued pursuant to Chapter 489, F.S. held by the applicant, or the certified or registered license numbers held by the qualifier for the corporation or LLC listed on this application of which the applicant is a corporate officer: . b'''-'-iC.''-';J (~)-I7"j-e... SECTION 6. If you have submitted an electronic payment for this application, write the transaction confirmation number in the following space: SECTION 7. Are you .'!fJ.Wated with any corporation (including LLC) other than the corporation (including LLC) to which this application applies? ,ewerO No IF YES, PLEASE LIST THE NAME(s) AND FEIN(s) OF THE AFFILIATED CORPORATION(s) OR LLC(s): NAME: FEIN: SECTION 8. If your corporation or liC is engaged in the construction industry, you must provide the required proof of ownership in the corporation or LLC. A. To be eligible for a construction industry exemption as an officer of a corporation, the applicant must be a shareholder, owning at least 10% of the stock of the corporation. A COpy OF A STOCK CERTIFICATE EVIDENCING THE REQUIRED OWNERSHIP MUST BE ATTACHED. B. To be eligible for a construction industry exemption as a member of a limited liability company, the applicant must confirm ownership of at least 10% of the company. THE REQUIRED OWNERSHIP MAYBE ESTABLISHED BY PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENT A TlON REFLECTING THE REQUIRED OWNERSHIP, OR BY SUBMITTING A STATEMENT ATTESTING TO THE REQUIRED OWNERSHIP. THIS APPLICATION IS CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 OWC 250, NOTICE OF ELECTION TO BE EXEMPT - REVISED 12/08; RULE 69L~.009. F.A.C. NOTICE OF ELECTION TO BE EXEMPT - Page 2 SECTION 9. FRAUD NOTICE A. Any person who, knowingly and with intent to injure, defraud, or deceive the department or any employer or employee, insurance company or any other person, files a notice of election to be exempt containing any false 0 misleading information is guilty of a felony of the third degree. B. Att~station of applicant - By signing below, I attest that I have ~nderstand and acknowledge the foregoin: notice. ~ <"",~~:- ~~ SIGNA TURE OF APPLICANT SECTION 10. You must identify the workers' compensation insurance carrier that covers any non-exempt employees of your business. Carrier Name: AFFIDA VIT OF APPLICANT: I hereby certifY that the information contained herein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief; that this election does not exceed exemption limits for corporate officers, including any affiliated corporations as provided in 9440.02 Florida Statutes. -<___",-~rc~~ APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE .~~~-? 7~CJ""j DATE SIGNED NOTARY STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF (0 { If t!.-f Sworn to and subscribed before me this 2'7 day of ~",(lW' , 20' U , by W. (/, 4Crn (If / It::" lie II t1o. Personally Known OR Produ ed Identification ~ Type of Identification Produced 0 L-. NOTARY SIGNATURE My Commission Expires lo/H/,2oll.. Please mail or submit your completed app ication, application fee, and any required attachments to The Division of Workers' Compensation at the district office nearest your place ofbusine 2295 Victoria Avenue, Suite 163 921 North Davis Street 401 NW 2nd Avenue ~t~~T6N # D~31~ Ft. Myers, FL 33901 Building B, Suite #250 Suite #321, South Tower EXPIRES October 16, 2012 Telephone (239) 461-4006 Jacksonville, FL 32209 Miami FL 33128 'YService.oom Telephone (904) 798-5806 Telephone (305) 536-0306 610 E. Burgess Road Pensacola, FL 32504-6320 400 West Robinson Street TALLAHASSEE SUBMITTERS Control Number: Telephone (850) 453-7804 Room #512, North Tower Orlando FL 32801 Walk-in submissions: 3111 S. Dixie Highway, Suite # 123 Telephone (407) 835-4406 or 2012 Capital Circle SE Postmark Date: West Palm Beach FL 33405 (407) 245-0896 Suite #102, Hartman Bldg. Telephone (561) 837-5716 Tallahassee FL 32399-2161 1313 N. Tampa Street, Suite # 503 499 Northwest 70th Ave., Suite # 116 Telephone (850) 413-1609 Payment Number: Plantation FL 33317 Tampa FL 33602 Telephone (954) 321-2906 Mail in submissions: Telephone (813) 221-6506 200 East Gaines Street Received Date: Live Oak Business Center Tallahassee FL 32399-4228 1111 NE 25111 Ave., Suite # 403 5969 Cattlemen lane Telephone (850) 413-1609 Ocala FL 34470 Sarasota FL 34232 Telephone (352) 401-5350 Telephone (941) 329-1120 "The collection of the social security number on this form is specifically authorized by Section 440.05(3), Florida Statutes. The social security number will be used as a unique identifier in Division of Workers' Compensation database systems for individuals who have applied for and/or been issued a certificate of election to be exempt. It will also be used to identify information and documents in those database systems regarding individuals who have applied for and/or been issued a certificate of election to be exempt for internal agency tracking purposes and for purposes of responding to both public records requests and subpoenas that require production of specified documents. The social security number may also be used for any other purpose specifically required or authorized by state or federal law. " owe 250, NOTICE OF ELECTION TO BE EXEMPT - REVISED 12/08; RULE 69L-6.009, F.A.C. , Please thoroughly read the instructions before completing this application. Print legibly in eacb data entry field. If this application contains incomplete or inaccurate Information or if the handwriting is not legible, it may cause a delay In the issuance of your exemption. NOTICE OF ELECTION TO BE EXEMPT SECTION 1: Applicant Name (please print): G ~-f ~$"7~e- Applicant's social security number: . /~( Applicant's E-mail address (optional): :? SECTION 2: I am applying for exemption as a (You must check only one box in this section): CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY ($50 FEE REQUIRED) - The Division will accept a money order or a cashier's check made payable to the DFS WC ADMINISTRATION TRUST FU~9' 1iZ1 Officer of a Corporation (Title): ~ P -OR- 0 Member of a Limited Liability Company (LLC) NON-CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY (NO FEE REQUIRED) o Officer of a Corporation (Title): ) An officer electin an exem tion under Cha ter 440, Florida Statutes is not entitled to benefits under this cha ter. SECTION 3. The corporation of which you are an officer or the limited liability company of which you are a member must be registered and in an active status with the Florida Division of Corporations. Applicants applying as an officer of a corporation must be listed as an officer of the Corporation with the Florida Division of Corporations. List the document number (document number show on our Annual Report) on file with the Florida Division of Corporations. tf cJt:'~ (? FEIN: e 7- /~IF20/( Phone: (239) 2 C:;2 -.21:)-$- City: 11 ~/-::s F/ State:--- Zip: 3,.,,/1"$ County: ~II( d Scope of Business or Trade: 1. 3. 4. SECTION 5. List all certified or registered Ii enses issued pursuant t hapter 489, F.S. held by the applicant, or the certified or registered license numbers held by the qualifier for the corporation or LLC listed on this application of which the applicant is a corporate officer: .;, e , SECTION 6. If you have submitted an electronic payment for this application, write the transaction confirmation number in the following space: SECTION 7. Are you affiliated with any corporation (including LLC) other than the corporation (including LLC) to which this application applies? DYes [jJ1<Jo IF YES, PLEASE LIST THE NAME(s) AND FEIN(s) OF THE AFFILIATED CORPORATION(s) OR LLC(s): NAME: FEIN: SECTION 8. If your corporation or LLC is engaged in the construction industry, you must provide the required proof of ownership in the corporation or LLC. A. To be eligible for a construction industry exemption as an officer of a corporation, the applicant must be a shareholder, owning at least 10% of the stock of the corporation. A COpy OF A STOCK CERTIFICATE EVIDENCING THE REQUIRED OWNERSHIP MUST BE ATTACHED. B. To be eligible for a construction industry exemption as a member of a limited liability company, the applicant must confirm ownership of at least 10% of the company. THE REQUIRED OWNERSIDP MAYBE ESTABLISHED BY I PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTATION REFLECTING THE REQUIRED OWNERSHIP, OR BY SUBMITTING A STATEMENT ATTESTING TO THE REQUIRED OWNERSIDP. THIS APPLICATION IS CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 OWC 250, NOTICE OF ELECTION TO BE EXEMPT - REVISED 12/08; RULE 69L-6.009, F.A.C. SECTION 9. NOTICE OF ELECTION TO BE EXEMPT - Page 2 FRAUD NOTICE A. Any person who, knowingly and with intent to injure, defraud, or deceive the department or any employer or employee, insurance company or any other person, files a notice of election to be exempt containing any false or misleading information is guilty of a felony of the third degree. B. Attestation of applicant - By signing below, I attest that I have read, understand and acknowledge the foregoing notice. E OF APPLICANT SECTION 10. You must identify the workers' compensation insurance carrier that covers any non-exempt employees of your business. Carrier Name: AFFIDA VIT OF APPLICANT: I hereby certify that the infonnation contained herein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief; that this election does not exceed exemption limits for corporate officers, including any affiliated corporations as provided in S440.02 Florida Statutes. ~ l.~~ - J-r; A~ANT'S~~S NOTARY STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF Sworn to and subscribed before me this ;; 7 day of .J..... II _ "1 . '2 () I 0 . by Cr c..; 0 t "7 IJ ~r1,,, t (. Personally Known OR Produced Identification Q La Type of Identification Produced ~ L- NOTARY SIGNATURE ~ My Commission Expires 10 l U /20/ '- Please mail or submit your comp eted application, application fee, and any required attac e~":'. to The Division of Workers' Compensation at the district office nearest your place of bus ;~ ,.; -:"" 'ffe~lI~~ 16, 2012 153 FIofida /2295 Victoria Avenue, Suite 163 V Ft. Myers, FL 33901 Telephone (239) 461-4006 610 E. Burgess Road Pensacola, FL 32504-6320 Telephone (850) 453-7804 3111 S. Dixie Highway, Suite # 123 West Palm Beach FL 33405 Telephone (561) 837-5716 1313 N. Tampa Street, Suite # 503 Tampa FL 33602 Telephone (813)221-6506 1111 NE 251h Ave., Suite # 403 Oeala FL 34470 Telephone (352) 401-5350 //Z.7/z.uth < DATE SIGNED C#{L~ 921 North Davis Street Building B, Suite #250 Jacksonville, FL 32209 Telephone (904) 798-5806 400 West Robinson Street Room #512, North Tower Orlando FL 32801 Telephone (407) 835-4406 or (407) 245-0896 499 Northwest 701h Ave., Su~e # 116 Plantation FL 33317 Telephone (954) 321.2906 Live Oak Business Center 5969 Cattlemen Lane Sarasota FL 34232 Telephone (941) 329.1120 401 NW 2nd Avenue Suite #321, South Tower Miami FL 33128 Telephone (305) 536'{)306 Expiration Date: TALLAHASSEE SUBMITTERS Control Number: Walk-in submissions: 2012 Capital Circle SE Suite #102, Hartman Bldg. Tallahassee FL 32399-2161 Telephone (850) 413-1609 Postmark Date: Payment Number: Mail in submissions: 200 East Gaines Street Tallahassee FL 32399-4228 Telephone (850) 413.1609 Received Date: "The collection of the social security number on this form is specifically authorized by Section 440.05(3), Florida Statutes. The social security number will be used as a unique identifier in Division of Workers' Compensation database systems for individuals who have applied for and/or been issued a certificate of election to be exempt. It will also be used to identify information and documents in those database systems regarding individuals who have applied for and/or been issued a certificate of election to be exempt for internal agency tracking purposes and for purposes of responding to both public records requests and subpoenas that require production of specified documents. The social security number may also be used for any other purpose specifically required or authorized by state or federal law." DWC 250, NOTICE OF ELECTION TO BE EXEMPT - REVISED 12108; RULE 69L-6.009, F.A.C. Qualifier Certification Information ,. CDPR2307 - Qualifier Certification Inform~tion Collier County Board of County Commissioners CD-Plus for Windows Printed on 9/24/200 11:01:34AM CERT NBR: 12266 QUALIFIER NBR: PAINTING CONTR. 12266 GREGORY WESTGATE CLASS CODE: 4270 STATE NBR: COUNTY COMP CARD: 4145SC STATE EXP LIAB EXP 7/29/2010 WC EXP 5/6/2010 ORIG ISSD 6/20/1996 RENEWAL EXPIRES 9/30/2010 DBA: SOUTHERN COAST PAINTING, INC. WC EXEMPT: Y OL EXEMPT: N ADDRESS: 129 4TH STREET EXEMPT EXP DATE: 10/20/2009 CITY: NAPLES FL 34113- ~,...'--- ",~-->",---,----,~~,~"""'"","",:'".,.~"-_.,. ...._~......~-....... PHONE: (239)262-2225 FAX: (239)262-1332 NOTE: It is the qualifier's responsibility to keep all business, licensing and requirements current and to provide up to date copies for Collier County files. This includes all insurancE certificates and any change of address information. Collier County / City of Marco/ City of Nap1 es icensing Cert 34113 - Signed: .~',. eel'" '"...._'''~~ :cq \11 Jt j~, , # j I 0; " ,-~ , ~ \('\ \, / ~, t\~~.,";": .;:t ~ m rT! ~ Q 8 ::0 ~ m C/l (j) -i o " ::0 ~ -< - ~ z (j) :::s;:;::;l o Q. _. ;;.~~ ~ (II 0 (II:::S 2 ;:;:2.3 (I)" CD XCDia ~ ~. iii' " - III =ig 16 == !!!, ==ljl:::s ljl :::s ~ ::s III (II (II CD_ (I) CD III CD_x _00 a s.~ 3 !2. . ~m-:;l '< III iii' o :::s _, :T '< en CD (I) :::s :. 2S. a ~ ~ lil (I):::S::1 (IIIC 3i Q ~ fJ '"Oi::=: (I) - 0 ::l!a:::s ::$0_ ~-< a :T l:l == III ~ a~' III '<; i OOZ l""'!j;C ~C/l~ C/l~m -"::0 "- OQo ~ .... " -i::lm -o~ 02:" Z'tJr- O~O o _ -< O~m m _ m .. Z C/l 2 (j) .. .... 0 ~o C>>Z.... O-i, ....~o Om b~ ::05 ~ m C/l ,......<1' ,,~.:,.~ ~~ t; ~ ~ ]' ~~~ OOrT! mc -z :;J-i ~ ~ ~NiiJ to>....o ~C>O 00<0 C/l " r- ~ .... .... to> o o c ~ CDNr- coo C/lZr> zm~ mRo C/l Z C/l . . ":r.... 50~ Z s: .:0. mm-i .. 0 :r NOC/l C>> 0 -i I}l c ::0 N m N :g m ~::O-i -i 5 z r- ~ .... N N ~ ~ o Cii ,,-0 ~> '0( c)> ~-i -i-o 0> 00 Om (1)0 0" -CD (l)c 0(1) 0- zZ -im ~~ ::0" -<0 -i::O 0-0 ,C OCD oC )>0 ,- >~ ~~ (1)0 '::1 o z 8 , , ffi ::0 o o C ~ ~ 00 ~O 'r- mr- :i! 0_ - -im (1)<0::0 ::OCii~O m_NO ~-i~c: =vgoz -i::oz:;! ~~J:OJ 3!CDOc: ::0 C/l ~ en ~~mz C/l>:rm m-iOen ~.. m en ~I~~ Rlniil>< ::0 g, , ~ iir~ ~ ~, o8m ....3C/l o " 'OJ Oc: ~en ~z ~rn ....en ~-l '):0 i\:)>< ~z --c: ~i: ~OJ .:o.m ~::o ~.. CD en w .... 01) Q'I 2/4/2010 Dear Collier County Board: Thank you for taking the time to consider myself and the 12 years of pool maintenance experience that I have in my quest to get my pool cleaning license. I have been doing home maintenance for the last 12 years in Florida on the properties that I have owned. I am a Real Estate invester/broker and own Realtynet Real Estate LLC and www.Vacationwebrentals.com with my wife Renee. After trying many pool service companies, I have found it best to do my own pools. I rent most of my homes to vacationers on a weekly basis and for as much as $5,000 per week. I can't afford to have a non.balanced, cloudy or green pool when most of my vacationers are only here for a week. I have a hard time trusting someone else to properly service my pools as it is reflects on my business. I have owned many homes in Marco Island and Naples over the years. Here is a list of the pool homes that I have owned and serviced over the past 12 years. 1330 Forrest Ct 1382 Bayport Ave 1838 Apataki Ct 640 Dorando Ct 1111 Edington PI 790 Partridge Ct Pool homes that I own and am currentlY servicine:: Marco Island 04/04 - current Marco Island 02/05 - current Marco Island 03/04 - current Marco Island 04/04 - current Marco Island 04/04 - current Marco Island 12/03 - current Pool Homes that I owned and serviced in the Dast: 721 Rose Ct Marco Island 07/98 - 7/00 1742 Hummingbird Ct Marco Island 05/00 - 03/04 1790 Hummingbird Ct Marco Island 08/02 - 1/05 809 Amazon Ct Marco Island 02/02 - 10/04 224 Shadowridge Ct Marco Island 06/03 - 01/04 1115 Edington Place Marco Island 06/02 - 06/05 1230 Galleon Dr Port Royal Naples 01/05 - 07/06 Sincerely, Mv Education and Certifications include: A TI Aquatic Training Institute ATI Certified Pool Technician and Collier County Health Department Swimming Pool Operators Test Cory Mal Realtynet Real Es e LLC The Pool Cleaner LLC www.vacationwebrentals.com c1l.1e! Cou.nty .;i"~:i:i:;;.";;.,;J'.'"'.-\~,~,~~,,.,,,,~..,,~~ BUILDING REVIEW AND PERMITTING CONTRACTOR LICENSING SECTION COLLIER COUNTY/CITY OF NAPLES/CITY OF MARCO APPLICATION FIRM - PART I Contractors' Licensing Board Community Development & Environmental Services Division 2800 N. Horseshoe Drive Naples, FL 34104 Telephone: (239) 252-2431 Fax: (239)252-2469 TAPE ON ALL SIDES OFTHE PICTURE A RECENT PHOTOGRAPH OF THE QUALIFIER. PHOTO MUST BE FULL-FACED VIEW APPROXIMATELY 2" X 2" A CLEAR & RECOGNIZABLE LIKENESS. Instructions: This application must e typewritten or legible printed. The application fee must accompany this application. The fee is NOT refundable after the application has been accepted and entered on the records. All checks should be made payable to the "Board of County Commissioners". For further information, consult Collier County Ordinance No. 2006-46, as amended. 1. Name of Firm --(he.- (beL Cleo/lel<- lLC- D/B/A (if applicable) 2. /og3 ~ G:>/J,C/ BLtJD #331 ff)IF U1fusiness.J'.dJ. V".:) (Number & Street) City 3. /3 g z. :847 fb.f} 1Jv" ;JIfT/co Business '~I~ Address City 4. Business Phone Number: Z:-SQ-Q7D /ClJS;{p K 31Jcf) Zip Code ';r5L~A.J H 3y/ys- State Zip Code Mobile Phone Number: '2-39 ~ 8 2...-:;; ryY6.~-'" ,vtML~ IS Lc. /712 State 5. Fax Number: 23'1 ~ 970 .- 2031 6. Legal form of Business: Corporation: Federal Emp. 10#: LLC:L' 7. Name of the Firm's Qualifying Agent ,.,- c "c..... 4 ""u ~ ~ ~'\ {'\. ", ~ :_'; (License Holder) 8. INDICATE NATURE OF REQUEST - (A) To Qualifv as a: ( ) General $150.00 ( ) Electrician $150.00 ( ) Building $150.00 ( ) Plumber $150.00 ( ) Residential $150.00 ( ) AirConditioning $150.00 ( ) Mechanical $150.00 ( ) Roofing $150_00 ( ) Swimming Pool $150.00 (XJ. Specialty ($135.00 g.,~ Sl:J ~ Vh Y\.ot; ~ f 0 ~L eL~ ~ltyrrade type) (B) ChanQe of Status: $10.00 1]' . ( ) Active License to Dormant ( ) From Individual to Qualifying a Business ( ) Dormant License to Active ( ) From Qualifying a Business to Individual ( ) Address Change ( ) To Qualify Additional Entity ( ) Reinstatement From One siness to Another 9. The names, titles, home address and phone numbers of all Officers/Managing Members of the Firm. C:~b .- 'i yyt~ ~ t e. \3~D ?"';;if-r=S,t Y)l arc 0 ~T^, I ti-1d '\. \ f ,; (J- fL -3 Lf/.:..{3 10. List all businesses, firms, entities or contracting businesses you have been associated with during the last ten years (ex. Held a license for or been a partner). Attach extra pages if needed. \ .# /.-!" (3 F fif Ill<co 11. List all debts you or any company(s) associated with you refused to pay and the reasons for the refusal to pay. Attach extra pages if needed. , . ~/A AFFIDAVIT /7 fV\ 0- ','r\e,y1.e.0 11 \ A-, \ e.... certify that the fore~ true and correct to the bes~ of my knowledge. !' .::i<~~~-< nJ v.d Authorized Officer of the Firm STATE OF FL08{gA{ I P,/-' COUNTY OF Lei ( i The foregoing instrument as acknowledged before me this it III / [) J /'1 -. "l'f t .-----r- (> r> (Date)! By 'C{:rl..(.t li,/ vi .-\ of ......k +)'\1"- (Name of ~fficer, title/agent) (Name of Corporation) Fl 0/ . " /( (/\ (State o~ Pla~e of Corporation) P c7) L a Corporation, on behalf of the corporation. He/She has produced CHRISTIAN WYNNS MY COMMISSION II DO 770472 EXPIRES: Malch 19,2012 aya'ertifi~n and...~id n1 ~~ke an oat~~.. ( TY/ ~/'I //v)l.. / ___. v \.-c' S) AT~R~ 1 NOTARY ~:'--"7=1. II/"' i Ii 'Ie ".J! ,:.~ r. 1'\ / i /'. 1 ,1 " { ./ ~ t I.., t. {j f><l' V 1 ';.$. ~/t ............. 1 NOTARY'S SEAL NOTARY PUBLIC (PRINT NAME OF NOTARY) Page 2 of 5 APPLICATION COLLIER COUNTY/CITY OF NAPLES/CITY OF MARCO FIRM - PART II Ito be com Dieted bv the Qualifvina Aaentl Contractors' Licensing Board Community Development & Environmental Services Division 2800 N. Horseshoe Drive Naples, FL 34104 Telephone: (239) 252-2431 Fax: (239) 252-2569 1. Name of Qualifying Agent ;YI 14(' I L {1 r y (Last) (First) Date of Birth 3/31 / '" t..{ S.S. # . . ____ f) 2. Home Address of the Qualifying Agent / 33c'> ~[r~51- C-r- ;J1c.:/C0 ""./.--:> G:;./l Home Phone # 23 q r 97.D - 0 O~Go S:of/- (Middle) F~ 3y /i~ 3. Name of the Firm /he... PoDL Clea.ne:.., Uc. 4. Type of Certificate of Competency for which application is made. P{)()L L\e~; J\g' 5. The names and telephone numbers of two persons who will know your whereabouts. 507 -'1 ~ ;) -- 14;00 50('-' ~DD - I Z'3 5het<.~ , X,/i1 () . ft<. 'S /1 AJ '-i , 6. Have you ever been convicted of a crime related to Contracting? (If yes attach extra sheet with explanation) AID 7. Have you or any firms you have been associated with ever filed bankruptcy? ;/0 . 8. Ust all debts you or any company(s) associated with you refused or failed to pay and reasons why. s vS .}- J-I-Or?1A- (fJo (-t.~ )L ~ 9. Ust your business or work experience during the past ten years. ~ot-f/ J<€<:.J!or C?/lJ ec,fd Jy ;Jt,."c< Y-f /19S:- - ev,' ,'€../J j- 10. Statement of any formal training you have had in the area for which the application is made. frt'fdft JI1t:<;I1! IYlAY><:::.5A?/ ;:;r /)" vec.,> / Page 3 of 5 AFFIDA vir The undersigned hereby makes application for Certificate of Competency under the provisions of Collier County Ordinance No. 2006-46, as amended, and vouches for the truth and accuracy of all statements and answers herein contained. The undersigned hereby certifies that he is legally qualified to act on behalf of the business organization sought to be licensed in all matters connected with its contracting business and that he has full authority to supervise construction undertaken by himself or such business or organization and that he will continue during this registration to be able to so bind said business organization. The qualified license holder understand.. s.... that..llin,. d a.lIl1, ,/... r;./ ? contracting matters, he will be held strictly accountable for any and all activities involving ,hiS Iicens~~ ~ Any Willful falSification of any information contained herem IS grounds for dlsq~hficatlon.~" J l!...o \l,..\ (ncv....~ /?en cc::- n1<<-1 '/ e.... APPLICANT (PLEASE PRINT) '\;~ 'P eoL C.\-(l:_k'/ L;;U'.f LL-~c... /'< NAME OF COMPANY (;j;:cz...7 /-?~~:a:-,. ~~m~ ~J ATURE OF APPLICANT STATE OF FLORIDA. . ,/ COUNTY OF --L .1 tl . f The foregoing instrument as acknowledged before me this by ({L~ 1<.. ,1,/ ...,/ ( (Name of person acknowledging) who has produced ~ /.\ e:, f .' ! f" .......... I.l I L j.i{ v . . I. (a~r 'Il / r-:-- L./ L/ L-- (Type of identification) CHRISTIAN WYNNS MY COMMISSION 1/ OD n0472 EXPIRES: March i9, 2012 /""'\ / \ ---?' I r / ,.. l IVCZ?<; ~ATURE O~ NOT~~__/_~/ - ( ~ I' .' ,." -+ 1.-/\ ! "A /71",'i/) I..] f. f\ V OT ARY PUBLIC (PRINT NAME OF NOTARY) as identification and did not take an oath. NOTARY'S SEAL PaQe 4 of 5 * * ** * ** * ** * ** * ** * * * * * * * * Trade: ~//t . (!,) I'#J. s-: 111 Q ; .L <<- Name of A i~nt Score: Take on STAFF USE ONLY: Given in ,sponsored by Business & Law Score: ? ill tJ % Taken on /() - / 7 ~;;LLJ cJ 9 , Given i;;S",,~ :s-~ . sponsored by (l ~1;'.-r C ' Page 5 of 5 PROMETRIC EXAMINA TION RESULTS NOTIFICATION October 26, 2009 Cory S Maile 1083 N Collier Blvd Marco Island, FL 34145 222-21-1337 Dear Candidate: We are pleased to inform you that you achieved a passing score on your recent Comer County examination. Your score(s) are as follow s: 10/1712009 Bonita Springs, FL Business and Law 88 Pass Collier County requires a passing percentage of 75%. Please note that passage of the exam is no guarantee a certificate of qualification w ill be issued by the Licensing Board. To help you gain the recognition you deserve, Prometric has prepared a Certificate of Achievement, beautifully designed and very suitable for framng (8-1/2 x 11) for only $30.00 per cateqory. Please fill out the order form below, cut along the dotted line, then send the completed form to Prometric. Payment options: check, rooney order, Visa or MasterCard. Credit card orders may be faxed to (800)813-6670. All others send to Prometric , 1260 Energy Lane, S1. Paul MN 55108. Allow 2-3 weeks for delivery. ------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Certificate of Achievement Request Cory S Maile 1083 N Collier Blvd Marco Island, FL 34145 222-21-1337 Collier County - Business and Law - 10/17/2009 Quantity x $30.00 = For credit card payment, complete the follow ing. Card Type: Visa Mastercard Card No. Exp. Date ___ Signature F159 - f1-bonsp - C PROMETRIC . 1260 Energy Lane . Sf. Faul. MN 55108 Toll Free: 800.280.3926 . Fax: 800.813.6670' www.prometric.com Public Swimming Pool Oper~tor -<" Tbis certifies that;:, \7....~;i:'~1:.d~::^ has ~iu<:cessfulIy~ol'l1pletedthe requi course work and given ample evidence of a omplishment on examination giv.en.unde. r the ausp.' of the Envir~m~~ Division, Collier . ~~ .:)./ ;;~y f;J-()i C: . . _. Date of I~~;uance Director, Environmental ::;) IS'j f:'~(>J C> Health & Engineering D;tt oftx~iration Certificate Page 1 of1 ~trtificatt of ~omplttion AQUATIC TRAINING INSTITUTE This is to certify that Cory Maile has completed a course of study in A TI Certified Pool Technician Course dated February 1, 2010 offered by AQUATIC TRAINING INSTITUTE THIS TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE IS VALID FOR 15 (fifteen) DAYS FROM ISSUE DATE. CERTIFICATE HOLDER HAS COMPLETED ALL 16 HOURS OF ON LINE TRAINING AND HAS SUCESSFULL Y COMPLETED QUIZZES COVERING COMMERCIAL SWIMMING POOL AND SPA CIRCULATION AND FILTRATION SYSTEMS, WATER CHEMISTRY, WATER BALANCING AND TESTING, SPA OPERATION,SAFETY, MAINTENANCE,CALCULATIONS AND SWIMMING POOL MANAGEMENT. Aquatic Training Institute PO Box 141797 www.AquaticTraininglnstitute.com Gainesville, A 32614.1797 2/1 /20 10 In Balance Building Your Business a Better Bottom Line Recognized Credit Reporting Agency 12268 Tamiami Trail E . Suite 30 I . Naples, FL 34113 . 239-774-5 I 00 The infonnation you requested is provided below. The infonnation provided was gathered by third party sources not affiliated with In Balance, Inc. The infonnation provided has not been reviewed/verified by In Balance, Inc., and therefore responsibility for its accuracy, completeness, and the manner in which it was gathered rests ultimately with the third party sources notwithstanding In Balance, Inc.'s exercise of reasonable care in selecting said third party sources. Personal Credit Report SUlnmary All h?formation contained below is accurate and true as of the indicated search date Name of Individual: Cory Maile Social Security Number: Credit Score: 783 Search Date: November 9,2009 Searches Requested: Liens, Judgments and Bankruptcies A search of local, state, and federal databases on the above individual generated the followin~ results: LOCATION DATE AMOUNT ALL SEARCHES FOR LIENS, JUDGMENTS AND BANKRUPTCIES PROVED NEGATIVE Pl, i!' In Balance 12268 Tamiami Trail E. Suite 301 . Naples, FL 34113 . 239-774-5100 PAGE 1 DATE 11-09-2009 TIME 12:19:02 VAOl TFLT CORY S MAILE *1083 N COLLIER BLVD # 334 MARCO ISLAND FL 341452539 RPTD: 6-09 TO 8-09 U 9X LAST SUB: 2104936 SS: 473-66-6549 473-66-4473* DOB: 03131/64 E: REALTY NET RPTD: 6-98 I E: ROCHESTER SUPPLY CO RPTD: 4-95 I *1071 E MOUNTAIN DR SANTA BARBARA CA 931081116 RPTD: 10-08 TO 3-09 U 3X *1071 EAST VALLEY ROAD SANTA BARBARA CA 93108 RPTD: 11-08 n *MAILE CORY, CAROL S MAILE PUBLIC RECORDS-------O INST/OTH BAL--------$O RESTATE BAL--$5080513 TOT REV BAL---$144,742 PAST DUE AMT--------$O SCH/EST PAY-----$4,190 RESTATE PAY---$20,629 TOT REV AVAIL------78% CREDIT REPORT SUMMARY ---------------------------- CNT 00/00/00/00 SATIS ACCTS--53 NOW DEL/DRG---O WAS DEL/DRG---O OLD TRADE--4-85 INQUIRIES-'--4 INQS/6 MO-.--O TRADELINE-'-53 PAID ACCT-.-41 --------------------------.----- SCORE SUMMARY ------------.---------- ---------- EXP/FAIR ISAAC RISK SCORE 2 783 SCORE FACTORS: 08, 24. 10, 14 SUBSCRIBER OPEN SUB# KOB TYP TRM ECOA BALDATE ACCOUNT # LAST PD ----------------------------------- TRADES ----------------------------------- AMT-TYPl AMT-TYP2 ACCTCOND PYMT STATUS BALANCE PYMT LEVEL MDS REV PYMT HISTORY MONTH PAY PAST DUE MAXIMUM BY MONTH *AMSOUTH BANK/DOVENMUEH 10-02 $117,500-0 TRANSFER CURR ACCT 9907109 BM R/C 30Y 2 4-05-07 4-07 (51) BCCCCCCCCCCCC 3-07 CC---CCCCCCC ** TRANSFERRED TO ANOTHER LENDER ** *AMSOUTH BANK/DOVENMUEH 12-03 $580,000-0 TRANSFER CURR ACCT 9907109 BM R/C 30Y 2 4-05-07 4-07 (40 ) BCCCCCCCCCCCC 3-07 cc---CCCCCCC ** TRANSFERRED TO ANOTHER LENDER ** *AMSOUTH BANK/DOVENMUEH 3-04 $495,920-0 TRZ\NS FER CURR ACCT 9907109 BM R/C 30Y 2 4-05-07 4-07 (35) BCCCCCCCCCCCC 3-07 CC---CCCCCCC ** TRANSFERRED TO ANOTHER LENDER ** +++++ MORE BCLG DTS 1019899 MAILE,CORY 473666549;CA-1330 FORREST COURT/MARCO ISLAND FL ~ {f In Balance {f 12268 Tamiami Trail E . Suite 301 . Naples, FL 34113 . 239-774-5100 PP,GE 2 DATE 11-09-2009 TIME 12:19:02 VAOl TFLT SUBSCRIBER OPEN SUB# KOB TYP TRM ECOA BALDATE ACCOUNT # LAST PO *AMSOUTH BANK/DOVENMUEH 9907109 BM R/C 30Y 2 ** TRANSFERRED AMT-TYP1 BALANCE MONTH PAY AMT-TYP2 ACCTCOND PYMT LEVEL MOS REV PAST DUE YffiXIMUM PYMT STATUS PYMT HISTORY BY MONTH 4-04$1,488,000-0 4-05-07 3-07 TO ANOTHER LENDER ** 4-07 TRANSFER CURR ACCT (33) BCCCCCCCCCCCC CC---CCCCCCC *AMSOUTH BANK/DOVENMUEH 9907109 BM R/C 30Y 2 ** TRANSFERRED 4-04 4-05-07 3-07 TO ANOTHER LENDER ** 4-07 *AMSOUTH BANK/DOVENMUEH 9907109 BM R/C 30Y 2 ** TRANSFERRED TO ANOTHER *AMSOUTH BANK/DOVENMUEH 9907109 BM R/c 30Y 2 TO ANOTHER *AMSOUTH BANK/DOVENMUEH 9907109 BM R/C 30Y 2 ** TRANSFERRED TO ANOTHER 4-04 4-05-07 3-07 LENDER ** 2-05 4-05-07 3-07 LENDER ** 3-06 4-05-07 3-07 LENDER ** $405,000-0 TRANSFER CURR ACCT (33) BCCCCCCCCCCCC CC---CCCCCCC $562,500-0 TRANSFER CURR ACCT (33) BCCCCCCCCCCCC CC---CCCCCCC 4-07 $300,000-0 TRANSFER CURR ACCT (23) BCCCCCCCCCCCC Cc---ccccc 4-07 $650,000-0 TFANSFER CURR ACCT (10) BCCCCCCCCC 4-07 *AMSOUTH BANK/DOVENMUEH 8-01 $275,000-0 9907109 BM R/C 30Y 2 1-08-02 ** TRANSFERRED TO ANOTHER LENDER ** 1-02 TRANSFER CURR ACCT ( 2) BC *RNB - MFLDS 2370662 ZR CHG REV 28335095 ** PURCHASED BY ANOTHER LENDER ** *REGION/AMS 1208941 BC H/E LOC ** ACCOUNT CLOSED AT +++++ MORE BCLG DTS 1019899 1 12-97 7-30-04 UNK TRANSFER 11-00 2 10-06-08 2-05 CONSUMER'S 7-04 (65) B $145,000-L $0 $145,573-H 8-08 2LOSED CURR ACCT (95) BOOOOOOOOOOOO 000000000000 REQUEST ** MAILE,CORY 473666549;CA-1330 FORREST COURT/MARCO ISLAND FL )'" /,B'i.. ..z?'" ~. In Balance {)- 12268 Tamiami Trail E. Suite 301 . Naples, FL 34113 . 239-774-5100 PAGE 3 DATE 11-09-2009 TIME 12:19:02 VA01 TFLT SUBSCRIBER OPEN 3UB# KOB TYP TRM ECOA BALDATE ACCOUNT # LAST PO *REGION/AMS 1208941 BC H/E LOC 5299073091 ** ACCOUNT CLOSED AT 10-02 2 10-06-08 3-06 CONSUMER'S *CHASE BANK 3274510 BC 248240 ** ACCOUNT USA, NA CRC REV 9-99 1 5-31-02 AMT-TYP1 BALANCE MONTH PAY $79,500-1, $0 $490 REQUEST ** $5,000-L CLOSED AT CQNSUMER'S REQUEST ** US BANK HOME MORTGAGE 4129430 BM R!C 30Y 1 5156800003237 10-04 5-01-09 4-09 MARSHALL & ILSLEY BANK 2113350 BB R/C 3Y 2 413694040000 BALLOON DATE: 04/01/2009 3-06 4-30-09 4-09 BALLOON ~mRCO COMMUNITY BANK 3185610 BB HIE LOC 10-04 2 10-15-08 10-08 *THD/CBSD 3178962 BC CHG REV ** ACCOUNT CLOSED 1-08 1 7-17-08 $321,900-0 $596,000-0 AMOUNT: $217 $200,OOO-L $15,000-L AT CONSUMER'S REQUEST ** UNION BANK NA 3152900 BE R/C 30Y 1499309 3-07$2,437,500-0 2 6-02-08 5-08 SANTA BARBARA BK & TRU 3173891 BB HIE LOC 2 10119 5-07 5-31-08 5-08 $200,000-L $198,337-H 5-08 UP/REGIONSM 1812629 FS R/C 30Y 10-02 $117,500-0 2 11-01-07 9-07 +++++ MORE BCLG DTS 1019899 AMT-TYP2 ACCTCOND PYMT LEVEL MOS REV PAST DUE MAXIMUM $79,022-H 8-08 4-02 5-09 4-09 $200,000-H 10-08 7-08 6-08 11-07 PYMT STATUS PYMT HISTORY BY MONTH CLOSED CURR ACCT (72) BOOOOOOOOOOOO 000000000000 CLOSED CURR ACCT (33) BBOOOOOOOOOOO 000000000000 PAID CURR ACCT (52) BCC-CCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCC PAID CURR ACCT (38) BCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCC PAID CURR ACCT (48) BOCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCOOO PAID CURR ACCT ( 6) BOOOOO PAID CURR ACCT (15) BCCCCCCCCCCCC CC PAID CORR ACCT (13) BCCCCCCCCCCOO PAID CURR ACCT ( 7) BCCCCCC MAILE,CORY 473666549;CA-1330 FORREST COURT/MARCO ISLAND FL ."'" In Balance t~ 12268 Tamiami Trail E. Suite 301. Naples, FL 34113. 239-774-5100 PAGE 4 DATE 11-09-2009 TIME 12:19:02 VAO] TFLT SUBSCRIBER OPEN AiVJT-TYPl AMT-TYP2 ACCTCOND PYMT STATUS SUB# KOB TYP TRM ECOA BALDATE BALANCE PYMT LEVEL MOS REV PYMT HISTORY ACCOUNT # LAST PO MONTH PAY PAST DUE MAXIMUM BY MONTH MARCO COMMUNITY BANK 2-05$2,625,000-0 PAID CURR ACCT 3185610 BB NTE 24 1 1-12-07 1-07 (23) BCCCCCCCCCCCC 330000000000800576102> 12-06 CCCCCCCCCC >05 AMSOUTH BANK/DOVENMUEH 1-05$2,500,000-0 PAID ClJRR ACCT 9907109 BM R/C 30Y 2 7-05-06 7-06 (15) BCCCCC---CCCC 6-06 CC AMSOUTH BANK/DOVENMUEH 6-02 $532,500-0 PAID CURR ACCT 9907109 BM R/C 30Y 2 4-05-06 4-06 (43 ) BCC---CCCCCCC 3-06 CCCCCCCCCCCC *SUNTRUST BANK 5-02 $150,000-L $148,679-H PAID CURR ACCT 1145610 BB CLS LOC 2 7-24-05 7-05 (39) BOOOOOOOOOOOC 6-04 CCCCCCCCCCCC ** ACCOUNT CLOSED AT CONSUMER'S REQUESTk* *DISCOVER FIN SVCS LLC 11-97 $8,500-L $7,006-H PAID CURR ACCT 3276502 BC CRC REV 2 6-10-05 6-05 (58 ) BOOOOOOOOOOOO 10-03 OOOOOOCCCCCO ** ACCOUNT CLOSED AT CONSUMER'S REQUEST *, AMSOUTH BANK/DOVENMUEH 8-02 $298,200-0 PAID CURR ACCT 9907109 BM R/C 2Y 2 2-07-05 2-05 (27 ) BCCCCCCCCCCCC 12-04 CCCCCCCCCCCC AMSOUTH BANK/DOVENMUEH 12-02 $300,000-0 PAID CURR ACCT 9907109 BM R/C 2Y 2 11-05-04 11-04 (20) BCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCC ABN AMRO MORTGAGE GROU 11-01 $275,000-0 PAID CURR ACCT 2880701 FS R/c 30Y 1 3-17-04 3-04 (24 ) BCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCC *FIRST USA BANK N A 11-01 $19,500-L $18,812-H PAID CURR ACCT 1260958 BC CRC REV 1 10-24-03 10-03 (23) BOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOCCCCCC ** ACCOUNT CLOSED AT CONSUMER'S REQUEST ** +++++ MORE BCLG DTS 1019899 MAILE,CORY 473666549;CA-1330 FORREST CCURT/MARCO ISLAND FL ti'. In Balance {lr 12268 Tamiami Trail E. Suite 301. Naples, FL 34113. 239-774-5100 PA.GE 5 DATE 11-09-2009 TIME 12:19:02 VAGI TFLT SUBSCRIBER OPEN SUB# KOB TYP TRM ECOA BALDATE ACCOUNT # LAST PD AMT-TYPl BALANCE MONTH PAY *THD/CBSD 3178962 BC CHG REV ** ACCOUNT CLOSED AT 5-99 2 8-05-03 $3,992-H CONSUMER'S REQUEST ** AMSOUTH BANK/DOVENMUEH 8-00 $113,600-0 9907109 BM R/C 30Y 2 11-05-02 *BP/CBSD 4-85 $300-L 1232890 BC CRC REV 1 10-08-02 538304 ** ACCOUNT CLOSED AT CONSUMER'S REQUEST ** AMSOUTH BANK/DOVENMUEH 3-01 $175,000-0 9907109 BM R/C 30Y 2 7-05-02 CENLAR FSB 1800352 FS R/C 30Y 8-01 $275,000-0 2 6-05-02 BANK OF AMERICA 1880275 BM R/C 30Y 5-00 $280,000-0 2 12-06-01 BANK OF AMERICA 1-00 1880275 BM R/C 15Y 2 4-10-01 $94,500-0 DOVENMUEHLE MORTGAGE 7-00 2990990 FM R/C 30Y 2 4-05-01 3103010723462 $68,400-0 *BANK OF AMERICA 12-99 $50,000-L 4125250 BB CLS LOC 1 10-31-00 ** ACCOUNT CLOSED AT CONSUMER'S REQUEST ** +++++ MORF. BCLG DTS 1019899 AMT-TYP2 A2CTCOND PYMT LEVEL :v.JOS REV PAST DUE "lAXIMUM PYMT STATUS PYMT HISTORY BY MONTH 8-03 PAID CURR ACCT (51) BOOOOOOOOOOO- 11-02 PAID CURR ACCT (27) BCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCC $17-H 10-02 PAID CURR ACCT (24) BCCCCOOOOOOOO OOOOOCOOOOO 7-02 PAID CURR ACCT (15) BCCCCCCCCCCCC CC 6-02 PAID CURR ACCT ( 4) BCCC 12-01 PAID CURR ACCT (19) BC-CCC-CCCCCC CCCCCC 4-01 PAID CURR ACCT (15) BCCCCCCCCCCCC CC 4-01 PAID CURR ACCT ( 9) BCCCCC-CC $45,199-H 10-00 PAID CURR ACCT (11) B--CCCCCCCC MAILE,CORY 473666549;CA-1330 FORREST COURT/MARCO ISLAND FL :"'t In Balance t"v 12268 Tamiami Trail E . Suite 30 I . Naples, FL 34113 . 239-774-5100 PAGE 6 DATE 11-09-2009 TIME 12:19:02 VAOl 'rF'T,'T' SUBSCRIBER OPEN SUB# KOB TYP TRM ECOA BALDATE ACCOUNT # LAST PD !'1ARQUETTE BANK 9102688 BB R!C 30Y 300000008772 BANK OF AMERICA 1880275 BM R/C 15Y BANK OF AMERICA 4125250 BB R!C UNK FIFTH THIRD BANK 2104936 BB H!E LOC 85502 HSBC BANK 3279025 BC CRC REV BANK OF AMERICA 1230206 BC CRC REV 0174 UP/REGIONSM 1812629 FS R!C 30Y UP!REGIONSM 1812629 FS R/C 30Y lJP/REGIONSM 30Y UP!REGIONSM 1812629 FS R/C 30Y +++++ MORE BCLG DTS 1019899 2-98 2 10-31-00 3-00 2 10-06-00 AMT-TYPl BALANCE MONTH PAY AMT-TYP2 ACCTCOND PYMT LEVEL MOS REV PAST DUE MAXIMUM PYl"lT STATUS PYMT HISTORY BY MONTH $79,100-0 10-00 $86,400-0 10-00 6-98 $102,700-0 2 8-31-00 5-04 2 10-31-09 10-09 1-93 3 10-31-09 6-02 12-00 1 10-13-09 9-09 8-00 $144,000-L $147,588-H $143,357 10-09 $381 $8,800-L $7,813-H $0 10-09 $36,400-L $29, 938-H $1,385 10-09 $15 4-04$1,488,000-0 2 10-07-09$1,487,454 9-09 $4,493 12-03 2 10-07-09 9-09 2-05 2 10-01-09 9-09 3-04 2 10-01-09 9-09 10-09 $580,000-0 $526,501 $4,056 10-09 PAID CORR ACCT (33) BCCCCCCCCCCC- CCCCCCCCCCC- PAID CURR ACCT ( 7) BCCCCCC PAID CURR ACCT (27) BCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCC OPEN CURR ACCT (66) CCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCC OPEN ClJRR ACCT (99) 0000000000000 000000000000 OPEN CURR ACCT (98) CCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCC OPEN CURR ACCT (30) CCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCC OPEN CURR ACCT (30) CCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCC OPEN CURR ACCT (30) CCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCC OPEN CURR ACCT (30) CCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCC MAILE,CORY 473666549;CA-1330 FORREST COURT/MARCO ISLAND FL $300,000-0 $297,355 $1,239 10-09 $495,920-0 $494,728 $1,598 10-09 In Balance -U 12268 Tamiami Trail E. Suite 301 . Naples, FL 34113 .239-774-5100 PAGE 7 DATE 11-09-2009 TIME 12:19:02 VAOl TFLT ~UB~C~lB~R OPEN SUB# KOB TYP TRM ECOA BALDATE ACCOUNT # LAST PO UP/REGIONSM UP/REGIONSM 1812629 FS R/C 30Y UP/REGIONSM 1812629 FS R/C 30Y UP/REGIONSM 1812629 FS R/C 3Y J:o'l ""rH THIRD BANK 2104936 BB H/E LOC EQUIFAX MORTGAGE SERVI REGIONS BANK CREDIT LINK LLC AMERICAN EXPRESS 4-04 2 10-01-09 9-09 4-09 2 10-01-09 9-09 4-04 2 10-01-09 9-09 3-06 2 2-09-09 2-09 2 6-05 7-31-06 7-06 AMT-TYP1 BALANCE MONTH PAY $405,000-0 $404,926 $1,223 $658,540-0 S658,535 $2,195 $562,500-0 S561,014 $1,695 $650,000-0 $650,000 $4,130 S500,000-L SO $3,304 INQUIRIES 1 97 67 8 5 FR 3174894 BB 1972158 FR 4115010 BB AMT-TYP2 ACCTCOND PYMT LEVEL ~10S REV PAST DUE MAXIMUM PYMT STATUS PYMT HISTORY BY MONTH 3-06-09 2-06-09 4-14-08 4-08-08 10-09 OPEN CURR ACCT (30) CCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCC 10-09 OPEN CURR ACCT ( 4) CCCC 10-09 OPEN CURR ACCT (30) CCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCC 2-09 OPEN CORR ACCT (22) CCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCC $495,510-H INACTIVE CORR ACCT 7-06 (14) OCCCCCCCCCCCC o ONK R/C R/E CONSUMER ASSISTANCE CONTACT: EXPERIAN 701 EXPERIAN PARKWAY, PO BOX 2002, ALLEN, TX 75013 888.397.3742 -----... Client#: 88819 POOCL ACORDTM CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE I DATE (MM/DDIYYYY) 11/19/2009 PRODUCER THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION Advanced Insurance Underwriters ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE 606 Bald Eagle Drive, #301 HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. Marco Island, FL 34145 239393-4100 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC# INSURED INSURER A Colony Insurance Company THE POOL CLEANER, LLC INSURER B 1083 N COLLIER BLVD #334 INSURER C: Marco Island, FL 34145 INSURER 0 ~4~ INSURER E COVERAGES THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. LTR NSR TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER 6i>~~r.~G~~ ~9N~YM~:ti~, LIMITS A GENERAL LIABILITY 2590339 11/19/2009 11/19/2010 EACH OCCURRENCE 5150000 I-- DAMAGE TO RENTED rL COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY 550.000 I-- ~ CLAIMS MADE [X] OCCUR MED EXP (Anyone peroon) 55 000 PERSONAL & ADV INJURY 5150 000 I-- I-- GENERAL AGGREGATE 5300 000 GEN'L AGGREAE LIMIT APFlS PER PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG 5300 000 "I PRO- POLICY JECT LOC MTOMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT 5 ANY AUTO (Ea accident) - - ALL OWNED AUTOS BODILY INJURY (Per person) 5 SCHEDULED AUTOS - HIRED AUTOS BODILY INJURY - 5 NON-OWNED AUTOS (Per aCCIdent) - -- PROPERTY DAMAGE $ (Per accident) ..- ~RAGE LIABILITY AUTO ONLY - EA ACCIDENT 5 ANY AUTO OTHER THAN EA ACC 5 AUTO ONLY: AGG 5 =.JESS I UMBRELLA LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE 5 OCCUR D CLAIMS MADE AGGREGATE 5 5 R DEDUCTIBLE 5 RETENTION S 5 WORKERS COMPENSATION AND I T~VWJ.~;" I IOJ~- EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY ANY PROPRIETORlPARTNERlEXECUTIVE U E l EACH ACCIDENT 5 ~FI~ER/Mli~tIr EXCLUDED? an alory n El DISEASE. EA EMPLOYEE $ ~~E~I~ts~~~~~18NS below E,L. DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT 5 OTHER DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS ILOCA TlONS / VEHICLES / EXCLUSIONS ADDED BY ENDORSEMENT / SPECIAL PROVISIONS Pool Cleaning Service Certificate Holder is included as Additional Insured. Pool Cleaning Service Collier County Contractors' Licensing Board 2800 N. Horseshoe Drive Naples, Fl 34104 CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING INSURER WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL -1.(L DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE INSURER, ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE c:l-' ~.. " CERTIFICATE HOLDER ACORD 25 (2009/01) 1 of 2 #S5935171M593516 @ 1988-2009 AC D CORPORATION. All rights reserved. The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD TAL wwwsunbiz.org - Department of State Page 1 of 2 Home Contact Us E-Filing Services Document Searches Forms Help Previous on List Next on List Return To List Entity Name Search No Events No Name History i Submit i Detail by Entity Name Florida Limited Liability Com.e.any THE POOL CLEANER LLC Filing Information Document Number L09000080130 FEIIEIN Number 270788867 Date Filed 08/19/2009 State FL Status ACTIVE e!!l!.~!J:>.~LA~9E~.~~ 1083 NORTH COLLIER BLVD. 334 MARCO ISLAND FL 34145 US M_~iling t\ddres~ 1083 NORTH COLLIER BLVD. 334 MARCO ISLAND FL 34145 US B:~.9J_~!er~~~9.~l!:L Na'!l_~ & _AdQ!~~~ MAILE, RENEE 1083 NORTH COLLIER BLVD. 334 MARCO ISLAND FL 34145 US Manager/Member Detai! Name & Address Title MGRM MAILE, RENEE 1083 NORTH COLLIER BLVD. # 334 MARCO ISLAND FL 34145 US Title MGRM MAILE, CORY 1083 NORTH COLLIER BLVD. #334 MARCO ISLAND FL 34145 Annual Reports Report Year Filed Date 2010 01/11/2010 Document Images http://www.sunbiz.orglscripts/cordet.exe')action=DETFlL&inq_doc _l1umber=L09000080 1... ]/12/20 I 0 '~~~'"'fP''"'''''.''''''''' Electronic Articles of Organization For Florida Limited Liability Company Article I The name of the Limited Liability Company is: THE POOL CLEANER LLC L09000080130 FILED 8:00 AM August 19, 2009 Sec. Of State gharvey Article II The street address of the principal office of the Limited Liability Company is: 1083 NORTH COLLIER BLVD. 334 MARCO ISLAND. FL. US 34145 The mailing address of the Limited Liability Company is: 1083 NORTH COLLIER BLVD. 334 MARCO ISLAND, FL. US 34145 Article III The purpose for which this Limited Liability Company is organized is: ANY AND ALL LAWFUL BUSINESS. Article IV The name and Florida street address of the registered agent is: RENEE MAILE 1083 NORTH COLLIER BLVD. 334 MARCO ISLAND, FL. 34145 Having been named as registered agent and to accept service of process for the above stated limited liability company at the place designated in this certificate, I hereby accept the appointment as registered agent and agree to act in this capacity. I further agree to comply with the provisions of all statutes relating to the proper and complete performance of my duties, and I am familiar with and accept the obligations of my position as registered agent. Registered Agent Signature: RENEE MAILE RESOLUTION OF AUTHORIZA TON WHEREAS '-rh.~ t>ccl, (~,LzCt /\ er LLC (Nam<wf Busi!,1ess Entity) engage in contracting as ~l U-/1 f'~l S (Type oflegal entity: corp., partnership, etc. Collier County, Florida, according to Collier County Ordinance 2006-46, as amended; and WHEREAS .-r/te PccA../ (lieD 11 <l r LLC- proposes to (Name of Busin EntitY)/1d ' qualify for a Certificate of Competency with ::0 1'1"/4//<..- (Na 1e ofIndividual) proposes to III NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT: We the undersigned ReI-/} e..e.. 4f11.€.-. of --1 f').. (Officers, Owners, Partners) jl'l!.. r'cc{ / CJ <lc:../llli UC-- hereby resolve and represent to the Collier County (Name of Business Entity) C.4 I Contractors' Licensing Board that the qualifying agent, ."C.'!:I /J''lA-,l-e... , is active II (Na11. ofIndi~d.ual) - in all matters connected with the contracting business of te.. b.::;L- (,,_L--f.cller Uc.., and , (Name ofB . esslntity) We further resolve and represent that · . <:..- is ~ I?e. C' . (N lIPSS ofIndividual) legally empowered to act for ,. t .~;(- Pfi.;Cf it a/ U.c~1 all matters connected with its (Name of Business Entity) contra ing b 'ness, and has the authority to supervise construction undertaken by , \L C ....k!. dL (Name of usiness Entity) DULY PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS ) 1 dayof J~oJ ,20t";:,/ (Officers, Partners, Owners - with Designation underneath) L~ 7/1cJ Witness Witness >>,om to and subscribed before me this .\; day of pl,lyj t, Lt.. / . ( , . ,'-f. IV f\/'\) Notary Public Name Printed . ' r') ., L Commission Number 1) \), 7)v L-f } My Commission expires:' '"3/19 (4).. Corporate Seal (if Applicable) Or Notary Public Certificate o ' () '7 ')07 ",1 <...1\" j -Z I/Vh.)< ,r by j" ' . ,i--' f\ \....--,,,...- CHRISTIAN WYNNS MY COMMISSION /I DO 770472 EXPIRES: March 19, 2012 I, AFFIDAVIT OF INTEGRITY AND GOOD CHARACTER ~ ~ ~kre.,...am a resident of C. () t..<- \.f""lf'- C'i'a: ~ County, "t-c.... 0 \r \ f) It (State) and have resided here for more than five (5) years. During the last five years I have known CefLy ti\llA: I f' (Applicant). I have had the opportunity to observe his or her business and personal dealings and find him or her to be a p of honesty, integrity and good character. ~ (Signat~ (N ame) C" e.\" ~ .:s. C tnA.. -\"'If' e...- (Address) \ \ \ 2- ~ /J. t".t; (...(... ~ i)~ :1A.(J.A' ~ ~ <;. ~,~ I.) pt.i -'3 'f'1'-/. (Telephone) ;) 3q' - 3t::t'l - ('toO STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this r\')'YJ, \ d..\ ~O{)'1 by C ' . . '{ -, (ate) .' 0' '-\ ty\a. \ e, who has produced rz-\("so C\R\.\i \L.f\O iN (\ (name of person acknowledging) (Type of id ntIficatlOn) as identification and who did not take an oath. ~-p GNA URE OFNOrtARY \(ec \ C c'-,,,--\\.\. 'f~c.. (PRINT NAME OF NOTARY) NOTARY PUBLIC NOTARY'S SEAL ,\,IUIIII, K' .i'~~.'t f(J';~~ en Couture ::o.,'@"'(.,,'r. s:i ~':~ ~COMMISSION IDD776720 ~;i'cij." ,il ExPIRES: APR 07, 2012 ~""I'f.'\'" WWW.AMONNoTARY.com AFFIDAVIT OF INTEGRITY AND GOOD CHARACTER I, (]zy,..rf-ophev fJ-. /1ode,amaresidentof !ht;yvO 7...1/~",d e{.//~'et-- I / County, ;=:::1 b V /Je; (State) and have resided here for more than five (5) years. During the last five years I have known r ..0,......( !nA: 1 E:..., (Applicant), I have had the opportunity to observe his or her business and personal dealings and find him or her to be a person of honesty, integrity and good character. (Signature)~.c /~ (Name) (!ttJrJj(~IIt/!Y' 11-. A e>c.-4( (Address) 2.-Zr1 jV. C",/I/ev ti/"",.r./ (lie;. v iro.J:.f )= t.. :5 t,-I 't J (Telephone) ~- 381 -D'?cJ u STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this l/o/ltUMhu..- I ~ ?tJtJfby /'11/ /.1 /4 (Date) f....-#f/)'J -h;p f1 e.-r II, /f..tJc.4v ho has produced b I-' I V- e" i'" J L / ?-eP1'-l e- , .. (name of person acknowledging) (Type of identification) as identification and who did not take an oath. ............,.... nun U::>rH ~l!'''U'''''''''. i MARGAl~ET a GUTH[~lE : ! ,.I~ i~,')I;Ii'~'~# DCCG.36i78 i . *'~ . : ~. 8q::lre::. 4/25i::;011 ! : ~r;::JJ : ! '!~~j Nn~\~~"~~ Florida Notary t\istL, toe ; ............................................... ~/' SIGNAT E OF NOT RY /nA~~0-") m~ QU::!7Ieie (PRINT NAME OF NOTARY) NOTARY PUBLIC NOTARY'S SEAL rl~~.I~~~~~!<!~ ?~!??~~!~l!~~!~~EE~~~N"~~1 Collier County Contractor Licensing C/O Community Development & Environmental Services Division 2800 N. Horseshoe Drive Naples, FL 34104 Telephone: (239) 403-2431, (239) 403-2432 or (239) 213-2909 Applicant's Name: Co 12...1 (}1A; I-€- Certificate Category Requested: rOO(/ C/&I/leK Or-.J \,- The Applicant is seeking a Collier County Certificate of Competency in the trade indicated above. As part of the application for this certificate the Applicant must verify their experience within this trade. You are being requested to provide information that will aid the Applicant in meeting this requirement. You should verify time of active experience as an apprentice or a skilled worker (e.g. as a worker commanding the wage of mechanic or better in the trade). Time served solely in a supervisory or administrative role should be described, but mayor may not be considered sufficient to demonstrate required trade experience. The person verifying trade experience must provide the following information: Name, Title and license number of the person signing below and verifying Applicants relevant experience: Name: [;/1(//,-1 f-b f> It? V /1-~ Ii /)d e- Title: JItt' 0 VIA f'. ';?' Name of Business: Lc :v Business Address: ~;)7 ;1/. 0".-- t-/ c..""' c./ .. License Number (if applicable):. '7 u 6 c 00 of-f;~.-1 l5 r L~hr /..1 f-p///~Jr 4-~ /?-~c-~c- C:::OI//Ov j]/~~J /k~v,,/v 'Z-,/ FL-- St.r/LrS Business Phone:JJ7-.5fl~- O?O{) The Applicant's years of experience from /9 f B to ? 0 rJ <7 The applicant's scope of work (specific duties) included: A- ..c j/I/f. U k-lJ r!/ V b f- A e-- !e~...c vle~rA- eJl ~d hIS VL./cA Red/I} 0e--f- .;-4. e- ? e> Yh;P c- V1 ? 11 p v I .J/""'Z cC2.--- I' /?a~ t. E:""-t kk -" t7 () v 11 J~ /UCc- , ) CZc? 0 ,. V L-~ r - Z,a)? Additional Comments: J/~ AI' #"~ 6/'1 J/~'Z(>~r ~ /~ c..L~ State of Florida County of Collier The foreaoing instrumenut was ac owl ged before me on this / / day of /t/Ol/8/J...t... 6 e ~ Z'#? tJ c:; b ~ . . y , . 0 IS ersonally known to me or produ:.:ed who did not take an oat. , ~ .11 il,. // J ~ ""..................."'!,.,"'.."'......., -fYL ah.4:{:::~ II { . xJ~~ : MARGARET M. G.JTHRIE = SIgnature of N tary ( : Cor,1rr# DDCG56778 ~ I a E""ires. 4126/2011 1 \.. . "t' . ; ')1-:".i;:rJ~~~""" florida Notary";\;:;';.1., :.';G '~ ,'j;;r.a..;:;tl;iI:JjJr;,1liJ",JJi&IlI....tl...aln.:..".". #-. ~ ~J VERIFICATION OF CONSTRUCTION EXPERIENCE Collier County Contractor Licensing C/O Community Development & Environmental Services Division 2800 N. Horseshoe Drive Naples, FL 34104 Telephone: (289) 403-24311 (239) 403-2432 or (239) 213-2909 Applicant's Name: CtK-y M~:' e- Certificate Category Requested: 'fA;>oL- C} ee..",.J'~ O.J \ Vi \ The Applicant is seeking a Collier County Certificate of Competency in the trade indicated above. As part of the application for this certificate the Applicant must verify their experience within this trade. You are being requested to provide information that will aid the Applicant in meeting this requirement. You should verify time of active experience as an apprentice or a skilled worker (e.g. as a worker commanding the wage of mechanic or better in the trade). Time served solely in a supervisory or administrative role should be described, but mayor may not be considered sufficient to demonstrate required trade experience. The person verifying trade experience must provide the following information: Name, Title and license number of the person signing below and verifying Applicants relevant experience: CCJJ Iu.f!. C- (! ('a ,'ca ') / Title: ,OuJ/if&1!- Name of Business: (...:. pfJ- Name: {3 (a · S J N (c\\,e/ License Number (if applicable):. cPA, PA- .. Business Address: \ \ \'Z-. \/"'"1..- . Business Phone: .3 i f .- / <} ()o CCJ0i-v1Z~ ~LvD \'J\A\co ']:;5Lo...,A ~L- 5'1' It.j!) The Applicant's years of experience from I q 8~ to ;2009 The applicant's scope of work (specific duties) included: {!otZ.y H Ai I-c fA-?} /YlCi,,'/?i4;'ae.J ,iJoc/S ,!:.. I?cc.,JIy/Je../- K"ljJ/ 5'; .'\fce ~ Of) Z A tJ J c-J e-6 ,'7 e,Q 0,,, eP m?; 0'9 ).(,.,. 17t' J J3? eX- -:5/.,v {.<:.- /90/ g' Ho,} eJetl aed. Esfa Ie. lie t11 'S ~./<;<.;;.1.~ J I Additional Corrunents: Signature Printed Name: ~ Falsifying any information provided herein may subject your license to revocation. State of Florida County of Collier The fo~going instrument. "{as acknowledged before m~o . '~~d. ayof {ID H ~ ~ r. ?y . i.. ~"-...l~ ffia,- \ \ -t who is p sonally known $ me <t\ produced\?,=,. .~.-, ", c"- \ h ; IdentificatIon and who dId not take an oath. .----/ t'.Lt.. ~\ l :N ( ~otary ...11U'1" K- ...'-;'~):!"v:~"~ en COuture '0' ti1'-~,,"- ~~{~}~~COMMISSION #DD776720 ":;;';~OF-~~:: EXPIRES, APR. 07, 2012 ".."."", WWW.AARONNOTARY.com ~,,,,,,,,,"""-"-- fVERIFICATION 'OF CONSTRUCTION EXPERIENCE ~ _'.._'~A4.~'____ ,.....!~~~lP'-,""',.....-. _. ._~.~>_ .' ~~~_ ..... .~ _~_~.1"""""!I"I~.t:!k'''"T',~r.,'n.,...~...~~>;,\I~ Collier County Contractor Licensing CIO Community Development & Environmental Services Division 2800 N. Horseshoe Driv,e Naples, FL 34104 Telephone: (239) 403-2431, (239) 403-2432 or (239) 213-2909 Applicant's Name: ~y M~: I e..- Certificate Category Requested: If)9oL- G\ ec"C\e./Z... Oc-J \V\ , The Applicant is seeking a Collier County Certificate of Competency in thEl trade indicated above. As part of the application for this certificate the Applicant must verify their experience within this trade. You are being requested to provide information that will aid the Applicant in meeting this requirement. You should verify time of active experience as an apprentice or a skilled worker (e.g. as a worker commanding the wage of mechanic or better in the trade). Time served solely in a supervisory or administrative role should be described, but mayor may not be considered sufficient to demonstrate required trade experience. The person verifying trade experience must provide the following information: Name, Title and license number ofQerson signing below and verifying Applicants relevant experience: Name: M6yC#~l::xf-f'C- , Ml4.iZA J::i:r.. Title: ~~.fSc l>f:!/Jr- License Number (if applicable): A f 'B {..<. {iCJ et/ S C'OM <;' tv c-t L t1 ~ R Mb fN::.L- E (~8c (2'5 'S"S 2.0 ~. U/ cJt.. ~ /Ill M-l-D 2-<;. f?G" =3<.(( Yf Name of Business: Business Address: 5"2 7 - Ii Business Phone2 ~ CJ G Vz 77 VIO AR.... The Applicant's years of experience from ., 0'0"'- to p r-eS~ 1- The applicant's scope of work (specific duties) included: ~ {V\ ~,d e. A.A'I'::., } 11~ R tif,M. '~ ~)(L'r ~ it\. $ I ~ O-v-(..o &$L A N b, i""'t-. fv\- ~,( Ltt:.- ^ lA ~ ev01,A 5 ~S' {()e.<;. OA.J ~'1:) pe~VJIls A- $i&I...Ji;4cAN"\- fJovt7 00$ of t'e..q u ~v-e..dl Vv'- Ct i.. y\..l ev,- Ci-10- c.c... i V\- c-kcl ; '^-7 ~QAI,/j(;,..Ji -fh. e-. Ae.> LJ ~ h J S'w i(V\.~'\l ""-1 fi)oLs, Falsifying any informatIOn provided herein may subject your license to revocation. /1. /J ' "., .- /y' r/hl?-!4.'IL ..J::1L Signature ~ /;J ~ Printed Name: ~~Pi- ([L-... e.s. 0lA Vv-~ '1/' <L-SLp~ /'oJ ~ Additional Comments: State of Florida County of Collier The fore~g in.str~ was acknowledged before me on this ~ day of tJO(j~ ~ , "'2.- en:> q by e'l 'f.~ ~ who is personally know~t. or .produeed Q:'~~ (G~ identification and who did not take an oath. \ 1"'0."'" I ) t '..l...~ ~-v.::) <aA.J;L. , c:t ~ Signature of Notary AFFIDA vIr It is understood and acknowledged by the Collier County Contractors' Licensing Board and myself that if I fail to acquire, or maintain at all times effective Workmen's Compensation Insurance it will result in ~ble /~ Certificate of Competency. /0 (, / /1L44 /7J~ L,. SI NATURE OF APPLICANT J 1'1' Cl- T 1,1 ~ ,... ~ L . VZ-(V'l e-f" BUSINESS NAME LLL [l/ll/eLf DATE BEFORE ME this day personally appeared C.()(-/ i K. tf' () (, I j .P -!'J. ,. -\.. (V\(;"l ho. affirms and says that he has less than one employee and does not require Workmen's Compensation and understands that at any time he employs one or more persons he must obtain said Workmen's Compensation Insurance. STATE OF FLOfIDJt.j . fl{" COUNTY OF () I \l Vj The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ~. '. l' ) {" r; 'L-- I [,,"\/" ',- ~l\ > '\! } J ' 1. ") I }/'~hO has produced (name of person acknowledging) Ii /0 [Dl (Date) 'PL-]) L (Type of identification) by NOTAR CHRISTIAN WYNNS MY COMMISSION # DO 770412 ExPIRES: March 19, 2.012 ^ \ t~r 1,/ i 'l(\ L V' I ') 81 URE OF NO RY // NOTARY PUBLI 7 as identification and who did not take an oath. NOTICE OF ELECTION TO BE EXEMPT l'lcase thoroughly rcad the instructions befOl'c completing this application. I'rint legibly in each data entry field. If this application contains incomplete or inaccurate information or if the handwriting is not legible, it may cause a delay in the issuance of your exemption. SECTION 1: /) Applicant Name (please print): tf:.. COV\ .("' ~--., <;,-' ':;;( Applicant's social security number: / / ':::> -> Applicant's E-mail address (optional): SECTION 2: I am applying for exemption as a (You must check only one box nn this section): CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY ($50 FEE REQUIRED) .. The Division will accept a money order or a cashier's eheck made payable to the DFS we ADMINISTRATION TRUST FUND. D Officer ofa Corporation (Title): -OR- D Member of a Limited Liability Company (LLC) NO,l'l-CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY (NO FEE REQUIRED) tS(.9fficer of a Corporation (Title): C~ 'v y'\ e ,-- ) IAn officer electing an exemption under Chapter 440, l?lorida Statutes is not entitled to benefits under this chapter. SECTION 3. The corporation of which you are an officer or the limited liability company of which you are a member must be registered and in an active status with the Florida Division of Corporations. Applicants applying as an officer of a corporation must be listed as an officer of the Corporation with the Florida Division of Corporations. List the document number (document number shown on your Annual Report) on file with the Florida Division of Corporations. SECTION 4. This exernption application applies only to the person signing the application, the Corporation/LLC that is listed below, and the scope of business or trade listed: ,-11 o \ C \ <:(,\ v"'\ -(/'1"- LL L FEIN: Name of Corporation or LLC: j'- e.... \/00 AS REGISTERED WITH TilE FLORIDA DIVISION OFCORI'ORATJONS Business Name: Phone: ( ) IF APPLICABLE - LIST FICTITIOUS NAME; DOING BUSINESS AS (DBA): ALSO KNOWN AS NAME (AKA) J I',~. -:I. t, I (! w II , ">1/- 'J. . t~ .?) 3 '"-I Applicant's Address of Record: ,-" ,-) l \./ . f~ 11.10\ INeLllD!: APARTMENT OR SU1T~: NUMBER IY\ U, (' ( 0 S \ I fL ::S 'i { '-t c.~ City: . S c'- 11 CA State: Zip: .......:.. County: f'v 0 \ Scope of Business or Trade: 1. e. \c.c.n. r) q 2. 3. 4. SECTION 5. List all certified or registered licenses issued pursuant to Chapter 489, F.S. held by the applicant, or the certified or registered license numbers held by the qualifier for the corporation or LLC listed on this application of which the applicant is a corporate officer: SECTION 6. If you have submitted an electronic payment for this application, write the transaction confirmation number in the following space: SECTION 7. Are you affiliated with any corporation (including LLC) other than the corporation (including LLC) to which this application applies? DYes D No U' YES, PLEASE LIST THE NAME(s) AND FEIN(s) 01" THE AFFILIATED CORPORATION(s) OR LLC(s): NAME: FEIN: SECTION 8. If your corporation or LLC is engaged in the constmction industry, YOll must provide the required proof of ownership in the corporation or LLC. A, To be eligible for a constmction industry exemption as an officer of a corporation, the applicant must be a shareholder, owning at least 10% of the stock of the corporation. A COPY OF A STOCK CERTIFICATE EVIDENCING THE REQUIRED OWNERSHIP MUST BE A 1'1' ACHED. B. To be eligible for a constmction industry exemption as a member of a limited liability company, the applicant must confirm ownership of at least 10% of the company. THE REQUIRED OWNERSHIP MAY BE ESTABLISHED BY PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENT A TION REFLECTING THE REQUIRED OWNERSHIP, OR BY SUBMITTING A STATEMENT ATTESTING TO THE REQUIRED OWNERSHIP. THIS APPLICATION IS CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 DWC 250. NOTICE OF ELECTION TO BE EXEMPT - REVISED 12/08; RULE 69L-6.009, FAC. NOTICE OF ELECTION TO BE EXEMPT .- Page 2 SECTION 9. FRAUD NOTICE A. Any person who, knowingly and with intent to injure, defraud, or deceive the department or any employer or employee, insurance company or any other person, files a notice of election to be exempt containing any false or misleading information is guilty of a felony of the third degree. B. Attestation of applicant - By signing below, I attest that I have read, understand and acknowledge the foregoing . ---'-7'" notice. //, .,/. . . / "7:0 I/~ ~ ,~~<.:.L I '7 ~1"::/--V /' SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT SECTION 10. You must identify the workers' compensation insurance carrier that covers any non-exempt employees of your business. Carrier Name: AFFIDAVIT OF APPLICANT: I hereby certify that the infom1ation contained herein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief; that this election does not exceed exem tion limits for corporate officers, including any affiliated corpo~as provided in S440.02 Florida Statutes i~r "II~ Notary Public State of Florida ./ ./ '1. ~ Jennifer E Blanco I . a.,,/ . ... My Commission 00514564 I .,' Expires 02105/2010 NOTARY STATE OF FLORIDA,SOUNTY OF (jr; \ I \ F ( Sworn to and subscribed befo~,y~ thiS~ day of N/o\". , 20CS, bY/1\f"rf"~ Hc,; i \ f. Personally Known O~ Produced l~entifica,tion1- Type ofIdentification Produce1 \ \. ': L. NOTARY SIGNATURE ~., / A ./ /' //t J)A/72:0 My Commission Expires nl./05 /2 ('I I 0 /" . I' . / I Please mail or submit Y91'rf'co~pleted applicatiorr,-application fee, and any required attachments -' to The Division of W 'rkers' om ensation at the district office nearest your place of business. 2295 Victoria Avenue, Suite Ft Myers, FL 33901 Telephone (239) 461-4006 610 E. Burgess Road Pensacola, FL 32504-6320 Telephone (850) 453-7804 3111 S. Dixie Highway, Suite it 123 West Palm Beach FL 33405 Telephone (561) 837-5716 1313 N. Tampa Street, Suite # 503 Tampa FL 33602 Telephone (813) 221-6506 1111 NE 25111 Ave., Suite # 403 Ocala FL 34470 Telephone (352) 401-5350 921 North Davis Street Building B, Suite #250 Jacksonville, FL 32209 Telephone (904) 798-5806 400 West Robinson Slreet Room #512, North Tower Orlando FL 32801 Telephone (407) 835-4406 or (407) 245-0896 499 Northwesl70lh Ave., Suite # 116 Plantation FL 33317 Telephone (954) 321-2906 Live Oak Business Center 5969 Cattlemen Lane Sarasota FL 34232 Telephone (941) 329-1120 401 NW 2nd Avenue Suite #321, South Tower Miami FL 33128 Telephone (305) 536-0306 TALLAHASSEE SUBMllTERS Walk-in submissions: 2012 Capital Circle SE Suite #102, Hartman Bldg. Tallahassee FL 32399-2161 Telephone (850) 413-1609 Mail in submissions: 200 East Gaines Street Tallahassee FL 32399-4228 Telephone (850) 413-1609 "The collection of the social security number on this form is specifically authorized by Section 440.05(3), Florida Statutes. The social security number will be used as a unique identifier in Division of Workers' Compensation database systems for individuals who have applied for andlor been issued a certificate of election to be exempt. It will also be used to identify information and documents in those database systems regarding individuals who have applied for and/or been issued a certificate of election to be exempt for internal agency tracking purposes and for purposes of responding to both public records requests and subpoenas that require production of specified documents. The social security number may also be used for any other purpose specifically required or authorized by state or federal law." DWC 250, NOTICE OF ELECTION TO BE EXEMPT - REVISED 12/08; RULE 69L-6.009, FAC. , STATE"USE7QNLY.' Effective!Issue Date: Expiration Date: Control Number: Postmark Date: Payment Number: Received Date: COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT ZONING & LAND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW WWW.COLLIERGOV.NET/ZONING 2800 NORTH HORSESHOE DRIVE NAPLES, FLORIDA 34104 PHONE: (239) 403-2400 EXT. 5603 FAX (239) 530-6286 J LAND USE AND ZONING CERTIFICATE HOME OCCUPATION Please take the time to fill out this form as completely as possible. Remember that only someone actually living at the address given below may engage in the home occupation described. Customers, or employees not living at this address are prohibited from traveling to and from the residence if visits are related to this home occupation. The applicant is the person in whose name the occupational license will be issued, and the applicant's signature must appear on this form. Verification as property owner or lessee in the form of a Valid Florida's Driver License or Florida Identification Card and/or copy of valid lease agreement is required. APPLICATION DATE I ZONING CERTIFICATE # APPLICANT'S PHONE 2 39. ~z~ W~'~ APPLICANT'S NAME Co. ('1 ()1 A \' 1 c- APPLICANT'S HOME ADDRESS 13 ~ l gAt ~rt- f\~ TYPE OF BUSINESS TO BE CONDUCTED BUSINESS NAME (IF ANY) 1i~ Peel.- CLea.n e. r L,LL /II flfleo JiL~ FL :Sf/tiS- I, the undersigned, hereby affirm that I am the legal owner of the property at the above address or that I have the legal right to conduct the business described above at this address by vi ue of my leasehold interest in this property, and that I have read, understood, and agree 0 a ide by the provi ns ot C Section 5.02.00 "Home Occupations" (see back of application) . DATE. APPLICANT SIGNATURE FEE: $50.00 CHECKS PAYABLE TO: "BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS" TO BE COMPLETED BY COUNTY STAFF ZONING: PROPERTY 10 # DATE REVIEWED BY APPROVED HOLD DENIED COMMENTS/RESTRICTIONS: Must comply with Section 5.02.00 of the LDC (see back of application). J ,J '.......... COLLIER COUNTY BUSINESS TAX RECEIPT APPLICATION 2800 N. Horseshoe Drive, Naples, FL 34104 Make Check Payable to: Collier County Tax Collector Phone: 239-252-2477 Fax: 239-643-4788 Website: www.coIliertax.com CHECKLIST ......___ Copy of Articles of Incorporation and/or Fictitious letter fTOm the State stating that your business name is on file. (850-245-6052 or 6058) www.sunbiz.org Yellow Fire Compliance (list of fire district phone number enclosed) _ Copy of Marco Zoning Certificate. (239-389-5000) _~ Copy of State license from Department of Business and Professional (850-487-1395) or Department of Health, (850-410-3359) _" Completed Zoning application with appropriate fee made payable to: Board of County Commissioners. _._ Copy of City Business Tax Receipt. (239-213-1800) _ Completed Business Tax Receipt application with appropriate fee made payable to: Collier County Tax Collector. (239-252-2477) __ Copy of Motor Vehicle Repair Registration Certificate from Department of Agriculture. (800-435-7352) Other: _ Copy of Health inspection from Department of Hotels and Restaurants (850-487-1395) or Department of Agriculture, (800-435-7352) _ Pleasc contact the Property Appraiser's officc at 239-252-8145 regarding tangible ta". CHECK ONE: Original Application Transfer of License # Renewal of License # Date: Classification Code Number License Amount 1) CORPORATE NAME - 7h<:.. ?c>oL CI ~:-,/}~/ L..-t-G- 13) DBA NAME - Ib) 2) MA;}~ JJIJ/kLO :klc./I..fJ PL 3V/YJ 2a) 3) BUSINESS OW:NEROR QUA~!!flE:~'S NAME - 0.:.;.ry PHYSICAL ADDRESS - J..s tf?z.. ;SAy f'Dt'r /)J-e- (No P.O. Box allowed) IS RESIDENCE USED AS AN OFFICE - BUSINESS MAILING ADDRESS - I'D?) "'6 J1/. (nil, U' it'} ~V tl/4r&J _Ts.~'11J ("L- Street City 3'f 11f) Zip OWNEROR QUALI~!E:~:~,..~ESIDENTIALADnRESS - J3'3l&?J ni/~S~ cT I//,r~h&;J fwi! TELEPHONE - Business: 'z.:;'1 ,- ~ l().t:x;~S(P Home: Z3CJ ,- 97CJ ,- .3 ~Yes No 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) LEGAL FORM OF BUSINESS: _ Sole Proprietorship _ Partnership _ Corporation LLP OPENING DATE OF BUSINESS OR DATE ASSUMED - g / 19/0 ? OFFICE WITHIN CITY LIMITS OF NAPLES - _ Yes X- No lfYes, City License No. ' 9a) TYPE OF BUSINESS CONDUCTED: 10) NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES - Including number of owners: 11) FILL IN THE APPROPRIATE AREAS- 2..:1 - 0 1 ~'B f6l? 1 'see back of application til< explanation T vs.f Ot..v,1*U> a) Rental units (motel/hotel/apts.) Number of units: b) Seating Capacity (rest./cafes, etc) Number of seats: c) Number of coin-operated machines owned by business or indiVidual: 12) STATE LICENSE OR CERTIFICATION NUMBER- II/I~"!o~/ BAKER'S CUSTOM CABINETS & MILLWORK INC. 168 COMMERCIAL BOULEVARD TEL: 239-643-2339 NAPLES, FLORIDA 34104 FAX: 239-643-3598 January 31, 2010 Contractor's Licensing Board Community Develop & Environmental Services Division 2800 N. Horseshoe Drive Naples, Florida 34104 Reference: Cabinet Install License /~o /(,051 M c~ /~;/~~/{: ~~ //1 I.('! \~\ I~( '\ A'<']';' Ie]. \\fl\) l~~ - _:==> I == I / \ \ ".~ .'e // / , '.1 / ". -<;' ,.y~/~ "/~ "'"D MILL~3/ ~-- Dear Licensing Board, Baker's Custom Cabinets and Millwork Inc. has been a Colirer County business Since 1972 and has operated under the same ownership doing the same type of work for the entire 37 years it has been in existence. Due to a clerical error in or around 2008 our name was removed from the list for license renewal and thus we did not get a "notification of renewal" similar to the ones we have gotten in the past. We did not Realize that our Cabinet Install License had been suspended until February 13, 2009. (see Notice of Suspension attached) Our company has always renewed the Cabinet Installer licens~ along with the occupational license for the last 30 years starting in 1978. Upon this Suspension Notice I personally went to the Licensing Office to correct any errors that my Company may have made in the renewal process and discovered the clerical error. I was told that we had to submit a new application for Cabinet Installer License and that all we had to supply was the Financial information requested it the application. This application was first submitted on February 27,2009 (see attached application) however each time the application was submitted we were asked to "supply ONE more additional item" then "ONE more additional item" until finally the application was accepted. Upon its review it was discovered that in 2008 we had issue with the Dept of Revenue regarding sales tax and that a judgment lien had been placed against the company and the owner. This issue had been addressed and we were making payments to the Dept of Revenue, however we could not get a satisfaction oflien from the Dept of Revenue until the bill was paid in full. All of the signed documents with the Department of Revenue were provided however we were told, until payment is made in full to the Department of Revenue, State of Florida, and a release oflien is issued, our license could not be reinstated. This release oflien was Received January 20,2010 and submitted to the Licensing Office on January 22,2010 who then in turn advised us that the "Extension period had Expired" and now we would need to start the Whole process over as a "New Business" . I Eric Baker - Owner and CEO of Baker's Custom Cabinets and Millwork Inc. ask that you to wave this New Business Process and Reinstate the Cabinet Installer License that Baker's Custom Cabinets has had since the Conception of these Licenses in 1978. I believe we have made every effort to resolve a Problem that was not Solely of our making and Further Baker's Custom Cabinets intends to continue to be a successful Collier County Business as it has been for the last 37 Years serving it's customers, employing 15 to 20 workers, paying it's taxes, and Contributing to the well being ofth community. Thank you: Eric J. Baker ~ ~s -/0 ff/J_-- ;th~ NOTICE OF SUSPENSION : i. Certificate Holder, Our records indicate that your Collier County Certific.ate of CompeteIl~Y was not renewed in 2008 and has been placed on suspension. To fully comply with the Contractor Licensing Ord. 2006-21 as amended, and be fully in compliance you must reinstate your Competency card, you will need to come in to the office located at 2800 N. Horseshoe Dr. You will be given paperwork to fill out and a checklist will be attached with what will be needed from you. If there are any questions or .concerns, we can be reached at (239) 252-2432 Maggie Wright, (239) 252-2431 Joann Greenberg, and (239) 252-2909 Jennifer Blanco. ~ Cc: Bob Dunn, Building Director File ( NV: 6 \J\r\ n ~)~ 1i.1; , c, Of(j ~ ph-Y ,?,D I ~~ v'\ . Qualifier Certification I'nformation CDPR2307 - Qualifier Certification Information Collier County Board of County Commissioners CD-Plus for Windows Printed on 9/24/200 9:35:40AM CERT NBR: 16595 QUALIFIER NBR: 16595 ERIC BAKER CLASS CODE: 4040 CABINET INSTALL CONTR. STATE NBR: COUNTY COMP CARD: 045SP STATE EXP LIAB EXP 111/2008 WC EXP 211/2008 ORIG ISSD 4/28/1978 RENEWAL EXPIRES 913012008 DBA: BAKERS CUSTOM CABINETS WC EXEMPT: N OL EXEMPT: N ADDRESS: 168 COMMERCIAL BLVD. EXEMPT. EXP DATE: CITY: NAPLES FL 34104 PHONE: (239)643-2339 FAX: (239)643-3598 NOTE: It is the qualifier's responsibility to keep all business, licensing and requirements current and to provide up to date copies for Collier County files. This includes all insurance certificates and any change of address information, Collier County I City of Marcol City of Naples ontractor Licensing NAPLES 34104 Cert State Nbr: Signed: "Q~alifier Certification Information CDPR2307 - Qualifier Certification Information Collier County Board of County Commissioners CD-Plus for Windows Printed on 1/3/2007 8:14:43AM CERT NBR: 16595 QUALIFIER NBR: 16595 ERIC BAKER CLASS CODE: 4040 CABINET INSTALL CONTR. STATE NBR: COUNTY COMP CARD: 045SP STATE EXP LIAB EXP 1/1/2008 WC EXP 5/26/2007 ORIG ISSD 4/28/1978 RENEWAL EXPIRES 9130/2007 DBA: BAKERS CUSTOM CABINETS WC EXEMPT: N OL EXEMPT: N ADDRESS: 168 CGMMERCIAL BLVD. EXEMPT EXP DATE: r::ITY: NAPLES FL 34104 PHONE: (239)643-2339 FAX: (239)643-3598 NOTE: It is the qualifier's responsibility to keep all business, licensing and requirements current and to provide up to date copies for Collier County files. This includes all insurance certificates and any change of address information. Collier County City of Cert State Nbr: BAKERS CUSTOM C ERIC BAKER 168 COMMERCIAL NAPLES 104 Signed: ..~Qualifier Certification Information CDPR2307 - Qualifier Certification Information Collier County Board of County Commissioners CD-Plus for Windows Printed on 8/26/200 7:59:49AM CERT NBR: 16595 QUALIFIER NBR: CABINET INSTALL CONTR. 16595 ERIC BAKER CLASS CODE: 4040 STATE NBR: COUNTY COMP CARD: 045SP STATE EXP LIAB EXP 1/1/2006 WC EXP 5/26/2006 ORIG ISSD 4/28/1978 RENEWAL EXPIRES 9/30/2006 DBA: BAKERS CUSTOM CABINETS WC EXEMPT: N OL EXEMPT: N ADDRESS: 168 CC~MERCIAL BLVD. EXEMPT EXP DATE: CITY: NAPLES FL 34104 PHONE: (239)643-2339 FAX: (239)643-3598 NOTE: It is the qualifier's responsibility to keep all business, licensing and requirements current and to provide up to date copies for Collier County files. This includes all insurance certificates and any change of address information. Collier County I Marco/ City of Cert State Nbr: BAKERS CUSTOM ERIC BAKER 168 COMMERCIAL NAPLES 104 Signed: . aualifier Certification Information :DPR2307 - Qualifier Certification Information :ollier County Board of County Commissioners ~D-plus for Windows printed on 8/10/200 3:10:48PM CERT N'BR: 16595 QUALIFIER NBR: 16595 ERIC BAKER CLASS CODE: 4040 CABINET INSTALL CONTR. STATE NBR: COUNTY COMP CARD: 045SP STATE EX!? LIAB EXP 1/1/2005 WC EXP 4/1/2005 ORIG ISSD 4/28/1978 RENEWAL EXPIRES 913012005 DBA: BAKERS CUSTOM CABINETS WC EXEMPT: N OL EXEMPT: N ADDRESS: 168 CO~4ERCIAL BLVD. EXEMPT EXP ;:lATE: ; CITY: NAPLES FL 3410,,\ PHONE: (23~i643-2339 FAX: (239) G,U-3598 NOTE: It is the qualifier's responsibility to keep all business, licensing and requirements current and to provide up to date copies for Collier County files. This includes all insurance certificates and any change of address information. Collier Co Ci ty of Cert State Nbr: BAKERS CUSTOM ERIC BAKER 168 COMMERCIAL NAPLES 04 Signed: Qtialifier Certification Information CDPR2307 - Qualifier Certification Information Collier County Board of County Commissioners CD-Plus for Windows Prin~ed on 8/20/200 6:16:01PM CERT NBR: 16595 QUALIFIER NBR: 16595 ERIC BAKER CLASS CODE: 4040 CABINET INSTALL CONTR. STATE NBR: COUNTY COMP CARD: u45SP STATE EXP LIAB EXP 1/1/2004 WC EXP 4/1/2004 ORIG ISSD 4/28/1978 RENEWAL EXPIRES 9/30/2004 DBA: BAKERS CUSTOM CABINETS WC EXEMPT: N OL EXEMPT: N ADDRESS: 168 COt21ERCIAL BLVD. EXEMPT EXP DATE: .. CITY: NAPLES FL- 34104 PHONE: (239)643-2339 FAX: (239)643-3598 NOTE: It is the qualifier's responsibility to keep all business, licensing and requirements current and to provide up to date copies for Collier County files. This includes all insurance certificates and any change of address information. Coll:ler County I Marcol Ci ty of / Cert State Nbr: / BAKERS CUSTOM ERIC BAKER 168 COMMERCIAL NAPLES 04 Signed: LOCATION: 168 COMMERCIAL BLVD. ZONED: INDUSTRIAL BUSINESS PHONE: 643-2339 COLLIER COUN.TY BUSINESS TAX BUSINESS TAX NUMBER: 740290 COLLIER COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR - 2800 N. HORSESHOE DRIVE - NAPLES FLORIDA 34104 - (239) 252-2477 VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT: www.colliertax.com THIS RECEIPT EXPIRES SEPTEMBER 30, 2010 DISPLAY AT PLACE OF BUSINESS FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION FAILURE TO DO SO IS CONTRARY TO LOCAL LAWS. NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 11-20 EMPLOYEES CLASSIFICATIONCABINET & MILLWORK CONTRACTOR CLASSIFICATION CODE: 0~107502 - THIS TAX IS NON-REFUNDABLE - COUNTY L1C: 16595 BAKER'S CUSTOM CABINETS :$" 'frAKER, ERIC 168 COMMERCIAL BLVD. NAPLES FL 34104 DATE AMOUNT RECEIPT 08/14/2009 36.00 3777.40 ~ This document is a business tax only. This is not certification that Iicee~"4 . e,P' ? i1';::. It does not permit the licensee to violate any existing regulatory zoning la~. SJJiljeli,colAty or Cities nor does it exempt the licensee from any other taxes or permits that may be reqllil'edby law. LOCATION: 168 COMMERCIAL BLVD. ZONED: INDUSTRIAL BUSINESS PHONE: 643-2339 COLLIER COUNTY BUSINESS TAX BUSINESS TAX NUMBER: 740290 COLLIER COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR - 2800 N. HORSESHOE DRIVE - NAPLES FLORIDA 34104 - (239) 252-2477 VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT: www.colliertax.com THIS RECEIPT EXPIRES SEPTEMBER 30, 2009 DISPLAY AT PLACE OF BUSINESS FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION FAILURE TO DO SO IS CONTRARY TO LOCAL LAWS, - THIS TAX IS NON-REFUNDABLE - ~KER'S CUSTOM CABINETS COUNTY L1C: 16595 ~~ 168 OoMMERCIAL BLVD. FL 34104 ". NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 11-20 EMPLOYEES CLASSIFICATIONCABINET & MILLWORK CONTRACTOR CLASSIFICATION CODE: 02107502 DATE 07/14/2008 AMOUNT 36.00 RECEIPT 1593.40 ~e~ This document is a business tax only. This is not certification that Ii It does not permit the licensee to violate any existing regulatory zoning nor does it exempt the licensee from any other taxes or permits that may be re " COLLIER COUNTY OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE TAX LICENSE NUMBER: COLLIER COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR - 2800 N. HORSESHOE DRIVE - NAPLES FLORIDA 34104 - (239) 403-2477 VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT: www.colliertax.com THIS LICENSE EXPIRES SEPTEMBER 30, 2007 DISPLAY AT PLACE OF BUSINESS FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION FAILURE TO DO SO IS CONTRARY TO LOCAL LAWS, LEGAL FORM CO~9iaTI~:' () l .' .. \/ " .....,.....-....... li.../ /1 ,,",,, "'... .~..... ' ..... V~, BAKER'S CUSTOM CABINETS (" . '\ ." ,-". ,,,, '>;. j (> ,.F , .. ,..JI' ~, \ . BAKER, ERIC .... I "=i t ~ 168 COMMERCIAL BLVD. t ' !i. ,.,'1 I NAPLES }. ',.. J ".. I NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 11-20 EMPLOYEES .r CLASSIFICATION:CABINET &,N1ILLWORK CONTRACTOR ;.)."',, J" .~..... CLASSIFICATION CODE: 02107502 ."'?~~"'" ....... _.: "",..."",() This document is an occupational license tax only, This is not certificatIon ttfat.fi,ce{l~ee i~ q'l~U~' It does not permit the licensee to violate any existing regulatory zoning la~flo.e ~elcoooty or cities nor does it exempt the licensee from any other license or permits that may be required by law. LOCATION: 168 COMMERCIAL BLVD. ZONED: BUSINESS PHONE: 643-2339 COUNTY L1C: 16595 740290 FL 34104 DATE 08/30/2006 AMOUNT 36.00 RECEIPT 5547.14 ~e~ COLLIER COUNTY BUSINESS TAX RECEIPT NUMBER: 740290 COLLIER COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR - 2800 N. HORSESHOE DRIVE - NAPLES FLORIDA 34104 - (239) 403-2477 VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT: www.colliertax.com THIS RECEIPT EXPIRES SEPTEMBER 30, 2008 DISPLAY AT PLACE OF BUSINESS FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION FAILURE TO DO SO IS CONTRARY TO LOCAL LAWS. LOCATION: 168 COMMERCIAL BLVD. ZONED: BuSINESS PHONE: 643-2339 COUNTY L1C: 16595 KER'S CUSTOM CABINETS NUMBER OF EN)PLOYEES: 11-20 EMPLOYEES CLASSIFICATION:CABINET & MILLWORK CONTRACTOR C,!.ASSIFICATION CODE: 02107502 ThiS document is a business tax only. This is not certification that I It does not permit the licensee to violate any e)Cisting regulatory zoning nor does it exempt the licensee from any other taxes or permits that may be r MMERCIAL BLVD. FL 34104 DATE 09/05/2007 AMOUNT 36.00 RECEIPT 3145.41 ~e~ . .. ^ , eo*r County ~ .-. .- ..' - ~~ . '.~ BUILDING REVIEW AND PERMITTING CONTRACTOR LICENSING SECTION COLLIER COUNTY/CITY OF NAPLES/CITY ~~RCO ~~~ Contractors' Licensing Board &~ Community Development & Envir~~ Services Division '\.u :9 2800 N. Horseshoe Drive ~'f:> ~~i> Naples, FL 341 04 ~~ ~'V "7 Telephone: (239) 252-24~~ ~~I'" 1/ " Fax: (239) 252-2169 .~'Q A NESS. Instructions: This ap~ation mlJ~t:~w~jtf~~ or legible print~d. The app lea Ion ee must accompany this application. The fee is NOT refU~b1~f' the application has been accepted and entered on the records. All checks should be made payable to tp. 'Board of County Commissioners". For further information, consult Collier County Ordinance No. 2006-46, arpmenged. / 1. Name of Firm fJ),J<QR!~ lu~A~l Lc{bne--/ j IW,ilo)orK In c ~APH 2. 6)Jd City 3. Business Mailing Address State Zip Code J~q- gd6-/tJ<I.:;' 5-9- / t.f Off.p 9 f City 4. Business Phone Number: ,.9..51. !elf}, Z 331 5. Fax Number: :JYf- fo~3 - ,35[1 g 6. Legal form of Business: Corporation: X Mobile Phone Number: Federal Emp. 10#: LLC: r) I (:;{iC ~j O',q<.ee (License Holder) . 8. INDICATE NATURE OF REQUEST - (A) To Qualify as a: ( ) General $150.00 ( ) Electrician $150.00 ( ) Building $150.00 ( ) Plumber $150.00 ( ) Residential $150.00 ( ) Air Conditioning $150.00 ( ) Mechanical $150.00 ( ) Roofing $150.00 ( ) Swimming Pool $150.00 ClO Specialty . $135.00 .' .I /). J . L LL ~~, ( .tj krh ~ ~I a- (Specialty trade type) 7. Name of the Firm's Qualifying Agent From Individual to Qualifying a Business From Qualifying a Business to Individual ;I'o Qualify Additional Entity rom One Business to Another Page 1 of 5 ~ /,-x ~ Jv ~~~ 0C~" /n~~ · ~k eve 9. 11. List all debts you or any company(s) associated with you refused to pay i:1nd the reasons for the refusal to pay. Attach extra pages if needed. j PJIt : I, ~"e J 0A14-c.Il AFFIDAVIT STATE OF FLORJPt- . COUNTY OF f.2l.l.LI t./i; The foregoing instrument as acknowledged before me this :;;/:> 7/01 . /2A./'" /-. JJ.JDate)/J,_' JI.J'DA.J/~< of !2!:!l1/!I<r;> rD:Z/7xI ~/J.}&:l3 'cr~ (Name of Corporation) By 6A Ie!.. -:J 8A14.eA (Name of officer, title/agent) R OR ;01} (State or Place of Corporation) Corporation, on behalf of the corporation. He/She D.L. as identification and did not take an oath. s,4~ARY NOTAR~B~ t1~. (PRINT NAME OF NOTARY) NOTARY'S SEAL Page 2 of 5 APPLICATION COLLIER COUNTY/CITY OF NAPLES/CITY OF MARCO FIRM - PART II (to be comDleted bv the Qualifvina Aaentl Contractors' Licensing Board Community Development & Environmental 8eNices Division 2800 N. Horseshoe Drive Naples, FL 34104 Telephone: (239) 252-2431 Fax: (239) 252-2569 baJ< e1l. i:v I Gel. (Last) (First) (Middle) ;Q'l 8.8. # numbers only) ~ . 7#: l".. (- IITI !YOI 2. Home Address of the Qualifying Agent If 0 / / J jru: v " I . t?S I J -; .3 VI b~ Home Phone # d,3Y- :195-) y [/-1 3. Name of the Firm fuKe{IS c!us-/om )ctbine.-Is ,J yr;l/kdOIK JrtC. 1. Name of Qualifying Agent Date of Birth Driver's License # 4. Type of Certificate of Cc;mpete?cy fOJ which app,lication is made. !$1s-t-Ct!le t'::., AI ctnce. 5. The na,mes at tel~Phone~~m~ers ~f two persons who will ,~nowryour w~~reabouts. C~h(l 510 ,he 6.rz/ fit( -- :239- b~'J -Icj!:.;! /~fS rrJD ,,-!() ~39' IjOV'-J3C:-,Q 6. Have you ever been convicted of a crime related to Contracting? 1\1) (If yes attach extra sheet with explanation) 7. Have you or any firms you have been associated with ever filed bankruptcy? AJO 8. List all debts you or any company(s) associated with you refused or failed to pay and reasons why. Mitt 1.1 9. List your business or work experience during the past ten years. . , lClb I n e;t fY1CU10 ~ udcll (j r Wld /11 sf oJ Ie tu'y, Ii , 10. Statement of any formal training you have had in the area for which the application is made. Page 3 of 5 AFFIDA vir The undersigned hereby makes application for Certificate of Competency under the provisions of Collier County Ordinance No. 2006-46, as amended, and vouches for the truth and accuracy of all statements and answers herein contained. The undersigned hereby certifies that he is legally qualified to act on behalf of the business organization sought to be licensed in all matters connected with its contracting business and that he has full authority to supervise construction undertaken by himself or such business or organization and that he will continue during this registration to be able to so bind said business organization. The qualified license holder understands that in all contracting matters, he will be held strictly accountable for any and all activities involving his license. Any willful falsification of any information contained herein is grounds for disqualification. &{ Ie J. Da i e r2. APPLICANT (PLEASE PRINT) '" ",,- SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT STATE OF FLOR~ . COUNTY OF LLI ~ by ~/e -:[ t3M~ (Name of person acknowledging) who has produced dP"//o1 (Date) . DL (Type of identification) The foregoing instrument as acknowledged before me this as identification and did not take an oath. MAY REYES ~ Notary Puttllc . State of FIorIcIa . .1 My Comm. Expires Aug 20,2012 \f rtJ' Commission IJ DO 816488 · "~,:,~",,, Bonded Through National Notary Assn SI~ARY Noff:;~IC ;1~ (PRINT NAME 0 NOTARY) NOTARY'S SEAL Page 4 of 5 * * ** * ** * ** * ** * ** * * * * * * * * STAFF USE Of':lLY: Name of Applicant Score: Trade: Take on Given in , sponsored by Business & Law Score: Taken on Given in , sponsored by Page 5 of 5 AFFIDA VIT It is understood and acknowledged by the Collier County Contractors' Licensing Board and myself that if I fail to acquire, or maintain at all times effective Workmen's Compensation Insurance it will result in the possible revocation of my ~ Certificate of Competency. ;: OF APPLICANT f~ \/\U 5 Cu s t 6)V\ C~:J) \ n e-{ s tf rl JI / ((1):'1 ft) BUSINESS NAME d/18)Cf/ BEFORE ME this day personally appeared affirms and says that he has less than one employee and does not require Workmen's Compensation and understands that at any time he employs one or more persons he must obtain said Workmen's Compensation Insurance. STATE OF FLORIpt.. /1 ~ ~ A COUNTY OF ~~ The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this fo!;>-7jpQ ( te) I DL (Type of identification) by & le J f?::a.A €A who has produced (name of person acknowledging) as identification and who did not take an oath. - - NOTARY SEAL m..~.....~... ANAY REYES llJ" '\ Notary Public. State of Florida i. 'i My Comm. Expires AU1I20. 2012 \~"i (Jl'~l Commission /I 00 816488 "",,'ff,i,'i.'--- Bonded Through Nallonal Notary Ass" ~ ~ SIG NOTARY PUBLIC RESOLUTION OF AUTHORIZATON WHEREAS ttdvf (s CO<:>\<rM (Lblrlk i tV1f { I<<l?llftproposes to (Na?1.~e of Busin s Entity) ~i)1 0: 10Vi (Type oflegal enti : corp., partnership, etc. Collier County, Florida, according to Collier County Ordinance 2006-46, as amended; and WHEREAS tnr0\'~ 0~s\t")'\\ ~lbWAs J (vl\((u;(){K {fK"proposes to (Name of Business Entity) qualify for a Certificate of Competency with engage in contracting as III (Name of Individual) NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT: We the undersigned &. n c. ~. t)O, v( <? ( of a.. f) j (\ I I .' I _>oj /Officers, Owners, Partners) lit \\0 \ k.) \:'.0~t tn, ~Qn\l1't1s. J \ rltl!~reby resolve and represent to the Collier County (Name of Business Entity) /. - /2 Contractors' Licensing Board that the qualifying agent, (- ( I ( (j . OaK t (' , is active in all matters connected with the contracting business of ~J~~mt~~~t~t~~.~)\I~S " md~~d ( (Na~ofB~iness Entity) We further resolve and represent that 'eIlC ~ . rXZK e" is 2. I' I ('\ . I (N~n;fs~f;Jndividual) legally empowered to act for .L-tl;.e(.5, \...0 s1c-M \.a' ~\n.e:1 A 1iI!\l\.W~l\-all matters connected with its (Name of Business Entity) ,() Aontrflcting Wiinessi and ha~ Ahw authorjty Ito supervise construction undertaken by 'OJ,,lef ~~VS~'\ (.!Uj2ln[1s 1 fV\lIIWOlf\ Me. (Name of Business Entity) DUL Y PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS It day of hi ~ , ;;OO'Q. (Officers, Partners, Owners - with Designation underneath) Witness Witness Witness (i"-- ..-:-- Sworn to and subscribed before methis LX.. day of 1-..-t.lJ E 1<i/l1dc; A/varQdo Notary Public Narne Printed / Commission Number 7)D 973'i'CJ':L My Commission expires: a/25' /20// I , Corporate Seal (if Applicable) Or Notary Public Certificate L 'I'll. t~~ ~~; ')OF"'O Notary Public 5t"!( of Florida Erlinda A!var:;>oc M'. Commis<.:"" nl)8~':':' Expires 03.1: .... ~__r.'..;_._- - - - - ~~ !FI' Notery Publie State of Florida ~ Erlinda Alval'lldo ~ ~ My Commission 00873894 ~ ~ \;0, ",di Expires 03/25/2011 ~ - - - - - ........ ~.... COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION II' 2800 N. Horseshoe Dr.. Naples. Florida 34104 . 239-.W3-2400 . FAX 239-403-2334 MEMORANDUM DATE: November 29, 2007 TO: Applicant's FROM: Michael Ossorio, Contractor Licensing Supervisor. CC: Robert Dunn, Collier County Building Director. Alamar Finnegan, Collier County Permitting Supervisor. Robert Zachary, County Attorneys Office. An Contractor Licensing personnel. SUBJECT: Conection of social security numbers. Pursuant to Chapter 119, Florida Statues and Collier County Contractor Licensing Ordinance 2006-46 Sec. 2. J.l, all applicants are required to submit their social security number (SSN) for the following purposes: . a) Assess applicant's ability to satisfy creditors by reviewing their credit history. b) Verification of applicant's test scores and information. Our office will only use your SSN noted above for those reasons pursuant to Chapter 119, Florida Statues and as may otherwise be authorized by law. We are fully committed to safe-guarding and protecting your SSN and once collected, will be maintained as confidential and exempt under Chapter I 19, Florida Statues. www.sunbiz,org - Department of State Page 1 of2 Home Contact Us E-Filing Services Document Searches Forms Help Previous on List Next on List R~tYn:)TQl,.ilit Events Name History IEntity Name Search Submit I Detail by Entity Name Florida Profit Corporation BAKER'S CUSTOM CABINETS AND MILLWORK, INC. Filing Information Document Number 404069 FEI/EIN Number 591407697 Date Filed 06/29/1972 State FL Status ACTIVE Last Event CANCEL ADM DISS/REV Event Date Filed 10/15/2007 Event Effective Date NONE Principal Address 168 COMMERICAL BLVD NAPLES FL 34104 US Changed 05/15/1997 Mailing Address 168 COMMERICAL BLVD NAPLES FL 34104 US Changed 06/22/2001 Registered Agent Name & Address BAKER, ERIC 168 COMMERCIAL BLVD NAPLES FL 34104 US Name Changed: 02/29/2008 Address Changed: 02/29/2008 Officer/Director Detail Name & Address Title VPS BAKER, CHRISTOPHER 168 COMMERCIAL BLVD NAPLES FL 34104 US Title P BAKER, ERIC 168 COMMERCIAL BLVD. NAPLES FL 34119 US http://www.sunbiz.org/scripts/cordet.exe?action=DETFIL&in~doc_number=404069&inq...l/22/20 10 www,sunbiz,org - Department of State Page 2 of2 Annual Reports Report Year Filed Date 2008 02/29/2008 2009 02/13/2009 2010 01/18/2010 Document Images 01/1B/2010 -- ANNUAL REPORT 02/13/2Q09::ANNUALREPQBI 02/29/2QQ8 --ANNUALREPORT lQ/15/2007 -: RI;INSTA TEME:NT 02/07/2006-: ANNUAL REPORT 03/15/2005 -- ANNUAL REPORT 06/17/2004-- Off/Oir ResignatiQn 03/18/2004-- ANNUALRI;PORT 05/Q2/2Q03 --ANNUAL Rr=PORT 09/08/2002 -: ANNUAL REPORT 06/22/2001. -- ANNl,JAL REPORT 03/20/20QO::ANNl,JAl,.. REPORT 04/20(1999 -- ANNUAL REPORT 04/0 1/1998-- AN NlJAl,. REPORT 05/15/ 1997::ANNl,JAL REPORT 03/213/1996 :.: ANNl,JALBE:PORT 04/27/1995:: AN Nl.JAl,. RE:PORT Note: This is not official record. See documents if question or conflict. Event!.>. Name HistoJ].' Next on List Return To List Previous on List IEntity Name Search Submit I I !-"lorne I ConLact uS I DOClmeflt Searches I [:-F'iimg Services I Forms I HeiD i CODvn9ht anc1 Privacy Policies Copynght ,007 State of Florida, Department of State. http://www.sunbiz.org/scripts/cordet.exe?action=DETFIL&in<Ldoc_number=404069&inq...1/22/20 1 0 www,sunbiz.org - Department of State Page 1 of2 J't,URd),\ DLP.\;L~H\', ur Sj \11' .'J~_ I) " J . 11 ,,' I I \ ,I I I: 1 I I) 'r I I '\' 7/. .' l.\" t.J ',I, '- ~ % ~ f 1lil _ ", Home Contact Us E.Flling Services Document Searches Forms Help Previous on List Next on List Return To List .E.vi/JJts. N.ilJJH1HIJ>19IY ... [ Entity Name Search ] Detail by Entity Name Florida Profit Corporation BAKER'S CUSTOM CABINETS AND MILLWORK. INC. Filing Information Document Number 404069 FEI Number 591407697 Date Filed 06/29/1972 State FL Status ACTIVE Last Event CANCEL ADM DISS/REV Event Date Filed 10/15/2007 Event Effective Date NONE Principal Address 168 COMMERICAL BLVD NAPLES FL 34104 US Changed 05/15/1997 Mailing Address 168 COMMERICAL BLVD NAPLES FL 34104 US Changed 06/22/2001 Registered Agent Name & Address BAKER, ERIC 168 COMMERCIAL BLVD NAPLES FL 34104 US Name Changed: 02/29/2008 Address Changed: 02/29/2008 OfficerlDirector Detail \ Name & Address Title VPS BAKER. CHRISTOPHER 168 COMMERCIAL BLVD NAPLES FL 34104 Title P3 BAKER. ERIC 168 COMMERCIAL BLVD NAPLES FL 34119 Annual Reports Report Year Filed Date 2007 10/15/2007 2008 02/29/2008 2009 02/13/2009 Document Images 02113/20Q~ -,ANNUAL. REP_OBI [ 02/2912008 " ANNUAL R~.PORI [ 10/15i200LRi;IN$TATi;M~NT [ 02/0l/20.oB..."ANNUAL. Ri;PORI [ 03/15/2005" ANNUAL. Ri;PORI [ 0911]/2004" Off/PirRgsign~!iQD [ 03/18@0-1"ANNUALBI;PQBI [ View image in PDF format View image in PDF format View image in PDF format View image in PDF format View image in PDF format View image in PDF format View image in PDF format http://www . sunbiz. org/ scriptS/ cordet. exe?action= D ETFIL&in~ doc _ number=404069&inq... 3/13/2009 www.sunbiz.org - Department of State Q;i/Q.:?J2QQ:l.::.ANN.W6\..BE;P'Q[U. [ Q\lIQBJ:?QQ:?',ANNWA\...R~QRI [ QE)jnaQQ t..::...AN.N.W.6\... RE;PQRT [ Q~/2Q/2QQQ..:.:...ANN.UA\..RE;PORI [ Q41:2Q!1(l!:)!:):: ANNUA\..RE;PQBI [ 04/0.1L1iJOi)::ANNUA\.. RE;PORT [ Qq1tq!1!:)iJ7.:-..ANNU.A.\...RE;PQRI [ Q:l/:?i)!1(l(l9::ANNWA\..RE;PQBI [ Q412711fl\lq .::ANNUALRE;PQRT [ View image in PDF format ) View image in PDF format ] View im<;)ge in PDF format. ] View imagE! in PDF format ] View image in PDF format ] View image in PDF format ] View image in PDF format ] View image in PDF format ] View image in PDF format ] Note: This is not official record. See documents if question or conflict. ~Y.!!nts ~~meHjst9ry Previous on List Next on List Return To List Home Contact us Document Searct1€S E-filing Services Forms Help COPVri9tlt and Privacy Policies Copyright ((:' 2007 State of FlOrida, Dep(,Htrnent of State. Page 2 of2 [ Entity Name Search http://www ,sunbiz.org/scripts/cordet.exe?action=DETFIL&in~ doc _ number=404069&inq... 3/1312009 FILED Feb 29, 2008 8:00 am Secretary of State 02-29-2008 90011 047 ***150.00 2008 FOR PROFIT CORPORATION ANNUAL REPOR1 (AR p'~~ENT # <<J4069 e.:. .....~. .~. BAKER'S CUSTOM CABINETS AND MILLWORK, INC. ., Principal Place 01 Busness 168 COMMERICAL BLVD NAPlES Fl 34104 US Ma~i~g Address 168 COMMERICAL BLVD NAPlES FL 34104 US 2. Principal P1ac-e of Business - No P.O. Box" 3. Mfli~ng AddrasE Suite. Apt #. etc. Svite. Apt _. e;c. Cily & Stale City & State Zip , C::un;;y Zip 6. Name end Address of Cumml J.~!tfL IIIII1IIIII1I1I1 1st MOORE CR2E034 (10101) 4, FEi Numbel 59-1407697 ;: Applied For No! Applic3ble $8.75 Adtitional Fee Required 7. Hamil 81111 Add.... of New Reglllten!d I 5. Ce<lificate of Status Desired o City FL .. The ilDave named el'l=~ lor lne purpose 01 cI1ar:.g!nQ its 1l!giSISfed office (I/' r the obIig&lions of registered 'If ~ _ SIGNATURE f'\ ~'.. IfPiN DI r'!'lred I o&:1';rj.JI ~,yg!8d RQet.I.."1IJ ~;Ije ;t It!='P'C.=I8. r~~.!1~~t;:~~:~Q!(.;u~~Er.),fil;~:t~?::;.~~ !-";".:~~;Aft8r:""';:'I~;2008,Fee':Wln'Be:$5S0.00;:'Ti~ ij~~.:~W:'to:F.ii)ijda;~:Of~~ =:n:"':4.~~"~)':'l~:r!;~.~;n,";; ~.~.,;~~~...t'....t:1~...,.~f 10. OFFlCEFlS AND DIRECTORS llTlI P f6l.ME BAKER, ERIC SIIIID -'lDlESS 56 CENTER ST. CITY-ST-liP NAPLES Fl llTlI VPS NAME BAKER, CHRISTOPHER Sl'JI!O NlOIISS 168 COMMERCIAL BlVD CITY-SHf. NAPlES Fl34104 mu: P3 - NiiiI: KER;ERlC- SlIm AIlIll5S 168 COMMERCIAL BlVD. ,;IlY-ST-Zl!' NAPLES FL 34119 Delee o o"e!e o ()eIele ll1U lWE STlHI AOOPfSS Clty-ST-lP o Deietr mu: NAME SI'AEn ~ss CIIY-ST.Zl~ 1ITU: !WoE STlUJ ~ss CllY-ST-llP o [)eiete o Deie~ istered agent, or cotn, in Ihe S;.ate (If Florida, I am familiar with. aod accept ~NOTE PQt11:'f<<l! A:;:ar~1 iil!:IR"kI'P. ~~ "#1'......, ~"lIi,g. DATE 8. Election C."IIT1oaign Financing Trust FlJnd COfllsibulio~. 0 $5.00 May Be Added to Fees 11. Jrn.E ~ ST1lEE1' AOOIIESS CTIY-Sf..:J' IDU lloWE SlilID IOOftfSS CTIY. Sf-ZIP nT!.( -tW4- --- srnm "IlIlAESS CRY-Sf-ZIP AODIT1ONS {CHANGES TO OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS IN 11 o CtwIge 0 AaGIiIlll o Ch~ 0 Aillliliilll o Change 0 Million nru N..u.lE Slilff! .'llllRESS eTIY. Sf-ZIP nTU NAAlf SI!lill,~ESS CITY-Sf-ZIP o Change 0 .Adllilion o Challflll' 0 A.:ldiliOll TIllE N.....E ST'l<IT ~Rl$S CITY S1-lIP o Chi. 0 Mtilio~ 12. I hereby cettily tl1at th6 inlo:maticn SlJPcli6d vlith ltJis filing does net quaI.fy for the exemc:liOtlS containeo in Secll(lO 119, flcricla Statutes. I further cert~y thaI :he information inckaleO Of'Iltlis report Of supplemental rSport is true and accurate and lhal my signa1lJre shall hawlhe sa.me legal e!leCr as if mede under oath: Ilia! I am an oflicer or director of the corporatio~ or me receilltir 01 trustee exeCUle this report as required by Chapter 607, ROrida Stalt.iles; and ;!l81.TIV name appears in Block 10 or Block 11 if dlanged, or on an atrachment wiltl an 59. Vlrith . allier like empowered. SIGNATURE: K -.:.- _TUllE 101IO """DOlI _D"'" OF _r;, OFPlcetI OR """'CTllR o..-/:'~F~. ".., 04/16/2068 12:44 2394344895 GTA nOR NAPLES . PA(:iI:. 11:L/~;:; '" DEPAKTMENT OF R,fVENUE General Tax Adminlitration Child Support Enforcement Property T~ Admini$U'ation Administrative Servic&~ Information ServIceS Jim Z1noelll Executive Director DR~S ~TIPlJLA'IED TIME PAYMENT AGREEMENI (04/16/1008) Tt;l:payer's Nan1e: BAKER, ERIC ausiness Name: BAKER'S CUSTOM CABINETS &. MILLWORK. galea and U:se 1'azI. # (Whm applicable): 21-8011958729-7 FEl# 59-1407697. AucUt Control # f '\1fattant #10000000~2871 Tax Type: SALES &, USE tAX It The FLORIDA vll:tARTMENT 01' REVENUE and. :BAKER'S CUSToM CA!3INETS& MILLWORK me.. Tax. XdentificaQon Numbcrt' 21-8011958729.7 hereby agree3 that $29816.51 is due the Sw-te of Florida, which is comprised of: Tu 25154.79 Penalty 3219.06 Interqt 1442.66 FILING FEE 0,00 .. 't'otal 29816.51 - Thd taxpayer agrees to make a down payment in tho amount of (PAID $18000,00 ON 3/12/08). The fiut ~yment is due on O~!15/2008 and each additional paym~nt will be due according to the payment date listed 00. the amortU:iltion schedule, Payments shall btl made to the ~VlCE CENTER AT 3073 HORSESHOE DR S SUITE 110.NAJ'LKt FLORIDA 34104 It ~ further agreed that the sum oftbe tax, penalty, j.ntcrest and fjlj,pg fees, referenotld on the auM asseSSl):leI1t(s)/f1led wamlnt(S) dated. 07/2012007 _is subjfOct to the following stipulations: 1. The tnpayer waives any and all rights to institute any further judicial or a.dministra.tive proceeding wder 72.011, , F .S. with respect to thLs liability, 2. The taXpayer further &jp'ees to meet ~h payment term detailed .;m the Amortization Schedule and Payment CoupoJlS provided by t.lu; Department ofRevtmue. 3. The provisions of the statUteS relating to 'j~opardy assel'Jtm1eiits will coutinue to apply to the tlVl:payer(S) that has entered into a stipulated time payment agl"eeIllent. 4. The Department sba11 file ajudgcmc:nt hen for th~ fun amount of !:he unpaid liability with the Departmcmt of State pureuant to s, 5.5.m:2, F.S. j. This agrt;c;roent shaD b<<;ome void if ~he ta:xpayer fails or rduses to follow the payment terms; fail$ or refuses to file all tax returns that become due; 81ld/or fa.i1s to remit the payment of all tax.e$ that become due :md payable. If the agreement l;lecoIIICS 'Void and all.taxtl:i, penalties, i~tere.>ts, and filing fce~ art not immodiiltely paid them the Department will implem.ot one or more of the stopa listed beloW at),d any Qthea' aetion as provid6d by law to oollect all amount1l17Wca and due. lssuelD'V)' instructions to 1h9 ~eriff to issue a W>/.!Ta.I1t tor the remalnlng liabili1y or ellecutel:hat wanant 01' a wamnl '{'I'eviously issued with resp<\ct to the Ii.hility. Refer the issue to the Division of A1coholio BiVerage and Tobacco of Ibe POPllltmtllt of ~Ul""s and pf()fl1q~\Qll,,1 Regu~(>t\ t'Of bevmlllC lil:;w~ action. Implem....t the g;awj!lb=tl'rovisions of.3. 213.(i7, F.S., and Pan II ofChiIpWr 12<ll,I'.A,C, Implement the colle\':tion ref<<raJ provioions of s, 2U.27, fS. Cancc) thl: sales tU r<?Jgisttation oenificatc oh taxpayer pllmllll11 to $. 212.1S(3)(b), F.s. Ai;SCS& the f'38'poll,ible corp<lf9tt officoll." 1/.1.00% penalty p\lrSulIllt to s. 21329 1',1). . Z:0/t0 39'i1d Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0100, www.myflorida.com/dQr ._._____._ ~01sm S~ml'i1S: Gz:0gEt>%EZ: LE:E0 800Z!91!t>0 _ 04/16/213138 12: 44 2394344896 GTA DOR NAFLES t-'AGI::. 1!J.;l/1::l.:l " DEPARl'MENT OF REVENUE Jim Zingale Exeoutiw Director General Tax Administration Qhild Support Enforcement property Tax AdminIstration AdministratIVe services Information services Page 2, 'Date Stiplllated Tim~ Paymtnt Ap'eement Taxpayer 'Name 1"u Aecount Nllmber Pay_lit Scbedulcd; ~ MONTII Number ofraym.ents: 12 ftnt ~mem Date: OSJl!12808 layml!:n~ Amllllll~: $1484.71 .Pown l'aymellt: S{),OO; nllat Paym.ent "11IO_' NOT KNOWN as a (~) 5alloon paYIXI~t or ( ) am pllymmt ,ejaedule This ag.reeJnent is hereby accepted for and on behalf oftbo taXpayer and the Florida Department ofReveJ;luc: this Sth_ day of AUGUST 2007_~(4).F.s. BY;)( ~G-. Titl~: ~~-.,. . (Signature of Taxpayer or Representati:ve;) Jim Zingale, Executive Director ~ By: (j) :::-- David Made% B.evenue Administrator D MlIUlud@duT.state.fI..us 23~f434-4870 23'/434-4896 Fax l\Turober Title:REVENU'E ADMINISTRATOR II_Dare: 08/13/2007. ll2l/ll2l 39t1d Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0100, www.myflorida.com/dor WOlSm StJ3W1H __ z.z:0~St>96EG LS:E0 800G/91/t>0 *** INSTR 4385443 OR 4529 PG 2194 RECORDED 1/20/2010 12:04 PM PAGES 1 *** DWIGHT E. BROCK, COLLIER COUNTY CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT REC $10.00 ZT02 " DEPNnMENT OF REVENUE BAKER'S CUSTOM CABINETS & MILLWORK INC 168 COMMERCIAL BLVD NAPLES FL 34104-4705 Florida Department of Revenue '.' , r. Satisfaction and Release "," of Tax lien State of FLORIDA. . County of COLLlE~,il.! '! I HEREBY CER~'FY THAT this is-'e(We and ~cf. copy of a docurn~nt recorded !fll~ BfFICIA~ " RECORDS of C~II.ier 09U~Yd~~;~S my ~nd . :~~~~~~,., . , . U : Tax: Sales and Use Tax Business Partner # ': 587260 Contract Object # : 11958729 FEIN : 59-1407697 VVarrant# :1000000154155 Re: VVarrant issued under Chapter . 212, Florida Statutes On December 16, 2009, the Department of Revenue, State of Florida, secured recordation of a warrant for collection of delinquent Sales and Use Tax, which appears in the official records of Collier County, Florida, in OR OR Book 4519, Page 2347, Instrument # 4374264 VVHEREAS, such warrant has been satisfied in fUlL THEREFORE, the Department of Revenue, State of Florida, releases the above recorded lien and accordingly requests that the Clerk of the Circuit Court record this S!:itisfaction and Release of Tax Lien. VVITNESS my hand and official seal in this City of Naples, Collier. County, Flprida, this 11th day of January, 2010. Lisa Echeverri, Executive Director Department of Revenue, State of Florida This instrument prepared by: G) Aul'lorized Agent . Please bill to: NAPLES SERVICE CENTER 3073 HORSESHOE DR S STE 110 NAPLES FL 34104-6145 239-434-4858 DR-81 R. 10/04 ELECTRONIC JUDGMENT LIEN CERTIFICATE FOR PURPOSES OF FILING A JUDGMENT LIEN, THE FOllOWING INFORMA liON IS SUBMITTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH S. 55.203, F.S.. JUDGMENT DEBTOR (DEFENDANT) NAME(S) AS SHOWN ON JUDGMENT LIEN: BAKER'S CUSTOM CABINETS & MILLWORK INC 168 COMMERCIAL BLVD NAPLES, FL. 341044705 FEI#: 59-1407697 DOS DOCUMENT#: 404069 . J07000257231 FILED 8:00 AM August 15, 2007 Secretary of State .. 6~~l:~~nPR'mdk~~TIFF} NAME AS SHOWN ON JUDGMENT LIEN OR CURRENT OWNER STATE OF FLORIDA, DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE NAPLES SERVICE CENTER 3073 HORSESHOE DR S STE 110 NAPLES FL341 046145 DOS DOCUMENT#: 593476898 NAME AND ADDRESS TO WHOM ACKNOWLEDGMENT/CERTIFICATION IS TO BE MAILED: OCR GENERAL COUNSEL'S OFFICE AMOUNT DUE ON MONEY JUDGMENT: 14,290.51 APPLICABLE INTEREST RATE: 0.00% NAME OF COURT: 4260 2880 CASE NUMBER: 1000000052871 DATE OF ENTRY: 07120107 WAS A WRIT OF EXECUTION DOCKETED ON THIS JUDGMENT LIEN WITH ANY SHERIFF PRIOR TO OCTOBER 1, 2001? ( ) YES (IF YES, A 'CREDITOR AFFIDAVIT CERTIFICATION" FORM MUST BE ATTACHED TO THIS CERTIFICATE.) (X) NO UNDER PENAL TV OF PERJURY, I her~by certify that: (1) The judgment above described has become final and there is no stay of the judgment or its enforcement in effect; (2) All of the information set forth above is true, correct, current and complete; (3) I have not previously filed a Judgment Lien Certificate regarding the above judgment with the Department of State; and, (4) I have complied with all applicable laws in submitting this Electronic Judgment Lien Certificate for filing. Electronic Signature of Creditor or Authorized Representative: DOR GENERAL COUNSEL'S OFFICE ~ In Balance ~ Building Your Business a Better Bottom Line Recognized Credit Reporting Agency 12268 Tamiami Trail E. Suite 301 . Naples, FL 34113 .239-774-5100 The information you requested is provided below. The infOffilation provided was gathered by third party sources not affiliated with In Balance, Inc. The information provided has not been reviewed/verified by In Balance, Inc., and therefore responsibility for its accuracy, completeness, and the manner in which it was gathered rests ultimately with the third party sources notwithstanding In Balance, Inc.' s exercise of reasonable care in selecting said third party sources. Personal Credit Report Summary All information contained be/ow is accurate and true as of the indicated search date Name of Individual: Eric Baker Social Security Number: "' Credit Score: 501 Search Date: March 16, 2009 Searches Requested: Liens, Judgments and Bankruptcies A search of local, state, and federal databases on the above individual generated the following results: LOCATION DATE AMOUNT ALL SEARCHES FOR LIENS, JUDGMENTS AND BANKRUPTCIES PROVED NEGATIVE --0- In Balance t"J. 12268 Tamiami Trail E. Suite 301 . Naples, FL 34113 .239-774-5100 PAGE 1 DATE 3-16-2009 TIME 8:29:31 V401 TFLT ERIC J BAKER *4573 EXCHANGE AVE STE 9 NAPLES FL 341047027 RPTD: 7-00 TO 8-08 U 8X LAST SUB: 1230206 55: tc1 7782 DOB: 02/18/47 E: 7202084948 RPTD: 10-05 I E: TCC INC RPTD: 7-02 I *168 COMMERCIAL BLVD NAPLES FL 341044705 RPTD: 7-91 TO .11-06 U 3X : *831 TROUT HAVEN RD FLORISSANT CO 808165703 RPTD: 8-04 U PUBLIC RECORDS-------O INST/oTH BAL---$21,128 RESTATE BAL--------$O TOT REV BAL----$44,548 PAST DUE AMT------$366 SCH/EST PAY-----$2,282+ RESTATE PAY--------$O TOT REV AVAIL-------9% CREDIT REPORT SUMMARY ---------------------------- CNT 19/01/02/00 SATIS ACCTS--13 NOW DEL/DRG---1 WAS DEL/DRG---5 OLD TRADE--3-78 INQUIRIES---l INQS/6 MO---O TRADELINE--~9 PAID ACCT---7 ------------------------------- SCORE SUMMARY -------------------------------- EXP/FAIR ISAAC RISK SCORE 2 501 SCORE FACTORS: 39, 10, 18, 13 SUBSCRIBER OPEN SUB# KOB TYP TRM ECOA BALDATE ACCOUNT # LAST PD ----------------------------------- TRADES ----------------------------------- AMT-TYPl AMT-TYP2 ACCTCOND PYMT STATUS BALANCE PYMT LEVEL MOS REV PYMT HISTORY MONTH PAY PAST DUE MAXIMUM BY MONTH *BANK OF AMERICA 5-04 $9,100-L $10,112-H CLOSED CUR WAS 120 1255720 BC BCC REV 1 2-19-09 $6,508 2-09 (29) BCCCCCCCICCCC 9036 2-09 $268 11-06/4 CCCCCCCCCCCC * * ACCOUNT CLOSED AT CREDIT GRANTOR'S REQUEST ** *G MAC 3-01 $27,133-0 PAID 30 DAY DEL 1610211 FF AUL 48 2 5-02-05 5-05 (50) BICCCCCCCCCCC 029300730669 4-05 CCCCCCCCCCCC *SEARS/CBSD 7-82 $250-L $568-H PAID CURR ACCT 1323180 DC CHG REV 3 10-16-07 10-07 ( 99) BOOOOOOOOOOOO 759530791 11-00 000000000000 ** ACCOUNT CLOSED AT CONSUMER'S REQUEST ** +++++ MORE BCLG LKS 1019899 BAKER, ERIC 264847782;CA-801 12TH AVE S APT 50l/NAPLES FL PAGE 2 DATE 3-16-2009 TIME 8:29:31 V401 TFLT it In Balance tl 12268 Tamiami Trail E . Suite 301 . Naples, FL 34113 .239-774-5100 SUBSCRIBER OPEN AMT-TYP1 AMT-TYP2 ACCTCOND PYMT STATUS SUB# KOB TYP TRM ECOA BALDATE BALANCE PYMT LEVEL MOS REV PYMT HISTORY ACCOUNT # LAST PD MONTH PAY PAST DUE MAXIMUM BY MONTH *GEMB/JCP 11-85 $300-L $757-H PAID CURR ACCT 3321860 DC CHG REV 2 10-12-07 10-07 ( 99) BOOOOOOOOOOOO 214151 3-01 000000000000 ** ACCOUNT CLOSED AT CONSUMER'S REQUEST ** *CAP ONE 3-01 $2,077-H PAID CURR ACCT 1270246 BC CRC REV 1 3-06-04 3"-04 (37) BCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCC ** ACCOUNT CLOSED AT CONSUMER'S REQUEST ** *CITI 3-78 $5,100-L PAID CURR ACCT 1240000 BC CRC REV 1 3-19-03 3-03 (99) B---OOO--OOOC CCCCCCCCCCCC ** ACCOUNT CLOSED AT CONSUMER'S REQUEST ** FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF 4-96 $280,000-0 PAID CURR ACCT 2194510 BM R/C 30Y 2 10-31-02 10-02 (78) BCCCCCC-CCCCC 10032092 CCCCCCCCCCC- G MAC 7-98 $13,689-0 . PAID CURR ACCT 1610203 FA AUL 36 0 2-01-02 2-02 (43) BCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCC-C-C--C *G MAC 12-04 $17,330-0 OPEN 30 WAS 60 1610211 FF AUT 48 2 3-02-09 $385 12-08 (50) 1111CCCCCCCCC 2-09 $383 $366 CC1CC1CC1CC2 *CAP ONE 7-00 $2,500-L $2,572-H OPEN CUR WAS 30 1270246 BC CRC REV 1 2-24-09 $2,184 2-03 ( 99) CCCCCCCCCCCCC 2-09 $50 1-03/1 CCCCCCCCCCCC *ADVANTA BANK CORP 8-02 $9,550-L $12,424-H OPEN CUR WAS 30 1435480 BB BCC REV 1 2-20-09 $8,327 1-09 (26) CC1CCCCCCCCCC 1-09 $235 CCCCCCCCCCCC *FIFTH THIRD BANK 3-05 $18,906-0 OPEN CUR WAS 30 2104936 BB AUT 48 6 7-31-06 $13,823 7-05 (17) cceceeceeccce 7-06 $469 1cce +++++ MORE BCLG LKS 1019899 BAKER, ERIC 264847782;CA-801 12TH AVE S APT SOl/NAPLES FL PAGE 3 DATE 3-16-2009 TIME 8:29:31 V401 TFLT ~ In Balance ~ 12268 Tamiami Trail E. Suite 301 . Naples, FL 34113 .239-774-5100 SUBSCRIBER OPEN SUB# KOB TYP TRM ECOA BALDATE ACCOUNT # LAST PD CAP ONE 1270246 BC CRC REV 1 CAP ONE 1270246 BC CRC REV 1 BANK OF AMERICA 1213727 BC CRC REV 1 8067 GEMB/SELECT COMFORT 1245880 BC CHG REV 1 603462332047 BANK OF AMERICA 1230206 BC CRC REV 1 0893 BANK OF AMERICA 1198830 BB REC 120 1 BANK OF AMERICA 1230206 BC CRC REV 1 5608 CBA 10-02 3-12-09 2-09 11-03 3-12-09 3-09 1-04 3-10-09 3-09 9-08 3-06-09 12-03 3-03-09 2-09 7-02 2-28-09 2-09 8-03 2-14-09 2-09 8-25-08 AMT-TYP1 BALANCE MONTH PAY $6,500-L $6,451 $137 $7,500-L $7,400 $123 $3,40Q-L $3,093 $129 $2,500-L $1,192 UNK $3,500-L $3,248 $100 $15,088-0 $6,920 $199 $6,400-L $6,145 $189 INQUIRIES 6970060 FR AMT-TYP2 ACCTCOND PYMT LEVEL MOS REV PAST DUE MAXIMUM $6,659-H 3-09 $7,724-H 3-09 : $3,904-H 3-09 $1,192-H 3-09 $4,591-H 3-09 2-09 $7,363-H 2-09 UNK R/E PYMT STATUS PYMT HISTORY BY MONTH OPEN CURR ACCT (78) CCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCC OPEN CURR ACCT (65) CCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCC OPEN CURR ACCT . (62) CCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCC OPEN CURR ACCT ( 6) CCCCCC OPEN CURR ACCT (63) CCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCC OPEN CURR ACCT (80) CCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCC OPEN CURR ACCT (67) CCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCC CONSUMER ASSISTANCE CONTACT: EXPERIAN 701 EXPERIAN PARKWAY, PO BOX 2002, ALLEN, TX 75013 888.397.3742 ZT02 " DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE Florida Department of Revenue Satisfaction and Release of Tax Lien *** 4287556 OR: 4446 PG: 3033 ttt DCOIDID in OrPICIAL DCOIDS of COLLIII coom, 'L 04/24/2009 at 01:41PI DIIGHT I. BIOCI, CLIRI DC 01 10.00 BAKER'S CUSTOM CABINETS & MILLWORK INC 168 COMMERCIAL BLVD NAPLES FL 34104-4705 Ketn: !L DIPT RIVlm 3073 BORSISBOI DR S '110 IAPLIS rL 31104 On July 20. 2007, the Departme collection of delinquent Sales and O.R. O.R. Book 4260, Page 288 Lisa Echeverri, Executive Director Department of Revenue, State of Florida This instrument prepared by: 8 ~ Authorized Agent Please bill to: NAPLES SERVICE CENTER 3073 HORSESHOE DR S STE 110 NAPLES FL 34104-6145 239-434-4858 DR-81 R. 10104 ~ In Balance ~ Building Your Business a Better Bottom Line Recognized Credit Reporting Agency 12268 Tamiami Trail E. Suite 301 . Naples, FL 34113 . 239-774-5100 The infonnation you requested is provided below. The infonnation provided was gathered by third party sources not affiliated with In Balance, Inc. The infonnation provided has not been reviewed/verified by In Balance, Inc., and therefore responsibility for its accuracy, completeness, and the manner in which it was gathered rests ultimately with the third party sources notwithstanding In Balance, Inc.'s exercise of reasonable care in selecting said third party sources. Business Credit Report Summary All information contained below is accurate and true as of the indicated search date Name of Company: Baker's Custom Cabinets & Millwork Inc. FEI Number: 59-1407697 Reference (if necessary): Search Date: April 9, 2009 Searches Requested: Credit, Liens, Judgments and Bankruptcies A search of local, state, federal, and national databases on the above company generated the following results: LOCATION Collier County Circuit Doc #: 4049513 DATE 7/20/2007 Filed AMOUNT $14.032 State Tax Lien ~ In Balance .~ 12268 Tamiami Trail E. Suite 301 . Naples, FL 34113 .239-774-5100 ~ Business Credit Report - BAKERS CUSTOM CABINETS & MillWORK, INC. Subcode: 515210 Ordered: 04/09/200913:36:23 COT Transaction number: C038271928 Search inquiry: Baker's Custom Cabinets & Milwork /168 Commercial Blvd / Naples / FL / 34104 / 591407697 .' ."" . H.. E . .~ :: xpenan- ..... . .. .. .. A 'World of insight Company Information BAKERS CUSTOM~ABINETS &. MILLWORK, INC. 168 COMMERCIAL BLVD NAPLES, FL 34104-4705 (941) 643-2339 Business Identification Number: 845769596 Experian 'FHe Established: 04/1979 SIC code: LUMBER & OTHER BLDG MATLS-RETAIL - 5211 Tax ID: 59-1407697 Executive Summary Current OBT range compared to all industries' 24 OBT ($1,200 Balance) , 16-50 11II 800/0 110f0 9010 % of US businesses falling within OBT range OBT Norms: All industries: 7 OBT Same industry: 11 OBT Quarterly OBT trends (previous 5 quarters) 90+ 60 30 17 o 1 2 1 o 1Q08 1Q09 2Q08 3Q08 4Q08 7 month OBT trends 90+ 60 30 14 18 24 1 3 ..- 2 1 Legal Filings and Collections Bankruptcy filings: Tax lien filings: details (FilED 07/07) Judgment filings: Total collections: details (PLACED 06/03-09/08) Sum of legal filings: UCC filings: details (FilED 10/06-09/08) Cautionary UCC filings present? Trade Information Monthly average DBT: Highest DBT previous 6 months: Highest DBT previous 5 quarters: Total continuous trades: Current continuous trade balance: Trade balance of all trades (17): Average balance previous 5 quarters: Highest credit amount extended: details 6 month balance range:. Performance Analysis Predicted OBT for 06/03/2009: 18 DBT Payment Trend Indication: Payments Are Increasingly Late Industry payment comparison: Has paid sooner than 50% of similar firms Most Frequent Industry Purchasing Terms: NET 30, CREDIT, and CONTRCT o 1 o 3 $14,032 3 Yes.. 6 24 24 9 $1,200 $10,600 $4,160 $17,300 $1,200 - $3,700 ~ In Balance ~ 12268 Tamiami Trail E. Suite 301 . Naples, FL 34113 .239-774-5100 o Sep08 Oet08 Nov08 Dec08 Jan09 Feb09 Current . Days Beyond Terms (DBT) is a dollar weighted calculation of the average number of days that payment was made beyond the invoice due date based on trades on file that have been updated in the previous 3 months. ** Cautionary UCC Filings include one or more of the following collateral: Accounts, Accounts Receivables, Contract Rights, Hereafter Acquired Property, Inventory, Leases, Notes Receivable or Proceeds. TO",e ,. Collections Legal Filings and Collections Date Placed 09/2008 Status Original Outstanding Date Balance Balance Closed $154 $154 $94 $15 08/2007 $258 $258 06/2003 Agency RECEIVABLE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RECEIVABLE MANAGEMENT SERVICES A.G. ADJUSTMENTS LTD Agency Phone (000) 000-0000 Open Account 08/2007 Closed, Partial Payment 06/2003 Paid in Full (000) 000-0000 (516) 752-3000 TO"'. Tax Liens File Date 07/20/2007 Filing Type State Tax Lien Status Amount Filed $14,032 Filing Number 4049513 Jurisdiction COLUER COUNTY CIRCU Trade Payment Information Trade Payment Experiences Account Status (Trade Lines With an n after date are newly reported) Days Beyond Terms Business Date Last Payment Recent High Balance Cur 1-30 31-60 61-90 91+ Comments Category Reported Sale Terms Credit ADVERTISNG 03/2009 NET 30 $0 CUST 6 YR AIR TRANS 03/2009 NET 30 $0 CUST 8 YR FINCL SVCS 03/2009 NET $0 FINCL SVCS 03/2009 02/2009 VARIED $17;300 $400 5% 95% NOT PAY AA FINCL SVCS 03/2009 01/2009 CONTRCT $3,200 $400 100% OFFC SUPPL 12/2008 03/2007 CREDIT $0 ACCTCLOSED PACKAGING 03/2009 12/2006 NET 30 $0 CUST 3 YR PRNTG&PUBL 03/2009 VARIED $0 RENTALS 01/2009 NET 10 $400 $400 50% 27% 23% Trade Payment Totals Trade Payment Experiences D AccBount SdtaTtus ays eyon erms Lines Recent Type Reported High Balance Cur 1-30 31-60 61-90 91+ Comments Credit Continuously Reported 9 $20,900 $1,200 53% 39% 8% DBT: 24 Newly Reported 0 DBT: Trade Lines Totals 9 $20,900 $1,200 53% 39% 8% DBT: 24 ~ In Balance ~ 12268 Tamiami Trail E. Suite 301 . Naples, FL 34113 .239-774-5100 Additional Payment Experiences Trade Payment Experiences Account Status (Trade Lines With an n after date are newly reported) Days eyond Terms Business Date Last Payment Recent High Balance Cur 1-30 31-60 61-90 91+ Comments Category Reported Sale Terms Credit CHEMICALS OS/2007 NET 30 $0 CRED CARD 03/2009 02/2009 REVOLVE $900 $800 100% CRED CARD 03/2009 02/2009 CREDIT $10,600 $8,200 97% 3% NOT PAY AA LEASING 02/.2008 CONTRcr $700 $0 CUST 3 YR .. OFFC SUPPL 10/2008 08/2000 CREDIT $0 ACcrCLOSED PETROLEUM 02/2007 01/2007 VARIED $500 $400 3% 27% 70% CUST 12 YR TEMP HELP 07/2008 NET 7 $200 $0 TRANSPORTN 0912006 NET 30 $0 CUST < 1 Y Monthly Payment Trends Payment Trends Analysis Account Status LUMBER & OTHER BLDG MATLS-RETAIL INDUSTRY SIC: 5211 Days Beyond Terms Date Reported Industry Business Balance Cur 1-30 31-60 61-90 91+ Cur DBT DBT CURRENT N/A N/A 24 $1,200 53% 39% 8% FEB09 81% 11 18 $1,600 64% 30% 6% JAN09 81% 9 14 $2,300 72% 1% 23% 4% DEC08 82% 8 2 $2,100 95% 1% 4% NOV08 84% 7 3 $2,000 94% 6% Ocr08 84% 7 1 $3,000 97% 3% SEP08 86% 6 1 $3,700 97% 3% Quarterly Payment Trends Account Status Payment History - Quarterly Averages D B d T a s e on erms Quarter Months DBT Balance Cur 1-30 31-60 61-90 91+ Q1 - 09 JAN-MAR 17 $1,700 66% 29% 5% Q4 - 08 ocr -DEC 2 $2,400 96% 4% Q3 - 08 JUL-SEP 1 $4,300 98% 2% Q2 - 08 APR-JUN 1 $5,600 98% 2% Q1 - 08 JAN-MAR '0 $6,800 100% Inquiries Summary of Inquiries Business Category BUREAU GENERAL APR09 MAR09 1 FEB09 JAN09 DECOS NOVOS OCTOS SEPOS AUGOS 1 2 Totals 1 1 2 ~ In Balance ~ 12268 Tamiami Trail E. Suite 301 . Naples, FL 34113 . 239-774-5100 UCC Profile The UCC Filin s are summarized and listed below. Date Range Year JAN - PRESENT 2009 JUL - DEC 2008 JAN - JUN 2008 JUL - DEC 2007 JAN - JUN 2007 PRIOR TO JAN 2007 Total Cautionary UCCs.. Total Filed Releasedl Term'd Cont Amendedl Assigned 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 ** Cautionary UCC Filings include one or more of the following collateral: Accounts, Accounts Receivables, Contract Rights, Hereafter Acquired Property, Inventoryt Leases, Notes Receivable or Proceeds. TOpe UCC Filings UCC FILED Date: 09/05/2008 Filing Number: 200809099134 Jurisdiction: SEC OF STATE FLORIDA Secured Party: LEASING RESOURCES, INC. NC CORNELIUS 2803119410 JETTON ROAD' Collateral: EQUIP, HEREAFTER AQUIRED PROP, UNDEFINED UCC FILED Date: 02/19/2007 Filing Number: 200704855060 Jurisdiction: SEC OF STATE FLORIDA Secured Party: FIFTH THIRD BANK FL NAPLES 34108 999 VANDERBILT BEACH ROAD 1 Collateral: EQUIP, FURN & FIX, INVENTORY, HEREAFTER AQUIRED PROP, UNDEFINED UCC FILED Date: 10/06/2006 Filing Number: 20060383310X Jurisdiction: SEC OF STATE FLORIDA Secured Party: SOVEREIGN BANK NY MELVILLE 117473 HUNTINGTON QUADRANGLE, #1 Collateral: EQUIP, UNDEFINED Company Background Information Corporate Registration THE FOllOWING INFORMATION WAS PROVIDED BY THE STATE OF FLORIDA State of Origin: FL Current Status: Active Business Type: Institutions - Profit Charter Number: 404069 Federal Tax ID: 59-1407697 Additional Company Background Information TOpe Key Personnel Principal(s): IRIS MOLTO, SALES MANA RICK GARRITY, SALES MANA Operating Information Business Type: Institutions ~ In Balance ~ 12268 Tamiami Trail E. Suite 301 . Naples, FL 34113 .239-774-5100 Primary S:l:C Code: LUMBER & OTHER BLDG MATLS-RETAIL - 5211 Years in Business: 37 Experian prides itseff on the depth and accuracy of the data maintained on our databases. Reporting your customer's payment behavior to Experian will further strengthen and enhance the power of the information available for making sound credit decisions. Give credit where credit is due. Call 1-800-520-1221 , option #4 for more information. End of report 1 of 1 report The information herein is furnished in confidence for your exclusive use for legitimate business purposes and shall not be reproduced. Neither Experian Information Solutions, Inc., nor their sources or distributors warrant such information nor shall they be liable for your use or reliance upon it. @ Experian 2009. All rights reserved. Privacy Dolicy. Experian and the Experian marks herein are service marks or registered trademarks of Experian. 2/13/2009 10:05 AM FROM: RMI-239-278-4853 Risk Management Insurance TO: 643-5022 PAGE: 002 OF 002 ACORD.. CERTIFICA TE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE OPIC GF I DATE tMMlDDIYYYY) BAKER-1 02/13/09 PRODUCER THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE Risk Management Insurance HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR P.O. Box 6187 ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. Fort Myers FL 33911-6187 . Phone: 239-278-3939 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC# INSURED INSURER A FCCI Insurance Company INSURER B Baker's Custom Cabinets and -. Millwork Inc. INSURER C 168 Commercial Blvd INSURER D Naples !'L 34104 INSURER E COVERAGES THE POLICIES OF INSURANQE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURAtrrlCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. >, . LlR NSRI: TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER PD~~ iMMlDDIYY) DATE (MMJ,DIYY) LIMITS GENERAL LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1,000,000 - A X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY GLOO04921 01/01/09 01/01/10 UfWIAC>t: $ 100,000 PREMISES (Ea occurence) I CLAIMS MADE ~ OCCUR MED EXP (Anyone person) $ 5,000 PERSONAL & NJV INJURY $ 1,000,000 - GENERAL AGGREGATE $ $2,000,000 - GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER PRODUCTS - COMPIOP AGG $ 2,000,000 I n PRO- nLOC POLICY JECT AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT - $1,000,000 A X ANY AUTO CAOO028894 01/01/09 01/01/10 (Ea aCCIdent) - ALL OWNED AUTOS BODIL Y INJURY I-- (Per person) $ SCHEDULED AUTOS . I-- HIRED AUTOS BODIL Y INJURY I-- (Per aCCIdent) $ NON-OWNED AUTOS I-- I-- PROPERTY DAMAGE $ (Per accident) GARAGE LIABILITY AUTO ONL Y - EA ACCIDENT $ R ANY AUTO OTHER THAN EA ACC $ AUTO ONL Y AGG $ EXCESSIUMBRELLA LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1000000 A gJ OCCUR D CLAIMS MADE UMBOOO13344 01/01/09 01/01/10 AGGREGATE $ 1000000 $ ~ DEDUCTIBLE $ X RETENTION $10000 $ WORKERS COMPENSATION AND X ITOR\t:~I'T~ I IU~~ A EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY 57490 02/01/09 02/01/10 $ 100000 ANY PROPRIETORIPARTNER/EXECUTIVE E.L EACH ACCIDENT OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? E.L DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE $ 100000 If yes, descnbe under $ 500000 SPECIAL PROVISIONS below E.L DISEASE ~ POLICY LIMIT OTHER DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS I VEHICLES I EXCLUSIONS ADDED BY ENDORSEMENT I SPECIAL PROVISIONS Fax' 239-643-5022 . CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION Collier county Contractors Licensing Board 2800 N Horseshoe Dr Naples !'L 34104 COLLIER SHOULD Am OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE I;XPIRATlON DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING INSURER WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAil ~ DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF Am KIND UPON THE INSURER, ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. A ESENTATlVE 01/20/2010 23:06 2392783613 RISK MANAGEME~rr IN5U t-'Atll:. 11:i! 11:i ~ PRODUCER I DATE <*IDDIYYYY) CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE ~1 01/21/10 THIS CERllFlCATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMAtiON ONLY AND CONFERS MO RIGHTS OpON THE CI!RTIFlCAtE HOLDER. nus CER'nFICATE DOeS NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE CCM!RAGE AFfcmDED BY THE pOLICIES BELOW. CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF TtlE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES Be CA,NCEll.EO BEf!ORE THE l!lCPlRAllON COLLIlm DATE THEREOF. THE ISSUI~ Jt<ISURER W11.L ENDEAVOR TO MAIL ~ DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERnFICATE HOLDER IIIAMS1 TO TH!! LIl!'T, IIUT !'AILUm! TO DO so SHALl. It'IPQSf; NO 08L1GATION OR IJASILITY OF; I\KY f(JNI) UPO~ THE INSURlR, ITS AGi!NTS OR RIa'l'l:ESENTAT~. . AU REPRESl!N'tAfMi ahk Kanagfmlent :tnauranc@ P.O. BOX 6187 Fort Mye~B FL 33911-6187 phoDe:239-278-3939 ~ax:239-278-4B53 INSURERS AFfORDING coVERAGE - - INSURER A; PCCl: :J:Ds~ance CoXllP~. INSURED Bake~'a custom Cabinets aDd Millwork Inc. 1GB comme~cia1 Blvd maples FJ, 34104 I INSuRM B: ~..- INSURER C; INSURER 0: INSURER E: COVERAGES M POLICIES OF INSUIU4NCE LISTED se,ow HAve BegN ISSUED TO THE INSuRED NAMED ABOVE FOR THIii POlICY pERK:'!> INDICATED. NOTWlTMSTANDING At<< REQUIReMENT. TgRM oFtCONOlTlON OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTH~ DOCUMENT Wmi RESPF.CT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY lIE IS$UED OR WlY F'e/ttAlN. THe INsuRANCE AFFORDED f!N THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE mRMS. EXCLUSIONS AND CONDmONS OF SUCH . PQl.lQeS, IIGGReGATS I.IM~!IHOWN MAY !olAV!: SEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. TYPE OF INSURANCE POI.,ICY NUMBER GENeRAL LIABILITY X COMMERCIAL GENERAl.LlABIUn' GIIO 0 0 4921 CLAIMS MMlE [i] OCCUR EACH OCCURf!8IICE A 01/01/10 01/01J,/11 I"M!MISES lea occurenCllt MED EXP CAn,Y one peraon) PERSONAL & ArN INJU~ G~AOOREGA~ PRODUCTS. ClJMi'JOP Aoo OF-Nfl. AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: LOC A CA0002889 ~INED SINGLE LIMIT 01/01/10 01/01/11 lea accId!lnt) 90011., Y INJlJRY (Ptlr p8l1lOO) ~OILY INJU~ (P'lr ~lclonl) PROPEA'N DAMAG'" (Per :!CellI8!lt1 AUTO ONI.Y . EA ACCIDI:Nt OTHER THAN EA ACe AUTO ONl.V: ACC EACH OCCUl'lRENCE 01/01/10 01/01/11 AGGREGATE x x GARAGE IJAtIIU'I'Y ANY AUTO '"xc..;;/ UMBRELlA UA5lUTY A. X OCCU~ D CI.^,MS MADE UMB0001334 DEOUCTIBLE X RETEt(l'ION $10,000 WOFlI<JlR& CQNF'E!NSA TION AND EWLC>'YEM' LIABILITY A ANY PROFRlETORIPARTNF.IW'"XECU~ OFFICEMA~ exCLUDED? L.J IM,ndllory In NIl) If ~ de:lorlbe undOr SPECIAL PROVISIONS belO\V OTHER 57490 02/01/10 02/01/11 DeSCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS 1 WHICLeS I fXCLUSIONS APDeD l!Y SoIDORSI!MENT I SPECIAL PROVISIONS Fax# 239-643-5022 . C~RTIFlCAT~ HOLDER Collier county Contractors Licensing soard 2800 N Horseshoe Dr Naples P'L 34104 ACORD 2S (2009/01) 9 8-2009 ACORD CORPORATION. .All rigl1ts r8!;8rved. The ACORD name Bnd logo are rgglst&1"9d mama of ACORD HAIC # .-- ..,- LMTS sl, 000 ~ 000 $ .100,000 $ ~, 000 $ 1,000,000 $$2,000,000 s 2,000,000 51,000,000 s $ $ $ $ $ $3.,000,00.0 $1,000,000 $ $ $ $ 100,000 $100,000 $ 500,000 LOCATION: 168 COMMERCIAL BLVD. ZONED: INDUSTRIAL BUSINESS PHONE: 643-2339 COlliER COUNTY. BUSINESS TAX BUSINESS TAX NUMBER: 740290 COLLIER COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR - 2800 N. HORSESHOE DRIVE - NAPLES FLORIDA 34104 - (239) 252-2477 VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT: www.colliertax.com THIS RECEIPT EXPIRES SEPTEMBER 30, 2009 DISPLAY AT PLACE OF BUSINESS FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION FAILURE TO DO SO IS CONTRARY TO LOCAL LAWS. . THIS TAX IS NON-REFUNDABLE. KER'S CUSTOM CABINETS COUNTY L1C: 16595 FL 34104 Nt.JMBEROF EMPLOYEES: 11-20 EMPLOYEES ClASSIFICATION:CABINET & MILLWORK CONTRACTOR CLASSIFICATION CODE: 02107502 DATE 07/14/2008 AMOUNT 36.00 RECEIPT 1593.40 A1t e~ This document is a business tax only. This is not certification that Ii It does not permit the licensee to violate any existing regulatory zonin nor does it exempt the licensee from any other taxes or permits that may be re .. ., ., CHECK ONE: Original Application /'V\ Transfer of License # =)Renewal of License # 1) /CORPORATE NAME - ~\<S2-\~ C:V~ le...., f " 1'<6 DBA NAME - 1b) 2) COLLIER COUNTY BUSINESS TAX RECEIPT APPLICATION O\_~~~ ~~?l~'.'~ ~ "~~~i-~' ~ t~ :T:t~i ~ f~\: _i:~~~>: l~~ '. ",:.-"...../ t ';' ;---.,.. .....,.</., ;",'" ............ ~ coo Wf ",\: ~..-' ,,,~,,.,,.,,"" 2800 N. Horseshoe Drive, Naples, FL 34104 Make Check Payable to: Collier County Tax Collector Phone: 239-252-2477 Fax: 239-643-4788 Website: www.colliertax.com CHECKLIST _ Copy of Articles of Incorporation and/or Fictitious letter from the State stating that your business name is on file. (850-245-6052 or 6058) www.sunbiz.org _ Yellow Fire Compliance (list of fire district phone number enclosed) ~,_ Copy of Marco Zoning Certificate. (239-389,5000) _ Copy of State license from Department of Business and Professional (850-487-1395) or Department of Health, (850-410,3359) _ Completed Zoning application with appropriate fee made payable to: Board of COU~lty Commissioners, _ Copy of City Business Tax Receipt (239-213-1800) _ Completed Business Tax Receipt application with appropriate fee made payable to: Collier County Tax Collector. (239-252-2477) _ Copy of Motor Vehicle Repair Registration Certificate from Dell.irtment of Agriculture, (800-435,7352) Other: _ Copy of Health inspection from Department of Hotels and Restaurants (850-487-1395) or Department of Agriculture. (800-435,7352) _ Please contact the Property Appraiser's office at 239-252-8145 regarding tangible tax, Date: Classification Code Number License Amount ~A. b, 01 <S- *:> ~v'1 11\I\ ... l L lcJ" R..J-( rJ r - 2a) 3) BUSINESS OWNER OR QUALIFIEP{S NAME - PHYSICALADDRESS- lit)) LtMil'/(JfCICL (No P.O. Box allowed) IS RESIDENCE USED AS AN OFFICE - BUSINESS MAILING ADDRESS - F/ x No Yes S /f-rJ'1 e. Street City Zip 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) OWNER OR QUALIFIER'S RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS - TELEPHONE - Business: Home: LEGAL FORM OF BUSINESS: _Sole Proprietorship Partnership L Corporation _ LLC _ LLP OPENING DATE OF BUSINESS OR DATE ASSUMED - Ie; ],;1.. OFFICE WITHIN CITY LIMITS OF NAPLES - X Yes _ No If Yes, City License No. SOCIAL SECURITY NO. or FEDERAL EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NO. - - 59 - / V OJ b 9 7 /*see back of :tplication Jr explanation II TYPE OF BUSINESS CONDUCTED: 'lU 1(/ ~< c-Ic'/.N/ c. ? C c.Sfrnl (l/b//1C7s ~ ~/itfJc7, J:. NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES - Including of nu~ber of owners: e::2 c) FILL IN THE APPROPRIATE AREAS - a) Rental units (motel/hotel/apts.) Number of units: b) Seating Capacity (rest./cafes, etc,) Number of seats: c) Number of coin-operated machines owned by business or individual: 9a) 10) II) eY t:;; o 12) STATE LICENSE OR CERTIFICATION NUMBER- Must have photo copy of state license i ,tate !icensed and certified UNDE~ P'ENALT:S OF PERn,RY, I DECLARE THAT I E READ TP<iE FOREGOING DOCUMENT AND' THAT THE F.\.CTS STATED IN IT ARE TRUE F E Ml' KNOWLEDGE. xx~APPLlC\NrS SIGNATURE: 'VG'-c:.... J 164"-0- DATE: .c-/3 -07 ]J~~-~- -..,.--.- ""THIS LICENSE IS NON-RlTt:'ilJ1/!, B1LE FOR IHJSI'\!ESS STATED ABO'I/F'''*':'': IC)\VnUr '-lIH.l/;).rrcprc"cntativc of businc~s) TITLI> Leonard Allen Contesting Citation #5293 Table of Contents El- Leonard Allen request for Administrative Hearing E2- Confirmation of Administrative Hearing E3- Collier County Investigative Report E4- Business card front E5- Business card back E6- Florida Limited Liability Company E7- Citation issued ,(, 1cVf1Clfd 41Lvr, Qf~ KLCr'V!S~lncc<2-- Q loQ(,'flq , jt'j (e~r:;(jA-(J -b CJ ~Cl_;hci)'), :# 52CJ3. crt"? u f-~c\r\ J<:, oJlQ cJJc0 tM<; 1(lQ')') carJs .u1 L~ tAl0\~ I1c+ ~ &.r~I~~, ~ V\,QoP (~~ ~(l10\.:V) oJ- Q ~ClV<ifl) (~ ~Vl wv::tlVtJ 1- V<Qql,LoS~ ~;S ~LX(lf)C! b{o(~ +le- D~(~d-c-~ af c+k fuJoL\nJ ?~VI~VU Q<JlJ p4"\I\-11 +11 ifl~ cllipQ{[i~ ~j q;~LL<Q<;+ ~ -to ~ ~LI(:nr e040+j ~ QQl+(adC)(~ LlGM<) ,iL~ b::oJ~ ;2'(;00 M~ ~~ IDYl J~ I W~ I FlaJ&CA-- 3lf(OT E,\ COLLIER COUNTY BUILDING REVIEW & PERMITTING CONTRACTOR'S LICENSING ZgOO N. Horseshoe Drive · Naples, Florida 34104 · (239) 403-2432 · Fax (239) 403-2469 February 17,2010 (Hand-del ivered) Leonard Allen 2455 Dew Drop Inn Ln. Tallahassee, FL 32305 RE: Contesting Citation Dear Mr. Allen: You have been added to the agenda for the Contractors' Licensing Board meeting on Friday, March 12,2010. The meeting is held at 9:00 a.m. at the W. HamlOn Turner Building (Bid'! Aamin. Bldg.), 3301 E. Tamiami Trl., Naples, FLin the C . , M . R h 3rt! fl ~01l11 . SIOllcr s eetmg oom on t e oar. inccrely, .~~J< hn-w / \~ /'--~.- /.. Jen 'Iifer Blanco - (/ ~:.~udS ol11er Service Specialist ~.tractors' Licensing 'there are any questions, please call (239) 252-2909. c () ~ {"'-I{~" c y c o .. rl t. .1' E,~ Community Development & Environmental Services Division Contractor's licensing Investigation Report Permit Number - Name of ownerJaoo'rl A 1 ~V\ County/City ~'II(( Job address Ak Contraetor~ Date~ Time Rec'd Received by---.lJ.:5j Complainant Phone Numberj50 ~ OJ~' Phone Number Compo Card # ,-- Qualifier ,- State Lie. No./ tl~ 2~ z..3 ~ D te E3 ;To Do List getting old? I' gheck It OFF and get back) ? enjoying the simplei>';~ hingslll Questions? (,241J~ , 'II Allen ( if j" can help irf~;;: .fhyway ) cell 239-450~038! \ '\ €/t ~1:~ - ~. ' ~ '" --:1-;; j i ~ ,r4 /~ "1 II - I! !.!'[ 1 ' . J . I il~_ ~- \ .f\:ll ..;P! I Wood-rot 'r~~c~ir,811 " f styles siding faciCJ zmd : soffit installations, screen and cage repel!i, block brick stone work, Pressure washing, elctri intlext door replacement, ' crown molding, base 'I board, door and window ! casing,window treatment I ,popcorn ceiling removel I drywall finishing-:and , I . repair,plumbing, ect. I , Call me i possibly do it! : I I \ ~ ~;s www.sunbiz.org - Department of State Page 1 of2 Home Contact Us E-Filing Services Document Searches Forms Help Pr~ViQLJ~QllL..i~1 N.~l<t.QI1L..i~t Return To List IOfficer/RA Name Search Submit I Events No Name History Detail by Officer/Registered Agent Name Florida Limited Liability Company ACE CARPENTRY LLC Filing Information Document Number L06000104731 FEIIEIN Number 254199692 Date Filed 10/27/2006 State FL Status ACTIVE Last Event CANCEL ADM DISS/REV Event Date Filed 02/19/2010 Event Effective Date NONE Principal Address 2455 DEW DROP INN LANE TALLAHASSEE FL 32305 Mailing Address 2455 DEW DROP INN LANE TALLAHASSEE FL 32305 Registered Agent Name & Address ALLEN, LEONARD 2455 DEW DROP INN LANE TALLAHASSEE FL 32305 US Manager/Member Detail Name & Address Title MGR ALLEN, LEONARD 2455 DEW DROP INN LANE TALLAHASSEE FL 32305 Annual Reports Report Year Filed Date 2008 04/21/2008 2009 02/19/2010 2010 02/19/2010 Document Images 02/19/2010 - REINSTATEMENT f,~ http://www.sunbiz.org/scripts/cordet.exe?action=DETFIL&inq_ doc _ number=L06000 1 0473... 3/2/2010 t,\ l1 {...., ,./V // v 'JC/V1 ./ / 1-1/1/1// (? &/1/(76("/.../ ' ~ . f -- '1 /~. " . ," . g"J' ' / It d i )f!,,(/-- ,j/tv'k. S {U'A'-;('/t/E-177 /1/\/'1. l tI c IC( /v (~ Ie _l /' /U', / ,,Avi' -~;'~ .t.. ~~t..~ II/! c lE("r.''2-( (~A-L /" - t t ({ /\./2<--' i - L. 1/ /Z/'Zh-l/ I- Ctz () IV 1.0/-1 r C ~/ ...;, !.c1 U A/j-l (/-.j S ,~b .f"'.. / ,--. p v{: ,/lIlJ _I. L i ~ '1"'....... ! S.;.. /;-~-e, /-z 1-- o ',-:~ /5 .f .".,1\/ of '1> leA /Z 6::;;( S <,:.'" -:,':;' / jC;,}..b /> e: f..-~~./ ~?:..<:.... r5 e fCy/I.IIe:;; -' '- /)e I (( -,vr.? ,-/ ",-.-c I. I I r.- , ( .'-.i <( .J.?'i&~.J- jPt?S cu ( -r:(j... it} () 'v C) ('0 C'(yJ'-I/1i ve r I\.- I i I cl'( ,{! l~ Q .o"V .,)/J tl~ JI I .1/ 1'J e--; Ie \ !,-t f.l-.v"'C- lJe ~!"',J . /' ~. 10/[' Li..J {Ji. (. /6+ <; 1'-/, ~- (u (lA. iV:f-.--.. /, s ( (,c}~/<_. i /1 ,'> .I t:_~ /'i I ,"' I ;'1 .,. t t.'::; L- v .i' ;1(._.,.. t. 7 i I, ) O-~.I~-l7 (..L,'l'~~ . t: I ,) J L'",' ..e'- / rS (\/H, (lc!l\) j..( !Ii J .A ,. ( -..... 'l----' (z ,') J c~ J1 ~G-J (1/ cJIZS /)(;l I ~[ [LA- 'oc i) I /l I'..? / I. /\ ,A .; !2:e,\..(/ J-; ( v/'Io.- J -... . i , {i 1/<:. ii' I ~ ..\ fJ- //-11.--1 "--1.,.. (,..''-:, C.j../J.-/l.. i~ ,? ,II <_fr': ~," ':c, ,~ . v...:." ,-:.-c /\-S ~~ - ~ iu2. - ~ f\/\ F X I) ((fU AJ CA, D (~ A;"J'D \,\J~) vie 111L.e, f'/l'01 i.. -". - ! \ eplV ':I-€... ,\ 1/ ''.\..0\.. t. i_/ iJ (A (3 (~f~ LJ ./j,,_/;0 E.. I' /' /" ';J LJ-{ 1 iJ(;,~ b tL })(>/00 ~.'" it Co~-y County BUILDING REVIEW AND PERMITTING CONTRACTOR LICENSING SECTION COLLIER COUNTY/CITY OF NAPLES/CITY OF MARCO I Instructions: This application must e typewritten or legible printed. 't-'t-'''~~''-'' .__ __ ,_ this application. The fee is NOT refundable after the application has been accepted and entered on the records. All checks should be made payable to the "Board of County Commissioners", For further information, consult Collier County Ordinance No. 2006-46, as amended. 1. Name of Firm 1JJ.lleL/~~ {{);2~tJM-71~.1J , Contractors' Licensing Board Community Development & Environmental Services Division 2800 N. Horseshoe Drive Naples, FL 34104 Telephone: (239) 252-2431 Fax: (239) 252-2469 RAPH 2" ::NESS. D/B/A (if applicable) J~Lf LOM/V 8ft//:>_ s. Business Address (Number & Street) h 130); 9~f~ IV~~ [jusiness Mailing Address City 4. Business Phone Number:.t59--'35"2-,/S11 5. Fax Number: "f'k 2. .N APte~ City Fi State S4-i/9 Zip Code 3. S flt) I State Zip Code Mobile Phone Number: .13Cj,- 28"'9 ....f!31 :3 Pt- Federal Emp. 10#: 75309't<b33 6. Legal form of Business: Corporation: V LLC: 7. Name of the Firm's Qualifying Agent ,tJiJ/1?RI ..J,4A"12S WA'f/VC T,e. (License Holder) 8. INDICATE NATURE OF REQUEST - (A) To Qualifv as a: ( ) General $230.00 j(<rJ Electrician ( ) Building $230.00 ( ) Plumber ( ) Residential $230.00 ( ) Air Conditioning ( ) Mechanical $230.00 ( ) Roofing ( ) Swimming Pool $230.00 (') Specialty $230.00 $230.00 $230.00 $230.00 $205.00 (B) Chanae of Status: $10.00 ( ) Active License to Dormant ( ) Dormant License to Active ( ) Address Change ~ Reinstatement t1~ ~ I ~a, () (Specialty trade type) ( ) From Individual to Qualifying a Business ( ) From Qualifying a Business to Individual ( ) To Qualify Additional Entity ( ) From One Business to Another ~4f ')-0';)& j Page 1 of 5 . 9. The names, titles, home address and phone numbers of all Officers/Managing Members of the Firm. S lM-fJJVe, W A-y .~ R 0 6uJ- jjvveS ()J A 'Iv p;.. :::I:<2-. 36'-( L-o(74N (3fVb 5. IVAPfhS, Ft.. 34tl cr i ' r ~ l 10. List all businesses, firms, entities or contracting businesses you have been associated with during the last ten years (ex. Held a license for or been a partner). Attach extra pages if needed. tJ /11- 11. List all debts you or any company(s) associated with you refused to pay and the reasons for the refusal to pay. Attach extra pages if needed. tV/A- I, !B/}Rtfl ~5 AFFIDAVIT ~ .:q{2, ~ t. I4jMfertify that the foregoing is tru~~A of ~y knowledge. // Authdfl c t I ., ,..... L. STATE OF FLORI~ (I' -,. COUNTY OF llO le(.., The foregoing instrument as acknowledged before ~e this -Slll 'II a 0 i C. . .,,--' . '\. -r-: <> (Da y) .,. By e..+- .jtM~~ wCu e......J r. of -'- I ? Dr. +It,n a (Name of officer, title/ag" t) (Name of Corporation ~ I t:YC ~ d II Corporation, on behalf of the corporation. He/She (State or Place of Corporation) has produced ft..OL VJSD(> --1-1.0- ~'-t~el~b -~~as i~enti~icatiQn ~nd did not take an oath. . G"---.. - . SIGN F OTARY ~~;-~~ peB"L'if) SSe.L3 un NOTARY'S SEAL (PRINT NAME OF NOTARY) '''''''''' KATHRYN A. JOSSi:LSON ..,\ fl.y p{/ ',1, f FI 'd /C~~"A\J""<9(/-~ Notary Public. State 0 on a -... .. .. " - 2011 L '" : . ~ My Commission Expires May 10, ;"'__ .. <>"g Commission # DO 672642 "',~ ~""..'" ",J;:ri,t.\'?-'" Bonded Through National Notary Assn. Page 2 of 5 APPLICATION COLLIER COUNTY/CITY OF NAPLES/CITY OF MARCO FIRM - PART II (to be comDleted bv the Qualifvina Aaentl Contractors' Licensing Board Community Development & Environmental Services Division 2800 N. Horseshoe Drive Naples, FL 34104 Telephone: (239) 252-2431 Fax: (239) 252-2569 WItYNe. f<.j)/?y2~ + (Last) (First) Date of Birth-.1..... It? -~~ S.S. # (Last 4 numbers only) Driver's License # 2. Home Address of the Qualifying Agent ...'?64 Lo6-f'V 151 Vb s-: 1. Name of Qualifying Agent :fAA'e.S (Middle) A/ A-lti&S P- -34 , I cr- , I lYi-35Z-Lj3Qt{ 4. Type of Certificate of Competency for which application is made. r , ette{!,-1/lt ~ etY&l<;l~ fUC,t:::> 5. The names and telephone numbers of two persons who will know your whereabouts. StMCYVe. WA-YlVe S/~41/11/ :s Kr Ai N el<. ., ~1 .r' 2 8''l-SOcJ'J .- Z3Q-c2fZ-S207 6. Have you ever been convicted of a crime related to Contracting? .N D (If yes attach extra sheet with explanation) 7. Have you or any firms you have been associated with ever filed bankruptcy? 1J tJ 8. List all debts you or any company(s) associated with you refused or failed to pay and reasons why. Nlyv€ 9. List your business or work experience during the past ten years. fi; -f,4eLlSi-f/CA MA5{;.,L c:z fed (LlcA-L L. ( ee Aise y R- t06() - ~o k'tJ\J C- ru~ (2.@N5fA,1e,w;-f- 10. Statement of any formal training you have had in the area for which the application is made. 4'ftb Jo .1ecU I 13yflS EMe(OfRb IAJl.iL... Page 3 of 5 AFFIDA vIr The undersigned hereby makes application for Certificate of Competency under the provisions of Collier County Ordinance No. 2006-46, as amended, and vouches for the truth and accuracy of all statements and answers herein contained. The undersigned hereby certifies that he is legally qualified to act on behalf of the business organization sought to be licensed in all matters connected with its contracting business and that he has full authority to supervise construction undertaken by himself or such business or organization and that he will continue during this registration to be able to so bind said business organization. The qualified license holder understands that in all contracting matters, he will be held strictly accountable for any and all activities involving his license. Any willful falsification of any information contained herein is grounds for disqualification. J(bu,ef JA-./JtI.(2,S tJAjI/V6 ::rrJ.>.. APPLICANT (PLEASE PRINT) , STATE OF FLO~D~ I'~ COUNTY OF L \-€I by Rott'rt- .]a me <:; W'tt~h.C .::3\" (Name of person acknowedglng) who has produced :9-1'1-.;2010 (Date) h.DL W!joo .1110- b\.{~Di b.. () (Type of identification) The foregoing instrument as acknowledged before me this as identification and did not take an oath. NOTARY'S SEAL ~ ' D ..,. c"" =1' '"' . ii'n l' n 'i....JO...;J ~ -:.. ......L.( NOTARY UBLlC (PRINT NAME OF NOTARY) .",,,"" KATHRYN A, JOSSELSON -' "-' p( " r FI 'da ~~~<.,< ~<:'-;. Notary Public - State 0 on g .:'M. .~ My Commission Expires May10. 2011 -. .. .. %''''-'' ,ll1 . ","/ Commission # DO 672642 ',~> '<e.':> .",' . IN t Assn "/~,?r,;.\;~" Bonded Through Naltona 0 ary . Page 4 of 5 f AFFIDA VIT It is understood and acknowledged by the Collier County Contractors' Licensing Board and myself that if I fail to acquire, or maintain at all times effective Workmen's Compensation Insurance it will result in the possible revocation of my ,. Certificate of Competency. "^~-,~",. F 2-/1- /0 DATE BEFORE ME this day personally appeared R-bd+- ,ldrr"\("(-. idilVYll':f: who affirms and says that he has less than one employee and does not require Workmen's Compensation and understands that at any time he employs one or more persons he must obtain said Workmen's Compensation Insurance. STATE OF FLORIDA .' COUNTY OF CC) \ \ ~e ( The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this a,-I'l -(;lei 0 (Date) by t?ober t-.JdlYlC~ vJLj.'lt. -:re. who has produced fL.l)L ,,'-'See. '.'i'7()~ b L/r 0 I (.-, () (name of person acknowledging) (Type of identification) as identification and who did not take an oath, NOTARY SEAL /G-- OF NOTARY NOTARY PUBLIC ,,::7:~~-' KATHRYI~ A JOSSELSON ""'[J~~:'~'~'-:' No\3ry Public - State of Florida ("t.~.,~J":l'~ My CornmiSSlfm Expires May 10, 2011 -:'''... * J&<i'': ComrTIlsslon # DD 672642 -"'~:"-:)F .~o~:" Bo^ded Through National Notary Assn. Jill'''''' " "'1"""'" COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION 2800 N. llorseshoe Dr.. Naples. Florida 34 j 04 . 239--HB-2400 . FAX 239-403-2334 III MEMORANDUM DATE: November 29, 2007 TO: Applicant's FROM: Michael Ossorio, Contractor Licensing Supcn'isor. CC: Robert Dunn, Collier County Building Director. Alamar Finnegan, Collier County Permitting Supcn'isor. Robert Zachary, Count)" Attorneys Office. All Contnlctor Licensing personnel. SUBJECT: Collection of social s('curity numbers. Pursuant to Chapter 119, Florida Statues and Collier County Contractor Licensing Ordinance 2006-46 Sec, 2.1. I, all applicants are required to submit their social security number (SSN) for the j()lIowing purposes: a) Assess applicant's ability to satisfy creditors by reviewing their credit history. b) Verification ofapplicanfs test scores and information. Our oflice will only use your SSN noted above for those reasons pursuant to Chapter 119, Florida Statues and as may otherwise be authorized by law. We are fully committed to safe-guarding and protecting your SSN and once collected, will be maintained as confidential and exempt under Chapter] 19, Florida Statues. t In Balance it Building Your Business a Better Bottom Line Recognized Credit Reporting Agency 12268 Tamiami TrailE' Suite 301 . Naples, FL 34113 . 239-774-5100 The infonnation you requested is provided below. The information provided was gathered by third party sources not affiliated with In Balance, Inc, The information provided has not been reviewedlverified by In Balance, Inc., and therefore responsibility for its accuracy, completeness, and the manner in which it was gathered rests ultimately with the third party sources notwithstanding In Balance, Inc.' s exercise of reasonable care in selecting said third party sources. Personal Credit Report Summary All information contained below is accurate and true as of the indicated search date Name of Individual: Robert James Wayne Jr. Social Security Number: Credit Score: 735 Search Date: February 17,2010 Searches Requested: Liens, Judgments and Bankruptcies A search of local, state, and federal databases on the above individual generated the following results: LOCATION DATE AMOUNT ALL SEARCHES FOR LIENS, JUDGMENTS AND BANKRUPTCIES PROVED NEGATIVE In Balance .{} 12268 Tamiami Trail E . Suite 301 . Naples, FL 34113 . 239-774-5100 PAGE 1 DATE 2-17-2010 TIME 12:00:09 VA01 TFLT ROBERT J WAYNE *364 LOGAN BLVD NAPLES FL 34119 RPTD: 4-99 TO 7-08 U 4X LAST SUB: 1138180 SS: 261-73-3058 DOB: 01/16/64 E: CARE ELEC RPTD: 4-99 I E: GULF HARBOR ELECTRIC RPTD: 6-97 I PO BOX 9646 NAPLES FL 341019646 RPTD: 9-92 TO 10-07 U 9X *2452 NW 49TH TER # 4313 COCONUT CREEK FL 330633884 RPTD: 12-88 TO 3-03 U *ROBERT J WAYNE JR, WAYNE ROBERT --------------------------- CREDIT PUBLIC RECORDS-------O INST/OTH BAL--------$O RESTATE BAL--------$O TOT REV BAL---$366,015 PAST DUE AMT--------$O SCH/EST PAY-------$844 RESTATE PAY--------$O TOT REV AVAIL------13% REPORT SUMMARY ---------------------------- CNT 00/00/00/00 SATIS ACCTS--21 NOW DEL/DRG---O WAS DEL/DRG---O OLD TRADE--4-91 INQUIRIES---2 INQS/6 MO---2 TRADELINE--21 PAID ACCT--14 ------------------------------- SCORE SUMMARY -------------------------------- EXP/FAIR ISAAC RISK SCORE 2 735 SCORE FACTORS: 10, 08, 01, 12 SUBSCRIBER OPEN SUB# KOB TYP TRM ECOA BALDATE ACCOUNT # LAST PD ----------------------------------- TRADES ----------------------------------- AMT-TYP1 AMT-TYP2 ACCTCOND PYMT STATUS BALANCE PYMT LEVEL MOS REV PYMT HISTORY MONTH PAY PAST DUE MAXIMUM BY MONTH *WFNNB/SAVON FURNITURE 2322300 HT CHG REV 585637075020 ** ACCOUNT CLOSED AT 3-99 2 3-19-00 $3,500-L 3-00 CLOSED CURR ACCT ( 6) BOCCCC CONSUMER'S REQUEST ** BMW FINANCIAL SERVICES 2602980 FA AUT 60 1 1000527333 4-07 6-07-09 6-09 $33,620-0 CHASE/CC 1310331 BC CRC REV 10-94 1 1-19-09 1-00 $1,400-L PAID CURR ACCT 6-09 (26) BCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCC $423-H PAID CURR ACCT 1-09 (91) BCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCC +++++ MORE BCLG DTS 1019899 WAYNE,ROBERT J JR. 261733058;CA-PO BOX 9646/NAPLES FL 34101; ."'~ "'if tt In Balance 12268 Tamiami Trail E . Suite 301 . Naples, FL 34113 . 239-774-5100 PAGE 2 DATE 2-17-2010 TIME 12:00:09 VA01 TFLT SUBSCRIBER OPEN AMT-TYP1 AMT-TYP2 ACCTCOND PYMT STATUS SUB# KOB TYP TRM ECOA BALDATE BALANCE PYMT LEVEL MOS REV PYMT HISTORY ACCOUNT # LAST PD MONTH PAY PAST DUE MAXIMUM BY MONTH REGION/AMS 6-04 $32,604-0 PAID CURR ACCT 1156265 BB AUT 60 6 4-30-07 4-07 (34) BCCCCCCCCCCCC 000927160000000090027> 4-07 CCCCCCCCCCCC >37602 G MAC 10-04 $12,982-0 PAID CURR ACCT 2611476 FF AUT 60 2 3-01-07 3-07 (29) BCCCCCCCCCCCC 024907029954 2-07 CCCCCCCCCCCC REGION/AMS 5-05 $19,217-0 PAID CURR ACCT 1156265 BB AUT 60 2 2-28-07 2-07 (21) BCCCCCCCCCCCC 000927160000000090028> 2-07 CCCCCCCC >81459 REGION/AMS 2-05 $19,723-0 PAID CURR ACCT 1156265 BB AUT 60 6 2-28-07 2-07 (24) BCCCCCCCCCCCC 000927160000000090028> 2-07 CCCCCCCCCCC >52324 BMW FINANCIAL SERVICES 6-03 $31,845-0 PAID CURR ACCT 2602980 FA AUT 60 7 7-09-06 7-06 (37) BCCCCCCCCCCCC 1000205465 7-06 CCCCCCCCCCCC CITIFINANCIAL RETAIL S 6-02 $7,500-L $1,250-H PAID CURR ACCT 1138180 BB CHG REV 2 8-31-05 8-05 (40) BCCCCCCCCCCCC 7-03 CCCCCCCCCCCC G MAC 5-01 $22,392-0 PAID CURR ACCT 1610211 FF AUL 36 2 2-02-04 2-04 (33) BCCCCCCCCCCCC 029600736633 CCCCCCCCCCCC FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF 1-98 $141,000-0 PAID CURR ACCT 2194510 BM R/C 30Y 2 9-02-03 9-03 (68) B-CCCCCCCCCCC 10038065 CCCC-CCCCCCC G MAC 11-99 $21,203-0 PAID CURR ACCT 1610211 FF AUT 48 0 2-03-03 2-03 (39) BCCCCCCCCCCCC 029040672460 CCCCCCCCCCCC +++++ MORE BCLG DTS 1019899 WAYNE, ROBERT J JR. 261733058;CA-PO BOX 9646/NAPLES FL 34101; ,s~ {t In Balance 12268 Tamiami Trail E . Suite 301 . Naples, FL 34113 . 239-774-5100 PAGE 3 DATE 2-17-2010 TIME 12:00:09 VA01 TFLT SUBSCRIBER OPEN SUB# KOB TYP TRM ECOA BALDATE ACCOUNT # LAST PD *AMEX 1229200 BC CRC 1 ** ACCOUNT CLOSED AT *AMEX 1229200 BC CRC 1 ** ACCOUNT CLOSED AT REGION/AMS 1208941 BC H/E LOC 4327132600 CHASE 3182310 BC CRC REV 426684121373 CITIFINANCIAL RETAIL S 1138180 BB CHG REV 1 603259036692 CHASE 1240338 BC CRC REV 3 518445004297 DISCOVER FIN SVCS LLC 3276502 BC CRC REV 3 601100415551 HSBC/RS 2156646 BB CHG REV 0616688778 HSBC/RS 2156646 BB CHG REV 31127384691 UNIVERSAL CREDIT SVCS +++++ MORE BCLG DTS 1019899 1-99 1 11-29-01 AMT-TYP1 BALANCE MONTH PAY $75-H CONSUMER'S REQUEST ** 10-94 1 11-29-01 $768-H CONSUMER'S REQUEST ** 2 4-98 2-08-10 2-10 AMT-TYP2 ACCTCOND PYMT LEVEL MOS REV PAST DUE MAXIMUM 1l-01 1l-01 $361,800-L $358,111-H $358,017 2-10 $670 $25,000-L $27,332-H $89 2-10 $10 $7,500-L $0 UNK $6,000-L $0 $5 $16,000-L $7,909 $159 $5,001-L $0 $1,739-H $0 INQUIRIES 1975970 UE $2,106-H 1-10 $5,704-H 1-10 $13,284-H 1-10 PYMT STATUS PYMT HISTORY BY MONTH PAID ( 1) B CURR ACCT PAID ( 1) B CURR ACCT 3 6-96 2-01-10 1-10 OPEN CURR ACCT (99) CCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCC OPEN CURR ACCT (99) CCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCC OPEN CURR ACCT (20) OCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCC OPEN CURR ACCT (99) OCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCC OPEN CURR ACCT (99) CCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCC $5,285-H INACTIVE CURR ACCT 11-00 (38) OCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCC 4-00 INACTIVE CURR ACCT (12) OCCCCCCCCCCC UTI WAYNE, ROBERT J JR. 261733058;CA-PO BOX 9646/NAPLES FL 34101; 6-08 1-31-10 1-10 6-97 1-28-10 12-08 4-91 1-25-10 1-10 11-97 4 11-09-00 8-00 8-98 1 4-17-00 8-99 1-14-10 In Balance 12268 Tamiami Trail E. Suite 301 . Naples, FL 34113 . 239-774-5100 PAGE 4 DATE 2-17-2010 TIME 12:00:09 VA01 TFLT FORD MOTOR 12-30-09 1654440 FA CONSUMER ASSISTANCE CONTACT: EXPERIAN 701 EXPERIAN PARKWAY, PO BOX 2002, ALLEN, TX 75013 888.397.3742 ~ In Balance ~ Building YON/' Business a ]ktt8,. Bottom Line L~".ed Credit R~1\i Asen~ 12268 Tamiami TrailE. Suite 301 ' Naples, FL 34113 - 239.774-5100 The i:ofo.rmationyou reqtlt'Sed is provided below. Tbe iDfbrmation provided was gathered by tbin1 JIIIC1 SOUJ:QC$ DOt ,..Ri1i:md with In Balance, Inc. The.informatim provicIecl has not been m.riewedlveri6ed by In RA~, Inc., and ~erore mqx.msibiltty for its ~. compleleDess, and 1be mauoer in which jt was ptbered resrs n'IrinWely with tile tbird patty SODfa',S notwif~ In Balanoe, ~- 's exmcise of reasonable C8le in selecting said third party sources. Business Credit Report Summary All ir(ormation contained below i9 accuratIJ and true as of the incIicated search date Name of Company: Blueline Electric Inc. FEI Number: 75.3098633 Reference (if necessary): Robert J Wayne Jr. Search Date: February 17,2010 Searches Requested: Credit, Li~ Judgments and Bankruptcies A search of local, state, (eden), and national databases on the above company generated the foRowing results: ,LOCAnON DATE AMOUNT ALL SEARCHES FOR LIENS, JUDGEMENTS AND BANKRUPTCIES PROVED NEGATIVE ~ In Balance ~ 12268 Tamiami Trail E . Suite 301 . Napl~ FL 34113 . 239-774-5100 Subcode:515210 TransadIon number: 0)41391049 Search inquif'y: Bfueline Bectric Inc. / PO Box 9640 / Naples / FL / 34101 /753098633 Company Information 8LUEUHE EUCTRlC lilt: PO BOX 9646 NAPLES. Fl 34101~9646 (239) 352-4394 Buei..... Cndt Report .. BLUEUNE ELECTRIC IHe O~; 02111/2010 13:14:35 CST .....!!; . :u: Experian" . . ~ A ymrlti otindght ......... 1ilt5.~.. ........: 737644133 ExpM.. F. !tMW...... 01/2003 SIC ....= ACCOUNTING, "UOlllNG, BOOKKPNG 'iN - 8721 Executive Summary Current DB' nnge compared to ~lllf)dustrles ODBT ($0 BIIanct) , ~.. ... 11" .. % of US businesses failing wfthin. D8T tang8 D8T NoIms: All industries: 8 081 &lme industry: 7 OBT QU8rterly DBT trNlrl"i lprpvlOUS 5 qU;:Jrters) ~ I 60j I 301 , 0 0 0 0 0 ! t 0 4Q08 lQW ZQ09 3Q09 4Q09 7 rnonth DBT trends 90+' 60 301 o 0 aDO 0 0 Q ~ut09 Auv09 ~ Ckt09 Now09 o.c09 CUmmt Legal Filing9 and CoUections 9ankniptcy tBinga. Tax lien filings; Judgment filings: Tobit cohctions: SUm of IegaJ tiling$: UCC filings: Cautionary OCC flings present? o o o o $0 o No Trade Information Monthly ~ D8T: HIghest 08T previous 8 months: Highest DST previous 5 quarters: Total conttnuous flades: Current continuous irade balance: Trade bitIenc:e of elf b8de$ (4): Average bafance f)MViaus 5 quarters: Highest erect" amount 4ilDdended: details 8 m.onfh balance range; o o o 2 SO $37,_ $10,740 $37.aoo $7,100 -$37,800 Performance Anal~i$ p~ DBT for 04110412010: 1 OBT PaJIMIIl Trend '~n: Are stable lnckaItry..,.....t ~: H. paid sconer than 50% of sirnuar 1l11Yl$ Most FI1IQU8nt IndU8lry ~_ng Terms: CREDIT, NET 30, and REVOLVE -lJs,. ~ T.",. (DB1)" .....weIt1I*d ....fjC"fJ ......,..,;.1IIIIItIw tit.."."., ~ MI8"-'1:>>yDnd the ~ due dID ..." on hrMIlM." h1NbetIn."",., *'.."... ~ IlIOIIJh& ~ In Balance ~ 12268 TanUami Trail E . Suite 301 . Naples, FL 34113 . 239-774-5100 Q2~.09. ... 0 $10,100 1~ Q1 . 09 lAN-MAR 0- $12,100 100% q.4-08 .O(;f-oeC 0 $13,400 1~ Company Background Information Corporate ~C915tT atlOn THE FOllOWING INFORMATION WAS PROVIDED BY HE SlATE OF FlORIDA ..... of OrIgIn: F1.. Curtaat ~= ActIve __me. Type: I~ - Prvfit ,..... Ta JD; 75-J098633 ~ WAYNE SIMONE .... ~= 9240 BONrrA 8EAOt RD se 80NlTA SPGS, FL . AddltlOIl'l: Cnmp;1I/Y R:'!skgrcund !nrormJtlon Key Personnel ".....1(.): ROBERT WAYNE, PN!SIDEHT SlMOM WA'mE Operating Information B___ Type: IMIttutIons Prlmerr SIC Code= ACcOUtmNG. AUDITlNG, BOOIOO'NG SV - 8721 Secl.n~ SIC C.. ~ woAA:. 1731 AddItionlll SIC c.- 1SOD y..... in ........: 7 .......... of fmpIo,...~ 14 IWW.sunbiz.org - Department of State Page 1 of2 Home Contact Us E-Filing Services Document Searches PI'~YI.QY$QnI,.J~! Ng~tQnJ"i$! R~tl,ll'n TQJ_i$t E;ygnl$ NamgHi$tQry Detail by Entity Name Florida Profit Corporation BLUELlNE CORPORATION Filing Information Document Number P03000005632 FEIIEIN Number 753098633 Date Filed 01/13/2003 State FL Status ACTIVE Last Event NAME CHANGE AMENDMENT Event Date Filed 02/19/2008 Event Effective Date NONE Principal Address BOX 9646 NAPLES FL 34101-9646 Changed 04/29/2009 Mailing Address P.O. BOX 9646 NAPLES FL 34101-9646 Registered Agent Name & Address WAYNE, SIMONE 9420 BONITA BEACH ROAD SUITE 200 BONITA SPRINGS FL 34135 US Address Changed: 05/01/2006 Officer/Director Detail Name & Address Title PD WAYNE, ROBERT P.O. BOX 9646 NAPLES FL 34101-9646 Title VPD WAYNE, SIMONE P.O. BOX 9646 NAPLES FL 34101-9646 Forms Help Entity Name Search I Submit j rww.sunbiz.org - Department of State Annual Reports Report Year Filed Date 2007 05/07/2007 2008 05/05/2008 2009 04/29/2009 Document Images 04/29/2009 --ANNUAL Rr::PQRI [ 05105/2008 --ANNUAL Rr::PORT [ 02/19/2008 --N<3m~Change [ 05/07/2007 -- ANNUAL REPORT [ 05/01/2006 --ANNUAL REPORT [ 04/:,30/2005 --ANNlJAL.Rr::PQRI [ 04/30/2004 -- ANNUAL REPORT [ 01/13/2003 -- Domestic Profit [ View image in PDF format View image in PDF format View image in PDF format View image in PDF format View image in PDF format View image in PDF format View image in PDF format View image in PDF format Note: This is not official record. See documents if question or conflict. Previous on List Next on List Return To List eV~I1t$ Name History ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ! Home I Contact us I Document Searches I [-Fiiinq Services I Forms I Help ! Copyright and Privacy Policies Copyright @ 2007 State of Florida, Department of State. Page 2 01'2 Entity Name Search I Submit I ACORDTM CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE I DATE 02/16/2010 PRODUCER Phone: (239) 254-9005 - Fax: (239) 254-9002 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY Sabrina C Dulaney Ins Agency Inc AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS 1217 Piper Blvd CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE Unit 102 COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. Naples. FL34110-1252 Prepared by: Sabrina Dulaney INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC# INSURED INSURER A: Service First Insurance Group, LLC, Agent For Blueline Corporation Cypress Property & Casualty Ins. Co. 364 Logan Blvd S INSURER B: Naples, FL 34119 INSURER C: INSURER D: INSURER E: COVERAGES THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAME ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. POLICY POLICY INSR ADD'L POLICY EFFECTIVE EXPIRATION LTR INSRD TYPE OF INSURANCE NUMBER DATE (MM/DDNY) DATE (MM/DD/YV) LIMITS GENERAL LIABILITY EACH OCCURENCE $100,000 X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY ICLAIMS MADE I X 10CCUR DAMAGE TO RENTED $100,000 PREMISES (Ea occurence) A GFL-1010710 02/16/2010 02/16/2011 MED EXP (Anyone person) $5,000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: PERSONAL & ADV $100,000 POLICY I I PRO. I I LOC INJ URY X JECT GENERAL AGGREGATE $100,000 PRODUCTS - COMP/OP $100,000 AGG AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT $ (Ea accident) BODILY INJURY $ (Per person) BODILY INJURY $ (Per accident) PROPERTY DAMAGE $ (Per accident) GARAGE LIABILITY AUTO ONLY - EA $ ACCIDENT OTHER lEA ACC $ HAN UTO IAGG $ ONLY: EXCESS/UMBRELLA LIABILITY EACH OCCURENCE $ AGGREGATE $ $ $ WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPOYERS' I ST~~u-1 r~H- LIABILITY ER TORY ANY PROPRIETOR / PARTNER / EXECUTIVE / LIMITS OFFICER I MEMBER EXCLUDED? EL EACH ACCIDENT $ If yes, describe under SPECIAL PROVISIONS below EL DISEASE. EA $ EMPLOYEE EL DISEASE - POLICY $ LIMIT OTHER DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS / LOCATIONS / VEHICLES / EXCLUSIONS ADDED BY ENDORSEMENT / SPECIAL PROVISIONS CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION Collier County Contractors Licensing Board 2800 N Horseshoe Dr Naples, FL 34104 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING INSURER WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL 30 DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE INSURER, ITS AGENTS OR REP S NTATIVES. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Sabrina Dulaney ACORD 25 (2001/08) NOTICE OF ELECTION TO BE EXEMPT Please thoroughly read the instructions before completing this application. Print legibly in each data entry field. If this application contains incomplete or inaccurate information or if the handwriting is not legible, it may cause a delay in the issuance of your exemption. SECTION 1: ~BtfLT J. LO~0t: JA. Applicant Name (please print): Applicant's social security number: Applicant's E-mail address (optional): SECTION 2: I am applying for exemption as a (You must check only one box in this section): CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY ($50 FEE REQUIRED) - The Division will accept a money order or a cashier's check made payable to the DF'S we ADMINISTRATION TRUST FUND, ~Officer of a Corporation (Title): Vl2~ &1 ~-r -OR- 0 Member of a Limited Liability Company (LLC) NON-CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY (NO FEE REQUIRED) o Officer of a Corporation (Title): ) An oflicer electin an exem tion under Cha ter 440, Florida Statutes is not entitled to benefits under this cha ter. SECTION 3. The corporation of which you are an officer or the limited liability company of which you are a member must be registered and in an active status with the Florida Division of Corporations. Applicants applying as an officer of a corporation must be listed as an officer of the Corporation with the Florida Division of Corporations. List the docurnent number (document number shown on your Annual Report) on file with the Florida Division of Corporations. f tl 360VOC) 5(, 32- SECTION 4. This exemption application applies only to the person signing the application, the CorporationlLLC that is listed below, and the scope of business or trade listed: Name of Corporation or LLC: . LUfL\ 0t Ck.Kr AS REGISTERED WITlI THE FLORIDA DIVISION OF CO PORATIONS Business Name: ) IF AI'PLlCABLE - LIST FICTITIOUS NAME; DOING BUSINESS AS (DBA); ALSO KNOWN AS NAME (AKA) Applicant's Address of Record: 'R; .~. 9L04Co INCLUDE APARTMENT OR SUlTENUMBER . ill,.., State: Fe.. Zip: 34.l01-9&Wnty: COLLlb~ City: ~f:S Scope of Business or Trade: 1. EL&J{K l (hL 2. 3. 4. SECTION 5. List all certified or registered licenses issued pursuant to Chapter 489, F.S. held by the applicant, or the certified or registered license numbers held by the qualifier for the corporation or LLC listed on this application of which the applicant is a corporate officer: SECTION 6. If you have submitted an electronic payment for this application, write the transaction confirmation number in the following space: SECTION 7. Are you affiliate9---with any corporation (including LLC) other than the corporation (including LLC) to which this application applies? DYes [!j'No IF YES, PLEASE LIST THE NAME(s) AND FEIN(s) OF THE AFFILIATED CORPORATION(s) OR LLC(s): NAME: FEIN: SECTION 8. If your corporation or LLC is engaged in the construction industry, you must provide the required proof of ownership in the corporation or LLC. A. To be eligible for a construction industry exemption as an officer of a corporation, the applicant must be a shareholder, owning at least 10% of the stock of the corporation. A COpy OF A STOCK CERTIFICATE EVIDENCING THE REQUIRED OWNERSHIP MUST BE A 1'1' ACHED. B. To be eligible for a construction industry exemption as a member of a limited liability company, the applicant must confirm ownership of at least 10% of the company. THE REQUIRED OWNERSHIP MAY BE ESTABLISHED BY PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTATION REFLECTING THE REQUIRED OWNERSHIP, OR BY SUBMITTING A STATEMENT ATTESTING TO THE REQUIRED OWNERSHIP. THIS APPLICATION IS CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 DWC 250, NOTICE OF ELECTION TO BE EXEMPT - REVISED 12/08; RULE 69L-6.009, F.A.C. NOTICE OF ELECTION TO BE EXEMPT - Page 2 SECTION 9. FRAUD NOTICE A. Any person who, knowingly and with intent to injure, defraud, or deceive the department or any employer or employee, insurance company or any other person, files a notice of election to be exempt containing any false or misleading information is guilty of a felony of the third degree. B. Attestation of applicant - By signing beLo~ ,I h ve read, understand and acknowledge the foregoing notice. SECTION 10. You must identify tl workers' compensation insurance carrier that covers any non-exempt employees of your business. Carrier Name: t....\ A AFFIDA VIT OF APPLICANT: I hereby certify that the information contained herein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief; tl corporations as 1 , ele' does not exceed exemption limits for como)'ate officers, including any affiliated , NOTARY PUBllC.STATE OF FLORIDA Flonda Statut. ~""'''''''''' Tami 1.. Archey S, Wommission # DD709284 ~. "",...,l Expires: OCT, lS,2g~1 BONDED TIIRU i\TLANTIC BONDING co., Il'fc. OTARY STATE OF FLORIDA, UNTY OF L e.<-. Sworn to and subscribed before me thisdnd day of ~(bnAcvy , LOt <.) , by '1{obe.r+ .j. WU-jIlJl I j, . Personally Known X OR P oduced Identification_ Type ofIdentification Produced . , NOTARYSIGNATURE . 'D'?}~ / A,' My Commission Expires Ibl,s.-12J:.lll Please mail or submit your completed application, application fee, and any required attachments to The Division of Workers' Compensation at the district office nearest your place of business. 2295 Victoria Avenue, Suite 163 Ft. Myers, FL 33901 Telephone (239) 461-4006 921 North Davis Street Building B, Suite #250 Jacksonville, FL 32209 Telephone (904) 798-5806 401 NW 2nd Avenue Suite #321, South Tower Miami FL 33128 Telephone (305) 536-0306 610 E. Burgess Road Pensacola, FL 32504-6320 Telephone (850) 453-7804 3111 S. Dixie Highway, Suite # 123 West Palm Beach FL 33405 Telephone (561) 837-5716 1313 N. Tampa Street, Suite # 503 Tampa FL 33602 Telephone (813) 221-6506 400 West Robinson Street Room #512, North Tower Orlando FL 32801 Telephone (407) 835-4406 or (407) 245-0896 TALLAHASSEE SUBMITTERS Walk-in submissions: 2012 Capital Circle SE Suite #102, Hartman Bldg, Tallahassee FL 32399-2161 Telephone (850) 413-1609 499 Northwest 70th Ave" Suite # 116 Plantation FL 33317 Telephone (954) 321-2906 Live Oak Business Center 5969 Cattlemen Lane Sarasota FL 34232 Telephone (941) 329-1120 Mail in submissions: 200 East Gaines Street Tallahassee FL 32399-4228 Telephone (850) 413-1609 1111 NE 251h Ave., Suite # 403 Ocala FL 34470 Telephone (352) 401-5350 "The collection of the social security number on this form is specifically authorized by Section 440,05(3), Florida Statutes. The social security number will be used as a unique identifier in Division of Workers' Compensation database systems for individuals who have applied for and/or been issued a certificate of election to be exempt. It will also be used to identify information and documents in those database systems regarding individuals who have applied for and/or been issued a certificate of election to be exempt for internal agency tracking purposes and for purposes of responding to both public records requests and subpoenas that require production of specified documents. The social security number may also be used for any other purpose specifically required or authorized by state or federal law." DWC 250, NOTICE OF ELECTION TO BE EXEMPT - REVISED 12/08; RULE 69L-6.009, FAC. Z-zlo DATE SIGNED STATE USE ONLY Effective/Issue Date: Expiration Date: Control Number: Postmark Date: Payment Number: Received Date: DBPR - WAYNE, ROBERT JAMES JR; Doing Business As: BLUELINE ELECTRIC INC, Register... Page 1 of Licensee Details Licensee Information Name: Main Address: County: License Mailing: LicenseLocation: License Information License Type: Rank: License Number: Status: Licensure Date: Expires: Special Qualifications Charlotte Collier 12:01:04 PM 2/17/2010 WAYNE, ROBERT JAMES JR (Primary Name) BlUELINE ELECTRIC INC (DBA Name) PO BOX 9646 NAPLES Florida 34101 COLLIER Registered Electrical Contractor Reg Electrical ER13012603 Cu rrent,Active 03/24/2003 08/31/2010 Qualification Effective 08/21/2003 03/24/2003 View Related License Information View License Complaint I Terms of Use I I Privacy Statement I https:/ /www.myfloridalicense.com/LicenseDetaiLasp?SID=&id=2D9 ADFCD30F3 5 5B2EB325AFBC6.., 2/17/201 < ~ I 659, l04th Ave N Naples, Florida, 34108 (239) 465-3233 fax (239) 594-7657 tagprobuild@hotmail.com To whom it may Concern: February 25,2010 Re: TAG Pro Construction Inc/ Todd Grup Purpose of this letter is to express my apology to Collier County Licensing Department for any mishaps on my part. I am eager to become Building Contractor and have completed the necessary steps required by Collier County Licensing Board. Please review my application. I have paid better than half for my fines and would request to the court for a decision to reduce penalty that was assessed. Again extreme apologies. My Best Regards, TOOd~ i~ Co~r County ~-~ ~ BUILDING REVIEW AND PERMITTING CONTRACTOR LICENSING SECTION COLLIER COUNTY/CITY OF NAPLES/CITY OF MARCO APPLICATION FIRM - PART I Contractors' Licensing Board Community Development & Environmental Services Division 2800 N. Horseshoe Drive Naples, FL 34104 Telephone: (239) 252-2431 Fax: (239) 252-2469 TAPE ON AL PICTURE A REI OF THE PHOTO MUST E VIEW APPRO; A CLEAR & RECO ~~, ,1.~~ Instructions: This application must e typewritten or legible printed. The application fee rr (. application. The fee is NOT refundable after the application has been accepted and enterE checks should be made payable to the "Board of County Commissioners". For further.. flVf , I Collier County Ordinance No. 2006-46, as amended. 1. Name of Firm "AG ~)ro CbV1'S-huL-~1'U""\ / Me- 2. D/B/A (if applicable) (OS ~ l (}-fff/J ~/a- Business Address (Number & Street) L ~1-1-htP Business Mailing Address (1~1,n City - 1-'( \ State 3~/or Zip Code 3. City j3q L/~53)33 '5 ~'-{f-&"S7-- State Zip Code 4. Business Phone Number: 5. Fax Number: J3~ Mobile Phone Number: Federal Emp. 10#: ifl- I <( JJ ~,) f.c 6. Legal form of Business: Corporation: LLC: 7. Name of the Firm's Qualifying Agent (License Holder) 8. INDICATE NATURE OF REQUEST - (A) To Qualifv as a: ( ) General $230.00 ( ) Electrician ~ Building $230.00 ( ) Plumber ( ) Residential $230.00 ( ) Air Conditioning ( ) Mechanical $230.00 ( t Roofing ( ) Swimming Pool $230.00 I Specialty $230.00 $230.00 $230.00 $230.00 $205.00 (B) ChanQe of Status: $10.00 ( ) Active License to Dormant ( ) Dormant License to Active ( ) Address Change ( ) Reinstatement (Specialty trade type) ( ) From Individual to Qualifying a Business ( ) From Qualifying a Business to Individual ( ) To Qualify Additional Entity ( ) From One Business to Another q~ ?-1591 Page 1 of 5 '. 9. The names, titles, home address and phone numbers of all Officers/Managing Members of the Firm. I . ( \('. " ( ") , I ' I. 10. List all businesses, firms, entities or contracting businesses you have been associated with during the last ten years (ex. Held a license for or been a partner), Attach extra pages if needed. i / / I "'!' / i.j/,/(,j,' t I , t , 11. List all debts you or any company(s) associated with you refused to pay and the reasons for the refusal to pay. Attach e~ra pageSi~lrr~ j (. '; t . fj~ __..r" I r i , f f f .-f ,,' AFFIDAVIT 'f ,d ,,) knowledge. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ('..{I;.,. r The foregoing instrument as acknowledged before me this Jt)/ i. !)c", () I r I J n '--rA /, () .(Date) BY(~~~::'o~j;" title/agent) 01 r~a~~ ~I c~;;r!.;~n)1 , ".) a rIDtf(\'>' (State or Place of Corporation) Corporation, on behalf of the corporation. He/She has produced (::;;..c [) L as identification and did not take an oath. ----- ?~ .~ --72 ,0. , RE OF N?TARY ,7 i' .___ ()l" (') /-'f. NOTAR/pJ'B~'C' (~C"\ (PRINT NAME OF NOTARY) '12' BA'AN' FIlIOO I · I. . \ Notary 'uf>>1le . SIItI of Flofldl I 4 \~ 'j My Comm. Explftl Jul7, 2013 4 "'~"P.r.l....~ Commission 1# DO 905345 -- - NOTARY'S SEAL Page 2 of 5 ..... .7 APPLlCA TION COLLIER COUNTY/CITY OF NAPLES/CITY OF MARCO FIRM - PART., (to be comoleted bv the Qualifvina AaenU Contractors' Licensing Board Community Development & Environmental Services Division 2800 N. Horseshoe Drive Naples, FL 34104 Telephone: (239) 252-2431 Fax: (239) 252-2569 6 (ctP -rcdcf ~ 1. Name of Qualifying Agent (Last) Date of Birth '0'1 ( (;~ /19 t'L (First) S.S. # .. (Last 4 numbers only) (Middle) Driver's License # 2. Home Address of the Qualifying Agent (QS-q { CI-I;t1:f /J v tl- ~\. 11; 1\;PlR.o F~L. "3Lftoy 3. Name of the Firm -rA6 Pro Home Phone # Co'1 *l-<.-,.{'t(.').A i r1 L. 4. Type of Certificate of Competency for which application is made. ~(/JIJI: 1 ~lJf~A./ -- , / 5. The names and telephre numbers of two persons who will know your whereabouts. ~e~t 6rv~l Z'b9):~,-~9 02. '~i l L Slnl HJ (;iJVl 01 - ~ 1 3'--1 6. Have you ever been convicted of a crime related to Contracting? \J c-rt,~~ D ct" "F $Cl)~ (If yes attach extra sheet with explanation) 7. Have you or any firms you have been associated with ever filed bankruptcy? (10 8. List all debts you or any company(s) associated with you refused or failed to pay and reasons why. 10. Statement of any formal training you have had in the a ea for which the application is made. A-<'- hv \ J f' n Ct ~ \'\.SLOA ( Page 3 of 5 AFFIDA VIT The undersigned hereby makes application for Certificate of Competency under the provisions of Collier County Ordinance No. 2006-46, as amended, and vouches for the truth and accuracy of all statements and answers herein contained. The undersigned hereby certifies that he is legally qualified to act on behalf of the business organization sought to be licensed in all matters connected with its contracting business and that he has full authority to supervise construction undertaken by himself or such business or organization and that he will continue during this registration to be able to so bind said business organization. The qualified license holder understands that in all contracting matters, he will be held strictly accountable for any and all activities involving his license. Any willful falsification of any information contained herein is grounds for disqualification. i.- it; t. APPLICANT (PLEASE PRINT) STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF (" If: ,: r ~/f 1(<- The foregoing instrument as acknowledged before me this Iv /; t.J.:J{';( r/ (Date) by-'~(l! (? i' (1 I); (Name of person ack~owledging) who has produced r:: '- () L (Type of identification) as identification and did not take an oath. - - - - ./;(-/ / /~ ~..'/. :=- ~. URE OF NOTARY ~ ,'''....'', . m ..r... fIt.... j . ~ Notary Public . Stat. of Florida ~ \0:. J My Comm. expires Jul7 2013 · "'fI, op f"'~, "..J' Commission # DO 905345 .. ""'" - - f'-;> /) ,_ 1'-".. v j" {.. "., NOT:RyJPtJB~IC - / I ~. . (PRINT NAME OF NOTARY) NOTARY'S SEAL Page 4 of 5 * * ** * ** * ** * ** * ** * * * * * * * * Ti del 1)-. G1U-tJ Name of Applicant I Trade: '7i fA., I (Let. /''';1 ~. Score: '7 C, . cJ ~Take on d 7-/ (, -;zt:J cJ 9 Given in rfCa--LtL ([;~r.s) ,sponsored by (} t::-L..' Q.../ W.. Business & Law Score: Pr'. p- ~d Taken on tJl-tf~ -;Zc:Jd/. Given in ;J "'-IL <L [ . sponsored by LA LL / 4,/" a. STAFF USE ONLY: ,,---- ~ Page 5 of 5 GITS, LLC Examination Operations Division Providing the servfoes and products to assist Goverrment AgencIes b make informed educated decisions. OffIcial Examination Score Report Julr 16, 2009 - Official Score Report: Candidate Information:. Name - T'-..l.J- f"'...._,,,-. t'..\ c,..' uuu '""~ '.II't ~ ,f f"i J i Candidate #: 01671,2200 f ;'U;y; 1 -, I: Final Score Result: Bilililirig~ontiactor Score: 76% t r v; t t :..' 1'\ :', '>, ~. These results represent tbegrade that has been achieved on 1he Building Con1ractor ~amina:tions administered by 6iainesville ~ Testing Service for Collier County, Florida on July 16, 2009. ' If you have any ~er questions., please do not hesitate to CODtact ~ I . . - ~- ~ i ~ ~~~~@ ~.~~' President 1 :_ '. 'l ~, \, ~ .. H ( t ji J PO '3aK 83117:1 0CIIIa. FIoIida 3448a-11ZT - VoIae (352) 3IlI9-GfTS - Fee (35Z) 387-a443 .; 800 _ 2129 '. '. AFFIDA VIT It is understood and acknowledged by the Collier County Contractors' Licensing Board and myself that if I fail to acquire, or maintain at all timt,ffective Workmen's Compensation Insurance it will result in the posp re cati n Certificate of Competency. I ~{~f'\{r'l IlL!, DATE BEFORE ME this day personally appeared T cctj {,', ., ,> who affirms and says that he has less than one employee and does not require Workmen's Compensation and understands that at any time he employs one or more persons he must obtain said Workmen's Compensation Insurance. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTYOF c;"!I:(-:c The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this I"I{. /~((\'J (Date) by( c(.Li ('I 'X) who has produced (name of person ack owledging) /- L ,) L (Type of identification) as identification and who did not take an oath. .-. - NOTARY SEAL ,'''.'''' ~m~~Y" "''''~ BRYAN P. FILSON I ! \ Notary Public . State of Florlcla -. .: I \~ a..i My Comm. expire. Jul7, 2013 . "'~1 OF .\.~.., Commlllion # DO 905345 , 'Ill ""....' , - - - - - - 1///1 ,/} /1 // ) ;/'. .:- /t 81 - E OF NOTARY NOTARY PUBLIC DEERBROOK Luxury Residential & Commercial Construction September 16, 2009 To: Prospective Customers and TAG Pro, LLC Re: Recommendation for TAG Pro, LLC To Whom It May Concern: We highly recommend TAG Pro, LLC for any of your carpentry needs. We have worked with TAG Pro, LLC for over four years. TAG Pro, LLC immediately demonstrated a high level of expertise and unparalleled quality in craftsmanship. We were, and continue to be impressed, with all they do, TAG Pro, LLC is uniquely qualified to provide a vast array of carpentry services. We have used them for high-end custom millwork installation, door installation and hardware installation. Todd Grup, the principal of TAG Pro, LLC, is a person who takes great pride in his work and displays the highest degree of integrity. He enjoys the confidence of his customers and the respect of his suppliers. We look forward to working with Todd well into the future as he and his staff contributes to the excellence of the "Deerbrook Team". You are wise to consider TAG Pro, LLC. Their work will enhance the value of any project you may be planning with wood flooring. Should you have any questions or if I can provide any additional information concerning TAG Pro, LLC please feel free to contact me personally, p.o. Box 366127, Bonita Springs, Florida 34136 tel 239.498.4500 fax 239.498.4259 . www.deerbrookinc.com License # CCC1508041;l @ '~~~ie~ ~/U4~~" "S~ ~ cVJe4. StIeee 1967" 7255 PROGRESS STREET · HOLLAND, OHIO 43528 (419) 865-5576 · FAX (419) 865-2060 September 18, 2009 To Whom It May Concern: Let us begin with saying that Todd A. Grup is a man of great achievement. Over the 25 years that we have known Todd he has proved to be a natural in the art of construction. From the time he was a laborer in 1983, all the way until he was overseeing the crews, Todd has shown great punctuality, leadership, craftsmanship, and integrity. Todd is the true definition of "The Man for the Job". After working his way up the ladder, Mr. Grup served as lead carpenter/foreman in many commercial projects. The Meijer stores in Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois are some of Toqd's greatest achievements. Todd is a firm but fair leader and this made our pro~cts run ever so smoothly. He would never leave a jobsite dirty and took the time at the end of each day to organize and cover materials to protect from wind or theft. Todd also led our carpenters in a chemical plant project, as well as, the remodeling of a mental health facility. His talent and ability to work with others is unparalleled in the industry, We are honored here at United Roofing & Sheet Metal to know such a member of our society and do not hesitate to say.... ."He is one of the best there is." s~~e~, r r-: (_. ~ ~~ Thomas E. Seiple TES/spc St<..JC'/~/V' -"77.5 ~/YLj _"5(;/ejS(~R/$c;(j //\./ /;I'/y ///i~6SE/L c<=-:- .._ -//-.,;; /%aL LJ/iy [/",.. ~~/Y7Z-7'r7/3~'"'X-. ~C(., 7. / 1 " -1''1.. ~ " Brigid D.Soldavini CPA, P.A. A Full Service Accounting Firm September 17,2009 To Whom It May Concern: We have been filing tax returns for Todd Grup and his company since 2001. Mr. Grup is very conscientious with his paperwork and files timely each year. Mr. Grup does his best to keep up on the laws and restrictions involved with his vocation. I would personally recommend him as a general contractor. Please call should you have questions, Sincerely, .c4~ Annette Johnson Cc: Mr. Todd Grup File State of Florida County of Collier The above signature belongs to Annette Johnson, whom I know personall not produce an ID. NOTARY PLitlut-:ltNtt t1t 1"WKltlA ....,....,',-_ Tammy Layne ~ ~ J Com.mission # DD793180 -.~., Expires: MAY 29, 2012 w;~'ri'I::;) TifRU .\TL~~l'f'- Rf):-;Pl;-lG CO, !:'Ie. 5455 Jaeger Road, Naples, FL 34109 · OFFICE 239-591-4747 · FAX 239-591-2991 ~ Maumee Valley ~ Habitat "" for Humanity@ Building houses, huilding hope TO: Whom it May Concern and Building Code Officials RE: Todd Grup 659 104th Avenue N. Naples, FL 34108 September 22, 2009 Dear Sir or Madam: I have known Todd for approximately 20 years. During that time, I have known him to be a concientious worker and very knowledgable builder. His carpentry skill level is far above average. In addition to all levels of finish carpentry - he is also just as skilled when faced with complex, stick-built (non-truss), multi-gabled roof systems. I have personally seen him take blueprints that were lacking in sufficient detail, and work with the project developer to provide site solutions which were both code compliant and suitable in application for both the developer and end-user. In my experience, he is code and site knowledgable in both standard (stick) framing as well as commercial CBS systems. Based on his knowledge and pride in workmanship, his presence would be a great asset to any appropriate building situation. Based on these reasons, I have no hesitation in recommending him to you. SiUL~ Tim Sterns, Construction Department, Maumee Valley Habitat for Humanity State of Ohio: County of Lucas: ss '- ~ '-J /1-, ~~ # ","- Mary PRough Before me. a Notary Public in and for said State. personally appeared the above named Tim Stems who acknowledged that he did sign the foregoing instrument and that the same is his free act and deed. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto affixed my name and otlicial seal at Toledo. this 2200 ?~~?f September. 2009. ,'~~~\<IAL s,., . f:ii'~ . .."",.. MARYP.ROUGH ~ 0 Notary Public - State of Ohlo \./ My COlllIMSIOfI E.pres OHI4.20'" ~,,'''''' '" ~", '''''''''' . l.... ""'" <1'1.' illll\l\\\\' 223 S. Fearing Blvd. . Toledo, OH 43609 . PH: (419) 382-1964 . Fax: (419) 382-4397 . www.mvhabitat.org , State CBC 059162 659 104th A venuc Naples. Florida 34108 239-465-3233 fax 239-594-7657 October 14.2009 Attn: to whom it may concern: Re: Todd errup This letter is to conclude that Mr. Todd ^ Grup has worked /c)r McNair Construction From March of 2009 through Septcmher 2009 . Sincerely, 1st- Jack D. McNair President McNair Construction .1.'1"/11<2L . -----. /../,.,... ,'~ . / // . f . 'co:..,.. J _S{A~ ,.J CL',.. j'1 .cJ- t (0 .1., (,-(I: "" - -- :("'Z::V. It! . ,,'I"'~1. ltJ -.-. . . NotIfy PubIc . Stat. or FIoricta \~ My Comm. Explm JItf 7, 2013 "'>: . Commlllloa " DO 805345 lit' -- - I"L \) L. !~ :, .--) ~ )"'f"" \' J ;=,""''- /' ( , ../'), ... :p, } '--,/1- ,:-~-- 08/27/2009 16:13 FAX 239 948 5501 KAST INSURANCE ~UUl I J ! j I I 3300 8Mite Beach Rc* Suh tOO aonII SIIrfnOs. A 36134 Phone 23N41-55C1O ~. 23~1 THOMCIKASTlNSUAANCE.COM Fax To: FnNIII Thomas J. Kast Fmr. ......- Phonec DIIte: 812712009 Re: Todd Grup CCl C U...m C For ..... C PluM C........... C...... Hep,. 0 PIeue ~.. To Whom It May Concern: Todd Grup has been a continued customer sWlOe 2005. I have fcutd him to be financialy responsible and of good moral character. \ ~lIRACLE ~IAGAZINE SWFL, INC. I::;l~::; ('(l11i1'l /Nul llJl (I/if .{If) \'''I,/n, n rn It) I'h(ll/( 1-111; jl)().{ l))'(J; /11\ (-II e J l)(); tnll; \1 ill Ii /(/I/":.!,".' il/n 1\ II (n :.!,/I11 Iii. II /1/1 9/1412009 To whom it may concern:, The following is regarding Todd Grup . I happen to know him for sometime now. He happens to be an upright, honest and hardworking individual. I would recommend him for any job I have. Especially, seeing the work he did at the home on Sperling Rd, in Naples, FL. If you need any additional information please contact me through email or phone number above. Sincerely, /. ./~) /j/ /' C7 4<.fk: \ i . ~Vv,"- h '--7C' / I [., \ .' J / Robert Hernandez L/' ,",......." ......'," ':\.,.\A 84 ""'~ ........ '" ~ ...... "'0 '" ~.. ~..;'.\OT,.tl;.. 0":. ~ ~.. ,... 'Tp. L.-\ ~.M .'Y. .. : YCOI7)I7) F .. ,: : : January o' ,xP;res: : : . OD 9. 2012. : :: 747524 : : -:. ..n -. .. ~ ~v>"..<.)/, .. ~ ~ -<! <'VOLle. .:- "#~ . ''r!...... <'\~ ........ "'#' Of: t:. O~\\; ........ '1, r L. ,.., ~7' .'.0....."', / W~/' / i . IJV\1LI. .~ i . I f -...,' r" ' I \ I , ; j)-1,' \ ' '. ' '1 .. \\\\\l Ill" 111//1 ~\\\ 0 I A l. II11 ,''''J p....~.......... ~ 1// ~ :'.' \ II .\;J~ 'l ~~...~ /~"~% g~:~..,C) ~'..(" ~ == ,-= - ---- ;i(_. . :: " ~ -'. ... \ \s\).;... -9 . ~ ~ ". ~ " ~ .....,~e....... 0 " "/.' 0 c " I111 r \", 1//111/1111"\\\' OFFICE OF ERIE COUNTY ENGINEER 2700 COLUMBUS AVENUE SANDUSKY OHIO 44870 ~ t tl~\~~t~~O) . ~~AJ Notary Public, StAr 01 C;'io MtlGoamsslon E.xplms~' ~..v M~illunilll~Q1ll 4;~"~s,ll!:.~~ I B- John D. Farschman, P.E., P.S., County Engineer Sept. 7, 2009 To whom it may concern, My name is Craig Hecht and I am a graduate of the Ohio State University with a degree in Business Administration. I have been employed by the Erie County Engineers Office for 22 years as a computer tax map draftsman. As a lifelong resident of Sandusky, Ohio, I have also maintained a rental uusiness fur about 18 years in my hometown, consistendy and actively been involved in many community organizations and served past and currendy on many different local boards, As a child with my parents, I started vacationing in South Florida in the Naples area since 1979. Since this time, I have cultivated many new South Florida friends and business associates. Since my brother moved to the Naples area in 1999, I have had the pleasure of partnering with my brother in purchasing and currendy owning 2 properties in the Naples area and, through my brother, making more friends and business contacts. My brother started and has successfully operated Naples Chauffeur Services Inc. since the year 2001. It is through my brother Bruce, that I had the pleasure of being introduced to Todd Grup in the year 2003. Bruce became friends with Todd through the church they were both involved with at the time. Bruce and I were looking for some ideas on how to redesign/expand the size of a house we both own and he believed Todd would be a good Christian person we could involve in our project as a consultant and general contractor. My brother and I worked with Todd a number of hours to come up with a plan to expand/ redesign our house drawing upon his knowledgeable background including his resources from his many sub contractor friends and other relevant government agencies. Todd proved to be a very patient and professional person to work with through the whole process as we all ultimately decided to not go through with the project because of general economics. Todd was also involved with upgrading portions of my brother's condominium during the last 4 years. Once again despite the number of hours devoted to planning the upgrades, Todd maintained a sense of ease to work even as we changed and canceled some portions of the project It is primarily because of this up front professional interaction, his Christian attitude along with other common interests I had with Todd that he and I together later purchased another investment home together in April, 2007. I did have reservations prior to partnering with Todd as I typically am used to making my own decisions on my investment properties here in Sandusky, Ohio. Despite recent real estate and economic conditions and physical handicaps that Todd has had to endure these last couple of years, we have both managed to remain long diJtance partners and are both planning together other future real estate possibilities. In closing, I have worked with many different people over the years in service organizations, at work and through my rental business. I believe Todd to be a person of good Christian character that possesses a strong background knowledge in his field as a general contractor. Feel free to call my office if you have any other questions Mon- Fri., 7:30am-4pm EST at 419-627-6635. S~cerely, /'1" ..' !/L~ I.. ' I , Craig A. Hecht ... PROFESSIONAL BUILDERS & REMODELERS, INC. PO. BOX 107 · (419) 867-9997 · FAX (419) 865-2060 · HOLLAND, OHIO 43528 September 30, 2009 To Whom It May Concern: Todd Grup has been a friend to Gleneagles Builders for over twenty years and was employed with us from 1985 - 1989. When you have known someone for a quarter century you can tell a lot about that person. Todd's character is solid, his workmanship is precise, and his professionalism incomparable. What else could you expect from someone who served the United States Military for more than ten years. During Todd's four years with us, he made things happen, to say the least. Todd and his crew framed out many single-family homes valued at $300-400,000 in Sylvania, Ohio. Mr. Grup was the superintendent on numerous projects including the David Broadway Salon remodel. This project was four separate additions to an existing Salon and all were completed without the need to close the Salon. His ability to teach and to lead put him at the top of his game. It was no surprise to Gleneagles when Todd started up his own carpentry business. Even in times of economic stress, he is able to expand and conquer new feats. We see Mr. Grup as a very successful business man and are expecting him to thrive in the construction field. Sincerely, Ijf "Homes of Distinction ... Old World Craftsmanship" www.sunbiz.org - Department of State Page 1 of 1 ... '" "'~~ 40.",'; ~ . ~ FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE ~ .~""-~~~ "411II : DIVISIO~ OF CORPOR.rrIO~S " . ~'~blZ., ., \~.l'''''',' I ~X~ e Home Contact Us E.Filing Services Document Searches Forms Help Previous on List Next on List Return To List Entity Name Search Submit No Events No Name History Detail by Entity Name Florida Profit Corporation TAG PRO CONSTRUCTION, INC. Filing Information Document Number P10000008182 FEIlEIN Number NONE Date Filed 01/27/2010 Sm~ Fl S~ ACTWE Principal Address 659104THAVENUE N NAPLES Fl34108 Mailing Address 659 104TH AVENUE N NAPLES Fl 34108 Registered Agent Name & Address GRUP, TODD A 659104TH AVENUE N NAPLES Fl34108 Officer/Director Detail Name & Address Title D GRUP, TODD A 659 104TH AVENUE N NAPLES Fl34108 Annual Reports No Annual Reports Filed Document Images View image in PDF format I Note: This is not official record. See documents if question or conflict I Previous on List Next on List Return To List Entity Name Search Submit ! No Events No Name History http://www.sunbiz.org/scripts/cordet.exe?action=DETFIL&in<L doc _ number=P1 00000081.,. 2/22/2010 ... " ~~ I RS DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY '(dill INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE CINCINNATI OH 45999-0023 Date of this notice: 02-03-2010 Employer Identification Number: 27-1822626 Form: S8-4 TAG PRO CONSTRUCTION INC 659 104TH AVE N NAPLES, FL 34108 Number of this notice: CP 575 A For assistance you may call us at: 1-800-829-4933 IF YOU WRITE. ATTACH THE STUB AT THE END OF THIS NOTICE. WE ASSIGNED YOU AN EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER Thank you for applying for an Employer Identification Number (EIN). We assigned you EIN 27-1822626. This EIN will identify you, your business accounts, tax returns, and documents, even if you have no employees. Please keep this notice in your permanent records. When filing tax documents, payments, and related correspondence, it is very important that you use your EIN and complete name and address exactly as shown above. Any variation may cause a delay in processing, result in incorrect information in your account, or even cause you to be assigned more than one EIN. If the information is not correct as shown above, please make the correction using the attached tear off stub and return it to us. Based on the information received from you or your representative, you must file the following form(s) by the date(s) shown. "'orm 941 Form 940 Form 1120 10/31/2010 01/31/2011 03/15/2011 If you have questions about the formes) or the due date(s) shown, you can call us at the phone number or write to us at the address shown at the top of this notice. If you need help in determining your annual accounting period (tax year), see Publication 538, Accounting Periods and Methods. We assigned you a tax classification based on information obtained from you or your representative. It is not a legal determination of your tax classification, and is not binding on the IRS. If you want a legal determination of your tax classification, you may request a private letter ruling from the IRS under the guidelines in Revenue Procedure 2004-1, 2004-1 I.R.B. 1 (or superseding Revenue Procedure for the year at issue). Note: Certain tax classification elections can be requested by filing Form 8832, Entity Classification Election. See Form 8832 and its instructions for additional information. IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR S CORPORATION ELECTION: If you lntend to elect to fl~e your return as a smail DUSlness corporaClon. _ election to file a Form 1120-S must be made wlthln certain timetrames ana corporation must meet certaln tests. All of this information is incluciea u! :::-.' instructions for Form 2553, Elect~on by a Small Bus1.ness Coroorac.:..::._ ~o-<~ ~ ... ~ "..t I ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF TAG PRO CONSTRUCTION. INC. The undersigned subscriber, Todd A. Grup, competent to contract for the purpose of forming a corporation under the laws of the state of Florida, adopts the following Articles of Incorporation: ARTICLE I The name of the proposed corporation is: TAG Pro Construction, Inc. ARTICLE II The corporation may engage in any activity or business permitted under the laws of the United States of America and the state of Florida. ARTICLE III The total number of shares of stock which the corporation shall have the authority to issue is 100 shares at a par value of$1.00 per share. ARTICLE IV The amount of capital which the corporation shall begin business is $100.00. ARTICLE V The corporation shall have perpetual existence. ARTICLE VI The principle place of business of this corporation shall be located at 659 104th Avenue N, Naples, Florida 34108. The corporation may have such other places of business within and without the state of Florida, or in foreign countries as may be necessary or convenient, as may be determined by the stockholders of the corporation. ARTICLE VII The number of directors of this corporation shall be one. ARTICLE VIII The name and mailing address of the fust board of directors of this corporation who shall hold office for the fust year of existence of the corporation or until his successor(s) is elected and qualified is: Todd A. Grup 659 104th Avenue N Naples, Florida 34108 ~ . " ARTICLE IX All corporate powers shall be exercised by or under the authority of, and the business affairs of the corporation shall be managed under the direction of the shareholders, and not a Board of Directors. The relative rights, powers and duties of the shareholders shall be set forth in the Shareholder Agreement. ARTICLE X The name and address of the Officers, who shall hold office for the first year of existence of the corporation or until his successor elected is: Todd A. Grup 659 104th Avenue N Naples, Florida 34108 ARTICLE XI The registered office for the corporation in the State of Florida is to be located at 659 104th Avenue N, County of Collier, State of Florida. The registered agent in charge thereof is Todd A. Grup, located 659 104th Avenue N, Naples, Florida 34108, County of Collier. ARTICLE XII The name and address of the incorporator is as follows: I this 22nd day of January, 2010. " ~ CERTIFICATE DESIGNATING PLACE OF BUSINESS OR DOMICILE FOR THE SERVICE OF PROCESS WITHIN THIS STATE. NAMING AGENT UPON WHOM PROCESS MAY BE SERVED Pursuant to Chapter 48.091, Florida Statutes, the following is submitted in compliance with said act: FIRST, TAG Pro Construction Inc., desiring to organize under the laws of the state of Florida, with its principle office as indicated in the in the Articles of Incorporation, County of Collier, State ofFlorida, has named Todd A. Grup, located at 659 104th Avenue N, Naples, Florida 34108 County of Collier as its agent to accept service of process within this state. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT x ~ In Balance ~ Bllilding YOlO" Business a Better Bottom Line R~i~ Credit Rq)ortiDB Aaenc.y 12268 Tamiami TrailE' SUite 301 . Naples, FL 34113. 239-n4-S100 The information you reques&ed is provided below. 1'he information provided was gathered by third party SOII1.'CeS not ::.ffili;lh'!d widJ. In 1=IaJpce, Inc. 1be infOJ1ll8tion provided has not been nMewedIveri6ed by In RaIanc:e,. Inc., and tbeIeCore responsibility for its acancy, ~~, aDd the mmmer In wtDd1 it was ~ed R:SIs nIti~ with the tbitd party Sl'lI.m:eS ootwitbstaoding In Balan<:e, Inc.'$ ~se of reasonable care in selecting I3aid tbitd party ~ Personal Credit Report Summary A/I information cotrtained below is accurate and true CD of the indicated search date Name of Individual: Todd A Grop Social Security Number: -' Credit Score: 505 Search Date: February 25,2010 Searches Requested: Liens, Judgments and B A search of loaI, state, and federal databases on the above individual generated the fonomg results: LOCATI9N DATE AMOUNT ALL SEARCHES FOR LIENS, nIDGMENTS AND BANKRUPTCIES PROVED NEGATIVE ~ In Balance ~ 12268 Tami,mi Trail E - Suite 301 . Naples, FL 34113 . 239-774-5100 PAGE 1 DATE 2-25-2010 TIME 7:57:23 VAOl TFLT TODD A GRVE' 659 l04TH AVE N NAPLES FL 341083228 RPTD: 5-02 TO 2-09 U 15X LAST SUB: 2218290 ss: - 8922 DOB: 04/02/67 E: PROFESSIONAL CARPENTRY RPTD: 7-03 I E: FROFFESIONAL CARl?ENDRI RPTD: 6-03 I *7005 BRINT RD APT 1 3YLVANIA OR 435602895 RPTD: 4-98 TO 4-06 U *234 BAREFOOT BEACH BLVD BONITA SPRINGS FL 341348505 RPTD: a-oo TO 11-01 U PUBLIC RECORDS-------O INST/oTH BAL---$24,138 RESTATE BAL--$379,087 , TOT REV BAL-----$8,385 FAST DUE AMT---$20,096 SCH/EST PAY-------$906 RESTATE PAY----$2,585 TOT REV AVAIL------22% CREDIT REPORT SUMMARY ------------------------------- CNT 22/0S/ll/33 S.AT1S ACCTS--18 NOW DEL/DRG--ll WAS DEL/DRG---7 OLD TRADE--8-90 INQUIRIES---7 INQs/6 MO---2 TRADELINE--36 PAID ACCT--2.2 ------------------------------- SCORE SUMMARY -------------------------------- EXP/FAIR ISAAC RISK SCORE 2 ; 505 SCORE FACTORS: 38, lOr 13, 18 ----------------------------------- TRADES ----------------------------------- SUBsCRIBER OPEN AMT-TYPl AMT-TYF2 ACCTCOND PYMT STATUS suu KOB TYP TRM ECOA BALDATE BALANCE PYMT LEVEL MOS REV P'iMT HISTORY ACCOUNT # LAST PD MONTH PAY PAST DUE MAXIMUM BY MONTH *GULF COAST COLLECTION 10-09 ~432-0 2981005 YC eoL 1 1 2-01-10 $432 4189565 ORIGINAL CREDITOR: MEDICAL PAYMENT DATA COLLACCT 1-10 $432 ( 2) GG *NCO FIN/33 11-09 $1,000-0 COLLACCT 1981875 YC COL 1 1 1-13-10 $1,000 1-10 ( 1) G 18237260 $1,000 ORIGINAL CREDITOR: MEDICAL PAYMENT DATA *Lro1ONT HANLEY & ASSOCI 6-09 $59-0 COLLACCT 1024387 YC CO!. 1 1 12-15-09 $59 12-09 ( 1) G 3470228 $59 ORIGINAL CREDITOR: SECURITY NATIONAL INSURANCE +++++ MORE BCLG DTS 1019899 GRUP,TODD 295748922;CA-659 104TH AVENUE N/34108;Y-04021967; .. .0- In Balance -{} 12268 Tamiami Trail E - Suite 301 . Naples" FL 34113 . 239-774-5100 PAGE 2 DATE 2-25-2010 TIME 7:57:23 ~Ol TFLT SUBSCRIBER OPEN SUB# KOB TYP TRM ECOA BALDATE ACCOUNT # LAST PD AMT-TYPl BALANCE MONTH PAY $525-0 $525 *NATIONWIDE RECOVERY SE 9-09 1983623 YC COL UNK 1 11-04-09 35B589BIOOOIOOOO ORIGINAL CREDITOR: MEDICAL PAYMENT DATA 4-07 $103,600-0 2-05-10 $100,665 9-09 $754 STARTED ** *HUN'tINGTON MORTGAGE CO 2991648 FM Rlc 30Y 2 2030011709748 ** FORECLOSURE PROCEEDING AM!'-TYP2 ACCTCOND PYMT STATUS PYMT LEVEL MOS REV P"iMT HISTORY PAST DUE MAXIMUM BY MONTH COLLACCT 11-09 $S ( 1) G FOREPROC DELINQ 120 2-10 (26) 8321CCCCCCCCC $3,772 cccccccccccc $S78-C SETTLED CliARGOFF 4-05 (22) 9LGGG21CCCCCC CCCCCCCCC *HSBC BANK 6-03 $300-L 3240877 Be CRC REV 1 4-01-05 540791500749 3-05 ** ACCOUNT LEGALLY PAID IN FULL FOR LESS THAN THE FULL SAUUlCE * * SE 11-04 $112-0 1 7-03-06- 6-06 GOLD oS GYM #12 PAID IN FULL FOR LESS THAN THE *ADVANCED COLLECTION 1996758 YC COL 1 21317023456 ORIGINAL CREDITOR: ** ACCOUNT LEGALLY *CAP ONE 1270246 Be CRC REV 1 ** ACCOUNT LEGALLY PAID 10-01 3-16-05 3-05 IN FULL $555-H SETTLED COLLACCT 7-06 (21) 9------------ -------G FULL BALANCE -,., $345-C 3-05 SETTLED (42) 9-LLL54321cCC CC1CCCCCCC-c FOR LESS THAN tHE FULL BA.l.ANCE ** *CAP ONE 8-01 $323-a 1270246 BC CRC REV 4 11-02-03 11-03 ( 1) 9 H ACCOtnn' Ll!:GA.LLY PAID IN FULL FOR LESS THAN THE FULL BALANCE *'*' SETTLED 3-07 $275,000-0 TRANS FEn CUlm ACCT 1 9-23-07 9-01 ( 7) BCCCCCC 8-07 4-07 $103,600-0 TRANSFER CURR ACCT ... 9-23-07 9-07 ( 5) BCCCC 9-07 SKY BANK 1193296 BB R/C UNK 2001311329585 SKY BANK 1193298 BB Rlc UNK 2001311366561 +++++ MORE BCLG DTS 1019899 GRUP.TODD 29S748922:CA.-659 104TH AVENUE N/34108;Y-04021967; ~ In Balance ~ 12268 Tamiami Trail E . Suite 301 . Naples. FL 34113 . 239.774-5100 PAGE 3 DATE 2-25-2010 TIME 7:57:23 VAOl TFLT SUBSCRIBER OPEN SUB# KOB TYP TRM ECOA BALDATE ACCOUNT # LAST PD AMT-TYPl BALANCE MONTH PAY AMT-TYP2 ACCTCOND PYM'I' LEVEL MOS REV PAST DUE MAXIMUM PYMT STATUS PYMT HISTORY BY MONTH *THD/CBSD 8-07 $1.S00-L $2.016-H CLOSED CUR WAS 90 3176962 Be CHG REV 1 2-24-10 $1,132 1-10 (31) B321CCCCCCCCC 2-10 $12 CCCCCCCCCCCC "'oW ACCOUNT CLOSED AT CREDIT GRANTOR'S REQUEST ** *CHASE 9-06 $2.000-L $1, 453-H CLOSED CURR ACCT 3182310 BC CRe REV 1 2-11-10 $161 6-09 {H) BCCCCCCCCCCCC 2-10 $4S CCCCCCCCCCCC ** ACCOUNT CLOSED AT CREDIT GRANTOR'S REQUEST ** *BANK OF AMERICA 12-05 $500-L $550-H CLOSED CURR ACCT 1213727 BC see REV 1 4-25-07 $0 4-07 (13) BCCCCCCCCCCCC 7045 1-07 UNK ';',10 ACCOUNT CLOSED AT CONSUMER'S REQUEST ** 8-97 5-07-01 4-98 CLOSED AT CREDIT GRANTOR'S $200-L $0 $78-H 5-01 *WFNNB!Vl CTORIAS SECRET 1007067 DZ CHG REV 1 28296 *'" ACCOUNT REQUEST ** *AR RESOURCES INC 6980619 YC COL 1 518424 ORIGINAL CREDITOR: 11-04 1 (-1(-06 $349-0 4-06 MEDICAL PAYMlWT DATA '* FORD CRED 5-03 $13,521-0 16314-40 FA AUT 61 1 6-17-07 6-07 34638966 6-07 ""FIRST PREMIER BANK 12-09 $250-L $216-H 1210189 BC eRe REV 1 2-21-10 2-10 ** ACCOUNT CLOSED AT CONSUMER'S REQUEST ** *FIRST PREMIER BANK 3-09 $350-L 1210189 BC eRC REV 1 4-09-09 ** ACCOUNT CLOSED AT CONSUMER'S REQUEST .H $179-H 4-09 +++++ MORE BCLG DTS 1019899 CLOSED CURR ACCT (24) 5000000000000 00000000000 I?AID COLLACCT (16) BGGGGGGGGGGGG GGG PAID CUR WAS30-6+ (50) acccccccccccc 9-04/1 CCCCCC-C1ICC PAID CURR ACCT ( 3) Bce PAID CURR ACCT ( 2) BC GRUP.TODD 295748922;CA-659 104TH AVENUE N/34108;Y-04021967: .... -f} In Balance tl 12268 Tamiami Trait E . Suite 301 . Naples. FL 34113 . 239-774-5100 PAGE 4 DATE 2-25-2010 TIME 7:57:23 VAOl TFLT SUBSCRIBER OPEN SUB# KOB TYJ? TRH ECOA BALDATE ACCOUNT # LAST PO AMT-TYP1 BALANCE MONTH PAY HUNTINGTON MORTGAGE CO 3-07 $275,000-0 2991648 FM R/C 30Y 1 12-22-08 2030011698032 11-08 *TNB - TARGET 2390511 DV eRG REV 37957 ** ACCOUNT CLOSED A!r 2-07 1 4-15-08 6-07 CONSUMERtg $500-L REQUEST ** *BARCLAYSBANK DELAWARE 12-06 $1,750-L 1223850 Be c~c REV 1 3-21-09 11-07 ** ACCOUNT CLOSED AT CONSUMER'S REQUEST ** *F!RST PREMIER BANK 1210189 BC CRC REV ** ACCOUNT CLOSED AT 11-07 1 12-12-07 $250-L CONSUMER'S REQUEST ** *sEARS/cBSD 1323180 DC CRG REV ** ACCOUNT CLOSED AT AMT-TYP2 ACCTCOND PYMT LEVEL MOS REV PAST DUE MAXIMUM 12-08 $157-H 4-08 $753-H 3-08 $179-H 12-07 1-92 $3.410-L $180-H 3 10-12-07 10-07 6-95 CREDIT GRANTOR'S REQUEST ** *GEMB/DILLARDS 1-07 $400-L 1355850 DC CHG REV 1 10-07-07 604587219376 3-07 ** ACCOUNT CLOSED A!r CONSUMER I S REQUEST ** *GEMB/OLD NAVY 3607370 CG CRG REV .. ACCOUNT CLOSED AT 10-06 $300-L 1 9-23-07 3-07 CONSUMER'S REQUEST "'-It SKY BANK 1193298 BB R/C UNK 2001311104897 5-06 $197,400-0 1 4-01-07 3-07 +++++ MORE BCLG DTS 1019899 $l05-H 10-07 .$51-H 9-07 4-07 P'YMT STATUS PYMl' HISTORY BY MONTH PAID CUM ACCT (13) BCCCCCCCCCCCC PAID CURR ACCT (14) BOOOOOOOCCCCC c PAID CURR ACCT (16) BOOOCCCCCCCCC CCC PAID ( 2) BC CURR ACCT PAID CURR ACCT (99) BOOoOooooaooo 000000000000 PAlO CURR ACCT ( 9) BOOOOOCCO PAID CURR ACCT (12) BOOOOOCCCCCC PAID CURR ACc:r (11) BCC-CCCCCCC GRUP,TOPD 295748922;CA-659 l04TH AVENUE N/34108iY-04021967; ~ In Balance tl 12268 Tamiami Trail E . Suite 301 . Naples, FL 34113 . 239-774-5100 PAGE 5 DATE 2-25-2010 TIME 7:57:23 VAOI TFLT SUBSCRIBER OPEN AMT-TYPl AMT-TYP2 ACCTCOND P'YMT STATUS SUB# KOB TYP TRM ECOA BALDATE BAlANCE J.>YMT LEVEL MOS REV PYMT HISTORY ACCOUNT # LAST PD MONTH PAY PAST DUE MAXIMUM BY MONTH *AMEX 8-90 $972-H PAID CURR ACCT 1229200 BC CRC 1 1 8-14-02 8-02 ( 1) B ** ACCOUNT CLOSED AT CREDIT GRANTOR'S REQUEST ** *HUNTINGTON MORTGAGE co 12-08 $279,000-0 OPEN DELINQ 180 2991648 FM R/C 30Y 1 2-05-10 $277,422 1-10 (13) 6654321cccccc 2030060565207 5-09 $1,831 $14,645 MIN: 100115600605652079 *G MAC 6-07 $30,120-0 OPEN 30 4 TIMES 1610.211 FF AUT 72 1 2-01-10 $22,122 12-09 (32) 11lCCcccccccc 029911207815 1-10 $591 CICCCCCCCCCC *HSBC BANK 1-09 $750-L $1,062-H OPEN 30 DAY DEL 2218290 Be eRe REV 1 2-19-10 $1,062 2-10 (13) 1CCCCCCCCCCCC 12-09 $29 $53 *HSBC BANK 11-06 $2r200-L $2,OSO-H OPEN 30 DAY DEL 3200714 BC eRe REV 1 1-30-10 $2,080 1-10 (38) 1eccceeeoeeec 11-09 $51 $42 CCCCCCCCCCCC *HSBC BANK 11-06 $2.000-L !?2,070-H OPEN 30 DAY DEL 3200714 BC CRC REV 1 1-30~10 $2,013 1-10 (38) lCCCCCccccccc 12-09 $74 $68 CCCCCCCCCCCC ""GEMB! GM' 12-06 $124-L $136-H OPEN 30 DAY DEL 3607360 CG CHG REV 1 1-25-10 $56 1-10 (38) 1CCOOOOOOOOOO 1-06 $10 $20 OQOOOOOooooc BARCIJ\YS BANK DELAWARE 8-08 $3,200-L $3,346~H OPEN CUM ACCT 1223850 BC CRC REV 1 2-19-10 $1,881 2-10 (19) CCCCCCCCCCCCC 2~10 $91 cceceo GEMB/SHOPNBC PLee 7-09 $900-L OPEN CTJRR ACCT 1650260 DV CRG REV 1 1~28-10 $0 1-10 ( 7) 0000000 604577120079 UNK ---~----------------------------- INQUIRIES ---------------------------------- LTD FINANCIAL SVCS LP 1-20-10 2981558 YC UNK eHG +++++ MORE BCLG DTS 1019699 GRUP,TODD 295748922;CA-659 104TH AVENUE N/34108;Y-04021967; ~ In Balance tl 12268 Tamiami Trail E . Suite 301 . Naples,:a 34113 .239-174-5100 PAGE 6 DATE 2~25-2010 TIME 7:57:23 VAOl TFLT CREDIT ONE BANK CBCINNOVIS ADVANTAGE CREDIT INTER FERGUSON ENTERPRISES VERIZON WIRELESS ACAANET-GLOBAL MRC BFA 11-10-09 12-04-08 9-16-08 6-16-09 5-15-08 3-19-08 3278143 BC 1970173 FR 1972805 !'R 1356240 LA 1944272 uw 1972953 FR UNK R/ C R/E UNK R/E .~SJ~c;_q CornmM:IIII ..... 0IvI81on 1-800-418-2728 P.o. Box 17Ol19 135T7 r ....so.nt DrIve. Suite 120 Clearwater. FL 33762 (Local) 727-672-6364 (FAX) 7X1..fi12-7Q (a.lmsFAX) ~ PenIonlII ..... 0IvIIi0n 1.e00.648-1_ Wednesday. July 29. 2009 To: BeaI Schmeichel Insannce Source Group 55O.N Bumby Ave Ste 220 Orlando. Fl32803 1931259 Qucfe ID: EPZSA From: Bi1 Matias ExIIInsion 822 ~..c:om Applicant Tag Pl_fu"OOIIII Carpentry. LLC w. are pIeuecI to offer.... following quoa. through: Uoyd'e of London General UabI1Ity: $ 2,000,000 General Aggregate $ 1,000.000 ProductslCompleled Openlticus Aggregate $ 1,000.000 PeIBonaI Injury/Advertisi1g Injury $ 1,000,000 Each Occurrence limit $ 50,000 Damage to Premises Rented to You $ Excluded Medical Payments $ -1000 BIIPO Deductible Per Claimant.. 91580 - Contractors Executive SupeMscn Or Executive SUperIntendents Nwnber of owners 1 (16.700 payroIJ) '. 91583 - Contractors subcontracted work - building consIruction. repM' of one or t'M) family dweIinga Cost 20,000 . exm.te. MecIaII P8y1.-.... PM' . :lr.... New EIeIes, 0nII eor.... ...... en.w. w... PunDIe, EM.....,. AebeIIDa. Mea. ..... TOldc &ata.__ ToIiII PGIl*n. R8dan G8s, SubIide....., &rth ........1IaId, SIIcnB. Fungua. EFS (EdIrIDr .......... RmIh ~) or Srnh* SIucco. BiologicIII or a.nic8I......... KncwIIqury or o.n.ae. PraperIr o.n.ae CIIin in PnlgI-.. PrIar Q...~ wn. PBrIc:Ip8I.. A8AWl& B8IIery. AbuIe or........."'.. Liquar. Communic:IIIIII 0.... EI~_. RiIIIIIId........ a...-ct \MwII8Ia, VaIInIry...... HInld & Non Owned AulD, ConIInIdIan .......... E&O. ..., To Cu.......,...........1l Cll......., a.lboo........ EIKtIo.._.... FiIIdI. p~ COl........... R--.lIiIII ConIlndan In CA, ,. ConIWcIian ap......1n tl'f.v.. 2000 Campueer R8I8IId end CJlh. ~llo*, PnlbIema, VioI8Iions of SI8IutIlIl ThIll GcMm ~, Fa' Phone Call, ~ ClpInIIIoI. CDII8I8d bJ. ClIIIA"~1 CW8IHlP) InuInce PRJlII8III, ~, l.Jnderinu8d &m ($300.000 Mklinun Gl. And SIlIIB Itppnwed WlrIr8Ia Cll.....1IIIoA Aeqund ). - II~ r..... & CcnI8caIII u.biIlr UnblIons Apply RooIng 0peraIiaI. ConcIIclIW EIcIuIlan AppIeL IoInimum ... 0epcJIII.,....... EndDI"'_1l Apples. TemIItIm is....... an.. c:owraae is pun:I18Ied ~.. ~ of.. T..-arlIm RIIk ...... Pr1lgrwn RMuIho.~IAd ot2OOT. ~ noIIt.. ClJIl8I8g& quaeed Ela:Iudes aI cIeims arilIing cd of ope.lIio.. perfonned bJ Subco........ who C8IIY....... $300.000 GenenII ~..... end WbrIGera CompeIII8liol. In compIIlInc:e with ... guideIlnes. - ThIs lilt ill for InformadonaI JUPOI8S only and does not intIInd 10 represent the enlie lilt of forms anellOI' elldorMmenls thai may be aIIached to arry poIk:y issued as a I88UIt of this quotaIion. T \f\ <sd MCQ . Quo~ - ..._..-....,r-" Thla Premium Ia ZS% Earned The Term quotlld Ia: Twelve IIonthe Base Premium: Policy Fee: Tax: Total: $3,000.00 $150.00 $192.15 $3,342.15 Financing Down Paymn: 8 Installments 0: $949.00 $328.15 ----------- - Comments: -..... appIaIIim 8I1d "11!IqURd rom. to bind. - ProhlbIed: Condo,,*ium ConsIrucIiOn. TOWI'Oxnes Construction. Undl!lo~.*'gISoI SIabiIizaIion ~... .-lei Conlracbs who buId men than 10 ~ 8f'R.1811y, Con8IructionI Project Mgrs, Asb8l1De removal, BFS work, Roofing work. ATTENTION: The FHCF (FIorlda Hurricane Catas1rophe Fund Emergency AaeesIment) of 1% Is induded in the above shown tax amount. Please can our office to bind coverage. Coverage can be bound only when a TAPCO Binder Number has been assigned by a Company Underwriter at TAPCO. T APCO aCC8lplS VI88, _terCard, and eleetronJc (ACH) ch8ckl. Pleaae review the quotation catflfully as I8mts and conditions of cCMH1lg8 quoted may dIffw from those f8qUeated. Quota valid for 3D dap. .. ColUer County ~_,.,i;l!{': -,., ,<,,*""'-'''.'_'''~".., ",<<, ~.'*;>. v;./ ".."..,,,,,~k.~;. ':,'\1 COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT DEPT. OF ZONING & LAND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW WWW.COLLlERGOV.NET (239) 252-2400 FAX (239) 643-6968 LAND USE AND ZONING CERTIFICATE HOME OCCUPATION Please take the time to fill out this form as completely as possible. Remember that only someone actually living at the address given below may engage in the home occupation described. Customers or employees not living at this address are prohibited from traveling to and from the residence if visits are related to this home occupation. The applicant is the person in whose name the occupational license will be issued, and the applicant's signature must appear on this form. Verification as property owner or lessee in the form of a Valid Florida's Driver License or Florida Identification Card and/or copy of valid lease agreement is required. APPLICATION DATE J-~d-b --'0 c\ d.. A CJ -{ ....p ZONING CERTIFICATE # TC- APPLICANT'S NAME PHONE: '3 ;).:3 3 APPLICANT'S HOME ADDRESS (v O)q (04 rJ::1 p4 va- ,-'\ . Cov1~yh- ut..:h M Pro CClY"\;'?f.J...rc.C+/ t-c.-", II"\.L TYPE OF BUSINESS TO BE CONDUCTED \~b BUSINESS NAME (IF ANY) I, the undersigned, hereby affirm that I am the legal owner of the property at the above address or that I have the legal right to conduct the business descri above at this address by virtue of my leasehold interest in this property, and that I have read, understood, and agree 0 a i e t e p ovisions of LDG Section 5.02.00 "Home Occupations" (see back of application). DATE 2-L2--10 APPLICANT SIGNATURE \ FEE: $50.00 CHECKS PAYA 1 - TO BE COMPLETED BY COUNTY STAFF ZONING: PROPERTY 10 # DATE REVIEWED BY APPROVED HOLD DENIED . COMMENTS/RESTRICTIONS: Must comply with Section 5.02.00 of the LDC (see back of application). Tax Collector Staff: Please forward a copy of issued certificate and receipt to Collier County Zoning Department. COLLIER COUNTY BUSINESS TAX RECEIPT APPLICATION " 2800 N. Horseshoe Drive, Naples, FL 34104 Make Check Payable to: Collier County Tax Collector Phone: 239-252-2477 Fax: 239-643-4788 Website: www.colliertax.com CHECKLIST __ Copy of Articles of Incorporation and/or Fictitious Ictter from the State stating that your business name is on file. (850-245-6052 or 6058) www.sunbiz.org _ Yellow Fire Compliance (list of fire district phone number enclosed) _ Copy of Marco Zoning Certificate. (239-389-5000) __ Copy of State license from Department of Business and Professional (850-487-[ 395) or Department of Health. (850-4[0-3359) _ Completed Zoning application with appropriate fee made payable to: Board of County Commissioners, _ Copy of City Business Tax Receipt. (239-213-1800) _ Completed Business Tax Receipt application with appropriate fee made payable to: Collier County Tax Collector. (239-252-2477) _ Copy of Motor Vehicle Repair Registration Certificate from Department of Agriculture. (800-435-7352) Other: _ Copy of Health inspection from Department of Hotels and Restaurants (850-487-1395) or Department of Agriculture. (800-435-7352) _ Please contact the Property Appraiser's office at 239-252-8]45 regarding tangible tax. CHECK ONE: Original Application Transfer of License # Renewal of License # Date: Classification Code Number License Amount ~KO c..(..., ~ f ... --A I V ......... CORPORATE ~ME - '--r p. ~ DBANAME- I~- BUSINESS OU'Jllill. OR QUALIFIER'S NAME - ---rode\. p. 61 ~ ~ PHYSICALADDRESS- ~9 /C(t+M F\'-ttL; \\. I~) ~L. (No P.O. Box allowed) IS RESIDENCE USED AS AN OFFICE - ^ Yes , BUSINESS MAILING ADDRESS - 1) 1a) 1b) 2) ~'\ <-. ~<-lJbg 2a) 3) No Street C~ Z~ Lo.~~ fCNH1 A~ 1'\. ,\~W n...'Y-l/0 ~ Home: d&<l ~ (::1<...( 'l4,'rl h\'J- 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) O\UfER QR QUALIFIER'S RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS - TELEPHONE - Business: J ~c:, <...{lDS ~'+~ ':> LEGAL FORM OF BUSINESS: _ Sole Proprietorship _ Partnership Corporation _ LLC _ LLP OPENING DATE OF BUSINESS OR DATE ASSUMED - ----.:::L=J -/0 OFFICE WITHIN CITY LIMITS OF NAPLES - _ Yes _ No If Yes, City License No. ."O( 1.\I."iH I HITl \0. ill' -~~ .Il J'''QfH \l j'.\IPUHTR IIH' nFle \TIO"\ \0. J . T - ,~~~L:, 'd-I.c .see back of application for explanation 9a) TYPE OF BUSINESS CONDUCTED: ~ NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES - Including number of owners: 11) FILL IN THE APPROPRIATE AREAS - a) Rental units (motel/hotel/apts.) Number of units: b) Seating Capacity (rest/cates, etc) Number of seats: c) Number of coin-operated machines owned by business or individual:tA1....... STATE LICENSE OR CERTIFICATIO NUMBER - ry/ A II, ,-s- 12) ~ d.~J4~ {O Comment Listing Report CDPR1007 - Comment Listing Report REF TYPE REF KEY CT 26457 STATUS INFO ORIGINAL USER WRIGHT_M ORIGINAL DATE/TIM 2/16/2006 LAST UPDATE USE LAST UPDATE DATE COMMENT WRIGHT M 2/16/2006 02-15-2006/ Case #2006-04 - before the Contractor Licensing Board. 02-15-2006/ BOARD ACTION: Sec. 4.1.2 0 In Violation. $1,000 Fine. 2 year Probation. Review by board if applies for any other licenses. REF TYPE REF KEY CT 26457 STATUS ACTIVE ORIGINAL USER WRIGHT_M ORIGINAL DATE/TIM 2/16/2006 LAST UPDATE USE LAST UPDATE DATE COMMENT WRIGHT_M 2/16/2006 02-15-2006/ If applies for any other licenses, must go before the contractor licensing board. REF TYPE REF KEY CT 26457 STATUS INFO ORIGINAL USER WRIGHT_M ORIGINAL DATE/TIM 5/29/2008 LAST UPDATE USE LAST UPDATE DATE COMMENT WRIGHT_M 5/29/2008 05-29-2008/ Citation #3958 issued for $300.00 by Allen K. (#68) working outside scopy of license. 05-29-2008/ Citation #3958- PAID. REF TYPE REF KEY CT 26457 STATUS WARN ORIGINAL USER ORIGINAL DATE/TIM JENNIFERBLANCO 1(30/2009 LAST UPDATE USE LAST UPDATE DATE COMMENT WRIGHT_M 2/24/2010 01/21/2009 ATTENDED THE CLB MEETING JANUARY 21, 2009. - CASE #2009-03 BOARD ACTION: 4.1.2. - GUILTY. LICENSE REVOKED. TO PAY A $10,000.00 FINE WITHIN SIX MONTHS. (JULY 2009) TO PAY INVESTIGATION COSTS IN THE AMOUNT OF $500.00 WITHIN SIX MONTHS. (JULY 2009) INDIVIDUAL IS ALLOWED TO MAKE PAYMENTS IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,750.00 PER MONTH. MAY RE-APPLY FOR LICENSE WITH BOARD APPROVAL. 02-20-2009/ PAID $500.00 INVESTIGATION COSTS. 03-24-2009/ PAID $500.00 ON CLB FINE OF $10,000. BAL DUE: $9,500.00. 06/25/2009 PAID $400.00 TOWARDS THE CLB FINE OF $10,000.00 - BAL. DUE: $9,100.00 10-16-2009/ PAID $160.00 ON CLB FINE OF $10,000 - BAL DUE: $8,940.00. 02-24-2010/ PAID $4,500.00 ON CLB FINE OF $10,000 - BAL DUE: $4,440.00. Collier County CD-Plus for Windows 95/98/NT Printed on 10:04:48AM 3/2/2010 Page 1 of 1 CONTRACTORS LICENSING BOARD COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA Petitioner, vs. Todd A. Grup d/b/a T.AG. Professional Carpentry, LLC Respondent (s) ORDER ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. 2009-03 LICENSE NBR:26457 THIS CAUSE came on for public hearing before the Contractors' Licensing Board (hereafter Board) on January 21,2009 for consideration of the Administrative Complaint filed against Todd A Grup. Service of the Complaint was made in accordance with Collier County Ordinance 90-105 as amended. The Board made a finding of fact that the service conformed with the requirements of Ordinance 90-105, as amended. The Board having at said hearing heard testimony under oath, received evidence, and heard arguments respective to all appropriate matters, thereupon issues its Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Order of the Board as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. That Todd A Grup is the holder of record of License Number 26457. 2. That the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida is the complainant in this matter. C:\Documents and Settings\clements_k\Local Sellings\Temporary Internet Files\OLKAA5\Grup _ Order 2009-03.doc 1 3. That the Board has jurisdiction of the person of the Respondent and that Todd A. Grup was present at the public hearing and was not represented by counsel at the hearing on January 221,2009. 4. All notices required by Collier County Ordinance No. 90-105, as amended, have been properly issued, hand delivered and delivered by certified mail in accordance with Collier County Ordinance 90-105, as amended. 5. The Respondent acted in a manner that is in violation of Collier County Ordinances and is the one who committed the act. 6. That the allegations of fact as set forth in the Administrative Complaint, as to Count I, Section 4.1.2 are found to be supported by the evidence presented at the hearing. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. The Conclusions of Law alleged and set forth in the Administrative Complaint as to Count I are approved, adopted and incorporated herein, to wit, the Respondent violated Section 4.1.2 of Collier County Ordinance 90-105, as amended in the performance of his contracting business in Collier County by acting in violation of the section set out above with particularity. 2. Collier County has jurisdiction over this contractor pursuant to Collier County Ordinance 90-105, as amended. ORDER OF THE BOARD Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, and pursuant to the authority granted in Chapter 489, Florida Statutes, and Collier County C:\Documents and Settings\clements_k\LocaJ Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLKAA5\Grup _ Order 2009-03.doc 2 Ordinance No. 90-105, as amended, by a vote of 5 in favor and 0 opposed, a majority vote of the Board members present, the Respondent has been found in violation as set out above. Further, it is hereby ORDERED, by a vote of ~ in favor and 0 opposed, a majority vote of the Board members present that the following disciplinary sanction(s) and related order are hereby imposed upon the holder of Contractors' License Number 26457. 1. Revocation of the Respondent's contracting license and privileges in Collier County, Florida. 2. A fine in the amount often thousand dollars ($10,000.00) to be paid within six (6) months of the date of this hearing with equal monthly payments to begin within thirty (30) days of the date of this hearing. 3. Administrative and investigative costs in the amount of five hundred dollars ($500.00) to be paid within thirty (30) days of the date of this hearing. The parties hereto are hereby notified that the Respondent has a right to request a rehearing of this matter. A request for rehearing shall be made in writing and shall be filed with the Clerk to the Collier County Board of County Commissioners, and served on any other parties, within twenty (20) days from the date of mailing of the Board's written decision under Section and of Ordinance 90-105, as amended. A request for rehearing shall be based only on the ground that the decision was contrary to the evidence or that the hearing involved an error on a ruling of law which was fundamental to the decision of the Board. The written request for rehearing shall C:\Documents and Settings\clements_k\Local Settings\Temporary Intemet Files\OLKAA5\Grup _ Order 2009-03.doc 3 specify the precise reasons therefore. The decision of the Board which is the subject of the rehearing request shall remain in effect throughout the rehearing procedure unless the Board orders otherwise. The Board shall make a determination as to whether or not to rehear the matter and its decision shall be made at a public meeting, reduced to writing and mailed to the interested parties within 21 days after the decision is made. If the Contractors' Licensing Board determines it will grant a rehearing, it may: a. Schedule a hearing where the parties will be given the opportunity of presenting evidence or argument limited by the Board to the specific reasons for which the rehearing was granted; or b. Modify or reverse its prior decision, without receiving further evidence, providing that the change is based on a finding that the prior decision of the Board resulted from a ruling on a question of law which the Board has been informed by its counsel was an erroneous ruling and which ruling could effect the substantive decision. The parties are further notified that upon the timely filing of a Notice of Appeal within thirty (30) days you may have the decision of the Board reviewed pursuant to the procedure set out herein. The contractor found to be in violation may appeal a decision of the Board to the Collier County Circuit Court. Such an appeal shall not be a hearing de novo but shall be limited to appellate review of the record created before the Board. Any appeal shall be filed with the Circuit Court and served on the parties within thirty (30) days of the mailing of the decision of the Board under Sections and of Ordinance 90-105, as amended. If there has been a re-hearing request, the appeal shall be filed with the Circuit Court and served on the parties within thirty (30) days of the mailing of the re-hearing decision under Section 5.1.2 of Ordinance 90-105, as amended. In the event that the contractor found to be in violation should elect to appeal, a verbatim record and transcript of the proceedings will be necessary. It shall be the sole responsibility of said party to ensure that a record is made from which a transcript may be prepared which includes the testimony upon which an appeal may be taken. Neither Collier County nor the Board shall have any responsibility to provide a verbatim record transcript of the proceedings. FURTHER, the Board makes no recommendation to the Florida Construction Industry Licensing Board. In accordance with Chapter 489.131 (7) ( c) and (d), Florida Statutes, the disciplined contractor, the complainant, or the Department of Business and Professional Regulation may challenge the local jurisdiction enforcement body's recommended penalty for Board action to the State Construction Industry Licensing Board. A challenge must be filed within sixty (60) days of the issuance of the recommended penalty to the State Construction Industry Licensing Board in Tallahassee, Florida. If challenged, there is a presumptive finding of probable cause and the case may proceed before the State Board without the need for a probable cause hearing. C:\Documents and Settings\clements_k\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLKAA5\Grup - Order 2009-03.doc 4 Failure of the disciplined contractor, the complainant, or the Department of Business and Professional Regulation to challenge the local jurisdiction's recommended penalty within the time period set forth herein shall constitute a waiver of the right to a hearing before the State Construction Industry Licensing Board. A waiver of the right to a hearing before the State Board shall be deemed an admission of the violation, and the penalty recommended shall become a final order according to the procedures developed by State Board rule without further State Board action. Pursuant to Section 120.59, Florida Statutes, the parties are hereby notified that they may appeal the Final Order of the State Board by filing one copy of a Notice of Appeal with the Clerk of the Department of Business and Professional Regulation, Northwood Centre, 1940 Monroe Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792, and by filing the filing fee and one copy of the Notice of Appeal with the District Court of Appeal within thirty (30) days of the effective date of said Order. ORDERED by the Contractors Licensing Board effective the 21 day January, 2009. I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the above and foregoing Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and Order of the Board has been furnished the Respondent, Todd A. Grup, at 659 104th Avenue North, Naples, FL 34108; and Michael Ossorio, Licensing Compliance Supervisor, 2800 North Horseshoe Drive, Naples, FL 34103 on this /3d day of February. 2009. ~/47M~/$ jSe retary I Contractors Licensing Board C:\Documents and Settings\clements_k\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLKAA5\Grup - Order 2009-03.doc 5 C:\Documents and Seltings\clements_k\Local Seltings\Temporary Internet Files\OLKAA5\Grup _ Order 2009-03.doc 6 COLLIER COUNTY BUILDING REVIEW & PERMITTING CON'TRACTOIZ'S LICENSING 2800 N. Horseshoe Drive. Naples, Flurid:1 34L04 · (239) 252-2432 · Fax (239) 252-2469 February 24, 20 I 0 Adam S. Sandifer 7069 Venice Way # 2803 Naples, FL 34101 RE: Review of Credit Report (Six Month Review) Dear Mr. Sandifer: You havc been added to the agenda for the Contractors' Licensing Board meeting on Friday, March 12,2010. The meeting is held at 9:00 a.m. at the W. Harnlon Turner Building (Bldg. F, Admin. Bldg.), 3301 E. Tamiami Trl., Naples, FL in the Commissioner's Meeting Room on the yd floor. Please come in the office and submit a cover letter addressed to the Contractors' Liccnsing Board explaining the reasoning for your petition/attendance, and (15) copies of your old (previous report submitted to the Contractors' Licensing Board) and new credit rcp0l1 at least two weeks prior to the above mentioned hearing datc. (fthere are any questions, please call (239) 252-5706 or (239) 252-2909. Mic 0 Contractors' Licensing Supervisor Contractors' Licensing c:; o {~~ c r c:; o u ... t; y ---- Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Decision of the Board Collier County Contractors' Licensing Board For Applications Submitted to the Board for Review Type of Application: X Credit Report Review Waiver of Testing Requirements Reinstatement of License Request to Qualify Second Entity Other (specify)_ THIS CAUSE came on for public hearing before the Contractors' Licensing Board (hereafter Board) on Auqust 19. 2009 for consideration of the application submitted to the Board for review. The type of application is set out above. The Board having heard testimony under oath, received evidence, and heard arguments respective to all appropriate matters, thereupon issues its Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Order of the Board as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. That Adam S. Sandier has submitted an application to the Collier County Contractor Licensing Supervisor or his designee for review of experience affidavits. 2. That pursuant to section 22-184 (b) of the Collier County Contractors' Licensing ordinance (Ordinance 90-105, as amended) applications which do not appear on their face to be sufficient requires referral to the Board for a decision regarding approval or denial of said application. 3. That the Board has jurisdiction over this matter and that Adam S. Sandifer was present at the public hearing and was not represented by counsel at the hearing on Auqust 19. 2009. 1 4. All notices required by Collier County Ordinance No. 90-105, as amended, have been properly issued. 5. The facts in this case are found to be: Applicant has submitted adequate documentation and testimony in support of his company's credit report in that his licensure will not result risk of economic loss resulting from the contractor's inability to pay his lawful contractual obligations, subject to his satisfaction of the terms set out herein. Credit report does meet the standards of Florida Rule 61G4-15.006 for Financial Responsibility. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. . Based upon the foregoing facts the Board concludes that the applicant has met the standard set out in Ordinance 90-105, as amended, with the a. b. exceptions noted herein. ORDER OF THE BOARD 1. Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, and pursuant to the authority granted in Chapter 489, Florida Statutes, and Collier County Ordinance No. 90-105, as amended, by a vote of 7 in favor and 0 opposed, a majority vote of the Board members present, the applicant is granted a 2 license to act as a contractor, subject to the conditions set out below. 2. Applicant shall provide an updated credit report six (6) months from the date of this hearing for review by the Contractors Licensing Supervisor and if said report meets the standards set out herein, the Applicant's license shall become unrestricted. ORDERED by the Contractors Licensing Board effective the --1]. I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the above and foregoing Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and Order of the Board has been furnished the Applicant, and Michael Ossorio, Licensing Compliance Supervisor, .. .' 2800 North Horseshoe Drive, Naples, FL 34103 on this fl.-dt day of.l'-i, J'~;~t:'~:"( ,2009. . ~ ,;>/~ // / ////d;c~/?/ //(:::.';/z:~..,?C.~ (secretary I Contractors Licensing Board 3 Request for a Reprieve Monday, March 01,2010 To Whom It May Concern: I am writing as a result of not being accepted at the March Board Meeting and hoping this letter will be presented on behalf of Eurotrim Inc. We'd like to request a more suitable payment plan for paying the penalty the company was issued, without the suspension of our license. We do understand that we were found guilty. However, due to the hardship of to day's economy, we are asking for easing the punishment and a payment plan that will satisfy both you and us? Eurotrim Inc. has full intent to cooperate with the Board and to continue operating their business lawfully with a license. Sincerely, ~~ Andrea Geresdi Eurotrim Inc. Office: 239-574-6646 Cell: 239-410-2669 Fax: 239-574-6619 Co~ment Listing Report CDPRI007 - Comment Listing Report REF TYPE REF KEY CT 25371 STATUS INFO ORIGINAL USER ORIGINAL DATE/TIM COLLEENDAVIDSO 1/28/2008 LAST UPDATE USE LAST UPDATE DATE COMMENT WRIGHT_M 2/4/2008 01/28/08 Citation # 3722 in the amount of $300.00 for no w/c insurance for employees (A.W.#120) 02-04-2008/ Citation #3722 - PAID. REF TYPE REF KEY CT 25371 STATUS INFO ORIGINAL USER ORIGINAL DATE/TIM JENNIFERBLANCO 5/1/2009 COMMENT 04/30/2009 CITATION #4760 $300.00 FOR A WC VIOLATION. (ONE EMPLOYEE) LAST UPDATE USE LAST UPDATE DATE WRIGHT_M 5/6/2009 ISSUED BY KAREN CLEMENTS (#50) IN THE AMOUNT OF 05-06-2009/ Citation #4760 - PAID. REF TYPE REF KEY CT 25371 STATUS WARN ORIGINAL USER ORIGINAL DATE/TIM WRIGHT_M 12/18/2009 LAST UPDATE USE LAST UPDATE DATE COMMENT WRIGHT_M 2/19/2010 12-16-2009/ WENT BEFORE CLB - CASE #2009-15. BOARD ACTION: $5,000 FINE. #250 INVESTIGATIVE COST TO BE PAID WITHIN 45 DAYS OR SUSPEND. BUSINESS/LAW EXAM & 2 HR. CONT. ED. WITHIN 90 DAYS OR SUSPEND. IF SUSPENDED AND NO PAYMENT OF FINES OR TESTING/CONT. ED. - REVOKE 10-01-2010. 1 YEAR PROBATION. 12-22-09/ SIGNED UP TO TAKE THE BUS & LAW EXAM. 01-19-2010/ TIME EXTENDED FOR TAKING THE EXAMS FOR 30 DAYS PER MGO. 01-19-2010/ $250.00 INVESTIGATIVE COST - PAID. 01-19-2010/ PARTIAL PAYMENT OF $1,000.00 PAID ON BOARD FINE. BAL DUE: $4,000.00. 02-19-2010/ PARTIAL PAYMENT OF $1,000.00 PAID ON BOARD FINE. BAL DUE: $3,000.00 REF TYPE REF KEY CT 25371 STATUS WARN ORIGINAL USER CLEMENTS_K ORIGINAL DATE/TIM 2/24/2010 COMMENT 2/24/10 - PER MGO, LICENSE BOARD ACTION THEY HAD 45 DAYS TO PAY FINE. KC LAST UPDATE USE LAST UPDATE DATE CLEMENTS_K 2/24/2010 IN SUSPENDED STATUS UNTIL MONEY IS PAID FOR Collier County CD-Plus for Windows 95/98/NT Printed on 10:08:42AM 3/2/2010 Page 1 of 1 CONTRACTORS LICENSING BOARD COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA Petitioner, vs. Peter Geresdi d/b/a Euro-Trim, Inc. Respondent (s) ORDER ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. 2009-15 LICENSE NBR:25371 THIS CAUSE came on for public hearing before the Contractors' Licensing Board (hereafter Board) on December 16, 2009 for consideration of the Administrative Complaint filed against Peter Geresdi. Service of the Complaint was made in accordance with Collier County Ordinance 90-105 as amended. The service of the Administrative Complaint conformed with the requirements of Ordinance 90-105, as amended. The Board having at said hearing heard testimony under oath, received evidence, and heard arguments respective to all appropriate matters, thereupon issues its Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Order of the Board as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. That Peter Geresdi is the holder of record of License Number 25371. 2. That the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida is the complainant in this matter. ( C:\Documents and Settings\clements_k\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\JL8DE61W\Geresdi Peter _ Order 2009-15.doc 1 3. That the Board has jurisdiction of the person of the Respondent and that Peter Geresdi was present at the public hearing and was not represented by counsel at the hearing on December 16, 2009. 4. All notices required by Collier County Ordinance No. 90-105, as amended, have been properly issued and were sent by certified mail. 5. The Respondent acted in a manner that is in violation of Collier County Ordinances and is the one who committed the act. 6. That the allegations of fact as set forth in the Administrative Complaint, as to Count I, Section 4.1.6 are found to be supported by the evidence presented at the hearing. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. The Conclusions of Law alleged and set forth in the Administrative Complaint as to Count I are approved, adopted and incorporated herein, to wit, the Respondent violated Section 4.1.6 of Collier County Ordinance 90-105, as amended in the performance of his contracting business in Collier County by acting in violation of the section set out above with particularity. 2. Collier County has jurisdiction over this contractor pursuant to Collier County Ordinance 90-105, as amended. ORDER OF THE BOARD Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, and pursuant to the authority granted in Chapter 489, Florida Statutes, and Collier County Ordinance No. 90-105, as amended, by a vote of 7 in favor and 0 opposed, C:\Documents and Settings\clements_k\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\JL8DE61W\Geresdi Peter _ Order 2009-15.doc 2 a majority vote of the Board members present, the Respondent has been found in violation as set out above. Further, it is hereby ORDERED, by a vote of 7 in favor and o opposed, a majority vote of the Board members present that the following disciplinary sanction(s) and related order are hereby imposed upon the holder of Contractors' Certificate of Competency No. 25371. 1. Probation for a period of twelve (12) months whereby the Respondent will perform his contracting activities under the supervision of the Board. During which time, should the Respondent violate the Ordinance in any respect, his license will be immediately suspended and a hearing on the suspension and violation shall be held at the next regularly scheduled Board hearing. 2. A fine in the amount five thousand dollars($5,000.00) for count I to be paid within forty five (45) days of the date of this hearing. 3. Administrative and investigative costs in the amount of two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) to be paid within forty five (45) days of the date of this hearing. 4. Respondent must take and pass with grades meeting Collier County standards the business and law examination within ninety (90) days of the date of this hearing. 5. Respondent must attend a two hour workers' compensation law class within ninety (90) days of the date of this hearing. 6. If the fines, costs, education and examination requirements as set out above are not performed within the required time limits, the respondent's license, number 25371 shall be suspended without hearing and a hearing on the suspension C:\Documents and Settings\clements_k\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.OutlookUL8DE61W\Geresdi Peter _ Order 2009-15.doc 3 shall be held at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting. If the fines, costs, education and examination requirements are not completed by the next license renewal cycle, all licenses under the Respondent's name shall be revoked without further hearing. The parties hereto are hereby notified that the Respondent has a right to request a rehearing of this matter. A request for rehearing shall be made in writing and shall be filed with the Clerk to the Collier County Board of County Commissioners, and served on any other parties, within twenty (20) days from the date of mailing of the Board's written decision under Section and of Ordinance 90-105, as amended. A request for rehearing shall be based only on the ground that the decision was contrary to the evidence or that the hearing involved an error on a ruling of law which was fundamental to the decision of the Board. The written request for rehearing shall specify the precise reasons therefore. The decision of the Board which is the subject of the rehearing request shall remain in effect throughout the rehearing procedure unless the Board orders otherwise. The Board shall make a determination as to whether or not to rehear the matter and its decision shall be made at a public meeting, reduced to writing and mailed to the interested parties within 21 days after the decision is made. If the Contractors' Licensing Board determines it will grant a rehearing, it may: a. Schedule a hearing where the parties will be given the opportunity of presenting evidence or argument limited by the Board to the specific reasons for which the rehearing was granted; or b. Modify or reverse its prior decision, without receiving further evidence, providing that the change is based on a finding that the prior decision of the Board resulted from a ruling on a question of law which the Board has been informed by its counsel was an erroneous ruling and which ruling could effect the substantive decision. The parties are further notified that upon the timely filing of a Notice of Appeal within thirty (30) days you may have the decision of the Board reviewed pursuant to the procedure set out herein. The contractor found to be in violation may appeal a decision of the Board to the Collier County Circuit Court. Such an appeal shall not be a hearing de novo but shall be limited to appellate review of the record created before the Board. Any appeal shall be filed with the Circuit Court and served on the parties within thirty C:\Documents and Settings\clements_k\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\JL8DE61W\Geresdi Peter _ Order 2009-15.doc 4 (30) days of the mailing of the decision of the Board under Sections and of Ordinance 90-105, as amended. If there has been a re-hearing request, the appeal shall be filed with the Circuit Court and served on the parties within thirty (30) days of the mailing of the re-hearing decision under Section 5.1.2 of Ordinance 90-105, as amended. In the event that the contractor found to be in violation should elect to appeal, a verbatim record and transcript of the proceedings will be necessary. It shall be the sole responsibility of said party to ensure that a record is made from which a transcript may be prepared which includes the testimony upon which an appeal may be taken. Neither Collier County nor the Board shall have any responsibility to provide a verbatim record transcript of the proceedings. FURTHER, the Board makes a recommendation to the Florida Construction Industry Licensing Board that no further action be taken. In accordance with Chapter 489.131 (7) ( c ) and (d), Florida Statutes, the disciplined contractor, the complainant, or the Department of Business and Professional Regulation may challenge the local jurisdiction enforcement body's recommended penalty for Board action to the State Construction Industry Licensing Board. A challenge must be filed within sixty (60) days of the issuance of the recommended penalty to the State Construction Industry Licensing Board in Tallahassee, Florida. If challenged, there is a presumptive finding of probable cause and the case may proceed before the State Board without the need for a probable cause hearing. Failure of the disciplined contractor, the complainant, or the Department of Business and Professional Regulation to challenge the local jurisdiction's recommended penalty within the time period set forth herein shall constitute a waiver of the right to a hearing before the State Construction Industry Licensing Board. A waiver of the right to a hearing before the State Board shall be deemed an admission of the violation, and the penalty recommended shall become a final order according to the procedures developed by State Board rule without further State Board action. Pursuant to Section 120.59, Florida Statutes, the parties are hereby notified that they may appeal the Final Order of the State Board by filing one copy of a Notice of Appeal with the Clerk of the Department of Business and Professional Regulation, Northwood Centre, 1940 Monroe Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792, and by filing the filing fee and one copy of the Notice of Appeal with the District Court of Appeal within thirty (30) days of the effective date of said Order. ORDERED by the Contractors Licensing Board effective the 16 day December, 2009 omas Lykos, C Contractors Licen C:\Documents and Settings\clements_k\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\JL8DE61W\Geresdi Peter _ Order 2009-15.doc 5 I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the above and foregoing Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and Order of the Board has been furnished the Respondent, Peter Geresdi; 17200 Primavera Lane, Cape Coral, FL 33909; and Michael Ossorio, Licensing Compliance Supervisor, 2800 North Horseshoe Drive, Naples, FL 34103 on this ;;;2 ,)-Ih day of January, 2010. ~ fit g / '/ ~'/l/ Ii :4;7/e<I;ti:-.7 C 'ecretary I Contractors Licensing Board C:\Documents and Settings\clements_k\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\JL8DE61W\Geresdi Peter _ Order 2009-15.doc 6 *c,c.. COLLIER COlJNTY BUILDING REVIEW & PERMITTING CONTHACTOR'S LICENSING 2800 N. H()tst~sh()e Drive g N;lPIcs, Floricl:134104 · (239) 252-2432 . Fax (239) 252-24(il) February 25, 20 I 0 Maharay Borrego 2980 6th St. N.W. Naples, FL 34120 RE: Case #2010-01 (Continuation) Dear Ms. Borrego: You have been added to the agenda for the Contractors' Licensing Board meeting on Friday, March 12,2010. The meeting is held at 9:00 a.m. at the W. Hallllon Turner Building (Bldg.F, Admin. Bldg.), 3301 E. Tamiami Trl., Naples, FL in the COllllllis,)iollcr's Meeting Room on the 3rt! Ooor. / If tl;6-c are any questions, please call (239) 252-2909. S' I 1 c Ircre y, <J / " ", 'c ~,/~;-/ )j-/!-!Jt:I)--/2/ / Il' Jednifer Blanco CJstomer Service SI')ecialist I ,,_.__Contractors' Licensing c 1~7 c () .. L .v -...-- ~ CONTRACTORS' LICENSING BOARD COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, Contractors' Licensing Board Petitioner, vs. Maharay Borrego D/B/A Marys Kitchens and Interiors, Inc. Respondent (s) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. 2010-01 ) ) LICENSE NBR.: 32941 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLAINT The Contractors' Licensing Board of Collier County, Florida, (hereinafter Board), files this Administrative Complaint against Maharay Borrego, d/b/a Marys Kitchens and Interiors, (hereinafter Respondent), License Number 32941 and says: COUNT I 4.1.8 Committing mismanagement or misconduct in the practice of contracting that causes financial harm to a customer. Financial mismanagement or misconduct includes, but is not limited to, any of the following. COUNT II COUNT III COUNT IV COUNT V It is determined that the above stated charges are grounds for disciplinary action under Ordinance 90-105 of Collier County, Florida, as amended. Dated January 29,2010 Director or his/her Designee Collier County Bldg. Review & Permitting C.L.B. Case 2010-01 Maharay Borrego D/B/A Marys Kitchens and Interiors, Inc. Summary On 11/3/09 a contract was signed (E4) by the homeowner of 1329 N. Collier Blvd, Elena Laczi, for the installation of kitchen cabinets and granite counter tops. On 11/5/09 a deposit of $4000.00 was given (E5) to the contractor (paid directly to the qualifier, Maharay Borrego). On 11/6/09 a second deposit of $1750.00 was given (E5) to the contractor (paid directly to the qualifier, Maharay Borrego). On 12/8/09 a Building Permit (E6) was issued to CGC1510731, Ariel Gonzalez D/B/A Ash-Ann Homes (E7), for the construction. Maharay Borrego has a Cabinet Installation Specialty License (certificate #32941) through Collier County (E3). The certificate was active through 9/30/09. On 10/1/09 the certificate was not renewed and became "delinquent". As of 1/1/10 the certificate had not been renewed and became "suspended". Pursuant to Ordinance 2006-46 Section 1.1, Maharay Borrego contracted while her Certificate was not current and valid, and is unable to execute the contract (E8 & E9). The contractor, Maharay Borrego, committed mismanagement or misconduct in the practice of contracting that causes financial harm to a customer by contracting while the Certificate was "delinquent" and subsequently "suspended", prohibiting the execution ofthe contract. The qualifier, Maharay Borrego, on several occasions agreed to repay the $5750.00 deposit. At a meeting on 1/29/10, between Ms. Borrego and me, Ian Jackson, Ms. Borrego stated she does not have the $5750.00 deposit and cannot provide the material to allow another, currently licensed Contractor, to perform the installation. C.L.B. Case 2010-01 Maharay Borrego D/B/A Marys Kitchens and Interiors, Inc. Table of Contents E1 & E2- Formal complaint E3- Certificate Detail Report E4- contract ES- Payment E6- Building Permit E7- CGC Certificate Detail Report E8 & E9- Ord. 2006-46 Section 1.1 E10- Notice of Hearing mailed to address #1, 1/21/10 Ell- Notice of Hearing mailed to address #2, 1/21/10 and signed for by Maharay Borrego 1/29/10 :lfjP' .- ? . .~ CONTRACTORS' LICENSING BOARD 2800 N. HORSESHOE DRIVE NAPLES,' FLORIDA 33942. C~~PLAINT NUMBER ZD 10- D I '. COMPLAINANT: ANY PERSON WHO BELIEVES THAT A CONTRACTOR HOLDING A STATE CERTIFICATION OR CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCY HAS VIOLATED COLLIER COUNTY ORDINANCE NUMBER 90-105, AS AMENDED, .MAY SUBMIT A ~WORN COMPLAINT TO THE CONTRACTOR LICENSING SUPERVISOR, OR HIS/H~R DESIGNEE. THE COMPLAINT SHALL BE IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE' FORM PRESCRIBED BY THE CONTRACTOR LICENSING SUPERVISOR. THE COMPLAINANT SHALL PAY A FEE, OF $50.00, TO PEFRAY THE COSTS OF ADMINISTERING THE COMPLAINT, AT THE TIME OF FILING THE COMPLAINT. THE COMPLAININGP,ARTY S~L STATE 'WITH PARTICULARITY WHICH SECTION(S) OF. THIS ORDINANCE HE OR SHE BELIEVES HAS BEEN VIOLATED BY THE CONTRACTOR AND THE ESSENTIAL ~ACTS IN SUPPORT THEREOF. COMPLAINT PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE AND RETURN SIGNED COPIES OF THE COL~~:,NT. . . DATE~ 2q/ Z&{D AGAINST: ., PHONE: ~~1-4s40 . ! CONTRACTOR'S NAME: . BUSINESS NAME: 1 5 K LICENSE NUMBER IF KNOwN: 3Z~4\ COLLIER 'CO. COMPETENCY #:JZQ4\ .CONTRACTOR'S BUSINESS ADDRESS: Z7eCI S4 AWl ~[ ~tI ( rl . 34M . . FILED BY: L' r \ Arr ~ . NAME. illH~ ~ ~jm11l ~lit/~ II7i~U 0UJ{/r-1n~(~HOME PHONE.- ADDRESS: 2J..! ~(lf~~_=--_ BUS. PHONE: [.')1-7.45\ DONE: 32 t' CITY: COUNTY DATE OF CONTRACT \ DATE JOB STARTED DATE JOB COMPLETED OR NEW HOME OCCUPIED NA . WER~ THERE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS? YE5 IS THERE A WRITTEN CONTRACT':'~ IF YES, ~OUNT OF CONTRACT!.lLb'OO HAS CONTRACTOR BEEN PAID IN FULL?JJL IF NOT, WHAT AMOUNT? ~5 S WAS A BUILDING PERMIT 08TAINED?'1E5_ IF KNOWNIDAL .! WHO OBTAINED BUILDING HAVE YOU COMMUNICATED EI ,~/ . ~ATE JJflillfi ZI,~){LDOYOU HAVE HIS REPLy?jD . · FORM ~L COPIES OF THE PURCHASE AGREEMENT, BUILDING CONTRACT, HOME PLEASE ATTACH TO THIS IMPROVEMENT CONTRACT, COPIES OF RECEIPTS AND/OR CANCELED CHECKS AVAILABLE AND ANY ADDITIONAL EVIDENCE TO SUBSTANTIATE YOUR ALLEGATIONS. LIST ANY SUBSECTIONS OF SECTION 4 OF COLLIER COUNTY ORDINANCE NUMBER 90-105, AS AMENDED, WHICH, IN YOUR 'OPINION, HAVE BEEN VIOLATED BY THE CONTRACTOR WHICH IS THE SUBJECT OF THIS COMPLAINT, (LIST SUBSECTION NUMBER) 4.1.8. Committing mismanagement or misconduct in the practice of contracting that causes financial harm to a customer. Financial mismanagement or misconduct includes, but is not limited to, any of the following: PLEASE STATE THE FACTS WHICH rOU BELIEVE SUBSTANTIATE YOUR CHARGE .OF MISCONDUCT AGAINST THE SUBJECT CONTRACTOR:~ (LIST FACTS SEPARATELY FOR EACH . SUBSECTION NUMBER ABOVE) The contractor entered into contract while license was in "delinquent" status. As of January 1, 2010, the license converted to "suspended" status. The contractor is unable to execute the contract with a "suspended" license. The homeowners gave a deposit of $5,750.00. The contractor does not have the material, to allow the homeowners to contract with an actively licensed contractor to perform the installation, or the money from the deposit to reimburse the homeowners. . { (IF ADDITIONAL SPACE D D, USE SEPARATE SHEET) LAINANT'S SIGNATURE) STATE OF . COUNTY OF ~~ of IH'f Sworn to (or ~ affirmed) and subscribed before me this~day of , ::JI'1L-, 'by 7~ ,-~cK.ro~ . . (name of person making statement) ~?J' ~o.,..i Notary Public Slale 01 Florida Margaret W Wright' My Commission 00579226 Exoires 0810612010 OF NOTARY PRINT, TYPE OR STAMP COMMISSIONED NAME OF NOTARY PUBLIC) Personally known or Produced identification E2 Ce.-tificate Detail Report CDPR2305 - Certificate Detail Report CERT NBR QUALI FIER NAME 32941 MAHARA Y BORREGO DBA MARYS KITCHENS AND INTERIORS INC DETAIL STATUS SUSPD CLASS CODE CLASS DESC 4040 CABINET INSTALL CONTR. STATE NBR ORIG ISSD DATE 6/26/2008 STATE EXP DATE RENEWAL DATE COUNTY COMP CARD COUNTY EXP DATE EXPIRE DATE 9/30/2009 OTH OL NBR COUNTY OL EXEMPT N CNCL DATE COUNTY OL NBR 080258 COUNTY OL EXP DATE 9/30/2009 OTH OL EXP DATE REINSTATE DATE DBA PHONE (239)601-4545 FAX (239)348-9821 MAILING ADDRESS 2780 54TH AVE NE PHYSICAL ADDRESS 2780 54TH AVE NE NAPLES FL 34114- NAPLES FL 34 114 - LIABILITY INSURANCE COMPANY E & S INSURANCE SERVICES EXP DATE 7/24/2009 PHONE (239) 821-9164 EFFECTIVE DATE 7/24/2008 POLICY NUMBER CL2352879 CNCL DATE INSURANCE LIMITS L 000, 000 WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE WC EXEMPT Y COMPANY EXP DATE PHONE EFFECTIVE DATE POLICY CNCL DATE oIlier County Board of County Commissioners D-Plus for Windows 95/NT Printed on 1/12/201 8:S9:12AM Page 1 E:\ www.maryskitchens.com ----- [tCONTRACT o ESTIMATE 220 Basik Rd. # 25 · Naples, FL 34.114 /~~: ,2~~3~~~3~~!4~\<;_~~X: 239~~ 3c) , . J /) 9' Date: /l- :J.~t!: - . .. .... , Customer Name: .-ffJ...J!7 vI) /.. u(" :{ / /1//,'7;1 ) h( 1/' Job Site Address: -" "j)" J . (1 /;' t( Mailing Address: . /,,1 lX(' t/ ('; -1 . 1_ ( .' )" f' (:/(Iir/ Order No. )'?LGZ/2 eLL./, Rep. Name: L ( . Ph. No. ........, ,/'; City: /)1 (.{ ,. (< D L\rfk,~l' Cell: StatelL.... Zip;?9/ejj State _ Zip: /" '):~.:/"':: /)',)17& //f'/l},11 --(,.~/}b,t. '.\) / 1./ I" 2 ,(1 It, . _..1 __'Y I.,L-. 'iI.', {tc. T?.>" ,....., " ._-)--, ;/,/' /)'1 1/ ,J " {~ :J.lP-e,(/ j-{c:'~...te:. ,J. tf /1. ,I) {2-. '&:..~ {....vrr;;J?"J ,", ^ A . (l..flJ),( (.(2.,-) ,-,-,r I' .d 0' J '/ A 4"(J t:[/.t'LC/ ( {. I.C:j' -' ;./ \."'1(11(' m.-'. .J(' 1/# (\ ( /. . ),./1 ,I;, "..J::..--1 ......,._' , f)(;)CJ/[ lod</ /;)r ./.1'" k / "7C7\ (. It' j ,,/ (7 I) (_J v' / / i I { I:~ { j rf (/ ~ ~ 1\ '.) ,'"",,,.J-f ,I (; u,ir '~ /~ L/;'..{ ',~. _1_ ':) 11/ '/(; f (F1-//;JJ- Ii;;? /) C/. ,hi I~" ~ /1,.1't (10;~J..'i '..- Price Tax Total 50% De oslt 40% at Delivery 10% at Installation ";'> $ 'r)/ 6i'?<~ $ $ $ 6?5t?, $ LIly)) $/ /:5 (), i- ,,) I hereby agree wlth the contract presented to me by the sales representative and agree 10 the terms and condltlons presented to me on this contract. I agree wlth the price and payment llchedule hereby proposed.. .payment Schedule; 50% of total price to be paid at signIng of con1tacl, 40% of total price to be paid upon delivery of cabinets, 10% of tolal price to be palel upon Installation.l\lnderstand and acknowledge that Mary's Kitchens & Interiors,lnc, is a Oislributor of the cabirlets, therefore Is only responsIble lor ordering and providing my cabinetll through the ordering department from the manufaeturer. I undaratand that a Sllparate contract Is required for the order of Grande Counter Tops, and the price and payment schedule Is different from this contract. I hereby understand that Mary'S Kltchel)s &Inlllriafs. Jnc.1s nof responsible for Eleclrical or Plumbing. I understand I have to hire and pay an Eleetrlc:lanlPiumber to perfOl'm lIuch work. I undenrtand Installation Crew are ~.raf 114\'"conlractors hired by Mary'1I Kitchens & interiol'll, Inc., thererore I will nol hold Mary'lI Kitchens" Interiol'll, Inc. liable for any damage or liability arising from their performance. . CHECKS ARE TO BE MADE PAYABLE TO; MARY'S KITCHENS & INTERIORS. INC. I also understand' can only cancel within 48 hours from this contract (or a full refund. Should I cancel after Ihe 48 hours from the contract date, I understand thill a 25% re-stocldnll fee will apply. I understand that delivery of my cabinets can lake between 4-6 weeks and I need to sllo,iran addlll(lr\ill :1"3 weeks aflercabinets have been Installed 'n order 10 get my Granite counter lops Installed (lIlis applies if I have ordered Granlte Counter Tops). I will hold Mary's Kitchens & Interiors, 'nc" harmless of sny liabilities w/lfch maY erlse herefrom. Customer Is responsible for removing ~::g ap:liances prior to j~~~' M~~S Kitchen is not responsible for lIny damage to appliances due to improper hanJ~~g. J U' Customer Signature: ~-7 :(~.1-{.(v rAjri>. Date: 1/ /_J / [. "/. ;) :, I .. 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SEE PERMIT NOTES FOR FEMA BALANCE. APPROVALS: Req Apprv'l BUILDING ELECTRIC FEE REVIEW FEMA PLUMBING REQUIRED INSPECTIONS STATUS: Type Description Date 12/01/09 11/20/09 12/01/09 11/21/09 11/20/09 BHM B YAKOLA BHM BD GLK Approver Note ------------------------------------------------------------ 11-25-09 BLOG REVIEW TO PLUMBING 11/19/09 TO ELECTRIC REVIEW (FLAT) 11/20/09 FEMA WORKSHEETS ADDED TO PERMIT PACKAGE. 11/20 TO FEMA ~AN 3 Acks~J C LL f) .J LICt..V\SLr'Us.. t) J E/} \..::. tHJ t1 T~ ~ G tt/~ 2. S"2 . 7..lfS/ Cc!.,tL 4 38 .S"2 Do Required By Completed On 099 NOC 147 FINAL ELEVATION CERT 151 WORK COMPLETE 201 2ND ROUGH IN /TUBSET 204 FINAL PLUMBING 300 MECHANICAL ROUGH A/C 301 FINAL MECHANICAL A/C 501 ELECT ROUGH 502 FINAL ELECTRICAL PERMIT NOTES: 12/08/09 CREATED FROM APPL# 09-5881 12/02/09 READY (FLAT) CONTRACTOR NOTIFIED. NEED SUBCONTRACTOR FORMS FOR ELECTRIC AND PLUMBING. 11/25/09 FEMA FORMS RECEIVED: VALUE OF HOUSE LESS ACCESSORY STRUCTURES = $120,038 PER CCPA 11/19/09. 20% HOUSE VALUE $24,008.00. ADJUSTED HOUSE VALUE = $144,046.00. 49.9% HOUSE ~b Ce'rtificate Detail Report CDPR2305 - Certificate Detail Report CERT NBR QUALIFIER NAME 32778 ARIEL GONZALEZ DBA ASH-ANN HOMES, INC. DETAIL STATUS ACTIVE CLASS CODE CLASS DESC 1010 GENERAL CONTR.--CERTIFIED STATE NBR CGC 1510731 ORIG ISSD DATE 5/14/2008 STATE EXP DATE 9/30/2010 RENEWAL DATE COUNTY COMP CARD COUNTY EXP DATE EXPIRE DATE 9/30/2010 OTH OL NBR COUNTY OL EXEMPT N CNCL DATE COUNTY OL NBR 052894 COUNTY OL EXP DATE 9/30/2010 OTH OL EXP DATE REINSTATE DATE DBA PHONE (239)919-9944 FAX (239)304-1871 MAILING ADDRESS 130 14TH AVE NW PHYSICAL ADDRESS 130 14TH AVE NW NAPLES FL 34120- NAPLES FL 34120- LIABILITY INSURANCE COMPANY OSWALD TRIPPE & COMPANY, INC. EXP DATE 3/11/2010 PHONE (239)498-9441 EFFECTIVE DATE 3/11/2009 POLICY NUMBER 04GL000749753 CNCL DATE INSURANCE LIMITS 2,000,000 WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE WC EXEMPT Y COMPANY EXP DATE PHONE EFFECTIVE DATE POLICY CNCL DATE allier County Board of County Commissioners D-Plus for Windows 95/NT Printed on 1/12/201 8:58:51AM Page 1 E:l ORDINANCE NO. 2oo6-~ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING COLLIER COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 90-105, AS AMENDED, THE COLLIER COUNTY CONTRACTORS' LICENSING BOARD ORDINANCE; AMENDING SECTION 1.3.1 OWNER-BUILDERS, TO INCREASE THE MAXIMUM EXPENDITURE LIMIT TO $75,000, TO ALLOW FOR THE REPAIR OR REPLACJi:.MENT OF, CERTAIN ROOF SHINGLES '. AND TO PROVIDE FOR A DlSCL()SURE STATEMENT; AMENDING SECTION 1.3.2 PUBLIC WORKS, EXEMPTING CERTAIN EMPLOYEES OF GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES FROM THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS ORDINANCE; AMENDING SECTIONS THROUGH, REMOVING THE SPECIFIC TIME REQUIREMENTS FOR TESTING AND ADDING THAT TESTS BE APPROVED ACCORDING TO SECTION 2.6 OF THIS ORDINANCE; FURTHER AMENDING SECTION STRIKING THE EXCLUSION OF LIQUID PETROLEUM GASES; FURTHER AMENDING SECTION, TO ADD REQUIREMENTS FOR NEW APPLICANTS FOR THIS LICENSE; FURTHR AMENDING SECTION 1.6.3,48 TO ADD REQUIREMENTS FOR NEW APPLICANTS FOR THIS LICENSE; AMENDING SECTION ADDING MISSING LANGUAGE AT THE END OF THE PARAGRAPH; AMENDING SECTION 2.6 TO REFLECT THE RECOGNITION OF ADDITIONAL TESTING AGENCIES; AMENDING SECTION 2.11.2 ADDRESSING THE ISSUANCE OF TEMPORARY LICENSES; ADDING SECTION, ADDRESSING FINANCIAL HARM CAUSED BY CONTRACTORS CAUSING qJSTOMERS TO SEEK A VARIANCE OR ADMINISTRATIVE REMEDY; AMENDING SECTION 4.3.2 ELIMINATING THE ADMINISTRATIVE FEE FOR COMPLAINANTS; AMENDING SECTION, INCREASING MAXIMUM FINES TO TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT AND SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR INCLUSION INTO THE CODE OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, certain provisions of this Ordinance are being amended at the f~~reti~~ of the Board of County Commissions upon recommendations from staff, area contractors anp:;the" ';"1 :".-. -J ,.~ general public. '..J 1'.-' NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF; COUN:rY',~._: ..-- -~ COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA that: SECTION ONE: ORDINANCE NO. 90-105, AS AMENDED, IS HEREBY AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: PART ONE: CERTIFICATES OF COMPETENCY REQUIRED. 1.1. Unlawful to Contract without a Certificate of Competency. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, partnership, corporation or other legal entity to: engage in any construction contracting business, advertise or represent himself/herself or a business organization as available to engage in any construction contracting business, or act in the capacity of a contractor or subcontractor for any of the trades listed in Section 1.6 of this Ordinance, within the unincorporated area of Collier County and the incorporated area within the boundaries of the City of Naples and within the City of Marco Island, without having first made application for and having been issued a current and valid Collier County/City Certificate of Competency or an applicable State Certified License. Nothing herein shall be construed to mean that there cannot be employees in a trade who are not qualified or certified within the definitions herein set forth if :;'~I~'. :~~~ -1- Words underlined are added; words slfllel. IllRllI&k arc deleted. f8 such employees are employed by a licensed contractor who exercises supervision and control over said employees. Indicia of an employment relationship shall include the employer's regular payment of wages and compensation, FICA deductions, tax withholding and provision of Workers' Compensation to the employees, all as prescribed by law. 1.2. Building Permits. 1.2.1, No building permit shall be issued for the construction, alteration, or repair of any Structure unless the applicant for the permit possesses a current Collier County ICity Certificate of Competency, an applicable State Certified License, or is exempt from the operation of this Ordinance. 1.2.2. It shall be unlawful for any owner-builder to procure a building permit and to use said permit with the intent to aid or abet an unlicensed contractor to perfonn the permitted construction, alteration, or repair. Such conduct shall be punishable as a violation of this Ordinance and the permit and inspection shall be considered invalid for that portion of the construction related to the violation. 1.3, Exemptions. 1.3.1. Owner-Builders. The provisions of this Ordinance shall not apply to owners of property when acting as their own contractor and providing aI] material slifler\'isioH tHemse!-.'es, '.va en building ar iffiflFe','ing flmB alitbl2ild!ngs ar aRe family ar twa family IesideHees or builEliBg aT impra'iiag eSHUBeF6ial sl2i]GiagB at a east Hat to 6Keeea $25,009, aH Sliea JlfaJleR:,' for tae ascliflaney ar \:lse af Sliea aWHem IUId Bet affered far sale or lease. In aU aetions sfelight !inlier SeetioH 1.1 af this OrEiiBIUI6e, pr-eef ef tae sale ar leas6, af effefiHg for sa:le er lease, of a &trI:letl:ire by ate O'....Her bt/HEier witmn 12 maHths after iss\:llUlee af a C&ftifiaate of OSSHp8HS)' is prima fsaie e'/ieleHse that the saHstl'llstian was !in8ettalEeH fer fllHf'ases af sale ar lease. This does not elEempt any pefSen wha is efflployeel by SHea aWHer lUll! waa sets in ilie eapaeity of a eontraeter. Tltis ell:effiflaeH does Bet Ilflply to MY type af ssmmefeial bt/ilriiHg. Te ~ualify for ex.emptioR eRder this St/bseetian, IUI awner ml:lst flefGeRally Ilflflear amI sigH the I:milding pemrit Ilpfllisatiofl. .A.a aWHer bliilaer willl3e issued a max:iHUlffi af aRe (1) ewn8f 'milder permit fDr the eoastrl:letiaR af a eRe family ar twa family flame iR IUIJ three (3) year paned. .^.R oV/fler bui]der applyiag far or reeeiviRg mere ilian eRe Buil6iHg PeRnit fer ilia sanstRlSHOfl af a one family ar twa family flome ia an)' three (3) year fleriad sha:ll be pRHla fasia eviaease of bliilriiag/eaHtr8etiRg ':/iilieut a lie8nse 'Naisfl is a '/ialatiaR af this aF6iaMse. direct. on site supervision themselves of all work not oerfonned bv licensed contractors: a or two- famil residences on such Prooertv for the occupancy or use of such owners and not offered for sale or lease. or building or improving commercial buildings, at a cost not to exceed $75,000, on such or use of such owners and not offered for sale or lease. In an action 2 Words skilak lhrslIgll are deleted; words underlined are added. ~q COLLIER COUNTY BUILDING REVIEW & PERMITTING CONTRACTOR'S LICENSING 2800 N. Horseshoe Drive. Naples, Florida 34104. (239) 252-2432 · Fax (239) 252-2469 CERTIFIED MAIL # 70070710000336984564 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Date: January 21, 2010 Maharay Borrego D/B/A Mary's Kitchens and Interiors 220 Basik Rd. # 25 Naples, Fl. 34114 RE: Complaint filed against you by Elena and Josef Laczi Dear Ms. Borrego: A complaint has been filed against you by the above referenced individual. A hearing of this complaint will be held by the Contractors' Licensing Board on February 17,2010 at 9:00 AM in the Board of County Commissioner's Room, Third Floor, Administration Building (W. Harmon Turner Bldg.), at 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, Florida. Your presence before the Contractors' Licensing Board is required at this time. The packet you will receive marked composite exhibit "A" will be delivered to the members of the Contractors' Licensing Board one week prior to the hearing. If you wish to prepare a defense packet and have it delivered in conjunction with composite exhibit "A", you must make fifteen copies and have them in our office by 8:00 AM on Wednesday, one week prior to the hearing. In your packet, you may give a summary of events. At this meeting, you may present evidence and be represented by an attorney of your choice. In the event the Contractors' Licensing Board finds you in violation of Section number(s) 4.1.8 of Ordinance # 2002-21, as amended, the range of disciplinary sanctions which may be imposed are from an oral reprimand to a suspension or revocation of your Collier County Certificate # 32941 and/or ~~n 0: revocation of your permit privileges against yonr swe license # Nt A, Si e e , Ian Jac son Licensing Compliance Officer phone# 239-252-2451 c o l~~ e T c o .. n t; y ~lO COLLIER COUNTY BUILDING REVIEW & PERMITTING CONTRACTOR'S LICENSING 2800 N. Horseshoe Drive. Naples, Florida 34104 · (239) 252-2432 · Fax (239) 252-2469 CERTIFIED MAIL # 70070710000336984571 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Date: January 21,2010 Maharay Borrego D/B/A Mary's Kitchens and Interiors 2780 54th Ave N.E.e Naples. FI. 34114 RE: Complaint filed against you by Elena and Josef Laczi Dear Ms. Borrego: A complaint has been filed against you by the above referenced individual. A hearing of this complaint will be held by the Contractors' Licensing Board on February 17,2010 at 9:00 AM in the Board of County Commissioner's Room, Third Floor, Administration Building (W. Harmon Turner Bldg.), at 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, Florida. Your presence before the Contractors' Licensing Board is required at this time. The packet you will receive marked composite exhibit "A" will be delivered to the members of the Contractors' Licensing Board one week prior to the hearing. If you wish to prepare a defense packet and have it delivered in conjunction with composite exhibit "A", you must make fifteen copies and have them in our office by 8:00 AM on Wednesday, one week prior to the hearing. In' your packet, you may give a summary of events. At this meeting, you may present evidence and be represented by an attorney of your choice. In the event the Contractors' Licensing Board finds you in violation of Section number(s) 4.1.8 of Ordinance # 2002-21, as amended, the range of disciplinary sanctions which may be imposed are from an oral reprimand to a suspension or revocation of your Collier County Certificate # 32941 and/or sus~en ion or revocation of your permit privileges against your state license # N/ A l ~, Ian Jackson Licensing Compliance Officer phone# 239-252-2451 o' c o c~~ e r c o u ... 1; y E. \\ COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION noo","' Ilorsesl1(l<;' Dr. . ';uples, t'l(wilb 34104. 2J<)-~.5~-244(). FAX 23()-252-2J4~ DATE: April 21, 2010 TO: Trish Morgan, Clerk of Courts - Records FROM: Connie Thomas RE: CLB Orders Please find attached the orders issued by the Contractor's Licensing Board. I respectfully request that your office certify all documents contained herein and then forward the document, with this memo, to the Recording Department for official recording. Recording Department Instructions: Please record all documents contained herein as Orders and return the originals interoffice mail to: Connie Thomas, Administrative Supervisor Licensing Operations/Contractor's Licensing CDES Building Please include a statement of all recording fees so that I may charge the appropriate parties. The Operations and Regulatory Management Account is 113-138912.-(P$4I\O Thank you all very much for your assistance. Should you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at 252-2473. CONTRACTORS LICENSING BOARD COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA Petitioner, vs. Maharay Borrego d/b/a Mary's Kitchens and Interiors, Inc. Respondent (s) ORDER ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. 2010-01 LICENSE NBR:32941 THIS CAUSE came on for public hearing before the Contractors' Licensing Board (hereafter Board) on February 17, 2010 and March 12,2010 for consideration of the Administrative Complaint filed against Maharay Borrego. Service of the Complaint was made in accordance with Collier County Ordinance 90-105 as amended. The service of the Administrative Complaint conformed with the requirements of Ordinance 90-105, as amended. The Board having at said hearing heard testimony under oath, received evidence, and heard arguments respective to all appropriate matters, thereupon issues its Order of the Board as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. That Maharay Borrego is the holder of record of License Number 32941. 2. That the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida is the complainant in this matter. C:\Documents and Settings\michaelossorio\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\8G52V1 F2\Borrego Maharay- Order 2010-01 FInal Order March 12 2010.doc 3. That the Board has jurisdiction of the person of the Respondent and that Maharay Borrego was present at the public hearing and was not represented by counsel at the hearing on February 17, 2010. Respondent was not present nor represented by counsel at the hearing on March 12,2010. The Board found that Respondent had been provided legally sufficient notice of the hearing on March 12, 2010 and chose not to attend nor request a continuance. 4. All notices required by Collier County Ordinance No. 90-105, as amended, have been properly issued, hand delivered and delivered by certified mail in accordance with Collier County Ordinance 90-105, as amended. 5. The Respondent acted in a manner that is in violation of Collier County Ordinances and is the one who committed the act. 6. That the allegations of fact as set forth in the Administrative Complaint, as to Count I, Section 4.1.8 are found to be supported by the evidence presented at the hearing. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. The Conclusions of Law alleged and set forth in the Administrative Complaint as to Count I are approved, adopted and incorporated herein, to wit, the Respondent violated Section 4.1.8 of Collier County Ordinance 90-105, as amended in the performance of her contracting business in Collier County by acting in violation of the section set out above with particularity. 2. Collier County has jurisdiction over this contractor pursuant to Collier County Ordinance 90-105, as amended. C:\Documents and Settings\michaelossorio\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\8G52V1F2\Borrego Maharay. Order 2010-01 Final Order March 12 2010.doc 2 ORDER OF THE BOARD Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, and pursuant to the authority granted in Chapter 489, Florida Statutes, and Collier County Ordinance No. 90-105, as amended, by a vote of 6 in favor and o opposed, a majority vote of the Board members present, with Board member Meister abstaining due to not having heard the case on February 17, 2010, the Respondent has been found in violation as set out above. Further, it is hereby ORDERED, by a vote of ---2 in favor and 0 opposed, a majority vote of the Board members present that the following disciplinary sanction(s) and related order are hereby imposed upon the holder of Contractors' License Number 32941. 1. Revocation of the Respondent's contracting license and privileges in Collier County, Florida. 2. A fine in the amount of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) to be paid within thirty (30) days of the date of this hearing. 3. Administrative and investigative costs in the amount of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) to be paid within thirty (30) days of the date of this hearing. 4. Restitution in the amount of five thousand seven hundred fifty dollars ($5,750.00), plus statutory interest, to be paid within thirty (30) days of the date of this hearing. C:\Documents and Settings\michaelossorio\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\8G52V1F2\Borrego Maharay ~ Order 201O~01 Final Order March 12 2010.doc 3 5. A public reprimand to be issued by the Board and published in a newspaper of general circulation and further distributed at the discretion of the Contractors' Licensing Supervisor. The parties hereto are hereby notified that the Respondent has a right to request a rehearing of this matter. A request for rehearing shall be made in writing and shall be filed with the Clerk to the Collier County Board of County Commissioners, and served on any other parties, within twenty (20) days from the date of mailing of the Board's written decision under Section and of Ordinance 90-105, as amended. A request for rehearing shall be based only on the ground that the decision was contrary to the evidence or that the hearing involved an error on a ruling of law which was fundamental to the decision of the Board. The written request for rehearing shall specify the precise reasons therefore. The decision of the Board which is the subject of the rehearing request shall remain in effect throughout the rehearing procedure unless the Board orders otherwise. The Board shall make a determination as to whether or not to rehear the matter and its decision shall be made at a public meeting, reduced to writing and mailed to the interested parties within 21 days after the decision is made. If the Contractors' Licensing Board determines it will grant a rehearing, it may: a. Schedule a hearing where the parties will be given the opportunity of presenting evidence or argument limited by the Board to the specific reasons for which the rehearing was granted; or b. Modify or reverse its prior decision, without receiving further evidence, providing that the change is based on a finding that the prior decision of the Board resulted from a ruling on a question of law which the Board has been informed by its counsel was an erroneous ruling and which ruling could effect the substantive decision. The parties are further notified that upon the timely filing of a Notice of Appeal within thirty (30) days you may have the decision of the Board reviewed pursuant to the procedure set out herein. The contractor found to be in violation may appeal a decision of the Board to the Collier County Circuit Court. Such an appeal shall not be a hearing de novo but shall be limited to appellate review of the record created before the Board. Any appeal shall be filed with the Circuit Court and served on the parties within thirty (30) days of the mailing of the decision of the Board under Sections and of Ordinance 90-105, as amended. If there has been a re-hearing request, the C:\Documents and Settings\michaeJossorio\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\8G52V1 F2\Borrego Maharay ~ Order 2010-01 Final Order March 12 2010.doc 4 appeal shall be filed with the Circuit Court and served on the parties within thirty (30) days of the mailing of the re-hearing decision under Section 5.1.2 of Ordinance 90-105, as amended. In the event that the contractor found to be in violation should elect to appeal, a verbatim record and transcript of the proceedings will be necessary. It shall be the sole responsibility of said party to ensure that a record is made from which a transcript may be prepared which includes the testimony upon which an appeal may be taken. Neither Collier County nor the Board shall have any responsibility to provide a verbatim record transcript of the proceedings. FURTHER, the Board makes no recommendation to the Florida Construction Industry Licensing Board. In accordance with Chapter 489.131 (7) ( c ) and (d), Florida Statutes, the disciplined contractor, the complainant, or the Department of Business and Professional Regulation may challenge the local jurisdiction enforcement body's recommended penalty for Board action to the State Construction Industry Licensing Board. A challenge must be filed within sixty (60) days of the issuance of the recommended penalty to the State Construction Industry Licensing Board in Tallahassee, Florida. If challenged, there is a presumptive finding of probable cause and the case may proceed before the State Board without the need for a probable cause hearing. Failure of the disciplined contractor, the complainant, or the Department of Business and Professional Regulation to challenge the local jurisdiction's recommended penalty within the time period set forth herein shall constitute a waiver of the right to a hearing before the State Construction Industry Licensing Board. A waiver of the right to a hearing before the State Board shall be deemed an admission of the violation, and the penalty recommended shall become a final order according to the procedures developed by State Board rule without further State Board action. Pursuant to Section 120.59, Florida Statutes, the parties are hereby notified that they may appeal the Final Order of the State Board by filing one copy of a Notice of Appeal with the Clerk of the Department of Business and Professional Regulation, Northwood Centre, 1940 Monroe Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792, and by filing the filing fee and one copy of the Notice of Appeal with the District Court of Appeal within thirty (30) days of the effective date of said Order. ORDERED by the Contractors Licensing Board effective the 12 day Marc ,2010 ,~ Y' T mas Lykos, Chair Contractors Licensing I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the above and foregoing Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and Order of the Board has been furnished the Respondent, Maharay Borrego; 2780 54 Avenue, N.E. Naples, FL 34114; C:\Documents and Settings\michaeJossorio\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\8G52V1F2\Borrego Maharay- Order 2010-01 FInal Order March 12 2010.doc 5 and Michael Ossorio, Licensing Compliance Supervisor, 2800 North Horseshoe Drive, Naples, FL 34103 on this clrl7 day of~ 2010. IIpl'~f' / ~.. C '/ .' . //::<Jr7r1' I;' I /1~'H Secretary / Contractors Licensing Board .>a... ell f.uiftlUIl .:olllllY 01 COlU9 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT thIs Is . tru... ~orrect CODY ot a aOC!JPl8tn OR fit. In Board Minutes, a)ljf RecoroS' Ilf COm. CouIltt NITI\IESS'~..h.:~!, O..~IIlfC!ffl~'~. Ithla ~ aay of ,.1:lIlr11 r 2()/D ", . )WIGHT E. BROtlt, CLERK OF~COUIII l'lI'_ {.~~u. _ r. C:\Documents and Settings\michaeJossorio\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\BG52V1F2\Borrego Maharay- Order 2010-01 Final Order March 12 2010.doc 6