DSAC Backup 08/05/2009 R
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LDC Amendment ReQuest
ORIGIN: Private Petition (PL2009-467)
AUTHOR: Robert L. Duane, AICI' and Richard D. Yovanovieh. Esquire
LDC PAGE: LDC2:124.7
LDC SECTION(S): 2.05.01, notes 3 and 4 including table and adding definitions from the old
LDC Div 6.3 into the new LDC Section 1.08.02 pertaining to time share.
Clariry density for hotels/motels with timeshare units in the RT District.
FISCAL & OPERATIONAL IMPACTS: This request will not cost the County additional
Staff or resources and will help create revenue in the private sector.
Amend the LDC as follows:
1.08.02 Definitions
Timeshare estate: See Section 72105(34), F.S.
Timeshare property: See Section 721.05(40), F.S
Timeshare unit: See Section 721.05(41) F.S.
2.05.01 Density Standards and Housing Types
1:\09 Amend the LDC\2009-Cycle 1\Amendments\DRAFT originals\20501 DenSity Standards and HOUSing Types doc
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A. Where residential uses are allowabie, the following density standards and housing type
h II I
criteria s a apPI
OJ Maximum
Housing - <2 Density 2
Type: 1:) .r::
s: > (units per
Zoning ~ OJ OJ c
OJ E <f) ::J .Q Cii gross
District: E <f) ~ 0 ::> Cii i!! c
,J!! ::> E I 0 '" 0 acre)
0 I -'" ~ '" ~
, ~ OJ .r::
x .r:: ,J!! ji OJ '" ..Cl
OJ OJ Vi OJ <f) OJ
-a, c "" :c Vi E OJ U
a. s: OJ
c ::> 0 :; 0 ::> ::> '" ::> E OJ
Ui 0 ~ ~ ~ l5 l? U c ~ 0::
GC Two
02 (1
A .I S .; Unit per 5
044 (1
E .I .; unit per
RSF-1 .I .I .I 1
RSF.2 .! .! .; 2
RSF.3 ,f ,f .; 3
RSF-4 .I .I .; 4
RSF-5 .! .! ,f 5
RSF.6 ,f ./ .; 6
RMF-6 .I .I .I .I .I .; 6
RMF.12 S .; .I .! 12
RMF-16 ,f .I 16
RT 3 .L 26
RT 4 .I .! .I 16 or 26
RT 5 ,f ,f ./ 16
VR 6 .I .I .I 7.26
VR 7 ,f .I 8.71
VR 8 .I .I 1452
MH' .I One 7.26
1:\09 Amend the LDC\2009-Cycle 1\Amendments\DRAFT originals\2.0501 Density Standards and Housing Types_doc
TTRVC One .; 12
C_1'O One 16
C_2'O One 16
C_3'O On 16
C-4 One
C.5 One
I One
BP One
0.2 (1
unit per 5
CON 11 ./ 0.33 (1
unit per 3
BMUD 12 S S S S 12
GTMUD 12 S S S S 12
R.1 ./ .; .; ./
R.2 .; .; .; .;
GZO Per underlying zoning district
VB-RT .; .; .;
GGDCCO underlying
0.025 (1
RFMU 13 .; ./ 16 unit per 40
0.2 (1 unit
RFMU 14 .; .; .; .; .; 16 .; .; .; per 5
02 (1 unit
RFMU 15 .; .; .; .; ./ 16 .; .; .; .; per 5
0.2 (1 unit
MHO .; per 5
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TI;;)I(I s.trikElthrei;l~h is sl:m8At-t~l:J9 9918199
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S = permitted subject to supplemental standards
1:\09 Amend the LDC\2009-Cycle 1\Amendments\DRAFT origmals\2.05.01 Density Standards and HOUSing Types doc
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1 Recreational vehicles include travel trailers, park models, pickup coaches, and motor
2 Density is calculated as the number of residential dwelling units per gross acre (see
definition of density, residential ). Generally, in all zoning districts except for A, E and CON,
this indicates the maximum allowable density, including any applicable density bonuses per
the density rating system in the growth management plan. Density may be restricted by the
board of county commissioners at the time of rezoning to something less than the maximum, as
indicated parenthetically on the official zoning atlas maps. For example, "RMF-6(4)" allows all
uses and development standards of the RMF-6 zoning district but density IS limited to 4
dwelling units per acre.
3 A maximum of twenty-six (26) units per acre are allowed for hotels_and motels includinq
timeshare units that meet the standards for hotels and motels in the RT district.
4 For RT zoning located inside Activity Centers as designated on the Growth Management
Plan's Future Land Use Map, residential units (including those for timeshares and multifamily
uses) are allowed at a maximum of sixteen (16) units per acre. Similarly for RT zoning not
located within Activity Centers but in existence at the time of adoption of the LDC (October 30.
1991), residential units are allowed at a maximum of sixteen (16) units per acre However,
hotels and motels meetinq the requirements of the RT district tncludlnq timeshare units that
meet the standards for hotels and motels are allowed a maximum densitv of twentv-slx (26)
units per acre.
5 For RT zoning not located within Activity Centers and not in existence at the time of
adoption of this LDC (October 30, 1991), allowed density is per the density rating system up to
sixteen (16) units per acre. The calculation of density shall be based on the land area defined
byalot(s) of record.
6 Density for single-family and mobile home, with or without ciustering.
7 Density for duplex, with or without clustering.
8 Density for multi-family, with or without clustering.
9 in the MH district, modular homes are allowable.
10 Properties zoned C-1 through C-3 may have associated residential densities in instances
of mixed.use development pursuant to the Future Land Use Element of the Growth
Management Plan.
11 The density of 1 dwelling unit per 3 gross acres only applies to private in.holdings
within the Big Cypress National Preserve that were in existence prior to October 14,1974.
12 Maximum allowable density in the BMUD and GTMUD overlays IS attained through the
Mixed Use Project (MUP). Approval Process pursuant to the regulations in the Overlays
13 One unit per 40 acres is the maximum density permitted In RFMU Sending Lands (see
section 2.03.08).
14 One unit per 5 acres is the maximum density permitted in RFMU Neutral Lands (see
section 2.0308)
15 One unit per acre is the maximum density permitted in RFMU Receiving Lands located
outside of a Rural Village With redemption of Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) credits; 0.2
units per acre is the maximum density permitted in RFMU Receiving Lands without
redemption of TDR credits; 3 units per acre is the maximum density per acre In RFMU
Receiving Lands located within a Rural Village with the redemption of TDR credits (see
section 2.03.08).
16 Only if Mobile Home Overlay exists.
B. Acreage associated with historical/archaeological resources preserved within the
boundaries of a project shall be included in calculating the project's permitted density
(Ord. No. 06-08, S 3.H; Ord. No. 07.67, S 3.F)
1:\09 Amend the LDC\2009-Cycie 1\Amendments\DRAFT originals\2.05.01 Density Standards and HOUSing Types,doc
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-Supplemental information m:~1..YjdedJ)Y_!}12rrJjcarl1-
Extracted from Ordinance 91-102, as amended:
Division 6.3. DEFINITIONS
Timeshare estate: Any interest in a dwelling unit under which the exclUSive nght of use,
ownership, possession or occupancy of the unit circulates among the various owners of
timeshare estates in such unit in accordance with a fixed time schedule on a periodicaliy
recurring basis for a period of time established by such schedule.
Timeshare estate facility: Any dwelling in which timeshare estates have been created.
Timeshare unit: A dwelling unit in which timeshare estates have been created.
* * *
Legal Analysis in Support of LDC Amendment
Chapter 721, Florida Statutes regulates Vacation and Timeshare Plans. This Chapter includes
a regulatory framework to assure that individuals purchasing a timeshare estate are adequately
protected. Although not identical to the statutes regulating condominiums, Chapter 721 is a
very detailed regulatory scheme for the marketing and sale of Vacation and Timeshare Plans.
Section 721.05(1) Florida Statutes defines the term Accommodation as follows'
(1) "Accommodation" means any apartment, condominium. or cooperative unit, cabin, lodge,
hotel or motel room, campground. cruise ship cabin. houseboat or other vessel.
recreational or other motor vehicle, or any private or commercial structure which IS real
or personal property and designed for overnight occupancy by one or more Individuals.
The term does not include an incidental benefit as defined in thiS section (emphasIs
Section 721.05(39), Florida Statutes defines the term Timeshare plan as follows
(2) "Timeshare pian" means any arrangement, plan, scheme, or similar device, other than
an exchange program, whether by membership, agreement, tenancy in common, sale,
lease, deed, rental agreement, license, or right-to-use agreement or by any other
means, whereby a purchaser, for consideration, receives ownership rights in or a right to
use accommodations, and facilities, if any, for a period of lime less than a full year
during any given year, but not necessarily for consecutive years The term "timeshare
plan" includes: I
(a) A "personal property timeshare plan," which means a timeshare plan In which the
accommodations are comprised of personal property that is not permanently
affixed to real property; and
(b) A "real property timeshare plan," which means a timeshare plan in which the.
accommodations of the timeshare plan are comprised of or permanently affixed
to real property (emphasis suppiied).
I Accordingly, it is clear that a hotel or rrlot.E:IroO m .ca_n~e_wit~I~"tlll1esl1are plan
1:\09 Amend the lDC\2009-Cycle 1\Amendments\DRAf- T orlginals\20501 DenSity Standards and HOUSing Types doc
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In addition, Section 721.25, Florida Statutes provides as follows:
Zoning and building. - All laws, ordinances, and regulations concerning buildings or
zoning shall be construed and applied with reference to the nature and use of the real estate
timeshare plan property, without regard to the form of ownership.
A timeshare plan is a form of ownership and is not a land use Collier County is prohibited from
appiying different standards to a land use based upon the form of ownership as a timeshare.
The proposed amendments clarify the misconception that a timeshare plan is a form of land
use. The proposed amendments also ciarify that as long as the timeshare plan is operated
as a hotel or motel use, it shall have the same intensity as far as number of hotel and motel
units as any other form of ownership for hotel and motel units
1:\09 Amend the LDC\2009-Cycle 1\Amendments\DRAFT originals\20501 Density Standards and Housing Types,doc
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Teltt ~tril~etArg6l1ilR is Sl:lrrsAt t8)(t teee deleted.
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LDC Amendment ReQuest
ORIGIN: Community Development & Environmental Services Division
AUTHOR: Catherine Fabacher, AICI'
Zoning & Land Development Review
LDC SECTION(S): 1.08.02 Definitions
CHANGE: Restore definitions: "lot, comer," "lot, interior," and "lot, through" from the old
REASON: Definitions were omitted during re-codification
Amend the LDC as follows:
1.08.02 Definitions
Lot, corner: A lot located at the intersection of two or more streets. A lot abuttinq a curved
street or streets shall be considered a corner lot if straiqht lines drawn from the foremost points
of the side lot lines to the foremost point of the lot meet at an interior anqle of less than 135
Lot, interior: A lot other than a corner lot, with onlv one frontaqe on a street.
Lot. throuah: A lot other than a corner lot, with frontaqe on more than one street. Throuqh lots
abuttinq two streets mav be referred to as doubie-frontaqe lots.
1:\09 Amend the LDC\2009~Cycle 1\Amendments\DRAFT originals\1.08.02 Definitions M Lots.doc
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LDC Amendment ReQuest
AUTHOR: Catherine Fabacher, AICP
Zoning & Land Development Review
CHANGE: Delete LDC seetion 2.01.00 per direction of the CAO.
REASON: The BCC adopted Ordinanee No. 08-64. the "Collier County Parking. Storage and
Use of Recreationai Vehiele Control Ordinanee. SECTION SEVEN of the ordinance states.
"This Ordinance replaees and supersedes any similar provision that presentiy exists in the Collier
County Land Development Code. Zoning staff requested from the County Attorney's Oftlce
(CAO) a legal determination of which "similar provisions" contained in the LDC have been
replaced and superseded by Ordinance No. 08-64. Staff was advised that oj' ail the subsections
provided for review seetion 2.01.00 of the I.DC was to be deleted.
OTHER NOTES/VERSION DATE: Created June 27, 2009
Amend the LDC as follows:
Parkin€! am:! 8tora€!8 of vel1icles without current license plates. Vehicles or tr::ulerc of any
type that are not immediately oporable, or U8eg for the purpose for which they were
manumctHreg '::ithout mechanical or electrical repairs or the replacement of parts; or do
not meet the F'lorida Safety Coge; or do not ha'Jo current 'Jalig liconce platos; or do not
moot the aefinltien of recreatienal equipment as aefined within tl11s Codo, shall not be
parked or storea en any resiaentially zoned or aesignated property, including tho E
estate8 gl8trict, ether than in a completely enclesea Builging. F'or the purpose ef thlc
section a licen8e plato sl1all not ee censiaereg 'ialid unless it is eoth affixed to a vohicle
or trailer in a fashion authorized by F'loriga law and Is re€!i8torod to the vehicle or.tfailef
1:\09 Amend the LDC\2009-Cycle 1\Amendments\DRAFT originals\20100 deletion of rec vehicle provs (062709) CAF doc
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\lJ3en 'l.tliGh it is aisJ3layed.
B. ParkiA€!, storcl€!e or \lse of major reereational eEj\liJ3ment. No recroational oquipmont
shall ee \lsea for liviA€!, sleeJ3ing, or housekeeJ3in€! J3\lrJ3oces when parked or stored on a
resiasAtially zenoa lot. resiaential aistricts, or any leGation net aJ3J3rovea for cuch use. In
aistriGts J3srmittiA€! sin€!le family hemes or msbile hsmes. majer recreational equipment
may ee parked er sterod enly in a rear yard, or in a comJ3letely enclosea building, or In a
carJ3ert, er on davits er cradles adjacent to waterways on resiaentiaily zonod property;
J3roviaea, however, that such equipment. may be parked anywhere-eR' rosldontial
J3remises, other than on county rights of way or right of way easemeAts for a poriod not
to exceed six hO\lrs within a time J3erioa of seven days for loaain€! and unloading, and/or
clean in€! J3rier to or alter a triJ3. For the purpose of this soction tho roar yard for a corner
let shall ee Gonsiaema te ee that pertion of the let el'I'esite the street with the least
freAta€!e. Fer thro~€!h lets the roar yard shall ee censidered to be that J30rtien of tho let
Iyin€! eetween the rear elevatien (ey aeSi€!A) of the resiaenGe ana the street.
The fellowing exeeptions may ee €!raAted by the CO\lnty Manager or designoe:
1. Sueh roereational equiJ3ment may be J3arkea upon the premises of. tho rocident
for a perioa not oxcoeding .ceven days for.tRe. purpoco of repaififlg-.-aRGiaf
cleaning J3rior te er altor a triJ3. .^. temperary ~se J3ermit must bo obtainoa te
a~thorizo this activity. Tho J3ermit for s\lch J3onod shall 130 affilwa te tho vohiclo in
a censJ3ic\leus place OA the strest -&iGe. thereof. ~Jo moretRaR-lwo eonsecutive
J3ermits may be iss\lea and the maxim\lm number~iccuedduring one
Galendar year shall be restricted to foufc
2. Nemesident: S\lch car, trailer, e~s or motor home, when used for transport3tion
of visiters to this eounty to '/isit frienas or membor of the viSitor's family rosiding in
this ce\lnly may ee parkod upon the J3remices of -lfle. visitod family fDr a period not
eXGeeaing seven days. .^, temJ30rary uso permit must bo obtainod. te- authonzo
this acti-/ity. The I'ermit for s\leh period shall bo affixed to the. vohicle In a
consJ3icuous place or on the street side thereof,. This does not-allewfor li'/lng,
sleeJ3in€!, or housekeeJ3ing purposes.. ~Jo more lI>aRtwo consecutivef'8flTlits may
be iss\led and the maximum n~mber of permits issuod during one calondar.yeaf
shall be restrieted to four
d. Parking ef cemmercial vehieles or commercial equipment in residential areas. It
shall13e unlawful to J3ark a commercial vehiele or commercial equipment on any
lot in a resiaontial zonin!} district unless one of tho following conditions oxists:
a. The vehiGle aAd/or equiJ3ment is ongaged in a construction or serviee
oporation on the sito '....here it is parkod. Tho vohiclo or oquipment must
be removea as soon as the. construction '* sor'lico activity has 13een
b. TRe vehicle ana/or equiJ3ment ic parkod in a €!arage or fully eRelesea
str\lGt\lre or GarJ3ert whiGh is str~cturally or ve!}etatively screenea and
canRot 130 seen from aaJacoRt properties or the street servin!} the lot.
c. Tho vehicle is J3arkod in the rear of the m3in str\lcturo 3nd IS onclesoa
within a vegetative sGreenlng whiGh concoals tho vohiGle from tho VI(lW of
a. ,^,~tomo13iles; pacsen!}er tYJ3e vans; aRa J3lckup trucks havin!} a ratea load
GaJ3acity of one ton or less all ef which do not eXGeed 7.5 foet In height.
nor 7.G foet in 'NiatR, nor 25 feot in length shall be exempled from this
1:\09 Amend the LDC\2009-Cycle 1\Amendrnents\DRAFT originals\201 ,00 deletion of rec vehicle provs (062709) CAF,doc
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sectien ~nless etRefWise proRilaited lay a s~ecial ~arklO~ everlay district
created ~~rs~aAt to Section 2.Q;).07 M.
e. Exem~ted from this section .arc small commercial equi~ment stIffi.-as
ladders anEl ~i~es that Gannet lae contained in the vehicle Said
equipment shall be limited toeAe ladder or one unit of pipe which does
not exceed i2. inches in diameter 1** commercial vehicle Said e"l~i~ment
shall be securod atop the vehiGJe.-afKI..sflaI.I. not oxtend beyond the length.
hoight or wiGtR-ef.lRs. vehicle
4. Beats or otRer floating equipment ~seEl as dwelling units. BoatsBl'etRef. floating
equipment laein~ used as El'Nellin~ ~nits or as cemmercial estalalishments
may net anchor or tie ~p in waters under the jurisdictien of the co~nty fer
lenger than 48 heurs, except at facilities lecated in zening Elistricts
permitting such ~se and at facilities within s~ch districts designated for
such use and meeting ceunty and state health standards for such use.
5. CendomiAi~ms. This CeEle sRall be cOAstr~eEl and applieEl witR reference to the
nature of tRe use of s~ch property witRe~t regard to the form of ownership.
ConElomini~m forms of ownership shall be subject to this Code as is any-Btflef
form of ewnership. Cendeminiums of any kind, type or use shall comply with
the pre':isions of F.S. Ch. 718, as-amended, knewn as the "Cendeminium
6. Deed restrictiens. This CeQe..-shaII- net be . affected by any 4eeG-- restrictions or
restrictive cO'/en,mts recerded with any deed, plat or other legGI documents-NB
~erGen or G~ency, in the ca~Gcity of enforcing and administoring thIS Code. ffiajj
lae respeAsible fer enforcin~ aAY deod restrictions
(Ord. No. 06-07, S 3C)
2.01.00 (Reserved)
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LDC Amendment ReQuest
ORIGIN: Private Petition (1'1.2009-338)
AUTHOR: Anthony 1'. Pires, Jr.. Woodward, Pires & Lombardo. I'.A. on behaif of lIomer
LDC SECTlON(S): Section 2.03.04.A.I.a.
CHANGE: ADD/CREATE LDC 2.03.04.A.I.a.54 as outlined below.
REASON: Allow and authorize longstanding and existing uses and businesses
[approximately 10 yearsl at 5510 Shirley Street. Naples, Florida. wncd "I" Industrial Zoning
Distriet,; and, resolve all pending matters and issucs as to uses and business operations
[including but not limited to the existing antique rctail/wholesale business use I at 55 i 0 Shirley
Street, Naples, Florida, in the "I" Industriai Zoning District.
After reviewing the various permitted uses listed in LDC Section 2.03.04.A.la, it
is readily apparent that the use(s) currently engaged in by Mr. Heller. and f()r which this
amendment is requested, has/have "retail" characteristics simiiar to a substantiai number of
existing permitted uses, i.e. businesses that wouid not have primarily "storage. warehousing.
wholesaling or distribution" eharacteristies. Hy virtue of their existence in the current LD(', the
Hoard of County Commissioners has thus made the determination that the I(,ilowing uses, with
"retail" charaeteristics similar to that of Mr. Helter's business. or uses that do not have primarily
"storage, warehousing, whoiesaiing or distribution" eharacteristics. are consistent with Coilier
County's Growth Management Plan.
By way of example I notc the f(1ilowing uses I with noted SIC Code and LDC
I. Harber Shops. 7241, ILDC 2.03.04Al.a.'iI.
2. Building Construction, 1521-1542, [LDC 2.0304.A.I.a.71.
3. Business s~rvices, 7.1 i 8.7319. which includes
photocopying. equipment rental and ieasing, cmpioyment agencies
7361. employee leasing 7363, computer rcntai and ieasing 7377.
computer maintenance 7378, dcteetive and guard services 7381.
process serviee 7389, [LDC 2.03.04.A.l.a.81.
4. Insurance agents, inciuding title insurance 636 I and 6411.
[LDC 2.03.04.A. I .a.25].
5. Membership organizations, 86 Ii. 8631, ILDC
1\09 Amend the LDC\2009-Cycle 1\Amendments\DRAFT originals\203.04 A. 1.;;:1 Industrial Zoning Districts.doc
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None aware or at this time.
GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN IMPACT: rhe appiieant beiieves the proposed
language and uses are consistent with: A.) other current existing uses in the '"I" Industrial loning
District found to be consistent with Collier County's Growth Management Pian. and B.) the
Growth Management Plan. [see letter of May 27, 20091
OTHER NOTES/VERSION llATE: Created May 27. 2009
Amend the LDC as follows:
add the following as LDC 2.03.04A 1.a.54
54. Used merchandise businesses (5932), memorabilia, medallions
(of the tvpe listed in 5094) businesses and associated retail
activitv [without limitations as to percentaoe of oross floor areal,
where a sionificant portion of the use is associated with the
displav. storaoe, online marketino, distribution or wholesalino of
used merchandise, memorabilia, medallions
1:\09 Amend the LDC\2009-Cycle 1\Amendments\DRAFT originals\20304 A 1.a Industnalloning Districts doc
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LDC Amendment ReQuest
ORIGIN: Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) Advisory Board
AUTHOR: David Jackson, Executive Dircctor - CRA
DEPARTMENT: CRA Advisory Board
LDC PAGE: LDC2:86.64
CHANGE: To increase the maximum number of scats allowed within the permitted u~e
c1assitication of Performing Arts Theater, specitically Tabie I l()otnote S.
REASON: Requested by the 13ayshore Gateway Triangle I.ocal Advisory Hoard
Amend the LDC as follows:
2.03.07 Overlay Zoning Districts
I. Bayshore Mixed Use Overlay District.
Special conditions for the properties adjacent to Bayshore Drive as referenced on
BMUD Map 1; and further identified by the designation "BMUD" on the applicable
official Collier County Zoning Atlas Map or map series
6. Bayshore Mixed Use District (BMUD) Subdistricts
a Neighborhood Commercial Subdistrict (NC) The purpose and
intent of this subdistrict IS to encourage a mix of low intensity
commercial uses and residential uses (see 20307 1.6. Tables 1
and 2). Developments will be human-scale and pedestrian-
oriented. For mixed use projects only, subject to the MUP
approval process in section 2.03.07 1.3., refer to Tables 1 and 2
1:\09 Amend the LDC\2009-Cycle 1\.A.mendments\DRAFT originals\2.03.07 1.6 Bayshore Mixed Use Sub-Table 1 doc
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for permitted uses. Otherwise, permitted uses are 10 accordance
with the underlying zoning district
b Waterfront Subdistrict (W) The purpose of this subdistrict is to
allow maximum use of the waterfront for entertainment while
enhancing the area for use by the general public. Development
standards for the district are the same as those set forth for the
Neighborhood Commercial Subdistrict, except for the standards
set forth in section 4.02.17. For mixed use projects only, subject to
the MUP approval process in section 2.0307 13., refer to
subsection 2.03.07 16. Tables 1 and 2 for permitted uses.
Otherwise, permitted uses are in accordance With the underlYing
zoning district
Table 1. Permissible Land Uses in BMUD Mixed Use Subdistricts
P = permitted
E = permitted with certain exceptions Cii S
Blank cell = prohibited (also see table of OJ U
conditional and accessory uses) E c
0 ~
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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Performing Arts Theater 7922 PE 8
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Performance seating limited to~ 500 seats.
1:\09 Amend Ihe LDC\2009-Cycle 1\Amendments\DRAFT origmals\20307 I 6 Bayshore Mixed Use Sub-I able 1 doc
Texl underlined is new texl to be added.
fexl &trikethreugl:l i& GI;lHeFlt te)(t 18 ee 9818189.
Bold text indicates a defined term
LDC Amendment ReQuest
ORIGIN: Community Deveiopment & Environmental Servi<:es Division
AUTHOR: Catherine Fabacher, AICI'
Zoning & Land Development Review
LDC SECTlON(S): 1.08.02 ()efinitious
CHANGE: Restore definition. "Dwelling, multi-family." from the old code (Ord. 91-i02. as
amended). With changes below. definition reads verbatim from 9 i -I 02.
REASON: Essentiai elements of the definition !lJr "dwelling. multi-famiiy" were lost during
re-codifieation; definition term was previousiy known as "Dweiling, multipie-i,unily."
Amend the LDC as follows:
1.08.02 Definitions
Dwelling, multi-family: A group of 3 or more dwelling units within a single conventional
building~. attached side bv side, or one above another or both and wherein each dwellinQ unit
mav be individuallv owned or leased jnitiallv on land which is under common or sinQle
For DUrPoses of determininQ whether a iot is in multiJ:lle-familv dwelllnQ use, the followinQ
considerations shall applv:
a. MultiJ:lle-familv dwellinQ uses mav involve dwellinQ units intended to be rented
and maintained under central ownership and manaQement. or cooperative
apartments. condominiums. and the like and mav include the fee ownership of
land beneath each dwellinQ unit followinQ development from a common base of
1:\09 Amend the LDC\2009-Cycle 1\Amendments\DRAFT originals\1 ,08.02 Definitions Dwelling--multi-familydoc
Texl underlined is new texl 10 be added
Texl &lrikethrelJ!i.lh i& Gl.lrrenl teilt t9 ee 61elele9.
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b. Guesthouses and servants' Quarters shall not be considered as dwellinQ units in
the computation of subsection a above.
c. Anv multil3le-familv dwellinQ in which dwellinQ units are available for rental for
periods of less than one week shall be considered a tourist home, a motel, motor
hotel. or hotel. as the case mav be, and shaH onlv be permitted in districts where
specificallv desiQnated
d. For the purpose of this land development code, timeshare estate facilities shall
be considered as intended primarilv for transient occupancv and shall onlv be
permitted in districts where specificallv desiQnated
1:\09 Amend Ihe LOC\2009-Cycle 1\Amendments\DRAFT originals\108.02 Definitions - Dwelling-multi-family doc
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~f:trikBtRr.8USlR is GWrrsRt t8)(t te8s Eleletea
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LDC Amendmeut ReQuest
Community Development and Environmental Serviees
John 1I0uldsworlh. Senior Site Plan Reviewer
Engineering and Environmental Services
LDC SECTION(S): 1.08.02 - Definitions
CHANGE: Delete definition of"Subdivision, minor" as is no longer used.
REASON: Currency.
Amend the LDC as follows:
1.08.02 Definitions
SloJlJdi'/isien, mine,-: Tl1e aivi~ien of lana, whether iml3re'/ea or uniml3revod, into throe or
more, but le~~ than ton, eonti~loJous lot~ or pareel~ of lana, for the l3urpO&e, whether immeaiate
or future, of tran~fer of ownership or aevelol3ment, 'shieh does not invol'/o tho Cl)(tonsion of 3n
oxistin~ stroot er tl1e estaslisl1ment of a new street and dees not involve the mctension. creation
or ostasli~hment of any iml3ro'Jement othCllwise re~uirod in section 10.02.05
* * * * * * * >< >< >< >< >< ><
1:\09 Amend the LDC\2009-Cycle 1\Amendments\DRAfT originals\10802 DefinitIOns subdivlsion-ITlInordoc
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Texl ~Irik8tt:Jrgl:l@i:1 i€ Gi;JrrBRt te)(t 1998 aelated-
Bold lext indicates a defined lerm
LDC Amendment Reuuest
ORIGIN: Private Petition (PL2009-491)
AUTHOR: Richard D. Yovanovich
LDC PAGE: 2:59
LDC SECTlON(S): 2.03.03 E.1.a
REASON: The C-5 Zoning distriet is a heavy eommereiaI zoning district. Many of the uses
such as automotive repair services ereate noise and is similar to light manufaeturing. In addition.
contraetor offiees and warehouses are permitted uses and are very intense uses. There have been
signifieant technologieal advanees in the manufaeturing of surgicai and medicai instruments and
apparatus. The manufacturing of surgical and medical instruments and apparatus oecurs in a
quiet and clean environment. Adding SIC Code Seetion 3841 as a permitted use is consistent
with the uses already allowed in the c-s zoning district.
Amend the LDC as follows:
2.03.03 Commercial Zoning Districts
* * * * * *
E. Heavy Commercial District (C-5). In addition to the uses provided in the CA zoning
district, the heavy commercial district (C-5) allows a range of more intensive commercial
uses and services which are generally those uses that tend to utiiize outdoor space in
the conduct of the business. The C.5 district permits heavy commercial services such as
full-service automotive repair, and establishments primarily engaged in construction and
speciaiized trade activities such as contractor offices, plumbing. heating and air
conditioning services, and similar uses that typically have a need to store construction
associated equipment and suppiies within an enclosed structure or have showrooms
1:\09 Amend the LDC\2009-Cycle 1\Amendments\DRAFT originals\2.03.03 f. surgical manufactunng (Q622Q9).doc
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l=eMe;triketRrGId€lh*'~.te.xt..-to-Be ge18te9.
Bold text indicates a defined term
displaying the building material for which they specialize. Outdoor storage yards are
permitted with the requirement that such yards are completeiy enclosed or opaquely
screened. The C-5 district is permitted In accordance with the locational criteria for
uses and the goals, objectives, and poiicies as identified in the future land use element
of the Collier County GMP
1. The following uses, as identified with a number from the Standard Industrial
Classification Manual (1987), or as otherwise provided for within this section are
permissible by right, or as accessory or conditional uses within the heavy
commercial district (C-5).
a. Permitted uses.
1. Accounting (8721).
2 Adjustment and coliection services (7322)
3. Advertising agencies (7311)
4 Advertising. miscellaneous (7319).
5 Agricultural services (0783)
6. Ancillary plants
7. Amusement and recreation services, indoor (7999).
8. Amusement and recreation serVices, outdoor (7999 . fishing piers
and lakes operation, houseboat rental, pleasure boat rental,
operation of party fishing boats, canoe rental only).
9. Animal specialty services, except veterinary (0752, excluding
outside kenneling).
10 Apparel and accessory stores (5611.5699).
11. Architectural services (8712).
12. Armature rewinding shops (7694).
13. Auctioneering/auction houses (groups 7389, 5999)
14. Auditing (8721).
15. Auto and home supply stores (5531).
16. Automobile Parking (7521)
17. Automotive dealers, not elsewhere classified (5599).
18. Automotive repair services (7532 -- 7539).
1:\09 Amend the LDC\2009-Cycie 1\Amendments\DRAFT originals\2.03.03 E. surgical manufacturing (062209),doc
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+eM f:triketnrelJQn if: Gblrrent text te be aeletea
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19. Automotive services (7549).
20. Banks, credit Unions and trusts (6011~6099)
21. Barber shops (7241, except for barber schools).
22. Beauty shops (7231, except for beauty schools)
23. Boat dealers (5551).
24. Bookkeeping services (8721).
25. Bowling centers, indoor (7933).
26. Building cleaning and maintenance services (7349).
27. Building construction--General contractors and operative builders
28. Business associations (8611)
29. Business consulting services (8748).
30. Business credit institutions (6153.6159).
31. Business services (7389~contractors' disbursement, directories.
telephone, recording studios, swimming pool cleaning. and textile
designers only).
32 Cabie and other pay television services (4841) including
communications towers up to specified height, subject to section
33 Carpentry and floor work contractors (1751--1752)
34. Carpet and Upholstery cleaning (7217)
35. Carwashes (7542), provided that carwashes abutting residential
zoning districts shall be subject to section 50511 of this Code.
36. Churches.
37. Civic, social and fraternal associations (8641).
38 Coin.operated laundries and dry cleaning (7215).
39. Coin operated amusement devices, indoor (7993).
40. Commercial art and graphic design (7336).
41 Commercial photography (7335).
1:\09 Amend the LDC\2009-Cycle 1\Amendments\DRAr' T onglnals\203.03 E surgical manufacturing (062209),dOC
I ext underlined IS new text to be added
"j:"~"&trik8tRrEll:J~R..f&.Gl:JrreRt tent lese G1elElteGl
Bold text indicates a defined term
42. Commercial printing (2752, excluding newspapers).
43. Computer programming, data processing and other services
44. Computer and computer software stores (5734).
45. Concrete work (1771).
46. Courts (9211).
47. Credit reporting services (7323)
48. Crematories (7261)
49. Dance studios, schools and halls, IOdoor (7911)
50. Department stores (5311).
51. Detective, guard and armored car service (7381, except armored
car and dog rental).
52. Direct mail advertising services (7331).
53. Disinfecting and pest control services (7342).
54. Drycleaning plants (7216, nonindustrial drycleaning only).
55 Drug stores (5912).
56. Eating and drinking establishments (5812 and 5813) excluding
bottle ciubs All establishments engaged in the retail sale of
aicoholic beverages for on-premise consumption are subject to
the locational requirements of section 5.05.01.
57 Educational plants.
58. Educational services (8221 and 8222)
59 Electrical and electronic repair shops (7622.. 7629)
60. Electrical contractors (1731).
61. Engineering services (8711).
62 Equipment rental and leasing (7359).
63. Essential services, subject to section 201.03.
64. Facilities support management services (8744).
65 Federal and federally-sponsored credit agencies (6111).
1:\09 Amend the LDC\2009-Cycle 1\Amendments\DRAFT originals\20303 E. surgical manufacturing (062209).doc
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~f:trik8thr9blQh if: 81:1H8Rt text t9 se aelated
Bold text indicates a defined term
66 Fire protection (9224).
67 Fishing, commercial (0912--0919)
68 Food stores (groups 5411.5499)
69 Funeral services (7261)
70. Garment pressing, and agents for laundries and drycleaners
71. Gasoline service stations (5541), with services and repairs as
described in section 5.05.05.
72. General merchandise stores (5331--5399)
73 Glass and glazing work (1793).
74. Glass stores (5231)
75. Golf courses, public (7992)
76 Group care facilities (category I and II, except for homeless
shelters); care units, except for homeless shelters; nursing
homes; assisted living facilities pursuant to FS S 400.402 and
ch. 58A-5 FAC.; and continuing care retirement communities
pursuant to FS. S 651 and ch 4.193 FAC.; all subject to section
77. Hardware stores (5251)
78. Health services, offices and clinics (8011.-8049)
79. Health and allied services, miscellaneous (8092--8099).
80. Heating and air-conditioning contractors (1711)
81. Heavy construction equipment rental and leasing (7353).
82 Home furniture and furnishings stores (5712--5719).
83. Home health care services (8082).
84. Hospitals (8062-.8069)
85. Hotels and motels (7011, 7021 and 7041) when located within an
activity center
86. Household appliance stores (5722).
87 Installation or erection of building equipment contractors (1796).
1:\09 Amend the LDC\2009-Cycle 1\Amendments\DRAFT originals\2.03.03 E_ surgical manufacturing (062209) doc
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~ Etrikelhrel.l€lh is GlMront taxt te be aeletea
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88. Insurance carriers, agents and brokers (6311--6399, 6411).
89. Labor unions (8631)
90. Landscape architects, consulting and planning (0781).
91. Laundries and drycleaning, coin operated -. self service (7215)
92. Laundries, family and commercial (7211).
93. Laundry and garment services, miscellaneous (7219).
94. Legal counsel and prosecution (9222)
95. Legal services (8111)
96. Libraries (8231).
97 Loan brokers (6163).
98 Local and suburban transit (4111)
99. Local passenger transportation (4119).
100. Lumber and other building materials dealers (5211).
101. Management services (8741, 8742)
102. Marinas (4493 & 4499 - except canal operation, cargo salvaging,
ship dismantling, lighterage, marine salvaging, marine wrecking,
and steamship leasing), subject to section 50502
103. Masonry, stonework, tile setting and plastering contractors (1741--
104. Medical and dental laboratories (8071 and 8072)
105. Medical equipment rental and leasing (7352).
106. Membership organizations, miscellaneous (8699)
107 Membership sports and recreation clubs, indoor (7997)
108. Mobile home dealers (5271).
109. Mortgage bankers and loan correspondents (6162).
110. Motion picture theaters (7832).
111. Motor freight transportation and warehousing (4225, mini. and
self-storage warehousing only).
(:\09 Amend the LDC\2009-Cycle 1\Amendments\DRAFT originals\2.03.03 E. surgical manufacturing (062209l.doc
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T-e*t-E:trik.etRF9I::lQR iE: I;:I.trFef1t text te ge aalatea
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112. Motor vehicle dealers, new and used (5511, 5521).
113 Motorcycle dealers (5571)
114. Museums and art galleries (8412)
115. Musical instrument stores (5736).
116. Newspapers: Publishing, or publishing and printing (2711)
117. News syndicates (7383)
118. Nursing and professional care facilities (8051.-8059).
119. Outdoor advertising services (7312).
120. Outdoor storage yards, provided that the yard is located no closer
than twenty-five (25) feet to any public street and that such yard
shall be completely enclosed, except for necessary ingress and
egress, pursuant to section 4.02.12. This provision shall not be
construed to allow, as permitted or accessory use, wrecking
yards, junkyards, or yards used in whole or part for scrap or
salvage operations or for processing, storage, display, or sales of
any scrap, salvage, or secondhand building materials, junk
automotive vehicles, or secondhand automotive vehicle parts.
121. Paint stores (5231).
122 Painting and paper hanging (1721).
123. Passenger car leasing (7515)
124. Passenger car rental (7514)
125. Passenger transportation arrangement (4729).
126. Periodicals: Publishing or publishing and printing (2721)
127. Personal credit institutions (6141).
128. Personal services, miscellaneous (7299).
129. Personnei supply services (7361 & 7363)
130. Photocopying and duplicating services (7334)
131. Photofinishing laboratories (7384)
132. Photographic studios, portrait (7221).
133. Physical fitness facilities (7991)
1:\09 Amend the LDC\2009-Cycle 1\Amendments\ORAFT originals\2 0303 F surgical manufacturing (062209).doc
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+8)(t e:trik8tAraugA ie: t:lm9Rt t9Xt t9 B9 9919t89
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134. Plumbing contractors (1711).
135. Police protection (9221).
136. Political organizations (8651).
137. Professional membership organizations (8621).
138. Professional sports clubs and promoters, indoor (7941).
139. Public administration (groups 9111--9199, 9229, 9311, 9411.-
140. Public or private parks and playgrounds.
141. Public order and safety (9229).
142 Public relations services (8743)
143. Radio, television and consumer eiectronics stores (5731).
144. Radio, television and publishers advertising representatives
145. Radio and television broadcasting stations (4832 & 4833).
146. Real Estate (6512, 6531.-6552).
147 Record and prerecorded tape stores (5735).
148. Recreational vehicle dealers (5561).
149. Religious organizations (8661).
150. Repair shops and services, not elsewhere ciassified (7699).
151. Research, development and testing serVices (8731--8734)
152 Retail. miscellaneous (5921--5963,5992--5999)
153. Retail nurseries, lawn and garden supply stores (5261).
154. Reupholstery and furniture repair (7641).
155. Roofing, siding and sheet metal work contractors (1761).
156. Secretarial and court reporting services (7338).
157. Security and commodity brokers, dealer, exchanges and services
1:\09 Amend the LDC\2009-Cycle 1\Amendmenls\DRAFT originals\2.03.03 E surgical manufacturing (062209l.doc
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relet &trikathrablgh i& f;:urreFlt text 113 be de181e9.
Bold text indicates a defined term
158. Security systems services (7382).
159. Shoe repair shops and shoeshine parlors (7251).
160 Social services, Individual and family (8322..8399, except
homeless shelters and soup kitchens).
161 Special trade contractors, not elsewhere classified (1799).
162. Structural steel erection contractors (1791).
163. Surqical and Medical Instruments and Apparatus (3841).
~164. Surveying services (8713).
U4-165. Tax return preparation services (7291).
~166. Taxicabs (4121).
-M&-167. Telegraph and other message communications (4822)
Including communications towers up to specified height, subject
to section 5 05 09
4-iJ.7.., 168. Telephone communications (4812 and 4813) including
communications towers up to specified height, subject to
section 50509
~ 169. Theatricai producers and miscellaneous theatrical services,
indoor (7922--7929, including bands, orchestras and
entertainers; except motion picture).
4690-170. Tour operators (4725).
4+(},.171 Travel agencies (4724).
+1+ 172. Truck rental and leasing, without drivers (7513)
~173. United State Postal Service (4311, except major distribution
4+3,174 Reupholstery and furniture repair (7641).
4-l+ 175. Utility trailer and recreational vehicle rental (7519).
~ 176. Veterinary services (0741 & 0742, excluding outside
-1+fJ.c 177 Videotape rental (7841)
:f.+l.-178. Vocational schools (8243-.8299).
-1+fJ.c179. Wallpaper stores (5231).
1:\09 Amend the LDC\2009-Cycie 1\Amendments\DRAFT originals\2.0303 E. surgical manufacturing (062209).doc
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Tel(\ strikethreu9h iE GlolrreAt tel(t te ee EleleteEl
Bold text indicates a defined term
~180. Watch, clock and jewelry repair (7631).
-WG,181 Water well driiling (1781).
~ 182. Weiding repair (7692).
4-IQ., 183. Any use which was permissible under the prior General Retail
Commercial (GRC) zoning district, as Identified by Zoning
Ordinance adopted October 8, 1974, and which was lawfully
existing prior to the adoption of this Code.
~184 Any other commercial use or professional services which is
comparable in nature with the foregoing uses including those
that exclusively serve the administrative as opposed to the
operational functions of a business and are purely associated
with activities conducted in an office
-UJ4.185. Any other commercial or professional use which is comparable
in nature with the (C.1) list of permitted uses and consistent
with the purpose and intent statement of the district as
determined by the board of zoning appeals pursuant to section
1:\09 Amend the LDC\2009-Cycle 1\Amendments\DRAFT originals\2 03_03 c_ surgical manufacturing (062209),doc
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Text Elrikstt:JrS\:ISlA if: Gl:lrreAI tSllt te ee 61elsle6l.
Bold text indicates a defined lerm
1 LDC Amendment ReQuest
5 ORIGIN: Private Petition (LDCA-2009-AR-14280)
6 Immokalee CRA - through contraet with R W A. Inc.
8 AUTHOR: Robert J. Mulhere, AICI', R W A, Inc.
10 DEPARTMENT: Immokalee CRA
12 AMENDMENT CYCU~: 2009-1 Cycle
14 LDC PAGE: LDC 2:40.3
16 LDC SECTION(S): Seetion 2.03.07 G Immokalee Overlay
18 CHANGE: The proposed Amendment ereates an interim process ailowing for
19 deviations from various existing LDC provisions for properties located within the
20 Immokalee Urban Area. The purpose of Section 2.03.07 G. Immokalee Overlay is "Ii)
21 create the Immokalee Overlay Distriel wilh di.I'lind suhdislriels fi" lhe purpose oj
22 e.l'labli.l'hing developmenl crilerw, suilahle for the umque land IIse needs oj lhe
23 Immolwlee Communilv "
25 Presently, substantiai amendments to the lAMP are being developed with speciilc Goais.
26 Objectives and Polices to fulflilthis purpose. Once such amendments have been adopted
27 by the Board of County Commissioners. comprehensive immokalee-centered and lAMP-
28 based LDC amendments wiil be developed for inciusion in this Seetion ofthe LDC. It is
29 anticipated that this process wiiltake approximateiy 24 months from October of 2008 to
30 eomplete. Therefore. it has been determined that it is appropriate to establish an interim
31 proeess to ailow for deviations from various LDC provisions tilr properties being
32 improved within the Immokalee Overiay Distriet. This Section is interim in naturc in
33 that it wiil be in effect for 24 months from the date of adoption of this amendment and
34 wiil be eliminated once the comprehensive Immokalee Overlay LDC amendments have
35 been adopted. A further extension of this interim deviation process may be granted by
36 the BCC if sueh extension is warranted. This Section addresses the speciiic permissible
37 deviations, limitations thereon. and the review and approvai process. This interim
38 amendment will establish a process that wiil allow for deviations from the various LDC
39 provisions within the existing Immokalee Urban Designated Area. The deviations wiil be
40 administratively reviewed and approved if they fail under certain thresholds, or otherwise
41 wiil require a public hearing before the CCI'c. The deviations are limited to specifle
42 LDC provisions, and specific evaiuative criteria have been established. Ultimately, in
43 conjunction with the forthcoming lAMP Amendments, it is anticipated that the dcviation
44 proeess wiil either be refined or specifiC land development regulations (LDRs) iilr
45 Immokalee wiil be adopted to reduee or eliminate the need for the deviation process.
1:\09 Amend the LOC\2009-Cycle 1\Amendments\ORAFT originals\2.Q307 G Immokalee Overlay doc
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.+aA striketRrGll;l€lR is E:UrreRt~b9-4&Ieted-,
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REASON: The Immokalee eRA Advisory Board and the IMI'VC advocates the creation
of Immokalee-specifie LDRs, whieh will be different from those appiicable in Coastal
Collier County. They will be eonsistent with and further the Goals, Objectives and
Policies of the lAMP and the CRA Redevelopment Plan. The primary Goai is expressed
in the eurrent draft lAMP as follows:
Encourage future growth in Immokalee that will promote economic diversity and
prosperity, while providing adequate infrastructure and services, protecting important
natural resources, Ilnd promoting the crelltion ol sllle, IlfjiJrdllble hOllsing, The design
of new development Ilnd the complltibility of Illnd uses will be importllnt considerlltions
in protecting Ilnd enhllncing qUlllity ollife in the community.
Given that this Goal recognizes the importance of design as it reiates to new development
and compatibility of land uses as essential considerations in protecting and enhancing the
quality of life in Immokalee, this interim deviation process has been deveiopcd to be
limited in its appiieability and to require full consideration of the Cllmpatibiiity issue
associated with any deviation request.
This LDC amendment wiii have a fiscai impact on the Counl\ in that Communlly
Development and Environmental Services (CDLS) stan' time and resources are required
to review and process deviation requests. Given the narrow IclCus of the proposed interim
deviation process, impaets to other County departments or independent districts should
be minimal. Since CDES is, in large part, funded through user fees. it is anticipated that
an appropriate fee will be established for the dev iation process.
It is anticipated that deviations will be requested on average 10 to 15 times per year.
Deviation requests should be simple and straightforward in nature. Given that the
deviation request(s) wiii be submitted in conjunction with an SIP, SDI', SDI'
Amendment, Insubstantial Change to an SDI' or SIP. or Finai Subdivision Plat. it is
antieipated that:
No additionai proeessing time (including tile set up. assignment. distribution,
eorrespondenee. and advcrtising) shouid be necessary.
Another maximum of 10 hours for actuai stan. review at an average hourly rate of
$36.00 plus a 40% factor lor overhead (and other non-salary expenses) equals an
hourly eost estimate of $50.40 ic)r a total estimate of $504.00: and
Certainly CDES staff can conduct a more exact time anaiysis and make a final
recommendation for an appropriate fee; however. based upon this preliminary estimate,
the time commitment and cost to handle such a petition would total 10 hours and a cost of
about $500 (per application). Conservatively, assuming that i 5 such petitions are
submitted per year, the time impact lm statfwouid be minimai (0.(17 FTF).
1:\09 Amend the LDC\2009-Cycle 1\Amendments\DRAFT originals\2.0307 G Immok.alee Overlay_doc
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~1~ikethr9I.lgh is GblrreAt text te 89 eeletae
Bold text indicates a defined term
94 GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN IMPACT: This LDC amendment is eonsistent
95 with the Collier County GMP (including the lAMP).
100 Amend the LDC as follows:
103 2.03.07 Overlay Zoning Districts
105 G. Immokalee Urban Overlay District. To create the Immokalee Urban Overlay District
106 with distinct subdistricts for the purpose of establishing development criteria suitable
107 for the unique land use needs of the Immokaiee Community. The boundaries of the
108 Immokalee Urban Overlay District are delineated on the Maps -i below.
110 [Replace Existing Immokaiee Overlay Map with the following two maps:]
1:\09 Amend the LDC\2009-Cycle 1\Amendments\DRAFT originals\203.Q7 G Immokalee Overlay.doc
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Text EtrikettHebl€lR it: (;llH8Flt text te l3e flelete€l
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1:\09 Amend the LDC\2009-Cycle 1\Amendments\DRAFT originals\2.03.Q7 G Immokalee Overlay.doc
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+.eMt.-slriketRrSI,;I€lA is surreRI text Is Be r::Ieleler::l
Bold lexl indicates a defined term
RMF .vC.4 VR C-5-;',
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'ffl } fl:MF(I MH
. ,
117 .1. Interim Deviations: This section addresses the specific permissible deviations,
118 limitations thereon, and the review and approval process. This interim deviation
119 process is not intended to replace the current established process of reauestina
120 deviations from various LDC site desian and development standards throuah the
121 PUD or PUD amendment rezonina process, but rather it applies to individual
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properties in the Immokalee Urban Overlav District seekino a deviation or
deviations from the followino LDC Sections and Subsections:
3.05.07.B.1 Preservation Standards, Specific Standards ADolicable
Outside the RFMU and RLSA districts Reouired Preservation
Percentaoes (Table Inset)
4.02.01.A Dimensional Standards for Principal Uses in Base Zonino
Districts: Table 1. Lot Desion Reouirements for Principle Uses in Base
Zonino Districts: Table 2. Buildino Dimension Standards for Principle
Uses in Base Zonmo Districts, excludino buildino heioht Table 2.1 - Table
Of Minimum Yard Reouirements (Setbacks) for Base Zonino Districts
4.02.01.B.1 Usable open space (reSidential)
4.02.01.B.2 Usable open space (commercial, industrial, mixed-use)
4.02,02 DimensiDnal Standards for Conditional Uses and Accessorv Uses
in Base Zonino Districts. limited to the followino subsections: B 1a.(i) and
(Ii): E (Table Inset). F G.1f, 0 and h, H.2a and b J4: and K.1.b.
4,02.03.A Specific Standards for Location of Accessory Buildinos and
Structures, Dimensional Standards (Tables 3 and 4)
4.02,03.8 Accessory Buildino Lot Coveraoe
4.02.27.C Specific Desion Standards for the Immokalee--State Road 29A
Commercial Overlav Subdistrict, Buildino Desion Standards
4.02.28.A Same--Jefferson Avenue Commercial Overlav Subdistrict,
Buildino Desion Standards
4.02.29.A Same--Farm Market Overiav Subdistrict. Dimensional
4.02.32. Same--Main Street Overlav Subdistrict. limited to the followino
subsections: A.: C.1: D.3 and D4: and E.1, E,2, and E.3.
4.05.04,G Table 17: Parkino Space Reouirements
4.05.06,B Loadino Space Reouirements (Number Reouired)
40602.C Buffer Reouirements (Limited to reouired width and re~uired
4,06.03.B Landscapino Reouirements for Vehicular Use Areas and
Riohts-of-Wav Standards for Landscapino in Vehicular Use Areas
4.06.05.B Generai Landscapino Reouirements Landscapino
reouirements for industrial and commercial development, limited to
subsection B.3
4.06.05.C General Landscapino Reouirements, Buildino Foundation
Plantino Reouirements (lncludino Table Inset)
5,03.02.E Fences and Walls Commercial and Industrial Districts
5.05.05.B Automobile Service Stations (Table of site desion
5.05.05,D Automobile Service Stations (Iandscaplno reouirements)
5.05,08,C Architectural and Site Desion Standards, Buildino Desion
5,05.08D Desion Standards for Specific Uses
5,05.08.E Architectural and Site Desion Standards Site Desion
Standards limited to subsections 1.b' 2' 3' 4 5 and 7.
5,06.02 Permitted Sions limited to subsections 6.b and c: 7.b:
5.06.04 Sion Standards for Specific Situations limited to subsection C
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a. Duration: This Section is interim in nature in that it will be in effect for 24
months from the date of adoption of this amendment and will be eliminated
once the comprehensive Immokalee Overlav LDC amendments have been
adopted. A further extension of this interim deviation process mav be oranted
bv the BCC is such extension is warranted.
b. Insubstantial Deviations: Requested deviations shall be considered
insubstantial and shall be approved bv staff In coniunction with the
associated application for Final Local Development Order. or as a separate
appiication sublect to the followlOq:
I. The requested deviations do not exceed a difference of qreater than
20% from the required dimension. amount. size. or other applicable
standard, with the exception of required number of parkinq spaces,
which mav exceed a difference UP to one-third of the LDC
11. Deviations from the limitations on exterior buildino colors and
architectural desion stvle. as set forth in Subsection 5.05.08,
Architectural and Site Desiqn Standards, mav be qranted
iii. Concurrent Deviation Application. When requested concurrent with
the application for an SDP, SDP Amendment SIP, SIP Amendment,
Final Subdivision Plat or other Final Local Development Order
process the applicant shaH list all deviations on the required site,
buildinq construction plan. or other applicable exhibit and shall also,
where appropriate. depict the deviation(s) oraphlcallv on such plans
or exhibits. Additional qraphlc information includinq scaled detailed
drawinqs or aerial photos mav be required bv staff. on a case-bv case
basis. The need for this additional information shall be determined at
the pre-application meetinq.
iv. Separate Deviation Application. If a deviation is reQuested outside of
the SDP, SIP, or Amendments thereto, Final Subdivision Plat, or other
Final Local Development Order process, the followinq must be
submitted for staff review and approval
(a) A scaled drawlOo or drawinqs 24 x 36 inches In size. with
one 8.5 bv 11 inch drawinq providinq and/or depictinq:
(1) Zoninq desionation of the subiect propertv
(2) Leqal Description alonq with the total site acreaqe;
(3) All existinq improvements; and
(4) The exact nature and dimension of anv requested
(b) A narrative description of the deviation(s) requested, and
how the requested deviation(s) meets the intent of the
criteria set forth in ciii.(a) and c.iii.(b), below:
(c) Where deviations are requested from dimensional
standards for existinq structures, staff mav require a siqned
and sealed boundary or special purpose suryev prepared
by a survevor licensed to practice 10 the State of Florida to
ascertain or verify existinq conditions'
(d) The most recent available aenal of the site, and
(e) The appropriate fee as established bv the Board of Countv
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c. Substantial Deviations: Requested deviations exceedinq the limitations set
forth above in paraqraphs b.i. and b. ii., shall be deemed to be substantial in
nature and shall be considered and approved, approved with conditions. or
denied, bv the CCPC. subiect to the foliowinq submittal requirements,
considerations and public notice provisions:
i. Concurrent Deviation Application: In the case of a substantial
deviation requested in coniunction with the submittal of the required
application for SDP, SDP Amendment. SIP. SIP Amendment. Final
Subdivision Plat or other applicable Final Local Development Order
the applicant shall provide ail of the information required in b.iii above,
and shall also submit a narrative statement providinq a rationale for
each deviation addressinq the considerations for review and approval
set forth in paraqraph c.iii, below
ii. Separate Deviation Application. In the case of a substantial deviation
requested outside of the SDP, SDP Amendment, SIP, SIP
Amendment, Flnai SubdiVISion Piat, or other Final Local Development
Order process, the applicant shall provide the same information as
required under biv above, and address all considerations listed
under c.iii below.
iii. Considerations for Review and Approval: The CCPC shall consider
the followinq. as mav be applicable in makinq a recommendation for
denial, approval. or approval with conditions:
(a) Whether or not the requested deviation is compatible with
adiacent land uses.
(b) Whether the deviation is the minimum amount necessary to
allow for reasonable use of the propertv and/or address the
issue necessitatinq the deviation request.
(c) Whether the reduced or increased standard requested bv
the deviation is mitiqated for, either on the subiect site or bv
provldinq a public benefit within one-quarter (1/4) mile of the
subiect site and within the Immokalee Urban Area. Examples
Include increasinq the setback for a larqer siqn. increasinq
plantinqs or plantlnq sizes within a reduced buffer width
installinq a fence or wall, acceptinq stormwater from a public
nqht-of-wav providinq public pedestrian and/or bicvcle
pathwav easements providinq transit enhancements, public
parkinq beautification In the public realm. Includinq street
trees street furniture liqhtinq and other similar public
(d) Whether the deviation IS requested In support of a proiect
providinq housinq to meet identified houslnq need; new or
expanded business in industries tarqeted bv the Economic
Development Council of Coilier Countv or the Immokalee
Communitv Redevelopment Aqencv; or development of new,
or redevelopment or improvements to existinq commercial
structures in the Immokalee Enterprise Zone.
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iv. Public Notice. In the case of a substantial deviation public notice for
the CCPC hearinQ will complv with the applicable portions of Section, specificallv notinQ the location of the propertv and the
requested substantial deviatlon(s) The notice required in Section
1003058.8 shall include:
(a) a list of the requested substantial deviations
(b) a brief narrative iustification for such deviation(s) and
(c) a copv of the site plan or exhibit (in 11 bv 17 inch or 8.5 bv 11
inch format) listinQ and depictinQ the location of said
d. Appeals. Within thirtv davs of the issuance of the decision of staff or of the
CCPC, the owner or his authorized attornev or aQent mav appeal the decision
to the 80ard of Countv Commissioners. A fee for the appiication and
processinQ of an owner-initiated appeal shall be established at a rate set bv
the 80ard of Countv Commissioners from time to time and shall be charQed
to and paid bv the owner or his authorized aQent. The 80ard of Countv
Commissioners shali approve the deviation request. with or without
conditions. or denv the deviation request.
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LDC Amendment ReQuest
ORIGIN: Vanderbilt Beach Resident's Association
AUTHOR: Patrick G. White, Esq., Porter, Wright
LDC2:69 through LDC2:73
LDC SECTION(S): 2.03.07. Overlay Zoning Districts
CHANGE: To modify land development regulations to clarify existing provisions to
achieve intent of the Vanderbilt Beach Residential Tourist Overlay.
REASON: To address impacts from reeent, unanticipated development within the
overlay district and adjacent waters.
OTHER NOTES/VERSION DATE: (030509-1005). Reformatted 7/24/09
Amend the LDC as follows:
Sec. 2.03.07. Overlay Zoning Districts
1< 1< 1< 1< 1< 1<
L. Vanderbilt Beach Residential Tourist Overlay Zoning District (VBRTO)
1. Purpose and intent The purpose and intent of this district is to encourage
development and redevelopment of the Vanderbilt Beach area to be sensitive to
the scale, compatibility, and sense of place that exists in the Vanderbilt Beach
area. This district is intended to: establish development standards and
procedures, which will protect view corridors, light, and air movements between
the Gulf of Mexico and the Vanderbilt Lagoon, and prevent the creation of a
canyon-like effect on each side of the narrow Gulfshore Drive riqht-of wav, and
assure reasonable use and access to Vanderbiit Laqoon.
2. Applicabifity These regulations and procedures shall apply to all development or
redevelopment within the Vanderbilt Beach Residential Tourist Overlay District as
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TEIJII slril'stAra\;l!JR if: E:lolrrSFlI tSllt 19 BS 9s18189
Bold lext indicates a defined lerm
identified on VBRTO Map VBRTO-1 and further identified by the designation
"VBRTO" on the applicable official Collier County zoning atlas maps. Except as
provided in this section of the code, all other uses, dimensional. and
development requirements shall be as required or allowed in the applicable
underlying zoning district
3. Geographic boundanes.' The boundaries of the Vanderbilt Beach Residential
Tourist Overlay District are delineated on Map VBRTO-1 below.
. ~) '<<"l
--- ~~~-~~~,,;--:.~.:..,.. .......'~....
4. Figures The figures (1-4) used in this section are solely intended to provide a
graphic example of conditions that will protect view corridors, light and air
movements between the Gulf of Mexico and the Vanderbilt Lagoon and not as
requirements for the style of specific projects Variations from these figures.
which nonetheiess adhere to the provisions of thiS section, are permitted. The
Community Character Plan For Collier County Flonda (April 2001) should be
referenced as a guide for future development and redevelopment in the overlay
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5. Development critena. The following standards and procedures shall apply to the
development or redevelopment of all uses in this overlay district
a. Permitted uses
i. Hotels and motels.
ii Multiple-family dwellings.
iii Family care facilities, subject to section 5.05.04.
IV. Timeshare facilities.
b. Uses accessory to permitted uses.
i. Uses and structures that are accessory and incidental to the uses
permitted as of right in the Vanderbilt Beach Residential Tourist
Overiay District (VBRTO).
ii Shops, personal service estabiishments, eating or drinking
estabiishments, dancing and staged entertainment facilities, and
meeting rooms and auditoriums where such uses are an integral
part of a hotel or a motel and to be used by the patrons of the
iii. Private docks and boathouses, except as specified in c., below,
and subject to sections 5.03.06 and 5.05.02, so lonq as notice is
provided for as reqUired in d.. below. for all multi-slip dockinq
faciiities , with or without a boathouse.
iv. Recreationai facilities that serve as an integral part of the
permitted use designated on a site development plan or
preliminary subdivision plat that has been previousiy reviewed and
approved which may include, but are not limited to: golf course
clubhouse, community center building and tennis facilities, parks,
playgrounds and playfields
c. Conditional uses. The following uses are permitted as conditionai uses in
the Vanderbiit Beach Residential Tourist Overlay District (VBRTO),
subject to the standards and procedures established in section 10.08.00
i. Churches and other places of worship
ii. Marinas, subject to section 5.0502
Iii Noncommercial boat launching facilities and multi-slip dockinq
facilities for qreater than 10 slips, subject to the appiicable review
criteria set forth in sectionl; 5.03.06 and 5.05.02.
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iv. Group care facilities (category I and II); care units; nursing homes;
assisted living facilities pursuant to S 400.402 F.S. and ch. 58A-5
FAC; and continuing care retirement communities pursuant to S
651 F.S and ch. 4-193 FAC.; all subject to section 50504
iv. Private clubs.
vi. Yacht clubs
d. Site improvement plans and site development plans. In addition to
the requirements of section 10.02.03. B., upon anv site improvement or
development plan application pertaininq in part or whole to the VBRTO
beinq deemed complete, notice of the submission of that application will
be provided bv mail to all propertv owners within 500 feet of the lands
comprisinq the boundary of such application and to the Vanderbilt Beach
Resident's Association or its successor or assiqn. The notice must
include a brief svnopsis of what the application requests and be prepared
bv the applicant. who is also responsible to document and provide
evidence of mailinq of the notice to all required propertv owners as a
condition of staffs review comments of the initial submittal beinq
considered complete and available for transmittal to the applicant.
6. Dimensional standards. The following dimensional standards shall apply to all
permitted, accessory, and conditional uses in the Vanderbilt Beach Residential
Tourist Overlay District (VBRTO)
a. Minimum lot area. One contiguous acre, not bisected by a public right-of-
b. Mmlmum lot width 150 feet
c. Mmimum yard requirements Are as follows, except that for all buildinqs
whether desiqnated as principal or accessory. the provisions of section
4.02.01. D 4. throuqh 8.. and 10., wili not be applicable
i. Front yard: one-half the zoned building height with a minimum of
30 feet.
ii. Side yards: one-half the zoned building height with a minimum of
15 feet.
iii. Rear yard: one-half the zoned bUilding height with a minimum of
30 feet.
d. Maximum height. 75 feet. The height of the building Will be measured
according to the standards in section 1.08.00 of the Code, based on,
bllilEling, actllal height ~-aOO bllilEling, zoned buildinq height-ef.
e. MaXimum density permitted A maximum of 26 units per acre for hotels
and motels, and 16 Units per acre for timeshares, multifamily, family
care facilities.
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f. Distance between structures. The minimum horizontal distance
separation between any two principal or accessorv buildings on the
same parcel of land may not be less than a distance equai to 15 feet or
one-half of the sum of their actual heights, whichever is greater, except
that for all buiidinqs. the provisions of section 4.02.01. D. 4. throuqh 8..
and 10., will not be appiicable, and otherwise f~or accessory buildings
and structures dimensional criteria, see section 4.02.9"1-03, except that in
the event of anv conflict between these provisions, the more restrictive
will applv
g. Floor area requirements.
i. Three hundred (300) square foot minimum with a five hundred
(500) square foot maximum for hotels and motels, except that
twenty percent (20%) of the total units may exceed the maximum.
ii. Timeshare/multifamiiy minimum area: effiCiency (450 square
feet), one bedroom (600 square feet), and two or more bedrooms
(750 square feet)
h. Maximum lot area coverage (Reserved.)
7. Preservation of view cOrr/dors, light and air movements between the Gulf of
Mexico and the Vanderbilt Lagoon.
a. Figures 1--4, while not requirements, depict desired building relationships
and view plane/angle of vision examples. Figures used in this section are
solely intended to provide a graphic example of conditions that will protect
view corridors, light and air movements between the Gulf of Mexico and
the Vanderbilt Lagoon and not as requirements for the style of specific
projects Variations from these figures, which nonetheless adhere to the
provisions of this section, are permitted.
8 Off- street parking and off. street loading. As required in Chapter 4 of this Code.
9. Landscaping requirements As required in Chapter 4 of this Code.
10. Signs. As required in section 506 00 of this Code.
11. Coastal Construction Setback Lines (CCSL) As required in Chapter 10 of this
12. Post-Disaster Recovery And Reconstruct/on Management As required in the
Code of Laws of Collier County
13. Vested Rights All projects within the Overlay District for which completed
applications for rezoning. conditional use, variance, subdivision, site
improvement or development plan. or plat approval were filed with or approved
by Collier County prior to the adoption date of the moratorium January 9, 2092,
these VBRTO provisions am:! ~tJb~e~tJeAt amendment~ te LDC (moratorium
pro'/i~ieA~ have expired), shall be subject to the zoning regulations for this
Residential Tourist Zoning District in effect at the time the application was
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deemed to be complete or at the time the application was approved and or not
subject to the Vanderbilt Beach Residential Tourist Zoning Overlay regulations.
All such applications submitted thereafter are subiect to the VBRTO provisions in
effect at the time the application was deemed to be complete. For purposes of
this provision, the term "completed application" shall mean any application wfHeR
that has been deemed sufficient by fll(lRning services ~t(lff and has been
assigned an appiication request number bv the countv manaqer or his desiqnee.
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LOC Section 2.03.07 (L)(7)(a)
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LDC Section 2.03.07 (L)(7)(a)
. I
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+&:lH f:trikstt-Jre<l€lh iE t:lnsRt hmt te Be Elelstsd.
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LDC Section 2.0307 (L)(7)(a)
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LDC Section 2.0307 (L)(7)(a)
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Building Rehabilitation
LSC 101, Chapter 43,2006 Edition
(Form contains 5 pages)
To provide the Fire prevention Bureau, Construction Industry, and Building
Owners/Representatives with a simplified system for determining the extent of
rehabilitative work required within a building.
The Florida Fire Prevention Code, 2007 Edition, requires any building undergoing repair,
renovation or modification, to comply with both the applicable existing occupancy
chapter (Life Safety Code, Chapters 13,15,17,19,21,23,24,26,29,31,33,37,39,40,& 42,
2006 Edition),
The Florida Fire Prevention Code, 2007 Edition, requires any building undergoing repair,
renovation or modification, to comply with the requirements of the Building
rehabilitation chapter of the Life Safety Code, Chapter 43,2006 Edition.
Repair: The patching, restoration, or painting of materials, elements, equipment, or
fixtures for the purpose of maintaining them.
Renovation: the replacement or strengthening of load-bearing elements, or the
refinishing, replacement, bracing, strengthening, or upgrading of existing elements,
equipment, or fixtures without reconfiguration of the space.
Modification: the reconfiguration of any space: the addition, relocation, or elimination of
any door or window: the addition or elimination of load-bearing elements: the addition or
elimination of load-bearing elements: the reconfiguration or extension of any system: or
the installation of any additional equipment.
Reconstruction: the reconfiguration of any space that affects an exit or a corridor shared
by more than one tenant: or reconfiguration of a space such that the rehabilitation work
area is not permitted to be occupied because existing means of egress and fire protection
systems are not in place or continuously maintained.
Change of Use: a change in the purpose or level of activity within a structure that
involves a change in application of the Code.
- 2-
Change of Occupancy: Change of occupancy classification of a structure or portion of a
Technically Infeasible: a change to a building that has little likelihood of being
accomplished because of existing structural conditions require the removal or alteration
of a load-bearing member that is an essential part of the structural frame, or because other
existing constraints prohibit it.
Rehabilitation Area: The portion of the building affected by any renovation,
modification, or reconstruction work. This is the area indicated on the permit.
I) The following building appraisal must be filled out and signed by the Permit
Applicant and/or Building owner.
2) Copies of current fire alarm and fire sprinkler inspection reports (if applicable)
must be current and provided to the NNFD Fire Marshal.
3) The Fire Marshal will review the submitted appraisal and conduct a survey ofthe
building where proposed rehabilitation work is to be conducted. The survey will
include life safety conditions of both the building and fire protection systems to
insure compliance to the applicable occupancy chapter of The Florida Fire
Prevention Code, 2007 Edition.
4) The survey conducted by the Fire Department is considered a fire safety
assessment specifically for the purpose of determining AHJ requirements for the
extent of the rehabilitation work. It is not a scheduled building fire inspection or
plan review conducted for the purpose of identifying all life safety issues.
5) Once survey is conducted, a copy will be returned to the building owner for
submission to the Collier County Fire Code Office.
- 3 -
Name of Owner/ Owner Representative:
Business Name:
Property Address:
Occupancy type:
(as defined in FFPC: 101,2006 edition, Chapter 3-
Occupancy chapter:
(as referenced in FFPC: 101,2006 edition)
· For Existing Apartment Occupancies (Chapter 31)
Option 1: Option 2: Option 3:
· For Existing Mercantile Occupancies (Chapter 37)
Class A: Class B: Class C:
· For Existing Industrial Occupancies (Chapter 40)
General: Special Purpose: High Hazard:
· For Existing Storage Occupancies (Chapter 42)
Low Hazard: Ordinary Hazard:
High Hazard:
Occupancy load: (show occupant load calculation breakdown using
FFPC: 101,2006 edition, Table - Occupant Load Faetors)
Number of Stories:
Building Height:
Square Footage
(Per floor and building total).
Est. Sq Ft of the Rehabilitation Area:
% floor
% bldg
Sq. Ft. of Total Building:
Number of floors:
Change of Occupancy: Y N
Change of Use? Y N
-4 -
Scope of Work effect will include:
.(' Fire sprinkler: Y N
.(' Emergency egress paths:
.(' Fire alarm:
.(' Fire separations?
.(' Provide copies of current fire alarm and fire sprinkler inspection reports
Brief Description of the Scope of Work within the Rehabilitation Area:
Signature of Owner/Representative:
Signature of Contractor:
- 5-
{Fire Marshal to initial appropriate box.}
[ I
Upon completion, the rehabilitation area of the building undergoing repair, renovation or
modification shall comply with both the applicable existing oeeupancy chapter of the Life Safety
Code, and the requirements of the Building rehabilitation chapter of the Life Safety Code,
Chapter 43, with the exception of:
[ ]
Upon eompletion, the rehabilitation area of the building undergoing repair, renovation or
modification onlv to comply with both the applicable existing occupancy ehapter of the Safely
Code, and the requirements of the Building rehabilitation chapter of the Life Safety Code,
Chapter 43.
[ ]
Upon completion, the rehabilitation area undergoing repair, renovation or modification, as well as
the entire buildim! area outside the rehabilitation area, fire alarm, and sprinkler systems are to
comply with both the applicable existing occupancy chapter of the Life Safety Code, and the
requirements of the Building rehabilitation chapter of the Life Safely Code, Chapter 43.
[ ]
Upon completion, the rehabilitation area ofthe building undergoing repair, renovation or
modification, and portions as well as the (ollowinl! portions o(the buildinl! area outside the
rehabilitation area to comply with both the applicable existing oceupancy chapter of the Life
Safety Code, and the requirements of the Building rehabilitation chapter ofthe Life Safety Code,
Chapter 43.
AHJ Specific Requirements:
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LDC Amendment ReQuest
ORIGIN: Community Development & Environmental Services Division
AUTHOR: Stan Chrzanowski, Manager - Engineering Review Services
Engineering and Environmental Services
LDC SECTION(S): 4.05.02 M Design Standards
(Typical Off-Street Parking Design - Exhibit A)
CHANGE: Replace current graphic/exhibit with one containing greater detail
REASON: Clarity
Amend the LDC as follows:
4,05.02 Desig n Standards
M. Each parking space shall be a minimum of nine (9) feet by eighteen (18) feet in size or
sixteen (16) feet in depth measured from the aisle width to the face of the wheei stop except in
the case of parallel parking where the dimension of the space shall be nine (9) feet by lwenty-
three (23) feet foe spaces running parallel to the driveway which affords access to said spaces.
As an alternative, nine (9) feet by eighteen (18) feet spaces may be used in which case there
must be a six (6) foor marked clear zone space in front of or in back of every space. See
Exhibit "A" for typical off-street parking design. All parking spaces for the exclusive use of
compact vehicles indicated on an approved site development plan, and any subsequent
amendments thereto, shall be counted as standard parking spaces.
(Ord. No. 04-72, S 3.M)
1:\09 Amend the LDC\2009~Cycle 1\Amendments\DRAFT originals\4.05.02 Typical Off~Street Parking Design __ Exhibit Adoc
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1:\09 Amend the LDC\2009-Cycle 1\Amendments\DRAFT originals\4.0S.02 Typical Off-Street Parking Design.. Exhibit Adoc
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LDC Amendment ReQuest
AUTHOR: John Kelly, Planner
DEPARTMENT: Zoning & Land Development Review
LDC SECTION(S}: S.OS.OS Automobile Service Stations
CHANGE: Stipulate that the minimum yard requirements (setbacks), as provided within
the table of site design requirements, applies to all structures -- principal and accessory.
REASON: Scrivener's error. During re-codification of the LDC, language pertaining
to said regulation was inadvertently omitted.
Amend the LDC as follows:
5.05.05 Automobile Service Stations
A. The purpose of this section is to ensure that automobile service stations do not
adversely impact adjacent iand uses, especially residential land uses. The high
ieveis of traffic, glare, and intensity of use associated with service stations,
particularly those open twenty-four (24) hours, may be incompatible with
surrounding uses, especially residential uses. Therefore, in the interest of
protecting the health, safety, and general welfare of the public, the following
regulations shall apply to the location, layout, drainage. operation, landscaping,
parking, and permitted sales and service activities of automobiie service stations.
B. Table of site design requirements:
1:\09 Amend the LDC\2009-Cycfe 1\Amendments'DRAFT origlnals\5.05.05 8 Automobile Service Stations (062509).doc
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~inimum lot area (sq. ft.) 30,000
~inimum lot width (ft.) ISO
~inimum lot depth (ft.) 180
~eparation from adjacent automobile service stations (ft.) (based on 500
~istance between nearest points)
~inimum setbacks, all structures:
Front yard SO
~ide yard 40
Rear yard 40
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LDC Amendment ReQuest
ORIGIN: CDES--Deferred from 2008 Cycle I.
AUTHOR: Stephen Lenberger, Senior Environmental Speeialist
DEPARTMENT: Engineering and Environmental Services Department
LDC SECTION(S): 10.02.06 Submittal Requirements for Permits
CHANGE: Change the requirement for annual vehicle on the beach permits to a one
time permit (vehicle registration), except for vehicles associated with construction,
beach nourishment and inlet maintenance, which shall continue to expire on April 30 of
each year to coincide with the beginning of sea turtle nesting season.
Include the requirement for maximum vehicle ground-to-tire pressure of ten PSI (pounds
per square inch) for vehicles in association with environmental related beach activities
and include in the exemption subsection, an exemption for government agencies
responding to emergency situations such as that generated by stornl events.
Include in the amendment, the standard formula used by the State to calculate maximum
vehicle ground-to-tire pressure.
Include hand-pulled or pushed carts/dollies/hand trueks or similar type equipment for
personal use in the exemptions subseetion.
REASON: Currently all vehicle on the beach permits expire on April 30th of each year
to coincide with the beginning of sea turtle nesting season, thus requiring the issuanee of
new permits each year. A one-time permit (vehicle registration) will insure that new
vehicles meet the required ten PSI (pounds per square inch) ground to tire pressure
without having to apply for a new permit each year. The permit received will include
information on the regulations for operation of vehicles on Collier County beaches so
applieants are aware of the requirements.
All vehicles on the beach, other than for beach nourishment type vehicles/equipment and
emergency vehicles are required to have a maximum ground-to-tire pressure of ten PSI.
This requirement was inadvertently left out for environmental work type vehicles when
the vehicle on the beach section of the LDC was last amended.
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Government entItles responding to emergeney situations requiring the use of
vehicles/equipment not being able to meet the maximum ground-to-tire pressure of ten
PSI have been included in the exemption subsection.
Including the standard formula for calculating the maximum vehicle ground-to-tire
pressure in the Code will make it easier for applicants to locate the formula with which to
make that calculation.
Including hand-pulled or pushed carts/dollies/hand trucks or similar type equipment for
personal use in the exemptions subsection should not have a detrimental effect on the
beach since this type equipment would be difficult to use and have very limited use on
the beach if it did not meet a maximum ground-to-tire pressure of ten PSI.
FISCAL & OPERATIONAL IMPACTS: Time would be saved on the part of staff and
the applicant in preparing, reviewing and issuing permits each year for vehicles which
have previously demonstrated they meet the ten psi ground to tire pressure requirement.
According to the fee schedule approved by the BCC, vehicle on the beach permits cost
$250. Several vehicles may be registered under the same permit when used by the same
entity. Permit fees are waived in the fee schedule for public and non-profit organizations
engaging in environmental activities for scientific, eonservation or educational purposes.
Some additional cost will be incurred upon the County initially to develop vehicle
registration stickers to be placed on vehicles to operate on the beaeh.
RELATED CODES OR REGULATIONS: 5.04.06 (not affected by this amendment)
OTHER NOTESNERSION DATE: Created October 12, 2007. Amended June 17,
2008, November 6, 2008
Amend the LDC as follows:
10.02.06 Submittal Requirements for Permits
I. Vehicle on the beach regulations.
1. Unlawful to drive on sand dunes or beach or to disturb sand dune.
It shall be unlawful:
a. To operate or cause to be operated a hand-, animal-, or engine-
driven wheel, track or other vehicle or implement on, over or
across any part of the sand dunes, hill or ridge nearest the gulf, or
1:\09 Amend the LDC\2009-Cycle 1\Amendments\DRAFT originals\10.02.06 VOS (110608) SL highlighted-.doc
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the vegetation growing thereon or seaward thereof, or to operate
or drive such a vehicle on the area seaward thereof, commonly
referred to as ~the beach" witRin Collier Co~nty, Floriaa.
b. To alter or cause to be altered any sand dune or the vegetation
growing thereon or seaward thereof; make any excavation,
remove any material, trees, grass or other vegetation or otherwise
alter existing ground elevations or condition of such dune without
first securing a permit as provided for in this Code.
2. Exceptions; permit. All permits to allow operation of vehicles on county
beaches shall ex~ire en April dO, of each year, te ceinciae VlilR the
beginning of sea t~rtle nesting seacen be subiect to the followinq. During
sea turtle nesting season, May 1 through October 31, of each year, all
permits shall be subject to section 10.02.06 1.3 below. Permits issued in
accordance with this section shall be valid for the time the vehicle is used
for its permitted function and shall be prominentlv displaved on the
windshield of such vehicle and kept with the vehicle to be available for
inspection. Permits issued for construction vehicles enqaqed in beach
nourishment. inlet maintenance, and qeneral construction activities shall
expire on April 30, of each vear, to coincide with the beoinninQ of sea
turtle nestinq season. Vehicle on the beach permits are not transferable.
a. Sheriff. city, state and federal police, emergency services, ana the
Florida Fish and Wiidlife Conservation Commission vehicles
operated or authorized by officers of these departments operating
under orders in the normal course of their duties, and qovernment
entities respondinq to emerqencv situations, shall be exempt from
the provisions of this section.
b. Vehicles which must travel on the beaches in connection with
environmental maintenance, conservation, environmental work,
and/or for purposes allowed by Collier County Ordinance No. 89-
16, providing that the vehicle(s) associated with the permitted
uses of Collier County Ordinance No. 89-16 remain stationary,
except to access and egress the beach, shall be exempt from the
provisions of this section if a permit has been obtained from the
envirenmental cervices de~artment aimcter er his Countv
Manaqer or designee, ana saia (~ermit] is prominently ais~layea
on the WiRscRiels ef s~ch veRicle aRa kG~t VlitR tRG vehicie aRa
available for iRs~ectiGn. The procedure for obtaining such permit
shall be by application on the form prescribed bv Collier County to
tRe environmental services de~artmont sirector in writing stating
the reason or reasons why it is necessary for such vehicle or
vehicles to be operated on the beaches in connection with an
environmental maintenance, conservation, environmental purpose
and/or for purposes allowed by Collier County Ordinance No. 89-
16, taking into consideration the vehicular use restriction
previously stated as a criterion for an exception. and ~ermit fer
SUCR veRicle er vehicles sRall be iss~ea by IRe enviroRmentQI
cervices se~artment directer if IRe environmental cervices
1:\09 Amend the LDC\2009-Cycle 1\Amendments\DRAFT ariginals\10.02.06 VOS (11060B) SL highlighted-.doc
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Ele~artFRent direeter if the Countv Manaaer or desianee is satisfied
that a lawful and proper environmental maintenance.
conservation. environmental purpose and/or purpose as described
above and allowed by Collier County Ordinance No. 89-16 will be
served thereby. All permits issued are subiect to the followina
conditions and limitations:
1. AIi vehicles shall be eauipped with tires havina a maximum
around-to-tire pressure of ten PSI (pounds per sauare
inch), as established bv the Standard PSI Formula
provided below. Calculations for tire pressure usina the
standard formula shall be included with each permit
PSI = vehicle weiaht (Ibs) + eauipment (includina maximum debris
load for beach rakina eauipment and rider weiaht (Ibs) / total tire
footprint (square inches)
c. Baby buggies (perambulators), toy vehicles, toy wagons,
wheelchairs or simiiar devices to aid disabled or non-ambulatory
persons and hand pulled or pushed carts/dollies/hand trucks or
similar tvpe equipment for personal use shall be exempt from the
provisions of this section.
d. Vehicle-on-the-beach permits issued in conjunction with special or
annual beach events, in conjunction with permanent concession
facilities, or for other routine functions associated with permitted
uses of commercial hotel property. Vehicles which are used in
conjunction with functions on the beach, are exempt from the
provisions of this section if a vehicle-on the-beach permit has
been granted by the County Manager or designee. All permits
issued are subject to the foliowing conditions and limitations:
i. The use of vehicles shall be limited to set-up and removal
of equipment for the permitted function.
ii. Said permits shall be prominently displayed on the vehicle
and kept with the vehicle and available for inspection.
iii. The types of vehicles permitted for this use may include
A TVs, non-motorized handcarts or dollies, and small utility
wagons. which may be pulled behind the ATVs.
iv. All vehicles shall be equipped with laFlle ~no~matie tires
having a maximum ground-to-tire pressure of ten PSI
(pounds per square inch), as established by the Standard
PSI Formuia. Calculations for tire pressure using the
standard formula shall be included with each permit
v. Permits shall oniy be issued for A TVs when onvironFRontal
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servises ElepartmeAt staff the Countv Manaqer or desiqnee
has determined that: 1) evidence has been provided that
there is a need to move equipment, which, due to the
excessive weigh and distance of equal to or greater than
200 feet, would be prohibitive in nature to move with, push
carts or dollies; or 2) a limited designated work area has
been established at the foot of the dune walkover for
loading and unloading and the A TV use is restricted to that
limited identified area.
vi. When not in use all vehicles shall be stored off the beach.
vii. During sea turtle nesting season, the following shall apply:
1) no vehicle may be used on the beach until after
completion of daily sea turtle monitoring conducted by
personnel with prior experience and training in nest
surveys procedures and possessing a valid Fish and
Wildlife Conservation Commission Marine Turtle Permit; 2)
there shall be no use of vehicles for set up of chairs or
hotel or commerciai beach equipment, etc. until after the
beach has been monitored; 3) one ingress/egress corridor
onto and over the beach, perpendicular to the shoreline
from the owner's property, shall be designated by the
Collier Ce~Aty EAvironmental Ser/isss DSl'lartmsnt (ESD)
Countv Manaqer or desiqnee; additional corridors may be
approved when appropriate and necessary as determined
by the g;g County Manaqer or desiqnee; a staging area
may be approved for large events as determined by the
g;g Countv Manaqer or desiqnee and 4) except for
designated corridors, all motorized vehicles shall be
operated below the mean high water line (MHW), as
generally evidenced by the previous high tide mark. If at
anytime g;g the Countv Manaqer or desiqnee determines
that the designated corridor may cause adverse impacts
to the beach, nesting sea turties, or the ability of
hatchlings to traverse the beach to the water, an
alternative corridor shall be designated. If no alternative is
available, as determined by the g;g Countv Manaqer or
desiqnee, the vehicle-on-the-beach permit may be
suspended for the remaining period of the sea turtle
vii. These vehicles may not be used for transportation of
peopie or equipment throughout the day. The permit shall
designate a limited time for equipment set up and for the
removal of the equ ipment at the end of the day.
e. Permit for construction (excluding beach renourishment and
maintenance activities). Prior to beginning construction in
proximity to a sand dune for any purpose whatsoever, including
conservation, a temporary protective fence shall be installed a
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minimum of ten feet landward of the dune. It shall be unlawful to
cause or allow construction and related activity seaward of such
fence. Each permit for work shali clearly indicate the provisions of
this Code and the protective measures to be taken and shall be
subject to the provisions of section 10.02.06 1.3.
f. Beach raking and mechanical beach cleani ng.
i. Beach raking and mechanicai beach cleaning shall be
prohibited on undeveloped coastal barriers unless a state
permit is obtained.
ii. Beach raking and mechanical beach cleaning must
comply with the provisions of section 10.02.06 I. of this
iii. Beach raking and mechanical beach cleaning shall not
interfere with sea turtle nesting, shall preserve or replace
any native vegetation on the site, and shall maintain the
natural existing beach profile and minimize interference
with the natural beach dynamics and function.
iv. Beach raking and mechanical cleaning shall not occur
below MHW on the wet sand area of beach which is
covered by high tide and which remains wet during low
tide. ,!!beach raking and mechanical beach cleaning shall
not operate or drive within 15 feet of dune vegetation and
endangered plant and animal communities, including sea
turtle nests. Surface grooming equipment that does not
penetrate the sand may operate or drive to within ten feet
of dune vegetation and endangered plant and animal
communities, including sea turtle nests.
v. Beach raking and mechanical beach cleaning devices
shall not disturb or penetrate beach sediments by more
than the minimum depth necessary, not to exceed two
inches, in order to avoid a potential increase in the rate of
vi. Vehicles with greater than ten psi ground to tire pressure,
shall not be used to conduct beach raking. Vehicles with
less than ten psi ground to tire pressures, in conjunction
with the attachment of a screen, harrow drag or other
similar device used for smoothing may be used to conduct
beach raking upon approval of the €SQ-Countv Manaqer
or designee.
vii. Mechanical beach cleaning involving sand screening or a
combination of raking and screening shall only be
conducted on an "as needed" basis as determined by the
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pulllie ~tilitios en~ineorin~ SOl3artmont elAS tho
envirenmental serviGos sOl3artmont Countv Manaoer or
desiqnee. Necessity wili include when large accumulations
of dead and dying sea-life or other debris remains
concentrated on the wrack-line for a minimum of two tidal
cycles following a storm event, red tide or other materials
which represent a hazard to public heaith.
g. Vehicles associated with beach nourishment and inlet
i. Heavy equipment used in conjunction with beach
nourishment, iniet maintenance, to accomplish FDEP
permit requirements, or other unusuai circumstance as
determined by the cm;:s Gsministrator Countv Manaqer or
desiqnee, which cannot meet the standard PSI, will require
compaction mitigation. Mitigation shall be accomplished by
tilling to a depth of 36 inches or other FDEP approved
methods of decreasing compaction. Beach tilling shall be
accomplished prior to April 15 following construction and
for the next two years should compaction evaluations
exceed state requirements.
ii. Utilization of equipment for the removal of scarps, as
required by FDEP, shall be limited to an ingress/egress
corridor and a zone parallel to the MHW. Scarp removal
during sea turtle season shali have prior FDEP approval
and coordinated through the FDEP, FWCC, CCI;;SD the
Countv Manaqer or desiqnee, and the person possessing
a valid Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Marine
Turtle Permit for the area.
iii. No tilling of the beaches shali occur during sea turtle
nesting season.
3. Operation of vehicles on the beach during marine turtie nesting season.
The operation of motorized vehicles, including but not limited to self-
propelled, wheeled, tracked, or belted conveyances, is prohibited on
coastal beaches above mean high water during sea turtle nesting
season, May 1 to October 31, of each year, except for purposes of law
enforcement, emergency, or conservation of sea turties, unless such
vehicles have a valid permit issued pursuant to this section. Permits
issued pursuant to this section are not intended to authorize any violation
of F.S. S 370.12, or any of the provisions of the Endangered Species Act
of 1973, as it may be amended.
a. AIi vehicle use on the beach during sea turtle nesting season,
May 1 to October 31, of each year must not begin before
completion of monitoring conducted by personnel with prior
experience and training in nest surveys procedures and
possessing a valid Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
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Marine Turtle Permit.
4. Penalties. Notwithstanding the penalties set forth elsewhere in this Code,
violations of this section are subject to the foliowing penalties:
a. Violations of section 10.02.06 1.2.f above which do not occur
during sea turtle nesting season, i.e., occur outside of sea turtle
nesting season, are subject to up to a $500.00 fine per violation.
b. Minor infractions of section 10.02.06 i .2.f above which occur
during sea turtle nesting season are subject to up to a $500.00
fine per violation. Minor infractions are defined as any activity that
will not cause immediate harm to sea turtles or their nesting
activity; and include, but are not limited to, the following: 1) use of
an unpermitted vehicle; 2) vehicles being operated: b a) without
permit being available for inspection; or b) with improper tire
c. Major infractions of section 10.02.06 L2.f above which occur
during sea turtle nesting season, are subject to the following
penalties. Major infractions are defined as any activity that may
cause immediate harm to sea turtles or their nesting activities; and
include, but are not limited to, the following: 1) use of a vehicle
prior to daiiy sea turtle monitoring, 2) use of a vehicle after 9:30
pm, or 3) use of a vehicle outside of a designated corridor.
First violation: $1,000.00 fine and a suspension of permitted
activities, including but not limited to: beach raking or mechanical
cleaning activities, for 70 days or the balance of sea turtle nesting
season, whichever is less.
Second violation: $2,500.00 fine and a suspension of permitted
activities, including but not limited to: beach raking or mechanical
cleaning activities, for 70 days or the balance of sea turtle nesting
season, whichever is less.
Third or more violation: $5,000.00 fine and a suspension of
permitted activities, including but not limited to: beach raking or
mechanical cleaning activities, for 70 days or the balance of sea
turtle nesting season, whichever is less.
d. Violations of section 10.02.06 I., which do not occur during sea
turtle nesting season, I.e., occur outside of sea turtle nesting
season, are subject to up to a $500.00 fine per violation.
e. Violations of sections 10.02.06 I. which occur during sea turtle
nesting season are subject to the following penalties:
Minor infractions are subject to up to a $500.00 fine per violation.
Minor infractions are defined as any activity that will not cause an
immediate harm to sea turtles or their nesting activity; and include,
but are not limited to, the following: 1) use of an unpermitted
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vehicle; 2) vehicles being operated: a) with permit not available for
inspection; or b) with improper tire pressure.
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Fire Plan Review - Time Frame Summary
Number Average #of 1st % of 1st Percentages
of Number of Time In Reviews Reviews WlthJnTlme
Reviews Days Days Approved Approved Frames
Architectural Reviews
Total 400 345 0.86
1st Review 247 228 0.92 186 75% 100/10 Days 4 Day Max
2nd Review 106 74 0.70 100/30aY5
3rdReview 23 21 0.91 100/3 Days
4th Review 23 21 0.91 100/3 Days
6th Review 1 1 1.00 100/3 Days
Total 2-6 Reviews 153 117 0.76 100/30aY5 3 Day Max
Total 58 111 1.91
1st Review 42 8B 2.10 28 67% 100/10 Days 7 Day Max
2nd Review 11 17 1.55 91/30ays
3rd Review 5 6 120 100/3 Days
Total 2-3 Reviews 16 23 1.44 94/3 Days 6 Day Max
Underaround Reviews
Total 9 11 1.22
1st Review 6 8 1.33 6 100% 100110 Days 3 Day Max
2nd Review 2 2 1.00 100/3 Days
3rd Review 1 1 1.00 100/30aY5
rotal2-3 Reviews 3 3 1,00 100/30aY5 2 Day Max
Fuel & LP Gas Reviews
Total 6 18 3.00
1st Review 4 18 4.50 0 0% 100/10 Days 8 Day Max
2nd Review 2 0 000 100/3 Days
Total 2nd Review 2 0 0.00 100/3 Days o Day Max
Hood & FSUP Reviews
Total 15 5 0.33
1st Review 11 5 0.45 11 100% 100/10 Days 2 Day Max
2nd Review 2 0 0.00 10013 Days
3rd Review 1 0 0.00 10013 Days
4th Review 1 0 0,00 10013 Days
Total 2-4 Reviews 4 0 000 100/3 Days o Day Max
Fire Alarm Reviews
Total 116 94 0.81
1st Review 67 68 1,01 43 64% 100/10 Days 3 Day Max
2nd Review 29 10 0,34 100/3 Days
3rdReview 13 15 1,15 100/3 Days
4th Review 5 1 0.20 10013 Days
5th Review 2 0 000 100/3 Days
Total 2.5 Reviews 49 26 053 100/3 Days 2 Day Max
1st Review 377 415 1.10 274 73% 100110 Days
Corrections 227 169 0.74 99/3 Days
Overall Totals 60. 58. 0.97
O/flce oftt\e Fire COde Official
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LDC Amendment Relluest
ORIGIN: Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) Advisory Board
AUTHOR: David Jackson, Executive Director - CRA
DEPARTMENT: CRA Advisory Board
LDC PAGE: LDC4:67 thru LDC4:70
CHANGE: Replace graphic illustrations X 4, GTMUD Figures 1, 3, 4 and 5.
REASON: To eliminate reference to "front yard build-to line
Amend the LDC as follows:
4.02.35 Design Standards for Development in the GTMUD.Mixed Use Subdistrict
* * * * * * * * * * * *
Regulations For Outdoor Display and Sale of Merchandise.
* * * * * * * * *
GTMUD Figure 1. Front Setback Zone Davis Boulevard, US 41, Airport-Pulling
Road and Commercial Drive
(For illustrative purposes only)
1:\09 Amend the LOC\2009~Cycle 1\Amendments\ORAFT originals\4.02.35 B.2 GTMUD Figures 1-3~4~5.doc
Front Setbtu:k .lone
Mbted u.. Subdistrict
and C-1 through c...s
ComllNtl'Cia' Zoning
S,"-S'-f ~
, )
? I
, >
, !
;, ..
Davis Boulevard, US 41
and Airport-Pulling Road
Front Setback Zone
Mixed Use Subdistrict
and C-1 through C-S
Comrruucia' Zoning
Davis Boulevard, US 41
and Airport-Pulling Road
Text underlined is new text to be added.
T8)(t strih:etl:lreblgjA iE: GyrreFlt text t9 Be deleted.
Bold text indicates a defined term
Front S<<back 101UJ
"'bted Ua SWdi.1rkt
and C4 through G-6
Comm8IC~J Zoning
, ,
..! u" i u" iJ
lfr ~ Jo__,(t
,. hlno hN" 1
Commercial Drive
Front Setback Zone
Mixed U.. $l1bdhJtrict
and C-1 throVf!h C.S
CommercUlJ ZonJfJ11
Commercial Drive
1:\09 Amend the LDC\2009-Cycle 1\Amendments\DRAFT originals\4.02.35 B.2 GTMUD Figures 1.3-4-S.doc
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Tent EitrikatRr.el:lgt:! is Ea:lrFeAt taxt te 13e delete8.
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GTMUD Figure 3. 3-Story Building Height, Step Back, Projections, and Recesses
(For illustrative purposes only)
Mixed Use Subdistrict! Resldll1lltlsl
above COIJlmerclal or Residential
Only Fronting on US 41:
:I Slorles
Maximum Actual Height: 56 F1Iet
Mln.i T.riangle Mixed Uile
6 S/ories
Maximum ActUlll Height: 126 Feet
Com",Scn:ial Zoning Districts.
Heights according /0 cUlT8nt LOC
PttaI* I'Il.t.\'fIIvm 4 fHt allOw Rod
, ,
70% afFmnl fIfJCfId8 muc blt pkJrMldM
Mixed Use Subdistrict and C-1 through C-5 Districts:
f:!u.iicfl"g fielgltt, $tep-l3l1clc, I'role<:t/.o"J. a"cI BlJCfJ!sfJ!
1:\09 Amend the LDC\2009~Cycle 1\Amendments\DRAFT originals\4.02.35 B.2 GTMUD Figures 1-3-4~5.doc
Mixed Use Subdistrict/Residential
above CommercIal or ResIdentIal
OnlY Fronting on U~ 41;
3 Stories
Maximum Actual Height: 56 Feet
Mini Triangle Mixed Use
8 Stories
Maximum Actual Height: 126 Feet
Commercial Zoning Districts
Heights according to current LDC
Text underlined is new text to be added.
Tent striketRFeI:lQR it;; SI:IFfeRt tent tg be Gleleted.
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Mixed Use Subdistrict and C-1 through C-5 Districts:
Building Height. Step-Back. Projections and Recesses
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Text E:triketl:lrsl:Igl:I is Gl:IrrBRt text t8 be deleted.
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GTMUD Figure 4, 4-Story Building Height, Step Back, Projections, and Recesses
(For illustrative purposes only)
Mbted IIse SlJbll"'ttlctf Residet>ti.,
ebove Commerelel or Roslrlentlel
Only I'rcIIItllIf1 on US 41:
4 stories
Mexlmum Actual He/ght: 70 Feet
Mini rr1ellf11e Mixed /lse
8 S_
Alex/mum ACIlHlI Height: 128 Feet
80ti0mQfE....,LkiooriOpd~If'Root l'
Heights .ccOld/ng to cUmlnt LOe
---- .
eomm.,ciaifX"NidMJUlUn~ ~orRald8nthll
-.-.. "'"
No_lIlen 18Fwl
Hnl~~/Q~ ~!!'
Mixed Use Subdistrict and C-1 through c-5 Districts:
Building Height, Step-Sack, Projections. and Receases
Fronl YMlBuild~ 1IlId"--'
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Text Etril~etl:1re1:l9h is Gl:Irnmt tellt te I}e 891et98.
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Mixed Use SubdIstrict/ResIdentIal
above Commercial or ResidentIal
Onlv Fronting on US 41:
4 Stories
Maximum Actua' Height: 70 Fset
MinI Trlanale Mixed Use
8 Stories
MaxImum Actual HeIght: 126 Feet
Commercial Zoning Districts
Heights according to current LDC
CtlIIlmlil:/llOIRlIl<IfItllllllllOtlIy OolyFronflnllooll841
Nomo..IhM1IFMI J l
... ,.
Mixed Use Subdistrict and C-1 through C-5 Districts:
Building Height, Step-Back. Projections and Recesses
C. Parking Standards
. . . . . . * . . . .
1. Mixed Use Projects
. . . . . . . . . . . .
d. Parking Location
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Tellt stFiI..ethre6lgjA is Gl:lffaRt taxt ts 8a gelate6l.
Bold text indicates a defined term
i. Off-street parking in front of buildings abutting US 41.
Davis Boulevard or Airport-Pulling Road shall not exceed
50% of that building's parking requirement.
a) The design shall be a single-aisie double-loaded
parking lot.
b) The remaining parking required shall be located on
the side or rear of the building.
Parking Location
(For illustrative purposes only)
GTMUD - Mixed Use SubdisUcI:
IC;" 100%R!JQIIirtxIPfItIojng
ill ~:[:;~~~:;,rrl~~I~:['llt'~I~'TITic -t.c~._ 00 -~-
i.. IJJ !,"-_ntl'-.JlftiWi. _n__rrrtT il.i'-itt') :-.- - ~r~~~,
. r-I-'U1UliI'LLUr-'WllUfWllJ,.J: 100 % of Parking
: I I '''.'-,.... .,."". -\ l;,:J P6rmitl.&d Of'f skJ& Of
!':i~ ., I . :::..,:,,:
~ \._J L-t.--B-.u.
GTIWUp~Ml~.JlI*", Sub<;!',,''-'f''';
[ :-,,,-,-, 'n'
f-,' __ Hi>~jtH i'HIi ,;(
,1_";' ,;"
i' I....
GTMUD Fiaure 5
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Tex.t stFili:etl:irgbl~t:1 is ClmeAt t8)(t teBe 88latea.
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LDC Amendment ReQuest
AUTHOR: John Kelly, Planner
DEPARTMENT: Zoning & Land Development Review
LDC PAGE: LDC4:78 - 4:85
LDC SECTION(S): 4.05.04 Parking Space Requirements
CHANGE: Provide requirement that states, in part, that off-street parking shall not be
reduced or ehanged. The subject ehange is being provided verbatim, as last published in
the LDC prior to re-codification.
REASON: Scrivener's error. During re-codification of the LDC, Ordinanee 91-102,
As Amended, Section 2.3.13 was inadvertently omitted. Said section is an integral part
of the Code.
FISCAL & OPERATIONAL IMPACTS: None, regulation has been applied despite
not having been published.
Amend the LDC as follows:
4.05.04 Parking Space Requirements
A. Requirements for off-street parking for uses not specifically mentioned in this
section shall be the same as for the use most similar to the one sought, or as
otherwise determined by the County Manager or designee pursuant to 4.05.04 of
this LDC it being the intent of this LDC to require all uses to provide off-street
parking, unless specific provision is made to the contrary.
B. Measurement. Where this LDC requires off-street parking based on various types
of measurements, the following rules shall apply:
1. Floor area means, for the purposes of this section only, the gross floor
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area inside the exterior wails, unless otherwise specifically indicated.
2. In hospitals, bassinets do not count as beds.
3. In stadiums, sports arenas, houses of worship. and other places of public
assembly where occupants utilize benches, pews, or other similar seating
arrangements, each twenty-four (24) lineal inches of such seating
facilities count as one (1) seat.
4. Where the parking requirements are based on number of employees or
persons employed or working in an establishment and the number of
employees increases after the building or structure is occupied, then the
amount of off-street parking provided must be increased in ratio to the
increase of the number of employees.
5. When units of measurements determining number of required off-street
parking spaces result in a requirement of a fractional space, then such
fraction equal or greater than one-half ( 1/2) shall require a full off-street
parking space.
C. Developers of commercial projects located within commercial zoning districts,
business park districts, or a commercial component of a PUD zoning district,
which require a minimum of eighty (80) parking spaces, providing paved off-
street surface parking in excess of 120 percent of the requirements of this LDC
shall request a variance in accordance with Chapter 9. The developer shall be
required to provide double the landscaping required in interior vehicular use
areas, as required by section 4.06.00 for those projects requesting such a
D. Developers providing parking lots in excess of 200 parking spaces may surface
fifteen (15%) percent of the required off-street parking spaces in grass which
shall be compacted, stabilized, weil drained and surfaced with a durable grass
cover. Such grass parking spaces shaii be located along the outlying perimeter of
the parking lot. Driveways, handicapped spaces and access aisles shall be
paved. All grassed parking spaces shall be included in the water management
calculations for site development plan review.
E. Required off-street parking shall be located so that no automotive vehicle when
parked shall have any portion of such vehicle overhanging or encroaching on
public right-of-way or the property of another. If necessary, wheel stops or
barriers may be required in order to enforce this provision.
F. Required off-street parkinq accordinq to the requirements of this Code shall not
be reduced in area or chanqed to anv other use unless the permitted or
permissible use that it serves is discontinued or modified, or equivalent required
off-street parkinq is provided meetinq the requirements of this Code.
1'-0 G. Minimum requirement.
1. Irrespective of any other requirement of this LDC, each and every
separate individual store, office, or other business shall be provided with
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at least one (1) off-street parking space, unless specific provision is made
to the contrary.
2. The County manager or designee may determine the mlOlmum parking
requirements for a use which is not specifically referenced below or for
which an applicant has provided evidence that a specific use is of such a
unique nature that the applicable minimum parking ratio listed in this LDC
should not be applied. In making such a determination the County
Manager or designee may require submission of parking generation
studies; evidence of parking ratios applied by other counties and
municipalities for the specific use; reserved parking pursuant to section
4.05.05; and other conditions and safeguards deemed to be appropriate
to protect the public health, safety and welfare.
G,. H. Spaces required.
Table 17. Parking space requirements.
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LDC Amendment ReQuest
ORIGIN: BCC Directed
AUTHOR: Zoning staff
Zoning & Land Development Review
LDC SECTION(S): 8.08.00 Generally
8.02.00 Board of County Commissioners
8.02.01 Powers and Duties
CHANGE: Move the provisions governing advisory boards' establishment, purpose, powers
and duties from the Land Development Code to the Code of Laws and Ordinances. Delete the
contents of Chapter 8 from the LDC.
REASON: The Board finds that it is in the puhlic interest to relocate this portion of the Land
Development Code into the Collier County Code of Laws and Ordinances and to ereate separate
ordinances for each of these Boards, thereby making it easier to amend these rules and
regulations as the need arises, as well as to have the ordinances concerning all of the County's
deeision-making and administrative bodies located within the same administrative section of the
Collier County Code of Laws and Ordinances.
RELATED CODES OR REGULATIONS: Article VIII (Boards, Commissions, Committees
and Authorities) of Chapter 2 (Administration) of the Collier County Code of Laws and
OTHER NOTES/VERSION DATE: Created July 24, 2009
Amend the LDC as follows:
8.03.00 Planning Commission - See Article VIii (Boards, Commissions, Committees and
Authorities) of Chapter 2 (Administration) of the Collier County Code of Laws and Ordinances.
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Commissions, Committees and Authorities) of Chapter 2 (Administration) of the Collier County
Code of Laws and Ordinances.
8.05.01 EstablishmeAt aAll PYrpose
A. Thore is horeby ostaBlisRoll a BuilEliR~ Boan! of AEljustmoAls aAEI Appeals ("BuiIElin~
B. TRe purposo of tRe BuilEliR~ Board is te proviEle a docisioR mol"iRg beEly tRroUgR 'NRioR
an ovmor of a BuilEliA9 or structure, or Ris Eluly autRorizeEl a90Acy, may :Jppeal the
FOjoctions or refusal ef tRO buildin9 official to approve tRO meEle er maAner of
cORstructieA prepeseEl te Be felleweEl, er matorials te be useEl, iA tRe ereslieA er
alto ratio A of that buildin~ er slructure. or wheA it is claimoEl tRat tRO provisioAs of the
FleriEla BuilEliA9 Code aAEI FloriEla Firo PrevoAtioA CoEle, as !istoEl iA CRapter OAe, do not
apply, or tRat aA e~ually gooEl or mero ElesiraBle form of sonstruclioA can 130 offlpioyeEl in
a specific case, or when it is claimoEl that the true iAteAt aAEI meanin9 of SUCR coEles, or
aAY of the re9ulations tRerouAElor, Ravo BeeA misconstrueEl er wron91y iAterproteEl BY tRO
buildiR9 official.
8.05.02 Powers aAll DYties
The BuilEliR9 BoarEl sAall Rave tRO folloVliR9 p81<vers anEl Elutios:
A. To ro;<iew aREI approve, '.vitA er without meElificatioAs or cORElitions, er EleRY an
appeal from a Elesision ef the builEliA9 effisial v,'ith re9ard to a variaRce from the
modo or maRner ef ceAstructioR prepesod to be followoEl, or materials te be
useEl, iR tAe eroctioR er alteralioR of a builEliR9 or structure, or'l/AeA it is claimoEl
tRot the provisions ef tAe Florida BuilEliR9 CoEle anEl FloriEla Fire Preventien
CeEle, as !isteEl in Chapter OAe, Elo net apply, or that an e~uolly ~oeEl or moro
Elesiroble form of construstioR SOA bo offlployeEl in aR)' spesifis case, or wRon it is
claimeEl tAat tAo truo iRtent aREI meoRiR9 of sucA builEliR9 coElos amJ tesRnical
coElos or aRY of tAe ro9ulatioRs tAereuREler, Aave beeR mismmstrueEl or wrongly
iAterpFOteElby tAe builEli A9 eflisial;
B. Te ascept appools aAEI reAEler dosisieRs pUrGuaRt to iAlerlecal a9reements
bop.':eoR tAe Ceunty aAEI inElepeRElont fire Elistricts wAich havo eRtereEl into sueA
C. To reeemmeREI to tAe BCC aElElitioRal er ameREloEl rules of proseElyre not
inconsisteRt with tAis LDC te gevern tho BYilEliR9 BoorEl's prooeodiR9s; aAd
D. Te mal"e its special kRewleElge anEl Ol(pertise availaBle YpOR reasonable written
re~Yest aREI aulAerizatioR of tAe BCC to aRY efficial, ElepartmoRt, board,
semmissieR, er ageRsy of tAe CeYRty, stato, er feEloral geverAffloRts.
8.05.03 Membership
A. Q<JalmGafioRs. TRe BYilEliA9 BoarEl sRall be cefflpeseEl of a re~Ylar meffl8ers oppeiRteEl
by tAe BCC. The Collior CouAly Fire MarsAall's AssosiatieA ff10y recemffleREI for
consiEleratien BY tho BCC these 2 mefflbers, 1 of whoffl '....ouIEl 8e aR arGRitest or
eA9iAeor, aREI 1 of whem mysl Be a firo proteetieA spoGialisl. The BYilEliR9 BearEl shall
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TSlIt EtFiketRFelolSlI=1 iE Sblrr8Rt tent tg be Elelated.
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eaRsist af msmBsro SR€la€lSa iR tRa fellswiR€l seeHpatioRs 'NRa, by masaR sf eaHealien,
exparieRea, and kne'Nlsa€le, ara aaamaa te Be eempslsRt te sit in jHa€lmSRI aR mallers
eeReernin€l IRa !"Isriaa Q"ilaiR€l Caae aRa !"Ieriaa !"ire PreveRtien Coae. as lislaa in
Chapter Ono:
1. One (1) state Iieanssa areRitset or eRa str"et"ral sR!jinaar;
2. Ona (1) Glass A !jeRarai eaRlFaetar;
3. ORe (1) state eertifiea fire proteelivo e~uipment eontraeter or stato eertifiod
firofi!jRter 'A'itR tho ranl< of lieHtonaRt or Ri€lher, or slate eortifiea fire safDty
illspeeter witR tha rallk of liaHtanant ar Ri!jRar;
4. Ono (1) lieansaa oleetrieal eOlltraetar; aRa
a. Olle (1) lieeRsoa plumBin!j ar mocRaRical eORlraetor.
Q. Term. Tha mambors shall saFVO lor a term of 4 (4) years, sxespt fer illilialappsinless
wRe shall serva as fellov,'s: 2 (2) far a tsrm of 1 (1) year; twa (2) for alerm of ",",'a (2)
yaars; one (1) fer a tarm oftRrss (3) years.
8.05.04 Q"or"m
TRree memBers ef tRe Q"ilaill€l Qeara sRal1 eaRslit"te a ~HorHm. III varyill€l tRe applieatiell
ef aRY previsioll of tRe !"Ieriaa Q"i1aill!j Code ana !"Ieriaa !"ire Provelltien Caae, er IR moaifyin!j
an eraer of the B"i1ain!j effieial ar tRe publie safety aamillistrater, an affirm alive vote of lIat less
than 3 Q"i1dill!j Qoara memBers shall Be ro~"irea.
8.05.Q5 Ryles of Prosea"re
,fl. TRs Q"ilaiR!j Qeara shali estaBlisR r"les alia re!jHlaliens fer its e'....R pFlleeauro not
ineensislsllt '",itR tRa previsieRs ef tRs Celliar Caunty Quiiain!j Ceaa.
Q. The Builaill€l effieial sRall aet as seeretary ef tRe Quilaill€l Qeara ana sRall malle a
aetailea reeera ef all its preeeeaiR€ls. ''''RieR sRali IlIelHae, But sRali net Be IimiteElle, all
appoal aoeisiells, tRo roasells fer its aaeisions, tRe voto of oaeR momBer partieipating
tRereill, tho aBseneo ef a mom Ber, and any failuro of a mombor to voto.
8.06.00 ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COUNCIL - See Article Viii (Boards, Commissions,
Committees and Authorities) of Chapter 2 (Administration) of the Collier County Code of Laws
and Ordinances
8.06.01 Establishment
Thoro is RomBY eslaBllsRea an ERvirollmeRtal .^,avisery CeuReil ("EAC"). TRe EAC eBtaiRs
its jurlsaietieR, powers, aRa limits ef autRerity fr-em ths QCC, ana pursuallt ta this LDC, shall aet
IR aR aElvisery eapaeity Ie the QCC ill mallsrs asaliR€l 'Nith IRa r-egulatiaR, ealltrel, malla€lOmsnt,
usa, ar 8)(plaitatisR af aRY er all natHral resaHreas sf ar wltRiR tRa CaHnty, aRa tho rEwiew ana
evaluatieR ef speeifie zeRiR!j aRa asvalapm eRt palitiaRG aRa thair impaet OR thasa rssaurees.
8.06.02 Purllase
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TRS !;:,^.C will funstisn to:
A. ,^.dviso on tRS weservation, ssnsorvatisn, wotestien, m,lRagefflont, aREI
Benelisial use of tRe ~hysisal aAEl Blologisal natural ressursos (atfflos~Reris,
terrestrial, a~uatio, and hydrologio) of the County in regard to tho salety, Roalth,
and goneral well Boing of tRe ~uBI io;
B. .'\dvise and assist tRS County staff and tRe BCC toward dovelo~lng tRe ~ur~oss,
intent. and criteria of all County ordinanoos, ~olioies, ~regraffls, and otRer
initiativos dealing witR natural rosouroes;
C. Pr-evide written and oral re~orts direotly to tRO BCC regarding rooofflmendatiens
on R1atters doaling '....itR the wetootien ef natur-al reseuroes; and
D. Roview and r-eoofflR1end stipulations addrossing tRe ~reser'Jation, senservation,
woteotien, R1anagement, and bonelisial uso of tRe County's physioal and
Biologioal natural resouroos (atR1os~Reris, terrestrial, a~uatio, and hydrologio) ler
~otitions and/or plans ler seleotod dovelo~ment orders, inoiuding, But not limited
to, rezones, de\'elo~R1ents ef regienal im~aot, ~r-evisional uses, sUBdivisien
ff1astor ~Ians, and ~Iannod unit development aR10ndments tRat are direstod to
the EAC BY County staff, the BCC, or tho Wovislons of this !.!:!g LOC.
8.Q6.Q3 Pllwer-s and Dllties
The ~owors and dutios of tho E AC are as follo;...s:
Idontify, study, ovaluate, and wsvlde tesRnisal resemmendatiens to the BCC on
~regrams nesessary fer tRO sonservation, manageR1ont, and wotestien ef air,
land, and water roseurees and envirenR1sntal ~uality in tRe County;
Advise tRe BCC in estaBlishing goals and oBjeotives for the County's
envirenfflental ssnservatlon and fflanageR10nt ~regFCIms;
I\dvise tRe BCC in devele~ing and rovising, as a~pro~riate, losal rules,
ordinansos, regulatiens, ~rograR1s, and etRer initiatives addressing tRe uso,
sonsor...atien, and wesorvation of the County's natural resouroos;
Advlso tRS BCC in tRe im~loR1ontation and de;'olo~R1snt of tRO CMP regarding
environmental and natural ressurse issues;
I\dviso tRS BCC in identifying and reoefflR1ending selutions te eldGting and future
environmental issues;
aerve as the tesRnisal advisery seR1R1itteo te advise aRd assisttRe COURty in tRe
astivitles in\'elved in tho development aRd im~leR1entatien of tRe County
oRvirenR1ental roseurees R1:JnageR1ent pregram :JS atated in tRe Collier CeuRty
Im~leR1ent the water ~slisy ~ursuant ts this LOC;
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H. Pr-eviae an eppeft~nily fer p~slis sornment en environmental issues. eraimlnses,
ana pre€)Fams;
I. Implement tRe provisiens ef tRe CElAservation ana Ceastal Mana€)ement Element
of tRe Collier Co~nty eM P d~rin€) tRe review prcJsess for sevelopm ont petitions
and/or plans;
J. Paftisi~ate in tRe reviow ans rcJsemmenaation ~resoss fer exsavatieRs evor
800,000 s~si s yaras;
K. Assist in the im~lemontation of any now progFams, orsinanses, aRs/or ~olisies
aao~tea sy tRG BCC '....hisR aeal witR thG sonsorvation, mana€)oment, ana
~retostion of 3ir, lana, water, ana natural reso~rSOG ana environmental ~~ality in
tRO Co~nty;
L. Provise an a~~ollate fer~m ana pr{)OOSS to Rear sisp~tes setv..eon Co~nty staff
ana a~~lisantG sonsernin€)lans sevelopment ~FSjests ans resommona ~rcJ~esod
sti~~lations fer ~rcJjoot a~proval or €)rcJunss fer ~rojest aenial fer BCC
M. ~~nstion as an environmontal im~ast statement (EIS) roview soar-€! ~~rs~ant te
Cha~ter 10; ana
~l. All ~reliminary s~saivision ~Iat ana/er site sevole~mont ~Ian s~smissions fer
asvelo~ment or sito alteratieR on a sRsreliRe ana/or ~nse,..elo~os seastal sarrior
sRall se roviewoa ans a rosommonaatieR sRall so maae for a~pFeval, a~preval
with sonsitions or aeRial by tho Ef.C. If tho a~~lisant SROOSOS not to ~tilizG tRe
optional ~reliminary s~ssivision ~Iat ~rosess, tRe review aRa a~preval '....ill oss~r
at tRe timo of eitRer tRe final ~Iat ana sonstr~stion ~Ians or tRO final ~Iat.
o. Sso~o ef lana aevelepment ~rejest reviews. TRo Ef.C sRall rcJvievJ all lans
aevele~ment ~etitions wRisR re~~ire the lellewin€): an environmental impaot
statoment (EIS) ~er seotien 10.02.02 ef the LDC; ail devele~ments of re€)ieRal
impast (DRI); lanss '....ith s~esial trcJatmont (ST) er area of sritisal state
sonsern/s~esial tFSatment (.^,CSC/ST) zonin€) everlays; or any petition fer whioh
environmontal iss~os Gannet so resolvea sotv..eon the a~~lisanl ans staff ans
wRisR is FO~~ostsa sy eitRor party te so Rears sy tRO EAC. TRo EAC sRal1 alse
review any potition wRisR re~~ires a~~reval of tRe Collior Co~nty Plannin€)
Commission (CCPC) or tRO seara of so~nty oommissioners (BCC) whor-e staff
reseives a re~~ost from tRO sRairman of IRe E.^.C, CCPC er tRO BCC lor that
potition to se reviewes sy the EAC.
1. .'\ny ~etitioner may ro~~est a waiver to tRe E.'\C hoarin€) ro~~irement,
WRen the followin€) sonsidorations aro mot: 1) no protostes s~esies or
'Notlana impasts are isentifioa on tRe silo; 2) an EIS waiver has soen
aaministrativoly €)rantoa; a) ST zonin€) is presont and an aaministrative
appreval Ras soon €)rantoa; or 4) an EIS wac ~revio~sly som~lotoa ana
roviewea sy staff ans heara sy a ~reeesessor onvironmental soare, ane
that EIS is loss than 8 years old (or if eldor tRan 5 yeaFS, Ras soen
updatoe witRin e months of s~smitlal) ane tho master ~Ian fer tRe sito
eoes net show €)roater impacts to the ~rovio~sly desi€)natee ~roservation
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2. TAe s~rfase water maRa~eFReRt as~ests of any ~etitien, tAat is or .....ill se
reviewee aRe ~erFRiltee sy Se~tA Fleriea Water Mana~eFReRt [)istrist
(SJ:'WMD). am oxompt from rO'/iew sy tAe ~^C C)coopt to eval~ate tho
oriteria lor allowing treatee stormwator to se eisGAar~ee in Proser/es as
allewee iR SeGtieR :J.05.Q7.
8.06.04 Memsership
/\. AfJfJoiRtmeRI. NiRO rog~lar meFRsers aRe 2 alternate meFRsers of tAe ~.^,C shall se
a~~oiRtee sy, aRe serve at tAe ~Ieas~re ef, the OJCC. !'.Iternate FReFRsers ...,'ill se
ro~~estee to attene FReetiR~s wheR re~~lar FRemsers Rave Retifiee stall that tRey .....ill se
asseRt. Alternate FReFRsers will ~artiGi~ate iR eiss~ssieRs aRe vete wAeR re~lasiR~ a
re~~lar FReFRser. A~~oiRtmBRt te tAB ~AC sRall bo by rosol~tien ef the OJCC and sAall
set fortA tAB eate ef a~~eiRtFRent aRe tAe terFR of ollioe. Eaoh a~~eintFReRt shall se lor a
terFR of 4 years. TerFRs shall se sta~~erBe se that no FRere than a FRiRority of s~sh
meFRsers' a~~eiRtmeRts '.',ill ex~ire iR aRY one yoar.
OJ. \/asaRsies. VasaRsies eR the ~/\C sAall so ~~sliGizee in a ~~sliGatieR ef ~eReral
oire~latieR withiR the Ce~Rty, aRe VaSaRGY RotiGes sRall se ~ostoe iR the Ce~Rty iismries
and Ce~nty so~rthe~se.
C. Q<Ja!ifieatioRs. MeFRser-s shall se ~ermaReRt resieeRts and elesters ef the Ce~Rty aRe
sAe~le se re~~tasle aRe astive iR semFR~Rity servise. TAe ~riFRary seRsieeralieR iR
appointing EAC memseF6 shall se te ~roviee the OJCC '....itA teGRRisal ex~erlise aRe othor
viowpoints that aro Resossary to oltestivoly aGGeFR~iisR the E,^,C's ~~r~ose. In
a~~eiRting FReFRoers, tho OJCC she~le sensieer a FRemsorship €l~ieeiine ef e toshnisal
rog~lar FReFRser-s ane :J non tesAnisal reg~lar mOFRsers, aRd 2 tesARioal altemate
FRemsers. TesARisal meFRsorG sRall eemeRstr-ate evieeRGe ef e)'~erlise iR 1 or mere of
tAe IollewiRg ar-oas relatee te eRvireRmeRtal ~rotestieR aRe Rat~ral rese~rses
FRana€leFRent: air ~~aiity, sielogy (iRsl~eiRg aRY ef the s~seisGi~iiRGS S~OA as sotaRY,
eseleg1', zeeiegy, eto.), soastal ~roGesses, estuarino ~resosses, Razar8o~s waste,
hydrogeeleg1', hyerelegy, hyera~iiss, laRe ~se law, land ~se ~lanRiRg, ~ollutieR seRtrel,
soiie wasto, storm'....ater FRanagement, water r-oso~rses, '....ildiife maRa~OFRORt, er ether
ro~rosontativo aroa eeemee a~~rewiate sy tho OJCC.
D. Reme'/al. AR1' FReFRser ef tRe E!\C may bo reFRovee from olliGO by a majority voto of thB
E. Offisers. The ollisers ef tho EAC sAall bo a ohairFRan aRe a viGe shairman. OfliGers'
terms sAall se lor 1 year, with eligisiiity lor reelestieR. The GAairmaR ane vise GAairman
sAall se eleGtee sy a majority voto at IAe or~aRizatieRal moetin~ aRe tRer-oalter at tAe
first rog~lar mBetiR~ of tAe Ef.C iR Ootobor of oash year. The GhairFRan shall prosiee at
all meelings ef the EAC. The vise shairman shall ~erlorFR the euties ef the shairman in
tho absenoe or iRGa~asity ef tAe shairFRan. In sase ef roFReval, resignatien, er death of
tho shairmaR, the viGe shairmaR shall ~orlerm s~sR d~ties as aro iFR~esee eR the
sRairFRaR ~ntil s~sh time as the E/\C sRall elest a Rew GhairmaR. SAo~le tAe ellises ef
shairFRaR ane or vise shairman seseme vasaRt, the E/'.C shall oleGt a SUOGessor from its
mOFRsership at tho Re)(t ro~~lar meeting. Sush olestieR shall bo for tho ~R8)q3irod term ef
saie ellise.
8.06.05 Qllerllm ane Vetinll
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1\ simple majerity ef the appeintea memlJers of tRe E/\C shall oenstit~te a quorum fer tRe
p~rpsse ef oena~otin€l lJ~siAess. AR anirmati\le VElte Elf 8 er mere memlJers shall lJe Resessary
in oram to tal<o offioial aotion, re€laraless of wRetRm 8 or mem mombors of the E/\C are prosont
at a mooting.
8.06.00 Rilles of ProGeallre
1\. TRe EI\C sRall, lJy majerity vote of tho ontire memlJersRip, aaopt rules sf prooea~re fer
tRe transaotien of lJ~sinoGG ana Ghall keep a reoera ef meetin€ls, resol~tions. finain€lG,
ana aeterminatiens.
B. TRe fellowin€l Gtanain€l G~lJoemmitteeG oemprisea Gelely of tRo Ef.C's memlJerGRip shall
mdst to aavanoe the a~tioG and respensilJilities ef tRe E/\C:
1. Gre'JJ!R mana€lemenl. The Ef.C may eGtalJliGh ether G~lJoommilteeG oempriGea
sololy of its momborship to faoilitate itG f~notiens. Meetin€lG ef tRe
s~lJsemmilteeG sRall oonform to tRo same p~lJlio netioo req~ir-emoRts as tRat of
tRe E/\C.
8.06.07 CompeRsatioR
MomlJers of tho E,A,C Ghall sorve witRe~t oempensatioR, lJ~t sRall lJo entitlea te reseive
reimbursement fer expenseG reasenalJly iAo~rrea in the perfermanso of tReir a~ties ~pOR prier
appreval ef tRe BeC.
8.06.08 MeetiRgs
Re€l~lar mootin€ls of tho EI\C GRail lJe Rela en tRo first 'NeaneGaay of oaoR month at 9:00
3.m. or etRorwise as aoterminea lJy the Ce~nty Man€ler er aosi€lnoe, in tRe BCC's moetin€l
room, thira fleor, lJ~i1ain€l "f':," Collier Co~nty Gevemmont Comple)(, ~lapleG, f':loriaa. Speoial
meetin€ls of tRe EI\C may 1J0 salloa lJy tho sRairmaR or lJy a majority of tRo momlJorsRip.
8.06.09 E'JalllatioR of the EAC
TRo E/\C Ghall lJe rovi9'.voa far major asoomplisRmonts ana 'NRotRor it is servin€l tRe
purposo for whioh it was or{)ated onoe every 1 years sommensing with 200a in assoraanoe witR
the preoea~res oontainea in Cellier Ce~nty Orainanoe No. lle 11. as amenaea.
8.06.10 /\ppeal
1\. /\ny per-seR a€l€lrievea lJy tRe aeoision of lhe Ce~nty Mana€ler or his aesi€lnee re€larding
any potilion fer 'NRioR environmontal iSG~oS oannot lJo rosolvoa lJolwoon tho applioant
and staff in 'J/RioR tRore iG no otRer aveR~O of appeal may file a written req~est for
appeal, not later tRan 10 €lays after Gaia aeoiGion. '....ith tRo ",A,C. TAe "I\C will netify tRe
a€l€lrie\'ea person aRa tRe Co~nty MaRa€ler or RiG aesi€lnoo of tho aale, timo aRa plase
lhat s~oh appeal sRall lJe Reara; s~sh netifisation will lJe €liven 21 €lays prior to tRe
ReariR€l ~nless all partios waive tRiG req~iremeRI. TRe appoal will lJe Reara lJy tRo E/\C
'....itRin eO aaYG of tRe G~lJmissioR of tho appeal. ~lo less tRan 10 clays prior to the
hoarin€l the a€l€lrievoa porson ana staff sRall submit to tho EI\C ana te 11010 Ce~nty
Mana€ler or Ris aesi€lRoe 60pios of 11010 €lata ana informatioR tRoy intena to ~se in tRo
appoal, ana will also sim~llaneo~Gly mCGRaR€le s~sR €lata and informatioR with easR
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otRer. U~on cOAclusioR of the heariR€l the E.'\C will s~bmit to the Boars of CO~Rty
Commissionors its facts, tindings and recommensatioAs. The Boars of CO~Rty
Commissiono~s, iR re€l~lar SOSSiOR, will mal{o tRe final sosisioR to affirm, everr~le or
modify tho secision of tho CO~Rty MaRa€ler er his sosi€lROO iR Ii€lRt of tRe
rocommoRsatioRs oflRo E.'\C.
8,07.00 Historic/Archaeologic Preservation Board - See Article VIii (Boards, Commissions,
Committees and Authorities) of Chapter 2 (Administration) of the Collier County Code of Laws
and Ordinances.
8.97.91 EstablishmeRt
TReFO is ROFeby c~eates a Histeric!,^,rcRaeelo€lical PresePlatioR Bears ("PFOsorvatioR
Boars,") VlRieR sRall serve as aR asYisery bears to tRe BCC tar Cellier Ce~Rty, Florisa. TAe
Prosorvatien Bears is vostes .....itR the powor, a~tRerity, aAs j~rissiction te sosi€lRato, re€l~lato,
and administer Risterieal ans areRaoole€lical resourBOS iR tRo Ce~Rty, as sot furtR by this LDC,
~Rsor tho direct jurisdictieR aRs cORtrol ef tRe Bce:.
8.Q7.Q2 PO'!lors and Dllties
TRO PresorvatieR Boars shail have tho fulle'....iR€l ~oVlers aAs s~tios:
.'1. To ~ro~ese r~les aAs ~recos~ros to im~lemeRt the wovisieRs of tRis sectioR to
tRe BCC;
B. To croate a ma~ soliReatiR€l the areas ef arehaeole€lieal aRs Risterical
Si€lAiticance which sRall be s~bjoct to a~~reval, by resol~tioR, ef tRe BCC. TRis
ma~ sRall 130 kno'....R as "The map of Areas ef Histerical .'1reRaoelo€lical
Prebability" aRs sRall be ceR'l~letos witRiA 1 year kem tRe sate of tRe first
mootiA€l ef tho PresorvatieR Bears;
C. MaintaiR aRs ~~sate the ma~ ef Areas of Historical Archaoelegical Probability at
iRtervals Ret te 8)(COOS 5 years. .'111 s~bso~uent ChaR€les to the ma~ sRall be
sllbject to a~~reval by tRe BC C;
D. Te sosi!jnato s~oeifie sites, str~cll;ros, sistricts, bllildings, and properties as
historically and or archaeologically significant in accordanco '!lith section
2,93,97 E.;
E. To seol{ assistaRee aRs asvice OR tesRAisal relates maltors ro~~iring
~rofossienal 8l(pertiso;
F. To maintain a mastor filo of sitos, sistrists, str~st~ros, bllilsings, and properties
designated as historisally significant; and maintain a separate master file
of sites designated as arshaeologically signifisant;
G. To wo~aro amJ FOsommeRd to tRO BCC fiAaRsial ans teshRisal iRsoRtivo
~ro!jmms to f~rtRor histeris aRs arshaoolo€lical ~roservatioR;
H. To incroaso tho a'NarOROSS of Ristoric aRs arcRaeelo€lisal wesorvatien aRs its
eommunity beRefits by ~reR1etin€l ~~blis os~catien we!jmms;
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I. To al3l3ly for, in tho Ramo of tho CO\'lAty only, €lrant assistanco from state, feseral,
or wivato SOlJrcos for tho l3~rl3oso of furthorin€l historic ans archaoolo€lical
I3reservation s~Bjest to al3l3reval ef the BCC;
d. To roview the al3l3rowiateness ef al3l3lyin€l fer the sesi€lnatien as a eortifies loeal
govemment (J€i C.F.R. ~ €i1 (2091)) en Bohalf ef the CelJnty;
K. Ul30n tRe Cs~nty's sssi€lnatisn as a eertifies loeal €levoFRmont, te review ans
make reeommensatiens eoneemin€l ~Jational Re€listor ef Historie Plaees
neminatien wel3esals te tRe Flerisa review BeaFs;
L. Te isentify eritoria fer soterminin€l tho 130tontial iosation ef historieal
areRaeele€lieal sites 'NRicR shall Be lJSOS BY I3rejoet review serviees slJrin€l site
M. Te sesi€ln an al3l3lieation for tho cortifieate of al3wewiateness;
~J. Te iss~e eortifieates ef al3l3rOl3riatoness Basos on eritoria outlines in tRe U.S.
Seerotary of the Interior's "Stansar.es for RORaBilitati()A" J€i C.F.R. ~ €i7 (2091 ),
3S 3FReFlaed, aRE! iRSerJ3SFatoEt l3y mforORse t:lerein;
O. Te sesi€ln an al3l3lieatien for an historieal aFGRaeological slJrvoy ans assessment
waivor req~ost;
P. Reviet..., 8FlJ3ealE: fur histsrieal @rGRaeelefJisal sl:Irvoy ::lAa :lS€:8ssmont waivor
re~lJests senies BY tRe CelJRty M aR€lsr or sssi€lnse;
Q. To sesi€ln aR al3l3lieatien for dosignation of sl30eific sitos, sistriets, structures,
blJildiRgs, aRd I3rOl3ertios as historisally arshaoologisally sigRifisaRt; aRd
R. To l3erform any etRor flJnstien or alJty assigned by the BCC.
8.G7.G3 Memborship
Appointments. The Prosorvation Boara sRall eeRsist of 7 momBers al3l3ointod by tho
BCC. !;;aeR momBor of tRO Preservatien Beard sRall Rela oflieo only so leng as he er SRO
is a resiaeRt ef Cellier CelJRty, Fleriaa. Al3l3eintments sRall 130 maae BY resellJlion of tRe
BCC en the Basis ef a 130teRtial memBer's involvement in eomm~nity iss~es, intogrity,
8)(l3erienee, ana interest in tRe fiela of Risterieal elAa areRaeological preservation.
QlJalificatiens. The BCC shall apl3eint 1 m omBor frem oaeR of tho foil owin€l cate€lerios:
1. History;
2. AreRaoolo€lY;
J. Real ostate. lana aovelol3m ont. or finaneo;
4. ,^.reRitoet~ro, on€lineerin€l, B~ilain€l eeRstrlJetion, ana ianaseal3e areRitestlJre; ana
8. Law or ~rBaR I3laRnin€l.
Tho 2 romainin€ll3ositioRs sRall 130 filles BY citizons at lar€le.
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C. Te~m. .'\11 aJlJlaintmentc shall be made for J years. ^ Proser'/atian Beard memlJer shall
lJa eli[lilJle tar reaJlJleintmant, lJ~t shalllJe limited te 2 senses~tive terms.
D. Offisers. The mombors of Iho Prosorvalion Board shall eleE)t a shairman and a vise
chairman for a 1 yoar term each. The chairman shail preside al all moetin[ls and shall
have Ihe ri[lhtte vole. The vice chairman shall Jlreside in the alJsence of the chairman.
The GhairmaR aRd viGe shairmaR may lJe reelasted for an additienal 1 year lerm oash,
b~t may net sePo'e for mere than 2 censoc~tivo yoars.
E. Ramel'al. Prier to tho EmJliratieR of his or her term, a momlJor of the PreservatioR Board
may lJe removed frem office lJy a majerity vote of the BCC. .'1 member ef the
Presorvation Board shall 1J0 automatically removod if he is alJsent from 2 GenseG~tive
meetiR[ls 'lJithe~t a satisfactery e)(8~se er, in the alternative, if he is alJseRI from mere
than 114 of Ihe meetiR[lS in a [liven tiscal year, providod that the Preservalion Beard has
met at least 8 times in the [liven fiscal yoar. Members shall lJo doomod absenl kom a
meetiR[l wheR they are not wesent d~rin[l at least 75 porconl of the meetiR[l.
F'. 1'3GaREry'. The BCC shall fill the vacancy by apJleinlmonl.
8.97.94 ComlloRsatioR
MomlJers ef the Preservation Beard shall serve ....'ithe~t som Jlensatien.
8.97.95 MoetiRgs
A. The Preservatien Beard shall meet at least once per menth, at a date and time te lJe
decided lJy the Pr-eservatian Beard, ~nless there is ne lJ~siness JlendiR[l lJemre the
Presarvatien Beard. Re[lardless of the lacl< ef Jlendin[l lJ~sinass, the Proser'latieR Bear.e
shall meet at least 4 times d~rin[l any salendor year.
B. All meetin[ls of the Preservation Boord shalllJe eJleR to the Jl~lJlic.
C. A Jl~lJlic rocord of tho ProsorvalioR Beard's min~teG and rosol~tions shall lJe maintained
and mado avallalJlo mr inS!l8GtieR lJy the !l~IJIIG.
D. The PreservalioR Board's meotin[l a[lenda shail lJe Jl~IJIiGhed tho S~nday !lrior to tho
sshed~lod meelin[l iR a nowsJlaJler ef [leneral !laid sirs~lation in the Ce~nty and of
[leRoral interest and readershiJl in Ihe Gemm~nity. The ad may lJe !llaGed where other
le[lal notiGes aJl!lear.
8,08.00 CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD - See Article Viii (Boards, Commissions,
Committees and Authorities) of Chapter 2 (Administration) of the Collier County Code of Laws
and Ordinances.
to. CeRe~31. The provisions of this Cede shall lJe enfor-oed by (1) the Cellier Co~nty Cede
IOntercemeRt Beard pursuant to the a~therity [lrClRted lJy F'.S. !i 182.01 et seQ.. (2) lJy the
lJeard ef Ge~nty Gemmissieners thre~[lh itc a~therit'J te onjein and restrain aRY Jlorsen
violatin[l the Cedo, or (J) lJy Cellier Ce~nty thre~[lh the Jlreses~tien ef violatiens in tho
name ef the Stato ef Flerida !l~rs~ant te the a~therity [lranted lJy F.S. !i 128.89. Tho
so~nty mana[ler shall have Iho right to insJlest these lands, walors, er str~sl~ros affoctod
lJy this Code and to issuo c itatiens mr vielaliens.
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1. TRo torm "CO~Aty maAa€lOr" as ~sos in this Coso sRall moan tho county maAa€lor
er RiE dSEi€JFl88.
B. '/:o!atioR. \^!hoAover, !Jy IRe prO'/lslons of tRis Coso, IRe ~orformaAco of aAY act is
roq~iros, er tRo ~orfermaAco of any act is ~rohibitod, or whoA(lVor any rogulatioA or
IImitalioR is im~osos on tRe ~so or dO'lolo~moRt of any laRs or walor, or on tho orootion
of a str~eture, a fail~ro to com~ly with s~cR ~rovisioAS sRall cORstituto a violatioR of tRis
C. Cornp/3:Rts .'€fJar9!RfJ 'I:O!ot:OAS. Whonover a violation of tRis Coso oco~rs, or is allo€lod
to Ravo ooo~rros, any ~orsoR may filo a com~laint. g~eR eom~laiRt stating fully tho
oa~sos aRs !Jasis thoroof sRall !Jo filos with tho co~nly maRa€lor. TRo co~nly managor,
or Ris SOSi€lAOe, sRall recors ~re~erly s~oR com~laiAt, invosti€late, ans tako aetion
tRoreoA as ~rovisod !Jy tRis Codo. Ho sRall maintain as a ~~!Jllc record, in his offioo, tRo
sis~ositioA maso oftRo oom ~laiRt.
D. Liab:.Wy. Any ownor, IORaAt, or ooo~~aRt of any laAs or str~ct~ro, or part tRoroof, aRs aRY
aroRitoct, oRgiRoor, !J~ilsor, oontraclor, or ai'll' otRor a€loRt, or othor ~orsoR, firm, or
oor~oratioA, oitRor iAsivis~ally or tRre~€)R its a€)onts, om~loyoos, or iAse~onsoRt
oontraotor, wRo violatos tho ~ro'/isions of tRis Coso, or WRO ~artioi~atos iR, assists,
diroGts, oroatos, or maiRtaiRs any sil~ation tRat is oontra,,; to 11010 rOEl~iremoRts of this
Coso, sRall !Jo Rols ros~oRsi!Jlo for tRo violatioR aRd bo sulJjoot 10 tho ~oRaltios and
romosios ~rovisos horoi 1'1 or as otRo"....iso ~re'lisos !Jy stat~to or ordiRanoo.
!;;. P.'OS09U."8S !JfJOR fi.isso'..s.'}' of \':oI3t:ons.
1. lJ~on tRo sotermiRatioA tRat aRY ~rovision of IRis Coso is !JOiR€) violatos, the
co~nly maRa€)Or or his SOSi€)ROO, !Jotero ~rosoc~tin€) sais vioiatioRs !Jotero tho
ooso oRtercomont !Joars, sRall sond a '....riltoR Rolico !Jy ro€)istorod or by oortifios
mail rol~rR rocoi~t reEl~ostos or !Jy RaRs solivory 10 tRo ~orsoA(s) ros~oRsi!Jlo for
s~ch violatioR, iRsicatin€) tRo Rat~ro of the '1iolatioR aRs ersorin€) tRo actioR
nooossary to oorrool it. f,ssitieRal ",rillon notices may !Je seRt at tRO oounty
maRa€)er'S siscrotion.
2. Tho .....riltoR Rotico shall stalo tho actioR tRo oe~Rty maRa€lOr iRtORSS to tako, if tho
violatioR is not correotes.
:0. Bofere a vioialioR of any of tho provisioRS of tRis Cese is ~resoc~tos !Jofore Ihe
ooso onforcement !Joars, written Retioe !Jy rO€listoros or oertifiod mail, return
recoipt roq~ostos, shall bo servioos !Jy tho CO~Rty managor or his designoe
aoeOrSiR€) te tho rOEl~iromoRts of OrsiAaRco ~Io. 92 llO, as may !Je ameRses frem
time te time (Coso OR. 2, art. Viii, si.... 11].
4. If tRo violatioR Is of a Rat~r€ Ihat it oaR !Je eorroctes !Jy an official zoning atlas
amoRsmont or thro~€lh tRo €)hlRtin€l of a varianoo, tRo CO~Rty asmiRistrator is
autherizos to suspeRs oRtercomont aotions pens in€) tRe o~tcomo of s~ch
~roeOOSiA€)S; provises tRat tRe ~orson(s) ros~ensi!Jlo ter Ihe violalion filo 11010
a~prepriate a~~liootieR forms for efficial zoning atlas amonsmont or variaRce
ReariR€) '.'lith 11010 ee~nly maRa€)er wilhin ton oaloAsar says of tho roeoi~t of Rotice
of violatioR. If tRo o~toomo of an official ZORiR€) atlas amoRsmont rOEl~osl or
variaRoo roquost doos Rot romosy 11010 violation, tho ~orsoR(s) ros~onsi!Jlo for tRo
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vielation CRail ha'Jo 1 a Galonsar says to GorreGt tno violation, unless !jrantes an
m(tension sy tRO Gounty m ana!jer as sot fortR Clsevo.
5. In Gases wRere selay weuls seriously tRreClten tho effeGtive enferGement of this
Cose er pese a sanger te tRe t)ublic naallR, safety, or !jeneral welfare, the county
manager may ceel< onfor-(lemont without prier 'Nritton notiGo by invel<in!j any ef
lhe remesioc centainos in tRis Ceso or olRerwise t)rovided by law.
F. Cr-':m.:Aa.' fJeR:JWes EJRfl rDme€f..'es.
1. 1\ t)ersen Vlno 'Jiolales any of tho t)rovisions of this Coso, or fails te comt)ly witR
any of its reEjuirements, er fails to asiso sy ans obey all ersers ans resolutionc
t)remul!jatos as Rerein previsos, shall se sullject te procecutien in tRe namo of
the slale in tne same manner as missemeanors are t)roseGutes, t)ursuantto tRO
terms of F'.S. !i 125.e9, as amensed, ans shall bo susjeGt te all Griminal penalties
aulRerizos by tRa State of F'lorisa fer such violCltion. lJt)en conviGlion, SUSR
t)erson sRall se t)unisRed by a fine nat to Olwees !SaGO.GO or by imt)risonment in
tRO Gounty jail not to oxcoos eO says, or sy seth SUGn fino and imt)risenmenl.
2. Ea6R Galonsar say tnat any vielation Gontinues after reGeit)t of a written netiGe ef
sUGn violation snail Gonstitute a set)arate vielation ans a set)aralo offense fer
t)urt)esas oflne t)enalties ans remesias st)ocifies nerein.
d. In assition 10 tne t)enaltioc and remosios asove, tne Gounty mana!jer may
instituto any at)t)ret)riate aGtiens er t)roGoosin!js Ie t)rovont, restrain, GorreGl, or
asate a \'iolati eR of tnis Cose, as t)rovisos sy law.
G. C!'A! penaltios aRa ~emedios.
1. Coase ans sosist orsers. Tne GOURty mana!jor is autnerizos te icsue Gease ans
socist orsors in tne form of writteR effiGial netiGos sont S)' re!lislores mail te tne
t)orsoR(s) responsisle fer tne violation.
2. RevoGatieR ef suilsin!j t)ermits, GertifiGatos ef OGGut)aRG)', er otnor sevelet)ment
orsors, t)ormits or at)t)r-e'/als. Tno Gounty manager may rovolm an)' suilsin!j
t)ormit, GertifiGato of OGGut)aRGY, development order, sovelet)mont t)ormit, or
sevelopment at)t)reval, wnatseever, in tRese Gases '....here aR asminislrative
doterminatien nas seen suly made tnat, relevant 10 tne t)rovisiens and
rOEjuirements of tnis Cese, false statements er misr-et)rosenlations o)(istos as to
matorial faGt(s) in tne at)t)liGation or t)lans ut)en 'NniGh lho pormit or at)t)roval was
d. Sust)ensioR ef suilsin!j pormits, GertifiGatos of occupancy, or otner sevelet)ment
ordors. t)ormits er approvals. Tne Gounty maml!ler may, to tne 8l(teRt t)ermittes
S)' law, sust)ons any builsin!l t)ormit, Gertificato ef oGGut)anGY, development
order, seveiet)mont t)ormit, er dovolet)ment at)t)nwals wnatsoever, '....horo an
asmiRistmtive selerminatien has seen duly mase that, rolovantto tne t)revisions
and rOEjuirements of this Cese, an orror or omissien eR eitner tho t)art ef lho
appliGant or !jovernmont a!jenGY 8)(istes in tne issuanGe ef tho pormit or
appreval. ^ valis permit er sertifiGato sRall bo issuod in t)laGe of tno inGerreGt
pormit or cortifiGato after Gorroction ef lne error or emissien.
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4. Step '.Veri, eraer. ~er any vielatien of the previsions ef tAis Ceae wRich
constit~tes a tRreat te life er te p~lllic er private preperty, tRe ce~nty manager er
sesignee sRall Rave tAe a~tRerily te iss~e a stefl werk efaer iR tRe form of a
.....ritten efficial Rotice gi,'en to tAe o'.mer of tRo s~bjoct proporty or to Ris ageRt or
to tRe persen soiRg tRo worl{ whem s~cR a violation has lleeR commitlea or
oxisls. Uflen netice from tRe ce~Rty maRager or dosignoo tRat aRY actien or work
is ecc~rring cORtrarj to tRe flrevisions ef tRis Coae. ana it ceRstit~tes a throat to
life or to p~lllic or flrivato preporty. 'NReR aR)' cORaitieR(s) ef tRe violatioR
weseRts a serie~s tRreat to tRe Realth. safety ana welfare ef tRe fl~lllic or
constit~tes irroparalll e er irreplacealllo harm, s~cR action or .....orl{ shall
immesiately llo stopflea. The Rotice shall slate the cORaitions under WRicR tRe
actioR er worl{ may lle rosumea. WRero aRY emergency exists. or-al Retico giveR
by tRe ce~Rty rnaRager er designoe shall lle sufficioRt.
a. If tRe OWRer of tRe s~llject flreperty, Ris ageRt, er tho persoR aoiRg tRe
work "'Rere s~eh a violatioR Aas lloeR commitlea er oxists. fails to comflly
witR tAe stofl work erser flostea on tRe flreflerty. tho COURly maRager or
desigRee may iss~e a citation, whicR may res~it in the imflesitien ef a fine
ufl te aRa incl~aing $899.09, or may iRitiate furtRer aaministrative or
j~aicial eRforcemeRt preseoaiRgs. In asaitieR, tAo CO~Rty maRager er
dosi€lRee may impese aamiRistrativo costs on tRe rosflensillle ownor.
ageRt. or flersoR. NotRiR€l set fertA horoin is iRteRaea to limit any mdsting
legal rigAt er rece~rso tRat tRe allegea violator may Rave te centest the
stofl werk eraer.
H. Othe~ remedies.
TRe SCWRty maRager er the lleara of ce~Rty cemmissioRors may have roce~rse te s~sR
etRor remeaiss iR law and sEl~ity as may lle Ressssary te ens~re cemfllianse ',VitR tRe
provisioRs ef the Csae, iRel ~aiRg tRe follow iRg:
1. IRj~netive roliof to enjein ans restraiR aRY flersen from vislatiRg tho
flrovisioRs of tRe Ceae aRa reso'/ery ef samages fer s~ch violation;
2. Presoc~tieR Ill' tAo state alterRey's office as provises lly ~.S. ~ 125.6Q, as
a. ProsocutioR llefore tRo Coli ior CO~Rly CeSe ERforcemont Board;
4. Re'/eeatien sf aRY permit or cRaRging tRe conditi ons of any permit;
8. Vl/itRRelsiRg tRe iss~ance ef aRY eORstr~stieR fllaR aflwoval, 1l~i1SiRg
flermit, eortifieate ef ecc~flaRey. er inspeetien ll)' the ce~Rty;
6. ReEl~iriRg roplacomeRt Ill' tRe flroflerty eWRer of any vogolation remevos
iR vielatien ef the lans alteration and laRsseafliRg reg~latieRs er in
violation ef aRY flermit issued under tRe CeSe. incl~sing cerrective
meas~res p~fs~aRt te sectioR 1 9.02.013 C. RefllaeemeRt trees sRall lle of
sufficieRt size aRs El~aRtity to replaee tRe sllR (diameter at breast
Reight) ef inGRss removed. !\t the time of planting, a replaGement
tree shall have a minim~m dbR of three inGhes and a minimum
height of 14 feet and a seven feot Grown; and
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7. Resevery ef atteme)'s' fees, m(~ert witness fees, am! sesls, inoluain!j
tRose eA a~~eal, ineurrea ~y tRe seunt)' fer in Rouse seunty attemeys ana
staff e)(~erls and fer eutsiae le!jal seunsel e)(~ertG.
I. Netiee ami !JfJpea!. ,^.I1 aaministrative aesisiens autherizea ~y this Ceae fer a ~enaing
violatien ef tRe Ceae oeneernin!j a sle~ werk eraer, er tRe issuanse, reveeatien, or
sus~ensien of ~uilain!j ~en'Rits, eertifisales ef eseu~ans)', aevele~ment eraer-s,
aevelepment ~ermllG, er ae...ele~ment apprB\'als, wRalsee'/sr, shall ~e roausea Ie .....ritin!j
ana sent by ro!jister-ea mail, return roooi~t re~uestod, to tRe offisial Relaor of tRe affestea
devolo~mont a~~roval or ~om'1it alllllisant. Aaministrativo aoeisions of tRe eeunty
mana!jer, or autRorized effieial, may net ~e appealea to the ~oard of seunt)'
oommissionoFS, ~eara of zenin!j a~~eals, sese onroreement ~eara, er ~uilaiA" ~eara of
aajustmonto ;:lAa a~~oals, mwept as may ~e ethepuiso autRerizod by tRis Coae er ~y
etRer re"ulatlen aao~toa ~y referenos as a ~art of this Coao.
J. Proses!JtieA !Jmie,' p'<fJ\<ieus r-e€l!JJ.atieAs. !\ny prosoeution arisin" frem a violation ef any
~rier eeae, erainaneo, or re"ulalien of Cellior Ceunty suporsoaea ~)' this Coae, 'Nhioh
~ros8eutien '....as ~enain" at tRO effeetive aato ef tRis Ceao, or any ~resest,ltien wRisR
may ~e ~ogun within one yoar aftor tho offestive aate sf lhis Coae, in eonss~t,lsnee sf
an)' violation ef an)' prior oeae. erainanoo, er rGgt,llation su~oFSoaea Rero~y, wRieR
vielation was semmittea prier te tRO offeotive aato of ti'lis Code, shall ~e triea ana
gslorminoa exaetl)' as if SUOR ~rior eeae, orainanee. er reg\llatien Rag net ~een
1:\09 Amend the LDC\2009-Cycle 1\Amendments\DRAFT originals\8.xx.xx - delete advisory boardS.doc
Office of the Fire Code Official
Summary of Plan Review Activity
Architectural Reviews
Sprinkler Reviews
Underground Reviews
Fuel & LP Gas Reviews
Hoods & FSUP Reviews
Alarm Reviews
SOP Reviews
Total # of Plans Reviewed
Number of Work Days
Average # of Plans Reviewed per Day
ASAP Reviews per Building Department:
22 Fast Track Architectural Reviews
2 Tent Reviews
Total # of ASAP Reviews.:
Total ASAP Reviews per Day
.Overtime Reviews are not included in this figure
Scheduled Meetings/Hours.
6.50 Hrs.
16.58 Hrs.
4.42 Hrs.
13.91 Hrs.
5.67 Hrs.
12.09 Hrs.
Classes and Seminars attended by FeO:
6/10 Fire Suppression, 4 CEU's, Fort Myers
6/17-6/18 FFMIA Board Meeting, Orlando
Maggie Jani
Ed Riley
Total Overtime Hours for the Fire Code Office
.Overtime Hours Reimbursed by Contractors
2 (1 Review)
In addition to the above-mentioned tasks, The Fire Code Official's Office fields
numerous phone calls, walk-ins, field inspections and impromptu meetings.
Office of the Fire Code Official
2600N. Horseshoe Dr.
Naples. Fl 34104