CE-Intersection Safety Orders 10/23/2009 Code Enforcement - Intersection Safety Orders October 23,2009 Ci)... '. Collier County Intersection Safety Program Processing Center PO Box 59995 Phoenix, AZ 85076.9995 COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE AlC ELECTRIC SERVICE OF SW FL, INC. 6017 PINE RIDGE RD 244 NAPLES, FL 34119-3956 DETERMINATION: REASON: AMOUNT DUE: VIOLATION FOUND GENERAL DENIAL $175.00 NOTICE': 1360900012391 PIN': 3398 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, Petitioner, vs. AlC ELECTRIC SERVICE OF SW FL, INC. Respondent ORDER OF THE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE THIS CAUSE came on for public hearing before the Special Magistrate on 10/23/2009, and the Special Magistrate, having heard argument respective to all appropriate matters, hereupon issues its Findings of Fact and Order of the Special Magistrate, as follO\NS: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The citation was issued by the Collier County Sherriff's Offlca and is being contested by the Respondent, AlC ELECTRIC SERVICE OF SW FL, INC., 2. Respondent is charged with violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 which prohibits Red Light Infractions (Failure to Stop at a Red Light). 3. Respondent violated the ordinance by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for that vehicle's direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. ~ Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, and pursuant to the authority granted in Collier County Ordinance 08-22, it is hereby ORDERED: A. Respondent is guilty of violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for the direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. B. Respondent shall pay a tine of $125.00 on or before 11/15/2009. C. Respondent shall pay the operational costs incurred in the amount of $50.00 on or before 11/15/2009. COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE ~ e.<:1j~ BRENDA C. GARRETSON LIEN RIGHTS: This order may be recorded in the Public Records of Collier County. After three (3) months from the tiling of any such lien or civil claim which remains unpaid, the Special Magistrate may authorize the County Attorney to foraclose on the lien or pursue collection on unpaid claims. In the event that outstanding fines are forwarded to a collections agency, the Violator will be responsible for those costs incurred by Collier County. APPEAL RIGHTS: Any aggrieved party may appeal a final order of the Special Magistrate to the Circuit Court within thirty (30) days of the execution of the Order appealed. An appeal shall not be a hearing de nollO, but shall be limited to appellate review of the record created within the original hearing. It is the responsibility of the appealing party to obtain a transcribed record of the hearing from the Clerk of Courts. Filing an Appeal will not automatically stay the execution of the Order. .... ,--.. ..._"...,....~.,;":':',.,..~ "'?:'f('.""~~' ~,,~ ""'unl'\l ... COll'....... ' .f 'A"" "';~~'';(!:';'., .wv' ...y UI. ~. Co" -, ''\; ". ,.,r:-"~~~:";.~:.::.;.:.' ce. Respondent- AlC ELECTRIC SERVICE OF SW FL, INC. Collier Co. Code Enforcement Dept. I HERE~V CERn~ 'n.t;b,t' ~lfi3;r~ t\ trJ~ra3nt9 ~o~e,ctt.oOY\'"j'-2."t>"~\TFI;;: (.l;\'fJ!n. In 8c~rd _~,In!rc....., ~'r~'. '~JCOHkr. ~f\J.) ~,..~)r"'~~:' \"../. 1'1'~~'. .,....'....'..,'. CL='" ..~~\J ~i0.: . ." ' ",~,~'. .' '..;;,:' ..- I,' ~. ~l;. .-- ", .f-..... - -'f~.'.... .-,,_ _ ....".' -;'<'. '<: t;.) .:;r .:::::'....A--~,~: ~IGHT E. OTfm..!{,,\Clg~~'~cQtiR:ri:;' ..l1v-t ~':~~~"-4A Ci) 'Collier County Intersection Safety Program Processing Center PO Box 59995 Phoenix, AZ 85076.9995 COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE BRENDA AVILES 10581 REGENT CIR NAPLES, FL 34109.1500 DETERMINATION: REASON: AMOUNT DUE: VIOLATION FOUND GENERAL DENIAL $175.00 NOTICE': 1360900039527 PIN': 5147 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, Petitioner, va. BRENDA AVILES Respondent ORDER OF THE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE THIS CAUSE came on for public hearing before the Special Magistrate on 10/23/2009, and the Special Magistrate, having heard argument respective to all appropriate matters, hereupon issues its Findings of Fact and Order of the Special Magistrate, as follO\NS: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The citation was issued by the Collier County Sherriff's Office and is being contested by the Respondent, BRENDA AVILES, 2. Respondent is charged with violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 which prohibits Red Light Infractions (Failure to Stop at a Red Light). 3. Respondent violated the ordinance by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for that vehicle's direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. ORDER Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, and pursuant to the authority granted in Collier County Ordinance 08-22, it is hereby ORDERED: A. Respondent is guilty of violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for the direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. B. Respondentshall pay a fine of $125.00 on or before 11/1512009. C. Respondent shall pay the operational costs incurred in the amount of $50.00 on or before 11/15/2009. DONE AND ORDERED 10/2312009 at Collier County, Florida. COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE ~ e.<:1j~ BRENDA C. GARRETSON LIEN RIGHTS: This order may be recorded in the Public Records of Collier County. After three (3) months from the filing of any such lien or civil claim which remains unpaid, the Special Magistrate may authorize the County Attomay to foraclose on the lien or pursue collection on unpaid claims. In the event that outstanding fines are forwarded to a collections agency, the Violator will be responsible for those costs incurred by Collier County. APPEAL RIGHTS: Any aggrieved party may appeal a final order of the Special Magistrate to the Circuit Court within thirty (30) days of the execution of the Order appealed. An appeal shall not be a hearing de nollO, but shall be limited to appellate review of the record created within the original hearing. It is the responsibility of the appealing party to obtain a transcribed record of the hearing from the Clerk of Courts. Filing an Appeal will not automatically stay the execution of the Order. ..." trUJRIIA ~unty of COLLiER " -',r':"~,' ::'T,~,~.,,.t;]:1::~~~ffJ{m ce. Respondent- BRENDA AVILES Collier Co. Code Enforcement Dept. I H~REBYc:~!'{t~~r~:\';~'v;:i,3.~ a truo anc.t -=orrect CO";~i;~" '-P' \~ijlo In A' · ':\' ' /,(I"F'/ > ' .:p' ~.,'''' Board ~..dn~~:' t:-' ""', .f~;tlnier Coun.... ~T'" !:'Q') .... r- / 6.", "'I ' ." ~ ~~i~ 't-~Kt' 12 ~~~e2~ thi ,~~.~.~. Q ....', : rr-~"':~~ ' ~WIGHT E.<t~O~\K,':C;ttR;~l)'FCOUflTS '., . t-.:' ,}; ~ 'f I -<t.. {' b..L._ .. IUL .' '". Collier County Intersection Safety Program Processing Center PO Box 59995 Phoenix, AZ 85076.9995 COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE MARC J BATTISTELLO 585 CLUB SIDE DR APT 103 NAPLES, FL 34110-6067 DETERMINATION: REASON: AMOUNT DUE: VIOLATION FOUND GENERAL DENIAL $175.00 NOTICE': 1360900048437 PIN #: 3075 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, Petitioner, va. MARC J BATTISTELLO Respondent ORDER OF THE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE THIS CAUSE came on for publiC hearing before the Special Magistrate on 10/23/2009, and the Special Magistrate, having heard argument respective to all appropriate matters, hereupon issues its Findings of Fact and Order of the Special Magistrate, as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The citation was issued by the Collier County Sherriff's Office and is being contested by the Respondent, MARC J BA TTISTELLO, 2, Respondent is charged with violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 which prohibits Red Light Infractions (Failure to Stop at a Red Light). 3. Respondent violated the ordinance by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for that vehicle's direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. ~ Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, and pursuant to the authority granted in Collier County Ordinance 08-22, it is hereby ORDERED: A. Respondent Is guilty of violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for the direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. B. Respondent shall pay a fine of $125.00 on or before 11/15/2009. C. Respondent shall pay the operetional costs incurred in the amount of $50.00 on or before 11/1512009. DONE AND ORDERED 10/23/2009 at Collier County, Florida. COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE ~ e.<:1j~ BRENDA C. GARRETSON LIEN RIGHTS: This order may be recorded in the Public Records of Collier County. After three (3) months from the filing of any such lien or civil claim which remains unpaid, the Special Magistrate may authorize the County Attomey to foraclose on the lien or pursue collection on unpaid claims. In the event that outstanding fines are forwarded to a collections agency, the Violator will be responsible for those costs incurred by Collier County. APPEAL RIGHTS: Any aggrieved party may appeal a final order of the Special Magistrate to the Circuit Court within thirty (30) days of the execution of the Order appealed. An appeal shall not be a hearing de nollO, but shall be limited to appellate review of the record created within the original hearing. It Is the responsibility of the appealing party to obtain a tren8cribed record of the hearing from the Clerk of Courts. Filing an Appeal will not automatically stay the execution of the Order. ...."....., " '''''~''T~~.~.,,!;;!~~, , " i, CoUntY of COlUl!R, ""'~.'~~~; ce. Respondent- MARC J BATTISTELLO Collier Co, Code Enforcement Dept. ' ~~,~~c~:;t~4r:n ~I: v.:-- 8(Ja'rd Mii"J-t/," (-~~ 1;,;"..., d Collier Count) '~~~~~i'~.~_~al this , c:;,- ". _ ", ~_';~ :;" ~ . _J ' QWlGKr E. ~O~\}(:iCt'ERK.<>>= COURT$ .... ~"~~,..:L" ')JL r _l'V_ .' ' Collier County Intersection Safety Program , Processing Center PO Box 59995 Phoenix, AZ 85076-9995 COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE CHRISTOPHER P BRAY 12840 BRYNWOOD WAY NAPLES, FL 34105-4807 DETERMINATION: REASON: AMOUNT DUE: VIOLATION FOUND GENERAL DENIAL $175.00 NOTICE ,: 1360900051993 PIN': 4041 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, Petitioner, VB. CHRISTOPHER P BRAY Respondent ORDER OF THE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE THIS CAUSE came on for public hearing before the Special Magistrate on 1012312009, and the Special Magistrate, having heard argument respective to all appropriate matters, hereupon issues its Findings of Fact and Order of the Special Magistrate, as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The citation was issued by the Collier County Sherriff's Office and is being contested by the Respondent, CHRISTOPHER P BRAY, 2. Respondent is charged with violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 which prohibits Red Light Infrections (Failure to Stop at a Red Light). 3. Respondent violated the ordinance by proceeding into an intersection when the trame control signal for that vehicle's direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. ORDER Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, and pursuant to the authority grented in Collier County Ordinance 08-22, it is hereby ORDERED: A. Respondent is guilty of violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for the direction of travel was emitting a steecly red signal. B. Respondent shall pay a fine of $125.00 on or before 11/15/2009. C. Respondent shall pay the operational costs incurred in the amount of $50.00 on or before 11/1512009. DONE AND ORDERED 10/23/2009 et Collier County, Florlde. COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE ~ e.<:1j~ BRENDA C. GARRETSON LIEN RIGHTS: This order may be recorded in the Public Records of Collier County. After three (3) months from the filing of any such lien or civil claim which remains unpaid, the Special Magistrate may authorize the County Attorney to foreclose on the lien or pursue collection on unpaid claims. In the event that outstanding fines are forwarded to a collections agency, the Violator will be responsible for those costs incurred by Collier County. APPEAL RIGHTS: Any aggrieved party may appeal a final order of the Special Magistrate to the Circuit Court within thirty (30) days of the execution of the Order appealed. An appeal shall not be a hearing de nollO, but shall be limited to appellate review of the record created within the original hearing. It is the responsibility of the appealing party to obtain a transcribed record of the hearing from the Clerk of Courts. Filing an Appeal will not automatically stay the execution of the Order. .......... " _.atlMa ....~. ~,.".. '~ ~ ' 'XIIIIJ ....Ulftlllll .' - '-'_~J.:.1':~<; :,:l~!~~t. ~umy of COlf,...m, , ;l!!'~,~c~ , t7J'OIS'JIf'I., ',HERES, y .C~~T~":"," ..,.,,.:,1~hf! ',S a true ani . . ,. . '~, '" ~Qrrect cooi:ot ;"~':J'~ oll:file in Board Mirlltf~~ .,.'f:;,(,',<' '~),' '1, O,ftolller Count) ~T~ cs R'h,' ",\,"., '.-", , ' . 'i'-['(! ~. ... ','V '.,Il~ '(,J:~~~qa, " IS. cay 0! ~.' . WI; , '. v.;.\," -..~,<t' ", ~'.,.. _ /,~'_ - "- OWIGHT E. BRtk~;~:t~~F. CO~RTS: ..b'~ ce. Respondent- CHRISTOPHER P BRAY Collier Co. Code Enforcement Dept. .-'. Aft . Collier County Intersection Safety Program Processing Center PO Box 59995 Phoenix, AZ 85076-9995 COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE DENNA L FIORITO 2015 TIMBERLINE DR NAPLES, FL 34109-7126 DETERMINATION: NO VIOLATION NOTICE': 1360900008779 PIN': 6464 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, Petitioner, vs. DENNA L FIORITO Respondent ORDER OF THE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE THIS CAUSE came on for public hearing before the Special Magistrate on 10/2312009, and the Special Magistrate, having heard argument respective to all appropriate matters, hereupon issues its Findings of Fact and Order of the Special Magistrate, as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The citation was issued by the Collier County Sherriff's Office and is being contested by the Respondent, DENNA L FIORITO, 2. Respondent is charged with violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 which prohibits Red Light Infractions (Failure to Stop at a Red Light). 3. Respondent did not violate the ordinance and did not proceed into the intersection when the traffic control signal for that vehicle's direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. QffiW! Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, and pursuant to the authority granted in Collier County Ordinance 08-22, it is hereby ORDERED: A. Respondent is not guilty of violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22. DONE AND ORDERED 10123/2009 at Comer County, Florida. COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE ~ e.<:1j~ BRENDA C. GARRETSON ce. Respondent- DENNA L FIORITO Collier Co. Code Enforcemant Dept. fIItI" 'lM11A ~umy of COLLIER, . I H~EBY SEftTIit''V\~I:'j!.'f'~/.,>\,I~; ~ true ani "r ..~' '.f" I.... In ~orr,e ct c~PY",~,'~, ".: ",','~,? ":.. Collier Count,. Board MI"~:')'" Y. ";,',' ",..,. "eal th,lJ ~T, ESSm\~I~."'"".""""""~,, ;::"~, 01 'Pof' '>..', J oa, Q '" :~., 1:' . '~, "', ' ~IGHT E,.~iJJ;, "~ ~'k.:i~~.,:i{),~~\;,C,"?U'.'.,..rm.'" , , (lueR '" .,.' ' ";" Aft ...ill' > ,", , .,... A.. .. 1,1 '.., ' ~... 'l~"" . Collier County Intersection Safety Program Processing Center PO Box 59995 Phoenix, AZ 85076-9995 COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE INTERSTATE BRANDS CORP 2200 S DMSION AVE ORLANDO, FL 32805-6231 DETERMINATION: NO VIOLATION NOTICE ,: 1360900032563 PIN': 3982 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, Petitioner, vs. INTERSTATE BRANDS CORP Respondent ORDER OF THE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE THIS CAUSE came on for public hearing before the Special Magistrate on 10123/2009, and the Special Magistrate, having heard argument respective to all appropriate matters, hereupon issues its Findings of Fact and Order of the Special Magistrate, as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The citation was issued by the Collier County Sherriff's Office and is being contested by the Respondent, INTERSTATE BRANDS CORP, 2. Respondent is charged with violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 which prohibits Red Light Infractions (Failure to Stop at a Red Light). 3, Respondent did not violate the ordinance and did not proceed into the intersection when the traffic control signal for that vehicle's direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. ~ Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, and pursuant to the authority grented in Collier County Ordinance 08-22, it is hereby ORDERED: A. Respondent is not guilty of violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22. DONE AND ORDERED 10/23/2009 at Collier County, Florida. COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE ~ e.<:1j~ BRENDA C. GARRETSON ce. Respondent-INTERSTATE BRANDS CORP Collier Co. Code Enforcement Dept. "'fff~11 ~umy Of COLLIER I HEREBY ccrfi'~i ': 0::1 f! a true" ,,;orrect CODY Of\jhs', ,',71 file in Board Minu1:~~ :..: ,( ~.." i If Collier Count) ~ES,,~\nv ~Jr(~r>~:)..s~~ a::::.. (~<l,Y ri!:'~~ !!_~ U1 c... "\",k,_" ',...... .;;" ~IGIiT E.fa"9~~titL~R~ OF COURTS; ,~.J . ,..,/-;~., -1..." ..Y .) IJAA . r '7:;~'f"::':'~~1~~{fsrl$1f.~~i 1 "':..a. .', Collier County Intersection Safety Program " Processing Center PO Box 59995 Phoenix, AZ 85076-9995 COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE KEVIN JOHN KLIMEK 4412 PRESERVE WAY NAPLES, FL 34109-1551 DETERMINATION: REASON: AMOUNT DUE: VIOLATION FOUND GENERAL DENIAL $175.00 NOTICE .: 1360900043172 PIN': 4188 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, Petitioner, vs. KEVIN JOHN KLIMEK Respondent ORDER OF THE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE THIS CAUSE came on for public hearing before the Special Magistrate on 10123/2009, and the Special Magistrate, having heard argument respective to all appropriate matters, hereupon issues its Findings of Fact and Order of the Special Magistrate, as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The citation was issued by the Collier County Sherriffs Office and is being contested by the Respondent, KEVIN JOHN KLIMEK, 2. Respondent is charged with violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 which prohibits Red Light Infractions (Failure to Stop at a Red Light). 3, Respondent violated the ordinance by proceeding into an interseCtion when the trefflc control signal for that vehicle's direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal, ORDER Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, and pursuant to the authority grented in Collier County Ordinance 08-22, it is hereby ORDERED: A. Respondent is guilty of violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 by proceeding into an Intersection when the traffic control signal for the direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. B. Respondent shall pay a fine of$125.00 on or before 11/15/2009. C. Respondent shall pay the operetional costs incurred in the amount of $50,00 on or before 11/15/2009. DONE AND ORDERED 1012312009 at Collier County, Florida. COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE ~ e.<:1j~ BRENDA C. GARRETSON LIEN RIGHTS: This order may be recorded in the Public Records of Collier County. After three (3) months from the filing of any such lien or civil claim which remains unpaid, the Special Magistrate may authorize the County Attorney to foraclose on the lien or pursue collection on unpaid claims. In the event that outstanding fines are forwarded to a collections agency, the VIOlator will be responsible for those costs incurred by Collier County. APPEAL RIGHTS: Any aggrieved party may appeal a final order of the Special Magistrate to the Circuit Court within thirty (30) days of the execution of the Order appealed. An appeal shall not be a hearing de nollO, but shall be limited to appellate review of the record creeted within the original hearing. It is the responsibility of the appealing party to obtain a transcribed record of the hearing from the Clerk of Courts. Filing an Appeal will not automatically stay the execution of the Order, '8WltI't.mIM OoURty of COLLIER" '"'''' . >., \J\J1SSIDv.' , HEREBY c.E~tfr). T.~'>T'Jiat9 a tnJa and ~orrect cor,:y,~:"'t:~;,'::'\,.me In Board MirfL8?' ,~(~, l... ,.' tolller Count) 1t1~IEt::(' . .. J .,~ '.' ""e..a11th's ~ "a~;'Wf l.., ~":'~~,'>'~; I^l,,~ '?. . ~;ttt ' , '. V.f ", '"c' . .~': . OWIGHT E. B~~~l{~~~bF CO~RTS h~,_~. 1\.4. . v;'. ,~,':":;;,~.,,~; :~:-."~~,~f1j,i."'~" . -...~...-,.:-..,t~- ""_I."._~r~".:-..._:< '~fl;{~~ -..,-:t l" .~ ." Y, :.f~~,~,t,;~~:,>.,:_~,:i~.:r~,~,::",{~ ce, Respondent- KEVIN JOHN KLIMEK Coliier Co. Code Enforcement Dept. .',' Collier County Intersection Safety Program . .. Processing Center PO Box 59995 Phoenix, AZ 85076-9995 COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE KURT P AND KRISTINA MARIE LENGEMANN 2251 QUEENS WAY NAPLES, FL 34112-5425 DETERMINATION: REASON: AMOUNT DUE: VIOLATION FOUND GENERAL DENIAL $175.00 NOTICE .: 1360900001873 PIN': 7485 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, Petitioner, va. KURT P AND KRISTINA MARIE LENGEMANN Respondent ORDER OF THE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE THIS CAUSE came on for public hearing before the Special Magistrate on 10/23/2009, and the Special Magistrate, having heard argument respective to all appropriate matters, hereupon issues its Findings of Fact and Order of the Special Magistrate, as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The citation was issued by the Collier County Sherriff's Office and is being contested by the Respondent, KURT P AND KRISTINA MARIE LENGEMANN, 2. Respondent is charged with violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 which prohibits Red Light Infractions (Failure to Stop at a Red Light). 3. Respondent violated the ordinance by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for that vehicle's direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. QBQm Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, and pursuant to the authority granted in Collier County Ordinance 08-22, it is hereby ORDERED: A. Respondent is guilty of violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 by proceeding into an intersection when the trefflc control signal for the direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. B. Respondentshall pay a fine of $125.00 on or before 11/15/2009. C. Respondent shall pay the operetional costs incurred in the amount of $50.00 on or before 11/15/2009. COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE ~ e.<:1j~ BRENDA C. GARRETSON ce. Respondent- KURT P AND KRISTINA MARIE LENGEMANN Collier Co. Code Enforcement Dept. LIEN RIGHTS: This order may be recorded in the Public Records of Collier County. After three (3) months from the filing of any such lien or civil claim which remains unpaid, the Special Magistrate may authorize the County Attomay to foraclose on the lien or pursue collection on unpaid claims. In the event that outstanding fines are forwarded to a collections agency, the Violator will be responsible for those costs incurred by Collier County. APPEAL RIGHTS: Any aggrieved party may appeal a final order of the Special Magistrate to the Circuit Court within thirty (30) days of the execution of the Order appealed, An appeal shall not be a hearing de nollO, but shall be limited to appellate review of the record created within the original ::~~~~I~sS~eu::~e::~~f:e~~d:~pealing party to obtain a transcribed 1\:';;; ~~oi the cle~.~L~~~~~~,~i~\~i.j~/r~}~,\~:,~;t?Mg~,.~ ~untY of COLLlE~ . ,''''!'..~'''...~.;; \J '-J \ I: (~ ! ( I HEREBY CE~T:F;" ';'r,.~hY1J 'S a true_ '..... A,<'n,.. . ' ':orrectc~y ,:(<.\\' ..r ':~~ ...en file In i;loard M81!Jt~;-<: . (. .,-1.) Collier Count) fl~~~SS rr-{,:'," . '" ',,' : .....~'1 ""e~,"ll tt ~^' ~;aa" t';~{.A\fi~A''LDU1 V'? '~~r:r'~ (.J ( . C .,r" . ,..._~-, ,.r ~ .; ,~ OWIGHT E:/BR.o~~~.\ribJt~1( OF COURTS i.l:n...lf.~ .,.' _~LA ~..~ \Y~... ~JJA"l. .-. ." Collier County Intersection Safety Program Processing Center , PO Box 59995 Phoenix, AZ 85076.9995 COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE LOCKHART ENGINEERING INC 1361 LAKE SHORE DR NAPLES, FL 34103-8939 DETERMINATION: REASON: AMOUNT DUE: VIOLATION FOUND GENERAL DENIAL $175.00 NOTICE .: 1360900026631 PIN': 2528 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, Petitioner, vs. LOCKHART ENGINEERING INC Respondent ORDER OF THE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE THIS CAUSE came on for public hearing before the Special Magistrate on 10/2312009, and the Special Magistrate, having heard argument respective to all appropriate matters, hereupon issues its Findings of Fact and Order of the Special Magistrate, as follO\NS: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The citation was issued by the Collier County Sherriffs Office and is being contested by the Respondent, LOCKHART ENGINEERING INC, 2. Respondent is charged with violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 which prohibits Red Light Infractions (Failure to Stop at a Red Light). 3. Respondent violated the ordinance by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for that vehicle's direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. ~ Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fad and Conclusions of Law, and pursuant to the authority granted in Collier County Ordinance 08-22, it is hereby ORDERED: A. Respondent is guilty of violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for the direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. B. Respondent shall pay a fine of $125.00 on or before 11/1512009. C. Respondent shall pay the operetional costs incurred in the amount of $50.00 on or before 11/15/2009. DONE AND ORDERED 10123/2009 at Collier County, Florida. COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE ~ e.<:1j~ BRENDA C. GARRETSON LIEN RIGHTS: This order may be recorded in the Public Records of Collier County. After three (3) months from the filing of any such lien or civil claim which remains unpaid, the Special Magistrate may authorize the County Attomey to foraclose on the lien or pursue collection on unpaid claims. In the event that outstanding fines are forwarded to a collections agency, the Violator will be responsible for those costs incurred by Collier County. APPEAL RIGHTS: Any aggrieved party may appeal a final order of the Special Magistrate to the Circuit Court within thirty (30) days of the execution of the Order appealed. An appeal shall not be a hearing de nollO, but shall be limited to appellate review of the record aeated within the original hearing. It is the responsibility of the appealing party to obtain a transcribed record of the hearing from the Clerk of Courts. Filing an Appeal will not automatically stay the execution of the Order. ce. Respondent- LOCKHART ENGINEERING INC Collier Co. Code Enforcement Dept. ....... a4 .,JIlMIItBa, -- "-"'''r.o''~''~-,''', ,~;..~r.,', ~... 'r1lRUllll'OY " '-. 'J'~"~'Vlt};~'.:?lV.if'r.~\~,z~ .:conty of COLUEI .. ...." .,' ,r:' 'J \J 1 ') (; If' ~ I HEREBY ~E{'n.FV TJ~I\T th" IS. a till. and ~orrect COPY~~"''':i~''''~;I,;''r cn...fl!e In Board Mintlf:; , 't:f-"";',<': '.)t yolUer Countr ~T ESS, m.v: r. .(".. ," " ,;ii..--;i,''l,., 'seal this c '~'\lI.i'UM~.A"':-'UO"t aay gJ ~~ ,... -J !,. , "" ..',,, .~ ~ .,~; ~IGHT E. BRoc,~;"q!ff{K'~COURT$ .... ~~... ij.Q. .<1::..... _ .' Collier County Intersection Safety Program Processing Center PO Box 59995 Phoenix, AZ 85076-9995 COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE JOHNNY CLEO MC CARTER 10595 NOAHS CIR APT 407 NAPLES, FL 34116-8342 DETERMINATION: REASON: AMOUNT DUE: VIOLATION FOUND GENERAL DENIAL $175.00 NOTICE': 1360900001345 PIN 1\I: 1498 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, Petitioner, VB. JOHNNY CLEO MC CARTER Respondent ORDER OF THE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE THIS CAUSE came on for public hearing before the Special Magistrate on 10/2312009, and the Special Magistrate, having heard argument respective to all appropriate matters, hereupon issues its Findings of Fact and Order of the Special Magistrate, as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The citation was issued by the Collier County Sherrill's Office and is being contested by the Respondent, JOHNNY CLEO MC CARTER, 2. Respondent is charged with violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 which prohibits Red Light Infractions (Failure to Stop at a Red Light). 3. Respondent violated the ordinance by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for that vehicle's direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. ORDER Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, and pursuant to the authority granted in Collier County Ordinance 08-22, it Is hereby ORDERED: A. Respondent is guilty of violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for the direction of travel was emitting a steedy red signal. B. Respondent shall pay a fine of $125.00 on or before 11/15/2009. C. Respondent shall pay the operational costs incurred in the amount of $50.00 on or before 11/1512009. DONE AND ORDERED 10/2312009 at Collier County, Florida. COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE ~ e.<:1j~ BRENDA C. GARRETSON LIEN RIGHTS: This order may be recorded in the Public Records of Collier County, After three (3) months from the filing of any such lien or civil claim which remains unpaid, the Special Magistrate may authorize the County Attomay to foraclose on the lien or pursue collection on unpaid claims. In the event that outstanding fines are forwarded to a collections agency, the Violator will be responsible for those costs incurred by Collier County. APPEAL RIGHTS: Any aggrieved party may appeal a final order of the Special Magistrate to the Circuit Court within thirty (30) days of the execution of the Order appealed. An appeal shall not be a hearing de nollO, but shall be limited to appellate review of the record created withi", ,the origi!l~J.. heering.. It is the responsi~i1ity of the appealing party to obtain a transcribed record of the he~, fro ,~ e ~~~-~!'~~~."c.:'~i.~JL~~/~f~",'_'.!:"~,,1i',II,',_,,!1~~,,~,", ',",' automatically stay the execution of the Order. .... " ...... ' " . ,} '~1!: ~: ':'~~~:::{~i:i:i~~I;;..t ~Unty of COLLIER . , ;~~:~~~.~i!i:' ce. Respondent- JOHNNY CLEO Me CARTER Collier Co. Code Enforcement Dept. , HEREBYCERT~F.Y\,jrnJ'.1,this I~.a tme U... ~orrect CODY ::t 1:.. ";:';.~flt,on file In Board Minu~~' (,.<..~r':".':'L'~~ ot CotHer Countt Y~E~1~~~(~~~~~,;UI~S ( ~ ~ " i_: .~ :. ;} - .~. _. ' 4' c)wIGHT E.-8RO(;;K;,~RK4'F.. COURTS " . - - -~"_~ t:' ..iJJf,':"~~),\r:';, l)A 4> A.,"'J_ . Collier County Intersection Safety Program Processing Center PO Box 59995 Phoenix, AZ 85076-9995 COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE MICHAEL EDWIN AND JANET MARAK POSCH 27150 DEL LN BONITA SPRINGS, FL 34135-4407 DETERMINA liON: NO VIOLATION NOTICE': 1360900013183 PIN I: 1646 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, Petitioner, VB. MICHAEL EDWIN AND JANET MARAK POSCH Respondent ORDER OF THE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE THIS CAUSE came on for public hearing before the Special Magistrate on 10/23/2009, and the Special Magistrete, having heard argument respective to all appropriate matters, hereupon issues its Findings of Fact and Order of the Special Magistrate, as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The citation was issued by the Collier County Sherriff's Office and is being contested by the Respondent, MICHAEL EDWIN AND JANET MARAK POSCH, 2. Respondent is charged with violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 which prohibits Red Light Infractions (Failure to Stop at a Red Light). 3. Respondent did not violate the ordinance and did not proceed into the intersection when the traffic control signal for that vehicle's direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. ORDER Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, and pursuant to the authority grented in Collier County Ordinance 08-22, it is hereby ORDERED: A. Respondent is not guilty of violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22. COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE ~ e.<:1j~ BRENDA C. GARRETSON ce. Respondent- MICHAEL EDWIN AND JANET MARAK POSCH Collier Co, Code Enforcement Dept. Statt fit 'tnR!iA ~unty of CO.~UER .'~(~.nJI'i~;y I HEREBY,f'rr:;FY " l'i~'T thIS Is a true an' . 't (~h Y :orrect', ".,\\\1"/.... "';: en file In Board'.. l~l;~~./ -', i)t Collier Cou"" ~~~~:r~W~~ t::. .d, ' ,"', ..,.,." ::lWIGHT ~.~K~GttRtt()t.COURTS ... ~' '-W-) - .. J),C), -- . . .....-.,. ..-~.~.... . " ,..,::. '~.':~~:'~Y~ . ; ";":.J.,~ It.' ,,(~ ....~'!}l',': ,I; " \, ~-- ." Collier County Intersection Safety Program Processing Center PO Box 59995 Phoenix, AZ 85076-9995 COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE WILLIAM ROBERT RENAUD 4443 GULFSTREAM DR NAPLES, FL 34112-6800 DETERMINATION: REASON: AMOUNT DUE: VIOLATION FOUND GENERAL DENIAL $175.00 NOTICE .: 1360900008373 PIN': 6390 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, Petitioner, VB. WILLIAM ROBERT RENAUD Respondent ORDER OF THE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE THIS CAUSE came on for public hearing before the Special Magistrate on 10123/2009, and the Special Magistrate, having heard argument respective to all appropriate matters, hereupon issues its Findings of Fact and Order of the Special Magistrate, as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The citation was issued by the Collier County Sherriffs Office and is being contested by the Respondent, WILLIAM ROBERT RENAUD, 2. Respondent is charged with violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 which prohibits Red Light Infractions (Failure to Stop at a Red Light). 3. Respondent violated the ordinance by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for that vehicle's direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. ORDER Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, and pursuant to the authority granted in Collier County Ordinance 08-22, it is hereby ORDERED: A. Respondent is guilty of violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for the direction of travel was emitting a steedy red signal. B. Respondent shall pay a fine of $125.00 on or before 11/15/2009. C. Respondent shall pay the operetional costs incurred in the amount of $50.00 on or before 11/1512009. DONE AND ORDERED 1012312009 lit Collier County, Florida. COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE ~ e.<:1j~ BRENDA C. GARRETSON ce. Respondent- WILLIAM ROBERT RENAUD Collier Co. Code Enforcement Dept. LIEN RIGHTS: This order may be recorded in the Public Records of Collier County. After three (3) months from the filing of any such lien or civil claim which remains unpaid, the Special Magistrate may authorize the County Attomey to foraclose on the lien or pursue collection on unpaid claims. In the event that outstanding fines are forwarded to a collections agency, the Violator will be responsible for those costs incurred by Collier County, APPEAL RIGHTS: Any aggrieved party may appeal a final order of the Special Magistrate to the Circuit Court within thirty (30) days of the execution of the Order appealed. An appeal shall not be a hearing de nollO, but shall be limited to appellate review of the record created within the original hearing. It is the responsibility of the appealing party to obtain a trenscribed record of the hearing from the Clerk of Courts, Filing an Appeal will not automatically stay the execution of the Order. ~ ....: i!!Ii~t!l!h., ..,.,.;.:, '.,..,;,~,',~' .....,.~~~ ~ U; ....u .A UII ,.{.,. 'c;~- ' .. ~un'N of COLLtER"""~i~ ~'~ .., ~.::-' . I HEREBY cSRrl~'r1\~"lh.i~ Is a true.... -;orrect CODy' O,~<l'~rrr~ii!Ort file In Board Minu~.:J:~Yv .~:;; ot ~olHer Countt ~SS rnV M;:;~,' {;, ~ !/'i:;'.;cial seal this II:...::::. aay af !Jd~r~~ '2004 ~WIGHT E. ~;~~C{iRK.9f 'COURn ..Ill.. ",.ic~\\, ~t/ j':... ...~ ~"':""~A _ :All, .' Collier County Intersection Safety Program Processing Center PO Box 59995 Phoenix, AZ 85076-9995 COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE RAUL RAYMOND REYES 7893 UMBERTO CT NAPLES, FL 34114-2686 DETERMINATION: REASON: AMOUNT DUE: VIOLATION FOUND GENERAL DENIAL $175.00 NOTICE': 1360900049583 PIN': 6485 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, Petitioner, vs. RAUL RAYMOND REYES Respondent ORDER OF THE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE THIS CAUSE came on for public hearing before the Special Magistrete on 1012312009, and the Special Magistrate, having heard argument respective to all appropriate matters, hereupon issues its Findings of Fact and Order of the Special Magistrate, as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The citation was issued by the Collier County Sherriff's Office and is being contested by the Respondent, RAUL RAYMOND REYES, 2. Respondent is charged with violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 which prohibits Red Light Infractions (Failure to Stop at a Red Light). 3. Respondent violated the ordinance by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for that vehicle's direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. ORDER Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, and pursuant to the authority granted in Collier County Ordinance 08-22, it Is hereby ORDERED: A. Respondent is guilty of violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for the direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. B. Respondent shall pay a line of $125.00 on or before 11/15/2009. C. Respondent shall pay the operational costs incurred in the amount of $50,00 on or before 11/15/2009. DONE AND ORDERED 10123/2009 at Collier County, Florida. COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE ~ ~.<:1j~ BRENDA C. GARRETSON LIEN RIGHTS: This order may be recorded in the Public Records of Collier County. After three (3) months from the filing of any such lien or civil claim which remains unpaid, the Special Megistrate may authorize the County Attorney to foreclose on the lien or pursue collection on unpaid claims. In the event that outstanding fines are forwarded to a collections agency, the Violator will be responsible for those costs incurred by Collier County. APPEAL RIGHTS: Any aggrieved party may appeal a final order of the Special Magistrate to the Circuit Court within thirty (30) days of the execution of the Order appealed. An appeal shall not be a hearing de nollO. but shall be limited to appellate review of the record created within the original hearing. It is the responsibility of the appealing party to obtain a transcribed record of the hearing from the, Clerk of Courts. Filing an Appeal will not ::::.::=::.:: =of~FA,(. HH__"~"=,." Collier Co. Code Enforcement Dept. : -l ~, :.. {r ~ ' ~~; 1:~~er:;~~~~I~~~~ ~i:~" Board ~i11ut~':'':'(i,' "':~Y~Q~t Co~Uercountt ~~~~t_~S~~ . ':/, . ".~\S~cll, oJ , ~WIGHT E. BROVt\~C'CERK OF COUfm ,. . ir"'~ ~ f "~T ~1 - ~.~ JJ& .~,~ . ' Collier County Intersection Safety Program . Processing Center PO Box 59995 Phoenix, AZ 85076.9995 COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE RAUL RAYMOND REYES 7893 UMBERTO CT NAPLES, FL 34114-2686 DETERMINATION: REASON: AMOUNT DUE: VIOLATION FOUND GENERAL DENIAL $175.00 NonCE': 1360900037091 PIN f.: 6485 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, Petitioner, VB. RAUL RAYMOND REYES Respondent ORDER OF THE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE THIS CAUSE came on for public hearing before the Special Magistrate on 10123/2009, and the Special Magistrate, having heard argument respective to all appropriate matters, hereupon issues its Findings of Fact and Order of the Special Magistrate, as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The citation was issued by the Collier County Sherriff's Office and is being contested by the Respondent, RAUL RAYMOND REYES, 2. Respondent is charged with violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 which prohibits Red Light Infractions (Failure to Stop at a Red Light). 3. Respondent violated the ordinance by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for that vehicle's direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. ORDER Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, and pursuant to the authority granted in Collier County Ordinance 08-22, it is hereby ORDERED: A. Respondent is guilty of violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for the direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. B. Respondent shall pay a fine of $125.00 on or before 11/15/2009. C. Respondent shall pay the operetional costs incurred in the amount of $50.00 on or before 11/15/2009. DONE AND ORDERED 10123/2009 at Collier County, Florida. COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE ~ t.<:1j~ BRENDA C. GARRETSON LIEN RIGHTS: This order may be recorded in the Public Records of Collier County. After three (3) months from the filing of any such lien or civil claim which remains unpaid, the Special Magistrate may authorize the County Attorney to foraclose on the lien or pursue collection on unpaid claims. In the event that outstanding fines are forwarded to a collections agency, the Violator will be responsible for those costs incurred by Collier County. APPEAL RIGHTS: Any aggrieved party may appeal a final order of the Special Magistrate to the Circuit Court within thirty (30) days of the execution of the Order appealed, An appeal shall not be a hearing de nollO, but shall be limited to appellate review of the record created within the original hearing. It is the responsibility of the appealing party to obtain a transcribed record of the hearing from the Clerk of Courts. Filing an Appeal will not automatically stay the execution of the Order. $tata Ii nt1RtDA ~umy of COLUm I H EREBt bf~~ ~IJ ~ ~t~hr3 Isa true..., ~orrectcoOy~:j ~...!;.4<,t' orYrne in Board'Minut~<.~'.'~.:rf. ,5 of €oHler Count) ~ ESS '~,': ( ,\ \ ".,'{:.'" ::'r,;~:SI;:S, eat this , '(' day W ' .' _ t ~ F'(:)f '" \' ,;:' , r " '"'" I (. '.. ';(")-~ .,y- .,. ,,\ :)WIGHT E. BItO~r 19~~F'COURTS _J01.M- ~-... ItA cc. Respondent- RAUL RAYMOND REYES Collier Co, Code Enforcement Dept. ......- .' Collier County Intersection Safety Program Processing Center PO Box 59995 Phoenix, AZ 85076-9995 COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE MARY LYNN ROELLER 7670 GROVES RD NAPLES, FL 34109.2601 DETERMINATION: REASON: AMOUNT DUE: VIOLATION FOUND GENERAL DENIAL $175.00 NOTICE ;Il: 1360900009942 PIN': 6436 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, Petitioner, va. MARY LYNN ROELLER Respondent ORDER OF THE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE THIS CAUSE ceme on for public hearing before the Special Magistrate on 10/2312009, and the Special Magistrate, having heard argument respective to all appropriate matters, hereupon issues its Findings of Fact and Order of the Special Magistrate, as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The citation was issued by the Collier County Sherriff's Office and is being contested by the Respondent, MARY LYNN ROELLER, 2. Respondent is charged with violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 which prohibits Red Light Infractions (Failure to Stop at a Red Light). 3. Respondent violated the ordinance by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for that vehicle's direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. ORDER Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, and pursuant to the authority granted in Collier County Ordinance 08-22, it is hereby ORDERED: A. Respondent is guilty of violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for the direction of travel was emitting a steedy red signal. B. Respondent shall pay a fine of $125.00 on or before 11/1512009. C. Respondent shall pay the operetional costs incurred in the amount of $50.00 on or before 11/15/2009. DONE AND ORDERED 1012312009 at Collier County, Florida. COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE ~ e.<:1j~ BRENDA C. GARRETSON ce. Respondent- MARY LYNN ROELLER Collier Co. Code Enforcement Dept. LIEN RIGHTS: This order may be recorded in the Public Records of Collier County, After three (3) months from the filing of any such lien or civil claim which remains unpaid, the Special Megistrate may authorize the County Attomay to foraclose on the lien or pursue collection on unpaid claims. In the event that outstanding fines are forwarded to a collections agency, the Violator will be responsible for those costs incurred by Collier County. APPEAL RIGHTS: Any aggrieved party may appeal a final order of the Special Magistrate to the Circuit Court within thirty (30) days of the execution of the Order appealed. An appeal shall not be a hearing de nollO, but shall be limited to appellate review of the record created within the original hearing. It is the responsibility of the appealing party to obtain a transcribed record of the hearing from the Clerk of Courts. Filing an Appeal will not automatically stay the execution of the Order. iIiIII..o.b ..J.:. "\'!tRllla. , ,,' -~. ,...",.. ":1:c::,J,::r<o/;:;:~~ OUlIB W "'UJlUfIII ''':'''~''L,. AunlY of COL~I.~'J'.~\""t, " ":".. . '\ .' , " ~~~ ,"~urrl' . I H EREBy.i1}~''r:~~ thIS Js a true.- :orreCt car~: <>~,t,,~\o;;T~'s?t on'file In doard Minuf:~ \';:~:f ""'~~ ot,~oHter Countt ~T'" S C~', .., ""~... . r ~'I ,'" S rq",l~'" ,.".,., "'fi,I'Cla se.",a, ,."".5 ';;" , "~,,' "~ aayo~l, '.- '" " '(...1'""1 . ( . J , ' '" o! ( ! EH ,;.:: ,"" ",,'.:. ::)WIGHT E. BROLK, CLERK OF ,COURTs .. ~'~1'" JULA '!!"'..... . Collier County Intersection Safety Program Processing Center PO Box 59995 Phoenix, AZ 85076-9995 COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE ROBERT DOUGLAS SANDS 206 AUTUMN CHASE DR ANNAPOLIS, MD 21401-7258 DETERMINA liON: NO VIOLATION NOTICE .: 1360900039121 PIN #: 1825 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, Petitioner, va. ROBERT DOUGLAS SANDS Respondent ORDER OF THE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE THIS CAUSE came on for public hearing before the Special Magistrate on 10/2312009, and the Special Magistrate, having heard argument respective to all appropriate matters, hereupon issues its ,Findings of Fact and Order of the Special Magistrate, as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The citation was issued by the Collier County Sherriff's Office and is being contested by the Respondent, ROBERT DOUGLAS SANDS, 2. Respondent is charged with violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 which prohibits Red Light Infractions (Failure to Stop at a Red Light). 3, Respondent did not violate the ordinance and did not proceed into the intersection when the trefflc control signal for that vehicle's direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. .QRQm Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, and pursuant to the authority grented in Collier County Ordinance 08-22, it is hereby ORDERED: A. Respondent is not guilty of violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22. DONE AND ORDERED 10123/2009 at Collier County, Florida. COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE ~ e.<:1j~ BRENDAC.GARRETSON ce. Respondent- ROBERT DOUGLAS SANDS Collier Co. Code Enforcement Dept. Mala or ~'RiBi ~untY of COLUER I HEREBY cERTif:t.::r~~l,ttlrsls a true an' ~orrect cony ,,,~ :" :\0{ ~:f' .:ntOnI fH(!'ln Board MinuL,; ,~)",""1m:11A otColller Countt ~ESS rr",i~,?: ~,'-";Ydial,'.s,'~I},th,iS " (jay ~f .' '~I~D'1 :,.~ .1;., .J.f'" if V "'f , 0. t ....,,rI II.. . ' .. ~WIGHT E. BR~)~I<,~~:~D1t ()F coultta ,y "C,~.. \, , " .. ~ ~~"':~oI'u. -.!'~ .' ',,' Collier County Intersection Safety Program Processing Center PO Box 59995 Phoenix, AZ 85076-9995 COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE ROBIN DALE SHROCK 644 CORAL DR NAPLES, FL 34102-5118 DETERMINATION: REASON: AMOUNT DUE: VIOLATION FOUND GENERAL DENIAL $175.00 NOTICE .: 1360900006567 PIN': 3334 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, Petitioner, vs. ROBIN DALE SHROCK Respondent ORDER OF THE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE THIS CAUSE came on for public hearing before the Special Magistrate on 10/2312009, and the Special Magistrate, having heard argument respective to all appropriate matters, hereupon issues its Findings of Fact and Order of the Special Magistrate, as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The citation was issued by the Collier County Sherriffs Office and is being contested by the Respondent, ROBIN DALE SHROCK, 2. Respondent is charged with violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 which prohibits Red Light Infractions (Failure to Stop at a Red Light). 3. Respondent violated the ordinance by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for that vehicle's direction of lrevel was emitting a steady red signal. ORDER Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, and pursuant to the authority granted in Collier County Ordinance 08-22, it is hereby ORDERED: A. Respondent is guilty of violaUng the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 by proceeding' into an intersection when the traffic control signal for the direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. B. Respondent shall pay a fine of $125.00 on or before 11/15/2009. C. Respondent shall pay the operaUonal costs incurred in the amount of $50.00 on or before 11/1512009. DONE AND ORDERED 1012312009 at Collier County, Florida. COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE ~ e. djodF- BRENDAC.GARRETSON ce. Respondent- ROBIN DALE SHROCK Collier Co. Code Enforcement Dept. LIEN RIGHTS: This order may be recorded in the Public Records of Collier County. After three (3) months from the filing of any such lien or civil claim which remains unpaid, the Special Magistrate may authorize the County Attomey to foraclose on the lien or pursue collection on unpaid claims. In the event that outstanding fines are forwarded to a collections agency, the Violator will be responsible for those cosls incurred by Collier County. APPEAL RIGHTS: Any aggrieved party may appeal a final order of the Special Magistrate to the Circuit Court within thirty (30) days of the execution of the Order appealed. An appeal shall not be a hearing de nollO, but shall be limited to appellate review of the record creeted within the original hearing. It is the responsibility of the appealing party to obtain a transcribed record of the hearing from the Clerk of Courts, Filing an Appeal will not automaUcal1y stay the execution of the Order. Stata oj ~'~iDA ~unty of COlllEH., ,,' '.1 CfV/J/i'I' I HEREBY Cr:r:'~,;":",'\':' ~T,thr3 rs~a'_" ,,>. 1'TT. ' "'^. ~orrect coPy i,,<=:J.... <-\\;:Hi:on filedri Board Minut<:3 ~ :' (\~:r:~,~).9' Comer CountJ A'}~ESS mv:.tl~":':""','<"'''i(,jClal S,e.i!" 1~f'.t'Yhlf}Is"" "",: .~ aay 01-... .~~fw ,.:0" t:J. ,.----. . ,.....~ '" ". .9 ". -........,.. ,. '$', ::)WIGHT E. BROCilti'c, ,lERKt'1~toUn-le,":' ... CLut. ~"'r....;. , . ~'1~ .", Collier County Intersection Safety Program Processing Center PO Box 59995 Phoenix, AZ 85076.9995 COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE TONY TOEPFER 275 INDIES WAY APT 301 NAPLES, FL 34110-6526 DETERMINATION: REASON: AMOUNT DUE: VIOLATION FOUND GENERAL DENIAL $175.00 NOTICE': 1360900038537 PIN': 5168 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, Petitioner, VB. TONY TOEPFER Respondent ORDER OF THE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE THIS CAUSE came on for public hearing before the Special Magistrate on 10/2312009, and the Special Magistrate, having heard argument respective to all appropriate matters, hereupon issues its Findings of Fact and Order of the Special Magistrate, as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The citation was issued by the Collier County Sherriff's Office and is being contested by the Respondent, TONY TOEPFER, 2. Respondent is charged with violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 which prohibits Red Light Infractions (Failure to Stop at a Red Light). 3. Respondent violated the ordinance by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for that vehicle's direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal, ORDER Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, and pursuant to the authority granted in Collier County Ordinance 08-22, it is hereby ORDERED: A. Respondent is guilty of violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 by Proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for the direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. B. Respondent shall pay a fine of $125.00 on or before 11/1512009. C. Respondent shall pay the operational costs incurred in the amount of $50.00 on or before 11/1512009. DONE AND ORDERED 10/23/2009 at Collier County, Florid.. COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE ~ e.<:1j~ BRENDA C. GARRETSON ce. Respondent- TONY TOEPFER Collier Co. Code Enforcement Dept. LIEN RIGHTS: This order may be recorded in the Public Records of Collier County. After three (3) months from the filing of any such lien or civil claim which remains unpaid, the Special Meglstrate may authorize the County Attomey to foraclose on the lien or pursue collection on unpaid claims. In the event that outstanding fines are forwarded to a collections agency, the Violator will be responsible for those costs incurred by Collier County. APPEAL RIGHTS: Any aggrieved party may appeal a final order of the Special Magistrate to the Circuit Court within thirty (30) days of the execution of the Order appealed. An appeal shall not be a hearing de nollO, but shall be limited to appellate review of the record creeted within the original hearing.. It is the responsi~i1ity of the appealing party to obtain a trenscribed record of !he ~~arin~ ,trpm the clerX.()f.9()~~"EPi!l"'~~p, " . automatically stay the execution of the Order. Matt tJl f;b'fld)~" ' . 1f'!!t~~;j"".i;<~'J~ ~umy of COLMER. , ',-". # . ,.<.,f;:,;~.r>,... I HEREBY CEFiTw" t~'~f'ts a true" -:orrect COP]: (I (,~: U U ''11'1(1 ": n fi Ie '" Board Mi~'(."~,(\17~" .Y.r-?vt Collier ~ountt ~...</~. ~\' ,01);, ""''''I'^1 ~~aa"ll,jjt~, ::iV"n"!V ' ;,- '~" '('~'4"l..i!) " Iiay' rA'\ / " . , 1 ." , "~"" . '~~"-' .t-, I"'~ .1 ~~. / 1''1 i',l;.'~~~.~l;~.:' < , WIGHt~. ~~IC~~OF COURTS "'I~~'/' ~I}&- '......