Special Warranty Deed INSTR 4383975 OR 4528 PG 1423 DWIGHT E. BROCK, COLLIER COUNTY REC 527.00 p \P' C\ ~d-' ~ RECORDED 1/14/2010 1;56 PH CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT PAGES 3 RE-RECORD .. INSTR 4322719 OR 4475 PG 707 RECORDED 712312009 3:45 PM PAGES 3 DWIGHT E. BROCK COLLIER COUN'N CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT DOC@.70$440.30 REC $27.00 CONS $62,90000 Record .nd Return To: SUl1bdt TltJ, Agencr BOll S. Oi'Wndo Avenua. St, K.O WJnlerPzrk,FlJZ78' FlU; NUMBER; 7SJ81>,1nZ lOAN.2J111941 Co"ectlv< SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED Macte IIllS 10rH day ot JUNE. 2009, by U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIA nON a Corporation exitting unde; It1c wWlof 1he Stile or DE who$e address hi: cloADVANTA I CHAS! MORT[]AGE COMPANY, 10190 RANCHO BERNARDO ROAD,SAN DIEGO, CA '2121 herelne1'ler called Grantor. ,nd 10: COLLIER COUNTY, PQUnCAL SUBONlSION OF THI: STATE OF FLORIDAillld whose malJlng address Is: );101 TAMIAMI TRAIL EAST. NAPLES. Fl 34112, hereinaner called theGr"nte~ Gnlnl1x,locof'\$ideration 01 TEN DOLLARS 1$10.00) AND OTHER 0000 AND VALUABLE CONSID'ERATION paid rYf Grantee. Ql1Irrts al1dcon...eys to Gnnllle ftlel prop-My located in \J'le Count)' or COLLIER, State or FlOrid", desClibect more paI1lCUlarty'$ fo~OW$: The East 75 feel of the Wesl 180 f~tofTracl No, 87, GOLDEN GATE ESTATES UNIT NO. 63, accol1:hnglo the Map or Plat thereof as recorded In Plat Book 7, Page 63. Public Records of Collier County, Florida. PARCEL 10 .: J9l!:JIil'%80004 AKA: 2IIZO NORTHEAST 47TH AVENUE, NAPLES, FL Jot 120 Subjec:t 10 easements and reslric1bns or reccrd. Sl,Ibject 10 the lien of the General Ta..es ror the year lOOg and thereatter, GllInlor Goveniln~ a;l follOWS; 1. fhalthe JlremiS(ts are free from all encumb/ancoU made by Grltnlor; and 2. That Grantorwill warnillll and delCfld the property hcre~ conveyed ltg,Jnst the lolwful c1aJm! and denu.nds or aU pe~n$ ctaimino by, lrlroUfih, or und~r him, bul a"ainsl none other. THJS CORRECTIVE SPECIAL WARRANtY DEED IS BEING RECORDED TO CQRRfCT AN OMMlSSION OF NON-HOMESTEAD lANGUAGE TO CONFIRM THIS PROPERTY WAS NOT GRANTOR'S HOMESTEAD. THE ORIGINAL, SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED WAS RECORDED ON JULY 23,200' IN OR BOOK <<75, PAGE" 707 THIS CONVEYANCE ACCEPTED BY mE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, COlLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, PUllSUA/fT TO AGEKlIA DATED: 3-2h-o'l ITEM NO. IOF SWOAEO.OOT 111071'J7 LB OR 4528 PG 1424 . .. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the Sald pitrty of l.'le rn1 p;Jr1 has C4u~ed the3a presents to be Ilgled In Its nama by III proper offl<;ers, and Its coq:torate 5eallo be 81Talld, .tIeIlod bylls IU!crl~tary. Ulodil)'&nd :rear.bQve 'Millen. . 0:.,.'" -~'<' . U.s, BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION F~<;'" Slgnod, Sealed and Oehered In the Prnence ot ~h~ Berenice Ballesteros r~~~ RobInPrMt! ~ _ "'Aq,..I~'c1 Printed Name:; ~~i:. " , . . , ,/ ., ...,". . " . :""" ..: STATE OF: Cali COUNlYOF; S Richard Alexander Ass!. Vice Presidert . By JPMorgan Chase Bank. N A As Attorney-I()~Fact 'l,"n tonlhIs dale thilS_da'l of . 20 . berOJeme personat,'y appecuoo (Printed Name), (TItla) of (Company Nilme), as Attomey jnFal:t rQ( u.s. BANK NAT1O~L ASSOCIAltON, a oorpo lion LWlder the laws fJf the State of ---' 10 me personally kn<wm uf)(1 wtrJ slOl1ed the fote1;loJOIJ InilJvmel'll as offICers for the uses and pVlpOses therein mentiOned and lhat !hey affIxed thereto the official 38al of uid ration. and thallh~ said lnstJument Is lI1e act and deed of said COI'pOf1Itlon. WITNESS my 5/gnature and 0 [lteStallloteaRfomia. 20_ In the County of San D/togo 211'Kt NOTARY PUBUC (slgnIl1Ure) Prln1N.".: M)' Commlulon l!.1:p1rn: Stamp/Seaf: ~. MoL ~ Prepared by. Brandy Cooper Sunbeft l1tJ. Ag.nr;y 25750 U.S. HlI\oY 111 Ncw1h SuJt.'oa CJ.al'Wllter, fL 33711 ApprOVBd as to form & legal Sufficiency 9'81...:) ~'*. AGslstanl County Attorney ~ >J"" \ ff 12- i>, - l.0-\..\ \ \ L. SW~.DOT TlI07101 LB ~: .... Ii.. ". 'u' ',. '. /-r. : ,}';. ,,' ;.~. ',.,;. " .J.";" I.' . *** OR 4528 PG 1425 *** - ~ ACKNOWLEDGMENT Slate of California County or San Diego On JUra. ID, .:ll:()'1 before me, M. Gaughan a Notary Pubfic (insert name and tiUe of the officer) personally appeared Rid1ard Alexander, Assistant Vice President who proved to me on the basis of satisfaclory evidence to be the per.sonW .....hose nameN isl~ subscribed 10 the within instrument and acknowledged 10 m6 that heJ~lhq execuled Ute same in his/ttarJlh6ir authorized capaciry(I'e:sJ, and that by his/hei/ltreir signatureW on the Instntment lhe persol1{s), or Ihe entity upon behalf of w/lich the person~ acted, exe<:uted thelnslrument I certify under PENALTY Of PERJURY under the laws of the Slate of California that Ihe foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. !@'M,G.lVGIW/ "( Ill" eo.1I.I1714H1" .-oT~r Pl.'IU:'CU"MIrA VI ~ SlM""coCOl.wTr _ IhCCMlt.w,.....lI,20lIj (Sui) . .:If'JO ~ '17 ilv< 'Its Ft.. 3 /;)..0 ':~ Memorandum TO: Minutes & Records Management o FROM: Cindy Erb, SRNVA Sr. Property Acquisition Specialist Real Property Management DATE: April 19, 2010 RE: Neighborhood Stabilization Program 2820 47th Avenue NE, Naples, Florida 34120 Please find attached one (1) copy of the recorded Warranty Deed for the above referenced project. The Board of County Commissioner of Collier County, Florida had approved this item pursuant to Agenda Item 10E & 10F, dated March 24,2009, Please contact me if you have any questions or comments at 8917. Thank you. attachments as stated cc: Property Appraiser's Office w/attachment Tax Collector's Office w/attachment Office of the Real Property Management -~--'--,-,--~-,,~