EAC Minutes 02/03/2010 R
February 3, 2010
Nap]es, F]orida, February 3, 20]0
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Collier County Environmenta]
Advisory Council in and for the County of Collier, having conducted
business herein, met on this date at 9:00 AM in REGULAR SESSION at
Bui]ding "F" of the Government Complex, Nap]es, F]orida, with the
following members present:
CHAIRMAN: Dr. Judith Hushon
VICE CHAIRMAN: Andrew Dickman
Noah Standridge
Michae] V. Sorrell
Patrick Peck
ALSO PRESENT: Steve Wi]liams, Assistant County Attorney
Susan Mason, Principal Environmenta] Specialist
Summer Araque, Sr. Environmenta] Specialist
Carolina Va]era, Principal Planner
Stephen Lenberger, Sr. Environmenta] Specialist
February 3, 2010
9:00 A.M.
Commission Boardroom
W. Harmon Turner Building (Building "F") - Third Floor
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Approval of Agenda
IV. Approval of January 6. 2010 meeting minutes
V. Upcoming Environmental Advisory Council Absences
VI. land Use Petitions - none
VII. Consent Agenda Items
A. Immokalee Area Master Plan
VIII. New Business
A. lDC Amendments
1. lDC sub-section 10.02.02 A: Environmental Impact Statements (Continued)
Discussion on EAC Powers and Duties: Scope of land development project
reviews (Code of laws and Ordinances)
2. lDC sub-section 3.05.07 H.1.h: Recreational Uses Criteria in Preserves
3. lDC sub-section 3.05.07 H.1.h: Stormwater Uses Criteria in Preserves
IX. Old Business
A. Update members on projects
IX Subcommittee Reports
X. Council Member Comments
XI. Staff Comments
XII. Public Comments
XIII. Adjournment
Council Members: Please notify Summer Araaue. Environmental Services Senior Environmental
Specialist no later than 5:00 p.m. on Januarv 29. 2010 if vou cannot attend this meetina or if vou
have a conflict and will abstain from votina on a petition (252.6290l.
General Public: Any person who decides to appeal a decision of this Board will need a record of the
proceedings pertaining thereto; and therefore may need to ensure that a verbatim record of proceedings is
made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based.
February 3, 201 0
I. Call to Order
Chairman Hushon called the meeting to order at 9;03 a.m.
II. Roll Call
Roll call was taken and a quorum was established.
III. Approval of Agenda
Mr. Peck moved to approve the Agenda. Second by Mr. Standridge. Carried
unanimously 4-0.
Mr. Sorrell arrived at 9:04 a.m.
IV. Approval of January 6, 2010 meeting minutes
Mr. Dickman moved to approve the minutes subject to the following changes:
. Page 2, Item VI, paragraph 2, line 1 .- from "Davidson Engineer" to
"Davidson Engineering..."
. Page 4, paragraph 2 - Under "Reason" - from "The need for having a separate
EIS document and separate EIS approval process has been questioned that the
environmental information...... ." to "The need for having a separate EIS
document and separate EIS approval process has been questioned. It was
felt that the environmental information......
. Page 4, paragraph 3, line 1 - add the word "that" "Discussion occurred noting
that one function of the..."
. Page 5, deletion of paragraph 2.. replacing it with the following "The EAC
requested an opportunity to examine whether other additional information
is required. They will be provided with details of what is proposed to be
submitted and this item will be continued. "
. Page 5, paragraph 5, line 2 - from "outlinin" to "outlining"
. Page 6, pargraph 6, line 1 (throughout the document) - from "LTCKSS" to
. Page 6, paragraph 8, line 2 - from "measure" to "measures"
. Page 6, paragraph 8 from 3 - "protecton" to "protection"
. Page 7, paragraph 1, line 2 - from "poicies" to "policies"
. Page 8, paragraph 1, bullet point 2 --- from "errounously" to "erroneously"
. Page 8, paragraph 2, line I - from "noted is is... to "noted it is..."
. Page 8, paragraph 5, #4 - from "overlay restored to high quality..." to overlay
that are restored to high quality..."
. Page 9, paragraph 1, #12 - from "Provide a data analysis..." to "Provide data
analysis... "
Second by Mr. Peck. Carried unanimously 5-0.
V. Upcoming Environmental Advisory Council Absences
February 3, 2010
VI. Land Use Petitions - none
VII. Consent Agenda Items
A. Immokalee Area Master Plan
Robert Mulhere, Mulhere Assoc. presented the doeument "Changes to
Proposed lAMP: - Sources Are Highlighted as Follows: EAC - yellow,
Consultant/CRAB - blue: CCPC Workshop-- Green. "
Also included was an email from Laura Gibson to Environmental Advisory
Council Members - Subjeet: "Immokalee Area Master Plan Review that contained
proposed changes by Stafl"
The Staff email included four comments which are not reflected in the revised
document submitted. He will be incorporating the comments into the document.
He noted additional revisions;
1. Added Policy 4.1.4 - will remove proposed language and utilize Staffs
proposed language referenced in the above email.
2. The Council determined Section 4.1.5 should be replaeed with the language
"Within 2 years of adoption of this Policy. the County, in conjunction with the
Community Redevelopment Agency will undertake a survey to identify
remaining existing scrub hay habitat within the Immokalee Urban Area. The
availability of that land should be investigated as upland mitigation areas in
accordance with policy 1.1.3. Development should be directed awayfrom
these areas, though they could be made available for passive recreation. The
possibility of rewarding owners of this scrub habitat who maintain their
property in such a way to benefit Scrub Jays should be investigated. "
Existing Policy 4.1.5 be renumbered 4.1.6 aecordingly.
3. Discussion occurred on the language throughout the document whieh requires
a 2-year time frame for tasks to be eompleted. The timing may not be realistic
based on future County Staffing levels, CRA funding considerations, etc. The
Council requested St(1tf relay the concern to the Collier County Planning
Commission and the Board of County Commissioners.
Chairman Hushon moved to accept this version of the lAMP (Immokalee Area
Master Plan) with the additions discussed herein today including the Staff
recommendations with exception of the recommendation #2for Policy 1.1.3.
Also the addition of Policy 4.1.5 addressing Scrub Jays.
Second by Mr. Dickman. Carried unanimously 5-0.
VIII. New Business
A. LDC Amendments
I. LDC sub-section 10.02.02 A: Environmental Impact Statements
LDC Amendment:
February 3, 2010
LDC SECT10N(S): 10.02.02 Submittal Requirements for All Applieations
CHANGE: Replace the requirement for an Environmental Impact Statement
(EIS) with submission of environmental data in which to review projects.
Stephen Lenberger, Sr. Environmental Specialist presented the
amendments noting he win incorporate the following revisions based on EAC
. Section A.3.a.i. - Proposes to add the requirement of a topographic
map to a level of6" (112 foot) contours.
. Section A.3.e.ii, line 3 - Proposes to strike the word "interim"
. Section A.3.b - Proposes to add listed plant species to the survey
requirements if the listed plant amendment is adopted.
. Section A.3.c.ii - Proposes to add language requiring "identification of
natural jlowways on the site plan. "
. Seetion A.3.b - Proposes to revise heading to "Listed Species and Bald
Eagle. "
. Section A. 3.d.ii - Proposes to add language" to require "a clearance
letter from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection
(FDEP) before occupancy of the site that the level of cleanup is
adequate for the development proposed on site" (or similar language).
Mr. Standridge moved to approve the proposed LDC amendment with the
additions listed above. Second by Mr. Sorrell.
Mr. Dickman noted he intends to vote "no" and read a Policy from the
Growth Management Plan outlining the requirement of an Environmental
Impaet Statement which is to ensure planning and zoning decisions are
made by the determination of potential environmental impaets. The
proposal is to eliminate the EIS process and based on the above Policy he
questions whether the County currently has the authority to eliminate the
requirement of an EIS submittal (without amending the Growth
Management Plan).
Stephen Lenberger noted the information proposed for submittals is the
same as the information required in a current EIS. He proposed a language
addition to the amendment as follows;
"For PUD rezones and Conditional Use petitions, applicant shall collate
and package applicable submittal data requirements into a single
Environmental 1mpact Statement document prior to public hearings and
after all applicable StajJreviews are complete. Copies of the E1S shall be
provided to the County Manager or designee prior to public hearings. "
February 3, 2010
Mr. Standridge amended the motion to requiring the additions outlined
in the original motion and incorporation of the language proposed by
Mr. Lenberger above. Second by Mr. Sorrell.
Motion carried 3 "yes" -:1 "no." Mr. Dickman and Chairman Hushon
voted "no. "
Chairman Hushon voted "no" as the EIS is a worthwhile document and
would prefer revisions to the submittal requirements of an EIS as opposed
to its elimination.
Mr. Dickman stated his "no" vote is not a refleetion of Staffs ability to
make decisions on the data required to be submitted for applications
processed under the proposed amendment. The eurrent Growth
Management Plan requires an EIS and the Land Development Code, may
be amended to achieve the County's goals in streamlining the permit
Mr. Sorrell noted he was "on the fence" in the vote, however ifit is the
County's intent to streamline the permit process, he is in favor of it. He is
concerned some development applications currently reviewed by the EAC
will bypass the Couneil.
Break: 10:53 a.m.
Reconvened: 11:05 a.m.
Discussion took place on EAC Powers and Duties: Scope of Land
Development project reviews (Code of Laws and Ordinances)
CHANGE; Amend the type of Development Orders to be reviewed by the
Stephen Lenberger noted the above item is not an LDC amendment, but an
amendment to the Code of Laws and Ordinances. The item is on the Agenda
as it affeets the EAC.
Discussion occurred on:
. The ramifications of the proposal in Section 8.06.03.L to eliminate the
requirement for review of Developments of Regional Impacts (DRI),
Areas of Critical State Cone em/Special Treatment Zoning Overlays
. Possible delays in the permit process due to the requirement outlined
in Section 3 where a Collier County Planning Commission
and/or Board of County Commissioners decision may refer an
application back to the EAC for review.
. Seetion, 8.06.03.L.5.1 (2).. The current language proposed to be
stricken, grants Staff the authority to administratively issue an EIS
waiver to applicants which may assist the County in the goals of
streamlining the EIS process discussed under the previous item.
February 3, 2010
. Consideration should be given to reviewing sites with potential
environmental eontamination (i.e. when a Phase II Environmental Site
Assessment was required for a site, etc.)
. Outlining the parameters for the review requirements for federally
listed species and the Bald Eagle.
Stephen Lenberger noted Staff will review the various parties input on the proposed
Amendment and resubmit it to the EACfor consideration at afuture meeting.
The Council decided to hear 1tem VllJ.A.3 before Item V11J.A.2
3. LDC Sub-Section 3.05.07 H.l.h: Stormwater Uses Criteria in Preserves
LDC SECTION: Section 3.05.07 Preservation Standards
CHANGE; Add criteria for when treated stormwater is allowed in preserves.
Bruce Layman, Sr. Ecologist, Wilson Miller provided an overview of the
Amendment noting it has been prepared with input of the Stakeholders. He
supports the proposed amendment with one revision to be addressed by Nicole
Nicole Ryan, Conservancy of Southwest Florida noted the Conservancy
was opposed to any stormwater discharges into Preserves however consensus
has been reached on the Amendment which provides protection of the xerie
communities; the prohibition of discharging untreated stormwater into
Preserves; the requirement of monitoring and remediation and the regulating
of the quantity ofwater allowed in the discharges. The language proposed in
Section 3.05.07H.e.ii) is being revised by Stakeholders and she recommended
the Couneil approve the other Sections of the proposed Amendment.
Their revised language will be re-submitted to the EAC for review at a future
Stephen Lenberger noted Staff has reviewed the proposed Amendment and
supports the language, as written, including the concept of a future revision as
referenced by Nicole Ryan.
The Couneil recommended the following revisions:
. Seetion 3.05.07H.e.i) line 3 - 4 - from ".. . addressed in d above..." to
.. ."addressed in d ii) above.....
. Section 3.05.07.H.e.iii) - from "Stormwater shall not be directly
diseharged into 322, 413..." to "Stormwater shall not be directly
diseharged into [and designated as 322, 413..."
Mr. Dickman moved to approve the proposed LDC Amendment with the
addition of the two changes listed above and the exception of Section
February 3, 201 0
3.05.07H.e.ii) of the proposed Amendment which will be resubmitted to the
EA C for review. Second by Mr. Peck. Carried unanimously 5-0.
Stephen Lenberger requested direction from the Couneil if projects
proposing to discharge stormwater into Preserves should be in the "Scope of
land development project reviews (Code of Laws and Ordinances)" of the
The Council noted these types of projects should be given eonsideration for an
EAC review.
2. LDC Sub-Section 3.05.07 H.1.h: Recreational Uses Criteria in Preserves
LDC SECTlON(S): 3.05.07 H Preservation Standards
CHANGE: Add criteria for passive recreational uses allowed in preserves.
Kate Crosley, Conservancy of Southwest Florida noted the pathways in the
Preserves should not be intrusive on the areas for Preservation. The proposed
Amendment was drafted in eonjunction with Stakeholders and addresses the
eoncems. She supports the proposed Amendment as written.
Discussion occurred on the language in Section 3.05.07.H.1.h.i.a)i), ii) - are
paths' widths narrower than those proposed adequate for most users?
The Council recommended the following revisions to the proposed
. Section 3.05.07.H.1.h.i.ali) - from "Pedestrian pathways shall be kept
to a maximum width of 8 feet." to "Pedestrian pathways are
recommended to be a width of 6 feet with a maximum width of 8
. Seetion 3.05.07.H.l.h.i.aliil - from "Shared use paths for use by golf
carts, trams, bicycles, joggers, etc. shall be kept to a maximum width
of 12 feet." to "Shared use paths for use by golf carts, trams, bieycles,
joggers, ete. are recommend to be a width of 10 feet with a maximum
width of 12 feet. "
. Section 3.05.07.H.1.h.i.alvl line 4 - 5 - from "shall be located on
either side of the preserve." to "shall be loeated along the side of the
preserve. "
Dr. Husholl moved to approve the proposed LDC Amendment subject to the
above changes. Second by Mr. Dickman. Carried unanimously 5-0.
IX. Old Business
A. Update members on projects
February 3, 2010
X. Subcommittee Reports
Xl. Council Member Comments
XII. Staff Comments
XIII. Public Comments
There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was
adjourned by the order of the Chair at 12:23 PM.
Chairman, Dr. Judith Hushon
These Minutes were approved by the Board/Chairman on
as presented , or as amended