2009 Backup CCLAAC
Conservation Collier Application Fonn
Page I
i L PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Please list the following Informati~;;ro;:-;achP~. .-__
r.r;x ID (folio N\,mbe" "I Parcel Size (acres) Askmg price $
I a S"- ~}\mw-1' _A ~ Z ,5\'Z. - ----- --
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.NAME(S): (nl'\GW L.~,\t, ____ _. ___ _u_____
~.[)RE-S.S: ~S<:. . \ n 11__ ___.__
l PHONE:----S\"~' ''-'\t\ ~- I Fl\X --IE=MAIL~~\~~C~\~A~~t..,,"
II~r. WILLlNGNESSTO SELL:.' ., '-~---~~---."
: I he owner(s) of the propel1y descnbed on thiS fon11 authonze(s) (oIller County to evaluate their
i property for potential purchase in the Conservation Collier Land AcquisitIon Program I f the Board of
I County Commissioners authorizes slalT to pursue acquisition of the property, the owner(s) Is/arc wtlling
. to consider a fair market value offer for the purchase oflhe land. The owner(s) are under no obligatioll
to <Jccept said offer or to withhold the property from other purchase offers or devdopment during the
review period. However, the owner(s) affirm that there is nil ril!ht of first refusal, Ilption 01' any
. other cClntral'(lIal al!.rel'lllent affectlnl! ownership pl'ndinc "II lhi~ pr"ller.t,. Collier Coullty res~nes
I the light to withdraw this application if the owner(s) canses any material changes to the eJlYlronmental
, significance and/or characteristics of the property or enters into any contractual agreement affecting
ownership with another party.
._~.~.~- _.-
All owners of record musl sign this form below or submit a separate letter indicating their wIllingm;ss to
selL Please attaeh a separate sheet if there are more than two (2) owners of record. An exclusive listing
! agreement may be attached to this application in lieu of the owner's signature. II' a Trustee is signing I,)r
I multiple owners, please attach a copy of the legal instrument authorizing the Trustee to convey this
. parcel Owner i Agent.l Trustee signature(s) also authorizes Collier County staff, 01 agent thereof,
Advisory Committee members and members of the general public to enter the property upon a minimulll
i.'. of three 0...). days no.t.ice to the .p..roperty owner. NO. t.~~.'~all.. inc.'l.f!9.e t . "LI\..tl . _?<;PW"". .....II11:\k
i number of Qersons_antl<:JEatcd __ __ _~I"" ",. - _" ' ~--ch
PRIKrr:n NAME:S \ iN.'\ It. <I DATE q "11-'0'7
j>~:;;I~t~~~~}E b.ALctoJ -. ; .IG~~,~~.J""""-- ;....$
.__Cl-~~QC'{N SUE...___~J:.::",-e,j___.~~__ _ _ q- 11- 0'7_______
('OIl.H'rVllliO/l ColJ;;~r Lmld Acqu;shio/J Pragram
i v. PLEASE RETl;RN FORel\f TO: Collia ('OllllTl' Fun1iti", :Uuuugem""t lJepatlme/ll
: 331JJ ElIst Tlllllilll/li Trllil, Buildiug "
I' Nllph'" FLU /12
ATT1\': ,,1knwdra Suleclti,. Program ~'oordiflllror
Phone: (239) 213-2961 -- Fllx: (2.19) "93-r95
__..~!!.ajl: Co,.' _~:t'~\'(l#O"_( '~)II.it'J'fl!'~:~lIh'''g(}~l.lIi't
Conservalion Collier Application Fonn
Page 2
To assist the Conservation land Acquisition and Advisory Committee in their evaluation oj your properlY,
please fill out thisi.ormfo~CH separ~e f4.arcfl, Attach extra pages ifmore room is needed.
Folio number:S~ OIr~m"'" P'I
1. Bargain Sale: Note: Higher priority is given to eligible nominations that sell below appraised market value,
A bargain sale may also be eligible for a tax deduction. Please consult with your tax advisor or attorney for the
actual t~s_ofa bargain sale, Will the owner sell the property below appraised I market value?
2. Access: Does the property have legal aecess? YE
Is the property accessible by street vehicle?
3. Oil, Gas, and Mineral Rights: Does the owner hold all nghts on the property@/NO I DON'T KNOW
4. Description and Condition of Property: Deseribe environment charaetenstics and condition of site, Also describe the
typc of native plant commonitIes and degree of infestatIon by invasive exotie plants:
5. Land Use Activities: Dcseribe any land clearing, exeavation. agricultural. possible environmcntal problems and/or
construction on the site. List all buildings and other structures. If cleared or harvested for timber, list last date of occurrence:
6. Leases: Describe any outstanding leases, mcluding fanning, grazing, timber, oil, gas, mineral, ete.:
7. Easements/Liens: Describe any easements or liens that exist. Please describe and provide Official Reeords Book and Page if
8. Rcason(s) for Nomination: Why do you believe this property is appropnate for acquiSItIon or preservation under Collier
County's Conservation Collier Program?
9. Please attach copies of the following information, if available, Please also mark which items have been
1. Location Map, such as plat book page, and/or aerial photo, and legal description
2. Wetland survey, species survey, plant eommunity mapping, or other available environmental reports
3. Approved or pending development plans, Agency (ACOE, SFWMD, FDEP, USFWS) permits or pennit apphcations
4. Owner's title policy
5. Boundary survey
conservation Colher ApplicaTIon Fonn
Page I
, 1. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Please list the following information for each parcel...____
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AODRESS: 'S~'5 .. ._._'_'
i PHONE: ~~\r \1.11. E-MAIL:
[{II. PROPERTY OWNERS' Please li~t all owner's of record or cfocumented Trustee(~)---
f ~~~~i~: (.::~\~. ,'~~':.~~\~---"- ~~~-~ ',. .-----
PHONE: !).,i,. \\,t..\ FAX: ~MAIL:-- p,\\"-.j'\ ~C~\\~'~;,~:~&\l..rs~"
I The owner(s) of the property described on this form authorize(s) Collier County to evaluate their
, property for potential purchase in the Conservation Collier Land Acquisition Program, If the Board of
! County Commissioners authorizes staff to pursue acquisition ofthe property, the owner(s) is/are willing
I to consider a fair market value offer for the purchase of the land, The owner(s) are under no obligation
I to accept said offer or to withhold the property from other purchase offers or dcvelopment during the
review period. However, the owner(s) affirm that there is no ril!:ht of first refusal, option or any
other contractual al!:reement affectinl!: ownership pendinl!: 011 this property. Collier County reserves
the right to withdraw this application ifthc owner(s) causcs any matcriaI changes to thc environmental
signifieance and/or characteristics of the property or enters into any eontraetuaI agreement affecting
ownership with another party.
All OV.11crs ofreeord must sign this form below or submit a separate letter indicating their willingness to
sell, Please attaeh a separate sheet if there are more than two (2) owners of record. An exclusive listing
agreement may be attached to this application in lieu of the owner's signature. If a Trustee is signing for
multiple owners, please attach a copy of the legal instrument authorizing the Trustee to convey this
parcel. Owner / Agent / Trustee signature(s) also authorizes Collier County staff, or agent thereof,
Advisory Committce membcrs and members of the general publie to entcr the property upon a mmimum
ofthrce (3) days noticl: to the property owner. Notice shall include the day, time and approximate
number of persons anticipated.
SIGNATl:iRE:' DAriC:'r-q.ii- e}
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Collier County Facilities MaJlagemellt Department
3301 East Tamiami Trail, Building If'
Naples, FL 34112
i A TTN: Alexandra Sulecki, Program Coordi/lator
I Phone: (239) 213-2961- Fax: (239) 793-3795
.____l E-mail: ConservatiOl.(.'ollie!f&:oll!l!!Ko.!::!'"t.,.,.__
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Allen Concrete & Masonry
Allen Concrete Pumping
6301 Shirley Street
Naples. Florida 34109
Phone (239) 566.1661
Fax (239)254~825
Web: www.allenconcrete.com
e-mail: Info@allenconcrete.com
~ \<N... "'S ~-<.c. ~.
Memo for the file of
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Date: a c. t. . 2." 2..Cl:J l
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It is assumed that the above is correct and agreed upon
unless exception is noted in writing 3 days from receipt
of this correspondence,
Conservation Collier Apphcation Form P,,~c' I
T. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Please list the following information fa~~\I~
Tax ID. (fO,IiO Number)\.. "" Parcel Siz.e (acr.e..s) SEP ~mrrice $
a.~y.._€\+to.t~tn3& fL ? S'L__ __.
b._.__ ' .~------- ;:o~sEi:,~~EZ~~"t;:;:rt:y;;--------
I III. !.!~~ERTY OWNERS !~ease list all owner's o~ecord or documen!!d.!.r!l.~tee(s)
i NAME(S):\\.,'['(f\l'.;, r: ~.e, I ~~k."'CI.\ ~wA-V\t..( _, ______.__ .
AODRES_S: '\1.:,\ c..o." \ C&-. ~ ll.. 1'-\4. \'i.~ :Y l, ~'t ,____
The owner(s) ofthe property described on this form authorizc(s) Collier County to evaluate their
property for potential purehase in the Conservation Collier Land Aequisition Program. If the Board of
County Commissioners authorizes staff to pursue acquisition of the property, the owner(s) is/are willing
to consider a fair market value offer for the purchase of the land, The owner(s) are under no obligation
to accept said offer or to withhold the property from other purehase offers or development during the
review period, However, the owner(s) affirm that there is no ril!ht of first refusal, option or any
other contractual al!reement affectinl! ownership pendinl! on this property. Collier County reserves
the right to withdraw this application if the owner(s) eauses any material changes to the environmental
significance and/or charaeteristics ofthe property or enters into any contractual agreement aCfccting
ownership with another party.
All owners of record must sign this form below or submit a separate lettcr indicating their willingness to
sell, Please attach a separate sheet if there are more than two (2) owners of record, An exclusive listing
agreement may be attached to this application in lieu of the owner's signature, If a Tmstee is signing for
multiple owners, please attach a copy of the legal instrument authorizing the Trustee to convey this
parcel. Owner / Agent! Trustec signature(s) also authonzes Collier County staff, or agent thereof; _'
Advtsory Committee membcrs and members of the general public to enter the property upon a mmimum
of three (3) days notice to the property owncr. Notice shall include the day, tIme and approxtmate
number of persons anticlpated, __________ _
\'l\~\ fl\. \ A, 11 {' f. ~
_~ J
Conservation Collier Land Acquisltioll Program J'
Collier C, ounty F. a,ciiiJies Mallagemellt Depa.rtmellt.
3301 East Tamiami Trail, Buildillg W
Naples, FL 34112
A TTN: Alexandra Sulecki, Program Coordinator
Phone: (239) 213-2961- Fox: (239) 793-3795
E-mail: ConservationCo/lier@c!!!.l!.!!1I!!!.:!.!!t.....___
Conservation Collter Application Fonn Page I
I L PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Please list the following information for each p~~cel.
I -..--~.~-- .--.----.---.--.----..--
~:a~~~~~~~t~~t~-~'JL ~ar2~: ~~; (acres)_____ Asking price $
;. ~;~'~'f'::f'
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NAME{S): ~Y..l.
The owner(s) of the property described on this form authorize(s) Collier County to evaluate their
property for potential purchase in the Conservation Collier Land Acquisition Program, If the Board of
County Commissioners authorizes staff to pursue acquisition of the property, the owner(s) is/are willing
to eonsider a fair market value offer for the purehase of the land. The owner(s) are under no obligation
to accept said offer or to withhold the property from other purchase offers or development during the
review period. However, the owner(s) affirm that there is no rill:ht of first refusal. option or any
other contractual ae:reement affectine: ownership Dendine: on this property. Collier County reserves
the right to withdraw this application if the owner(s) causes any material ehanges to the environmental
significanee and/or eharacteristics of the property or enters into any eontractual agreement affecting
ownership with another party,
All owners of record must sign this form below or submit a separate letter indicating their willingness to
sell, Please attach a separate sheet if there are more than two (2) owners of record. An exclusive listing
agreement may be attaehed to this application in lieu of the owner's signature. If a Trustee is signing for
multiple owners, please attaeh a copy of the legal instrument authorizing the Trustee to convey this
parcel. Owner / Agent / Trustee signature(s) also authorizes Collier County staff, or agent thereof,
Advisory Committee members and members of the general public to enter the property upon a minimum
of three (3) days notice to the property owner. Nutice shall include the day, time and approximate
number of ersons antici ated,
"~':-' Il-:./J~//
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Conservlllion Collier Land Acquisition
Collier County Facilities Management Department
3301 East Tamiami Trail, Building W
Naples, FL 34112
ATTN: Alexandra Sulecki, Program Coordinlllor
Phone: (239) 213-2961 - Fax: (239) 793-3795
E-1I,ail: COIU'''T1'ati(mCillli"r(a.collii'r8!'!'!!.<:~... ._'
ATTACHMENT "A" -- Folio Numbers
00053840000 I /'
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TOTAL ACREAGE PER SURVEY.. 2: 2,511.9 acres
. \
--:. 2- ~4 tU...
General Description
Lake Trafford Ranch (also known as Pepper Ranch) is a 2,512 acre cattle ranch located on the
west side of Immokalee along the banks of Lake Trafford, Approximately 219 acres of the Ranch
is located in the Immokalee Urban Area and front directly on Lake Trafford. These 219 acres are
identified in the County's Comprehensive Land Use Plan with a Recreation Tourist designation,
This RT designation allows several development uses including, but not limited to, multi-family (4
units per acre), hotel/motels, marina, commercial, and RV park. The RT land has approximately
0,7 mile of frontage on the banks of Lake Trafford and also 1,5 miles of paved road frontage on
Pepper Road,
The Ranch's remaining contiguous acreage (approximately 2,293 acres) is located in Collier
County's Rural Lands Stewardship Overlay Area (RlSA), In 2006, a portion of the Ranch (985
acres) was submitted and approved by Collier County as a Stewardship Sending Area (SSA).
Certain use rights were eliminated from these 985 SSA acres in order to create development
rights that may be used on the remaining Ranch lands. The uses eliminated resulted in creation
of 5,870.1 Stewardship Credits, which would franslate info 733,8 development acres (8
Credits/Acre), The County's RlSA Stewardship Receiving Area (SRA) allows up to 4 dwelling
units per acre along with support commercial, institutional and recreational uses.
In addition, a provision in the County's RlSA Overlay allows transfer of development rights
(density and intensity) on an acre for acre basis from the RT area to the RLSA portion of the
Ranch. The cumulative development rights currently available to the Ranch are approximately
953 acres (219 RT acres + 734 RlSA acres). This would allow up to 3,812 dwelling units along
with support commercial, institutional and recreation uses, Additional stewardship credits can be
generated from other portions of the Ranch.
In addition, soil borings were performed on the pasture areas in order to determine if concrete
and asphalt quality aggregate might be located on the Ranch, These borings and independent
testing confirmed an estimated 300 million tons of concrete/asphalt aggregate material exists on
the Ranch pasture areas. (This data will be provided to appraisers as needed.)
Question 1
The applicant currently does not anticipate a "bargain sale",
Question 2
The property does have legal access and is generally accessible by street vehicle.
Question 3
The owner does own all oil, gas and mineral rights, A lease exists on approximately 320 acres for
three existing oil wells operating on-site.
Question 4
lake Trafford Ranch (also know as Pepper Ranch) has a very diverse mix of habitat and species
located on the property, The Ranch has various wetland and upland vegetative communities
including pine flatwoods, pine/oak mixed forest, mixed wetland hardwoods, cypress, wetland
scrub. freshwater marsh, wetland prairie and improved pasture. A FLUCCS map for the 2,293
acres identifying each of these has been attached. FLUCCS mapping of the 219 acres located
along the banks of Lake Trafford has not been performed.
In 2005, approximately 2,293 acres of the Ranch were surveyed by Wilson Miller and volunteers
from the Collier County Audubon Society in order to identify listed species located on the
property, Those identified via sighting, visible sign such as droppings or telemetry points include
Florida panther, alligator, American kestrel, B.C, fox squirrel, black bear, caracara, coral snake,
eagle, gopher tortoise, ibis, limpkin, little blue heron, roseate spoonbill. round tailed muskrat,
sandhill crane, snowy egret, tri-colored heron, white ibis, and wood stork, An exhibit identifying
the location of each has been attached, The 219 acres of the Ranch fronting Lake Trafford has
not been surveyed for listed species.
There are areas of Brazilian pepper infestation located primarily along ranch roads, marsh edges
and improved pasture edges, Minimal malealuca infestation has been idenfified in one small area
of approximately 2 acres, Old world climbing fern has been Identified in a couple of locations
estimated to total 5 to 10 acres,
Question 5
Of the Ranch's 2,512 acres approximately 600 to 700 acres are improved pasture. The remaining
land is primarily native habitat. The Ranch currently functions as a cow/calf operation with
approximately 150 head of cattle.
An area located on the banks of lake Trafford has a few structures including a lodge, caretaker's
house and pole barn. There are also a few historical buildings in poor condition that were part of
the old fishing camp that operated during the 1920's thru 1950's,
There is also an unoccupied mobile home and an unoccupied 1940/1950 vintage house located
on the main body of the Ranch,
The only clearing activity that has been undertaken in many years has been exotic vegetation
removal related to restoration. The last clearing that can be recalled was in the 1970's, Currently,
sabal palms are being harvested in order to improve understory vegetative growth due to heavy
cluster growth of the palms.
Question 6
There are three oil wells located in an isolated section of the Ranch, The Ranch owns all oil, gas
and mineral rights and has leased those rights covering approximately 320 contiguous acres on
the western edge of the Ranch. An annual hunting lease has been In place in years past to
individuals related to the Ranch ownership,
Question 7
The Ranch has a Stewardship Easement Agreement on approximately 985 acres (this overlays
the 320 acres of oil leases) which limits use rights to primarily passive agriculture (cattle grazing),
forestry, ecotourism and hunting. Otherwise, there are no known easements other than power
lines that traverse the main Ranch road that served as a power source for irrigation wells that
once were used for row crop operations, The power lines remain active to operate a couple of
wells for cow watering, Oil operations use the main Ranch road for access and hauling.
Question 8
Conservation Collier has made contacted on a few occasions. The property is located in the
CREW Trust acquisition area and is bounded on the north and west sides by publicly owned
conservation land,
Question 9
Enclosed are the following:
1) Aerial photo with survey boundary overlay
2) Survey with legal description of 2,512 acres
3) FLUCCS Map of ~ 2,293 RLSA acres
4) FLUCCS Map of ~ 985 SSA acres
5) Listed Species Survey of ~ 2,293 RLSA acres
6) Soils Map of ~ 985 SSA acres
Thomas M. Taylor, P.E,
Hole Montes, Inc.
950 Encore Way
Naples, FL. 34110
tel: 239-254-2000
NAPLES, FL 34109-6246
MARCH 31, 2008
Limiting Conditions
1. Unless otherwise stated, the value appearing in this appraisal represents the
opinion of the Market Value or the Value Defined AS OF THE DATE
SPECIFIED. Market Value of real estate is affected by national and local
economic conditions and consequently will vary with future changes in such
~ The value estimated in this appraisal report is gross, without consideration
~ given to any encumbrance, restriction or question of title, unless specifically
This appraisal report covers only the property described and any values or
rates utilized are not to be construed as applicable to any other property,
however similar the properties might be.
It is assumed that the title to the premises is good; that the legal description
is correct; that the improvements are entirely and correctly located on the
property described and that there are no encroachments on this property, but
no investigation or survey has been made.
This appraisal expresses our opinion, and employment to make this appraisal
was in no way contingent upon the reporting of predetermined value or
No responsibility is assumed for matters legal in nature, nor is any opinion of
title rendered. In the performance of our investigation and analysis leading to
the conclusions reached herein, the statements of others were relied on. No
liability is assumed for the correctness of these statements; and, in any
event, the appraisers' total liability for this report is limited to the actual fee
Neither all nor any part of the contents of this report (especially any
conclusions, the identity of the appraiser or the firm with which he is
connected, or any reference to the Appraisal Institute or any of its
designations) shall be disseminated to the public through advertising media,
public relations media, news media, sales media or any other public' means of
communication without our prior written consent and approval.
It is assumed that there are no hidden or unapparent conditions of the
property, subsoil, or structures which would render it more or less valuable.
The appraiser assumes no responsibility for such conditions or the
engineering which might be required to discover these factors.
Limiting Conditions
9. Unless otherwise stated in this report, the existence of hazardous substances,
including without limitation stachybotrys chartarum (mold), asbestos,
polychlorinated biphenyls, petroleum leakage, or agricultural chemicals, which
mayor may not be present on the property, or other environmental
conditions, was not called to the attention of, nor did the appraiser become
aware of such during the appraiser's inspection. The appraiser has no
knowledge of the existence of such materials on or in the property unless
otherwise stated. The appraiser, however, is not qualified to test for such
substances or conditions. If the presence of such substances, such as
asbestos, urea formaldehyde foam insulation, or other hazardous substances
or environmental conditions, may affect the value of the property, the value
estimated is predicated on the assumption that there is no such proximity
thereto that would cause a loss in value. We are unaware of very wet
conditions that may have existed for days or weeks which are required to
grow mold. No responsibility is assumed for any such conditions, nor for any
expertise or engineering knowledge required to discover them.
10. The Americans with Disabilities Act ("ADA") became effective January 26,
1992. The appraisers have not made a specific compliance survey and
analysis of this property to determine whether or not it is in conformity with
the various detailed requirements of the ADA. It is possible that a compliance
survey of the property, together with a detailed analysis of the requirements
of the ADA, could reveal that the property is not in compliance with one or
more of the requirements of the Act. If so,' this fact could have a negative
effect upon the value of the property. Since the appraisers have no direct
evidence relating to this issue, possible noncompliance with the requirements
of ADA in estimating the value of the property has not been considered.
11. We were provided with general information for the Subject, which included
parcel sizes, a boundary survey and zoning and land use information. This
information is believed to be accurate; however, if any discrepancies exist
between the information provided and actual information, the values reached
herein may not apply.
12. Our opinion of value was based on the assumption of competent marketing
and management regarding the Subject Property. If there is no competent
marketing and management, then the value contained herein may not apply.
13. This appraisal assignment is reported in a summary format as defined by
the Appraisal Institute. It is considered a Summary Appraisal Report
because it contains summary discussions of the data, reasoning, and
analyses that were used to develop the opinion of value. It also includes
summary descriptions of the Subject Property, the property's locale, the
market for the property type, and the appraisers' opinion of highest and best
use. Any data, reasoning, and analyses not discussed in the Summary
Appraisal Report are retained in our work file.
Property Data
As far as we could determine, there is no evidence that Stewardship Credits from
any of the Stewardship Sending Areas are being sold or transferred at this time.
This is primarily due to the poor overall market conditions for residential
development in Collier County and the fact that none of the larger residential
developers like G.L. Homes or Lennar are actively pursuing Stewardship Credits.
This was confirmed with David Weeks, Planning Manager with the Collier County
Comprehensive Planning Department.
In 1985, the Florida Legislature enacted the Local Government Comprehensive
Planning and Land Development Regional Act (Chapter 163, Part II, Florida
Statutes), commonly referred to as "The Growth Management Act".
The basis of the concurrency concept is Rule 9J-5.0055 of the Florida Administrative
Code, which states that:
"To ensure that facilities and services needed to support development are
available concurrent with the impacts of such development, a local
government must adopt a concurrency management system. Prior to the
issuance of a development order or development permit, the concurrency
management system must ensure that the adopted level of service standards
required for roads, potable water, sanitary sewer, solid waste, drainage,
parks and recreation, and mass transit, if applicable, will be maintained. II
Since it is our opinion that the highest and best use of the Subject Property is for
agricultural/conservation use, concurrency is not considered to be a valid issue for
our analysis. -
Site Size, Shape and Access
The Subject is an irregular shap site contains several parcels totaling
approximately 2,511.90 acres acco ding to the s ey provided (Hole Montes dated
March 2006). The southeast portio RT portion) the Subject contains a total of
approximately 219 acres. The two SS ain a total of approximately 985
acres. The remaining portion of the Subject contains a total of approximately 1,308
acres. The RT portion of the site, which has direct frontage along Lake Trafford
Road, contains some improvements including a ranch house, a caretaker's house, a
pole barn, a mobile home, and several other dilapidated historical buildings that
were part of a fish camp that was operating from the 1920's to the 1950's. As
shown on the aerial located on the following page, the RT portion of the Subject
(labeled g, h and i) is located on the south side of Pepper Road and has direct
frontage along Lake Trafford Road and Pepper Road. Access is provided by both
Lake Trafford Road and Pepper Road and is considered to be good overall. The
remaining Subject site (labeled a through f and j) is located on the north side of
Pepper Road, which provides primary access to this portion of the Subject. An
interior access easement also provides access to several portions of the Subject
including the western SSA 7 and the open pasture areas. An aerial photo of the
Subject Property is shown on the following page.
Property Data
Fi~I'e 2. Aerial :\In
Conservation Collier: Aerial View Lake Trafford
Ranch LLP Nominated Parcels as of Se t. 2007
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Pepper Ranch Aerial
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III 00052Y.l~~~2 I) 00052CiaOOO~
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c) OCl(l53'~OOC'C2 h) 0005392'~'~Ol
eI) 00052950004 I) 0005J!>40'JOO
e) 1)00521>400')7 j} 000532 (lOJ.)6
Ease ments/Rig ht-of- Ways
As far as we could determine, there were no easements, encumbrances or
restrictions that would adversely affect the use of the Subject.
Electricity for the Subject site is provided from FPL and telephone service is
provided from Sprint. As of the appraisal date, potable water is supplied by private
wells located throughout the property. Also, there are five septic systems located on
the Subject Property according to the information provided. It should also be noted
that central water and sewer lines run to the Lake Trafford Marina located just
south of Subject's RT portion and could be available to the Subject Property.
Property Data
Property Historv
It should be noted that this office has not performed a title search, nor has a title
search been provided. According to the Collier County Property Appraiser, the
Subject Property is currently owned by Lake Trafford Ranch, LLLP. Based on the
information given, Lake Trafford Ranch, LLLP acquired the Subject in several
transactions from 2004 to 2005. In May 2004, Charles Parker, as Trustee of the
Charles Parker Trust, sold his share of the Subject (2/7 interest in parcels a, b, c, f
& h - see previous aerial photo) to Lake Trafford Ranch, LLLP for $353,900 (OR
Book 3557, Page 3591). Also in May 2004, Frank J. Pepper, Jr. sold his share of the
Subject (3/7 interest parcels a, b, c, f & h) to the current owners for $760,100 (OR
Book 3557, Page 3594). In June 2005, Joyce P. Hearn, as Trustee of the Joyce P.
Hearn Trust, sold her share of the Subject (2/7 interest parcels a, b, c, f & h) to the
current owners for $353,900 (OR Book 3831, Page 0653). Lastly, in June 2005, Rex
Properties, Ltd merged with Lake Trafford Ranch, LLLP (OR Book 3831, Page 656).
Rex Properties, Ltd., which consists of several partners, already owned Subject
parcels d, e, g, i & j (see previous aerial photo). Therefore, all of the Subject
parcels are now under the ownership of Lake Trafford Ranch, LLLP. There have been
no other transactions involving the Subject within the past five years as far as we
could determine.
There have been contracts and offers for portions of the Subject Property over the
last few years. Lennar Homes, Inc. had a contract in place with the Subject owners
to purchase 5,000 Stewardship Credits at $6,000 per credit in May 2006. This
equates to a total purchase price of $30,000,000. When Lennar backed out of the
contract on the site tha . d the Stewardship Credits from the Subject, this
contract was terminate . In 005 lico, Inc. negotiated two contracts to purchase
Ire Subject Prope ne for the RT portion ($15,000,000) and the other for
the remaining portion ($50,000,000) totaling $65,000,000. These contracts, which
were unsigned, had some contingencies. The $50,000,000 contract was based on
an estimated 7,000 Stewardship Credits potentially available on the site. The
contracts were negotiated with the CEO of Alico, Inc. and they fell through when the
Board of Directors of Alico, Inc. did not accept the purchase prices. In May 2007,
G. L. Homes of Naples Associates II, Ltd. had a written offer to purchase a 155 acre
portion of the Subject (RT portion) for $2,712,500 or $17,500 per acre. There was
also a verbal offer from G.L. Homes to increase the purchase price to $20,000 per
acre. Again, these offers were never consummated. Because all of these deals were
never consummated, they have been given no consideration in our analysis.
As stated, the property does have some improvements including a ranch house, a
caretaker's house, a pole barn, a mobile home, and several other dilapidated
historical buildings that were part of a fish camp that was operating from the 1920's
to the 1950's. These improvements contribute little value to the Subject Property in
our opinion. The property also contains approximately 985 acres that have been
designated as Stewardship Sending Area 7 (SSA 7) by Collier County. As far as we
could determine, there is no evidence that Stewardship Credits from any of the
Stewardship Sending Areas are being sold or transferred at this time. This is
FILE NO.: 280162.000
~()~l2S()~ & CAl2l2. I~C.
1. Unless otherwise stated, the value appearing in this appraisal represents our
opinion of the market value or the value defined AS OF THE DATE SPECIFIED.
Values of real estate are affected by national and local economic conditions and
consequently will vary with future changes in such conditions.
2. Possession of this report or any copy thereof does not carry with it the right of
publication nor may it be used for other than its intended use. The physical report(s)
remains the property of the appraiser for the use of the client. The fee being for the
analytical seIVices only. The report may not be used for any purpose by any person or
corporation other than the client or the party to whom it is addressed or copied without
the written consent of an officer of the appraisal firm of Anderson & Carr, Inc. and then
only in its entirety.
3. Neither all nor any part of the contents of this report shall be conveyed to the
public through advertising, public relations efforts, news, sales or other media without
written consent and approval of an officer of Anderson & Carr, Inc. nor may any
reference be made in such public communication to the Appraisal Institute or the MAl,
SRA or SRP A designations.
4. The appraiser may not divulge the material contents of the report, analytical
findings or conclusions, or give a copy of the report to anyone other than the client or his
designee, as specified in writing except as may be required by the Appraisal Institute, as
they may request in confidence for ethics enforcement or by a court of law or body with
the power of subpoena.
5. Liability of Anderson & Carr, Inc. and its employees is limited to the fee collected
for the appraisal. There is no accountability or liability to any third party.
6. It is assumed that there are no hidden or unapparent conditions of the property,
subsoil or structures that make it more or less valuable. The appraiser assumes no
responsibility for such conditions or the engineering that might be required to discover
these facts.
7. This appraisal is to be used only in its entirety. All conclusions and opinions
concerning the analysis which are set forth in the report were prepared by the appraisers
whose signatures appear on the appraisal report. No change of any item in the report
shall be made by anyone other than the appraiser and the appraiser and firm shall have
no responsibility if any such unauthorized change is made.
(Prepared for, and Property of Collier County Board of Commissioners, Reliance upon appraisal for other uses is not warranted,)
AN()~12S()~ & CA1212. I~C.
8. No responsibility is assumed for matters legal in character or nature, nor matters
of survey, nor of any architectural, structural, mechanical or engineering nature. No
opinion is rendered as to the title that is presumed to be good and merchantable. The
property is appraised as if free and clear, unless otherwise stated in particular parts of the
9. No responsibility is assumed for accuracy of information furnished by or from
others, the clients, his designee or public records. We are not liable for such information
or the work of subcontractors. The comparable data relied upon in this report has been
confirmed with one or more parties familiar with the transaction or from affidavit. All are
considered appropriate for inclusion to the best of our knowledge and belief.
10. The contract for appraisal, consultation or analytical service is fulfilled and the
total fee payable upon completion of the report. The appraiser or those assisting the
preparation of the report will not be asked or required to give testimony in court or
hearing because of having made the appraisal in full or in part; nor engaged in post-
appraisal consultation with client or third parties, except under separate and special
arrangement and at an additional fee.
11. The sketches and maps in this report are included to assist the reader and are not
necessarily to scale. Various photos, if any, are included for the same purpose and are not
intended to represent the property in other than actual status, as of the date of the
@' Unless otherwise stated in this report, the existence of hazardous material, which
may or may not be present on the property, was not observed by the appraiser. The
appraiser has no knowledge of the existence of such materials on or in the property. The
appraiser, however, is not qualified to detect such substances. The presence of substances
such as asbestos, urea-formaldehyde foam insulation, or other potentially hazardous
materials may affect the value of the property. The value estimate is predicated on the
assumption that there is no such material on or in the property that would cause a loss in
value. No responsibility is assumed for any such conditions, or for any expertise or
engineering knowledge required to discover them. The client is urged to retain an expert
in this field, if desired.
13. The distribution of the total valuation of this report between land and
improvements applies only under the existing program of utilization. The separate
valuations for land and building must not be used in conjunction with any other appraisal,
no matter how similar and are invalid if so used.
(Prepared for, and Property of Collier County Board of Commissioners, Reliance upon appraisal for otller uses is not warranted.)
~1)~12~()~ & CA1212. I~C.
14. No impact studies, special market studies or analysis, highest and best use analysis
study or feasibility study has been requested or made unless otherwise specified in an
agreement for services or in the report. The appraiser reserves the unlimited right to
. alter, amend, revise or rescind any of the statements, findings, opinions, values, estimates
or conclusions upon any subsequent such study or analysis or previous study or analysis,
subsequently becoming known to him.
15. The value estimated in this appraisal report is gross without consideration given to
any encumbrance, restriction or question of title, unless specifically defined. The estimate
of value in the appraisal report is not based in whole or in part upon the race, color or
national origin of the present owners or occupants of the properties in the vicinity of the
property appraised.
16. To the best of our knowledge, the subject property does not possess any natural,
cultural, recreational historical or scientific value. If this assumption is incorrect and the
subject property does, in-fact, exhibit any of these values, the appraiser reserves the right
to revise this report in order to analyze these factors, which may result in a revised
estimate of value.
17 . We have been provided with and have reviewed a Phase I & II Environmental
Assessment prepared by Ayres Associates - dated August 19995. In addition, we have
been provided with and have reviewed a Phase I Environmental Assessment prepared by
ECf - Environmental Consulting & Technology, Inc. - dated May 2008. In summary, the
ECT report mirrors the findings of the Ayers report. ECT suggests a Phase II assessment
be preformed to analyze the presents of contaminants and costs associated with the clean
up of any such contaminants associated with a 500 gallon diesel AST located near the
cattle pens, a former cattle-dipping vat located near the cattle pens and the three oil wells.
In the absence of a current Phase II Assessment, we have assumed that any
environmental impact stemming for the above can be mitigate at a reasonable cost and
have no lasting impact on the subject. If this assumption is found to be incorrect, we
reserve the right to amend our value conclusion in this report.
18. It is beyond the scope of this appraisal assignment to determined the value of the
cattle farming operation, sod farming operation or the revenue from the oil leases since
the owner will retain oil and gas rights.
19. This appraisal has been prepared for use by the Collier County Board of
Commissioners and is property of Collier County Board of Commissioners. Reliance
upon this appraisal for other uses is not warranted.
(Prepared for, and Property of Collier County Board of Commissioners. Reliance upon appraisal for olher uses is not warranted.)
AN()~l?S()~ &: CAl?V", I~C.
In keeping with the purpose of the appraisal and the appraisal process, the
appraisers have engaged in original research to provide a complete analysis for
the client.
On March 31, 2008 the appraisers attended a meeting at the offices of Collier
County Real Estate Services. Those in attendance at the meeting included the
members of Lake Trafford Ranch, LLLC, Collier County staff members and
appraisers Steve Shaw, MAl and Adam Keisler of Callaway & Price. At the
meeting, and at latter times, we were given a large number of documents
regarding the subject. A listing of reference documents include, but are not
limited, to the following:
· Phase I Environmental Assessment by Environmental Consulting
Technology Inc. - dated May 2008
· Phase I & Phase II Environmental Assessment by Ayres Associates -
dated August 1995
· Aerial map & boundary surveys prepared by Hole Montes - dated March
· Geologic Evaluation by Creative Environmental Solutions, Inc. - dated
January 2008
· Conservation Collier Initial Criteria Screening Report - dated November
· Rural Land Stewardship Area Program - 2007 Annual Report
· Collier County Rural Lands Stewardship Overlay - dated December
· Document 4.08.00 - Rural Lands Stewardship Area Zoning Overlay
District Standards and Procedures
· Immokalee Area Master Plan - Mapping & Definitions
· Contractual and lease data regarding offers and/or OMG lease
agreements to include Stewardship Sending Area Credit Agreement
(SSA 7)
(Prep3red for, and Property of Collier County Board of Commissioners. Reliance upon appraisal for other uses is not warranted.)
~I)~l!~()~ & C4.12l!'t I~C.
An on site inspection of the subject was made on March 31, 2008.
Accompanying the appraisers were two of the property owners, Tom Taylor and
Chris Allen. Appraisers Steve Shaw, MAl and Adam Keisler of Callaway &
Price also were also present at the inspection. We inspected the exterior and
interior of the main ranch lodge and made an exterior inspection of all other
structures with the exception of the building improvements located north and
west of Pepper Road. We toured the perimeter and most interior portions of the
property with Mr. Taylor and Mr. Allen on an all terrain vehicle. The inspection
lasted roughly three hours.
Sales data for the analysis has been gathered from various sources, such as the
Collier County, Lee County, Hendry County, Palm Beach and Martin County
Public Records. In addition we have utilized nationally recognized data sources
such as RealQuest and LoopNet. All transactions used in this report have been
verified with a party to the transaction and by copy of deed and plat research.
We make no warranty as to the authenticity and reliability of representations
made by those with whom we verified sales and rents.
We have taken due care in attempting to verify the data utilized in this analysis.
We based our analysis and conclusions on overall patterns rather than on
specific representations.
In analyzing the current zoning, land use, and future land use development
options of the subject property, we have consulted with representatives of the
Collier County Planning and Zoning. We considered this information in
estimating highest and best use and selection of appraisal methodology.
In addition, we have conferred with realtors, property owners and other
appraisal offices as well as relied on data from properties previously appraised
by Anderson & Carr, Inc.
Issues Beyond the Scope of Appraisal
If the subject were to be developed in accordance with uses and densities
permitted under the current zoning and land use, it is likely that property would
be subject to concurrency requirements. However, an absolute determination of
the requirements is beyond the scope of this appraisal assignment.
In our highest best use of the subject, we determined that the current use of the
subject is an "interim use" and that the highest and best use is for future
residential development in general accordance densities permitted by zoning
and land use. It is beyond the scope of this appraisal assignment to perform any
feasibility analysis.
(Prepared for, and Property of Collier County Board of Commissioners. Reliance upon appraisal for other uses is not warranled.)
4N[)I]~~()~ & CAl2l2" g~C.
Eight credits are transferred to an SRA in exchange for the development of one
acre of land. According to the Stewardship Sending Area Credit Agreement
between the subject owners and Collier County, a total of 5,870.1 Stewardship
Credits were generated and assigned to SSA 7. Of this total, 4,034.2 Stewardship
Credits are immediately available and may be sold, transferred, or otherwise
utilized by the owner. The remaining 1,835.9 Stewardship Credits will be available
to the owner for use, sale or transfer, all or in part, as the success criteria for
restoration improvements are met as set forth in the Restoration Plan of Collier
Given slowing economic conditions and the downturn in the real estate market,
we have considered that the Stewardship Credits may have future value.
Panther Habitat Credits
An additional mitigation aspect of the subject involves Panther Habitat Credits or
Units (PHU's). Panther mitigation is granted by putting existing developable
property (habitat) in a conservation easement. The amount of credit given
depends on the type of habitat, condition of the habitat (level of exotic
infestation) and the location of the habitat.
In a letter prepared by Kevin Dugan, Project Manager, Collier County
Transportation Department, According to the information provided, the subjects
Panther Habitat Value ranges between a 3 and 8 with an estimated number of
PHU's between roughly 11,360 and 30,300 units. In the letter, the units were
valued at $1,500 per PHU
We had discussions with Bret Miller of PantherCredits.com. His company helps
property owners through the process of obtaining PHU's and also markets the
PHU's once obtained. Mr. Miller stated that with governmental budget cuts, the
slowing economy as well as the downturn in real estate market, the market for
PHU's has virtually dried up. Mr. Miller stated that during the real estate boom,
one PHU had a value of roughly $2,500.
According to Mr. Miller, the process of obtaining the credits requires an
evaluation of habitat, an estimate of annual cost to manage the land, as well as
establishing a trust account to deposit annual land management fees. According to
Torn Taylor, Lake Trafford LLLC, the ownership has not gone through the
process of formally obtaining credits obtained. Given the preceding, we have
considered that the subjects PHU's may have some future mitigation value.
(Prepared for, and Property of Collier County Board of Commissioners. Reliance upon appraisal for other uses is not warranted,)
~1)~l2\()~ & C4.l2l2" I~C.
Given the above, it is our opinion that aggregate mining of the subject is far too
speculative at this point in time to be considered viable.
The subject is accessed by Pepper Road which is a paved, two lane road.
Topography and Drainage
It is our understanding that no formal wetlands survey has been preformed.
However, according to Conservation Colliers Initial Criteria Screening Report,
drainage is mostly from north to southwest, flowing west of Lake Trafford and
that the presence of ponds and marshes on the east side of the property indicate
that wetlands are present.
In a letter prepared by Kevin Dugan, Project Manager, Collier County
Transportation Department, a statement was made that there are approximately
700 acres of degraded wetlands on the property.
On the date of inspection, the portions visually inspected were roughly level to
gently rolling in grade, mostly dry and appeared to be reasonably well drained.
However, it should be noted that time period prior to our inspection, the area
was experiencing very dry weather.
The drainage and topography is typical for the area and we see no indication
that wetland areas are so extensive that they would impede the site's
development to its highest and best use.
Easements or Encroachments
We are not aware of any adverse easements or encroachments.
The two SSA 7 areas contain a total of approximately 985 acres and the SSA
creates an easement over the 985 acres which strips development rights.
(Prepared for, and Property of Collier County Board of Commissioners. Reliance upon appraisal for olher uses is not warranted.)