CE-Intersection Safety Orders 01/08/2010 Intersection Safety Program Orders January 8, 2010 (i) Collier County In!eree.lion Safety Program Pro.eaaing Cen!er PO Box 59995 Phoenix, AZ 85076.9995 l/U.L{2~ Ijfol'2tJt 0 COlliER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE DETERMiNATiON: REASON: AMOUNT DUE: ViOLATION FOUND GENERAL DENiAL $175.00 KARLA CATALINA AND DONALD E BROWN 1320 HENLEY ST APT 2007 NAPLES, FL 34105-48&2 NOTiCE.: 1360900058218 PIN.: 2813 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSiONERS COLLiER COUNTY, FLORiDA, Petitioner, V1I. KARLA CATALINA AND DONALD E BROWN Respondent. ORDER OF THE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE THIS CAUSE came on for public hearing before the Special Magistrate on 01/0812010, and the Special Magistrate, having heard argument respective to all appropriate matters, hereupon issues its Findings of Fact and Order of the Special Magistrate, 88 follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The citation was issued by the Collier County Sherriff'. Office and is being contested by the Respondent, KARLA CATALINA AND DONALD E BROWN, 2. Respondent is charged with violating the Collier County Ordinance Os..22 which prohibits Red light Infractions (Failure to Stop at a Red Light). 3. Respondent violated the ordinance by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for that vehicle's direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. QIlIlU Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, and pursuant to the authority granted in CoUler County Ordinance 08-22, it is hereby ORDERED: A. Respondent is guilty of violating the Collier County Ordinance 06-22 by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for the direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. B. Respondent shall pay a fine of $125.00 on or before 01/29/2010. C. Respondent shall pay the operational costs incurred in the amount of $50.00 on or before 01/29/2010. DONE AND ORDERED 01108/2010 at Collier County, Florida. COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGI8TRA TE ~~.~~ BRENDA C, GARRETSON LIEN RIGHTS: This order may be recorded in the Public Records of Collier County. After three (3) months from the filing of any such lien or civil claim which remains unpaid, the Spectal Magistrate may authorize the County Attorney to foreclose on the lien or pursue collection on unpaid claims. In the event that outstanding fines are forwarded to a collections agency, the Violator will be responsible for those costs incurred by Collier County. APPEAL RIGHTS' Any .aoorfeved party may appeal a final ordar of the Special Magistrate to the Circuit Court within thirty (30) days of the execution of the Order apPeaI8d. An appeal shall not be 8 hearing de novo, but shall be limited to appellate review of the record created within the original hearing. It is the responsibility of lhe appealing party to obtain a transcribed record of the hearing from the Clerk of Courts. Filing an Appeal will not automatically stay the execution oflhe Order. ce. Respondent~ KARLA CATALINA AND DONALD E BROWN Collier Co. Code Enforcement Dept. (i) Collier County in!eree.lion Safety Program pro.easing Cen!er PO Box 59995 Phoenix, AZ 85076.9995 COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE DETERMiNATiON: REASON: AMOUNT DUE: ViOLATiON FOUND GENERAL DENIAL $175.00 CLYDE L CALDWELL 607 ETHAN ALLEN HWY RiDGEFIELD. CT 08877-3403 NOTICE.: 1380900074755 PIN.: 6348 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMiSSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, Petitioner, V1I. CLYDE L CALDWELL Re.pondent ORDER OF THE SPECIAL MAGI8TRA TE THIS CAUSE came on for public hearing before the Special Magistrate on 01/0812010. and the Special Magistrate, having heard argument respective to all appropriate matters, hereupon issues its Findings of Fact and Order of the Special Magistrate, 8S follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The citation was issued by the Collier County Sherriff's Office and is being contested by the Respondent, CLYDE L CALDWELL, 2. Respondent is charged with violating the Collier County Ordinance 08.22 which prohibits Red Ught Infractions (Failure to Stop at a Red Light). 3. Respondent violated the ordinance by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for that vehicle's direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. l2llW! Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, and pursuant to the authority granted in Collier County Ordinance 08-22, it Is hereby ORDERED: A. Respondent is guilty of violating the Collier County Ordinance OB-22 by proceeding into an Intersection when the traffic control Signal for the direction of travel was emitting a steady red signaL B. Respondent shall pay a fine of $125.00 on or before 01/29/2010. C. Respondent shaH pay the operational costs incurred in the amount of $50.00 on or before 01/29/2010. DONE AND ORDERED 0110812010 at Collier County, Flortda. COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE ~e.~~ BRENDA C. GARRETSON LIEN RIGHTS' This order may be recorded in the Pubtlc Records of Cottier County. After three (3) months from the tiling of any such lien or civil claim which remains unpaid, the Special Magistrate may authorize the County Attorney to foreclose on the lien or pursue collection on unpaid claims. In the event that outstanding fines are forwarded to a collections agency, the Violator will be responsible for those costs incurred by Collier County. APPEAL RIGHTS: Any aggrieved party may appeal a final order of the Special Magistrate to the Circuit Court within thirty (30) days of the execution of the Order appealed. An appeal shall not be a hearing de novo, but shall be limited to appellate review of the record created within the original hearing. It is the responsibility of the appealing party to obtain a transcribed record of the hearing from the Clerk of Courts. Filing an Appeal witt not automatically stay the execution of the Order cc. Respondent- CLYDE L CALDWELL Collier Co. Code Enforcement Dept. (i) Collier County inleree.lion Safety Program pro.easing Cenler . PO Box 59996 Phoanix, AZ 86076-9995 COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE DETERMINATION: REASON: AMOUNT DUE: ViOLATiON FOUND GENERAL DENIAL $112.50 MATTHEW STEVEN AND MAUREEN MONAHAN COLMAN 6795 HUNTERS RD NAPLES, Fl 34108-0537 NOTICE .: 1380900085702 PIN.: 0702 Petltlonef, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, Re.pondent .0. ORDER OF THE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE THIS CAUSE came on for public hearing before the Special Magistrate on 01108/2010, and the Special Magistrate, having heard argument respective to all appropriate maners, hereupon issues its Findings of Fact and Order oftha Special Magistrate, as follows: fINDINGS OF FACT 1. The citation was issued by the Collier County Sherriff's Office and Is being contested by the Respondent, MATTHEW STEVEN AND MAUREEN MONAHAN COLMAN, 2. Respondent is charged with violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 which prohibita Red Light Intractlons (Failure to Stop at a Red Light). 3. Respondent violated the ordinance by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for that vehicle's direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. QBI1m Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, and pursuant to the authority granted in Collier County Ordinance 08-22, it is hereby ORDERED: A. Respondent is guilty of violating the Collier County Ordinance 08.22 by proceeding into an intersectlon when the traffic control signal for the direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. B. Respondent shall pay a fine of $125.00 on or before 01/29/2010. C. Respondent shall pay the operational costs incurred in the amount of $50.00 on or before 01/29/2010. DONE AND ORDERED 0110812010 at Collier County, Florida. COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE ~~.~~ BRENDA C. GARRETSON LIEN RIGHTS: This order may be recorded In the Public Records of CoUler County_ Atter three (3) months from the filing of any such flen or civil claim which remains unpaid, the Special Magistrate may authorize the County Attorney to foreclose on the Uen or pursue collection on unpaid claims. In the event that ou~tanding fines are fOlWarded to a collections agency, the Violator will be responsible for those costs incurred by Collier County. APPEAL RIGHTS: Any aggrieved party may appeal a final order of the Special Magistrate to the Circuit Court within thirty (30) days of the execution of the Order appealed. An appeal shall not be a hearing de novo, but shall be limited to appellate review of the record created within the original hearing. It Is the responsibility of the appealing party 10 obtain a transcribed record of the hearing from the Clerk of Courts. Filing an Appeal will not automatically stay the execution of the Order. CC. Respondent. MATTHEW STEVEN AND MAUREEN MONAHAN COLMAN Collier Co. Code Enforcement Cep!. (i) Collier County inlaree.lion Safety Program pro..saing Cen!er . PO Box 59995 Phoenix, AZ 85076-9995 COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE DETERMINATiON: REASON: AMOUNT DUE: VIOLATiON FOUND GENERAL DENiAL $175.00 JENNiFER L DIDONATO PUCCi 1&049 DELAROSA IN NAPLES, Fl 34110-2803 NOTICE.: 138090005975& PIN.: 9607 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMiSSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORiDA, Petitioner, vs. JENNIFER l DiDONATO PUCCI Respondent ORDER OF THE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE THIS CAUSE came on for public hearing before the Special Magistrate on 01/0812010, and the Special Magistrate, having heard argument respective to all appropriate matters, hereupon issues its Findings of Fact and Order of the Special Magistrate, as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The citation was issued by the Collier County Sherriff's Office and is being contested by the Respondent, JENNIFER l DIDONATO PUCCI, 2. Respondent is charged with violating the Collier County Ordinance OB.22 which prohibits Red lighllnfractlons (Failure to Stop at a Red light). 3. Respondent violated the ordinance by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for that vehicle's direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. !l.I!llm Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, and pursuant to the authority granted in Collier County Ordinance 08.22, it is hereby ORDERED: A. Respondent is guilty of violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for the direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. B. Respondent shall pay a fine of$125.00 on or before 01/29/2010. C. Respondent shall pay the operational costs incurred in the amount of $50.00 on or before 01/29/2010. DONE AND ORDERED 0110812010 at Collier County, Florida. COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE ~ ~.<fj~ BRENDA C. GARRETSON LIEN RtGHTS' This order may be recorded in the Public Records of Collier County. After three (3) months from the filing of any such lien or civil claim which remains unpaid, the Special Magistrate may authorize the County Attorney to foreclose on the lien or pursue collection on unpaid claims. In the event thet outstanding flnes Bre forwarded to a collections agency, the Violator will be responsible for those costs incurred by Collier County. APPEAL RIGHTS: Any aggrieved party may appeal a final order of the Special Magistrate to the Circuit Court within thirty (30) days of the execution of the Order appealed. An appeal shall not be a hearing de novo, but shall be limited 10 appellate review ot the record created within the original hearing. It is the responSibility of the appealing party to obtain a transcribed record of the hearing from the Clerk of Courts. Filing an Appeal will not automatically stay the execution ot the Order. ce. Respondent- JENNIFER L DIDONATO PUCCI Collier Co. Code Enforcement Oept. (i) Collier County Interea.lion Safety Program Pro.esaing Canter PO Box 59995 Phoenix, AZ 85076-9995 COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE liSSA BETH AND PETER DANIEL DONAHUE 8505 LAUREL LAKES BLVD NAPLES, FL 34119-9797 DETERMiNATiON: NO ViOLATiON NOTiCE.: 13&0900071421 PiN.: 8942 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLliER COUNTY, FLORIDA, Petitioner, vs. LISSA BETH AND PETER DANiEL DONAHUE Respondent. ORDER OF THE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE THIS CAUSE came on for public hearing before the Special Magistrate on 01/08/2010, and the Special Magistrate, having heard argument respective to all appropriate matters, hereupon issues its Findings of fact and Order of the Special Magistrate, as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The citation was issued by the Collier County Sherriff's Office and is being contested by the Respondent, LISSA BETH AND PETER DANIEL DONAHUE. 2. Respondent is charged with violating the Collier County Ordinance 06-22 which prohibits Red Light Infractions (Failure to Stop at a Red Light). 3. Respondent did not violate the ordinance and did not proceed into the intersection when the traffic control signal for that vehicle's direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. QllW Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of law, and pursuant to the authority granted in Collier County Ordinance 08-22, it is hereby ORDERED: A. Respondent is not guilty of violating the Collier County Ordinance 08~22. COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE ~c.~~ BRENDA C. GARRETSON cc. Respondent~ LISSA BETH AND PETER DANIel DONAHUE Collier Co. Code Enforcement Oept. (i) Collier County In!ereeclion Safety Program Proceooing Cenlor PO Box 59995 Phoenix, AZ 65076-9995 COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE DETERMiNATiON: REASON: AMOUNT DUE: ViOLATiON FOUND GENERAL DENiAL $175.00 DARHL JOHN EHRGOTT 736 HICKORY RD NAPLES, FL 34108-3314 NOTICE.: 1360900057933 PiN.: 9981 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMiSSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, PetJtlonef, vo. DARHL JOHN EHRGOTT Respondent ORDER OF THE SPECIAL MAGIBTRA TE THIS CAUSE came on for public hearing before the Special Magistrate on 01108/2010, and the Special Magistrate, having heard argument respective to all appropriate matters, hereupon issues its Findings at Fact and Order of the Special Magistrate, 8S follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The citation was issued by the Collier County Sherriff's Office and is being contested by the Respondent, DARHL JOHN EHRGOTT, 2. Respondent is charged with violatlng the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 which prohibits Red light Infractions (Failure to Stop at 8 Red Light). 3. Respondent violated the ordinance by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for that vehicle's direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. QBl1&!! Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Condusions of Law, and pursuant to the authority granted in Collier County Ordinance 06-22, it is hereby ORDERED: A. Respondent Is guilty of violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signat for the direction of travel was emitting a steady red Signal. B. Respondent shall pay a fine of$125.00 on or before 01/29/2010. C. Respondent shall pay the operational costs incurred in the amount of $50.00 on or before 01/29/2010. DONE AND ORDERED 01108/2010 at Collier County, Florid.. COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE ~~.~~ BRENDA C. GARRETSON LIEN RIGHTS' This order may be recorded in the Public Records of Collier County. After three (3) months from the filing of any such Iten or civil claim which remains unpaid. the Special Magistrate may authorize the County Atlomey to foreclose on the lien or pursue collection on unpaid claims. In the event that outstanding fines are forwarded to a collections agency, the Violator will be responsible for those costs incurred by Collier County. APPEAL RIGHTS: Any aggrieved party may appeal a final order of the SpeCial Magistrate to the Circuit Court within thirty (30) days of the execution of the Order appealed. An appeal shall not be a hearing de novo, but shell be limited to appellate review of the record created within the original hearing. It is the responsibility of the appealing party to obtain a transcribed record of the hearing from the Clerk of Courts. Filing an Appeal will not automatically stay the execution of the Order, ce. Respondent~ OARHL JOHN EHRGOTT Collier Co. Code Enforcement Capt. (i) Collier County in!ereeclion Safety Program Processing Center PO Box 59995 Phoenix, AZ 65076-9995 COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE DETERMiNATiON: REASON: AMOUNT DUE: VIOLATION FOUND GENERAL DENiAL $112.50 GREG THOMAS iNSURANCE AGENCY INC 722 BAY TREE CT NAPLES, FL 34108-3429 NOTiCE.: 1360900143824 PIN #: 9147 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, Petitioner, V1I. GREG THOMAS INSURANCE AGENCY INC Respondent. ORDER OF THE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE THIS CAUSE came on for public hearing before the Special Magistrate on 01/0812010, and the Special Magistrate, having heard argument respective to all appropriate matters, hereupon issues its Findings of Fact and Order of the Special Magistrate, as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The citation was issued by the Collier County Sherriff's Office and is being contested by the Respondent, GREG THOMAS INSURANCE AGENCY INC, 2. Respondent is charged with violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 which prohibits Red Light Infractions (Failure to Stop at a Red Light). 3. Respondent violated the ordinance by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for that vehicle's direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. 2Blml Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, and pursuant to the authority granted in Collier County Ordinance 08.22, it is hereby ORDERED: A. Respondent is guilty of violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for the direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. B. Respondent shall pay a fine 01$125.00 on or before 01/29/2010. C. Respondent shall pay the operational costs incurred in the amount of $50,00 on or before 01129/2010 DONE AND ORDERED 01108/2010 at Collier County, Florida. COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE ~ ~.Jj~ BRENDA C. GARRETSON LIEN RIGHTS: This order may be recorded in the Public Records of Collier County, After three (3) months from the filing of any such lien or civil claim which remains unpaid, the Special Magistrate may authorize the County Attorney to foreclose on the lien or pursue collection on unpaid claims. In the event that outstanding fines are fOlWarded to a collections agency. the Violator will be responsible for those costs incurred by Collier County. APPEAL RIGHTS' Any aggrieved party may appeal a final order of the Special Magistrate to the Circuit Court within thirty (30) days of the execution of the Oreer appealed. An appeal shall not be a hearing de novo, but shall be limited to appellate review of the record created within the original hearing. It is the re!Jponsibility of the appealing party to obtain a transcribed record of the hearing from the Clerk of Courts. Filing an Appeal will not automatically stay the execution of the Order. ce. Respondent- GREG THOMAS INSURANCE AGENCY INC Collier Co. Code Enforcement Cept. (i) Collier County inlereection Safety Program Processing Csn!er . PO Box 59995 Phoenix, AZ 85076-9995 COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE DETERMINATiON: REASON: AMOUNT DUE: ViOLATiON FOUND GENERAL DENiAL $175.00 CAROL AlliSON GREiNER 150 ERiE DR NAPLES, Fl 34110-1302 NOTiCE #: 13&0900051837 PIN #: 9815 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLiER COUNTY, FLORIDA, Petitioner, v.. CAROL ALliSON GREINER Respondent. ORDER OF THE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE THIS CAUSE came on for public hearing before the Special Magistrate on 01/0812010, and the Special Magistrate, having heard argument respective to all appropriate matters, hereupon issues its Findings of Fact end Order of the Special Maglstfate, 8S follows: fiNDINGS OF FACT 1. The citation wes issued by the Collier County Sherriff's Office and Is being contested by the Respondent, CAROL ALLISON GREINER. 2. Respondent is charged with violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 which prohibits Red Light Infractions (Failure to Stop at a Red light). 3 Respondent violated the ordinance by proceeding Into an intersection when the traffic control signal for that vehicle', direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. ll!i!1m Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of law, and pursuant to the authOfity granted in Comer County Ordinance 08-22, it is hereby ORDERED: A. Respondent Is guilty of violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for the direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. B. Respondent shall pay a fine of $125.00 on or before 01/29/2010. C. Respondent shall pay the operational costs incurred in the amount of $50.00 on or before 01/29/2010. DONE AND ORDERED 0110812010 at Collier County, Florida. COLLIER COUNTY COOE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE ~~.~~ BRENDA C. GARRETSON LIEN RIGHTS' This order may be recorded in the Public Records of Collier County. After three (3) months from the filing of any such lien or civil claim which remains unpaid, the Special Magistrate may authorize the County Attorney to foreclose on the lien or pursue collection on unpaid claims. In the event that outstanding fines are forwarded to a collections agency, the Violator will be responsible for those costs incurred by Collier County. APPEAL RIGHTS: Any aggrieved party may appeal a final order of the Special Magistrate to the Circuit Court within thirty (30) days of the execution of the Order appealed. An appeal shall not be a hearing de novo, but shall be limited to appellate review of the record created within the original hearing. II is the rasplJnsibility of the appealing party to obtain 8 transcribed record of the hearing from the Clerk of Courts. Filing an Appeal will not automatically stay the execution olthe Order. cc. Respondent- CAROL ALLISON GREINER Collier Co. Code Enforcement Dept. (i) Coilier County in!ereeclion Safety Program Processing Center PO Box 59995 Phoenix, AZ 85076-9995 COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE DETERMiNATION: REASON: AMOUNT DUE: ViOLATION FOUND GENERAL DENiAL $175.00 RASiM F AND TEKIN B KUT 1407 MllKWORT IN 305 NAPLES, Fl 34105.2260 NOTiCE.: 1360900051431 PiN.: 8700 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMiSSiONERS COlliER COUNTY, FLORIDA, Petitioner, YO. RASIM F AND TEKiN B KUT Respondent ORDER OF THE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE THIS CAUSE came on for public hearing before the Special Magistrate on 01/0812010, and the Special Magistrate, having heard argument respective to all appropriate matters, hereupon issues its Findings of Fact and Order of the Special Magistrate, 88 follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The citation was issued by the Collier County Sherriffs Cmes and is being contested by the Respondent. RASIM F AND TEKIN B KUT, 2. Respondent is charged with violating the Collier County Ordinance 08--22 which prohibits Red Ught Infractions (Failure to Stop at 8 Red Light). 3. Respondent violated the ordinance by proceeding into an intersection whan the traffic control signal for that vehicle's direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. Q6W Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, and pursuant to the authority granted In Collier County Ordinance 08-22, it is hereby ORDERED: A. Respondent Is guilty of violating the ColUer County Ordinance 08~22 by proceeding Into an intersection when the traffic control signal for the dIrection of travel was emitting a steady red signal. B. Respondent shall pay a fine 01$125.00 on or before 03/08/2010. C. Respondent shall pay the operational costs incurred in the amount of $50.00 on or before 03/08/2010. DONE AND ORDERED 01/08/2010 at Collier County, Florida. COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE ~~.~~ BRENDA C. GARRETSON LIEN RIGliTS' This order may be recorded in the Public Records of Coiner County. After three (3) months from the filing of any such lien or civil claim which remains unpaid, the Special Magistrate may authorize the County Attorney to foreclose on the hen or pursue collection on unpaid claims. In the event that outstanding fines are forwarded to a collections agency, the Violator will be responsible for those costs Incurred by Collier County. APPEAL RIGHTS' Any aggrieved party may appaal a final order of the Special Magistrate to the Cireui1 Court within thirty (30) days of the execution of the Order appealed. An appeal shall not be a hearing de novo, but shall be limited to appellate review of the record created within the original hearing. It is the responsibility of the appealing party to obtain a transcribed record of the hearing from the Clerk of Courts. Filing an Appeal will not automatically stay the execution of the Order. cc. Respondent- RASIM F AND TEKIN 8 KUT Collier Co. Code Enforcement [)ept. (i) Collier County in!ereecllon Safety Program Processing Can!er PO Box 59995 Phoenix, AZ 85076-9995 COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE DETERMiNATiON: REASON: AMOUNT DUE: ViOLATiON FOUND GENERAL DENiAL $175.00 ROBERT GLENN LARDIE 11 00 HiLLTOP DR NAPLES, FL 34103-331& NOTICE .: 1360900054799 PIN.: 4497 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSiONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORiDA, Petitioner, ... ROBERT GLENN LARDiE Re.pondent. ORDER OF THE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE THIS CAUSE came on for public hearing before the Special Magistrate on 01/0612010, and the Special Magistrate, having heard argument respective to all appropriate matters, hereupon isaues its Findings of Fact and Order of the Speclel Magistrate, as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The citation was issued by the Collier County Sherriff's Office and is being contested by the Respondent, ROBERT GLENN LARDIE. 2. Respondent is charged with violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 which prohibits Red Light Infractions (Failure to Stop at a Red Light). 3. Respondent violated the ordinance by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for that vehida', direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. QllW Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, and pursuant to the authority granted in Collier County Ordinance 08.22, it is hereby ORDERED: A. Respondent is guilty of violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for the direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. B. Respondent shall pay a fine 01$125.00 on or before 01/29/2010. C. Respondent shall pay the operational costs incurred in the amount of $50.00 on or before 01/29/2010. DONE AND ORDERED 01/08/2010 at Collier County, Florida. COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE ~ e.dj~ BRENDA C. GARRETSON LIEN RIGHTS' This order may be recorded in Ihe Public Records of Collier County. After three (3) months from the filing of any such lien or civil claim which remains unpaid, the Special Magistrate may authorize the County Attorney 10 foreclose on the lien or pursue collection on unpaid claims. In the event that outstanding fines are forwarded to a collections agency, the Violator will be responsible for those costs Incurred by Collier County. APPEAL RIGHTS: Any aggrieved party may appeal a final order of the Special Magistrate to the Circuit Court within thirty (30) days of the execution of the Order appealed. An appeal shall not be a hearing de novo, but shall be limited to appellate review of the record created within the original hearing. It is the responsibility of the appealing party to obtain a transcribed record of the hearing from the Clerk of Courts. Filing an Appeal will not automatically stay the execution of the Ord.r cc. Respondent~ ROBERT GLENN LAROIE Collier Co, Code Enforcement Dept. (i) Collier County inlereeclion Safety Program Processing Center PO Box 59995 Phoenix, AZ 85076-9995 COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE DETERMiNATION: REASON: AMOUNT DUE: VIOLATiON FOUND GENERAL DENiAL $175.00 GREGORY MICHAEL MURRAY 12767 AVlANO DR NAPLES. FL 34106-4932 NOTICE.: 1360900087254 PIN.: 1850 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSiONERS COLLIER COUNTY. FLORiDA, PetitIoner, v.. GREGORY MiCHAEL MURRAY Respondent ORDER OF THE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE THIS CAUSE came on for public hearing before the Special Magistrate on 01/0812010, and the Special Magistrate, having heard argument respective to all appropriate mattBf's, hereupon issues its Findings of Fact and Order of the Special Magistrate, as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The citation was issued by the Collier County Sherriff's Office and is being contested by the Respondent, GREGORY MICHAEL MURRAY, 2. Respondent is charged with "iolating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 which prohibits Red Light Infractions (Failure to Stop at a Red Light). 3. Respondent violated the ordinance by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for that vehicle's direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. ~ Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, and pursuant to the authority granted in Collier County Ordinance 08-22, it is hereby ORDERED: A. Respondent is guilty of violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for the direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. B. Respondent shalt pay a fine of$125.00 on or before 01/29/2010. C. Respondent shalt pay the operational costa incurred in the amount of $50,00 on or before 01/29/2010. DONE AND ORDERED 0110812010 M Collier County, Florida. COLLIER COUNTY COOE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE ~ e.dj~ BRENDA C. GARRETSON LIEN RIGHTS- This order may be recorded In the Public Records ot ColUer County. After three (3) months from the filing of any such lien or civil claim which remains unpaid, the Special Magistrate may authorize the County Attomey to foreclose on the lien or pursue collection on unpaid claims. In the event that outstanding fines are forwarded to a collections agency, the Violator will be responsible for those costs incurred by Collier County, APPEAL RIGHTS: Any aggrieved party may appeal a final order of the Special Magistrate 10 the Circuit Court within thirty (30) days of the execution of the Order appealed. An appeal shall not be a hearing de novo, but shall be limited to appellate review of the record created within the original hearing. It Is the responsibility of ItlS appealing party to obtain a transcribed record of the hearing from the Clerk of Courts. Filing an Appeal will not automatically stay Ihe Bx:ecution of the Order. cc. Respondent- GREGORY MICHAEL MURRAY Collier Co. Code Enforcement Dept. (i) Collier County inlereeclion Safety Program Processing Center ~ PO Box 59995 Phoenix, AZ 85076-9995 COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE DETERMiNATiON: REASON: AMOUNT DUE: VIOLATION FOUND GENERAL DENIAL $175.00 HEATHER J PATON 9821 SPANiSH MOSS WAY UNIT 383 BONiTA SPRINGS, FL 3413&.2968 NOTICE .: 13609000&5555 PiN.: 1403 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORiDA, Petitioner, v.. HEATHER J PATON Respondent ORDER OF THE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE THIS CAUSE came on for publiC hearing before the Special Magistrate on 01/0812010, and the Special Magistrate, having heard argument respective to all appropriate matters, hereupon issues its Findings of Fact and Order of the Special Magistrate, as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The citation was issued by the Collier County Sherriff's Office and is being contested by the Respondent, HEATHER J PATON, 2. Respondent is charged with violating the Collier County Ordinance 08~22 which prohibits Red Light Infractions (Failure to Stop at a Red Light). 3. Respondent violated the ordinance by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for that vehicle's direction of travet was emitting a steady red signal. llBW Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Condusions of Law, and pursuant to the authority granted in Comer County Ordinance 06-22, it is hereby ORDERED: A. Respondent Is guilty of violating the Collier County Ordinance 06-22 by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control Signal for the direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. B. Respondent shall pay a fine of $125.00 on or before 01/29/2010. C. Respondent shail pay the operatlonal costs incurred in the amount of $50.00 on or before 01/29/2010. DONE AND ORDERED 01/08/2010 at Collier County, Florida. COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE ~t.~~ BRENDA C. GARRETSON LIEN RIGHTS. This order may be recorded in the Public Records of Collier County. After three (3) months from the filing of any such lien or civil claim which remains unpaid, the Special Magistrate may authorize the County Attorney to foreclosa on the lien or pursue collection on unpaid claims. In the event that outstanding fines are forwarded to a collections agency, the Violator will be responsible for those costs incurred by Collier County. APPEAL RIGHTS: Any aggrieved party may appeal a final order of the Special Magistrate to the Circuit Court within thirty (30) days of the execution of the Order appealed. An appeal shall not be a hearing de novo, but shall be limited to appellate review of the record created within the original hearing. It is the reaponsibility of the appealing party to obtain a transcribed record of the hearing from the Clerk of Courts. Filing an Appeal will not automatically stay the execution of the Order. cc. Respondent. HEATHER J PATON Collier Co_ Code Enforcement Dept. (i) Collier County in!ereeclion Safety Program Processing Cenler . PO Box 59995 Phoenix, AZ 85076-9995 COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE DETERMiNATiON: REASON: AMOUNT DUE: ViOLATiON FOUND GENERAL DENiAL $112.50 PIZZA MANIA IV INC 318 TAMIAMI TRl N NAPLES, Fl 34102-8803 NOTICE .: 1350900097982 PIN.: 0209 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSiONERS COlliER COUNTY, FLORiDA, Petitioner, vs. PIZZA MANIA IV INC Reepondenl ORDER OF THE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE THIS CAUSe carne on for public hearing before the Special Magistrate on 01/0812010, and the Special Magistrate, having heard argument respective to all appropriate maners, hereupon issues its Findings of Fact and Order of the SpeCial Magistrate, as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The citation was issued by the Collier County Sherriff's Office and is being contested by the Respondent, PIZZA MANIA IV INC, 2. Respondent is Charged with violating the Collier County Ordinance 08.22 which prohibits Red Light Infractions (Failure to Stop at a Red Light). 3. Respondent violated the ordinance by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for that "ahide 's direction ot traval was emitting 8 steady red signal. Q!!W Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, and pursuant to the authority granted in CoUier County Ordinance 08-22, it is hereby ORDERED' A. Respondent is guilty of violating the Collier County Ordinance 08.22 by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for the direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. B. Respondent shall pay a fine of$125.00 on or before 01/29/2010. C. Respondent shall pay the operational costs incurred in the amount of $50.00 on or before 01/29/2010. DONE AND ORDERED 0110812010 at Collier County, Florida. COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE ~~.~~ BRENDA C. GARRETSON LIEN RIGHTS: This order may be recorded in the Public Records of Collier County. After three (3) months from the filing of any such lien or civil claim which remains unpaid, the Special Magistrate may authorize the County Attorney to foreclose on the lien or pursue collection on unpaid claims. In the event that outstanding fines are forwarded to a collections agency, the Violator will be responsible for those costs incurred by Collier County. APPEAL H:fGH~ Any aggrieved party may appeal a final order of the Special Magistrate to the Circuit Court within thirty (30) days of the execution of the Order appealed. An appeal shall not be a hearing de novo, but shall be limited to appellate review of the record created within the original hearing. It is the responsibility of the appealing party to obtain a transcribed record of the hearing from the Clerk of Courts, Filing an Appeal will not automa~icnlly stay the e)(~cution of the Order. ce. Respondent- PIZZA MANIA IV INC Collier Co. Code Enforcement Dept. (i) Collier County Inlereeclion Safety Program Proceaaing Cenler . PO Box 59995 Phoenix, AZ 6&076-9995 COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE DETERMiNATION: REASON: AMOUNT DUE: ViOLATION FOUND GENERAL DENiAL $112.50 KYLE JAMES RHODES 25314 BUSY BEE DR BONITA SPRiNGS, Fl 34135-8837 NOTICE .: 1380900093706 PiN.: 1802 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COlliER COUNTY, FLORiDA, PeUtloner, v.. KYLE JAMES RHODES Respondent ORDER OF THE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE THIS CAUSE came on for pubUc hearing before the Special Magistrate on 01/0812010, and the Special Magistrate, having heard argument respective to all appropriate maners, hereupon issues its Findings of Fact and Order of the Special Magistrate, as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The citation was issued by the Collier County Sherriff's Office and is being contested by the Respondent, KYLE JAMES RHODES, 2. Respondent is charged with violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 which prohibits Red Light Infractions (Failure 10 Stop at a Red Light). 3. Respondent violated the ordinance by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for that vehicle's direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. 2BW Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, and pursuant to the authority granted In Collier County Ordinance 08-22, it Is hereby ORDERED: A. Respondent is guilty of violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for the direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. B. Respondent shall pay a fine of $125.00 on or before 01/29/2010. C. Respondent shall pay the operational costs incurred in the amount of $50.00 on or before 01/29/2010. DONE AND ORDERED 01108/2010 at ColII.r County, Florida. COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE ~~.~~ BRENDA C. GARRETSON LIEN RIGHTS: This order may be recorded in the Public Records of Collier County. After three (3) months from the filing of any such lien or civil claim which remains unpaid, the Special Magistrate may authorize the County Attorney to foreclose on the Uen or pursue collection on unpaid claims. In the event that outstanding fines are forwarded to 8 collections agency, the Violator will be responsible for those costs Incurred by Collier County. APPEAL RIGH"TS: Any 'lggrleved party may appeal a final order of the Special Magistrate to the Circuit Court within thirty (30) days of the execution of the Order apoealed. An appeal shall not be a hearing de novo, but shall be limited to appellate review of the record created within the original hearing. It is the responsibility of the appealing party to obtain a transcribed record of the hearing from the Clerk of Courts. Filing an Appeal will not automatically stay the execution of the Order. cc. Respondent. KYLE JAMES RHODES Collier Co. Code Enforcement Cept. (i) Collier County inlereeclion Safety Program Processing Center PO Box 59995 Phoenix, AZ 65076.9995 COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE DETERMiNATiON: REASON: AMOUNT DUE: ViOLATiON FOUND GENERAL DENiAL $112.50 THOMAS MiCHAEL SULLIVAN 2321 WASHBURN AVE NAPLES, FL 34117-4000 NOTICE': 1360900080087 PiN.: 8959 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSiONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, Petltlone" VI. THOMAS MICHAEL SULLIVAN Re.pondent ORDER OF THE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE THIS CAUSE came on for public hearing before the Special Magistrate on 01/0812010, and the Special Magistrate, having heard argument respective to all appropriate matters, hereupon issues its Findings of Fact and Order of the Special Magistrate, as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The citation was issued by the Collier County Sherriff's Office and is being contested by the Respondent, THOMAS MICHAEL SULLIVAN, 2. Respondent is cI'1arged with violating the Collier County Ordinance OB-22 which prohibits Red Light Infractions (Failure to SlOP at a Red light). 3. Respondent violated the ordinance by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for that vehicle', direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. Q!!lW! Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conduslons of Law, and pursuant to the authority granted in Collier County Ordinance 08-22, it is hereby ORDERED: A. Respondent Is guilty of violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for the direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. B. Respondent shall pay a fine of$125.00 on or before 01/29/2010. C. Respondent shall pay the operational costs incurred in the amount of $50.00 on or before 01/29/2010. DONE AND ORDERED 0110812010 at Collier County, Florida. COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE ~~.~~ BRENDA C. GARRETSON LIEN RIGHTS. This order may be recorded in the Public Records of Collier County. After three (3) months from the filing of any such lien or civil claim which remains unpaid, the Special Magistrate may authorize the County Attomey to foreclose on the lien or pursue collection on unpaid claims. In the event that outstanding fines are forwarded to a collections agency, the Violator will be responsible for those costs incurred by Collier County. APPEAL RIGHTS: Any aggrieved party may appeal a final order of the Special Magistrate to the Circuit Court within thirty (30) days of the execution of the Order appealed. An appeal shall not be a hearing de novo, but shall be limited to appellate review of the record created within the original hearing. It is the responsibility of the appealing party to obtain a transcribed record of the hearing from the Clerk of Courts. Filing an Appeal wlll nol automatically stay the execution of the Order. cc. Respondent- THOMAS MICHAEL SULLIVAN Collier Co. Code Enforcement Oept. (i) Collier County inlereeclion Safety Program ProceBaing Cen!er . PO Box 59995 Phoenix, AZ 85076.999& COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE DETERMiNATiON: REASON: AMOUNT DUE: ViOLATION FOUND GENERAL DENiAL $175.00 MATTHEW l WERNER 1335 REMINGTON WAY APT 3102 NAPLES, Fl 34110-ll837 NOTICE .: 1380900063246 PiN.: 8521 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSiONERS COlliER COUNTY, FLORIDA, Petitioner, v.. MATTHEW L WERNER RespondenL ORDER OF THE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE THIS CAUSE came on for public hearing before the Special Magistrate on 01/0812010, and the Special Magistrate, having heard argument respective to all appropriate matters, hereupon issues its Findings of Fact and Order of the Special Magistrate, 8S follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The citation was issued by the Collier County Sherriff's Office and is being contested by the Respondent, MATTHEW L WERNER, 2. Respondent is charged with violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 which prohibits Red Light Infractions (Failure to Stop at a Red Light). 3. Respondent violated the ordinance by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for that vehicle " direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. QBW Based upon the foregoing. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, and pursuant to the authority granted in Colller County Ordinance 08.22, it is hereby ORDERED: A. Respondent is guilty of viOlating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for the direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal B. Respondent shall pay 8 fine of $125.00 on or before 01/29/2010. C. Respondent shall pay the operationel costs incurred in the amount of $50.00 on or before 01/29/2010. DONE AND ORDERED 01108/2010 at Collier County, Florida. COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGI8TRA TE ~~.~~ BRENDA C, GARRETSON LIEN RIGHTS: This order may be recorded in the Public Records of Collier County After three (3) months from the filing of any such lien or civil claim which remains unpaid, the Special Magistrate may authorize the County Attomey to foreclose on the fien or pursue collection on unpaid claims. In the event that outstanding fines are forwarded to a collections agency, the Violator will be responSible for those costs incurred by Collier County. APPEAL RIQHTS: Any aggrieved party may Appeal a final order of the Special Magistrate to the Circuit Court within thirty (30) days of the execution of the Order appealed. An appeal shall not be a hearing de novo, but shall be limited 10 appellate review of the record created within the original hearing. It Is the responsibility of the ap~aJjng party 10 obtain a transcribed record of the hearing from the Clerk of Courts. Filing an Appeal will nol automatically stay the execution of the Ord9r. cc. Respondent- MATTHEW LWERNER Collier Co. Code Enforcement Cept. (i) Collier County in!ereeclion Safety Program Processing Center PO Box 59995 Phoenix, AZ 85076-9995 COLLIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE DETERMINATION: REASON: AMOUNT DUE: ViOLATiON FOUND GENERAL DENiAL $17&.00 CURTIS ULYSSES WILLiAMS 1272 5TH AVE N NAPLES, FL 34102-3472 NOTiCE.: 1380900081547 PiN': 3982 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLliER COUNTY, FLORiDA, PetitIoner, V1I. CURTIS ULYSSES WILLIAMS Respondent. ORDER OF THE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE THIS CAUSE came on for public hearing before the Special Magistrate on 01/0812010, and the Special Magistrate, having heard argument respective to all appropriate matters, hereupon issues its Findings of Fact and Order of the Special Magistrate, as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The citation was issued by the Collier County Sherriff's Office and is being contested by the Respondent, CURTIS ULYSSES WILLIAMS, 2. Respondent is charged with violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 which prohibits Red Light Infractions (Failure to Stop at a Red Light). 3. Respondent violated the ordinance by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for thai vehlde 's direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. Q6W Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, and pursuant to the authority granted in Collier County Ordinance 08-22, it is hereby ORDERED: A Respondent is guilty of violating the Collier County Ordinance 08-22 by proceeding into an intersection when the traffic control signal for the direction of travel was emitting a steady red signal. B. Respondent shall pay a flne of $125.00 on or before 01/29/2010. C. Respondent shall pay the operational costs incurred in the amount of $50.00 on or before 01/2912010. DONE AND ORDERED 01108/2010.t Collier County, Florida. COlliER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE ~~.~~ BRENDA C. GARRETSON LIEN RIGHTS: This order may be recorded in the Public Records of Collier County. After three (3) months from the filing of any such lien or civil claim which remains unpaid, the Special Magistrate may authorize the County Anomey to foreclose on the lien or pursue collection on unpaid claims. In the event that outstanding fines are forwarded to a collections agency, the Violator wHl be responsible for those costs incurred by Collier County. APPEAL RIGHTS: Any aggrieved party may appeal a final order of the Special Magistrate to the Circuit Court within thirty (30) days of the execution of the Order eppealed. An appeal shall not be a hearing de novo, but shall be limited to appellate review of the record created within the original hearing. It is the responsibility of the appealing party to obtain a transcribed record of the hearing from the Clerk of Courts. Filing an Appeal will not automatically stay the execution of the Order cc. ResponCJent- CURTIS Ul VSSES WILLIAMS Collier Co. Code Enforcement Oept.