Ordinance 93-77 ORDINANCE NO. 93-,77, ,, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 90-17, TH~ COLLIER COUNTY NOISE ORDINANCE, PROVIDING FOR" AMENDMENT OF SECTION ONE, SECTION FIVE, SECTION~ SIX, SECTION SEVEN, SECTION EIGHT, SECTION NINE, ~ SECTION TEN, AND SECTION ELEVEN OF ORDINANCE NO. 90-17, AND ADDING A NEW SECTION SEVEN PROVIDING FOR REGULATION OF AMPLIFIED SOUND WITHIN 1000 FEET OF RESIDENTIAL USE OCCUPANCY ...OR ZONE~ PROPERTY, PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT AND SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ~: WHEREAS, the making and creation of excessive, unnecessary, i~j.i:~~' unnatural or unusually loud noises within the limits of Collier ~'~.' County is a condition which has existed for some time and the '":" amount and intensity of such noises is increasing; and '~"- WHEREAS, the making, creation or maintenance of such excessive, unnecessary, unnatural or unusually loud noises which are prolonged, unusual and unnatural in their time, place or use, ~'~ are a detriment to the public health, comfort, convenience, " safety, welfare and prosperity of the residents of Collier %.7%.,' County. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNT~ COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: · !~i(; SECTION ONE: Section One of Collier County Ordinance No. ,'?:':' 90-X7 is hereb~ ~ended to read as follows: SECTION ONE: FINDINGS AND PURPOSE. "; The Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, .:!. finds and determines that noise level emissions in excess of the requirements established in this Ordinance are potentially ~i~ harmful and injurious to the public health, safety and welfare, >'. and unreasonably interfere with the enjoyment of life and ~';:.., property in Collier County, Florida. :':?',"' It is therefore the purpose of this Ordinance to eliminate, :? regulate or restrict sources and occurrences of amplified sound or noise at decibel levels or freauencies and intensities which are contrary to the public welfare, constitute a nuisance to the public at large and degrade the quality of life. It is determined bv the Board that ewcessive noise created by the ,ooK 063 371 -1- Words underlined are added; words et~ are deleted. ~.'~ amglification of sound emanatin~ from non-enclosed areas such as x. chickee huts. screened porches and the like when located in commercial or tourist use occupancies or zones within 1000 feet of a residential use occupancy or zone is disruptive to the use · and en~ovment of such residential property. It ia '' declared that the provisions and prohibi%ions hereinafter · ~ · contained and enacted are for the purpose of securing and ' promoting public health, comfort, convenience, safety and welfare, and the peace and quiet of Collier County and the /'.... inhabitants therein. SECTION TWO: Beotion Five of Collier County Ordinance No. g0-x? il hereby amended to read es follows: SECTION FIVE: DEFINITIONS. . The words and phrases used in this ordinance are defined as !,,.' follows: :...,' A. Agricultural Zone - ~ agricultural zone is any .,m~.~'~ geographic area designated for agricultural activities ~,,,~, by the zoning authority having Jurisdiction over such :" area. "..' B. Ambient Noise - The all encompassing noise associated · with a given environment, being usually a composite of ;'~. sound from many so6rces near and far. - C. Amplified Sound - Use of a Public address .. loudspeaker, amplifier or any other device which ..' electronically au=ments the volume of sound. D.~ A-Weighted Level (dBA) - the A-weighted level is the sound pressure level in decibels as measured on a sound ~' level meter using the A-weighted network. The level so read is designated dBA. ,...?,s E.B~- Collier County - Ail territory within the legal ,~. boundaries of the unincorporated area of Collier County, ',;':,(, Florida. .F.~ Collier County Code Enforcement ~ Department - The designated 'authority charged with administration of this Ordinance and enforcement in. addition to enforcement by Collier County Sherif~_Offic.~ SO K ~ ~ Words M/i~ are added; words et-~ke~ are deleted. Commercial Zone - A commercial zone is any geographic area designated for commercial or professional activities by the zoning authority having Jurisdiction over Buch area. Community Event - Any cultural, sDortina, historical or traditional observance,...holidays and ceremonies, parades and concerts open to the Dublic. includina events operated for profit or for which admission is charaed. I.G~Construction - Any sit e preparation, assembly, erection, substantial repair, alteration, or similar action, but ~xcluding demolition, for or on any public or private right-of-way, structures, utilities or similar property. J.Hv Continuous Noise - A noise which remains essentially constant in level during the period of observation. I(.~ County Manager - The County Manager referenced in this Ordinance is the County Manager of Collier County. L.~ Decibel - (dB) - a Unit for describing the amplitude of sound, equal to twenty (20) times the logarithm to th9 base ten (10) of the ratio of the pressure of the sound measured to the reference pressure, which is twenty (20) micronewtons per square meter. M.K~ Emergency - An occurrence or set of circumstances involving actual or imminent physical trauma or property damage which demands immediate action. N.~=r Emergency Work - Any work performed for the purpose of preventing or alleviating the physical trauma or property damage threatened or caused by an emergency. O.M~ Impulsive Sound - A sound of short duration, usually less than one second, with an abrupt onset and rapid decay. Examples of sources of impulsive sound include explosions, drop forge impacts, and the discharge of firearms. 063' 3'73· Words ~ are added; words et~ are deleted. '.. P.N~ Industrial Zone - An industrial zone is any geographic -i~ area designated for industrial or manufacturing activities by the zoning authority having Jurisdiction ~ over such area. ~,.. O.~ Intermittent Noise - A noise whose sound pressure level exceeds the ambient noise level at either regular or irregular intervals. R.~ Noise - Any sound which annoys or disturbs humans or causes or tends to cause an adverse psychological effect on humans. ", S.~ Noise Disturbance - One or a group of loud, harsh, ~'~ nonharmonious sounds or vibrations that are unpleasant and irritating to the ear which is or may be harmful or injurious to the health or welfare of a reasonable ii person with normal sensitivities or unreasonably interferes with the enjoyment of life, property or outdoor recreation. T.~v Noise Level - As referenced in this Ordinance, th.~ noise level is the sound pressure level as measured in '~- dBA unless otherwise specified. A measurement of noise must be at least 5dB above the ambient noise level. Non-enclosed area~s) - Any area or str~cture that is no~ totally enclosed with a continuous roof. floor and wall~ constructed using rigid structural buildina materials. V.~Person - Any individual natural person, public or private corporation, firm, association, Joint venture, partnership, or any other entity whatsoever or any combination of such, Jointly and severally. Person shall include any owner, agent, or ~mplovee of a business establishment or other entity. W. ProPertY Boundary - The legal boundary of real property. In the case of multiDle family structures, the oroDertv boundary for DurDoses of this Ordinance shall be the balcony. Porch or interior of the complainant's unit. 063 ' Words ~ are added; words et-~ke~ are deleted. X.~ Pure Tone - Any sound which can be distinctly heard as a single pitch or a ~et of single pitches. For the purposes of measurement, a pure tone shall exist if the one-third octave band sound pressure level in the band /"~ with the tone exceeds arithmetic value of the sound pressure levels of the two contiguous one-third octave bands b~ 5dB for center frequencies of 500 Hz and above and by 8dB for center frequencies between 160 and 400 Hz and by 15dB for center frequencies less than or equal to ~ 125 Hz. Y.%~ Real Property Line - an imaginary line along the ground "~ surface, and its vertical plane extension, which separates the real property owned, rented or leased by one person from that owned, rented or leased by another person, excluding intrabuilding real property'divisions. Z.~A~ Residential Zone - A residential zone is any geographic area designated for single or multi-family dwelling by the zoning authority having Jurisdiction over such area. ~ AA.W~ IAMS Sound Pressure - The square root of the time : ~ averaged square of the sound pressure, denoted Prms. BB.~ Sheriff's Office - The sheriff's office referenced in this Ordinance is the Collier County Sheriff's Office. /: CC. Sound - An oscillation in pressure, stress, particle '~ ~-displacement. Particle velocity or other Physical '' parameter, in a medium ~-Ch internal forces. The description of sound may include any characteristic of such sound including duration, intensity and freauency, D~_~ Sound Level Meter - An instrument to measure the sound pressure level of relatively continuous an~ broadband ~ ..,. noises. The sound level meter used to determine compliance with th~s Ordinance shall meet or exceed the requirements for type 2 sound level meter ~n acco~dance~ ; ' with..ANSI Standard S1.4. : 375 -5- Words underlined are added; words et~ are deleted. EE.~ Sound Pressure Level ~ As referenced in this Ordinance, sound pressure level ~eans 20 times the logarithm to the base 10 of the ratio of the RMS sound pressure to the reference pressure of 20 micropascals (20 x 10-6 N/mt). The sound pressure level is denoted Lp or SPL and is expressed in decibels. SECTION THREE= Section Six of Collier County Ordinance No. 90-X? Is hereby amended to read es followst SECTION SIX= MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE SOUND LEVELS. A. Cla~sification of Use Occupancy. For the purposes of defining "use occupancy" in this Ordinance, the following classifications shall apply. 1. All premises containing habitually occupied sleeping quarters shall be considered residential use. 2. All premises containing transient commercial sleeping quarters shall be considered tourist use. 3. Ail premises containing business where sales, professional, or other commercial use is legally permitted, shall be considered commercial use. 4. All. premises where manufacturing is legally '-- permitted shall be considered manufacturing use. 5. Nursing homes, hospitals, schools, libraries, and church uses shall be considered residential uses. '~ 6. In cases of multiple use, the more restrictive use category shall prevail. 7. Any area not otherwise classified shall conform to commercial standards. B. Maximum Permissi~le Sound Levels By Use~Occupancy. No person shall operate or cause to be operated any source of sound from any use occupancy in such a manner as to create a sound level which exceeds the limits set forth for the use occupancy category in Table I, for a t~al of more than t~¢~' p~rcent (10%) of any ~easurement period, which measurement Der~;d shall not be less than ~-- ""~ ~ sixty ¢60) seconds when 063 ~r ~'~- deleted. ~Words ~ are added; words ~ i ] .... are ~"".,. ,. '. measured at or beyond the property boundary of the land use from ~!i!. which the sound emanates. If a complaint arises from a '(~ ' multi-story structure, the sound level meter measurement may be taken at the location from which the complaint originated. TABLE I Use Occupancy Sound Level .~j?" Category Time Limit (dBA) Residential 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. 60 After 10 p.m. to 6=59 a.m. 55 Commercial or 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. 65 Tourist - After 10 p.m. to 6:59 a.m. 55 2~0~residential ~ use oCCUDancv or zone "% Commercial or 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. 65 ~'. Tourist After 10 p.m. to 6559 a.m. 60 ,.~.,~. Manufacturing or At all times 75 · ~'-'. adjoining within I.:~?. .~ commercial or tourist use occupancy '~ or zone ~. Manufacturing or 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. 65 !¥' Industrial - Monday through Saturday ~ ~ After 10 p.m. to 6:59 a.m. 60 , ,~ residential use and all of Sundays i!.~'.~. ~ccuoancv or zone ':~'~, Agricultural At all times 75 C. Correction for Character of Sound. 1. For any source of sound which emits a pure tone, the maximum sound level limits set forth in Table I (i! shall be reduced by 5 dBA. ,. '~'~' 2. For any source of impulsive sound which is of short ' "' duration with an abrupt onset, the maximum sound - level limits set forth in Table I shall be i.-. increased by 10 dBA from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. !i~[.I' D. Multi-famil~ Dwellings~ -- In the case of multi-family ~ ' dwelling units, it shall be unlawful to create or permit to be created any noise that exceeds 50 dBA, during the hours between 7 a.mrSto 10 p.m., or 45 dBA during the hours between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m. daily, measured from inside a neighbor's dwelling within ~)' said multi-family dwelling-unit. . 063. t377 · ~ ~'°Nords ~ are added; words ~ are deleted.' B. construation Noise~ -- No person shall operate or permit to be operated any power driven construction equipment vithout a muffler or other noise reduction devise at least as effective as that recommended by the manufacturer or provided as original equipment. Construction equipment that must be operated near a residentially zoned area on a 24-hour per day basis (i.e. pumps, well tips, generators, etc.) shall be shielded by a barrier to reduce the noise during the hours of 6:00 p.m. to 7=00 a.m. unless the unshielded noise level is less than 55 dBA, measured at the closest adjacent residentially zoned property line. F. ~nnual Permit for NgB-~Dlified ~usio From Non-enclose4 ~reas Within 1000 Feet of a Resi4sntial Use Oocuoan~¥ ~r ~ons, AnY person, business ~ablishment or other entity causina or a11owina to be caused qgn-amDlified ~usic from a non-enclosed area within a commercial or tourist ~se occupancy or zo~ ..~nd within 1000 feet of a residential use occuDanc~ or zone shall obtain from the ~ountv an annual permit in accordance with the conditions provided in naraaraDh 3 below. 2. Non-amplified music emanatina a from non-enclosed area for which a permit is required shall not excegd 6~ dBA between the hours of 9:00 A.M. and 10:00 P.M. and shall not exceed 55 dBA between the hours of 10:01 P.M. and 8:59 A.M. measured at or inside the property boundary of the complainant. 3. Annual Permit ~Dnlication and Issuance. An annual D91'mft ~ha11 be obtained from the Communit~ D~V~loDment Services Administrator or his desianee by all persons. business establishments or other entities DriOr ~O ~usina or allowina to be caused non-amplified m~s~c to emanate from a non-enclosed area located within a commercial or tourist use occuDancv or zone which i~ within 1000'feet of a residential use occuoancv or zone~ ~ Words~ are added; words e~ieke~ ara deleted. shall be reauired. A permit obtained in 1993 shall be valid for the 1993 calendar year and for the 1994 calendar year where specified on the permit and permit application. b. Commencin* with the 1994 calendar year. an annual permit shall be valid only for the calendar year in which it was obtained. Prior to annual permit issuance, an application shall be filed containina all of tho following information: name an~ ~ddress ~f anDlicant: name and address of business on establishment where music will be produce¢~l 9_~ description of event for which music will be produced fe.~. dinner hour. haPPY hour. daytime or evening or weekend entertainment). 4. hours durin~ any twenty-four hour period during WhiGh music will be produced. ... e. calendar year for which annual permit is requested. fincludin~ both the 1993 calendar year and the 1994 calendar year where the applicant is required to obtain a Dermit for 1993 and 1994), Fee for ~nnual Permit. A forty dollar ¢$40.00) fee shall be paid by the applicant at the time of application for an annual Dermit for costs associated with administration and enforcement. Violation of Annual Permit for Non-amDlified Music. 6D¥ person, business establishment or other entity who g~USes or allows to be caused non-amPlified music to emanate from a non-enclosed area located within a commercial or tourist use occupancy or zone which is within 1000 feet of a residential use occuPancY or zone durin~ the.hours of 9:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M. in excess of 60 dBA shall be in violation of the annual 99Fmit and of 063. 379' Words undgrlined are added; words e~Ae~ ara deleted. this Ordinance. Any person who causes or allows to be caused non-amplified music to emanate from a non-enclosed area within a commercial or tourist use occupancy or zone within 1000 feet of a residential use occupancy or zone durina the hours of 10:01 P.M. and 8:59 A.M. in excess of 55 dBA shall be in violation of the annual permit and of this Ordinance. Each incidence of, nois9 level or time-of-day restriction violations shall constitute a separate offense. 7. Enforoement of Annual Permit. Violations of the annual '~ermit shall be enforced in accordance with the provisions of Section Twel¥9, SECTION FOURI A new 8motion Seven of Collier County Ordinance No. 90-X7 is hereby created to read as followsl SECTION SEVEN: REGULATION OF AMPLIFIED SOUND WITHIN 1000 FEET OF A RESIDENTIAL.VSE A. Re~ulation of Am91ified Sound From Enolose~ ~reas. Amplified sound emanatin~ from an enclosed area within a commercial or tourist use oCCUDancv or zone which is within 100'6 feet of a residential use occupancy or zone is permitted only during the hours of 9:00 A.M. to 2:00 A.M. B. Where amplified sound emanates from an enclosed area durin~ the hours of 9:00 A.M. to 2:00 A.M.. in accordance with paragraph A above, such amplification shall not be conducted in a manner or with such volume as to annoy or disturb the oulet. comfort and repose of a reasonable person occupying._ any residential use. C. Permit Re~uirement for ~mplified Sound From Non-en~lose~ Areas. AnY person, business establishment or other entity causin~ or allowin, to be caused amplified sound from a non-enclose~ area within a commercial or tourist use occupancy or zone and within 1000 feet of a residential use occupancy or zone shall obtain from' the County an annual permit in accordance with the conditions provided'in paragraph E of this section. 063 3'80 ~OOK ~ords~are added; words e~qeke~are deleted. ,. D. ~ximum Decibel ~evel for ~mDlified Sound. Where an ~' annual permit ia reau[red in accordance with DaraaraDh C above. amplified sound emanatin~ from a non-enclosed area shall not '~ exceed 60 dBA between the hours of 9:00 A.M. and 10:00 P.M. and ~': shall not exceed 55 dBA between the hours of 10:01 P.M. and 8:59 ~i~ .... A.M. as measured at or inside the property boundarv of a :. ~QmDlainant. \ ~'; ~u. ~nnual Permit for ~mDlif~ed Music from Non-enolose~ 1. ~nnual Permit ~DDlication a~d Issuance. An annual permit -' '~hall be obtained from the Community Development '., Services Administrator or his desia~ee by all Dersons~ business establishments or other entities prior to ; causin~ or allowi~ to be c~used amplified sound to .:( emanate from a non-enclosed area located within a commercial or tourist use occupancy or zone which is Within 1000 feet of a residential use occupancy or zone. a. Commencin~ on November 30. 1993. an annual permit " shall be re=uired. A permit obtained in 1993 shall :i,. b~ valid for the 1993 calendar year and for the ~ 1994 calendar year where specified on the permit and the per. it application. b. Commencin~ with the 1994 calendar year. an annu~l ;~ permit shall be valid only for the calendar veer in ~bich it was obtained, Prior to annual permit issuance, an application shall be filed containin~ all of the followin~ information: a. name and address of applicant: ., b. name and address of business or establishment where ~0~nd will be amplified.' c. identification of the tvDe Of SOUnd to be amDlifi~d and the method of am~lification, includin~ number ~. of loudspeakers and other amDlifvin~ devices: 063. 3'81' i,~.~.; · :- -11- ~ ~' Words ~ are added; words e~e%eke~ are deleted. , ,. d. description of event for which sound will be amplified Ce.a. dinner hour. haD~v hour. daytime or "' ~venina or weekend entertainment~' e. hours durina any twenty-four hour period durina which sound will be amplified. f. ¢~lend~r year for which annual permit is reauested. ,.,' fincludina both the 1993 calendar year and the 1994 calendar year where the applicant is reo~red to ~, obtain a permit for 1993 a~d 1994), Fee for ~nnual Permit. A forty dollar ¢$40.00~ fee shall be Paid By the applicant at the time of application for an annual permit for costs a~soGiated with administration and enforcement. P. Violation of ]tnnual Permit for 3~molified So~. Any person, business establishment or other entity who causes or allows to be caused amnlified music to emanate from a :- non-enclosed area located within a commercial or tourist use occupancy or zone which is within 1000 feet of a residential use occunancv or zone durina the hours of 9:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M. in excess of 60 dBA shall be in violation of the annual permit and : ' of this Ordinance. Any person who causes or allows to be caused · amplified music to emanate from a non-enclosed area within a commercial or tourist use occuDancv or zone within 1000 f~t o~ a ~' residential use occupancy or zone durina the hours of 10:01 P.M. and 8:59 A.M. in excess of ~5 dBA shall be in violation of the annual permit and of this ordinance. Each incidence of noise level or time-of-day restriction violations shall constitu~ a separate offense. ';' 9_~ Enforcement of ~nnual Permit. Violations Of the annual permit shall be enforced in accordance with the provisions of Section Twelve. Words underlined ara added; words e%~4~e~ are deleted. SECTION FIVE~ Section Seven of Collier County Ordinance No. 90-17 iS hereby renumbered to Section · ~ Eight and amended to read as follows: · . SECTION C~J~N EIGHT: EXCEPTIONS. ~. The following uses and activities shall be permitted: A. Construction operations for which building permits have ~" bean issued, or construction operations not requiring permits due ~.ii/' to ownership of %he project by an agency of government; providing all equipment is operated in accord with the manufacturers' specifications and with all standard, equipment, manufacturers' mufflers and noise reducing equipment in use and in proper operating condition, and is operated in compliance with Section Six: E. of this Ordinance. B. Noises of safety signals, warning devices, emergency pressure relief valvss and bells and chimes of churches. C. Noises resulting from any authorized emergency vehicle when responding to an emergency call or acting in time of emergency. D. Noises resulting from emergency work as defined in Section Five. E. Noises resulting from equipment or operations incidental to the'emergency repair or restoration of services such as public utilities or other emergency activities in the public interest. F. Any other noise resulting from activities of a temporary duration permitted by law and for which a license, permit or waiver therefor has bean granted by t~County in accordance with Sections ~i~h~ ~ Seven. Nine and Ten. G. Noises made by parsons having obtained a permit to use the streets. · "~op ' H. All noises coming from the normal ~rations of · .air-craft (not including scale model aircraft), and from the normal operations of airports within Collier County. I. Those motor vehicles controlled by Flor~d.%..~tatute~ ..... ssctisn 316.2.93 (1981), as may be amended, but no= ~hose motor vehicles exempted from coverage. ~ .OK 063 , 383 Words underlined are added; words ~t~are deleted. J. Motor vehicles defined in Florida Statutes, Section ~.~(1)(a) and (b). K. Ordinary noise created by the operation of railways. ~ Operation of e~ipment or conduct of activities no,al to residential or agricultural co~unities such as la~ care, soil cultivation, domestic power tools, lawn mowers, maintenance of trees, hedges, gardens, refuse collection, agricultural e~ipment, saws and tractors, street sweepers, mos~ito fogging, tree tricing and limb chipping and other no.al co.unity operations, between the hours of 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. ~ In those instances where an industry or co~ercial business had in prior years established its place of business an area removed from a residential zone and subse~ently through the encroac~ent of residential development or rezoning, became i~ediately adjacent to a residential zone, the sound level limits for an industrial or co~ercial use, as applicable, shall apply and the business shall not be re~ired to meet those sound level limits for residential zones e~Dt'the limitation ~Dosed ~on amplified sound in Section Seven shall be complied with. SECTION SIX~ Section Eight of Collier County Ordinance No. ~mn4e~ to rea~ as follows~ SE~ION ~ NINE: COMITY ~ENT SPECIAL PE~ITS. .... Applications for a Community Event P~e~lt for relief the maximum allowable nois~ level limits designated in Sectioh Six or Section Seven of this Ordinance may be made.~n writing the C6unty Manager or his designee. A Community EV~Du Permit may not be obtained by the holder of an Annual pe~lt for ~h"9 event ,o K 063 , 384 Words ~ are added; words ~ are deleted. ~ermitted uursuant to the Annual PermitL Any ggmmunitv Event ~ermit granted by the County ~anager hereunder must be made in writing and shall contain all conditions upon which said Community Event P~ermit shall be effective. The County Manager, or his designee, may ~ t-he ~ ~e e~ ~e~ ]~ ., ~'' Community Event Permit under the following conditions: ~i i'. 1. The C6unty Manager may prescribe any reasonable .. conditions or requirements as he deems necessary to minimize adverse effects upon the community or the i:,' surrounding neighborhood, including uss of mufflers, i:' screens or other sound attenuating devices. ~:"~ '< 2. ~ommunitv Event Permits issued hereunder may be granted for any planned community event as defined 4ee~ ~ ,.¥ ~==ti:n" ' herein. 3. Community Event Permits ]~ hereunder for ~ entertainment events may be granted under the following C.~.~ conditions: . a. The function must be open to the public (admission :... may be charged); ~ ev The' permit will be given only for four (4) hours in one twenty-four hour dayl ",". ~ The function must be staged between the hours of .. ~- 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 midnight. i.~ "4. g~==la~ ~ f== =~==la~r~=---== Community Event .~. Permits for other than entertainment events may be !,~.~'?. issued under the following conditions. a. If the community event =-==.a~ -ur-o=: relates to ~'~ the operation of a trade or business "but is not .~. conducted in the ordinary course of that trade or ~" business; ~'.,:.. b. If the applicant is an individual,..,, '~'thg'~c°mnunitv~"~ ' :'"~" " ~.D-Y-~ e~ee~ ~,~--- ....... does not relate : to the ~.. operation of a trade o~ business and the c~"~munitv 063' , 385 ~ - 15 - 'ii'.~ ' Words RI~ are ad'ed; words ~ are deleted. ~vent ~==la~ ~ is not an ordinary event in the affairs of t~e applicant~ c. If the community event epee~ ~ is a recurring p,~eee event but does not recur more often than four'(4) 'times each calendar year~ end ~%~ d. If the community event e~ ~ does not ~ re'ate to the operation of a trade or business and ', the ~==la~ ~'ar~==~ event is compatible with the /..~ .,. ordinary activities of the neighborhood in which %?.. the community event ~==lal ~ur~=== is to occur. ?.. 5. Except in emergency situations, as determined by the ~'' ;'~' County Manager, or as restricted in Section ~ Nine ~ (3), a c~==lal Community Event P~ermit may be issued for only four (4) hours between 7:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m. on weekdays for events other than entertainment~ and 6. A ,~_,...~-~ Community_ Event Permit may be issued for no longer than ~-~~.~,'~'~ seven fT) consecutive daysT i~'!. 7. NO Community Event P~ermit may be issued to allow ::.~ the use of any loudspeaker or sound amplifying device on the exterior of any building which at any time exceeds the applicable sound level limits in Table I hereof ,.,c: except those use~ for emergency warnings an4 exce9~ ,- otherwise provided by Section Seven here~n. SECTION SEVEN~ Section Nine of Co~l'~er'County Ordinance No. 90-17 is hereby ren~ere~ to Section Ten and amende~ to rea~ as follows~ ~.; . SECTION NINE TEN: WAIVERS. '~.'.. Applications for a waiver for relief from the maximum i~'~'''~ allowable noise level limits or time-of-day r~stric~o~s ~ desig~ated in this Ordinance shall be made in writing~ "' Commissioners, when the activity creating such noi'~:9,~.__l=.=ated ,~,:' within' the unincorporated area of Collier County.. AnY waiver ....~.. granted by the Board of County Comm~sioners must be in'"I~riting Words ~ are added$ words et~ are deleted. and shall contain all conditions upon which said shall bs effective. The Board~of County Commissioners may grant the waiver ee ~ for upon consideration of the reauest at a reaularlv scheduled public hearina and under the following conditions= '. ~. 1. The aDolicant has not received a warnina o~ citation from th~ Code Enforcement Department which is currentl~ i~, pendina for violation o~ annual De,it. hA. The Board of County Commissioners in granting a waiver, may prescribe any reasonable conditions or requirements ~' it deems necessary to minimize adverse effects upon the ~'~"~ community or the surrounding neighborhood. ~. Waivers from maximum allowable noise level limits or :, ~ime-of-dav restrictions may be granted for noises '~- created within an industrial or commercial zone by f. operations which were in existence on the effective date ~ of this Ordinance. ~ .. aA. Waivers may' be issued for no longer than 30 days, :'~" renewable by further application to the Board of County '~i<~ Commissioners. SECTION EIGHT'~ Section Ten of Collier Count~ Ordinaries No. .. '~' g0-x7 il hereby renumbered to Section Eleven :':.: and amended to reed as follows~ · i: SECTION ~ ~J~: RIGHT TO APPEAL. An~ person aggrieved by the denial of his application for a permit by the County Manager, or hi~-~esignee, may appeal such . denial to the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida. Such appeals shall be taken within thirty (30) days from the date of denial.,by filing with the County., Manager a written notice specifying the grounds thereof. Due p~blic notice '~' -of th~ hearing on the appeal shall be given. i SECTION NINE~ Bsction ~sven of Collier Count~ Ordinance No. 90-17 is hereb~ rsnu~ered to Section Twelve and amended to rea~ as follows~...,.~ SECTION ....... ~: VIOLATIONS~ PENALTIES/_~F~~? '" A. Any person violating any of '~he provisions of this Words IH~are addedl words et~-~are deleted. .... Ordinance shall, upon conviction thereof, be subject to a fine 4' not exceeding five hundred dollars ($500.00) or imprisonment not ~i~ exceeding sixty (60) days, or both. Each day such violation is ~iii committed or permitted to continue shall constitute a separate offense and shall be punishable as such hereunder. Any person who continues to violate the provisions of this Ordinance after ~:; having been p~eviously cited, may be subject to further citations, including the day upon which the original citation was issued. ~{' B. Upon conviction of violation of this Ordinance three (3) times for the same offense within a twelve-month period, when such sound is created by the same sound emitter, the noise ! creating equipment may be confiscated by the court following the most recent conviction until such time as the offender can ~. satisfy the court that he is prepared to and, in fact, will " operate said.equipment within the limits of this Ordinance. !~; Further violation thereafter shall result in the permanent · confiscation by the court upon such conviction. ~" ' C. The owner of property, a tenant, a lessee, a manager, W- employee, an overseer, an at~ent, corporation or any other person ,~. .or persons entitled to lawfully possess or who claims lawful · possession of such property involved at a particular time shall ~!~... each be responsible for compliance with this Ordinance and each i~.' may be ~punished for violation of this Ordinance. It shall not be a laWful defense to assert that some other person caused such 'sound but each lawful possessor or claimant of the premises shall :~_ . be responsible for operating or maintaining such premises in compliance with this Ordinance and shall be punishable whether or a not the person actually causing such sound is als pu~ished. ;'!:' -~. D. The Collier County Sheriff or his designee or any other authorized enforcement a~encv is empowered to investiqats any situation where a person, business or other alle~ed to be,.in violation of this Ordinance. If the Sheriff or his designee or other au%hprized enforcement a~ent encounters a -18- Words underlined are added; words et~ are deleted. '. circumstance which reasonably indicates that a person, business '- Or other establishment is in violation of this Ordinance. or where the Sheriff or his deaianee or other authorized enforcement aoent responds to comolaints reaardino amplified sound or .~.,, non-ammlified music from a non-enclosed area for which an permit has been issued he may administer a sound level pressure test with a sound level meter and ascertain whether a violation of this Ordinance has occurred. If the result of the sound level pressure teat indicates a violation of this Ordinance. Sheriff or his designee or other authorized enforcement a~ent ,-:' authoriz6~ to demand that the violative sound cease, to i~s~ notice to appear, or to arrest, the person producing, causing be produced, or allowin~ to be produced the amplified noise. · E. Enforcement of ~nnual Permit. In addition t~ fore~oin~ provisions, the followin~ enforcement procedures shall aDDlv where an annual permit is required pursuant to Section Six or Section Seven of this Ordinancg, 1. UDon the first violation of the annual permit the ~ Collier County Code Enforcement DePartment Sheriff's Department may issue a verbal or written %: warnina, if one has not been previously issued by another authorized enforcement aaencv, and UPOn the second violation or any subseauent violations i:~. within a twenty-four hour period a written citation ~:':i may be issued. Any violations for which a written citation has been issued may be referred ~9 the Collier County Code Enforcement Board or to a court of competent 4urisdictio~. 2. If cited to the Code Enforcement Board. the Code ? Enforcement Board shall conduct a hearina and ~ provide for and enforce such penalties as provided by law. 3. In addition to the authoritv of the Cod~ Enforcement Board to impose fines and othe~ [.~!" % ~' ~ords underlined are added; words ~ are deleted. ,. penalties, the ~erson. business establishment or " other entity cauSino or allowin~ to be caused the ,"i. violative sound may be sub4ect to civil and or · . criminal penalties as provided by this Ordinance ~,. ~pon conviction by a court of competent i~.{! Jurisdiction.  i' 4. UD6n the second enforcement action referred to the ~.. Code Enforcement Board or to a court of competent Jurisdiction within any twelve month period, the : . annual permit shall be revoked by the Community Development Services Administrator for one year '~ £rom the date of final action by the Code Enforcement Board or bv a court of competent Jurisdiction findin~ the person, business establishment or other entity in violation of this Ordinance. Durino said period of revocation, the ~,i' person, business establishment or other entit~ havin~.'held the revoked permit shall be inelioible to aDDIv for an annual permit issued pursuant to ~ii ~ection Six or Section Seven of this Ordinance. 5. Any person a~orieved by the revocation of the annual permit bv the Community Development Administrator may appeal such revocation to the ?" Board of County Commissioners of Collier County. ~10rida. Such aDDeal~--~shall be filed with the ': County Manager's office within thirty ¢30% days of said permit revocation. The Board of County Commissioners shall hear the appeal after due .~. SECTION TEN~ CONFLICT AND SEVEIUtBILITY. i:.'! In the event this O~dinance conflicts with any other ordinance of Collier County or other applicable la~ .the..mor~ ,~ restrictive ~ha11 apply. If any phrase or portion of this ~'. Ordinance is held invalid or uncons~itutional by any ~%rt of .... 063' 3'90 ..... ~OOK P~£ -20- .!. Words ~ are added; words et~ are deleted. competent Jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct, and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion. SECTION ELEVEN1 wFFECTI~E D~%TE. This Ordinance ehall become effective upon receipt of notice from the Secretary of State that this Ordinance has been filed with the Secretary of State. ~ii',:~'.iP~SSED ~O D~Y ~PTED by the Board of County Co~issioners ...;~ATED.'Z~ ~?" BO~ OF CO~Y CO~ISSION~S "~'~E~'~ ~' ~' ";' .~'~ '~'~-.~'~'~:. ~/ -~/ ~ B~T L; SAUNDERS, Chai~an ~artha N. Howell Assista~t County Atto~ey ~ ~knowledgem~nt of. thai ~" fl~elved Ihl~ day * ;' Words underlined are added; words ~ are deleted. ..-~. :,'i STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF COLLIER ) ! i' ./ . I, DWIOHT g. BROCK', Clerk of Courts tn and for the Twentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoing ia a true copy of: Ordinance No. 93-?? which was adopted by the Board of County Commisetonere on the 20th day of October, 1993, during Special Session. WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this 2?th '"" day of October, '1993. · ... .'::" C1erk~of Courte and Cle~°~.· .... Ex-officio to Board of~ .' ." ,; :".~ County Co~mtsstqne~ Z:~..'... _:.,,:,, , / Deputy Clerk /., ;/.' ' 063 392