CE-Intersection Safety Orders 03/01/2010 Intersection Safety Program Orders March 1, 2010 (i) Collier County Intersection Safety Program Processing Center PO Box 59995 Phoenix, AZ. 85076-9995 3(ql~e(a COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE DETERMINATION: REASON: AMOUNT DUE: VIOLATION FOUND GENERAL DENIAL $112.50 AMY JOY BIGGS 4410 5TH AVE SW NAPLES, FL 34119.2913 NOTICE #: 1360900159283 PIN #: &689 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLI ER COUNTY, FLORIDA, Petitioner, v.. AMY JOY BIGGS Respondent. ORDER OF THE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE THIS CAUSE carne on for public hearing before the Special Magistrate on 03/01/2010, and the Special Magistrate, having heard argument respective to all appropriate matters, hereupon issues its Findings of Fact and Order of the SpeCial Magistrate, as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The citation was issued by the Collier County Sherriff's Office and is being contested by the Respondent, AMY JOY BIGGS, 2. Respondent is charged with violating the Collisr County Ordinance 08.22 which prohibits Red Light Infractions (Failure to Stop at a Red Light). 3. Respondent violated the ordinance by proceeding into an intersectlon when the traffic control signal for that vehicle's direction of travel was emitting a steady reel signal. QBW Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of law, and pursuant to the authority granted in Collier County Ordinance 06-22, it is hereby ORDERED: A. Respondent is guilty of violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for the direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. B. Respondent shall pay a fine of$125.00 on or before 03/22/2010. C. Respondent shall pay the operational costs incurred in the amount of $50.00 on or before 03/22/2010. DONE AND ORDERED 03/01/2010 at Collier County, Florida. COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGI$TRA TE ~ ~.dj~ BRENDA C. GARRETSON LIEN RIGHTS. This order may be recorded in the Public Records at Collier County. Aner lt1ree (3) months from the filing of any such lien or civil claim which remains unpaid, the Special Magistrate may authorize the County Attorney 10 foreclose on the Uen or pursue collection on unpaid claims. In the event that outstanding fines are forwarded to a collections agency, the Violator will be responsible for those costs incurred by Collier County. APPEAL RICHTS: Any aggrieved party may appeal a final order of the Special Magistrate to the Circuit Court within thirty (30) days of the execution of the Order appealed. An appeal shall not be a hearing de novo, but shall be limited to appellate review of the record created within the original hearing. It is the responsibility of the appealing party to obtain a transcribed record of the hearing from the Clerk at Courts. Filing an Appeal will not automatically stay the execution of the Order ce. Respondent. AMY JOY BIGGS Collier Co. Code Enforcement Oept. (i) Collier County Intersection Safety Program Proce88ing Center PO Box 59995 Phoenix, AZ 85076.9995 COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE DETERMINATION: REASON: AMOUNT DUE: VIOLATION FOUNO GENERAL DENIAL $112.50 BRIAN ALEXANDER AND JENNIFER SUE FEINSTEIN 51081NAGUA WAY NAPLES, FL 34119.9585 NOTICE #: 1380900130981 PIN.: 7371 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, Petitioner, va. BRIAN ALEXANDER AND JENNIFER SUE FEINSTEIN Respondent ORDER OF THE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE THIS CAUSE came on for public hearing before the Special Magistrate on 03/01/2010, and the SpecIal Magistrate, having heard argument respectIve to all appropriate matters, hereupon issues its Findings of Fact and Order of the Special Magistrate, 8S follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1, The citation was issued bV the Collier County Sherriff's Office and Is being contested by Ihe Respondent, BRIAN ALEXANDER AND JENNIFER SUE FEINSTEIN, 2. Respondent is charged with violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 which prohibits Red light Infractions (Failure to Stop at a Red light). 3. Respondent violated the ordinance by proceeding into an intersection when the trafflc control signal for that vehicle's direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal llBW Based upon the foregoing Findings at Fact and Conclusions of Law, and pursuant to the authority granted in Collier County Ordinance 08-22, it is hereby ORDERED. A. Respondent is guilty of violatlng the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for the direction of travel was emitting a steady red signaL B. Respondent shall pay a fine of $125.00 on or before 03123/2010. C. Respondent shall pay the operational costs incurred in the amount of $50.00 on or before 03/23/2010. DONE AND ORDERED 0310112010 at Collier County, Florida. COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE ~~.~~ BRENDA C. GARRETSON LIEN RIGHTS: This order may be recorded In the Public Records of Collier County. After three (3) months from the filing of any such lien or civil claim which remains unpaid, the Special Magistrate may authorize the County Attorney to foreclose on the lien or pursue collection on unpaid claims. In the event that outstanding fines are tolWarded to a collections agency, the Violator will be responsible for those costs incurred by Collier County. APPEAL RIGHTS: Any aggrieved party may appeal a final order of the Special MagIstrate to the Circuit Court within thirty (30) days of the execution of the Order appealed. An appeal shall not be a hearing de novo, but shall be limited 10 appellate review of the record created within the original hearing. It is the responsibility of the appealing party to obtain a transcribed record of the hearing from the Clerk of Courts. Filing an Appeal will not automatically stay the execution of the Order cc. Respondent- BRIAN ALEXANDER AND JENNIFER SUE FEINSTEIN Collier Co. Code Enforcement Dept. (i) Collier County Intersection Safety Program Processing Center . PO Box 59995 Phoenix, AZ 85076-9995 COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE DETERMINATION: REASON: AMOUNT DUE: VIOLATION FOUND GENERAL DENIAL $126.00 BRIAN ALEXANDER AND JENNIFER SUE FEINSTEIN 51081NAGUA WAY NAPLES, FL 34119.9585 NOTICE #: 1380900141564 PIN #: 7371 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, PetitIoner, v.. BRIAN ALEXANDER AND JENNIFER SUE FEINSTEIN Respondent. ORDER OF THE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE THIS CAUSE came on for public hearing before the Special Magistrate on 03101/2010, and the Special Magistrate, having heard argument respective to all appropriate matters, hereupon issues ils Findings of Fact and Order of the Special Magistrate, as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The citation was issued by the Collier County Sherriff's Office and is being contested by the Respondent. BRIAN ALEXANDER AND JENNIFER SUE FEINSTEIN, 2. Respondent is charged with violating the Collier County Ordinance 08~22 which prohibits Red light Infractions (Failure to Stop at a Red light). 3. Respondent violated the ordinance by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for that vehicle's direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal, llRW Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, and pursuant to the authority granted in Collier County Ordinance 08.22, it is hereby ORDERED: A. Respondent is guilty of violating the Collier County Ordinance 08~22 by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for the direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. B. Respondent shall pay a fine of$125.00 on or before 03/23/2010. C. Respondent shall pay the operational costs incurred in the amount of $50.00 on or before 03/23/2010. DONE AND ORDERED 0310112010 at Collier County, Florida. COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE ~~.~~ BRENDA C. GARRETSON LIEN RIGHTS: This order may be recorded in the Public Records of Collier County. After three (3) months from the filing of any such lien or civil claim which remains unpaid, the Special Magistrate may authorize the County Attorney 10 foreclose on the lien or pursue collection on unpaid claims. In the event that outstanding fines are forwarded to a collections agency, the Violator will be responsible for those costs incurred by Collier County. APPEAL RIGHTS: Ar.y aggrieved party may appeal a final order of the Special Magistrate to the Circuit Court within thirty (30) days of the execution of the Order appealed. An appeal shaH not be a hearing de novo, but shall be limited to appellate review of the record created within the original hearing. It is the responsibility of the appealing party 10 obtain a transcribed record of the hearing tram the Clerk of Courts. FIling an Appeal will not automatically stay the execution of th" Order. cc. Respondent- BRIAN ALEXANDER AND JENNIFER SUE FEINSTEIN Collier Co. Code Enforcement Depl. (i) Collier County Intersection Safety Program Processing Center PO Box 59995 Phoenix, AZ 85076-9995 COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE DETERMINATION: REASON: AMOUNT DUE: VIOLATION FOUND GENERAL DENIAL $112.50 ZULEIKA AIMEE FELIZ 5572 LAGO V1LLAGGIO WAY NAPLES, FL 34104.5737 NOTICE #: 1360900162931 PIN #: 7168 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, Petltlonef, va. ZULEIKA AIMEE FELIZ Respondent. ORDER OF THE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE THIS CAUSE came on for public hearing before the Special Magistrate on 03/01/2010, and the Special Magistrate, having heard argument respective to all appropriate matters, hereupon issues its Findings of Fact and Order of the Special Magistrate, 8S follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The citation was issued by the Collier County $herriffs Office and is being contested by the Respondent, ZUlEIKA AIMEE FELIZ, 2 Respondent is charged with violating the Collier County Ordinance 06-22 which prohibits Red Light Infractions (Failure to Stop at a Red Light). 3. Respondent violated the ordinance by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for that vehicle's direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal QflW Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, and pursuant to the authority granted in Collier County Ordinance 08.22, it is hereby ORDERED: A. Respondent is guilty of violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for the direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. B. Respondent shall pay a fine of$125.00 on or before 03/23/2010. C. Respondent shall pay the operational costs incurred in the amount of $50.00 on or before 03/23/2010. DONE AND ORDERED 03/01/2010 at Collier County, Florida. COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE ~ ~.dj~ BRENDA C, GARRETSON LIEN RIGHTS' This order may be recorded in the Public Records of Collier County. After three (3) months from the filing of any such lien or civil claim which remains unpaid. the Special Magistrate may authorize the County Attorney to foreclose on the lien or pursue collection on unpaid claims. In the event that outstanding fines are forwarded to a collections agency, the Violator will be responSible for those costs incurred by Collier County. APPEAL RIGHTS: Any aggrieved party may appeal a final order of the Special Magistrate to the Circuit Court within thirty (30) days of the execution of the Order appealed. An appeal shall not be a hearing de novo, but shall be limited to appellate review of the record created within the original hearing. II Is the responsibility of the appealing party to obtain a transcribed record of the hearing from the Clerk of Courts. Filing an Appeal will not automatically stay the execution of the Order. ce. Respondent. ZULEIKA AIMEE FELIZ Collier Co. Code Enforcement Dept. (i) Collier County Intersection Safety Program Proce..ing Center PO Box 59995 Phoanlx, AZ 85076-9995 COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE DETERMINATION: REASON: AMOUNT DUE: VIOLATION FOUND GENERAL DENIAL $112.60 JOSE PH E HARRINGTON 5021 CATALINA CT NAPLES, FL 34112-6893 NOTICE #: 1360900184513 PIN.: 4837 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, Petitioner, v.. JOSEPH E HARRINGTON Respondent ORDER OF THE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE THIS CAUSE came on for public hearing before the Special Magistrate on 03/01/2010, and the Special Magistrate, having heard argument respective to aU appropriate matters, hereupon issues its Findings of Fact and Order of the Special Magistrate, as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The citation was issued by the Collier County Sherriff's Office and is being contested by the Respondent, JOSEPH E HARRINGTON, 2. Respondent is charged with violating the Collier County Ordinance 08.22 which prohibits Red light Infractions (Failure to Stop at a Red Light). 3. Respondent violated the ordinance by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for that vehicle's direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. ~ Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, and pursuant to the authority granted in Collier County Ordinance 08~22, it is hereby ORDERED' A. Respondent is guilty of violating the Collier County Ordinance 08.22 by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for the direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. B. Respondent shall pay a fine of$125.00 on or before 03/23/2010. C. Respondent shall pay the operational costs incurred in the amount of $50.00 on or before 03/23/2010. DONE AND ORDERED 03/01/2010 at Collier County, Florida. COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE ~~.~~ BRENDA C. GARRETSON LIEN RIGHTS: This order may be recorded in the Public Records of Collier County. After three (3) months from the filing of any such lien or civil claim which remains unpaid, the Special Magistrate may authorize the County Attorney 10 foreclose on the lien or pursue collection on unpaid claims. In the event that outstanding fines are forwarded to a collections agency, the Violator will be responsible for those costs incurred by Collier County. APPEAL RIGHTS: Any aggrieved party may appeal a final order of the Special Magistrate to the Circuit Court within thirty (30) days of the execution of the Order appealed. An appeal shall not be a hearing de novo, but shalt be limited to appellate review of the record created within the original hearing. It is the responsibility of the appealing party to obtain a transcrlbed record at the hearing from the Clerk of Courts. Filing an Appeal will not automatically stay 'hF.l execution of the Order. ce. Raspondp.r,t. JOSEPH E HARRINGTON Collier Co, COdA Enforcement Dapt. (i) Collier County Intersaction Safety Program Processing Center , PO Box 59995 Phoenix, AZ 86076-9995 COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE DETERMINATION: REASON: AMOUNT DUE: VIOLATION FOUND GENERAL DENIAL $125.00 PIERRE RICHARD HILAIRE 7859 CLEMSON ST APT 102 NAPLES, FL 34104.8380 NOTICE #: 1360900144618 PIN #: 9296 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, Petitioner, v.. PIERRE RICHARD HILAIRE Respondent. ORDER OF THE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE THIS CAUSE came on for public hearing before the Special Magistrate on 03/01/2010, and the Special Magistrate, having heard argument respective to all appropriate matters, hereupon issues ils Findings of Fact and Order of the Special Magistrate, as follows FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The citation was issued by the Collier County Sherriff's Office and is being contested by the Respondent, PIERRE RICHARD HILAIRE, 2. Respondent is charged with violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 which prohibits Red Ught Infractions (Failure to Stop at a Red Ught). 3. Respondent violated the ordinance by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for that vehicle's direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. 2BW Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, and pursuant to the authority granted In CollIer County Ordinance 08-22, It is hereby ORDERED' A. Respondent is guilty of violating the Collier County Ordinance 08.22 by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for the direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. B. Respondent shall pay a fine of $125.00 on or before 03123/2010. C. Respondent shell pay the operational costs Incurred in the amount of $50.00 on or before 03/23/2010. DONE AND ORDERED 03101/2010 at Collier County, Florida. COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE ~~.~~ BRENDA C. GARRETSON LIEN RIGHTS: This order may be recorded in the Public Records of Collier County. After three (3) months from the filing of any such lien or civil claim which remains unpaid, the Spacial Magistrate may authorize the County Attomey to foreclose on the lien or pursue collection on unpaid claims. In the event that outstanding fines are forwarded 10 a collections agency. the Violator will be responsible for those costs incurred by Collier County APPEAL RIGHTS: Any aggrieved party may appeal a final order of the Special Magistrate to the Circuit Court within thirty (30) days of the execution of the Order appealed. An appeal shall nol be a hearing de novo, but shall be limited to appellate review of the record created within the original hearing. It is the responsibility of the appealing party to obtain a transcribed record of the hearing from the Clerk of Courts. Filing an Appeal will not automatically stay the execution of the Order. cc. Respondent. PIERRE RICHARD HILAIRE Collier Co. Code Enforcement Depl. (i) Collier County Intersection Safety Program proce"lng Center PO Box 59995 Phoenix, AZ 85076-9995 COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE DETERMINATION: REASON: AMOUNT DUE: VIOLATION FOUND GENERAL DENIAL $150.00 PIERRE RICHARD HILAIRE 7859 CLEMSON ST APT 102 NAPLES, FL 34104-5360 NOTICE #: 1360900149078 PIN #: 9296 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, Petitioner, ... PIERRE RICHARD HILAIRE Respondent ORDER OF THE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE THIS CAUSE came on for public hearing before the Special Magistrate on 03/01/2010, and the Special Magistrate, having heard argument respective to all appropriate matters, hereupon issues its Findings of Fact and Order of the Special Magistrate, as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The citation wes issued by the Collier County Sherriff's Office and is being contested by the Respondent, PIERRE RICHARD HILAIRE, 2. Respondent is charged with violating the Collier County Ordinance 08.22 which prohibits Red Light Infractions (Failure to Stop at a Red light). 3. Respondent violated the ordinance by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for that vehicle's direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. 2I!Qm Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, and pursuant to the authority granted in Collier County Ordinance 08-22, it is hereby ORDERED: A. Respondent is guilty of violating the Cottier County Ordinance 08-22 by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for the direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. B. Respondent shall pay a fine of $125.00 on or before 03/23/201 O. C. Respondent shall pay the operational costs incurred in the amount of $50.00 on or before 03/23/2010. DONE AND ORDERED 03/01/2010 at Collier County, Florida. COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE ~e.~~ BRENDA C. GARRETSON LIEN RIGHT3: This oreler may be recorded in the Public Records of Collier County. After three (3) months from the filing of any such lien or civil daim which remains unpaid, the Special Magistrate may authorize the County Attorney to foreclose on the lien or pursue collection on unpaid claims. In the event that outstanding fines are forwarded 10 a collections agency, the Violator wilt be responsible for those costs incurred by Cottier County. APPEAL RIGHTS: Any aggrieved party may appeal a final oreler of the Special Magistrate 10 the Circuit Court within thirty (30) days of the execution of the Order appealed. An appeal shall not be a hearing de novo, but shall be limited to appellate review of the record created within the original hearing. It is the responsibility of the appealing party to obtain 8 transcribed record of the hearing from the Clerk of Courts, Filing an AppeaJ will not automatically stay the execution of the Order. ce, Respondent- PIERRE RICHARD HILAIRE Collier Co. Code Enforcement Dept. (i) Collier County Intersaction Safety Program Processing Center . PO Box 59995 Phoanix, AZ 85076.9995 COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE DETERMINATION: REASON: AMOUNT DUE: VIOLATION FOUND GENERAL DENIAL $112.50 EUGENE JOSEPH HINSPETER 2016 NW 44TH PL CAPE CORAL, FL 33993.3480 NOTICE #: 1360900113058 PIN #: 6738 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, Petitioner, ... EUGENE JOSEPH HINSPETER Respondent. ORDER OF THE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE THIS CAUSE came on for public hearing before the Special Magistrate on 03/01/2010, and the Special Magistrate, having heard argument respective to all appropriate matters, hereupon issues its Findings of Facl and Order of the Special Magistrate, 8S follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The citation was issued by the Collier County Sherriff's Office and Is being contested by the Respondent, EUGENE JOSEPH HINSPETER, 2. Respondent is charged with violating the Collier County Ordinance Oa..22 which prohibits Red Light Infractions (Failure to Stop at a Reel Ught). 3. Respondent violated the ordinance by proceeding into an intersection when the traffle control signal for that vehicle', direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. ~ Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of law, and pursuant to the authority granted in Collier County Ordinance 08.22, it is hereby ORDERED: A. Respondent is guilty of violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 by proceeding Into an intersection when the traffic control signal for the direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. B. Respondent shall pay a fine 01$125.00 on or before 03/23/2010. C. Respondent shall pay the operational costs incurred in the amount of $50.00 on or before 03/23/2010. DONE AND ORDERED 0310112010 at Comer County, Florida. COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE ~e.~~ BRENDA C. GARRETSON LIEN RIGHTS' This order may he recorded in the Public Records of Collier County. After three (3) months from the filing of any such lien or civil claim which remains unpaid, the Special Magistrate may authorize the County Attorney to foreclose on the lien or pursue collection on unpaid claims. In the event that outstanding fines are forwarded to a collections agency, the Violator will be responsible for those costs incurred by Collier County. APPEAL RIGHTS: Any aggrieved party may appeal a final order of the Special Magistrate to the Circuit Court within thirty (30) days of the execution of the Order appealed. An appeal shall not be a hearing de novo, but shall be limited to appellate review of the record created within the original hearing. It is the responsibility of the appealing party to obtain a transcribed record of the hearing from the Clerk of Courts. Filing an Appeal will not automatically stay the execution of the Order cc. Respondent- EUGENE JOSEPH HINSPETER Collier Co. Code Enforcement Dept. (i) Collier County Intersection Safety Program Proce"lng Center . PO Box 59995 Phoenix, AZ 85076-9996 COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE DETERMINATION: REASON: AMOUNT DUE: VIOLATION FOUND GENERAL DENIAL $150.00 GLORIA C KARLIN 5004 MAXWELL CIR APT 101 NAPLES, FL 34105-4551 NOTICE #: 1361000027982 PIN #: 8308 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, PeUtloner, v.. GLORIA C KARLIN Respondent ORDER OF THE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE THIS CAUSE came on for public hearing before the Special Magistrate on 03101/2010, and the Special Magistrate, having heard argument respective to all appropriate matters, hereupon issues its Findings of Fact and Order of the Special Magistrate, as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The citation was issued by the Collier County Sherriff's Office and is being contested by the Respondent, GLORIA C KARLIN, 2. Respondent is charged with violating the Collier County Ordinance 08.22 which prohibits Red light Infractions (Failure 10 Stop at a Red light). 3, Respondent violated Ihe ordinance by prOceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for that vehicle's direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. QB!lEll Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fad and Conclusions of Law, and pursuant to the authority granted in Collier County Ordinance 08-22, it is hereby ORDERED: A. Respondent is guilty of violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for the direction of travel was emitting a steady red signel. B. Respondent shall pay a fine of $125.00 on or before 03123/2010 C. Respondent shalt pay the operational costs incurred in the amount of $50.00 on or before 03/23/2010. DONE AND ORDERED 0310112010 at Collier County, Florida. COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE ~~.~~ BRENDA C. GARRETSON LIEN RIGHTS' This order may be recorded in the Public Records of Collier County. Aner three (3) months from the filing of any such lien or civil claim which remains unpaid, the Special Magistrate may authorize the County Attorney to foreclose on the Uen or pursue colledlon on unpaid claims. In the event that outstanding fines are forwarded to a collections agency, the Violator will be responsible for those costs incurred by Collier County APPEAL RIGHTS: Any aggrieved party may appeal a final order of the Special Magistrate to the Circuit Court within thirty (30) days of the execution of the Order appealed. An appeal shall not be a hearing de novo, but shall be limited to appellate review of the record created within the original hearing. It is the responsibility of the appealing party to obtain a transcribed record of the hearing from the Clerk of Courts. Filing an Appeal will not automatically stay the execution of the Order. cc. Respondent- GLORIA C KARLIN Collier Co. Code Enforcement Dept. (i) Collier County Intersection Safety Program Proce..ing Center PO Box 59996 Phoenix, AZ 85076-9995 COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE DETERMINATION: REASON: AMOUNT DUE: VIOLATION FOUND GENERAL DENIAL $125.00 GLORIA C KARLIN 5004 MAXWELL CIR APT 101 NAPLES. FL 34108-4551 NOTICE #: 1360900177178 PIN #: 8305 BDARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, PeUtloner, v.. GLORIA C KARLIN Respondent. ORDER OF THE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE THIS CAUSE came on for public hearing before the Special Magistrate on 03/01/2010, and the Special Magistrate. having heard argument respective to all appropriate matters, hereupon issues lis Findings of Fact and Order of the Special Magistrate, as follO'vVs: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The citation was issued by the Collier County Sherriff's Office and is being contested by the Respondent, GLORIA C KARLIN, 2. Respondent is charged with violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 which prohibits Red Light Infractions (Failure to Stop at a Red Light). 3. Respondent violated the ordinance by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for that vehicle " direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. 2BW Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law. and pursuant to the authority granted in Collier County Ordinance 08-22, it is hereby ORDERED: A. Respondent is guilty of violating the Collier County Ordinance 08.22 by proceeding Into an intersection when the traffic control signal for the direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. B. Respondent shall pay a fine 0'$125,00 on or before 03/23/2010. C, Respondent shall pay the operational costs incurred in the amount of $50,00 on or before 03/23/2010. DONE AND ORDERED 03101/2010 at Collier County, Florida. COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE ~~.~~ BRENDA C, GARRETSON LIEN RIGHTS: This order may be recorded in the Public Records of Collier County. Aner three (3) months from the filing of any such lien or civil claim which remains unpaid, the Special Magistrate may authorize the County Attorney to foreclose on the lien or pursue collection on unpaid claims. In the event that outstanding fines are forwarded to a collections agency, the Violator will be responsible for those costs incurred by Collier County. APPEAL RIGHTS: Any aggrieved party may appeal a final order of the Special Magistrate to the Circuit Court within thirty (30) days of the execution of the Order appealed. An appeal shall not be a hearing de novo. but shall be limited to appellate review of the record created within the original hearing. It Is the responsibility of the appealing party to obtain a transcribed record of the hearing from the Clerk of Courts. Filing an Appeal will not automatically stay the execution of the Order. cc. Respondent. GLORIA C KARLIN Collier Co. Code Enforcement Dept. (i) Collier County Intersection Safety Program Proce"lng Center PO Box 59995 Phoenix, AZ 85076-9995 COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE DETERMINATION: REASON: AMOUNT DUE: VIOLATION FOUND GENERAL DENIAL $160.00 GLORIA C KARLIN 5004 MAXWELL CIR APT 101 NAPLES, FL 34105-4551 NOTICE #: 1361000024484 PIN #: 5306 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, Petitioner, v.. GLORIA C KARLIN Respondent ORDER OF THE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE THIS CAUSE came on for public hearing before the Special Magistrate on 03/01/2010, and the Special Magistrate, having heard argument respective to all appropriate matters, hereupon issues its Findings of Fact and Order of the Special Magistrate, as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The citation was issued by the Collier County Sherriff! Office and is being contested by the Respondent, GLORIA C KARLIN, 2. Respondent is charged with violating the Collier County Ordinance 08~22 which prohibits Red Light Infractions (Failure to Stop at a Red Light). 3. Respondent violated the ordinance by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for that vehicle's direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. QBW Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of law, and pursuant to the authority granted in Collier County Ordinance 08-22, it is hereby ORDERED: A. Respondent is guilty of violating the CoJlier County Ordinance 08-22 by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for the direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. B. Respondent shall pay a fine of$125.00 on or before 03/23/2010. C. Respondent shall pay the operational costs Incurred In the amount of $50.00 on or before 03123/2010. DONE AND ORDERED 03101/2010 at Collier County, Florida. COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE ~ ~.<:t}~ BRENDA C. GARRETSON LIEN RIGHTS~ This order may be recorded in the Public Records of Collier County. After three (3) months from the filing of any such lien or civil claim which remains unpaid, the Special Magistrate may authorize the County Attorney to foreclose on the lien or pursue collection on unpaid claims. In the event that outstanding firl2lS are forwarded to a collections agency, the Violator will be responsible for those costs incurred by Collier County. APPEAL RIGHTS; Any aggrieved party may appeal a final order of the Special Magistrate to the Circuit Court within thirty (30) days of the execution of the Order appealed. An appeal shall not be a hearing de novo, but shall be limited to appellate review of the record created within the original hearing. It is the responsibility of the appealing party to obtain a transcribed record of the hearing from the Clerk of Courts. Filing an Appeal will not automatically stay the execution of the Order. cc. Respondent- GLORIA C KARLIN Collier Co. Code Enforcement Dept. (i) Collier County Intersection Safety Program Processing Center PO Box 59995 Phoenix, AZ 85076-9995 COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE GLORIA C KARLIN 5004 MAXWELL CIR APT 101 NAPLES, FL 34105-4551 DETERMINATION: NO VIOLATION NOTICE #: 1360900180230 PIN #: 8308 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, Petltlonef, v.. GLORIA C KARLIN Respondent. ORDER OF THE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE THIS CAUSE came on for public hearing before the Special Magistrate on 03/01/2010, and the Special Magistrate, having heard argument respective to all appropriate matters, hereupon issues its Findings of Fact and Order of Ihe Special Magistrate, as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The citation was Issued by the Comer County Sherriff's Office and Is being contested by the Respondent, GLORIA C KARLIN, 2. Respondent is charged with violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 which prohibits Red Ught Infractions (Failure to Stop at a Red Light). 3. Respondent did not violate the ordinance and did not proceed into the intersection when the traffic control signal for that vehicle's direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal QIlW Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions or Law, and pursuant to the authority granted in Collier County Ordinance 08-22, it is hereby ORDERED: A. Respondent is not guilty of violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22, DONE AND ORDERED 0310112010 at Collier County, Florida. COLLIER COUNTY CODE ~NFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE &~ ~.dj~ ce. Respondent- GLORIA C KARLIN Collier Co. Code Enforcement Dept. BRENDA C. GARRETSON Slar", 01 F u"1/{IUA :OUmv d COLUl!ft I HEREBY CERTIFVn'ATthIS.U._ ~orrect copy ot a !1~l:Ulrent on me In Board Minutes md ,t"'curds of Co&er Coo .. N~SS mv h~ ~na Cffl~ ~eattble . . da, ot CV'tlA\tl., I . ~~: .--------" " ..., (i) Collier County Intersection Safety Program Processing Center PO Box 59995 Phoenix, AZ. 85076-9995 COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE GLORIA C KARLIN 5004 MAXWELL CIRAPT 101 NAPLES. FL 34105-4551 DETERMINATION: NO VIOLATION NOTICE #: 1381000016084 PIN #: 8308 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, Petitioner. v.. GLORIA C KARLIN Respondent. ORDER OF THE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE THIS CAUSE came on for public hearing before the Special Magistrate on 03/01/2010, and the Special Magistrate, having heard argument respective to all appropriate matters, hereupon issues its Findings of Fact and Order of Ihe Special Magistrate, as follows FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The citation was issued by the Collier County Sherriff's Office and is being contested by the Respondent, GLORIA C KARLIN, 2. Respondent is charged with violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 which prohibits Red LIght Infractions (Failure to Stop at a Red light). 3. Respondent did not violate the ordinance and did not proceed into the intersection when the traffic control signal for that vehicle's direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. QBW Based upon tha foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, and pursuant to the authority granted in Collier County Ordinance 08.22, it is hereby ORDERED. A. Respondent is not guilty of violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22. DONE AND ORDERED 03101/2010 at Collier County, Florida. COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE ~t.~~ BRENDA C. GARRETSON cc. Respondent. GLORIA C KARLIN Collier Co. Code Enforcement Dept. ;;la'" 01 f u"lkllJ^ ~my of COlLlBft I HERE9Y CERTIFY TlIAT thIS 1..__ ~orrec:t copy oi'a'rctlT~ent l,ln file In BOlIrd Minutes ,,"" f;el~orllS l~t Colller CotInIt ,vIT~iSS ITlV hlll\') ~nd_qfficlal selll thia' . .' ..-1L. day Of _~ ct-,-C\;,- :).;,Q.lO. . )WI~ E. B.. R. OC.K, ~R.~ . ~ O~~~RI1... {A~ ~L\ll~~tt~,a. ,___1/ .'!.... ~ (i) Collier County Intersection Safety Program Proce..ing Center PO Box 69995 Phoenix, AZ 85078-9995 COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE GLORIA C KARLIN 5004 MAXWELL CIR APT 101 NAPLES, FL 34105-4551 DETERMINATION: NO VIOLATION NOTICE .: 1361000002498 PIN.: 8308 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, Petltlonef, v.. GLORIA C KARLIN Re8pondent. ORDER OF THE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE THIS CAUSE came on for publiC hearing before the Special Magistrate on 03/01/2010, and the Special Magistrate, having heard argument respective to all appropriate matters, hereupon issues its Findings of fact and Order of the Speclal Magistrate, as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The citation was issued by the Collier County Sherriff's Office and is being contested by the Respondent, GLORIA C KARLIN, 2. Respondent is charged with violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 which prohibits Red Ught Infractions (Failure to Stop at a Red Light), 3. Respondent did not violate the ordinance and did not proceed into the intersection when the traffic control signal for that vehicle's direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. Q1!IWi Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of law, and pursuant 10 the authority granted in Collier County Ordinance OB-22, it is hereby ORDERED: A Respondent is not guilty of violating the Collier County Ordinance OB-22. DONE AND ORDERED 03101/2010 at Collier County, Florida. COLLIER COUNTY CODe ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE ~ e.d)~ BRENDA C. GARRETSON cc. Respondent- GLORIA C KARLIN Collier Co. Code Enforcement Dept. SUIIlol 01 fU'klU^ :oU~ 01 COLUlilt I HERE9Y CERTIFY THAT thiS "a""'" . ~Drrect eDOY O'l'f :rC'.lrnent on fila In . Board Mlnut.,:". ..,,;- e':\ir<l5 ot Collier dill" ~ESS n1V I;..,r~ ~O\.l "ff1~kil seal th"- _ aay ol~'" ~~yo . I, , . BROC,K, CLE~ COURTS ~__9k',- Il('.. Ir -- (i) Colliar County Intersection Safety Program Proce"lng Center PO Box 59995 Phoenix, AZ 85076-9995 COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE DETERMINATION: REASON: AMOUNT DUE: VIOLATION FOUND GENERAL DENIAL $112.50 ELIE KHOURY 30188 STELLAMAR DR SOUTH FIELD, MS 48078 NOTICE #: 1360900158398 PIN #: 8314 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. PetItioner, va. ELlE KHOURY Respondent. ORDER OF THE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE THIS CAUSE came on for public hearing before the Special Magistrale on 03/01/2010, and the Special Magistrate, having heard argument respective to all appropriate matters, hereupon issues its Findings of Fact and Order of the Special Magistrate, as fottows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The citation was issued by the Collier County Sherriff's Office and is being contested by the Respondent, ELlE KHOURY, 2. Respondent Is charged with violating the Collier County Ordinance 08~22 which prohibits Red Light Infractions (Failure to Stop at a Red Light). 3. Respondent violated the ordinance by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for that vehicle's direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. Ql!W Based upon the foregOing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, and pursuant to the authority granted In Collier County Ordinance 08-22, it Is hereby ORDERED: A. Respondent Is guilty of violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 by proceeding into an Intersection when the traffic control signal for the direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. B. Respondent shall pay a fine of $125.00 on or before 03/23/2010. C. Respondent shall pay the operational costs incurred in the amount of $50.00 on or before 03/23/2010. DONE AND ORDERED 03/01/2010 at Collier County, Florida. COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE ~ ~.<f}~ BRENDA C. GARRETSON LIEN RIGHTS: This order may be recorded in the Public Records of Collier County. After three (3) months from the filing of any such lien or civil daim which remains unpaid, the Special Magistrate may authorize the County Attomey to foreclose on the lien or pursue collection on unpaid claims. In the event that outstanding fines are forwarded to a collections agency, the Violator will be responsible for those costs incurred by Collier County. APPEAL RIGHTS: Any aggrieved party may appeal a final order of the Special Magistrate to the Circuit Court within thirty (30) days of the execution of th<'l Order appdSled. An appeal shall not be a hearing de novo. but shall be limited to appellate review of the record created within the original hearing. It is the re::.ponsibHIIy of the appealing party to obtain a transcribed record of the hearing from the Clerk of Courts. Filing an Appeal wilt not automatically stay the execution of the Order cc. Respondent- ELlE KHOURY Collier Co. Code Enfo~cement Dept. (i) Collier County Intersection Safety Program Proce..ing Center PO Box 59996 Phoenix, AZ 85076-9995 COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE DETERMINATION: REASON: AMOUNT DUE: VIOLATION FOUND GENERAL DENIAL $112.50 DALE' A AND KATHLEEN J KURTH 28004 WESTBROOK DR BONI"TA SPRINGS, FL 34135-6913 NOTICE #: 1380900139020 PIN #: 4350 BOA~D OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, Petitioner, v.. DALE AAND KATHLEEN J KURTH Respondent. ORDER OF THE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE THIS CAUSE came on for public hearing before the Special Magistrate on 03/01/2010, and the Special Magistrate, having heard argument respective to all appropriate matters, hereupon issues its Findings of Fact and Order of the Special Magistrate, as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The citation was issued by the Collier County Sherriff's Office and is being contested by the Respondent, DALE A AND KATHLEEN J KURTH, 2. Respondent is charged with violating the Collier County Ordinance 08.22 which prohibits Red Ught Infractions (Failure to Stop at a Red light). 3. Respondent violated the ordinance by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for that vehicle '. direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. 2Bl2SB Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, and pursuant to the authority granted in Collier County Ordinance 06-22, it is hereby ORDERED: A. Respondent Is guilty of violating the Collier County Ordinance 06-22 by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for the direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal B. Respondent shall pay a fine of $125.00 on or before 03/23/2010 C. Respondent shall pay the operational costs incurred in the amount of $50.00 on or before 03/23/2010. DONE AND ORDERED 0310112010 at Collier County, Florida. COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE ~ ~.d)~ BRENDA C. GARRETSON LIEN RIGHTS' This order may be recorded in the Public Records of Collier County. ARer three (3) months from the filing of any such lien or civil claim which remains unpaid, the Special Magistrate may authorize the County Attorney 10 foreclose on the lien or pursue collection on unpaid claims. In the event that outstanding fine~ are forwarded to a collections agency, Ihe Violator will be responsible for those costs incurred by Collier County. APPEAL RIGHTS: Any aggrieved party may appeal a final order of the Special Magistrate to the Circuit Court within thirty (30) days of the execution of the Order appealed. An appeal shall not be a hearing de novo, but shaH be limited to appellate review of the record created within the original hearing. It is the responsibility of the appealing party 10 obtain a transcribed record of the hearing from the Cler\( of Courts. Filing an Appeal will not automatically stay the execution of Ihe Order. cc. Respondent~ DALE A AND KATHLEEN J KURTH Collier Co. Code Enforcement Dept. (i) Collier County Intersection Safety Program Processing Center PO Box 59995 Phoenix, AZ 65076.9995 COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE DANIEL LYNN LEAMAN 5837 WHISPERWOOO BLVD APT 601 NAPLES, FL 34110-3311 DETERMINA nON: NO VIOLATION NOTICE #: 1360900168714 PIN #: 6092 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, Petitioner, v.. DANIEL LYNN LEAMAN Respondent. ORDER OF THE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE THIS CAUSE came on for public hearing before the Special Magistrate on 03/01/2010, and the Special Magistrate, having heard argument respective to all appropriate matters, hereupon issues its Findings of Fact and Order of the Special Magistrate, as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The citation was issued by the Collier County Sherriff's Office and is being contested bV the Respondent, DANIEL LYNN lEAMAN, 2. Respondent is charged with violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 which prohibits Red light Infractions (Failure to Stop at a Red Light). 3. Respondent did not violate the ordinance and did not proceed into the intersection when the traffic control signal for that vehicle's direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. QBlI.Ell Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, and pursuant to the authority granted in Collier County Ordinance 08-22, it is hereby ORDERED: A. Respondent is not guilty of violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22. DONE AND ORDERED 03101/2010 at Collier County, Florid.. COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE ~ ~.dj~ BRENDA C. GARRETSON cc. Respondent- DANIEL LYNN LEAMAN Collier Co. Code Enforcement Dapt. :it... 01 hllRIOA ~lImr d COWIilt I HERE9Y CERTlFYTHATtbiS".""_"; :orrect copy ot :I dor.umerlt on main - " Board Minutes ad necoras qf toll/., CGu.AIW.c ~"'ESS nlV hal.o ~nd o~al Ileal thll' _ aayol ~~~. L'., ? )~T TEE.. 8 8RROO('('~~lE~K O~C.OUlml. ....__~~~~tt .. ~/ _ _ .4 (i) Collier County Intersection Safety Program ProcesBlng Center PO Box 59995 Phoenix, AZ 85076-9996 COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE DETERMINATION: REASON: AMOUNT DUE: VIOLATION FOUND GENERAL DENIAL $125.00 JEANNIE MCGEARTY 8nO PELICAN BAY BLVD APT 225 NAPLES, FL 34108-8289 NOTICE #: 1360900133387 PIN #: 8503 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, Petitioner, v.. JEANNIE MCGEARTY Respondent. ORDER OF THE SPECI"L MAGISTRATE THIS CAUSE carne on for public hearing before the Special Magistrate on 03/0112010, and the Special Magistrate, having heard argument respective to all appropriate matters, hereupon issues its Findings of Fact and Order of the Special Magistrate, as follows" FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The citation was issued by the Collier County Sherriff's Office and is being contested by the Respondent, JEANNIE MCGEARTY, 2. Respondent is charged with violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 which prohibits Red Light Infractions (Failure to Stop at a Red Ught). 3. Respondent violated the ordinance by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for that vehicle's direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. QBW Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of law, and pursuant to the authority granted in Collier County Ordinance 08-22, it is hereby ORDERED: A. Respondent is guilty of violating the Collier County Ordinance 08.22 by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for the direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. 8. Respondent shall pay a fine of$125.00 on or before 03123/2010. C. Respondent shall pay the operational costs incurred in the amount of $50.00 on or before 03/23/2010. DONE AND ORDERED 03101/2010 at Collier County, Florida. COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE ~~,~~ BRENDA C. GARRETSON LIEN RIGHTS: This ordar may be rr.JCorded in the Public Records of Collier County. After three (3) months from the filing of any such lien or civil claim which remains unpaid, the Special Magistrate may authorize the County Attomey to foreclose on the Iten or pursue collection on unpaid claims. In the event that outstanding fines are fOlWsrded to 8 collections agency, the Violator wilt be responsible for those COsts Incurred by Collier County. APPEAL RIGHTS: Any aggrieved party may appeal a final order of the Special Magistrate to the Circuit Court within thirty (30) days of the execution of the Order appealed. An appeal shall not be a hearing de novo, but shall be limited to appellate review of the record created within the original hearing. It is the responsibility of the appealing party to obtain a transcribed record of the hearing from the Clerk of Courts. Filing an Appeal will not automatically stay the execution of the Order. cc. Respondent- JEANNIE MCGEARTY Collier Co. Code Enforcement Dept. (i) Collier County Intersection Safety Program proce..ing Center PO Box 59995 Phoenix, AZ 85076-9995 COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE DETERMINATION: REASON: AMOUNT DUE: VIOLATION FOUND GENERAL DENIAL $112.50 JASMINE LAWANDA ROACH 6008 LOKEY DR ORLANDO, FL 32810-3218 NOTICE #: 1360900139558 PIN #: 9185 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, Petitioner, v.. JASMINE LAWANDA ROACH Respondent ORDER OF THE SPECIAL MAGI8TRA TE THIS CAUSE came on for public hearing before the Special Magistrate on 03/01/2010, and the Special Magistrate, having heard argument respective to all appropriate matters, hereupon issues its Findings of Fact and Order of the Special Magistrate, as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The citation was issued by the Collier County Sherriff's Office and is being contested by the Respondent, JASMINE LAWANDA ROACH, 2. Respondent is charged with violating the Collier County Ordinance 08.22 whIch prohibits Red Light Infractions (Failure to Stop at a Red light). 3. Respondenl violated the ordinance by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for that vehicle's direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. QBW Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, and pursuant to the authority granted in Collier County Ordinance 08.22, it is hereby ORDERED: A. Respondent is guilty of violating the Collier County Ordinance 08.22 by proceeding into an Intersection when the traffic control signal for the direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. B. Respondent shall pay a fine of$125.00 on or before 03123/2010. C. Respondent shall pay the operational costs incurred in the amount of $50.00 on or before 03/23/2010 DONE AND ORDERED 0310112010 at Collier County, Florid.. COlliER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE ~ ~.dj~ BRENDA C. GARRETSON LIEN RIGHTS: This order may be recorded in the Public Records of Collier County. After three (3) months from the filing of any such lien or civil claim which remains unpaid, the Special Magistrate may authorize the County Attorney to foredose on the lien or pursue collection on unpaid claims. In the event that outstanding fines are forwarded to a collections agency, the Violator will be responsible for those costs incurred by Collier County. APPEAL RIGHTS: Any a~grieved party may appeal a final order ~f the Special Magistrate to the Circuit Court within thirty (30) days of the execution of the Order appealed. An appeal shall not be a hearing de novo, but shall be limited to appellate review of the record created within the original hearing. It is the responsibility of the appealing party to obtain a transcribed record of the hearing from the Clerk of Courts. Filing an Appeal will not automatically stay the execution of the Order. cc. Respondent. JASMINE LAWANDA ROACH Collier Co. Coda Enforcement Capt. (i) Collier County Intersection Safety Program Processing Center PO Box 59995 Phoenix, AZ 85076-9995 COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE DETERMINATION: REASON: AMOUNT DUE: VIOLATION FOUND GENERAL DENIAL $112.50 SEAN P SIPE 92 MYRTLE RD NAPLES, FL 34108-2882 NOTICE #: 1380900184448 PIN.: 9855 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, PeUtlone" v.. SEAN P SIPE Respondent ORDER OF THE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE THIS CAUSE came on for public hearing before the Special Magistrate on 03/01/2010, and the Special Magistrate, having heard argument respective to all appropriate matters, hereupon issues its Findings of Fact and Order of the Special Magistrate, as follows" FINDINGS Of FACT 1. The citation was issued by the Collier County Sherriff's Office and is being contested by the Respondent, SEAN P SIPE. 2. Respondent is charged with violating the Collier County Ordinance 06v22 which prohibits Red Light Infractions (Failure to Stop at a Red Light). 3. Respondent violated the ordinance by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for that vehicle's direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. QBQSli Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, and pursuant to the authority granted in Collier County Ordinance 08-22, it is hereby ORDERED: A. Respondent is guilty of violating the Collier County Ordinance 08.22 by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for the direction ofttavel was emitting a steady red signal. B. Respondent shall pay a fine of$125.00 on or before 03/23/2010. C. Respondent shall pay the operational costs incurred in Ihe amount of $50.00 on or before 03/23/2010. DONE AND ORDERED 0310112010 at Collier County, Florida. COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE ~ t.dj~ BRENDA C. GARRETSON LIEN RIGHTS: This order may be recorded in the Public Records of Collier County. Aner three (3) months from the filing of any such lien or civil claim which remains unpaid, the Special Magistrate may authorize the County Attorney to foreclose on the lien or pursue collection on unpaid claims. In the event that outstanding fines are forwarded to a collections agency, the Violator will be responsible for those costs incurred by Collier County. APPEAL RIGHTS: Any aggrieved party may appeal a final order of the Special Magistrate to the Circuit Court within thirty (30) days of the execution of the Order appealed. An appeal shalt not be a hearing de novo, but shalt be limited 10 appellate review of the record created within the original hearing. It is the rel'lpon~bility of the appealing party 10 obtain a transcribed record of the hearing from the Clerk of Courts. Filing an Appeal will not automatically Slay the execution of the Qrder. ce. Respondent- SEAN P SIPE Collier Co. Code Enfofcerr.ent Capt.