CCPC Backup 01/20/2009 S CCPC BACKUP DOCUMENTS REVIEWING THE POTABLEW ATER SUB-ELEMENT/ PUBLIC FACILITIES ELEMENT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT OF THE GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN JANUARY 20, 2009 [CONTINUATION OF THE JANUARY 16, 2009 CIE MEETING] r -... , . Capital Improvement Element Of the Collier County Growth Management Plan CCPC Adoption Version 2.2, prepared for January] 6, 2009 ---,--_._._- __.._~__.w~ .~ -" ._..~- -~--.,- ,."--.--..-"...... <. :.ounty STAFF REPORT COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING DEPARTMENT HEARING DATE: JANUARY 16, 2009 REVIEW OF PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT OF THE COLLIER COUNTY GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN, ORDINANCE 89-05, AS AMENDED; AND, RECOMMENDING TRANSMITTAL OF THESE AMENDMENTS TO THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS. (ADOPTION HEARING) SUBJECT: BACKGROUND Chapter 163, Part II, Florida Statutes, also known as the Local Government Comprehensive Planning Act, requires all local governments within the State of Florida to maintain comprehensive planning programs based upon an adopted local government comprehensive plan. As part of this process, the local government must monitor changing conditions and must use this information to guide periodic amendments to the local comprehensive plan alkla Growth Management Plan (GMP). More specifically, Section 163.3177(3)(b)(1), F.S., requires that the County's Capital Improvement Element (CIE) be reviewed on an annual basis in order to maintain a financially feasible 5-year Schedule of Capital Improvements. An amendment to the comprehensive plan is required to update the schedule on an annual basis, or to eliminate, defer or delay construction of any facility listed in the 5-year Schedule. The amendment process, which is to occur every year, as described in Section 163.3177(3)(b)(1), F.S., must occur this calendar year as the County, based on decreased demand on capital infrastructure and facilities, is proposing to delay and in some situations eliminate proposed infrastructure and facilities in the adopted 5-year Schedule of Capital Improvements. Pursuant to Section 163.3177(3)(b)(2), F.S., amendment to the Capital Improvement Element requires only a single public hearing before the governing board (BCC) as an adoption hearing. However, in keeping with the BCC's standing policy direction regarding GMP amendments, a second public hearing was scheduled for the Planning Commission (CCPC). Collier County's CIE was adopted as part of the Growth Management Plan in 1989. Subsequent amendments were adopted regularly until 2003, when EAR-based amendments were taken into consideration. An Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) was adopted on July 27, 2004 and EAR- based GMP amendments were originally adopted January 25,2007 by Ordinance No. 2007- 07. The Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA), which has oversight for comprehensive plans, GMP amendments, and EARs for all local governments, issued a Notice of Intent to find Collier County's most recent EAR-based CIE amendments not in compliance. In response, the County entered into a settlement agreement to resolve these noncompliance issues in 2007. Words under!i~~ are added; words ~ are deleted. - 1 - - - ..-.. -----"---'-'--" -.",,'--- "..._~- - " ~., Amendments were made to the Capital Improvement Element as an outcome from the 2007 Partial Stipulated Settlement Agreement between Collier County, Petitioners-in-Intervention, and the Florida Department of Community Affairs, which were then approved by the Board of County Commissioners on December 11, 2007. These amendments to the CIE were adopted January 29, 2008 by Ordinance 2008-04, and are denoted by "(VIII)" in the document's margins. As a result of the Department of Community Affairs' objections to the 2006 EAR-based CIE amendments and the Stipulated Settlement Agreement finally entered into in January 2008, it was not possible to incorporate the 2007 Annual Update and Inventory Report (AUIR) into a 2008 CIE update as it would have followed immediately thereafter and resulted with immediate conflicts in data and analysis. The decision to wait until the 2008 AUIR to prepare the next financially feasible CIE was a decision ratified by the Board of County Commissioners. As it happens, the January 2008 CIE's Schedule of Capital Improvements covered the 5-year planning period for the fiscal years 2007 through 2011. Two years, not one, have passed since the preparation of previous CIE amendments commenced. The presently recommended CIE's Schedule of Capital Improvements covers the 5-year planning period for the fiscal years 2009 through 2013, and follows the 2008 AUIR adopted by the Board of County Commissioners. Amendments to the Capital Improvement Elernent recommended herein result from the adoption of the 2008 Annual Update and Inventory Report (AUIR) by the Board of County Commissioners on November 3, 2008, edits madelrecommended by the County Attorney's Office review, additional staff analysis, and in some situations either cornbing or truncating projects based on major fluctuations in annual population projections and uncertain demand. Amendments were also made to the Capital Improvement Element edition adopted January 29, 2008 derived from the preparation and adoption of the companion Public School Facilities Element _ adopted October 14, 2008 by Ordinance No. 2008-55, and are denoted by "(IX)" in the document's margins. The amendments remain highlighted in these CIE materials, to reflect their relatively recent adoption and the fact that their formal effective date falls after the CCPC considers these recommendations but before the BCC holds its adoption hearing. STAFF ANALYSIS Growth/population estimates & projections have been falling since the issuance of the 2006 BEBR population projections, and were taken into account in the preparation of the County's Annual Update and Inventory Report (AUIR) and the erE. The effects of these decreases have impacted the demand for public facilities and infrastructure with a corresponding reduction in the expenditure of revenues for them throughout the County. They are discussed generally herein and specific exarnples are included below. One of the rnore illustrative indicators is the traffic counts on County roads. The 2008 AUIR includes peak hour trip count logs in Attachment F, observations in Attachment B and mapped data in Attachment C of the County Roads section of the AUrR (pp. 15-22) illustrating an overall decline in peak hour directional volume from 2007. Traffic volume decreased an average of 10% from the peak hour trip counts reported the prior year. More than 20% of counting stations showed a decrease of greater than 10%. At count stations located at points along Golden Gate Boulevard, for example, first quarter 2008 counts were down 13.4 to 14.9% from the prior year; second quarter counts reflected a decline of 4.9 to 11.4% from the prior year. Second- and third-quarter 2008 traffic declined another 12 to 13 % from the first counts taken in 2008. Words jJngel1ined are added; words stFl:iok-tnrougll are deleted. -2- .." .......",_.......0...",....,..". Another indicator exemplifying population decreases is the students enrolled, or membership counts, in County schools. The Collier County School District membership reports frorn 2005 to 2008 provide the student counts in public schools, which illustrate a downward trend. .:. October 2005 counts report a total of 43,296 students attended County-wide. 21,002 children were enrolled in elernentary schools, with 9,428 in middle schools, and 12,866 in high schools. .:. October 2008 counts report a total of 42,697 students attended County-wide. 20,581 children enrolled in elementary schools, with 9,516 in middle schools, and 12,600 in high schools. . Certain schools reported declines of 13 to more than 19 percent. Reduced traffic demand and school enrollment are symptomatic of an out-migrating populace and workforce, as well as foreclosures and speculators not closing on pre-sold residential units. This allows for a reduction in public expenditures devoted to capacity improvements, correlated with a reduction in capital project activity in the CIE Schedule of Capital Improvements. The amendments that are the subject of this staff report are limited in scope primarily to those recommended in the AUIR. As adopted in the AUIR, the County has revised certain levels of service standards (LOSS), as follows: . The LOSS for County Regional Park facilities decreased from 2.9412 acres per 1,000 population in FY 07 to 2.9 acres per 1,000 in FY 08; and, the LOSS for County Community Park facilities decreased from 1.2882 acres per 1,000 population in FY 07 to 1.2 acres per 1,000 in FY 08. All Community Park Land and Regional Park Land transactions are being facilitated through interdepartmental transfers exchanging land holdings for park lands, or using another method not involving expenditure of capital funds. One example is the 47 acre Randall Curve interdepartmental transfer in exchange for regional park land at Big Corkscrew Island Regional Park. These transactions represent changes to the value of land holdings only. . The LOSS for County Water facilities decreased frorn 185 gallons per capita per day (gpcd) in FY 07 to 170 gpcd in FY 08 in accordance with the 2008 Water Master Plan, approved by the BCC on June 24, 2008. The LOSS change and projected decrease in population growth reported in the AUIR have led to the existing potable water plants being able to rnaintain reliability longer without plant expansions or new plant construction. The following changes were rnade to match the June 11, 2008 population projections and resulting water demands: . NERWTP: Changed new 8.75 MGD plant construction in FY 14 to new 7.5 MGD plant construction in FY 18; Changed 6.0 MGD expansion in FY 23 to FY 26 . SERWTP: Changed new 8.0 MGD plant construction in FY 17 to new 6.0 MGD plant construction in FY 22 The following changes were made to new potable water plant constructed capacity schedule: * SCRWTP: Changed 8.0 MGD expansion in FY 07 and 4.0 MGD in FY 08 to 12.0 MGD in FY 08 to match new SCRWTP wellfield delivery schedule * NCRWTP: Changed 2.0 MGD high pressure RO expansion in FY 11 to FY 12 to rnatch the 2008 Water Master Plan Words ynderlined are added; words ~ are deleted. -3- ~, -----> -.~- --"- .------- , , . The LOSS at the North County Water Reclamation Facility (NCWRF) decreased from 145 gallons per capita per day (gpcd) in FY 07 to 120 gpcd in FY 08 in accordance with the 2008 Wastewater Master Plan, approved by the BCC on June 24, 2008. The LOSS change and projected decrease in population growth reported in the AUIR have led to the existing wastewater treatrnent plants being able to maintain reliability longer without plant expansions or new plant construction. The following changes were made to match the June 11, 2008 population projections and resulting water demands: . NCWRF: Deleted 6.5 MGD expansion in FY 15 . NEWRF: Changed 4.0 MGD plant construction in FY 15 to FY 18 * SEWRF: Changed 4.0 MGD plant construction in FY 17 to FY 18; Changed 2.0 MGD expansion in FY 22 to FY 24; Deleted 2.0 MGD expansion in FY 26 As a result of the adoption of revised aforementioned levels of service standards, the County is provided with a new baseline, or starting inventory, for re-establishing a capital irnprovement planning program for these facilities. Though not necessarily recornmended by the AUIR, general updating and word-smithing ("housecleaning") amendments are allowed as part of this amendment process; these include updating ordinance numbers, including listings previously absent and only referenced as being identified in other Sub-Elements, referencing new (2008) Master Plans or other studies, revising/correcting government agency names or Statutory cites, word-smithing and reformatting, etc Furthermore, additional data and analysis supporting the proposed changes are required by Florida Statutes and Florida Adrninistrative Code for review by the Florida Department of Community Affairs. The data and analysis are in the form of support documentation and not incorporated into the CIE. The economic realities that impacted development and growth during the last two years have demanded adjustments in planning and growth rnanagement that may have not been experienced before. This is the first tirne our Capital Irnprovement program requires us to deal with falling population projections, declining school enrollrnent, an out-migrating populace and workforce, and diminishing demand on capital infrastructure and services. The affects of these new realities can be seen in nearly every planned public project and capital improvement. Our levels of service can be maintained longer than previously projected, or can be achieved at later dates where projects were scheduled to address deficiencies. An indirect effect of decreasing demand for new facilities and services are revenues associated with new development. Until new development occurs, the demand for new capital infrastructure, services, and associated revenue will rernain stagnant as demand and anticipated revenue are inextricably intertwined. Finally, other factors attributable to the economy that warrant consideration are changes apparent in the day-to-day practices of the residents, workers and visitors in Collier County. People are conserving more and consuming less, extending the life of existing facilities and forestalling the need for new facilities. Numerous County personnel collaborated extensively with Comprehensive Planning staff in preparing this edition of the CIE - including Transportation Planning, Slormwater Management, Public Facilities (Parks & Recreation), Public Utilities (Potable Water, Wastewater & Solid Waste) and the Office of Management and Budget. Division Administrators for each of these areas have reviewed and approved the content of the proposed CIE arnendrnents as submitted to the CCPC. Words ~ are added; words ~ are deleted. -4- '__~._n~"_'_~,.,_,_~"_",' __~" ' ~OTE: CIF Items appearing In BR](;!-I'I' (;Rl':!-:N PRINT draw attenllon to entries from the Seeond ZOOS UE, which included "Public School bedines" provi,,,,ns, adopred October ]4. ZOOS by the BCLI [NOTE: C1E Items appearing in RED PRINT draw attention to the ALTIR-based amendments, including revised adopted levels of service (LOS); staff suggested revisions including minor edits throughout, modifying Objectives to read like oq;tditltS and Policies to read like policieJ-, removing asterisked notes that are now outdated, updating terminology to add "wastewater tIcatlllent" to sanitary sewer entries; and other modifications, as noted throughout.] Words underlined, 819 added; words stA:lGk-tRrOI:tQR are deleted. - 5- ...--. -'-"-"- . -,-~_. .... Notice of ChangelWithdrawal DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS Division of Communitv Plan nine RULE NO: RULE TITLE 9J-5.026: Rural Land Stewardship Area (RSLA) NOTICE OF CHANGE Notice is hereby given that the following changes have been made to the proposed rule in accordance with subparagraph] 20.54(3)(d)]., F.S., published in Vol. 34 No. 42, October ]7,2008 issue of the Florida Administrative Weekly. 9J-5.026 Rura] Land Stewardship Area (RLSA). (I) Purpose of the RLSA Planning Process. The RLSA is an enhanced rural planning process which counties may elect to use. The paramount purpose of the planning process is to further the statutory principles of rural sustainability through innovative and flexible planning strategies and incentives. The planning process uses stewardship planning to encourage landowners to pennanently conserve agricultural lands, and ecosystems, habitats, and natural resources in return for appropriate development rights on a limited portion of other lands suitable for development within the RLSA. The fllaBniHg flreeess is not an entitlemeHt \ ehiele fer l:IrBEln ee" elepments of sHe8 size t8at they even. helm the rurElI ar agriel:llturElI eRaraeter sf tRe ares. (2) Purpose of the RLSA Rule. The purpose of this section is to establish rules for designating a RLSA. It specifies the substantive compliance requirements for RLSA plan amendments and explains how the Department will determine the compliance of a RLSA plan amendment as required by Chapter 163, Part II, F.S. These rules establish minimum criteria which may be exceeded by local governments. (3) Adoption of a RLSA Plan Amendment. A county, or counties in the case of a multi- county RLSA, may adopt a RLSA plan amendment(s) after giving notification to and receiving the authorization of the Department. Chapter 9J-11, F.A.C., establishes the specific procedures and requirements for the le€ai notification bv local government, the Department's authorization, and the adoption of a plan amendment designating a RLSA. (4) Definitions. (a) "Designated Receiving Area" means a delineated land area within an Eligible Receiving Area within a RLSA to which stewardship credits can be transferred to increase the density or intensity of a parcel. (b) "Designated Sending Area" means an area within a RLSA that has been desillnated as appropriate for conservation or alrricuitural use and assigned stewardship credits. (e) "Eligible Receiving Area" means an area designated in the initial RLSA plan amendment that delineates where "Designated Receiving Areas" can be subsequently located. (d) "Greenbelt" means a wide border of permanently undeveloped land that precludes the expansion of development into the surrounding rural lands; provides a buffer to protect the surrounding rural resources from development impacts; and separates the developed area from other developed areas. (e) "Rural Landscape" means the mosaic of agricultural and natural land covers which may include rural settlements. (f) "Stewardship credits" means development credits assigned to lands within a rural lands stewardship area. These development credits do not constitute development rights until they are transferred to parcels within Designated Receiving Areas for the sole purpose of implementing the innovative planning and development strategies and creative land use planning teclmiques established by the mrallands stewardship area plan. (g) "Stewardship easement" means a covenant or restrictive easement running with the land which records the use of stewardship credits and specifies the allowable uses and development restrictions for the Desi,mated SendinQ: Area limits f\iture de':elsJ:lFAeftt. The stewardship easement must be jointly held by the county and either the Department of Environmental Protection, Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, a water management district, or a recognized statewide land trust. (5) Threshold Eligibility Requirements. To be eligible fer eeasiaeratisFl13y a EQUAt)" BR8 the DeflBrtmemt for designation as a RLSA, a proposed RLSA must meet the following eligibility requirements: (a) A RLSA may encompass land in one county or land in adjacent counties but shall not include land within municipal or established urban growth boundaries as designated in the local comprehensive planes); (b) A RLSA must include a minimum of 10,000 acres of privately owned land that is not already permanently protected through existing easements, covenants or other restrictions; and (c) A RLSA must consist of lands with a pre-existing future land use map designation of agricultural, rural, open, open-rural, or an essentially similar land use designation. (6) Mandatory Substantive Requirements. A RLSA plan amendment must satisfy the substantive requirements for plan amendments in Chapter 163, Part 11, F.S. and Chapter 91-5, F.A.C., including the additional requirements established by Section SubseetisR ] 63.3177(11), F.S., and ]SFule 9J-5.026, F.A.C., for the designation of a RLSA. (7) Rural Sustain ability. Rural suslainability is the paramount goal of a RLSA. (a) A RLSA plan amendment must demonstrate that it will further the following statutory principles afmral sustainability: 1. Restoration and maintenance of the economic value of rural land; 2. Control of urban sprawl; 3. Identification and protection of ecosystems, habitats, and natural resources; 4. Promotion of rural economic activity; 5. Maintenance of the viability of Florida's agricultural economy; and 6. Protection of the character of rural areas of Florida. (b) Furthering the principles ofmral sustainability requires large-scale planning which controls the amount, type, and location of development. A RLSA shall manifest the following general landscape features which will vary based on local characteristics: 1. Land area(s) large enough to accommodate development on suitable lands while conserving the overall rural character and the agricultural lands, and ecosystems, habitats, and natural resources on the remaining lands; 2. A limited development footprint in order to protect the surrounding rural landscape and agricultural lands, and ecosystems, habitats, and natural resources; 3. A limited number of Designated Receiving Areas to prevent urban sprawl and unnecessary fragmentation of the rural landscape; 4. Designated Receiving Areas with compact shapes that avoid intrusions into the surrounding rural landscape in the fonn of radial, strip, ribbon, or finger patterns; 5. Greenbelts surrounding Designated Receiving Areas to provide for a clear separation between urban and rural uses except when the Designated Receiving Area is adjacent to existing development or incorporated areas; 6. Designated Receiving Areas located only on land most suitable for development 9fl6 a'.~;ay ef effestively Bl:Ifferea Rem lBRElS FIlest suitable fer agriealmfe aRB flfltural reseliree sSRseF/atisR; and 7. Designated Receiving Areas connected with each other and the remainder of the RLSA and to areas outside of the RLSA using rural design principles and rural road corridors with controlled access that are designed to prevent sprawl and minimize impacts on ecosystems, habitats, and natural resources. (c) The amount and type of development in a RLSA must also be designed to further the principles ofmral sustainability. Therefore, development shall shetil6 be of the amount and type that is sustainable and will support and sustain and not undermine the rural and agricultural economies. A RLSA shall manifest the following general development characteristics: 1. The total amount of development, particularly residential development, must be limited and carefully controlled to be comoatible with Bveid iFRflaets tHat 'I.-ill s','er;\,flelm the overall rural character of the RLSA and surrounding area including ar BElversely ~ agricultural activities, and ecosystems, habitats, and natural resources. The total amount of development shall not exceed the amount calculated in accordance with paragraphs (9)(c) and subDaragraoh (8)(c)2 fl-B\l>1. 2. Provision for agricultural-related uses, including fannworker housing, that will support and sustain the rural and agricultural economies. These uses may be located in Designated Receiving Areas, and in designated Agricultural Areas if sited on agricultural lands suitable for development and in a manner that does not adversely affect agricultural activities. 3. Rural villages, rural activity centers, and new towns shall be designed to: a. E.provide for a compact, functional mix of land uses that serve living, working, shopping, recreational, and civic needs; b. E.provide energy efficient land use patterns that minimize vehicle miles travelled and greenhouse gas emissions; c. Mminimize the external impacts of the development; d. Mmaximize the cost-efficient provision of public facilities and services; and e. fprovide adequate workforce housing, including low, very low, and moderate income housing. (8) EJtistiHg CenditiaHs: Data and Analysis Requirements. The data and analysis requirements that apply to all plan amendments also apply to RLSA amendments. This subsection does not repeat those requirements, but some requirements are cross- referenced for ease of use. This subsection establishes RLSA-specific data and analysis requirements that are in addition to the requirements for all amendments. In order to evaluate the existing conditions within the RLSA and how those conditions interrelate with the surrounding regional context, the data and analysis must cover ~ local conditions within the RLSA, the county or counties in which it is located, and the areas surrounding the RLSA irrespective of county boundaries. The data and analysis shall address: (a) Existim! Conditions .\gricb1lt\:lre. Data and analysis of existinl! conditions nrovides the necessarv foundation for develoninl! the RLSA Plan consistent with subsection 9J- 5.005(2) F.A.C. 1. Identify current eRa histerieal agricultural land uses, activities, and economic conditions in the RLSA and surrounding area and include an existing conditions map of current agricultural areas within and surrounding the RLSA. 2. Analyze the probable or projected future agricultural land uses aRa aetivities in the area and the amount of land required to accommodate them. 3. Analyze the suitability of the land for eniSling aHd potential agricultural activities. The analyses shall consider the effect on threats t8 agriculture from development and spatial fragmentation. 1. IR\eRtery aRa e;sluate leesl, state, 8Ha feaeral agriel:lIhual programs te EletefffiiHe ROW the RLS.^. Riay iFRflaet ar 8e impeeted by these pregFams. (B) RHral Cham.ter aaa Eeeaemy. ~-h Identify and describe the existing, locally specific rural character of the RLSA and surrounding area by analyzing its characteristics, including land use, development patterns, and economic, social, cultural, historic, scenic, landscape, recreational, and environmental elements. 2. Deseri8e aRa eflalyze the enistiflg mral BRa agrisl:lltural eeeRElffiY, inehlEliRg the types ofeJdstiBg iR8.l:istries, empleyment, e](teflt afUfleffi}3loyment, analasel wer1:feree faaraeteristies. 3. IByeRtSI)' aHa e':aluate leeal, state, and federal }3mgrams aearessiRg Ruet eeonomie issbles sldeh as the R\:Iral Eeonemic Develoflment Initiative establisHes in SeetioR 288.Q~5~, F.S., iaelH~iag Be" the RLSA ma)' imract sr Be imraetea OJ these rrograms. (€') E€'osystems, Habitats, aREI tJet\:lral ReSEll:ll'€es. .i,-h Inventory and identify natural resources as required under Rules seetieRs 91-5.006 and 9J-5.013, F.A.C., including ecosystems, habitats, and natural resources existing within and proximate to the RLSA. The inventory shall include important water recharge areas and water supply sources; water bodies designated pursuant to Section 403.067, F.S.; spring protection areas; and the Florida Greenways and Trails System as designated pursuant to Chapter 260, F.8. ~~ Analyze geographic connections between RLSA resources and larger systems and networks such as water systems, wildlife corridors, greenways, and trails. LJ..: Analyze the potential threats to natural resources, including urbanization, economic, biological, and spatial fragmentation. ~4:- Identify IH':eHter) and evaluate relevant local, state, and federal programs and special land use designations such as publicly owned conservation lands, mitigation banks, and environmental restoration efforts, including the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP), that may impact or be impacted by the RLSA. (d) PetoAtiBI De'{elep",oAt aAd UrbaA EprU"{{]. ;L-I-:- Analyze landscape and development conditions of the RLSA and surrounding rural lands, such as the overall pattern of rural land uses and land covers, parcel size and ownership patterns, recent historical trends regarding subdivision of land and transition to residential uses, roadways, and other infrastructure that may affect RLSA development and rural sustainability. 2. .'\R81)'2e Rev,' tke RLSA is liI:el)' 1El afrest tHe fumre aevele}3fF1eRt pattems Elf ather Aifal ana agrieult1:lrallaH8.s iA the slirr0HRaiHg area, iffes}3eeti~:e sf eElliRfY 88l:lAdaries. Dilfe:) Land Values Analysis for Stewardship Credit System. In evaluating agricultural lands, and ecosystems, habitats, and natural resources, conduct a land values analysis for use in assigning stewardship credits and for determining the most suitable locations for Designated Receiving Areas. The analysis shall include and be based on the following: 1. All forms of rural resources including agricultural, environmental, local and regional ecosystems, wildlife habitat, water resources, recreational, tourism, scenic, cultural, and other rural amenities; 2. The broad landscape ecology, including geographic linkages and corridors; specially designated areas such as natural reservations as defined in subsection 91-5.003(78), FAC.. and the Florida Greenways and Trails System, including the Florida National Scenic Trail identified in Chapter 260, F.S.; and appropriate buffer zones to mitigate incompatibilities and enhance environmental and other values; 3. All existing permanent protection measures, both public and private, including land use restrictions and conservation programs and an evaluation of whether these measures reduce or increase the need for additional protection through the RLSA planning process; 4. Land development and other conversion threats whereby significant rural resources under threat require more incentives via stewardship credits and less significant resources require lesser incentives and may be more suitable for designation as receiving areas. This includes the future threat of low-density sprawl on lands proximate to and surrounding potential Designated Receiving Areas; and 5. Site specific natural resource evaluation criteria substantially similar to those used to establish statewide geographic information systems by the Florida Natural Areas Inventory, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Florida Department of Environmental Protection, and Water Management Districts; and available agricultural data from the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, and the United States Department of Agriculture. (c) RLSA Plan. 1. How the RLSA Plan will further the orincioles of rural sustainabilitv. 2. The maximum amount of allowable develooment in the RLSA. 3. The demonstration of need for the maximum amount of develooment pursuant to paragraph (9)(c). 4. The stewardship credit system and how it will allow achievement of the RLSA Plan. 5. The suitability for develooment of land in the RLSA. including Eligible Receiving Areas and potential sites for development in A2:riculturaI Areas. 6. The location and extent of ereenbelts. buffers. or setbacks needed to ensure a separation of any urban and rural uses and to protect agricultural lands. and ecosystems habitats. and natural resources. 7. An analysis of how the RLSA Plan is likely to affect future develooment patterns of other rural and al!riculturallands in the surroundinQ' area. irresoective of county boundaries. and control urban svrawl within and sUIToundinll the RLSA. 8. The amount of workforce housing. incllldinlllow. very-low. and moderate income housing. needed for the development allowed in the RLSA and for persons workinl! in aericlllture and other rural industries in the RLSA. 9. The rural desie:n standards and rural road corridor network that will be needed to serve the RLSA. 10. Energy efficient land use patterns that minimize vehicle miles travelled and greenhouse llas emissions. (9) RLSA Plan Standards. The RLSA Plan shall satisty the following standards: (a) Development and Design Standards. 1. The RLSA Plan must be consistent with the general landscape and development characteristics set forth in paragraphs (7)(b) and (7)( c). 2. The maximum amount of allowable residential and non-residential development in the RLSA shall not exceed the amount of development determined pursuant to paragraphs (9)(c) and suboaragraoh (8)(c)2l+Bfbl. 3. All Hea agfisultural development enabled by the transfer of stewardship credits shall be located in Designated Receiving Areas that will be established pursuant to oaraeraoh (! 0)( e) and subsection (! ]) and which shall be are-located in Eligible Receiving Areas designated in the comprehensive plan. 4. Development in AHy Designated Receiving Area~ eJlseeding 1,009 aeres shall meet the definition of new town in subsection 9J-5.003(80), F.A.C.. or the definition of All otHer de':eleJ:lffieflt shall Be desigaatea as a rural village or rural activity center wfti.efl ,hall meet the aeliRitioR set forth in subsection 9J-5.003(112), FAC., ana ,hall Rot eJ(seeel,gg9 aeres iR size. 5. Significant ecosystems, habitats, and natural resource areas in the RLSA shall be designated as Conservation Areas in which, after transfer of all stewardship credits, development shall be prohibited by sending area stewardship easements. Conservation Areas in which specified agricultural uses are allowed shall be clearly distinguished from Conservation Areas in which no agriculturaIlIses are allowed. 6. All lands in the RLSA, except for Designated Receiving Areas and designated Conservation Areas, shall be designated as Agricultural Areas in which, after transfer of stewardship credits, development shall be prohibited by sending area stewardship easements, except for agricultural-related uses as provided in subparagraph (7)(c)2. 7. Service area boundaries must be established for each Designated Receiving Area which provide for a clear separation between it and other land uses in the RLSA through limitations on the extension of services. Service areas shall provide for the cost-efficient delivery of public facilities and services. 8. The innovative planning and development strategies to be used in Designated Receiving Areas shall include a compact, functional mix of land uses; energy efficient land use patterns; the internal capture of trips; and minimization of vehicle miles traveled and greenhouse gas emissions. (b) The Size of the Deve]opment Footprint. The RLSA plan amendment shall establish :limit the size of the total development footprint, Le., the Designated Receiving Area(s). l. The size of the total development footprint shall be based upon: a. The size of the RLSA and the number of Designated Receiving Areas; b. The percentage of the RLSA that will be permanently protected or preserved by stewardship easements, the degree to which oermanentlv protected sending areas are contiguous, and the degree to which oermanentlv protected sending areas establish an effective greenbelt around the receiving areas; c. The locational attributes of the development footprint, including whether it is located adjacent to existing development or incorporated areas and will be otherwise surrounded by greenbelts; d. The extent and location of new infrastructure, including roadways, which will be required to serve the Designated Receiving Areas; e. The land use, design and development standards, such as the amount of residential development, the degree of mixed use, compactness, jobs-housing balance, internalization of impacts, pedestrian orientation, multi-modal transportation, connectivity standards, and energy efficiency, that will be required in the Designated Receiving Areas; f. The extent to which potential urban sprawl is prevented by reducing or eliminating permissible land uses and development intensities and densities in Agricultural and Conservation areas outside of the Designated Receiving areas within the RLSA and in the rural areas surrounding the RLSA; and g. The impact of the development footprint on ecosystems, habitats, and natural resources, including potential fragmentation of such resources. 2. In reviewing the size ofthe development footprint established in the RLSA plan amendment, the Department shall determine that a total footprint that does not exceed 10 percent of the entire RLSA complies with this paragraph and subparagraph (7)(b )2., and furthers the principles of rural sustainability. If the total development footprint is more than 10 percent of the entire RLSA, the RLSA plan amendment must demonstrate that the development footprint furthers the principles of mraI sustainability. (c) Development Allocation Standards. Because tHe RLS.^~ PIeR J3rejects tHe l:Iltimate laRs use J3attern. that ma) Oeel:lf be) eRa tHe long term f)IaBfliag fleries efthe €SffiflreHeBsi':e flIeR, tHe The amount of allowable development in the RLSA Plan must be based on the 25-vear or i!reater proiected population of the RLSA: flSf)HlatioB J3rej elations for the RLS.^~ for the shElFt aRa ISRg term plaRRiBg rerioas sf the comprehensive plan aRS [-€If the ultimate laRa ",,15e f)attern. The fl8J:mlation flrejeetion5 SHall ee eased 8A prof~ssienall) acceptaele metHods fer prejeetiAg grewtH iR fllral geegf8.J3hie areas lil:e t.He RLS.^.. The metheelsleg) ffi.t1st t81(8 iBte aeSEH:\At the requirement to achieve the statutory principles of rural sustainability; the population projections and the allocations of development entitlements for the county as a whole; the am8uBt Elf ele\'elspmeBt alls';:eEl BY tAe l:lfl.serlyiBg laRs Hses; and the anticipated effect of the proposed RLSA and its proposed Receiving Areas, including any committed catalyst projects, infrastructure imorovements. or other projects that would attract and support development. (d) Stewardship Credit System Standards. The RLSA plan amendment shall either incorporate or require adoption by separate ordinance of a stewardship credit system and methodology that complies with the following criteria: I. Each credit shall represent a defined number of residential units per acre or a defined amount of non-residential square footage per acre. The credit transferee may decide whether to use the credit for a residential or non-residential use according to the plan of development for the Designated Receiving Area. 2. The maximum number of credits for the entire RLSA shall be established and shall equal the maximum amount of development allowed in the RLSA. 3. Credits shall be assigned to each acre ofland based on the land values analysis required by paragraph (8)J.Q} tel in a manner designed to accomplish the purposes of the RLSA Plan. 4. Credits for a Designated Sending Area shall be assigned at the time the sending area is designated. 5. After assignment of credits to a Designated Sending Area, credits may be transferred directly to a parcel within a Designated Receiving Area in order to increase development entitlements or, at the option of the landowner and county, to a credit bank managed by the county or to a third party. Banked or third party credits are reserved for future transfer to a Designated Receiving Area. 6. At the time credits are transferred to a Designated Receiving Area, credit bank, or third party, a stewardship easement or restrictive covenant must be imposed on the Designated Sending Reeei':iHg Area and recorded in the public records of the county to permanently prohibit development and to provide for conservation of ecosystems, habitats and natural resources, and to permanently limit land uses on agricultural lands to specified agricultural activities, including agricultural-related development. The easemeHt Elr festrieti ,'e GSyeflant sAellae ifl fa\ af af tRe GeHRt)' aHa either tAe De)3aFtmeBt sf Eft\ iremH.ental Pfsteetiea, the De}3eFl:H-lel'lt sf :\grie1::lItural BBeI CSBSUFl'Ier Ser:iees, a v. ater mansgemeHt disa-i€t, Elf a reesgaizes statewide land tnJ.st. 7. The local government may require that the easement or restrictive covenant provide for the appropriate management and monitoring of the resources to be protected and enforcement mechanisms to ensure compliance with the terms, conditions and restrictions established in the easement or covenant. 8. Upon transfer of credits, the underlying land uses are extinguished except for agricultural-related uses that may be allowed in Agricultural or Conservation Areas according to the provisions of the stewardship easement or restrictive covenant, which may restrict the intensity of the agricultural-related uses to promote compatible conservation uses. 9. To encourage the restoration, management, and maintenance of conservation lands through conservation easements, credit bonuses may be allowed as determined by the comprehensive plan. This bonus amount shall be included in the maximum number of credits established for the entire RLSA and shall not increase the total amount of credits and development allowed in the entire RlSA. 10. To encourage the early establishment of stewardship easements, credits that are transferred to a credit bank or third party for future use may be increased by a bonus amount as determined by the comprehensive plan. This bonus amount shall be included in the maximum number of credits established for the entire RLSA and shall not increase the total amount of credits and development allowed in the entire RLSA. (10) Goals, Objectives, Policies and Map. The RLSA plan amendment shaU contain a RLSA Plan consisting of goals, objectives, policies, and a map that set forth the innovative planning and development strategies to be applied in the RLSA. The goal statement(s) shall establish the long-term ends of the amendment to further the principles of rural sustainability. Each goal shall contain objectives and policies which address how the principles of rural sustainability and the standards specified in subsection (9) will be achieved in the RLSA. The goals, objectives, policies and map shall address the following: (a) The conservation and protection of agricultural lands, and ecosystems, habitats, and natural resources in the RLSA. (b) The control of urban sprawl within and surrounding the RLSA. (c) The planning period for the RLSA and the maximum amount of development allowed in the RLSA. (d) The criteria to be used in establishing the methodology for the stewardship credit system. The methodology and stewardship credit system based on the criteria in the RLSA Plan shall either be incorporated into the RLSA Plan or adopted by separate ordinance. (e) The process for establishing Designated Receiving Areas and Designated Sending Areas. This shall include minimum standards for the application, review> and designation of sending and receiving areas. This shall also include Iocational criteria and the maximum cumulative size of Designated Receiving Areas within Eligible Receiving Areas. (I) The plan of development shall include innovative planning and development strategies to be used in Designated Receiving Areas, including: 1. Aft compact, functional mix of land uses in rural villages, rural activity centers, and new towns; 2. Itiming and phasing requirements necessary to achieve a functional mix; and 3.1~and use standards to be applied in Designated Receiving Areas including the amount, type, density, intensity, composition, distribution, location, and design standards of future uses and which specify that the increased densities and intensities can only be enabled through the transfer of stewardship credits to parcels within the Designated Receiving Area. (g) A process that encourages visioning and public participation in the design of any Designated Receiving Area. (h) Adequate available workforce housing, including low, very-low, and moderate income housing, for the development anticipated in the RLSA, including housing for persons working in agriculture and other rural industries. (i) Provision for businesses and industries which support and sustain the rural and agricultural economy. U) Compatibility standards and techniques, including greenbelts, buffers, setbacks, and density and intensity gradations, to ensure a clear separation between urban and rural uses and to provide adequate protection of designated Conservation and Agricultural areas. (k) The protection, restoration and maintenance of designated Conservation Areas through stewardship easements and other means. (I) The existing and planned rural road system and the rural design principles to be used in connecting the Designated Receiving Areas with each other and to areas outside of the RLSA. (m) Standards for the establishment of service areas. (n) Inclusion of existing rural developments such as cross-roads communities and partially built subdivisions as part of the overall plan to further rural sustainability, including appropriate consideration of those areas as most suitable for Designated Receiving Areas. (0) Energy efficient land use patterns that minimize vehicle miles travelled and greenhouse gas emissions. (P) The RLSA Plan shall include a RLSA Plan map as an overlay which at a minimum depicts the Eligible Receiving Areas; Conservation and Agricultural Areas; existing rural road corridors; and the general location of planned rural road corridors. The map must be consistent with and supported by data and analysis, and goals, objectives, and policies submitted or adopted in accordance with this section. (II) Data aHd f.Halj'sis. THe RLSf. plaH ameHdmeHt, iH.ladiHg tHe RLSJ'. PlaH, SHall be easee 8R aRa. S1:lflfl8Fted by data aRe 8Ral)sis '1.hieR sesress the fello",',iag: (a) Hey, tHe RLS~'\ PlaH will furtHer tHe priReiples efFUfal sustaiAabilitj'. (b) THe ma"imam ameaRt ef alle',\ able de ,'elepmeRt iR the RLSA. (e) The dSffi8RstratisR sfaeee f-er the ma1(iRHlffi Sffiel:lflt of de':eloJ3meRt purs1:lsat ta parngrapH (9)(e). (d) The stewardship .,edit 'j'stem aHd Hew it '",ill allew aeHieycmoHt efllie RLSA PlaH. (e) TRe suitability f.sr Eleyelepment aflsne ia the RLS.A., iRel1:lsiag EligiBle Reeeiviag .Aseas aRa J9steatiaI sites fer eeyela}3meRt ifl l.grieHltural :\reas. (t) Identifieatioa ane eo, sluation of e](istiRg agrie1:llhlrallsBss, :lB8 e€0s)'stems, habitats, and natural resourees. !ftlie entire RLS,^. eensists aftliese lanes, tAe data aaa analysis sRel:lId icleatify tkese lands hayiRg the least agric1:llhiral sliitabilit:J' aad enviroaFReatal ~ (g) Jls',\' the )'lfspesea affi8unt of aIle'", aale ae.. eleprnent, especially resieential ae\'ele13FF1eRt, will affeet agneulmrallands, ana ecssystems, kasitats, aRB Rarnral ressurees. (8) The lseatiea anet eJ(teRt of greeneelts, sHffers, or setl1ad~s neeaee! te eHS~lfe a separation sf aH)' HrSBR. aRa mraluses BRa t8 pretest agrieulturallanas, aRa eees) stems, haeitats, BRa natural reSOHfees. 0) The (DRtrel eflifBBR spfawl',vitfiiR Bna SI:lff8HRSiRg tfle PJ..8l~. (j) The BffiSliHt sf \\,sf)(fs1ee RsusiBg, iaelusia.g 10':/, yery 10\\, BnalHsaerate iR6sffie hessing, Heeded for the de\'elopmeHt alloy.'ea iH lhe RLU. aHd fur pefseH' ..'/erkiHg iH Bgrie~tlrnre aRe etHer mral industries in the RLS'^L (I() The fUral design stansaras and rural road €lorriesr nep/:Brl: tHat '.viII ee Reeaee ts sar:s the RLS,'\. (1) Service areas fer DesigRBtea Reeeh iAg ,^sees. (m) TRe geBeral teFmS sftI:l.e eSAser:atise BREI ste'::sfElskif:1 easem.ents aRe restrictive 6Syeflsnts tRst are pfBJ3Sssa to 13e litilizeEl. fer tke CSRseF\'stisR sHa :\.gri6\:lltufal ,^sees. (8) Energy efasieRt lan() \:lse patterns that minimize vBhide miles travellea BRe gresnhsl:lse gas ernissiens. LlDtR1 Timing of Demonstration of Need, the Plan of Development, and Financial Feasibility. In order to orovide flexibility. the +he local government shall utilize one of the following options in addressing the issues of need, plan of development, and financial feasibility in a RLSA plan amendment: (a) Option One: Conventional Plan Amendment Option. The initial RLSA plan amendment must include the following: 1. A demonstration of need for the maximum amount of development allowed for the long-term planning period for the entire RLSA <is detcnnined in accordance wilh paragraphs (9)(c) and subnaragraph (8)(c)3 fI-l1f€). A demonstration of residential land use need is not required if the maximum amount of residential development for the RLSA does not exceed the cumulative amount of residential development allowed by the underlying land uses within the RLSA as established in the pre-existing comprehensive plan. If this limit is chosen, the analysis must demonstrate, using professionally accepted methods, that the amount of non-residential land uses is sufficient to meet the daily and work needs of the projected population and employment, which will vary based on location, proximity to other development, and the size of the planned development. 2. A financially feasible 5- Year schedule of capital improvements for any development that will occur in the first five years and a long ternl capital improvement plan for the entire RLSA. 3. The Designated Receiving Areas must develop according to all of the requirements established in the initial plan. A subsequent amendment pursuant to Section 163.3184, F.S. is not required except for one or more of the following circumstances: a. The annual update to the 5- Year Capital Improvements Schedule which must address any capital improvements needed by RLSA development. b. A change from the initial RLSA plan amendment. c. The local government has adopted plan policies in the initial plan amendment that require subsequent plan amendments. 4. The RLSA plan amendment shall require that after the local government has designated a Designated Receiving Area by land development regulation, the Desil!nated Receiving Area shall be delineated on the Future Land Use Map sAall se reyised to delineate the Designated Reeeiyiflg ,'\rea pursuant to a ministerial process. This ministerial sffi.gtHat: action shall not be deemed a nlan amendment and shall not require a compliance review pursuant to Section 163.3184, F.S. (b) Option Two: The Vision Plan Option. This ontion provides greater flexibility in addressin2: the issues of need. nlao of develooment. and financial feasibilitv in a RLSA nlan amendment as follows: 1. The initial RLSA plan amendment mllst include a descriptive vision plan for the entire RLSA which is consistent with the principles of rural sustainability. The vision plan shall establish the maximum amount of development required to achieve the vision, the general location and the maximum size of Eligible Receiving Areas, and the general location of Agricultural and Conservation Areas. The amendment must address all goal, objective, and policy requirements except paragrapb (10)(1), the plan of development for Designated Receiving Areas. The amendment must address all data and analysis requirements except for subparagraph ~ ~ regarding the demonstration of land use need. The initial amendment does not require a financially feasible 5- Year Schedule of Capital Improvements for the RLSA. 2. The initial RLSA plan amendment must provide that prior to the development of a Designated Receiving Area(s), the comprehensive plan must be amended to incorporate the Designated Receiving Area(s) and Designated Sending Area(s) on the Future Land Use Map. This subsequent amendment must include and be supported by: a. The plan of development required by paragraph (IO)(f) and maximum amount of development allowable in the Designated Receiving Area(s) for the long-term planning period. b. A demonstration of need for the maximum amount of development allowed for the long-term planning period for the Designated Receiving Area(s) determined in accordance with paragraphs (9)(c) and subparagraph (S)(c)3~. A demonstration of residential land use need is not required if the maximum amount of residential development for the RLSA does not exceed the cumulative amount of residential development allowed by the underlying land uses within the RLSA as established in the pre-existing comprehensive plan. If this limit is chosen, the analysis must demonstrate, using professionally accepted methods, that the amount of non-residential land uses is sufficient to meet the daily and work needs of the projected population and employment, which will vary based on location, proximity to other development, and the size of the planned development. c. A financially feasible schedule of capital improvements that addresses all capital facility planning needs for the Designated Receiving Area(s). d. Compliance of the plan amendment shall be limited to the requirements in sub- subparagraphs a., b., and c. above and internal consistency with the initial RLSA plan amendment. Any changes to the initial RLSA Plan shall be subject to the complete compliance requirements. Specific Authority 163.3] 77(9), (ll)(h) FS. Law Implemented 163.3] 77(2), (3), (6)(a), (S), (]O)(e), (ll)(a), (ll)(b), (I ])(d)1., (11)(d)2., (I ])(d)4., (I ])(d)5., (I ])(d)6. FS. History - New Collier County Capital Improvement Element Appendi.x I Listed below are 1) the historical or past revenue information sheets reported by the individual departments, provided to demonstrate the reliability of future revenue projections; and 2) the relevant portions of grants, loans, contribution agreements and all other sources of "committed" revenues. The Florida Department of Community Affairs was provided with copies of the relevant parts of the actual agreements and other similar documents in February 200R as data and analysis supporting settlement agreement based CIE amendments. The entire documents are on ftle with Collier County. . Ave J\Iaria Developer Contribution Agreement (DCA) with Collier County dated April 26, 2005 granting 56 Million in impact fee credits received in exchange for the donation of certain rights-of-way for Oil Well Road and costs of associated design, permitting and improvements from the projected $60 Million to be paid as road impact fees. . State of Florida Department of Transportation Local Agency Program Agreement (L\PA) # 415590-1 with Collier County in the amount of $586,500 during FY05 - FY07 for the construction of two bicycle/pedestrian bridges along Vanderbilt Beach Road spanning I jttle Horse Pass and the Cocohatchee Rinr. . State of Florida Department of Transportarion I Dcal Agency Program Agreement (L\PA) # 412627-1 with Collier County in the amount of $300,000 during FY05 - FY07 for the constmction of two bicycle/pedestrian bridges along Golden Gate Parkway spanning the Santa Barbara Canal. . State of Florida Department of Transportation Local Agency Program Agreement (L\PA) # 415546-1 with Collier County in the amount of $500,000 during FY06 - FY07 for the construction of sidewalks at various locations within Collier County including 5'h Street South, 111'h Avenue North and Jennings Street. . State of Florida Department of Transportation Local Agency Program Agreement (L-\P A) # 420887-1 with Collier County in the amount of $200,000 during FY09 - FYIO for the constmction of sidewalk along Floridan Avenue. . State of Florida Department of Transportation Local Agency Program Agreement (L\PA) # 415545-1 with Collier County in the amount of $500,000 for the construction of sidewalks at various locations within Collier County including 43'" Lane SW, 25'h Place SW and 30'h Avenue SW. . State of Florida Department of Transportation Local Agency Program Agreement (L\PA) # 415543-1 with Collier County in the amount of $350,000 in FY07 for intersection improvements at 111'h Avenue (Bluebill) and 8'h Street. . State of Florida Department of Transporration Local Agency Program Agreement (LAPA) # 420991-1 with Collier County in the amount of $4,950,000 for the project duration for a TRIP project on CR 951 (Collier Boulevard) from CR 896 (Pine Ridge Road) to Golden Gate Boulevard. . I . (,:\(.!J/n/m'hen.-ilr\I:/JI< ,1mmdmmf iHo{l1ji,"lirm.r\/)(.>I.\'u/lmi/lul.- -'anulIry ox Rmmliul."lmmJmcn/ Al"fo7a/r\I{,'m('Jiu/(II:' .,lmmdmm/ /)(,:,,) Pad::d\ -1/,/,l'/uk....- J - m'/'N/ 1,_.....hibtiILlm Collier County Cal1ital Iml1rovement Element Appendix I . State of Florida Department of Transportation Local Agency Program Agreement (L\PA) # 418937-1 with Collier County in the amount of $4,710,000 for the project duration for a TRIP project for the 1-75 Overpass at CR 846 (Immokalee Road). Please note: The F[)Or le!!er informing the County of their Je/ection.!or TRIP.!illu/inc~ iJ the only domment that we hm'e at IbiJ lime. PletlJe aeaPI IhiJ letler aJ doo,mentationjor Ibir,grant. . State of Florida Department of Transportation Local Agency Program Agreement (LAPA) # 415566-1 with Collier County in the amount of $695,200 during FY05 - FY07 for the installation of roadway lighring and sidewalk on SR 84 (Davis Boulevard) from US 41 (Tamiami Trail) to Airport-Pulling Road. . State of Florida Department of Transportation Local Agency Program Agreement (Ll\PA) # 417350-1 with Collier County in the amount of $405,000 in FY07 for the installation of paved shoulders on CR 846 (Immokalee Road) from north of Platt Road to the end of Corkscrew Lane. . State of Florida Department of Transportation Locally Funded Agreement (LFA) # 420655 1 52 01 for a state-funded State Infrastructure Bank (SIB) loan to Collier County in the amount of$12 Million for rhe construction of the 1-75 @ Immokalee Road overpass interchange improvements. . State of Florida Department of Community Affairs, Florida Communities Trust (FCT) Grant Contract # 07-CT-96-06-F6-AI-043 with the Parks and Recreation Department in the amount of $9.9 Million for the acquisition of Gordon River Greenway Park lands. . United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Grant #B- 03-UC-12-0016 with the Parks and Recreation Department in the amount of $593,000 for the project duration for the construction of a 2,400 square foot addition to the East Naples Community Park to provide a permanent site for rhe Senior Connections program. . South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) Agreement # C-12252 with the Stormwater Management Department in the amount of $49,000 for stormwater improvemenrs in the Gateway Triangle. . South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) Agreement # OT050976 with the Stormwater Management Department in the amount of $500,000 during FY07 - FY09 for design and construction of the Gordon River Water Quality Park. Amendment No.2 to this Agreement increased the amount to $850,000 for Naples Bay Restoration activities. . South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) Agreement # OT060483 with the Stormwater Management Department in the amount of $400,000 for the project duration for construction of the Le1y Stormwater Improvement Project (L\SIP), Phase One. Amendment No.1 to this Agreement increased the amount to $795,000 for Naples Bay Restoration activities. . -2 (,'.-V.!lmpn:hen.-i1\,\/,/jR /1mcndmml Alodiji"lliom\l)(.,1 Juhmi/f<l!" -'af/uilI)' ox Rmmli"J,.-lmmdmml Mdkn'u/,\Ri'lt/tdi<JICf/:" lmtlldmenl- /)(.>1 l'tI,kd\.-lppmdix 1- reI'i"ai I,_\:hihil fJ.dlJc Collier County Capiral Improvement Element awendix I . South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) Agreement # 4600000625 with the Stonnwater Management Department in the amount of $1,190,000 for the project duration for stormwater improvements to the Le1y Branch Canal from Rattlesnake Hammock Road north to King's Lake. . South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) Agreement # 4600000627 with the Stormwater Management Department in the amount of S800,000 for the project duration for the Gateway Triangle Stormwater Improvement Project, Phase One. . South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) Agreement # 4500004768 with the Stormwater Management Department purchase order in the amount of $100,000 in FY08 for Naples Bay Restoration acrivities during stormwater improvements in the Gateway Triangle. . South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) Agreement # 1'501076 with the Stormwater Management Deparrment purchaJe order in the amount of $90,000 for stormwater improvements in the Gateway Triangle. . Waste Management Ine. of Florida (WM) I.andfill Operation Agreement with Collier County, as amended, providing for the operation of the Naples Landfill, including fee arrangements for ancillary recycling operations paid to WM. Revenues from the landfill come from tipping fees, which are set by the BCC and are not established in this agreement. . Waste Management Ine. of Florida (WM) Landfill Operation Agreement with Collier County, as amended, providing for the operation of the Immokalee Landfill, including fee arrangements for inter-landfill transfers and construction/demolition debris handling paid to WM. Revenues from the landfill come from tipping fees, which arc set by the BCC and are not established in this agreement. . Waste Management Ine. of Florida (WM) Memorandum of Cnderstanding pursuant to the Landfill Operation Agreement with Collier County, providing for the development and operation of a Landfill Gas-to-Energy (LFGE) System at the Naples Landfill, including arrangements with WM for sharing 100;;, of revenues generated by the system. Revenues from the landfill come from tipping fees, which are set by the BCC and are not established in this memorandum. . Waste Management Ine. of Florida (WM) Memorandum ofCnderstanding pursuant to the Landfill Operation Agreement with Collier County, providing for certain operations at the Immokalee Landfill, including fee arrangements with WM for inter-landfill transfers and construction/ demolition debris handling. Revenues from rhe landfill come from tipping fees, which are set by the BCC and are not established in rhis memorandum. - J- (,'.\ClJmprrhn/L"IIe\/:'./lR /lmmdmtlll ModJji"ltirm,\/)(._"l I'ttbmi/!<,/.- -}rJflUrJTJ' {iX /{omd/ltl/lmmdm/'f1/ ,\Jdkmdr\]{tml'diJ/(.lI, 1mmdmm/ -1){-/1 f'udel\."lpremkY I. reI'I.nl L.\:hih/l H.d(J( -~-- ,_.~- ____",_._._._.__.._._ , ..__.M"_.....,..__... /' , Retn: CLIRI TO T81 BOARD IITJROFFICI 4TH FLOOR JlT8406 3621786 OR: 3802 PG: 2557 RlCORDJD in the OFFICIAL RlCOIDS of COLLIIJ COUlff, FL OS/ll/2005 at 01:5311 DWIGHT J, BROcr, CLllI DC lIB coms m.oo 35.00 DEVELOPER CONTRIBUTION AGREEMENT AVE MARIA ~ ~~':> THIS DEVELOPER CONTRIBUTION AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made and entered into this 2.<..~\... day of April, 2005, by and between AVE MARIA DEVELOPMENT, LLLP, a limited liability Florida Limited Partnership, formerly known as New Town Development, LLLP ("Developer") whose address is 2600 Golden Gate Parkway, Naples, Florida 34105, and THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AS THE GOVERNING BODY OF COLLIER COUNTY, ("County"). All capitalized terms not defined herein shall have the same meaning as set forth in the Collier County Consolidated Impact Fee Ordinance, Ordinance No. 2001 -13, as amended. RECITALS: WHEREAS, the Ave Maria Stewardship Community District ("District") was created and established on April 23, 2004, by Act passed by the House of Representatives House Bill 1625, effective June 17,2004; and ...--:-~.=~"-~~ ..\bR C L,\:--- WHEREAS, within the b ~ arron Collier Company has made available approximately 905 ~ the Ave Maria ity, Inc. for the institution and operation of a private uni ersi ~Wl\. as Ave Man U 'versity with a full slate of undergraduate, graduate, an pr es~ro h rela c ltural, recreational, and other activities, benefits and p . i se ch, and public services to southwest Florida, the State of n WHEREAS, as set .rot endations of the Southwest Florida Regional Planning C act Assessment for the "Town of Ave Maria," DRI #07-0304 ere is to be creat 95-acre Town of Ave Maria, to be located just north of Oil We d adjacent Keais, which proposed Town at buildout will include 11,000 reside ~~~ )Ylif~~ ouse an estimated 24,200 residents, 690,000 gross square feet of retaiVservlCi,-~~square feet of office, 400 hotel rooms, a 6,OOO-student university, 450 units of assisted living facilities, 148,500 square feet of civic, community and miscellaneous facilities, 35,000 square feet of medical facilities, a public K-8 school and a K-12 private school, with a proposed buildout to be completed in two 5-yearphases with construction anticipated to commence in 2006, and continue through 2016; and WHEREAS, for this development to proceed, substantial road improvements are required, including the urban four laning of Oil Well Road, with provision for future six laning, between Immokalee Road and Camp Keais Road (the "Project"); and WHEREAS, to accelerate these improvements and to facilitate the future four laning of Camp Keais Road to Immokalee Road, and Immokalee Road north of Camp Keais into the urban area of Immokalee, Developer has agreed: (I) to donate certain right-of-way and other consideration; (2) to fund the cost of designing and permitting the section of Oil Well Road from Immokalee Road to Camp Keais Road in exchange for impact fee credits; and (3) to provide fill to the County at its cost, all of which will be of significant benefit to the County's transportation network; and Page I of8 , ." --...---- _0_._......._. . OR: 3802 PG: 2558 WHEREAS, in addition to the donation of right-of-way and impact fee credits resulting from the advancement of design and construction of an Oil Well Road segment, the developer will be paying in excess of Sixty Million ($60,000,000) dollars in road impact fees to pay for the construction of the additional capacity being provided by the widening of Oil Well Road and other roadways within the area; and WHEREAS, the Town of Ave Maria will be the first implementation of the Rural Lands Stewardship Area (RLSA) program, a program which implements the provisions of Chapter 163- 3177(11)(d) Florida Statutes (2004); the RLSA program being an innovative and incentive based program for planning, protection of natural resources, and development in the rural area of Collier County, and WHEREAS, the "RLSA" program has significant public benefits for Collier County and the Immokalee area; and WHEREAS, the Immokalee area and its economic development will greatly benefit from the proposed road improvements to Oil Wel!.J~<>.a.~-,- Camp Keais Road, and Immokalee Road contemplated hereby; /\\:J? CoD:.........." , \''''--_ ___. i A",> ',V/~ ~V.(" WHEREAS, the Transp ~ "'Administrator has Commissioners that the plan fi r d ~ forth Ln this confonnity with contemplat d . P t amr'h ditions network and that it will be a v right-of-way described herei ; ended to the Board of County ent ("Proposed Plan") is in to he County's transportation per to donate and contribute the , i 1-. ! mmissioners, the Board has Board finding that: r .l. the contemplated improvements tern; b. Such Proposed Plan, viewed in conjunction with other existing or proposed plans, including those from other developers, will not adversely impact the cash flow or liquidity of the County's road impact fee trust accounts in such a way as to frustrate or interfere with other planned or ongoing growth necessitated capital improvements and additions to the County's transportation system; c. The Proposed Plan is consistent with both the public interest and with the County's existing Comprehensive Plan; d. Except for the right-of-way donation for which impact fee credits are waived, the proposed time schedule for completion of the Proposed Plan is consistent with the most recently adopted five-year capital improvement program for the County's transportation system and park system; and WHEREAS, Developer has paid the Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($2,500.00) application fee for this Agreement: Page 2 of8 OR: 3802 PG: 2559 WITN ES SETH: NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration exchanged amongst the parties, and in consideration of the covenants contained above and herein, and the fact that all of the above recitals are true and correct and shall be fully incorporated herein and fonn part of the basis for this Agreement, the parties agree as follows: I. Within 90 days from the effective date of this Agreement, Developer will convey the right-of-way legally described and graphically depicted in Composite Exhibit "A" ("Donated Land") to the County for the widening of the road segments. This conveyance shall be at no cost to the County. The Donated Land will be sufficient to provide a two hundred (200') foot wide corridor for said road segments and will allow reconfiguration of the intersection of the Camp Keais and Immokalee Roads. Developer shall convey the Donated Land to the County in fee simple, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances, by statutory warranty deed, the fonn of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "B". The County will be responsible for paying the costs of any title work and searches, and Developer _~~l be responsible at all costs for promptly removing or curing any liens, enc. )l~ (!l-' . . c:ncies revealed in any title work. Developer will promptly provide ~ttomey with an executed deed, suitable for recording. Upon r ~, e County shall ~ J:1 deed in the Public Records of the County. The Developer s II costs associate wi the recordation of the deeds. Once Camp Keais Road betw en R---an il Wel Ro has been improved and the intersection of Camp Keais oa in six lane configuration, County agrees to abandon y e is ng w exi ting Camp Keais Road and Immokalee Road that will n I.. '. ti' eais Road in the vicinity of said intersection. ("" / " t'\ /(.....; 2. The Donated L .Cl{yO 56 acres, (approximately 13 miles of road frontage) whose p udes creati \ oot right-of-way along Oil Well Road, Camp Keais Road and Immok RKill tersection of Camp Keais Road into the Immokalee urban area. Developer est! Imated current value of the road segments right-of-way donation at seven million, eight hundred thousand ($7,800,000) dollars. In addition to the Donated Land, for the purpose of providing sufficient stonnwater drainage for the portion of the road segments adjoining the Donated Land, the Developer shall freely provide, at no cost to the County and without any impact fee credits, (I) at least 3 acres of suitable land per mile of road, or (2) will accept such stonnwater into existing Developer-owned or controlled stonnwater systems, or (3) a proportionate combination of the above at Developer's option. It is estimated that if the County had to mitigate stonnwater for said road adjacent to the Donated Land, it would be required to acquire approximately 33 acres. Developer estimates the cost savings to the County of said stonnwater mitigation to be approximately $1,500,000. The parties acknOWledge that the conveyance of the Donated Land is characterized as property rights acquired by a highway or road agency for the improvement of a road within the boundaries of a public right of way. 3. The Developer shall fully pay for the capital costs of traffic signals at any access point from the Town of Ave Maria on Oil Well or Camp Keais Roads when deemed warranted Page 3 of8 OR: 3802 PG: 2560 by the Collier County Transportation Department. The signals will be owned, operated and maintained by Collier County. 4. The parties acknowledge that the land donation made pursuant to this Developer Contribution Agreement is an integral part of and a necessary accommodation to the Collier County transportation network. 5. The Developer has agreed not to receive impact fee credits from its donation of the Donated Land, but is utilizing the donation, as well as the stOrmwater accommodation, the Fill and Design and Permitting as a pipelining effort to mitigate the impacts of the Town of Ave Maria on the transportation network impacted by the Town of Ave Maria, together with the other commitments herein. 6. Prior to providing the executed deed, Developer will provide attorneys' opinions identifYing the record owners of the Donated Land, setting forth the authority of the record owner to enter into this Agreement, and identifYing any lien holders having a lien or encumbrance on the Donated Land. The opinion will specificall describe each of the recorded instruments under which the record owner holds title, ~ . ~: !ance, and cite appropriate recording information and incorporate by }M~~h. referenced instruments. The attorneys' opinions will also ~,ef( autho' ol\faul Marinelli to execute this Agreement on behalf of the D1el(~. --"'---J- '\ \ , . \ . . . . , 7. Developer ha a Co ty, without any impact fees credits, sufficient fill for th Pr e an d si four laning of Camp Keais Road with provision for si kalee Road, then north on Immokalee Road to the ex II.tfn alee urban area, upon the following terms and conditio s;). jacent to Oil Well Road that would be an appropriate site fr ' ch to obtain the n I for the Project; the site being described and depicted in Co c(Sj. xhibit "C"', / per will file a conditional use application for earth mining on t . 'site/I ' 1l!C~.d,iditional use application is granted, Developer will provide fill on the site for' ent of its cost. Cost shall include the costs of obtaining conditional use approval, permitting, mining, stockpiling and loading of the fill material. Fill for the improvements to Camp Keais Road will be provided from an expansion of the site identified in Composite Exhibit "c" or from another location fairly proximate to Camp Keais Road, subject to conditional use approval for either alternative. Developer estimates the cost savings to the County from this provision is approximately $11 million. This commitment shall expire if the Town of Ave Maria achieves buildout prior to the expansion of Camp Keais Road. 8. In order to accelerate the Project, Developer has agreed to pay for the cost of design and permitting for the Project, which is estimated to be six million ($6,000,000) dollars, which amounts shall be eligible for transportation impact fees as set forth below. Any mitigation shall be part of the construction contract and not part of design and permitting. Developer will provide County with a set of Design Plans which must meet the County's standard requirements for design plans. County will be provided with 30/60/90/100% plans for review, and shall have the right to require public meetings for the 30/60/90% plans. All plans are subject to approval by Page 4 of 8 OR: 3802 PG: 2561 the County, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. Upon receipt of the final Design Plans, County will competitively bid out the Project. 9. Once the County has received final Design Plans and all necessary permits pursuant to paragraph 8 hereof, County agrees to bid and award a contract to construct the Project as soon as practicable, but within six (6) months, assuming no bid protest and absent force majeur. The contract shall provide for the Project to be constructed in three phases as set forth below. The County commits that construction of the First and Second Phase will commence within a commercially reasonably time after award of the contract. (a) First Phase - Immokalee Road to Everglades Blvd, more or less (b) Second Phase - Camp Keais Road to Camp Keais Strand, more or less (c) Third Phase - completion of the Project to construct the Third Phase upo being available for said cons ctioji Fee Districts shall be prioriti d f~r t Immokalee Road project. e Project by 2010, subject to i s r sufficient road impact fees, II. This Agreement shall not be construed or characterized as a development agreement under the Florida Local Government Development Agreement Act. 12. The credit for the Road Impact Fees identified in this Agreement shall run with the land identified in Exhibit "D" and shall be reduced by the entire amount of the Impact Fee for that Public Facility due for each Building Permit issued thereon until the Development project is either completed or the credits are exhausted or are no longer available, or have been assigned by operation of or pursuant to an assignment agreement with the County. The foregoing reduction in the Impact Fee credit shall be calculated based on the amount of the Impact Fees for that Public Facility in effect at the time the Building Permit is applied for. The credit shall specify the specific type of Public Facility Impact Fee to which it shall apply (roads) and shall not apply to any other type of Public Facility Impact Fee. The burdens of this Agreement shall be binding upon, and the benefits of this Agreement shall inure to, all successors in interest to the parties to this Agreement. Page 5 of8 --.--.--., ---" . --~,.- OR: 3802 PG: 2562 13. The amount of road impact fee credits to be granted under this Agreement is approximately SIX MILLION DOLLARS ($6,000,000). Attached hereto as Exhibit nE", in recognition of the developer contribution herein, is a copy of the hnpact Fee Ledger setting forth the amount of Road hnpact Fee Credits granted pursuant to this Agreement, which will be adjusted based on final costs for design and permitting. 14. Developer acknowledges that the failure of this Agreement to address any permit, condition, term or restriction shall not relieve either the applicant or owner, or their successors or assigns, of the necessity of complying with any law, ordinance, rule or regulation governing said pelIllitting requirements, conditions, terms or restrictions. 15. The terms of this Agreement are intended, along with the payment of all applicable impact fees, to meet the requirements of Section 91 2.045, Florida Administrative Code, including fulfilling the Developer's proportionate share obligation and providing full mitigation for the Town of Ave Maria impacts on the regional road network. Developer's commitments herein include "Pipelining" the construction of a critical link in the County's road network; and providing additional cost saving benefits to future road segments impacted by the Town of Ave Maria,//{CR (:0(1>..... /' ~ .\:;>----'<::;\Ii.~ 16. The pipelining 0 . an approved fo~tigation which provides for the aggregation of a project's in re jUal i1nRacts on a n er \ f roadways, resulting in an improvement on one (or mor of he . ted a s. Thi co cept allows for the provision of roadway capacity, when i mi ough pipelining, a roadway improvement is constructed, bui i g t ap c t 'nta n concurrency. In order to facilitate the use of the pipel'l"Y 0 . i i case a e' ajor roadway improvement to be constructed in advance i;rf e Project's impac and in ~ to ensure a consistent road impact fee revenue stream, t. unty is entering i .. al Agreement with the Ave Maria Stewardship Communit. . ~ct ("District") w . i':!I{e County will reserve to the District sufficient .capacity on the f~ad p~~jc.\.~~to complete the buildout of the Town of Ave Mana. '--..',!/fF cn{,C;/ ~'----::._-_::::__.__.--' ." 17. In the event state or federal laws are enacted after the execution of this Agreement, which are applicable to and preclude in whole or in part the parties' compliance with the terms of this Agreement, then in such event this Agreement shall be modified or revoked as is necessary to comply with such laws, in a manner which best reflects the intent of this Agreement. 18. Except as otherwise provided herein, this Agreement shall only be amended or cancelled by mutual written consent of the parties hereto or by their successors in interest. 19. This Agreement shall be recorded by the County in the Official Records of Collier County, Florida, within fourteen (14) days after the County enters into this Agreement. Developer shall pay all costs of recording this Agreement. A copy of the recorded document will be provided to Developer upon request. 20. In the event of a dispute under this Agreement, the parties shall first use the County's then current Alternative Dispute Resolution Procedure. Following the conclusion of this procedure, either party may file an action for injunctive relief in the Circuit Court of Collier Page 6 of8 OR: 3802 PG: 2563 County to enforce the terms of this Agreement, said remedy being cumulative with any and all other remedies available to the parties for the enforcement of this Agreement. 2 \. Any future reimbursement for excess credits shall come from future receipts by the County of Road Impact Fees. However, no reimbursement shall be paid until such time as all development, as defined by the Transportation Administrator at the location that was subject to the credit has been completed. Such reimbursement shall be made over a period of five (5) years from the completion of the Development. 22. An annual review and audit of performance under this Agreement shall be performed by the County to determine whether or not there has been demonstrated good faith compliance with the terms of this Agreement and to report the credit applied toward payment of road impact fees and the balance of available unused credit. If the Collier County Board of Commissioners finds, on the basis of substantial competent evidence, that there has been a failure to comply with the terms of this Agreement, the Agreement may be revoked or unilaterally modified by the County. 23. This Agreement and th DR! Development Order, SRA d Engineers permit for the Town Maria DR! or SRA do not bec me received and become effecti e b for hereunder shall be null and vo' $6,000,000 in impact fee cr its impact fee credits may be uti ~ ,...... c IN WITNESS WHE by their appropriate officials, as . P "'.'. -.,. . By: W. FRED W. COYLE, Chairm AVE MARlA DEVELOPMENT, LLLP, a Florida limited liability limited partnership ,..; -'". . .. ,.,','- , By: orporation L By: Paul Marinelli Title: President Page 70f8 OR: 3802 PG: 2564 ST ATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF COLLIER The foregoing instrument was acknowledged (VIA.~ , 2005, by Paul Marinelli, as Development, LLLP. He is ['1Personally known to me, or [ as identification. before me this~day of of Ave Maria ] has produced driver's license no. (SEAL) NOTARY PUBU(.STATE OF nORmA Tris ha A. Akers Comllliulon 'Doa92198 E.xpiret: FEB, 10, 2C,;9 BoDde4 TbI'u Atb.nde bllln. Co., Inc. NOTARY PUBLIG __ Name: THIBHA A. AKERS (Type or Print) My Commission Expires: FE13 to,-zooq t orm and legal sufficiency: /u \ I /1" \ , I < \ / ! l./L.""-." \ \ '!?\j \\ Il ( I f~ \ .~.... ,I--) \..:. \.- _. : . e::- . \ ,,/, I -. ! \{SP\ -~~j! ~oJ \1- \,.,~ 1.../ ~:>....... /-::(..;,';/ ,,(IFiTC\ v..~>// "----- Page 80f8 / DATE PERMIT It *** OR: 3802 PG: 2591 *** , Ave Marla Development Contribution Agreement CREDIT AMT BALANCE COMMENTS Beginnina Balance $6,000,000.00 Available '- A lf~R ~Orl~, ';;9/ ~J~ I l r;:--,-_ _ ~ \ \ ! I ,_, \ -"" ,--- "-- ~\ \I / '\ lJ ..J \ VI n~~ '-? L It \'('\\ ~~i,! !:..i "0~ T\..j / c? ~5>----~\Y ~g: (~~~Y CY~I~J \'t /I State of Florida Department of Transportation LOCAL AGENCY PROGRAM AGREEMENT 525-(110--40 PROJ MGT, RESEARCH & DEV OFC OGC-11/03 Page 1 of 12 FPN N0415590-1 Fund: MG FLAIR Approo: Federal No: 7151001 U Org. Code: 55014010106 FLAIR Obj.: FPN No. Fund: FLAIR Approp: Federal No: Org. Code: 7t FLAIR Obj.: County No. 03 Contract No: N V;( '1 Vendor No.: F 596000558102 Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA): 20.205 Highway Planning and Construction THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this ;):J. "vt. day of Tun/' , :k7a.c:;- by and between the STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, an agencv of the State of Florida, hereinafter called the Department, and Collier County; Finance Department; 2671 Airport Road, Naples, Florida 34112 hereinafter called the Agency. WIT N E SSE T H: WHEREAS, the Agency has the authority to enter into said Agreement and to undertake the project hereinafter described, and the Department has been granted the authority to function adequately in all areas of appropriate jurisdiction including the implementation of an integrated and balanced transportation system and is authorized under Section 334.044, Florida Statutes to enter into this Agreement; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of [he mutual covenants, promises and representations herein, the parties agree as follows: . 1.00 Purpose of Agreement: The purpose of this Agreement is to provide for the Department's participation in PAnA"triRn Rr/nOA" and as further described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof, hereinafter called the project, and to provide departmental financial assistance to the Agency and state the terms and conditions upon which such assistance will be provided and the understandings as to the manner in which the project will be undertaken and completed. 1.01 Modifications and Additions: Exhibit(s) A, B are attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. 2.00 Accomplishment of the Project: 2.01 General Requirements: The Agency shall commence, and complete the project as described in EXHIBIT "A" with all practical dispatch, in a sound, economical, and efficient manner, and in accordance with the provisions herein, and all applicable laws. The project will be performed in accordance with all applicable Department procedures, guidelines, manuals, standards, and directives as described in the Department's Local Agency Program Manual, which by this reference is made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein. A full time employee of the Agency, qualified to ensure that the work being pursued is complete, accurate, and consistent with the terms, conditions, and specifications of this Agreement shall be in charge of each project. . 2.02 Expiration of Agreement: The Agency agrees to complete the project on or before 12/29/2006 If the Agency does not complete the project within this time period, this Agreement will expire on the last day of scheduled completion as provided in this paragraph unless an extension of the time period is requested by the Agency and granted in writing by the Department prior to the expiration of the Agreement. Expiration of this Agreement will be considered termination of the project. The cost of any work performed after the expiration date of the Agreement wi/I not be reimbursed by the Department. 2.03 Pursuant to Federal, State, and Local Law: In the event that any election, referendum, approval, permit, notice, or other proceeding or authorization is requisite under applicable law to enable the Agency to enter into this Agreement or to undertake the project hereunder, or to obselVe, assume or carry out any of the provisions of the Agreement, the Agency will initiate and consummate, as provided by law, all actions necessary with respect to any such matters so requisite. 2,04 Funds of the Agency: The Agency shall initiate and prosecute to completion all proceedings necessary, including Federal-aid requirements, to enable the Agency to provide the necessary funds for completion of the project. " State of Florida Department of Transportation 525-010-40 PROJ MGT, RESEARCH & DEV OFC OGC-11103 Page 1 of12 ... 2~1) LOCAL AGENCY PROGRAM AGREEMENT 1Jly '" iiOO!. QIJlJ FPN N0412627-1 Fund: XU FLAIR Approo: Federal No: 7777 116 A Org. Code: 55014010106 FLAIR Obj.: FPN No. Fund: FLAIR Approp: Federal No: Org. Code: FLAIR Obj.: County No. 03 Contract No: AN W 9f/ Vendor No.: F 596000558102 Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA): 20.205 Highway Planning and Construction THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 1) f'''-- dayof,q f r i / , df)O"J by and between the STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. an apencv of the State of Florida. hereinafter called the Department, and Collier County; 2671 Airport Road; Naples, Florida 34112 hereinafter called the Agency. WIT N E SSE T H: WHEREAS, the Agency has the authority to enter into said Agreement and to undertake the project hereinafter described, and the Department has been granted the authority to function adequately in all areas of appropriate jurisdiction including the implementation of an integrated and balanced transportation system and is authorized under Section 334.044, Florida Statutes to enter into this Agreement; . NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants, promises and representations herein, the parties agree as follows: 1.00 Purpose of Agreement: The purpose of this Agreement is to provide for the Department's partiCipation in BridoA - NAW ~frlJct"rA and as further described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof, hereinafter called the project, and to provide departmental financial assistance to the Agency and state the terms and conditions upon which such assistance will be provided and the understandings as to the manner in which the project will be undertaken and completed. 1.01 Modifications and Additions: Exhibit(s) 2.00 Accomplishment of the Project: 2,01 General Requirements: The Agency shall commence, and complete the project as described in EXHIBIT "A" with all practical dispatch, in a sound, economical, and efficient manner, and in accordance with the provisions herein, and all applicable laws. The project will be performed in accordance with all applicable Department procedures, guidelines, manuals, standards, and directives as described in the Department's Local Agency Program Manual, which by this reference is made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein. A, B are attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. A full time employee of the Agency, qualified to ensure that the work being pursued is complete, accurate, and consistent with the terms, conditions, and specifications of this Agreement shall be in charge of each project. 2.02 Expiration of Agreement: The Agency agrees to complete the project on or before 12/29/2006 If the Agency does not complete the project within this time period, this Agreement will expire on the last day of scheduied completion as provided in this paragraph unless an extension of the time period is requested by the Agency and granted in writing by the Department prior to the expiration of the Agreement. Expiration of this Agreement will be considered termination of the project. The cost of any work performed after the expiration date of the Agreement will not be reimbursed by the Department. 2.03 Pursuant to Federal, State, and Local Law; In the event that any election, referendum, approval, permit, notice, or )ther proceeding or authorization is requisite under applicable law to enable the Agency to enter into this Agreement or to Jndertake the project hereunder, or to observe, assume or carry out any of the provisions of the Agreement, the Agency "ill initiate and consummate, as provided by law, all actions necessary with respect to any such matters so requisite. 2.04 Funds of the Agency: The Agency shall initiate and prosecute to completion all proceedings necessary, including =ederal-aid requirements, to enable the Agency to provide the necessary funds for completion of the project. , , fb..4" 9)() ,DlXJ FPN No 415546-1 Fund: XU .' F,LAIR ApproD: Federal No: Org. Code: 55014010106 FLAIR Obj.: FPN No Fund:. FLAIR Approp: . Federal No: . Org. Code: FlAIR Obj.: County No. 03 . Contract No: Vendor.No.: F5960005581oz' Catalog of FederalDoml)Slic Assistance.(9FDA): 20.205 Highway ~larinlng and Conslr!Jction . . THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this . . . day of by and between the STATE. OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OFTRANSPORTA TION. an aeencv of the State of Rorida, hereInafter called the Depar:tmenL and' Collier County; 2671 Airport Road, NaD/es, Rorida 34112 . . hereinafter called the Agency.' '. . W IT N E SSE T H: WHEREAS, the Agency has the authority to enter into said Agreement and to undertake the project hereinafter described, and the Departnient has been granted the authority to function adequately in all areas of appropriate jurisdiction including the implementation of an integrated and boillanced transportation system and is authori.zed under Section 334,044, Florida Statutes to enter into this Agreement; LOCAL AGENCY PROGRAM AGREEMENT Stale of Florida Department of Transportation 525-C10-40 PROJ MGT, RESEARCH & DEV OFC OGc-11103 Page 1 of 12 NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants, promises and representations herein, the parties agree as follows: 1.00 Purpose of Agreement: The purpose 'of this Agreement is to provide for the Department's partiCipation in flikA P"IhISklAWalk and as further described in Exhibit 'N attached hereto and by this referei1ce made a part hereof, hereinafter called the project, and to provide departmental financial assistance to the Agenq and state the terms and Conditions upon which such assistance will be provided and the undefstandings as to the manner in which the projeq will be undertaken and completed. 1.01 Modifications and Additions: Exhibit(s) . A,B are attached hereto and by thIs reference made a part hereof. 2.00 kcoml'lIshment of the Project: . 2.01.General Requirements: The Agency shall commence, and complete the project as described in EXHIBIT 'N with all. practical dispatch, In a sound, economIcal, and efficient manner; .and In accordance with the provisions herein, and all applicable laws. The project will be performed In accordance with ali applicable Department procedures, guidelines, manuals, standards, and dir~ves as described. In the Department's Local Agency Program Manual, which by \his reference is made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein. A full time employee of the Agency, qualified'lo ensure that the worl< being pursued is complete, accurate; and consistent with the tenns, conditions, and specifications of this Agreement shall be in charge of each project. 2.02 ExpIration of Agreement The Agency agrees to complete the. project on or before 121~/2006 . . If the Agency does not complete the project within this time period, this Agreement will explr~ on the iast day of scheduled completion as provided.ln tJils paragraph unless an extension of the time period is requested by the Agency and granted in writing by the Department prior to the expiration of the Agreemenl ExpIration of this Agreement will be considered termination of the project. the. cost of any Worl< performed after the expiration date of the Agreement will not be reimbursed by the Departmenl . 2.0~ Pursuant to fedenll, State, and L9cal Law: In the event that any election, referendum, approval, pennit, nolire;-dr. other proceeding or authorization is requisite under'applicable law.to enable the Agency to enter Into this Agreement or to undertake the project hereunder, or to observe, assume or carry out any of the provisions of ihe Agreement, the Agency. will. initiate and consummate, as provided by law, all actions necessary with respect to any such matters so requisite. 2,04 Funds of the Agency: The Agency shall initiate arid prosecute.to completion all proceedings necessary, including Federal-aid requirements, 10 enable ihe Agency to provide the necessary funds for completion of the project. / S >FFlORIDADEPART\EHTOFTRANSPORTAnoN LOCAL AGENCY PROGRAM AGREEMENT $25-()1Q..40 PROJECT MANAGEMENT OFFICE ,- -..., .1)rJl ~l) FPN: 420887-1 Fund: SE Federal No: Org Code: 55014010106 FPN: Fund: Federal No: Org Code: FPN: Fund: Federal No: Org Code: FPN: Fund: Federal No: ' Or!! Code: County No: Contract No: Data Universal Number System (DUNS) No: 80-939-7102 Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA): 20.205 Highway Planning and Construction FLAIR Approp: FLAIR Obj: FLAIR Approp: FLAIR Obj: FLAIR Approp: FLAIR ObJ: FLAIR Approp: FLAIR Obj: Vender No: F 596000558102 THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered Into this _ day of , _ by and between the STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, an agency of the State of Florida, hereinafter called the Department, and the Board of Countv Commissioners. Collier Countv. Florida: 3301 Tamiami Trail East. NaDles. Florida 34112 hereinafter called the Agency. WIT N E SSE T H: WHEREAS, [he Agency has the authority to enter into this Agreement and to undertake the project hereinafter described, and the Department has been granted the authority to function adequately in all areas of appropriate jurisdiction including the implementation of an Integrated and balanced transportation system and Is authorized under Sectlon 339.12, Florida Statutes, to enter Into this Agreement; NOW, THEREFORE, In consideration of the mutual covenants, promises and representations herein, the parties agree as follows : 1.00 PurpOse of Agreement: The purpose of this Agreement is to provide fer the Department's participation in E sidewalk and as further described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof, hereinafter called the "project: and to provide Department financial assistance to the Agency and state the terms and conditions upon which such assistance will be provided and the understandings as to the manner in which the project will be undertaken and completed. 1.01 Attachments: Exhiblt(s) A..JL1 are attached and made a part hereof. 2.01 General Requirements: The Agency shall complete the project as described In Exhibit "A" with all practical dispatch, In a soond, economical, and efficient manner, and In accordance with the provisions herein, and all applicable laws. The project will be performed in accordance with all applicable Department procedures, guidelines, manuals, standards, and directives as described In the Department's local Aoencv Proaram Manual, which by this reference is made a part hereof as If fully set forth herein. Time Is of the essence as to each and every obligation under this Agreement. A full time employee of the Agency, qualified to ensure that the work being pursued is complete, accurate, and consistent with the terms, conditions, and specifications of this Agreement shall be in charge of each project. Removal of Any Unbllled Funds If Agency falls to timely perform its obligations In SUbmitting Invoices and documents necessary for the close out of the project, and said failure results In a loss of the remaining unbllled funding either by Federal withdrawal of funds or loss of State appropriation authority (which may Include both federal funds and state funds, If any state funds are on the project), Agency will be responsible for the remaining unbllled funds on the project. No other funds will be provided by the Department. Agency waives the right to contest such removal of funds by the Department, If said removal Is directly related to Federal (FHWA) withdrawal of funds or loss of State appropriation authority due to local Agency's failure or nonperformance, In addition to loss of funding, the Department will consider de-certlflcation of said Agency for future LAP projects. State of Florida Department of Transportation 525-010-40 PROJ MGT, RESEARCH & DEV OFC OGC-11103 Pagelot12 ttK .$9JO,oaJ FPN N041554S-1 Fund: XU FLAIR Approp: Federal No: 7777133A Org. Code: 55014010106 FLAIR Obj.: FPN No. Fund: FLAIR Approp: Federal No: Org. Code: FLAIR Obj.: County No. 03 Contract No: fiN fA} 'fD Vendor No.: F S96000558102 Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA): 20.205 Highway Planning and Construction THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this /.s day of ;;Z C'lAS'" by and between the STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATIO . an aaencv of the State of Florida. hereinafter called the Department, and Collier County; Finance Department, 2671 Airport Road, Naples, Florida 34112 hereinafter called the Agency. . LOCAL AGENCY PROGRAM AGREEMENT WIT N E SSE T H: WHEREAS, the Agency has the authority to enter into said Agreement and to undertake the project hereinafter described, and the Department has been granted the authority to function adequately in all areas of appropriate jurisdiction including the implementation of an integrated and balanced transportation system and is authorized under Section 334.044, Florida Statutes to enter into this Agreement; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants, promises and representations herein, the parties agree as follows: 1.00 Purpose of Agreement: The purpose of this Agreement is to provide for the Department's participation in SirJp.walks - VRriOIlS locations and as further described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof, hereinafter called the project, and to provide departmental financial assistance to the Agency and state the terms and conditions upon which Such assistance will be provided and the understandings as to the manner in which the project will be undertaken and completed. 1.01 Modifications and Additions: Exhibit(s) A,B are attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. 2.00 Accomplishment of the Project: 2.01 General Requirements: The Agency shall commence, and complete the project as described in EXHIBIT "A" with all practical dispatch, in a sound, economical, and efficient manner, and in accordance with the provisions herein, and all applicable laws. The project will be performed in accordance with all applicable Department procedures, guidelines, manuals, standards, and directives as described in the Department's Local Agency Program Manual, which by this reference is made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein. A full time employee of the Agency, qualified to ensure that the work being pursued is complete, accurate, and consistent with the terms, conditions, and specifications of this Agreement shall be in charge of each project. 2.02 Expiration of Agreement: The Agency agrees to complete the project on or before 12/29/2006 If the Agency does not complete the project within this time period, this Agreement will expire on the last day of scheduied completion as provided in this paragraph unless an extension of the time period is requested by the Agency and granted in writing by the Department prior to the expiration of the Agreement. Expiration of this Agreement will be considered termination of the project. The cost of any work performed after the expiration date of the Agreement will not be reimbursed by the Department. 2.03 Pursuant to Federal, State, and Local Law: In the event that any election, referendum, approval, permit, notice, or )ther proceeding or authorization is requisite under applicable law to enable the Agency to enter into this Agreement or to JOdertake the project hereunder, or to observe, assume or carry out any of the provisions of the Agreement, the Agency viII initiate and consummate, as provided by law, all actions necessary with respect to any such matters so requisite. 2.04 Funds of the Agency: The Agency shall initiate and prosecute to completion all proceedings necessary, including oederal-aid requirements, to enable the Agency to provide the necessary funds for completion of the project. ...iTATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION LOCAL AGENCY PROGRAM AGREEMENT 525-010--40 PROJECT MAAAGEMENT OFFICE ""'7 Page 1 1})r.l :lSl'JXr) FPN: 415543-1 Fund: XU Federal No: 8887 156 A Org Code: 55014010106 FPN: Fund: Federal No: Org Code: FPN: Fund: Federal No: Org Code: FPN: Fund: Federal No: Org Code: ~ County No:03 Contract No: 7 IVlS~ Data Universal Number System (DUNS) No: 80-939-7102 Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA): 20.;105 Highway Planning and Construction THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this ~ day of ~ _ , fi!!i!l by and between the STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, an agency of the State of Florida, hereinafter called the Department, and the Board of Countv Commissioners. Collier County, Florida: 3301 Tamiami Trail East. Naples. Florida 34112 hereinafter called the Agency. FLAIR Approp: FLAIR Obj: FLAIR Approp: FLAIR Obj: FLAIR Approp: FLAIR Obj: FLAIR Approp: FLAIR Obj: Vendor No: F 596000558102 WIT N E SSE T H: WHEREAS, the Agency has the authority to enter into this Agreement and to undertake the project hereinafter described, and the Department has been granted the authority to function adequately in all areas of appropriate jurisdiction including the implementation of an integrated and balanced transportation system and is authortzed under Section 339.12, Florida Statutes, to enter into this Agreement; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants, promises and representations herein, the parties agree as follows: 1.00 Purpose of Agreement: The purpose of this Agreement is to provide for the Departmenfs participation in minor intersection improvements and as further described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by .this reference made a part hereof, "hereinafter called the "project," and to provide Department financial assistance to the' Agency and state the terms and conditions upon which such assistance will be provided and the understandings as to the manner in which the project will be undertaken and completed. . 1.01 AttaChments: Exhibit(s) AS and 1 are attached and made a part hereof. 2,01 General Requirements: The Agency shall complete the project as described in Exhibit "A" with all practical dispatch, in a sound, economical, and effICient manner, and in accordance with the provisions herein, and all applicable laws. The project will be performed in accordance with all applicable Department procedures, guidelines, manuals, standards, and directives as described in the Deparlmenfs Local AQencv Proqram Manual, which by this reference is made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein. Time is of the essence as to each and every obligation under this Agreement. A full lime employee of the Agency, qualified to ensure that the work being pursued is complete, accurate, and consistent with the terms, conditions, and specifications of this Agreement shall be in charge of each project. Removal of Any Unbilled Funds If Agency fails to timely perform its obligations in submitting invoices and documents' necessary for the close out of the project, and said failure results in a loss of the remaining unbilled funding either by Federal withdrawal of funds or loss of State appropriation authority (which may include both federal funds and state funds, if any state funds are on the project), Agency will be responsible for the remaining unbilled funds on the project. No other funds will be provided by the Department. Agency waives the right to contest such removal of funds by the Department, if said removal is directly related to Federal (FHWA) withdrawal of funds or loss of State appropriation authority due to Local Agency's failure or nonperformance. In addition to loss of funding, the Department will consider de-certification of said Agency for future LAP projects. .......... . Florida Department of Transportation JEB BUSH GOVI!.RNOR DENVER J. STUTLER, JR. SECRETARY RECEIVED Transportation Servir.p-s nivision January 6, 2006 " . '~-;' l.~. i , / I i9/t'>f. . itJJ 1 i 2006 " ,. , -//CAI.I6/~.c;-;v ~, Co!. James V. Mudd (Ret.), County Manager Collier County 330] East Tamiami Trail Nap]es, FL 34] 12 ( I.; C'-0 "1 RE: Transportation Regional Incentive Program (TRIP) Project Selection , , r'~Y4 :? $rd;>. , ---/~/,c.-., ) Dear Co!. Mudd: .-;,;.r"'...:----.--- I am pleased to inform you the following Transportation Regional Incentive Program (TRIP) projects in Collier County have been selected for funding: x >< CR 951 (Collier Blvd) from CR 896 (Pine Ridge) to Golden Gate Blvd in the amount of $4,950,000 in FY 2006/07 (FM#420991-1); and - ~ 1-75 Overpass at Immokalee Rd (CR 846) in the amount of $4,710,000 in FY 2006/07 (FM# 418937-1). L The 2005 Florida Legislature created the Transportation Regional Incentive Program (TRIP) to provide funds for improvements to regionally significant roadways and public transportation facilities, pursuant to Section 339.2819 F.S. li.4- - _ ? TRIP project grants require a minimum 50% local match. In addition, Collier County ;:;> will be required 10 enter into a TRIP agreement with the Department for the CR 051 project and a Locally Funded Agreement (LF A) for the 1-75 overpass project. Fund disbursement will be on a reimbursement basis (CR 95]) or as otherwise provided for in the respective agreement (1-75 overpass). Ms. Karen Miracola, the District One JPA Coordinator, is the Department's contact for the TRIP and LF A agreements. Karen wiJI work with your staff on the execution of the agreements, and may be reached at (239) 461-4302. (more) , \, \ \ \ , . District One, Southwest Area Office 2295 Victoria Ayenue" Post omce Box 1030" Fort Myers, FL 33902.1030 (239) 461-4300' (239) 338-2353 (Fn)' MS 1-98 "\>-~ \ y:' .'> '-~ ',' www.dot.state.fl.us - r:.~ , ,l ,.-.J . , \ \v , I \' \!) '~f:.'{ '1,.'.',""+, \ '. " \' , . , . Col.'James V. Muddl . . January 6. 2006 Page 2 Thank you for Collier County's partIcIpation in the TRIP program. If you have any questions regarding these projects please contact Ms. Miracola or David Hutehinson, Community Liaison for Collier County. at (239) 461-4300. ~ilH.:\"T~I~. \.... '" , Michael G. Rippe, Director of Transportation Development MGR:dh cc: Commissioner Fred W. Coyle, Chair, Collier BoCC' Commissioner Thomas Henning, Chairman, Lee County MPO Nonnan E. Feder, AICP, Administrator, Collier County Transportation Services Division Charles Barmby, Director, Collier MPO Stanley M. Cann, P.E., District Secretary, District One Ben Walker, P.E., InlemlOdal Systems Development IVbnager frank Meares, Planning Administrator Johnny Limbaugh, Manager, FOOT Southwest Area Oflice Karen Miracola, District JPA Coordinator David L. Hutchinson, Community I,iaison , ... . . . , . - ~ . "'. Catalog State Financial Assistance No. 55.026 FINANCIAL l:.ttOJECT #420991-1-58-01 COLLIER COUNTY Page 1 of 13 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION REGIONAL INCENTIVE PROGRAM AGREEMENT This is an Agreement by and between the STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (hereinafter "DEPARTMENT") and COLLIER COUNTY (hereinafter "COUNTY"). ' . WITNESSETH J. WHEREAS, the DEPARTMENT has the authority, under Fla. Stat. g334.044, to enter into this Agreement; and 2. WHEREAS, the Transportation Regional Incentive Program was created by Fla. Stat. g339.2819 to provide funds to improve regionally significant transportation facilities in "regional transportation areas" pursuant to Fla. Stat. g339.155 (5); and 3. WHEREAS, the Lee County and Collier County MPO's, acting as a designated regional partnership under Fla. Stat g339.l55 (5)(c) and formed by an interlocal agreement, designated CR 951 (Collier Boulevard) from Golden Gate Boulevard to Immokalee Road as a regional facility by resolution, a copy of which is incorporated into this agreement and attached. 4. WHEREAS, the DEPARTMENT is willing to provide COLLIER COUNTY with fmancial assistance under Financial Project No. 420991 58 01 hereinafter referred to as the "PROJECT," in accordance with Fla. Stat. g339.2819; and 5. WHEREAS, the COUNTY has certified to the DEPARTMENT that it has met the eligibility requirements of Fla. Stat. g339.2819; and 6. WHEREAS, the COUNTY o Certifies to the DEPARTMENT that it has met all Project Eligibility Requirements listed below . X Will certify by October 1,2006, date to the DEPARTMENT that it will have met all Project Eligibility Requirements listed below PROJECT ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS I. Support facilities that serve national, statewide or regional functions and function as an integrated transportation system, 2. Be identified in appropriate local government capital improvements program(s) or long term concurrency management system(s) that are in compliance with state comprehensive plan requirements, 3. Be consistent with the SIS, 4. Be in compliance with local corridor management policies, and 5. Have commitment oflocal, regional or private matching funds. , FINAN(;IAL PROJECT #420991-1-58-01 COLLIER COUNTY Page 2 of 13 7. WHEREAS, the COUNTY by Resolution No. (2';c<'/~1J dated the Jf,-c.~ day of , 2006, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, has a thorized the Chairman of its Board of Commissioners or designee to enter into this Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants, promises, and representations contained herein, fue parties agree as follows: I. SERVICES AND PERFORMANCE I) The PROJECT consists of construction of CR 951 (Collier Blvd) from Golden Gate Blvd to Imrnokalee Road to widen from two to six lanes. 2) The COUNTY agrees to undertake the construction of the PROJECT in accordance with all applicable, federal, state and local statutes, rules and regulations, and standards. The COUNTY shall be responsible for obtaining clearances/permits required for the construction of the PROJECT from the appropriate permitting authorities. Upon completion of the PROJECT, the COUNTY shall certify to the DEPARTMENT that the PROJECT has been completed in accordance with the applicable standards, statutes, rules and regulations in writing. 3) The DEPARTMENT will be entitled at all times to be advised, at its request, as to the status of work being done by the COUNTY and of the details thereof. Coordination shall be maintained by the COUNTY with representatives of the DEPARTMENT. The COUNTY shall provide the DEPARTMENT with quarterly progress reports. 4) The COUNTY shall not sublet, assign or transfer any work under this Agreement without prior written consent ofthe DEPARTMENT. 5) All notices under this Agreement shall be directed to the following addresses: TO DEPARTMENT: David Holden, PE Ft. Myers Operations Center Engineer Florida Department of Transportation 2981 NE Pine Island Road Cape Coral, Florida 33909 TO COUNTY: Donald Scott, Director Collier County Transportation Planning 2885 South Horseshoe Drive Naples Florida 34104 II. TERM I) The COUNTY shall perform the PROJECT activities in accordance with the following schedule: (I) Construction contract to be let on or before December 1,2006. (2) Construction to be completed on or before March 1,2009. 2) This Agreement shall be effective upon execution by both parties and shall continue in effect and be binding on the parties until the PROJECT is completed and accepted and payment made by the DEPARTMENT or terminated in accordance with the DEFAULT & TERMINATION SECTION below. FINANCIAL PROJECT #420991-1-58-01 COLLIER COUNTY Page 3 of 13 3) This Agreement shall not be renewed. Any extension shall be in writing and executed by both parties, and shall be subject to the same terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement and contingent upon the DEPARTMENT'S District Secretary's or Designee's Approval. II1.PAYMENT TERMS , . I) The COUNTY and the DEPARTMENT agree to share the cost of this PROJECT # 420991 I 58 OJ. 2) ESTIMATES & PARTICIPATION AMOUNTS A) The estimated total cost as set forth in the DEPARTMENT'S adopted work program for this PROJECT is $40,556,620 (FORTY MILLION FIVE HUNDRED FIFTY-SIX THOUSAND AND SIX HUNDRED TWENTY DOLLARS) B) The estimated COUNTY share for the PROJECT is $35,606,620 (THIRTY FIVE MILLION SIX HUNDRED SIX THOUSAND AND SIX HUNDRED TWENTY DOLLARS) C) The estimated DEPARTMENT share for the PROJECT is $4,950,000 (FOUR MILLION NINE HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS) which is the maximum participation by the DEPARTMENT. D) The parties further agree all remaining costs of the PROJECT will be borne by the COUNTY. 3) In the event the COUNTY proceeds with the construction of the PROJECT with its own forces, the COUNTY will only be reimbursed for direct costs (this excludes general and administrative overhead). 4) All costs charged to the PROJECT shall be supported by properly executed payrolls, time records, invoices, contracts, or vouchers evidencing in proper detail the nature and propriety of the charges. 5) Payment shall be made only after receipt and approval of goods and services unless advance payments are authorized by the DEPARTMENT'S under Section 334.044 (29), Florida Statutes. 6) If this Agreement involves units of deliverables, then such units must be received and accepted in writing by the Contract Manager prior to payments. 7) The DEPARTMENT'S obligation to pay under this Agreement is contingent upon an annual appropriation by the Legislature. 8) Bills for fees or other compensation for services or expenses shall be submitted in detail sufficient for a proper pre-audit and post-audit. 9) Travel costs will not be reimbursed. 10)The COUNTY shall submit one invoice (3 copies), plus supporting documentation required by the DEPARTMENT. Payment shall be made to the COUNTY upon completion of all services, as approved by the DEPARTMENT. FINANCIAL PROJECT #420991-1-58-01 COLLIER COUNTY Page 4 of 13 II) A Vendor Ombudsman has been established within the Department of Financial Services. The duties of this individual include acting as an advocate for contractors/vendors who may be experiencing problems in obtaining timely payments(s) from a state and/or COUNTY. The Vendor Ombudsman may be contacted at (850) 410-9724 or by calling the Department of Financial Services Hotline, 1-800-848-3792. 12) Records of costs incurred..under terms of this Agreement shall be maintained and made available upon request tothe DEPARTMENT at all times during the period of this Agreement and for five years after fmal payment is made. Copies of these documents and records shall be furnished to the DEPARTMENT upon request. Records of costs incurred includes the COUNTY'S general accounting records and the project records, together with supporting documents and records of the COUNTY and all subcontractors , performing work on the project, and all other records of the COUNTY and subcontractors considered necessary by the DEPARTMENT for a properlludit of costs. 13) The DEPARTMENT, during any fiscal year, shall not expend money, incur any liability, or enter into any contract which, by its terms, involves the expenditure of money in excess of the amounts budgeted as available for expenditure during such fiscal year. Any contract, verbal or written, made in violation of this subsection is null and void, and no money may be paid on such contract. The DEPARTMENT shall require a statement from the Comptroller of the DEPARTMENT that funds are available prior to entering into any such contract or other binding commitment of funds. Nothing herein contained shall prevent the making of contracts for periods exceeding one year, but any contract so made shall be executory only for the value of the services to be rendered or agreed to be paid for in succeeding fiscal years. Accordingly, the State of Florida's performance and obligation to pay under this Contract is contingent upon an armual appropriation by the Legislature. IV. ROADWAY LEVEL OF SERVICE I) Fla. Stat. g 163.3180 requires that facilities funded through the Transportation Regional Incentive Program adopt the level of service standards established by the DEPARTMENT for the PROJECT limits. 2) The logical termini for the PROJECT are CR 951 from Golden Gate Boulevard to Immokalee Road. 3) The COUNTY agrees that upon execution of this agreement the level of service for the segment of (CR 951) between the logical termini specified in (2), above, shall be as designated by the DEPARTMENT. Upon execution of this agreement the level of service will be (D), subject to change by the DEPARTMENT without need to modify this agreement. 4) The COUNTY agrees to update its comprehensive plan at the next amendment cycle, scheduled to begin January 2007, and reflect the level of service change for the segment of CR 951 (Collier Boulevard) between the logical termini specified in (2) above. FINANCIAL PROJECT #420991-1-58-01 COLLIER COUNTY Page 5 of 13 V. IN-KIND SERVICES AND RIGHT OF WAY DONATIONS (if applicable) I) In-kind services are goods, commodities, or services received in lieu of cash payments. Goods and commodities should be valued based on their current market value. 2) Property donated by local governments for right of way as the local share for a qualified project, must comply with'1he requirements of the federal Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, as amended, 42 U.S.c. 4601, et sec., and implementing federal regulations, 49 CFR Part 24 and 23 CFR Part 71 0, if federal funds will be used in any phase of the project. Other requirements for the acquisition of rights of way should be determined in accordance with guidelines established by the Office of Right of Way. 3) The DEPARTMENT has established specific right of way acquisition guidelines for the Transportation Regional Incentive Program. These guidelines can be found at !illp://www.dot.state.fl.us/planning/TRIP/RW-contributions.I!M and are incorporated into this Agreement by reference. 4) The excess of an in-kind match valued in excess of the required match will not generally be applied towards another project. On a case by case basis, an exception may be made for project segments in a regional corridor that are part of an implementation plan for that corridor. VI. INDEMNITY, LIABILITY & INSURANCE I) INDEMNITY A) To the extent allowed by law, the COUNTY shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the DEPARTMENT and all of its officers, agents, and employees from any claim, loss, damages, cost, charge, or expense arising out of any act, error, omission, or negligent act by the COUNTY, its agents, or employees, during the performance of the Agreement, except that neither the COUNTY, its agents, or its employees will be liable under this paragraph for any claim, loss, damages, cost, charge, or expense arising out of any act, error, omission, or negligent act by the DEPARTMENT, or any of its officers, agents, or employees, during the performance of the Agreement. B) When either party receives notice of claim for damages that may have been caused by the other party in the performance of services required under this Agreement, that party will immediately forward the claim to the other party. Each party will evaluate the claim, and report its findings to each other within fourteen (14) working days and jointly discuss options in defending the claim. A party's failure to promptly notify the other of a claim will not act as a waiver or any right herein. FINANL"L PROJECT #420991-1-58-01 COLLIER COUNTY Page 6 of 13 C) The COUNTY agrees to include the following indemnification in all contracts with contractors/subcontractors, consultants/sub-consultants, who perform work in connection with this Agreement: "The contractor/consultant shall indemnify, defend, save, and hold hannless the DEPARTMENT and all of its officers, agents or employees from all suits, actions, claimS, d't:mands, liability of any nature whatsoever arising out of, because of, or due to any negligent act or occurrence of omission or commission of the contractor, its officers, agents, or employees. Neither the contractor/consultant, nor any of its officers, agents, or employees will be liable under this section for damages arising out of injury or damage to persons or property directly caused or resulting . from the sole negligence of the DEPARTMENT or any of its officers, agents, or employees." 2) LIABILITY & INSURANCE. A) The DEPARTMENT shall not be obligated or liable hereunder to any party other than the COUNTY. B) The COUNTY shall carry and keep in force during the period of this Agreement a general liability policy or policies with a company or companies authorized to do business in Florida, affording public liability insurance with combined bodily injury limits of at least $100,000 per person and $300,000 each occurrence, and property damage insurance of at least $50,000 each occurrence, for the services to be rendered in accordance with this Agreement. However, in the event the COUNTY maintains a self-insurance fund to cover such liability, the COUNTY agrees to maintain sufficient reserves in the fund to pay the above-described liability limits. In addition to any other forms of insurance or bonds required under the terms of this Agreement, the COUNTY must comply or cause its contractor to comply with g7-13 of the DEPARTMENT'S Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction (2000), as amended. 3) WORKERS' COMPENSATION. A) The COUNTY shall also carry and keep in force Workers' Compensation insurance as required for the State of Florida under the Workers' Compensation Law. VII. I) COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS The COUNTY shall allow public access to all documents, papers, letters, or other material subject to the provisions of Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, made or received by the COUNTY in conjunction with this Agreement. Failure by the COUNTY to grant such public access shall be grounds for immediate unilateral cancellation of this Agreement by the DEPARTMENT. 2) The COUNTY shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws and ordinances applicable to the work or payment for work thereof, and shall not discriminate on the grounds of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin in the performance of work under this Agreement. FINAN(;u<L PROJECT #420991-1-58-01 COLLIER COUNTY Page 7 of 13 3) No funds received pursuant to this Agreement may be expended for lobbying the Legislature, the judicial branch, or a state agency. 4) The COUNTY and the DEPARTMENT agree that the COUNTY, its employees, and subcontractors are not agents of the DEPARTMENT as a result of this Agreement for purposes other than those set out in g337.274, Florida Statutes. . . VIII. AUDITS I) GENERAL REQUIREMENTS & MONITORING A) The administration of resources awarded by the DEPARTMENT to the COUNTY may be subject to audits and/or monitoring by the DEPARTMENT, as described in this section. B) Any reports, management letter, or other information required to be submitted to the DEPARTMENT pursuant to this agreement shall be submitted timely in accordance with Florida Statutes, and Chapters 10.550 (local governmental entities) or 10.650 (nonprofit and for-profit organizations), Rules of the Auditor General, as applicable. C) Recipients, when submitting fmancial reporting packages to the DEPARTMENT for audits done in accordance with Chapters 10.550 (local governmental entities) or 10.650 (nonprofit and for-profit organizations), Rules of the Auditor General, should indicate the date that the reporting package was delivered to the recipient in correspondence accompanying the reporting package. D) The recipient shall retain sufficient records demonstrating its compliance with the terms of this agreement for a period of at least five years from the date the audit report is issued, and shall allow the DEPARTMENT, or its designee, CFO, or Auditor General access to such records upon request. The recipient shall ensure that audit working papers are made available to the DEPARTMENT, or its designee, CFO, or Auditor General upon request for a period of at least five years from the date the audit report is issued, unless extended in writing by the DEPARTMENT. E) The recipient shall follow up and take corrective action on audit fmdings. Preparation of a summary schedule of prior year audit findings, including corrective action and current status of the audit findings is required. Current year audit findings require corrective action and status of findings. F) Records related to unresolved audit findings, appeals, or litigation shall be retained until the action is completed or the dispute is resolved. Access to project records and audit work papers shall be given to the FDOT, the Department of Financial Services, and the Auditor General. This section does not limit the authority of the DEPARTMENT to conduct or arrange for the conduct of additional audits or evaluations of state financial assistance or limit the authority of any other state official. FINANl.JAL PROJECT #420991-1-58-01 COLLIER COUNTY Page 8 of 13 G) In addition to reviews of audits conducted in accordance with F.S. g215.97, as revised (see "AUDITS" below), monitoring procedures may include, but are not limited to, on-site visits by Department staff, limited scope audits and/or other procedures. By entering into this agreement, the recipient agrees to comply and cooperate fully with any monitoring procedures/processes deemed appropriate by the Department. In the event the DEPARTMENT determines that a limited scope audit of the recipient is appropriate, the recipient agrees to comply with any additional instructions provided by the Department staff to the COUNTY regarding such audit. The COUNTY further agrees to comply and cooperate with any inspections, reviews, investigations, or audits deemed necessary by the FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Office of Inspector General (DIG) and Florida's Chief Financial Officer (CFO) or Auditor General. 2) STATE FUNDED A) Recipients of state funds (i.e. a non-state entity as defined by F.S. g215.97(2)(m)), are to have audits done annually using the following criteria: (i) In the event that the recipient expends a total amount of state financial assistance equal to or in excess of $500,000 in any fiscal year, the recipient must have a State single or project-specific audit for such fiscal year in accordance with F.S. g215.97, applicable rules of the Department of Financial Services and the CFO, and Chapters 10.550 (local governmental entities) or 10.650 (nonprofit and for- profit organizations), Rules of the Auditor General. EXHIBIT I to this agreement indicates state fmancial assistance awarded through the DEPARTMENT by this agreement. In determining the state financial assistance expended in its fiscal year, the recipient shall consider all sources of state fmancial assistance, including state financial assistance received from the DEPARTMENT, other state agencies, and other non-state entities. State financial assistance does not include Federal direct or pass-through awards and resources received by a non-state entity for Federal program matching requirements. (ii) In connection with the audit requirements addressed in paragraph (i) above, the recipient shall ensure that the audit complies with the requirements of F.S. g215.97(7). This includes submission ofa financial reporting package as defined by F.S. g215.97(e), and Chapters 10.550 (local governmental entities) or 10.650 (nonprofit and for-profit organizations), Rules of the Auditor General. (iii)lf the recipient expends less than $500,000 in state fmancial assistance in its fiscal year, an audit conducted in accordance with the provisions ofF.S. g215.97 is not required. However, if the recipient elects to have an audit conducted in accordance with the provisions ofF.S. g215.97, the cost of the audit must be paid from the non-state entity's resources (i.e., the cost of such an audit must be paid from the recipient's resources obtained from other than State entities). (iv)State awards are to be idenlified using the Catalog of State Financial Assistance (CSF A) title and number, award number and year, and name of the state agency making the award. - FINAN(,u\L PROJECT #420991-1-58-01 COLLIER COUNTY Page 9 of 13 3) REPORT SUBMISSION A) Records to be submitted to DEPARTMENT by or on behalf of the recipient should be submitted to: Florida Department of Transportation Attn: Karen A. Miracola, District JP NLF A Coordinator , . 2295 Victoria Avenue, Suite 292W Fort Myers, FL 33901 (i) List of Records to be submitted to the DEPARTMENT include: (a) Copies of financial reporting packages required in the STATE FUNDED section 2 above of this agreement. (b) Copies of reports or the management letteJ: required by the GENERAL REQUIREMENTS & MONITORING section I)E) and I)F) above of this agreement. B) Records to be submitted to the State Auditor General's Office by or on behalf of the recipient should be submitted to: Auditor General's Office Room 401, Pepper Building III West Madison Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1450 (i) List of Records to be submitted to the State Auditor General's Office include: (a) Copies of financial reporting packages required in the STATE FUNDED section 2 above of this agreement. IX. DEFAULT & TERMINATION I) This Agreement may be canceled by either the COUNTY or the DEPARTMENT upon sixty (60) days written notice. 2) If the DEPARTMENT determines that the performance of the COUNTY is not satisfactory, the DEPARTMENT shall have the option of (a) immediately terminating the Agreement, or (b) notifying the COUNTY of the deficiency with a requirement that the deficiency be corrected within a specified time, otherwise the Agreement will be terminated at the end of such time, or (c) taking whatever action is deemed appropriate by the DEPARTMENT. 3) In no event shall the making by the DEPARTMENT of any payment to the COUNTY constitute or be construed as a waiver by the DEPARTMENT of any breach of covenant or any default which may then exist, on the part of the COUNTY, and the making of such payment by the DEPARTMENT while any such breach or default exists shall in no way impair or prejudice any right or remedy available to the DEPARTMENT with respect to such breach or default. ~_._-. -..-..- ----_.. . FINANl.IAL PROJECT #420991-1-58-01 COLLIER COUNTY Page 10 of 13 4) If the DEPARTMENT requires termination of the Agreement for reasons other than unsatisfactory performance of the COUNTY, the DEPARTMENT shall notify the COUNTY of such termination, with instructions as to the effective date of termination or specify the stage of work at which the Agreement is to be terminated. 5) If the Agreement is terminated before performance is completed, the COUNTY shall be paid only for that work satisfactorily performed for which costs can be substantiated. Such payment, however, may not exceed an amount which is the same percentage of the contract price as the amount of work satisfactorily completed is a percentage of the total work called for by this Agreement. All work in progress will become the property of the DEPARTMENT and will be turned over promptly by the COUNTY. X. MISCELLANEOUS - I) All words used herein in the singular form shall extend to and include the plural. All words used in the plural form shall extend to and include the singular. All words used in any gender shall extend to and include all genders. 2) This document incorporates and includes all prior negotiations, correspondence, conversations, agreements, or understandings applicable to the matters contained herein. The parties agree that all commitments, agreements, or understandings concerning the subject matter of this Agreement are contained in this document. Accordingly, it is agreed that no deviation from the terms hereof shall be predicated upon any prior representation or agreements whether oral or written. It is further agreed that no modification, amendment, or alteration in the terms or conditions contained herein shall be effective unless contained in a written document executed by the COUNTY and the DEPARTMENT. 3) If any part of this Agreement shall be determined to be invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction or by any other legally constituted body having the jurisdiction to make such determination, the remainder of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect provided that the part of this Agreement thus invalidated or declared unenforceable is not material to the intended operation of this Agreement. 4) This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. Venue of any judicial proceedings arising out of this Agreement shall be in Leon County, Florida. 5) An entity or affiliate which has been placed on the discriminatory vendor list may not submit a bid on a contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity, may not submit a bid on a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work, may not submit bids on leases of real property to a public entity, may not be awarded or perform work as a contractor, supplier, subcontractor, or consultant under a contract with any public entity, and may not transact business with any public entity. FINANLAL PROJECT #420991-1-58-01 COLLIER COUNTY Page 11 ofl3 6) A person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following a conviction for a public entity crime may not submit a bid on a contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity, may not submit a bid on a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work, may not submit bids on leases of real property to a public entity, may not be awarded or perform work as a contractor, supplier,,subcontractor, or consultant under a contract with any public entity and may not transact business with any public entity in excess of the threshold amount provided in F.S. g287.017, for Category Two for a period of 36 months from the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list. FINANL...L PROJECT #420991-1-58-01 COLLIER COUNTY Page 12 of 13 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, COLLIER COUNTY has caused this Agreement 10 be executed in its behalf, by the Chairman of the Collier County Board of County Commissioners or its designee, as authorized by Resolution Number , and the FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION has caused this Agreement to be executed in its behalf through its District Secretary or authorized designee: This Agreement shall become effective on: , . Sept:elllbcr 26, 2 (}&6 Oc:Qj (k;,fl -4{ ~ ca!<> / . ,:" . ';\O~ltll 0,. ~ . 'j ,:) . . ~ ~]. ....' .^,'--" '/ .~;. ,- ;.. ~ .', ;. ,-- - y", . -~~ ~ -: .. . "-. . -., ,~.._~.- ; .'....... " .'...... -. I -- . ~i,;';~S+"';" ',-rr', " I ~'1'"\.'-l:tltJi' ~ ',r,,' ., /\ . , ~ ..). .;:. r ",c, . ']' \ --', . (; , .-,4':"1>-.. '.~ - " -._'_ \ , , - '~';.1) ~ f" ",',' j~. ~ . ' COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA . '- . ( . (SEAL) TITLE f..... , .' .. ~. """-; '.,,,:;~,,. .._,. , '., ", {"'";.t" ....:'10 - ~., , DATE Frank Halas, Chairman PRINT NAME 9/27/06 DATE .;. , .,. , .. COLLIER COUNTY LEGAL REVIEW: BY: STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF T 2. BY: SPORTATlON AITEST (SEAL) DISTRICT SECRETARY OR DESIGNEE DISTRICT ONE LInk 5', :;}ur{6I'L PRINT NANlE A V AILABILlTY OF FUNDS APPROVAL: /OPr:' DA - e DATE OF TRANS. LEGAL REVIEW: /0-/' -06 BY: [O,[g'06 DATE ~(Q)[f2)'')f' State of Florida Department of Transportation 525-O10-4{) PROJ MGT, RESEARCH & DEV OFC OGC-11103 Pag81of12 fbr~ li!liillJD LOCAL AGENCY PROGRAM AGREEMENT FPN N0415566-1 Fund: MG FLAIR Approo: Federal No: 0581008 P Org. Code: 55014010106 FLAIR Obj.: FPN No. Fund: SS FLAIR Approp: Federal No: Org. Code: 55014010106 FLAIR Obj.: County No. 03 Contract No: AN ,.;1.0 Vendor No.: F 596000558102 Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA): 20.205 Highway Planning and Construction THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this \ I day of t./oy by and between the STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATI . an aqenc hereinafter called the Department, and Collier County; 2671 Airport Road; Napies, FL 34112 hereinafter called the Agency. WIT N E SSE T H: WHEREAS, the Agency has the authority to enter into said Agreement and to undertake the project hereinafter described, and the Department has been granted the authority to function adequately in all areas of appropriate jurisdiction including the implementation of an integrated and balanced transportation system and is authorized under Section 334.044, Florida Statutes to enter into this Agreement; , .2 0t:J~ -- f the State of Florida. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants, promises and representations herein, the parties agree as follows: 1.00 Purpose of Agreement: The purpose of this Agreement is to provide for the Department's participation in I i"hlin" and sidewalk and as further described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof, hereinafter called the project, and to provide departmental financial assistance to the Agency and state the terms and conditions upon which such assistance will be provided and the understandings as to the manner in which the project will be undertaken and completed. 1.01 Modifications and Additions: Exhibit(s) A,S,RL are attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. 2.00 Accomplishment of the Project: 2.01 General Requirements: The Agency shall commence, and complete the project as described in EXHIBIT "A" with all practical dispatch, in a sound, economical, and efficient manner, and in accordance with the provisions herein, and all applicabie laws. The project will be performed in accordance with all applicable Department procedures, guidelines, manuals, standards, and directives as described in the Department's Local Agency Program Manual, which by this reference is made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein. A full time employee of the Agency, qualified to ensure that the work being pursued is complete, accurate, and consistent with the terms, conditions, and specifications of this Agreement shall be in charge of each project. 2.02 Expiration of Agreement: The Agency agrees to complete the project on or before 12/31/2008 If the Agency does not complete the project within this time period, this Agreement will expire on the last day of scheduled completion as provided in this paragraph unless an extension of the time period is requested by the Agency and granted in writing by the Department prior to the expiration of the Agreement. Expiration of this Agreement will be considered termination of the project. The cost of any work performed after the expiration date of the Agreement will not be reimbursed by the Department. 2.03 Pursuant to Federal, State, and Local Law: In the event that any election, referendum, approval, permit, notice, or other proceeding or authorization is requisite under applicable law to enable the Agency to enter into this Agreement or to undertake the project hereunder, or to observe, assume or carry out any of the provisions of the Agreement, the Agency will initiate and consummate, as provided by law, all actions necessary with respect to any such matters so requisite. 2.04 Funds of the Agency: The Agency shall initiate and prosecute to completion all proceedings necessary, including Federal-aid requirements, to enable the Agency to provide the necessary funds for completion of the project. , STATE QF-ADRIDA..gepAATMENT~lION LOCAL AGENCY PROGRAM AGREEMENT - - - - - 525-010-40 PROJECT MANAGEMENT OFFICE ,_ Page 1 FPN: 417350-1 Fund: HSP Federal No: 1545 002 S Org Code: 55014010106 FPN: Fund: Federal No: Org Code: FPN: Fund: Federal No: Org Code: FPN: Fund: Federal No: Org Code: County No:03 Contract No: /i 0 L- 99 Data Universal Number System (DUNS) No: 80-939-7102 Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA): 20.205 Highway Planning and Construction FLAIR Approp: FLAIR Obj: FLAIR Approp: FLAIR Obj: FLAIR Approp: FLAIR Obj: FLAIR Approp: FLAIR Obj: VendorNo:F596000558102 aH.... ---~ . THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this L- day of.1-- ~ ,~ by and between the STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, an agency of th tate of Florida, hereinafter called the Department, and the Board of County Commissioner, Collier County, Florida 3301 Tamiami Trail East. Naples, Florida 34112 hereinafter called theAgency. . W IT N E SSE T H: WHEREAS, the Agency has the authority to enter Into this Agreement and to undertake the project hereinafter described, and the Department has been granted the authority to function adequately in all areas of appropriate jurisdiction including the implementation of an integrated and balanced transportation system and is authorized under Section 339.12, Florida Statutes, to enter into this Agreement; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants, promises and representations herein, the parties agree as follows: 1.00 Purpose of Agreement: The purpose of this Agreement is to provide for the Department's participation in paved shoulders and as further described In Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof, hereinafter called the "project," and to provide Department financial assistance to the Agency and state the terms and conditions upon which such assistance will be provided and the understandings as to the manner in which the project will be undertaken and completed. 1.01 Attachments: Exhiblt(s) A, B anej 1 are attached and made a part hereof. 2.01 General Requirements: The Agency shall complete the project as described in Exhibit 'N with all practical dispatch, in a sound, economical, and efficient manner, and in accordance with the provisions herein, and all applicable laws. The project will be performed In accordance with .all applicable Department procedures, guidelines, manuals, standards, and directives as described in the Department's Local Agency Program Manual, which by this reference is made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein. Time Is of the essence as to each and every obligation under this Agreement. A full time employee of the Agency, qualified to ensure that the work being pursued is complete, accurate, and consistent with the terms, conditions, and specifications of this Agreement shall be in charge of each project. Removal of Any Unbllled Funds If Agency fails to timely perform its obligations in submitting invoices and documents necessary for the close out of the project, and said failure results in a loss of the remaining unbilled funding either by Federal withdrawal of funds or loss of State appropriation authority (which may Include both federal funds and state funds, if any state funds are on the project), Agency will be responsible for the remaining un billed funds on the project. No other funds will be provided by the Department. Agency waives the right to contest such removal of funds by the Department, if said removal is directly related to Federal (FHW A) withdrawal of funds or loss of State appropriation authority due to Local Agency's failure or nonperformance. In addition to loss of funding, the Department will consider de-{;ertificalion of said Agency for future LAP projects. t- .- ...... "',,'_ '_'_"'_'",'._"___',,'w__...'_ _,.._"_.............,.., -."..--,....-.. ,"-- "-'-""-' ........ """,- ..+-... ". -,.""'". ---~"'- t.JHJr,$ I ~ D I EXHmlT A 10 E i Disbursement Schedule Form Total SIB Loan Amount: $12,000,000 Total SIB Commitment: $12,000,000 SIB Estimated Disbursement Schedule: Month, Day, Year March 22, 2007 Amount Balance $12,000,000 $0 Based on estimated annual expenditures and the Department's historical cash flow rates. 29 --. ,. -....-"'.--..- '----""-". -"----"'''- lOr: EXillBIT C ~..... Disbursement Request Form TOTAL SIB LOAN AMOUNT: $12,000,000 DATE OF THIS DISBURSEMENT REQUEST: AMOUNT REQUESTED FOR THIS DISBURSEMENT: $ BALANCE OF LOAN TO BE DISBURSED: $ CONTRACT NUMBER: FINANCIAL PROJECT NUMBER: 420655-2-58-01 Warrant should be disbursed to: Name: Title: Address: Telephone Number: E-Mail Address: Per Section 10.03 Loan Disbursements of the State Infrastructure Bank Loan Agreement, I certify, to the best of my knowledge, $ ____ in expenses has been incurred on the I-75/Immokalee Road Interchange Improvements project and these costs are eligible for reimbursement and use of the SIB funds. Signature Printed Name and Title 31 ---.- - ,- qafJfl5S ARTICLE IX - INSURANCE 10 E The Agency shall cause the Project to be and remain insured by an insurance company or companies licensed to do and doing business in the State against loss or damage due to any accident or casualty. Such insurance shall remain in place for the useful life of the Project. The Proceeds of insurance policies received as a result of damage to or destruction of the Project shall be used to (i) restore or replace damaged or destroyed portions of the Project, (ii) with the written consent of the Department, repay all or a portion of the Loan, or (iii) any combination of the foregoing. If such insurance proceeds are insufficient to restore or replace damaged portions of the Project, the Agency shall provide additional funds to restore or replace such portions of the Project. Repair, construction or replacement shall be promptly completed. ARTICLE X - DETAILS OF FINANCING 10.01. PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF LOAN. The Department agrees to lend to the Agency, and the Agency agrees to repay the Department the Loan at the times, in the amounts and in the manner set forth in this Agreement. The principal amount of the Loan as of any date shall consist of the aggregate Disbursements (as defined below), plus [if applicable] Capitalized Interest that has accrued and been added to the principal amount of the Loan, plus interest other than Capitalized Interest, if any, that has accrued and becn added to the principal amount of the Loan, lcss the aggregate principal component of all Loan Payments made, all as of such date. ~ The estimated principal amount of the Loan as of the date of the first Loan '?f Payment is $12,000,000, which consists of the amounts scheduled to be disbursed to the Borrower in the amounts and at the times set forth in Disbursement Schedule attached hereto as Exhibit A (each such scheduled disbursement a "Disbursement"). 10.02. FINANCING RATE. Beginning on the date which is 22 months prior to the first Loan Payment, interest shall accrue on the principal amount of the Loan at the Financing Rate (defined below) [Note: this assumes an amortization schedule where the payments are made at the end of the payment 21 -~"---'--"---"'-'--- ., "'--'--- -.-.._-------~..,-_._- ~ FM # 420655 1 5201 COLLIER COUNTY FIRST ND TO LOCALL DED LUMP SUM AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND COLLIER COUNTY FOR 1-75 @ IMMOKALEE OVERPASS INTERCHANGE IMPROVMENT lOE When signed by COLLIER COUNTY (hereinafter, "COUNTY") and the STATE OF FLORIDA, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (hereinafter, "DEPARTMENT") in the places provided below, the following shall constitute the 1 st AMENDMENT to the LOCALLY FUNDED LUMP SUM AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND COLLIER COUNTY FOR 1-75 @ IMMOKALEE OVERPASS INTERCHANGE IMPROVEMENT for PM # 420655 I 52 (hereinafter, "AGREEMENT"). A, All expressions used herein, unless herein separately defined, shall have the same meaning herein as in the Agreement. B. Except as expressly or by necessary implication modified hereby, all provisions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect in accordance with their terms but in the event of any inconsistency(ies) between the provisions of the Agreement and the provisions hereof, the latter shall prevai I. C. The following WHEREAS clauses are added after the 2nd WHEAREAS clause in the original AGREEMENT: a. WHEREAS, this Agreement is sanctioned pursuant to Florida Statutes 334.044 and 339.12(2005), and the COUNTY has authority to enter into this Agreement and fund the COUNTY'S portion of the PROJECT costs, as agreed herein, which shall be incurred by the DEPARTMENT; b. WHEREAS, in order for the COUNTY to contribute to the construction costs funding portion the DEPARTMENT and the COUNTY have entered into a STATE INFRASTRUCTURE BANK LOAN AGREEMENT (hereinafter, "SIB LOAN"); and c. WHEREAS, the COUNTY wishes to assign to the DEPARTMENT all invoicing and payment rights under the SIB LOAN for construction performed by the DEPARTMENT as it relates solely to the DEPARTMENT'S partial recovery of construction costs funding portion of the PROJECT; and d. WHEREAS, a Lump Sum Locally Funded Agreement is needed and required to define the specific contributions to be made by each party, and to clarify that regardless of the ultimate cost of the PROJECT and regardless of the ultimate cost of the 1-75 @ Immokalee Overpass Interchange of the PROJECT, the COUNTY's contribution hereunder is limited to (a) the sum of SIXTEEN MILLION FIVE HUNDRED TWENTY-ONE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED FlFfY DOLLARS ($16,521,450.00); ..lI.. and "'" D. Paragraph a in section I of the original AGREEMENT is deleted in its entirety and replaced FM # 420655 1 52 OJ 1" AMENDMENT TO LFA w/COLLlER COUNTY Page 3 of3 , . " , ~ ACKNOWLEDGED AND AGREED TO: , , , '. , COLLIERCOUNTY, FLORIDA ..':' ',. . <. ,- . ",,- ...... ," ". ATIE~' ..' ".' ,', \fU , ',' 1'",' .""f:'ii.:..... '-.,- C RK'''',' ':. .,'"",;.....J ,,:.::.:';ct(!;eal) , ~.n~'u'i'~~:~~~:, ~.: :s ~ lal~:Y' , Date TITLE: Chairman, Collier County Board of Commissioners Print Name: Date James Colella Collier County At me Legal Review: By: STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ATTEST \" ):. EtEC . ) ! "... l~' By: ~ . , LCL SECRET A~Y (Seal) DISTRICT SECRETARY OR DESIGNEE DISTRICT ONE ,(~ t\ Print Name , { \Jlr\.f/~I J Print Name ) t / / +, '. . . .~" . ("~ II ' .7.,),- l'1- Date A vailability of Funds Approval: Fla. De t. of Trans. Legal Review: / Date 5'-20,01 Date By --.--.- ACKNOWLEDGED AND AGREED TO: FM # 420655 1 52 01 1" AMENDMENT TO LFA w/COLLlER COUNTY Page 3 of3 ',' - L \, COLLIERCOUNTY, FLORIDA ~~ .'~.\'.-:~~...:. . Date TITLE: Chairman, Collier County Board of Commissioners Print Name: James Coletta ~~~I~~A27:::;ceView;} IW~ 7 I Date Date ATTEST STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION :i1 ' (Seal) , \,),\,f/~c- ). Print Name t / (' Lj {\ \ . I "I ~ '7 - - i I . J'.;( l T' Date Availability of Funds Approval: By Date By: k DISTRICT SECRETARY OR DESIGNEE DISTRICT ONE fY1.(~ ~~, G. ~t Print Name ~/10/0,1 Date Fla. De t. of Trans. Legal Review: / r SZool Date 1:'.'; C. . / FCT Contract Number 0'7 oCT.. A". O"'~ FfQ:IJJ::.. 0'1) FLORIDA COMMUNITIES TRUST ..06.043-FF6 . . GORDON RlVERGREENWAYPARK CSF A # 52002 q.q mill ior, GRANT CONTRACT THIS AGREEMENT is entered into by and between the FLORIDA COMMUNlTIES mUST ("FCT'), Rnon-regulatory agency wi!hin the State of Florida Department ofCommunilyAffairs,aild COLLIER COUNTY, a local governinent of the State of Florida ("Recipient"). TillS AGREEMENT IS ENTERED INTO BASED ON THE FOLLOWING FACTS: WHEREAS, the intent of this Agreementis to impose terms and <:onditions on the IIlle of the proceeds of certaln bonds, herein.a.lter described, and the lands acquired with such proceeds ("Project Site"), that are necessary to ensure c.ompliance with applicable Florida law andJederal income litx law and to otherwise implement the provisioDll ofSectioDs 259.1 05, 259.1051 and Chapter 380, i'art III, Florida Statutes; WHEREAS, Chapter 380, ~art ill, Fill. Stat., the Florida Communiti"'l Trust Act, creates a non-regulatol)' agency within the Department of Community Affairs ("Department") which wiJ! assist local govemmenls in bringing inlo compliance and implementing ihe conservation, recreation and open space, and coastal elements of their comprehensive pllmS or in conserving natural resources and fes(llving land use conflicts by providing financial assista.w.:e to local governments and nonprofit environmental Orgllni:rn/i(lns to caJry out projects and activities authorized by the Florida Communities Trust Act; . WHEREAS, FCT is funded through either Section 259.105(3)(c}. FIa Stat. of the Florida Forever Act, which provides for the distribution of twenty-two pel'CCnt (22%), less certain . reductions, of the net Florida Forever Revenue Bond proceeds to the Department, or any other revenue source designated by the Florida Legislature to provide land acquisition grants to l(lcal governments and JlQoprofit environmetlUll organizations for the acquisition of community-bas~. projects, urblln open spaces, pwb and ~CX;llwayS 10 implement local comprehensive plans; WHEREAS, the Florida Forever Revenue Bonds are issued as tax-exempt bonds. meaning the interest on the bonds is eXcluded from the gross incOme of bondholders for federal income la'i purposes; . WHEREAS, Rule 9K -7', floridaAdministrative C(lde ("F .A.C.") sets furth the pnx:edures for the evalUlltion and selection oflaDds proposed for acquisition lllId Rule 9K..8, F .A.C. sels forth the acquisition procedures; .. .'. WHEREAS, on September 14; 2006 the FCT Governing Board scored, ranked lIl1d selected . projects to receive approval for funding; 0/i.043-FJ!6 Oell7,l006 I'r..aeqaillllob -1.. n. MODU'ICATION OF AGREEMENT 1. Either party may requeStm(ldifieationofthe provisions (lfthis Agreement at llIlytime. Changes which are mulually agreed upori shall be valid only when reduced to writ~ and duly signed by each of the parties hereto. Such amendments shall be incorporated into this Agreement. 1lI. DEADLINES . . I. At least two original c(lpies of this Agreement shall be exeCuted by the Recipient lUld retllfficd to the Fer office at 2555 SbUl11ll.rd Oak Boulevard, Tallahassee, .FL 32399..21 00; as soon as possiblc and before November:W, 2006. If the Recipient requires more than one original documen~ the Recipient shall photocopy the number of additional copies needed and then execute each as an original document. Upon receipt of the signed Agreemeirts, FCT shall execute me Agreements, retain one oog; nal copy and return all other copies that have been executed to the Recipient, . 2. The Recipient and its representatives shall know of and adhere to all proj eet deadlines and devise a method of monitoring the project. Deadlines stated in this Agreement, as well as deadlincs associated with anyFCT activily relating to the project, shall be strictly enforced. Failure to adhere to deadlines may result in delays in the project, allocation of time or resources to other . recipients that respond timely or the termination of this Agreement by Fer. 3. The Recipient shall submit the documentation required by this Agreement to FGT as soon as poasible so that the Project Costs may be reimbursed in an expeditious manner. 4. The Recipient shidl provide a monthly slams report to PCT of its progress towanls .reimbursement of the Project Collis. . . 5. The Recipient shall provide the appraisal{s) reqUired by 9K-8.007, F.A.C. to FCT fur review by a date not to exceed ninety (90) days after the Recipient's project is selected for funding. The appraisals shall be reviewed and. upon approval, the Maximum Approved Purchase Price ("MAPP'?, as provided in Rule 9K..g.007(5) nnd (6), FAC., shall be determined. IV. FUNDING PROVISIONS . . I. 1be FC'f Honda Forever award granted t(l the~dpicnt ("FCT Award") wiJI ip no event exceed the lesller of Sixty Percent (60%) of the final Projcct Costs, as defined in Rule 9K-. 7.002(29}, FAC., or Nine Million Nine. Hundred Thousand Dollars And Zero Cents . ($9,900,000.00), unless FCT approves a different amount after determination of the MAPP. The peT Award is based on the'Rf:cipierit's estimate of final Project Costs in its appllcation, as well as the Limitation of Award provided in Rule 9K-7.003(3), F.A.C. and advertised in the Notice of Application. When disburiiing the FCT Award, FeT sba11 recogrnze only those Project Costs consistent with the definition in Rule 9K-7.002(29), F AC. FeT shall partiCipate in the land cost at either the 8.L1ua1 purchase price or the MAPP, whichever is less, multiplied by the p~t stated in the above paragraph. 06-043-FF6 o.t 17,2006 Pl"&-ilIIcquJiIIltllJD -3. - ,.~ "-~"-"'''.'.'-, <..,'-,'.'" , . . . , . ~ . . C. BUDGET: Line Item: CDBG Funds Other Architectural Fees, Engineering Fees, Soil Borings, Survey, Site Development Plan, SFWMD PClluits, Building Permits, Construction, Road Impact Fees, SDP Building Permits, Landscaping, Asbestos Program Year 03-04 Subtotal $83,000 Program Year 04-05 Subtotal $255,000 Program Year 05-06 Subtotal $255,000 273,107.64 Furnishings 50,000.00 Land Value 11,000.00 Total - $593,000 + 334,107.64 TOTAL PROJECT COST $927,107.64 Any indirect costs charged must be consistent with the conditions of this Agreement. If indirect costs are charged, the SUBRECIPIENT, as Subrecipient, will develop an indirect cost allocation plan for determining the appropriate Subrecipient's share of administrative costs and shall submit such plan to FAH, on behalf of the County, as the Grantee, for FAH approval, in a form specified by FAH. D. STAFFING: Provide list of staff and time commitments to be allocated to each activity specified in B (Project Scope) and C (Budget) above, if applicable. E. ASBESTOS REOUlREMENTS: The SUBRECIPIENT shall comply, and ensure its subcontractors' compliance, with all applicable requirements for construction work in connection with the Project fimded through this Agreement. F. DAVIS-BACON ACT: The SUBRECIPIENT shall request the County to obtain a Davis-Bacon wage decision for the project prior to advertising the construction work. The SUBRECIPIENT shall incorporate a copy of the Davis-Bacon wage decision and disclose the requirements of the Davis- Bacon Act in its construction bid solicitation and sub-contract(s). E. BONDING REQUIREMENTS: The SUBRECIPIENT shall comply with the requirements of OMB Circular A-I 02 (Uniform Administrative Requirement for Federal Grants to State and Local Governments) and 24 CFR Part 85 in regard to any bid guarantees, performance bonds, and payment bonds. Collier County Parks and Recreation Department Page 4 of5 / / / . . ORIGINAL SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT AGREEMENT { THE SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT (hereinafter referred to as DISTRICT) HEREBY ENTERS INTO THIS AGREEMENT WITH: Name: COLLIER COUNTY STORMW ATER MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT Address: 2685 S. Horseshoe Square Suite 212 Naples. FL 34104 Project Manager: Mr. Iohn Boldt, P.E., P.S.M. Telephone No: (941) 732-2501 Fax No: (941) 774- 9370 Hereinafter referred to as: COUNTY PROJECT TITLE: GA TEW A Y TRIANGLE STORMWA TER IMPROVEMENTS This number must appear on all Invoices and Correspondence C-12252 N1A% The following Exhlbits are attached hereto and made a part of this AGREEMENT: Exhibit "A" - Not Applicable Exhibit "B" - General Terms and Conditions Exhibit "C" - Statement of Work Exhibit "0" - Payment and Deliverable Schedule Exhibit "E" - Not Applicable Exhibit "F" - Not Applicable Exhibil "0". Not A licable TOTAL AGREEMENT AMOUNT: 49.000.00 Multi-Year Fundlug (If Applicable) Fiscal Year: Fiscal Year: Fiscal Year: .Subject to District GovemJn~ Board Annual Bud~et Appro\'OiJ AGREEMENT TERM: Ondl Yeur District Project Manager: Mr. Clarence Tears Telepbone No: (941) 597-1505 Fux No. (941) 597..1987 SUBMIT INVOICES AND NOTICES TO THE DISTRICT AT: Exhibit "H" - Not Applicable Exhibit "I" Not Applicable Exhibit "I" - Not Applicable Exhibit "K" Not Applicable Exhibit "L" Not Applicable Exhibit "M" - Not Applicable AGREEMENT TYPE: Firm Fixed Price FIsca1 Year: FIscal Yeur: Fiscal Year: South Aorida Water Management District 3301 Gun Club Road West Palm Beach. Florida 33406 Atte{ltion.;. Procurement Division EFFECTIVE DATE: Las! Date ofE\ccutln[J Iw lilt: P;lrril':-' District Contract Administrator: Linda Greer (561) 682-6396 Fax No.: (561) 682-6397 or (561) 681.6275 SUBMIT NOTICES TO THE AGENCY AT: COLUER COUNTY STORMW A 'fER MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT 2685 S. Ho",e,hoe Square Suite 212 Naples. FL 341M A(lentian: Mr. John H. Boldt. P.E. P.S.M. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the authorized represenlative hereby executes this AGREEl\tIENT on this date. and accepts all Terms and Conditions under which it is issued. COLLIER COUNTY STORMWATER SOUTII FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT Accepted By: orized Rcprcscmauyc n-.... Accepled By: F. Frank Hayden, Acting Procurement Director Dale: )ti;~;#i--- C~ ~ t-r- , - '8' - 01 Dale: Title: A.ppI'OIlIi..tot~ ._..~ ~ Date S/7 /. ( autr1ci.!t.cC'., . .A:!A~tn.I~t I~I)'.')~; ',t:;'.r- . . EXHIBIT "C" Cooperative Water Resource Projects Funding Program South Florida Water Management District/Big Cypress Basin Fiscal Year 2001 C-12252 Collier County Stormwater Management Department Gateway Triangle Storm water Improvements Project Detailed Descrjption ofProi~ The Gateway Triangle Stormwater Improvement Project (GTSIP) is a retrofit project currently under design by an engineering consultant for the County Stormwater Management Department (County). The project location is the triangular shaped area bounded on the north by Davis Blvd., on the south by US-4I, and on the east by Airport Road. The area is a mix of older commercially zoned properties adjacent to older residential properties. Many of the businesses within this area are related to automobile repair/sales or the building industry. Being an older developed area, the drainage facilities consist of roadside swales that are frequently crossed by driveways. Most of the area is very low lying with elevations ranging from approximately +4.0' to +6.0' NGVD for the parking lots and roads and +1.0' to +3.0' NGVD for the swales and culvert . inverts. General maintenance of the drainage facilities within the project has been sporadicJo non-existent. The area, especially the western portion, is subject to frequent street flooding and occasional flooding of some businesses and homes. .. '-' The Gataway Triangle area is adjacent to two of the major routes into the City of Naples. . . As such,-,pere is much interest in improving the appearance of this area through e, redevelopment activities. The County's engineering consultant has prepared a preliminary analysis of the storrnwater drainage problems and alternatives to resolve the problems. The proposed drainage improvements primarily consist of the installation of a storm drain system in selected locations to provide increased conveyance capacity. One vacant 2.5 acre parcel for a storrnwater detention pond site has been purchased by the County to provide water quality treatment ability for a portion of the project area. The County's epgineering consultant is preparing the storm drain design drawings. for permitting !!Jld construction this fiscal year. . In addition to providing improved flooding protection to the businesses and adjacent residences, the County is concerned about the provision of improved water quality treatment to the stormwater discharge into nearby sensitive tidal waters. Being an older, low lying commercially developed area that has a lot of automotive repair/sales businesses, there is currently no provision for the treatment of stormwater that discharges into Naples Bay just south of the US-4 I Gordon River Bridge. This area, with its concentration of businesses, increases the probability of hydrocarbon based pollutants (oils and greases) entering into Naples Bay. AGREENENT NO. C-12252. EXHIBrT "Coo. PAGE 1 OF ~ EXHIBIT ''0'' C-12252 PA YMENT AND DELIVERABLE SCHEDULE TASK DELIVERABLE DUE DATE SFWMD PA YMENT Task#! Preliminary Design of Stormwater 3 months from $0.00 Improvement Project contract execution Task #2 Obtain permits for construction of the 4 months from $0.00 proiect contract execution Task #3 Final Design and Bidding 3 months from $0.00 contract execution Task #4 Construction of Stormwater Improvement One year from $49,000.00 Project contract execution SFWMD $49,000.00 Total: . .. . . . , Exhibit "D" to Agreement C-12252. Page I of I 8 ORIGINAL SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT AMENDMENT OT050976-A02 SAP# 3600000933 AMENDMENT NO.2 TO CONTRACT NO. OT050976/ SAP 3600000933 BETWEEN THE SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT AND COLLIER COUNTY This AMENDMENT NO.2, entered into on .to that CONTRACT dated May 31, 2005, between "the Parties," the South Florida Water Management District (DISTRICT), and Collier County (COUNTY). WITNESSETH THAT: WHEREAS, the CONTRACT may be amended with the prior written approval of the parties; and WHEREAS, the parties wish to amend the CONTRACT in order to increase funding, and modify the Payment and Deliverables Schedule of the CONTRACT; NOW THEREFORE, the DISTRICT and the COUNTY, in consideration of the mutual benefits flowing from each to the other, do hereby agree as fol.lows: 1. The monetary consideration for the CONTRACT is hereby increased by an amount not- to-exceed One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00), for a total revised CONTRACT amount not-to-exceed Eight Hundred Fifty Thousand Dol.lars ($850,000.00). ~ 2. The Payment and Deliverable Schedule is also hereby revised in accordance with Exhibit "02", attached hereto and made a part of this AMENDMENT NO.2. 3. This AMENDMENT NO.2 shall be effective upon the date of execution by thc parties. 4. All other terms and conditions of the CONTRACT. as amended, remain unchanged. Amendment No. 2 to Contract No OT050976 SAP 3600000933 -- Page I 01'2 e'. 'fJ ".'-:C' ., oJ South Florida Watar Management District P.O. Box 24680 West Palm Beach, FL 33416-4680 Telephone (561) 6868800 Exl 6391 PURCHASE ORDER FLORIDA SALES TAX EXEMPTION #B5-B013149859C-9 FEDERAL TAX EXEMPT #5IH4-0072K - , Toll Free Line 1-800-432-2045 ~~l:K[>..fl_ES~tACKING LISTS, WV'&~~S. 'cKM<; AND CORR SPONOENCE ALL ITEMS ARE SHIPPED F.O B DESTINATION UNLESS FREIGHT CHARGES ARE ITEMIZED BELOW 4500004768 PAY WITHIN 30 DAYS NET PAGE NO I DATE OF ORDER EST DELIVERY DATE 2012 10/31/2006 10/30/2007 VENDOR NO. I PURCHASING AGENT F.OB CONFIRMING 501489 RYAN, PATRICK DESTINATION NO V COLLIER CNTY CNTY MGR E 2885 HORSESHOE DR S N NAPLES FL 34104 D o R S SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT H LOWER WEST COAST SERVICE CENTER I 2301 MCGREGOR BOULEVARD P FORT MYERS FL 33901 T o Line Quantity Un~ Part Number and Description Unil Price T olal Amount PL~~ E AC'5~ gYl/LEDGE RECEIPT AND ACCEPTANCE 0 THIS PURCHA E ORDE ~BY SI NING AND RETURNING A COPY VIA FAX T( THE PURCHASI G AGEN AT 561 82.5757. ACKN WLEDG .MENT: BY (PI INTOR YPE): . ';:I';i :U,I FAXE .... t .,,' . . NOTE: ,Prices displayed govern 1118 purchase order transaction Page Total 0.00 . Early payment discount Invoices "'coive priority handling " The attached Purchase Order terms & conditions, pages. 1 through 2 ./lGrand Tolal 100,000 00 apply /~N. SEND ALL INVOICES TO: ~ ;;C _____ South Florida Water Management Dlsbict Aulhorlzod Agent .E" P.O. Box 24582 SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEME DISTRICT LINE ITEMS OF YOUR INVOICE MUST MATCH LINE ITEM NUMBERS ON THIS DOCUMENT W85t Palm Beach, FL 33416-4682 An Equal Opportunity Employer. MIFIIW t'''-""-_. EXHIBIT "D2" PAYMENTANDDELnffiRABLESSCHEDULE . A summary deliverable and payment schedule associated with this project is set forth below. Specific deliverables associated with each task are in the summary table below. Due dates for all deliverables are set forth below. All deliverables submitted hereunder are subject to review and acceptance by the District. Acceptability of all work will be based on the judgment of the District that the work is technically complete and accurate. . Payment shall be made following receipt and acceptance by the District of project invoices in accordance with the schedule set forth below. All invoices shall be accompanied by adequate documentation to demonstrate completion of each task in accordance with Exhibit HC" Statement of Work requirements. . Total payment by the District for all activities hereunder shall not exceed the amount of $850,000.00. The District's cost share amount shall not exceed 50% of the total project cost. ~""~'f"'1'- _.'.:;J"'-~'1'''''''' ~ !)'''';;'"f''-~!'--J;f7L~TI=f:1''"'-'' .,,:;-,-r e ~~7 ",~"".,~r ",,'~ - - J" r -.' . -'"l t' IH'>..rf,,"~h ~.~.: pHl~*' n it- ~ ,f--'f"l \f:p~"'i'~~':.q'J-"fj~"\~~e 'r ')', f ~'tP ~4q" I .' II' i fl1:-';'~;"'.' ';<C~"Ol"~t,.:,_j,I.<7t'~.f":\ ';",.J,' '''','.'1 _",' r . , 't,,:, iP ','h ,~"<,, ,1'~ " I ) i~_l, '!\:<;~-id~"" "~~"i, \1" !~};<'I~ 'P "'d!- ..'~ h, !i '. " ~"ltOdl ~ < ., , , " ~,. ~ ...., ,~ ., ,j. . ,I." , ,_ .. '. ,'" . ~"-ll .>nh)t. >" JH,,~ltp'''~ (" i~...!q~)l.ld't,Cj~( T"j ,.t' <1,,:1 ~" "'t1~1,~ ~. _ ~ ~ ~ ~~-.: '~ti:!JL~ _1"~~" :,;.,~ "_~;,H;:::.~~_~~lji~if.U2~E} I t~~ ~j f'~ Uip , ;.:'l- .l! 'I I,W I' tir':l!':~ I I ,.: ~"" _ " '\ :_~;~1::1t ! , Design/Permitting / - "'1, itJIOi 60% Design Plans Complete JJOo;OOO ~ \\' 100% Design Plans and ] month $150,000 , Pennits ' .~~ i Task 2: Construction Notice-to-Proceed with 4 months $50,000 -' Bidding Construction Task 3: Construction 50% Completion Certification 10 months $500,000 " , I (note I) Construction Substantial 16 months nJa Completion Certification Task 4: Final Letter Final Letter Report with 18 months nJa Report Certificate of Completion ~ . NOT-TO-EXCEED PROJECT TOTAL $850,000 cPl/LVlvc; \{i c:. v · All dates are referenced from the date of execution of this amendment and are estimated. .. The District shall only be obligated to pay for documented actual expenditures within the not- to-exceed amounts specified above. In the event actual expenditures by the County are less than the not-to-exceed for a particular task, the County shall have the right to apply the unexpended balance towards a subsequent task. The County shall provide written notice of its decision to exercise this right. In no event shall the District's total obligation exceed $850,000 as specified above for this agreement. The County is responsible for any additional funds either through local revenues, grants, other appropriations, and/or other funding sources. Note I: Pay requests for construction may be submitted quarterly. Page 1 of 1, Exhibit "D2", Agreement No. OT050976.A02 SAP 3600000933 . a.-.... '0 ORIGINAk, , . SOfJ1H FtORIJ)A WATEA MANAGEMENT O"STtU~t '. .~MENDMENT ';:J~., OTOCit14IlJ-AO), SAP J6lIflllfll1l71 \Mfi:NOMF.NT NO. III ','" . TO CONTRACT NO. OTfl611483/SA P J/,II11flflIll71 nETW[I~N Till': SO liTH H,tHUIlA WArlm ~"'NA(;F,I\IEN r OISTHICI \Nll ('OlMfJi ('t~lii\IY rhis AMENDMF::'H NO. ill _ e'nlcr~d In", "" JUt ) U IDOl [d Ihilt CONTIlACr dilled .\prJl I' 01)1)(, kl\\ccl1 'Ihe' l\lIlle'," Ih., ,~""Ih Fld,.;,!:, \\ "Ie'l' ~lallagclllcl1lllistricl i /lISTHICT I. "lid Collier ( \11.1111\ I (t)(: ,""T' ' ~\ITNFSSr-:TII TlL\ /': \HIf:I{h\S. the CON'IK-\( I' may he dlllenekd \\nl1lh.: 1'1"1<11' 'Hillen ,IPpl'l'\dllll'llw rarti~s; ulld WHI:RI:AS. Ih" pilruc, "!\I, III illlk'lld llie CO"l /'((,-\('1 11\ IIrdcl 10 itler,'ase Iltlldiil~: illlO J'C\'ISt: thL' Pa~ml.:nl Wltl J)\"!r\ ~~rahk S.:heduk'. WIIEHE;\S. Ihe lj",nning Uoard "fill" IlISlIUt I. allts\pnll~, ~(It17 meeting. appl'll""" "Ilt~ring imu Ihis A\-U.:NUMF.;'I/'r ,'10. III wilh Ih,' COLI NT)': 'lIld NOW lfIEREFORE, lhc OISTN)("r ami the (OliN.,.\:, In Ullhideflllioll "i' Ihe mlllllaJ bCllctil; n\\\ving thll11 each lolhe "lhcl', do hereby ;terce,,, lull'HH I, This AME:'/UMENT NO. III ,ball b" dkdi,,' Ilpolllhe dale' Ii ,,:,eclltlon by i11" P:lllics, 2, The monetary ,;oll.klcmtillll /lor the CONTI{.\CT I:; ]krdlY IIlelcasl'" h~ '"l al11\>llllt 1\01- fo-ex,:c,."d 111ree Hlllldred Nilld) .. il'e lI1lHlSillld d,)II,", ($395.UOO.OO). fur a 11)lallC\b(([ ('ONTI{ACT all1oul1lnut-to-cxce"d Se"'n fll\ndr,," Nil\d:, Fiw rl1l'lI'''lJIlI ,loll"", 1$ 795 .000. 0111 .'\lllcnJI1H..'nt ]\" Ii!: t..'f!J()!,I.il{, 'S.\P ~')(jl}!jtJ1U11 Pd,;.:,....! \,'j'2 8) SOUTH FLORIDA WA.TER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT AMENDMENT 3. The Payment & Deliverable Schedule is also hereby revised in accordance with Exhibit "DI", attached hereto and made a part of this AMENDMENT NO, 01. 4. All other terms and conditions of the CONTRACT. as amended. remain unchanged IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties or their duly authorized represcntBtivcs hereby execute this AMENDMENT NO. 01 on the date first written above. SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT BY ITS GOVERNING BOARD By: '" " ., .1:1- SFWMDPR~MENT~~I7. _ By i'~~ Date: f.t.. .30 - .q,OO~ COLLIER COUNTY. DATED: lC" I Iz..(c-=/ ^T"r!Si: . ~CK.. CLE~ . ',' .. .'-~Q.l.~( c. .\t te st B~, to 01411'111I , ,"1 ~.ture 01\ I, . By: ,.~ ,.:~1/ .: Boar~.'~f Co ler County Commissioners James Coletta, Chairman (g / "2./07 Date: Amendment No. 01 to OT060483 lSAP 3600001071- - Page 2 of2 EXIIIBIT "1)1" I'kYML"T .\\,'Il DELlYFRAIlLES SCIIEDlJI,L . A summery deliverable Cllld P"YlllCllt sdreciltle ibsocin1cd with this project is set torlh below including specific ,1,'livcrllbks assOCi;rled I' ith e;rch task ;rnd duel dates for aii deliverables. ,. /\11 deJiverables submitted hereunder are subject to review and acceptance by the District Acceptability of "il work wii! be based on the judgment of the District 1hal the work is techllically c""Wlelc Illld.iccllclie. . Payment shall be made following rec'eipt and i!CCcptancc by the District of project inv(lices in accorLld:1Ce ,'ith ;11C SChL'duk~ set f()rth hchn\' All involces shall be accoll1panied by :ldcqU<l1c (1oCl'!llcni;,flon to (il'\llonstr:itc complctlon of each task in accordance with Exhibit '"C' St<:temcnt ofi\'C1i;' re"l1i!en.2:l1s. . Total payment by the District for ail activiti,'s hereunder 5h811not exceed the amount of $795.000. Total project cost is estilllltled to be ~5.IIO.OOO. The lJistricls cost share amount shall nOl exceed 50% oflhc lotal project cose . If the total consideration for lhis AGREE\ lENT is slJJject to multi-year flmding allocations. funding for each applicable liscl \'(~,11 of Ihis AGREUvlENT will be subject to C]overnl11g B.)<,,'d budgetary i'l'propriation In the event the DISTRJCT does nOl approve funding for any subsequent fiscal year. Ihis AGREEMENT shall terminate upon expenclIll1,'C of the cllrrent hl11dmg, n01wlthstandlf1g other provisions 111lhis AGREEMENT to ,he coni",,, v. I J'ask I IJ k 1 C i as 'ODst , Lelv Branch ( .. 4] to K.inus L - . I )l.'1 i \"",'I";J hl\.~" Dl11C~' !listric! 1 . Due '1\ (l (~ I ! (r;rolll contract to-Exceed ! I I I L\\..>CU(!Oll) Pa'vlllcn1 . i TIIetion of INoti,-e ll) Proceed I I , $50,0(J(J weeL I , , i 'anal (U.S. , J 1 . C 'fi . .. 1110nths $ 745JIOCl I '00' e '" ake )** ;) /0 . ](~.PlcUOll l'll! iCdi.,,'ill , . i-- I l- I Constnlctic,n Sllbst~lltial i 10 months nJa ! , CtJnlpk'ti(lll Certifk,:] ion . I I . , i\OT:!C).I:,xCI:EII-i;g-o:Jt:C! TOTAL ]$795,C10Cl__J it L____ f , L____.___.__._. * All dates are referenced 1[,,111 tl1<' dllte of execution of this amendment and are estimated. *" Progress payment invoices for COllstl1lction activities may be submitted on a qll3rterly basis .. . . "J;:' .. Agreement OT060.183..A01-..-SAP #3600001071---Page 1 of 1 - . ~-~-' .VU '.. ",""'~ .~.~. .-c.&' ORIGINAL SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT LOCAL GOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT AGREEMENT NO. 4600000625 BETWEEN THE SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT AND COLLIER COUNTY TffiS AGREEMENT is entered into as of th the South Florida Waler Management Dis . (j,O JAN Z 6 Z001 County (COUNTY). J"- of Florida, created by Ihe Florida ter 373, Florida Statutes, to include so ; and , by and between WHEREAS, the DlSTRI Legislature and given those powe entering into contracts with public ge WHEREAS, the DIS Canal ConstIUction - LASIP P the COUNTY for Lely Branch WHEREAS, Ihe COU impair its ability to fulfill the t , 2007 meeting, approved entering into \. The DISTRICT agrees to contribute funds and the COUNTY agrees to perform the work set forth in Exhibil "A" attached herelo and made a part bereof, subjeclto availability of funds and in accordance with their respective authorities to constIUCt stormwater management system improvements to the Lely Branch Canal from Rattlesnake Hammock Road north to Kings Lake. 2. The period of performance of this AGREEMENT shall commence on the date of execution of this AGREEMENT and shall continue for a period of One (I) Year. 3. The total DISTRICT contribution shall nol exceed the amount of One Million, One Hundred Ninety Thousand Dollars and No Cents $1,190,000. The DISTRICT will provide the full amount bued on the Paymenl and Deliverable Sc 0 In xhibit "B", which is attached hereto and made · pan of this AGREEMENT. The DISTRICT's contribution is subject to adequate documentation to support actual expenditureS within the not-to-exceed AGREEMENT funding limitation of $1,190,000.00. In no event shall the DISTRICT be liable for any contribution hereunder in excess 0 un . If the total consideration for Ihis AGREEMENT is subject to mulli-year funding allocations, funding for each applicable flScal year of this AGREEMENT will be subject 10 Governing Board budgetary appropriation. In the evenl the DISTRICT does not approve funding for any subsequent fiscal year, this AGREEMENT shall terminate upon expenditure of the current funding, notwithstanding other provisions in this Agreement 4600000625, Page I of 5 ~~.- --. .,.._--,...,. ~.- -,.~~~-- -'---,-_._,-'."--'-' .. "---~- ..._~,. e:;s-a --=.. ... C> ~...... _... co - ~a - co ;j5 . . , , I - ... C> co ... ~i: ....... _ C> :;::m -- ~ co g-'" _.. C> .. .. C> r9"J:' ~ ~ CJ cr. .. -..-:=- ~...~ -~- !;~C> :;:i= ~ ;:; I: .... eag ~ ~g~ _ 0 >-" ... ~ ex:> co .... ~ _ co_ - ...-~ ~ ~ G""l ~ - ...... -... ... - ~ >-" g..,.. ~CF"o ... (...> . - ... Si: -.... - -... ~... ... -- ~- . - ~~ ~~ ,II .1 lOB EXHIBIT "B" PAYMENT AND DELIVERABLES SCHEDULE · A summary deliverable and payment schedule associaled with this project is set forth below including specific deliverables associated with each task and due dates for all deliverables. · All deliverables submitted hereunder are subject to review and acceptance by the District. Acceptability of all work will be based on the judgment of the District that the work is technically complete and accurate. . Payment shall be made following receipt and acceptance by the District of project invoices in accordance with the schedule set forth below. All invoices shall be accompanied by adequate documentation to demonstrate completion of each task in accordance with this Stalement of Work document. . If the total consideration for th. Task I: Construction Bidding Task 2: Mobilizalion and Clearing Contractor's schedule and Work Plan 6 months $500,000 Task 3: Construction of 50% Completion of Construction 10 months Lely Branch Canal (Rat- Certification Ham Rd to Kin s Lake $]90,000 Total SFWMDfBCB Share S1190,000 · All dates are referenced from the date of execution 0 nt and are estimated. ee The District shall only be obligated to pay for documented actual expenditures within the not- 10-exceed amounts~.L~~_llb9ve. In no event shall the District's total obligation exceed $1,]90,000 as specified above. The County is responsible for any additional funds either through local revenues, grants, other appropriations, and/or other funding sources. Page 4 of 4, Agreement 4600000625 ::1,. ':V.' C> :::c -- .- "-> ...... ex> -a ~ . . ...... .- -.;J ...... . . i,~,~ ",...~,.a: '\_:',~f'j-'-, '<.." ',,'< .' Agenda item No. 10B April 10, 2007 ORIGr~ft:C4 -.~- SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT LOCAL GOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT AGREEMENT NO. 4600000627 BETWEEN THE SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT A1'\'D COLLIER COUNTY THIS AGREEMENT is entered into as of the the South FIOIida Water Management District (DISTRICT) and Collier COWIty (COUNTY) _ by and hetween WHEREAS, the DISTRICT is a public cmporation of the State of Florida, created by the Florida Legislature and given those powers and responsibilili<:s enumerated in Olapb 373, Florida Statutes, to inclnde entering into eonIrllClS with public agencies, plivate COtpOlalions or other pelsons; and WHEREAS, the DlSfRlCT desires to provide finoocial assistance 10 the COUNIY for Gateway lriangle SloImWOtellmprovemenlS - Phase I Construction; and WHEREAS, the COUNTY wanllllls and represents that it has 110 obligation or indebtedness /bat would impair its ability to fulfill the terms and conditima of this AGREEMENT; and WHEREAS, the Governing Board of the Dislrict at il> JlIluary II, 2007 meeting, approved entering into this AGREEMENT with the COUNIY; and NOW, THEREFORE, in coll5ideration of the COVenm1> and represeDlations set forth herein and other good and valuable considelation, the receipt and adequacy of which is hereby aelmowledged, the parties agree as follows: 1 The DISTRICT agrees to conltibWe funds and the COUNfY agrees to perform the work set forth in Exlul>it "A" atlached hereto and made a part hereof; subject to availability of funds and in accordance with their respective authorities to collllltuct a delention pond, sheet piling, hox culvert and force main to Linwood AVcmJe ~"" 2 The period of perfonnance of this AGREJ:MEN T shall commence on the date of execution of this AGREEMENT and shaIJ continue for a period of One (I) Year Ihe total DISTRICT conlribution shall not exceed the amount of Eight Hnndred Tholl.""d Dollars and No Cenl> ($800,000 00). TIte DISTRICT will provide the full amount baaed on the Payment and Deliverable Schedule 3el forth in Exhibit "B", which is attached hereto and made a part of this AGREEMENT The DISTRICT's contribution is subject III adeqnate docll,,"''''otioD to support actuol eoq>e1lditur.. within the not-to-exceed AGREEMENT funding liwibltion of $800,000 00 In 110 eveat shall the DISTRICT be liable far any conltibution hereunder in excess o~ If the total consideration for this AGREEMENT is subject to multi-year funding allocations, fimding fot eacl1 applicable fiscal year of this AGREEMENT will be subject to Governing Board hndgetary appropriotiolL In the event the DISTRICT does nol approve fundiog for any subaequent fiscal year, this AGREEMENT shall teullimlte upon expenditure of the current funding, notwilhatandmg other provisiOll8 in this AGREEMENT to the .,' ... 3. ~ AgreementNo.4600000627,Page I ofS . "'T"--"-'~-----""---' . -~-_.--~..__.. - .,_..".--_.__...._..."~-,,--~ ..-. , I I , . i J , , , , , ! i , , I , i . , , I . , . , , r , , , , . , . , . , . I , I , I I , , I , , , , r . , ,A,ocn,ja itern No 108 ~ Ann! 10, 2007 Page 16 of 24 contrary. Tbe DISTRICT will ootify the COUNTY in writing after the adoption of the firnl DISTRICT budget for each subseqnent fiscal year jf limding is not approved fOl this AGREEMENT. 4. Ihe COUNTY shall submit quarterly fiDanciaI n:ports to the DISlRICI providing a detailed accounting of all expenditures incurred hereunder Ihroughout the term of this AGREEMENT. Thc COUNTY slJall report and document the amount of funds expended per month during the quarterly reporting period and the AGREEMENT expenditures to date within the maximum not-t<Hxceed AGREEMENT funding limitation 5. lhe COUNTY shall C03t share in the toIal amotIDt of $3.700,000 00 in confuuuity with the laws and regulations governing the COUNTY 6 All work to be pmonned UDder this AGREEMENT is set forth in Ex.bibit "A", SI."""..... ofWOIk. which is attached hereto ODd made a part of this AGREEMENT. The COUNTY shall submit quartedy progress reports detailing the status of work to dale fOl each task The wOlk specified in Exhibit "A" shall be under the dire1:tion of the COUNTY but sball be open 10 periodic review and inspection by either party No work set forth in Exhibit "A" .balI be perfOlJM<\ beyond the exphalion date, unless au1horized through execulion of an amendment 10 coyer succeeding peliods 7 Ihe COUNTY i. hereby authorized 10 contract with third parties (su&contrac1s) for services awarded tlnough a competitive process required by Florida Stalules The COUNTY shan not subeontrac~ .....ign or transfer any other work under this AGREEMENT without the prior written consent of the DISIRICl's Project Manager The COUNIY ugrees to be responsible for the fulfillment of all work elements included in any suboolltract and agrees to be responsible for the payment of all monies due under any subcomact It is understood and agreed by the COUNT Y tbst the DISl'lUCT shan not be liable to any subconltaclor for any expenses or liabilities inclUted under the sobcontract(s) 8 Both the DISTRICr and the COUN'IY sIIaII bave joint OWIlersbip rights to all work ilems, including but not limited to. an documents. tecbnical reports, tc:Icarch DOtes. scientific data, """"uter programs. inclnding the source and object code, which are developed, created or otberwise OIigJnated herewder by the Othel party. its subconllactor(s). assign(s). agenl(s) and/or SIICC"S')[{s) as required by the Exhibit "A". S"'t<ll~ut of Work Both parties' ligbta to cIefuoenbIca received under 1lais AG:RU.MJ:NI sb&ll in.clude the unrestricted aDd perpetual right to use, reproduce, modifY aDd diJlnbule aucb deliyorables at no additiOJlllI cost to the other party. Notwithstandiua tile lO<egoin& ownership of all equjpm"ltt and bardwar.e purclwed by the COUN'IY under this AGROMI:I\'T shall be deemed to be the propotty of lire COUNfY opon completion of this AGREEMENT. The COUN'IY sbalI retain all oWDCIllhip IOlangible ploperty The COUNTY, 10 the extent pemriued by law, asswnes any and all rWcs of per>onaI injury, bodily injury and property damage atttibntable to negl_ aclS Or ""';lI8iona of the COUNTY and lhe officers, employees. servanls and agents ll"not. The COUN'IY represents that it is ..If-fonded fOI Worke,'s Compensation and liability insmance. coveriua bodily injmy, personal injury and property damage. with such prolection being IlA'licabJc to the COUNIY, its oflic:ers and erq>loyees while aclillB within the scope nf their employment during perro,..-...... ofunder this AGUEMENT Tn the event that the COUNTY subconltacts any part or all of the work hereunder to my third party. the COIINIY sball require each and every subconlnlCtor to identitY the DISTRICT 1I$ an additioIlaI iIIsured on aU inaunuce policies as required by lire COUNTY Ally conttact awarded by tile COUNTY sbalI include a provision whereby the COUNTY's subcontlllclo. ag..... to indemnil'y. pay on behalf, and bold the DlSIRICT harmless from all damages arising in comrection with the COUNIY's subeoDtract 9.. 10. The COUNfY and the DISIRlCT further agree that IlO1bing contained herein sball be consttued or interpreted as (1) denying to either party any rOlftedy or defense ayailable to such party underlhc laws of the State of Florida; (2) the consent nf the State of Florida Or its agont. and agencies to be sued; or (3) a waiver of sovereign immunity of the SlIlte of Florida beyond the waiver provided in Section 76828. Florida SlIlrutes. 11 The parties to this AGREEMlINT are independent 0IIliliea and "'" not erq>loyees or agents of the other parties. Nothing in this AGREEMENT sball be inIerpreted to _llIish any relationship other than that of independent entities, between the DISIRICT. the COUNTY. their employees, agents, su&conllactors Dr assigns, during Dr after the term of this AGREEMENT The parties to this AGREEMENT shall not Agreement No 4600000627, Page 2 of 5 --. ---._- ------ , i . , . . , , . , . . , i . , , , , ! . 1 , , , , , I . l . , . ! , . , . ! ! , ; . i , I . , . I , , '~.'.'.'.-'- ,-1.:; !In'~l N.~ 1no . '-, ,',' ""'; ,j uU An,';1 10. 2007 P;:rc_, 17,,"')4 -':-1.' '"',-- assign, delegate or otherwise transfer their rights and obligations as set forth in this AGREEMENT without the prior written consent of the other parties Any attempted assign"""" in violalion of tlns provision shall be void 12. The parties to this AGREEMENT OSSUIe that no person shall be excluded on the grounds of race. color, creed, natinlllll origin, handicap, age or sex. fiom participation in, denied the benefits of, OT be otherwise :rubjeded to discrimination in any activity under this AGREEMENT 13. The COL'NIY. its employees. subcontractors OS ...ips, shall comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws and regu1alioliS relating to the perfo...-"", of this AGREEMENT. The DIS1RICf undertakes no duty to ensure such co"1'liance, bul will attempt to advise the COUNIY, upon reques~ as to any such laws of which it has present knowledge 14. EithOl party may terminate this AGREEMENT at any time for convenience upon thirty (30) calendar days prior written notice to the other party In the evelll of1e",~n.tiOll, all funds not expended by the COUNTY for authOliud work performed tlnough the termination date shall be returned to the DISfRICT withm sixty (60) days oflerminatioo. 15 lhe COlINl Y shall allow public access 10 all project documenfll and materials in accordance with the provisions of Cbopler 119, Florida StabIleS SlIouId the COUNTY ",._ any exerI4>tions to the requirenJmts of Chapter I J 9 and related Statutes. the burden of eotabli.shing such exe"1'tion, by way of injwrctivc or other reliefas provided by law, shall he upon the COUNTY 16 The COUNTY shall maintain records aud the DISTRICT shall have inspection aud audit rights below The COUNTY shall similarly require each subconItaClDr 10 DIIi....in and allow _ to such records fur audit purposes: A ~ce of Recor<4: The COUNTY slJalI maiDtaill all tina""laI and non-fuhouclal records aud reports directly or indirectly relaled to the negotiation or performance of this AGREEMENT ineluding supporting documentation for any service "'..... expell!Ol, research or reports. Such recoro. shall be JDaintained and made available for inspection for a period of five (5) years fiom the expuation date of this AGREEMENT B Examination of Records: The DISTRICT or desigDa1ed ogent slJall have the right to e,omine in accordance with genOlally accepted gOYernnw.ub1 audiling s1andards all records directly Or indirectly relared to this AGREEMENT, Such exam;"alion may be made only within fiye (5) years fiom the e"Pualion date of this AGREEMENT c ~ AvailahiliJY Qf RecorW! for Le~tes: In the eyent that the DISTRICI should become involved in a legal dispute with a thiId party arisin& ftom perfo...-..ce under Ibis AGREJ;MJ:NT. the COUNTY shall extend the perind of maintenAnce for all records relating to the AGREEMENT UIltil the fmal disposition of the legal dispute All such recDIds slJall be made readily avallable to the DISTRICT 17 WheneyOI the DISTRICl '. contribution includes stale or federal appropriated funds, the COUNlY sbal~ in addition 10 the inspection and audit righto set forth in pazagraph #16 above. maintain rttOTd.. and similarly require each suheonltactor to momlain and allow acceas to such records in compliance with the requirements ofrhe Florida S_ Single Audit Act and the Federal Single Audit Ac~ as follows: A Maintenance ofRecoJ:~: rhe DISTRICT sbalI providethe necMBlrY infou_tion to the COUNTY as set forth in Ex.bibit "C". The COUNTY shall mAintain all financial/non-financial records tlnough: (I) (2) (3) Identification of the state or federal awarding agency. as applicable Project identification jnf", ....lion included in the Catalog of State Financial Assistance (CSF A) or the Catalog of Federal FinauciaI Assi.......~ (CFDA). as applicable Audit and accountability requircme... for s1lltO projects u stated in the SiDgIe Audit Act and applicable rules of the Executive Office of Governor, rules of the Chief Financial Officer and rulcs of the Auditor General and the SI3te Projects Compliance Supple,u.,ul Audit/accountability n:qnirements for fildenoI projects as imposed by fedenlla ws and regulations Submission oftbe applicable shrgle audit report to the DISTRICr. as completcd per fiscal year (4) (5) Agreement No 4600000627, Poge 3 of 5 ", -. M;.,~,....,,'..,k _~.,_ " , , , I , . ! , , , , , , i , , , , . , 1 . I . , , i , 19 20. 21 22 23 24. 25. 26. - ,.'--...----.. A.qend3 item No 108 ADiil 10. 2007 Page 18 of 24 B. Examination of Records: The DISTRICT 01 designated agen~ the state awarding agency, the state'. Chief Financial Officer and the state's Audilor General andIo< federal awarding agency shall have the right to examine the COUNIY's financial and non-fmancial records to the extent necessary to IIIOnitor the COUNTY's use of state or fedClal financial assistance and to determine whether timely and appropriate corrective actions have beCD takcn with respect to audit findings and recommendations which may include onsite visits and limited scope audits. 18. All notices or other conmnm;cation regarding this AGREEMENT shall he in writing and forwarded to the attention of the following individuals: South Flor ida Water Management District Collier ColmIy Attn: Max Guerra, Project Manager Telephone No (239) 597-1505 ext 7612 Attn:R. Shane Cox, Project Manager Telephone No (239) 659-5792 Address: 2705 H01SOsboe D!iye Sonth Napl;es, FL 34104 Attn: Rupert Giroux, Contract Specialist Telephone No. (561) 682-2532 Address: PO. Box 24680 3301 Gun Club Road West Pahn Beach, F1 33416-4680 COUNTY recognizes that any 'CJb-tinns, tto......". or negotiationa made by DISTRICT staff do not suffice to legally bind DISTRICT in a COlllr,Hnol relalionship unIellS they have been reduced to writing and signed by an authorized DlS'IRICT rep.-...tative Tbis AGREEMENf sbalI inure to the benefit of and shall he binding upon the paIlies, their rcspcctive assigns, and successors in interest. Tbis AGREEMENT may be amended, extended or r_wed only with the written approval of the parties The DISTRICT sball be responsible for ini1iating any arnendments to this AGREEMENT, ifrequired This AGREEMENI, and any work perIormed ben:under, is subject to thc laws of the Slate of Florida. Nothing in this AGREEMENT wiD bind any of the paJ1ie& to perform beyond their respective authority, nor does this AGREEMEN'I alter the legal rip.. and remedies which the respective parties would otherwise have, under law or at equity_ Should any term 01 provision of this AGREEMENT be held, to any extent, invalid or unenforceable, as against any person, entity 01 circun"",."", during tho ~11" bcreof, by force of any slalule, law, or roIing of any fonun of competent jurisdiction, ouch invalidily sbalI oot affect any other 1rmn or provision of this AGREEMENT, to the e~leut thst the AGRJ:J'.MI:Nf shall ...,..in operabIe, enforcc:able and in full force and effect to the extentpe.uuined by law Failures 0< waivers In insist on strict perf....."""," of any coyenrmt, condition, or proYlSlOll of this AGREEMENT by the parties shall not be deemed a waiver of any of its rights 01 remedies, ner sbalI it relieve the other party from performing any subsequent obIigationa strictly in accordance with the terms of this AGREEMENT No waiver .halI be effective 1IIIl... in writing and sigaed by the party against whom enforcement is sought Such waiver shan be 1;..~1td 10 provia."" of this AGREEMENf specifically referred to therein and sbalI not be tIeemod a waiyer of any other provision. No waiver sbalI constitute a continuing waiver unless the writing _ otherwise_ Any dispute arising under this AGREEMEN'I which CllDOOt be readily resol...d shan be submined jointly to the signatories of this AGREEMEN'I with each pany agreeing 10 seek in good faith to 1'O:l0Ive the issue through negotiation or other fonns of non-binding alternative displllc resobrtion mutually acceplable to the parties A joint decision of the signatoriea, 01 their designees, sball be the disposition of such dispule This AGREEMENT slates the en!ire undentandiug and "t'"...."'l>etw=l the parties and lII1peJSedes any and all written or oral represe""'tions, Slalc'''''''''' negotiations, or agtGI~u6,,1s previously existiDg betw<.~ the parties with rcspoctto the subject matter of1ll/s AGREEMENT Any inconsistency in this AGREEMENT sbalI be resolved by giving precedence in the following order. Agreement No. 4600000627, Page 4 of 5 , , i , , ! , ! , , , , , i i , , , , i I , ! ! I i , , , , , , . , , , - i , I I r ! 1 , , , , , , , , , , Aqenda item No.1 08 ADrillO. 2007 Pane 19 of 24 -. (a) Tenns and Conditions outlined in preceding p8f8gI1Iphs ) - 24 (b) Exhibil"A" Statement of Work (c) all other exlnbits, attach......ts and docurnenIs specifically incOIporated herein by reference TN wrINESS WHEREOF, Ihe parties or their duly au1horized representatives hereby execute this AGREEMENT on the date fint written above SOUTH FLOlUDA W A'IltR MANAGEMIi:NT DISTRICT By: IY1-- SFWMD PROCUREMENT APPROVED ~ By: Date: ,@- COLLIER COUNIY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMlSSIONl:RS COLLIER COUNIY. JILORIDA By: Board of County CuuwU:I8ioners rames Coletta, Chairman ATTEST Dwight E Brock, Clerk By: Deputy Clerk Approyed as to fOlm and Le I Sufficiency Assistant County Attorney " . , I , By: , , , , , , , , Agreement 4600000627, Page 5 of 5 e.... South Florida Water Management District ,:. ." P.O.. Box 24660 ... . WeslPalmBeach,FL33416-4680 Telephone (561) 686-8800, Ex! 6391 Toll Free Line 1-800-432-2045 ALL ITEMS ARE SHIPPED F.O.B DESTINATION UNLESS FREIGHT CHARGES ARE ITEMIZED BELOW PURCHASE ORDER FLORIDA SALES TAX EXEMPTION fl85.8013149859C-9 FEDERAL TAX EXEMPT #59-74-00721< HIS A P ALL RM PACKAGE.!l...PACKING LISTS INVOICES. AND COR"" DENCE. PAY WITHIN 30 DAYS NET EST DELIVERY DATE 1013012007 CONFIRMING NO VENOORNO. 501489 PURCHASING AGENT RYAN, PATRICK PA TE OF ORDER 1 of 2 10/3112006 FOB DESTINATION V COLLIER CNTY CNTY MGR E 2885 HORSESHOE DR S N NAPLES FL 34104 D o R S SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT H LOWER WEST COAST SERVICE CENTER I 2301 MCGREGOR BOULEVARD P FORT MYERS FL 33901 T o LINE rrEMS OF YOUR INVOICE MUST MATCH LINE ITEM NUMBERS ON THIS DOCUMENT Line Quantity Unit Part Number and Description Unit Price Total Amount -MODIFICATION 7/9/07---------------- THIS URCHA E OROER IS REVISED TO INCORPORATE ATTACHMENT .. ", MODI ICATION TO STANDARD DISTRICT PURCHASE ORD R TERMS HER Y REFE ENCED AND MADE A PART OF THIS PURCHASE RDER. ALL OTH R TERM AND C NDITIONS SHALL REMAIN IN FULL FORCE AN EFFECT. THE URCH E ORDER ESTIMATED DELNERY DATE IS EREBY EXTEND 0 THRO GH AU UST 5, 2008 AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE ISTRICT PRICI G PER RITTEN QUOTATION DATED OCTOBER 31, 2 06 FROM R. SH E COX, .E, STO MWATER MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT, COL IER COUNTY COLLI R CO NTY (COUNTY) SHALL PERFORM GA EWAY TRIAN E STO WATE IMPROVEMENTS PHASE I CONSTRUCTION IN CCORDANCE W H ATTA HMENT "N, STATEMENT OF WORK ATTACHED HE ETO AND BY T IS REFE ENCE I MADE A PART OF THIS PURCHASE ORDER. 1 1 TH ITEM COVER 10 1 20 1 AU PHASE I CONSTRUCTION THE FO LOWING SERVICES: EA NOTICE TO PROCEED EA 50% COMPLETiON CERTIFICATiON 100,000.00 100,000.00 50,00000 50,000 00 50.000 00 50.000 00 DISTR CT CON ACT: MOLLY MEADOWS AT 239 338-2929, EXT 730 AlTE TlON: R. SHANE COX, P.E., FAX: 239 732-2526. NOTE: .. Prices displayed govern the purchase order transacUon. ., E8~Y payment discount Invoices receive priority h8ndllng . The attached Purchase Order terms & conditions. pages 1 through 2 apply ~~ Page Tolal Grand Total SEND ALL INVOICES TO: South Florida Wa_ Management District P.O. Box 24682 West Palm Be8ch, FL 334164682 AulhorizedAgent rAX ED SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRI An Equal Opportunity Employer. M/F/HN --_.,- South Florida Water Management DIstrIct P.O. Box 24680 West Palm Beach, FL 334 t 6-4680 Telephone (561) ~800, Ext 6390 Florida WATS Line 1-800-432-2045 Agenda Item No. lOB April 26, 2005 PURCHASeaORDER - ,_,_' ., ,i~-' f;&::'~~{' ,_ fa. '-~ ' . - ... " . ',-' -' ,.-/ '\ ",' FlORIDA SALfS TAX EXEMPTION ~ 85-8013'498S9C.9 FEDERAl TAXEXEMPT'SO-7....,72K THl6 Htl1''9EJil UlJST APPEAR ON ALL. P,tQ(AGfS. PAClaHG lIST.$. lHVOtC€'S. NC)~ENCE_ I I PAYMENT TERMS I'-THIS IS A CENTRALIZED PURCHAsE AUTHORIZATION_ ALL ITEMS ARE SHIPPED F.O.B DESTINATION UNLESS FREIGHT CHARGES ARE ITEMIZED BELOW -- PC P501076 I' DATE OF ORDER 02 23 05 . F.O_B CONARMtNG ~"ET 30 EST. DEUVERY OAT€:- 09 05 05 ORGAN1ZAnON NO PAGE NO I VENDOR NO, , , 1"''''7 Yr '...c ~, 01 I PURCHASING AGENT !JOSCL..Yt~ HARRIS-F:TZRO~ ------- Quantity 'I: Sj &')tJTH FLORlOA WATER MANAGEMENT DIS'TRJCr '" .' .. i I I I pi I IT I _oj LINE ITEMS OF YOUR INVOICE MUST MATCH LINE ITEM NUMBERS ON THIS DOCUMENT "--. I , I DES':"INATION ---------- NO 4450 iV ~I Df ~J -_._~~~- COLLIER CNTY STORMWATER MGMT 2B85 HORSESHOE DRIVE SCVJTH NAPLES FL 34104 MS: 4450 PORT MYERS ~301 MCGREGOR BLVD FT MYERS FL 33901 AREA OFFICE -_.-.--. , ! Line I , i I I , DESIGN OF ~TEWAY TRIANGLE DRAINAGE IMPROV"MXNT I PER SOW I i ci' I PRICING AND SERVIC S PER ATTACHM'ENT A STATEMENT OF WORK INCORPO~TED BY RHF&RENqR HERE: AND MADE A PART OF THIS PURFE ORDER. I , DISTRICT C~ACT; 'LIZABETH ABBOTT * 561 239 331-292. EXT 7730 AiTN -; RIcr4mo V : I PLEASE ACKNpWLEDGB ff:ECBIPT AND ACCEPTANCB OF TH~S PURCHASE ORDER I BY SIGNING AND{ RETURN G A COPY VIA FAX TO THB PtJR9HASING AGENT @ 5fl- 682-5754_ I i I I ACKNOWLEDGBMBNT: I ) I ~ I , 1.000 r Unit lEA~1 , Part Number and Description UnnPrn Tota, Amount --_.~.~ 001 90.000.000000 90,QOO.00 -I I I I I I I I -- BY (PRINT 01< I TYPE) j , ! , I I I -- Prices dis.Playad goviltn 1tlis purchase '-"N rr."'fecbon, . Early payment diSCOunt invoicea rec.e1Ye priority handring, The attached Purchase Order terms & conditions appty 8$ follows: Page 1 rOf commoditJftS and Page 2 fOl seMcea. I L , I I I NOTE: Page Total Grand TOI8I 90,000.00 90,000.00 - SEND ALL INVOICES TO: South Florida Water Management Dfstrict P.O. Box 24682 West Palm Beach, Fl 33416-4682 - VENDOR Copy !\gen' ATER MANAGEMENT OISTRI IyE_-MlFIHN Fom> 06115 10112005) -------.- _..- . ATTACHMENT A Agenda Item NO.1 DB ',oril 26. 2005 Page 38 of :,8 K SUMMARY SCHEDULE OF TASKS A:>JD DELlVERABLES This is a cost-share proJcct with fundong coming from the District and Collier County. The proJcet IS expceted to cost approximately $185,000. The District's share will be $90.000, Colher Countv's share \\'111 be $95,000, . . A summary deliverable schedule associated with thlS projec: i:-. set forth below. . All dC;j\'erahies submiHe-u llt:j-'_'und,-';' ;J-~- :-;l1h.<',~l l(l L \,e\\ t,: lhe Dlstnct. A.;..:"cptahii:::, 01 aJ] \,'./orl will b~ has~d or the lud~men; OJ" the District that the work is technicallv credible. . ~ .' <iccuratc. precise and timely. Deliverable Due Date Payment (From PO Issuance) Task I. Drainagc DeSIgn 12 weeks $45,000 Task I. 100% DeS!1\!! Plans 28 weeks $45,000 TOTAL $90,000 -- _n__ Page 3 of 3 fM 115...1 (p EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Agenda Item NO.1 OJ July 24, 2007 Page 1 of 14 ,_. To seek Board approval of a State Joint Participation Agreement (JP A) with the Florida Department of Transportation and to authorize the Chairman to enter into and execute these agreements with the Florida Department of Transportation to be used for the SR84 (aka. Davis Blvd) Project. OBJECTIVE: The objective is to approve the Joint Participation Agreement (JP A) to fund phase II (Davis Blvd. from Radio to Collier Blvd.) SR84 Project that is currently under design by FOOT and planm:d to be constructed by Collier County in 2008. CONSIDERATION: Over the last few years the County has been working on improving the transportation network that converges at the Collier Blvd. and Davis Blvd. intersection. There are problems with concurrency on Davis and the expectation until recently was that Davis would remain in the FOOT work program. Due to funding issues, FDOT removed the construction of Davis Blvd. from their 5 year program bllt continued forward with the design of SR84 from Santa Barbara Blvd. to Collier Blvd. The improvements to Davis are being designed for a 2-phase construction project. Phase I would improve Davis Blvd. from Santa Barbara Blvd. to just west of Radio Rd. Phase I is currently in the FOOT work program to go to construction in 201l/20l2. Phase II includes Davis Blvd. improvements from just west of Radio Rd. to Collier Blvd., including a new right turn lane that splits otf before the intersection on land donated by Davis Crossings. ,.....'... As indicated in the attached JPA, the County is to fund in FY 2007/2008, construction and provide CEl services for Phase II SR84 project and the FOOT agrees to reimburse the County on a schedule of four (4) annual payments of Five Million Dollars ($5,000,000.00) each year for a total reimbursement of Twenty Million Dollars ($20,000,000.00). Payback is identified to begin no earlier than July 1,2012. FISCAL IMPACT: The funding for this project in the amount of $20 million dollars will be budgeted in the FY08 Transportation Capital Budget. Funds will be advanced from the County for this project and reimburscd by FOOT with (4) annual payments of $5 million with the first payment starting in 2012. The funds will come Irom Transportation Supported Gas Taxes and Road Impact Fees. GROWTH MANAGEMENT: This project is consistent with the County's Growth Management Plan and the MPO's Long Range Transportation Plan. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board approve the Joint Participation Agreement, and authorize the Chairman to enter into and execute the agreements with the Florida Department of Transportation to fund and build the SR84 (Davis Blvd.) Project. Prepared by: Michael Greene, Planning Manager, Transportation Planning Attachments: I) IPA; 2) Resolution; 3) Locus Map ~ ~ Lr') c---I c---I C> 0... r-- ~ m ~ ~ C) . FM # 195416-5-58/68-01 COLLIER COUNTY Page 2 of 10 D) The DEPARTMENT will be entitled at all times to be advised, at its request, as to the status of work being done by the COUNTY and details thereof. Coordination shall be maintained by the COUNTY with representatives of the DEPARTMENT. E) The COUNTY shall not sublet, assign or transfer any work under this Agreement without prior written consent of the DEP AR TMENT. F) If applicable, the DEPARTMENT must approve any consultant selected for the PROJECT. The COUNTY shall certifY that the consultant has been selected in accordance with the Consultants' Competitive Negotiation Act, F.S. S287.055. Any consultant, including any sub-contractor or sub-consultant, shall be qualified with the DEPARTMENT as required by DEPARTMENT regulations and applicable law. G) All tracings, plans, specifications, maps and/or reports prepared or obtained under this Agreement shall be considered works made for hire and shall become the property of the DEPARTMENT without restr.ietion . I~' . tio.n o..n their use. The DEPARTMENT will have the right to visit the PRO .n-sillflltlii>:n,,' p of the work and the drawings at any ,.-'?--~ "- time. OVo" /'.1::- H) The COUNTY shall al w lic access to all docu nts, apers, letters or other material subject to the provisi s ha d ma e 0 received by the COUNTY in conjunction with this gr e IY t grant such public access shall begroundsforimme iat ~ ee ent by the DEPARTMENT. I) All notices under thi TY to the DEPARTMENT shall be directed to th TO DEP ARTMEN Florida Department of Post Office Box 1249 MSI- Bartow, Florida 33831- I 249 2. PAYMENT TERMS A) The DEPARTMENT agrees to a maximum participation in the PROJECT in the amount of ...~ TWENTY MILLION DOLLARS ($20,000,000.00). Payment shall be made in a .". reimbursement schedule of four (4) Five Million Dollars ($5,000,000.00) YEARLY PA YMENTS to the COUNTY in accordance with F.S. S339.12(4)(a), totally subject to legislative approval and appropriation. In any event reimbursement payments will not take place before July], 20 I 2, the fiscal year in which the payback is programmed to begin. - '. MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING Pursuant to the Lan!lilli Operation Agreement as amended This Memorandum of Understanding is dated this day of 2004 by and Between WASTE MANAGEMENT INC. OF FLORIDA ("WMIF], a Florida corporation, and COLLIER COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida ("County"). WHEREAS, WMIF and the County are parties to that certain Landfill Operation Agreement dated February 7. 1995 ("LOA"), the Second Amendment to Landfill Operation Agreement dated June 12, 2001 ("LOA 2nd"), and the Disposal Capacity Agreement dated .June 12, 2001 ("Disposal Capacity Agreement"); and WHEREAS, the County and WMIF desire to supplement and confirm the understanding of the parties with regard to the transfer of waste from the site of the Immokalee Landfill after its closure as provided in Sec. 2.11 of the LOA; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to memorialize their understanding as set forth herein. i.1 NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of these premises and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: 1. Section 2. 11 of the LOA provides that after closure of the lmmokalee Landfill, WMIF will build a transfer station at the site and operate it for the transfer of municipal solid waste ("MSW"), construction and demolition debris ("C&D") and other accepted wastes for ultimate disposal (collectively, "Acceptable Wastes"). 2. While Section 2.11 originally designated the Naples Landfill as the site for disposal of such waste, the County now has the option to utilize the provisions of the Disposal Capacity Agreement and the Second Amendment to Landfill Operation Agreement dated June 12,2001 to direct the waste to Okeechobee Landf'ill for disposal. Currently, under that Agreement, the rate for loading, transportation to and disposal at Okeechobee Landfill is $54.00 per ton from Naples Landfill. The fee of $54 is adjusted to reflect the difference in mileage from the Irnrnokalee Landfill to Okeechobee Landfill in accordance with and pursuant to the Board approved contracts as amended. 3. WMIF agrees to a reduced and acljusted cost option to the County. WMIF will load, transport and dispose all, or portion of, Acceptable Waste, as authorized by the County at a rate of $ 42.48 per ton from Immokalee Landfill to Okeechobee Landfill with terms and conditions identified in LOA and LOA 2nd. .J 4. This rate shall be subject to annual adjustment pursuant to Section 5.2 of the LOA (which refers to cpr adjustments) and Section 2.29(7) of the LOA 2nd Page 1 of 2 . (which refers to adjustments for changes in the cost of fuel and fuel taxes). Adjustments pursuant to Section 2.29(7) shall apply only to the quantity of fuel consumed by WMrF in transporting the Acceptable Waste from rmmokalee to the Okeechobee Landfill and shall only apply to that period commencing after the execution of this Memorandum. 5. The reduced and adjusted fee shall be further reduced by 2% if the County pays the Contractor within 20 days after the County Receives the contractors monthly bill under the terms and conditions outlined in second Amendment to the Operations Agreement as approved by the Board pursuant to the section 2.29. 6. MSW from lmmokalee Landfill for disposal at Okeechobee Landfill will not diminish the total maximum reserved capacity of930,000 tons under Capacity Disposal Agreement section (7). MSW from Immokalee Landfill for disposal at Okeechobee Landfill will be counted toward the sliding scale pursuant to LOA as if it is coming to the Naples Landf'1ll for disposal. Pursuant to LOA, the sliding scale will be adjusted if the County diverts the MSW tonnage to a disposal facility that is not owned or operated by WMrF. 7. The County reserves the right to exercise the terms and conditions of this MOU including diverting MSW from the rmmokalee landfill to the Napres Landfill pursuant to LOA at any time. .1 rN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Memorandum of Understanding is executed by the authorized representatives of the parties as of the day and year first above written. DATE: WASTE MANAGE INC. OF FLORIDA BY: ~t<"'-r"; .......... . ~ .. .. .. . . .. . . . .......... . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . ............... .. ........ ............ ...... .....0... .. .... ........... . . . . .... . e....... ...... ....... 0-. ........ .0....... ........... . .......... . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . ......... .. 0....... ... DATE: COLLIER CO BY: .' ~ / Page 2 of2 el .,. c. :OU11.ty Memorandum To: John Wong, Waste Management District Manager From: Mr. G. George Yilm" 7., Solid Waste Management Director < ::-_ ~ ,)/' Date: August 27, 2004 Subject: MOD Please find attached the original executed MOD for your files. .1 Cc: Gary Morocco Kevin Dugan .i Collier County Solid Waste Department - ,. -..._--"~--~--"~'-" OS/12/201.J~ 09: .'l'i F.\X 9t94149i8035 1'111 OF FLORIDA INC ~I)O" .. ,. .. . JI:IOIOU1IIJ)tJII OJ' C11<oDB1tSTUl:lDTG pursuanc co Lanaf111 ~Qration A~.em80c Thitol Memorandum ot Underst.anding ("MOU") betwri!en collier County ("count.y") and Waste Management Inc. of Florida ("WMIF") supplement.s and confirms che under3tandings that were r~ached during ~ m2~tin9 between the County, WMIF, and the county':.: consultant (Malcolm PirI1ie, !nc. or "MPI") on October 31, 2001. Sp@cifically, ~he County and WM1F agree about ehe issu~s deeeribed in paragraphS 1-9, below; 1. 'l'l1.e County wishes to develop a Landfill Gas-to- Energy ("t.FGE") . Sy~tem that will utilize the gas generated by the County's Naples Landfill. At ehe County's regueBt, MP! prepared draft technical specificaticne for a LFGE Syste~. ~h& draft ~vecifications w@re provided to WMIF on October 3~, 2001. 2. On or about ,June 2etll, 2002, WMIF will submit. .. proposal to the County for a LFGE System. WMIF will coordinate with the county and MPI to en~ure that the proposed LFGE system contorms to the County's ~pGcification& and desires. 3. If the County decioes to pro~eed with the LFGE System, the County and WMIF will jointly develop the LFGE system in accordance with Seccion 2.25 of thQ Landfill Operation Agraamenc, as amended, between the County and WMIF. consistent w~th the Landfill Operation AgrQQm~nt, WMIF shall deeign, permit, construct, operate and main,taill the LFGE SY3tern at tlfMtF' ~ cost, plu3 ten . percent <"O~), end the County .hall recQivQ all of the r~venues generated by Fira~ Memorandum of Underst&nding WMI Operations Contract Page 1 \I'M OF FLORIDA INC 08/12/2002 09:.37 FILl 919414978030 . . . IilJ 1.11)4 . the LFGE SYSltem. 4. County ie consid~ring the economic fea&ibility of transportin9 and disposal of some or all C&D material including odor causing waste such a. gypsum board from Naples Landfill to an offeite WMIF licensed disposal facility to divert wa5te and save landfill space. Toe County i~ considering transportation and off site disposal of C&D and/or mixed gypsum material with or without recyclablas. WMIF hereby provides a rate for handling, transportation, and disposal of C&O and/or mixed gypeum material at $32.89 per ton ~ffective until October 1, 2002. After October I, 2002, the rate will be $33.49 per ton and will be in effect until the term of the landfill agre~ment subject to annual CPI. If County desires that C&D or gypsum material be sorted, add~t~onal charges will apply consistent with and p~suant to the existing currene contractual rates identified in Landfill Operation Contract as am~nded. WMIF will notify ehe County no less than thirty days prior to the availability of the di.poeal option. The County will have the right to eXQrciSQ this option as needed. Further, WMIF will eetablish an Artificial Reef Material designated area ~or stock piling of compatible and acceptable materia~ to b~ separated and stock piled by WMIF tor the County's u~e as a part of the C&D Recycling improvements. WMIF will ~tock pile at 19ast SISOO tan/year of artificial reef compstible material. County will as~ist WMIF in the process of identifying artificial reef compatible material and WMIF will not be responsible for the composit.i.oll o! the artificial reef mat.eri.al. S. The county Currtimtly is evaluating whether it ..hould enter into .. contract for thQ gasification of ~ome of the municipal solid waste (MSW) collaot@d within the County. The County intends to issue a request for Page 2 08/12/2002_ 09: 38 FAX 919414t}780.}!j .. . . . IVM or FLi.lf< IDA INe !4J nOli proposaJ.s (RFP) for a gasification tacility, which will have.;, minimum capacity of 150,000 ton~ per year (TPY). If the ga~ification tacility is built and operated befor~ the expiration or e~rmination of che Solid Waste Collection Service Agreement, as amended, between the county and WMIF, th~n WMIF wil! deliver u~ to 150,000 TPY of MSW to the ga~ification facility. Th~ M$W will be collected from residential neighborhoods selected by the county and, therefore, WMIF will I~ot be responfdbJ.a for the composition of the MSW delivered to the 9a~ification tacility. No sics for a ga~ification facility has been chosen as yet, "but a facility may be pla.ced at l4lither the Naplee Landfill or Immoka~e@ Landfill. W~IF agrees and acY~owledges the county's x-ight to place the facility at the Naples LanC1~il1 out:;ide of the celIe 1 and :2 r~construc1:ion areas ae designated in the Landfill permit Application dated January 2002 if it so chooses. WMIF i9 the currenC permit holder for Btormwat@r with South Florida Water Managem9n~ District (SFWMO) ~t both Naplee and Immokale@ Landfill_ If th~ County desire~ to place a gasification facility ~t the Naples Landfill area chat is currently designated or deBignQd a~ part of the Btormwater m~agement ey~t8m, the County will compeneate WMIF the cost to redesign, permit, and construct a new 8tormwater system to accommodate the nti!w gasification tnf:r:aGtructure. Furthert WMIF would not be respone~ble for contamination ol~anup cose of groundwater or SCorrnwater potentially deriving from the. gasification operation. In the event- WM!F is required to modify or resubmit the exiating Title V air permit due the additional a~r emieaion SDurce from a gesification operation. the COLmty w~11 reimbur~e WMIF the design, permitting/ and construction cost related to the mcoification of the Titla V air permit. WMIF shall not be responsible for objectionable odor~ caused by the o~eration of a gasification plant. . Page 3 08/12/20e2 09:38 FAX 919414l~780:J5 WM OF FLORIDA INC co 'Inl~ 4::!:1-"". . G. If the County enters into a contract for a MSW gasification tacility, or if the County enters into a contract for the collection and proc9ss1ng of organic waste, these activities could result in a reduction in the amollilt of solid waste delivered to thl'": Naples Landfill. Onder such circumstance~1 th~ County's f~e to WMIF for operating the Landfill shall be determined by u3ing the I'sliding scale~1 Fee Schedule contained in Exhibit "Gn of the Landfill Operation Agreement. The fees authori~ed pursuant t.o "E~hibit "G" shall be adju.sted in accordanc@ with section 5.2 of the Landfill Operation Agreement to ~ccount for increases in the Consumer priee Inde~. 7. The county current.ly is Glvaluating whether it 3hould ertter into a contract for the collection and proceseing of solid wQsta that is rich in organic material (e.g., tood waste) The County currently intends to issue . a;n RFP for the colle!ction and pl:oc:~sBing of organic waste. Nothing in thi~ RFP will affect WMIF's right unde~ ita franchise agreement to be the exclusive provider of reeidential curbside and comrnQrcial collection until September 30, 2006. 8. Giv~n the provisions of paragraphs 1-7 above, WMIF will not be responsible for the composition of the MSW delivered eo a gasification facility. Furthermore, WMIP' will not object to the issuance of an RFP or the award Q~ a coneraet for a M$W gasification facility or the collection and processing of organic waste matQrilills, ",van if these activities result in the award of a contract to au entity other than WMIF or reeul t in a l~eduction i.n the amount of eolid waete delivered to WMIF at the Naples Landfill 13y executing t.his Memorandum of Understanding, the undersigned acknowledge that they understand and agree with the general proviaione ~et . forth in paragraphs 1~8, abovQ. Pas", 4 ,., ,..-._-~,....._^....._, ....~.._-,,-,.~,.~., ~ .~. '.'.--_.~-"~-- . Oa!12/200~ 09:38 FAX 919414978035 ~ll OF FLORIDA INC IdJ'H'7 . By; j/ Date: -2/ ..;F~! .;2';0;2... James V. Mudd Acting County Manager Date: ey: chuck Wa.este Inc. of Florid.. at to form fiCi&ny- / . Attorney cc;Ron KaIJlan . Page 5 , . ~ , . . SECOND AMENDMENT TO LANDFILL OPERATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN COLLIER COUNTY AND WASTE MANAGEMENT INC. OF FLORIDA This is the "Second Amendment to the Landfill Operation Agreement Between Collier county and Waste Management Inc. of Florida" ("Second Amendment"), and this Second Amendment is made and entered into in duplicate as of this ~ day of Qe-ftl!' _ ,2001, by and between CoLlier County (the. . ~ounty.), a political sUbdivision of the State of Florida, and Waste Management Inc. of Florida (the "contractor") . WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the County and the Contractor entered into a "Landfill Operation Agreement Between Collier County and Waste Management Inc. of Florida" (the "Agreement") dated February 7, 1995; and '. WHEREAS, the County and Contractor entered into an "Amendment to Landfill Operation Agreement Between Collier County and Waste Management Inc. of Florida" (the "First Amendment") dated February 27, 1996; and WHEREAS. the County and Contractor now desire to further amend the Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises and covenants contained in this Second Amendment, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties agree to the following modifications to the Agreement. The additions to the existing language in the Agreement are shown herein by underlining; deletions from the Agreement are shown by . Entirely new sections of the Agreement are set forth below as Sections 2.26, 2.27, 2.28, 2.29, 2.30, 3.11, 3.12 and 5.7. This Second Amendment does not contain or repeat those provisions of the Agreement that are unchanged. 1. The following provisions in Section 1.0 ("DEFINITIONS") are amended as indicated: . 1 - -. - - . . '. "Construction and demolition debris" has the meaning given it in Rule 62-701.200(27), F.A.C. "ConotructioB 3nd-eemo~tion Eiebrio" mcano ffiatcri;)lo general-ly conoidcred-t:o be not '..'ater oo~c 3nd non hazardouo in Bature, incl~ing-eut no~imitcd-te ",tccl, 9-1<>00, bride, concrete, as~t roofing matcri3l, pipe, ~oum wal~bo;)rd, ;)nd-luffibcr, froffi ~c conotruction or ecotruction of ;) otructurc 30 part of a conotruction or acmo14tion projcct or from ~hc renovation or maintenance of ;) s-tructurc. 'I'-he tcrffi includeD rocko, ooilo, trcc remaino, tr'cco, and o~hcr vc~ivc ffia~ter which Borffial~ rcou~o from land elcaring or land-4cvcl~pfficnt opcrationo for 0 conotructibn proj cct. MiJting of Conotruction and-4cmo14tion debrio ...i~ ot:hcr typeD of 80~ W;)otc, including ffiatcrial which io not--froffi t~ actual conotruction or dcotruetion oF-a otructurc, wil~ cause it to Be claoDificd 00 otficy than Conotruetion and-acmo~ion ~ "Final cover" has the meanJ.ng gJ.ven it J.n Rule 62- 701.200(39), F.A.C. "Initial cover" has the meaning given it in Rule 62~ 701.200(59+&), F.A.C. ;. "Intermediate cover" has the meanlng given it J.n Rule 62- 701.200(61~), F.A.C. "Landfill" or "Sanitary Landfill" has the meaning given it in Rule 62-701.200(64~), F.A.C. "Objectionable odor" has the meaning given it in Rule 62- 210.200(203), F.A.C. "On-site" has the meanlng glven it in Rule 62-701.200(87) , F.A.C. mcano on ~c Dome or gcogra~hical~y contiguouo property, which may dividee-by a ~ic or private rigfit of way. "Recovered materials" has the meaning given it in Rule 62- 701.200(10265), F.A.C. "Recycling" has the meanlng given it in Rule 62- 701.200(105~), F.A.C. "Solid waste" has the meanJ.ng given it J.n Rule 62- 701.200(113~), F.A.C. "Solid waste disposal unit" has the meaning given it in Rule 62-701.200(116), F.A.C. . 2 "',"'. " !. "Special wastesn has the meaning given to it in Rule 62- 701.200(119+&), F.A.C., and includes any waste described in Exhibit "Cn attached hereto and incorporated by reference. "Waste tire" has the meaning given it in Rule 62- 701-+H-.200(134) , F.A.C. 2. The second paragraph of Section 2.6 ("Scope of ~erating Responsibilityn) is amended as follows: Except as provided in Section 3.2, the Contractor shall at its expense perform all operations of the Facility including, but not limited to,: placement and compaction of Solid waste,; excavation, transport and placement of On--site borrow material as Initial cover and Intermediate cover; acquisition and placement of Initial cover, Intermediate cover, and Final cover; Leachate collection, temporary storage and conveyance to an approved point of off-site disposal; gas control to the extent necessary to eliminate nuisance odors; On-site erosion control measures and stormwater management facilities; control of On-site fires; On- site utilities; required maintenance of equipment (except calibration of the scales); Qnd incidental operations and maintenance; and On-site litter control, including the access road from County Road 951 to the Naples Landfill entrance. The Contractor shall be allowed to excavate and utilize all On-site borrow material that may be available from the Facilities, inc1tieing-eflC material made a~ail~c from ~hc mi~~ af Cckle ~ The Contractor also shall design, ermit, construct and close an new solid waste dis osal units at the Naples Landfill. . 3. The first two sentences of Section 2.7 ("Groundwater Monitoring and Testing") are amended as follows: The Contractor shall at its expense collect samples from the On-site groundwater monitoring wells and submit them to ~ €~fttraoter'a EnYirenmcft~eni~eriftg-Laborato~J- a DeEartment ~roved and certified laboratory for analysis. ~hc Contractor'o cRViroRMcn~eratoxy ~ ~ gepartmcnt ~pprevcd ~oratorl. 4. The first sentence ~n Section 2.12 ("Household . 3 . """.<;'".'e., ".""._,'_ Ie Hazardous Waste Collection Center") is amended as follows: 2.12 Household Hazardous Waste Collection Center. The Contractor shall operate the household hazardous waste collection center at the Naples Landfill for the collection of Class III Special waste and household hazardous waste during the hours of 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 Noon every Saturday and 12:00 Noon - r:oo p.m. every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, except holidays. - . 5. Section 2.13 ("Mining Operations") is deleted in its entirety. 6. The first four sentences in Section 2.14 ("Cover Material") are deleted in their entirety. The remaining provisions of Section 2.14 are amended as follows: '. Any use of tarpaulins in lieu of ~ Initial cover material shall be for the working face only and shall require the Erior written aEProval of the County Manager. In no event shall the Landfill working face exceed a fifty (50) foot by one hundred (100) foot area when daily work ceases on the working face. Subject to the provisions of this paragraph, the Contractor shall use an alternate initial cover if the use of such material is requested in writing by the county and aEProved ~ the Department. For the purposes of this paragraph onl~ the alternate initial cover material shall consist of: bi~~ass (e.g., mulch); construction and demolition debris (not including gypsum wallboard); a combination of biomass and construction and demolition debris; or a combination of biomass, construction and demolition debris, and soil. If the alternate initial cover material contains soil, the Contractor shall be reimbursed for the soil pursuant to the provisions of Subsection 2.26(5) of this Agreement; however, tEe Contractor shall receive no additional compensation for preparing or using the alternate initial cover material. 7. Subsection 2.15.1 ("~pecifications") is amended by . . 4 i~.; . . adding the following new paragraph 12: 2.15.1 ~ecifications. * * * * * (12) Wallboard shall be separated from the C/D material for disposal at an aEPropriately licensed solid waste management facility, other than one of the Facilities. . 8. A new Section 2.26 ("Additional Odor Control Measures") ~s created as follows: 2.26 Additional Odor Control Measures. . (1) The Contractor is responsible for ensuring that the ~les Landfill does not cause objectionable odors in off-site areas. In addition to the other odor controls required in this Agreement, the Contractor shall undertake the following odor control measures at the Naples Landfill: (a) The Contractor shall only use soil as initial cover, unless the Contractor receives prior written authorization from the County Manager~and the ~artment for the use of other materials. (b) The Contractor shall not remove the Initial cover from the solid waste when recommencin~ operations at a particular location, unless the Contractor receives prior written authorization from the County Manger and the Department to do so. (c) The Contractor shall construct horizontal g~ collection trenches, and shall install collection headers and other necessary eiPing, at the working face as part of the Contractor's normal operating procedure, unless the Contractor receives prior written authorization from the County Manager to terminate this procedure. (d) The Contractor shall install backup generators with automatic switchgear to help ensure the continuous 2Peration of the Landfill's odor control system, even in the event of an electrical power outage. 4t (e) The Contractor shall provide three phase 5 -- .,iC.,- ._"-'.'. . , I I lie I , electrical power for the Landfill's odor control '!!ystem. . (f) The Contractor shall install other equipment, perform aEpropriate studies, and take other steps to ~rove the odor control system at the Naples Landfill, if such actions are requested in writing by the County. (g) The Contractor shall promptly install an upgraded blower and flare system with a minimum manufacturer's . . rated flow capac1ty of at least 3,000 standard cubic feet per minute. This system shall be designed, maintained, and operated to ensure that the blower and flare are operated continuously and restart automatically, if necessary " . (2) Subject to the conditions and limitations contained in this Agreement, the County shall reimburse the Contractor for the reasonable out-of-pocket costs the Contractor incurs when undertaking and implementing the odor control measures described in Subsection 2.26(1) of this Agreement. However, the Contractor shall not be paid any "mark-up" for the Contractor's out-of- pocket costs, or any profits, or any other fees or charges for the activities required pursuant to Subsection 2.26(1) of this Agreement. (3) The Contractor shall coordinate with the County before procuring materials, equipment or services under this Section 2.26. The Contractor shall use a competitive procurement process to obtain suitable materials and equipment at the lowest cost. (4) The Contractor shall be reimbursed $0.36 for each ton of solid waste that is disposed of in a lined cell at the Naples Landfill. However, the reimbursements under this paragraph shall cease when 9.3 million tons of solid waste have been disposed of in the lined cells at the Naples Landfill. For the purposes of this paragraph, the tonnages placed in the lined cells at the ~les Landfill shall only include solid waste delivered on or after May 1, 2001. . , (5) Subject to the limitations contained in this Agreement, the County shall reimburse the Contractor for the cost of the additional off-site soil that was purchased and used as a result of implementing the requirements of Subsections 2.26(1) (a) and (b), above. The amount of the reimbursement shall be based on the Contractor's invoices for soil purchases. However, to demonstrate compliance with Subsection 2.26(7), below, the amount 6 ~, I. of the reimbursement also shall be evaluated by using the following formula: SR = Q x C Where, SR = the soil reimbursement to the Contractor; Q - the quantity of soil purchased and used as initial cover at the Naples Landfill during the preceding month; 'and C = the cost per cubic yard of soil, based on the avera~ cost during the preceding month. . The Contractor shall not be reimbursed under this Subsection 2.26(5) or Subsection 2.26(6), below, unless the Contractor uses soil as initial cover at the Naples Landfill. Except as ~ressly provided in this Agreement, Contractor shall not be reimbursed or receive any other payment for the cost of procuring, preparing, handling or placing initial cover at the Facilities. . (6) Subject to the limitations contained in this Agreement, the County shall reimburse the Contractor for the airspace in the ~les Landfill that is lost as a result of implementing the requirements of Subsections 2.26(1) (a) and (b), above. The amount of the Contractor's reimbursement shall be calculated by using the following formula: AR = Q x ($3.30 per cubic yard) x I x D Where, AR _ the airspace reimbursement to the Contractor; Q _ the quantity of soil purchased and used as initial cover at the Naples Landfill during the preceding month; I - the soil infiltration factor of 0.8; and D _ the soil compaction factor (load factor) of 0.89. The Contractor shall not be entitled to any further reimbursements for lost airspace if the Naples Landfill has received or will receive 9,3 million tons of solid waste for disposal in lined cells oetween May 1, 2001 and the time of the landfill's final closure. (7) When calculating the amount of the Contractor's reimbursements pursuant to Subsections 2.26(5) and (6), the maximum allowable value for "Qn (the quantity of purchased soil in cubic yards) shall be 28% of the volume, in cubic' yards, of the solid waste placed in the lined cells in the Naples Landfill . 7 , ,- '. during the preceding month. For the purpose of calculating th"'_1110nt::hly~,,01ume of solid waste placed in the Naples Landfill, the following formula shall be used: Waste volume placed in cubic yards - Waste placed in tons divided by 0.65 The results of this calculation shall be reviewed annually and the reimbursements to the Contractor shall be adjusted, if necessary, based upon a determination of the actual volume of solid waste placed in the Naples Landfill, as determined by aerial photogrammetry or other metho~~~ 9.L, eg~i valent accuracy. . (8) Each month the Contractor shall EE9.vide the County with ~, detailed billing statement, including invoiG_es ,for the soU that the Cpntractor purchased and used during the prior month as initial cover at the Naples Landfill. The Contractor's billin~ statement shall contain the calculations required pursuant to Subsections 2.26 (5), (6), and (7), above. The Contractor's billing statement also shall include any other requests for reimbursement pursuant to this Section 2.26. The County shall reimburse the Contractor within 45 days after receiving the Contractor's billing statement. (9L With regard_ to_the activities reg~ired in Subsections 2 .26 (1) (d), (e) and (f), the Contractor shall obtain the CountJ:': Manager's prior written aeproval before incurring any reimbursabl~ expense for these activities. Any materials or ~uipment (e.g., generators) purchased by the Contractor pursuant to Subsection 2.26(1) shall become the County's property when the County reimburses the Contractor for the purchase of such materials and equipment. F .' (10) The Contractor shall receive no reimbursements for the activities regtlired ~rsuant to Subsection 2.26 (1) (g) . (11) As an additional odor control measure, the Contractor may use soil for part or all of the intermediate cover at the ~les Landfill. Subject to the limitations contained in this Agreement, the County shall J:'E?~rnburse the Contractor for the off- site soil that is purchased and used at the Naples Landfill as intermediate cover. The reimbursements shall be based on the Contractor's invoices for soil purchases, which shall be submitted monthly, in accordance with Subsection 2.26(8) of this Agreement. The County's obligation to reimburse the Contractor for soil used as intermediate cover is limited to a total of . 8 , !. $40,000 er ear and also is limited b the rovisions of Subsection 2.26(12) of this A reement. Exce t as ex ressl rovided in this A reement, the Contractor shall not be reimbursed or receive an other a nt from the Count for the cost of rocurin re arin ,handlin or lacin intermediate cover. . (12) Notwithstandin an other rovision of this A eement, the contractor's total reimbursement for the odor control . measures re ired b section 2.26 of this Agreement shall not exceed 3.86 er ton of solid waste dis osed of in the lined cells of the Na lea Landfill. Com liance with this re irement shall be determined on an annual basis. On June 1, 2002 and at least once each ear thereafter, the contractor shall submit a written re ort to the Count Mana er demonstratin co liance with the re uirements of this ara ra h. At a minimum, the Contractor' s ~nnuU..;r;e ort shall identif: (a) the total amount of solid waste laced in the lined cells of the Na les Landfill durin the recedin 12 months; (b the total amount of the reimbursements that the ontractor received durin the recedin 12 months ursuant to Section 2.26 of this A reement. and (c) whether the Contractor's reimbursements were reater than 3.86 er ton. If the reimbursements exceeded $3.86 er ton, the County shall deduct an aEPropriate amount from the fees that are to be paid to the Contractor pursuant to Section 5.1 of this ~reement. . The maximum reimbursement of 3.86 er ton shall be ad'usted annual 1 in accordance with the rocedures described in Section 5.2 of this A reement. However an CPI ad ustments shall be based on the chan es in the CPI that occur after the effective - date of the Second Amendment to this Agreement. 9. A new Section 2.27 ("COnstruction of New Cells 1 and 2#) is created as follows: - 2.27 Construction of New Cells 1 and 2. . In conjunction with the County's efforts to remediate Cells 1 and 2 in accordance with the requirements in Section 3.11 of this A reement, the Contractor shall take all steps necessa~to make Cells 1 and 2 suitable for use as a new solid waste dis sal unit. Among other things, the Contractor shall: obtain the necessa environmental ermits and a rovals; rocure and lace fill material. as neces a ,to establish a ro riate slo es for the base of the new solid waste disposal unit; and install liner _. .-- - 9 . and leachate collection systems. The costs of these activities shall be paid by the Contractor. Notwithstanding anything else contained in this Agreement, the Contractor shall not receive any fee or other compensation for any landfill capacity that is lost if the base of the new solid waste disposal unit is above the natural grade at the Naples Landfill. 10. A new Section 2.28 ("Schedules and Procedures for' Landfill Expansion") is created as follows: . 2.28 Schedules and Procedures for Landfill Expansion. (1) Beginning October 1, 2001, and each year thereafter, the Contractor shall provide the County with a written estimate of: (a) the total volume of the lined landfill capacity that is unused and available in the Naples Landfill for the disposal of the County's solid waste; and (b) the amount of time that will be required to fill the remaining capacity of the Naples Landfill. These estimates shall be prepared and certified by a professional engineer. The estimates shall identify all of the relevant facts and assumptions used by the Contractor when preparing the estimate. . (2) The Contractor shall provide written notice to the County when the Contractor determines that_.the Naples Landfill has three (3) years of lined landfill capacity remaining. At that time, the Contractor shall ask the County to issue a written notice to proceed with the design, permitting and construction of the next solid waste disposal unit in the Naples Landfill. (3) Within six (6) months after the County gives the Contractor a written notice to proceed, the Contractor shall file an aEPlication with the Department pursuant to Chapter 62-701, F.A.C., for a permit to construct the new solid waste disposal . un~t. (4) The Contractor shall work diligently with the ~artment and the County to ensure the prompt issuance of all of the necessary permits for the construction of the new solid waste disposal unit. Within thirty (30) days after the necessary permits are issued, or at a later date if aEProved in writing b~ the County Manager, the Contractor shall commence the construction of the new solid waste disposal unit. Thereafter, the Contractor shall diligently and continuously pursue the completion of construction. . 10 .' ~.--. . '. (5) The Contractor shall complete the construction of the new solid waste disposal unit within twelve (12) months after commencing construction. (6) If, at any time during the term of this Agreement, the NaE~es Landfill has less than two and one-half (2.5) years of lined capacity for the disposal of the County's solid waste, the Contractor shall, upon request, EEovide a written guarantee to the County for at least two years of disposal capacity at the Contractor's Okeechobee Landfill. This guarantee shall be provided at a cost to the"County of one dollar ($1.00) per year. For the duration of this guarantee, the County shall be allowed to dispose of its solid waste at the Okeechobee Landfill b~ paying (a) the lowest rate available to the general public (i.e., the gate rate) or (b) any lower rate that is mutually acceptable to the County and the Contractor. The Contractor's guarantee shall be provided under the gener-al terms and.conditions .set forth in the Disposal Capacity Agreement that is attached hereto as Exhibit K. This Subsection 2.28(6) sUEPlements the County's rights under the Disposal Capacity Agreement and Subsection 2.29, below. :. (7) The deadlines established in Subsections 2.28 (3), (4) , and (5) shall be adjusted, if necessary, to account for Force Majeure events, consistent with the provisions of Section 8.3 of this Agreement. 11. A new Section 2.29 ("Use of Okeechobee Landfill") is created as follows: 2.29 Use of Okeechobee Landfill. (1) Subject to the conditions contained in this Section 2.29, the Contractor shall transport up to 900 tons per day (tpd) of solid waste from the Naples Landfill to the Okeechobee Landfill for disposal. The Contractor shall be responsible for all costs and expenses associated with this activity, including but not limited to the cost of loading the solid waste into transport trailers at the Naples Landfill, the cost of transportation, and the cost of disposal at the Okeechobee Landfill. (2) The Contractor will begin transporting and disposing of solid waste from the Naples Landfill within 120 days after the Contractor receives a written notice to proceed from the County. The County's notice to proceed shall specify the quantities of . 11 ,j~~ '. solid waste to be hauled to the Okeechobee Landfill and the anticipated duration of the Contractor's activities hereunder, which shall be at least six (6) months. The County shall give the Contractor at least thirty (3D) days advance written notice before terminating the Contractor's services under this Section 2.29. (3) The Contractor will transport and dispose of the County's solid waste at the Okeechobee Landfill at least five (5) days each week, except holidays. (4) The Contractor shall use its best efforts to ensure that the solid waste taken to the Okeechobee Landfill is comprised of garbage, rather than mulch, yard trash, or construction and demolition debris. . (5) The County shall pay the Contractor a fee of $54 Per ton for the transfer, transportation__and disposal of the solid waste that is taken from the Naples Landfill to the Okeechobee Landfill. This fee shall not be paid for solid waste that is disposed of in the Naples Landfill. (6) The $54 fee shall be reduced by two percent (2%) if the County pays the Contractor within twenty (20) days after the County receives the Contractor's monthly bill for services under this Section 2.29. (7) The $54 fee shall be adjusted annually in accordance with the procedure described in Section 5.2 of this Agreement. However, any CPI adjustments in the fee shall be based on the changes in the CPI that occur after the effective date of the Second Amendment to this Agreement. The Contractor's fee under this Section 2.29 shall be adjusted upward or downward, at the request of the County or the Contractor, if there are changes in the cost of fuel or fuel taxes after the effective date. Adjustments for changes in fuel costs or fuel taxes. shall only be paid on the amount of fuel that is aonsumed by the Contractor when hauling the County's solid waste from the Naples Landfill to the Okeechobee Landfill and returnin~ (e) The rights and Obligations created by this Section 2.29 shall expire when the Contractor commences operation of a new solid waste disposal unit in Cells 1 and 2 of the Naples Landfill, or ten (10) years from the effective date of the Second Amendment to chis Agreement, whichever occurs first. 12. A new Section 2.30 (UTesting Requirements For Odor . 12 ,.' .,.... 'e Control System") is created as follows; 2.30 Testing Requirements For Odor Control System. (1) Within 90 days after the effective date of this Second Amendment to the Agreement, the Contractor shali provide the County with a proRosed plan and protocol for testing the adequacy of the odor control system at the Naples Landfill. The testing protocol shall be prepared and certified by a professional engineer with experience concerning landfill odor control systems. The County shall promptly review the proposed testing protocol and shall aEProve, or aeEFove subject to reasonable conditions, the commencement of tes'ting. The Contractor shall commence testing within 90 days after receiving the County's written aEproval. (2) The testing-yrotocol shall obtain objective standards. and criteria for determining the adequacy of the Landfill's odor control system. If the tests demonstrate that the Landfill's odor control system does not satisfy the criteria contained in the testing Erotocol, the Contractor shall promptly correct the deficiencies in the odor control system. . (3) following At a minimum, the testing protocol shall address the J.ssues: (a) The blower and flare at the Landfill shall have a minimum manufacturer's rated flow capacity that is ~al to or greater than 3,000 standard cubic feet per minute. (b) The flow within the odor control system shall be regulated to maximize the amount of gas extracted, while preventing fires and damage to the odor control system. (c) The blower shall have the capacity to provide sufficient flow and vacuum distribution throughout the odor control system (i.e., well field). This capacity shall be demonstrated by providing a minimum negative pressure equal to or greater than 0.5 inches of water pressure at all locations. This demonstration shall include in-situ field measurements and performance monitoring at extraction wells and the blower station. (d) Surface emissions scanning shall be conducted on all cells to confirm the performance of the odor control system in these areas. e 13 - .-:.. . (e) The geomembrane cap system in Cells 3 and 4 shall be evaluated to ensure it is continuous and 0 eratin properly. If it is not, the Contractor shall notifx the County, which shall be responsible for addressing the deficiency in the geomembrane ca~ (4) With the submittal of the testins-protocol, the Contractor shall provide the County with copies of ~as-built~ drawin~s and other a ro riate information concernin the desi and operating_parameters of the odor control system. These documents shall be updated and resubmitted to the County at least annually. (5) The Contractor shall submit an updated testing-protocol and shall conduc.t tests of the odor control system at least once each ear, unless the Contractor receives rior written a from the County Manager to delay or suspend the testin~ (6) The Contractor shall be solely responsible for the cost of preparing the testing protocol and conducting the tests concerning the Landfill's odor control system. . 13. Section_~.l ("Waste Haulage") is amended as follows: 3.1 Waste Haulag~. The County shall cause its franchised haulers to deliver their solid waste to the Facilities. However, nothing contained in this Agreement shall prevent the County from sending sludge, Construction and demolition debris, Yard trash, land clearin debris, mulch, S ecial waste, Trash, Waste Tires, or White oods direct 1 to another solid waste mana ement facilit , without delivering such materials to the Facilities. The Contractor shall be given at least 90 days advance notice before the County directs such materials to a solid waste mana ement facilit other than the county's Facilities. 14. A new section 3.11 ("Remediation of Cells 1 and 2") is created as follows: 3.11 Remediation of Cells 1 and 2. The County shall evaluate the ~sical and chemical characteristics of the materials currently contained in Cells 1 . _.. -- ...-. 14 I. and 2 of the Naples Landfill. After the County's evaluation has been completed, the County and WMI shall attempt to identif~ mutually acceptable procedures for (a) the remediation of Cells 1 and 2 and (b) if necessary, the compaction of Cells 1 and 2 for use as a new solid waste disposal unit. The County currently plans to excavate and remove the materials in Cells 1 and 2. If some or all of the materials in Cells 1 and 2 are not excavated ~ the County, the County shall use dynamic compaction or other aEPropriate techniques, as necessary/ to compact the materia~ in cells 1 and 2 so that they will provide a suitable base for the construction of the new solid waste disposal unit. However, the County shall not 'be responsible for grading Cells 1 and 2, or placing fill material in Cells 1 and 2, or otherwise establishing the slopes or sub-base for the installation of the new liner and leachate collection system in Cells 1 and 2. The County shall have the sole right and authority to determine the most suitable method of remediating and, if necessary, compacting the materials in Cells 1 and 2. The Count~ shall E!Y the cost of completing the activities required by this Section 3.11. The Contractor shall pay the cost of constructing the new solid waste disposal unit in Cells 1 and 2 pursuant to Section 2.27, above. e If the County excavates solid waste from Cells 1 and 2 and then delivers the solid waste to an active lined cell at the Naples Landfill, the Contractor shall cover and dispose of the excavated solid waste at no additional cost to the County. However, if the Contractor must bring additional equipment or personnel to the Naples Landfill on a temporary basis solely to handle and dispose of the excavated solid waste from Cells 1 and 2, then the County shall reimburse the Contractor for the cost of obtaining such equipment and personnel. The Contractor's reimbursements for equipment and personnel shall be limited to Contractor's actual expenses, as documented with invoices, and shall not include any mark-up or profit. 15. A new Section 3.12 ("County Inspections") is created as follows: 3.12 County Inspections. The County and its authorized agents shall have the right to inspect and monitor all of the operations at the Facilities. The County also shall have the right to inspect the Contractor'.s records concerning the Operation and maintenance of the . 15 ".,-.........---,-.., ,-,-,,,,", ...- "...._, .'~ _,> 0.'." '. . . Facilities. The Contractor shall cooperate with and assist the County's inspectors. 16. A new Section. 5.7 ("Deductions from Contractor's Fees.) is created as follows: 5.7 Deductions From Contractor's Fees. . J}) The County may reduce the amount of the fees paid to the Contractor, subject to the conditions contained herein. The remedies contained herein are sU29lemental to the other remedies available to the Count at law and in e it. B executin this A reement, the Contractor waives its objections to the rovisions of this Section 5.7, but the Contractor reserves its right to object to the facts concerning any specific deduction, if one is assessed. (2) If the Contractor fails to give timely written notice to the County concerning the remaining capacity in the Naples Landfill, in accordance with Subsections 2.28(1) and (2), the County may deduct $500 from the Contractor's fee for each day of delay. (3) If the Contractor fails to file a timely permit ~plication with the Department, in accordance with Subsection 2.28(3), the_County may deduct $1,000 from the Contractor's fee for each day of delay. If the Contractor fails to commence construction in with the timetable in Subsection 2.28(4), the Count $2,000 from the Contractor's fee for each day of (4) liance may deduct delay. (5) If the contr~ctor fails to complete the construction of the new solid waste disposal area, in compliance with the timetable in Subsection 2.28(5), the County may deduct $5,000 from the contractor's fee for each day of delay. (6) Any deductions assessed pursuant to Subsections 5.7(4) or (5) shall be reduced by one-half (~) if the Contractor completes the construction of the new solid waste disposal unit 180 days or more before the lined capacity of the Naples Landfill is compl~tely depleted. (7) If the County or De~artment determine that the Naples Landfill caused objectionable odors at an off-site location, periodically, for 48 hours or more, the County may deduct $5,000 16 , . '. i. . " from the Contractor's fee for each day when such odors occur. However, the provisions of th~s paragraph shall not be enforced when the County is excavating solid waste from Cells 1 and 2 ~ursuant to Section 3.11 of this Agreement or the Contractor is installing new wells or performing maintenance that is the source of the odor. (8) If the Contractor fails to cover the solid waste at the end of each day in compliance with Rule 62-701, F.A.C., or if the Contractor fails to properl~ operate or maintain'the landfill's gas control system, the County may deduct $1,000 from the Contractor's fee for each such incident. (9) The County Manager shall give written notice to the Contractor before the County deducts any amount from the. Contractor's fee. If the Contractor objects to the County's proposed action, the Contractor shall notify and meet with the County ManaSer within 21 days after receiving the County's notice. If the County Manager and Contractor cannot agree about the amount or a2propriateness of the proposed deduction, the Contractor may request a hearing before the Board of County commissioners. The Contractor's re~est for a hearing shall be submi tted in writing within seven da~, after the County M~,"ager ~forms the Contractor about his or her decision, The Board shall fully and fairly consider the Contractor's objections at a duly noticed public meeting. If the Contractor disagrees with the Board's decision, the Contractor shall have the right to submit the dispute to binding arbitration pursuant to Section 8.15 of this Agreement. 17. Section 8.2 ("Notices') is amended as follows: 8.2 Notices. Notices of conditions or situations effecting the work to be performed under this Agreement shall be given in writing between designated operating personnel of the Contractor and the County. All other notices shall be given in writing, to be delivered by certified mail, to the parties at their respective addresses as set forth below: If to the Contractor, at: 17 .. -"- '. . . .. Waste Management Inc. of Florida ~. Llt'cHlerd&:le, F'-larilia 3~ James B-:--GJ-CMlftO:r, Gra~resiacnt: 2700 NW 48th Street Pompano Beach, Florida 33073 G.R. Holcomb, Vice President With a copy to: Waste Management Inc. of Florida ~O Cypreoa Creo~ad, w., Suite 3~ l"t. Lauderda-le, li'loridi! 3339-9- ~B: Jehft J. Ray I~I, Viee Prcaidcnt and Ceneral Counacl 2700 NW 48th Street pompano Beach, Florida 33073 Attn: Ronald Kaplan, Florida Region Counsel If to the County, at: Collier County 3301 Tamiami Trail East Naples, Florida 33962 Attn: , County Manager With a copy to: Collier County 3301 Tamiami Trail East Naples, Florida 33962 Attn: County Attorney This Second Amendment will become effective when duly approved and signed by the Board of County Commissioners. This Second Amendment shall remain in effect during the period that the Agreement is in effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Second Amendment to Landfill operation Agreement Between Collier county and Waste Management Inc. of Florida to be fully executed as of the date first written above. 18 .. .- (. ATTEST AS TO COUNTY: '-' , . BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COUNTY, FLORIDA '. ~ 'i" -' , Attest .. to 0111...... S fllllltlll"e -'I. By: James . COLLI.ER .......... '- .' . .' >"j -.~ .' i, '~, ., ,:.. , '.' .c". '." ~ . ....' ...J' . . ".....'... '. ," . ... ;1',.;' ." ". I T",,' , '\ ",' ..,',... -t .:.... ...~.~ \ .,,' ..;, > < , '"IJ'- \~.. 1"':' I~.lo ..I~:.:.~ . ",. .. ..I { _., , h~'..:')-_,~ ''fl'' '. ...-.:..... "lr,' 1- ,"'t!..' 'J" '.,' .~t....... t ~. . .... ..~'.. .....:.{ . "J :f.1'~......' ,or, :.., \.,. __, - . I" ,". '... /'..-- .' . ..~)... - , " .' " . . >. , Carter;:: ~,h:P~~:'I.:_c:e.a:.,f~~~j'. .. \" , . /' I. "Cr .,...'. 11 . -;, ,.,' y", .......... ...p...<.J':- .. .... " ~. ~ -- . - . . . . . .. ~ .. . ''\,. .. , ",- .' ,,' ,.... , , , . .. . ,-.. ~ ",. .. 't. . , .' '. .,- ;1 ""l . \'l ~ - ,'" , ',' "'" \', ',' . J ' ," ~( . .1 ..-./'. - , . , . . j I . Il' "~ .' ~ WITNESSES . ., . . ~s TO CONTRACTOR: .. Wh6TE MANAGEMENT INC. OF FLORIDA By: 5/30/01 & lega1 aum.., ~ 1 . 19 ,- _ _ ,__' .,~.~~".,N__ __" ".- ,....'"".,~..__...,..._,-,--.... _._.."_",,,"_w._.,.__,_.,,__.~ '. AMENDMENT TO LANDFILL OPERATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN COLLIER COUNTY AND WASTE MANAGEMENT INC. OF FLORIDA THIS AMENDMENT to Landfill Operation Agreement Between Collier County and Waste Management rnc. of Florida made and entered into in dupl icate as of ~e'nW: ". this ,;1.,7 day of , 199.. by and between Collier County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida (the "County") and Waste Management Inc. of Florida (the "Contractor"). WIT N E SSE T H: WHEREAS, the County entered into that certain Landfill Operation Agreement Between: Coll ier County and Waste Management Inc. of Florida ("Agreement'). dated February 7, 1995; and WHEREAS, paragraph 2.15 of said Agreement, entitled: "Construction and Oemolition Debris; Biomass; and Tire Chipping Processing" provides that the .. ., Contractor may elect to subcontract construction and demolition debris (C/D) processing services upon the expiration of the County's CID processing contracts; and WHEREAS, the terms upon which the Contractor shall process, or sub-contract to a third party to process, construction and demolition debris, yard waste and waste tires shall be upon such terms and fees as shall be negotiated between the Contractor and the County; and WHEREAS, the County has determined that the specifications for CID processing are critical and necessitate the inclusion of specifications in the Landfill Operation Agreement with the Contractor. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and covenants of this Amendment, the Agreement and the facts as stated hereabove, the Landfi 11 " . . Operation Agreement is hereby amended, providing for a new paragraph 2.15.1 as follows: 2.15.1 SPECIFICATIONS . For the purpose of processing C/O del1vered to the Naples Landfill the definition of C/O material means and includes all those materials disposed of at construction and demolition sites that require sorting and separation. This includes but is not limited to items referenced in the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FOEP) definition of construction/demolition debris. This broader definition addresses the practical goal of sorting and recycling as much materials as possible fr~ C/O sites, recognizing the fact that some items discarded at cpnstructlon sites do not meet the FOEP definition of C/O materials. At a minimum, the following items must be sorted and recycled: metals, wood, wallboard, roofing tear-off, rock, concrete, dirt and corrugated cardboard. For the purpose of this Agreement, truck loads of waste not requiring sorting services are not included in this definition of C/O materials even when these materials may be found in the FOEP definition of C/O materials and even if these materials originate from a C/O site. The purpose of this provision is to secure services for sorting C/D materials that need separation, not for additional handling of presorted materials. I. The basic concept for this Agreement for processing C/D is as follows: . The County will receive C/O material at the landfill and charge a user fee per ton. This rate may be adjusted up or down as needed, at the discretion of the County. Truck loads of unsorted C/O material received will be identified by the scalehouse attendant and directed to the Contractor at a five (5) acre site provided by the County. The Contractor will sort all material received. The County will pay the Contractor on a per ton basis according to the fee schedule, "Exhibit I" of this Agreement, for any materials recycled and removed from the landfill including screened fill material. All recyc1ab1es become the . property of the Contractor. The Contractor may use screened fill material as daily cover material provided the fill material meets FOEP requirements. The Contractor must also scale all sorted unrecyclable waste and deposit same In the lined cell area as di rected by the County, No fee wi 11 be charged and no payment for recycl ing servi ce wi 11 be made for thi s unrecyclabl e waste. The current disposal fee as indicated on "Exhibit "G" will be paid to the Contractor for burial of the unrecyclable waste. 2. All waste loads received at the Naples Landfill that are determined by the landfill scale attendant to be C/O material requiring sorting must be delivered to and be accepted by the Contractor. If a specific load of material, after being received and inspected by the Contractor, is determined to be void of C/O material, the Contractor _, '_W" , _',,"'._.C' ,_,,,._.,_.,<... 3. may request diversion of the load to the waste disposal area. Final determination for rejection of the load will be made by the County, The intent of this provision is to facilitate sorting and recycling of all loads of mixed C/O regardless of load density. The Contractor must be capable of sorting all C/O received at the landfill. Actua 1 tonnages wi 11 vary according to economic conditions. The County makes no guaranties regarding tonnage quantities delivered to the Contractor. 4. The Contractor must recycle at the rate provided in paragraph 2.15. All items listed as minimum items must be recycled. I. 5. The method of processing C/O material is left to the discretion of the Contractor. . 6. Payment for services will be made on a per ton basis for materials scaled at the landfill and removed from the landfill. The materials removed must be recycled. The use of wood as a fuel by an end user is allowed provided the end user meets all regulatory requirements for its use. Off-site disposal or storage of material by the Contractor is not allowed. Documentation on the destination of recycled materials leaving the landfill must be provided to the County upon request. Payments for questionable loads will be withheld pending documentation and review. Invoices must be submitted monthly for all materials leaving the landfill. Payments will be made within 30 days from receipt of invoice. 7. Materials sorted that are not recyclable are to be weighed on a daily basis and deposited in the lined landfill cell by the Contractor. 8. The Contractor or his Sub-Contractor will provide all machinery, equipment, manpower and supplies to conduct all activities necessary to meet all requirements. 9. The Contractor or his Sub-Contractor must provide continuous on-site supervision of his personnel. The Contractor must assure proper conduct and observance of landfill regulations by the Contractor's or Sub-Contractor's personnel. 10. The Contractor must allow inspections by any Federal, State or County authority. The Contractor must maintain the work area in a neat, orderly and safe manner. The Contractor must mai ntain compl lance with all regulatory agencies including FoEP, SFWMO and OSHA. 11. The Contractor must operate within the normal landfill hours of operations. The Contractor must maintain the area provided by the County. Removal of crushed limerock materials provided as a working surface is prohibited. Proper elevations of crushed limerock recorded by the County and included as Exhibit "J" of this agreement must be maintained by the Contractor. Additional crushed limerock material required to maintain elevations will be provided by the Contractor as directed by the County, or with prior approval by the . I. County. It will be assUlled that the need for additio!lal crushed limerock material is due to inadvertent inclusion of crushed liMerock into loads of recycled materials scaled and credited to the Contractor for payment. Therefore. the Contractor will be charged for additional crushed limerock material required to maintain proper elevations at a rate equal to the amount of payment per ton for recycled materials as given in Exhibit "I". The Contractor must prOVide equipment necessary to maintain dust control on the roadways within the processing area. Oust control is a significant factor in maintaining compliance with FOEP regulations. The Contractor must provide any bUilding structures required for his particular operation. Construction of any structure will require the approval of the County. Such structures will remain the property of the Contractor at the end of the Contract term and may be relaved by the Contractor. The Contractor must provide any concrete or asphalt ground improvements. Such ground improvements must remain at the end of the contract term and become the property of the County. The Contractor must provide for all poles, meters, hookups and subsequent power costs. Single phase power is available at a power line adjacent to the C/O processing site. !ROVISIONS RY ltlE COUNIY ... The County will provide all required scaling services. Deliveries of C/O material will be terminated by the County thirty (30) days prior to the Agreememt ending date to facilitate Cleanup. sorting, scaling and payment for all llliterials within the contract period. The Contractor must clean up and repair the site to its original condition and elevation within thirty (30) days of the end of the contract period. Fill lllaterial required to return the site to the original elevations shall be SUbject to the same conditions given in paragraph (II) in this document. CONTRACT IERPI... This Amendment will become effective upon Board of County Commissioners approval and be effective during the same period that the landfill Operation Agreement is in effect. . .- --~.-_._~"""- ~-' ,'~',","-"" , .,',_ ,_."w~.,.<"~.~~._>. ,.~-...".'~'''_ ,......,,--, I. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused thi s Amendment To Landfill Operation Agreement Between Collier County and Waste Management Inc. of Florida to be duly executed as of this date first above written. I ATTEST: DWrGHT E. BROCK, CLERK , , ' . . . , , .' AS TO COUNTY: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMrSSrONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA . " " '., . . . . . . ..." ~ t . \. . f' . '. . " ~ . . C :. . , ,.... " {'. By: ~. , ?--Z-.,-c---..-.' C. NORR)S, CHAIRMAN .y~7/ft. . '. ..... " , .. , .' . .' . '. , : c . ( ~ ~.'" . - - ~ ;" . . r - . .- . - . . - " . .... - .. . . '.. .' . .... : I - . " ~ . " . , . . ~ . .' -. '~ .... .' r' ' ~', "., . ~ ~ . .; .' '. '. .WITNESSES,;..... "" .1\ ,:..,..". AS TO CONTRACTOR: WASTE MANAGEMENT, INC. OF FLORIDA ~ . , \ (Corporate Seal) Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: I \fV' '( \ ,~(\lL v:" '. \ ,'::'L r#tU'\ Shirley Jean McEachern Assistant County Attorney . . EXHIBIT 'I' . FEE SCHEDULE FOR CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION DEBRIS (C/O) Fee for C/D materi a 1 sorted and processed at the C/D site and subsequently scaled as materials for recycling or reuse is $16.80 per ton. Annual fee adjustment conunencing on January I, 1997. The increase in the Consumer Price Index will be applied as per paragraph 5.2 of this Agreement. . . . . . , '~_'" ..N....__~" - -.., , t? ,.J I . . - . -." '. .. . - . -' ...---- - . . o. . . - ~ .....- ---'--- - / EXHIBIT "J" . , . . . I. . . . , ASPH AL T LINED POND CONSTRUCTION/DEMOLITION : PROCESSING AREA 'SPOT ELEVATION GRID .' . . , , " " . , - , o . . . . . I . . . . , . . , I . . . 0 . I . . , , , , . o' :f . , . ! . . . I - . . '" . I . .' . . . . . .;. . . . , . , I , "<T I . - I . I . . I . . . . :-'.1 :~. . "- . I' . . I - .~. " ~ ~ . ", --. ..... . ...~:.. .' / ..". " ....~.._-~-~.~~- -- --"'.:'.. ,:.:-. (? ~'OI" ...:+."-. + .'of':. . -' ..'. . "- 'f~",. +~. +....' +~ ~...,. + _. _ ,'.-:~".:-J..... + + + + + '~-'="'.":;": . .. " ~') ..0 .. _~ ". .:>" +~'" +v +~ +-r +or +" ~+"".,o +.:) +~ +...... +.:0-0 +~ ~ .ct +~.} +~.. +....0 +.... +4' +~ ~ +.:' +~.;. +01"0 +.t1 +~.; +,f! .. .. ') .... " ~.. y ..'Ii' +~'" +~ +" +" +" +" .. .. ." .. , . ~.. ~ ~,~........t ......'v .. +" + + + + + J! " ... .. .... .. ", ~... ~'" +...... +..... +" +.... +" +" .. ... .. .} .,') ... ... I ~ +...... +..... +" +" +" +" TIRES .. 0 ..;..,0........ ..'" +.." +.." +" +" +" +' ,., . ." . .. .. .. ~'Y +"'" +"'r +..... +~ +~.,. +.... .~'. +~+~ +$ +~.. +~ +"". .. ".. ..~, +~v +"v +",: +"'" +"~ +"" po ,. <:I .. !\1. ~ " .... ~~ +.!Ji +..... +~ +~ +~~. +'Q . 0 , . o z <( . , , . n ~ . . . . . '. WHITE GOODS , . (f) .....J .....J W U . .."..... . . . I COVER COVER TILE . . . " . If') ("') - - . - .- . -. THIS EXHIBIT A PORTION OF PRINT 'NLI06-02.DWG DATED 7-22-93. . . POINT CF ORIGIN. STA 38+ 44 OFFSET 4a FEET R'G"'l , -- Notice of Change/Withdrawal DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS Division of Community Planninl?: RULE NO: RULE TITLE 9J-5.026: Rural Land Stewardship Area (RSLA) NOTICE OF CHANGE Notice is hereby given that the following changes have been made to the proposed rule in accordance with subparagraph] 20.54(3)(d)l., F.S., published in Vol. 34 No. 42, October 17,2008 issue of the Florida Administrative Weekly. 9J-5.026 Rural Land Stewardship Area (RLSA). (I) Purpose of the RLSA Planning Process. The RLSA is an enhanced rural planning process which counties may elect to use. The paramount purpose of the planning process is to further the statutory principles of rural sustain ability through innovative and flexible planning strategies and incentives. The planning process uses stewardship planning to encourage landowners to permanently conserve agricultural lands, and ecosystems, habitats, and natural resources in return for appropriate development rights on a limited portion of other lands suitable for development within the RLSA. THe pleAHiflg pfseess is n.et eA eAtitlemeAt .. ekiele fer Hmen de'. elepm.eRts ef sHeH size tHBt tHe) s':erv.helm. tRe rural sr agriel:i1turel ehofoeter sf tHe area. (2) Purpose of the RLSA Rule. The purpose of this section is to establish rules for designating a RLSA. It specifies the substantive compliance requirements for RLSA plan amendments and explains how the Department will determine the compliance of a RLSA plan amendment as required by Chapter 163, Part II, F.S. These rules establish minimum criteria which may be exceeded by local governments. (3) Adoption ofa RLSA Plan Amendment. A county, or counties in the case ofa multi- county RLSA, may adopt a RLSA plan amendment(s) after giving notification to and receiving the authorization of the Department. Chapter 9J-11, F.A.C., establishes the specific procedures and requirements for the leeat notification bv local government, the Department's authorization, and the adoption of a plan amendment designating a RLSA. (4) Definitions. (a) "Designated Receiving Area" means a delineated land area within an Eligible Receiving Area within a RLSA to which stewardship credits can be transferred to increase the density or intensity of a parcel. (b) "Designated Sending Area" means an area within a RLSA that has been desil!nated as aoorooriate for conservation or agricultural use and assigned stewardship credits. (c) "Eligible Receiving Area" means an area designated in the initial RLSA plan amendment that delineates where "Designated Receiving Areas" can be subsequently located. (d) "Greenbelt" means a wide border of pennanently undeveloped land that precludes the expansion of development into the surrounding rural lands; provides a buffer to protect the surrounding rural resources from development impacts; and separates the developed area from other developed areas. (e) "Rural Landscape" means the mosaic of agricultural and natural land covers which may include rural settlements. (f) "Stewardship credits" means development credits assigned to lands within a rural lands stewardship area. These development credits do not constitute development rights until they are transferred to parcels within Designated Receiving Areas for the sole purpose of implementing the innovative planning and development strategies and creative land use planning techniques established by the rural lands stewardship area plan. (g) ""Stewardship easement" means a covenant or restrictive easement running with the land which records the use of stewardship credits and specifies the allowable uses and develooment restrictions for the Designated Sending Area limits fblt.ire aeveISI3ffieRt. The stewardship easement must be jointly held by the county and either the Department of Environmental Protection, Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, a water management district, or a recognized statewide land trust. (5) Threshold Eligibility Requirements. To be eligible fer eeRsiEleratien BY a eSliRty aRd the DepaFtmeFlt for designation as a RLSA, a proposed RLSA must meet the following eligibility requirements: (a) A RLSA may encompass land in one county or land in adjacent counties but shall not include land within municipal or established urban growth boundaries as designated in the local comprehensive plan(s); (b) A RLSA must include a minimum of 10,000 acres of privately owned land that is not already pennanently protected through existing easements, covenants or other restrictions; and (c) A RLSA must consist of lands with a pre-existing future land use map designation of agricultural, rural, open, open-rural, or an essentially similar land use designation. (6) Mandatory Substantive Requirements. A RLSA plan amendment must satisfy the substantive requirements for plan amendments in Chapter 163, Part 11, F.S. and Chapter 91-5, F.A.C., including the additional requirements established by Section Subseeti€ln 163.3] 77(11), F.S., and RFule 9J,5.026, F.A.C., for the designation of a RLSA. (7) Rural Sustainability. Rural sustainability is the paramount goal of a RLSA. (a) A RLSA plan amendment must demonstrate that it will further the following statutory principles of rural sustainability: 1. Restoration and maintenance of the economic value of rural land; 2. Control of urban sprawl; 3. Identification and protection of ecosystems, habitats, and natural resources; 4. Promotion of rural economic activity; 5. Maintenance of the viability of Florida's agriculhlral economy; and 6. Protection of the character of rural areas of Florida. (b) Furthering the principles of rural sustainability requires large-scale planning which controls the amount, type, and location of development. A RLSA shall manifest the following general landscape features which will vary based on local characteristics: 1. Land area(s) large enough to accommodate development on suitable lands while conserving the overall rural character and the agricultural lands, and ecosystems, habitats, and natural resources on the remaining lands; 2. A limited development footprint in order to protect the surrounding rural landscape and agricultural lands, and ecosystems, habitats, and natural resources; 3. A limited number of Designated Receiving Areas to prevent urban sprawl and unnecessary fragmentation of the rural landscape; 4. Designated Receiving Areas with compact shapes that avoid intrusions into the surrounding rural landscape in the form of radial, strip, ribbon, or finger patterns; 5. Greenbelts surrounding Designated Receiving Areas to provide for a clear separation between urban and rural uses except when the Designated Receiving Area is adjacent to existing development or incorporated areas; 6. Designated Receiving Areas located only on land most suitable for development aM 8way or effeetively eufferee Fr8fFllaRas fFl.8St sl:litable fer Bgrielilmre aHS aaRiral reS81::1ree eonservati8R; and 7. Designated Receiving Areas connected with each other and the remainder of the RLSA and to areas outside of the RLSA using rural design principles and rural road corridors with controlled access that are designed to prevent sprawl and minimize impacts on ecosystems, habitats, and natural resources. ( c) The amount and type of development in a RLSA must also be designed to further the principles of rural sustainability. Therefore, development shall ~ be of the amount and type that is sustainable and will support and sustain and not undermine the rural and agricultural economies. A RLSA shal1 manifest the following general development characteristics: 1. The total amount of development, particularly residential development, must be limited and carefully controlled to be compatible with avoid iffiJ3aets tRat will 8ver::RelFA the overall rural character of the RLSA and surrounding area includiOl! 8f BB'iersely ~ agricultural activities, and ecosystems, habitats, and natural resources. The total amount of development shall not exceed the amount calculated in accordance with paragraphs (9)(c) and subparagraph (8)(c)2 f+B(1)1. 2. Provision for agricultural-related uses, including farrnworker housing, that will support and sustain the rural and agricultural economies. These uses may be located in Designated Receiving Areas, and in designated Agricultural Areas if sited on agricultural lands suitable for development and in a manner that does not adversely affect agricultural activities. 3. Rural villages, rural activity centers, and new towns shall be designed to: a. f~rovide for a compact, functional mix of land uses that serve living, working, shopping, recreational, and civic needs; b. .e~rovide energy efficient land use patterns that minimize vehicle miles travelled and greenhouse gas emissions; c. Mminimize the external impacts of the development; d. Mmaximize the cost-efficient provision of public facilities and services; and e. ff'rovide adequate workforce housing, including low, very low, and moderate income housing. (8) EnistiBg CSflsitioas: Data and Analysis Requirements. The data and analysis requirements that apply to all plan amendments also apply to RLSA amendments. This subsection does not repeat those requirements, but some requirements are cross- referenced for ease of use. This subsection establishes RLSA-specific data and analysis requirements that are in addition to the requirements for all amendments. In order to evaluate the existing conditions within the RLSA and how those conditions interrelate with the surrounding regional context, the data and analysis must cover ~ local conditions within the RLSA, the county or counties in which it is located, and the areas surrounding the RLSA irrespective of county boundaries. The data and analysis shall address: (a) ExistiUl! Conditions :\grieultur13. Data and analysis of existing conditions orovides the necessary foundation for develooiOl! the RLSA Plan consistent with subsection 9J- 5005(2) F.A.C. 1. Identify current aREI kisterieal agricultural land uses, activities, and economic conditions in the RLSA and surrounding area and include an existing conditions map of current agricultural areas within and surrounding the RLSA. 2. Analyze the probable or projected future agricultural land uses aReI. aetiyities in the area and the amount of land required to accommodate them. 3. Analyze the suitability of the land for eJcisting aRa ]38teiRtial agricultural activities. The analyses shall consider the effect on tkreats to agriculture from development and spatial fragmentation. 4. IRveRtBf) aHa evaluate leea!, state, aRa feaeral ayieultHral f1regFams te EleteARine REI\. tke RLS,^. may imflaet er Be impaetes by these pfElgrams. (lJ) Rmal CBaraoter and Eoenemy. :L~ Identify and describe the existing, locally specific rural character of the RLSA and surrounding area by analyzing its characteristics, including land use, development patterns, and economic, social, cultural, historic, scenic, landscape, recreational, and environmental elements. 2. Deserise BHa aHalyze the eJ(isting rural BRei. agrieHltural econsmy, iRsluel.ing the tYp13S €If eJdsting insastries, employment, e,~teHt ef unemploymeRt, BR8108al ',ysrl:feree 6karaeteristies. 3. Inventory BFU:l e\ BluBte leeal, state, and f~deral programs aaaressiRg rural eesReffiie issues sueh. as the Rt:lfal EesRomic De, elopm13nt IRitiative establisned iR Seetien 288.Ga5a, F.S., indading Bew IBe RLSf. ma, iFllJ',ol er be imp..ted by tBe,e pregram,. (e) Eces)'stems, Hasitats, Bael.1>ratural Resoun,es. 2.J--; Inventory and identify natural resources as required under Rules seetioRs 9J-5.006 and 91-5.013, F.A.C., including ecosystems, habitats, and natural resources existing within and proximate to the RLSA. The inventory shall include important water recharge areas and water supply sources; water bodies designated pursuant to Section 403.067, F.S.; spring protection areas; and the Florida Greenways and Trails System as designated pursuant to Chapter 260, F.S. ~;h Analyze geographic connections between RLSA resources and larger systems and networks such as water systems, wildlife corridors, greenways, and trails. L:J..: Analyze the potential threats to natural resources, including urbanization, economic, biological, and spatial fragmentation. ~4:- Identify IB','eFl.ter) and evaluate relevant local, state, and federal programs and special land use designations such as publicly owned conservation lands, mitigation banks, and environmental restoration efforts, including the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP), that may impact or be impacted by the RLSA. (oj Pet"Atial De';elep",eAt aAd UreaR Sprav:1. .2.,.-h Analyze landscape and development conditions of the RLSA and surrounding rural lands, such as the overall pattern of rural land uses and land covers, parcel size and ownership patterns, recent historical trends regarding subdivision of land and transition to residential uses, roadways, and other infrastructure that may affect RLSA development and rural sustainability. 2. .'\Fl.alyze hs\y the RLSf-, is likely t8 affeet the futHre ae','eIOflmeHt flattems sf etRer rural anEl agrieblltl:l.fallftfl8S in the SliFf8l:1HEling afea, iFfeSfleetiye sf e8linty l3eliHaaries. illfe1 Land Values Analysis for Stewardship Credit System. In evaluating agricultural lands, and ecosystems, habitats, and natural resources, conduct a land values analysis for use in assigning stewardship credits and for determining the most suitable locations for Designated Receiving Areas. The analysis shall include and be based on the following: 1. All forms of rural resources including agricultural, environmental, local and regional ecosystems, wildlife habitat, water resources, recreational, tourism, scenic, cultural, and other rural amenities; 2, The broad landscape ecology, including geographic linkages and corridors; specially designated areas such as natural reservations as defined in subsection 9J-5.003(78)' F.A.C., and the Florida Greenways and Trails System, including the Florida National Scenic Trail identified in Chapter 260, F.S.; and appropriate buffer zones to mitigate incompatibilities and enhance environmental and other values; 3. All existing permanent protection measures, both public and private, including land use restrictions and conservation programs and an evaluation of whether these measures reduce or increase the need for additional protection through the RLSA planning process; 4. Land development and other conversion threats whereby significant rural resources under threat require more incentives via stewardship credits and less significant resources require lesser incentives and may be more suitable for designation as receiving areas. This includes the future threat oflow-density sprawl on lands proximate to and surrounding potential Designated Receiving Areas; and 5. Site specific natural resource evaluation criteria substantially similar to those used to establish statewide geographic infonnation systems by the Florida Natural Areas Inventory, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Florida Department of Environmental Protection, and Water Management Districts; and available agricultural data from the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, and the United States Department of Agriculture. (c) RLSA Plan. I. How the RLSA Plan will further the orincioles of rural snstainabilitv. 2. The maximum amount of allowable development in the RLSA. 3. The demonstration of need for the maximum amount ofdevelooment OUfsuant to oaragraDh (9)(c). 4. The stewardshiD credit svstem and how it will allow achievement of the RLSA Plan. 5. The suitability for development of land in the RLSA. including Eligible Receiving Areas and votentia! sites for develooment in Al.!ricultural Areas. 6. The location and extent of greenbelts. buffers. or setbacks needed to ensure a seoaration of any urban and rural uses and to Drotect agricultural lands. and ecosvstems. habitats. and natural resources. 7. An analvsis of how the RLSA Plan is likely to affect future develoDment oatterns of other rural and agricultural lands in the surroundinl! area irresnective of county boundaries. and control urban sorawl within and surroundinl! the RLSA. 8. The amount of workforce housing, including low. very-low. and moderate income housing. needed for the develooment allowed in the RLSA and for nersons workim! in al!riculture and other rural industries in the RLSA. 9. The rural desie:n standards and rural road corridor network that will be needed to serve the RLSA. 10. Enerev efficient land use oatterns that minimize vehicle miles travelled and greenhouse eas emissions. (9) RLSA Plan Standards. The RLSA Plan shall satisfy the following standards: (a) Development and Design Standards. 1. The RLSA Plan must be consistent with the general landscape and development characteristics set forth in paragraphs (7)(b) and (7)( c). 2. The maximum amount of allowable residential and non-residential development in the RLSA shall not exceed the amount of development determined pursuant to paragraphs (9)(c) and subparagraph (8)(c)2 tl-IW>J. 3. All nen e.grieultliral development enabled by the transfer of stewardship credits shall be located in Designated Receiving Areas that will be established Dursuant to oaral!raDh (lO)(e) and subsection (I]) and which shall be ......located in Eligible Receiving Areas designated in the comprehensive plan. 4. Develooment in Any Designated Receiving Area~ eJtBeeEliflg I ,9gG seres shall meet the definition of new town in subsection 9J-5.003(80), FAC.. or the definition of All ether deT:eIElJ:1ffisnt SHall l3e ElesigRateEl as a rural village or rural activity center wffi.efl. ,hall ",oet the aefinitien set forth in subsection 9J-5.003(1 ]2), FAC., aHa shall Hot euseeElI,GOG Beres in size. 5. Significant ecosystems, habitats, and natural resource areas in the RLSA shall be designated as Conservation Areas in which, after transfer of all stewardship credits, development shall be prohibited by sending area stewardship easements. Conservation Areas in which specified agricultural uses are allowed shall be clearly distinguished from Conservation Areas in which no agricultural uses are allowed. 6. All lands in the RLSA, except for Designated Receiving Areas and designated Conservation Areas, shall be designated as Agricultural Areas in which, after transfer of stewardship credits, development shall be prohibited by sending area stewardship easements, except for agricultural-related uses as provided in subparagraph (7)( c )2. 7. Service area boundaries must be established for each Designated Receiving Area which provide for a clear separation between it and other land uses in the RLSA through limitations on the extension of services. Service areas shall provide for the cost-efficient delivery of public facilities and services. 8. The innovative planning and development strategies to be used in Designated Receiving Areas shall include a compact, functional mix ofland uses; energy efficient land use patterns; the internal capmre of trips; and minimization of vehicle miles traveled and greenhouse gas emissions. (b) The Size of the Development Footprint. The RLSA plan amendment shall establish liffl.it the size of the total development footprint, i.e., the Designated Receiving Area(s). 1. The size of the total development footprint shall be based upon: a. The size of the RLSA and the number of Designated Receiving Areas; b. The percentage of the RLSA that will be permanently protected or preserved by stewardship easements, the degree to which oermanentlv protected sending areas are contiguous, and the degree to which permanentlv protected sending areas establish an effective greenbelt around the receiving areas; c. The locational attributes of the development footprint, including whether it is located adjacent to existing development or incorporated areas and will be otherwise surrounded by greenbelts; d. The extent and location of new infrastructure, including roadways, which will be required to serve the Designated Receiving Areas; e. The land use, design and development standards, such as the amount of residential development, the degree of mixed use, compactness, jobs-housing balance, internalization of impacts, pedestrian orientation, multi-modal transportation, connectivity standards, and energy efficiency, that will be required in the Designated Receiving Areas; f. The extent to which potential urban sprawl is prevented by reducing or eliminating permissible land uses and development intensities and densities in Agricultural and Conservation areas outside of the Designated Receiving areas within the RLSA and in the rural areas surrounding the RLSA; and g. The impact of the development footprint on ecosystems, habitats, and natural resources, including potential fragmentation of such resources. 2. In reviewing the size of the development footprint established in the RLSA plan amendment, the Department shall determine that a total footprint that does not exceed 10 percent of the entire RLSA complies with this paragraph and subparagraph (7)(b)2., and furthers the principles of rural sustainability. lfthe total development footprint is more than 10 percent of the entire RLSA, the RLSA plan amendment must demonstrate that the development footprint furthers the principles of rural sustainability. (c) Development Allocation Standards. Beeause the RLS."~ PIeR flrejects the B.ltimate laaa \ise flattem tRat may 088\:1r 1ge) 8ReI the IOHg teIlfl. plaRBing flerieEl efthe CeI-HflrSReBsive pbB, the The amount of allowable development in the RLSA Plan must be based on the 25-vear or greater oroiected nODulation of the RLSA: pepulatioR projeetieBs fer tae RLS.\ for the sa8rt and long teFffi plaBning perisss oftRe esrflpreheFlSi\ Ii.'! plan and for tRe :Iltimate laRs use patteffi. Tae f38fl\:llation f'lFejeetiOl'lS sRall Be Based eA pref..ssieHall) ac,eptaBle metRods fBr pmjectiHg gee':. tl, iA rural gesgrtlflAie areas like tke RLS,^.. THe FfletHsBslegy FRlist tal:e iate aC6sliflt the requirement to achieve the statutory principles of rural sustainability; the population projections and the allocations of development entitlements for the county as a whole; the 8ffi8uat af ele':elepmeHt 8llev,'ee hy tHe BReIerl) iog laRd lises; and the anticipated effect of the proposed RLSA and its proposed Receiving Areas, including any committed catalyst projects, infrastructure imorovements. or other projects that would attract and support development. (d) Stewardship Credit System Standards. The RLSA plan amendment shall either incorporate or require adoption by separate ordinance of a stewardship credit system and methodology that complies with the following criteria: 1. Each credit shall represent a defined number of residential units per acre or a defined amount of non-residential square footage per acre. The credit transferee may decide whether to use the credit for a residential or non-residential use according to the plan of development for the Designated Receiving Area. 2. The maximum number of credits for the entire RLSA shall be established and shall equal the maximum amount of development allowed in the RLSA. 3. Credits shall be assigned to each acre ofland based on the land values analysis required by paragraph (8)ili.) tel in a manner designed to accomplish the purposes of the RLSA Plan. 4. Credits for a Designated Sending Area shall be assigned at the time the sending area is designated. 5. After assignment of credits to a Designated Sending Area, credits may be transferred directly to a parcel within a Designated Receiving Area in order to increase development entitlements or, at the option of the landowner and county, to a credit bank managed by the county or to a third party. Banked or third party aedits are reserved for future transfer to a Designated Receiving Area. 6. At the time credits are transferred to a Designated Receiving Area, credit bank, or third party, a stewardship easement or restrictive covenant must be imposed on the Designated Sending Reeei-, ing Area and recorded in the public records of the county to permanently prohibit development and to provide for conservation of ecosystems, habitats and natural resources, and to permanently limit land uses on agricultural lands to specified agricultural activities, including agricultural-related development. The easement ar restrieti\e eEl' ellal'lt shall Be iH fRyer sf tlle C8MAt)' aRa either the De}38Ftment of ER':iremnental PrateetisR, t-fie De}38rtffieRt of /~grielllh:iral and CensHmer Serviees, a water fflanagement district, or a reeegnizea state\yiae 18Ra trust. 7. The local government may require that the easement or restrictive covenant provide for the appropriate management and monitoring of the resources to be protected and enforcement mechanisms to ensure compliance with the terms, conditions and restrictions established in the easement or covenant. 8. Upon transfer of credits, the underlying land uses are extinguished except for agricultural-related uses that may be allowed in Agricultural or Conservation Areas according to the provisions of the stewardship easement or restrictive covenant, which may restrict the intensity of the agricultural-related uses to promote compatible conservation uses. 9. To encourage the restoration, management, and maintenance of conservation lands through conservation easements, credit bonuses may be allowed as determined by the comprehensive plan. This bonus amount shall be included in the maximum number of credits established for the entire RLSA and shall not increase the total amount of credits and development allowed in the entire RLSA to. To encourage the early establishment of stewardship easements, credits that are transferred to a credit bank or third party for future use may be increased by a bonus amount as determined by the comprehensive plan. This bonus amount shall be included in the maximum number of credits established for the entire RLSA and shall not increase the total amount of credits and development allowed in the entire RLSA. (10) Goals, Objectives, Policies and Map. The RLSA plan amendment shall contain a RLSA Plan consisting of goals, objectives, policies, and a map that set forth the innovative planning and development strategies to be applied in the RLSA. The goal statement(s) shall establish the long-term ends of the amendment to further the principles of rural sustainability. Each goal shall contain objectives and policies which address how the principles of rural sustainability and the standards specified in subsection (9) will be achieved in the RLSA. The goals, objectives, policies and map shall address the following: (a) The conservation and protection of agricultural lands, and ecosystems, habitats, and natural resources in the RLSA. (b) The control of urban sprawl within and surrounding the RLSA. (c) The planning period for the RLSA and the maximum amount of development allowed iu the RLSA. (d) The criteria to be used in establishing the methodology for the stewardship credit system. The methodology and stewardship credit system based on the criteria in the RLSA Plan shall either be incorporated into the RLSA Plan or adopted by separate ordinance. (e) The process for establishing Designated Receiving Areas and Designated Sending Areas. This shall include minimum standards for the application, review, and designation of sending and receiving areas. This shall also include Iocational criteria and the maximum cumulative size of Designated Receiving Areas within Eligible Receiving Areas. (f) The plan of development shall include innovative planning and development strategies to be used in Designated Receiving Areas, including: 1. Aa compact, functional mix of land uses in rural villages, rural activity centers, and new towns; 2. Itiming and phasing requirements necessary to achieve a functional mix; and 3..bland use standards to be applied in Designated Receiving Areas including the amount, type, density, intensity, composition, distribution, location, and design standards of future uses and which specify that the increased densities and intensities can only be enabled through the transfer of stewardship credits to parcels within the Designated Receiving Area. (g) A process that encourages visioning and public participation in the design of any Designated Receiving Area. (h) Adequate available workforce housing, including low, very-low, and moderate income housing, for the development anticipated in the RLSA, including housing for persons working in agriculture and other rural industries. (i) Provision for businesses and industries which support and sustain the rural and agricultural economy. U) Compatibility standards and techniques, including greenbelts, buffers, setbacks, and density and intensity gradations, to ensure a clear separation between urban and rural uses and to provide adequate protection of designated Conservation and Agricultural areas. (k) The protection, restoration and maintenance of designated Conservation Areas through stewardship easements and other means. (1) The existing and planned rural road system and the rural design principles to be used in connecting the Designated Receiving Areas with each other and to areas outside of the RLSA. (m) Standards for the establishment of service areas. (n) Inclusion of existing rural developments such as cross-roads communities and partially built subdivisions as part of the overall plan to further rural sustainability, including appropriate consideration of those areas as most suitable for Designated Receiving Areas. (0) Energy efficient land use patterns that minimize vehicle miles travelled and greenhouse gas emissions. (P) The RLSA Plan shall include a RLSA Plan map as an overlay which at a minimum depicts the Eligible Receiving Areas; Conservation and Agricultural Areas; existing rural road corridors; and the general location of planned rural road corridors. The map must be consistent with and supported by data and analysis, and goals, objectives, and policies submitted or adopted in accordance with this section. (II) Data aR~ ARal)'sis. THe RLS,^. rlaR ameR~meRt, iRelu~ing the RLSA PlnR, shall Be Bose~ eR afl~ surrerte~ B) data afl~ .flal)'sis ",hieh ad",e" the f"lIeY;iflg: (0) He", the RLS.'\ Pin. 'A ill further the pri.ciples efmFaI slistaiflaBilit).. (e) THe m8JdffitirR amElHAt 8f 8118',\ 88113 aelelepmeAt iR tHe RLS,\. (6) The E1sm8AstratieA sf Reed fer tRe ffiaJtim1:lFB 8fR8lit'lt of deT:elsJ3meAt JHifSUBAt to paragraph (9)(e). (d) The stewUl'~,hip ere~it system afl~ he',v it will alle'.v aehieveflleflt ef the RLS.'. Plnfl. (0) The suitahility fer ~o..elermeflt eflafld iR the RLS.^., iReludiflg Eligihle Reeei';iRg Areas aBEt j:leteatial sites fer ae. dO{3ffieBt ia }l.gritm.ltHfaI .^~reas. (f) laeatifieatie8 amI evaluatioa ef eJdsting agrieuli:urallaRas, aRe e€8s)'stems, hasitats, aAa Aatural reS01:lrees. If the eRtire RLS.^~ eeRsists of these laRaS, the eata and Ba.slysis should iaea.tip/ these laABs flaying the least agriel11tural suitability aRe ea.T:irElRmea.tal 'fflItte, (g) HO\\ the prspesea Bffi8HRt sf allo\\ a131e ae, elo}9ffl€Ht, espeeially resiaeHtial Eleyelepmemt, ':Iill afrest agrislilRlfallanEls, aAa eess)'stems, haeitats, aAa Hamral ressl:lrees. (h) The laeatisl'l BRei enteRt Elf greeRl3elts, l:l1.ifr~rs, ar set13aelrs AeeElea to eASHre a separatisFI ef an)' liF13an BRa rnral1:lses BRa t8 flreteet agrieHlllifallanas, aRa eeesystems, haeitats, ana natura! Telseurees. (i) The EaRtrsl efHreaR sprawl V/i~BiR aRa Sl:lHBI:lREha.g ~B.e RLS.^.. (j) THe BR'l8liRt efwer)cferee h8liSiRg, iReh:idiRg 18":.', ":eF)' lE1W, ana meaefBte iHsome hSHSiRg, ReeElea fur the dsveloflmemt alls~?:eEl is the RLS.^. Bsa fer perseRS Y:OFl:iRg iR agris1:l.lture ami ether FtiFal huiustries in the RLS:\. (Ie) The ruml ElesigR staRaaras BRd nUBl read earRdor RelY/8rI: that willl3e Reedea te serve the RL8:\.. (1) Serviee areas f<or DesigRBteel ReeeiviRg .^~reBs, (m) THe geRerBI tefffis eftfle eSFlser;atioR aReI sten,'BftfsHi}3 eaS8meflts and restrietive eSyeRBnts that are }3Fspssed to be utilized fer the CORserYBtisR aHa Agricultural/.reas. (H) Energy effieient laREll:lse flattems that minimize \ ekiele miles travelleel Bnd greeRkBlise gas emissieRs. !lD~ Timing of Demonstration of Need, the Plan of Development, and Financial Feasibility. In order to orovide flexibility. the +he local government shall utilize one of the following options in addressing the issues of need, plan of development, and financial feasibility in a RLSA plan amendment: (a) Option One: Conventional Plan Amendment Option. The initial RLSA plan amendment must include the following: 1. A demonstration of need for the maximum amount of development allowed for the long-term planning period for the entire RLSA as determined in accordance with paragraphs (9)(c) and subparagraph (8)(c)3 fH-1\el. A demonstration ofresidentialland use need is not required if the maximum amount of residential development for the RLSA does not exceed the cumulative amount of residential development allowed by the underlying land uses within the RLSA as established in the pre-existing comprehensive plan. If this limit is chosen, the analysis must demonstrate, using professionally accepted methods, that the amount of non-residential land uses is sufficient to meet the daily and work needs of the projected population and employment, which will vary based on location, proximity to other development, and the size of the planned development. 2. A financially feasible 5- Year schedule of capital improvements for any development that will occur in the first five years and a long term capital improvement plan for the entire RLSA. 3. The Designated Receiving Areas must develop according to all of the requirements established in the initial plan. A subsequent amendment pursuant to Section 163.3184, F.S. is not required except for one or more of the following circumstances: a. The annual update to the 5-Year Capital Improvements Schedule which must address any capital improvements needed by RLSA development. b. A change from the initial RLSA plan amendment. C. The local government has adopted plan policies in the initial plan amendment that require subsequent plan amendments. 4. The RLSA plan amendment shall require that after the local government has designated a Designated Receiving Area by land development regulation, the Designated Receiving Area shall be delineated on the Future Land Use Map shall he reyised t8 aeliHeate the DesigRatea Reeei','ing ;'.rea pursuant to a ministerial process. This ministerial sffigttlaf action shall not be deemed a Dlan amendment and shall not require a compliance review pursuant to Section ]63.3184, F.S. (b) Option Two: The Vision Plan Option. This option provides greater flexibility in addressing the issues of need. Dlan of develoDment. and financial feasibilitv in a RLSA Dlan amendment as follows: I. The initial RLSA plan amendment must include a descriptive vision plan for the entire RLSA which is consistent with the principles of rural sustainability. The vision plan shall establish the maximum amount of development required to achieve the vision, the general location and the maximum size of Eligible Receiving Areas, and the general location of Agricultural and Conservation Areas. The amendment must address all goal, objective, and policy requirements except paragraph (10)(1), the plan of development for Designated Receiving Areas. The amendment must address all data and analysis requirements except for ~aragraph ~ ~ regarding the demonstration of land use need. The initial amendment does not require a financially feasible 5-Year Schedule of Capital Improvements for the RLSA. 2. The initial RLSA plan amendment must provide that prior to the development of a Designated Receiving Area(s), the comprehensive plan must be amended to incorporate the Designated Receiving Area(s) and Designated Sending Area(s) on the Future Land Use Map. This subsequent amendment must include and be supported by: a. The plan of development required by paragraph (10)(1) and maximum amount of development allowable in the Designated Receiving Area(s) for the long-term planning period. b. A demonstration of need for the maximum amount of development allowed for the long-term planning period for the Designated Receiving Area(s) determined in accordance with paragraphs (9)(c) and subparagraph (8)(c)3~. A demonstration of residential land use need is not required if the maximum amount of residential development for the RLSA does not exceed the cumulative amount of residential development allowed by the underlying land uses within the RLSA as established in the pre-existing comprehensive plan. If this limit is chosen, the analysis must demonstrate, using professionally accepted methods, that the amount of non-residential land uses is sufficient to meet the daily and work needs of the projected population and employment, which will vary based on location, proximity to other development, and the size of the planned development. c. A financially feasible schedule of capital improvements that addresses all capital facility planning needs for the Designated Receiving Area(s). d. Compliance of the plan amendment shall be limited to the requirements in sub- subparagraphs a., b., and c. above and intemal consistency with the initial RLSA plan amendment. Any changes to the initial RLSA Plan shall be subject to the complete compliance requirements. Specific Authority 163.3177(9), (l1)(h) FS. Law Implemented 163.3177(2), (3), (6)(a), (8), (lO)(e), (II )(a), (II )(b), (l1)(d) I., (11 )(d)2., (I I)(d)4., (1] )(d)5., (1 I )(d)6. FS. History - New